A Supernatural Script Inc. Book
Resistant Omegas 12: Gideon
Copyright © 2013 Joyee Flynn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-940036-06-9
First E-book Publication: August 2013
Cover design by Sloan Winters
Editing by Jae Ashley
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express
written permission.
All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead
is strictly coincidental. It is fiction so facts and events may not be accurate except to the current world
the book takes place in.
Trademarks Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks
mentioned in this work of fiction:
Dodge Ram: Chrysler, LLC
Hilton: HLT Domestic IP LLC
Hotel Transylvania: Sony Pictures Animation Inc.
Peter Pan: Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Chapter 1
I was eavesdropping, and before anyone even tried to lecture me about it, I didn’t feel guilty in
the slightest… For two main, really big reasons.
They were talking about me.
And what I was hearing just about made me piss my pants.
“I’m claiming the Omega. We can’t tell anyone though. If they ask, we sent him off,” the Alpha
of the Smokey Mountains pack in Tennessee announced as I walked by. It wasn’t just his words that
had me scampering to peek through the open door into the Alpha house’s meeting room… It was the
crazed giddiness in his tone, and that made the walls feel as if they were closing in on me.
“I was under the impression Omega Swain is leaving soon,” Beta Taye Kurtis hedged as he
eyed his Alpha carefully. “He’s changed his mind about staying? It’s been cleared through his Council
guardians?” He moved his arms tight against his body and then caught himself, shoving his hands in
his pockets.
“No,” the Alpha giggled.
Yes… Giggled. That alone made my legs start to falter. It was that lunatic type too, and it took
all my strength to swallow back the whimper building in my throat and then take a calm breath. Doing
that didn’t help the situation since I took lungfuls of that wet dog smell that permeated the house. Sure
every Alpha/pack house had it a bit… We were wolves after all. But never had I been in one that
reeked like this, where I could actually taste it if I breathed through my mouth.
It was like if they were going to be remote in the mountains, the Alpha wanted them to be
cavemen. That added a few other reasons to get sick to my stomach. The taste in the air I couldn’t get
rid of and the thought of the Alpha doing dirty things to me with how dirty he most likely was… And
not just in his mind. Gross.
“That’s the best part! We don’t need it to snatch him. We’ve been out of the loop again.” He did
a few steps of a jig, complete with twirl to whatever music was going on in his head. Great, I had a
dancing nutball Alpha wanting me now. Much better.
“So the visitor from Nashville was bringing Council news?” his other Beta and son, Niall
Gifford, questioned as he stared at his father before glancing at Taye, shifting his weight as he did.
The large fingers of Niall’s right hand fiddled with the top button of his shirt, and I felt another stab of
pain go through my heart. I’d hoped to feel those fingers touching me one day but now I wanted to
never see any of them again.
Life’s just funny that way.
“Not so much Council news as current state of affairs.” The Alpha’s eyes shone, and I felt a
cold sweat break out on my skin. I knew that look well. I’d seen it in my old Alpha’s eyes, and it
meant trouble for me. “All the Omegas have been ousted. They’re banished by Alpha Modeto and that
uprising he was starting. It went through around Valentine’s Day.
“All the happy couples ended up being away I guess but they’ve stayed gone on the provision
all Omegas are turned over to them and a few other things. But half the Council’s new and we’re up
here in the middle of nowhere. No one knows he’s here. We just keep him and lock him up. Think of
the power and fun we could have!”
Taye cleared his throat and stepped closer. “Alpha, his guardians know he’s here.” The Alpha
growled and he held up his hands in surrender. “Declan, the Alpha of Chicago is a friend. You know
that. That’s the only way he allowed Gideon to come visit us alone. He won’t forget he’s here or let
this go.”
“I want the Omega for my son,” the Alpha snarled as he wrapped his arm around Niall. Even
across the room and hiding I could feel disgust coming off the man at his father’s touch. So at least he
wasn’t all about the idea of trapping me either. “We will share him together and bond while bedding
the same man.”
Niall turned a little green and looked about as nauseas as I felt on that one.
“For my Alpha I would see it done,” Taye vowed formally as he bowed. “I only ask that you
give me some time to verify what the visitor from Nashville has told you with my own sources. What
if this is a trick? What if they know he’s here and are trying to trap you into keeping the tempting
morsel so they have reason to invade and take our prime land?”
“Too right, too right.” The Alpha paced as he waved his arms manically. “They always want
what’s mine. Niall, find the Omega and oversee his imprisonment while Taye investigates. Either
way I want to sample him tonight with my son.”
“Please, Alpha, not yet. If it is a trick, he will talk when they come for him. We can explain
locking him in a room for a while as precautions for his own safety.”
“Yes, exactly. I heard a report of a rogue in the area earlier. Didn’t you, Taye?” Niall snorted
as he elbowed the other Beta, giving an exaggerated wink.
“I have taught you both well.” The Alpha beamed, chin held high, as the hundred watt smile
came out while he pulled them both close. “I’m glad. As I get up there in years I will need you to
return the favor to protect me. I fear as my time grows shorter I become rash. Taye, we will do it your
way of course. It’s best I not see the tempting little Omega until we know for sure then. Niall, you
will watch him until word from Taye.”
“It will be done.” Niall nodded and stepped back.
“I will leave tonight as if I’m heading out for some fun in town and hit up my sources so I don’t
draw any unwanted suspicion that we’re worried about what the visitor from Nashville told us,” Taye
chuckled as he rubbed his hands together. “Hopefully in a few days when I return, you will have the
Omega as often as you want, Alpha.”
“And you for such loyal service.”
“I would be honored to accept such a gift.”
Guess he wasn’t on my side after all. The moment they started laughing, I realized they’d be
breaking apart soon and got my feet to work, stumbling at first but then racing off towards my room. I
didn’t have the first clue what else to do.
Was there even something to do when I was trapped up the mountain among a pack of dire
wolves that was obviously off their rockers? I wouldn’t get far if I ran… But that didn’t mean I
wouldn’t try. I had to try.
I’d rather die than get trapped or abused again. If that was my fate, then I should just slit my
wrists right then.
Actually that wasn’t a half bad idea. I passed the kitchen on the way to my room and made a pit
stop, grabbing a couple of those extremely sharp pealing knives that slid back into their own
sharpeners. I’d tried to avoid that place from the moment I’d seen it, getting the vibe of a morgue/prep
room for cannibals rather than a normal large kitchen. There were just too many knife collections and
draining tables with their own sinks for cleaning fresh kills not to.
It wasn’t normal. Sure, we ate meat but come on! This was just excessive for anywhere that
wasn’t a butcher’s shop. I didn’t even have to go looking for the knives. I just picked a drawer and
there were some right there. It seemed par for the kitchen. I could have done that with any one of them
and come up with something that could cut through flesh.
Once in the room I’d been given, I set them on the bed and quickly stuffed the essentials in my
backpack, forgoing the suitcase altogether.
There was no way I could run with that big thing.
I let out a squeal as my already racing heart skipped a beat when my door opened. I grabbed the
knife and spun around, holding it to my throat. “Don’t. I’ll cut my throat before I let someone keep me
trapped again.” My eyes filled with tears, resigned to that fate but also because I liked Niall. That’s
why I’d stayed so long. Taye too. It was their Alpha I couldn’t deal with. “I heard everything, Niall.”
If it had been just the two of them, I would have gladly said I was in… Plus there was someone
else who I had a crush on but I didn’t matter to him so at the time distance had seemed like a good
idea. Now that I knew the Omegas had been banished I was really cursing that plan.
“No, Gideon, please,” Niall beseeched me as his gorgeous green eyes went wide and he started
to shake. It would have been almost comical that I could make a man who was six-six so scared if the
situation wasn’t so severe. “I know you did. I smelled you, but my father’s nose is not what it used to
be. Taye’s is though. We need to get you out of here.”
“You’re just lying so I don’t do it.” I pondered my options, feeling conflicted. He was either
lying to me or his father and logic said I was the one he would do that to over family.
“No. No, I’m not. I was already thinking of leaving with you yesterday when you said you were
heading back to Chicago soon. I don’t want this life. I hate it here and my father. I’ve just never had
an out before and he would hunt me down. But you gave me hope there was another way, another path
for me with the help of your friends. Let me help you now to get out of here and free us both.”
He dropped to his knees and held up his hands in surrender as he bared his throat to me. “Cut
me if you don’t believe me and run. Don’t hurt yourself, Gideon. That would kill me. None of this is
your fault and you shouldn’t pay the price for my father’s craziness. I should for not having seen it
sooner or being stronger and stopping it. You have so much to give the world. Don’t deny it your
I stepped closer and turned the knife on him, seriously considering what he said. Not that last
part but giving myself the opportunity to run. His father put him in charge of keeping me captive. It
could be hours before anyone might notice he was missing or dead. That would give me a hell of a
head start. But as I stared into his eyes I knew there was only one course of action I would really take.
I dropped the knife.
“I can’t hurt you, and we both know that now that I moved closer you’re fast enough to stop me
from killing myself,” I concluded as I lowered my head. Tears started to fall as my shoulders sagged.
“Please, just end it, Niall. Have pity on me or whatever and just kill me instead of subjecting me to
more years of being trapped and tortured. I couldn’t survive that and I’d snap.”
“No.” In a flash he was on his feet and hugging me. “I’m getting us out of here. I swear it. Are
you ready to go? I just need to throw a few things in a bag, and as soon as the sun starts going down,
we’re making a run for it.”
“You’re serious?” I gasped, staring up at him.
“Yes, Gideon. I would rather die than leave you or either of us to this fate. We’ll get out and
find where your friends are.” I nodded and sighed, leaning against him heavily. “Where would they
I flinched then, wondering if all this was a ploy to figure out where the rest of the Omegas
“I just need a direction to head, Gideon. You can tell me whatever you feel comfortable with
but if I take us south and we should have gone north that could waste days we don’t have and get us
I nodded as I worried my lower lip, thinking it over. I knew where they went kind of but not
specifics enough to get us there without help. Then it hit me. “New York. We need to go see the
vampires and Lord Ellys. He’ll get us to where they are.”
“Then I’ll get us to New York,” he whispered in my ear. “If we make it out of here, I’m going to
do something I’ve never done before and be bold.”
“Be bold?” I glanced up at him, leaning my chin on his chest.
“I’ve never been bold before.” Niall gave me a lopsided grin that was a good look on him. “But
it concerns you so I thought it was only fair to give you warning which I guess isn’t really being bold
then but I still—”
“Spit it out, Niall. My nerves are fried,” I giggled as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
It couldn’t be good if he was rambling like this… And wouldn’t meet my eyes anymore. If I didn’t
have the burning need to run already, I would have. I braced for him to tell me that his deal for getting
me out of being their slave was the promise to just be his.
I might take that deal actually.
He sighed and nodded, rubbing the back of his neck as he stepped away from me. “If we make it
out of here, I’m kissing you, Gideon. I’ve been dreaming about it, and if we get free, I’m turning over
a new leaf in my life and not being so scared to go for what I want.”
I blinked at him as he darted out the door, surprised there wasn’t a Niall shaped cloud he went
so fast. Then I flinched when I heard the door lock from the outside but it made sense too. He had to
keep up appearances. That or I was a complete fool.
I really prayed it was the first… But probably the latter because who doesn’t notice a lock on
the outside of their damn door? How had I missed that one? And what kind of freaks had locks on
their guest rooms to confine people in their rooms? Oh yeah, the pack Declan said was perfectly safe
for me to go visit.
If I ever saw that man again, I was so kicking him in the nuts.
As I touched my lips and thought about Niall, I had a whole new reason to hope we made it out
of there as well. I wanted that kiss. And if what I’d heard about the Omegas and inner circles being
banished was true, did that mean we weren’t under Council rule anymore?
We were truly free? Well, if I lived to get to the sanctuary of course.
“Move!” Niall hissed as he guided me away from behind another of the pack’s outlying
buildings hours later. We’d made it out of the Alpha house, around all the other homes without being
seen, and now it was just a matter of clearing the scarce crops, sheds, barns, and whatnot to get to the
trees before we could start heading down the mountain.
I felt that first stirring of optimism when Niall said he was getting me out of there take root
when he came back at nightfall. Now as we hit the tree line, it was blossoming throughout me.
Granted, we weren’t out of the woods yet… Literally. But at least there was a chance!
Then again the area surrounding the pack was some of the scariest terrain I’d ever traveled over
on two feet. I wasn’t sure if it was my imagination or the situation influencing me but I was seriously
freaked. I just kept thinking Hotel Transylvania came to life here over and over in my head.
Silly reference? Yeah, but if that shit they had around the castle was real somewhere, it
wouldn’t be so goddamn funny to run through! Years from then I bet I’d still say I could practically
hear zombies breaking through the ground. In my mind those were the guests who didn’t get away.
There were fucking locks on the rooms after all. I couldn’t have been the first one they had tried to
We jogged for miles before I felt ready to pass out. Seriously I needed to get in better shape. I’d
done more exercising at Carson’s but that had been more about healing after the last shit I’d been
through. And if I was honest, clearly being a bum which I’d never gotten to experience before.
Apparently my life would always entail needing to stay in good enough physical condition for
those times I needed to run for my life. That wasn’t disconcerting or anything.
“Okay, we can take a quick rest,” Niall deemed when I stumbled again. I just about plopped
straight down… Except I never landed.
“No, you can’t,” Taye growled as he swooped me up into his arms, not even slowing down as
he raced off in the direction he’d been heading. Hell, I hadn’t even seen or felt him near us he was so
damn fast.
“Let me go!” I protested, fighting him as best as I could but I was wiped and already gasping
for air. At the same time I officially knew what that deer looking down the truck’s headlights coming
at them felt like. It was like I couldn’t figure out what to do… And what I was doing wasn’t working.
I should have been able to do better but panic was in my veins now, not blood.
“Taye, you can’t bring him back to my father,” Niall snarled and I prayed he was faster than the
wolf carrying me. Taye stopped and spun around them, Niall almost crashing into me.
“Is that what you really think of me?” I could hear the hurt in Taye’s tone as much as I felt it
radiating off him in waves.
“No, but right now I’m not sure what to think about anything,” Niall admitted in a small voice,
showing for once he was younger than I was even. He was only twenty-one after all. “I thought you
were going to town to check things out, and now you’re here, grabbing Gideon from me.”
“I’m trying to save you both,” Taye snapped as his muscles tensed. “I was going to sneak all of
us out after dinner. You jumped the gun. They brought a tray for Gideon and he was gone. So were
you and now everyone’s looking.”
“I didn’t think about dinner.” Niall started cussing up a storm.
“Neither did I. I was just ready to shit a brick and bolt the moment I heard you guys talking,” I
muttered as I squirmed in his arms. “You’re really not taking me back?”
“No, Gideon,” Taye answered as he trailed his fingers down my cheek. “I’ll get you guys to
safety and come back to deal with Alpha Gifford.”
“Taye, you help us and you can’t come back here,” Niall whispered as he grabbed the Beta’s
arm. He was shaking so bad I could feel it. “You’d be a traitor. We’re not going to the Council. They
can’t help you with this in their current state. You know that. You’d be taking on my dad and the pack.
It’s suicide.”
“What other choice do I have?” He shrugged as if it were no big deal. “There’s nothing else out
there for me.”
“That’s not true. Come with us. I promise if the sanctuary turned out half as awesome as we
were told, you’ll be running away to paradise,” I assured him. I stared up into Taye’s dark blue eyes,
trying to implore the six-nine man without words not to give up hope. He didn’t look convinced so I
pulled something underhanded and pretty shitty.
I used my powers. I touched his chest and kinda pulled a Peter Pan. Thinking happy thoughts
about what the future could hold, I pushed them into Taye’s mind.
“Okay,” he sighed, giving a slight smile. “Let’s get to safety and then we talk options. My
truck’s about a mile down. I told your father I’d handle this area after I smelled you went this way.”
“Thank you, Taye.” I leaned up and kissed his cheek, shocking us both, I think. He nodded,
looking a little dazed before running off again, me in his arms and Niall right with us.
At least I didn’t have to do any more running and my hundred twenty pounds and five-six frame
didn’t seem to encumber him in the slightest. When we reached the truck, Taye quickly opened the
door and moved me into the middle of the bench before they both hopped in. I had a second to take in
how absolutely and perfectly clean the truck was before we stowed our bags on the floor of the
passenger’s side and Taye took off.
I barely even had time to strap on my seat belt before we hit the first bump.
That didn’t stop me from glancing around still when I was strapped in and checking it out,
stunned at the contrast from Alpha house. Apparently Taye wasn’t the messy one of the group. This
wasn’t the typical neat up before a road trip because others will be in the car to witness if there’s
a mess. No, the quad cab Dodge Ram was pristinely detailed even. I mean, I didn’t know big ass
mother trucks could even smell that fresh.
I figured they could only use diesel fuel air fresheners in them. This was obviously Taye’s
baby… Which made me wince internally. I had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to bring it where we
were going. I wasn’t sure, but from what I knew of the island Carson had told me about, I didn’t think
there’d be much use for truck driving. Then again, maybe there would be?
“I’m glad you’re here, brother,” Niall gushed slightly a few minutes into the drive down the
mountain, snapping all of us out of our different thoughts. “I hated leaving you.” He rubbed his eyes as
he moved his bag against the door as a makeshift pillow.
I felt Taye flinch. They weren’t brothers, of course, but I got the feeling it was more than that.
“It hurts that you could have. I thought we were closer than that.”
“You seemed happy at the pack and I wasn’t. I didn’t know how to talk to you about that and I
freaked after the conversation with Father about Gideon.”
Taye opened his mouth but I quickly interceded before this got ugly fast. “So what you’re saying
is your first choice would have been to have Taye with you wherever you end up though, right? I
mean he’s important to you.”
“Of course. He’s family,” Niall immediately agreed with a big yawn, pulling one leg up onto
the seat. I hadn’t seen it until he was sitting down but he did look wiped.
“Family, right,” Taye repeated with a tight smile. Now why wouldn’t that have been a welcome
sentiment? “I’m glad you won’t try to ditch me again.”
“No way. You have the keys to the truck,” Niall teased, his voice sounding almost far off now.
“Much better than running on foot. Plus, you have the experience outside the pack. I’ve never left for
any real time before and Gideon’s been sheltered. I knew we had a small chance but I had to try. I
couldn’t let what Father wanted happen to him or me. It would have killed us both.” He started
snoring softly and I glanced at Taye.
“What did he mean by that? I know he likes me but that sounded like there’s something more
going on.” My mind raced through possibilities. I ran my hands over each other and started cracking
my knuckles as I pondered options.
“I don’t know,” Taye answered as his eyebrows scrunched together. “I’m starting to think I
don’t know much of anything at all anymore. I never thought Alpha Gifford was bat shit crazy either,
just getting old and somewhat senile. I’m wondering what else he’s done I’ve not seen.”
Oh shit. What can of worms was opening now?
Chapter 2
After driving for about twelve hours, Taye thought it would be a good idea to get off the road
and get in touch with my friends before we braved New York. There were three packs in the area
surrounding the vampires, and depending how desperate Alpha Gifford was to find us, he could have
sent out the call we were on the run. We stopped at a nicer motel, nothing like the ones I’d seen or
heard about in the movies or books.
Hell, the place actually even smelled good, like fabric softener and baking soda as if someone
cleaned regularly. I wasn’t even afraid to touch anything.
I got in touch with Carson and he was thrilled to hear from me. It turned out they’d desperately
been trying to get in touch with Aubrey and I.
I wasn’t sure why he was off the grid as well but I was worried for my friend.
“So what’s the word?” I asked when Carson called me back about twenty minutes later. He’d
told me he was going to get in touch with Lord Ellys and come up with a plan.
“The vampires are coming to get you at nightfall,” he assured me calmly, probably having heard
the slight panic in my voice. We weren’t officially safe yet after all. “You just have to hold off until
then. Once you’re with them any wolves that try for you guys risk starting serious shit with the
vampires. So you’ll be safe. Lord Ellys is going to scan your friends though, Gideon.”
“You think they’re spies?” I gasped. “Carson, they saved me.”
“I know but it’s not just all our safeties I have to worry about or the island. The vampires are
going to bring you into their coven, keep you safe, and I don’t blame them for needing to know that
two Betas, one that’s the crazy Alpha’s son, really are the good guys.”
“We’ll submit to whatever tests they need to give us,” Taye declared with ease from across the
motel room. My head snapped up and I meet his soulful blue eyes. “It’s smart, Gideon. You’ve got all
those people to protect and watch out for. The vamp can poke around in our heads. We’ve got nothing
to hide.”
“Good, good,” Carson sighed. “The plan is to get you out on the boat that’s bringing all our
stuff. You guys have perfect timing actually since it’s pulling out of dock tomorrow. I just wish
Aubrey was with you. I mean, where is he?”
“I could stay and look for him,” I offered as I started to shake. I wanted to find my friend but I
wasn’t brave. Not after what I’d been through.
“No,” three growls answered me but it was Carson who went on. “The guys who are Marines
and can go back are working on a plan. They didn’t want to go in too early but it’s been a few weeks
now. I mean it’s almost mid-March. We need to find him. We just kept hoping he’d contact one of us,
and with all this other stuff going on, we’ve kinda had our hands full.”
“Understandable.” I took in a deep breath and braced myself. I had to know one thing. “Would
you guys have come for me again? I know you’ve already risked so much for me once but—”
“Of course, Gideon. You’re one of us. We wouldn’t have left you behind. We thought you were
fine in the mountains with no cell reception. If we had any clue there was even a hint of trouble, we
would have already been there. Declan’s distraught that the Alpha was nuts and he let you go there.
We thought you’d be safe and maybe find a good pack, a small remote one after what you’ve been
I winced at that. I was kind of anti-technology after years of being forced to do gay porn by my
old Alpha and pack. I didn’t want to watch movies, TV, see computers, or be on the internet. It all just
reminded me of what I went through and I had horrid flashbacks.
“Well now I get a tropical island with all my friends. Way better,” I chuckled as I rubbed my
hand down my jeans. “There’s still a room left for me, right?”
“You even get to choose, brother.” There was a pause and then Carson sighed.
“You need to think about getting grounded, Gideon. You’re over thirty now and long since
activated. Your control and power lashing out will get much worse. I’m surprised you’re not freaking
out with having to run and everything.”
I squirmed a bit, knowing Taye and Niall were both staring at me intently, beyond able to hear
the conversation. But it was more that I was about to lie to my friend. “It’s bad but not uncontrollable.
I feel it building and the pressure’s severe but I’ve had more years to learn to control it than some of
you guys. Meditation helps a lot, not just sex. It’s just if something happens and I’m pushed too far,
then I can’t focus to meditate.”
“Like now?”
“Yeah, like now,” I conceded.
“Well, after you get here and settled, Wesley’s going to schedule real classes so we can all
start teaching each other what we know and stop just winging it with our powers. I’ll tell him to save
you a spot to teach meditation.”
“Oh, I shouldn’t be the one—” I sputtered as my eyes went wide.
“Gideon, all the kids from Kansas have been activated, remember? George was doing a great
job working with them but he was the Council shrink. We’ve lost him. We have to get ourselves
under better control if we’re ever going to help them. Otherwise we’re going to have over a dozen
nukes running around here in the form of teenagers.”
“I’ll teach meditation then,” I blurted out, the idea of what he was saying making tremors run
through my very blood. I’d seen how unstable Omegas could be after being activated and abused. But
what those kids went through? Fuck! And they were teenagers? None of us would survive it. Things
were a lot more complicated than that but explaining that to Carson wasn’t an over the phone kind of
conversation. “I’m qualified to teach yoga too. My old Alpha thought it would be useful.”
Now I really couldn’t look at Taye and Niall. I knew I’d have to tell them eventually, however,
not yet. I mean, how did you even begin to broach the subject? “By the way, I’m actually an internet
porn star because my Alpha forced me to do it. I’ve got hundreds of videos still out there of my
pack and others fucking me for the world to see. You good with that? Want to date me or screw me
where so many have already been?”
Yes, just like that.
“Yoga is a great idea. I’m glad you’re coming, brother. There are lots here who have missed
Just not the one I wished had been. I needed to forget him. I did look up at Niall then. He liked
me. I made a snap decision and while it might be the stress of the situation or the knowledge that I’d
be seeing the one I’d given my heart to soon, I just had to try.
“So we’re really free once we get to the island, right, Carson?” I ventured, hoping he read
between the lines of my question.
“Yeah, buddy. Your body is truly your own now. Everything we read says you need three strong
men to ground you, but no contracts, no one else gets a vote, and no signing anything before you get it
on. Just be normal and go with what feels right.”
“I’m not sure I’d even know where to start,” I murmured, blinking rapidly. It was overwhelming
to say the least.
“I’m a little jealous of you guys to be honest,” he blabbered, as if worried he’d be overheard.
“I love my men and I lucked out, but you get to date and choose. I never got that. Don’t waste it,
Gideon. Centuries and generations of Omegas didn’t have that chance.”
I nodded as we said our good-byes, taking his advice to heart. After we hung up, I simply stared
at the phone for a while.
“I’m going to scout the area, get us some supplies for traveling and breakfast, now that we have
a plan,” Taye announced before clearing his throat. “I have a key so don’t open the door for anyone.”
“You got it, Uncle Taye,” Niall ribbed. I saw the man flinch at the term but didn’t have enough
brainpower for anything else right then to process it. Taye left and I glanced at Niall who seemed
really nervous. I couldn’t help but smile.
I guess he was chickening out on his promise to himself to be brave and kiss me.
“I’m going to shower first if that’s okay?” I stood and stretched, acting as if I didn’t notice his
“Yeah, it would be nice to get the run and travel off too.” He nodded and shot me a glance as I
tugged off my shirt. I just needed to check his desire for me hadn’t changed before I grew a set and
enacted my own bold plan. It was hard not to smile when I caught Niall’s reflection in the motel
mirror… Licking his lips as he watched me intently.
I toed off my sneakers and socks before I pulled off my jeans, standing there in nothing but boy
shorts. His mouth dropped open as he stood, probably without meaning too. And he was sporting
wood so big I thought it was going to rip through the fly of his jeans. Nice to know he was a large guy
in the right places.
After seeing that, there might have been a slight saunter as I made my way into the bathroom.
Maybe some sway in my hips… Who was I kidding? There was totally both of those going on. I took
a fast but thorough shower, making sure I was pretty in all the best places given the plan had those
spots being put on display if things went my way.
The great water pressure and the feeling of the spray massaging my tired muscles made me
hesitate for a moment though. Part of me wanted to soak up a few minutes of normal and just enjoy
But then again, I thought awesome sex with someone I actually wanted was way more fun than
the feeling of a good shower.
I was tired of playing things safe. I had my freedom now or technically soon. I was going to use
it. Was part of my boldness that I didn’t want to go to the island feeling like a lovesick dork mooning
over someone who didn’t want me and maybe with a love interest of my own?
Yes, okay? That was part of it. But a much bigger chunk of why was I simply liked Niall and
wanted him. I wanted to make a damn choice of my own… And he wanted me.
When I was done, I stepped out of the shower, biting back a smile when he was standing there,
obviously having been waiting to catch me naked.
“You should shower fast,” I purred as I grabbed a towel and slowly rubbed it between my legs.
“Why?” His voice went so deep and husky I shivered.
“Because I want to collect on that kiss you promised me before Taye gets back as soon as
you’re all squeaky clean.” I walked out of the bathroom on my toes, hoping it made my ass look nice
and pert as I rubbed it with the towel. It must have worked because he gave a strangled groan before I
heard noise in there and the water turn on.
Then I snapped to action too. I quickly found lube in Taye’s bag because I didn’t have any and
his was the closest to me. Lucky he had thought to bring some. I might want to think about why he had
later though. Then I jumped on the bed nearest to the bathroom and quickly got myself ready.
I was still riding my fingers when Niall came racing out of the bathroom minutes later, wet,
hard, and not even bothering with a towel. I wasn’t sure if I should be embarrassed for getting busted
at my plan or turned on he was so excited to kiss me.
“You’re playing with yourself,” he rasped, staring at me as if he’d never seen anything so
amazing in his life.
“I was stretching myself out for your huge cock, hoping we might progress past kissing,” I
admitted as my face flushed. Okay, maybe I wasn’t as brave when it came down to it. He didn’t say
anything or move closer, so I started to feel stupid. “Too presumptuous or slutty for you?” I pulled my
fingers out of my ass and reached for the blanket.
“Neither,” he thundered as he launched himself on the bed and stopped me from covering up,
his massive frame surrounding me. “It’s better than I could have hoped for.” Then he mashed his
mouth down to mine and immediately I opened for him as he pushed his knee between my thighs.
When he spread them wide and moved his cock to my hole, I started have doubts.
“Wait,” I gasped as I ripped my mouth from his. Tingling started in my fingers and toes as I
squirmed under him.
“What’s wrong, baby?” His shoulders went tense as he flinched, probably thinking he’d done
something inappropriate when he really hadn’t. Niall ran his hands down my legs as he sat back on
his feet. “Too much too fast? I’m sorry. I’ve just never wanted anyone like I want you. I’ve not even
had sex that much. I’m jumping the gun, aren’t I?”
It actually made me feel worlds better when he said all of that, like I wasn’t just going to be
some cheap fuck to him. “I think I just needed to hear you weren’t diving right in because I was being
easy and it was excitement. And it’s been a long time for me, Niall. I’m not sure I should be on my
back with how big you are.”
“Anything you want, Gideon,” he groaned as he rolled me over. “I’d love to take you every and
any way you allow me.” Niall moved his body over mine as he pulled me onto my hands and knees,
making sure his cock was rubbing between the cheeks of my ass. “And no, this isn’t about your giving
it up too easily for me. We both know you’re being kind and letting me off easy because I’m socially
inept and not smooth.
“I should be wooing and courting you. And here you’re giving me a huge gift by this free pass
instead of watching me stumble as I profess how much I want you and try for your affections. That
doesn’t make you easy, Gideon. It makes you a saint in my book.”
“A saint, huh?” I preened and then moaned as he started moving, kissing my shoulder and neck
as his cock rubbed my hole. I swear my normally flat chest grew some muscle in the moment, and I
had a second to wonder what being a saint might get me in the end. It didn’t matter really because him
simply saying that did wonders for my nonexistent self-esteem. “Never been called that before.”
“Right now you’re more like my fallen angel and more gorgeous than I could have imagined,”
he breathed in my ear, his voice catching slightly. He swallowed loud enough that I heard it as his
heart thumped against my back. “This isn’t a one-time thing for me, Gideon. I know that’s what you
were hinting at. Rest assured the moment I kissed you I knew I’d never let you go unless it was what
you wanted and even then I would beg you to stay. I will show I’m worthy of you even if I’m not
smooth enough to court you.”
“Take me,” I moaned so turned on I couldn’t even think straight. “Show me how you feel. Your
words melt me, Niall. I don’t know who told you that you weren’t smooth but they were lying to you.
Better than flowers or chocolates. Now show me how you feel and want me.”
“Gladly.” His hand brushed my ass as he moved his cock to my hole and pushed inside me. I
hissed at the burn as I arched my back and helped him into my body. “That’s it, my gorgeous Gideon.
Accept me into your tight channel of pleasure and erotic promises. Let me in so I can give you bliss
before I mark you with my scent and seed.”
I groaned and pushed my ass up higher for him. God, the way he talked. Who told him he
wasn’t smooth? Did he eat poetry for breakfast or something?
There was a change in the air and I felt energy like I’d not been expecting… Pain. My head shot
up, meeting Taye’s gaze as he stepped into the room and soundlessly shut the door behind him.
“Yes, Gideon, arch your sinfully perfect body for me. Show me you love this,” Niall directed
as he worked more of himself into me. My eyelids fluttered as he kissed the nape of my neck when he
leaned back over me, and I let my head drop, Taye momentarily forgotten. “One day you will submit
to me for real and I will bite you here, my gorgeous Gideon.”
“Keep talking like that and I’ll come too soon,” I hissed as his hips started moving faster now
that he was bottoming out inside of me.
“Then I’d have an excuse to take you again. Such a tragedy.” I could hear the sarcasm dripping
in his tone. Even as he said it he held me tighter, pulled me closer, as if subconsciously his body
needed to fight against hearing the words. “I knew this would be heaven on earth even if the setting
isn’t as I imagined.” His body trembled slightly against mine, and I wasn’t sure if it was from desire
or the angst that I would hold the motel against him.
“It’s perfect,” I argued as he wrapped an arm around my chest. I tilted my neck and gave his
lips more room. “Exactly what I wanted for my first time having sex as a free man.” Okay, so maybe
that wasn’t exactly true. Yes, the place was pretty clean for a motel, but the Hilton it wasn’t. Niall’s
scent and now our combined sweat along with the aroma of sex permeated the air to cover up the
clean baking soda the room smelled of before.
Which was an improvement.
But the throw they had over the comforter was scratchy on my body, the walls were a horrid
color, and the whole room was pretty much decorated by someone who was either blind or just
devoid of style. Plus, and this was the main thing to me, it would have simply been nice to be
somewhere that felt safe. Yes, Niall and Taye were great protectors… I just wasn’t home. Not that I
knew where home was or anything.
I just wished I was having sex the first time of my own choosing in my bed, in my sheets, in
what I considered home.
“Thank you for choosing me.” His voice was tight with emotion. He gulped loudly and I wasn’t
sure what to do with that so I nodded before cracking a joke.
“You have a huge cock. It’s like ten inches right?” I smirked as his thrusts faltered before he
slammed it into me harder than before.
“Ten?” Predictable. The one thing all men would get pissed about if someone dared to insult.
“Eleven?” I taunted as I curled my fingers into the bedding. He went faster and harder and I did
smile then. “Twelve and a half?”
“At least,” he seethed. “I’ve never measured.”
“I’ll measure it when I give you a blow job later as penance for such an insult.” I moaned like a
slut as he picked up the pace at the idea. Damn, could he go! And he didn’t have that much
experience? He’d be lethal when he did.
“You naughty hellcat. You did that on purpose to instigate me.”
“And you should totally spank me for it after the blow job,” I managed to get out between
gasps. “I wanted you to let go and stop being so careful with me. I could feel how much you were
holding back, worried you would hurt me and I wouldn’t let you touch me again. I’ll tell you if I don’t
like something, Niall.”
“Can I give you more then?” he hedged so quietly I barely heard him.
“We can try but just make sure I still have enough air to tell you if it’s too much.” I was pretty
sure I could take it. I was mostly opened up now, but again, it had been well over a year for me. He
pulled me up onto just our knees and moved my arms back around his neck.
“Isn’t he gorgeous, Taye?” he asked in a husky voice as he thrust into me harder. I’d forgotten
Taye was there and I hadn’t known Niall had seen him.
“That is definitely a fitting adjective for Gideon,” Taye agreed as he eyed us over. He had
moved to the side of us, focused mostly at where our bodies were joined.
“You want to see his perfect hole, don’t you?” Niall chuckled. “It’s amazing. I’ve never felt or
dreamed of anything like it. But look how smooth he is and—”
“I’m sorry, would you two like a moment?” I griped as I turned and looked back at Niall. He
flinched and then froze.
“I’m sorry?” he whispered as if not sure what he’d done wrong.
“This is my first time having sex as a free man, Niall.” I felt my erection wilting as my
hormones even started to cool off. I let go of his neck. “You’re bragging to your friend like you
picked up a hook—” I snapped my mouth shut because it was too close to the other term I used to be.
I’m sorry, but I didn’t feel there was any difference between being a prostitute or doing porn.
Both took a paycheck for having sex. One was just legal in all states. I didn’t judge those who did
them. It was their lives and their choice. As long as they got a choice in it, I had no problem with it. I
just saw both jobs as pretty much the same.
And I didn’t even get the money for what I was made to do. I tried to pull away and Niall
wrapped his arms around me and ran his hands up and down my sides.
“No, I’m sorry. Please, Gideon. I won’t ever forgive myself if I ruined our first time. I didn’t
mean to make it like that or you to seem that way. This is why I’m not smooth. I was trying to make
you feel sexy when I realized there was someone else in the room watching so you wouldn’t get
I read his emotions as he whispered soothing and loving words while fondling my groin. He
meant it. I decided to let him try and get me back into it, even giving a forced moan when he cupped
my sac.
Except Taye narrowed his eyes as if busting me. So I did the only thing I could think of.
“I don’t want to hurt him,” I mouthed. Taye nodded approvingly but then I really moaned
when Niall’s fat cock nailed my prostate. “Oh, Niall. Take me, yes.”
“That’s it, my gorgeous Gideon,” he cooed. “Let me love on your perfect body that accepts me
so sweetly. I want to please you so much my very soul is filled with the need to.”
“The way you talk,” I praised as he moved faster. I threw my arms back around his neck. “The
way you want me.” It made the whole thing almost seem like a dream as the euphoria it induced made
me feel a little light headed… Well, that and how good Niall was at sex.
“I do. God, do I want you, baby.” He kissed my neck, and I let my head fall forward again,
shivering when he licked the nape of it. “One day my mark will be here.” I wondered about that since
that spot was reserved for the Alpha of an inner circle.
It was like Taye knew my unasked question though. “You certainly were born to lead, Niall.
Show the man in your arms that. Prove to him you deserve that spot on his body and can do what
others cannot.”
Niall went wild at the spurring, pounding into me like none had before… Even when I’d been
on camera. I screamed his name and climaxed without warning, Niall’s teeth grazing my skin, and
when I realized they weren’t human ones, he was so out of control it threw me into a second, spiraling
“Perfect. My perfect Gideon,” he hissed before howling out my name and filling me with his
seed. He was still pumping it into me as I slumped against him, completely spent and sated. When he
was done, we fell to the bed, the only thing saving me from getting smushed was his hand bracing his
weight. “Thank you, baby.”
“No, thank you,” I giggled in between gasps of air. “I hope you really meant this wasn’t a one-
time thing.”
“Yes, I meant it.” He swirled his hips as if driving his point home. “I’m addicted to all things
Gideon now.”
“I can live with that.” And I could. I really could. I actually liked the sound of someone not only
caring about me but needing me so much they were addicted.
As long as it wasn’t the creepy stalker way.
Chapter 3
Niall had taken several minutes caressing and showing me affection when we were done before
pulling out of me. But then he immediately got off the bed, confusing and worrying me so I reached for
the edge of the covers.
“Don’t you dare,” he warned in a dark voice as he yanked it out of my hand, staring intently at
my debauched body. “I’m not jumping up to ditch you or because the deed is done and I don’t want to
hold you.”
I nodded that I heard him but licked my dry lips as I swallowed loudly. “Then why are you
getting up?”
“Because you’re obviously thirsty from screaming and your throat is raw.” He gave me a killer,
satisfied grin as only a man who’d pleased his partner could. “I’m getting my lover something to drink
and eat before I ravage him again.” Then he glanced at Taye, seeing that the man was studying the
interaction between us. “Unless you’d prefer the next round not belong to me?”
I blinked at him a moment, trying to figure that out before the meaning sunk in and I looked at
Taye. He was keeping his expression carefully blank so I lowered my shields and was flooded with
lust and desire from both of them.
“Wow,” I whispered as my heart raced in response. But then it hit me. It wasn’t all for me. I
licked my lips again and glanced at Niall.
“What are you getting?” He gave me a smirk as if he already knew as he grabbed a bottle of
water from one of the bags Taye had brought in. It was then I saw the other Beta was completely
focused on Niall… And shaking. But why? Rage? Need?
I couldn’t focus on one emotion to explain that. He was locked tighter than Fort Knox and I had
a feeling he’d spent many, many years hiding something if he was that good at keeping his emotions at
bay even from an Omega. I wasn’t sure how to answer that without busting him but I wasn’t going to
lie either. “There’s a lot of lust in the room,” I teased.
“I’m sure,” Niall snickered, giving me a wink. I sat up as he handed me the bottle of water. He
eyed me over as I took a drink. “You are gorgeous after all. Who wouldn’t lust after you?”
“It’s not all for me.” Both sets of eyes focused on me then.
“Oh, well, you’re lusting after us,” Niall said with a halfhearted shrug after a moment as he
went back to get water for himself. “That has to be it. I mean, Taye’s family. He’s like an older bro
The man moved so fast I didn’t see anything but a blur. Then there was a thud, and he had Niall
against the wall, one hand on his shoulder while Taye’s other hand was covering my new lover’s
“Do not finish that sentence. I am so fucking sick of hearing you call me that. I am not your
brother. I’m not your uncle or cousin. I’m not related to you in any way,” Taye roared. Niall stared at
him with wide eyes and simple nodded as the strangest thing happened… His dick twitched and
leaked on Taye’s jeans. Taye moved his hand off Niall’s mouth and down his body as the other one
mirrored the first, taking both wrists and raising them up above Niall’s head.
“What should I call you then?” Niall breathed in a shaky voice. “I never meant to upset you,
Taye. I care about you so much. Tell me what you want me to call you and I will.”
Taye sucked in a harsh breath as his nostrils flared. He pinned both of Niall’s wrists in his left
hand as his right hand slowly moved to cup his cheek. “Anything I want?”
I didn’t think Niall’s eyes could go any wider but they did as he nodded again. Taye leaned in
and barely brushed his lips over Niall’s as his hand moved further down and grabbed the trapped
wolf’s leaking cock.
“Your more mature lover,” Taye demanded as his hand started pumping. Niall moaned as his
lips parted and eyelids fluttered. They were the picture of sensual, Taye completely dressed while
dominating a naked Niall, the man submitting completely. “Your older boyfriend.”
“Okay,” Niall consented, leaning in closer and trying to get more of what was being offered.
“Yes?” Taye froze as his eyebrows shot up.
Niall nodded and licked his lips. “Yes. I’ve always wanted you, Taye. Since I knew what my
dick was and that I was gay. I wanted you to be my first but I was the dorky son of the Alpha and you
were this god of a Beta everyone fawned and swooned over. I never would have thought you’d given
me a second look much less wanted me. But I’ve never given myself to anyone. I give myself to you
I gasped, feeling shame and getting flashes of memories from Niall’s mind as to why he’d said
it like that. I hadn’t planned to interrupt this very personal, private moment, but in an instant I was
over there and hugging him and Taye as well. “Niall, I’m sorry.”
“You saw,” he choked out as he started struggling. “Let me go.”
“No, never now that I know you want me too,” Taye snarled as the veins in his neck strained
against the skin. “What is going on?”
“I didn’t mean to see. I don’t always have the best control when I’m not grounded and in high
stress situations,” I explained, not answering Taye.
“Tell me, Gideon,” Taye ordered. I flinched at his tone but shook my head.
“It’s not for me to tell. I won’t ever tell what I see, especially by accident so don’t ask me that.”
Taye’s eyes flashed with rage before he looked back at Niall who was still struggling. When he
focused on me again, I was actually scared. “Then what good are you if you won’t help? Are you just
always going to get in the way?” He shoved me roughly enough that I went flying off Niall and hit the
dresser hard.
“Taye!” Niall exclaimed. “How could you hurt Gideon?”
“I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to get you to calm down and him coming closer upset you,”
Taye justified but I didn’t believe him for one mother fucking second. And I wasn’t even using my
gifts. A full body shot to wood like that will make it hard to focus. “Explain to me what’s going on
and then we’ll tend to him and I’ll apologize. But you’re my priority, Niall. Always have been,
always will be.”
I felt Niall melt at that statement. He’d been in love with Taye most of his life. Fuck. And he
just liked me. I was so screwed. I just sat where I landed, worried if I even moved and drew attention
to myself I’d do something wrong again.
And here I would have thought if he really loved Niall, he would have been happy I would have
protected the man’s secrets.
“I’ve never given myself to someone,” Niall admitted so quietly I could barely hear him. “But
I’ve been taken.”
“Who?” Taye pried. His hands shook as they held Niall, the older wolf’s teeth extended as if he
was having trouble controlling his shift. “I’ll kill them. When?”
“Which time?” Niall sneered and then chuckled like he didn’t want Taye to think he was upset
with the man, just the memory and situation. “That’s why Father wanted Gideon so badly. He thought
if he got me what I wanted, controlled Gideon’s fate, that I’d fall into line and do whatever he
wanted. You saw how excited he got when he talked about us sharing Gideon.”
“No,” Taye whispered and his face fell as I felt the man’s heart shrivel. “No, please, god. Right
under my nose? He was abusing you right under my nose? I did everything always to protect you, for
you, and I let that happen?”
When I felt the overwhelming despair coming off Taye, I forgave the man for shoving me. He
really did love Niall and I get that he overreacted from a place of fear… But that didn’t mean I was
going to trust the man from here on out.
“It was going on before you became Beta, Taye,” Niall soothed as Taye let go of the man and
stepped away, stumbling back until he plopped on the bed. Niall followed after him and straddled his
lap, cupping the older man’s face. “It stopped when I got big enough to fight back. You barely knew
me then. But he’s tried since. I know he’s always looking for ways to get me again and Gideon was
his way.”
Taye shot me a glance I couldn’t read. Please merciful heaven, I hope that didn’t make it my
fault somehow. “Your stepmother know?” My heart broke as Niall nodded his head.
“She used to watch, smiling as I screamed. She hates me.”
“I would have taken you away no matter the cost if I had known,” Taye whispered as he traced
his fingers over Niall’s lips. “From the moment I met you, I knew you were special and to be
protected, Niall. Even when you were a little boy and then you grew up and you weren’t a boy any
longer and you stole my heart. I would give my soul to keep you safe.”
“Thank you. It means everything to know that now even if I didn’t then.” Niall exhaled deeply
as he hugged the man. I was glad Niall had what he needed and since they were distracted I stood on
shaky legs.
“Are you okay, Gideon?” Taye asked. My gaze snapped in his direction and I saw those blue
eyes focused on me, completely unreadable as he rubbed Niall’s back. “I’m sorry. I was scared for
Niall. You said you don’t have control of your powers and I thought something with them was hurting
It was a completely reasonable explanation for what happened. I just didn’t trust him anymore.
He’d made it very clear that I was to be of use or I was expendable in that moment. That or it was the
trauma of having been abused talking. I slapped on a fake smile when Niall glanced at me as well.
“I’m fine. A little shaky, but nothing that won’t heal in a few minutes. I’m just going to sit on the
bed if that’s okay?”
Taye’s eyebrows drew together as Niall just blinked at me. “Sit wherever you want, baby. You
can join us.” Niall held out his hand to me, and I just shook my head, keeping that smile plastered on.
“No, this is your moment which seems long overdue. If I thought it was safe enough, I’d even
step outside and give you some privacy or go for a walk. But then again, Taye watched you take me
our first time so tit for tat.” I realized how snarky that sounded so I shut my mouth and hopped on the
bed and pulled the cover over my nakedness before reaching into my bag and pulling out the book I
never went anywhere without.
“Gideon, are you really okay?” Taye asked quietly. “I truly am sorry. I would never hurt you.”
“Totally fine,” I chuckled, learning early on in life that confusing mood and tone would muck up
a werewolves ability to tell if I was lying. Plus I knew how to throw my power around me so
everything screamed the truth. “Just tired from all the crazy turns of the day.”
I caught a random thought from Niall that gave me an out and a topic change while helping the
man I liked. Always a good combo.
“I’m going to sit here and read while you go back to pinning Niall against the wall and do what
you were doing since he’s dying to finish that fantasy. Oops.” I gave them a wink.
“I thought you don’t tell what you see,” Taye mocked as his tone went even darker. “Nice that
you play games.”
“I don’t tell secrets,” I clarified and then realized that’s what it had been, swearing under my
breath. “I don’t tell the serious stuff. Niall was trying to think of how to ask for—never mind.” I
shook my head, wanting to cry. I hadn’t been playing games. Why did people always assume that
when they didn’t understand or like Omega powers? I saw my hopes of being with Niall go up in
smoke right in front of me.
“Taye, lay off,” Niall chastised with a growl, shaking his head at the man. “Jesus, what’s with
you? He’s had a rough fucking day, and he doesn’t even know what’s up with all his friends or what’s
really going on with his stuff or his missing buddy. That’s after another crazy Alpha tried to lock him
up. I was begging the powers that be that you would still want me after what I told you, knowing there
was no way I could tell you I wanted you to finish what you were doing to me.
“I feel vulnerable and like our chances could disappear in a flash now that you know. But how
does someone say that when I couldn’t even tell you I wanted you all these years and you couldn’t tell
me? I wanted you to know though and I was desperate for you to reassure me and still take me which
might not be the normal response after hearing that so you might not have. Which I would have seen as
“So Gideon just helped us both by cutting through all the insecurities and unsureness and saying
what he did. It was a completely selfless gesture to benefit us both. Still think he’s playing games or
are you going to apologize to him before I get off your lap and walk away?”
“I’m sorry again, Gideon,” Taye sighed. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Then he
snorted. “Well, I do. I’m freaking out. I’ve only been away from that pack for a few months at most
and on pack business. That’s my birth pack. Now I’m leaving for good to I don’t know where and
hoping it’s the right move and we don’t all die while the man I love is with us. And he risked
everything for another man and left me behind.
“And I walked in on them having passionate, life altering sex. And I find out I failed him all this
time. Am I missing anything else? So I’m sorry again, Gideon. I’m an ass and I didn’t mean to hurt
you. I think you’re a great guy or I wouldn’t have helped get you out, instead I would have locked up
Niall and left you to your fate.” Then he really started laughing. “Which apparently would have
doomed Niall.”
“You wouldn’t have left Gideon to be a prisoner of my father,” Niall argued.
“No. I would have just gotten word to his people what was going on and kept you out of it,”
Taye grumbled, sounding tired.
“We should get some rest. The vampires will be here at nightfall.” I glanced over and saw
Niall with his head hung, his shoulders slumped over. He was still feeling rejected. The moment he
stood and was off Taye’s lap, he was back against the wall, pinned by the other man.
“Rest is for the old,” Taye challenged with an evil smile. “I have a young lover to please.”
I felt my heart ache a bit. A young lover. So I was going to be Niall’s and Taye was going to be
Niall’s but not the three of us? But that wasn’t a bad thing since I didn’t trust Taye, right? Fuck my
head was hurting.
“Hands over your head,” Taye ordered. Then he glanced over at me. “Toss me the lube please,
gorgeous Gideon?” I hurried to do it after a second of shock at the nickname. He caught it no problem
and still stared at me. “If you’re willing, I think we should show Niall the best of both worlds, don’t
I eyed him over a moment. “What do you mean?”
“I’m going to play with him now but I will be making love to him. I think it should be while he’s
taking you. I mean you guys are going to be together, right? That makes the three of us lovers.”
I opened my mouth to disagree but Niall gave a strangled moan as his eyelashes fluttered.
“That’s so hot. Yes! Please, baby? I want one of you on either side of me. It will be so hot to watch
you guys make out and have sex too.”
“Of course,” I immediately consented. “Taye’s gorgeous, and after I’ve seen the moves he’s put
on you, I look forward to the three of us being together.”
Taye’s gaze shot to mine in the mirror and his eyes went wide before he schooled his reaction,
giving me a smile instead. Then he focused back on Niall. Yeah, I was shocked at my answer as well
but self-preservation was a powerful motivator and until the vampires showed up and I was safe on
the island… The men I was with could easily throw me right back to the wolves. Pun intended.
After Taye fulfilled Niall’s fantasy and the man was slumped against the other wolf, I
swallowed nervously, knowing what was coming next. Mainly all of us together. He carried Niall
over and nodded for me to pull back the blanket. I did immediately, shocked and a little thrilled when
Taye shivered at the sight of my naked body as he set Niall down.
Maybe he did really want me?
“You’re so gorgeous, Gideon,” Niall purred as he moved in between my legs, spreading them
wide. That seemed to be his adjective of choice for me and I found I liked it. He buried his face in my
groin and inhaled deeply. “I promise I’m going to lick every inch of you and soon. I’m just so
desperate to feel you wrapped around me again. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t ever apologize for wanting me, Niall,” I moaned as he fondled my hole. Then his fingers
were slick suddenly and pushing into me. I knew Niall was stretched out and ready to go from his
play with Taye. I watched Taye studying our interaction curiously as he got undressed, revealing
some of the most delectable skin and muscular body I’d ever seen. “So sexy, Taye.”
His gaze snapped to mine and I couldn’t read his eyes again before he looked away. “Thank
you. The feeling is mutual, Gideon.” I wasn’t sure I believed that from the tone of his voice but the
way he’d been looking at me… The man just confused me.
Moments later Niall was inside me as Taye pushed into him. “I’m going to blow already.”
“Not yet, my love,” Taye whispered as he kissed Niall’s shoulder. “Hold out for me.”
“Anything for you, Taye,” Niall moaned and I swear Taye shot me a smirk before thrusting
forward so he bottomed out inside of Niall as Niall did in me. The way they talked kind of made me
feel like a third wheel though, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Glad to just be a part of it still?
How sad was that? But wasn’t that better than being alone? It definitely was an improvement
over what the Alpha had wanted to do to me.
Taye took the lead, moving so he gave us both pleasure as he guided what Niall’s body did to
mine as well. “You’re an Alpha, Niall, but you will always submit to me in bed. This is my domain
for you to listen to me. I will take you such places and love on you so good.”
Niall nodded. “And Gideon.”
“And Gideon,” Taye agreed but didn’t look at me.
“But sometimes we might turn the tables on you.” Niall gave me a wink but I didn’t say anything
or react, worried anything I did might start trouble.
“Please do. That’s an invitation I’d accept from both of you,” Taye purred. He moved his hand
under my ass and he thrust harder into Niall, forcing the man to shove his cock into me deeper. I
gasped and met his heated gaze before he looked away. Apparently he just wasn’t ready to let me in
but he wasn’t keeping me out either.
Okay, I could deal with that.
Taye took us with such passion it wasn’t long until we fell like dominoes, Niall blowing first.
The moment his seed filled me, I couldn’t hold back anymore, Taye going right after me. When we
were spent, Taye moved them off me to one side, keeping his cock inside Niall and wrapped around
the man… Almost as if trying to say I was intruding on their moment. But then Niall pulled me against
him and I snuggled down to sleep.
It wasn’t the most peaceful sleep I’d ever had but it wasn’t the worst. Not by a long shot. So it
wasn’t the sunshine and rainbows beginning I’d hoped for whatever relationship I’d be a part of? It’s
not like that ever happened though.
The vampires came for us that night as planned and got us onto the tanker heading for the island
without any problems. Lord Ellys himself scanned Taye and Niall, clearing them with no ill intentions
towards Omegas or anyone on the island. Though he did shoot a few strange looks in my direction
before studying Taye again. No, that didn’t make me feel even more tired.
Moments after stepping on the boat, I realized I couldn’t be on it all that long… If for no other
reason than the color. Now, I wasn’t the type of flamboyant gay man that thought everything was
about color and coordinated his shoes to his thong to his highlights or some shit. No way. It’s just I
needed more than gray in my life and everywhere.
The water was a gorgeous blue, of course, but being surrounded by that much gray all the time,
for however long they were on the boat, would drive me insane and depress the shit out of me.
Seriously, it was just dreary like weeks of overcast skies and cold winds. I needed some color and
I felt a lot better though when the ship left port and we were on open ocean. Well, I felt better
about my safety. My wolf? He was pissed about not being on land and the idea of days of this made
him restless. Which made me a cranky bitch. And I was a passive wolf and man pretty much. Now
you take two aggressive/bossy ones like Taye and Niall… And that fairly sucked.
I was getting snapped at constantly like it was my fault that my friends had hooked us up with a
way to paradise and safety.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Niall expressed again as he pounded his cock into me. I nodded as I sucked
Taye’s cock as best as I could given the folded position I was in. Whenever they got overly cranky,
they decided to work it off sexually before they really blew… By blowing in me mostly.
“We know we’re being horrid,” Taye moaned as he grabbed my hair and thrust up. “We’ll
make it up to when we’re on land, sweet, understanding Gideon. Thank you for taking such good care
of us. I had no idea I’d react like this to being on water.”
“Me either. It’s our first time.” Niall reached down and stroked my cock in time with his hips.
Yeah, they’d told me that a few dozen times. It was getting old but I was glad to help and the sex was
off the charts. I was just all muddled inside and I wasn’t sure what to do about any of it. I really
didn’t. “Come for us, baby. Let us take care of you too.”
He licked the nape of my neck as if still promising he wanted to bite me there one day and I
blew. How screwed up was that? I didn’t know if I wanted to still be with them tomorrow or really
even liked them but the idea that someone wanted to claim me, to keep me forever, just set me off.
No, I wasn’t damaged or fitting the abused profile.
“Love you, Taye,” Niall groaned after he’d said my name as he came. I was glad he had
someone to love and all but it was my ass he was fucking. Yeah, my name went first but I don’t know,
I kind of felt it should be more about me. But then I felt selfish. They did get me off. But then I’d
chastise myself because it’s not like they’d offered me their asses or blow jobs.
Add to those swirling arguments about four dozen more and that’s what I’d been struggling with
the past three days.
Taye shot down my throat, and I swallowed it all, moaning at the taste of him. When he was
spent, he pulled out of my mouth and flopped onto the bed as Niall did the same on the other end of
me, leaving me in the middle to lay by myself.
“I don’t ever want to go on another boat ride like this again,” Niall groaned.
“At least we know we wouldn’t survive it without our Gideon,” Taye chuckled as he ran his
fingers through my hair.
Kinda made me feel like a beloved pet. Was that really any better than being used by the Alpha
and them? Just the thought of that had the knots in my stomach going sour… Then again the crap food
on the ship wasn’t helping. What people said and the stereotypes about cooks on ships like that were
totally true apparently. They cooked everything in a pound of lard and it was canned shit that blended
together and made me want to vomit.
I wanted veggies almost as much I wanted land.
Taye closed his eyes and a soft smile spread on his lips. “I can’t wait to get on dry land and just
have a normal day with you guys. Actually hang out and not have my wolf bitch me out until I feel like
I’m going to explode.”
“I know what you mean.” Niall rolled over and ran his hand over my thigh as I just stared at the
wall. “What do you want to do first, baby?”
“Whatever.” I shrugged as the hollow feeling in my chest started again. I wasn’t sure I cared
anymore. I thought I was falling into another deep depression. I’d been thinking about that second
knife I had in my bag.
That wasn’t normal. I really didn’t think it was.
“You’re pissed, aren’t you?” Taye sighed.
“No, not pissed.” I pulled away when they reached for me and rolled out of bed.
“Yeah, you’re pissed.” He didn’t sound angry about it at least. Sad maybe? I wasn’t sure
because I couldn’t use my power with my wolf all over the place and throwing me off my game. On
the bright side, all the sex had me really grounded.
“No, not pissed,” I reassured them quietly as I got cleaned up at the sink in our cabin.
“Then what?” Niall’s tone was worried, and I knew if I looked at him, I would cave. I wanted
to be comforted and cared for after all.
I shook my head. “You guys just got calmed down. You’ll get upset. Just forget it. We’re almost
there and things will be fine then.” I hope. “I’m not sure what I’m feeling anyways. I just know I’m
not pissed.”
“Gideon, if I’m worried and freaking out like I’m starting to right now, I’m still going to get
upset,” Niall argued. Shit.
“I’ll hide it better,” I mumbled. I pulled on my clothes.
“No, we don’t want you to lie to us or hide things from us,” Taye bitched. “That’s not what you
do in a relationship!” I turned slowly to look at him, forgetting I was closing up my shorts until they
both focused on my groin. Is that what they really considered this? A relationship?
I inhaled deeply, the salt on the ocean air calming me. I could see how sailors loved that smell
and they craved the ocean. For me it would just be land by the ocean now.
Swallowing my fears, I took a chance. If they seriously thought that was what this was, they
would know better than I would. I mean I was raised in fucked up and sold into completely crazy. So,
really, I didn’t have a clue besides the time I’d lived with Carson and seen him with his men.
And the last several months they hadn’t been doing so well so I tended to think there just wasn’t
such a thing as a happy relationship.
I met Niall’s eyes because he would know what I was talking about. “Okay, but if I tell you, you
have to promise to let me just go take a walk up top because it’s going to be hard for me to say this.” I
waited until they both nodded. “I’ve been thinking about the matching knife I have in my bag to the one
I pulled when you came into my room the day we ran.”
It only took him seconds to understand, his eyes going wide as his face drained of all color.
“Gideon, no. Please, baby.”
“Are you threatening Niall?” Taye growled dangerously.
“Shut up, Taye!” Niall snapped, shocking the shit out of both of us if Taye’s reaction was any
indication to what I was feeling.
“Of course you’d think that,” I chuckled bitterly. I shook my head and walked to the door.
“Nope, just my own life.” I booked it out of there and raced up the three flights of stairs to the main
“Hey, we’re coming up on Lilleulv now,” one of the crew told me. I wanted to weep with relief
and thanked the vampire. I hadn’t talked much with them mostly because they’d been teasing me so I’d
been a little snarky with them. Apparently asking if it was a boat or a ship at that size was bad form.
Then they just screwed with me. They called it that and vessel and tanker and lady love and
everything else just to pick on me. Whatever. I just asked a damn question. Either they were that
bored for entertainment or I just had kick me always on me somewhere and they saw it too. But I was
willing to forgive all that now because he’d just said what I’d needed to hear most.
We were going to be with my friends soon and I would be safe… Totally, utterly, and
completely safe and I could pick a room and never leave it again.
I stared out at where he’d pointed, watching as it got bigger and bigger, praying it was really
my sanctuary and not just another trap or trick.
If it was, someone should just drown me now before I did something stupid like hope again.
Chapter 4
Yup, should have jumped overboard while we were out on the ocean. I sighed as I walked
down the gangplank, and the first person I saw was the one I had planned to avoid. The weird thing
was that Ciro looked out of sorts. He’d lost some weight, I could tell he hadn’t been sleeping, and
like he was about to burst at the seams.
But why?
There was a lot of commotion on the dock when I stepped onto it and I turned slightly, out of
instinct, when I heard Taye and Niall still on the ship. Catching myself, I faced back front and was
lifted off the ground in a bear hug.
“You’re alive,” Ciro choked out as he buried his face in my neck. “Thank god, Gideon. I know
they said you were fine but it’s like I couldn’t believe it until I saw myself. You’re really here and
alive. I was so fucking worried!”
I just blinked rapidly, not even hugging him back I was so floored at how he was acting. “Are
you on drugs?”
“No,” he chuckled as he leaned away, smiling widely. “But I feel like someone gave me happy
pills now that I know you’re okay. You are okay, right? No one hurt you?”
“I’m fine. I hate ships and traveling by boat,” I stuttered as I met his intense caramel eyes. “I
can’t believe you care.”
“I more than just care, Gideon.” He cupped my cheek, stroking it gently. Then my mental break
or hallucination or whatever was going on became complete when he brushed his lips over mine. “I
was inconsolable with worry. I stayed away because I didn’t know how to help you and thought I was
the worst person for you but it all seemed so stupid when Declan told me you were going to visit
another pack.
“And then when the shit hit the fan and we couldn’t contact you—” His eyes watered slightly as
his voice got choked. “I called friends still in the military for a rescue but everyone said we could
risk all the other Omegas to come by entering pack lands like that since we didn’t know that there was
a problem. But I was ready in case we heard there was. I would have risked it to get you.”
“You would have?”
He nodded. “I can go back but since it’s so soon after what happened, everyone was worried
that wouldn’t matter to the instigating Alphas. I’m just a guard and Beta candidate though it’s still
considered invading another pack. I didn’t care. I had to come get you. You weren’t safe there even
before the Alpha went nuts. If they had hurt you—” His expression got dark and he snarled. “Why do
you smell like sex? I didn’t smell it at first with everything else around us.”
“Oh, well, um,” I mumbled, ducking my head.
“Maybe you should stop touching and kissing him and find out if he’s even still single,” Niall
barked from behind me.
Ciro swallowed loudly and I saw his Adam’s apple bob before he raised my chin, making me
meet his eyes. “Did you consent? They’ve claimed you?”
“I consented, but no, I’m not claimed,” I answered, worrying my lower lip. “I didn’t think you’d
ever consider me this way. I thought you didn’t like me.”
“You’re spoken for, Gideon,” Naill told me darkly as his hands were suddenly around my
waist, trying to pull me away.
“Back off.” Ciro gave a warning snarl as he shoved the man. “Gideon’s been through enough
and he’s a grown fucking man.” He set me on my feet, stepping in between us. “Omegas need three to
ground them. Besides, he’s free now and not claimed. It’s his choice. Everything is his choice.”
“I’m not saying it isn’t,” Niall exploded. He planted his feet further apart and I winced. I’d seen
that move before… Right before someone hit me. “I’m saying he made a commitment and I would
think that meant having a discussion with us before making out with other men.”
“I jumped him. It’s not his fault,” Ciro snapped, lowering his chin down and doing great
impression of a bull ready to charge. “It was just a kiss and I didn’t know. I won’t do it again but I’m
going to continue this discussion if he’s okay with that. I went half out of my mind trying to finagle
how to get him here. There’s lots we need to talk about.” He looked at me then. “I know I screwed up
but I thought I was giving you time to heal and doing what was best by you. Will you still talk with me
“Yes,” I whispered as I took his hand, my heart soaring. I loved Ciro. “And I didn’t make any
commitment to them.”
“What!” Niall and Taye roared. I flinched and took a step back.
“What did you do to him?” Ciro grilled them, and suddenly Ollie, Ciro’s brother, Geoffrey,
Slate, Lief, and Carter, all of our hot Marines, were there as a unit to jump in. “He’s afraid of your
anger. What did you do for that to be his reaction?”
“No, stop,” I begged as I froze all of them without even having meant to. Shit. I still moved in
between them and focused on Ciro, sighing when he was released. “We can talk in private but any
anger still scares me. That’s true for a lot of us. They got me out, Ciro. Yes, the trip was rough and
we had some hiccups and apparently some miscommunications as you and I did, but nothing more,
“Please, don’t do this. I just want to get caught up with Carson on what really happened, tell
him about that pack, eat something more than boat food, find a room, sleep for a week, and talk with
“Not spend time with us?” Niall rasped, sounding heartbroken even though it came out funny
since he was frozen immobile. I cleared my mind and released everyone.
“Man, I wish I had your control,” Kiefer whined before giving me a quick hug. “You so need to
fill me in, man. I was shitting my pants that you were going to be stuck in the mountains or something.”
“Yeah, after my week nap,” I snickered, returning the hug. “And I need to learn the full scoop
on what happened.”
“The highlights are Sampson and Baptista got mated, and Baptista’s a gazillonaire who owns
the island.” He smiled at me and sauntered off. I stared after him, doing a great impression of a fish
for a bit, ignoring everything else around me. It wasn’t until Ciro crouched down in front of me and
his face filled my vision that I snapped out of it.
“I’m sorry, what?” I blinked and focused on him.
“There you are,” he said gently, his tone filled with concern. “You okay?”
“Just a lot to take in. It’s like a month or five weeks since I’ve seen everyone and two of my
friends are mated? How is Baptista a gazillionaire?”
“That’s what you’re focused on?” Taye snapped. “And here we leave everything we know to
come to this island with you and now you ignore us, kiss another man, say there’s no commitment, and
break Niall’s heart.”
“You didn’t come for me.” I gave a snort and turned around, losing my bravado the moment I
saw the anger in his eyes. More than that I saw how upset Niall was.
“I did,” Niall reminded me as his shoulders slumped. “I mean, I wanted to leave the pack, yes, I
was honest about that. But I could have gone somewhere else. You asked me to come with you. I
wanted to be with you and Taye, Gideon. How can you say there’s no commitment?”
“You never asked me for one.” I shrugged and glanced around at all the people, hating we were
doing this in front of them. “I didn’t know what we were. You said you wanted me. I mean, you told
me during sex it was more than one time to you. We’ve done that. You never said more than that or
you wanted to bite me but wouldn’t. That tells me nothing but sweet words during the deed.”
“I told you I wasn’t good at courting or being smooth,” he muttered and then knelt in front of me,
taking my hand in his before raising it to his lips. “My gorgeous Gideon, will you be our committed
lover while we explore where this is going?” I felt very strong swirling emotions and none of them
were joy… And they were coming from Taye.
“No.” My voice cracked as I stepped back.
“Why not? You love this man so much that you’d give up both of us? Omegas are supposed to
have three. We could get to know him.” Niall looked as if he was choking at what I’d said, going so
far as to rub his chest, and that hurt me too.
“That’s not why,” I admitted as I rubbed the ache in my chest. “I loved being with you, Niall.
Ciro couldn’t have come in between that.” He smiled, leaning in like he was ready to take me back
into his arms, and I winced internally, knowing what I was going to say next. “The first time we were
together at least. It changed after that. Taye doesn’t like me or want me with you.”
“What?” he gasped and looked back at Taye who’s eyes looked ready to bug out of his head.
“That’s not true, Gideon. I was upset when you denied we had a commitment with you.”
“Because it hurt Niall.”
“No, that’s not the only reason why,” he argued and reached for me. I took a step back, showing
finally who it was that scared me, and he flinched as if I had slapped him as Niall went pale.
“You always said yes to Taye because you were scared of the way he acted in the motel.” Niall
figured out as he glanced between us.
“How did he act in the motel?” Ciro asked darkly.
“Niall got really upset by something I saw in his head. I wouldn’t express what it was because
it wasn’t my secret to tell and Taye didn’t understand,” I explained in a ramble as I stared at my feet.
The situation had the potential to go from bad to holy shit in seconds. “Taye thought I was accidently
hurting Niall with my ungrounded powers and by being near him so he shoved me away and yelled at
me. It was an accident.”
“He’s being kind.” Taye sniffled and my gaze shot up to his face, fat tears rolling down his
cheeks. “I practically threw him into the dresser, screaming at him about what use was he if he
wouldn’t help or something. I freaked out. I didn’t know what was going on and I thought he was the
source and after we just risked everything to get him out. I’m not excusing it, just explaining where my
head was.”
I shrugged again as I moved slightly to the right when I felt Ciro step forward. No matter how
the tale was told or spun, it was an accident. “I know. I saw it from your perspective when you told
me that. I forgave you.”
“But you don’t trust me or feel comfortable around me, do you?”
“No,” I admitted as I rubbed my arms, suddenly cold. “I’ve been abused all my life, Taye. Trust
isn’t something I can just give out easily. I trust Ciro but that took weeks of him guarding me during
runs on pack lands and hanging out with him at dinners to get to that point. And he doesn’t have a
temper. You made it extremely clear Niall is your first priority and you love him. That’s fine and I get
“But you would also run everyone else over to get to him or trample them if it meant protecting
him. I don’t want to end up like that. You put up with me because Niall wants me but he loves you so I
know where I stand. You guys let me know that even when you’re both taking me that you love each
“Oh, ouch,” Ollie groaned behind us. “Douchebags.”
“Yeah, that was bad,” Niall agreed with a wince. “I didn’t realize that though. I mean, I wasn’t
thinking. It’s not like we ignored you, Gideon. I’ve always made a point to make you feel special.”
“Yes, you have, and I would want to be with you but you guys are a package deal now and Taye
doesn’t want me.”
“That’s not true, Gideon.”
“If Niall didn’t want me, would you seriously be saying that?” I asked, not even bothering to
hide my doubt in my tone.
“Wes?” I whispered, knowing he was standing close, taking this all in. I was too mixed up to
try and read anyone else right then.
“I can’t tell,” Wes sighed as he scrubbed his hands over his face. “He might be the most
conflicted man on the planet. He’s got so much guilt and other shit swirling around inside of him I
don’t think even he knows what he’s feeling right now.” Taye growled and Niall was the one to settle
the situation.
“Then can we just put this conversation on hold? Please, Gideon? We’ve had a very trying past
few days with tons of shit going on. We’ve left the only pack we’ve known, learned my father is nuts,
traveled on boat for the first time and reacted badly to it, admitted we loved each other, and trusted
you enough to not even ask where we were going. Please trust me now when I say Taye isn’t a liar.
“I’ve known him practically all my life and there isn’t a dishonorable bone in his body. Even
you have to admit he’s been kind to you too. I woke to you guys laughing and playing cards the other
morning as if you didn’t have a care in the world, trading kisses like you guys were the couple.”
I glanced at Taye, catching the man touching his lips quickly before he dropped his hand. Yeah,
it had been fun. But then why hide his reaction to the memory? Maybe he was just conflicted like
Wesley said.
“Okay. That’s fair. We take a few days to decompress and then talk again,” I assented. “But I
care deeply for Ciro and have for a long time. I’m going to talk with him and I’m not claimed. I’m
free to see where that goes.”
Now that got a reaction of pain from both of them. I blinked at them, not sure what to do with
“You felt it too?” Wes inquired quietly and I simply nodded. “Has he been all over like this the
entire time you’ve known him?”
“Ever since we ran really, yeah. The signals are always this mixed,” I mumbled, focused on
Taye. “Niall likes me. That I know and not just for sex but it’s always like this with Taye.”
“Then I can fully understand why you can’t trust the man as far as you can throw him,” Wesley
drawled. “All the random reads I’ve been getting from him and I’m ready for a padded room. Days of
this and I’d be pulling out my hair and I’m not even intimate with the man.”
Yeah, I thought that was pretty fair as well.
Carson and I had talked while Ciro hovered, and they helped me find a suite and unload my
stuff. At first I looked at them like they’d lost it when they offered to give me a hand. Even I could
handle the whole backpack. But duh, all the stuff on the tanker was from the packs, even Chicago
where all my other belongings were. That made what I left behind at the crazy Alpha’s house easier to
part with.
I had told Carson to go be with his men and handle his own unpacking. He shook his head and
assured me it could wait, that I’d had enough stress without having a slew of unanswered questions. I
sighed with relief. Amen to that. I hadn’t wanted to be selfish but I was grateful he was telling me
right away. I felt like if there was one more ounce of confusion in my life or head, I was going to pop.
It took him a good hour to fill me in and me to get out all my questions. By then I was all
unpacked mostly, and I lied, saying I was going to take a nap. Carson totally knew but let me be.
“Can I stay and hold you?” Ciro implored when we were alone but sounded like he was trying
not to so I wouldn’t feel pressured.
“I want to say yes,” I admitted as I studied my suddenly fascinating feet. “But because I’m
afraid if I say no this time you won’t ever offer again.”
“If you tell me my advances are welcome, I won’t ever stop trying, Gideon. That’s one thing
that became crystal fucking clear to me when Declan said you went to Tennessee,” he growled and
pulled me into his arms. He dipped me in a movie-style way and planted a massive kiss on me. I
moaned and raised my leg over his hip, even bent over like this. “Baby, you keep being bendy like
that and you’re not going to get any space.”
“No?” My stomach fluttered from the heat in his eyes, staring into mine, as he licked his lips.
“What would I get, Ciro? Months of my practically following you around to get you to notice me and
now I can’t seem to get a handle on the sudden change. You’re going to have to spell everything out
for me.”
A wolfish grin spread on his lips as his teeth even elongated. “Gladly. I want you as my mate,
Gideon. I would claim you right now if you let me. I will accept those other two yahoos if that’s who
you choose, but I don’t care, other than they better never hurt you. I just want you.”
“Oh.” My chest heaved, not sure what to do with that as spots started filling my vision.
“And you get me filling you in between your week of napping,” he purred as he nuzzled my
neck while moving one hand to my ass and pulling me closer. Huh? Oh right, the yoga move. “The fact
you are so flexible just adds to my fantasy pile I already have of you, Gideon. They’re all in my head
like a movie—” I flinched then and he swore under his breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I ruined the moment.”
“No, no you didn’t.” Ciro stood back up straight and pulled me up into his arms, wrapping us
around each other. “I’m a solider, Gideon. I’m a damn good solider. I’m not educated or don’t even
know that much about the ways of wolves. I didn’t grow up in a pack and then was only around
humans and my brother in the Marines before meeting the other guys.”
“I’m not sure why you’re telling me all of this,” I mumbled against his shoulder. “I can see
you’re getting to a point but all I feel is grief coming off you. Why would you be feeling that?”
“Because I’m worried when I’m done explaining you’ll agree with my first assessment that I’m
bad for you and run.”
“Ciro, I love you.” I gave a yelp as we were moving and it took me a second to realize he fell
over with shock… Literally. He plopped backwards on the bed.
“Say that again?” There was such hope in his eyes I had no problem doing it.
“I love you,” I giggled, sitting up in his lap. “You make me feel almost normal and safe and you
see life and the world in the way it should be even after all the crap you’ve seen and I want that. God,
I want that. I’ve read all the books about victims and the psychology about them and I’m that guy.”
Now I was getting choked up. “I’m that loser and I don’t want to be the victim. I want to see the
world like you do.
“I want to have hope and not think things I shouldn’t about how to get out.” His eyes went wide
at the admission and I just kept going. “And when you laugh, I just feel as if it’s all going to be okay.
That’s why I started following you around. I was lost and you so had your shit together. I wanted that
to rub off on me along with how to just keep going without always being so weighed down.”
Ciro nodded as I spoke but didn’t reply right away when I was done. He reached out and
cupped my cheek as he stared into my eyes.
“Gideon, I get what you’re saying but, as someone who has an outside perspective, I also think
you’re being too hard on yourself. And just so we’re clear? I love you too. It’s all going to be okay
and no more considering getting out. Promise me?”
“I can’t promise my thoughts. There’s just been too much—”
“I know that. Thinking about it is depression. Considering it crosses over that line into severe
and needs to be taken seriously.”
I bit my lip and studied his face as I read his emotions. There was no judgment, only concern.
What I had told Niall was the truth. I did trust Ciro and he would be straight with me even it was to
say I don’t know when I asked him something.
“What about thinking you should toss the knife you have in your bag into the ocean because
you’re worried if one more blow up happens in your life you might start really looking at it as the
He swallowed nervously as he ran his hands up and down my arms. “Let me ask you a few
things first because I used to help some of the guys in my unit with PTSD counseling. Have you
actually visualized or dreamed doing the act with the knife?”
“No,” I answered, shaking my head as I worried my lip, thinking back to my dreams. “No. I had
a dream that I was free and it was over like I think I was dead. I can’t really be sure though. I just got
the impression I was floating in heaven or something.”
“Have you gone through the process of what will happen?” I must have looked confused
because he clarified. “Like thinking you need to write a will so you don’t leave a mess behind if you
do it? How you’d want to be buried or who would come to your funeral? Things like that.”
“No. Should I have?” I heard my voice go up an octave, not sure if I should be relieved or
freaked out by his questions.
“No, Gideon,” he assured me. “Look, everyone’s different but those can be signs that the
depression has progressed into severe and the trauma was enough that on some level the person has
accepted the only way out is to commit suicide. I think in your case you’re lost, scared, dealing with
too much, and your mind went there when you were looking at being trapped and severely abused
“There are soldiers who would do the same over being captured by the enemy after having been
a POW. But they were just thoughts and as long as they don’t get worse and we talk about them,
acknowledge them instead of trying to ignore them or bury them, I think it’s normal given what you’ve
been through.”
“It wasn’t just then.” I swallowed nervously. I told him briefly what happened when Niall came
for me in the Alpha house, the threat I’d made, fully prepared to carry it out and then later my thoughts
on the ship coming to the island.
“That does change things slightly but I still think you shouldn’t be overly concerned as long as
you don’t bury it. If it gets worse, then you need to tell someone immediately. I think you got freaked
that you even thought about it or were willing to do it under severe circumstances and now it’s like
you can’t not think about it after it’s been brought up.”
“I’ll think about that too. That makes sense.” I nodded and slipped off his lap, leaning in to give
him a quick kiss. “Thanks, Ciro. That actually helped a lot.”
“Just that?” He gave me smile that was so fake I was surprised it didn’t break off his lips like
cheap plastic.
“I heard you. Can you tell me again when I’m not already feeling like I’m about to maybe fall
off a cliff?” I whispered as I stepped back and looked out the balcony doors. “I know I said it first but
I didn’t want you to worry when you didn’t have anything to fear. I can’t get a grip right now, Ciro. I
just feel like one more thing added, one more upset, or one more thing blowing up in my face or
carpet pulled out from under me and I won’t get back up.”
“Then I’ll help you get through the minefield any way I can after you get some rest, and when
the horizon looks a little clearer, I will say it again.”
“Thank you,” I sighed in relief and slumped against him when he hugged me from behind. Then
he turned me around and we made out like randy teenagers for a while.
Part of me wanted to say to hell with the nap and take me. But I couldn’t keep adding to my
plate without scraping some crap into the garbage first. It was overflowing and too heavy to keep
carrying. I told him I’d see him in a bit for lunch and he left.
I stood looking out the open doors of my balcony for a while, simply taking in the paradise that
was now the island I lived on. The stones of the balcony floor were cool on my bare feet, soothing me
actually as the vibe of my new room and this island seeped into me. This was my new sanctuary and
space. This island was home and things would be better here. I had to believe that.
Now to go exploring and get some alone time since I was finally somewhere that I didn’t have
to be watched always for security reasons.
I quickly changed into the only swimsuit I had, wincing when I saw they were the tiny boy
shorts Kiefer had gotten me as a joke when they’d started planning coming to the island. I’d bailed,
not wanting to ruin their fun. Now I couldn’t help but wonder if that had been the smartest or dumbest
decision of my life.
I guess only time would tell.
Chapter 5
I found a small cove a few hundred yards away from the mansion. I had to wonder if it was
actually man-made because it was in the perfect spot. It also seemed as if none of my friends had
stumbled upon it yet but that couldn’t be since Carson had told me they’d been working on mapping
out the island. Then again, would they have worried about this close to the mansion right away?
Explored it though probably, right?
Oh fuck it. Who cared? I’d found an oasis when I really needed one. I quickly piled the
branches and cleaned it up a bit before sliding in the soothing looking water. It was at the perfect
temperature and that made me smile. It was like fate knew I just needed a break and a sign that I was
worthy of something going right. Even if it was as simple and silly as this.
Leaning back with my elbows on the ledge, I sighed and stared up at the sky, watching the
breeze blow the trees that were blocking some of the sun. I couldn’t believe this all belonged to
Baptista. How lucky was he? My muscles tightened and I knew this topic wasn’t going to help me
He got an island.
He had mates that loved him and was grounded.
He was a bloodline Omega and totally powerful.
So was Brody for that matter and he was younger than me. Hell, he’d been abused almost as
long as I had been pretty much. And his hadn’t been on camera for the world to see. Granted, I hadn’t
been a kid dealing with also trying to keep people from harm, but what I went through was horrible
And I had been activated early because of my own family molested me as a child. Fuck, it was
one of my earliest memories. I didn’t get a locker somewhere with treasures, kick ass powers, and
three perfect men who had to practically beg Brody to love him.
But then again, Brody was just everyone’s favorite. I mean, he could do no wrong in Wesley’s
eyes. And Wesley was like the Omega. Yeah, he had suffered too of course. I didn’t deny any of us
did but all of us had so why were some getting so much better hands dealt to them? I mean, Wesley
was like an ancient god with his powers, money, and authority. And here I was the used up porn star!
How was that fair?
Even the regular Omegas like me were getting the chance to put their lives back together and I
almost ended up back in the same situation of abuse or worse. Sampson went through hell like I did
and here he had three amazing men and was a fucking author. He didn’t have an education, training,
or anything. Sure, let’s just get out of hell and pull some awesome books out of our ass to sell and
have fans.
And then there was me who had fans who just wanted to see me get gangbanged against my
will. Granted, they’d been told it was an act, but I was pretty sure there were some out there that
wouldn’t have cared if they knew the truth or would have liked it better that way.
Again, what had I done to deserve this path when the others got so much more?
Edric was an Omega and a witch, completely powerful and with his own money. Tristan was
huge and powerful from being besties with Wesley and learning all the tricks. Carson too, even if he
was a shrimp, but since he started the whole Omega Network, he was always in charge, and I was
older than him. Lennox as well, being the poster boy and fundraiser for the whole thing.
Vencentio was a normal Omega and basically his own nuclear power plant still. No one even
knew how he could cycle his energy like that but it was crazy that he got power off people’s emotions
that made him almost unstoppable now that he knew how to use it. Dewey not only had three hot dire
wolves that thought he walked on water but over a dozen adopted kids who loved him to the moon
and back.
Which was really the underlying issue. They were all loved so much. Why hadn’t that been me?
What was wrong with me that it took Ciro all this time to admit it? Shouldn’t that tell me something?
Like it wasn’t real and only out of fear maybe?
And I’d been one of the earlier Omega to be rescued because my Alpha running porn had been a
security risk. Not that my abuse was so severe that I got put to the top of the list, oh no. He had to be
stopped because it was a danger to outing all wolves and drawing attention to us.
I blinked as I focused on one branch instead of staring off at nothing really. I hadn’t realized that
had been such an issue to me all this time. They’d gone in for the security risk and, oh, grabbed the
Omega while they were there too. Everyone else, the Council and Omega Network had gone in for
them. I was just the side note to shutting down the internet porn ring.
I wiped my eyes in jerky movements as my skin heated up. I’d been worth saving, worth going
in for alone, not just because of the security threat. And it had nothing to do with my value as an
Omega. I was a person who deserved basic things like to not be abused all their life! It wasn’t fair!
I’d done nothing wrong!
And I was mother fucking tired of being the victim. I was tired of watching everyone else get
things handed to them after they went through what I did or I suffered worse. And maybe it was time
to stop letting everyone else decide what my path was now that I had my freedom… Or hiding what I
could do. Maybe I would be mated and loved already if I had shown I was special.
Water hit my nose, snapping me out of my internal rant and boiling rage. I flinched and realized
my rage wasn’t the only thing boiling… So was the water.
“Fuck!” I bellowed as I jumped out, my skin on fire. I quickly peeled off my suit, not wanting
my skin to melt to the spandex-y material. That would hurt to take off later. I was still too wound up
and pissed off in my tirade to feel the full effects of the burns and blisters I could already see. I
stomped back to the mansion, thinking it was best to treat the wounds before I could feel them.
“Gideon, oh my god,” Ciro whimpered as he and several others raced over to me as I stepped
onto the terrace. “What happened, baby?”
“Jealously really does burn you in the end apparently,” I drawled. I slid past them, everyone
realizing touching me would be the wrong thing to do.
He held open the back door to the kitchen for me and followed me inside. “What does that
mean? Please talk to me. You’re scaring me, especially after our earlier talk.” That got me to open my
mouth. The last thing I needed was to hurt him or freak him out that I was trying to cook myself alive.
“I was taking stock of things and my life,” I mumbled, still trying to get control of my anger as I
walked over to the massive double sinks at the island counter. The kitchen was actually so big there
were two double sinks. I’d never seen that one before. I started running paper towels under cool
water and draping them over my body. “I was trying to relax in this cove I found and just be for a
while. No stress. But my thoughts were racing and it seems I took a bitter pill today so when I got
pissed and heated up, the water boiled. I didn’t notice at first. It was an accident.”
“You need to get grounded, Gideon,” Wesley prompted, rolling his neck as he probably
prepared to get snapped at. “It’s not going to get better. I’m sorry to say it now because it’s the last
thing you probably want to hear when you’re in pain but I don’t want you hurt again.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Accidents happen with our powers, grounded or not, Wes. You
don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m the least of your worries in this house of being out of
control.” He started to raise an eyebrow at me and without even looking I threw out a hand and
shattered the glass in Harkin’s, making sure none of the shards cut him as I pulled them towards the
comfortable, family table that I seriously doubted fit all of us.
“Don’t play with my mate when you’re hurt! None of us can control much when we’re injured. I
wouldn’t even try it because I could really hurt someone.”
“And you’re the all mighty head bloodline Omega, right?” I sneered, my tone dripping with
fake awe and sarcasm. “So if you can’t do it then the rest of us couldn’t possibly. Sorry to burst your
bubble but you’re not as fucking special as you think.” I heard several gasps and just to be a shit I
flicked my right hand, lifting a desert I’m sure was for dinner and hit Wesley in the face with it. “I
never miss, covered in burns and blisters or not. I don’t need to be grounded. Maybe you shouldn’t
assume I can’t control my shit. Accidents happen.”
“Really? A pie to the face?” he growled as he wiped it off with his arms.
“It was a torte but I’m pretty sure that’s not important right now,” Asher mumbled and I felt the
corner of my mouth twitch even as I saw Wesley’s did.
“Yeah, I thought it was fitting,” I taunted the Omega. “You make an ass of yourself acting like
you have all the answers and know more than the rest of us because you were raised with all this
extra knowledge about the bloodlines and whatnot. But hey, want to know a secret I know you never
pulled out of my brain?”
“What?” He focused on me intently before his eyes went wide.
I smirked as I wet more towels and changed them out, feeling better already. “Can’t read my
mind, can you?”
“No,” he gasped. “How are you blocking me?”
“Control. I can control my powers. So I might not ever be as powerful as your bloodline or
whatever but I can focus and control it better, even ungrounded, than anyone else in this house so that
makes me always accurate.”
“Okay, I believe you, but you know I’m going to ask why you never told us this. We’ve been
scrambling to help others learn control and you’ve had the answers all this time.” I could see the
stirrings of anger in his eyes as tension in the kitchen rose again, especially since we had quite an
“But see, that’s the secret,” I fumed with a nasty snicker. “I know because I was activated about
the same time you remember first using your bloodline powers. It was a big birthday party with my
dad and uncles because Omegas aren’t people. They thought they should celebrate that they were
pretty sure the family won the lottery and see if they could gain power before whatever inner circle I
went to.
“That, maybe if they did it really early, by the time I was twenty-one no one would realize the
law was broken. I learned control out of necessity and extreme circumstances because it was made
very clear to me that if anyone found out what was going on over a slip up of mine and my family got
in trouble, I’d be dead. They were the monsters. However, if they got caught because of me, I would
pay the price. So I’m not thinking that’s something that could be taught, do you?”
“No.” Wesley’s face went so pale I wondered how he didn’t pass out.
“I thought you guys got activated during the claiming ceremony when you’re breached?” One of
the Alpha candidates, Falkner, asked quietly.
“We do and it’s not the biting that activates us,” I chuckled, glancing around when I realized
pretty much everyone was there. “Oh goodie.” I focused on Taye and Niall then. “So we should just
cancel that discussion, right?”
“You didn’t do anything but comfort me when I told you my father had abused me,” Niall
reminded me gently. “Why wouldn’t you think I would do the same for you?”
“He doesn’t think he’s worthy of it probably,” Taye mumbled as they moved closer. “But you
are, Gideon.”
“So you’re Dr. Jekyll right now, huh?” I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I couldn’t take any
more. I saw my burns were almost healed, or at least enough that I didn’t have to baby them constantly
so I slipped back on my shorts. I turned to walk away but Tristan was there blocking me. He saw
there wasn’t a good spot to touch me without maybe hurting me more so he moved his hand to my
forehead. Almost instantly I was better. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. I get you’re going through shit, Gideon. I get you were hiding your past and
dealing with it on your own. I think we can agree that’s not been working all that great. Let us in and
help you.” I bristled at the comment and went to move away. “Brother, we know what you’re going
through. You’re not alone in this. Even if we don’t know exactly all of it and we didn’t experience it,
we know what it is to be an Omega.”
“You don’t even know what it is to have an abusive inner circle,” I lashed out. “Be grateful for
that, Tristan. Be very fucking grateful. I love you and you’re my friend. And yeah, I’m trying to deal
with my shit, but I think I’m allowed one fucking afternoon to be pissed off that I did nothing wrong or
to deserve the hand I got when others got much better!”
“You are. I didn’t understand that’s what was going on,” he verified as he fidgeted with some
of the dirty coffee mugs on the counter. “And I am grateful. That’s why I worked so hard to help,
“I know. And I love your big heart for it even if I’m jealous you got a big body with it. I just felt
I deserved to finally acknowledge that I had a right to be irate for some things that seem wrong to be
angry about. I’m not going to dwell on it, but I had to process through it. I’m not mad at you guys, but
I’m fuming.”
He nodded his head and I could just about see his heart hurting on his proverbial sleeve. “Do I
get any points for helping to get you out?” Tristan inquired softly.
Now the anger ramped right back up. “But you didn’t come to get me, did you? You came to
shut down a security breach and grab the Omega while you were there as well. No one came for me!
And I deserved to be saved! I suffered for almost ten fucking years and all anyone cared about was
the security risk. Not me!”
Tristan flinched at my words and anger and I started to chill… Mostly because feeling like a rat
bastard for hurting him overruled my rage.
“I can see how it might have seemed that way to you but that’s just not true, Gideon,” Jared
attested as he moved up next to his mate. “You were second on Tristan’s list.”
“Jared,” Tristan hissed, shooting his mate an evil look.
“No, I know you never wanted any of them to know where you prioritized them because
someone would get hurt no matter what the reasoning or logic but they will have to deal because none
of us knew any of this about Gideon or how bad he was hurting. He’s been pushed to the side too
often, Tristan. This could really help him and I’m sure all of our friends can swallow their shit or
potential issues on where they were ranked to make him see he was a priority.”
I glanced around the room and saw most of them nodding and started to calm down.
“I have one question first,” Carson ventured as he looked between Wesley, Tristan, and I. “If
we’re going to do this, give the order lists. I need to clarify one point in what you told us.” I shrugged
but then he focused on Wesley which I thought was odd. “How old were you when you first remember
using your bloodline powers?” Ahh, he wanted the answer to the age question without actually asking
me to spill in front of everyone.
“About five. Right before my fifth birthday is when I really remember it,” Wesley whispered as
tears trailed down his cheeks. He met my gaze and it was almost funny because he still had torte all
over him. “Sound about right?”
“Yeah. That was my party. Those are the only kind of parties I’ve ever had,” I muttered and
looked away, no longer able to see the blatant grief on his face for what I went through. And if they
only knew my birthday was coming up soon, it would seem like I was fishing for a real party.
Truth was I wasn’t. I hated my birthday. It wouldn’t take a genius three guesses as to why.
“A few things you need to know then if we’re going to fess up,” Tristan emphasized quietly as
he stared out the back windows. “There wasn’t one of your stories we read that didn’t hurt us deeply.
Carson and I flagged them all for immediate handling and extraction that night when the site went live
and sent them to the Council.”
“He came to bed that night in tears over the pain you’d suffered and begged us to make sure we
got you all out,” Cameron muttered as he wrapped an arm around his mate.
“As did Carson and he did have an abusive inner circle before us,” Declan pointed out as he
hugged his mate. “So before you get upset about where you were in the list, you guys have to
understand there were only so many resources and we had to be careful or we could do more damage
than good.”
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to imply you guys didn’t feel for us. I know you did. But you can’t
know, Tristan. You can see memories or hear stories and empathize but we both know living the real
thing is always worse. That’s all I meant.”
“I know. I didn’t mean to suggest what you went through was such an easy, no big deal situation
that anyone could understand. There are things you can’t put into words or convey until—”
I gasped and raced into his arms, remembering what had happened when he’d come to rescue
me. “I’m sorry. I was so wrapped up in my shit I wasn’t thinking. You of all people sacrificed the
most to save me. I just never realized before I was angry that the Council was so focused on the
potential security breach that I was an afterthought. I should have been the reason.”
“You were to me. To all of us, yoga master,” he vowed in my ear as he leaned over me. “I
don’t regret killing that Alpha if that’s what I had to do to free you. I did it to save Jared but if it
helped get you out, all the better. He was dead and you didn’t ever have to face him again.”
“So who was first?” Brody blurted out when the silence lasted more than a few moments. We
all turned to him and he had the manners to be embarrassed and blush. “Sorry. I never got to be on the
actual Network so I don’t know all the stories. Just pieces. I’m not trying to gossip but you guys all
know my story and issues. Sometimes I feel like a bug that you’ve all studied and I don’t know
anything. Now I might get a glimpse and I’m dying here.”
“I didn’t know you felt that way,” Wesley hedged. Brody nodded and I agreed with him mostly.
Some knew all and some knew some and some knew none about each other’s stories. “Anyone else
agree?” Most heads who weren’t Tristan, Wesley, or Carson nodded… Because they knew all the
stories of course. “Guys, just tell us this stuff. Okay, we’ll have an Omega night and purge. How’s
“Sounds good.” Brody relaxed then and didn’t look so mortified. “So who was first?”
“Lennox,” Carson and Tristan answered together.
“Go me for winning something,” Lennox chuckled uncomfortably. They both frowned at him and
he shrugged. “Sorry. But seriously, thank you for coming to get me. I didn’t have much time left. The
doctors said another day or two and I would have been dead.”
I felt my eyes practically bug out of my head at that one as I pulled away from Tristan. I hadn’t
known he’d been that bad. Damn.
“Edric got out right away because his rescue ended up taking only a phone call. The Council
told his uncle to hand him over because his parents had died and they wanted to put him into sanctuary
since it could make him a target and he did. Granted, he started all kinds of shit later, but yeah, he was
easy to get out.” Carson shrugged.
“And we kind of hoped to save the trauma you guys all went through,” Tristan added with a
wince. “Don’t hate us for that.”
Everyone glanced around as if not knowing what to say to that, so I did, because really, I started
all of this. I realized Edric wasn’t even there though. “Well, I don’t know where the brat is, but I
know I’m glad he got out right away. I would have been more than willing to stay longer so he didn’t
have to experience it.” I glanced at Lennox. “I’m glad they knew and were able to get you first too. I
never knew it had been so close for you.”
“Yeah, hard to talk about.” He cleared his throat but gave me a smile that he appreciated what
I’d said.
“And since Tristan was getting Lennox, Dewey was next in the holy shit get him out now
category,” Carson explained. “So we went. Then Aubrey because the Council told me they were
rescuing Vencentio since he was close to them and were going to fly him to Tristan.”
“And they told me the same but to you,” Tristan sighed. “We can’t apologize enough for that,
Vencentio. We failed you and—”
“No, you didn’t,” Vencentio chuckled, shaking his head. “You didn’t know to completely doubt
your ruling body on all things? You bastards. You totally should have stalked the Council’s estate
because I know you weren’t do anything else but eating bon-bons while it was going on.”
“You done, Mr. Sarcasm?” Wesley drawled. Vencentio stuck out his tongue and everyone had a
good laugh at that one.
“You were next on my list but we couldn’t get to you,” Tristan told me. “Your pack was too big
with no good way in without alerting everyone so we left a scout and waited until we got word your
inner circle was going out of town.”
“But then they didn’t,” I whispered as I winced, knowing what happened.
“No, they didn’t. We went in for Kiefer in the meantime while Carson got Sampson out.” He
shot a look at Baptista. “I know you think because we got you out last that you didn’t suffer. We don’t
think that, Bap. He was trapped in a closet. We were worried his wolf could die after years of that.
We didn’t know. We went in for those who were physically abused first and could lead to death, and
prioritized in level of likelihood to survive from there.”
“Wait, then why was I second on your list?” I gasped as I turned to Tristan. “I would have
survived. You said it was your list and not the Council’s. Why was I second then?”
Tristan and Carson just blinked at me a few moments before Wesley started swearing up a
storm. “This part needs to be in private until we all purge. You’re not having this revelation in a
filled kitchen.”
“I’m coming. I know the story. I was there for the rescue,” Ciro demanded. I nodded and trailed
out the back doors after my friends. What was I missing now?
After we were pretty far away from the mansion, at least out of earshot, Wesley turned and
shoved me. “How could you not consider that physical abuse, Gideon? I’ve never even seen the
videos and I know being raped is physical.”
“No, I get that it’s physical,” I argued with a growl. “But so was Baptista! He was forced to
service his inner circle and their mates. How is that different? I don’t get it.”
“Besides he wasn’t forced to do it for the world wide web?” Carson drawled. I turned my
cheek at that one like he’d slapped me. “Sorry. I know that’s why you were bumped up over him. I
mean, no one should have to endure what you guys did, but on top of that, it was recorded and sold
“I get that too,” I whispered, still not looking at them. “And thank you for understanding how
horrible it was for me. But still, you wanted to rescue me the same time as Aubrey and his Beta was
slicing him up during sex. Being forced to make porn isn’t the same.”
“When they use whips with metal teeth on them it is!” Tristan bellowed so loudly it echoed. My
gaze snapped to his and I saw rage burning in his eyes. “None of it was staged like regular porn,
Gideon. That wasn’t fake blood in the videos. I had to find the site to submit proof to the Council.
And then George asked me to get an idea of what you’d gone through, so when he worked with you,
he could know the full scope better since he was so busy with the kids and all the other rescued
“So you watched them?” I felt my face go pale as spots formed in front my eyes.
“No, not all of them. I would never have been able to stomach that.” He did look pretty green.
“I like porn but knowing it wasn’t actors and you didn’t have a choice—no, I couldn’t. I saw a few in
the “hardcore” section of your page just to give George some ideas. Gideon, they did more than rape
you or force you to do porn. A lot of that crossed into torture. I mean like real torture, or what’s even
normally in the category of violated.”
Ciro started swearing up a storm and we all slowly turned to stare at him. When he kept going, I
finally interrupted. “Care to share with the class? I thought you knew the story?”
“I could have been helping you this whole time!” He threw his hands in the air and kept pacing.
“I told you I’ve counseled Marines with PTSD. I left out that normally they were captives and torture
victims. Here I’m keeping my distance because I don’t have a clue how to help an Omega, because I
don’t know much about wolves or their culture even though I am one, or rape victims, and I could
totally have been helping you.”
“Well, you’re here to help him now and that’s when he seems to need you,” Wesley said firmly
when I just stood there and squirmed, not sure if I should comfort him at this new development.
“From what I’ve gotten, I’m not sure if Gideon would have been open to it until now. Or other things
he was evidently pissed and jealous about in his boiling bath.”
I groaned and rolled my eyes. Apparently now that I’d shown Wesley I could keep him out, his
goal in life was to get as much from me when I wasn’t blocking him as he could.
Chapter 6
“This can’t be good,” I drawled several minutes later when Ciro and Wesley were still having
a heated conversation off in the distance, arms waving and all.
“Both are just trying to help you,” Tristan reminded me. I nodded, but it didn’t make me feel any
less nervous when they came walking over.
“Give Ciro what’s in your pocket, Carson. I’m going to get his buddies, I guess,” Wesley
growled before storming back inside.
“What was that about?” I asked as I tried desperately to see what Carson reached into his shorts
pocket and pulled out. He held it behind his back and Ciro smoothly took it from him so it was
completely hidden.
“Wesley doesn’t agree with me. The brat can be quite the know-it-all at times,” Ciro chuckled.
“Well I’m all for showing Wes he doesn’t know everything. He needs a reality check
sometimes.” I snorted and glanced at the terrace doors again.
Carson shot me a worried look as if wondering whether there was trouble brewing. “You’re a
little hard on him and evil sometimes.”
“Yes on both, but he’s not our elected leader,” I reminded them. “He keeps saying we need to
tell him and you guys things and it’s pissing me off.”
They both stared at me with wide eyes while Ciro smirked so I had a feeling I wasn’t the only
one. But then I realized Tristan and Carson didn’t understand. I ran my hands over my head and let out
a heavy breath.
“Look, when he was the Orson who was in charge of the Council coup thing, absolutely he was
the boss of it. But he wasn’t even in charge of the Omega Network. You guys were.” I focused on
Carson then. “I listened and asked you permission about things because you were my guardian, it was
your pack, and your home. You’re also my friend, and I trust you, so going to you was easier for me
than Declan though he’s Alpha.”
“Right, but things are different now,” Carson hedged.
“Exactly.” I knew they still didn’t get it. “No one’s the boss now. If anyone is, it’s Baptista
because it’s his house. There are people here who are older and with more experience. I’m not
Wesley’s son or subordinate. I don’t answer to him. If we elect a dad, then great, I will defer to him,
but the second you said we were free the first thought in my mind was that we didn’t have to listen to
someone who deemed themselves boss anymore.
“I love Wes, and he’s my friend, but just because he’s the most powerful doesn’t make him in
charge. He doesn’t get a vote in everything and I don’t need to ask permission or justify myself to him
or why I didn’t explain my control abilities to him. Hell, I barely knew him until Boston.”
“I get you,” Tristan conceded. “I think you’re assuming a few things and that’s because you just
got here, Gideon.”
“I completely figured that but I’m telling you how things seem to me.”
“He feels responsible for everything that’s happened. He’s trying to make it all better,” Carson
explained. “It’s not like he elected himself sheriff. He gave himself the job and role of making sure
everyone settles in, they’re happier here than they would have been at home, and nothing else goes
wrong.” He glanced at Tristan. “Do you think the others feel this way too?”
“Yes,” Ciro, Falkner, and Harley answered, the last two now on the terrace with us. I hadn’t
even seen them step out.
“Shit,” Tristan hissed.
“Look, it’s not a big deal, but he wasn’t even ever my boss and he’s been handing out jobs like
homework assignments,” Harley stated with a shrug. “We don’t mind helping out. I’m glad to, but
yeah, everyone’s talking about the newfound freedom and it kind of seems so far it’s just for the
Omegas. I mean, of course we’re still going to help out and guard everyone as Alphas and Betas, but
we’re supposed to be free from the bullshit we left behind too.”
“Most of us are assuming things will calm down once we’re settled in and we all find our
niches and roles here but we don’t really know that,” Ciro added. “And when would we have time to
figure that out? I was a solider and then a Beta. I have no clue what I want to do or would be good at.
But I don’t have time to explore it because I’m always tasked at breakfast with the day’s work. I’ve
not even gotten a day off since I got here besides when you guys say we’re all taking a break.”
“Shit, shit, shit,” Carson cussed, looking ready to break down. “We’ve screwed everything up.
We’ve been so worried about grounding Omegas and helping them adjust to being free and what that
can mean to them along with getting the others from home to safety wherever that might be, we’re the
oppressors now at our new home. They’re going to hate us—”
“Carson, chill,” Falkner instructed as he hugged my friend. “We all know this is hard and
there’s tons to do. You’re not oppressing anyone. We’re all adults and can open our mouths. I
wouldn’t even have said anything yet except we walked in on the conversation. A big hurdle was
getting all our stuff here. Now maybe we can start to get into a routine and figure out roles but we all
need to talk if this is going to work. Not just get bossed around.”
“And we’re not saying we mind taking orders from Wesley,” Harley clarified. “But I don’t
know him well. I’m used to getting mine from Jared so I keep glancing at him wondering if I’m
supposed to check with him or is that going to piss someone off? Maybe we just need a list of what
needs to be done and let people sign up so they can have off days and relax instead of the mated ones
making their schedules while it’s assumed the rest of us will constantly fill in.”
“Right, yeah, of course you won’t,” Tristan immediately agreed. “I don’t even know how to
organize this. I mean a sign up list is great, but who tracks it all? This could turn into total anarchy
with so many people.”
“Guys, you’re used to one Alpha or inner circle handling it all. It doesn’t have to be that way
anymore,” I explained gently. Everyone looked at me with questioning expressions so I went on. “It’s
Baptista’s house and island. His mate does security and stuff, right? So let him be in charge of that
with the Marines. That’s their job. If they need help or filling in, they’ll bring it up like a family.”
“That would give us a role to help the group plus time to do our own thing and contribute to
Taggart’s project to raise money for food,” Ciro agreed with a nod. “Instead of this constant hopping
jobs and roles to just do what’s deemed needed that day. It’s driving me nuts that I still don’t know
where all the exits are in this place. I haven’t mapped out where the cameras are or checked out
what’s in the gun hold.”
“See, like that. All that stuff falling under our safety should be their job. Emergency plans, the
works.” Ciro’s shoulders looked lighter at the idea and I was getting waves of gratitude coming off
“What other ideas you got? How do you know how to do all of this?” Carson pressed, his tone
excited now. “We’re all used to pack structure.”
I sighed, knowing it was time to drop another huge bomb. “I grew up in the LA pack. It’s too
big to run the normal way. There’s extra Betas and it’s broken up in like divisions. My dad was a
Beta of the pack until the Oceanside one needed experienced help and he transferred there thinking
he’d have a better shot at becoming Alpha one day.”
“Did he?” Ciro choked, looking ready to vomit.
“Yeah. My dad was the Alpha who tricked you guys into transferring to be a part of his mini
army and almost killed Lennox. I found out after I was rescued and heard the story about the
Oceanside pack. I was sold years before they got Lennox. I had no idea and I don’t have the same last
name because he didn’t want his name besmudged by an Omega. It’s my mother’s maiden name.”
Now they all looked like their breakfast was going to come back up. After a couple of minutes,
I turned and walked away. Today just needed to be over. Fuck it—I quit. Honesty wasn’t the best
policy, and maybe I could build a hut on the far side of the island. That wasn’t a bad idea actually.
I bet Baptista would let me do that if I was the island fruit picker or something. I could do that.
The uneducated, troublemaking, non-willing to follow Wesley, son of the Alpha who almost killed
Lennox and tricked all the Marines here could handle that. Hell, I’d already proven I didn’t need to be
“Baptista!” I called out when I saw him by the garage. He turned and smiled, his mate giving
me a hesitant look. Yeah, I didn’t know him either. “Can I talk to you a moment? I wanted to ask your
permission about something.”
“Gideon, do whatever you want, man. The island is all of ours.”
“No, it’s not, Bap,” I countered gently as I got to him. “It’s yours and everyone needs to respect
“As I’ve told him as well,” the man agreed approvingly. Then he held out his hand to me.
“Quilan Anwar.”
“Gideon Swain.” We shook and Baptista pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’ve got a lot on
your mind.”
“Yeah, but introducing my mate and my friend should kind of come naturally.”
“It happens,” I snickered.
“So what did you need?”
“I just dropped a pretty big bomb and word’s going to spread quickly,” I hedged as I rubbed the
back of my neck.
“Another one?” he teased me.
“Yeah, even bigger.” I swallowed and looked away. “Anywhere else to stay on the island
before they break out the pitchforks and torches? I was thinking like a shack by the fruit trees Carson
mentioned before. Could that be my job? Like island fruit picker or something?”
“You’re not running,” Ciro snarled from behind me. I flinched and went to do just that but
didn’t get far. He grabbed the back of my boy shorts and pulled me up into his arms. “Excuse us. I had
a plan and a point to make and now I really do. Please ignore his question. No one’s mad at him or
blames him for shit his dad did.”
“And yet you’re pissed,” I whimpered, shivering from all the rage coming off him.
“Because this is something we should have already discussed but I get why bringing it up
would be hard on you,” he grumbled. “I think it’s more that the Council is inept. They gave Carson
and Tristan files on the Omegas to be rescued. How was that not in there? And then I’m cranky
because you doubt all of us that we’re such assholes that we’d hold the actions of your dad against
“No!” I exclaimed, staring up at him with wide eyes. I turned so I wrapped around the front of
him, hugging him tightly. “No, Ciro. I didn’t mean it like that at all. I just—I don’t know what I
“Saying we’d be coming after you with pitchforks and torches seemed pretty damn clear.”
I thought about it, trying to put what I was feeling into words. He asked me where the cove was,
and I pointed towards it, not really even paying attention that Harley and Falkner were trailing after
“You guys wouldn’t blame me, but that doesn’t mean you’d want to see the constant reminder of
the man around. I don’t know how Lennox is ever going to be able to look at me again.”
“Gideon, he heard you confess part of the horrors your dad did to you too. I bet the only thing
Lennox will feel is empathy because he’ll know exactly how big a bastard your dad was, okay?”
“Yeah, maybe.” I shrugged. We’d see, wouldn’t we? It wasn’t like I had anywhere to run now
and the cat was already out of the bag. He stopped when we got to the cove and rubbed my back.
“What are we doing here? Want to watch me boil water?”
“No, but maybe another time,” Ciro chuckled as he set me on my feet. I stared up at him as he
worried his lip. “I wanted to show you something but it won’t exactly work if you’re in a bad mood
or sad like this.”
“If you’re not a fan of seeing me in a bad mood, I suggest you invest in blinders,” I drawled. He
raised an eyebrow before moving in a flash and slapping my ass. I gasped and took a step back, never
guessing he would have done that… And fell into the water. I sputtered and splashed as I stood up in
the shallow pool.
“That’s not how that was supposed to go either,” he groaned, shaking his head. “Apparently I
can’t get a fucking thing right today. Just call me screw up.” He was so upset. I felt it like a ball in the
pit of my stomach and it killed me. He was trying really hard to accomplish something and I had a
feeling it was to help me.
“I thought it was perfect,” I offered with a shrug. “You cooled off my bad mood and sarcasm.
All that’s needed is for you to join me.”
“Yeah?” His hands slowly moved to the bottom of his tank top as if waiting for me to say just
“We’ll laugh about it tomorrow,” I giggled. “I’m more curious than anything. What’s up?”
He quickly started yanking off clothes, and seconds later he was in the water with me. “When I
first realized how much I liked you, I started reading up on other forms of counseling, thinking if I
understood better what you’d been through or at least knew what not to do to make things worse for
you, I wouldn’t be the unhealthiest person for you to be with.”
“Okay, um, that’s sweet?” I hedged, trying to follow through that ramble.
“I’m not a real counselor, Gideon. I mean I’ve taken classes and the Marines trained me as a
field one because we can’t always get a doc or whomever out in the middle of the shit, but I’m not
qualified like George Decker. I do know enough that sometimes what people do after the trauma can
do more damage than the trauma itself.”
“Right, but why are you telling me this now when we’re naked in a private cove on a tropical
island?” Yeah, there was whine in my voice for sure.
“Because Wesley told me that you were jealous about a few other things than what you told the
group.” He gave me a knowing look and I felt my cheeks flush.
“He shouldn’t have shared that.” I went to get out but instead Ciro snaked his arm around my
waist and dragged me against his very firm, very naked body.
“I’m glad he did, because I already had an idea forming, and what he said made me realize this
could open your eyes in a few different ways,” he muttered against my lips. His other hand teased my
hip and I shivered.
“I don’t understand.”
“I know you don’t and that’s why I’m trying to explain what seems so random to you.” I nodded
for him to go ahead but instead of just talking, he pulled me back to the edge of the water and took off
my shorts. Okay? Then he reached into the pocket of his on the bank and pulled out what Carson had
given him… Lube.
“People who have been victimized tend to not believe that they deserve much,” he said gently.
“They can think that anything better than what they went through is good enough to put up with.”
I winced internally. Hadn’t I used that same logic about the way Taye had treated me at times?
“But if they’re shown how good life or relationships can be, then they understand the difference
and start to demand that level.”
“Are you saying your plan is to spoil me?” I surmised.
“Partially,” Ciro chuckled but then got serious. “It’s more than that. I’m not saying Taye and
Niall aren’t good guys or you shouldn’t be with them but you seemed very conflicted over how they
had treated you. I wanted to make sure you understood and were clear on the level of treatment you
I blinked up at him as he yanked us out of the water and plopped on his butt so I was on his lap.
That might have been the most giving notion of my well-being anyone had ever had for me. “Thank
“You’re welcome. It turned into more than that. When Wesley told me what he saw in your
head, I realized you needed to also understand you had options.”
“Options? Like you’re trying to get rid of me?” I gasped, pain flaring in my chest.
“No,” he snapped, his grasp on my hips tightening as he pulled me even closer. “You’re stuck
with me for good, Gideon. You said you loved me and I’m not going anywhere. You’re mine now.”
“Good,” I gushed and moved my hands to his chest.
“But you need to understand why you’re still unmated,” Ciro breathed in my ear, holding me
tighter when I flinched and tried to pull away. “You were closed off, Gideon. And I get it, you were
scared. It’s understandable. It wasn’t that you aren’t desired. There were lots of the guards and
candidates in Chicago who liked you and watched you with lust.”
I stopped struggling and slowly lifted my head to meet his gaze. “What? You can’t be serious.”
“I can and I am. That’s what I wanted you to see. You have options. I’m not trying to dissuade
you from Taye and Niall but you need to stop looking at yourself through your eyes after what you’ve
been through.” He bit his lower lip for a moment. “Like putting on glasses and seeing yourself clearly.
You probably see someone damaged and can’t understand why anyone would want you.
“The rest of us see a gorgeous man who’s so damn strong we can’t help but feel respect and
desire for you. I just want you to get a glimpse of what I see when I look at you, Gideon. What others
see. Does that make sense?”
“Yes, but I’m not sure how you plan on doing that,” I hedged.
He got that wide wolf grin on his lips again. “Leave that to me.”
Chapter 7
I yelped as he turned me around on his lap, squirming when I realized Falkner and Harley were
in the water now. Both of them were intently focused on me, their eyes raking over my body. My
cheeks flamed at the attention and I went to cover up.
“Don’t you dare,” Ciro commanded and grabbed my wrists. I nodded and he wrapped my arms
back around his neck. “This is the whole point, baby.” I gasped and tilted my neck, finally putting the
pieces together. “Yes, they want you. They must have asked about you twenty million times when we
were waiting for word about where you were and if you were safe.”
“Ciro was the worst though,” Falkner chuckled. “He offered to be Brody’s journal retrieving
bitch if the Omega just used his cash reserves to rent a chopper so he could fly it into the mountains
and get you.”
“You would have done that for me?” I marveled as I glanced back at Ciro. My stomach
fluttered as I felt my cheeks flush. “Really?”
“And so much more, Gideon.” He brushed his lips over mine gently and I moaned at the love I
was getting off of him… And the slicked fingers under my ass, rubbing my hole.
“Wesley zapped him for something too,” Harley added, his voice getting husky. “What was that
all about?”
“I stole his phone to get Lord Ellys’s number to make a deal with the vampires to get Gideon,”
Ciro answered. “We can talk about that later. Right now is about him.”
“So was that. Please tell me,” I begged as I put all my need into my expression. “I won’t get
mad at Wesley or any of them because they stopped you. I get it would have risked the safety of all
when you guys didn’t have any evidence I was in trouble. But knowing you cared enough to go
through so much to keep me safe is about more than wanting me physically. I’ve had people want to
fuck me, Ciro.”
He cupped my cheek and kept me from looking away when I tried to. “You should never feel
shame for what happened to you. If you wanted to do porn, you still shouldn’t. But it was done to you.
That’s not on you.” I nodded and was rewarded with a smile. “And everyone was making plans to get
you out in case we didn’t hear from you soon. Mine were just more halfcocked. That’s why I was
getting shut down.
“I promised Lord Ellys a year of blood servitude to his coven if he’d take in a team, cloaking
them, find you, and get you out. But just my blood and nothing else. Then I could come back to you if
you’d still have me.”
“Jesus, Ciro,” Falkner hissed. I just blinked up at the man I loved. I’d never felt so special in
all my life. “No one knows that.”
“I know and they don’t need to,” Ciro said firmly. “Lord Ellys was gracious when I called him
and backed out because Gideon was found. I told him if he’s ever out this way, I’d still be more than
willing to offer my neck for making the deal.”
“He can have your wrist,” I countered, narrowing my eyes at Ciro. “The neck is too intimate
and you said you loved me. I was going to say I want you to prove that real soon by making me yours
He froze, even his fingers against my hole. “What?”
“No matter what I decide with Taye and Niall, or what we decide I should say, I want you to
claim me,” I whispered, not so sure he was as open to the idea given his reaction.
“Yes.” I didn’t even have time to smile before he mashed his mouth down to mine and pushed a
finger inside me. Ciro’s tongue thrust into my mouth as he finger fucked me. Then he kissed along my
jaw and to my neck. I tilted it to give him better access as he spread my thighs wider. “Look how hot
they are for you, Gideon.”
My eyes fluttered open as I focused on Falkner and Harley, both of them with a hand in the
water that was obviously moving as if stroking themselves. I could feel their lust almost caressing me.
Another of Ciro’s fingers pushed inside me, and I arched my back, crying out in pleasure as I rode
“Oh fuck. Gideon, can we help? We can make you feel so good too,” Harley whimpered.
I bit my lower lip and then shook my head. “Not until I know what’s going on with Niall and
Taye. It wouldn’t be right. I owe them a conversation and told them only Ciro.”
“And if you guys end things?” Falkner hedged.
“Ciro and I will discuss it.”
“Right answer,” my man purred before sucking up a mark on my neck. He added a third finger
too fast, obviously excited by my answer, and the slight burn just added to my enjoyment. “Good?”
“So good,” I praised as I moved my hips to take more. “So fucking good, Ciro. I knew you’d set
my body on fire anytime you touched me. I knew every second would be indescribable pleasure.”
“Oh, he knows how to play the game,” Harley snickered. My gaze snapped to the man’s and I
let him see the sincerity I felt as I spoke.
“No games. No embellishments or untruths either. None of that with Ciro. He means too much
to me and is too important. He’s trying to give me everything here, was willing to risk everything to
keep me safe, and the least I can do is be completely honest with him and not worry about pride or if
what I say might be embarrassing.”
“I love you,” Ciro choked out as he increased his attentions. “I have to skip ahead of the plan. I
need to taste you.” I wasn’t sure what that meant but I didn’t even have time to ask. He pulled out his
fingers and leaned back, dragging me along his body until I was sitting on his face. Then Ciro dug in
like a starving man.
“Oh fuck,” I cried out as he nipped and licked my hole. “I’ve never had anyone do that. Oh fuck,
I like. I’ll do anything if you do this again, Ciro.”
“You should show him how much you enjoy it by sucking his cock,” Harley offered. The man
had a point. It was right in front of me, standing proud and leaking. “I’m dying to see your sweet lips
stretched around one even if it’s not mine.” I gave them a sultry smile and took Ciro into my mouth.
They both groaned and I did as well at the taste of my man. He must have liked it too because he ate
out my ass with even more enthusiasm.
“I’m so tired of nothing but my own fucking hand,” Falkner griped as his arm moved faster.
“I know, me too.” Harley’s eyes were riveted on what I was doing. “All these hotties
everywhere, and I’m too scared to talk to any of them after what they’ve been through. I don’t want to
hurt any of them and they seem to shy away from large men.”
Falkner smiled as his eyes flashed with something as I felt almost a sense of victory coming off
him. It was hard to pay attention when I was so focused on my man. “Then we should turn to casual if
we can’t have the ones we want yet.”
In a flash, Falkner pulled Harley in front of him, the man tall enough where he could still watch
over Harley’s shoulder. He started stroking Harley’s cock under the water as he kissed along his
neck. “Okay?”
“Yes, god, yes,” Harley moaned. I watched as Falkner’s hips started moving, and I knew they
weren’t fucking, the man probably rubbing one off between the cheeks of Harley’s ass but it looked as
if they were and it just drove up my own desire. “Tell me what to do. Order me.”
“So hot. Grab my ass hard and slam your body against me so my cock gets a good ride. I want
to come all over you.”
“Yes,” he hissed and when their bodies started slapping together, Ciro pushed three fingers into
me as he nipped my skin. That’s what it took to push me over. I screamed around his cock and shot all
over his chest, riding his face with complete wantonness. I was still riding the aftershocks of my
climax when I realized I wasn’t in the same position anymore… And minus a cock in my mouth.
“Hi?” I croaked out, my voice raw from screaming, as I glanced over my shoulder at Ciro.
“Well that’s quite a compliment.” He gave me a wink as he lowered me onto his fat cock. I
moaned as I let my head fall back onto his shoulder. It felt even better than it tasted. “I’m not sure I’ve
ever worked a partner into such a frenzy that he missed my moving him before.”
“You’re just that talented.”
“You’re just that perfect,” he contested as his hands moved to the apex of my thighs and started
working my body to bring us both immeasurable amounts of bliss.
“Oh yeah, fuck his tight little ass,” Harley begged. I glanced at the two men, having forgotten
they were there for the moment. Falkner had almost a feral look on his face as he humped against the
Beta candidate, and Harley looked like he was going to blow any moment.
“Apparently I missed a lot getting lost in your sweet ass too,” Ciro snickered. “Fuck food. I just
want to live off eating you from now on, baby.”
“I’m good with that. I can give you lots of protein.” I smirked when he growled and nipped my
shoulder. He started thrusting up, and I reached back and grabbed onto his neck to keep balance so I
didn’t go flying with how powerful his movements were. “Oh god, fuck me, Ciro. I want to feel you
inside of me even after it’s over.”
All three of them groaned at that. Good to know I had some sex appeal besides my porn resume
after all. I spread my thighs wider and moved my feet onto the bank, Ciro snarling in approval as he
pounded into me harder. I tightened my hole, and he howled loudly before he filled me with his seed.
I guess he was ready to blow!
“Mine,” he bellowed while he was still climaxing. The second he was done pumping his cum in
me, he rolled us and the pulled out of me as he flipped me onto my back. I blinked up at him a
moment. “Are you in any pain? Was I too rough?”
I shook my head, smiling widely. How sweet was he? I loved that he immediately asked… But
then I saw it was more than that. He still needed and desperately. I felt his conflicted emotions that he
was worried I would start to think I was just sex to him and I was so much more.
It was time to be a good partner and show him I wouldn’t only take from this relationship. I
pulled a yoga move, tucking one leg behind my head as I moved the other straight out to the side,
lifting my hips so my leaking hole was on display. Ciro’s eyes went wide as I ran my fingers over it
and his cum. Then brought it to my lips and moaned at the taste.
“So fucking sexy,” he raved as he stared at me like a starving man.
“I’m going to blow, Falkner,” Harley whimpered, but I didn’t even pay attention. This was
about Ciro and me. If they wanted to be voyeurs, great, but I loved Ciro and had eyes only for him
right then.
“Is it selfish and demanding that I want more after a life-altering performance like that?” I
asked my man, going so far as to bat my eyelashes at him. “I need you again so desperately, Ciro.
Please? I’d give anything for you to show me how much you want me by shoving that massive, fat,
twelve-inch cock back into me.”
“It’s not that big and you know it, you devil,” he growled as he was almost instantly between
my legs. He thrust into me, bottoming out in one shot as he moved over me until we were nose to
nose. “And you’re not fooling anyone. You might have wanted me another time, but you did this
because you sensed how desperate I was to feel you again.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I fibbed, arching my back as I wrapped my one leg
around him. “I wanted my mate-to-be’s perfect dick filling my tight hole.”
“All the sexy dirty talk in the world won’t make me forget what you just did for me.” He placed
a gentle kiss under my chin which was such a contrast from the feral way he pounded into me that I
couldn’t help but shiver. “I love you, Gideon. I will love you every moment of my life until I draw my
last breath and even after that.”
“Looking forward to witnessing centuries of those breaths,” I purred. “Hopefully most of them
panting, chest-heaving ones as you fuck me silly and show me you can’t get enough of me.”
“The mouth on you.” He kissed me again, growling when I immediately opened for him and
allowed him to take control of all of me. Ciro was completely losing control because I felt his hands
shift into claws and pointy tips nick my skin. He flinched and went to pull away. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m not. It’s my mate doing it and I want to experience everything with him,” I assured him,
holding him in place with my leg. “You’ll just have to lick the marks when we’re both sated. Please
don’t stop. I’m almost there.”
“I can’t leave my mate wanting.” I could hear the joy in his tone at my word choice. Ciro
practically fucked me into the ground, and this time we came together, both of us screaming as our
orgasms slammed into us.
When we were done, I lowered my leg and Ciro wrapped himself around me before rolling us
again so he didn’t smash me. I laid my head on his shoulder, which put Falkner and Harley directly in
my line of sight. Both were flopped on the other bank, sated and recovering as well. Granted not
touching so I didn’t think that was going to turn into anything but I was glad they got something more
than just their hands.
Everyone needed to feel the touch of another person once in a while.
“Any chance I made my point or did we just have killer sex?” Ciro asked when we were finally
calmed down. I thought about it and giggled.
“I want to say no so you try and make it again, but that would be mean after you went to all this
trouble. Yes, I get it now, and it means the world to me that you thought of all of this and did it for
“Glad you liked it.” He rolled us once more so I was on my back staring up at him. Ciro licked
his lips as he eyed me over. “I think I should reward you for being so honest and giving me such nice
compliments especially because we both know my cock isn’t twelve inches.”
I rolled my eyes. Of course he would point that one out. “Fine, eleven and a half. Close enough,
Ciro. If you even try to tell me it’s under eleven, I swear you’d be doing it so I demand we measure it
and then it will end up being thirteen.” His eyes went wide before he threw back his head and let
loose a bark of laughter. That’s what I’d been going for. I liked the light, easy, and fun look on him.
“Eleven and a half then.” He shot me a sated smile of a truly happy man. “But about your
reward. What’s your biggest fantasy, baby? Let me give it to you.” I lost my own grin then and he
cupped my cheek gently. “What’s wrong? What is it?”
“I-I don’t have one,” I stuttered. “I never had enough hope in life to even come up with any.” I
felt fear racing through me. “Is something wrong with me that I don’t have any fantasies or dreams?”
“No, Gideon,” he assured me as he moved his hands over my body soothingly. “Some people
who go through horrible things come up with them and others don’t. Neither way is right. But you
know what that means now?” I shook my head, and he smiled. “You can think them up as you want
and I’m here to help you and make them come true.”
I liked the sound of that and told him as much. “And I want to figure out a purpose in life. I still
can’t deal with technology or computers. I do kinda like the idea of being the fruit picker. I think it
would be good for me to just get out in nature a lot and work off some of my issues.” I watched his
reaction, hoping I’d made a wise call on that.
“I think that’s great. Trust your gut on what you’re feeling, Gideon. The only person who can
know what’s best for you is you. Others can suggest things or guide you, but no one knows you like
you. And if it turns out you hate it, you pick something else until you find what fits.”
“Thank you.” He made it sound so easy, not as overwhelming or scary as I’d been feeling in
Chicago. Maybe this island thing could work out after all? “So what do we do about the fantasy
“We do one of mine until you have time to think up some of your own,” he purred as his hard
cock poked my groin.
“Oh? And what would that be?” I licked my suddenly dry lips.
“Just how flexible are you?”
Now it was my turn to laugh. My mate-to-be was in for a pleasant surprise.
It turned out Ciro had always wanted to fuck someone upside down and I was more than willing
to comply. I could stay in a headstand for a long time after all, and with his hands supporting me, it
wasn’t taxing at all. He was thrilled and strutting as we made our way back to the mansion to get
cleaned up. Then we headed downstairs for lunch, and I should have guessed my good mood and turn
in the way the day was going wouldn’t have lasted.
“Can I talk with you a moment?” Taye ventured quietly before we entered the kitchen, scaring
me half to death since I hadn’t seen him. He cursed under his breath. “Sorry. I was looking for you
everywhere and then saw you head upstairs to get cleaned up. I figured it was better to do this not
around all the others.”
“Gideon agreed to talk to you guys in a few days when Niall asked him,” Ciro remarked for me.
“I think it’s a valid request.”
“It is,” Taye agreed, his eyes flaring with anger as he shot Ciro a look. He took in a shaky
breath and focused back on me. “Look, Niall and I talked, and we’re good with holding off that
discussion. We are. Your friend was right that I’m conflicted but not about wanting you but that can
all wait. Niall and I just wanted to check on you. We don’t know all that was going on, and we care
about you, Gideon, and you were in the middle of something huge this morning with your friends.
“And I know this will drive home your point that nothing will matter to me above Niall, but I
swear that’s not what this is.” He looked so tortured throughout his rambling confession that I got
worried and reached out to lay my hand on his arm. “I’m still worried about you, I truly am. What’s
going on with you seems to be something you’ve been holding on to for a while and won’t hurt you if
you keep on the shelf a bit longer, right? Am I a cad to ask that?”
“Taye, just tell me what’s going on.” Then it hit me. “Did Niall find out bad news or
something? Why are you so worried about him?”
“Declan got word that Alpha Gifford is dead. When we left and everyone figured out we were
gone for good, having helped you escaped, I guess Niall’s stepmother was cheating on the Alpha, and
without any Betas to protect him, they killed him and took over the pack.”
I swallowed loudly as I nodded my understanding, worried about Niall too. “And while he was
a bastard who abused Niall, he was still Niall’s father, and it was his job as Beta to protect the
Alpha. Plus he’s probably freaking out over the assholes now in charge of his birth pack.”
“Pretty much and then some,” Taye confirmed. “Add to that he was already freaked out about
leaving everything he knew, coming to a strange place with nothing but a bag he packed in a flash,
your friends all know that things are tense, and you’re pissed at us so it’s like none of them want to
talk to us.”
“Shit, I didn’t mean for that,” I hissed, guilt swelling in my gut.
“I know. You’d never want that for Niall.”
“Or you, Taye. I like you. I just don’t think you like me. I don’t want either of you hurt or
rejected,” I muttered, staring down at my feet.
“Well, we can argue that fact another time because I like you very much.” I shrugged. I wasn’t
sure that was something that could be proven one way or another with words. “There’s more. He
didn’t want to tell you and make you feel bad that he had to pack so fast to get you out but he left his
mom’s locket behind and that’s all he had of her so he’s destroyed over that. And he was already
heartbroken that he was going to lose you because whether you believe it or not he’s fallen for you,
“What can I do to help?”
Taye rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and glanced at Ciro. “The only thing I can come
up with is to distract him. I mean, it’s not like we can go back and fix things. His dad can’t be brought
back and would that really be any better? I don’t know. I think letting him see that you care enough
that you’d want to help him would go a long way in giving him hope that he didn’t make the wrong
decision to leave and to not fall into despair.”
“Okay, whatever he needs,” I immediately agreed. It was the least I could do for Niall, and
even more than that, I wanted to help him. I cared deeply for Niall too. “Just tell me what to do. And I
mean whatever he needs, Taye.”
“Gideon,” Ciro sighed.
I glanced at him over my shoulder. “I love you, but Niall means a lot to me. Would I be the man
you loved if I didn’t help him now when he needs me?”
“No, but just, don’t give too much and get hurt, okay? You were standing on the edge yourself,
and I worry about you, not Niall. I don’t know the guy, and I get it from Taye’s perspective but see it
from mine.”
It shocked me when Taye was the one to reply. “I don’t want Gideon hurt either. I love Niall
but Gideon means a lot to me. I just want to give Niall one of his biggest fantasies, reminding him of
the fun in life, and distract him. I need Gideon for it since I know he’s the center of it. How could he
not be when Niall’s all about him?”
“Really? I’m one of his biggest fantasies already?” Taye gave me a funny look, his emotions too
jumbled to read, but nodded. “Okay, let’s do this. I’ll find you after lunch?”
“I’ll be here,” Ciro verified evenly with a fake smile. But he was very easy to read. He didn’t
want me to do it and especially when he wasn’t going to be there. I didn’t blame him, and if the
situation were reversed, I couldn’t say I’d be handling it as well as he was.
I just didn’t think trying to distract Niall would work if we brought the man I loved into it like I
was rubbing Niall’s nose in it. Call me crazy and all.
Chapter 8
Twenty minutes later I was lying naked, slicked up, and ready to go on a sex swing in the play
room of the mansion. Apparently the place had everything! I’d been a little shocked to hear it had an
adult play room, but hey, I guess on an island that didn’t have a mall or theater, other forms of
entertainment were welcome.
That didn’t mean I wasn’t ready to bolt. I hadn’t been in one of these since my days with my old
pack and those weren’t happy memories. And that was the understatement of the year actually.
“Taye, I’m really not in the mood to check out the mansion and explore,” Niall said quietly
from the hallway. The despair and grief in his voice and swirling around him was killing me.
“I have a surprise for you.”
“I can’t take anymore shocks for the day, thanks.”
“Not even a naked me that agreed to give you the fantasy Taye said you wanted?” I teased as
they stepped into the room. I swallowed down my nerves and tried to give Niall a seductive smile.
“Gideon?” he gasped as he stepped forward and then froze. “Do you forgive us then?”
“We still need that talk later but when Taye told me what was going on all I could think of was
how to help you and be here for you,” I offered honestly. “I think that should tell you a lot.”
“It does. Thank you, baby.” Niall bent over and hugged me. “Thank you so much. I missed you.
God, I needed you. We’ll work all this out and fix it. I know we can. When you said you were done,
my heart broke. You’ve dug so deep into my soul already that it would be like ripping it out if you left
“We can’t have that.” I kissed his cheek, trying to believe his words. I wasn’t as confident as he
was, but right now, Niall needed support and comfort, not more conflict or issues. “So I hear you’re
in need of distraction and a fantasy. Or we can just talk if you want?”
He stood back up and bit his lip as he gazed over my body. “It’s really hard to say talk when
you’re already naked and so gorgeous, but it’s more than that. I’m not sure I know what to say yet.
Like I need more time to sort out what I feel before I can talk about it with you guys. I would like that
though. Can I take you up on that offer for a shoulder tomorrow maybe?”
“Of course.” I gave him a real smile then, touched he would turn to me for that. It made me feel
that I was truly more than just sex to Niall.
“So you’re really okay with giving me my biggest fantasy?” he marveled, looking so excited I
was surprised he wasn’t bouncing up and down clapping his hands. That would have looked too
weird on someone six-six though. But his green eyes shone as his body practically vibrated.
Yeah, like I could say no now.
“Of course. Whatever you want, I’m yours.” I sent up a silent prayer I wasn’t getting in over my
“You’re the best like ever,” he groaned and started yanking off his clothes so fast I heard some
of them tearing. Moments later, he and Taye were standing there naked. Damn they were hot. Taye
had pulled his long raven black hair back out of his face, accenting the sharp, sexy angles. I couldn’t
help looking over all his firm, toned muscles as he stared at my own thin body. To each their own I
“I don’t know the lines,” Taye stated as he stepped up to the swing and restrained my wrists
and ankles. “Will that ruin it for you?” Wait, lines? What did that mean?
“No,” Niall snickered. “Just wing it. That’s not the part that matters.” He stared down at me
lovingly. “All that matters is it’s us, and Gideon’s doing this for me. I’ve dreamt of this for so long. I
can’t believe it’s finally happening.”
I plastered on that fake smile, thinking that was another weird statement since I’d known him for
only a month or so. I mean, how long could so long be then?
Once I was secured, Niall checked that my hole was slicked up and stretched before adding
more lube to his cock. They raised the swing some more to accommodate their height and then
announced they were ready. I nodded I was as well, struck stupid by the weird factor of all of this and
the slight déjà vu I was having. Odd, right? I’d never been to the island before so there was no way
that I could have been in this room before.
And I would have remembered playing like this with Taye and Niall.
“Does the slut have a safeword?” Taye asked as he turned my head and pushed his cock into my
mouth. I flinched at the change in his tone and then swallowed him down.
“Naw,” Niall chuckled as he slapped my ass hard twice. “I paid him enough that he waved it
for the night. You know whores. Give them enough money and they’ll do whatever you want. The only
rule I had to promise was if we got too rough with him, we had to dump him off at the emergency
My eyes went wide as a chill rushed through me down to my soul. I knew this dialogue… It
was from one of the scenes I’d done in my pack. That’s why the setup was familiar.
Then I screamed in shock and pleasure as Niall slammed his cock into me. “Oh yeah, nice tight
ass. Surprised it’s not all stretched out with how hot the little whore is.”
“Yeah, I bet there’s a line for him at his corner every night with how good of a cocksucker he
is.” Taye pushed a little further down my throat. “You love fat cock, don’t you, slut? Take it all.” I
gagged a bit, and he backed off, not completely doing the scene it seemed. That and they hadn’t used
condoms like the pack had because it had been for human viewing and those watching didn’t know we
were wolves and immune to STDs.
I realized that’s why I didn’t catch on sooner. It never crossed my mind to even think back to my
forced porn days for two reasons. One, I didn’t think wolves from a remote dire wolf pack with very
little techie stuff would have seen any of it or known. And two, no condoms. That’s what always
made me think of what I went through right away. The condoms. It was the only time I’d ever seen
them with gay werewolves.
My heart broke as I started to feel my soul die, no longer focused on what was going on around
me or the pleasure they were getting from me. So I was just sex and porn to them! This was still going
to be my life even if it wasn’t on camera.
And still I was going to take it because it was better than what I’d known.
Then I remembered what Ciro had said, done, and shown me. I deserved better than this. I was
worth more than this kind of treatment. I had agreed to it, but now I changed my mind, and since I was
restrained I couldn’t exactly tell them without biting Taye’s poor cock to get it out of my mouth, and
he didn’t deserve that since it was consensual sex… And I couldn’t hurt Niall worse than he was
already hurting.
Ciro would know what to do though. He could figure a way to get me out of this and not
traumatize Niall. If anyone could, it would be him. I didn’t want Niall hurt more, and maybe that was
stupid of me, but the man meant something to me already. So I used the one gift I didn’t have very
good control over and wasn’t the best at… Communicating mentally.
“Ciro! In the basement play room. I need you, please! This went so wrong and they wanted
Gideon the porn star. Please, I don’t want to be that anymore or ever again,” I cried out in my
head. I felt his mind tune in and understand I needed him even if he hadn’t made out the words.
“Coming! Take it all, slut,” Taye announced. God, how long had I tuned out? I swallowed him
down, still loving the taste of him and my body reacting to the man I cared about and wanted even if
the situation killed my soul. Seconds later, Niall finished as well, pumping his seed deep into me. I
closed my eyes, grieving it would be the last time and under these circumstances no less.
“That was so much better than I could ever have imagined,” Niall panted when he was spent.
Taye pulled out of my mouth, and I kind of wished he hadn’t because I didn’t know what to say. I still
didn’t want to burst Niall’s bubble and hurt him even more after all he’d been through.
“You okay? You didn’t finish,” Taye asked, his voice full of concern.
“No, you didn’t. Why didn’t you?” Niall rubbed my stomach and I flinched. “Gideon, what’s
going on, baby?”
“Please release me,” I rasped, starting to shake. I was doing my best not to lose it, but I felt the
dam about to break and I needed to get out of there. They immediately unbound me, and I opened my
eyes to get my bearings only to meet their very worried and scared gazes.
“Did we hurt you?” Niall looked me over for signs and then glanced at Taye. “I thought you
said he was okay with doing this?”
“He said he was.” Taye was still studying me. “I know you started gagging. I’m sorry. I backed
off. It just felt so good I lost control for a moment. Did I hurt you?”
“No.” I shook my head and swung my legs over the swing. Not physically at least.
“Gideon!” Ciro bellowed from the hallway seconds before he came barreling in the room. I
stood on shaky legs, blinking back tears when I saw him. My legs didn’t hold me though and he caught
me. “What happened? I felt you in my mind, but I couldn’t make it out. I just heard you screaming you
needed me down here.”
I just shook my head and fisted his shirt as he lifted me into his arms cradling me to his chest. I
couldn’t speak without a sob coming out. I knew that with how fragile I felt.
“What did you do to him?” Ciro barked.
“I don’t know,” Niall choked out. “He won’t tell us. He said he’d give me my biggest fantasy. It
was amazing but then we realized he didn’t come. He wouldn’t tell us why and asked us to release
him and—”
“Release him? You bound him?”
“No, not like tied him up,” Taye clarified as he pointed to the swing. “Just his ankles and wrists
like in the video.”
“What?” Ciro gasped as all the blood drained out of his face and he swayed. “What did you
“We replayed my favorite scene from Gideon’s movies,” Niall elaborated, his voice
completely confused. “It’s been my biggest fantasy for years. I mean, I’ve had a crush on him
“You bastards,” Ciro seethed.
“Let’s just go,” I begged, tears falling now. “Don’t make this worse for Niall. He’s been
through enough.”
“No.” He set me down on sofa against the wall off to the side. Then he stormed over to Taye
and without a word decked the man in the jaw. “You left out that fucking detail when you asked
Gideon to help you distract Niall! You said you wouldn’t hurt Gideon, you fucking liar.”
“How does doing that hurt him?” Taye exploded as he recovered, his hands fisted as if ready to
strike back. I was worried for Ciro now. He might be a badass Marine but Taye and Niall were dire
wolves, and Taye had a good six inches on Ciro’s six-three frame.
“Are you both fucking stupid?” Ciro bellowed as he threw his hands in the air. “Gideon was
pulled from his last pack because he was being abused! You knew that.”
Niall just blinked at Ciro before glancing at me. “Yeah, what does that have to do with the fact
he was a porn star? I mean, those videos were so damn hot and—”
“And I wasn’t willing for them,” I sobbed as I wrapped my arms around my stomach. “That was
the abuse. None of it was scripted. It was all real. I was forced in every video.”
All the blood drained from Taye’s face so fast he grabbed onto one of the chains of the swing.
“No,” Niall whimpered as his rubbed his hand over his heart. “No!” He dove to the corner of
the room, and I wasn’t sure what was there, but then I heard the very obvious sounds of him violently
emptying his stomach.
“We didn’t know. I swear to you we didn’t know,” Taye choked out as tears rolled down his
cheeks. He dropped to his knees as his legs gave out and then even leaned over and moved his hands
on the concrete like he was having trouble breathing. “Niall’s had a crush on you for years. We didn’t
know. My god, Gideon. We didn’t know. We thought that was separate from the pack and they found
out and you were abused because of it. That’s what we were told.”
“No. My Alpha was the one who set it all up and the site. I made the pack a lot of money,” I
mumbled. “Everyone in the videos was pack. They all got in on it, some on Alpha’s orders but most
just wanted to because they got a cut of the money and got to be in porn. No-holds-barred, do what
they wanted to me porn. I got nothing but abused, used, nightmares, and PTSD from it.”
When I stopped talking, I realized Niall was in the corner sobbing, “Don’t hate me,” over and
over again in between his vomiting. Now I really didn’t know how I felt about all of this. Glad they
hadn’t known because then they weren’t huge bastards?
“I came to help Niall and now he’s in worse shape.” I sniffled as my own tears burned in my
“This is not on you,” Taye proclaimed firmly. “I’ll help him as soon as my world stops
spinning out of control. What can I do to help you? How can I make this better? I’m so sorry,
“You can’t,” Ciro snarled. “Stay away from him.” He stepped over to me and swooped me up
into his arms.
“They didn’t know,” I reminded him. “They couldn’t fake this kind of reaction.”
He took a few deep breaths and let them out slowly as he nodded. “I know and I’ll calm down,
but right now all I care about is what this all did to you.” Ciro didn’t turn around but he did pause
before leaving. “Help Niall. I’ll take care of Gideon, and we can all calmly talk tomorrow and you
guys can get the real story. I don’t know if he can get past this, but he’s got a big heart, so don’t let
Niall fall into despair with everything else on his plate.”
And with that, Ciro got me out of there. I wanted to stay and help, but I just didn’t have it in me.
I really didn’t and I didn’t think there was anyone in the world strong enough to have handled it after
being through what I had.
Ciro spent the rest of the day pampering me. He went down to get food after bringing me to my
suite and getting me settled in the shower, helping me when he came back and I was curled in a ball
on the floor crying. Then I ate and he read to me, understanding I didn’t have the energy to talk. We
took the meal in my room again for dinner and that night I fell asleep in his arms.
It was a hell of a first day at my new home… That was for damn sure.
The next morning I felt part zombie. Not in the eat brains kind of way, but more I wasn’t all
there and not feeling like a real person. Ciro asked if I was okay but dropped it after I shrugged. I had
to let this go because he didn’t deserve to get stuck taking care of me like this. I couldn’t lose him on
top of everything else now that we’d found our way to each other.
Niall and Taye were at breakfast, both looking destroyed still, eyes puffy from crying and like
they’d not slept much at all. It made me feel good that they cared enough to be upset by what
happened… Which then made me feel guilty that I’d felt good that they were hurting. Nice circular
logic, huh?
They were standing off to the side away from everyone else, and I kept sneaking glances at them
as Ciro and I made plates for ourselves. I sighed and realized I needed to do something about this.
They’d never be happy here and fit in if everyone ostracized them because they knew something was
up between us or thought Taye and Niall had done something to me.
It wasn’t fair to them, and while I appreciated my friends being loyal to me, it wasn’t their
place to get involved. But then again, if the situation were reversed, I wouldn’t want to be friends or
nice to someone who was mean to people I cared for.
And my head officially hurt again. Couldn’t life just ever be easy?
I saw more people walk into the kitchen as I grabbed us some coffee. Unlike everyone else who
ignored Niall and Taye, Edric drifted right over to them like a moth to a flame. That was odd, but then
again, I hadn’t seen him or his men yesterday so maybe they’d been busy and hadn’t heard what was
going on and who they were.
“Well helllllo tall, darkly bespelled with a curse, and handsome,” my friend drawled as he
pointedly looked at Taye.
“What?” several of us shouted, gasped, or growled. Edric ignored us all and focused on Taye.
“Who did you piss off big time?” He ran his hands over the air in front of Taye as if trying to
read the energy surrounding him. Then he shivered and took a step back. “Dark energy. Damn they
have juice. You need to play better with others, buddy, or not upset such powerful people.”
Taye stared at Edric like he’d grown another head. “What are you talking about? I don’t
“Oh, I bet you don’t,” Edric snickered. “I bet you don’t understand a lot right now with that
curse running around muddling up your brain.” Then he turned to Niall. “Hello source of the curse.”
“Me?” Niall sputtered. “I’m not a witch! I don’t have any juice or whatever. I love Taye.”
“I know, honey. My mom was a witch and I’ve worked with a bunch. You have no witchy
energy. I didn’t say you cursed him. You are the source though.” He glanced at Taye again. “Let me
guess. You started getting confused, conflicted about most everything, once you told this guy you
loved him or, um, coupled with him the first time?”
“Yes.” Taye’s jaw went slack before he shook his head. “How could you possibly know that?”
“I’m half witch.” Edric smirked. “I can feel the energy. Plus I’m an Omega. I can feel your
conflicted emotions.”
“That’s why none of us can get a read on him,” Wesley groaned. “Can you help him?”
“Probably. If not, I can call Helen and she can ask the coven, but I might need to do a full read
of what’s what with him. I think it’s a jealousy curse. Someone wanted him and realized he wanted
the other guy.”
“He’s Taye and the other guy is Niall,” I supplied. It was going to get even more confusing real
fast if he was using generalities like that. Edric nodded and gave me a wink, probably knowing they
mattered to me.
“So someone cursed Taye because Taye didn’t like them. When Taye admitted how he felt
about Niall or took him to bed, it set it off, slowly unraveling his mind and taking those relevant in the
caster’s eyes down with him. My guess? It kind of exploded because I’m getting both happened at
about the same time.”
“Yes,” the three of us answered together since we were the ones who’d been there at that
“Oh goodie, my vision’s starting,” Brody grumbled as he came in the kitchen with his men. He
went right over to the coffee pots and didn’t even spare anyone a look. “Someone better thank me big
time later because for my second vision it was a big fucking one. You need to use Vencentio’s charm
thingy with him and zap out the curse on Taye.”
We all just stared at him as he doctored his coffee, waiting for him to say more. Brody sipped it
and then sighed, leaning against the counter.
“I think you just lost everyone in the room with that one, Brody,” Edric persisted. “Care to give
me more than the vague version?” I didn’t need to see the eye roll to know he was filled with syrupy
sarcastic goodness right then.
“Dude, I’m not a witch. I don’t have Vencentio’s powers either. I don’t know how he does his
thing. All I saw was you like channeling his power while he was tapping into the stored emotions in
his charm and zapping Taye. It pulled out his wolf like as if he was resetting their bond or something
and broke the curse. Then you cleansed him, Niall, and Gideon like Vencentio does the charm and
poof, all better.”
“I might understand the logic,” Vencentio hedged when everyone in the room was still pretty
confused by that. “I’m like a sponge for changes in aura which are really emotional shifts. Brody just
went from morning crankies to happy because he got his coffee and it’s good. I felt that.”
“You feel something that small?” Brody asked, his eyes went wide as my own did the same.
“Yeah, I feel just about every shift always.” Vencentio gave a quick laugh at our expressions.
“Normally it’s no big now like a breeze you don’t even pay attention to. The charm makes it that way.
It sucks up the change. Think of it like aura colors. Everyone is always more than one, but changing
colors, even in terms of paint, takes work. Brody was partly a muddled red when he walked in
because he was cranky.
“Then energy was used to turn it blue because he chilled with his coffee and became content.
Well, if you’ve studied physics, you know that energy gets converted different ways to be used but it
never goes poof and disappears. If I’m around this kind of energy, I suck it up like a sponge. And the
charm helps so I don’t get overwhelmed and lose my mind.”
“Or the energy tries to tear you apart at the seams again,” Carter whispered as he hugged his
“Or that.” Vencentio shivered and then focused back on Edric. “So if I’m understanding this
curse, the witch fucked up Taye’s emotions, neurons firing, and made him all conflicted. Kind of like
when someone’s at odds with their wolf. I think what Brody saw was like when I helped those in our
pack. I basically reset their bond by zapping it like a car battery to give it a jump.”
Taye swallowed loudly. “Will it hurt?”
“Normally I’d say not hurt but I’d doubt anyone would ask for me to do it again,” Vencentio
answered with a wince. “But you don’t need the jump really. Someone screwed with you. So I’m not
going to lie. It might. Depending on how much power it takes, using it can hurt me like a mother fucker
at times.”
“No, you’re not channeling the kind of power like when you took on that Councilman,” Galvin
contested. “That could have killed you.”
“I’m stronger now and know what I’m doing, my love. We’ve got help here and Omegas that
can heal. We’re not alone this time,” Vencentio assured him. Then he gave his mate a lopsided grin.
“Besides, in what world would you really expect me to stand here and let this guy suffer?”
“Is he suffering? I mean, has he been?” I asked as I took a few steps towards Taye, my heart
sinking into my stomach at the idea.
“No,” Taye swore.
“Liar.” Just about every Omega in the room contradicted and even I’d been able to read that one
“Yeah, a curse with this much juice, he’s a strong bastard to still be standing,” Edric explained
with an impressed tone. “And it will only get worse to the point he goes feral. It’s got to be affecting
you and Niall too because it’s for him and to a degree the ones he cares for.”
“That explains why I can’t seem to get a grasp on what I feel on just about anything,” I muttered.
Sure I’d been through a lot but normally at least I knew how I felt about things. I wasn’t use to feeling
so conflicted, for lack of a better term. Only a few things I was crystal clear on could I handle… Or
one really and that made me glance at Ciro. He was the one thing I’d been sure about and he was
outside the situation with Taye and Niall in my mind.
“I don’t know any witches though,” Taye griped, lost in himself almost as he rubbed the back of
his neck and paced around. “I just don’t understand any of this. If someone liked me, how could they
want this for me because I loved Niall? Shouldn’t they want me happy? We don’t have any witches in
the pack. And now I’ll never know since we’re not there to investigate. I wish I could find out who it
was though. I’d stop them from ever doing this to someone else.”
I was just about to ask Vencentio and Edric what we should do next and how we could help
Taye without hurting them when Niall shocked the hell out of me. He practically dove at Vencentio’s
feet, sobbing as he knelt in front of my friend.
“Please help him. I’ll do anything. You guys can banish us after for what we did to Gideon
yesterday. I wouldn’t blame you. I hate us for what we’ve done, but we didn’t know. On my honor, I
swear we didn’t. Please, just take pity on Taye and me first. I’ve lost my home pack, my bastard of a
father was killed because I abandoned my post as his Beta, and now we can’t go back to America
because we’ll be hunted as betrayers.
“I don’t know where we’ll go but that doesn’t even matter because I lost Gideon. I lost the man
I love and hurt him. I can’t lose the other one. I can’t! Please. I don’t want you hurt. I can’t hurt
anyone else, but I can’t lose Taye too. I’d give my soul to save him and heal the damage I’ve done to
Gideon. Please, I beg you. Take it if that’s what you need. Please help him. I’ll do anything!”
I felt hot tears running down my cheeks at Niall’s heartbreak and my own. That’s not exactly
how I wanted to hear he loved me.
“What did they do to you yesterday?” Wesley asked in a dark voice, energy crackling around
him. My gaze snapped to his and it was then I saw that there were lots of pissed off expressions in the
room… All focused on Niall and Taye.
Chapter 9
I glanced around and saw that Dewey’s adopted kids weren’t in the room. This really wasn’t a
conversation for children to hear. “It’s personal.”
“You didn’t tell them?” Taye gasped, his eyes practically bugging out of his head.
I shrugged. “Wasn’t their business and you guys didn’t do it to be jerks. You didn’t know. You
felt bad enough and people were already avoiding you. I didn’t want to make you feel any more like
outsiders. It wouldn’t be fair to you when you’ll be living here too.”
“How could you even look at us after what we did?” Niall rasped as he wiped his eyes. “I
figured we’d come downstairs to news of how we were getting back to the mainland. We already
packed, not that we brought much.”
Which reminded me that I wanted to talk to my friends about getting the rest of their stuff,
namely that locket which had been Niall’s mother’s.
I took the few steps to Niall and knelt down in front of him, wiping a tear that he’d missed.
“Did you mean what you said? Do you really love me?”
“Yes. I realized it when we got off the boat and my wolf calmed down. You were so
wonderful, taking care of us when we were being such freaks and grumps, I fell completely for you
instead of just a big crush and liking you a lot.” His cheeks burned up at the admission.
“How did you even see the videos, Niall? Your pack is remote and doesn’t even get cell
service.” I heard a few gasps and guessed a few knew what videos I meant.
“I was visiting a cousin in another pack on my sixteenth birthday,” he explained, now his whole
face turning bright red to the point it moved along his neck. “Our pack stopped with the whole cutting
communication with those who leave thing because we just don’t have the numbers to not start
inbreeding otherwise. So my present was a trip to visit them.”
“And?” I pushed when he stopped talking.
“He showed me a computer for the first time. Then that night he snuck some of his dad’s beers
into his room and showed me some of his favorite sites after his parents went to bed. He was a
member of that site and I saw one of your videos. I didn’t know they forced you, Gideon. I would
never have watched another one if—”
“I know, Niall.” I leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss. “I believe you and Taye on that.
You guys aren’t monsters.” I waited for him to calm back down a bit before asking what else I needed
to know. “How many did you watch?”
“All of them.” I closed my eyes and swayed a bit. “I thought it was fake.” I nodded. I got that, I
did. He was young, especially then and had no clue how harsh and evil the real world could be
growing up in a remote pack. Then again, he could with the bastard of a father he’d had.
“Tell him the rest and just get it out now, Niall,” Taye coaxed.
“My cousin downloaded them all for me and made a CD of them. He gave me one of his old
laptops so I could watch it,” Niall explained in a ramble. “I worked for a few people in the pack
doing odd jobs for money and then I went into town a couple of years later when I’d saved enough
and got a computer of my own my father never knew about. I’d go into town and use their internet and
download any new videos after I joined the site.
“I had to see more of you. You were so gorgeous. I didn’t like all the videos or what they did to
you even when I thought it was fake but it was you and you were beautiful. But then the site shut down
and we got word months later that it had been found out that an Omega had been doing internet porn
for money to escape and his Alpha abused him so badly the Council rescued him.”
“Niall wept for you he was so upset someone had hurt you,” Taye said quietly. “He had
confided in me about his crush at that point, and when we got word that’s what had gone down, he
was distraught someone had abused you. The only thing that helped was that you were safe
somewhere in sanctuary.”
I nodded that I’d heard him and swallowed loudly. “Do you still have the videos?” Niall’s face
drained of all color.
“I wasn’t thinking. I’ll destroy the laptop. I was so upset yesterday with hearing my dad was
killed and then what we did, I didn’t think about them being on the laptop. I’m so sorry.”
“No, don’t.”
“What?” Several people bellowed behind me, but I only focused on Niall.
“I think one day I might want to see one of them. I never have. It might help me get over what
happened to me if I finally just face it and watch one. I don’t know. Maybe I never will but now that
someone has them all, I think I should consider it when I come to terms better with my hand in life.”
“Whatever you want. It’s yours. I’m sorry, Gideon. I never meant to hurt you.”
“I know. I just don’t get why you didn’t say anything when I showed up at your pack.” He
ducked his head, completely embarrassed now. Yeah, it was hard for me to have this conversation in
front of everyone too.
“At first I only saw or talked to you around others in the pack but then I started to like you. You
were funny, smart, sweet, and a blast to hang out with. It was more than just being attracted to you. I
didn’t want to be that guy who was a creepy fan or something to you. I thought you knew before we
ran. You had been in my room and I had printed out those headshots from the site before it shut down
and they were on my desk.
“You had said something about the pictures in my room and I thought it was comment on them.
But you had sounded so okay with it I figured you might be flattered I was a fan. It gave me hope you
could like me too. I was going to tell you how I felt and lay it all out but then you announced you were
going back to Chicago.”
“And then the next day all the shit hit the fan,” I finished.
“That’s either the most romantic or twisted sick fucking story I’ve ever heard,” Ciro sneered
before storming out of the kitchen, slamming the terrace door behind him.
“I’m sorry he’s upset. He seems really nice and he loves you. I want you happy,” Niall
muttered. Then he glanced at me hesitantly. “Which do you think it is? Romantic or sick?” I licked my
dry lips and weighed my feelings. “I didn’t mean to be sick or scare you.”
“I’m not saying you were by not answering,” I assured him. “It’s just a lot to take in and I feel
muddled. My gut is saying I don’t have enough information yet, Niall. I think I need to know which
type of videos you didn’t like first and that’s not a discussion for the group. But you didn’t know the
videos weren’t real. You can’t be blamed for having a crush on what you thought was simply a guy
doing internet porn.”
“What happens now?”
“We help Taye and just let some things digest today. Maybe talk some more if we’re not too
overwhelmed or exhausted from all of this. I don’t know. Play it by ear?”
“So you’re not kicking us to the curb or throwing us off the island?” Niall looked like I could
have pushed him over with a feather at the news.
“No, Niall. I’m not sure what I feel yet. I need time and to work through some things of my own
as well.”
“That’s more than understandable. We’ll give you all the time you need. I do love you,
Gideon,” he whispered. I sighed when he kissed my cheek and pressed his lips to my ear. “I’m sorry
my fantasy hurt you. I’d do anything to take it back and all your pain away if I could. I hope you know
“I believe you. If you find that magic wand, I’d let you,” I chuckled. I wasn’t sure what else to
say then, but luckily, Vencentio saved me from having to.
“Okay, so let’s fuel up and get this done. Never a dull moment around here and all, but we’ve
got one of us in trouble so all hands on deck. Lots of us know what it’s like to be on the edge of crazy
and we’re not letting that happen on our watch.”
“Yup, chop, chop,” Edric agreed. “I’ll eat and grab my herbs and curse handbook Helen let me
“Just like that you guys are willing to help me after we hurt Gideon? You don’t even know me,”
Taye asked, his gaze darting wildly around the room. “Or is this a trick to put me six feet under?”
“They won’t hurt you, Taye,” I assured him as I stood with Niall.
“No, you’re one of us,” Edric agreed. “You helped Gideon get out of that place, and personally,
I have a feeling you wouldn’t have hurt Gideon if your brains weren’t all fuddled up. Sure you were
told the wrong thing, but spending more time with him and getting more information about his years
with his last pack should have told you it was more than one beating he went through at the end. If you
had your full brains, you would have put the pieces together. No one’s that stupid when it comes to
people they care about.”
I just blinked at my friend a few times, floored by the assessment he’d put together. He was
absolutely right. They were smart, and Taye and Niall had been there yesterday when I’d talked more
about my time with the pack. Even what I’d opened up to them on my own. They would have figured it
out or at least that there was more to the story. But whatever curse Taye and by extension us were
under was getting in the way.
And as hard as it was, I forgave them right then. That didn’t mean I was going to jump back in
their arms, but it was over and in the past to me. They’d have to understand why I’d never be going
back to that play room though. If we did end up together, we’d have to find our kink other ways.
I’m sure we could come up with something.
Ten minutes later we’d all eaten and cleaned up and Ciro still hadn’t returned. Brody was
leading everyone to where he’d seen Edric and Vencentio doing their thing in the vision, but I broke
off, searching for my man. I found him sitting off behind the garage by himself, knees pulled up to his
chest, staring off at nothing, looking completely dejected.
“Ciro, we’re going to start,” I said softly as I squatted down by him. “Are you okay?”
“Me?” he chuckled bitterly. “You’re the one going through all of this shit and you’re worried
about me?”
“It’s not just me dealing with this and you know it. You’re my partner and it affects you as well.
Don’t downplay your role in my life or chastise yourself that you’re upset by this.”
“How did you know?”
“Because I know you. You’re a good person and hard on yourself.” I kissed his soft light brown
hair that had blond highlights now from all the sun he’d gotten on the island. It was a good look on
him. His hair had grown out enough now after being out of the military that it was curling slightly on
the ends and I thought it was really sexy. “Do you want to just hang here and I’ll come find you
“I’m not leaving you alone in this.”
“It’s okay to sit this one out, Ciro. I’ve been dumping a lot on—”
“You’re not dumping anything on me,” he growled as he shot to his feet, turning and pinning me
against the garage. “I love you, Gideon. This is what love is, being there for each other through good
and bad. I choose to be here and with you. Never doubt I make that choice each time, and I’m not
I smiled up at him brightly, joy filling my heart at the declaration even as the forcefulness with
which he said it turned me on. “I love you too.”
“Good, now let’s get you cleansed.” He gave me a quick kiss, and we walked towards where
we heard the others. “I don’t think Niall’s sick. He had a normal teenage crush on you, and after
growing up with what I’m guessing was a lot more crap than I know about, he fantasized more than
most but he was in a cut off, remote pack. And in his mind you were a glamorous porn star, free to be
who you were, trying things he wanted, something he could never be.”
“I didn’t think of it like that, but yeah, I was leaning towards romantic and not twisted too.” I
nodded. “I think he likes you. He said you were nice and didn’t like you were upset.”
“He’s got a good heart and I felt for him which was part of why I stormed out. I felt conflicted
suddenly. It started yesterday like I can’t get a handle on things and I’m a decisive person.”
“Shit,” I hissed as I took his hand and hurried us along.
“What? Why does that upset you? I would think you’d want me to like him if they might be the
others you mate too.”
“I do, but if you’re starting to like them because they care for me, the reverse could happen,” I
explained as we joined the group. “You guys have to cleanse Ciro too. I think Taye started to like him
when he protected me or at least respects him for how he handled yesterday. I don’t know, but Ciro
says he’s been feeling muddled, and you said the curse effects those Taye cares about and is involved
“Shit, yeah, I think he’s hot, and when he defended you, I had some other thoughts,” Taye cursed
and kicked at the ground. “I didn’t know. I didn’t mean to drag anyone else—”
“It’s fine,” Ciro assured him, cutting him off. “I’m just glad Gideon figured it out before it got
any worse. I don’t know how you’ve been dealing with this for days, man. And for it to be spiraling
out? Fuck, I’d be ready for the loony bin. You must have nerves and a mind of steel.”
“Just that stubborn mostly.” He shrugged and stared at his feet but I caught the impressed looks
Ciro kept giving the man.
The next ten minutes we all stood there as Vencentio and Edric did their thing. What Taye went
through definitely didn’t look pleasant, mostly like they shocked him with several thousand volts of
energy. But when we asked if he was okay, he wagged his tail that he was alive, slumped over in
animal form because the shock of whatever Edric did forced his shift. Then Edric dumped some
water on him and muttered under his breath before doing the same to Niall, Ciro, and I.
“That’s it?” I questioned as I blinked at him, waiting for the big finish.
“Did you think I was going to dance around covered in the blood of the virgin I just sacrificed
under the moon before the orgy?” Edric bitched but I also saw the hurt in his eyes.
“No, man,” I repented as I rubbed his shoulder. “None of us look at you like that or feel that
about witches. We know you are good or bad just like wolves can be. I just thought I’d feel different
or there’d be this ah-ha moment.”
“Give it a second,” Niall gasped, his eyelids fluttering before he glanced around as if someone
took off the blinders like he was seeing it all for the first time. “Wow.”
“Yeah,” Taye agreed after he changed back to a man. “I had no idea how bad it had gotten or
what I was really dealing with until I feel normal again. It was like trying to drive a hundred miles an
hour with two inches of visibility.” He glanced at Edric and Vencentio. “Thank you. You are both
very gifted and special men. If you ever need anything, you have only to ask, and on my honor, I
pledge myself to you, even if the task requires my life.”
Niall gasped and then whimpered as I felt my heart fill with his distress and my own.
“That’s certainly not necessary,” Edric chuckled, waving him off. “Let’s just say if my mates
aren’t around and I need a tall guy to reach something off the top shelf for me, I’m bugging you for
“Deal.” Taye shook his head and practically melted into the ground, looking exhausted. I went
to open my mouth but gasped as I felt the cleansing energy finally fill my system. Wow. Talk about a
delayed reaction. See, now I would have thought it would have been right away when the water hit
me or the incantation was done. But Edric said something about needing time to spread.
It felt like a cool breeze that started at my head and traveled down and just cleared me. I
couldn’t think of another way to describe it, simply washing away all the bad as if he’d “saged” my
body instead of the way people did rooms or houses. It was amazing.
“All the Omegas should have that done,” I panted when it was over. “Hell, all of us on the
island to let go of some of our shit and clean our karma like you do a house. This is our new home and
life here. Why shouldn’t everyone get a soul cleanse after letting go of the old ways?” I glanced at
Tristan and Carson. “It might help everyone let go of the way things used to be and embrace the new
path of how we need to work together.”
“I swear we just need to keep you in the kitchen so anyone can rub you when they need an idea
on how to do something,” Tristan chuckled. “How do you keep coming up with all these outside
perspective ideas?”
“Because I was the last one to get here,” I snickered as I got to my feet. Then I looked at the
ground. How I had I ended up on my knees?
“I had the same reaction,” Ciro admitted. “Knocked the wind out of me but I feel better than I
have in years. Lighter.”
“Yeah,” Niall and I agreed. “That was awesome.”
“I might agree after a nap,” Taye muttered. “I’m going to take it right here though. I don’t think
I’m moving anytime soon. Thanks again and I’m sorry, Gideon. I need to tell you lots later but…” he
trailed off as he passed out.
“We’ll get him up to your guys’ room,” Percy chuckled. Taggart and Azyle helped lift the
massive dire wolf and carried him inside.
“We will talk later, right?” Niall asked me hesitantly.
“Yeah, just give me a bit of time but we’ll talk.” Niall stole a quick kiss and jogged after them.
I touched my lips as Ciro hugged me from behind. “I forgive them. What Edric said is totally true.
They would have figured out about the videos being my abuse if they weren’t so foggy from the
“I agree and I think we would have figured that out if we hadn’t been.” He snuggled my neck
and comforted me. “What does my mate-to-be need? I have the day off for once and it’s all about
I thought about that a moment and tilted my neck to stare up at him. “A few things actually.” I
waited until he nodded to go ahead. “Move your stuff into my suite. Make love to me. Us nap, and
then I want to go on my own for a while and pick some fruit from the trees. I heard someone say
we’re out this morning, and I do want that to be my job. I want some space alone to process and get in
a routine of me time.”
“There’s a list that Tag made of what he needs specifically for the creams and lotions we’re
going to start now that we got all the bottles from the shipment,” Dewey ventured, having overheard
me. “We’ve been discussing branching out into shampoo formulas depending how much fruit we
collect and extra herbs are growing wild without hurting the island but we’re not sure yet.”
“Yeah, give me the list. I’m all over that.” I smiled, feeling better already that I had a real job
and purpose. “I’ll totally handle that part of the operation, and if I’m not going fast enough to keep up
with your guys’ demands or need help, I’ll let the group know.” I shot a glance at Wesley. “Without
ordering anyone or bossing people around.”
“Yeah, I get it. I took over as dictator,” he sighed, scrubbing his hands over his head. “Look, it
wasn’t a role I wanted, okay? I started all this, and at first it just was like everyone came to me asking
what they could do, and I did ask Bap what we should do in the beginning with everything, but he had
so much on his plate he told me just to handle everything. So I did, thinking he was pissed at me. I’ve
barely slept since we got here or seen my mates.”
I felt and saw the genuine stress my friend had been under and backed off. “Well, we’re a
family, so it stops now. I say we have a meeting tonight with sunset mojitos and we’ll discuss the
division of roles, how to rotate jobs so people can have days off, and let’s test a new way out for a
few weeks. It doesn’t work? So what. We test a new one. The world won’t end if we change things
up. Kiefer and I won’t fight to the death like we’re used to if he wants to take over as banana picker.”
“I don’t know. You get to use the four-wheelers on your own and those are pretty cool,” Kiefer
teased. We all had a good laugh at that, but I could feel the tension ease out of the group which was
what I’d been going for. Good.
Ciro practically dragged me up to my suite after that though. We skipped moving him in, my
man swearing he’d do it while I had my alone time since he could use it as his instead of just staring
at the paint waiting for me to get back.
Fair enough.
So it wasn’t surprising that I was naked on the bed with him between my legs in no time. What
was though was when Ciro looked like he was making camp at my groin instead of taking me.
“What are you doing down there?” I asked hesitantly as he propped himself up on his forearms
in the middle of my thighs as he spread them wider.
“Learning every inch of you,” he said fondly as he traced the apex of my right leg with his
fingers. “You really are beautiful everywhere, Gideon. I can see why Niall had such a crush on you
that he’d work side jobs just to get a computer to watch more of you.”
“Don’t,” I choked out and went to pull away. “Please don’t do that. I can’t talk about that. I
don’t want to think about the videos when I asked you to make love to me.”
“Okay, baby. I’m sorry.” He sighed and kissed my now soft cock. “I didn’t mean to bring that
part of it up. I guess I was just trying to let you know that I got it. I know I freaked at what he did but
part of it was it was so extreme and I hadn’t been the one to show such devotion to you. I was trying
to say I would have made such a gesture if I could but not that one obviously because, yeah.”
I understood. The videos weren’t what Niall had thought they were. It wasn’t a good thing he’d
liked them because I’d been forced to do them.
“I’m sure there are other gestures you can make over our many, many years together,” I assured
Ciro. “As I plan on making for you.”
“Yeah?” He smiled as he licked my cock with the tip of his tongue, teasing it so it would fill
back up. “Like what?”
“It’s no fun if I tell you,” I moaned.
“You just can’t think when I’m doing that. Admit it.”
“No, no I can’t.”
“Good.” He tortured me until my cock was hard and leaking and then gave me a fabulous blow
job while he stretched me out. I was spent and panting, completely sated when he was done… But
Ciro wasn’t done with me yet and I hoped he never was.
He practically folded me in half, stating he needed to be as deep inside me as possible. “It’s not
making love then though.” His face fell as he stopped pushing into me.
“Bullshit,” I bickered. I hooked my ankles around his neck and pulled him towards me, moaning
when he bottomed out in my ass. “It’s making love because we love each other. Nothing else matters.
You could fuck me in front of all our friends on my head for hours, drunk off our asses, and it would
be making love because of how we feel.”
“I know, baby,” he breathed against my lips. “But you asked me to make love to you, not take
you. It told me you wanted gentle, not kinky.”
“Oh.” Well wasn’t I just a dork? I bit my lip but then smiled. “Then take me in a kinky slow
way. Needing your fat cock in me as far as it can go is you being totally hot and desperate for me,
Ciro. I don’t ever want you to hold back on that. Just go slow and deep and it’s the same sentiment.”
“You are so perfect.” He swallowed loudly as he stared into my eyes and I felt the
overwhelming love pouring off him as only I could. Right then I adored being an Omega. I would
have missed that if I’d been a normal wolf.
“Right back at you. Now make love to your mate-to-be.”
And did he ever.
Chapter 10
When we were done, I fell asleep in Ciro’s arms but not before we talked about mating. I was
glad that he suggested we hold off claiming each other until we decided what we were doing about
Niall and Taye. And he did say we because now he had a vested interest in them more than just I liked
them. Which was good, because if we went there, I wanted all of us to be mates not just me and Ciro,
and Niall and Taye, with Niall and me in love.
Yeah, did anyone else keep up with that one?
I woke up alone, Ciro having left a note saying that Quilan was showing the guys how to get
into the outside access for the gun hold and he didn’t want to miss that. I completely understood. I was
just touched that he left a note.
And then tickled pink when I found flowers outside the door. I’d never gotten flowers before! I
found something that worked as a vase in my room and set them on the dresser, whistling a happy tune
as I went to go pick fruit.
Taggart and Percy ended up showing me how to use the four-wheelers, getting the attachment
hooked onto the one so I could load up the fruit, and then took me over to the groves. They were great
in making sure I knew which trees were which, same with the plants, without treating me like I was a
moron. I mean, most people would know some of the fruit from looking at it in the store, but the trees?
Yeah, most didn’t necessarily know those by sight.
“Oh shit. We didn’t bring the ladder or clippers,” Percy growled. “I’ll go back and get them.
Sorry, Gideon.”
“Um, I wasn’t planning on using them,” I mumbled, suddenly feeling on display. I focused and
snapped the ends off bunches of bananas easily so they fell into the nets. Then I lifted them out and
carried them to the cart attachment.
“I really hope you consider working with the kids, Gideon. It didn’t sound like you were going
to after what I heard of your conversation yesterday, but I hope you change your mind,” Taggart
prompted gently. “I know you went through hell and had to learn control out of necessity but you
learned it and you could help them. You guys have all had rough lives and your own challenges, and I
don’t know all of yours, but I’ve seen some of theirs firsthand.”
“I don’t know what that means,” I hedged, thinking there was a point he was trying to make
without really saying it.
“What my mate is trying to say without betraying any confidences is we watched Brody almost
tear himself apart with how volatile his power was when he was activated early and coming from a
bloodline but not grounded,” Percy explained. “It gets worse the older they get and the longer they’re
not grounded. He was electrocuting people and setting rooms on fire, himself even, Gideon.
“We’re not trying to guilt you into helping, and it’s not your responsibility by any means. But
we’re parents now and Tag’s just asking you see the other side of it. You have amazing control and
they need help with it. Brody had to be mated off before he got to fall in love because we were
worried about losing him before his power tore him apart. Yes, it worked out, but what if it hadn’t?”
“We don’t want to lose our kids.” I felt sorrow pouring off Tag at the very idea. “And we can’t
help them. I can’t teach them this. It’s not like learning to control their shift. The power is too
“It is like learning like learning to shift though,” I contradicted. “That’s what most people miss.
We’re not witches with a different type of power like Edric that comes from the elements. The power
starts with our wolves. It’s just a different type of focus.” They both blinked at me as if they’d been
smacked upside the head. “Never heard that one before have you?”
“No. I’ve always been told it’s completely different,” Percy muttered as he glanced at Taggart
who nodded in agreement.
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I couldn’t not help the kids. I knew that already,
having decided it yesterday. I just didn’t know how to help them.
“It’s not that I’m not willing to help them, guys. I was going to talk to you about this once I had
more time to process everything going on. I’ve never been around kids. I’m scared of them. I don’t
want to make things worse for them, and I’m not a very patient person. And I’ve been through my own
hell, so I need to work on my own issues.
“So that’s where I’m at in my thinking, and I was going to keep working through my thought
process until I got to a solution, but now you’ve brought it up, and I don’t have an answer for you, and
I don’t—”
“Gideon, breathe, man,” Tag said gently as he rushed over and hugged me. I nodded and took in
a few shaky lungfuls of air. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to harp on or put more pressure on you. It’s just
I saw what you did there and it’s amazing. I’m not sure Dewey could be that accurate and he’s been
grounded for a while now. You’re not and you did it so easily. You’ve got impressive control and I
blurted it out. Take all the time you need.”
“Okay, yeah, cool.” I gave him a smile I wasn’t feeling as he stepped back. Tag gave me a
wave and headed towards the other four-wheeler but Percy didn’t move yet.
“I think the answer is you don’t teach them alone. I mean, obviously we need to learn this stuff
too because we’re completely ignorant on all this. That way the kids would feel better that they’re not
trusting a stranger and you’re not on the spot with them because they’ll behave since we’re there. And
they can talk to us about it and maybe filter some of the questions through us so they’re not always
running directly to you with the same things.”
I blinked at him a moment as I did a great impression of a fish. “Yeah, actually that’s a great
idea. Let me think about it but I’m pretty sure you just addressed all my concerns in one swoop,
“My hot, smart mate,” Tag cooed as he darted back to smack Percy’s ass. “Okay, well, we’ll
stop harassing you then. Sorry, Gideon.”
“No, it’s fine. We all need to be able to talk like this when things come up. I’m just raw and I
hate not having the answers.”
“And after what you’ve been through it’s hard when people corner you and you’re trying to put
yourself first,” Percy added with a knowing wince. I nodded, not wanting to rub it in. They gave me
another wave and left.
I worked the next couple of hours, filling the attached cart all the way but making sure it wasn’t
too much so I wouldn’t lose anything when I went over the trail. There was no point in wasting fruit.
It was weird though because I felt another presence most of the time, just on the outskirts of where my
power could reach. Too far for me to read it and know who it was… But it was comforting so I
wasn’t scared.
Strange, right?
When I got back, I unloaded everything, some to the kitchen and the rest to the space Taggart
and those working with him had designated for that project. I guess once he got it all up and running,
he was going to focus more on the swords, but for now, the goal was to get this going. And the
problem right at the moment was that there was only one kitchen and everything needed to be cooked
to be made.
But the furnace downstairs wasn’t for cooking lotions, shampoos, and whatever else Taggart
knew how to make. So now there was an argument on what to do about that.
“Guys!” I shouted as I thumped down the basket on the workbench in massive shed they had
cleared out. “The furnace that the kitchen stove runs on is old school, right?”
“Yeah, it’s not gas,” Percy answered, his eyebrows shooting up. “You’re a genius, Gideon.”
“No, just calmer than everyone here apparently,” I snickered, shaking my head.
“I don’t get it,” Blair hedged.
“He’s saying if we put more stoves in the mansion or work out a schedule to share the kitchen,
we’d just have to drag more wood into the basement to the furnace. We should just get a few wood
burning stoves for in here and keep it simple for whoever is working on recipes right at that moment,”
Percy explained.
“Yeah, that works,” Taggart agreed with a shrug. Problem solved I guessed. I left and put the
four-wheeler away. It wasn’t that everyone was so quick to argue or fight… More everyone was on
edge. This island and life was very different than what they were all used to and there was no set
pecking order.
Which was good, just hard to adjust to. There was a lot at stake, and instead of relaxing and
understanding that we’d make it if we stuck together, people were kind of freaking out. That needed to
stop. No one could make them though.
And then I smiled. No, but maybe I could help them relax better. It was an idea at least. One I
really liked and I started to build on. First, I found Baptista and asked him a few things, taking notes
as I got answers. Then it was Quilan, Meriel, and Kelvin. Next, I was on to Wesley, Tristan, and
They pointed me towards Asher and the cook from Dewey’s pack, Nancy. Lastly it was the rest
of the Medical Lake inner circle who I found out had brought over livestock and horses with us on the
boat. Go figure.
By the time I headed up to my room to change for mojitos on the beach at sunset, I was ready to
go with my basic proposal and excited. Which was why I didn’t see that I had another gift in front of
my door at first. This time it was a gorgeous conch shell, huge and just a rainbow of colors like I’d
never seen before. I was awestruck by it and wanted to stare at my new favorite possession for a
while longer but I had to go.
I set it in the room, smiling at how sweet Ciro was and quickly changed. Then I raced outside to
meet up with everyone, finding my man right away. Leaning down, I gave him a heated kissed.
“What was that for?” he panted when I pulled away.
“You know what you did.” I gave him a wink and sauntered away. I waited until everyone got
their drinks and then got their attention. “Okay, I have an idea, so I ask you hear me out and I just
came up with and it needs work, so yeah, I’m totally open to changes and I probably don’t have all the
pieces I need but—”
“Dude, just spit it out because we don’t have any ideas and we’re kind of tired of coming up
with anything else,” Wesley chuckled. Then he groaned and realized how bad that sounded. “I didn’t
mean no one else has been contributing. I just meant—fuck it. I quit.”
“No, you guys took charge, and at the time, we needed someone to but now we need to come up
with a long term plan that works for everyone,” Ollie said diplomatically. “Whatcha got, hottie of my
bro?” I took a deep breath and braced for impact depending on how this was going to go down.
“Okay, first off, we’re all friends and don’t have the normal pack structure here. However, this
is Baptista’s island. So he’s the boss, whether he says he is or not.” I shot him a look that said it
wasn’t up for debate. He sighed and slumped against his mate. “And by extension his mates too. So I
think we can all agree that certain things don’t happen unless they get cleared with Bap.
“Like inviting people to the island, cutting down groves, demolishing anything, and so on.” I
waited until everyone nodded. “Good, so if it’s a decision that can effect more than our person or our
mates, we ask him. Moving on then, security is going to be headed by Quilan, which includes the
Marines. That’s their job. No more having them run around doing other stuff.”
“Now what are we thinking that includes, boss?” Ciro asked as he gave me a wink.
“O-Oh, I’m n-not trying to be the boss,” I stuttered, my eyes going wide. “This is just my idea
on how to divvy things up. I don’t want to be in charge. I just want to pick the fruit. I just know how
really large packs do it because—” I snapped my mouth closed so fast I bit my tongue, shooting
Lennox a look before staring at my feet. Fuck.
“Nothing has changed between us, Gideon,” Lennox promised quietly. “Besides I have a whole
newfound respect for you for turning out as awesome as you did with that man as your only guidance
growing up and suffering through twenty-one years of his abuse.”
“Thank you.” I rubbed my tearing eyes as I felt a huge weight lifted off my chest.
“And I was just teasing, my mate-to-be,” Ciro assured me. “I know you’re not trying to be the
boss. I was trying to show that I support this plan and your taking charge of our dividing out roles.
You’re doing great.”
“Oh, okay.” I glanced around and saw others nodding, giving me a renewed source of
confidence. What really shocked me was seeing Niall and Taye practically beaming with pride. I
wasn’t sure what to make of that but it was something I would file away for later. “So that would
entail any of the weapons, cameras, and crap I don’t understand that Quilan can explain. But I know
setting rules for safety.
“Also, the Alphas and Betas cross training for backup and learning the setup around here, so
when runs are made to the mainland or to one of the islands, we’re not left vulnerable. And on the
runs, Kelvin would take over that since the boats are all Baptista’s. Yes, the Marines would make the
runs with whomever, but Kelvin schedules and approves, holding the keys to the different vessels.” I
glanced over at Ciro. “Crafts?”
“Whatever, babe. Just gets me hot when you talk nautical. Just say port and starboard tonight in
“Dork,” I snickered. “So, say cream and lotion makers project know they’re ready to send out a
shipment of goods by the end of the week, you let Kelvin know and he’ll get to work on scheduling
what boat can go after talking with Quilan on who’s available or not spoken for. Then we announce at
breakfast or on a board that a trip is going to wherever to drop stuff off.
“Space is limited and we don’t want five Omegas only going because, well, we’re not very
threatening looking and worldly. But yeah, some of us would like a chance to see what else is out
there so maybe one or two of us here and there get to go. And people know this is a priority to get
money for food and if your role in the process is taking the stuff to wherever so it can be sold, you
sign up if you can and we’re all adults so do what’s needed.”
“Now, Baptista is also in charge of the fishing project with Bay, Levey, and Harkin, unless I got
that wrong because now you guys have livestock and horses. That part confused me. So, I’m not really
sure on that. But you’ll need help, right?”
“Oh yeah,” Bay chuckled. “But the fishing thing we can’t do every day because the way
Baptista pulls them in we’ll overfish the waters and that would be bad. Then again we can just go out
further and work that way. But I’d suggest getting other basics off the list and we can use that as a fill
“Fabulous.” I took down a few notes as they caught me up on what was going down with the
livestock. It wasn’t anything for selling, just so we had basics of milk, eggs, and whatnot for our own
consumption. Coolness. And Dewey had added feedings for the kids but not the mucking since they
were already doing all the garbage and dishes and lots of other jobs. That seemed to work all around.
Fine by me. It ended up anyone who wanted to ride the horses and who knew how said they’d
take a day of the week to muck for horses and livestock so we had two or three every day. Done and
“Now, onto Meriel and Brody. They’re in charge of research and bloodlines. I know Wesley is
keeper of the journals but I think we can all agree since the library here is Baptista’s family one and
with the education and experience Meriel has he should probably take the lead,” I hedged, worried
this was a sensitive topic.
“Totally,” they both agreed, looking and sounding relieved. It was Wesley who went on.
“We’re great with translation and getting through journals at a good rate but where to go next is
normally hard for us. If you could go over our notes and point us in the right direction, that would be
“Yeah, I would love that. I’ve been working on all the family trees and notes from the journals
you’ve been through would be a great help. I’ll review it all and outline different paths for further
steps in between lesson plans,” Meriel said with a bright smile.
“And you guys can always use more research assistants, right?” They all nodded so I glanced
around. “So anyone wants to help or catalog when they’re available, see them and your time is
always appreciated to the cause and to bring other Omegas out of the cold or track down families.”
Yep, that was probably laying it on thick, but I didn’t want people to ignore that there was more work
to be done.
“What else?” Tristan asked with a big grin. “You’re doing awesome, yoga master.”
“I’m going to get to that actually,” I snickered. “But I have more later or tomorrow at breakfast
that I want to plan out but I’ll need a list of what everyone can do. Like I know Taggart makes swords
and kick ass creams. Tristan did websites and Carson paints. Can everyone give me a list of all of it?
Not just I know how to do laundry, but what can we all really do?”
“What can you do besides organize?” Meriel teased me with a wink. “What was your
“Do you think you’re funny?” Taye roared as he jumped to his feet. I did a double take as I
glanced at the dire wolf sticking up for me against the mate of the owner of the island. “We were
bastards, but we didn’t know. How could you make a joke?”
“Taye, I just met Meriel earlier today,” I explained gently as I darted between them. “I’m not
sure he even knows I’m an Omega. He lived mostly around humans and in a cut off dire pack that
didn’t interact with other wolves from what I know.”
“What did I say wrong now?” Meriel asked his mate, Baptista, quietly. “I’m always fucking up.
Can I just go back to not saying anything at group stuff?”
I heard Baptista muttering under his breath. Meriel’s head snapped up as he glanced between
me and Taye for a second before he jumped to his feet and looked at his mates.
“I wasn’t hitting on another man. I swear it. I was just trying to be nice because it bothers you
guys that no one likes me and they all think I’m a pompous ass. I try. I really try. I just—” He shook
his head before bolting out of there.
“He didn’t know. Meriel wouldn’t ever hurt someone or bring up something painful,” Baptista
assured me as he got to his feet. “He’s not good with groups.”
“Well I’m not upset. Everyone can’t know my sordid past and it was nice to be teased like I
wasn’t a freak who was forced to do porn,” I told my friend. “And I like your mate. When I talked to
him earlier, I thought he was very nice and totally sweet. So please tell him he’s too hard on himself.
I’ve not heard one person say anything unkind about him. It’s difficult being the outsider of a large
group. We’ll figure it out.”
“Thanks, Gid.” He jogged after his mate but the other two stayed.
“I didn’t know you just met him today. I’m sorry,” Taye muttered and hung his head. “Now
you’re going to be even more upset with me.”
“No, not even.” I stood on my toes and he got the idea, leaning down. I kissed his cheek and
rubbed his naked chest with my hand. “Thank you for immediately coming to my defense. It was your
instant reaction and had nothing to do with Niall and everything to do with me. I appreciated it.”
“I care for you, Gideon. Not just because you’re important to Niall,” he said fondly.
“I believe you now that you’re not all muddled.” He smiled and went to sit back down,
understanding when not to push his luck. Good man. “Okay, now that we’ve had intermission.” That
got me a few laughs. “On to the schedules.”
“Class schedules for the kids?” Dewey asked hopefully. “Percy and Taggart told me what they
talked with you about.”
“Not just for the kids. For all of us,” I chuckled. “We’re all incredibly stressed out. They were
fighting over a stove because we’re all freaking out about how our lives have drastically changed and
scrambling to get things up and running instead of taking some time to enjoy some of the aspects of the
island except when you guys are so burnt out you get drunk and have a party. Or from what I’ve been
told because I haven’t been here.”
“That’s pretty accurate,” Wesley drawled. “What’s the plan?”
“Optional sunrise meditation or yoga five days a week. I do it every morning about that time
anyways so it’s no big for me to teach it,” I said, lying through my teeth. Well, about the teaching part.
“And then again at sunset before drinks and dinner time. Time for everyone to get back into shape.
After morning yoga or meditation, someone needs to start leading Marine and other training or
“Or something?” Carter snickered with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’m asking for help in the plan. Wanna contribute?” I challenged.
“I will, my darling,” Ciro purred as he jumped to his feet and was almost instantly at my side.
“You teach us to relax, help the Omegas learn control, and keep us all flexible and limber for our
mates”—he shot Carter a look that clearly warned him to shut the fuck up—”and I’ll handle keeping
us all fit after constantly eating Nancy and Asher’s fine cooking. It will help with the patrols and
guard rotations too.”
“Plus a good exercise routine will help the kids activated early focus and learn control better,”
I explained to Dewey and his mates.
“I didn’t know that,” he replied, his eyebrows shooting up. “Really? How did you figure that
“Different way to burn off energy.” I shrugged. “I used to tire myself out so I didn’t have
accidents. As long as they’re not like some of you guys who gain energy when you use energy, it
should work.”
“No, it’s more when I call on a lot of energy I start crackling with it,” Tristan hedged and the
others nodded. “Okay so meditation or yoga, then working out. Next?”
“Kiddies go to school and one of us teaches each other a class three days a week after breakfast
for an hour or two so we can all learn what the others know,” I answered. “Wesley was right. I
shouldn’t know how to control and focus my energy as I do and not have shared that information with
you guys.”
“No, I shouldn’t have said it like that. I was a bastard,” he argued. “I’m sorry, Gideon. We
were just so frustrated and so many were hurting, practically ripping themselves apart trying to—”
“Yeah, Percy told me,” I whispered as I glanced at Brody. “I’m sorry. If I had known I would
have told you or helped no matter how shitty it was for me to share.”
“Baptista too but he didn’t tell anyone,” Brody sighed. “I think the moral of the story is we need
to fucking just start opening up and realize no one’s going to judge each other and we’ve all had shitty
“Hopefully having these classes helps.” I shrugged. “At least that’s the goal I got from Wes,
Carson, and Tristan. And the classes are your guys’ baby. Monday, Wednesday, Friday we’re there
be taught or teach what we know because we’re in this together. That gives us four other mornings to
practice, explore life as free men on our own.
“Afternoons to go on the trips, help on the project to raise money for food, fishing, or whatever
else we can do to make money or jobs. Personally, I’m all about picking the fruit since it’s easy for
me to use my power to chop it at the source. But I can get whatever other plants or herbs are needed.
We can do this as a family and take into account whatever special considerations we each need.”
“So what is your special consideration you’re asking for?” one of the kids’ teachers asked. I
hadn’t gotten their names yet.
“I was forced to do internet porn in my last pack for years,” I answered, feeling a little like I
was at a support group or something. “Some were videos before internet porn was big I think. I don’t
know all the details really. Technology pretty much freaks me out though. Computers, TVs, phones,
cameras, the works. I’ll use them if I have to, but yeah, having me watch security monitors for
surveillance shifts would be my version of hell.
“So my special consideration is to keep the tech jobs away from me. Boats, four-wheelers,
wood burning stoves, and helping in the kitchen are all fine. Hooking up the cable is a no go, and I
wouldn’t even know where to start.”
“That’s more than fair,” the guy agreed with a nod, giving me a sad, knowing smile. “We all
have our crosses to bear in life and things we just can’t handle.” As much as I appreciated the
support, I couldn’t help but wonder what his story was and cross he bore.
Chapter 11
The next few days were wonderful. Things were falling into place nicely. I was shocked when,
after our group meeting, lots of people showed up for my first meditation class that next morning.
Pretty much everyone actually. And while the kids had been dragged out there by their adoptive
parents, I could tell by the end they were much more interested in learning about it when they
understood this could help them.
I wasn’t as excited about Ciro’s workout program as he’d been about my class. I got about ten
minutes into it and wanted to die.
“Pick it up, people!” he barked out in that sexy Marine voice as a bunch of us fell behind.
“Is your man trying to kill us?” Wesley asked as he squatted down next to me.
“Apparently. And here I thought he loved me.” I flopped to the sand and promised myself to
keep trying but I was done for the day. On the bright side, Ciro gave me a gold star and hot sex in the
shower for my effort when he was done and found me in our suite trying to recover still.
And I learned in my first Omega class how to give orgasms from a distance. It seemed that was
the one thing everyone agreed we wanted to learn first. No, we weren’t dirty fuckers. Then again,
with how much shit our powers caused, it was nice to have something fun to say we could use them
After that I was determined to try and figure out what I liked in my “free” morning time. Over
the next few days I learned I didn’t like helping in the kitchen. Asher was really picky and Nancy had
a routine in the way she did things that made me just feel in the way, so yeah, so wasn’t fun to me. I
also didn’t like working with the caught fish and getting them ready for sale.
For one… They smelled really gross and fishy. I had a feeling if I did that as a fill-in job
anymore, I’d never be able to eat seafood. And the third day I just helped chop firewood in the
morning because it was needed now that they got the three stoves for the food money project. So I
was kind of bummed I didn’t find my thing but at the same time I liked my job of picking the fruit and
everything else in the afternoon so that put me ahead I figured.
I mean, most people could go years and years looking for a job they liked and not find one. I
just worried it would get old since it wasn’t anything I really had to know anything about and simple
manual labor. Maybe that’s why I was checking out other jobs instead of hobbies like the others were
in their free time? Ciro told me I’d figure it out and not to stress about it so I tried not to.
I assumed that’s why I kept finding wonderful presents at my door, his way of supporting and
encouraging me. At first it was fun just to give him kisses and winks as thank yous, like it was our
little secret since they were such sweet tokens. But then I couldn’t keep it in anymore when he
actually found me an oyster with a pearl inside!
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” I gushed as I jumped him, not caring that I did it to him in
the middle of training and was practically humping him in front of all of his friends. “I love it and
“Okay, seriously, what do you keep thanking me for, Gideon?” Ciro pulled away his eyebrows
drawn together, and I felt the waves of confusion coming off him… And frustration.
“All my gifts you keep leaving me,” I blurted out. I pulled the pearl out of my pocket and held it
up to him. “I’ve never been so romanced and thought it was so cool that my secret admirer was in my
bed and loved me.”
His face fell and he glanced away as he moved out of my arms. “It’s not me. You have a secret
admirer all right. You give me too much credit it seems because I’m not romantic at all. It didn’t cross
my mind to give you gifts. I thought you’ve been finding that stuff that’s been collecting on your
dresser. Another man’s been wooing you right under my nose, and I’ve completely missed it.”
“Ciro, wait,” I whimpered. I watched as his heart practically broke right in front of me. He
shook his head and walked away, not even caring that he had training to finish. Of course it was his
brother’s gaze I met first. “It never crossed my mind it wasn’t him.”
“Ciro’s hard on himself,” Ollie sighed. “We’re soldiers, Gideon. We’re not very romantic.”
“Bullshit,” I snapped. “He’s very romantic. That’s why I assumed it was him. Ciro’s perfect
just as he is. I know he loves me, and I never doubt it. That’s worth more to me than a million pearls.”
“But you were excited over the pearl.”
“And I’m excited every time he tells me he loves me,” I argued. Then it hit me. “It has to be
Niall. He’s trying to make up for what he did to me. Ciro will understand that.”
“Make sure before you tell this to my brother,” Ollie suggested, staring after Ciro. “He loves
you, and I know he’s never been in love before, Gideon. He gets that an Omega needs three, but it’s
hard being the one who loves the Omega, believe me. It’s a constant fear that you might not be the one
you guys love most.”
“I have enough love to love all three equally if I decide to even take three,” I muttered. “I don’t
have to be grounded like the others, and Ciro’s the only one I do love.”
“Might be time to be honest with yourself about that.” There was no judgment in Ollie’s voice
but I still winced. He had a point there. We’d been sitting at meals with Niall and Taye, getting to
know them as well as talking with them a few different times. I was pretty sure I’d fallen for both of
them, Niall for sure.
And if Ollie had seen it, then Ciro had for sure. I nodded and headed off to find Niall. He was
in the shed-turned-workshop, having taken to making Taggart’s recipes for special creams and
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” he asked with a bright smile when he saw me. “Come to
hang out while I mix up some healing lotion?”
“Maybe later but I wanted to ask you something.” I waited until he nodded and took a deep
breath to calm my nerves, of course, still blurting out what I wanted to ask like a goober. “Have you
been leaving presents for me at my door?”
Niall blinked at me a moment while he registered my question. “No, sorry, Gideon. I should
have though. That would have been a good way to woo you and show you how much you mean to me
but you asked for time and some space and I took that as not putting pressure on you. I picked flowers
for you one day and decided against giving them to you because I thought it would seem like a ploy
into tricking you into finding me to thank me.”
“You would never do anything so underhanded.” Now it was my turn to be shocked. “You’re
not like that, Niall.”
“Thanks for knowing that.” He gave me a real smile and stopped stirring, wiping his hands on a
towel. “Does that mean if I hypothetically did bring you flowers they’d be welcomed?”
“Yes, very much so.” I felt my cheeks flush as I stared up at him. “Among other things.”
His eyes flashed something I didn’t catch as his arm snaked around my waist. “Are you talking
gifts?” I shook my head and in a flash his mouth was on mine. I kissed him back a moment before
pulling away. “Too soon?”
“No, but I have to talk with Ciro and figure out who’s leaving me gifts. He got upset I have an
admirer and he’s hurt. I don’t want him to hear I was making out with you when he is.”
“No, I don’t want that either. I like him.” He smiled and caressed my cheek with just the tips of
his fingers. “If it’s not me and it’s not Ciro, I think you know who it is, Gideon.” I shrugged a moment
and he just chuckled. “It will come to you. Go check out the garage maybe before you search for Ciro
and make sure he’s okay.”
“Um, that’s it?”
“Yeah. Believe me that you don’t want me ruining the surprise.” He gave me another quick kiss
and stepped back. “I’ve missed being able to do that.”
“Me too,” I admitted. I saw lust flare in his eyes and practically bolted from the workshop
before I said something else and we got distracted… Or naked. The chemistry between Niall and I
was never the problem. And now that everything else had been mostly worked out, I was dying to
remember what it was like to be in his arms and feel him in every way.
I paused at the door to the garage wondering why Niall was being so vague. I mean, the only
one I thought he would even imply was Taye of course. I wasn’t dense but that just didn’t seem likely
to me. I knew his feelings towards me were genuine now that the curse was lifted, and he did like me,
but there was still something he was hiding or holding back.
Which kept me and all of us from taking that next step.
When I went inside, I felt the presence I had that first day picking fruit and every time since. It
was clear now though instead of fuzzy and distant. “Hello?” I knew who it was though so why was I
asking? Shock? Maybe because I’d never been around him alone before without others even being
close and the realization was throwing me?
“Gideon? What are you doing in here?” Taye hedged as he rolled out from under the tractor
looking thing that was up on blocks. “Is everything okay?”
“Niall pointed me in this direction when I asked him if he’s been leaving me gifts,” I whispered
as I stared at him, feeling like I’d maybe never seen him before or something. “It’s you, isn’t it?”
He licked his lips as he sat up slowly and then nodded. “Are you mad?”
“No. Why would I be mad?”
“I don’t know but you look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”
“You’ve been coming out to the orchard with me too, haven’t you?”
“Yes.” He rubbed his hands over his head as he moved his knees up and rested his elbows on
them. “I can explain that though. Don’t be pissed at me.”
“Okay, explain it then.”
“I-I know you wanted space and t-to be alone. I-I just thought w-we didn’t know much a-about
the i-island. And I’d heard someone had been taken off it once and the groves are several miles away
from the mansion, so if you were in trouble or screamed, no one would get to you in time.
“Also, sometimes when we want to be alone we don’t really want to be that alone and you’re
from Chicago so I didn’t want you to freak out that you were in the middle of nowhere and end up
stranded,” he stuttered and rambled as he stared at a spot on the ground. “I was just worried. I mean
we messed up so badly. I messed up so badly and I didn’t know that I hadn’t reactivated your PTSD
because I don’t know anything about it.
“What if I did and you had an episode right in the trees? And it was my fault and you got hurt?
I’d never forgive myself. So I’d go for a run in wolf form when you were fruit picking or to fill what
was needed on the list. I didn’t want to hover and act like you couldn’t take care of yourself or know
what’s best for you. I’d just run and clear my head, looping around the general area you were in so I
could hear you if you needed someone.”
“Taye, I’m not mad,” I said gently when I saw he was taking a deep breath to continue
rambling. “I think it’s really sweet actually. Thank you.”
“Yeah?” he breathed, finally raising his head and meeting my gaze. I nodded and he sighed.
“And the gifts?”
“Apology presents,” he muttered, instantly looking away again.
“Taye, you’ve more than apologized and I’ve forgiven you,” I reminded him as I moved closer
and knelt between his legs, making room for me.
“Not for what we’ve talked about,” he choked out, his eyes squeezed shut tight. “For so much
more, Gideon. I’ve been so horrid and unfair to you and you’re so wonderful.”
“Is this what you’ve been keeping and holding back from me?” He slowly nodded after a
moment. “Will you tell me now? Please? I want to move forward, Taye.”
“I want to as well but I don’t think you’ll be able to forgive me and then it really will be my
fault that none of us will be together and that would kill me.”
“I think you need to give me more credit than that.”
He looked up and searched my eyes for a moment. “Will you promise me something?”
“Depends but I’ll try,” I hedged.
“That’s fair. If you can’t forgive me, will you and Ciro still love Niall? If I leave, will you guys
love and claim him? I don’t want him to have to choose and him to lose out on your love because I
fucked everything up.”
“Taye, it can’t be that bad,” I gasped. “And no, I won’t promise that because the choice should
be up to Niall. Just trust that you mean a lot to me and there’s pretty much nothing I wouldn’t forgive
“I wouldn’t forgive me but you have a right to know.” He took a shaky breath then looked off
over my shoulder, not really focusing on anything. “I was so pissed when you showed up to our pack.
God, I was mad. Here I was thinking it was going to be some Omega that wouldn’t ever cut it in the
mountains, away from most modern conveniences like cable, internet, and cell phones.
“I mean, not that Omegas as a group can’t handle that, but most people don’t come to our pack
and go sure, I’ll give all that up after living life like that. Hell, I hated it after having spent time with
other packs making alliances and handling things for Alpha Gifford. So I had it all set in my head that
whatever Omega that was going to visit would just be a blip on the calendar and would run right back
to Chicago.
“Then I could tell Declan we were good hosts and I did my friend a favor because he’s a good
guy. But then it was you. I just about fucking shit a brick when I saw you, instantly recognizing you as
Niall’s crush and fantasy man for years. I mean, it was like fate served up his biggest dream right to
his doorstep and you were going to ruin everything. And here I was so in love with him and I’d been
waiting for years for what was right around the corner.”
“Right around the corner?” I asked, following him up until then.
“You were around Alpha Gifford enough to know he couldn’t lead much longer. Niall wouldn’t
challenge him but the Alpha was grooming Niall to take over soon. We would lead the pack and I
would devote myself to that and him. I would be his Beta and mate. Once I was his Beta, if he hadn’t
figured out how I truly felt by then, I knew I would tell him. I mean, Niall’s still young compared to
me and honestly I’ve loved him before I probably should even have.
“But just a little longer and I could have had my dream maybe. Then you show up and it was
like I saw it all go up in that moment. I was so rude to you, wanting you to leave.”
I felt my jaw drop open. “No, you weren’t! Sure you didn’t roll out the red carpet and wait on
me hand and foot but, Taye, you weren’t rude to me.” If he thought he’d been rude to me, then he had
the best manners in the world. Yeah, he’d been a little growly at times, but who wasn’t when they
didn’t have a choice when a stranger visits for weeks in their home?
“I was compared to how I would have treated a normal guest the first few days,” he whispered.
“But then I saw how you instantly clicked with Niall and I liked you. I mean, really liked you as I
spent time with you which pissed me off even more. Why did you have to be so sweet and nice? It
was killing me that you couldn’t just be a jerk so I could push you out the door before you took Niall
away from me.”
“This isn’t anything I need to forgive you for, Taye,” I hedged when he got quiet, lost in the
He shook his head again before speaking. “And then the shit went down with Alpha Gifford and
the visitor from Nashville. I knew Niall would want to get you out so I came up with a way to get us
all out before he did something stupid, cursing you the whole time for ruining everything, taking us
from our home even though none of it was your fault and you were the victim.”
“And he left you behind,” I finished, knowing how much that had hurt him.
“And he left me behind for you,” he choked out. “Niall swears that he was going to get word to
me where you guys went when you got there so I could meet up with you if I wanted but he didn’t
know if I was on his side at the time and he couldn’t risk it.”
“I believe him, don’t you? Niall’s not a liar.”
“I know. He’s telling the truth and it kills him that he hurt me.” He met my gaze then. “But I
hated you in that moment. The man I loved chose you over me. I was so angry that I actually thought
for a second of ditching you and taking Niall. I thought it, Gideon, even with how much I liked you
“Oh, Taye. We can’t help the fleeting thoughts we have when we’re upset. I don’t blame you for
“You should. I do!” He pulled away and jumped to his feet. “Especially because you saved
Niall. Him running with you, even if it left me behind, was the best thing for him over staying in that
pack with his abusive father. And it had all been right in front of me. I missed it! I loved him and it
had been my job to protect him and I’d missed it. So here I’m pissed at you and you were the one who
saved him. Isn’t that just the kicker?
“And still I was a dick to you in the motel! I didn’t mean to push you so hard, I swear I didn’t. I
really did think you were accidentally hurting him with Omega powers or something. That’s why I
pushed you. But then Niall admitted he loved me, and all I kept thinking was, Ha! He likes you,
Gideon, but he loves me. Take that! So he might have run with you but I mattered more. And I
wanted to rub it in your face which makes me such a bastard.
“You were facing hell, barely knew us, saved Niall, and I’m smirking at you that Niall
confessed his love for me in front of you. Who does that? What kind of heartless bastard actually has
that reaction to hearing the man he loves wants to be with him?”
“But that wasn’t your first reaction, was it?” I clarified.
“Well no, but the top five,” he answered as he paced across the garage. Then he threw his
hands in the air. “The point is I shouldn’t have thought it at all.”
“Taye, you were already being effected by the curse at that point,” I reminded gently. “You
went through quite an upset too leaving your home, thinking Niall was willing to leave you behind,
and risking everything to get me out, traveling to you didn’t even know where, and leaving your fate
and Niall’s up to the vampires. You were more than allowed some pettiness and a little bitchy
“How can you just excuse my behavior like that? It’s been killing me! And then I was such a
jerk to you on the boat ride over here when my wolf freaked out about not being on land, and I
couldn’t get a bearing on how I felt about anything. One minute I was half in love with you and then it
was like the next I wanted to throw you overboard because I saw you as a threat to taking Niall away
from me.”
“That wasn’t you. That was the curse.” I got to my feet and hugged him. “You didn’t throw me
overboard. You were a crab, sure, but so was Niall, and I didn’t handle things the best. The curse
thing was screwing with all of us, and Edric kept saying that he didn’t even know how you were still
standing. You’re being too hard on yourself. What else do you need to tell me?”
“What do you mean?” He pulled back and stared down at me.
“What else have you been keeping from me that you’re so worried I won’t forgive you?”
“Isn’t that enough? I can’t see how you could forgive me all that!”
“Seriously? That’s it? That’s what you’ve been leaving me apology presents over and so
worried about?” I felt my eyes just about bug out of my head.
“Yes!” he bellowed, completely exasperated with me. I couldn’t help it. I threw back my head
and laughed until my sides hurt.
“You had a dark curse placed on you, Taye. You had a few pissy thoughts and acted like a crab.
You’re behaving like you tried to smother me with a pillow in my sleep. I’m not even mad much less
ready to banish you or never going to forgive you. You’re way too hard on yourself.”
“Really,” I assured him. “I love the gifts though and I plan on thanking you properly after I fix
things with Ciro and make sure he’s okay.”
I felt a sharp fear race through Taye. “Is he okay? What happened?” So Taye cared and liked
Ciro too. Interesting.
“I thought the gifts were from him,” I sighed and filled him in.
“You should go find him and make sure he’s okay. He’s a good man.” He cleared his throat and
looked away.
“Who you want,” I purred. “That’s hot.”
“What?” he choked out, his gaze darting to mine. “You’re okay with that?”
“Um, yeah,” I giggled. “As long as you’re not planning on kicking me out of the bed, I’m more
than okay with it.”
In a flash I was up in Taye’s arms and pressed against the wall. “Never,” he growled against
my lips. “I love you and Niall, Gideon Swain. I like Ciro and want him, but I’ve fallen deeply in love
with you.”
“Good.” I shivered at the intensity of his words and desire. “I’m getting there but I know I care
genuinely for you and it would kill me to lose you now that I know what you feel for me is real. No
more hiding things though, Taye. We have to be open with each other.”
“I promise, baby.”
“Glad we settled that. Now kiss me before I go find our man and make things all better with
“My pleasure.” Taye complied, kissing me silly to the point that when he set me on my feet I
wobbled and walked on an angle for a few steps while I got my bearings.
Damn, that man knew how to kiss. All three of them did actually.
Didn’t that just make me a lucky, lucky bastard?
Chapter 12
Taye had insisted on coming with me, saying he could smell better and find Ciro faster instead
of me wandering the island and maybe ending up lost or falling off a ridge since the island had tons of
them. I thought it was sweet and I hadn’t scouted much of our terrain yet so it could be a completely
valid fear.
We found them down the beach, miles from the mansion on an inlet. It seemed Niall had gone
after Ciro when I’d left him, worried as well, because from what I could hear already it was obvious
they’d been talking for a while.
“He loves you, Ciro. You have to know that,” Niall assured him. “He looks at you like you
hang the sun and the moon just for him every morning and night. Hell, if I didn’t want to be with you
as well as Gideon, I’d be jealous. Taye feels guilt deeper than others. He’s had a rough life and he’s
coming to terms with all of this. He hates that I was abused still when he first became Beta and didn’t
see it.”
“Rough life? What does that even mean?” That might have been the point Ciro focused on, but I
saw the look of lust he shot Niall. I froze and slowly glanced at Taye who just stood there and
watched from our hidden spot in the foliage.
“I wasn’t alive when it happened. I only heard stories but his mom went crazy when his dad
died.” Niall rubbed his hands over his deep auburn hair. “He was the oldest and while I don’t think it
ever turned into the kind of abuse I suffered, like sexual, she used to call him his dad’s name, treat
him as if he were his father. She transferred everything to him, ignoring his dad ever died.”
“Holy shit,” Ciro gasped. I reached over and wrapped my arms around the closest of Taye’s.
“Didn’t the pack do anything?”
“He didn’t tell anyone. What would they have done? Put her down like a rabid dog? You know
how they can be with human mates sometimes and this was twenty years ago. I mean, he’s forty and he
was twenty when his dad died I think. And it’s not like he could get her mental help from humans. She
could talk about there being wolves. So he handled it, guilt eating him that he couldn’t fix it, that his
brothers and sister grew up in that environment.”
“What happened to his siblings? Where are they now?” I glanced up at Taye, wanting to know
the answer to Ciro’s question as well.
“His sister lives a normal human life, married to a human man. She loves her brothers but hates
the way wolves do things and wants no part of this world.”
“I can’t say I blame her,” I mumbled. “I might make the same choice if I had the option.”
“She’s a good woman and mother,” Taye uttered fondly. “She didn’t want that life for her
children or family. She’d seen too much and how our pack especially treated the humans even if they
were born of wolves.”
“One brother lives in one of the New York packs and the other, I’m not really sure. I think he
died. Taye won’t talk about him,” Niall rambled and I felt fear in Taye. He went rigid next to me, and
I sighed, starting to pull away.
“I guess that no secrets thing lasted ten minutes,” I griped.
“He’s an Omega,” Taye whispered so quietly I barely heard him. “I was the only one who saw
his first shift. I lied and said he didn’t make it and hid him. Niall suspects but doesn’t even know for
sure. I was going to talk to you about bringing him here when we knew if we were staying and we
could work things out between us, maybe my other brother too because he’s a Beta who hates it.”
“Thank you for trusting me and of course we’ll get your brother out,” I assured him. Taye
sighed in relief and hugged me back against him, making sure I had a view of what was going on, and
I realized I’d missed some of the interaction between Ciro and Niall… Because they were shoving
each other.
“I’m sorry you both had shit thrown at you, but I did too,” Ciro growled as he pushed Niall
again. “That doesn’t mean you know Gideon better than I do or can be better for him! I’d do anything
for him. I’ll give him all the flowers and shells and pearls this island has to offer.”
“I didn’t mean to do this,” Taye rasped in a heartbroken tone.
“I know. We’ve all been in a holding pattern with what we’re doing here. It’s complex trying to
bring four people together.” I rubbed his arms and wondered if we should let them know we were
there, get involved maybe?
“We don’t want to take him away, Ciro! That’s what you’re missing. Taye and I want Gideon
too. As in join in your relationship.”
“I know,” Ciro panted, not pushing Niall this time but fisting his shirt. It’s not like the man
could go anywhere, his back pressed up against the tree. “I know you do. It’s not that I don’t want that
too. I just need you to know the lengths I’m willing to go to keep Gideon in my life. I’d do anything,
do you understand me?”
“Are you threatening me?” Niall gasped as he shook, his eyes going wide. I felt Taye flinch and
his muscles bunch as if ready to strike.
“He’s not,” I hissed, knowing Ciro better than anyone.
“No,” Ciro growled and then ripped Niall’s shirt in two. “I don’t threaten those I care for. I
bribe.” He grabbed handfuls of Niall’s hair and yanked his head down, kissing him with a fever of
passion and growls. Holy shit!
“Wow.” Taye cleared his throat and I just nodded. That was an interesting turn when we’d
come out here to comfort Ciro and explain some things to him. I watched the two men I loved making
out, Ciro definitely in charge of the younger man, and totally getting off on Niall’s submission.
And so was Taye it seemed from the way his hands went from hugging me to massaging my hip
“Promise you’ll never take him from me,” Ciro ordered as he stroked Niall’s now free cock. It
was funny because Niall’s jeans were in shreds, mostly on the ground but a few scraps hanging onto
“I want you both and Taye,” Niall whimpered. “I won’t take him.”
“Swear it and I’ll give you more.” Ciro dropped to his knees and licked the head of Niall’s
cock. Niall shivered and reached back, practically clawing at the tree. “Babe, have you gotten head
“Only Taye and Gideon. Your tongue feels different than theirs. Just as good but different.”
Niall looked like he was seconds from becoming completely unhinged.
“I didn’t know we were the only two to blow him,” Taye hissed as his hand found its way into
the front of my shorts. “That’s hot.”
“You guys are the only ones to do it to me,” I gasped. “I have lube in my pocket.”
“Why do you have that?”
“I originally came to thank Ciro for the gifts.” Taye flinched and I decided to take the leap Ciro
was. It was time dammit. No more dancing. “But apparently I was supposed to offer the thanks to
“The same thanks is mine?” he hedged.
“Yes.” In a flash, he got the lube out, ripped the back of my shorts, and a slicked finger was in
my ass as he stroked me. Fuck I’d forgotten how big his fingers were.
“Swear it to me and I’ll blow you so good right now,” Ciro taunted Niall again.
“I don’t want it if that’s the only reason you’d do it,” Niall bitched, grabbing Ciro’s shoulders
and trying to push him away.
“I never said it was the only reason.” He sucked on the head a bit, Niall stopping his struggles
and practically melting against the tree. “I just want this discussion and issue handled before we get
on to the fun. Then we go find Gideon and tell him we tested the chemistry between us, we like each
other, and take our man to bed.”
“And Taye?”
“I like Taye, but he’s hiding something still from Gideon,” Ciro hedged. “He’s not out, but I’m
not fully in with him. I need more time.”
“Fair enough. I swear to you that I will never, ever, try to, endeavor to, or take Gideon away
from you,” Niall pledged. Then he growled and grabbed Ciro’s head roughly and went all Alpha.
“Now stop fucking teasing me and swallow my damn cock before I choke you with it I’m so out of my
mind because you drove me nuts.”
I felt my eyes go as wide as Ciro’s did as the man accepted Niall’s cock. It seemed Niall’s
Alpha side could come out now and again even if he was only twenty-one.
“That was hot,” Taye groaned. “I want him to boss me around like that in bed one day.”
“Yeah, I love when he did that to me,” I agreed. Taye pushed in another finger, and I screamed
as I came, his big hand pumping my cock so perfectly. I fell over the edge into bliss as I held onto the
man who brought me it and I’d fallen for as well. I heard something off in the distance and figured it
was Taye preparing to take things to the next level.
Which I was so all about. I mean really ready for. I slumped in Taye’s arms as I gasped for air,
still trying to push my ass up as if telling him I was a go for fucking even if I couldn’t talk.
“Spying, Gideon?” Ciro purred. As his face was suddenly in front of mine.
“No,” I squeaked, totally busted. “Came to check on you. Ollie said to make sure I knew who
gave me the gifts before talking to you and Taye wanted to make sure you were okay too and we
walked up and didn’t want to interrupt and then you jumped Niall and it was hot.”
“So was watching you blow while Ciro’s talented mouth got me off,” Niall moaned. I tilted my
neck to see him, realizing I was using Taye’s arms like a swing almost. I gasped as Niall’s finger
joined the two of Taye’s in my ass. “Oh, I think he needs this.”
“Let me see.” Ciro gave me an evil smile and reached behind me. I cried out when his finger
joined in, my body not really ready for it and the burning racing through all my nerves.
“Oh god. Never thought all three of you would tease me like this,” I gushed, ready to beg like a
slut so they wouldn’t stop. But instead I went way in the other direction. “I love you all!”
“What?” someone gasped as their hands stilled.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, hanging my head and trying to hide as I pulled away. “That wasn’t the
right time to say that. It was just on my mind after Taye cleared the air, and I realized I did. I’m sorry.
Don’t be mad.”
“I think it’s perfect,” Taye assured me as he laid me on my back on a fallen tree so I could see
him, keeping his fingers inside me as he teased my body. I got just a glimpse of his bright smile before
he kissed me. “Just like you, babe.”
“It is?” I moaned as Niall and Ciro pulled off my shorts and spread my legs wide.
“Yeah. You told us as we’re finally all coming together. You brought us all together and here
we all want to please you, love you, and you’re giving us your heart. I think it’s amazing.”
“I do too,” Niall agreed. Ciro nodded and bit his lip.
“What is it?” I asked him as I grabbed his free hand. “Be honest with me.”
“It is great. I’m just also glad you’re not upset at what you saw me do with Niall. We haven’t
even discussed it and then you walked up on us making out.”
“You’re an idiot,” I growled, probably shocking all three of them. “We’ve been discussing
bringing them into our lives and bed for days. Did you think that just meant only I would touch them?
Of course that gave you the green light too!”
He narrowed his eyes dangerously at me but I saw a glint in them that didn’t make me worry.
“Well then I’m going to fuck Niall senseless while Taye takes you like he’s been dying to. And you
and Niall can make out since you two are more than secure in your connection with each other as we
“Only if I get to watch Taye take you later because I’ve been dreaming of that,” I whispered,
filled with a boldness I had no idea was in me or where it came from. Ciro’s gaze shot to Taye’s and
I watched their reaction as I held my breath as they stared at each other.
“That would be so hot,” Niall moaned. “Gideon and I would just watch, wouldn’t we, gorgeous
Gideon? Maybe touch and rev up their fun? Make it all about them.”
“Yeah, that would be awesome.” I nodded my head like an idiot, willing to agree to anything to
get them together when I knew they’d be the biggest hurdle.
“Or you could take me if you don’t feel comfortable with the idea yet,” Taye mumbled so
quietly I barely heard him. “I love Gideon but I care for you, Ciro. You are a wonderful man, who
loves with his whole heart, is loyal, moral, and fiercely true to those he cares about. I hope to be one
of those people someday.”
Ciro nodded as he swallowed loudly. “We could try that another time. I’d like that. But I’ve
had the same fantasy Gideon has so I want to. I just never have before so you’d have to go slow,
“I’d never hurt you,” Taye assured him. And then it happened. He reached out and pulled Ciro
towards him. Their mouths met and it was even hotter than I had imagined. Niall and I hugged as we
watched, relieved that we could make this work. I mean, he and I were the ones who had been pulled
in different directions since the beginning. He and Taye had been in love and Ciro and I had been in
Bringing us all together had been one hell of a trip and honestly it hadn’t been easy but it could
have been a lot worse.
“Stop congratulating yourselves and get ready for us,” Taye growled before focusing back on
Ciro. Wow, he saw everything. I quickly made sure I was stretched out for his massive cock as Niall
got himself ready for Ciro.
“Pups these days, I swear,” Ciro chuckled. “They just think they’re so smart.”
“You’re like three years older than me, you jerk,” I snickered as I smacked his hip.
“Mouthy pup.” I stuck my tongue out at him. Niall shot me a wink as Ciro moved between his
“Wow, you old fart. We should get him a walker along with Taye, Gideon. We’re going to have
to take care of them soon.”
“Oh, you’re going to see how old I am,” Ciro snarled and slammed into Niall. He was on his
hands and knees so his face was over me. I had a front row seat for his big smile as he screamed in
“You going to get cheeky too?” Taye inquired as he lifted my legs and rubbed his cock over my
“Nope. I don’t take or fall for the simple shots,” I purred as I rubbed my fingers through the
traces of cum still on my flat stomach. “I prefer to not go for the obvious or be baited so easily.”
“Oh, you’re going down for that next, baby,” Ciro growled.
“I’ll show you obvious,” Niall added.
Taye bit his lip as he pushed inside me, leaning over so his lips were pressed against my ear.
“You will keep us all young and on our toes, babe.”
“That’s the plan. Young, on your toes, turned on, and always desperate to be inside me,” I
“Never doubt we are but you’re so much more than that to us.” I not only heard it in his words
but felt it coming off him… And Niall and Ciro who must have heard me. It was crazy. It was almost
like Ciro wasn’t taking Niall right then, and Niall was playing with me, kissing and reaching between
Taye and I to stroke my cock. No, they were taking me with Taye, all four of us making love together
no matter where the body parts were in whose hole.
It was un-fucking-believable.
“Shit, shit, gonna blow in your tight little ass,” Taye grunted as he got close, leaning back up
and grabbing my hips tighter. “Niall, suck his sweet cock. I want to taste Ciro’s lips again. Gideon,
suck Niall’s.”
“Okay,” we all moaned. Ciro shoved into Niall harder, pushing them up the tree and over us. I
swallowed down Niall’s cock as he did the same, watching Ciro’s dick spear his pretty hole. Just to
be bold, I reached up and fingered Ciro’s hole… And it seemed I started the dominoes that way. Ciro
screamed out, his rhythm faltering as he came and his thighs shaking so hard I could feel them by my
It was so hot it threw me into my climax. Which must have set Taye off because I felt his seed
fill me moments later as Niall’s filled my mouth. As crazy as it might have sounded… I’d never felt
such peace. We’d made it to each other. We were together and worked.
“I like the four of us together,” Ciro muttered as we all pulled apart and they flopped to the
ground. “I change my mind and I’m done worrying that us all being together could ruin what Gideon
and I have over what we could get from all of us as lovers.”
“You didn’t tell me you felt that way,” I hedged, turning slightly so I could see him.
He shrugged and leaned in to kiss me. “You’re in love with Niall and I thought you were with
Taye as well. I didn’t want my insecurities to end up making you pick the two of them over me.”
I grabbed his neck when he went to pull away and growled. “Nothing could make me pick
anyone or anything over you. I love you. If it’s love, I wouldn’t have to choose and we’d work it out
as we have. You’re a part of me, Ciro. I can’t get rid of you any more than I can my heart.”
“Good to know. I love you too, Gideon,” he pledged as his eyes shone with emotion. We shared
another sweet kiss before we all got cleaned up and put on what clothes we could… Which meant
Niall was naked.
“Right, everyone won’t know what we were up to as I walk into the mansion,” he bitched as we
headed back.
“I could walk in naked if it makes you feel better?” I offered, blinking at him innocently. “I
smell like sex, and I’m still unclaimed. Maybe I’ll see Falkner and Harley?”
“No!” they all shouted.
“And we’re claiming you real soon,” Taye added. I felt a thrill go through me. That’s what I’d
been hoping someone would say.
“Can we move into your suite tonight too?” Niall asked hesitantly. I glanced at Ciro who smiled
at the idea.
“Sure,” I giggled and smacked Niall’s ass hard. “I like getting to see you all naked whenever I
want.” I took off running, laughing when I heard them giving chase. This was what I always wanted.
This carefree, fun, light feeling… And loved. God, did I always want that and now I finally felt
Chapter 13
They hadn’t been kidding about wanting to claim me because they did that night. It had taken
some figuring out as they moved into our suite and a few things to talk out but I truly believed it was
what everyone wanted. Taye and Niall also claimed each other but the others were waiting… For
now, but I could see it happening soon.
I was good with that and not pushing things. They called each other mates and accepted it.
They’d bite each other when they recognized how they truly felt.
The next day, like always, there was lots to do. But I kept getting distracted. Or I should say that
people kept distracting me.
“You just look at me and I need you,” Niall grunted as he slammed his cock into me as I held on
to the railing of our balcony even tighter. “You are so gorgeous, Gideon. Fuck, scream for me, baby.”
“Niall!” I bellowed and came all over the stones as he bit over his mating mark. He moaned
and filled my ass.
“I think we’re missing a show,” he panted in my ear. I couldn’t hear much over the blood
rushing in my ears so I just shrugged. Niall pulled out and lifted me into his arms, carrying me back
into the bedroom. I gasped. He was so right.
“Oh god, yes, Taye,” Ciro moaned as Taye slowly thrust into our hot Marine, testing he was
“I want, I want,” I whimpered.
“Slide under me then, baby,” Ciro offered as he glanced at us. “I’ll suck your cock, Niall.” I
blinked at that one and he shrugged. “Apparently cock in my ass makes me a slut. I’m just going with
“It’s sexy and nothing to be ashamed of when it’s with the men you care about,” Taye reassured
him but I could see his shoulders tense.
“I know. Just explaining the change.” Ciro opened his mouth wide as if saying get this show on
the road. We hurried into position and I cried out as Ciro plunged into my body. We fucked like
rabbits and ten minutes later we were all blowing.
“I need more,” Taye growled when they all moved off me. I didn’t know what he meant, but
then I screamed as he plunged into my body. “Ciro told me how flexible you are and I want to see
I smiled up at him and moved my feet so they touched behind my head. They all moaned and I
thought Taye was going to blow right there. He pounded into my body, whispering sweet words to me
until I couldn’t take anymore. I cried out his name and came so hard I saw stars, barely registering
when he followed me right over.
“We’re so doing that again,” I vowed when my vision cleared of spots. “I don’t think you’ve
ever gone so deep inside of me before.”
“No, it was as heavenly as you are,” he purred.
“So you’re really happy with me?” I hedged, having something to tell him that I thought was
going to piss him off.
“Of course, my love. What’s wrong?” He cupped my cheek and I swallowed loudly before
biting the bullet.
“I lost the pearl. Don’t be mad. I loved it, I swear. When we got back to the room yesterday it
wasn’t in my pocket. I wanted to tell you but everyone was so happy and I didn’t want to ruin it. But
then you guys wanted to do the claiming ceremony right away and it seemed wrong not to tell you so I
was going to but then everything went so fast and I forgot. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Gideon, it’s just a thing,” he soothed gently. “What we have is so much more than a trinket.
I’m sure it was my fault. I wasn’t careful when I was busy getting into your shorts yesterday because I
wanted you so badly.”
“So you’re not mad? I swear I treasured it. I’ve never had one before and I really did love it.”
He plastered on a fake smile and I couldn’t tell what he was feeling but I knew it wasn’t anger.
“Not mad in the slightest. I’m sorry it was lost but it served its purpose in showing you how much you
meant to me. It brought you to me.”
Which was why it hurt so much to lose it. But I couldn’t say that out loud of course.
We hurried to get cleaned up and downstairs to teach my mediation session, ignoring all the
knowing looks.
“Are you going to be on time for anything from now on?” Baptista teased. Yeah, yeah. I’d been
late for dinner, then our mojitos meeting, then my own claiming, and now this. As I said, they kept
distracting me.
When that was done, I ditched out on working out, telling my guys I’d been all worked out for
one morning. They had the grace to look busted though I saw the smirks they were trying to hide, but
in reality I just wanted to sneak off with Baptista so we could talk privately about my plan.
We hurried down to the surveillance room Quilan had upgraded so we could watch the feed
from Lord Ellys’s guys and see what was going on.
“How’s Operation Cloaking working?” Baptista hissed.
“I so didn’t come up with that name, just the idea,” I clarified. “Actually, it was Ciro’s.”
“I hear congratulations are in order, young Gideon,” Lord Ellys said over the com link. “Your
wolf is very much in love with you and has the heart of a warrior. I wish you many years of
“Thank you, sir. He speaks very highly of you too.” And then I had to be a dope. “But I renege
on his offer of his throat. You can have his wrist if you visit. His neck is mine.”
“Of course,” the vampire chuckled as everyone in the room looked at me as if I’d lost my mind.
I just shook my head. I could fill them in later.
The operation went smoothly and the vampires got in and out flawlessly. Everyone was
incredibly excited at what this meant… To say the least. I was over the moon myself.
“One more stop and then we wait,” Baptista said nervously, reaching for my hand.
“Thank you for doing this. You have no idea how much it means to me,” I whispered,
overwhelmed by what my friend and his mate had pulled together for me in such a short time. “I owe
you big time, like forever.”
“It’s what you do for family. Besides, the last minute change ended up not being any big deal.
They got themselves to Lord Ellys’s and caught a ride.” He yanked on my hand and hugged me, a
gesture I was more than willing to return. “I know how hard it was for you to talk with me on the
phone when I was in Denver and you were staying in Chicago but you still did it because you knew I
could open up to you. It was so much easier because you weren’t sitting right there in front of me,
watching me, emotions coming off of you.”
“You needed someone to talk to and I got feeling like what you went through wasn’t as bad to
everyone else. I know some people looked at me like oh, poor porn star and his horrible lot in life.
But I didn’t choose that and it was still abuse. Even the scenes other than the ones I couldn’t walk
away from because they were so bad, they had to pump me with drugs or booze just so I didn’t sob
the whole time.”
“You need to know that those were the only videos Niall liked,” my friend informed me gently
as we separated. “I heard him telling Ciro the other day that the ones he liked watching were the ones
you seemed into.”
“I know.” I winced, rubbing my hand over the back of my neck. “We talked about that after he
told Ciro. He was so upset when I fessed up that I was drugged or drunk. He couldn’t tell from the
videos but I told him that was the point. No one would have wanted to watch if they thought the star
was strung out.”
He nodded and knew to let it go. We waited until we got the all clear that the second package
was picked up. Baptista and I doing a little dance when they were cleared.
“This was the best idea like ever. I’m so excited,” he gushed. “Way better than boats and Edric
is thrilled that his spells worked. And the witches and vampires made friends and you just gave them
both allies, Gideon! There’s way less of them than wolves. You’ve helped our friends if the fucker
Alphas decide to go after them next.”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” I snickered.
“I would,” Wesley agreed with a big smile. “Thank you. My grandfather cared for Lord Ellys
and I hated not being able to rush back to help if he needed it. Though I’m pretty sure that man can
take care of himself.”
I nodded. “Amen to that.”
“But we needed more than boats and this gives us an awesome way to pull out more Omegas if
we need to. You’re da bomb, baby!” Everyone there was high fiving and patting me on the back. I did
feel pretty good about my idea but I’d done it for more selfish reasons than trying to save more
Omegas. I’d done it for my mates. Which wasn’t for me really, but yeah, kinda.
Oh whatever.
“The last package was picked up in Florida so we have only a few hours until they get here,”
Quilan assured us with a smile. “Are we bringing the discussion to the group as to whether we think
it’s smart to go ahead with Project Buy A Helicopter?”
“No, I’m buying one,” Brody told us, giving me a wink before sauntering through the doorway
and into the hall. “I just need to announce it to Lief so he can thank me when I tell him he can pick it
out. I already know he can fly it.”
I just stared after him a moment. “To have money like that,” I breathed, shaking my head.
“Hey, you’re giving your mates some pretty amazing gifts as well,” Baptista reminded me with
a pat on the back.
“Besides, I was going to buy one and have it basically be your mate’s,” Wesley added with a
shrug. “On the contingent that, if we ever need to evacuate, four seats are reserved for my mates and
Now my jaw practically hit the floor when he walked out of the room.
“Well that’s one way to make an exit. We are some of the most socially inept people,” Baptista
snickered, shaking his head. He glanced over at his mate. “Do you know how to fly a chopper?”
“Nope, but we’ve got a bunch of Marines on the island. I’m sure one of them does. I like
Brody’s plan. We should have enough to evacuate with them and the fast boats. You’ve got the escape
sub but we should have a backup in case you can’t get to it.”
“Do what you feel we need to so we’re all safe, my love.” I watched them kiss, feeling their
bond like a physical thing. “Whatever the price. Money means nothing if it costs lives.”
“You have a heart of gold and that means more to me than all the cash in the world,” Quilan
cooed as he wrapped an arm around his mate’s shoulder.
I hoped my men felt the same way when they found out what I’d plotted. I really did.
A few hours later I was just about bouncing as the choppers were coming in. I’d spent the
morning avoiding my men, even skipping lunch so I didn’t have to lie to them about why I was so
wound up and ditching them.
“Gideon!” Ciro bellowed as he came racing over towards me with a very big gun.
“No, it’s fine!” Quilan assured him and the other Marines booking it towards us armed and
ready for a fight. Damn, I hadn’t even thought of that scenario. “We’ll explain in a bit. We were
testing out a theory.”
“You knew and didn’t tell us?” There was so much hurt and anger in his tone and coming off
him in waves as he joined us.
“It was a surprise,” I answered weakly. He said something in reply but I couldn’t hear him over
the aircraft landing but his face said it all. I’d injured him in a way that I wasn’t sure we could
recover from.
I felt tears burning in my eyes as the choppers landed and then powered down. The blades
slowed as the doors opened and I was cold now but not from the wind they generated. Hell, I wasn’t
even blocking my eyes from the sand they kicked up, not even caring anymore.
I turned to leave.
“You went through so much to make this happen and you’re leaving?” Baptista shouted with
wide eyes. Granted I’d changed the plan at the last minute after talking with Taye, but I’d asked for
help and called in favors, putting this in motion days ago.
“Ciro won’t ever forgive me for keeping this from him,” I mumbled. I dodged him when he
reached for me, just wanting to be alone now.
“Mom?” Ciro called out.
Then I heard Taye. “Euclid? But how?”
“Thank your mate,” a deep voice chuckled. “He came up with the idea for a spell to cloak a
chopper I guess. He got me and Bodin out. We snuck into your pack and got all your stuff. No one was
the wiser.”
“Where is this young man?” a female voice asked softly as I kept walking. “I want to meet
“Gideon, come back!” Ciro shouted. I just shook my head and moved along. Why was I acting
like such a baby? This wasn’t me. Then again, I’d been the one pushing everyone to make up, get over
their shit, keep moving forward, and had worked so hard to make this all happen, bring us all
together, and I just couldn’t anymore. Ciro’s distrust and reaction had been like a smack in the face.
Apparently I had a limit of what I could take after all.
“Oh no, brother in law,” Ollie growled as I was suddenly lifted off the ground and tossed over
his shoulder. “You’re not walking away from all this thanks and praise because my baby bro was a
“Just let me go lick my wounds and sulk because my surprise was pissed all over,” I argued.
“Wesley was even buying him a chopper.”
“Wanna be my mate?” Ollie joked. I saw Kiefer flinch and tears fill his eyes from over Ollie’s
shoulder before he turned and ran off. Shit.
I wasn’t getting blamed for that one. Apparently I didn’t have the only brother that was an idiot
“Mom, I’d like you to meet Gideon Swain,” Ollie announced as he set me on my feet. “He’s the
man who set this all up without telling us.”
“Nice to meet you, ma’am,” I greeted as I brushed off my clothes and extended my hand. I’d
never met a mom before. It felt really awkward. She pushed away my hand and pulled me into a hug.
“Thank you so much for this. I’ve not seen my boys in a long time. I was so upset when I heard
it would be tricky for them to come see me at least for a while.” I returned the gesture, patting her
back when I heard her sniffling. “You must love my son very much.”
“I do.” I couldn’t look at him right then, hurt by his distrust, but I did love Ciro.
“How long have you been with Ollie?”
“Oh, no, not Ollie,” I mumbled, my cheeks heating up as we moved apart. Now I wanted to melt
into the sand.
“Gideon’s one of my mate’s, Mom,” Ciro clarified. “He’s a kind, generous, smart, wonderful
man and an Omega. A very gifted one at that.” He went to put his arm around me and I tried to be
subtle as I stepped away. “I’m sorry, Gideon. I was scared out of my mind when I heard the
“I got that. Sorry.” I shrugged again, not sure what else to do. “You should spend time with your
“Gideon, wait, don’t go.” I turned to anyways. “Please?” That did me in and I stopped. “I was
scared for you because I didn’t know where you were. And then you knew what was going on and I
was having trouble shifting gears because I was working on a present for you. I’m sorry. I just needed
a second to catch up. I thought I was finally doing something romantic and it could have cost you your
safety and maybe your life and I felt the fool.”
“What were you doing?” I asked as I looked over my shoulder, glancing up at him.
“I found your pearl.” He pulled it out of his pocket and held it up for me. “You were so upset
that you lost it that I knew I’d search the whole island if I had to.”
“It seemed we all had the same idea though,” Niall chuckled as he bumped Ciro’s shoulder.
“We ended up all meeting over there. So we decided once Ciro found it you deserved more than
“I don’t understand.” I glanced between my three men as my eyebrows scrunched together.
Niall opened his hand and there was the most beautiful pearl bracelet of all different shapes and sizes
and colors. “It’s amazing.”
“Just like our mate. Thank you for my mother’s locket,” he praised as he put it on me.
“Taye said you were devastated you left it behind.” I hugged him and felt two other bodies
wrap around us. “I love you guys.”
“And we love you,” Taye pointed out, his voice cracking. “I can’t believe you brought my
brothers here. How did you pull this off?”
“I wanted to get your stuff and Ciro gave me the idea when he said he asked Lord Ellys about
going in with cloaked vampires to get me out of your pack. Carson said there’s a spell on the island
that cloaks it. I thought there had to be a way to do that to people like Lord Ellys can do and like cars.
I asked Edric and he called Helen and we talked to Baptisa and Quilan once she said there was.
“So then Wesley talked to Lord Ellys who was very excited about the possibility of having a
way to do such a thing without him. He supplied the choppers for the test run to get your guys’ stuff, I
remembered Ciro and Ollie had a mom still alive and I called her and she said she could visit so
Lord Ellys agreed to pick her up on the way. But then after talking to Taye about his brothers and
wanting to bring them here, we changed the plan yesterday.”
I was panting at the end of my ramble, nervous about how they’d react.
“You’re the best mate ever,” Taye gushed as he peppered my face with kisses. Ciro was next as
Niall got the other side of my face. I giggled and playfully pushed them away.
“There’s a mom here, guys,” I drawled.
“I’m not looking,” Mrs. Wilson assured us.
“Can I kiss him for getting me out of that stuffy apartment I hated that I had to hide in among the
human world?” a soft voice asked. I turned and saw a small man, shorter than me even, who looked a
lot like Taye.
“No, but you can hug him, Bodin,” Taye chuckled. “Gideon, meet my brother Bodin. This is my
other brother Euclid.” We all hugged our new in-laws, Ciro and Ollie’s mother setting the standard of
greeting I guess.
“You didn’t tell Ciro he’s getting a chopper that Wesley’s buying him,” Ollie teased. “And he
does know how to fly them. I do too but apparently I’m not awesome enough to get one.”
“My mates can’t fly one, so if you’d stop hurting my friends, I’d buy one and let you be in
charge of it,” Baptista snapped before storming off.
“What did I do?” Ollie asked as his face dropped.
“Someone heard you ask if I could be your mate, joking around, and got upset,” I answered
“Yeah right,” Ollie snickered bitterly. “If it’s who I think you’re implying, he made it very clear
he doesn’t want me.”
“Right, like your brother made it clear to me,” I drawled. “I followed him around for months
trying to get him to notice me and pay me any attention. I thought he didn’t even like me.”
“Oh shit,” Ollie groaned before taking off down the beach.
“I swear I raised idiots,” Mrs. Wilson grumbled, shaking her head. “Okay, you continue
thanking your mate for his kind gesture. Who is showing me to this mansion? I’d love an island
“It would be my pleasure, dear woman,” Quilan offered with a bow. He extended his arm and
gestured everyone to follow him. We laughed and I officially adored Ciro and Ollie’s mother.
“You’re not mad then?” I asked Ciro.
“No, not even a bit. Just a lot of loops and bumps in the road lately. I might not always adjust as
I should sometimes. Forgive me?”
“Yeah,” I sighed as I snuggled against him. “You went for my pearl.”
“That’s why?” he hedged. “Because you wanted the pearl?”
“No, because you knew it was important to me and that mattered to you because you love me. I
wanted the pearl because of what it represented and it brought me to Taye and we worked things out,
which led us all into each other’s arms. In my eyes, it was the domino that finally fell first.”
“Babe, if it hadn’t been that pearl, something else would have, because a love like we all share,
nothing can stop,” Taye promised as he rubbed my back.
I smiled up at him and Niall before winking at Ciro. “I know. It’s a reminder of that too. Pearls
in the wild are rare and yet you found it as we found each other. And like love they can be broken or
can last forever depending on how they’re taken care of.”
“Then we’re just going to have to take care of each other and our mating,” Niall coaxed as he
cupped my cheek.
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” I agreed. And did I ever.
The End
About the Author
Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of cowboys or
pool boys of her own. A lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books; vampire,
werewolf, shape-shifter, military…It’s all good! She loves to get lost in fantasy that only books can
bring. Her wide interest in reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories, romance, or
mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire from Anne Rice’s
Interview with the Vampire series.
For a complete list of Joyee’s books, please visit her website.