Bailey Bradford Southwestern Shifters 04 Rendered

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

ISBN #978-0-85715-720-1
©Copyright Bailey Bradford 2011
Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright October 2011
Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

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Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature
readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-melting and a sexometer of 2.

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Southwestern Shifters


Bailey Bradford

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Book four in the Southwestern Shifters Series

Alex Morgan has a mission set for himself-get justice for his Alpha Anax and come back the
big hero. The only problem there is that he can’t seem to track down Joshua Dobson, and he
needs to, because Joshua needs to die. This was supposed to be a quick deal, but it’s been
weeks and Alex is tired and missing his pack, and he can’t escape a few new truths he learns
about himself.

Before Alex decides to totally throw in the towel, he manages to find the man he’s been
hunting, and his entire pack. Alex calls for reinforcements then finds he needs more than a
few reinforcements of his own-against a man who has been abused most his life. A man who
is Alex’s destined mate. A man Alex doesn’t think he should want, because he’s the brother
of Joshua Dobson.

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To my editor and cover artist, thank you for all your hard work.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:

Hummer: General Motors

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Bailey Bradford



What is it that makes people destined mates? Why can’t we have a say in the hand that’s dealt

us? Alex Morgan wished to hell he’d had a choice. If that had been the case, he wouldn’t be

hiding behind a thick green shrub, watching the man he loved with another.

Or maybe I would. Alex watched Marcus Criswell, the Alpha Anax—leader of the North

American packs, with the pretty red haired man on the cabin’s porch. Nathan. Alex had heard

the redhead’s name, but hadn’t seen him before. He wished he wasn’t seeing Nathan now,

although that thought made him feel petty and small. But Marcus had never shown the

slightest interest in Alex, had never looked at him the way Marcus was looking at the other

man, as if his entire universe was centred right there in the man’s wide eyes. Never looked at

Alex with so much love when he’d ached to see it.

The dull ache in his chest sharpened, growing barbed spikes that sent fiery bolts of pain

into his spine. Every nerve vibrated with it until Alex thought he’d black out. Who knew

emotional pain could be so much worse than physical pain?

He shouldn’t be here, but as always, Alex had been drawn to Marcus. He’d wanted to

see the man for himself, make sure he was okay. While he was certainly much thinner than

he’d been, Marcus was clearly in no danger of dying from his months in captivity.

In fact, with his more slender form and the shockingly long, beautiful blond hair,

Marcus looked almost ethereal. Before, with his big muscled body and short close cropped

hair, Marcus had been gorgeous. But now…now he was stunning, his cheekbones so finely

etched they appeared blade-sharp. Gone was the goatee he used to wear as well, and his

now-pale skin glowed—whether with health or happiness, Alex didn’t know for sure, but he

suspected the latter.

It made Alex feel like the interloper he was, hiding from the other members of his pack,

afraid to let anyone see him—certain he wore his broken heart on his arm. Right below his

shame, which burned like a brand through his thick fur. He’d been such a fool, falling for

Marcus, and whether it was true or not, he felt as if everyone knew about his unrequited


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Alex’s paws dug into the soft earth, the yearning for Marcus quickly converting to self-

loathing at having failed the man. Even if Marcus had ever been interested in Alex, he

wouldn’t be now, not after the way Alex had let Marcus be abducted and held captive for six

months. It was the ultimate failure for someone who was the captain of the Alpha Anax’s


Former captain, Alex reminded himself.

Marcus bent his head; the smaller man stood on his toes. Alex crawled backwards, his

heart aching as the two men kissed tenderly. Marcus’ hands looked so big, so strong, so

capable as they stroked down Nathan’s back before teasing the tip of his long braid.

Oh, it hurt through to Alex’s bones, watching the two of them! So why was he? Alex

huffed softly, strangling the whine that wanted to work its way out of his muzzle. Hadn’t he

already decided he couldn’t stay here any longer, couldn’t bear to see Marcus and his

destined mate together? Marcus would be told of Alex’s admission of unrequited love, by

Aidan, Marcus’ brother most likely, since he was whom Alex blurted out his unrequited love

for Marcus to. Having Marcus know about it would be a humiliation to compound all others,

and too much for Alex to cope with. He couldn’t stay, yet he loved the Alpha Anax.

And he’d failed him. He’d let Marcus be taken by a vengeful shifter Alex knew

intimately. It was too much, a burden of shame that was crushing him. He couldn’t stay,

couldn’t look into Marcus’ dark eyes and see the loathing there. There’d be no tender looks

for Alex, no soft words of forgiveness. He didn’t deserve them anyway, should they ever by

some miracle be spoken. All Alex could hope for now was to redeem himself, at least a little,

by bringing Marcus’ abductor to justice, as well as whatever members of the traitor’s pack he

could find.

Alex gave the mated pair one last look, envy melting to shame as he did so, then he

turned and breaking his oath to never abandon his Alpha, Alex ran.

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Chapter One

Having spent most his life up north in or around Ohio, Alex wasn’t prepared for the

gruelling heat of the Southwest in July—specifically not here in Whereverthefuck Arizona.

He vaguely recalled overhearing some joke about it being a ‘dry heat’. Like that made any

difference. It was so hot he wouldn’t have been surprised to find himself cooked from the

inside out, and he was so thirsty he wanted to howl with it.

Still, he had to admit there were some beautiful places in Arizona. So far, he thought

this right here might be his favourite. The red rock cliffs were stunning, majestical to him in

whichever form he was in. Manzanita and juniper dotted the landscape, and cactus, of


The fact that a stream ran through a good stretch of this area meant there was a bit more

diversity in plants, and all in all, Alex found it wholly entrancing—except for the fact he

suspected Joshua Dobson and his pack were hiding out somewhere relatively close. At least

within a hundred mile radius, Alex hoped, because fuck, he was tired in every way possible,

and more than a little lonely. It was past time for justice to be rendered, either by Alex or

Marcus, should Dobson or any of his pack turn themselves in.

Maybe he’d have been finished already if Dobson’s pack had truly disbanded. That was

a bit of misinformation given to Alison, Alex’s sister and now captain of the guard in Alex’s

stead, by the now deceased Stewart Combs—former member of Dobson’s pack—and it threw

a wrench in Alex’s plans to hunt down each member. Stewart had been their only link to

Joshua Dobson at the time, but the wretched asshole had managed to grab Alex’s gun and

kill himself before doing anything more than lying to them about Dobson’s pack being


One or two shifters he could handle, but a pack was more than he could take on alone.

He’d known it might come to this but hoped it wouldn’t. If members had split off, he could

have single-handedly taken each one on—been the hero he wanted to be. But the pack had

stayed together, and now that Alex was sure of where they were, he would have to do

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something he dreaded. He’d have to call for help. It wouldn’t be the same as being the one

who brought down Dobson and his pack, but maybe he’d still find some redemption.

After all, he’d managed to track them; even if they moved out overnight, which he

doubted, they couldn’t get ahead of him much. He was so close he could almost taste the

victory, and in truth, he longed to finish this so he could return to his pack—or find a new

one. Surely he could swallow his pride and do what needed to be done. Marcus would send

his guard; he’d want Dobson brought to justice, along with his pack.

So I can’t take them out all by myself. Doesn’t mean I failed. Yet it felt that way to him, and

Alex snorted at his own vanity. This shouldn’t be about him in the first place; it should be

about defending his Alpha Anax, avenging him even. But he knew there was too much of a

desire to prove himself, too much hurt driving him for this to be an altruistic act.

Ever since he’d got the idea into his head, Alex had been able to think of little else. He’d

lit out like his tail was on fire, albeit it was also tucked between his legs. Weeks alone had

given him plenty of time to think about his actions, his own reasons for being where he was,

doing what he was. Alex wasn’t proud of what he’d learned about himself, but that wasn’t

an excuse to let Dobson get away.

He sniffed the air, catching the familiar scents he’d followed for a while now. One in

particular seemed imprinted on his mind, in his senses, though Alex couldn’t figure out why.

Heavily drenched in fear, he couldn’t make out anything else about the scent—or he could,

but it just didn’t make any sense and confused him until he wanted to howl. He just followed

to the best of his abilities. Often that odour was also tinged with pain, and it caused a weird

burning in Alex’s stomach, so he’d tried his best to avoid it. He didn’t need the distraction.

After following what faint hints of Dobson’s trail he could find over the past several

weeks, and losing it and running in what amounted to great big circles all too often, Alex

knew he was finally be getting closer to the asshole.

Do what you have to. Better to admit you can’t handle this on your own than to end up dead and

let Dobson get away. Then you can go home. Alex had always loved being part of a pack, and

leaving his had been the hardest thing he’d ever done. Maybe he shouldn’t have let shame

and yeah, fear, drive him out, but he had.

Although there’d also been a pressing need to prove himself, and he knew now that

had been one of the main reasons for this hunt, he hadn’t been entirely selfish in his reasons

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for leaving. The fact was, he had screwed up. He hadn’t protected Marcus from Joshua

Dobson before, but he’d damn well do it now, or as soon as he got his hands on—or sunk his

teeth into—the shifter. He almost hoped it came down to him and Dobson, fighting to the

death. Alex’s fury boiled hotter than the sun on his fur, and he growled low, his paws curling

into the ground.

This was going to end, soon. Tonight he’d head over to Sedona and find somewhere to

sleep for the night. He’d discovered it was easy enough to do, sniff out someone lonely or

just horny. It felt a bit like whoring himself out, but Alex told himself it wasn’t, not really. He

left the men well satisfied, and in exchange, he got a couple of hot showers, sleep in a bed,

and sometimes a decent meal or two. Tonight he’d need another favour from his soon-to-be

lover. He’d need to make a call, one he both dreaded and anticipated in equal measures.

* * * *

“He’s still following us, Alpha.”

Sean Dobson cringed upon hearing the beta’s report. Ever since Joshua had found out

Marcus Criswell had not only survived being abandoned in the cave in New Mexico, but that

he’d resumed his position as Alpha Anax, he had been crueller than usual.

“Unless there’s a miracle, he’ll find us.”

The proclamation made Sean shiver. It wasn’t just the news that they were still being

hunted that scared him. In truth, Sean wished they’d get caught. What he didn’t want,

though, was to be his brother’s whipping boy again.

One glance at Joshua’s scowl and Sean knew he was fucked. Joshua was furious, and

he’d look to take that out on someone. Sean was the usual target of his brother’s temper. He

huddled in the corner, cradling his arm that hadn’t fully healed from being broken the last

time. It would have been healed completely, should have been, if Joshua didn’t stomp or kick

it every chance he got. Sean was worried it’d never heal right, shifter abilities or not—but

what did it matter, really? They’d all be dead soon, or imprisoned—and rightfully so—by

Alpha Anax Criswell. Sean knew which of those two he’d prefer.

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“Do you know who the fucker is?” Joshua growled as he clenched his fists. Sean bit

back a whimper and tried to curl his body over his arm while keeping an eye on the other

two shifters. The beta’s lips twisted in a cruel grin as he glanced at Sean.

Marshall was Joshua’s most trusted pack member, which was why he was the beta, but

he made Sean’s skin crawl. He didn’t ever want to be left alone with him. There was

something in his eyes when he looked at Sean, something hungry and angry and it scared

Sean to his core. Marshall seemed to enjoy subtly prodding Joshua, stoking his temper and

leaving Sean to suffer the consequences. The smirk on the jerk’s face told him Marshall was

fixing to do that very same thing now.

“Maybe,” Marshall drawled as he shifted his gaze to Joshua. “If you didn’t

have…problems…detecting scents, you would be able to tell us who the fucker is who’s

determined to track us down.”

Joshua’s hands clenched as he straightened, thrusting his chest out. “Is there something

you want to say Marshall?”

Sean bit his bottom lip, waiting for Marshall to point out that all the cocaine Joshua

snorted had done irreparable damage to his sense of smell. Normally shifters weren’t

affected much by human drugs, but apparently, if consumed in great quantities, at least one

of them did have an effect. Joshua must have snorted a gram or two of coke in the past few

days. It’d made him meaner than usual, and it wasn’t just Sean who’d paid for that. There

were several female members of the pack who had been forced to part their legs for their


Joshua had decided he needed to procreate, spread as much of his seed as possible, and

it didn’t matter to him if the women were willing or not. In fact, Sean was pretty sure his

brother preferred them to fight. It hadn’t been the first time Joshua had raped members of his

pack. Sean often wondered why the women stayed, then he thought of his own situation and

felt utterly hopeless for all of Joshua’s victims.

The women were likely as terrified as he was, and rightly so. Joshua wouldn’t blink

over killing any of them if they tried to leave. There’d only been one successful defector,

Stewart Combs. Stewart had split from Joshua’s pack some time back, for reasons known

only to himself. Sean wondered what happened to the man. Stewart had been an ass, never

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missing an opportunity to make Sean’s life even more hellish, but still, he hoped the shifter

was alive and maybe even helping the Alpha Anax locate Joshua.

But when Joshua turned to face him, Sean knew it wouldn’t matter even if that was the

case. As furious as Joshua was, Sean probably wouldn’t live long enough to see his brother

pay for his sins.

* * * *

It was easier, Alex had discovered, to ‘borrow’ clothes from a clothesline if he was in

wolf form. ‘Borrow’, because he always returned them, stripping and shifting into his wolf

and dragging the clothes close to where he’d got them from. Alex knew each address he’d

done it from, and once this was over, he’d reimburse the owner of the clothes for their use—

probably with cash in the mail. That was the only thing he could think of to settle his

conscience even though he always brought the clothing back.

As a wolf, he could drop low to the ground, and his grey fur was less noticeable than

bare skin. The hardest part was finding clothes out on a line, as well as ones that would fit

him. Alex was desperate now, as the sun began to set. He knew he’d be lucky to find

anything, and if he didn’t, he wasn’t quite sure what he’d do. Break into someone’s home

while they were gone? The idea gave him the willies. Even reimbursing someone for the

clothes wouldn’t undo the sense of violation they’d surely feel.

No, he couldn’t do that. Better to spend another night in this form if it came down to it.

The thing that would really suck would be not being able to call his sister. Alison, now

captain of Alpha Anax Criswell’s guard, should be alerted to the fact that Alex would be

fulfilling his promise very soon.

Alex snuffled as he thought about that. It puzzled him that he’d got this far, been alone

this long. He’d been certain the Alpha Anax would have his guards out, hunting for Dobson

just like Alex was, yet he’d never seen nor caught scent of anyone following him. When he

tried to parse out what that meant, he trembled every time as hope tried to bloom.

Alex ruthlessly stomped it down. He’d be a fool to speculate that maybe Marcus trusted

him enough still to give him this chance to prove himself. More likely the Alpha Anax had

some brilliant plan in mind. For all he knew, Marcus’ guards could have already swooped in

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for the capture or kill. As angry as the thought made Alex, he couldn’t very well blame the

Alpha Anax if that was what happened. He was leader of all North American shifters, after

all, and Alex had already fucked up colossally, hadn’t he?

Enough thinking about it. Time to figure out what I’m doing tonight. He crept around trees,

eyeing the sparse dwellings as he padded along. His nose twitched. There was the familiar

scent Alex had been hoping for—the almost flowery aroma of laundry soap. He spotted a

long line sagging with clothes and crept closer, senses alert for humans or any other


Once he assured himself it was safe, Alex leapt the fence and crawled over to peruse the

offerings. Settling on a pair of cargo shorts and a T-shirt that looked close enough to his size,

Alex quickly plucked them from the clothesline. Getting back over the fence was tricky and

he nearly ripped the shirt, but he made it back to the safety of the trees.

Shifting into human form only took a matter of seconds, then Alex got dressed. The

shorts were baggy and the shirt tight—he couldn’t help but snicker when he tried to imagine

them fitting properly on one man—but they’d do. His bare feet could be a problem, but he’d

found if he could manage to slip inside a club and not cringe too badly over what he might

be stepping in, most potential tricks just assumed he’d kicked off his shoes to dance.

Dancing was something Alex had quickly taken to. The bump and grind of male bodies,

the scent of sweat and cum and sex redolent in the air—all of it combined to make him rather

light-headed. He really hadn’t had too much to do with humans before this adventure began,

and sex hadn’t been anywhere near as common as he’d have wished.

Suddenly finding himself surrounded by it, and willing partners, was like a fantasy

brought to life. Alex would miss it when he returned to his pack, or joined another pack. He

still wasn’t sure how that would pan out. All he did know was, he wasn’t meant to be a lone

wolf. Not at all.

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Chapter Two

Morning sunlight streamed across Alex’s face, but that wasn’t what woke him. A warm,

wet mouth sucking his dick down to the hilt had his eyes popping open as he gasped. He

shoved his hands under the sheet, burying them in silky strands of dark brown hair that felt

cool on his skin. “Jesus, Harley!” he groaned, rocking his hips up to get that little bit deeper.

A chuckle vibrated along his length, sending tingles to his balls as they drew up tight.

Hands squeezed his quivering thighs as Harley’s throat muscles constricted around his cock.

“Jesus!” Alex shouted, although it sounded more like a gurgle than anything else.

Pleasure flooded him, heating his blood as it surged through his veins. Harley pulled

back and sucked hard on the head, his tongue teasing the bundle of nerves under the rim,

and Alex shouted again, nothing but sound and ecstasy as he poured spunk into Harley’s


Harley suckled him until Alex had to pull away, his dick too sensitive to be touched. He

tugged on Harley’s hair and the cute brunet scrambled up his body, his pretty dick bobbing

and smearing pre-cum over Alex’s stomach, then his chest as he encourage the man to keep


“Good morning, stud,” Harley purred. Alex grinned up at the man, liking the way his

brown eyes sparkled. Then he opened wide and sucked as much of Harley’s dick down as he

could in the position he was in. “Oh my god!”

Harley vibrated above him, his fair skin pebbled with goose bumps, his coppery

nipples hard little peaks. Alex reached for them, pinching lightly as he’d learned was

Harley’s preference. The man squealed in a way Alex found oddly charming, then Harley’s

hips surged forward, filling Alex’s mouth and throat with rock hard dick.

“Yes,” Harley hissed. “Take it, just like that, stud!”

Alex didn’t particularly care for the stud part, but Harley was an enthusiastic fuck, and

fun to be with even when they weren’t fucking.

The problem was, he’d been so enthusiastic last night—and into the early morning

hours—that Alex had been lucky to shower and shave. He’d passed out, sure he’d be drained

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of cum for days, and hadn’t made the phone call to his sister. Harley had said he could use

his cell, but then he’d pounced on Alex—literally pounced—and shortly thereafter Alex had

his dick buried in the man’s tight little ass.

Now, as much as he was enjoying listening to Harley babble—except for that stud

crap—Alex really needed to speed this along. To that end, he increased the suction and

tongue play while reaching between Harley’s spread thighs. As soon as he felt that Harley’s

ass hole was still lubed, Alex shoved two fingers in deep.

Despite liking his nipples babied, Harley liked his ass pummelled to the point Alex had

worried about hurting him. Two fingers inserted without any stretching first was nothing for

Harley, nothing bad, anyway since the man slammed his ass back, demanding more as he

moaned lustily.

Alex obliged, more careful with the third regardless of Harley’s begging. As soon as he

had the third digit in, he licked over the wide dripping slit of Harley’s cock, then stiffened his

tongue and delved into it.

Harley screamed, a window rattling, ear ache inducing racket as he came, jerking so

hard his cock slipped from Alex’s mouth and shot cum onto his cheek. Alex turned his head;

he didn’t like that, wearing another man’s jizz on his face. Maybe it’d be okay with someone

he was with in a relationship, but it was far too territorial for him or his wolf to tolerate from

a one night stand.

The rest of Harley’s cum splattered the pillow, a little dribbled on Alex’s neck, which

made him growl. It was too much, and he wasn’t as gentle as he’d have been if his wolf

hadn’t been clawing to get out. He pulled his fingers off and pushed Harley aside. The

brunet landed with a laugh, unfazed by Alex’s pique. He looked at Alex with a satiated look

in his eyes and waved a hand in front of him, flopping it back and forth.

“Jeez, you’re something, stud. Any time you feel like dropping in, feel free. I’m glad I

took a chance on you last night. Usually I just don’t do anything this impulsive.”

Alex’s temper eased as he glanced at the man. Harley looked almost delicate next to

him. His much shorter stature and thin build would surely make him an easy target for

someone determined to hurt him. “You shouldn’t, you know. Pick up guys like me, or any

guy, period. You don’t know who you’re bringing home, or if they’ll come back with

something…bad in mind.”

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Harley laughed and slapped at Alex’s thigh. “Right, way to kill the after-glow. Like

anyone would bother coming back—I bet you don’t,” he said as he peered at Alex. “And

why would someone hurt me if I was going to put out anyway? What, like they’d want to

rob me? There’s nothing worth taking here.”

Alex opened up his mouth to try to explain that sometimes people were cruel just for

the sake of being cruel, but snapped his mouth shut when Harley bounded from the bed, his

pert ass wiggling as he hurried to the dresser. “You said something about needing to make a

phone call—here.” Harley turned and tossed a cell phone to Alex, who caught it easily even

though it was a pretty shitty throw.

Harley grinned and gave him a thumbs up. “Awesome reflexes! I’m gonna shower then

fix us something to eat, and coffee.” He closed his eyes and sighed. “God, yeah, coffee…”

Alex watched his butt until Harley closed the bathroom door, then, with nothing else to

distract him, he dialled his sister’s number, tension tightening his stomach. It rang once then

Alison picked up immediately. Of course she would.

“Who is this?” Alison demanded in a tone stern enough to have anyone’s spine

snapping straight—anyone but Alex, who bristled instead.

“Alex,” he bit off, irritated for no reason he could pinpoint. It wasn’t like she’d known

who was calling, and anyway, he hadn’t expected a friendly greeting even if she had known.

“You ass,” she hissed, her voice dropping to a bare whisper. “You could have called

sooner! Do you know how worried I’ve been? And Mom has been beside herself—whatever

that means. She’s been upset! How could you do that to her?”

Alex cringed as guilt swamped him. He hadn’t contacted anyone because he’d wanted

to be able to tell them he’d been successful in his self-ordered mission. He was a shit to have

been so focused on his own wounded heart and pride.

“And Marcus—Alpha Anax Criswell, I mean. He asks every day if I’ve heard from you.

You know he hasn’t let anyone else go after Dobson? Do you?”

“No,” Alex muttered as he closed his eyes and scrubbed at his forehead.

“Do you know why that is?” Alison snapped, either uncaring now if anyone else heard

or having moved away from anyone who could.

“No, I—”

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Alison steamrolled right over him, as she’d always done. “Because he believes in you,

you idiot. He is smart enough to know you weren’t at fault. He admits that he should have

listened to you and taken some of his guards with him!” Alison’s voice had risen with each

word until she shouted the last, “And he’s the Alpha Anax so if he says that’s the way it is,

then that’s the way it is!”

Alex had jerked the phone away from his ear while contemplating pressing the end

button, but the rumble of a deep, sexy voice over the line had him pausing as, his hand

shaking so badly he dropped the phone on the bed.


That, just his name said in that voice, was enough to set Alex’s emotions spinning in a

chaotic whirl. Guilt, shame, fear, anger, love—and yes, lust though it shamed him. Alex

picked up the phone and tried not to stutter. “Alpha Anax Criswell, I—” Alex swallowed

then rushed ahead as he heard Marcus inhale. “I think I’ve found Dobson. I’m sure, well as

sure as I can be. And his pack wasn’t disbanded, Combs lied about that or maybe Dobson

lied to him but there’s close to a dozen scents and one in particular that just smells like fear

and pain and—” Alex’s mouth skidded to a halt, slamming the words still wanting out

against the back of his teeth. And why did I mention that scent?

“Alex, be quiet for a few minutes and let me get a word in, okay?” Marcus’s amusement

came through loud and clear, but so did his sincerity. Alex pressed his lips together as his

heart did its best to break out of his chest.

“Now, I knew you’d find Dobson, and I knew you wouldn’t do anything rash like go

out and kill him in cold blood. As to that scent…” Marcus’s voice went strangely tight, as if

something pained him. “I only knew one shifter who smelt constantly like terror on legs.

Sean Dobson, Joshua’s brother, and I don’t want a hair on Sean’s head harmed if he’s still

with that pack. The rest, you give me the location and I’ll have the guard there to help you. If

there’s a dozen or so of them, even you can’t take them on, although I have no doubt you’d

try and cut through half of them at least. But it’d be best to wait, if you would.”

Alex’s head spun as he tried to fit Marcus’ words into his own perceptions. It just

wasn’t happening; he’d carried his guilt and all the other burdensome emotions, including

his unrequited love for Marcus, for too long to just let them go. Instead he focused on the rest

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of what the Alpha Anax said, mainly the part that pertained, possibly, to that scent that had

niggled at Alex’s brain.

“Why, if I may ask, am I not to harm Sean Dobson? And why would he smell like

someone scared to death all the time?” Alex had picked nothing else up in that one scent. Not

a hint of soap or sweat or anything. It was odd, and troubling, and another thing Alex

couldn’t deal with right now.

“Sean Dobson, he’s approximately five-ten, strawberry blond hair—it was cut down

almost to the scalp, last I saw. He’s very thin, and he’s his brother’s punching bag. He was

also the only person in that whole pack who tried to help me, and he paid for it when Joshua

caught him. I think that’s what shook Joshua up, that the brother he kept under his thumb

dared to defy him. It probably made him paranoid he was going to be betrayed, and so

Joshua took off.”

Alex didn’t buy it. Sean had obviously stayed with his brother, had chosen to. There

had to have been plenty of times he could have escaped. If he was with Joshua’s pack, that

had to be because he wanted to be there. He closed his eyes and delved into the dark

memories he tried to repress.

Pulling up Joshua Dobson’s thin face, his long lanky build and the thick cock he used

like a weapon, was no problem at all. Alex remembered those all too well. What Joshua had

done to him when he’d still been a kid was something Alex was still trying to come to terms

with—but he wasn’t doing it right this moment. He’d barely begun to acknowledge that

Joshua had sexually assaulted him years ago; anything more was beyond his ability to cope

with. He shoved those memories aside and tried to remember if he’d ever seen this Sean

Dobson. No one came to mind. Joshua’s older brothers, now deceased, he could remember

clearly, but not a boy with strawberry blond hair.

Marcus continued after Alex remained silent. “Sean has light brown eyes, almost

amber, actually. The last time I saw him, Joshua had just beat the shit out of him for sneaking

me food. Sean’s arm—his left, he’s left handed—was broken, and I think Joshua stopped

short of killing him. The kid was a mess, more bruised than not. It was…it was sickening,

Alex. Sean didn’t even try to fight back, he just curled up and let Joshua beat him, like it was

something he was used to. Probably, he was. Is. For that matter, I hope he’s still alive, that

the scent you told me about was his.”

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Alex’s grunt wasn’t any kind of answer, but it was the best he could do. He still

couldn’t understand why Sean would stay with his brother when Joshua abused him like

that. He wondered if it’d been a twisted show for Marcus, although Alex couldn’t figure out

what the point of it would have been. But regardless of his own suspicions, the Alpha Anax

had handed him an order, and Alex wouldn’t harm Sean Dobson, if he could avoid it.

“I won’t hurt him,” Alex said, then qualified it. “Unless he tries to hurt me, then—”

“Then you just knock him out, Alex, nothing more. That should be easy enough, there’s

not much to him other than big, scared eyes and skin and bones.”

With Marcus’ order handed down, Alex could only agree. “Yes, Alpha Anax. I’ll just

knock him out, and try not to break his jaw or worse when I do.”

“Don’t just try to avoid it,” Marcus snapped. “Make sure you avoid it. I trust you, Alex.

I know Alison told you, but I’m telling you now. You aren’t at fault for what happened to

me. I ignored your advice, thinking I was invincible or some similarly stupid shit, and

because of that, and Joshua Dobson’s hatred of me and desire for my position, I nearly died.

None of that was your fault.”

Alex didn’t argue, though he was tempted. His wolf would have had a fit if he didn’t

submit to the stronger alpha, and Harley would probably walk out of the shower to find a

snarling wolf on his bed. That’d go over like a ton of bricks. Besides, arguing might lead to

Marcus bringing up other things, like Alex’s stupid confession about loving Marcus, which

he’d all but shouted to Aidan and everyone else in earshot.

Then Alex thought, for the first time and it stunned him that it hadn’t occurred to him

before, that Marcus likely knew about Alex and Joshua Dobson’s disastrous—for both of

them in their own ways—sexual experience years ago.

Alex couldn’t get off the phone quick enough. He mumbled the basic directions for how

to get to the park entrance outside of Sedona, then he ended the call politely—he hoped.

Truth be told, he wasn’t sure what he’d said. He’d just needed to end that call.

Shortly after, Alex heard Harley shut off the water. Now that he knew he needed to

wait on Marcus’ guards to get here, he had a little time to spare—and he knew just how he

wanted to spend that time.

* * * *

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Pain was something Sean was used to, sometimes even to the point of excruciating

agony, but whatever was dragging him up from his sleep was a totally new level of hell. His

skin felt like it was on fire, stinging in dozens of places. He cracked open his eyes and shut

them immediately when bright sunlight threatened to burn his corneas.

“About time you woke up, you lazy little shit.”

Sean’s muscles tensed upon hearing his brother’s mocking voice. Vague flashes of last

night pooled in Sean’s mind before exploding in a vivid flash of pain-filled memories. The

beating hadn’t been as bad as he’d expected, but it had still been horrible, too painful to bear

at times.

Every time Sean cried out, Joshua would laugh like it was just the greatest thing ever.

Sean didn’t want to make Joshua laugh, and certainly not like that. And he’d tried so hard

not to, knowing it would only feed Joshua’s frenzy, but there’d only been so much he could

take before he’d started begging for mercy, or death. He’d been given neither. Now he could

only wait and see what was putting that smug tone in Joshua’s voice.

A hard slap to his bruised cheek set Sean’s ears to ringing and his head to pounding so

vigorously he thought something in there had burst.

“Open your eyes, little brother. I want you to see what I’ve got in store for you and a

couple of the bitches.”

At the mention of the women—Joshua never referred to them as anything other than

bitches—Sean forced his eyes open. It was only then he realised there were sobs coming from

his left side. He rolled his head, whimpering as pain shot up his neck.

Even his blurry vision couldn’t blot out the horrible sight he found. Two of the women,

Rosemary and Michelle, were beside him several feet away. He ignored his own pain, the

blossoming stings spreading over his body, and gaped in horror. Both women were nude,

bruised, and tied, ankles and wrists, to stakes in the ground.

A sinking sensation pulled at his gut before it crystalized and shattered into a thousand

shards of terror. He craned his neck enough to see that his left arm was extended, his wrist

tightly bound to a stake. He tried to wiggle his fingers but couldn’t even feel them, hadn’t

known there was a rope around his wrist until—

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Sean jerked his head around so fast he gagged as nausea rippled up from his stomach.

Fighting it down, sure he’d be left to choke on his own vomit, he saw that his other wrist was

likewise tied. Then it occurred to him that the women were naked, and he…

“No,” he whispered, his split lips cracking and rolling coppery liquid into his mouth.


Joshua laughed and kicked Sean in the ribs, hard enough to make him black out for a

few seconds, or possibly longer. He couldn’t tell.

“Figured it out yet? Can you feel the ants crawling on you? Are they stinging? I heard

these red ones were really painful, and pretty soon they’ll be all over you, even though I

didn’t put you right on their bed. They’ll keep finding their way to you. Imagine how loud

you’ll scream then. Wish I was going to be around to hear it, but—well maybe I will, hear it I

mean. I bet sound carries really good out here.”

Sean had wanted to die many times over the years, but now that he was faced with the

reality of an extended and excruciating death, he wasn’t so eager for it. Something quick, a

bullet that splattered his brains all over, or a knife through the heart, even having his throat

ripped out—those were ways he’d envisioned dying.

Not like this, naked and humiliated and—and he needed to stop thinking about his

own life and worry about the two women out here with him. Sean turned his head again and

looked at them both, at their thin bodies stretched out like a vulgar offering to the sun and

whatever creature was to come along.

“Why?” he scraped out, aching for Rosemary and Michelle. “Why them?” He wanted to

say more, defend the women. They’d never done anything that Sean could think of, certainly

nothing to deserve this.

“Bitches didn’t take when I bred them,” Joshua said scornfully. “Wonder if the scent of

them bleeding will draw buzzards? That’d suck, to get ate alive by those ugly fuckers, but it’s

not my problem.”

Rosemary and Michelle’s sobs turned to whimpers that shredded Sean’s heart. He

swore he’d find a way to help them, if he could, if he didn’t die here with ants pinching away

at his flesh. The nasty things were incredibly painful, but Sean had been hurt worse too many

times before to so much as flinch—and he wouldn’t give Joshua the satisfaction of seeing him


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He realised, with a wash of humiliation, that while he’d been prepared to die, he’d

never been prepared to have his brother abandon him. As much as Sean hated Joshua, as

much as he feared him, he also loved his brother in a twisted way.

Joshua had controlled him with fists and belts and anything else he could use as a

weapon for so long, but Sean couldn’t imagine not being with him. He knew Joshua hated

him, had ever since Sean could remember, and he never knew why, but Joshua had never left

him behind, had, in his sadistic way, taken care of Sean, providing him with enough food to

survive on for the most part, and a pack to belong to.

It shouldn’t have mattered since Sean was sure he was going to die, but it did. He’d

thought to die directly by Joshua’s hand in some manner, not indirectly like this, and the

terror he felt was stronger than any he’d ever experienced before.

Sean sought Joshua’s eyes with his own and tried to keep his tears at bay. “J-Joshua, p-

please…” Don’t do this, don’t leave me here, don’t leave them here.

Joshua turned his back and started walking away. “If y’all are lucky, maybe the fucker

who has been chasing us will find y’all and kill you quick. Or maybe he’ll sit back and watch

the show. Either way, y’all ought to be a good distraction.” He stopped, then turned a

quarter way around, giving Sean a look he couldn’t begin to interpret.

“If it’s who I think it is chasing after me, you’ll really throw him for a loop, dead or

alive.” Joshua laughed, that hateful sound that always made Sean’s stomach twist. “I thought

I’d be able to keep you from him forever, and maybe I will if he isn’t quick enough.”

Joshua walked back to him as Sean struggled to make sense of his brother’s words. He

couldn’t. Obviously he’d taken too many blows to the head.

“You just remember, little brother, who you belong to—me, no matter what anyone else

says. If you survive this, and if the shifter on my trail doesn’t gut you outright for being my

brother—if that fucker Criswell doesn’t execute you… Well, you can bet I’ll come back for

you. You belong to me.”

Panic clawed at Sean’s insides, trying to rip its way out. “Then w-why leave me?”

Joshua’s mouth kicked up on one side as he landed a kick to Sean’s hip. “Because I’m

thinking as much as I’ve enjoyed keeping you away from him, handing you over now is the

best chance of surviving I have. It’s a me or you situation, and why the hell shouldn’t I be the

one to live? I’m going to kill Criswell and lead the shifters the way they should be led. None

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of this compassion and tolerance bullshit. I imagine my whip will wear out in no time once

I’m Alpha Anax. And you? You’re a worthless coward, good for nothing but hitting.” He

shrugged and glanced up. “Think those are buzzards?”

The drugs must have fried Joshua’s brain, he’s making even less sense than usual! Sean wanted

to ask more questions, see if he could convince his brother to free at least the women, but

Joshua slapped him again, a warning to shut up, then he turned and started towards the rest

of the pack.

Sean closed his eyes and let the tears leak from the outer corners. He couldn’t stand to

watch the only family he had abandon him.

* * * *

Alex figured he wasn’t disobeying a direct order if he returned to the cliff he’d stood on

yesterday and waited for the guards’ arrival. Marcus had said it’d be best for Alex not to

confront Dobson’s pack alone. He wasn’t going after Dobson—either of them. He was simply

scoping the area out. Plus, he was pretty sure Harley was trying to kill him through sex. Alex

had never known a human who had been so horny. Jesus, his dick was actually raw from all

the fucking!

But Harley seemed to be a good person, if rather naïve. Alex hoped nothing bad

happened to the man if he insisted on bringing home tricks.

After leaving the borrowed clothes piled up by the fence, Alex loped along, enjoying

the scents of nature—oaks, pines, juniper and other plants, as well as the skittering wildlife

that ran from the approaching wolf. He tried not to worry about what would happen later.

The worst fear he had was that Dobson—Joshua, anyway—would escape.

Just the thought of it had Alex increasing his speed, his long legs covering the ground

as the scenery blurred around him. By the time he reached the end of the forest, his paws

slapping against the red earth, Alex was strung tight with fear of failure.

He bolted up the tricky slope, sliding precariously when he hit a patch of loose rocks.

Growling and digging his claws in, he pulled himself up, determined not to fuck up his

chance to prove—to himself if no one else—that he wasn’t a complete waste of DNA.

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Once he made it to the top of the cliff, Alex sat for a moment and inhaled gulping

breaths. His lungs burned, his muscles, too, then something caught his attention. It was faint,

but as he sniffed again, a shiver of excitement went through him. That familiar odour, the

one he tried to ignore, lingered in the air, along with two others.

Females, every bit as scared as the male. Alex could smell Joshua Dobson, had recognised

the man’s scent early on as it was seared into his memories. Every time he’d caught wind of

it since he’d begun tracking the man, it was entangled with that fear tinged aroma, masking

most everything else of what might have been Sean Dobson’s scent.

Alex dropped to his belly and crept closer to the ledge, his keen eyes searching out the

source of the smell. He could see nothing below him, nothing of other shifters, that is. The

stream split the land and provided a colourful green oasis amongst the red sand and hills,

but a flash of movement in the sky drew his attention.

Buzzards…what—Alex’s thoughts collided like cars from a derailed train, smashing end

on end as he leapt to his feet. Buzzards, fear, blood, that scent, those scents, that weren’t moving

away—Alex turned around and ran towards the scent, driven by an instinct he couldn’t deny.

The guards would have to catch up when they could.

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Chapter Three

Sean had long since stopped being able to hear the women’s cries. Ants had stung him

everywhere and his ears were no doubt swollen shut, much as his eyes were. He’d screamed

until his throat was raw, then coughed and gagged as ants had climbed into his mouth. The

awful things had stung him repeatedly when he’d closed his mouth and chewed, and they

tasted horrible, but the idea of them crawling down his throat had been worse than anything

else he could think of.

His neck was past sore from shaking his head. Soon he wouldn’t even have the strength

to do that, and then the ants would crawl wherever they could and he couldn’t think about

that, not when he knew it was inevitable.

If he could just shift—but he couldn’t any more than Rosemary or Michelle could.

Stretched out like this, it was impossible for the bones, tendons and muscles to contort and

bend as they needed to in order to free their wolves.

Sean’s wolf had gone oddly quiet moments ago. It scared him horribly and made him

feel even more alone. Was this how it happened? Would his wolf die first, abandon the

human body that was failing minute by minute? Would he die utterly alone, despite the

women beside him?

He couldn’t hear them, see them, scent them, not anymore, but they were there. Weren’t

they? Or had they somehow managed to free themselves, and they, too had left him alone?

Sean couldn’t find it in him to care. He hoped they did escape, even if that left him by

himself. They didn’t deserve what Joshua had done to them, none of it, from the physical

abuse, the rapes, the mind games and verbal attacks, and certainly not this, being staked to

the ground, waiting to see what killed them first.

The sun was surely sucking away every bit of liquid in his body. Probably if anyone

ever found it and cared to check, they’d find red sand in his veins. Maybe that’s how this

whole place got that red colour to it. Spilled blood, from Indians and cowboys and everyone

in between, their blood had soaked through the ground, through the rocks and coated it,

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stained it red. Sean let his thoughts ramble on, dimly aware they were off in a way he should

have been concerned about.

It was hard to give a shit, considering. He shook his head hard enough to make sparks

ignite behind his closed lids, then Sean let himself slip further away from reality.

* * * *

Alex had to slow down even though everything inside him was screaming at him to

runrunrun! He couldn’t risk barrelling into an ambush, and would rather die than need to be

rescued by his sister or any of the rest of the guard. As much as his wolf fought him over it,

Alex crept closer to where he could see the buzzards in the sky. His stomach turned inside

out, tried it’s best to hop right up his throat when he saw the three figures on the ground.

Slinking closer, he tested the air. The scents of Joshua Dobson and most of his pack was

faint, so they were likely several miles away now, but that wasn’t what made Alex freeze in

place. It was that other, familiar scent, the one that had been up until then, tangled with

Joshua’s, or muffled by it, to be exact. Alex could smell it now, and he whimpered, stunned

then furious.

He tried to ignore the way his insides warmed and tingled, the way his cock filled and

pushed out of its sheath. No! Not him! Not that man, not ever! How could the Fates do this to

him—why would they do this to him? Even if by some miracle Sean Dobson was innocent of

Joshua’s cowardly attempt to dethrone Marcus Criswell, he was still a fucking Dobson and

Alex wanted no part of any of them, unless it involved sinking his teeth into their jugulars.

Except, even as he thought that, the bite turned to something else, something wicked

and hot, a possession and marking of the sweet flesh of his mate. And it would be sweet, the

attraction between them would assure it. Alex wouldn’t find anyone else who’d ever

compare to his mate—and that was exactly what Sean Dobson was to him, his destined mate.

I’ll find some way to fight it, to break the hold mates have over each other. Or I’ll fucking throw

myself off a damn cliff. It didn’t occur to him to harm Sean; even an unwanted, traitorous mate

was still more important than his own life. Alex hated it that he couldn’t do anything to

change it, couldn’t shove these feelings out of himself and piss on them where they landed.

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He didn’t want Sean Dobson, and knew his wolf, his body, was going to fight him on it—and

he likely wouldn’t be able to hold out for long.

Death would be better, more honourable, at least. Alex snarled, his wolf was clearly pissed at

that idea, but the human in him wouldn’t give on the matter. Alex didn’t want a Dobson for

his mate. Death before dishonour and all that. The saying certainly fit in this case.

A whimper slapped him out of his brooding. One of the women made the sound again,

then she screamed and set every hair on Alex’s body on end. The agony in her voice

shattered his anger, replacing it with a wellspring of sympathy as he charged forward and

saw what he hadn’t before.

Ants, big, red ones, were scrambling all over the first woman, and likely the other two

forms staked out past her. Alex shifted quickly, his hands changing from paws even as he

reached for the knots or the rope binding the woman’s wrists to the stake. As his hand

brushed against her forearm, she opened her eyes. The pale blue irises nearly vanished as her

pupils dilated. The scent of fear nearly overwhelmed him, and she opened her mouth and

screamed, that same ear-drum splitting scream from moments ago.

“Shh, let me help you,” Alex rasped, unable to hate the poor woman just because she

was a member of Dobson’s pack. There were too many odours assaulting his sense, and one

of them in particular was threatening to make his hands shake. The need to get to his mate

pounded through his veins. Alex snarled as he worked the knot, then found his gaze

reluctantly lifting, sliding over the second woman who appeared to be unconscious, further

past to the thin man several feet from her.

Closer to the ant bed, because he was nearly covered with the things. Bruises marred

his skin; his left arm was slightly crooked, like it was swollen or something, maybe

recovering from a bad break right about the centre of the guy’s forearm. His features were

distorted, bloated, from being bitten or stung, both maybe as there were so many ants. There

were so many on the man. It dawned on Alex that that was because he’d been placed nearest

to the ant bed.

Alex had no more control of himself. It was as if he was suddenly possessed. He

snapped the rope in half then leapt over the first woman to free the next. In seconds he was

moving again, kneeling at his mate’s side. Desperately he swiped at the man’s skin, knocking

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off ants only to have to repeat the gesture again and again. Sean’s body was covered with

bites and red stinging demons.

How much can a shifter take, how much poison is in each sting, how many stings has he

suffered? How badly has he been hurt before being left here to die? The questions spun around in

Alex’s head as he battled the ants with one hand. The fact that the man hadn’t moved, hadn’t

made a sound terrified him even as he acknowledged his death would solve the problem of

how to get rid of an unwanted mate.

Still, Alex worked, one hand going to the rope at Sean’s left wrist, the other always

swiping, moving, ignoring the painful bites. How has the man stood it? Alex couldn’t imagine

what he’d suffered, the fear and agony that he must have felt.

The rope loosened and Alex stopped fighting the ants long enough to gently free the

shifter’s hand. The break in the arm looked bad; maybe it would heal if…if Sean survived.

His heart ached at the thought Sean might not make it, and Alex, angry with himself and

emotions and the goddamned Fates, reached over for the rope that bound the other wrist.

By the time he’d worked all Sean’s limbs free, Alex was covered with a fair amount of

bites himself. He ignored them and knocked more ants off the shifter then slid his arms

under his battered body. If he wasn’t as gentle as he could have been, it was only because he

was trying to hurry and get Sean away from the ants. The barest growth of strawberry blond

hair on the man’s head, which Alex had failed to notice in his frantic attempt to save Sean,

confirmed in his mind just who he was holding.

So yeah, fuck it all, his mate was Joshua Dobson’s brother. But, if Sean survived this, he

probably wouldn’t want Alex any more than Alex wanted him. After all, not many guys

would be happy to discover their mate had been fucked by their brother.

Alex carried Sean over to an area shaded by a rocky overhang several feet above their

heads and tried to get the rest of the ants off him. He cringed, his own balls and cock

shrivelling as he worked the nasty fuckers out of those crevices. Sean was swollen there, as

well as just about everywhere else. Once Alex thought he’d got all the ants off, he picked

Sean up and moved him to another shady patch.

After laying him down, Alex lowered his head and pressed his ear to Sean’s chest. His

heartbeat sounded slow and faint, which said a lot considering a shifter’s enhanced hearing.

Alex sat back on his heels and couldn’t resist placing his hand where his head had been.

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Despite his conflicting emotions, he didn’t want Sean to die. He could tell himself it was

because he wanted information on Joshua, because he wanted to see Sean punished, but none

of it rang true. This man was his mate, and that alone was enough reason for Alex to want

him to live.

There was a mental link between mates, one Alex would have shied away from if the

situation hadn’t been so dire. As it was, his wolf and man agreed that now was the time to

try to utilise that link. Pressing his hand to Sean’s chest, Alex closed his eyes and shoved

through his own prejudices against Sean. “Live, Sean. Fight. Don’t let Joshua win this time.”

Alex wanted to say more, wanted not to ever use this fucking link again, and wanted to

tear Joshua Dobson apart, limb from limb. Instead he lifted his hand and stood, then turned

and went to work getting the two women moved into another small patch of shade.

* * * *

“Live, Sean. Fight. Don’t let Joshua win this time.” The words speared through the happy

place Sean’s mind had retreated to, one he’d discovered when he was a boy being beaten by

his brother. Sean could go there, lose himself from reality in his mind and be unreachable—

and yet, those words penetrated his alternate reality like a cannonball shattering a window


“I don’t want to. Just leave me alone and let me go.” Sean didn’t know why he was arguing

with a voice in his head, but he wanted it to stay the fuck out of there and let him get back to

that place where he didn’t hurt any more. He couldn’t bear the agony that seared every nerve

in his body, couldn’t stand the even worse pain of knowing his brother had done this to him.

The worst was being abandoned, left for the hunter—

The hunter! Sean tried topen his eyes without success. His mind raced with

possibilities—maybe he was hallucinating, maybe he hadn’t really heard that voice, maybe it

was all just the worst nightmare in the world! Maybe—

“No. Stop. This is real, I’m real, and you should know what it means to hear me like this!”

But Sean didn’t, couldn’t think past his panic and pain. Not being able to open his eyes

or hear, having to struggle for each breath to get past his swollen throat, none of those were

conducive to rational thought. When there was nothing else from the voice in his head, Sean

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didn’t reply. There’d been enough force in that statement that Sean wouldn’t dare argue


Joshua had beaten the backbone right out of him, and Sean knew it, accepted it. He let

his mind drift and forgot about the weird occurrence as the pain ceased to exist in his

alternate world.

* * * *

Adrenalin and the need to tend his mate made freeing the two women easier than it

would have been under other circumstances. Alex noted both females were in menses and

wondered if Joshua had used them to add more confusion to the scents. It had nearly

overpowered Alex at first, the strong metallic odour carrying heavily in the air. But it didn’t

matter why Dobson had done it, only that he had, showing his twisted sadistic psyche with

the act.

Assured the women would survive as they had neither the bruising nor number of ant

bites Sean had, Alex left them propped in the shade, their backs resting against the hard rock.

He should have done the same with Sean, in case he’d had trouble breathing or something.

Alex reached out with their link and a surge of panic made his knees weak when he couldn’t

feel his mate. He hadn’t exactly felt him when he’d used the link the first time, had just

assumed the man would hear, but now…

Alex was at Sean’s side in seconds, running his hands all over that bruised body before

finally settling one over Sean’s heart and the other over his parted lips. He pressed harder on

Sean’s chest when at first he didn’t feel anything, but then, just there, the slight thump-

thump of Sean’s heart and the light puff of shaky breath let Alex know he hadn’t died.

Now that he’d freed the women, Alex took several minutes to look at his mate. He

couldn’t make out much of Sean’s features, nor the true build of his body, although he

looked as if he was barely fed enough to keep him alive. Every inch of Sean’s skin was bright

red or bruised; the sun had cooked his exposed skin until it burned under Alex’s palms.

Carefully, he raised Sean’s torso and peered over his shoulder. Bruises and bites

covered Sean’s back, but that wasn’t the worst of it. What caused the moan to slip past Alex’s

lips were the numerous silvery scars that striped Sean’s back in a cross-hatch pattern.

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Only one thing he knew of left scars on a shifter, and that was datura, a plant that was

toxic to them. How Sean had the stuff applied in such symmetrical patterns confused Alex

until he realised the marks looked like those left by a whip. Alex and his family had been a

part of the same pack as the Dobson’s up until Marcus had taken over. Alex remembered

well seeing Randall Dobson, Sean and Joshua’s father—who’d also been the Alpha Anax at

the time—having his older son apply the whip to almost anyone who fell into Randall’s


A severe beating would cut through skin and muscles, clear to the bone. It was a

horrible sight to see, but shifters healed—unless, as he suspected, Joshua applied datura over

the wounds, scarring Sean’s skin permanently.

Rage like no other he’d ever experienced blinded Alex as he thought of the pain Sean

had suffered, the humiliation of being scarred when shifters didn’t do so otherwise. Alex

might not want the man to be his mate, but the instincts that were an integral part of him

railed against Sean experiencing such abuse. His howl rent the air as he held Sean to his


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Chapter Four

“What the hell, Alex?”

Alex pried open his eyes as he closed his mouth. Alison stood a dozen feet away, the

rest of her guards behind her, all of them looking at him like he was crazy.

“Are you trying to alert Dobson to our presence? What the fuck are you—” Alison

stopped, her attention shifting to the man in Alex’s arms. “Is that Sean Dobson? Is he dead?

Tell me he’s not dead! Marcus will have all our heads!” She ran over and squatted beside

Alex, resting a hand on his shoulder as she leant closer to Sean. “My God, what did Joshua

do to him?”

Alex couldn’t seem to get his tongue to work as his heart pinched painfully in his chest.

Alison reached out and pressed Sean’s bottom lip down, opening his mouth a little more.

“His tongue is swollen, and what’s—”

“Ants,” Alex finally managed to grit out. “He and the two women were staked to the

ground by the ant bed over there.”

Alison sucked in a loud breath and stroked Sean’s cheek with a tenderness that both

shocked Alex and pissed him off. “Poor guy. The women, too—Lex! You and Val check the

women! The rest of you find Joshua Dobson’s scent!” Alison never looked away from Sean

while she yelled the orders out, and Alex was on the verge of telling her to back off when she

nodded once then glanced at him. “He’s breathing, barely.”

Alex’s hold tightened briefly before it occurred to him he might be hurting his mate.

The conflicting emotions inside him had settled to a silent bickering for now. All he wanted

to do was make sure Sean would be all right and find a way to ease his pain.

“You look tired,” Alison said. “And you smell like sex. And human.”

The reminder of what he’d done with another man only hours ago shamed Alex.

Granted, he hadn’t known what Sean was to him then, but it still tainted the whole time with

Harley, making it dirty instead of an enjoyable experience.

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“I needed somewhere to stay, a way to make a call,” Alex replied before he thought

better of it. Once the words were out he knew he was in for it. Alison didn’t disappoint him

at all.

Eyes narrowed and lips thinned, she raked him with a glance that made him feel like

the lowest life form. “So, what? You’re a whore now? You fuck someone for a place to stay?

What’s happened to you?”

“It wasn’t like that,” Alex mumbled, but it kind of was, just not exactly. “Harley and I

both got something out of it. It’s no different from when you decide you want to fuck some

guy and spend the night with him. What’s the difference if I didn’t have anywhere else to

stay and I needed to make a goddamned phone call?”

“The difference is that I fuck someone because I want to, because there’s lust and

interest and all that crap, not because it’s an exchange of services,” Alison snarled. “You

wouldn’t have done anything like that before—”

“Before what?” Alex snarled back. “Before I fucked up, not once, but more times than I

could live with? Before I lost all confidence in who and what I was? Before I—”

“That’s quite enough from both of you,” a deep voice rumbled.

Alison went so stiff Alex was surprised her spine didn’t snap. As for him, he shut his

mouth so fast he bit his tongue. Alex couldn’t look up, couldn’t stand to see whatever

expression was on Marcus’ face. He wanted to melt into the ground, let the hot sun take him

apart and mix him right into the red earth.

“Is that the guy?”

The light tenor wasn’t one Alex recognised, and his stomach plummeted as he realised

who it must belong to. Marcus’ answer left no room for doubt.

“Yes, Nathan, that is Sean Dobson.” Marcus’ voice cracked on Sean’s name, and the

Alpha Anax moved closer. Alison stood and backed away, then before Alex knew what was

what, Marcus was there, crouched beside him. Alex couldn’t ignore the man as much as he’d

like to. Marcus was his Alpha Anax, and no matter how humiliating it was, Alex still had to

look at him and acknowledge his presence.

Alex made it as far as the man’s broad chest before another figure joined them. He

recognised the handsome redhead, met his eyes for less than a second before looking back at

Sean’s battered face.

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“Is he going to make it?” Nathan asked quietly, reaching out to touch Sean’s neck. The

growl was out before Alex could stop it as he jerked Sean away from Nathan’s hand.

“Alex.” Marcus said only that, neither yelling nor speaking in his normal tone, but

something in between that had Alex dragging his gaze to the Alpha Anax’s almost black one.

Alex tried to think of a way to explain his reaction to Nathan’s attempt to touch Sean, but all

he could do was grit his teeth as Marcus slowly extended a hand towards Sean.

This possessive wave was something Alex had heard of between mates, but he’d never

understood it—had thought, even, that it must have been exaggerated. Yet as he watched

Marcus’ hand, stared at his knuckles smattered with white-blond hair, Alex’s need to guard

his mate overrode all reason.

Growling at the Alpha Anax would likely get his ass kicked, but Alex couldn’t stop the

sound from rumbling out. He didn’t avert his gaze from Marcus’, didn’t show any sign of

submission even though he should have. Would have, had the asshole not been so insistent

on trying to touch his mate.

Every hair on Alex’s body had to be standing up as that hand got closer. His lips peeled

back from his teeth, exposing his canines in the human equivalent of a wolf’s warning to

back off.

Marcus narrowed his eyes and seemed to peer right into Alex’s soul. The hand he’d

reached for Sean with changed directions and clamped down on the side of Alex’s neck

instead. Alex’s wolf quailed a bit at that; this was his Alpha, demanding submission. To

refuse would mean a fight Alex couldn’t win, and as reason slowly sank in, he knew he

wouldn’t want to win, much less ever fight Marcus.

The growling stopped and Alex dropped his gaze, tipping his head to the side and

exposing his neck to show his submission. Marcus squeezed hard enough to steal Alex’s

breath, but the reprimand was mild, the wolf version of slapping one’s hand.

“Take a couple of deep breaths, then let’s try this again.”

Alex did his best to comply with Marcus’ order, and had almost managed to calm his

racing heart down when the man spoke and screwed it all up again.

“This time, you’re going to let me touch Sean. I know it’s hard to watch someone else—

another man especially—touch your mate, but it needs to be done.”

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“Why?” was what Alex asked, but what he wanted to know besides that, was how

Marcus knew. His neurons finally fired up and he silently duh’d. As if his reaction hadn’t

been a dead giveaway.

Marcus reached for Sean, his intentions clear. Alex wanted to hold the man tighter,

wanted to knock Marcus to the ground and tell him never to touch Sean, never to even try,

but he didn’t, knowing that would only end with his own death, or at least leave him

wishing for it.

“Because I want to check him for myself,” Marcus said calmly as his hand made contact

with Sean’s skin. “I need to, and you need to let me after that pissing match we just had.”

Alex sucked in a harsh breath and forced his fingers to unclench as Marcus carefully

pulled Sean into his arms. It took an incredible amount of effort, but he looked away and

found himself locking eyes with Nathan. The man didn’t look any happier than Alex felt, but

he didn’t utter a word of protest at his mate holding another man.

“He needs medical attention,” Marcus muttered in that tight, crackling voice he’d used

earlier. “Nathan, go get Shania. I’m glad we thought to bring her with us.”

Nathan was gone in a blur of movement, his long red braid thumping against his back

as he ran. Alex watched him, not really thinking about it, just needing to look anywhere but

at Sean in Marcus’ arms.

“He’s gorgeous, isn’t he?” Marcus asked, sounding irritated. Alex snapped his head

back around and frowned as he met Marcus’ gaze. “Nathan, I mean. You were watching


That sounded a lot like an accusation to Alex. He shrugged and turned his attention

back to Sean. “Not really. I mean, yeah, I guess to the gorgeous part, but I wasn’t watching

him, exactly. I just didn’t want to watch you.” There was no need to add that he didn’t want

to watch Marcus touching Sean, they both knew what he meant. As a mated shifter, Marcus

wouldn’t have wanted to see his man in another’s arms.

Marcus sighed and held out a hand to Alex. Alex stared at it in confusion. “It might

help,” Marcus began as he grabbed Alex’s wrist and pulled until Alex’s hand rested against

Sean’s cheek. “If you touch him, too. Then it’s not so much like I’m molesting your mate.”

It did help, but the resentment that had filled Alex upon discovering his mate, and who

his mate was, returned with a vengeance. He pulled his hand back and stood, stumbling back

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a few steps as he did. “But I don’t want him.” No matter what his body, his instincts said. “I

don’t.” He looked at Marcus and cringed. He hadn’t ever seen his Alpha Anax look so

furious. “He’s…he’s one of them,” Alex stammered, backing away a little more. “Surely you

understand, I can’t…can’t…not him! There’s got to be something to undo this whole mates


Marcus’ growl struck fear all the way to Alex’s bowels. Everything inside him quivered

as the bigger man tipped his head, his eyes burning into Alex. Alex saw Shania and Nathan

looking at him with nearly as much anger as Marcus had, then Marcus laid Sean down for

Shania to attend to—and Alex didn’t have even a second to prepare as the Alpha Anax

attacked, slamming him into the rock behind his back.

Alex’s grunt was knocked out of him in a whoosh as his lungs and the rest of him were

squished between hard rock and an equally hard body. Marcus pinned him with his greater

weight and one hand clamped around his neck, making it a challenge for Alex to breathe.

“You would deny your mate?” Marcus snarled, his eyes black with the force of his

anger. Alex could see it, smell it, feel it in the hand tightening around his throat. He’d have

shuddered if he’d had any space to do so. “You don’t even know him, you’re saying fuck

you to the Fates who only bring a few their destined mates. You would take that gift, a man

who will be your perfect match in every way, and throw it away because of his last name? His

family, which he had no choice in belonging to? Is it because his brother molested you—”

Hearing that regretted admission said so easily sent Alex into full flight or fight mode.

He struggled and tried to free himself. The scuffle that ensued could have turned into an

outright fight, but Alex wouldn’t challenge his Alpha Anax in such a way. That he was

putting up a struggle at all was enough reason for Marcus to kill him, and when that thought

penetrated Alex’s angry haze, he was torn between panic and shame. Panic won out and he

shoved hard against Marcus’ chest. Marcus’ growl sent a spike of fear down Alex’s spine that

only made him fight harder, pushing and wiggling, still unable to outright hit his Alpha

Anax even in his frenzied state.

“Stop it!” Marcus punctuated the demand with a shake that rattled Alex’s brain and left

a goose egg on the back of his head from smacking against the rock. “You won’t run again,

do you understand me? I let you go because you needed to prove something to yourself, not


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Another teeth rattling shake made Alex’s eyes water, but the hand at his neck loosened

enough that he could draw a full breath as Marcus continued. “I never blamed you, didn’t

doubt your ability to do your job despite your feelings for me. Looking back I should have

known, but you hide your emotions very well—or you used to. I think you’ve buried too

much for too long, and it stops, now.”

If Alex hadn’t had his senses knocked out of him, he’d have been smart enough to keep

his mouth shut. Instead he had to make it all worse. “You didn’t go all batshit on Aidan

when he didn’t immediately jump to claim Zane.” Alex barely got the words past his bruised

throat, and wished he hadn’t been able to when Marcus roared loud enough to wake the

spirits in the surrounding hills.

“My brother was chasing after Zane soon after, and if he hadn’t do you think I would

have sat back and been okay with that? But I knew Aidan would do the right thing, whereas

you…” Marcus slapped both hands to Alex’s chest. Holding him firmly in place as he

stepped back, Marcus looked him over from top to toes before settling those eyes on Alex’s.

“You, I don’t know what to make of anymore. I thought I knew you, what kind of shifter you

are. Now I’m not so sure.” With that, he let go of Alex and turned his back on him,

dismissing him as if he were nothing.

Alex sank to the ground and dropped his head in his hands. He didn’t know what kind

of shifter he was any more, either, but he suspected it wasn’t any kind he’d like.

* * * *

What he noticed first was the power that seemed to surround him. It was familiar and

welcome, yet different than he could remember experiencing before. Then there were hands

touching him, and as much as he’d have liked to flinch, to curl into a ball and protect himself,

Sean just couldn’t. He waited for the blows to fall, but what came instead were gentle

touches, or ones that were nothing more than impersonal checks of various parts of his body.

Those Sean could tolerate, but the gentle ones, fuck if they didn’t hurt worse than some of the

punches he’d taken.

Sean couldn’t remember the last time someone had touched him with any gentleness at

all. Or he could, but it wasn’t a pleasant memory since it’d got the woman killed. It’d been

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years ago, and one of the times Joshua had beaten him so badly Sean had been sure he would

die. When one of the women in the pack, an older shifter named Lessa, sneaked into the

room he shared with Joshua to try to tend his wounds, she’d signed her own death warrant.

He often wondered if she knew that, and suspected she had. Lessa had been one of

Joshua’s favourite targets. She’d been quiet and somehow untouchable no matter what

Joshua did to her and who he did it in front of. Lessa always seemed to rise above it, as if her

body had nothing to do with her beautiful soul.

On that day years ago, her body and soul had both vanished after Joshua had beat her

to death in front of the entire pack, making sure Sean was front and centre for the show. The

more Sean had begged his brother to stop, the crueller Joshua became, drawing out Lessa’s


When she’d looked at him, a strange peace in her green eyes, Sean had stopped

pleading for her life. Lessa was ready to go, and to extend her stay here for his own sake was

a selfish act Sean couldn’t contemplate.

A touch, feather soft over his cheek made his eyes sting. He imagined if he hadn’t been

dehydrated, he’d probably have bawled like a baby. But what if those touches were another

one of Joshua’s cruel tricks? They could be exchanged for punches, slaps, kicks—the slicing

agony of the whip.

Sean didn’t hear so much as feel the whimper he loosed as he waited for the pain to

begin. Instead, the hands seemed to try to soothe him. They didn’t, only making him more

certain something worse was coming. Then that powerful scent grew stronger, and arms,

thick with hard muscle as they slid around his shoulders and sat him up, reminded him of


Cool liquid trickled over his lips, and Sean eagerly parted them. If there was something

in it to kill him, then so be it. The thirst was a living thing in his veins, stripping the moisture

from every cell. The first drop of water was sheer nirvana, and quickly absorbed by his dry

tissues. More water followed, and Sean whimpered again, trying to get hold of the hand

controlling the liquid flow. He needed more, not these baby sips that only teased at

quenching his thirst.

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He was manoeuvred around until his back was against a broad chest. Sean tried to

move away, knowing with such strength came even greater cruelty. The arms around his

middle tightened and the chest behind him vibrated with what he knew was a growl.

There was such power in it that it seeped into him, and Sean ceased his struggling as his

wolf, not gone as he’d feared, merely sleeping through the misery, quivered and shook in

acknowledgement of the one true Alpha Anax—the man Sean had risked his life to help.

It’s over then, at least for me. Marcus Criswell has found me, and whatever punishment he

chooses, I’ll accept. Joshua won’t be able to run from the Alpha Anax much longer. Sean relaxed

against the Alpha Anax, shocked when he realised it was the man himself who was

administering the little sips of water.

What Sean had done to merit such attention was beyond him. He hadn’t been able to

free Marcus, hadn’t, too many times, been able to sneak him even an adequate amount of

food or water. Maybe he wanted Sean healthy, or at least not so close to death’s door, before

trying him for treason.

Sean mentally shrugged as something wet and thick was smeared over his skin. Truth

be told, he didn’t care what happened to him now.

* * * *

Alex tore his gaze away from the sight of Marcus helping tend to Sean. He had no right

to protest, not after the shit he’d spouted. Why Marcus hadn’t just eviscerated him as

efficiently physically as he had verbally was beyond Alex’s comprehension. It was obvious

he wasn’t welcome here, wouldn’t have a place in the pack again, and he couldn’t blame

Marcus…couldn’t claim to love the jerk any more either. Apparently humiliation could snuff

even the most ardent flames of a disillusioned and unrequited love.

Even knowing he’d royally fucked up, Alex still didn’t want to leave. Part of it was that

his mate was here, and even if Alex didn’t want Sean intellectually, he wanted him every

other way possible. The rest, of course, was wanting to be accepted into the pack he’d loved

being a part of for so long. But he couldn’t see that happening, and figured it best to get away

before he was told to do so.

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Alex didn’t think anyone paid any attention as he slipped around the group and started

towards the creek. He planned to quench his own thirst then shift and pick up Dobson’s

scent. No doubt Alison and the rest of the guards would do the same, but he hoped at least to

get a good head start so he could deal with Joshua Dobson himself.

He faltered when it dawned on him the reason he wanted to catch Dobson himself—the

main reason, anyway—had changed. This wasn’t just about his own pride, his dented ego

that he tried to convince himself he wasn’t acting on. He’d lied to himself and everyone else

when he’d said he was going after the traitorous bastard because Dobson had dared to fuck

with the Alpha Anax. The truth was, though he only just acknowledged it, he’d been doing it

for himself. What a pathetic, delusional dickwad he was!

Oh but now, now none of that mattered as much as giving Joshua Dobson some

payback for torturing Sean. There was no doubt that was what it’d been; those marks on his

back, the broken arm, the bruises and today’s sickening display. All ways of torturing his

brother, and who knew why the sick fuck did any of it?

Why had Joshua sought him out years ago, courted him and flattered him until Alex,

with all the naivety of a sixteen-year-old on the verge of accepting that he was different,

tumbled right into the man’s hands? The experience had scarred Alex for years, as surely as

Sean must be scarred by his brother’s abuse.

And maybe that answered one of Alex’s questions—why did Sean stay in his brother’s

pack? Alex thought about how lonely he’d been since starting this hunt, how he’d ached for

the comfort of a pack. If all he’d known was abuse at the hands of his alpha, if he thought

there wasn’t any other way for him to live, wouldn’t he have stayed, too?

He wouldn’t have had the strength to leave, or the cowardice, he admitted. Running

wouldn’t have been an option had he been terrified of the repercussions. Better to stay and

take the abuse and live, as it were, than to be chased down and killed. Alex knew there was

more to it than that, that there was a victim mentality or something of the sort that had to be

factored in, but he just didn’t know enough about it to apply it logically to Sean—and he

didn’t know Sean, his mate, at all.

Yet here he was, running away again. He could claim it was the need to avenge Sean,

and that need did burn bright and hot in his chest, but it wasn’t stronger than a mate bond,

was it? Alex was trying to figure that out when the sound of pounding footsteps had him

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spinning around. His eyes bugged when he saw Nathan, red hair having come loose from

the braid and flying all around him as he narrowed his eyes and charged right at Alex.

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Chapter Five

Nathan wasn’t the Alpha Anax, but he was the man’s mate, and as such, higher ranked

in the pack than Alex had ever been. Alex was tired, confused, angry, and emotionally

exhausted—the whole rainbow of emotions. He didn’t want another confrontation, but it

looked like it was going to happen. Hoping to avert a violent one, he knelt and craned his

neck, exposing the vulnerable artery that Nathan could easily rip out should he choose. Not

that Alex thought he would, or he wouldn’t have offered his submission, but it was the only

way he could think of to show he wasn’t interested in a fight.

Nathan barrelled to a halt, his shoes skidding in the soft dirt in front of Alex. Alex

glanced up through his lashes when the man didn’t say or do anything other than pant.

Nathan’s hands were planted on his lean hips, and his hair was pretty much everywhere,

tangled and stringy and slick with sweat near the temples. His face was red, which set off the

green eyes.

Streaks of grey split the irises in a starburst pattern. It was an unusual colour

combination, Alex mused, then wondered why he’d even noticed. Probably because, as much

anger as he was expecting to feel, to scent from Nathan, all he was picking up was something

that looked to be, according to Nathan’s expression, sheer exasperation.

“Geez, would you get up already? What the hell do you think I want to do, sniff your

neck or rip something out?” If Nathan’s expression was one of exasperation, his voice was

one laced with irritation and, unless Alex was very wrong, a bit of humour. “Seriously, get

up before Marcus looks this way and thinks you’re offering to blow me.”

Alex was up so fast dots danced before his eyes. He glared at Nathan when the man

had the gall to laugh. “It’s not funny! Marcus would kill me if he thought that!”

“No shit,” Nathan agreed. He snorted as he glanced over his shoulder then turned back

to Alex. “I think he’s still playing nurse to your mate. It’s mildly irritating, but also kind of

cute. Maybe I should get him one of those uniforms—the guy ones,” he clarified when Alex

was sure his jaw couldn’t drop any further. “Or maybe one of those white nurse’s hats, you

know the ones? But I think those are only for women, but maybe—”

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Alex’s head was going to explode if Nathan didn’t shut up. “Is there a reason you

followed me? Besides freaking me out with the whole ‘Alpha Anax in female nursing garb’


“That freaked you out?” Nathan asked as his eyebrows shot up.

Alex glowered; if Nathan wasn’t going to act like a higher ranking shifter, then Alex

wouldn’t treat him like one. Nathan’s smirk, however, had Alex rethinking that. The red

headed man looked like an evil fairy with that look on his face. Alex sighed and threw his

hands in the air. “What do you want from me? I swear to God you are the most confusing

man I’ve ever met!”

Nathan’s smirk somehow grew darker as he looked at his fingernails on one hand then

buffed them against his shirt. “Well, normally I’d say my job here is done then, however”—

he glanced at Alex then beyond him towards the stream—“if all you were doing was going

for a drink—which, we have plenty of back there; Alison had some of the guards carry the

ice chests we brought—anyway, if that’s all you were doing, you can come back. Unless

you’d rather have fresh stream water, that’s cool too.”

Alex’s mind raced as he tried to figure out how to answer what hadn’t really been a

question. Then Nathan stepped closer and poked at a spot on Alex’s chest. Hard. Alex was so

stunned he stood there like an idiot while Nathan repeated the jabs several times before Alex

finally had enough sense to step back. “What the hell is your problem?” he snapped, rubbing

at his chest.

Nathan gave him a haughty look but couldn’t hold it, snickering instead. “I was

counting the ant bites. Dude, you’re covered. You’ve even got them, you know, there.”

Alex glanced down to where Nathan was pointing and wished to hell he hadn’t. Sure

enough he had several bites there and now every damned one of them was stinging. Alex

glared at the man and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well you sure aren’t counting those


After an eye roll that should have detached his optic nerves, Nathan tapped his foot

and studied him for a moment. Alex was about ready to demand the man say something

when he finally did.

“Okay, here’s the deal. I saw you slink off and figured you were going to haul ass and

run again, and use some stupid excuse for it. Your sister would have started bitching all over

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again about it, Marcus would have blamed himself for running you off, and your mate? Did

you even think about him? Or are you really such a heartless asshole you’d hold all that crap

you spewed to Marcus about his name and family and whatever against him?”

If Alex had thought Nathan looked like an evil fairy before, that was nothing compared

to the ball shrivelling glare he levelled on Alex now. “I can’t believe Marcus would have

someone like that as the captain of his guard. Or is it that you’re still hung up on my mate?”

Alex shook his head quickly, because that evil look had turned into something closer to

malevolent as Nathan had growled out that last part. “No…I don’t…I mean, I just put him

on this pedestal, you know?” Nathan’s growl intensified and Alex hurried to explain. “I’ve

had a lot of time to think, and I realised after what…what happened with Joshua Dobson—”

“When he sexually assaulted you,” Nathan snapped, not sounding sympathetic

although the anger seemed to drain from his expression. “You were sixteen. You weren’t an

adult, and Joshua was.”

“Yeah,” Alex said when he really just wanted to deny that’s what it was, but he

couldn’t. He couldn’t say it, either. He’d spent years trying to turn what had happened

between him and Joshua into something he could cope with, but the fact was, Joshua had

assaulted him, had taken advantage and manipulated Alex then hurt him in ways no one

ever should be hurt. “That. After that, I didn’t have anything to do with men for years. I

tried, you know, with females, but there was just no way.” He shrugged and tried to ignore

the burning in his cheeks. “So yeah, eventually I couldn’t take any more of my own hand,

and I fucked a guy, and it was, well it was good. I could do that, but I couldn’t do anything

else, like have a relationship. I just couldn’t go there.”

The more he talked, the clearer his reasons became to him. He’d kept what Joshua had

done to him buried so deeply, told himself it didn’t affect him once he’d started having sex,

but it had. Alex hadn’t let himself consider having a relationship because he wasn’t capable

of giving himself to another man, not after the violent way Joshua had used him. He wasn’t

going to explain that to Nathan, however. He was already spilling his guts and he didn’t

even know the man, yet he couldn’t seem to stop.

“Marcus—Alpha Anax Criswell, I mean,” Alex corrected, not wanting to irritate Nathan

by being too familiar with his mate. “He came along and just blew me away. Took on

Randall Dobson, easily defeated him. Marcus wasn’t ashamed of who or what he was, he

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didn’t hide it, he embraced it. Here was this big, tough shifter who was out and waving his

rainbow flag in everyone’s faces and demanding he be accepted. And he was, for the most

part. Few challenged him, and those that did were left holding their asses in their hands and

swearing fidelity to their new AA. And he appointed me, me captain of his guard.”

Alex shook his head, remembering how stunned he had been that the new Alpha Anax

thought he was worthy of the position. “He was—is—honest and fair, smart and, please

don’t get mad, attractive. It was easy to put all that built up longing on him, knowing he’d

never do anything so dishonourable as to have an affair with someone directly under his

command. If he had…”

“You wouldn’t have loved him anymore,” Nathan finished when Alex trailed off. “So

he was lovable as long as he was unattainable.”

“Yes,” Alex admitted. “I’m just pretty fucked up, I guess.”

“Not any more than most of us.” Nathan glanced over his shoulder again. Alex looked

as well and saw his mate being bundled up in what looked like a sheet. Nathan half turned

and hitched his thumb in that direction. “So, are you still going to run?”

Alex didn’t even try to deny that was what he had intended. “I want to, and not all just

because I’m a mess. I want to bring Joshua Dobson in, if I don’t kill him first.”

Nathan’s grin was that same one that made Alex think the man was more dangerous

than his pretty looks suggested. “Get in line, buddy. I can’t even begin to tell you the ways

I’d love to make that asshole pay for all the things he’s done.”

Alex shivered as he thought that Dobson would be a very lucky shifter to die at anyone

else’s hands besides Nathan’s.

“So are you coming or not? If it’s not, I think you’ll have your sister on your trail and

that would suck big time.”

“Understatement,” Alex muttered, but he followed Nathan back to where the other

shifters were gathered.

* * * *

Whatever they had been doing to him, it seemed to be working quickly. Sean could

hear somewhat, so the swelling there must have gone down, and he could open his eyes

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enough to see a little, even though everything was blurry. He knew the looming big shape

was Marcus Criswell, and he was glad to know the man had recovered from his months in


Stuff had been slathered over his skin, which eased most of the burning and itching. His

left arm had been set, which had been awful but not something he experienced for the first

time. The first time, the pain had shocked him so badly he’d loosed his bladder, much to

Joshua’s delight. Sean had been in too much pain to care.

He’d been given something vile to drink, which he’d tried to refuse until Marcus had

insistently began pouring the liquid in his mouth. With his head back, Sean had no choice

but to swallow, and within minutes was glad he had because as gross as the stuff was, it

evidently had some sort of painkiller in it. Sean was still aching a bit, but he was pleasantly

buzzing, floating on a cloud of medicinal manufacturing that he didn’t particularly care to


Something niggled at his brain, but he couldn’t grasp it. He wondered if this was how

Joshua felt when he snorted all those drugs. If so, Sean could kind of understand why he did

it, though he still thought it was a bad thing to do, especially for an alpha. Sean couldn’t have

led his hand to his dick with the way he was feeling right now. How could an alpha lead a

pack if this was the way drugs made them feel?

Yet even through his pleasurably drugged haze, he felt a change in his body, one that

spiralled up from his groin, trying to harden his dick when that particular part of him hadn’t

been hard in too long to remember. Still the warm, exciting feeling spread through him,

heating the soles of his feet and all the way to his fingertips and the top of his head.

Everything in between sparked and tingled, and a scent reached his nostrils that,

miraculously, brought that formerly limp slab to startling quick erectness.

Holy shit, that’s some good drugs. Except his gaze landed on a tall, lean, dark haired man

with surprisingly blue eyes, and Sean realised it wasn’t drugs at all that was setting his body

to quivering with something he’d never thought to feel. The niggling blossomed into a

memory, a voice in his head, and Sean wavered between panic and hope as he named the

feeling coursing through him.

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Desire, arousal, lust—it was everything and all of those but so much stronger. And the

reason for it was the man standing at the edge of where the shifters had gathered, looking

somewhere other than at Sean. But who could blame the man?

Sean’s euphoria vanished in a snap when the man turned and walked towards someone

else. He couldn’t blame him. Sean was damaged physically and for sure mentally—probably

even worse that way. And he would likely be tried as a traitor soon, so yeah, why wouldn’t

his mate walk away?

All shifters had heard of destined mates and hoped that one day they would find their

own. The pull between them was recognisable from the first meeting, and, Sean had been

told, irresistible. Sean didn’t think he was a particularly strong man to begin with, or else

Joshua wouldn’t have treated him like shit. He didn’t have a hope of resisting his mate, and

didn’t see why he should bother trying, except that his mate undoubtedly deserved better

than him and didn’t seem to want him.

It wasn’t like Sean had ever thought he’d have a mate anyway, but now that he did, the

instinct to touch the man, to talk to him or even just look at him was almost overpowering

Sean’s pain and fear. A mate would have the power to hurt him—or love him. But destined

mates aren’t capable of hurting one another, not truly, not the physical kind of abuse like Joshua did to

me, and not the bone-deep emotional ache I’ve felt for years.

Sean closed his eyes, too confused and scared to think about it right now. His body

burned from a thousand points. There were other things he needed to be worried about

instead of whether or not his mate would want him—like whether or not he’d be alive long

enough for that whole issue to matter.

* * * *

It wasn’t until Alex followed his sister and the two guards who weren’t staying behind

to pursue Dobson that Alex learned something he’d have thought someone might have told

him sooner.

“Val, give Alex something to put on. Wouldn’t want to get pulled over and end up in

jail because all his stuff is hanging out. We’ve got about a seven hour drive to Santa Fe, so

let’s get moving.”

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“What’s in Santa Fe?” Alex asked as he caught the black cargo pants tossed to him by

Val, one of Marcus’ guards. He wished for once he had some underwear on, because the

salve he’d been given to rub onto his cock and balls was sticky.

“The new headquarters,” Val said as he waved a shirt at Alex. “You want shoes too?

Well yeah, probably you do in case we make any stops.”

Alex buttoned the pants then caught the shirt while he mulled over the change in HQ.

“Why Santa Fe?”

Alison answered as she opened the driver’s side door. “That’s where Nathan has his

gym, and his dad Rick lives there. Plus Marcus wanted to be closer to Aidan, his brother and

Aidan’s mate, Zane. They’ve got their place on the market and are looking for a suitable

home on the outskirts of Santa Fe as well. Now if they could just convince Mika and Gabe to


Alex smiled absently at the mention of Mika and Gabe, two of Marcus’ and Aidan’s

closest friends. They were Zane’s friend, too, although there’d been a time when Mika and

Gabe hadn’t been fond of Zane at all since Zane had once been an alpha of Mika’s former

pack—and had ordered Mika to be banned from the pack for being gay. Once it’d come to

light that Zane had no choice other than to kick Mika out or die, Mika and Gabe had

managed to put away their anger and even helped Zane when he’d been seriously injured.

All in all, Alex thought the men were pretty amazing.

“How are they doing?” Alex asked as he watched the Alpha Anax’s black Hummer

pull away. His mate was in there, and Alex wanted to ride with him, but there wouldn’t have

been room with the two female shifters and Sean, as well as Shania, Nathan and Marcus.

And he hadn’t been asked, either.

Alison waited until he got in and started buckling up before she answered. “Ah, you

missed Gabe’s changing ceremony. Last weekend he became an official shifter. He and Mika

both pledged fidelity to the Alpha Anax, then there was a whole lot of sexing going on in

Lincoln National. I felt left out,” she added with a laugh.

Alex’s mood plummeted. He’d missed so much, his family, his pack, Marcus’ return as

Alpha Anax, Gabe’s ceremony—all because of his wounded pride and his embarrassment at

having so many of his secrets known.

“Did you call Mom yet?” Alison asked as she guided the SUV onto the dirt road.

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Sighing, knowing he was in for a well-deserved ass-chewing, he held out his hand.

Alison plunked the cell phone into his palm, and Alex dialled his mother’s number as Alison

added, “Don’t forget to tell her you found your destined mate. That should take some of the

heat out of her.”

But it wouldn’t if she knew how I acted. “I’ll call her, and Aaron, too.” He hadn’t spoken to

his brother in a while and it’d be good just to hear his voice.

“Aaron won’t be home right now, but you can leave him a message.”

Alex frowned at his sister. “Where is he?”

Alison shrugged. “Some girlfriend he’s hooking up with. I don’t know, he goes through

them like he goes through toilet paper. Boy never did learn the ‘take only what you need’


“Maybe he did, and he needed half the roll every time he took a shit. I told mom years

ago she should have just bought a pressure washer to hose Aaron off with. Daily.”

“Quit stalling by bringing up our brother’s shit. Toilet paper usage is okay, but

discussing fecal matter or urine, nuh-uh. Call mom.”

* * * *

After more than three hours in a vehicle Alex was about ready to punch something. He

felt especially confined since he’d spent so many weeks out in the open, with the exception of

the occasional hook-up. That, and every time he’d tried to contact his mate using their link all

he’d got back was a rather euphoric wave of gibberish. Sean was definitely in his own special

la-la land, and while Alex didn’t want him hurting, not knowing how he was doing other

than being higher than Willis Tower in Chicago, was driving Alex nuts with worry.

Look how quickly I changed my mind. That link is more powerful than any un-mated shifter

could ever guess. It wasn’t just the link that had affected Alex, though. The conversation with

Nathan, and a surprisingly calm one with Alison had helped peel the scales of self-deception

from Alex’s eyes.

Then when Alison had apologised for accusing him of letting Stewart Combs kill

himself, and for knocking him on his ass as well, Alex thought he must have stumbled into a

parallel universe. Alison had never apologised to him, not like that, and he wasn’t quite sure

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what to make of it. Neither was she, apparently, because the silence between them extended

into the awkward realm it was now in.

Alex’s heart flipped when the Hummer’s turning signal flashed and the brake lights lit

up. “We’re stopping too, right?” He wanted to at least check on Sean himself, see if maybe he

could reach the man on some level.

“Of course,” Alison said after snorting loud enough to lose a few nose hairs. “Like

we’re letting the Alpha Anax and his mate stop at a rest area alone after what happened last


“I’m surprised he’s stopping at one now,” Alex admitted. Dobson had abducted Marcus

from a rest area in New Mexico. That was where the trail ended when Alex had searched in

vain for the man. The damned GPS tracker hadn’t done a bit of good since Marcus’ old

Hummer had been left behind for thieves to plunder.

As soon as Alison stopped the SUV, Alex was out the door and bounding over to the

Hummer. He wasn’t quite ready to face the Alpha Anax yet, not after their earlier

confrontation, so he veered to the passenger door where Shania was just getting out.

“How is he?” Alex asked, trying to peer around her. She wasn’t a small shifter, tall and

bulked up with muscle in a way that still managed to look feminine.

Marcus twisted in his seat and Alex couldn’t avoid his eyes. “Why don’t you see for


I’m trying! Alex decided it was wiser to keep his mouth shut this time around, but once

Shania moved he climbed in the vehicle and immediately became aroused from his mate’s

scent. Behave, now’s so not the time. The two women he’d rescued were huddled together in

the seat, so Alex assumed Sean was curled up in the back.

Before he could so much as reach an arm around to touch his mate, who was bundled

up like a baby in a swathing cloth, Marcus’ hand landed on his shoulder. Alex flinched and

glanced at him even as he tried not to bristle at the delay in touching Sean.

“I have a better idea,” Marcus said in a way that sounded almost apologetic, which

made no sense to Alex. “Come around back, I’ll open it that way and you can reach him


If it was a peace offering, it was the best one Alex could have hoped for. He nodded and

backed out of the vehicle, then met Marcus and Nathan at the back of it. Nathan gave him a

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grin and patted his arm. “I’m just going to go relieve some of the pressure off my bladder.”

He sauntered off with a swing of hips that made Marcus’ eyes gleam with the same desire

that rolled off him.

Alex decided to breathe through his mouth.

“Sorry, just let me…” Marcus opened the back of the Hummer a few inches then

stopped and looked at Alex. “Look, Alex, I shouldn’t have lost my temper like I did, it’s

just—this man in here, sometimes he was the only reason I survived. There were times I was

sure I’d die, when I’d been starved and deprived of water, or beaten so bad I could hardly

breathe, and yet there was this slip of a man, so scared he smelt of nothing else, but he’d risk

his brother’s wrath to try to help me what little he could. I just…I think you’re a good shifter,

and Sean is as well, and maybe I was a little pissed at you for leaving like you did—”

“I’m not a good shifter,” Alex said before Marcus could go on. “But I will be. Please, can

I…” He grabbed the edge of the tailgate.

“Sure, sure, sorry, I—” Marcus opened the tailgate and stepped aside. “I’ll be back in a

few minutes, after your sister scares all the men out of the restroom.”

Alex looked at Sean curled on his side with his broken arm cradled against his chest. He

didn’t think there’d ever been a moment in his life where he’d wanted anything more than

he wanted to hold his mate. Alex climbed in and cursed. They weren’t going to fit, not in this

small space. He settled for scooting as close to Sean as he could and carefully lifting Sean’s

head and placing it on his lap.

Sean stiffened then relaxed, his breathing smoothing out after a second’s hesitation.

Alex carefully ran his fingers over Sean’s short hair. In this lighting it looked more of a light

brown than strawberry blond, but that might have been due to the dirt and grit and that god

awful salve that Shania had applied to Sean’s bites.

Alex trailed a hand down the side of Sean’s face, keeping the pressure light so as not to

hurt him. The sticky salve was an annoyance that kept him from truly feeling Sean’s skin, but

if it helped Sean, then Alex would happily put up with the stuff. He traced the line of Sean’s

bruised jaw, then further down, feathering touches over the side of his neck. Sean shivered

and made a needy sound, and moisture leaked from the edge of one swollen eye.

Alex stopped, afraid he’d caused Sean pain, but Sean made the sound again and

wiggled as if trying to scoot up onto Alex’s lap. Alex stroked the long line of his neck again,

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and couldn’t miss the way Sean’s skin pebbled with goose bumps under his fingertips. He

moved his hand around and felt the pronounced knobs of Sean’s spine standing out at the

back of his neck.

Marcus’ words about Sean sneaking him food came back to Alex. Had Sean done

without just to help Marcus? He couldn’t have been getting much food himself. Even

distorted as his body had been, swollen by ant bites and his brother’s beating, it had still

been obvious by the sharp pelvic bones and stick-thin appendages that Sean had been

dangerously malnourished.

“Fuck it,” Alex muttered as his heart did that pinching thing again. He wiggled around

carefully, biting back curses, twisting himself damn near like a pretzel until he was able to

curl his body around Sean’s. A satisfied smile curled his lips as he nuzzled Sean’s hair,

uncaring of the sharp scent of the salve and the sticky mess it was leaving on his face. He was

wedged in good, and he wasn’t going to move again unless someone pried him out with a


* * * *

Sean sighed happily, content to stay in the nice dream where he was held in strong

arms. Occasionally lips kissed his head, his temple, the skin beneath his ear. It was the best

dream he’d ever had, and he didn’t ever want to wake from it. His dream man felt perfect

pressed against him, and he smelt like all the best things Sean had never thought to have.

“It’s not a dream, Sean. I’m real, and I’m here. Wake up and you’ll see.”

Sean frowned at the voice invading his dream. It sounded every bit as delicious as the

dream itself, but he suspected it was a trick. Being awake was never pleasurable, and this

dream or fantasy or whatever was something he didn’t ever want to leave. But the fucking

voice would not shut up!

“Open your eyes for me, Sean. I haven’t seen them yet. Marcus told me they were beautiful,

almost amber coloured. I’d like to see that, see you looking back at me without anything but joy in your

eyes. Trust me, Sean, please. I’m your mate. You know I could never hurt you.”

Sean was pretty damned impressed with his mind even in his sleep. He hadn’t known

he could dream so realistically of something other than horrible things. He’d be more

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impressed though if he could get that voice out of his head. He knew he had a mate, but the

man hadn’t wanted anything to do with him earlier, so this was surely just another cruel

trick his mind was playing on him. Joshua was probably involved in it too, Sean just wasn’t

sure how.

“I was ashamed, that’s why I walked away when I came back. I said some things, stupid, stupid

things earlier, and the Alpha Anax had put me in my place. I wanted to run, to hide from what I’d said

and done, but someone wouldn’t let me. Nathan made me see what I was doing, why I was doing it.


Hearing another man’s name in that smooth, deep voice was enough to snap Sean right

out of his pleasant dream. Of course something would have to screw it up.

Except when he opened his eyes, he found himself peering up into those blue ones he’d

longed to have look at him earlier in the day, and Sean’s breath hitched in his chest when it

sank in that he hadn’t been dreaming at all.

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Chapter Six

They arrived at the headquarters in the evening. Alex groaned with relief. His body

ached and everything was stiff from lying on his side and trying to be still so as not to jostle

Sean. After that shocking jolt of seeing Sean’s eyes—which were even lovelier than Marcus

had described them—Sean had immediately closed them again then drifted to sleep. And

Alex hadn’t been able to reach him again no matter how hard he’d tried.

It wasn’t like he encountered a mental brick wall or anything; Sean just…wasn’t there.

It had scared the shit out of Alex at first, but once he’d seen that Sean was still breathing, his

heart still beating, Alex had resigned himself to being ignored. He’d ask Shania or Nathan

about it later, or, if he could get past his own issues, Marcus. Maybe one of them would

know how Sean managed to make himself disappear mentally.

“We’ve got a room set up for you—and Sean,” Nathan said as the vehicle came to a

stop. “It’s on the ground floor in the same wing as the guards’, so I hope that’s okay.”

As if Alex would complain. He was just glad to be allowed back, even if the pack had

moved to Santa Fe. Alex had hated the pollution in Cincinnati. It’d made his nose burn more

often than not. Surely Santa Fe would be less stinky.

It took both Marcus and Nathan helping for Alex to unwind and crawl out of the back

of the Hummer, then the three of them carefully manoeuvred Sean into Alex’s arms. Shania

hovered on the large porch, the two female shifters behind her.

Once they were all inside, Nathan showed Alex to his—and Sean’s—room. Alex

blinked and turned to question Nathan, because surely this was wrong. His old room at HQ

had been small and sparsely furnished, the walls white and the carpet beige. This room here

was more like something Alex would have expected to find in a luxury hotel. The bed alone

was almost bigger than Alex’s old room, and there wasn’t a speck of white or beige

anywhere he had seen.

“Don’t look so shocked,” Nathan said before Alex could get a word out. “Marcus is

glad to have you back. He’d set this room aside for you when we moved here, and, before

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you ask, I was totally fine with that. I knew you couldn’t, and wouldn’t, ever make a move

on Marcus. Otherwise, you’d be sleeping out back in the kennels.”

“I don’t doubt it,” Alex muttered. He looked at the room again, at the warm rust

coloured tiles and the soft yellow walls decorated with framed paintings of wolves and

mesas. The ceiling was the same shade of yellow, but golden beams of what he thought were

pine ran across the length of the ceiling every couple of feet.

“There’s a fireplace, not that you’ll be needing it anytime soon, but it’s romantic.”

Nathan pointed to the ornate fireplace. “Everything you need is in right there in the copper

tin or under the window seat. The bath is through that door,” Nathan nodded towards a

door to the right. “Closets are those doors over there across from the bed. There’s even a little

study through that door. We’ll see to it that you and Sean have clothes and whatever else you

need, and Deb will be bringing you both something to eat after Shania checks Sean.”

Nathan turned and tapped at his chin with one finger. “Is that everything? I think that’s

everything, but if not I’ll fill you in later or in the morning. Any questions?”

Only a dozen, like why and… Well, they pretty much all started with ‘why’.

“If you’re not up to seeing anyone—and you don’t have to, you’ve just found your

mate, after all, and he’s hardly in shape for company—then don’t feel obligated. Except for

Marcus, of course—and me.” Nathan frowned and that finger tapped faster. “I really can’t

think of anything else. Oh! Don’t feel bad about the room, all the guards got an upgrade

when we moved. How anyone could live in those dreary-ass rooms you all had back in

Cincinnati…” Nathan walked off muttering to himself about a certain gay man’s lack of

decorating skills.

Alex shook his head and carried Sean over to the bed. He laid him down gently on top

of the gold and red comforter and made sure his head and neck was well supported. Alex sat

on the edge of the bed and debated unwrapping his mate from the sheet wound around him,

but a tap at the open doorway spared him from making that decision.

Alex turned and waved Shania in. “I didn’t know if I should take this thing off him.”

He gestured to the sheet. It was going to have to come off in order for Shania to tend his

wounds. “Uh, where do I start?”

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“You always were a smart man,” Shania teased as she ruffled his hair. Alex grimaced;

she always did that and he always hated it. Which was probably why she did it. “Grab that

tail end of the material by his shoulder.”

Alex did and together they peeled the sheet off Sean. The bruises still looked horrible,

their colour deepening to a purplish black in places, but the ant bites were considerably less


“That salve is pretty good medicine,” Shania murmured as she ran her hands down

Sean’s leg, checking the bites and bruises. “He should be healing faster, though. These

bruises should be into that green stage, you know, and even the ant bites should be almost

cleared up. He’s pretty malnourished, though, so his body might not have the reserves it

needs to heal as it should.”

Alex grunted, watching the woman’s hands track back up Sean’s legs and to his—


“What?” Shania replied, not even giving him a glance. “You know he’s yours, and you

also know I need to check all of him more thoroughly than I could earlier. So stop being

obtuse and help me spread his legs.”

By the time the very thorough examination was over, Alex felt a little queasy, and he

was glad Sean hadn’t been awake for the humiliating experience. Alex had tried to reach him

several times and got nothing at all. Which reminded him—

“Shania, can I ask you something real quick about the telepathic link between mates?”

Shania stopped halfway to the door and walked back over. “You can ask, but I don’t

know how helpful I’ll be, not having a mate myself.”

Alex explained his inability to sense Sean at all mentally, and Shania frowned

thoughtfully as she looked at him. “If I had to hazard a guess—and that’s exactly what I’m

doing, so keep that in mind—I’d say Sean probably developed a coping mechanism years

ago, a way to escape into his mind when things were bad. Kind of disappear within himself,

or withdraw, blocking the pain from reaching anything other than his body.”

Alex frowned as he looked at his mate. “So, I’m a bad thing? Comparable to the brother


“No. Get your head out of your ass,” Shania snapped. “What happened today, being

staked out like a sacrifice to the sun god or whatever, that was a very very bad thing. Being

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abandoned by the one person who had—admittedly shittily—been taking care of him for

probably all his life? That would be an even worse thing. Then toss in a destined mate when

his mind is already swirling with who knows what, and it was probably more than he could

deal with.”

“I don’t understand how Joshua leaving him, short of the manner he did so, could be

worse than the actual way he left Sean there.” Alex needed to understand that, or he’d

probably say something that would hurt Sean once he did wake up.

Shania took Alex’s hand and guided him across the room. “In case he can hear us. I

think it’s possible, especially if he isn’t unconscious so much as he’s hiding like I suspect.”

Alex nodded that he understood and Shania glanced at Sean as she spoke softly.

“If Sean has a victim mentality—and I wouldn’t see how he couldn’t—then he’s come to

believe he’s useless, worthless, at fault for what he’s suffered. Some victims of abuse do as I

described, find a way to hide themselves away from what’s being done to them. And before

you ask, because I can see the question coming, he stayed, like so many abuse victims do,

because he didn’t think he had a choice.” Shania stopped and arched a brow at him. “Are

you understanding me?”

“Yes ma’am.” Alex nodded to top that off.

“All right then. Sean could have been too scared to leave, didn’t think he had anywhere

to go, anyone to help him or protect him. Just like those poor women, Michelle and

Rosemary. Neither one wants to stay here, they are already begging to be allowed to leave.

Marcus said he’d release them tomorrow if they were healed enough. So they will be out of

here. They’ll probably find another pack with a jerk for an alpha, or they’ll go back to their

original packs and find them a man who treats them like Joshua did. Statistically, in humans

at least, that’s what happens. I expect the same in shifters. We haven’t exactly set up study

groups, don’t have the facilities for it, so I have to go with the information on humans.”

Shania shook her head and sighed.

“But, back to Sean. He may have been brainwashed in a way by his brother. If you’re

told you’re stupid and useless and deserve what’s happening to you, it’s all too easy to

believe it.”

Alex closed the door after Shania left and leaned against it, resting his head on the cool

wood. Was he able to deal with the issues Sean might have? Without screwing him up?

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Probably not without knowing a hell of a lot more than I do now, but I will learn. I won’t be another
person who hurts Sean or leaves him feeling abandoned and scared.

It would be hard, because Alex would be battling his need to claim Sean as desire

between mates could be irresistible, but he’d manage. The idea of causing Sean harm was

unacceptable. Which meant, Alex realised, he needed to have enough faith in himself to do

what was right, to put his mate first.

Turning around and staring at the sleeping—or not—man on the bed, Alex vowed he

would do whatever it took to make Sean whole and happy.

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Chapter Seven

Sean sat up in bed, scooting back until he could rest against the headboard to get a

better view of the handsome man as Alex entered the room carrying a tray of breakfast foods.

Whether it was the bond between them or the simple truth, he thought Alex was the most

attractive man he’d ever seen.

Tall and lean, with thick black hair that set off the light blue of his eyes and classically

sculpted features, the man was perfect. Sean both anticipated and dreaded their mating—

which would happen sooner rather than later.

As hurt as he was, he couldn’t look at Alex without thinking about fucking, and knew

the visceral would soon trump the intellectual. Not that he was particularly intellectual.

Joshua had told him often enough he was dumber than dirt. He didn’t want to think about

his brother right now, though. It caused too many conflicting emotions inside him. He’d

rather look at Alex.

It was his third day here, and the first that he wasn’t trying to sleep through. Alex’s

persistence in pouring broth down his throat or water or milk had disturbed Sean often

enough that he didn’t even care to try to hide as he had been doing.

Besides which, Alex smelt better than the food he was now setting on the small table

he’d has someone bring in earlier. Two thickly padded chairs had been carried in too, and

Sean just wasn’t sure what to make of it. Everything here was fancy, and Sean was sure he

wasn’t good enough for any of it, especially not the man who was, much to Alex’s own bad

luck, his mate.

Alex turned to him with a charming smile in place. He held out one hand and wiggled

his fingers. “Come on, I know you’re hungry. Your stomach was growling so loud during the

night it drowned out your snores.”

“I—” Sean shut his mouth. If Alex said he snored, then he snored. Sean knew better

than to argue with anyone.

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Alex’s smile stayed in place but a sad look filled his eyes. “You don’t snore? Is that what

you were going to say? You’d have been right; I’m the one who snores, sometimes I even

wake myself up.”

Sean blinked, trying to figure out if he was being teased. He thought he was, but it was

a novel experience and he just wasn’t sure. Alex winked at him and wiggled his fingers, and

before Sean knew it his hand was in that big, warm one and he was being gently tugged up

from the bed.

The sheet slipped down and Sean squeaked, a sound his brother had always hated. He

tried to pull his hand back but Alex held it.

“I don’t want you to trip. The sheet is tangled all around your ankles and feet.”

Sean looked down and wished he hadn’t. There were so many bruises, and he was so

bony—and naked, which was something other shifters might have been comfortable with but

he wanted to melt into the sheets.

“Here,” Alex murmured as he came closer. Sean flinched and the man stopped. “Just sit

on the edge of the bed and I’ll grab you something to put on.”

Sean sat and immediately mourned the loss of that hand around his. Alex walked over

to the closet and opened the door before plucking a shiny silky looking robe in a brilliant

shade of red off a hook. He brought it over to Sean and held it out, waiting for something. For

me to put it on? Sean dared to glance up into Alex’s eyes.

“Yes, exactly that.”

Hearing Alex’s voice in his head sent a shiver down Sean’s spine, one that then curled

under his butt and warmed him in places that sent a direct lick of heat to his cheeks. Blushing

furiously, he slid his right arm into a sleeve. The left was a little trickier because Sean was

still favouring it, but his arm had only one of those stretchy wraps on it, so maybe he should

be healing quickly—or maybe his arm was always going to have that bump.

With the robe over his arms, Sean started to tug the rest of the material over his body,

specifically his cock and balls as they were still tingling as if in anticipation. Sean knew it was

the mate bond that made him yearn to lie under Alex, maybe even over him, but he was still

scared. Either of those would be a first for him, and though his body was saying one thing,

his mind was shying away from such an intimate act.

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Alex’s hands joined his, or so Sean thought until Alex tied the thin belt around Sean’s

waist. “Too tight? Not tight enough?” he asked.

Sean shook his head. “It’s fine,” he whispered, almost afraid to answer. He reassured

himself that Alex wouldn’t harm him, he was the man’s mate. It was the same thing he’d told

himself over and over, but everything prior to this in his life had taught him differently.

People hurt you. The people you loved hurt you the most.

“All right then, let’s see how much of this food we can put away.” Alex took his hand

again and Sean stood on shaky legs. He hurt all over, but not so much as he had the first day.

He wasn’t healing as fast as he should be, but that had been happening for a while now.

“Probably from lack of proper nutrition.”

Sean startled. Alex could hear his thoughts?

Alex nodded. “Bits and pieces. It’s more an impression of feelings than actual thoughts.

You could do the same to me if you tried.”

He wasn’t sure he wanted to do that, so Sean shook his head and let Alex lead him to

one of the plush chairs at the table. Alex pulled out the seat then scooted Sean in once he’d

sat, which was nice, he decided.

Then he saw the food—pancakes, waffles, fruit—so much fruit!—yogurts and meat.

Sean salivated as he eyed the thick slices of bacon and the greasy links of sausage. A bowl of

white gravy speckled with pepper was on the tray too, as well as half a dozen fried eggs,

toast and a small pitcher of syrup.

Sean wanted to weep in gratitude. He didn’t know where to start first or if he could start

first. Alex picked up the plate in front of Sean and piled it high with food. A smaller plate

was filled with toast, eggs and gravy.

“Dig in,” Alex told him. “I forgot our drinks. Do you want milk, orange juice, water—

one of each?”

Sean closed his mouth around the forkful of waffles, moaning as the sweet syrup hit his

taste buds. His eyes slid shut and he heard Alex mutter, “Oh my god,” but since he didn’t

sound disgusted—and since the scent of his arousal permeated the room—Sean didn’t worry

he’d offended Alex.

“Some of each, I think,” Alex said huskily, and Sean shocked himself by smiling

slightly. He didn’t think the smile left his lips once during the rest of breakfast.

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* * * *

Alex paced the bedroom, waiting for Sean to finish showering. His concerns about

Sean’s ability to stand for long were muted by the fact there was a fold-down seat in the stall.

A knock on the door stopped him before he could start brooding, and Alex hurried over to

let the visitor in. He knew who it was before he reached for the knob. Marcus’ scent was as

familiar to him as his own.

“Alpha Anax,” Alex greeted as he let Marcus in.

“Marcus, please Alex. I’ve always hated the title—most of the time, at least.” Marcus

entered the room, sniffing the air. “There’s been no…consummation yet. That’s probably best

considering Sean’s current physical state, but it can’t be easy on either of you.”

Alex grunted in agreement and hoped his cheeks weren’t glowing like they felt like

they were. Marcus clapped him on the back and chuckled. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.

I’m sometimes a bit more open than I should be, I guess you’d say, but I really don’t know

how the two of you have held back.”

“Because it’s what’s best for Sean right now,” Alex answered, thinking the answer

should have been obvious. “Sean’s showering, in case you wanted to see him. He should be

done in a few minutes.”

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you first, alone. Can we sit?”

“Like I’d tell you no,” Alex teased then shook his head. Teasing his Alpha Anax wasn’t

something he’d done before. Maybe letting go of his hero-worship had freed Alex in more

ways than one.

Marcus clapped him on the back hard enough that Alex was surprised his shoulder

blade didn’t shoot through his chest. They sat at the table and Marcus propped his jaw on

one fisted hand. “The guards still haven’t caught up with Joshua.”

Alex had assumed as much since no one had said otherwise. “Do they think they are

even close?”

“Actually, they think they may have lost him.” Marcus sighed and closed his eyes for a

moment while Alex ground his teeth so hard he was surprised they didn’t shatter. “It seems

he managed to get hold of transportation. The guards found tire tracks, three different

vehicles. And”—Marcus’ sighed, his shoulders drooping—“there were more footprints and

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scents. At least three other shifters helped Dobson and the rest of his pack escape. It seems

this will never end.”

Alex loosened his jaw enough to speak as he fisted his hands in his lap. “As much as

you and I, and everyone who supports you might wish it, it probably will. If it isn’t Joshua

Dobson causing trouble, it will be someone else. You can’t win over every single shifter in

North America no matter what you do.”

“I know, I do, but men like Joshua Dobson are more than just trouble makers, they’re—”

The bathroom door opened and Marcus coughed, as if choked by what he’d been about to

say. Alex was up and heading for Sean, who stared at Marcus with a troubled expression.

“I didn’t realise you were done,” Alex said, easing closer to Sean. He’d learned quick

enough sudden moves unnerved the man. Sean surprised him this time by reaching for

Alex’s hand.

“He got away? Joshua—he’s not going to be caught?”

Alex felt the shudder start at Sean’s fingertips and race over Sean’s body. Taking a risk

he judged acceptable, he hoped, since Sean had taken his hand first, Alex slipped his arm

around Sean’s narrow waist. The silk robe was nothing compared to feeling the warmth of

Sean’s skin seeping through the thin material—and, he didn’t pull away. Did, in fact, lean

against Alex’s side.

“He’ll be caught,” Marcus said with an assurance his expression didn’t belie. “I know

you probably don’t want your brother killed, but I can’t promise you he won’t be. Joshua is a

dangerous man.”

Sean lowered his eyelids and edged an inch closer to Alex. “I don’t know what I want.

He’s…he was all I had for years, and I k-know he’s dangerous, he’s…he’s probably just plain

evil, but I can’t just wish he was dead.”

Alex could and did, but he kept that thought shoved down deep enough he hoped Sean

would never discover it. “You don’t have to. Marcus isn’t telling you that you have to want

your brother dead.”

Sean’s reply rocked Alex to the core, and not just because it was the first time Sean had

dared to use their link. “I know, I just…I worry I’m going to say the wrong thing or be kicked out or

imprisoned or executed—”

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It wasn’t just his hold on Sean’s waist that tightened. Alex went taut as an over-tuned

guitar string on the verge of popping. “No, I thought you knew. Marcus,” Alex didn’t look at

him, needing instead to see his mate’s pretty eyes. He slid a finger under Sean’s chin,

encouraging him to lift his head. “Didn’t anyone tell Sean he wasn’t going to have to stand in


Marcus’ eyebrows rose up to tease at the fine blond hairs that had slipped from his

pony tail. “When would I have told him that? I thought you would have told your mate that!”

Fuck, I am relationship plutonium! If it wasn’t for the mate bond, Sean would undoubtedly kick

me to the kerb!

“No, I wouldn’t,” Sean murmured so softly Alex wouldn’t have heard it if he hadn’t

been a shifter.

“I’ll leave you two to discuss…everything. But first,” Marcus stood and walked to Sean.

“Thank you for helping me when no one else in Joshua’s pack would, or could. Thank you

for taking a beating more than once so I’d have food and water. You’re an incredibly brave

man, and I know I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for your help. Now, I’m going to leave

you two alone.” With a jaunty grin that made his eyes sparkle, Marcus left the bedroom,

shutting the door behind him.

Nerves jangling, and that small kernel of hope that had been planted when Sean took

his hand, blossoming, Alex stared into Sean’s eyes.

* * * *

Sean swallowed past the lump of fear in his throat. Now that he’d opened his mouth, he

kind of didn’t know how to follow up on that little declaration. An almost familiar longing

was coursing through him, setting off a thrumming in his body that seemed to settle in his

groin. His gaze dropped to Alex’s lips as he licked his own, tasting that metallic flavour that

he definitely recognised. The damage done by Joshua’s fists was still evident, not healed

fully, but the pain had ceased and he couldn’t help but wonder what Alex’s lips would feel

like pressed to his.

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Alex groaned and tipped Sean’s head back. Sean didn’t look away from Alex’s pink

lips. “Sean, I want to kiss you, but I’m afraid—I don’t want to hurt you, or scare you. I want

you so much I don’t trust myself to be gentle.”

“You would be—gentle. You haven’t been anything but since we’ve been here.” And

Sean wanted a kiss so badly he was prepared to beg if he had to. The bond between them

was tightening, strengthening, and his body was on the verge of making demands he wasn’t

sure about—but he wanted a kiss.

“God help me,” Alex muttered, then he brushed his lips over Sean’s, once, twice, a third

time before settling on them. Sean whimpered, opening for Alex, inviting him for a deeper

kiss, and after a second’s hesitation, he felt the tip of Alex’s tongue flick his bottom lip before

sliding into his mouth.

It set off a riot of sensations in Sean, rocking him onto his heels as he tasted his mate for

the first time. Alex’s flavour was addictive, consuming, burrowing into Sean’s cells and

settling in them. Sean whimpered again as Alex’s tongue teased his, sliding beside it,

nudging it to play.

Sean rested his left hand on Alex’s hip but grabbed a handful of Alex’s shirt with the

right, trying to climb Alex like a jungle gym. He flicked his tongue and shivered at the

delicious sound Alex made in return, then he set about drawing out more of them.

The scent of their arousals mixed and twined together, filling Sean’s lungs with the

erotic aroma every time he inhaled. It added fuel to the fiery need burning in him, yet he

hesitated to do anything else, like reach down and fondle the big dick pressing against his


Alex shifted, slipping his leg between Sean’s thighs, dragging his balls over the rough

denim. It lit Sean up in an instant, his hips jerking as, to his utter mortification, he came all

over Alex’s hip.

Alex’s moan filled Sean’s mouth, his throat, his lungs as Alex kissed him less gently.

Sean returned the kiss as passionately as he could, and he was just beginning to think maybe

he hadn’t done anything wrong, coming like he had, when everything…just…stopped.

* * * *

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The need to claim Sean was so strong once Alex smelt the man’s release that it took

everything in him not to throw Sean on the floor and fuck him senseless. It was that desire to

do so which had Alex lifting his head and slowly easing away from Sean. The confusion and

fear in the man’s expression tore at Alex and he immediately sought to relieve Sean of both.

“I had to stop while I could,” Alex explained, wishing Sean would raise his eyes and

look at him. “When you came, it was the sexiest thing I’ve ever experienced, and I

wanted…want you, Sean, so badly I ache with it. I’ve tried to keep it hidden, to not touch

when I want to, to not push myself on you in any way, to not even think of the things I’d love

to do to you. You have no idea how hard it was for me to stop when I did.”

Alex had tried not to imagine laying Sean out and tasting every inch of his skin, or how

his ass would feel rippling around Alex’s cock, squeezing it so tight all he could do was

moan as the cum was pulled out of him. There were so many things Alex had tried not to

think about, so much desire for his mate he buried as deeply as he could for both their sakes.

But he feared all his hard work had been undone by Sean’s reaction to that kiss and the slide

of his thigh against Sean’s balls.

Sean finally looked at him as he nibbled on his plump bottom lip. When he released it

from between his teeth, Alex’s cock leaked, wetting his jeans. “I know I’m ugly, and the

bruising isn’t helping any, but I’m still a shifter, still your mate. The desires you have, I have,

even if my mind kind of stumbles over them. I won’t be able to hold out any longer than you

will before we have to fuck or fight from sheer frustration. I’d rather fuck, if we could take it


“You’re not ugly. Don’t say shit like that about yourself.” Alex traced Sean’s lips,

swollen more from kisses than anything else. He could see beyond the bruising, enough to

tell Sean was one of those men who had that perfectly androgynous beauty. Men and women

would all want to look like him or fuck him, or both.

Trailing his fingers over Sean’s cheek, he hummed softly, enjoying this chance just to

touch. He traced the line of Sean’s jaw, then further up until he reached the short strawberry

blond hair at Sean’s temple. “Is it curly, straight, wavy?” Alex rubbed his hand over the soft

strands. “Would you prefer to keep it short, or would you consider letting it grow out?”

Sean frowned, a fine wrinkle creasing his brow. “I tell you I’d rather fuck, and you’re

going on about hair?”

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Alex noticed Sean didn’t mention calling himself ugly. That was something they’d have

to work on over time. He couldn’t undo all the damage Joshua had done, but he could clarify

a couple of other things. “There’s more to sex than shoving a dick into a hole.” Sean’s cheeks

flamed red but he didn’t look away. “Have you ever had sex?”

“No,” Sean squeaked out. Alex’s cock throbbed at the idea of being his mate’s first—

and only—lover as Sean stood up straighter, a determined expression on his face. “But I can

learn how to do it right. I’ll do whatever you tell me to.” He took a deep breath, and Alex,

lost in the beauty of his eyes, jumped and nearly squeaked himself when Sean’s hand cupped

his dick. “Is this right?”

Alex wanted to grab Sean’s hand and press it firmly against his shaft, wanted to rut

until he shot his load then do it all again with both of them naked. Instead he kept perfectly

still, afraid anything he did would be wrong. Sean stared at him intently and squeezed,

applying near perfect pressure to Alex’s dick. Alex closed his eyes and gently grabbed Sean’s

wrist. “Have you ever done anything with another man? Or woman?”

“No.” Sean’s hand trembled. “This isn’t right? You don’t like it?”

“I do like it, too much. I can’t think and I was trying…” Another squeeze and Alex

moaned, his other hand finding Sean’s hip. “Sean, there are things we need to discuss before

we take this any further. Even though we’re mates, we can’t always let our bodies rule.”

Sean looked so insecure, not sure if he should believe him, so Alex did the only thing he

could think of. He reached for Sean through their link and let Sean feel the warmth he stirred

in Alex, the joy over their brief encounter—and the need that Alex was trying desperately to

keep reined in for now.

In return, Alex felt Sean’s insecurity drain away as something very much like pride lit

Sean’s expression. The smile that tipped his mouth up sent Alex’s heart into a series of

cartwheels, and he smiled slightly. “Go get washed off while I change, and then I think we

need to talk.”

Alex wasn’t sure what about exactly, he just knew they needed something other than

sex to strengthen the bond between them. Sure, it would happen, they’d come to know each

other as well if not better than they knew themselves. Most of the mated pairs Alex knew

started off with sex, or dived right in shortly after meeting. Every cell in his body was

screaming at him to do the same, yet he couldn’t, not yet.

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The sexual attraction between them would always be strong, and grow more so the

longer they were together. But learning how to talk, to really talk, could be a bit more

difficult, especially when what he wanted to do was spend every waking moment fucking. If

he gave in now, would Sean regret it once certain things came to light?

And suddenly, Alex knew what he needed to say, and it set his stomach to roiling so

that his jowls watered. There was definitely one thing they needed to discuss. His hands

shook as he changed into a clean pair of jeans. There was cum on his shirt, too, so he took it

off but didn’t bother putting another one on because Sean had come out of the bathroom and

was staring at him hungrily.

I could just not say anything. Maybe he’d never have to know… But that smacked of

dishonesty, and Alex couldn’t lie to his mate. Sean walked over, his steps jerky as his gaze

seared Alex’s chest. When he was close enough, he lifted one hand and placed it over Alex’s


The touch was comforting rather than stimulating, and as Alex gazed at Sean, waiting

for him to look in his eyes, he felt the words building, pressing against the denial that had

always suppressed them. Once those amber eyes raised to his, the truth he hadn’t been able

to admit even to himself finally ripped free. “When I was sixteen, Joshua raped me.”

Sean didn’t just blanch, he turned as close to translucent as possible. Even the bruises

seemed to fade as he groaned, pressing a fist to his stomach. Alex was afraid the man was

going to faint, or fall or something. He threw an arm over Sean’s shoulders and guided him

to a chair. “Sit.” Sean’s reaction was quickly staunching Alex’s embarrassment at his


A part of him knew he shouldn’t feel like he did, that he’d been an innocent kid who

hadn’t asked for what had happened, but it made him feel weak, less than a man, to

acknowledge the truth of what had happened. That he’d been a victim…and probably still

was since he could barely get those words past his lips.

Imagine how Sean must feel then. And I wondered why he stayed with Joshua? He’s had a

lifetime of abuse, and I just had a few hours…

Sean grabbed at Alex’s hand when he started to move away. “I’m sorry, Alex. I wish

Joshua had never hurt you.”

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Alex looked at their hands, fingers weaved together. There was more strength in the

slender hand holding his than one would think—and more strength in Sean than Alex had

ever had. “Next several times I saw him, he was beat to hell. I heard rumours it was because

one of his brothers found out he’d fucked a guy. I don’t know how anyone knew, but I

always figured that guy was me.”

“I remember hearing them arguing, my father, Joshua, Samuel and Vance. I didn’t

understand what was happening, but then I heard Joshua scream and scream and scream.”

Sean’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he stared off at something in his memory. “Joshua had

always been my hero, I guess, up until then. Whatever it was that was wrong with him that

made him rape you, it must have made him hate me, too.”

Sean closed his eyes for a moment then looked at him. “I can hear you still, feel you in

my head. I like it, I think. To answer what you’re wondering, no one, not our older brothers,

not our father, and not even our mother, no one stepped in to intervene when he turned on

me. Our family was kind of the survival of the fittest sort. Hugs and kisses weren’t allowed,

but slaps and kicks, punches and that whip? Those were all good.”

Alex would have given anything to go back in time and get his sixteen-year-old self to

rescue Sean, but thoughts like that were fanciful and a waste of time. All he could do was try

to help Sean here and now, and in their future. “He won’t hurt you again, Sean. I won’t let

him. No one in this pack will let him. I don’t think you want to go back to him now that you

know there are shifters who will care for you.”

Sean fidgeted with Alex’s fingers, pressing them between his knuckles then on them,

repeating the gestures a few times before continuing. “He said…when he was leaving me

there on the ground, that if you were who he thought you were, I’d ‘throw you for a loop’ so

he could get away.”

Alex grabbed the other chair and pulled it up beside Sean then sat, his thigh pressed

against Sean’s. “He thought I’d take it out on you, what he did to me?”

Sean opened his mouth then shut it, his frown returning as he got a faraway look in his

eyes. “I don’t think that’s it. He said he’d enjoyed keeping me away from you, like he

knew…” Sean’s eyes widened and his breath rushed out as if he’d been punched in the


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A trickle of fear slithered down Alex’s spine as Sean’s eyes met his. “Like he knew you

were my mate?”

“He did,” Sean whispered. “I don’t know how, but he did, or at least suspected. How

could he have? It doesn’t make sense that my brother would know who my mate was before

I did.”

* * * *

This was all his fault. Maybe he hadn’t deserved to be abused as he had been, but

Joshua’s jibe about keeping him from Alex—he was sure as he could be that Alex was who

Joshua had been referring to—and the fact that Joshua had raped Alex years ago all

combined to form a crushing guilt that Sean wasn’t sure he could bear.

“How long ago?” Sean asked, afraid he knew the answer.

Alex tensed beside him. “Thirteen years ago. Long enough I should have been past it,

but I never dealt with it, I suppose. You’re the only person I’ve ever said those words to.”

“Why me?”

“Because you needed to know, and I needed to tell you. I understand how cruel your

brother can be. What he did to me wasn’t over quickly. Joshua took his time and made sure

to hurt me as much as he could without leaving any marks that couldn’t be hidden.” Alex

cupped his cheek and rubbed his thumb under Sean’s jaw, chasing away some of the chill he

felt. “I couldn’t understand at first why you stayed with him. It took pulling out that memory

I’d tried so hard to ignore to open my eyes, my mind. Did he—”

“No, never,” Sean said, having seen where Alex was going and not wanting to hear it.

Joshua had abused him horribly, but he hadn’t ever crossed the line into total depravity. “But

he hit me the first time when I was eight. Thirteen years ago.”

It was more proof, in his opinion, that Joshua had known something Sean and Alex had

only just discovered a few days ago.

Alex paled, his olive skin turning grey. “That…doesn’t seem coincidental, does it?”

“I don’t think it is. And he said—” Sean’s voice faltered, fear of losing something he

hadn’t yet fully discovered squeezing his throat tight. “He said no matter what, I belong to

him. That he’d come back and get me if I wasn’t dead.”

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The link they shared sent the wave of fury that rushed over Alex into Sean’s mind.

Bright and hot, it burned quickly, flowing into Sean then leaving him cold and strangely



Sean heard the word, felt it in every fibre of his being. It was strong enough to begin

unravelling the tendrils of Joshua’s hold on him. Alex repeated it, his voice sure, strong, even

as his touch remained gentle.

“You never belonged to him. You never will. You belong to me, as I belong to you, and

Joshua will never come between us again.”

Sean believed him. He wasn’t alone, abandoned, wasn’t hated, at least not by Alex. He

didn’t think any of the other shifters he’d met so far hated him either. For the first time in

years, Sean felt wanted, and his body sang with a desire he’d only yet received a taste of.

Bruised, beaten—he understood now it didn’t matter to Alex. Alex wanted him, wanted

to touch him, make love to him. Knowing that chased the dark shadows of doubt—the ones

that told him he was useless, a stupid piece of shit, the ones that shouted such insults in a

voice that sounded identical to Joshua’s—all of the shadows receded under the affection and

need that flowed from Alex into him.

“Please,” Sean whispered, his pulse racing as blood rushed to his cock. “I need you.”

“Please don’t tell me no again. Not when I’m just beginning to understand…”

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Chapter Eight

Alex could no more tell Sean no than he could stop his own heart. But he could make

sure Sean wasn’t hurt. The need to protect Sean was paramount, and Alex had some demons

of his own he needed to conquer when it came to sex. He stood and pulled Sean up with him.

That slender body trembled under his hands as he embraced Sean. “We’ll go slow. I won’t

hurt you.”

Sean shuddered harder and gave a nervous laugh, his warm breath sending electric

currents over Alex’s chest. “I don’t think I can go slow. I feel like I did earlier, on the verge of

coming and we haven’t done anything!”

“Well,” Alex rumbled, grinning when Sean whimpered. “One of the many benefits of

being a shifter is the ability to get hard over…” He slid one hand down over the silky robe,

teasing at the opening with his fingers. “And over…” This time it was him who whimpered

as he touched the smooth skin of Sean’s stomach.

That skin pebbled with goose bumps as Sean gasped. The muscles under Alex’s fingers

rippled and tightened. “And over.” He tugged the belt loose and dipped his hand back

between the folds of material, tracing the soft line of hair below Sean’s naval. He didn’t have

far to go before the side of his hand nudged the wet head of Sean’s cock.

“Oh!” Sean’s head dropped back, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. “Alex!


“I’ve got you,” Alex murmured, and he did, his hand fisting Sean’s hot, hard length.

Sean’s fingers curled into the tensed muscles of Alex’s shoulders. Alex stroked, measuring

Sean’s cock, pleased with the size of it, craving the man as he hadn’t anyone else before. He

thumbed the bundle of nerves beneath the cap. Sean jerked, his hips pumping as he wailed.

The scent of his cum reached Alex’s nostrils a split-second after spunk splattered his hand.

Alex’s own cock was in desperate need of attention, but he continued to stroke Sean’s

dick, watching his slack features for any sign of discomfort, using their link to check as well.

Sean’s thoughts were scattered on a wave of bliss that made Alex clench his thighs to keep

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from coming in his pants. The friction that caused, the denim against his dick, almost had

him doing it anyway.

“Bed, Sean, and naked. We need both of those things, now!”


Alex led Sean to the bed and peeled the robe off him. The bruises had faded much

quicker over the past twenty-four hours, but they still marred his skin. His cock was long

and thick, hard and curved up towards his belly. Alex ached with a need he hadn’t felt

before, one he’d thought never to feel. Perhaps it was the instinctive urge to keep his mate

safe, to not cause him pain, or maybe, Alex thought, it was a combination of that and

working past his own fear of penetration—and then again, it could be that he simply really

wanted to give himself to Sean in a way Sean would likely never expect. But Alex wanted

everything from Sean, and didn’t think he shouldn’t offer everything to Sean as well.

Sean was looking at him, his eyes wide with arousal and wonder, and Alex had to taste

him. He framed Sean’s face with his hands then kissed him, lapping at those full pouty lips

before sliding his tongue into Alex’s eager mouth.

Eager hands fumbled with his pants, trying to unfasten the buttons and free his cock.

Sean whimpered into the kiss as he tugged at a stubborn button, and Alex reached down and

popped the button off with a sharp tug. Sean shoved at his jeans, his blunt nails scraping

Alex’s flanks in the most stimulating of ways. He hitched an arm around Sean’s waist and

pulled him closer, seeking the skin on skin contact he’d longed for.

Sean’s hands landed on Alex’s ass, gripping his cheeks as their bodies came together.

Their moans mingled in one another’s mouths as an electric bolt shot through them, zinging

from Alex to Sean then back again through their link. Alex cupped Sean’s ass, lifting him so

their cocks slid together, and it was the sweetest agony as Alex struggled to hold back his

orgasm. He trailed kisses along Sean’s jaw, nibbled the soft skin below his ear, then sucked

the join of neck and shoulder until Alex cried out, his hands letting go of Alex’s ass and

ringing the base of his cock instead.

“Alex,” Sean panted as he licked over Sean’s collar bone. Alex kneaded the firm swells

of Sean’s ass, stimulating them both as he kissed his way to Sean’s nipple. Alex licked the

little nub then scraped his teeth over it and Sean’s hands were there, fisted in his hair,

pressing Alex’s face against Sean’s breast. “Oh my god! Alex!”

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Alex hummed around the tit in his mouth, flicking the tip with his tongue. As much as

he wanted to come, he wanted to show his mate pleasure more. After a hard suck to Sean’s

nipple, Alex righted himself then stepped out of the pants still pooled around his ankles. He

took Sean’s hand and looked him in the eyes, and let Sean see exactly what he wanted. If

Sean didn’t want it too, he could say no and Alex wouldn’t push.

But he really hoped Sean said yes.

* * * *

Sean wanted to, but he hesitated to answer at first. “Are you sure?”

Alex didn’t hesitate at all. “Positive. Check if it will help you decide.” Alex’s emotions,

the wisps of his thoughts were all open to Sean, and as thoroughly as he checked, he couldn’t

find anything other than the same want that throbbed in his veins.

“All right, I…I want to, I just don’t want to screw it up.” The idea of hurting Alex

turned Sean’s stomach, and even had his dick softening a bit.

Alex took his hands and looked intently at him.

“You won’t,” Alex assured him. “I promise. I’ll talk you through everything, either

mentally or verbally. Let me do this for both of us. I won’t as something from you I’m afraid

of doing myself.”

Sean couldn’t quite figure out how to refute that, not when he wanted Alex however he

could get him, and not when he could feel Alex’s determination to have his way. Alex’s need

to work past the sexual assault that had happened to him years ago was so strong Sean

couldn’t miss feeling it through their link. He nodded, trusting Alex to know what they both


Alex sat on the bed and pulled Sean to him, in between his spread thighs. “But first I

need to get your dick hard again.” And that was all the warning Sean got before Alex opened

his mouth and licked a stripe across Sean’s cockhead.

Sean gasped as he felt that lick all the way to his balls, then Alex sucked in the crown,

his lips a tight seal, his tongue flicking and teasing over Sean’s glans. If Alex was just trying

to make him hard, he needed to stop now, because Sean was afraid he wouldn’t be able to

last long with that wet heat enveloping his tip.

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Then Alex’s head bobbed up and back down, taking Sean’s dick in to the root, and Sean

moaned, his hands reaching for Alex’s silky hair. Apparently coming twice gave him more

staying power than he’d thought, because Alex began sucking him, hard on the upstroke,

fast on the down. Alex’s fingers tickled his balls, light touches that tingled and sparked the

nerves there to full life.

Sean pumped his hips once, barely, afraid to do what he craved. Alex’s hand clamping

onto Sean’s butt cheek and pulling knocked those inhibitions away. Sean tightened his hold

on Alex’s hair and thrust with more force, and it felt so good, so perfect, he did it again,


Alex moaned, the vibrations shooting up Sean’s cock as it was buried in Alex’s throat.

Sean stopped thinking and being afraid and trusted his mate to tell him if he was too rough.

He fucked Alex’s mouth for several blissful minutes, shivering every time his eyes met

Alex’s. If Sean thought he was close to coming, Alex tugged on his balls, not enough to hurt

exactly, but it pushed his climax back.

He traced Alex’s top lip, stretched wide around Sean’s length. Alex’s eyes closed almost

entirely as he made a sound of approval. Sean pressed in deeper, loving the way those slick

muscles contracted around his dick. He pulled almost all the way out then plunged into that

welcoming mouth as sweat slicked his skin. Tension coiled in his belly, set his thighs to

quivering, and Sean knew if he didn’t stop now he was going to come despite his and Alex’s

best efforts for him not to.

Alex released Sean’s cock with a loud, lewd slurp then toppled back onto the bed.

“Fuck me now, Sean. I can’t wait any longer.”

Sean took in the lines of Alex’s lean, muscular body. His shoulders were broad, his

waist small, hips lean. Long, strong legs and arms, and a thick patch of hair on his chest that

thinned into a trail to his pubic hair. Alex’s cock was thicker and longer than Sean’s, but he

wasn’t worried. Sean was actually glad of it, considering whose dick was going where. If

Alex ever wanted to fuck him, Sean was afraid there was going to be a problem—but he’d


“Sean.” Alex almost whined it, and Sean jerked his gaze up from the large hairy balls

he’d been ogling. “There’s lube in the drawer there. We’ll need it.”

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Sean got the tube out and popped the cap off. Alex rolled over onto his hands and

knees then peered over his shoulder at Sean. “Slick up a couple of fingers, but start with just


Sean’s hands shook and he made a mess, but he ended up with viscous stuff on his

fingers as well as his dick, too, so that was good enough. He climbed onto the bed, kneeling

behind Alex. Alex clenched his ass cheeks then dropped his shoulders down and spread his

legs wider. Sean ran his non-lubed hand over one cheek, testing the tautness of the flesh.

Alex moaned and arched his back, sticking his muscled butt up higher. Sean smoothed

a finger down Alex’s crack, which was as fuzzy as the rest of his butt. When he found the

small ring of wrinkled skin, he sucked in a sharp breath as it fluttered under his touch.

“Sean, now, please!” Alex rocked back, the move spreading his ass cheeks open. Sean

brought his slick fingers to the pink hole and without teasing began to press inside.

“Oh fuck, fuck!” Alex wailed, pushing back into the penetration. “Deeper, come on, I

need…yesss!” Sean sank his finger in to the third knuckle. He wiggled it around, amazed at

the tightness, the heat of Alex’s body—and hoping this snug little channel was going to

stretch a lot more.

“It will, I swear it will! Wiggle your finger again, curve it…more—” Alex’s thought shut off

abruptly as he groaned. “Ungh!” Alex jolted like he’d received a small shock, the scent of his

arousal increasing until it was all Sean could smell. He curved his finger again, touching the

small bump inside Alex’s rectum. “Not too hard, just brush it like…just…like…that!”

Alex’s panted breaths grew louder as Sean pumped his finger, teasing that hidden spot

every third or fourth stroke. He pulled out then pressed two digits in, going slow at first until

Alex slammed his hips back, shoving Sean’s fingers in to the hilt. Sean grabbed a handful of

Alex’s butt cheek and squeezed, then reached between Alex’s legs and cupped his heavy sac.

He closed his hand around it loosely while he curled his fingers inside Alex’s ass.

Alex began rocking steadily, fucking himself onto Sean’s fingers. He cried out every

time his prostate was stimulated. His inner muscles rippled and clenched around Sean’s

fingers, promising a mind-blowing sheath for his dick. Knowing Alex was ready for it as

well, Sean pulled his fingers out and scrambled between Alex’s legs.

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His nervous jitters were long gone, replaced with an arousal so intense it was almost

painful. He held the base of his dick as he lined it up to Alex’s glistening hole. His other hand

clenched on Alex’s hip as Sean slowly began pushing into Alex’s ass.

Alex’s impatient growl didn’t make Sean go any faster, either. Instead he pulled back

and rubbed the head of his cock over Alex’s pucker, teasing them both.

“Sean, stop teasing and fuck me already, please!” Alex grumbled.

“Gladly,” Sean replied. He nestled his cock up to that hot little hole and gripped Alex’s

hips, then rocked forward, the head of his dick slipping right past the ring. “Oh God, fuck,

Alex!” Sean fought back the urge to slam his cock in the rest of the way as he waited for

Alex’s inner muscles to loosen enough for him to slide in a little deeper.

Alex moaned and arched his back more and Sean’s dick sank in deeper. His fingers

flexed on Alex’s hips, need driving at his spine, urging him to rut hard and fast. He didn’t,

knowing that would hurt Alex. He worked his cock in inch by inch, taking the time necessary

to keep his mate safe, to make the experience a pleasurable one for them both.

When Sean finally bottomed out, he was dripping with sweat and his fingers were

pressed deep into Alex’s firm flesh. A flush covered Alex from his ass to the back of his neck,

and Sean wanted to lick every bit of that rosy skin. Instead he pried his fingers from Alex’s

hips and began rubbing soothing circles over Alex’s lower back and ass. Alex shivered, his

spine arching as he moaned. The heat of his rectum seared Sean’s cock as inner muscles

massaged his length, clenching around it.

He looked at where their bodies were joined, at the pink ring stretched wide around his

length. “Jesus, Alex,” Sean whispered, amazed at the way his cock fit so perfectly in Alex’s


“Move,” Alex grunted, wiggling his hips. Sean nearly swooned at the sensations that

raced through him. He dropped down onto Alex’s back, sliding his arms under the man’s

chest to grab the front of his shoulders. Sean licked a drop of sweat off the back of Alex’s

neck, the taste calling up an instinct he couldn’t resist.

Rolling his hips, seeking to get deeper, he ground against Alex’s ass as he nipped the

spot he’d licked. Alex gasped, his legs parting more, and Sean began fucking him with short,

hard strokes. He worked the succulent flesh beneath his teeth, his hands pulling Alex back

into each thrust. Alex grunted and undulated beneath him, and Sean’s mind buzzed with

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lust as he opened his mouth and bit, instincts driving his hips as surely as his teeth as they

sank into Alex’s skin.

Alex screamed, his pleasure hitting Sean like a massive wave, rolling over him and

pulling him under to a dark sensual place where need ruled. He clamped his jaw tight, the

taste of his mate’s blood firing his own as he pistoned into Alex’s ass. Alex shouted again, the

sound reverberating in the room as Sean lifted up, his mouth open as he panted, Alex’s

essence still saturating his being.

Sean moved his hands up to Alex’s back, pressing his shoulders down as he ploughed

into Alex’s opening again and again. Alex’s grunts and yells grew louder as he reached

beneath himself and began jerking off. Sean fucked him harder, driving in deep, his balls

slapping against Alex’s with each thrust.

Over and over, Sean laid his claim to his mate as ecstasy seared through him. Alex gave

an ear-ringing shout and his ass clamped down hard on Sean’s dick. Sean’s balls pulled up

tight as Alex shuddered and cursed, the scent of his cum filling the air. Sean’s dick was

squeezed in a velvety hot vise, deep in Alex’s body. Sean groaned, long and low as spunk

poured from his slit, bathing Alex’s channel, marking him as Sean’s as surely as the bite had.

Sean’s vision blurred; he closed his eyes and threw his head back, howling as pleasure

exploded white-hot from his head to his toes.

Alex collapsed under him, his long legs shooting out and throwing Sean off balance. He

landed on Alex, knocking the breath—what there was of it—from them both. Alex reached

back and held onto Sean’s hip, letting him know he wanted him to stay where he was.

They lay panting, struggling to fill their lungs, each unwilling to move for several

minutes. When Sean finally managed to kick start a few brain cells, he leaned up and saw the

mark—bite—he’d left on Alex’s neck. Instantly contrite, he touched the bloody flesh. “I’m

sorry. I don’t know what happened to me.” That he’d done such a thing cast a dark pall over

the rest of their love making. Was he like Joshua after all, hurting someone he was supposed

to take care of?

“No!” Alex barked, rolling over so fast Sean’s dick popped out. Alex flopped Sean onto

his back, and promptly sprawled on top of him. “Don’t even think that, Sean, ever. You did

what all mates do, mark their lover. I’ll do the same to you, I won’t be able not to, and you’ll

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enjoy it, crave it, just as I am even now. You made me yours,” Alex said, his eyes burning

with passion and pride. “And I will make you mine.”

Sean didn’t doubt it, and the balm to his soul suffused him with happiness. He smiled

at Alex and pushed a chunk of hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear. “I’m already

yours, bite mark or not.”

Alex’s eyes glowed impossibly brighter as he slowly lowered himself down until all but

his chest pressed fully against Sean. “That you are,” he purred, then proceeded to kiss Sean


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Chapter Nine

“Are you sure we’re allowed to be in here?” Sean whispered, his eyes huge as he looked

at all the books on the shelves. His wonder tugged at Alex’s heart, further cementing their

bond. The past few days, they’d made loved, fucked, and laughed as much as they could.

They hadn’t even left their bedroom until today, when it dawned on Alex that they

hadn’t seen any of the rest of HQ. He’d been too busy monopolising Sean’s time, but he was

pretty sure—positive, actually—that Sean hadn’t minded. In fact, he’d nearly had to drag

Sean out of their room. The man was definitely on the shy side. Alex thought it was cute.

“It’s fine. Marcus said we could go anywhere except barging into people’s bedrooms.

He never minded letting anyone use his library, either, so relax.” Alex leaned down and

kissed the side of Sean’s neck. He always shivered and whimpered softly when Alex did that,

and both reactions were addictive.

“Okay. Jeez, you know I melt when you do that,” Sean grumbled good naturedly.

“Which is part of why I do it,” Alex teased back, winking—something he’d never

imagined himself doing, go figure—at his mate. He draped his arm over Sean’s shoulders

and rubbed the back of his neck. The knobs of his spine weren’t as prominent as they’d been

when he first found Sean. Alex glanced at Sean’s profile as he looked over a row of mystery

books. The bruises were finally gone, his arm healed days ago, and he’d even gained some

weight. His skin was pale, but attractively so, and he glowed with good health and


The strawberry blond hair was growing fast, something not uncommon in shifters. The

inch-long growth looked to be curling already. Alex tried to picture it as he moved his hand

up to rub the silky strands at the base of Sean’s hairline.

“It is curly,” Sean mumbled as he reached for a book. “That’s why Joshua kept it

shaved. He said I looked like a girl. All my family teased me about that. They used to call me

Goldilocks when my hair was still white-blond. Once it darkened to this colour, the ginger

insults began.”

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Alex narrowed his eyes, trying to picture Sean with lighter hair and curls. The image

that popped up was so vivid he knew it wasn’t ‘make believe’ but a memory. He struggled to

place it, and once he did he shared it with Sean. “That was you, right? I saw you once, from a

distance, mind you, and thought you were a girl.”

Sean turned and arched a brow at him, but his lips twitched as he tried not to smile. “A

girl? Really, Alex? And yeah, I don’t remember that day, but what you showed me was me

and Joshua walking to one of our brother’s cabin.” Sean’s brows scrunched down as he

frowned at Alex. “That had to be around the time I was seven or eight. You’d think I’d

remember that, but when I try I want to slip back to that safe place I told you about.”

“The one I hate, but am glad you had in the past,” Alex said. He’d asked Sean about it

yesterday, and Shania had been right. It was the only way Sean had been able to cope with

the abuse he’d suffered.

Sean was still frowning but he did take Alex’s hand. “I don’t think I need it any more.

It’s not nearly as nice as being here with you.”

Alex’s joy at hearing that was tempered by Sean admitting his mind wanted to pull him

inside it and keep him safe. He struggled to bring the image into sharper focus, sharing it

with Sean as he did, hoping he wasn’t making a colossal mistake. He replayed that bit of

memory like a movie reel, slowing it down to explore every second of it.

There was only that glimpse, a second or two in time when a teenage boy glanced up to

see an attractive man walking with what Alex had thought was a little girl. Alex hadn’t paid

much attention to the child, instead lead by his hormones to look at the male.

That should have been the end of the memory, except Sean gasped and his hand jerked

from Alex’s to press at his head. The book he’d been holding fell to the floor as Sean brought

that hand to his head as well, holding it as if trying to keep his head from exploding. His

pupils dilated and the scent of his fear filled the room. Sean’s eyes snapped shut, but the reel

played on, this time, Alex realised, from Sean’s memories.

The little blond boy was tagging along behind his older brother, who he idolised.

Joshua had always kept the other family members from picking on him, even going so far as

to move Sean into his bedroom and taking him with him everywhere Joshua went. Sean

loved his brother fiercely, and thought he’d always be safe with him, which was why…

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The child-Sean turned his head in the memory, sniffing at the air. Something smelt

good, better than anything he’d ever scented before. It wasn’t a food kind of good, either. It

didn’t make his tummy rumble, but it did make his heart race and his fingers and toes tingle.

Warmth suffused him when he inhaled deeply. That odour made him feel safe, safer than

even Joshua did. He stopped and pivoted on his heel, determined to find the source. When

he spotted it, Sean lit up inside like the big fireworks display Joshua had taken him to see last

summer. Sean took a step forward—

“No!” Sean, the here and now adult Sean, screamed and dropped to his knees. The

agony and terror that flooded him slammed into Alex as well. Alex clutched at his temple as

he reached for Sean with his other hand. The link between them snapped closed, and Sean

started to topple over.

Alex forgot about the grenade that went off in his head and caught Sean, falling with

him but rolling onto his back to protect his mate. The tiled floor vibrated with the sound of

running feet, heavy footsteps in rapid succession as voices called out from different


Alex cradled Sean to his chest, one hand cupping the back of Sean’s head and the other

arm around his back. He tried to reach through that barrier of nothingness, but Sean was

gone in a way that sent terror shrieking through Alex’s veins. He closed his eyes and tried

again, coaxing, pleading, demanding, but nothing worked.

* * * *

“He looks like he’s sleeping.”

Alex dragged his gaze away from Sean’s chest. He couldn’t squash the fear that Sean

would just…quit and leave him permanently. Marcus stood in the doorway, his hand on the

knob. Alex hadn’t even heard him knock. His world had narrowed down to this one slender

man in their bed.

“But he’s not,” Alex pointed out unnecessarily. Marcus had been the first to arrive in

the library, followed by Nathan and Alison and just about everyone else at HQ. When even

the Alpha Anax couldn’t get a response from Sean, Shania had made everyone but Alex leave

then had him carry Sean back to their room.

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Shania examined him and left, probably not very long ago, but Alex hadn’t paid

attention to time, except to think it’d been forever since that moment in the library. He’d

berated and cursed himself innumerable times and figured Marcus was here now to do the

same. That was fine, because Alex knew he deserved it and more.

Marcus walked over to the bed and glanced at Alex. “I’m going to touch him. That’s not

a request, but a warning for you to behave when I do it.”

Alex would have snarled over being scolded like a child, but what was the point? He’d

harmed his mate, the one thing he’d promised Sean he’d never do. Marcus would be within

rights to take him out back and whip him by whatever means he saw fit.

Marcus smoothed his hand over Sean’s brow, then caressed his hair with a tenderness

that seemed an unspoken blessing. He pinched a budding curl between his finger and

thumb, then craned his neck and grinned at Alex. “Curls. I wouldn’t have expected it. Soft,

too. I thought maybe Sean’s hair would be frizzy, you know, or straight, but it looks as if he’ll

have even curlier hair than I do. That can be the bane to a man’s masculinity.” He looked

back at Sean, frowning after a moment.

“I didn’t realise…huh.” Marcus lifted his hand and straightened up then walked to the

table and dragged the other chair to the bedside. “I hadn’t really looked at Sean, you know.

When I was a captive, all I could focus on was trying to survive. He was just this sweet kid

who was trying to help me at great risk to himself. Then when you found him, he was—”

Marcus stopped and shook his head. “Well, you know how he looked. The two of you

holed up in here for days, and,” his smile took on a wicked edge. “Consummated your bond,

at least to an extent. You’ve got Sean’s mark right here.” Marcus touched the bite that Sean

had freshened earlier that morning. “But the point is, I hadn’t seen him since he’d healed.

He’s very—and don’t take this wrong—beautiful, isn’t he?”

“I might take it wrong.”

Marcus jumped, slipping forward in his seat at his mate’s snapped words. Alex glanced

at the doorway and thought he should have locked the damned thing. He wanted to be alone

with his mate, not listening to another mated pair bicker.

Nathan walked over and sat down on Marcus’ lap. From his peripheral vision, Alex

saw the red head lick a stripe up Marcus’ jaw. “You’re lucky I’m not the jealous type,”

Nathan purred.

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“There’s no reason to really be jealous. Your mate wouldn’t ever cheat on you.” Alex

wanted them gone already.

Marcus narrowed his eyes at Alex. He didn’t even have to see the man to know it, he

could feel the Alpha Anax’s glare. “And that’s why you and every other mate get pissy over

someone else touching their mate.”

‘Pissy’ was an understatement. Alex wanted to challenge anyone who touched Sean

even though he knew it was stupid. “It’s our instincts,” he muttered, brushing his thumb

over the back of Sean’s hand.

Nathan leant forward, well into Alex’s line of sight since it looked like the man was

trying to get nose to nose with Sean. “Marcus is right, you know. I’ve been called pretty or

beautiful more than once—stop growling, Marcus, I meant by you because of course you and I

were virgins when we met. The point is, even I agree. Sean has those features that male

models would kill for. He could knock everyone dead at a drag show.”


“Marcus!” Nathan exclaimed right back. “Alex knows I’m not insulting Sean. I’m

saying he’s got most men and women beat in the looks department.” Nathan leaned in even

closer for a second before sitting back with a huff. “And why doesn’t he have gold-tipped

eyelashes? Or orange ones, whatever? He’s got thick black lashes that are going to make all

the ladies envious.”

Alex had traced those lashes with his fingertips, and brushed kisses over them on

Sean’s cheeks when he’d slept. Right now he’d give anything just to see them flutter open.


Just his name, nothing else. He hated it when Marcus did that. A two-syllable demand

for his undivided attention. Alex sighed, not bothering to hide his irritation as he looked at


Marcus arched one brow but let the show of attitude go, for now at least. Alex figured

he’d pay for it along with being a shitty stupid mate as well soon. Marcus’ other eyebrow

rose up to join the first. “Whatever that look means, get it off your face. Unless you did

something to Sean that sent him into this…this catatonic state, you’ve no reason to be


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Alex didn’t blink or bother making an excuse. “I did,” he admitted. “This is my fault,

and whatever you want to do to me, I won’t protest it. I promised Sean I’d never harm

him…” He stopped and shook his head, his throat tight with emotion.

“And what horrible thing did you do to send Sean off into his head? Shania filled me

and Marcus in on this self-preservation instinct of Sean’s.”

Alex managed—just—not to glare at Nathan. The man had sounded mocking at first

and it had tweaked Alex’s already frayed nerves. There wasn’t any use in refusing to answer,

though. Nathan was every bit as powerful as Marcus even if he was only viewed as the

man’s mate.

Turning his gaze back to Sean, Alex explained what had happened earlier, which led to

a retelling of his and Sean’s conversation about their suspicions that Joshua had known they

were mates. He laid out the information succinctly, then waited for whatever punishment

Marcus decided to hand down. It wasn’t Marcus who spoke after a long stretch of silence


Nathan leaned over and smacked Alex on the arm, hard enough to bounce him off the

opposite armrest. “There,” Nathan sniffed. “Does that make you feel better? Now you’ve

been punished—for being a dumbass!”

Alex darted a glance at Marcus, who was looking at Nathan with a sappy grin on his

face. He returned his attention to Nathan, because the man might be small, but he packed a

mean punch. “I admitted I was a dumbass for sharing the memory with Sean after he told me

what it did to him. You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.”

Nathan looked at Marcus. Alex would have sworn the air crackled with the power of

their mental link. Both men nodded then looked at him. Nathan’s evil grin was back, and

Alex had to tense his muscles to keep from shuddering.

“Well, here are a couple of things you obviously didn’t know. I smacked you and called

you a dumbass for thinking Marcus would punish you for sharing a memory with Sean.”

Alex opened his mouth to protest but Nathan pointed at him and narrowed his eyes.

“Sean didn’t try to stop you, did he? He didn’t toss you out of his head. In fact, when your

memory ended, he dredged his up and tried to examine it. Sean wanted to remember, he

knew, I think, that there was an important reason he was blocking that particular memory.

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You said yourself it was suspicious. Now why don’t you think about what he did share

before he withdrew? Combine it with the rest of what you told us.”

Alex closed his eyes and reviewed Sean’s memory of the day Alex had seen him. Sean

had scented something…attractive, although not in a sexual way. A boy as young as he’d

been wouldn’t have known about such things, Alex didn’t think. The tingling sensation, the

warmth and feeling of safety and happiness, they rang a familiar bell in his head and his eyes

snapped open on the image of that blond curly head turning to look at a sixteen-year-old boy

who was looking elsewhere.

The pieces slid together audibly in his mind, each one forming a twisted picture. Alex’s

pulse throbbed at his temples as he looked at Nathan. “He saw his mate.”

“Exactly,” Nathan said, a satisfied smile curling his lips. “And I doubt a kid that age

would have known what it was he was feeling. He’d have turned to the person he trusted

with his questions. The person who didn’t make him feel quite as warm and fuzzy—stop

scowling, I don’t know what terms to use to describe the bond between mates when both of

them are kids!”

Marcus jostled his legs, nearly tipping Nathan onto the floor. He shot the man an

apologetic look and wrapped his arms around Nathan’s waist then pulled him to his chest

before facing Alex. “As much as you don’t want to talk about it, you need to. How long after

that was it before Joshua assaulted you?”

Alex’s stomach dipped and he had to clear his throat since every bit of moisture had

vanished upon being asked the question. He licked his dry lips and tried to track the days

between the first event and the night he’d been raped. “A couple of weeks, maybe. Joshua

didn’t…” God, I hate having to talk about this!

Continuing was physically painful; his stomach burned like he’d swallowed battery

acid and his head was pounding a discordant rhythm. “He didn’t just find me and do it.

He—I guess he courted me, kind of. Befriended me. I’d just figured out I was gay, and knew

that was not going to bode well for me in any pack. I was feeling pretty alone, scared to even

talk to any other boys because I was afraid I’d get a hard on and everyone would know.”

Nathan placed his hand on Alex’s arm. Alex looked into those grey flecked green eyes

and wanted to hide from the sympathy he saw in them. “That had to have made a horrible

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thing even worse, to have someone trick you into trusting them then betraying that trust in

such a violent way.”

Anger crept into Nathan’s expression, tinting his cheeks red and letting off a smoky

odour. “I swear I’m going to rip that bastard’s intestines out and strangle him with them. My

delicate sensibilities and morals will just have to go fuck themselves. This is one time I can

definitely condone violence.”

“Why wouldn’t he remember, though?” Marcus asked, echoing one of the questions

lingering on Alex’s tongue.

Nathan rolled his eyes and scowled at Marcus before shaking his head. Alex was glad

he wasn’t the one who had asked the question.

“Because,” Nathan drew the word out as he made a rolling motion—come on, figure it

out—with his hand.

Marcus grinned at Nathan. “You’re too fun to rile up.” His expression turned serious as

he spoke. “When he told Joshua that he’d found his mate—although he probably didn’t use

that word, Joshua figured it out regardless—and explained that the boy he’d seen had made

him feel even better than Joshua did, Joshua got jealous. Sean had, by his own admission,

worshipped his brother. That had to be a big ego boost to Joshua.”

Alex nodded. “And it probably made it worse that his mate was male.”

“I don’t know about that,” Nathan mused, tapping at his chin. “I really think Joshua

would have gone after anyone he saw as competition for his brother’s attention. Gender

wasn’t as important. So, to continue our group conjecture, Joshua probably hurt Sean any

time he mentioned you or that day. Then he went after you—”

“No.” Alex went over what he knew again. “No, Sean said Joshua began hurting him

after their father and brothers turned on Joshua. The rumour was, Joshua had been caught

fucking another man. I don’t know how; maybe his family smelt it on him, or maybe he

bragged about what he did to me. For all I know, someone could have seen us. He had me b-

bent over a fence for hours on what was supposedly abandoned property.”


Oh my fucking—now Nathan was doing that to him, too? “What?”

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“You understand that if someone had seen, and not done a damned thing to help you,

that adds another layer to your victimisation.” Nathan gnawed on his bottom lip for a second

before releasing it.

“I think that’s what I mean. And no one likes to be called a victim, but that’s because

people seem to think victim means weak. It doesn’t. The two are not synonymous. In fact, I

would categorise them as antonyms. Most victims rise above their circumstances, if given the

opportunity. And even if they aren’t given the opportunity, they make one.”

“Nathan’s right,” Marcus chimed in. “Zane, Mika, and me—we’ve all been victims. I

don’t think any of us, including you, are weak. Do you think I’m weak, Alex?”

The explanation soothed away some of Alex’s embarrassment. He hadn’t thought of

any of those men as victims, especially not Marcus. “No, never. It’s just harder to forgive

yourself, I guess.” The other men frowned and Alex hurried to correct himself. “Or to believe

there’s nothing to forgive yourself for. That’s what I meant. I blamed myself for being naïve,

for not being strong enough to fight off an adult male, then I shoved the whole horrible mess

as deep down inside me as I could. I still don’t want to talk about it, but I’m getting to where

I don’t blame myself as much. I don’t think it’s possible to just let it all go at once.”

The smile Marcus gave him would have had Alex bemoaning his unrequited love at

one time, but now it only made him proud of pleasing his Alpha Anax. “It’s a good start,

Alex. Now let’s see what we can do about bringing your mate back around.”

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Chapter Ten

Jesus Christ, what is that racket? It sounded worse than two tomcats with their tails tied

together. The obnoxious noise grew louder as Sean surfaced from that safe place, his

conscious mind pulling him back into the world. He felt Alex’s soothing presence in his mind

just as it dawned on him what all the noise was. “I understand what caterwauling is now,”

Sean muttered without opening his eyes.

The bed dipped and he bounced as he inhaled Alex’s scent. Warm, soft lips pressed

against his, and Sean didn’t care who else was in the room, he moaned and wound his arms

around Alex’s neck.

“Don’t do that to me again, please Sean. I can’t take it when you disappear like that.”

Sean’s mouth was too full of Alex’s tongue and his head too full of all the dirty things

he wanted to do with Alex to form any kind of answer. He sucked on Alex’s tongue,

mimicking what he wanted to do to Alex’s dick. He barely heard Marcus and Nathan’s


“I think that’s our cue to leave.”

The bedroom door opened then slammed shut and Sean skimmed his hands down

Alex’s sides to cup his butt. He kneaded the firm globes hard, the way Alex liked it. Alex’s

moan as well as the way he pushed his ass up had Sean’s dick hard in no time. But he had

different plans for his dick than usual.

“Fuck me, Sean. I need to feel you in me. Bite me, mark me, claim me, and screw me until I can’t

sit without it aching.”

Alex lifted his lips and turned his head, rubbing his cheek against Sean’s. “Sweet

fucking hell, Sean. You nearly made me cream my jeans. Let’s get naked, if you’re sure

you’re up to it.”

Snickering, Sean grabbed one of Alex’s hands and shoved it between them. Alex arched

his back, bowing his spine to make room then his wonderful hand was on Sean’s dick. The

layer of clothing between that warm hand and his body was no kind of barrier, and Sean’s

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eyes crossed as Alex’ rubbed his over the denim, heating the material up and driving Sean

out of his mind with need.

“I’m gonna make this so good for you,” Alex purred as he nuzzled Sean’s neck. “Open

your legs for me, need to feel you.”

Sean’s legs parted as Alex lifted slightly. He tracked his hands up Alex’s back as the

man settled in, bringing their groins together. Alex kissed him again before levering his torso

up, Sean’s hands moving to grab onto his biceps, then Alex shifted his hips, grinding in a

way that shot bolts of heat to the quivering nerves in Sean’s cock and balls.

His ass clenched, driving up, his hole pulsing as he thought of Alex’s big cock filling

him. That was one thing they hadn’t done yet, and not because Sean wasn’t willing…he’d

just been a little scared, but every time he buried his dick in Alex, felt the man’s pleasure

spark sharp and bright, Sean had become less nervous.

Today he’d been prepared to beg and plead if he’d needed to, or to shove Alex down

and suck his dick, tease him until Alex was every bit as desperate to fuck as Sean was to be

fucked. He was sure there was going to be some serious conversation later, some thinking

and tossing back and forth of ideas, but for now he needed this, and Alex did, too.

“Yessss,” Alex hissed, lifting his head to stare down at Sean. His hips rocked faster,

harder, his eyes narrowing to slits as his breathing accelerated along with his thrusts. Sweat

ran from his forehead to his eyebrow, beading up and plopping onto the pillow beside Sean’s


Sean licked his lips at the thought of tasting Alex’s skin, licking the salty sweet moisture

from every inch of skin. He loved the way Alex tasted, the way he smelt—pretty much

anything and everything that had to do with him. His mind hovered on the edge of

discovery, something powerful just out of reach when Alex’s moan and stuttering of his hips

catapulted Sean into a climax that snapped his spine straight before bowing it as Sean

writhed and rutted.

“That’s it, ah!” Alex’s rumbling groan seemed borne from his stomach, vibrating up his

torso, shaking Sean with its force as the evocative scent of their cum mingled together,

redolent in the air.

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Alex huffed as his arms trembled, then he dropped down beside Sean and turned those

want-filled blue eyes on Sean. Sean didn’t think he could get either of them naked fast


* * * *

Alex grunted as Sean pounced on him, shoving him onto his back. Those lean nimble

hands had him stripped—with Alex’s help when he could—in no time at all. When Alex

reached out to help Sean divest himself of clothing, Sean had snarled, just a quick warning,

and rather than irritate Alex, it’d warmed him like just about nothing else could have to see

his mate unafraid of showing his temper.

Then Sean was bare-assed naked and Alex forgot about everything else except the way

this man made him feel, which, right now, was as if he was being singed from the inside out,

much like the Arizona sun had done, except even more intense.

Sean stood beside the bed and stretched, raising his arms high over his head, locking

his hands together and thrusting out his chest. Pale pink nipples framed with just the

slightest trace of golden hair begged to be tormented, worked into ruby buds swollen with

blood from Alex’s ministrations. Alex dragged his gaze up to Sean’s shoulders, the slight

ridges of muscles bunched as he leaned his arms up and further back. His cock swelled as he

looked at the long line of Sean’s neck, arched as if in offering.

Saliva pooled in Alex’s mouth; he’d mark his mate soon, pin him down and sink his

teeth into that pale flesh as he sunk his cock into Sean’s tight ass. Sean shivered, whimpering

as Alex shared the image with him. He lowered his arms, running his hands over his chest,

plucking at his nipples before sliding his palms down to his concave belly.

“I want that so bad,” Sean rasped, his hands moving, thumbs trailing the golden hair

below his belly button. Alex’s gaze locked on his cock, flushed pink on the curved stalk. The

crown was darker, almost purple, flared wide and dripping from the slit.

“Come here,” Alex croaked, holding out one hand.

Sean crawled onto the bed, his dick bobbing. Alex watched the sway of his balls as he

straddled Alex’s hips and crawled on his knees up until his tip was within licking distance.

Sean pushed his cock down, aiming the crown at Alex’s lips. “Open for me. Suck it.”

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The command in Sean’s voice never failed to stimulate Alex to the point of mindless

obedience. He parted his lips as he placed his hands on Sean’s thighs. “Come on, fuck my face. I

want to feel you lose control.”

Sean groaned as he slid his dick into Alex’s mouth in a steady thrust. His flavour set

Alex’s taste buds to vibrating as he sucked, his tongue swirling over the thick vein on the

underside of Sean’s length. Alex relaxed his throat and ran his hands up to Sean’s nipples,

pinching at the little nubs, rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers. Sean’s control

began slipping, his thrust going from a controlled glide to a rough, fast jerk of hips that

buried his cock in Alex’s throat.

Alex twisted Sean’s nipples slightly, not enough to hurt his mate, just enough to make

the feeling spark heat through his chest and zing to his groin. Sean’s strangled cry as he

fisted his hand in Alex’s hair was one of the most beautiful sounds Alex had ever heard.

Sean shoved his dick in deeper, holding it in for a second then withdrawing. Alex licked

and sucked as he worked Sean’s nipples, absorbing every desperate sound that tumbled

from his mate’s lips. “Fuck me, Sean. Let go and do it,” Alex coaxed. Sean did, panting as he

drove his dick back in to the hilt. Alex worked him into a frenzy, sucking, licking,

swallowing, moving one hand down to cup his swinging balls and squeeze gently while his

other hand teased Sean’s nipples.

Sean bucked his hips, grunting over and over, his groin pressing harder against Alex’s

face with each thrust.

“Yeah, baby, just like that. Let go, give me everything—”

Sean’s balls tightened, hardening as they tucked up to his body, preparing to set a load

free. Alex moaned with anticipation, letting the vibrations ripple around Sean’s dick. Sean’s

shout rang off the walls as he fucked faster, his rhythm gone, desire swamping him.

Their link swelled, expanded, as the cock in Alex’s mouth did the same. Sean’s essence

poured down Alex’s throat then flooded his mouth as Sean shuddered, backing out until his

crown was on Alex’s tongue, bathing it in his cum.

Alex swallowed each drop greedily, bringing his hands to Sean’s ass, squeezing the

clenched globes until he could get his fingertips into the fuzzed crease. He slid one hand

down, suckling Sean’s cock softly as he found the wrinkled folds he’d sought.

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Sean gasped and arched his back, his dick popping out of Alex’s mouth, trailing cum

and spit over his chin. Alex pressed a fingertip to the tight hole. He’d fingered Sean’s sweet

little ass more than once, wringing cries of pleasure from his mate, but now he wanted

more—so much more.

“On your hands and knees,” Alex rasped.

* * * *

Sean toppled to his side and barely managed to roll to his belly and push himself up.

His brain was mush, that’s all there was to it. Alex had melted it and sucked half of it right

out his cock.

Hands at his hips helped position him. Alex wedged his legs between Sean’s calves

then spread his knees farther apart, forcing Sean to do the same. Sean lowered his chest

down to the pillow beneath him, his shaking arms unable to hold his weight.

“Do you know what I’m going to do first?” Alex asked, and Sean wondered how the

man could form a coherent sentence until he remembered that he was the one who’d just had

his second explosive orgasm. Before he could answer, Alex flooded his mind with images so

erotic and arousing blood rushed to fill Sean’s cock again.

Sean moaned, eager and willing even if his muscles were quivering with aftershocks

from coming so hard. Alex smoothed his hands over Sean’s shoulders, then slowly traced the

ridges of his spine. He flattened his hands on the middle of Sean’s back, dragging his hands

down slowly, spanning the width of Sean’s waist.

“This,” Alex rasped, his hands clenching gently, “turns me on so fucking much, the way

my hands look so big on your narrow waist.”

Sean’s breath hitched at the words and image. Alex’s hands were long and strong,

Sean’s waist almost tiny in comparison. Alex tightened his grip for a second, letting Sean feel

his strength, then he stroked over Sean’s flanks, rubbing harder and bringing a brisk heat to

his butt.

“Now…” Alex thumbed Sean’s crack, spreading his cheeks little by little as he slid his

hands down in slow increments. “I’m going to eat your hot little ass until you beg me to fuck

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you, Sean. Going to make you feel so good, every orgasm you’ve had before will pale in


Sean doubted that; Alex had given him so many exquisite orgasms, and his snort said

so. Then he felt the bed shift slightly and a puff of warm breath gusted over his hole. Sean

sucked in his stomach as goose bumps pebbled his skin. Alex pried his ass open more, then

his wet slick tongue lapped down Sean’s crease, right over his pucker, further down to his


Sean’s legs wobbled as nerve endings were stimulated almost unbearably. His knees

slid on the sheets as Alex dragged his tongue back up, then Alex hooked an arm around

Sean’s waist and that hot tongue vanished as Sean was dragged across the bed.

Alex growled, his need thick in the sound as he settled Sean in a new position. Knees on

the floor, bent over the edge of the bed, Sean gripped the fitted sheet and screamed as Alex

parted his ass cheeks and without hesitation and sealed his lips around Sean’s hole.

Sean’s chest tightened; his cock throbbed, pinned between his body and the bed. He

whimpered as he tried to drag in a breath. Alex sucked hard, his teeth scraping the delicate

tissues. Fiery need spread out from Sean’s ring, spiralling to his balls and cock, streaking up

his spine, peaking his nipples as he rubbed against the bed.

“That’s it, baby. You taste so good.” Alex’s thoughts were infused with the sultry purr that

stoked Sean’s desire. He pushed his butt out, widened his knees, spreading his ass as much

as he could without reaching—Sean stopped that thought and reached back, his hands

encountering Alex’s.

He shoved at them and buried his fingers in his crack as he pulled his cheeks apart.

Alex’s moan was filled with the hunger coursing through Sean. His tongue flicked over

Sean’s pucker, teasing, stimulating, then finally pushing in.

Sean didn’t even have the breath to scream as the divine feeling of Alex’s tongue

fucking into his ass sent his body into a frenzy of want. His hips rocked, seeking friction for

his dick, more tongue, he didn’t know what, Sean just needed.

He choked on a cry when Alex growled and shoved his tongue in deeper, spearing

Sean’s ring. Sean writhed and whined as Alex used lips, tongue and teeth to drive him to the

brink of climax over and over. Every time Sean was teetering, nearly toppling over that edge,

Alex would tug his balls or lift his mouth up and rub his face against Sean’s thighs.

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By the time Alex added a finger to the mix, sinking it in deep and fast, Sean was beyond

desperate to be fucked. He needed Alex in him, his dick splitting Sean open, claiming him in

the most elemental way.

“Please! Please Alex,” was all Sean could manage, the words tumbling out over and

over as he felt another digit stretching his hole. Alex fingered him slowly at first, then with

greater urgency as Sean continued to beg.

“I have to stretch you more. My dick is thicker, and longer, than these two fingers. There will be

as little pain as possible when I take you.”

Sean was past the point of worry about potential pain. He sobbed as his needy ass

ached for more. A third finger helped some, but soon it wasn’t enough and neither were the

hard thrusts as Alex finger fucked him with more force.

“Alex!” Sean screamed, his need clawing at him with white hot talons. He shouted

again as fingers brushed over his prostate, then his ass was empty and aching to be filled


* * * *

Alex applied a liberal coating of lube to his cock then tossed the tube aside. Sean peered

over his shoulder at him with heavy-lidded eyes. Alex squeezed the base of his dick,

ruthlessly forcing his budding climax back. “Roll over.” He needed to see Sean’s face when

he claimed him.

Sean did so clumsily, his limbs shaking as he sprawled on his back. Alex hooked his

arms under Sean’s knees and climbed onto the bed, pushing Sean into the centre of the

mattress. He raised his arms, tipping Sean’s ass up, curling his stomach. Sean’s cock

bounced, tapping his skin and leaving a string of pre-cum bridging the slight gap from

crown to belly.

Alex gazed at his mate spread before him, his dick hard, balls tight in their wrinkled

sack. He spread his arms out, which separated Sean’s butt cheeks, exposing the glistening

just waiting to be filled. Alex’s butt clenched in sympathy. He knew all too well now how it

felt to need a thick cock splitting his ass open. “Hold your legs up.” He needed inside Sean

desperately, struggled not to just slam into him.

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Sean palmed the backs of his knees, pulling his legs to his chest. Alex wedged his knees

under Sean’s butt and lined his dick up, rubbing the head over Alex’s pucker. He watched,

fascinated as he pushed the tip in. Rippling heat surrounded it, sucking his cock in greedily.

Alex dropped down over Sean, catching the bends of Sean’s knees with his elbows. The

move spread Sean open even further, and Alex’s dick sank in steadily for a few inches before

Sean’s breath whooshed out and his ass clamped tight around Alex’s length.

Sean’s eyes widened and his hands clenched on Alex’s forearms as he dropped more of

his weight onto Sean. “Fuck,” Sean rasped, swallowing loudly as he blinked repeatedly.

“That’s…oh it’s—” Whatever Sean had been about to say was lost in a moan as his inner

muscles loosened and Alex drove his cock home, his balls slapping against Sean’s ass. Sean

panted and rolled his head from side to side, his eyes closing as he whimpered.

Alex held still, battling the need to thrust, to pummel Sean’s ass until they both came.

He dipped his head and caught Sean’s lips, pressing hard to keep the man’s head still. Sean

opened for him like a morning glory greeting the sun. Alex nipped at his bottom lip and Sean

gasped. His inner muscles constricted, rippled, then loosened as Alex plundered his mouth.

Alex nudged his dick in deeper and swivelled his hips, the tight silky heat sparking

from his cock to the base of his spine. He flicked his tongue against Sean’s then raised his

head, staring into those amber eyes. Alex rocked his hips, pulling out a few inches. Sean’s

lids flickered then lowered almost shut. His mouth dropped open; his fingernails bit into

Alex’s skin.

The sting of pain had Alex’s hips snapping forward, slamming his dick in hard enough

to drive grunts from them both. Sean’s lips curved in a wicked challenge; he spurred Alex on

with images and unspoken demands. Alex let go of any idea of being gentle—neither of them

wanted that now. He pulled out almost entirely, letting the rim of his cock tug against the

inside of Sean’s ring.

Sean squirmed, his nails sinking deeper. “Alex, fuck me!” he demanded in a voice deep

with need. Alex gave his mate a wicked smile of his own then filled Sean’s ass with one

smooth hard thrust. Sean’s back bowed as he keened, and Alex began fucking him, holding

nothing back. He wedged his forearms under Sean’s shoulders, dislodging Sean’s hands, and

grabbed onto his mate, holding him in place for each slamming penetration.

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Sean’s keen hitched higher; his head tipped back, arching his neck in a tantalising

manner. Alex’s eyes latched onto that join of neck and shoulder, and he lowered his head, his

mouth watering, tongue tingling with the knowledge of what was to come. All the while he

ploughed into Sean’s ass, spearing him over and over. Sean’s shout when Alex’s cockhead

stimulated his gland fired the instinctive drive swamping Alex.

He licked the tender spot, grunting at the taste of his mate. His hips jutted harder,

faster, shoving his dick deeper as soft, hot muscles constricted around it. Alex scraped his

teeth over Sean’s skin, a warning or a promise—or both. Sean rolled his head, offering

himself to Alex in that primitive way and Alex snarled, his wolf howling inside him as he

sank his teeth into his mate’s flesh.

Sean’s entire body jerked as if Alex’s weight were nothing. He grabbed Alex’s head,

shoving his face against Sean’s neck and shoulder as his legs latched tight around Alex’s

hips. Alex let the taste of Sean’s blood sink into him, soaking into his marrow, binding them

together even stronger.

He suckled and nipped, his hands tightening their grip as he fucked Sean, sense and

reason gone, nothing but primeval needs of their bodies, their wolves, driving them both.

Sean raked his nails down Alex’s back, leaving a burning trail of pleasure-pain

behind. He bucked and scratched Alex’s ass, his hips, the tops of his thighs. Alex answered

each sting with a nip or sucking bite, driving their need together, feeding it back and forth to

each other through their link as well as their sounds and bodies, their touch.

Alex felt the climax welling inside him, rising quick and unstoppable. He left off

nuzzling the mark he’d made and raised himself up on one arm, never losing his rhythm as

he fucked Sean, jackhammering against his ass as he filled him time and again.

Sean’s face glistened with sweat, his eyes clenched shut as his nostrils flared with each

noisy breath. Alex reached between them and fisted Sean’s dick, stroking to match the

thrusts of his hips. Sean’s eyes flew open as he bellowed, his nails scoring paths down Alex’s

biceps. Alex pumped his wrist, his palm smoothing over Sean’s cockhead. He caught the slit

with the edge of his thumbnail, and Sean’s bellow turned into a howl as jizz spurted from his


Alex rammed his cock in deep as Sean’s inner muscles began clenching. He burrowed

in to the root, his balls drawing up as his howl joined his mate’s. Alex’s orgasm seemed

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ripped from his bowels, boiling up from deep inside him and spilling out in spurts of cum

that saturated Sean’s rectum. He shivered and thrust, grinding his hips as waves of ecstasy

washed over him repeatedly.

Gradually, the ability to think returned and Alex dropped to his elbows atop Sean,

drinking in the sounds of his mate’s raspy breaths. Alex licked and kissed the bite mark,

stimulating them both, slowly, steadily. Sean tugged on his hair eventually, and Alex turned

his head to find a sweet smile on Sean’s lips. His eyes sparkled with a joy that Alex was sure

lit his own as well.

“Now you’ve claimed me all properly,” Sean whispered, his eyes darkening as the

pupils dilated. “When can you do it again?”

Alex let his body do the talking, answering Sean the best way possible.

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Chapter Eleven

A dull, pleasant ache in his ass roused Sean from sleep. He stretched, extending his

arms and cuffing something with his elbow. A grunt wafted breath over his arm, and Sean

pried open his eyes to find Alex’s narrowed as the man glared at him.

They’d spent hours having sex, and, though it’d been a temporary mood killer, talking

about the conclusions Marcus, Nathan and Alex had reached while Sean had been out of it.

Alex had distracted him from brooding and worrying over it, had fucked him until Sean

couldn’t think of the guilt he’d felt. Then it had been Sean’s turn. Remembering had Sean

licking his dry lips and grinning. “I’d think you would wake up smiling instead of glowering

after last night…and this morning. You sure weren’t irritated when your knees were up by

your ears and I was fucking you silly.”

Alex’s expression softened, as he pulled Sean on top of him. “Maybe that’s how you

should have woke me up instead of socking me in the jaw.”

Sean’s dick had been hard when he’d awakened, but now it grew impossibly harder as

he thrust, rubbing their cocks together. “We can close our eyes and start the morning all over

aga—” A knock on their door had them both scowling as they glared in that direction. Sean

sniffed and sighed, disappointment dousing his arousal. “Marcus,” he and Alex said at the

same time.

“I swear he did it on purpose,” Alex grumped. Sean wasn’t so sure, but he did know

the Alpha Anax had to be able to scent their need. It hung in the air with the odour of cum

and sweat.

“Just a minute,” he called out, rolling off Alex. They got out of bed and hurried to get

dressed. Sean glanced at the dried spunk on his belly and chest, scratching at it much like

Alex was doing to his own. “Wish he would have waited until we finished and showered.”

He was feeling a tad grumpy himself now as he pulled on a shirt.

Alex muttered an agreement and beat him to the door. He opened it and Marcus

stepped into the room, his nose wrinkling. Instead of pointing out the obvious, he kept a

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sombre look on his face as he addressed them both. “Shower, then come to my office. I just

got a report in on Joshua’s whereabouts.” With that he turned and walked back out.

Sean stared at the empty doorway as worry turned his stomach sour. “It’s something

bad, isn’t it?”

Alex hesitated, walking over to his side and wrapping his arms around Sean before

answering. “I think it must be. For once Marcus didn’t make a remark about the smell or

claiming or any such thing.”

Mind racing with possibilities, Sean averted his gaze when Alex looked at him. He was

afraid he knew what Marcus would tell them—Joshua was coming for him, just as he’d

promised. Sean fisted his hands as Alex held him tighter.

“He can’t have you, Sean. I promised you I wouldn’t let him hurt you again, and my promise

nullifies his. He doesn’t love you. I do.”

Sean whipped his head up so fast his neck popped. He searched Alex’s eyes, feeling the

truth settle over him, into him, cradling his heart and soul. “I do,” Alex said, his eyes burning

with the intensity of his emotions. They wrapped around Sean as surely as Alex’s arms,

holding him in a cocoon of safety. As long as Alex held him, nothing would hurt him.

“Nothing will you hurt, not like Joshua did, ever again, whether you’re in my arms or not.”

Sean let out a stuttering breath as he nodded. The words were on the tip of his tongue;

he parted his lips to say them only to have Alex kiss him, swallowing what Sean had

intended to say. Alex’s mind moved with his, warming the chill that had coated his skin

since Marcus had entered the room. “I know, Sean. I feel what you feel, can sense it every time you

look at me, touch me.”

Nestling closer, Sean infused the kiss with every pounding, vibrant emotion he felt for

Alex and received the same from him. They kissed until their lips were sore and swollen, the

flesh slick and hot. “We’d better get cleaned up,” Alex said with a wicked grin. He let Sean

go, partially, taking his hands and walking backwards as he guided Sean to the bathroom.

Sean hesitated when Alex released his hands, frowning at his mate. “Maybe it’s not a

good idea for us to get cleaned up at the same time. Marcus seemed to want us in his office,

like, an hour ago.”

Alex snorted as he bent to turn on the shower. “Trust me, he knew what was going to

happen when he told us to get cleaned up. He just wants us to be quick about it—and I can

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do quick.” He waggled his eyebrows at Sean and began stripping off his clothes. Already his

tanned skin was flushed, his arousal showing. Sean took one look at the thick, proud cock

pointing at him and couldn’t get naked quick enough. Alex chuckled and helped him,

dropping to his knees and pulling down Sean’s sweats.

He licked the underside of Sean’s dick and palmed his balls, looking up at Sean. “What

do you want?”

Sean bit his bottom lip as he considered his options. They were all very good options,

but there was one in particular he wanted to indulge. “Fuck me?”

“Like you ever have to ask,” Alex said, standing quickly and dragging Sean into the

shower. The water was lukewarm at best, but Alex’s hands were hot on his skin as he spun

Sean away from him. He pressed his hands to Sean’s shoulders, massaging them gently. “Put

your hands on the wall.” Sean did, then spread his legs. The tub wasn’t quite wide enough

for him to spread open like he wanted, so he propped a foot on the lip of the tub.

Alex slammed the shower door shut with one hand while prodding Sean’s ass hole with

the fingers of the other. “Still wet, stretched. How sore are you?” He inserted a finger and

Sean hissed. “Too sore. Maybe we should—”

“No,” Sean snapped. He wanted to feel Alex taking him again, just in case—

Alex growled and pulled his finger out of Sean’s ass. “I said I won’t let anything

happen to you!”

“You can’t control everything and everyone, Alex,” Sean said, hoping he could explain

his fear. He kept his mind open, but Alex didn’t seem interested in prying. “It isn’t you I’m

doubting. Part of it is myself. I didn’t want Joshua to leave me. What if…what if—”

Alex grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. The fierce expression on his face

sent a thrill of fear-tinged excitement through Sean. Alex wouldn’t hurt him, he believed that,

but the man was bigger, stronger, and his anger well-controlled despite how sharp it was. It

made Sean’s wolf want to roll over in a show of submission, and it spiked Sean’s arousal

back up to where it’d been before this discussion had started.

Alex’s nostrils flared as his anger morphed into something hotter. He nudged Sean back

a step. “Turn the water off and grab the shower head.”

Sean hurried to comply, nearly smacking his head on the wall when he bent over and

Alex grabbed his ass. “Hurry,” Alex muttered. Sean turned the water off then faced Alex. He

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reached up and grabbed the showerhead in one hand and the short bit of pipe with the other.

Looking up, he considered the fixture. “Do you think it’ll hold my weight?”

“It doesn’t need to, not all of it.” With that, Alex grabbed the back of Sean’s thighs right

below his butt cheeks and lifted him up. “Wrap your legs around me and lock your ankles


Desire pounding in his groin, Sean did as he was told. Alex hefted him higher, then

Sean felt the tip of Alex’s dick pressing to his ass hole. “Ready for me?” Alex asked, his gaze

intent on Sean. Sean started to nod then moaned as that thick cock penetrated him.

Alex’s hands guided Sean down, filling him with one thrust. His back was pressed to

the wall slowly, giving Sean time to adjust his grip if need be. He did, then Alex lifted him a

few inches and slammed his cock back in as he lowered him onto Alex’s dick.

Sean’s head hit the wall with a thunk as Alex fucked him. It wasn’t pretty or neat, it was

a hard, gritty fucking that set Sean’s ass on fire and made his entire body throb with the need

to come. Alex grunted and rammed his cock in short, hard thrusts that rattled Sean’s teeth.

Sean let go with one hand and grabbed the back of Alex’s neck. “Do it. God damn it, Alex, do


Alex groaned as he let his head be pushed down, shoved against Sean’s neck. His lips

latched on to the mark he’d left and Sean whimpered. He bit, and Sean screamed, cum

spewing from his dick. Alex’s rumbling grow signalled his end, as did the near-violent

thrusts as he pounded Sean’s ass. He lifted his head and howled as his hips stilled and he

filled Sean’s channel with cum.

Dropping his head back to Sean’s shoulder, Alex laved the mark. Sean panted and

waited for his muscles to stop trembling. When they did, he lowered his legs and let go of the

pipe, letting Alex’s weight where he pinned Sean to the wall keep him upright. He ran a

hand through Alex’s hair, admiring the way it gleamed with moisture from either sweat or

before he’d turned the shower off. “We’d better hurry for sure now,” Sean prodded gently.

“Ungh,” Alex grunted, but he slapped a hand to the wall and pushed himself up.

“Damn, that about turned my bones to gel.”

“Mine too,” Sean admitted. They smiled at each other then cleaned up as fast as they

could. Assuring one another they’d removed all the jizz, they got out after Sean turned off

the water.

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By the time they’d tended to other matters of hygiene and got dressed, Sean figured

they were pushing their time limit, and Alex agreed. “Yeah, we probably should run to his

office.” Alex winked at Sean but Sean wasn’t sure he was joking entirely.

They walked at a fast clip, not quite jogging but pretty close to it until they reached

Marcus’ office. Alex raised his hand to knock on the door then dropped it when Marcus

bellowed, “Get in here, now!”

Sean scooted closer to Alex, relieved when he draped his arm over Sean’s shoulders.

“He’s not like Joshua, you know this. Don’t be afraid just because Marcus sounds a bit…bitchy. He

won’t hurt you.”

Sean nodded, but he couldn’t quite hide his fear when he entered the room with Alex

and found Marcus glaring at them both.

* * * *

Marcus’ glare softened when the scent of Sean’s fear permeated the air. Alex was glad,

because he’d been ready to snap at the Alpha Anax, and that likely wouldn’t have ended

well for him.

“Y’all took longer than I’d expected.” Marcus’ lips twitched then stretched into a smile

as footsteps sounded behind Alex and Sean. He smelt Nathan before he saw him. Nathan

brushed by him, shooting an amused glance in their direction before perching on the edge of

Marcus’ desk. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at them, though his words were

for Marcus.

“See, I told you we would have had enough time to fuck. You owe me a blowjob.”

To Alex’s delight, Marcus’ cheeks turned ruddy as he grabbed up a stack of papers and

started neatening them, tapping them against his desk. “Nathan,” he scolded, but Nathan

only harrumphed and studied Alex first, then Sean. “Be warned, he’s trying to think of

nicknames for the two of you. He and Gabe have this competition to see who can come up

with the most embarrassing ones.”

Nathan nodded as he narrowed his eyes. “So far, Gabe beat me before we ever met with

the whole ‘Double D’ for Aidan and ‘Grand Poobah’ for Marcus, but I’m thinking I can use

the two of you to catch up.”

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Alex didn’t have to feign worry over that. He knew Nathan would drag out something

awful. Sean’s soft snicker eased some of Alex’s concern, though, so he didn’t protest. Nathan

would come up with whatever he came up with.

“Later, Nathan.” Marcus sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers under his chin.

He pinned Alex with an inquisitive look and tipped his head to one side. Alex tried to steel

himself for whatever was coming, sure he wouldn’t like it. Sean’s hand twined with his, and

he squeezed it gratefully.

“I told y’all the guards lost Joshua, but it seems they picked up his trail again—or part

of it. In Sedona.”

The words congealed into a lump of cold dread in Alex’s chest. He darted a glance at

Sean, unsurprised to find him nibbling on his bottom lip and watching Alex.

Alex reached up and scratched the back of his neck, his nerves pinging. “Sedona?

Where—” He sucked in a noisy breath.

Marcus nodded. “From what we can tell, he tracked you, or at least where you had been

shortly before coming after him.”

“It couldn’t have been Joshua,” Sean blurted out.

“It was,” Marcus snapped, slapping the desktop as he leant forward. “His scent was all

over Harley Johanson’s apartment!”

Alex’s knees quivered. He locked them to keep upright as Sean argued with the Alpha


“No. I mean, I’m not saying he wasn’t at this Harley Johanson’s apartment, but Joshua’s

sense of smell has been damaged, probably permanently. He has a…a fondness for cocaine. It

apparently has some effect on shifters when consumed in very large amounts.”

“All right, so one of his other pack members led Joshua there. Who would that be?”

Marcus asked, then, before Sean could answer, “Alex, sit before you fall. It isn’t your fault.”

Sean turned to him, frowning at Alex. “Why would you think it was—”

“Because I fucked him,” Alex admitted, unable and unwilling to lie to his mate. “Just

hours before I found you.”

Sean looked away, biting at his lip again. Nathan stood and took Alex’s arm, steering

him to one of the chairs in front of the desk. “Sit, like you were told.” Nathan pushed and

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Alex sat, wringing his hands together between his knees. He looked at his mate, who was

still avoiding meeting his eyes.

Nathan took Sean’s arm and shook it. Alex barely held back a snarl as his mate jerked

his gaze up to Nathan’s. “Whatever you’re thinking, stop it. Alex hadn’t met you yet. He

didn’t know he had a mate, or he wouldn’t have been able to have sex with someone else. He

wouldn’t have even wanted to have sex with anyone else. Were you aware you had a mate?”

Sean shook his head, and finally looked at Alex. “No, I didn’t…I didn’t understand, and

it sure didn’t hit me like it did once I saw Alex again. I guess it wouldn’t feel the same to a


“And you can think of that time in the past now?” Marcus asked.

“A little,” Sean said. “I’m afraid to push too hard, in case…” He shrugged then looked

at Alex, letting him feel the truth as he spoke again. “Nathan’s right. You shouldn’t feel

guilty for having…for, you know. I can’t even say it without getting mad, but that doesn’t

mean you were wrong!” Sean sounded mad, but the anger was directed at himself. “Just,

believe us when we say it wasn’t your fault, not what you did before, and not what

happened to…Harley Johanson. That’s no different than me blaming myself for what Joshua

did to me.”

Alex opened his mouth to argue but couldn’t figure out how to refute the claim. He

closed his mouth and looked hopefully at Sean. Sean’s mouth curled in a slight smile and he

shook off Nathan’s hand on his arm and came to sit beside Alex.

“Now that that’s settled,” Marcus muttered. “Sean, who is the beta? The same shifter as

when I was being held captive?”

Sean nodded, taking Alex’s hand once again. “Yes. Marshall Vaughn. He’s…he’s

always scared me, the way he looked at me.”

“Then he’s a dead fucker,” Alex said. “He deserves it for being Joshua’s beta as well as

for looking at you in any way.”

* * * *

Sure his eyes were going to bug right out of his head, Sean gaped at Alex. The man

meant what he said, unequivocally. Sean couldn’t even argue, because he’d seen Marshall do

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almost as many horrible things as Joshua had—and Marshall had hated Marcus Criswell

every bit as much as Sean’s brother did.

Alex nodded once then turned back to Marcus. “Is Harley—is he dead?” Alex reached

for Sean mentally. “I’m sorry, but I have to know. Whether anyone blames me or not, Harley

wouldn’t have been dragged into this if I hadn’t…”

“We don’t know for sure. If he was killed, it wasn’t in his apartment. There was blood—

his—but not a lot. Colby thinks Joshua took him somewhere. The theory is,” Marcus shifted

in his seat, his eyes settling on Sean. “That he’s using Harley for bait, or a bargaining chip.

And that Joshua’s coming here, for you.”

Even though Sean expected it, he still reeled with shock. Alex stood and lifted Sean up,

settling them back down into Alex’s seat with Sean on his lap. Sean huddled against his mate

as darkness pulled at him. His mind screamed for escape as the others talked.

“He’s a bigger idiot than I thought, even,” Nathan snarled. “Joshua ought to know

showing up here will only ensure his death. Not that it wasn’t going to happen, anyway.”

Sean tried to resist the compelling impulse to bury himself away. He stopped hearing

the other’s voices, except for the soothing one in his head. Dimly, he recognised Alex’s voice.

Sean clung to that familiarity, the love he felt for him, as Alex coaxed him to stay with him.

“Don’t, please Sean. I won’t let him near you, he’ll never touch you again. I’ll kill him myself if

you can forgive me for it. If not me, then Marcus, or Nathan, or Alison—there’s a bunch of us here

who’ll fight to protect you. Joshua can’t get through us all. He won’t get through at all. Not these

doors, and not past every shifter here.”

Sean wavered as Alex continued, then realised he couldn’t keep hiding like he used to

do. All that did was take his awareness out of what was happening. It did nothing to protect

his body—and he couldn’t protect his mate if he was just a catatonic lump.

“I won’t,” Sean whispered, raising his heavy head to look into Alex’s eyes. “I’m not

going anywhere without you.”

Alex’s smile melted away the bands of fear that had bound Sean’s mind. “Thank you.”

The kiss Alex gave him was so sweet it made Sean’s eyes burn. The sound of Marcus clearing

his throat brought it to an end too soon, and Sean kept his eyes closed to keep from glaring at

the Alpha Anax.

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“All I wanted to say,” Marcus began, his deep voice rich with amusement, “and what I

wanted to make sure you heard, was that this, here with your pack, is your safe place now,

Sean. With your mate, and with the rest of us. You don’t need that coping mechanism you

used before, not anymore. And when you’re ready for it, I’ll make you an official pack

member, with as fancy a ceremony as you want.”

Sean opened his eyes, the desire to glare at his Alpha Anax gone as he was suffused

with a warm, happy feeling. He looked at Marcus, and at Nathan, smiling like a loon beside

him. “I don’t need anything fancy. I vow fealty to you, Marcus Criswell, right now, before

your mate and mine.”

It wasn’t a flowery speech, or even the official one, but it must have been enough

because Marcus stood and rounded the desk, Nathan coming around the other side. Marcus

held out his hand to Sean. “Normally, if we were doing this the fancy way, there’d be

kneeling involved on your part as well as a show of submission. I think a handshake, and

baring your neck, should be enough.”

Alex hugged him tightly then released him, leaving the choice up to Sean. And Sean,

having been given so many good things he’d never even dared to dream of, slid to the floor,

kneeling as he bowed his head and arched his neck.

“Welcome to the pack,” Marcus said, pride in his voice and scent. He touched the back

of Sean’s neck, and Sean wept.

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Chapter Twelve

Alex paced the living room of HQ. It had been over a week since they had heard

anything else about Joshua Dobson’s whereabouts, and waiting for the asshole to show up

was driving Alex up the wall. It wasn’t that he wanted Joshua anywhere near, just…he

wished he’d make his move already so everyone else could get on with their lives.

Joshua Dobson and Marshall Vaughn excluded. Those two were dead as soon as

anyone here other than Sean laid eyes on them. Alex would and could kill either of them—

Sean and he had talked about it, and agreed that Alex would do what was necessary to keep

them and any other member of the pack safe. What Alex wouldn’t do was seek Joshua out

with the express intent of killing him.

Marshall Vaughn was fair game, though.

Alex paced some more, checking the clock every few minutes. Sean and Nathan were

up to something, sending him out of his and Sean’s bedroom and telling him not to return for

two full hours. Marcus had been allowed in though. Alex fumed internally as he kept pacing.

He didn’t deliberately share his thoughts, but he didn’t exactly try to restrain them and keep

them to himself, either. Well of course he was! He wouldn’t tolerate his mate to be alone with

another man in that man’s bedroom for two hours! Even knowing nothing should happen, that the
mate bond would hold…But damn it all, it still pisses me off!

“Stop being so angry. We told you it’s because we’ve got a surprise for you. I just hope you like

it.” Sean didn’t sound too sure about whether Alex would or not.

Alex immediately sought to reassure him. “I’d love anything from you, anything you gave

me or did for me. I love you, and nothing will change that.”

“Good, I hope you mean that as much as you think you do.”

“What do you mean? I—”


“Oh god damn it.” Alex wasn’t able to keep the words to himself as he turned and tried

not to glare at Marcus and Nathan, both of whom were grinning fit to be tied. “What? What

did you two do?”

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“Something you’ll thank us for, I think.” Marcus seemed so delighted, Alex was finding

it hard to stay irritated. “I do believe your mate is waiting for you.”

Alex nodded and headed for the bedroom. There was an odd, metallic-sweet scent in

the air but he ignored it. He just wanted to know what had been going on in his bedroom for

the last two hours that had Marcus and Nathan lit up with grins bigger than should have

been possible. Sean had asked Alex to trust him, to not pry around in his head for those two

hours, and Alex had been good, but damn, it had been hard! Now he just wanted—Alex

grabbed the door knob and twisted it open.

And stopped mid step, his jaw dropping and his hands reaching out to stop his fall,

because he was—falling. Alex hit the floor knees first and just managed to slap a hand down

before his face made contact, too.

“Alex!” Sean ran over to him, except…he didn’t look exactly like Sean. Well, he does and

he doesn’t, and fucking hell! “Are you all right? Oh my god, you hate it, right? I mean, I look

like a—”

Alex grabbed Sean’s wrist and had him tucked under him in two seconds flat. “You

look fucking hot,” Alex growled, surprised by how turned on he was. It wasn’t going to be

very long at all before he ripped off Sean’s clothes and fucked him—or maybe he’d rip off his

own, let Sean fuck him. That idea stoked his libido into overdrive as he moaned. “You have to

fuck me, Sean. Now!”

“Like this?” Sean squeaked, waving a hand at his face. Alex dipped his head and licked

at Sean’s rouged lips, tasting a hint of strawberry and chemicals he didn’t care to know the

names of. He raised his eyes up to Sean’s lined ones. The rich blue liner brought out the gold

in Sean’s eyes, making the irises almost glow.

Thick lashes made thicker with makeup swept down, hiding those eyes from Alex. “I’m

glad I didn’t let Nathan use the duct tape,” Sean muttered.

Alex only arched a brow as he looked at all the thousands of tiny glittery specks in the

eye shadow that had been liberally applied. It was the same blue as the liner, on the bottom

half of Sean’s lid, anyways. Then there was a darker blue in the crease that was smeared up

and blended into a silver glittery shadow.

Alex traced the hollow of Sean’s cheek, also accentuated with makeup. It brought Sean’s

cheekbones into stark relief. Alex lowered his head and nibbled on the sharp edge, ignoring

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the scent and taste of the makeup, seeking out the flavour of his mate’s skin instead. Sean

moaned and grabbed at his shoulders.

“Fuck me,” Alex whispered in Sean’s ear, only then noticing the sparkling earring

clipped onto Sean’s lobe. “Damn. Now, Sean, please!”

Something about seeing Sean made up like this, his beautiful features outlined and

framed by painted on colours, just ramped up Alex’s desire for his mate to a new level.

“You need to let me up if you want me to fuck you.”

Alex raised his head and smirked as he looked at Sean. “No, you stay right there. Don’t

move, I’ll be right back.” Alex jumped up and took a moment to look at Sean again. Dressed

as he was in dark trousers and a loose white shirt, a thick belt accentuating his trim waist, he

was devastatingly gorgeous. “Right back,” Alex murmured, then darted to the bed to dig the

lube out from under the pillows. He ran back to where Sean waited and tossed the tube to

him. “Open it, and your pants. Get your cock out for me.”

Alex stripped quickly while Sean unzipped his pants and pulled out his thick cock.

“You’re beautiful, every inch of you.”

Sean’s cheeks darkened as he looked at his hand on his dick. “I have scars—”

“That only emphasise how gorgeous you are, how strong to have survived what you

did.” Alex believed that with everything in him. Sean’s tentative smile pinched at his heart.

“You know I mean it. There isn’t anything about you that doesn’t flip every one of my


When Sean laughed softly, Alex knelt then crawled up his body. “I want you, now, like

this, forever, however you look. It’s true that I’ve never seen anyone as attractive as you are,

but it’s this—” He placed a hand over Sean’s heart. “That makes me love you so much.” Alex

held Sean’s gaze until Sean nodded, then he kissed Sean fiercely.

The thick sticky lip gloss was going to be smeared all over both of them, but Alex didn’t

care. He sat up and grinned, thinking Sean looked thoroughly debauched and they hadn’t

done anything other than kiss yet.

“That’s a smug look,” Sean teased.

“I’m feeling pretty damned smug,” Alex admitted.

Sean reached for the lube. “Do you want me to stretch you or—”

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“No.” Alex wanted that sweet burn as Sean’s cock stretched him. “You lubed your cock,

that’s enough.”

“But—” Sean began, his eyes going wide.

Alex silenced him by reaching behind himself and grabbing Sean’s dick. He scooted

back and used his other hand to pull one ass cheek aside. As soon as the fat crown bumped

his hole, Alex exhaled and sank down.

Sean scrambled for a hold on Alex’s thighs, those nails scoring his skin in the way that

heated Alex’s blood. He pushed down harder, taking more of Sean’s cock. Sean whimpered,

his eyes rolling back. Alex moaned as sweet pleasure-pain spread through his ass. Arching

his back, he pressed down, burying Sean’s dick inside him, stopping only when his balls

slapped against Sean’s pubic hair.

“Oh my god, Alex!” Sean twitched as he took several deep breaths. “You’re killing


Alex raised up on his knees slowly then sank back down, fast and hard. Sean yelled and

tossed his head, and Alex set about riding him, driving Sean’s thick cock into him, moaning

every time that wide crown brushed his gland. It wasn’t but a few seconds until Sean was

gasping and bucking up as Alex lowered his ass.

Slick skin and the sound of their bodies slapping together, the sight of his mate,

makeup now smeared and eyes closed as he cursed—it was too much, and Alex couldn’t last

long. Reaching for his dick, he stripped it with rough strokes as he fucked himself on Sean’s

cock. He tried to watch Sean, but his vision began to blur as his balls tightened. Sean’s cock

swelled inside him as Sean pressed against Alex’s thighs, holding him down, still.

Wet heat spilled inside Alex’s ass, and it set of his own climax. He ground his butt

down, shouting as he pumped his dick harder. Cum shot out, splattering Sean’s neck and

chest, his belly, until Alex collapsed, drained, at least for now.

“I don’t know whose idea the makeup and stuff was,” Alex said several minutes later as

he carefully rolled off Sean. “Whoever thought of it though, remind me to thank them later.”

He waggled his eyebrows at Sean and leered. “Especially if it was you.”

Sean arched a brow that Alex only now realised had been pencilled in a couple of

shades darker than his hair. “Well, if by thanking you mean fucking or sucking, that better

only apply to me. This was Nathan’s idea, and I have to wonder…”

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Alex propped himself up on one elbow and looked at Sean. “Wonder what?”

“He just seemed to know a whole lot about applying makeup. And then there’s the fact

that he had makeup to begin with.”

“Maybe he bought some when he and Marcus went out yesterday?” Alex was trying to

think up excuses, but now that Sean had got him thinking, he had to admit he was a little

curious himself.

Sean shook his head. “I don’t think so. It wasn’t new. I guess he could have it because

maybe some of the kids at the gym use it when they have competitions?”

Alex snorted and hefted himself to his feet then extended a hand to his mate.

“Somehow I have a problem seeing a bunch of kids—girls, one would assume—wearing

makeup this dark for competition. Then again, I know jack shit about stuff like that.”

“Me too,” Sean said as he took Alex’s hand. “So how bad does the makeup look now?”

He grinned crookedly, or it might have been the way the red gloss was smeared all over his

chin and above his upper lip.

“It looks perfect.” He tousled Sean’s curls and grinned. “You’ve got that whole ‘just

been fucked’ look going on.”

“Great,” Sean grumbled, but he didn’t sound mad. “I’ve gone from beauty queen to

overused hooker in fifteen minutes flat.”

“Not even fifteen,” Alex pointed out. “And you look adorable, so quit complaining, and

I promise to scrub you clean in the shower.” He watched Sean out of the corner of his eye as

he added, “Then I’ll eat your little ass until you come all over yourself, and then I’ll lick you


Alex grinned as he caught Sean when he stumbled. It was a damn good thing he’d been

watching him when he’d laid out his plans for the evening.

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Chapter Thirteen

Sean crossed his eyes at Nathan. “You are not calling me Gingerella! That’s crap!”

Nathan huffed and tapped his chin. “But it fits, with your hair colouring and the evil—

well, not half-brothers or step-brothers, whatever. But it works. And you got the handsome

prince—okay you just got Alex—” He snickered and ducked when Sean took a swipe at him.

“Okay, okay, Alex is the handsome prince, whatever!”

“I am pretty good looking, I’ve been told,” Alex said as he entered the library.

Nathan snorted and made a shooing motion with his hand. “Oh, but it doesn’t count

when mommy’s the one saying it, they have to say shit like that!”

Alex refrained from dragging Nathan’s mother into the potential verbal smack-down.

He’d heard about Nathan’s murdering his mother when Nathan had been a small child, and

there was no way he’d make a joke involving her considering those circumstances. He could,

however, prevent Sean from being saddled with a nickname that was likely to stir up bad


Walking over to his mate, he held up an arm. Sean hurried over and snuggled against

him. Alex stroked the soft, shiny curls, wound tight like strawberry blond springs. “Didn’t

you say Joshua started making fun of you when your hair turned this colour?” Alex made

sure to catch Nathan’s eye.

Nathan’s mouth rounded into an ‘o’ and he looked close enough to mortified to suit

Alex, who gave the barest nod.

“Yeah, he did, but Nathan didn’t know.”

“Nathan knows now,” Alex said as Nathan bobbed his head. “And you should have

told him. He can find something else equally awful but not cruel to call you.”

“I’ll work on it.” Nathan looked at Sean. “I wish you would have told me. I don’t know

when I cross the line if there isn’t one drawn in the sand. Or chalked on the floor or


Sean shrugged. “It’s fine. I just don’t like thinking about it so I don’t, I guess.”

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Before anything else could be said, Alison walked into the library. Her black hair was

pulled up in a bun so tight it looked painful, Sean thought. She looked kind of intense, but

she’d always been nice to him.

Nathan took a look at her then frowned, nodding slightly. “I’ve got to go, Marcus is

snapping his telepathic fingers at me.” He left without another word, loping from the room.

Alison closed the door and came further into the room. The serious expression on her

face wiped the whole Gingerella debacle from Sean’s mind. She stopped in front of them and

touched Alex’s arm briefly. “There’s some bad news, Alex. Maybe you and Sean should have

a seat.”

Sean asked before Alex could, knowing it would be hard for Alex to do so. “Is Harley


“Oh! No, no, not that, sorry.”

Alex sagged against him and Sean couldn’t stop himself from shooting Alison a nasty

look. To her credit, she did appear remorseful as she pulled out a chair for her brother.

“Really, I am sorry, I just didn’t think, since you have your mate and all.” Alison pulled

another chair around for herself, across from them, as Sean plopped into his seat.

“Just because I have my mate—my incredibly wonderful mate—doesn’t mean I don’t

give a shit if other people die! Shit, Alison, what kind of heartless bastard do you think I

am?” Alex’s anger flared higher the more he spoke, but Sean didn’t try to stop him. He had a


“Well, I’m sorry, I said! I’m a bitch, I know. You’re right.”

Alex nodded and slouched in the chair. “Okay. I swear you’ve apologised to me more

times since I’ve been back than in our whole lives before I left.”

Alison fidgeted, picking at a string on her cargo pants. “I missed you, and…and I feel

really bad about the way I acted before you left. I never should have thought you’d betray

Marcus, much less actually say something like that out loud for everyone to hear.”

Sean’s eyebrows darted up. He hadn’t heard about that. Alison must have noticed his

curiosity because she addressed him next. “Sean, I’m guessing Alex hasn’t mentioned that

when I brought Stewart Combs in, he got hold of Alex’s gun and killed himself. I…well I was

furious to have lost the only lead we had, and I accused Alex of being in league with your

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brother. And, and I hit him, too.” Alison’s entire face was flushed and her eyes glistened. “I

was a complete bitch, and Alex left because of me.”

“No, I didn’t,” Alex said, sounding so tired Sean ached for him. And he had his answer

about what had happened to Stewart Combs, the fool. Alex turned sideways in his chair, as

much as he could, and looked Sean in the eyes. “I left because I was embarrassed, because

my pride took a hit and I couldn’t accept that. I ended up telling everyone in earshot,

everyone who was there when Combs killed himself, that I’d been in love with Marcus. To

make it even worse, I also told them that I’d had sex with Joshua.”

Sean knew Alex wasn’t in love with Marcus, and figured he could find out easily

enough what had been going through Alex’s mind to make him think that. And he would,

but there was the other matter. “You didn’t have sex with Joshua.”

Alex shook his head slowly. “No, I didn’t, but I told you, you were the first person I’d

ever been able to admit it to, that Joshua raped me.” His cheeks coloured when he said it, and

his voice quavered, but Alex didn’t hesitate. It was, Sean knew, a sign of healing. Alex was

confronting his past and dealing with it instead of hiding from it.

“He couldn’t even say it to me,” Alison murmured. “Alex carried that alone, all these

years, and I never knew. If I’d been less self-centred and less concerned with making rank,

maybe I’d have noticed something horrible had happened to my brother.”

Alex shook himself, like a dog shaking off bath water. “Enough of everyone blaming

themselves. What happened, happened, and I didn’t deal with it at all, but now I am. We all

need to move beyond our pasts.”

Sean couldn’t agree more. He just wished his brother would stop being a threat to his


“Right, again, you’re right.” Alison sat up straighter and touched the bun at the back of

her head. Sean wondered if there was a reset button under there since every trace of emotion

disappeared off her face. “I got way off track there, but that all needed to be said. Now,

Colby called and said he got an anonymous call on his cell phone. The number was blocked,

and he replayed the phone call—thank goodness he thought to record it, gotta love smart


The voice was distorted, but the called claimed to be a relative of one of the shifters who

helped Dobson escape in Arizona. He said his brother was driving a white truck,” she rattled

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off the make and model, licence plate, and what might have been the VIN number for all

Sean knew. “And his brother called to tell him the whole Dobson pack was heading to

Cincinnati to set up a new regime in our old HQ.”

Alex was out his chair in a flash, pacing the few feet between his and Alison’s chairs.

“Who is going to the old building? Does anyone know if this was just an attempt to mislead

the guard? Has Colby found out who the shifters are who helped Joshua escape?”

Alison caught Alex’s wrist. “Stop, please, you’re making me dizzy. Sit back down with

your mate or something, but quit pacing. It’s hard as hell on my neck and eyeballs.”

Alex sat back down and put his arm over Sean’s shoulder. Alison flicked a quick smile.

“Y’all look so cute together. Now.” All trace of teasing was gone. “Colby and half of his team

are already on a plane to Cincinnati, and you know how much shifters hate flying, but not a

single man or woman protested. And every one of them wanted on that plane. The other half

is still in Arizona.”

“Okay, and the rest of it?”

“We don’t know if it’s an attempt to mislead us or not. We have to take both

possibilities into consideration. Three, really. One, that Dobson really is thinking of setting

up a new regime, which will lead to complete slaughter of his pack should any of them

refuse to disavow him. Two, he’s still in Arizona skulking around. Or, he’s on his way here,

probably even very close to us. He’d try to distract us, divide out guard, then attack. Marcus

sent a half dozen guards on a different plane right before I came in here.”

“That leaves six of you here,” Alex pointed out. “As well as Marcus, Nathan, myself,

and Sean.”

Alison nodded. “Yes, and two more. Aidan and Zane should be arriving any time


“Good. The more of us there are, the better off we’ll be. “

“My feelings exactly.” Alison stood and patted Alex’s shoulder. “So no one is to be

outside, unless Marcus okays it. Which he won’t. We need to keep all of our senses alert for

signs of Dobson or any of his pack. Sean, if you can think of anything that would be helpful

to us if it comes down to us fighting Joshua’s pack, please let Alex know. Or me, but I figured

you’d confide in your mate first.”

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“Of course.” He watched her leave then Sean stood up and climbed onto Alex’s lap. “I

have a very bad feeling about this.”

“Me too. Do you know how to fire a gun?”

* * * *

Sean looked at Alex like he was crazy. “No, Joshua always said shifters were meant to

fight muzzle to muzzle.”

Alex crooked his neck and peered back at Sean. “Was he a wolf when he abused you, or

when he tortured Marcus?”

“No.” Sean blinked, confusion darkening his features. “He was in his human form,

but…well, it just seems like he’d attack in this case at least as a wolf.”

“Not if he has a hostage. He’d have a difficult time hanging onto Harley and fighting,

although I guess he could always have someone else holding him. Even if Harley was tied up

or unconscious, he’d want to keep someone with opposable thumbs on him.”

“I can see that,” Sean said as he stood and helped Alex up. “But shooting a running

wolf in the right spot would take a skill I wouldn’t have. I don’t think I could shoot anyone,


“You’d be surprised at what you are capable of doing to protect someone you care

about.” Alex hook his arm through Sean’s as they headed out of the room. “One thing I don’t

want it for you to be put in the position of having to choose whether or not to kill your own

brother if it comes down to that. You would kill him, if it were him or me.”

Alex knew it even if Sean didn’t. He didn’t want Sean to carry the guilt from taking his

brother’s life, though. Sean was too tender-hearted not to let it tear him apart. He’d recover,

eventually, but that guilt would always be there.

“It would,” Sean admitted, delving into their link. “But you’re right, too, in that I would

kill him before I let him hurt you. I would at least try to cripple him if it came down to him or

one of our other pack members. Except for Marcus and Nathan, since they are our Alpha

Anax and his mate.”

“The need to protect our AA is almost as strong as our need to protect our mates—if

we’ve accepted our Alpha Anax as our leader.” Alex stopped in the hallway as voices rang

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out from the living room. “Shit.” He knew those voices, and wasn’t sure he was ready to see

the shifters they belonged to.

“What?” Sean asked, tugging on his arm. “Who is it? You’re heartbeat just accelerated.

You smell like you’re nervous, almost afraid.”

Alex wanted to run, that’s what he wanted to do. The urge hit him out of nowhere. He

could take his mate, leave, they could hide somewhere no one would ever find them…

“Someone would find us, and neither of us would be happy without a pack. Who are these

shifters making you think about taking off?”

It wasn’t running, Alex told himself as he practically dragged Sean back into the library

and locked the door. It was just giving him a few minutes to explain things. “That’s Marcus’

brother Aidan and his mate, Zane. I was Aidan’s captain when he took over while Marcus was

missing. He…he thought I had something to do with Joshua as well. That I’d let Combs get my gun on

purpose or something so he could kill himself. I didn’t. I just wasn’t thinking, and it cost me—their
trust, Alison’s, and—”

“And what, Alex? What else did it cost you?”

Alex gathered Sean into his arms and buried his face in those silky curls. “It brought me

to you, so I can’t regret any of it. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn’t had my little snit

fit and taken off? We might never have met each other. The thought of that makes me ache clean to my


“Alex,” Sean murmured as he tipped his head up. Alex looked into his warm light

brown eyes and let the last of his regrets and shame go just before Sean melted his knees with

four little words. “I do love you.”

“Oh.” It wasn’t elegant or even intelligent, but Alex did well to get even that out as he

slid down to the floor, his back getting scraped by the panels of the door. “I knew, I told you I

knew, but hearing you say it…Damn, Sean, you about stopped my heart.” “I love you, too,” Alex

whispered against Sean’s lips, then he kissed Sean as if he needed to in order to survive,

which he thought just might be the case.

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Chapter Fourteen

Sean tried not to resent the two shifters joining them in Marcus’ office. It was hard to

do, though, considering how they’d been so quick to think Alex a traitor. Alison was easier to

forgive, because she was Alex’s sister.

“We’re all family, in a sense, members of Marcus’ pack. It was a very stressful time. Everyone

was on edge.”

“Stop making excuses for them. They were still wrong.” Sean sneaked a glance at Aidan,

who looked so much like his brother—well, they are twins, nitwit. Aidan was watching him

with an amused expression. Sean narrowed his eyes at the man.

Aidan arched one brow and nudged his mate. Then Sean found himself glaring at two

shifters bigger and no doubt meaner than he was.

“Sean, leave it. Remember, I wouldn’t have run if things had happened differently.”

“Fine,” Sean grumbled, turning away from the two others and leaning his head against

Alex’s shoulder. He thought he heard Marcus snicker but decided against checking. He knew

that was Nathan’s snort, Sean had only heard it about a hundred times. A day.

“Alex, I don’t think your mate cares for me or Zane.”

Sean tensed. Aidan sounded just like Marcus, except annoying. He was tempted to do

something totally immature like tell Aidan he sucked and stick out his tongue. Maybe his lost

childhood was catching up with him.

“Sean is rather shy,” Alex rumbled, his fingers teasing at Sean’s curls.

“Well, shy and pretty as he may be, I still would like him to look at me without giving

me the evil eye for a few minutes so I could thank him properly.”

Yes, the man was definitely annoying. Sean craned his neck enough to glare with one

eye. He hoped it was the evil one.

“I’m just going to sit back and observe,” Marcus said with too much enjoyment in his

voice. “Sean…” Alex gave Marcus a pleading look. The damn shifter just shook his head.

Something vibrated against Alex’s chest, then his side, then spread to a rumbling noise in his

ears. He realised with a start that Sean was growling. Alex started to rise and get Sean out of

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the room until he calmed down, but Aidan’s words stopped him. “He’s a feisty little thing.”

Alex dropped a kiss on top of Sean’s head. “No physical violence, okay?” Nathan stood up

and pointed at Aidan. “He’s taller than I am, and you really need to watch that

condescending tone. Even your mate pinched you for that one.” Nathan pointed at Zane. “I

saw you sneak your fingers over and pinch Aidan on the thigh. Next time pinch harder.”

“Maybe you should sit down and observe, too,” Marcus said as he patted his lap.

Nathan gave him a cutting look and plopped his rump back on the edge of the desk. Aidan

sighed and rubbed his forehead. “I was teasing, guys. I don’t know what Sean’s problem

with me is. All I wanted to do was to thank him for helping my brother stay alive. I didn’t

realise I was going to piss off a third of the shifters in the room. Two thirds, judging by the

way Zane tried to pinch off a hunk of my flesh.” He closed his eyes and sighed. “And Sean’s

so mad he’s growling.” Aidan opened his eyes and stood up. Sean’s head moved on Alex’s

shoulder as Aidan approached. When Aidan squatted in front of him, Sean sat up straight

and lifted his head but kept his shoulder pressed to Alex’s. “Sean, want to tell me why you

look like you’d rip my throat out in a heartbeat?” lex wanted to start this whole meeting

over, but it was too late for that. And Sean had the right to his feelings, and really, Alex was

glad to see that Sean had moved past his fear. He wouldn’t have stood up to Aidan not too

long ago. And it sort of made Alex feel all warm inside to see and hear his mate’s protective

side in action. Now, if he’d just speak. Sean stopped growling. He looked at Alex. “I should let

it go?”

Alex shook his head. “A little late now.”

“Fine.” Sean faced Aidan and, though his shoulders tensed and his hand shook in

Alex’s, his voice was steady when he spoke. “You owe Alex an apology. If you can’t bother

to do that, why would I think you’d be sincere in offering me your gratitude?”

Aidan frowned and looked back and forth between them. “What does one have to do

with the other?” He held up a hand. “Wait. Okay, it doesn’t matter. You’re right. Alex, I

shouldn’t have doubted you. I apologise.”

Alex hadn’t thought he needed an apology, but it eased his mind in a way he hadn’t

known he needed. “Thank you.” He didn’t know what else to say. He’d apologised for

fucking up months ago.

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Aidan turned to Sean. “And, you. I’m sorry for being a dick to your mate. And for

calling you a feisty little thing. And for being dense, Zane told me to add.” Aidan shrugged.

“I can be, sometimes. That’s why Marcus is a much better Alpha Anax than I could ever be.

Now, I want to thank you for taking care of my brother as much as you could while he was

Joshua’s captive. I know the price you paid for it was high, the risk you ran even higher, and

I owe you more than I can ever repay. If you want to hate me, that’s fine, but I think you’re a

pretty amazing guy and Alex is lucky to have you.” Aidan held out his hand.

Sean shook it. “I’m lucky to have Alex. I don’t know about whether or not I’ll like you,

but I won’t hate you. The rest is really up to you. I’m…I’m very touchy about some things,

like being made fun of. Or someone hurting my mate.”

“Got it.” Aidan offered his hand to Alex as well, and once fences had been mended,

they got down to business.

“Sean doesn’t know how to shoot,” Alex said, wanting that out there before someone

just handed Sean a weapon.

“All right. We can make sure he’s not put in a situation where he needs one.” Marcus

turned towards Sean. “Do you want to learn to shoot? I’m not sure we’d have time, but Alex

could probably teach you. We have a small shooting range out back, a few of the guards

could escort y’all.”

“I don’t know, I’m not sure—”

“Alpha Anax Criswell!”

The shout silenced everyone in the room for all of a second, then there was a race to the

office door. “Keep Marcus and Nathan back,” Alex yelled.

Aidan and Marcus began arguing, and Zane and Nathan stepped to their mates’ sides.

“Behind me, Sean. Please.”

Sean stepped behind Alex. “Only this time, because I’m afraid I’d do more harm than

good otherwise.”

Alex opened the door and slipped out. Sean followed him. “I meant stay in the office.”

“That’s not going to happen and you know it.”

Val came around the corner barrelling into the hallway full tilt. “Alex! Someone shot

Alison when she was walking the grounds and inspecting the locks on the doors and


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Alex’s veins iced as he saw the blood on Val’s hands. “Where is she?”

“In the med room, Shania is treating her. The med room is in the same wing as our

bedrooms. I think she took a through and through, right arm, no arterial spray, but there’s a

dozen SUV’s about a mile away, coming towards us.”


The office door opened and Marcus stormed out. His jaw was red with a budding

bruise. Aidan came out and didn’t look any better, a lump already forming on his cheek.

“Don’t ever try to protect me like that again, any of you!” Marcus roared. “I have to

know what’s going on so I can protect my pack!”

Alex kept his head down, eyes glued to the floor. “Joshua Dobson and his pack are on

their way. Val spotted a dozen SUV’s that will be here any minute. Someone shot Alison but

Val said she will be fine. We need to move.”

Marcus began snapping out orders. “Fuck! Val! Get all the remaining guards inside!

Find out if anyone saw where the sniper might be hiding! We don’t know if she or he meant

to wound Alison. It could just be an idiot with a gun, but that’s still a dangerous idiot.

Everyone—stay away from all windows and doors. Stay low and let’s get to the hall in the

west wing.”

Sean had thought there’d be more time before Joshua showed up, but he’d known, deep

down, that his brother would come for him. For whatever reason, Joshua was fixated on him.

It was sick and twisted, but still the truth nonetheless.

As they ran for the hall in the opposite wing, the roar of engines was so loud the floor

shook under his feet. Marcus stopped, his eyes widening as he looked towards to direction

the noise was coming from. “Val, what kind of SUV’s are they in?”

“There were six Hummers, three Excursions and three Suburbans.”

“Shit! Run!” Marcus yelled just as the sound of metal crashing through what had to be

the fence rent the air.

Sean was lifted off his feet, his breath whooshing out as Alex tossed him onto his

shoulder. Alex ran, and the sound of the engines grew louder. And louder. They reached the

hall, Alex putting him down and giving Sean a shove that sent him careening forward. Sean

looked back and saw Alex grabbing other shifters by the hands, arms, whatever body part he

could reach and pulling them into the hall.

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“Move!” Alex shouted, shoving a shifter who wasn’t moving fast enough to suit him.

He was leaning out of the hallway screaming at someone when the house shook, adobe and

metal, beam and boards shattering.

“Alex!” Sean screamed, panicked so that he couldn’t move. Alex turned, a stricken

expression on his face as he ran to Sean.

“Keep moving!”

Sean found his legs lifting, his feet pounding the floor as he ran. The sounds behind

them were horrible, groaning and rending sounds, smashing glass shattering, engines

revving and brakes squealing.

Who didn’t make it out of there? Sean wondered, Alex’s expression when he turned

around seared into his brain.

“Val. I saw the interior wall explode as something came through it. One of the Hummers. Val

was hit with so much flying debris…”

“Sean, Alex, in here!”

Sean grabbed Alex’s hand and turned through the doorway Aidan had called to them

from. He looked around and saw Shania bandaging Alison’s arm. Marcus was talking to

Alison, whispering so low Sean couldn’t hear him. He didn’t try. He let Alex pull him into

his arms, and gave Alex all the comfort he could.

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Chapter Fifteen

“We need to get out of this place before they tear it down on our heads.” Marcus looked

at him. “Where is Val?”

Alex shook his head, failure shoving his shoulders down. “I couldn’t reach him. He

stumbled, got up, then the Hummer…” Alex swallowed as his throat muscles burned. “I

don’t know if he survived. If he did, and they’re in there with him, he won’t be alive for


“I could go,” Sean said, striking fear through Alex’s heart.

“No! I promised he wouldn’t hurt you!” Alex held onto his mate as tight as he dared.

“As did I,” Marcus reminded them. “We’re a pack. No one is going to let Joshua leave

here alive, do you understand that, Sean?”


Alex thought that was the end of it but he was wrong. He hadn’t caught even a whiff of

what Sean had been thinking.

“What I meant, Alpha Anax, was I could go out there, and…and kill Joshua. He would

never expect it from me. I can’t remember when I ever fought back when he was beating


“No,” Alex began only to have Marcus shush him.

“Wait, he’s got the foundation for a good idea,” Marcus said. “If he could distract

Joshua, I’ll kill the fucker—and I’ll be fast and merciful, Sean, I promise you.”

“I don’t want you to do this, Sean, please. Please don’t.”

Sean turned his luminous eyes on Alex. Pain etched into Sean’s feature, lining his

mouth and brow. “I have to, Alex. What are we going to do otherwise? Let them kill us all?

Pick us off as we climb out windows?”

“It might be a good idea for you to take this,” Shania said as she came over to stand in

front of Sean. She held a hypodermic needle full of a murky liquid. A green cap covered its

tip. “Whatever you do, do not get any of it on you or in you.”

“Datura,” Alex muttered.

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“Yes. If you need it, pop the cap off and stab whoever it is who needs to die. This much

will do them in within five to ten seconds.”

Sean took the needle and palmed it, tucking the plunger end up under his long sleeve.

As if planned by Fate, Joshua Dobson’s voice rang out. “Sean, get your scrawny ass out

here before I kill this stupid fucking guard and this stupider fucking human!”

“Harley. He must still be alive, Alex. I have to do this.” Sean stood on his toes and Alex

kissed him, wishing it could be longer, forever. Sean dropped back to his soles and turned to

Marcus. “I’ll distract him as long as I can. I don’t think that’ll be long, though.”

“We’ll hurry, all of us.” Marcus gave Sean a quick hug as Joshua shouted again.

Alex sent a silent plea to his mate. “Come back to me, Sean.”

* * * *

Sean crept down the hall, listening to his brother’s threats. They didn’t strike terror into

his heart anymore. That didn’t mean he wasn’t scared, because he was. There was a man he

loved whose life was in danger, and several more of his pack whom he cared about and had

to protect. He pinched the green cap between his thumb and forefinger as Joshua issued a

particularly vile threat.

It was the following one that had Sean battling not to run down the hall and shove the

needle into Joshua’s neck or wherever he could shove it. Hearing his brother calling Alex a

faggot and threating to rip his entrails out his ass was almost the match that lit Sean’s fuse.

“Don’t let him get to you. Don’t let him win. Be careful, he may scent you already.”
“I don’t think so, Alex. He can’t smell for shit, and all I can smell is chemicals and the innards of

this house, busted and saturating the air.”

Alex was quiet after that, letting Sean concentrate. He could feel his mate in his head,

was reassured by his presence, which was what he needed right now.

Sean crept closer to the entryway that led to the living room. He was almost there when

Marshall jumped out in front of him. “Look who we have here, the pretty little girly boy.


Marshall grabbed at him and Sean tried to duck, but the other man was bigger, meaner,

and more experienced with physical combat. Sean closed his fingertips around the syringe as

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Marshall caught him by the hair and yanked hard enough to bring tears to his eyes. He

locked an arm around Sean’s throat and dragged him, kicking and gasping, into what was

left of the living room.

And straight into Joshua’s arms.

* * * *

“Joshua has him.” Alex cringed as he felt his mate’s pain. His promise not to let Joshua

hurt Sean again had been worthless.


Alex didn’t give a damn this time. “What?”

Marcus placed a hand on his shoulder. “You had to let Sean make his own decision.

Joshua never did.”

Instead of making Alex feel any better that only made him angrier. “That’s easy to say

when it’s not your mate out there.”

Marcus narrowed his eyes and brought his hand to Alex’s neck. His big hand closed

around it, not squeezing, but the threat was there. “Do not ever tell me it is an easy thing to

allow anyone in my pack to put themselves in a dangerous situation. Are we clear?”

“Yes sir,” Alex said, his anger at Marcus shifting onto himself.

“All right, let’s go.” Marcus stepped back and stripped, shifting in seconds into a pure

white wolf. Alex stripped as well, adding his light grey wolf to the pack. Once they’d shifted,

Marcus led the charge down the hall—a quiet, stealthy lope as Joshua’s laughter echoed off

the walls.

* * * *

Joshua laughed, his rank breath wafting over Sean’s face, spittle spraying his skin.

“They handed your worthless ass over real quick, didn’t they? Even your mate didn’t want


“How did you know?” Sean asked eyes darting around as he tried to count the shifters

in the room. There were sixteen, but five of them were the women in the pack that Sean

suspected hated Joshua. He’d planted his seed in every one of them, whether they been

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willing or not. Sean didn’t think he was deluding himself when he read disgust and loathing

in their expressions as they looked at Joshua. Sean made sure Alex had the information and

his opinion about the women, then he concentrated one keeping Joshua talking, letting the

words flow through to Alex as best he could.

“You told me, idiot. Not in those exact words, but enough that I knew.” Joshua hauled

him up close and dragged Sean across the room, towards the hall that lead to the office. “You

were supposed to only love me, me, you ungrateful little shit! But you started spewing this

line of bullshit about how you saw this boy and how he smelt like perfection and you were

going to love him more than anything. After everything I did for you, you fucking stood

there grinning like some sappy angel and told me that shit?”

“He’s my mate, Joshua. You know we’re—”

Joshua slapped the rest of the words away. Sean cringed as his lips split. Blood ran into

his mouth and down his chin. “He was a fucking he! That isn’t natural, and I don’t care what

anyone says, there are no gay destined mates!”

“If it’s unnatural, why’d you rape him then? That makes you evil and unnatural by

your own definition!” Sean shouted, blood speckling Joshua’s face from the force of it.

Joshua laughed and shook him until Sean’s ears rang. “The mate bullshit is unnatural

for queers. Fucking whatever I want is my right. And it just so happened you decided your

mate was a cute boy with a bubble ass that I’d wanted to fuck for years. I’d just been too

scared to do it, but you, well you gave me the incentive.”

He leant down until he was nose to nose with Sean. “Fooling him into thinking I cared

about him was almost as good as fucking him. Almost. Did he tell you about it? About how

he cried and begged me to stop?”

“Shut up,” Sean muttered. Joshua’s eyes rounded, and Sean yelled it again as he

popped the cap off the syringe. “Shut up! You sick son of a bitch!”

Joshua glared and the sickening smile that used to send shards of fear to Sean’s soul

stretched his lips. “Well, seems like someone’s got the idea they can back-talk.” Joshua lifted

and heaved, and Sean was flying backwards, the syringe slipping from his hand right before

his head cracked against the wall.

* * * *

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Alex couldn’t exactly tell Marcus what Sean was passing along, but he did try to give

him a head count. Alex butted Marcus’ flank with his muzzle. Marcus’ whipped his head

around and snapped. Alex whined softly and stopped, bobbing his head towards the living

room and pawing at the floor.

Jesus, like that counting horse on TV. Fuck. Alex whined again and pawed at the floor,

quick flicks of his nails as Marcus and the other wolves watched. Marcus waited a second

when he stopped pawing, then the Alpha Anax snuffled and turned around, leading them


They were almost to the entry way when a large white wolf with silver tipped ears and

tail came charging at them. Marcus let out a growl that set Alex’s fur on end, and the fight

was on. Alex followed Aidan and Zane, the rest of their small pack coming as well, except for

Nathan, who wouldn’t leave his mate.

Aidan surged into the living room, snarling and snapping his teeth, baring them at

anything that moved. Zane edged up beside him, his head low as he howled a challenge to

the enemy. Alex spotted Val, unmoving, blood pooled beneath his head. He started to charge

towards him only to be stopped by the sight of his mate being flung through the air. The

syringe fell from his hand, and he hit the wall so hard his head cracked it.

Alex changed directions, bounding over anyone who got in his way. A wolf charged

him, not one of his pack, not a friend. Alex bared his teeth and lunged, taking the other wolf

on instead of trying to avoid the charge.

The need to get to his mate clawed as his guts like the devil’s own nails. He let that

need take him, open his jaw and rip and rend, blood and fur coating his tongue. His teeth

sank deep, he growled as more blood gushed into his mouth. Alex clamped down tight and

shook his head.

The other wolf stopped—moving, breathing, living. Alex released the wolf’s neck and

leapt over his body, only to nearly cough up his heart when a human screamed right beside

him. Skidding to a halt, he saw Harley, kicking at a snapping black wolf that crept in a circle

around him.

Aidan flew past him, heading, Alex saw, towards a shifting Joshua Dobson. Zane was a

silver grey blur as he followed his mate. Alex needed to get to his mate, but the black wolf

had laid his ears back and was tensed to strike. God damn it, none of this is Harley’s fault! Fuck!

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Alex leapt, slamming into Harley’s side. The poor man screeched, nearly making Alex’s ears

bleed from the heinous pitch.

The black wolf had leapt as well, after Alex, and pain seared Alex’s side as sharp teeth

tore into him. He kicked up and bucked the other wolf off, then turned and lunged right for

the shifter’s throat. The black wolf side stepped and Alex pivoted, swooping in fast and

hard—and deadly. Arterial spray splattered Alex, and everything else in the vicinity,

including Harley, whose screeching stopped as his eyes rolled back in his head. Alex shook,

finishing the kill, then spat the nasty thing out.

Now he needed someone to protect Harley! He howled, begging, and nearly pranced

with relief when Alison appeared, limping slightly but otherwise her usual vicious wolfy

self. Alex touched his nose to hers then ran, desperate to reach Sean. He skidded to a halt

beside his mate, nosing his face, his bloodied lips. Sean was breathing, his heartbeat strong.

Alex licked his sweet skin, from the mark at the side of his neck up to the sensitive skin

beneath his ear.

“Wake up, Sean. Open those beautiful eyes for me.” Alex felt the warmth of Sean’s mind in

his and whimpered. Sean hadn’t gone away, not in his mind. He was unconscious, but not

permanently damaged, and…he was waking up. His lids fluttered and slowly rose.

Sean smiled at him then grimaced and brought a hand to his split lips. “Hurts.” He sat

up cautiously and eyed Alex before scrubbing at Alex’s thick fur. “You’re even sexy as a wolf.

Damn. I’m shifting.” Sean had his shirt off before he finished the thought but then he stilled,

his shirt in one hand. “Alex, the syringe! Where is it?”

They spotted it at the same time.

“Daria has it!” Daria, one of Joshua’s pack members. She held it in the air while her

attention was centred on the two wolves trying to kill each other. Aidan’s fur was splattered

with blood, rivulets ran from a gash at his hip. Alex’s side throbbed in sympathy as the

wound the black wolf had given him flared with pain.

“You’re hurt!” Sean’s hands were on him, patting and prodding. Alex whined as Sean

touched the injured area on his side. Sean threw his arms around Alex’s neck and buried his

face in Alex’s scruff. “It’s not too bad. Right? You’ll be fine.”

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Alex licked his mate’s face, tasting blood and tears. Sean lifted his head and turned it

towards the woman still holding the syringe. The green cap was gone. Daria held it by the


“Daria!” Sean let go of Alex and pushed himself up. The woman looked at him, fear

emanating from her so strong the scent of it coated Alex’s throat. “Put the syringe down! Put

it down!”

Daria glanced at the syringe then at Aidan and Joshua. Aidan knocked Joshua aside, but

the bastard wouldn’t be deterred. He lunged at Aidan, just missing his throat. Aidan leapt

back and snarled, lowering his head as his ears flattened to his skull.

“Daria, please. It’s deadly—”

Daria dropped the syringe like it had burned her fingers. She stepped back as if it

would shoot up off the floor and plunge itself into her. Sean dove for it, his hand just missing

it. Alex yelped as Marcus barrelled past him, bumping his injured side. He watched as Aidan

backed away and Marcus leapt in front of Joshua Dobson.

Marcus lunged and Joshua yelped as he didn’t quite move fast enough. Blood streamed

down his shoulder, soaking into his dark fur. Marcus lunged again, snapping his teeth as red

tinged saliva dripped from his muzzle. Joshua skittered back several steps, growling and

giving his own show of teeth.

Marcus lowered his head, his broad shoulders rippling, tensing. Strength coiled in his

muscles then released as he shot through the air. Joshua never drew another breath. Marcus

came down on him, a furious white storm of death. His jaws clamped around Joshua’s neck.

Blood spurted in an arch, dripped and puddled on the floor as Joshua’s body jerked and

spasmed. Marcus growled and tossed his head, breaking bones and ripping out Joshua’s

throat. He tossed the carcass aside then howled, and the room fell silent. The only movement

came from Aidan, who picked up the syringe and muttered something about disposing of its

toxic contents.

Alex shifted. Sean sobbed and Alex reached for him. “I’m sorry, Sean. I know you loved


“No,” Sean rasped, turning his tear-streaked face up to look at him. “I hated him from

the moment you told me what he did to you. And I wanted to kill him myself when he

laughed about it, bragged about it. But I didn’t, and he’s dead, and…I’m so relieved because

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he can’t ever hurt anyone again.” Then Sean sniffled once, and tugged off his sweats, and

shifted into a beautiful strawberry blond wolf. Alex shifted back and their voices joined with

Marcus’ and the other members of their pack, singing of justice rendered.

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Sean looked around their new headquarters. Marcus and Nathan had gone all-out,

buying an even larger adobe mansion. This one had over five hundred acres for them to run

on, and already Nathan was talking about needing more land. If it wasn’t for him being so

busy with decorating every wall, window and room in the house, Sean figured Nathan

would be over at their nearest neighbour’s, making them an offer they probably wouldn’t

refuse. He could be a charming man when he wanted to be.

Alex came through the front door carrying several boxes stacked almost to his head.

“Why couldn’t we have got a moving company?”

Nathan turned from the window he was measuring and planted a hand on his hip.

“Because we don’t want any more humans here. We still don’t know what the fuck to do

with the one we’ve got. Add to that, Val still hasn’t regained consciousness… It’d just be best

not to risk anyone who isn’t one of us seeing a comatose man who sporadically shifts

partially into wolf form.”

There wasn’t anything to do other than agree on that. Val had suffered a head injury

and Shania hadn’t been able to do more than to keep him alive. Sean’s gut tightened as he

wondered what would happen to Val.

He’ll be all right,” Alex whispered in his head, and Sean nodded. He hoped so. Sean

lifted two of the boxes off Alex’s stack and set them against the wall. Nathan narrowed his

eyes and Sean shrugged. “They aren’t marked for any room. I thought you were in charge of

labelling all the boxes.”

“Someone else must have packed those. Probably Harley.” Nathan went back to

measuring the windows.

“Where is Harley?” Alex asked as he set the rest of the boxes beside Sean’s stack. “He

still scared to come out of his room?”

“Yeah, pretty much. I would have thought he’d at least be willing to talk to you.” Sean

actually liked the guy. Harley was the definition of the word feisty in his opinion, and yeah,

he was cute. But he was also still kind of a mess and freaked over everything that had

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happened to him, and the only one who’d been able to get more than a “Fuck off!” out of him

so far was Daria.

She and the other women from Joshua’s pack had sworn fealty to Marcus, but only

Daria had asked to remain in Santa Fe with them. Sean wasn’t sure how he felt about the pup

she would birth soon. Daria told him she intended to give birth in wolf form. That being the

case, she’d bear a pup or two, and they wouldn’t be able to shift for a few years.

There would be little shifters with his brother’s DNA in them. Sean wouldn’t hold that

against them. Daria was a good, kind woman, one who’d said she was sorry over and over

for not helping him when Joshua had beaten him. Sean told her he didn’t blame her, and

apologised more than she did because he hadn’t been able to stop Joshua from raping her or

any of the other women. Joshua had always made sure of that, leaving Sean a battered,

bloodied lump beforehand.

“I meant to tell you, I decided on nicknames for you two.” Nathan didn’t even look up

from the tape measure he was reading. “I’m thinking I’ll go with something that y’all would

have to be complete assholes to throw a hissy over.”

Alex groaned almost as loud as Sean did. “Do we even want to know?”

Nathan looked up and winked at Sean. “I thought I’d be nice and just call you Seany-

Poo. That okay?”

Sean wrinkled his nose at Nathan. “That’s actually creepy. That doesn’t make me an

asshole. It makes you…well, creepy.”

“Argh!” Nathan flung his hands in the air. “Fine! Wait until you meet Gabe and he gives

you a nickname! Then you’ll regret ditching my Seany-Poo!”

“Just out of curiosity, what was Alex’s nickname going to be?”

“Sean…” Alex grumbled. Sean shot him a wink.

Nathan crossed his eyes at them. “I’m not telling. Now y’all will both be doomed to

Gabe names. He and Mika should be here next week. I’ll make sure the two of you get to

spend lots of time with Gabe so he can come up with something really disgusting. Now go

away, I’m busy.”

“Fine, we’re going to go get busy, too,” Alex said. Sean’s cheeks went hot and his dick

went hard and he was more than ready to go.

“You two suck,” Nathan muttered. “That’s advice, not name calling!”

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“Maybe you should take your own advice,” Sean said, as he dragged a very willing

Alex along behind him. Their room wasn’t furnished yet other than the huge bed, but that

was fine. That was all they needed right now. “Shall we?” Sean asked as soon as they cleared

the door.

Alex’s answer was a hard fast kiss then an almost as quick stripping off his clothes.

Sean wasn’t far behind, kicking off his pants and diving onto the bed after Alex. They

bounced and laughed and Sean didn’t think life could get any better. Then Alex started in

with those slow, drugging kisses, the kind that made Sean simmer from the inside out.

“Oh god,” he gasped when Alex finally stopped kissing. Sean whimpered when Alex

traced his lips with a blunt fingertip.

“I love these lips,” Alex said before kissing him again. “And these eyes. This nose.

These cheeks.” Alex emphasised each part, bathing it in kisses. “I love you.”

Sean framed Alex’s handsome face with his hands. “I love you too. Your kisses are

amazing. But I need to come before my dick falls off, Alex. You’ve got me ready to blow and

no way to do it.”

“Ah, I’ve got your way to blow it right here.” Alex sat up and spun around until he was

facing Sean. Then he smiled a predatory smile and lay back before rolling onto his side. He

patted Sean’s hip and Sean rolled as well.

His cock bumped Alex’s chin and Sean licked his lips in anticipation. He fisted Alex’s

dick, aiming it at his mouth and sucking the dripping cap in. Alex moaned and thrust his

hips. Then Sean’s cock was enveloped to the root in wet heat as Alex deep throated him.

Sean arched his back, his hips rocking as he sucked down Alex’s dick. The set up a

rhythm quickly; Alex bobbed his head down while Sean dragged his mouth up, and together

they sucked and licked until they were both shaking with the need to come.

Alex moaned and dropped his head back, Sean’s cock slipping from his mouth. “Sean,

let me have you.”

Sean released Alex’s dick. “You already have me, which means you can fuck me

whenever you want, however you want. So tell me, how do you want me?”

Alex was up and pulling Sean with him almost instantly. “Chest down on the mattress,

ass up in the air. That would make me the happiest man in the world.”

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“You’re not already?” Sean teased as he spread his legs and slowly eased his upper

body onto the mattress. He wiggled his butt at Alex. “Does this help?”

“You know what I meant. It would make me even more happy than I am as the

happiest man in the world. And yeah, that helps me—to come before I can even get my dick

in your ass if you keep shaking it at me.”

Sean smirked but stopped wiggling because he could feel the extent of Alex’s arousal.

The man wasn’t joking. “Okay, so take me already.”

“Oh I will, right after I lube this sweet little hole up.” Alex pressed his fingertip in just

enough so Sean could feel that mild burn, then he withdrew and moved over beside Sean as

he dug the lube out from under the pillows. “One night we’re going to forget to recap this

and end up with a real mess on our hands. Or heads, more likely.”

Sean didn’t particularly care if they woke up slathered in lube as long as Alex hurried

up and fucked him.

“I will, just…” Alex teased his hole for one second then pressed in more than one finger.

Sean could tell by the stretch and burn. Alex wasn’t planning on going slow at all.

Sean jerked and cried out when Alex’s fingers grazed over his gland. Another brush

and Sean began to babble. “Alex, oh my holy hell, fuck me ah yeah, like that, twist—ahh!” A

third finger spread him wider, working Sean’s tight ring as Alex began fucking his ass with

more force. The man was pure magic with those fingers, Sean knew it for a fact. He writhed

and shoved his butt back, needing more. He didn’t expect to get it the way he did, though.

Alex pressed another finger in, setting Sean’s pucker to burning in the best way. The

further Alex’s fingers sank, the louder Sean moaned. Alex teased him like that for several

minutes until his fingers glided over Sean’s prostate one too many times and Sean yelped

and grabbed the base of his dick.

“Perfect,” Alex said as he pulled his fingers out, then his cock was pressing in, filling

Sean’s ass in a swift, sharp thrust. “Damn it, I can’t…I have to—”

“Do it,” Sean begged, “fuck me so hard I see stars!”

Alex roared then withdrew completely, leaving Sean’s needy hole aching to be filled.

Alex slammed back into him so hard Sean would swear he tasted cock in his mouth. “Yeah,

fuck, baby, tip your ass up a little more.”

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Sean arched his back, and as soon as he did, Alex fucked him, ramming his dick in, the

head occasionally brushing over Sean’s gland, keeping him literally on his toes. Alex gripped

Sean’s hips harder, pulling him back into each thrust.

Sean gathered handfuls of sheets, blankets, pillows—anything he could get a hold of.

He moaned and reached for his cock, palming the hard stalk then fisting it. Sean didn’t want

gentle, not to his ass or dick, not tonight. He gripped tight and started stripping his length,

heating his skin as he jerked faster.

“Do it,” Alex urged. “Do it and let me feel it, feel your ass trying to suck the cum right

out of my dick.”

It only took a half dozen more strokes and Sean came, shouting as pleasure exploded

into bright colourful lights behind his lids. Alex kept fucking him, desperate sounds slipping

out of them both.

“Up, Sean, up on the bed,” Alex ordered, pulling his cock out of Sean’s ass. Sean

crawled onto the bed and started to lie on his belly only to have Alex stop him. “On your

side, and hitch up this top leg, hook your arm under the knee—just like that. Now arch your

back for me.”

Sean arched his lower back. Alex straddled Sean’s bottom leg, one hand on Sean’s hip,

then Alex lined up his cock. His knee brushed Sean’s balls; Sean tried to hump Alex’s knee,

but Alex ploughed into Sean’s ass.

“Yes!” Sean shouted as Alex began jackhammering into him. The knee against his balls

pressed harder, and Alex’s cock rubbed Sean’s gland more times than not. Alex dropped

down over him, his hand pushing at Sean’s jaw.

Sean knew what Alex wanted, and he wanted it too. Sean stretched his neck and pulled

his shoulders back. Alex licked at his neck, but the angle was wrong and Sean found himself

flat on his back, his knees by his ears, and Alex ramming his cock home while sharp teeth

nipped at Sean’s mark.

“My mark,” Alex rumbled, biting at Sean’s earlobe. “All of you belongs to me.”

“Same goes,” Sean grunted out as a powerful thrust drove him a few inches up the

mattress. “Mine,” was all he got out before he was scooted up another few inches. Sean

reached up and slapped a hand to the headboard, holding his body in place to receive this

enthusiastic fucking.

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Alex scraped his teeth over Sean’s mark, then bit hard and fast, no warning licks or


Sean screamed and came and came, his cock spurting until he thought he’d never come

again—and still Alex fucked him. Sean waited until Alex left off the bite then he fisted his

free hand in Alex’s hair and pulled his head to the side. Alex bit him back, not as hard or

deep, but enough that Alex would really feel it.

Alex gasped then moaned, his hips stuttering, grinding against Sean’s ass. Alex

collapsed beside him and Sean scooted over until he was comfortably settled with his head

on Alex’s chest and an arm and a leg slung over his sexy body. He trailed his fingers over the

placed Alex had got bitten during the confrontation with Joshua. Alex had healed from the

injury in less than forty eight hours. Sean was glad; seeing Alex in pain and feeling it on an

emotional level sucked. Sean would rather be hurt himself.

“Not happening to either of us, at least nothing bad,” Alex mumbled, sounding half


Sean murmured his own agreement. Alex was right. They’d been through too many

horrible things already in their lives, and their personal boogeyman was dead. They had each

other, and this wonderful pack, and that was everything that mattered in this world.

Coming Soon from Total-E-Bound Publishing :

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Love in Xxchange: A Bit of Me

Released: November 7




Chapter One

Xavier Talbot rolled over in bed and groaned. His head was throbbing and his mouth

was as dry as could be. He suspected there was sunlight creeping in through the blinds, not

that he was willing to open his eyes and check. It was too bright behind his eyelids for the

blinds to have been pulled closed properly. Xavier dragged an arm up over his brow and

winced as his muscles protested the move.

What the hell had he done last night?

A groan from beside him had Xavier’s eyes popping open. Who the hell had he done

last night?

Images flashed through his mind, blurry scenes from the night before. Walking into his

office, finding… Oh no!

Xavier didn’t want to look. He really, really didn’t. That didn’t stop him from craning

his neck and turning his head.

His stomach lurched as blond hair tipped with blue brushed against his nose. The hair

moved, his bed partner’s head tipped back, and Xavier found himself looking down into

worried blue eyes. Shit!

“Morning,” Billy said, his voice thick with sleep and his breath ripe with the vestiges of


“Jesus!” Xavier snapped to full awareness as he scrambled back, both from shock and to

escape Billy’s potent morning breath. Had Xavier been a little less hungover and a lot less

shocked he might not have misjudged how much mattress he had left.

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As it was, he hit the floor with a resounding thud that resounded through his entire

body and knocked the air right out of his lungs. He wheezed, feeling like he’d been kicked in

the gut. Billy peered over the edge of the bed, his eyes lit with amusement.

“If I’d have batted my eyes at you and called you Big Daddy would you have gone

right through the wall?”

Xavier narrowed his eyes at the little shit then breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed

Billy still had his silver shirt on. It wasn’t much of a shirt, granted, but it gave Xavier hope

that he hadn’t done anything stupid, like fuck the man.

He cringed and closed his eyes. That would be like fucking his brother, and that was

just…gross. But the thought spurred his brain into gear, and memories of last night came

flooding back. He’d been in a foul mood because he was short staffed, because a couple of

idiots had got into a fight over a twink, because the deposit from the night before hadn’t

added up and he had a sneaking suspicion of why that was so—he’d had problems with his

brother Randy ‘borrowing’ cash from the register before. The last thing he’d needed was to

walk into his office and find Randy sitting at his desk.

Well, that was almost the last thing he’d needed. Seeing Billy’s blond and blue hair

bobbing up and down had been the straw that broke the camel’s back—or Xavier’s temper.

Normally he kept a tight rein on his emotions, but finding his moronic brother using his

office as a fuck room had thrown gasoline on the ember of anger boiling in his gut. And to

know it was Billy Randy was in there with-- Xavier growled and opened his eyes to glare at

the smaller man.

“What the hell were you thinking?” he snarled. Billy was like a brother to him, more so

than Randy had ever been. Granted, Billy was a much younger, much more annoying,

trouble-making brother—and those last two were really saying something, considering the

crap Randy always seemed to stir up. But at least Billy’s brand of trouble wasn’t malicious.

He was just naïve and he didn’t ever think about repercussions, whereas Randy was a bully

who got off on his delusions of power.

Randy was an ass.

Billy shrugged and looked remorseful, sort of. He was hard to read sometimes. “Well, I

told Randy I didn’t want to, but he wouldn’t leave me alone so I thought if I got him off he’d

just shut up. It seemed like the quickest way to get him to go away.”

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Xavier groaned again and smacked his forehead, something he regretted immediately.

He was surprised his eyeballs didn’t shoot right out of their sockets. “Billy, I told you—”

“I know, I know,” Billy said then sighed noisily. “I’m supposed to come get you if

Randy’s being a dick. But you were busy, and you were all…snarly. You know I don’t like

snarly. It cancels out my happy.”

Oh my hell! How the—“Billy, sucking off Randy doesn’t cancel out your ‘happy’?

Seriously?” He would never, ever understand this man’s way of thinking! Trying to watch

out for Billy was going to be the death of him.

Billy huffed and slid off the bed to lie on the floor beside him, his head propped up on

one hand. The serious expression on his face was so out of place Xavier could only gape at

the little blond.

“I figured you had enough to deal with already,” he admitted, and something Xavier

never wanted to see again flickered across Billy’s face. He’d never seen the man look

ashamed before, and it made Xavier ashamed as well. It was his fault Billy had

been…servicing Randy. If he’d kept his shit together last night instead of being ‘snarly’, Billy

wouldn’t have felt the need to handle Randy on his own.

“Anyway, it wasn’t so bad,” Billy continued, although the downturn of his lips said

otherwise. “Randy’s an ass, and he’s rough and—”

“Stop!” Xavier didn’t want to hear the details. He already had the visual, walking in,

finding Randy pummeling into Billy’s mouth, the gagging noises flooding his ears as Billy

pushed at Randy’s thighs.

That explained the soreness in the rest of Xavier’s body. He’d beaten the fuck right out

of Randy, but not without taking some damage himself. Then he’d proceeded to get

miserably drunk, and then…

“How’d we get home?” Xavier frowned. “And why are you here?” Billy lived in the

apartment over the garage, had for a few years now.

Billy sat up, looking surprisingly good despite the prior night’s events. No one would

know that cute face was backed by dragon breath right now, either. The man looked damned

angelic when he smiled.

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“We got drunk—well, I got drunk, you got shit-faced,” Billy corrected. “I didn’t want

you to, you know, like, choke to death on your own puke or anything, so I called a cab and

came home with you.”

Xavier was fairly certain he hadn’t been that drunk. Had he?

Billy bounced on his butt and clapped his hands together, setting off a thunderous

explosion of pain in Xavier’s head. “Oh! Maybe I even saved your life! Does that mean you

owe me?”

An exuberant Billy was too much to take this early in the morning—or whatever time it

was. Xavier levelled a glare on the man to no avail. “Did I throw up, Billy? Because I don’t

remember throwing up, and if I didn’t throw up, or if I did and made it out of bed and to the

bathroom on my own, then no, I don’t think my life was in any danger.”

Billy frowned and stopped bouncing. “I really wish I could lie, but you know I suck at

it. As drunk as you were, I think it’s a miracle you remember anything.”

Xavier agreed, not that he’d say so. “I’m just a miraculous guy.”

“Yeah,” Billy snorted and hopped up. “Can I use your toothbrush?”

Xavier opened his mouth to say no but Billy was already in the bathroom. Fuck it, he’d

just buy a new toothbrush.

While Billy was busy, Xavier managed to pull himself up off the floor and onto the bed.

He contemplated going back to sleep for a few more hours since it was barely ten a.m., but

there were things he needed to do. Like make sure he hadn’t hurt Randy too bad. The ass

was still his brother, after all, though as far as Xavier was concerned Randy was banned from

the club. And anyone who let him in would answer for it. There was also the matter of his

office. He seemed to remember the place looking like a tornado had blown through it.

The bathroom door opened and Billy stepped out, looking entirely too happy until he

glanced at Xavier. “You look like shit.”

Xavier scowled at the way too perky man and levered himself up off the bed. He might

have appeared more intimidating if he hadn’t immediately stumbled. Xavier caught himself

with one hand on the headboard. Billy smirked and Xavier glowered.

“Seriously, dude, you look pretty bad. You’re too old to be getting shit-faced.” Billy

came over and held out his hand. “Need some help getting to the bathroom?”

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Being called ‘dude’ never did anything other than ramp up his irritation, and the crack

about his age didn’t improve Xavier’s mood any, either. “No,” he snapped, pushing Billy’s

hand away. “I do not need help! Go see if you can figure out how to make some coffee.” If he

had to be around the exuberant man without caffeine, Xavier wouldn’t be able to resist

turning Billy over his knee—and Billy wasn’t into spanking, or any other kind of BDSM,

which was a shame. Xavier thought a daily spanking would do the man a world of good.

Billy’s smirk intensified. Make that twice-daily spankings. “And I am not old!” Xavier

winced and decided he’d done enough yelling this morning. All Billy had tried to do was

help him—and get in a few teasing barbs. Xavier sighed and pressed his hands to his eyes.

“Go make the damn coffee.”

* * * *

He’d been an idiot to think an all-white bathroom was a good idea. Didn’t matter if the

countertop, along with the toilet and separate Jacuzzi tub were made of marble, if the fixtures

gleamed in the way only expensive ones did, the room was too damned bright. He should

have gone with taupe or a dull industrial grey. Too late now. The bathroom was fine up until

now. How is it alcohol can make the color burn my retinas? Like being snow-blind without the snow.
Or cold.

“Stop being a baby.” And god, even his own voice sounded like a gong in his head.

Maybe getting clean would make him feel better. It sure couldn’t make him feel any worse.

Xavier took his time in the bathroom, because Billy was right, he did look like shit. His

jaw was bruised and he had several marks on his chest and stomach, and, from what he

could see when turning himself into a human pretzel to look in the mirror, on his back.

He had definitely been off his game last night. Usually Randy didn’t get in more than a

couple of punches. Xavier had thought Randy had been looking a bit soft around the middle,

but maybe he’d been wrong. Randy had obviously been in good enough shape to beat the tar

out of him.

He spotted the bottle of aspirin on the counter and quickly took four of them. Bending

to drink from the faucet made his head spin, and Xavier figured he was lucky he managed

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not to keel over. He remained hunched as he finger-brushed his teeth—his toothbrush was

not only wet, there were globs of toothpaste on it from Billy using it.

Xavier stood slowly and swiped the bottle of mouthwash. He turned on the shower as

hot as he thought he could stand it then stepped inside the enclosure. The stinging water

pelted him, working at his sore muscles. Xavier turned carefully and let it work its magic on

his front.

Once he felt a little less miserable, he took the cap off the mouthwash and rinsed away

the last traces of the alcohol that had lingered in his mouth. Then he proceeded to scrub off

the grungy feeling getting drunk always left on his skin.

When he washed his hair, he found a knot at the side of his head that made him wince.

Apparently his head wasn’t just hurting from too much liquor. Randy had clocked him good,

the asshole.

Xavier finished showering and turned the water off. He didn’t want to risk bending

over to pick the mouthwash up from where he’d dropped it so he left it there and got out.

After a quick towelling, he walked into his bedroom and promptly shoved his hands over his

cock and balls. And glared. Something he seemed to be doing a lot of this morning.

Billy beamed at him from the foot of the bed. “I made you coffee and toast. You look

pretty good naked. Your dick’s bigger than Randy’s.”

The combination of Randy’s dick in any context and the thought of food made Xavier’s

stomach heave. He was glad he’d left the door open, otherwise he’d have smacked into it as

he darted back into the bathroom. Coming to a skidding stop on his knees, Xavier grabbed

the porcelain bowl just in time to empty out his stomach.


Xavier lifted his head and, sticking with the morning’s pattern, glared over his shoulder

at Billy, who merely raised his nearly colourless eyebrows at him. Xavier turned back to the

toilet and crossed his arms over the bowl before dropping his head on top of them.


Xavier was too beat to even twitch as Billy petted his back. “I’m sorry. I should have

just come and got you last night.”

Billy was always sorry. That he meant it sincerely didn’t nullify the fact that he’d do

something equally as thoughtless again. It also didn’t eradicate Xavier’s own responsibility in

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this whole mess. And it certainly didn’t excuse Randy. Xavier wanted to hit Randy all over

again, this time while he was sober.

“I shouldn’t have been a dick,” Xavier muttered. “I know better than to let things get to

me like that.”

“If you’d get laid more often, you wouldn’t be so tense,” Billy informed him. As much

as Xavier would have liked to argue that point, he couldn’t. He’d had a…dry spell, that’s all

it was. “You’re too picky,” Billy went on, still stroking Xavier’s back. “You used to fuck at

least one different guy a night, remember? And they were all willing to let you do whatever

you wanted to them, weren’t they?”

“Yeah.” They had been, and Xavier had gorged himself on all the available ass for a

while before he grew tired of it. Kind of like when he’d been a kid and ate four funnel cakes

at the county fair. Xavier had puked for hours, it’d seemed like, and even though that had

been twenty-six years ago, he still couldn’t even stand to smell funnel cakes. Well, he wasn’t

that sick of easy fucks, he was just…too mature to keep acting like that. Mature, not old. Hell,

he was only thirty-seven!

Billy, vibrant drama queen that he was, slapped a hand to his chest and widened his

eyes as he fluttered his lashes. “Oh no! Tell me you haven’t—” he gasped, tipping his head

back and pressing his hand to his forehead. “Grown up! Say it ain’t so!”

Xavier snickered despite his best effort not to. He slapped Billy’s ass hard enough to

make the man yelp and turn those baby blues on him. “Enough already. First I’m old, then

I’m a loser for not getting laid, then it’s—horrors!—I’ve finally grown up! I’m pretty sure

you’ve gotten in your potshots for the day.”

Billy harrumphed and folded his arms over his chest. “That’s what you get for not

being decent enough to let me be a hero and save you from choking on your own puke.”

Billy’s teasing smile faded and he looked so serious it was kind of creepy. “Teasing aside, I

wish you’d find someone, Xav. You don’t even give guys a chance anymore.”

Xavier knew where this discussion was headed and he wasn’t interested. Every time

Billy started down this path it turned into an argument with Billy huffing off and pouting

until Xavier caved and took him shopping. It was expensive, too, so it’d be best to distract

Billy now before he went on a rant. “Would you warm up the coffee for me?”

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Billy narrowed his eyes at him when Xavier turned around. “Don’t think I don’t know

what you’re up to. If you didn’t look like death warmed over, I wouldn’t fall for it. But since

you do, I’ll be nice—this time.” He started to walk away then stopped at the bathroom door,

half facing Xavier. “But you still need someone to come home to, someone to take care of


Then Billy left him there, leaning against the cabinet, shocked by the serious tone that

delivered the serious words. He shook his head, thinking his alcohol saturated brain cells

must have imagined Billy using that tone.

And besides, Billy was the one who needed a keeper, someone with enough patience

not to crush that vibrant spirit which irritated the hell out of Xavier sometimes. Not a Dom,

since Billy was not, as he’d say, ‘into that freaky stuff’.

“Coffee’s ready,” Billy hollered from the other room. He sounded like his normal perky

self again.

Xavier sighed and pressed a hand to his stomach. He had things to do, a brother to

check on, an office to refurnish—eventually. It was time to face up to the repercussions of last

night’s stupidity.

Pre-order your copy here:

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About the Author

A native Texan, Bailey spends her days spinning stories around in her head, which
has contributed to more than one incident of tripping over her own feet. Evenings are
resounds for pounding away at the keyboard, as are the early morning hours. Sleep?
Doesn’t happen much. Writing is too much fun, and there are too many characters
bouncing about, tapping on Bailey’s brain, demanding to be let out.

Caffeine and chocolate are permanent fixtures in Bailey’s office and are never far from
hand at any given time. Removing either of those necessities from Bailey’s presence
can result in what is known as A Very, Very Scary Bailey and is not advised under any


Bailey loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and
author biography at


Also by Bailey Bradford

Southwestern Shifters: Rescued

Southwestern Shifters: Relentless

Southwestern Shifters: Reckless

Southern Spirits: A Subtle Breeze

Southern Spirits: When the Dead Speak

Southern Spirits: All of the Voices

Southern Spirits: Wait Until Dawn

Southern Spirits: Aftermath

Southern Spirits What Remains

Love in Xxchange: Rory’s Last Chance

Love in Xxchange: Miles To Go

Love in Xxchange: Bend

Love in Xxchange: What Matters Most

Love in Xxchange: Ex’s and O’s

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Total-E-Bound Publishing

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erotic romance titles and discover pure quality

at Total-E-Bound.


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