Bailey Bradford Love in Xxchange 06 A Bite of Me

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

A Bit of Me
ISBN # 978-0-85715-805-5
©Copyright Bailey Bradford 2011
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright November 2011
Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
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Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature
readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-melting and a sexometer of 2.

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Love in Xxchange


Bailey Bradford

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Book six in the Love in Xxchange Series

Chase Murphy lost everything—money, his best friend, and his confidence—but one man wants to
help him regain what was taken from him along with a love that Chase never expected to have and

doesn’t believe he deserves.

Xavier Talbot has everything a successful man should, or at least he thought he did.
Suddenly he discovers that his brother is a sick sadistic jerk. The boy Xavier found on the
streets and raised for the past several years is going to give him a clear understanding of
‘empty nest syndrome’. Then there’s the club he’d built up from nothing, The Xxchange, now
seems like a sleazy place instead of the GLBT paradise Xavier had imagined. But a chance
encounter with one man gives Xavier a bit of hope in his rapidly depressing world.

Chase Murphy only wanted one thing—to find his best friend, James Stratton, who’d been
kidnapped by a vengeful sociopath. Hurt and stranded in a town he has no intentions of
staying in, Chase meets a man he wants to hate, but he can’t stop thinking about Xavier
Talbot no matter what he does. Slowly, seductively, the town and its inhabitants draw Chase
in and make him rethink his opinion on forming friendships and the possibility of a long
term relationship. He isn’t sure he wants to hang around to see if things would work out, but
it isn’t until James is found that Chase discovers the truth about what it means to love
people, both as friends and, for Xavier, as a lover.

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To M. S., thank you so much for the help with the title!

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Google: Google Inc.
Stetson: Stetson Co.

JHP Pharmaceuticals LLC

Porsche: Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

Ramada Inn: Wyndham Hotel Group
Cops: Langley Productions
Alfa Romeo Spider: Fiat Group Automobiles S.P.A.
Viagra: Pfizer Inc.
MSN: Microsoft

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Bailey Bradford


Chapter One

Xavier Talbot rolled over in bed and groaned. His head was throbbing and his mouth

was as dry as could be. He suspected sunlight was creeping in through the blinds, not that he

was willing to open his eyes and check. It was too bright behind his eyelids for the blinds to

have been pulled closed properly. Xavier dragged an arm up over his brow and winced as

his muscles protested the move.

What the hell had he done last night?

A groan from beside him had Xavier’s eyes popping open. Who the hell had he done

last night?

Images flashed through his mind, blurry scenes from the night before. Walking into his

office, finding… Oh no!

Xavier didn’t want to look. He really, really didn’t. That didn’t stop him from craning

his neck and turning his head.

His stomach lurched as blond hair tipped with blue brushed against his nose. The hair

moved, his bed partner’s head tipped back, and Xavier found himself looking down into

worried blue eyes. Shit!

“Morning,” Billy said, his voice thick with sleep and his breath ripe with the vestiges of


“Jesus!” Xavier snapped to full awareness as he scrambled back, both from shock and to

escape Billy’s potent morning breath. Had Xavier been a little less hungover and a lot less

shocked he might not have misjudged how much mattress he had left.

As it was, he hit the floor with a resounding thud that shot through his entire body and

knocked the air right out of his lungs. He wheezed, feeling like he’d been kicked in the gut.

Billy peered over the edge of the bed, his eyes lit with amusement.

“If I’d have batted my eyes at you and called you Big Daddy, would you have gone

right through the wall?”

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Xavier narrowed his eyes at the little shit and then breathed a sigh of relief when he

noticed Billy still had his silver shirt on. It wasn’t much of a shirt, granted, but it gave Xavier

hope that he hadn’t done anything stupid, like fuck the man.

He cringed and closed his eyes. That would be like fucking his brother, and that was

just…gross. But the thought spurred his brain into gear, and memories of last night came

flooding back. He’d been in a foul mood because he was short staffed, because a couple of

idiots had got into a fight over a twink, because the deposit from the night before hadn’t

added up and he had a sneaking suspicion of why that was so—he’d had problems with his

brother Randy ‘borrowing’ cash from the register before. The last thing he’d needed was to

walk into his office and find Randy sitting at his desk.

Well, that was almost the last thing he’d needed. Seeing Billy’s blond and blue hair

bobbing up and down had been the straw that broke the camel’s back—or Xavier’s temper.

Normally he kept a tight rein on his emotions, but finding his moronic brother using his

office as a fuck room had thrown gasoline on the ember of anger boiling in his gut. And to

know it was Billy Randy had been in there with—Xavier growled and opened his eyes to

glare at the smaller man.

“What the hell were you thinking?” he snarled. Billy was like a brother to him, more so

than Randy had ever been. Granted, Billy was a much younger, much more annoying,

trouble-making brother—and those last two descriptions were really saying something,

considering the crap Randy always seemed to stir up. But at least Billy’s brand of trouble

wasn’t malicious. He was just naïve and he didn’t ever think about repercussions, whereas

Randy was a bully who got off on his delusions of power.

Randy was an ass.

Billy shrugged and looked remorseful, sort of. He was hard to read sometimes. “Well, I

told Randy I didn’t want to, but he wouldn’t leave me alone so I thought if I got him off he’d

just shut up. It seemed like the quickest way to get him to go away.”

Xavier groaned again and smacked his forehead, something he regretted immediately.

He was surprised his eyeballs didn’t shoot right out of their sockets. “Billy, I told you—”

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“I know, I know,” Billy said, then sighed noisily. “I’m supposed to come get you if

Randy’s being a dick. But you were busy, and you were all…snarly. You know I don’t like

snarly. It cancels out my happy.”

Oh my hell! How the—“Billy, sucking off Randy doesn’t cancel out your ‘happy’?

Seriously?” He would never, ever understand this man’s way of thinking! Trying to watch

out for Billy was going to be the death of him.

Billy huffed and slid off the bed to lie on the floor beside him, his head propped up on

one hand. The serious expression on his face was so out of place Xavier could only gape at

the little blond.

“I figured you had enough to deal with already,” he admitted, and something Xavier

never wanted to see again flickered across Billy’s face. He’d never seen the man look

ashamed before, and it made Xavier ashamed as well. It was his fault Billy had

been…servicing Randy. If he’d kept his shit together last night instead of being ‘snarly’, Billy

wouldn’t have felt the need to handle Randy on his own.

“Anyway, it wasn’t so bad,” Billy continued, although the downturn of his lips said

otherwise. “Randy’s an ass, and he’s rough and—”

“Stop!” Xavier didn’t want to hear the details. He’d already had the visual—walking in,

finding Randy pummelling into Billy’s mouth, the gagging noises flooding his ears as Billy

pushed at Randy’s thighs.

That explained the soreness in the rest of Xavier’s body. He’d beaten the fuck right out

of Randy, but not without taking some damage himself. Then he’d proceeded to get

miserably drunk, and then…

“How’d we get home?” Xavier frowned. “And why are you here?” Billy lived in the

apartment over the garage, had for a few years now.

Billy sat up, looking surprisingly good despite the prior night’s events. No one would

know that that cute face was backed by dragon breath right now, either. The man looked

damned angelic when he smiled.

“We got drunk—well, I got drunk, you got shit-faced,” Billy corrected. “I didn’t want

you to, you know, like, choke to death on your own puke or anything, so I called a cab and

came home with you.”

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Xavier was fairly certain he hadn’t been that drunk. Had he?

Billy bounced on his butt and clapped his hands together, setting off a thunderous

explosion of pain in Xavier’s head. “Oh! Maybe I even saved your life! Does that mean you

owe me?”

An exuberant Billy was too much to take this early in the morning—or whatever time it

was. Xavier levelled a glare on the man to no avail. “Did I throw up, Billy? Because I don’t

remember throwing up, and if I didn’t throw up, or if I did and made it out of bed and to the

bathroom on my own, then no, I don’t think my life was in any danger.”

Billy frowned and stopped bouncing. “I really wish I could lie, but you know I suck at

it. As drunk as you were, I think it’s a miracle you remember anything.”

Xavier agreed, not that he’d say so. “I’m just a miraculous guy.”

“Yeah,” Billy snorted, and hopped up. “Can I use your toothbrush?”

Xavier opened his mouth to say no but Billy was already in the bathroom. Fuck it, he’d

just buy a new toothbrush.

While Billy was busy, Xavier managed to pull himself up off the floor and onto the bed.

He contemplated going back to sleep for a few more hours since it was barely ten a.m., but

there were things he needed to do. Like make sure he hadn’t hurt Randy too badly. The ass

was still his brother, after all, though as far as Xavier was concerned Randy was banned from

the club. And anyone who let him in would answer for it. There was also the matter of his

office. He seemed to remember the place looking like a tornado had blown through it.

The bathroom door opened and Billy stepped out, looking entirely too happy until he

glanced at Xavier. “You look like shit.”

Xavier scowled at the way too perky man and levered himself up off the bed. He might

have appeared more intimidating if he hadn’t immediately stumbled. Xavier caught himself

with one hand on the headboard. Billy smirked and Xavier glowered.

“Seriously, dude, you look pretty bad. You’re too old to be getting shit-faced.” Billy

came over and held out his hand. “Need some help getting to the bathroom?”

Being called ‘dude’ never did anything other than ramp up his irritation, and the crack

about his age didn’t improve Xavier’s mood any, either. “No,” he snapped, pushing Billy’s

hand away. “I do not need help! Go see if you can figure out how to make some coffee.” If he

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had to be around the exuberant man without caffeine, Xavier wouldn’t be able to resist

turning Billy over his knee—and Billy wasn’t into spanking, or any other kind of BDSM,

which was a shame. Xavier thought a daily spanking would do the man a world of good.

Billy’s smirk intensified. Make that twice-daily spankings. “And I am not old!” Xavier

winced and decided he’d done enough yelling this morning. All Billy had tried to do was

help him—and get in a few teasing barbs. Xavier sighed and pressed his hands to his eyes.

“Go make the damn coffee.”

* * * *

He’d been an idiot to think an all-white bathroom was a good idea. Didn’t matter if the

countertop—along with the toilet and separate hot tub—were made of marble, if the fixtures

gleamed in the way only expensive ones did, the room was too damned bright. He should

have gone with taupe or a dull industrial grey. Too late now. The bathroom had been fine up until

now. How is it that alcohol can make the colour burn my retinas? Like being snow-blind without the

snow. Or cold.

“Stop being a baby.” And God, even his own voice sounded like a gong in his head.

Maybe getting clean would make him feel better. It sure couldn’t make him feel any worse.

Xavier took his time in the bathroom, because Billy was right, he did look like shit. His

jaw was bruised and he had several marks on his chest and stomach, and, from what he

could see when turning himself into a human pretzel to look in the mirror, on his back.

He had definitely been off his game last night. Usually Randy didn’t get in more than a

couple of punches. Xavier had thought Randy had been looking a bit soft around the middle,

but maybe he’d been wrong. Randy had obviously been in good enough shape to beat the tar

out of him.

He spotted the bottle of aspirin on the counter and quickly took four of them. Bending

to drink from the faucet made his head spin, and Xavier figured he was lucky he managed

not to keel over. He remained hunched as he finger-brushed his teeth—his toothbrush was

still wet from Billy using it.

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Xavier stood slowly and grabbed the bottle of mouthwash. He turned on the shower as

hot as he thought he could stand it then stepped inside the enclosure. The stinging water

pelted him, working at his sore muscles. Xavier turned carefully and let it work its magic on

his front.

Once he felt a little less miserable, he took the cap off the mouthwash and rinsed away

the last traces of the alcohol that had lingered in his mouth. Then he proceeded to scrub off

the grungy feeling getting drunk always left on his skin.

When he washed his hair, he found a knot at the side of his head that made him wince.

Apparently his head wasn’t just hurting from too much liquor. Randy had clocked him good,

the asshole.

Xavier finished showering and turned the water off. He didn’t want to risk bending

over to pick the mouthwash up from where he’d dropped it so he left it there and got out.

After a quick towelling, he walked into his bedroom and promptly shoved his hands over his

cock and balls. And glared. Something he seemed to be doing a lot of this morning.

Billy beamed at him from the foot of the bed. “I made you coffee and toast. You look

pretty good naked. Your dick’s bigger than Randy’s.”

The combination of Randy’s dick in any context and the thought of food made Xavier’s

stomach heave. He was glad he’d left the door open, otherwise he’d have smacked into it as

he darted back into the bathroom. Coming to a skidding stop on his knees, Xavier grabbed

the porcelain bowl just in time to empty out his stomach.


Xavier lifted his head and, sticking with the morning’s pattern, glared over his shoulder

at Billy, who merely raised his nearly colourless eyebrows at him. Xavier turned back to the

toilet and crossed his arms over the bowl before dropping his head on top of them.


Xavier was too beat to even twitch as Billy petted his back. “I’m sorry. I should have

just come and got you last night.”

Billy was always sorry. That he meant it sincerely didn’t nullify the fact that he’d do

something equally as thoughtless again. It also didn’t eradicate Xavier’s own responsibility in

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this whole mess. And it certainly didn’t excuse Randy. Xavier wanted to hit Randy all over

again, this time while he was sober.

“I shouldn’t have been a dick,” Xavier muttered. “I know better than to let things get to

me like that.”

“If you’d get laid more often, you wouldn’t be so tense,” Billy informed him. As much

as Xavier would have liked to argue that point, he couldn’t. He’d had a…dry spell, that’s all

it was. “You’re too picky,” Billy went on, still stroking Xavier’s back. “You used to fuck at

least one different guy a night, remember? And they were all willing to let you do whatever

you wanted to them, weren’t they?”

“Yeah.” They had been, and Xavier had gorged himself on all the available ass for a

while before he’d grown tired of it. Kind of like when he’d been a kid and had eaten four

funnel cakes at the county fair. Xavier had puked for hours, it’d seemed like, and even

though that had been twenty-six years ago, he still couldn’t even stand to smell funnel cakes.

Well, he wasn’t that sick of easy fucks, he was just…too mature to keep acting like that.

Mature, not old. Hell, he was only thirty-seven!

Billy, vibrant drama queen that he was, slapped a hand to his chest and widened his

eyes as he fluttered his lashes. “Oh no! Tell me you haven’t”—he gasped, tipping his head

back and pressing his hand to his forehead—“grown up! Say it ain’t so!”

Xavier snickered despite his best effort not to. He slapped Billy’s ass hard enough to

make the man yelp and turn those baby blues on him. “Enough already. First I’m old, then

I’m a loser for not getting laid, then it’s—horrors!—I’ve finally grown up! I’m pretty sure

you’ve gotten in your potshots for the day.”

Billy harrumphed and folded his arms over his chest. “That’s what you get for not

being decent enough to let me be a hero and save you from choking on your own puke.”

Billy’s teasing smile faded and he looked so serious it was kind of creepy. “Teasing aside, I

wish you’d find someone, Xav. You don’t even give guys a chance anymore.”

Xavier knew where this discussion was headed and he wasn’t interested. Every time

Billy started down this path it turned into an argument, with Billy huffing off and pouting

until Xavier caved and took him shopping. It was expensive, too, so it’d be best to distract

Billy now before he went on a rant. “Would you warm up the coffee for me?”

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Billy narrowed his eyes at him when Xavier turned around. “Don’t think I don’t know

what you’re up to. If you didn’t look like death warmed over, I wouldn’t fall for it. But since

you do, I’ll be nice—this time.” He started to walk away, then stopped at the bathroom door,

half facing Xavier. “But you still need someone to come home to, someone to take care of


Then Billy left him there, leaning against the cabinet, shocked by the serious tone that

delivered those words. He shook his head, thinking his alcohol-saturated brain cells must

have imagined Billy using that tone.

And besides, Billy was the one who needed a keeper, someone with enough patience

not to crush that vibrant spirit which irritated the hell out of Xavier sometimes. Not a Dom,

since Billy was not, as he’d say, ‘into that freaky stuff’.

“Coffee’s ready,” Billy hollered from the other room. He sounded like his normal perky

self again.

Xavier sighed and pressed a hand to his stomach. He had things to do, a brother to

check on, and an office to refurnish—eventually. It was time to face up to the repercussions

of last night’s stupidity.

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Chapter Two

“Looks like Dr Nichols is going to sign your release forms today,” Josh said as he came

into the room. Chase looked at the man—his friend, he supposed, although he wasn’t really

sure. He got the impression he made Josh nervous, which was proof the guy was smart as

well as attractive. Chase knew he was a little…off. A couple of cards short of a deck, only had one

oar in the water, a brick shy of a full load…

“So, where are you going after this?” Josh asked, fussing over him. Chase wanted to

shrug off the stupid blood pressure cuff, but he’d learned quickly that Josh was as tenacious

as a mama bear guarding her cubs when it came to his patients. And about as gentle. More

than once Chase’d had his knuckles rapped for trying to stick his hand where it didn’t

belong. It was part of the reason he kind of liked Josh; he didn’t put up with any of Chase’s

crap, even if, at times, Chase was certain Josh would screech if he yelled ‘Boo!’. He shrugged,

which earned him a glare.

“Keep still,” Josh ordered.

“Then don’t ask me questions,” Chase grumbled right back as he closed his eyes.

“Otherwise I’m gonna think you’re doing it just so you can smack me around after.”

“I didn’t smack you around this time.”

Chase tried really hard not to grin as he opened his eyes just enough to see Josh’s pout.

Josh was too easy to get riled up sometimes. It was fun. “‘This time’ is right. Don’t know

what you’re gonna do once I’m gone. You’ll have to find a new patient to take out your anger

issues on.” Three, two, one—

Josh’s pout morphed to indignation instantaneously. “I do not have anger issues! I’ll

have you know, I’m a happy guy, and—”

Chase turned his head to look out the window as he tuned out Josh’s rant. At least it’d

diverted him away from questioning Chase. The truth was, he didn’t know where he would

go or what he’d do. Everything he’d had, the one friend he trusted, was gone. He was in an

untenable situation, his pride more battered than his body. Hell, he even had to apply for the

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Indigent Care programme at the hospital because he couldn’t afford his medical bills. If that

got turned down, he didn’t know what he was going to do, but taking charity like that about

killed him, but he didn’t have any other choice.

And why? Because James Stratton, the one man Chase trusted, had asked for his help in

bringing down a rapist. They had succeeded with a little extra help from an acquaintance,

Adam Masterson. In return, their lives had been shattered. In James’ case, maybe even

ended, and God, it hurt to think that, but James was still missing, had been for weeks.

Chase needed to find him. He owed James, it was as simple as that. It’d be easier to do

if Rollins hadn’t managed to empty out and close Chase’s bank account, and strip him of

everything he had, including his confidence. Still, he’d figure something out. If James was

alive, he might be holed up somewhere and unaware of Rollins Sr’s death.

And if he was dead… Well, if James was dead, Chase would find a way to make sure

Mitch Rollins paid for it. It was that bastard’s twisted behaviour that had brought down so

many other people’s lives. Mitch had tried to sexually assault Adam, which had landed

Adam in jail when he’d beaten Mitch’s ass.

It was one of those too common cases where money trumps justice. Mitch Rollins was a

spoilt brat whose daddy had more money than morals. Rollins Sr had covered up his son’s

crimes for years, bribing victims and cops alike, or threatening them to make sure Mitch was

never held accountable for what he’d done. Adam hadn’t been the first, but with James’

help—and Chase and Adam’s—they’d made sure Mitch wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone

again. His daddy had retaliated with all the money and power he had, destroying lives and

running Chase, Adam, and Adam’s mom Charlene out of Billings. And he’d seen to it that

Adam and Chase had both got the shit beaten out of them. Chase more than once.

The last assault had occurred when he’d come to Texas looking for James, hoping his

friend would be hiding out here. James had mentioned Josh’s partner Nick, and it’d been a

slim hope that James would be here, but it’d been the only hope Chase’d had. He’d been

jumped outside Josh’s apartment and it’d been bad enough to land him in the hospital.

Again. Maybe he’d go after the asshole even if James was alive and kicking it in the Bahamas.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice that you haven’t answered my question. I bet you distracted

me on purpose, you jerk.”

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Chase bit back a sigh as he faced Josh. How could the man put so much accusation in a

single glance? And why couldn’t he be stupid? Since diverting didn’t work, Chase went with

the next best thing—ignoring. “Are you done?”

Josh levelled a look at him that should have made Chase contrite or nervous, but both

were emotions he wasn’t given to, not anymore. Once the cuff was off his arm, he shifted

around until he was sitting on the edge of the bed, his bare legs dangling over the side. “Can

I have my clothes back now?”

Josh shook his head as he set the blood pressure cuff on a tray. “I told you before, we

tossed them. They were torn, bloodied and gross. Nick is bringing you something to wear.”

Chase didn’t know whether to expect decent clothes or a damned tutu. He didn’t know

Nick, and the couple of times he’d been up here with Josh, Chase hadn’t been able to get a

read on him.

“So, where are you going?”

Chase groaned and slapped a hand over his eyes. Why wouldn’t Josh just let it go? Did

he want Chase to eviscerate himself? He had nowhere to go and no money to get there with.

He needed to find James, and how he was going to do that was something he hadn’t yet

figured out.

Everything he’d built for himself was gone. The only man who really knew him—and

liked him anyway—was missing, probably dead. Chase had been beaten twice since this

whole disaster had started, humiliated and stripped of everything he’d had, but he couldn’t

think about that. He’d failed, fucked up everything, and had never felt less like a man than

he did at this moment. Chase hadn’t even been this low when he’d thought his life was over

years ago. If it hadn’t been for James…

A hand on his good shoulder had Chase opening eyes he hadn’t realised he’d shut. His

skin heated with a flush clear to the roots of his hair as he looked into Josh’s green eyes.

“Chase? Do you have somewhere to go? People who can help you? You’re still pretty banged

up. You almost died on us a couple of times…”

Chase tipped his chin down and stared at his hands which were folded in his lap. It’d

have been easier on him if he had died. Besides James, who’d have missed him anyway? The

little voice in his head that told him James was dead didn’t help Chase’s mood.

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God damn it, when had he turned into a moody little shit? Hadn’t he stopped all the

pity parties years ago? Apparently not.

“I’ll be fine,” was all he could offer when the silence had been stretched to an

uncomfortable level. “I just need out of here.”

“Uh huh.” Josh squeezed his shoulder gently, then let go. “Look, I figure you’re still

going to try to find Stratton—James. You aren’t in any shape to go running off on a man

hunt. You need some time to recover, build your strength back up, and you’re supposed to

start physical therapy since you’ve torn muscles in your shoulder. I think it’d be best if you

hung around for a while and took care of yourself first.”

Chase jerked his head back up so fast he saw double. “I can’t just sit around while

James is missing. He—” saved my life. Chase shook his head, attempting to clear his vision

and stop himself from babbling at the same time. “He’s been a good friend. If he’s hurt,

or…or dead, I should…bring him home. His parents must be worried sick, they don’t

deserve this…this not knowing.” They were actually controlling, judgmental snobs, and they

hated Chase with a passion, but that didn’t mean they should suffer.

Josh sighed and sat in the chair across from the bed, giving Chase a contemplative look.

He folded his hands under his chin and was silent for a moment. “Okay, I understand that.

But you won’t be any good to James if you keel over. Now, there’s people looking for him;

the FBI took over the case since Rollins had several government officials on his payroll. What

can you do that they can’t? Especially when you’re about as strong as a half-drowned


“I don’t know,” Chase mumbled, burning hot with Josh’s spoken acknowledgement of

his weakness.

Josh dropped his hands to the arm rests and scooted forward in the chair. “How about

this? Let’s get you out of here. Nick can take you back to the bunkhouse; there’s plenty of

people who can help you there and make sure you get to your therapy appointments. But

besides that, you can call Liam Stone, he’s the agent who came out and interviewed you a

couple of days ago. Ask him about James, see how they’re doing there, and if you’re not

satisfied, well…then we’ll decide what to do next.”

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“We?” Chase sputtered. When the hell had this become a group effort? Not counting

the FBI, of course, but since he considered them a bunch of governmental goons, Chase

didn’t see the point in thinking they’d be of any use.

“Yes, we,” Josh said, standing up. He cocked a hip and fisted one hand on it as he

glared down at Chase. “Nick liked James, he said James was a good guy and really helped

him out. You’re not the only person worried about him. Did it occur to you that there might

be other people willing to help? Like me, Nick, Adam, and his partner, Les?”

Nick chose that moment to enter the room. He looked at Chase and Josh and grunted

before coming over and tossing a plastic bag on the bed. “Is he being difficult about it?” Nick

asked Josh.

The glare Josh had settled on Chase morphed into a sympathetic gaze that made Chase

want to hide. “Not exactly. Just clearing a few misunderstandings up.”

Chase was still thinking about what Josh said—all of it—so he didn’t bother with a

snarky reply. It shouldn’t have surprised him that there were other people concerned about

James, other people willing to help him find the man. James inspired a certain loyalty in

those who knew him. He was just a good guy with a heart so big it made an easy target for

unscrupulous assholes.

Nick interrupted Chase’s brooding by picking the bag up and waving it in front of his

face. “Tell you what,” Nick rumbled, pinning Chase with a dark stare. “Why don’t you listen

to Josh and come back with us to the ranch? Give it a shot before you decide you don’t want

to hang around and try to get a little better, at least. Who knows, maybe we can all figure out

a way to help find your friend.”

There was that damned ‘we’ again, Chase fumed, or tried to. Somehow it didn’t irritate

him as much as he’d thought it would.

“But,” Nick set the bag in Chase’s lap and pointed at him. “If you do get snappy with

Josh, you’ll have to deal with me.” He grinned, taking some of the sting out of the words, but

Chase wasn’t entirely sure the man was joking.

Chase wasn’t scared. He could defend himself. Usually. It just didn’t work so well

when he was jumped by a group of armed thugs while he was still fucked up from an earlier


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“What’s it going to be?” Nick asked. “Are you going to let us help? You going to be

smart about this or do something stupid—which will likely end up with you deader than a


What does that even mean? Chase had never understood that phrase, but as he looked at

Nick, he did understand one thing. The man was right. Chase’s best chance of finding James

lay in allowing others to help him.

It still wasn’t easy to accept the offer even though it made a lot of sense. It felt like

charity, pity; all those things Chase hated to be the recipient of—but he needed to recover at

least a little more mobility in his left shoulder. Decided, he peered at the men. “How soon

can we leave?”

Nick gave a slight grin and pulled something from his shirt pocket. “Just as soon as

you’re dressed. I ran into Dr Nichols in the hallway. I’ve got your release form and aftercare

information right here.”

Chase didn’t know Nick, but he was getting the impression the man was going to be a

pain in the ass. All good intentions and strong, silent type, no doubt. Just the kind of man

who, when compared with Chase, would make him come up short.

Oh well, he’d deal with it since he couldn’t think of any other options. For now.

By the time Josh had brought him to the bunk house, Chase had been about ready to

keel over. It pissed him off and made him more surly than normal. Not that he was surly as a

rule, but he had moments, and they were pretty nasty when they occurred. It really was no

wonder Josh had helped him sit him on the couch as quickly as possible. Chase wouldn’t

have wanted to put up with himself, either. As it was, he didn’t have to. He was asleep

before his head settled on the pillow.

His dreams were a nightmarish mix of his somewhat distant past and the events that

had occurred since Rollins Sr had lashed out for revenge. Chase woke with a gasp that hurt

his throat. He sat bolt upright on the couch and blinked as he struggled to breathe past a too

tight throat and a jackhammering heart. It had been sunny in the room when he’d come in,

but now darkness had crept in despite the light given off by a small lamp.

And someone was in the room with him. Every hair on Chase’s body stood at attention

and he blinked away sleep and lingering fear. He turned his head and jerked like he’d

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stepped on a livewire. An older, dark-haired man was crouching beside him, looking at

Chase with a concerned expression on his weathered face.

“You okay?” the man asked in a heavily Texas-accented voice. There was no doubt the

man was southern all the way down to his bones.

Chase started to nod, then realised the man’s hand was on his shoulder. How had he

not noticed that sooner? He glanced at the hand as if it were a deadly snake, then returned

his attention to the man, arching a brow in enquiry and maybe more than a little accusation.

Being touched by strangers wasn’t Chase’s favourite thing.

The man tipped his cowboy hat back with a finger from his other hand and smiled. “I’m

Max.” Then he gestured over his shoulder and Chase noticed a second man, this one also

older, but blond headed with streaks of white in his hair. “This here’s Bo, my husband.”

Bo grinned and waggled his left hand at Chase, he supposed to show off the thick gold

band on his ring finger. Chase’s confusion must have been evident because Bo laughed and

explained the ring. “Max is very traditional in some ways. He insisted on an engagement

ring, too.” The way Bo’s eyes sparkled with a teasing light, Chase would bet the guy had

been a player at one time. He seemed the sort, and Chase was pretty adept at reading people.

Of course, now he’d bet good old Max had Bo by the short and curlies, and both of the

older men were thrilled about that. Personally, it made Chase want to shudder. Monogamy

was an alien concept to his brain.

“Guess you’re still a little sleep-stupid,” Bo said when Chase still hadn’t spoken.

Chase would have blushed had he been the type. He hadn’t been aware of the minutes

passing. But he really didn’t like being called any kind of stupid and he was out of sorts,

being injured and in a place he wasn’t familiar with, in the presence of two gawkers.

“Bo, that ain’t nice,” Max scolded, but his lips twitched and Chase’s temper burned a

little brighter. He opened his mouth to tell both of the men to fuck off, but Bo spoke first.

“What? I call it sex-stupid when you’re lying there all googly-eyed and incoherent and

I’m dazed and drooling. It’s just a temporary state; it’s not like I said the guy is stupid!”

Chase snapped his mouth shut. There were some people you just didn’t argue with.

This Bo guy would run circles around him if Chase even tried. He’d end up having to punch

Bo to get him to shut up and, frankly, Chase didn’t have the energy for that right now.

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Max turned back to Chase and the dark-haired cowboy seemed to see right through to

Chase’s soul. His rough voice and twang were noticeably softer when he spoke. “Well, I’m

pretty sure Chase here was having a bitch of a nightmare. That’s why I woke you, and it’s

perfectly normal to be a little unsettled after something like that.”

Forget not being the type to blush. Chase thought his skin must surely be on fire. He

knew what his nightmares had been about, remembered crying out and crying, period—

Chase swiped at his cheek before he could censor the move. Moisture wetted his fingers and

he tried to sink down into the couch cushions. He couldn’t possibly be any more humiliated.

He heard footsteps, then the couch was dipped by his hip. “Hey, it’s okay,” Bo said, “I

was just teasing. Sometimes my mouth says stupid things even when my brain tells it not to.

And don’t feel bad about the nightmares, I’ve had more than a few myself, right Max?”

“Yeah.” Bo’s weight disappeared from the couch and Chase took a peek and discovered

both men now sitting on the floor beside him. Max had pulled Bo down and had his arms

wrapped around the blond man. The hand that had been on Chase’s shoulder was petting

Bo’s belly. “Still has them on occasion,” Max continued, looking from Bo to Chase. “There are

awful things that happen to us in life. Sometimes it all comes back and messes with us when

we need peace the most, don’t it?”

This was all getting a lot too mushy-touchy-feely for Chase, yet still he answered in a

voice so raw it startled him. “Yeah, it does.” He shifted, swallowing a groan at the too-

familiar pain in his body as he tried to get his back against the couch. He needed something

to support him if he was going to remain upright.

“Let me help.” Bo was up and grabbing at him before Chase could protest, and before

he knew what was what, Bo had hold of his arms and Max had his ankles. Chase was gently

manoeuvred around until his feet were propped on a coffee table Max had pulled over with

one booted foot, and the pressure in his aching back was finally relieved by the firm cushions

behind it.

“Thank you.” Chase’s eyes burned and his nose tingled as he looked at the two men. It

shouldn’t make him all emotional, but having two strangers be so kind to him did just that.

It’d been a long time since anyone had been nice just because they wanted to, not because

they wanted something from him or were scared he’d go holy flying bat shit on them.

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Of course, Josh could have told Bo and Max that Chase was a little weird, he was…he

was what? The usual stable of insults concerning his mental state refused to surface. Chase

had been collecting terms for being crazy ever since he’d been told he was two minnows

short of a bait bucket. That little nugget had been from James’ dad, actually. Chase had been

shocked down to his toes that Mr Stratton knew what a bait bucket was.

Max patted Chase’s shoulder, drawing him out of his head and into Max’s concerned

stare. “I’m gonna go get Josh, he wanted to check you over once you woke up.”

Bo plopped down beside him and looked Chase over from head to toe before pinning

him with an eerily perceptive stare. “You’ve had a shit time of it, haven’t you? Maybe you

need a hug.”

Chase had never squeaked, not once in his life, but he came close to it just then when Bo

opened his arms. If he hadn’t seen the teasing light in the man’s eyes, Chase might have done

more than shrink away from Bo. Instead, as if to prove how riotous they were, his emotions

shot up from near-tears to prankster in a split second.

Chase lowered his lids and fluttered his lashes at Bo as he reached for the blond. “I

knew you’d fall for the wounded act!”

But Bo won the round when he carefully enfolded Chase in his arms. “And I knew

you’d fall for the teasing act. There isn’t anything wrong with accepting comfort when it’s

offered, and when you need it so much.”

For all that, it was barely a hug—it may have been that Bo was afraid of hurting him, or

being hurt, or maybe even he was worried Chase would get the wrong idea. Still, it was

something Chase hadn’t had in ages and hadn’t known he’d wanted or needed. He wasn’t

sure how to handle it, but figured soaking Bo’s shirt in tears and snot wasn’t the best way to

pay the man back for this kindness, so he stomped his emotions down until they were

buried, just like he preferred them to be.

Chase pressed his hands to Bo’s sides for a second, then leant back. Bo got the hint and

eased away, but he watched patiently as Chase tried to get his shit together. This being

emotionally fragile shit sucks. The doctor had warned him stuff like this might happen since his

brain had got rattled good, but it still made Chase feel like a weak excuse of a man. He

averted his gaze, not wanting Bo to see what he was thinking and somehow certain the man

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would do just that. Chase didn’t feel like trying to explain that it was okay for Bo or other

people to fall apart, but not for Chase to do the same.

“Good, you’re awake.”

Chase rolled his eyes at Josh. Talk about stating the obvious. “Yeah. I’m fine, though I

don’t need—”

Josh stepped in front of him and glared. “You can either let me check, or I’ll have Nick,

Bo and Max hold you down while I do it. It’s up to you.”

The threat evoked those dark emotions that had reared up during Chase’s nightmare

and he shoved himself up from the couch, ignoring the pain in his ribs and everywhere else

as he glowered at Josh. “I said I’m fine—umph!” Chase fell back under the pressure of hands

pulling him down from behind. “Are you trying to kill me?”

“I’m trying to help,” a deep voice rumbled. Chase recognised that voice as belonging to

Nick. He craned his head back until it rested against the top of the couch and found himself

almost nose to nose with Josh’s lover. Nick’s big hands were still clamped to Chase’s

shoulders. A whimper slipped free before he could stop it; Nick’s grasp was entirely too hard

on Chase’s injured shoulder.

“Shoulder, Nick!” Josh snapped, already pushing at Nick’s hand. “The idea is to let him

get better, not make him worse.”

“Shit!” Nick straightened up and let go of him but moved one hand to the back of

Chase’s neck. He took that for the warning he thought it was—be still or else. “Sorry, Chase.

Just let Josh do his thing, will you?”

Chase expected an unspoken threat, a tightening of that hand, but it never came.

Instead Nick stroked Chase’s nape, then left off touching him. The gentle touch unsettled

Chase, not that there was anything sexual about it, but still. These people kept surprising


“How are your ribs?” Josh asked, gently pressing against Chase’s left side.

“Fucking sore,” Chase said, the snarl he’d tried to infuse into his voice turning into

something all too close to a whine for his peace of mind.

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“Happens when they get cracked,” Josh pointed out. He fingered the area until Chase

wanted to shout at him to stop, then Josh proceeded to feel his way up to Chase’s clavicle.

“Here? How bad is it?”

Chase fisted his hands against his thighs and tried to think of something besides pain.

“It’s not as bad as the ribs.” But it was damned close. Hoping to stop this torture session

disguised as a check-up, Chase said, “Shoulder hurts worse than all of it.” He pointedly

didn’t mention that was thanks in a large part to Nick grabbing him and trying to jerk his

shoulders plumb off his body. He didn’t need to because Josh shot a glare over Chase’s head

that damn near singed the hair off it.

“I said I was sorry,” Nick grumbled. Chase would have felt sorry for the big idiot, but

his shoulder felt like it had been torn inside all over again, so Nick was on his god damned


He was so tired, and his rollercoaster emotions were straining him almost as much as

his injuries. Chase wasn’t sure what to make of these men. They were kind and confusing

and snarly and bossy…and he just might need people like them, at least for a while. Yet even

admitting that was so unlike himself that Chase shied away from it, choosing instead to let

sleep carry him off. He’d rather risk another round of nightmares than try to figure out why

he was willing to stay and let these people help him.

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Chapter Three

It was turning out to be another frustrating night for Xavier, but after the hangover and

what had happened to Billy, he was trying not to be an ass—and he was definitely staying

away from the alcohol. He checked his phone to see if maybe he’d missed a text or call from

Randy. Xavier had been trying to get a hold of his brother all damn day. Usually his fights

with Randy didn’t end in violence, but last night hadn’t been the first time they had come to

blows. Still, Randy always seemed over it in his own hateful way the following day. He

needed to make sure he hadn’t seriously hurt the asshole, then he might just beat him again.

Although, Xavier thought as his head throbbed, judging from the way he was feeling,

he may well have been the one who got a beating last night. If he hadn’t been so drunk…

Xavier started to run his hands through his hair only to stop with a wince. What did

Randy hit him with anyway? A freaking lead pipe?

And where the hell was Billy? Xavier had decided to work in the employee break room

since his office was a disaster. He’d left on occasion to check on the club, but short of a few

new faces—and no Randy—there didn’t seem to be anything going on. One of the new faces

gave him pause. The guy looked uptight, almost out of place, and way too spit-and-polished

for somewhere like The Xxchange.

Must be some kinda cop or politician. Xavier snorted and checked the time. Billy usually

hung out with him during his break, unless Billy had found an interesting play toy. He

wasn’t supposed to mess around on the clock, but Billy said breaks didn’t count and since he

didn’t do anal then it shouldn’t matter. But Billy hadn’t mentioned anyone catching his eye,

so Xavier had kind of been expecting him.

Maybe Billy had got busy chatting with Adam after Adam had given Xavier two weeks’

notice. Which sucked royally, but Adam was all sappy and doe-eyed over his partner, Les,

who just happened to be a snarly cop. And Billy had been bouncing with happiness at seeing

Adam again, so yeah, maybe that’s what the hold-up was.

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Except, what if it wasn’t? Xavier couldn’t say what made him shiver any more than he

could explain why he was up and moving towards the door before the goosebumps fully

pricked his skin. The sense of wrongness hit him instantly and he didn’t bother to ignore it.

Besides, it’d be better to look paranoid and be wrong rather than right, in his opinion.

Xavier found Adam at the bar picking up a tray of drinks and chatting with the

bartender, Troy. The thing about Adam was the man was more friend than employee,

although they hadn’t started out that way. Adam had a definite aversion to being groped,

and to the tiny ‘uniforms’ of leather shorts and ankle boots Xavier used to have the waiters

wear. Used to, because Adam had given him hell and mooned Xavier in his office to show off

the spectacular set of bruises he’d had on his pale ass from overzealous—okay, horny—

customers. Now Xavier just had his waiters wear jeans and an Xxchange tank top, unless

they really wanted to wear the shorts.

Xavier tried to wait for the men to finish talking, using the time to look over the club.

Still no sign of Billy, he thought, and he was done with waiting. “Adam,” he growled,

sounding harsher than he’d meant to.

Adam stopped mid-word and turned to give him an arch look. Sky blue eyes looked

thunderous as Adam cocked a hip. “Excuse me? Am I not allowed to ask Troy how he’s been

doing? Did you suddenly become a dictator or—”

Xavier slashed a hand through the air to shush Adam’s rant, then slapped his hand

down on the bar hard enough to shoot zings of pain up to his elbow. “I don’t care about that!

Where is Billy?”

Adam frowned, turning to look out at the tables. Troy glanced at the door behind the

bar and answered. “Actually, now that you mention it, he went on break a while ago. Said he

was going to chill in the back room.”

Those words raised Xavier’s suspicions into a wailing alarm in his head. “Alone?” he

asked, as he made his way behind the bar. Billy didn’t usually do alley fucks, not that Xavier

knew of, but there was always a first time. That scenario still didn’t fit, though. “Stay here

and take care of the bar, Adam.” Troy was already following him, and Xavier would rather

have the big bartender with him than Adam. If Adam got hurt, Xavier would have Les all

over him, and rightfully so. Besides, Troy liked a good fight every now and then, and Xavier

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was afraid that’s just what they were both fixing to get. Xavier opened the door, Troy

hovering behind him. He called Billy’s name but got no response, confirming what his eyes

told him. The backroom was empty except for the stock.

“You’re sure he went in there, Troy?”

The bartender frowned as he nodded. “Yeah, close to fifteen minutes ago. Maybe he

went out back?”

Xavier cursed as he and Troy ran through the room towards the exit. Xavier slammed

the door open so hard it bounced off the outside wall and nearly flattened Troy. Xavier

didn’t give a shit just then, his blood was boiling in his veins as fury clouded his thinking, his

vision; stole the breath from his lungs.

The only thing he could see was Billy—beaten, hurt and kneeling in front of Randy

while Randy glared defiantly at Xavier and tried to ram his dick down Billy’s throat. A glint

of streetlamp reflected off a knife in Randy’s hand and Xavier about lost his mind as rage

pummelled him.

The growl that tore from Xavier sounded animalistic. It was the kind of sound he’d

never heard himself make before. It coiled his guts and burned its way up his throat,

scorching him with the intensity of his anger. The level of anger he felt was nothing he’d ever

thought himself capable of, and apparently neither had Randy.

Xavier was barely aware of other hands reaching for him, fists swinging, yells and

thumps and cursing. He was focused on Randy, the sick fuck, and he lunged, grabbing

Randy’s wrist hard enough to crush bones—he hoped.

Randy screamed, cursing Xavier. The hatred in Randy’s expression contorted the man’s

features into an ugly mask as he shoved forward, trying to throw his weight against Xavier.

The knife dipped close to Xavier’s chest. He grunted and tightened his grip, squeezing

harder on his brother’s wrist, fury and pain flooding him as he realised Randy wanted him


The knife fell from Randy’s hand just as Xavier brought his other fist up and slammed it

against Randy’s mouth. Anything, anything to stop the hateful words coming from his

mouth. Randy’s words hurt as much as any physical pain Xavier had ever felt.

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Randy yelled and tried to fight back, but Xavier, who’d always held back some of his

strength when it came to fighting his brother, didn’t do so this time. The fact that Randy

intended to sexually assault Billy—hopefully he hadn’t got that far, but if he had—combined

with the cruel words Randy spewed served to demolish Xavier’s restraint.

Xavier howled and caught Randy in his soft stomach. Randy retaliated by dropping to

the ground and retching over Xavier’s shoes. Xavier drew back a foot to kick Randy in the

head but some thread of reason prevailed and he stepped back as Randy fell over, his eyes

closed and his breathing shallow.

Jesus, he’d almost killed his own brother! But Billy was like a brother too, sometimes

even like…like a son, if Xavier were to be honest, and for Randy to go after Billy of all people!


“What do you want to do now, boss?”

Xavier startled at Troy’s voice coming from right behind him. He turned and spotted

legs sprawled behind and to the left of Troy. Too many legs. “Why is there a man lying on

the ground holding Billy?”

As he spoke, the man—he looked to be rather huge, Xavier noted—craned his neck and

gave him a confused look. Xavier recognised him then as the out-of-place customer he’d

noticed earlier. The man sure didn’t look so starched and pressed now.

Troy glanced at the downed pair as well and shrugged. “I dunno. Dude,” he said,

addressing the stranger, “why are you even out here? Weren’t you at the bar a few minutes


The man twisted and grunted, pulling himself into a sitting position and cradling Billy’s

head in his lap. Once apparently satisfied, he buried one hand in Billy’s hair and looked at

Xavier and Troy with an expression that all but screamed they were idiots.

“Do you really think now is the time for this? Wouldn’t it be better to call an ambulance

and the police? Although,” a wicked smile curved the man’s lips as he dug out his wallet.

Xavier’s stomach sank down to his ankles. This wasn’t going to be good.

“I am Special Agent Liam Stone, with the FBI,” he said as he held out his open wallet.

“Could this night get any more fucked?” Troy grumbled.

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Xavier gave him a dirty look and smacked him on the shoulder. “Do not ask shit like

that! It’s like Fate sees it as a challenge when you do!”

Troy snorted but the FBI—FBI!—agent nodded as he tucked his wallet into his shirt

pocket. “That’s been my experience as well. Now, about that ambulance…”

Xavier nodded at Troy. “Cops, too?” Troy asked, frowning at him. Xavier assumed it

was because Troy didn’t approve of calling the police, and truly, Xavier didn’t want to, but

Randy had been crossing lines he shouldn’t for a while now, and something had to give.

“Yes, Troy, the cops too,” Xavier answered, giving the bartender a hard look. Troy

didn’t appear intimidated although he did finally nod.

Leaving Troy to handle the calls, Xavier crossed over to the two men on the ground and

knelt beside Billy. Ignoring Liam, he felt for Billy’s pulse. He knew his friend was alive, but

he wasn’t sure how badly Billy was injured. “Randy had a knife,” Xavier bit out, then

promptly found himself shoved onto his ass.

Xavier opened his mouth to ask what the fuck, but stopped as he watched the careful

way Liam ran his hands over Billy’s prone form. The man was handling Billy like he was

something precious, which was odd because Xavier knew the two men couldn’t possibly

know each other. Xavier knew everything about Billy’s life, even up to who he took into the

bathroom for a blowjob on occasion, and he’d never heard a word about Liam Stone.

And Stone couldn’t have been in town for long. There was only one reason for the FBI

to be here, and that had to be the whole mess Adam had told him about, the Rollins crap that

had flushed its way down to Texas from Montana. Rollins Sr was dead, but there was still a

man missing who might be in danger. That was something he didn’t want Billy involved in if

he could help it, but Billy was a grown man.

Still, Xavier narrowed his eyes at the FBI agent—not that Liam noticed, he was too busy

fondling Billy. Xavier thought the guy was enjoying it too much for the touching to be

considered anything else, but he was protective of Billy, so he realised he likely wasn’t being

fair, but oh well.

“I don’t feel or see any knife wounds,” Stone murmured, more to himself than to

Xavier. Xavier wasn’t thrilled with being ignored, not when he had so many questions.

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“Why are you in town?” he asked, not sure he cared for the way the man was devoting

all his attention to Billy. Sure, Xavier wanted Billy settled and happy, but this Liam was

going to be leaving, going back to wherever he lived. Xavier most definitely didn’t want to

see Billy broken hearted.

Liam didn’t waste a look on him. “That’s not really your business, is it?”

“Billy is my business,” Xavier bit out, using a voice that brooked no arguments. That

got Liam’s full attention and Xavier continued, almost bristling under the man’s angry glare.

“And you’re someone who is passing through. Billy probably doesn’t even know your name,

does he? Did he manage to slip away and blow you in the bathroom or something like that?

Why are you out here treating him like…like he means something to you?” He faltered a

little on that last bit, because Billy meant a lot to him, and the idea of the perky little blond

being played and discarded by the FBI agent hurt, especially since those big hands had yet to

cease touching Billy.

Liam’s expression shifted into something dangerous. Xavier wondered if he practised

that ball-chilling look in front of a mirror. Or maybe they make all the agents learn that in FBI


“First off, whatever has happened or will happen between me and Billy is not your

business—” Liam began hotly.

Xavier slashed his hand through the air and was surprised when Liam promptly shut

his mouth. “You’re wrong. Billy is my responsibility, and certainly if he’s having sex on the

clock, that’s my responsibility.” Not that Xavier was a stickler there, but if it got Liam to


Liam dropped his gaze back down to Billy. He brushed a chunk of hair off Billy’s

smooth forehead with fingers that trembled. “What do you mean, he’s your responsibility?

Are you saying the two of you are…are together, and you let him screw around? Does he

mean so little to you, then?”

Damn, he didn’t need this tonight! Xavier scrubbed his hands over his face then glanced

over at Randy and Troy. The former was still unconscious and the latter was rambling off

into his cell phone. Facing forward again, he wasn’t surprised to find Liam still petting Billy.

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How hands that big can deliver such tender caresses… But that doesn’t mean those hands will stay
gentle, that Liam wouldn’t hurt Billy…

God, he was so tired, just emotionally worn to a nub. He couldn’t figure out what was

going on between Billy and Liam, and Randy was…a disaster, a heartbreakingly personal

one. He and Xavier had never been the closest of brothers, but they used to at least get along.

And Billy… As much as Xavier wanted Billy to have what he needed, the idea of not seeing

the man’s impish smile every day was kind of depressing. In the six years since he’d taken

Billy in, the little bugger had burrowed deeply under his skin, and while neither of them had

even considered a sexual relationship with each other, they did both love one another.

Well aware he’d been silent for too long, Xavier looked up from Liam’s hands and into

his pale green eyes. “Billy means more to me than you can know, but not in the way you’re

thinking. Our relationship isn’t sexual and it also isn’t your business.” Then he relented,

remembering the way Liam had looked at Billy. “Are you coming to the hospital or leaving?“

“Okay,” Liam said, sounding a little rough around the edges, “and thank you. I

appreciate the opportunity to get to know you both.”

Xavier snorted and stood up to greet the police and EMS workers as he heard the sirens

blaring in the parking lot. Figures that Liam Stone would have to go all polite and sincere and

completely demolish my determination to run the man off.

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Chapter Four

As exhausted as he was, Xavier knew it’d be hours before he got to sleep. His friend Les

was a police officer, and had managed to have Xavier’s statement taken at the hospital

instead of making Xavier go to the police station. Since Randy had a history of assault, and

had been wielding a knife, chances were that Xavier wouldn’t have any charges brought

against him. He’d been defending not only Billy but himself. Randy had been out of his

mind, raging against Xavier as if he’d wanted him dead. It hurt, knowing his brother hated

him so much, and Xavier didn’t know how to deal with it.

For now, he’d settle on a distraction from those kinds of thoughts. Xavier eyed the FBI

agent pacing the length of the waiting room. The man looked like he was ready to pounce—

and he looked dangerous, big. Taller than Xavier, who was six-three, and bulkier. Although

the extra few inches made Liam appear lean, his shoulders were broader than Xavier’s, and

there was a controlled strength in Liam that carried a silent promise of danger. But would he

use that strength against Billy, or for him? That was the question Xavier really wanted an

answer to.

Liam stopped pacing and turned towards him so quickly Xavier thought it was a

miracle the big man didn’t topple over. “How is he?”

Xavier leaned against the door frame and tucked his thumbs into his front jeans pockets

as he studied the FBI agent. Liam’s mouth pinched tight at the blunt appraisal, but he didn’t

puff up or protest. It was kind of impressive, actually, because so many men bristled when

they knew they were being judged with a look, but other than those two small changes in his

expression, Liam didn’t so much as tense up. It spoke well for his self-control.

If this was just about a casual fuck, Xavier wouldn’t have been so intent on figuring

Liam Stone out. But Liam had been clear that he was interested in something more with Billy.

If, once he was in the shape to do so, Billy returned Liam’s interest, what then?

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That would mean Liam had the power to hurt Billy in more ways than one. Xavier

wouldn’t let that happen if he could help it. So he continued watching Liam for several

minutes until the bigger man suddenly chuckled, then laughed outright.

Xavier was so surprised he could only gape at the man for a second before snapping his

mouth shut. He felt the ridiculous urge to laugh along with Liam. The man’s laughter was

rich and deep, and Xavier just knew it’d melt Billy into a puddle of devoted, lusty goo. The

impulse to laugh died when he realised he was, very likely, going to lose Billy to Liam Stone.

Before he could consider just what that meant and why it worried him, Liam stopped

laughing and walked up to him. He clamped one big hand on Xavier’s shoulder and

squeezed. “I don’t know whether or not I passed your test, but I will tell you this—I don’t

know what will happen between me and Billy, but I won’t deliberately hurt him, physically

or any other way. And…” Liam bent his neck and brought his face to Xavier’s, almost nose to

nose. Xavier could see every gold fleck in the man’s hazel eyes, and he couldn’t have missed

the promise in those depths, either “Whether you like it or not, I am going to do everything I

can to get Billy to give me a chance—for something more than a fuck or whatever. I don’t

know what or if we can have anything permanent between us, but I would like to try. I think

Billy needs me, and maybe…” Liam looked up then took a step back. His gaze, however,

never left Xavier’s.

“Mr Talbot?”

Xavier reluctantly turned from Liam and found a short, rather squat doctor standing

behind him. “Yes?”

The doctor bobbed his head and gripped the clipboard in his hands as he glared up at

Xavier. “I’m Dr Nichols. I don’t know if I should bother telling you anything about your

brother, since I was told you’re the one who beat the crap out of him.”

That explains the short shit’s attitude. Xavier carefully kept his expression blank as he

watched the doctor. Once the man twitched nervously, Xavier spoke. “Not that it’s your

business, but my brother was trying to sexually assault another young man who is also being

checked out. He was also threatening that young man with a knife, and had previously

forced him to perform sexual acts. So, you can sneer and be a judgmental ass if you want, or

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you can do your damn job and tell me—the person with the right to make medical decisions

for Randy—what is going on.”

Xavier sighed internally as the doctor’s attitude shifted into something almost

professional, then he forced himself to listen to the damage he’d done to his own flesh and


“Can I see him?” Xavier was torn between loathing what his brother had become and

loving the boy he used to be. He couldn’t seem to merge the two. It was as if the present-day

Randy were an entirely different person from the brother Xavier used to play with when they

were kids. But surely there was something good left in Randy?

The doctor shook his head and sighed, his brown eyes filled with sympathy instead of

judgement. “No, I’m sorry. He did make it clear that he didn’t want to see you.”

It shouldn’t have hurt, but it did, like a hot branding iron pressed against his heart.

“Okay. Thank you.” Xavier turned away, careful not to look at Liam or anyone else in the

waiting room. If he felt like shit about his relationship with Randy now, how much worse

was it going to be when he pushed Billy to file charges against him?

* * * *

Chase opened his eyes, blinking sleepily. He didn’t immediately recognise where he

was, yet he didn’t feel that jolt of fear he usually did when waking in a strange place. The

events of yesterday filtered through his mind and he thought he should try to get up but

didn’t, feeling uncharacteristically lazy. Instead, he lay there and watched the dust motes

floating in a strip of sunlight coming through a gap in the curtains. He even let his mind

wander into fanciful thoughts, making up little stories about what those motes might be and

spinning adventures for them in his head.

“It must be the drugs,” he grumbled when he realised what he’d been doing. Chase

rolled onto his back and carefully draped an arm over his eyes. Otherwise he didn’t trust

himself not to drift back into la-la land. If he kept that up, he’d soon be spouting poetry and

shit like that. That’d go so well with my tough guy image. Except, it wasn’t an image; Chase

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knew he was tough, and mean, and crazier than a shit-house rat at times. He could spout all

the poetry in the world and those things wouldn’t change.

A tap on the door had Chase removing his arm from his eyes and trying to sit up

unsuccessfully. The door opened and Josh came in, dressed in the most god-awful bright hot

pink scrubs with… Chase squinted and wondered if he had sleep in his eyes still, because

that sure as shit looked like penguins all over his scrubs.

“You like them, don’t you?” Josh crooned.

Chase blinked rapidly and penguins danced behind his lids every time he did, so he

gave up and looked at Josh’s face instead—or, he meant to, until he saw the mug of coffee in

Josh’s hand. As soon as he spotted it, the aroma reached his nostrils and Chase took a deep

breath. It was almost as good as drinking the stuff.

“Admit you like them and I’ll give you your coffee,” Josh said in that almost-singing

way he had.

Chase considered glaring, or just taking the coffee away from the guy, but he had to

admit, the whole hot pink thing suited Josh, and the penguins were…well, he’d never admit

it out loud, but they were kind of cute. He settled for, “I don’t hate ‘em, but I’d never wear


Josh snorted and set the coffee on the nightstand. “Like I’d let you!” He put a knee on

the mattress, then gestured at Chase. “Can you sit up, or do you need help?”

“I need help,” Chase admitted, only hesitating for a couple of seconds before

answering. He was surprised he was able to admit the truth, but something about this place,

these people here, made him feel things he didn’t want to examine too closely.

“All right, just…let’s do this.” Josh gave him a wicked smile, then straddled Chase’s

hips. Josh kept himself upright on his knees, but it still seemed erotic and wrong to Chase.

He was fairly certain Nick would strangle him if the surly guy walked in. “Here we go.” Josh

scooted up and hooked his arms around Chase.

Chase was too stunned, because now he was kind of pressed to Josh from stomach to

chest, and Josh’s groin was rubbing against Chase’s belly as Josh dragged him into an

upright position. There wasn’t anything sexual about it, but there could have been, and that

freaked Chase out just a little.

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Josh seemed completely unaware and unaffected as he settled a pillow behind Chase’s

back, then crawled off the bed. “That FBI agent called and asked if he could move your

interview until later this afternoon. Seems he’s got someone he’s close to who’s been hurt and

is in the hospital.” Josh shrugged and handed Chase the coffee. “I told him that was fine, and

that he could just interview you at the hospital since you have to go in for physical therapy

today at three.”

It really sucked that he’d just got out of the hospital and already had to go back for PT,

but considering the way he’d ached—still ached this morning—it was probably for the best.

Chase took a long, deep drink of coffee, closing his eyes and moaning softly as the rich

flavour hit his tongue. His skin prickled and he opened one eye to find Josh staring at him. A

pink flush tinted Josh’s cheeks and his mouth was parted slightly. He licked his lips, then

grinned as he chuckled softly.

“You make drinking coffee sound like a sexual experience. Looked kind of close to an

orgasm, too.”

Chase nearly sputtered, but that would have wasted the coffee and that wasn’t going to

happen. Instead he swallowed a big gulp, then gasped at the burn. “It’s like a mouthgasm,”

he finally rasped out, wondering if it was possible that he was blushing. His skin sure felt

warm all over.

“Well, at least you’re having some kind of ‘gasm’. That’s always a good thing.” Josh

winked and turned around, heading back towards the door. “I’m going to bring your

breakfast, then help you to the bathroom and get you dressed. Be right back.”

Chase closed his eyes and went back to sipping his coffee, letting himself enjoy it

without worrying about the way he looked when he did so.

* * * *

Xavier was in a foul mood by the time he got to the hospital. Guilt at having failed Billy

and Randy was eating at him, burning away at his insides like acid. He walked up to the

information desk and waited a good five minutes while the nurse there nailed him with a

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defiant look while she chatted away to someone about some soap opera. By the time she got

off the phone and deigned to speak to Xavier, he was almost ready to scream.

“Can I help you?” Rachel—as declared by her name tag—asked in a bored tone.

Xavier gave her his coldest look, which didn’t seem to faze her at all. “I’m here to pick

up Billy Burke.”

Rachel huffed and glanced down at something, tapping her finger on the desk. “Well,

he can’t go home yet, so you’ll have to wait.”

Xavier groaned internally. “The doctor said—”

“Yes, Dr Nichols had said Mr Burke could be released this morning, but there are

extenuating circumstances that have come up.”

Xavier’s first thought was of Billy’s health. He clutched the edge of the counter until his

bruised knuckles throbbed. “Has his condition changed? Is he—I need to see him!”

Rachel’s expression shifted and she actually looked like a compassionate person instead

of a bored, irritated nurse. “No, honey, nothing like that, so just calm down.” She gestured

for him to lean closer as she darted glances about the room. Xavier bent, expecting the worst

despite what she’d just said. “There’s an FBI agent here and he’s insisting Mr Burke be held

until he can finish up interviewing another patient.”

Xavier sagged with relief before irritation had him standing up and stiffening his spine.

It would have been nice if someone had told him that before he’d come over here. Maybe he

should make sure Liam knew that Xavier didn’t appreciate both his high-handedness or lack

of courtesy. “Thank you, Rachel. I’ll just go check on Mr Burke, then.”

Xavier stormed down the hallway only to be stopped short by a dark-haired male nurse

with piercing green eyes. The guy didn’t seem to have an ounce of fear in him as he stepped

in front of Xavier and slapped a hand to his chest.

“Where do you think you’re going?” the nurse demanded, giving Xavier a look that

might have caused a lesser man to back down.

Xavier merely shoved the hand off his chest and stepped around the guy. Except that

didn’t work, because the dark-haired man side-stepped as well, and soon Xavier found

himself doing that stupid side-to-side dance two people do when they are trying to get

around each other.

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The nurse grinned cheekily and held up his arms. “Want to do it the right way?”

Xavier nearly tripped over his own feet as he goggled at the man.

“What?” the nurse asked, his grin stretching wider as his green eyes sparkled with

amusement. “Am I supposed to be scared of the big, bad dummy?”

Xavier snarled at the man, which only made the nurse laugh as he patted Xavier’s chest.

“Whatever, dude. You don’t scare me—and you’re not getting past me, either, unless I think

you should. Personally, I think you’re a grumpy Gus and looking to tear into someone.

That’s not happening on my shift.”

Xavier knew he was gaping like an idiot, but this guy was so…so…he didn’t even know

how to describe him! But he was also right, so Xavier tried to pull himself together by taking

several deep breaths. He forced his irritation down and managed what he hoped was a smile.

“I just wanted to check on my friend, Billy, and on my brother, Randy. That’s all.”

The man’s green eyes rounded. “Ohhh.” He still didn’t take his hand from Xavier’s

chest, though. “So you’re the guy who beat the crap out of his brother for hurting the little

blond guy with the blue tips, right? Man, you have all the nurses drooling and a few of the

doctors, too. Well, I’m not drooling, I still think you’re an ass, but hey”—the nurse held out

his other hand—“good job on kicking your brother’s ass. Sounds like he needed it.”

Xavier sputtered, completely thrown off his game by this guy. “Who the fuck are you?”

he finally managed to ask.

The nurse chuckled. “I’m Josh, and I believe we have a couple of mutual friends, Adam

and Les?”

Maybe that would get him past this little guardian from hell. “Yes, we do. Xavier

Talbot,” he said as he held out his hand. Josh shook it then pulled him aside. Xavier was

almost afraid to find out what the man wanted. He was entirely too unpredictable in Xavier’s

opinion. And certainly too damned cheery.

“So, you own The Xxchange, right?” Josh’s question was asked in a friendly enough

tone, but his body language made it clear he was still on guard duty. “And the blond guy,

Billy, he works for you?”

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Xavier sighed and resigned himself to playing twenty questions, at least for a few

minutes until his patience ran out. He had a feeling that even then he wouldn’t get past this

terrier in…in…Xavier couldn’t help it, he laughed as he looked at the man’s scrubs.

“What are you laughing at?” Josh snapped, glaring fit to gut Xavier on the spot.

Xavier shook his head and tapped the smaller man on the chest, right on a particularly

happy looking penguin. “I just thought it’s a good thing Billy’s feeling rough, otherwise he’d

probably fight you over these, that’s all.”

Despite being shorter, Josh still managed somehow to look down his nose at Xavier as

he smoothed a hand down the front of his scrubs and knocked Xavier’s hand away. “Well,

obviously Billy has excellent taste, too.”

Xavier could only agree. Both Josh and Billy were those vibrant types of people who

could get away with stuff that made mere mortals look like idiots. This time when he smiled,

he didn’t have to work at it at all. “Indeed. He’s tried to help me out but I’m afraid I’m just a

pretty boring guy,” he said as he gestured at his faded Levi’s and dark green T-shirt.

Josh made a humming sound, but didn’t comment as he looked Xavier over. Finally he

crossed his arms over his chest and arched one eyebrow. “Now, are you going to tell me why

you were storming the hall like a bull chasing a red bandana?”

Xavier ran a hand through his hair as he considered his options. There only seemed to

be one. “Well, I had intended to take Billy home this morning, but when I got here the nurse

at the front desk informed me an FBI agent had requested that Billy be held until much later

this afternoon. Apparently the agent is meeting up with someone involved in the Rollins

case, here at the hospital. Why the hell he thinks that means Billy should stay here, I don’t

know, but I sure as hell mean to find out.”

“Hmmm.” Josh glanced over his shoulder, then turned back wearing a smirk. “That

would probably be the same FBI agent who was asleep with his head on Billy’s lap when I

came in this morning. I’m thinking Agent Stone plans on being the one to take Billy home.”

Xavier opened his mouth to argue then shut it abruptly . Billy was an adult and had the

right to make his own decisions, but for some reason it still hurt and Xavier wasn’t sure why.

Then it dawned on him like a wave washing over him. He’d taken care of Billy in most ways

for the past six-plus years, and while he might joke about pawning the kid off on someone

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else, he hadn’t really ever meant it. And he wasn’t sure how to handle it. It was like…Xavier

flinched. Fuck, it’s gotta be like having your kid grow up and leave home!

And it hurt, which Xavier totally had not been expecting.

Josh was looking at him with a mix of sympathy and curiosity in his green eyes, but

Xavier couldn’t talk about this new revelation. Xavier suddenly felt as old as Billy teased him

about being. He needed to get it through his head that Billy was an adult, and actually

believe it to be so. His shoulders drooped and he ached all over from fighting two nights in a

row, but that was a small twinge to the pain in his heart. Between Billy and Randy, Xavier

felt like one big walking bruise.

“Hey, it’s okay, you can go see him,” Josh murmured.

Xavier blinked at the man and wondered at the sudden change, but when Josh didn’t

offer an explanation, but just stepped aside, Xavier took advantage of the offer and scooted

past the nurse before he turned into a guard dog again.

His heart squeezed painfully when he saw Billy. He had been beaten, threatened and

scared for his life, yet when Xavier entered the room, Billy grinned despite his busted lips.

Billy’s eyes lit up and he just looked so happy to see him that Xavier wanted to weep. And he

was most definitely not the weepy sort.

The happy look Billy wore changed to a stubborn pout shortly thereafter when Xavier

brought up the painful but necessary subject of pressing charges against Randy. Billy

slumped back and stuck his swollen bottom lip out. “But I don’t want to press charges! And I

don’t need to be here! I just fainted.”

Xavier glared back at him and shook his head. “That bottom lip thing isn’t going to

work this time. Randy’s gone too far. He could have killed you. He needs help, and he needs

to be held accountable for his actions.” He leaned over and traced Billy’s bruised cheek.

“What if he does this to someone else, Billy? Could you live with yourself knowing you

might have been able to stop him? I know I can’t, not easily.”

Xavier took one of Billy’s hands in both of his and rubbed gently. “Look, whatever it is

you’re worried about, don’t be. Randy and I will either work this out or not, but whatever

happens there isn’t your fault. He’s an ass, but he’s still my brother. I don’t want him going

on like he has been; I want the man back he used to be. If it takes going to jail or whatever to

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get that, then so be it. It’s just one more thing I’ll have to be grateful to you for. Now”—

Xavier’s expression lightened and he grinned despite not really feeling up to it—“what’s this

about a tall, dark and handsome FBI agent taking you home?”

The rest of the visit left Xavier feeling a little melancholy. He couldn’t shake the thought

that Billy would be leaving, and Xavier would get to experience that syndrome—empty nest

syndrome. How bizarre was that? He walked down the hall while he contemplated it and

was almost picturing himself in high heels and pearls, waving goodbye to his ‘baby boy’

when a bright flash of colour down the hall to his right snagged his attention.

Xavier paused at the opening to the hallway, recognising Josh’s vibrant scrubs before he

actually noticed the man himself. The nurse didn’t look happy at all as he glared down at a

blond man in a wheelchair. Something about the blond’s posture sent a zing through Xavier.

There was a challenge in the way the man held himself, as if he didn’t have to answer to

anyone. Xavier’s dick liked the idea of proving otherwise. It had been a long time since he’d

been instantly attracted to someone like this. There was an internal pull towards him that

threatened to make Xavier walk over and beg the blond to let Xavier fuck him.

Which was, admittedly, a stupid thing for him to be thinking. For all he knew, the guy

wasn’t gay, and was as appealing visually as a mouldy turnip. Not that Xavier demanded his

lovers be perfect specimens of male beauty. He could usually find at least one attractive

aspect in anyone he played with—lush lips, a long thin nose—or even those sexy kinds with

the bump from being broken a time or two—a chiselled jaw or sharp cheekbones, wide eyes,

sexy eyes, or…

None of that thinking was helping to combat the erection now squeezed against his

thigh by his jeans. Xavier huffed quietly and untucked his shirt, hoping it was long enough

to cover the evidence of his arousal. He didn’t want to seem like a perv if he approached the


Josh’s strained voice and the low tones of the blond man’s replies had Xavier shutting

off his musings and hurrying towards the two men. Whatever was going on, Xavier just

couldn’t stay away. He nodded to Josh as the man glanced at him from the corner of his eye,

but even then Josh continued scolding the blond, something about tipping him out of his

wheelchair if he gave the physical therapist shit again.

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Oh yes, Xavier thought as he stepped up beside the wheelchair, admiring the profile of

the patient in it. Smooth, wide brow; large, slightly uptilted eyes; long straight nose with a

slight bump on the bridge and lips that would look sinfully delicious wrapped around

Xavier’s dick. Then there was the firm sharp jaw and the shadowed, stubbled cheek accented

by the sharp blade of cheek bone. The stubborn tilt of his chin alone was enough to set fire to

the ember of desire that had begun to stir when he’d first seen the man.

“…Don’t need to be in this fucking wheelchair!” the blond snarled in a low voice.

Xavier could almost see the anger rising off his body.

Josh stood up straight, then promptly bent back over and shoved his face right up to the

blond’s. “So help me, Chase Murphy, you’re going to stay in the wheelchair until I get you to

the car—which is protocol here since you almost passed out during your session. It’s not

some malicious plan to emasculate you!”

Apparently, Chase Murphy got the message, because he promptly snapped his mouth

shut. Xavier even heard the man’s teeth click together. For some reason, the outburst just

turned him on even more, and he wanted him—Chase Murphy—he wanted Chase’s

attention on him. Xavier stepped to Chase’s side but looked at Josh, not wanting to seem too

eager. Aware he might well devour Chase on the spot if he didn’t get himself under control.

“Is there a problem here, Josh?”

In his peripheral vision, Xavier saw Chase’s head whip around so fast he was surprised

it didn’t fly right off. “This isn’t your business,” Chase growled, and damn, if the sound

didn’t spread over Xavier’s cock like a velvet touch.

He casually tipped his head at Chase and got his first full look at him. How he managed

not to gasp or drool was beyond him, but somehow Xavier controlled the swell of lust that

flooded his veins. “Maybe not, but there’s no reason why I can’t make sure Josh doesn’t need

some help.”

Chase’s eyes were lit with a fury that made him appear dangerous, but it was the fear

buried in their depths that drew Xavier closer. That’s one aspect of Chase Murphy opened for

me—the man reacts with anger when he’s scared, and right now he’s very afraid, but of what?

Obviously not of Xavier.

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“I wouldn’t hurt Josh,” Chase grumbled, glaring so hard at Xavier he thought it had to

make Chase’s head ache. “I just do not need to be in this wheelchair.”

Xavier nodded even though Chase had looked away. “Maybe not, but Josh has to

follow the rules, right?”

All of the fight seemed to drain out of Chase as he slumped in the chair. “No, no of

course not. I’m being an asshole.” He looked at Josh and shook his head. “I’m sorry. I’ll

apologise to Terry at my next appointment.”

Josh squatted so that he was now looking up at Chase. “Look, Chase, PT can be really

tough, and Terry’s heard a lot worse than what you threw at him today. But you can’t get so

upset just because you have to struggle with some of the exercises. You’ll get there, I

promise, it just takes some work—and some patience.”

Chase turned a dark shade of red as he darted a glance at Xavier. As quick as it was,

Xavier still saw that fear there, as well as shame, and he decided that he would pursue Chase

unless he was straight—and Xavier didn’t think he was. His gaydar was pinging, especially

since Chase’s gaze bounced right back to Xavier’s groin. Now Xavier kind of regretted

untucking his shirt.

* * * *

Josh just had to blurt that shit out in front of the big sexy stud beside him. Chase

wanted to disappear, to get up and walk out and never look back. The only problem was, he

wasn’t sure his legs would hold him. Terry had stopped the physical therapy session because

Chase had almost passed out. The pain in his shoulder had exploded and streaked down his

spine to the backs of his knees and had set off a volley of sparks flaring in front of Chase’s

eyes. It’d been embarrassing—no, mortifying. Embarrassing was coming out of the bathroom

with a square of toilet paper hanging off the sole of your shoe. Mortifying was having a trail

of dirty toilet paper hanging out the back of your pants. He hadn’t been this weak or helpless

in a very long time, and it infuriated and scared him. Josh had been an easy target for Chase’s

temper, or at least Josh had appeared to be an easy target at first. In short order, Josh had

given Chase back his shitty attitude in heaps.

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He didn’t doubt Josh would roll him to the staircase and tip the damned chair over.

And Chase would deserve it, even though he’d apologised. He wondered if it had made him

appear weaker than he was, if a man like the huge one beside him would see an apology as a

weakness. A big guy like that, he’d leap on Chase and take advantage, wouldn’t he? Chase

always avoided men like him. He really needed the man to leave. He really didn’t want the

man to leave. He was a goddamned indecisive wreck.

“Xavier Talbot,” the man said, offering his hand.

Chase took it gingerly, careful of his shoulder. Xavier did nothing more than squeeze

his hand lightly, but it set Chase’s cock to full mast as he stared into Xavier’s cherry brown

eyes. Flecks of amber could be seen around the iris, reminding Chase of budding flames.

Fuck! Chase closed his eyes as his arousal increased, flooding his veins with a tingling

sensation. Fuckfuckfuck! The man was a threat, whether he knew it or not. Maybe not

physically, but certainly to a needy spot inside Chase that he always did his best to ignore.

Desperate to keep on ignoring it, Chase averted his gaze and found Josh smirking at him.

Before Chase could reel off something snarky, Josh’s attention shifted and he waved at

someone behind Chase.

“Adam, hey, thank God you’re here right on time!”

Adam’s laughter had a musical quality to it that somehow drew a little of the tension

from Chase’s body. He realised he was still holding Xavier’s hand and the tension returned

full force as he jerked his arm back. Pain shot down his shoulder and up his neck, but Chase

refused to make a sound. He didn’t want another scolding from Josh for one, but he really

didn’t want Xavier to see him as weak. Weaker, and I don’t want to think about why I give a shit

what this guy’s opinion of me is. Desperate for a distraction from Xavier’s penetrating gaze,

Chase tried to peer over his shoulder, only to stop when it hurt too much. He settled for

turning his head as far as he could without causing much discomfort, and trying to

concentrate on what Adam was saying.

“Punctuality should be my middle name. You know my mom, Josh, she wouldn’t

tolerate me being late for anything.” Chase heard Adam’s footsteps coming closer and was

surprised when he stopped several feet behind him. “Xavier, what brings you here?

Checking on Billy and…Randy?”

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Chase wondered about the hesitation before Adam said that latter name, but he’d have

to wait to ask. If he asked. He really shouldn’t. In fact, he should try to erase Xavier Talbot

completely from his mind. The last thing Chase needed now was to be attracted to anyone.

He just wasn’t in any shape to fuck, and that was all he’d want with the big, gorgeous man


“How’d the interview go with Agent Stone?” Adam asked, placing a hand on Chase’s

non-injured shoulder. “Did he have any information about your friend?”

Chase didn’t miss the way Xavier’s body tensed nor the way his eyes narrowed and

zoomed in on Chase’s. Now would be the perfect opportunity to dissuade Xavier’s interest in me,

because I can see he wants me almost as bad as I want him. All he had to do was add a little more

emphasis to James’ name, toss in a couple of words that implied James was more to him than

just his best friend. But looking in Xavier’s eyes, Chase found that he just couldn’t do it, not

to James, nor Xavier.

“No,” Chase admitted, the bereft feeling returning stronger than it did when he’d first

discovered the FBI was no closer to finding James than before. “His parents must be frantic.”

And blaming him, though the original idea of going after Mitch Rollins Jr had been James’

idea. Chase could have found a better way to nail the bastard. “I know how much I’m

worried about James, and he’s my best friend. It has to be even worse having your son go

missing.” Chase told himself he wasn’t trying to subtly slip the message to Xavier that he

was single, but his conscience called him a liar. Chase told his conscience to go fuck itself,

then tried to keep his mouth shut even as he stole a few peeks at Xavier. He absolutely was

not interested in the man beyond a quick and dirty fuck.

And if his conscience called him a liar one more time, he was going to reach inside his

head and pull that nagging voice out, then stomp on it until every last squeak and nag was

gone. Xavier’s gaze drilled into his, the interest there clear and pressing. Chase looked away,

keeping a mask of disinterest in place. “Can we go now? I need to rest.” He hated making

that admission, but if it would get him away from the tempting man beside him, then his

pride could take another hit.

“Sure. Sorry, let’s get you home.”

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Home. Adam’s words were laced with understanding, but that one word, home, scared

Chase almost as much as the instant attraction he felt for Xavier Talbot. Chase made certain

not to give the man so much as a glance as Adam wheeled him away. He didn’t acknowledge

Xavier’s gruff goodbye.

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Chapter Five

“Good morning Les,” Xavier said as he walked into the police department. Les looked

at him and shook his head. Xavier’s hope that Randy would see him this time plummeted. In

the weeks that Randy had been held awaiting trial, his brother refused to speak to Xavier.

Between the interviews with the attorneys and police officers, Xavier had hung on to the

belief that he could patch things up with Randy. That belief was rapidly giving way to the

reality that his brother truly hated him and wanted nothing to do with him.

“He still don’t want to see you,” Les said bluntly. “I can ask him again if you want,


“Please,” Xavier grumbled, rubbing at his chest. His brother’s rejection always hit him

like a physical pain. Les nodded, got up and headed off to the cells where the inmates

awaiting trial were held. Xavier debated once again whether or not he should post bail for

Randy—the man had once had more than enough money to do so himself, but he’d blown it

all on fast cars and men. But the truth was, he didn’t trust Randy not to run.

“Might be that you need to accept Randy doesn’t want to see you.”

Xavier looked up from the floor he hadn’t really been seeing as Les returned. As much

as he hated to admit it, he was afraid Les was right. If it were only that easy. It was just that

everything in his life seemed to be changing. Randy had turned into a man Xavier didn’t

know or like, and Billy was always off with Liam, and—and god damn it, Xavier was lonely

and didn’t know what to do about it. And Les was looking at him with that stoic expression,

the one that probably made criminals cringe. “Maybe,” Xavier admitted, and it burned his

throat to squeak even that out.

Les’ expression softened and he came closer. He laid a hand on Xavier’s shoulder and

drilled him with an intense look. “It isn’t your fault Randy turned out like he did. You didn’t

make him take drugs or assault Billy. Randy’s thirty-three years old, Xavier. More than old

enough to know right from wrong.”

“I know.” And he did, but that didn’t make the pain in his chest go away.

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“Go home,” Les said softly, squeezing his shoulder. Then Les shocked Xavier by

grinning, something Xavier rarely saw him do. “Or better yet, go talk to Adam. Charlene was

supposed to make some of her cookies, and those chocolate ones will about make anyone feel


Xavier nodded. Maybe that’s what he needed—someone to talk to, and Adam was a

pretty cool guy. Plus, he’d had some of Charlene’s cookies when Adam had brought them

into work a while back. There was no doubt Adam’s mom could back and possibly bring

about world peace with those cookies. “All right, I might just do that. Thanks, Les.”

“Yup.” Les thumped him on the back. “Go on then, and maybe think about giving

Randy time to consider what he’s done. Might be best to let him make the next step between


“I’ll think about it.” It wasn’t like Xavier was making any progress with his repeated

attempts to see Randy.

By the time he got home, Xavier was desperate for something to take his mind off his

troubles. The memory of angry hazel eyes flitted through his mind as they often had the past

few weeks. Chase Murphy had made an impression, but the way the man had completely

ignored him once Adam had arrived at the hospital had really stung. Xavier got the message.

Chase wasn’t interested. It was a waste of time to think about him, yet Xavier found himself

doing so anyway.

As usual, his dick perked up and Xavier groaned. That damn thing seemed to think

thoughts of Chase preceded a stroke session. Which, yeah, if Xavier was alone. Today,

though, he just didn’t have the energy to bother with beating off. Instead he walked

aimlessly around the house and then up the outside steps before he realised what he was


He was hovering, damn it. Xavier stood on the landing, his hand raised to knock on

Billy’s door. Not that he had a particularly good reason to knock, except, well, he was used to

checking on the kid. But there wasn’t any need for that now, Xavier realised as he let his

hand drop to his side. Billy had someone else to watch over him, someone to care about in

return, and Xavier needed to respect that and let Billy have his space. And Liam, can’t forget

about him. Billy and Liam seemed to have that connection, the kind where anyone who saw

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them could feel the attraction between them, whether those two were ready to admit it or

not. Xavier really did need to let him go.

A loud moan filtered through the door. Yeah, it definitely wasn’t the time for him to

come banging on the door. Xavier turned and jogged down the stairs before he could suffer

permanent scarring to his brain. There were just some things he didn’t need to hear or think

about, and Billy having sex was on the top of that list. Xavier definitely didn’t want to think

about what exactly was going on in there that made Billy moan like that.

Xavier jogged across the yard to his place where he stopped on the porch.

“Well, now what?” He looked around the yard. Everything was trimmed and weeded.

He shrugged and went inside, giving the place a good look. The house was spotless. He’d

never been particularly messy, but lately he’d become a total neat freak. Probably some

psychological reaction to the soon-to-be-empty nest.

His heart pinched in a way that had become all too familiar of late. It happened every

time he thought of Billy moving away. If this was what being a parent felt like, he wondered

why people did it—because it hurt. Even if he was proud of Billy, even if he did want what

was best for him—which wasn’t hanging around until Xavier keeled over—it just…hurt.

Fuck, he was such a wuss. Wouldn’t the people who thought they knew him be

surprised to discover his hard-ass attitude was all just a cover, at least where Billy was

concerned. Xavier knew he was, well, susceptible to being tender-hearted, for lack of a better

term, and that was one of the main reasons he kept people at a distance.

Except lately, other people had kind of been slipping through his hard shell. It was as if,

once he’d realised Billy was going to finally fly free, he’d been looking towards others to help

fill that void.

Xavier snorted at that idea. Obviously he should have taken some psych courses in

college. He kept going back to crap like that while trying to figure out what kind of

melancholy hell he was trapped in. He wandered through the house, trying to think of

something to do.

A glance at his watch told him it was barely ten in the morning, way too early to go to

the club. What would he do there anyway? He’d already scrubbed his office and redecorated

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it. The bar was stocked and so was everything else. He’d end up sitting at his desk feeling

sorry for himself, which was just pathetic.

He could…Xavier’s mind blanked. Obviously he needed to make more friends or find a

few hobbies. The problem with the first was, he’d taken care of Billy for years, and not

necessarily legally. Xavier had met Billy when the kid had propositioned him on a street

corner in Dallas one night. Billy had been fifteen, but he’d looked like he was twelve. Xavier’s

protective instincts had kicked in immediately, and though it’d taken a while to get Billy to

trust him and realise that no, Xavier hadn’t wanted to fuck him, they’d done all right.

Especially once they’d moved away from Dallas.

Once Billy had turned eighteen, Xavier had been able to relax a bit and quit worrying

about someone from Child Protective Services snatching Billy up and tossing him back into

another nightmarish foster home. But by then he’d already perfected the art of keeping

others at a distance, although that art seemed to be slipping now.

And really, he hadn’t had time for hobbies. He’d spent the last few years building up

the club, and even if it wasn’t quite what he’d envisioned when he’d first opened it—or

maybe it was, and he’d just matured enough to no longer find all the sex going on in the

place titillating—he was content with it. If not content, at least…resigned?

Xavier sighed and rubbed his forehead. What the hell was wrong with him? Could a

guy have a midlife crisis before he hit forty? Maybe he should Google it later, when he could

dredge up the energy to care. If this was a mid-life crisis, he couldn’t understand how a shiny

new sports car would make him feel any better. And he sure as hell didn’t want two twenty-

year-old twinks dangling from his arms. God, he hoped someone would shoot him before he

did anything like that!

“Quit being a pitiful pecker,” Xavier grumbled to himself. He was making himself sick

with all this internal whining. Yeesh. It was past time for this to stop. He needed to get out of

the house for a while, and he had friends. Les had even told him to stop in and see Adam—

and there might be cookies.

“Sounds like a plan.” Xavier’s new habit of talking to himself might mean he was crazy,

but sometimes he just needed to hear a voice, even his own. So it was probably a good idea

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that he get out for a while. He didn’t think Adam would mind if he just dropped by to say hi.

It had to beat sitting here being all…broody.

As it turned out, Xavier’s day got a whole lot more exciting within seconds of knocking

on Adam and Les’ door. He heard yelling—loud, angry and lots of curse words in a voice he

was pretty sure wasn’t Adam or Les’. Concerned about his friends, Xavier banged on the

door harder than he’d intended, rattling the thing on its hinges.

Then his day got very interesting as well as exciting. Before he’d even pulled his hand

back, the door was yanked open. A hard body slammed into his, knocking grunts from them

both. The man—and it was definitely a man—started to topple over and Xavier reached out

instinctively—and that’s how Xavier found himself with an armful of sexy, furious Chase


In the split second he flung his arms wrapped around Chase, Xavier became

immediately aware of two things. Firstly, the man’s scent was the most enticing he’d ever

smelt, some mix of aromas that wrapped right around Xavier’s cock, stroking it to fullness in

the space of one breath.

The second thing he noticed was how well the man fit in his arms, how perfect that

smaller, hard body felt against his. Xavier had a second’s hope his day and mood were fixing

to be improved when Chase shifted slightly and a sharp pain burst over Xavier’s side,

stealing his breath. Xavier jerked and loosened his hold on Chase, who stumbled back and

glared up at him as Xavier tried to keep his feet under him. His side ached like he’d been hit

with a sledge hammer and it dawned on him Chase had somehow managed to nail him hard

in the ribs.

“What the hell was that for?” Xavier rasped as he folded his arms protectively over his

middle. He glared down at the smaller man with almost as much anger as Chase glared at


“You startled me!” Chase finally snapped. “I open the door to leave and there’s a

fucking wall of muscle right there and how is that my fault? You shouldn’t be so…so big!”

Xavier’s anger morphed into something darker and much more enjoyable as he

watched Chase’s cheeks turn ruddy while he ranted. There was more gold in Chase’s green

eyes today, maybe because he wore a pale green shirt that pulled the other colour out?

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Despite being a blond, he had thick, sooty lashes that somehow managed not to make him

look any less masculine. The man just hit every one of Xavier’s switches.

Xavier cocked his head to the side and decided to tease Chase a little since he seemed so

tightly wound. “So, let me get this straight. It’s my fault you opened the door and ran out of

it—with your head turned aside, I’d like to point out—and barrelled into me.” Chase averted

his gaze, looking down as he ground his teeth, a tic flittering in his jaw. Xavier thought he

was the sexiest thing ever. “Then when I try to keep you from bouncing back onto your ass

and hurting yourself, that’s a bad thing and I get punched in the ribs for it. Do I have a clear

understanding of your rationale now?”

Chase gave a jerky nod but still didn’t meet Xavier’s eyes. Adam walked up behind

Chase and shook his head at Xavier, whatever that was supposed to mean. Maybe that he

should stop teasing Chase? Adam gave him a pleading look and Xavier sighed internally just

as Chase finally turned those beautiful eyes on him and spoke.

“I’m sorry, okay?” Chase glanced back at Adam. “You know I have to see James. I can’t

just sit here when he is still out there somewhere!”

What the hell is James to Chase? Xavier’s stomach burned like he’d sucked down some

drain cleaner. He could hear the worry in Chase’s voice, see it in his expression and the stiff

way he was holding himself.

Adam came closer and put a hand on Chase’s arm. “Just stop and think for a minute,

okay? You’ve been doing great in physical therapy, but your shoulder is still messed up. You

don’t have any money or transportation—”

Chase drooped for a second then stiffened his spine, which he turned towards Xavier.

“Christ, Adam, could you make me sound any more fucking pathetic?”

Adam blushed to the roots of his hair as he darted a glance at Xavier, then back on

Chase. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think—”

Xavier could only imagine how embarrassed Chase must be to have his personal

business bared in front of a stranger. Adam continued to apologise and try to coax Chase into

coming back into the living room. Xavier hovered in the doorway for a second, wondering if

he should leave. He didn’t want to intrude any further than he had. He might as well just go

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sit in his office and write out schedules or something. He’d end up changing them if he made

them up too far in advance, but it’d still give him something to do.

“Xavier, are you coming in?”

Xavier glanced at Chase and heat rushed through his body before centring in his groin.

Chase was watching him defiantly, as if daring Xavier to—to what? Stay? Leave? Xavier didn’t

know which but he did suddenly know which he’d prefer. He looked at Adam and wiggled

his eyebrows. “Did your mom make cookies?”

“Of course,” Adam snorted, like it was the dumbest question ever. “And if you want

some, you better get them quick before Les comes home for lunch. Otherwise, you are SOL,


Xavier couldn’t resist checking Chase’s reaction to the offer and was surprised to find

the man eyeing him hungrily, like he’d taste every bit as good as Charlene’s cookies.

Flattering, but he must not have tried the cookies yet or thoughts like that would never cross his mind.

Xavier came in, shutting the door after him. He considered the seating arrangements in

the living room and decided the couch looked the most comfortable. Of course that may have

had a lot to do with the sexy man sitting on it. He stopped in front of Chase and waited for

the man to look at him. Chase did, his pupils widening slightly and his breath shortening,

signs of arousal Xavier knew too well since he reacted the same way to Chase.

“Are you going to try to hit me if I sit beside you?” He couldn’t resist teasing, just a


But Chase trumped his teasing by offering a shy, sweet smile that stole into Xavier’s

heart. Chase uncrossed his arms and settled his hands on his thighs, all while staring at

Xavier. “Not unless you try to get fresh with me, then all bets are off.”

“‘Fresh’ with you?” Xavier asked while he settled onto the cushion beside Chase. “Does

anyone even say that anymore?” And why did this feel more like flirting than simple


Chase lowered his lashes and looked at Xavier through them, which had to be a major

flirt move. “I just did.” Then as fast as the flirtation had started, Chase pushed it aside. He

swept a hand through his hair and tipped his head back on the couch, looking up at the

ceiling. “And I’m sorry for being an asshole. I just—I have some things going on.” He

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snorted, then groaned and rolled his head away from Xavier. “Not like Adam didn’t make

that clear.”

Xavier barely heard the muttered words, but they struck him like hundreds of needles

piercing his skin. He ached to make Chase’s life better, no matter what it took. An unrealistic

desire considering I know virtually nothing about the man! Maybe this is my mid-life crisis after all.

Before Xavier could dwell on it, Adam came into the living room carrying a tray with a plate

piled high with cookies and three glasses of milk.

Xavier’s mouth watered with anticipation. Eyes on Adam and the tray of goodies, he

murmured, “Have you ever had Charlene’s cookies before?”

“Oh yeah,” Chase responded in a much friendlier voice. “They’re really good.”

Adam set the tray down on the coffee table and pointed at Chase. “And you’d have

missed them if you’d taken off.” He’d barely finished speaking when the house phone rang.

“Hang on, let me grab that—”

Xavier reached for a cookie while he mulled over what to say to Chase. He wanted to

tell him not to worry about the stuff Adam had blurted out, that it was who Chase was and

not what he had that made him worthwhile. It sounded trite. Chase would probably find it

offensive and Xavier wouldn’t blame him, because even if it was true, he understood how, as

a man, Chase’s ego and pride were tied directly into his wealth and success—or lack of both


“Chase, Agent Shearing is on the phone for you, returning your”—Adam hooked two

fingers in the air to form quotes—“‘numerous’ calls.”

Chase bolted up from the couch as if his ass was on fire. Adam handed him the phone,

then walked around him to sit in the spot he’d just vacated. Xavier checked to make sure

Chase was far enough out of earshot, then he leaned his head down close to Adam’s. “Tell

me about this James guy.”

Adam’s eyebrows winged up his forehead as he peered at Xavier. “He’s a friend of

Chase’s, and of Josh’s partner, Nick. James is the lawyer who helped take down Mitch

Rollins Jr. He’s been missing for a while now, and frankly, I’m worried he might be dead.”

Adam mouthed the last word, and Xavier was glad because Chase paced back into the room

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with the phone pressed to his ear. Pain dulled his pretty eyes and drew his lips into a thin

line. Whatever he was hearing, it wasn’t good.

* * * *

“Mr Murphy, I have six messages to return your call as soon as possible—”

Chase grunted. So he’d been a pest. Well, fuck it. No one had found James yet and

someone needed to stay on the asses of the people who were supposed to be looking for him.

“And your threats to come up and tear my door off its hinges? Not the smartest thing to

leave in a voicemail.” Shearing’s deep, rough voice remained emotionless, just as it had every

time Chase spoke to the agent in charge of the entire Rollins investigation.

“I meant it figuratively.” He hadn’t, but he didn’t see any reason to admit that.

“Sure you did,” Shearing said in that same tone. “But I thought, regardless of your

constant haranguing, I would let you know we did find James Stratton alive—”

Chase’s gasp made his throat ache, or it might have been the relief that flooded him.

“When?” he scraped out.

Shearing hesitated for a moment, and when he spoke there was real emotion in his

voice. “You have to understand that I couldn’t say anything sooner, not until I had

permission to do so.”

Chase gritted his teeth. So the FBI had found James some time ago. Was it days or


“You’re not related to him, either, so we weren’t obligated to tell you anything,”

Shearing pointed out. It was only his need to know where James was and how he was doing

that kept Chase from screaming, I don’t give a flying fuck about obligations and permission and

whatever bullshit excuse you have for not telling me sooner!

“Five days ago, James Stratton was found at what was thought to be an abandoned

mental health care facility. It wasn’t, though, not completely—abandoned, I mean,” Shearing


Chase’s skin chilled with a cold that soon sank into his bones. “There was a man there

who’d been—” Shearing cursed softly, something that only added to Chase’s fear that

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something very, very bad had happened to James. “He’d been, from what we can tell,

keeping James alive, but just barely. And…and hurting him, not just physically, but, you

know, really messing with his head. We found a mix of drugs in James’ blood, anti-

psychotics as well as tranquilisers.”

Chase’s own blood ran cold. Drugs like that could scramble someone’s brains

permanently. And how exactly had he been hurting James physically? Chase’s stomach tried

to crawl up his throat and empty out its contents. “Tell me that fucker is dead—or that he

isn’t, so I can kill him myself.” Chase would do it in a heartbeat.

“He’s dead,” Shearing said, snuffing out Chase’s budding plans for revenge. “He

stabbed my boss, got me pretty bad, which is why I haven’t returned your six days’ worth of

messages.” Shearing said this part in the same, unemotional voice, like it was no big deal, I

almost died but, eh. “Stephen Jones—that was his name—was dead shortly thereafter. A bullet

was more effective than Jones’ knife.”

The man was dead, and Chase didn’t care about him beyond that. “Where is James

now?” He hated the cool tone to his voice, the emotionless quality of it, but if he wasn’t very

careful, Chase was afraid he’d start sobbing like a baby. James, who’d never harmed another

living soul, who’d saved Chase when no one else would—James Stratton was the man Chase

looked up to, would have aspired to be if he wasn’t essentially a completely flawed and

fucked up person.

Shearing kept talking, unaware of Chase’s inner turmoil. “James is somewhere safe

right now, receiving the help he needs, both physically and mentally.”

Chase thought that over while he paced through the living room. For some reason he

needed just a glimpse of Xavier Talbot’s solid presence. Something about the man soothed

the wild, fearful part of Chase he struggled to hide. It was an odd reaction, but Chase needed

it right now. Only once he felt calmer did he leave the living room.

“I want to see him,” Chase said, making it clear it wasn’t a request.

“I’m sorry, I really don’t know where he is exactly. Probably not in Montana, I would

guess, since James’ parents have him somewhere where he is getting the best available care.”

“They would,” Chase mumbled, and he could damn sure Google likely places with that

tiny nugget of information. If he could just call James’ parents—but no, they wouldn’t piss on

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him if he was on fire. They surely blamed Chase for this, which he understood because he

blamed himself too. James might have got the ball rolling, but it’d been Chase’s plan to nail

Mitch Rollins Jr’s ass to the wall with proof of his assaults that couldn’t be refuted or ignored.

If Chase had found a subtler way, maybe James wouldn’t have paid the price for it.

Or Adam and Charlene. It didn’t matter that Rollins Sr had come after Chase, too; he

could handle it. But the other three, they were all as close to innocent as anyone Chase had

ever known. They weren’t made to handle life’s ugliest truths.

So maybe it was best that he remove himself from all of their lives, even James’. Chase

had been alone before, in fact he preferred it. Having all these people hovering over him the

past few weeks had nearly driven him bat-shit insane.

And he’d already brought too much trouble to too many lives, first with Rollins, then

with his behaviour today. Now that he’d had time to cool his temper down, he was more

than a little ashamed of how he’d acted towards Xavier and of the way he’d snarled at Adam.

Fuck, but he was a mess.

“Mr Murphy?”

Chase closed his eyes and tried to gather his thoughts. Everything was such a jumble,

and he had the most damnable urge to go to Xavier and just curl up on the man’s lap and beg

Xavier to hold him. That wasn’t like him at all. It must be some weird side effect of all the bad shit

that’s happened lately. There’s only so much anyone can take before they crack, and I don’t think I’m

far from being in that place at all.

“Mr Murphy? Are you still there?”

Chase opened his eyes and immediately moved to where he could see Xavier talking to

Adam. Xavier’s long black hair reflected the light in the room in places, and the man just

looked like a safe harbour to Chase. “Yes,” he muttered to Shearing, just as Xavier looked up

and locked gazes with him. The turmoil clattering about in Chase’s mind calmed. It was

eerie, the effect the man had on him.

“I am sorry I can’t tell you more, but Mr and Mrs Stratton are adamant that you not be

anywhere near their son.”

“Fuck them,” Chase growled. Xavier frowned, his dark eyes narrowing as he tensed so

quickly Chase couldn’t help but notice it. The man looked like he was going to get up and

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stalk Chase. The very idea of that made Chase shiver and shift his gaze away, only to find

Adam watching him closely.

“Please don’t do anything rash,” Shearing said. “I understand your frustration, but I

give you my word, I’ll keep you updated and as soon as James is released—”

“Thank you,” Chase muttered, then he hung up while Shearing was still talking. Chase

didn’t doubt Shearing knew where James was, he just wouldn’t tell Chase.

Adam stood and started walking towards him, sympathy in his eyes and voice when he

spoke. “Your physical therapy appointment is in twenty minutes. We need to go.”

Chase nodded, careful to keep from looking at Xavier. He wanted to, and therefore he

wouldn’t. He’d go to the physical therapy appointment and get chewed up one side and

down the other for fighting and probably making his shoulder injury worse. He’d sit through

the lecture, do the stupid exercises and then he’d leave—the hospital, these people, this town.

* * * *

Xavier thought about what he’d learned of Chase Murphy as he drove home. The man

was loyal to his friends, or his friend James, anyway, and despite having lost everything he

owned, Chase still had more pride and confidence than most men Xavier knew who’d

suffered less. Still, he couldn’t imagine how Chase felt, stuck in this town with a bunch of

people who were strangers trying to take care of him.

That Chase allowed it was surprising, although maybe it shouldn’t be since the man

likely had no other options. But Xavier would stake his club on the fact that Chase Murphy

wasn’t the type to be coddled, much less accept help. It probably made Chase feel that those

helping saw him as weak, damaged, something unacceptable to Chase.

A cruiser headed towards him when Xavier rounded a curve. He waved at Les as they

passed each other and made a mental note to thank him for the invite to his house, even if it

had been to visit with Adam. It was something Xavier hadn’t got to do much of but that was

fine. What had happened was much, much better.

Chase Murphy drew Xavier like no other man had before, and whether it was empty

nest syndrome or mid-life crisis or just plain good old-fashioned lust, Xavier wasn’t going to

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even try to resist it. He was going to have Chase. It wouldn’t be easy, but Xavier couldn’t

shake the feeling Chase would be worth it.

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Chapter Six

Oh fuck! Dirty pool! Chase’s scowl dropped away the instant he stepped out of the

physical therapy room and saw who his ride was. He might be nuts, but he wasn’t stupid.

No way would he risk having Charlene think he was scowling at her. That woman was

deceptively powerful, able to level a man with a look. Chase was too damned sore to drop to

his knees in supplication should he piss her off.

Although she probably was already pissed at him, after the way he’d acted this

morning. But, he was paying for it now. Bouncing off Xavier’s mountainous body had set

Chase’s shoulder to throbbing.

Chase shuffled his feet, resting his weight on first his right hip then his left. The

movement was enough to draw Charlene’s attention from the gossip magazine she’d been

glancing at.

Chase braced himself, prepared to be the recipient of one of those ball-shrivelling looks,

but Charlene gave him a sweet smile instead. He nearly sagged against the door in relief

before his suspicious nature kicked in. Maybe she was just waiting to get him back to the

house, away from witnesses…

“How’d your session go?” Charlene’s eyes narrowed as Chase swallowed nervously.

“Let me guess, you hurt it again when you ran into Xavier Talbot.”

Uh oh, so she’s heard all about it. Now she’ll probably tear me a new one for trying to leave in

the first place. Chase hadn’t been around Charlene much, and he wasn’t quite sure what to

make of her, although he figured she must have been a great mom because Adam had turned

out to be a decent guy.

Charlene didn’t look angry, though. She gave Chase a smile that sunk into him and

unknotted the worry balled in his chest as she walked right up to him, repeating her

question. “So how did it go today?”

As far as Chase was concerned, it wasn’t going fast enough. Terry insisted Chase work

at a pace that had him chomping at the bit. Logically he understood the need to go slow and

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rebuild his strength up in his injured shoulder, but emotionally he just wanted to be whole

again. Not that he was going to say any of that to anyone else.

“Good. I’m a little sore, but that’s normal.”

Charlene held her elbow out and after a moment’s confusion Chase realised what she

expected of him. He hooked his arm through hers. Charlene beamed at him and patted his

hand gently. “You’re a good young man,” she all but cooed at him.

Chase looked at her in surprise. How’d he get a woman attached to him like that?

Usually he skittered away from any touch that wasn’t going to lead to sex, unless it was a

handshake to firm up a job or Terry the sadistic physical therapist poking at him to

rehabilitate his shoulder.

But he’d wanted Xavier’s touch, had replayed the moment when he’d collided against

the man’s solid strength repeatedly in his mind each time he felt like giving up on his PT.

Chase would never be as big as Xavier, but he inspired Chase to get back to where he’d been

before Rollins Sr had rained down hell on him.

“I heard about your friend being found. You must be relieved. Were you planning on

finishing out your physical therapy before you head back to Montana, or where James is?”

Chase wanted to find James and make sure he was going to be okay, but he was trying

to be realistic. He didn’t have any money or way to travel, and while he intended to start

researching clinics, it would probably take time to weed through the ones that would be

good enough for Mr and Mrs Stratton. “I think it’s best that I get a little stronger first.” And if

he happened to run into Xavier again, that would be a bonus. He wasn’t hanging around just

for another opportunity to see the man. He wasn’t.

Charlene waited until they’d stepped outside, the warm Texas sun sucking the chill

right out of Chase. “Do you want to go back to the bunkhouse? Or would you rather come

back to our place? I did fix lunch, but no pressure, okay?”

Chase barely bit back a snort. No pressure. Right. Like I could tell this woman no. “Lunch

would be great.”

It dawned on Chase she was treating him like a frightened colt, or some other scared



Charlene kept her voice low and soothing. She rubbed his hand softly as if to infuse

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him with some of her peace, because Charlene did seem like one of those rare people who

were at peace with themselves.

He glanced at her, wondering if she’d always been that way. Charlene grinned at him

and a slightly wicked look made her eyes sparkle. “I also heard you met Xavier Talbot,

Adam’s former boss. He owns The Xxchange, you know. Isn’t he just gorgeous?” Charlene

fluttered her lashes and fanned herself with her free hand. “My, there’s a lot of good-looking

men here in Texas, don’t you think?”

Chase thought there might be a trap in the question but he couldn’t see it. Besides, it

wasn’t like he’d be lying if he agreed. “That there are, Charlene.”

Charlene hummed and gently pulled him closer to her side. “And you know, you fit

right in.”

And Chase, who couldn’t remember the last time he’d blushed, felt his skin heat from

the top of his head clear down to his toes.

* * * *

Chase looked down at the sloppily-braided leather strips in his hands. The black and

turquoise beads he’d slid onto the thin lengths didn’t look right. They bulged out, not

blending into the smooth row he’d imagined when he’d first sat down to put the bracelet


“No wonder,” he muttered. His mind had been a jumble of confused thoughts all

morning, which obviously wasn’t conducive to the new hobby Max had encouraged him to

take up. Originally, he’d fully intended to be gone by now, screwed up shoulder or not, but

between Charlene and the rest of the crew that had been thrust into his life, somehow he’d

found himself staying, at least for a little longer. He’d have thought, weeks ago, that as soon

as James was found he’d be knocking the dust from this town off his heels, yet here he was.

At least he knew James was getting the best care possible. His parents wouldn’t settle for

anything less, so it wasn’t as hard to hang around a while longer.

It was weird, in a way. He had friends now, as in plural. He and James had been friends

for years, but other than him Chase hadn’t bothered letting anyone else close. He’d have

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thought it would have been oppressive; having to worry about other people, but with Adam,

Les, Max, Bo, Rory and Chance and—well the list of new friends was extensive, at least in his

opinion. And, Chase didn’t feel quite as stifled, or—and this was the one thing that unsettled

him if he gave it too much thought—he didn’t feel as much like an outsider in their happy

little world. When had something shifted inside himself, something that let people past his

walls? Chase wasn’t sure. All he knew was the urge to run had receded, at least for now.

And it most definitely didn’t have anything to do with a certain velvet-voiced man.

Chase snorted at that. He wasn’t the sort to get hung up on a man, but the truth was, he

hadn’t been able to push Xavier from his thoughts for more than a few minutes at a time.

Maybe, he mused, he should just fuck the man and get over it.

Although, there might be a problem with that. Xavier, with that soothing voice and

calming touch, didn’t seem like a man who bottomed. With his presence, the way he carried

himself and didn’t seem to let anything rattle him—or at least not a bitchy blond—Chase

couldn’t help but think Xavier was likely a top. Maybe Chase had it wrong and the man

would bend over for him in a heartbeat, but he didn’t think so.

No matter how much his stomach fluttered at the thought, or the way his cock started

firming up, Chase didn’t bottom. So, problem. He narrowed his eyes, the awful bracelet

blurring as he tried to work that little problem through. Mutual hand jobs, maybe? No, he

could beat off himself, and yeah, it was definitely a different experience when another man

was doing it for you, different when your hand was closed around another man’s dick, but

that wouldn’t be enough.

Blowjobs, then. That might work, or…or…Chase closed his eyes and pulled up an

image of Xavier. For some reason he’d had trouble bringing the man into focus. It always

seemed his eyes, mouth or hands became the whole of the picture of the man. But if we picked

up a third…

An unreasonable burst of anger speared through him as he tried to imagine sharing

some cute little twink with Xavier. Every time one of those big, rough hands stroked over the

imaginary twink’s pale soft skin, Chase wanted to hit something. Preferably the twink.

Fuck, he was going to drive himself out of what was left of his mind at this rate! Chase

opened his eyes as the pinging sound of beads bouncing on the floor reached his ears.

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“Damn it all!” He tossed the unravelled leather on the couch and bent over, trying to capture

the rolling beads.

Footsteps sounded on the porch, followed by the squeak of the screen door—something

Josh said they all refused to fix as it acted as an early warning system in case someone was

getting down and dirty in the living room, which happened somewhat regularly here in the

bunkhouse. Chase muttered another curse word as his fingers closed around a shiny bead.

He sat up too fast, his head spinning from it as Max came around the front of the couch and

knelt down.

“Hate it when this happens,” Max said, scooping up a couple of beads. “Always makes

me want to throw the whole damn thing against the wall.”

Chase snorted at that. Max was about the most laid-back man he’d ever met. “That ever

actually happen?”

Max set the beads on the coffee table, steadying them with his hand until he was sure

they weren’t going to roll off. “Once or twice. I get irritated sometimes, believe it or not.” He

gave Chase a self-deprecating smile that Chase found himself answering with one of his

own. “Thing about being so easy-going, every now and then things build up and kinda just

spew out, you know?”

Chase didn’t know about the easy-going part—he didn’t think that term had ever

applied to him—but he definitely knew about the other. “Yeah, I guess. Sometimes I just…”

Shocked at himself and his loose lips, he averted his gaze. He didn’t confide in people, except

maybe James. What was he doing, letting his mouth run away with him now?

Max didn’t push, though. He gathered up a few more beads that were out of Chase’s

reach then stood, his knees popping loudly. Chase winced in sympathy, something else

mostly alien to him, but damn, that had sounded painful!

After setting the other beads down, Max rubbed at his knees. Chase finally looked the

man in the eyes again and was grateful when Max seemed like he was going to ignore

Chase’s unfinished confession.

“Getting old,” Max said, but he didn’t sound particularly upset about it. “Ain’t as easy

getting down on my knees as it—” He broke off suddenly, his swarthy complexion going

darker at the cheeks.

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Chase tried not to laugh, knowing Max’s mind had tumbled into the gutter right

alongside his. A snicker slipped out regardless, and the blush on Max’s cheeks deepened

even as the man grinned.

“Oh now, you know what I mean!”

Chase nodded, then startled them both with a noisy laugh. He slapped a hand over his

mouth; he couldn’t remember the last time he’d really laughed like that. He might have been

too stunned to make another sound, but Max started laughing, and before Chase knew what

was what, the two of them were sprawled on the couch, holding their sides until their

laughter faded to snickering.

It felt good to let go like that, too good to worry about anything just now. Chase sighed

and leaned his head back, rolling his neck so he could look at Max. Amazing how much

younger Max looked when he was really relaxed. Chase realised Max had the same look

about him when Bo was around, which was…well, he’d like to think it was sickeningly sweet

and not something he’d ever want, but he’d never been willing to lie to himself. So he

acknowledged the strange, warm pull inside him as something along the lines of envy,

maybe, but still told himself a relationship wasn’t for him.

Even if he ever did commit to one man, he’d never be the warm fuzzy type of guy like

these other men he’d met here. And why, why was he even thinking about it as if it would

ever happen? And even worse, when he closed his eyes, there were those eyes again, the

sound of that voice, flashes of those hands—

Oh no. No no no no. Not happening! What the fuck is wrong with me?

The couch shifting had Chase opening his eyes. Max stood and rubbed at his belly as

his lips curled up on one side. “Crap. I came in here ‘cause it’s my turn to make lunch.

Supposed to feed Chance and Rory, too, since Bo invited them over—when it was my turn to

cook, of course.” Max rolled his eyes, but he didn’t look bent out of shape about it. He tipped

his head towards the kitchen. “You wanna help?”

Chase didn’t have a lick of cooking skills. He wasn’t particularly interested in learning

any, either, and yet he nodded and began to push up off the couch. “Yeah, I guess I could do


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* * * *

Later that evening, as he sat in the living room once again working on the bracelet,

which looked a hell of a lot better this time around, Chase covertly watched the other

couples. The living room was more crowded than usual since Chance and Rory had come

back over after dinner to watch the latest action movie starring Vin Diesel. That right there

shot Chase’s concentration to hell at first, because the actor’s voice was entirely too

reminiscent of a certain other man’s, but Chase had found a shred of self-control and

managed to start putting the bracelet back together.

But slowly, he’d started noticing little things. The way Rory rested his head on Chance’s

broad shoulder, for instance. He didn’t seem the least bit self-conscious about it, and he made

this…this purring sound when Chance brought his hand up to bury his fingers in Rory’s

curly blond hair.

Then he’d sneaked a peek at Max and Bo. Those two were settled on the couch, same as

Chance and Rory, except Bo was more like leaning against Max. Their hands were entwined,

and Max’s thumb rubbed over the back of Bo’s hand in a slow way that seemed sensuous to

Chase. He’d never thought something like that could be a turn on, but ever since his literal

run-in with Xavier, Chase had developed a new appreciation for the way a body could be

touched. In the past, he’d preferred to get right to it, grab the good parts until everybody

came in a sweaty noisy heap.

Now he wondered what he might be missing. Thoughts like that ought to have pissed

him off, but he couldn’t dredge up the energy for it for some reason. Maybe because there

were three happy couples in various shades of cuddling in the room.

He lowered his lids and looked over at Nick and Josh in the big recliner. Well, okay, that

might be more than cuddling. It was hard to tell with the way Josh was sprawled in Nick’s lap,

but Chase thought there might be something more interesting going on there. One of Josh’s

arms was pinned between his body and Nick’s chest. There was a slight but steady

movement, as if Josh was stroking something, and Chase had a damned good idea what it

was, especially when Nick’s eyes closed and a soft sound escaped from his lips.

“Maybe y’all should go on to bed.”

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Chase jumped nearly as much as Nick and Josh did at Chance’s rumbled words. He

barely managed to keep from dropping the damned bracelet, quickly setting it beside him

before he ended up chasing beads all over the place.

“Sounds like a great idea,” Nick said a little breathlessly as he shifted Josh off his lap.

He gestured to his shirt, the last few buttons undone so the dark patch of hair on his stomach

was exposed. “All Josh was doing was rubbing my belly and about made me embarrass


Chase zeroed in on the man’s groin. Everything was buttoned up and zipped in that

area. He’d have sworn from the blissful look that had been on Nick’s face that there’d been

more going on, that Josh had at least been fondling his dick—

Nick stood and promptly lifted Josh, putting the smaller man over his shoulder and

clamping one hand to Josh’s pert ass. “See y’all in the morning.”

Chase muttered something he hoped made sense. He was a little distracted by the

obvious bulge in Nick’s jeans and by the way Josh was rubbing his face against Nick’s lower

back. He wasn’t surprised when the other men started clearing out for the night.

He darted a glance at the TV to see the credits rolling across the screen. Chase couldn’t

have told anyone what that he’d just watched if his life depended on it at that point. Things

blew up and sexy shirtless men appeared, that was about all he recalled of the movie.

The ringing of his cell saved him from having to think about the emotions that were

churning in him. Chase shifted to one hip and pulled the phone from his front pocket. A

glance at the screen had him frowning. What the hell was Agent Liam Stone calling him for?

Only one way to find out, dipshit.

Chase stood and answered the call, moving off to the kitchen as he did so. “What do

you want?” he asked right off the bat, careful to try to keep his tone neutral even if his words

were a bit defensive.

“I wondered if it was too late to come over and talk to you for a few minutes,” Liam


Chase glanced at the clock. It wasn’t too late, but he had a feeling the bunkhouse was

going to be rather noisy pretty soon, even if the other men tried to keep it down. Liam must

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have taken his hesitation for a refusal, because he began talking again, almost running his

words together.

“Look, I just wanted to tell you, I’m sorry I couldn’t let you know James had been


“You did promise to keep me informed of the investigation into his disappearance,”

Chase pointed out without the slightest bit of guilt. His anger at being left out was tempered

a little by the knowledge that James was alive, but he still wanted to know where his friend

was. He heard Liam suck in a sharp breath before he spoke again.

“I asked Shearing to see if he could find out where James was receiving treatment—”

“He damn well knows where James is at,” Chase snapped. So much for not being very


“He does, and I’d really rather have this conversation face to face.”

“Come over.” Chase’s heart thudded heavily. His fingers felt tingly as adrenalin

coursed through his veins. “We can talk on the porch. How long until you get here?”

“Um.” Chase heard other voices in the background, and one of them, a deep, silky

rumble, shot straight to his balls and set off fluttering in a part that certainly wasn’t his heart.

“It won’t be just me, I don’t want to leave Billy here, and I kind of promised Xavier—”

Chase didn’t hear the rest of that sentence, because he was too busy hearing the blood

pound in his ears as it rushed down to his cock, apparently abandoning his brain entirely. He

grunted something when Liam said they were on their way, then shoved the phone in his

pocket. How long he stood there, he wasn’t sure, but the hand that landed on his shoulder

startled him enough that he spun around and lashed out before he thought about it.

“Yipes!” Bo shouted as he skipped backwards, smacking into the counter top. He had

his hands up in front of him, palms out as if in surrender.

“It’s just me! Shit! I’m sorry!”

Bo looked on the verge of panic, and Chase immediately felt ashamed. He knew Bo had

been beaten severely a while back, and here Chase was snarling and lunging before he

fucking thought!

“It’s okay, I shouldn’t have startled you,” Bo said, looking a lot less scared as he took a

tentative step towards Chase. “I did call your name a couple of times, guess I should have

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realised when you didn’t answer that your mind was elsewhere. Sometimes I just don’t


Chase’s shoulders slumped as he shook his head. “You shouldn’t have to think about

whether or not it’s safe to approach me. It’s fucked up that you do, though. I’m sorry.” He

didn’t know if he could change that, or if he should bother trying since he intended to leave

here when his therapy was done. No sense ditching the survival skills that had kept him

alive so far. He’d just have to be more attentive, because he didn’t want to hurt Bo or anyone

else here.

Bo’s steps were more assured as he closed the distance between them and laid a hand

on Chase’s biceps. “Nah, it’s not fucked up. Don’t beat yourself up over it. It was an accident

on your part and a heavy dose of not thinking on my part. Stuff like that happens.”

“Yeah, but stuff like that on my part could end up with someone else dead,” Chase

muttered before he could censor himself. He blanched as he started to step back, afraid Bo

would think he was threatening him. Bo’s hand tightened for a second on Chase’s arm, then

he patted it once and slid his hand down to brush his fingertips over the back of Chase’s

hand. There was nothing sexual about the touch—it was comfort, something Chase was

slowly learning to accept from a few people, in small increments.

“You wouldn’t have hurt me,” Bo assured him, linking their hands together briefly.

“You stopped almost before you even started. It was me that freaked out a bit, but we all

have stuff to deal with, don’t we?” He squeezed Chase’s hand then let it go. “You expecting

someone? Think I hear an engine—”

Bo started to walk past him. Chase dared to touch the man’s shoulder. Bo blinked at

him owlishly, obviously surprised by Chase’s action.

“I am,” Chase explained, even as he pulled his hand back. “Liam, the FBI agent, called

and said he had some information for me. Uh, and he’s bringing a couple of people…”

Bo’s eyes narrowed and he planted his fist on his narrow hips. “Why is he bringing

people with him? Do you want me and Max to wait with you?”

Chase felt an odd pressure in his chest that he suspected was gratitude at the concern

evident in Bo’s voice and expression. And, he knew, at being given a choice. Even so, he

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shook his head. “No, I appreciate it, but it isn’t anything like that, just Liam’s boyfriend and

another guy.”

Bo studied him for a moment, then the corners of his lips twitched. “Can I ask who this

other guy is?”

That burning at his cheeks was not a blush, Chase told himself. He didn’t blush, hadn’t

since he’d been a young kid, damn it, except for when he was around Charlene. The sound of

the approaching vehicle grew louder. Chase glanced towards the screen door, watching as

headlights appeared then shut off.

“You want me to go?” Bo asked quietly as truck doors slammed shut. “I’ll just go.”

Chase could hear the curiosity in the man’s voice, and reached out to stop Bo when he

started to head off. “It’s okay, I guess, if you want to meet them. Max too, I guess.” He wasn’t

sure why he made the offer, but was glad he did when Bo gifted him with a huge smile

before darting down the hallway towards the bedroom he shared with Max. Chase moved

into the dark living room. The motion sensor lights outside made it easy for him to see what

was going on out front.

The trio of visitors were huddled beside the vehicle, and Bo thought he could hear the

low tones of Xavier’s voice for a second before the three men turned and walked towards the

porch. They were just rough shapes in the dark until the light from the porch reached them.

Then Chase sucked in a sharp breath. Xavier’s eyes found his in an instant, and Chase’s body

reacted, hot and cold fluctuating throughout him under that intense stare. He didn’t even

glance at Liam or Billy, and likely wouldn’t have been able to move from where he seemed to

be rooted if Max and Bo hadn’t come up behind him.

“Want me to let ‘em in?” Max asked.

Chase shook his head, the spell binding him in place broken. “Nah, I got it.” He


a neutral expression in place, determined not to let Xavier get to him. Then Chase walked

over and opened the door.

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Chapter Seven

Seeing Chase had made Xavier glad he’d left Troy in charge of the club. Xavier’s day

had sucked, with Randy not only having refused to see him once again, but also attacking a

guard and hurting him bad enough that Randy was now facing even more serious charges.

Xavier had wanted to just lie in bed and drink himself unconscious, even if it left him feeling

like shit tomorrow. Then Billy had come over and Liam too, and he must have sounded

pretty pathetic when he’d told them about Randy because, well, here he was, having been

invited to tag along. And he was so glad he had.

His gaze found Chase’s in an instant, and god damn, the man looked good. With the

way the porch light spilled into the doorway, Xavier didn’t miss the challenge in those

brilliant eyes as he walked past Chase.

What the challenge was, exactly, he wasn’t sure, but he liked to think it had to do with

the current of desire that pulled taut between them. Xavier didn’t doubt the arousal he felt

for him was reciprocated, but if that look had been in response to it, he was going to have to

fight tooth and nail just to have a chance with Chase.

Since Xavier was the last to enter, he paused, turning to face Chase once he had let the

screen door close. He was aware of a light coming on behind him by the way Chase’s

features became easier to see, even with his back to the porch light. He could hear two

unfamiliar voices joining Liam and Billy’s, but Xavier wasn’t the slightest bit curious, not

when Chase stopped up short, his eyes widening then narrowing to glittering slits. Not when

his indrawn breath brought with it the subtle scent of Chase—a mix of soap and mild sweat,

a hint of something he couldn’t name that he put down to belonging solely to the blond

before him. And not when that same man went rigid, his full lips thinning and turning down

at the edges.

That wasn’t the reaction Xavier wanted from Chase, not at all. Despite what he

suspected were the man’s best efforts, Xavier still could detect the flicker of fear in Chase’s


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Making certain to keep his own body relaxed, Xavier took a step back and held out his

hand. “How’ve you been doing, Chase?” For a moment, Chase only stared at him. Xavier

was just about to drop his hand when Chase finally took it and gave it what had to be the

world’s quickest handshake. Even so, Xavier’s skin tingled and he’d swear little currents of

lust-fuelled electricity skipped up his arm.

“Good, I guess,” Chase said in a voice that sent more of those little currents shooting all

through Xavier’s body. His fingers itched to feel the sparsely stubbled jaw; to gently cup it

and tip Chase’s head back, see if those frowning lips would feel as soft and taste as sweet as

Xavier thought they would.

And he’d be an utter fool to act on the need rolling through him like a warm wave.

Xavier knew it without a doubt, yet turning away from Chase and walking towards the other

men was one of the most difficult things Xavier had ever done.

* * * *

Once everyone was settled in the living room, Chase looked at Liam expectantly. The

introductions had all been made, finally. Chase had been distracted for a few seconds, first

by Xavier Talbot, then by the rather springy blond with the cute smile and obviously

misguided affection for a certain FBI agent. Chase wasn’t inclined to like the blond kid; he

seemed entirely too familiar with Xavier. Billy didn’t hesitate to touch Xavier, or smile at him

and bat his thick lashes—and Liam sure didn’t seem jealous.

Not that Chase would know anything at all about that stupid-ass emotion. Jealousy was

petty, a sign of insecurity in a person—he grimaced when, from the corner of his eye, he saw

Billy reach over and pat Xavier’s knee. The urge to snarl at the two men startled Chase into

shaking his head. What the hell was wrong with him now? It wasn’t any of his business if

Xavier, Billy and Liam had something going on. And surely there was another reason for the

flash-fire of anger that seared him from the inside out—

“First off, I want to apologise again for not being honest with you.”

Chase blinked at Liam, wondering if the man had been speaking all along or had only

just started. Liam didn’t seem to catch on to Chase’s confusion.

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“I know James means a lot to you. I know you’ve been trying to find him for weeks.”

Liam paused, and for the life of him, Chase couldn’t figure out if it was because he was

supposed to say something or not. He settled on arching a brow. Liam cleared his throat and


“Well, I didn’t know where he was, but I kept nagging my boss, and I think I can get

something from him…”

Everything else slipped away as Chase focused on Liam, listening as the man spoke

about the private care facility James’ parents had him in. Of course it would be somewhere

all the way across the damn country, in some little town in Pennsylvania Chase had never

heard of. Then Liam asked if Chase wanted to know about James’ weeks held captive.

Chase looked at the other men in the room. It seemed wrong to have them here if Liam

was going to be discussing James. None of the others knew James, and he’d always been a

private man. He wouldn’t like them knowing what had happened, even if James never met

them. And Chase could sympathise; he hated all these people knowing what a mess he was.

Especially Xavier, he thought as he looked at the man. The idea of Xavier seeing him like

this—a damaged, fucked up man—shredded a chink of Chase’s already dwindled

confidence. He turned back to Liam. “I need to know, but I’d prefer to hear it alone.”

As the other four men stood and filed from the room, Chase couldn’t keep from darting

a glance at Xavier. He wasn’t surprised to find the dark-eyed man watching him. He was

surprised, and pissed as well, though, to find he wanted Xavier to stay, which wasn’t going

to happen. Chase slammed the lid on that thought, and faced Liam.

“It’s okay, you know, to need someone,” Liam began.

Chase snarled at the man. “Don’t fucking start. What happened to James isn’t any of

their business. Just like what I do or don’t need isn’t any of yours.”

Liam looked like he wanted to argue, but he only nodded. “All right, you’re right, of

course. I understand, I just…” Liam sighed and waved a hand in the air. “Well, never mind.”

Then he started talking, and Chase wished he wasn’t so alone.

* * * *

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“You like him.”

Xavier glared at Billy, but couldn’t hold it, not when Billy looked so happy. Max and Bo

didn’t seem to share Billy’s joy.

“Who is it you like, Xavier?”

Xavier thought about ignoring Bo’s question, but couldn’t see the point. It would just

piss the guy off, and Max, too, and Xavier didn’t want to alienate whatever friends Chase

might have. He shrugged. “I think you know.”

Bo narrowed his eyes. Max gave Xavier a long look. “You own that club, the one where

people screw on the dance floor or wherever.”

“It’s not like Xav is having them do it,” Billy snapped, rounding on Max. “If he runs

them off, he’d have to close the club. He’s not the damned morality police.”

“Whoa there,” Max said. “I didn’t mean anything bad by it, just couldn’t remember the

name. Think I blocked it since the one time I went there about scared the life out of me.”

Xavier couldn’t keep from grinning at that. Max didn’t seem like the kind of man who’d

visit The Xxchange. “Bet there’s an interesting story there.”

“Not really,” Max told him, his Texas drawl thickening. “You trying to change the

subject on me?”

Xavier wasn’t fooled by Max’s laid-back tone or his relaxed posture. The man was sharp

as a tack and anyone who couldn’t see the intelligence in Max’s eyes was sorely lacking

themselves. “No,” Xavier assured, “I didn’t mean to derail your question. I just don’t think

it’s necessarily your business, or Bo’s, or Billy’s—”

Billy rocked up onto his toes at that. “Hey! It is too my business! How can you say it

isn’t? We’re family!”

Shit, he wasn’t thinking clearly, and certainly not before he spoke, but Xavier’s attention

was divided on what was happening here and what was going on in the house. He wished to

high heaven he could be in there, holding Chase in his arms, but that wasn’t an excuse for

shoving his whole foot in his mouth and hurting Billy.

Xavier pulled Billy to him for a hug, rubbing Billy’s upper back. “I’m sorry, that was a

stupid thing to say, and completely wrong of me to include you. I’m an ass.”

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Billy muttered an agreement, but he didn’t seem to be angry or hurt. He hugged Xavier

tight enough to be uncomfortable, then took a step back, a knowing grin on his face.

“It’s because your mind is elsewhere, right?” Billy winked and tipped his chin towards

the living room, not the least bit subtly.

This time Xavier didn’t bother protesting. He locked gazes with Max. “Yes, because I do

like Chase, although I feel like a teenage boy when I say it like that. But I think he’s an

incredible man, and I’d love the opportunity to get to know him better.”

Bo arched a brow at Xavier. “Know him, or know him, as in, spend a whole night

fucking Chase?”

Xavier didn’t hesitate, and he didn’t temper his answer. “Know him, hopefully more

than that, too. But a single night of fucking? No, that isn’t what I want with him.”

“What do you want, then?”

Xavier shrugged at Bo. “I want everything he’ll give me, once he’s ready.” He just

hoped he lived to a ripe old age, because that was about how long it would take him to

convince Chase to give him an opportunity. As stubborn and proud as Chase was, Xavier

wondered if one lifetime would be enough to win the man over.

* * * *

Chase hadn’t bothered seeing the men out after he and Liam had finished talking. He

had led Liam to the door only to pull up short after a step or two. One look out of the screen

and Chase had turned on his heel and gone to his room. It’d either been that, or run outside

and break that damned little twink in half, because Billy was all-the-fuck over Xavier.

And he was not brooding about it. He was just…wide awake, staring at nothing since

his room was pitch dark. His current state had nothing to do with the image of Xavier’s arms

around Billy, the way his big hands had caressed the bubbly blond’s back. Even Chase hadn’t

missed the tenderness in the touch, and he had only looked for a second or two, leaving as

soon as his brain exploded in fury when it processed the image.

With his nerves already zinging and pinging with anger over learning James had been

subjected to a multitude of drugs that might have permanently fucked up his head, Chase

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had been walking on a dangerous edge. Seeing Xavier holding Billy had almost shoved him

right over it. Every time he thought about it, his vision tinged with red and his head

pounded as his body tensed. Chase ignored the pain in his shoulder—it was nothing

compared to the way his chest hurt thinking about what he’d seen out there on the porch.

But hadn’t he thought about a threesome with Xavier as a means to have something

with the man? Chase frowned, remembering the way Billy and Liam had looked at each

other. And Liam had said he was bringing his boyfriend with him… So was that Billy, or

Xavier? Were they in a ménage, like Rory’s sister Annabelle and her two men? Would they

allow in a fourth just to play?

The growl that rumbled up from his chest caught Chase by surprise. What the fuck was

wrong with him? Why was he feeling something that was awfully close to disappointment

over the idea of Xavier being involved with…well, with anyone? Besides him, and didn’t he

just hate to admit that?

Chase rolled over onto his stomach gracelessly, his movements jerky with suppressed

anger. What kind of idiot was he, getting all moon-eyed and possessive over a guy he didn’t

even want?

Right, because my dick wasn’t half-hard from the second Xavier got here. And I don’t want to

get involved with Xavier Talbot, I just want to fuck him. Totally different thing. He’d even put up

with Liam being part of it, if he couldn’t avoid it. As for Billy, well, it wouldn’t be a hardship

to fuck that sweet little ass. Chase had always preferred the sweet young men over the

brawnier more imposing types. Yet when he tried to imagine touching Billy, cupping that

plump ass in his hands, it didn’t turn him on the way he’d thought it would.. What did cause

his arousal to surge was an image that popped up seemingly out of the blue. It had his cock

rock hard in a heartbeat.

Xavier’s hands on his naked body, smoothing down his back, his thumbs pressing in

the divots above the swell of his ass, then moving further down, joining to delve into his

crease. Chase’s eyes slid shut as he shuddered. Xavier’s touch would be firm, unhesitating;

owning every bit of skin he stroked. Those thumbs would sink in deeper, spreading Chase

open all the way down until they rubbed over his ass hole.

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The idea of it was so foreign Chase was jerked out of the fantasy for a moment, but the

pulsing of that hidden bud along with the wet spot spreading beneath his bellybutton where

his cock lay hard and aching, threatened to pull Chase back in.

It wouldn’t hurt to think about it, would it? People fantasised all the time about things

they’d never really want to experience—and Chase had never wanted to feel another man

pounding into his ass. Chase shivered, goosebumps marching over his skin. Maybe if he

added Billy and Liam to the fantasy…

Chase tried, he really did, but thinking of the other two men made him want to punch

something, not fuck something…or be fucked, which—that was fine, since he didn’t really

want to be fucked. It was just a fantasy.

“Just a fantasy,” Chase murmured, flopping onto his back. There was nothing wrong

with a fantasy. They were healthy, even, right? And maybe if he gave in, he’d get this whole

wanting to bottom thing out of his system.

Chase’s eyes popped open. Wanting to bottom? Seriously? He didn’t want to, he

just…Chase trailed a hand down his chest, stopping to pluck at one nipple. They weren’t

particularly sensitive in the first place, but occasionally whoever Chase was fucking would

give them a shot, hoping. Tonight he was frustrated and angry, and rougher with his touch

than an unfamiliar hand would have been. The hard pinch he delivered to his tit shot a bolt

of fire straight to his dick and Chase gasped. He bucked his hips and reached with his other

hand to fist his dripping length.

“Jesus,” he muttered. That felt fucking good! Usually when Chase wanted to get off, he

just got to it. But tonight was the first night he’d felt ‘up’ to jerking off in weeks, and he kind

of hated to jerk and spurt so quickly after such a long drought. He could probably go a few

more times, but he liked to beat off with his right hand, and with his shoulder like it was,

he’d be lucky to get a good masturbation session in at all.

So, best to take his time, savour it. Who knew what else he’d learn about his body

besides the surprising fact he liked rough nipple play? Chase let his eyes drift shut as he

palmed the slick crown. With his other hand, he pinched his nipple, revelling in the sensation

he felt all the way to his balls.

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His mind zeroed in on Xavier, the way the other man’s hands would feel on him. Xavier

would know what Chase needed, maybe better than Chase himself. No! This is just a fuck

fantasy, nothing more! Unwanted, or so he told himself, the fantasy Xavier coalesced above

him, dark eyes brimming with lust. Chase panted as Xavier’s lips parted, his head dipping

down. Teeth scraped over the delicate skin of Chase’s neck, searing a path down to where his

pulse pounded. Xavier would mark him there, branding him as a reminder to them both and

a sign to others that Chase was his.

“No,” Chase groaned, his cock throbbing in his grasp. He was already on the verge of

coming, and whether he was protesting that or his mind’s determination to turn him into

Xavier’s willing thing. “No…” Not that, Xavier wouldn’t be content to use him once. There

was a look in his eyes, something deeper than Chase thought he could handle…something

that made Chase think Xavier could consume him, absorb Chase right into that big, strong


Stop thinking! Chase raked his nails over his chest, ignoring the twinge in his shoulder.

He caught a taut peak, scraping the nub hard and sending a shudder down his body that

made his cheeks clench tight. He fisted his cock harder, pumping as fast as he could. Heat

spread from his groin and chest, spiralling down his legs and arms, making them tingle. A

swipe of his hand down his belly pulled a moan from his lips; his skin twitched under his

palm, burning as something inside him screamed for more.

Images assailed him—Xavier nipping his way down to Chase’s nipples, teeth scraping

over first one bud then the other. Chase sucked his bottom lip in between his teeth, biting the

chapped flesh as he imagined Xavier biting at something much firmer. Chase dragged his

hand back up from his stomach and pinched his nipples, writhing, shoving up into the touch.

His shoulder burned, pain glowing hot in the damaged joint. Chase gasped and stilled

the hand on his cock, nearly sobbing at having to stave off his climax. He needed to come,

needed to at least have Xavier this way.

Chase rested his right hand on his stomach and palmed his cock with his left. The

rhythm wasn’t quite as good—a little jerky—but he didn’t care. Xavier wouldn’t let him

come easy, he’d draw it out, make Chase work for it, beg for it. His fantasy lover would

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touch him everywhere. Every part of him would be licked and nibbled, something Chase had

never experienced before but now couldn’t get out of his head.

Xavier would want all of him, want to drive Chase out of his mind with exquisite

pleasure. He’d spread Chase’s legs and push them up, exposing his tight little hole. Chase’s

breath hitched at the thought, stuttering out when he tried to swap that image around to one

of Xavier on his back, legs and butt tilted up—the image caused a screeching in his head like

a needle being dragged over a record. That didn’t work, Chase couldn’t make it work, not

when his mind was protesting as much as his body, both wanting something Chase had

never wanted before.

It was just a fantasy, Chase reasoned, nothing more. And he was going to explode if he

didn’t come soon.

“Just a fantasy,” he whispered as he let the images flow—Xavier, pressing his muscular

body down onto Chase, forcing him deeper into the mattress. That broad chest would be

hairy, dense with dark fuzz that trailed down over sculpted abs, around the dip of the belly

button, thickening once again at Xavier’s bush.

This time Chase didn’t stop himself from lifting his legs as he pumped his cock. He bent

his knees, bringing his thighs almost against his chest as he eased his right hand down. The

twinge in his shoulder didn’t stop him from cupping his balls—in his mind it was Xavier’s

hand tugging and rolling his sac.

Chase’s moan shifted into a whimper when he dared to rub a finger over the crinkled

skin of his hole. He twitched from head to toe as need welled in him. Flashes of Xavier

flickered behind his lids so fast Chase couldn’t focus on any one of them. It was as if the man

was surrounding him, inside and out—as if this fantasy had turned into Xavier’s own rather

than Chase’s.

Except that was a cop out, and Chase realised it even when passion was threatening to

melt him into the mattress. For whatever reason, his body and mind wanted this…this

claiming by Xavier. It wasn’t real, it’d never happen, but for now, here alone in his room,

Chase chose to let go of his inhibitions.

His back arched as he pressed the tip of his finger against his entrance. Without lube,

the resistance was greater, the burn stronger, but Chase could no more stop what he was

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doing than he could stop his heart from beating. It was Xavier’s finger pushing into him,

spearing through that tight ring as he fisted Chase’s dick. Xavier’s thumbnail pressing into

Chase’s weeping slit, Xavier’s teeth tugging at the sweat-slicked skin of his neck before firm

lips crashed down on his, demanding, taking—Xavier’s tongue plundering his

mouth…Chase cried out as cum spurted from his dick, splattering on his stomach. His hole

spasmed around his finger, clenching the digit tight as ecstasy washed Chase’s vision in

white. His climax seemed endless and all too brief, time halting then spinning back into

motion as the last dribbles of spunk dripped onto his hand.

Trembling, gasping, Chase let his finger slip from his opening and at the same time he

released his cock. He lay boneless, shaken to his core by the force of his orgasm and the

direction his fantasy had taken. When he finally had the energy, he swiped his hands on the

sheets then cleaned his belly with the soft material. He didn’t want to think about what had

just happened, or why he had just had the best orgasm of his life.

That direction would lead to more thinking, and Chase was tired and his shoulder was

past aching. A pain pill or two would help, but that would mean getting up and he just

didn’t have the strength for that right now. Instead he rolled onto his side and curled up on

top of the sheets. Then Chase did something he hadn’t been able to do for weeks—he closed

his eyes and slept without waking until morning.

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Chapter Eight

Usually Xavier spent a fair amount of his time at The Xxchange in his office, but tonight

he was restless, his nerves pinging with a need that began as a small hot lump coiled in his

belly. The sound of the music thumping combined with the scents and sights in the club—

various colognes tinged with sweat, sex and alcohol, men gathered in corners and tables,

many whose faces were glowing with impending sexual release—usually Xavier was

immune to it, pretty much. But tonight it was calling to him, the need to join that mass of

pleasure-seeking people even if it was just to hit the dance floor for an hour or two.

So much for bitching about what The Xxchange has become. I may have wanted this to be a

classier place, at least a little, but right now it seems like just the right club for me. It had been a long

time since Xavier had bothered with picking anyone up. There’d been a glut of it at first, with

Xavier mowing through willing men like a scythe through grass. It had got old after a while

though, and he’d had to step back and reconsider what he wanted in life. Turns out it hadn’t

been a near-constant string of one night stands.

And tonight was an odd mix of emotions for him. His body was humming with need,

but emotionally he wanted something else.

Maybe it was seeing so many happy couples lately, or maybe it was just that he’d

reached a certain point in his life where sex wasn’t enough. Xavier craved having someone to

spend time with in and out of bed, someone for whom he felt that visceral pull, as if an

invisible band of lust and affection linked them. He wanted someone he could talk to one

minute then fuck into the mattress the next, if they were so inclined.

Whether it was due to Billy leaving soon or just the fact that Xavier was getting older

and might have possibly matured enough to consider having a partner, he wanted someone

of his own, to whom he belonged.

Xavier watched the gyrating bodies on the dance floor. He wondered how many of the

people there were actual couples and how many were just out for a fuck. Then he wondered

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why he cared. As edgy as he was feeling, if he found a man who snagged his interest, at least

for a little while, he might be tempted to slake some of his body’s need.

If he could get a certain blond haired, surly man out of his mind long enough to even

notice anyone else. Xavier snorted. That didn’t seem likely when Chase’s eyes seemed to

haunt him constantly. It had been almost a week since he’d last seen Chase at the bunkhouse,

and instead of fading, the attraction Xavier felt for him seemed to have multiplied. It was

frustrating, because Xavier couldn’t pursue Chase even though everything in Xavier urged

him to do just that.

Chase was well past skittish; he was wounded in a way that Xavier suspected went all

the way through to his soul. His friends were protective of him, which was good, but Xavier

didn’t think they’d beeager to help him out with his desire to get closer to Chase. He’d tried

to come up with ways to arrange an ‘accidental’ meeting, but as far as he knew Chase only

went to the hospital for physical therapy. He’d dropped by Adam and Les’ place a couple of

times but Chase hadn’t been there. Short of hurting himself, which was a bit extreme in

Xavier’s opinion, he couldn’t come up with a reason to show up at the hospital. Even so, he

didn’t know when Chase’s appointments were.

Sure, he could show up at the bunkhouse, but he had the feeling that would scare the

shit out of Chase. Not that the blond would show it in any way other than anger. Xavier

could handle that, but he didn’t think it’d help him to make any headway with Chase. If

anything, he was afraid it would make Chase run. That wouldn’t be acceptable, not just

because it would put Chase further out of reach, but because the man was injured and

needed the help of his friends as well as physical therapy. He didn’t want to do anything

detrimental to Chase’s recovery—physical or otherwise.

Which left him floundering while he tried to figure out what to do. Waiting for Chase to

come to him seemed a waste of time. He’d have to have snared the man’s interest, and while

Chase had responded to his touch, Xavier didn’t think that had been enough. Chase hadn’t

even bothered to say goodbye the other night.

A small, warm body pressed against his side. Xavier looked down and found himself

the recipient of an interested gaze. Blue eyes—too blue to be their real colour—gazed up at

him from an attractive face. Black liner rimmed those eyes, making the colour stand out even

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more. Thick lashes coated with mascara lowered as the man looked up at him through them.

Plump red lips moved. Xavier thought there was probably some sort of makeup on them as

well. Delicate hands gripped his right arm as Xavier leaned down to hear what the man was


It wasn’t the touch of the man he wanted, but it still went straight to Xavier’s dick. It’d

been too long since he’d found relief somewhere other than with his hand. Xavier had to turn

his head and stop looking at those lips in order to catch the man’s words. The brush of moist

lips and hot breath over his ear made him shiver as that small body pressed closer.

Instead of speaking, though, a wet tongue swiped over the shell of Xavier’s ear. Soft lips

brushed down his neck; teeth raked his skin. Xavier’s cock hardened and pressed

uncomfortably against his zipper. He’d foregone underwear and tucking right or left tonight

in favour of displaying what he had, and now he was aching because of it.

Xavier murmured his approval when hot hands slid over his lower back and stomach.

Teeth nipped at the base of his neck while his cock was palmed, and Xavier’s head spun as

his blood rushed through his veins. He wondered if it could have been any man tonight or if

there was something about this made-up guy that got to him. Xavier suspected it was the

first, because he was just about desperate to feel wanted. The ease with which Chase had

ignored him at the bunkhouse had stung more than he cared to admit. At least here, tonight,

someone seemed to be interested.

Very interested, if the way Xavier’s cock was being pumped through his leather pants

was any indication. If he wasn’t careful, he’d shoot his load too quickly. Chase’s eyes flashed

at him in his mind, and it was enough to give Xavier pause. Did he really want to find a

substitute for the person he truly wanted tonight? Would it make him feel any better to get

lost in another’s body for an hour or two, or would he feel like he’d betrayed Chase?

That’s stupid! Chase isn’t even interested. The man couldn’t give less than a shit about what I

do or who I do it with. Still, he caught his new admirer’s hand in his and tugged it up to his

stomach again. If nothing else, he was moving too fast. Xavier didn’t want a quick one-off in

the middle of the club. He wasn’t sure what he wanted, other than a certain unattainable


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Xavier looked into confused bright blue eyes and smiled slightly. He lifted the hand

from his belly and brushed a kiss across the guy’s knuckles. The man’s expression shifted

from irritated to flabbergasted, his red lips parting as he widened his eyes. Xavier leaned

down enough to bring his lips to speak into the man’s ear.

“I don’t want this”—he squeezed the hand in his—“right now. My head just isn’t in the

right place, but I’d love to dance with you.” Xavier pulled back enough to see the man’s

expression, half expecting anger to have twisted his cute features. Instead the guy’s eyes

glistened in a way that made Xavier’s stomach cramp with guilt. He shouldn’t have let this

go on as long as it had.

“Just dance? That’s it?” the man asked in a light, almost feminine voice. Xavier nodded,

keeping a close watch for tears. Instead the man broke into a smile that might have stopped

Xavier’s heart had that organ not decided it wanted someone else. “Okay, okay, I can do

that—I’d love to do that!”

Xavier felt his own mouth curling up into a smile. He straightened and, his hand still

clasping the other man’s, led him onto the dance floor.

* * * *

Chase had tried not to eavesdrop when he’d walked through the living room, but he’d

heard Xavier’s name, and damn it, after almost a week of constantly fantasising about the

man—and being pissed about it—Chase hadn’t been able to stop listening in. Discreetly, of

course. Chase had planted both feet beside Josh and stared blatantly at him as he sat on the

couch snuggled up to Nick. Josh had given him a serious look and arched both eyebrows, but

Chase hadn’t budged. He was pretty sure he’d used the words ‘worried about’ right before

Xavier’s name. Chase didn’t see any reason to pretend he wasn’t interested in the


And damn, if Josh hadn’t got this smug, knowing look in his eyes. Nick had too, but

he’d given this sympathetic smile that had warmed Chase as much as it confused him.

Confusion seemed to be his constant state lately, well, one of them. Toss in horny, worried

and angry and Chase’s emotional range was about covered.

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Josh finally finished the call and turned to Nick. He patted the man’s thigh, then stood

up and tugged on Nick’s hand. Chase was on the verge of demanding to know what that

phone call was all about when Josh said, “Come on, Nick, we’re meeting Adam and Les at

The Xxchange. Billy called them, seems he’s a bit concerned about some guy at the club

who’s all over Xavier.”

Nick huffed and shook his head. “Josh, Xavier’s a grown man. I’m pretty sure he can

handle himself and whoever it is trying to get in his pants. Christ, the man probably needs to

get laid and y’all are going to go charging in there and ruin it for him!”

Chase’s mind blanked in a red haze as his body went hot then cold. He didn’t agree

with Nick’s reply it even if it was likely true. Chase opened his mouth up to snarl something

he would have regretted, maybe, but Josh spoke over him.

“Well, see, that’s the thing. Apparently Xavier doesn’t usually act like this, and Billy is

just concerned. Liam had to go back home, and Billy didn’t know who else to talk to about it

so he called Adam. No one is planning on ruining Xavier’s night, we just want to make sure

he doesn’t do something he regrets.” The last part of that sentence was said with a glance at

Chase that set his teeth on edge. “Or maybe we just want to see who the lucky man is who’s

going to get laid by Xavier tonight,” Josh added, with a challenging look at Chase.

After a week of touching himself in ways he hadn’t ever thought he would, all because

of Xavier Talbot, Chase was nearly stupid with lust. Nearly. He crossed his arms over his

chest and stared Josh down. Pink flooded Josh’s cheeks, but he didn’t look away.

“You aren’t worried about Xavier,” Chase snapped, narrowing his eyes as the pieces fell

into place. “You’re just trying to piss me off enough to get me to go to him.”

Josh rolled his eyes and huffed before focusing on Chase again. He crossed his arms

over his chest, mirroring Chase’s stance. “Actually, after the way you’ve been snapping at

everybody and glaring daggers every time someone mentions Billy and Liam—up until you

found out they weren’t in a ménage with Xavier—I do think you should at least let Xavier

know you’re interested.”

“I’m not—” Chase began, then shut his mouth. If he couldn’t deny it honestly, he’d best

just shut the hell up.

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“Right,” Josh said, sarcastically. “Whatever. If you’re not going to make a play for him,

then you’ve got no right to get angry when someone else does.” Josh’s expression softened

into one filled with understanding. Chase wanted to run back into his room and hide. He

didn’t know what to do with someone like Josh, who wore his emotions so openly. Josh

placed a hand on Chase’s clenched fist. “Look, I don’t mean to be a bitch. I’m sure you have

reasons for being the way you are, and I’m not asking you to tell me. If you want to—”

Chase shook his head emphatically. Josh continued on as if he hadn’t bothered.

“—then that’s great, I will be happy to listen, but if not, that’s fine, too. You’re certainly

entitled to your secrets. Just, sometimes secrets eat away at you from the inside.” Josh patted

his hand, and Chase unthinkingly unclenched his fist and wound his fingers through Josh’s.

It was a small comfort, another step in their budding friendship that, luckily, Josh didn’t

make a big deal of. “But in regards to Xavier, Billy is actually worried for another reason. The

guy all over Xavier looks familiar, but he can’t place him and it’s really creeping Billy out. He

doesn’t know if he’s just being paranoid because it’s been a long time since Xavier’s bothered

picking up anybody, or if he has a reason to be concerned. And since he’s working the bar

because the regular bartender got sick, Billy’s kind of stuck behind there.”

Chase studied Josh for a long moment, looking for any signs of deceit. He couldn’t find

any, and felt like an asshole for trying. “Sorry,” he muttered, knowing Josh would

understand why. Josh squeezed his hand lightly, then lifted. Chase wasn’t expecting the

touch to his cheek that drew his gaze back to Josh’s.

“It’s okay,” Josh assured him in a soothing voice. “I know how confusing it is, being

attracted to someone when you don’t want to be—at first,” he added when Nick groused. “I

get being scared. I can totally understand and support you even if you decide you want

nothing to do with Xavier—even though the air fairly snaps and pops with the attraction

between the two of you. That doesn’t mean you have to act on it. Stay here if that’s what you

want to do. No pressure, no guilt, okay?” Josh ended his speech with a quick peck to Chase’s

cheek that left Chase stunned. It wasn’t that there was anything to the chaste kiss, it was

simply that Josh had even bothered…and that Nick wasn’t trying to kill Chase for it.

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Nick must have seen the question in Chase’s eyes because he grinned loopily as he

wrapped his arms around Josh and explained. “He’s got a big heart, and I wouldn’t ever try

to fence that in. And besides, he loves me.

Chase wrinkled his nose as the two lovers went to get ready to go to the club. That had

been just a little too syrupy sweet there at the end. Between Josh and Nick and Bo and Max,

Chase was afraid he might turn into a giant mush ball himself, coated in flowery sugared

words and touches.

Fuck, stop thinking shit like that! Chase ran every curse word he knew through his head,

in English and Spanish, until he felt a bit dirty. It was a more comfortable, familiar sensation

than the other warm fuzzy one.

“We’ll be back later,” Josh said as he and Nick strode back into the living room. Both

men looked sexy although they were dressed as different as night and day. Nick was all

cowboyed out in his Stetson, pearl snap plaid shirt, tight faded Wranglers and slightly

scuffed boots. Josh had on some pink leather pants that were so tight Chase could clearly

make out his cock and balls, the sight of which shoved a sputtering cough from Chase’s

lungs and had his gaze shooting up to Josh’s then Nick’s.

Nick’s smile was wickedness in the flesh as he winked at Chase and stroked a hand

down Josh’s hip. “I know, he’s fucking edible, ain’t he?”

Josh snickered and fingered his artfully torn T-shirt as he glanced up at Nick. “And you

do plan to eat me later, right?”

Nick’s answer was murmured in Josh’s ear, but judging from the flush that spread up

from the exposed skin on Josh’s chest all the way up to the roots of his hair, Chase figured

whatever Nick said must have fired all Josh’s cylinders. Chase refused to let his eyes dip

down and check Josh’s reaction there.

“All right, we have to get going. If you need anything, call.” Josh waved and started for

the front door, Nick practically walking with his eyes glued to Josh’s ass. “Wish you’d have

worn your leathers, Nick,” Josh said over his shoulder.

Chase couldn’t picture that and didn’t try very hard because his feet were moving even

as his mind wondered what the fuck was happening. He was on the porch and calling out

before Josh and Nick made it to their truck.

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Chapter Nine

Xavier had to stoop a little as well as crane his neck uncomfortably in order to get down

low enough to hear what Paulie was saying. They were both sweaty and loose from

dancing—Paulie knew moves that would put any stripper to shame, but he hadn’t pushed

Xavier, really. Just sort of used him as a stripper pole half the time, and Xavier hadn’t

objected. In fact, he was kind of wavering on the whole ‘not interested’ thing. He figured it

was the typical interested-suddenly-because-the-other-guy-isn’t thing that happened. There

was just something about the chase. Chase.

His attempt to listen to Paulie evaporated under a wash of tingling warmth that

crawled over him simply from thinking Chase’s name. Xavier’s cock grew hard and

insistently pressed against his zipper. He could feel each beat of his heart in that part. Xavier

tried to focus on Paulie’s cute features, but all he could see was Chase—wounded, angry, his

need rolling off him in waves and calling to Xavier.

Xavier straightened up, only then becoming aware of the less noisy atmosphere, which

meant the band must be on break, and of Paulie’s hand on his hip. He didn’t want Paulie, not

really. He wanted Chase, and dipping his dick in any available man wasn’t going to make

that change. Xavier thought himself a better man than to use a stranger to slake the desire for

someone else. That would just lead to frustration on his part, and it certainly wasn’t fair to

the other man.

He took a half-step back and bumped into the wall. Paulie looked up at him

expectantly. “Do you want a drink?” Xavier blurted out, feeling unexpectedly uncomfortable.

Paulie raked his gaze over Xavier, then nodded. “I’ll get them. What do you want?”

Xavier shook his head before the other man finished answering. Having owned the club

for years, Xavier had learned to be very cautious when it came to his drinks. He didn’t know

Paulie well enough to trust the man not to spike it.

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And yet I considered fucking him? Xavier wanted to kick his own ass for being such an

idiot. He wasn’t some horny, desperate guy…well, not usually, but he was a mess, obviously.

The whole thing with Chase had apparently fried a few of Xavier’s brain cells.

Xavier was relieved when Paulie only said what he wanted to drink and didn’t tag

along with him to the bar. Billy had been giving him worried looks all night, which Xavier

took to mean he was acting enough out of character that it was freaking Billy out. He’d talk

to Billy later, after the club closed and put his mind at ease.

For now, though, Billy was grinning and batting his lashes at the men lining the bar.

Xavier had to grin as well, because Billy, with his newly found confidence, was definitely a

sight to see. He didn’t envy Liam any, though; he was going to have to swat the men away

much like he’d swat a swarm of mosquitoes. Not that Billy was encouraging any of them, but

people could be stupid and see what they wished was happening instead of reality.

Instead of waiting for Billy, Xavier stepped behind the bar and helped the younger man

out for a few minutes. If he glared a warning here or there…or in one instance, threatened to

knock the sense into someone…Xavier figured that was fine. He would always want to take

care of Billy, but he was learning not to let it get out of control, and to accept that Billy was a

grown man.

The little twinge to his heart was familiar to Xavier and made his lips curl up as he

mixed Paulie’s drink. For himself, he fixed a glass of juice. The last thing he needed was to

drink anything alcoholic at this point.

With a nod to Billy, who seemed to have the herd at the bar under control, Xavier left

and headed back to the hallway where he’d left Paulie. If he had any kind of luck at all, the

guy would have taken off to find someone more interested. Or interested, period. Seeing that

happy glow on Billy’s face had driven the point home to Xavier that he wanted something

that made him feel the way Billy looked, not something that made him feel good for a little

while, then kinda scuzzy after.

He sighed internally when he saw Paulie leaning against the wall in the dim hallway.

Of course it couldn’t be so easy, and why should it be? Even though Xavier had said he

wasn’t interested, he hadn’t exactly stopped Paulie from climbing all over him earlier when

they were dancing.

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Xavier handed Paulie his drink. “Thanks. So…” Paulie took a sip. “I’m getting the

feeling you really aren’t into me.”

Xavier grimaced around the mouthful of juice and swallowed, the tangy flavour

tingling along his tongue. He sighed and lowered his glass. “It isn’t you in particular. I just—

this isn’t me, not anymore.”

Paulie’s grin looked off, as did something in his eyes, but Xavier put it down to hurt

pride. He couldn’t blame the man. “It’s not me, it’s you? Like I haven’t heard that one


“I’m sorry,” Xavier said truthfully. “I shouldn’t have even been out here tonight.” He

didn’t think adding there was someone else on his mind was a wise thing to do at this point.

“I’m just out of sorts. My—well, he’s like my son, the man at the bar, and he’s fixing to move

away and I’m just…”

Paulie’s eyes narrowed. “Right. The guy at the bar’s like your son. Okay.”

Xavier felt a flicker of annoyance that was threatening to turn in to something more

powerful, but he shoved it down. “Believe it or not, I don’t care. Billy’s family to me. You

don’t have to understand or accept it.”

Paulie seemed to deflate then. He glanced around before dragging his gaze back to

Xavier’s in a manner that seemed reluctant. “Okay, okay. But…could I kiss you, just once?”

Xavier started to shake his head but Paulie kept talking. “You’re really hot, and I know

you aren’t into me. Fine, I accept that. I just want a kiss, that’s all, then I’ll go find someone

else to take home and fuck me senseless.”

A ripple of unease washed over Xavier, but whether it was because he’d once been

much like Paulie or for some other reason, he wasn’t sure. But he did feel bad for giving the

man any hope at all that they’d hook up, and he really wanted the guy to leave, so if a kiss

would accomplish that when words hadn’t, Xavier couldn’t see a problem with it. He

nodded and Paulie flashed him a smile.

“Good—thanks, man.” Paulie licked his lips, then swiped a hand over his mouth as if

he were nervous. He took a sip of his drink, then the next thing Xavier knew, the smaller

man was on him, against him, his hands cradling Xavier’s jaws and his red lips crushing

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Xavier’s. The sweep of tongue surprised him, but not as much as the cool liquid that first

seeped then flooded into his mouth.

Xavier’s grunt of surprise was drowned beneath that liquid as he swallowed rapidly.

He was too stunned to do anything else, and he never even noticed the small pills that

swirled with the smooth liquor as it slicked down his throat.

* * * *

“I don’t see him anywhere,” Josh shouted, straining to be heard over the music. Chase

missed Nick’s reply, but he saw Adam and Les shake their heads as well. They were making

their way towards the bar where Billy was busy serving drinks. Chase still got pissed when

he looked at the bubbly blond, even though he knew he had no right. Even if Xavier had

been involved with Billy, Chase had no claims on Xavier.

It didn’t matter. Logic wasn’t working in this case. Adam and Les veered off, hollering

about checking the dance floor. Josh and Nick kept heading for the bar. Somehow Chase

found himself pushing past them, an urgency pinching at his spine. He elbowed his way

between two men who were drooling over Billy, giving each of them a chilling look when

they started to protest. The two men grumbled but ignored him, which was fine with Chase.

He caught Billy’s eye and waved him over. Billy didn’t look nearly as friendly to him as

he had the customers, and Chase was good with that. His stomach was burning and the hairs

at the back of his neck were prickling, all warning signs something wasn’t right. Maybe he

was just paranoid, maybe it was Billy setting him off—or maybe Xavier was in trouble. Chase

needed to find out, and if that meant being nice to Billy, so be it. He hoped the smile he

plastered on didn’t make him look psychotic. Billy came over and arched a brow at him.

“What’s going on?” Chase asked, when all he really wanted to ask was, where’s Xavier?

There was more grumbling then Josh and Nick settled on either side of them. “Where’s


Billy looked at Nick. “He went back in the hall towards the office a few minutes ago.”

Billy glanced at Chase. “Should he be here?”

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“Why not?” Nick countered. “If there’s trouble, I have the feeling Chase will definitely

kick some ass, even winged as he is.” Chase blinked when Nick winked at him. That was


“Well, yeah,” Billy said in a tone that implied the ‘duh’. “But he might kick it a little too

much. And maybe Xavier really just needs to get laid tonight and I’m just freaking over

nothing.” Billy frowned and his bottom lip plumped out. “There’s just something familiar

about this guy but I can’t quite—” Billy’s mouth snapped shut so quick Chase was surprised

he didn’t hurt himself, but it was the look in his eyes that chilled Chase to the bone. “I

remember,” Billy muttered, anger chasing fear from his features.

The bubbly blond was moving then, fairly flying over the countertop and forcing Chase

and everyone else in his path to move. Then he was running, and Chase was carried on an

adrenalin rush as he ran almost atop Billy’s heels.

Chase caught the name ‘Randy’ and something else that sounded like ‘druggie fuck

toy’. He had no trouble at all making out the cursing of the men beside him. They thundered

down the hall single file, Chase’s arms and legs pumping a frantic rhythm fuelled by the

worry of those around him. He didn’t want to consider that most of it might be his own, not

yet at least.

“Office!” Billy’s shouted warning was all that saved the four men from running into one

another. Chase managed to stop a couple of inches from ploughing into Billy, and Nick and

Josh’s heels actually screeched as they came to quick stops themselves.

Billy grabbed the doorknob and tried to twist. “It’s fucking locked! Xavier! Xavier!”

Billy pounded on the door and rattled the knob. “Fucking—” Billy muttered and shoved his

hands in the pockets of his tight jeans. He pulled out a key ring with only a few keys on it.

“Got it!” he shouted as he slid the key in the lock.

Chase didn’t wait for Billy to get the door all the way open before he barrelled past the

younger man. If the guy who’d freaked Billy out was still in there, who knew what could

happen. Chase figured he was better suited for a dangerous fight than Billy was. The first

thing he saw was the open window. A quick glance assured him there was only one person

in the room. Chase forgot about the potential danger as his gaze lighted on Xavier at

apparently the same time Billy’s did.

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“Xav!” Billy cried. Chase grabbed his arm and barely managed to dodge a punch Billy

threw at him.

“Let me go you fucking asshole!” Billy snarled. “Where’d Paulie go? Did that fucker go

out the window? Why aren’t you going after him?”

Chase banded his arms around the blond. “Let the police handle that and let Josh

handle this. He knows what to do. We need to stay out of the way.” His eyes met Josh’s as he

hurried past them. He was tempted to try to run down the guy who’d done this, but he was

more concerned with Xavier. He didn’t look good at all.

“Call an ambulance, now!” Josh ordered.

“Got it.” Nick’s voice rumbled shortly thereafter as he requested an ambulance.

Chase turned back to look at Xavier, trying to remain calm as he took in the way the

man was tied to the chair. That wouldn’t be hard to get him out of, but what had made

Chase’s heart stop was the amount of sweat dripping off Xavier, the wild look in his hugely

dilated pupils and the strong flush to his skin. Xavier’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths

despite the gag tied around his mouth, and he seemed to twitch all over, as if he was being

pricked and poked at.

“Let me go,” Billy demanded, although he’d quit struggling. “I won’t get in the way.”

Chase dragged his gaze back to Billy’s and, seeing what he needed to, he released the

younger man. “You’re still an asshole,” Billy muttered as he turned and strode towards Josh

and Xavier.

Josh was already by Xavier’s side, brushing a hand over his sweaty brow before tipping

his head back and looking in his eyes. “E, I bet. Nick!” Josh began working the knots of the

gag, never looking away from Xavier. “Tell them Xavier will probably need some diazepam

and dantrolene. He’s burning up! Billy, Chase; start working on getting these ropes off his

arms and legs!”

Chase had wondered fleetingly if he should leave, but Josh’s snapped order had him

moving forward. Xavier’s dark eyes looked bottomless, the pupils so wide the brown was

indiscernible from the black. Chase couldn’t look away from them if his life depended on it.

He was as caught in those eyes as a rabbit in a snare, and all he could do was stumble the last

few steps before dropping to his knees in front of Xavier.

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“The ropes, Chase!”

The steel in Josh’s voice broke the spell Xavier seemed to have over Chase and he

looked down instead at the pale rope biting into the ankles of Xavier’s black leather pants.

His fingers were unaccountably clumsy, at least in Chase’s opinion, as he tried to work the

knots free.

Once he had, Chase looked back up into Xavier’s eyes and an emotional tsunami

crashed down upon him. Anger, fear, lust—those were the first of the tidal waves, but there

were others that soon followed. All of them were blanketed by a layer of confusion that stole

Chase’s voice when Xavier brushed his fingertips across Chase’s cheek.

Chase didn’t know if the heat was from Xavier’s skin temperature or the desire that

consumed him at that point. He had the distinct feeling that seeing Chase on his knees

pleased Xavier…and pleasing the other man brought forth a warm, tingling sensation in

Chase’s chest. What the fuck is up with that?

But when Chase would have risen, would have stood and stormed off instead of face

that uncomfortable realisation, the feel of Xavier’s hand slipping around to caress his nape

calmed him. It was freaky as hell, but he didn’t have it in him to fight it just then, not when

the adrenalin rush was flagging and he felt so tired he wanted nothing more than to rest his

head against Xavier’s knee and close his eyes.

Chase found himself leaning forward to do just that when the EMT’s came rushing in.

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Chapter Ten

Xavier felt like he was burning up from the inside out. Maybe this is what spontaneous

combustion feels like. Except as far as he could tell, all of his appendages were still whole and

hearty. Then again, he was having a slight problem concentrating. He wanted to move, and

he found himself oddly disconnected from what was going on. Even Paulie’s taunts and

threats hadn’t bothered him much, until Xavier had found himself tied to the damned chair.

But he wasn’t tied to it now, and the man who made him burn hotter than the drugs in

his veins was kneeling right there and looking up at Xavier as if he were the answer to every

prayer the man had ever had.

Xavier had to touch, had to. The way Chase’s lids slid almost closed as Xavier touched

his stubbled skin made Xavier ache. He couldn’t give less than two shits just then about

being drugged or whatever Josh and Billy were going on about. All that mattered was the

way Chase responded to him, and how perfect the man looked kneeling at Xavier’s feet.

Xavier just wished he wasn’t stoned, because he couldn’t quite draw those perfectly sculpted

features into focus… But, he could…if he could just lean down or pull Chase up enough—if

he could feel those lips pressed to his—and if Chase would just…just let him…

His thoughts swirled and fractured as people came rushing into the room. Chase bolted

backwards so fast he was a blur, or maybe that was just Xavier’s fucked up vision. Xavier

tried to stand, intending to reach out to Chase. He didn’t want to lose this opportunity. Chase

wasn’t an easy man, but Xavier just knew if he could touch him again, that seductive spell

that had woven around them would return.

Determined hands grabbed his biceps, settling him back in the chair. Xavier growled

and cursed; he didn’t know what he was spitting out at the people holding him back and he

didn’t care. He just wanted them gone.

“Xav, stop, please—” Billy’s voice sank into him, the fear in it evident even to Xavier. It

shut him right up. He was supposed to be taking care of Billy, not scaring the hell out of him.

Xavier quit trying to fight off the hands grabbing at him. His gaze lighted on a slightly blurry

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Billy before darting around the room. Xavier looked again, blinking rapidly, and came to the

same conclusion he had the first time he checked.

Chase was gone.

* * * *

Chase checked himself in the mirror, running a hand down the silk shirt Josh had lent

him. It had some sort of stretchy stuff in it so that it moulded to his body, emphasising his

lean torso. Too lean, he thought as he paused at his ribs. He’d lost too much weight, giving

him more of a twinkish look than he liked. Fortunately, he still had some tone to his muscles.

Maybe that would offset the dark skin under his eyes.

He debated shaving off the few days’ growth of stubble on his face but finally decided

against it. With the hollowness of his cheeks, he’d probably look like a skeleton if he ditched

it. Chase fingered the gaudy belt buckle, a bright pink monstrosity with, of all things,

dancing penguins on it. If it had been his, he’d have burned it, but the dare in Josh’s eyes

when he’d handed it over had been undeniable, and so Chase found himself wearing the

damned thing around the waistband of the low-slung skin-tight jeans, also borrowed from


The only things he was wearing that were his own were his jock and boots. It wasn’t

like he’d arrived with much more than the clothes on his back at the time, and they’d been

pretty much ruined after getting his ass kicked. He’d been living in hand-me-downs for a

while now, which, while humbling, was unavoidable. Chase just wished someone other than

Josh was close to his size. Adam was too thin, or had been. Chase eyed himself in the mirror.

Well, maybe not now, but it was too late to worry about tonight. He had plans, ones that

hopefully involved finding one little shit named Paulie and giving him an intimate

introduction to his fist.

He’d got the whole story two nights ago, when Les had caught him before he could flee

The Xxchange. After an apology from Les that was uncomfortable for both of them, the cop

had started explaining about Xavier’s piece of shit brother and his fuck toy—according to

Billy, who hadn’t recognised Paulie right off owing to the makeup the guy was wearing.

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Apparently Billy had seen Randy and Paulie fucking in the club before, and Randy had

compared the two men’s techniques when he’d shoved Billy down to suck cock in Xavier’s


Hearing about Billy’s abuse at Randy’s hands had smothered the resentment Chase felt

towards the bouncy blond. It had shocked him to realise not all of that resentment was

because Billy was close to Xavier. There was a part of Chase that longed to be free and

comfortable enough to laugh and smile and just enjoy life like Billy did.

Instead, Chase knew he was a bitter, angry man, and a dangerous one in certain

situations. He’d never be like Billy, but wouldn’t it be something if he could just…learn how

to not be so…so like he was?

“Not gonna happen,” Chase muttered as he gave himself one last look. His hair was

tousled in a way that screamed JBF—just been fucked—and exhaustion gave his eyes a

heavy-lidded look that only added to that perception. He’d draw his share of attention

tonight, although he’d also blend in with many of the other men at The Xxchange. He

absolutely was not trying to primp for the damned owner.

Chase wasn’t even interested in going to the club, exactly. It was just that it was

Xavier’s first night back, and everyone else was going—including Max and Bo, which could

be amusing because Chase figured Max would spend the entire time blushing fiercely. But

Chase doubted he’d be paying attention to the man. He would be looking for Paulie—that

was the whole reason Chase was going. It had absolutely nothing to do with the man who’d

haunted him at night, chasing away what bits of sleep Chase had tried to grasp. The lack of

sleep had made the physical therapy session today more hellish than usual, which left Chase

tired, sore, and well past cranky.

And wearing a goddamned pink belt with a godawful buckle. Jesus. A knock on the door put

an end to his brooding. “Come in,” he hollered, unsurprised when Josh strolled in before

he’d even finished calling out.

Josh eyed him and licked his lips, leering so exaggeratedly Chase almost smiled.

Almost—but not quite, since Josh was wearing a very nice black and pearl inlaid belt buckle.

And maybe it was laid out in such a way as to form a penguin, too, but it wasn’t fucking hot

pink and decorated with dancing penguins.

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“You look really hot, man, especially when you glare. Some guys can’t pull it off, but

you definitely are rockin’ the whole deadly dude look,” Josh babbled, grinning at Chase.

“And those clothes are tight enough to show off your hot little ass,” he added as he patted

Chase’s butt.

Chase glared so hard his eyes crossed, but in truth he felt a little flattered. Josh was a

good looking man, and so effervescent it wasn’t possible to stay mad at him for more than a

second or two.

Josh stepped back and cocked a hip, planting one hand on it. Chase checked the man

out as thoroughly as Josh was checking him. With his dark hair gelled and spiked and his

green eyes rimmed in a thin line of blue, Josh was simply devastating. Slashed tee, splattered

with various bright colours, exposing hints of nipples and ridges of firm belly; faded jeans so

tight they made Chase’s balls ache in sympathy. Chase twirled his finger and Josh complied,

shaking his pert ass when he turned away.

A noise at the doorway had Chase and Josh both looking over there. Nick stood with

his arms crossed over his chest and one eyebrow arched as he watched them. Chase opened

his mouth up to explain it’d only been turnabout, as Josh had ogled his ass first, but then he

really saw Nick and snapped his mouth shut.

The cowboy was dressed in head to toe leather, a deep burgundy colour that fitted him

like a second skin. Pants, boots, vest, cap…and a couple of leather bands around his biceps. It

should have been too much or boring or something, but Nick pulled it off and made it work.

“You should probably give Chase a break and swap belts with him like you intended

to,” Nick rumbled.

Chase looked for any sign of anger, but Nick was giving Josh a sappy grin and—

“We’re changing belts?” Chase asked, cringing at the relief in his voice.

Josh laughed and began unbuckling his belt. “Yeah, I really love that belt, it’s my

favourite—that’s why I lent it to you. It kind of occurred to me after that—just because I love

it doesn’t mean you would, so if you want to swap—”

“Yeah. Thanks.” Chase had the belt off and was trading with Josh in seconds. “So,

what’s the plan? Everyone’s going to be watching out for that Paulie guy, and keeping an eye

on Xavier, too, right?”

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Josh and Nick looked at each other for a few seconds before Nick spoke. “Ostensibly,

we’re going to celebrate Xavier’s first night back.”

Chase snorted as he slid the other belt through the loops. Yeah, he knew how these

guys were. Protective and caring to the point of smothering someone with it, although they’d

got a lot better at giving Chase his space. Now it looked like Xavier was going to be the

recipient of the same…nurturing Chase received.

And Chase was going to be in on it, even if it seemed a little hypocritical to him. He

could tell himself he was only going to look for Paulie, but Chase doubted he’d be able to

resist seeking Xavier out alone. The man had started a fire burning in Chase, one that seemed

to scorch beneath his skin, and Chase meant to put that fire out tonight.

* * * *

His first night back officially sucked. Then again, the entire day had sucked. He’d been

so relieved when Randy had agreed, finally, to see him, but the outcome of that short chat

had crushed a part of Xavier’s hope that he and Randy would ever reconcile. He closed his

eyes and rubbed at them as he replayed the morning’s events.

As he had over a dozen times before, Xavier had asked to speak to Randy. Expecting

another refusal, he’d almost thought it was some sort of joke when the guard had said Randy

would see him. The guard seemed shocked, too, but after checking Xavier over and making

him leave anything that could be considered dangerous with another guard, Xavier had

finally been led to the visiting area.

When Randy walked through the swinging doors, his hands shackled behind him and a

stern-looking guard on his heels, Xavier’s heart had all but stopped. Randy had lost so much

weight he looked skeletal, but even through the glass partition he could see that Randy’s

eyes were clear and his attention sharp, even if he was looking at Xavier as if he were the

sludge at the bottom of a sewage drain.

“Randy,” Xavier had begun when his brother had sat down across from him. The

partition had seemed to put more distance between them than there really was, or maybe it

had been the hatred in Randy’s eyes. “I’m so glad—”

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“Shut up,” Randy had snarled, stunning Xavier with the anger that laced those two

words. “There’s nothing you have to say that I want to hear. I’m fucking tired of you begging

to see me when you never had time before. Everything was Billy, Billy, Billy, like that fucking

little street whore was your brother instead of me. So fuck you, Xavier. I ain’t your brother


Xavier had wanted to break the partition between them and shake Randy until he

stopped talking bullshit. He’d always tried to be close to his brother, but even before Billy

came along, Randy had been too busy blowing through his inheritance to spare Xavier any

time. Then, once he was broke, Randy had started hanging around the club, but even then he

hardly ever spoke to Xavier unless it was to insult him or ask for money.

But Xavier didn’t say any of that, because he’d tried before and those were the other

times he and Randy had come to blows. In Randy’s world, everything was Xavier’s fault.

“Here’s the deal,” Randy had growled, narrowing his eyes as he glared at Xavier. “I

fucked up with attacking that guard. One of the other guys had told me he could score me

some meth and my request didn’t go over so well. I panicked or whatever, and now I’m

looking at even more time. I’m gonna plead guilty and get a shorter sentence no matter what

my fucking attorney says. And I don’t ever want you to come visit me again.” He leaned

closer until his forehead almost touched the partition. The guard surged forward and

snapped out a demand for Randy to sit back. “Don’t fucking bother me anymore. Go away

and stay away, asshole.”

Randy had sat back then, smiling triumphantly while Xavier felt like his chest had been

split open with a dull knife. “You hate me that much?” he’d asked, barely able to raise his

voice enough to be heard.

“Fuck yeah,” Randy had answered, then he’d stood up and left Xavier sitting there.

Xavier was still reeling from the encounter hours later, but he refused to spend the

evening in his office, even if that was what he usually did. Somehow now it seemed like

hiding, something he absolutely wouldn’t do. He didn’t want anyone thinking he was afraid

to be in his own club.

Granted, the office gave him the heebie-jeebies now, but he’d get over that. He’d come

in early and sequestered himself in the room for a couple of hours. The rather spectacular

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argument he’d had with Billy over that, and over replacing his chair—which hadn’t

happened, much to Billy’s disgust—had only made Xavier more determined to deal with

what Paulie had done to him.

He had to accept his own culpability, too. He’d got strange vibes from the man all night

but had been dick-dumb and had ignored his instincts. Except, unless his blurry memory of

events failed him, where Chase was concerned. Xavier was as certain as he could be that he’d

handled that right, and if it hadn’t been for the EMT’s bursting in, he’d have been able to

stroke more than just Chase’s jaw. Xavier doubted it would’ve have mattered to either of

them that Josh and Nick were there—the desire that had slammed through his veins had

flowed right out and wrapped around Chase as well, drawing the man to him.

Of course, he hadn’t seen Chase since then, which didn’t surprise him at all. Xavier

pushed up from the chair, having conquered that particular beast by remaining seated

through a round of shaking that had nearly rattled his teeth. He was reaching for the door

knob when someone knocked and scared a year off his life. Composing himself took a few

seconds, then Xavier opened the door, stepping back to allow Adam in.

Xavier managed to swallow his disappointment as his friend looked him over. It’d been

stupid to think for a minute that Chase would’ve been so bold—would’ve come looking for

him at all.

“You look good,” Adam said, his gaze intense. “Are you sure you should be back to

work already?”

Xavier would have rolled his eyes if he hadn’t chewed Billy’s ass for the same thing a

hundred times over the past years. Instead he turned and walked back to his desk, where he

propped a hip on the top of it and settled into what he hoped was a pose that projected a

confidence he wasn’t quite feeling yet. He wondered who had shown up with Adam tonight

to keep a watch over him, but didn’t ask. He’d find out soon enough.

“I’m fine. Once my body temp was brought down I started feeling a whole lot better.”

Worn out, limp as wet paper, but that was still better than feeling like he was burning from

the inside out. “I’ve had enough sleep the past couple of days to recover. And I won’t be run

out of my own club by some little shit that has got it in his head that I am responsible for

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Randy being in jail. That is entirely Randy’s fault, something neither he nor Paulie will likely

ever comprehend.”

“Probably not,” Adam admitted, dropping his gaze to the floor. Xavier watched him

and realised the man was uncomfortable for some reason. He waited, figuring Adam would

get around to it eventually. And he did, after a full minute of silence. Adam’s shoulders

slumped slightly and he shifted from foot to foot before looking up at Xavier.

Xavier nodded. Bring it on. He kept his friendliest, least threatening expression in place

as Adam took a breath, then another before speaking.

“I also wanted to warn you.” Adam paused, looked back at the open door, then walked

right up to Xavier, close enough he could feel the heat from Adam’s body and scent his

shampoo. It didn’t do a thing for Xavier except put him on alert. “Well, not warn you like it’s

a bad thing, but…tell you, I guess. Chase is here tonight, too.”

“Really.” Somehow Xavier hadn’t expected that. He’d thought Chase would want some

distance, especially after kneeling at Xavier’s feet like he had—and liking it. Drugs or no,

Xavier knew he hadn’t imagined the surprise—then acceptance—that had saturated Chase’s

features any more than he’d imagined the pleasure the man had felt once the acceptance


Adam stepped back and nodded. “Yeah, and I don’t think he’s here looking to hook up

with some anonymous man.” Adam pinned him with an intent green gaze. “I’m surprised he

isn’t in here, really. He was prowling through the club like he had a certain goal in mind.”

“Hmm.” Xavier thought about it for a moment. “He’s probably looking for Paulie, not

that he’ll ever get in The Xxchange again. The bouncers would break him in two if he tried.”


Xavier stood and unfolded his arms, reaching behind to press at the small of his back

while he arched and worked out a kink. He sighed once that was done and started to speak

when he heard the scuff of a heel in the hallway. Adam heard it as well, turning and moving

further from Xavier. Considering the way his whole body was humming as if fed an electrical

current from his toes to the top of his head, Xavier thought he knew who was out in the hall.

If he was wrong, he would be sorely disappointed.


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Adam darted Xavier a questioning look before moving towards the door, only to stop

short when he almost collided with Chase. Xavier missed whatever look passed between the

two men before Adam murmured a goodbye and left after touching Chase’s shoulder.

Xavier locked gazes with Chase. The need pouring through his veins intensified,

tightening Xavier’s entire body, centring in his groin and filling his cock until it ached. He

waited, knowing if he moved too quickly, or possibly at all, he’d scare off the one man who’d

captured his attention like no one ever had before. Still, he forced his muscles to relax as he

leant back against the desk.

Chase’s leisurely perusal of Xavier gave him leave to do the same. Without a doubt,

Chase was utterly perfect—despite the circles under his eyes and the fact that he looked

underweight. It wasn’t just Chase’s appearance that drew Xavier, although it didn’t turn him

off, either. No, what called to him was something in those eyes; a need that flickered there,

one Xavier didn’t think Chase had ever known of, or if he had, one he didn’t acknowledge.

Or hadn’t until he knelt at my feet. Xavier could see the awareness now, along with a

defiant glint that challenged him to prove to Chase that he wanted to submit. He had a

feeling Chase expected an outright sensual assault, for Xavier to try to overpower him

physically, or… No. Chase wouldn’t tolerate that, but he isn’t sure I wouldn’t do it. Xavier had

never forced himself on a man in any way and wouldn’t start now, and it had nothing to do

with the fact that he was pretty sure Chase would lay him out flat if he tried. Xavier simply

didn’t work that way, but he thought he had a glimmer of Chase’s plan and was proved right

when the man strode forward, his spine straight and his gaze hot.

“I want to fuck you,” Chase said bluntly, stopping inches from Xavier. And okay,

Xavier wasn’t quite prepared for that pronouncement. “You want me—”

“I don’t bottom,” Xavier informed him, just as bluntly. “Ever.” That was something that

needed to be cleared up right off the bat. Chase narrowed his eyes and scowled. “And yes, I

do want you, more than I think I’ve ever wanted anyone before. That doesn’t mean I’ll settle

for whatever crumbs you’ll throw my way, nor will I let you use me, and I won’t use you.”

Chase’s scowl deepened and he took a step back as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“So what does that mean? No mutual blowjobs or hand jobs, even? You won’t do anything

unless I let you fuck me? Because I don’t do that, either.”

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The man looked so angry and, so confused, that it pierced Xavier like a spear. He ached

to hold Chase, so much so that he had to grip the edge of the desk to keep from reaching for

him. He couldn’t quite stop himself from leaning forward, the yearning in his body pulling

him like a magnet towards Chase. Xavier inhaled, soaking in Chase’s scent, feeling it tweak

his already pinging nerve endings and stoking the arousal coursing through him.

“I know,” Xavier began, close enough that his breath would caress Chase’s cheek. “You

are a very intelligent man, so you are deliberately misunderstanding me. Let me clarify

again. I don’t bottom, I won’t be used, and I won’t use you. So that doesn’t mean if you won’t

let me fuck you, there’ll be nothing else. There will be nothing else if all you’ve got in mind is

getting your rocks off and leaving. That is what I meant.”

Since Chase hadn’t moved away, Xavier took a chance and eased forward, letting his

lips brush over skin he wanted to taste. He loosely held Chase’s hip—barely a touch, but it

was enough to make him bite back a moan.

What Xavier wouldn’t give to have this man give himself over, for Chase to trust him,

body and soul, to look at him without that fear and anger in his eyes—

Xavier’s breath hitched at that thought. He wanted Chase, not just his body, but

everything, and he’d give as much in return. Xavier edged in a little closer, still keeping his

touch light. He craned his neck so he could see Chase’s expression. The man looked like he

was unsure of what to feel, and Xavier decided to try to help him out.

Giving Chase plenty of time to pull back, Xavier raised his other hand up to cup

Chase’s jaw. The rough stubble felt good against his palm, but the heat from Chase’s skin felt

even better. Xavier shifted so he was facing Chase more fully, then he slowly began lowering

his head. He kept his eyes locked with Chase’s, watching for any sign of panic or impending

violence should he cross a boundary Chase wasn’t prepared to let him past.

When Chase sighed softly and his lids slid shut, when he tipped his head back just the

slightest bit, Xavier took it for the sign that it was. He stroked beneath Chase’s jaw and gently

pressed his lips to Chase’s. Whether it was his or Chase’s lips that quivered, Xavier couldn’t

tell as he closed his eyes and let Chase fill his senses.

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And Xavier knew, with more certainty than he’d ever known anything else, that this

man was going to hold the power to crush his heart with a single word, or complete him in a

way Xavier had only ever dreamed about.

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Chapter Eleven

Chase meant to step back, meant to draw a line and put his foot down and a dozen

other things that would keep him safe from Xavier, but he couldn’t so much as move as

Xavier’s mouth lowered to his. It wasn’t that he believed Xavier was a danger to him, not on

a physical level. The man was big and, powerful, but the risk to Chase was an emotional one,

and those types of risks were the ones he usually walked, if not ran, away from.

And yet, as Xavier’s lips brushed over his, Chase found himself moving forward,

wanting to get closer, wishing the hand at his hip would tighten, hold him still if he tried to

run. He fisted the soft material of Xavier’s shirt and tugged, bringing Xavier up against him.

Xavier’s grip on his hip tightened, holding Chase with just enough force to make him shiver.

Chase’s lips parted on a moan as Xavier slid his other hand back, cupping Chase’s head.

He slipped his tongue in and twined it with Chase’s, teased then took over. And Chase let

him, opening wider, moving against Xavier, rubbing his aching cock against the heavily

muscled thigh pressing between Chase’s spread legs.

He could have fought, could have battled for control of the kiss, but Chase wanted this

man too badly to pretend. He wanted to let Xavier take him, wanted to be able to trust him


Before that thought could make him panic, Chase shoved it down. He didn’t want

anything to spoil this moment when Xavier was so masterfully plundering his mouth. His

thrust his slick tongue against Chase’s in a simulation of another more intimate act that made

Chase’s ass clench as memories of penetrating himself scorched Chase’s brain.

Xavier moved, a subtle shift that pressed his hard dick against Chase’s hip. Chase bit

back a whimper when Xavier dragged his hand from Chase’s hip to trace the seam of his

jeans. When Xavier pressed unerringly against his hole, white-hot pleasure shot through

Chase. He moaned again and hitched his leg up, locking an ankle around Xavier’s hip. The

position lifted him to his toes on his other foot, and aligned their cocks in a way that made

Chase’s head spin.

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He’d never felt so needy or as wanton as he did then. Even fear couldn’t splinter his

arousal. It singed the doubt and questions and flooded his bloodstream with the promise of


Xavier’s other hand fisted in Chase’s hair and tipped his head back further. His bottom

lip was nibbled and nipped as Chase slid his hands to Xavier’s shoulders, holding tight as his

body tensed, his balls drawing up.


Chase shuddered upon hearing his name in that deep rumbling voice, as Xavier’s warm

breath rushed over his skin right before Xavier scraped his teeth over the sensitive skin of

Chase’s neck. Xavier’s hands were everywhere, soothing over tightly coiled muscles and

sweat-slicked skin, kneading and caressing with a tenderness that made Chase shudder.

When Xavier slipped one big hand between them and cupped his cock, Chase cried out,

slamming his eyes shut as he shoved into the touch. It felt so good, better than a hand over

his clothed dick should, but Chase didn’t care.

Xavier mouthed Chase’s Adam’s apple and squeezed his length, and Chase was gone,

coming in a heated rush that sapped his strength as cum jetted from his cock. The force of his

orgasm was such that Chase thought he’d been turned inside out. He dimly realised that

Xavier was guiding him down, laying him on a hard surface even as he continued to nuzzle

Chase’s neck.

Chase’s arms fell limply to his sides. Xavier cradled his cheeks then kissed him again; a

slow hungry kiss that warmed Chase’s belly and made him ache in an unfamiliar way.

Something monumental had just happened, something bigger than him coming like an

inexperienced virgin under a master’s hand. Chase didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want

to lose the euphoria that was holding him up, making him float from the force of his climax.

Maybe if I keep my eyes closed…or if I just don’t speak…

* * * *

Xavier laid Chase on the desk, leaving his legs hanging over the side. His surly blond

had about blown Xavier’s mind. As much as he’d like to take the time to revel in the fact that

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he was the one person this tightly wound man uncoiled for, Xavier could already see the

subtle shift in Chase’s expression that signalled his return back to Earth after orgasmic bliss.

He wasn’t ready to lose Chase yet, and lose him Xavier would if Chase got up and

walked out the door at this point. He was desperate to form at least a tentative bond with

him that had Xavier wedging himself firmly between Chase’s spread thighs. Xavier saw the

slight hitch in Chase’s breathing, the flicker of his eyes behind closed lids. It reassured him

that Chase was right there with him; that his attempts to hide were faltering as Xavier ran his

hands up the backs of Chase’s thighs.

Xavier lifted Chase’s legs and scooted him back until he could set Chase’s heels on the

edge of the desk. He hooked his fingers under Chase’s belt and tugged, bringing Chase’s ass

forward to brush over Xavier’s rock hard erection.

Chase’s hands spasmed, opening and closing as if he battled against reaching for

Xavier. Xavier repeated the move and smiled with satisfaction when goosebumps pebbled

Chase’s skin.

He edged his hands over, trailing his fingertips under the hem of Chase’s shirt, low

down on his stomach. Hard muscles sprinkled with fine, crisp hair shifted under Xavier’s

touch. He pushed the hem of the shirt up, sliding his hands over Chase’s abdomen, his

mouth watering at the expanse of smooth, tanned skin. Chase’s torso was liberally smattered

with golden hair, something Xavier found incredibly erotic. He’d always thought it a shame

when a man shaved or waxed off most—if not all—of his body hair. Xavier loved seeing it,

touching it, the way it felt against his skin…

Xavier pressed slightly, catching a few hairs between his palm and Chase’s chest,

watching his reaction intently. Chase’s low groan and the way he slit his eyes as he stared at

Xavier with something resembling surprise only cemented further Xavier’s belief that this

man was the one for him.

Despite his crude offer earlier, there was a hint of innocence about Chase, as if no one

had taken the time to show him the pleasure his own body could bring. Maybe Chase simply

hadn’t let anyone. Xavier figured it could be either of the two, but he was fixing to change

that. He pushed the shirt up to Chase’s armpits, exposing two dark, erect nipples surrounded

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by swirls of pale hair. As Xavier buried his fingers in the hair beneath Chase’s arms, he leant

down and licked one taut peak.

Chase made a muffled sound and must have lost his internal battle not to touch. His

hands cradled Xavier’s head and he pushed down, making his need clear. Xavier smiled and

took the nipple between his teeth, pinching slightly at first, then a little harder when Chase

both pressed Xavier’s head down and shoved his tit up.

Xavier wasn’t slow; he got the silent demand and bit down, slowly increasing the

pressure. Chase’s breathing became raspy then became laced with something close to a

whimper as he writhed beneath Xavier. The pressure on Xavier’s head increased and he

sealed his lips around the areola as he worked Chase’s nipple with teeth and tongue.

Chase grunted and moved one hand to the back of Xavier’s neck, squeezing gently at

first, then not so gently when Xavier didn’t bite harder. He heard Chase swear and had just

enough time to prepare for the harder shove, the upthrust of chest. Xavier released the

swollen nub and quickly nipped at the other one before Chase could protest the loss of


“Xavier,” Chase gasped, his back bowing sharply and nearly unsettling Xavier. When

Xavier felt those Chase wrap those lean legs around his hips, he nearly came in his pants. His

cock, which he’d been trying to ignore so he could focus on Chase’s pleasure, grew so hard

his gut cramped. Xavier groaned around the nipple clenched in his teeth. He slid his hands

down Chase’s sides, wedging them beneath the man’s ass and cupping both cheeks. He

kneaded the firm globes while he sucked Chase’s nipple, drawing long moans and shaky

whimpers from him.

Xavier’s own need pounded at him, thrumming through his veins, fuelled by every

desperate sound that left Chase’s lips. He nipped Chase’s chest hard enough to make him cry

out, then released the turgid nub. It was a struggle to lift himself off Chase, but Xavier

needed more than this. He had to feel skin on skin or he’d lose his mind. He started to grab

Chase’s wrists when he fisted his hands in Xavier’s hair, but a flashing image in his mind of

Chase pinned and panicked stopped him cold.

Instead he brought his hands back up and pushed at the insides of Chase’s arms. “Let

me up so we can do this right,” Xavier said, when Chase looked at him. The scowl that had

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been forming slipped away and Chase nodded as he untangled his fingers. Xavier lifted

himself up and reached for Chase’s belt. A shred of logic inserted itself into his plan and he

dropped to his knees instead and quickly removed Chase’s boots before taking off his own.

Then he grabbed the buckle and unfastened it, his gaze darting from the swell of Chase’s

erection up to his eyes.

Xavier’s fingers stilled as something flickered over Chase’s expression, and then the

man was sitting up, reaching out. Xavier had a moment of heart shattering disappointment

when he thought Chase meant to shove him away before his shirt was grasped and shoved


“You too,” Chase demanded. “Strip.”

Xavier would have, but Chase seemed determined to do it for him. His shirt was

whipped off with a hard tug that nearly took Xavier’s nose and ears with it. Those parts were

stinging and ringing when Chase grabbed his belt and opened it with a nimble flick of his

wrist. Chase unbuttoned and unzipped Xavier’s pants in an equally efficient manner, then he

was leaning forwards, down, his hands pushing at the material as Xavier’s cock bounced free

of its confines.

And Chase kept coming forwards, kept leaning down until the tip of Xavier’s cock was

encased in silky wet heat. Xavier hissed and started to reach for Chase’s head, wanting to

fuck that mouth like he’d dreamed about doing so many times, but a bolt of fear sliced

through his lust. Chase might freak out if Xavier held onto him, if he forced him to be still

and plunged his dick into that slick cavern over and over until he came.

Chase sucked in another inch, his tongue teasing at Xavier’s frenulum, and Xavier knew

he couldn’t get through this without trying to take control. He’d dreamt of this too many

times, longed for it in the endless hours when he couldn’t sleep. And now he couldn’t have

it, because if he did, he might well ruin any chance he had with Chase.

“No,” Xavier said, settling a hand along Chase’s jaw. Chase looked up at him like he

was crazy, and sucked. Hard. Xavier’s thighs quivered and his hips jutted before he could

stop them, his body instinctively trying to get his dick deeper into that talented mouth. If this

didn’t stop soon, he was going to pound into Chase until he poured his cum down Chase’s

throat. “No.” Xavier made it an order as he tightened his hold on Chase’s jaw. “Not like this.

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All I can think about is holding you still and fucking your mouth until I come, and I

promised I wouldn’t use you.”

Chase narrowed his eyes and flicked his tongue, as if considering whether or not to

press the issue. His gaze flickered over every inch of Xavier’s face, and what he saw there

must have convinced him Xavier spoke the truth. He released Xavier’s cock with a wet slurp,

darting his tongue over the leaking slit before glaring at Xavier.

“I don’t—” Chase huffed, and started again. “I won’t be held still or held down or

anything else like that. Try it and you’ll find yourself in a world of hurt.”

Xavier nodded and risked running a finger around Chase’s glistening lips. That he

didn’t pull away from him or bite his finger off reassured Xavier more than words could

have. “I know you won’t be held down, or still, which is why I warned you. My control was

shaky, I’ve spent too much time thinking about you sucking me like that, and”—Xavier

shrugged—“I wouldn’t hurt you, not like that.”

Chase watched him for a moment. Xavier could see the question forming and smiled

when it came. “‘Not like that’? So you would hurt me in other ways?” Chase’s scowl didn’t

look as fierce as it usually did, so Xavier figured the man had an idea where this was going,

but it was always best to be clear and up front.

And an example didn’t hurt either. Xavier rubbed his thumbs over Chase’s nipples.

Chase gasped and jerked like he’d sat on a livewire. “You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Chase’s

answer turned into a moan as Xavier lightly pinched the warm, swollen nubs. “And it’s a

different kind of pain, isn’t it, than when someone is deliberately trying to hurt you and

make you suffer. Isn’t it?” Xavier emphasised his point by tweaking Chase’s nipples again.

Chase’s eyes glazed and his head tipped back as he panted for several seconds. “Oh g-

god damn it,” he stuttered out when Xavier repeated the motion. “Xavier, what are

you…I—” Another long moan was wrung from Chase as Xavier dragged his blunt nails over

Chase’s pecs, catching a few hairs along the way. He wasn’t leaving anything that wouldn’t

go away in an hour or two, but he was definitely applying enough pressure so that Chase

would feel it.

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Chase shuddered so hard his teeth clacked together. Xavier let up on the pressure and

gently stroked the red marks he’d left on Chase’s chest. Chase took several shaky breaths

before raising his head and looking at Xavier.

“What do you want from me?” Chase asked. “Right now, as of this moment?”

Xavier was afraid to give Chase his full answer—he wanted Chase, period, for more

than one night. He wanted for them to build the relationship Xavier knew they could have.

He wanted to love Chase, and be loved by him in return. But he couldn’t tell Chase that, not

yet. And he must have taken too long to answer, because Chase was looking irritated and

nervous and darting glances at the door, and Xavier couldn’t think of what part of his

confession he should give—

“You said you didn’t want this to be a one-time thing,” Chase said, with not a little

accusation in his voice and eyes. “You said you didn’t want to use me or be used and you

won’t bottom. So what do you want?”

“A chance,” Xavier answered, without having to give it thought. “I want a chance to see

if we can have something lasting between us—a relationship,” he clarified, figuring it best

not to give Chase any leeway for misinterpretation. “I want to be able to hold you, make love

with you, and not worry you’ll be gone before I wake up. I want to explore this attraction

between us, I want—” Xavier bit off the rest of that sentence. He’d already blabbed enough,

he didn’t need to add that he wanted to know the reason why Chase was so afraid to let

anyone close to him. “What do you want?” he asked, turning the question around on Chase.

“Do you really just want one night stands the rest of your life? To never have anyone you can

trust, who you know cares for you more than themselves?”

Chase averted his gaze as his body went tight. “I don’t know. I want you. I thought if

we could just…you know, get off, then we’d both be over it.” He looked at Xavier. There was

so much fear and doubt in his eyes that Xavier had to touch him. Xavier wanted to hold

Chase, but settled for running his fingertips down the side of Chase’s neck. Chase’s eyelids

slid almost shut and he shivered as he moved closer. “I’m afraid we won’t. Be over it. And

I’m afraid we will. I don’t know what I want, but I don’t think I can walk out of here now.”

It wasn’t a promise of forever or even to stay afterwards, and it wasn’t the reassurance

Xavier would have liked, but…it was something. Coming from Chase, Xavier thought it was

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probably a lot. There was so much need buried in those words, so much showing in Chase’s

eyes and the tense lines of his shoulders. Xavier would take it, and hope that he wasn’t the

only one already emotionally involved in what he hoped was a burgeoning relationship.

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Chapter Twelve

Chase hoped he wasn’t making a huge mistake. The idea of having more than a night

with Xavier scared him, but not as much as the thought of never having the man at all. And

he knew he couldn’t sneak out after, he’d kind of given his word in a way. At least, in his

opinion he had when he hadn’t turned away and got dressed and walked out of here.

Now he was standing bare-ass naked with an equally naked man who wanted him in

ways that Chase couldn’t fathom. Well, he got the sex part, although he wasn’t sure he

would let Xavier fuck him. Chase snorted softly. Yeah, right, because you didn’t cream your jeans

when he rubbed against your asshole, didn’t come with the image of him buried to the hilt there, filling

you up like no one ever has before. Don’t be a stupid fuck.

He needed to stop thinking before he scared himself out of even giving this a shot.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to relax his muscles as he glanced at Xavier. He felt as nervous

as a butterfly in a roomful of cats. “What do you want to do?” And now he felt like an idiot,


Xavier only smiled in a way that made Chase’s chest feel all warm and tingly. He

hooked his hand around Chase’s nape and pulled him closer, bringing their nude bodies

together. Chase’s mouth opened on a gasp as he felt Xavier’s hard dick pressing against his


“This,” Xavier said, then bent and took Chase’s mouth in a kiss so gentle it made his

eyes sting. Chase brought his shaky hands to Xavier’s shoulders and held on since the kiss

made his knees weak. One of Xavier’s thighs pushed between Chase’s legs, pressing up

against his balls, and it felt so, so much better than it had earlier when they were both

clothed. Then Xavier ran a hand down Chase’s back, taking his time over the ridges of

Chase’s spine before dipping into his crease.

Chase thought he should be scared or nervous or angry—or something other than so

turned on he couldn’t be still. He slid his arms up and locked them behind Xavier’s neck,

then arched his back, trying to get those fingers to sink a little deeper into his crack.

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Xavier hummed his approval into the kiss, setting a flurry of fluttery things loose in

Chase’s stomach. He suckled on Xavier’s slick tongue as he whimpered, a sound he’d never

thought he’d make, but he was desperate to feel Xavier’s fingers… Oh God!

“Right there,” Chase rasped as Xavier finally brushed his fingertips over Chase’s hole.

“Ohmigod!” Chase panted against Xavier’s lips as each wrinkled fold was traced. “Xavier!”

Chase began to quake, need churning in him as Xavier used his fingers to tease and taunt.

Xavier’s slipped his other hand between them and squeezed the base of Chase’s cock before

moving lower to cup his balls.

Pleasure was ricocheting through Chase like a pinball and Xavier hadn’t even done

anything to him yet—other than kiss him and just…touch. Chase didn’t understand it, and

the press of fingers against his hole shattered any hope he might have had of doing so.

Xavier repeated the touch, not penetrating, just pressing, while tugging on Chase’s balls. The

dual assault of pleasure and pain was almost too much. Chase jerked, then sagged against

Xavier, his body a raging inferno of so many confusing feelings he couldn’t comprehend any

of them.

“Come here,” Xavier murmured, and Chase couldn’t figure out what he meant, either,

because he was already plastered to Xavier like a second skin. Then the room whirled and

dipped, and Chase felt the cool wooden surface of the desk under his back. His legs were

lifted, positioned much as they had been before except his feet weren’t near the edge because

Xavier had crawled up onto the desk, too. Xavier’s legs were between Chase’s, spreading him

wide and exposing everything. Chase was a little embarrassed about having his ass open like

that, but Xavier planted a hand beside his head and dropped down over him, not lying on

Chase, but hovering just above him.

“Now, where were we?” Xavier purred in a way that made Chase’s ass clench and his

dick leak pre-cum. His nipples throbbed as if they’d been stimulated anew, and that added

pleasure shot through Chase’s chest. Chase tried to keep his eyes open, but Xavier was so

fucking sexy with his dark eyes gleaming and his skin flushed with desire. Chase was afraid

he’d shoot in a heartbeat if he kept looking at Xavier. He closed his eyes just as Xavier

crushed their lips together, and unlike the kiss moments ago, there was nothing gentle about


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This was a kiss filled with need—physical and emotional. But he was too turned on to

be scared or nervous or anything other than horny. At this rate, he’d end up with brain

damage if he didn’t get some of the blood flowing back upstairs soon.

Chase whimpered when Xavier caught his bottom lip between his teeth and nipped.

His nipples ached in sympathy, or jealousy, he didn’t care which. Then Xavier licked the line

of Chase’s jaw, stopping to nibble every few seconds before finding a spot on Chase’s neck

that made him shout as Xavier sucked. Chase knew he was being marked, and he liked it!

And he would leave marks of his own. He brushed his lips over the tempting swell of

Xavier’s chest and Chase bit. He curled his fingers over Xavier’s biceps, digging into hard

muscle, marking them as his own. Xavier grunted when he started to sit up and Chase didn’t

immediately release his treat. When Chase did, Xavier traced a finger over Chase’s lips,

pressing in to rub the edge of his teeth.

“You like to bite?” Xavier didn’t look upset about it at all. In fact, he was smiling as if

he’d just discovered a new and favourite toy.

“You,” Chase managed, feeling his cheeks heat in what couldn’t possibly have been a

blush, because he didn’t blush. But he’d also never bitten someone before, never felt the

slightest inclination, yet he wanted to leave signs all over Xavier that screamed ‘mine!’ to

everyone, even if only he and Xavier ever saw them.

Xavier’s smile darkened to a wicked thing that sent a wave of heat rushing over Chase.

“Good. I like that it’s just me.” He dipped back down for a quick stinging kiss, then sat up

and pulled open a drawer. Chase closed his eyes, not sure he wanted to see Xavier sheathing

his dick. Getting fucked still seemed like a huge thing, no matter that Chase had fucked more

men than he could count. That was different, it hadn’t meant anything to either him or the

nameless men. But this…this was huge, and Chase wasn’t sure he was ready for it.

“Don’t look so panicked, I’m not going to fuck you—this time.”

Chase’s eyes popped open wider at that, even as he felt relief at most of the

proclamation. Those last two words kind of made him nervous. No, not nervous, he realised.

That was anticipation coiling inside him, making his hole flutter as he thought of Xavier’s

thick cock spearing into him. “Oh fuck!”

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“Another time,” Xavier murmured. Chase could hear sounds that seemed familiar, and

the squelch of lube being squirted had him opening his eyes and propping himself up on his


“I thought you said—” he began, only to shut up when Xavier held up three slicked


“I’m not going to fuck you, but I am going to give you what you were begging for a few

minutes ago.”

Chase groaned and laid back down and shut his eyes. He couldn’t deny he’d been

begging any more than he could deny that he wanted those fingers spreading his needy hole.

Just the thought of it had him opening his legs as far as he could.

Xavier did him one better. He took one of Chase’s hands and placed it behind his left

knee. “Lift, and get the other one up, too. Show me where you want my fingers to go.”

Chase had watched as other men had positioned themselves as he was, and it was

entirely different being on this end of things. He wondered if all those other men had felt this

vulnerable. How could they not have? They didn’t know him; he was just some guy out for

quick fuck.

But so were they, and maybe then it hadn’t mattered. This, here with Xavier, mattered

so much Chase could hardly breathe. Then Xavier glided his fingers over Chase’s opening,

spreading the lube around, and Chase had no problem breathing. His chest heaved as he

gasped when Xavier teased the wrinkled skin.

“You want one now?”

God, how could Xavier even talk? Chase tried, but all that came out was something

entirely too close to a whine. It must have been enough, though, because the tip of one thick

finger began pressing into his hole, stretching the tight ring that still wasn’t used to such

attention. Even with the lube it burned, and despite the fact that Chase had fingered himself,

it was different. Maybe it’s like tickling yourself, he thought as Xavier sank the digit in deeper.

Tickling yourself never worked, but when someone else did it…

“Ahhh!”Chase cried out as Xavier brushed over his prostate. That was something Chase

hadn’t yet found in his explorations. Which was a good thing, or he might never have left his


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“God, Xavier, please…” Chase didn’t know what he was begging for until Xavier began

working in another finger. This time the burn was more intense, but Chase knew how good

it’d feel once it was all the way in. The pain would turn into something pleasurable, and he

moaned and tucked his ass down, trying to get those fingers in deeper, faster, anything.

“Patience, sweetheart.”

Chase wanted to growl over the endearment—sweetheart, his ass—but Xavier crooked

his fingers and that sharp zing of pleasure spread out through Chase’s rectum, softening to a

pleasant and nearly constant stream that warmed him from the inside out.

“There you go,” Xavier murmured, ”you’re doing so well, sweetheart.”

Chase opened his mouth to snap, because calling him that twice in a row was pushing

it, but Xavier’s other hand closed around his dick and Chase decided he didn’t give a damn

what Xavier wanted to call him.

Xavier began a slow, steady rhythm, stroking Chase’s cock as if he knew every sensitive

spot along its length. He rotated his hand over the crown, pressing the pad of his thumb

against the slit with just enough pressure to make white dots explode behind Chase’s lids. As

Xavier began pumping his fingers in and out of Chase’s ass, brushing over his gland every

second or third thrust, his other hand worked the thick vein that ran along the underside of

Chase’s dick, teased the underside of his crown, and drove him right to the brink before a

third finger stretched his hole almost unbearably.

Chase made a mewing sound that he immediately tried to cut off, mortification

threatening to undo the arousal swamping him.

“Relax, let me in,” Xavier crooned, then added, “sweetheart,” just before Chase’s balls

were sucked into a warm, wet cavern.

“Fuck! Fuck!” Chase screamed as Xavier hummed around his balls. Chase’s cock was

pumped faster, harder, as his asshole relaxed and all three fingers spread him open.

Chase’s body was a riot of ecstasy, the triple assault on his balls, ass and cock shredding

every bit of control Chase had. He wailed, forgetting where he was, who might hear,

forgetting everything but the fingers and mouth and hand shoving him right over the edge.

He writhed and bucked as cum poured from his dick, splattering his chest and stomach.

Another brush over his gland sent more spunk spurting out, and Chase made some sound,

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he didn’t care what it was, as everything clenched and released, clenched and released until

his body stilled, his strength gone, his body boneless.

He was dimly aware of the fingers sliding out of his ass. It wasn’t exactly comfortable

now, but Chase was too beat to care. Then the hand on his dick was gone, and the soft wet

suckling of his balls stopped. He opened his eyes to find Xavier—his face twisted in a

grimace and his dark eyes hot—climbing up to straddle Chase’s waist.

Xavier’s hand was a blur, pumping his cock as he moaned, dropping down to hold

himself up with a hand above Chase’s head. Chase gathered enough energy to drag a hand

up and fondle Xavier’s balls.

“Yes, oh fuck, sweetheart, squeeze,” Xavier panted, and Chase opened one eye as if that

would help clarify what he thought he’d heard. Squeeze? Xavier’s nuts? Jesus, I’m more fucked

out than I thought!

Except Xavier whimpered and pleaded desperately, “Please, Chase, please…”

And Chase remembered the way pleasure and pain had slammed together, blending

into the most potent orgasm Chase had ever had. And he squeezed, cautiously, lightly, until

Xavier cursed and drove his hips down, pinning Chase’s hand between his balls and Chase’s

stomach. Chase squeezed.

Xavier let loose a strangled shout, his body going taut, back arching, hand flying over

his dick. Chase tried to look everywhere—at Xavier’s expression, his lips parted and eyes

unfocused, his nostrils flaring with each breath. He saw that the flush had spread from

Xavier’s cheeks, all the way down to the tops of his thighs. Chase pausing for a split second

to notice the way Xavier’s nipples had pebbled and formed thick peaks.

Then he saw the first jet of cum spew from Xavier’s cock, and Chase raised his head,

letting the warm cream spatter his cheek and his chin. Xavier yelled, his eyes rolling back for

a second before zeroing in to watch his cum stripe Chase’s skin.

Chase knew in that instant, as Xavier watched him so intently through his orgasm, that

he was in serious trouble. Or maybe, just maybe, he was in the one place he never thought

he’d be—with a man who cared enough to want him to stay.

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Chapter Thirteen

Letting Chase return to the bunkhouse without protesting was one of the hardest things

Xavier had ever done, but he knew better than to push—at least this time. If their

relationship became the kind Xavier hoped it would, there’d be time for each of them to

spend together. That couldn’t happen without trust, and Chase wasn’t the only one a little

short in that area.

As much as he wanted to, Xavier couldn’t yet believe Chase wouldn’t run. Oh, he didn’t

necessarily think Chase would leave town, but he could still decide to run from the attraction

that was growing ever stronger between them. The thought bothered him all the way home,

and for several hours as he tried to relax and rest, if not sleep. It was impossible. He was

worried, and a little angry about that, at himself and Chase.

“Fuck,” Xavier muttered, rolling onto his side then again onto his back. This wasn’t the

first time his bed had felt too big, too empty, but it was the first time he let the feeling drive

him up and into the living room, where he turned on the lights and dimmed them before

dropping onto the couch.

The change of rooms didn’t help. He didn’t feel any more inclined to sleep. He felt

needy, his skin too warm and twitchy—and Xavier huffed as he realised it wasn’t totally

unlike the feeling he’d had from the ecstasy. It would seem Chase was a new and extremely

addictive drug, one Xavier already craved. One he had no desire to get off of.

Now, get off on, that’s another thing entirely. Xavier groaned and smacked his forehead

with the back of his hand. Jesus, he must have suffered some brain damage to be making

such rotten puns, even if it was only in his head. He moved around on the big leather couch.

At least it felt cool on his heated skin.

The bottoms of his silk pyjamas rucked up around his calves, something that usually

annoyed Xavier, but he barely noticed it now. Images of Chase were flashing through his

mind, erotic and heart wrenching ones flitting by so quickly he felt dizzy. Xavier closed his

eyes and forced himself to breathe deeply, searching for a single strand of the peace he

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normally managed to find. It was hard, what with his chaotic thoughts and a certain part of

him that should be well-satisfied swelling and rising up to meet the elastic waistband, but

what finally did it was imagining Chase pinned down again, the fear and panic in his green

eyes, the pleading in his expression as he looked at Xavier.

It was that look that had seared into Xavier’s heart and taken something that might

have started out as lust and twisted it into something stronger. Xavier knew with a sudden

clarity that if he wanted Chase to trust him, he had to trust Chase first. Lead by example,

except it was more than that. Chase needed someone to believe in him, especially since

Xavier didn’t think he believed in himself.

Xavier thought that Chase was probably confident of his physical abilities, although the

current injury had likely shaken even that bit of confidence. But there was something about

him that made Xavier certain Chase didn’t see much good in himself. He wished he could

talk to the man Chase seemed to care about—James.

And he really wished he wasn’t jealous about that. Xavier didn’t think there was

anything sexual between the two, but there was a bond, a strong one—at least on Chase’s

side. As controlled as Chase could be—when he wasn’t coming apart for Xavier—he’d

completely lost it over James. Was James an ex, or the one who got away?

Xavier didn’t care for the anger that line of thought was causing. Better to think of

Chase, what he could do to earn the man’s trust—and his love. Xavier wasn’t going to try to

fool himself into believing that wasn’t his true goal, but love and trust were as deeply

entwined as he intended him and Chase to be. At least, he thought it was—Xavier couldn’t

really say he’d been in love before, not if it felt anything like this; like he’d shrivel up and

waste away if he couldn’t have Chase.

“Jesus, I’m turning into a drama queen,” Xavier grumbled as he flopped onto his back

and draped an arm over his eyes. Exhaustion hit him suddenly, sinking him further into the

soft couch as his body went lax. He had a moment to be grateful for the impending sleep

before it pulled him under.

* * * *

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Xavier woke up in the way he hated most—suddenly, his heart pounding and his throat

tight on a strangled shout as he sat up in bed, his vision still blurred with sleep. Couch. At

least he’d realised that much even as he rubbed at his eyes. He must have had another one of

those fucking falling dreams—

“You’re alarm isn’t worth shit.”

The voice registered before Xavier could completely freak out, but he did jerk like he’d

been zapped. He blinked rapidly, eager for a clear glimpse of the man in the room with him,

then he had a horrible thought—maybe he was still asleep.

“Chase?” Xavier could see him, albeit slightly blurrily. Chase wasn’t looking at him,

though. He was standing with his arms crossed, his profile to Xavier as if he was looking at

the door. The pink tingeing Chase’s cheek made him think it was more embarrassment that

had Chase looking away.

“Les said they haven’t found the fucker who drugged you, you know. They don’t even

have a clue where to look, which means he’s out there somewhere, and you have this shit

alarm system.”

Xavier could have floated right off the couch, then. Not only was Chase worried about

him, not only did he care enough to worry about him, but he’d come to Xavier. It wasn’t like

Chase showing up at the club, either. At that point Chase didn’t know what Xavier wanted

from him. He’d just thought there’d be a fast fuck and that’d be that—but Chase did know

now, and he’d come to Xavier!

“Chase,” Xavier began, his voice thick with emotion he hoped he could pass off as

sleepiness or he’d likely scare Chase off.

Chase ground his jaw and kept glaring at the door. “Someone should have checked this

out before you ever came home from the hospital. Failing that…” And now Chase turned

towards him, and Xavier thought he was the sexiest fucking man on the planet. No one could

deliver a furious glare while appearing so hot except for Chase Murphy—who seemed

unfazed by Xavier’s lust-dumb stare. “You should have had it checked. If a guy who’s got a

fucked up shoulder can get in here, it’s a sure bet a determined guy out for your ass can do it,


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Xavier figured he was kind of bent for getting the warm fuzzies from being cursed at.

Of course he wouldn’t be feeling like that if it hadn’t been Chase’s way of letting Xavier

know he cared. “I’ll have a new system installed as soon as the security company can get it


“Get a new fucking security company!” Chase’s eyes widened and his mouth snapped

shut on the last syllable. He looked so stunned Xavier couldn’t quite be mad at him, but

Chase would have to find a more appropriate way to express his concern. Xavier didn’t think

he could handle being cursed at on a regular basis.

Xavier rose slowly, his eyes narrowing on Chase’s. He kept his voice low and smooth as

he held one hand out. “I’ll do that. How did you get here?” There was no reason to ask why.

Xavier wouldn’t make Chase admit something he wasn’t ready to.

There was an awkward moment where Chase hesitated, looking at Xavier’s hand with a

blank expression. As much as he wanted to tuck his hand back at his side, Xavier refused to

do so. He wouldn’t give himself or Chase such an easy out. Chase could either accept or

refuse, and Xavier would damn well have to deal with either of those choices.

In the end, Chase took the steps necessary to close the distance between them. He didn’t

take Xavier’s hand, instead brushing his fingers over the top of it before loosely clasping his

wrist. Only then did something shift in his eyes.

“Max told me I could borrow his truck,” Chase murmured, easing so close Xavier could

feel the heat rolling off his body. “I told him I wasn’t going anywhere.” He shook his head

slightly but never took his eyes from Xavier’s. “I wasn’t, and yet…here I am. I don’t know


Xavier had always thought it was an exaggeration when someone said their heart

swelled with joy, or love, or any of those sweet emotions, yet now he knew exactly what they

meant. He raised his other hand, tracing a path from Chase’s chest, aware of the way the man

shivered when his fingertips grazed a peaked nipple. As tempting as that little nub was,

Xavier didn’t tarry, only stopping once he’d cupped Chase’s nape.

He rubbed gently, every soft hair that touched his skin setting off sparks of need and

that tender emotion he wouldn’t yet name. “It’s okay,” he said, as he bent to bring his lips to

Chase’s. He knew why Chase had come, and it was enough.

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Chapter Fourteen

When Chase had given up on getting any sleep, he’d tiptoed out of his bedroom at the

bunkhouse with no destination other than the kitchen table in mind. He’d thought a glass of

milk might help him sleep—like that had ever been a cure for being horny and confused—

but when he’d turned on the light above the stove and started to walk to the refrigerator,

something glinting on the table had caught his eye. Chase had blinked stupidly at the keys

lying on a piece of paper.

Curiosity had got the better of him and he’d ended up standing there reading the note,

which was no easy feat considering a doctor could have taught the author penmanship. By

the time Chase had deciphered the note from Max, which had basically said he was leaving

his keys for Chase in case he changed his mind and decided to go back into town, he’d been

vibrating with the need to see Xavier again. Stupid, he’d thought, since it had only been a

couple of hours since they’d gone their separate ways.

He’d continued silently mocking his own feelings as he’d dressed and hauled his ass to

Xavier’s. All the while, Chase had tried to think of an excuse to hand over once he got there.

Checking the alarm was the best he could come up with, which…well, even he knew that

translated to checking on Xavier because he was concerned for the man’s safety.

But it wasn’t so easy to just admit that. What had been easy was bypassing the shitty

alarm system Xavier had, and that had both scared Chase somewhere deep down inside and

pissed him off, too.

Now here he was, his body humming with anticipation as he opened for Xavier’s kiss.

Chase was surprised how much he liked it—almost craved it, even. Kissing had previously

been a way to hurry up and get to the good stuff, something he did so the other man would

be happy…or whatever. He hadn’t really thought of it as a somewhat sloppy and often times

gross part of foreplay. Of course, considering he’d picked up most of his tricks in bars, it

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wasn’t surprising the majority had tasted like bitter, stale liquor and more often than not, an

ashtray or a bong.

But Xavier…Xavier tasted sweet and strong, powerful and tender. Chase would swear

he could taste the man’s character; his honesty and strength in every kiss, every touch.

Maybe it was just infatuation, the newness of being with a man who wouldn’t just roll over

and let Chase walk away.

Or maybe it was something else, something Chase should think about when he wasn’t

moaning, as Xavier kissed him with a tenderness that made Chase want to… He curled his

fingers against Xavier’s shoulders as Xavier swept his tongue over the roof of his mouth.

Xavier’s hands slid down, slowly caressing Chase’s ribs, making him squirm a bit closer,

trying to get those hands to move down and around. He loved the way Xavier’s hands felt

gripping his ass, not too hard, but with enough strength that Chase felt secure in the man’s


Which was something else he didn’t want to think about. As far as he’d believed, he’d

always been secure.

Chase moaned when Xavier finally coasted his hands over Chase’s ass cheeks. He

repeated the sound and tried to crawl up Xavier’s body when his ass was kneaded, sending

currents of pleasure rippling up his back and making his hole clench in need. His cock

swelled and he tried to rub against Xavier, but the man lifted his lips from Chase’s and put a

few inches of space between them.

“Let’s go to my bedroom,” Xavier said before Chase could ask. Xavier squeezed his

cheeks one more time then released Chase, only to take one of his hands. As good as it had

felt to have Xavier touching his ass, this joining of hands felt even better. More intimate;

which made Chase’s already racing heart accelerate even more as he looked into Xavier’s

eyes and nodded. He was a little apprehensive about what might happen once they were in

Xavier’s bedroom, but he tried not to let it show.

Xavier stared at him intently for several seconds, then he smiled slightly and traced the

line of Chase’s jaw. Chase’s lids fluttered as Xavier’s touch left a trail of heat behind it. He

swayed towards him, leaning into the caress. Xavier murmured softly, then followed the

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path his fingers had taken, his lips brushing over Chase’s stubbled jaw until he brought their

mouths together again for a chaste kiss. It still made Chase’s head spin.

“I won’t push for anything you aren’t ready to give,” Xavier said. Chase didn’t doubt

the truth of that, and he nodded. He wasn’t sure he trusted Xavier entirely; trust had never

come easy for Chase, but in this matter, he knew he could let Xavier take the lead and he

would keep his word. It was enough for now.

* * * *

A subtle softening of Chase’s features told Xavier more than words could have. Words

could be false, but unless Chase was a world-class actor, the emotions in those pretty eyes

and the lack of tension in his expression spoke more powerfully than anything else could


Xavier knew it wasn’t everything he wanted, but that small measure of trust lit him up

inside. He wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d been glowing. Chase was, and the look in his

eyes was heating up by the second. He’d have to keep a tight hold on his own desires to

make sure he didn’t screw this up, but Xavier didn’t believe he would. It meant too much—

Chase meant too much.

With his hands locked together, Xavier started them in the direction of his room. He

glanced at Chase and saw the way his shoulders were a bit tense. Xavier knew he could try to

reassure Chase over and over with words, but that went right back to his earlier thought.

Words could mean anything or nothing. Actions were more telling at times like this. Still,

talking might help distract Chase from thinking about what might or might not happen once

they were naked in bed together.

Xavier stopped them in the hall. He smiled when Chase gave him a quizzical look. “So,

is the alarm really that bad, or are you just that good?”

Chase snorted even as he smirked. “Both. I’ve seen worse systems, though. But if I

could slip past it in under thirty seconds, someone with less exp—” Chase’s eyes widened. “I

mean, someone with less skill could probably do it in a few minutes. Hell, since you just have

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those thin curtains up in the living room, someone could just shoot you, you know? See your

shadow, fire a few shots…”

If Chase was trying to freak him out, it was working. Xavier would get a new alarm

installed and good blinds and thick curtains and maybe even shutters…

“I can tell you’re thinking about it,” Chase said. Xavier’s eyebrows drew together as he

looked at Chase, who averted his gaze. “It’s…it’s nice that you listen and don’t just ignore

what I say. You do that with everything I say. I…I noticed, you know?” He blushed and

glanced at the bedroom door. “You’ll do that in here, too, but I’m still nervous.”

Xavier stopped and took Chase’s other hand, turning so they faced each other fully.

“I’m nervous, too. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, and I don’t want you to feel

pressured. I just want you to feel, to give yourself over to the pleasure I’d love to give you.

That doesn’t mean I expect you to let me fuck you once we’re in there.” He tipped his chin

towards the bedroom.

Chase’s brow furrowed as he looked up through his lashes at Xavier. “But I thought

you wanted to fuck me? I thought…I thought you’d try to convince me in there with your

hands and mouth and…”

Xavier tried not to growl, snarl or show the slightest bit of anger or hurt at what Chase

‘thought’. Actions, not words—not for this man at this point. Xavier had to repeat it silently to

himself a couple of times before he spoke. “Come to bed with me and let me show you.” Let

me earn your trust.

Chase hesitated for a moment, then released one of Xavier’s hands and opened the


Xavier left his pyjamas bottoms on as he undressed Chase, slowly exposing that

delectable body, kissing and stroking the lean lines of muscle revealed an inch at a time.

Chase shivered periodically when Xavier discovered a particularly sensitive spot—the soft

skin on the of Chase’s triceps; the dip beside his left hip bone; the sweet skin behind Chase’s

ears that made him whimper, whether it was lips or fingertips that touched that spot.

Once he had Chase’s shirt off, Xavier dropped to his knees, licking a line straight down

the middle of Chase’s torso as he knelt. Xavier scraped his teeth over Chase’s treasure trail,

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then nibbled his way back to the whorl of Chase’s navel. He lapped over it first, delighted

when Chase cursed and grabbed his head, holding him there. Xavier was only too happy to

explore the little dip, licking and teasing the bottom of it.

His used his teeth to tug at the fine hairs surrounding Chase’s belly button while

sliding his hands down the backs of Chase’s thighs. When he brushed the tips of his fingers

over the inner seams, Chase’s legs quivered. Xavier dragged his hands back up as Chase

gripped the back of Xavier’s neck loosely, but with enough force to show he wanted Xavier’s

mouth right where it was.

Xavier tipped his head up and peered into Chase’s heavy-lidded eyes. The desire in the

man’s expression was so obvious it made Xavier’s cock twitch as pre-cum wetted the front of

his pyjamas. “Kick your shoes off for me?” He was careful to keep it a question, wanting to

make sure anything that happened was the result of Chase’s decisions.

Chase’s lips twitched and his hands never left Xavier’s neck and head as he removed

his shoes. Xavier waited until he was sure Chase had both feet planted steadily, then he

nuzzled the bulge pressing against Chase’s zipper once before returning to lap at his navel.

Xavier wasn’t surprised at all when Chase got that particular nonverbal question and

nudged his own head lower. He chuckled softly, letting Chase feel the vibrations on his skin

as he followed that lovely trail to the waistband of Chase’s jeans. It only took a second to

unfasten the buttons and free Chase’s cock. Xavier shoved down Chase’s jeans as he stared at

the hard dick in front of him. Yes, he’d seen it hours ago, but still… Chase had a perfect cock,

one of the most beautiful Xavier had ever seen. It was thick and probably slightly longer than

it needed to be to brush over a man’s prostate.

The shaft was a dusky pink, lined with a few smaller veins and the big one Xavier knew

would pulse as Chase came. Topped with a broad crown and a narrow glistening slit, Xavier

couldn’t help clenching his ass at the thought of how the plump head would stretch his hole

wide, how the underside of the cap would catch at his rim, tugging against it inside… No, he

wasn’t going there.

Instead he fisted the base of Chase’s dick and used his other hand to cup Chase’s heavy

sac. Chase hissed and spread his legs, giving Xavier easier access. He palmed Chase’s balls,

rolling them gently while he began to pump his dick. A glance up at Chase had Xavier

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clenching his thighs as his balls tingled. Chase’s head was thrown back, the tendons in his

neck standing out as he panted. His lean chest was thrust forward, the sweet little nipples

there swollen as if Xavier had already loved on them, and the muscles in his stomach rippled

and tightened repeatedly. Xavier wanted to replace his hand with his mouth—either hand,

but especially the one stroking Chase’s dick. He was only a little disappointed when Chase’s

hand found his on Chase’s balls, lifting the heavy sac—until Chase pulled Xavier’s head

towards it.

His mouth watering with anticipation, Xavier tongued the wrinkled fuzz-coated skin

first, tracing the seam between Chase’s nuts. Chase cursed and thrust his hips, demanding

more with his body as well as words. “Suck them, Xavier. Open that sexy mouth and suck

my balls.”

Xavier didn’t have to be told again. He opened his mouth and sucked in one of Chase’s

balls, flicking his tongue over it.

“Fuck!” Chase cupped Xavier’s chin and moved closer until he was almost standing

over him. “More,” he demanded, and Xavier, though unused to being ordered about by his

lovers, did his best to comply. He sucked harder and pumped faster, letting Chase rut

against his face. Xavier was likely to have a bruised cheek from his own knuckles jerking

Chase’s cock, but it was worth it when those broken sounds started spilling from Chase’s

lips. He mouthed the other nut as attentively, moving his hand back enough so he could rub

over Chase’s taint.

Chase’s hands tightened their grip. Xavier looked up again to find Chase grimacing as

if in pain as he watched Xavier. The man needed to come, and Xavier wasn’t in much better

shape. His cock was so hard he could break rocks with it, and he concluded he was going to

have to do something he hadn’t done in years.

“Now my dick,” Chase grunted out, and Xavier released Chase’s balls and his shaft

only to shove his hand down inside his pyjamas and fist his own. Chase’s eyes narrowed as

he pressed the tip of his cock to Xavier’s lips. Xavier knew he most likely looked smug, but

he was damned good at giving head and was more than eager to do it for Chase.

Xavier sucked on the leaking tip, delving his tongue into the slit. He moved his other

hand up to pluck at Chase’s nipples while starting a hard, fast rhythm on his own dick.

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“Yesss,” Chase hissed, trying to keep his eyes opened so he could watch Xavier suck

more of his length into his mouth. “God, Xavier…” Chase moaned and traced Xavier’s top

lip as he took in the broad crown. “Take more, let me…” He swallowed loudly as his

expression shifted from one of pleasure to uncertainty.

Xavier didn’t want Chase feeling anything other than pleasure. He looked so beautiful

when he let himself go. Xavier moved both of his hands up to grab Chase’s ass. He opened as

wide as he could and, his gaze locked with Chase’s, tugged on the man’s cheeks.

* * * *

Chase couldn’t quite comprehend what it meant, and his eyes bugged as he struggled

to wrap his mind around what Xavier was offering. Just as Xavier had said he didn’t want to

push Chase to do anything he didn’t want to, Chase didn’t want Xavier stepping out of his

comfort zone or faking his way through something just to snare him. If that was the case,

Xavier would eventually tire of doing things he really didn’t want to—like handing over

control to him—and then things could get complicated.

Except…there was no hesitation in Xavier’s tugging hands, nothing but an eager glint in

his eyes—and he was sucking the tip of Chase’s dick like there was nothing better in the

world than giving Chase a blowjob.

Chase shuddered as Xavier pulled on his butt again. His tongue flicked over the bundle

of nerves beneath Chase’s glans, and Chase’s vision swam. His reticence vanished as

pleasure suffused his body and he shoved his cock in deep. Xavier’s moan vibrated through

Chase’s shaft, spiralling up to spread warmth through his chest. He caught the blur of

Xavier’s hand as the man beat off, and knowing Xavier was so turned on was potently

arousing. Xavier is getting off on this

And Chase lost the last shred of control, framing Xavier’s face with his hands as he

grunted and fucked Xavier’s willing mouth. More than willing, Chase thought dimly as

another one of those wet moans shimmied over his dick. Chase’s fingers clenched as Xavier’s

head bobbed, taking his length deep.

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Warm, wet muscles rippled and compressed around Chase’s dick as fingernails dug

into his clenched ass cheeks. Chase bucked harder, striving to get just that little bit deeper,

and Xavier’s tongue pressed against the spot where Chase’s cock throbbed as his orgasm

gained steam, building inside him until it burst up from his balls and spewed in rapid spurts

as Xavier swallowed.

Xavier’s garbled shout sent an army of goosebumps storming over Chase’s skin, then

his dick slid from Xavier’s lax mouth as the man’s eyes slammed shut and cum splattered

Chase’s leg. Watching Xavier come made Chase’s dick twitch, the man was so sexy. Chase

wanted to see that look on Xavier’s face again, a hundred times at least. More, even, because

he didn’t think he’d ever get tired of it.

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Chapter Fifteen

Xavier came out of his climax-induced stupor to aching knees and a sticky hand. He

rested his head against Chase’s hip and massaged the firm swells of his ass as he struggled to

catch his breath. Chase was stroking his hair with both hands, and it felt so good Xavier was

tempted to stay like this for a while longer, but knew if he did he might embarrass himself

trying to stand up. There couldn’t be anything sexy about a man having to pull himself up by

grabbing onto whatever stable object he could, all the while wincing as various joints creaked

and popped.

The thought of it was enough to have him slowly and somewhat unsteadily rising to his

feet. He wasn’t surprised when Chase cupped his elbows. While he didn’t pull or try to bear

any of Xavier’s weight, Chase did provide a steadying strength that Xavier appreciated.

“Thanks.” Xavier brushed his lips over Chase’s, intending it to be brief kiss, but it

quickly ignited into a fierce, hungry one instead. Xavier was breathing heavily by the time it

ended; his cock was half hard again, and Chase’s was pressing between Xavier’s thighs, right

under his balls. Chase rocked a little and the friction against his sac felt ridiculously good,

but Xavier stepped back regardless. “Come to bed with me now? We didn’t quite make it

there yet, and I would like to spread you out so I can lick every inch of your body.”

“Oh,” Chase said, looking a bit dazed. “Every inch?” he asked as he gave Xavier a

considering look.

Xavier gave him his sultriest smile. “Every. Single. Inch.”

* * * *

Xavier hadn’t been exaggerating, Chase thought as another low moan was torn from

him. This time it was because Xavier had found what Chase would have sworn was the least

sexiest part on his body—his armpit. But as Xavier rooted in the dense hair there, licking and

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nipping and driving Chase out of his god-damned mind, Chase couldn’t deny that he was

definitely learning a lot of new fun facts about his body.

Xavier licked a path from Chase’s pit to his elbow, another not particularly attractive

body part as far as Chase was concerned. Then Xavier sucked, hard, and did something with

his tongue. Chase about bucked off the bed as lightning speared from one nerve ending to

another. Then Xavier scraped his teeth over the inside of Chase’s wrist and Chase yelped in

pleasurable surprise as the nip shot straight to his groin. “Xavier! God, what are you doing to

me? Don’t stop!”

“I won’t,” Xavier rumbled before doing that same scraping biting thing to Chase’s

palm. Then it was his fingers being sucked into Xavier’s hot mouth. The way the man

mimicked sucking Chase’s cock was almost more than Chase could bear. His cock was

achingly hard and leaving a puddle of pre-cum on Chase’s belly. His balls were already hard

nuggets pressing up against his body, and that quivering little hole nestled between his ass

cheeks felt way too empty. Chase didn’t think he was quite desperate enough yet to plead for

Xavier to fuck him, but he was damned close, and that was a more effective barrier against

him coming than being submerged in a tub of ice water would have been.

Not that he thought Xavier was going to roll him over and shove right on in. Chase was

more afraid he’d be convinced before he could really think it out. Everything Xavier was

doing to him felt so good, it made it really hard for Chase not to think it’d be even better to

feel Xavier’s cock filling his ass.

Except he knew when it came to that sexual act it was going to be more complex than

just sating a need and satisfying a newly-discovered curiosity. It’d be giving himself

completely, trusting Xavier in every way. Chase just wasn’t able to do that yet, and he

wanted to believe Xavier wouldn’t push him.

Xavier shifted and sucked on Chase’s hip bone. He bit back a squeal because it tickled

at first, then that hot spiralling pleasure that came with Xavier’s touches and kisses

blossomed and spread out from the place Xavier was marking. Chase didn’t doubt it’d leave

a mark, if it didn’t he was going to be pissed. He kept his hands at the back of Xavier’s head,

pressing, encouraging, wanting that proof there of Xavier’s need.

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Xavier didn’t let up until Chase stopped trying to hold him there. Once he released

Xavier, the man licked down and down, bathing the join of thigh and groin but avoiding

Chase’s aching cock. Chase was going to scream if he didn’t get some attention on that

particular part. “Xavier…” Somehow that didn’t come out quite like Chase had meant it to. It

was more whine than demand, and Xavier’s response sent Chase’s heart skittering up in his


* * * *

Xavier felt Chase tense when he pressed against the back of the man’s lean thighs. He

looked up and his heart pinched at the fear he saw in those green eyes. “Shit, I’m sorry,

Chase. I didn’t mean to—” Xavier’s breath hitched when Chase shuddered.

He closed his eyes for a second then opened them, pinning Xavier in place. “I trust you

enough for this. You said you wouldn’t…wouldn’t push, so I believe that you aren’t.”

“I wouldn’t,” Xavier said as he shook his head. “I just wanted to taste you here.” He

brushed a fingertip over Chase’s hole. Chase’s eyes darkened as his pupils dilated. “Have

you ever let someone do that for you, sweetheart?” Xavier teased the wrinkled folds lightly,

torn between watching his finger or visually soaking in the need in Chase’s eyes. “Would

you like to feel my mouth here, my lips and tongue—” Xavier didn’t get any further, the rest

of what he was going to say dying in his throat as a guttural sound was pulled from Chase.

Then those lean legs shifted, lifted, spreading Chase’s ass cheeks as he brought his

knees to his chest. Xavier wanted to do just what he’d said, but first… He carefully draped

himself above Chase and craned his neck. It was uncomfortable as hell, but feeling Chase’s

moan as it flowed from his mouth to Xavier’s was one of the most erotic things Xavier had

ever experienced. It was almost enough to make him forget about his desire to feast on

Chase’s ass, to just kiss and kiss until they were both so close to the edge they tumbled right

on over.

But Chase was whimpering now, and rocking his hips up in an invitation Xavier

couldn’t ignore.

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* * * *

“No,” Chase finally managed to mutter, only to rush to clarify that single word when

Xavier froze, the finger teasing at Chase’s anus disappearing. “No, no one’s ever…I haven’t

done it either. It’s too personal for tricks.” His face felt so hot he could probably compete

with the sun as a heat source, but Xavier deserved to know the truth.

Instead of seeming amused or worse, laughing at that admission, Xavier nodded. “I

agree. It’s definitely intimate, something I’d only recommend doing with a lover.”

Chase’s heart fluttered in his chest. Releasing his legs, he reached instead for Xavier’s

shoulders. Xavier looked up at him, a frown marring his smooth brow. “You don’t want me


He heard the hurt Xavier attempted to bury and tried to figure out what he did want.

One glance at Xavier’s dripping cock and he had his answer. He squeezed Xavier’s

shoulders, feeling the tension in them. “Can I…can I suck you? While you…” Chase

struggled with himself for a moment. Asking for what he wanted was difficult. He was used

to taking what he could get and leaving it at that, but everything with Xavier was different.

“While you rim me, will you let me suck you?”

“Are you sure? I wanted to show you—”

“Xavier,” Chase snapped, suddenly aware of the fact Xavier had been coddling him.

Not coddling, just trying to give me control and blow my mind. He let go of Xavier and patted the

bed. “Come up here and let me share this with you.”

Xavier’s smile warmed every particle of Chase’s being. The man crawled up then

turned around, planting his knees beside Chase’s ears. Chase hooked his arms around the

strong thighs and without preamble sucked the tip of Xavier’s cock into his mouth.

“Fuck!” Xavier shouted, his hips driving down hard. Chase tried to relax his throat

muscles, sure he was about to get his mouth pummelled, but Xavier stopped the thrust just

short of burying his dick in Chase’s throat. “God, sweetheart, you make me lose my mind.”

Chase still had the head of Xavier’s cock in his mouth and couldn’t reply. Then he

didn’t need to because Xavier slid his arms under Chase’s hips and lifted slightly. His rough

fingers spread Chase’s ass, then wet heat surrounded his hole. Chase bucked and moaned,

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which drew a matching sound from Xavier. It vibrated right up from Chase’s hole, setting his

nerve endings to quivering with arousal.

Chase raised his head and took in more of Xavier’s cock as Xavier began eating Chase’s

ass with enthusiasm. Every insistent thrust of tongue against his puckered ring, Chase

matched with a hard deep suck of Xavier’s cock.

Soon their hips were snapping in sync as each sought to bring the other pleasure. Chase

tugged on Xavier’s legs, giving him the freedom to fuck Chase’s mouth. Xavier’s tongue

licked the circle of Chase’s opening once more before it speared into Chase’s ass.

Chase moaned and sucked Xavier’s dick harder, needing to bring the man off. Xavier

began rimming him faster, his tongue sinking in as deep as possible. Chase would have

shouted if he hadn’t had a mouthful of Xavier’s cock. As it was, all he could do was moan

and try to suck the cum right out of Xavier’s dick.

Xavier’s tongue kept working Chase, stretching his hole. The introduction of a finger to

the mix was almost sent him into orbit. His own fingers bit into Xavier’s legs, need swelling

and rolling in him as his hole was stretched wider. He jerked his hands on Xavier’s thighs,

and Xavier answered the request, order, Chase wasn’t sure which and didn’t much care once

Xavier began thrusting hard and fast into his throat. All Chase could do was hang on, his

own hips jerking as Xavier pulled his mouth from Chase’s ass and engulfed his dick to the


Chase gulped and swallowed and Xavier responded by slamming in deep one last time

before filling his mouth with spunk. The fingers spearing Chase’s ass didn’t falter, not once,

constantly thrusting in and out and rubbing over his gland. The pleasure that had been

building erupted on a shout as Xavier’s throat muscles contracted around Chase’s cock. He

whimpered, wrenched inside out as his balls emptied.

It seemed to go on forever yet no time at all, and Chase soon found himself snuggling

against Xavier’s side, one leg thrown over his thighs and one arm draped over his belly. They

didn’t talk, just lay there and held each other until they slipped into sleep.

* * * *

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Well, this is…weird. Not necessarily bad, but…

Waking up with a warm hard body all but surrounding him was something Chase

definitely wasn’t used to. Xavier was curled around him, his chest to Chase’s back. One

heavy thigh was draped over Chase’s right leg, pushing his left leg up. Xavier’s left arm was

around Chase’s torso, and their fingers were tangled together in a way that implied

familiarity and—Chase waited for the burst of fear that didn’t come—affection. Each soft

puff of Xavier’s breath wafted over the back of Chase’s neck, warming the sensitive skin.

Between that and the thick cock wedged between his ass cheeks, Chase’s body was on a slow

burn of arousal that kept him in place instead of letting him try to ease out of bed and leave.

Chase kept his eyes closed, using his other senses to absorb the moment. Xavier’s scent

surrounded him as much as the man himself did, and it was causing Chase’s balls to tighten

even as his cock nudged the bed. Images of Xavier above him, filling his mouth and ass and

driving Chase wild, flitted behind his lids. As if of its own accord, his back arched slightly,

rubbing that thick stalk between his cheeks.

Chase shuddered and bit back a moan. He wasn’t sure he wanted to wake Xavier. Last

night had been exquisite, but the whole morning after thing was daunting. He’d known—

even if he hadn’t wanted to acknowledge it—coming here last night would mean waking up

in Xavier’s bed. Chase hadn’t tried to convince himself otherwise. Xavier wouldn’t have

tolerated him running out of here after they’d had sex.

Not that he’d have reacted violently, Chase didn’t think, but Xavier was one of those

men with enough respect for himself to demand, with his presence alone, that he be treated

well, with respect. If Chase had lit out of here, he was pretty sure Xavier would have let him

go—and been done with him. Despite all his fears and his hesitation about having anything

more than a one-off, Chase didn’t want Xavier to be done with him. If he’d been the least

unsure about that before last night, he wasn’t now.

Xavier had given Chase the freedom to call the shots, and that had…well, it had

surprised Chase. Even though he should have known better, he’d been expecting Xavier to

bend him over the side of the bed and fuck him stupid. Chase was pretty sure he’d have been

willing, with a little coaxing.

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Or, he’d have been willing then, maybe even when Xavier first shoved that big cock in

his ass, but during? After? Would Chase have been trying to scramble away once Xavier was

inside him? Maybe. Would he have regretted it after, if he had managed not to stop the

fucking before it ended? Yes, and because I am just that kind of fucked up mess, I’d have probably

picked a fight with Xavier just so I could hit him when I’d really just want to kick my own ass.

A bare shift in Xavier’s breathing alerted Chase to the man’s wakening. Chase squeezed

his eyes shut tighter, torn between hoping Xavier would take the initiative this time and

hoping he wouldn’t.

Xavier’s fingers flexed between his, and the arm that had been Chase’s pillow moved,

the muscles rippling as Xavier’s hand unerringly found Chase’s nipple, flicking the swollen

tip before gliding down to palm Chase’s growing shaft. Xavier’s purr of approval vibrated all

through Chase, seeping in from Xavier’s chest pressed against his back.

A slow rock of hips sent Chase’s eyes flying open when the head of Xavier’s dick

slicked over his hole. But Xavier didn’t stop, didn’t push at that tight ring, instead driving his

cock forward until the head nudged Chase’s balls.

“Oh,” Chase sighed as everything from his hole to the tip of his dick heated with

pleasure. He manoeuvred his upper leg back then bent his knees slightly, giving Xavier a

tighter furrow to rut in.

Xavier murmured something then began sucking on the back of Chase’s neck. He

released Chase’s hand, instead pinching at first one nipple, then the other, all the while

stroking Chase’s dick leisurely, loosely, using the same rhythm he rode Chase with. Xavier

seemed entirely too controlled; it just wasn’t natural for a man to be that controlled when

he’d just woken up. Chase grinned and decided Xavier needed to have his comfortable little

world shaken up this morning.

Chase pressed his hand between his thighs, shoving his palm against his balls and his

fingers farther back. At the same time, he pushed into Xavier’s next thrust and tightened the

muscles in his thighs and ass.

Xavier hissed and slammed his hips hard against Chase’s ass, then gave a startled shout

when Chase’s fingers pressed snug against Xavier’s cock. The finger plucking at Chase’s

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nipple loosened then pinched pleasurably hard as the hand pumping his dick sped up,

gripping with enough force that it burned a bit.

It was what Chase needed right then, and he whimpered as Xavier’s hips slapped

against his ass over and over. Chase tried to add extra friction to Xavier’s cock, tried to do

something, but all he could manage was to keep his back arched, pressing his ass into each

jackhammering thrust, while he keened and clutched one-handedly at the blanket.

Xavier twisted his wrist on the upstroke, catching the rim of Chase’s cock perfectly and

drawing a shout from him. Chase quivered as the tingling in his spine exploded, shooting

throughout his body. Xavier pumped his dick harder, faster, and cum splattered Chase’s


Xavier’s shout made Chase’s ear ring as the bigger man pounded into the tight furrow.

His cockhead slammed against Chase’s snug balls, and the pain only fired the ecstasy up

another notch. Chase bucked and flung a hand back, grabbing a fistful of Xavier’s hair,

pulling hard enough that Xavier grunted—and thrust against him even harder for a dozen

strokes before he went taut behind Chase.

“God…” Xavier moaned as hot spunk sprayed Chase’s sac, then more jets of cum

coated the skin behind his balls, his hole, creating a slick tunnel as Xavier grunted and

continued to fuck against him. When he finally stopped, Chase felt like he had a gallon of

cum smeared between his thighs…which made his cock do its best to rise again. He

wondered if Xavier would let him do that, rut against him until he came, mark Xavier with

his cum…

Maybe he’d get up the nerve to ask—soon.

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Chapter Sixteen

“Jesus Christ!”

Xavier barely had time to snap the words out before Billy flew across the room. Xavier

scrambled for the sheet as Chase blushed from toes to tip. He managed, just, to pull the sheet

past their hips before Billy’s feet left the floor. “Billy—” Xavier tried to tuck Chase under him

somewhat. He grunted when Billy landed half on him then rolled and bounced behind him.

“Fucking morning people,” Chase growled, but he didn’t sound too upset. Xavier

dropped a kiss on his temple then craned his neck around to glare at Billy. “What are you,


Billy’s eyes lit up as he giggled. “Oh come on. Y’all looked so comfy I couldn’t resist.”

He scrunched up his nose as he sniffed. “But, ew, please tell me I’m not lying in a wet spot.

Or a crunchy dry spot. EW!

Chase snorted, his body shaking against Xavier’s. Xavier’s lips curled up as he realised

his lover was on the verge of laughing despite his best attempts to hold it in. A quick glance

at him confirmed it, and he really wanted to hear that laugh. Xavier smoothed a hand down

to Chase’s hip and put as much leer into his voice as possible. “There’s a reason Chase and I

are cuddled on this side of the bed.”

Billy’s eyes widened and he scooted back so fast he tumbled off the bed. “Ow! Shit!


Chase twisted around, almost climbing over Xavier as they both burst out laughing.

Xavier bit his own laughter back, letting the warm rich sound of Chase’s happy voice wash

over him. He drank in the sight of Chase’s fine features relaxed, happy, his eyes crinkling at

the outer corners, his lips parted and tipped up in a smile, the dimples set deep in his

cheeks…he looked so sexy and adorable Xavier wanted to keep him here in bed, laughing

forever. Except when they were making love.

“Laugh, go ahead, both of you. My poor ass was already sore—”

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“TMI, Billy,” Xavier said once Chase’s laughter had trailed off. “We really don’t want to

know about whatever you and Liam were up to last night.”

Billy stood and, after careful consideration, grabbed Xavier’s pillow and yanked it

lower onto the mattress.

“Hey!” Xavier sat up and made a grab for the pillow, but Billy was a fast little thing.

Plus he’d obviously had some caffeine. Billy snickered and plopped his ass down in the

centre of Xavier’s pillow.

“You’re getting slow, Xav,” Billy sang, wiggling his eyebrows.

Xavier glared at the bubbly blond. He was pretty sure he could have Billy over his knee

in a matter of seconds.

“There are some things that are definitely pretty amazing when done slow.”

Chase’s whispered comment was followed by him draping himself along Xavier’s back,

and somehow, he’d slipped a hand beneath the sheet and began rubbing slow circles on

Xavier’s stomach. Xavier’s cock liked it a lot, but was in a bind, obviously freaked over the

possibility of popping wood in front of Billy. He shifted his leg forward a bit, hoping to

shield his stiffening cock from Billy as well as the movement of Chase’s hand under the


“What’d you want, Billy?” Xavier managed to ask, his voice rough as warmth spread

from his belly to his groin.

Billy’s smile ramped up in wattage as he flicked a glance to where the action was under

the sheet. “Well,” he drawled, which was kind of freaky in Xavier’s opinion. “I was coming

to get all the juicy deets from last night, but hey, this is even better!”

“You wouldn’t have gotten any ‘juicy deets’,” Xavier said, feeling like a dork just saying

those two words.

“Exactly! Which is why this is so much better!” Xavier closed his eyes against Billy’s

exuberance as he babbled on. “I mean, you don’t kiss and tell or whatever, but it’s pretty

obvious by the way you two were all cuddly and melty-looking when I opened the door that

there was some major orgasms just before that. And, I mean, have you smelt your room?”

Billy’s loud sniff set the cilia in his ears to quivering. “It smells like cum, like…like lots of

cum, and you may think I don’t know what Chase’s hand is doing under that sheet bu—”

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The whole bed shook and bounced as the three men on it jumped. Xavier grunted and

did his best to shield Chase as Billy scrambled over them.

“What? Liam, did you not have your coffee yet? You must not have, scowling like that!”

“You’re in bed with two naked men, Billy, why wouldn’t I be scowling over that?”

Xavier started to roll over and defend Billy but Chase wound his hand around Xavier’s

cock and squeezed. “Billy’s man enough to answer his lover, don’t you think?”

It rankled, having Chase murmur that in his ear, and it rankled even more that the man

was right. But Xavier couldn’t be irritated about it for long because Chase’s nimble fingers

were touching—not stroking, exactly, but dancing over his length, finding all the right spots

guaranteed to turn Xavier’s brains to mush. He blocked out Billy and Liam, didn’t even

know if they were in the room anymore as Chase pressed his thumb to Xavier’s slit. Xavier

opened his mouth, his lover’s name tingling on his tongue, only to discover that Liam at least

was still in the room.

“Actually, I came to find Billy because I thought he might want to go with me to see

you, Chase. Shearing’s set up a time for a three-way call with James, although there are


* * * *

The rules, or at least one of them, were going to be a bitch. Remaining quiet no matter

what he heard was going to be difficult, but Chase would do it. The other rules—that Chase

not try to find James at this point and that he accept whatever bit of time he was allowed to

listen without throwing up a fuss didn’t make him any happier. At least he had Xavier with

him, although he wondered when he’d become the sort of person who needed someone else.

It disturbed him on one level, but Chase couldn’t deny he felt…better, with Xavier sitting

beside him, holding his hand.

It should have been embarrassing, like a school kid leaning on his crush instead of

being strong enough to deal with life on his own. But it didn’t. Chase just felt cared for, and

safe, though he couldn’t fathom why he’d felt unsafe before. He was strong, and despite

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getting his ass kicked twice by a group of men, he could generally take care of himself. Yet

with Xavier here, it was as if nothing bad could happen to him.

Fucking ridiculous hearts and flowers shit. But Chase didn’t pull away. In fact he leaned

against Xavier’s side until the bigger man released his hand and draped his arm over Chase’s

shoulders. Xavier reached across his lap with his other hand and picked up Chase’s hand as

Liam walked into the living room.

“Okay, Shearing is fixing to call, and everyone“—Liam gave him a hard look before

glancing at Billy—“needs to be quiet. Otherwise I hang up.”

Chase nodded while Billy glared at his lover. “What was that look for? Are you

implying I can’t be quiet?”

Liam’s cheeks darkened as he stared at his phone. “No, I…it’s just—you can be

exuberant, that’s all—”

“And I can also be quiet,” Billy snapped but he cuddled up to Liam’s side. “I’m not an


“No,” Liam sighed, “but apparently I am—”

The ringing of his phone cut off the rest of what Liam might have said. Chase couldn’t

help but tense beside Xavier as Liam answered his phone, not speaking, only listening for a

few seconds before he pressed the speaker button. Shearing’s deep voice sounded loud in the

silence of the room.

“I finally received permission from James’ parents to interview him, although I’ve been

warned not to upset him. Some of the questions I ask might be upsetting for all of us, James

included though. I’ve been told by one of the nurses that James has refused all medications,

which has led to some issues when he’s…” Chase heard the man swallow then clear his

throat. “When he has nightmares or flashbacks they have to subdue him because he’s

dangerous to himself, they think. It seems like this place has to be hell for the man, even if

they are helping him—which I don’t know if they are. Now I’m going in and if I hear

anything at all from your end, I will disconnect this call immediately.”

No one answered, but Chase couldn’t have anyway. His throat was tight and his

stomach felt like it was on fire. They listened as Shearing talked to someone, a nurse, Chase

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supposed. After having reassured the man that yes, he was indeed an FBI agent by showing

his badge, Shearing was told he’d be taken to see James right away.

The sound of footsteps on hard flooring seemed to go on forever. Xavier tightened his

arm around Chase’s shoulders and squeezed Chase’s reassuringly. Then he brushed his lips

over Chase’s temple, which scattered some of Chase’s worry, replacing it with a warm

feeling that made him a bit light-headed.

Until he heard the bare whoosh of a door opening, then Shearing, his voice so soft it

was difficult to make out the words, spoke James’ name.

“James Stratton, I’m Agent Bill Shearing with the FBI—”

“I know who you are.” There was another voice, likely a nurse or doctor, but Chase

ignored her as he reeled inside.

It hit Chase like a punch to the gut, hearing James’ voice, all of the life gone out of it.

The tone was flat, a little shaky, and it was definitely James, but he sounded so…damaged, like

me. The realisation set his mind to racing as he snuggled unthinkingly against Xavier.

James had found him, beaten near to death by a gang of thugs who’d been determined

to steal what little money Chase had at the time. And the fact that he’d known one of the men

trying to kill him, trusted him—he balked at thinking about that, instead picking at himself

as he was used to do.

Chase had been too young and scared to know how to defend himself, too stupid to

have avoided the situation to begin with, and too damned sure nothing bad would ever

happen to him. James had appeared like some vengeful angel and sent the thugs running—

and he hadn’t been much older than Chase! It was the man’s confidence, his belief that what

he was doing was right, that made him so formidable.

Chase knew only that he’d been wrong to get himself in such a situation. Every bit of

his confidence had been demolished in that dark alley, and it had taken him a long time to

recover—although now he wondered if he ever had.

Each of the beatings he’d taken by Rollins’ men had brought back all that fear, all the

terror, and despite Chase’s best attempts to bury it, he realised he might not have managed


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When Shearing spoke again, Chase tuned back in, remaining silent as the agent

questioned James to no avail.

“Can you tell me when Rollins had you abducted?”

“No. I don’t remember.”

“Can you tell me who took you, what he or she or they looked like?”


“You don’t remember?”


The interview continued in this manner for several minutes. Shearing never seemed to

get irritated with the lack of helpful answers, but each one of them twisted Chase up so bad

inside he had to bite his lip to keep from whimpering.

Because he knew without a doubt as he listened to that monotone voice, that James

Stratton, the man he’d always admired most in this world, the person he’d aspired to be like,

was lying. It was there in the rapid answer, the way he didn’t even pause to think, and

hidden somewhere in that dull voice was the slightest hint of strain.

Maybe he was wrong, maybe…Chase shuddered as James answered yet another

question. No, he’s lying, but why?

Chase would just have to break a rule or two to find out.

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Chapter Seventeen

Xavier ushered Billy and Liam to the door. Liam stepped onto the porch then turned

back to face him. “I’m not sure that phone call was a good idea. I don’t think it did anything

to reassure Chase that his friend is okay.”

“James isn’t okay,” Xavier pointed out. “I don’t even know the man and I could tell that

much from hearing his voice.”

“I meant…” Liam closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I meant it may

have done more harm than good. I feel like I just went in there and kicked a defenceless man

in the balls instead of helping him.”

“I think he needed to know,” Billy said quietly. “And yeah, it probably hurt him to hear

his friend sounding like a space cadet, but it was the truth and that’s what Chase needed.”

Xavier couldn’t have agreed more—almost. He looked at Billy and nodded. “That’s

exactly what I was going to say, minus the space cadet comment.” He hugged Billy and

shook Liam’s hand before locking the door and returning to sit beside Chase.

Chase looked at him out of the corner of his eye. “You need to call the security

company, have them send someone out today and update your system.”

Before Xavier could even so much as agree, Chase stood up then promptly sat back

down. “I need to go.”

Xavier’s heart plummeted as he bit back a protest. He’d hoped Chase would spend the

day with him, but he wouldn’t pressure him. “Okay. You do have Max’s truck, so I can see

where you’d need to get it back to him.”

Chase gave him an odd look. “I meant, I need to go to…to wherever James is.

Something’s wrong. I need to know where he is, see what it will take for me to get to him.”

“His family—”

“Hate me,” Chase snorted. “They told Shearing I couldn’t be around James. They

always thought I was a bad influence.” His lips thinned as he averted his gaze, his shoulders

tensing. Xavier touched a hand to Chase’s shoulder and he flinched. “I’m sorry,” he said

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pulling his hand back and trying not to be offended by Chase’s withdrawal. Getting his

feelings hurt over something like that wouldn’t help either of them, and since he’d meant the

touch to be comforting for Chase and it hadn’t been, then Xavier had no right to feel rejected.

In other words, it’s not all about me. And yet he still felt the sting of that flinch—until

Chase sighed and seemed to deflate. “No, I’m sorry Xavier,” Chase said as he darted a glance

at him. “Maybe I should go back to the bunkhouse. I’m just not fit to be around right now. I

should just go back and lock the door to my little room and…”

Xavier had noticed the way Chase’s gaze was darting everywhere and suspected that

leaving wasn’t what Chase wanted. “Or you could stay here and talk to me, snap at me if it

makes you feel any better—or, I have this great home gym. A workout after a light breakfast

might help.”

“I—” Chase sighed and flopped back, wincing as his shoulder clipped Xavier’s. “You’re

not going to try to talk me out of finding James?” he said, eyeing Xavier with a dash of


Xavier frowned as he eyed Chase back. “Why would I? You’re a grown man, capable of

making intelligent decisions. If you feel you need to find James, then I trust you have a good

reason for that feeling.”

“You don’t think I’m crazy, that I should respect James’ parents’ wishes?”

Xavier shook his head. “Not if you don’t believe it’s what your friend would want. Do

you think he’s capable of making decisions for himself right now?”

Chase nodded without hesitating. “I do. James wasn’t some ranting lunatic on the

phone—you heard him. I think he’s—well, maybe not fully up to snuff, but he’s a lot sharper

than he was trying to appear in that conversation.

“And I think maybe…maybe he needed someone to make decisions for him when the

FBI first found him, but his parents have overstepped their boundaries, you know? Probably

just trying to protect their only child and all that, but I think it’s hurting James.” Chase

shrugged. “Or I could be totally wrong. I don’t know the extent of what happened to James,

or what long-term damage there might be.”

Xavier thought that was the longest he’d ever heard Chase speak on a subject, and he

also thought his lover’s devotion to his friend was incredibly touching, and proof of what a

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very good man Chase was. Not that Xavier had ever doubted it. “I think you should follow

your instincts. Chances are, no matter how close James is or was to his parents, he was

probably not as close to them as he was to his best friend or friends—there are just some

things most people don’t want to share with their parents.”

“He’d want me there,” Chase said, looking at him with a grateful expression. “He

would. I don’t understand why he hasn’t asked Shearing or someone to find me for him.”

“Maybe he has,” Xavier suggested. “Maybe he asked his parents and they told him

some line of bullshit. If they truly didn’t want James hanging around you, who knows what

they might have said.”

Chase shrugged. “Or maybe he really doesn’t remember me. Maybe whatever was done

to him while he was kidnapped totally fucked up his head in a way I either don’t want to

believe or just don’t know about. Or…or maybe he blames me for all this in the first place. Or

for not finding him sooner, when he first got abducted—”

“Stop, Chase,” Xavier said as he slowly reached for him. This time Chase didn’t flinch,

in fact he moved closer, snuggling up to Xavier’s side. Xavier put his arm around Chase’s

shoulders and gently squeezed. “Don’t torture yourself like this, blaming yourself for

scenarios that may not even be true. This is another reason why I think you should find


Chase tipped his head back and blinked up at Xavier. “Another reason?” He slid a hand

over Xavier’s stomach, his blunt nails scratching a light trail of fire even through Xavier’s T-


“Yeah,” Xavier rasped. “The first reason being that he’s your friend and you feel that he

needs you. All others are secondary to that one.”

Chase’s cheeks darkened almost imperceptibly as Xavier stared at him for several

seconds. Finally, he cleared his throat and scooted until he was almost on Xavier’s lap. Xavier

was expecting something sexual, what with the way Chase was staring at him so intently, his

eyes damn near searing Xavier’s with the heat in them.

When Chase grabbed Xavier’s head and pulled him down so Chase’s lips could reach

his ear, Xavier fully expected a lick or kiss, some beginning to sex. Instead he got Chase’s

voice, warm and strong and tinged with just a hint of insecurity.

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“Will you go with me?”

The question sent a bolt of heat through Xavier as he flushed with pleasure. Chase trusts

me more than I’d thought! “Of course, anything you want.” He made sure he was looking

Chase right in the eyes when he said that, and Chase grinned then arched his eyebrows.

“Anything?” Chase echoed, his gaze dropping to Xavier’s groin. Chase slid his hand down

and back to squeeze at Xavier’s ass cheek.

Xavier’s eyes shut as his head and ass hole throbbed. Oh shit! SHIT!

He pried open his

eyes and peered down at his lover. Chase’s eyes sparkled as he grinned up at Xavier, who

didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed that Chase was only teasing him. But the

truth was, he’d willingly do anything for this man. “Yes,” Xavier answered, smiling when

Chase’s eyes widened with shock. “Anything.”

* * * *

“W-we should eat breakfast. I can fix us something…omelettes or waffles or—”

Chase’s heart squeezed, as if an invisible hand had reached in his chest, gripped that

frantically beating organ, and held it tight as Xavier stuttered, his olive cheeks tinting with a

flush. The man was so sexy, so adorable in his flustered state that Chase forgot about his

rumbling stomach as another kind of hunger raged through him.

“Xavier…” Chase waited until Xavier raised his eyes. The flush deepened and Chase

found himself moving, one knee on the couch and the other sliding over Xavier’s thighs,

settling on his other side.

Chase hovered, his groin only inches from Xavier’s, still close enough that he wasn’t

certain the heat he felt rolling off Xavier was only imagined. Chase studied Xavier’s dark

eyes, looking for something he couldn’t name or define, but when a rush of tingling warmth

slammed into his veins and freed his heart of the uncomfortably restrictive sensation, he

knew he’d found whatever it was he needed.

He touched Xavier’s forearms, felt the muscles under his fingertips quiver, the skin

prickle. Chase’s own felt overheated, over-sensitised, stretched too tight over his frame. He

stroked up, leaning closer the further his hands coasted. The bends of Xavier’s elbows

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fascinated him as much as the bulge of his biceps and the layered musculature of his

shoulders. Chase kneaded them for a few seconds, appreciating the way Xavier’s lids fell,

nearly shielding his eyes completely, leaving only a narrow strip that didn’t hide a bit of the

need in those eyes.

Chase’s hands reached Xavier’s neck, the skin there so soft and warm. He lowered

himself onto Xavier’s lap and gasped, a feeling like an electrical surge lighting him up from

deep inside. “Xavier…” Chase whispered then swallowed as he closed his eyes and leaned in

those last few inches, Xavier breathed gentle puffs against Chase’s lips before Chase parted


Xavier moaned, moving slowly to rest his hands on Chase’s thighs, as if he were

restraining himself. But Chase didn’t want restraint, he wanted Xavier wild for him, shaking

and cursing, taking what Chase wanted to give. Xavier shook beneath him, a long quake that

rocked them both as Chase licked his lover’s lips.

Xavier’s hand shot into motion, one curling around Chase’s hip, the other at the back of

his neck, pulling him closer, mashing their bodies together. Yes! This is what I want, what I

need! Chase’s body sang with joy and pleasure as he undulated on Xavier’s lap, heat sparking

everywhere their bodies touched. His nipples ached as bad as his dick; his ass clenched with

a need he barely acknowledged.

Xavier’s hand slid from his hip to his ass cheek, fingers pressing deep into Chase’s seam

as his tongue swept Chase’s mouth. Xavier’s hand at his neck tightened, holding, guiding,

and Chase revelled in it, feeling safe in a way he couldn’t describe as Xavier took control of

the kiss, of Chase’s body.

Anything. The word reverberated in Chase’s skull, bouncing around and setting off an

almost unbearable anticipation. This man would do anything for him, Chase knew it in his

bones, believed in him in a way he’d only ever been able to believe in James before. But this

was deeper, darker, mingled with a sexual need Chase had never felt until now, and

certainly not for James, who’d been an idol to worship, and a friend to love. This was

something else, something more and Chase let go of his fears and doubts, and opened himself

up to embrace what he was being offered.

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* * * *

Xavier felt it the moment Chase gave himself fully to him. It wasn’t something he could

put into words, more a softening of the man’s hard body as Chase’s shivered and sighed into

their kiss. The way he seemed to lean into Xavier’s hands, giving him the responsibility of his

weight, his body—himself.

It was the most precious gift Xavier had ever received, and the most erotic one, this

total trust from a man who guarded it so very carefully. Xavier’s eyes burned as he accepted

it. He hoped Chase felt the promises of safety and pleasure, gratitude and love as he stroked

his hands over Chase’s lean form, his kiss softened, appreciative, savouring, before becoming

more intense, claiming what had been offered.

Chase’s whimpers raced over Xavier’s skin, stoking the fire burning under it until

Xavier thought he might well be singed to ashes by their combined heat. Hooking his arm

under Chase’s rounded ass, the other behind his shoulders, Xavier pushed up off the couch,

grunting under the strain of coming to his feet from such a position but not faltering as he

did so. Chase wound hands behind Xavier’s neck and his legs around his waist.

Xavier lifted his lips only enough to lick over Chase’s swollen ones. He stood, holding

the man, and waited until Chase opened lust-dazed eyes and looked at him. Once he did,

Xavier’s heart stuttered in his chest. Chase’s trust was a more powerful aphrodisiac than

even his kisses, or his lean compact body against Xavier’s.

“Tell me what you want.” He thought he knew, but Chase needed to say it, and Xavier

needed to hear it.

Chase took a shaky breath but didn’t look away. “You, in me.”

“Yes.” Xavier could have pushed for a more explicit answer, but the clenching of

Chase’s butt against his forearm, the dark want burning in those pretty eyes, those were

answers and explanations all rolled into one. Xavier didn’t ask if Chase was sure; he trusted

the man to know his own mind, his own body—and to know Xavier would stop if Chase

showed any hesitation at all.

Chase’s slow smile was a heart-stopper, and Xavier hoped he would be as eager and

happy about it when Chase wanted to fuck him. Because he would, Xavier knew. Chase

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wouldn’t settle for anything other than all of him. Xavier had meant it when he’d sworn to

give Chase anything, and even though the idea of being fucked did scare Xavier somewhat,

he found himself anticipating it more each time he touched Chase.

Xavier took another kiss, Chase giving it willingly, nearly climbing Xavier’s body in an

attempt to get closer. Somehow Xavier managed to get them to the bedroom without

bouncing them off the hall walls too many times. Once there he tumbled them to the bed,

coming down on top of Chase with enough of his weight when Chase didn’t loosen his hold

that they both grunted. Xavier managed to lift his head against Chase’s hold at his neck and

asked, “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

Temper flared in Chase’s eyes but it melted into something else as he exhaled, his

mouth twitching at the corners. “Yeah. I just…I needed to feel you, Xavier. I want…I want

that, your weight on me when you’re fucking me.”

Since Chase’s voice had squeaked on the word ‘fucking’, Xavier refrained from pointing

out he intended this to be something other than fucking. If Chase didn’t already know that,

he would soon, when Xavier was licking every inch of bare skin. “As much as I can, as is

safe, Chase, I won’t make your injury any worse.” That was non-negotiable.

Chase huffed and his lower lip plumped out a fraction of a centimetre, and Xavier

thought the man was beyond adorable—he was absolutely stunning, even in a minute fit of

pique. Xavier bent his head and sucked that bottom lip in between his lips then nipped.

Chase’s eyes widened then narrowed as he bucked beneath Xavier, his body a hot promise of

ecstasy. The skin at the back of Xavier’s neck burned where Chase curled his fingers, holding

him there, worrying that slick pink flesh until Chase moaned and his grip loosened as he

gave himself to Xavier fully.

Xavier went light-headed from the pleasure he experienced at Chase’s surrender. He

released Chase’s lip and rested his forehead against Chase’s, trying to find a measure of

restraint when all he wanted was to tear Chase’s clothes off and bury his dick so deep inside

him they’d never be separated again.

Chase’s hands fluttered over his shoulders, down his back, resting lightly just above the

waistband of Xavier’s jeans. He dropped his legs open, cradling Xavier’s hips with a gentle

promise. Xavier couldn’t stop his body from moving, rocking into the heat of Chase’s groin.

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“Xavier…” Chase whispered, trembling beneath him. Xavier opened his eyes and

pushed himself up. The move brought even more pressure against their cocks, already fitted

tight together. Xavier’s eyes tried to cross as his balls tingled and tightened; he was

dangerously on edge, ready to blow his load before he even got inside Chase, and that just

wouldn’t do.

“I’m right here,” Xavier murmured, thrusting against Chase and making them both

moan. “Too many clothes,” he grumbled once he could draw breath to speak. Xavier forced

himself up until he knelt between Chase’s spread legs. He took a moment to admire the

picture Chase presented, a sensual promise still wrapped, waiting to be explored—loved.

Xavier intended to do just that, would match his actions to the emotions that sung in his

body and soul.

Xavier slipped his hands under the hem of Chase’s rumpled T-shirt, his pulse ratcheting

up as smooth skin and hard muscle rippled under his palms. He stretched his arms, pushing

the faded shirt up, exposing flushed skin and pale hair that glinted where the sunlight

streaming through the blinds touched it.

Chase arched his back, then lifted his shoulders, grunting from what Xavier feared was

pain. He whipped the shirt over Chase’s head quickly, stretching the opening in front to keep

from raking it over Chase’s face. Chase dropped his head back onto the pillow and cracked

his eyes open as he grinned and reached for his own nipples.

Xavier’s plans to go slow screeched to a halt then slammed into a brick wall of desire as

Chase pinched those turgid buds and moaned. Hands shaking, Xavier dropped the shirt and

grabbed at Chase’s waistband. He scooted back as he stripped the man, exposing his cock

and balls. Chase moaned again and raised his legs, bending them at the knee as he shuffled

his feet farther apart. Xavier eyed the dark furrow, the fluttering hole, and grunted as he

palmed his cock, squeezing hard enough to force back the climax that was threatening to rip

through him.

Then he stripped and dug a couple of condoms and the tube of lube out of the drawer

before dropping them on the bed. He wanted to ask if Chase was sure, but the man had too

many people making decisions for him as it was. It seemed to Xavier that everyone besides

him doubted Chase, and didn’t know him well enough to believe he knew his own mind.

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Xavier knew he did, it was his own insecurity making him hesitate. He’d never had such a

difficult time keeping himself under control, but Chase had the ability to rip that control to

shreds with not much more than a look—or a couple of hands pulling at swollen, red


“Jesus, sweetheart,” Xavier rasped as Chase pulled at the hard nubs, stretching skin and

tormenting his tits. Xavier crawled up the bed, his gaze locked with Chase’s. He nudged

Chase’s balls with the wet tip of his cock and Chase whimpered, his hands faltering,

releasing his nipples. Xavier shot up his body, his mouth closing over one bud while his

fingers did the same over the other.

Chase writhed and screamed a garbled string of consonants as Xavier sucked and

plucked his heated flesh. Xavier’s other hand slid under Chase’s back, finding and holding

the nape of his neck as Xavier’s hips jerked in tiny, measured movements, pressing his glans

against Chase’s balls, slicking them with pre-cum.

Xavier bit gently, pinched carefully even as he rutted, aware that Chase had already

worked his nipples into throbbing peaks of heat. Chase cursed and sucked in a deep breath,

thrusting his chest up. Xavier grinned against his pec, then rolled Chase’s nipples a little less

gently. Chase keened and jerked beneath him, his cock a brand against Xavier’s belly as it

sprayed cum between them. Xavier released Chase’s buds as he clenched from jaws to toe,

fighting his own need for release. Not yet, not yet, god damn it! Xavier panted and sweated

through the need, determined to be inside Chase when he came, knowing holding back

would make it all the more powerful when he did come.

Once he had some modicum of control, Xavier kissed Chase fiercely, loving the way

Chase returned the kiss lazily, as if he were too cum-stumped to do much more than that.

Then Xavier licked his way down Chase’s jaw, his neck, pausing only to suck up a mark or

two that had Chase quivering and gasping, gripping Xavier’s hair painfully tight before

loosening his hold.

Xavier licked down, kissing, nipping, stroking over the path his mouth had taken until

he brushed his fingers over Chase’s nipples. Xavier teased those sensitive tips as he lapped

at the fine trail of hair dividing Chase’s torso. He inhaled and smelt Chase’s cum just before

he tasted it, the salty flavour coating his tongue. Xavier hummed happily, Chase whimpered

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and panted, and Xavier licked every inch of Chase’s stomach, making sure he didn’t miss a

drop of his lover’s spunk.

By the time he reached the crinkly nest of golden pubes, Chase’s cock was filling again,

plumping up nicely and slapping at Xavier’s cheek as it sprung back to life from where it’d

rested on Chase’s thigh. Xavier thought it could use a little help firming all the way, so he

shot Chase a leer, unsurprised to find the man watching him, eager and hopeful. Xavier

opened his mouth and sucked Chase’s dick into the back of his throat with one swift bob of

his head.

Chase cursed and slammed his fists against the mattress as his hips shot up. Xavier took

advantage, sliding his hands under Chase’s ass, settling his fingers into his fuzzy crack. His

pinkies brushed over Chase’s hole and Chase thrust deeper into Xavier’s throat. Xavier

swallowed, letting his muscles constrict around Chase’s glans before backing off and sucking

hard on the crown. He stroked and teased, pushed and massaged the twitching flesh he

ached to feel ringing his cock. Chase rocked his hips and made needy sounds that rippled

down Xavier’s spine.

Xavier delved his tongue into Chase’s slit, then took his entire length in again before

backing off and burying his nose under Chase’s balls. He pushed, tipping Chase’s ass up,

and nuzzled, rubbing the musky sac over his face, letting the scrape of morning whiskers

catch at tender skin as Chase dug his heels into Xavier’s shoulders.

“Fuck, Xav—Xavier! I need!” Chase shouted, as if he finally found his voice and was

afraid it’d vanish again in an instant. Xavier lifted his head only long enough to reply, “I

know what you need, sweetheart,” then he tilted Chase’s ass up more and dipped his head

down as he parted Chase’s ass cheeks. Xavier looked at the rosy folds of wrinkled skin, tried

not to imagine how fucking perfect it would feel around his dick. That was not conducive to

making this last much longer at all.

Xavier spread Chase wider then he licked, a slow, thorough swipe of tongue that left

Chase’s pucker glistening and pulsing.


Xavier grinned as Chase’s hands landed on his shoulders, those blunt nails scoring his

skin. He licked and nibbled as Chase unravelled beneath him, his hole loosening enough so

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that Xavier could slip his tongue inside. Chase’s ass clenched, his tight ring mirroring the

move, clamping around Xavier’s tongue. Xavier wiggled his tongue, curling the tip up to

trace the inside Chase’s rim. Chase grabbed his head and pushed, shoving Xavier’s face into

his crack, and Xavier obliged the demand, eating Chase’s ass until the man was sobbing with

each breath, his body alternately tensed then relaxed as ecstasy washed over him in waves.

Xavier let go of one ass cheek long enough to pat around and find the lube, then he

gave Chase’s hole one last kiss and set his bottom down on the bed. Xavier opened the lube

and coat his fingers.

“Hurry,” Chase demanded, then added, “please. Fuck, Xavier, I ache!”

Xavier decided it’d be best to put a condom on right then instead of waiting much

longer. Otherwise he’d likely blow under his own touch. “Soon, sweetheart, I promise, just

let me get you ready, and the rubber—”

“Ungh!” Chase’s bottom lip poked out and he covered his eyes with his forearm. “I

wish I could feel you come in me. No one’s ever, you know, fucked me. I wish we could do it

bare.” He peeked out from under his arm at Xavier. “I’m—”

“No.” Xavier wouldn’t budge on this. “You may have had every test you need, but it’s

been six months since my last one. Granted, there’s not been anyone in a year, but still, no.

Not without another test.”

Chase nodded and dropped his arm back over his eyes. “Okay.”

Xavier opened the package with shaky hands and took the condom out, hoping to hell

he didn’t drop it. He slid it over the tip of his dick and hissed, scolding himself mentally for

nearly coming.


Pausing with the rubber half way down his shaft, Xavier looked up to find Chase

watching him nervously. Xavier sat back on his haunches and took his hand off his dick. “I

told you, Chase, anything. We can—”

Chase was already shaking his head. “No, just…I’m a little nervous.” He held up his

shaking hands. “That’s half fear and half need,” he said with a weak chuckle.

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Xavier didn’t like those odds at all. He reached for his dick again only to be reminded of

how fast—and strong—Chase was. Xavier found himself breathless, knocked onto his back,

his head half hanging off the bed.

“No!” Chase’s hand was on his dick, sliding the condom the rest of the way on. “Don’t

even! You can’t expect me not to be afraid—do you think you wouldn’t be since you’ve never

been fucked either?”

Xavier knew he would be. It didn’t matter, he’d still be willing. “That’s different, I’m—”

“What?” Chase snarled, looking dangerously angry. “You’re what? More of a man than

I am? Tougher? Am I fragile, think you’re gonna break me in two? Or maybe—”

“I’m in love with you!” Xavier snapped, his anger matching Chase’s, which was

definitely not the way he’d intended to break that bit of news to Chase. He was a total idiot


Chase’s eyes bugged and his mouth dropped open as his entire face turned red. “Oh.”

He snapped his mouth shut and blinked a few times while Xavier tried to figure out how bad

he’d fucked up.

* * * *

Chase scooted back until Xavier’s dick was nestled against his crack, watching Xavier’s

expression as he manoeuvred into a more comfortable position. The man looked like he was

terrified, Chase thought as he cocked his head to one side. Did he think Chase hadn’t longed

to hear those words from someone in general for years, and from Xavier in specific ever since

he’d started accepting that he felt things for him?

Well, how the fuck would he know if you’ve never told him, dumbass? Chase tried to speak

and coughed instead, slapping a hand over his mouth as he sputtered. Xavier grimaced, and

Chase thought that steel rod behind him felt a little smaller, softer. He whipped his hand

away from his mouth and dropped to his hands and knees over Xavier, his mouth brushing

against Xavier’s. “Say it again,” Chase demanded, his throat raw with emotions that were

clamouring to be spoken.

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Xavier swallowed loudly as his hands stroked Chase from shoulders to flanks. “I love

you, Chase Murphy. I don’t want to hurt you, and it…it probably will, at least at first, if


Chase inhaled deeply, drinking in Xavier’s scent, letting it infuse his blood with a joy

that made his insides quiver. “That’s good, that’s all I needed,” he murmured, his fear

forgotten as he sealed his lips over Xavier’s. Chase closed his eyes and gripped Xavier’s

biceps, losing himself in the kiss as Xavier moaned softly, his big body shuddering once, then

the world tipped, his back met the mattress, and Chase was pinned under Xavier in the way

he’d craved but had been scared to allow.

Xavier kissed him roughly, the man’s need apparent in each nip and thrust of his

tongue. He ground his cock against Chase’s, stoking a fire that was already raging inside

Chase to near unfathomable levels. “Please,” Chase tried to say while Xavier plundered his

mouth. Xavier nipped his lips then found a spot on his neck that made Chase cry out as

Xavier laved it.

When Xavier finally sat up, kneeling on his heels between Chase’s thighs, Chase’s head

was spinning and his breath coming in sharp fast grunts. The press of a finger to his opening

made him whimper as need speared through him, tearing through any last bits of fear that

might have lingered. “In,” he whined, too hungry for what Xavier was going to give him to

be embarrassed by the way he was acting, too excited and wanting to care as he grabbed at

the backs of his knees and pulled his legs up to his chest.

Xavier sucked in a loud breath. “You’re beautiful, sweetheart. So perfect for me,” he

murmured on an exhale, then Xavier pushed that finger inside him, spreading an exquisite

pinch of pain that quickly turned into something so much more than pleasure.

Chase shoved his head back as he pushed his butt down, trying to get more, now,

deeper. Xavier responded by curling his finger and brushing over his gland. Chase’s thighs

and belly quivered as he cried out softly, then Xavier pulled back and inserted two fingers

and Chase wasn’t nearly as quiet.

“Oh god, fuck, Xavier!It burned and ached, but only for a second or two before that

mind-scrambling ecstasy roiled through him again. Chase screamed as Xavier licked the

underside of his cock. Xavier began fucking into him slowly, twisting those fingers around

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and stretching him, and Chase was sure he was going to die from the spike of pleasure that

engulfed him.

More burn, more pleasure. Chase struggled to breathe through it, afraid for a second he

was going to black out as grey bloomed behind his eyelids.

“Chase, look at me,” Xavier rasped. Chase tried, he did, but his lids seemed glued

together, his brain unable to send the orders it needed to. “Sweetheart, please.”

The desperation in Xavier’s voice fired a neuron or two and Chase’s eyes popped open,

his vision blurry as he blinked until he could finally make out Xavier’s lust-darkened

features. “What?” he croaked, clenching his butt when he felt those fingers pulling out of his


“I want you to look at me,” Xavier said, grabbing Chase’s hips and tipping his bottom

up. He tugged and Chase slid down the bed, taking handfuls of sheets with him. He felt

Xavier’s cock nudge his hole and started panting, desire pinging from his ass to his balls and

cock, then rocketing up to his nipples. Everything burned and throbbed, a taut line pulsing

from his chest back to his ass, then Xavier let go of one of Chase’s hips, fisting the base of his

sheathed cock.

“Look at me,” Xavier said again, as his crown spread Chase’s pucker. “I need to see you

when we make love.”

Chase nodded sharply, groaning as Xavier’s cock spread him, an ache that turned sharp

and dull rippling through his rectum as Xavier steadily filled his ass. Chase’s breath hitched

on something close to a sob at the soft, loving look in Xavier’s eyes. If Chase had any doubts

about Xavier’s love, it would have been eradicated with that one look.

“Xavier,” Chase whispered, unclenching one hand and reaching for him. Xavier caught

Chase’s hand in his and dropped down over him, their hand tangled as the sheets as Xavier’s

cock speared into him, sinking to the hilt. Chase felt moisture trickling down his temples,

sweat or tears he didn’t know. He felt consumed, taken over, yet fully in control, Xavier’s

heart in his hands as it was.

And he knew, without a doubt, Xavier held his just as surely. The last dull ache melted

away as Xavier dropped tender kisses over his brow, his jaw, his cheeks, then finally his

parted lips. Chase let go of the sheet he’d been fisting with his other hand and wrapped that

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arm around Xavier, his fingers finding a home in his soft, dark hair. He locked his ankles

around Xavier’s hips and kissed him back with all the passion and love that filled him and

Xavier began to move, small thrusts that brought his cockhead over Chase’s gland again and


“Chase,” Xavier panted as he lifted his head. Chase pried open eyes he hadn’t been

aware of closing. Xavier’s eyes were lit with so much love Chase was sure it was spilling out

onto him. “Chase,” Xavier said again, breaking off into a moan as he began thrusting harder.

Chase moaned as well, the friction of Xavier’s chiselled, furry stomach against his

aching dick driving Chase’s head up as he sought a taste of Xavier’s skin. He bit and sucked

at a hump of muscle on Xavier’s shoulder, sucking curses right out of him as Xavier began

pounding into his ass hard enough to drive Chase’s breath out in grunts.

“Damn it, sweetheart,” Xavier said brokenly, “I wanted…longer!”

Chase bit his lip and shoved his hips up, meeting Xavier’s thrusts and demanding

more. Xavier growled and shifted from holding his hand to pinning his wrist only to jerk his

hand back before Chase could even register the move and panic. He slid his hand back into

Chase’s and powered into him, filling Chase with a glorious mix of sensations. His balls

drew tight and his cock throbbed, and Chase let go of Xavier’s hair long enough to ram his

hand between their bellies and grab his dick.

He barely got a stroke off before he wailed and came, his entire body vibrating with the

force of his climax, his inner muscles clenching Xavier’s cock as he slammed into Chase’s ass.

“Chase!” Xavier shouted, his back bowing, belly grinding against Chase’s as his hips

jerked and pivoted from side to side. “Fuck! Jesus!” Xavier groaned, his head thrown back as

he rutted through his orgasm. “Chase,” he finally murmured, all but collapsing on top of

Chase, squashing him into the mattress in a way that made Chase feel safe and protected,

two things he hadn’t known much of before, and the latter of which tended to set him on

edge when he had known it.

But with Xavier it felt right, not overwhelming or insulting. And for now, Chase could

just accept it. Later, if he needed to, he’d think about it, worry about it, but he doubted it’d

come to that.

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Chase smiled and rubbed his nose against Xavier’s sweaty neck, and let himself enjoy

the feelings.

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Chapter Eighteen

Xavier’s dick slid out of Chase’s ass as he rolled off Chase, his budding guilt doused by

the sweet smile he was given and the caress as Chase stroked him from shoulder to hand.

“How do you feel?” he asked, concerned still that he’d possibly squashed Chase despite his

claims about wanting to feel Xavier’s weight.

Chase’s smile turned into something dark and satisfied, teasing a tendril of arousal to

life in Xavier’s cock. “Fucked, very well-fucked,” Chase purred. His smile froze and his brow

wrinkled. “And sticky. And like I’m gonna be feeling you in my ass for days.” The smile

turned upside down as he narrowed his eyes at Xavier. “I didn’t like the whole pulling out

thing either. That was weird.”

Xavier stopped himself, barely, from asking what was he supposed to do, leave his dick

parked in that snug hole for the rest of the day? “The condom—”

“Right,” Chase muttered. He twisted a patch of hair on his chest, not pulling, just

fidgeting with it. “But you could get tested, right? Then we wouldn’t have to deal with


Xavier started to explain about commitments and trust, but Chase turned his eyes up to

Xavier’s and it was as if someone smacked some comprehension right into his head. Those

two things were exactly what Chase was trying to say—that he wanted them, and wanted to give them

in return! Xavier tipped Chase’s chin up with two fingers, and when Chase finally looked at

him, Xavier shook under the depth of emotions he saw in his eyes. There, reflected back at

him, was everything he felt, everything he’d said, shining bright in Chase’s eyes.

A subtle warmth filled him; he felt light under the weight of such trust, such love, his

blood turning to helium in his veins so that Xavier felt as if he could float or fly with Chase

looking at him like that. Maybe he murmured, uttered another profession of love to Chase,

Xavier didn’t know.

Words didn’t seem big enough to express what he felt as he lowered his lips to Chase’s

and kissed the man with every bit of tenderness he had in him. He eased himself back on top

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of Chase, ignoring the cold cum that smeared his belly. Their cocks bumped then pressed

together beneath Xavier’s weight. Chase whimpered, his hands clenching on Xavier’s

shoulders as his heels dug into Xavier’s butt cheeks.

Xavier lifted his head only enough to brush soft kisses down Chase’s chin and jaw,

following the rough line back to his ear where he nibbled at the lobe. Chase was making

sounds guaranteed to have Xavier pummelling his ass in minutes if he wasn’t careful.

As if reading his mind, Chase rocked his hips up and moaned. “Xavier, I want—”

Xavier kissed the rest of that sentence away, knowing if Chase finished it, he’d regret it

after—they both would. Chase might not realise it yet while endorphins were flooding his

bloodstream, but he would be too tender for another round of sex—at least the kind he was

begging for with his body. And Xavier would feel like the lowest scum if he caved in. He

wouldn’t. Hurting Chase was out of the question.

Lifting himself off Chase was harder than it would have been had the man not been so

determined to keep him there, but Xavier managed to untangle their limbs and sit up,

pulling a confused-looking Chase with him.

“You’ll need a couple of days,” Xavier explained. Chase frowned at him and Xavier

gently nudged him onto his back again. He trailed his fingers over Chase’s dick, then down

to his balls, further still until he teased over the heated little hole still swollen from their

lovemaking earlier.

Chase’s eyes widened and he hissed as he slapped his knees together. “Shit!”

Xavier nodded and pulled his hand back. “Yes, so you need a day or two to recover

from that.” He stood and held a hand out to Chase, smiling when the man took it without

hesitation. “But I might be able to make you feel a bit better.”

“Really?” Chase asked, cursing as he slid off the bed. “And how do you plan to do


Xavier leered at his lover as he led him towards the bathroom. “You’ll just have to trust


* * * *

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Chase was glad trust wasn’t an issue, he thought as Xavier’s soap slicked hands slid

over his chest. He moaned when nimble fingers stopped to pluck at his nipples. Once he was

a near-mindless mass of pinging nerves and need, Chase found himself being turned around

and his hands placed against the shower wall. His head was too heavy to hold up, and he

didn’t try, dropping it down and resting his forehead against the slick tiles.

The water was turned off then Xavier’s big hands smoothed over his shoulders, down

his back, then up to trace the sides of his spine. Xavier’s thumbs dug into the muscles of

Chase’s nape, massaging away tension he hadn’t known was there. Chase leaned more

against the wall as lips replaced thumbs and his neck was kissed and nibbled on until Chase

was shivering and making sounds he thought he maybe should have been embarrassed by.

Then Xavier licked a straight line down his spine. His knees thudded against the

shower floor as he gripped Chase’s hips. Chase’s own knees were turning into jelly, and

standing up was looking like an impossibility. A gentle tug from Xavier brought him down,

his hands grabbing at the shower knobs as Xavier’s thumbs traced his crack.

Chase’s ass was spread slowly. He peered over his shoulder. Xavier’s eyes seared into

him, the need there so stark and powerful it’d have brought Chase to his knees had he not

already been on them. Then Chase’s head snapped back around on a low moan as Xavier

licked him, from the top of his crease to his balls.

A flick of tongue, enough to make Chase ready to beg, then Xavier brought his mouth

back to where Chase craved it to be. Xavier rimmed him, slowly and thoroughly, as his

hands slicked over Chase’s hips, his ass, the tops of his thighs, then up to his stomach.

By the time Xavier finally touched his dick, Chase was a writhing mass of desperate

need. His balls were already tight hard nuts, but when Xavier’s nails scored them lightly they

tried to crawl into his body as his climax burst up from their depths. Chase bellowed as cum

spurted from his dick, painting his stomach and chest in streaks of white as Xavier pumped

his length rapidly. A sharp bite to his ass cheek forced more spunk up and out, and Chase’s

hands slipped on the knobs, his arms giving out—

* * * *

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Xavier scrambled to catch Chase before he broke his head on the spigot or the rim of

the tub. There was slipping and cursing, their knees sliding on the wet surface as two men

tried to keep upright in too small a place. As it was, one of them remained more upright than

the other. Xavier managed to twist just right—for Chase’s safety anyway—and went down

hard on his back.

His head popped the porcelain hard enough to make his ears ring, and Chase’s elbow

driving into his gut knocked every bit of breath from his lungs, but Xavier thought he had

managed to keep Chase from being brained, and that was good—

“Are you okay?”

Xavier blinked open eyes still seeing sparks and nodded. “Yeah I’m just—”

“Good.” Chase dropped a kiss on Xavier’s lips then stood with a hell of a lot more ease

than it was going to take him to get up.

Chase held out a hand, and Xavier took it and let Chase help him up.

“We need to rinse off and get out before we finish,” Chase muttered, reaching for the

knobs. Xavier frowned and rubbed at the small knot on the back of his head. “Finish what?”

Maybe he’d bumped his head harder than he thought?

Chase gave him an arch look as he directed the spray at Xavier’s chest. “This,” he said,

squeezing Xavier’s semi-erect dick. “You didn’t come and I want you to.”

Xavier started to shake his head but something in the way Chase narrowed his eyes

stopped him. That, and the added pressure as Chase’s hand tightened around Xavier’s dick.

“You can’t tell me you don’t want to,” Chase said in a low voice that brooked no argument.

“You do this, make me come then go without, at least without me getting in on it, and I think

that’s shit. I want to make you come, all right?”

“Like I’d be stupid enough to argue with that,” Xavier said. He for sure hadn’t hit his

head that hard. Chase grinned and opened the shower door. He stepped out and Xavier

followed, reaching for the towels on the rack. Before he could do anything else, Chase spun

around and dropped to his knees. Xavier stood there, his heart racing in his chest as he

looked down at Chase, his sparkling eyes framed by thick black lashes.

“I’m going to make you scream,” Chase warned, then he fisted the base of Xavier’s cock

and engulfed his entire length.

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Xavier clenched his hands in the towels as his hips jerked, shoving his dick deeper into

the warm, wet tunnel of Chase’s mouth. Muscles rippled and contracted around his crown

and Xavier cursed as he spread his legs for Chase’s questing hands. Chase cupped his balls,

squeezing to the point of pain, while using the other to trace his crease. Chase swallowed and

his eyes closed as he moaned, and Xavier’s control snapped.

He threw the towels down and grabbed handfuls of silky damp hair. “Take it all,” he

gritted out as he began fucking Chase’s mouth with quick hard snaps of his hips. Chase’s

head bobbed eagerly as his tongue flicked and laved. Chase’s grip on Xavier’s balls tightened

then loosened with each of Xavier’s thrusts. When Chase pressed the blunt tip of a finger to

his hole, it almost drove Xavier out of his mind with fear-tinged anticipation. His ass flexed

as he pumped harder, rougher, and Chase took it greedily, eagerly.

Chase tapped his finger against Xavier’s hole and Xavier grunted, torn between

spearing his cock back into Chase’s throat and arching his lower back, begging for what he

knew was coming. Before he could decide which path to take, a burning pressure spread out

from his pucker, then Chase was pressing that finger in, pushing past the resistant muscle

and setting off a chaotic explosion of pleasure in Xavier.

Xavier didn’t just scream, he begged for more, his hips stuttering as his brain gave up

on trying to figure out what he wanted. He froze, letting Chase suck his dick while pumping

what felt like half his hand in and out of Xavier’s hole. Chase hummed on the downstroke,

setting off a flurry of vibrations along Xavier’s shaft that nestled in his balls and drew them

tight despite Chase’s hold on them.

Chase touched that hidden spot and Xavier bellowed, his hands clenching tight in

Chase’s hair for a moment before he curled over the man and spilled down his throat. It felt

like he came for hours, the spunk just pouring out of him as Chase sucked and moaned

beneath him. Chase kept the slightest of pressure on his gland, and Xavier couldn’t do

anything but shudder and moan and drag in a raspy breath now and then.

Eventually the pleasure dimmed, and Chase’s fingers in his hole felt more painful than

good, and Chase’s mouth on his softened cock made him whimper and try to pull

back…onto the fingers. Xavier found himself doing a weird jerk between the two

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overwhelming sensations, then Chase’s fingers eased out and he let Xavier’s cock slip from

his lips.

He’d have fallen face first if Chase hadn’t stood, sliding up his body, forcing Xavier to

stand up and un-hunch. Chase fitted himself under one of Xavier’s arms and latched an arm

around Xavier’s waist. “Come on, let’s get you to bed before you collapse on me. You need

food then a nap. Then we’ve got things to discuss.”

Xavier couldn’t even find the energy to ask what those things were. He was pretty sure

he was going to be comatose soon. Chase had sucked and fucked the strength right out of

him. It wasn’t like Xavier hadn’t had blowjobs before, but with Chase—and the way Chase

had speared those fingers into him—it was an entirely different experience, more intense

than Xavier had ever thought getting head could be. It was going to make him spend more

hours wondering what it would be like when Chase fucked him.

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Chapter Nineteen

One thing Chase had learned about Xavier, when the man made up his mind about

something, he grabbed at it with both hands and refused to let go.

Which was why Chase hadn’t been able to walk—or run—away. Even though Xavier

hadn’t given him a bulleted list of what he expected, Chase knew. He’d known it the first

time those dark eyes had seen into his soul, and he’d known the night he’d tried to lie to

himself about just wanting to get off. He’d known it when he’d knelt at Xavier’s knees, and

he knew it now, as he sat in the passenger seat of Xavier’s expensive Porsche.

And he knew when Xavier committed to doing something—raising a street kid,

handing over his heart, giving his word to help—Chase knew Xavier wouldn’t break his


It still surprised him, though.

He watched Xavier’s hand as he shifted gears, the Porsche’s engine rumbling as they

sped down the highway.

“You’re being awfully quiet.”

Chase dragged his gaze off the hand that had only a couple of hours ago brought him

off so hard he’d thought he’d die from the pleasure. He followed the line of Xavier’s arm up

to his shoulder, then to the tanned skin of his neck where a faint purple bruise showed.

Chase’s heartbeat kicked up a notch at that. He’d been surprised when Xavier had let him

mark him. “Just thinking,” he finally murmured when he couldn’t seem to look away from

that little bruise.

Xavier didn’t say anything else, letting a comfortable silence fill the car. Chase was still

a little stunned by the way Xavier had agreed to accompany him without question. Well,

he’d had one but his coming along hadn’t been contingent on the answer. He’d only wanted

to know if Chase had a plan. Chase’s affirmative answer had been good enough for Xavier,

he hadn’t asked anything else, just nodded and gave Chase one of those kisses that made his

insides turn to warm molasses or some equally syrupy sticky stuff. Then he’d proceeded to

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make arrangements with Troy for the bartender to run the club while they were gone. Less

than forty-eight hours after Chase asked him, Xavier was driving them to Montana. It kind of

boggled Chase’s mind.

“I figure his parents have to be visiting him,” Chase blurted out as he looked out the

passenger window. Not that he could see much, it was all rather a blur. “They always drove

him nuts with their hovering and sticking their noses in his business.” Chase shrugged,

pushing aside that little bit of envy he always felt over that. “There’s no way they just

dumped him somewhere and aren’t checking on him, at least once a day.”

“Hmm.” Chase could hear Xavier’s fingers tapping on the wheel, tap tap t-tap tap. “So

maybe they aren’t in Montana, then? Didn’t Shearing say something to that effect?”

“Yeah.” Chase closed his eyes and leaned his head against the cool glass. “But I know

their alarm combination, James made sure of that. And even if they changed it, I can get in.

There’ll be something there that will tell me where they are. Receipt, number on the caller ID,

crap like that.” They wouldn’t expect Chase to insist on finding James. They had always

thought he was shiftless, dangerous. Crazy.

Maybe he was, sitting here telling Xavier he was willing and able to break into someone

else’s home. Sure, he’d broken into Xavier’s, but that had been different. They’d both wanted

him there, whereas Mr and Mrs Stratton would have his ass in jail so fast his head would

spin if they caught him. And I’m dragging Xavier into this?

“You have to stay at the hotel or whatever when I go to their house—”

“No,” Xavier said calmly…fucking implacably. Chase rolled his head and looked at him

out of the corner of his eye. Xavier didn’t seem angry, his profile wasn’t pinched or anything

like that, but that single word had fairly vibrated with the potential for an argument if Chase

dared to challenge it. Which, perversely, made him want to do just that. Xavier didn’t give

him the chance.

“You asked me to come with you, and I agreed. I would have asked if you hadn’t,

anyway. But you did ask, and I am perfectly fine with you deciding how this will all be

handled, but I won’t be left behind letting you do all the dirty work, take all the risks.

Imagine if I asked that of you.” Xavier eased the car around a sharp curve as he talked, never

once glancing away from the road.

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Chase sat up and twisted his torso around to glare at the man fully. “You don’t have

any experience—”

“How do you know?” Xavier interrupted. “Really, Chase, how well do you know me?”

Chase frowned. “I know you’re a good man and an honest one—”

“Maybe.” Xavier’s lips curled up as he navigated another turn. “Now, at least. But you

don’t know anything about my past other than that I took Billy in, do you? For all you know

I may have a criminal record.”

“Do you?” Chase asked, thinking if Xavier did it couldn’t have been his fault. Xavier

finally glanced at him before giving the car more gas.

“No, but only because I never got caught,” Xavier admitted. “And it would have been

sealed, anyway, because I was quite a little thug when I was a kid. All the way down to

wearing the baggy pants that hung past my ass.”

Chase goggled trying to picture it. He just…couldn’t. “You’re messing with me, aren’t

you?” His hands throbbed and he looked down, surprised to see that he’d clenched them so

tightly. Counting to ten in his head, he slowly uncurled his fingers.

“I am not,” Xavier said after a moment. “I grew up in a very nice neighbourhood in

Dallas. Had everything, which of course meant I was an obnoxious brat who thought I was

entitled to even more. And I had the requisite snobs for friends, who were just as bored and

egotistical. We used to think it was funny to dress like gangbangers and break into

neighbourhood houses. We were pathetic shits who needed our asses kicked. Hungry?”

Chase blinked at the change in subject. “You can’t just stop there then ask if I’m hungry!

That’s messed up!”

Xavier grinned and steered the car onto the exit ramp. “Sure I can, because we are

fixing to hit a dry patch for the next couple hundred miles, and I’m hungry. Besides, I wasn’t

stopping anything other than the car.”

“Okay, then what happened? Why didn’t you end up in jail or juvie or whatever?”

Chase blinked then narrowed his eyes. “Did your parents bail you out of trouble?”

“It never came to that,” Xavier said with a shake of his head. “One night I was heading

out with my friends and my little brother came running down the stairs, begging to go with

me. I was about seventeen I guess and Randy was a few years younger than that. He looked

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so eager, and so fucking young. I realised then that he looked up to me, and yeah, maybe it

sounds corny, but that meant something to me. More than the thrill I got from sneaking into

rich people’s homes. I didn’t go out that night, and less than a week later, our parents were

killed when a drunk driver crossed over into their lane and hit them head-on. I had to grow

up fast, and I did.”

Xavier parked the car and took a deep breath before continuing. “Apparently, I screwed

up somewhere along the way with Randy. He turned into what I could have been, and I

failed to prevent that. He used to be such a different person than he is now.”

“People make their own choices,” Chase said, catching Xavier’s hand when he started

to pull it from the gear shift. “You made the choice to put your brother first and straighten

out your life. To quit being a self-centred prick. Randy made a different choice; that’s on him,

not you. Even if he was jealous over your relationship with Billy, that was his decision to

make. If he didn’t have as big a heart as you do, well, it wasn’t your fault.”

“He was jealous,” Xavier admitted, slumping in his seat. “But Randy was almost thirty

and living on his own when I found Billy—and could you have turned away from Billy?

Imagine him six years ago, a skinny, dirty, bruised kid with big, hungry eyes. He was bait for

the next sick fucker who saw him. I couldn’t—”

“But Randy could,” Chase muttered. He’d heard about what the asshole had done to

Billy. It turned Chase’s stomach and made him want to put his fist clean through Randy’s

rotted brain. “And the fact that he was jealous is just wrong. I don’t think you could have

done anything to change that except toss Billy out, and even then I doubt Randy would be

any different than he is today. Maybe even worse since he’d have learnt he could manipulate


Xavier grunted and stared at something or nothing on the floorboard. Finally he

nodded and looked at Chase. “I don’t know if that’s true or not, but when I’m honest with

myself, when I look inside and see what I thought and felt back then, I know I did my best

with Randy and with Billy.”

Chase wouldn’t have believed anything different. “All right then, that’s what you need

to keep remembering, that you did your best. Now, let’s go eat something and you can help

me figure out the best way to get into the Stratton’s.”

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* * * *

Maybe we should have flown. Chase shifted in his seat, his shoulder throbbing after hours

of riding in the car. Even with frequent breaks for him to move around, he was still stiff and

sore. But besides the physical discomfort, the intimacy in the small interior was making him

feel all sorts of urges he normally didn’t have—namely, to talk.

About himself.

Chase had found himself literally biting his tongue more than once since Xavier had

shared his past. They were, although Chase still had trouble wrapping his mind around it—

in a relationship. A committed one. That meant he should talk, or…or something. Share

himself, on more than a physical level.

Didn’t it? Christ, and he’d thought the whole physical level had been intimidating. Why

was he thinking this to death? He knew what he wanted—Xavier. He slid Xavier a glance

and felt that weird pressure in his chest when the man gave him a tired smile.

“I’m about done for today,” Xavier said around a yawn. “There was a sign for a

Ramada Inn, that okay with you?”

Chase barely kept from snorting. He’d have been fine sleeping at the next rest area, as

long as he could get out and flop onto something other than the car. He’d really prefer to

snuggle up to Xavier, and maybe, if the man wasn’t too tired, work off a bit of the stiffness in

their bodies from a day of being cooped up…among other things. “Yeah, that’ll work.”

“Good. What about dinner? Are you hungry or…” Xavier leered and waggled his

eyebrows, and it so surprised Chase that he couldn’t keep from laughing. It was just the bit

of teasing he needed to take his mind off the stress of needing to rehash his past.

By the time they’d got to their room, however, Chase was back to thinking about what

he should say. He didn’t want to string Xavier along by giving him little bits and pieces of his

past, but he also didn’t think he would be able to talk about everything tonight.

And he was pretty damn sure Xavier was adding an extra swing to his hips when he

walked, because Chase couldn’t seem to look away from his very fine ass cupped in that soft

faded denim. Was it just his wishful thinking, or was Xavier making an offer with that walk?

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Before he could figure it out, Xavier’s cell rang and he answered it, giving Chase an

apologetic look as he waved towards the bathroom. Chase grumbled but dug out a pair of

boxers then, smirking at Xavier, stuffed them back in his bag. Xavier stuttered mid-sentence

as he tried to tell Billy where they’d stopped for the night. Chase winked at Xavier then

turned and headed for the bathroom, chuckling softly at the look of surprise that wink had

got him. He was learning he didn’t have to be so controlled with Xavier, and it was…fun.

Chase showered and shaved, and took care of the other necessities before leaving the

bathroom. He let the towel hang loose on his hips as he entered their room, holding it in his

hand rather than tucking it tightly in place. Xavier’s gaze seared him from feet to forehead

and he tipped his head towards the bathroom. “Your turn. I’ll get dressed and go find us

something for dinner.”

Xavier got up from where he’d reclined on the bed and slowly stalked towards him.

“Maybe we should skip dinner.”

Chase’s cock started to fill but he shook his head and wondered at himself as he did so.

There was his out, his means of avoiding having to talk about his past, and here he was

saying no? Well, not no, exactly, more like— “You need to eat, then I…” Chase swallowed

past his embarrassment and wished he was a more eloquent man. “I was thinking about how

you knew to let go of my wrist, how close attention you pay to me. I thought maybe I could

tell you why it freaks me out to be restrained like that.”

Xavier stopped in his tracks, his dark eyes wide with shock. Chase bit his bottom lip

and wondered why he chose that particular part of his past to mention. Maybe because it

was the part he was most ashamed of. If he could get that out, the rest should be easy in


“Go shower,” he muttered when Xavier started to speak. He didn’t want to give the

man a chance to tell him he didn’t have to talk, because Chase was afraid he’d take it, and

then he might never have the courage to do this again.

Xavier closed the distance between them and gently cupped Chase’s cheek. He tipped

Chase’s head up, bringing their gazes together, and after a long moment, he lowered his

head and kissed Chase slowly and thoroughly. “All right,” he murmured, his lips brushing

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Chase’s. “I won’t be long.” After another kiss, Xavier walked into the bathroom and pulled

the door closed.

Chase dressed quickly then left, walking over to the gas station across from the hotel

room. The place was crowded with eighteen wheelers everywhere, but it had a twenty-four

hour greasy spoon café and it didn’t take him long to get their meals. By the time he returned

with them, Xavier was waiting at the door. He took the Styrofoam containers from Chase and

set them on the miniscule table. “Thanks. This smells pretty good.”

Chase snorted and popped open the tops to both of their meals. “It’s grease on a bun,

with a little beef or something close to it thrown in.”

Xavier laughed as he dug them a couple of drinks from the ice chest. “Good thing I

have some antacids then.” He gave Chase a searching look and Chase shook his head.

“Eat, then I’ll explain before I lose my nerve.” He halfway expected Xavier to argue but

the man just nodded and sat down after smiling slightly. Chase managed to eat about half his

burger before his nerves shut down his appetite. He pushed the Styrofoam container back

and wiped his hands on a napkin. Instead of taking the time and trying to sort out what to

say, because he was afraid he’d end up not saying anything, he looked into Xavier’s eyes, the

corners wrinkled faintly as the man frowned.

“James found me after—well, I’d been jumped by a group of guys, and James heard

them, or maybe me begging them to stop beating me before they killed me.” The memory of

that, the begging more than the actual assault, sometimes ate at him. “I was young and dumb

and thought I was invincible. Didn’t think anything bad could happen to me, and getting

jumped in an alley seemed like something that only happened in movies. But if James hadn’t

shown up, I’d most likely’ve been killed. All because some fuckers wanted my wallet then

got pissed when there was only thirty bucks in it.”

Xavier pushed his own food away and placed his hand palm up on the table. “They

would have probably done the same no matter how much you had in your wallet,” he said as

Chase placed his hand in Xavier’s.

Chase nodded. “Probably. But anyway, I wasn’t homeless or hustling, nothing like that.

I’d just moved out on my own and thought I knew everything. I’d been a difficult kid, I don’t

know why, but it kind of drove a wedge between me and my parents. They always told me

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I’d wind up in trouble, and I refused to let them be called. I didn’t want them to know they’d

been right.” His pride had been damaged, but not that much, more fool him.

“So James tried to help me. I don’t know why except that’s just the kind of man he is.”

Chase shook off memories of being in the hospital and the strangeness of having someone he

didn’t know become a quick and loyal friend. “I always had trouble letting people close, like

I was born defective that way or something, but James refused to go away, even when I

yelled at him or threatened him. He just…wouldn’t leave me alone.”

Xavier’s smile chased some of the sadness from his dark eyes. “I like James more and


Chase nodded. “Yeah, I did, too, and it pissed me off. I thought he was interested in,

you know, a relationship or something. It scared me, and made me an easy target for Abel—

he was one of the lab technicians at the hospital. He’d take my blood and every time he came

in I felt like he was fucking me with his eyes. I felt…dirty, and like I deserved to feel that way

for being such a fool. And he knew that, somehow, he used that against me instead of trying

to help me.”

Xavier’s eyes narrowed and his expression darkened, anger thinning his full lips to a

flat line. He squeezed Chase’s hand and cupped his other hand around it. “Tell me what


Chase needed the prod to get his tongue unstuck from the roof of his mouth. “Nothing

as bad as you think, probably. He didn’t rape me, but I think that’s what he intended,

eventually. I’d let him get away with groping me, figured I had it coming.” Chase shrugged.

It’d been a stupid way to think, but his head had been a mess. “I woke up in the middle of

the night with my hands tied to the bed rails and my hospital gown being shoved up to my

armpits. I tried to kick but my ankles were tied, too, and before I could get more than a

breath drawn in to scream, Abel shoved a wad of gauze in my mouth. Started talking about

how he was going to train me to be his ‘boy’ and shit.”

Xavier stood so fast his chair tipped backwards as he came around the table and knelt at

Chase’s side. He wrapped his arms around Chase’s waist and rested his head on Chase’s

shoulder. “Tell me someone kicked his ass, Chase. Tell me James showed up…”

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Chase shuddered even as he twisted around and held Xavier, one arm around his back

and the other hand pressing to the back of his head. “Not quite. He left me there for hours

while he just touched me, prodding at bruises and telling me how much he liked it when I

flinched or cried out. He said he’d take me home where he could take the gag out and really

hear me scream when he hurt me. And I couldn’t get free, all I could do was lie there and

pray he wouldn’t do…more. He didn’t. He got off on seeing me afraid. Eventually he untied

me and pulled the gag out, and promised he’d be back the next night.”

“Did you tell James?” Xavier rumbled, his breath warm against Chase’s chest. Chase

petted his hair and let the silky strands slip between his fingers. “No. I didn’t want him to see

me as a victim again, and I didn’t know him or trust him. I was an idiot. And Abel made sure

to tell me about how his daddy was the district attorney and would make sure Abel never

got in trouble. He told me to keep my mouth shut, and I did. I thought I’d leave the hospital,

but Abel had friends. I ended up drugged to the gills the next day, unable to stay awake. I

don’t even remember James being there. I just remember coming to and being tied and

gagged again, and pain…Abel made sure I had reason to scream even if I couldn’t. He was

careful, keeping to places already bruised, or using the pillow to suffocate me until I nearly

passed out. A few times of that and you stop being scared, just stop caring if he didn’t lift the

pillow up the next time.”

It shamed Chase, being a victim again. He’d felt so helpless, and his pride that had kept

him silent was decimated by Abel’s sick games. “It took me a long time to accept that I

wasn’t at fault. Maybe I still haven’t accepted it fully. If James hadn’t become suspicious after

me being drugged the second day, if he hadn’t shown up in the middle of the night and

snuck past the nurses…I don’t think I’d be alive now.”

“Jesus,” Xavier muttered, his hold tightening as he looked up at Chase. He swallowed

noisily and opened his mouth but Chase shook his head. He needed to finish and get this

done with because he never wanted to talk about it again.

“James came in and saw me tied like that, saw Abel with that fucking pillow, and he

went nuts. If James’ parents had been any less influential than they are, he’d have ended up

in jail. I thought he was going to kill Abel. That’s the only time I’ve ever seen James lose his

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shit, and he almost killed Abel that night. It took more nurses and doctors than I could count

to get him off Abel.”

Xavier’s teeth ground together loud enough Chase could hear it. “Good. I hope he

broke every bone in the fucker’s body.”

“A few,” Chase admitted, unable to look away from Xavier even as shame burned his

cheeks. “What with security cameras and a little digging into Abel’s past, even his daddy

couldn’t get him off. Abel ended up with a twenty-year prison sentence once other men

started to come forward. His daddy left the state, and last I heard Abel was serving a life

sentence since the cops had linked him to a couple of murders.”

“It probably makes me a horrible person, but I hope his life sentence doesn’t last long,”

Xavier snarled. “Maybe someone will kill the sick bastard.”

“I’m angry too,” Chase said, only now acknowledging the depth of it to himself, and

Xavier. He’d kept that anger repressed and told himself he was past it, but the truth was he

still burned with it. “I didn’t realise how angry I still am until I started talking about it. I kept

telling myself I moved past it, but I haven’t, I guess.”

Xavier pulled away a bit and brought a hand to Chase’s cheek. “You can, sweetheart.

He doesn’t have any power over you unless you give it to him. And I want him dead, but

you’re alive, and I’m grateful for that, enough that I can keep from paying someone off to

snuff that fucker’s life out with a spoon or whatever. And I’m indebted to James, more than I

thought I was just for him being important to you. I’ll do whatever it takes to help you, and

him.” He wiped at something on Chase’s cheek, spreading moisture that Chase was too tired

to be ashamed of. “Thank you,” Xavier murmured, then leaned in and kissed Chase so

tenderly he had to close his eyes as his vision blurred with tears. He let the rest of his past go

for now, knowing he’d tell Xavier soon enough, and let his lover hold him and comfort him

through the night.

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Chapter Twenty

The second day on the road wasn’t any less tiresome than the first, but being only a few

hundred miles from their destination made Chase restless. Every time Xavier glanced at the

man, he was fidgeting or nibbling his lip—the lower one was now puffy and red, and

reminded Xavier of the way Chase’s lips looked after he’d sucked Xavier dry.

Driving with a hard on was a real bitch, and Xavier would have gladly pulled over and

got a room—and some relief—but Chase wanted to head straight to the Stratton’s since it

was dark rather than wait until the following night.

He’d had Xavier put on a dark T-shirt at the last gas stop in preparation to skulk

around and Xavier had muttered that he’d felt like a stereotypical cat burglar. Chase had told

him better that than feeling like some stereotypical idiot on Cops. Sometimes there was no

point in arguing.

Once they hit Billings, Xavier’s bottom lip was likely as swollen as Chase’s. Nerves

were trying to kick in, doubts giving them a big shove, but Xavier wouldn’t let them take

hold. He ignored the little voice that asked if Chase was worth going to jail for. It wouldn’t

come to that; he trusted Chase to keep them out of trouble—legal trouble, at least. And that

was fine with Xavier.

Besides, if he had to, he’d admit that anticipation was lighting up his spine. He’d hate

to, but he’d admit to having that same pinging adrenalin rush he used to get as a dumb kid

when he broke into someone’s house.

“This hotel is good.”

Xavier nodded and pulled into the chain hotel. After he got them checked in, they took

their duffels to the room. Xavier had barely dropped his on the bed when he was spun

around and tackled. His back hit the mattress hard and his teeth clacked together, then

Chase’s lips were pressing down on his, with his tongue spearing into Xavier’s mouth.

Xavier parted for him without hesitation, lips and legs opening to cradle Chase’s

warmth between them. Chase cradled his cheek, stroking his face as he plundered Xavier’s

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mouth. Xavier bent and lifted his legs and locked his ankles beneath Chase’s butt and pulled.

If that wasn’t hint enough, he didn’t know what was.

Chase growled and thrust against Xavier’s groin. He tightened his hold on Xavier’s

face, and the kiss became fierce as desire burned bright between them. When Chase lifted his

head high enough to stare into Xavier’s eyes, he looked as horny and needy as Xavier felt.

“Going to fuck you,” Chase gritted out and Xavier swallowed nervously before nodding.

This was what he wanted, had wanted for a while now, but today the thought of it had

gnawed at him, clawed at his belly and balls. He wanted Chase, and he needed it like this, a

bit of rough and snarl, a match for the nerves that kept rippling through him. Chase had

needed tender, slow loving, but Xavier needed something else. And if he hadn’t believed

Chase loved him, this wouldn’t be happening, he reminded himself when a trickle of fear

tried to spread.

Xavier pulled Chase back down and plunged his tongue between his swollen lips.

Xavier writhed beneath him as they rubbed against each other. His cock ached, the friction

caused by their bodies grinding together simply not enough. Xavier dragged his hands down

to Chase’s butt, letting his nails scrape here and there where he knew Chase liked it. He

cupped those firm globes then squeezed, driving Chase’s next thrust even harder against


Chase’s hands slid up, fisting in Xavier’s hair and pulling his head back. Xavier arched

his neck, letting Chase have at his heated skin. Chase did, marking Xavier, sending goose

bumps skittered down clear to his knees.

His own need to lay claim ripped at him and Xavier heaved, rolling Chase onto his back

and straddling his hips. Xavier nibbled a path from Chase’s lips to the soft skin below his ear,

then Chase was clawing at his shirt. Xavier heard a rip right before he sat up and took the

hem from Chase and pulled the shirt off. The shirt had barely cleared his head before Chase

attacked his nipples, pinching the hard peaks then twisting them and dragging a low groan

from Xavier.

Chase grinned but the heat in his eyes was enough to make Xavier’s ass clench in

anticipation. Then Chase’s expression softened and his hands caught at Xavier’s when he

started to unfasten his pants. Xavier arched a brow at Chase and cocked his head to the side,

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a mannerism of Chase’s he unthinkingly mimicked. “What’s that look mean?” It made Xavier

want to float right up, because buried there in the depths of Chase’s eyes was the love Xavier

knew the man felt for him.

Chase smoothed a hand up Xavier’s waist, across his stomach then up to his ribs. He

used his other hand to tug at Xavier’s wrist, and Xavier gave way, letting Chase pull him

down. Chase kissed Xavier’s open palm, and if he hadn’t already been ass over teakettle for

him, that likely would have done it for Xavier. It was a tender kiss, chaste but sweet, and

Xavier had no defences against it or the man beneath him.

Xavier leaned a little more and let his eyes close as his mouth merged with Chase’s. He

trailed his tongue over the warm soft flesh of Chase’s bottom lip, then slipped his tongue

inside his mouth. Chase moaned softly and wound his fingers between Xavier’s, turning

sweet and loving whereas moments earlier he’d been every bit as ravenous as Xavier.

Then Xavier found himself on his back, Chase looking down at him with a hunger that

spiked Xavier’s own. “You’re sure?” Chase asked in a gravelly voice.

Xavier didn’t have to think about it. “Yes. I’ve wanted this for a while now.” He

reached down and slid a hand between them, palming Chase’s cock tightly. Chase made that

rumbling growl again and Xavier started to grin, only to moan instead when Chase bit his


“Fuck!” Xavier bucked into the pain, letting it carry him on a surge of endorphins. He

shouted, uncaring of where they were, when Chase used his fingers to torment his other

nipple. Xavier scrabbled to grab at sheets, blankets, anything to fist his hands around,

knowing he’d hurt Chase if he let his fingers dig in like he needed them to in order to stay


He rolled his hips and pushed his chest up into the next assault of teeth in fingertips,

and let out a choked sound as spears of pleasure shot through him. “Chase,” he croaked, his

body lighting up and dancing precariously close to the edge. “I can’t…” Xavier gasped as

Chase sucked his nipple and flicked his tongue across the tip.

Xavier’s nipples were so sensitive from the attention he could barely restrain himself

from coming. When Chase lifted his mouth off then blew on the wet tip, Xavier made a

choked sound as he tried desperately to hold back. Chase slid down his body, tongue

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slicking a path down his torso. He found a ticklish spot that shoved Xavier’s climax back a

few steps as he squirmed beneath his lover.

“Better?” he heard Chase ask. Xavier pried his eyes open and propped himself up on

his elbows to peer down at him.

“That’s just evil,” he grumped, but he couldn’t bite back a grin. Chase’s face lit with

amusement as he dipped his head and tongued that spot again. “Mercy!” Xavier shouted

around a laugh, releasing his grasp on the bedclothes to reach for Chase.

Chase avoided his hands, sliding to his knees on the floor and catching at Xavier’s

waistband. Xavier’s hands dropped to his sides as Chase popped open the buttons. He barely

breathed while the rest of his clothes were removed, need tensing his muscles each time

Chase’s skin brushed his own. Then he was finally nude and Chase was lifting his legs,

pushing them towards Xavier’s chest.

Xavier’s heart tripped in his chest when he realised where this was going. Eager and

nervous all at once, he still didn’t hesitate to hook his arms under his legs and hitch them up.

“You’re perfect.”

Chase’s whispered words eased some of Xavier’s urgency, and the way he touched him,

gentle strokes of fingertips, brought up all sorts of soft emotions in Xavier. He didn’t have

time or inclination to examine them, though, especially not when he felt Chase’s hands

parting his cheeks, then the slick-rough swipe of tongue over his hole.

Xavier gulped and closed his eyes, trying not to shove his ass against Chase’s face. He

felt edgy and achy, impatient, but unwilling to rush this.

“Relax, we’ll get there.” He heard as well as felt Chase’s words against his skin, and

Xavier tried, but he needed so much! Chase’s huffed chuckle hit his damp skin a second

before lips latched around his opening, then the incredible sensation of being sucked caused

Xavier’s eyes to roll back as he panted.

His fingernails dug into the backs of his thighs when Chase’s tongue speared into his

hole, then Xavier couldn’t think about anything except the way it felt to have Chase rimming

him. There was a burn and pinch as Chase added a finger alongside his tongue, then that

discomfort was forgotten as soon as Chase brushed over his gland.

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“Chase!” Xavier grunted out, his thighs quivering beneath his hands. “I can’t…”

Another caress of his prostate and Xavier moaned, the sound pulled up from that hidden

spot inside him, dragging pleasure up with it until his body vibrated with it. “God…”

Chase pushed another finger into him, this one noticeably cooler against his heated

flesh. Lube, he realised dimly, then Xavier’s ability to think was demolished again as Chase

began filling him over and over with his fingers.

Xavier’s grip on his legs slackened. He dug his heels into the mattress and thrust down

against each penetration, fucking himself on Chase’s fingers. His balls tightened as they were

licked and sucked, and Xavier grunted, chasing his climax mindlessly, giving way to his

body’s demands.

Chase clamped a hand around the base of Xavier’s dick, squeezing tight enough that

the pain eased back his orgasm, which had been swirling in his balls. Xavier cursed in

frustration, then in protest when Chase pulled his fingers free.

“Roll over if you want me to fuck you as hard as you were begging me to,” Chase

growled. Xavier flipped over without protest and slid until his knees hit the floor. He was too

close to losing it to settle for anything less than hard and fast, and judging by the way Chase

was rasping, he was in the same shape. And yes, he’d begged, shamelessly, with body and

words, a first for him, but he trusted Chase enough to lose himself in the pleasure he gave


Xavier canted his ass up and spread his knees farther apart. He kept his shoulders

lowered, dipping into the mattress, as he peered behind him at Chase. “Hurry,” he grated

out, unable not to, as Chase tried to strip off his clothes. He was clumsy in his haste,

something so unlike the man that Xavier’s heart twisted with an increase of emotion.

“Leave them on,” Xavier said when Chase unzipped his pants. He didn’t know if Chase

could tell he was smiling, but the idea of a partially clothed Chase behind him, fucking him

desperately, as if he couldn’t wait long enough to get undressed, was appealing on several


Chase nodded and Xavier took a few seconds to admire his long, thick cock and full

balls, then he turned and pressed his head against his forearms, trying to find some self-

control so he didn’t come as soon as Chase’s cock brushed over his ass hole.

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The rustle of a condom package, the gurgle of lube, all of it only pushed Xavier closer to

the brink. When Chase knelt behind him and ran his hands over Xavier’s ass, pushing his

cheeks apart then together several times, it was all Xavier could do not to shout in


“Please,” he managed, his voice breaking and sounding nothing like he’d ever thought

he would. Still he said it again. “Please, sweetheart, I need you. I can’t—” Xavier took a

shaky breath and exhaled a little steadier. “I can’t wait any longer.” Already his ass felt

empty, achy, needy in a way he’d never known possible.

Chase’s breath was a warning a second before he licked Xavier from the top of his

crease to the underside of his balls. Then he nipped the inside of Xavier’s thigh and righted

himself, scooting closer to Xavier.

“I know, I wasn’t trying to torture you. Just trying to find a little more self-control so I

can last more than a minute,” Chase muttered, sounding so sheepish Xavier would have bet

he was blushing all over in the most delightful way. “Gonna take you now, make you mine

just like I’m yours,” Chase said slightly louder as his hands parted Xavier’s cheeks.

Then there was a burning pressure steadily pushing into him. Xavier arched his lower

back, welcoming it, craving this completion of him and Chase.

“Damn it, Xavier, I don’t want to hurt you,” Chase snarled, although he sounded more

irritated with himself as his cock sank deeper into Xavier’s ass. “I need to be careful, have

some restraint—”

“Fuck restraint,” Xavier told him, then he lifted himself slightly and shoved back, filling

his ass with Chase’s length. “God!”

“Fuck!” Chase groaned and jerked behind him, his hips grinding against Xavier’s ass.

“You shouldn’t…fuck, but I’m glad you did!” Chase punctuated his words with a hard thrust

that somehow sank his dick even deeper into Xavier, until it felt like a hot iron was prodding

at his belly.

Chase reached around and rubbed at Xavier’s lower stomach, as if he knew of the slight

discomfort. His other hand rubbed at Xavier’s hip before clenching tightly on it, then he

leaned down, his chest pressing to Xavier’s back. “Ready?”

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“Ye—Chase!” Xavier had barely started to answer when Chase pulled out a couple of

inches then rammed back into him. “Again, God, do it again!”

“Whatever you want,” Chase promised, then proceeded to give Xavier what he’d

demanded, pounding into Xavier’s ass hard enough to drive grunts from them both.

Xavier didn’t know why he’d never done this before—yes, he did. No one had ever got

to him like Chase had, becoming his whole world. Xavier had been able to see past his own

fear and self-image to accept that he wanted this, and now he was so glad he had, because

Chase was doing the most glorious things to his body. Xavier spread his knees a little wider,

tipping his ass up eagerly. Chase responded with a bellow and a thrust hard enough that the

mattress slid forward.

“Nuh uh,” Chase grunted out, reaching around Xavier to grab handfuls of the bed.

“Fuck, Xavier, I—” Chase gasped and fucked him harder, the force of the impact rippling up

Xavier’s ass clear to his head. He pushed back as much as he could, knowing they’d both be

bruised from this mating, and he’d likely not walk right for a week. But he needed this, this

rough claiming, this loss of control as he gave himself over to his lover, and he thought

Chase needed it, too.

Chase snarled and dropped more of his weight on Xavier’s back. Xavier’s dick was

pressed between his body and the mattress, and it felt raw from the dry friction. He wedged

a hand under himself, just closing it around his length and letting their fucking drive his

hips. Lube would have made it easier, less painful, but Xavier thought it was perfect with the

way they were going at each other. Then Chase bit him above his right shoulder blade at the

same time his dick speared Xavier deeply, and Xavier didn’t think anything at all.

He didn’t even have the breath to scream he was blanketed in a pleasure so intense it

threatened to suffocate him. Xavier’s vision blurred; he closed his eyes and watched bright

sparks behind his lid as Chase rammed into him again.

A keening sound pierced his ears and he realised it was him, ecstasy driving the sound

out as his balls shot cum through his cock. Hot spunk poured over his hand and his ass

clenched as pleasure suffused his body.

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Chase shouted and battered into him for a half dozen strokes, filling the condom inside

him. He whimpered and collapsed completely on Xavier, his arms going around Xavier’s


“I don’t know if I can move,” he whined against the base of Xavier’s neck a few minutes

later. “Fuck.” Panic leeched into his voice as suddenly that wonderful weight was gone from

Xavier’s back. “Fuck! Are you okay?”

Xavier cracked open an eye and rolled his head to the side. He hoped he was grinning,

but since he was pretty sure there’d been some nerves blown out with his orgasm, he

couldn’t be certain. “Better than,” he rasped, and hoped it was less garbled than it sounded

to him.

Chase studied him for a moment then carefully started to withdraw. Xavier clenched

his ass in an attempt to keep Chase’s softening cock in place but a tap to his butt cheek made

him quit battling the man’s movement.

“You know I need to get rid of the condom in the trash, not lose it in here,” Chase said,

tapping his bottom again. “I can’t wait to feel this without the latex, can’t wait to feel you

filling my ass with your cum.”

Xavier flopped to his back once Chase was all the way out. He hissed when his butt hit

the floor and glared when it looked like Chase might grin.

“What?” Chase asked, tossing the condom in the trash. “I was just thinking we’ve got

time for me to kiss it and make it better before we head out.”

Oh. Well. That was a totally different kind of grin in the making, then. “Shower first?” Xavier

asked, holding up a hand.

Chase’s grin couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than a lascivious one this time.

“Shower during,” he corrected. Xavier couldn’t get off the floor fast enough.

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Chapter Twenty-One

What put a crimp in his plans might not have done so had he been alone, but two

people breaking into an occupied home was too risky for Chase, especially since Xavier was

involved. If anything went wrong—if he failed to deactivate the alarm, or did something else

almost as entirely, impossibly, stupid—Xavier could end up paying for it, and Chase just

couldn’t put him at risk any more.

“You’re sure that’s their car?” Xavier asked almost soundlessly.

Chase craned his neck and gave Xavier as disbelieving look. The cherry red, white strip

Alfa Romeo Spider wasn’t exactly a common car, and even in the middle of the night, it was

impossible to mistake the car for anything other than the classy beauty it was.

“Yeah, right,” Xavier murmured, snorting softly. “I can’t believe they didn’t put it in the


“Mr Stratton loves that car, but they live on plenty of property and have a pretty

damned good security system. Weather’s clear.”

Getting past the fence was going to be more challenging than Chase had expected.

“They’ve upgraded a lot since the last time I was here with James.” Pretty new upgrades, if

Chase wasn’t wrong. There were even, he thought, a couple of guards on the property. He’d

caught a slight movement when they’d first arrived, but nothing since. That and the new

fencing with its outward-thrusting spikes were a little more aggressive security-wise than

Chase had expected. “Maybe they didn’t park in the garage because they got in late and were


“Or they’re leaving early.”

Chase nodded slightly. “Maybe. I’d think they’d go see James every day if possible, or

every few days if he wasn’t within a couple hundred miles.”

Xavier edged up beside him and nodded at the car. “Could have taken something else.

Mr Stratton might not want to risk that beauty on a road trip or in a big city.”

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It was Chase’s turn to snort then. “Mr Stratton has that thing insured to the gills, and he

always told James there was no point in owning something you couldn’t use. He drove that

thing all over the damned place. No,” Chase looked up at the second storey of the mansion.

A light shone through semi-sheer curtains of a small window. He pointed up at it. “See that

light? Now, I could be wrong, maybe they just leave it on regardless, but that’s their

bathroom light. Mrs Stratton has a fear of the dark, and that light stays on all night when

she’s in bed.”

“You seem to know a lot about them.” Xavier sounded curious rather than suspicious,

which almost made Chase smile. It was a good feeling, having someone believe in you.

“Been friends with James a long time,” Chase pointed out. “And even though his folks

hate me, James wouldn’t let me get out of coming with him here more than a few times. His

parents wouldn’t toss me out with him around, but they really don’t like me.”

“They’re idiots then,” Xavier muttered. “So, what now?”

Chase raised a hand signalling the need for silence. He tipped a finger towards the far

corner of the home where a dark-clad figure was turning the corner. The guard was talking

on a cell phone, his deep voice becoming discernible as he drew closer.

It didn’t take long to figure out he was speaking to another guard once Chase could

hear the man. Chase glanced out of the corner of his eye at Xavier, relieved to find him being

as still as possible.

Once the guard cleared the front and side of the house, Chase touched Xavier’s hand

and began backing away. Only when they were several blocks away did Chase finally speak.

“I think they may well have more guards than two. If they’ve gotten this paranoid, they

could have someone, or a few people, inside. I just don’t know, and it’s not worth risking


“By ‘yet’ you mean if you can find another alternative.”

Chase nodded. “Yeah. I want to keep an eye on them, because I’m betting they’ll head

out to see James, maybe even in the morning. How early, I don’t know.”

Xavier cupped Chase’s elbow as they walked, seemingly uncaring that they were out

and about in the middle of Montana. Granted, it was late, but still. Chase didn’t pull away,


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“What do you want me to do to help, then?” Xavier asked.

Chase knew what he wanted to do, needed to do. He stopped and Xavier did as well,

looking down at him with a patient expression. “I need to go back and…and if you could

check us out of the hotel, load up our bags and wait somewhere not too far from the

Stratton’s so we could follow them…”

Xavier sighed but nodded. “Yeah, I can do that. I’ll sit up at the diner we passed and

wait for you to call. Do you want coffee or anything first?”

Chase would about kill for some coffee, but he shook his head. “No, I don’t want

anything that might distract me or get in the way. I’ll text you as soon as they get in their car.

Sooner, if I’m sure they’re leaving.”

“All right, but—” Xavier looked around then pulled Chase into a shadowy area

completely clear of the smallest trace of the street lights. Chase grinned, knowing what was

coming, and Xavier didn’t disappoint. Chase was kissed to within an inch of his life, his

lungs burning with the need for air by the time Xavier lifted his lips from Chase’s. It took

him a few minutes to recover and start making his way back to the Stratton’s, and he

couldn’t wipe the silly grin off his face, aware as he was of Xavier watching him as he walked


* * * *

Rosseaux Retreat and Rehabilitation was not only more than a few hours away, it was in

Provo, Utah. Xavier had never been to Utah before, and hadn’t intended ever to go there, yet

here he was, with the man he loved glowering beside him. They were both tired, and Chase

was more than a little snarly. Xavier arched a brow at him and waited while Chase cursed

again. “Finished yet?”

Chase glared and crossed his arms over his chest. “Yes. No. I don’t know. I’m


Xavier nodded. Chase was angry at a lot of people and things that had happened in his

life, but he didn’t think that was what the man was referring to. “Well, with any luck we’ll be

inside in no time.” Although the gates would be a problem, maybe. And there’d be nurses’

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stations and crap to get past. And doctors. And the building was three storeys and freaking

huge. But they’d find James somehow. “I’m going to park in the lot.” There were cameras

there, but he was certain there would be inside the place too. He didn’t see how they’d avoid

them all.

“No,” Chase snapped then he rubbed at his forehead and gripped Xavier’s thigh right

above his knee. “Sorry, sorry, I’m being an asshole and I know it. I’m sorry. But don’t park

here. I’d rather you park on the street or at that store a mile or so back.”

Xavier glanced at the medical facility then back in the direction of the store. That was

more than a mile. “All right, but we could—shit!” he snapped when something banged on

his window. Chase’s cursing kicked up again and they both gaped at the big older man

scowling at them through the window.

“Feebie,” Chase said with a heavy dose of disgust. “Fucking Liam must have narc’d!”

Xavier looked at the dark suit, the red tie, the black sunglasses and short silver-grey hair and

had to agree. The man looked like a stereotype…he wondered if the guy did it on purpose.

He rapped again on the window and Xavier scowled back at him and made a shooing

motion with his hand.

The man whipped his sunglasses off and glared through the window. His peridot eyes

sparked with enough anger that Xavier was surprised he didn’t burn from it. Another smack

on the window and Xavier unbuckled and shoved the door open, barrelling out of the

Porsche only to slam chest to chest with the older man. He was acutely aware of the

slamming of the other door, of footsteps pounding the pavement.

“Stay back!” Xavier said, his need to protect his lover stronger than his irritation with

the asshole trying to intimidate him. He reached a hand out to his side, hoping to prevent

Chase from doing anything other than stopping. The older man tensed more then took a half-

step back. He ran his fingers through his hair and narrowed his eyes at Xavier, then Chase as

well when he reached his side.

“Are you two trying to get arrested?” the man snarled.

Xavier narrowed his eyes back. He knew that gravelly voice. “I wasn’t aware we were

breaking any laws. This is a public road—”

“And a private facility you”—he pointed at Chase—“aren’t supposed to be at!”

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Xavier started to reply only to stop short when Chase tried to step between them.

“Shearing, right?” Chase said, so calmly a smattering of goosebumps danced down his spine.

The older man nodded once. “What are you going to do, arrest us for trying to see my best

friend? You won’t ever convince me James doesn’t want to see me. You don’t know anything

about our relationship.”

“I know enough,” Shearing gritted out as he glared at Chase. “You have some serious

hero worship going on, but maybe James is tired of it or unable to deal with it. Either way, it

doesn’t matter. His parents have the authority to make the decisions about his visitors and

everything else in his life, and right now that includes refusing to allow you in this facility.”

Xavier waited for the explosion but Chase only seemed to relax, his shoulders dropping

from their squared positioning. “And has anyone asked James if he wants to see me?”

Shearing put his sunglasses back on and arched his brows. “I believe you’ve asked that

and been told—he said no one. That includes you.”

“But he sees his parents? And you?” Chase pressed, still sounding all too calm and

understanding. Xavier was almost more nervous than he’d have been had Chase dived at the


“His parents…only when he can’t beg out of it.” Shearing seemed to slump over as he

peered at the ground. “He had to sit for a couple of interviews, and I almost never got that

done. He wouldn’t talk to the agents that went while I was in—” Shearing stopped and

pressed a hand to his stomach. Xavier remembered then the man hadn’t been out of the

hospital all that long himself, and he was glad he hadn’t lost his temper and punched him.

Despite his rather robust behaviour, Shearing couldn’t possibly be up to fighting form.

“Anyway, I think he only talked to me because I was there that night, and you heard how

one of those conversations went.”

“Yeah,” Chase said with a nod, “I did. And he lied to you. Don’t you want to know

why?” Xavier bit back a grin; he hadn’t thought for a minute Chase was giving up just

because Shearing was trying to keep them out.

Shearing tipped his head down and looked at Chase over the top of his glasses. “Are

you trying to tell me you can get James to tell you the truth?”

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“Probably. Or I can read it in his movements, the way he averts his eyes or tenses, you

know.” Chase shrugged. “I know James better than you ever will, better than his parents do.

I’d say I’m probably your best chance at getting the truth.”

Xavier hadn’t missed Shearing’s scowl and wondered about the man’s feelings for

James. He seemed rather possessive for an FBI agent just doing his job, in Xavier’s opinion.

Shearing crossed his arms over his chest, then, perhaps thinking it a defensive pose,

dropped them back to his sides before tucking his hands in his front pockets. “And how do I

know you’d tell me the truth? You might try to protect James instead.”

Chase shrugged again. “James is my first concern here, not you or your investigation.

Y’all can’t even see fit to get back what Rollins took from me; I don’t see how knowing what

happened to James is going to change anything about your investigation. Rollins is dead,

James is free…sort of, though not really, and you’re still hounding him about what

happened.” Chase’s voice dropped to a lower tone that sounded dangerous in itself. “Tell

me, why do you want to know? Why not just accept what he says and file your fucking


Shearing blanched then his cheeks flushed. “Because I want the truth in the reports, and

I want the men who helped Rollins. I want the man who took James, who beat him, and you,

and I want them to be held accountable for what they’ve done.”

Chase grunted and craned his neck to look at Xavier before turning back to Shearing.

“Did Liam tell you we were coming?”

“No, and I should have his ass for it but I won’t.” Shearing looked surprised at his own

words. “I had someone else keeping an eye on things down there since I had a feeling you’d

be showing up despite the conversation with James. My agent followed the two of you…all

the way here.”

Xavier’s stomach dipped and Chase went rigid in front of him. Shearing’s smile was

only slightly evil looking. “That’s right. She wanted to know if she should have the two of

you arrested last night, or should I say early this morning. Maybe I’m a little pissier than I

would have been otherwise had I got any sleep at all last night. Instead I was up waiting for

each of her reports back on you two, hoping neither of you did anything criminally stupid.”

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Xavier couldn’t help but close his eyes and say a silent thanks to whatever whim of fate

had kept them from breaking into the Strattons’ last night. Had they not come

home…Chase’s soft sigh told him his lover was pretty much on the same wavelength. He

peeked at Shearing and decided the smile wasn’t quite so much evil as amused, and maybe a

little impressed. Xavier put a hand to Chase’s hip, urging him to relax. They were safe. He

thought. “What now?”

“What indeed,” Shearing muttered. He rubbed at his stomach and huffed. “Let

me…let’s go have some coffee, if you to think we can manage that without there being a

fight. Maybe we can figure out something that will work for us all.”

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Chase tugged on the cuffs of his suit jacket then messed with his tie. He hated the damn

things, but this was for a good cause, he reminded himself. Still, it felt like a noose around his


“It’ll work out fine,” Xavier said as he rubbed at Chase’s back. Chase tried not to glare

at him, but he was so agitated and on edge he couldn’t quite manage it. Xavier narrowed his

eyes and something in those dark depths heated, passing from Xavier to Chase and coiling

low in his belly before spreading to his groin. Xavier tipped his head down and whispered in

Chase’s ear. “If Shearing weren’t here, I’d bend you over and fuck some of that excess energy

out of you. Let you claw and bite at me, cuss and yell while I drove you out of your mind.”

He traced the length of Chase’s spine, right down to his crack, then lower still to press blunt

fingertips over his hole.

Chase’s body temperature shot from comfortably warm to blazing hot as he whimpered

softly and pushed back into the touch. His nipples throbbed and his cock swelled as Xavier

rubbed over that spot again. Chase’s hands clenched on his thighs as he struggled to keep

from shucking his trousers and letting Xavier fulfil his fantasy. It wouldn’t take long, not

with the way he was feeling, and he was pretty sure Xavier wouldn’t have any better control

at that point.

Chase started to turn towards Xavier, dislodging his fingers although Xavier let his

hand slide around to Chase’s hip. Xavier’s features were pinched with need, fine lines

spearing from the corners of his eyes, his full lips pressed tight together and thinned as he

gave Chase a smouldering look. Chase’s pulse thumped along with his heart. “We could—”

The squeak of a shoe in the hallway had Chase muttering curse words as he took a step back.

Xavier grimaced and put his back to the doorway as Shearing entered the room.

Shearing glanced at Chase. The man’s cheeks tinted and he looked at Xavier then at his

watch instead. Chase felt a grin pulling at his lips. How much of that had Shearing heard?

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Maybe the squeaky shoe hadn’t been an accident at all. Shearing looked flustered when he

saw Chase’s grin and he cleared his throat before licking his bottom lip.

“Let’s go. The Stratton’s should be leaving the facility in a few minutes. They’ll be

staying in town for the rest of the week, so they will be visiting James pretty much

constantly.” He didn’t wait for a reply, only turned and headed back out. Xavier grumbled

and turned as well, clutching Chase’s elbow and walking with him to the front door which

Shearing had left open.

“How much do you think he heard?” Xavier asked so softly Chase almost didn’t hear


Chase glanced at the stiff line of Shearing’s back where the man stood at the base of the

steps. He noted the shaky hands as Shearing scrubbed at his face, and the uneven breaths the

man took. “Probably all of it.”

Xavier grunted then stopped once they were at the door. He locked it then called out to

Shearing. “I think you’re right,” he murmured to Chase as Shearing came back up the steps.

“I figured you’d want to lock up properly,” Xavier told the man as he manoeuvred himself

and Chase away from the door.

Shearing nodded but looked a little dazed before he shook his head and palmed his

keys. “Right. Don’t know what I was thinking.”

Xavier’s smirk matched Chase’s, and it was all Chase could do not to tease the agent. If

he’d known the man better he would have, or, not so long ago, he’d have done so just to be a

shit, but he didn’t feel that need to poke and prod like he used to. He did step a little closer to

Xavier, but that was for himself, and Xavier as well. It felt good to be close to Xavier, and it

soothed that anger in Chase that had always flared uncontrollably.

For his part, Shearing didn’t spare them another glance until they were parked at the

Rosseaux clinic. Only then did he give Chase a severe look. “No doing anything to make me

regret this. My ass is on the line in more ways than one, and if James doesn’t want to see you,

you leave without any arguing.”

Chase nodded. “Of course. I—” he glanced at Xavier then back at Shearing. “We

appreciate you doing this. I won’t do anything to cause trouble.” Now. Not with Shearing here.

But if James wants out…

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“That’s all I can ask.” Shearing got out of the car and waited for Chase and Xavier. “The

cameras along the way we’ll be going will stop recording and run a loop in ten minutes. That

loop will remain in place for an hour. We have to be clear of here then. I want you two to go

around to the side door, over on the far left. There’s actually four of them; wait at the first

one. James’ room is right in front since Mrs Stratton wanted him to have a nice window view,

and it’s on the ground floor because her arthritis acts up.”

Chase zeroed in on the part of the building Shearing was talking about. He could get in

and out of that place in no time, once he figured out the security system. If Shearing could

run a loop…

“If anyone does see you, show them your badge. Hopefully they won’t look too close or

remember what they see.” Shearing stopped and scratched the back of his neck. “Maybe I

should have got the two of you some scrubs instead. What was I thinking, trying to pass you

both off as agents? Like they won’t track that back to me.”

Chase agreed, not that he’d say so. Shearing seemed to be a bit of a mess in his opinion,

and since he had plenty of personal experience of being one himself, he was kind of

sympathetic. The deep bruises under his eyes attested to Shearing’s lack of sleep, and his

failure to think through this plan was a sign he was walking a dangerous line.

“We can come back tomorrow night, try again, or—” Chase held up a hand when

Shearing tried to speak. “Or, you can leave us. Forget we were here, you know the drill.”

And he would come back to do what he needed.

The doubt fled from Shearing’s expression. “No. I’ve already done this, and I’d be no

less culpable if I walked away and you broke in. I would know it was you. I’d know you did

it.” He sighed and his broad shoulders slumped. “I’ve decided to retire anyway. I just

don’t—” he glanced up in the direction of James’ room, swallowing a couple of times before

he continued, still watching that room. “I don’t want to do this anymore. I’ve spent the last

twenty-one years devoted to this job, letting it take over my life. I’m just…I’m just tired.”

And maybe he wanted more, Chase thought as he recognised the longing in the man’s

expression. The fact that he seemed to want it with James might be problematic, or maybe

not. If Shearing wanted James, felt any of the protectiveness towards him like Chase felt for

Xavier, and he was letting Chase sneak in…Chase rolled that around in his mind as he

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looked at Shearing. Xavier touched his shoulder and Chase tipped his head up and to the

side to meet Xavier’s gaze. He couldn’t read his mind, but Chase figured Xavier’s thoughts

were following the same path as his.

Shearing didn’t think James was in a good situation here, otherwise he wouldn’t have

let them anywhere near. The man had to know that Chase would find a way to get James out,

if necessary. If Shearing was using him, Chase didn’t care. He was even grateful.

“We should go,” Shearing murmured, still watching, as if he could see through the

walls. He shook himself slightly then gestured towards the gates. “There’s a gate on the side,

the code is three-two-two-nine-seven. The cameras are on a loop there as well. I’ll meet you

in approximately three minutes.”

Chase watched Shearing walk off before glancing at Xavier. “We can’t get caught. I

don’t want him in trouble for this.” Used to be he wouldn’t have cared, but… “I’m not sure

how I feel about him, you know. Do you thing he has a thing for James? Or is he just trying

to right another wrong done to a good man?”

“I’d think it’s more of the latter. I doubt James is in any shape to deal with anything

other than trying to survive,” Xavier said, and Chase had to agree even though it made him

ache to do so. Whatever had happened to James it had damaged him but, maybe with the

right help, he could overcome it.

They made their way to the gate, where Chase, paranoid and proud of it, slipped on a

latex glove before entering in the code Shearing had given them. That done, they moved on

to the doorway. They didn’t have but a moment’s wait before it opened and Shearing

gestured them inside.

“Hurry, and come right in here,” Shearing said as he pointed to another door. Chase

pulled it open with his gloved hand and gave Shearing an arch look. “A supply closet?


“Really,” Shearing said, drolly, as he tossed something towards him. Chase caught the

pile of material and realised Shearing had brought scrubs. He looked at the man and thought

the slight smile made Shearing look a decade younger. “I decided I don’t want to risk going

down quite so easy.”

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Yeah, he wouldn’t if he gave thought to what Chase suspected he wanted. It’d be hard

for Shearing to see James if the agent was in prison. “Got it. Xavier?” Chase couldn’t resist

waggling his eyebrows at his lover as he stepped into the closet. “Care to get naked with


Shearing made a choked noise that made Chase grin. Xavier bit his bottom lip but the

edges curved upwards as he shook his head. They stepped in and stripped quickly, bumping

elbows and knees and trying not to laugh from

sheer nerves. Once they were changed, they

bagged their suits and stuffed them onto the top shelf behind all the cleaning products.

“Our dress shoes are going to look a bit out of place,” Chase pointed out. He felt Xavier

shrug beside him. “Not much we can do about it. Ready?”

“Yeah.” Chase was, but he grabbed Xavier’s shoulder and held him still for a passionate

kiss. “I think you definitely need to bend me over and fuck me brainless when we get done

here,” he purred, the sound turning to a rumble when Xavier’s breath hitched. “I’m feeling a

little…wild tonight.” He was, his mind spinning images of aggressive sex that’d leave them

both marked up. He wondered how far he could push them both, because he suspected there

was more to Xavier than the vanilla lover he’d experienced so far. The idea of that made

Chase want to rub against Xavier like a determined cat, but the door knob jangled and they

sprang as far apart as possible.

“Later, as you asked,” Xavier growled as he pushed the door open. Shearing gave them

a suspicious look and Xavier’s growl went from sexy to fierce. “What?”

Shearing merely peered around them and asked, “Suits?”

Chase answered before Xavier could snarl something out. “Hidden. We need to come

back for them.”

Shearing glanced at his watch. “Okay. We have to hurry then. We’ve got forty minutes

left to be out of here.”

They followed Shearing from a short distance. The hallways were almost deserted, and

Chase was glad. He didn’t know what the hell he’d do if someone handed him a chart or

ordered him to clean a bed pan. Shearing stopped in front of a door then rapped softly.

Xavier tugged Chase back and turned them away from the door. “Don’t want anyone in

there to think we’re hovering around.”

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Chase heard a female voice—not Mrs Stratton—enquiring about Shearing’s presence. “I

need to ask Mr Stratton a few more questions,” Shearing said in a firm voice. “His parents

have been around all day and I don’t think they need to hear some of the questions I’ll have

to ask James. And I didn’t want to chase them off early. I know they want to see their son.”

“Oh, well, I can understand that.” Her voice faded as she asked James if he was up to

another interview. “All right then. It’s really later than we normally allow, but considering

the situation—”

The sound of the nurses footsteps faded and Shearing cleared his throat. Chase turned

with Xavier at his side, and found that he was shaking with too many emotions to name.

Shearing tipped his head at the open door. “Hurry up before someone else comes along, or

Nurse Gomez comes back to cop another feel of my butt.”

Chase couldn’t quite hold back a nervous titter as Xavier took his hand. “Come on, he’ll

be glad to see you.” To Shearing, Xavier asked, “You’ll give us a few moments, won’t you?”

Shearing hesitated a moment before nodding. “Just a few. It would look odd if someone

saw me standing out here for too long.” He plucked his cell from his pocket and put it to his

ear. “I can only pull this off for a few minutes before I feel like a total idiot.”

“Thank you,” Chase murmured as he neared the door. As soon as he saw the figure

getting out of bed, his muscles locked up and his heart stopped. Tears blurred his vision as

James stood. Chase couldn’t see his face clearly, but suddenly he was moving, propelled both

by Xavier’s hand on his lower back and his own need to see James.

Somehow he kept from tripping, as if his feet knew the shortest path to his friend when

his eyes refused to clear of the moisture welling in them. Then he was there—James was right

there—his thin arms going around Chase and holding him tight as Chase clutched at him.

Chase’s nostrils filled with James’ familiar scent, and he shuddered as he squeezed his eyes

shut tight—only to open them when James pushed his chin up.

Chase blinked a few times and James’ smile came into focus. His eyes weren’t quite lit

with it, some pain lingered there, but he was happy to see Chase. “I’m okay,” James said,

stroking Chase’s back. His lips twitched and he tugged Chase sharply. “Where have you

been? I was worried, and no one would tell me anything.” James glanced over Chase’s head

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and his hand stopped moving on Chase’s back. “Has it got something to do with that

handsome guy looking all sappy as he watches you?” James asked quietly.

Chase grunted and shook his head. It didn’t; he just hadn’t been able to find James.

“He’s the reason I was able to get here,” Chase rasped. “Your parents—”

James stiffened against him and his hand clenched on Chase’s back. “Yeah, I know.

We’ll discuss that later. So, get me the fucking hell out of here, Chase. You can tell me how

you got agent uptight to let you in, then, too.”

Chase snorted and, after a careful hug, stepped back far enough to not have to crane his

neck to see James’ face. He looked older, worn, scarred somewhere beneath his surface.

Chase’s stomach boiled with anger that someone had done this to the man who’d always

been so kind and, in his own way—a rare way—innocent. He wanted to ask James what had

happened, but a glance from him had Chase quelling the desire. James would talk when he

was ready.

The door opened and Chase turned quickly, prepared to do whatever he had to in order

to get James out of here. Shearing shut the door and looked at them, then at his watch. “Were

you going to…”

Chase shook his head. No, he wasn’t going to ask James any questions, not when he

could see he was hurting. “No, and you might want to leave, before you get any more

involved.” He felt it only right to warn the man.

Shearing took a deep breath then looked at James. “This is what you want?” he asked in

a rough voice.

James didn’t answer, only glared at Shearing, his lips thinning. Chase wished he could

tell James to trust Shearing, but he wasn’t sure himself that they could. Maybe this had all

been a setup, or maybe Shearing really did want to help James. Chase just didn’t know.

Shearing sighed and he turned back to the door. “Fine. Wait here while I find more

scrubs and something to cover that hair.”

Chase darted a look at James’ distinctive red hair. It was short, almost to his scalp—a

way he’d never have worn it once —but it was still that same bright orange-red. He grinned

when James reached up and rubbed at the short strands, cursing soundly. “If they hadn’t had

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me doped up I wouldn’t have let them do this,” he muttered. Then he stopped and looked at


“Who are you? Chase trusts you, obviously, and you look at him like…like I’d always

hoped someone would. I’m James Stratton.” He stepped forward and held out his hand, only

to squeak when Xavier instead pulled him in to a hug. Chase knew Xavier was being careful,

wasn’t holding James too tightly in case he freaked, but he still watched his friend closely for

any signs of discomfort. All he saw was surprise that morphed into a tentative happiness as

James gingerly patted Xavier’s back. It eased some of the anger thrumming through Chase,

and when James slowly rested his head on Xavier’s shoulder, Chase thought they just might

all be all right eventually.

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Chapter Twenty-Three

It would figure that getting out would be more difficult than getting in, Xavier mused

as they waited for Shearing to do…something. The man had peeked in the room then

promptly grumbled out a ‘wait here’ before disappearing. Waiting wasn’t Xavier’s favourite

thing to do, and Chase and James weren’t particularly happy about it either, both growing

more nervous by the second. It surprised Xavier, because Chase was normally pretty calm,

but this was obviously very important and he was as prickly as a pissed-off porcupine.

Xavier put his hand on Chase’s shoulder and tugged. “We should probably be

somewhere other than right here in the middle of the room in case a nurse or doctor comes


Chase nibbled his bottom lip but nodded. “Probably.”

“And I should be in bed, doped into next week,” James muttered, glaring at the bed. “I

finally had a lucid moment and started spitting the pills out in the bathroom. The staff’s so

used to me being passive they never caught on. I’m just glad they didn’t do urine or blood


“Probably would have if you’d acted different.” Xavier edged over to what he thought

was the bathroom. “They wouldn’t have any reason to come in here…”

He didn’t get any further before total chaos hit. The lights flickered and went out and a

loud wailing alarm split the air—for about three seconds, then even that shut down. Chase

and he lunged towards where James had been, the three of them smacking into each other in

a collision of elbows and knees and grunts. Sounds of people screaming, some in panic while

others yelled orders, must have covered the sound of the door opening because Shearing’s

rough baritone startled the other three men into silence.

“The alarms are down, the generator’s out, everything is down. God knows how many

people are going to escape from here that shouldn’t. Get to the window!”

A flashlight blinded Xavier until its beam moved away. He let himself be led towards

the window as Shearing brought up the rear. James was chattering, his voice high pitched

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and shaky. “There’s no major psych cases here, not as far as I know. This is like…like rehab-

light or something, you know. Like where famous people come when they fuck up and are

scared they’ll go to jail? So they come here and say ‘I’m in rehab, time-out! Safety!’, only it’s

all just a load of crap because—”

“Stratton! Explain it later if you need to!” Shearing said with what almost sounded like

a laugh. “Just get the hell out of here first, all of you!”

It took Xavier, Chase and Shearing to shove the window open, then they were out,

Shearing staying behind just in case anyone showed up. They slipped away, and James

Stratton was finally free.

* * * *

Xavier wasn’t tempted to speed in the dull sedan Shearing had acquired for them. He

hoped to hell the man took good care of his Porsche. It was almost a physical ache, leaving

the beauty behind, but she was a two-seater and maybe he should have thought that out

before he’d ever brought it. As it was now, Shearing promised to either bring the car to

Xavier or have it delivered within the next week—if Shearing was in jail or unable to get

away from Billings for other reasons.

“He’s sleeping.”

Xavier tucked his thoughts away and glanced at Chase, who was curled into the

passenger seat and peering over the headrest at James. Chase was frowning, biting at that

bottom lip again, and Xavier had to force himself to look back at the road before he had a

wreck. “That’s probably best. We’ve got a long drive and James is probably exhausted

emotionally as well as physically.”

The poor man hadn’t had much strength. Whether it was the excitement of seeing

Chase again, then of being freed, James’ initial burst of energy had quickly petered out until

he was barely even able to stumble along with help.

“I know,” Chase said, and Xavier could hear the frown in his voice. “I just don’t

understand why his parents would do something like this. They always coddled him, or

tried to—”

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“And what better way to ‘coddle’ or protect James than to keep him tucked away where

nothing bad could happen to him?” Xavier kind of understood, even though it was totally

warped thinking, but it was all he could figure for what James’ parent’s had done. Either that

or they’d turned into evil shits since Chase had seen them last. He kind of doubted that.

“They probably didn’t realise the damage they were doing.”

Chase grunted and Xavier could feel him glaring at him. “How could they not know?”

Xavier shrugged. “I don’t know, I’m not them.”

“Would you have done that to Billy?”

Xavier’s stomach plummeted and he answered without hesitating. “No, never, but if I

thought he needed help I’d have gotten it for him.”

“But you wouldn’t have kept him locked away and docile with drugs.”

“No, but I was tempted a time or two in his late teens,” Xavier muttered, only half-

joking. Billy had been a shit more than a time or two. “And we don’t know what happened to

James, or what his parents were told, or anything, really, so it’s hard to say why his folks

agreed to keep him in that place.”

“Cause they’re assholes,” Chase hissed. Then he sighed and unbuckled. Xavier darted a

glance at him, smiling when he pushed the centre console up and scooted right beside

Xavier. The warmth of Chase’s body, the feel of his hand on Xavier’s thigh, soothed the

remaining tension from Xavier. “I want to know why,” Chase said, and Xavier understood


“Maybe you’ll find out, but first we need to get James and ourselves somewhere safe,

preferably well out of Montana.” Then maybe they could get some sleep, and Chase would

have his answers after.

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Xavier started to rinse off his breakfast dishes only to have Billy smack his hand. “I’ll do

that,” he scolded, grinning up at Xavier. “Y’all just got back last night, you have got to be

beat. Besides, I want you nice and relaxed when I start grilling you about what happened.”

“I should have known there was a catch to your offer to fix breakfast,” Xavier

grumbled, not particularly irritated despite his tone. He moved back over to the table and sat

down. He took a gulp of coffee, knowing he’d better be quick about it if he wanted any more

caffeine in his system before Billy started in on him.

“So Liam had to go back to work a few days ago. Seems there was some big kerfuffle

going on. I assume that had something to do with y’all getting James out of that place?”

Xavier set the coffee mug down and scooted his chair around until he could see Billy. “I

don’t know. I guess. We haven’t heard anything from Shearing. Has Liam heard anything?”

Billy bobbed his head and rocked back on his heels as he scrubbed the skillet. “Bits and

pieces. It seems someone got James Stratton a big shot attorney who’s going after that clinic

for violating his rights. And threatening to prosecute that place as well as James’ parents for

illegally holding James there when he’d have been more than competent to make his own

decisions. Seems there are a few nurses who are spilling the beans about the way that place

functions, keeping patients stoned so that they appear to be unable to function. Guess it was

really raking in the bucks.”

Xavier took another sip of his coffee as Billy continued talking rather than grilling as

he’d threatened. When the dishes were done, though, Billy sat down across from Xavier and

said “Spill,” so Xavier did, barely restraining himself from laughing at the way Billy

squirmed in his seat while Xavier was telling his tale—as if Billy didn’t already know the

outcome. Billy sighed loudly and slumped back in his chair when Xavier finished. He shook

his head then rubbed his hand through his spiky hair.

“Geez, do you think Shearing’s gonna wind up in jail or be fired?”

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“I hope not, what with everything you told me about the clinic coming to light, but I

don’t know.” Xavier frowned and drummed his fingers on the table. “He better get my

Porsche back to me either way.”

Billy snorted. “That’s a bit harsh, man. He helped y’all out when he could have had

y’all arrested and stuck in some FBI interrogation room where they hook electrodes up to

your nipples or something so they can torture the truth out of you.”

“Right,” Xavier said after he stopped laughing. “I hardly think they do stuff like that.

Least not in cases like ours would have been. I do kind of doubt Shearing will keep his job,

but he was planning on retiring anyway.”

“How old is this guy?” Billy asked, his nose wrinkling as if he’d scented something

nasty. “I mean, I guess I thought he was interested in James but if he’s old enough to retire,

that’s…well, the guy’s got to be in his forties at least. And I figured James was younger, like,

in his twenties?”

“He’s twenty-nine,” Chase said with amusement as he entered the kitchen. Xavier’s

chest warmed and he tingled all over as his gaze locked with Chase’s. “And Shearing

probably is in his forties, which doesn’t mean his dick doesn’t work or that he can’t be

interested in someone younger. Geez, Billy, I’d think you’d see that as a good thing. You

might be Shearing’s age someday if you’re lucky.”

Chase walked over and bent down a little as Xavier leaned his head back for a kiss. It

felt nice, easy, when Chase’s lips pressed against his. Chase had come so far, seemed so

relaxed and comfortable with not only Xavier but Billy as well. Xavier put a hand to Chase’s

hip and tugged, then he grunted when Chase landed in his lap. Batting his lashes

ridiculously, Chase grinned at him. “This what you wanted?” He wiggled his hips and

Xavier’s cock sprang to life. Chase winked then hopped back up. “That’s about as flirty as it’s

getting before I have food and coffee. Lots of coffee.”

“I didn’t mean anything about Shearing’s age, exactly,” Billy was rambling on, but he

still had his nose all scrunched. “It’s fine if his dick works, or doesn’t, there’s always Viagra

for that. But that’s a big age difference, that’s all. Like…like that’s bigger than the gap

between me and Liam, you know?” Billy frowned and pursed his lips. “Then again, it

wouldn’t matter how old Liam was, I’d still want to jump him every time I saw him.”

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“Sounds like you answered your own question,” Chase pointed out. “If Shearing and

James decide they’re interested in each other, then that’s their business—as long as Shearing

doesn’t hurt James. Then it’d be my business.” Billy rolled his eyes and Xavier sighed. He

seriously doubted Chase was going to stay out of James’ ‘business’ at all, whether Shearing

was a knight in shining armour or not.

“How is James this morning?” Xavier asked as Chase sat down beside him.

“Sleeping still,” Chase said, before chugging half the coffee in his mug. “He seemed

pretty exhausted, and he was sleeping so deep and calm-like I didn’t want to wake him.

Figured sleep was the best thing for him for now.”

“Probably, but he will need food. I don’t know if he was always that thin or not, but he

looks—” Xavier snapped his mouth shut before he shoved his whole foot in there. Chase ate

a bite of food and bobbed his head.

“Should I go ahead and fix James something to eat? Do you know what he likes, what

his favourite breakfast is? I’ll fix it for him. The guy sounds like he needs a break.” Billy was

already up and moving, throwing the fridge door open and rifling through its contents. “I

can make more omelettes, or pancakes—waffles? Or something with lots of protein! There’s

sausage, bacon, ham—oh! Steak and eggs? I could…I could do that!”

Chase glanced at Billy then at Xavier, arching both brows. “We get eggs with a little

extra stuff thrown in and James gets steak?”

“They are really good omelettes,” Xavier said just as Billy bounced over and smacked

Chase on the back of the head.

“My omelettes are fucking wonderful. They are not just eggs with extra stuff thrown in”

Billy snarked, dancing away from Chase’s half-hearted swipe at him. “Be glad I fixed you

one and kept it warm even! You could be eating a bowl of cold cereal with…soy milk, ugh!

That stuff looks like someone pissed in the milk, Xav!”

Xavier ignored the other two men’s snickers. He liked soy milk, so sue him. It was

almost as good as the almond milk the store normally carried. “At least I keep some of the

regular milk here for y’all. Keep dogging me and it will be soy milk and tofu from here on

out.” They didn’t need to know he wouldn’t eat tofu if his life depended on it.

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“Soy milk can give you man boobs,” Billy said as he poked Xavier’s tit. “I read it on


“You didn’t read the whole article,” Chase said around a mouthful of food. “It’s not soy

milk, it’s an excess of soy, like”—he swallowed and pointed his fork at Billy—“anything in

excess can be bad for you.”

Billy stopped bouncing long enough to smirk at Chase. “Except fucking. And blowjobs.

I don’t care what you or anyone else says, there is no such thing as too much sex. Even if

your ass and dick and every other body part is aching, as long as it’s from the man you love,

it’s all very, very good.”

“Can’t argue with that one,” Xavier said. Chase grunted and finished off the rest of his

omelette as Billy started pulling out the fixings for James’ breakfast. Xavier sat back and

watched, just enjoying the morning spent with his two favourite men. Then he wondered

how long it’d be before the shit hit the fan for either James or Shearing or maybe both of


It was stupid to worry about that now, he decided, as Billy and Chase began bickering

playfully over the best temperature to cook the steak at. What would happen, would happen,

and they would all deal with it then.

* * * *

Chase watched Billy carefully, almost feeling as protective of the bubbly blond as he did

of James. He may not have known Billy nearly as long, but it was impossible not to be fond

of the little shit. And he had a way with people…James had been awake when Chase had

softly knocked on his door. His friend really did look bad, just too thin and pale and worn to

the bone, with a deep shadow of pain in his green eyes.

Yet James managed a weak smile for him when Chase came in, then that smile grew as

Billy bounced along behind him, then beside him, never once bobbling the tray with a

heaping plate of steak, eggs, hash browns and toast…and OJ, coffee and water…on it. By the

time Billy had reached the bed, he’d already introduced himself, and informed James he’d

better eat everything on the platter, or at least as much as he could since he’d got a ‘special’

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breakfast. James looked delighted and slightly overwhelmed at the same time, but Billy’s

chattering had Chase’s old friend grinning soon enough as he ate breakfast.

Chase had nodded at James when he caught his eye, making sure he’d be okay with

being left with Billy. James’ actually rolled his eyes and Billy turned and scoffed at Chase.

“Really, like anyone would ever think this sexy package is dangerous in any way other than

the fact I am just too hot for words!”

Seeing James spew eggs as he laughed was one of the best sights Chase had witnessed

in days, and he was grinning like a nut when he left the two men together. He almost

smacked into Xavier hovering right outside the doorway where he couldn’t be seen from the

guest room. Chase stopped so quick he lost his balance, but he wasn’t worried. Xavier

wouldn’t let him fall—and he didn’t. In a split second Chase was wrapped in those strong

arms he’d grown addicted to feeling holding him.

“I didn’t want to intrude,” Xavier whispered, his warm breath tickling Chase’s ear.

Chase nodded, rubbing his cheek against Xavier’s chest. He squeezed the man’s narrow

waist then pried himself off Xavier even though he’d have gladly stayed there for hours.

Xavier slipped his hand in Chase’s and they went into the living room. The big couch held

them just right as Chase sprawled out half on top of Xavier. The bulge of Xavier’s big dick

pressing against Chase’s was about enough to make them both come.

“Wish we could go to your room,” Chase muttered, rocking his hips gently just to drive

them both mad.

“Our room,” Xavier rasped as his hands clamped down on Chase’s ass.

Chase was pretty sure he was doing some dumb glowing-happy thing that made his

skin warm up all over, but he didn’t care. He liked that ‘our room’ bit a lot. “All right,” he

murmured right before he crushed his lips to Xavier’s. Maybe they could slip away to their

room for a quickie. Chase only needed fifteen minutes, or maybe twenty. Thirty would be


The roar of an engine, one that sounded familiar and likely made Xavier purr with

sheer happiness, had them both springing up from the couch. Chase and Xavier hurried to

the front door, Chase hanging back slightly while Xavier unfastened the locks. When he got it

open, Xavier sighed, then cursed.

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“What is it?” Chase asked as he moved in front of Xavier. He saw the Porsche, which

had to be the cause for the sigh, then he saw Liam—which shouldn’t be a reason for Xavier to


“I’m worried about Shearing,” Xavier mumbled, as if he knew Chase was a tad

confused. “I’d thought maybe he was in the clear when I heard the Porsche. Liam doesn’t

look happy.”

Chase narrowed his gaze to Liam’s. The man didn’t look happy. Shit. Chase wondered

if they were going to end up having to break Shearing out of somewhere…not that they

would, he didn’t think, but still.

“Where’s Shearing?” Xavier called out as Liam approached.

Liam looked from Chase to Xavier, then back at Chase. “I imagine he’ll be here in a

couple of days once he’s done being bitched out, threatened and fired. Doesn’t seem to

matter that he managed to bring down a huge insurance medical scam, all that matters is that

he didn’t do it the right way.”

Chase thought that was asinine, but yeah, he knew there were laws and guidelines and

crap like that for a reason. He just thought they should all be flexible, not rigid.

“They aren’t going to allow him to retire?” Xavier asked, his voice deepening with


Liam shrugged. “I don’t know. There’s so much gossip and bullshit going on in the

office it’s not funny. All I do know is, Shearing said to tell you he’d be here as soon as he

could, and thanks for letting him drive your Porsche.”

Xavier grunted and Chase reached behind him to pat at the man’s rock hard belly. “It’ll

work out,” Chase assured him, though he wasn’t anywhere near sure of that himself.

“Shearing will get here, and James will get better, and—”

“And your money’s been released, as well as everyone else’s that Rollins stole from.”

Chase felt Xavier tense behind him, those already hard stomach muscles contracting

even more. He thought he knew why Xavier reacted that way and spoke immediately to put

his mind at ease in case he was right. “Thank you, Liam. I’d like mine transferred to the local

bank here in town. I just need to set up an account, since I plan on staying here.”

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Xavier’s arms came around him and Chase found himself spun then lifted and hugged.

He planted his hands on Xavier’s broad shoulders then his mouth was plundered as Xavier

gripped his ass. Oh yeah, this was better than good! He held onto Xavier’s shoulders, ignored

Liam’s loud teasing whistle, and gave Xavier every bit of love and loyalty he had in him to


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It was a lot weird and a little lonely having Billy move away, even though Xavier found

himself surrounded with more people than ever. Usually, Chase would pick up on Xavier’s

melancholy mood and would fuck it right out of him—which wasn’t any way to discourage

Xavier to stop brooding, but he tried anyway.

Chase had his money back, and Xavier’s worries that the man would leave proved

unfounded. Chase had settled right into their house as if he didn’t have a doubt he belonged

there, and had promptly began making little changes here and there to make the place their

home instead of Xavier’s. Xavier was amazed and deeply moved, and he didn’t think it was

possible to love the man any more than he did. Except it must have been possible, because he

lit up inside and warmed from his toes to the top of his head when Chase walked into the

bedroom and put his arms around Xavier, pressing his chest to Xavier’s back.

“How are you feeling?”

Xavier felt the rumble of the words against his back. He folded his arms over Chase’s

and leaned just a little on his man. Randy’s sentencing had come through, and Xavier had

been a little surprised at the severity of it. For some reason he’d thought Randy would get off

with a slap to the wrist. A sixteen-year stint in prison was pretty steep.

“I don’t know,” Xavier muttered, which was true. “I doubt being in prison is going to

help Randy. I’m afraid it might make him even more of a danger than he was to begin with.”

Chase released him long enough to move in front of Xavier. Then he cupped Xavier’s

cheeks and pulled him down for a chaste kiss. “It might, or it might straighten him up. The

recidivism rate is high, sure, but it isn’t at a hundred per cent. Some people learn from their

mistakes and end up being decent human beings when they get out.”

Xavier grunted, wishing he could believe Randy would be different, but he couldn’t

believe it. There hadn’t been a hint of self-recrimination in Randy’s eyes at the sentencing. All

there’d been was so much hatred when he looked at Xavier that Xavier had ended up puking

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in the bathroom shortly after leaving the court room. Xavier didn’t think Randy wanted to be

any different from the way he was.

Chase hugged him hard then took a step back, taking Xavier’s hands in his. He looked

up at Xavier with those beautiful eyes that seemed to see right into his head, and Xavier’s

heart fluttered, his troubled thoughts beginning to ease.

“I wanted to talk to you about something,” Chase began before stopping to nibble on

his lip. Xavier couldn’t resist leaning down and licking the reddened flesh, sucking it gently

for a second while Chase moaned softly and scooted closer. He lapped the skin one more

time then straightened up, loving the dazed expression Chase now wore.

“What did you want to talk about?” Xavier tried not to look smug when Chase

swallowed and blinked, so cute and confused it made Xavier want to throw him down and

remind Chase of who he was with and where they were right now—the bedroom, which had

been christened in every possible spot.

Chase blinked again then shook himself before glaring at Xavier. “Stop trying to distract

me. This is important.” He grinned and cupped Xavier’s cock, squeezing hard enough to

bring him to attention. “So’s this, but it’s gonna have to wait a few minutes before it gets near

my ass.” Chase winked then darted around Xavier, giving him a wicked smirk as he left the

room. Xavier followed along like a well-trained pet, and he didn’t even mind. He had no

trouble admitting he’d follow that sexy man anywhere.

Anywhere, this time, happened to be the office, where Chase was perched on the edge

of Xavier’s desk. He gestured towards the chair so Xavier sat and leant back, stretching his

legs. Chase visually followed the movement, and Xavier thought he heard a soft groan.

When he saw the colour flooding Chase’s cheeks, he knew he hadn’t imagined the sound.

Xavier slid a hand down his own stomach, watching Chase watch him, then teased the tip of

his dick with his fingertips. Chase’s stuttering breath turned Xavier on so much he was soon

brushing his fingers over a wet spot. “You wanted to talk?” he rasped, pressing the palm of

his hand against his cock in an effort to keep from making a bigger wet spot.

Chase grunted and dragged his gaze up Xavier’s body. By the time he reached Xavier’s

eyes, they were both panting and Xavier would have thought it funny if he weren’t so hard it


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“I want to buy into the club,” Chase blurted out, and Xavier dropped his gaze to

Chase’s lips, trying to figure out how that jumble of run-together words managed to sound

so unlike what he’d been expecting. He was pretty sure it was supposed to be something

along the lines of ‘let’s get naked and fuck till we’re stupid from it’ but it sure didn’t sound

like that…at all.

“Huh?” Xavier asked for clarification, frowning as he ran those words through his head

again. “You want to buy into the club? Why? I was thinking about selling it—”

“Exactly!” Chase said with more enthusiasm than Xavier expected. Xavier flinched and

leant back further, taking in Chase’s excited expression and the big grin on his face. “You

want to get rid of it because you think it’s a great big fuck-spot, but I think if I bought half of

it, we could turn it into a classier place like you said you originally wanted! If you want a

back room tacked on for the horny guys who have nowhere else to go, that’s fine. But we

could maybe have the rest of the place redone, decorate it like a classy club rather than a

meat market, you know?” Chase came around the side of the desk to stand facing Xavier

without the desk between them.

“Think about it—neither one of us is going to be happy sitting on our asses doing

nothing. And I think we could make The Xxchange a better place. Safer for fucking sure.”

Chase nodded when Xavier did. “We could even have a small dinner menu, maybe. Do

private parties. Or expand into the restaurant business…”

Xavier tried to close his mouth but the more Chase went on about expansion and

decorating and class versus tacky, the more stunned Xavier was. It was true he’d worried

about what he’d do if he sold the club, but now, with Chase going on and on about plans that

he’d obviously put a great deal of thought into, Xavier was finding himself being drawn back

into the intriguing notion of keeping the club—as theirs, not just his.

“Is that what you want?” Xavier finally asked once Chase stopped running through his

plans for The Xxchange. He wasn’t sure they’d earn back their investment, but Chase’s

enthusiasm was contagious and Xavier was growing excited about his ideas the more he

thought about them.

Chase nodded without hesitation. “Yeah. I like the idea of us having something like that

together. And you built The Xxchange from scratch, you know. I don’t want you to give up

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on it now. I don’t think you really want to, just that you want it to be something different. I’d

like to help you make it into the kind of place you intended it to be in the first place.”

“And make it ours,” Xavier murmured, pretty sure he was glowing with happiness.

“That sounds like something I’d be very interested in doing.”

“Oh good,” Chase said, his shoulders relaxing as his smile stretched wide. “I wasn’t

sure…I mean it’s always been yours—”

“And now it will be ours,” Xavier replied as he took Chase’s hands. “You know I love

you. That you care enough to do this with me, for me, means more than I can say.”

Chase huffed and rolled his eyes, but he straddled Xavier’s lap and nuzzled against his

neck. “You know it’s more than me caring,” he said gruffly, then swallowed loudly. “You

know I love you too.” He shuddered and Xavier brought his arms around the smaller man,

holding him tightly. “Wow, that was easier to say than I thought. I can say it all the time

now, so be warned.”

Xavier chuckled and closed his eyes as he held Chase, drinking in the feel and scent of

him. “I look forward to it.”

“Good, because it’s gonna happen,” Chase warned right before he nipped Xavier’s

neck. Xavier’s eyes popped open as a tinge of pain zinged all the way down to his shoulder.

“Want you,” Chase growled and Xavier shivered, his spine going liquid as his cock tried to

burst through his jeans. “Want to feel you in me—”

Xavier was up in an instant, pushing Chase down on the desk and slanting his mouth

over Chase’s. Xavier wasn’t gentle, burying his tongue into the warm recess of Chase’s

mouth, claiming and taking as Chase gave himself over. Xavier’s hands were everywhere,

sliding over Chase’s thighs, up his hips and sides, to his shoulders then back down again. He

hooked his arms under Chase’s knees and lifted his legs up then rubbed his groin against


Chase’s back bowed and a mewling sound bled into Xavier’s mouth as Chase fisted his

hands in Xavier’s hair. Those long, lean legs quivered, the heels whacking at Xavier’s back as

Chase tried to get closer.

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Xavier bit at Chase’s lips, tugging the bottom one briefly before releasing it. “Get

naked,” Xavier ordered. Chase smacked the back of his head on the desk as he nodded


“Get off me so I can,” he ordered back. “And get naked, too. I need you.”

Xavier stood up so quickly his head spun but he didn’t let it slow him down. There

were a few clumsy moves on both their parts, elbows and knees meeting and cracking

against each other, then they were nude and Xavier hooked his arms under Chase’s

shoulders and pushed him further up on the desk. Papers and knick knacks fell to the floor

but Xavier didn’t give a shit, he’d destroy everything in this room if that’s what it took to get

inside Chase.

“Back to where we began,” Chase muttered. Xavier arched a brow at him but nodded.

“Yeah, I think I’m gonna be keeping these desks and maybe have them bronzed.”

Chase snorted. “Yeah ‘cause that’d be comfortable to get fucked on. Wood and steel are

hard enough!”

Xavier stopped rooting around Chase’s jaw and lifted his head. “We can take this into

the bedroom or living room or somewhere with a soft spot to spread you out. I don’t want

you bruised and hurting.”

Chase’s smile was pure devilment, making Xavier’s cock bob with anticipation. “But I

want to be bruised and hurting. I want to feel this fuck for a week—at least.”

“Fuck,” was about the best Xavier could come up with, then he found that sweet spot

on Chase’s neck and sucked. Chase’s fingers curled against Xavier’s back, scratching and

probing deep, and Xavier moaned as he pushed into the touches as much as he could

without giving up the tasty flesh between his teeth.

“God, Xav…just…” Chase panted, his lithe body writhing under Xavier’s. “Just keep

doing that, just that, and I’m gonna come all over the goddamn place!”

Xavier sucked hard, then scraped his teeth over that spot and Chase practically

screeched as he shoved a hand between them.

“Xav…I mean it,” Chase rasped, “I’m gonna lose it!”

“You want to?” Xavier asked, lifting his lips just enough to keep them brushing over the

mark he’d sucked up. “You want to come now, then again, and again until you think you’ll

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never shoot again? Want me to…” Xavier stopped himself, just, from asking if Chase wanted

to be tied up and fucked and brought off as many times as possible. He wouldn’t ask that of

Chase, maybe not ever, and he tried to bury that desire before it flared any brighter.

Chase thumped him on the shoulder. “Do I want you to what? Make me crazy with

needing you? Make me beg to have you get me off?” Chase’s brows drew together and he

seemed to peer right into Xavier’s darkest, neediest corner of his psyche. “You wanna tie me

up? I don’t know if I can…I don’t want to try and flip out, not when we’re both so horny—

but maybe if you held my hands down, you know, like this—”

Chase wriggled and shifted, and Xavier lifted off him enough to give him some room.

Chase took Xavier’s hands, linking their fingers together, then pressed his own to the desk,

with Xavier’s hands holding Chase’s down. “Maybe this? It’s not my wrists, and your hands

aren’t free either, but fuck, it’d feel good to have you hold me like this while you pounded

into me!” The quivery tone to Chase’s voice settled in the base of Xavier’s spine and made

parts of him flutter and heat in very interesting ways.

“You’re good with this?” he asked, squeezing Chase’s hands slightly just to be sure.

Chase’s eyes sparked and his lids drooped as his lips parted. “Oh fuck yeah,” he whispered,

and Xavier couldn’t stand it, he had to kiss him again. He let go of Chase’s hands, eager to

touch as much silky, smooth skin as he could. He knew each ridge, each muscle, each spot

that made Chase shiver or shy away, yet his heart skipped each time he experienced Chase’s


He trailed his fingers over the cut lines of ribs framing Chase’s torso. Xavier smoothed

his hands over the taut belly, letting his thumbs dip, just barely, into Chase’s navel before

running his hands up to the man’s hard chest. Spiked nipples stood pert, the skin around

them pebbled. Xavier scratched at it gently and Chase cursed even as he shoved his chest up.

“More,” Chase demanded, and Xavier gave it to him, careful not to draw blood—

although he didn’t think Chase would object, but that was something they’d discuss later..

He worked Chase’s nipples with teeth and tongue, fingers and lips, pinching and pulling the

turgid flesh until the tips and areola were dark red, swollen and plump.

Xavier was certain his back was marked, scratched and bruised from Chase’s nails and

his strong grip when he had cried out and begged for more. His lover was definitely feeling

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fierce today, walking on the ridge of pain and pleasure, pushing them equally in both


Xavier nipped at Chase’s nipple again because the man was begging, words and body

asking for it. He teased and tormented the hot bud until Chase began to babble, words

slurring and his breath hitching. Then Xavier slid down Chase’s body, dragging his lips and

teeth over the light smattering of hair that divided Chase’s torso. He paused to suck and lick

Chase’s belly button, grinning when Chase squirmed, shoving at Xavier’s head then pulling

him right back to that little dip.

Chase never seemed to know if he loved it or hated it when Xavier teased his belly

button, and Xavier was more than happy to help him figure it out. “Fu—fuck, Xav!” Chase

managed two coherent words before he gasped and sputtered as Xavier fisted his cock.

“Guh!” Xavier grinned and swooped down, sucking the dripping crown into his mouth.

Chase’s scream as his hips jerked was one of the most erotic sounds Xavier had ever

heard. He sealed his lips tight around Chase’s tip and teased his fingers over Chase’s ass

hole. With his other hand, he cupped and rolled Chase’s balls, and Chase’s entire body

vibrated, his muscles clenching and rippling.

Xavier drove down on Chase’s cock, sucking hard as tangy hot cream spewed into his

mouth. He swallowed, savouring the flavour of his lover as he pushed the tip of one finger

into Chase’s ass. Silky heat enveloped his finger, clamping down tight as Chase bellowed, his

hands thumping Xavier’s shoulders. Xavier moaned around the dick in his mouth, each

pulse of that organ resonating with his own as he struggled to keep from coming. Only the

knowledge that it’d take him too long to get hard again when he wanted to lose himself in

Chase’s body kept Xavier’s restraint in place.

When the last spurt of cum dribbled onto his tongue, Xavier eased his finger out of

Chase’s hole. He rubbed the little pucker, relishing each flutter. Xavier knew just how good

that tight ring would feel around his dick, knew the constricting inner muscles would turn

his brain to mush. Sex without the latex was amazing, and Xavier knew he’d never get

enough of it with this man. They’d probably die having sex, two old geezers grinning like


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“Xavier,” Chase gasped, dropping his hands away from Xavier’s shoulders, thudding

onto the desk top. Xavier let the softened cock slip from his lips then he surged up and kissed

Chase until they were both breathless. Chase’s face was flushed, his lips dark and puffy, his

eyes heavy lidded. The man was gorgeous, and Xavier had to have him.

“Roll over,” Xavier rumbled, grasping Chase’s arms. He helped him flop rather

gracelessly onto his belly. Xavier manoeuvred Chase around until his pert ass was up like an

offering, his feet planted on the floor. “Spread ‘em.”

Chase did, tipping his ass up as he shuffled his feet apart. Xavier sucked in a breath as

the move exposed Chase’s pucker. He grasped both cheeks and pulled them open, then bent

and licked from the top of Chase’s crack to that delicate wrinkled skin.

“Oh god! Xavier!” Chase’s hips bucked as Xavier licked and nibbled. He could hear

Chase’s nails scrabbling for purchase on the desk, then Chase moaned and pushed his hips

back. “Fuck me,” Chase pleaded, rocking and grinding against Xavier’s face.

Xavier gripped Chase’s ass harder and got down to it, spearing his tongue into his

opening. The musky taste of Chase never failed to make Xavier’s cock drip, and now was no

exception. He was dangerously close to coming just from this, without a touch to his own

length. Xavier reached down and grabbed the base of his cock, holding it hard enough to

send an aching wave to his knees and up to his stomach.

Chase keened and reached behind himself, batting Xavier’s other hand away. He

grabbed his ass and spread it open, leaving Xavier’s hands free. One of them, at least. Xavier

put it to good use, palming Chase’s balls as he tongue-fucked the man. Chase’s balls were

heavy, as if he hadn’t just come. Xavier slid his hand around, finding Chase’s cock, already

growing hard again. He raked his teeth over the furled opening and Chase’s dick leapt in his

grasp. Oh yeah, his man was almost ready again.

Xavier released his own dick and pulled his head back enough to suck on a couple of

his fingers. Satisfied they were wet enough, he pulled them out and worked them into

Chase’s hole.

“Fuck, yes,” Chase hissed, his knuckles going white as he gripped his cheeks harder.

“Do it, come on, let me feel—” Chase broke off, wailing when Xavier found his gland. He

rubbed and stroked, drawing whimpers from his lover before withdrawing his fingers

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almost all the way. Then he thrust back in, hard and fast, and Chase shoved back to meet the


“This what you want?” Xavier asked, his jaw so tight speaking was almost impossible.

“No!” Chase barked, “I want your dick! Not your fucking fingers!”

Xavier grimaced and fitted a third finger in, knowing the burn would please Chase, and

it did. The low groan that came from him sounded as if it came from his very core.

Goosebumps spread over Chase’s back and raced down his arms, pebbling the skin of his

ass. Xavier leant down and licked at them, then bit one plump cheek hard enough to leave a


“Xavier!” Chase shouted, shuddering and twitching. “Now damn it!”

Xavier scrambled to get the desk drawer open, wishing to hell he’d got the lube out in

the first place. He pumped his fingers into Chase’s ass one more time, making sure to rub

over his gland, then Xavier had to pull out. His other hand was shaking too bad to manage

the lube.

“Give me a sec to lube up,” he explained when Chase glared at him over his shoulder.

“Just fucking spit,” Chase snarled. Xavier hesitated for a moment then shook his head.

“No. Not as hard and rough as I’m gonna fuck you. Just be patient for a second.” He made it

an order and hoped Chase would comply, because if he demanded Xavier use spit as lube

again he was probably going to get it and they’d both regret it after.

“Fine, just hurry,” Chase grumbled. Xavier finally got the lube open. He poured a line

of it down his dick then squirted some into Chase’s crease just to be safe. With one hand

spreading the goop on his cock and the other smearing it around Chase’s hole, Xavier had

them ready in seconds.

“Put your hands out on the desk,” Xavier said, a not-so-subtle reminder about Chase’s

offer. Chase let go of his butt and slapped his hands on the desk top.

“Now will you hurry the fuck up? I need you so much.”

As if Xavier could resist that order and plea. “Yeah, sweetheart, I’m right here.” He

parted Chase’s cheeks with one hand and lined his cock up with the other. As soon as he

bumped the tip of his dick against that snug hole, Xavier dropped down over Chase, his

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hands twining with the man’s smaller ones, and Xavier thrust, burying his cock in a velvety

glove that rippled and massaged his cock with maddening perfection.

“God,” Xavier gasp, closing his eyes and resting his cheek against Chase’s. “My fucking

God, you’re gonna kill me with this sweet little ass.”

Chase snarled at him even as he wriggled his hips. “Can you talk less and fuck more?”

Xavier nipped at Chase’s ear and pulled out a few inches before slamming back home.

“How ‘bout I talk more and fuck more?” Chase didn’t take compliments well, even ones

about his sexy body. Xavier wanted the man to know how special he was. Maybe one day,

he’d succeed. “You fit me like the most perfect sheath, all hot and tight, smooth and so…

fucking… glorious… around… my dick!” Xavier punctuated each of the last words with hard

thrusts, hammering into Chase’s ass.

Chase grunted, ‘uhn’s’ and ‘more’ as he fisted his hands, making Xavier’s curl around

them lest he lose some fingers. “This what you want now?” Xavier asked, plunging into

Chase harder. “You want me so deep inside you can taste me?”

“Fuck yeah,” Chase managed, although it was barely a whisper. Xavier let go of Chase’s

hands and shoved his own under Chase’s torso, reaching around to grab his shoulders. He

held on, wishing he could jerk Chase back into his thrusts, but unwilling to risk hurting him

even though Chase’s shoulder was, according to the doctor, back up to snuff. Instead Xavier

anchored him in place, and began fucking him with short, sharp thrusts, trying not to jostle

him too much.

“Stop treating me like I’m breakable,” Chase snarled brokenly, slitting his eyes at

Xavier. “Give me what I need!”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Xavier snapped, regretting his tone the instant the words

were out, but he was already on edge, and he was so tempted…

“Xavier,” Chase growled, and something in his tone set of a warning in Xavier. He

realised, even stupid with lust, that he was hurting his lover more by holding back than he

would if he gave in. Treating Chase like he was fragile, especially so obviously and when his

doctor had cleared him, would be a blow to Chase’s ego and not something Xavier ever

wanted to do.

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“You got it,” Xavier said as he surged forward, hands clamped on Chase’s shoulders,

jerking that lean body back. “Damn, sweetheart…” He was fucking screwed, no doubt. There

was no way he’d last like this!

“Yeah,” Chase rasped, arching his back somehow and drawing Xavier’s dick in deeper.

“Like that, baby!”

Xavier tried to say something, loosing instead an embarrassing gurgling sound as he

slammed into Chase’s ass again and again. His vision blurred, sweat and pleasure blinding

him as Chase’s inner muscles sucked his brains out his dick. Xavier tried to shout, to say

something as ecstasy exploded inside him, coating his nerves with pleasure, ringing around

his spine and freezing his lungs on a strangled sound. His cock throbbed as he shoved deep

into Chase’s opening, then his climax poured out of him, filling Chase’s ass with hot bursts of

spunk. Xavier collapsed, boneless and brainless on top of Chase.

Chase grunted, and Xavier tried to move off his lover only to have Chase snarl at him.

Then his hand was yanked down, folded around a hard, steely spike of dick, Chase’s hand

closing around Xavier’s. “Yes,” Chase hissed, “so good!” Xavier perked up a little more and

he fisted Chase’s length harder.

“How good?” he asked, licking the shell of Chase’s ear.

“Guhn!” Chase responded as his cock pulsed.

“God, you and me are gonna kill each other doing that,” Chase said several minutes

later. “Best way to die, ever.”

Xavier snorted and flopped onto his chair, grimacing at the feel of cold leather against

his bare ass. He reached for Chase and pulled him onto his lap, relieved when the man

cuddled so willing with him. Chase wasn’t a huge fan of sitting on Xavier’s lap for very long,

but sometimes he’d do it, and it always made Xavier so happy he felt like he’d float away.

“Best way to live, too,” Xavier said.

Chase smiled up at him with so much love it made Xavier’s heart ache. “That it is, Xav,

so let’s make sure we have lots of years together.”

Xavier nodded. That sounded like the best plan ever.

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Coming Soon from Total-E-Bound Publishing:

A Bit of You

Bailey Bradford

Released 26


December 2011


Chapter One

Geez, Xavier could be such a grouch! Billy couldn’t be too irritated at the man, though;

after all, Xav was getting older and obviously couldn’t handle his liquor worth shit any more.

Billy snorted as he fixed breakfast for the both of them. Xavier had freaked out last

night when he’d found Billy kind of willingly but not totally in a way giving a blowjob to

Xav’s brother Randy. The fight between the brother’s had been scary as hell to witness,

especially since Xav was already shit-faced at that point and Randy took advantage of that by

pounding the crap out of his brother. Billy had finally threatened Randy with a letter opener

he’d grabbed off Xavier’s desk.

As far as Billy knew, Xavier hadn’t remembered that little nugget, which, considering

Randy had just clocked Xav in the temple before that? Yeah, he wasn’t likely to remember

much from last night—other than the blowjob thing and that a fight with Randy followed.

Billy was trying his best to hide his own guilt from Xav, but he really, really wished

Xav hadn’t walked in on that last night. Now there was going to be more trouble between the

brothers. They didn’t exactly get along to start with, but Billy hadn’t wanted to be the cause

of any further estrangement between them, which was why he’d just blown Randy anyway

rather than go running to Xav. Xav was the only family Billy had even if they weren’t related

by blood. He’d never been close to Randy—and a blowjob or whatever didn’t change that,

especially not when Billy hadn’t wanted Randy’s nasty dick in his mouth.

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Besides, sex was just sex, it didn’t make you like someone, or love them, and Billy

loved Xav. The man had rescued Billy from the streets when he was just fifteen. Billy had

been heading down the path to an early, and most likely violent, death all ready, so it was a

stroke of luck or fate or whatever that he happened to proposition the handsome man one

evening on the street.

And now, here he was years later, wondering how much damage he’d caused

between Xav and Randy. Truthfully, Billy had known Randy hated him for a while now. He

didn’t pay any attention to Billy the first few years he’d lived with Xav, but lately, definitely

over the past year, Billy hadn’t been able to ignore the way Randy had been treating him. He

wished the fucker had just kept right on ignoring him, but Billy suspected Randy was

jealous, more because he thought Billy was getting chunks of Xavier’s money than because

Billy and Xav were close. If Randy had wanted to be close to his brother, all he’d have had to

do was talk to Xav with consideration instead of constantly bitching at him.

“Right.” Billy snorted. All Randy wanted from his brother was money. Xavier and

Randy had both inherited a lot of money after their parent’s deaths. How much exactly, Billy

didn’t know or care. Xavier had been smart with his share and invested. Randy had burned

through his in a matter of years and had nothing to show for it other than an unhealthy

addiction or three.

Billy poured Xav some coffee and headed to the bedroom to wait for him to get out of

the bathroom. He wondered, if things had been different, if he and Xav had met when Billy

was an adult—if he’d lived that long—whether they’d have had a different sort of

relationship. He didn’t think so, but it was hard to imagine it because Billy kept getting

grossed out. Xav was too much like an older brother, or a father even.

Still, Billy got really lonely. Not horny-lonely, that could be cured at the club. He

wasn’t a bad looking guy, and his natural exuberance drew plenty of interested men. The

thing was, they were only interested in getting off. Billy hadn’t even had an actual boyfriend.

Maybe if he got out more… Billy sighed. Like that would happen. He worried about

Xavier being alone so much. The man didn’t even bother with quick hook-ups any more,

hadn’t for a while now, and anyway Billy usually worked at The Xxchange, the club Xavier

owned, almost every night. His nights off were usually spent vegging out in front of the TV

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watching reruns of sitcoms or reading a book. Sometimes both if he was having trouble


Of course, if he read a romance like he did sometimes, then he’d even feel lonelier.

Billy wondered if guys like those in the books existed, then he thought about Adam and Les,

and a few other gay couples he’d heard about—and there was even a triad or ménage or

whatever it was called, and everyone was supposedly all happy and lovey-dovey.

How is it they can all find someone else—or hell, a couple of someone elses’, and all be happy

and crap when I can’t even get a freaking boyfriend?

Billy stewed on that for a while until Xavier came out of the bathroom. The man

obviously hadn’t thought Billy’d be sitting there on the bed because Xav was completely

naked and, while he was magnificently built, it was kinda like seeing your dad naked. Billy

cringed inside but decided, judging by the angry glare Xav was giving him, that this was an

opportunity to tease them both right out of their funky moods.

Billy pasted on his brightest smile. Too bad he didn’t slap his brain into gear first. “I

made you coffee and toast. You look pretty good naked. Your dick’s bigger than Randy’s.”

Xav looked stunned, then he looked green as he turned and ran back into the

bathroom, his firm butt flexing and bouncing just a little with each footfall.

Billy sighed and silently cursed himself. Maybe one day he’d learn to think before he

spoke. Until then, it sounded like he might have a mess to clean up in the bathroom.

* * * *

Billy was in the employee room getting ready to clock in when the door opened. He

squealed when he saw who was entering.

“It’s about time you came back!” Billy rocked onto his toes and bounced once before

tackling Adam in a hug. The shock on Adam’s face as his hands fluttered in the air was

priceless. But Billy was a friendly guy, and…he’d known Adam wouldn’t be expecting a hug,

which was partly why he’d done it. In his opinion, everyone needed to be kept on their toes.

Plus, he was really glad Adam wasn’t dead.

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“Uh. Thanks?” Adam finally said as he patted Billy’s back. Billy turned his head and

grinned at Adam’s boyfriend Les. The big guy looked like he didn’t know whether to be

angry or amused. Billy finished off the hug with a big squeeze that had Adam’s breath

whooshing out then he stepped back and held his arms open to Les.

“Aw, are you feeling left out?” Billy wiggled his fingers.

Les’ dark brows snapped together and he waved his hands in front of his chest as if to

warn Billy off. “No! I just—”

Billy batted his lashes at the grumpy looking man. “Don’t want me groping your


“No—yes—you can’t just…” Les snapped his mouth shut when Billy started giggling.

He pointed one big finger at him and narrowed his eyes. “You’re just trying to irritate me!”

“Duh.” Billy slapped a hand over his mouth. That was supposed to have stayed inside

his head.

Adam laughed while Les glared. Billy wished he could glare like that. Jerks like Randy

wouldn’t bother him if he could give them a look that made their balls shrivel. He studied

Les and tried to copy the man’s stern expression. Judging by the way the big guy started

snickering, he wasn’t very successful.

Adam didn’t seem to think so either. “Come on, Billy,” he said as he nudged Billy’s

shoulder. “You aren’t cut out to be a snarly type.”

“Fine,” Billy huffed. So he couldn’t snarl—but he could pout. He crossed his arms

over his chest and let his lower lip do its thing. That bottom lip had gotten him out of more

trouble and tight spots than he could count. Xavier was a sucker for it, and that man was one

giant hard-ass most of the time.

It worked like a charm on Les and Adam, who both looked contrite for laughing at

him. Adam sighed and Les glanced down at the floor. Billy felt a small sense of satisfaction

until he remembered both of these men had nearly died. Then he just felt like an ass for being

a manipulative little shit.

Gnawing on his lip, he looked at each man. Should he ask? Like he wasn’t going to.

Why even pretend? “So what happened? Everyone’s saying Les killed a man with his bare

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hands and some other guy shot a bad cop in the balls and you,” he pointed to Adam, “beat

the bad cop so bad he’s in a coma and—”

“Whoa!” Adam snapped, thrusting up a hand. “What are you talking about? Les

didn’t kill anyone, and no one got shot in the balls, and Lukowski’s not in a coma! He’s

already out of the hospital and in jail awaiting trial!” He then proceeded to tell Billy what

happened. “Mitch Rollins Sr sent thugs here looking for me and for this other guy, Chase

Murphy. Rollins wasn’t happy with just running me and my mom out of Billings after we

helped put his son in prison for rape. He bribed the cop who worked with Les—former

officer Lukowski. That dick kidnapped Les and left him for some psycho to murder.” Adam

paled at that and Billy figured he did too as he looked at Les.

The man was big, huge, and he’d have scared Billy with that stoic look if Billy hadn’t

seen the man go all soft and gooey around Adam. How anyone could have kidnapped him

was beyond Billy. Maybe they used an elephant tranq dart or something. He wasn’t going to

ask, even if he had to bite his tongue in half to keep from doing so.

“I’m really glad you’re okay, Les,” Billy said, and he meant it. He wanted everyone

else to have a happy ending even if it didn’t seem like he’d ever get one.

“Thanks,” Les grunted, his cheeks turning ruddy. Adam gave him an adoring look

that made Billy feel all sappy even though he didn’t think of either man like that.

“Suffice it to say the bad guys didn’t win. Lukowski is going to be in prison for a long

time, and Rollins Sr is dead—killed himself rather than be arrested. Now we just need to find


Billy frowned before he thought about how that could eventually lead to ugly

wrinkles. As soon as it occurred to him, he smoothed his brow with his hand. He started to

ask who James was but Xavier opened the break room door and gave a little wave at Adam

and Les. “Adam, you wanted to talk to me?”

Adam gave Billy an apologetic look. Uh oh, I know where that conversation is going! Even

though Xavier paid his employees well, there was still a pretty high turnover. Billy and Troy,

the bartender, were the only two employees who’d been with Xavier since the beginning.

Most of the other staff had been here less than six months.

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Billy finished getting ready for work and patted Adam and Les both on the ass as he

walked by them. Adam winked but Les turned a delightful shade of burgundy.

Xavier grunted and ran a finger through his black hair. “Fine. Let’s have this

discussion in my—well, we’ll have it here since my office is a wreck.” He gave Billy a

pointed look.

“I’m not the one who went all He-man on Randy last night,” Billy said, “that was all

you. I had everything under control.” Except for the whole choking on Randy’s dick thing. Billy

wasn’t going to mention that though. Instead he slapped on his happiest grin and skipped

around the other three men and was out the door before Xavier could stop him.

Billy shut the door on the rest of Xav’s sentence. He didn’t want to think about last

night, at all. Instead he thought about the adventure—no, that was a stupid thing to call it

when so many people could have been hurt or killed. Still, Billy thought about what had

happened to Adam and Les and the way it differed from the gossip.

He suspected Adam wasn’t giving all the details, but then again, who’d want to?

Maybe that’s why people were making stuff up. Even if no one had killed, castrated, or

coma’d anyone else, the whole thing had to have been pretty scary. It just wasn’t as gory as

rumor had it, but that was a good thing. Maybe. Well, if the gore had been from the bad

guys’ getting eviscerated or something, that would have been kind of cool.

Castration, however, was never cool. For some reason his thoughts pinged right to

Randy. No, not even he should be castrated.

At least Billy wouldn’t have to blow Randy, though. He’d finally been banned for

good. That was one less worry to dwell on, though if he had told anyone he was worried

about anything at all, no one would have believed him. Billy had the carefree happy ding-a-

ling act down so pat even he bought it most of the time. It came in handy, though, and Billy

wasn’t sure how to change other people’s perception of him now anyways.

Maybe I should start with myself. It was an insightful revelation, an epiphany, he

thought it was called. Were epiphanies possible to turn into reality? Billy mused on that for a

while as he served drinks and tried to avoid being groped.

It occurred to him after a while that he’d forgot to clock in. He shrugged it off. It

wasn’t the first time he’d forgotten and wouldn’t be the last. That probably wasn’t the best

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way to get people to view him differently, and he was aware that his own attitude could

have been better about it. Billy tried to lecture himself but the fact was his mind liked to

bounce around as much as his body did.

He wasn’t exactly sure how long he’d been working when he got that creepy feeling of

being watched. It wasn’t uncommon; Billy knew he was cute. Lots of men looked at him.

Most of the time it didn’t bother him, but somehow it just felt off this time.

Maybe he was just extra paranoid tonight, he thought as he set the mixed drinks on

the small table. The three men there had giggled like school girls when they’d ordered the

Sex on the Beaches. If they thought that was a raunchy name for a drink, they were in for a

surprise. There were much dirtier ones. Billy toyed with filling them in on that fact but the

feeling of being watched intensified and suddenly all he wanted was to escape for a few


“Enjoy your drinks,” he murmured, knowing his voice was drowned out by the loud

music thumping through the speakers. He didn’t care, he wasn’t up to yelling. Billy ignored

the pinch to his ass and hurried back towards the bar. “Ernie,” he said when he spotted

another server, “will you keep an eye on my tables? I need a break.”

Ernie rolled his eyes but nodded. That was good enough for Billy. Most of the time

Billy took his breaks in Xavier’s office, but considering the state of that room and what had

happened there last night, and in the fact that Xav was working out of the break room, where

anyone could come and go, and Billy decided to take his break alone. It was bad enough that

a lot of the other employees snarked about him being Xav’s favorite—duh—but he didn’t

want to rub it in their faces by being all chummy in the break room. That sure wouldn’t help

him with his tentative plans for a new image.

He skirted around the bar with a wave at Troy then ducked into the back room where

the liquor and supplies were stored. He closed the door behind him then leaned back against

it, his head thumping the wood hard enough to make his ears ring. His eyes drifted shut and

he tried to shake off his funky mood.

It was no use. Frustrated, he popped his eyes back open and pushed away from the

door. Maybe a little fresh air would do the trick. Billy sprinted across the room and unlocked

the door used for unloading deliveries. He opened it and stepped into the alley.

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The night air was cool, the humidity from earlier in the day having evaporated with

the lower temperature. The large dumpster a dozen feet away made the small alley stink, but

it wasn’t much worse than the bathrooms Billy had to clean when Xavier was really pissed at


Billy took a deep breath then nearly jumped out of his boots when something moved

in the shadows a few feet away. Hand to his chest, Billy peered into the darkness. Was

something moving over there? He squinted as the weak light from the back door glinted off

something but before he could process it, a battered man stepped out and leered at him.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Billy. You owe me a blowjob.”

For the first time in years, Billy was too scared to speak. He couldn’t do anything but

stare at the big knife in Randy’s hand.

Pre-order your copy here:

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About the Author

A native Texan, Bailey spends her days spinning stories around in her head, which
has contributed to more than one incident of tripping over her own feet. Evenings are
resounds for pounding away at the keyboard, as are the early morning hours. Sleep?
Doesn’t happen much. Writing is too much fun, and there are too many characters
bouncing about, tapping on Bailey’s brain, demanding to be let out.

Caffeine and chocolate are permanent fixtures in Bailey’s office and are never far from
hand at any given time. Removing either of those necessities from Bailey’s presence
can result in what is known as A Very, Very Scary Bailey and is not advised under any


Bailey loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and
author biography at


Also by Bailey Bradford

Southwestern Shifters: Rescued

Southwestern Shifters: Relentless

Southwestern Shifters: Reckless

Southern Spirits: A Subtle Breeze

Southern Spirits: When the Dead Speak

Southern Spirits: All of the Voices

Southern Spirits: Wait Until Dawn

Southern Spirits: Aftermath

Southern Spirits What Remains

Love in Xxchange: Rory’s Last Chance

Love in Xxchange: Miles To Go

Love in Xxchange: Bend

Love in Xxchange: What Matters Most

Love in Xxchange: Ex’s and O’s

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