'Resistant Omegas 7 Wesley

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Resistant Omegas 7

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Wesley survived a brutal attack only to have a few wires cross when his body healed him . Now he doesn’t know who people are until he reads their energy with a kiss… Which was what he alway s wanted in life. To experience one real kiss.
Bay Edson needs som eone to break his walls down and help him becom e m ore than an Alpha. Levey Fergus wants som eone to let Levey take care of them , because it’s in his nature and two dom inant m ales see it as coddling. And Harkin

Willis hopes for a m an that will be the glue to bind them all together and m ake them a fam ily .

But when Bay , Harkin, and Levey m isunderstand the term s of the contract and screw up, will Wesley be able to forgive them ? Or will he say to hell with love and spend his tim e raising the natural wolf pups he found?

G enre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Vam pires/Werewolves

Length: 35,542 words

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Resistant Omegas 7
Joyee Flynn


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Copyright © 2012 by Joyee Flynn E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-987-6
First E-book Publication: December 2012
Cover design by Sloan Winters
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Resistant Omegas 7

Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

I woke up confused… Just as I did every morning. Sitting up slowly, I glanced around the room

I’d been sleeping in and was missing something. I knew it was my room. There was the dark green
color scheme that matched my eyes and that’s why I had gotten this room. I could feel that and the
familiarity. Also, I knew why I was here. My old Alpha had been horrible to me and had tried to kill
me. I was in sanctuary here.

But where was here? That was what I couldn’t seem to ever grasp when I woke up. It was hard to

not be cranky about that.
And there was something else off this morning as well. So many swirling emotions in this house
always that it was hard to get my bearings. I was used to waking up that way though because there
were just a lot of people in the house. Today it was new ones with such deep-seated need and want
that when I rolled out of bed and stood I felt my knees go weak. It was very odd and I felt even more
off my game than when I’d been rescued.
I tried shaking it off, not a fan of feeling confused and like someone was going to run me through the
wringer today. For one, it was likely my longer blond hair would get caught in it. Two… Well, who
wants to ever have the shit come down on them? As I stepped into the shower, I realized I’d also had
a flashback in my dreams last night. While I needed to remember it was never like snapping my
fingers, and poof, the memory was instantly back in my mind. No, it was much more damaging and
difficult than that.
“Don’t,” I whimpered as I tripped over the coffee table and fell to the floor.
“If I can’t have you, Wesley, no one can. We can be together in the afterworld,” my Alpha told me
calmly, his eyes crazed though. “No one will want you after you’ve bonded with me. You’re mine
and I won’t let someone else betray that.”
“You don’t love me,” I tried to reason. “Don’t make this worse on yourself, Alpha.”
“I do love you,” he argued, his head tilting funny when I heard the front doors being busted open.
Help was coming and all I had to do was stall him a few minutes. “I’m sorry this is the way it
turned out for us, my darling. But I will fix it so we can be together in death.”
I screamed as the iron fire poker he had in his hands came down towards my head. “I never got my
kiss.” The second hit cracked my skull and the blackness swarmed me. All I kept thinking was the
one thing I’d always wanted in my life I never got… And how sad was that when all I had wanted
was a real kiss?
I snapped back to the present, shaking and panting as if I’d just run miles in my wolf form, like always
when a new memory hit me. When I’d woken up from my recovery it was as if I knew nothing. I
hadn’t known my name, who I was, where I was, or pretty much anything. The doctors ran all kinds of
tests, thinking I had amnesia, but when they ran certain scans, my brain freaked out and broke their

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With a lot of headaches for all as they tried to explain that they didn’t think I had permanent brain
damage as in the tissue was hurt or dead. They leaned more toward the theory that when the Alpha
had tried to kill me, something went wrong with my gifts that I had as an Omega and it crossed my
Basically the fireplace poker crossed my green with blue wires in my head and no one knew how to
get them back in the right spots. Until then, I lived my life very confused. In the dark most times,
jumbled, frustrated, and lost… But safe. So it came down to acknowledging which was more
important. I’d gone with safe but it didn’t make my life easy that all the other stuff was there as well.
But this flashback gave me a hint and I thought about it really hard as I showered. When I was done, I
threw on a pair of shorts and flip-flops, thinking I would need to run after breakfast because there was
so much going on in my head. And I needed to find that man… The one who kept helping me. He
would know what to do.
That’s all I ever remembered of him though. Everything was too fuzzy. It was like everything was
always just on the other side of the closed door and I just couldn’t reach it no matter how hard I tried.
Always close, but never able to reach.
“Good morning, Wesley,” a man said to me on the stairs. I hadn’t even noticed he was there really. It
was hard to explain. When I looked at a person, it was as if they were surrounded by clouds. Or
maybe a better way to put it is when I saw someone through a fuzzy shower curtain or glass like in the
movies. I could see them, their outline, how tall, but other than that I had nothing.
But I knew how to see him again. I stood on my toes and pulled his head down to mine. He chuckled
and gave me a soft kiss.
“Asher,” I breathed against his lips. The instant his lips had touched mine it was like the shower
curtain or fog had been pulled back. I knew who he was and everything we’d ever talked about or
shared. I knew him and he was a good man. I also got something else. “It will come soon. He will be
young and need you more than you know.”
“What does that mean, sweetie?” he asked hesitantly.
“I don’t know. I only get snippets.” Oh yeah, on top of everything else, one of the ways my powers
manifested had been premonition. That I had figured out the day I woke up in the hospital and saw one
of the doctors getting in a car crash after I kissed him. Always fun.
I could see parts of the future, like a vibe I get off people. But now that everything was foggy, I had a
harder time making sense of anything. “I saw you happy and knew it was soon. And you were holding
someone, he’d been hurt.”
“Thank you for telling me,” Asher said as he gave me a half hug. I knew he was doing it more to hide
his frustration. I got that a lot from people. It wasn’t my fault that I only saw what I did and that I was
damaged. I couldn’t imagine how hard it was for everyone around me… But they should try having it
happen to them. Then they’d know true frustration and crazy.
“I need the man,” I told him when we moved apart.
“Tristan’s in the kitchen. Go eat and find him.” He gave me a sad smile before turning away. Yeah, I
got that a lot too. A lot of pity was sent my way. And like most Omegas I could tell what people were
feeling so I always knew for sure.
“Thanks,” I mumbled before darting down the stairs so he wouldn’t see my tears. It really upset
people when I cried as if that made my whole situation that much worse because it bothered me. I
hadn’t meant to but I pushed the swinging kitchen door open so hard it slammed against the wall
behind me.

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I froze when I saw seven large men in the room. A few of them stood and I panicked. I dove behind
the kitchen island and curled into a ball. I was looking for one, not seven giants who could smash me
with their hands.
“Wesley?” someone called out and I heard footsteps coming towards me.
“I don’t know you,” I cried, trying to make myself a smaller target. “Leave me be.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” that same voice whispered as he knelt down in front of me. “I don’t know what’s got
you so freaked out this morning, short stuff, but if you do your thing you’ll know who I am. I’m no
threat to you.”
“There were so many of you in here and Asher pities me and I had a flashback,” I rambled as he
moved me to sitting up. He nodded sympathetically, but I didn’t feel pity from him. This man was like
me. I leaned in and he met me halfway, giving me a quick kiss. “Tristan.”
“Hey, Wes,” he said fondly as he cupped my cheek. “Rough morning already, huh?”
“I’m okay,” I lied, wiping my eyes. “Don’t get mad at Asher. He can’t help the way he feels.”
“I know. I also know that just because we read an emotion one way, doesn’t mean that’s exactly what
they’re feeling. I’ve made that mistake way too often. Asher can feel sorry that you went through what
you did, but that doesn’t make it pity. You know what I mean?”
I nodded because I did, but I was older and had these gifts longer than Tristan. I’d known how to tell
the difference for years now. Asher pitied me and while a good man, he thought most times in his
head that he’d rather have died than live life the way I had to.
Sometimes I wondered if I should agree with him.
“Want to tell me what happened?” Tristan asked gently as he took my hand and pulled me off the
floor. I glanced at all the strangers. “First let’s get you reacquainted with three of them. The other
three you don’t know.”
“Okay,” I whispered, wiping my eyes. A man with a warm smile leaned in and gave me a kiss.
“Morning.” The man was like the older brother I wished I’d had, kind, warm, strong, and always on
my side. He was good down to his toes in a way I admired. Kissing him today gave me a flash though
and next thing I knew, words were coming out of my mouth that I hadn’t meant to share.
“It’s not your fault any more than it is Tristan’s, Jared. The High Council didn’t even know they had a
traitor in their midst. You’ve done so much more for so many people. You can’t always know
everything about everyone.” Being able to “see” him again reminded me of the vision I had had
“What did you see?” he asked curiously. His emotions were of love. He loved me like family and
Jared never pitied me or got frustrated… Okay, except when I ate the last of his cookies that one time.
Then I thought he was going to make me walk to the store and get him some more.
“You talking with Tristan last night,” I answered, not wanting to tell him everything since we were in
mixed company. “I saw it after lunch but I didn’t see you until now.”
“Thanks, Wes. It’s just hard, you know?”
“Yeah, I do.” I made sure he saw it in my eyes. I got it better than I could ever put into words. Having
gifts or being in power came with a great deal of pressure and hardship. It was just the way things
I quickly kissed Cameron and Rhyce, smiling at them when the fog moved away from them and I knew
who they are.
“Okay, let’s get you something to eat and you can meet our visitors,” Tristan said gently as he led me
to the table. A stranger sat next to me as Cameron made me a plate of food. Something was different

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from when most were strangers to me. This man meant something. But they said I didn’t know him.
Testing that, I moved from my chair onto the large man’s lap.
“Well hello there. I’m Bay Edson,” he stuttered nervously as his hands fidgeted as if not knowing
where to put them.
“That means nothing to me,” I mumbled as I moved my arms around his head. “I can’t see you yet.”
He nodded and let me pull his head down. Normally when I kissed someone it was for recognition
and like a hug. It wasn’t ever more than that… Until Bay. At first it was quick and we stared at each
other a moment when it was done.
Then I went back for more. Bay moaned and pushed his tongue into my mouth, his muscular arms
holding me tightly. I melted against him, really getting into it and wanting more. But air became
necessary and we broke apart.
“You’re him. One of the three,” I whispered, searching his deep blue eyes. Then I reached out and
twined my fingers through his shoulder-length chocolate-brown hair. “My Alpha and mate who will
fix me and uncross the wires.”
“You’ve seen him before, Wes?” Tristan asked from behind me. I could hear the shock in his voice.
“No, but I woke with an off feeling that something was in the house I needed. When did he arrive?”
“About an hour ago,” Bay answered, searching my gaze. “We came to look for an Omega. We never
wanted one when it was about buying them because we felt it was wrong. But now that things have
changed, our pack could use the strength of one and our family needs someone to bind us.”
“The two you love are here? The other of the three I need?” I waited until he nodded and turned to
look at the other strangers. I slid off his lap and onto the man sitting next to him. I leaned in and
pursed my lips but he backed away. “I need to see you.”
“I can’t,” he whispered as he moved me further away from his body, as if hinting to get off his lap.
“You’re injured and mentally handicapped. It wouldn’t be right.”
“Don’t judge, Harkin,” Tristan growled. “No one is taking advantage of Wes.”
“I don’t mean it like that,” he replied, shaking his head. “I know you said he has some quirks since his
Alpha tried to kill him but from what I’ve seen it’s more than that. He’s not of sound mind.”
“You think I don’t know what I want and shouldn’t be allowed to make my own decisions?” I waited
until he nodded before getting off his lap. “You can’t be one of the three. None of the three I need to
help me would be so quick to say I was broken when they just met me.”
“He’s my Beta,” Bay hedged, glancing between us. “He’s one of the three of our inner circle.”
“No, my visions are never wrong,” I growled, shaking my head and then grabbing it when it started to
hurt. “I saw three and rebonding set the wires crossed in my head right.”
“Why didn’t you tell us this?” Jared asked gently, looking concerned.
“Because you, my dear friend and Alpha, would have tried to order every inner circle here for me to
kiss so I could find them,” I explained as I took my seat again. “You would kill an army and climb
every skyscraper in Denver to help someone you cared about. Your mates as well. I couldn’t do that
to you when you have so much else on your plate. There are others that need your help much more
than I do and desperately. I could wait.
“And a little confusion and a breakdown here and there are nothing compared to what others have and
are going through. But knowing you guys, you’d want to help all of us all at once and never take a
moment for yourselves. It would be your downfall and kill your mating. I wanted no hand in that
because I have my own guilt as well that my being here has been taxing on your relationship.”
“Yeah, he sounds totally mentally handicapped,” Bay drawled, shooting Harkin an unfriendly look.
“You’re right and obviously he’s not,” Harkin sighed and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to

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upset or offend anyone here or say something wrong was going on here. It just didn’t feel right to kiss
the little hottie when he’d just been scared, crying, and all-around confused. The idea made me feel
dirty and like I was taking advantage of him.”
I held out my hand to him and he stared at it. I sighed. “Give me yours.”
“Right, sorry.” He took it and while he was still foggy, I searched him. “And you worry that bringing
in an Omega would hurt your bond with the ones you love instead of making it better. You think if you
can’t make two happy to the point they don’t want more that bringing in a third would simply be
another failure for you.”
His eyes went wide. “That’s not for—”
“But you’re wrong. You’ve done nothing wrong. It’s no one’s fault when there are only three pieces
to a four-piece puzzle put together.”
“How can you know that?”
“Because I’m one of the most powerful Omegas that has been born in over a century,” I answered,
already having had that flashback to when I found that out. “Even with my damage and control issues,
like what comes out of my mouth when I have a vision, as when I was a pup, I’m more powerful than
probably any Omega you’ve ever met.”
“We’ve only met a few so that can’t be hard. But Tristan is quite powerful we hear,” Harkin said
slowly, choosing his words so he didn’t upset me again.
“Oh no, short stuff here has me beat by a mile,” Tristan chuckled before giving me a wink. “He’s
actually helped me work on my telekinesis and a few other Omegas as well.”
“You can move stuff with your mind?” the stranger I hadn’t spoken with yet asked. I smiled and took
my hand from Harkin.
“Here comes the show,” Cameron snickered behind me. I focused on every moveable object in the
room. It barely took any energy and I lifted them off the floor… Everything off the floor. Table,
chairs, plates on the counter, glasses, towels. Everything that I could feel the energy surrounding that I
wouldn’t ruin.
Granted, I’d had issues in the past when I was learning how to use gifts. I’d had a flashback to when
I’d accidentally lifted the countertop off the cabinets in the kitchen and my old Alpha had beat me
severely. Just thinking about that broke my concentration and things started to fall. I quickly focused
and the only thing that landed like it shouldn’t was some towels.
“You almost lost your energy,” Tristan said as he sat down next to me. “I felt it waver. What’s up?”
“Bad memory. Was thinking about when it wasn’t so easy for me to do this,” I mumbled, picking up
my fork and eating so I didn’t have to talk anymore. Revealing memories of abuse in front of strangers
was hard for me to do. Okay, that was a partial lie… It was always hard for me to do, strangers or
“What else can you do?” the man asked, looking excited and almost giddy. I shot a look to Tristan,
who didn’t seem happy. I wasn’t either. We weren’t toys to be brought out for party tricks.
“Take his hand. You’re having trouble focusing past your emotions,” I guided my friend.
“What do you mean?” he asked, his eyes on me now. One of the things Tristan needed to work on was
his energy flow. He saw each thing we could do as an individual gift so they were all separate in his
mind. But that’s not how things worked. Power was power and just like the electricity in this house
ran on different wires but crossed at times, so did our powers.
“You’re pissed that he worded it badly, like we’re circus freaks,” I explained gently, giving him a
lopsided grin. “I’ve gotten used to that so it doesn’t really bother me from strangers. But since you’re
upset by what he said, you can’t gauge what he meant instead of his words. If you touch something it

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focuses you better. You see past everything else as if channeling only their energy to read them.”
“I hate when people look at me funny because I reach for their hand.” I saw the truth of his words in
his expression. I’d gotten over that as well because people looked at me really funny for kissing.
Taking their hand wasn’t such a big deal after that.
I thought a minute about how to fix that. “You know how you can take like a snapshot of a computer
hard drive and see all the files they had on it at that one moment.” I waited until he nodded. “You can
do the same thing. You don’t have to make the contact long.” I reached for his hand. “Read me and
mimic what my energy does.”
I’d been working with Tristan and a few other Omegas to show them how to expand on what they
could do. He nodded and took my hand. I focused solely on mapping the stranger’s emotions and
thoughts, not wanting to get bogged down with memories or knowledge. Then I reach over and
smacked his hand.
“That’s for not thinking before you speak,” I chastised. Then I glanced at Tristan, who was smiling
“You get it now? You don’t always have to touch while you’re scanning if you know what you’re
looking for.”
“Yeah, he’s not a dick, just excited he was floating in a chair.” Tristan let go of my hand and ruffled
my hair. “Thanks, short stuff. It always amazes me how much you know and how good of a teacher
you are.”
I shrugged, dipping my head at his praise. “I learned how to adapt and expand what we can do from
lots of trial and error. I know how logic makes people think things work, but it’s not about logic when
it comes to powers and energy. Then I was locked away and bored so many times that I kept pushing
to see how much farther I could take my powers.”
“I’m sorry I upset you both. I don’t think you’re freaks,” the stranger said. “I think it’s amazing what
you can do. And you’re right, floating on the chair was cool. I apologize for how what I said
“Forgiven, but I still need to see you unless you think I’m mentally handicapped like your friend.” In a
flash I was up out of my chair and in Harkin’s arms.
“I said I was sorry and wrong. Don’t I get points for making sure I wasn’t taking advantage of you
first?” He didn’t wait for an answer, growling as he mashed his mouth down to mine. I moaned and
wrapped my body around him, holding on for dear life as the most pleasurable, overwhelming
emotions swarmed me… Almost to the point of being too much because I was getting so much energy
off of him that the huge waves of them were hard to keep my head above.
“You’re one of the three,” I confirmed when we broke apart. “And you’re forgiven because you think
I’m the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen.”
“What else did you get, sweet thing?” he asked as he kissed along my chin. I was swarmed with
images, mostly of what he wanted to do to me and several personal ones but I focused on one in
“How many drawers did you clear out?” I whispered, trying to keep it between us. He flinched and
moved his head back so he could stare into my eyes.
“A few in my room and cleared out the guest room. How did you know that?”
“Because you were thinking about when you did it and that you were so glad you did. You’re grateful
that you had the hope of finding someone special now that you met me. I think it was sweet you
cleared out a space for an Omega when you guys decided you were going to come and see if one
would fit in your pack.”
“I think we found him,” he purred and kissed my neck.

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“Even if I’m damaged and might not ever get better?” I asked quietly as I stared into his light blue
eyes that almost seemed to change color. Or maybe it was because of the way his thick black hair
offset them.
“We’re all a little damaged, Wes. You’ve been hurt and maybe you won’t get your wires uncrossed.
But you aren’t brain damaged or someone we’d be taking advantage of if we took you home. You
know what you want. You’ve been hurt. It’s time to show you that things will get better and what an
inner circle who wants to take care of you and help you would be like.”
I nodded, snuggling against him and forgiving his earlier faux pas.
“Can I get my kiss now?” the stranger asked in a husky voice. I glanced over to him and saw he was
pouting. Oh, that was just cute on a man who was at least six three. It also made me feel special and
not because I was hurt or freakishly gifted. Special as he wanted me to be his.
I could get used to that feeling.

Chapter 2

“I guess if I must,” I teased. I tapped Harkin’s arm and he set me on my feet. I walked over to the

stranger leaning against the counter and stared up at him. He had the lightest brown hair I’d ever seen
without crossing into blonde and the same about his eyes, so light they almost were yellow. “Do I get
a name with those plump lips?”

“Yours,” he growled and pulled me into his arms. He kissed me silly and groped my ass. I was

hard as rocks and it had been forever and a day since someone had gotten me wound up like they did,
if ever. Most of the kisses I gave were like familiar hugs. This was so different. “Levey Fergus.”

“Well hello there, Levey Fergus. I’m Wesley Orson. You wanted to know what else I could do.

Want to see?”
“Umm, depends if saying yes will upset you,” he answered, seeming unsure of himself now. I gave
him a wicked smile and focused on the blood vessels in a certain part of his body. “I was already
mostly hard, baby.” He moaned and lowered his forehead to mine. “How did you do that?”
“I controlled your blood flow and sent it to your cock. There’s more.”
“You’re giving him an erection with your mind? Oh I so have to learn that trick,” Tristan said with a
I focused again and literally pulled Levey’s semen from his body, giving him a whirlwind orgasm.
His eyes went wide as he cried out, falling to his knees as he came.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” he gasped when it was over. “That was scary amazing.”
Something in what he said hit me funny and I was thrown into a flashback. I gasped and my legs gave
out as the memory practically smacked me upside the head with a baseball bat.
“No, give him space,” Tristan said loudly. “He’s having a flashback. He gets them sometimes and it
freaks him out if people hover too close and he can’t get air.”
“I used to do that to my inner circle,” I panted, blinking up at Tristan when it was over from Levey’s
lap. “If I was sore or they were being mean I’d speed things up and they never knew it was me doing
it. I remember wishing I could get them off me and the next thing I knew the Alpha came. My energy
did it because I willed it and I figured out how the process worked later.”
“Will you show me how?” Tristan asked without judgment as he knelt down. I knew he really wanted
to learn, but my friend saw I was upset and was trying to get my mind off what I’d seen. He knew me
well enough to know that I needed some time to process and if I felt everyone watching me or
wondering what had just happened, I’d feel like a bug under a microscope. And no one wants to feel

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that way.
I took his hand and focused on every other man in the room. He nodded as I let my energy divert their
blood and then showed him how I could make them come. I heard several cries and grunts before
releasing them.
“So fucking cool,” Tristan whispered in awe, giving me a conspiratorial wink.
“Ask a guy next time,” Jared grumbled, splayed out on the kitchen floor. “I have a meeting with the
guards in a few minutes and now I just creamed my pants.”
“Never thought after I claimed my mates that another man would give me an orgasm,” Cameron
chuckled. “That was a trip and a half, Wes.”
“I got two of them and now I need a nap,” Levey groaned as he reached for me. I giggled and let go of
Tristan, letting the large man pull me into his arms. He held me tightly as if I was his favorite teddy
bear… Until he moved his hands down my chest. “Can we return the favor, baby?”
“I haven’t been fucked in so long,” I moaned as I pushed my ass against him. “And I’ve never really
had all that great of sex. Take me.”
“Wesley, he can’t,” Tristan said gently. “No breaching, remember?”
“Right, yeah, sorry,” I mumbled, annoyed with myself that I got caught up in the moment.
“We can do other things,” Bay growled. I glanced over to him as he pounced. He lowered my shorts
and swallowed down my cock as Levey teased my body. Then I felt another set of hands squeezing
my ass, only to see Harkin getting in on the fun.
“Never was like this,” I gasped, seconds before I came. Bay was too talented at giving head and I’d
been so long without any attention, never even having gotten a blow job ever. I blew in his mouth,
moaning and wanting more. When I was spent he licked me clean and tucked me back in my shorts. “I
give you my contract.”
“Just like that?” Bay asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
“I was going to give it to you anyways.” I shrugged and went to sit up, Levey growling playfully and
not letting me go. I smiled and snuggled back against him. Even if we were on the hard kitchen floor,
the contact was worth it. “You guys are my three.”
“What does that mean exactly?” Tristan gave me a hesitant look as if he wasn’t sure this was a
discussion for private.
“There have been lots of pieces missing as we’ve talked about,” I answered instead. “This morning in
the shower I got one of them back. I remember what happened with my Alpha before he almost killed
me. My last thoughts were that I’d never been kissed and I had so desperately wanted that. I thought I
was going to die and it was my only regret.”
“So that’s what was on your mind before your trauma,” Jared clarified and I nodded. “Okay, then
somehow that translates to you not being able to know who people are unless you get a kiss? Am I
missing how you went from A to B on that?”
“Our powers and energy usage is a funny thing, my love, you know this,” Tristan answered him. “It’s
not like coloring in the lines or set rules. My guess is while he was under attack he tried to use his
gifts to protect him. And with that thought on his mind when his head was…” He trailed off as if not
sure how to word it the right way.
“Being beaten in by a fireplace poker and my skull shattering,” I filled in. I took a deep breath,
because saying it out loud always difficult for me. “I think when my body tried healing, my last wish
and burst of energy crossed some wires. That my wants interfered with what my body needed and
now I need to get lots of kisses to function and understand what’s going on around me.
“Like how I wanted my old inner circle to get off me and the sex to be over and my energy translated

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that into insta-orgasms. It wasn’t what I had asked for but the power figured out how to help me. Just
maybe wasn’t the best time to be wishing for something when my head was getting beaten in.”
“Strange, but I follow the logic,” Bay said gently as he rubbed his hand over my leg as if trying to
comfort me. “But you said we were what you need to fix you. How?”
“Keep in mind that while I was being attacked the High Council guards were killing my old Betas
who were in fighting against my rescue,” I explained. I closed my eyes before my head started to hurt
as it always did when I talked about my attack. That and I was blocking everyone else out, not even
wanting to see the emotions in their expression and trying to sort out the logic. “They were severing
bonds that affected me.”
“And you think rebonding with the right people you felt in your vision will undo the crossed wires?”
Harkin surmised, confusion and doubt in his tone.
“I felt it. I couldn’t see any of you but Tristan and his men know I’ve kissed a lot of people since I’ve
woken up.” I smiled when I heard three soft growls. “And that’s part of why I know you’re the right
three. You all feel the connection to my energy as if we’re pieces of the puzzle. I’ve not felt that with
anyone else. My kissing them is like a familiar hug. But in my vision it was as if I was whole.”
“So we have to claim you?” Levey asked, a little of his hopefulness at having sex soon leaking into
his tone.
“No, I saw us bonded. I’m not sure if it’s the bond of claiming an Omega or as mates. I don’t know if
all of us have to mate, or what really. I just saw myself better and no longer confused as I woke in a
bed surrounded by three men I loved. I knew without kissing who you were and nothing hurt me or
frustrated me. I had to have been better then because I’m always upset and lost.”
“This is all really fast, Wes,” Jared said slowly as if not wanting to upset me or anyone else there.
“You just met them. Can we slow this down a bit to make sure it’s right?”
“Actually, I talked the High Council into a special contract for you,” Tristan informed me. “You can
sign a contract and do a trial run with your inner circle. Given the problems you’ve been having I
thought it best to make sure you had ample time to decide if it was the right fit.”
“Tell me the terms,” Bay said, staring at Tristan and putting on his “Alpha” face. It made me shiver
with desire. He was so strong and I felt his energy as pure as sunlight. Bay was a clean soul and a
good man. I wanted to soak him up and let him heal me the way sunlight can after a long winter and
wash away lethargic feelings.
“Everyone signs and there’s a month trial run. Normally a contract is signed and you have to
consummate it. It’s the opposite this time. You guys sign, Wesley goes with you, and he has a month to
decide if it’s the right fit. If you do have sex, then the trial run is over and it’s a binding contract.
However, all the new contracts can be immediately broken if the Omega is ever abused or in fear of
their safety and must stay in contact with the Omega Network.
“For the trial run I have to talk with Wes daily and check on him. And it has to be a video conference
so I can see that he’s not saying what someone’s telling him to under duress. For his specific contract
there are extra hoops to jump through.”
“I’m good with that,” I replied right away, knowing full well as soon as we signed my main goal
would be having sex with all of them. I got why they wanted things to slow down and weren’t sure…
But I was. They worried that this was part of my wires getting crossed, that I wasn’t able to make a
decision this quickly.
The truth was they couldn’t be more wrong. I knew this was what I needed and my energy knew it as
much as I knew I had a wolf inside of me. They would make me whole and love me. I’d seen it and I
felt the possibility between all of us. Now I just had to make sure they understood it and agreed.

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And I really wanted some hot sex and happiness. If that meant seducing them and moving things along,
I had no problem with that.
I wiggled out of Levey’s embrace and sat back down at the table. Everyone gave me a funny look.
“Go get the contract. Let’s do this. I’ll eat, we sign, I need a run, and then we pack and go. Where are
we going to?”
“Right, maybe you should hear all this before you sign,” Bay hedged.
“If I’m going to be your Omega, you need to understand something. Others might doubt my visions and
what my energy tells me, but I don’t. I’ve had these powers for a long time and seen more than most
can imagine. You wouldn’t ever have thought another person could give you an orgasm without even
touching you before today, right?” He nodded slowly as they all did. “So you can doubt me but I don’t
doubt myself. I know this is the right decision.”
“I’m going to need a pen,” Bay said immediately, sitting down next to me. I saw it then. It wasn’t that
he didn’t believe me… This was going too fast for him. Glancing at Harkin and Levey, I saw they had
the same look. Then I opened myself up to their emotions again and that just confirmed it. They were
“Then again there’s nothing wrong with spending the day getting to know each other while you guys
help me pack. I do want to know about where I’m moving to.” Then another idea hit me. “If you want
me that is. I know you came to check out the Omegas here. Maybe you’d like to meet them.”
“No, you’re the one we want,” Harkin snapped as he plopped down on the chair on the other side of
me. “That’s not what any of this is about. We wouldn’t have made out with you and given you
pleasure unless we felt the connection too. I simply think we should talk about what’s going on a little
more before we sign. There’s no need to go into this with blinders on when we have the time. I don’t
want anything coming up later that upsets you.”
“Good,” I sighed, smiling at them one at a time when I saw the other two nodding in agreement. “I’m
glad that you’re taking this as seriously as I am. What would you like to know?”
“I think we need to know what else you’re capable of,” Bay said hesitantly. “Not because of reasons
you say others want to know like you’re entertainment or something. We need to know so we can
honestly say if we’ll be able to protect you. Given you’re as powerful as you are, even Tristan saying
you kick his ass, other packs will want you for their own. I need to know that our pack won’t get hurt
because we want you.”
“I can take care of myself.” I bristled, not liking that he seemed to think of me as a liability.
Bay opened his mouth and then shut it again, glancing at Harkin and Levey as if unsure on what to say.
I listened to the vibes I was getting from them and frowned. They had trouble believing that, given my
last Alpha had almost killed me. I took a couple of deep breaths. From their point of view, I could
understand that.
“The reason the Alpha was able to get the drop on me, in a manner of speaking, was because I’d
gotten in trouble for contacting the Omega Network behind his back. They beat me then and for weeks
after that before I was rescued. When he got word we had High Council guards on pack grounds, he
gave me a shot of wolfsbane.
“I was weak, hurt, and unfocused. If trouble came now or at your pack I would be able to handle it. I
had no out before and wasn’t allowed to fight back against my Alpha and inner circle. That wouldn’t
be the case with you guys and I won’t ever allow myself to be abused again.”
“I understand their concern, but I think you need to show them, Wes,” Jared admitted with a groan.
“I hate this part,” Rhyce bitched as he got to his feet. I gave them a nod, thanking them for allowing
me to do it. I tapped into my power and the energy always surrounding me and in a flash every man in

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the room besides me was up against the far wall of the kitchen unable to move… Even Tristan.
“I thought Omegas couldn’t use their powers against each other?” Levey asked as he tried to fight my
“He’s too strong for me to keep out. I try to block him but it’s like he laughs and shoves that mental
door open like I’m a little kid playing hide-and-seek and he found me,” Tristan explained. I thought it
was an interesting analogy. Except there was one flaw in it.
“I don’t even realize I’m doing it though,” I added. While they were all watching me, I levitated
everything in the room again, and then started juggling some of it.
“We get it,” Bay growled, looking annoyed. “You’re scary powerful. You can hold people and lift
things. That still doesn’t answer my question and I don’t appreciate being held captive.”
“You wanted the full show,” I countered with a shrug. I set everything down and released them before
plopping back in my chair and focusing on my cold breakfast.
“Was that the full show now?” Harkin hedged as they moved closer and joined me.
“Not even close.” I didn’t look at any of them, hating when people questioned if I was strong. It was
even worse when they wanted to know everything I could do up front. Wasn’t the fun in meeting
finding new things as we went along about each other? I wasn’t asking them for their full family tree
and dating history up front.
“He can control fire, wind, and water,” Jared answered, always acting like the big brother even if he
was only a few years older than me. “He’s been working on earth, the last of the four natural
elements. He can’t control it but he’s great at making plants and vegetables grow.” I saw Jared point
to the small garden through the back door that they’d made for me right off the terrace.
“What else?” Bay asked nervously. I felt their fear and tears burned in my eyes.
“Does it matter? You’re all scared of me now,” I growled, standing up and slamming my hands on the
table. In a flash I saw it all go out the window and I was pissed off about it. “I could rip your clothes
off you, tie you down, and do whatever I wanted to you without even blinking an eye or lifting a
finger. Is that what you want to hear? That I’m stronger than you? I’m not a monster who would
“They’re not saying that, short stuff,” Tristan said gently.
“Whatever, I’m going for a run.” Then I turned to our guests. “Thanks for coming, nice to meet you,
don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” I spun on my heel and just to be a shit, opened the back
doors before I got there, removed my shorts, and folded them, all with my mind. Then I focused on the
wind so it felt as if a huge storm was coming, blowing shit in the kitchen all around, and walked out
the door.
And just to be an extra big brat, lashing out because his dreams of happiness were dying… I splashed
them in the face with their glasses of water that had been on the table. I know, I might be twenty-eight,
but sometimes it was more like I was twelve.
The moment I hit the terrace I shifted and took off. It was always good for me to go for a run when I
was upset. My wolf was much calmer than I when things like this happened. I ran full out for about
twenty minutes before feeling exhausted and heading back. That would have been enough time for
them to have made their escape from the scary Omega.
I couldn’t have been more shocked when I saw them still there at the kitchen table… And a little
hopeful. Shifting back, I picked up my shorts and pulled them on before slipping on my flip-flops.
“You want to see more of the circus?” I asked bitterly, but it was quiet because I was tired. I walked
away from them and to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water and starting to chug it down. They all
ignored my outburst though.

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“And then you each sign here and it’s done,” Tristan explained. I flinched and slowly turned around to
see what was going on like an actor in horror movie. My friend was smiling widely at me. “After
your tantrum and you left they asked to sign the contract.”
“What?” I gasped, almost dropping the water but catching myself at the last minute.
“We don’t care what you can do or how powerful you are besides it helps us not worry about you
being able to protect yourself,” Levey said as he signed his name before handing over the pen to Bay.
“You’re not a sideshow freak or a cool toy for us to play with. We said we didn’t want to go into this
with blinders on so we asked. Now we know what we need to.”
“And what’s that?” I hadn’t even realized I’d been moving closer, like a moth to a flame, until I was
standing right next to the table.
“That you’re ours,” Bay answered with a smile as he handed the pen to Harkin. “That you belong with
us and we want you as part of our family and pack.”
“Yes, really,” Harkin chuckled, giving me a wink before signing the contract as well.
“Really?” I asked again, completely blown away by all of this.
“Yeah, really,” Bay said firmly. “All that’s left is for you to sign and it’s done.”
“Where is your pack?” I stared at the pen Harkin held out to me like it was a snake. For all my
bravado this was scary for me too. I’d been burned by my last pack badly and they were asking me to
take a huge chance here. In Jared’s pack I was safe. I was in sanctuary. Sure, I could get that again if
things went ass up, but I wanted this to be real and work out. Kind of like when humans got married.
They didn’t go into it with a game plan to get out normally and only wanted to it once.
I’d already done it once and it had been the worst experience of my life. I didn’t think I was strong
enough to ever have to go through all that again if things went badly.
“It’s about forty minutes outside of Spokane, Washington, called Medical Lake. The pack owns a
ranch there, and we raise cattle, some horses, and we have cabins by the lake that tourists rent for
fishing. We take out groups on boats and our whole pack runs the business so we’re very tight,”
Harkin said with a smile. I could feel the waves of happiness off of him. He loved his pack and his
life. That was good. I liked happy.
“What would I be doing?” I asked quietly, staring at my feet. I didn’t know anything about cattle or
horses. I liked eating fish, but that was about all I knew to do with them. I’d never even been fishing.
I was a city boy.
“That depends on what you feel comfortable with,” Bay replied, yanking on my arm and pulling me
onto his lap. “Tristan has a special request of you before we start exploring those options.”
“Anything,” I told my friend immediately, meeting his gaze. “Whatever you need.”
“Just like that?” Harkin asked, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline.
“Of course.” I gave him a firm nod so he saw my sincerity. “Tristan’s the best friend I’ve ever had.
He’s a good person who helps his pack, loves his men, and oh, rescues abused Omegas on the side.
He would never ask me to get involved in something I shouldn’t or that won’t better our people or
help someone.”
“Wow, thanks, short stuff,” Tristan sniffled, using the back of his hand to wipe away a stray tear.
“And here I’m always chastising myself for not doing more. I never thought anyone but my mates
would say something so nice about me.”
“You are a dense, very tall man,” I chuckled. I held my hand out to him and with the trust of a true
friendship, he immediately took mine. I focused my powers and showed him every thought I’d gotten
from the Omegas I’d been helping here about him. Most of them would walk in front of a firing squad

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so the man never got a scratch on him.
He was our rescuer. The High Council guards might have been the ones to come storming pack lands,
but Carson and Tristan were the ones who saved us. And the whole thing had been his idea. If not for
Tristan there wouldn’t be any rescued Omegas and our stories would never have had a chance to get
I showed him all of this, rubbing my free hand on his when I was done. I realized he was really
overwhelmed and let him go.
“I just need a minute,” he mumbled before rushing from the room.
“What happened?” Jared knew I’d never hurt his mate, so it wasn’t anger, simply wonder on if
Tristan needed him.
“I showed him every thought or emotion I’d picked up on with regards to him. He doesn’t see himself
the way we do.”
“No, no he doesn’t,” Cameron agreed. “He still sees himself as the twerpy piece of ass that he was
treated like growing up and then was sold off because he was not worth trying to save.” I saw my
innercircle-to-be raise an eyebrow at that one and Cameron went on. “Tristan’s dad is a powerful
Alpha. He’s in charge of the Green Bay pack and has pull with the High Council.
“He could have gotten them to look the other way that he’d had a child that was an Omega. But he
didn’t and that’s always bothered Tristan. Even more, his father is one of the loudest voices in the
fight against us changing the way Omegas are treated in our world. He even filed a complaint against
Jared with the High Council to get his Omega under control.”
I could feel the shock in the room at that but we needed to change the topic before Tristan came back.
It would upset him even more if he knew we’d been talking about his father. “I’ll take a trip to Green
Bay soon and use my powers to shove Tristan’s dad’s head up his ass. I’ll send pictures.”
“So sweet of you,” Jared chuckled. “It’s fine. The High Council threw out the complaint right away.
We were just given a heads-up on what was going on.”
“He’s coming back,” I whispered when I felt his energy approaching so Tristan wouldn’t hear. “What
is it Tristan wants me to do?”
“We want to use some of the Omega Network funds to rent one of Bay’s pack cabins all year round.
We were hoping you’d still keep working with Omegas who need the help or who just need to get
away and see that their powers can be controlled like yours are.”
“And we told them that our pack would gladly donate the use of a cabin whenever they wanted. Hell,
we offered to hold an Omega convention in the off season,” Bay said firmly. “We’re in this fight to
help the Omegas as well. We never agreed with the old ways but we had no clue what to do about it.
Now that people are working to make it better, we’re on that side.”
“Lennox and his men have been visiting other packs to raise money for the cause plus what the High
Council has given us. We can pay for the cabin,” Jared explained gently, not wanting to make it seem
as if he was giving a handout.
“Lennox?” Harkin asked, glancing between all of us.
Jared quickly explained about one of the Omegas who had barely survived his time with his last inner
circle. “He even got the pictures the High Council took when he was rescued as proof of what he
went through and shows them to inner circles to help get support.”
“Whatever you need from us we’re more than willing to help,” Levey told him, Harkin and Bay
nodding in agreement. I smiled and took the pen, glancing at where they had signed and adding my
“Now that we’ve settled all of that, I’d love to keep helping Omegas but I think it’s time to pack.” I

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gave each of my new men a kiss and I could feel their excitement like a warm sweater wrapped
around me.
“I’m happy for you, short stuff,” Tristan said from the doorway of the kitchen where he was standing.
I stood and went over to him, giving my friend a big hug. “This isn’t good-bye, Wesley.”
“Nope, it’s ‘see you later,’” I agreed. “You better come visit. If anyone needs a vacation, it’s you.”
“I do like fishing.” We shared a look and burst out laughing, everyone in the kitchen joining in.
Tristan was going to be just fine and maybe soon I would be too. Either way, I would help any and
every Omega who wanted my guidance. It gave me a sense of purpose and filled me with pride that I
could do something important.
And that was what I needed to feel right then.

Chapter 3

Bay had called and we ended up being able to book seats on a flight that night to Spokane. That’s

where they’d flown out of and where their car was parked. Until we had to be at Denver International
it was a flurry of packing. I didn’t have all that much stuff because I’d had few belongings I’d wanted
from my old life. Also, Tristan kept trying to get me to go shopping with him or someone, but he was
too busy for that.

Instead I’d been ordering things here and there online with my rescue stipend. On top of all his

other crimes, my old Alpha had been stealing from his pack. So when the High Council returned that
money to the rightful owners, I’d also gotten his life insurance policy since he hadn’t had any heirs.
The pack thought that was the least they could do for me given they’d never helped me all the years
I’d lived there.

So it made a nice-size bank account for me if I ever needed it. Which helped in my freaking out

about moving on to a new pack. I had means if I ever had to escape again.

Bay kept apologizing for rushing to get back but they were in the middle of their busy season.

Labor Day weekend was a big draw and there was still fishing going on as hunting season was
starting for some of the bigger game. I assured him it was fine as long as I got to do some hunting in
my wolf form. I’d always wanted to but since I grew up in the New York City pack, it wasn’t
something we were able to do.

The flight was fine, and the drive was quiet since it was getting late and we were all tired. I’d

ended up only with one carry-on bag since Cameron assured me he’d get my stuff sent out tomorrow
and expedite it. Nowadays that was still cheaper than bringing a suitcase on most planes. Plus, for
whatever reason, UPS seemed nicer than the way I’d seen the people in the airlines treat my stuff.

“What do you need given that you wake up confused?” Bay asked as we pulled onto the pack’s

ranch. It was gorgeous, even from what I could see at night. Everything was green and lush in a way
I’d never seen growing up in New York. After that I was basically locked in my Alpha’s house, so
there wasn’t much of the scenery I’d gotten to experience.

I saw horses in the pasture and rolling fields before so many trees it would take weeks to

probably count them all. It was a place that people wrote epic poems and songs about. It was a place
that I could see myself happy and somewhere I could finally call home.

“My own room would be best for now but don’t scatter,” I answered, snapping my focus back to

his question. “Either wake me up so I can kiss you right away and remember or stay close. I’ll be
scared at the new surroundings.”

“We can do that,” Levey assured me. “And we’ll give you a tour tomorrow.”

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“Sounds good,” I yawned. I had napped on the plane but it wasn’t that good kind of sleeping where I
felt rested afterward… I just felt like I needed more sleep and a little like a zombie. So when they
showed me my room, I grunted, yanked off my clothes, and was out the moment I crawled between the
I woke to sweet kisses on my shoulder. My eyes fluttered open and I saw a handsome man leaning
over the bed. He leaned down and the moment his lips met mine I knew it was Harkin.
“Hi,” he chuckled as he went to pull away. I moaned and reached for him, dragging him down to the
bed with me. “Someone’s frisky this morning.”
“I’m yours now so I think morning sex is in order,” I panted as I moved the covers away and wrapped
my naked body around him. “I want to feel you inside of me.” I had planned on not waiting and
seducing them right away, and this presented me with the perfect opportunity. I didn’t need time to
“You’re killing me,” he groaned as I latched onto his neck and sucked up a bruise.
“Fuck me, Harkin,” I whimpered. “I want this to be real.”
“I breach you and this is real, Wesley. There’s no going back and that’s not fair to do without talking
to the others.”
“You guys signed the contract.” I froze, not sure what he was getting at. “Have you changed your
“What? No!” he exclaimed. “I just don’t want to make a decision for all of us when it’s not mine to
“Whatever,” I grumbled, not a fan of playing games. I was also too tired to explain that his statement
didn’t make any sense. I moved out from under him and went into the adjoining bathroom before he
could say anything else. I took a quick but calming shower, glad when I was alone in the room when I
walked back into it. Pulling out my clothes, I got dressed, and sniffed out where the kitchen was.
“Good morning, Wesley,” a stranger said, getting to his feet. I froze as he approached me slowly.
Normally I had to go to everyone else to kiss them and realize who they were. Why was this person
initiating it? I let him kiss me and was relieved when I realized it was Bay. That answered that
question. I’d warned them to help me adjust. I felt that rush I normally did when the memories cleared
and everything was back where it should be in my mind.
I moved to the other man at the table, smiling after we kissed and I understood it was Levey. We had
a quick breakfast and Bay and Harkin headed off to help with the cattle. Levey was going to give me a
tour, having taken the morning off to get me acclimated.
Smiling at the man, I slid my hand in his, letting him lead me outside. It was really beautiful there.
Everything was green and healthy even though it was a hotter, end-of-summer day. He showed me the
barn, the stable, where they put the cattle at night, and then took me down by the lake. I listened as he
explained to me which cabins were theirs and how they set up the reservations.
“It’s really pretty,” I whispered in awe. There were four dozen smaller cabins, most attached almost
like mini townhomes.
“We built up this ranch from almost falling apart when we took over the pack about a decade ago.
Bay was only twenty-six then and us a few years younger. He was the man with a plan and I always
envied him for that. But once I was included in it, we set to make this a successful pack, even if it’s a
smaller one.”
“You obviously have,” I praised. He smiled brightly and led me down to the dock. I couldn’t get over
the amount of boats they had. I saw a larger one far out on the lake. “Is that one yours too?”
“Yeah, Mike, one of our pack, is in charge of taking groups out to fish at set times. It’s extra to go on

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but it’s all-inclusive. His mate makes sandwiches, they load up coolers, and head out for a few hours.
Normally most of the people catch at least one fish but it hasn’t been that great of a year. The lake is
starting to get overfished with all the tourism.”
I nodded and walked off the dock and then over to the shore, needing to see something. I tapped into
my power and squatted down. Closing my eyes, I stuck my hands into the water, and focused on
reading what was in the lake.
“The lake is getting too dirty for the algae to grow that the smaller fish and insects need to survive.
The trout don’t have enough to eat with the lack of those so their young aren’t making it and those that
are can’t smell the bait with the pollution.” I glanced around to make sure no one was watching. I
focused hard and pulled the pollution towards me, thinking if it was right here on the shore then it
could be cleaned up easier.
“What are you doing?” Levey asked nervously.
“Making the pollution come to me so we can get it out of the lake easier. I don’t know how to clean it
up from there, but you might want to get help. There’s a lot of it coming.”
“Maybe right now isn’t the best time for this, Wes,” he replied nervously.
“If you don’t now there will barely be any fish to spawn for the next year. Then you’d have to restock
the lake which I can’t even fathom how much would cost. I can spend the next week pulling out
pollution before making the minerals the fish and other food sources need.”
“Damn, baby. You just never cease to amaze. I’ll go get some of the people off shift to help.”
I nodded and then went back to my task as I heard his footsteps receding. If anyone did see me they’d
never be able to guess what I was doing. To them it probably looked as if I was just having a
breakdown and taking solace in nature. I mean, I was squatting in the water, my flip-flops still on and
my hands touching the bed of the shore that the water covered.
Maybe they would think I was meditating?
“What do you mean he’s cleaning the lake and needs help?” I heard Bay hiss several minutes later
when I needed to take a break.
“I don’t know,” Levey answered. “He said he was pulling the pollution out because it’s killing the
trout’s food sources. Wes said to get help cleaning it up because he didn’t know what to do once he
pulled the pollution closer.”
“I don’t,” I agreed as I glanced over my shoulder, leaning back on my hands, resting as I stared out to
the lake. I saw that there were a lot more people than Bay and Levey and I flinched. They were all
foggy to me and we hadn’t talked about how they wanted me to handle that. “I can’t see any of them,
“The Omega you picked is blind?” one guy asked, his tone confused but not like he was angry. “How
can he see the pollution then?”
“My gifts are intact but I can’t see people well until I use my power to read them. It’s a temporary
aftereffect of my last Alpha almost beating me to death with an iron fire poker,” I blurted out. I wasn’t
even sure where that quick explanation came from, but really it was a lot more complicated than that.
“Oh, well just read our energy if that helps you.” He shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal.
“We’re pack now. Anything we can do to help just let us know. We’re all really excited to have you,
“Thank you.” I got to my feet and took a few steps to the man. “I have to give you a quick kiss to read
your energy though. Is that okay?”
“You’re not my type, but sure,” he chuckled, giving me a wink. “No tongue though because I don’t
want to have to explain that to my mate.”

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“I understand,” I giggled when I moved closer and my men started growling. “Believe me, I get it.” I
gave him a quick kiss, holding on to his arms tightly when images swarmed me. He was taller than
me, everyone pretty much was, but he was only about five inches taller than my five three.
“Are you okay?” he gasped as I shook against him. He held me tightly as if worried I was going to
“She will carry this baby to full term,” I whispered, lost in my visions. “The miscarriage last time
wasn’t her fault, nor yours. It just happens sometimes, Adam. Comfort your mate on that. She worries
she’s failed you and you won’t love her if she can’t give you pups. It’s not of concern either way. You
will have a healthy baby boy born a week before its due date.”
I opened my eyes then and stepped away from him, wincing at his jaw hanging open as was the other
stranger’s behind him. It was normally bad for me when that’s the reaction I got. Shit.
“Sorry, it’s hard to keep it in when I get a vision from someone’s energy.” I felt tears burn in my eyes
as I kept moving away. “Don’t be mad at me. I can’t control it. I didn’t mean to blurt out something
“Are you kidding me?” he shouted and I yelped when he pulled me back into his arms, hugging me
fiercely. “You’re amazing, man!”
“Oh, okay, that’s good then,” I mumbled. I never knew what to do or how to act when it came to stuff
like this. Either people got pissed that I couldn’t keep my mouth shut, or they thought I was evil for
going through their heads… Even if that’s not what was happening. Very rarely did I get someone
excited about what I told them. And that was even more weird for me. I didn’t do anything really. I
just saw what would happen.
“A boy, huh? Susie will be thrilled!” He let out a whoop as he picked me up and spun me around.
“I’ve got to go tell her. Can I ask you what you saw? Or is that bad form?”
“No, it’s fine. I can tell her what I saw and the feelings I got from you guys in the vision. But other
than that, I’m not omniscient. I just pick certain things up here and there.”
“Thank you for this. You have no idea how hard it’s all been on us,” Adam said gratefully. He gave
me another quick hug and darted off. I did actually know how hard it had been. I’d seen it in his head,
it being the biggest thought on his mind.
Everyone was quiet then, no one else approaching me. Bay cleared his throat and I glanced to him.
“Well that was interesting. Good for Adam and Susie. They deserve to be happy and I’m glad they
have nothing to worry about.” His emotions were swirling all around and I picked up on the one that
hurt the most.
“I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” I mumbled as I turned back to the lake. “I can’t help it, Bay.”
“I’m not embarrassed at all, Wes. I was worried that meeting people in the pack this way might be
embarrassing to you.”
“I’m not embarrassed at what I can do. Ever. I just helped that man. His was freaking out inside,
depressed, scared, and all kinds of worried. I set his mind at ease with what I saw. I don’t care if
everyone else here thinks I’m a freak because of it. Adam and Susie deserve to be happy and they
have no reason to be afraid. I gave them peace so they can now be excited that she’s pregnant.”
“Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s help you clean up our lake. Unless you need to read our energy
too,” a kind woman’s voice said. I glanced in the direction it was coming from, seeing her outline but
none of her features.
“I think it would drain me too much right now since I’ve been focusing my power on the lake. I don’t
mean to be rude but since the whole pack survives off this lake, it seems more pressing. Just know I
can’t see you, you’re all blurry to me, until I read your energy. So if I’m not meeting your eyes or

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looking at you funny, that’s why.”
“I don’t think any of us can understand that, young man,” she chuckled. “But we’ve all got our own
quirks or issues. We don’t judge around here. You’re one of us and that’s all that matters.” I smiled at
her. She was saying it for me, but also for everyone else there to hear. She was laying down the law
on how people were to treat me and I appreciated it.
“Thank you, Dolly.” I heard a gasp and smiled. “You were thinking maybe you should at least tell me
your name though. I heard it. Too much going on for me to block anything out right now. I assure you
that normally I do so don’t worry about me digging around in your thoughts.”
“Dig away. I don’t have anything to hide. Tell us what to do to help you.”
“I’m going to pull the pollution I can feel towards me. It should clean up this part of the lake but for
me to be effective I’m either going to have to move to different parts of the lake or pull it all over
here. The second way would be much more straining on me.”
“There’s public launches on different sides of the lake,” Bay informed me as I squatted back into the
water. “We can set up times to go there and bring help to clean things up. Are you talking like garbage
that’s not going to float to shore or what?”
“That and there’s toxins. I’m going to try and get the toxins to attach themselves to the garbage so it
can all be easily picked up. I suggest gloves for everyone though. I wouldn’t want some of this shit to
touch my bare skin.”
“Already grabbed a bunch,” Levey chuckled. “We didn’t know what you meant. Okay, everyone
spread out down the shore about five feet apart and just pick up what you can when Wes brings it in.”
“That will work,” I agreed. I focused on the water, trying to throw out a big net of energy and pulling
everything towards me that wasn’t supposed to be in the water. I’d moved it all a good twenty feet
earlier, and now it was a matter of getting it to the shore for them to pick up. I pulled the energy
towards me, feeling it almost lurch me in the water with how heavy it was.
Adjusting my power levels, I let the holes in the metaphysical net allow more water to go through. I’d
rather do this more often and on an easier level for me than practically kill myself to get it all in one
shot. I signed the contract after all… I wasn’t going anywhere.
I pulled my power back in, ending up on my ass in the water because it was so much I was dragging
towards the shore.
“Baby, are you—” Bay started to say but I cut him off.
“Don’t distract me,” I bitched as my energy wavered. “You’ll block my concentration.” He didn’t say
anything and I was grateful he’d listened and didn’t end up blabbing an apology or something. That
would have interrupted me even more.
“Alright, grab what you can,” Levey called out loudly. I heard lots of splashes in the water but I
couldn’t stop to look. I was curious of course, but if I broke my concentration then it would all end up
right back at the bottom of the lake.
“I can’t lift this,” one woman said. Now I really wondered what they were pulling out of there. The
more they grabbed out of the water and away from my net of energy the easier it got for me. After
about ten minutes I was able to open my eyes and relax a bit.
I was shocked what I could see moving towards me now that I was on the last ten feet of my invisible
net. For one, there had to be at least five cases of empty beer bottles, the same with soda cans. There
was a tire, because, sure, who wouldn’t think to throw that into a lake? Idiots. There was just a
plethora of shit that people knew better than to dispose of like that. It annoyed me to no end.
When the last of it touched my feet because the net was all pulled in, I flopped back to the sand.
“Done and done. Give me a minute to add some nutrients to the soil.”

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“I think that’s enough for one morning,” Levey said gently as he lifted me into his arms. “Let’s give
you a chance to get some real rest. Hell, we’re tired and all we had to do was pick the shit up.”
“How much did you get?” I lifted my head to look around finally and see everything. I felt my mouth
hang open in shock.
“I count twenty big garbage bags of smaller shit, several tires, a bike, and lots of other miscellaneous
crap. I bet what we got will fill at least two of our Dumpsters,” Bay answered with a big smile.
“Sorry I interrupted you.”
“No, I shouldn’t have snapped. You didn’t know that it would break my concentration when you saw
me doing all kinds of stuff while still talking. When it’s something big and complicated like this, if I
blink or flinch with my powers, it all dissipates.”
“Well, now we know.” He leaned over and gave me a heated kiss. “Thank you for this, baby. We
love this lake and do what we can to take care of it. The fact that you immediately wanted to help
warms my heart. You were the right choice for us and this pack.”
“Thanks.” I felt my cheeks heat up with the praise.
“Go rest and we’ll get the tractor out here to get it cleaned up.” Bay nodded towards the main house
and Levey headed that way with me in his arms.
But I didn’t want to rest. I felt good about what I’d done and that my men were happy. I wanted to do
something else that involved a bed… Now.

Chapter 4

“So strong,” I purred as I moved my head and kissed along Levey’s neck. He carried me what

added up to a few blocks like I weighed nothing. “I could have walked.”

“I like the excuse to have you in my arms,” he panted, in a way that had nothing to do with that I

was tiring him out. It was the different kind of pant so I kept up my attentions.

“I should give you more contact then.” I wiggled around until I was wrapped around the front of

him, our groins pushing against each other. He moaned as I moved my hands into his hair and nibbled
on his ear. “I need you, Levey.”

“Yes,” he hissed, his hands squeezing my ass. In a flash we were inside the house and then what I

guessed was his room. He laid me down on the bed, his large frame surrounding me. I yanked off his
clothes as he pulled off mine. Then a bottle of slick appeared in his hand from somewhere and I felt a
thrill of anticipation like never before.

“Hands and knees?” I asked, my cock hard, leaking, and wanting. “Do you want me to submit to

“Yes,” he snarled and I saw his eyes flash the amber of his wolf. He moved off me enough to flip me
over, spreading my legs wide. “Fuck, you’re so hot.”
“Yours,” I mewled as his slicked-up fingers rubbed my hole. “I’m all yours now.”
“Damn straight.” He thrust two in to start and I gasped at the burn, but still pushed back on them. I
wanted this and I really wanted it now. He pumped them fast inside of me and moments later I was
stretched out enough.
“Take me. Fuck me. Please us both with that fat cock I saw,” I begged. I felt a flare of lust go through
him and I knew I’d said the right thing. He pulled out his fingers and pushed his cock about halfway
inside of me.
“Shit,” he hissed, freezing. “I breached you.”
“Yes, that’s needed for sex.” I glanced at him over my shoulder, completely confused.

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“No, Wes, I breached you. The trial’s over now.”
“Yeah, and?” I was still missing the point.
“That wasn’t just my decision to make. I should have talked to Harkin and Bay first.”
“It’s done and I have no regrets. Can we just put that to the side until we’re done?” I bitched, annoyed
that he’d brought this up like Harkin. It was horrible pillow talk and all. “I’m going to lose my hard-
“Fine,” he growled and thrust the rest of the way into me. I cried out at the pleasure and slight pain.
He took me hard and fast, his mood changing. It took me a minute to figure out what he was feeling
with all the sensations I was experiencing. He was pissed.
Why the hell was he pissed?
“Is this what you wanted?” he taunted, picking up the pace.
“Yes,” I moaned, meeting him thrust for thrust.
“Hope it’s what you really wanted because there’s no going back now.”
I didn’t put together what that meant, enjoying the sex too much to think. He bit me roughly on my
shoulder and I screamed out his name as I shot my load all over his bedspread. Then he came as well,
filling me with his seed. When we were spent he turned us in time so he didn’t collapse on me,
removing his teeth from my skin. But he didn’t lick the wound. I thought that was odd.
“You tricked me,” he panted as he pulled out of me and pushed me away.
“What?” I gasped, turning so I could see him. “How did I do that exactly?”
“The trial period’s over now. You seduced me to get what you want and now I’ve got to go tell Bay
and Harkin that we have to keep you.” He rolled out of bed and cleaned himself up with his shirt.
“That was wrong and you know it, Wes.”
“I seduced one of the inner circle who signed my contract,” I growled, getting up as well and finding
my clothes. “I did nothing wrong, Levey. But thanks for ruining our first time together.”
“Why, Wes? Why would you trick me like this?” I glanced at him in shock, feeling the hurt that was
coming off of him.
“Oh fuck you. You’re a grown man who knew exactly what he was doing. You wanted me.” I saw my
words weren’t having any effect on him and threw my arms in the air. “You’re fucking kidding me.
Great, this is just fucking great.”
I stormed out of his room, ignoring when he called me to come back. I headed towards the back of the
house. That way no one could see me since the front faced the lake and cabins, even if a big portion of
it was blocked by the barn. The moment the back door was open I shifted and took off. I was probably
going to get in more trouble for this but I could give a shit about that right then.
They could all kiss my ass. One minute they were so excited to have me because I helped their
beloved lake, but then we had sex and I was the bad guy? And what was so damn wrong with ending
the trial period? It was put into place to protect me! I knew what I wanted and they had agreed to
wanting me the moment they signed that contract.
Fuck. Them. That’s all I kept thinking as I ran.
But about ten minutes into my run something else distracted me. I smelled real wolves. I headed in
that direction, curious, and caught a few other scents. One of which was death and then I heard crying.
I picked up the pace, scared that humans had stumbled across natural, wild wolves and had gotten
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I checked out the scene from the tree line, ready to bolt if it was dangerous for me. I saw there was a
small service road and the crying was coming from right next to it. Creeping closer, I wanted to sob at

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what I found. Two wolf pups were whimpering and crying as they pushed against their mother… Who
was clearly dead.
It looked as if she’d been hit by a vehicle and either the pups had been with her or found her
afterwards. But one look at her and I knew there was no way that she was alive. I also couldn’t hear
her heartbeat and she reeked of death. I wasn’t sure what to do but I couldn’t just leave the pups there!
I glanced around and made sure we were alone before trotting over there. They turned and gave me
growls that told me they were more scared than anything. I got down low and crept forward, letting
them see that I meant them no harm. It wasn’t any use. They could smell I wasn’t a wolf like them,
probably still smelling human to them as well. They pushed against their mother even more, yelping
as if they knew I was going to eat them.
There was nothing I could do for the mother and the pups were too young to be on their own. If I had
to guess they were only a little over a month old. I moved in quickly, snatching the scruffs of their
necks together in my teeth. They whimpered but didn’t fight me. Then I gave them a chance to take one
last look at their mother and headed back towards the house.
I obviously couldn’t run with two pups hanging from my mouth, but I wasn’t just strolling either. For
one, I didn’t want anyone to happen upon us or catch me. As luck would have it, during my run I’d
lapped the property so I wasn’t all that far from the house. Well, it was luck and fences on the edge of
the ranch. The last thing I needed was to get shot because I’d crossed onto someone else’s land.
The second I was back by the door I dropped the pups and shifted. Quickly scooping them back up
before they could run off, I opened the door and stepped inside… Only to find three very pissed-off
men giving me death looks.
“Oh fuck you all,” I said before they could even talk. I yanked on my shorts with one hand and slipped
on my flip-flops.
“We need to talk, Wesley,” Bay informed me in his most “Alpha” voice.
“I’m sure we do but these pups need help more than you guys need to hear you’re idiots,” I snapped
back, amazed they could ignore what was right in my hands.
“Are those wolves?” Harkin asked me as he got to his feet and moved closer. They had been hanging
in the kitchen, sitting at the counter when I walked through the back doors which technically was the
dining room. So they were a whole room away I guess.
“Yeah, their mother’s dead and I found them.” I didn’t want to talk to them. I headed to the front door
and opened it.
“What are you doing now?” Levey asked, his tone pissed.
“Finding out if the pack knows what to do with pup wolves and maybe get some formula you give to
the calves.” I slammed the door closed behind me, knowing full well they were following me. If that
wasn’t a clear indication I didn’t want their help or anything to do with them, then I didn’t know what
But I still heard the door open and footsteps on the porch moments later. I ignored them. I whispered
to the cubs, assuring them that everything was going to be okay even if I didn’t have a clue if that was
true. I searched for Adam since he was the only other person I would recognize and unlike my men…
He liked me right then.
I found him walking out of the stable and called out his name. He jogged over to me with a smile,
skidding to a halt when he saw the cubs.
“What’s going on, Wes?”
“I found them whimpering next to their dead mother when I took a run. It looked like she got hit with a
truck and they’re too young to survive on their own. Do you have a formula like you give the calves or

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something? I don’t know how long she’d been gone but they must be hungry.”
“I can do you one better,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “We have a vet in the pack. It made sense to
have one or we’d be spending all our earnings on hiring one with all the animals we raised. It’s never
going to be boring around here now with you, is it?”
“I try,” I drawled, rolling my eyes.
“Just hang tight and I’ll bring Stacy.” I nodded and plopped down on the ground as he took off.
“We were talking to you,” Bay growled as they stormed towards me.
“Asshole,” I bitched as the pups started crying again. “I just got them to calm down and accepting they
were safe. Then you come over here growling.” I heard him sigh as I talked with the pups again,
smiling when they settled down on my lap and went to sleep.
“Now can we talk?” Harkin whispered, his tone clearly annoyed.
“Sure,” I said quietly and in my best fake happy voice so the pups didn’t sense any distress. “You’re
all idiots. That trial run was for my protection. Only I could change my mind on the contract. The
moment you signed you guys said you wanted me. I did nothing wrong.” I paused and watched my
words sink in and their expressions change some. Then I focused on Levey. “Did it ever occur to you
that us having sex was the first time I chose to sleep with someone?”
“No.” His eyes went wide and filled with shame.
“Yeah, it was and you ruined it. So, thanks for that. And I did seduce you. I had planned on doing it
from the moment I signed the contract because I knew none of you would with the trial run. Not
because I wanted to trick you into keeping me as you put it, but because I knew you’d give me the full
time to decide if this was what I wanted. I knew it was. I knew since I kissed you guys after my
“But even if it wasn’t for that reason and the one you accused me of. You’re a grown-ass man. I didn’t
drug you or hold you hostage. I told you what I wanted and you got me naked and prepared. So don’t
you dare try to turn this shit around. I didn’t fuck you while you were sleeping or something devious.
You wanted it as much as I did.”
“Wes, I’m—” he started to say but I shot him an evil look and interrupted him.
“Save it. I don’t want to hear it. You guys were so happy with me when I helped your lake and then
look how fast you turn on me. All of you, pissed and judging me. Just go the fuck away and let me take
care of these pups. They need me, and actually want me around now. So I like them better than you
guys anyways.”
“I told you this morning that I shouldn’t make the decision for all of us. You knew that’s how we felt,”
Harkin defended as the other two just stood there looking sad.
“And I thought I made it clear you were being an idiot then too. The only thing you did was deny my
decision since I tried to give myself to you. You had a choice if you wanted this, me, and to be
together. You made it and signed the contract. The only decision left was whether I accepted you after
getting to know you better.” I stared at them, sadness overwhelming me. “Maybe I was wrong. I don’t
think the men I saw in my vision would have acted like this.”
“You can’t change your mind now,” Levey blurted out, looking panicked.
“Yes I can,” I growled, flinching when I heard the cubs whimper. I changed my tone then. “The new
contracts all have a clause in them that if at any point the Omega thinks his safety is in jeopardy he can
go right back to sanctuary.”
“We’ve not done anything to make you worry about your safety,” Bay practically spat at me. Good,
now he was pissed again. Swell.
“Really? Levey didn’t shove me away from him after taking me roughly and throwing all kinds of

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heinous accusations at me? You three didn’t just gang up on me, all pissed off, and say I was trying to
trap you? Most Omegas would be cowering in the corner at this point. But I know I’m stronger than
all of you and what I can do.”
“You know we would never hurt you,” Harkin whispered, looking as if I’d just slapped him across
the face.
“Uh-huh, and you knew that I’d never try to trick you into something or be such a devious little shit,
right? Apparently not. I trusted you guys and you didn’t me. You know what I trust now?”
“No, what?” Bay asked, his anger gone.
I stared each of them down, letting them see how serious I was. “None of you. Now leave me the fuck
“Wesley, it was a valid concern, okay?” Levey said quietly as he knelt down in front of me. It was
childish but I scooted so I could turn my back on him without jarring the pups. It was also shitty of
them to not leave when I asked them to, had a valid reason to be upset with them, and they knew I
couldn’t walk away because I was waiting for the vet.
“We’re sorry. We should have come to another conclusion,” Bay tried. I ignored their comments and
pleas to talk to me, only reacting when Harkin touched my shoulder.
“Don’t ever touch me again,” I hissed and pulled away. “You don’t trust me and now you won’t
respect my wishes to give me space. I’m sorry, why do you think pushing me now will help your
case? Because you guys want to feel better from the guilt of what you’ve done. Yeah, that just
screams all about me since I’m the one you hurt. Take your guilt and your drama and shove them up
your asses. I want to be left alone.”
They didn’t get a chance to answer if they were going to because Adam came running over with a
woman I couldn’t really see.
“Sorry it took so long. The doc said it would be better to get human baby formula since wolves need
the extra protein like we do as carnivores versus veggie eaters like cows.”
“I need to read her energy before I trust her with the pups,” I said cautiously, picking them up into my
arms and holding them close to me.
“Adam explained to me how that worked for you. I’m okay with it,” the stranger replied. She knelt in
front of me with a bag of supplies and leaned in, giving me a quick kiss.
“Mike’s a lucky guy,” I giggled as she came into focus visually and with my powers. “You’re
gorgeous and you’re a very moral, well-rounded person.” She really was. Long black hair that was so
thick and full, with big, soft blue eyes that almost changed color as you looked at them. She was
familiar to me as if I’d felt her mind before when I heard her thoughts.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” She opened the bag and started handing things to Adam with
instructions. Then she reached for one of the pups and I held him out. “I’m going to give them a quick
look over to make sure they weren’t injured when the mom was killed.”
“Sister. You’re Harkin’s sister. That’s why your energy threw me.” I glanced over to the man I
already cared about more than I should, especially given how much they’d all hurt me. Sure enough he
had the same thick hair, though much shorter, and light blue eyes. Same nose too.
“Yup, I claim relation to the big lug. I’m a few years younger and much better looking though.”
“Of course,” I agreed immediately with a smirk. She finished her exam on one and we traded pups.
Then Adam finished whatever with the formula and handed me the bottle.
“Okay, they’re both healthy, scared and shaking but that’s understandable given what they’ve been
through. Now we need to talk options,” she said gently. I raised an eyebrow at her. “This isn’t like
keeping a puppy, Wesley.”

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“I know that,” I replied, rolling my eyes to let her know I fully knew it was a duh statement. “Besides
not being able to lactate for them to eat I know a lot about wolves, Stacy.”
“Right, but knowing and being able to do it are two very different things. You can’t just feed them
even when they’re off the formula unless you’re going to keep them as domesticated pets or
something. You have to teach them how to hunt.”
“Then good thing I can turn into a wolf.” I gave her a wink. “I know this won’t be easy. I’ll need your
help for sure and probably Adam’s if he’s willing at times since he can help them in wolf form.”
“Ours but not theirs?” she asked, nodding to the three men I knew were still behind me.
“No, they suck and I don’t trust them with the pups since apparently I’m not trustworthy to them.”
“Okay then,” she drawled, shaking her head. “I’m going to write down instructions for you about
feeding them to start with. They’re old enough to not need constant care, but pretty close. And good
luck trying to potty train them. They’re wild animals after all.”
“Nah, I figured I’d feed them and then fence a small area behind the house where I could lay some
blankets down, shift, and let them get used to me as if I was their dad in the wild.”
“Good plan,” she agreed. She explained a few more things to me, handing me what she’d already
written out. “That’s the only formula we could find from a guest who left it behind. You’re going to
have to get more sometime tomorrow.”
“I can’t drive,” I sighed, realizing I’d have to ask the idiots I was pissed at.
“Actually, Susie and I were going to head into Spokane tomorrow now that we know the baby is
going to be a boy. We could pick some up for you,” Adam offered.
“That would be great, thanks.” I made sure my relief and gratitude was apparent in my voice. I
thanked Stacy who was in a rush to get to a sick cow before she darted away. “I’ll get you my debit
card. Can you follow me back to the house?”
“Sure, I’ll help you set the pen up. It’s the least I can do. My wife is over-the-moon thrilled by what
you said. I was going to find you later and ask if she could come talk to you.”
“Yeah, of course. Even if you come later, I can shift back and talk.”
“Thanks, Wes. You’re a really good guy,” he said with a bright smile. “I’m glad you picked this
“Glad someone feels that way,” I replied, shooting Bay, Harkin, and Levey a dirty look as I stood
with the pups in my arms.
“We didn’t say that we weren’t glad you’re here or that you’re a bad guy, Wes. That’s not fair,” Bay
said quietly.
“Neither was you guys assuming the worst about me but mine was at least in response to that. What’s
your excuse?” I didn’t wait for an answer, walking towards the house with Adam.
Most of the pack lived in their own houses on the land whereas the main house was just for the Alpha
and inner circle. That might actually make things harder for me given we wouldn’t be in mixed
company and they could say what they wanted to me without others listening in.
Oh well, one issue at a time.
Adam ended up finding some temporary garden fencing in the barn and we set up a small pen,
attaching it to some stakes he pounded into the ground. My inner circle didn’t join us, probably
realizing they weren’t welcome.
I thanked him when we were done, stepping inside just to get my debit card out of my wallet. Adam
left and I sat down with the pups and fed each of them. They were so damn cute, curling up against
each other and going right to bed when they had full tummies. I leaned against the side of the house
and watched them.

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“I thought you might be hungry,” Levey said quietly as he came out of the house with a plate of
sandwiches and chips.
“Thanks.” I took it from him and the pop, not meeting his gaze. He hurt me and I wasn’t just going to
forgive him and pretend everything was okay now that I’d chewed them out.
“I am sorry, Wes. I didn’t think it through. I thought we all had a trial period and you seduced me out
of it. But you’re right. I am a grown man, older than you even, and knew what I was doing. I was
afraid Bay and Harkin would be pissed at my lack of control and it was easier to blame you. It was
wrong of me and I really, truly am sorry. And the last thing I ever wanted to do was ruin your first
time having sex that you actually wanted. I should have handled this better.”
“Yes, you should have,” I agreed after a moment of thought. It was a good apology but I wasn’t over it
yet. “I know what it’s like to not have a choice in things, in anything really. That’s the last thing I
would ever want for someone else and I’d never trick a person into something they didn’t want. I
knew what I was doing and I didn’t want you guys being careful or worrying about my taking time I
didn’t need. That didn’t mean I didn’t want you as badly as I said I did.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Well, that’s a start I guess.”
“How can we make this up to you?” Bay asked from the doorway, Harkin there as well.
“Hell if I know.” I shrugged and started eating. I couldn’t tell them how to fix what they broke. They
watched me eat and when I was done I handed Levey back the plate. Then I shifted and snuggled up
with the pups. For now, I knew I needed space away from them and these little guys had no one else
but me.
I could be there for them and right then, that was the only thing I knew for sure.

Chapter 5

I woke the next morning to whimpering. Glancing down, I realized I was in wolf form and it was

the pups I’d rescued. Odd that they didn’t ever seem blurry to me as if I was meant to find them and
even my screwed-up brain and powers understood that. Or they were just so innocent that they
couldn’t ever be anything but vivid in my vision.

I liked that idea too.

Shifting back, I picked them up in my arms, grabbed my discarded shirt from yesterday, and headed
inside. At first I wasn’t sure what to do with them while I made the formula. But after a moment I
figured out how to wrap them in my shirt and a kitchen towel so they couldn’t roll off the counter or
something. I quickly got everything together, grabbed a bottle of water for myself, and then carried the
cubs back outside.
Once I got them settled in their pen, figuring out a way to hold both their bottles at once so they could
feed together, I simply watched them. Just when they were wrapping up I heard movement in the
kitchen and winced. I didn’t want to deal with any of them. I really didn’t.
But I didn’t get what I wanted ever it seemed and the back door opened.
“How do I remember them?” I whispered in shock. I couldn’t even remember my best friend or
anyone after I’d slept so why could I remember everything now?
“Morning,” one blurry man said quietly. I glanced at them, not being able to see two of them, but
knowing that they were either Bay or Harkin. Levey though… Him I could see.
“Damn you, Levey,” I whimpered. “Damn you to hell.”
“How can you see me?” Levey asked, his eyes going wide. And then I saw the realization hit him.

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“This is great, Wes!”
“I hate you right now,” I growled, wiping my eyes before shifting. It wasn’t great. It broke my fucking
heart into a million pieces!
“I don’t get it,” Levey said as he glanced at Bay and Harkin. “Why is this a bad thing? He can
“Because it means his vision was right,” Bay surmised, hitting it right on the head. I still couldn’t see
him but I knew their voices. “He was right that we were the ones he saw and need to help him. But he
was hoping he was wrong after the way we screwed up. He doesn’t want us to be the ones anymore.”
“Plus, I’d think this is something he’d want to celebrate except he can’t with us since we’re the jerks
who hurt him,” Harkin added.
“Oh,” Levey whispered, looking as if his whole world was shattering around him. I knew the feeling.
“I’m so sorry, Wes. You can bite me if it would make you feel better.” I thought he was kidding until
he knelt by the pen and extended his arm out to me. “If you want to bite me somewhere else I offer it
to you freely.”
I turned around, giving them my back. The pups whined, feeling my distress, and I lay down with
them. They jumped all over me, trying to play and cheer me up. I didn’t want to be happy right then
but the pups had been through a lot and needed comfort. They didn’t need a depressed adopted dad
right then.
Nipping one of their tails, I snorted when the other launched himself on my face and growled. I licked
his tummy and he gave a happy yip. We spent the next half an hour playing until I wore them out. They
snuggled up against me and went right to bed. My stomach growled and I knew it was time to take
care of myself even though the idea of eating wasn’t all that appealing.
“I could shift and keep them company while you eat and stuff,” Levey offered. I turned and saw they
were all still there. I’d been so intent on ignoring them that when the pups distracted me I really had
forgotten they were there. I shifted back and gave him a long stare.
“You screw this up or hurt them and I will never forgive you. Are we clear on that?”
“Yeah, I’m just going to shift and snuggle with them. I won’t hurt them, Wes. I like pups.”
“I’ll only be a few minutes,” I hedged as I got to my feet, glancing at the pups again. “I’m just going to
stuff my face and grab my laptop. I want to order them some stuff. Do you guys have Wi-Fi here?”
“Yeah, but we keep the network hidden and it has a password. If you get me into your laptop I’ll get
you all connected and the network saved,” Bay offered. It annoyed me that I couldn’t see them. I
stepped over the pen and towards him.
“I still can’t see you and it’s annoying me,” I told him as I stood on my toes. He got the idea and gave
me a quick kiss right before Harkin did the same. “That doesn’t mean I forgive you.”
“We screwed up. We know that. It was a misunderstanding, Wes,” Harkin said quietly as he pulled
me into his arms.
“You really see it that way? That’s all you think happened here?” I pushed him away and hissed under
my breath so the pups didn’t wake up. “You didn’t trust me. You treated me like I was some
manipulative monster. Hell, I’m hurt you could even think that about me. After all I’ve been through
you thought I could ever stomach the idea of taking someone else’s choices away.
“The choices of the men I signed a contract with and made out with. This is so much more than a
simple argument or misunderstanding.” I shook my head and stepped towards the house. “Levey, I
leave my pups in your care. Don’t screw this up too or I swear I will bite you in the worst places.”
“Got it.” He swallowed nervously as he got undressed. Then he stepped into the pen, shifted, and
snuggled with the pups. Once I saw they didn’t freak out by his presence I headed into the house. I

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quickly did all the normal morning grooming in my room, grabbing my laptop, and heading into the
kitchen. I checked on Levey out the back window, seeing he was even napping with the pups now.
I booted up my laptop and left it for Bay to deal with. Then I made myself some toast since my
stomach was in knots. I had realized something last night and I didn’t like what I had to do.
“One of you can claim me this afternoon when the pups are sleeping if Levey doesn’t mind taking care
of them while we do it,” I said. The room was so quiet after that as I buttered my toast, I could only
hear the crunching of the knife rubbing against it.
“So you forgive us?” Harkin asked hesitantly.
“No, not even remotely. But I knew what I was getting into when I let Levey take me. I need an inner
circle to ground me and this will help me. That doesn’t mean that things are fine now or I want
anything real with the three of you. I will do my duty as your Omega and make you and this pack
strong. Other than that, I want nothing to do with you.”
“That’s not what we want,” Bay growled, moving closer to me and surrounding me from behind. “We
want all of you, baby.” His lips were warm and soft against my shoulder as he cornered me against
the counter. “Gods, you drive me insane. You’re walking around here naked, pissed at us, but still so
fucking hot that all I can think of is having you.”
“Go ahead. As long as Levey and the pups don’t wake up we can do it now,” I said with no real
feeling. I was theirs and I knew my duty. Plus, they were hot and they wouldn’t ever beat me.
That didn’t mean I’d give them another chance at my heart.
“Kiss me,” he moaned as he tried to turn me around.
“No,” I whispered, using my powers to keep me where I wanted. He was stronger physically but I
was a new level of Omega with gifts most couldn’t fathom. “You can have my ass, not my lips, not my
heart. Take it or leave it.”
“Fine,” he growled as he undid his jeans. “For now, but we will change your mind.”
I shrugged. He could believe that, but I didn’t. And saying it wasn’t going to happen would only start
an argument. I didn’t want that either. If I wasn’t going to have love with my inner circle as I had
hoped when I signed the contract, at least maybe I could have some peace.
Bay lifted me up and moved me over to the kitchen island, laying me facedown on the counter. Then
he quickly stretched me out with lots of slick.
“Are they still asleep?” I asked Harkin, nodding towards the window as Bay pushed his cock inside
of me.
“Could you at least focus?” Bay bitched.
“I am,” I countered, then bit my lip. I hadn’t meant to be a shit there but the pups were my first
“On me!” he growled as he shoved the rest of the way inside of me. “It’s our claiming sex. The least
you could do is focus on me for five minutes.”
“Would you shut up and just do it? Gods, it’s all so about what you guys want, what you need, what
I’m doing wrong. I’m here and this isn’t the way I wanted things either. So quit your bitching and get
it done or don’t bother doing it.”
He didn’t say anything then, kissing my shoulder instead. I figured that was his way of apologizing.
Maybe? I wasn’t sure but at least he stopped whining like he was the injured party here. He molded
his body to mine, making sure my dick wasn’t getting smashed against the counter. Then he pulled me
off the counter slightly, not enough so my feet touched the ground, but so his hand could jack me off
while he took me.
“I’m so sorry, Wes,” he whispered as he thrust into me over and over again, kissing my neck and

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“Harder,” I demanded, hoping that he’d stop trying to make love to me and just fuck me. He did as I
wanted, grunting and moaning as I was. I enjoyed it. He was fabulous and knew what to do. That
didn’t mean my heart was into it.
“Is this good?”
“Yes, oh gods, yes!” He picked up the pace, spurred on by my desire, stroking me faster as well. “I’m
gonna come.”
“Do it, baby.” He licked the nape of my neck and then bit me, bonding us for the rest of our lives. I
cried out as I reached my peak, coming all over his hand. Bay moaned and went stiff seconds before
filling me with his release. He let go of my flesh as he kept pumping more and more of his cum into
When we were spent he slumped to the ground, pulling me with him on his lap. I rested back against
his massive chest, needing a few moments to recover.
“That was fantastic,” he purred, rubbing his hands over my hips as he started to get hard inside of me
again. “We could do that all day if you wanted, my mate.”
I flinched at the term and pulled away from him. “I’m your Omega, not your mate. The sex was great,
but that’s all it was.”
“I know you’re hurt and angry with us but how can you be so cold? You know that was more than
great sex.”
“Don’t. Don’t you dare judge me on something else. You don’t get to say if I’m being cold or not,” I
whispered as I stood on shaky legs, making sure he couldn’t see the tears in my eyes. But Harkin did.
I walked over to the sink, wetting some paper towels and then cleaning myself up. “I have to get back
to the pups.”
“Wesley,” Bay sighed. I shook my head and tossed out the towels before grabbing more and my
breakfast. I walked out the back door, not even being able to look at him. They’d hurt me. I could
barely deal with being their Omega and they sure as hell didn’t even deserve that.
I plopped down in the pen, leaning against the house. Levey’s eyes opened and he sniffed the air. He
gave me a hungry look that had nothing to do with the food in my hands, but I ignored it. I’d hit my
drama limit for one morning. The moment I was done eating I set my garbage outside of the pen and
got on all fours.
“You can shift back and do whatever it is you need to do,” I told Levey. He nodded and moved away
from the pups. When I felt the air vibrate to signal that he was changing forms, I shifted into my wolf.
We didn’t need to talk to each other and this way I couldn’t. Hopefully he got the hint.
“Thank you for giving me the chance to show I’m worthy of your trust.” He leaned over to me and
kissed my wolf nose before getting to his feet. I sighed as I moved where he had been and wrapped
around the pups. Watching him walk away in all his naked beauty hurt my heart. I had wanted
something real with them so badly that I felt as if I’d been lied to again on how things could be.
I cried myself to sleep, deciding to try my best on focusing on the pups and nothing else. They didn’t
have anyone else and it seemed neither did I.
* * * *

The next week I spent most of my time with the pups. I talked to Tristan a few times, lying through

my teeth that everything was fine. I did tell him that the trial period was over and all about the pups.
He smiled and wished me the best, probably knowing I was full of shit. He told me to take some time
to get to know my mates and next month he’d be sending me an Omega to work with.

I’d flinched at the word mates but hoped he hadn’t noticed. Harkin had claimed me as well so

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now I could see and know who people were. As much as that should have thrilled me, I found myself
slipping deeper and deeper into depression. I had sex at least twice a day, normally with two of them
while the third watched the pups for me.
At least the wolf pups were doing well. Stacy had been helping me with them, letting me know that
soon they’d be off the formula and I could start bringing them live kills to supplement their food
I had ordered a bunch of toys for them and a child’s playpen in case I had to leave them alone so they
wouldn’t run off. They followed me everywhere, no matter which form I was in. And they were so
smart, mimicking whatever I did. I knew they were natural wolves, but in a way, they were my kids.
My wolf had bonded with them and he was incredibly protective of them.
I also kept up with cleaning the lake. Granted, I wasn’t going around to a bunch of different spots on
the lake like the original plan so the process was slower. Instead I kept throwing out the biggest
power net I could and dragging things to our shore as I could. Then I’d help grow the water plants and
remineralize the soil as it needed.
It was complicated and I wasn’t really even sure how I was doing it, but Mike told me that they were
seeing more fish on their trips out on the boats. So that was something.
The second week I was tired all the time, napping with the pups as they did. Part of it was the fact that
they didn’t sleep through the night, needing formula and basically doing what babies did. So when
they slept, I did.
But it was more than that. The sex with my inner circle left me feeling empty and it got worse each
time we did it. I started avoiding them or coming up with excuses as to why I couldn’t. They seemed
confused but didn’t say much.
I also spent a lot of time crying in my wolf form. This wasn’t the life I had imagined when I’d signed
that contract. I had wanted more, real love, and a real mating. Instead the only love I got was from the
The beginning of my third week at Medical Lake, I had given the pups their first lesson in hunting.
After they were fed, they fell right to sleep, and I headed inside. They wanted to stay with me now
and I didn’t have to worry about someone watching them constantly. Granted, I never left for all that
long, but I didn’t have to be with them always at least now.
“There you are,” Bay purred as I headed towards my room. They were all in the kitchen for lunch and
my Alpha pounced on me.
“I need a shower,” I sighed as he touched me intimately. “I want to brush my teeth and get cleaned
“You haven’t let one of us touch you in days, Wes,” he said gently, but didn’t let me go. “Things
aren’t getting better, they’re getting worse. You don’t want to have sex with us anymore even, do
“No,” I admitted, my stomach tying itself up in knots at finally admitting that out loud. “You can send
me back. The High Council will make an exception I’m sure if you tell them I refuse to do my duty to
“No!” Harkin and Levey exclaimed together as they jumped to their feet.
“This isn’t about the sex, baby,” Bay said gently and I broke down in front of them finally.
“I’m not your baby!” I sobbed and fought to get away. “I’m not your mate. I hurt all the time. I don’t
even want sex now. I can’t keep doing this or I’m going to die of sadness!”
“Forgive us,” Bay pleaded as he lifted me into his arms. “Forgive us, Wes. We love you. We want
you to be our mate. We want to claim you and wake up with you in our arms every morning.”

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“What?” I gasped, his words penetrating through my hysterical fit.
“We love you,” Harkin answered with a soft smile as he reached out and touched my cheek. “We
have for a while now but were too afraid we’d make things worse by telling you. You’re wonderful,
Wes. You’re so sweet and kind. Do you know how many people would never think to raise wolf cubs
like you are? It’s such hard work and it’s been all you do for weeks now.”
“They needed me.” I shook my head. They didn’t know me well enough to love me.
“Yes, but just because they needed someone doesn’t mean most would have said yes to that,” he
“And you’re giving,” Bay added as he rubbed my back. “We know you’re tired, sad, and drained, but
yet, every day you go to the lake and help clean it up some more. We think it’s all been too taxing for
you. It takes energy to stay in your wolf form as long as you do, plus us screwing up and hurting you,
and it’s not helping your depression.”
“Having jerks hurt me made me fall into depression,” I countered as I finally got him to let me go.
“You guys can’t love me. You barely know me. You didn’t even trust me not to be a lying prick. So
send me back if you want but don’t you dare lie to me.”
“We’re not liars!” Bay shouted as I raced to my room. I skidded to a halt when I felt a familiar
presence. I didn’t even hesitate. I dove onto the bed and curled up on his lap, letting him hold me.
“I should beat you for lying to me like you did,” Tristan whispered as he hugged me tightly. “Imagine
my surprise when your inner circled called and asked to release you from your contract because they
thought they were killing you slowly.”
“They hurt me,” I sobbed, not sure what else to say.
“Yes, they were idiots. Men normally are. Mine can be too.”
“You’re not going to tell me to let it go?”
“Not yet,” he sighed. “Right now you need to get all this pain and anger out. I’m here to help with that.
Once you’re calm and feel better for having let it out, then we’ll talk about how to fix things. Nothing
pisses me off more than when I’m almost hysterically upset and Jared’s being all rational with telling
me what to do. Sometimes you just need a moment to grieve that things suck.”
“Okay,” I agreed, still crying. It took about twenty minutes for me to get it all out, rambling on to him
what had happened and the way I was feeling. I dropped the shields we had as Omegas so he could
feel it as I remembered it all. Tristan frowned and whispered comforting thoughts to me when I
started getting worked up even more. Once I was done, I sagged in his lap, completely spent.
“I get that they hurt you and that instead of being happy that you’re upset that things mentally and with
your power getting better have made you depressed because of how it went down. But you’re also
missing a big part of who you’ve become since you woke up in the hospital after your rescue, short
“Like?” I tilted my head up so I could see in his eyes… And he kissed me. It wasn’t a quick kiss like
when I had done it to recognize people. It was kiss with tongue and all.
“See?” he whispered, when we broke apart. I didn’t know what he meant at first but then I realized I
was smiling shyly and touching my lips. “You need kisses like air, my friend. What else did you feel
besides connected to me?”
“Sad it wasn’t them,” I answered as my cheeks heated up. Then my eyes went wide. “Oh shit! We just
cheated, Tristan!”
“No we didn’t,” he chuckled as he stood and sat me on the bed. “A kiss isn’t cheating and I had no
intention of letting it go past a kiss. I know you didn’t either. You didn’t even get excited like that,
Wes. You were happy to not feel so alone. I felt I needed to prove a point to my dear friend. That’s

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not cheating.”
“Okay, good. I love your men like brothers. I couldn’t ever hurt them,” I agreed after a moment of
thought. “So what did you prove exactly?”
“That cutting them off from kissing you didn’t help anything. All you did was cut yourself off from
something you need and what they need to show you that this is real from them. What did you feel
from me when we kissed?”
“That you missed me and were worried about me.” He raised an eyebrow at me as if to say ta-da! “I
get it. I just don’t know how to let them in again. I’ve been so hurt over and over again in the past. I
won’t survive any more with them.”
“You’re not surviving now. If you can’t let them back in yet, then don’t. Let them grovel though. It’s
part of the make-up process.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me then and gave me an evil smile. “It’s
the only good part of a fight. Let them show you how sorry they are. You deserve their apologies and
effort to make things better.”
“I guess,” I hedged, still scared.
“Hey, I wouldn’t have let you go off with them if I didn’t know they were good guys. You wouldn’t
have gone off with them. You know who they are, Wes. They screwed up. Let them fix it.” I nodded,
still sad though but trying to take what he said to heart. “So which one am I sending in here to grovel
first while you get cleaned up? I want to go meet your rescue pups.”
“Bay,” I sighed, knowing it had to be him. “He’s Alpha and the other two follow his lead. He’s going
to be the tough one to move forward with because he’s been the most vocal in his anger.”
“Okay. I’ll send him in then.” He leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek. “You ever hide
something like this from me again and we’re going to tussle in wolf form and I’ll bite your ass.”
“Who says you’ll win?” I giggled. He rolled his eyes, knowing full well he would. He said wolf form
after all. I couldn’t use most my powers in that form and he was almost twice the size of my wolf.
Yeah, he’d win. “I bite too.”
Tristan threw back his head and burst out laughing as he walked out of my room. It was the first time I
really smiled in weeks besides when I was with the pups. He was right, I needed interaction with
people. And I was about to get it.
Now if I only knew if I could handle that.

Chapter 6

Tristan had left the door open so I had heard everything he said when he found my men in the

living room down the hall.
“Are we all good now?” Harkin asked and I groaned in disbelief.
“No, you’re not all good now, you twit,” Tristan answered, his tone exasperated. “Wes took a huge
chance coming here with you, trusting you, and in the first day you blew it. He’s scared, doubting
himself, doubting you, and all around not knowing what to do. But I’ve talked him into being
receptive to your groveling at least.”
“We’ve been groveling for weeks now,” Harkin growled.
“No you haven’t. You’ve probably been saying you’re sorry and fucking. That’s not groveling.”
“Maybe but I’m also not sure the punishment is fitting the crime on this,” Harkin hedged. He had a
point but I couldn’t help the way I felt either.
“We don’t get to decide what hoops we have to jump through to make this better. We screwed up. If
we hadn’t, then we wouldn’t have to fix anything. Wes is the one we hurt. He gets to decide when

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we’ve done enough,” Bay said quietly. I liked him a little more right then for having realized that. He
put what I was feeling into words when I couldn’t have.
“Yeah, I didn’t think about it that way. Good point.” I heard Harkin sigh and it gave me hope for all of
them that they were taking this seriously.
“I’m the one who started all of this. I’ll go grovel first,” Levey said.
“No, actually Wes wants to try with Bay first since he’s the most upset with him.” I could hear the
hesitation in Tristan’s tone. He knew the reaction he’d get from that statement.
“Yeah, I’ve been a complete bastard over this whole thing. I didn’t mean to. This wasn’t how I
pictured things when I signed the contract. Everything just went to hell in a handbasket and it’s been
killing me that he’s hurting. Instead of making things better, I’ve been bitching and yelling at him,”
Bay agreed. Wow, I hadn’t been prepared for that one. I thought he would have fought Tristan the way
he did me all the time.
“Why?” Tristan asked quietly, probably already having read the answer in Bay’s mind.
“Because I love him and he can barely even look at me,” Bay whispered and I could hear the tears in
his voice. “I think it was love at first sight with Wes. When we met him at your house and he was
scared by all the strangers, all I wanted was to comfort him and make him smile. And when we kissed
I knew he would be what our family needed. What our pack needed.”
“What you needed,” Levey said quietly. “You’ve been much more open with us since you’ve met him,
Bay. I think you needed the blond, pint-size firecracker to break down those walls you put up.”
“Maybe,” he agreed. “And maybe hurting him will be the end of me if he won’t forgive me.”
“Let’s not go off the deep end here, Bay. Wes is a good guy. He was protecting himself after all the
hurt and broken promises that have been made to him. He’s just protecting himself from more hurt.
He’s not mean or trying to make you hurt too.” Tristan sounded worried as if wondering if I’d broken
the Alpha.
I wasn’t sure that was true. I kinda did want to make them feel as bad as I did. Well, for the first
couple of days. Now it wasn’t about that anymore. I didn’t know how to let them in or even try. We
were stuck and if Tristan hadn’t flown out here then I’m not sure we would ever have made our way
back out.
“Thanks for coming out here, Tristan. He needed you desperately. I didn’t realize he hadn’t been
telling you what was going on and he’d been trying to deal with this all on his own with no one to talk
to.” Bay had a point on that as well. Maybe that’s why everything seemed quite so life and death and
extreme depression? Dealing with huge problems alone normally did make them seem that much
“I threatened to bite him if he ever kept anything like this from me again. That’s all I can do besides
listen to him. You have to make things right,” Tristan said gently. I could almost see Bay’s head
bobbing, the way he did when he was trying to acknowledge something he was having trouble
processing. It was quite endearing actually.
“Hey,” Bay said quietly as he stepped into my room a few minutes later.
“Hey.” I wanted to roll my eyes. Yeah, we weren’t completely lame.
“I don’t know what to say besides I’m sorry, which I keep saying and it seems to piss you off more,”
he whispered as he closed the door. I nodded as he came into the room and knelt in front of me. I
didn’t flinch as he reached up and wiped away a stray tear. “And then I make things worse by yelling.
I’m sorry for that too. You haven’t deserved my anger. I can’t get my frustration under control when
you deny me the chance to fix things. But it’s not your fault.”
“I heard what you said to Tristan.” I covered my hand with his. “I don’t know how to let you back in

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and try to fix this. It hurts, Bay. When Tristan kissed me though—”
“Tristan kissed you?” he growled as he moved his hands to my hips and pulled me closer. “You can
see people now. There’s no reason he should be kissing you.”
“He was proving a point,” I panted as I stared down where he was holding me, my naked body up
against his. Even though he was clothed, I got hard almost instantly.
“And what point was that?” He glanced where I was looking and licked his lips.
“That I didn’t want to kiss anyone but my inner circle and I missed it. I missed having the connection
and I missed wanting you guys.”
“Do you want me now? Do you want me to lick your sexy little body?”
My dick started leaking pre-cum and I smiled at him. “I think that answers your question, don’t you?”
“I came here to grovel and instead I feel like I’m being crass and ogling you. I don’t just want sex
between us anymore, Wes. It hurts my heart.”
“Then kiss me and come wash my back in the shower,” I whispered as he rubbed my hip bones. “I
want more than just sex too. But a kiss tells me so much about you and the way you feel for me. I want
“And here I’d give you anything you want. And here you’re asking for something I want just as
badly.” He mashed his mouth to mine, pushing me back to the bed as his larger body surrounded mine.
I moaned and opened for him, sucking on his tongue when he pushed it past my lips. We were still
kissing when I yanked his shirt up, breaking apart for just a moment to get it off.
“Take me to the shower.” He nodded and kissed me more as he lifted me up, helping me wrap my
body around him.
“It’s okay for you to be away from the pups a little bit longer? Do you want to check on them?” he
asked me as he stumbled into the bathroom.
“Yes, it’s fine,” I breathed against his neck, shaking with emotion. “The fact that you brought that up
now, because you know how much they mean to me, makes me start to believe that you really love me
like you told Tristan. Thank you.”
“I do truly love you, baby.” He set me on the counter and turned to the shower, flipping it on. “Please
just let me in again.” He sniffled as he took off his pants. I hopped off the counter and moved so I was
in front of him.
“You’re crying,” I whispered in shock. “You’re that upset by what’s been going on?”
“I figured you knew exactly what we’ve all been feeling.”
“And that’s why you’ve been yelling and so mad,” I surmised, waiting until he nodded. “I’ve been
blocking you, all of you, and what’s been going on, Bay. I didn’t want to hear anything else that upset
me. I didn’t know, I’m sorry. I spent most of the time in wolf form as well.”
“You didn’t know,” he parroted, his eyes filling with tears. “My gods, so much anger and attitude I
gave you and you didn’t even know. I thought you felt my deep depression and sorrow every time we
had cold sex. I thought you knew and didn’t care.”
“I hurt you too,” I whispered. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Yeah, I mean, I knew we
were all hurting from the situation, but offering them only sex hurt them.
“I could have said no,” he admitted as he pulled me into the shower with him. “It was my choice, all
of our choice. We decided something with you, even if it wasn’t what we wanted, was better than
nothing. I didn’t realize that it was making this pit form in my stomach that just kept growing.”
“I felt the same.” We stared into each other’s eyes as tears overflowed them, the water washing them
away as we held each other. “I don’t want cold anymore. I don’t want to hurt or grow to hate you.”
“It would kill me if that happened.” I closed my eyes and opened myself to him, gasping as I felt his

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pain and utter despair at the idea. “Do you believe me now?”
“Yes. Yes, I do,” I whispered. His mouth found mine and seconds later I felt his fingers pushing
against my hole. I wrapped one leg around his hip, smiling when I realized he was using bodywash to
slick me up. That’s one I’d never used before. “Take me and love me, Bay.”
“My pleasure.” He stretched me quickly, his lips never leaving mine. We made out with a passion
most people didn’t ever get to experience and when it was time he lifted me up. “Wrap your legs
around me, baby.”
“I am your baby now,” I agreed as he lowered me onto his cock. I cried out in pleasure as my
shoulders moved against the tiles of the shower. Bay thrust into me over and over again, our eyes
never leaving each other’s.
“Mate me,” he begged as he picked up the pace. I felt my eyes go wide in shock and he simply smiled.
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted from the moment you kissed me. I’m yours, Wes. We’re all yours as we are
each other’s. You were the piece we were always missing to the puzzle.”
“Yes, I’ll be your mate.” He kissed me again, moving us in a pleasurable dance that words could not
describe. When we got close to our climaxes I leaned in and bit his shoulder. Bay bellowed my name
as he filled me with his cum, mine shooting all over his stomach. We rode out the pleasure together,
holding on to each other as if we were all that mattered. And right then, it was all that meant anything.
“Love you,” he whispered as he kissed my neck. I smiled as I licked his bite closed, not ready to say
the words back but finally able to hear them for real.
“I believe you.”
“That’s a start.” He lifted me enough so his spent cock slipped from my ass before lowering me to my
feet. We cleaned each other up, trading kisses and intimate touches of comfort and love as we
showered. Long after we were really clean, we stepped out of the shower and dried off. Then we got
dressed and headed out into the living room to see what everyone else was doing… Only to find them
outside playing with the pups.
“Oh good, you’ve made up,” Tristan chuckled after he sniffed the air. “I take my payment in cute wolf
pups. These will do.” He went so fast and stared down at the ground I knew he didn’t really think I
would hand them over.
“Cute little buggers, aren’t they?” I giggled as I leaned against Bay, his strong arms wrapping around
“I want one.” Tristan pouted, even going as far as to stick out his lower lip when he looked at me.
“And so we should split up siblings because you want one?” I gave him my best serious face,
complete with eyebrow raise.
“Right, of course. I’ll just take them both then.” He gave me an innocent smile that I knew was for
“Find your own,” Levey growled as he snagged one from Tristan. “Wes loves these guys as his kids.
You can’t take them.”
“He was just teasing, Levey,” I said gently. “But it’s good to know you would protect the pups from
anyone if I’m not around.” I stepped into the pen and laughed how my boys were jumping all over
each other to get to me. “I think I’ve finally named them though.” I picked up my little troublemaker
first. “This is Devil.”
“Fitting,” Tristan chuckled as he showed us a hole in his jeans. “He wasn’t happy when I was holding
his brother instead of him and decided to show me.”
“Yeah, that’s right on the money,” Levey added.
“And this is Angel,” I informed them as I picked up the other pup. Again, it was fitting, not just

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because the pups were yin and yang in personality, but Angel spent as much time as I did trying to
keep Devil out of trouble. “It’s time for their hunting lesson so if anyone wants to shift and help us get
some rabbits for their lunch, you’re more than welcome.”
Harkin and Bay had some things they needed to do for the pack so they didn’t end up coming with.
Levey and Tristan were in though. Tristan admitted he could use the chance to let his wolf run after
the flight, and Levey… I think Levey just loved the pups as much as I did. He ended up watching them
most times when I needed to step away so I think they had bonded.
The pups hid in the grass, ready to pounce if needed as we hunted as a team. I scared the rabbits out
and they went straight for Levey and Tristan in their fear. It worked out well because I’d been
showing them how to hunt as a solo act. But they had a sibling so it was a good chance for them to see
how much easier it was to hunt in groups.
They brought the kill over to the pups, using their sharper adult teeth to open the flesh up. Then we sat
back and watched Devil and Angel tear into their dinner… Literally. It wasn’t as creepy as it sounds,
simply the way things were and how they ate.
We couldn’t help but laugh when they were done. Each had eaten a full rabbit, completely down to
the scraps, moved closer to us, and practically toppled over from all that was in their bellies. They
both lay on their backs, showing us that they knew we were above them in the hierarchy and as a
submissive sign they were grateful for the food. Which was all over them.
It was definitely bath time. I picked up Devil while Levey grabbed Angel by the scruff of his neck and
we headed home. Once we were at the house we all shifted back and walked into the kitchen.
“Seriously, where didn’t they get the rabbit?” Levey chuckled as he pulled out a small piece of
Angel’s dinner from his ear. “When was the last time you fed them?”
“Shut up,” I gasped as I snagged Angel as well. “I’ve been feeding them better than Stacy said they
would in the wild, okay? They’re growing boys that need lots of nutrition! We just weighed them
yesterday and they’ve doubled in size in the two weeks—”
Levey leaned in and kissed me, effectively shutting me up. “I was kidding. It’s like when Bay and
Harkin tease me that I need to hydrate better because I guzzle down water sometimes. But the joke is
that I’m always doing it, like I never get any. I know how well you’re taking care of the pups.”
“Oh, okay then.” I smiled, blushing a little as we moved them to the sink. They didn’t like bath time
but I’d figured out if we didn’t stick them directly under the water it wasn’t so bad. Normally in the
wild, a mother wolf would lick them clean. They didn’t have one and I couldn’t stomach doing that,
even in my shifted form. It was just gross.
Instead I used warm water on a soft washcloth and got them clean. Devil lay down on a hand towel
next to the sink, showing me his belly as I wiped all the nasty leftover rabbit off of him. He was just
too cute! It was one of the things he liked so he never started trouble then.
Five minutes after his bath and he would though.
Tristan was doing the same with Angel while Levey was busy doing other things… Mainly touching
“This is so not the time, Levey,” I chastised gently as he massaged my ass. His whole body was
against mine as he kissed along my neck.
“You’re so gorgeous the way you smile and coo at them, so loving. And you came outside smelling
like sex even though I know you guys took a shower. And then my wolf loved how sleek and sexy
your wolf was. Now you’re naked, happy, and not shoving me away for once and I can’t help it, Wes.
Gods, I want you so badly.”
“I never shoved you away,” I defended as I tilted my neck to give him better access.

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“No, not physically but when I’d try to approach you and saw how closed off you were to any contact
it was almost the same thing. You weren’t receptive.”
“Apparently I am now,” I moaned.
“And I need to grovel,” he purred. I didn’t know what he meant until he dropped to his knees and
buried his face in my ass. I gasped when his tongue licked my hole, clutching onto the counter so I
didn’t collapse.
“Never had someone do that before, huh?” Tristan chuckled, guessing that’s why I was reacting the
way I was.
“No,” I moaned, leaning over to give Levey more room. “The idea never even appealed to me before,
but now? Holy shit I could beg for this daily it feels so good.”
Devil realized his bath was being interrupted and gave me an annoyed yap.
“Just a second, sweetie. Daddy’s being loved on by your other daddy.”
“I got him.” Tristan moved Angel, who was already napping, over on a clean towel, and brought
Devil closer. “You’re going to be a great parent one day, Wes.”
“Uh-huh,” I mumbled, only half listening. “Can’t have kids. Plan on trying a lot, but they won’t get me
“Goofball,” Levey mumbled into my ass. I simply nodded, willing to agree to anything if he kept
doing that.
“Why don’t I watch the pups outside while you guys fuck each other silly?” Tristan offered when he
was done bathing them. Again, I nodded, not really listening. My friend laughed as he carried our
boys outside to their pen.
“Gonna come,” I moaned as Levey kept eating me, now while fucking me with four fingers and his
“Do it, baby. We want to watch you scream in pleasure,” Harkin purred. My head snapped up, not
realizing we’d had an audience. Sure enough, Bay was kissing along Harkin’s shoulder while his
hands were down the man’s pants. It seemed they’d been watching for a while.
I threw back my head and cried out Levey’s name as I shot my load all over the side of the counter.
He kept up his attentions on me, not even slowing when I whimpered that it was too much when my
orgasm subsided.
“Say yes, Wes,” he begged as he stood behind me.
“Yes, yes, and yes,” I gasped, my heart racing a mile a minute. Levey pushed his slicked-up cock
inside of me. I wasn’t sure what he used for lube and I wasn’t sure I cared right then. He took me hard
and fast, thanking me over and over again for giving myself to him.
He came inside of me with a grunt, my body accepting his, as I moaned at the feeling of his seed
filling me. Levey slumped over me when he was spent, kissing my neck and shoulders as his hands
stroked the sides of my body.
“I’m so sorry, baby.”
“For what?” I slurred, so tired from all the attention I sounded drunk.
“You didn’t come with me. I was a selfish lover.” He sounded so pained at the idea that I turned my
head enough to make sure he saw I was smiling.
“You wore me out so good the first round and I couldn’t recover in time. That doesn’t make you a
selfish lover or that I didn’t enjoy every thrust of the fucking you just gave me. I loved it. It was so
good I’m going to pass out now.”
“Rest. We’ll take care of the pups and dinner,” he chuckled and gave me a quick kiss. I fell asleep
before my head even touched back on the counter, his cock still inside of me, and a big ol’ smile on

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my lips.

Chapter 7

“So two of three, huh?” Tristan teased me later when we were taking a walk.

“Yeah, because it’s not like I ever walked in on all three of your men gangbanging your ass,” I
answered with a snicker, making sure to be crude. Sure enough, my friend’s face turned so bright red
that I could see it even with the setting sun.
“I do like a good gang bang,” he mumbled. I threw back my head and laughed. Tristan was so huge, so
in charge, it was easy to forget he was so young. I mean, he was only twenty-two. It was nice to see
that side of him. “So what’s up with the idea to take a walk?”
“I figured since you flew all the way out here to help me when I needed you, the least I could do is
show you something new.”
“I do like learning.” I knew without looking that there was a bright smile on his face. It was the truth.
Tristan soaked up knowledge like a sponge. “So what’s the gift?”
It was then I realized there was a conversation I had a feeling we were long overdue for. “Tristan,
explain to me what our powers are. What do you mean by gift?” I should have brought this up much
sooner but since I had a feeling it would change his foundation of what he thought Omegas were, I
hadn’t. I’d come to him this damaged, crazy to most, abused Omega.
Why would he have listened to one word I said?
“Um, I’m guessing this is a trick question,” he answered slowly and took a deep breath once we got to
the dock. “Once we’re activated as Omegas after we’re claimed we start tapping into energy inside of
us and acquiring gifts. Like I started growing and feeling emotions of the people I care about.”
“And you think by feeling the energy of another’s gift you can just pick it up?”
“Yes, but the way you’re asking me this is leading me to believe I don’t have it right.”
“No, not really,” I told him with a shrug. “A special gift that most can’t do is like how we turn into
wolves, have wolves inside of us. We can’t meet another type of shifter and suddenly be able to turn
into a lion. Our gift, and this is the gift of all Omegas, is to be able to tap into energy.”
“I don’t get the difference.”
“You can pick up other people’s talents because you see how they use the energy. Everything has
energy. Think of it like electricity or even auras. You can see differences, feel them, right?”
“Yeah, like Jared has a different energy I feel than Cameron or you.”
“But it’s more than just people.” I sat down on the dock, Tristan doing the same. I touched the wood
and closed my eyes. “I can feel this is wood from touch, but if I read its energy like I would a person,
I can tell it’s wood too.”
“That’s how you can control water,” he surmised. “You can feel its energy.”
“Exactly. So it’s not that you’re acquiring new gifts, like throwing something in a shopping cart. You
learn different ways to tap into the energy around you and do new things with it. Let me show you
how I’ve been cleaning up the lake.”
“Drop my shields?”
“Yup, and I’m going to teach you how to channel energy. I can use you like a lightning rod and energy
you possess, the energy you can use, I can add to my own.”
“So cool,” he whispered in awe. I took his hand in mine and cast the mental net I’d been using to pull
toxins out of the water. At first I just used my own powers, but then combined it with his so he could
feel how it worked and the net tripled in size. “I get it.”

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“Do you understand how my channeling you is no different than using the energy around you to read
“Yeah, it makes me see what we can do in a whole new light.”
“Good because somewhere down the line Omegas lost that sense of our power. I hear them talk about
being able to do only certain things. Our gift of harnessing energy is truly limitless, Tristan. There’s
no cap on what we can do. It’s only a matter of what we are able to do first and then building on
“No other Omega has explained it to me like this. How do you know all of this, Wes? The High
Council is even in the dark as to how it works and what makes us different.”
“It’s normally a shot in the dark or a fluke when a wolf mates with a human woman and they get an
Omega. The case isn’t true for me. I come from a long line of Omegas. My father was very old when
he had me. He actually hadn’t meant to have a child, hoping the line would die with him. It’s amazing
what I remember now that my brain is back to normal from having been claimed.”
“Why? Why would he want to take such a powerful line from the world?” I could hear the confusion
and worry in his voice that it might have happened. We kept focusing our energy and pulling the net
tighter, getting lots of toxins I couldn’t have reached originally without completely draining myself.
“So his child wouldn’t suffer as he did, as I ended up suffering. He knew I would be an Omega and he
didn’t want that for his son. But it wasn’t always the way things were before you and Carson stepped
in and changed them. My family wrote down Omegas’ histories, generation after generation of every
Omega they could find.”
“Yeah, there’s a small library of them that I grew up reading. But when my dad died my mom quickly
hid it all before she joined him.”
“What do you mean?” he asked hesitantly, turning to the side so he was facing me while we were
holding hands. “They went together?”
“Ask me how old they were,” I chuckled.
“How old?” He looked almost scared as he asked.
“Four hundred years old. When mated pairs bond, their life spans go together or one right after the
other when they simply die of old age. For Omegas, it’s normally double the life span of a typical
wolf if they go from natural causes.”
“You’re telling me if no one kills me or I don’t have some kind of accident that I’ll live to be four
“Approximately, yes.”
“Holy fucking shit on a stick,” he whispered and then whistled. “So what happened to you when your
parents died? Why was none of this in your file?”
“Because I was special from the moment I was born coming from the line of wolves I did,” I
answered with a snicker. “The High Council was scared of me. My power didn’t come at twenty-one
after I was claimed by an inner circle. I had the start of my powers from birth. I don’t remember much
until I was five or so but by then I was reading people and what most newly activated Omegas go
“My parents died when I was fifteen. I stayed with my aunt and uncle. They were good people but
they were scared of me too. They let me homeschool and figure things out myself and then when I
turned twenty-one, they sold me as per our laws now.”
“But that wasn’t always the law?”
“No, not even close,” I chuckled. “Omegas used to choose who was worthy of ruling the packs. We’d

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scan energy and pick the strongest, most moral men to be the inner circle. Then we’d pair an Omega,
who was willing of course, with them.”
“How did that change? When did it change?”
“About a hundred years before my father was born. I’ve read the history of it. Alphas got nervous of
our power and so did the High Council. They started killing off Omegas that they saw as a threat. My
grandfather hid but documented it all. It was all swept under the proverbial rug and a few generations
later, no one was ever the wiser that was what happened. The High Council wrote laws about how
we were to be owned and burned everything about the old ways.”
“So how did your father have a female mate and not an inner circle?”
“My grandfather met a woman when he was in hiding and fell in love. They had my father but they
never had a pack. Then when the dust settled and the new ways were put into place, my grandparents
passed, and my father wanted to see our world for himself. But he had already mated. The High
Council gave him a pass, wanting the power for themselves. So that’s what he was, the High
Council’s dirty secret for many years.
“But then most of the old ones died out and he was given sanctuary in a pack to live out the rest of his
life with my mother. Of course, they had no clue that he would live over another two hundred years.
And then towards the end I came along as a whoops baby, and here we are.”
“I can’t believe we used to be so powerful like that. How did it happen? I mean, if back then we
knew how to tap into our energy better than we do now, how could they have killed any of us?”
“No one thought the Council or Alphas would have done something like they did. And even when it
started, it wasn’t like today where I could pick up my phone and give you the heads-up that shit was
going down. It was five hundred years ago. Inner circles who feared the power of their own Omegas
killed them in their beds. Would you ever think Jared, Cameron, and Rhyce would turn on you?”
“No, of course they wouldn’t. How could you even suggest that?”
“I know they wouldn’t, sweetie,” I said gently, realizing the idea alone had him close to tears. “They
love you. Hell, some of the inner circles might have loved their Omegas, but they were afraid of what
they could do. And fear is a dangerous emotion. One whisper from the High Council back then that
their Omega could kill them all and their loyalty changed.”
“That’s why you were so freaked out when we accused you of tricking us,” Bay said quietly.
“Yeah, pretty much. I grew up reading story after story of inner circles turning on their Omegas along
with the High Council that’s supposed to protect us all. Wouldn’t you wig out?”
“Yes. I don’t know if I could ever trust anyone ever again,” Levey admitted. “You don’t seem
shocked that we’re here.”
“I knew the moment you made the decision to have Adam and Susie watch the pups to come check on
me.” I glanced at them, chuckling when I saw matching shocked expressions. “And now you know
why I was also so freaked out about you wanting to know everything I could do as if listing my crimes
for someone.”
“Yeah, it explains a lot,” Bay said with a sigh. “Are you guys cleaning the lake?”
“Yup and there’s a lot coming too. I think there’s a car.”
“Is that what I’m feeling?” Tristan chuckled. “It’s like no matter how you pull that one part of the
metaphysical net it just doesn’t want to move.”
“Yeah, it will eventually, but I worry why there might be a car at the bottom of the lake. I mean, that
can’t be for any good reason.”
“The Sheriff knows what we are. I’ll tell him one of our visitors sensed a car. He can decide if he
wants to send out a diving team. Can you mark the location?”

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“You don’t want us to drag it out?” I asked instead.
“Um, no. That would be really hard to explain. We can say the extra garbage we’ve been picking out
was caught in fishing nets or something but yeah, a car won’t fly with that excuse.” Bay snickered as
if trying to imagine explaining that to someone.
“Gotcha. Garbage minus car, coming up in about ten minutes.”
Everyone was quiet for a little bit, their minds racing a mile a minute at what they’d learned. I
couldn’t help but laugh that when they chose to speak they did all at once.
“Can I see—” Tristan started.
“So how do—” Bay said at the same time.
“Does that mean—” That was Harkin.
And Levey blurted out, “Are we forgiven then?”
They stopped when they realized they were all going at once besides Levey who was so concerned
about his question that I decided to answer his first.
“Harkin and I still have a few things to work out first but yes.” Then I turned to Tristan. “We can go
look at the books but I am the keeper of them and I won’t ever let them out of my sight or risk them
falling into the wrong hands.” I glanced at Bay then. “You can’t protect me, Bay. I protect you guys.
It’s my job as your Omega to make you strong and make sure you are protected to lead this pack in the
right direction.
That is the point of Omegas.” Lastly I looked at Harkin. “Does that mean I’ll let you grovel and try
again? Yes, if someone will watch the pups tonight it would be my pleasure to let you grovel. I have
to warn you that it might be hard to top the way Levey handled things.”
“I have some ideas how to properly grovel,” he purred as he leaned over and gave me a kiss.
“We’re really going to live to four hundred because we picked you?” Levey asked quietly.
“In theory but just because we can live that long doesn’t mean we will or that we’re indestructible.
And if I die your life spans return to the normal length.”
“So that gives us extra incentive to keep you around,” Harkin joked. I could feel his mirth and knew
that he really was teasing.
“Glad you’re so happy at the news.”
“I hope my men feel the same way,” Tristan whispered as he stared past me and out into the lake. “I
do want to see those books though. I think we’ve got a good Council in place now that would want to
know what their predecessors did.”
“Some of them are relatives to the old Council,” I reminded him. Sometimes it was an elected gig that
was a lifelong role, but that didn’t mean the job didn’t stay with certain families. “So let’s start
“Agreed.” Tristan kept quiet as we pulled in the garbage, making sure it was up on the shore so it
didn’t float right back out into the lake. Then we headed back to the house. “I don’t think we should
go to where they’re hidden until whomever is following me is caught.”
“Okay, why didn’t you lead with that tidbit when you got here?” I growled. I grabbed his hand and
scanned his mind. The moment he stepped off his pack lands to come visit he’d felt a dark presence,
familiar maybe, but dark as if they wanted to do him harm. “Balls, Tristan!”
“You had major stuff going on. I didn’t want to show up and dump this on you guys. And at first I
thought maybe I was making it all up. But it’s here, Wes. I felt it earlier watching us when we were
playing with the pups. I know it’s not around now, because I wouldn’t ever have risked someone
other than your inner circle listening in on what you were saying.”
“Me either. I knew when they were here and what they heard. I didn’t feel anyone else but from what I

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saw in your mind and reading the energy, they mean to kill you, Tristan. That’s the only time energy
gets that dark.”
“I wasn’t sure if that was the case or not,” he said with a sigh. “What do we do?”
“We trap them and kill them,” I replied easily.
“Just like that?” Bay asked, looking shocked that I would say such a thing.
“No one fucks with the people I care about.” I knew my voice had gone cold, devoid of any
redeeming emotions. I wanted them to know I was dead serious. Someone with that kind of energy
wouldn’t stop until Tristan was dead and I would never, ever allow that to happen.
We walked back to the house in silence. I was still holding Tristan’s hand, now in comfort as
opposed to earlier when I needed to so I could channel him. What comforted me was that Bay was
holding my other hand. It was amazing how such a simple gesture could make me feel as if everything
was going to be okay.
Silly probably, but I couldn’t help the way I felt.
When we got back, Bay showed Tristan to the guest room while I quickly checked on the pups. They
were still full from their earlier meal of rabbit but were ready to play.
“Only a little while because it’s time for bed soon,” I told them firmly, knowing full well I’d play
with them all night if they wanted. They had me wrapped around their little paws and they knew it.
“I’ll stay with them tonight. Harkin’s dying to grovel,” Levey said with an evil smile.
“You’re just trying to butter me up so you’re my favorite,” I teased.
“No, no favorites in a mating but I do want you to claim me like you did Bay when you’re ready. You
know, if you wanted, or whatever, that is.” I smiled at how nervous he sounded as if I’d say no.
But then again, he didn’t know how I’d truly forgiven them all in my heart after my talk with Bay. So
to him, I might really say no.
“I’d love to,” I whispered against his lips before kissing him. “I would have earlier but the wrong
side was facing you to bite you, sweetie.”
“Yeah, but it was fun,” he growled as he groped me through my shorts.
“That it was.” I laughed at the pout he gave me when I moved away and headed to the back door. I
had a feeling my men were insatiable and I would enjoy every second of it.
I went in search of Harkin, surprised that he hadn’t gone with us to check on the pups. I got my answer
when I knocked on his door and it swung open.
“Are you ready for my groveling?” he asked in husky tone. I nodded as I stared at what he had on the
bed. “How much have you ever played before, baby?”
“They fucked me, that was it. They didn’t stretch me or tease me. It was just sex. That’s why I was so
shocked that my old Alpha freaked out and declared his love for me before trying to kill me. He’d
never shown any signs of that or even hinted that he gave two shits about me. Hell, he’d even hid it
from my powers, locking it somewhere deep inside of him.”
“Hey, that’s all over now. I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories,” he said gently as he pulled me
into his arms. I snuggled into his embrace, his massive frame making me feel other things than simply
“No, I’m okay. It’s good you guys know what I went through otherwise we could have more issues
like before.”
“You’re right, but I just didn’t want to ruin the mood. I want you smiling and playful. I want to take
you places you’ve never been before and see what you like.”
“Okay,” I squeaked as he kicked the door closed. He lifted me up and tossed me on the bed as if I
weighed nothing. I let out an unmanly yelp as I bounced on his bed a few times. “What now?”

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“Now you get naked and we see what you like,” he growled. I shivered at the lust that was pointed in
my direction and quickly started yanking off my clothes. “The restraints are the kind you can easily get
out of yourself so it’s not about keeping you hostage but merely that you don’t have to worry about
anything other than feeling every moment of pleasure.”
“I can do that.” I swallowed loudly as I held my hands up over, giving him permission to tie me down
without words. He kissed up my body as he reached overhead and fastened my wrists in the padded
restraints. Then he mashed his mouth to mine. I whimpered when I went to throw my arms around his
neck and I couldn’t.
“Now you understand the fun and restraint you must have to play the game.”
“What if I don’t like the game?” I asked quietly as he moved to sit back on his feet. His gaze met mine
and he smiled.
“The game stops and we play a new one. You’re not my prisoner, baby. We’re playing together and if
you don’t like it then we try something else. I hope you will be vocal and let me know everything
you’re feeling. It’s part of the fun.”
“I can do that.”
He lifted my leg and threw it over his shoulder as he reached for the bottle of lube he had lined up on
the bed next to a bunch of toys. The fun kind of toys that were in no way suitable for children. The
kind that were made to please and I looked forward to trying every one of them with one of the men I
was giving my heart to.
Harkin pushed in a finger, smiling when I was still partially stretched from my fun with Levey a few
hours earlier. “Then I guess we can move right on to the toys.”
“Okay,” I squeaked again. He grabbed the smallest dildo he had and pushed it into my ass after he
pulled his finger out of my hole. I moaned as he thrust it into me, slowly at first but then faster as his
other hand moved to my cock. He had built the anticipation and excitement so much that I blew in
moments. I cried out his name as my cum shot all over his hand and my stomach.
“Was it as good as it looked?” he asked as he pulled the dildo out of me.
“Oh yeah,” I gasped, my eyes practically rolling back into my head. I’d never had this much fun in one
day. Maybe I’d had this much sex, but never this much fun. It was tiring when the sex was kick-ass.
“Wonderful, because we’re just getting started.” My eyes snapped to his and I saw a feral smile cross
his lips.
He was good to his word, giving me three more orgasms before the night was out. And then so was I.

Chapter 8

The next few days were interesting to say the least. Tristan hung around, not wanting to lead

whoever was following him back to his men and pack. The moment he returned with all those guards
they had at his pack keeping all the rescued Omegas safe, the person with the dark energy would have
taken off. I agreed.

I spent most of my time taking care of the pups, which my men helped me with constantly. At least

when we weren’t cleaning up the lake or having tons of hot sex. The sex was fun… Cleaning the lake?
Not so much. But it had to be done. Well, it didn’t, but since I could clean it up, how could I not?

I felt the dark energy when I was teaching Devil and Angel to hunt in the afternoon. I wouldn’t let

them near it but I focused on reading it. When I got a clear reading on who it was, I grabbed their
lunch and hurried them back to the house. The moment we were there, I shifted back.

“Guys, need you out here,” I said loudly. I watched as the pups devoured the small doe I had

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killed. It hadn’t been easy to drag all the way back, but it didn’t matter since my boys were so excited
to be eating it. Tristan was the first out the door and I stared at my feet while I pulled on my shorts. “I
know who’s following you.”

“You felt the energy?”

“Oh yeah, big-time. She’s stalking the house to see if she can get to you,” I answered, noticing my men
were all there now. “Tell us what happened when you rescued Gideon. I got a few snippets from her
and they don’t make sense. Her brain’s all twisted up in rage though so I didn’t believe what I see
from her either.”
“I killed the Alpha,” he whispered, looking away from us and towards the trees. “They were
supposed to be out of town so we were going to snatch Gideon and leave guards there to arrest the
inner circle when they got back. Everything went to shit in the blink of an eye. They knew we were
coming. We had decided to go ourselves because the High Council wanted a full report on the porn
movies the pack had been making.
“We knocked at the door and the second it was opened Jared had a huge shotgun pointed at his chest. I
panicked and my power lashed out. I don’t even know what I did but I just wanted the threat against
Jared gone and then the Alpha dropped dead. According to the High Council Jared got the gun away
from the guy and he died in the fight. He didn’t want others knowing I could kill like that.”
“It makes sense to keep that quiet when you’re working to help the Omegas when it seems most are
scared of their power,” Bay agreed quietly, patting Tristan on the shoulder.
“Show me,” I said gently as I held out my hand to my friend. When he took it, I watched his memories,
feeling what he did, and knew what he had done. “Your power shut down his heart. You freaked out
and constricted the muscle without even realizing you could.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Tristan whispered in shame. “I just didn’t want Jared to die.”
“Hey, stop that,” I chastised as I smacked him in the chest. “I would have gladly killed the guy to save
Jared. He’s your mate, Tristan. No one would ever judge you for killing someone to protect him.”
“I know and I don’t regret it. I’m just having trouble processing that I took another life and I did it
with my powers. I’ll get over it. For now, it’s hard to deal with.” He stared at me with pleading eyes
that I understood what he was going through.
“I get it. Don’t worry. I’ll kill the bitch,” I told him firmly.
“Who is it?” He swallowed loudly as if having guessed already.
“The Alpha’s mate. I don’t know if the High Council didn’t know about her or what but she wasn’t
taken captive.”
“No, they won’t do that to any of the humans in the packs. They think that a human can’t be evil
enough or strong enough to start any trouble. If they attack the guards on the rescue then they can be
shot, but if they stay out of it then they’re let go when it’s over.” I could feel Tristan’s annoyance at
that and hear the disgust in his tone.
“Well that’s just stupid,” Harkin grumbled. “I’ve met plenty of humans that could do more damage
than a crazy Alpha. The High Council needs to stop underestimating people or living with their heads
in the sand. It’s not good for any of us and it’s led to so much pain and death.”
“Amen to that,” Bay agreed.
“Okay, Tristan, you stay here with Levey and keep the pups calm and happy. They’re going to need a
bath,” I said with a chuckle when I looked over at them. They were still tearing into the doe, covered
in nasty.
“Where are you going?”
“To kill the bitch who wants you dead,” I answered with an evil smile. “You guys care to join me?”

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“Oh yeah, we’re in,” Harkin growled as he pulled off his shirt. Bay nodded and did the same.
“You don’t have to do this for me, Wes,” Tristan said quietly, nervously. “I can handle it.”
“How many times over would you kill someone who wanted me dead?” I asked, raising an eyebrow
at him.
“Several,” he sighed.
“It’s what friends do, buddy. I’m better at tracking energy than you are. Just let me handle this for you.
Relax and play with the pups before you return home to your men who need you more than air.” He
nodded and gave me a tight hug.
“You get hurt and I’m going to be pissed to the ninth degree, dude,” he whispered in my ear.
“Ninth degree, huh?” I snickered, shaking my head as he let me go.
“Yeah, it seemed about right.” He gave me a wink, trying to hide his nerves but they were there.
“We got this,” Bay assured Tristan before we all shifted. Levey and Tristan had to jump into action
because the moment we were wolves the pups assumed it was playtime. I gave them a bark to tell
them no and they settled down, whimpering a bit, but staying. They were such good pups, even when
they were misbehaving. Weird, I know, but they were mischievous, not evil or mean.
It was harder for me to sense energy in this form, the only reason I had before was it was so dark with
rage that even my wolf had caught it. Granted, he’d been afraid something would hurt the pups, but it
was the rage that woke the powers in me nonetheless so I could get a reading. Bay and Harkin let me
lead, racing to where I felt the energy last. Then I shifted back and closed my eyes.
“I’m focusing to pick up the signature and energy trail. Given how dark her intentions are they leave a
residue on normal energy. It’s hard to explain and I’m sure I’m not making any sense.” Bay’s head
bumped my hip as if telling me it was okay and they trusted me. “Thanks.”
I picked up on her trail right away, racing off in that direction. Then after the fifth rock I stepped on
that hurt, I changed into my wolf and kept going. It amazed me how we were so much more fragile in
human form sometimes. We ended back at that service road where I had found the pup’s mother
weeks ago, but a few miles down.
That road was just cursed it seemed.
She was sitting in her car and when she saw us approaching she reached in the backseat. I put on a
burst of speed and then shifted when she got out.
“Which one of you killed my mate?” she screeched as she focused on Bay and Harkin who were still
in wolf form, assuming one was Tristan. I laughed when I saw the gun she was raising, using my
power to wrench it from her fingers before she could even aim it.
“Silly woman.” I clucked my tongue in a condescending way. “He’s not here. You have me to deal
with instead.”
“You’re just a little boy,” she sneered.
“Who just took your little gun away with his mind. You’ve got thirty seconds to make your peace with
whatever god or gods you believe in, lady. No one threatens Tristan.”
“You can’t kill me. Even I could best a whelp like you!” Her eyes were wild. Someone had to have a
long discussion with the High Council that humans could go bat shit crazy when their mates were
killed. It was known to happen to wolves, but I think they assumed humans wouldn’t feel the bond
They were wrong, and kinda stupid to assume that.
“Bitch, I could give you an aneurism before you blinked,” I drawled, looking bored. “I’m being nice
and letting you ask forgiveness for your sins. Think of it like last rites. Take the opportunity or I’ll just
kill you now.”

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She gave a horrid scream and rushed me. I rolled my eyes, focused my energy, and made one of the
blood vessels in her brain pop. She instantly went down, dead before she hit the ground.
“You’re a little scary sometimes, you know that?” Bay asked quietly after they shifted back.
“No one fucks with the people I care about. If that makes me scary for protecting the ones I love, I’m
okay with that.”
“We’re just glad you’re on our side, baby,” Harkin said as he hugged me from behind. Bay joined in
on the group hug and the only thing that was missing was Levey. I was where I was supposed to be,
surrounded by men who loved me, and right then I felt a sense of peace I’d never known before.
I could get used to feeling like that.
* * * *

That night after we got rid of any evidence of bitchzilla, we all booked our flights. Tristan was

going home and I was heading to my place of birth to get a few of the Omega books out of their hiding
spot. It was time that those who had been oppressed and abused learned about their rich history.

Bay, Harkin, and Levey wouldn’t hear of letting me go alone. So after we talked Adam and Susie

into watching the pups, making sure they had a few deer to feed them, we packed. I wouldn’t have let
them leave to do something potentially dangerous on their own either so there was no point in trying
to argue with them about me doing it.

Oh, and the Sheriff called. That car we’d sensed in the bottom of the lake wasn’t anything

nefarious. It had been from a guy whose car got dragged under because he was an idiot and had a boat
too big hitched up and when he tried to set it in the water… Things hadn’t gone as planned. But they
were glad to have an exact location because it had sunk in a different spot than they had thought and
they didn’t have funding to drag the whole lake for it.

The next day we all drove to Spokane, Tristan catching his flight back to Denver and us to New

York. We had a layover in Chicago and Carson agreed to meet us at the airport with his inner circle
so we could have dinner. It meant having to go back through security, but since we had a three-hour
layover, I was cool with it.

He was awesome. So was his inner circle. They loved each other so much it was almost like a

living, breathing thing I could almost reach out and touch. I wanted that. I wanted it more than I could
put into words.

I wished we’d had more time to spend with them, but Carson promised they’d schedule some time

to rent a cabin soon and take a vacation. I could tell from his excitement, along with his men’s, that
they needed a break. I just bet they did. Rescuing Omegas and dealing with the High Council had to be
exhausting and a job I wouldn’t ever want.

The flight to New York was no big thing, but by then I was tired. It was a long day of travel that I

wasn’t used to. I’d been spending so much time in wolf form helping the pups that dealing with human
things again wore me out.

“Wake up, sleepy head,” Bay purred as he kissed me. I loved that they always woke me tenderly,

and even better, I didn’t need kisses to see them or anyone anymore. It was freeing. I kissed them
because I wanted to and as often as I could. It wasn’t my curse anymore.

“Can’t you wake me up with cock too?” I asked, being cheeky. He coughed to keep in the laugh

and I opened my eyes only to meet a pair of very pissed-off ones from a man across the aisle. “Oh get
over it. Just because your wife doesn’t want to be woken up that way doesn’t mean you should hate us
because I love him more than she does you.”

I heard Bay’s gasp and I wanted to groan. I leaned my head back against the headrest as the plane

touched down and closed my eyes. Seeing Bay’s confusion and hope right then was too much when I

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was just waking up. And besides, right then wasn’t the time to admit how I felt.

It took another hour to get off the plane, grab our stuff, and sign everything with the rental car.

Everyone was silent, having heard what I’d said since Harkin and Levey had been in the row in front
of me. It made me nervous. By the time we pulled up at the hotel Bay had made reservations at, I was
a wreck. Partially because he’d gotten us into some swank place that I was sure the manager wouldn’t
let the likes of me stay at.

“How late is the hiding place open?” Bay asked me. “Do we need to do this in the morning?”

“It’s a military-grade storage security place that’s biometrically locked. It’s twenty-four hours
though.” I’d only been to the place once as a kid to have all my data put into their systems. I’d seen
my mother get the books in there and then pay an astounding amount of money in cash to have a
lifetime contract for the unit under an alias if anyone ever inquired if I had unit there. She hadn’t even
told my aunt and uncle about it and I never went back there.
But where it was located was forever burned in my brain. It was where I had spent my last moments
with my mother before she had died and joined my father in the afterlife. At least, I assumed they
were together.
“Okay, let’s get checked in, our bags up to the room, investigate the hidey hole, and then come back to
crash and order room service,” Harkin suggested. We all agreed it was the best plan and hopped to it.
Bay and I checked in while Harkin and Levey unloaded the bags. Then we handed them the keys to
take everything up and went back to the rental car. There was no point in valet parking it when we
were just leaving again. Once we were inside and had it running while we waited for them, I took
Bay’s hand in mine.
“I do love you, all of you. I wasn’t sure until you immediately insisted in coming with me here. We
both know it wasn’t for my protection only. You guys were worried that it would be emotionally
taxing on me and didn’t want me to have to handle it alone.”
“Gorgeous and smart,” he chuckled as he kissed my hand. “I love you too, Wes. Thank you for giving
us another chance to show you we were worthy of your love.”
“I’m just sorry it took me so long to get past something so little when you look at it in the grand
scheme of things,” I admitted, finally saying the words out loud.
“We do the best we can given the situation. I can’t say I would have done things any differently or
even as well as you did after all you’ve been through. We broke your trust and no matter on what
scale the break is at, it’s hard for anyone to get over that.”
“Thank you for understanding,” I whispered as I leaned against him. Harkin and Levey hopped in the
car then.
“You guys okay?” Harkin asked gently as I sat back up. I turned around to smile at him.
“Yes, just telling Bay that I’ve fallen in love with all you big dopes.”
“Sweet talker,” he grumbled as he leaned in for a kiss. “Love you too.”
“And me?” Levey gave me a wink as I moved in my seat, giggling when Bay pulled out of the valet
station and I was so not where I was supposed to be for safety reasons. The kiss was brief but held
the promise later for so much more.
My favorite kind.
“Yes, you as well. I love you, Levey Fergus. You’re a sweetie and I see you as one of the pups’
daddies since you’ve basically raised them with me. Even when you weren’t happy with me and hurt,
you couldn’t do anything but love them. I should have said thank you for that earlier and I’m sorry I
“It was a good thing you were doing, saving them. I wanted to be a part of it and even if we weren’t

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cool, we were doing something together. I wanted to spend time with you.”
“And I thought it was better to give you space,” Harkin admitted with a sigh.
“Well, while he was awake,” Bay teased. I caught his gaze and gave him a questioning look. He
didn’t answer right away, getting instructions to where we were going first. “Harkin watched you
sleep most nights. I found him out cold in the doorway most of the time.”
“Why?” I asked Harkin, swallowing loudly because I was nervous and not sure what to make of this
“I was worried that us claiming you wouldn’t make things better and we all had to claim each other
for you to be able to wake up and know who everyone was. I didn’t want you to wake in wolf form,
which is draining to stay in that long, and be scared. You were upset enough. I didn’t want you to
wake up afraid and stressed.”
“That’s really sweet.” I reached behind my seat and took his hand, smiling when he gave it a squeeze.
“You ready for this?” Bay asked about ten minutes later as we pulled up to the building. I shook my
head, not sure if he could see it. I felt ready to toss my cookies. The face of the building had changed
in the twelve years since I’d been there, but the security level hadn’t.
“Name?” a guard asked as we pulled to the checkpoint. He had a sidearm but the guy in the booth had
a really big fucking gun.
“Wesley Orson,” I answered, leaning over so he could see me. “I’m not sure what to do. I was fifteen
when my mother set this up for me.”
“And she’s not here to take you in,” he surmised, giving me a soft smile. Then he typed something in
on his tablet and nodded. “You’re on the list but please step out of the car, Mr. Orson.”
“Why?” Bay growled, moving his hand in front of my chest when I undid my seat belt.
“Because his contract includes something I need to discuss with him in private,” the guard said darkly
as the other one stepped out of the booth.
“He wants to make sure you’re not bringing me here under duress, Bay,” I whispered quietly as I
opened the door.
“Okay.” He didn’t sound happy about it but he let me out.
I walked over to the booth and realized something else… They weren’t human. “I’ve never met
vampires before.”
“You did when your mom set this up because the company has always belonged to our coven. You
were probably just too young to know it,” the guy replied with a toothy smile. “Omega?”
“Yes. You heard me tell them what you were thinking.”
“Yeah, just wanted to make sure. There’s a clause in the contract your mom paid for that gives instant
sanctuary with the coven should you need it. You’re cool with these guys?”
“They’re my inner circle. They love me. They’d never hurt me. I got away from the bad one I’d been
with,” I rambled, realizing my men could be in danger.
“Don’t worry, kid. We don’t eat clients,” the other guy assured me with a chuckle. “Go on to the front
entrance and park. You can bring them with. You have to scan your hand at the front desk, they’ll tell
you what unit is yours. We rotate them every year so people can’t break into one unit thinking they’ll
get what they’re looking for. Then at your unit there will be an ocular scan. That’s it, pain-free.”
“Thanks so much.” I smiled at both of them before heading back to the car. I knew Bay heard the
instructions and he pulled forward when the gate opened. We parked and got out, all of us glancing
around as we went into the building. It was weird before, but now that we knew there were vampires
everywhere, we were on high alert.
I told the guy at the desk my name and he had me put my hand on a scanner. “Unit 312. Elevators are

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to your left, third floor, and follow the signs.”
I thanked him and away we went. When I was standing in front of the unit minutes later I had a feeling
this was a bad idea. No one had ever known about this besides me and I felt like opening this door
was like opening Pandora’s box. It could possibly start a shit storm and what was inside people
would either want or want to destroy.
“You want us to wait down the hall?” Levey offered, seeing I was nervous.
“No, I trust you guys.” I took a deep breath and stepped up to the ocular scan, making sure to press my
forehead against the pad like it said to activate the laser. And then of course I wanted nothing but to
blink because I knew I wasn’t supposed to.
After it was over I heard metal locks disengaging. I stepped back and realized what that other noise
was. My unit was moving into place like a rotating apartment or car garage like I’d seen in movies the
Japanese had. That’s why it didn’t matter where they sent us, because if we were bad guys and
opened the door, nothing would be there.
It was genius really.
“I feel like I’m going to pass out,” I admitted as the door pulled back open. Then when I saw what
was inside, that’s exactly what I did.

Chapter 9

“The guy at the front desk looked at me funny when I asked for water. Then I had to admit why I

needed the water and he accompanied me up here,” Levey said quietly. “The owner of the unit passed
out. Of course they’re not going to trust we didn’t make him.”

“They didn’t hurt me,” I croaked out, grabbing my head. “Drink this, baby, and just relax,” Bay

said gently as he held a bottle of water to my lips. I nodded and took small sips. When I felt as if my
world wasn’t spinning anymore I opened my eyes.
“I wasn’t hallucinating what was in there, right? I mean, you saw it too?” I asked quietly, not sure
what the guard knew.
“Sweet thang, we have cameras in every unit. I’ve seen what you have and I would have passed out
too if I hadn’t known it was in there.” He gave a chuckle and shook his head. “You good now?”
“Yeah, I guess.” I shrugged as I got to my feet. “You sure this is mine? I don’t remember all that being
in there when my mom loaded it up.”
“From what your file said she had more delivered from somewhere else after she brought stuff here,”
he explained gently. “I met your mom. She was a good woman and worried that we’d steal the stuff
and you’d be screwed. I promised her that we’d keep it safe until you needed it.”
“Thanks. It was hard for her to trust anyone after all the shit my parents had gone through.” He smiled
and nodded as if he understood but probably had no clue. I knew that feeling. He’d just told me how
everything in the unit ended up there, but that didn’t mean any of it made any fucking sense.
“We could close it right back up and pretend like we never saw any of it,” Levey offered with a tight
smile. I knew that’s not what he wanted. He was dying to see what was all in there. The guard threw
back his head and laughed as he walked away, probably guessing how likely it was that I was going
to say yes.
“No, let’s go check it out,” I sighed as Bay helped me to my feet. I drank a little more of the water and
took a couple of deep breaths. I stepped back in front of the storage unit and simply stared.
“So, um, you’re rich?” Harkin asked, confusion in his tone.
“I guess.” I shrugged. “My dad did live four hundred years and my grandfather was really smart. I bet

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he hid what he could when he went into hiding and before the High Council started killing Omegas.
He probably told my dad where it all was and my mom decided to put it in one secure location after
he died. We didn’t live lavishly if that’s what you’re asking. I had no idea about any of this.”
“I can’t even imagine how much just that is worth,” Bay said in a tone of awe as he pointed to the
pallet of stacked gold bars. Yeah, gold bars. It was about as tall as I was and about three feet by three
feet if I had to guess. “That’s a lot of fucking gold.”
“He was alive during the gold rush.” Again I shrugged. I was just guessing that’s what it was. “My
father didn’t have an immoral bone in his body so I seriously doubt he stole any of this.”
“Guess that’s something he passed on to you,” Harkin chuckled as he wrapped an arm around my
“Hey, I found a note,” Levey said as he pointed to it. I went over to the crate it was lying on and
gasped. “Yeah, I saw the Nazi symbol on the box too.” I leaned over the note, seeing it was old and
not wanting it to fall apart in my hands.
Dearest Wesley,

If you’re reading this then we’ve gone to the afterlife. I’m sorry to leave you alone in such a

messed-up world but I pray you never know the abuse I did. I know all of this is confusing, but
everything in here is rightfully yours and completely legal.

When the Nazis started rounding up Jews there were several who were wolves and some who

were in with the German army. Some of this was theirs. They paid off officials to get out of the
country, shipping their belongings to me because I had agreed to help them once they were here and
gave them a place to stay. By then I was under the thumb of the High Council and hiding it seemed the
best idea.

They never made it. The plot to escape was found out and they were slaughtered. I searched and

searched for any living relatives when the war was over but their Alpha told me that they had all been
killed and that things were too shaky in Germany to send it back. I kept it all in the hopes that one day
when you were old enough, you could sell it and either buy your freedom or use the money to run. I
had meant to tell you all of this, but you were so young. I’m sorry I never got the chance.

You need to know, while we never wanted to bring a child into the life of an Omega, we were

always proud of you. Wesley, you made us so happy and were everything we had dreamed of when
we thought of having a child. Your mother and I loved you always and I know you were the
prophesized Omega that would lead our kind back into our rightful places.
More love than words can say,
Your Father

“What prophesy?” I whispered as I ran my fingers over the note. “What was he talking about?”

“I have a feeling you’re going to have to read through all these trunks of books to find out,” Bay said
as he wiped off the dust on one of them. “It could take you years, baby.”
“Yeah,” I agreed with a sigh as I glanced at all of it. I walked over to one of the smaller crates and
read the faded German writing. “My gods! This says there’s a Monet painting in here.”
“Seriously?” Levey gasped as he came over to me. “You can read German?”
“I know several languages,” I answered with a chuckle. “My father taught me so I could read our
history. It’s not all in English. I’m pretty rough after not having used it in so long though.”
“Well here’s your chance to refresh your memory,” Harkin whispered as he glanced around the room.
“What do you want to do with all of this? I mean, we don’t have a place at the pack to keep this safe.”
“I have no idea.” I was dumbfounded by all of this. “I think for now we should grab a few books and
buy a suitcase. We can wrap them well and check it on the plane. Other than that, I don’t think we

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should do anything until we take some time to talk options. It’s safe here and I won’t risk it.”
“Good plan.” Bay opened the trunk and carefully pulled out the first book, handing it to Harkin. “I
guess this trunk is as good as any. We take a few now, let you work on studying it and maybe
translating it, and then we bring them back, exchanging a few out at a time. You can send scans or
whatnot to Tristan. But I don’t think he should ever have the originals. That would be the first place
the High Council would look if the shit ever hits the fan.”
We all agreed and each took a large volume from the trunk. When we went to leave, I had a last-
minute thought. I went back and grabbed a couple of gold bars, stuffing them in my pockets.
“I’m going to see if the vampires have some type of secured transport. I think we should have a few of
these on hand in case we ever need them.”
My men nodded and we hit the button to secure the unit again. We were quiet as we rode the elevator
downstairs, none of us knowing what to say.
“Hi, I was wondering if you guys could handle getting this to me where I live now. I can’t take this on
a plane without raising some serious red flags,” I said to the guard at the desk.
“Your contract includes any relocation, Wesley. Write down the address and we’ll have an armed
courier deliver it.” He typed something on his computer after handing me a notepad. “We have one
leaving the day after tomorrow to pick up some stuff in northern California if that works for you?”
“Yes, that would be great.” I was pleasantly surprised and excited almost. “Can you send one of the
paintings to another address?”
“Of course, sweet cheeks,” he chuckled. “Which painting?”
“Doesn’t matter. I want to donate it.” I glanced back at my men when I heard a gasp. “How much do
you think Tristan could get for one of those from a collector? I bet it would be enough to fund the
Omega Network for years.”
“You are the most selfless man on the planet,” Bay said as he leaned in and then kissed me. “Of
course you’d want to donate the proceeds from selling it. Most would be selfish and want the painting
for themselves.”
“It could help and a beautiful painting does nothing in storage. The world should be able to enjoy it.”
“If I might make a suggestion then,” the guard hedged, waiting for me to nod. “You’re not our first
client who inherited treasures like this. We have contacts all over the world who don’t ask questions.
I bet the curator at the Louvre would pay top dollar. We can facilitate that for a five percent fee.”
“That sounds reasonable,” I said as I glanced at Bay. “They’ve kept it all safe this whole time and I
could never have known it was even there. I think we should trust them.”
“Agreed. Can we call you with the account and wiring instructions once we get them? We have to go
about this quietly.”
“I’ll never understand wolves. You guys can be your own worst enemies. Vampires revere and put
the powerful into leadership. Your leadership kills them off and tries to oppress them,” the guard said
sadly as he wrote something down. “Here’s my personal line. Call me when you get it. I’ll pull a
painting tonight and send pictures to the curator and ask what he’s thinking for value. It might need to
be tested or he’ll want to come see it himself to verify it’s real.”
“He’d be an idiot not to if it was a painting thought to be lost,” Harkin replied. We traded information
and I handed over the gold bars. We thanked him again and ended up deciding to have the courier
bring all the books except the one I had. I wanted to get to work on this right away. I wasn’t going to
have much time given I had a responsibility to the pack, my men, and the pups I rescued… But I
would find the time or the help to get it done.
“I’ll order us some food,” Bay said quietly once we were back in the hotel. The room was totally

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swank and we had the night to ourselves before our flight tomorrow. I refused to let the morose and
confused thoughts of the group ruin it.
“Tell them to give us an hour,” I said as I set the book down. I turned and smiled at the raised
eyebrow he gave me. “I think that will be enough time for all of us to finally have some fun time in
bed. It’s never been the four of us.”
“Fuck food,” Bay growled as he stormed over to me. I yelped and raced into the adjoining room,
diving onto the bed as I quickly got naked. “How do you want us?”
“All together and filling me,” I purred as I spread my legs wide. I laughed as they tore off their
clothes, Harkin grabbing the lube. “Everything’s going to be okay, guys. We’re together, in love, and
that’s all that matters. The rest is just a sidebar.”
“It’s just a lot to take in,” Harkin admitted as he pushed two slicked-up fingers into my ass. “I just
need some time.”
“Of course and so do I. But not tonight. Tonight is about us and what we have.”
“I can get behind that,” Levey purred as he fondled my ass. I giggled at the pun, reaching for his cock.
He moaned as he moved into position and I swallowed him down, whimpering at the salty taste of
him I loved.
“Hurry,” Bay ordered Harkin. “You stretch him and I’ll stretch you.”
“Yes,” Harkin hissed as he bent over. “I love your fat cock inside of me.” They quickly got us ready
as I teased Levey, not wanting him to blow before we were all together. Minutes later I was on my
hands and knees, Harkin’s cock in my ass as I had Levey’s in my mouth. Harkin shivered and moaned
as Bay pushed into him. “So good.”
“Please, I’m dying here,” Levey begged. We took pity on the man and started moving. I deep throated
him as best as I could but he was a very big boy. Oh darn, I’d just have to practice more often.
“Love you guys,” Bay grunted as he snapped his hips harder. The chain reaction was Harkin moving
deeper inside of me which I showed my appreciation for by screaming in bliss.
“Coming!” Levey bellowed a few minutes later, right before he shot down my throat. Harkin was
next, filling my ass up as he leaned over to stroke my cock. I cried out just as Levey pulled out of my
mouth, falling back to the bed completely spent. I rode my orgasm, astounded how quickly we were
all coming given I knew how awesome their longevity was.
“Can’t hold out when I’ve wanted this for so long,” Bay said and then shouted. It was a good point. I
felt the same way and it was so erotic, so what we all needed, that it was no wonder we were making
it a quick round. Harkin moaned and I knew Bay had come as well.
After I was done with my climax, I collapsed to the bed, and mostly all over Levey’s lap. Then Bay
and Harkin fell next to me, one on top of the other.
“We are so doing that again and at least once a day forever,” Bay mumbled after a few moments of
nothing put panting sounds filling the room.
“Oh yeah,” the three of us agreed. We had hundreds of years to love on each other like that.
Personally, I looked forward to it. But who wouldn’t?

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Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of

cowboys or pool boys of her own. A lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books;
vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military . . . It’s all good! She loves to get lost in fantasy that only
books can bring. Her wide interest in reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories,
romance, or mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire from Anne
Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.
For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit www.bookstrand.com/joyee-flynn

Siren Publishing, Inc. www.SirenPublishing.com


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