Fletchina Archer My Secret Sex Life

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Fletchina Archer

My Secret Sex Life


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Fletchina Archer

My Secret Sex Life


My Secret Sex Life

An Ellora’s Cave Electronic Publication in association with author

Fletchina Archer

ISBN # 1-84360-157-5

All Rights Reserved.


© Copyright Fletchina Archer, 2002.

This book/e-book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by email forwarding, copying, fax, or any

other mode of communication without author and publisher permission.

Edited by Cris Brashear

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Fletchina Archer

My Secret Sex Life



The following material contains strong sexual content meant for mature readers. “My Secret

Sex Life” has been rated NC-17, erotic, by two individual reviewers. We strongly suggest

storing this electronic file in a place where young readers not meant to view this e-book are

unlikely to happen upon it. That said, enjoy…

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Fletchina Archer

My Secret Sex Life


Chapter One

We were all a little tipsy. His wife went upstairs and I went into the kitchen. I felt

his hand on my shoulder, and looked up. I was twenty-four, but I didn’t know what to

do when he kissed me.

I mean that in the most basic sense. I’d never been kissed. I’d never dated, made

out, done any of those things. I know that’s hard to believe these days when kids start

having sex before they have their periods and everyone seems to be doing it by the time

they’re twelve. For me, it was a combination of strict Catholic schools and upbringing

for total ignorance of anything at all having to do with dating, sex, or anything on the

subject of any of those things.

I didn’t know what to do. He smiled and stroked my arm and said it was okay.

That’s how it all started.

The next Sunday morning when I answered the doorbell, he stood there smiling, a

book in his hand. He’d come to return it. He came in when I invited him to stay for

coffee. He touched my arm and asked if I would like him to make love with me. “Oh

yes,” I said, “I’ve fantasized about that,” I answered.

That wasn’t strictly true, or at least not true in the way he thought it was then,

though it was true as far as I knew. I had sort of thought about it. One time when we

were hiking and I had to jump a ditch, he held out his hand for me. I took it and

jumped, but didn’t quite make it. He pulled me to him and I fell into his arms. I

remembered that trembly feeling I had then. It passed, but left a trace. A very pleasing

trace. I had no idea what to do with a feeling like that, so I did nothing with it. I just

hoped it would go away, and it did. But it sort of stayed behind too.

Sometimes when I thought of him, or heard his voice, I had feelings like that. Warm

and nice and sort of trembly like that time. I didn’t know it at the time, but that’s not

how he took my comment when I said I had fantasies about making love with him.

He didn’t have to ask if I’d ever kissed anyone. He knew from back in his kitchen

that I had no idea what to do. He showed me then. He took my face in his hands and

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My Secret Sex Life


put his lips on mine. Then he explained how to make our lips sort of seal together and

showed me how to twist our tongues together.

It felt warm and wet and…trembly is the only word that I can think of. He stroked

my cheeks and kissed me that way a long time. Then he put his arms around me and

hugged me to him. He never took his lips from mine. His tongue was inside my mouth,

and then he drew mine into his mouth. Our tongues twisted around each other, and I

felt safe, supported, and very relaxed.

As I relaxed my whole body began to shudder. I didn’t know what came next or

what to do, I just put myself in his hands. His hands moved down my back and onto

my butt. He squeezed my butt through my jeans and it felt hot and nice. The shudder

was getting more intense.

Finally I backed my head away a little bit to get a breath. He sat down and asked if I

had enjoyed that. “Oh yes,” I said, “Oh yes,” was all I could think of, all I could

manage. I had never felt like that, never felt so warm and safe, never felt my body tingle

all over like that.

“Would you like to do it again?” He asked. “Please,” I said. “Yes, please.” So we

did it some more. But after a while, he backed away ‘til his lips were just barely

touching mine and his tongue was between them, gently licking my lips, just barely

touching my tongue.

“Try it this way,” he said and I did what he was doing. His fingers were on my ear

lobe, gently massaging it. Then he moved closer, put his lips around my earlobe and

began sucking on it—pulling it between his lips, and sort of pulsing it in and out of his

warm wet lips, his tongue licking it when it went inside between his lips. His hand was

on my breast stroking it. That’s the first time anyone ever touched me there.

I felt like all the blood in my body was rushing into my face. I had no idea what was

happening to me. I was trembling all over but I wasn’t cold or afraid. I felt out of breath

and heard myself gasping. But it felt safe and good and warm. And I felt like a total

klutz, I had no idea what I was supposed to do or how to do any of it.

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My Secret Sex Life


He stroked my cheeks and kissed me on the mouth again ‘til I pulled away for

breath. I knew I was too awkward for any of this. He had to know I wasn’t any

experienced lover. I didn’t even know how to kiss, much less anything else.

He asked if I liked it. “Oh yes” was all I could say. I said it several times between


He took my hand and led me into my bedroom. He sat me on the bed and then sat

beside me. He turned me to face him and slowly unbuttoned my shirt, pulled it out of

my jeans and peeled it off my arms. Then he turned me around and unfastened my bra.

I’d never been comfortable with my breasts. When I was twelve I was a normal

human being, and then these globules started growing on my chest and wouldn’t quit

until I had these. He turned me around and slid the bra down over my arms and onto

the floor. He took one breast in each hand as though he were weighing them and lifted

them from underneath, cupping them. Then he stroked them, each one the same way, in

a circular motion moving inward toward my nipples. He took each nipple between his

thumb and forefinger and sort of squeezed it.

It felt like when he squeezed my butt, hot and nice. Both nipples were hard. That

had never happened except when it was cold and I was getting dressed. Or coming into

a cold room after a hot shower. He bent down and started sucking one nipple, moving

it in and out of his mouth like had had done my earlobe before, moving his tongue

around on my nipple. I started to shudder again, and he tightened his grip on the other

breast. Then he kissed my mouth and hugged me to him. Finally, he kissed the other

nipple the same way. I was gasping for breath again.

I was all confused. First I didn’t know what to do, but I liked what he was doing

with me. I knew it was all somehow about making love and it all felt warm and safe

and nice. I just didn’t know what to make of it all.

He kissed me on the mouth again for a long time.

Then he said, “That’s enough for now,” and got up to leave. Then I kissed him, to

let him know that I wanted him to come back, to do this with me again.

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My Secret Sex Life


It was a week before he came again for that. Then he kissed me like the first time

and I felt whole new feelings moving through me, like new connections were

happening between different parts of my body that had been totally disconnected ‘til


He kissed me and I felt it in my nipples, and my butt got tingly even before he

gripped it in his hands. He led me to the bedroom again and said, “would you like to

take off your clothes?” and I did. I got them off as fast as I could and stood in front of

him naked.

That’s the first time anybody saw me naked since I was a baby I guess. I was

embarrassed that I didn’t know what to do or how to be. I just stood there with my

arms by my sides. I’m embarrassed to even have breasts, let alone have anyone see

them, even though they are too big not to be the predominant part of me. Sometimes I

feel like I’m all boobs. Like they don’t belong there, they’re just extra freight that

somehow got attached to my body.

He smiled and stroked my cheeks and kissed me again. His hands moved down my

body, around my breasts, thumb and forefingers on my nipples. Then he cupped his

hands around my butt again. Oh, that felt so good, so warm, so tingly—sort of prickly,

sort of like when your foot’s asleep and then comes back. It was something like between

a tickle and an itch. I didn’t want it to go away. He was kissing me again, our tongues

all twisted around each other, now he was sucking my lower lip in between his like he

did my earlobe before.

One hand stayed on my butt and the other went down my belly. Then he laid me

on the bed and stroked my legs, from my ankle up to my thigh, slowly and gently. He

reached under my knee and pulled it up, then the other, so my legs were apart. He kept

kissing me and moved his hand down my belly again, but this time he didn’t stop. I

was shuddering and feeling awkward. I didn’t know what to do or feel; I just knew that

I wanted his hands on me, his lips on me.

I felt this pressure down there. I can remember feeling that when I was a kid.

Sometimes swinging, or climbing a tree. But nothing like this. When I was a kid I knew

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that was a part of my body I shouldn’t think about much less touch. I probably

shouldn’t even have one. Like breasts. And I had no idea what anything was for or

what to do with it.

The pressure of his fingers was firm and insistent, kneading me there like I was a

small ball of dough for bread. Then I felt another connection growing into place.

Something down there was connecting to my mouth, my ear, my breasts. Then I began

to shudder uncontrollably.

I shuddered and he kissed me harder and kept stroking and kneading me until I

gasped out loud. I didn’t know what had happened, but something had, something

good and I felt all wet. I felt warm dampness down between my legs. I knew it wasn’t

blood, it wasn’t my period. It wasn’t as watery as pee. I didn’t know what it was or

what was happening.

“Show me how you masturbate,” he said. I knew what the word meant. It meant

doing something naughty, something I had never done. I knew I didn’t what it was, or

how to do it.

“I’ve never touched myself down there,” I said. “I was taught not to touch myself.

Strict Catholic schools and all that.”

“Well, just do what I was doing.”

He took my hand and put it where his had been. He said to do what felt good, and

he started kissing me again, and rubbing my breasts with the fluid from down there.

I did what he said, massaged the soft flesh there with my fingertips, moving round

and round. It did feel good. And I began to shudder again, but this time my whole body

shuddered and I couldn’t stop, I didn’t want to stop, but I couldn’t if I had wanted to. It

kept on and on and finally I couldn’t control my hand any more and it fell to my side.

When I opened my eyes, he was looking down at me, smiling. He asked if it was a

nice orgasm. I had read about things like that. But it was all abstract, like clitorises and

labia and all those parts. Orgasms were things that might happen to other women, but

nothing I knew anything about except from reading about them in books. And nothing I

ever wanted.

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My Secret Sex Life


I knew the best thing for me was just not to think about any of that. I had my career

and I didn’t want any guys messing me up. I didn’t want to be a mom. I didn’t want to

share my apartment, much less my life with anyone else. I liked living alone. Besides, I

was too awkward for this kind of thing. I didn’t know anything about men or how to be

with them, except to talk to them, maybe go out to eat. But nothing about any of this. So

that’s what an orgasm was. I liked it. I liked it a lot.

My hands were all wet and I was covered with warm fluid all over my thighs. “Oh

yes,” I answered him, “Oh yes.”

He kissed me and left me there sleeping in my bed.

The next week he came again, and kissed me as soon as he came into the apartment.

This time I led him to the bedroom, took off all my clothes, lay down on my back and

opened my legs. He laid beside me and kissed me and stroked my breasts, cupped my

butt in his hand, and stroked me down there ‘til I was all wet. Now things were

working together more. If he sucked on my nipples, I felt it in my clitoris; if he sucked

on my earlobe, I felt it in my clitoris. My clitoris had suddenly become a focal point,

sensitive and pulsating.

This time he moved his hand between my legs and opened me up, moved his finger

up and down, and then right around my clitoris. I knew where it was and what it was

and what it was for by then. I had been practicing. I knew what orgasms were and I

knew that I could have four or five in a row all by myself.

But this was something new. He dipped his finger all the way inside me and found

a place that he massaged with his fingertip. That felt different, like I was going to have

an orgasm, but not quite the same. His finger was all covered with liquid when he

pulled it out, and he started going around my clitoris with the wet finger. That’s when I

started to orgasm.

I had one and then another and then a third and he didn’t stop. I was shaking like I

had a fever and chills all at once and he didn’t stop. He kissed me again and his finger

kept moving around and around just around the edge of my clitoris.

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My Secret Sex Life


This day he had taken off his shirt, but his jeans were still on. He hugged my

breasts to his chest and I could feel the hair of his arms under my hands. I felt the

pressure of his bare chest on my breasts and his one hand on my butt as his finger kept

going around just outside my clitoris. Then he moved the finger down and started an

up and down motion under my clitoris. That started me having orgasms again, and he

kept doing that ‘til I gasped for breath and asked him to stop.

It was too much. I was losing all control. I’ve never lost control like that before. It

was scary. He seemed a little scared too, because I had been shuddering like that and

having orgasms one after another, each one bigger than the last for more than half an

hour straight before he stopped.

He said, “Ok, now you do it like that.” That’s when I started serious

experimentation with masturbation. “Do whatever feels good,” he said. And I did. I had

read about it, as I said, but until the past week, I had never dared touch myself down

there, or even think about it. And now he was showing me different ways to do it. So I

started in. I had several orgasms while he stroked and kissed me. This time, when he

put on is shirt and left, he left me with my legs wide open, my fingers on my clitoris

and going into my vagina, masturbating like nobody’s business. He leaned down and

kissed me and left.

He came again the next weekend and this time I led him again to my bedroom, took

my clothes off, laid on my back and started to masturbate so he could see everything I

was doing. I opened my legs wide, played with my clitoris, and started to cum in no

time flat with him watching. He stroked my breasts and kissed me all over.

I must have had a dozen orgasms just masturbating for him there. I loved it. I liked

that I was masturbating for him and for me. I liked him there watching, watching me be

naughty, do wicked things, playing with myself, being a bad girl. This was so

forbidden, so prohibited, so outlawed and here I was doing it, not only doing it, but

doing it in front of him, for him, and having one orgasm after another. Just about a

month ago I didn’t even know how to kiss or be kissed, and now I was doing this. I felt

so wicked, so depraved to be naked and masturbating and cuming time and again for

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My Secret Sex Life


this man. I felt good. I felt wonderful. He stroked my cheeks, sucked my nipples, kissed

my mouth. And I continued to masturbate and masturbate and masturbate.

I was still shy because I still didn’t know about sex. I had never seen a penis. I

didn’t know what to do with one. I knew it had something to do with it, but I wasn’t

sure what or how or how to manage any of it. I was beginning to like my breasts more

now. Some times I would pinch a nipple between my thumb and forefinger like he did

while I was masturbating just to feel the effect.

Sometimes I would stroke my breasts and feel my vagina get all moist and feel my

clitoris begin to tingle. I liked to be able to just masturbate right then. To sit down and

prop my back against the headboard of my bed, spread my legs and masturbate ‘til I

had five or six orgasms. Then I would finish getting dressed. Except I usually had to

shower first because I got all sticky.

He took off his shirt and was kissing and hugging me. I asked him if I could see his

penis. He stood up and took off all his clothes. There it was, big and hard.

“You put all of that in me?” I asked, not knowing how any of this worked.

“Yes,” he said, “But not just yet. For now, just look at it, touch it, rub it. Take the

moisture from your vagina and just rub your fingers on the head. Yes, like that.”

I wrapped my fingers around it and squeezed just to feel his hard dick filling up my

hand. I felt so depraved thinking words like that much less actually doing it, actually

holding a man’s hard dick in my hand and squeezing it with my fingers.

I liked to just look at it and stroke it. It was all red and almost purple on the end. I

liked how the head curved down and swooped around up to the hole in the middle. So

I looked and stroked and masturbated.

I took his hand and put it on me down there and asked him to do it. I explained that

when I cum I shudder so much that I lose control of my body for a few minutes, so my

fingers can’t keep doing what they were doing that made me cum. Then I recover a little

bit and start over. That way I have five or six orgasms but he can keep on going when I

cum. The next orgasm is even stronger than the first. They get stronger and stronger

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and the time between them gets less and less ‘til I’m totally out of control in one long

spasm of cuming. So he did that.

He still hadn’t fucked me. Not that I really knew what that meant except that it had

something to do with putting that hard penis into my cunt. I didn’t know what to

expect. I shuddered at the naughtiness of thinking words like that, thinking the

thoughts they meant, and knowing what they were. Some of the books made it sound

wonderful, even better than masturbating. Others made it sound like it hurt, or like it

was something terrible that you could never get over once it happened.

And I didn’t find out that day either. I knew I wanted him to fuck me, but I didn’t

know what it would feel like or what to do if he said he was going to do it or what

would happen if he asked me if I wanted to. If he asked, I would say yes. I knew that

much. I thought he would fuck me that first day when he asked if I wanted to make

love. Not that I knew what fucking or making love meant, but I thought he would do it

right then.

He kissed me and I looked at him and I played with myself half-heartedly. I had

cum so much there wasn’t much left in me, but I shuddered a little bit now and then.

Again, he got up, got dressed, and left me there on my bed naked, playing with

myself. He taught me how to say words like cum and cunt and dick and fuck. And it

felt so good to say them, to say them into his ear. I would say things like, “Let me hold

your big hard dick,” and he’d say things like, “do you want to cum again,” and I would

say, “Yes please,” and he would do something to make me cum again. And again. But

that day he left without fucking me.

I knew I wanted that hard dick in my cunt, filling me up. I didn’t know how to get

him to do it, how to ask him for that. But I trusted him to know what he was doing. I

hoped that was what he had in mind. Now I knew where all my parts were and how

they were connected, now I knew what orgasms were and what to do to have them, I

knew the words.

I knew these strange and forbidden things, but I wanted him inside me, closer to

me, filling me up, all the way up. I wouldn’t mind if it hurt a little bit. Sometimes that

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feeling of hurting a little bit feels good. Like on my butt, when he squeezes it. That

could hurt a little bit, but it feels good, warm, and tingly. I wouldn’t mind if it hurt like

that, that felt good. But I knew that I didn’t know what would happen. I wasn’t even

sure where to put his penis when it got hard.

I reached down and stroked my clitoris, put my fingers inside my vagina and

wondered if it was big enough to take his penis. Maybe my vagina would be too little

for his penis and he couldn’t fuck me. Maybe he knew that and that’s why he hadn’t

put it in me. I couldn’t ask about this kind of stuff, and he hadn’t said anything. As he

left I asked if he would visit me again.

“Same time next week?” he asked.

“Yes, please,” was all I could say. I was masturbating again thinking about his dick

inside of me. Me, Ms. No Sex was laying naked on my own bed, masturbating, and

thinking about a man’s hard dick in my vagina. Me, Ms. Don’t Even Think About That

Stuff, was thinking about it and doing it. If that much felt so good, the rest must be

pretty good to. I wanted to know about all of it. I wanted him to make love with me

every way there is to make love. I wanted to know it all—all the words, all the feelings,

all the...all of it. I was greedy now. I was a wicked and greedy girl.

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My Secret Sex Life


Chapter Two

The next time he visited me, I told him before we went to the bedroom; I told him

after we kissed that first long kiss that made my cunt all hot and moist. I told him I

wanted him to fuck me. He said he would, but not just yet.

I was on the bed again, naked, legs open, but my knees were draped over the edge

and he was on the floor between them kissing me down there. I felt warm glowing

pressure on my clit. At first it was still, and then it began to pulse just a little bit. I could

feel the rhythmic pulsing in my clitoris and I caught my breath. This wasn’t like having

his finger on me there. Then I felt movement, the warm feeling was sliding around,

moving up and down and slowly around. The pace increased just a little and then a

little more and I began to shudder.

I had been masturbating all the time since he taught me how and I had three or four

orgasms each time, but they were separate as I explained to him. They didn’t build on

each other as they do when he strokes me there. But this was something else. This was

softer than fingers, and warmer. And so moist and hard at the same time.

I shuddered and the pace slowed down, and then put his tongue down under my

clitoris and all the way to my vagina. Then I felt the warmth inside the lips of my

vagina, probing, moving in and out, licking my lips, moving back up to the base of my

clitoris and pulsing there for a minute before moving around and around again. I

started to shudder again, and the warm tongue started penetrating my vagina again, in

and out, slowly and then faster, and then moving back up the back of my clitoris to go

around again until I started to shudder again.

It wasn’t an orgasm, it wasn’t that strong. It was what happens just before I cum,

just the beginning of an orgasm, but it never finished. I was about to reach down with

my hand and do it myself when something else happened.

This time when I started to shudder, the pace picked up just a little. It was steady

and constant and the pressure was greater. The pressure was a little greater and the

rhythm a little faster when I started to shudder, and then a little faster still until I started

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a real orgasm and it continued into the second and the third. By then I was gasping for

breath and totally out of control.

When I looked to my side I saw his face, all moist around his lips and chin, smiling

at me, and he kissed me long and hard.

I explained to him how scary that was, how I lost control. He said not to worry, that

it could be intense, but just to relax into it and it would be ok.

He went back to the floor at the side of the bed and this time the tip of his tongue

just barely touched my clitoris as he started rolling it like you do when you make that

“rrrrrrr” sound with your tongue on the roof of your mouth. It was one of those feelings

like I felt in my butt when he squeezed it, something between a tickle and an itch.

I wasn’t sure I liked it enough to pay attention to it or wanted it to go away by

scratching it. But then the shuddering started and he started doing what he had been

doing before, going around and around and then up and down and then faster and

faster and I started to cum.

My back was arched up and my breasts were shaking, I was gasping for breath and

my whole body was shaking and I was totally out of control. I couldn’t even talk or

think. My arms were shaking uncontrollably beside me. The pressure continued and I

continued to lose it.

Those orgasms became stronger and more uncontrollable as he continued that

relentless pace and pressure. I couldn’t help, I couldn’t stop, I kept cuming and each

one was stronger and the I had less and less control of my mind, my body, of anything

until finally everything went sort of out of focus and my body went limp. I tried to talk,

tried to tell him to stop. It was enough. This was scaring me. But my voice wouldn’t

respond. I couldn’t even get out a croaking sound. I don’t know what happened next,

but when I woke up he was lying there stroking my breast.

When I asked he said I’d been out about half an hour. He started to kiss me gently

on the lips, pulling my lower lip in between his lips, letting his tongue touch mine just

on the tip.

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His hand was spreading the moisture around from between my legs up to my

navel, around my thighs. Lingering a little bit on my cunt, but moving quickly on and

around. He spread it up my belly and under my breasts, then over my breasts and put

his finger in my mouth. I wrapped my tongue around it and tasted my own juices. He

kissed me with his finger still in my mouth. He moved his hand down my body again

and grabbed my butt.

That’s when I felt that sensation of tickling—itching in my butt. He squeezed it like

he was squeezing a lemon or a grapefruit. I liked the feeling, but it didn’t connect to all

the others. Now when he kissed my mouth, my cunt got wet, if he sucked my nipple, I

felt it in my clit. But this was different—what I felt on my butt. It was nice, just not quite

connected to anything else. It was familiar somehow. I liked it. He slid his hand

between the cheeks of my ass and down to my cunt again and got it all wet and

continued stroking and squeezing me.

I was in a half-stupor. Whatever he had done to me was the most intense and

frightening thing that had ever happened to me. I was cuming ‘til I was totally out of

control, ‘til I just passed out and lay there half dead for half an hour. And just a little

over a month ago I had only the foggiest idea of what an orgasm was. If I had ever had

one, I hadn’t noticed it. I never thought about these things, never touched my breasts or

my cunt. I didn’t even have a cunt. I had a vagina. And people didn’t touch themselves

down there. Not nice people, and I was a nice person.

Now I talked about my cunt and came all the time and masturbated three or four

times a day. I masturbated first thing when I woke up ‘til I had three or four orgasms

which took maybe five minutes. Then I’d shower and dress. Sometimes at work at

lunch if I could get alone, I’d slide my hands down the front of my pants or lift my

dress and masturbate a little bit ‘til I had a couple of orgasms. Then when I got home I

would masturbate again before supper and before going to sleep. Sometimes I would

do it again in the night. But I’d never felt anything like this.

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Now I was thinking words like cunt and dick and fuck and cum. Words I’d never

used before. I was saying them to him. I was saying things like “I want you to fuck me.”

And “Oh yes, make me cum some more.” It felt so deliciously wicked.

I had become what they had warned me against, and I was loving every minute of

the forbidden pleasure of it all. It was all hidden and dark and damp and wet and

warm. Behind this sexless façade I had cultivated so strongly, behind this asexual thing-

woman was a wanton slut of a girl, fucking and masturbating and cuming all the time,

thinking of his dick and my cunt. And it was all secret. They would never know. And

throughout it all he was there to hug me and make me feel all safe.

I still wasn’t sure what it was or what it would feel like but I was sure I wanted him

to fuck me. I wanted that big hard cock of his deep inside of me. I wanted to taste it and

feel it going in. I wanted to see what if felt like to have it all the way inside of me, feel

where it went and what it would do. He had rubbed that place inside my cunt with his

finger ‘til I came once or twice, but that wasn’t as nice or as intense as what happened

when he rubbed my clitoris. I wanted to know what it would feel like with that penis

rubbing me inside there. I wanted him to fuck me.

He still had on his jeans. He was stroking my breasts. I was wet from neck to knee

with my own juices, still half asleep, half dead, half awake, half alive, but only half of

anything. I felt his warm moist hands on me, pausing now and then to squeeze my

breast, tweak my nipple, knead my butt or gently massage my cunt, but always moving

on after a moment.

He was talking to me, softly whispering into my ear about my clit. It took me a

moment to start to understand him, but he was saying that I could have so many

orgasms so fast because my clit was so big and so exposed. He reached down and

started stroking me there and I came more awake.

I am not a sexy person. I am just a normal, sort of dumpy person. I am no beauty,

and no sex bomb. I always thought of myself as asexual. I was embarrassed to even

have breasts and was only dimly aware of what a clit was and had no idea what it was

for. Now I was going around having day dreams about him fucking me, visualizing his

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hard dick sliding into my wide open wet cunt, imagining him sucking my nipples or

stroking my clit and sometimes reaching down and masturbating just to feel my own


That was the whole naughty beauty of it. It was totally secret. No one would

suspect me of ever having these thoughts, these visions, much less these experiences or

doing these things and I was doing it. It gave me such a delight, such a feeling of

adventure that I just wanted to masturbate right there, wherever I was. Sometimes I

would squeeze my legs together to squeeze my clit and get a little bit from that.

He was whispering to me and stroking my clitoris ‘til I was just on the edge of

cuming, but when I would start to shudder, he would back off so I wouldn’t cum. Then

he put his tongue inside my ear. It was warm and firm and moist like I imagined his

penis would be. It filled up my ear as I imagined his penis would fill my vagina.

He moved his tongue in and out just a little bit and I started to cum and couldn’t

control it. He moved his hand from my clitoris to my breast and was massaging it with

my own moisture again. His hand went back to my clitoris and started stroking, again

just to that edge but never over, and then he put my nipple between his lips and started

to move his tongue on it and I started to cum again.

Everything in my body was connecting, and it was all connecting to this, to orgasms

and my clitoris and my vagina and being wet and warm and open. It was all

connecting. He moved his hand to my breast and started gently kissing my mouth


I couldn’t say anything. I had heard what he said about the size of my clitoris but I

had never seen one, didn’t know what they would look like or how big they were or

anything else about them. I couldn’t talk anyway. It was all I could do to breathe. These

orgasms were small ones—just one or two spasms. I was pretty much exhausted from

what he’d started an hour and a half ago when he was kissing me down there, when he

made me lose control totally and pass out. But there wasn’t anything I needed to say,

either. I could just let my thoughts wander wherever they would and cum whenever

my body felt like it and feel all of the connections coming together.

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My thoughts went back to that day that seemed so far away and so long ago when

we had been hiking and somehow I had fallen into his arms. He was so strong and it

felt so safe to be there, for him to be holding me, protecting me from anything bad that

might happen. I remembered the quivering I felt, and now I know it had something to

do with this, it had something to do with a sexual longing I felt but couldn’t recognize

or talk or even think about. They were in my body somehow, in my mind somehow,

but there was no way to do anything with them. There were no connections. And surely

none that went from my body to my mind.

All I knew was that I shouldn’t feel such things; shouldn’t think such thoughts,

shouldn’t see such things, shouldn’t do such things, shouldn’t touch myself. All the

should nots I had been raised with. And now I was doing all of them and it felt so

delectably delightful.

Here I was, naked with him, having just totally lost control of my mind, my will,

my body as he moved his tongue around my clitoris and my vagina; here I was laying

naked with my legs open, my vagina open to him as he stroked my breasts, my nipples,

my thighs, my butt, my vagina and I was cuming now and then like the aftershocks of a

great earthquake. His tongue played with my lips and my tongue, lightly kissing me.

He took my hand and put it between my legs and I started masturbating, feeling his

hands on me, stroking and massaging, feeling his tongue kissing my own, moving

down to lick my nipples and the underside of my breasts, that place where my breast

joins my chest underneath, coming back up and over my nipple as I came.

Then with his hand on my thigh, and his tongue in my ear and I came again. I was

used up. I just wanted to sleep for the rest of the week. To go to a nice dark place, a

warm safe place and curl up in his arms and sleep. I moved my hand back to my side

and he kissed me again.

Do you want some more? He asked. I usually said, Yes, please. But just then I said,

“I just want to sleep. I’m all used up.”

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He turned on his back and opened his arms. I felt the coarse denim of his jeans on

my legs and the smooth hardness of his chest as I lay across on him, inside the crook of

his arm, my head resting on his chest. He hugged me to him and I slept and dreamed.

I dreamed of floating in warm water, of being in the sea with waves washing over

me, gentle waves caressing me. I lay in the waves like that knowing that I could not

sink, that nothing bad could happen to me. For an infinite time I lay in that gentle warm

surf until I put my feet down and found the hard smooth sandy bottom and took a slow

step toward the shore. Then another and another.

The water offered no resistance, but I was in no hurry. The breeze in my hair and on

my face was warm. I slowly walked to the shore and the water became lower on me. I

was naked, but I didn’t feel ashamed or even fearful that anyone would see me. This sea

was mine; I was alone.

My breasts emerged and then my chest and then my stomach and then my pubic

hair and then my thighs. Finally there was just a little water washing around my bare

feet. The air was the same temperature as the water. I felt no chill as the water dripped

from my hair and down my breasts, down my belly, down my public hair, down my

thighs to join the gentle pulsing water at my feet. The air felt as dense as the water, as

embracing, as welcoming, as calming and comforting.

I walked naked up the beach. I moved my hands gently from my hips across my

stomach to my breasts and stroked them, held my nipples between my thumbs and

forefingers, wondered if I could lower my lips enough and raise my breast enough to

suck my own nipple, but it seemed too much of a contortion to try, so I just stroked my

nipples and moved my hands back down my sides across my stomach and around, up

my sides and the back of my neck and through my hair to feel the breeze blowing my

hair around my head.

In my dream the sand was smooth as silk, not gritty as it is in real life, and I lay

down, opened my legs to the sky and the sea, put my hands between my legs, and

started to stroke my mons, that soft place covered with public hair that sort of hides my

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clitoris. In the dream, I could see myself between my legs as I opened the lips of my

vagina and put a finger inside to get the moisture, and started stroking my clitoris.

That’s when I started to come awake again. I was still on his chest, lying naked on

the bed, his arms around me. How totally free and sexual I was in the dream; how

totally unlike my life. When he noticed that I was awake, he kissed me lightly on the

mouth, lingering to lick my lips and suck them between his own. He took my earlobe

between his lips and then said, “Do you want some more?” For the second and maybe

the last time I said, “That’s probably enough for today.”

He got up and washed up in the bathroom before putting on his shirt. As he

unzipped his pants to tuck in the shirt, my eyes went there, looking for his penis,

thinking about it, big and hard and sliding into me. He was dressed and ready to meet

the world. I was naked, covered with drying body fluids and exhausted. I said, “You

will fuck me one of these days, won’t you?” and he said he would.

After he left, I had a shower and got dressed. I made supper for myself, ate, and

tried to read, but my mind couldn’t stay on anything for very long. I kept drifting

around, someplace between the dream I had had during the afternoon, the reality of his

tongue stroking me to unconsciousness down there, sleeping in his arms and him

holding me in his arms on that hike.

It was useless to try to read any more. I turned off the lamp, put my books away,

and undressed. But I didn’t put on a nightgown. I lay down naked my back and opened

my legs. I thought about his penis getting hard when I touched it, getting hard when he

looked at me, getting all hard and big and red. I remembered how it felt in my hand

and thought about it sliding into me. When I put my hand down there, I was all wet

again, and I started to just press on my clitoris from outside. It felt like it did when he

started with his tongue. I pressed just a little, then put my finger on the side of my

clitoris and started moving it in a circle...

I slept soundly that night. I don’t remember any dreams.

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Chapter Three

I felt like I had learned more in the past couple of months than in the whole rest of

my life. I had learned how to masturbate, most of the parts of my body were connecting

and getting tuned into each other. I had learned how to have orgasms, and I had

learned how to lose control and cum ‘til I passed out. I knew that he was going to fuck

me today. Then I would learn the rest.

I was sitting on the bed, naked. He was naked too. He sat beside me, then lay on his

back. He put my hand on his penis and I squeezed it gently as I had before. It was hard

but also soft. The tip was red. My cunt was wet and throbbing from kissing him as we

undressed. I lay on my back too, and started to masturbate slowly with my other hand

as he kissed me.

He rolled over on top of me. The pressure of him between my legs spread them

wider open, and he reached down to raise my knee up. I raised up my other knee. He

said, “Put it in.” I was holding his penis, my cunt was open and wet, he was kissing me,

and I wasn’t sure what to do. I moved the end of his penis ‘til I could feel it touching

where my hand had been a minute ago and then turned loose. I hugged him to me.

I felt him coming into me slowly. The head of his penis parted the lips of my vagina

and moved slowly in. It felt nice, like when he had done that with his tongue. He kept it

there and moved it in and out, and then around and around like he had done with his

tongue, but now his tongue was in my mouth, and we were making more connections

between his body and mine and inside of my own body. He moved in a little bit more

and then stopped and went up and down.

I wanted it all inside of me. I wanted more than just this taste he was giving me. I

grabbed his butt and pulled him down, but he arched his back and kept his penis where

it was, about a third of the way in.

Then he slowly thrust in some more and it began to hurt. It wasn’t real pain. But it

did hurt. I was all wet and open, but still it sort of ached as he pushed it slowly into me.

Finally I could feel the end of it up against the mouth of my womb. The purple-red

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head of his dick was all the way inside me, stroking me at my deepest place. Finally he

was fucking me.

I moved my ankles up to his waist to open up more for him and to pull him even

more into me. He was going slowly up and down and around and around. This was a

different feeling from what he’d done with his fingers and his tongue. This was a part

that wasn’t connected to the rest yet. I could feel the pressure of his chest against my

breasts and the pressure of the head of his hard penis deep inside me on the mouth of

my womb, the pressure of his tongue inside my mouth and my feet, now locked,

against the small of his back.

Now I was engulfing him. I was holding him in my arms and between my legs, I

was holding him deep inside me. He was all the way in. His tongue, his penis, his body.

We stayed like that, him moving just a little round and round and up and down and

deep inside me ‘til I started to quake with an orgasm. It wasn’t as intense as when he

did that with his tongue, but I lost control again.

He pulled out of me and asked if I was ok. I said I was, that I had just lost control

again, and didn’t quite know what to do. He said to enjoy it. He thrust his penis back

inside me and started again and I had another orgasm. He seemed concerned and

pulled out again to ask if I was ok. I told him I was. It hurt a little bit, but I liked it. I

liked it a lot. I wanted him to put it in me and do it some more. He said he was a little

worried because he hadn’t seen anyone have orgasms quite that intense before, to lose

control of their whole body and shake and quake like I was doing.

I opened my legs and guided his penis back into my cunt. I wanted to swallow him

up, bring him inside me, have him fill me up.

Now he was moving even deeper inside me, pushing against the mouth of my

womb ‘til it hurt. Hurt isn’t exactly right. It hurt but it felt good too. His penis seemed

even bigger than when I had guided it into me. He thrust deep inside and then

everything stopped. I felt warm liquid dripping out of me and he pulled his penis out,

all shiny with liquid, but smaller than when it went in. I looked down and saw that I

was dripping with liquid and blood.

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Oh Christ, I thought, just what I need, for my period to start now of all times. But it

wasn’t my period starting. There wasn’t all that much blood, and it felt different. And it

was the wrong time. But it felt like blood dripping out of my cunt, all warm and

viscous. He rolled over on his back, his penis, a little blood sticking to it, was laying

across his leg now. It was all shiny. I reached down to feel his penis, and started to

spread the moisture around on me as he had done. It felt good. There was more liquid

than there had been. This time it was his turn to nap for a few minutes while I cradled

him in my arms and let my thoughts roam.

I looked down his naked body, across his chest to his pubic hair, to his penis, limp

as a wilted flower, a trace of blood and a lot of cum on his leg, the hairiness of those

legs, down to his bare feet. I lay my face on his chest and held his penis in my hand. I

was looking at his penis and held the head of it between my thumb and the two longer

fingers, just gently moving them up and down.

Then I stroked the length of it with my thumb on one side and those two fingers on

the other. I went up and down it like that, and came back to the head. I went around

and around on it like he had taught me to do with my clitoris. I did that several times

and each time his penis was a little bigger. I enjoyed just looking it, seeing it get big and

hard as I played with it like that. When it was big again, I wrapped my whole hand

around it and started to stroke it. It was all wet with his cum and mine and the little bit

of blood.

He opened his eyes and whispered, “Do you want some more?” I said, “Yes,

please,” and rolled over with my legs up and my cunt wide open ready for him. He

filled me up again and fucked me again. I don’t know how many times I came that

afternoon before he came again and filled me up with his semen a second time. Then we

both snoozed for half an hour or so before we started kissing in that gentle way he had

taught me.

This time he stood up and led me into the bathroom where we stepped into the

shower. He stood behind me and washed my breasts with his hands. I arched my back

to rub against his chest and for him to take my breasts in his hands. He moved down

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my sides and around my stomach as I like to do myself, and washed my pubic hair and

my cunt before going down my thighs. I turned around and washed his chest, his

thighs and then came to his penis. I took it in my hand, all slippery with soap, and

started to stroke it.

It started to swell in my hand, and I increased my grip, stroking back and forth. He

turned the water on me, then on himself, toweled us ‘til we were only half wet, and

then led me back to the bed where he fucked me for the rest of the afternoon. I don’t

even remember if he came again, but I sure did. I must have cum a hundred times.

We did finally shower again and dress. The next day I could hardly walk. My legs

were sore from being opened that wide that long. My cunt was sore from having his

dick in me all afternoon. Even my jaw felt sore from kissing so long and so hard and so

much. I was sore all over. But I managed to get to work.

That’s when I started to understand why what I had first told him wasn’t quite

right, when I said that I’d fantasized about making love with him. I couldn’t fantasize

about something I couldn’t imagine. I’d had warm glowing feelings, some of them

down there, but sort of diffuse, not really connected to anything. Sometimes I would

remember how he caught me on that hike and feel like that, but now, this was

something else.

At lunch I remembered holding his penis in my hand and watching it get big. I

could feel the head of it between my thumb and those two fingers as I just circled it in

small circles. I remembered the look on his face, the way his breathing went when he

filled me with his cum. I remembered how it felt when I guided his penis into my cunt

and how it felt when he slowly pushed it all the way inside me.

I got all wet without even touching myself. With those images in my mind, I

reached down, slid my hand into the front of my pants, under my panties and started

masturbating. I came about three times and then thought I’d better get back to work

before somebody came along and noticed what I was doing. I was the secret scarlet

woman, the sexual vixen no one suspected, the lady who looked totally unsexual on the

outside but was fucking in her mind all day long.

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The first thing I did when I got home that night was to get naked and masturbate

properly on my back, my legs wide open, using both hands, one to go in where his

penis should be and the other to play with my clitoris.

That night I dreamed vivid dreams. I dreamed of being on that beach, the beach

that’s all silky smooth with the warm waves and the warm breeze. This time he was

with me. The water was waist deep and we were both naked. My hand was on his big

dick under the water, stroking it. He lifted me up in the water, and my legs opened to

straddle him and I put his dick inside me and he fucked me like that standing up. His

strong arms held me and kept me from falling backwards into the water when I started

to cum. Then he walked slowly in with me still astride him, his penis big and in me all

the way to the mouth of my womb.

I clung to him like that as he walked on and when we were ashore, he put me down

on my back, opened my legs with his hands and started to fuck me as he stroked me

and cupped my butt in his hands. I came every time he squeezed my butt. He fucked

me all night long, or at least ‘til I woke up from the dream all wet and masturbated

again. This time I had a better idea of what fantasizing about him meant. I was seeing

his dick get big in my hand, I was feeling it slide into my cunt, I was feeling it up

against the deepest part of me, I was feeling him squirt me full of hot sticky cum, I was

feeling the cum drip out of me and down my legs. Then I slept again.

I was still sore the next day, but not as much. I could walk better and my cunt

wasn’t half as sore. I was glad that he didn’t come by the next week. I needed some

sleep and I needed to get caught up on housework and shopping. Those things went on

as usual no matter what else was happening, whether I was a sexual adventuress in

disguise or just a non sexual lump not in disguise. So I wanted to sleep, get caught up,

and get over the soreness in the all the places I was sore.

* * * * *

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When he called he asked if he could come over in ten minutes. I said sure. I

unlocked the front door, undressed, lay down on the couch, draped one leg over the

back and put one foot on the floor so my cunt was wide open and started to stroke

myself all over. When the doorbell rang I asked who it was and when he answered I

said come in. When he did he shut the door, saw me, and locked the door.

He sat down and kissed me while I masturbated. I like to masturbate for him. It

turns us both on, and since he’s the one who taught me, it seems appropriate. But then

that’s not what was on my mind. When you read as much as I do, you read quite a bit

about sex, even if you don’t understand all of it. I hadn’t really known what fucking

was until I did it with him. I had even less idea what sucking off meant. I told him I

wanted him to teach me how to suck him off, that I wanted to learn about every way

there is to make love.

He said okay, and took my finger from my clitoris and put it in his mouth. He

wrapped his lips around it and moved them up and down on the finger and started to

twist his tongue around the end. I said, oh, you’re about to make my finger cum and

started playing with myself with my other hand. He said that was how to suck him.

I unbuckled his belt, unzipped his jeans and pulled them and his shorts down. He

was hard all right and I put his penis into my mouth and started doing what he had

been doing to my finger. He said some girls like to swallow the cum and some don’t,

just try it and see what you like. So I moved my lips up and down on that long hard

dick and moved my tongue around on the head.

He said, “Slower,” and I slowed down as he started to thrust his dick into my

mouth and pull it out as if he were fucking my cunt. I moved up and down and he

fucked my mouth and my tongue went around. Then he got very hard and big and I felt

his cum squirting hot into my throat. That’s when I gagged. He pulled his dick out, all

shiny with cum and told me not to worry, that happened sometimes. When I recovered

and started breathing again, he kissed me, my mouth still full of his cum.

Then he went to the other end of the couch and re-arranged my legs so my knees

were over his shoulders and started sucking me. He did that thing with his tongue, or

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those things with his tongue, until I started to cum, and he kept on doing them ‘til I

passed out again, totally out of control, shaking like someone going into an epileptic fit,

like someone about to die of convulsions. I thought I might just die, and I wouldn’t

have minded if I did. What a way to go! But I was just out of it for fifteen or twenty

minutes while he stroked my breasts and belly and thighs with my own fluids.

Then he led me into the bedroom and fucked me for the rest of the afternoon. He

fucked me ‘til I came again almost the same way as when he sucked me off. I was out of

it for another half an hour. I knew I would be sore the next day, but it didn’t matter a

bit. I was right, but it wasn’t as bad as the first time we fucked.

Later he taught me another way to suck him off that I liked a lot better. He showed

me how he could lay on his back with his erection straight up. I could then go up and

down on him with my mouth and use my hand to stroke his penis at the same time and

in the same rhythm.

The elegant thing about that was that I could watch his penis turn purple, then lick

the head of his dick while I stroked him and watch him cum, watch the first stream of

hot cum shoot out of his penis and keep stroking him while the second and third and

sometimes a forth one dribbled out, each one a little less than the last until he said to

stop. Then I would kiss him and continue to stroke his dick using his own cum for


Sometimes I would aim it at my belly and spread it all over me with my hand and

lick it off. I didn’t mind the taste, but I did tend to gag if he came in my mouth.

* * * * *

Though our jobs were not related, one day I had a chance to help out in his office.

He was working behind his desk, the walls lined with books. I worked at a table. That

morning after I showered, I looked at my clothes and decided I wanted him to fuck me

in his office. I wanted to play the part of the naughty girl who fucks while she’s

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working. So I picked a solid colored shirt-dress—one that buttoned all the way down

the front, and came down to mid-calf level.

My breasts are large, but firm, and the dress was cut to give enough support that I

could get away without a bra. I ran my hands over my breasts, played with my nipples

‘til my cunt got wet, stroked my stomach, then lay on the bed on my back and

masturbated ‘til I came about three times just thinking about him fucking me in his

office. I was imagining how I would do it, and how he would respond. I was imagining

his penis all hard and big, sliding into my cunt and his cum squirting out of his dick

and filling my cunt with warm liquid.

Then I put on the dress and wore sandals so my feet would be naked too.

He was all business behind his desk. I would look up at him and see him hard at

work, not a glance in my direction. Nothing. We broke for lunch and talked about the

work. Again not a hint that we were lovers. I liked that in a way. It heightened my

anticipation because I reveled in the image of the non-sexual woman who masturbated

all the time, fucked herself silly and liked to suck this guys dick ‘til he came all over her

tits and then rub the cum all over her body.

No one would ever suspect there was a sexual bone in my body. So that fit with the

image. We went back to work after a brief lunch and continued ‘til about four.

My cunt had been wet and throbbing ever since I thought of working in his office. I

had been nearly at the edge of orgasm since I had thought of the idea of being naked

under my dress, like a very naughty girl, with no underwear. I had hoped he would see

my breasts and unbutton the top of my dress, scoop my them out, suck my nipples,

then either fuck me or suck me off or at least reach under my dress and masturbate me

‘til I was half crazy with orgasms. But here it was at four o’clock and nothing. He was

treating me like the non-sexual thing I pretended to be. And yet the very anticipation of

it had me on the edge of orgasm where I had been all day. If nothing else, I though, I

would just lift my skirt and start masturbating. That should get his attention.

I needed one of the books on the bookshelf along the side of the wall to his right. He

indicated where it was, a little high up, but close to where he was sitting behind his

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desk. I moved a chair to the place and stood on it. He finally noticed me and, still sitting

in his office chair, put his hand on my calf, moved it up my calf to the back of my thigh,

and then up around my butt. He squeezed my butt and said, surprised that I was

naked, oh, what a naughty girl. That heightened my sense of the forbidden of the whole

thing and excited me even more. I was about to fall off of my perch. I stepped down

and he moved his hand around front while I undid his belt and he helped me pull

down his pants and shorts.

He was hard, so I just straddled him on his chair and guided that penis into my

pulsating cunt and fucked him right there. I came as soon as his penis started to slip

into me and kept coming in those waves of orgasms that overtake me when he’s been

fucking me for half an hour or sucking me off for a long time.

He finally unbuttoned the top of the dress and let my breasts fall out and said, oh,

tits too as he sucked my nipples. It didn’t take long ‘til he came too and I stood up to

feel the hot cum dripping out of my cunt and down the inner sides of my legs. I told

him then that I’d been wet for this all day long and about to cum for most of the day

just waiting. I enjoyed the anticipation; I reveled in being so naughty as we walked out,

cum dripping down my legs, still wearing no underwear, the most prim lady doing the

naughtiest things there are to do.

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Chapter Four

I liked to fuck him and suck him off and I liked him to fuck me and suck me off. I

fantasized about fucking him and masturbated. I liked the idea of being a wicked girl

who looked like a plain ordinary frumpy lady.

I knew that he was married; I knew his wife and liked her a lot. I never thought of it

as sharing him, I never had that much of him. I knew he belonged with his wife, it was

as if I just borrowed him for a little while now and then. Surely she would not begrudge

me that. I didn’t want him as a husband, didn’t want to live with him, didn’t even think

of it as sharing him, just a small loan now and then.

If I could just not think about anything sexual, just not think about anything about

my body for years at a time, I could just as well not think about his wife while we were

fucking. That worked. I didn’t want him that way. I liked living alone and didn’t want

to live with anyone else. I never did. So I wasn’t trying to take him away from anyone.

He told me when he had fucked other ladies too, and that just turned me on even

more, to think of him fucking someone I knew, his wife for instance. When I asked what

his favorite way of making love was, he told me about making love with his wife and

another woman, all three. I couldn’t imagine how that could work, so he explained it.

Then I could only halfway imagine it. I tried to understand how he could fuck two of us

at the same time, and he explained about how some women like to make love with

other women too, and sometimes it can come together that way. Then I started thinking

about making love with him and his wife both.

I liked to think about watching him do the same things he did with me to some of

my friends or his wife and wondering how they would respond. Would they cum ‘til

they nearly died? Would they like his dick in their mouths? Would they gag like I did

or would they swallow his cum straight down their throats? Would he like that more?

I wondered what it would be like to see him slide his dick into another lady, or to

slide it in for him. What would it be like open his wife’s legs and see her all wet and

open and know what she was about to get, and then to wrap my fingers around his big

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dick and slide it into her. Maybe I would put my hands on his butt and push him all the

way into her, or maybe I would watch and masturbate. Then I would stop thinking that

way. That didn’t get anything done, it just made me wet and want to masturbate.

So that’s how it all started. That’s how I learned about sex. Then I went away to

another town and it was two years before we got together again. I never really wanted

to fuck anyone but him. I did love him, not that I wanted to live with him, he’s just the

only man I ever really wanted to fuck or be naked with.

I fucked a couple of other guys mainly because he urged me to get the experience,

but I didn’t like it much. It wasn’t the same. They played with my tits, got me wet, got

hard, fucked me, and that was that. It was like they did their business and now what?

Nothing. Just like going to the bathroom or sneezing or something. What’s the point?

And I wasn’t real sure what the point of putting a dick in my cunt was. The first

time hurt a little bit, but after that, it just rubbed my clitoris ‘til I came. I could do that

with my fingers and he could do it with his fingers or even better with his tongue. That

was the part I liked, when he would lick my clitoris ‘til I would pass out.

So it had been about two years since we had been together and a year since I had

fucked anyone when we got together again. I hadn’t even masturbated that much. I just

went back to not thinking anything at all about sex. That worked best for me because if

I masturbated all the time, I wanted him there to fuck me, and if he wasn’t then it was

just kind of empty. So I more or less stopped.

Sometimes we would talk on the phone and his voice would wash over me and I

would find my hand moving down the front of my pants and into my vagina and

stroking my clitoris as we talked. Then sometimes I would masturbate while we talked

and sometimes I would wait ‘til we were done and then do it four or five times in a row.

So it turned out that we were going to be driving with a friend we both knew to a

meeting. We would both fly to our friend’s place and then drive with him. I felt excited

about seeing him again. It was all I could think of as I packed my suitcase. I got kind of

quivery and wet and warm down there thinking about it. I remembered what it felt like

to have his dick sliding into my wet cunt, what it felt like for him to suck me off ‘til I

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passed out, what it felt like to slide my hand up and down his penis and make him cum

on my belly.

I didn’t stop to masturbate, I just tried to keep on packing and get to the airport in

plenty of time. It was on the back of my mind all the way, though, how it would feel to

see him again. I was wondering if he would want to fuck me again. I was about half wet

most of the time even when I managed to push it to the back of my mind.

When I saw him at the airport he gave me a hug, and it was like that time long ago

when we were hiking and I fell into his arms, only this time I knew what was going on.

I nearly came right there and then. He hugged me tight and said he was glad to see me.

Our friend was gone when we got to his house, but he knew where the key was and

we let ourselves in. We were going to leave later that afternoon, but we had about a half

an hour ‘til our friend was due, according to the note he had left.

He led me to the guest room, undid his belt buckle, unfastened his fly, and pulled

out his half erect penis. He lay on the bed and I put it in my mouth, going up and down

on it as he had taught me, stroking him with my hand. Then he unfastened my jeans

and pulled them down. I kicked them the rest of the way off and lay on my back and

pulled up my knees and he got in between, with his hard dick just touching my cunt. I

reached over my stomach and grabbed his dick and guided it into me.

He slid it in very very slowly. First the head, then just about an inch, then a little

more, and a little more ‘til finally I felt it up against the mouth of my womb. He just lay

there on top of me for a minute, then slowly pulled his dick out of me and went to the

bathroom. When he came out we were both dressed. We weren’t sure when our friend

was coming.

When he did come, we were talking calmly like he had never fucked me at all, like I

hadn’t sucked him off, the guy and the non sexual lady.

The three of us got into the car and headed off. The two guys sat in the front and I

sat in the back, amusing myself with my own thoughts, images, fantasies, and just half

trying to keep up with the conversation that I could only half hear anyway.

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It had been a long time since we had been together, and now it seemed just as

natural as ever. I enjoyed the feeling of being able to make his penis hard by putting it

into my mouth or stroking it with my hand. I remembered watching the cum gush out

of the end of his dick as I stroked him and how I had licked it off the end of his dick or

squirted it all over my stomach. I could feel the feeling of his penis deep inside me as

we drove along. He just put it in for that one thrust but I felt it all the way. Somehow his

penis seemed bigger than I had imagined. It had been a long time.

Three hours of chit-chat, old jokes, stories, and catching up brought us to the hotel

where we would be staying. We went to our rooms but I went to his room in a few

minutes to catch up in private. He kissed me long and hard and held me in his arms. I

was all damp and warm down there, waiting to be filled up with his penis, waiting for

the orgasm I hadn’t had before we left. He started to take off my clothes, and I helped,

and we were both quickly naked. He was hard.

He lay on the bed and I put his penis in my mouth again, but he lifted my head and

told me to get on top of him. We had never done it this way before and I had no idea

what to do. I might as well have been trying to play basketball for all that I could figure

out how to manage these things. He showed me how to kneel, lift one knee over him,

insert him into me from below and straddle him.

I felt his penis slide into me, felt it go all the way in. Now I could control where it

was and how deep, so I went all the way down to feel the pain/pleasure of it rubbing

on the mouth of my womb. I just stayed there to feel that, and then I said, “What do I


He said to do whatever felt good, so I started to move forward and back a little. He

said, “Wait a minute,” and I stopped, thinking maybe I had hurt him. A second later he

pulled his penis out of me and I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what was going on.

Then he said, “I didn’t want to cum,” and lay back down. I put him in me and let it slide

all the way in and just sat there to enjoy the full feeling of him filling up my cunt, the

feeling of him deep inside me, all the way to my womb. Then I started to move again,

and to play with different ways to make it work.

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I found out that if I leaned just a little bit forward his dick would rub on my clitoris

too, like his finger did, like I did when I masturbated. I came almost immediately after

that, and I knew I could keep cuming as long as I could stay upright like this and keep

moving forward and back.

The problem was that I started to go limp when I came, so it was hard to maintain

any kind of muscle control, much less enough to do those things like move my hips

forward and back on him enough to get that stroking feeling on my clitoris while he

was filling my cunt with his dick.

I came a second and a third time and then he said just to keep doing what I was

doing, so I concentrated on that. I couple of seconds later, I felt his dick get really big

like it does before he cums, and I knew he was about to cum too, so I kept moving back

and forth like that. I bore down on him, made is dick go all the way up against my

womb and kept up the motion ‘til I felt the hot cum in my cunt. When his dick got little

again, I moved off of him and lay by him.

He had cum a lot. It was dripping out of my cunt all over my thighs and his dick

was covered with cum. I put his dick in my mouth and started to suck him off, moving

up and down on it and stroking it in my hand. It felt good, all slippery and warm with

his cum.

He was half asleep, so I kept doing that ‘til he came again, and I could watch the

cum squirt out of him. I licked it off of his dick and smeared it on me, mixing it with my

own juices and stroking my stomach. I started masturbating while I was holding his

dick in my other hand, but ran into that same problem that when I would cum, I would

lose control.

Finally he came around again and started kissing me and stroking my clit with his

fingers. He asked me what I would like and I asked him to lick my clit, that’s what I

liked best. He swung me around so my legs were over the bed and I bent my knees so

my feet and my butt were on the edge of the bed. His fingers separated my lips and his

tongue found my clitoris and started that round and round motion.

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He had me cumming for half an hour straight before I finally lost control totally and

started shouting and then passed out. He knew I was a noisy cummer. I could come

once or twice or any number of separate times without much noise, but even if I was

masturbating, after about the third one, if another orgasm came real fast, I would call

his name or begin to make noise.

When the orgasms came in a row like this, one after another, each one stronger and

stronger, then I shouted and cried and made a lot of noise. I was afraid everyone in the

hotel would hear me and know I was being sucked off to within an inch of my life.

Which is just what it felt like. As I was passing out I managed to whisper that I wanted

his dick in me.

I felt the motion of him tugging me toward the center of the bed. I felt the weight of

his body on me as he spread my legs apart and put his hard dick into my cunt. I was so

wide open, wet with his cum and saliva and my own cum. My cunt was so relaxed that

it offered almost no resistance. But it felt good in there. And so we both snoozed for a

long time.

When he woke up and rolled off me, I woke up and we lay there kissing gently,

stroking each other. I told him what I had been thinking, “Your penis seems larger than

before,” I said.

“In your mouth, or in your vagina?” he asked.

“Both,” I said.

He said he couldn’t think of any reason except it had been a long time, but that he

liked to hear it. So I said it again, “I like your big dick in me,” and he started getting

hard. I stroked his dick with my hand ‘til he was very hard and then kept going ‘til he

came all over his stomach. I licked up the cum and said again, “I like your big dick in

me. I want your big dick in my slippery cunt,” and sucked him ‘til he was hard again.

Then I rolled over and opened my legs and said again, “I want your big dick fucking

my cunt.”

He got the hint and started fucking me.

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He fucked me the rest of the afternoon constantly and steadily without ever

withdrawing. He fucked me ‘til I came with those orgasms on orgasms and passed out,

but he didn’t stop. He just slowed down ‘til I came to again. Then he would say, “Do

you want some more?” and I would say, “Yes, Please,” and he would fuck me some

more ‘til I passed out again.

I was too uncoordinated to get on top of him and fuck him like he showed me, but

he kept fucking me when I asked for more. When we finally went to sleep it was dark

and we were hungry because we had skipped supper.

He fucked me the next morning too, until we had to get breakfast and get about the

work of the day. I managed to get dressed, but walking was a painful chore after that.

My legs felt like they had been sprung out of their sockets and every muscle of my body

ached from being in strange places and positions—strange for me anyway.

That’s how I learned that I could turn him on by talking as much as I could turn

myself on by talking to myself. I could get him hard just by whispering in his ear, “I

want your big dick fucking my slippery cunt,” and that got me all wet and slippery, just

saying it, hearing it.

We managed to get through the meetings. I was mostly aware of the cum dripping

out of my cunt and the aches and pains all over my body. My mind kept wandering. I

wanted him to fuck me some more. I wanted to talk to him about his big dick and my

slippery cunt. I wanted for him to suck me some more. I thought about him

masturbating me some more. I longed to masturbate for him. All the time on the back of

my mind I was the nasty sexy slut nobody suspected I was or could ever be.

That turned me on, to be sitting in the middle of all those people looking like Ms.

Prim and thinking all of those naughty thoughts, my head full of nasty words and

images of fucking and sucking and cuming. We got through the meeting alright, and

back to our friend’s house where we had supper, before he took us to the airport. We

had a long overnight flight in front of us.

We checked our bags and chatted while we waited for the plane. I wore a skirt and

blouse. I put on a bra because I didn’t want my breasts flopping around, but I didn’t put

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on any underwear. I was thinking of that day in his office when he reached up my dress

and found my bare butt there.

Finally we got on the plane. It was one of those wide ones with seats on each side

and two aisles and more seats in the center aisle. We had a window seat and the next

one. But someone else was in the aisle seat. I raised the armrest when I got in so that we

could feel each other. He put our bags in the overhead compartment and got a blanket

out. Then he sat down beside me and spread the blanket over both of us.

After we had been up in the air for a while, after they had brought us our airplane

food and collected all the rubbish, after they turned out the lights, I felt his hand on my

knee but just pretended to sleep. It moved up my thigh and to my hip. Then I shifted

around to open my cunt for him and he started stroking my clit just gently.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and he was pretending to sleep too. The guy

next to him was snoring. He started stroking my clit round and round and I started to

cum, but I couldn’t shout or scream or make any noise at all. I did sort of gulp a couple

of times. Sometimes his finger would move down to my vagina and move up and down

inside me, like he was fucking me with his finger. Then he would bring it back to my

clit and keep going around.

I heard the sounds of the airplane, of people walking up and down the aisles, of the

bells for service, of stewardesses walking up or down the aisles to bring something to

someone, and bit my lip to keep from calling out as I shivered with another orgasm.

And another. He wasn’t doing it hard or fast like he does with his tongue when he

sucks me. This was just slow and gentle and constant. Hour after hour of constant

gentle pressure on my clit.

I was in that half-asleep dream world where anything can happen and you can be

in another place in a breath. We were with another woman, I don’t know who, her

features weren’t that clear. I took his dick out of my mouth and moved him between her

legs and guided his hard penis into her wide open cunt. I felt her juices all over him, her

thighs, my hand. I opened my legs and she started sucking me like he does, firm and

fast and insistant and I began to cum at the same time she did.

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It’s another place and he and the other woman are both sucking on my nipples.

Each one is squeezing one half of my butt in one hand, squeezing and kneading ‘til my

whole butt feels on fire and I start to cum again.

It’s another place and I’m sucking her, my butt up in the air and he slides his dick

into me from behind. I’m sucking her clitoris and masturbating while he fucks me from

back there and I start to cum again.

I am in my own bed masturbating when he and she walk in and see me. She takes

of his clothes and he starts to fuck me while she undresses and comes over to put one of

her nipples in my mouth and my hand on her wet cunt. I masturbate her and we start to

cum at the same time.

It went on and on like that. The image was strong—me and the other girl cuming at

the same time, making each other cum, and sharing his dick between us. I could see

both of us with our legs open and him moving between us, us holding hands and

maybe lightly kissing as he fucked her now, and then me, and then her. I started to cum


Orgasm after orgasm and I was afraid I would bite through my lip, but I didn’t

move his hand away. This was the high point of being Ms Prim, Ms No Sex, in the

middle of an airplane having mind shattering orgasms one after another through the

night with all of these people sitting right next to me thinking I didn’t know anything

about sex at all, had never been fucked, didn’t know I had a cunt.

I laughed a little between orgasms, a little laugh that you feel when you know

something that nobody else knows. Then I came again and laughed at that. My body

was shaking with laughter and orgasms. If it wasn’t one then it was the other. But very


Ms No sex doesn’t do things in a big way. Always subdued. Especially in crowds.

She doesn’t masturbate other ladies or suck on their tits or let them suck her off or

guide her guy’s hard dick into their cunts so he can fuck them while she watches.

Ms Catholic School doesn’t do sex, doesn’t touch her self there, doesn’t play with

her clit, doesn’t put her fingers up her cunt, doesn’t squeeze her tits, doesn’t pinch her

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nipples, doesn’t fuck, doesn’t suck his dick ‘til he cums all over her, doesn’t like him to

squeeze her butt ‘til it hurts, doesn’t like his dick banging into her womb.

Ms Catholic school doesn’t even know about those things. Another orgasm.

Another shudder. Another subdued laugh.

I could just see when the lights came up a little and when the crew started to make

noises about landing. He moved his hand down my thigh, all wet with my cum, and

down my knee and pulled my dress down. I yawned and stretched and tried to get

back into my clothes enough to get out of the plane when it landed.

It would be a year before we were together again.

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Chapter Five

It was a year or so before we were together again. I had been visiting him and his

wife, but spending most of my time with her. He was around, but just in the

background, but the three of us talked over meals and in the car. His voice washed over

me but I knew not to open that floodgate of feelings and sensations that came with his

voice, those feelings that sent my hand into my jeans or under my skirt to start

masturbating. I knew how to not think about sex; I had perfected the techniques and

practiced them for years after all.

I hadn’t planned on anything but a nice visit, but with about a week left, she was

called away to help with a funeral or a wedding, I don’t remember, some family thing

like that. He hadn’t touched me or laid a finger on me the whole time I had been there.

After she left, he asked me if I wanted to ride around with him and see some of the

sights of the town. He took me places I’d never go—not seedy bars or clubs but factories

and places like loading docks, places where everyday work gets done, places that you

never think about unless you work there or search them out. He had searched them out.

When we got back on the highway to their place he was driving with all his

attention on the road, concentrating on the traffic patterns and cars. I leaned back

against the door of the car and looked at him. He was holding the steering wheel with

his left hand, eyes squinting a little in the sun as he focused on the traffic ahead.

I could see his eyebrows lift now and then as he checked the rear-view mirror or the

side mirrors to see what was going on behind him. I could smell his smell from where I

was. It wasn’t the smell of soap or cologne or sweat. It wasn’t sweet or sour, but it was

distinctive and I liked to have that smell filling my nose. I knew the smell from the

sheets on my bed from years ago when he first taught me to fuck.

I knew his wife would be gone when we got back to his place. So I was leaning

against the door watching him drive and smelling him and I said, “I could cum if you

just touched me right now.”

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He reached his right hand out to my left forearm and stroked it and I had an

orgasm right there. He continued but the rest didn’t have that strong of an effect. He

pulled the edge of my dress up above my knees without taking his eyes off the road for

a second, and I pushed it up to my waist and pulled down my panties to let his hand go

to my clitoris.

He started massaging me as he had done on that long airplane ride more than a

year before and I started having the same kind of orgasms, one after another,

punctuated with gasps and sighs as he drove along never saying a word.

There wasn’t much traffic when we pulled off the highway onto the smaller roads.

He stopped for a red light and asked, “Would you like some more” and I said, “Yes,

please,” the usual refrains. “Would you like some more?” and “Yes please.”

I didn’t know how long he would have to fuck me and suck me and masturbate me

before I would say anything other than “Yes please,” when he asked if I wanted more. I

was greedy for it. I wanted as much sex, as many orgasms, to be fucked and sucked ‘til I

was unconscious as many times as I could.

I managed to get my clothes more or less arranged before we got to his place and I

had to get out of the car. My panties were wadded up in my purse, not that I’d need

them for a few days. If I had my way.

The first thing he did when we got into the house was to put his tongue deep into

my ear to make me cum in his arms. I had as big an orgasm as I had ever had from

being fucked, sucked or from masturbating. I felt the connections now, connections

between my skin, my ears, the lobes of my ears, my clitoris, my cunt all lined up. And

there was something about how sensitive my butt would get. Something, but it wasn’t

connected to all of this. Not yet.

I wanted his dick in me fucking me, so I told him that. I said, “I want your big dick

in my wet cunt fucking me.” And he obliged. We fucked the rest of the afternoon

without a break. He squeezed my butt in both hands while he was fucking me and that

intensified the orgasms I was having. I don’t think anything could have made them

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more frequent, but when he squeezed my butt ‘til it burned, that made them stronger. I

managed to gasp out and tell him to keep squeezing my butt, that it felt very good.

After an afternoon of fucking me, he put me on top and told me to do what felt

good. What felt good was to have that hard dick pounding on my womb ‘til it hurt. I

did that and it wasn’t long before he filled me with his cum and it was dripping out all

over us, covering our legs and bellies. I stroked us, moving the liquid around, stroking

his penis to get it big again. I wanted more.

When his penis got big enough, I leaned over and put my mouth on it and started

going up and down, when it got really had, I straddled him, put his dick in my cunt

and fucked him some more. I fucked him ‘til he came again. Then I did the same thing

again and this time it was him that passed out and slept for half an hour before coming

to again.

When he came around, I was laying on my back, my legs wide open, masturbating.

I had been doing that since he fell asleep, cuming with gentle orgasms every few

minutes and then starting over, reveling in how naughty it was not only to be

masturbating, but to have someone there to see me doing it.

I was so naughty, Ms. No-Sex masturbating after fucking all afternoon. Ms. Good

Catholic School Girl fucking a guy ‘til he passed out and then masturbating and

thinking wicked thoughts of him fucking me and another lady, thoughts of two of us

with our legs open and him going back and forth between us, fucking me and then her

while she and I kissed and held hands and came every now and then, more for each

other than for him.

When he woke up, I was glad that he watched me. He propped his head on his

elbow and watched me gently cuming time and again. Then gently pushed me onto my

side, so my back was to him, and started biting my butt with little nips while I

masturbated. It made the orgasms stronger. I liked that feeling. There was something

about my butt and all of this.

He rolled me over onto my stomach, my face in a pillow, and pulled my butt up in

the air, told me to bring my knees in under my belly. Then he started licking me back

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there. His tongue went from the back end of my vagina along the crack in my butt and

around my anus. There he moved his tongue around and around, and went back down

to my vagina. That sent chills and shivers all through me and started me cuming again.

Then he pushed his tongue into my anus, and moved it in and out like fucking me with

something small and soft and wet. I wasn’t in control enough to tell him how much I

liked that.

He put a hand on my butt and squeezed, and then slipped a finger into my anus.

Oh, that felt good too and I started feeling another connection falling into place. Then

two fingers. Then three. Then he took his fingers out, grabbed both sides of my butt and

put his hard dick into my cunt from behind and started fucking me while I

masturbated. That sent me over the top. We fucked into the evening.

We went out to eat, and over supper I asked him what a multiple orgasm was. It

was something I had read about and had heard about in some of my women’s groups

when women would talk about sex. I had learned that if women had a bad first

experience with sex it was likely they would never really enjoy it.

But my first experiences had been so pleasant and so protected that I loved sex.

With him. And I didn’t want anyone else touching me. But some women couldn’t have

orgasms at all, or they talked like it was a lot of work, some kind of struggle, and then

there was this talk about multiple orgasms.

He just laughed. He said fish don’t discover water, that I was always having

multiple orgasms. He said what I had gathered from other women—that some women

just have one orgasm and then quit and are glad to have had that one orgasm. Some

women never cum at all. And then there are some like me who just cum ‘til we pass out.

He said I was a sexual treasure beyond belief because I had such long and strong and

repeated orgasms.

I didn’t know how to take that, as I am not accustomed to getting compliments like

that—nobody ever told me I was beautiful or sexy or anything like that—nobody but

him and then we were usually fucking—so I don’t really know to respond to them. I

just ate my food and thought about it.

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Then we went back and fucked ‘til we were exhausted and fell into sleep.

I liked sleeping with him. It felt warm and safe. He held me in his arms and I held

him in mine, our legs all tangled up together. Now and then he would stir or I would

turn over and he would move close to me. Once in the night my back was to him and he

was curled up behind me. I felt his hands on my breasts and just smiled and put my

hand between my legs. Soon I felt his penis getting hard on my butt. He just left it there

for a while and then started rubbing it back and forth on my butt. I turned over and

asked him to fuck me.

We go up late the next morning and after breakfast, just sat around naked on the

couch watching old movies. The sound was down low, and my hand was just touching

the head of his penis. I liked to use the tips of my fingers to just lightly rub the end of

his penis ‘til it started getting hard.

As soon as it got about half hard I liked to put it in my mouth and go up and down

on it to feel it getting harder and filling my throat. Then I could either masturbate him

with my hand and watch the cum squirt out all over him or me or both of us, or I could

fuck him or sometimes I would suck him off and stroke him with my hand ‘til he was

just about to cum and then back off and watch him cum while I stroked him, and then

start over with the slippery cum for lubricant so it wouldn’t hurt his dick.

Then phone rang and he got up to answer it. He talked a long time, and then came

back to the couch where my legs were wide open and I was masturbating. I said, “I’ve

been masturbating the whole time you were on the phone. I am such a naughty girl,

masturbating while you’re on the phone. Don’t you think I’m naughty?”

He said sure and put his erect penis into me and fucked me. Then he sucked me off

‘til I lost my mind and passed out. When I came to he was stroking my breasts and

without a word he got on top of me and started fucking me again. This time he just

fucked me slowly, slowly in and slowly out. I was wet from my knees to my navel with

his cum and mine and all the juices. After a while he rolled off and lay on his back and I

put his dick in my mouth and started sucking his dick.

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When he got so hard he was banging against the back of my throat I started

stroking him with my hand. He was wet from his cum and mine and my saliva. Even if

he got dry, all I had to do was put a little saliva on my hand and he was slippery again.

He nudged my hand off with his and started stroking himself, his eyes staring into

mine. Then I felt the hot cum squirt on my stomach and I reached my hands up and

spread it all around my belly and pulled him on top of me. He had gone limp, so I

rolled him on his back and started sucking his dick again.

I felt so absolutely wicked to be just doing nothing but fucking and masturbating all

day long, not even putting on any clothes. Here I was doing everything I was not

supposed to do, everything everyone had told me never to do. I was touching myself

down there, I was stroking my clitoris and putting my fingers up my cunt ‘til I came

and he was with me, holding me, sucking my tits, helping me masturbate when I lost

control. I wasn’t keeping my panties on, I wasn’t even putting them on. I wasn’t

keeping my clothes on, I wasn’t even wearing any.

I was fucking whenever I felt like it, which was most of the time, or whenever he

felt like it which was most of the rest of the time. The time I wasn’t masturbating or

fucking, I was sucking him or masturbating him, stroking his big hard dick ‘til he came

all over me or himself. I wasn’t looking the other way when something nasty happened,

I was making it happen. I was sucking his dick to make it hard and then putting it in

my cunt so he would fuck me.

And I was using all of those words all the time. I would whisper in his ear, “Put

your big hard dick in my wet cunt and fuck me ‘til I cum,” and “Suck my cunt ‘til I pass

out,” or “Let me suck on your dick ‘til you cum all over me.” Things like that that

you’re not supposed to think, much less say out loud.

I knew that if I tried to walk, it would hurt, so I didn’t even try. I just lay around.

We didn’t even bathe much because we both liked being covered with slick cum and

juice. We didn’t just fuck and wash up and put our clothes on; we lay around and did it

all day and all night. Sometimes we watched tv. We didn’t watch it so much as just

have it on for a background sound, sitting naked, his dick in my hand as I stroked it. It

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wasn’t long before it was in me, either in my mouth or my cunt, and we would be at it


We did sleep some, mainly after one of us passed out from excessive orgasms, and

that could be either one of us, cum dripping from the end of his dick or out of my cunt

or both. But it wouldn’t be too long before he’d be hard again and stroking his dick

along the crack of my butt or I’d get hot and turn over and start stroking or sucking his

dick ‘til he woke up. Then we’d fuck some more.

I was right about walking. Three days later when we finally showered each other

and put on some clothes, I was walking like the hunchback of Notre Dame. My vagina

felt vaguely empty with nothing in it, and my breasts felt stifled in a bra. It was either

too much as I was now used to them swinging freely or too little as I was used to either

his hands or mine all over them. Hands or mouth. And now encased in their bra they

weren’t swinging anywhere, the nipples were mashed in, and the cloth wasn’t any

substitute for living flesh holding my tits. But we got dressed and went out for a meal.

His foot played with mine under the table at the restaurant. I was glad that it had

tablecloths that came down low and covered our laps. And we were sitting side by side

in a booth so no one could see in the front of us. It wasn’t long before his hand was

under my skirt. I said I had to go to the bathroom. He stood up to let me out, and I felt

his erection as I brushed my butt against his dick on the way out. In the restroom I peed

and put my panties in my purse.

I squirmed back into the booth and he sat beside me, and again his hand was on my

knee, and then up to my thigh. Just after his hand got to my mons and started stroking

my pubic hair he leaned over and whispered in my ear, “You are a wicked woman,”

and I cupped my hand to whisper back, “Yeah, I’m a naughty girl, what are you going

to do about it?” His finger slid down across my clitoris and into my cunt and stayed

there moving in and out across my clit ‘til our food came, and even after.

I couldn’t eat with that going on, so I reached under my dress and took his hand

away so I could eat supper. He was still eating when my hand went back under the

table and landed on his dick. It had calmed down a bit, so I reached for the tab of his

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zipper and pulled it down. I reached inside and found he hadn’t put on any shorts. I

scooped his dick out of the fly and started stroking it while playing with my food. The

waiter came and asked if everything was ok, and we said it was.

As soon as he was hard, I looked around to see that no one was watching when I

slid under the table and turned to put his dick in my mouth and start sucking him. I

stroked and sucked him gently and every time I thought he was about to cum, I slowed

down so he wouldn’t.

Finally, after the fourth or fifth near-orgasm, I stroked him to a finish and felt the

hot cum wash down the back of my throat and my mouth. There wasn’t a whole lot as

he’d been cuming pretty constantly for three days, but enough that I could feel it. I

managed not to gag that time and swallowed his cum. I licked the end of his dick with

my tongue and wiped it with the edge of the tablecloth, and then put it back in the fly.

I’d let him zip it. If he remembered.

I climbed back onto my seat and started playing with my food again. The waiter

came by and asked if we’d like dessert. I smiled at him and said to ask my companion,

“I’ll have whatever he was having.” He said we’d think about it, but have coffee in the

meantime. His hand was under my skirt again. How I wished I could take off all my

clothes, dance naked on the table for him, and then have him fuck me right there in

front of all of those people.

Masturbating in front of him was sinful enough, but think of fucking him in front of

a whole restaurant full of people, everyone watching, clapping whenever I would have

an orgasm, oohing and awing over how often I would cum and how intensely. I could

imagine the other ladies getting hot as the watched, their cunts getting all wet, the guys

getting hard when they saw what my guy was getting, getting stupid when they saw

my tits swinging free and easy, big with nipples hard from his sucking or pinching.

In my mind’s picture, in my fantasy, I was laying long ways on the table, my knees

up and my toes just hanging onto the edge, my legs wide open. He was thrusting his

hard, erect dick into my wide-open wet cunt, and I was screaming with every orgasm.

The people in the restaurant started to stand up and gather around to watch.

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It took them a few minutes to figure out what was happening, but when the women

saw what I was getting, when they saw that hard dick all pearly shiny with my cum

slipping all the way into me they could feel it up against the mouths of their wombs just

like I could. Their cunts all wet, they lifted their skirts and dresses, stepped out of their

panties, and started to masturbate as they cheered my every orgasm.

People were clapping as I built up to one and then cheering when I would cum.

This lady comes up, fully clothed, but dressed in a filmy short dress, low cut so you

could see her tits when she leaned down. She starts sucking on my tit while he’s fucking

me. I lift her skirt and she has on nothing under it. I run my hand across her butt and

around in front of her pubic hair and start to stroke her clitoris.

She moves down my stomach and displaces his dick. She puts his dick in her mouth

for a minute, and then starts sucking me while everyone is watching. I am holding his

dick in my hand and move it around behind her where he slips it into her cunt and

starts fucking her while she’s sucking on my clitoris.

Pretty soon, the guys figured out what their ladies were doing and the women

helped them unzip and unbuckle ‘til the floor was covered with clothes. Most of the

women were out of their clothes by now, though some still had on their bras. Everyone

was naked or half naked.

The women grabbed their guys’ dicks and stroked them or sucked them if they

weren’t already hard, and started fucking them. I was out of my body now, like some

sort of spirit hovering above the restaurant watching this crowd of people. Some of the

women were sucking their guy’s dicks, stroking them by hand, using their other hand

to masturbate, or the guys were masturbating them; some were sitting on their guy’s

dick and some were laying across the table like I was, but everyone was fucking,

sucking, masturbating, the whole crowd. They weren’t clapping and cheering for me

any more, but they were sighing and moaning and shouting for themselves.

I only came back to my body when I heard a male voice in the background, asking

if he should bring the check and he nods and the pressure on my clitoris reduces as his

hand pulls away. I had nearly bitten through my lip in an effort not to scream. I

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released my lower lip from the clamp of my teeth, caught my breath, and leaned over

and whispered, “Now that was wicked, sir, that was naughty.”

I say I’d better go to the ladies room, and the restaurant is full of the clatter of

silverware and well-behaved polite people talking in low tones over their meals. I walk

through the sea of faces and words feeling like I am as naked as the day I was born

since all of them have been watching me getting fucked and sucked off, watching me

fuck a guy and a girl at the same time.

I managed to put myself together enough to get out of there and get back to his

place where we could get naked again and really fuck. And fuck we did. But what I

didn’t know how to tell him what I really wanted yet. It was like reading about fucking

but never having done it. I didn’t know the words or sensations or ideas yet. He never

went back into my butt with his fingers or his tongue, and I didn’t know how to tell him

about how that felt.

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Chapter Six

We didn’t always fuck like that when we were together. He and his wife came to

visit me a few months later. I drove them around and we looked at sights all day long,

tourist kind of stuff, stuff you do when family or friends come to visit. It was fun just

hanging around with them, making jokes and observations, and talking small talk.

We went into a historic church and while they were admiring the stained glass and

the patterns the sunlight made on the floor, I imagined myself up on the alter, naked,

my legs wide open to the congregation, my fingers playing with myself, and having

orgasm after orgasm. I could feel the women begin to squirm in their pews, sqeezing

their legs tightly together to rub on their clitorises as their cunts began to get wet as

they watched me masturbate. His wife was in the front row. She was suddenly naked,

like in a dream, and was masturbating on the pew with me, falling into time with me,

cuming at the same times I was cuming.

Another woman took off her panties and joined us, masturbating in front of all

those religious people. More and more joined in until...well it was like in that restaurant

where the whole crowd was naked and fucking and masturbating but this was in a

church and suddenly I was back there and looking at the patterns of color on the floor

with them. My cunt was all wet and I felt quivery inside. Those thoughts probably

deserve some kind of punishment, I thought. Those are surely sinful and wicked

thoughts. I am a sinful and wicked girl, thinking like that.

She sat beside me as we drove to the next place. He was in the back seat. I could

sometimes catch a glimpse of his face in the rear-view mirror. I nearly drove through a

red light while I was thinking of him back there, thinking of him unzipping his jeans,

taking out his dick, and stroking it, stroking it silently in the back seat thinking about

fucking me, thinking about sucking on my tits, thinking about pinching my nipples and

sucking my clitoris.

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Then I would catch a whiff of her smell, vaguely cinnamon and think of sucking on

her nipples, sucking on her clitoris. I would look straight ahead, but see her face as she

turned it to me. I could envision kissing her lips, moving my tongue into her mouth, in

between her labia, around her clitoris ‘til she was cuming the way he made me cum, ‘til

she passed out. Then both of them...the abrupt stop brought me back to my senses.

What’s wrong with me? I thought. I never think like this. I can go for years at a time

without even thinking about sex, much less visualizing it like that. It was one thing in

that restaurant or that airplane when his finger was insistently massaging my clitoris

and making me cum again and again. Anyone would begin to fantasize if something

like was going on.

Fantasize. How different those fantasies were from the ones I first felt when he

asked me if I wanted to make love with him. I had admitted then to fantasies, but they

were just unformed amorphous feelings, not images. They weren’t images of him

fucking me, and they surely weren’t the kind of images I had been having these last

couple of years. Once in a while. Not constantly.

And when he was stroking my clitoris. But images sucking on another woman’s

tits, or images of being naked with another woman, or slipping his penis into another

woman’s cunt, or images of crowds of people watching me fuck him or masturbate. In a

church or restaurant. Those were vivid and clear fantasies.

True, the people weren’t that in focus, they were just generic people, not specific

ones. He was the only specific person with a face and a penis and a personality. All the

others were just extras to applaud and ooh and aah when I would come or when he’d

slide his dick into me.

But never before had I had such fantasies. I wondered what was happening to me. I

should and could just turn these thoughts off. I mean his wife was sitting next to me,

talking to me as though there hadn’t just been an imaginary mass fuck-in at the church

we had just left.

So as I jolted to a stop for the red light, I thought I’d better just not think about these

things. I should return to my normal non-sexual good girl Catholic school girl self, the

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girl that never thinks about fucking, who doesn’t touch herself down there because

that’s naughty and wicked, the girl who doesn’t think about her tits or sucking someone

else’s tits or being naked with other girls. That girl. Ms. No Sex. That’s me. And I shifted

gears in my head and returned to the driver’s seat of my car waiting for the light to


“Sorry,” I said, “I didn’t get much sleep last night,” I explained.

“Yes,” she answered, that happened to her too, and we were discussing sleep

problems and she told me how her main sleep problem was that her husband snored all

night long like a freight train and nobody could sleep with that kind of noise in her ear

and she had to get up and go to other places to find enough peace and quiet to sleep

even a few hours in a night.

“Well that’s not a problem I’ve ever had,” I said.

We went to a dimly lit Greek restaurant for supper. The food wasn’t that good and

the service wasn’t much to speak of either. But we enjoyed each other’s company

talking about food, cooking, and whatever else came up. Well, almost.

When the woman at the table in front of me, the one I could see from my seat,

caught my eye and smiled, I looked down quickly. I could see the back of a guy’s head

sitting across from her. I knew I was losing it when she got up and leaned over and I

looked down her low cut dress.

Her breasts weren’t as large and full as mine—shaply but small—they would need

some help to fill up a B-cup whereas mine stretch a C-cup and if I gain two pounds they

bust out into a D—but from where I sat, her breasts looked firm enough that they didn’t

need a bra of any size. I was a little envious of those breasts. Then the top of her dress

fell open and I could see her nipples and felt myself getting damp.

Just then she looked me right in the eyes and smiled a big smile of sheer pleasure,

as though she knew I was getting wet from looking at her tits. This isn’t me, I thought. I

am Ms. No Sex. This is probably just my imagination. I looked down and blushed. I

looked up again, and she was looking at me. I was sure of it. She was standing up now,

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and must have been five eight or nine. No it’s just a fantasy, I thought. Just a fantasy

like in the church. And I returned to the conversation.

I saw her return of the table, but her dress didn’t gap that way when she leaned

down to sit down. Her black dress was fitted above the waist, like a leotard, with thin

straps over her shoulders, and it flowed over her tight butt just down to her knees. Her

dark hair was cut short and she had on gold loop earrings. I knew I was just imagining

it. But she caught my eye a couple of more times. I felt myself blushing.

I began to imagine her getting up and coming over to me, leaning down like that so

I could see her breasts, and stroking the back of my head, asking if I would like to suck

on her nipples, pulling her dress straps down and stroking her breasts with her hands

and asking if I liked them, moving her hands and how her breasts would stay where

they were, firm and erect with large hard nipples then thrusting her chest forward to

make her nipples more prominent, leaning over me and putting a nipple in my mouth.

She was there, and I was reaching between her legs, stroking her inner thigh ‘til I

came to her thick pubic hair, moved my finger inside her labia. They were all wet, and I

moved my wet finger to her clitoris and started going around. She took her nipple from

my mouth and started kissing me.

Then she moved the plates and dishes aside and lay on the table, opened her legs to

me, and I started kissing her labia, moving my tongue on her clitoris like my lover did

to me. She was gasping and heaving on the table, and his wife was naked again,

masturbating as she watched me doing this to this stranger, then other women noticed


“...about the Republican Party,” was all I heard before the silence.

“Yeah,” I said, “Why do they call it a party if nobody is having any fun?” We all

laughed. The woman smiled at me from across the restaurant. I didn’t have any idea

what was happening, so I decided I’d better concentrate on the conversation.

I managed to drive us all home where we sat around and talked politics and the

news and one thing and another as we drank a bottle of wine. It wasn’t much past ten

when we all agreed we were tired and ready for bed and we all went upstairs.

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I put them in the guest room next to mine and got into bed. I lay there trying to

sleep but I could hear them next door.

I had an image of that woman from the restaurant. Now it was a specific woman, a

clear image of a real person. She was naked and I was hugging her, feeling her breasts

on mine. I was kissing her, my tongue deep in her mouth and she was wrapping her

tongue around mine. I reached down and felt her vagina all hot and wet and felt her

finger slipping into my vagina. We probed each other, matching our pace, in and out

with our fingers, and then up to our clitorises. We were standing and kissing and I felt

my hand reach down...

I knew what they were doing next door as I reached down and started touching

myself, thinking of him touching me there. Or her touching me there. But her image

faded as I listened to the sounds from the next room. I got wetter as I heard them

rustling around. My clitoris got hard as I stroked it, and I started biting my lip so I

wouldn’t make any noise if I started to cum.

Then I heard her first orgasm. It was a subdued sort of gulp, but then came the

second. I could feel his hard dick in me, pushing against the mouth of my womb as she

came the third time. When I was about to cum, I would just back off the pressure and

the pace, just enough to keep my clitoris very hard and my cunt very wet, but just on

this side of the orgasm. I waited and listened, slowly circling my finger around my

clitoris. Then I timed my orgasms to hers, so we were cuming together, even if there

was a wall between us and she didn’t know what was going on.

A little while later I heard him start to snore, and not long after that, she got up and

I heard her going downstairs to sleep on the couch as she did when he was too noisy for

her to sleep beside him. I waited and continued to circle my clitoris with my finger, just

enjoying its erectness, enjoying how hard it was, and how wet my cunt was. I kept

myself just on that verge of orgasm.

After a while I got up and silently went into the hall. I didn’t know which way to

go, to go to her or to him. He knew me that way and she did not. I didn’t want to lose

her as a friend. What would she think if I came to her bed naked and started kissing her.

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It would probably freak her out and she’d never speak to me again. That happened to a

woman friend of mine. I mean the other end of it. One of her female friends came on to

her and she was so freaked out she never spoke to her again. I didn’t want that.

I pushed the door to the guest room open a crack and I could see he was alone in

the bed, sleeping on his back. He had thrown the covers off and I could see that he was

naked, all covered with cum. Hers and his. I knelt by the side of the bed and slipped his

penis into my mouth. I tasted her juices and her cum mixed with his on his penis. His

penis got half hard and I started to stroke it with my hand.

That’s when he woke up and I put a finger on his mouth and got on top of him and

put his dick into my cunt and started to ride him as he had taught me years ago in that

hotel room. I slid down on his penis and let it fill the emptiness of my wide open cunt,

slid down ‘til I felt it against my womb, filling me all the way up, and started to rock

gently back and forth.

It didn’t take but two rocking motions for me to cum. I was primed from

masturbating in my own bed. I kept biting my lip so I wouldn’t make any noise. I came

four or five times before he filled me with his cum and I felt the hot liquid dripping out

of my cunt as his dick got small again. I decided not to push my luck and went back to

my bed to sleep. I heard him begin to snore again.

I was somehow aware of her motion when she came up the stairs to lay by him

again some time just before dawn. After I woke up, I put on a robe and had a shower

and went downstairs to make coffee. I made toast and started eating it, drinking coffee

and reading the newspaper. I heard the shower start and heard his footsteps on the

stairs. She took long showers. She would be in there half an hour.

I went into the living room at the foot of the stairs and lay on the couch, let my robe

fall open, and started masturbating so he couldn’t help but see me. He came down the

stairs in his robe and when he saw me, he smiled and kissed me long hard as I started to

cum. He got hard and started fucking me. He came pretty quickly and then we went

into the kitchen.

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When she came downstairs we were sitting at the table eating breakfast. He went

upstairs to shower as she sat down and we started talking again. We toured and visited

that day and ate at another restaurant that evening before we went back to my place to


That night she must have slept as soundly as he did when they were done because

she didn’t get up and move downstairs as she had the night before. But I wasn’t alone.

The woman from the Greek restaurant joined me in my bed. She came in through the

door, smiled at me, shrugged her shoulders out of her dress, and cupped her breasts in

her hands. She pulled her dress down around her feet and came to me. She didn’t have

on any panties or stockings or shoes. She was naked.

She stopped by the edge of the bed and let me look at her. Then she put a nipple in

my mouth and stroked my hair while I started sucking on it. I felt her hand between my

legs and felt her lips on mine. Then I felt her sucking on my nipples, and kissing my

belly and finding my clitoris with her tongue. The pressure was hard and the pace was

fast as I started to cum, but then I realized they were next door and bit my lip so I

wouldn’t make any noise.

It was early morning when I heard them stirring next door. I heard them having

sex. I knew he was hard and she was sitting astride him, the way he showed me. I knew

she was swaying back and forth feeling his dick filling up her cunt. And I started to feel

those things myself as I reached down to feel my swollen clitoris and wet cunt waiting

for my fingers. I heard her cum two times, three, four, and I was cuming in tandem with

her. Then I heard her walking to the shower.

As soon as I heard the water running I went softly to his bed and started sucking on

his penis, wet with her cum. It tasted sweet and spicy, like cinnamon sugar on toast.

When he was hard, I got on top as I had the night before and felt his dick filling my cunt

and I fucked him ‘til I started to cum. I stayed there ‘til I heard the water stop running,

then I got off his dick, kissed the head of his dick and went back to my room.

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I half wanted to stay there, to stay sitting on top of him, his dick in me, fucking him,

while his wife came in from her shower, came in hot and steamy and naked and saw us

together. Then I could make love with her too.

I could suck on her clitoris like he did mine, and make her cum like he did me, like

he did her. She could put his dick into me, and I could put it in her. We could all make

love together. But I wouldn’t know what to do if she came in and saw us. I would just

stammer and want to fade into the woodwork. I knew it wasn’t something I really

wanted to happen, so I got off and went back to my room.

He showered quickly, and I was last to go downstairs and have breakfast. As I

showered I thought how wicked I had become. I was not only touching myself down

there, masturbating whenever I felt like it, I was thinking about doing something with

other women, sucking their tits, letting them suck me. Not only that, I was fucking a

guy. I was sucking on his dick and putting it in my cunt. And worst of all, I liked all of


Not only that, I was fucking a married a guy, fucking him while his wife was in the

shower or downstairs and the danger, the idea that she might walk in on us and find his

dick in my cunt, that just made it better and worse. It made me even hotter than I would

have been. It was almost like the vision of being in that restaurant and having all those

people watching me fucking him. What would she do? Would she take off her clothes

and join us? Would she come suck on my nipples.

I couldn’t imagine anything like that. But it did make me hot. I was a wicked

woman and I deserved to be punished, I knew. I was a naughty girl, and someone

should have punished me before now. Somebody should catch me masturbating,

somebody should be able to read my mind and see the naughty things that were going

on in there. Somebody should spank my butt ‘til it was on fire. Somebody should spank

my butt for being so naughty, for being such a wicked girl.

I got dressed and went downstairs to join them for breakfast. I thought of the taste

of her cum in my mouth, the taste of cinnamon and sugar and made cinnamon toast for

breakfast to prolong the image. I thought of putting oyster sauce on it to make it

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resemble the taste of his cum too—but oyster sauce isn’t thick enough or salty enough

for that. And it isn’t a usual breakfast food.

I ate the cinnamon toast and looked at her as she read the paper, wondering what it

would be like to taste her cunt myself, directly, to put my tongue on her clitoris like he

did to me, to slip into her cunt and pull it out, how it would feel to make her cum and to

keep her cuming ‘til she passed out like I do.

I thought about her breasts, and how it would be to take off her dress, take off her

bra, and suck on her nipples and kiss her belly and run my fingers through her pubic

hair. I wondered what it would be like to kiss her, whether her tongue would feel like

his in my mouth.

I wondered what women do together. I couldn’t really imagine it, but I knew I

enjoyed thinking these naughty thoughts. I took another bite of cinnamon toast and

tasted her cum in my mouth again. I reached for the coffee and it’s bitter taste just

reminded me of the taste of his cum. He was reading another part of the paper, and I

was looking at the family section wondering why I was looking at that.

The coffee tasted good and woke me up enough to start to face another day. I had to

put all of these thoughts out of my head. I’m not the kind of person who goes around

thinking about sex all the time. In fact, I rarely think about it at all, so you shouldn’t get

the impression that I’m some kind of sexy lady or anything like that. It hardly ever

crosses my mind. I keep my mind on business, and I rarely even think such things,

much less touch myself down there.

I know that’s naughty. I knew I shouldn’t think thoughts like this. But the taste of

that cinnamon toast made me think of her cunt again. I wondered what it would look

like. I had never seen a cunt.

What did they look like after all? I had no idea. I had seen my own tits in the mirror

whenever I had looked at them, which was seldom enough because that’s naughty too,

to be naked or look at yourself when you are. And it’s worse to look at other people

being naked, not that that ever happened to me much. Well once in a while, but not

other women. I didn’t belong to any clubs where women work out and change clothes

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in locker rooms and get to see each other naked. If they do at those clubs. I just don’t

know about these things.

I wondered what her clitoris would feel like on my tongue, under my tongue. I

imagined licking it hard and fast like he does to me, making her start to cum but not

letting up, just going and going ‘til she fainted. Then licking her cunt to taste that sweet

spicy cum and holding her in my arms, rubbing my tits on hers while she recovered.

“Anyone want more coffee?” he said indicating the little left in the pot.

“No, go ahead,” we both said at the same time.

We finished breakfast and I read the rest of the paper while they went upstairs and

packed their bags. I think they actually did pack their bags because I didn’t hear the

shower running again and they didn’t take all that long. But I was all wet from what

was going on in the back of my mind.

I tried to keep those thoughts there, in the back of my mind. I knew they were

dangerous. I didn’t want them to be in the front of my mind where I would have to pay

attention to them or figure out what they might mean or where they came from. I didn’t

want that.

It’s so much safer just to be a non-sexual person. Then you don’t have to worry

about things like what she would say if I kissed her, or put my hand on her. She

couldn’t look back at me with that look of frightened horror on her face. She couldn’t

ask something like, “what are you doing?” I wouldn’t know what to do anyway, so

how could I do it? I could imagine licking her clitoris, but I couldn’t imagine how to get

to that place. Would I touch her? But what would she do?

She would pull away and there I would be. She would think I was a freak. Our

friendship would go to hell, and I would have nothing left. So it’s better just not to be

sexual at all that to risk stuff like that. Especially when you don’t know what the hell

you are doing, like me. I thought I would like it but I knew I didn’t want to risk that.

Besides, I was wicked enough as it was. I didn’t need any other ways to be naughty.

They came downstairs and I told them goodbye. She hugged me and I felt the pressure

of her breasts on mine, felt her cheek by my face, and sort of caught my breath as she

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squeezed just a little more than she needed to, and brushed her cheek on mine as she

said goodbye. Was she feeling these things too? Did other women have such naughty

thoughts about each other? Did other women think about being naked with other

women? I would never know. I wasn’t going to find out about any of that. I needed all

the friends I had, and couldn’t risk any that way.

So I went back to being Ms. No Sex. My usual self. I feel comfortable there. That’s

who I am. Except for my secret self. Except when I masturbate and fantasize and

sometimes when I fuck. Ms. No Sex.

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Chapter Seven

The next time we were together it was a similar situation—they came to visit me

and were sleeping in the guest room. I hadn’t even been thinking about sex for a year or

so, not since they had left last time. I hadn’t even been masturbating that much, much

less thinking in terms of elaborate fantasies crowded with strangers masturbating and

cheering and clapping while I was fucking him. I had been living pretty much like a

nun. Well, one who masturbates now and then in a modest kind of way. But not much.

She gave me a hug when we met, and again I thought I felt a little extra squeeze,

but wasn’t certain. I was aware of his smell, his particular scent, the scent I knew from

making love with him for days at a time, the musky smell that I like about him.

I am so used to living alone that I must admit it was a little annoying having them

in the house, having to share the bathroom with them, stumbling over them in the

kitchen and in the living room, things not being where I had left them. It made me glad

that I did live alone.

The first night they were there I knew he was sucking her the same way he does

me. I heard her start to cum and she kept cuming and didn’t even bother to stifle the

noise she was making. I started to wonder if she was inviting me to join her, but

thought that was so outlandish as to be absurd. No, I stayed where I belonged in my

bed, but I imagined his tongue on her, then I began to imagine it was my tongue on her,

rubbing her hardened clitoris. I didn’t even know what a clitoris looked like, so it was

hard to say that I imagined it. I imagined my tongue doing on her what his does to me.

Let’s put it that way. I imagined looking over her belly and seeing her quiver and

quake the way I do when I start to cum, seeing her breasts vibrate with orgasms the

way mine must. My hand was between my legs stroking my clitoris. I started to cum in

unison with her.

When she’d have an orgasm, I’d cum too, and was only half biting my lip. I figured

nobody on that side of the wall was going to hear anything. It was sort of like being in

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marching band when people do things together, all at the same pace, and make music.

This wasn’t fine music, but we were together.

Somewhere I read that only people and fireflies can do that, can do things at the

same tempo, coordinate themselves to flash at the same time or march or play music.

When fireflies do it it’s something about mating, fucking, sex. Like what we were doing.

We were cuming at the same tempo, marching along side by side, flashing our lights


I saw a hundred women laying on a football field, naked, masturbating in unison,

cuming at the same time, and one in front leading us, setting the pace. His wife. She

was setting the pace and the women in the stands took off their panties and joined in

and the whole stadium was writhing in sexual convulsions.

After a while she got quiet and he started snoring. I don’t know what had

happened. Had he fucked her? Had she passed out and come to again? No telling. It

wasn’t any of my business anyway. I wasn’t supposed to know about any of that kind

of stuff. He snored, but she stayed in the bed with him. I think she was snoring too.

I was up early and got showered and had coffee made by the time he got

downstairs. She was showering, but we behaved ourselves and had cinnamon toast for

breakfast. I was thinking of licking her cum from her cunt. Or his. I don’t know what he

was thinking. He just read the newspaper and drank coffee, now and then making some

comment about the newspaper. She came down and joined us and we talked about

nothing in particular.

I was pretty busy just then, so they were on their own while I went to work. I

remembered the last the time they visited. After they left, I took the sheets off the bed

and smelled them. I didn’t want to wash them. They smelled of him and her and me, all

of us and our sweat and our cum all mixed together. But I washed them and put them

back on the bed. I knew they would smell that way now. At least mostly that way. I

wasn’t involved. When I got home they came downstairs in bathrobes. I could tell they

had been fucking. I don’t know how, maybe because they weren’t dressed. Or maybe I

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just thought that whenever he was with a woman he was probably fucking her. They

had just showered.

I thought her robe gaped open a little more than it needed to when she leaned

down to adjust her slipper, but she said something about getting dressed and going out

for supper. He went upstairs first, and her robe opened all the way to let me see her

naked breasts, large and shaply, larger than mine and shapelier too.

At five-seven she’s taller than I am, and bigger too—she’s always worried about

being fat—but I just saw voluptuousness. I understood why he liked to make love with

her. She was round and solid and statuesque, all woman. I could see her sparse fine

pubic hair, almost blonde in color. I saw the stretch marks on her stomach her two

children had left for her.

I just stared at her until her image was burned into my mind, but she didn’t seem to

notice that I was there. I wanted to see more, I wanted to see between her legs, to see

her labia and her clitoris. I wanted to make love with her right there, but I was

paralyzed, nailed by my own inexperience to my chair, unable to utter a sound, to get

up and kiss her, to touch her. She shifted her weight so that my view changed and I saw

one breast from the side and the other front on, saw the profile of her deliciously round

belly and her thighs. Then she closed her robe and went upstairs and got dressed too.

They came down together. We went to a Vietnamese restaurant where the food is

hot and spicy, and where they have a bean sauce that tastes a little bit like his semen. I

ordered that in a noodle dish. Slippery wet noodles sliding into my mouth, bean sauce,

salty hot flavors. It all reminded me of sex. The place was noisy and full of strange

smells and sounds. We ate slowly and when we finished we went back to my place for a

bottle of wine.

That restaurant wasn’t conducive to the kind of fantasies I had had in the Greek

place. It was too light, too all business, and there weren’t any beautiful women showing

me their breasts and smiling at me. Or did I just imagine that?

We talked and went to bed. I lay in my bed listening, but I didn’t hear anything. I

started thinking about that woman in the Greek place, about her coming to me naked,

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stepping out of her dress, stroking me....and I was biting my lip and stroking my

clitoris. I don’t know what was going on next door, and I didn’t much care.

I had to work that day too, but they said they’d like to eat at home, and that they’d

do the cooking. So when I got home they had a nice supper waiting for me. Chinese

food. It was delicious. We ate it slowly with chopsticks and drank wine with the food.

They had fixed crab and shrimp and eggplant and squash. It was all delicately spiced

and well prepared, better than any restaurant I had ever eaten in.

It was still early when we finished. I said that I would really like to get back to my

office to finish up a project, and I would really appreciate it if he could come along and

have a look at what we were working on. He said sure, he would be glad to. She said

there was a movie on she wanted to watch.

I was wet before the words had left my mouth, my clitoris was erect when he said

yes. I was wearing a dress that flared from the waist, mid thigh but full with a lot of

fabric to make it sway when I walked. There was room enough for two under there and

I knew it. When we had driven a few blocks I put my hand on his knee to let him know

what I had in mind. I knew everyone would be gone from the office by the time we got


I pulled into the parking garage and we walked to the office building, in through

security, and up the elevator to my suite. I saw a light under a door, and went to see

who was there. I knocked and opened the door but it was a cleaning lady just finishing

up the evening cleaning. She said she’d be finished in a minute.

I took him to my office and showed him the project I’d been working on. We talked

about it a little bit and then I said I had to go to the bathroom. I checked the suite to be

sure the cleaning ladies had gone and went to the bathroom where I put my panties in

my purse. Then I went back in. I sat on the desk and he was in my chair. I lifted my skirt

up to my thighs and said, “I want your big dick in my wet cunt,” and lifted my dress

the rest of the way up to show him what I had for him.

He smiled and unzipped his pants. He was half erect, but my hand fixed that in no

time flat and he was inside me and fucking me all the way up to my womb in record

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time. Then I had him sit in my chair and I sat on top of him as I had that time in his

office years ago when I surprised him by working there all day with no underwear.

This time I had on a bra.

It had been so long since I had felt him inside me; so long since I had even had a

sexual thought that I felt a little out of practice, but it all came back quickly and soon I

was cuming like I always did and I didn’t have to bite my lip because there was nobody

near to hear me shout and call his name and hear me telling him to fuck me some more

or to hear him ask if I wanted more or me answering, “Yes, please, fuck me some


We both went to the bathrooms to clean up after that. The movie was just finishing

when we got back to my house and went to bed. I slept soundly and have no idea what

they did next door. I wasn’t even visited by naked ladies from Greek restaurants. I was

out like a light.

But the next night my mind was working double time. I was thinking about being

with his wife, being naked with her, of her taking off my clothes, me taking off her

clothes, of our fingers all over each other, our breasts, our clitorises, our cunts, our

butts. How was this going to happen?

I couldn’t just ask her, I couldn’t just say to her something like I’d say to him when I

wanted him to fuck me or suck me off. That would risk everything. I thought maybe I

could come in while she was taking a shower and join her. No, that’s too much. There’s

no way I wouldn’t know she was in there showering.

Maybe I could walk in while they were fucking and just take off my bathrobe and

ask if I couldn’t join them. Again, no way I wouldn’t know they were in there. That

wouldn’t work. I could do what I imagined that lady did in the Greek restaurant. I

could show her my breasts, lean over, let her see my nipples, see if anything happened.

It wouldn’t. I would just be embarrassed. She would probably be even more

embarrassed. That wouldn’t do anything good.

Maybe she and I could be alone and just talking and I could just put my hand up

my skirt and start masturbating myself. Maybe if she saw me doing that she would

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know that I wanted her to join me. No that would just be embarrassing too. I couldn’t

think of a thing. Maybe my bathrobe coming open and letting her see me naked. So

what? She’d never seen a naked lady before? Like seeing me naked would turn her on

or let her know I wanted her to suck me or that I wanted to suck her cunt? How would

she get that from me flashing her like some old pervert in the park? No, that wouldn’t

work either.

Maybe risqué stories or jokes or talk? No, she could keep up with a drunken sailor

in that department without thinking twice. That wouldn’t communicate anything but

poor taste. I couldn’t think of a thing.

So I lay there in my bed listening, but not hearing anything at all. I lay there

imagining every way I could approach her and let her know that I wanted to try

making love with her. I couldn’t think of one thing that would do anything but

embarrass us both and at worst send her away from me screaming in fear of lesbian

attack or something horrible like that. Not that I knew what that meant. Or whether

there was such a thing.

All I knew was that lesbians were girls who liked to make love with other girls, and

that seemed very reasonable to me just then. I just needed someone to try it out with,

but I couldn’t figure out how to do that, even with this woman I had known for years

and years, this woman I had talked with about everything there was to talk about, this

woman I had heard being fucked and sucked off next door. You don’t get much closer

to anyone than that. Unless you fuck them. Like I did her husband.

So I welcomed her into my bed that night. She came to me and her robe fell off to let

me see her ample breasts, at least as large as mine. I took them in my hands and lifted

them to my face, buried my face between them, and then started sucking her nipples.

She lifted my face to hers and started kissing my mouth.

Her tongue was long and flat like his, and she kissed me the way he does, deep and

hard and long, and then soft and gentle. She put her head between my legs and started

licking my clitoris like he does, insistently until I started to cum. But then the pressure

relaxed and I returned to reality to find both of my hands beside my body. I was alone

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in my bed, hot, wet, throbbing and ready. I opened my legs and moved my hands

between them, ran a finger between my wet labia, separated them and started to stroke

between them with my left hand while a finger of my right hand dipped into my vagina

to spread the wetness and began circling my hard wet clitoris. I bit my lip so I wouldn't

make any noise as my body shuddered into an orgasm and I started to cum.

Naughty girl, I thought, very naughty girl. Someone ought to come in here and

spank your butt ‘til it burns. Having such fantasies. Wicked woman. Finally I went to

sleep with the image of someone spanking my butt. This person, I don’t know if it was a

man or a woman, but this person had me over their knees, my butt up in the air, and

they were spanking my bare butt hard. I must have been half awake because my hand

moved up to my cunt and I started to masturbate while they were spanking me.

Naughty girl, the person said, and spanked me some more.

I masturbated some more and they spanked me some more. I came again and then

went to sleep a second time feeling my butt all tingly as though someone had been

spanking me. I wiggled my butt around just to accentuate that feeling of fire, and

reached behind and started stroking my butt. Soon I was spanking myself, feeling my

butt getting hot as I slapped it with my hand.

My other hand moved to my clitoris and started stroking and soon I started to cum

again. I wasn’t sure whether it was because of my clitoris or my butt, but it felt intense; I

liked it, and it made me cum. This must just be a dream, I thought, just a dream. Ms. No

Sex wouldn’t be masturbating and spanking herself. That’s weird and strange and

perverse. Ms Catholic School Girl doesn’t touch herself down there. She doesn’t think

about sex.

They woke me the next morning. More properly, she did, with the noises she made

while she was fucking him.

I waited ‘til she went into the shower and then went into the guest room where he

was naked on his back holding his half hard dick in his hand as if waiting for me. I

sucked him ‘til he was hard, tasting her juices mingled with his. It was the same spicy

cinnamon and sugar taste. Then I fucked him ‘til I came three times and then I left

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before she could walk in and find us. I didn’t want her to find me sitting on his hard

dick, find his dick pushing into my womb ‘til it hurt. It hurt, but it hurt in a way that

made me cum from deep inside myself, not like cuming when he sucked on my clitoris,

but cuming from another place deep inside.

It wasn’t ‘til then that I figured out what fucking was all about, what having a penis

inside me could do. It was a lot more than a poor substitute for a finger or a tongue as I

had thought before. That kind of deep inside orgasm made me quake just as much as

masturbation, but it was more intense somehow. I tried to explain that to him one time,

but I don’t know if he understood. I cum long and hard from having my clitoris stroked

or sucked, that much is sure.

But when he’s at my womb like that there’s almost a painful sensation, like the first

time he put his hard dick into me, sort of like that pain but it feels intense and good and

makes me have a different kind of orgasm, an orgasm that starts deep inside and

radiates out ‘til I am quivering all over. The other kind is sort of backwards and I start

quivering and it goes deep. I’m not sure whether I am making that up, but it feels that


Anyway, I had a couple of those deep scary kind of orgasms and got up and went

back to my room to wait for my turn to use the shower. I let him go next thinking

maybe she would come in my room and talk to me or something, come in and see me

naked and open and ready for her to suck my clitoris.

I thought maybe I would be there with my legs open for her to see me masturbating

waiting for her. I lay on my bed, naked and put my heels up inside my knees so she

could see my cunt from the door. I was propped up on the headboard and my hands

were down there. One was stroking my clitoris and the other fingers were inside my


I was waiting for her to come in and I would look at her and just keep doing that

and see what she would do. I heard the water turn on in the shower and waited. I bit

my lip so I wouldn’t make too much noise.

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She would come in and drop her robe off. She would come to me and ask me to

suck her tits. She would kiss me and ask if it would be okay if she licked my clitoris ‘til I

came. She would come in just a minute now. She would come in and put her hand over

mine and stroke me, feel my cum all over my legs. She would stroke my hair with one

hand and my clit with the other and I would hug her to me.

Then he would come in from his shower all naked and see us both there and he

would join us. I would suck on his dick and get it hard and slip it into her cunt and

watch them fuck ‘til she came. Then I would lick the cum off her cunt and suck his dick

while she sucked my clitoris.

I heard the water stop and heard him go into the guest room. Then I heard voices

and I knew nobody was going to come in. I moved my hands away from my cunt and

put on my robe.

Ms No Sex would now have her shower and get dressed and go downstairs like a

good Catholic School Girl and have breakfast like a person who didn’t even know she

had a cunt.

That’s what I did. No need to let these fantasies get the best of me. We sat across the

table and ate a civilized breakfast. All I could think about was what she would look like

unhooking her bra and taking it off to let her breasts fall free. All I could think about

was her asking me if it would be okay if she sucked on my clitoris. All I could think

about was kissing her hard and long. We drank coffee and read the paper and ate

cinnamon toast and I thought of the taste of her cum on his dick as I sucked him off.

She read some funny article out of the paper, about how stupid some thieves had

been. They had locked themselves in the place they were robbing and the cops found

them there the next night. I forget the story, but it was one of those stupid criminal

stories they put in the papers when there’s not enough news to fill them. There was sure

no news around there. So we told jokes and ate breakfast.

We were all fully dressed. We women had on our shoes, and our pants, and our

panties, and our bras, and our blouses were all modest and buttoned almost to the top.

Even if we leaned over you couldn’t see our tits and if you could see inside our blouses

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all you would see would be our bras. Nothing there. I felt all constrained and hemmed

in, like I was wrapped up like a mummy.

I wanted to fling off my shirt, take off my bra and twirl it over my head and throw

it away, take off my pants and my panties and kick off my shoes, take off my stockings

and be totally naked. Let her see my tits and my pubic hair, let her see my butt and my

belly, open my legs for her and lt her see my cunt and my clitoris.

But I sat there like a good girl and drank my coffee and ate my cinnamon toast and

tasted her cum in my mouth. I wondered what she was thinking. Did she ever think

naughty thoughts like these? Did she ever think of being with another woman? Did she

ever think of being with me like that.

Was she afraid of touching me or talking to me, whispering to me that she wanted

to lick my clit? Did that stop her as cold in her tracks as it did me? I wondered and had

another sip of coffee, another bite of cinnamon toast, and read another snippet from the


I knew I would never find out. Girls like me never do. I would never know any of

that stuff. Better to not even think about it. I’m not that kind of girl. I’m not a sexy

woman. I’m Ms. No Sex.

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Chapter Eight

It wasn’t more than a week later that I was at a party. A woman I knew, Mary, who

everyone claimed had psychic powers, came up and said that my aura was radiant

golden and very nice. I was standing in front of the food table with a glass of white

wine in my hand. She said, “let me see your hand,” and set the glass on the table as she

opened my hand to look at my palm. She let out a little gasp and then leaned close to

me, brushed the hair from the side of my face, and whispered so close that I could feel

her breath in my ear, “You have a secret sex-life.”

I shuddered at the warm feeling of her breath in my ear and at that I was being so

obvious. I felt the blood rush to my face in a blush. I took my glass of wine, had another

sip to gain a moment of time to think of something, and then just looked at her and said

nothing at all. She said, “We can talk about it later, ok?” and I just nodded.

Mary called and invited me to have tea with her at her house. I went because I live

alone and I don’t turn down invitations. It’s something to do, it’s a person to get to

know, it’s something to do with the time. And it’s often fun. Mary has a mass of curly

brown-blond hair that always seems just on the verge of being totally out of control. At

five six she’s taller than I am. I don’t pay that much attention to people’s bodies, but

she’s neither so thin that she looks like a stick figure nor very noticeably overweight.

She doesn’t strike me as athletic, but she’s no couch potato either.

When Mary answered the door, I saw that she’d arranged the tea things on the

coffee table in front of the couch in the living room. Then I saw that she was wearing a

floor length light cotton dress that cinched up to her waist with one tie at each side. The

skirt was long and full and her breasts were obviously loose. They were not so small as

to not jiggle, but not as large as mine, and not so large that they drooped. I was just

aware of their motion under the cloth as she motioned me into the living room. I

wondered if I was dressed appropriately in jeans and a t-shirt, but that’s what I always

wore when I visited friends.

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She sat me on the couch while she went to the kitchen to make the tea, refusing my

offer of help. She came out with a teapot and cookies, and set them on the coffee table

with the teacups and little plates. While the tea steeped we talked about the weather

and the demonstrations in Washington and the talk of building a new mall in our town.

I was aware of her breasts again as she leaned forward to pour the tea into our cups. As

we sipped the tea and nibbled at cookies she asked me to tell her about my sex life. I

said there was nothing to tell.

Mary said she supposed her sex life wasn’t all that secret, but that she did have a

secret sex life that no one knew anything about, not even the men she had slept with. I

didn’t have the slightest idea what she meant or where the conversation was going, so I

just made agreeable noises and sipped my tea.

I thought I’d shift the conversation to less threatening grounds and asked Mary

how she became a psychic. She said she wasn’t really a psychic. Other people said that

about her because she was usually right when she said things like she’d said to me. But

she said there was nothing mysterious about it.

She explained it in terms of the Star Wars movies. She said there really is something

like the force that links us all together into one thing, but that you have to learn to listen

to it, to hear it, and that doesn’t come easily. She said that by the time she was sixteen

she was a black belt in Tae Kwan Do, one of the more popular martial arts, but then she

went on to a more kick-ass Okinawan form and her teacher was always talking about


She decided to learn about that and took up some more meditative disciplines and

that’s where it all came together and she learned how to read people and to read the

force around them. She said that when people want to talk to her about it they are

familiar with terms like aura and psychic and palm reading, so she uses those ideas

rather than trying to explain it.

Then there was a lull and she took up the conversation again. She looked out over

her teacup to the living room and said that she had these fantasies, sexual fantasies,

fantasies that did not involve men.

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I said that from what I understood probably almost all women did, that most

women masturbate at one time or another. She looked at me and smiled and asked if I

was among that number. I admitted it. “Do you enjoy it?” she asked. “Very much,” I

said. She asked when I started, and I told her that I was not that young when I’d first


She said she couldn’t remember when she hadn’t. She first became aware of it when

she’d squeeze her teddy bear between her legs, and then her pillow. Then she’d slide

down things, or shinny up a tree or anything that would fit between her legs just to feel

that feeling. She would push up hard on a tree or post just to feel it, and by the time she

was 9 or 10 she had found her clitoris and would lay in her bed playing with it, feeling

the warm feelings.

Mary asked what my earliest sexual feelings were, and I had to think about that. “I

didn’t masturbate. I didn’t have any sexual feelings at all. I knew that even thinking

that was bad and that we weren’t supposed to do it, so I just didn’t. But I remember that

I did spank myself. I liked to do that. It made my butt tingle, and that felt nice and


“I don’t know if that’s a sexual feeling…” I left it there, because I was beginning to

think it might be. When he grabbed my butt when he was fucking me or sucking me off

or when I was masturbating and squeezed it hard if felt like I was cuming from that,

from my butt, and sometimes I thought my butt was more sensitive than my cunt.

She poured more tea and we were quiet for a few minutes. She asked to see my

hand again and I held it out to her. She looked at it and then into my eyes and said,

“There’s more to you than meets the eye. You have a very intense sex life, don’t you?

Very intense and very secret.” I blushed again and looked down. I wasn’t going to say


Mary said, “Don’t worry, my real sex life is secret too. When I masturbate I have

these intense fantasies of making love with other women. I think of another woman

kissing me, sucking my nipples while I fondle her breasts, of her hand on my clitoris

and mine on hers at the same time, matching our rhythm, kissing each other and

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cuming at the same time, of my fingers up her cunt and hers up mine, of her tongue on

my clitoris and in my cunt.

I taste my own fingers while I’m masturbating and wonder what it would be like to

taste another woman, to feel her cum in my mouth, on my tongue, to feel her clit on my

tongue and lick her ‘til she couldn’t control herself and went crazy with orgasms. That’s

my secret sex life. But it’s only for me. I don’t know that I’d trust anyone else with it. I

don’t know that I’d want to actually do any of that, but that’s my secret. My fantasies.

What I think about when I masturbate.”

My cunt was wet just from listening to her. I must have gasped a little at my own

reaction to her vivid descriptions. Mary said, “You can keep a secret can’t you? You

won’t tell anyone will you?”

“No” I said. “Of course not. It’s nobody else’s business. Sex is one of those things

that people aren’t supposed to talk about. We’re not even supposed to think about it,

much less talk about it. I never talk about things like that. To anyone.”

Her eyebrow went up in a question mark.

“I don’t,” I answered.

“What about your...” she stopped to let me fill in the blank.

“I don’t talk about any of that kind of thing.”

“Good,” she said, “But haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to make

love with another woman?”

I remembered the images from the plane flight, those hours when his finger was

stroking my clitoris slowly and making me cum every five minutes, the images that had

come to my mind unbidden of me fucking him and another lady at the same time, of

kissing her…

“Not really,” I said.

Mary leaned toward me, her face close to mine, brought her hands to my cheeks,

and stroked my cheeks as she touched her lips to mine and probed gently with her

tongue. I opened my mouth to let her tongue in, met her tongue with mine, and leaned

forward to kiss her. Her tongue was different from his—it was rounder, seemed to fill

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my mouth more, but wasn’t so long, didn’t go as far in, and was pointier at the end. We

kissed like that for a long kiss then we both pulled back and looked at each other.

She then untied each of the ties of her dress and pulled it off over her head. She was

naked. She said, “Kiss me again,” and I did, but this time she turned over so her head

was in my lap, looking up and I was looking down kissing her. Her hands were

massaging her thick black public hair, moving up and down across her stomach and

down to her thighs. I said, “Wait a minute,” and stood up.

When I lay down beside her on the couch, I was naked too.

We kissed long and hard, and then I sucked her nipples, one at a time, and arched

my breasts out and into her mouth for her to suck. Our hands stroked our bodies. Hers

was nice and soft and round, firm and yielding at the same time, very different from


There was no hair except her thick curly public hair. Her legs and butt were

smooth. I felt her hands sculpting my body, sliding over my butt, hesitating at my anus,

moving through and up my labia to my clitoris where she started massaging me. I

relaxed into it and let her masturbate me until I started to shudder and quake with

orgasms. She kept on and on until I reached down and moved her hand and said,


I kissed her and opened her legs and did the same for her. I went around her clit

with my finger. Finally I was too curious, so I opened her legs and went down between

them, opened her labia with my hands and just stared at her clitoris. It was just a little

pink point between the labia, right under the mons. A tiny, moist, pink point.

I put my tongue on it and she shuddered. Then I started doing what he does to me

to make me cum ‘til I faint. I went softly around the clitoris with the tip of my tongue,

holding her labia open so I could get on her clitoris. I went around and around and

when she started to shudder, I’d stop or slow down.

After several times like that, I put my tongue right on her clitoris and started going

up and down. I increased the pace and went faster and faster ‘til I hit a rhythm that

seemed to match the quivers I could see in her belly. I was looking over her belly to the

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undersides of her breasts. Her hands were cupped on her breasts, squeezing them hard.

I matched the motions of her hips. She was thrusting up and down now, and I matched

her rhythm and tried to match the pressure she seemed to like. I kept going and going.

By now I would have been through the roof and half way to kingdom come. I kept

going and going.

My tongue was fastened onto her clitoris, so I took my hands away from her labia

and put them on her butt. She raised up for that, and I started to squeeze and knead like

he does when he’s fucking me. I did it hard and I saw she was squeezing her tits hard

too. I licked harder and harder and finally she started to come. She breathed hard

several times in and out and again in and out, and then a loud sound somewhere

between a sigh and a cry, and squeezed my head between her legs.

Mary tasted spicy too, but not like my lover’s wife. She was more cloves and

allspice, not as sharp a taste, and somehow...well different. I licked her cunt again to get

that taste, savored it, thought about how nice it was to taste her cum directly from her


I got up and lay beside her again and started to kiss her gently like he’d taught me.

She looked at me through half closed eyelids and said, “Oh, that was wonderful.” We

lay like that in each other’s arms, our breasts against each other, lightly stroking,

embracing, feeling our breasts and bellies and pubic hair on each other. We lay like that

for a long time.

We even sat up and had some more tea, naked, slouched down on the couch sitting

up just enough to manage the luke warm tea without spilling it all over ourselves, our

breasts dangling onto our bellies.

“Wow,” she said, “That’s better than my fantasies for sure.”

I said, “Now I have a secret sex-life.” And we both laughed.

When she moved to set her teacup on the table, I did the same, and then she pushed

me gently back, and opened my legs. She kissed me on the mouth, moved down to my

left breast, sucked my nipple while she pinched the right one, then down to my navel

and on to my clit.

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She opened my labia as I had hers, and started licking my clit as I had hers. I started

to cum immediately. My body was quaking and shaking as soon as her tongue touched

my clitoris and I kept cuming one orgasm after another, at first with sighs and pants,

and then with cries and screams and still she kept doing it, as persistent as he is. I

pressed my legs together on her head to make her stop, but she just did it more intensly

until I came again, so intensly that I did pass out.

When I woke up, Mary’s curly blonde-brown hair was all over my chest and

breasts. She was laying across me asleep. She woke when I stirred and said, “What a

lucky woman you are. Such intense multiple orgasms you have. I wish I could do that.

But it’s so great to be doing that to you, to lick your clit ‘til you pass out, really pass out.

I didn’t know that really happened to anyone. I’ve been in women’s groups and heard

them talk about orgasms and multiple orgasms, but I’ve never had one or seen one. I

mean, I can cum after a long time, but not like that. Wow.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything at all. I just stroked her hair and

whispered in her ear, “Thanks that was the best I’ve ever had.”

We lay like that, kissing gently again until she said, “Would you like to see the rest

of the house, maybe come up to the bedroom with me.”

“Yes,” I said. She took my hand and led me. I looked at the fullness of her thighs,

the roundness of her butt. I reached up and touched her butt and she looked over her

shoulder, smiled, and wiggled it a little for me. I just kept my hand on her butt ‘til we

got to the top of the stairs where we turned and hugged our breasts to each other’s and

kissed a long kiss.

“Wow,” we both said, as she took my hand again and led me to the bedroom. We

didn’t see much of the house. Mary lay me on the bed and started licking me again.

Again, I passed out, and again we slept in each other’s arms ‘til I came to and started

sucking her nipples.

I masturbated her with my fingers but she was right, it was a lot harder for her to

cum than for me. I could swear that sometimes I could cum if my lover would just

touch my arm, and it didn’t take much of me masturbating to make me start to cum. It

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took more for her, but I liked doing it. I liked it a lot. And she liked the effect she had

on me too.

I said, “We’ve been doing very naughty things today, haven’t we?”

She said, “Nothing’s naughty if you enjoy it, if it’s natural, if it brings you or others

pleasure. Nothing’s naughty.”

I laughed and kissed her and said, “No, I mean it, this is very naughty and when

girls do naughty things like this don’t you think they need to be spanked? I think I’ve

been very naughty and you should spank me, don’t you?”

I turned over and lay across her with my butt up in the air. I felt her hand sort of

tentatively on my butt and then another.

I said, “Oh, that’s nice, a little harder, please.” Then I heard the smack as her palm

hit my butt in a very nice slap. I could feel the blood rushing to my butt as it became

super sensitive and I started to cum. “Don’t stop,” I said, “Please don’t stop.” I am such

a naughty girl. I need to be spanked and I came again when she hit me again. My butt

was up in the air for her to spank me, so I reached between my legs with both hands. I

put one hand in my cunt and played with my clitoris with the other. That started the

multiple orgasms going and I felt the connections falling into place between my butt

and my vagina and my clitoris.

She asked if I thought she could have the same kind of multiple orgasms and I said

sure, any woman could, it’s just a matter of the right experience. She asked me to show

her. There’s a switch, the sexual retard showing anyone anything about sex. I started to

kiss her, and said, just do exactly what I’m doing so it’ll be like your fingers and tongue

and everything is just an extension of mine. Let me control the motion, ok? She agreed

and we kissed again.

I reached between her legs and her hand went between mine. I started circling her

clitoris and she started on mine. It was like masturbating myself at one remove. I started

to cum and lost control of my fingers, but she kept going ‘til I was over the top again.

I said, “Well that won’t work, when I start to cum I lose control too much. I know,

let’s try something else. I’m going to lick you again, but no matter what don’t stop me.

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It can be pretty scarry at first, at least it was for me, but don’t stop me, ok?” She agreed

and I started my tongue on her clitoris. It took a while, but then she came like she had

before. I kept my eyes on her stomach and breasts and didn’t let up a bit when she

came, I kept the speed and pressure of my tongue steady. I felt her legs squeeze my

head a little, but I moved her knees apart and kept going.

Then I reached under and started to squeeze her butt. It didn’t take as long for the

second one, and I kept going just as hard and fast and soon came the third. I kept going

and the time between orgasms got shorter until they were building on each other and

she had four or five in a row—it’s hard to know when one stops and the other begins

when that happens, but she had a number in a row. I kept on going but she raised her

head and said, “Stop,” and gasped, “Really, stop. It is almost hurting, I can’t take it any

more.” So I stopped, but she’d had her multiple orgasms.

“See?” I said, “Simple as that.”

“Yeah,” Mary said “and an hour of fast paced hard sucking does the trick.”

Then we held each other in our arms and slept, sometimes moving around, twining

our legs or stroking a breast or lightly waking up for a light kiss or caress. When we

woke we stroked each other and kissed harder, masturbated each other and sucked

each other off again.

Finally we slept through the rest of the night and woke in the morning all sticky

with our cum all over our faces and hands and legs and cunts. So we had a shower

together. She washed my breasts and stomach, massaged my butt and washed my

thighs and between my legs. Then I did the same for her and we kissed a long time

under the shower.

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Chapter Nine

Mary called and invited me for tea at her house again the next Friday evening after

work. I went directly from work. She was waiting, wearing the same almost sheer

cotton gown. We hugged and kissed like lovers when I came in the door, then sat down

on the couch and had tea and cookies.

“Can you do me a favor?” she asked as we finished the cookies.

“Sure,” I said, “Name it.”

“Well,” she started almost stammering, “I got a new bathing suit and I want to wear

it but there is a problem. It’s a little bit high cut.”

“I don’t know what to do about that,” I said, not quite knowing what she was

talking about.

“No, I don’t mean to change the suit. The problem is that my pubic hair comes out

under the edges and I was wondering if...if later...you would trim it for me. I can’t see

down there that well.”

“Sure,” I said beginning to feel wet just thinking about this woman being naked

with me.

Mary took my hand and led me upstairs where we made wonderful love as we had

the time before. Our legs were entwined, we were holding hands, and looking at each

other. She said, “Oh, that trim job,” and got up and went to the bathroom. She returned

with a razor, shaving cream, a towel, a bowl of hot water, and a washcloth.

She spread the towel on the bed and lay on it and raised up her knees. I dipped the

wascloth in the water, rubbed it over her pubic hair, spread the shaving cream all over

her, letting the smooth slipperiness of it in between my own fingers. Then I took the

razor and started along the edge of the triangle of her thick dark pubic hair. It was so

thick I had to shave it three times before it was bare.

Then I did the other side, but it was a little more to the center. I went back and forth

like that and gradually the remaining pubic hair became a smaller and smaller patch. I

liked it that way, so I washed her off and told her to have a look. She stood up in front

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of her full length mirror and laughed. “You might as well finish the job,” she said, “And

take it all off.”

She returned to the towel and I removed the rest of her pubic hair. But I was

thorough. I lifted each leg and shaved right down to her vagina on both sides so there

wasn’t even a bit of fuzz left. Then I cleaned her with the wash cloth and then I kissed

her there, kissed the places I had just shaved.

“Wait a minute,” she said, “What about the rest of me?” She had her hands clasped

behind her head and I saw what she meant. So I emptied the bowl and refilled it, and

returned to shave her armpits and then her legs. I did it slowly and deliberately,

lingering over each stroke, rubbing the shaving cream slowly in, washing it gently off. I

even shaved parts of her that didn’t need to be shaved.

When I was done she was totally bare. Then I returned to where I had started and

kissed her bare mons, and opened her legs and ran my tongue all the way from her

anus to her clitoris and then up to her navel. It was wonderful to be able to feel her that

way. I liked her thick pubic hair, but it was nice to feel the smoothness of her skin

against my tongue and against my cheek. Then I started in on her clitoris in earnest and

showed her again what multiple orgasms are.

“Ok,” I said after we both recovered a little bit, “now I have a favor to ask of you.”

She said, “Name it.” I said, “Do you have a dildo? I really like my vagina to feel full.”

“Oh, you do have a secret sex life don’t you,” she said smiling at me. “No, I don’t have

a dildo, but we can see what we have in the kitchen.”

We went downstairs hand in hand and looked at the bananas. They didn’t seem

quite right. I held one of them against my clitoris but the end was too angular and

rough. She opened the fridge and, her back still to me, squatted down to open the

drawer at the bottom.

She said, “Um hum, I bet you’ll like this,” and handed me a cucumber that was just

the right size. “Yeah,” I said, “but it’s cold.” So we took it with us upstairs to warm it


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After it was warm I tried it inside me. I slid it in as if it were his penis, slowly, just

an inch, and then two inches, and then all the way in with just enough left to hold on to.

Then she took over and fucked me with the cucumber. After I came she rolled over and

opened her legs to show her bare cunt and asked me to do the same to her, so I pulled

the cucumber out of me.

It was all wet with my cum and I slid it into her wet open cunt and fucked her with

it. She masturbated while I was doing that and she came quickly. Then she did me

again and we passed the cucumber between our cunts a couple of more times. By then it

was smoking hot.

Then I said, “Now I’m making love with another woman and fucking vegetables. I

am such a naughty girl . . .” and she turned me over her knee. “Wait” I said, and got the

cucumber and put it in my cunt. “Ok, now,” and she spanked me while I masturbated

and squeezed that cucumber in my cunt ‘til I started to cum. T

Then my butt started to connect with all the other parts of me, the parts he had

connected before, my clitoris, my cunt, my nipples, my breasts, and now my butt, on

fire from being spanked. Because I was such a wicked woman. When I rolled off of her,

she lay on her back and masturbated ‘til she came. I kissed her on the mouth while she

was doing it.

“Can we try one more thing?” I asked.

“Whatever you want,” she said.

“Have you ever let a guy fuck your butt?”

“Yeah,” she said, “there was one guy in college who wanted to do that, and I let

him, but I gotta tell you, it didn’t do anything for me. I couldn’t see what he got out of

it, and I sure didn’t get anything out of it. I guess I would let a guy do it if it was a big

deal for him, but I don’t think I’d ever ask for it.”

“I would.”

“You like it?”

“I mean, I don’t know. I’ve never done it.”

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We were both all wet from our cum, and I moved her hand down to my anus. She

got the message and slipped a finger in. I did like it. I said, “more,” and she put two and

then three fingers in. I got even wetter. I said, “Where is our cucumber?” and she found

it. I said, “What do I do now.”

Mary said, “Lay on your stomach and pull your knees up under you so your butt is

in the air. That’s the way the guy did me.”

So I tried that, and I felt the end of the cucumber on my anus, insistently nudging

its way in, stretching it, probing. And then it hurt. I cried out, “Stop, that hurts” and it

was gone immediately. I said, “we’ll try again some time, ok?” and she agreed.

We lay in each others arms ‘til we went to sleep.

We woke up and just kissed each other everywhere and then we masturbated, her

hand on me and mine on her so it was like masturbating but we mirrored each other’s

motions. Over breakfast she told me more about her childhood and her mother. One

time when she was five she got out of bed and went into the living room to watch


She lay on the floor and held the remote control in her hand. It had a hemisphere at

one end and the other end was square. She held the square end and pressed the round

end to her vagina. Her mom came in and saw her that way, and just told her that she

knew that felt good, but that it was like going to the bathroom, that other people didn’t

like to see that, so she should always do it when she was alone in her own room and not

in front of other people.

I said I wished I had a mom like that, and she said to be careful what I wished for. I

told her about how I was taught just never to think about sex or anything about

anything like that. Maybe it was the difference between being one of five kids and being

an only child. For lunch she peeled our cucumber, put in her mouth like an erect penis,

drew it slowly out, sliced it, and put it in a salad. She smiled as she ate it.

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Chapter Ten

We spent almost every weekend together. One Friday night when I went to Mary’s

place she said an aunt she’d hardly known had died and she’d come into a windfall of

several thousand dollars and she was thinking about how to use it.

After we had supper and made love she said, “I know what, let’s play lady.” I told

her I had never done that, didn’t know how. She said she’d teach me. We lay on her bed

talking and giggling like two girls plotting something naughty. She said first we’d go

shopping and get some really nice clothes, then we’d come back to her place and she’d

show me how to use make-up, then we’d get made up and dressed and go to a singles

bar and pick up a couple of guys.

Just when they were ready to leave with us, we’d ditch them and go out together

and have supper at a restaurant, and then we’d come back here and make love all night

long. I said I didn’t know. I said I was thirty-five years old and nobody was going to

pick me up at a singles bar. She said she was a couple of years older and that she was

just hitting her sexual stride. My sex life was just beginning. She looked at me and told

me to stand up in front of the mirror. She stood behind me.

“Humm,” Mary said, “You could use a haircut, but, then so could I. I’ll call first

thing tomorrow and make appointments. She reached around me and put her hands on

my breasts and said, “Look at these. They are firm and round and big.”

“Yeah, but they jiggle if I don’t wear a bra,” I said.

“Yes, they jiggle,” she said, “But they jiggle wonderfully. They say, ‘I’m all woman.’

They aren’t flabby, they’re firm and look at these nipples!” She was pinching them so

they were hard and erect. Her hands went down my body.

“I’m fat,” I said.

“Your curvaceous,” she said, her hands rounding my belly and running down my

thighs. “Your are shapely, and beautiful.”

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“Yeah, but I don’t know how to do lady stuff,” I said, “I am a t-shirt and jean girl, I

don’t even like to wear panty hose and I’ve never used make up. I don’t know how to

walk in high heels or do any of that lady stuff.”

“Wait a minute,” she said and went to the drawers in her closet. She came back

with a garter belt and put it on. “Do you like it?” she asked. I laughed out loud. She

took it off and said, “Your right, those are absurd. But we will wear high-heels. But to

be dressed up, we need stockings. Panty hose are out. That leaves those thigh-high

stockings that stay up by themselves.”

“I don’t have any high heels,” I said.

“That’s why we’re going shopping. We’ll start with our hair, then get fancy dresses,

then shoes, and then we’ll come back here and bathe and get dressed up.”

“I’ve never picked up a guy,” I said.

“It’s easy,” she said, “You just let them know you’ll fuck them if they take out of

there. They usually get it sooner or later. If one doesn’t another will.”

“I’m not comfortable with the idea of dumping them, though,” I said, “Isn’t that

sort of promising something you don’t intend to do.”

“Yeah, but look, what kind of scum is going to go to singles bars to pick up women


“Dangerous scum?” I answered with a question mark.

“I can handle them,” she said.

“What makes you so sure.”

She told me how her first sexual encounter wasn’t really sexual. She was raped

when she was ten by two older boys, boys from her church. Her mom and dad were

upstairs in the house where the church sponsored sleep over for the choir was

happening. When she escaped and ran to tell her parents, they told her those were nice

boys, church boys, they wouldn’t hurt her.

It took her a long time to even figure out that she’d been raped. But a counselor had

later explained to her that such childhood abuse went a long way to explaining her

college promiscuity. She had refused to sing in the choir any more even though her

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parents encouraged her. As soon as she could get away with it, she quit going to church

at all.

She started studying karate and swore that nobody would ever touch her unless she

wanted them to. She explained how karate had become her new religion and she’d

practiced constantly, gone to tournaments, lost every match, until she started to get it,

and then she started winning.

She got a black belt in Tae Kwan Do, but was impressed with the Okinawan forms

she encountered at tournaments. She started studying Okinawan karate, more down

and dirty fighting karate, and not so showy or sporty as Tae Kwan Do.

“So don’t worry, I can handle myself, and I can protect you. I can take out a guy

with one punch and deal with a second with a kick to the balls. No problem”

We both laughed. She had been whispering in my ear, but now she released my

breasts and I saw that they looked pretty good after all. We went to bed and slept in

each others arms.

In the morning we got our hair styled to her specifications, then we went shopping

and bought expensive little gowns and high heel shoes. She said we needed fancy

underwear to make us feel totally feminine, so we bought fancy high cut purple silk

panties and lacy purple bras that pushed our boobs up and made lots of cleavage. We

went to a fancy store and she bought make up for me.

I had no idea what she was buying or what to do with any of it. We went back to

her place and she taught me how to walk in high heels and made me practice. I must

have looked funny prancing around in blue jeans, a t-shirt, and my fancy hair do

wearing high-heels.

She drew a hot bath and filled it with salts. She got in the tub and I shaved her all

over ‘til she was smooth. Then she got out and I got in and she shaved me, but left most

of my pubic hair, she just shaved a little around the edges. She said some of it should

show through the panty legs to be sexy. Then we dried off and put on our fancy panties

and bras.

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When I pulled the stockings over my newly-shaved legs, they felt as smooth as ice

cream going down my throat. They felt like a hundred little fingers touching my legs.

The distance between the top of my stockings and the edge of my panties felt so naked,

so naughty that I understood why Mary said we needed stockings. I stood up and

turned around in front of the mirror in my underwear and high heels. I began to see the

point. I was getting damp just looking at myself.

She sat me down in front of her mirror and taught me about make up—what to use

foundation for, what a blush is, how to use eye liner and eye shadow, how to use

lipstick and what color to use. When she was done I hardly recognized myself, or her. I

looked in the mirror and then at her and I said, “My god, you are beautiful,” and

hugged her and kissed her deep. “No, wait, not yet. That comes later. That’s the point,

the anticipation, building up to it. You look beautiful too, not bad if I do say so myself,”

she said.

I started to worry. I told her about it. She was so strikingly beautiful in her purple

lace bra, with all of that cleavage showing, in her high cut purple panties, sheer purple

stockings, all smooth shaven and long legs in high heels—she was so beautiful, why

would she want to be with me. She laughed and said again, look at yourself, girl. You’re

just as beautiful and stroked my hair-do.

“But what if you leave with one of the guys and leave me there?” I asked.

“Not likely. No, not possible,” she said. “I don’t want some guy. I want you.”

Then it struck me that she didn’t like guys at all, maybe she was a lesbian. No she

said, she did like a guy. Like me she liked living alone, she said her career and her cats

were enough for her. She didn’t want a guy around to complicate her life and break her

heart. She had a guy who lived far away, and they’d get together every now and then

and she’d enjoy making love with him, but she didn’t want to live with him or any

other guy and she sure didn’t want to make love with any other guy. “And,” she said,

“He’s safe because he is very married.”

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I blushed because I still hadn’t told her about my underground love life, but she

continued to stroke my hair and said, “And I know you have a secret love life too.

You’ll tell me when you’re ready, ok?”

After all that, all we had to do was slip on our party dresses. They were flimsy and

you could see right through them. I could see her legs and hers was so low cut I could

see most of her breasts. If she leaned over just a little, they almost fell out and I could

see everything. Her bra just barely covered her nipples and made her breasts even

sexier than they were naked.

I looked at myself in the mirror and practiced leaning over enough to show my tits.

They did look good. I looked good. We both looked good. She lifted up her dress and

checked her panties and I did the same. We stood there side by side, dresses up, looking

at each other and ourselves, and giggled.

I suggested we eat at the Greek place because it was dark. She liked the idea and

she drove us to the neighborhood. There was a famous or infamous singles bar about

two blocks away. She parked the car and we went to the bar. It was dark and smoky

inside. Neither one of us could stand smoke. We went pranced to the bar on our high

heel shoes.

“What do we do now?” I whispered.

“Look beautiful,” she said.

So I tried that. I perched on the bar stool and thrust my breasts out. I leaned over to

talk to her and let the top of my dress gap just a little so the guys at the booth across the

way could see my tits. And they were looking. They were looking at both of us. She

turned her back to them, and I followed suit. We ordered gins and tonics.

When the bartender came with our drinks, he pointed to the guys and said they

were complements of the fellows over there. We thanked him, and turned round to

smile at the guys. They smiled back and came up to us and started the most stupid

small talk I think I have ever heard. But we kept up our end of it ‘til they asked us to

join them at their table. She clinked the ice in her empty glass and one of the guys

ordered refills.

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We sat at the table and chatted and had another drink. There were four of us, the

two of us girls and the two guys, one beside each of us. By now we’d been in there for

an hour or more. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his, not moving my eyes ‘til

he did. Then I lifted my eyelids just a little and looked at him from under my eyelashes,

so he would think I was a little bit shy.

I smiled and laughed and touched his arm now and then for emphasis. I kept

looking up at him to let him know I wasn’t as big as he was, and hanging on every

word to let him know he was important.

I felt a hand on my knee. On my stocking. I didn’t start to get wet. I clamped shut,

like my vagina was a cold hard steel-trap, snapped shut, and a chill ran up my back. But

I smiled at the guy the hand belonged to.

I noticed the other guy’s hand wasn’t on the table either. All four or our hands were

on the table. I crossed my legs but his hand moved with my knee and up my leg to the

bare flesh of my thigh. I felt more steely cold.

I smiled again and uncrossed my legs so he could put his hand wherever he wanted

to. The guys were telling us risqué stories now and we laughed at all the right places. I

felt his hand move under my dress and to the pubic hair that was sticking out from the

edges of my panties. I looked into his eyes and smiled again to disguise the chill I was


Then I said I needed to go to the lady’s room and stood up. I leaned over to get my

purse and let the guy get an eyeful of my tits. Mary came with me and did the same

thing. We swayed more than we needed to on the way to let them see our nice round


When we got in the lady’s room, we burst out laughing. “But,” I said, “what

happens next? These guys and this place give me the creeps.” We were sitting at the

mirror and fooling with make up. She was showing me how to touch it up here and


“Next they say something like, ‘wouldn’t you like to go somewhere else?’ and we

say, ‘where did you have in mind?’ and they say ‘how about our place’ and we smile

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and say, ‘actually I’m here with someone,’ and then we get up and leave arm in arm.

How’s that? I said it was great and we laughed again.

And that’s what we did. We had another drink and then when they invited us to

their place, we both said we were with someone and stood up, letting them have

another look at our tits, and then left arm in arm and let them figure out what the hell

was going on. We both swayed our asses on our way out to let them know what they

were missing too.

We laughed all the way to the Greek place. I said, “What if they’d gotten nasty?”

and she said, “I was ready, believe me, there’s nothing I would like better than to knock

the crap out of a couple of guys like that. Now that would have been real fun.”

We sat at the booth I’d been at before and ordered. I looked out over the other

diners to see if that woman was there, but I didn’t see anyone that resembled her. The

food wasn’t much better, nor the service, but we enjoyed each other’s company. She

told me more about her lover and said he’d be coming to visit her soon. She brought up

the cucumber we’d shared and asked if I’d like to share her lover with her.

“Both of us fuck the same guy?” I asked, getting wet at the thought of it. “Well, I

said, laughing at the image, not if you treat him like you did that cucumber. I’m a

vegetarian after all. ”

She laughed too and said she liked this guy. “Sure, why not. It would be just like

sharing vegetables wouldn’t it? It would be mainly you and me and he’d just furnish

the dick, right?”

“Maybe,” I said.

After supper, we drove home and then we made long slow love. We took a long

time undressing each other, and then we made love half way into the night before we

both passed out.

The next morning we were laying in bed naked, kissing and stroking each other

when her phone rang. I felt mischievous so I started kissing her navel, went down to

her smooth mons, opened her legs, and started sucking on the lips of her vagina. She

had long labia, so I sucked each one in between my lips and let it slide out, all wet with

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my saliva, then I sucked them both in and kissed them as though they were her tongue,

wrapped my tongue around like I do when I am sucking my lover’s dick. Then I

slipped my tongue between the labia and felt her all wet and started on her clitoris.

From down there I could still hear her conversation.

“Yes,” she said, “Next weekend is fine. Yes. Good. Glad you can come. I have a

surprise for you. I shaved all my pubic hair off. I hope you like me totally naked. Me?

What am I doing right now? I’m laying in my bed naked. Someone’s licking my clitoris.

Really. No kidding. Would you mind if she joined us when you’re here? No? Good.

Look, I gotta go cause I’m gonna start cuming real soon. Ok bye.”

And she did. After she came to she said, “That was Ron”

The next weekend when I went to Mary’s place he was there. The three of us went

to the same Greek place, but weren’t dressed up like we had been the week before. She

took one of Ron’s arms and I walked on the other side and took the other and pretended

to be jaunty. The three of us sat in the same place and ordered.

This time the woman walked in with a guy and sat at the same table facing me. I

swear she smiled at me. Then she did the same thing she had done the time before. She

got up, leaned over, and showed me her breasts and went to the ladies room. I said,

“excuse me, I need to go,” and went in after her.

She was sitting at the make up counter, repairing her make up. I sat beside her and

started putting on lipstick as Mary had taught me, watching her in the mirror. Our eyes

caught each other looking and we both smiled. She was wearing a black form fitting

dress with thin straps, maybe the same one she had on that time before. She smiled at

me, and pulled the straps of her dress over her shoulders so her breasts were bare. She

held one breast in each hand and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

“Do you like my breasts?” she asked. “They’re beautiful,” I replied. “Would you

like to make love with me?” she said. “I don’t even know you,” I said. “We can get to

know each other. Look, I can get rid of my date if you will come with me, ok? We can

just get a taxi and go to my place. I would like that.” I said I was there with someone

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else. “That guy?” she said. I looked down and said, no, that woman. And she

understood. I said, let me check and talk with me again before you leave, ok?

We went to our tables. I loved making love with Mary, but I didn’t really want to

get naked with her guy. Not that he was hers, or married, or anything. It’s just that I

couldn’t see myself getting naked with any man but my own lover. I could understand

if he was her lover that she would like it, but I didn’t.

So we ate our supper and continued the light conversation ‘til we were done. Then I

asked Mary to come with me to the bathroom. I checked to be sure the stalls were

empty and kissed her on the lips. Then I asked if she would mind if I left her and Ron

alone that night.

She said no, she understood that. I said, “I have one other question. This one is a

little more sensitive. Ok?” She nodded. “How would you feel if I made love with

another woman?”

She looked at me puzzled and said she didn’t know, she hadn’t thought of that. I

said I understood why, because I was so far from having any sex at all, and now she

and I had become an item all of a sudden. “How would it be with three of us? If you

were willing to include a guy, would you be willing to include another girl?” I asked.

She said it would depend on the woman. Then Serina came in and I introduced

them. They both smiled and I kissed them one at a time, deep and hard. Then they

kissed each other. I told Serina to come to our table in a few minutes and Mary and I

went back.

I saw Serina’s guy get the check, pay it, and leave. Serina came to our table and I

said, “Oh Serina, I’m glad you could join us” and introduced her to Mary and Ron. Ron

got our check and paid for it and we all got up to leave. “So where is everyone going?”

Ron asked. Mary said she wanted to go home, and Serina and I went outside to get a


“I saw you there before,” she said in the cab.

“Yes,” I said, “and I saw you too.”

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“I fantasized about making love with you,” she said. “I was hoping you would

follow me into the lady’s room that night but you didn’t seem to notice.”

“I wasn’t sure,” I said, “I’m new at all of this. I don’t understand it or do it very

well. I’m not much for social graces.”

“Well, you can see how graceful my approach was,” she laughed.

She had very short dark hair, almost a buzz cut on the back and the sides, thin lips

and sharp features, and her tongue was flat and long like my lover’s. My male lover’s.

She was taller and thinner than I am, and than Mary, but she had small very shapely

breasts that she didn’t like to cover up with a bra. Her house was a mess, but we made

our way directly to the bedroom where we undressed each other hungrily and made


“I’ve been thinking about you ever since I saw you,” Serina said, “I’ve been going

back to that place hoping you might show up some night. And then tonight when I

walked in, there you were. I thought tonight I better talk to her. I am so relieved that

you talked to me, that you didn’t just tell me to get lost.”

“I noticed you too,” I said, “And I have been thinking of you too. I did the same

thing, I went back several times hoping I might see you. I didn’t know what I would do,

but I am glad that you approached me. I wouldn’t know how to do that. I wouldn’t

have the guts to do what you did, show someone my breasts and asked if they liked

them. Suppose they said no, or got disgusted or just said they didn’t do that kind of


“Ah, that happens too,” she said, “But I can live with that. For this, I can live with


And so we made love into the night and in the morning I called Mary to see how

she was faring. She said someone was licking her clitoris and really enjoying the

smoothness I had provided for him and I said, good, enjoy it, and said we’d meet next

weekend and do something different if that was okay with her. She knew what I meant.

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Chapter Eleven

I told Serina about my fantasies in restaurants and churches and public places. I

told her how I masturbated and fantasized and made love with a woman. I even told

her things I hadn’t told Mary, that I’d been sleeping with a married man for more than a

dozen years now, and enjoying it.

I told her about how I’d fantasized about making love with my lover’s wife, about

making love with him and another woman. I told her about how different women taste

differently. I told her I knew my lover’s wife tasted like cinnamon and sugar even

though I’d never kissed her but because I had sucked him off right after he’d been

inside her and how that turned me on, the idea of being with them both.

I told her about Mary and how she tasted like cloves and allspice and I told Serina

that she tasted a little like ginger and tea. I must think in terms of spices because I like

to eat. I told her how naughty I was and how I deserve to be spanked and asked her if

she’d ever had anal intercourse. Like Mary she said she had tried it but it wasn’t for

her. But unlike Mary, she had a dildo and didn’t mind sharing it with me.

When I explained how naughty I was and how naughty girls need to be spanked

she understood and took me over her knee, and spanked my butt ‘til it burned while I

masturbated and started cuming.

Then I told her I wanted the dildo in my ass. It was one of those vibrators shaped

more or less like a dick. She tried it like Mary did, but it hurt, so she stopped.

We lay there stroking each other, wet all over from our lovemaking, and she said,

“You just need to relax,” I said I was totally relaxed, I couldn’t be any more relaxed and

be conscious. “That’s not what I meant,” she said. “When I tried anal intercourse, I had

to really relax back there. He stretched me out with his fingers first, then rubbed lots of

lubricant all over her, and then went in slowly with his dick.” She said it hurt if she was

tense but it was okay if she just relaxed.

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So we tried again. This time, she got her fingers all wet in my cunt, then started on

my anus. First one finger, then a second, then three. She kept whispering, “Relax, girl,

just relax,” and I sort of sank into it. Then she took her dildo, reached it all the way into

my cunt, all the way to the womb where it started to hurt, and then took it out and had

me turn over and put my butt in the air.

I relaxed everything as much as I could and I felt it begin to stretch me out back

there, to stretch me out and go in. It felt hot and hard and wonderful. She pushed it in

slowly and steadily, waiting for me to say it hurt, but the steady pressure felt good. I

felt go in deeper and deeper and then she started pulling it out, pulling it out and

pushing it in like fucking. That felt wonderful.

My butt was up in the air, and I reached under my belly and started to stroke my

clitoris while she butt fucked me with her dildo. I felt full and tight. Now I had used

every orifice. I had had a dick in my mouth, in my cunt, and in my asshole. Well not

exactly a dick, but I didn’t feel like a virgin back there either. After a long while, I said it

was enough and she stopped. I told her that was very wicked, to be butt fucked and I

should be spanked, and she obliged while I continued to stroke my clitoris with my


As we lay in each others arms afterwards I told her of my fantasy of my lover

coming to me, me telling him that I’d been masturbating while he was gone, that I was

a naughty girl, that he should spank me. I told her how he would take me over his knee

and spank me and I’d start to cum, how my orgasms would turn him on and his dick

would get hard.

I would feel his dick getting hard and start to masturbate and then tell him to fuck

my butt. I would tell him I was so wicked I needed to be spanked and butt fucked and

he would do it and then he would fuck me. Aaaah, yes. I was stroking my clitoris by

then, but I moved her hand to my cunt and kept on talking.

“And you know what would make it perfect?”

“No,” she said, stroking my clitoris gently and bringing me right to the edge of an

orgasm. “What?”

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“If you and Mary were watching.”


“Yeah, I think I’d like that, showing off for you two, knowing that you and Mary

were watching me get spanked and fucked. That really gets me going.”

I told her how wonderful it was to make love with Mary, how her labia were long

and smooth and I could suck them in between my lips. Serina commented on the size of

my clitoris. She had more experience than Mary or me.

“I read this in a book, there’s this scene where this girl goes into a whorehouse, and

she doesn’t know what she’s doing or what she’s supposed or anything at all about sex.

So one time the madam has a guest and he has her spread out across her bed and is

fucking her, and the girl is watching from the doorway.

She had the door open just a crack. And then another girl comes up behind her, an

experienced girl, and watches over her shoulder. The older girl gets turned on and puts

her hands under the new girl’s petticoats and starts to masturbate her, and the new girl

begins to understand what’s going on.

She begins to understand about sex and masturbation and clitorises and fucking by

watching and having this other girl behind her masturbating her. I think of that scene. I

think of him spanking me, then me putting my butt up in the air like you had it just

now and asking him to fuck me back there. He would start fucking my butt and I’d be

masturbating and Mary would be watching and you would be like the experienced girl,

behind her, reaching around and playing with her clitoris and her breasts.

Only in my imagination you are both naked. I mean it’s not Victorian England or

whenever that story was any more. I think you’d like Mary that way. She shaves her

pubic area all smooth. Actually I shave it. It’s nice to have oral sex with her because

you can see everything.”

“Do you want to shave me?” Sirena asked.

“Not especially, it’s up to you. That’s the way Mary wanted. I wouldn’t mind

shaving you, but you have nice thick pubic hair. You shave it a little around the edges,

right? Just enough so it doesn’t come out of your bathing suit?”

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“Yeah,” she said, “just a little. Well, maybe when we take a bath you’ll shave me.

But I think I would like to keep most of my pubic hair too. I don’t know why. But if

you’d like me smooth like Mary, that’s fine too.”

“No,” I said, “I like you the way you are.”

“So you’d like for me and Mary to watch you fucking your guy?”

“Very much,” I said.

“Well, you’ll have to do a better job of introducing us,” she said.

“I would like that. Would you like to make love with the two of us? I’m sure Mary

would like that.”

“Oh, yes,” she said, “that would be one of my fondest fantasies. I’ve made love with

two guys before, but never with two women. And it wasn’t that great with two guys.

They just sort of took turns. There was nothing erotic about it. Just one guy after

another. Then she told me about her sex life.

Serina’s sexual experience started early. She had an older brother and sister—some

six years older. They knew everything and let Serina know that she knew nothing. She

was an idiot in their eyes. Mainly to escape from her siblings, when she was thirteen she

was stayed for a while with her aunt and uncle and their son who was seventeen.

Like her brother and sister, he was a know it all and in every conversation he had to

be right and know everything. He was worse than they were. He and Mary were in the

basement rec room watching cable movies on the television. He said he knew all about

sex and she said she did too, probably more than he did. He kept on talking and she

kept on bluffing.

He said if she knew how to kiss, she wouldn’t mind showing him, so she let him

kiss her. He said if she knew about fucking, she wouldn’t mind showing him. So he

called her bluff and she took off her clothes and let him fuck her. She wouldn’t cry out

or say that it hurt, she wanted him to think she’d been doing that for ages. But it did

hurt. And she proved that she knew as much about it as he did. But she didn’t like it.

She couldn’t figure out why the girls and women on the tv movies liked it.

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It wasn’t long before she started getting her boobs, later than all of the girls she

knew, some of whom were already bulging there like I was at that age. Serina’s boobs

were small, so she didn’t have to wear a bra to keep them from bouncing all over the

place like I did. They were mannerly and stayed inside her shirt or blouse. But she soon

learned that boys and men would get very stupid if she let them see her boobs.

One day the most lucid and smartest man she knew, her high school English

teacher, started stammering and she couldn’t figure out why until she noticed that his

eyes were glued to her tits. After that she started looking at herself in the mirror,


She tried every different kind of shirt and blouse with every kind of opening and

closure to figure out how to fasten them, how to let them gap, how much to lean which

way to let someone see her tits. That way she learned how to show her tits whenever

she wanted to and how to keep them hidden when she wanted to. She could reveal

them slowly too, a little bit a time, watching to see the effect, and then showing a little

more, and finally showing a nipple or both nipples for full effect.

She practiced her facial expressions to go with each degree of boob as she put it. She

could look someone in the eye and show them both breasts down to the nipple or raise

an eyebrow and smile inquisitively and show just a bit of cleavage or anywhere in

between with lip and eye movements to go with it. She practiced for hours in front of

the mirror, and then with live audiences.

That first night at the Greek restaurant, she knew exactly what she was doing and

exactly to what degree. She figured I was hooked, and that’s why she kept coming back

looking for me. The second time, she knew it would work if she did it just right. She

was right and I’m glad she was that knowledgeable.

I was unpleasantly aware that I had a pair of boobs, but I didn’t think of them as

being attached to my eyebrows and lips as part of the way I express myself. I never

thought that anybody should see any of my boobs, much less calculate how much they

should see or whether to show one nipple or two. But I was glad Serina was good at


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She never let her cousin fuck her again, but she did drive him stupid crazy by

showing him her breasts a little at a time and flirting with him so he thought she would.

Then she would back off, do something else, go somewhere else. Anything else.

Serina’s parents were involved in a divorce fight from the time she was twelve and

her siblings let her know that it was her fault. By the time she was in high school the

only thing that kept her from killing herself was soccer practice with the team and the

coach who she adored and obeyed. He gave orders and she jumped.

They had a pretty good soccer team and even went on a trip to Europe to play

European girls. When they got back she started talking to the coach and one evening

went home with him after practice. He told her to sit on his lap, so she did. After a

while he led her upstairs and took off his clothes and there was his erection.

She left and never returned to the soccer team. She befriended a builder who was

working on their house and started visiting him and his wife. She would eat supper

with them, anything to stay out of her house with her siblings were waiting to humiliate

her. One evening the builder was driving her home and he pulled over and opened his

pants and there was his erection. He said, “Kiss it,” and she did and all of a sudden she

was covered with hot liquid. He gasped and she thought she had hurt him, maybe

killed him.

She was in a panic, but the next day she asked his wife about it. The builder told his

wife that Serina must have wanted that because she was always showering and posing

for him in front of the bathroom window while he was packing up his stuff. Finally she

tried to kill herself and that wound up her in all kinds of trouble.

She talked to her assistant principle and English teacher and high school counselor

and got the name of a woman social worker who offered counseling for girls like her.

She came to like the counselor and started to baby sit for her.

One evening after she had got her kids to sleep and her husband was out, the

counselor sat on the couch by Serina and put her arm around her. She leaned over and

kissed her, and then started to unbutton her shirt, stroke her breasts. She asked if she

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liked it and she said she did. She went on and started masturbating her. Then the

counselor taught Serina to masturbate her.

They continued to meet like that and explore each other. Serina was seventeen and

the counselor maybe thirty-five. When Serina went to college, the counselor drove her

half way across the country to her new college. They stayed in a motel and made love

all night. That was the first time Serina had an orgasm.

In college she fell in love with a fellow student, but when she got fitted with an

IUD, he dumped her. She then started picking up guys in bars, no challenge to Serina.

She would let them take her home, undress her, get her all hot and wet, let them get all

hot and hard and undressed and then tell them she didn’t want to do it, she wanted to


Sometimes they just let her go; sometimes they called her a tease and she would

stay and fuck them. She got tired of thinking of herself as attractive to drunks in a dark

smoky place. Hell, anything would be attractive to a drunk in a dark room one of her

friends said. She had plenty of sex but no lovemaking, none of the embraces or hugs or

soft words she longed for. She gave up on men.

She experimented with women and found that most of them had a political agenda.

They were making love with her because it was part of the program, not because they

enjoyed it or because they found her attractive.

After college, she had had it with men. She got a job and a lover in a different town

who would visit her now and then. She didn’t want to be married any more than Mary

or me. So that’s Serina’s story, how she learned how to charm anything warm into bed

with her if she wanted to, and why she was interested in me in the first place.

Then she came back to the fantasy of her and me and Mary all making love


“We could do lots of things, the three of us,” she said.

I agreed. I suggested maybe she would like to come to tea with me at Mary’s the

next Friday afternoon. Ron was gone by then, so Serina and I went to Mary’s, and she

had laid out three teacups and plates for cookies. She was wearing the same sheer

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cotton gown she wore the first time I had tea with her, and nothing under it. Serina and

I were in jeans and T-shirts, but Serina didn’t have on a bra.

We had tea and then went upstairs. All of us wanted to be naked together. I peeled

Serina’s T-shirt off while Mary pulled mine off. Then Serina lay on the bed and I pulled

her jeans over her feet, and I rolled over so Mary could do the same for me. I got out of

my bra and panties quickly and Serina was already naked.

We kissed long and deep as Mary unfastened her shift and stepped out of it to join

us. The three of us hugged and laughed and kissed each other in turn. Our hands were

all over our breasts and butts and between our legs. Finally we worked it out so that

Serina was sucking my clitoris; I was sucking Mary’s and Mary was on Serina, a


Then we traded, and again. I think I started cuming as soon as my T-shirt came off

or as soon as I saw Serina’s tits, but the other two were slower. Soon they caught up

with me, and we started cuming together. We all did the same thing as the others did,

so we matched each other for pressure and rhythm and started cuming together. I was

able to keep more control than when I was by myself.

Then Serina and Mary sucked on my nipples and both of them masturbated me.

Serina was on my clitoris and Mary was between my labia. Mary and I did that with

Serina and then Serina and I with Mary. Serina’s short dark hair was all in place still but

Mary’s golden-brown locks were all over the place. Serina liked Mary’s bare cunt and

liked being able to see everything while she was down there.

Serina said, “Tell Mary what you were telling me, about watching.”

I told her and they stood up. Mary stood in front of Serina and Serina’s arms went

around her waist, down her smooth mons and started playing with her cunt and her


Mary threw her head and her hair back over Serina’s shoulder, and thrust her chin

into the air, and nuzzled back into Serina’s breasts. “Oh, put one hand on my tits and

the other down there,” Mary said, putting one of her own hands on her breast and

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reaching behind her with the other. “Oh, that’s nice Serina said. We can figure out how

to do this standing up.”

I lay on my back, my cunt open to them, and masturbated while I watched them.

We were all cuming again soon. Sometimes when my lover put his dick in my cunt I

started cuming immediately; he could make me cum by putting his tongue in my ear or

even touching my arm, but Serina and Mary needed more, it took them ten or fifteen

minutes before they even started. But then they had intense orgasms, and they shook

and quaked as much as I did.

But I said, “I want you two to watch my lover spank me. You both know I am so

naughty that I have to be spanked. I make love with other girls and I have wicked

thoughts and visions and I masturbate. I should be spanked. So I want you two to

watch like that while he spanks my butt and fucks my butt and then fucks me.”

“Well, honey,” Serina said, “He’d have to stop for a minute and wash off that dick

before he put it in your cunt after it’s been up your butt. Else you’re going to get some

kind of infection for sure.”

“Ok, but you two could hide in the closet and watch like that, right? And he could

spank me and fuck my butt, then go wash up and you could still be there and watch

while he fucks me. That would be really something.”

“What’s going to happen,” Mary asked, “When he sees us.”

“I’ll keep him distracted. He won’t see anything but me. He’ll be into my tits and

my cunt and my butt.”

“He’ll see us, or hear us or something,” Serina said. “For sure. What happens then?”

“Well I guess you come out then,”

“And?” asked Serina.

“What would you like?”

“We could all fuck him. I mean if you’re willing to share”

“Well, that depends on you,” I said. “I know Mary was willing to share Ron, and I

have this fantasy of fucking my lover and another girl, but how do you know that you’d

want to fuck him? I mean when it came down to it, I liked the idea of sharing Ron with

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her, but I didn’t really want to do it. Know what I mean? Nothing against you or Ron,

Mary, just I didn’t want anybody but my own guy. So maybe you wouldn’t like him, or

maybe you wouldn’t like him that way, or maybe you’d just have your own guys.”

“So are you trying to talk us out of this,” Serina said, turning to Marry to pout and

then stroke her breast. Mary turned her lips down in a pout too.

“But you haven’t even met him,” I said.

“How about next time he comes to visit, we meet him, and then decide. We’ll go

out somewhere, like to a bar and then have supper, the four of us. That’s not too

unusual. If we all like him, then we will do it.”

“But then he’ll know you’re there.”

“Yeah, there is that.”

“We could go in two cars. We can go to your place and hide out. You can take your

time getting back, and then we’ll be ready and waiting and can see the whole thing

from the beginning. Or if we decide not to, we just won’t be there.”

Mary said, “What if he doesn’t like the idea.”

“Humph,” Serina said, “You ever hear of a man that wouldn’t like to fuck three

girls like us?”

“Maybe, I don’t know,” Mary said. “Maybe he would feel awkward or something.”

I said I’d check it out enough to know and we could do it the way Serina had said.

That should work for everyone.

I called him from there. The three of us were laying on the bed naked, our legs all

tangled up, hands on each other’s tits and cunts and butts, stroking and probing and

feeling. I asked when he was coming to see me, pointed out that it had been a long time

and said that I wanted his big hard dick in my cunt fucking me hard. He liked to hear

that kind of talk, and I liked to say it. My hand was between my legs masturbating.

“I’ve been a very naughty girl, too” I told him. “I’ve been making love with other

girls and masturbating all the time. I think you’re going to have to spank me this time.

And I want you to meet my friends.” We all giggled. They were sucking my nipples

now. And I juggled the phone in one hand while I reached between Serina’s legs with

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the other. “And,” I said, “I still have one virgin place. I told you I wanted you to make

love me every way there is to make love, and there’s still one place you haven’t fucked

me. Think you could do that for me?”

He said he’d be there next week.

Before I went to pick him up at the airport, we all got together at my place to dress

up and figure out how it would work. Mary and Serina would be in the walk in closet

with the door cracked so they could see me on the bed.

If I was on my back, I could lift my head and see them, but if my butt was in the air,

and I was facing the headboard, I couldn’t see them at all. He wouldn’t see them as long

as he was facing the headboard, or off to one side of the bed. I explained that that’s

where he liked to be when he sucked me off, if we got into that.

They got in the closet and I turned out the lights and lit a candle on the headboard

to get an idea of what it would be like. “We need more light,” Serina said. Mary agreed.

I tried the lamp and that was enough for them to see the bed but to leave the closet door

dark so he wouldn’t be able to see in.

We bathed and shaved each other ‘til we were smooth everywhere. Mary was

smooth everywhere and Serina and I were smooth except for our pubic hair. We sat

around in our panties and put on make-up. I marveled at how Mary’s panties stretched

over her butt. She had on the same high-cut purple ones she wore before. Serina had on

black panties but didn’t wear a bra.

I had on my purple push up bra but took off my panties. I said I wanted to enjoy

the appetizer before the main course. Serina put on her black dress, and Mary and I put

on our fancy dresses we had worn before. We were beautiful. We stood in front of the

mirror to admire ourselves. Serina leaned down to show us her breasts and I lifted my

skirt to show my pussy and Mary lifted hers to show her the purple strip of her panties

running from her crotch to under her navel exposing all of her bare mons and belly.

We giggled and Serina said, “We’re the three musketeers.” Mary said, “One for all

and all for one.” I said, “He’s going to like that—all for one and one for all.” We all

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laughed at that. Mary said, “We’re going to wear the poor bastard out.” I said no

problem, he’d die happy.

I picked him up at the airport and we went in my car and Serina and Mary went in

Mary’s. We agreed to go to that same singles bar where Mary and I had picked up the

guys and then eat at the Greek place where Serina and I had met. I introduced Serina

and Mary just as my girlfriends, and knew he would understand what I meant. Serina

said, “We’re the three musketeers, so you must be D’Artagnan.” He said that was fine

with him. The three of us said “One for all and all for one” and laughed. I don’t think he

got it. We linked our arms and went into the bar.

Inside, he slid into a booth facing the door and I slid in across from him, my back to

the door so I could see the bar and most of the tables. Mary sat by me and Sirena by

him. We got drinks and were talking, exchanging comments on the news, jokes, and

stupid crime stories and laughing with each other.

The waiter took an order for another round, and then the two guys came to the bar

from inside the club. They leaned on the bar and looked across the tables and booths,

seeing what they could pick up tonight I guessed. The one who had had his hand up

my dress grabbed the other guy’s elbow and whispered in his ear. They both laughed

and came toward us as Mary looked up, recognized them, and smiled.

“Hi, guys,” she said.

“Oh right,” one of the guys said, “These are your lesbo friends, aren’t they? The

lesbos that came here with each other? Aren’t these the ones?”

“Yeah,” said the other one, as he put his hand behind Sirena’s head and ran it up

her short hair. “Looks like they brought a couple of their bull dyke friends along this

time. A couple of dykes that look sorta like guys.”

Mary said, “You probably want to take your hand off my friend.”

The guy moved his hand over her head and said, “Whose gonna make me?

and she said, “You don’t want to find out, jerk.”

“You calling my friend a jerk, lesbo?” said the first guy.

“I call em like I see em,” Mary said.

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“Look,” my lover said, “why don’t you just leave us alone. We’re just here for a

couple of drinks, and we’re going soon. Why not just leave us alone?”

“Oh another dyke heard from,” said the second guy, stroking Sirena’s head as she

tried to avoid his touch.

I don’t know what Mary did but in a flash that guy was on kneeling on the floor

with his chin on the table, pounding it with one hand while Mary held the other behind

him. The first guy said, “Oh she wants trouble,” and then things went into that kind of

slow motion and I saw Mary’s leg flash out and the guy double up on himself and fall

down, curl over on his side and start to moan and grab his groin just before he started

to puke.

Mary pulled up on the other guy’s arm ‘til something popped and he winched in

pain. “Jeez, that hurt, bitch,” he said. “WHAT?” Mary asked, “What did you call me,

asshole? If you talk to me, have some respect,” and she pulled on his arm again and his

face slammed into the table again. “You can call me ‘ma’am.’ Try again, asshole.” He

said, “Jeez, ma’am, that hurt.” She said, “Better. Now apologize to my dyke lesbo

friends for being rude.” “I apologize for being rude,” he said.

“Now, asshole” Mary said to the guy she was holding hands with, “Do you want

some trouble, or do you want to pick up your dickless friend and walk away? I’d be real

happy if you wanted some trouble because I’d just love to feel this arm breaking,

instead of just dislocated. I’d love to see you down there with your friend puking your

guts out, I’d just love to...”

The waiter came with our second round and asked if there was any trouble. Mary

said she didn’t think so and told him to ask the guy whose face was on the table. “No,”

he said, “We were just leaving.” The waiter left our drinks and went to get a mop.

We drank our second round in silence until I said, “Wow, Mary, could you teach

me some of that?” She agreed to try. When we got outside Mary said, “God,” I loved

that. “I just wish he’d have made another move. I was this far from creaming him for

just being there.”

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“You were a little rough on them, don’t you think” my lover said. “Wasn’t that

unnecessarily violent?”

“Not half enough, D’Artagnan” Mary said, “Not half enough. Scum. And besides,

that wasn’t violence, that was education. I was giving him a lesson in manners.”

We went to the Greek place and ordered food. We didn’t care how long they took to

get it to us, we were flying on Mary’s adrenaline and our drinks. We ordered a bottle of

wine to go with the wait if not the supper.

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Chapter Twelve

We sat at a round table in a booth with a circular bench. He went in first, then I

went in, and Serina sat on my left and Mary on his right so they were on the ends and

we were inside. We sipped our wine and talked about what to order and Mary

explained how in karate you use the strength of your opponent against your opponent.

She was vibrating with energy from her encounter with the two guys in the bar.

I felt my lover’s hand on my right knee as he brushed the filmy material of my

dress aside and moved up to my thigh. I slumped down a bit and opened my legs so he

could put his hand wherever he wanted to put it. Soon I felt the pressure of his finger

on the flesh outside my clitoris, gently pressing and I started getting wet.

Then I felt Serina’s hand on my left knee, slowly moving up my thigh too. He was

massaging just outside my clitoris when her hand met his. They exchanged a glance

across the table, and reached for their wine glasses at the same time as though Mary

didn’t know what they were doing with their hands under the table. My hands were on

the table in front of me.

Mary ordered for all of us when the waiter came back. I was biting my lip now,

feeling the pleasure-pain of my lip along with the pressure of his hand on my clitoris

and her fingers separating my labia. She stopped and rubbed some of the moisture from

my labia along the back of his hand, adding the pressure of her hand to his. That’s

when he began to get it I think.

Mary saw the expression on my face, noticed that I was biting my lip, and smiled at

me. Her left hand went down under the tablecloth, and I moved my right hand down to

his groin about the same time she did. We both felt his erection in his jeans and began to

rub up and down, taking turns. He moved his hand from my clitoris to my hand and

stopped me, saying something about not wanting to finish this part of the meal

prematurely. Mary put her hand back on the table and Serina’s stayed where it was,

stroking my labia.

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Everything reminded me of sex. The long neck of the wine bottle suddenly looked

like an erect penis. I could feel it penetrating me, sliding into my vagina, into my anus,

filling me up. When the waiter brought that flaming cheese dish they serve in Greek

restaurants, I took a bite and it reminded me of the hot salty taste of his cum in my

mouth. Serina’s fork was in her left hand as her right one was occupied. The reseny

taste of the retsina we were drinking reminded me of the ginger-tea taste of Serina’s

vaginal juices.

The candle on the table reminded me of the candles we lit when we made love in

the dark. Everything smelled, felt, tasted of sex. Finally Serina moved her hand and

stood up. She leaned over to give us all a good look at her breasts and said she was on

the way to the lady’s room. We all enjoyed the view, and Mary went with her.

I asked my lover if he would mind sharing me. He was puzzled. Sexually, I

explained. He asked what I had in mind and I told him about my fantasy of making

love with him and another woman. He looked relieved when he heard that. He knew

that I had been making love with Serina and Mary, and hadn’t seemed to mind, but he

was far away and now they were right here.

I thought the idea of sharing Mary’s lover with her sounded pretty nice until I was

sitting at the table imagining being naked with him, then I didn’t want to do it. He

asked what his role would be and I said we would all make love together, that he

would be fucking another woman, but I would be there, watching, participating, and

she would be making love with me at the same time. We would all make love together.

He said it was a nice fantasy, and our two friends came back holding hands and Serina

treated us to another view of her small but firm charms.

Mary picked up the tab and we said goodnight and went our separate ways. I told

him I’d like to stop off somewhere for another glass of wine before we went to my

place, something to make the evening last longer, to stretch out this pleasant time


In the wine bar I reminded him of our telephone conversation, reminded him that I

was a wicked woman who had fantasies of making love with him and other women,

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who had fantasies of making love in crowded places and sometimes at least came close

to doing it, that I was the naughty girl that masturbated and made love with other

women and that I needed to be spanked.

He said he’d never done that, but that if I wanted to he’d try it. Then I reminded

him of the other part of the conversation, about the one part of me that was still virgin,

the one part that he’d never put his big hard dick, and asked him if he would spank me

for a while, then fuck me in the butt. He said he would try it.

It was an hour and a half before we got to my bedroom. I figured the girls would be

in place by then. Or they had gone to Mary’s or Serina’s. I turned off all the lights except

the lamp we had experimented with earlier. Our clothes were off in a flash and had my

butt over his knees.

He lifted his hand and slapped my butt and I said, “Harder,” and he tried again.

“Harder,” I said ‘til he got it just right, ‘til it was burning my butt, stinging with every

spank, making me quiver and gasp in pleasure. I reached under my belly and started

touching myself. I said, “I am such a naughty girl, look at me masturbating, you need to

keep spanking me.” Then I started to cum and when I started to cum, he got hard. I felt

his dick getting very hard as he spanked me and I continued to cum.

Finally, I said, “You need to spank me, then fuck me. Fuck me now,” and rolled on

my back with my legs up and slid his big dick into my cunt. I propped my head up on

the bedboard just enough to see that the closet door was open, but I couldn’t see

whether Mary and Serina were in there.

He fucked me hard and I came some more. As he was fucking he, he supported

himself on his hands and straightened his arms so I could his penis going in and out of

me. I started masturbating myself while he was fucking me and that made me cum even

more. Then I felt his weight on me again as his hands grasped my butt and squeezed.

That brought the feeling of fire back to my butt, and then I felt him spreading the

moisture from my vagina to my anus, putting one, then two, then three fingers into my

anus to lubricate and stretch it for what was to come.

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Then I said, “I masturbate and fantasize and I fuck, you need to spank me some

more, then fuck my butt.” He began spanking me until my butt was burning again.

Then I leaned on my chest the way Serina had taught me, put my butt up in the air and

relaxed everything and said, “Fuck me.”

He slid the head of his penis into my anus and put it in about an inch. Then he went

in another half an inch, in and out slowly spreading the vaginal juices down my anus.

Then another half inch and another. He stopped there and went around and around ‘til

I thought I would go crazy. I had put my hands between my legs and was rubbing my


He moved it slowly and continuously in ‘til he filled me up, then he pulled back,

pushed in, pulled back and fucked me. I felt full and complete, my hand on my clitoris,

his dick in my butt, cuming again and again. He pulled out and went back in, stroking

in and out for half an hour, and then when I felt him get even bigger, I knew he was

about to cum, so I started moving my butt in a circle to pump all of the cum out of him.

He pushed his dick all the way in and I began to feel the warm wetness of his cum

dripping out of my butt and down my leg. The pressure decreased and he pulled his

dick out of me, now much smaller than it had been. I told him to go wash up.

When I saw the light in the bathroom go on, I ran to the closet and opened the door.

Serina was behind Mary, hands on bare mons, masturbating her. They were both

gasping with pleasure. They had seen it all and wanted to see some more. I assured

them they would.

When he came back out he wanted to lick my clitoris, but I told him it had already

been a big night for me, initiating a new body part like that. I asked him if he had

taught me every way to make love that he knew and he said yes, except for one.

I asked what that was, and he answered that it was what one of my fantasies was

about. “In a restaurant? Is that a different way or just a different place?” He laughed

and said, no, he had in mind making love with me and another woman.

I asked if he wanted to teach me that one too, and he said he would like to very

much indeed. I said maybe later, and told him to lay on his back and think about that. I

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put his penis in my mouth and got it wet and started stroking it with my hand. I said,

you think about that. You think about another girl here with us, laying on the bed,

naked, a girl with nice big breasts like mine, her legs open, think about me stroking you

like this and showing her your dick, saying to her, “Look, see how big he gets, wouldn’t

you like this in your vagina? Wouldn’t you like for my guy to fuck you?”

He was very hard. I continued stroking and talking and when I put my mouth on

his penis for a few strokes to renew the moisture, I imagined new scenes. I said, “Did

you like looking at Serina’s little tits in the restaurant? I saw you looking. I don’t blame

you, I was looking too. I liked them. I like to suck them, squeeze them, hold them. Did

you like looking at her?”

He said he did. I said, “Imagine Serina sitting by us here, imagine her holding her

little tits, putting one in your mouth and one in mine. Imagine her opening her legs and

me sucking her, and then you fucking Serina. Do you like that?” He said he did.

I said, “Imagine me putting this big hard dick of yours into Serina’s little cunt and

imagine Mary and me sucking on her little tits. Do you think it would fit into her little

cunt? Do you like how tight her cunt is? I squeezed his dick to make the point. Mary

shaves her pussy, wouldn’t you like to suck her cunt? Wouldn’t you like me to put this

big dick into her bare smooth cunt? Do you like that?”

He said he did, and his dick got very hard like before he cums. I said, “No, not just

yet,” and got on top of him, put that swollen dick in my cunt, and moved forward and

back ‘til he came and filled me with hot juices. Then he rolled over and passed out. It

had been a long night for him too.

When I herd him start to snore, I got up and opened the closet door, put my finger

to my lips, and motioned Serina and Mary to come out. I asked if they had heard what I

had been saying and they said no, but they had seen me sucking on his dick and

fucking him and had both been masturbating each other and watching.

They said they liked it. I said I wanted them to join me on the bed and we would

play it by ear when he woke up. We were all naked, so we embraced each other and

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whispered, “One for all and all for one,” and went to the bed hand in hand with me in

the middle.

He was laying cross ways across the bed where I left him after his orgasm, so the

three of us took the other end. Good thing it was a queen size bed. I lay in between

Serina and Mary, one hand on each of their vaginas and each of them had a finger in or

on me—Mary’s was stroking my clitoris and Serina’s was between my labia.

I was full of cum. It was leaking from my anus and my vagina, and I was covered

with moisture to my navel. Serina and Mary had been pretty busy too, and they were

both very wide open and very wet. We lay that way, gently stroking each other until he

started to stir. Then I got up and went back to where I had been and put his penis in my

mouth ‘til it got hard.

When he was hard I started stroking him and looked up at Serina, inviting her to

join me. She slid over and raised her leg over him. He was still half asleep when I slid

his penis into Serina’s vagina as she lowered herself onto him. I left my hand there to

feel her rising and falling on him, to feel his penis as it went into her and came out of

her, to feel her juices on his dick, to feel her clitoris rubbing on his penis. I whispered in

his ear, “Wake up, lover, wake up.”

I motioned to Mary and she kissed him. Mary was kissing him, Serina was fucking

him, and I was whispering to him. He woke up and reached for Serina’s breasts. Then

Mary and I kneeled at her side and took his hands away and put her nipples in our


She reached down and stroked her clitoris, replacing my finger, while she fucked

him and we sucked her nipples and she started to cum. Once she started she was on her

way to the kinds of orgasms that I usually had, one building on the next.

They had been preparing for this all night after all, and it was climactic when she

started to cum. And came and came and came. She screamed and shouted and came

some more. Nobody needed to bite any lips around here. Not this time.

Then she slid off of his penis and Mary got on top of him, and I guided his penis

into her, leaving my hand there as I had when he started fucking Serina so I could feel

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his hard dick going in and out of her. She started cuming almost immediately. I kissed

her mouth and Serina was sucking on her nipple and pinching the other one between

her thumb and forefinger the way she liked it.

When Mary rolled off of him, I opened her legs and saw his foamy cum dripping

out of her bare cunt and licked it. Serina did the same thing, and started to lick her

clitoris, but Mary sat up and said that was enough for now.

I lay on my back and asked him to fuck me. He did and Serina and Mary stroked

each other and watched ‘til he took the initiative and leaned over to pull us both on our

sides. He was between my legs and we were on our sides and he was fucking me and

he managed to get Mary on her side and put his head between Mary’s legs and start

sucking her.

Serina got the picture and joined in. Now I got the picture, now I understood what

he had been telling me about when he told me that his favorite way of making love was

with two women. This had to beat that by a long shot.

He was joining me and Mary, his dick in me, his tongue on her clitoris—I knew just

what she was feeling—and Serina was kissing me while Mary was sucking her clitoris.

We made a circle. Then we changed places and he was in Serina and then Mary and

then back in me and we started to cum so much that we were all cuming together.

He came in Mary and then in Serina and then in me again until he was just

squirting one little drop of cum with each orgasm. He was still hard, though, so we all

three lay on our backs and he fucked me first, one deep stroke, then Serina, and then


He went between us like that, one stroke each until he came one more time in me.

He was about to pass out and I whispered in his ear, “Did you like that, lover,” and all

he could say was, “Um hum.” Then I said, “Now what’s your favorite way of making

love?” and he moaned something. And he was out like a light. And so were we. We all

slept together, we were too exhausted for anything more before morning.

I didn’t sleep that well. I’ve always been a light sleeper. When he started snoring, I

knew what his wife had to put up with, and then Mary joined in like a freight train.

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Mary would move an arm, that would make Serina adjust herself, he would twitch and

somehow it all came to me and bounced me around so I couldn’t be still for a minute.

As soon as things got still, here came the freight train noises of snoring from him or

Mary or Serina. Finally I got up and went next door to the guest room to get some sleep.

I don’t know how they made it through the night, but I wanted to be there when he

woke up because he usually wakes up with a hard on and if he was going to use it I

wanted it either to be in me or at least to be watching with someone else. So when the

dawn came, I went back in and re-joined the pile of people on my bed.

I knew what I wanted to do when they woke up. I wanted to drive them all crazy,

make them all want me. So I pulled a chair over near the bed and faced it to the bed. I

sat in it with my feet in the bed and my legs open so they would see my cunt when they

woke up.

When they started to stir, sure enough, he had an erection, and I was there to greet

him with my cunt wide open. I leaned back and started masturbating. I wanted them to

watch me like the fantasy in the restaurant, to watch but not be able to touch me, and

for me to drive them crazy with lust.

They watched and I started to cum just from the idea of them watching me being so

naughty. But they didn’t stop there. Mary got on his erection and fucked him ‘til she

started to cum and Serina came around and held my breasts ‘til I told her I didn’t want

her joining in, just watching. She went back to the bed and fucked him when Mary was

done. I think he had had so many orgasms the night before that we could have fucked

him all day and he wouldn’t have had another. Finally, I got up and fucked him while

Mary and Serina sucked on my nipples and played with themselves.

We all went downstairs and had breakfast together. He said we were beautiful and

that we were all so different but men were all about the same. That made us all laugh

out loud. “Why are you laughing?” he asked.

Mary opened his robe, sucked on his dick and said, “Lover, all dicks are not created

equal, and yours is beautiful.” It was about half hard in her mouth. I stroked his chest

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and said, “MMM, I like your big dick in my cunt” and stroked Mary’s hair. He got hard

and I sat on his dick and fucked him ‘til I came.

“But” Mary said, “Don’t men say that we’re all pink on the inside, it doesn’t matter

what woman your with as long as she is open for you?” He said, “I don’t know what

everyone else says, but you three are very different.” “How do you mean,” she said.

“Well, look,” he said, and opened her robe to show us her bare mons, “Sit down

here and let us see you.” She sat on the chair and put her heels on the seat to open her

cunt to us. “See this clitoris? It’s just a little button.” He was stroking it with his finger,

smearing his own cum all over it, “It starts way down here somewhere,” He was

stroking the space between the vagina and her clitoris, “but this is the part we can see—

I can barely feel it down here. See, it’s hard and it’s a little button. Just as big as the head

of a wooden matchstick. But look at these labia, they’re like a butterfly,” and he opened

the labia on each side of her vagina and pulled them up between his fingers.


“Now, Serina, you show us. See this clitoris, it’s sort of curved, it turns purple when

it gets hard and it has this little cowl it comes out of.” We stared at her clitoris and

watched him coax it out from the covering. “And the labia are nice, but not as large as


“Now look at this,” he said, indicating me. I said, “Mary, bring the hand mirror

from the bathroom,” and she ran for it, flapping her robe around her legs. He opened

me up and I looked in the mirror that Mary was holding. “See this clitoris? It doesn’t

have a cowl, and it isn’t covered up, it’s all right here and when it gets hard...”

He was stroking me with his finger. “When it gets hard, see it’s the size of an

upholstery tack head, it’s a quarter of an inch across.” He reached inside me and said,

“And hardly any labia. Each one very different, each one beautiful. Beautiful flowers.

Vaginas area the most beautiful thing in the world. A dick is just a dick.” Again we

laughed and Serina said he might be right but we all liked his dick.

“Men may all be the same,” Serina said, “Physically. But that isn’t what does it. The

difference is that you really enjoy sex. You really enjoy fucking women. That gives you

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such pleasure. And giving us pleasure pleases you. That’s the difference. I can relax and

cum for you because I know it brings you pleasure when I do. It’s not just me making

you cum, it’s my pleasure bringing you pleasure too. See what I mean?”

Mary said, “I think that’s right, we like you because you enjoy us enjoying you, and

you enjoy us enjoying each other and ourselves. You like to fuck us, but you also like to

watch us masturbate or to suck, anything that brings us pleasure. We were watching

last night when you fucked her butt and spanked her. That’s what she liked, when you

saw the pleasure that that brought her, that pleased you. I’m not saying I’d like that, I

wouldn’t, but she does, and that pleased you, and it pleased us to watch you bringing

her that pleasure. So that’s what makes you different. It may not be your dick, but just

that you enjoy women so much in every way, in any way, and enjoy bringing us


“Amen,” I said. “Amen.” Then I slid his dick into my cunt and fucked him sitting in

the chair while Serina and Mary watched and played with each other’s breasts.

While I was doing that, Mary said, “Some men don’t really like sex. They like

power or domination or something else. But it isn’t the pleasure of it. They don’t just

appreciate it the way you do. It’s like someone gulping down a fine wine or a chocolate

mouse without tasting it. That’s not enjoying it, it’s something else. Most men are that

way about sex. It’s just fucking, it’s not total pleasure like it is for you. That’s the


I was slowly fucking him while she talked and he was enjoying me and enjoying

them watching and talking.

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Chapter Thirteen

Serina and Mary and I had our usual tea Friday evening, and Saturday morning

Mary started teaching me some of her moves. She said that they usually go through a

long process of learning techniques, then putting them together in forms of

choreographed sequences that students practice until they learn them by heart. When

they learn one, they move on to the next.

They have to display their skill at doing the forms and techniques—they have

exams to move to the next level. She said she wasn’t going to do all of that; she was just

going to show me a couple of moves.

She showed me how to twist my wrist out of someone’s grip if they’re holding me,

and then how to turn my hand around, grab their arm, and use their momentum to pull

them toward me. “Why would I do that?” I asked.

“Because of this,” she said, and showed me how to cock my knee up to my chest,

lean forward, extend my foot, and kick the crap out of someone. “So you pull them into

the kick, and aim the foot right between their legs.”

I practiced those two moves and she said, “And then, when he leans over, you grab

the back of his head with both hands like this—you can interlace your fingers to make a

cradle, pull his head down and raise your knee up and smash his face. That ought to

take him down. Then run, or call a cop, or hurt him. Whatever you like.”

She told me to practice at home every night ‘til those moves came automatically. So

every evening after work, I would practice the moves she showed me over and over ‘til

they seemed natural. The next week I asked her to show me some more.

She said Ron was coming again, would I like to join them this time. I said I didn’t

know, that what I thought I would really like to do is something out of one of my

fantasies, to have her and Ron watch me while I masturbate, that would turn them on

so much they would lose control and start fucking and I would then watch them

fucking while I masturbated some more. She said that sounded good to her. I asked if

she thought Ron would like it and she smiled.

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Serina was busy with something else, but I went to Mary’s early to get dressed.

We’d decided to dress up this time. I took my make up and clothes with me and we

bathed, shaved each other, and then put on our underwear.

I asked if I could wear her purple panties because they were so high cut, so narrow

in front that most of my pubic hair would show around the edges. I thought that would

be interesting later on. She agreed so I put on the purple panties and borrowed her

purple stockings as well. Then we put on bras and high-heels and put on the flimsy

dresses we had bought before. It was cold and rainy, so we wore raincoats over our

fine clothes.

Ron picked us up and we went to a Mexican restaurant and had margueritas and

chicken with rich mole sauce. We were a little tipsy by the time we went to Mary’s

place. She had a bottle of Italian Merlot waiting and poured us each a glass. “I know

what,” she said, “Let’s play strip poker.” “That’s a game for kids,” I protested. “Yeah,”

she said, “but it builds anticipation, it works up to something more and more, so let’s

give it a try.” Ron and I agreed and she got the cards. She and Ron sat on the couch in

front of the coffee table and I pulled a straight back chair in from the dining room and

sat opposite them.

I put my feet on the coffee table and leaned back on two legs of the chair to let the

front of my dress slide down to my thighs. On the first hand, I bet and lost my panties,

so I stood up and took them off over my shoes. Ron lost a shoe and Mary won. Then I

let my dress slide up farther and moved my hand under it. I opened my legs so they

could see me from the couch and started stroking my labia ‘til I was all wet.

Then I started circling my clitoris with my wet finger while I studied my hand,

pretending not to notice that they were watching me. I folded. Mary won another shoe.

I folded on the next hand too, and Ron bet and lost his pants.

He was following my lead in the betting and the next thing he lost was his shorts,

and he took them off to show us his erect penis. Mary reached across and stroked it. It

wasn’t as beautiful as my lover’s. There are differences, as the girls had said. His was

thick at the base and tapered like a carrot. Not that nice to look at.

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I was getting very wet from masturbating with my legs open and the two across

from me watching. I knew Ron was excited and I was guessing that Mary was too. I

folded again and Ron said he wanted to fuck me. I said no thanks and Mary took off her

dress and her underwear except for her stockings and said that she was there, he could

fuck her all he wanted to.

Ron said, “I fuck you all the time, I want to fuck her, and I want her now.”

He stood up, came around the end of the coffee table, grasped my arm and pulled

me up out of my chair and grasped the front of my dress. Then he tore it off and I was

standing there in my bra and stockings, his hand grasping my wrist.

“Ouch,” I said. “Look, Ron, I said no,” I said. Mary came behind him and said,

“Come on, lover, come fuck me on the couch. Allie wants to watch us fuck. She wants to

see you make me cum. Come on, lover.” She stroked his penis with her hand. He was

holding the rag that had been my dress in his left hand. “No,” he said, pulling at me.

“Ok,” Mary said, looking at me, “Now is time for your examination. Show me your

moves, girl.”

At that, everything went into slow motion. I did what I had been practicing. I

twisted my wrist free, grasped his arm, pulled him toward me, cocked my knee up,

thrust my foot out with out the power of my hips behind it and brought my foot up

right between his legs.

He went down, just like Mary said he would and I cupped my hands behind his

head when I heard Mary shouting, “NO, DON’T. STOP.” So I turned lose of him and let

him fall on the floor. “No need to hurt him any more,” she said.

He wasn’t puking like the guy in the bar and I wondered if I had kicked him hard

enough. He staggered to his feet and said, “Bitch, come here,” and grabbed the front of

my bra and pulled me toward him.

In a flash he was back on the floor and Mary was sitting on his back holding his

wrist down and his elbow at a strange angle in the air. He was pounding the floor with

his other fist. He managed to gasp, “She wants it, she wants it. Couldn’t you tell she

wants it?”

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Mary looked at me and said, “What’s the polite word for asshole?” I said, “Gee, I

don’t know. Rectum? Anus?”

Mary said to Ron, “Ok, Mr. Anus Rectum, the girl said no. When a girl says no, that

means no, got it? No means no. If she wanted to fuck you, I would gladly guide your

dick into her cunt; I would suck her tits while you fucked her. If you weren’t hard, I

would suck you ‘til you were hard and then put your dick in her. If she wasn’t open, I

would lick her ‘til she was wet and then put you in her. But she doesn’t want to fuck

you, Mr. Anus Rectum, get it? She said no.”

He still had on a shirt and tie and sox and was thrashing around on the floor under

Mary. “Be still,” she said and jerked his elbow up a little more, “or it will really hurt.”

She said, “Ok now here’s the plan. You’re going to get up and get out and I don’t ever

want to see you again. Understand? Unless...”

Then she turned to me and said, “Do you want to hurt him? We could break some

bones or some ribs or something. Would you like that?” I said “no.” She got up.

He got to his feet and started to get his pants. She said, “Uh uh. I won those fair and


Ron said, “My shorts? My shoes?”

“Not any more, Mr. Anus Rectum, they are my shorts and my shoes and my pants,

remember? Now get out,” and she opened the door and guided him out into the cold

rain half naked in his stockinged feet.

I was shaking all over. Mary said to the closing door, “Asshole.” We sat on the

couch and hugged. A few minutes later the doorbell rang and Mary looked through the

peephole before opening it. It was Serina. I was too shaken up to talk but Mary told her

the story. Serina said, “What part of ‘no’ did that asshole not understand?” “The

conceptual part,” I said.

We decided we didn’t feel that sexy any more, so we put on big T shirts that Mary

had and turned on National Public TV to British Comedies and made microwave

popcorn and sat on the couch. We had a slumber party.

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It was a Friday afternoon only a couple of months after that when my lover and his

wife came to visit me again. We had planned a weekend of sightseeing and tourist

things to amuse ourselves. I said I had some work I needed to do at the office, and I

would like to show it to him, but before going there I had a tea date with my friends

Mary and Serina at Mary’s place. Would they like to come?

I could tell Serina and Mary were ready when we walked in. Serina was obviously

prepared to make the most of her breasts and Mary was wearing the same gown she

had on when I first had tea with her. This time, she had on underwear, though, so it

wasn’t quite so obvious.

We talked and drank tea for an hour before I said I should be getting along. I could

take both of them back to my place, or if he wanted to see my project, I could take him

to the office and leave her off at my place, or if she wanted to stay, maybe Mary or

Serina could drop her off at my place later. She said she would just as soon stay.

He and I went to my office. On the way I told him that I had been anticipating being

alone with him all day so I was glad that it had worked out this way. But I was worried

he would sneak off to be with Serina or Mary and leave me alone or with his wife and I

didn’t want that. I said I would be jealous if he was making love with Serina or Mary or

both of them without me.

If he was going to do that, I wanted to be along. Then I talked to him in the way I

knew would get him at least half way hard before we got to my office and by then I

knew enough to do the rest myself. And that’s what I did. Then, after we fucked, I

sucked all of my juices and all of his juices off his dick and we went back to my place.

When his wife came in, we went out to a Vietnamese place to eat a late supper and

then we went to bed. I put them in the guest room next to my bedroom. In the morning

I heard them fucking. I heard her cuming and I heard him get up and walk into the

bathroom. As soon as I heard the shower turn on, I heard her footsteps in the hall, and

then a knock on my door. I told her to come in.

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She was wearing a robe, but when she sat on the bed, it gapped open to let her

breasts hang out. She didn’t close it. She said, “Your friends Serina and Mary told me

everything last night.”

“Everything?” I said, gulping and blushing.

“Yes,” she said, “Everything. They told me about your fantasies of making love

with me. I’ve had fantasies about making love with you too. For years. Her hand was

on my leg, moving my nightgown up toward my waist. She was stroking my leg, and

said, “May I kiss you.” I didn’t know what to do, so I said, “sure,” and we kissed. Her

hand went under my nightgown and started stroking me down there, opened my labia,

probed inside me, and then her finger was on my clitoris and I started to cum.

I edged her robe off her shoulders and she pulled my nightgown over my head and

we hugged each other, then pulled back to look at each other. “May I kiss you...down

there?” she said. “Oh, yes,” I said. I was cuming again in no time with her tongue on

my clitoris. “Oh my, she said, you taste like cinnamon.” I laughed and put my hand on

her vagina, moved a finger between her labia and felt her all slipper with his cum. She

said, “We just made love,” pointing to the shower with her chin. “Yes, I can feel it, I

said,” and tasted the familiar taste of her cinnamon and his cum as I began to lick her


Then I heard the water go off. I held up her robe and said, “Don’t you want to go

back? He’ll wonder where you are.” She said, “Let him wonder.”

We listened to his footsteps in the hall as he went into the guestroom and heard him

bustling around as he got dressed. We heard his footsteps on the stairs as he went down

to the kitchen. Then we heard him call her name. She laughed, and he called again.

“What if he comes in here?” I said. She said, “Let him.” We heard him come up the

stairs again and knock on my door. I said to come in and he opened it, and then shut it

quickly. “It’s ok,” his wife said, “Come on in. I think you may like this.” We were both

naked on the bed. She got up and went to him, took off his clothes, pushed him down

on the bed and started sucking on his half erect penis.

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She sucked it and then started stroking it like he had taught me and whispered in

his ear, “Did you ever imagine you would see Allie naked? Did you ever think you

would see her tits like this. Aren’t they nice tits, wouldn’t you like to suck on those tits.

Wouldn’t you like to fuck her? Do you think she is big enough for this big dick of

yours? Do you want to find out?”

She looked up at me and pulled me toward her, and pushed me into place, and put

his dick into me the way I had put it into Serina and Mary. I came immediately. “Oh,

she likes it,” she said. “Allie likes to fuck you. See how fast she cums?”

I got off him and she got on and came almost immediately too. I didn’t know what

was going on but didn’t know how to stop it to ask. I didn’t know if she knew about me

and him or about me and Mary and Serina or the four of us or just what. She said they’d

told her everything, about my fantasies.

To him she said, “Did you know that when you were gone I would think about

making love with Allie, that I would think about what her breasts would look like, that

I would think of her hips and her cunt and think of licking her clitoris ‘til she came. Did

you know that I thought about that and masturbated when you weren’t there to fuck


She was still on top of him, moving back and forth, but she didn’t look like she was

about to have another orgasm. I went behind her, straddled his legs, and took her

breasts in my hands. I put my tongue in her ear and moved my hands down over her

belly and started stroking her clitoris while she was fucking him. That did it, that

pushed her over the edge and started another orgasm.

Then, I said to him, “could you excuse us for a while, I want to make love with your

wife,” and he got up, gathered his clothes and went back to the shower. I wasn’t

listening to what he did after that, I was too absorbed in making love with her. We

skipped breakfast, but when we went down for lunch, he was in the kitchen reading the

newspaper, and we included him in our conversation and our love making for the rest

of the afternoon.

Then I asked her, “Just what did they tell you?”

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She said, “Mary told me that you’d told her that you fantasized about making love

with me. Since I had the same fantasy, I thought we should do it. And I know I like to

see him fuck other ladies, so I thought we could both do that. Do you like him that

way?” I smiled and said that I did. She said she enjoyed putting him into me, enjoyed

watching me fuck him, and that next time the three of us would make love together


“What else did Mary and Serina say?” I asked. She said that Mary said I told her

that Serina tasted like ginger and tea and that Serina said that I said Mary tasted like

cloves and allspice. “But,” she continued, “If you ask me, I would say that Serina tastes

like mango and Mary like ripe peaches. Both of those women are juicy and pink and

sweet on the inside. That much is for sure.”

“And you think I taste like cinnamon?” I asked.

“Um hum,” she said, “and what do you think I taste like?”

“Cinnamon,” I said, and we laughed. I wasn’t sure what to make of that, whether

they had told her that I was making love with her husband or not. How else would she

know that about cinnamon unless they told her? Maybe they told her I sucked him off

and tasted her on his dick. I decided I didn’t care. Not at this point. What difference

could any of it make? She had put his dick in me, she had watched me fuck him; and I

had watched him fuck her just as I had heard them so many times before, just as I had

imagined it so many times. But I had thought of me putting his dick in her. It didn’t

matter. None of it mattered now.

Her husband said, “So you made love with Serina and Mary?”

“How could I help it?” she said. “They were telling me about Allie’s fantasy of

making love with me. I was all wet and turned on, and then Serina pulls down the top

of her dress and puts my hands on those tits, and before you know it Mary is naked and

we are all over each other. How could we help it? You would have enjoyed that,” she

said. “Both of you, either of you. I sure did.”

And so the three of us went upstairs and made love properly, as she said. Later I

asked Serina and Mary what they had told her, and they said they had told her

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everything except that her husband and I had been lovers for a decade and a half. I was

relieved to know that.

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Chapter Fourteen

Don’t worry, it didn’t go where you might be thinking, it didn’t wind up in a

massive orgy of all of us making love together. That might have been fun, and it’s

something I had fantasies about, especially in restaurants when I would be eating with

Serina or Mary and we’d be dressed up and Serina or Mary would be stroking my

clitoris under my dress. Then I would have those fantasies of us four women all making

love, of us all lining up and fucking him, of all of us fucking him nearly to death. But

that never happened.

My lover and his wife continued to visit and sometimes I would visit them, and I

would make love with him or her or both of them and sometimes I would watch them

and masturbate. Once in a while Serina or Mary would join me and him, but not that

often. And Serina and Mary and I continued to have tea every Friday afternoon and to

get dressed up and eat in restaurants and make love together.

We would tell each other stories. They knew about my fantasies of being fucked in

a crowded restaurant and all the women lifting their skirts and masturbating and

everyone clapping for me when I came. I would lay across my bed with my heels up

against my ass, my cunt wide open and Mary would kneel on the floor like he did and

lick my clitoris while Serina would whisper in my ear and develop the story.

“Oh, he’s just pulled your dress over your head and you’re totally naked. People

start to turn and look, they’re looking at you, admiring these breasts, thinking what

beautiful nipples you have.”

She would then pinch my nipples ‘til they were hard.

“You’re laying on the table and he’s unzipped his pants. Oh, look how hard he is,

he’s so big just from seeing you. Everyone sees how hard he is and everyone knows that

he’s so big because he wants to fuck you. He’s so turned on he can’t control himself.”

That’s when I would start to cum, but she would keep up the story.

“Oh they’re watching him slip that big dick into your cunt. The women are pulling

up their dresses and throwing away their panties. They’re wondering if your cunt can

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take all of his dick but he’s pushing it all into you. Some of the women are masturbating

and some are watching you, the ones watching you see you’re about to cum and start


Then I would cum again.

“They’re clapping loud now, and the men are taking off their clothes. The women

are all naked and the men are fucking them, the women are masturbating and sucking

each other, and they’re all clapping for you. You have turned all of them on so much

they are out of control and have to fuck whoever is close to them.”

That’s when I would lose it and start cuming and wouldn’t hear much of the rest of

what she said because I was on the way to being unconscious. Mary would keep up her

good work ‘til I was totally out of it.

Or I would suck Serina’s clitoris, the long hooked one, lick it ‘til it came out of its

cowl and Mary would talk to her.

“Oh Serina, look, it’s your English teacher. He’s not talking right, he’s stuttering.

Look. He’s looking at these beautiful breasts.” Then she would be quiet for a while and

I would look up and see her sucking Serina’s tits. I would see the quakes starting in

Serina’s belly and know that I had hit the right pace on her clitoris.

“He can’t even talk straight because of these boobs. You’re leaning down so he can

see them all. Everyone is gone and you’re alone. He’s sitting behind his desk, and you

lean down again so he can see your nipples. Now you take your blouse and thrust out

your chest so he can see all of you. You take his hands and put them on your boobs and

he goes nuts and starts sucking on your nipples.”

That’s when she would start cumming. Now she was having the same intense

multiple orgasms that I had and I could suck her ‘til she passed out too.

Mary would continue. “Oh look, in comes the secretary, she looks like she’s never

had sex in her life. She looks like she doesn’t even know what it is, but when she sees

your boobs she takes off her clothes and wants to suck on your nipples too. Everyone

totally looses control when they see these breasts.”

Serina would cum again and again.

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Mary had fantasies of being at a swimming pool and everyone getting involved in

sex. In her fantasies she was watching. Serina would lick her and I would talk to her.

“Mary, look, that woman is pulling down her bathing suit. See her breasts? Aren’t

they beautiful? Oh, look. She’s coming toward you. No, wait, someone is talking to her,

they’re kissing. Another woman, and she pulls her bathing suit down and now they’re

both naked and kissing each other. Oh, their hands are going between their legs and

they’re stroking each other down there. They guys are seeing it. See how their bathing

suits are bulging with their hardons? See how hard their dicks are getting. They’re

coming over to them. The women are doing fine with each other, but they tell the guys

to go into them from behind. They’re standing there and the guys are behind them. Oh

their bathing suits are off, see their big dicks? See how turned on they are. Now they’re

sliding into the two women from behind. People are getting out of the water and taking

off their bathing suits everywhere.”

Mary didn’t mind having guys in her fantasies, but only with other people, she

didn’t want guys with her as we found out at first when we’d bring a guy into the story

for her and she’d go all cold on us. So we’d tell her stories about women getting off on

each other and how the guys would be with those women and how Mary would be

watching and we would be there to suck her labia, lick her clitoris, and suck on her


Sometimes, while we were still drinking tea downstairs I would look up through

my eyelashes and blush and tell them I had been naughty. I would tell them of a fantasy

I’d had and how I had masturbated or how I had been fucking a married man, my

lover, and his wife had joined us, or how I’d been making love with a married woman

and her husband had joined us, but it was all incredibly wicked and naughty and how I

needed to be punished for it.

Then Mary would lead me upstairs and Serina would follow. Serina would take off

my clothes and Mary would put me across her knee and spank my butt ‘til it was hot

and red and Serina would fuck my butt with her vibrator and I would masturbate ‘til I

lost control of my hands. Then we would all make love together.

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Sometimes while we were having tea downstairs, I would start telling them about

my fist kiss, the first time my lover touched me down there, how nothing was

connected to anything else. I had these embarrassing boobs, I had this cunt, I didn’t

even know I had a clitoris.

I knew it felt good when my butt got hot and stingy, but didn’t know how to make

that happen. I would tell them about all the firsts. My first orgasm, my first multiple

orgasm, when I first passed out from cumming, when he first put his dick in me, and

when I first came from down inside my vagina, when Serina first fucked my butt and

how I came from that. Then we would go upstairs and make slow love.

But that’s where you came into this story, with all of those firsts. Serina’s first and

Mary’s we didn’t talk about, not when we were making love. Sometimes, but not while

making love. They liked my story better, so we shared it.

It was in telling those stories to each other that I thought I might tell this story to

anyone who wanted to read it so other people could use it the way my friends and I do.

We saw my lover less and less over the next years but his wife came to visit more

frequently and we always included her. Serina didn’t have a steady and said she wasn’t

looking. Mary said she was glad to be rid of Ron. We enjoyed each other.

So that’s how I learned about sex, and that’s what I learned about sex. I guess is

enough for a late starter like me, for a slow learner like me. Now when I say I’ve been

fantasizing about something, it can be pretty elaborate. Certainly more than those

diffuse feelings I had when I told my lover-teacher that I had fantasized about making

love with him.

It’s still pretty much a secret sex life. I mean, there are what? Four or five people

who know about me? Four people in the whole world that know I know what sex is

and how to do it. Four people that I know words like dick and cunt and cum and fuck? I

am Ms. No Sex all week long ‘til Friday night. Then I enjoy my girlfriends. I am Ms. No

Sex when I travel and when I go anywhere unless I’m with one of my girlfriends. And if

anyone has any trouble with that, they can take it up with my friend Mary and she will

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Fletchina Archer

My Secret Sex Life


educate them on it. Or they can ask me. I’ve been practicing those moves Mary taught


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Fletchina Archer

My Secret Sex Life


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Fletchina Archer

My Secret Sex Life


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