'Resistant Omegas 11 Baptista

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Resistant Omegas 11


Baptista just can’t seem to get a handle on things. Life sucked as an Omega but he knew what being one always meant… Until they
came to the island and it seemed fate just wanted to blow his life and everything he knew all to hell.

Kelvin is one of the perks of this new life. They can be honest about what they feel for each other and explore it how they want. And
then there’s Quilan, a man so intense Baptista is confused by, drawn to, and comes alive with him… All at the same time. He’s just
afraid he’ll get burned. That leaves Meriel, who’s so shy that for once Baptista has to make the moves to seduce this gentle giant.

But when the drama isn’t over, more secrets are uncovered, and Baptista’s powers start spiraling out of control, will the men he wants
stand by him?

Note: This book contains double anal penetration.

Note: This book is written in first-person point of view.


Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Vampires/Werewolves


40,393 words

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Resistant Omegas 11

Joyee Flynn



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Joyee Flynn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-579-2

First E-book Publication: March 2013

Cover design by Sloan Winters
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead
is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher



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Resistant Omegas 11


Copyright © 2013

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Chapter 1

My mother finally called me back the day after Alpha Modeto and his followers invaded. A

whole day she left me hanging when it would end up being one of the most important conversations of
my life. With the time difference of the island only being an hour ahead of East Coast time, at least I
wasn’t getting woken up by the call and had my wits about me.

“Mom, we need to talk,” I said firmly as she answered.
“Well, I assumed that when you called me,” she chuckled. “Sorry I didn’t call you back sooner. I

swear I need a new cell. This one drops calls, never loads right, and now I’m getting voicemail
messages a day behind. How’s the trip?”

“Not going as expected,” I answered honestly but without giving away too much. “Can you get

Dad on as well? I need to talk to you both.”

“Now you’re worrying me, Bap.” I cringed at the nickname my parents called me. She listened

and shouted for my father. Mom still worked part-time but my dad was retired now and was probably
monkeying around with some new “project” of his.

I took a deep breath as I waited. This phone call could go a few ways. The outcome I hoped for

was that they never knew. I’d spun it all in my head. I had been kidnapped but my parents were
clueless about that. They thought they had adopted me legally and were never the wiser that I had a
family searching for me. I could forgive them never telling me I was adopted, since lots of parents
had problems telling their kids that.

“Son, what’s going on?” Dad asked as he got on the line with Mom and me.
All the calm, smooth openers I had thought to ask went out my head and I ended up just blurting

out my first thought. “Did you kidnap me or did you just adopt me?”

“What?” my mother gasped. “What are you talking about?”
“The vacation we took ended up having us stay at a Matthew Montague’s home,” I explained,

wincing when my father cursed under his breath. “I take it you know the name?”

“Yes, but we didn’t kidnap you,” Mom blurted out. “We didn’t find out until years later.”
“Start from the beginning,” I growled, my hopes of my parents’ ignorance going up in smoke.
“This is a conversation to be had in person,” my father countered.
“That can’t happen because a bunch of Alphas invaded packs that have Omegas in their inner

circles. We agreed to terms and we can’t step foot on any US pack lands.” They didn’t need to know
all the details or that Alpha Modeto and all of the other Alphas had jumped at the chance to accept the
terms our group had come up with. When they had lost the advantage of surprise, they knew they were
in a world of trouble if we came back. “And I don’t trust you to tell you where we are for sanctuary.
Start talking or I’ll just assume the worst and hang up.”

“Don’t talk to your mother like that,” Dad snarled.
“But she’s not really my mother, is she?” I countered, shocked at the boldness I was showing.

That wasn’t who I normally was… But I liked it. “Cut the stalling and tell me.”

“We couldn’t conceive,” my mom sniffled. “We wanted children so badly and there weren’t all

the tests back then like there are now. Drugs to try and get pregnant were new and dangerous. So we
went the adoption route. We filled out all the paperwork and interviews and on and on and on for two

“And then they told us they had a child who needed a home, a three-year-old boy,” Dad

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explained, picking up the story. “That was a little older than what we had planned for but when we
went down to the agency and met you, we knew that you needed us.”

“We fell in love with you from the moment you waved at us when we walked in the room. You

were small for a three-year-old but not sickly or anything and we adored you so we agreed. Then you
were ours.”

“And when did you realize I’d been kidnapped?” I choked out, trying desperately to keep my

emotions in check.

“When you were about seven,” Mom answered with a quiet sob. “We saw a picture that had

been circulating the packs. We hadn’t paid attention when it first happened because we were too
wrapped up in our new baby and we weren’t in a pack then because of your father’s job.” My dad
was a retired colonel for the Army, so we had moved a lot.

“But then I took a permanent position at the base I retired from and we joined the pack. I saw the

old flyer tacked to the news board at the Alpha’s house. I couldn’t believe the resemblance but the
photo was black and white and the paper aged so I couldn’t be sure. I took the flyer and showed it to
your mother when I got home. We started investigating—”

“How could you not tell the Alpha your concerns?” I interrupted.
“Because we had just joined the pack. We didn’t really know him or anyone there,” my dad

explained, his voice stressed. “For all we knew they’d accuse us of kidnapping you without
investigating what really happened. And we weren’t even sure it was you. The age was a year off and
the picture wasn’t good. We needed more information.”

“What did you find?” I whispered, scared of the answer but I needed to know.
“That it was you,” Dad answered sadly. “We pulled information on Matthew Montague, who

was the contact on the flyer. He built a website before most people knew what that even was really.
There were pictures of you all over it and it was you. We tried contacting the adoption agency to get
answers on where you really came from but they’d gone out of business.”

“So you just never told anyone? You let my real parents suffer all those years wondering what

had happened to me when you knew the answer?” I couldn’t fathom that. And here I had always
thought my parents to be some of the most moral people. “It’s not only wrong what you did but illegal.
You’re complicit after the fact.”

“You were ours then,” Mom cried into the phone. “You were our little Bap. We couldn’t lose

you. I couldn’t lose you. I’m sorry for their suffering and their pain, but what about us? We did
everything legally and through all the right channels and because we were lied to we could lose our
only child? We gave you a good life and loved you. We didn’t deserve the suffering of having you
taken away from us.”

“No, no, you didn’t,” I agreed. “But from what I gather my real fathers were wonderful people. I

don’t have a doubt in my mind that if you had explained the truth to them they would have moved you
into their mansion or figured out a way to make it work. It wasn’t your fault and they wouldn’t have
punished you for that.”

“If they believed us,” Dad said with a snort. “We had no proof it wasn’t our fault and we didn’t

kidnap you. Pack justice isn’t always fair, Bap, and you of all people know that. Sure, we had
paperwork from the adoption agency but they were like a ghost by the time we found out about you.
For all anyone knew who would investigate we could have forged all of that in case we ever got
caught. And turning you in ourselves might not have swayed them.”

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“We would have lost you and maybe our lives for something that wasn’t our fault if things went

the wrong way,” Mom summarized. “So we stayed quiet. And then you turned out to be an Omega and
then you were—”

“Worth a lot of money,” I snarled.
“No, too much on everyone’s radar to help you,” Dad corrected. “I tried getting a transfer,

which would give us a reason to leave the pack and we could hide you before going to our next one or
back to a base that didn’t have a pack. But I couldn’t get one. We tried sending you to relatives, but
the Alpha wasn’t having any of it. He thought having an Omega come from his pack would bring

“Fine, you tried to help me, assuming I can ever trust anything you say ever again,” I said with a

sigh. “I need to go. I can’t keep talking to you right now.”

“Bap, please, you have to understand that—”
“I don’t have to do shit,” I shouted, probably shocking the crap out of both of them. “They’re

dead, okay? My real fathers are dead and I might not ever get to know who my birthmother is since I
came from an inner circle. I’m a bloodline Omega, not a fluke that had someone popping out a blond

“I missed meeting my real fathers by a matter of weeks because they were at the end of their

time. All because you didn’t do the right thing when you found out the truth. So don’t lecture or tell me
what I need to do. You’re the last authority on what the right thing to do here is. And I’ll never forgive
you for this.”

I hung up my phone and shut it off. They’d just call me right back and I didn’t want to hear any of

their excuses or lies. They weren’t the monsters who took me, but they were far from innocent. It was
more than I could deal with and if the adoption agency had closed down, then I’d never be able to
find out who had kidnapped me and why. Why not just ask for a ransom? Why else steal a child if they
were just going to hand me off?

Or maybe it got too hot for them to keep me? Then I should be grateful they didn’t kill me and

dump me. It just seemed as if there were several pieces of the puzzle missing and they might never get
filled in.

* * * *

The next few days I avoided everyone. I’d sleep while they were up and then spend the night

alone. I kind of felt like a vampire doing that, but since I was a werewolf it was almost comical that I
kept thinking that… Except when I then thought of why I couldn’t deal with people. I just didn’t want
to answer their questions. Yes, I confirmed I was really Michael Baptista Montague and not Baptista
Rosas, but other than that, what I learned was not their business.

And for the most part everyone had been accepting of that when I’d seen them. The only

exception was Sampson, who kept leaving notes on my door. He wasn’t really trying to pry, it was
more he just wanted to know if I needed space, lots of hugs, or it was time for the padded room.

His last note had said:

I don’t need deets, just give me like a range. From one to twenty how bad was the talk with

your parents? One being not bad really but the whole situation is just stressful for you and twenty

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being you’re never speaking to them again and you’ve thought about ways to drop anvils on their
heads like in the cartoons.

No matter what, we’re here for you, buddy. Please don’t let this consume you.

It was really sweet especially since he’d just mated and had three men vying for his attention all

the time. I wrote back letting him know it was like a twenty on that scale and I was working on
moving past it. I just didn’t know how to process something like this and I didn’t think anyone could
expect me to.

So I took a lot of walks around the island, letting my wolf out to run, and studying what my

father, Matthew, left behind. I wanted to know as much as I could about my fathers and maybe some
hint about my mother.

It was also really hard for me to deal with the news about my fathers, what the people I’d

always thought to be my biological parents told me, and that this was technically my house and
island. The day I’d talked to my parents, or whatever I called them now, everyone kept asking me
things. Things like can they rearrange the furniture in their room around or take the paintings off the
walls or build drying racks in the furnace room for plants and herbs.

Granted, no one knew I’d had that phone call and they were dealing with so much of their own

shit that it was hard for them to not have answers. I did appreciate that they respected me and the
house enough to check with me on what they could do so they didn’t upset me. Plus, I got the feeling
people were trying to keep my mind off what was going on with me by asking me to get involved with
the house and changes to it.

That might have worked for most but by midday I thought I was going to explode. I had gone up

to Wesley, told him that short of burning the place down, trashing anything instead of gently storing it,
ruining the library, screwing with my room, taking out walls, rearranging plumbing, or anything
major, I didn’t give a shit what people did. I was panting after my rant and he nodded slowly, saying
he would handle it and go try to get some rest.

I did and that was how I got on the night schedule for the past few days. One of the worst parts

of my flipping out was that Kelvin hadn’t been trying to hang out with me anymore. And I didn’t have
the mental energy or skills with men to try and fix that.

I’d been sitting in the sand, thinking about that, and lost track of time. Hell, I hadn’t even noticed

that the sun had started coming up until I felt four familiar presences standing almost on top of me.

“You’re the reason Brody started catching lobsters and shrimp in his traps, aren’t you?” Dewey

asked me as he plopped down next to me. “He was so excited, saying he finally figured out the right
bait, and while I don’t doubt that they might have a favorite meal, I found it odd that he couldn’t catch
any shrimp or lobsters and now all of a sudden he’s got full traps just by changing bait. That and I
doubt shrimp and lobsters would both like the same bait so much.”

“Very logical but I’m not sure why that led you to me?” I asked curiously. He was completely

right but I just didn’t get how he got from A to B.

“So I asked myself what else has changed the past few days,” he chuckled and bumped my

shoulder. “The answer is you’ve been spending nights all alone wandering around. And in the
morning, poof, the traps are all full.”

“He would have caught a few lobsters on his own,” I sighed after he kept staring at me. “But

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yeah, the shrimp aren’t attracted to the bait and the lobsters don’t like it that much where they end up
like high school kids that they eat so much that they even scramble for cafeteria food.”

“How are you doing it?” Taggart asked. “Are you the crustacean whisperer?”
“Something like that. I don’t really talk to the animals, it’s just something I could do since I was

a kid. I could calm any animal down,” I answered, telling someone the truth for the first time besides
Sampson. I’d never even told Carson or George because I knew it was a weird gift for an Omega and
to do it even before I was activated was extra weird. But that was before I knew Wesley and got the
scoop on bloodline Omegas and now finding out I was one.

“So it’s more like you’re the Pied Piper and you’re giving off soothing vibes so that they’re

coming towards you and getting stuck in the traps?” Percy surmised. I thought about that one and

“Yeah, that would work as an explanation. It’s a little more complicated than that but close

enough. I can get them riled up too. I mean, I could have a dog that wasn’t even mine bite someone if I

“Ever done that?” Dewey asked me with a raised brow. “That’s a very specific example.”
“Once, yeah. I was done with soccer practice when I was thirteen and my parents were running

like fifteen minutes late. No big deal really since I was in eighth grade and all, but this creepy guy
kept circling the park during practice and he freaked me out even though most people who looked at
him probably thought he was just a guy walking his dog.

“Like I could sense he was up to no good. He saw me waiting and came over to me, offering me

a ride home, grabbing my arm, and everything. I freaked and I didn’t know I could use whatever
power this is to get animals upset until then. It had always just been that animals liked me, wanted to
be near me. But this time that dog knew I was scared and wanted to protect me. He turned on his
owner and mauled him to death.”

“Good dog but that’s normally something they get put down for,” Taggart said with a wince.

“Not saying I’m not glad he saved you and all. I just kinda feel bad for the dog.”

“Don’t,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “We were just off base and my dad was friends with the

local police. When they showed up right as my parents did, I was sitting there, clutching the dog,
thanking it over and over again. I wouldn’t let them take him until they listened to me. When I told
them the dog saved me from its own owner, my parents let me keep him and he didn’t get into trouble.
It wasn’t an aggressive type dog, a Lab actually, so it wasn’t like it just flipped.

“They assumed it was just an animal whose protective instincts kicked in to save a child. I was

glad but even more so when I found out the guy had taken other kids. They found bodies at his house.
He was a real predator.”

“Wow. That’s scary shit for a kid to go through,” Azyle said with a whistle.
“Yeah, especially since I was small for my age,” I mumbled, bringing that up leading me back to

what had been bothering me originally. “But now I know it’s because I was really a year younger than
I thought and my fake birth certificate said. Then again, I was just always small.”

“You want to talk about it?” Dewey asked gently. I shook my head and stared out into the ocean.

“Well we’re here if you need us.”

“Actually, I’d like your help if you’re willing,” Taggart said as he squatted down in front of me.

“If I said I was looking for a specific kind of lizard or bat could you coax one from wherever it is on
the island so I didn’t have to go traipsing all over forever?”

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“Yeah, I think so,” I answered, scrunching up my forehead in thought. “I’d need to see a picture

though. I know the lobsters and shrimp around here look different than some of the ones we’re used
to, but I wasn’t picky on which kind went into the traps, I just wanted everything but females with
eggs so they can respawn. If you want just a few of one type of lizard I’d need specifics, otherwise
I’d bring every lizard on the island to us.”

“Why do you need lizards, Tag?” Dewey asked as he glanced over to his mate. “Herbal


“Yeah, there’s a formula I’d been working on but I never had access to tropical lizards. It’s just

a theory but now that Percy, Blair, Falcon, and Jaxon got interested in my herbal remedies, I have
help so I can focus on swords which will be our moneymaker. I’m willing to share my recipes and
profits if people want to help or like Tristan’s designing the site, and Lief or someone will have to
deliver them with the boat.”

“My vote is everyone helps for so many hours a week with that and that money we use for food,”

Percy offered with a shrug. “That way everyone here chips in and there’s no taking advantage of
someone always buying food.”

“Except Asher and whoever will end up helping him make food,” Taggart agreed. “We make the

money to buy it, get it, and their contribution is cooking it. I like it. I’ll talk to everyone else and see if
they’re in.”

“I was just going to buy the food,” I said cautiously. “I mean, I technically invited all you guys to

stay with me so isn’t it fair that I make sure you’re fed?”

“It’s not fair to you if we’re lazy guests who mooch off you,” Dewey chuckled. “Besides, you

said your home is our home now and to treat it as such. Wesley said we’re a small pack of family
with no Alpha but lots of dads. A family chips in and doesn’t just dump on one person. We might need
you to buy groceries in the beginning depending on how fast people can sell their cars, but we’ll get
our act together.

“I know Tag’s goodies will go like hotcakes. His herbal formulas are amazing and he’s never

really even spread his wings with it. Soon we’ll have more orders than we can fill.”

“I don’t know about that, baby,” Tag chuckled. “We can’t milk the island dry and we still need

to find all the supplies. I think we should start simple. Pick whatever we know works and we can find
a lot of ingredients for. Then we work on replanting in the empty gardens we saw. Obviously
someone had been growing things there too and I think it would be nice.

“We create what we can and offer what we have. No special orders or running around just to

make an order here and there. We make it and sell it until we run out. We’ll make more, but I’m not
stressing about it. If we all have to chip in some money for food, so be it, but we can’t let ourselves
get crazy about it and end up hurting the island. Besides, we’ve got a lot of food here. Did you see
those tree groves? Baptista’s caught us some great seafood. We’ll be fine.”

“I know. I just worry especially now that the kids are going to be here,” Dewey sighed. “I want

them here and I’ve missed them, don’t get me wrong. But we had to pull them from school and I’m not
smart enough to teach them. We’ve got so many extra mouths to feed with them and it would kill me to
impose upon others because we have them.”

“You didn’t have them, Dewey,” I chuckled. “You’re not some crazy couple who went over the

top on having kids to break the Guinness World Record. You literally stumbled upon them and didn’t
kick them out, giving them a home when they needed it. You guys were amazing for doing that.

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They’re not even your kids, they were strangers. We can all pitch in and help keep them cared for and

“And we had a bunch of people from the pack say to hell with Kansas, I’m all for a tropical

island,” Taggart reminded Dewey though this was news to me.

“How many is a bunch?” I asked hesitantly. “And why are they all so quick to leave? Was

whatever Alpha that invaded your pack mean to them?”

I wanted to ask again how many was a bunch so they knew how I felt about it. I didn’t care if

more people came to live at the house, or my house actually, as long as they were good people. Shit.

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Chapter 2

“Actually our pack was the only one that didn’t get invaded of everyone here,” Percy chuckled

and then flashed me a wolfish smile. “We’re dire wolves, remember. We’re almost twice the size of
normal wolves in animal form and in human form we’re faster, stronger, and a lot more kick-ass. The
invading inner circle and helpers didn’t even make it to the Alpha house.”

“Nice,” I giggled, glad to hear that another aspect of asshole Alpha Modeto’s plans didn’t pan

out. “So why are they coming here? And how many are there?”

“Well there’s fourteen kids, though we’ve got five over eighteen,” Dewey chuckled as he started

ticking off fingers. “They’re going to be fun with hot, unattached men on this island. Then the cook
came because she was out of a job anyways since she didn’t want to risk another nut job Alpha and
hates Kansas. She’s the daughter of a wolf, but married a human, and when he died she came back to
her home pack.

“The Alpha left her alone because he’d been friends with her father, but she hated watching his

insanity. And she adores the kids. She never had any of her own so she’s really gotten attached to
them so it would be just cruel to separate them. They need her too and we thought Asher could use the

“Are you rambling because you’re nervous I’m going to be mad?” I asked, interrupting as I

stared at him.

“Yeah, we’ve got twenty-seven people coming in about ten minutes from what Ollie told us

when he called,” Dewey blurted out so fast and nervously I thought he was going to pass out. I
glanced over at the deck and saw the yacht was gone. Wow. I really hadn’t been paying attention.

“Ollie went to go get them in Florida?”
“Ciro, Kelvin, and Ollie went to the mainland the day before yesterday,” Taggart explained,

raising an eyebrow at me. “Not been paying attention much?”

“No, lost in my own world,” I mumbled, a little embarrassed at how out of the loop I was. It

was my house after all. Shouldn’t I be paying better attention to what was going on? “I thought Kelvin
just didn’t want to hang out with someone so messed up.”

“No, not even close,” Percy snickered. “We thought space would be good for you and it was

clearly what you wanted so we had to practically guilt him into going and helping to get him off the
island. He’s working on selling cars back to CarMax and getting whatever price he can for them.
Other than that, some vehicles they’re finding longer-term parking for until we can get them over

“They also picked up a shitload of basics,” Azyle said brightly. “They were planning to fill the

entire cold storage in the yacht with toilet paper and paper towels.”

“Wouldn’t the humidity in the freezer ruin that stuff?” I asked after a moment.
“They turned it off and dried it out before leaving,” he answered with a shrug. “Now it’s just

extra cargo room. Everyone’s each bringing a couple of bags and some of our stuff, the rest got
packed and loaded on a moving truck for New York, where it will be transferred into the shipping
container Brody got.”

“Wow, he and Wesley have spent a fortune already,” I mumbled. I felt guilty about that. Yeah,

they knew they had money longer than me but still, I should be doing my share to help out. It was like
Dewey guessed what I was thinking because he bumped my shoulder and shook his head.

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“You’re providing the house and fucking island. Lay off yourself. You’ve been dealt one hell of

a fucking blow and it will take you some time.”

“Yeah, but we were told we could use the island and whatnot before we got here,” I argued.

“Just because we found out it’s really mine isn’t the same as me providing it. I didn’t come up with
any of this.”

“Well, what would you want to come up with to help then?” Azyle asked as he studied me.

“What do you think you should be doing that you’re not? You just fed all of us for a week by getting
the lobsters and shrimp.”

“Getting a smaller boat that’s just for cargo,” I blurted out after a second of thought. “That yacht

has to be killer on gas and we should get something that’s meant for transportation of stuff instead of
luxury for people. Lennox said one of the stoves can’t be fixed, right? I should go get a stove and a
smaller boat that won’t eat several hundred dollars in gas each time we go to Puerto Rico.”

“That’s a good one,” Azyle agreed with a nod. “You’d have to ask someone who knows about

boats what would be better, but I’m sure Kelvin would help you find something that’s not too bad of a
price. And you keep pulling in the seafood like this and I’m sure it can be sold at one of the bigger
islands. Or frozen and shipped. Lobsters living in unpolluted waters like the ones around here are
worth a lot of money. I’m sure the fish around here could be too.”

“So my job could be calling all the fish into the nets and helping whomever with that. Sure, a

fishing boat could hold a lot of cargo and work for any runs we need to make.” I smiled at the idea. “I
could like being a fisherman. As long as I don’t have to gut anything, I’m good.”

“Yeah, I like to eat it, not slice and dice it,” Dewey agreed. He jumped as I did when there was

a loud horn sounding off. We glanced up just in time to see the yacht coming towards the island.

“So who are these twenty-seven people now? And I’m not mad, just leery. If we bring too many

people the island could get ruined or they might try and take over and we’re back to being screwed
again,” I rambled, now the nervous one instead of Dewey.

“Fourteen are the kids, one is the cook, we’ve got four who are tutors or teachers the kids have

been working with that wanted to come. We got some of them from other packs, they’re all certified
teachers so we can use them to school any future Omegas that come here as well,” Dewey explained
as he went back to ticking off fingers. “The rest are all guards we trust the kids with so I swear
they’re all good.”

“The only one we really don’t know from the group is Meriel Shelby,” Azyle elaborated. “We

just hired him before this all went down. He hadn’t even officially started yet but when we told him
what was up, he was even more excited. He’s a dire wolf from another pack and from what we know
they’re one of the very remote, totally off-the-grid packs and that’s how he grew up. But then he went
off on his own and away to school and I think he misses having a pack.”

“Yeah, I can’t say I agreed with how the packs are set up, but I can’t imagine what it would be

like to live just among humans and not be able to be who you really were. That would be a whole
other form of hell than from what I experienced,” I agreed and then winced when I let that last part
slip out.

“Hey, not to demean what you went through because we know it was tough,” Percy hedged as he

patted my back. “But I think Karma is trying to pay you back, Baptista. I mean, Cinderella got his
mansion, fortune, and island.”

“Yeah, that makes up for everything, especially being kidnapped and missing meeting my real

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fathers by a matter of weeks,” I snapped and then froze. “I’m sorry.”

“No, I am,” he sighed. “I get nervous when I know people are upset and I try so hard to say the

right thing because I want to help and make them see the brighter side but I’m always just making
things worse.”

“That’s not true, Percy,” Dewey said gently as he hugged his man. “There are lots of times you

get it right with the kids. They adore you. And it’s amazing that your big heart wants to always help
even when you barely know them like Baptista. It’s just a hard situation all around.”

“Yeah, sorry. Didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” I mumbled, wondering how I was ending up

comforting him.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Dewey chuckled. “I just meant you’re still processing and that’s not

the time to have the most even reactions to things. And your situation is different than what we’ve
gotten used to with the kids. They don’t want to go back to their packs or families, especially the ones
who were kidnapped. You would have if you had the choice. Percy’s familiar with the other situation
of not factoring that part in.”

“Oh, I get it, okay.” I did understand, but I just didn’t feel like comforting anyone else right then.

We all got to our feet and I brushed the sand off the back of my shorts. “I’ll see you guys later.” The
boat was at the dock now and I didn’t want to see Kelvin again when I was tired from being up all
night, dirty from my run, and all around not at my best.

“You can’t leave after he just pulled up,” Dewey hissed under his breath as everyone got off the

yacht. “It sends him the signal that you don’t want to see him.”

“I don’t want to see him when I’m all grody,” I muttered.
“Yes, but he won’t know that’s the reason. He’ll see you trying to escape to get away from him

and assume you just don’t like him. You’re not going to be making out. You don’t smell or anything.
Just say hi.”

“Okay, yeah, but it’s my bedtime. I wish I had some gum,” I rambled, basically talking to myself

now that the kids had gotten off the yacht. The four of them ran to meet their adopted children. I
moved to the edge of the dock and just stood there like an idiot, rocking on my feet.

“Hey! Just the man I was going to go looking for,” Ollie exclaimed as he jumped onto the dock.

He was staring in my direction but I didn’t think he could need me for anything, so on instinct I
glanced behind me. Nope. No one there. “Yes, you, Baptista.”

“Oh! What do you need me for?” I asked as I stepped closer and then froze when the man behind

him stepped off the plank as well. Holy mother of huge. I was still about thirty feet or so away but if
that man was standing right in front of me I would have had a crink in my neck to look up at him. He
had to be almost seven feet. Maybe a few inches shorter but six nine at least.

“We didn’t need you. We picked you up a present when we were shopping,” he answered as we

kept walking towards each other now that I’d gotten over my shock of the massive man.

“For me? Why?” I just about squeaked out like a dork. Nice job.
“Because you’re going through something rough and still being a total sweetie by not kicking us

all off your island and it’s what you do for someone you care about when they need a smile,” he
answered in his long-winded way like normal. Then he leaned in and gave me a peck on the cheek.
“It’s really from Kelvin. He wanted to get you something because he likes you so much he wouldn’t
stop talking about you. But when we pulled up he made us swear it was from all of us.”

“I won’t ever tell, thanks,” I giggled, giving him a wink. When he pulled away, the massive man

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was standing in front of me. Why didn’t he keep walking? Did he want to talk to me? “Um, hi.”

His lips twitched as if he wasn’t trying to laugh at how much of a goober I was being. “You’re

the one who owns the island?”

“Um, yeah, that’s me.” I shrugged. I didn’t feel like I owned the island. It was more like all our

discovery or something. “I’m Baptista Rosas—oh, well, technically I’m Michael Montague, I guess.
Shit. Sorry. I didn’t really think about how to introduce myself now. Crap. Um—” I just kept going
until I realized everyone was staring at me, Dewey giving me a sympathetic look. Then I wanted to
melt into the dock. “Sorry, haven’t been to sleep yet. Excuse me.”

I tried to calmly, but quickly walk away. I got to the edge of the dock when a large hand grabbed

my shoulder and stopped me. I didn’t fight, letting him turn me around. Like I would have won
struggling against him anyways?

“I’m sorry, don’t run,” he said gently. “I didn’t mean to bring up something bad or embarrass

you. They didn’t tell me whatever’s going on. I just knew Baptista’s the owner and I wanted to thank
you for letting us come. And maybe set up a time to talk about setting up some security on the island
that won’t ruin the beauty of it.”

“Oh, I, um, don’t know anything about that stuff. You should ask someone important what they

want to do.” I closed my eyes and somehow kept from smacking myself in the head at that gem. “I
mean, someone in charge.”

“It’s your island, Baptista. You’re as in charge as it gets,” he chuckled. I really liked the way he

said my name and that his hand had started massaging my shoulder. “How about this, why don’t we
have some breakfast, I’ll go over my credentials with you, and then we can take a tour of the island so
I can come up with a game plan that we can discuss later.”

“Well, I, um, was planning on getting some sleep. Do we need to do this right away?”
“I asked him to,” Taggart informed me as he joined us. “Sorry. I was nervous with everything

going on and if Alpha Modeto would keep his word and not try and follow the kids here. They’re
worth a lot of money and I didn’t trust someone not to try and kidnap them.” His face paled and he
started cussing. “Shit, I’m so sorry, Baptista. I didn’t mean to make you think about that.”

“No, it’s fine,” I mumbled as I shrugged. “You love your kids and I’m glad you want to keep

them safe. We don’t have any safety measures in place so it’s smart. I just don’t think I should be in
charge of this.”

“I already talked with everyone else and they agreed Quilan is the man for the job,” he assured

me. “He owns his own security company which he said he can still run from the island or if he needs
to he’s willing to sell it.”

“Quilan Anwar,” the man said, extending his other hand for me to shake. It was a little odd

considering he was already touching me, but it was like he didn’t want to let me go. I was shielding
so I didn’t feel anyone’s emotions because I couldn’t risk it right now with everything else I had on
my plate.

“Hi.” I shook his hand, noticing the way his was so much bigger than mine but he was very

gentle. I liked that. “Sure. If Taggart and everyone is cool with you checking things out I’ll take a ride
with you. I’ve only been exploring a little bit so I’m not sure how much help I’ll be though.”

“Well, you can show me where you’ve already been and then we can figure it out with the map

Tag told me Galvin made. Two heads are always better than one,” he assured me with a wink.

“Okay. I’ll meet you in the kitchen after you get settled in and everything gets unloaded.”

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“We can handle that,” Taggart said quickly, glancing between the two of us. “Go eat, Baptista.

After you’re done with Quilan, then you can nap. Maybe that will help get your schedule back on

I shot him a frown. I wanted to keep to my schedule so I didn’t constantly have to see everyone.

I’d already shown how well talking was going for me as well as meeting new people.

“Please?” Tag sighed as he stared at me. “Everyone’s worried about you. We don’t like that

you’re alone all the time after the blow you were dealt. We promise we won’t hover or ask questions
if you’re not ready to talk.”

“I’ll try,” I said after a few moments of staring at him. I could see how badly he wanted it and

Tag barely knew me.

“That’s all we ask,” he said with a bright grin… Right before two kids tried to tackle him to the

deck. Apparently they were excited to see their adopted dad.

I focused back on Quilan now that Tag was occupied. “We should still find you a room.”
“I’ll sleep anywhere you’d like me to,” Quilan offered. I thought it was odd until I figured out

the hidden meaning and then I blushed. My face heated up so fast I almost felt light-headed. “Just
when I didn’t think you could get any prettier, you go and do that.”

“Oh, I’m not pretty and I need to shower.” Oh god, just kill me now.
“I think you’re very pretty and you smell like salt water and all man.” His green eyes flashed

with desire and I felt nerves pooling in my stomach. Wow. Was he always this forward? Maybe he
hadn’t gotten any in a while and like a starving man, a hamburger looked just as good as steak?

Someone saved me before I’d have to reply, calling Quilan to come get his bags. He squeezed

my shoulder again and headed back to the yacht after he let me go. I saw the others already unloading
stuff off of the yacht and smiled, giving a dorky wave when I saw Kelvin. He was another hottie.
Bright blue eyes, light brown hair, six two, not an ounce of fat on him, and all kinds of yummy lean
muscles. He just looked at me and I wanted to swoon.

Kind of like with Quilan.
Kelvin jogged over, taking my reaction to him as his opening. He was hesitant and then leaned in

to hug me when I made the gesture of stepping closer. “I missed you. How are you holding up?”

“Okay, trying to keep my head above water but we all are. I’m sorry I didn’t wish you good-bye

but I didn’t know you were going,” I rambled nervously, trying not to get aroused and hard from his
touch. “I’ve been so busy trying to get space and I assumed you just didn’t want to hang out with
someone with so many issues. I didn’t even know you were gone until Dewey told me you guys were
going to pull up soon.”

“You didn’t know I was gone?” he asked, a little bit of hurt in his tone.
“I’ve not seen or spoken to anyone in a few days,” I admitted. “I was taking some alone time and

trying to process. I’ve been sleeping during the day and staying up at night.”

“That’s understandable.” He started to stand back up straight from the way he had to lean over to

hug me. I saw indecision on his face, his arms still around me, and then he quickly leaned back down.
I gasped as his lips brushed over mine. Then he kissed me again and I nervously returned it, rubbing
my hands over his chest. “Too soon?”

“No, it was very nice,” I whispered as he pulled back. “We could even do it again if you


“I want. But I don’t want you to think the only reason I’m kissing you is because Quilan looks at

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you like he can’t wait to see you naked. All these hot, single guys we brought back make me nervous.
There’s so many for you to choose from that will want you.”

“Well, I should thank them if they got you to kiss me,” I teased, trying not to make it that he only

kissed me because he was jealous. “I was worried you didn’t want to spend time with me anymore or
if I’d done something wrong.”

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong and I wanted nothing more than to hold you as you sort all

this out that’s been dumped on you. You just seemed like you wanted space.”

“I did, I do, just maybe not from you,” I admitted, not sure if it was the right thing to say but it

was the truth.

He smiled at that and gave me another quick kiss. “I’m going to help unload and we’re going to

figure out where everything should go. We want to start stockpiling so if there’s ever bad weather or
a storm, we don’t have to worry we ran out of toilet paper. It’s not like we can run to the store so we
have to plan.”

“Okay, I’m going to go grab breakfast and then Quilan wants to talk to me about the security on

the island.”

“Don’t kid yourself, Baptista,” he chuckled. “That’s not all that man wants to talk to you about.”

I blushed again because I’d gathered as much from Quilan. “That’s cool though because you’d need
three to ground you anyways. I don’t mind as long as there’s a place for me.”

“There is,” I assured him. I really liked Kelvin already and him just mentioning that I would

need three mates and sort of putting his bid in sent a thrill through me.

“Maybe after you’re done and I’m done we could take a nap?” he asked seductively, his voice

going low. “I don’t want to rush you but I’ve really missed you and have been worried about you. I’m
tired from the trip and a nap with you in my arms sounds like heaven.”

“Promise to kiss me some more and it’s a date,” I answered, glancing up at him from under my

lashes. He growled that he liked and pulled me back against him. His mouth wasn’t so sweet this time
and I got my first real taste at passion.

When we pulled apart we were both panting. Kelvin said he’d come find me before pulling

away and getting back to his duties with all the stuff they got. As I watched him walk away, I saw
another massive man staring at me. He quickly adjusted his glasses and focused on the bags at his
feet. It was an endearing nervous habit that intrigued me… And not just because I’d ever seen a
werewolf with glasses before.

“Ready?” Quilan asked me as he carried several bags over to me. Wow. That man was all kinds

of strong. Most people could barely handle carrying one suitcase that big. Sure, most bigger wolves
would be able to carry two. But not Quilan. He had two in each hand, his hands that massive where
he could hold the handles like that, and his shoulders were littered with other bags.

“All your stuff?” I knew my eyes were wide. It looked like someone had opened a plane’s cargo

hold and everything fell on him but it didn’t bring him down.

“No, just two of the suitcases. The other stuff I brought is in the big cases that will take two of us

to unload. Tag assured me he’s got it and won’t let the kids near them.”

“Surveillance stuff?” I asked as I led the way.
“Yes, but mostly weapons. My security company doesn’t just install cameras and monitors. I

also deal in customized weapons. All legal, I assure you. Believe me, I follow the rules of each
country and state I deal in. It’s a pain the ass to keep it all straight. I normally supply companies who

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get hired for bodyguard gigs. They like certain weapons that fit under clothes but aren’t detectable.
Customized holsters and gear and whatnot.”

“That’s cool. I always wanted to learn how to shoot. Mostly because I dreamed of killing my

last inner circle but I didn’t think that likely if I didn’t know how to handle a gun,” I joked. Wow, I
really needed to get better at this talking thing.

“You were one of the rescued ones then?” he asked gently, no judgment or pity in his voice,

simply worry, maybe sadness.

“Yeah. I was their slave in every way,” I mumbled as we got to the mansion. I opened the door

for him and he walked through but waited for me to join him again. “Most Alpha houses have a cook
and a housekeeper to help out. I was both and their entertainment whenever they were horny.”

“I’m sorry. I’m glad they got you out.”
“Me too. Yeah, I’m really glad.” It was a good reminder that while I was going through a tough

time right then, nothing was as bad as going back to that hell. It sucked to talk about but right then I
was glad Quilan brought it up. It helped to remember I’d been through worse and had survived it just

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Chapter 3

Breakfast had been entertaining to say the least. It turned out everyone had been starving after the

long trip, not having thought to bring snacks except some for the kids. So the adults were all ravenous.
And all the while as we ate I kept finding myself glancing at the man with the glasses. He was so shy,
so massive, and the contrast drew me in like a moth to a flame. He obviously didn’t want to be around
the group and tried to blend in with the wall.

Before breakfast everyone brought in what they could carry and left it in the foyer until rooms

could be figured out.

Seemed everyone was waiting for me for that.
I assured them that I really was okay with whatever rooms they wanted. I just didn’t want

anyone taking suites unless they were mated. Wesley agreed, but then the rooms for the kids weren’t
near their parents.

“Good,” I said firmly to Wesley, Tag, Dewey, Percy, and Azyle, even though four of the five

were giving me dirty looks. Their kids, and I use that term loosely because some were not children,
just their kids, were looking at me like I was a godsend. “They’re all high-school age or older, guys.
They don’t need you breathing down their backs or hovering.”

“We don’t hover,” Dewey argued.
“Of course you hover,” I chuckled. “You love them and worry for them. They’re safe here on the

island. Quilan and I are going to make sure of that, whatever the expense. They’re not going away to
college, let them have some freedom. They’re just in a different wing of the mansion.”

“It’s your house,” Tag conceded.
“That’s not why I’m saying this,” I shot right back. “I’m saying for the peace of the household I

think it’s the best idea.”

“What are you talking about?” Dewey asked, but Wesley’s eyes went big as he realized what I

didn’t want to say in front of the kids.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, cupping my elbow with my other hand. “I’m saying I’d liked to

be mated one day and fuck as loudly as I’d like. You have exhibitionists all over here in the form of
your friends. Do you really think the kids should be hearing that on a regular basis or maybe they
should be in the other wing of the house and have some freedom.”

“Oh, yeah, we didn’t think about that,” Dewey said, clearly flustered. I nodded and turned to the

fourteen young adults watching me.

“I know you guys have been through hell and back and these aren’t considered normal

circumstances. But, normal is boring and you have a chance at something none of us have, freedom to
make your own choices. However, with that comes responsibilities.”

“What do you mean?” the cute little guy, Connor, asked me hesitantly. He was very small, and

very shy, for someone who was old enough to be a freshman in high school. Dewey had told me that
George, the group’s psychologist, had determined that Connor’s way of coping with his abuse that he
remembered was to retreat into himself.

Because of that he hadn’t matured as a normal boy his age would. He had the emotional

handlings of an eight-year-old or something like that. George was working with him and trying to help
him, but it would be a slow process. The only reason we all knew was not to embarrass Connor or
because his adopted parents were gossips, but they wanted to warn us Connor wouldn’t have the

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normal emotional responses we were used to.

“What I mean is if you’re going to get your own rooms, decorated the way you’d like, with toys,

a computer, and maybe your own TV, everyone has to swear to take good care of their stuff. You’re
going to be on the opposite side of the house from the adults, but that will change if we find messes
being left and people not doing their chores. If that happens we’ll make each of you share a room with
one of the guards.”

Wesley gave me a wink as most of the kids gasped or winced. Yeah, I thought that was a good

threat too.

“And there will be dish duty, taking out the trash, washing cars, and other chores just like you

had at the Alpha house,” Dewey added. “Just because we’re living in a vacation paradise doesn’t
mean we’re on vacation for life. Quite the opposite. All this peace, safety, and freedom will mean
hard work and lots of help needed to get everything in place.”

“That’s understandable,” the oldest, Gibly, said firmly as he stared at the others. “We’re grateful

to be safe above everything else and I know that there’s not enough mountains of garbage to take out
that wouldn’t be worth that. Right, guys?”

Well when he put it like that, they all agreed. So it was settled and they were excited to eat their

fill and then go check out their rooms. Kelvin said he had a present for me and would see me after I
was done helping Quilan. I was good at reading subtle subtext but I was pretty sure he wasn’t just
referring to whatever he’d picked up for me in Florida. I had a feeling there was another kind of
present as well.

I couldn’t wait.
Galvin helped Quilan with a copy of the map he’d been working on, giving him the basics of

what was where as markers and what was still uncharted to us. Half an hour later we were riding out
to the farthest point of the island on one of the four-wheelers.

My arms hadn’t been long enough to lock around Quilan’s midsection. Sure, I could touch my

fingers, but that wasn’t exactly safe when I should be really holding on to him. We probably could
have figured out another solution but Quilan had been all too happy to have me sit first in the double
seats and surround me from behind, practically caging me a safety cocoon with his massive frame.

There was one major drawback to that plan though.
We were both wearing cargo shorts, tank tops, and sneakers. The problem was friction and the

lack of barriers. I was sitting in the apex of his thighs, his cock rubbing against my ass with the
vibrations of the four-wheeler. Every bump was almost as if I was bouncing on his cock the way we
moved. And what a huge cock it was. I swear it had to be the largest cock in the world. I know I was
short at five six, but I could feel that thing up to the middle of my back.

It also didn’t help how much Quilan was enjoying it. He had one hand driving and the other one

around my chest, moving me up over and over again so my ass was just rubbing against his shorts. It
made me hard as fucking nails, that’s for sure. The vibrations from the vehicle tickled and teased my
balls, Quilan practically dry fucking me as we went, and the combination made me ready to come
without even touching my cock.

Quilan suddenly hit the brakes when we weren’t even halfway across the island on the trail. He

shut it down and both hands were instantly on me as his lips zeroed in on a hot spot I had on my neck I
didn’t even know was there.

“I can’t take any more. This wasn’t my plan but I didn’t want you to come with me because it’s

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your island. I want you and wanted to spend time with you. I still want that but all I can think about is
being inside of you. You’re going to have to tell me now if you’re not ready because otherwise I’m
going to fuck you so good they’ll hear you scream back at the mansion.”

Right, because I could say no to such an offer as his hands played my body like an instrument

and I’d never had good sex. Yeah, I wasn’t stupid.

“Yes, you can have me,” I gasped as his hand shoved down the front of my shorts. “Show me

how strong you are and how much you want me.”

He growled his approval at my words as he pulled me off the four-wheeler. “Get naked if you

like those clothes. But leave the shoes, we don’t know what you might be stepping in that could be
poisonous.” We might be immune to animal bites as werewolves, but plants that reacted to skin still
reacted to us. We had normal skin after all.

I quickly shucked my clothes, making sure to set them on the four-wheeler so they didn’t fall on

anything that would make me itch later. Quilan stripped as well and quickly rummaged through his
bag he’d brought, smiling when he pulled out a small tube of slick.

“Fate apparently is smiling on us,” he said with a wolfish grin as he turned to me. I gasped at the

sight of him. Dear mother of mercy, I thought the back side was nice, firm ass, all that muscle, and
broad shoulders that made my cock leak… And then I got to see his front. Perfectly defined abs and
obliques, pecs I wanted to lick for hours, thick, muscular arms that looked gorgeous on a man of his

I was proud my gaze didn’t go right to his groin. I took in his top half before moving to his lower

half. My mouth fell open as I stared at the monster between his legs. I didn’t normally like hairy men,
and Quilan didn’t have much on his chest at all, but he did at his groin. It was trimmed, but thick, and
a glorious treasure trail that I knew I was going to tease many, many times.

“That won’t fit in my ass,” I whimpered as I stared at the cock. Part of it was desire, because a

piece of meat that big would make my ass sore for the rest of the day, burning, and hurting so good.
Just the idea of it made me shiver. But then, maybe it really would split me in half.

“Getting you ready for it is half the fun.” He sat down backwards on the second seat, his legs

hanging off the back of the four-wheeler, and gestured me closer. I did as he wanted, moving between
his spread thighs as he eyed my body over like a caress. He used the tips of his fingers only as he
touched my shoulder and moved down my body. “Such soft skin. I just want to lick and caress you
until you come just from it.”

“Another time I’d take you up on that, but I can’t take any more teasing,” I panted, trying to move

so his hand would touch my cock.

“Me either.” He growled loudly as he wrapped one arm around my waist and easily picked me

up. He set me down so each knee was over his spread, muscular thighs, and my ass was hanging over
nothing. I quickly grabbed onto his shoulders for balance as he slicked up the finger of one hand. Then
the other hand cupped the back of my head and he crashed our mouths together. I moaned like a slut,
desperate to be touched in the way he offered.

The kicker was that I wasn’t a slut, far from it. I hadn’t enough experience to be a slut. I’d only

been with four men, all in my old inner circle and none of it really pleasant. Hell, kissing Kelvin
earlier had been my first kiss that I wanted and wasn’t some sloppy one from my old inner circle.

But if I got pleasure like I was getting from Quilan now, I could get on the slut bandwagon. Oh

yeah, big-time.

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He mastered my mouth while one large finger rubbed my hole to get it to open. He was taking

too long and I didn’t want that. I wanted cock and fucking and pleasure and to come like right now.

“I like pain as long as it’s not over the top,” I mumbled against his lips as we kept kissing.
“Then lift yourself up and fuck my finger,” he ordered, his deep voice rumbling through my

body. “Show me how to please you, baby.” I nodded and lifted my hips slightly, his finger moving
with me. Quickly, I thrust back down and let his thick finger penetrate me. I screamed in pleasure, not
caring who in the foliage of the island might hear me.

Riding that finger in a way that would have made any cowboy proud at how I could keep my

balance, I let out years of sexual frustration. It just came pouring out of me, all the wantonness I’d
never gotten to experience, the pleasure I was never free to seek for myself.

“More,” I demanded, meeting his shocked gaze. I wasn’t sure why he looked shocked and I

didn’t have enough blood flow in my brain to decipher what was going on. Maybe I just didn’t really
care. If I was going to have a torrid affair in the middle of nowhere it seemed I was going to make it
all about me.

Well, he’d get off too and he started it, after all.
The second his fingers could move easily inside of me I demanded another finger. He delivered

and I arched my back to accept him. Quilan lowered his head to my chest and started sucking my
nipples. Holy crap, I didn’t know that could feel that good for men. I always just assumed women
were the only ones who liked that from what I got from my old inner circle’s mates.

“Harder,” I whimpered, hoping he’d know what I was talking about. I must have confused him

because he sucked harder and started moving his fingers inside of me to help. I had meant what his
mouth was doing but truth be told, both actions were more than welcome.

“Since you’re so adventurous there’s something I’ve always wanted to try and you’re small

enough I can support your weight.”

“Whatever, yes, just fuck me!” I was stretched enough now that I was riding four of his fingers

and I needed to come. It was killing me to hold off my orgasm. Quilan gave me a feral smile as he
pulled his fingers free. Then he moved his right arm across my back, his hand wrapping over my left
shoulder as I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Put your hands on my knees and lean back,” he ordered. “I won’t let you fall.”
Interesting promise since that would have me in a crabwalk position with the support being my

knees over his thighs and my hands holding me up. I did it though and Quilan moved his cock so just
the head of it popped inside of me. I moaned but did my best to keep still. If I squirmed too much I
might end up with my ass on the ground.

Then he moved his other arm to mirror his right one before pulling me so hard against his body,

his cock slammed into me with such pain and pleasure I swore I saw stars. He was a dire wolf after
all. They were the strongest of our kind and the fastest. I smiled up at him when he gave me a
questioning look to see if he hurt me. He gave me a smirk as his eyes shined with lust that I could only
interpret in one way.

I was going to get the fucking of a lifetime.
Quilan’s second thrust was more than I could take. I screamed as I came all over myself, harder

than I could ever remember any climax ever being. He moaned as my ass tightened around his cock,
moving me just a little bit to draw out my pleasure but not really fucking me. That he did the moment I
was spent.

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“Oh fuck,” I moaned, my ass and nerves sensitive from coming, my nuts and cock still tingling as

he pounded into me. I tried to hold myself up but couldn’t, Quilan’s strong arms easily supporting my
weight. It was like they were their own hanging leather swing or something and the weight didn’t even
faze him.

Quilan’s eyes went wide as I started screaming obscenities like a porn star. I didn’t even know I

had it in me but I think he liked it because he started grunting more and moving me faster.

“Stroke that beautiful cock,” he demanded. “I want you to come again.”
I didn’t think I could but I wasn’t about to say he couldn’t get me to, so I did as he wanted.

Moments later my cock was full and leaking. Holy shit, did the man know what to do with a lover and
then some… Well, if they could handle this kind of ride. I mean, my teeth clanked sometimes because
he was thrusting into me so forcefully.

He ordered me to come and my body listened. That shocked me, but in a morning of surprises I

wasn’t even sure that ranked in the top five. Quilan snarled my name before he stiffened and filled me
with his release, pulling me against him erratically but just as strong.

When the last of his cum left his cock, he moved his arms so I was sitting back up on his lap and

leaned me against his chest. We both gasped for air, our bodies still shaking with the aftereffects and
slight shocks of pleasure still going through mine.

“Who knew you were such a sex kitten and dirty talker,” he chuckled as our breathing returned

to normal. “I think that was the best lay of my life and I needed it more than I could say.”

I was proud that I didn’t flinch at his words. Yes, it was meant to be a compliment, but a lay

didn’t mean there would be another, I was pretty sure. Well, I had thought of him as an affair, but that
could grow into more. Either way, I had already been feeling awkward after my performance now
that the lust and endorphins from sex had worn off.

What he said didn’t help.
“Apparently I did too,” I mumbled as I pulled my leg off his. Now I just wanted to get cleaned

up and dressed again. It’s not like we were kissing and holding each other tenderly. No, this was the
awkward stage I’d seen in movies after two people jumped into bed together too fast. Except we
didn’t use a bed. “Now I really need some sleep. I’ve been up for way too long.”

“Oh, yeah, um, I can drive you back to the mansion and then just check everything out myself,”

he offered uneasily as he pulled out of me. Yeah, this wasn’t uncomfortable or anything.

“That might be best. We can go over your plans later. I figure it will take you more than a day to

see all the island and come up with what you want to do,” I rambled as I got off his lap as fast as I
could. Except my legs were like gelatin and I had to lean against the four-wheeler. I acted like it was
no big, managing to pull on my shorts, ignoring his cum starting to drip back out my ass.

“Sure, if that’s what you want,” Quilan mumbled. He stood and got dressed as well before we

both got back on the four-wheeler. There was no rubbing against me on the way back. He actually had
moved so he wasn’t touching me at all other than his arms brushing against my shoulders here and

Was this more than awkwardness after sex with a virtual stranger? Maybe my performance had

been lacking? Or maybe he was just saying he liked dirty talk and what I did to be nice?

I wasn’t sure but I felt relieved when the mansion came into view. He stopped the vehicle at the

back terrace and moved so I could slide off easily.

“Um, yeah, so thanks,” I said lamely, not able to meet his gaze.

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“Glad to be of service,” he said in a tone I couldn’t decipher. I glanced up to see what his

expression could tell me but he let go of the brake and took off, kicking up dust in his wake.

Well that could have gone better. Not the sex. That I don’t think was able to get any better.

Maybe more kissing and foreplay if we hadn’t been so wound up. But from my perspective there was
no way for sex to be better than that. I thought about it and Quilan as I walked into the house, my ass
tender and my legs feeling a little bowed. I got a few knowing looks and averted my gaze, hopefully
telling them I didn’t want to talk about it.

It worked because anyone I passed on the way to my room didn’t say a word. I opened the door,

looking forward to a shower before sleeping the rest of the day away, only to find Kelvin waiting for
me. Oh shit, I had totally forgot about him.

“Hey, how was the ride?” he asked as he eyed me over. If he only knew what kind of ride I’d

just had he wouldn’t be calmly sitting on my bed with a smile on his face.

“Good, in some ways,” I hedged as I stepped into the room all the way and closed the door.

Shit, fuck! Was Kelvin going to not want to see me again now that I had permitted someone I’d just
met to fuck me stupid? I’d only let him kiss me and then I went off into the woods and allowed Quilan
take me. Kelvin’s eyes went wide as his nostrils flared before I could explain.

“He fucked you,” he growled, his eyes flashing to his wolf ones.
“I didn’t mean for it to happen. Sitting on the four-wheeler with him was, um, well, like

foreplay, and I’m pretty sure it was just a one-time hormonal deal. I know we’re not officially
together but I still should have talked to you first.”

“No, I know you need three to ground you. I was open to you exploring what might be there with

you and Quilan,” he countered as he slowly stood, staring at me as if I was prey. “I only want to know
if I can add my cum to his in your sweet body.”

“What?” I felt my eyes practically bug out of my head at that one. That was so not the reaction

I’d been expecting.

“I want to use his cum as slick and fuck you.” He growled when he saw me shiver, taking off his

shirt. Wow, I guess two hot guys were going to jump me today and fuck me. Go me.

“Yes, but I’m a little sore from the position and how big he was,” I mumbled as I pulled off my

own tank top and toed off my sneakers. “And I might pass out because I’m exhausted and I haven’t
been to bed yet.”

“We can wait,” he said, but his expression and tone told me he clearly would have trouble doing


“I don’t want to,” I assured him as I stepped closer and touched his naked stomach. “I’m grateful

you’re not ending things with me after I was with him. The fact that you want me so desperately after
scenting someone else on me is hot. I want you, Kelvin. I think I made that clear when I kissed you
today. If you don’t mind me being a little tired, I’d like you inside me right now. I’m already stretched
after all.”

The last part of that pushed him over the edge. His nostrils flared and in a flash I was on the bed,

face down. I quickly helped Kelvin get my shorts and socks off, then I heard his zipper as I went to
pull my knees under me. Gasping at the sting as I heard the loud smack, I realized Kelvin just spanked

“No, I want you spread eagle facedown so you’re nice and tight for me,” he growled. I nodded

and got into position. Then his larger body moved over mine and he kissed my shoulder. “I promise

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you lots of foreplay and tenderness after your nap. I’m sorry I’m so out of control but smelling him on
you, knowing he pleased you first, has got me so hot and my wolf riding me all at the same time.”

I turned my head so I could partially see him above me. “I understand and I give myself to you

freely, Kelvin.” He gave me an awkward kiss and plunged into my body. I moaned and spread my
legs as wide as I could for him. My ass was really tight for him like this. He was a big man in the
cock department compared to normal, and it’s just Quilan had a monster between his legs. I didn’t
think anyone could compare with him.

But Kelvin knew how to use what he’d been given, that was for sure. He grabbed my hips as his

smacked against my ass. I pushed it up more, wanting all of him. I shivered when he growled in
approval again, his teeth scraping my shoulder… And they weren’t human teeth.

“I want to so bad but not until we get to know each other better. But you need to understand that

you’re mine even if I’m not claiming you yet, Baptista. I won’t ever let you go after tasting you, being
with you, and loving on you. So you’d better accept that.”

I know most people would have bristled at being told that. I, on the other hand, smiled and

nodded when I remembered he couldn’t see that.

Kelvin made sure that I got off before he finished, howling like the wolves we were as he came

inside of me. When we were spent he licked my neck, reminding me he wanted to bite me. I shivered
as I started to fall asleep.

“Rest now, my mate-to-be. I’ll get you cleaned up and keep you safe,” he whispered in my ear

before pulling out of me. I floated away to dreamland with a smile on my face and Kelvin already
wiggling into my heart.

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Chapter 4

Kelvin and I missed lunch so when we sat down to dinner, it was unsurprising that we were both

starving. As much as I liked his burning need and passionate actions when we had sex, I was also
glad my sweet Kelvin was back after the nap. Call me greedy but I wanted both sides in someone I
wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And I was pretty sure that Kelvin was one of the three for

Our cute, shy crush on each other or whatever it had been blossomed into more and I found

myself feeling at ease with him as I never had with anyone else in my life. It was almost if we had
been dating a long time and knew each other well. Silly things, really, like grabbing an extra set of
silverware and napkin for him because he always forgot that at meals and had to get back up. In turn,
he grabbed a pop without caffeine because he knew it made me twitchy.

It was nice and I felt tension slipping out of my muscles that had been building since the moment

I saw that picture of the child in the album. The pressure inside of me and the tension had been
festering and I hadn’t realized how bad it had gotten until it started to ease.

The only thing that had me stressed at dinner was the very obvious way Quilan was ignoring me

and going out of his way not to make eye contact with me. I ignored it, deciding Quilan was a love
them and leave them
kind of guy and it wasn’t my performance. If I’d been so horrible in bed, Kelvin
wouldn’t still be hinting how much he wanted more… And I’d been exhausted when we’d been
together earlier.

I did catch the gaze of the mystery man in the glasses. I wanted to know his name so badly but I

didn’t want to risk something happening like with Quilan so I simply smiled at him when I caught him
looking. I did a lot of looking too.

He was so attractive with his shaggy dark brown hair hanging over his glasses and in his blue

eyes. He was huge too, not as buffed out as Quilan but he had a very impressive, muscular body as
well. Plus I apparently liked tall men because he had to be six eight.

After dinner Kelvin helped me start going through everything in the secret room with my

inheritance. I didn’t want to do it alone and I trusted him not to steal from me or be weird about it.
Sure enough, he acted like we were making a grocery list or something.

Yeah, he’d comment on if something was pretty or that some of the jewels I might want to get

appraised, but other than that, it was no big deal we were sitting in a room with millions of dollars’
worth of stuff, all belonging to me. And I think that was a mild estimate. There was a whole box of
diamonds that had to be at least ten carats each.

When Kelvin got tired, I asked him to sleep over in my room, wanting to see how it was with

him. We made out for a while, but my man really was tuckered out from his trip and unloading
everything most of the morning and fell fast asleep. I had a few more hours in me and I’d learned long
ago, I wasn’t the type of person who could force sleep unless I really needed it.

After Kelvin’s breath evened out and I was sure he was out for the count, I slipped out of bed

and pulled on some pajama bottoms. It was well after midnight and I had no doubt the kids were all in
their rooms and people were sleeping if not having fun in their own suites.

Grabbing a drink from the kitchen, I then headed back to the library. There had been some

writing on a box of gold coins I wanted to see if I could translate or look up. It was too intriguing of a
mystery to let hang over me while I tried to sleep.

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I heard a gasp as I opened the door and was staring at the mystery man when I stepped into the

room. I let the door close behind me as I walked over to the desk he was sitting in, putting a little
extra sway when I realized he was focusing on my hips.

“I–I’m sorry. I–I was told I could do some s–studying in here,” he stuttered as I got closer.
“Of course you can,” I agreed as I set my drink down on a bare spot of the desk. I stepped

closer, invading his personal space when he turned the chair so he could keep looking at me. I
stretched out my hand and practically batted my eyelashes at him. “Baptista Montague. I haven’t had
the chance to meet you yet.”

In talking with Kelvin earlier, being honest with someone finally about the conversation I’d had

with my parents, I decided I was going to keep Baptista because it’s who I truly felt I was but change
my last name to Montague. It was my real last name after all.

“Meriel Shelby,” he replied, taking my hand.
“Oh, the new teacher for the kids Dewey and his men were so excited about.” I don’t know if I

was channeling a seductress or if I just felt sexy for the first time in my life after the scream-worthy
sex I’d had that day. Either way, I’d never flirted like this before in my life. It was fun actually.

“Yes, I’m qualified to teach Advanced Placement courses for the high school kids and at a

college level actually,” he said nervously. I rubbed my thumb over his hand and then moved my other
one to keep touching him when he went to pull away.

“You must be very smart,” I purred as I moved closer, my knees just passing between his as he

still sat. “What other qualifications do you have? They said you hadn’t started yet and they were so
excited about seeing their kids, they couldn’t focus on much else. Though I think Taggart told me he
was shocked that you agreed to move with when you were just hired.”

“I have several degrees,” he answered nervously, clearing his throat when he looked up at me

from under his disheveled hair. “I have a master’s in genealogical studies and talked to Wesley about
that when the offer to move here too was presented to me. He said there were many projects going on
with incomplete family trees and tracking down the bloodlines of the different Omega families.”

“Yes, we have mountains of journals and family histories to go through.” I glanced at the desk,

seeing the piles of books that had surrounded him. Then I looked back at him and smiled. “Diving
right in, I see.”

“Is that okay? I just find all of this so fascinating.” His eyes lit up with excitement and I felt

myself start to harden. It was a good look on him. “I have a degree in archeology as well and just the
history of this house is amazing. The paintings, tapestries, and even the fixtures have a rich history.”
His eyes went wide as he realized something. “You’re the owner. I was distracted and didn’t make
the connection.”

“I am, but I didn’t know about any of this until a few days ago, so I’m kinda still getting used to

all of it.” I moved just a little closer, my thighs touching his as I now stood between his legs. “What
distracted you, Meriel?”

“You. You’re beautiful,” he answered. His eyes did that widening thing again and I realized he

hadn’t meant to admit that. “I’m so sorry. That was, um, not appropriate.”

“Appropriateness is relative,” I assured him gently, realizing he was like a scared rabbit who

was ready to flee. A really massive rabbit, but the characteristics fit otherwise. He looked ready to
scamper away. “I’m still holding your hand and we shook to say hello a while ago. Are you saying
you’d like me to let go?”

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“No, I like you touching me,” he said quietly. “I’ve just never done this before.”
“Had a man hold your hand?” I asked, not sure what he meant.
“Any of it,” he mumbled, his cheeks heating up so bad I realized I was embarrassing him badly.

“I’ve never done any of it with a man or woman. I had a few girls kiss me in college but I didn’t want
females so I read somewhere that girls don’t like guys with glasses and I started wearing them.”

“Did it work?” I chuckled. “Because I doubt that to be true. You look sexy as fuck with glasses.”
He frowned as he thought so hard I practically saw smoke coming out his ears. “No, come to

think about it, I don’t think it did. It just hid me better and made people assume I was a bookworm.
Which I am, but that type some people don’t like.”

“I like,” I admitted. His gaze darted away and I decided to ease off the gas a bit and give him

some time to process that. “Want to know a secret?” He hesitantly glanced back at me and slowly
nodded. “Okay, but you have to swear not to tell everyone because only a few people know.”

“I promise I won’t ever tell a soul,” he assured me. “I know how important secrets can be when

going to school with thousands and thousands of humans who might see me dead if they knew I was a

“Yeah, that would be hard,” I agreed, not having thought of that. “I still would have loved to go

to school though, like real college. I always thought that would be so cool.”

“I can’t give you the full experience or the university degree, but I could help you with your

studies if you wanted or an online degree.”

“That’s really sweet of you.” I’d been right. He was a shy, gentle giant that I’m sure most just

overlooked or wanted to use him because that’s what the world did to nice people most of the time.
“So the secret is this house has some hidden rooms we’ve found.”

“I assumed as much because it was common in the era the house was built in,” he hedged, trying

to not look too eager. But I could see it in his eyes. He was ready to burst at the seams with it. “I’ve
never seen a hiding room or passageway before. I mean, a panic room in a modern house but that’s

“Well I’ll show you.” I tugged on his arm as if to pull him to his feet, which was stupid of me

because the man had to weigh almost three hundred pounds at his size and height… And I was all of
one thirty dripping wet. I started to fall on him and let go of his hand to catch myself. At the same time
his reaction was to steady me but since I’d moved forward so much, his hands went to my hips
instead of my arms I think he’d been aiming for.

“Sorry, I wasn’t ready for you to do that,” he whispered, our mouths inches away. He’d leaned

forward and now I was completely between his thighs… And our groins were touching slightly. I
found out I wasn’t the only one who’d started to get hard.

“Yeah, and like I could ever move you all on my own,” I chuckled quietly, not wanting to break

the spell or have him move.

“I didn’t get the rundown on who everyone is yet. Are you one of the mated Omegas here?

You’re not going to be one of my students, right?”

“No, I’m twenty-eight, no, twenty-seven. I keep forgetting that I’m really a year younger than I’d

always thought. And yes, I’m single. Kelvin and I are just starting up and probably getting serious but
an Omega needs three strong men to ground him. Are you interested in seeing if you might fit the
opening I have?”

“I’m attracted to you, yes,” he whispered and then swallowed nervously. “I don’t want to step

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on any toes or upset Kelvin. He seemed really nice when we were coming here.”

“Oh, I’m sure Kelvin would like to see you fill my opening as well,” I purred, trying to drive

home the innuendo. “He’s secure that we’re a good fit and looks forward to my finding two more. He
knows it’s necessary and I think he’d like the idea of getting to see others fill me.”

His hands shook on my hips, gripping them tighter as he finally got what I was saying. “Are you

always this blunt?”

I laughed. I could help it. “This isn’t blunt. Blunt would be saying I want you to fuck me six

ways from Sunday as I wrap my fingers in your soft-looking hair, scream your name, and kiss until
we’re both light-headed from it. But no, I’m not. I feel drawn to you and am appreciating my
newfound freedom to choose who I want instead of the way things were back in the US.”

“Yes, that is blunt.” His cock filled up and I moaned as it wasn’t just brushing mine now but

pressed up against me he was so turned on. “I’d need to move slower than that. I want to do what you
said and I want you, but I’m a big man and I won’t ever risk hurting someone as pretty and small as
you.” Then he realized how that sounded. “I wouldn’t risk hurting anyone unless they were trying to
hurt me really, so I didn’t mean that ugly people were okay to hurt or—”

I leaned forward and kissed him, effectively shutting him up if I did say so myself. Meriel sighed

against my mouth as his hands moved from my hips and up my back. He pulled me closer as I licked
his lower lip, letting him know I was going to deepen the kiss. I was pleasantly surprised when he did
it first. His tongue was obviously bigger than mine and for some reason that made me think how good
it would be to feel it all over my body.

“Too fast?” I asked when we broke apart to get more air in our lungs.
“No, perfect. Maybe going slow is a silly, silly idea,” he mumbled against my lips as he went to

kiss me again. I let him, smiling at the change in his tune. But I also wouldn’t push him.

“Maybe we don’t have to go super slow,” I suggested as I leaned back. “Maybe you could help

me and then I could show you something else you’ve never done before as my way of saying thank

He swallowed loudly but I saw the desire in his eyes. “What would that be?”
“I have a few different ideas.” I gave him a wink as I pulled away, gesturing with my finger he

should follow. “Depends on how smart and clever you are. I find smart men sexy.”

“I’m really smart,” he said quickly as he stood, letting me lead him. “My IQ is one eighty-five. I

have seven degrees and two master’s. I swear I’m smart.”

“I can see that,” I giggled as I reached for the hidden lever.
“Holy shit,” Meriel gasped as the bookshelf slid to the side and the stone doorway moved into

the hidden room. “This is so cool. Secret passages and a hot man kissing me.”

I bit back a smile. Even if I was listed second, I could tell Meriel really meant it. I didn’t think

he had enough experience to be that smooth and give false compliments. I led him inside and turned
on the battery-operated lamp we’d put in there since there wasn’t any electricity in the room. I’m sure
whoever ended up having the house wired didn’t want to give away all their secrets.

Maybe Lennox could work something out because it was annoying to always not have enough

light in there.

“There’s a treasure in your house,” he whispered as if he wasn’t sure how to tell me. I chuckled

as he stared at everything in awe.

“According to what Wesley found in one of my fathers’ belongings, this isn’t the only one. Just

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the one we’ve found so far. Everyone said if they stumbled upon it they wouldn’t look and close it
back up before letting me know. Otherwise they won’t go looking. They want to leave that for me,
which I’m grateful for because I know it would kill me not to investigate.”

“Why haven’t you found the other ones yet if you’re so curious?” He dropped my hand and

moved over to one of the smaller statues that was on the back shelf. I watched as he studied it closely.

“I’ve had a lot preoccupying me,” I answered honestly. “I just found out my parents weren’t my

birth parents, and that I was kidnapped as a child, it’s all really complicated.”

“Yeah, that would be very hard on someone.” He glanced over at me and nodded to the statue.

“May I? Do you have any gloves around here?”

“Um, no, we were just being careful with what we touched. I mean, it’s not like we could ruin

stuff, right?”

He plastered on a fake smile. “Well it’s your belongings so you do as you want.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “Why do I think that’s your way of not saying I was being a

dumbass? I don’t know what any of this stuff is. None of us do. If we’re doing something wrong,
please tell me. I don’t want to ruin my fathers’ belongings even if they are mine now.”

“You’re right,” he sighed as he turned back to the statue. “You don’t know any better. I just hate

when priceless artifacts aren’t handled correctly. I wouldn’t touch anything in here without wearing
cotton gloves. The plastic ones have powder or oils on them so they don’t all stick together.”

I winced at that one. All my friends had touched a few things I’m sure, but not until Kelvin and I

were making an inventory that night.

“My bad. We just wanted to catalog what all was in here so I knew what it was all worth. I

don’t have much in my account from the stipend I got when I was rescued. I mean, a few thousand
dollars, but that won’t keep up a place like this. I just thought maybe I’d sell one of the diamonds or
something. Who’d want that statue? I know it’s gold but it’s ugly.”

Meriel slowly turned to look at me, blinking at me as if I’d lost my mind.
“Okay, and now I feel like two feet tall and really stupid,” I mumbled as I turned away and

pretended to look at one of the paintings.

“I’m sorry,” he said quietly and I felt him come closer. “You’re not stupid. You only know what

you know and you didn’t know that the statue was priceless.”

“Huh? Priceless?” I glanced up at him as he turned me around and wrapped an arm around my

shoulder. He led me over to the shelf and pointed to some markings at the base of the statue.

“I believe it’s real. I’d be very surprised if it was a replica because it would be the best one

I’ve ever seen. These markings are ancient Roman. I’d guess around between sixty to forty BC
probably when Julius Caesar ruled. I’d need to get a closer look and maybe do some testing on it but I
feel confident in assessing that time area. We can see more than humans can when they look at
something like this and I know what to look for.”

“Wow. All I thought was that it was cool because it was a gold statue but it was ugly and

needed to be cleaned.” I wasn’t trying to be rude to whoever sculpted it. I’m sure working with gold
wasn’t easy but it made more sense knowing the thing was really, really old because it kind of looked
like something a kid might put together with clay.

“Yeah, don’t get the Windex and clean it, please,” he practically begged me. “That would do so

much damage.”

“Nope. Not going to touch anything else. I had no idea there was stuff that old in here.”

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“What did you want me to take a look at?”
“Oh, there was writing on this box of gold coins Kelvin and I found,” I answered as I carefully

moved around the room to it. Now that I knew there was priceless stuff in there, I was nervous. Not
that I’d been careless before, but priceless ancient artifacts? I didn’t want to be the one that destroyed
a part of history like that.

I showed Meriel the box and he was very careful opening it and studied one of the pieces for a

while, picking one up with the edge of his shirt so he could read both sides. He glanced up at me as if
I held the missing piece he needed to solve the mystery. “Did you look at your family tree yet? Do you
have ties to the ancient Romans or something?”

“No, not yet. I have no idea.” I felt my eyes go wide at the implication. “Are you saying that

whole box is full of ancient Roman gold coins? That would have to be worth billions of dollars.”

“If they’re real, that might be a conservative assessment,” he chuckled. “I haven’t seen each coin

in here but yes, I believe these are from the same time period as the statue. This whole room is quite a
find. I would assume everything’s real if it was hidden like this. Museums would pay top dollar for
some of these artifacts.”

“And they’d take care of them, right? I mean, yeah, money’s important, but if this stuff is as old

as you say it is, that’s not just about the monetary worth. This is history and I really shouldn’t be in
charge of not ruining it.”

“You’re a very special person.” He gave me a half smile and I felt myself frown. That didn’t

sound like a compliment.

“Sorry,” I whispered, feeling stupid all over again. “Um, you can study it all you want, I guess.”

I turned and hurried out of the hidden room, not willing to make it a third time I showed my lack of
education and ignorance.

I got as far as the desk on the study side of the library where I’d found Meriel earlier when he

grabbed me around the waist and lifted me against his body. “I meant it in a good way.”

“It sounded like you were calling me special as in special needs,” I mumbled.
“No, not at all. I’m sorry, I’m socially inept most of the time and I’m not good at expressing

myself,” he soothed as his other hand moved down the side of my body. “I meant you’re special as in
one of a kind. Most people who just inherited a fortune like this would be all about the gold and the
money. But here you’re immediately concerned about not ruining something historical and mentioning
museums. I think it shows that you have a lot of character and I like that.

“Plus, I see how big your heart is. You didn’t even get to meet your fathers from what I heard,

and you’re so considerate of not ruining their stuff. I think that’s wonderful of you. And even after you
thought I was picking on you, you were willing to still let me examine everything probably because
you knew how much I wanted to, right?”

“Well, yeah, but I also need to know what it is so I don’t ruin anything,” I admitted, glad he

wasn’t calling me stupid.

“See, you’re one of a kind,” he whispered in my ear seductively. “Did I tell you what you

wanted to know? Do I get whatever carnal favor you had in mind?”

“I’ve created a monster,” I chuckled as he let me go slightly, at least enough to turn around and

face him. “I would think that finding ancient Roman stuff would have distracted you enough from what
I’d said earlier.”

“No, the find I’m excited about from tonight is you,” Meriel blurted out. His face heated slightly

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when it sunk in what he said. Personally, I thought there was only one way to return and show how
much a compliment like that meant to me.

I dropped to my knees and opened up the fly of his shorts. He gasped as he realized what I was

doing and I glanced up at him from under my eyelashes. “Smart men are sexy and I want to be the first
person to give you a blow job. Or am I going too fast again?”

“No, you go right ahead,” he answered, his voice going up a few octaves.
It was cute how nervous he was. I pulled his huge cock out and licked the head. It wasn’t as long

as Quilan’s had been but it was even thicker I was pretty sure. Either way, I couldn’t wrap my hand
fully around any of the cocks I’d seen that day. I was a very lucky man.

“No, not yet,” Meriel whimpered as I swallowed more of him. I saw his balls were already

against his body as he shook with need.

I quickly pulled off and stared up at him. “Go ahead and blow, Meriel. We can do this again. No

one ever lasts long their first time. Hell, I’ve never even gotten a blow job so I doubt I’d last more
than two seconds either.”

“How have you not had one? You’re obviously more experienced than I am,” he panted as he

focused on me with those soft blue eyes.

“Not by choice,” I whispered sadly as I stroked his cock. “I’m an Omega, remember? I was

property to my old inner circle. They didn’t care if I enjoyed any of it.”

“I’m sorry. I care if you enjoy everything.” I saw the truth in his eyes and took him back into my

mouth. It didn’t take long for Meriel to finish and while he grabbed my head when he did, he was very
gentle. He didn’t try to shove it down my throat like I’m sure his instincts were telling him to.

And when he was spent, he was even gracious enough to give me a turn. I smiled up at him when

it was over, laughing at how he’d spread me over the books he’d been reading before I arrived. I bet
he couldn’t have guessed this was how his night would have turned out if he had tried. We put
everything back in place, closing the secret passage, before heading up to bed. He was a gentleman
and walked me to my room just in case because the mansion was kind of scary at night.

I smiled as I snuggled back into bed with Kelvin. I hoped he liked Meriel because I was smitten

with the man already.

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Chapter 5

The next morning as we got ready for breakfast, after some very hot shower sex, I told Kelvin

about Meriel. He looked at me with confusion.

“The hot pompous guy that’s the kids’ Advanced Placement teacher and college tutor? Why


“Pompous?” I asked in return instead. “You got pompous from him?”
“Yeah, I mean, he was nice when you spoke to him, but he didn’t try to talk to anyone as if we

weren’t up to his intelligence level or something.” Kelvin shrugged as he tied up his sneakers. “He’s
handsome but we were just getting a vibe you had to have a couple of college degrees to sit at his
table, you know what I mean? He kept bringing up his education like rubbing it in.”

“I swear to you that you got the completely wrong impression of him, Kelvin,” I said gently as I

leaned over and kissed his cheek. “He’s just really shy. He rambled some about his degrees and stuff
but I took it as an excuse of why he’s kind of socially inept. Like he was trying to explain why I
shouldn’t think he’s a dork of a bookworm because he’s done something with what he’s learned.”

“I guess I could see that maybe,” he hedged as he stood. I smiled when he slipped his hand into

mine and we headed to the door of my suite. “I’ll try to get to know him if you like him. I can’t make
any promises we’ll hit it off but I could see how I’d assume that of him because I always wanted to go
to college and it just wasn’t in the cards for me. I heard he grew up in one of those completely remote
dire wolf packs that no one’s ever allowed to return if they leave.”

“Wow, that must have taken a lot of courage to leave everything he knew like that.” I was

impressed. I couldn’t have imagined leaving my parents at a young age to go out into the world on my
own and not be able to return to them if I hadn’t liked it. Not realizing I’d gone quiet, I was startled
when I felt Kelvin’s lips against my hand. “What was that for?” I glanced around, realizing we were
in the kitchen. Wow, I’d gotten a little absorbed in my head there.

“I thought you could use the support,” he answered quietly as we moved to the kitchen island

where all the meals were served in buffet style. “You got that lost and alone look that you get when
you think of your parents lately.”

“Sorry. Didn’t even realize I was doing it. I didn’t mean to be a downer,” I mumbled,

embarrassed I’d put a damper on our fun morning but touched that he knew me that well already.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kelvin purred as he nuzzled my neck from behind.

“I’m still smiling and if you’re not, I’m sure I could make you. But there’s another person watching
you that I’m sure would offer you as much attention as you wanted as well.”

I glanced up and saw the hesitant look Meriel was giving me, as if he didn’t know what to do.

Deciding to go easy on him again and make the first move, I set down my plate, grabbed Kelvin’s
hand, and moved us around the island to where Meriel was leaning against the massive, industrial-
size fridge.

“Are you hiding out of the way again?” I asked as I let go of Kelvin’s hand and stepped closer to


“So many people make me nervous,” he admitted as he reached out with his fingers and stroked

my cheek. “There’s too many ways to stick my foot in my mouth or rub someone the wrong way. I do
better one-on-one or in a small group like when I’m teaching. But when I had to teach big classes and
I knew people were judging me, talking about me, I just couldn’t handle it.”

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“Yeah, I’m not a big fan of being the center of attention either,” I agreed as I turned into his hand

and kissed his palm. “Everyone’s always trying to find me about what to do with the house and island
since it’s mine. Like at dinner the other night I was on the spot to make a few calls for everyone to
live by. I can’t handle my own life right now. The last thing I should be doing is setting rules for

“I think you’re the perfect person,” Meriel argued gently. “You’re so sweet and you want

everyone around you to be happy. You respect others and that makes you a great person to guide
people when they need it.”

I stood on my toes and he got the idea, leaning down to meet me. When our lips met, I moved my

free hand into his soft, shaggy hair. The kiss was so tender, so full of unsaid words and hope we were
a good fit, that I shivered.

“You noticed that about Baptista too?” Kelvin inquired as we broke apart. “I’m glad someone

else sees him for how special he is and not the way he thinks of himself.”

“We’re always our own worst critic.” Meriel nodded as he glanced at Kelvin. When I saw the

blush start on Meriel’s cheeks, I smiled. There was no way Kelvin would think Meriel pompous now
that he saw him blush. “I think Baptista is wonderful. He was so giving when—” His eyes went wide
and he bit his lip. “Sorry. I promised Baptista I’d keep it a secret. I guess I need some coffee.” He
glanced down at me, trying to gauge if I was mad.

“It’s okay. I said Kelvin was helping me with my inheritance. You can talk to him about


“I know, it’s just, I didn’t want to discuss the new development with him around in case you

hadn’t told him. It’s not my place and I would never betray you.”

“I believe that but Kelvin’s clued-in,” I giggled, giving Meriel a wink. “He can be in the cool

kids club and tell him whatever you find. I trust him too.” I stood on my toes and kissed Meriel again.
“Cream and sugar in that coffee?”

“I can get it.”
“Nonsense. I’d be happy to bring my man some coffee in the morning.”
“Your man?” Meriel asked quietly, his eyes hopeful. “You want to continue spending time


“Very much so,” I purred as I rubbed his chest. “You get to know Kelvin because I think you

guys are really going to like each other while I get your coffee.” I leaned in and so did he, so I
pressed my lips to his ear. “Besides, then you get to watch me walk away and stare at my ass. I want
you to take a close look at it because hopefully soon we’ll progress to the stage where you fuck it all
night. Maybe while Kelvin fucks you. Would you like that?”

He let out a soft moan and I took that as a yes. As I moved back, I saw the heated look he was

giving Kelvin. Obviously the attraction was there. Kelvin shot me a glance and I smiled. Yeah, he’d
heard what I’d said and liked it. Good.

“Lots of sugar and half milk, please,” Meriel said before clearing his throat nervously.
“As you wish.” I gave them both a wink and sauntered across the kitchen to the massive

coffeepots. It took that much to keep this many adults caffeinated in the morning. We did have our own
small army living in the house after all. I was humming a tune as I swayed my hips while dumping
tons of sugar in a mug for Meriel. I hadn’t been paying attention or I would have noticed him sooner,
but suddenly Quilan was there, surrounding me from behind.

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“What did I do that was so wrong?” he growled as he leaned over me. His hands moved to my

hips as I felt how hard he was as it poked my lower back. “What did I do, Baptista? It’s been driving
me crazy trying to figure out what I did.”

“I don’t know—” I started to say but he stopped me.
“I couldn’t have been the only one to feel it. You had to have felt what I did when we were

together.” His voice got a little louder with every sentence and I knew we would be drawing
everyone’s attention soon. “You were passionate and took pleasure in it, I know I wasn’t making that
up. You felt how wonderful it was. It was thrilling. Being with you was magical and the best sex and
connection I’ve ever shared with someone in my life.

“Being inside of you was one of the best moments of my life.” He growled and spun me around,

lifting me onto the counter and inserting himself in between my legs. “Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me I’m
the only one who felt it.”

“No,” I whispered, shocked and confused at the way he was acting.
“Then why cast me aside? What did I do? I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t think about

anything else but you and how to get you back into my arms.”

“Dude, take it down a notch,” Taggart said nervously as he moved up beside us. “You’re

starting to sound a little like a stalker there.”

Quilan growled at the interruption but his gaze never left mine. “I’ve heard the stories of what

you did for Dewey before you even loved him. So don’t tell me to take it down, Tag. You know what
it’s like to have that instant spark and connection with someone. If Dewey cast you aside there’s no
way you wouldn’t have fought for him.”

“Fine, as long as Baptista’s okay.” I nodded as I held Quilan’s stare.
“I felt it, yes. I thought you were a love them and leave them kind of guy. You didn’t seem like it

was all that special to you.”

“No, it was everything,” he assured me as he grabbed my ass and moved me against him. “The

way I felt when we kissed, the passion you showed when you used my fingers to stretch yourself out
for me was almost overwhelming. I’ve never had a quarter of that with anyone else. And the mouth on
you.” He shivered and sucked in a harsh breath. “Like my perfect fantasy coming from the mouth of an

“I thought you were picking on me about that,” I mumbled. “It just all kind of came out. I didn’t

know I liked that either and it seemed like you were laughing at what I said when we were done.”

“I’m sorry it seemed that way. I swear that wasn’t how I felt. It was just surprising.”
“Really? You’re not just saying that now?” I knew my look was hopeful.
“I loved every second of it,” he moaned as he moved my body against his. “I was shocked when

you demanded me to fuck you when you were all wound up. Normally I like to take charge, but the
feelings I had when you told me what to do were like fitting pieces of a puzzle together. All I wanted
to do was please you and give you whatever you wanted.”

“You did look shocked. It just came out.”
“But I made you come too, twice, and you enjoyed it,” he growled and gave me that wolfish grin

again. “Or did you forget what it felt like as I thrust into you?”

“No,” I whispered as I shivered.
“Didn’t you love the way I stretched you completely?” He accented his points with his hips

thrusting against mine, his cock so hard in his shorts that it was hard not to remember how it felt to

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have him inside of me. “Didn’t you love how deep I went in you? How our bodies fit perfectly?”

“Yes, I loved it,” I moaned as I wrapped my legs around his hips. I fisted my hands in his hair

and moved his face to the crook of my neck. He got the idea and started kissing along my neck.

“Kids in the room,” someone growled but I was too far gone to give a shit.
“And how did my cock pounding into your perfect body make you feel, baby? Did you feel

loved, desired, wanted? Because that’s how I felt and I wanted to show you.”

“I felt it. I felt every inch of you taking pleasure in my body.”
“And then I demanded you come for me again and you did. Our bodies were so in tune with each

other, such a perfect match that yours listened to mine.”

“Yes,” I hissed as I kept moving against him as his hands on my ass helped. Just a few more

seconds and I was going to cream in my pants from the friction.

“Seriously, guys, it’s not breakfast porn time with the kids here now,” someone said again. I

think it was a Dewey. Or maybe Taggart. My mind was too clouded.

“And I filled you up with the proof of what you did to me, how much I enjoyed being with you,”

he whispered seductively, ignoring who was talking. I was right there with him until I remembered
what came next and froze.

“And then you laughed,” I said more evenly than I was feeling. I unwrapped my legs and arms

from around him and tried to scoot back on the counter. “You laughed that you didn’t know I was a
sex kitten and a dirty talker.”

“Yes, I was shocked but I loved it,” he argued as he tried to pull me back to him. “You were

enchanting when you were full of passion.”

“And you said I was the best lay of your life.” I shoved him hard. “And that you really needed


“Oh, ouch,” someone said from behind him.
“What’s wrong with saying that?” he asked before glancing behind him to whoever had spoken.

“Baptista was the best sex of my life. I wanted to take him again right there. And it’s been a few years
since I’ve had sex.” He looked at me again. “What was wrong with telling you that?”

“A lay isn’t normally someone you plan to have a repeat performance with,” Gibly answered.

“It’s what the kids these days call one-night-stand material.”

“You better not know that from personal experience,” Taggart growled. Yeah, the kid walked

right into that one.

“That’s why you were acting so weird when we were done,” Quilan whispered, looking

destroyed. “You couldn’t wait to get away from me and I didn’t know why. I thought maybe you were
a love them and leave them kind of guy now that you had a chance to be with whomever you wanted.”

“No, not at all,” I sighed as I let my head fall back to the cabinet with a thunk. This was a whole

big misunderstanding and I hated that we were having it out in front of everyone. “I barely knew you
but yeah, I felt the connection, and I was so damn primed after sitting on your lap for the ride on the
four-wheeler, I wanted you so much. But then when we were done, you didn’t kiss me, didn’t do
anything tender or loving, just talked about how surprising I was and I was a lay.”

“And you pulled away,” he surmised, shaking his head. “So this was my fault. I couldn’t figure

out what I did. Why didn’t you just ask me?”

“That was the first time I’d ever chosen to have sex of my own free will,” I growled, not willing

to take the blame for any of the misunderstanding. “How would I know what the proper protocol was

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after getting fucked silly by someone you barely know? And you seemed all too willing to get me out
of your hair when I suggested going back to the mansion, not even trying to kiss me or anything. Since
then, you’ve been blatantly ignoring me as if regretting what we did.”

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, but I could see it was shaky. “You’re right, you

wouldn’t and I should have realized that. I didn’t know it was the first time since you’ve been free,
but I should have since you were staying with Carson and he probably watched you like a hawk as
Taggart and them do to make sure none of the Omegas are touched.”

“Not really, I mean, Carson was always cool and I would never do anything to have gotten him

into trouble. But I barely left my room. It was too hard to face people for a while after what I’d been

He nodded but continued addressing what I’d said as proof he hadn’t wanted more from me. “I

didn’t know I’d said something to change your tone towards me. All I saw was an abrupt shift and I
thought I was being dismissed now that I’d been of use. I didn’t know how to react either and it hurt.
That’s also why I couldn’t look at you or come near you. Being dismissed by you after I felt so much
being with you, hurt.”

“What changed? Why pounce on me this morning?”
“I was planning to calm down and just try to hang out with you again, see if spending time with

you, not fucking, would open you up to being with me. I don’t know, maybe you’d like me and I could
fix the potential I ruined with having sex too quickly. I see you walk in with Kelvin, fine, I knew you
guys had something going when I touched you. But now you’re kissing Meriel and I can see something
there. It was like slap across the face.

“You aren’t playing the field, you just didn’t want me for more than a quick fuck. If you already

had two of your three in your mind, then there wasn’t time for me to fix things before you maybe found
a third with the way things are working out for you and I snapped. I’m sorry if I scared you at how
intense I feel, but it is how I feel. I needed you to see that and find out what I did. I didn’t want my
chance to slip away.”

I listened very carefully and let his words sink in. Then I lowered my shields and searched his

emotions, even what he was thinking right then. All he wanted was to love me and for me to love him.
He meant every damn word and I saw that he’d even cried last night that I’d dismissed him after he
finally felt a real connection with someone instead of just sex. That’s all I needed to know.

“So pretend we just got done with the mind-blowing, life-altering sex we shared yesterday,” I

said gently as I rubbed my hands over his pecs. “What would you do instead now that you know how I
saw your actions and what you said?”

Quilan didn’t even hesitate. He pulled me close and kissed me deeply, his tongue pushing for

entrance immediately. I kissed him back, moaning when his big hands palmed my ass again. God, I
loved how huge he was and how safe he made me feel when he surrounded me. When his lips moved
from mine down my jaw and along my neck, I leaned in and whispered to him.

“Kelvin got so hot when he smelled your cum in me that he fucked me and used it as slick.” I

smiled when Quilan gave a guttural moan. “It was like you were fucking me together. It was so hot he
made me pass out from it.”

“What about Meriel?” he breathed in my ear so no one else could hear us. “Are you planning on

keeping him too?”

“I like him a lot. Maybe? Too soon to tell but he’s a virgin so we’d have to go slow with him

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but he’s as sweet and loyal as can be. He’s a wonderful kisser and a very giving lover. I gave him a
blow job last night and he tried to give me two. His mouth was so talented I came hard and couldn’t
get it up again since I was tired, you and Kelvin having worn me out already.”

“I think he’s sexy. He’s shy and smart,” Quilan agreed. “I think we could show him all kinds of

fun in the world and he’d love seeing you blossom into your sex-kitten self again.”

“I’ve never felt sexy before yesterday but I like it,” I admitted, kissing under his chin. “It’s given

me confidence I’ve never had. I flirted with him and seduced him. I wanted him and I made a play for

“Good for you. You have no idea how men really react to you. Personally, I’d do anything to see

you on your knees for me. And I do mean anything.” I could tell he did from the way his heart rate
picked back up.

“Maybe after breakfast because I’m starving,” I chuckled, glad that we’d straightened everything

out and now were teasing each other.

“I just want to eat you,” he moaned and massaged my ass as he kept kissing my neck.
“No blow jobs with kids in the room.”
“Taggart, Dewey, Percy, and Azyle hurried them out of the room when you guys weren’t

listening and practically started fucking on the counter,” Kelvin informed us with a chuckle. I glanced
over at him as Quilan kept kissing my neck and shoulder. Meriel was standing next to him, giving us a
heated look.

“Do you guys mind if Quilan spends some time with us this morning?” I asked quietly, not sure

what else to say or how to introduce all of us being together.

“I can’t actually,” Quilan said as he stopped his pleasurable torture on my body. “I’m still

working on plans for security measures and I want the morning light to see everything as best as I can.
I’d love some quiet time after lunch to explore our common interests though.”

“You guys have common interests?” I asked excitedly. That was a great foundation for the three

of them liking each other since I already liked each of them.

“Yes,” Kelvin chuckled, eyeing me over like his next meal. “We all have the common interest of

you and seeing you naked. Right, Meriel?”

“Yes, I’d like to see him fully naked,” he answered and then cleared his throat. “Touch him as

Quilan is and maybe try what Baptista suggested this morning while he plays with Quilan.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” I moaned as I reached out and pulled Meriel closer. “I would

love to be the first man you make love to.”

“Let’s just plan on spending time together after lunch and see how things go,” Kelvin said gently

as he rubbed Meriel’s back. “We don’t have to commit to anything. We can go as slow as you like to
make sure you’re not rushing into anything.”

“I’m thirty years old and still a virgin,” he chuckled. “I think I’ve waited long enough. If my first

time is a hot ménage, that almost makes up for having to wait so long for it.”

Quilan growled softly as he quickly moved Meriel between my legs and pushed against Meriel’s

back. “You like the idea of us taking your virgin ass then? Do you want us to do it while you’re inside
our hot little blond?”

“Yes,” Meriel hissed before yanking my head to his. He kissed me passionately as Quilan had

but what he didn’t have in the way of experience he made up for with his enthusiasm. When we broke
apart, I smiled at the idea I had forming.

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“If you’re going to have your first time with these two very hung men,” I purred as I rubbed

myself against Meriel. “Maybe you and Kelvin should spend some alone time to stretch you out for a
plug. You could wear it today so you aren’t in any pain your first time being penetrated.”

“Yes, that’s a wonderful idea,” Kelvin agreed with a groan. Meriel nodded as Quilan kept

rubbing up against him. The passion between us all was very intense already. All the better to have a
very, very fun afternoon together. I smiled as they continued to tease each other and me. This would
work. We would work. I’d found my three strong wolves to keep me grounded… And more
importantly, love me.

Now I just had to make sure there weren’t any more misunderstandings that could potentially

drive us apart.

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Chapter 6

An hour later we were in the library going through my father’s belongings. Kelvin and Meriel

had had their alone time and Meriel kept adjusting the way he sat in the cutest way. Like we didn’t
realize having a butt plug in him for the first time was probably driving him nuts. But it kept us all
primed for this afternoon and I guessed they were having as hard of a time concentrating as I was.

It was a fun way to spend the morning.
Though a little while later, all that was forgotten as I read something strange in my father’s

journal once again. He was using the term mine wrong and I started to think it wasn’t just an incorrect
word used anymore. It kept happening enough that it stood out in my mind. I might have only been two
when I last was at this house, but there were some things I just knew about it.

For instance, the night of the cookout where the plan was to get the couples fighting back

together, Hugo had mentioned that he wished he had his drums. I remembered thinking, I wonder if
there’s a music room in this massive place? Next thing I knew my feet were leading me to a room on
the back end of the main sitting room on the first floor. And there I found drums.

Totally weird, right? It was like this house was mapped out in my mind. Maybe it was just

something ingrained in my bloodline as it was for Brody to find journals or Wesley to protect them? I
was starting to think my bloodline was the protector of the sanctuary for Omegas. Meriel had already
found proof that this island had belonged to my family before the Spanish supposedly “discovered”
the area.

It seemed not everyone thought the world was flat until Magellan proved it was round. And

wolves knew to come here for sanctuary before humans knew it existed or was on any map. Sure, it
was a risky trip, but we’d found entries from a few who had made it. I hoped we’d find lots more
about it later.

But right then I had another mission in mind. I got to my feet and closed my eyes, blocking

everything else out. I just kept thinking, mine, mine, mine, mine, over and over again as if trying to
connect to the memory of the energy of what my father had been talking about.

My eyes snapped open as I caught a glimpse of something. I knew where I had to go.
That or I was crazy. I guessed it was a fifty-fifty chance of one or the other.
“Where are you going, Baptista?” Kelvin asked nervously. I realized it wasn’t the first time he’d

asked that or tried to get my attention.

“Need to find something,” I mumbled, trying not to break the pull of the energy on me. “Like how

I found that music room. Now that I know I lived here for two years, I’m trying to tap into that

“What are you trying to find?” Meriel asked as I stepped out into the hall.
“Not sure. You can come if you want, but you have to keep quiet. I need to concentrate.”
“Gareth, so help me god I’m going to hurt you!” Sampson shouted as he jogged towards us.

“Stop sniffing my ass. You’re a wolf, not a dog!”

“I’m not sniffing your ass. I was trying to tell you I wanted to eat your ass out before we have


“We just had sex before breakfast. I’m already late with these edits. Please give me a few hours

to work or go find one of your other mates.”

“But I like eating you out,” the large Alpha whined. “Please, baby? I’ll let you work after.”

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“You are so abused,” I drawled, giving Sampson a disbelieving look before continuing in the

direction I’d been going.

“I’m not saying I am, but I reach to grab a cup from the cabinet and he practically knocks me

over and buries his face in my ass,” he defended. I flicked him off over my shoulder and I heard him
laugh. “Yeah, you’re right. Most men would kill to be begged to receive that kind of pleasure. Okay,
my love. Take me away and do what you will with me.”

“Yes,” Gareth cheered and I heard heavy footsteps running towards the stairs.
“Glad I could help,” I muttered as I followed the energy. I went out the back door, over the

terrace, and walked for about an hour, Meriel and Kelvin keeping quiet the whole time. “No one’s
surveyed this part of the island yet, have they?”

“I don’t think so,” Kelvin answered. “I heard Galvin and Slate say the plan was to work on the

outer areas of the island and work their way in because that’s where the best paths and roads are.”

I nodded, feeling the energy grow, realizing it was below me. But how did we get down there?

Somewhere in my brain I knew the answer. I just didn’t know the answer really. Yeah, because that
wasn’t confusing or anything.

We kept moving until I found what we needed… A hole in the ground that was hidden by what

looked like just a ten-foot ridge. It was surrounded by trees and the ground wasn’t flat around that part
of the island so most people walking by would never have seen it.

“You haven’t been here since you were two, right?” Kelvin asked quietly as if worried

something was inside the cave that would jump out and eat us if we were loud.

“Nope.” I glanced around and found an unlit torch leaning up against the entryway. I grabbed it

and used my powers to set fire to the top.

“Then I can rightfully say it’s kinda creepy you know where this place is, right?”
“Yup,” I agreed. I was freaked out too, just as I was when I found the music room. No one

would remember the layout of a house that big from when they were that small. Sure, maybe a
memory here and there or picking up a feeling from a place from when they lived there… Maybe. But
finding a cave, miles away from the mansion, even if the energy from it helped me find it was still

“Maybe we should go get some of those guys from the Marines,” Meriel said quietly as we

entered the cave. “This is starting to be like a horror movie, walking into the creepy cave, no one
knows where we are, and with only a torch to guide us. Next we won’t get cell reception.”

“I didn’t bring mine,” I mumbled. It was almost funny when the two of them realized they’d left

theirs back at the mansion as well and started cussing. “Guys, we’re werewolves. We’re badass,
okay? Why is the little guy the only one not worried?”

“Because you’re braver than us apparently,” Kelvin answered as he glanced around nervously.

“If there’s some massive troll down here that wants to eat us, I’m hiding behind you.”

“Yeah, because that would give you so much cover.” I snickered, finding the way they were

acting totally dorky and endearing. About thirty feet into the cave there was a slight curve and I just
about shit a brick at what came into view.

“I did not see that one coming,” Meriel gasped.
“And you guys were worried about monsters and trolls,” I whispered in awe as I moved closer.

I saw the torch hold mounted on the wall and slid the base of it in there. The whole cavern lit up from
the reflection of the torch… Off all the diamonds.

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“You own an island with a mansion that has its own diamond mine,” Kelvin said as he shook

his head. “That’s a sentence I never thought I’d ever say. The first two are crazy to think of but add in
the third and are we sure we’re not dreaming?”

“There’s only a small section that’s actually been disturbed,” Meriel informed us instead of

answering. I glanced over and saw where he was kneeling down and studying the wall. Sure enough,
there were cuts into the wall, probably made from a pickax. “Didn’t you say there was a box full of
diamonds in the secret room with your inheritance?”

“Yeah. Guess we know where they got them from.” I couldn’t believe it. The part of the cavern

we could see had to be thirty yards long and twenty wide. Plus there was more cave on the other side.
“And here everyone was worried about money.”

“No, they were worried about pulling their fair share and not being mooches,” Kelvin corrected

gently. “As well they should. I was worried about it too. You’re very generous, Baptista, but good
friends won’t take advantage of that. Nor should they.”

“I’ve never had anything to share before to help my friends with. They’ve helped me, so yeah, I

will help them in any way I can.”

“Right, but didn’t you meet most of these people right before you got here?” Meriel asked as he

stood back up and moved to study another part of the wall. “My impression was you were staying
with Carson, and met the rest in Boston last month.”

“Yeah. I’ve talked with Tristan before though and a few of the others.”
“So really a small fraction of the people here have helped you and you’re still willing to share

what you have with all of them,” he replied. Meriel glanced at me over his shoulder with a soft smile.
“That’s being generous and not just repaying a favor of help to friends who’ve been good to you.”

“I guess,” I mumbled as my cheeks heated up. I moved into the cavern more, just taking it all in.

I’d never seen even a picture of anything like it. And Kelvin and Meriel were right… It was all mine.
“Holy fucking shit, I’m a bazillionaire.”

“Pretty much,” Meriel chuckled. “Good thing I wanted you before I knew you had money

otherwise you might think I had devious intentions.” It was a weird remark, but I took it as his way of
trying to say something when who the hell knew what to say. So I just went with it.

“That’s right, you didn’t know the house was mine when you kept eyeing me up and then I saw

you in the library.”

“I don’t know if I was eyeing you up really. More I just liked looking at you. It wasn’t like I

was giving you a come-hither look. Lord knows I wouldn’t know how to do that.”

“I’m just teasing you.”
“Oh, right, sorry,” he mumbled. I closed the few feet between us and slid between him and the


“I wasn’t laughing at you, Meriel. I was just trying to playfully banter with you. I was staring at

you too if you remember.”

“Yeah, you were, weren’t you?” He smiled as if he didn’t feel stupid anymore. I grabbed the

front of his shirt and pulled him down to me. He got the idea and kissed me when he reached me.
God, was he sexy in his shy way. I just wanted to climb up him and ride him six ways from Sunday as
I stared into those gorgeous eyes.

“Umm, guys, when you’re done making out, you have to see this,” Kelvin called out. I smiled at

Meriel as we broke apart, hoping my eyes showed him that I planned on continuing where we were

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later. “So we might need to look up what the largest diamond in the world is because I think this one
may beat it.” We headed across the cavern to him, careful of where we were stepping.

“The largest rough, gem-quality one ever found was the Cullinan diamond, at over three

thousand one hundred and six carats, weighing over six hundred and twenty-one grams,” Meriel
informed us.

“How do you even know that?” Kelvin asked as he looked at Meriel as his eyebrows shot up to

his hairline.

“I get bored and read a lot. Sorry.”
“Hey, don’t be sorry,” Kelvin chuckled. “I’m just impressed. If we ever play Jeopardy or

Trivial Pursuit, I so want you on my team.”

“No one’s ever wanted me on their team before,” Meriel said as he blinked at Kelvin rapidly.

“Not in school or pack sports or even in college when it came time to find partners for projects.”

“Why the hell not?” I asked, eyeing him over. “You’re smart as all fuck, huge, and strong. I’d so

want you on my team for sports or school.”

“Thank you,” Meriel said quietly as his eyes shined with emotion. It seemed I wasn’t the only

one with issues. He was acting as if I’d just given him the greatest gift in the world by what I said.

“Well you’re on our team now, Meriel,” Kelvin assured him. I caught his gaze and saw he was

feeling like I was. How could someone be mean to such a hot, sweet, gentle giant like Meriel? People
could really be assholes and, men or women, they tended to be cliquey. Which was stupid because
they had to meet new people to make the friends they had, so why not try and let other new people in?

“Thanks, guys.”
“Okay, sexy, smart man,” I purred as I rubbed back against Meriel’s large form. “Tell me what

that weight is in pounds because grams means nothing to me more than like grams of fat in food.” I
tilted my head back to look up at him. He was giving the brightest smile. Yeah me! That’s what I’d
been going for.

“About one point four pounds rounding up slightly,” he answered.
“Yeah, this is much bigger than that,” Kelvin drawled. I followed the line of sight to where he

was pointing and gasped. Yeah, it was slightly bigger than that. I would think it was dense since it
was rock and what Kelvin was pointing to was the size of a car tire and even wider. “Can we keep
it? I want to win the prize for the biggest something!”

I just looked at him and burst out laughing. That was his reaction to all of this? What a goofball.

“Yeah, we can bring it back. But I don’t think it’s smart to enter it in the competition for the biggest
diamond yet. Then people would want to know where it came from and our hidden island wouldn’t be
so hidden then.”

“Aww, shit. I always thought it would be cool to get into Guinness for something.”
I wasn’t really sure what to say to that to make him feel better because I was trying not to laugh

again at how silly that sounded. Meriel had another idea though.

“We could order you one of those customizable trophies people get for award ceremonies. It

could be say world’s largest diamond finder. You could even name the diamond like when someone
discovers a star.”

“You guys wouldn’t think I’m weird?” Kelvin hedged.
“Totally but I think it’s endearing,” I answered honestly. I shrugged and glanced up at Meriel

again. “Look at you, Mr. Creative and Clever. That was an awesome idea. I’m glad I’m on team

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“I think we’re all on team Baptista,” Meriel chuckled.
“I’m good with that too,” I assured them. Kelvin carefully went over to the boulder-size

diamond and picked it up. I saw him wince under the weight and smiled. “Yeah, we have the
competition in the bag.”

“But do you want everyone to know this is here?” Kelvin asked me hesitantly.
“Oh, I don’t know,” I whispered as I glanced around. We still didn’t know how many people

would end up on the island or who the others were trying to see if they’d come with us. “Maybe we
should secure the entrance of this place? We have no clue who’s all coming to stay here and who they
might tell. We could have packs or humans find out and try to get access to this.”

“Then we shouldn’t bring this big guy back,” Kelvin said as he sat it back down. He kissed his

fingers and touched the diamond. “I’ll be back for you, beautiful. You’re my world record and I won’t
leave you forever.”

“You don’t care that it’s probably priceless, do you?” I chuckled as I took his hand.
“No, it’s yours really. I just want credit for finding it. Though really you still did because you

found the cave. I just saw it first.” Then he shook his head and sighed. “Though probably not because
your fathers had to have known about this place.”

“Well we don’t know anything for sure except we saw you find it,” I said as I gave him a wink.

“It’s the Kelvin diamond.”

“I like that,” he agreed with a smile. “Much better than being named after a hurricane or


“True,” I snickered. Meriel grabbed the torch on the way out and when we reached the end of

the cave, I used my powers to blow it out and we set it on the stone again so it didn’t catch anything
on fire with possible embers. Then we headed back to the mansion, my thoughts running away from

“What are you going to tell the others?” Meriel asked quietly.
“I don’t know,” I answered with a sigh. “Maybe I’m making too big of a deal out of this in my

head. I mean, everyone knows what’s at stake to keep the island quiet. Why would I think a diamond
mine would make them risk our safety?”

“Because it’s too cool not to talk about,” Kelvin said. “I’m not picking on anyone but just say

for instance, Harkin tells his sister that he’s happy here and oh my god there’s a real diamond mine
here, how cool is that. She gasps and repeats it. Oh, but someone was around her when she was
talking to him, human maybe hears it, but we all know wolves would have heard Harkin say it. Then
it’s not a matter of where the Omegas took sanctuary.

“The people who liked their inner circles will understand they couldn’t know where we went

for your safety. But they’d just want to know you’re okay. Other than that, they wouldn’t be all that
curious. Add in a diamond mine and now they really want to know and maybe visit unannounced. You
know the Alphas who wanted the Omegas gone will think you’ll use all these diamonds to fund a war
against them because all of them think you’re poor since none of you were allowed to work. So
they’ll want them too thinking that’s your only chance at income.”

“Yeah, so basically I’m not blowing it out of proportion is what you’re saying,” I grumbled.
“No, I’d take it very, very seriously, Baptista. You can’t tell the kids for sure, because they

won’t realize how important it is to keep it quiet. They’re kids. I like the other guards but they don’t

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have to stay here. We could potentially wake up one morning, diamonds gone, yacht gone, and we’re
stranded here.”

“Another reason to get a second boat and fast,” I mumbled. I shivered as I thought about what he

said. “I’m going to become the most paranoid fucker in the world. Hell, all that stuff I have in that
room is guarded by a candlestick lever.”

“I would talk to Quilan about setting up a real vault for that,” Meriel hedged. “I think he’d do

just about anything for you and wouldn’t ever betray you.”

“And you guys?” I whispered quietly.
“You know that answer,” Kelvin answered evenly, twinges of anger in his tone. “But I get this is

huge so you’d need to hear the words. I’m falling in love with you, Baptista. I don’t give a shit if
you’re broke or King of England. I care about the kind heart you have, the way you make me want to
be the best man in the world for you, and how I melt when you look at me.”

“I feel the same.” I blinked up at him, shocked he could say it so easily as if it was ingrained in

him like breathing.

“I don’t have money and I get that it’s needed for things, I’ve never been all about it,” Meriel

said quietly. “I’m like you. You saw that statue and it wasn’t about the money, it was the history and
the emotional attachment because it was your fathers’. The diamond mine wasn’t about how much
they were all worth. It made you smile and there’s so much to study there.

“I mean, why here, in the Virgin Islands? And technically they’re underground but not like where

diamonds are usually found. It’s all fascinating and yes, if one could feed us for the rest of our lives,
cool, a small one could be sold. But we have everything we could ever want coming here. Why be

“Thanks, guys. I’m sorry I even doubted you for a second,” I said quietly as I grabbed Meriel’s

hand too and kissed them both. “I still don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?”

“Honestly, I would confide in Quilan and see what he says. I mean, I know you’ll trust Carson

and his men but I don’t know how much you know about the rest. They all seem like great guys, but
who knows. I heard Quilan tell Tristan his resume when they were talking security on the island
yesterday at dinner. It’s impressive. He’ll know what to do. And maybe Ollie. You guys are tight,
right? He’s ex-military. He’ll have honor and seems like a good guy.”

“Yeah, that’s a good plan. Thanks.” I sighed in relief. Okay, I had a plan. It still meant I’d have

to make some decisions, which I hated to do when they were this big, but at least we had a step one.

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Chapter 7

“You don’t look like a man who’s excited to spend some quality time together after lunch,”

Quilan said hesitantly as I approached him. Glancing at the expressions of Meriel and Kelvin,
Quilan’s face turned concerned and as his eyes filled with sadness. “You guys don’t really want me
around, do you?”

“No, it’s not that, Quilan. It was Kelvin who suggested I come talk with you,” I assured him as I

quickly crossed the terrace and hugged him. We’d seen him coming down the trail as the mansion
came into view so it made sense that we should just meet him in the back and head in together. “We
found something that we feel could be a security risk to the island if everyone found out. So I’m not
really sure who to tell or what to do about it. Kelvin said I should talk to you.”

“You did?” Quilan asked him hesitantly.
“Yeah, I did. It’s obvious you’ve fallen under Baptista’s spell as we have and would never

betray him or intentionally hurt him. I think you’d protect him with your life the way you look at him.
You have the impressive background that says you’d know what to do about this and you won’t lead
him in the wrong direction. I suggested maybe Ollie too because he and Baptista are friends, whereas
I met him in Boston and you guys since he’s been here.”

“Yeah, but I haven’t stopped thinking about you since Boston,” I assured him.
“Glad to hear I wasn’t the only one,” Kelvin said fondly. Truth be told, I basically hid behind

the man when we were in Boston dealing with the High Council. Kelvin had been assigned to watch
me after that because I had trouble feeling at ease with most guards besides Ollie. So the three of us
shared a room and I think I fell in love with him then.

He was a wonderful man and there were few like him in the world. He was so hesitant to even

talk to me besides in his professional capacity because he didn’t want to put me in a bad situation
and/or didn’t know what had happened with my last inner circle. Either way, he was special and I
was lucky to have him in my life.

“Okay, so do you want me to find Ollie and we can all talk?” Quilan asked hesitantly. “We can

do this however makes you feel more comfortable. I’m just happy you aren’t voting me off the island,
so to speak, and this isn’t about having fun later.”

“No, we really want that,” I assured him, smiling when I saw Meriel and Kelvin nodding out of

the corner of my eye. “It’s lunch so let’s make some plates, grab Ollie and Carson, and maybe go sit
at one of the picnic benches and talk privately.”

“Can you just ask Carson and not his men as well?” Kelvin asked me hesitantly. “They seem

pretty tight and overprotective of him.”

“I would be too after what he had to go through,” I answered, shivering at the idea of the abuse

he suffered. It’s not like I had it easy but Carson’s and Lennox’s horror stories more than anyone
else’s made me want to cry at their pain. “Yeah, he’s talked to me by himself when I needed counsel
or help. He’ll keep it to himself. His men understand that. They just might hover from a distance if
they finish eating and we’re not done with Carson.”

“Okay, good deal,” Quilan chuckled. “We’ll meet out front by the picnic tables in ten. I have to

go wash up first.”

“Yeah, so do we.” Personally, my hands were filthy and I liked eating sandwiches with clean

hands. Call me crazy and all.

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So I washed up and found Carson, asking him if he didn’t mind discussing something with me in

private. I told him there would be a few others but I wanted to keep things hush-hush. He agreed and
then I did the same with Ollie. Again, it went smoothly until I realized several of my friends were
staring at me with big eyes as I piled slices of the massive deli sandwiches Asher and whoever
helped him made onto my plate.

“Guys,” I whined as I realized what was going on. “We’re really going to have to figure

something out. You can’t just read everyone’s minds when it’s our private house. That’s not fair.
You’re not the inner circle protecting the pack here. We’re all supposed to be equals!”

“Habit, sorry,” Wesley said and I could tell he felt bad. “I’m used to not shielding when I’m

relaxed and at home. I don’t even thinking about it and normally it’s just like static in the back of my
head but there are some very loud, racing thoughts in the room. I swear I didn’t mean to.”

“Fine, who else heard?” I grumbled. Tristan, Brody, Dewey, Lennox, Edric, Vencentio, and

even Sampson’s hands went up. I narrowed my eyes at my friend. “Really or do you just want to
know what’s going on? You’re terrible at reading other people’s thoughts.”

“No, now I’m horrible at shielding against them now that I’m grounded and Carson was teaching

me how to scan people,” he answered with a sigh. “Sorry, man. I was just trying to control my shit but
when I saw what Kelvin was thinking about and—” He shut his mouth so fast I wouldn’t have been
surprised if he had bit his tongue.

“Fine,” I sighed, shaking my head. “You might as well all come then too, but no one says

anything to anyone else until I say so or I’m going to be really pissed and hurt that you betrayed me
when I’ve been really cool with whatever you guys want and not trying to be like it’s my house but
ours. It would seriously ruin my friendship with you if you couldn’t keep something so important to
me quiet no matter if you were just going to tell your mates.”

“Wow.” Jared whistled as he stared at me. “It must be really big if you’re laying on the guilt that

bad for them to keep quiet.”

“It is,” Tristan agreed as he stood up. “Our mates all know that we won’t always tell them what

we hear so I’m sure everyone in this room is good with keeping the secret and the others not pushing
because like you said, you asked us not to and it’s important to you.”

“Thank you.” I glanced at Kelvin, who looked half embarrassed and half pissed.
“Wait, I don’t get what just happened,” Meriel whispered as he followed me out of the kitchen.
“Not been around many Omegas, have you?” I chuckled, loving how easily he asked me what

was going on. That wasn’t something a pompous person did and I was glad Kelvin was there to hear
it. He gave me a nod as if knowing what I was thinking.

“No, my old pack didn’t have one because the Alpha said they caused too much trouble,” he

muttered quietly. “After that I’ve been living among humans and checking with packs for teaching
positions. I was supposed to move to Wichita next week but everything got changed around with what
was going on but yeah, I’m totally clueless as to what you got upset about. Can they read minds or

“Apparently you’re not clueless and knew the answer,” Carson chuckled from behind us. “Most

Omegas’ powers start in the form of being able to read minds or emotions once we’re activated.”

“Activated?” Meriel asked with a raised brow.
“Okay, so you know random facts that would make you win tons of money on a game show but

not much about your own people?” Kelvin hedged, looking confused now too.

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“We were a reclusive pack, no interaction with other wolves. We didn’t have much in the way

of pack history or werewolf archives. And then around humans, it’s all lore and mostly wrong.”

“We’ll have a different sit-down later and fill you in and answer whatever questions you have,”

I assured him. “You’re going to need to know a lot of it if you want to be with me.”

“I knew Omegas had powers, but that was it. When you lit the torch I thought yours was fire.”

He shrugged as we reached the front doors.

“It’s a lot more complicated than that,” I chuckled. Yeah, this would be an interesting

conversation. Like explaining to a human that werewolves were real, I would not be telling the man I
wanted, maybe forever, that I was practically a walking power generator and my gifts from that
power could be limitless.

Fun times.
Quilan and Tristan pulled one of the large picnic tables over so it was up against the other one.

We all sat down, Kelvin and I in the middle with Meriel and Quilan across from us. I glanced around,
worried that the mine would change everything between me and the people I cared about. Or would it
just ruin what we were building here because of people’s innate sense of greed.

“Stop,” Wesley chastised lightly. “I know it’s scary, Brody and I went through the same thing,

Baptista. We get why you’re scared and panicking, we do, and it’s even harder for you because
you’re not doing this in private with the men who love you like we did. This is very public, though
it’s your friends that are around you. I mean, I found your inheritance before you got to. It’s just very
difficult circumstances but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be bad.”

“You can’t know that,” I whispered as I stared at my food, not really sure I was hungry any

longer. My insides were churning and I wasn’t sure if I was starving or ready to toss my cookies.

“No, but you can’t know whatever you’re thinking that’s making you so sad and scared.”
“Please tell me what’s going on,” Quilan practically begged me. “I know the Omegas know but

Ollie and I are in the dark and we both care about you.”

I took a deep, shaky breath and slowly let it out. “There’s a diamond mine on the island. I saw

something in my father’s journal where he kept using the word mine wrong and I realized he was
speaking of a place and not as a possessive term. I found it kind of like I did the music room, almost
like a lost memory, but then I followed the energy.”

“How big?” Quilan asked in a calm voice I’m sure he was using to try to make me think it

wasn’t a major deal.

“We went into a cave for about thirty feet and it opened into a cavern about thirty yards long and

twenty wide. It was just full of diamonds. There was another cave towards the back and for all we
know there could have been another room or more.”

“There was one that was a little hard to lift, about the size of a tire maybe,” Kelvin added. “I

think that was the biggest one in there but again, we didn’t check it all out. Baptista wanted to come
back and figure out what we should do about it.”

“Are you sure they were diamonds and not just crystals?” Ollie asked before biting into his


“Clear quartz is the only naturally accruing alternative that’s close to diamond that could be

found in a location like that,” Meriel answered as he stared at his food, not making eye contact with
anyone. “And no, we can’t be sure but from the pickax marks I saw it seemed as though whatever had
been taken from the small section we saw disturbed had to be dug out instead of broken off.”

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“Which would be an indication that they couldn’t break what they were digging out,” Ollie said

with a nod. “Then it probably is. I’m not sure why you’re telling us this, Baptista. What are you
looking for here?”

“Kelvin and I agree we can trust Quilan and with his resume, asking him what to be done with a

security risk like this makes sense. I trust you and you’re a man of honor, plus you have contacts in the
area.” I sighed and swirled my pop around nervously. “Besides advice, I don’t really know what I’m
asking for right now, I guess.”

“We’re concerned this would make our sanctuary a target,” Kelvin summarized for me. He went

into his example he’d told Meriel and I earlier and his thoughts on the situation. I glanced at Dewey
and I could tell he was pissed.

“Dewey,” I whispered, wanting to cry that this was already affecting my friendships.
“I’m just frustrated,” he said quietly. “I’m not mad and I understand what Kelvin’s saying and

why you would agree with it. Connor especially doesn’t keep anything secret as if he doesn’t
understand the concept or no one telling what was going on in that house was what led to their pain. I
just don’t like having to keep things from them.

“It’s something they won’t ever see anywhere else and as their parent or older brother or

whatever, I would want them to have that opportunity. I mean, they would think it’s so fucking cool.”

“I think we should figure out if they really are diamonds before we start arguing about how to

handle it and who can see it,” Ollie said firmly as he shot a look at Dewey. “I get what you’re saying
and we can’t understand it because we don’t have kids, but honestly, I could give a shit if they don’t
get to see the cool science project. Take a picture and show it to them.”

“Ollie!” Carson gasped and I was shocked too. I’d never seen him like this or snippy with


“Look, I know most of you guys have had shit lives and suffered abuse, but you’ve also been

sheltered from the world. There’s not a pack that wouldn’t kill us all for those, even most of our old
ones. You can damn believe humans would. Hell, I’ve seen missions that slaughtered people for a lot
less. We can’t tell the vampires, we can’t even discuss it on the phone, around someone on the phone,
or write about it where someone can find it.”

“So it’s an even bigger security risk than I thought,” I whispered. “What do we do?”
“Fortify it,” Quilan answered in the same tone of voice Ollie was using. Obviously trying not

freak me out was over since Ollie was being so blunt. “I want to inspect it and start ordering supplies
right away. We can hide it like a weapons bunker, lock it up tight, put in security measures, and make
sure it’s undetectable.”

“I want to fill in Carter, Slate, Ciro, Geoffrey, and Lief,” Ollie said with a thoughtful look,

furrowed eyebrows and all. “They know how to keep a secret and they’ll be of help. Geoffrey
especially, because he’s the one with the contact who deals in gems on Barbados. He can test and
convert them into currency that would be deposited into an account with one of the Cayman Islands
banks that are untraceable.”

“I’d need him anyways then,” I hedged as I glanced at Kelvin. “I need to do that with some of the

diamonds I already found because I only have a few thousand left in my account from my stipend. We
need another boat and loads of stuff. I wanted to do that already but I’ve been distracted and

“I know Geoffrey and he’s to be trusted.” Kelvin nodded as he glanced at Quilan. “We’re going

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to need to build a bunker anyways, right? You were going to suggest that for our protection and stock
it full of weapons in case something ever happens.”

“Yeah, I was,” he agreed with a sigh. “There are still pirates in these waters and I’m shocked

nothing’s been damaged or taken from the house already.”

“The vampires handle the security of the island,” Wesley informed them. “Lord Ellys assured

me that the island has never had visitors that weren’t welcome here. A shipwreck once, but that was
an accident, of course.”

“How?” I asked, not sure how he could pull that off.
“There’s magic around the group of islands,” Edric answered with a wince. “I kept meaning to

tell someone that. Sorry, been a little distracted and well, kind of freaked with all the changes. I felt it
when we came here first. It didn’t really matter then so I put it in the back of my brain. If we weren’t
wolves or had wolf DNA in us, like women who were born of wolves but don’t shift, the magic
would make the island invisible to us until we were right on it.

“It also is like a barrier of goose-bump-inducing feelings. Once someone crossed it, every

instinct inside of them would tell them to turn around. I bet it’s strong enough to even cause visions of
monsters or whatever would get someone to turn around in a hurry.”

“But it doesn’t work against wolves, the vampires obviously know about it, and witches would

feel it,” I muttered. “So humans would want to turn back but some wouldn’t if they knew about the
diamonds.” I looked at Ollie and nodded. “Okay, bring them in on it. I want to know if they think we
should get a new boat first before Geoffrey goes and sees his contact because we’ll have to handle
that first.”

“What does the boat we use matter?” Brody asked, looking affronted.
“He’s saying that we’d probably want to stay inconspicuous if we’re heading into Barbados to

test diamonds and set up accounts,” Kelvin explained as he nodded to the yacht parked at the dock.
“That beautiful yacht screams to be looked at and given attention to. It won’t work.”

“We’d be gouged at every turn,” Ollie agreed. “They might know us, but that boat would scream

we’ve gone soft. They’d probably take it and our cargo before our lives.”

“Oh, I didn’t know.” Brody looked ready to shit a brick. “I’ve put all our lives in jeopardy.
“No, not at all,” I assured him. “You got the yacht for a vacation trip and it was awesome for

that. We all love it. Even for the trips to Florida it’s wonderful to travel in such comfort. But for
closer and quicker errands, we need something fast and inconspicuous. We should have more than
one boat anyways. Besides, that thing has to be a gas guzzler.”

“Yeah, it really is,” Brody chuckled. I could see the relief on his face and I felt better. The last

thing I wanted was for my friend to feel like he’d failed us.

Ollie went inside to round up his friends while Quilan pulled out a notepad and started writing

stuff down. I stared off into the ocean, not sure how I felt about any of this craziness. Meriel took the
break as an opportunity to ask the other Omegas there questions about how we were different from
other wolves.

I was grateful he thought to ask them. I didn’t have the energy right then, I didn’t want to be the

one to explain it to him, and I also didn’t want to leave him hanging.

“You okay?” Carson asked me quietly as he rubbed my back with his hand.
“I don’t know. I’m so scared. Do we trust everyone but the kids with this secret? I mean, I don’t

know the men who came with Dewey’s kids. I don’t know any of the guards who weren’t in Chicago,

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and honestly, I barely know the ones who were there with me. I don’t know who to trust ever again. I
trusted my parents and look how that ended up. They knew I’d been kidnapped and never told anyone
and I never got to meet my real fathers because of it.

“I obviously shouldn’t be deciding something this big. I never knew I was adopted much less a

kidnapped victim, a year younger than I was told, and anything. My judgment can’t be trusted and I
can’t trust anyone else ever again. I can’t be hurt and betrayed like that again.” By the end of my rant I
was gasping for air, my chest so tight it felt like it was going to explode. That hadn’t kept me from
being loud though because all eyes were on me.

I stumbled, trying to get my legs free of the bench on the table, and fell to my knees on the sand. I

heard a commotion behind me, people saying my name and trying to help me. I couldn’t deal with any
of it. Shredding my clothes and shoes as I shifted, I took off down the beach.

If I was honest with myself, I knew this was really about more than the mine. I was being asked

to trust on more than that and it had laid the foundation for my freak-out. How could I trust that Quilan
was telling me the truth about the misunderstanding? Maybe he had wanted to keep things simple and
it be a one-time thing between us but changed his mind when he saw all the money I really had?

But it wasn’t about just Quilan. I’d known Kelvin before finding out who I really was. That

didn’t mean I could trust him not to betray me either now though. Meriel was the least of a threat
between them because he really didn’t know anyone or have friends. Even as socially inept as he
could be, he had a lot to offer and maybe he would sell me out to be the next Indiana Jones with an
awesome historical find that would make him famous.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realize I wasn’t alone right away. Tears were blurring

my eyes and everything hurt so badly that I even heard ringing in my ears. That would cover up the
growls I was sure I was getting.

A massive black wolf crashed into me. He had to be a dire wolf because I’d only seen one so

big before running with a group a few days ago when seeing Taggart, Percy, and Azyle in their shifted
forms for the first time. I was instantly knocked off my feet and rolling in the sand, the wolf following
me down. My small, white wolf looked tiny compared to the big one attacking me.

When our momentum stopped, the wolf surrounded me from above as I lay on my back looking

up at him. He snapped close to my face, warning me he wasn’t fucking around and wanting my
surrender. My wolf instinctively recognized an Alpha wolf and bared our neck in submission. The
dire wolf leaned down and took my neck in his jaws. I whimpered, knowing this could be the end of
me, but otherwise lay perfectly still.

He snarled and I recognized the signal to shift back. My wolf wanted to but at the same time

didn’t because we could take more damage in this form. Either way, the black wolf could kill us in a
flash so I shifted back. The moment I was a man, the wolf moved his scary teeth away from my neck. I
saw two wolves past him, one bigger like the black wolf and the other bigger than me but smaller than

I felt the air vibrate and then suddenly Quilan was above me. I’d been so distracted with my

emotions and then fear, I hadn’t realized it was him.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered as he leaned over and licked my lower lip. “I had to snap you out of

it. I didn’t mean to scare you so bad but when I realized you didn’t understand it was us because you
were freaking out, I worried you were going into shock. I didn’t know what else to do.”

“What if I hadn’t submitted and shifted back?” I whispered in a shaky voice, still shivering in

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fear. “Would you really have done it? Would you have bit me for not listening to you?”

“No, never, baby,” he gasped as he ran his fingers through my hair. “I would have shifted back

and hoped seeing me would snap you out of it. I don’t like you running off alone when you’re upset,
but I wouldn’t have reprimanded you like an Alpha for it. You’re a grown man who’s smart, knows
how to handle himself, and I trust implicitly. You listen to advice and if you hadn’t been so upset, I
would understand you needing space. I was scared.”

“We all were,” Kelvin said from my right as he knelt next to us. I realized he and Meriel had

shifted back. “We were up seconds after you and running after you without even discussing it or
having a plan. The three of us just knew we had to get to you and keep you safe, help you when you
were hurting.”

“I don’t know that I can trust anyone including you three,” I sobbed as I covered my face with

my hands, not able to look at them after admitting that. If they had hurt expressions on their faces, then
I would just have guilt to add to everything I was feeling. That wouldn’t help me.

“We know,” Quilan whispered as he hugged me close. Then he sat back on his feet, taking me

with him. Seconds later, I felt warmth from Meriel and Kelvin hugging me as well. They rubbed my
back and soothed me, whispering sweet nothings and kind words in my ear as I cried. I hadn’t really
had a chance to let out what I was feeling since I’d spoken to my parents and even before that. I’d
been too numb and withdrawn to express any of it.

And while I knew keeping things inside like that was bad for me, this wasn’t exactly how I

wanted to let it out either. Men I wasn’t sure I should trust weren’t the ones who should be comforting
me. But then again, who else would be better since I didn’t know if I could trust anyone?

“Time for a comforting wolf pile,” Quilan whispered as he got to his feet. I wasn’t sure what he

meant until he carried me to my room and the three of them got into bed with me, holding me, still
trying to soothe me as I started to calm down. I was still sniffling when exhaustion took me and I fell
deeply asleep.

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Chapter 8


“What did he mean his parents knew he was kidnapped?” I whispered when I was certain

Baptista was asleep. “They were the kidnappers?”

Kelvin shook his head and spent the next ten minutes filling us in on what he knew. I cursed in

several interesting combinations when he was done and realized Meriel was as well. For someone to
be betrayed like that, I was shocked that he was even still standing. Yeah, okay, it hit him a little later
than I would have guessed but it took the stress of the mine compounding on his emotions before he
broke. That told me how strong Baptista was.

“I don’t blame him if he never trusted anyone ever again,” Meriel whispered as he kissed

Baptista’s cheek. “I want him to trust me though. I just want to be with him and you guys too. I don’t
care about money or diamonds. Sure it was cool to study them and the cave, but that’s it.”

“We’ll just have to give him all the time he needs to learn we’re fully deserving of his trust,” I

said firmly, trying to make myself believe that as well.

“Except Baptista’s powers are completely unstable. Wesley, Carson, and Tristan have been

extremely worried about it but didn’t want to pressure him,” Kelvin explained. “It’s dangerous for
someone as powerful as him to not be grounded. They’ve been working to try and drain most of the
extra power from him so it doesn’t make him explode but they can’t keep doing that forever. He needs
an inner circle even if we’re never leading anyone. He doesn’t have all the time he might need to
choose us.”

“Okay then we show we’re here to help and care about him enough to want to help with his

stress,” I countered, rubbing the back of my neck. “I need to see this cave so I can start planning for
ways to secure it. I can design a biometric system that kicks ass and he won’t ever doubt that it can
get busted into but I need a shitload of measurements. I wanted to start ordering cameras for the island
anyways. There’s a delivery address we have set up on one of the islands around here, right?”

“Yeah, and I’ll get with Ollie or one of the guys about a boat. It seemed important to Baptista

that we have another one,” Kelvin added. “I think he’s worried that something’s going to happen and
maybe someone will run off with his inheritance and the yacht. We should have backups and I think
he’ll feel better if he has the keys.”

“Okay, so Meriel can show me the cave and—”
“No,” Meriel whispered.
“What? Why not?” I asked curiously, not mad at all, just confused. “Baptista said I can see it and

fortify it.”

The man took a nervous breath and I could tell he wasn’t used to telling people no. I’m glad he

felt comfortable enough with us to do it but we’d have to make sure that we never jumped on him
when he did it or he might close off on us.

“I understand what you’re saying and I agree that both are good plans to help but I think one of

us should stay with him,” Meriel explained. “If he wakes up and none of us are here, but running
around worrying about the mine and how to spend his money, he’ll be hurt and creep into his shell. It
doesn’t matter if we’re doing it for him or to help, he’s scared and feels alone, and we can’t give him
reasons to doubt our motives even if it’s that evil voice in the back of his mind.”

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“Maybe we should all stay,” Kelvin hedged.
“No, I got this, I swear. When he wakes up, I’ll explain you guys hopped to helping him and

coming up with options and putting together information so he wasn’t scared to make the choice of
what to do alone. I also want to talk to him about what I think he should do about keeping it secret. I
know he wants advice but I don’t think he knows the fair way to go about it.”

“What’s your idea? I haven’t come up with one yet,” I asked, appreciating Meriel’s

contributions and logic right then. “I’ve just been focused on securing it so someone just doesn’t
stumble on it and he can figure out who to tell.”

“I think only those who have a vested interest in the island,” Meriel answered with a shrug.

“You’ve got Beta and Alpha candidates along with some of the new teachers here that can go back
anytime they want to. But the Omegas and the ones mated to them can’t. Their main priority is to keep
this place safe for the ones they love. They would protect the secret of the mine as they would the
location of the island because if it got out, they’d have no place to go.

“Baptista needs to explain it like that to them, but I think they’d more than understand. The nine

inner circles plus Baptista and Kiefer all set out here as a group, the main group who belong on the
island, and that’s who he should trust. The rest will have to understand that they can’t know
everything, just like they wouldn’t be allowed to look in every space of an Alpha house.”

“That’s brilliant,” Kelvin said with a big smile. He pulled Meriel in close and kissed him. “You

really are a genius. I love it. He’ll feel so much better with that plan.”

“Yeah, it’s very smart and the risks well calculated,” I praised as well. Since Kelvin snuck a

kiss in, I did too. Meriel was hot after all and given the way he already felt about Baptista the man
was going to be in my life probably forever. I didn’t want each of us with Baptista but all of us

“Thanks, and thanks for listening,” Meriel mumbled as his cheeks flushed. “People assume that

I’m a bookworm and don’t really listen to me when it comes to the real world, but I pay attention.
I’ve noticed a lot of the inner workings of the group but from the side of the room.”

“I’m going to go get his present,” Kelvin said with a wink as he got off the bed. “I got it for him

when we went to pick you guys up but we got distracted.” I raised an eyebrow at Meriel who just
shrugged after Kelvin darted out of the room. A few minutes later he was back, carrying a huge box of
what looked like chocolates. “I heard him say it was his favorite in Boston and after what he’s been
through, I think he deserves to get some chocolate comfort.”

“I agree,” I chuckled, shaking my head at the massive box of chocolate-covered macadamia nuts

Kelvin set on the bed. “Let’s get to work and hopefully we’ll have a lot done before Baptista wakes
up and even knows we’re gone.”

We said good-bye to Meriel with another kiss each before hurrying downstairs. I grabbed a few

flashlights, water, camera, and whatever else I needed to sketch up some plans on hiding this cave
and locking it up tighter than Ft. Knox. While I was doing that, Kelvin checked the four-wheelers for
gas and got them ready.

“We’re going to need lots of gas for these,” Kelvin said as I joined him at the garage off to the

side from the mansion. “That should be added to the list for whoever’s making the run to Barbados.”

“Good call,” I agreed as we hopped on. Just as I was about to start mine up, Slate came jogging

towards us. I’d gotten to know the names of all the Marines first, before everyone else besides
Baptista and Kelvin, thinking that I’d have the most in common with them. “What’s up?”

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“I heard you brought some goodies that you were able to get out of Florida?” he asked with a

slightly menacing smile.

“Yeah, I have certain paperwork as a security specialist that’s done work for the government

and fitted special ops teams,” I answered. “We needing guns for the trip to Barbados?”

“Would you go in there with diamonds to trade in and uncut ones to have tested without them?”
“Not if I was smart,” I chuckled. I pulled out the keys I had to the massive black transport cases

I’d brought with me. Tossing them over to Slate, I chuckled. Boys and their toys, that’s for sure.
“They’re in my room in the closet, Ollie knows which has what in them because he helped me get
them up there. Have at it. I only have three rules when I let people use my guns.”

“Fuck them up, I bought it,” Slate guessed as he ticked off his fingers. “Get caught with it and I

don’t know where I got it. And clean them after done shooting people with them?”

“You got it.” Slate nodded before heading back to the house and I turned to start up the vehicle.

When I saw Kelvin staring at me as if I’d grown another head, I raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“There are so many things wrong with what just went down there,” he drawled, shaking his

head. “But I’m going to focus on one. If they’re legal weapons, why are you so quick to make sure
people never say that they got them from you?”

“Because most are modified jobs and people who do that well are in high demand. And the bad

guys don’t always care how they get someone to help them with that kind of stuff. They could track
them to me, search for me, and take me or whoever might be with me or I care about against our will.
Plus, just because they’re legal weapons doesn’t mean they’re legal everywhere they’re going to be
taken into.

“When I outfit a special ops team, I know they’re going somewhere they shouldn’t be legally

carrying those guns. That’s not my fault and I’m not going to get my ass in trouble because they lie to
me about where they’re going and doing with them. Just like a store that illegally sells guns is
culpable for any crime they might have been used in, the same tends to be true of the governments or
bad guys the guns I sell might be used on.”

“Okay then. I don’t know whether to be impressed or a little scared of you then.” He shook his

head again and fired up the four-wheeler. I let it go because I knew it was a little hard for people to
let what I did sink in. Most people saw a modified weapons specialist who sells them as a gun runner
or an illegal arms dealer. Hell, the term arms dealer alone and everyone assumed it was black market
and illegal unless there’s a storefront.

That wasn’t what I did and I couldn’t help the stereotype that went with what I did.
Kelvin led the way to the cave and turned right back around when we got to the entrance. He had

things of his own he was handling after all. I shut down the four-wheeler and made my way into the
cave, taking note to check what the decline was for the cave, because it wasn’t quite like walking
down the stairs but more like a wheel-chair-accessible ramp. Either way, that could be potentially
dangerous considering the humidity of the cave depending on the shoes someone was wearing.

I spent the next four hours checking out the cave and the caverns, not just one, but three. They all

were about the same size with around as many diamonds as the first one. Who knew what was
actually below the surface and not just for us to see? For all we knew there were layers and layers of
diamonds going down as how normal diamond mines were found. They weren’t normally this close to
the surface.

The other exit for the cave was as well hidden as the way I’d gone in. It had about a forty-foot

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incline from the last cavern and came out of a ridge where one of the rocky parts of the island was.
It’s not like there were mountains on the island, and they weren’t really hills, more like random
inclines and ridges that might be found by mountains. So maybe there were some on one of the other
close islands.

I took dimensions with a 3-D laser mapping gadget I’d used before when working on

personalized security measures for vaults. The nice thing about the top-of-the-line model I had was if
I let it do its thing, moving it ten feet down after every cycle, it saved the information and rendered a
complete map on the computer program I had. That would make designing and installation much

The only other thing I’d need to look into getting was ground penetration radar. It didn’t matter

how I secured the entrances to the cave if someone could dig down a few feet and drop right into a
cavern. I’d need more information and to discuss it with Baptista. It might be better just to get all the
visible diamond excavated and locked up in a controlled vault we could hide underground than to try
and secure a cave.

But it seemed important to him that we disturb as little of the cave as possible… And for him, I

would figure out a way to do that if that’s what he wanted.

By the time I was done, I was exhausted and all the measurements and numbers made my brain

feel like it was rattling around a little bit. I was glad when I had everything packed up and was
heading back to the mansion. If I was lucky I could still crawl into bed with Meriel and Baptista. Two
sexy men made it even more inviting.

* * * *


I woke up with a start, energy crackling all around me. Meriel was wrapped around me,

sleeping, but even he could feel the power in his sleep because he was groaning as if I was giving
him static shocks over and over again. How he could sleep through that was impressive.

Untangling myself from him, I stumbled out of the bed and pulled on some shorts.
“Where are you going?” Meriel asked in a tired voice. “I was going to stay up with you and

explain why I’m the only one here but I guess I was tired too.”

“Have to get the built-up energy out,” I whispered, my head ready to explode with pressure. I

heard him ask what that meant but I didn’t have time to explain. I didn’t know how this happened so
fast and while I had been sleeping, no less, but it was too late to transfer it to Carson. Rushing to the
stairs and then down them as quickly as I could, I tried to keep control.

This was the problem Omegas had when they weren’t grounded. The energy could come too fast,

too dangerously, and there was no way for us to prevent buildups like we did when he had an inner
circle. Then it was about sharing any power during sex and it was always even unless we called upon

Never this explosive level of power coming from nowhere when we got upset or our emotions

were strong in one way or another.

“Shit, what’s going on?” Wesley called from one of the rooms on the first floor as I darted out

the main entrance. I was wondering when someone would notice the amount of energy crackling

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around me. Maybe I was better at controlling it than I thought? I would have figured they could feel
me coming the moment I stepped out of my room.

I walked quickly but was careful not to run or jog so my heart rate didn’t go any higher. If my

body gave me a dose of certain hormones like adrenaline right then, the energy would tear me at the
seams trying to get out. I could still feel Meriel trailing after me as Wesley now was. There were a
bunch of people on the dock, fishing and playing in the water. That could be a problem because the
way I planned to release the energy no one would want to be in the water.

“Get them out of the water,” I warned Wesley as I dropped to my knees into the wet sand, the

waves hitting my hot skin.

“Don’t touch him,” Wesley warned Meriel before shouting that everyone needed to get out

immediately. All eyes were on me and I met Tristan’s gaze and saw he understood what was going
on. Instantly he started using his powers to lift people out of the water and onto the dock. The moment
I saw that everyone was out I let the power go, channeling it into what I do best… Interacting with

“Someone has to throw the marlins back,” I gasped when I realized there was a whole school of

them answering my energy. Shit. I hadn’t meant for that. I just wanted shrimp and lobsters.

“What are you talking about? You’re talking to fish?” Wesley asked me gently, trying not to

disturb me. Wow, I figured everyone would know by now what I could do. It made me feel a little bit
better about them knowing my secrets. It was obvious they weren’t gossips because Dewey and his
men didn’t tell Wesley.

“Dewey knows,” I moaned as my energy started to feel as if it was gutting me inside. I didn’t

know how much longer I could slowly let it out. If I didn’t control it we could have some serious
issues… And I didn’t want to know what I was capable of in this circumstance.

Minutes later Dewey was there and Wesley filled him in.
“Shit, do we have to throw them all back?” Taggart asked quietly. “Can’t we take credit for

catching a big one and like mount it?”

“I don’t give a shit but there’s a lot coming,” I growled just before the first yellowfin tuna

flopped onto the beach right in front of me. “And they’re all heading straight for me. Throw them all
back or start getting stuff to collect them because they are coming.”

“I’ll call in for reinforcements,” Wesley said quickly and then I felt his energy draw away.
“It’s going to be okay, Baptista,” Meriel assured me. “You’re one of the strongest men I’ve ever

known and I want you to know I’ve never had a more restful sleep than when you were in my arms.
Until you started shocking me anyways.”

Oh goody. At least he figured out that was me.
“Just pick them up and throw them on the sand for now. We’ll get totes to hold the lobsters and

shrimp,” Taggart ordered as I felt a lot more people on the beach. “Shit. This one has to be like three
hundred pounds. I didn’t know tunas could get that big.” I opened my eyes then and saw him struggling
with a massive fish that was fighting him. “I love grilled tuna though.”

“Umm, here come things with claws,” I whimpered as dozens of massive crabs started coming

out of the water. I knew the lobsters around here didn’t have them, unlike Maine ones, but the crabs
still did and these were big boys. I didn’t know they could get that big and not be king crabs.
Apparently I’d called upon the freakishly big ones that probably hide at the bottom of the ocean

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“Sweet. We’re having crab tonight!” Colin called out excitedly as he ran over with a very large

plastic tote and started tossing crabs in there.

I just watched as everyone picked up the ocean life that I’d called with my energy. There were

tiny squids, and turtles that were thrown back into the water, tons of massive tunas, marlin, lobsters,
and so many different types of shrimp and fish I wondered if all of them had even been discovered

The power was almost all out of me when I heard Quilan and Kelvin shouting and growling

behind me.

“Where were they?” I asked Meriel softly as I sat back on my feet and took some deep breaths.
“They knew you were upset at having to decide so many important things, they wanted to get you

better answers and help,” he answered as he scooted closer, still careful not to touch me. “Quilan
went to check out the cave and map it so he can figure out how to secure it. Kelvin was looking into
boats and how quickly we can get one so you felt more secure having keys to your own boat in case
someone ran off with the yacht.”

“You guys figured that out, huh?” I asked as I leaned against him. “Yeah, I almost felt trapped

because the only way off the island wasn’t in my control. I just want a way to escape of my own in
case we need it.”

“Meriel’s touching him. Why can’t we?” Quilan bellowed.
“It’s okay now, Wesley,” I said over my shoulder. “You have to relax first otherwise my energy

will spin out of control again.”

“We can do that,” Kelvin agreed. It took them a few minutes but then they knelt in front of Meriel

and me in the sand, giving me soft kisses and making sure I was okay. Something about the way the
three of them treated me made my fears about being able to trust them start to slip away. I knew who
they were enough to know that I could trust them. It might not have been long that I’d known them, but
a lot could be learned in a short amount of time about a person.

If a person’s life could fall apart in a day or during one conversation, then why would falling in

love like that be so odd to people?

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Chapter 9

They sat with me and we watched the people closest to us haul in enough food to probably feed

our new pack for weeks. And then it hit me. This wasn’t a pack. It was a family. Sure, a huge,
extended, and adopted family… But a family nonetheless. Maybe that’s what a pack was supposed to
truly be but I never got that feeling in any of the packs I’d been in. I had it now though.

I knew as I looked around I could ask anyone there for help and they’d do their best to do it and

what was right by me, by all of us. And that meant more to me than all the diamonds or gold in the

“Can I sit with you?” Connor asked me quietly.
“Of course.” I gave him a big smile, not wanting him to see that I had been deep in thought or

feel he was interrupting me. I patted my lap and he shook his head, instead sitting in front of me and
facing me, even though his butt was getting all wet in the water.

“Sorry, Baptista,” Gibly said as he jogged over. “I turned my back for a second and he was


“He’s fine, Gibly,” I assured him. “I’d like to get to know all of you guys. You’re family now.”
“Uncle Matthew said we were always family,” Connor whispered. My eyes darted to his and I

saw him searching my face or expression for something.

“Who’s Uncle Matthew?” I felt my heart start to race, wondering if this was just a

misunderstanding or there was something more.

“He’s been talking about his Uncle Matthew since we got here,” Gibly said with a sigh. “He

went right into one of the bedrooms and started unpacking. He threw a fit when we tried to get him to
take a different room, saying Uncle Matthew said it was always to be his room.”

“He did,” Connor defended. “It’s my stuff in that room. I picked out the color on the walls.”
“Gibly, did you tell Dewey about this?” I didn’t glance at the older boy, carefully studying

Connor and seeing if there were similarities to some of the pictures I’d seen in the albums.

“No. I was going to when things quieted down or before Connor spoke to George again but

we’re just constantly busy trying to get settled in and figure out what supplies we need.”

“Can you get him now, please?” I asked evenly. I glanced up at Gibly when he didn’t move right

away. “Matthew was one of my real fathers’ names.”

“I didn’t know that,” Gibly gasped, his eyes going wide. He nodded and took off down the beach

to where Dewey and his men were pulling up whatever seafood I’d brought in over there.

“Uncle Matthew used to do this too when he was sad or upset,” Connor said as he gestured to

the totes of lobsters. “He used to get headaches and visions. And then he’d scream and the other
uncles would comfort him.”

“Do you know why he was screaming, Connor?”
“Because he hated that he could see so much of the future but not that you were going to be

taken,” he whispered, his eyes filling with tears. I realized then that Connor had either been making
progress since he’d arrived at the island or he didn’t always have the emotional response of an eight-
year-old. Right then he seemed like a boy in high school. “He blamed himself. He said if he’d worked
on his gifts more instead of trying to help other Omegas escape he could have seen it coming.”

“Will you show me?” I asked, trying to bite back my need to sob at the hope of seeing my father

even in a memory.

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“Yes, but not today. Uncle Matthew showed me this happening as it is now,” Connor said

carefully. “Do you believe me?”

“I do, Connor. Dewey, Taggart, Percy, and Azyle all say you are a good boy and I know you

wouldn’t ever lie to me about something this important.” Speaking of his adopted parents, they came
racing over and Dewey quickly picked up Connor as if to protect the boy from whatever was going

“No, Dewey,” Connor growled as he fought. “Uncle Matthew made me swear I’d show Mikey

the special place where he could get answers! I have to do it now. I promised!”

“Okay, buddy, I’m sorry,” Dewey said quietly as he set Connor on his feet. “Gibly was shaken

up and I thought something was wrong. I didn’t mean to make you break your promise.” Dewey
looked at me with confusion and fear. “What is going on?”

“I think Connor and I are cousins,” I answered as I stared at Connor. “Did you tell the boys that

Michael was my real name or that Matthew was my father?”

“No, we didn’t think it was our place,” Taggart answered quietly. “Connor, are you related to


“Yes, Uncle Matthew was my dad’s brother,” Connor explained as he held out his hand to me.

“My real last name is Montague too. When they died my birth mother took me in, refusing to give me
to Uncle Matthew because she hated that my biological father didn’t love her and then all wolves
after he died. Uncle Matthew couldn’t fight her and not risk the sanctuary of the island or getting
caught because then he couldn’t look for Mikey.

“He wouldn’t have done that if he’d known they would sell me to Alpha Marcus. If your father

had seen that, he would have done anything to prevent that future for me. That wasn’t the future he’d
seen for me. I think it changed when Clare realized my father didn’t leave her any money when he was
a Montague and they had tons of money. They didn’t want me to go to her and she resented them for
that. So when she found a way to get money, she sold me.”

“I’m so sorry, Connor, but you’re safe now and you won’t ever be hurt like that again.” I took

his hand and he led me across the beach to the main house.

“I know. Uncle Matthew said you’d make sure I was never sold to a pack,” he said brightly as

he smiled up at me. “He promised me that even though all the parents would be gone by the time we
met, you’d take care of me. He said that’s what family does.”

“Yes they do,” I agreed, glancing over at Dewey.
“He’s never been this open about his past,” Dewey said quietly. “I don’t think George even

knew all this. We had no idea that it was his surrogate who sold him or that his real last name was
Montague.” Then he glanced at Connor. “Can I ask why you’re telling Baptista this now? Did you not
trust us?”

“No!” The boy gasped as he dropped my hand and threw himself into Dewey’s arms. “I love

you, Taggart, Azyle, and Percy like you were my dads too. I love the others like brothers I’ve never
had. It’s not that I didn’t trust you. I promised my fathers and Uncle Matthew that no matter what
happened, I wouldn’t talk about this with anyone but Mikey, or Baptista now.”

“Your dads didn’t want to risk that you’d let information about the island slip out,” Kelvin

surmised. Connor nodded. “You did a good job, Connor. They’d be very proud of you.”

“I hope so. I miss them,” he whispered as he hugged Dewey again before letting go.
“Did you spend a lot of time with my dads?” I asked as he took my hand again and started

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leading me.

“We spent summers here until I was ten and my dads died,” he answered, looking sad, and I

realized that was enough questions for the day. This all had to be hard on Connor too. I shared a look
with Dewey and realized he’d figured out the same. Well, at least serious questions.

“What was your favorite of the fish my dad used to pull onto the beach?”
“The tuna,” he answered with a soft smile. “Your dad would do it because he knew it was my

dad’s favorite and mine. They’d grill it right on the beach and we’d eat it like burgers. Everyone was
happy then.” We were all quiet as he led us into the kitchen. I was confused. I knew there was one of
the access points for downstairs in the room but what else could he be showing me? Unless it was
outside and he figured we’d use the back door.

But then why come in the house at all?
“Are you sure you want everyone to see this?” Connor asked as he quickly pulled me down the

stairs with him. “Uncle Matthew made me swear to only ever show you.”

“I trust everyone here so it’s okay.” I knew what my father had meant but there were no other

surprises I could think of that I wouldn’t want the men I was falling for to know about. Connor led us
down the hallway which had rooms off of it like laundry, storage, and a bunch of other places. I’d
seen most of this already. When we got to the end, there was a dusty shelf sitting there empty. Connor
let go of my hand and easily pulled the shelf out since it was on wheels.

“Holy shit,” I gasped when I saw the large panel there. To the right of it there were a bunch of

biometric sensors. “Connor, can you get in here?”

“Yes, any Montague can,” he answered. “But since Uncle Matthew was the eldest, it’s all yours.

Your dads put your biometrics in here when you were born. It will still work.” I nodded as I moved
forward and placed my hand on the sensor. It scanned it and the backdrop turned green. “There’s an
eye scan and a needle will prick you to test your blood.”

“Nice setup,” Quilan said with a whistle. “This is what I was thinking for the other place we

have to secure.”

“The mine has security measures in place that can be activated from the control room,” Connor

assured him.

“What mine?” Percy asked.
“What control room?” Quilan said instead. Oh boy, talk about a lot going on. My eye was

scanned and my finger pricked. It read all the results and the door slid open with a stone-grinding
sound. Quilan inspected it as we went through. “Nice door setup. Someone knew what they were
doing when this was put in.”

“How so?” Taggart asked quietly.
“The thickness of the door and all the stone surrounding the hall makes it impossible for it to be

blown out. If it was, the stone would crumble in along this whole hall and bury the entrance. It would
take months to clear it again and that would be too long for a thief. This was what I was thinking for
the mine depending on how deep the ground on top of it goes.”

“What mine?” Percy asked again.
“There’s a diamond mine on the island,” I answered, glancing at him over my shoulder. “No one

is to know yet. I’m still deciding how to handle everything.”

“That’s understandable,” he mumbled as his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his


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Connor gave us the tour as soon as the main door slid into place and secured us in the tunnel.

There was a state-of-the-art control room that had a list of hidden cameras on the island which were
currently shut off. Quilan was almost giddy about that because it would make his job that much easier
in protecting us on the island.

There was also a massive gun and weapons hold that had an outside access point. I had to open

the door in from the hallway, but if the door had been kept closed, whoever came in from the outside
access couldn’t have gone any farther. Well thought out.

“We need to tell the Marines about this in case we’re ever under attack,” I told Quilan as I

pointed to the door above us. It actually looked like a bulkhead door like on an attack boat or sub.

“Agreed. We’ll need an inventory of all of this and see what needs to be cleaned and what


“All the inventories are in Baptista’s private panic room and escape sub,” Connor said calmly.
“I’m sorry, did you just say escape sub?” I asked, my head starting to hurt again.
“Yes, your father set it up so that if anyone ever invaded the island again, all anyone had to do

was get down here and get in the sub. It automatically will drive itself to the port on Lord Ellys’s
island and they have a deal in place to protect any Montague with their lives if need be.”

“This mansion is tricked out better than Bruce Wayne’s,” Percy mumbled. “I swear if we find a

cave with equipment and bats, I’m going to start calling you Batman, Baptista.”

“We found a cave with diamonds,” I drawled. “I think that’s cool enough.”
“Um, there’s actually three caverns full of them,” Quilan said quietly. “Not one. You didn’t go in

far enough.”

“Wow. I might need a minute here,” I whispered as I leaned against the hallway while everyone

else stepped back out of the weapons hold. I squatted down and stuck my head between my knees,
trying to relax. It was Connor who got to me first to comfort me.

“It’s okay, cousin. You’re not alone. I know it’s a lot but when the island was invaded and you

were taken, your fathers did everything they could to fight them and then to get you back once they
realized what they had come here to take.”

“Who’s ‘they’?” I asked, not really able to calm down when he kept bringing up more and more


“I don’t know. Uncle Matthew said the answers would be in your private room.” He stood again

and extended his hand. Well, apparently there was lots more to come and I could freak out about it all
later. I took his hand and stood. Connor showed us the panic room. It would biometrically seal and
then another door would open for the sub. I felt a little light-headed seeing all of this. I mean, it was
cooler than the ship from Star Trek and it was real… And mine.

Next was my private room that even Connor couldn’t open. He said in there would be all the

answers I would need, including how to work everything down here, and contacts my fathers had
made that would help me live on the island. Which wolves were around here that they traded with,
and on and on and on. Including a case with several DVDs that were labeled For Mikey when he’s
. I took those with me, clutching them to my chest.

There was a folder under the case that I assumed was meant to go with it, so I took that as well. I

left everything else for another day when I felt better prepared to deal with it all. Because there was a
lot of it and a lot that would be needed from me to handle it. Sure, Quilan would take care of getting

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the security system back up and the weapons hold, but he’d need me to answer questions and make
decisions. When he was my mate though, I’d just put him in charge of all of that.

I flinched at the thought. When he’s my mate. My heart picked up the pace again and I glanced at

Quilan. He was the one that I had thought I trusted the least given we had a misunderstanding and
there were reasons to doubt him. But I didn’t.

“What can I do to help?” he asked as he reached out and cupped my cheek, tears forming in his

eyes. “I would do anything you wanted to help bear this load with you, Baptista. Just name it and I’ll
do it.” Instead of answering I looked to Kelvin and used my powers in a way I rarely did.

“I know we reserved a spot for each other,” I said in Kelvin’s head. “And I’ve decided I don’t

want to wait anymore. I want us to be mates, Kelvin. I love you.”

“I love you too, Baptista,” he whispered as he cupped my other cheek. Quilan was glancing

between us because he knew something was going on, but I’m sure didn’t know what. “I would be
honored to be your mate and love you forever.”

“Thank you.” I turned and kissed the palm of his hand before meeting his eyes again. “I wanted

you to know that’s how I truly felt before discussing anyone else or asking you for what I wanted. I
needed you to know that you won my heart first.”
He nodded, smiling brightly at me. “I want
Quilan and Meriel to be our mates as well. I’m falling so hard for them but it’s more. Can you feel
it too?”

“I can and I agree. I’m falling for them too. They are wonderful men and together we can be

happy and a family,” Kelvin said emotionally before he pulled me into his arms. Mine were trapped
against his body as he kissed me silly. “I want to test the waters of our chemistry before biting but I
agree with you.”

“Good,” I sighed as I rested my head on his chest. Then I glanced at Quilan and Meriel standing

behind him. “To answer your question, you could mate me. Both of you mate me and Kelvin.”

“What?” they both gasped, their expressions different but both completely full of shock. I had a

sinking feeling in my stomach. Wow. Apparently I’d been the only one. But it was fast, so maybe they
just hadn’t been ready for me to say that.

“Never mind,” I mumbled, as I quickly pulled away from Kelvin. What a fool I was, letting that

out when my emotions were all over the place, taking the leap before fully thinking it out.

Connor got the hint I wanted to get out of there and I followed him. We passed two vaults along

the way, one full and the other one empty, he explained. He said my father wanted to move everything
from the secret hiding spot in the library but he was worried about ruining the stuff. He hadn’t had
time to find someone to properly handle it or figure out what museum to give some of it to. Connor
told me the decision was now up to me and that my father knew I would do what was right.

That was a lot of faith from a man who hadn’t known me since I was two. I hoped he was right.
At the end of the hall there was one last door. Connor placed his hand on the scanner and the

metal door slid open. “You can’t enter from this side, only come out this way,” he said as he stepped
out. I gasped and almost dropped my precious belongings in my hands, saving them at the last minute.

“Yeah, much cooler than Batman,” Percy whispered as everyone gathered behind us. “You have

your own underground cove filled with boats and toys.”

“There’s a panel that opens up,” Connor said as he pointed to the side of the cove. “Your father

put it in so no one could see the cove from the outside. We drove right past it when we arrived here
and no one noticed. It just looks like a ridge at the edge of the island.”

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“Wow.” I had nothing to say but that. There were a dozen different boats all tied off and of all

kinds. There were some motorboats for fun and all the fixings to go with it, including water skis,
scuba gear, and parasailing equipment. There were a few sailboats. There were boats big enough to
make the trip to Puerto Rico and a few fishing boats.

“You have your own gas station apparently,” Taggart chuckled. I glanced at where he was

pointing. There were huge tanks built into the ground that yeah, had pumps attached.

“One of the boats has an attachment on it for those. Your father would load those on and get them

refilled when they needed it from one of his contacts at the bigger island. It’s in the folder.” Connor
shrugged and moved over to a box on the wall. It had been dark when we stepped out in here, so I
hadn’t seen some of this right away but then the lights were motion sensored and came on after a

Connor showed me the keys in the box. Then he went over what to hit to keep the door open in

case I was just coming out here to look at something. If the big door for the cove opened, the door
we’d came through would automatically close and lock again.

Crazy, I know, right?
We went back inside and I felt almost numb again as I walked down the hallway. It was almost

exactly the way I’d felt after I’d found that picture in the photo album. I just didn’t know how to
process all of this.

Next thing I knew we were back in the kitchen again. I really hadn’t been paying attention. I

leaned over and hugged Connor. “Thank you for showing me all of that. If there’s anything you ever
need, you let me know, okay? You won’t ever have to worry about money or having a safe place.
We’re family and this could have easily have been all of yours if your father had been older.”

“Dad used to say that was the excuse younger brothers used to overthrow kings,” Connor

chuckled as he hugged me back. I thought that a strange reply and studied him as we parted. “I scared
you, didn’t I? I’m not going to overthrow you, Baptista.”

“I know you won’t,” I replied quickly. “You’ve been through too much not to appreciate having

any family left like I do. We’d never risk any of that.”

“Plus, I have a storage unit full of diamonds in New York and accounts in the Cayman banks

with more money than I could ever spend in my lifetime,” he answered easily. “I have what I need
and now I get to stay on the island forever as I always wanted when I was a kid. Love you, Cousin
Baptista.” And with that he skipped away looking much lighter now that his promise had been

“I’m sorry, did our adopted son just say he’s got a storage unit full of diamonds?” Azyle asked

as he swayed a moment before his eyes rolled up into his head. Dewey caught him with his powers
before he hit the floor and then Taggart picked him up.

“Wow. I guess you’re not the only one getting a bucketful of surprises today,” Dewey mumbled

as he gave me a quick hug. “We’ll talk later. I don’t want to push Connor anymore right now but I’m
glad he has someone else now who will always take care of him if something ever happened to us.”

“Dewey, the kids will always be welcome here, Montague as their last name or not. And you’ve

got so many friends here that would take care of the kids too. None of us would ever let harm come to
them. They’re safe. Even if we all have to learn to use the weapons in that armory down there, we’ll
keep them safe.”

“Thank you,” he whispered and kissed my cheek. “Thank you, brother.”

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“You’re very welcome, brother.” I hugged him this time, my heart warming up at his declaration.

I always wanted to be someone’s brother and have a brother of my own. And Dewey was right. We
might be brothers from different mothers and fathers but all the Omegas on this island were brothers
in one way or another.

Dewey quickly followed Taggart who was carrying Azyle as Percy got the door. Obviously

there was a lot for them to figure out as well.

“Do you want to watch those now?” Kelvin asked as he rubbed my back. “I could give you some

space or I’d love to hold you while you see what’s on them.”

I glanced up at him and gave him a weak smile. I might not feel numb anymore, but I definitely

wasn’t feeling up to watching the DVDs. “Another time. I don’t think I can’t take any more upsets or
revelations today without losing my mind or having my power flare again.”

“Then I’m sorry for this, but I have to,” Quilan growled as he spun me. He took what I was

holding and gave it to Meriel. I had just a second of fear at why he was acting so strange before he
mashed his mouth down to mine. He lifted me up with ease and wrapped my body around his, his
arms capturing me so tightly it was almost hard to breathe.

“Lower your shields,” Kelvin gently suggested. I did as I gave him a slight nod, focused on

kissing Quilan as he started moving my body against his. I gasped and then cried out, pulling away
from his mouth, but not from the fun we were having.

My eyes practically bugged out of my head as I stared at Quilan. What he was feeling wasn’t just

that he liked me. It was intense and he was so full of need for me I felt myself practically melt against

“I think I’ve loved you since you stared up at me with those bright lilac/blue eyes of yours, baby.

And I knew I needed you in my life when you blushed trying to introduce yourself to me. I thought, a
man that sweet, that open, but yet sexy and kind all wrapped into one was a catch I wouldn’t find
again if I lived a thousand years.

“And then when you told me a little of what you had been going through, I knew you needed me

to. I knew I’d made the right choice to come to this island because you were my fate along now with
Kelvin and Meriel. So yes, I would love to be your mate and spend the rest of my life showing you
how much you mean to me.”

“Why did you look so shocked when I said it downstairs then?” I asked the moment I could get

my brain and lips to work again after hearing such a declaration.

“You were just crying and devastated earlier today that you wouldn’t ever be able to trust

someone again,” he whispered as his hand stroked my face lovingly. “I never dreamed you’d ever let
us really in. And then here you are declaring you want all of us to spend the rest of our days together.
It just threw me and then you immediately shut down. I didn’t know what to do or say around your
friends. I only knew my answer was yes, I want to claim you.”

“Yes,” I repeated with a big smile. He nodded and I kissed him, rubbing against him like a cat in

heat. When he set me on my feet, I realized Meriel was standing there crying. Without a thought in my
head besides comforting him, I hugged him tightly. “It’s okay, Meriel.”

“Do you even know why I’m crying?” he whispered as he held me close.
“Your answer is no,” I replied, guessing that from the feelings I was getting from him.
“I want to mate you, I know that already. But claiming you comes with them and I don’t really

know them. I like them but the rest of my life is too big of a gamble to walk into something I’m not

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sure about yet. I’m crying because I don’t know what you’ll say if I ask for more time.”

“Meriel,” I whispered gently as I stood on my toes and kissed each of his eyes. “Of course you

can have more time. We’re not mating tonight. We don’t have to do it right this second. I want some
more time too for all of you guys to know each other better. I was just letting you all know that this is
serious to me and I want you guys forever. I can wait until you’re sure. Of course I will.”

“Thank you, baby,” he breathed against my ear, the air coming out shaky. “Thank you so much. I

love you. I love you so much and you crawled under my skin and into my heart so fast I just need to
catch up with everything.”

“We understand that,” Kelvin chuckled. “How about a nap before the cookout they’re planning.

We have a lot of seafood to eat after all.”

“I’m the best fisherman ever,” I snickered, shaking my head. Hey, if I couldn’t laugh at myself,

then I was taking life too seriously. And I was too busy loving three men to do that.

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Chapter 10

A week later we were mated. The three of them claimed me in the same goofy ceremony

Sampson had gone through after we made sure all the kids were asleep of course. Or at least in their
rooms where they couldn’t see what we were doing on the beach.

I finally got my present from Kelvin… Chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, which were my

favorite. It was a massive box that I groaned at when I saw it. I swore if he stuffed me with such
goodness, he could stuff me for pleasure anytime he wanted. All three of my men’s mouths fell open at
that one.

I haven’t talked to my adopted parents. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about that, but my

wonderful men kept reminding me, I don’t have to decide right now. It can wait.

Brody thanked me for filling up his lobster traps. Here I’d been worried he’d be mad when he

found out and all he’d done was just laugh. I guess he hated baiting the damn things and checking
them. He just wanted to eat them and if I’d fill his belly with lobster and shrimp at least once a week,
he swore to do my laundry.

Personally, I thought I got the better end of that deal, but after my time with my last inner circle, I

didn’t ever want to have to do chores again. I did of course, but looking at a pile of laundry was the
worst for me because I’d have a hard time snapping out of the bad mood the memories laundry
brought back.

The kids were all adapting to living on the island like white on rice. They loved it there, never

having to be told twice to help out, and according to their teachers, studying harder. It seemed the
promise of going out to play at such a good place was a great motivator for them to really focus on
studying and getting their homework done.

Meriel was still working on my family tree when he wasn’t teaching or having sex with us…

Because there was a lot of sex going on. He was convinced that there’s no way my father would have
had such a collection of ancient Roman artifacts passed down to him unless it had been being passed
down since that time. He really did believe I was a descendent of Julius Caesar.

Whatever, I didn’t really care. But if he wanted to make it his mission to get answers, I was

good with that too. I was just happy that he was happy here on the island with us and he was putting
his education to good use.

I had watched the DVDs and what was on them was personal and only for me. I was glad I had

decided to watch them alone the first time. I’d let my men see them, but for now, they’re just for me
while I came to terms with the hand fate dealt me and missing out on knowing my fathers.

There had also been a list of accounts and holdings in the folder with the case of DVDs. It also

had the contact information and proof of who I was so I could get everything transferred over legally.
Kelvin and I had taken a day trip to handle that with one of the boats that were mine too.

The answers Connor said I’d find in the room weren’t really answers, more like enough

information about my kidnapping and who invaded the island to raise more questions. They kept
every lead, every stone they overturned to try and find me, and every theory of who and why someone
would take me. The biggest question they seemed to have had was why take a baby when it would
have been so much easier to take a crate of diamonds worth so much more in their eyes and effortless
to transport?

Quilan, Ollie, and Slate have contacts in government, very hush-hush, so they’re looking into

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what my fathers couldn’t finish. To me all it looked like was a big conspiracy theory but Quilan says
there’s always some fact in every whacked-out theory. We lived in a world of cover-up, and hell,
werewolves really existing right under humans’ noses proved that.

Maybe they’ll find out the truth one day. Maybe I don’t want to know. Yes, part of me does and

definitely if those people are taking other kids… But I can’t get back what I lost and I deserve some
peace. Not a hunt that might not ever end. I can’t do that but I love Qulian, Ollie, and Slate for doing it
for me.

Finding those and having money readily available if we needed it was a huge relief for me, and

with a lot less stress on my plate I started to get more involved in the plans to stock and fortify our
island. At least when it came to the fun stuff. In a few weeks our stuff would be arriving in the
shipping containers the vampires had loaded up for us. That would be a huge relief as well.

I had had the idea to get one more cargo container filled with basics. We were already paying

the ship to come out this way. Might as well get our money’s worth. Everyone had agreed and I wired
money to Lord Ellys’s people with a list taller than I was of basics we wanted to stockpile. Batteries,
soap, and lube being the biggest ones on everyone’s list. Funny how we all had lube in our top three
priorities. Nah, we weren’t gay men with other hot gay men to play with or anything.

It seemed the longer we were at the mansion the more surprises we were finding. A few days

ago it had been a tricked-out adult play room. My men, even Meriel, were hard and leaking at the idea
to go explore in there. I told them go ahead but since it had been there for my fathers’ use, that just
weirded me out.

“Please, baby?” Quilan begged me again two days after our mating. “I swear we cleaned

everything, replaced a bunch of the restraints and leather so it’s like nothing ever touched anyone but
you. It’s not like we’re using the toys that had been there. Those we all agreed to get rid of out of
respect for your dads. These are my personal collection of toys.”

“You have a collection of toys?” I asked, my curiosity piqued. He nodded with a smirk, knowing

he’d caught me in his trap, but I had one more question first. “How did I not know about this when
we’ve been living together over a week now?”

“They’re in one of the weapons cases. I stored them in there so no one accidently stumbled

across them. Besides, it was the only thing I had to hold them all and I wasn’t leaving without them.”

“Fine,” I grumbled as I shot to my feet and started to storm out of our room. “But I’m telling you

now my safe word is popsicles so everything better stop if you hear it.”

“He has a safe word?” Kelvin asked as I opened the door. “Did you know he’s played games

like this before?”

I hadn’t, but they didn’t need to know that. I could ensnare them in my web too. They rushed

after me and ten minutes later I was chained with my hands over my head in the room, naked, as
Meriel ate out my ass. I was already fully stretched out but we’d found that Meriel was a fan of every
form of oral sex. We were lucky, lucky men because he was fantastic at it too.

Quilan had an evil look on his face as he moved in front of me. “I love your nipples, baby.” I

gasped as he put clamps on them that sent pulses through them. After that I couldn’t hold on anymore,
screaming as I shot my load all over the floor.

“Okay, playing in here was a great idea after all,” I moaned when I was spent. Then I moaned

even louder as something massive was shoved up my ass. “What’s the plan?”

Quilan moved back in front of me and started fondling my cock. “You know how you said your

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new favorite game was how full we could fill your sweet ass?” I nodded, trying not to smile as I
realized I might finally get what I’d been desiring without even having to ask for it. “Well we’re
going to lower the chains slightly so you can kneel over Meriel’s hips. He’s going to put his fat cock
in you while you suck me off.”

“And then I’m going to add my cock to your ass as well,” Kelvin purred from behind me as he

stretched me wider with the toy. That explained why I had something in my ass bigger than I was used
to. “Sound good, baby?”

“Yes, please, fuck me now,” I whimpered. “I want all the cocks of the men I love at once.”
“We love you too,” Meriel assured me as he moved between my legs. Then the chains were

lowered and I moved my knees to the mats. It was strangely erotic and kinky to have my arms up in
the air because normally the person on top had control but I couldn’t when I was restrained. “We
might need to do this again sometime, just the two of us.”

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing,” I groaned as the toy was pulled from my ass, Meriel’s

cock replacing it. I tried to start riding him, wanting to feel all the pleasure he could give me, but the
several hard slaps to my ass stopped me.

“I think he liked that,” Meriel chuckled, outing me. I narrowed my eyes at him, promising

retribution as he ran his finger through my pre-cum that had leaked onto his stomach. “I’ll let you tie
me up and spank me if you try it for me.”

“Oh fuck. You’re like the dirtiest was-virgin ever,” I moaned as Kelvin pushed me down as far

as I could go. I wasn’t even sure that statement made sense but from the moment we’d popped
Meriel’s cherry, he’d wanted to try everything. He said he was making up for lost time and with three
hot men he didn’t ever want to leave some fantasy of any of ours unfulfilled.

Fine by all of us.
I opened my mouth for Quilan, smiling as he knelt over Meriel’s head. He was in for a double

treat because I could already hear Meriel’s mouth at work. And then when Kelvin pushed his cock
inside of me along with Meriel’s, there was that bite of pain I loved that radiated in so much pleasure
I almost came again.

It was comical in a way. I had begged them to fuck me and fuck me did they ever. I couldn’t even

keep track of everything I was feeling. I came so hard that I saw stars and started the chain reaction
that left me full of cum in the best kinds of ways.

But they weren’t done with me… Oh no, there was more to come, and me to come because of it.

They fucked me with another toy, releasing my restraints and spreading my legs wide as I was on my
back, all of them torturing me as they did it. Then they each fucked me hard and fast, just the way I
liked it in the craziest positions. When they were done, I was covered in cum, couldn’t move, sated
and sore in a way I’d never dreamed of being before.

And the men I loved more than myself did it all to me.
“Still love us?” Kelvin asked hesitantly as he started to clean me up.
I smiled up at him as I brushed my fingers over his lips. “I not only love you three more for

fulfilling my every fantasy and taking such good care of me. I trusted you enough to come down here
with you, knowing I might not like it, but you’d make it good for me. You did more than that.”

“Trust and love from you for us sounds perfect,” Quilan said fondly before kissing me. They

each did in turn and I thanked my lucky stars I found them. Life meant so much more now that I had
people I loved with me always.

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Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of

cowboys or pool boys of her own. A lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books;
vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military . . . It’s all good! She loves to get lost in fantasy that only
books can bring. Her wide interest in reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories,
romance, or mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire from Anne
Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.

For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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