Cheryl Dragon All Male Nudes Hot Bouncer

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Hot Bouncer

An All Male Nudes! Story

By Cheryl Dragon

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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Hot Bouncer
Copyright © 2013 Cheryl Dragon
Edited by Darlena Cunha and Cait Green
Cover Art by Adrian Nicholas

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-664-6

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including
infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable
by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: June 2013

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product
of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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Chapter One

The day started around noon at Big D’s All Male Nudes strip club. Peter Leyman sat the

bar and taped up his bad ankle before rehearsal. The club had two sides, one for the female

customers and one for the male clientele, but Peter was always more comfortable on the men’s

side. His life was orderly and content. He’d never been a complainer. Still, every time he taped

up that ankle he remembered the pain of the break and watching his ballet career going down the

drain. His current job let him dance and earn a living. At thirty-two, however, he found himself

mulling over the future more and more.

“So what’s the latest, Avery?” Peter asked.

The African American bartender had retired from dancing and seemed happy with his

new gig. Avery mentored a lot of the guys with no nonsense advice. Peter was more at ease with

him than the younger strippers who were still on non-stop party mode.

Before Avery replied, Ken sauntered up and dropped his white duffle bag on the bar.

Peter smiled in anticipation of entertainment. The two veterans sparred as if they were lovers, but

no one ever got the full story. Ken still danced, and the silver fox’s age only showed slightly in

his hair and, occasionally, his face. Peter suspected Botox.

“Latest?” Ken scoffed. “Nothing ever happens around here. Nothing. Same dances, same

Vegas, same men, and I’m going to die of boredom.”

“Life owes you something?” Avery shook his head. “Don’t ask for excitement when you

don’t really want it.”

Ken sighed and sat on a barstool. “Good things could happen. I could be the next

Liberace. Hot young boyfriend, tons of money, and fame.”

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“You can’t play the piano or sing.” Avery slapped a cutting board on the bar and started

slicing some lemons. “A new bouncer is starting today. That’s excitement enough around here.”

“Really?” Ken sat up straighter.

Peter smiled at Ken’s constant search for youth and perfection. Between Ken’s

experience and Peter’s dance background, the two of them generally worked with the new

dancers and ran rehearsals when the owner was away. Currently, Bev was up in Reno opening

the second location. Until her return, Bev’s nephew, Carl, was officially in charge.

Carl’s voice echoed in the empty club. “This is the men’s side. I’ll give you the full tour

later. We’re a bit wilder than some strip clubs, and you have to be ready to jump in if something

happens on either side.”

The three men at the bar turned and looked as Carl and a new man came into view. Ken’s

smile faded, but Peter grinned harder. The new bouncer was six-feet-three-inches of rough

muscle trapped in worn blue jeans and a black tank top. Tattoos on his shoulders signaled

military, and the serious expression on his face convinced Peter it was true to the new man’s sexy


The new guy’s dark eyes swept the room and took it all in. His face was rugged. No one

would call him pretty, and he wasn’t quite handsome either, but Peter liked the jolt of arousal the

tough guy set off in him. From short brown hair at the top to tightly laced work boots at the

bottom, Peter liked the package.

“You okay?” Avery popped a bar towel over Peter’s shoulder.

“Sure!” Peter snapped out of a very happy mental place. He’d have no trouble getting in

the mood to dance tonight.

Carl walked over with the new guy. “Gentlemen, this is Howard Nashton, new bouncer.

We’ll station him on the women’s side. Nash, this is Avery, Ken, and Peter.”

Nash shook hands with all of them, and Peter held on a second too long. “Sorry. Nash.

Hope you don’t mind those women. They get pretty wild.”

“I can handle anyone who gets out of hand.” Nash nodded as he stood up straight and


Peter felt under scrutiny and not in a good way. They usually hired gay bouncers on the

women’s side to keep them from taking any advantage or favors from drunken customers. Nash

barely even glanced in Peter’s direction.

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“Well, glad to have some muscle on board. If we need you on this side, there’s a door

over there and behind the stage connects as well.” Avery nodded.

“If Avery or Ken ask you to come over, don’t second guess. You go,” Carl said.

“Fine,” Nash replied.

“Were you in the Army?” Ken studied the ink on Nash’s upper arm.

“Marines.” Nash folded his arms.

“Excellent. Discipline, strength, and loyalty are all appreciated here. We’re here to

entertain, of course, but we need our dancers safe and customers to remain under control or be

escorted out.” Carl sighed.

“I can handle it.” Nash nodded.

“I’m sure we’re in very good hands.” Peter smiled.

Carl slid onto a stool. “Ken, why don’t you take Nash and show him the backstage area

and how to get through to women’s side. Peter can handle rehearsal.”

“Sure. I don’t need to rehearse.” Ken waved at Nash to follow.

Nash’s big boots clomped along the tile floor. Peter watched to get the backside view.

That bouncer had a tight ass and broad shoulders anyone would fall for. Licking his lips, Peter

turned back to Carl and Avery.

“He seems to be all business,” Peter said.

“That’s a good thing. We need a bouncer with his eye on the work, not the dancers or

customers. This one might last.” Avery nodded his approval.

“You usually put gay men on the women’s side,” Peter said to Carl as he finished up his

ankle tape and tried to think about the rehearsal instead.

“He is. I talked to him about the set up and the needs. We don’t discriminate against

straight men, but we need bouncers who can carry drunken girls off stage and out to cabs without

groping or losing focus. When he got the mission, he admitted he likes dick. Don’t worry.” Carl


“I’m not worried.” Peter shrugged. “He’s got the body for a stripper, though. He’ll attract

men and women.”

“Ken wasn’t impressed. You know how vain he is.” Avery shook his head.

Carl sighed. “Why do you think I sent him on as tour guide? Peter might’ve licked the


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“I would not!” Peter’s skin burned with being caught. “He moves well. We could put him

on stage.”

“They aren’t looking at their faces that much,” Avery agreed. “The guy has the form and


“If we only hired pretty boys, we’d be in trouble. Good body, good moves, and a variety

for all tastes. That’s what Aunt Bev says. Nash’s personality doesn’t quite fit though. I don’t

know if he could relax and play to a crowd. Don’t push it. Just keep an eye on him and see if he

loosens up,” Carl said.

Avery huffed and turned his back.

“What?” Peter asked.

Avery faced the other men again. “I don’t want you two running off a perfectly good

bouncer by trying to make him a dancer. Maybe he just wants to do security? He looks as if he

just got out of the Marines. That’s not easy.”

“No one is forcing him to do anything. Not a guy that size.” Peter tried to suppress his

smile. “It’s just a thought. If Nash wants to make more money, he has options.”

“If anyone can find his dancer potential, it’s you, Peter.” Carl slid off the barstool. “I’m

going to finalize Nash’s paperwork. If you need me, I’ll be in the office. He starts tonight, so

watch your gossip.”

“Thanks.” Avery nodded.

“Why would we gossip?” Peter shrugged.

Avery laughed. “Go rehearse. You’re drooling on my bar.”

* * * *

That night, Nash manned his post as bouncer. After almost ten years in the Marines,

nothing shocked him. Not wild naked men dancing for money. Not drunk women going crazy

and chasing the dancers. Big D’s was a well-run establishment, and they’d given him a chance.

He had scared people off at times, but here intimidation would be an asset.

Ken and Carl had both made rounds during the first show of the night. Nash just nodded

to them. They had to check on the new guy. Keeping his attention on the crowd and not the

dancers was his job and easy enough until the first group of dancers was done. The second group

of men included the sexy man Nash was drawn to.

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That blond, slender man seemed to light up on stage. Nash had ignored the intense blue

eyes and pale skin earlier. Peter—that was his name. Peter was a pretty guy who looked young.

While he was just Nash’s type, the last thing the bouncer needed was to get involved with

anyone. He had a plan for being back on the civilian side again. Work, security, and finding an

outlet to let go of his stress. He fit into the military perfectly, but handling the actual combat

experiences he’d buried wouldn’t happen overnight.

Nash’s job was to keep guys like Peter safe, not screw their brains out. That’d probably

get Nash fired. Besides, Peter likely had a boyfriend. Nash turned his attention to a table of two

middle-aged women drinking far too much. They’d started off happily watching the show, but

now they were shouting for the men to come down and sit on their laps.

When one tried to climb up on the table, Nash moved in. She kicked a glass, and it

shattered on the floor. One of the bartenders sprang into action, cleaning up the shards of glass.

Nash tangled with the customers.

“I think we’ve had enough.” Nash led the blonde by the arm, but the redhead stayed up

on the table.

“Take your clothes off!” she said.

“No.” He grabbed her legs and tipped her forward. She gasped and landed over his

shoulder with his arm holding her securely. He marched them to the door. She grabbed his ass,

but he ignored the touching and steered her friend into a cab before putting the redhead on her


“You should smile and show us your stuff.” The redhead shoved a five-dollar bill in his


“You might want to drink a little less. Have a good night.” Nash guided her into the cab

and closed the door as she rattled off the hotel she was headed back to.

He patted the top of the cab, and it pulled away from the curb. A few more taxis waited

for the inevitable flow of drunken patrons, and Nash was glad to see ready, safe transportation

for unruly and well-behaved drinkers alike.

As he walked back into the Big D’s women’s entrance, he got a nod from the bartender.

Nash followed the other man’s gaze and spotted a man who had sneaked into the crowd and was

sitting at a table in a corner on the side of the stage. He was in a trench coat and sunglasses.

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If the bartender was concerned, that meant he wasn’t part of the act. Nash glanced over

the rest of the crowd and saw everything was under control. Calmly, he headed up the side and

tapped the guy on the shoulder. The creep jumped up, and Nash grabbed him by the arm. When

the guy tried to get away, Nash twisted his arm until the guy winced.

Marching him outside, Nash pulled the glasses off the guy. “What are you doing?”

“Relax; I just want to see the show.” The guy tried to wiggle free. “Let me go.”

“Not yet. There is a side for male customers. Are you stalking your girlfriend?” Nash


“No. I’m not a stalker. I’m just a fan. My favorite dancer was on this side tonight. It’s not

a problem,” he insisted.

“I say what’s a problem, and there are no men on this side.” Nash let the guy go and

studied his face. Black hair, green eyes, pale skin, average height and build. “Stick to the right

side of the club.”

“Fine. It’s not a crime to be a fan. Peter appreciates his fans. Will you give him these

letters?” The guy pulled a stack of envelopes from his pocket.

“No. I’m not a messenger.” Nash shook his head.

“Repeat customers keep this place going. Pays your salary. Who do you think you are?”

The guy puffed out his chest.

“Owners pay me to keep the things in line and enforce the rules. You got bounced. Go in

the right side or go home.” Nash pulled out his cell phone and snapped a picture of the guy just

in case.

“What the hell is that for?” the guy demanded as he lunged at Nash.

Nash stepped out of reach. “Making sure you’re not a repeat troublemaker. Go.” Nash

folded his arms.

The rage registered in the customer’s face. He balled his fists and took a swing at Nash.

The trained Marine blocked the punch and twisted the man’s arm behind his back. “Get out

before I call the cops.”

When the guy walked off toward the parking lot, Nash went back inside and resumed his

position near the door. The crowd was going wild but in a safe and orderly fashion. Nash looked

at the naked Peter and faced down his lust. A nice package and a rounded ass tempted Nash, but

he didn’t look away immediately. Peter had great muscle tone and a quick smile for the crowd.

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Shaking his head, Nash scanned the women. It’d take time to desensitize himself to the

sexy dancer, but he’d do it.

Three hours later, the customers were all gone. Nash set the door, so it was exit only and

headed backstage. Half-naked and fully naked men so close drew Nash’s eyes in every direction.

The scent of so many men together got under his skin. Finally, he found Peter talking to Ken.

“Got a second?” Nash asked.

Ken wandered off, but Peter smiled widely. “Sure, what’s up?”

“A guy snuck into the women’s side today. Said he’s your fan. I kicked him out, but I

wanted you to know. He might be trouble.” Nash showed Peter the picture.

“What was trouble?” Carl walked up with Ken at his side.

“This guy. I didn’t get a name. He wasn’t drunk, but he was on the women’s side. Overly

loyal Peter fan, it seems.” Nash showed Carl the picture.

“Forward me that, please.” Carl nodded. “Peter, do you know who he is?”

“He’s a fan. A regular.” Peter shrugged. “He’s never been a problem. Good tipper.”

“I’ll make sure all the bouncers and bartenders have this picture so we can keep an eye

out for him. If he’s getting obsessed with you, it can escalate fast.” Carl patted Nash’s shoulder.

“Good call.”

“You’re going to ban him?” Peter asked.

Ken and Carl exchanged looks. “Was he violent?” Carl asked.

“Not really. He took a swing at me. I didn’t see any weapons. I kicked him out and

threatened to call the cops,” Nash said.

“Okay, we’ll just watch him for now. But Peter, a bouncer walks you to your car every

night until we know exactly what the deal is.” Carl wagged a finger at the slender dancer.

“I can take care of myself.” Peter stood a bit taller.

“Let the bouncers do their jobs,” Ken said.

Nash nodded. He was eager to help Peter and prove he could do the job. Also, if he

thought of Peter as someone who needed protection and not a potential lover, the fixation would

fade faster. “I’ll wait. Take your time, but don’t try to get by me.”

“Fine. Thanks.” Peter’s face went red, and he turned back to his duffle bag. Ken and Carl

moved on, and Nash gave the dancers some room, stepping back to forward the photo to Carl

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from his phone. Hopefully, it was nothing, but Nash wasn’t getting paid to ignore potential


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Chapter Two

Getting Nash out of his mind last night had been hard enough. The fact that Nash was

stationed on the men’s side tonight annoyed Peter to no end. No doubt, Carl had done it

intentionally to intimidate the rabid fan. Nash was intimidation squared. Today he wore a T-shirt

that read Once a Marine, Always a Marine. On the back, it said simply Semper Fi.

Peter kept on dancing but glanced over at the bouncer repeatedly. Broad shoulders and

muscle that rippled when he moved, the man was, so intense Peter wanted to explore him. Did

the guy ever smile? Filthy ways of making Nash grin, or at least show some emotion, filled

Peter’s head as he played the crowd. Then Nash’s posture changed from alert to something more

akin to the Hulk.

The dark head of the super-fan made his way through the crowd, and Peter knew Nash

was on top of the problem. Peter felt like climbing off the stage to diffuse the situation. This

wasn’t a war zone, it was a strip club. They were here to entertain. But Nash didn’t approach the

patron; he just followed him and watched.

Peter glanced at the door, and Carl’s boyfriend, Hunter, was working it. Great, Carl had

called in reinforcements, for nothing. The customer had a few drinks, and the group dance ended.

Peter went backstage and waited his turn.

“The new bouncer is working out.” Ken nodded to Peter in the mirror.

“Good. I don’t know why Hunter is here.” Peter was in nothing but a flesh-colored brief

that fit him like a glove while Ken put on a tux, only to rip it off again in a few minutes.

“For backup. You know why. That overzealous fan spooked Carl.” Ken shrugged.

“Tell him it’s nothing. He won’t listen to me,” Peter said.

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“I don’t think it’s a bad idea. The guy went into the women’s side just to see you? That’s

not healthy. We both have seen the stalker fans in action.” Ken sighed. “Better to let the bouncers

send the right message now.”

“I don’t think he’s that bad. He hit on me a few times.” Peter didn’t want to think of

himself as a target. “Fine, let them be overly cautious. I just don’t want it to hurt business.”

“No one wants that. Nip it in the bud,” Ken said.

“Seriously?” Peter stood up to head for the stage. “Nip it in the bud? You need to learn

some new slang.”

“Calling me old, that’s a good way to get me on your side.” Ken shook his head.

“Just saying.” Peter stood behind the curtain, and once the applause from the last routine

died down, he went into his handstand.

Walking out on his hands got the crowd going, at least the regulars. Once in the middle of

the stage, he turned so his ass faced the audience and lowered his legs together to be parallel to

the floor. The control and discipline of ballet was something he’d kept up, even if one ankle had

betrayed him.

When he rotated his hips, opening his legs, the crowd screamed and cheered. He finally

turned around and somersaulted back into a full split. Peter grinned but refused to look up at the

crowd as he shifted his pose until both ankles were behind his head.

This routine worked best on the men’s side. Men as flexible as he got a lot of attention.

He wondered if Nash liked the show. Hell, he probably wasn’t even watching. Peter flipped and

did a side split, then reversed with his back to the crowd, jiggling his ass just enough to keep

them cheering.

“That’s mine!” someone shouted above the crowd.

The voice made Peter freeze for a moment. He turned and backed up on the stage. Nash

moved in and grabbed the now-drunken customer. Peter stood on his good leg and stretched his

other leg up as straight as possible in the air. His eyes caught Nash’s as the bouncer dragged the

guy away.

Unsettled, Peter finished his routine and headed backstage. He sat down and felt the

jitters of opening night of a new ballet. The customer got drunk, and he was mad at Nash for last

night—no doubt.

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When Ken came back from his performance, he sat next to Peter. “They called the cops.

Carl has them out there now.”

“Damn.” Peter shook his head. “He’s overreacting. The guy asked me out, and I tried to

be nice about it.”

“Bev never played loose with our safety.” Ken shook his head. “Don’t be modest or a

fool. We all get our loonies.”

“You’re welcome to mine. This is my first, anyway. I get hit on but never by the out-of-

control ones.” Peter rubbed his eyes. He wanted to go home.

He did his best to hide his unease, but couldn’t make himself move to change. Instead,

Peter watched the other men get ready.

“Take it as a compliment, but don’t let your guard down.” Ken changed for the finale.

Nash walked up before Peter could make a joke about Ken being jealous. The guy still

looked good, but he didn’t have the crazed fans as often anymore. Peter admired Ken’s work

ethic. Still, Peter had plans to teach dance before he hit retirement age.

“You okay?” Nash asked.

“Yeah, I just need to get ready for the finale.” Peter stood up and broke out of the funk.

“Sit this one out,” Ken said.

“He’s right. Carl said you’d be shaken up.” Nash nodded.

“I’m fine. I love being on stage.” The stage was always his safe place. Where no one

picked on him for not being a big, brawny guy or tried to push him around.

“You can take one performance off,” Nash said.

“Fine. Do I need to speak to the police?” Peter watched as the backstage area cleared out

until it was just him and Nash.

“No, Carl took care of it. The guy never got to you, but he caused a disturbance. That’s

all. The police won’t even do anything yet.” Nash sat down. “But that guy has his eye on you,

and it’s not safe. If he escalates, it’ll at least have a paper trail.”

Peter had a hard time thinking about the stage or the man in the crowed when Nash was

so close. The clean smell of Ivory soap mixed with raw male energy made Peter feel weak.

“It’ll blow over.” Peter sat down.

Seeing the fear in Peter’s eyes, Nash put a hand on his shoulder. “The guy got drunk.

He’s not necessarily violent, but we have to take it seriously.”

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“Some customers get too into things. Carl won’t let him back in after that stunt.” Peter

took a deep breath. “The best thing is for me to get back out there. Be normal.”

“Not now.” Nash blocked his path. “Tell me about the guy. Has he been after you long?

Tried to ask you out?”

“I can do this with Carl. You’re still new.” Peter shook his head.

Nash nodded. “Okay, fine. I’ll wait and walk you to your car. Hunter has everything

under control out front. Terry has been the only problem.”

“So you found out the guy’s name?” Peter asked.

“Sure. We’ve got his picture up in the office. Every bouncer has it. Carl’s got his full

name and information from prior credit card payments. Cops gave him a warning.” Nash saw

Peter’s eyes darted from the mirror to Nash and then to the ground. The guy was shaken up by

the police.

“Good, then he’ll probably find another strip club.” Peter smiled. “Thanks for the help.”

“You really think it’s over?” Nash didn’t, but he’d seen the determination and lust in the

guy’s eyes.

“I hope so. Between you and the police, I think this man Terry got the message.” Peter

stared at Nash’s powerful arms.

“I think you need to be careful for a bit.” Nash had so far been able to ignore his

attraction. When faced with action, he could push all his needs and wants down and focus on the

problem. Now his body relaxed, and the desire rippled under the surface.

“You have amazing definition.” Peter ran his hands up Nash’s forearms.

“What?” he asked.

The tingle of contact continued up as Peter squeezed and rubbed his hands over Nash’s

upper arms. “Your muscles are impressive. You must work out all the time to maintain this.”

“I work out. Showing off the strength probably helps with being a bouncer.” Nash took a

step back. “Just let me know when you’re ready to leave. I’ll wait by the bar and relieve Hunter.”

“No, wait. You’re not going to leave me all alone. You’re my hero, you saved me.” Peter


Something had changed, and Nash knew he should get out of there. “I did my job. By the

looks of your act, you’ve got plenty of muscle, too.”

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“Lean muscle. Ballet dancers couldn’t get too bulky—not like you.” Peter tugged Nash’s

shirt from his jeans and pulled it over his head in a quick, smooth movement.

“What are you doing?” Nash grabbed the shirt but couldn’t keep Peter’s eager hands off

his hairy, muscled chest.

“Checking out the package. Abs, pecs, and shoulders are well-defined. The crowds would

go crazy for you.” Peter ran his hands down Nash’s chest to the edge of his jeans.

“The crowds? No. I’m a bouncer. Not a dancer.” Nash put his shirt on and mentally

kicked himself for thinking the attraction was mutual. Peter needed fresh meat for the stage.

“The money is better. All that work to keep up this body and you want to stand in the

back?” Peter leaned in and kissed Nash.

The shock of the connection threw Nash off guard. One minute Peter was sizing him up

for the stage, and now a kiss. In seconds, Peter had Nash’s pants pushed down and pulled his

cock out of his briefs.

“What the hell?” Nash shook off the kiss. “What’s wrong with you? You’re too young

and foolish. Don’t mess around with me.”

“I’m thirty-two, and you’re not that scary.” Peter smiled and kissed Nash again. The

commanding way Peter gripped the back of Nash’s head with one hand and worked his dick with

the other made Nash gasp.

It could also be the fact that Peter was older than Nash by five years that shocked the

Marine. The blond didn’t appear to be a day over twenty-five. Looking over Peter made Nash’s

dick rock hard. The expert touch didn’t hurt either.

“You need to stop this before someone comes in, and I get fired.” Nash grabbed Peter’s

shoulders and wanted to shove him back.

“I know how long the finale runs. Stop acting as if you don’t want this.” Peter raised

Nash’s shirt and licked all over his chest. Those muscles tightened and rippled in response.

Nash could overpower Peter, but that wasn’t the right move. Peter moved lower and

focused on the most-in-need parts. The view of Peter’s blond head bowed as he sucked Nash’s

balls nearly knocked Nash off his feet. Nash sat in one of the chairs as Peter’s confident touch

and teasing tongue made the bouncer weak in the knees.

Peter knelt on the floor and nuzzled along Nash’s shaft. The ache built in him as he let

Peter take control. As much as Nash wanted to touch the former ballet dancer, he didn’t. It might

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break the spell or prove it was all just a dream. Eventually, Peter would realize Nash wasn’t a

teddy bear; deep down, he was rough and guarded. What you saw was what you got.

When that talented tongue teased his balls as Peter swallowed on Nash’s cock, Nash

cursed under his breath. All the time in the military taught him to be quiet when he was hooking

up. Peter’s shameless moans and groans only drove Nash to the edge faster.

Peter released Nash’s erection. “You don’t like it?”

Was he kidding? Nash grabbed Peter by the back of the head and nudged him down

where he belonged.

The chuckle from Peter only made Nash more determined to finish before he was caught.

Lifting into Peter’s mouth, he felt every one of Peter’s moans and sighs. Peter deep-throated

Nash again, and the vibrations snapped his control for good.

He tried to pull out, but Peter gripped his dick at the base and held him. Peter sucked and

teased until Nash cursed and shuddered as the orgasm hit. He came and looked down just as

Peter glanced up. The smile on his lips extended Nash’s climax as he watched the blond stripper

swallow that cum eagerly. It was unreal. Better than any sex or fantasy he’d ever had.

Peter stood up and pressed his body to Nash’s, licking his lips and clearly out for more.

He kissed Nash’s neck and finally claimed his mouth. The bouncer was in a daze of lust and


Nash’s need only half-fulfilled, he had to even the score. First he closed his pants and

pulled his shirt back down. Just as he was about to kneel and explore Peter’s body, the music

stopped. The men were taking their bows.

“Ran out of time.” Peter smiled.

The applause went on and on so Nash leaned down and kissed Peter hard, claiming his

mouth and tangling his tongue with Peter’s very nimble one. Nash pulled back before the men

flooded backstage.

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Chapter Three

Peter wasn’t in a hurry to leave. There was so much going on he could barely sort out his

thoughts. He wanted more of that bouncer, and Nash seemed ready for it. Interruptions! Nash

didn’t strike Peter as the type of man who opened up easily, and Peter hated to lose the moment.

Still, he had to remember there was a world beyond the bedroom Peter wanted to lure Nash into.

The other guys were concerned about the stalker situation, and he needed to make sure they

knew he was fine. Most of the dancers checked on him as they dressed and left.

As usual, Ken went out to talk with Avery. Peter followed and felt Nash on his heels.

“I’m ready when you are.”

“I’m not going to live in fear and hide from a drunk guy.” Peter shook his head.

“You got a fan,” Avery said.

“Please tell Nash this happens. Nothing new.” Peter sat at the bar.

Avery nodded. “It’s true. It happens now and then. Carl is handling it aggressively.”

“He rushed the stage,” Nash said.

“It’s a strip club. Half the fans will be at that stage with cash in hand at some point during

the night. You did the right thing. He was plastered, but if you ban every person who drinks too

much one night or gets too enthusiastic, we don’t have a crowd.” Ken smiled.

“This one didn’t get the message last night. Be careful,” Avery said.

Peter looked over at Nash. The chemistry still sizzled. “Nash will keep me safe. I should

take him out to dinner for a thank you.”

“I don’t need any gifts for doing my job.” Nash glanced at the door.

“You in a hurry?” Avery asked Nash.

“No, I just don’t want Peter to let his guard down.” Nash took a seat at the bar.

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Carl came out from the office. “He won’t be allowed in again. Are you okay, Peter?”

“He didn’t touch me. I’m fine. The guy probably just got drunk,” Peter sighed.

“Two nights in a row isn’t something to ignore,” Carl said.

“We don’t want to scare away the customers.” Ken folded his arms.

“Drunk jerks harassing the talent also scare away the good customers. It ruins the mood

and puts off the newcomers.” Carl shook his head. “He won’t be allowed in the club anymore.”

“Thanks.” Peter shook Carl’s hand. “Hopefully, the guy will find another club.”

“Okay, let’s call it a night.” Ken yawned. “I need my beauty sleep.”

“There aren’t enough sleeping pills in Nevada.” Avery turned out the lights on the bar and

headed for the door.

“Don’t worry, Hunter will be in tomorrow just in case. Extra set of hands doesn’t hurt.

Hopefully, all is quiet. Night. Nash, you’ll lock up behind you? Everything else is secure, just the

front door and set the alarm the way I showed you. Okay?” Carl asked.

“Sure. I’ll walk Peter to his car.” Nash nodded.

“Thanks.” Carl walked back to the office and grabbed his stuff.

Peter watched Carl and Hunter walk out. Alone with Nash, Peter moved right into his

personal space and had Nash’s back to the bar. “Please don’t act overprotective. Avery and Carl

are bad enough.”

“I’m protective because it’s my job. It wasn’t personal. You don’t have to take me out to

dinner or anything. If you have everything, let’s lock up, and I’ll walk you to your car.” Nash


Peter hated people lying, and Nash wasn’t being totally honest about stuff not being

personal. Nash’s eyes were inspecting Peter’s body. In his own jeans and tan T-shirt, there wasn’t

much to see. Nash could deny the attraction all he wanted, but Peter wasn’t buying it. He kissed

Nash and pressed to his hard body.

Strong hands grabbed Peter’s upper arms and lifted him off the ground. “I’m not messing

up this job. I’m not looking to get involved. I haven’t been out of the Marines six months. You

don’t want to get mixed up with me.”

Peter nodded, and Nash set him down.

“Fine, I’ll grab my bag, and we’ll get out of here.” Peter wasn’t done, but there was no

way he could win in a physical competition.

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* * * *

This was supposed to be an easy job. No stress, no personal involvement, and no big

commitments. He’d wanted a security job at a larger and more normal company. It was too soon

to form serious connections and care about people. He’d lost too many friends overseas and

never got to say goodbye. More pain would be too much to handle. But hiring was still tight. He

didn’t want to go anywhere else; he felt at home here and loved the desert. After the action in the

desert overseas, he needed to be able to walk out into the peaceful world of cacti and lizards. He

couldn’t explain it, but he didn’t want to leave Vegas.

How his life had changed. A year ago, he was fighting for his life and serving his country.

Now, he was bodyguard to a ballet-dancing stripper. Nash felt as if he were in a dream that made

no real sense but felt right. He actually liked his job, and Peter’s tight body and flirtatious

manner tempted Nash deeply.

There were only two cars left in the parking lot. Nash’s beat up Jeep was a space farther

away than Peter’s little Nissan sedan. Nash watched for any movement. Robbery was a chronic

problem near the Strip. People lost money in a casino and got desperate. The odds of that

customer sticking around were slim, but, this late, anything could happen.

“Why don’t you follow me home, I can feed you at least.” Peter smiled.

Nash wanted more than food, but he just shook his head. “That’s not necessary. I’ll see

you tomorrow.”

As Peter opened his car door, Nash saw a figure move in the shadows right behind the

building. There was nothing but dumpsters back there. Nash stepped in front of Peter, and a dark-

haired creep slammed into him.

Something gleamed under the motion sensor lights. Nash focused on the knife in Terry’s

hand as he tried to bring the attacker down.

“Nash! Oh God!”

Nash twisted the attacker’s wrist until he dropped the knife, then kneed him in the groin.

The man fell, but when Nash went to pin him, the guy wiggled free and ran back to the

dumpsters. The sound of a motorcycle made Nash curse. The asshole sped off into the night.

“You okay?” Nash asked.

“I’m fine. Are you okay?” Peter dusted Nash off.

“We should call the police.” Nash reached for his phone in his back pocket.

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“No, come on he’s gone. They already reported him once tonight. We can’t even prove

it’s him. The security cameras are inside and at the doors, not on the dumpsters.” Peter sighed.

“They need to add one. I’ll call Carl.” Nash nodded.

“No, please. I just want to go home. We’ll bring him up to speed tomorrow. Can you just

follow me?” Peter asked.

Nash frowned at the illogical reaction. “This man is after you.”

“I know, but they won’t catch him tonight. He’s probably pissed they called the cops. If it

calms down, he might go away. Then again, he may have followed me home some other night.

He might know where I live.”

His options limited, Nash reviewed them. He could file a police report because he was

attacked, but he didn’t have a scratch on him. Nor was there video footage or proof beyond the

knife. Nash picked up the weapon and shook his head. “I’ll follow you home, but I’m telling Carl

all of it tomorrow.”

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Chapter Four

The sight of Nash in his Jeep parked next to Peter was a relief as he exited his sedan in

the parking lot of his apartment building. Peter hadn’t seen any motorcycles on the ride home,

but he hated the fact that he’d been looking for them. Terry had crossed lines, and while Peter

didn’t want to make a big deal about it, he appreciated that Nash got out of the Jeep and followed

him into the building and up the stairs.

Peter hated the conflicting feelings about Nash. As much as he wanted any excuse to

spend more time with the sexy bouncer, Peter had to believe Nash was only doing his job. The

attraction was clearly mutual, but Nash might not be interested in more than sex. Regardless of

the rest, Peter wanted to be safe, and Nash was the man for that job.

“Thanks,” Peter said as he opened the door to his place. “All safe.”

“Good. Hopefully Carl can do something to secure the area at work.” Nash nodded.

“I wanted to ask you something.” Peter waved him in.

“What?” Nash stepped inside and closed the door.

Peter got the feeling Nash was more paranoid about the stalker than interested in joining

Peter. The guy was too good to be true. He kept his distance when most big, sexy gay men tried

to show off their muscle.

“Would you be interested in a side job?” Peter flipped on the lights and put his bag down.

“Like what?” Nash folded his arms.

“Protection for me. Drive me to and from the club, just for a couple of days. That stuff

tonight was serious, and while I’m sure it’ll go away…I’d feel better with you. Carl probably

won’t panic as much if we have that arrangement, as well. I don’t want them to pull me off the

schedule.” Peter also craved being closer with Nash, but he’d save that for action instead of talk.

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“Can you afford it?” Nash asked.

“Dancers get paid better, and the tips can be pretty big. It won’t be much, but you’re

going there anyway. Fifty bucks a day?” Peter threw out a number.

“Sure, I can use the cash. You should just report it to the police now,” Nash said.

“They won’t protect me. It’s just paper. This is the practical move. Just as you should

consider being a dancer. More money and tips. Plus, a good workout between performances and

rehearsals.” Peter smiled.

“I’m not a stripper. I’m sure there are plenty of young men eager to take their clothes off

for money here. Security is what I do. What I’m good at.” Nash took a half-step toward the door.

“You think you’re better than me, I get it. Military man. Discipline, security and all that.

It’s great. It’s you. I like it. You don’t know who I really am yet. I’m about dancing. That’s my

whole life. If it weren’t for a damn ankle crack, I’d be on a stage in New York or part of a touring

ballet company. I was one of the best, and I’m still dancing. This might not be the dream, but

there are a lot worse places. The guys are good, and the owners care about safety.” Peter turned

his back on Nash. He’d hoped the night would take a different turn, but the mood was broken.

Spilling his guts and past wasn’t in the plan, but there was nothing like safety worries to make

one feel vulnerable. “Thanks for the help. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You are amazingly flexible,” Nash said.

Peter’s face felt hot, but he refused to look at Nash. “Men like that. It’s okay, you can go.

Just pick me up tomorrow, and I’ll be safe. I can pay you in advance if you want.”

Nash paced nervously and nodded. “You’re an excellent dancer. I’m not. I don’t want to

learn your routines or go naked. I wasn’t trying to insult the place. I need the bouncer job, and I

like it. Carl is direct. Ken and Avery are odd but somehow reliable. Are they a couple?” The

whole speech came out as a rapid-fire admission equal to Peter’s.

“Don’t ask.” Peter chuckled.

“I see.” Nash put his hands behind his back as he walked over to Peter. “I’m no judge of

talent, but you’re great at what you do. I just don’t have a desire to be on stage. I appreciate the


“Carl mentioned it, too. You have a unique look. That military thing could be hot on

stage. We need to keep the show fresh to keep the crowds coming in. Vegas is cutthroat

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competition. And if you can use money, it was just an idea.” Peter sat on his sofa and handed

Nash a stack of money. “Three days protection in advance.”

“I don’t need you to pay up front.” Nash wasn’t desperate for money. He lived simply and

didn’t want Peter’s pity.

“Take it. Then the business crap is done.” Peter shoved it in Nash’s hand.

He pocketed the money and nodded. “Fine. Look, I know dancing is what you do. Naked

or not. They all say you’re the best.”

Peter laughed. “Who said that?”

“All of them. Hunter. Carl. Avery. Even Ken and I get the idea he doesn’t compliment

people very often.” Nash sat down next to Peter without being invited, but Peter didn’t seem to


“That is a compliment. Ken is a great dancer. Just hope he doesn’t break a hip.” Peter


“That’s rough. He’s not that old, is he?” Nash asked.

“Not old, but for a dancer, he’s pushing the limit. He’s in good shape, but if I were him,

I’d find another day job. Ken is a dreamer. He still thinks Prince Charming will ride in on a white

limo and take him away to a mansion in the hills.” Peter sighed.

“Dreams can be scary. I’m sorry yours was ruined.” Nash looked down at Peter’s ankle.

Peter had kicked off his sneakers, and the scars were obvious even through the supportive tape.

“Shit happens. You could’ve gotten killed in the Marines. I just broke an ankle, not my

neck. I’m still dancing.” Peter sighed and finally looked at Nash. “What are you still doing here?

We made the deal. I’ll be fine. I’ve been doing this a while, and crazy fans get the message and

go away. Or they get arrested for being really over the top, but I don’t get those sorts of fans. So,

a few days of bodyguard work, and you’re off the hook. I promise.”

“You really can’t do any other kinds of dance?” Nash asked, ignoring him.

Peter sighed. “I can but there are limits. My ankle can only take so much pressure and

strain. It’s held together by screws and pins. This lets me design my routines around my injury. If

a routine puts too my stress on my ankle, I can opt out. I don’t lose my job or anything. I can

help the other guys with their dancing. I’ve tried other forms, but this is better.”

“I get it. Sometimes you have to make a radical change to have things work. I was a wild

teenager, and the military straightened me out. I swore I’d never go back to bars or gay clubs

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again. But it’s a job I can do. I’m not the one drinking and partying. Still, I couldn’t go on stage

and do what you do.” Nash admired the man. Brave and confident.

“So you were a rebel teen, and you’re still too good to shake your ass on stage like I do?”

Peter stood up. “Look, we’ve sorted out the business stuff. Just go.”

Nash had re-stepped on a nerve and froze for a second. He rarely shared his personal

stuff, and this was exactly why. His image was all confidence and restraint. Not needing

anyone’s help or approval was part of that. When he let down his guard, people misread him. “I

couldn’t do what you do, but that doesn’t mean I’m judging it. I need my job, and you’re the one

who made the move backstage. If that’s the sort of open sexual play you and the dancers engage

in, count me out. That’s the only thing I’m judging.”

Peter licked his lips and tapped his bad foot. “So you’re too good to shake your ass on

stage, but you didn’t complain about getting your dick sucked backstage. For the record, no. That

isn’t the normal backstage behavior. No, it’s not how everyone acts. We’re not in some big orgy

back there every night. We’re serious about keeping the customers happy and earning a living.

But dancers date each other or staff at times. It’s not all random sex. We’re not a bunch of male


Nash stood up. He got it now. Peter was really about dancing and had drive. Nash liked

Peter’s discipline and focus. The guy had serious skill to be able to do splits and contort his body

that way. The sex wasn’t just a thank you. “I didn’t mean that. You’re serious about the dancing. I

respect that, and I’m just not looking for random sex or games. I could do all I wanted of that in

the Marines, believe me.”

Peter grinned. “I believe you. I’m not a man-whore, either.”

The attraction was mutual. Nash’s blood pounded for more. He pushed Peter back into

the cushions of the couch and kissed him slowly. As he dragged his mouth over Peter’s, he

pushed down the slim man’s pants.

“Easy,” Peter said.

Nash let him up for a second and pulled off his shirt, then shoved Peter’s pants to the

floor. “Not this time.” Nash slid his tongue over Peter’s hairless chest and bit a nipple. The moan

he got from Peter only urged Nash on. He wouldn’t be rough or hurt the smaller man, but he’d

make sure he pleased him.

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Nuzzling his way down Peter’s body, Nash let his five o’clock shadow tease the well-

sculpted abs. The ballet dancer’s cock bobbed for attention, and Nash licked around the base and

sucked those shaved balls. The hair removal those guys did to go on stage would take half a day

for Nash. Still, Peter being bare and hard turned Nash on.

Peter’s cock throbbed as Nash stroked him. He needed to take his time. Sucking Peter’s

shaft all the way down, Nash savored the other man’s gasps and moans. When he let go, Nash

caught a sigh. Anticipation hung in the air.

Finally, Peter’s hand slid on Nash’s neck and nudged him down. Nash spit on two of his

fingers and slid them down between Peter’s ass cheeks.

“God, yes!” Peter lifted.

Nash sucked Peter’s balls and worked his asshole nice and slow. Peter’s hips pushed for

more. As Nash advanced his fingers into Peter’s hole, his other hand stroked that pretty cock.

Peter’s hips rocked in time with the attention.

“Fuck me, suck me off, Nash!” Peter begged.

“I’ll get to it all.” He’d spent too many years hooking up and rushing through sex to get

off. Peter was different.

“Please, I can’t wait.” Peter thrust up into Nash’s palm.

“Come whenever you want.” Nash rolled Peter’s balls in his mouth and let them pop out.

Over and over, he sucked those bare nuts and tongued the tender spot just behind.

“Nash!” Peter shouted, and his lower body snapped up in the air.

Nash held him tight, but the guy had muscle and flexibility. His cum shot up and landed

back on Peter’s stomach.

“Nice.” Nash pulled his fingers out and rotated them around the entrance as he lapped up

the sticky treat.

“Why are you so quiet?” Peter asked as he took deep breaths.

“You don’t fuck around with guys in the military and announce it. I got used to being

quiet.” Nash sucked the last few drops from the tip of Peter’s cock. “Ready to get fucked, or did I

wear you out?”

“No, that’s not it. I want it, but…” Peter shook his head.

“I don’t have any protection on me. I figured you’d be prepared with some here.” Nash


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When that rugged face actually grinned, Peter’s insides melted. The press of Nash’s hard

body with a big erection trying to get out of his jeans shoved Peter’s doubts aside. It sure as hell

didn’t feel as if it were pity or fear. “I’ve got some in the bedroom.”

Nash stood up, and Peter grabbed his hand, leading the way to the bedroom. The bed was

unmade, and there were clothes on the floor. Peter wanted to clean up, but Nash pushed Peter

down on the bed and didn’t even seem to notice the room.

After grabbing the condoms and lube from his nightstand drawer, Peter watched Nash

undress. The shirt and shoes were gone first, then the pants went down. That thick cock sprang

free, and Peter wanted to suck it dry. When he reached for it, Nash pushed his hand away.

“You wanted to get fucked.” Nash kissed Peter and caged him within those muscled arms

on the bed.

“Yes, please.” Peter’s lust for muscled men had been fulfilled many times, but the feeling

never lasted. This one might not either, but he needed to try.

After dealing with the protection, Nash rubbed lube inside Peter. He lifted his hips for

more and couldn’t wait to experience the stretch.

Nash flipped Peter over in one swift motion, and he was on all fours. For a split second,

Peter almost protested but caught himself. He’d wanted to see Nash’s face during, but clearly

Nash liked doggie style better.

The bouncer worked a little more lube up Peter’s ass, and he arched his back. “Don’t

tease me, fuck me.”

“I will.” Nash’s tongue slithered up Peter’s spine.

Moaning, he wanted to hear Nash come hard. For now, he’d play it the bouncer’s way,

but Peter would eventually break Nash of that quiet sex and drive him to moan, groan, and

scream Peter’s name.

Nash pressed his cock to Peter’s ass, and that thick head worked inside. Breathing deeply,

Peter took it and relished the stretching sensation. All of his muscles got the proper workout, but

this wasn’t the same without the right partner. Shoving a dildo up his ass, no matter how thick,

never got Peter off the same way.

He backed up slowly to show Nash he could take it all.

“Damn,” Nash said.

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“Being limber has its benefits. This is heaven.” Peter gave Nash’s cock a little squeeze

and wiggled his ass down for more.

Nash kissed the back of Peter’s neck and thrust all the way in. Hot balls pressed to his

body were just what Peter needed. He went face down in the pillows and pushed his ass up

higher to get more.

As Nash rocked in and out of Peter’s ass, he gasped and started to moan. Nash drove

Peter crazy every time he fell silent again.

“No one will hear. Groan, scream, talk dirty,” Peter demanded.

Nash pressed his lips to Peter’s ear. “You like it? Getting a military man up your ass?

Showing off your body to everyone and seducing me?”

Peter tried to sort out the words, but his brain was in a sexual fog while Nash pounded his

ass expertly. In his years of chasing the big burly men, he’d found guys who liked it rough or

didn’t care about their bottom. Nash cared. Peter held back from coming to make it last.

“I like what you’re doing to me,” Peter responded.

“You know what you do to me. Having to watch you on stage. All those men after you.”

Nash ground to Peter’s ass, then leaned back and changed the pace entirely.

Peter groaned when Nash pulled out completely and drove back in all the way. Balls

slapped against Peter’s body as the bouncer made the bed shake. There was nothing to do but

enjoy the ride. He never wanted to tease Nash or make him feel insecure. They could both have

their pick of men, but Peter only wanted one.

“I’m not fucking anyone else. Not personally or at the club. I don’t do private dances. I

swear. I need this so much!” Peter’s ass squeezed Nash’s dick as he filled him again.

“I want to fuck you every time I see you.” Nash pressed his hairy chest to Peter’s back

again and wrapped his arms around Peter’s neck.

“So do I. Harder, please Nash,” Peter said.

Nash’s hips snapped in shorter, harder thrusts that set Peter’s body trembling. He hit that

spot, and the world spun. Screaming Nash’s name, Peter came in a rush that left him a quivering

mass on the outside. Inside, he felt the same way he did after a brilliant performance on stage.

Stretched, exhausted and on an epic high of endorphins.

A few more thrusts and Nash cursed. The bigger man slumped against Peter and held him

tight. Peter grabbed Nash’s arm, in case he changed his mind.

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“That was amazing.” Peter found the energy to turn and face Nash.

“Pretty damn good.” Nash paused any talking with a kiss.

Peter curled his body into Nash’s, and his tongue explored that quiet mouth.

“I should go,” Nash said.

Damn! “No, stay. Once is enough?” Peter tried the playful angle.

“We both need sleep. Work tomorrow.” Nash rolled onto his back.

“We can sleep. Go again in the morning? I’m not as fragile as I look.” Peter rolled his


“I think you proved that on stage and tonight. I just don’t think we should complicate this

now. The sex was great, but we just met.” Nash sat up.

“You’re coming back here to get me for work anyway. It seems efficient.” Peter chuckled

as if it didn’t hurt his feelings.

“It might be, but I don’t have fresh clothes or anything else here. I’m not good

relationship material.” Nash shook his head.

“Did I ask you for anything?” Peter demanded.

Nash slid out of bed. “No, but I don’t have anything anyway. I’m still adjusting to civilian


“Coworkers with benefits?” Peter stretched on the bed. “I can put both ankles behind my

head. Try fucking an ass that way, and you’ll never go back.”

Nash paused in retrieving in his clothes. “I’m not saying we can’t screw around, but I

don’t want it to affect our jobs and get too personal. I may not last long here.”

Peter couldn’t believe that. Nash fit right in at Big D’s. “Everyone at work likes you. The

dancers feel safer with you there, and even Avery is impressed. That’s not easy.”

“The job I can handle, but if whatever we have gets weird, I might have to leave. I don’t

want that.” Nash was fully dressed and moving to the door.

“I don’t want you to leave, either. I’m not going to smother you.” Peter wasn’t a clingy

guy, yet because he wasn’t the butchest of men, people expected him to be more effeminate in

some ways.

“Guys like you don’t end up with guys like me. It’s just not reality. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Lock up behind me.” Nash left.

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Peter heard the front door close and wanted to chase Nash down and fuck him on the

stairs to make a point. Walking into the front room naked, Peter locked, dead bolted, and chained

until his apartment was secure.

He couldn’t push Nash too far, but this was a hell of a good start. Nash was down on

himself, and while Peter didn’t know why, he wasn’t giving up. Nash was into the sex, too, and

soon enough he’d be moaning Peter’s name.

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Chapter Five

The next day, Nash kept his word and drove Peter to work. He also kept his promise to

himself and reported the attack last night to Carl. Within an hour, the same police officer who’d

taken the statement the night before arrived for more. Clearly, the owner had a lot of pull in


Nash handed over the knife and gave his statements. Afterward, he hung around at the bar

while Peter gave the officer his account of things. Avery and Ken sipped orange juice and

exchanged looks.

“What?” Nash asked.

“Peter is so little. I hope no one hurts him.” Avery shook his head.

“I’m driving him to and from work for a few days. We arranged that last night.” Nash

liked the concern around this place.

“Peter likes you.” Ken smiled.

“It’s just business.” Nash shrugged.

“Sure, and we’re straight.” Avery rolled his eyes. “Peter is a nice guy. You hurt him, and

we’ll hurt you.”

Nash looked at Avery and Ken, well toned and in shape men, but nothing compared to

Nash’s overtly muscled form. Plus, they were in their forties at least. “I don’t want to hurt him,

but, really, I don’t think you could hurt me.”

“Not everything is physical.” Ken sat straighter in his chair. “Influence matters as much

as brawn around here.”

“I like Peter, but I’m not trying to mix business and pleasure. Okay?” Nash smiled. He

wanted more of Peter but was himself still healing from losing friends and leaving the life he

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knew. It was a complicated change. He wanted to be a civilian again but missed the structure. He

wanted Peter but couldn’t handle loss right now.

Ken shrugged. “Just don’t hurt him.”

It took a lot of military discipline for Nash not to ask if they were a couple. All of their

body language and behavior pointed to yes, but they never showed affection. In a place where

men got their asses squeezed in exchange for a good tip, a little kiss or cuddle wouldn’t shock

anyone. Nash had seen Carl and Hunter holding hands as much as they possibly could.

“What are you staring at?” Avery asked.

“Nothing.” Nash wandered off to check things backstage. He even went around the back,

outside where the attack happened. Peter’s safety was important, and now it was personal.

When he returned to the office area, Peter glared at him, but Carl gave Nash a thumbs up.

“We’re going to put in a full flood light back there and cameras. I’ve got the guy coming out


“Great, thanks.” Peter nodded. “Nash, can I talk to you?”

Nash followed Peter and found himself in one of the private booths. “Aren’t these used

for lap dances?” Nash asked.

“Lap dances can happen in the open. These are for things you don’t want seen in public.

No, nothing illegal.” Peter sat on the loveseat. “Don’t worry, the booths are cleaned.”

“What are we doing here? People will think…” Nash started to leave.

“No. No, you don’t. Look, I didn’t tell you everything. We need privacy. I don’t care what

the men think. That guy, Terry, is a regular customer of mine. He’s just gone too far.”

“That’s not news. He crossed the line, Peter. Stop worrying. Carl is going to add security

measures, and the police have a report. They won’t lock him up forever. Hell, you’ll be lucky if

they even talk to the guy.” Nash had low expectations of police action but reporting it was the

right procedure.

“I did stuff with Terry a few times.” Peter’s face went deep red.

“In here?” Nash asked.

“Yes, and later he invited me to go home with him. It wasn’t for money. I’m not a hooker

or anything. It was casual. He liked me, or seemed to.” Peter looked at the floor.

“So you dated him? Okay. Why didn’t you tell me that?” Nash had hassled one of Peter’s

ex-boyfriends? “Wait, why don’t Ken and Avery know about that?”

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“He wasn’t a boyfriend or anything serious. I teach at a dance studio a few days a week,

early classes and on my days off. It keeps me up-to-date. He followed me there one time, and I

went home with him. I’m not proud of it. I needed attention.” Peter rubbed his hands over his


“Terry thought it was more?” Nash had stepped into the middle of a mess and hadn’t even

known it.

“He could have. I went with him a few times. It wasn’t great, but everyone gets lonely.

He pursued me, and I made it clear it was over. He stopped coming here for a while, then just

showed up a day or two before you started. I ignored him, and he seemed to ignore me. Then it

got weird.” Peter sighed. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before.”

“You need to tell Carl and the police. They need to know it’s personal.” Nash went for the

solution and the safety issue. He couldn’t deal with any growing feelings for Peter just yet.

“I can’t do that. They’ll think I’m asking for this.” Peter shook his head.

Nash held Peter’s arm. “No one asks to be attacked. Terry might think I’m your new

boyfriend. Or whatever. I don’t care what he thinks, but he could hurt you. That knife is proof

enough he’s not just a fan or trying to get back together.”

“I didn’t use him. I never took money. It was a hook-up. Plain and simple.” Peter leaned

back and closed his eyes.

“I understand, but, clearly, Terry didn’t. You need to figure out what you want. Don’t

worry, I already know where I stand.” Nash stood up to leave.

“Wait, no. Don’t go.” Peter held onto Nash’s arm as if he could stop the bigger man with

sheer force.

“I’m sorry if I made a bigger deal out of this Terry guy. Stalkers are dangerous, but I

didn’t know about the real, personal relationship. I’m glad I did my job, though. He still pulled a

knife on me last night.” Nash tried to will himself to leave, but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to

walk out on Peter.

“I know you were only doing your job, and I appreciate it,” the smaller man continued. “I

didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to think I was one of those guys.” Peter stood up and

hugged Nash. “We both have a past, but I’m not just after sex with you.”

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Nash felt the iceberg around his heart starting to melt. He’d walled off his emotions to

survive combat. He wanted to keep the discipline and to handle reality without going back to

wild clubbing. But he also wanted to enjoy life.

“I get it,” Nash said. “Let’s just go about the day. Talk about it later.”

* * * *

Peter hated the idea of later. He didn’t want to lose great sex with a hot guy over his past.

In younger years, Peter had fallen for men who were like himself. They were around and safe but

didn’t really turn him on. After the career change from ballet to stripping, Peter found himself

going for guys who went after him when his ego needed a boost, but mostly he was single. Nash

had real potential, and, of course, the one guy Peter was interested in got to see his worst choices

in men early and up close.

After rehearsing and incident-free shows, Peter wanted to be alone with Nash. Nothing

else mattered. Normally, Peter hated being with men who made him feel helpless and slender, but

with Nash it didn’t feel as if it were pity or kink. It was natural. Nash was just a muscle-bound

guy, conditioned by the Marines to be intimidating and powerful. His build and demeanor fit

Peter just fine because in ballet, men had to be light enough to jump with height but strong

enough to lift and support female dancers. Even if he’d wanted to bulk up, he hadn’t conditioned

his body that way in all of his twenties. This was the form he loved.

As Nash parked the Jeep outside Peter’s apartment, Peter looked over. “Come in and

we’ll order a pizza.”

Nash shook his head. “You don’t owe me any explanations. Tonight was quiet. Hopefully,

it stays that way. I’ll be by tomorrow.”

“Please come up.” Peter grabbed Nash’s hand on the gearshift between them.

“Fine.” Nash turned off the car, and they headed to Peter’s apartment.

Once they were upstairs, and the pizza was on its way, Peter sat down and waited for

Nash to relax. “I told Carl about my past with Terry. So, he knows it all, now.”

“Good.” Nash nodded. “Everyone makes mistakes, but you don’t want any other dancer

or staff member getting hurt because the guy becomes unstable over his obsession with you.”

“Of course I don’t want anyone hurt. I never thought Terry would go off. I’m glad you’re

around to protect everyone. I should’ve told everyone about my past with Terry. But do you want

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people knowing your worst choice for companionship?” Peter asked as he hung his head in

shame and pulled out cash for the pizza.

“No. But I’ve never worked a job where the lines blurred.” Nash grabbed the money for

the pizza when the doorbell rang.

Peter waited while Nash handled the transaction. Once the door was closed and locked,

Peter grabbed plates and napkins, plus drinks, from the kitchen.

“Why did you answer my door?” Peter asked.

“Safety. If I’m here, might as well use it.” Nash set the pizza down and opened the box.

“You’re not on the clock. Really, Nash, stop being so controlled.” Peter grabbed a slice

and ate.

Nash sat down and joined Peter in dinner. “The danger is still real. One quiet day means

nothing. You deserve to be safe.”

“What about your past? Is there a hot military man boyfriend I’m competing with?” Peter

asked, changing the subject.

“No, no one.” Nash shook his head. “A few hook-ups but nothing serious.”

Relieved, Peter smiled and sat back. “So you were wild in high school and went into the


“It was safer than staying home. My dad didn’t like that I screwed men, so I came and

went a lot. One of my friend’s older brothers was in the Army, and he was hot. He seemed to

have a plan. As soon as I was eighteen, I signed up.”

“To get out from under your dad?” Peter asked.

“Pretty much. I could follow rules, but when the rule was don’t be who you are, I

couldn’t do it. So I rebelled. The military just said don’t tell us about it. It was an improvement. I

got praise and guidance. Better than at home.” Nash sat back from the food.

“Your mom must’ve missed you.” Peter scooted closer.

“No, she left when I was little. Just me and dad. Anyway, he was glad I was gone. After

eighteen, I didn’t ask him for a thing ever again.” Nash’s jaw tightened.

“Have you seen him since you’ve been back?” Peter asked.

Nash shook his head. “No need.”

Peter didn’t pry beyond that clear answer. “Why did you leave the Marines?”

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“I’d seen enough of war and the world. The Marines helped me grow up and be a

responsible man in just under ten years. I wanted to try civilian life again. On my own terms, no

dad rules or Marine rules.”

“So, you could be a stripper if you wanted.” Peter rested his head on Nash’s shoulder.

Nash chuckled. “I could but it’s not a dream of mine.”

“I know, but a little extra money and getting a taste of freedom are two reasons to try it.

Prove you can go a little wild and stay in control.” Peter tugged Nash’s shirt off.

“Stop it. I can’t dance, and I’m not going to take classes from you,” Nash replied.

“I don’t need students. I’ve got plenty. Wannabe dancers and performers of every kind.

I’ve got a good business. Someday, I’ll open my own dance studio.” Peter pulled Nash to stand

up and steered him to the full-length mirror in Peter’s bedroom.

“What are you doing?” Nash asked.

Peter opened Nash’s fly and pushed his pants down. “You’re hot. You don’t even need to


“I can’t do the splits.” Nash laughed.

“You can do chin-ups. Push-ups. Crunches. Run for miles, I’m sure. You don’t get a body

like this without working all your muscles.” Peter caressed Nash’s arms and chest.

“A work out isn’t a performance.” Nash shook his head.

“I disagree. You can be a very stern drill sergeant and boss around a bunch of dancers.

Run them through training. Join in the workout and the crowd will go wild.”

“You’re kidding. A military, basic-training-style routine? Marines call it drill instructor,

by the way.” Nash started to smile.

“Sure, sorry. But for the show make it generic and what people know. Guys in camo

pants and dog tags, whatever props we have. Working out and then running through the crowd.

Getting naked on stage. Nothing hotter than a man in and out of uniform. Want to give it a try?”

Peter kissed Nash’s shoulder.

* * * *

Nash couldn’t take it much longer. Peter’s pretty hands on his hairy and rough body had

Nash ready to burst. Grabbing protection and lube from Peter’s nightstand, Nash pushed Peter up

to the mirror.

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“What are you doing? Don’t change the subject.” Peter’s cock grew in his pants despite

his protests.

“Take off the clothes.” Nash’s erection left no question about what was coming next. He

covered it with latex protection, then squirted lube into his hand.

Peter yanked off his clothes without further objection and faced Nash.

“Face the mirror,” Nash said.

“I want to see you,” Peter protested.

“I’m taller than you. Try to keep your eyes open.” Nash grabbed Peter and turned him.

Peter’s hands planted on the door to either side of the mirror. Nash worked the lube in

Peter’s rear and watched the expression on his face change. When Nash probed that tight ass,

Peter smiled, and Nash could feel the relaxation.

“Brace yourself,” Nash said.

“I’m good.” Peter’s palms were flat on the door.

“We’ll see.” Nash started slow, easing into Peter.

“Fuck me!” Peter worked himself back.

Nash wrapped his arms around Peter’s hips and lifted his feet off the ground so Nash

could stand up fully.

“Fuck!” Peter tried to grab the door.

“Just hold on; you’re fine.” Nash had all the control, and after a few strokes, there were

no complaints.

Peter’s mouth gaped, but the sides still turned up in a slight smile. He tried to rock back,

but Nash had him. Once Peter held still, Nash used one arm to support the dancer and the other

to jerk his cock.

“You’re killing me,” Peter said.

“Not as much as you kill me every time I see you naked up there. Your ass is mine.” Nash

drove into him harder and stroked his cock.

Groaning, Peter nodded. “I’m all yours. I swear. It’s just a job.”

Nash believed him, but knew he’d fucked customers before. That Terry, for one.

Teamwork in the military made all the men feel as if they were brothers. That was one thing, but

Nash hated how attached he got when most guys just wanted some fun. He wasn’t meant for

casual sex.

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“I’m just a fuck buddy to you.” Nash thrust harder into Peter’s body.

The trembling and tightening on his cock made Nash pause. He firmed up his footing and

worked Peter’s cock until Nash had the power again.

“No, I want you. Stay all night. Please. Don’t leave me.” Peter screamed the last word as

his cum splattered the mirror as his ass milked Nash’s dick.

Nash studied Peter’s face in orgasm and loved the little snarl, then the innocent smile. He

could be a choir boy, yet he loved things like this.

Fucking that blond ballet dancer harder, Nash focused on his release and how safe he

was. No more barracks or restrictions. He could fuck every guy in Nevada if he wanted, in a

hotel room or his place or anywhere. No limits. No disapproval. There was total freedom in his

life. Not that it mattered now. He just wanted Peter, and when Nash looked in the mirror and saw

Peter’s smile as he watched Nash getting close, it sent him over.

Coming deep in Peter’s body, Nash gasped and groaned. When he caught himself, he

realized it was foolish now to keep quiet during sex. “Damn, Peter!” he said loudly as he let

Peter’s feet hit the floor again.

“Glad my idea turned you on so much. We can pitch it and see what they think.” Peter

craned his neck back and kissed Nash.

“Idea?” Nash couldn’t think about anything but amazing sex and what he’d do to Peter

next. “I’m going to take you to bed and suck your cock all night. That’s the only idea I want to

think about.”

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Chapter Six

A few days later at rehearsal, Peter had convinced Nash to try a generic military training

routine. Great nights full of sex and days of flirtation and peace made it seem possible. No more

Terry attacks so far. Peter wanted to see what Nash could do.

With Ken among the crowd of dancers, Peter had to be on top of his game. Ken could be

judgmental, but Peter doubted he’d be able to handle the routine. It was more muscle than

dancing skills.

“So Nash is going to lead a military style workout. The idea of the routine is to show off

muscle. He’ll pick on me a little bit and work us hard, run us through the crowd, then we’ll

strip.” Peter shrugged. “Sound good?”

“Sounds like a workout.” One of the men shouted.

“It will be. Don’t worry if you can’t cut it. A small line of soldiers is fine.” Peter nodded.

Nash took the lead and started with standard pushups. Then military push-ups, complete

with the clap in the middle. Then it was one-handed pushups. Peter’s arms felt as if they were

jelly by the time they were done.

Then jumping jacks, and his ankle ached with those. Peter kept up for the most part and

watched Ken out of the corner of his eye. Most of the men were keeping up for now. Next were

crunches, and they brought out a bar for chin-ups.

“I’m out.” Ken shook his head and backed away from the chin-up bar.

Peter smiled at Nash who nodded in approval. After the chin-up’s, it was toe-touches and

the running. Peter’s ankle wobbled a bit, so he grabbed a seat.

“You too tired?” Nash asked.

“Ankle, I’m your weak link.” Peter sighed.

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“No, you’ve got an injury. Ken needs to think about retiring.” Nash sat next to Peter.

“He can still dance. Aggressive exercising is more than he should do. I don’t want a heart

attack during the show,” Peter whispered to Nash.

“Be nice. The military doesn’t take men at his age.” Nash grabbed a bottle of water and

gave it to Peter.

“Good practice, guys. I think that routine has potential.” Peter nodded. “I need to ice my

ankle, so Ken is going to run the rest of the rehearsal.”

Nash followed Peter to the changing room. Peter grabbed an ice pack and sat with his leg

propped up. “The guys love it. They can compete with each other.”

“I just don’t think that’ll get the crowd as revved up as a dance number.” Nash shook his


“A variety is good. Slowing things down and showing off the muscle is fine. That’s what

they want to see, and you have plenty.” Peter ran a hand up Nash’s arm. “You don’t have to go

naked if you don’t want to.”

“Me?” Nash shook his head. “That was demo only. I’m not going on stage in front of


“We’ll see.” Peter shifted the ice pack on his ankle. By now, word of the routine had

made it to Carl. Anything that hot would earn tips and get pushed to the front of the lineup.

* * * *

Later that afternoon, Nash was hanging at the bar waiting for the club to open.

Avery dried a wine glass. “Did Ken really pass out?” he asked.

Nash laughed. “No, not at all. He hung in there but opted out before chin-ups. I don’t

blame him. This isn’t a workout for dancers or performers. It’s raw muscle.”

“That man won’t retire until he breaks something.” Avery shook his head.

“He’s determined to stay in shape, which is great.” Nash watched the door and hoped

there would be no problem tonight.

“I’m in shape, I don’t need to show it off anymore,” Avery said.

Carl walked out from the office. “Nash, that military routine is great. Can we try it


“You can try anything, but I’m not going up there.” Nash shook his head.

“Come on. You’re the one who can sell the drill sergeant bit. No one else can do that.”

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“Ken is bossy.” Avery laughed.

“Bossy but not military. Nash, you run it and get a nice bonus. Just that one routine, no

other stripping. You can even keep your pants on.” Carl shrugged.

“Drill sergeant isn’t the exact term for the Marines. Besides, you need a bouncer,” Nash


“This is a show for fun. Don’t get wrapped up in accuracy. Whatever camo we have,

we’ll use, and the dog tags are plastic. Don’t take it personally just enjoy the screams and

shouts.” Carl smiled. “Hunter will help out as bouncer. He’s hanging around anyway.”

Nash felt a knot of fear. The money would be great, but the stage scared him. Maybe if he

just focused on Peter? “I’ll try, but if I bomb, don’t blame the other guys. I’m not a stage


The performance went off well, and Nash got tips despite not breaking the tough drill

sergeant persona he was playing on stage. He’d seen it plenty, so he imitated those hard-asses,

and the stage wasn’t as scary as he’d thought. Nash and the other guys filed off the stage. Peter

hugged him, then went to the back. Nash didn’t like the idea of Peter needing to ice his ankle

after the performance. He was about to follow when someone called his name.

He turned, and it was Carl. “What do you need?” Nash asked.

“Just wanted to know if you’re interested in doing that a few times a week? Little bump

in pay.” Carl nodded.

“Uh, I guess so. I don’t think Peter’s ankle can take it, though. You need to tell him to

bow out of that routine or no deal.” Nash fought the urge to go back and check on the smaller

man. Peter knew his injuries and ankle better. Surely, he wouldn’t stress it too much.

“Sure. I think he just wants to be in to be near you,” Carl said.

Nash shook his head. “He’s a dancer, not a military guy. One less guy in it won’t hurt.”

“Okay, go change and check on Peter. When you’re sure he’s okay, go help Hunter out

front. I’ll break the news to Peter that he doesn’t need to be in the routine tomorrow.” Carl patted

Nash on the back. “Crowd loved it.”

“Thanks.” Nash headed back to find Peter. Sounds of a fight grabbed Nash’s attention. He

pushed open the door and took in the situation. Terry had Peter pinned, and Peter struggled to get


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“Carl, get Hunter back here!” Nash called.

Terry released Peter and charged Nash. Seeing no weapons, Nash led with his fist and

connected to Terry’s jaw. The man fell back but recovered and lunged again.

“He’s mine,” Nash said and delivered another head-snapping punch to Terry’s jaw.

“He’s got a knife!” Peter shouted.

Nash saw the blade and moved faster than Terry, kicking the intruder in the face as people

rushed in. Grabbing Terry’s arm, Nash pinned his hands behind his back and twisted the joints

until he dropped the knife.

“He’s mine, you can’t have him!” Terry shouted.

“Like hell.” Nash kicked the back of Terry’s knee, so he went down.

“It was never anything, Terry.” Peter hobbled with his ankle stiff but managed to move

behind Carl and Hunter for safety.

“We’ve got the police on the way,” Carl said.

This time it only took minutes for a Vegas Metro squad car to roll up. They took Terry

from Nash and separated the men to get statements.

All Nash wanted to do was get to Peter, but he recounted the information and assured the

police he didn’t need medical attention. He asked for support on a restraining order. The officer

promised a copy of the reports would help.

When things were finally calm, Nash found Peter at the bar. His foot was on the bar stool

in front of him with two ice packs taped around his ankle.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know how he got in,” Peter said.

“What are you sorry for? I was up there making an ass out of myself and not doing my

job.” Nash hugged Peter. “Did he hurt you?”

“No, he was trying to get me to go with him. They guy is nuts.” Peter clung to Nash.

“You were great on stage. It wasn’t a mistake. Are you okay?”

Nash chuckled. “You need to ask?” He kissed Peter and held him tight.

Peter’s body relaxed in Nash’s arms. Nash had to keep his boyfriend safe. He’d lived

with danger for years, and there was nothing like violence to bring clarity. The doubts all seemed

meaningless now. Like it or not, he was involved, and it wasn’t just protection or great sex. It

was much deeper and faster than he expected. He wasn’t a kid anymore; this was real. This was

love, and he wanted it to work.

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Chapter Seven

For a change, Peter found himself at Nash’s studio apartment. It was sparse and efficient,

but he’d expected nothing more. The ride here had been quiet, but Nash held his hand all the


It took time to find where Terry had made it in, but Nash hadn’t left until he figured it

out. Avery showed Carl an old trap door from Prohibition years when the place was just a bar.

Nash crawled through it and ended up outside. Perfect for smuggling liquor in. Apparently, Terry

had used it and ended up in a back room.

“I’m sorry Terry is such a problem. He means nothing to me.” Peter sat on the old plaid


Nash nodded. “I believe that. Why the hell didn’t you scream bloody murder when Terry

broke in?”

Peter smiled up at Nash who stood there, fists clenched, tension straining his sexy

muscles, towering over Peter. There was no intimidation, only hurt and frustration. “I didn’t want

to cause a panic. You start shouting, and people think there’s a fire or who knows. Ballet or

stripping, the audience is there for a show, and you don’t ruin that.”

“You do when your life is at stake. This guy likes knives. I found a former Marine on the

police force, and he did some checking. Terry has a record for assault.” Nash sat down and shook

his head in aggravation. “I should’ve been with you, not talking to Carl about that routine. I don’t

care about being on stage. That’s your thing.”

“I know. Thanks for trying it with me.” Peter leaned over and kissed Nash’s cheek. “It

meant a lot. You were super hot.”

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“You don’t get it.” Nash grabbed Peter’s face in his hands. “If anything happened to you,

I’d be a mess. I can’t. I lost friends overseas. I won’t lose you. I took people for granted as a kid

because no one stuck by me. The Marines stick together, but I couldn’t save everyone. You, I can


Peter pressed his lips to Nash’s wrist. “I’m not your project or your mission. I don’t need

to be rescued. I’m an adult. I don’t want your pity because I’m smaller or weaker than you. I’m

pretty damn strong. I just want you.”

“You’re damn strong and bendable, but you’re not a fucking project.” Nash sat back and

shook his head. “You don’t get it. I don’t fall in love with good guys. I screwed up young. I went

for the bad boys. Even though they didn’t turn me on as much as you, it was easier to know I’d

be alone in the end. You’re so different.”

“I know it’s all happened really fast. I’m sorry about Terry. We all have a history. I don’t

want anyone else. I don’t want you because you can protect me or pick me and screw me in all

sorts of funky positions. I want you. The rough and gruff guy who hangs out with Marine

buddies and uses the connection to look out for me. I want to look out for you, too. I want it to be

fair. Equal. I’m not a kid. I’m older.” Peter rested his chin on Nash’s shoulder.

“I know, and wiser. I’m not good at taking help or needing people.” Nash pressed his

forehead to Peter’s.

“I get that. Your dad was an ass. The military kept everything structured. Now you’re

mine. You’re special. I love you Nash, it’s too fast, and it’s crazy but tough shit.” Peter smiled.

“It’s real.”

Nash’s eyes widened. “It is real. Scary as hell.”

“I’m not scared. Not if you feel the same way.” Peter smiled. He’d coax the words out of

Nash somehow.

“I love you, too, you pain in the ass. I thought you’d run like crazy if you knew I’d

become so attached. People don’t stick with me. My mom bailed, dad couldn’t get rid of me fast

enough when he found out I liked men, and no boyfriend ever hung around. Plus, I’ve still got a

lot of adjusting to do. There are nights I can’t sleep and have ugly nightmares. It’s not all hot

sex.” Nash hugged Peter tight.

For a second, Peter thought he might end up with crushed ribs, but Nash knew his own

strength. “I won’t leave you. Promise you won’t bail on me.”

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“I swear you’re stuck,” Nash said against his ear.

“Good.” Peter kissed his boyfriend. “You’re not the only one who’s gotten dumped or

tricked by men.”

“Who screwed you over?” Nash buried his face in Peter’s neck.

Peter cuddled the bear of a man. “My boyfriend while I was in ballet. He was just like

me. Not really my type. But it was convenient, and I convinced myself I loved him. We were on

a tour before the crack in my ankle, obviously. I felt my ankle go, and I kept dancing. The

performance was all that mattered. By the time it was done, I was in so much pain I had to go to

the hospital.”

“He didn’t come with you?” Nash asked.

“Bingo. He partied with the others after the show. I knew my career was over with the

first X-ray, and I was alone. That was seven years ago. After that, alone was easier and safer until

you came along.” Peter kissed Nash’s forehead.

“You’ll never be alone again.” Nash hugged the dancer tight. “If anyone tries to hurt you,

I’ll make sure they regret it. Terry comes near us, and he’s dead.”

“Not dead.” Peter stroked Nash’s hair. “You’re not going to prison and leaving me. Self-

defense is one thing, but civilian-level, okay?”

Nash pulled back and chuckled. “I know. Is it weird it feels good to know I can kill him if

I have to?”

Peter smiled. “Knowing you have those skills sort of turns me on, so I think we’re both a

little off.”

“Not off, a good fit.” Nash kissed Peter slowly and took his time before that tongue came

out to play.

Moaning, Peter worked on Nash’s clothing as they made out.

“You can still do the routine and earn a little extra money.” Peter teased Nash’s cock.

“That turned you on?” Nash laughed.

“Very much. You’d make a good instructor.” Peter wiggled free and began seriously

removing both of their clothes without romantic pretense.

“Instructor? As in your dance studio plan? I don’t know how to dance.” Nash shook his

head and helped Peter until both men were naked.

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Peter went to the bed in the one-room apartment. “You can learn. That’d be perfect. Open

my own dance studio so I can stop stripping before I turn into a Ken. You could help me.”

“I don’t think I’d be any good.” Nash grabbed protection and lube and joined him on the

bed. “But it’s a great idea for you. All the wannabe showgirls and chorus boys in Vegas will flock

to you.”

“Damn right. And I’ll have a class on stripping. But I can’t do it all alone.” Peter kissed

Nash and stretched out on his back.

“I’m good for security. Making appointments, handling the money maybe. No one will

stiff you on payment.” Nash lubed Peter’s ass and rubbed the extra on his balls.

“That feels so good!” Peter moaned and tucked one and then the other ankle behind his

head. “Fuck me senseless.”

“Holy shit!” Nash stared. “Doesn’t that hurt your injured ankle?”

“No, it’s still taped up. I want to feel you like this. See you face-to-face.” Peter licked his


“Then let’s talk about your dance studio later.” Nash leaned down and filled Peter’s ass in

one stroke.

The openness of his body made it more intimate. Peter loved the position, and Nash dove

right into it. Nash fucked Peter from different angles and rotated his hips. The range of motion

changed the nerves being hit, and Peter rocked to meet every thrust.

His ankle did pinch a bit, but it was worth it. Watching Nash’s face shift from grimace to

smile, the work and intensity showed clearly. It was worth it.

“I love this. I love you,” Peter said.

“Me too. You’re such a tease.” Nash kissed his mouth.

“Yes, pin me down.” Peter wrapped his arms around Nash’s neck.

Nash let more of his weight shift onto Peter and pounded his ass. Nash deep inside him,

Peter let his nerves rush to release. His ankle had taken a beating during the routine and needed

more ice and a pain pill. Still, he wanted the sex.

Out of nowhere, Nash grabbed Peter’s bad leg and guided it down to curl around Nash’s

waist. Sighing in relief, Peter shook his head. “I can do it.”

“I know you can, but you need to take it easy now. You’re not doing the military routine

at work anymore.” Nash stopped any protest from Peter with a kiss that went on and on.

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Peter lost himself in the taste of Nash and the intimate fucking. Nash’s powers of

observation were brilliant, and Peter held his sexy Marine tight as the pain faded and the pleasure

overtook him. Coming on Nash’s cock, Peter couldn’t control himself.

“Fuck yeah, come for me. If you want to teach me to dance, you’ll have to make it

worthwhile.” Nash grunted and groaned through his climax.

The sweet sound of Nash coming sent shivers throughout Peter’s body. “Naked dance

lessons aren’t incentive enough?” Peter asked.

“It’s a start.” Nash kissed him. “Now I’m going to get you an ice pack and some pain

killers. I don’t have anything heavy duty.”

“Anything is great. How did you know?” Peter asked.

Nash eased from Peter’s body and rubbed the cum that landed on his furry chest into his

skin. “You’re tough, but you don’t need to be a hero. The ice packs. How you didn’t fight back

with Terry too much. You’re strong and agile. Your ankle had to be pretty bad if you weren’t

running like hell.”

“You’re right. It was all tight, and I’d have been hobbling away. But I also thought I

could reason with him. Big mistake.” Peter rubbed his forehead.

“Yeah. Big. Now rest.” Nash gave the swollen ankle a gentle kiss before he headed off.

* * * *

A few weeks later, Nash found himself in a new world. He still worked the door at Big

D’s as a bouncer, but a few nights a week he went on stage for the one routine. It boosted his

income and made Peter happy. As long as Peter didn’t join, Nash could live with it.

Moving in with Peter had been a scary step and fast, but he couldn’t stand being away

from him. Two places seemed foolish. Ken had lifted an eyebrow at the news, but Avery just

smiled, which left Nash feeling he had earned approval.

The stalker had been arrested again for going after another stripper in Vegas. This time

Terry actually sliced into the poor man before anyone got there. Everyone was relieved Terry was

in jail. That went double for Nash. The fact that he’d done everything he could to alert the

authorities to the psycho let Nash sleep at night.

As Nash watched the finale from the doorway, he caught Peter’s gorgeous blue eyes and

got a wink. The naked dance lessons were going well so far. Nash had coordination, but he had to

work on rhythm.

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“You okay with closing tonight?” Carl asked.

“Sure.” Nash nodded.

“Good. Bev should be back next week. I’ll be glad to stop splitting my time so much.”

Carl smiled.

“Peter and I need to swing by and check out your bar one day.” Nash never expected to

find himself at home in a strip club, but he was home.

* * * *

After the crowds were gone and the dancers had left, Nash went through the building,

turned off all the lights and locked all the doors. He made sure the outside flood lights were on as

well as the security cameras. No stalker threat; just doing his job right.

“You’re such a goody-goody.” Peter followed him around.

“I’m doing my job. When you have that dance studio, you can’t be lax on security. Not

when you’re paying the bills.” Nash did a final check of the main room on the men’s side, and

the office door was locked. “Ready to go?”

“Nope.” Peter grabbed Nash’s hand and led him to one of the private booths. “I want you


“Here?” Nash shook his head. “We can screw around at home. There are cameras on in


“We can and will. I want this now.” Peter pushed Nash into a private booth.

He sat down and shook his head. “You should ice your ankle, not do another workout.”

“Stop it. I’m just going for a ride. My knees will do all the work.” Peter opened Nash’s

fly and grabbed his cock.

Already half-hard from the words, Nash lifted into Peter’s palm. “Suck me and let’s go.”

“No one is coming back. No one will know. If they find out, no one will care or be

shocked.” Peter pulled a lube packet and a condom from his pocket then shoved his pants down

and kicked them off along with his shoes.

“Damn it, you drive me crazy.” Nash reached for Peter.

Wrapping Nash’s cock in latex, Peter nudged away Nash’s hands. “I’m running this show.

You sit back and relax.”

“Not possible.” Nash’s hard cock pulsed for attention.

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Peter rubbed the lube up and down the shaft before he impaled himself slowly on that

thick dick. Facing Nash, Peter wanted to be on top and see what he did to the sexy Marine.

Sinking lower on that cock, Peter watched Nash’s head dip back as his eyes glazed over. Nash

loved Peter’s sexual playfulness, and Peter had barely begun to show off his contortionist

abilities. He pushed up Nash’s shirt and pinched his nipples until Nash moaned.

As Peter bounced harder on Nash’s cock, Nash reached for Peter’s erection. Pushing

those hands away, Peter jerked himself off. His hips snapped down on Nash faster as Peter

masturbated for his man.

“Don’t, I want to get you off,” Nash said.

“You are!” Peter shouted and came all over that hairy chest.

“Fuck! Peter!” Nash screamed. There was no mistaking now when Nash came hard in a

guttural grunt.

“You can pick the position when we get home.” Peter rubbed the cum between their

bodies as he leaned over to kiss him.

“Damn right I will.” Nash sat up and licked Peter’s cream off his hot skin.

Moaning, Peter smiled. They were an odd couple, a quirky fit, but they worked.

Ballet and military had a lot more in common than Peter ever imagined. They had a long

way to go to get that dance studio dream up and running, but they made a hell of a team. Deep

down, Peter knew they’d be together, and he’d teach that Marine to dance like a ballerina one


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About the Author

A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic

romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans…where anything can

happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day, she analyzes

numbers for a division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices free

for her erotic romance novels.

Cheryl can be found at:

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