'Resistant Omegas 10 Sampson

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Resistant Omegas 10

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After being hidden away for over six y ears by his last Alpha, Sam pson doesn’t know how to be around people. He hates to be the center of attention and m ostly tries to keep away from every one, getting lost in his writing, except for one

person… Who he’s invisible to.

Slate spent m ost of his tim e as a guard at the Chicago pack deny ing how m uch he wanted Sam pson because of the consequences of giving in to tem ptation. But every thing is different now on Lilleulv, right?
Calver has wanted Gareth while in Denver, and the feeling is m utual. All they need is a blond firecracker to bring them together. Both Sam pson and Calver respond to Gareth’s Alpha personality, and even Slate is a welcom e addition if he

could get his head on straight.
But when they try to m anipulate Sam pson, will he call it quits, or is it tim e for som e revenge?
Note: This book is written in first-person point of view.

G enre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Vam pires/Werewolves

Length: 37,026 words

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Resistant Omegas 10
Joyee Flynn


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Copyright © 2013 by Joyee Flynn E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-545-7
First E-book Publication: March 2013
Cover design by Sloan Winters
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead
is strictly coincidental.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Resistant Omegas 10

Copyright © 2013

Chapter 1

“And Carter doesn’t want Sampson,” Marlow said gently as he rubbed Vencentio’s back. “It’s

“How did you know?” Carter whispered as his eyes darted from his men to me. Everyone there
focused on me then and I wanted to melt away with all those people staring at me. I could feel the pity
coming off of them in waves.
“Because it’s who you are,” Marlow chuckled. “You have a big heart and it eats at you that Sampson
was the one abused and while you were both in shitty situations, you found happiness first and the one
who was worse off is still alone and you worry about him.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” he mumbled and then sighed when he saw I started tearing up. I couldn’t cry in
front of all these people and I was so sick of everyone pitying me instead of caring about me. There
was a difference!
I took off over the makeshift dance floor, around the stage Rowan, Hugo, Percy, and Jaxon were on,
and down the beach. I couldn’t stay there with everyone staring at me. I’d been doing everything I
could to fit in, act normal, and move past what happened to me. My writing career helped, but it was
like every time I stuck my head out of my room/writing cave, someone stepped on me. It was too hard
and made me want to keep being alone.
Except I had issues with small places or being in the same place for too long. I was grateful Carson
had given me a massive suite with a balcony. It actually really helped. Lots of times I just jumped
down from my balcony so I didn’t have to see others when I wanted to go for a run.
But this trip was supposed to be different. It was to be the vacation I never had and I was more than
willing to help, be everyone’s cabana boy, and maybe make some friends and some friends. Yeah, I
was lonely in that way too.
I tripped on a dune I thought was smaller than it was and landed in a me-size divot that probably
wasn’t visible from down the beach. Worked for me. It wasn’t like I was trapped or there was a risk
of my being buried alive, it was just that the sand around me swelled up a few feet and hid me. I
turned onto my back, trying to get my emotions under control as I stared up at the stars.
“Gareth, get back here! I called him,” Slate shouted with a slight slur. I froze. Why did he suddenly
care? And he called me? Like calling shotgun for a road trip? I probably should have sat up and let
them know where I was but I wasn’t sure I wanted to open that can of worms.
“You had your chance to make him yours if he was staying with you. I just met him,” Gareth replied,
sounding much closer than Slate was before mumbling under his breath. “And I think he’s the most
beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. He’s like sunlight and I want to bask in it even if it burns me.”
“Really?” I whispered as I sat up slightly so I could see over the top of my hiding spot. I quickly
wiped my eyes, not ready to let someone I didn’t know see me cry. “Why? I’m not worth the risk.”

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Gareth’s head snapped in my direction and he smiled. “I think you might be but if not I can just buy
lots of aloe and burn cream.” He frowned when he glanced over me. “You okay? There’s been a lot
of high emotions flying around and I know you’ve had a rough time lately.”
“Not just lately,” I muttered. “You don’t know what happened to me?”
“No, but I’m always willing to listen if you want to tell me,” he hedged seconds before getting tackled
from behind. They landed hard to the sand and I winced.
“I said he was mine,” Slate snarled, elbowing Gareth in the back of the head. Then he glanced up at
me, his eyes flashing yellow as his wolf tried to come out. I watched as he moved on me like prey and
I shivered, not sure if it was from fear or lust. He looked so hot, so powerful as his large body moved
towards me. “Find another hiding spot, baby?”
“Huh?” I asked, not sure what he meant.
“You like to hide. You hide on runs and hide in your room most of the time,” Slate explained as he
kept moving until he was over me in the hole. He pushed some of the sand around and made room for
“Look, we all came to comfort him,” Calver said with an annoyed tone. I glanced past Slate and saw
the other Beta candidate. Why did they all care? Then I got my answer from Slate and guessed the
same was true for the other two.
“Oh god,” he groaned, his breath smelling like he drank a whole bottle of alcohol. “I knew feeling
your body against mine would be this good.” His hands moved down the back of my tiny swim shorts
as his lips found my neck. “This is such a mistake. A huge, massive, stupid mistake that I’m going to
enjoy every minute of.”
I froze. “Being with me is a mistake?”
“Yes,” he hissed as his hand moved around to the front of my shorts and he cupped my groin. “It’s a
monumental mistake. That’s why I’ve stayed so far away from you but I can’t anymore. It will be
worth the regret later.”
“Get off me,” I whispered as tears burned my eyes… Again. Or still really? Maybe? I couldn’t think
past what he was saying.
“You have the sexiest body I’ve ever seen,” he murmured, not hearing what I said. “And watching
how sweet you’ve been to everyone in these ridiculously small shorts has just been too much and now
you’re starting to tan. Tan looks so good on you, baby.”
“But you’ll regret being with me,” I whimpered as I tried to push him off me.
“Not because I don’t want you. Because it will mean I have to keep you.” He never stopped kissing
my body. “Why aren’t you hard?”
“You want help?” Gareth asked as he and Calver stood at the top of the dune, looking ready to kill
“Yes,” I admitted. Slate was too drunk to realize what was going on and I’m sure he would have
stopped if I had started really fighting or yelling. But I just didn’t have the energy. My heart was
shattered and most of the people back at the party already pitied me. I didn’t want them to hear my
shouting and have something else to feel sorry for me about.
Gareth moved closer and wrapped his massive arm around Slate’s shoulder and neck. “The man said
to get off of him.” He pulled Slate off me roughly who accidently scratched me good when he was
ripped away. And the spot he scratched me really, really was bad.
“Shit,” I hissed in pain as Slate realized he wasn’t on me anymore and started to fight.
“Let me go! I know Sampson likes me,” he growled as he fought Gareth. But the other man had
several things going for him. He was an Alpha candidate and strong as hell. He had about four inches

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on Slate’s six three… And Gareth wasn’t drunk.
“Maybe but he deserves more than you were just saying and offering him,” Gareth growled. “Snap out
of your drunken, lustful haze and ask if this is what he wants.”
Slate flinched as if he had been slapped and focused on me. “You don’t want me?”
“Not like this,” I muttered as I got to my feet. “I won’t be anyone’s regret no matter how much I’ve
wished and prayed that you’d take notice of me.”
“But I want you,” he whimpered, not seeming to comprehend fully what I said. He outstretched his
arms to me like a kid who wanted their bankie. “I waited all this time. I want.”
“Sampson?” Calver whispered as I just stared at the man I loved with tears in my eyes. “Do you want
Gareth to let him go? Do you want him?”
“No, not like this,” I mumbled again as I climbed out of the dune. “I might be pathetic and broken and
everyone pities me but I have enough self-respect left not to let myself be treated like this. I’m going
to my room and locking the door. I don’t want to even see him after what he said.”
“Okay, I’m just going to go dump him in the ocean so he cools off and then we’ll look at those
scratches,” Gareth said as he dragged off a defeated and confused Slate. I almost felt bad for him…
Almost, but not really after what he said to me.
“The scratches are in, um, precarious places mostly,” I muttered as what Gareth said sunk in.
“We know,” Calver said, eyeing me over in a good way. “And you can’t be hurting in places like that.
His hands were shifting into claws when Gareth pulled Slate off of you. They have to hurt bad.”
“Yeah, actually now that my heart isn’t racing and the adrenaline is wearing off they do,” I admitted
as I took a step and winced. Shit, that hurt. In a flash I was up in Calver’s arms. “What’s your last
“That’s what you ask me?” he chuckled as he carried me towards the mansion.
“I figured I should know the full name of my rescuer. I try to know the names of all the men who carry
me around,” I answered, trying to crack a joke.
“Get a lot of men carrying you around?” Anger flashed in Calver’s eyes and my mouth dropped open
as I stared at him.
“Are you jealous? Why would the idea of men carrying me around make you angry?” I whispered as I
scanned him.
“Not nice to read someone’s mind without asking, Sampson,” he chastised gently as his shoulders
moved as if he was shaking off how he’d been feeling. “And my name is Calver Cal Calvert and yes,
it’s the stupidest name ever, but I swear my mom was high when she filled out the birth certificate.”
“That is a funny name,” I admitted with a shy smile. “You must have quite the sense of humor having
grown up with that.”
“More like skin of metal,” he grumbled.
“And I’m sorry I read your feelings but after what I’ve been through I can’t afford to trust anyone no
matter how nice they seem.” He stared at me a moment and then nodded. “And no, I haven’t had a lot
of men carrying me around. Only the guy who rescued me actually.”
“Which was Slate?”
“No, but he was there. Lief carried me out of the closet I’d been in,” I answered when Gareth joined
us. Might as well get this out only once. “The last few months they didn’t come see me for carnal
needs. So I was forgotten. There was a toilet in the modified walk-in closet they kept me in but that
was it. And that last week they didn’t even bring me food. I started drinking out…” I trailed off. There
were some things I still couldn’t say out loud.
“We get it,” Gareth whispered gently. “You weren’t in any condition to walk out of that house on your

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own. Well I don’t want it to be under those kinds of conditions but maybe you’ll let me carry you
another time.”
“I’m not weak or a kid,” I grumbled as he opened the front door and let us inside. “I don’t need to be
carried around.”
“We never said you did,” Calver chuckled. “I’m just an opportunistic bastard who took the excuse to
touch you. And next I’m going to use your wounds to my advantage and get you naked.”
“Oh, well, I don’t need antiseptic,” I panted as Gareth rubbed his hand up my leg.
“Smooth,” he groaned. “Your legs are smooth. Why?”
“After my body was mistreated for so long and not allowed sunlight or well, anything really, and
malnourished, my hair started falling out,” I answered, knowing it wasn’t the sexy one he was
expecting. “It doesn’t grow back in right and looks funny so now I just shave everywhere.”
I watched their sad expressions until I got to that last part. Gareth gave me a heated look.
“Yeah, everywhere.” I bit back a smile when they groaned. They liked me. I could feel it coming off
of them in waves. And they didn’t pity me. They were sad when I told them the bad stuff but it wasn’t
pity. More they were sympathetic I had gone through it. That meant a lot to me. Because I didn’t want
pity… I wanted to get over what happened to me.
“This one?” Gareth asked as we got to one of the smaller rooms down the hall. Since I had my own
one and it was just me instead of a full inner circle, I didn’t need a big one but I had my own
bathroom which was cool. I nodded and snuggled up against Calver as he carried me inside. As much
as I argued I wasn’t a child, being in his arms made me feel something I hadn’t since Lief had carried
me out of my prison. Safe.
“You’re going to have to tell us when to stop,” Calver said in a husky voice as he laid me down on
the bed, his body following mine onto the bed.
“Gareth,” I whispered as my glance darted between them. “What’s your last name?”
“Nanda,” he answered as he slowly knelt on the other side of me. “Yours?”
“Now that we all know each other’s full names I won’t feel that I went too fast when I kiss you,”
Calver said, startling me. I turned to look at him only to move right into the kiss. I gasped in shock,
not really having much kissing experience.
“Open up for him, baby,” Gareth encouraged as he lay down next to me and moved his hand over my
chest. I felt concern coming from him that he thought my lack of experience would embarrass me. He
wanted to help which meant I must have clued them in somehow that I might have been used for years,
but I was never loved on.
I did as he said, Calver moaning in response as his tongue slowly entered my mouth. I wasn’t sure
what to do so I rubbed mine over his and it must have been the right thing because his hands moved up
and grabbed my hair, keeping me against him.
“My turn,” Gareth whimpered. “You start licking his cuts.”
I felt Calver flinch as he toned down the kissing and pulled back, giving me a few pecks. Then he
looked at Gareth. “Why do I want to listen to you so much? I don’t burn with the desire to please
“But he’s not really your Alpha, is he?” Gareth replied gently. Then he shocked me by leaning in and
brushing his lips over Calver’s. “We both know you want me as much as you want Sampson. I’m your
Alpha, baby.”
Calver swallowed loudly as he nodded. “Why only tell me this or admit it now?”

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“I don’t want to lead a pack. I never did,” he admitted with a Gallic shrug. “This island brings up all
kinds of new possibilities that involve just falling in love and being together instead of being in a
pack we have to lead. Besides, it’s not like we knew each other all that well. You just came on at
Tristan’s a few weeks ago.”
“I was old enough to take my Beta test and passed so I was sent to Tristan’s since my pack had a full
inner circle.”
“Do you want to lead a pack?” I asked, scared to hear the answer. I was with Gareth. I never wanted
to be in another pack as the inner circle. I liked the idea of our own pack on the island made up of
inner circles so we could just be an extended family and roommates in a mansion instead of someone
always having to be in charge and order others around.
“No, not really,” Calver chuckled darkly. “It was the only way to get out from under my father’s
thumb and abuse. He feared I would challenge him and take over the pack. I just wanted out and the
beatings to stop. He kept me down my whole life, especially after puberty because I grew huge,
bigger than him. But I never wanted to be Alpha. I just want a life of my own.”
“I know the feeling,” I said gently. “I’m sorry. I know how powerful wanting to escape is and the
relief is when you do.” I eyed him over appreciatively. “I think huge looks good on you. And I’m
sorry your father hurt you but I’m glad he’s stupid and didn’t appreciate you. We might not have met
you otherwise.”
“Huge looks good on me, huh?” he chuckled shaking his head. “So having a six-seven Alpha and a
six-eight Beta is okay with you?”
“I’m not really looking for an Alpha and Beta,” I answered honestly. “I want men who want to love
me and keep me grounded. I haven’t been able to work on my powers because after being abused and
now unattached, it would be too risky of hurting someone. But mostly I want to be loved.”
“Do you want to be loved on tonight?” Calver whispered as he moved down my body slightly and
licked the half-healed claw mark just above my hip.
“Can we go slow?” I squeaked as his tongue traced the lines and then sighed when I felt the help of
the healing chemical in our saliva. It was like a painkiller and cooling balm in one as the cut healed
almost instantly.
“Yes, as slow as you want,” Gareth agreed before lowering his lips to mine. I moaned as his talented
mouth did amazing things to me and my senses. Calver pulled my shorts down and then off my legs.
“Fucking idiot,” he growled, getting our attention. I glanced down and saw the very angry cuts over
my groin and inner thigh. “Drunk or not, pent-up tension and desire or not, there’s no excuse for
hurting the person you want.”
“Except he didn’t know Gareth was going to strong-arm him off me. It was an accident,” I defended.
For all his faults, Slate would never hurt me. I knew that.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t see his hands there,” Gareth choked out. “Don’t hate me.”
“No, never,” I said instantly as I cupped his cheek. “It was all just an accident and I’ll heal. It’s no
big deal in the grand scheme of things.”
“Let me help you heal faster,” Calver purred before taking my cock in his mouth. I felt my eyes go
wide as I screamed.
“Holy fucking shit. Yes, please keep healing me! Oh fuck,” I rambled as my head thrashed on the bed.
“That’s why they wanted blow jobs. This is heaven! Fuck, please don’t stop. I’ll do whatever you
want. Please! I want to come. It’s been so long since I came!”
“Jesus,” Gareth hissed as he kissed my chest and then bit my nipple gently. “You’re so fucking sexy,
sweet as can be, smart, and wonderful. Now you even beg, talk dirty, and know how to ask for what

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you want. If you’re not careful I’m going to keep you, baby.”
“Okay.” I swallowed loudly as his head snapped up and he stared at me. I’d never had anyone look at
me like that before and I could feel what he was. He wanted me and wanted to love me, protect me
forever, and show me everything I’d never gotten to experience.
“I’ll talk to Wesley tomorrow about how to make that happen,” he said with a smile.
“Ee ooo,” Calver mumbled as he kept sucking.
“Did you just say me too?” Gareth chuckled as he stared at the man. I glanced down and saw Calver
smile as he nodded. “Good. Now that we got that settled, get back to sucking our baby’s fat cock. If
you do a really good job, I’ll fuck you later and let Sampson see how much fun it is to have sex with
people who will be good to him instead of just using him.”
Calver froze as we both blinked at Gareth. Wow. That was very domineering to say for the first time
we were in bed together… And I liked it.
“Now,” Gareth snarled. “Or I’ll spank you and not let you come.”
Instantly Calver’s head bobbed up and down as he sucked me off while shivering at the tone in
Gareth’s voice. I did as well.
“I like to be in charge,” Gareth said, answering our unasked questions. “Get used to it because while I
listen and will give you everything you need and want, I make the rules in bed. I push the limits and
am in charge of my partners’ pleasure.”
“But we can still ask for what we want, right?” I asked nervously, not sure how to react to such a
“Of course, baby,” he chuckled as he cupped my cheek. “What does my sexy little Sampson want
while Calver sucks your cock?”
“A kiss?” I moaned as Calver fondled my balls. “Because I’m coming. I can come, right?”
“Yes,” he growled as he lowered his head to mine. “I’m not the type of dominant man who’s a Dom. I
just like to be in charge, but your body is your own. Listen to what it needs. I will even demand you to
come most times.” Gareth kissed me after I nodded, liking his terms. I screamed into his mouth as I
came in Calver’s. It was magical and exactly what I needed.
Really needed.
After I was spent, they decided not to push me or tease me by fucking in front of me. Instead they
asked me to jack them off at the same time so they didn’t die with need. Maybe a little dramatic way
to put it, but I liked the desperation of being needed so badly.
Then Gareth licked the other scratches on my ass, making sure I was all healed while being very
careful not to breach me. When it was time to go to bed, they both said they were going back to their
rooms because they didn’t want to risk starting shit. Tomorrow though they were going to talk to
Wesley and hopefully we’d all never be sleeping alone again.
I liked the sound of that.

Chapter 2

“Everyone up!” I heard someone bellow as I sat up so fast I almost fell out of bed. What a fucking

way to wake up. “Everyone up and out of bed in the next two minutes or I’m coming with buckets of
water to dump on the ones who refuse!”

“Slate?” I mumbled as I got to my feet.

“Let’s go, people! We’ve got a lot to discuss downstairs as a group. There’s breakfast and coffee
made so move your asses.” I had just reached the door when I heard several people using choice

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profanities from the hallway. “Bitch and swear all you want. Just get a move on.” Then my door
shook as he banged on it before moving to the next one. “Move your lazy asses!”
I practically ripped open the door after that. “My ass is not lazy,” I growled as I stepped into the
hallway, slamming the door behind me.
“Oh, um, not you, Sampson,” he stuttered as he stared at me. “I thought your room was two down.”
“Nope.” I turned on my heel and headed to the kitchen, because just looking at him hurt my heart. I felt
him moving after me quickly so I darted around people as I jogged down the stairs. I didn’t want to
rehash last night or bring it up again.
Whatever group meeting Slate had been referring to was already getting started by the time I walked
into the kitchen.
“Cool. So do the Marines want to handle that part?” Wesley asked as he scribbled down notes.
“No, I want to take Brody with. He’s never been out of the country before. We’ll hook it up and make
all kinds of friends and I’ll check what contacts I still have here,” Lief answered. “Anyone else who
wants to come is more than welcome to. But I think it will take more than one trip.”
“Yeah, I’ll head out the trip tomorrow,” Slate said as he moved closer to me.
“Get away from me,” I growled at him. No one but Gareth and Calver knew about last night. If Slate
was close to me and I started thinking about it, most every Omega in the room would know what
happened since I was too weak with my powers to shield from them. And then they’d hate Slate,
which he didn’t deserve for being an idiot. “You threatened to dump a bucket of water on my bed if I
didn’t wake up.”
“It was a blanket threat, Sampson, not meant just for you.” He stared at me funny though like he was
shocked I was acting like this. Then it hit me. Could he not remember what he said to me last night
because he’d drank so much?
Either way I didn’t want to be anywhere near him and I used this morning as the excuse I needed to
repeat what I’d told him last night. “Yeah, well, you’re not going to see my bed now, buster,” I
grumbled. “Tell me there’s some juice around here.”
“I’ll get you some, you poor thing,” Gareth cooed before sticking his tongue out at Slate. To everyone
else we were being playful but I could tell Gareth wanted to do a lot more than that.
“Thank you,” I whispered as my face heated up. It was nice to have someone who cared and would
protect me instead of always being scared. “That would be nice. I know most people need coffee to
wake up, but I’m like a bouncy squirrel if I get caffeine. I just like citrus to perk me up.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Gareth leaned down and snuck a kiss from me. I swear I heated up even more
until my ears felt like they were burning. Then I shot Wesley a look.
“I saw nothing, I know nothing,” Wesley mumbled. “You’ve already been activated and what happens
on the island, stays on the island. And I don’t ever want to hear about it unless you plan on staying at
which time our role of guardians to unclaimed Omegas is over.”
I smiled at Gareth as he gave me a wink while pouring my juice. That was until I heard what came
“Except we’re in charge of them so we’ll be in deep fucking shit,” Carson said quietly. “They can’t
run unless we do or at least whoever they were staying with.”
“You really think if one of us runs the other won’t have to?” Tristan chuckled. “Like the Council
would ever believe we didn’t know where the other was going.”
“We can figure that part out later,” Lennox said gently. “Let’s just get some information today like
Wesley said. So Brody’s circle is going to get fuel and check out the islands. What else is there

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I shared a look with Calver. He looked as confused as I did. We wanted to be together or at least see
what was between us but we didn’t want our friends to get in trouble or start a bunch of shit. I wanted
to bang my head on the counter. Why did everything have to be so fucking complicated?
“You’re the resident Mr. Fix it,” Wesley answered as he handed Lennox a list. “This is what the
previous owner left us as wrong with the place. We need to know how bad this stuff is and what we
need to do to fix it.”
“I can check it out and get a list of parts I need for when they go to the bigger islands. Maybe they can
pick up what I need,” he mumbled as he looked over the list. “I don’t know furnaces though so I’m of
no use there.”
“Taggart does,” Dewey said as he flipped a pancake. “And they went hunting as wolves and killed a
boar. They said we have a ton on the island.”
“Real boar hunting in wolf form?” Calver asked, his eyes going wide as he practically drooled. I had
to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Wow, was he excited! I wondered if the idea got him hard. “I’m
so calling the next hunting party.”
“Me too,” Gareth and Slate said together and then gave each other an evil look. Shit. If we didn’t get
them separated then there would be trouble. I grabbed Gareth’s hand and pulled him over to the table
by Calver and away from Slate.
“Okay, so your inner circle’s on fixing. Brody’s group can leave me his research and my circle and
Carson’s can start the search for the previous owner’s son. Who’s doing what else?” Wesley asked as
he kept writing.
“I worked as a surveyor before becoming a Beta,” Galvin offered. “I can map out the island if we
have equipment.”
“We’ll get some in Puerto Rico,” Lief offered.
“Actually there’s a shitload of stuff out in the garage and storage,” Taggart said as he, Azyle, and
Percy came inside, naked and looking like they washed in the ocean. I blinked in shock a few times.
Wow. Dire wolves were very nicely put together. I mean, huge in all the right areas, toned and firm in
others, and wow was Dewey a lucky, lucky man.
“We have our task so let’s take breakfast to go and get to it,” Hugo bitched as he practically dragged
his mate out of the kitchen.
“Check out what you can downstairs and take inventory. We need to know what we have as you’re
fixing things and start stocking up,” Tristan said.
I stopped focusing on what was going on with Lennox and his men when I felt two hands move to my
naked thighs as soft growls filled my ears. I glanced at Gareth first with wide eyes.
“I have just as big of a cock,” he snarled as Calver moved closer to me.
“And we’re just as big and built. You should see the whole package before shopping for others,”
Calver added.
“I wasn’t shopping,” I muttered as I stared at my lap, trying to move my hands over it in a subtle way
so they didn’t see that their growling and jealousy got me hard. I thought that was a weird reaction.
“I’m not awake enough for a shock like that. I was just appreciating it a little.” Then I shot a side
glance at Calver. “That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate looking at either of you.”
“Okay, good,” Gareth mumbled after a moment. “Jealousy fit over.” Then he leaned in and breathed in
my ear so only I could hear. “But don’t think that we didn’t see or smell the way you got turned on.
We will be exploring that in depth later, baby. I think you like a man who will growl and remind you
who you belong to when your eyes stray.”
“Maybe,” I whispered. “I’m not sure. I think it’s just how intensely you both want me.”

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“Yeah, we do,” Calver said as they moved my chair under the table and then each of their hands
moved from my thigh to the apex of my thighs so they were lodged against my groin. And then they
kept moving their fingers just to drive me insane. I’d have to check out a lot more men if this was the
reaction I got from them.
I cleared my throat as I reached for my juice… Only to lock gazes with Slate. And was he ever
pissed. I swear I saw steam coming out of his ears as Gareth and Calver kept teasing me and Slate
knew exactly what they were doing.
“Rub it in my fucking face that you don’t want me, why don’t you?” he snarled before launching his
plate against the wall. Then he turned and stormed off, ripping the back door off the hinges as he went
and dropping it on the floor.
“What was that all about?” Carson asked me with wide eyes. “Slate is one of the most even-tempered
guys I know. What’s going on?”
“Something I have a feeling he doesn’t remember,” I muttered as I quickly got to my feet and raced for
the door, ignoring Gareth and Calver’s protests. Like they weren’t going to follow me right out
anyways. “Slate!”
“Not now, Sampson,” he growled and kept walking towards the beach. “Go let those two strangers
keep fondling you. Hopefully they won’t just toss you aside.”
I gasped and almost tripped at his words. “They’re not like that.”
“Right, because you’ve known them so long,” he threw over his shoulder.
“And I have known you for over a month now and you’ve not shown me any interest until someone
else wanted me!” I screamed, pissed that on top of everything else he was trying to ruin what I was
building with Gareth and Calver. “And after what you said to me last night you have no room to bitch
about anything.”
“Are you insane?” He bellowed as he spun around to face me. We were a good hundred and fifty
yards or so from the house so I really hoped no one was hearing this… Other than Gareth and Calver,
who were now right behind me. “I said I wanted you. That I wanted you so much that—”
“That the regret would be worth it,” I whispered. Saying it out loud was like turning the knife in the
wound. When Slate still looked at me as if I’d lost my mind, I turned my head slightly to I could
partially see Calver. “Please ask Brody to join us. I know you’re mad at Slate but this could blow up
into something much worse and hurt us all if we don’t show him what really happened.”
“You mean worse than it’s already hurting you?” he growled. I sighed and then so did he as his anger
slipped away. “Fine, but I expect a lot of kisses for this later and maybe a snuggle.” I nodded as I
tried not to giggle. When I felt his energy farther away, closer to the house than us, Gareth moved up
next to me.
“Did he ask for a snuggle?” he snickered, shaking his head.
“I believe he did and that he will always keep us on our toes,” I answered with a smile and then
flinched when it sunk in what I said. “Well, I mean, assuming this is going somewhere past last night.
We didn’t exactly make promises past the vacation.”
“I did,” Gareth growled as he grabbed my shoulders and spun me towards him. “I promised I would
talk options with Wesley and I already told Bay that I wanted to speak with his mate but Wesley was
in the middle of something so if he could find me later I would appreciate it.”
“Yeah?” I asked hopefully.
“Yeah, Sampson,” he said more gently, seeing it was my own fears. “Slate spoke out of anger. We’re
not liars or con men. He doesn’t know us and he doesn’t like seeing you with someone else so don’t
let him demean what we shared last night.”

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Slate cleared his throat and we both glanced over at him. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on but if
you’re calling Brody in, then I guess you want to show me memories. Yeah, okay, I tied one off
bigtime last night, I get that, but I’ve never not remembered exactly what I’ve done when I drink. So I
guess you’re saying I remember this wrong and I’m trying to believe you because you are not a liar,
“And for the record, I didn’t mean to demean what happened between you guys last night. I’m glad
you had fun or they showed you a good time. Even if it wasn’t with me. You deserve to be treated
right. That being said, I don’t know them and I don’t tend to see the best in people and I’m just not
that trusting. I said it like an asshole but my intentions were pure. Be careful. I don’t want you to get
I nodded as he spoke and then took a deep breath as Gareth let me go, but slid his hand in mine. “I
appreciate that. I do. But we’re the same age, Slate, and I’m not naïve. I can see how it might seem
that way to you but though my powers are barely developed I still feel what the people around me do.
I can sense when someone’s thinking nasty thoughts and even if they’re feeling devious because
they’re lying to me so no, I don’t trust easily and I screen everyone as best as I can to try and keep
myself safe.”
He eyed me over for a moment and then gave me an approving nod. “Good. There’s too much shit in
this world to ever be fully trusting until you know someone well and even then it’s hard. And maybe I
was quick to give that assessment of you but you always seem so happy and like the world is
rainbows and—”
“Sunshine,” I choked out as I glanced up at Gareth. “You said I was like sunshine and you wanted to
soak up my rays.”
“I did say that,” he agreed.
“And he’s right. That’s how I truly feel around you. I’m near you and I sense how positive you are,
strong you are, and a force to be reckoned with and I just feel better about life,” Slate agreed.
“Maybe but you stayed away for a reason and you said being with me would have been a massive
mistake.” Slate’s eyes went wide as his face paled. “Coming back to you now?”
“No, but I have thought that,” he admitted and then winced as he went even paler. “Just let me explain,
Sampson. That didn’t come out right.”
“What’s up?” Brody asked as he jogged over with Calver. “I was told you requested my services.”
“Yeah, please,” I answered, clearing my throat as I tried not to cry. “Can I remember last night and
you show it to Slate? He was a little inebriated and is missing pieces.”
“Dude, he was more than drunk,” Brody giggled as he took my hand. “He came back to the party after
chasing in the direction you went. He was muttering about a stupid mountain throwing him into the
water and finally telling the only man he’s ever wanted that he wanted him only to be denied and that
was why sex and men sucked. Then he took a bottle of Jack, snarling when a few people tried to stop
him, and kept walking away, chugging it down.”
“I remember the Jack,” he mumbled. “I didn’t realize I was telling everyone stuff.”
“And apparently I was the mountain who threw him in the water,” Gareth drawled.
“Okay, now I’m dying to know what happened,” Brody said excitedly as he took our hands. “Anyone
else want to show Slate anything, you need to touch me so I can read your take. But let’s start with
what I saw.”
Sure enough, Brody threw us into the memory of last night. I gasped. Slate looked horrible and had
obviously been crying between his drunken belligerence at the party. Apparently Carson had missed
that or he wouldn’t have said Slate was so easygoing.

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Then he showed Slate what really happened the night before.
“No,” Slate whimpered as we got to what he kept repeating to me. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
We got to the end and Gareth must have touched Brody because I saw what happened next from his
“Let me go,” Slate snarled as Gareth dragged him off. “I don’t like Sampson being alone out here.
It’s not safe.”
“He’s with us,” Gareth seethed. “And what do you care? You just called him a mistake you want to
make. Why should he have to be treated that way?”
“With you isn’t safe,” Slate answered, obviously only able to handle one topic at a time in his
condition. “You both want him. You’re going to woo him and I won’t be able to top that.”
“I don’t get you, man. I saw the way you looked at him, the desire you had for him. You want him
and not just for tonight. So why say all that shit?”
“What shit? That I want him? I do. I want him so much. Where is he?” Slate asked in almost a
manic way.
“You’ve got a screw loose,” Gareth grumbled and tossed Slate into the water. “Go back to the
party and find someone else. I won’t stand by and let you hurt Sampson. If he wants to talk to you
after you get your shit together, fine, I can’t stop him, but you spew that shit to him again and I’ll
fucking rip out your kidney.”
“I don’t remember any of that,” Slate whispered, still looking pale and shaken. “I mean I remember
going after you and the sand tilting on me. And then you were in the hole and you looked so beautiful.
I hate to say it because it’s insensitive of your being upset, but you’re gorgeous when you cry and I
just wanted to hold you. And then you said no and Gareth dragged me away and I was crying because
I knew when he did that I scratched you and I felt horrible about it.”
“And then?” Gareth asked when Slate paused.
“Nothing. Well, I remember going back to the party, wet, pissed, and hurt and grabbing the bottle.
Then I walked around a bit and passed out on the floor of my room because I didn’t make it to the bed
I guess.”
“Wow, you really know how to get drunk,” Brody mumbled awkwardly, probably feeling like a fifth
wheel. “So yeah, have fun with that, and well, I gotta go. Lief wants to take me to Puerto Rico and I
want to see it.”
“Yeah, thanks, buddy,” I said as I leaned over and gave him a one-arm hug. “Have fun and bring back
lots of pictures and fun stuff. I want to hear everything.”
“You always do,” he chuckled and then gave us a wave before jogging back to the mansion.
Something about what he said rubbed me the wrong way.
“Did he just say I’m nosy?” I asked as my face scrunched up in thought.
“I don’t think so,” Calver hedged as Gareth shook his head.
“I didn’t take it that way. I think he meant that you’re a good listener and always curious about your
friends because you care,” he explained. “You’re not the type to sit down with a friend and it’s all
about you. I bet you’re very inquisitive and ask about your friends.”
I took a moment and considered that. “Yeah, I mean part of it is I don’t like talking about me and I’ve
had a lot of people try to get me to talk talk about what happened. But I don’t want to. And since I’ve
been out, I’m really not all that exciting so that’s part of it if I’m being honest. The other part is I just
find people interesting. I mean, especially Brody. I could write a whole book based on his character
and people would love it. I’ve been meaning to ask him about that.”
Calver raised an eyebrow at me as he bit his lip. “You want to write a book about your friend?”

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“Sampson is a very talented author,” Slate answered firmly. “His books are provocative, well
rounded, strongly structured, accurately researched, and always have something in the story no one
would see coming. He already has three out and I’ve read them like five times each.”
“You have?” I asked in awe as I blinked at him. That was news to me.
“Yeah.” He glanced down at his feet and pushed around the sand like a nervous little boy. “The first
one I picked up because I thought you were cute and I’d never known an author before. Plus I
respected you. I mean, to go through what you did and immediately figure out a way to build a career
for yourself so you have money in case you ever needed an escape again was impressive.
“Then it was I liked the first one and I liked you. All the guards and all the visiting inner circles just
eat you up and adore you. You don’t see yourself like everyone else does. You hide in your room for
days doing edits or when you’re on a deadline and the house is like bummed because there’s not
fireball Sampson running around asking how everyone is and smiling like you do. I mean, you light up
a meal just by laughing or smiling at someone.”
“Then why would I have been the biggest mistake of your life?” I whispered sadly. What he was
saying was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever said to me, but it just didn’t match what his
drunken honesty had been the night before. Something wasn’t adding up.
You wouldn’t have been, but the consequences of being with you would,” he answered with a sigh as
he plopped down on the sand.
“I don’t understand.”
“Because you don’t have a choice in how your life goes but I do.”

Chapter 3

“Fuck!” Slate snarled, shaking his head. “I can’t talk to hot guys. I’ve never been able to but when

I talk to you it’s like I’m extra stupid. I mean special with a capital S.”

“Then don’t look at me,” I suggested as I sat down. “Just talk to yourself and get it out. I won’t

talk until you’re done.”
“Thank you,” he sighed in relief and then took some deep breaths after he closed his eyes. “You have
to be the Omega. You were born that way. I just passed tests to be a Beta but I could go on and be a
Council guard or stay at Carson’s. That’s what I wanted, to be a guard. I didn’t want to deal with
what I’ve seen the Betas who lead packs do. I know I would hate that. So as much as I like you and
thought you were cute, no guy was worth hating the rest of my life.
“That would have been the regret. If I was with you it would end up with me being part of an inner
circle, leading a pack, and that would be a mistake for the pack, for me, and for you because that
would make me unhappy.”
“Oh, okay,” I said when he was done, trying not to be hurt by his words. “I get that. I mean it was
worth it to Declan, Ian, and Taylor, but not everyone’s worth that kind of sacrifice.”
“That’s different and you know it,” he replied evenly but narrowed his eyes at me. “Carson was being
horribly abused. I would have stepped in to save you from that. Plus, he was already in love with Ian
and Taylor. If I wanted to be with you and Beta of a pack, assuming I could even get placed with you
if I put my bid on whatever pack opens up next in need of leadership, I could have a Beta and Alpha I
hated. That’s why I stayed away. I didn’t want to know you and fall for you when all it was before
was simple attraction.”
“He’s right. It’s scary and you of all people know that,” Calver agreed with a sigh. “I know how he’s

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feeling. I feel the same way about wanting to lead a pack. But Slate’s a military boy. They’re taught to
see all sides of it. I’m not that well rounded. I see you, you’re hot, and I want you in my life, and I
throw caution to the wind. But then we’ve seen how that’s worked out for some of these inner circles
and the fighting. Yeah, they’ve made up but some were close to not making it.”
“Um, yeah, thanks,” Slate said as he blinked in shock at Calver. “I’m not a very spontaneous person. I
never thought of it that way. I was a Marine and we plan everything to death to look for possible
downfalls. I just didn’t see wanting to be with you when it might not work, our personalities could
clash, as worth potentially putting us in a position where neither of us were happy.”
“So what changed?” Gareth asked with a raised brow. “From the moment I met you, your eyes have
been all about finding Sampson or following his every move. I thought you were going to beat your
friend Ollie when he said Sampson was hot when he brought us the mojitos.”
“Because learning about the existence of Lilleulv made me hope there might be an alternative,” Slate
answered as he rubbed his hands on his thighs nervously. “We’re loading up the yacht and guys are
joking about maybe we won’t have to go back and wouldn’t that be nice. Then the conversation turned
from jokes to people really considering it. I heard Sampson say he didn’t like Chicago and could he
stay on the island and I realized I would be willing to stay with him.
“If it didn’t work then I could go back to being a guard but staying on the island sounded okay though.
So if I was okay with where we might end up, I wanted to get to know Sampson and see if we have
anything. And it’s not all or nothing now. You heard Wesley, what happens on the island stays here.”
“Meaning you could fuck me and not have to sign a contract,” I snapped. I totally understood what he
was saying until that last part. That rubbed me the wrong way.
“No, not at all,” Slate gasped, looking horrified. And then I felt his grief. He was destroyed that I
could think that of him. “I meant we could just be normal people. Not Beta and Omega. I could dance
with you at the party and kiss you if we wanted and it wouldn’t be signing a forever fucking contract.
We could just get to know each other and maybe fall in love. I don’t want to be like Brody’s group.”
“Oh, yeah, okay, I can get that,” I agreed, feeling silly for jumping the gun. I did understand and I
agreed with him. I didn’t want just sex and an inner circle. I wanted real love or I wasn’t willing to
sign on forever. “I feel the same way. I know Brody loves his men and they love him but I want to be
in love or almost in love before I could sign the contract. Which means falling in love before sex at
Carson’s, but not here. Here we can just be free.”
“Yes, exactly,” Slate agreed with a relieved sigh. “So being with you isn’t a mistake, Sampson. I’m
so sorry that I made you think that and my drunken ass wasn’t more careful with you or your feelings. I
wanted to make you not sad and make you laugh, maybe steal a kiss when you felt better. None of that
other stuff.” He laid his head on his knees, not able to look at me as his emotions swirled. “It wasn’t
supposed to go down that way.”
“Well, we have another chance today where you could make me laugh,” I offered with a shrug. “We
have to pick a job to help out, but I, um, well, yeah, like you.” Slate’s head turned slowly as he
focused on me and narrowed his eyes.
“You guys heard his heart, right?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah, he was lying big-time,” Gareth chuckled.
“What did you really mean to say there, Sampson?” Slate’s stare was so intense I swear he knew the
“No,” I whispered, shaking my head. “I’m not putting myself that far out there when I’m extending the
olive branch. You screwed up big-time last night and you’ve not even really asked me for another
chance. But I offered you one. I’m not telling you everything yet so don’t you dare demand it.”

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“Mmm, sexy,” he purred as he eyed me over. “I like when you stand up for yourself and are right.” He
rolled to his knees easily and crawled the few feet to me. Then he kissed my hands on my knees
before resting his chin on them. “Lovely, sexy, wonderful Sampson, will you give me another chance
to get to know you? I’d like very much to spend as much time with you as I can before we have to go
back and maybe decide to stay here.”
“I’d like that too.” I smiled at him. In a flash I was on my back as he kissed me. Damn. All three of
them kissed like gods! I curled my fingers in his soft black hair. It always stuck up at odd angles and
looked perfectly disheveled… Like his hair knew it wasn’t in the military anymore and didn’t have to
be cut off so it didn’t know how to behave with new freedom. When his hands moved to my ass, I
broke the kiss.
“Too much?” he panted against my lips. I nodded, my cheeks flushing even more. “Sorry. I didn’t
mean to push.”
“Just need a bit of time to get over last night and see you really mean what you say before jumping
into anything,” I admitted as I glanced at Gareth and Calver. “Besides, I’ve kind of already made a
commitment, I think.”
“You did,” Gareth said evenly, his face closed off. “But you need three to ground you and Slate
doesn’t want to lead a pack like us so he would be a good fit. Let’s just take things as they come and
“Meaning you don’t trust me but Sampson likes me so you’ll give me a chance. But if I fuck up you’ll
fuck me up,” Slate surmised as he got to his feet and offered me a hand up.
“That about sums it up,” Calver snickered. “Let’s see what jobs are left. We’re going to end up on
poop doody or something.”
I couldn’t help it. It was such a stupid, childish pun that I hadn’t been expecting I burst out laughing as
I stared at him.
“Thank you, thank you, I’m here all week,” he drawled before leaning over to give me a kiss. “I’ll be
the biggest class clown if I get to hear your musical laugh more often.” I smiled as I slipped my hand
in his. Then I glanced up when I felt Gareth against my back.
“And I’ll take such good care of you that your voice is always hoarse from screaming so loud in
pleasure,” he growled softly in my ear. I gasped and then moaned as I leaned my head back against
his chest.
“You guys are always going to have me blowing in my shorts like a teenager,” I griped, but not really.
“I’ve never been seduced or flirted with or even had foreplay before.”
“We know and while that pains us that you’ve not been treated right the idea we could show you all
of it gets me fucking hot in a way I never thought I’d experience,” Gareth replied. “But we’ll take
things slow and you can always tell us if you don’t like something or want to try something else. I’m
not a Dom so I don’t want a sub/bottom boy crap or a slave. I want a partner who trusts me enough to
let me take over so he can let go.”
“But not all the time. Sometimes I can take charge, right?” I asked, realizing that was the question that
had been bothering me the night before.
“Absolutely. I encourage it.” Gareth smiled at me and moved his hand to my lower back as he led me
with Calver back to the mansion. “I’d love to wake up to my baby blowing me under the covers and
then letting me pound my fat cock into him as a thank-you.”
“Jesus, I’m going to walk around with a stiffy all day if you keep talking like that,” Slate mumbled
behind us. “And now all I can think about is fucking Sampson or you doing it while I watch.”
“Or letting me fuck you while you fuck him,” Gareth threw over his shoulder before we reached the

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door. I felt a thrill of desire race through Slate and I couldn’t help but smile. We might all be a good
fit after all.
“Hey, there you guys are,” Wesley said cautiously as we walked into the kitchen. “There’s some
breakfast left, but since everyone’s already got their jobs, I left the last few for you. Brody said you
guys had some stuff to work out.”
I let go of Calver’s hand and stepped away from Gareth, turning to face them. “I know we’re adults
and this is our decision but I will feel better showing Wesley what’s going on. He’s part of what
saved me from my abuse and risked a lot to keep me safe. I want his blessing before we maybe go
down the road we are.”
Calver, Gareth, and Slate exchanged looks before nodding. But it was the Alpha of the group who
“Understandable and very commendable. This is all confusing and new so we understand needing to
discuss it with your friends or someone you trust if you need to. I’m not a fan of gossip or
oversharing, like in a group, because a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell. However, I do feel
communication is key. If some of the inner circles had talked to each other, this wouldn’t have
happened. Or someone else so they could seek advice.”
“Nicely put and I agree,” Wesley said as he eyed over Gareth and then nodded. “I can see why
Tristan speaks so highly of you. It’s always bothered him that you didn’t want to lead when you
would make an excellent Alpha and take care of your pack.”
Gareth snorted and shook his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Of course he knew. Wow,
sometimes I forget you guys see it all. I thought I was hiding it so I didn’t get in trouble or brought
before the Council. I liked guarding everyone at his house.”
“Which is why Tristan never said a word to me until we discussed who to bring on the trip. There’s
no shame in not wanting to lead, even if you have excellent leadership qualities. We don’t agree with
the Council on that.” Then he turned to me and smiled. “Thank you for wanting to be honest with me
and I’m here always if you want to talk. We all are, Sampson. You’re not as alone as you feel and we
understand being scared and not wanting to trust others.
“I almost died during my rescue. I get having crazy affect me in a way I don’t feel I can wash off.
Time will help with that, but having a support system is what heals the wound. I have that and we
want that for you, whether it be these guys or you just open up to some of us. You need to let it out and
I know your writing helps, but sometimes you just have to say it out loud, okay?”
“I’m trying. I’ve told Gareth and Calver some things,” I admitted. “I’ve just always been a baby-steps
kind of guy. I don’t like to jump.”
“And that’s totally fine,” Wes said with a smile. “And you don’t have to tell me what’s going on. I
asked to be polite. I scanned them before you came inside and part of the time when you were outside
because I was worried about you. Not that I thought they would hurt you physically, but we all stick
our foot in our mouths here and again.” He glanced at Slate and raised an eyebrow as if challenging
him to dispute that fact.
“Yeah, well, I’m an idiot,” the big Marine mumbled. “And if you’ve scanned me you’ve seen how
little experience I have with men or women for that matter. So cut me some slack, will you?”
“I have and I will, but your lack of experience is what makes me nervous for Sampson. Don’t put
pressure on him because of what’s going on in your head.” Wesley glanced down at his notepad,
obviously done with the conversation. Weird. But so was he in that good kind of way. “Okay, so you
guys have clean-up duty for breakfast. Then Lief said you were the best he’s ever seen with maps,

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“So we’ve got a few maps of the island blown up and we’d like you guys to take the four-wheelers
and get the lay of the land. Galvin’s going to officially survey it tomorrow but we need to know
what’s here. I know the wild boars, but what else? Do we have fruit trees we can get food from?
What about crops? Taggart’s going to go on his own to check out plants because he’s really good with
herbs and remedies, but we can use all the knowledge we can.”
“I can bring a bunch of baggies and if I see something just take a sample and mark it on the map,” I
offered, thinking that would help Taggart tremendously.
“Great idea, Sampson. Thank you. I’ll tell Taggart that. Just be careful where you’re driving and try to
not run over a rose field or something. We’re still guests here even if the owner’s dead and I want to
make sure everyone respects that. We don’t want to ruin what this island is by leaving our footprints
“Agreed and we’ll stay mostly to the trail and walk out into section perimeters,” Slate said with a
smile. “I know how to not leave any evidence I was somewhere.”
I glanced at Slate and tilted my head as I studied him. “I’m not sure if that statement scares me or turns
me on.”
“A little danger’s never bad so I’m good with both,” he chuckled. Wesley excused himself and Slate
glanced around. “You guys cool with doing the dishes while I gear up and grab our supplies? You’re
going to need real shoes, I’d recommend pants in case there’s wolfs bane or poison ivy on the
I blinked at him for a second and then walked the few feet to him and hugged Slate tightly. “You mean
you’re giving us some time alone to discuss if we want to ditch you or what we’re really feeling when
you’re not around.”
“Yeah,” he sighed as he cupped my cheek. “I screwed up but I’m not a bad guy. I don’t want to
pressure anyone into anything or ruin you guys’ vacation because I’m standing here demanding to be
“Doesn’t bother me any,” Calver said as he grabbed the stacked plates off the table and brought them
over to the sink. “I think Marines are hot and Sampson needs three. We’ll just limit your drinking
from now on.”
“Okay then,” Slate chuckled, his cheeks heating up slightly as he stared at Calver appreciatively. “I’ll
go get us supplies, check that the four-wheelers are in good shape, and change while you guys clean
and suit up.”
“And we’re going to discuss what Wesley was talking about later,” I said softly before he broke the
“You’re going to have to get a few drinks in me before I can tell you that. It’s too embarrassing.” He
cleared his throat and practically darted out the back door.
“That was weird,” Gareth said as he filled the second sink with water and dish soap. “What could be
so wrong with being inexperienced that he needs to get drunk to talk about it? Why be embarrassed?”
“I don’t know,” I muttered as I grabbed a donut before searching for baggies of all different sizes that
would be good for samples. “It was more than that. He was feeling confusion and shame. We can feed
him a few drinks tonight and ask.”
“At least he didn’t say no it wasn’t our business,” Calver said with a shrug. “It seems hopeful to me if
he’s willing to open up.”
“Good point,” I conceded. Then I remembered something Gareth said. “Why would you be brought in
front of the High Council if they found out you didn’t want to lead?”
“Because they’re idiots,” Calver grumbled. “Same is true for Betas.”

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“Yes, they’re idiots, but it’s more than that,” Gareth explained. I finally found the cabinet with bags
and storage containers and started pulling them out to take with us. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to take
too many as opposed to not having enough.
“Like their bullshit line about having a responsibility to wolves because of who you are like they try
and sell us Omegas?” I drawled.
“Kind of, yes. It’s that and we test to become Alpha or Betas,” Gareth answered. “And it’s kind of a
catch-22. You hit twenty-five and you’re big enough or strong enough to be an Alpha or Beta, you’re
pushed to test, normally by the head of the pack because you’ve officially become a threat.”
“Or you want to get away from a bad situation like I did,” Calver added, his eyes focused on the table
he was wiping so he didn’t have to look at us. “Or you’re young and stupid, full of testosterone, and
think it would be so cool to be in charge instead of being bossed around all the time.”
“Or you’re a power-hungry nut job like the Alpha and inner circle I had,” I mumbled as I stuffed little
boxes of baggies into a bigger plastic bag to hold it all.
“Or that,” Gareth agreed gently. “But once you test, if you then try to get out of leading, the Council
assumes you’ve gone rogue because who wouldn’t want to lead and all that shit. A good wolf wants
to take charge and dominate while supposedly always doing what’s best by their pack.”
“Which is total bullshit,” Ollie chuckled from the counter as he refilled his coffee. I jumped, having
been lost in thought as I listened to Gareth and Calver so I hadn’t really been paying attention. “Sorry,
Sampson. I didn’t mean to interrupt or scare you. I just have very, very strong feelings on the subject
and so does Slate.”
“How so?” Gareth asked as he glanced over his shoulder at Ollie.
“We didn’t have a choice. We didn’t choose to train for Betas,” he explained as he doctored up his
coffee. “We all had different stories of why we got into the Marines, but Slate and I did it to get out of
poverty and have a better chance at life. We didn’t come from packs, our parents lived somewhere
too small. Maybe to stay out of pack life, who knows? But when we joined up, we weren’t trying to
become Betas.
“Then we’re informed by an Alpha that we’re breaking Council rules and must do everything we can
to transfer to California and be under his pack. Sure, he understands that the Marines aren’t flexible
but he’ll help if he can and he’s connected. I was in Afghanistan at the time and while I was proud of
what I’d done, I was tired and wanted out of that hellhole. Besides, I didn’t want to break Council
laws, so yeah, I said transfer me.”
I shivered as I thought about my old pack and inner circle. “I never knew what was going on or about
all you guys. He didn’t tell me much. Mostly they forgot about me until they were horny or needed
their power boost as they called their excuse to have me.”
“Jesus, I always forget you were the Omega of that pack,” Ollie muttered, shaking his head. “I’m
sorry. Yeah, we never went to pack stuff, hell, the pack didn’t know about us besides Carter, and we
never even met you.”
“He was building an army and didn’t want one evil deed to cross into another,” I chuckled bitterly.
“Yeah,” he agreed with a sigh before looking back to Gareth. “So it turned out we were the fools.
There were no rules about being in the military or not being stationed in a pack. He wanted an army
of soldiers that were basically Betas anyways. When the shit hit the fan and the Council heard about
us, we were Betas, no ifs, ands, or buts. Because like you said, who wouldn’t want to lead and all
that crap.”
“Wow.” Calver whistled as he shook his head. “Not even testing for Beta and getting trapped into
being one. That’s just, wow. Island sounds pretty good to you too, huh?”

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“Yeah, and someone who I think wants to stay on it,” he muttered before clearing his throat. “So
anyways, have fun mapping out the island. Do you guys have a camera?”
“Yeah, I brought my Nikon,” Gareth answered. “I’ll go up and get it when we go to change after
we’re done here.”
“Cool. I just thought it would be good to take pictures as you’re mapping things out. I didn’t know if
you guys had already decided that with Wesley but I thought I’d mention it.”
“No, but I just wanted to take pictures of the island and thought it would help. Thanks though.” Ollie
gave us a wave before heading out. I just finished with the baggies and a few plastic containers to
keep them in so nothing got smushed in a bag when I realized Calver and Gareth were wrapping up
the dishes and cleanup.
“You guys work well as a team,” I said with a smile. “Should we pack a lunch just in case?”
“Good call,” Calver replied with a grin of his own. “Actually, we all do. Even though you and Slate
were doing something else it’s all for the same goal. We’re efficient and trust that the other knows
what they’re doing. It’s a good foundation for getting to know each other better. Don’t you think?”
“Yeah, I do,” I agreed. He was right and it kept the smile on my face as butterflies started in my
stomach. I was thinking of the island exploring as work but now that Calver put it that way, we would
be getting to know each other better on the outing as well.
Did that make it a date?

Chapter 4

We only took two of the four-wheelers in the garage. For one, I didn’t want to drive one myself

the first time being on one, so since Gareth knew how to use them well, I rode with him. Secondly,
Calver said there was no point in wasting gas since they were two-seaters. I agreed but liked that he
thought that way. So he and Slate drove together.

By the time we changed and got all the gear loaded up it was after ten in the morning. Part of the

delay was no one had hiking boots in my size. I guess all the Omegas assumed sandy beaches and
sunbathing were on the agenda like I did. That and some would never need them. For instance, Carson
didn’t do much nature hiking in Chicago. If we wanted nature, we tended to go in wolf form anyways.

So sneakers it was. At least they were cross-trainers so there was good support and some

“We’re getting you real boots when we visit the islands,” Gareth grumbled as we pulled to the side of
the trail about a mile from the mansion. “Those don’t offer any protection from bites or dangerous
“Well good thing poison from animals doesn’t affect us,” I chuckled as I hopped off the back of the
four-wheeler. “Besides, I did a lot of research before we came. They only have a few snake species
in this region and they’re very scarce. The scorpions here aren’t the poisonous ones, only affecting
humans like a bee sting if they attack. I did read that they have creepy-ass centipedes and millipedes
that are poisonous, but that won’t affect us.”
“Either way, if we see one of those, I’m screaming like a baby and climbing the nearest tree until one
of you smooshes it,” Calver said with a shiver. “I hate those fuckers. So nasty and just eww.”
“We’ll keep you safe,” Slate chuckled as he leaned over the vehicle and balanced the map on some
metal clipboard so he could write it. Then he glanced at the portable GPS he’d showed me earlier to
check coordinates. “Great research, Sampson, and you’re right. The main thing they warn tourists and
people about in the area is the marine life. Sharks mainly but those stay away from us except great

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whites normally. Jellyfish don’t and their sting will hurt but can’t kill us.”
“Sharks stay away from us?” Gareth asked as he blinked at Slate in shock. “You want to explain that
“Lief and I discovered it when we were on assignment in this area,” he said vaguely. “We rented a
boat and went to go fishing. He hadn’t been paying attention before diving in the water and then we
realized there were sharks everywhere. But they smelled him in the water and it was like a mass
exodus. We asked Carter later and he found out from the pack elder that most predatory animals don’t
like us. We smell of wolf and human and dangerous to them so they will run for it unless they think
they’re bigger and badder, like a great white.”
“Wow. Cool. We don’t have to worry when we go swimming then,” I replied brightly. “Good
because the shark thing did kind of scare me. That’s why I didn’t stay in the water long when
everyone else went swimming the other morning.” I grabbed my bag of baggies and glanced around.
“So what’s the plan? How are we doing this?”
“Well there’s no way we can scout a thirty-square-mile island in a day,” Slate answered as he
glanced around. “For now I’m just trying to mark where the trails and roads are and any landmarks on
the map. So I say we mostly stick to the trails and not get lost so later the next group or our group can
branch out from there.”
“Good call.” Gareth nodded his approval as he uncapped his very expensive, professional-looking
camera. “Poison might not affect us from animals, but we don’t know what’s all here. I’d vote if
you’re taking samples to wear gloves.”
“Oh, I didn’t think of that,” I said with a curse. “I didn’t bring any.”
“I did,” Slate said as he pulled out a few pairs of gloves and handed one to me, before doing the same
for Calver. “So let’s get some pics, take some samples of plant life, I’ll hammer in the marker for
Galvin, and we’ll move down the trail about a mile and do it again.”
“Sounds good, thanks for the gloves.” I gave him a wink as I pulled them on and then got to it. Calver
helped me as Gareth kept clicking shots away. Once Slate got the marker in and we were done, I
loaded up the samples in one storage container and wrote Site 1 on it in marker.
“That’s a fabulous idea, Sampson. I wouldn’t have thought of that,” Calver said approvingly before
leaning down and sneaking a kiss. Then we climbed back on the four-wheelers and headed down the
trail. We went through that same routine for the next hour, getting ten markers out of the way. It was
mile marker eleven that was the special one.
“Oh my god,” I gasped as we followed a slight curve and all the trees came into sight. We pulled
over where Slate did, signaling another mile on the trail. “Guess we don’t have to worry that we
already ate the rest of the fresh fruit Brody bought. New plan, we pick a bunch of fruit, head back, and
that get attachment I saw for the fourwheeler to get more. I so see this as dessert in my future.”
“I don’t even know what half of those are,” Calver chuckled.
“Me either, but I see my favorites.” I pointed to them as I identified them, getting more and more
excited as my mouth watered. “Mango, yummy, passion fruit, love that, papaya, ohhh, even
pomegranate! I hope we have chips because those are avocado trees, so we can make guacamole.
God, look how ripe those bananas are. Then I had another idea and moaned. “Ohh, or fresh fruit
smoothies and daiquiris tonight.”
“Baby, you keep moaning like that and you’re going to be dessert right now,” Gareth growled as he
got off the vehicle.
“Huh?” I asked and then suddenly was pushed back as he pulled down my hips so I was lying over the
seat. I moaned as Gareth’s mouth found mine and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then he lifted

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me up and I wrapped my legs around his hips, never breaking the kiss.
“Say yes, baby,” he purred as he kissed down my chin and along my neck.
“Say yes to what?” I gasped as Calver took one of my arms and looped it back around his neck,
making me lean most of my upper body weight against him.
“A little fun,” Calver answered for Gareth as he pulled up my shirt. “Nothing past what we did last
night. All three of us pleasing you.”
“Three?” Slate and I asked together.
“No, we’re going to love on Sampson right in front of you like assholes and exclude you,” Gareth
growled. “Grab the blanket and get over here and help us.” Then he looked up and met my gaze. “As
long as you’re okay with that.”
I did a good impression of a fish before simply nodding. Next thing I knew I was shirtless, no shoes
or socks, and being spread out on a blanket. Gareth slowly took off my pants and then shook his head.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, feeling the need to cover up now after the gesture and because they were
all still completely clothed.
“How far are you willing to take this?” he asked as he ran his fingers up my inner thigh. Then he
spread them apart so they could see everything I had to offer.
“Tell me what you want since you obviously have a plan, Gareth,” I answered instead. “You made me
swear to be honest and said I could time out or stop what we’re doing when I needed to. I’ll say no if
it goes past my comfort level.”
He nodded and smiled widely. “I want to watch you kiss Slate while playing with Calver’s ass and
Calver gets Slate hard. Then you’re going to blow Slate while fucking Calver’s mouth.”
“And what about you?” Calver asked as he swallowed loudly. Gareth answered the man by growling
until Calver bared his neck. That was cool. I hadn’t seen many Alphas with that ability.
“What do you want to do for your Alpha?” he asked seductively as moved closer to Calver.
“Anything you want,” he whispered as he shivered as if not sure that was the right answer.
“Good.” Gareth leaned over and kissed Calver’s neck before moving to the other side of it and giving
him a love bite. Basically he accepted Calver’s submission but was letting him know that Gareth
wanted him sexually. “Does that offer to take you still stand?”
“Yes,” Calver hissed as he moved Gareth’s hands to his ass. “Please? I want to finish what we
started last night, Gareth.”
“What did you guys start last night?” I asked as I glanced between them.
“We had a hard time leaving you so I decided to bunk with Calver,” Gareth answered as he unzipped
the man’s pants and pulled them down. “I experienced what you did. He gives an amazing blow job
and loves cock in his mouth. We decided not to go any further until you were around.”
“You’re okay with that, right?” Calver asked as he helped get himself naked.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just sorry I missed it,” I chuckled. “And I want to watch you guys have sex now
“We’ll make sure to have a repeat performance just for you soon, baby,” Gareth promised and then
slapped Calver’s naked ass hard. “Everyone good with the plan?”
“Sure,” Slate said nervously and then cleared his throat. Gareth shot me a look and I nodded. I knew
what he was asking me. Did Slate really want this or was he just scared? From the waves of heavy
desire I got coming from Slate I felt confident saying he wanted this.
Just a little bit since I could also see his pants ready to explode from his erection.
Everyone quickly got into position and it turned out Gareth had brought lube. Maybe I should have
been annoyed that he’d planned to get us naked in the middle of nowhere but I was just too pleased

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that he had thought ahead and prepared.
Slate pulled off his shirt before leaning in closer to me. “You really want this, right? I’m not taking
advantage of you again?”
“Shut up and kiss me,” I answered with a smile. His eyes flared with desire and grabbed the back of
my head before slamming his mouth to mine. His other hand moved down my back and between the
crack of my ass where one finger grazed my hole. Then he gasped and I felt more than saw another
hand, which had to be Calver’s, going down the front of Slate’s pants.
“He looks like a good kisser, baby. Are you enjoying it?” Gareth asked. I liked that he was watching.
“Oh fuck, Gareth, you have huge fingers,” Calver moaned. Apparently Gareth was watching and
getting Calver ready at the same time.
“Yes, he’s wonderful,” I moaned as Slate kissed right under my ear. His hand was hesitant as he
touched my asshole. “If you get slick I’m okay with your finger teasing me.”
“Yeah?” he moaned.
“Just one though. It’s been a long time for me,” I mumbled nervously. “But I’ve never just had
foreplay before. It was make sure I was ready or I got fucked without any preparation.”
“We won’t ever do that to you,” Slate whispered as I heard the snick of a cap. “Tell me if you don’t
like something because I’ve seen it done but I’ve never gotten a lover prepared. I just want to feel
how tight you are even if it’s just around my finger.”
“I promise,” I agreed before kissing him again. Then I gasped as his finger slowly pushed inside of
me. Shit, did that feel good. Never had it felt like that when I played with or stretched myself.
“Deeper, Slate.”
“Me too, Gareth,” Calver whimpered. “I need so bad.”
“And I’m about to blow from just your hand, Calver,” Slate moaned before pushing his finger all the
way into my ass. “You have to stop or Sampson will have a soft, spent cock in his mouth.”
“Then I think we’re ready for stage two,” Gareth chuckled. “Calver, you first.”
“Yes,” he hissed and plopped down on the blanket. He spread his legs wide and then pulled his knees
to his chest before glancing up at me. “I believe your cock has an appointment with my mouth.”
“That’s one way to offer a blow job,” Slate said in an amused tone. We both watched as Gareth, who
had his jeans unzipped and pushed down, moved between Calver’s legs and entered him.
“You are so huge,” Calver moaned as he fisted the blanket.
“And you want more of it and fast, don’t you?” Gareth taunted as he slowly moved his hips, obviously
not fully breaching Calver yet.
“Yes, please, yes, I want. My ass is yours.”
“Right answer,” Gareth told Calver before slamming into him. Slate pulled his finger from my ass and
then I moved to straddle Calver’s head as I got on my hands and knees.
“Just don’t go too deep. I have a thing with that,” I whispered as Slate moved in front of my mouth.
“What thing?” Gareth asked gently as he and Calver froze.
“They used to get off on choking me,” I mumbled, staring at the blanket as I worried I just ruined the
“Then I’ll stay perfectly still and you just explore however you want,” Slate replied as he cupped my
cheek. “I’d be just as happy to go on kissing you, fingering your hole, and maybe you could jack me
I thought about that and shook my head. “I want to try. I want to taste you.” I didn’t wait for him to
reply, leaning forward and licking his cock. Calver got the idea that the game was back on because he
sucked my balls into his mouth and I groaned at the feeling, the taste of Slate, and the sounds of skin

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slapping skin as Gareth fucked Calver.
And then someone’s finger went back into my hole and I blew instantly. I rode my orgasm, mortified
that I came so soon, but it felt oh so good that I couldn’t not enjoy it. I screamed out in pleasure as
Slate slowly stroked his cock, watching me get off.
“It seems I need to learn to hold my load,” I panted when I was spent, trying to keep from collapsing
to the blanket.
“No way. That was so fucking sexy,” Slate growled. He was stroking himself faster as he eyed me
“Lie back and I’ll take care of that for you,” I offered. He nodded and moved onto the blanket,
spreading his legs for me. I moved off Calver’s face, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of
Gareth fucking Calver stupid, and then moved between Slate’s legs. I realized something by the way
he stared at me and his emotions I was feeling. “You want to come all over me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” he whispered as if afraid what I’d say and of what he was feeling. “I want to mark you as
“Ass or face?” I ignored the thrill of excitement that went through me because I wanted that too.
“Everywhere.” Slate moaned and rolled us so I was on my back. He used the extra slick on his hand
to get my cock lubed up and then started rubbing his against mine. “This is okay?”
“Yes, yes,” I gasped as my dick filled right back up. “Take me.”
“What?” he asked as his rhythm faltered. I glanced over and grabbed the bottle of lube before holding
it up for him.
“Take me. I want you inside of me.”
“I’m not ready to commit,” he blurted out with wide eyes. I nodded as I poured some lube on my
fingers and moved them down to my hole. He backed off a little and watched me push three fingers in
my ass. There was only a little burn since whoever’s finger was in me earlier did a good job of
loosening me up.
“Do you know that you don’t want to commit?” I asked as his gaze never left my hole.
“No, I think I do and we would all be happy together but it’s too soon to tell.”
“Do you want to bite me right now?”
“Yes,” he hissed as his teeth elongated. “My wolf accepts you and wants you as our mate.”
“Do you like me as a person, Slate, or is it all about sex?”
“I want to know everything about you. I want to talk about your books and ask what you’re working
on. I like you more than I’ve ever liked anyone, ever. You’re the first person I’ve really ever
“What do you mean by that?” I asked as I pushed in a fourth finger.
“I thought I was asexual. I kind of liked looking at some women and some men, but neither really did
much for me. I fucked a few of each but it was just like jacking off,” he admitted in an embarrassed
tone. “Then I met you and all I could think about was what you looked like naked. And as much as I
hated you were messing around with Gareth and Calver this morning and not me, I’d never been so
fucking turned on and it scared me when I realized all of you were getting me hard.”
“You’re saying you want all of us,” I clarified.
“Yes and not just in sex. I like like them too.”
“Then take me,” I whispered as I pulled out my fingers. “This won’t be some cheap quickie and even
if we don’t end up together forever, I won’t regret it or think you used me.”
“Thank you,” he whispered as he lifted my leg and moved his cock to my hole. “Thank you for seeing
I would never disrespect you like that.”

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“Thank you for never wanting to,” I gasped as he pushed inside of me. I wrapped my arms around his
neck as he leaned down, fully inserting his cock into my ass. Just then, Calver cried out and I glanced
over just in time to see his cock explode all over him and Gareth. “That’s fucking hot.”
“Yeah it is,” Slate agreed before brushing his lips over mine. “Apparently your sexy little ass attracts
other hot men.”
“But you like me for more than just that, right?” I teased but kind of wanted him to say the words too.
“Yes,” he hissed as he moved faster. “Fuck, baby, you feel like heaven.”
Gareth roared and I assumed he finished but right then I was a little busy so I wasn’t completely
paying attention. Slate hooked my legs over his arms after my hole loosened up for him enough to get
“Coming inside of me better than all over my body?” I taunted him in between gasps.
He growled, liking the idea. “I’m going to fill you with so much cum it’s going to leak back out and
down your legs.”
“And then we’ll lick him clean,” Calver offered. I felt two hands on my leg and then two on the other
one as Slate moved up some. I could see then that Gareth and Calver had moved on either side of us
and were holding my legs wide apart for Slate.
“Can you come from just sex or do you have to touch your cock, Sampson?” Gareth asked me.
“I don’t know. I’ve never come during sex,” I answered honestly.
“I bet Slate’s talented enough to make you come just from his fat cock in your ass,” he said firmly,
probably having heard Slate’s insecurities.
“Probably, but I’ve already come once,” I hedged, not wanting to be the reason Slate’s self-esteem
took a hit if he couldn’t do it.
“I need to lie down,” Calver mumbled as he moved my foot to Slate’s shoulder. “I’m wiped.” I caught
his gaze and I realized that he was fibbing. He moved so he was on his side, snuggled up against me.
Then he pressed his lips to my ear. “Look at the way they want you. Slate’s teeth are out and Gareth’s
eyes are flashing bright blue with power and desire.”
“They’re so hot,” I moaned, watching them as Calver primed me up to come hard.
“And they want you. Gareth just fucked me six ways from Sunday and look at his cock. It’s still hard
and leaking because he wants you so badly. Are you going to let him have your tight little ass?”
“The way you guys talk!” I cried out as Slate changed the angle and nailed my prostate over and over
“I want to fuck you too, Sampson. We all do, over and over again. And soon we’re going to bite you
while we fuck you and make you ours forever. We’ll live on the island, make love in the middle of
nowhere all day, and love each other forever. All while you write books and have the three of us
eating out of your hands.”
“Squeeze the muscles in your ass around his cock, baby,” Gareth ordered when he saw Slate thrusting
more erratically. I did as he wanted. It made Slate’s cock feel even bigger and hit every inch of every
nerve inside of me. I screamed his name as I blew like a fucking geyser. I was still coming when
Slate howled and then his cum shot deep inside of me.
“Perfect,” Calver moaned as he nibbled on my ear. “Scream for us, Sampson. We like you loud.”
I didn’t disappoint.
When my climax was over I melted into the blanket as they lowered my legs. Slate pulled out of me
slowly and I blinked in shock when I was rolled onto my stomach.
“Shit, that’s pretty,” Gareth moaned as he pulled the cheeks of my ass apart. “Baby, I will give you
anything you want if you let me take a few pictures of you like this.”

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I glanced at him over his shoulder to see if he was kidding or not because I was too tired and spent to
feel much of anything or other people’s emotions. I blinked when I saw the desire and need on his
face. “Just for you, right? I mean, we’re not talking about submitting these anywhere, posting them, or
anything else, right?”
“Nope. I would never share this other than frame it on my bedroom wall,” he moaned as he massaged
my ass.
“I want a picture of it too,” Slate agreed.
“Okay, as long as it’s just for you guys and no one else ever sees them,” I said with a squeak. Calver
must have liked the idea too because he jumped to his feet and raced to the four-wheeler. Seconds
later he was back with Gareth’s camera. I went to turn back but he asked me to keep looking straight
at it. I did as he wanted, still trying to get my heart to beat normally again.
“Pull your left leg up,” he muttered. I did and they all moaned. Now I just felt sexy. As soon as he
took a few pictures, I pulled both my knees under me, spread them wide, and arched my back. “Baby,
you are beautiful. Flex that sweet hole for me.” I did and gasped when I felt more of Slate’s cum
trickling down my ass.
“Are you done because there’s something I have to see,” Slate mumbled.
“I bet it’s the same thing I want to,” Gareth growled.
“Then go ahead. I got to have him already, you can be the first to do this.”
“Do what?” I asked and found out before they could answer. Gareth’s hand landed hard on my
upturned ass. I gasped at the intense sting.
“Baby?” Gareth inquired after he took a few more pictures. “You got to give me direction here or tell
me if you don’t like it.”
“I’m not sure,” I admitted. “It hurt but now it’s radiating out to my balls. Maybe not right now but I’m
okay with trying it another time. I think starting off gentler though.”
“Hold this,” Gareth muttered and I turned to see him shove his camera in Calver’s hands. Then Gareth
rolled me over and picked me up under my arms, wrapping my body around him. “I’m so sorry. I
didn’t mean to smack so hard. Can you forgive me? I would never, ever hurt you on purpose,
“I know that,” I giggled and kissed his neck. “You didn’t hurt, hurt me. I’m just a wade-into-the-water
person so I want to start slowly. I didn’t dislike it but it was weird. And while exploring is always
good, spanking seems like something to explore after you’re really with someone and you trust them
“I agree but your ass was so fucking hot turned up like that and I just had to know what my handprint
looked like on it.”
“Okay, well, we’ll save the rest of the spanking until after we know if we’re all really going
somewhere.” I thought that was fair and they all agreed. Go me.

Chapter 5

We ended up picking lots of great fruit that made my stomach rumble. Then we took it back and

had a bunch of people offer to go with the four-wheelers and fill up the cart that could be towed
behind them. So we spent the rest of the day continuing to map out the island as we had been.

Needless to say on an island that big, we didn’t get it all done but we were able to draw out the

trail we’d been on at least. And I got loads of different plant samples that I hoped helped Taggart with
his herb stuff. Not that I knew what he really did besides make some salve Dewey said could cure any

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Rock on.

After dinner Taggart asked me to go over where I found everything with the map and pictures Gareth
took. Slate and Calver helped of course because they were there and even more than that… I really
got the feeling they liked me and wanted to be with me.
“Okay, so we found this at the fifteenth mile marker Slate put in,” I said as I handed him over the
bigger baggie with the little baggies in it. I was really glad that I’d thought ahead to unload what I’d
already gotten when we came back to the mansion with the fruit. Yeah, I probably had some
duplicates, but there were enough different plant types where I would have done that anyways. And
there were a lot so I would have run out of room.
“I see why Slate likes your books,” Gareth complimented as he pulled up the pictures from that
marker site. “You have a great attention to detail and I bet you never mess up any facts of your
“Oh, well, I’ve only got a few series with a book or two each,” I replied, clearing my throat when
Calver’s hand moved to my thigh. Yeah, that would help me concentrate. “I can’t say I’ll be able to
keep everything straight five books down the road in a series. But we’ll see.”
“So you’re going to keep writing?” Taggart asked as he looked at the samples before opening one and
sniffing it. “I mean, after you get a new inner circle. Or are you planning to stay here?”
“I’d like to stay but I won’t risk getting Carson or his inner circle in trouble. I don’t see why I’d have
to stop writing even if I end up having to be in an inner circle and lead a pack. It’s not like I work
full-time at it now. I write when I have time and want to.”
“That’s cool. I just didn’t know. I mean, you know how some people get when they claim an Omega.
They want all their attention for themselves and don’t give them much of a life of their own.”
“Okay, just stop,” Gareth chuckled and I glanced between the two Alphas. I was definitely missing
something here. “Whether we stay here and end up with Sampson or back in America with a pack,
he’ll keep writing if he wants to. I’d make sure of that. Slate loves his books and Calver and I support
what makes Sampson happy.”
“You were testing them?” I felt my eyes go wide.
“Sure was,” Taggart answered with a wink. “You’re friends with my mate and I like you too. I want
to make sure these knuckleheads will be worthy of you and support your talents.”
“Oh, thanks, Taggart.” I smiled at him and then handed him the next set of samples. We got through
almost all of them before we were interrupted.
“Tag, you won’t believe what happened,” Percy panted as he and Azyle practically burst into the
study. “It’s not a ghost. We passed that cemetery and we were just there.”
“Okay, take a deep breath, slow down, and try again,” Taggart told his excited mate as he stood and
went over to Percy.
“Tristan was joking that there was a ghost around because someone brought him soap and strange
things have been happening,” Azyle explained.
“Yeah, I heard someone mention it at dinner,” he agreed.
We had too. I thought it was funny and someone was playing a prank but either way it didn’t bother
me as long as the ghost was nice.
“It’s not ghost. It was the previous owner, we found him at the cemetery already in his casket.” Azyle
and Percy were so wound up and sad that I was having trouble focusing with how strong their
emotions were.
“Huh?” the rest of us said together.

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They calmed down and filled us in on what happened as others trickled into the study and added their
two cents to what happened or the son the owners had been searching for. The whole situation was
horribly sad and I felt awful for them, but with all the depressing emotions in the room I felt as if I
was drowning.
“I’m going to head to bed,” I told Gareth, Slate, and Calver while everyone was still discussing what
was going on. I’d gotten the information I needed to keep up with the new developments. Now
everyone was just speculating and I had to get out of there.
“Great idea,” Gareth purred as he went to put his arm around my shoulders.
“No, not like that. I’m really tired and would like some space.” I winced internally when I saw his
face fall. When I felt his worry and sadness along with Calver’s and Slate’s it was like my head was
going to pop off. “I’m fine, really, just a lot to take in and I’m wiped. Thank you for the great day, all
of you, and I’ll see you in the morning.” I quickly kissed each of their cheeks and bolted out of the
I think I threw them for a loop so they didn’t come right after me. Besides, from their point of view I
was asking for something normal. They didn’t know I was drowning inside with all the sadness, grief,
and worry everyone had been feeling.
“Sampson, wait,” Carson called out as I reached the stairs. I shook my head and raced up them to the
third floor where my room was but instead of going in there where I might feel confined on top of
everything else, I headed to the veranda that each wing had at the end of it. I needed air but not for
someone to come looking for me because they knew I was outside.
By the time I got there and grabbed the stones that worked as a railing, I was sobbing. It was crazy. I
didn’t know the man who died. I felt bad for his son being kidnapped, but not to feel like this. I was
glad he passed right around the time his mates did so he didn’t have to live a long life without them.
They all went together. That was beautiful.
So the fact that I couldn’t stop crying just freaked me out because the emotions were all
overwhelming me.
“Breathe, Sampson,” Carson whispered as he hugged me. I leaned into him and shook with loud sobs
as we fell to our knees.
“I can’t control it,” I cried as I held on to him as if he was my life preserver. “I can’t stop it.”
“I know and it’s scary. Breathe, buddy. Let me text Wesley. He’s better at this stuff than I am. He can
take the emotions away and cleanse your system,” he mumbled as he pulled out his phone and shot off
a one-handed text. “I was grounded when I started going through this. I don’t know how to help you
when your powers are askew and you don’t have a support system besides friends. Though, I know
three men who would be more than willing to hold you as you dealt with this.”
“No, no! They can’t see me like this. It’s too new and they won’t want me if they know I’m a mess.
Please, Carson, don’t tell them. They’ll think I’m a freak.”
“No they won’t but okay, whatever you need,” he cooed gently, realizing his idea made me get worse.
“Just focus on me. Wesley’s on the way. I know it seems like you’re dying inside and everyone’s
sadness is eating you alive but I swear it’s not, Sampson.”
“It’s all drowning me,” I admitted as I tried to do as he said. But when I focused on him, I just got
dizzy like he wasn’t really there. It felt like hours of this never-ending, debilitating loop, but then
suddenly Wesley was there kneeling with us.
He wrapped his arms around me and took over for Carson, gasping. “Jesus. We’ve got to get your
powers under control. Your heart is ready to jump out of your chest with all the adrenaline flowing
through you trying to fight this.”

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“Help me,” I cried, trying to swallow lungfuls of air before I passed out. I felt the air crackle around
us and the sadness, worry, and my own panic started to slowly drain away. First the uncontrollable
urge to cry faded, then my muscles seemed to relax that I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding tense.
“Don’t hurt yourself taking it all in you.”
“I’m fine,” he chuckled as it all kept receding. “I know how to channel it when it gets to this point. Or
I just block it out when everyone gets upset around me or strong emotions start bleeding into my
“How are you channeling it?” I asked in a whisper, exhausted and worn out to the point I didn’t think I
could stand.
“I warned Bay, Harkin, and Levey that I was coming to help and they might want to go to our room,”
Wesley answered, giving me an evil smile. He pushed the hair off my forehead and I realized I was
drenched with sweat. Gross. “I’m rotating between them and giving them orgasms. They’ve each had
two already.”
I felt my eyes go wide at that one. “How? I want to learn something cool like that.”
“In time,” he snickered, shaking his head. “I didn’t know your powers were so out of control. Let’s
work on that first and after you are grounded with your new men, we’ll work on showing you all the
neatest tricks Omegas have at their disposal.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I couldn’t help but
at least half smile at him. “I’m diverting the blood flow in their groins and literally pulling the cum
out of them to trigger the orgasm.”
“Doesn’t hurt them?”
“Nope. Bay said it’s so good he gets light-headed afterwards. It’s intense and there’s no buildup to it
so it sets their nerves on overload. When I get back to our room, they’ll be wiped but trust me, I will
get lots of thank-you lovin’ when they recover.”
“Glad to help,” I snickered. Honestly, I was glad he was telling me all this, even though I knew it was
for my benefit. Otherwise I might have been more mortified than I could have put into words. As it
was I was completely embarrassed but Carson was my friend and Wesley and I were becoming
friends. Besides, they both knew what it was like to go through what I had.
At least that’s what I kept telling myself as they helped me back to my room. That way I could stop
feeling like a freak for a little while.
* * * *

The next morning I woke when I heard a light knock at the door and then three large men were

standing next to my bed and they didn’t seem happy. Shit.
“Morning,” I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes and stared up at them.

“Care to explain what happened last night?” Calver asked, his tone upset but I saw concern in his

eyes too.
“I was tired,” I lied. Well, it was true but not the whole truth.
“Well, it would have been nice to get some notice,” he drawled, staring at me intently as if not sure I
was being honest but not smelling a lie. “I believe you promised us a night of fun repayment for all the
pleasure we brought you during the day. Kind of hurt our feelings when suddenly it was night and you
couldn’t get away from us fast enough. Here we’re worried about making sure we’re not taking
advantage of you and being fair and you’re the one who seemed to just use us to get off.”
I blushed at his words. I had promised that but I didn’t think that meant I couldn’t have gotten out of it
if something had come up. But they had been very good to me the day before. After the fun and sex
with Slate, Gareth had jumped me and jacked me off at mile marker twenty-five. Slate gave me a
blow job after we parked the fourwheelers while the other two watched and Calver had finger fucked

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me before dinner until I came so hard I saw stars.
“Don’t get angry,” Gareth said firmly as my heart rate picked up. Just because they had given me
pleasure didn’t mean I couldn’t change my mind. It was like Gareth knew what I was thinking though.
“If you had changed your mind or decided things were going too fast, fine, we wouldn’t be upset or
coming to you like this. But all three of us had no clue what was going on, didn’t believe that you
were just tired, and felt like you were not only lying but ditching us.”
“We deserve better than that,” Slate agreed. “You let us please you all day and then left us with blue
balls the size of Mars without anything other than you were tired and running from us. It seemed like
you were bailing out on taking care of us after promising you would show us how much you enjoyed
what we did to you. So did you not enjoy it? Do you not want us anymore now that you’ve gotten what
you wanted from us?”
“No, it’s not like that,” I whispered, understanding why they were hurt. “I swear. I got a little
overwhelmed with what happened and everyone talking and suddenly I was tired and just wanted
quiet.” I slid to the edge of the bed and they stepped back. I went right down to the ground and it was
perfect because Calver was in the middle. “I’m sucking you off while stroking their cocks so you can
all blow on my face as my apology.”
“But you really want to do this, right?” Calver asked quietly as I pulled down his sleep pants. “I
know we’re upset about the way things went down but you are allowed to change your mind,
Sampson. That’s not what we’re upset about.”
“It was the lack of explanation and communication about what was going on before leaving us high
and dry and horny,” Slate finished for him.
“I want this,” I assured him before taking him into my mouth. Slate and Gareth didn’t need any more
of an invitation than that. They each pulled out their cocks for me and I wrapped a hand around each
of them, smiling when my hands didn’t fit all the way. I was a very lucky man that they wanted me and
I understood why they were upset. Granted, given what had really happened to me they didn’t have
reason to be, except they didn’t know that.
So really it was my fault.
I sucked on Calver with everything I had, pumping Slate and Gareth in the same rhythm.
“Fuck, you look so pretty pleasing us all at once with cock in your mouth,” Gareth moaned, always
the dirty talker. They really had gone to bed with blue balls. Between that and waking up with
morning wood, they were so primed it didn’t take long until they were ready to climax.
“Now,” Calver warned me as he pulled out. Two tugs and he came all over my face. Then Gareth
while Calver was still going, and Slate was last as Gareth finished up. But the time the three of them
were spent, my face, hair, chest, and neck were covered in cum.
“Now I really want my camera,” Gareth mumbled as he leaned back against the wall and fixed his
“Am I forgiven now?” I asked quietly as I reached for my shirt from yesterday. “I did let you take
nude pictures of me and trust you with them after all. I wouldn’t have done that unless I really liked
you guys and wasn’t just going to bail.”
“That’s true, but I still think your punishment should be we leave you hanging this morning without
any explanation,” Gareth answered, his face unreadable. “Since we all know you’re not telling us the
full truth about last night.”
“Fine,” I whispered as I got to my feet and wiped off my face. “You want to play games like that, just
fine then. I didn’t mean to leave you hanging or break my promise. Now you’re doing it to me as a
punishment and on purpose. I’m sorry I don’t feel comfortable telling you everything yet, but you’re

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right. I did lie. So fine, punish me, but the truth is I’m not ready to tell you what happened last night
and I shouldn’t feel pressure.”
“We’re pushing because we’re worried,” Slate said gently as he went to hug me. I moved out of the
way and headed to the bathroom door. “Just tell us that you didn’t get hurt or run to another man or
see a ghost and shit your pants. Give us something, Sampson. You bolted out of that room like the
hounds of hell were on your tail.”
“No, nothing like that and I’m not a cheat. I’m fine today but last night didn’t go so well for me and
that’s all I’m willing to say. I wasn’t injured, I didn’t see a ghost, I didn’t have a flashback or
anything. I just needed space.”
“Okay then,” Gareth replied as he stepped closer. “Then let’s take care of our baby.”
“No,” I whispered, shaking my head. “I need to think. I got that you had a right to be upset or worried
I was using you but I don’t like the way this morning played out. I’m not a child and I didn’t hurt you
on purpose. Threatening to withhold sexual favors from me because I didn’t do what you wanted and
to punish me is manipulative and I’ve already had one inner circle like that. I don’t want another one.
Please leave.”
I went into the bathroom and closed the door, ignoring their protests. I probably wasn’t being fair but
I was still exhausted after yesterday, worn out, scared as to how to get my powers under control, and
had about a million other issues swirling around inside of me. I didn’t need some underhanded
bullshit when I had said I was sorry and showed them I was sorry.
That should have been enough. But on the bright side it pushed me to do something I hadn’t before…
Get help.
As I quickly showered I remembered it was Valentine’s Day. Nice to know that this one was starting
off about just as well as all the other ones. Fan-fucking-tastic.
They were gone when I got out of the shower and I was glad at least they could respect my wishes. I
threw on some shorts and flipflops before padding downstairs to get some breakfast. Everyone was
already in the massive kitchen eating and when I saw Gareth, Slate, and Calver, I ignored their looks.
Instead I loaded my plate, got my juice, and sat as close to Carson as I could.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, his eyes full of concern.
“Exhausted and sad.” I shrugged and he shot a look over to the three staring at me.
“Let me guess, you didn’t tell them what really happened and it blew up in your face?”
“This is why I don’t come to anyone for help,” I growled, tired of everything being my fault. “It’s
always a judgment or my fault that I need help. Just forget it.” I was just getting up when Carson
leaned over Declan and put his hand on my forearm.
“I’m sorry. I’m a bitch before coffee and there’s a lot of shit going down. I didn’t mean to get snippy
with you.”
“They got upset because I bolted,” I admitted with a sigh as I sat back down. “I couldn’t really have
explained it to them right then anyways and I didn’t want them to see me like that. They thought I was
ditching them and leaving them hanging. So I apologized and tried to make it up to them this morning.
But then they wanted to punish me like a child because they knew I wasn’t telling them the full truth. I
won’t play games like that.”
“Understandable but keep in mind just as you didn’t know how to handle the situation they probably
didn’t either,” Declan said quietly. “They care for you but they haven’t really known you that long.
Some people would have walked away from a relationship that new after being lied to.”
I thought about that one as I shoveled my French toast in my mouth and then nodded. “Yeah, I can see
that. I’m just exhausted, upset with myself, tired of my powers being all over the place, and I fucking

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hate Valentine’s Day. It always goes like this for me or worse.”
“I can help with two of those at least,” Carson chuckled as he leaned back over to me. “Give me your
hands.” I did and gasped as I felt the air crackle around me. “Okay, now how do you feel?”
I blinked at him a few times, before answering. “Like I could run around the island seven times
without breaking a sweat.”
“Good. I’ve got some time after breakfast if you want to work on shielding emotions. I think one of
your problems besides not being grounded is that your power is either on full blast or dormant. There
are a lot of settings in between and maybe we just have to work on playing with that.”
“That would be great, thank you.” I was so relieved. Even if we couldn’t fix me, which I assumed
because I needed to be grounded, at least it was a step in the right direction. I needed to learn some
control or I would never leave my room and always be alone. God, I felt so alone most of the time.
I finished everything on my plate and grabbed a donut for the road when Carson was done. It seemed
traumatic and never-ending crying the night before left me needing to refuel my body big-time. Though
that dose of power Carson had given me was wonderful. I asked him what the hell he’d done.
He simply shrugged and answered, “We know how to channel power from someone to grow our own
when needed. I just figured out how to do the reverse.”
Worked for me.
He spent hours walking me through exercises on shielding, reading people, and mimicking power as
he called it. Carson would move a book with his power while I focused on how he was doing it. I
knew I couldn’t do it yet because my energy was all over the place and until I got a new inner circle
there was no way I should be playing with doing that kind of stuff. But I understood how he did it so
when the time came I could do it if I wanted to.
It was lunchtime when there was a hesitant knock on the door of the drawing room we were in. Then
it opened and I flinched when it was Calver. I wasn’t ready to see them yet and it seemed he knew
“Look, I know you’re still mad and you were right. We were jerks for handling it that way. But I
thought you would want to know what’s going on bad enough where you could push that to the side so
I can tell you,” he rambled, looking adorably nervous. “Carson needs to know too.”
“Alright, what’s going on?” I whispered as I shivered. It was like I could feel in the air that it was
“You’re getting the emotions off people in the library that’s right across the hall from us,” Carson
coached me gently. “And I can feel them more than you can and it’s bad. Pull down the barrier or
shield, Sampson, or it will swallow you under like last night.”
I nodded as I took several deep breaths, visualizing what Carson had taught me. It took a few minutes
because the emotions had already started affecting me. The only way I really could explain it was
when someone was trying to close an overstuffed closet and they keep having to shove something
further in to get the door shut.
“I got it,” I breathed as I realized all I was feeling was my own emotions.
“Very good,” Carson praised with a smile. “I already know what’s going on in the library so if you’ll
excuse me, I’m sure Calver will fill you in.”
“Thanks Carson, I’ll see you at lunch.”
“Yeah, and then I think we should all take the day off,” he grumbled as he headed to the door. “Never
anything but bullshit piling up all over the place.”
“Wow, it must be bad,” I whispered as I focused on Calver. “Thank you for coming to tell me the

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“You’re welcome.” He knelt in front of me and sat back on his feet. “Does that mean maybe later
you’ll tell me what Carson was talking about? You got overwhelmed last night?”
“Maybe, but for now just tell me what you came to say.” I knew it was rude to be like you talk first
but he had come to me with news. Unless it was just an excuse to get what he wanted, the truth about
last night or a way to see me. But then Carson wouldn’t have been so upset and left like that if it was
just a ruse to talk to me.
“Right, yeah, um, so we were in the library cataloging all the books and journals because um, well,
we didn’t want to be outside.”
“Why not?” I asked as I tilted my head and studied him. “You guys had a blast mapping out the trail. I
figured you’d it again today with another one.”
He sighed and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Honestly? We didn’t want to be far away from you.
You wanted space after what we did but that doesn’t mean we didn’t want you as close to us as
“Oh, well, that was nice of you,” I said quietly, hope warming my insides. Maybe they really did care
and had just been idiots like Declan had said?
“I am sorry we upset you, Sampson.”
“I believe you. Now seriously, what’s going on? You’re freaking me out by beating around the bush
He sighed and took my hand before explaining to me how they found the previous owner’s journals
and photo albums. Then I found out about how Baptista most likely had been kidnapped and really
was the heir of this whole island, never having known his real parents because he had been taken so
young. Did that make the people he knew as his parents the kidnappers?
“Oh god, poor Baptista,” I whispered as I wiped away an errant tear. “That’s so horrible. But he
doesn’t know for sure?”
“It looked pretty convincing but no, there’s no hard evidence. He might never really know unless his
parents were a part of it and confess.”
“Well, thank you for coming to tell me,” I said, clearing my throat when Calver’s thumb kept
caressing mine. “I’ll see you later. I’m hungry and want to speak with Baptista and Carson to see if
there’s anything I can do.”
“Baptista went to get some air with Kelvin,” Calver told me as I got to my feet, not letting go of my
hand yet. When I yanked on it he was standing in front of me so fast it startled me. Then he wrapped
his arms around me. “We’re sorry. Please don’t let things end like this, Sampson. We have something
“I’m not ending anything. I think it was a misunderstanding we all handled badly like anyone does
when interacting with new people.” He smiled and sighed in relief. “However, I wasn’t mean. What
you guys wanted to do was mean and made me feel like a child. Do you really think that’s the right
way to go after the abuse I suffered to get me to open up?”
Calver shook his head and let me go, looking as if he just ran over his new puppy. I couldn’t comfort
him right then. I needed to go find Carson and I shouldn’t be the one to comfort Calver anyways.

Chapter 6

“We’re taking the rest of the day off,” Wesley said loudly at lunch. “Fuck cataloging and

everything else responsible we’ve been doing. Time to have some fun, relax, and pretend this is an
actual vacation. Anyone up for swimming?”

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“Fuck yeah,” I agreed as dozens of other cheers went up. Everyone was so wiped from the drama

that we needed to just have some fun time. As those who were done quickly cleaned up after
themselves, I was suddenly surrounded by Tristan, Carson, and Wesley.

“Carson filled us in only because he was worried and didn’t know what to do since none of us

can really focus with everything going on,” Tristan explained. “But we came up with a plan.”

“I just need to forgive them and move on,” I mumbled before taking another bite out of my

“No, you need to make it crystal fucking clear that while you will let Gareth be in charge in the
bedroom that doesn’t mean they can ever pull shit like that again,” Wesley growled, his eyes flaring
with power. “It was stupid and not thought out well but believe me, making a point of it will help
save you the possibility of them tripping up like this again later down the road. No matter how you
screw up they should always cherish you.”
“You immediately apologized and tried to right the wrong in your eyes. That’s what partners do. If
you want to make sure they never play another game with you then you need to make sure they know
you can play whatever game they even think of better than they can,” Carson finished with a smile.
“Isn’t that just as backhanded and convoluted?” I asked hesitantly.
“Probably but it doesn’t make you a hypocrite since you’re not punishing them to get your way.
You’re going to tease and taunt them, promising them all kinds of pleasures if they promise to behave.
It’s totally different,” Wesley defended. I raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged. “Fine, it’s not
totally different, but they started it. You’re just going to finish it so they don’t do it again.”
“Okay,” I sighed, not having any better idea. They were all mated after all and would know how to
deal with three strong men. “What do I have to do?”
Twenty minutes later I was regretting ever asking that. We had finished lunch and said we were going
to change to go swimming. Now they were trying to talk me into making an ass of myself.
“Carson, you got that thing for me as a joke. That is not a swimsuit,” I repeated, holding up the floss
in my hand. It was the world’s tiniest swimsuit thong that matched my green eyes, and had a plastic
piece in the front so my dick and balls were showing… Well the parts that could fit in the thing. I
wasn’t sure much of me could even fit in there.
“It’s perfect,” Wesley assured me. “Every single man and some who are taken will be eyeing you
over like grade A fuckable meat, right in front of them. Reminding them how lucky they are that you
even looked their way.”
“And here I thought I was the lucky bastard because they even noticed me,” I grumbled as I crossed
my arms over my chest. “I can’t walk around in this thing.”
“Then don’t,” Tristan said gently as he picked up the beach towel from the back of the chair I had
draped it over. “Walk out in this, and then take it off, and lie down. Not everyone has to see you.
We’re not saying prance around and bend over so all the guys see what you’ve got. We’re just saying
show how sexy you are. You’re hot, Sampson.”
“I won’t fit in that,” I replied, losing a lot of the heat in my tone. I did want to feel sexy. It would be
nice to feel like they weren’t always doing me a favor by noticing me or being with me. I liked the
idea of maybe believing I was worthy of them or, hell, that they were lucky to have me.
“We know,” Carson chuckled. “Who cares? We’re werewolves. Nudity doesn’t bother us. And it’s
our damn island now. Who’s going to see you? You won’t get in trouble.”
“I might from them,” I drawled.
“Yes, we’re sure you will,” Wesley snickered. “The best kind of trouble. Just trust us. If we’re wrong
and this doesn’t work, we’ll walk around tonight serving drinks wearing the same thing while asking

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for dollar bills, okay?”
“Um, I won’t agree to that,” Tristan argued.
“You don’t have that much faith in your own plan?” I asked, starting to feel unsure again.
“I do, but I don’t know them that well. I mean, we know this is a good plan but I won’t guarantee
“Yeah, even if it’s not as successful as we hope, you know your men will freak if they see you doing
that and jump you six ways from Sunday,” Carson said with a giggle.
A bright smile spread on Tristan’s face. “That is true. Fuck it. I’ll do it anyways as their Valentine’s
Day present. Jared’s always said he wanted to fuck me in the ocean.”
“Random fantasy much?” I giggled.
Tristan gave me a wink and an evil smirk. “Not much water in Colorado and besides, we already
went through dozens of other fantasies. They’re scrambling to come up with new ones so we never
run out.”
“That would be nice,” I mumbled, staring at the thong. “Okay, I’m in. But if it goes bad, someone
might have to help me shield. I can’t go through what I did last night with the breaking down.”
“Deal!” they all exclaimed together. Next thing I knew, Carson was pulling out the butt plug I brought
with because I thought the only orgasms I’d have while there would be of my own making. I groaned
when they added wearing that to the deal. It was bright fucking purple. Everyone would immediately
know I was wearing one.
“That’s the point,” Wesley informed me. Fine. But I made them swear they would walk outside with
me. They agreed and ran off to change as I stretched myself out for the plug, slipped it in, and then
pulled on the swimsuit thong.
“This is ridiculous,” I groaned as I looked in the mirror. I turned around and had to admit that it really
accentuated my ass and hip bones. So it was good until I got to the front, then it was just overly
obscene. Even soft the head of my cock was poking out the top. But at least my balls fit. I wrapped the
towel around my waist, grabbed my sunglasses, and smaller bag with my iPod, a book I borrowed
from Edric, and my cell.
“You ready?” Wesley asked as the three of them entered my room again.
“Sure,” I snickered, wondering if I was crazy. “My cock’s hanging out and the moment I start walking
in the sand and the plug rubs my prostate I’m going to be hard and leaking and everyone will see
“Exactly,” Tristan drawled as he eyed me over. “You know I’ve never had a cute little twink now that
I’m massive.”
“Tristan!” I gasped as I suddenly felt dirty. I didn’t know him as well as Carson and Wesley but they
trusted him. He couldn’t be a creep.
“Dude, relax,” he chuckled and messed up my hair. “Your virtue is safe. I would never cheat on my
men. It’s just something I realized looking at you.” Then he sighed. “I don’t know, this island has me
thinking of things I never have before. With all the fights that were going on, and finding out secrets, I
just find my mind wandering to a lot of what if scenarios.”
“I know the feeling,” Wesley mumbled. “I keep wondering what if I didn’t kill that bitch. Would we
all still be in the position we are? What if I didn’t do that to the Council?”
“Then I’d be dead and we both know that,” Tristan whispered. “This was never your fault, Wesley. It
was mine.”
“No,” I growled and smacked Tristan’s chest, then Wesley’s, and even Carson’s for good measure.
“We are not going to be sad or deal with the real world for one goddamn afternoon. None of it was

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any of your faults. It’s theirs. But none of that matters. We’re here, we’re going to have fun, and I’m
probably going to end up with a sunburn on my ass and if I do, one of you will be helping me rub aloe
on it.”
“Deal,” Wesley chuckled as he wiped his eyes. He had been on the verge of crying and I got it. They
could all lose their homes and packs after what happened with the Council. They might not all like
leading or being in charge, but most of them loved their packs or where they lived.
“Nicely done, Sampson,” Carson chuckled as he threw his arm over my shoulder. “Though I might
smack you back later next time you need to snap out of something or act like an idiot.”
“Looking forward to it,” I assured him with a chuckle. We all laughed and joked at the things we do
to keep life interesting but as we got closer to the front door I started to panic. “What if they don’t
care? What if they just ignore me? What do I say? We didn’t go over that.”
“Right, sorry, we forgot to fill you in on part two,” Carson answered quietly. “We know they’re
already outside, all three of them off to the side sulking.” He filled me in on the plan and when he was
done I didn’t know if I was more nervous or ready to do this. When he explained things that way, it
kind of made sense.
Now if I could just pull this off.
I walked over to where Carson had told me they would be. I already hid the lotion and lube in the
side pocket of my bag. I saw them first and it made me sad the way they were sulking and looking
miserable. When they saw me, Gareth, Slate, and Calver sat up and smiled.
“Are you coming to lay out with us, baby?” Gareth asked with a purr. “Does that mean you forgive us
and want to take us up on our offer?”
“No thank you,” I answered as I set down my bag, not looking directly at them but pretending to be
deciding where I wanted my towel with the sun. “Calver told me you guys stayed close because you
wanted to make sure I was okay and near if I needed you. So I thought I might need space and to think
but that didn’t mean I would be childish and sit way on the other side of the beach where you’d have
to keep looking to find me if you wanted to check on me.”
“That’s very considerate of you,” Slate hedged. “But you’re not going to sit with us? You’re just
going to sit twenty feet in front of us?”
“I could move if it makes you uncomfortable or you think it’s weird,” I offered as I leaned over like I
was going to pick up my bag.
“No!” they all shouted together and it was hard to keep from smiling.
“You sit wherever you want and we’ll give you space,” Calver assured me and then I saw him baring
his teeth at Slate and Gareth out of the corner of my eye. He wasn’t messing around.
“Yes, of course we will,” Gareth agreed.
“Glad we could all treat each other with respect for each other’s needs like adults,” I said as sweetly
as I could, hitting home the point Carson and them told me I needed to. These guys couldn’t ever treat
me like a kid again if they wanted adult things from me.
I opened my towel as I faced the water so my back was to them. Then I flipped it out in front of me
and bent over from the waist to lay it on the sand.
“Oh fuck me,” Slate groaned.
“I’m so fucking turned on right now I just might,” Calver mumbled.
“Sweet mother of mercy, it’s like heaven dropped us off an angel we can’t touch,” Gareth just about
whimpered. Their towels were facing the water, but I put mine on a slight angle so I was facing the
sun. Then I knelt down on it, keeping my legs spread as I rifled through my bag and pulled out the

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“Holy shit, the front of that thing is see-through,” Slate gasped.
“Others are seeing our man,” Gareth growled. I barely hid the shiver the sound of his rough voice
caused me. Damn, I loved it when he growled. I squirted a liberal amount on my hands and started
spreading it on my upper body, rubbing it in as well as I could for their viewing enjoyment.
“He’s not our man,” Calver snapped. “We followed your plan and now we could lose him. So thanks
for that.”
“I said I was sorry,” Gareth said quietly. “I didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did. I was trying
not to freak because he lied to us. It was meant to be more teasing than harsh.”
“Yeah, we all make idiot mistakes,” Calver replied as I got to my stomach with the lotion. “You
didn’t force us to go along with it. I just don’t want to lose him.”
“If I ever get him back in my arms I swear I’m claiming him,” Slate grumbled and I felt my heart rate
pick up at the declaration. I liked the sound of that. “I don’t care if I have to help lead the biggest pack
ever if I do. I want him always.”
“You were lying how you felt about him, weren’t you?” Gareth whispered, probably thinking I
couldn’t hear them. Carson had showed me how to use just a little bit of my power to increase my
senses so normally I might not have been able to hear them at that volume but now I could.
“I’m pretty sure I love him,” Slate breathed. “I’ve never been in love before but my heart races when
he looks at me, I wanted to throw up and cry when he threw us out of his room, and it’s like a part of
me is missing now that he’s being distant. But yet, I want to give him the space because it’s what he
wants. No matter that it hurts me, I want what’s best for him.”
“Yeah, you’re in love,” Calver mumbled. “I know because I’m feeling the same. I love him. I like you
guys and I think I would fall for you too but there’s just something about Sampson.”
“It’s like touching sunlight and a rainbow just looking at him,” Gareth agreed. “So we’re agreed then?
The three of us as an inner circle and lead whatever pack we have to be with him?”
“Yeah,” Slate and Calver agreed. I felt tears burn in my eyes at what they said. It made it hard to
quickly lotion up my legs as I moved them out in front of me. They hated the idea of leading but
they’d do it to be with me.
And I loved them all for that, even if I hated the idea of being the inner circle of a new pack and
leaving the island. But I couldn’t let them claim me until we talked with Carson and the others. Until
then, I could hurry up the plan and end their suffering and mine.
I spread my legs wide, knowing they could see everything and were watching. Then I slid my hand
down my body and moved it to the edge of the plug. I pulled it out slowly before letting it pop right
back in.
“My god, that’s a butt plug,” Gareth groaned. “I thought it was a patch of the material so no one could
see his hole. I mean, his ass is so tight and firm someone could have seen that if he moved in certain
“No, I knew it was a toy,” Slate grumbled. “I saw him with it once in Chicago. Besides, why would it
cover up his asshole when his whole front is exposed?” He let out a guttural groan. “And peeking out
leaking all over his stomach. Fuck, this is torture.”
“How did you see him with it in Chicago? And how did you keep your hands to yourself after seeing
it?” Calver asked in a breathy voice as I kept fucking myself slowly with the toy.
“He tripped on the edge of his pajama pants because they were too long and since they weren’t tied
they slipped off his ass. I saw it before he quickly pulled them back up. He didn’t know that I was
there and I didn’t want to embarrass him no matter how much I wanted to jump him.”
“Cold shower instead?” Gareth chuckled.

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“Cold shower and I swear my hand was close to blistering I jacked off so many times.” Slate groaned
as I slid my hand into my thong and teased myself slowly. “Oh come on. This is torture.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I could move and go somewhere else,” I offered as I raised my head. “I’ve always
fantasized about pleasing myself in the tropical sun.”
“No, of course we want you to stay here and not closer to other men,” Gareth said, his voice changing
octaves before he cleared his throat. “You’ve been hearing what we’ve been saying though, right?
You have to know how sorry we are.”
“I’ve heard some of it. I know you’re sorry,” I replied and then gasped as the plug scraped over my
prostate. “Oh god, yes. I love this toy.” Then I rolled my head in their direction. “What was I saying?”
“That you know we’re sorry,” Calver whimpered. “Baby, can we just move our towels closer? We
won’t touch.”
“Speak for yourself, my hands are shaking so bad to touch him I’m barely holding on to my wolf,”
Slate mumbled.
“You can move closer,” I agreed with a one-arm shrug. “And yeah, I know you’re sorry, but it still
happened and I worry it could happen again. If you treat me like a child, then you see me as one. I
don’t know if I can be with men who see me like that.”
“I don’t see you as a child, sexy thang,” Ollie drawled from our right. I glanced over and saw Ollie,
the Alpha candidate Falkner, and another Beta candidate Harley watching me as their board shorts
tented. “If they screwed up and you’re a free agent, then come hang out with us.”
“Ollie, you’re my friend,” Slate growled as he jumped to his feet.
“I am and out of respect for you and your feelings I never made a play for Sampson,” he threw right
back. “But you had your chance and screwed up twice. Let someone else try and win him! Do you
have any idea how many guards want to be his? He’s sexy as fuck, sweet as can be, smart as whip—”
“We know that,” Gareth snarled, his eyes flashing with his wolf. Shit. This was dangerously close to
fighting time.
“Thanks, guys, maybe later,” I told Ollie and them. “But I’m okay if you keep watching. I might not be
ready to try again to get to know other people but I am a free agent.”
“Please, Sampson, don’t do this,” Slate whimpered.
“Don’t fuck myself with a toy on a beach in the tropics like I always wanted?” I moaned as I picked
up the pace.
“No, I want you to if that’s what you want,” he whispered. “I’m just sorry I can’t do what I want to
make it better for you.” That was what I had been waiting for. One of them just needed to say that.
“Maybe you guys should stop assuming things,” I growled as I fisted my cock and stroked it faster. “I
never said you couldn’t join in. Why didn’t you just ask me? Or talk to me like an adult about what
you’re feeling instead of each other? I shouldn’t have to hear it by eavesdropping!”
Slate was the first to reach me, practically diving between my legs. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I won’t
ever treat you like a child again or play games. I’ll tell you every day how I feel about you. You said
you needed space and I thought that it was clear we shouldn’t be touching or talking to you.” I gasped
as his hands that had been clutching my hips tightly started to cut into my skin as they shifted into
“Slate, pull it back,” Gareth ordered. “You’re losing control and hurting Sampson.”
“It’s okay,” I panted as I pulled out the plug before moving my fingers into Slate’s hair. “I like it. Just
don’t make me bleed or if you nick me you’re licking it closed.” He nodded and leaned forward to
lick my lower lip, a wolf’s way of asking forgiveness and submitting. I gave him the briefest of
kisses, accepting the gesture. “You can’t claim me, Slate, no matter how much we both want it. We

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can’t get Carson and them in trouble that way.”
His eyes went wide. “You want it too.”
“Yeah, I love you,” I whispered as I cupped his cheek. “That’s what I wouldn’t tell you before. I’ve
loved you for months. All I ever wanted in Chicago was for you to notice me or talk to me. I thought
you were the sexiest man I’d ever seen but now I know you tie for that title with two others and I’m
falling for them too.” I glanced up at Calver and Gareth, keeping my face soft at the admission but
making my tone firm. “You ever treat me like a child again and I won’t get past it next time. That’s not
a threat, just a consequence to a choice.”
“Understood,” Gareth agreed and then swallowed loudly. “For the record, it was supposed to come
out different, not so harsh, but more of teasing you into telling us what happened. I handled it badly.”
“Okay, then let’s put this behind us and enjoy our Valentine’s Day,” I said after a moment of searching
his expression. “I’m fucking horny. Teasing you guys got me so damn wound—” I gasped as Slate
slammed his cock into me. I hadn’t even seen him pull off his shorts. How did he even do that? His
hands were—oh fuck it. I missed it somehow when I was distracted.
“Need you,” Slate grunted as he pounded into me, claws still gripping my hips tightly.
“Need you too,” I cried out as he nailed my prostate over and over again. “You fuck like a god,
“Scream my name so everyone on the beach hears you declare who’s pleasing you,” he demanded. I
did him one better.
“I belong to you, Slate Devlin!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Slate howled as he fucked me
harder, his perfect abs rubbing against my cock roughly, giving me glorious friction. I came so hard
my body shook from the force of it as I painted us with cum.
“Love you,” Slate breathed in my ear before I felt his body go still. Then he came. He didn’t scream
in my ear luckily but his claws did break skin as he pumped every drop of cum in his body deep
inside me. When he was spent he sagged against me, moving his shifted-back hands around me as I
snuggled against him. Wow. That was one way to make up.

Chapter 7

I gasped when I felt a tongue licking my side. Slate moved off me slightly and I smiled when I saw

Calver licking up some of my cum that he could see.

“Please?” he whimpered as he eyed me over. “Please, I’ll do whatever you want if you let me

have you.”
“Just make me scream.” I gave him a wink as Slate pulled out of me and flopped onto the sand next to
“Ever been on top?” Calver asked me as he moved into the spot Slate had just been.
“No, no I haven’t,” I whispered, the idea making me shiver.
“That way I can play from behind if you’ll let me,” Gareth offered quietly.
“I’d like that.” Seconds later I was riding Calver’s fat cock as Gareth licked the claw marks Slate
made closed. When Calver was spent, Gareth pulled me off of him and offered to clean me up so he
could get me dirty all over again. I didn’t know what he meant until he showed me the waterproof
I figured it out real quick then and had my first ocean sex. Yeah, it was as good as I’d heard.
We were still in the water, just having finished, when we heard a commotion on the beach and saw
everyone heading in. But Carson was moving the quickest. Oh shit. What happened now?

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Gareth was as worried as I was because he lifted me out of the water and started running on his much,
much longer legs to the group. When we got there he set me down and I hadn’t been tucked back into
my tiny suit. I quickly did that and then seconds later Slate was there with my towel, wrapping it
around me.
Thank you, I mouthed as Edric was filling Carson in.
“Dorothy? Are you okay?” he asked after taking the phone and started walking down the beach. Well
shit. Now we came over here thinking there was trouble and I felt like we’d just been snooping.
“Should we just go back to what we were doing?” Calver asked, always trying to be considerate.
What?” Carson bellowed loudly enough that I flinched at the sound of it and slipped my hand into
Gareth’s. Carson rarely lost his cool in all the time I’d lived with him. This had to be really, really
bad. “Do as they say, Dorothy. We’ll figure this out. I need to talk to Tristan but yeah, tell them we’re
not there if you think that will help. I love you.”
Tristan, along with everyone else, was already on the beach, waiting to find out what the commotion
had been all about. I was worried about Carson. He looked like he was going to faint as he took a
shaky step and almost fell but then Declan caught him and wrapped his arm around Carson to support
“Talk to me about what?” Tristan asked, his face scared. “What’s going on, Carson?”
“Your father just invaded the Chicago pack. We’re no longer in charge and your father is searching
for me and the Omegas we had staying with us.” I gasped. One of those Omegas was me. What had
they wanted me for?
“They won’t ever touch you,” Gareth swore in a whisper as he hugged me back against his body.
“I will gut that man,” Tristan snarled before pulling his friend into his arms. “We’ll figure this out and
get Dorothy out of there. My dad’s a power-hungry douche but he’s not a bastard. He won’t hurt
“I know. I just, yeah, she called to warn us to stay away. We need to talk to him and the Council to
see what’s going on. I think Matthew’s warning was right. The shit is hitting the fan big-time,” Carson
whispered, obviously in shock as he moved into the circle of waiting arms of his men.
“Happy fucking Valentine’s Day,” Galvin growled. “Screw romance and time to go to war.”
“Shit,” Slate whispered as everyone started talking at once. “We’re never going back, are we?”
“I didn’t really want to but I didn’t want this either,” I admitted.
Jared stuck his fingers in his mouth and let out a loud whistle. “Everyone, please just calm down.
Grab your phones and start warning people of what we know. Our packs could be next. We need to
get ahead of this. We’ll be in the large study off the library because that has the speakerphone. Please
slip us notes with whatever you learn as soon as you do. This is going to take a while I’m sure.”
“I’ve got friends I need to call,” Gareth said quietly as everyone headed to grab their stuff. “A few
are Alphas in other packs and none of them have an Omega but they need to know.”
“Okay, I’m going to stay with Carson and them in case they need a runner to grab someone or
something. I don’t know, I think they just might need a gopher,” I rambled as I quickly picked up my
things and moved my bag to my shoulder.
“Everything’s going to change after this, isn’t it? There hasn’t been a pack invaded in like a century or
something,” Calver whispered.
“We don’t know what’s going on yet,” Gareth answered as we quickly walked towards the mansion.
“For all we know this is a really big misunderstanding.”
“You don’t believe that for a second,” Slate countered. “You know this is in response to what
happened with the Council. The Alphas are stupid and scared, thinking the Omegas will threaten their

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turf somehow or become dictators.”
“How do you know all this?” I asked as I blinked up at him.
“Because I heard someone accusing Carson and Declan of it,” he answered with a tired sigh. “I think
that’s the guy who’s in cahoots with Green Bay. You can’t invade a pack, take over, and no one get
hurt unless they showed up with help to slip in and overwhelming numbers where everyone would
know it was a suicide mission to try and fight.”
“What do we do?” I felt very lost and then I realized it wasn’t just my feelings. I quickly pulled down
the shutters in my mind and blocked it all out. I would not end up like I did the night before.
“We prepare for every potential scenario,” he answered. “I don’t have calls to make, do you,
“Nope. What do you need?”
“Sampson, I think in light of everything no one should be bunking alone. Please let us pack up your
stuff and move us all into one of the large suites for now,” he explained.
“Yes, okay, if you think that’s best. Can someone bring me real clothes though?” I asked hesitantly as
I saw Carson, his inner circle, Tristan and his inner circle break off and head to the study once we
were all in the mansion. “I don’t want to leave them.”
“Deal. Gareth, we’re grabbing your stuff too.” Slate gave me a quick kiss before heading to the stairs
with Calver.
“Do it. I’ll come help as soon as I’m done making calls.” Then Gareth gave me a kiss on the cheek
and moved his hand down my ass. “Nothing will take you away from us unless you choose to walk
away. I understand you’ll be afraid after what you’ve gone through but you’re safe here and we’ve got
the strongest and best of our people here. No one’s invading this island.”
“Right, okay, just maybe remind me of that again later,” I whispered. Then I gave him a quick peck
and darted after Carson and everyone. I slipped into the study just as they were dialing the phone.
“Hello?” a strange voice answered.
“Councilman Johnson, this is Tristan, Carson, and our inner circles,” Tristan said clearly.
“How’s the vacation you didn’t tell us you were taking?” the Councilman drawled.
“We went away for an extended romantic weekend,” Tristan answered as he grabbed the notebook
and quickly wrote a note. I saw Jared nod and glanced at it. Call the pack and see if they are okay.
How else would they know we’re gone?
He made a good point there.
“So I’ve heard. Getting a tan?”
“I was trying to when word from Carson’s pack came in that my father invaded Chicago. We’re
calling to find out if the High Council knew about this, what’s being done, how we should handle it,
etc. Or did you already know?”
“We just found out,” he said with a sigh. “No, we didn’t sanction it but with half the Council being
new now after Wesley booted out the other ones, people are still getting their feet wet. Apparently
several packs who’ve been against what we’ve been trying to do to help the Omegas decided to take
action while we were busy.”
“Tom, are you okay?” Carson asked. I didn’t even know that was the Councilman’s first name. “They
haven’t threatened you, have they? We can come get you out of there if you need us to.”
“Oh, Carson,” he chuckled sadly. “Your pack just got invaded and you’re worried about me?”
“Well, yeah. You’re our ally too and you’ve helped us. I know you didn’t like how things went down
when we came to Boston but what were we supposed to do? Let half the Council who was corrupt
kill Tristan?”

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“I don’t like how any of this has turned out! I swore an oath to do what was best by my people as did
the others. I don’t know how we got here and I don’t know that I can help any of us right now. There’s
talk of disbanding the Council and leaving everything up to pack law. I don’t think it will get to that
but Alpha Modeto cited an old law before he invaded. He told us the plan earlier today but we didn’t
know it was happening now.”
“What’s the law?” Tristan asked with a growl. “And just so you know, Tom, legal or not, if my father
stepped over any lines I will take the bastard out myself.”
“The law is about if the pack feels distressed or their leadership isn’t holding their best interests in
the highest priority if five reach out to another Alpha they can request aid and to be taken over by that
pack,” he explained. “It’s an old law before modern technology. If something was happening in
Chicago, Green Bay would be one of the closest packs to get help from. Because before phones it
would have taken weeks to get a message to the Council.”
“Shit, so it’s legal,” Jared swore. “What happens now? Alpha Modeto is the Alpha of Chicago too?
Is that even allowed by the Council?”
“By the law they were to detain the current leadership, escort them to Boston with the accusers, and
have a trial. Except none of the inner circle were there so we really don’t know what to tell them to
do. We didn’t give them permission to invade, but it’s not illegal.”
“So we’re at a chicken/egg scenario and between a rock and a hard place all rolled into one big
fucking shit storm,” Tristan grumbled.
“That about sums it up. Look, I think we’ve become allies as Carson said so you know I’m not for the
oppression of Omegas and I’ve supported the new laws. I think it was just too much change too fast
for the old-school Alphas and Wesley invoking the Correction Clause snapped them into action. I’m
not saying I agree with it, and I’m glad we didn’t risk Tristan’s life.
“Those bad apples needed to be off the Council. But now we’ve got half a Council with no time on
their resume besides being elders of packs and a few ex-Alphas. If we push back we could have an
uprising and the Council be disbanded. That would create total anarchy and I don’t even want to
imagine what might happen in some packs. It wouldn’t just be Omegas, but anyone an Alpha deemed a
threat. It would be Martial Law in each pack. We can’t let that happen.”
“So in short you’re telling us to handle this however we can but with no aid from you?” Tristan asked
carefully. “What can’t we do, Tom? We’re not trying to make this worse, but is there any action we
could take that would end up with us in prison?”
“No, while it was a legal action on your father’s part, there are no laws in place that say you have to
give over you pack. The law he invoked is at his own risk. If he won taking over, he was to bring the
Chicago inner circle here for trial. If you go back and fight him, that’s your right as the leadership.
There really aren’t any rules for this. It was an emergency-situation law for aid when you couldn’t
just pick up the phone and call for help.”
“Okay, well, what do you want us to do?” Carson asked quietly. “We won’t just turn ourselves in.
We’ve done nothing wrong and we know there’s good leadership in the Council now. But we both
know that it could be a trap. We’re brought to you, you rule that we’re innocent, and the Council still
gets disbanded.”
“I know,” Councilman Johnson sighed. “What? Hang on a second.” There was whispering and a gasp
before Councilman Johnson let out an impressive litany of cuss words. “Chicago’s not the only one.
Denver was just taken over.”
“I know, I just heard from our people,” Jared confirmed. “They said that it’s the Alpha and pack of
Salt Lake City and they’re going for Cheyenne next.”

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I hurried over to the desk, quickly jotting down that I would go get Edric and his men. Tristan nodded,
and I turned on my heel and ran as fast as I could. When I got to the hallway, I closed the door and
saw Wesley first.
“We need Edric. Have you seen him?” I asked.
“Kitchen,” he whispered. “Cheyenne next?”
“They just took Denver and they said they’re going there next. Are you okay?”
“Seattle took the Medical Lake pack. We don’t know what’s going on yet, but apparently Alpha
Modeto told Seattle to go in and take it over. Blair’s father is the Alpha of the Seattle pack. That’s not
going to cause all kinds of issues here,” he said sadly. “Bay, Harkin, and Levey love that pack and
that lake. That land has been in their family for—”
“Stop, babe,” Levey said as he stepped out into the hall. “We can hear you and we’re fine. No one
was hurt and we still agree with what you did. We don’t love some fucking land more than we love
you.” Wesley walked into Levey’s open arms, tears streaming down his face. I wanted to tell them
they should go into the study and talk with the Councilman but they needed a moment.
And I was on a mission.
I raced right by my guys, waving them off as I ran to the kitchen. I knew what they were going to say. I
was running barefoot in just the thong. The towel would have slowed me down so I took it off. People
would get over it. We were shifters after all and it wasn’t like there were kids around.
“Edric, they need you and your inner circle in the study. Denver was just invaded and they were
warned Cheyenne is next,” I blurted out as I held open the door. In a flash they were up from where
they were seated and out the door. As I followed them back, I grabbed the shorts Slate held out for me
and filled them in as we went.
“This is bad,” Gareth whispered. “My friend said he’s not involved but was asked to be. It seems just
about every pack that doesn’t have an Omega was in on this. They just didn’t know we’d be gone.
They wanted all the Omegas rounded up and he says they weren’t really sure what they were going to
do with them but they want them out.”
“They were going to kill us all, weren’t they?” I asked, horrified at the idea, my heart racing as we
got to the study.
“Maybe. He didn’t know but he didn’t think it was life in prison because what prison could hold
some of you guys?” he admitted. “Blaine—” Jared started to say but Blaine cut him off. “Sampson
already clued us in. Who’s in charge of all of this?”
“According to our pack, Seattle went in but Alpha Modeto was organizing the uprising,” Bay
“Gareth, you need to tell them what you know,” I hissed a little too loudly. All eyes turned to us and I
quickly pulled on the shorts I’d had in my hand. “Sorry.”
“I was going to once they were done,” Gareth assured me. He repeated to them what he told me and
everyone started cussing.
“Look, I can’t believe my father would just collect us all and shoot us,” Tristan said quietly, looking
obviously shaken. “We know he’s been against the changing laws for Omegas, but he’s not a
“I hate to ask, man, because he’s your dad, but are you sure?” Slate asked carefully. “Most people
wouldn’t believe what we’ve done in war but I’ve lost count how many people I’ve killed.
Sometimes we were just shooting at too many to know who took whom out.” Then he looked at me
with sad eyes. “I was going to tell you and not like this.”
I said the only thing I could when a person was in love and the one they loved looked at them like

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that, so sad, so unsure of my reaction. “I’m proud that you were a Marine and served your country.
Knowing you killed people on the battlefield doesn’t change that. You weren’t just some killer. You
did what you had to to keep the people back home safe and make sure your fellow Marines came back
home safe.”
“I love you,” he whispered as he pulled me into his arms.
“Love you too.”
“I know my dad has killed, but not the innocent or those who couldn’t fight back,” Tristan answered,
getting back to Slate’s question. “It was people who challenged him. He always said the innocent
need protecting and the challengers are showed no mercy.”
“But isn’t that what we’ve done is challenge the system?” Wesley whispered in horror. “He won’t
see the Omegas as innocent.”
“Fuck. We need to warn Wichita. There’s over a dozen Omegas just sitting there,” Harkin said before
dashing out of the room. Tristan took several deep breaths as he tried not to lose it.
“Hey, Omega Modeto?” I asked, reminding him he had a title. He glanced over at me and shot me a
grateful smile. “You’re not that kid anymore. Look at the man you’ve become and the people who
follow you, look up to you. You’re not going to your dad asking to borrow the car. You’re demanding
to know what the fuck he’s pulling so you don’t send in our troops and take him out.”
“Right, yeah, I can do this, thanks,” he mumbled before centering himself. Then he hit the button for
the speakerphone and started dialing.
“Nicely done,” Gareth said proudly. “Sharp as a whip, I tell you. I didn’t realize that’s why he was
freaking out.”
“He had the same look in his eyes as I did when I had to talk to my dad and I knew there was going be
yelling, which meant there would be hitting,” I told him under my breath. I saw the look he gave me,
clearly saying he’d want to know more later but right now wasn’t the time. I nodded that I understood.
They did need to know that my abuse wasn’t just from my old inner circle if they were going to be
with me. It was only fair.
“Yes?” a strong voice asked as it came on the other end.
“Dad, what the hell are you doing? You invaded the Chicago pack?” Well, there really was no point
in beating around the bush. Besides there didn’t seem to be a lot of love lost between Tristan and his
“That’s Alpha Modeto to you, boy,” the man sneered. Tristan flinched and I took it that his father
didn’t normally talk to him that way.
“Fine, you want to play that fucking game, Alpha Modeto, then it’s Omega Modeto to you. Now what
the fuck is going on?”
“Omega isn’t a title. It’s like asking proper respect for whores. I’ll talk to the Alpha of Chicago.”
“Fine, you can talk to him but you’re talking to me now and I’d be very careful what you say next,
Dad. We both know I’m not the little twerp you used to punish with a belt and rule with an iron fist. I
could fucking stop your heart without even blinking.”
“Of course you’d have to rely on your demon powers.”
“Wow, that explains a lot,” Tristan chuckled darkly. “Fine. Even if we had a fight without my powers
we both know I could wipe the floor with you. I’m two hundred years younger, less wear and tear,
trained by the best now, and about six inches taller than you. Want to fight or do you want to start
talking and handle this like fucking leaders?”
Declan looked like he was going to burst so I wasn’t surprised when he cut into the conversation.
“Look, what do you want with Chicago? Have you hurt our people?”

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“No, I’m not a monster,” Alpha Modeto answered. “A few guards had to be restrained but we
weren’t coming in to use lethal force. We were asked to provide aid against a corrupt inner circle.”
“Cut the shit, Dad. You know Declan, Ian, and Taylor. You’ve known them for years. They would
never hurt people or become some abusive inner circle. Hell, you hated the old Alpha. There’s no
Council member here, we’re not recording you, or transmitting this call. We know you used some law
to go in legally. We’re not calling you out on that. But don’t fucking lie to us either. What do you
“All the Omegas gone. You’re a fluke of nature like a five-legged frog or a mutated parasite. You
were freaks that could be used to benefit pack leadership. You’re not people who deserve rights like
other, real werewolves but if the Council wanted to take out some bad Alphas to rescue what they
saw as power sources, fine. But now you’re setting new laws to protect them? That’s going too far
but we were working through the right channels.
“Until the shit that was pulled in Boston last month. Who the fuck gave the right for some whiny little
shits to go in and throw out half the members? No, this ends now. We’re taking you out before you
enslave us all with your demon powers.”
“Jesus, Dad,” Tristan whispered as he leaned over the desk and put his hands by the phone and then
cleared his throat. “I’m your son. I’m one of the demons you speak of, made from your DNA. How
can you feel this way about us? What does Mom have to say about all this?”
“Your mother is dead,” he snarled. Tristan stood up so fast as if his father had reached through the
phone and slapped him. “And you’re not my son. After she died I found records from the hospital. The
car accident you were in when you were sixteen? You lost a lot of blood and they had to type you, not
knowing you’d heal so fast. You’re an O blood type. Your mother and I are both AB. You can’t be
my son.”
“I didn’t know,” Tristan mumbled as he started to sit down, oblivious that there was no chair behind
him. Jared quickly moved one in time and helped him into his seat. “When did Mom die?”
“Last week.”
“And you’re just telling me this now? When I fucking call you because you invaded my friend’s
“You’re not my family. Why should I have told you?”
Tristan muttered a few choice cuss words that had me trying to picture how that would even work
physically. “Even if what you’re saying is true, you raised me. You know Omegas aren’t evil.”
“Why do you think I never had one in our pack? We had the money to buy one like you would buy a
car. I didn’t want a demon letting its evil into our pack. I wanted—”
“Jesus, shut the fuck up, you crazy fucker,” Declan bellowed. “I don’t give a shit what you think of
Omegas or what your religion might feel on them. What have you done with my pack? What do you
want? Start making sense and talking turkey or I’m coming in and fucking gutting you for coming onto
our lands.”
“Not hiding behind your little bottom boy with the mind powers this time, Declan?” Alpha Modeto
“I never have, Mark. He’s always stood by my side as I have his. Look, if this is some kind of mental
break from losing your wife—”
“This has been in the works for months now. We’ve been planning this since we were denied an
audience with the Council on the charges of Omegas not being used properly. The Orson twerp just
pushed the plan into motion faster. I needed to see this done before my time is up.”
“If Mom died last week, then you’ve got no more than a few weeks,” Tristan said as he glanced at the

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ceiling as if he couldn’t focus on anything else. Or maybe he was just praying to whomever was up
“Yes, and that sped up the timetable after what happened in Boston. I wanted to see all the Omegas
gone before I took my last breath.”

Chapter 8

“Fine, we’re sorry for your loss and we get you don’t agree with us but what we did was entirely

legal. Hell, I did it to save Tristan and whether he’s really your son or not, he was your mate’s son
and you would think that earned some loyalty from you,” Wesley said, stepping up to handle this when
we all saw Tristan practically checking out. I didn’t blame him. There was some serious fucked-up
shit going on. “What do you want? What was the plan or the goal? To kill all the Omegas?”

“No, this wasn’t about killing,” Alpha Modeto answered. “You might be the half spawn of

demons, but you’re still wolves. I would never condone the slaughtering of our own. We want you
out. Banished and not allowed back in.”

“Just the Omegas or all the inner circles that have one?” Jared tried to clarify.

“The full inner circles that have started the trouble and upset our ways, our Council, and believe the
Omegas should be in power. The other inner circles can stay. Most of them are the ones who invaded
the rest of the packs and are free from Omega influence.”
“So where do you see this going now that none of us were there?” Wesley asked hesitantly. “You lost
the element of surprise, but now we would have it when we come back. You can’t stay in Chicago
forever and defend Green Bay. You know we can take both easily.”
“You’re not wanted here. Don’t you get that? Your own pack was the one who asked for the help.”
“No, the law is five people have to come to you. It doesn’t even say adults,” Wesley countered. “I bet
you got one couple from each pack that you convinced this would be better for everyone and added on
their kids or something to get the five. And I doubt you even have that with the Medical Lake pack.
All of our packs have supported what we’ve done.”
“I don’t need to explain myself to you.”
“But you will to the Council.”
“The Council you now put in place.”
“As was legal as well,” Wesley reminded him. “Look, arguing like this won’t get us anywhere. We’ll
never agree. So you want us out. How do you propose to do that? You can’t beat us. What are you
offering that would make us leave quietly?”
“I don’t know. You were supposed to be here, round you all up, and ship you off, banished for good.
I’ll have to talk to the other Alphas in charge of the takeover with me.”
“Fine, you can reach us at this number, but keep in mind, Alpha, we find out you’ve hurt one of our
people in any pack unjustly or not just to subdue them and all bets are off. We will come and kill you
all,” Wesley warned.
“No one’s been hurt and you could try, but I’m not convinced you could.”
“Ask some of the people in our packs what we can do. Not only do we have the muscle of several
inner circles and the packs’ strongest, we have Omegas here that can freeze all your men in place at
one time. I can kill you from a distance by blowing an aneurism in your brain. And I can do it from far
enough away where your guns and claws can’t reach me. So I would really keep that in mind as you
talk deal, savvy?”

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“Understood.” Then there was the dial tone.
“Tristan, are you okay, man?” Wesley asked quietly.
“No, not even close,” he whispered. He got to his feet and left the room without another word, not
looking as if he was seeing any of it.
“Look, we need to go help Tristan, but fuck Denver. If someone turned us in, even if it’s not all on the
up-and-up, fuck them,” Jared said as his Betas followed after Tristan. “It’s not safe for any of us there
anymore. We need our stuff, any people who want to get out of there as well, and we need any
underage Omegas. Make the deal that if any Omega is found at first shift, we are to be immediately
contacted or Lord Ellys, we can trust the vampire with this.”
“Jesus, I didn’t even think of that yet,” Wesley hissed. “If we leave now, then we can’t protect any
Omegas to come.”
“We can if we surrender,” Declan said quietly. Jared nodded, patted his friend on the back, and went
after his mate. “If we tell them fine, we’re out, we won’t return to any pack lands. We will officially
no longer be wolves under the American High Council.”
“Fuck, how did this happen?” Bay mumbled as he sat down on the couch.
“You mated me and I destroyed everything,” Wesley answered as his eyes filled with tears. “Now
you all have to leave your homes, your friends, and lose your titles because of me. I’m so sorry.”
“Wesley, it’s not your fault,” I said as he raced from the room, several others calling out the same
after him.
“Just give him a minute,” Harkin said to Levey and Bay as they jumped up to go after Wesley. “Let
him get it out while we come up with a plan. You know if we have an answer that he didn’t have to
think up, our decision won’t be his fault no matter how it goes. That will help him most.”
“Right, yeah,” Bay grumbled. “I just can’t believe this fucking shit. That vampire at the facility was
right. Wolves are so fucked up. We oppress and enslave our most powerful and put the corrupt in
charge. Fuck it. I’m done. They can have the pack as long as they’re not hurting anyone.”
“Are we all in agreement that we’re willing to surrender?” Jared asked as he glanced around the
“As long as they promise to give us our kids and anyone else who wants to leave, yes,” Taggart
answered. “We have guards there that won’t want to stay. They want us out, fine, but our people need
to be allowed to leave too.”
“How do we know the ones who might want to leave aren’t the ones who contacted the other
Alphas?” Dewey asked as he glanced around. “The goal is to still not let them know where we are,
right? We want the island kept secret. So we can’t just give a blanket pass to everyone to come on
“No, that’s true. We’ll have to talk to each Alpha currently in charge of the pack and get assurances
we can speak to our people. We only offer someone an out if we know for damn sure that they’re on
our side,” Jared agreed.
“Like Dorothy. We have to bring Dorothy over,” Carson mumbled.
“She might not want to, Carson. She was born into the pack but she’s human because she’s a woman.
She might not want to spend her last couple decades a fugitive,” Declan said gently.
“Right, yeah, maybe.”
“And Wes will have to set his pups free,” Bay growled. “That’s going to kill him. He loves those
wolves. He’s raised them for months.”
“He always knew he couldn’t keep them as pets,” Harkin said gently. “They’re old enough to be on
their own now and the pack will check on them.” Bay nodded and hugged his mate. “So we pick one

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or two people we trust in the pack, have them pack up all our shit, and then do what?”
“Send it to New York,” Brody answered as he rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “The
vampires would be more than willing to load it all in a shipping container and we can get it all on a
tanker or something and have it brought here. We’ll need those massive ones you see at ports,
otherwise we won’t be able to get it all. I mean, it’s not like we can UPS all our shit here. And going
through New York will throw them off our trail.”
“But all our vehicles are in Florida,” Jaxon groaned. “We’ll have to take a trip to the mainland and
sell them.”
“Yeah, there are a lot of details to work out,” Declan agreed. “But first we need our terms. We give
up our leadership and stay gone as long as no one is hurt, we get our stuff, and the Omegas.”
“And the new pack leadership comes from within the pack,” Hugo said after a moment. “Or someone
the pack votes in. If we don’t specify that it will be some inner circle of Alpha Modeto’s choosing
and that man has gone off the rails. They want us out, fine, I’m cool with that, but we can’t have them
taking over our people. Councilman Johnson said they might go back to where the Alpha’s word was
law. We can’t have Alpha Modeto’s people in charge just in case.”
“Agreed,” Declan said as he wrote this all down. “We get to talk to our people and see if any want to
leave or if they want to transfer packs, they’re allowed that. We want all the known Omegas, and any
future Omegas.”
“And that will be a deal breaker if they don’t agree to that,” Taggart growled. “We won’t leave the
next generation of Omegas to suffer as ours has. No fucking way.”
“Are we missing anything?” Declan asked as he glanced around. “Anyone not willing to surrender or
have additional terms? We need to get it out now because I doubt they’re going to give us much time
to come up with plans.”
“We need to be able to get to New York,” Brody said. “Wesley and I have our money and the
journals there.”
“We’re saying we won’t go on pack lands and since there’s three packs on the outskirts of New York
City the actual downtown itself is neutral ground. Does that work?”
Brody glanced to Jaxon, who nodded. “Yeah, it’s just when you get out of downtown but it’s on the
vampire’s turf, not wolf. We’ll be fine.”
“We need to make sure every Alpha currently in charge of our packs is on the line and agrees to this.
Then we need to talk to Councilman Johnson and get the Council to put it into law that any future
Omegas get banished to us,” Taggart said after a few moments of everyone thinking. “We can’t trust
Alpha Modeto to handle all of this.”
“And the vampires,” Bay groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. “We need to make sure they don’t
go back to vampire hunting season. The Council voided the law about killing vampires on sight. We
need to make sure it stays that way.”
“Agreed. I’ll call the Councilman first,” Declan replied and picked up the phone.
“I’ll go make some snacks,” I mumbled to no one in particular. I slipped out of the study unnoticed
and went in search of Wesley. I knew his men wanted to give him a moment, but I knew how badly
things could go when a person felt that kind of despair and didn’t have a shoulder.
He was sitting outside on the veranda staring out into the foliage with his knees pulled to his chest.
“Does everyone hate me?”
“No, not even remotely, Wes. You were doing the right thing, we all know that,” I reminded him as I
sat down on the bench next to him. “Yeah, Tristan and Carson started the Omega Network and got us
out, saving us. But you were the one who started getting the rules changed. I know there were special

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circumstances where Carson and Tristan made it so Omegas didn’t have to be claimed in the
ceremony, but you got it so no one would ever have to experience that.
“Even if everyone else not here hates the way you went in and rid the Council of corrupt members,
you did the right thing. How else would they have been gotten rid of? You saved lives. That one was
raping and killing kids, Wesley. Catching and making it so a guy like that could never hurt another
child is worth never going back to Chicago for me.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t even really like Chicago. What about Bay, Harkin, and Levey? They love their
pack and that lake. It’s all they’ve ever known and they never even thought about leaving.”
“Wes, you’re thinking about this all wrong,” I chuckled as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders.
“For a while, everyone’s probably going to have to leech off you and Brody since you’re loaded.”
“And Baptista now too. He’s got so much money it’s not even funny and we’ve not even discovered
every secret room here yet,” he mumbled as he stared out into the trees. “I have no problem sharing
my money. I’m the one who caused all this. I’m the one who ruined everyone’s lives.”
“Enough,” I growled as I jumped to my feet and wiggled my finger in his face. “No more of this. I get
you’re upset and I even see how to you those feelings are valid. But you’re not seeing the big picture.
Think past what is going on and the outcome it brings.”
“I don’t understand,” Wesley whispered, his eyes filling with tears. “How does thinking about us all
having to leave our packs put things into perspective?”
“Because we get to stay here,” I shouted as I waved my arms around. “We all basically get to retire
way too young and live on a tropical island with every amenity we could ever want! We’ve got
groves of the freshest fruit in the world, wild boars for the guys to hunt, enough rare plants that
Taggart can sell a million creams at ridiculous prices. No more commuting in traffic, no more pack
rules, no more High Council mandates, no more being Omega Goode or Omega Orson.
“We get to just be Sampson and Wesley now, free to make our own decisions, love who we want not
because there’s a fucking contract, but because we commit to them. And that’s just the tip of the
iceberg. No more god-awful elections and months of stupid campaign ads to watch and worry about
because we don’t live there anymore. No more asking for permission to do just about anything. Brody
has a yacht and maybe we’ll trade cars in to get a few more boats.
“Hey, guess what, it’s Thursday. Want to go drive over to Costa Rica because we’re out of coffee and
we can? Or I’ve never had Brazil nuts, have you? Let’s go get some from Brazil because we have a
yacht that can go anywhere in the ocean and we have the freedom to do it. I’ve always wanted to see
penguins. Let’s take a trip to the South Pole or go meet some werewolves on another continent and
see how they do things. We can do whatever we want now because we’re free.
“I get it probably didn’t go down like everyone wanted or would have planned but do you really think
anyone would have done it otherwise? I heard everyone talking the few days we’ve been here. They
want to stay, this place is paradise, but that meant leaving their responsibilities. No one was willing
to leave their packs high and dry, walk away from promises to keep helping Omegas, or anything else
noble they put in front of their own happiness. Now we can just be us.”
“You done?” Wesley asked me as I finished up my rant, my chest heaving and my arms almost tired
from flailing them about wildly. I nodded when I saw the slight smile creeping up in the corners of his
mouth. “Thank you, Sampson. I hope everyone else feels the way you do but even if they don’t, thank
you for making me see there was another side to this. The guilt was eating me alive.”
“Does that mean we don’t still need to talk with Wesley about the terms of claiming you?” Gareth
asked. I glanced up and saw we had quite an audience on the veranda now. Umm, like everyone.
Wesley turned around on the bench and I couldn’t tell if he was upset people were listening or scared

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what their response would be to what I said.
“Oh, well, I’m not sure now’s the right time to bring that up with everything going on. We haven’t
really said rules will change or who’s in charge, I mean,” I rambled as I glanced all around.
Everyone was smiling and watching me. “How much did you guys hear?” I really didn’t like to be the
center of attention.
“We heard all of it,” Slate answered with a bright smile. “We realized you had slipped out and we
wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“And we heard a commotion from the kitchen and checked it out,” Jared said as his men stood with
him, Tristan leaning against them as if he was just too tired.
“The rest of us headed to the dining hall to get some alcohol from the stock there because the day
needs it and heard what was going on through the open doors,” Declan added with a chuckle. “We
brought the cordless phone so we can talk to Alpha Modeto when he calls.”
Tristan flinched at the name and I saw him start to shake. “I want to change my last name. I need to
find out who my real father is too. I can’t be a Modeto anymore.”
“Fine, then you are now a Craven like Cameron and Rhyce are. I’ve always wanted us all to have the
same last name as if we were married,” Jared said gently, running his fingers through Tristan’s hair.
“And we’ll see what we can find on who your dad might be when all the dust settles, but it might be
hard since I’m sure the proof is in Green Bay and we won’t be allowed on the pack lands.”
“Fuck it,” Tristan sighed. “Sampson’s right. We get to walk away from all that bullshit, all those
bonds, and limitations. We get to start fresh. I’m Tristan Craven and I had a mother but she’s gone and
that’s the way of life. I have the best mates in the world, we live on a tropical island with everyone
who matters to us and all our friends. We’re lucky and I need several drinks.”
“Yes, yes, you do,” Declan agreed as he handed over his glass that had to be something strong on the
rocks, knowing him. “And I’m glad we heard what Sampson said. It’s understandable that we’ve been
focused on what we’re losing since this all just happened, but we’re fucking gaining a lot, and
personally, I’m thrilled.”
“Really?” Wesley asked hesitantly as he glanced around.
“Yeah, Sampson’s right,” Taggart answered. “As long as we get the kids, this is awesome. Hell, I
think it’s better than awesome because those boys have practically become our children, or at least
the younger ones. Now I never have to risk them walking into a situation like Dewey or most of you
have. They can just fall in love. We’ll get more people here or find other wolves around the world to
meet and they don’t ever have to feel like a possession.”
“Well said,” Percy agreed with a bright smile. “And I love studying all the stuff Tag’s showed me
about what plants can do, how to mix them to get certain outcomes or cure ailments and we have a
whole damn island of what we need to do that. Plus, I agree with Sampson. Let’s go head over to the
rainforest for a week and get a ton samples there too. We can do whatever we want.”
“And we just never wanted to move to a big city,” Bay said gently as he walked over to Wesley.
“Yes, we like water, but we have that here. We can fish here, raise boars and other food sources, just
like we did there. We can bring our personal horses, buy more, and teach everyone how to ride.”
“But you’ll miss your pack,” he whispered, staring up at his mate with big eyes. “I’ll have to let
Angel and Devil go and we love those cubs.”
“You would have no matter what, babe. They can’t be kept as pets. They need to go find some wolf
gal and make puppies. Yeah, you could have watched that if we were staying at the pack, but you
raised them right and they’ll always love you. Everyone has to let their kids go at some point.”
“I won’t get to say good-bye.”

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“Probably not but you said good-bye before the trip and they know you love them. It’s time for them
to move on and find a den of their own.”
“Yeah, I know,” he mumbled. “I’m glad you don’t all hate me and are excited to stay on the island. I
was just so wrapped up in what everyone else would have to give up because of what was going on
and my part in it, I didn’t think of what I would have to leave behind.”
“We’ll all have moments like that,” Carson said gently. “It will take a while to get used to. I won’t
have Costco or Old Navy anytime I want them anymore but we’ll figure it out. We can take a trip here
and there to New York and bring a ton of shit back. We can order stuff and have it sent to the Puerto
Rico UPS and go get it. It will be an adjustment but I agree with Sampson that we’re getting more than
we’re giving up.”
“I’m just glad I moved us into a suite,” Slate chuckled as he gave everyone a smirk. “We were all
staying in what was labeled the guest rooms on the map. I snagged us a suite in the residence wing of
the mansion. And we’re not giving it up. It has a balcony and I have dirty ideas about using it.” He
glanced at Baptista. “Assuming you’re okay with that. You get the master suite, right?”
“Um, yeah, I guess. It makes sense I should stay there,” he said hesitantly, still not dealing with the
news that the house and everything was his. “Everyone take whatever rooms they want. This is our
house. I’m not Lord and Master here. We’re a family and pack of our own now. Everyone’s adults.”
“Yeah we are!” Kiefer exclaimed as he wiggled his butt in a happy dance. “I’m calling a suite of my
own too. No more stupid Alpha rules, no more being property, no more being a looked-downupon
Omega. We’re free!” He raced off laughing as his hands waved in the air. “I want a suite with a big
“Apparently he’s really excited about the news,” Taggart chuckled as he lifted Dewey up into his
arms. “Let’s go find a suite, guys, before all the good ones are taken.”
“Yeah, us too,” Lennox chuckled. Everyone got into the spirit and it was practically a mad dash to go
claim a room, everyone laughing and trying to have fun in light of what was going on.
“This place is probably half the size of Windsor Castle,” Baptista muttered as he left the veranda.
“There’s like two hundred and fifty bedrooms. I think everyone will be able to find one just fine.”
“Are you okay?” I asked him as I reached out and grabbed his arm. “You want to go four-wheeling? I
had a lot of fun when we went.”
“No, I’m not okay, and yeah, maybe later once we know for sure what’s going on,” he answered as he
patted my hand with his. “I just need to talk to my parents. They haven’t called me back and I need
answers before I can even start trying to process all of this.”
“That’s understandable. You have friends now though, Baptista. You don’t have to do this all alone.”
“I know, but I feel all alone and that might be best for right now.” He shrugged and headed inside. It
broke my heart to see him so defeated. We just got great news of being free, and after the hell he went
through with his last inner circle, he didn’t need anything else dumped on him like this.
“I feel bad for him but if it was me I’d want to know the truth,” Wesley said quietly.
“Yeah, I know. I just don’t want him to hurt. He deserves to be happy.”
“Don’t we all,” he chuckled. I glanced at him and saw his slight smile. “The other good thing about
this turn of events is the decision of who you want to be with is now totally, and completely yours.
You don’t have to have an Alpha and two Betas. You can pick who you want. I would strongly advise
you do pick strong men who could be Alphas or Betas because everything I’ve read says it’s their
strength that grounds us. I know you want to do what we can with your powers—”
“Not really,” I clarified. “I mean yeah, making people orgasm from a distance would be cool, but it
was never about getting my powers stronger, just under control. I just don’t want to have to worry

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about freaking out like the other night.”
“Well, we can keep working on helping you with that but eventually they’ll keep spiraling out until
you’re grounded. But the choice is up to you. No discussing it with me, Tristan, or Carson. You’re
free to do as you want now.”
“Thanks,” I whispered. Wesley nodded and headed inside. Suddenly it seemed like a lot of pressure
to carry, the choice being mine. It was what I wanted and I was glad I could make the decision but
that also meant the consequences of that choice were mine to deal with as well.
And that was scary for someone who’d never made a real decision in his life.

Chapter 9

“You okay, baby?” Slate asked me as I wandered into the dining hall. Well, I guess it was a

dining room but it was massive and I didn’t know what the difference was. Was a dining hall only
when there was a cafeteria line like in the movies? Or when it was longer than it was wide?

“Huh?” I looked to Slate as I poured my drink, forgetting he had asked me something. I could tell

by the look on Slate, Gareth, and Calver’s faces that it wasn’t the first time someone had tried to get
my attention. “What was the question?”

“If you are okay which apparently you’re not,” Gareth drawled as he nodded to the glass of vodka

I had in my hand. “What’s going on? Did you not believe in what you told Wesley about how great
being on the island will be?”

“I don’t know that it will be great. I might hate being this far away from civilization. I just was

trying to get him to understand we’re getting as much, if not more, than what we’re giving up. And I
believe that. It’s just different.” I took a swig of the vodka, trying to ignore the way it burned as it
went down. Luckily I didn’t start coughing as I had before when I’d tasted strong alcohol.

“So why are you drinking when everyone else is picking out rooms and look ready to bolt from

here?” Slate asked hesitantly.
I took another sip before staring down into my now-empty glass. “I’ve never made a real decision in
my life. Even since I got out from my old inner circle, Carson has made most of the decisions for me.
Yes, I decided immediately to switch to Chicago because I knew I wanted to write and there was
more opportunity there than in Denver, and to submit manuscripts, but I just sent them everywhere and
went with who answered me first. Carson handled the contracts and my bank account and everything.”
“So you’re nervous that it’s your decision completely, no contracts involved, if you want to be with
us,” Calver surmised.
“Yes. I don’t want to be claimed to ground me or grow my powers. I just want to be happy and love
you guys.”
“But you do love us so I’m not sure we understand why you’re scared,” Gareth hedged.
“It’s a big decision and for someone who’s not made many on his own, I could see why it would be
scary,” Calver explained for me. “No one says you have to make the decision right now, Sampson.
We can be patient. It’s not like we’re going anywhere.”
“No, you misunderstand,” I mumbled as I poured myself another two fingers of vodka. “I’ve already
made the decision and how easily it came to me scares me. Could it be the right decision if I didn’t
even have to think about it and just knew the answer?”
“Yes,” they all answered at once. I saw hope in their eyes and knew they didn’t just say yes because
they were getting what they wanted. They didn’t know what answer I really would give. I felt my

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nerves calm down. That was love. They loved me enough to tell me the truth even if it meant I didn’t
choose them, instead being open and honest with me no matter what that meant for them.
I was making the right decision.
“Okay then, but first I have to tell you about what you’ll be getting into if you want to mate me,” I said
quietly. I ignored their gasps and quickly told them how I hadn’t just been abused by my previous
inner circle. Oh no, I’d been abused all my life. My father hated me from the moment I was born with
blond hair. He assumed I would be an Omega even though some wolves were born with blond hair
and didn’t turn out to be one.
And my father hated Omegas. To him we were the scum of the earth. So I grew up being abused until
I was sold to another pack and abused some more.
“Still want me?” I asked when the silence dragged on after I was done.
“Yes, always,” Gareth growled as he pulled me into his arms. I was glad I’d set down the empty
glass because now I had both hands free to touch him as he plundered my mouth. Then he passed me
to Slate, who did the same, and lastly Calver gave me a knee-weakening kiss. I was gasping when
they let me go, smiling widely as I touched my lips. “But I still want the ceremony.”
“What?” I gasped, my eyes going wide at his suggestion.
“Not like it used to be. I want us to write our own crazy vows and promises and do our own version,”
he explained when he saw how upset it made me. “I do want to claim you in front of everyone though.
There’s a reason that tradition started. An Alpha, whether an Alpha of a pack, or someone who just
ended up being an Alpha like me, has a clawing urge to claim their mate in front of their pack to show
them that their mate is taken.”
“Most Alphas really do that?” I asked suspiciously.
“Yeah, I’ve seen it,” Calver admitted as he looked anywhere but me. “It’s not just Omegas that are
claimed on pack lands.”
“What aren’t you telling me? Why are you looking away?” I gasped at what I saw when his eyes met
mine. Pure, unadulterated, clawing need. “You want it too, don’t you?”
“Yes, oh god yes,” he groaned as his hand moved to his groin and squeezed. “I’m ready to blow just
at the idea of pledging my life to you as we fuck on the sand for all to see. They won’t ever doubt
you’re mine then.” Gareth cleared his throat. “Ours. They’ll know you’re ours.”
“What about the three of you? Are you going to claim each other?”
“Not tonight but soon, yeah,” Slate chuckled. “You’re the one we’re worried about running from us or
finding someone else. Without you, we’re just three guys who would enjoy fucking each other, like
each other too, and maybe one day fall in love. But with you, we’re what we need to be and a family.
We’re not letting you get away.” He moved closer to me and pulled my body back against his. “Tell
me that doesn’t sound hot what Calver said.”
“We write our own vows though, right? And I get to come each time not like it happened last time?” I
whispered, scared out of my mind and turned on at the same time.
“No, it will be nothing like last time except there will be witnesses. You’ll be claiming us too, baby.
We’re going to all come together at the same time, each time rotating who claims you and you will
come over and over and over again,” Gareth promised me.
I swallowed loudly as I saw the desire for me burning in their eyes. “Okay, let’s do it.”
* * * *

It was right before dinner that Alpha Modeto called back. I wasn’t part of the conversation this

time but I heard about it afterwards. All the Alphas who invaded agreed to the terms and the Council
also enacted a law that anyone that ended up being an Omega after their first time turning was to be

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handed over to us for safekeeping. So we got everything we wanted.

Tomorrow started all the work and dealing with the heartache this all caused.

But tonight, we were having a party. My mating party to be exact. It started in about ten minutes and I
was freaking out like a bride before my wedding.
“Dude, relax,” Tristan chuckled, looking happy to have a diversion and fun planned after the news
he’d gotten earlier that day. “You look hot. They’re lucky guys. And we’re wolves. We know what
it’s like to fuck in public.”
“Yeah, we’re going to have to curb that when the kids get here,” Wesley chuckled.
“They’re all old enough to shift so they probably have already seen it once or twice on full moon
runs,” Tristan drawled. “But yeah, I think we won’t completely warp their minds and keep it in our
pants. Most of the time at least.”
“There’s a whole island if we want to fuck outside,” Carson chuckled. “Okay, let’s do this. You
“Yes,” I squeaked as I pushed in the large butt plug. “I think so. I memorized my vows. Gareth said I
can add any I want during the ceremony after I hear what they say.”
“Good, then let’s go get you hitched,” Wesley said excitedly. He wrapped an arm around my
shoulders and one of my friends smacked my naked ass to get me to move. Brats. We left my new
room, my mates-to-be having given us the suite to get ready. I wasn’t sure what all the getting ready
was really. I mean, I showered, stretched myself, and put in a plug. I didn’t have to worry about
clothes since I was told to be naked and it’s not like I had hair and makeup to do.
Maybe they just wanted to give me quiet time to settle my nerves.
I gasped when we got down to the beach and I saw what they had done for the party. There were Tiki
torches lit in a circle, picnic benches on the outside of them so everyone could sit and watch. We still
had the portable bar outside from the yacht, but they’d also turned the yacht lights on so the sand just
about glowed blue. It bounced off the waves and it was like the whole beach danced. It was magical
and perfect.
“Do you like? We know it’s sparse but—”
“I love it,” I answered, interrupting Gareth. “I don’t need fancy or lavish, I just need thoughtful and to
see that this means a lot to you. You did that and I think it’s great.”
“Good,” he sighed in relief as he held out his hand to me. “You all ready?”
“Yes, you guys?”
“Oh yeah,” Calver chuckled. “We’re all stretched out and wearing plugs too.” He turned around to
show me and I felt my stomach start doing flips. That was hot.
“We asked Carson to officiate since he’s like the closest thing you have to an older brother to give his
blessing,” Gareth told me nervously.
“That’s perfect.”
“I need your vows,” Carson said quietly. I handed them over, glad I brought a written copy just in
case. “Everyone, take your places please. The new version of the Omega ceremony is about to start as
our first act as an independent pack and free men.” There were several cheers as everyone sat down,
drinks in hand, as the four of us walked into the middle of the circle, Carson standing close to a Tiki
torch so he could read the papers.
“Sampson, do you promise to accept kisses from your men as often as they want and free access to
grope you while they do?” Carson asked with an evil smile. I gasped in shock. Here I’d written like
real vows, trying to keep them light because Gareth had said crazy vows but I never thought it would
be like this.

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“I do.”
“Prove it,” he snickered. I blinked at him a second before Calver pulled me into his arms and mashed
his mouth down to mine. I kissed him back with everything I had, rubbing my body against his as he
fondled every inch of me he could reach. “Okay, I believe you. Anyone not believe Sampson?” He
waited a moment and cleared his throat to get us to stop. “Gareth, Slate, Calver, do you pledge the
“I do,” they all answered.
“Sampson, do you promise to suck cock anytime your men deserve it, using that talented mouth to
bring them pleasure as a loving mate should do?”
“I do,” I answered, dropping to my knees before he could even goad me into proving it. Slate stepped
up this time and I instantly swallowed him down.
“Now that your mouth’s full,” Carson chuckled, shaking his head. “Nice, Gareth. I swear, this is the
best script ever.”
“Hurry up because I’m going to blow soon,” Slate bitched as I deep throated him.
“Now that your mouth’s full,” Carson repeated. “Bob your head each time your answer is I do. Do
you swear to always tell your men when you’re mad at them, upset at them or others, and give them
the chance to make it up to you?” I sucked Slate down to the base of his cock. “Do you swear to let
them always dote on you, make sure you’re fed, run to get you juice in the morning, and provide ways
that you will get enough exercise?” Again I did the same movement.
It went on for a few more minutes, swearing to some of the goofiest, craziest things they could have
come up with… All while I was sucking dick.
“Do you guys all pledge the same?” Carson asked as Slate pulled away. They agreed and then they
were surrounding me. “Sampson, do you promise to always enjoy each of their cocks in your ass as
often as you can possibly handle it?”
“I do,” I giggled. My men swore the same and that gave me some ideas for in the future about taking
“I now pronounce you husband and husband and husband and husband. As well as being mates. Fuck
like rabbits to seal the deal.”
“I still had vows,” I reminded him.
“I know. Yours can come between rounds.” He gave me a wink and went over to his men. Okay then.
Gareth yanked out the plug, and slammed his cock inside of me. I moaned like a slut and even arched
my back for him. He moved my arms up and back so they were around his neck as he grabbed my
hips. Then he froze.
“What’s wrong?” I whispered.
“I’m staring down the crowd so I know they see me inside of you and who you belong to,” he
“Do you want me to shout it for all to hear?” I teased.
“Yes,” he hissed as his cock twitched inside of me.
Okay then. “I now and forever hereafter belong to Gareth Nanda as he belongs to me,” I yelled as
loud as I could. “No others than him, Slate, and Calver can ever touch me, fuck me, love me, or be
with me. I’m theirs.”
“Shit, I’m going to cream,” Slate whimpered as he got on all fours in front of me. I thought that was
odd but then he took my cock in his mouth. Here I thought I’d be taking one of them in my mouth and I
got the blow job. Nice! Seconds later, Calver entered Slate and we were all ready. Gareth thrust
forward as Calver did, pushing Slate and me together.

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“Scream for us, baby,” Gareth challenged as we picked up the pace. “Let them see how beautiful you
are as we please you.” I had no problem being vocal right then. I shouted in satisfaction each time
Gareth bottomed out inside of me, feeling like he might never leave his cock liked being inside of me
so much. When it was time, he snarled loudly and I knew what he wanted. I let my head fall forward
and exposed the nape of my neck to him.
I screamed his name as he claimed me. I came so hard I almost worried about choking Slate but I was
enjoying everything too much to really think about that. Seconds later Gareth lifted his head and
howled at the moon as he filled me up with his seed. I heard Slate and Calver grunt and shout
sometime around then and knew we’d all finished.
When we were spent, Slate pulled off of me and I just about landed face-first on the beach I was so
wiped from that. Strong arms caught me and pulled me back against Gareth’s rock-hard body. Then he
fell backwards into the sand, leaving me lying on top of him, completely on display.
And then it got more embarrassing.
“Lift your legs and spread them,” he ordered as his hands rubbed down my body. “I want them all to
see my cum leaking out your tight little hole.”
“Seriously?” I hissed, wondering if maybe he was the most possessive man on the planet.
“Yes, because then Slate’s going to lick your ass clean before we all fuck again so they can claim
I didn’t even hesitate then. I wanted to feel that! I lifted my ass and practically fell off Gareth as I
spread my legs as far as I could for all to see.
“Now, Sampson,” Carson reminded me.
I nodded. Right, my vows. “I promise to always be the man you guys deserve. I promise to be there
when you need to laugh or be loved or a shoulder. I promise to get naked and give myself to you in
whatever dirty capacity you want for as long as we all live. I promise to let you have sneak peeks at
all my hottest sex scenes in my books and reenact any you wish.
“I promise to give you orgasms from afar as soon as Wesley teaches me how to do that and then lick
the cum up.” That got a groan from all of them. “I promise to do my best to always fulfill all your
fantasies and be everything you ever wanted in a mate. I promise to always love you, put you first,
and never leave your side for as long as we live. I love all three of you with my very soul.”
“Beautiful, baby,” Gareth whispered in my ear. He leaned up and kissed my shoulder. “Just beautiful
like you are. I swear the same and I love you too.”
“I swear it too and love you so much it almost hurts,” Calver whispered before leaning over and
softly brushing his lips over mine.
“I think I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you,” Slate admitted. “And I swear as well. All of us
forever.” I leaned up slightly and puckered my lips. Slate gave me that evil smirk and buried his face
in my ass instead. That worked too.
God, did it ever work! Slate ate out my ass, and then we got right back into fucking, all together,
twice more. It was the best night of my life and when it was time for sleep, we all crawled into our
bed in our new room to start the rest of our lives together.

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Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of

cowboys or pool boys of her own. A lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books;
vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military . . . It’s all good! She loves to get lost in fantasy that only
books can bring. Her wide interest in reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories,
romance, or mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire from Anne
Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.
For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit


Siren Publishing, Inc. www.SirenPublishing.com


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