Cheryl Dragon Hot Rivals

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Hot Rivals

An All Male Nudes! Story

By Cheryl Dragon

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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Hot Rivals

Copyright © 2012 Cheryl Dragon

Edited by Michele Paulin and CJ Slate
Cover art by Adrien Nicholas

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-614-1

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including
infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable
by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: December 2012

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product
of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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Chapter One

Jay Belfer watched his main competition from the corner of his eye. Robbie Sloan was

fairly new to the Big D’s strip club. Sexy and friendly, Robbie made it easy to like him. The

clients went wild for that cowboy charm. Jay worked hard not to get too close but kept an eye on

the new meat. This was a job, and Jay had a lot invested in Big D’s.

Everyone knew the “D” stood for Dicks but the owner insisted it stood for her last name,

D’Agostino. She loved well-hung men performing in her club, which was actually two strip

clubs sharing one big building. One side for male patrons, the other for female.

The men’s half of the club featured all-the-way performances on stage. All the men—at

least those working on the men’s side tonight—stripped down to nothing. On the other side of

the building, another group of guys were doing the exact same thing for a screaming crowd of

horny women. Jay never got tired of the rush of being on stage, no matter who he entertained.

In this crowd of gay men, he easily spotted the owner, Bev, watching Robbie shake his

ass for the crowd. A professional stripper seven years now, Jay kept his eyes on the crowd and

connected with the customers. He was still the top draw—for now.

The new guy, Robbie, was hard to resist and two years younger at twenty-five. He was

tan with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. The guy came from a rodeo background so he

was flexible and rugged, but rumors reported he had zero cash. Not unusual given the type of

work he’d fallen into.

As the men’s pants came off, the crowd cheered. Jay gave them a little smile and saw a

lot of regulars out there. Down to gauzy briefs that were pretty much see-through, he let the thrill

of the crowd and exhibition turn him on. Jay insisted to himself that it wasn’t Robbie’s tight ass

or slightly hairy chest getting his dick up. No way!

Bev generally demanded meticulous manscaping, but Robbie’s chest hair wasn’t overly

thick and laid flat against his muscled form. She said it gave him added sex appeal and matched

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his wild western image. Jay glanced over and saw Robbie’s cock growing. Bev liked men to

show it all on stage. It set their club apart. One side for women, one for men, but all of the men

went nude and got turned on!

Having to show their erection on stage sent many newbie and wannabe strippers running

for the hills. Most new guys thought it’d be easy money on their first day, but Bev was tough on

her dancers. Performing took practice and work. The group of men turned and ripped off their

briefs. Jay looked at Robbie and cursed himself. With his back to the crowd, Jay admiring other

men didn’t matter for the show, but he was really getting turned on. This wasn’t just his usual

showing-off hard on today.

Turning, they strutted their stuff and fanned out on the stage to display their full potential.

The crowd went wild and after a few minutes, the strippers all headed back to the dressing room.

Nudity never bothered Jay, and it didn’t last long. He’d done worse things for money.

Dressing for their next rounds, Jay didn’t have to rush. He was in the last group as a

featured dancer. Robbie had moved around the lineup and was growing in popularity. Of course,

tonight, he grabbed the chair next to Jay.

“Great crowd.” Robbie closed his jeans then tugged on a long-sleeved shirt.

“They’re good.” Jay noticed Robbie’s cock was still firm in the jeans.

His own member wasn’t relaxing as fast as it normally did. Damn attraction. He always

wanted the wrong men! Robbie wasn’t a bad guy, at least not that Jay had found out, but he was

the main competition.

Robbie layered a vest and a worn leather jacket atop his shirt. When he bent over to tug

on his cowboy boots, Jay forced himself not to imagine Robbie blowing Jay’s cock there in a

room full of mostly naked men. No other stripper had turned Jay on so much without even

making a pass at him.

“You okay? You looked lost,” Robbie said.

“Fine. Just some stuff on my mind. On stage, I can blank it out, but I don’t go on for a


“I’m up now. See you later.” Robbie smiled wide and dashed for the stage.

Bev liked the contrast of going all nude at first then having men layer on the costumes

and show off their individual appeal. The first dance with all the men let customers check them

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out. Whatever tips came in were split equally from that. From now until the finale, it was one to

three guys on the stage performing.

Jay refused to get up and watch Robbie from backstage, no matter how much his cock

twitched. Luckily, another dancer came over and sat next to Jay. Any distraction was welcome

and Ken had been around Big D’s a lot longer.

“Hot guy. He’s got a crush on you,” Ken teased.

“He’s got a story.” Jay didn’t like competition, but no one could be on top forever. He’d

unseated Ken as the top dog a few years back. Ken was blond with dark brown eyes and a

swimmer’s body that made women drool. But at forty, he was a veteran. Women and men still

loved him, but he wasn’t the new flavor anymore. Jay felt the tug of knowing he wasn’t new,

either. Hopefully, he’d handle losing the top spot someday as well as Ken had. He hadn’t iced

out Jay, and Ken certainly hadn’t given up.

“We’ve all got a story. I heard his family is in rodeo. They found out he liked dick and

tossed him.” Ken adjusted his tie. His tuxedo costume was perfect for him. Classy, sassy, and let

him show off his dancing skills at a slower tempo without screaming that he was the older guy


“There are gay rodeo riders. Tons of them. I’ve dated a few.” Jay had heard so many sob

stories from new strippers that he’d turned a little jaded. Maybe he wanted to find fault with

Robbie as an excuse to deny the attraction.

“I guess his family had money, and it was all wrapped up in their show or whatever. So

he was out with nothing. He’s hot and can move, though. Bev can pick them.” Ken looked at Jay

in the mirror. “You’re really not interested?”

“No, I’m not taking a new guy in and making it easy on him. As soon as he gets his

footing, he’d dump me for someone else. Those types always want a nice guy to save them and

then run off with a bad boy who’ll hurt them. I’m not into rebound relationships or dealing with

someone else’s drama.” Jay didn’t have to spell it out for Ken. Some of the men in the profession

were complete users and anyone would do. “Of course, he’s good, Bev doesn’t hire crap


Jay made it through his rough years because Bev and one of his Aunt’s up in Reno had

looked out for him. Bev had no reason to help thus she had his eternal loyalty and respect. A

former Vegas showgirl who’d gone topless on stage and did all sorts of things in hotel rooms,

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Bev understood the tricks of survival and strength. Now pushing sixty, she helped young men

without judging and used her experience to put on a show she swore would run forever!

“Don’t get bitter. You’re not even thirty. Romantics.” Ken chuckled.

“I’ve been called a lot of things, but that isn’t one of them.” Jay listened for the music.

Shit! He suddenly realized he’d been waiting for Robbie to hustle his nearly naked body back


“You are. Sure, you hook up with guys. Date. But the second a relationship goes south or

something bad happens, you bail. You want the perfect Happy Ending. Maybe this Robbie is the

one?” Ken brushed off his jacket.

Chuckling, Jay ignored a tug of need in his gut. He wanted more than sex, but that wasn’t

the world he lived in. “He’s the competition not the boyfriend. You should worry about finding

yourself a man to settle down with. You’re old enough to have fathered some of these guys.”

“If I ever screwed a girl, may rattlesnakes strike my dick. Why would I want to settle

down?” Ken stood and headed to the stage as the announcer took over.

Jay smiled but didn’t believe for a second Ken liked being alone. Neither of them had

ever been with a woman, but it didn’t change the fact that age happened to everyone. In the end,

no one really wanted to be alone. He wanted to see Ken find the right guy. It’d give Jay hope.

Just then, Robbie strutted back, his tight g-string filled with money. All Jay saw were Robbie’s

firm buns.

* * * *

The next night, Robbie was glad when work was over. The women’s side was fun but

since they weren’t his natural preference he had to try harder to flirt and please them. The

erection thing was no problem since he just thought about Jay and got hard. He’d been in front of

plenty of crowds, so once he got over the nudity, he was right at home.

After letting a few women squeeze his backside, Robbie didn’t stop the bouncers from

guiding the ladies toward the door. None of their propositions tempted him at all. Shows were

over for tonight. He walked into the huge shared dressing room that connected both sides of the

club to find Ken talking to Jay.

“There’s the new guy. Want to come out for drinks?” Ken offered.

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“No, thanks.” Robbie shook his head. He didn’t have the money to pay for his quarter of

the crap apartment he was in much less social stuff. He studied Jay and wondered if he was

going out with his friends.

Ken looked from Robbie to Jay and shrugged. “Okay. You dedicated types stay behind.”

He got up and left with a crowd of men.

“I wish Ken would find a good guy,” Jay said.

“I’m sure he will. He’s nice.” Robbie sat down for a rest. Admiring Jay was a bonus. The

man had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. His body was perfect in size, muscle definition

and flat-out sexiness. No wonder he was on top!

Jay had kept his distance since Robbie had joined the club. Everyone had their own

troubles, but Robbie had learned from the other guys that Jay was a success story. He’d had

rough start, though Robbie had no idea what that meant specifically. Now, Jay was successful,

secure and someone to emulate. Robbie admired the man’s talent, work and body. The attraction

refused to be ignored. He’d noticed Jay looking at him and believed it was mutual.

“You didn’t want to go out with them?” Robbie asked.

“Don’t,” Jay said flatly.

“Don’t what?”

“Getting involved with other dancers is asking for trouble. Don’t screw up your money

for a fling.”

Robbie wondered if Jay meant him or one of the other men. Had Jay fallen for a dancer

and got screwed over? Was that the rough start?

“What if it’s the real thing and avoiding it is impossible?”

“Real thing? Look, I like the guys here. I’ve worked with them for a long time. I don’t

date them.” Jay nodded. “You should date elsewhere. Not customers and not other dancers.”

“You feel it, too?” Robbie pushed the button again, hoping for some admission of the

chemistry between them.

Jay looked at Robbie. “You want the truth?”

“Sure.” Robbie sighed.

“I didn’t stay behind for you. I limit myself to one night out every other week. Too much

partying forces you to work harder to keep in shape. Watch what you eat, workout and don’t

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drink too much. Otherwise, you’re just working out more to make up for it. If you want a

boyfriend, sign up for a dating service.” Jay turned his back and packed his duffle bag.

Robbie tapped Jay on the shoulder. “It’s not that easy. I know I should be focused on

building myself up here. Dating isn’t what I want.”

He’d spent his life taking risks. Assessing horses and bulls before he tried to stay on in

front of massive crowds. Jumping on Jay didn’t scare him, but now, Robbie had no family to fall

back on if he got thrown. All his life, he’d been alone with his secret love for men but protected

by a big network of rodeo family with their heads buried in the sand. Now, he was out but totally

alone. Something told Robbie that Jay would understand. Even better, Jay wanted him.

When Jay finally turned to look at him, Robbie took the chance and kissed the sexy

stripper. For a second, Robbie held his breath. Jay might punch him or talk to Bev and get him

fired. Except for this job, his life was already in shambles, and he dared to lose it all to taste Jay.

Strong arms pulled Robbie in, and the relief felt almost as good as Jay’s tongue curling

around his. The heat made Robbie press closer as he nipped Jay’s lip. The top dog might believe

this was just sex, but Robbie could live with that for now. Whatever it was, he needed it.

“This is a mistake,” Jay said as he pushed Robbie’s tight jeans to the floor.

With nothing underneath, Robbie’s cock sprang free and bobbed for attention.

Thankfully, Jay grabbed it. His firm grip made Robbie thrust into that palm. “I need to feel

something. Fuck me,” Robbie demanded as he reached for Jay’s fly.

“You’ll hate me or yourself tomorrow.” Jay pushed Robbie’s hands away.

“No, I won’t. Mistake or not, we both need to get it out of our systems.” Robbie had had

his share of casual sex behind barns, in empty stalls at the rodeo and in open horse trailers. Since

sixteen, he’d been picking out the hot guys who wanted him. Jay definitely fit that description.

“That’s for damn sure.” Jay pushed Robbie down to suck his cock.

Opening the button fly, Robbie licked Jay’s familiar cock from balls to tip then sucked it

deep. He’d studied every inch of Jay’s body from every angle and paid extra attention to his long

cock, but always from a distance.

Now, he got to feel that shaft throb in his mouth as he took all he could. Massaging Jay’s

balls, Robbie groaned at the scent of Jay’s warmth. There was a hint of mint in whatever body

product he used, and it mingled perfectly with his manly natural scent. When Jay thrust into

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Robbie’s mouth, he groaned and worked his tongue over every ridge and vein to torment his

soon-to-be lover.

Jay gripped Robbie’s hair and pulled him up. Robbie moved in for a kiss, and Jay gave

in. His fingers probed Robbie’s asshole as their tongues tangled. Pressing their cocks together,

Robbie surrendered to his desires, and his body opened as it had so many times before. Then it

had always been hurried with the fear of being caught. Bev probably wouldn’t like it, but he’d

bet she’d scold rather than fire them over it. The kiss didn’t last long, and Robbie found himself

kneeling on a chair and holding on to the back as Jay spread his cheeks.

Having his ass tongued made Robbie’s cock pulse. Most men didn’t bother with that sort

of foreplay, at least not when they’re trying to fuck you before the next round of competition.

There was no more rushing or worrying. Robbie could screw all night with the right guy. Half of

the men he’d hooked up with hadn’t been ones he’d want to date, but needs were needs.

Right now, Robbie needed Jay’s cock deep inside of him. Finally, that teasing tongue had

had enough. The feel of lube coating his hole made Robbie look back. No doubt, they had any

supplies required around here. The rustle of a condom wrapper told Robbie he had nothing to

fear from Jay. He was safe and prepared. Naturally, they weren’t the first guys to fuck around

backstage. With Jay’s strong hand on his neck, Robbie closed his eyes. The press of Jay’s cock

to Robbie’s asshole made him moan.

Robbie slid back to take more as Jay sunk deeper and deeper. The familiar stretching and

delicious fullness made Robbie shudder. It’d been months since he’d been fucked, and his body

longed for relief daily.

“You like it?” Jay asked when he was balls deep.

“Hell yes!” Robbie tightened his muscles around that big cock, sparking his nerve

endings even more and earning a groan from Jay.

“You’ve had plenty of cowboys riding your ass. Rodeo slut.” Jay pulled out and drove

home again.

Robbie braced on the padded metal chair. Jay’s dirty talk only turned him on more.

“Plenty there. It’s been too long.”

“What? A day?” Jay gripped Robbie’s cock and jerked it as he fucked the man.

Moaning, Robbie snapped back his hips on the hard member making his day. “A month,

at least. I need this.”

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“You’re going beg for more,” Jay said as he slowed his pace.

“Finish it!” Robbie insisted as Jay’s hand just teased.

“Let’s see if rodeo toughened up that ass of yours.” Jay’s hips went into overdrive.

Robbie braced and took it all as the pressure inside of him built. That big hand pinched

the tip of his cock, and Robbie grunted as everything exploded. Pumping back on Jay, he hit that

spot inside that relieved all of the pressure and made him come on Jay’s hand.

Smiling, he listened to Jay’s groans as he ground to Robbie’s ass. The sensation was

incredible. Jay held Robbie tight, and finally, he cursed and muttered under his breath as his hips

froze then tilted.

Eventually, Jay stepped back and caught his breath. The man was in great shape so

Robbie took it as a compliment. They clicked, and Robbie knew Jay felt it, too.

“Had enough?” Robbie asked playfully.

“Don’t tease if you can’t handle it. You’ll walk funny tomorrow.” Jay wiped off his hand,

dumped the used protection then pulled up his jeans.

“Prove it.” Robbie got dressed and ready to go. An all night screwing session required a

bed. “I’ve got roommates.”

“Fine, my place but only to teach you a lesson.” Jay slung his bag over his shoulder and

smirked. “You never bent over for any of those animals, did you?”

Robbie laughed. “No, I started young, but I liked grown men. There’s plenty of human

cock on the rodeo circuit. But after years of riding animals trying buck me off with all their

might, you won’t make me walk funny.”

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Chapter Two

Jay knew he was in trouble. The second Robbie was in the door, he didn’t compliment

Jay on the nice apartment in a safe Vegas suburb. No, Robbie kissed him! A real kiss like a

boyfriend. It turned Jay on but also made him feel things. He didn’t want to remember the

teenager who needed love and attention so much he offered his ass to any gay guy. That was

Robbie, but Jay understood it too well.

“Wait. I’m not one of those rodeo guys trying to use you for sex. I can get plenty of

men.” Jay hated being a nice guy. He’d built a wall up to keep users and losers out, but Robbie

seemed too damn genuine and honest.

“I know. That’s why I like you. You weren’t hitting on me. Sorry, but Ken totally flirted

with me on my first day. The truth is, back in my rodeo days, I was using them, too. No one

knew about me so I gambled that none of those guys wanted their preferences out either. I was

no better. If one of them had wanted to date me, I couldn’t have done it.” Robbie looked around.

“This a great place.”

“If you do things right, live simply and save up—don’t go out partying every night and

throwing it away—you can have a secure deal, too. Some guys are paying their way through

school or whatever so it’s temporary for them, but you can make great money doing what we

do.” Jay wasn’t sure if Robbie would be a short-term guy or a real stripper. The last thing Jay

needed was to get attached to a guy who planned to move on.

Jay looked around to make sure he hadn’t left a total mess then stopped. Why was he

trying to impress his main competition?

“I heard you’ve been doing this for a while. You never wanted to do something else?”

Robbie asked.

“We all want to do other things, but I’m good at it. I like the crowd and the rush. It’s not

for everyone.” Jay headed to the kitchen. “Want something to drink?”

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“No, I’m good.” Robbie followed Jay. “I was beginning to think you didn’t like me.

Maybe that you just wanted to screw me.”

Jay appreciated honesty, but this was more than he’d imagined. He checked the fridge,

but for what, he wasn’t even sure. Closing the door, he turned to face Robbie. “The attraction is

there. Obviously, we both felt it. It’s not about liking or not liking you. New guys come and go

all the time. Some of them can’t cut it. You’ve got the moves and the looks but don’t seem the

type to make it a career.”

“So you think I’m going to run away now? I need the money, and Bev is nice. She hasn’t

tried to use me at all.” Robbie moved closer to Jay.

“Bev is a saint in that regard. You won’t find a better place for this business. Look, I

don’t want to get into your personal stuff. There are two dozen men who work for Bev. We do

the job and stay out of each other’s way.”

“I can do that.” Robbie nodded. “With everyone but you.”

Jay hated to agree, but he felt the exact same draw. “Maybe, we really need to get it out

of our systems. The attraction won’t hurt anything if we manage it.”

Smiling, Robbie pressed Jay to the fridge with a kiss. The heat and the sweet way Robbie

didn’t just rip off his clothes or demand sexual acts weakened Jay’s resistance. Wrapping his

arms around Robbie, he explored the kiss. Robbie appeared in no rush at all and kissed Jay as if

it were his sole goal. It was too real, but Jay gave in to it until he felt dangerously close to being

addicted to the sweet sensation of Robbie’s lips.

Jay took a step, forcing Robbie to back up. Breaking the kiss, Jay led Robbie to the

bedroom. They had to relocate and refocus before this started to feel like a relationship. As soon

as they were in the bedroom, Jay took off his shirt. He grabbed lube and condom packets from

his nightstand and set them on the bed.

“I’m not going to run away.” Robbie removed his shirt and kicked off his shoes.

“I know. But too much chatting won’t satisfy the need, and you’ll just be thinking of me

all night tomorrow on stage.” Jay played up his ego hoping to turn Robbie back to the sexual


“I will no matter what you do. But let’s see what you’ve got.” Robbie stripped naked and

moved in.

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Sucking on Jay’s nipples, Robbie pushed Jay’s jeans down and licked a trail to that

amazing cock. This time he knelt down and sucked Jay’s sac. He pushed Jay to sit on the bed so

he could remove the man’s shoes and jeans.

Jay let Robbie run the show for a bit. This was a guy who truly wanted him. For a second,

it was hard to breathe. Lights off, get the fucking done then moving on to the next thing more

described Jay’s sex life. He loved men and couldn’t resist his needs, but no man had treated him

like this. That adoring tongue on Jay’s balls and the way Robbie took his time made Jay want

more than just a quick screw…it drove him crazy.

Pulling Robbie onto the bed, Jay pinned the naked man and took his own time exploring.

He started at the firm legs so it didn’t go too fast. Jay tried to ignore Robbie’s eager hands never

pausing in Jay’s hair. Kissing Robbie’s strong thighs, Jay moved up to suck Robbie’s erection.

Moaning, Jay loved the feel of this thick cock in his mouth. Robbie lifted and groaned but

demanded nothing from Jay. A man this giving in bed would be used and abused if he wasn’t

careful. Jay wanted to enjoy him, protect him but it was all too fast and too much.

Releasing Robbie’s cock, Jay licked up his stomach and chest. Robbie’s muscle was

dense, and Jay squeezed his arms and chest. “Rodeo is hard work?”

“You have to be in good shape. Riding, roping and all that. My dad made sure we knew

how to care for the animals, too. You have to respect them if you’re going to win.” Robbie

rubbed the back of Jay’s neck.

“Did you fuck guys you were competing with, too?” Jay regretted the question instantly.

Robbie wasn’t a user, but Jay’s natural defenses were hard to rewire. Other strippers had tried to

seduce him to counteract the threat.

Wasn’t that what he was doing to Robbie? Jay felt terrible and afraid in the same

moment. Were his instincts about Robbie right and the guy was genuine, or was that simply what

Jay wanted because he liked him? If Robbie left, Jay would be a mess and not just from sexual

frustration. Somehow, he didn’t want to be alone now. Talking to Robbie felt right and easier

than it should be. Maybe, he was one of the good ones?

It made no sense. Jay’d been alone for years, but Robbie didn’t make him long for

solitude the way most men did. Robbie wasn’t a user, and Jay knew it. He never set out to hurt

people, but some of the new guys and a lot of wilder living dancers needed to be put in their

place. Jay didn’t want this nice guy to think he was an ass.

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Robbie chuckled. “I slept with men who liked men and were around, competition or not.

I’m not trying to compete with you. I couldn’t. All I want is to make money. I’ve got some debts

to pay off, and I have to live. We all make more with happy customers. I’m not trying to run

anyone out or mess with Bev’s deal. I just need more than casual acquaintances. I need friends

and connections. I can’t be alone tonight. Don’t kick me out when you promised to screw me all


“Sorry, I’m sure we’ve both been used before.” Jay turned off that part of his brain and

gave into the sex full force.

“And I’m sure we’ve used people before. That’s not what this is.” Robbie sat up and

kissed Jay.

Believing the hot guy, Jay got on all fours and sucked Robbie’s cock. He hadn’t done this

for a man in years but they were connected. It felt nothing like those other men. Robbie stroked

Jay’s back and moaned encouragement.

“You don’t have to. I want you to fuck me again,” Robbie said.

Jay instantly relaxed but kept sucking. Jay’s insides quivered with desires he couldn’t

define. He needed to taste Robbie’s cum this time, not wipe it off. It was different. It had to be.

Jay had been used plenty, but Robbie wanted more. Jay wasn’t sure if he could give it, but he

didn’t want to lose the closeness.

Sucking the tip of Robbie’s cock, Jay tongued over and over the sensitive head.

“Jay, don’t stop,” Robbie shouted. The reward filled Jay’s mouth seconds later, and he

savored it.

He watched Robbie’s chest as he came down from the rush of orgasm. Unwilling to let

the sexual flow pause, Jay pushed Robbie flat on the bed and tilted his hips up. When Jay

grabbed for a pillow to prop up Robbie’s ass, Robbie put a hand on Jay’s arm.

“You asked to be fucked.” Jay shrugged.

“I know. But you did all of the work at the club. Let me ride you. Show you what I’ve

got.” Robbie kissed Jay possessively.

Anxiety knotted in Jay for a second, but the way Robbie stroked Jay’s erection, he gave

in without a fight. Flopping on his back, head in the pillows, Jay grabbed for protection and slid

it on. Robbie squirted lube and worked it over Jay’s shaft.

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“Think you can throw me?” Robbie slung one leg over Jay just as if he were mounting a

horse. But Robbie kissed Jay before he could reply.

It was hot and kinky, and Jay wanted anything but to knock Robbie off. His posture

perfect, Robbie sank on Jay’s big cock and took it all without resistance. Jay arched his back and

lifted a little to play Robbie’s game.

The man in the invisible saddle rocked his hips and squeezed Jay’s member. The pressure

built in Jay, and he ran his hands over Robbie’s strong arms and down to his powerful thighs.

Still, Jay let Robbie ride and that meant bouncing and angles that Jay had never imagined

sexually possible. Robbie rode Jay’s cock as if it were it was the newest attachment on a

mechanical bull.

Their eye contact only made Jay crave more of Robbie. When it started to get intense, Jay

closed his eyes. The amazing ache of his building release made him shake. Looking up at Robbie

slowed it down just a little. He wanted it to go on and on. They had all night, Jay reminded

himself before he realized it was the connection he wanted never to end.

Thrusting up, Jay watched the surprise and delight in Robbie’s eyes. He matched Jay at

every move until Robbie moaned and ground down. His hands gripped Jay’s chest and his hips

moved in circles. The guy was in full climax, and it turned Jay on even more.

He gave in and did the unthinkable. He kissed Robbie as he came, and it triggered Jay’s

orgasm. The rush, the power and raw pleasure of kissing a man while he came were new to Jay.

No one had ever made him feel safe and sexy at the same time.

Panting as he came down from release, Jay held Robbie close. The new level of intimacy

seemed too easy, and Robbie didn’t resist a bit. Jay feared he’d crossed that line for good. He’d

been fighting this for weeks as he got to know Robbie. Jay had tried to convince himself that

Robbie was just another new dancer, but something inside of him had known better.

“I can handle at least three more rounds. Now that I’m warmed up, the lube is optional.”

Robbie eased off of Jay’s cock but returned to the embrace eagerly.

Jay shuddered at the memory of some men trying to screw him without it. “No, I prefer

my men with well-oiled assholes.”

“Whatever turns you on.” Robbie kissed Jay’s neck and tongued behind his ear.

Moaning, Jay knew he was in serious trouble.

* * * *

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Waking next to Jay, Robbie felt safe and relaxed for his first time in Vegas. He knew Jay

still thought of him as competition, but attraction shut down every argument. As he watched Jay

sleep, Robbie forced himself to remember the advice from yesterday. Don’t get involved with

men from the club.

It was good advice. Robbie knew just how dangerous mixing business and pleasure could

be. Why did he have to do it time and again? The fact that Jay hadn’t asked Robbie to leave last

night gave him hope. Robbie rolled over and kissed Jay’s strong shoulder.

They’d seen each other naked plenty of times, but running his hand over Jay’s defined

abs to his groin made Robbie hard. The intimacy changed everything. He gripped Jay’s morning


He couldn’t resist stroking the shaft and licking Jay’s nipple as he dozed. His hips lifted

and cooperated fully. Robbie had the man totally hard before his eyes popped open. “What?”

“I hate to waste a hard on.” Robbie tugged the nipple with his teeth then released it to

kiss Jay. He groaned through the kiss.

“I’m not used to men staying over.” Jay thrust into Robbie’s palm.

“Maybe you should try it more.” Robbie quickened his jerks and squeezed the tip.

“Shit!” Jay arched his back and grunted.

Robbie took in the entire view as some of Jay’s cum dotted his stomach and the rest ran

down Robbie’s hand. He licked up every drop while the sexy man panted. When cleanup was

done, he kissed his way up to claim Jay’s mouth again.

“It’s still a bad idea,” Jay said.

“You don’t want me?” Robbie asked.

“It’s not about that. You’re new here. You’ve got baggage. Hell, everyone who works in

that club does. Get your life together; don’t get attached to people. I’ve seen guys come and go

by the week.” Jay sat up against the headboard.

“This is the best day I’ve had since I came to Vegas. I have a job I like. Maybe, I’m even

good at it. Plus, I’m not waking up in a crap place I’m sharing with other guys struggling to get

by—don’t freak. I’m not trying to move in or anything. I’m not going to let some bad luck ruin

my life. Good stuff is out there.” Robbie flopped back on the pillows.

“So is bad stuff and bad people. You’re not on a rodeo tour anymore. This isn’t cow

country. It’s Vegas where things aren’t always what they seem.”

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Robbie was touched and a little annoyed at the cowboy dig. “There are plenty of ranches

in Nevada. I get it. You’re trying to protect me. See, maybe I’m not a terrible judge of


“Why aren’t you on the rodeo circuit anymore? You move fine. Was it an injury?” Jay


“At first, yeah. I got thrown from a horse, and that messed up my back. I was on bed rest

for a while then physical therapy. My dad is in the business. He runs a group of guys, and I cost

him money every night I didn’t ride.”

“You were hurt.” Jay shook his head.

“Maybe rodeo isn’t as nice as you think it is.” Robbie closed his eyes. “My dad is old-

fashioned. God, country, guns, and all that. You work because you have to. No matter how rich

you are, you need more and sitting around just makes you die faster. He told me, if it was the old

days and we ran a ranch or something, we’d all have starved to death by now thanks to me.”

“He’s weird.” Jay slung an arm over Robbie’s shoulder.

The warmth made Robbie press closer. The smell of Jay was clean with a hint of mint.

“He taught me everything I knew. I had the best training, equipment and everything growing up.

Part of me wanted to strike out on my own when I was eighteen, but he’d invested so much in

my career. It was a family business. That life was all I knew.”

“Your back is good enough to dance. You couldn’t go back?” Jay asked.

“The way those animals try to buck you off, it’s worse than any dance move we do. I

warned Bev I can’t do any retro break dancing. I’d taken plenty of falls before, but this one hit

just right, and I messed up stuff. That wasn’t why he booted me though.” Robbie felt like a jerk.

“You don’t want to hear all of this. It doesn’t matter. I’m here.”

“No, come on. I asked, didn’t I?” Jay rolled over and straddled Robbie’s torso.

“For a long time, I was able to hide that I like men from my father. As a teen, I just

screwed around with other guys while he was busy. In public, I whistled at the girls when the

other guys did. My dad was big on respecting women so I got high marks for not knocking one

up or causing trouble there.” Robbie shrugged.

“Your dad caught you?” Jay filled in.

“The guy who did my physical therapy. Well, he was hot. He did all the stuff he was

supposed to. Didn’t let me slack, but the draw was there. One time, he came to the house to help

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loosen up my back. It seized one day, and no matter how much stretching I did, it didn’t help. He

worked his magic, and we couldn’t resist.”

“Your dad walked in?” Jay’s hands massaged Robbie’s chest.

The soothing touch made Robbie’s member swell. “He wanted my mother to learn how

to work out the kinks in my back so we didn’t have to pay this guy. Dad flipped. He threatened

to sue everyone. Called the guy a prostitute for taking money and screwing instead of working. I

tried to tell him that the guy only charged for the therapy. It was hourly. The sex wasn’t paid


Jay chuckled. “That wasn’t the point. He freaked because it was a guy. If you were doing

a girl therapist, he’d probably be sure not to pay for the extra time and look the other way.”

“I know. I tried to talk to him. My mother tried to talk to him. I was out by the end of the

day. Nothing but my clothes, a few grand and a beat up old truck.”

“Could be worse. You had some money. Now, you’ve got steady work and clear good

tips.” Jay reached back and stroked Robbie’s cock. “You want to be under his thumb again?”

Robbie moaned. “No, I can’t ride so I’m no use to him anyway. He offered to help me if I

came home and gave up men. I could train other riders and work with the team.”

“You give up men?” Jay rubbed Robbie’s balls. “No way.”

“That’s what I said. So he sent a collection guy after me for the medical bills. Said I owed

him all that money.” Robbie focused on the feel of Jay’s rough hand and not the disappointment.

“Jerk. He can’t be serious.” Jay worked Robbie’s cock harder.

“He can and is. That man gets his way, or he’s a demon.” Robbie lifted into Jay’s palm.

“So I borrowed it, and paid him back in full.”

“How’d you borrow it?” Jay asked.

“Vegas has plenty of ways. Not sure how I’ll pay it back fast enough, but for now, I’ve

got money coming in so I can handle it.” Robbie slid his hands over Jay’s ass and grabbed those

firm cheeks that made crowds go wild. “You gonna jerk me off, go for a ride or tease me until I

pass out?”

Jay gripped Robbie’s cock and worked it expertly. The man had sex skills that made

Robbie forget his own name. Shaking, he felt every one of Jay’s fingertips as they pressed

around his tip and twisted.

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“God! Jay,” Robbie screamed and bucked as the orgasm took away all his pain. His back

didn’t even twinge; he was too relaxed. When he focused on Jay, he saw the man smiling and

rubbing the cum on his ass.

“I’d love to fuck you,” Robbie said.

“You and everyone else.” Jay grinned. “Come on. Shower and then the gym. Rehearsal is

mandatory this afternoon. You don’t want to be worn out. You have two months probation

before Bev stops watching you like a hawk.”

Robbie knew Jay was right. “Do you think Bev might give me a loan?”

Jay slid off the bed and looked at Robbie for a long moment. “She’s got a strict rule. No

loans. If you’d been at the club over a year, I’d say you can ask. The woman is smart and tough.

She gives people chances and if she helps you, she doesn’t expect anything in return. But big

loans? No way or she’d be out of business. You can learn a lot from her, but you can’t take

advantage of her. Every guy in there would toss you out.”

“I don’t want to take advantage. I’d pay decent interest and on time. Forget it. My

problems are from before.” Robbie headed for the bathroom and tried not to think about it. He

couldn’t fix things overnight. He didn’t want his past to ruin the friendships and working

relationships he’d just begun to build.

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Chapter Three

Rehearsal was where Bev worked the guys who were slacking and tried out new dances

to keep things fresh. She’d aged well, but she wore her long silver hair with pride. Today, it was

pulled back in a braid as she watched the men move.

Jay had been working with Bev long enough that he rotated between a few staple routines

that played on his stern demeanor. Police officer, motorcycle guy and disciplining teacher

complete with paddle. Robbie’s act was new and popular so Jay knew Bev would leave them

alone for the most part.

He warmed up next to Ken so no one read too much into Jay’s attraction to Robbie. The

dancers who weren’t totally self-involved had noticed a connection between them, but Jay wasn’t

going to pamper Robbie or let it impact the work. Robbie could stand on his own. They all had to

do what was best for the club.

The sex had been great, but Robbie was a bit needy. He hadn’t asked for anything, but the

guy clearly could use some help. Jay felt Robbie’s eyes fixated on his chest. If they were in an

act together it would be less obvious. Jay wasn’t like Ken or some of the other long-term guys

who took new guys under their wing. No, Jay gave advice only when asked and focused on

helping Bev run a tight ship. It was a good business, and Jay wanted to learn it.

Robbie headed over toward him, and Jay braced himself. The sex had been good, and

Robbie was nice. It would be critical for Jay to have his guard up, but working with the guy

couldn’t hurt. It might help to keep Jay in the spotlight.

“Hey, guys.” Robbie stretched his spine slowly.

Jay would never have guessed the guy had been injured. “Hi.”

“Getting used to working nights?” Ken asked.

“I’ve done plenty of night rodeos. Usually, shows are in the afternoon and at night so I’m

good. But I see how it could be rough on a morning person,” Robbie replied.

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Ken chuckled. “You’d be out partying anyway. It’s Vegas.”

“Do you think I should mix up my act already?” Robbie asked Jay.

“You’ve only been here a couple weeks. Relax.” Ken rolled his eyes at Jay. “I’m going

for water.”

“Did I piss him off?” Robbie asked.

“No, he’s normally sweet, but rehearsals make him grumpy. He’s been doing this for

years.” Jay shrugged it off. “Men can be moody, too.”

“I’m new at this dance stuff. I don’t want to get stale. I need good tips.” Robbie looked at

the floor.

“I understand. Maybe have a variation. You do the bit with your rodeo outfit. Can you

rope stuff?” Jay asked.

“Sure. That’s a big part of rodeo.” Robbie laughed.

“So you play with that. Bring out a guy with you. Rope him, and try to reel him in. He

can fight. It could be hot. He could slip loose, and you’d have to rope him again. Maybe miss

and rope people in the crowd?” Jay suggested.

“You’re a genius.” Robbie moved in close.

Jay braced as if the eager man might kiss him. “You’ll get the hang of it. Do you have

any rope?”

“Not on me.” Robbie frowned.

“Prop room.” Jay headed back and dug around the dusty old boxes.

Robbie followed. “Cozy in here.”

“Don’t. Not at work.” Jay found a long stretch of rope. “Looks like we’re in luck.”

Looping the rope, Robbie smiled. He looked very natural. “Now, I just need to convince

a guy to help me out.”

“I’ll do it.” Jay shrugged and didn’t show any sign that he wanted to share the stage with

the hot new guy.

“You don’t have to. You don’t want people to suspect there’s anything between us. If you

don’t want to see me again, I understand.” Robbie turned for the exit.

Jay grabbed Robbie and spun him. Kissing the man, he wanted to be closer to him, and

Jay couldn’t find the proper explanation. “If we’re working together on a performance, there’s

less for people to suspect.”

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“I see your point.” Robbie grinned. “I’ll go run it by Bev then we can rehearse.”

“Good, I’m going to check on Ken and grab some bottles of water.” Jay nodded to

Robbie then headed for the bar.

Ken sat on a stool sipping water. “He’s whipped on you.”

“You got a crush on the new kid, Ken? He’s not your type.” Jay went behind the bar and

grabbed two bottles of water.

“I don’t want him. I do want someone in my life someday.” Ken glared at Jay then back

at his bottle. “You screwed him.”

Jay pressed his lips together and nodded. “I’m human. It’s not romantic. It’s chemistry.

Bad night out at the club?”

Exhaling loudly, Ken tapped his fingers on the bar. “Horrible. They all look so young,

and I don’t feel old. The college guys, however, make me feel like a creep.”

“They’re probably gold diggers. You can do better than random guys in a bar.” Jay

leaned on the bar.

“I agree there. But he’s a stubborn show off,” Avery, the bartender, said as he walked in

and flipped on the lights over the bar. He was a good-looking black man who’d stopped dancing

and started tending bar on the gay side when he’d hit forty. Five years later, he was Bev’s eyes

and ears when she was on the other side.

Jay knew there was some odd history between the two veterans and refused to bring it up.

When those two were fighting, everyone suffered.

“So I should give it up and tend bar? Work the lights?” Ken asked.

“Do what you want. You don’t answer to me. Don’t whine though.” Avery pulled out a

cutting board and knife to cut fruit garnish. “I like my job.”

“Speaking of liking our jobs, is the new kid causing you any headaches?” Jay tried to

sound casual and change the topic of conversation. Avery was in every loop the place had.

“You’re into him.” Ken glared Jay.

“Ken, really. You want Robbie?” Avery asked.

“No.” Ken laughed.

Avery shrugged. “Do you want Jay?”

“Hell no!” Ken shook his head.

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“Good. Now, you.” Avery pointed at Jay. “You better know Robbie is a good kid. Honest

and nice. A bit foolish.”

“Foolish?” Jay asked.

Avery sighed. “I’ve seen a couple bad guys pop in here. Not gay. They asked about him.

I had the bouncer kick them out.”

“Bad guys? Like cowboys? His family?” Jay pondered.

“Nah, these were locals. Work for a loan shark. I made sure I got the info before I had

them bounced. That new guy owes a serious guy some money. Don’t get too mixed up with

him,” Avery advised.

Jay knew Robbie owed someone money. He understood it felt better to owe strangers

than family. Robbie didn’t want to owe his dad. “Loan shark? Really?”

“He’ll be doing private parties next. Mark my words.” Ken shook his head. “It’s a

slippery slope.”

They were right. “Let me know if those guys or anyone from that loan shark comes by?”

“You?” Avery asked.

“Yeah. I can’t be a selfish asshole forever. Any idea how much he’s into the shark for?”

Jay asked.

“Said something about twenty-five grand.” Avery nodded. “They were just checking out

that he had a job, I think. That the guy could pay. I’ll keep my eyes open.”

“Thanks, I better get back.” Jay squeezed the bottles of water. He hadn’t meant to get

involved or meddle. Why did Robbie make Jay think about the future? He wasn’t even thirty. He

had at least another ten years of this before he had to make a change, but he didn’t want to be a

bouncer or a bartender. He’d made his mistakes, and since then, he’d been saving up and

working hard for something more.

* * * *

After the first early evening performance, the men mingled with the customers. Robbie

always felt more at ease with men grabbing his ass and shoving money into his cut off jeans. He

spotted Jay across the room, flirting and moving on like a pro.

Bev had loved their roping bit, but she wanted it rehearsed another day before they

debuted it. The chemistry came through, and Robbie couldn’t wait to be alone with Jay again.

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Rough hands grabbed Robbie’s jeans and pulled him close. “I like the way you look!

How about a private dance?”

The customer was a regular, and he’d already had a few drinks. Private dances were

bigger money, but Robbie had yet to do one. Bev discouraged it with the new guys. Plus, Robbie

had heard about how far those could go. “I’m still new. I’m not allowed to do things alone yet.”

“You can bring a friend. I don’t mind two as long as I get a double dance.” The

customer’s hands tightened on Robbie’s body.

“I’ll ask.” Robbie nodded and waited a few seconds. “You have to let go so I can.”

“Come back.” The customer gave him an extra squeeze.

Why did that make him feel cheap? Still, Robbie needed the money and headed straight

for Jay. “I need your help.”

“Looks like you got away from the groper. What do you need?” Jay folded his arms over

his bare chest.

Robbie just wanted to go home with Jay and screw his brains out. “He wants a private

dance. I’m not supposed to do that. Bev is a bit overprotective.”

“You know what that means, right?” Jay chuckled. “Sex stuff.”

“It could be a naked lap dance. Some groping.” Robbie pretended that was true. “I need

to maximize my income.”

“Not that way, you don’t.”

The impatient customer came up and looked at Jay like a juicy steak. “You guys ready

for some private time?”

“Sorry, there’s been some confusion. I don’t do private dances anymore, and Robbie is

far too new. I’m sure some of the other men would love to entertain you.” Jay pointed a group of

three men.

“Your loss.” He pinched Robbie’s ass.

“Come on.” Jay grabbed Robbie’s hand, pulled him into a private room then locked the

door. “You’re worth more than that. Don’t turn yourself into a whore.”

“But it’s okay for those guys to do it?” Robbie flopped onto the loveseat.

“Those three can barely dance. They’re hot, and they love showing off their bodies.

They’ll do anything for customers. If they weren’t here, they’d be turning tricks on the street.

You’re not going to be one of them,” Jay said firmly.

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At first, Robbie wanted to rebel and argue with Jay. The guy didn’t have to give a damn.

The caring, tough talk behind the bossy scolding turned Robbie on. “So I’m not just sex to you?”

Jay sat next to Robbie. “I don’t know what we’ll end up as, but I’m not going to let you

sell your soul. That stuff can destroy people. Keep it professional and in public. Mingle and

move on. Don’t let them get their hands on you in private.”

“I’ve got a lot to learn.” Robbie leaned in and kissed Jay. “I’d be totally screwed without


“I’ve seen a lot of guys go down that road. You get worn out. That stuff takes a piece out

of you. Get a second job if you need to, but don’t hustle your body.” Jay kissed Robbie’s neck.

“Sure you just don’t want me screwing other guys?” Robbie asked.

Jay pulled back and looked Robbie square in the eye. “This isn’t about me. I know you’re

short on cash and owe someone. Fine. And yes, we’re good in bed together, but I’m not jealous

of some customers. You might find some rich old queen who’ll lend you money on good terms if

you’ll be his boy toy. Is that better than owing strangers or even your dad?”

Robbie paused and thought through the scenarios. In a room like this, performing sex acts

on a strange, potentially very repulsive man grossed Robbie out. The idea of Jay watching made

it ten times worse. “No. I don’t want to do any of that. Maybe we could do stuff to each other,

and they get to watch?”

Chuckling, Jay hugged Robbie. “Not likely. They always want to do things to you or for

you to do stuff to them. Just play it safe.”

Robbie kissed Jay’s shoulder and nipped at his neck. “Can I still play with you?”

“You’re coming home with me tonight. We need to practice that roping thing.” Jay’s

strong hand slid over Robbie’s fly.

Gasping, Robbie knew right where he belonged. “Thank you,” Robbie said.

“I haven’t done it yet.” Jay opened the denim with confident hands.

Sitting back and letting Jay take over, Robbie knew this man was right for him, at least

for now. He didn’t want other men. Somehow, he’d convinced himself that strippers would be

just like the guys on the rodeo circuit. Quick, get it done and go on their way. But Robbie hadn’t

done it with every guy who’d swung his way and refused to do anything without protection. Who

knew what men paying for sex would want?

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When Jay wagged Robbie’s cock around, he laughed. Leave it to Jay to rescue him and

make him feel better. He wanted Jay because he was a great guy and sexy as hell. They were

great together, in and out of bed. “You don’t have to rescue me all the time. I have to learn.”

Jay smiled as he kissed Robbie’s balls. “You obviously aren’t turned on by me if you’re

thinking of that when I’m sucking your dick.”

“No, I am. I love it. I just had the classic overbearing father with a big set of rules. If I

screwed up, he fixed it and dealt with me. I knew it. I counted on it. I won’t use you or Bev like

that. I’ve got to grow up.”

“You look pretty damn grown to me, but it’ll get a bit bigger.” Jay slowly stroked his fist

up and down and around Robbie’s cock. “A little help isn’t rules or rescuing. But I know what

you mean. There are plenty of mistakes left to be made. Maybe, I’m one of them.”

“Hell no!” Robbie relaxed and let his body overrule his head. Jay’s touch got Robbie

fully hard, but Jay didn’t change the game. He kept sucking and lapping at Robbie’s cock while

massaging his sac. The pressure built inside Robbie as Jay’s tongue flicked the tip of Robbie’s

cock. Forcing his eyes open, Robbie watched the sexiest man in Vegas eagerly trying to get him


Digging his hands into Jay’s hair, Robbie let go of fear and gave himself to Jay. He bit

his lip to keep quiet as he came in Jay’s mouth. The rush of ecstasy and then relief made him

whimper as Jay lapped up every drop then kissed Robbie’s balls.

“We better get back.” Jay stood up.

Robbie shook his head. His body tingled all over as he sat there fueled with love, lust and

things he couldn’t even name. Reaching out, he opened Jay’s fly and nuzzled his sac. The scent

of Jay’s body reenergized Robbie. That minty masculine whatever prodded Robbie to return the


“My turn,” he said.

“Not now. They’ll be looking for us.” Jay’s hands braced on Robbie’s shoulders but

didn’t push him away.

“Fuck my mouth, and get it done fast then.” Robbie nipped at Jay’s balls and got a little

grunt in return.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Jay said.

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“Then don’t. Fuck my mouth or my ass, but I’m not leaving until I get you off.” Robbie

probably sounded as if he belonged in that room doing things to customers, but he didn’t know

how to say it right. He needed to feel Jay’s release. If they were together, he wanted his man

satisfied and not turned on and set free in a room of horny, gay men.

“Have it your way.” Jay slid his cock in Robbie’s mouth and thrust in and out. He didn’t

go far, and Robbie started to take more.

Moaning on the cock, Robbie wanted to make Jay come fast and hard. Teasing Jay’s

balls, Robbie’s fingers went farther back and pressed between his ass cheeks to rub over the

pucker of his asshole.

Jay tensed and came instantly. Swallowing fast, Robbie pulled his fingers away. Jay

thrust once more then staggered back. “Sorry. It’s not a good idea to finger me.”

“You loved it. Why not?” Robbie asked.

“Nothing. It was great. I just don’t…I fuck guys not the other way around.” Jay closed

his pants and went to the opposite side of the small room.

“I’m fine with that, but it doesn’t mean you’re not sensitive there.” Robbie stood and

moved to Jay, wanting to console him but not sure what was wrong. “Tell me what’s up.”

“Nothing. We shouldn’t be doing this here and now. Okay? We’ve got rehearsing to do

later. My place.” Jay checked to see if they were both presentable and opened the door.

“Sure.” Robbie was relieved the practice and hopefully another sleepover hadn’t been

canceled. But the topic of Jay’s ass definitely wasn’t closed either.

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Chapter Four

Jay found himself tied up and kissed as they rehearsed again. The cowboy knew how to

catch and reel in men. “There are men who’ll pay to be tied up. Maybe you’d have to spank

them, but once they’re tied up, you’re in charge.”

Laughing, Robbie loosened the ropes and freed Jay. “I’m not into power or kink. I had

plenty of guys try stuff with me at the rodeo. I know what I like and what I don’t. Selling a

fantasy on stage where people can look is one thing. Trading sex for money isn’t me. You were


The relief hit Jay. “Good. There are other ways to save money.”

Robbie sunk onto the couch. “It’s not about saving. I need to pay off that loan. It’s not at

a bank. I worked for my dad all my life so I don’t have a credit history of my own. I had

everything I needed and bought what I wanted, but it’s not like I got a proper paycheck.”

“Weird. Sounds like your dad owes you.” Jay regretted the words. Robbie needed a clean

cut from the people who hadn’t supported him but had been so willing to use him. “Who do you


“A loan shark. I was desperate to pay off my father so he’d stop hounding me. I had to

feel free. Every time he called or sent a guy up for the money, he asked who I was sleeping with.

If I’d said I was over the gay thing and with a woman, he would have forgotten it all and I’d be

welcomed home.”

“You’ve already put up with a power whore all your life. Cutting the cord is good.” Jay

wanted to help but saw Robbie’s pride. He’d rather earn the money than take charity. “Making a

lot of money fast isn’t easy and most ways aren’t legal. Gambling is a bad idea. The house

always wins.”

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“I know. I’ve got a call in to my sister. Her husband is a decent guy and well off. He isn’t

as closed minded as my dad and might give me a loan. My sister escaped when she got married.”

Robbie smiled.

“Why didn’t you go there first?” Jay asked.

Robbie chuckled. “Because that’s the first place my dad would look. He’d be all over my

sister and her husband. This way they could swear on a bible they didn’t give me a dime and be

totally surprised by the news.”

“And once they heard about it, they didn’t offer to help you?” Jay asked.

“That’s what I was hoping. I just sent my dad the money last week, and he demanded to

know where it came from. He should be going through all the family right now. My sister and

her husband were on a long cruise around the Greek Islands for their anniversary so it wasn’t like

they could make a simple transfer.” Robbie stared at Jay. “I’m not asking for anything from you.

I’ll figure it out.”

“I know. Pride is part of being a man. So your sister will support you and your lifestyle?”

“Sleeping with men? She’ll get used to it. Stripping, that’s where she might be upset and

want me to move near her in Maine and go to school or something. I don’t want to be dependent

on them.” Robbie’s posture stiffened.

“If you go to school, you’ll probably make more and can pay back stuff faster. If you’re

okay with owing them then you can get out of this business.” Jay hated the idea of Robbie


It was foolish. He’s seen plenty of men work as strippers for a few weeks or a month

before their families suddenly came out of the woodwork. They’d get word their son was

stripping and out of nowhere became more understanding. Whether the guy needed help with

money, substance abuse or had been rejected for being gay, the stripper thing woke up a lot of


The option was better than selling their bodies or, for the really depressed guys, suicide.

Jay wished the young men who went back with their families well, but the very idea of losing

Robbie hurt.

“I don’t want to live off them or move East. The southwest is my home. I know it makes

sense, but they haven’t really offered anything yet. You’re stuck working with me for now.”

Robbie looked at the clock. “I guess I should go. Gotta get some sleep.”

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“No, stay. I don’t think we had enough fun in the private room. Actually, I was

thinking… You could save some money if you moved in here. We can commute to work


“I can’t do that. Your place is nice. Half of your rent is probably twice what I pay now.”

Robbie tensed and looked away.

“But I’m already paying it. I don’t need money from you. I’m offering a place to stay.

Help with the cooking and cleaning to offset extra groceries, and we’re good. The rest is the

same. I don’t know who your roommates are now, but you have to watch out. Vegas gets tons of

drifters. They could rob you or rape you. Plus if the loan shark comes looking for you, you’ll be

here. I won’t ditch you. Where’s the downside?” Jay sat next to Robbie on the couch.

“I appreciate the offer. Let me think about?” Robbie rested his head on Jay’s shoulder.

“Okay, but you’re staying here tonight.” Jay ran his hand under Robbie’s shirt and forgot

about the troubles. While Robbie was here, Jay would enjoy him fully.

“Fine. If you let me lick your ass.” Robbie got up and headed for the bedroom, leaving

his clothes in a trail for Jay to follow.

The idea made Jay hard and yet nervous. Robbie wasn’t one of the men who’d used and

paid for Jay during his first years in Vegas. But those men had worked Jay so much that he’d

found he only wanted to fuck men, not be fucked. He was a natural top but trusting anyone to

even tease or play with his rear had been impossible. Robbie doing anything to Jay didn’t make

him nervous. It was the idea of telling Robbie exactly why he’d gotten so phobic about it that

worried him.

Not tonight! They’d have fun, and if Robbie wanted to put a little tongue there, fine. Jay

wouldn’t freak out, and he definitely wouldn’t say anything.

Shedding his clothes, Jay walked into the bedroom and found Robbie ready with all the

supplies they’d need. There were times Jay thought it could be just sex, but the cute way Robbie

looked at Jay, with trust and anticipation, made Jay long to possess and protect Robbie forever. It

was too much!

Jay climbed onto the bed and kissed Robbie hard. Maybe if he changed the direction of

things, Robbie wouldn’t want to go there?

That hope was quickly dashed as Robbie pushed Jay face-first into the pillows. Initially,

Jay tensed at not being able to see Robbie. Any man could be back there, and Jay didn’t want to

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dig up memories he’d locked away. But Robbie’s touch was beyond affectionate. It was loving.

Robbie kissed down Jay’s back and gently spread his ass wide.

Relaxing, Jay let the feel of Robbie’s playful tongue turn him on. Robbie lapped up Jay’s

crack and bit into firm flesh before slipping back down and tonguing around and around his hole.

Jay’s body didn’t open as Robbie’s had, but Jay flexed his muscles and got a groan from Robbie.

When the tip of Robbie’s tongue wiggled in, Jay moaned. “I’m hard as hell. Let me fuck


“Soon.” Robbie licked behind Jay’s balls and lapped upward.

This time, he tried for entry with his thumb, and Jay leaned forward. “Now! Just let me

fuck you.”

Robbie backed off immediately and kissed Jay’s ass. “I’m sorry. I want to explore you.

All of you.”

“Sorry but that’s not what does it for me.” Moving back on the bed, Jay pulled Robbie

flat and shoved a pillow under his rump. He’d wanted Robbie like this since day one, and now,

he’d have it.

“This does?” Robbie ran his hands up Jay’s arms.

“Hell yes.” Jay rubbed lube on Robbie’s pucker then slid a condom on himself.

Robbie reached up and pinched Jay’s nipples.

“Damn!” Jay filled Robbie’s ass in one thrust. The sensual spark from Robbie’s fingers

set Jay in full gear.

Driving into Robbie, Jay watched his man. His smiles then when his mouth went slack

from Jay hitting just the right spot. Once he found his rhythm, Jay gripped Robbie’s cock.

Clearly, the man liked to eat ass even if he didn’t need to screw it. Jerking Robbie off while

fucking him was empowering.

After all those times of doing what other people wanted or what he thought they wanted,

Jay was done playing games for money. He’d found a guy who liked what he liked and didn’t

demand to be serviced. Robbie didn’t treat Jay like crap, but instead, treated him like a man

worth keeping. The room heated up as Jay pounded Robbie’s ass and got groans in return.

“Don’t stop. You’re going to make me come.” Robbie rocked his hips harder to meet Jay.

“Come for me. Come all over yourself.” Jay watched Robbie’s face contort in orgasm as

the cum spilled onto his stomach.

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“Jay!” Robbie tried to pull Jay in closer.

Using both hands to brace Robbie’s hips, Jay took what he needed as fast as he could

without hurting Robbie.

“I love it!” Robbie’s hands were on Jay’s chest trying to reassure him.

One pinch on his nipple, and Jay was a goner. He trembled as relief hit. Tension gone and

sweet pleasure in its place, Jay pumped into Robbie, holding him tight.

“You’re really good at that position,” Robbie said.

“I’m good at them all, as long as I’m fucking you.” Jay pulled from Robbie’s body and

licked over his cock. There was no way for Jay to resist those teasing droplets. He lapped up

Robbie’s cum as proof he’d made his man happy and not used him.

“Any time you want.” Robbie stroked Jay’s shoulders.

Kissing his way up Robbie’s body, Jay pulled the pillow from under Robbie and hugged

the man tightly. He couldn’t let Robbie go. Not tonight and, Jay feared, maybe not ever. He was

falling for a guy who had it less together than he did. That wasn’t in his plan, but at the moment,

he had no hope of fighting the feelings.

* * * *

Three days later, Robbie moved his stuff into Jay’s place. The money bugged him a bit,

but he agreed with Jay on the safety issue. He’d rather bunk with a guy he trusted than strangers.

The sex made it even better. Robbie was determined to do all the cooking and cleaning to earn

his keep and not feel like a kept man.

Currently, Jay was doing his solo on stage, and Robbie checked his phone. He’d left his

sister a message to call him the day she was due back from her cruise, and he’d hoped to hear

back by now. He needed a lot of money, but he’d already made a mess of it. Trying to fix his

situation might not work, but it couldn’t hurt to ask his sister.

“Your boyfriend is bringing the house down.” Ken sat next to Robbie and inspected his

reflection in the mirror.

“Jay is good.” He wanted to say yes smugly, but he and Jay hadn’t discussed what their

relationship was. Great sex, friendship, working together and so on, but was it love? Robbie had

his hopes up, but his life stood in the way. He wanted a way out of this loan thing without having

to move away. Oddly enough, he liked stripping work.

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“We know you’re living with him. Don’t think we’ll let you take advantage of him.” Ken

turned his gaze to Robbie.

“I’m not trying to take advantage of him. He insisted. The guy is stubborn.” Robbie


“He is. He’s also not one for settling down. Jay is still really young. Like you. Don’t get

romantic now. At least, go after a rich customer.” Ken patted his face with a towel.

“Is that what happened to you? You went after a customer and lost a guy you loved?”

Robbie had wondered about Ken. He seemed so nice, but there was pain and bitterness beneath

the surface.

“You’ve got to try to move up in the world or everyone walks all over you.” Ken


“Sometimes, the tradeoffs aren’t worth it. Trust me. I’d rather have a guy who really

loves me no matter how much money he has.” Robbie set aside his phone. “So who was it? Was

it a stripper who broke your heart?”

Ken clenched his jaw and huffed away. Robbie had his suspicions about who might’ve

hurt Ken. The way he and Avery sparred but both still worked here it was possible things had

gone bad. But Ken had a dramatic streak that didn’t appeal to Robbie. He certainly wouldn’t rile

him up or make an enemy of him. Deep down, Robbie wondered if Jay was interested in

anything serious or if he was just being nice. He’d been so clear about not getting involved with

other dancers.

Picking up his phone again, Robbie willed it to ring. A text or anything from his sister. If

they’d help him, he could at least find out how Jay really felt without having an awkward talk.

They’d known each other a few weeks; it was hardly a long relationship, but Robbie felt freer

and safer here than he’d ever felt with his own family. He’d kept his sexuality a secret from his

family, and that was torturous and shameful. Selling his body for sex in a strip club really

couldn’t be all that much worse.

Robbie was done with secrets and, thanks to Jay, he wouldn’t pile shame on in his new

life. He’d much rather have Jay’s love than a little extra money from private dancing or parties.

That money wouldn’t help him pay off the huge chunk of money in time for the deadline. He’d

never make enough by that first payment, and the late penalties were the same. Still, momentary

desperation was easy to give into. Men made him feel wanted, and it was enticing.

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Since day one, Robbie had been slipped plenty of numbers and hotel room keys. He had

no doubt of his attractiveness, but he was more than a body. So was Jay, and he knew what the

business could do to someone. Robbie wanted to know all of Jay’s secrets. For now, Robbie’s

debt was the big hurdle, and he couldn’t blame Jay for holding back.

“Hey, there. You’re lost in thought. Hear from your sister?” Jay sat down next to Robbie

with a grin.

“No, nothing yet. I’m wondering if I will hear from her.” Robbie had had people

disappoint him before, but she was the last one, he expected.

“Maybe they want to get the money together or at least arranged before they call. So they

can put you totally at ease rather than put you through more agony while waiting?” Jay


“You’re being really positive and supportive. Thanks.” Robbie leaned in as if to hug Jay

then remembered they were at work and backed off.

Jay shrugged. “People know.”

“You don’t like mixing business with pleasure. You’re the one who said don’t date at

work.” Robbie smiled.

“Calling me on my own rules?” Jay leaned over and kissed him quickly.

Whistles and hoots came from the group of guys. Robbie’s face felt hot. “I don’t want

you blaming me for starting it or outing it.”

“You’re safe. Let’s go home.” Jay looked at his arm. “You know, you were rough with

that rope tonight. I might have a mark there.”

“I’ll make it up to you.” Robbie kissed Jay’s slightly rope-burned arm. “I had a lot worse

in the rodeo.”

“I don’t have cow hide.” Jay packed up his bag.

“I didn’t know you were so gentle.” Robbie pinched Jay’s ass. “We’ll have to toughen

you up.”

“Good luck trying. Let’s go home.” Jay stood up and quickly dressed in his street clothes.

“I can’t say no to you.” Robbie grabbed his stuff and followed. His stress was gone now

that Jay was close by. Deep down, there was no way Robbie believed Jay wouldn’t settle down

with the right guy whose life wasn’t in total chaos.

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Chapter Five

Two day later, Jay followed Robbie out on stage. The experienced rodeo guy slung a

lasso around the stage with precision and teased the eager men watching. In nothing but jeans,

Jay walked out front and riled up the crowd. Robbie tried to rope him a couple of times and

missed on purpose.

Jogging off the stage and down the main aisle, Jay stayed just out of the reach of the men.

Then the lasso snapped around his chest and arms. The tug was real, and the feel of rope on his

skin turned Jay on a little.

Robbie’s strong pull made Jay turn, and he grabbed the tether. After a little tug-of-war,

Jay gave in. Moving a few feet closer, he braced and played it up a bit more. The crowd cheered

as Robbie won and brought Jay back up on stage. Being held by Robbie made it real.

The act pleased the crowd. As scripted, Jay yanked Robbie’s plaid shirt off his body as he

tried to get free. The once debated move felt so right he wanted it. Part performance and part a

real dance of intimacy, Jay moved in as if he might kiss Robbie.

The thrilled gay audience chanted for a kiss. There were whistles and clapping in the din

of the background, but Jay’s world went silent when Robbie kissed him on that stage. Deepening

the kiss, Jay held onto Robbie instead of trying to escape.

The cowboy won and the crowd roared.

When the announcer told them to break it up from the back of the room, Jay smiled.

Robbie ignored the instructions. Another announcement and flashing of the lights made Jay

laugh and press his face to Robbie’s neck. Finally, Robbie stepped back and led Jay backstage

with the rope.

The applause lingered, but Jay couldn’t care less. He kissed Robbie. The act was a hit,

but sharing the stage with his boyfriend was a bigger rush. People knew, and Bev hadn’t pitched

a fit. No one seemed shocked.

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They headed for the dressing room, and Robbie grabbed his water bottle. It felt oddly

natural. No matter how many men or women saw Robbie naked, he was Jay’s now. He didn’t

doubt it for a second. Jay experienced none of the jealousy or stress he’d worried about when

he’d thought of dating another stripper. Still, he wasn’t sure how Robbie would react if he knew

the complete truth about Jay’s history. Now wasn’t the time or the place to bring that up. It was

going too well.

Jay’s phone vibrated on the table, and he grabbed it. A text from Avery changed his focus

from the play on stage to the seriousness of life. He headed out front as most of the customers

wandered out of the club. The problem had to be the loan shark’s guys. There was no other

reason for Avery to call him to the front now.

Robbie hadn’t heard from his sister, and it was clear from Robbie’s growing tension that

his next big payment would be due soon. The guy hid it well, but Jay just couldn’t let bad things

happen to his boyfriend. He’d made arrangements, but had hoped it wouldn’t come to him

stepping in. The whole deal could blow up in his face.

Walking to the bar, Jay sized up the three big men. No doubt, they were well-armed.

“You’re looking for Robbie Sloan’s payment?”

“You’re not Sloan.” The guy shook his head.

Jay leaned on the bar casually. “No, but I’m handling the payoff. What’s the damage to

make this go away and cancel the debt?”

“Cash?” The man pulled out a tablet and checked the information.

“Cash and I want proof the loan is paid off.” Jay looked at Avery who nodded to the


“Sure. Twenty-seven thousand five hundred. Right now.” The man nodded.

Bev stepped behind the bar next to Avery and set down a bag that looked as if it could be

stuffed with knitting supplies. “You boys can use my office. Bouncers will be outside, and Avery

is going in there to make sure the counting is legit.”

“Fine.” The men followed Avery. Jay led the way and sat in Bev’s seat. He dished out the

money, and Avery verified it. The guy flipped through the packs of hundred dollar bills to make

sure they felt full.

“That’s twenty-seven grand and one, two, three, four, five hundred.” Jay stacked it out

and put the bag under the desk. “Robbie isn’t going to hear from or see you guys ever again.”

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“Done.” The man in charge tapped on his tablet and pulled out a coupon book. He

initialed the receipt and handed it to Jay.

“I bet most people don’t pay off this fast,” Avery said.

“No, but it happens. Fine with me. I prefer naked women.” The man put the money in his

own briefcase and headed out the door.

“The bouncers will make sure they leave promptly.” Avery shook his head. “I can’t

believe you paid that off.”

“Love does strange things to you.” Jay leaned back. “I made a deal with Bev so I didn’t

blow my savings.”

“Love? Damn, you fell fast and broke your own rules. Everyone is talking about you.”

Avery smiled. “It’s about time.”

“And you? Why don’t you just go after Ken?” Jay asked.

Avery laughed. “That peacock? I can barely stand him at work. His ego’s so big, and he

still thinks he can get the young guys.”

“Compared to some of the men out there in their forties, you both could clean up. Neither

you or Ken do.” Jay shrugged.

“He’s not interested in me. That eternal kid thinks I’m ready for a retirement home

because I went from dancing to bartending. I just don’t want to get my knees and hips replaced.”

Avery chuckled.

Jay nodded. “Ever think that maybe he doesn’t want to give up his youth while he’s still

looking for Mr. Right? We all want to find that person. This isn’t exactly a place of romance and

long-term relationships. We’re selling the fantasy. I didn’t expect to find Robbie here, either.”

“Ken isn’t some sweet cowboy with a heart of gold like Robbie. He’s an overly tan, self-

absorbed, hot guy…” Avery’s argument trailed off a bit at the end.

“Who is about half as confident as he acts,” Jay finished. “You know it and so do I.”

Avery cleared his throat. “So? He’s had his ego and other things stroked by plenty of hot

guys over the years. Customers going wild for him. In his prime, he could have had any gay man

in Vegas.”

“Sure, but not one of them stayed. All the sexual partners in the world don’t compare to

one who truly loves us. Someone to help you and love you on our worst day is priceless. Not a

lot of men like to share their boyfriends with a crowd. Another stripper might be the best person

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to understand.” Jay grabbed the bag and closed it up. Bev had brought out more cash than they

needed, but she’d put it back in the safe. He was surprised no one had come in to check things

out yet.

“Well, I’m not a stripper anymore. I’m a bartender, and I’m not dead,” Avery said.

Jay knew when to back off. “If you’re not interested in Ken, my mistake. Maybe, I got

the vibe from him.”

Avery shook his head. “Fall in love and you want everyone paired off like Noah’s Ark.”

“I don’t expect you two to repopulate the earth. But you can try.” Loud footsteps echoed

through the hallway that led to the office. Jay braced for the argument he knew was coming. “I

just want you to be happy. Someone should. I’m about to get in trouble for helping my


“What the hell?” Robbie stormed in. “I just got an email from the loan shark.”

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Avery exited and closed the door behind him.

“He cleared the debt?” Jay remained calm.

“Yeah. What did you do?” Robbie asked. Part of him wanted to hug Jay, and part of him

wanted to punch him.

“I fixed it. Don’t worry about the loan shark. We’ll work it out.” Jay shrugged.

Robbie sat down in a guest chair. “I didn’t ask you to do this. Why would you do this?”

“These guys get paid. If you’re late, they tack on huge penalties and often beat you up to

prove the point. I can’t let you get hurt,” Jay said.

“It’s not your debt. I’m not your little brother. Hell, you’re better than my sister. Why

didn’t you tell me? You had that much cash here?” Robbie felt like a jerk and a burden. At least,

his father deserved to be stuck with him. Jay didn’t. “You’ve got that sort of money just lying


“Bev and I worked it out. She’s always got cash on hand.” Jay seemed completely at


“What’s your deal? Why wouldn’t you tell me?” Robbie asked.

Jay got up, rounded the big desk, and sat on Robbie’s lap. The weight of Jay on him

removed some of Robbie’s tension as they kissed softly. The attraction and affection between

them was undeniable. It was hard to stay mad at a guy who did nice things and was great in bed.

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“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I knew you’d try to stop me. The pride thing is fine, but

everyone needs help. Your family clearly wasn’t going to step in. Maybe your sister’s husband’s

business is bad, or they’re all invested in the stock market? Hell, your dad might’ve threatened to

disinherit her and her kids if she bailed you out.” Jay rubbed his forehead.

“So now I owe you? It’s my mess not yours.” Robbie hugged Jay.

“I’ve made my share of messes in the past. I couldn’t let you sell yourself or get beat up.”

Jay kissed Robbie’s cheek. “I ran away at sixteen. My family was poor and had too many kids. I

got into it with my dad daily and decided I could do better on my own.”

“Stupid?” Robbie couldn’t imagine leaving how so young.

“Very but at least I made my own mistakes. I lied about my age to get some work as a

stripper—not here. At a place that didn’t check and didn’t care if you were legal. They

encouraged private dances, private parties and even arranged other stuff.” Jay looked over

Robbie’s shoulder rather than in his eye.

“So you did all the stuff you were telling me not to do? That’s not a little hypocritical?”

Robbie asked as the embers of embarrassment and anger smoldered.

“I’m a total hypocrite, but I was a teenager. You’re supposed to be stupid and stay out all

night, get drunk, screw around, and have your parents bail you out. I had to learn the hard way.

My dad wouldn’t have had the cash for bail anyway. I wanted to have enough money to know

I’d be okay.” Jay rubbed the back of Robbie’s neck. “I know what that does to someone and how

long it takes to get over it.”

“I’m sorry.” Robbie pressed his cheek to Jay’s arm. “I know you wanted to protect me,

but I’m an adult. You could’ve told me about your experience, and I’d have made the decision

not to do the private dances on my own. You really did more than that?”

Jay shrugged. “I’m over it, but it’s not something I like to talk about. It was a harsh

lesson, but eventually I met Bev and had a safe place to start over. I avoided relationships for a

long time because I didn’t want to talk about it. No one wants to be judged.”

“I’d never judge you.” Robbie kissed Jay’s cheek. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You had bigger issues. I could tell your sister hadn’t called. That hurt you even if they

didn’t have the money to help. I made the deal with Bev that’d solve things if the loan shark

came here to cause trouble. Avery saw them once before, and he mentioned it.”

Robbie tensed and closed his eyes. “Do they all know?”

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“No. Don’t be mad at Avery. He was a stripper for years. That’s one of the reasons Bev

hired him for the bar when he wanted to stop dancing. He knows the customers, the dancers and

the place. The guy can smell a troublemaker, and the bouncers trust his judgment. Bev can’t be

on both sides at the same time so she has Avery here. He did his job.”

“I’m not mad at him or Bev. I’m mad at myself. Can’t even fix my own crap.” Robbie

hugged Jay tighter. “Why? We’ve barely been dating a couple weeks. You’ve known me maybe

a month.”

“The money has nothing to do with us. You’re not stuck with me because you owe me. I

was hoping that your sister would come through and help you out. It would've been easier for

you or, at least, would’ve made you feel more comfortable. The loan sharks really set the

timetable. Once things get out of hand with late fees and compounding, those guys own you. I

refused to let that happen. Hate me, but I did the right thing.” Jay stood up and paced the room.

“I can’t hate you. I can’t thank you enough for what you did. I wish you’d have told me

about the plan. And about your past,” Robbie said. “It makes more sense when you know the

whole story. You can’t keep things from me. For my own good or not. If you see any future for

us at all, we can’t keep secrets and work behind each other’s backs.”

Jay looked down. “I’ve been sort of waiting for you to tell me about our future.”

Robbie froze. Was Jay looking for an excuse to break up? Was he looking for a fight? “If

you want to be rid of me, there were easier ways for you to do it. Just tell me if I should pay back

you or Bev, and I’ll work it out.”

“You think I did this to break up with you?” Jay laughed.

Robbie felt as if the world were upside down. “Well, it’s a huge thing. It won’t go away

tomorrow. It might look like you’re doing something nice for me, but it could end up ruining the

relationship. My father pulled that crap with money as power. I’d rather have you than any

money. But if you don’t agree, fine.” He tried to go through the door, but Jay blocked him.

He got in Robbie’s face as if he were itching for a fight. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even think

about your dad. But he started this so someone had to finish it. I don’t want to lose you. I love

you. Forget the money. You’re safe and not selling yourself or doing anything crazy. That’s what


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Shock, relief and joy swirled in Robbie. The money was one thing, but it didn’t compare

to the confession! Jay had really just admitted his feelings. Loving Robbie while knowing all of

his flaws and mistakes? Warmth and confidence welled up in Robbie, but he had to be sure.

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Chapter Six

Jay’s stomach knotted in anticipation. He’d said the word and, now, waited for the


“Love?” Robbie asked.

“Don’t tease. I’m not good at this.” Jay shifted his weight from his left to right foot.

Robbie moved in. “I’m not either, but somehow, I fell for you in the middle of

everything. The fact that you did too is what’s hard to comprehend.”

Jay pulled Robbie in and kissed him hard. The relief and passion mixed. The worst was

over, plus they’d gotten rid of the loan shark.

The door burst open, and Jay broke the kiss. Bev and Avery stood in the doorway.

“Well, at least, they’re not using my office to screw around totally. Take it to your own

home. I’m trying to close up here.” Bev went behind the desk and grabbed the bag.

“I’m sorry, Bev. Really sorry for all of this hassle. I’ll pay you back, I swear.” Robbie

looked worried.

“Don’t, I don’t want to hear it. Hopefully, you learned a big lesson. The deal is between

Jay and I and no one else needs to know about it. Now, go, but don’t think this means you can

slack at work.” Bev pointed a finger at him.

The men nodded. Jay grabbed Robbie by the wrist and tugged him out of the room.

“Let’s go home.”

They headed to the dressing room and found Ken waiting. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing. We’re good. Why aren’t you out at the bars?” Jay played dumb. Ken hated

being out of the loop, but he didn’t need to know how things were settled.

“I thought I’d take a night off from the bars. Beauty sleep.” Ken smiled. “Wanted to

make sure things were okay, though. You guys were in Bev’s office.”

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“It’s fine. We wanted Bev to know we’re a couple.” Robbie held Jay’s hand and gave it a

good squeeze.

Ken smiled. “Congrats. Well, that was fast. Hope it all works out.”

Jay frowned at Ken. “Don’t be that way. You can get any man you set your sights on.

Figure out which one that you want, and go after him.”

Slinging his bag over his shoulder, Ken sighed. “Some people just aren’t lucky in love.

Maybe, I should accept it? See you tomorrow.”

“’Night, Ken,” Robbie said.

Once Ken was gone, Jay turned to Robbie. “Don’t mind him. Early midlife crisis I think.”

“I hope he doesn’t give up. He’s had plenty of fun, and now, if he wants to settle down,

he’s got plenty of time.” Robbie rested his head on Jay’s shoulder.

Jay inhaled Robbie’s scent. “We’ve all got baggage. Ken is no different. He won’t give

up, but he won’t settle either. We’re never short on drama here.”

“As long as it’s not ours! I’m done with drama. I swear.”

“Well really think about it. I don’t want you turning to me in six months or year and not

being able to live with the fact that I slept with men for money. A lot of men.” Jay had to get it

all out there to feel secure.

Robbie lifted his head and stared Jay in the eye. “I got in bed money-wise with some

really bad people. I think it’s time for a clean slate. Put our pasts behind us and build a future.”

The openness and trust in Robbie’s eyes made Jay stop labeling himself. “Let’s go home.

I’m starving.”

“And I thought you just wanted to be alone with me,” Robbie teased.

“Oh, you’re not getting any sleep tonight!” Jay kissed him.

* * * *

After loading up on parmesan-crusted chicken, Robbie found himself staring at Jay. With

the stress gone, only good things were left to deal with.

“You’re a really good cook. If your dad was such a hard-ass about the gay thing, I’m

shocked he let you learn your way around a kitchen.” Jay put the dishes in the sink.

“My sister loved to cook. She could’ve been a chef. I hung around and sampled the

results. I just sort of picked up stuff. Eating was a manly endeavor, and I worked it off anyway.”

Robbie hugged Jay from behind. “Have I thanked you for saving my ass?”

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Jay held Robbie’s arms tight around his chest. “I don’t need thanks. I need you in bed

naked. Not leaving me.”

“I love you. Why would I ever leave you?” Robbie kissed Jay’s shoulder. Then it dawned

on Robbie, and he backed away. “Did you pull this as some sort of test? You think I’d stick

around if you paid off my debt or until you did? What do you think I am?”

Jay turned and grabbed Robbie by then arm. “No, nothing like that. I’ve seen a lot of new

guys come in and use their looks to get stuff out of people. Customers and other strippers. That’s

why I stayed away from you at the beginning. I didn’t want to be taken.”

“I didn’t try to take anyone. Just keep you.” Robbie turned and couldn’t decide what to


“I know, and I couldn’t resist you because you weren’t like those users. It happened fast,

and I wanted to help. You never asked for anything, but I had to protect you. None of that

matters. I just never had anyone stay before.” Jay’s shoulders sagged.

The playing field truly felt leveled. Money wasn’t all that mattered, and Robbie knew it.

He walked back to Jay and held him. “You’re not getting rid of me. Whatever happens, we’ll

deal with it together. Because I love you, and that’s all that matters.”

“You’re very brave and crazy.” Jay hugged him.

“I know. You have to to be when you’re in the rodeo. I started when I was little kid. I’m

lucky I never broke my neck.” Robbie kissed his man.

“Thank God!” Jay nudged Robbie toward the bedroom. “You love me? Prove it.”

Robbie let Jay take off every bit of his clothing. He returned the favor and admired Jay’s

naked form before pushing him into bed. Robbie was tempted to try another rim job on his man

but sensed it was something for their future. More time and trust would ease Jay’s anxiety. If

Robbie believed that Jay didn’t like it or want it, he’d never think of it again, but he didn’t want

Jay’s sexual enjoyment to be hamstrung forever.

“What are you thinking about?” Jay asked.

“Just how I’m going to make it up to you. All the bad stuff you’ve been through. We’re

going to have so much good in our future. Even if it’s just little things, I’m going to make you

happy.” Robbie pulled Jay into bed and kissed him slowly.

“You already do that. Your family hasn’t exactly been great to you. We have to let the

past go and make our future together,” Jay insisted.

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“Like your family is up for sainthood? We both can use some happiness. Sounds fair.”

Robbie grabbed a condom and lube packet from the drawer before falling back on the pillows.

“How do you want me tonight?”

“Every way.” Jay kissed up Robbie’s chest and took the protection.

Robbie stroked Jay’s cock and found him already hard. “You can’t wait.”

“I waited too long in the beginning. I could’ve missed out.” Jay lay on his side and pulled

Robbie to spoon with him.

“I’ve never done this.” Robbie shifted his shoulders and turned his neck so he could kiss

Jay as well. The feeling was more intimate and thrilling than anything else.

“Neither have I. No one else ever felt right here.” Jay worked lube between Robbie’s


Closing his eyes, Robbie drank in the heat and scent of his sexy man. “I’ve never felt this

safe in my life.”

“You’re safe, and you’ll be exhausted.” Jay slowly eased his cock inside of Robbie while

teasing his erection.

“Promises, promises.” Robbie wiggled his hips for more, but Jay wasn’t rushing things.

Giving in, Robbie let Jay set the pace. It seemed like forever, but finally, Jay stretched

Robbie and filled him. Staying deep inside, he worked Robbie’s cock until he was completely

hard and on the edge of coming.

“You’re a tease!” Robbie moaned.

“I like watching you on stage and in bed.” Jay slowly began to fuck his eager boyfriend.

Robbie’s hips tilted back for more. “There’s no limit. Once or four times, you don’t have

to drag it out.”

Jay squirted a little bit of lube from the packet on Robbie’s cock and rubbed it in as he

stroked. Gasping, Robbie reached his arm around Jay’s neck and held on as the dual attention

made him shudder. Jay fucked Robbie harder and jerked him faster.

From gentle to full-throttle lovemaking was a new experience for Robbie! When Jay

kissed his neck, Robbie knew it was special for both of them. He didn’t want it to end. Robbie

kissed Jay. “Harder,” he whispered.

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Getting exactly what he asked for, Robbie gave into the climax as Jay drove in and out of

him so fast the heat spread. The pressure on Robbie’s cock also ramped up as Jay pinched the tip.

The release rocked Robbie as he came with a shout.

“Damn right!” Jay pressed to Robbie’s back as he orgasmed.

Robbie could feel the relief in Jay’s body as he caught his breath. When Jay slid away,

Robbie turned onto his back. Watching Jay dispense of the used protection didn’t sound

romantic, but they were going to share everything now.

When Jay crawled back into bed, full relief sank in as Robbie snuggled to Jay’s side. “It’s

really over?”

“Yep. Now, you just have to work and build a nice life here.” Jay kissed his forehead.

Smiling, Robbie shook his head. “No, I have to pay you back. What deal did you strike

with Bev?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Jay shrugged. “You don’t have to pay me back. It’ll all even out.”

Robbie turned, planted his hands on Jay’s chest and looked him square in the eye. “No,

it’s my debt. I’m going to pay you back.”

“Are you going anywhere? Planning on moving out?” Jay slid his hands over Robbie’s


“No, that’s not the point.”

“Sure it is. It all evens out. You’re a better cook. I’m always eating out because I burn

stuff or screw it up. It’s cheaper for two to live together. We’ll be fine.” Jay seemed so casual

and sure about it.

“But Bev is involved. If it was just between us, maybe I could let my pride go and accept

it. Tell me what the deal with Bev is,” Robbie demanded.

“You don’t trust me?” Jay asked.

“Of course, I do. You’re the first person, other than Bev, who has helped me without

selfish motives.” Robbie hugged Jay.

“Actually, in the beginning, I had other motives.” Jay held Robbie tight.

“What do you mean?” Robbie froze.

“I knew you were the hottest guy in the club. You’re my main competition. So I got close

to you to neutralize you or find a way for me to stay on top. I know, I was a jerk. But it changed

so fast. I didn’t expect to fall for you.” Jay loosened his grip on Robbie and kissed his neck.

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“Don’t play games. You think I could beat you? You’re the hottest guy I’ve ever met.”

Robbie ran his hands over Jay’s perfectly sculpted arms. The balance of muscle without looking

like a steroid accident was exactly what people looked for.

“I’m glad you like me. You’re new and incredibly genuine as well as sexy. The crowd

loves you. Sure, I was attracted to you. It was a mix of wanting you, wanting to keep you from

showing me up, and not wanting to let you fall in with the wrong guys. Love wasn’t in the plan.

Hate me?”

Robbie studied Jay’s face contorted in anticipation. “I could never hate you. Most of your

motives were good. But if you want me to really trust you, there can’t be any other secrets. Like

your deal with Bev!” He pinched Jay’s nipple until he squirmed.

“Okay, fine.”

Robbie released the flesh and kissed the spot. “So?”

“I’ve been talking to her, long before you started here, about how I don’t want to dance

forever. I don’t want to be like Ken and still trying to compete with twenty year olds when I’m

forty. Not that I won’t have the body for it, but trust me, it gets old after a while. I love the cheers

and the crowd’s energy, but I want to be able to settle down some day. Not size up every new

guy and work every night.” Jay pushed on Robbie.

Rolling on his back, Robbie pulled Jay into his arms as his boyfriend’s hard body cuddled

to him. “I understand that. I don’t know if I want to go back to school or what now that the debt

is gone. I like dancing. So your deal with Bev has something to do with future plans? And you

weren’t going to tell me?”

Jay kissed Robbie’s chest. “Not just yet. New men either love the stage or run from it.

You get off on the cheers and the men leering at your body. The new guys never think it’ll get

old. They channel their inner actor or dancer and perform. I didn’t want to take that thrill away

from you yet. It may take years, but it does get old for most guys.”

“I can see that.” Robbie pinched Jay’s ass. “What’s the deal?”

“Okay. I have aunt who I actually like. She lives up in Reno. She never got married and

lives with a female friend. It’s odd to say my aunt is a lesbian.” Jay nodded.

“I like her already. Go on.” Robbie was glad Jay had some nice family.

“She’s bugged me to come up there so she has some family nearby. When I got in a jam

or needed anything, she was the one person other than Bev I could call. Even before Bev, she

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sent me sweaters and care packages. If she’d have known the truth of what I was doing, she’d

have driven down and dragged my ass up to Reno. I kept it from her because I was dumb.

Wanted to do it myself. But I never forgot she was there. She doesn’t have kids or anything so at

some point when she gets old I’ll probably move up there to help her.”

“Or she could move here,” Robbie suggested.

Jay shook his head. “That’s where the deal sort of fits with my plan. I talked to Bev about

opening another club up in Reno. I could run it for her and gradually buy half so we’re partners.

Her loaning me the money to pay off your debt was sort of an advance on the deal. I’ll go up and

scout places and men. Do the leg work. I’ll eat all the travel myself and keep track of the time

and so on. When we’re square, then whatever I spend goes toward my ownership. I’ll get a base

salary once that club opens, but I have some savings to throw at my share.”

Reviewing the deal in his mind, Robbie nodded. “I see why it’s good for you. Why

doesn’t Bev just open a club now and move us up there?”

“Us.” Jay smiled. “Well, Bev isn’t huge into risks. She’d rather take her time. I make

more for her now as a dancer. We might start looking at our competition and assessing the

playing field up there. I was thinking of it when I’m closer to forty. Then it’ll probably be worth

it to move. Which is about when my aunt might start to need someone at least checking on her

more than at the holidays. Plus Bev hates Reno. She thinks it’s dirty and full of creeps. A pale

imitation of Vegas.”

“You think a club will go there?” Robbie asked.

“They get a lot of tourism from San Francisco. The gay side will support us from day

one. Of course, I can’t run it all alone.” Jay hugged Robbie. “I didn’t want to spring this all on

you. When the holidays roll around, I was going to invite you to come to my aunt’s and meet her

and her girlfriend. We can check out Reno while we’re there. I don’t want you to feel like you’re

stuck in my deal because of this debt. There are other options, but we’re good at this. Bev knows

how to run these clubs. In ten years, we can move a little north and run stuff instead of strutting

around naked for people.”

Robbie kissed Jay hard. “I never thought I’d find love and a future in Vegas. I just

wanted to be anonymous and survive. A boyfriend and a place to go for the holidays. Future

plans that we’ll make together. Sounds good.”

“I’m not going without you. I made that very clear to Bev.” Jay nipped at Robbie’s chin.

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“I love you. Just promise no more deals behind my back, even for my own good. Talk to

me first?” Robbie asked.

“Deal. I really wanted your sister to come through. More for your family connections, but

I was afraid I’d lose you too. Everything worked out, and I do like the idea that I rescued your

ass.” Jay kissed him.

“You did, but you don’t own it. We better get some sleep. It was a long night, and

tomorrow, we do it all again.”

“Actually, we’ve got tomorrow off. Bev wants things to cool down after the drama. Only

a few people know but things tend to spread around. It’ll be fine in a couple of days. They’ll just

be jealous I’ve got you.”

“They already are.” Robbie kissed Jay’s cheek and began planning a special meal for

their day off. Together, they could make all their dreams come true one dance at a time.

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Three months later…

Jay sat in Bev’s office as they reviewed their competition. Strip clubs in Reno.

“You don’t need to hurry anything. Robbie and I are fine with things the way they are.”

Jay had no complaints about life. They’d gone to Maine for Christmas. There’d been more snow

then Jay had seen in his life. While Robbie and his sister were getting along, the loan had never

been discussed. Money made things odd, and Jay knew it worked out for the best.

“I’m not rushing things, but if you’re going to be visiting your aunt for Easter anyway,

you can check them out. I’d like Robbie’s opinion, too.” Bev sat back. “You really are hooked

on this one. You make a cute couple.”

“Thanks. Finally gave in to romance. I guess love does really exist.” Jay smiled. “You’re

never going to settle down?”

“At my age, I’d end up taking care of an old man in his sixties. I had plenty of romances

and fun when I was young. One long term love wasn’t meant for me. You always were picky.”

“I like picky better than romantic. That’s what Ken called me.” Jay made notes on the

places to swing by when he and Robbie went north for a long weekend.

Bev waved. “Ken. That man is a stubborn child who needs to be spanked.”

“I don’t think you’re his type.” Jay grinned.

“No, you know who he belongs with. We all do. They’re the only idiots who don’t.” Bev

made a drinking gesture.

Jay knew it before she even did the mime. “Avery is stubborn, too. He doesn’t want to

admit he could fall for something a little on the shallow side.”

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“Idiots. They’ll figure it out in the old folk’s home when they need Viagra to get it up.

All that time wasted. Glad you didn’t follow that lead!” Bev nodded.

“You should drop some hints on them. Maybe they’ll listen to you?” Jay shrugged.

“Sure and Vegas just entered an ice age. Please.” She looked at her watch. “Damn, I’ve

got dinner plans before this place gets going. See ya later, sweetie.”

“Bye, Bev. I’ve got to get home to Robbie, too.” Jay loved having the day off now and

then. With two incomes he could.

The short drive home made Jay think. He’d let Robbie into every corner of his life but

one. The idea didn’t scare him now. It was still a huge deal to him, but he wanted Robbie


Once inside the apartment, Jay locked the door behind him. The amazing smell of garlic-

something filled the air.

“Hey! When’s dinner?” Jay asked.

Robbie leaned out from the kitchen. “Half an hour left. Bev all cool with the Reno trip?”

“Very.” Jay kicked off his shoes and padded into the kitchen. “So we’ve got a little time

to kill?”

“Sure. What are you thinking?” Robbie smiled.

“You know. Well, maybe you don’t.” Jay hugged Robbie tight. “I want you to fuck me.”

Robbie’s eyes widened. “Are you sure? I’m not expecting it or pushing it. It’s nothing to

me, and I understand why you’ve got bad associations.”

Since Robbie found out about Jay’s rough early years in Vegas, he hadn’t so much as

dipped a finger back there while pinching Jay’s butt. Not a soapy slip playing the shower.


“That’s just it. I don’t want bad associations anymore. I want good ones. With what you

know, you’ll be so gentle I won’t even feel it,” Jay teased.

“Won’t feel it?” Robbie squared his shoulders. “I may be gentle, but I’m not tiny. It

won’t hurt, but are you sure?”

Jay nodded. “I need to heal that side of my sexual past. You’re the only one that can do it.

I’m still the top. This’ll be the exception not the rule so enjoy it.”

“I’m glad you trust me. That’s enough for me. You’ll have to ask for it any time you want

it.” Robbie kissed Jay slowly.

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“Fine with me.” Jay grabbed Robbie’s hand and led him to the bedroom.

It was a slow seduction this time. They kissed as they removed each other’s clothing.

Robbie sat Jay on the edge of the bed and pushed him onto his back. Jay inhaled at the position.

Plenty of times he’d been on his back for Robbie to ride like that hot rodeo cowboy he was. This

was different.

Robbie kissed his way over Jay’s neck and chest. Arousal took over, and Jay felt his

need. Shoving a pillow under his head, Jay also needed to see it was Robbie at every step. As if

he wouldn’t know by the touch alone. Robbie’s touch was tender and loving, even as he kissed

Jay’s cock. If anyone started dirty talk or rough fucking, it was Jay.

Getting his balls sucked turned Jay on fast. He was fully hard when Robbie’s tongue slid

slowly back and gently teased his hole. The man had skills and patience! Jay even closed his

eyes as Robbie kissed and sucked between Jay’s cheeks. Robbie’s tongue wiggled for entry, and

Jay opened his eyes. Relaxing, he groaned as Robbie’s tongue explore just inside.

Robbie moved away, and Jay gasped at the loss. His boyfriend grabbed lube and a


“Going too fast?” Robbie asked.

Jay shook his head. “I want it.”

With one hand, Robbie stroked Jay’s hard cock. “So I see. If I move too fast, tell me.”

His other hand worked lube over Jay’s asshole.

Need gnawed at Jay. It’d been so long and never this intimate. “Fuck me, Robbie.”

Both hands left Jay’s body as Robbie snapped on protection. He leaned in, and Jay rested

on his hands so he could see his boyfriend easing into him.

“Sexy flexible guy.” Robbie kissed Jay as he sunk in slowly.

The stretching and stimulation of untouched spots made Jay moan. “You’re so good.”

“You’re tight.” Robbie added lube as he pulled back and advanced again.

“You’re the first guy I’ve ever loved who has done this.” Jay trembled as Robbie’s arms

held him.

“I’m the only guy who’ll ever touch you again,” Robbie promised.

Safety and love filled Jay as Robbie’s balls pressed to his flesh. “Damn right.” Jay

tightened on Robbie and got a groan in return.

“You’re a lot tighter than I am. If you don’t use it, obviously, you’re like a virgin again.”

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“Sorry, you squeeze me enough.” Jay pinched Robbie’s nipples. It was fun to be fucked

with this man.

“I’ll think twice before doing that again.” Robbie leaned forward and kissed Jay. “Want

to keep going?”

Jay nodded. “I want to feel you come inside of me.”

Slowly, Robbie thrust in and out of Jay’s body. Heat and pleasure replaced the tightness,

and Jay lifted for Robbie to go faster. Gradually, Robbie increased his pace. The more he hit that

spot deep inside Jay, the closer Jay came to orgasm.

Then Robbie gripped Jay’s cock and stroked it in time with the thrusts. Jay moaned and

tried to fuck Robbie’s palm as well as get screwed. He couldn’t do both and gave his body to

Robbie with total trust. His climax hit hard as Robbie rubbed the tip of Jay’s cock and pressed

deep to his ass.

“God, yes!” Jay came in a shudder, cum landing in the middle of his chest.

When Robbie tried to pull back, Jay grabbed him and held him. “Don’t stop.”

Robbie pressed all the way and rocked his hips as he licked up Jay’s cum. His moans and

grunts banished Jay’s ghosts. Jay’s past was ancient history, and his future was free and happy.

“Jay!” Robbie moaned. “You okay?”

Chuckling, Jay ran his hands over Robbie’s gorgeous chest and up to hold his face. “I’m

perfect. Next round, I’m screwing you hard.”

“After dinner, you can do anything you want to me.” Robbie gently withdrew and kissed

Jay sweetly.

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About the Author

A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic

romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans...where anything can

happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day she analyzes

numbers for a division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices

free for her erotic romance novels.

Cheryl can be found at

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