Cassandre Dayne Game Over

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Game Over

written by Cassandre Dayne


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Cover Artist: Carl J. Franklin
Second Edition

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©2013, Rebel Ink Press, LLC

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Chapter One

“Why exactly are we here again?”

Caelen Tomlin asked, grabbing the door

“It’s called going out,” Tony

Dartantion chuckled, yet he knew exactly
why Caelen was apprehensive. He had
been nothing more than a brooding and
very boring life partner for months.

“That’s what I’m talking about. We

never go out.”

“I told you, that’s changing.” One

way or the other their stilted relationship
had to.

“We’ll see,” Caelen huffed and

crawled out of the car.

Tony climbed out of his corvette

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and inhaled deeply, smelling the sweet
scent of Italian food and the stale stench
of the inner city. While he loved living
in Philly, the bowels of his hometown
were gritty and dirty. For some reason
Caelen continued to stay with Tony
while he stuck his head further into the
sand, denying who he really was. But
now Tony knew the truth. He was going
to lose his lover if he didn’t rid himself
of the ugly demons. “I want to start going
out like we used to.”

Caelen sniffed and shook his head.

“Okay. If you’re sure you can handle
anyone seeing us together. I’m your dirty
little secret. The one you keep tucked
away. You know, that delicious little
game you like to play in the dark

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recesses of our home.”

Ouch! The dagger hurt but was

more than justified. Game? That was
more than true. They’d been playing
more than one game since the day they
got together. Opening and closing his
fists, Tony fought a retort because
Caelen was indeed nothing more than a
boy toy Tony kept hidden away. Tony
sucked in his breath and eyed his lover
of eighteen months who was dressed to
kill. Blazing a trail down the length of
the sun kissed blond, Tony savored the
way the leather pants fit Caelen’s form,
accentuating his small waist, chiseled
hipbones and the delicious bulge
throbbing between his legs. He had to
admit the candy-coated treat was nothing

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short of spectacular. Licking his lips,
Tony brushed his hand through his long
midnight hair and sighed. What Caelen
didn’t know was that tonight was going
to be dazzling. At least that’s what Tony
was praying for anyway. “Look…I want
to apologize.”

“Apologize for what?”
“For being a dumb son of a bitch

who’s taken you for granted. That’s for

Caelen gritted his teeth but said


Hey, I heard we have some

faggots in the department.” His
chortled laugh flowed down the
crowded hall. The overweight detective
preened, sniffing as he eyed the beat

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cops, his look full of disdain. Grabbing
his hat, he nodded toward the second
man and slammed the locked door.

"Faggots? Not in this precinct!"

The second detective barked, as they
strolled down the hall. If we do, they
better keep their shit to themselves.

"Yeah, but we could have fun with







laughing. “You mean just like we did
with those boys last year? I tell you
what, that was fun.”

“Don’t think they’ll ever look at

fucking in the ass the same way again!”

Tony cringed. He’d been a fly on

the wall that day and yet the words
burned into the distant recesses of his

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mind. Being a top ranked police
detective had its perks and its issues. It
was an old boy’s school and times
weren’t changing rapidly enough for





lifestyles. Everyone thought Tony was a
burly man that hungered for pussy.
Married when he joined the force, he
spent many days cruising bars with guys,
drinking beer and whistling at pretty
girls. He’d been lying to himself then
and Tony realized he was doing it all
over again as he stood staring at the
crisp note Caelen had left him two
weeks prior. Tony was one sorry sack of
shit. “You okay with this?”

“Going out?” Caelen sliced him a

cautious look and gazed around at the

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dark buildings.

“Yeah. I know I haven’t been into it

much lately.”

“Look Tony, I understand what

you’ve been going through. In my career,
I don’t have to deal with the kind of
caustic problems surrounding being gay
that you do. I get why you’re hiding.”

No, he really couldn’t get it. Tony

never talked about the gay bashing he
heard every day. Caelen didn’t need to
hear that bullshit, especially when he
was more than comfortable with his
sexuality. “Yeah, but I haven’t been fair
to you,” Tony grimaced, knowing he’d
been a shit. Granted, Caelen realized
being a detective in a murder-riddled
precinct in the middle of Philadelphia

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was tough enough as it was. Throw in
the fact that Tony was gay and he’d
learned through more than one series of
hard knocks that you didn’t actively
promote that little fact and it was no
wonder he’d been pushed into denial. If
Tony had any hopes of making Captain,
something he’d applied for more than
once, then he had to be careful regarding
every aspect of his behavior. The
powers that be scrutinized everything.
While he admonished his actions in
hiding the fact he craved men and knew
Caelen deserved more than just a secret
play thing Tony kept behind closed
doors, truth was Tony had simply fallen
into a trap of his own making.

Caelen smiled. “It’s okay. I’ve

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been busy with work anyway.”

Tony walked around the car and

brushed his finger across the shimmer of
Caelen’s cheek, drinking in his exotic
fragrance. “I want everything about our
relationship the way it used to be.”

“I don’t know if it can be, Tony.”

Caelen pulled away.

Tony swallowed hard and stole a

glance at the sprawling brick building,
remembering the first few months
together when he was exploring his
newfound sexuality. There was nothing
they hadn’t tried, no kinky experiences
they hadn’t explored. But one outright
threat to his career and he’d refused to
flaunt their relationship. Why had Tony
hidden that from Caelen, he’d never

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know, but he’d wrapped a shell around
him and refused to come out. “I’m going
to try.”

“If you’re sure.”
Tony was more than sure. Tonight

his ridiculous behavior was going to
change. He was a damn good carpenter
and would start his own construction
firm if he had to. He knew exactly what
Caelen yearned to taste. Fighting back a
grin, Tony eyed his lover and realized he
was hungrier than he’d ever been. It was
time to throw all his inhibitions to the
wind. He was going play hard tonight
and remind Caelen why they’d been
attracted to each other in the first place.

“The way you’re looking at me

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tonight screams that you’re very thirsty
indeed,” Caelen cooed as he turned to
face Tony, throwing his long hair back
with a dramatic flair.

“Can’t pass anything by you, now

can I?” Tony laughed, shaking his head.

“You’re insatiable.”
“And in control.”
Caelen gave him a mischievous

gaze and shook his head. “Old argument.
I’m in charge.” Pointing his finger, he
swayed his hips back and forth. “Not
only do you know it, you crave for me to
take you over my knees to spank that
Italian Stallion ass of yours. Whew,
getting a little steamy out here.”

“I suggest you not tease me tonight

or you will pay.” Yet Caelen was right.

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The decision about who was the top in
the relationship had been an old
argument since they’d gotten together.
Sparring was the last spark in their
wicked tryst.

“Are you man enough to take me?”
“You’re on fire tonight and don’t

push me cause I’m gonna push back.”
Tony hadn’t even been looking for a
steady guy in his bed. Hell, he’d been
just coming to terms with the fact that he
embraced being gay and then Caelen
Tomlin walked into his life. The
stunning cover model, dancer and
aspiring actor was nothing short of
perfection. Tony fought the possibilities
then, knowing what he was going to have
to face around the guys. So the two men

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toyed around getting together for three
solid months, playing a sizzling cat and
mouse game long enough for Tony to
check Caelen out thoroughly. Perks of
the career. Caelen was clean, he came
from a good family and smokin' hot.
Standing six foot three with perfectly
toned muscles, long shaggy blond hair
and the most dazzling emerald green
eyes Tony had ever seen on a man, Tony
salivated thinking back to their first

And their first hard fuck. Inhaling

deeply, Tony could almost smell the
scent of the Italian restaurant from their
first date. By the time they finished a
bottle of wine, they were so damn hot
for each other Tony dragged Caelen into

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the alley.

You want me?” Tony hissed,

licking his lips.

“The question is, can you handle

me?” Caelen preened, sliding his
hands down his chest, teasing. Inviting.

“I suggest you come here.”
“Or what?”




contemplating. Taking a long stride, he
jerked the sexy blond to his chest,
crushing his mouth as he cupped his
chiseled ass. Forcing his tongue to the
back of his throat, Tony tasted the
sweet essence of spiced rum as his cock
swelled. Then Tony pushed him hard
against the brick wall and broke the

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wicked moment of passion, staring at
Caelen wild eyed. “I’m going to fuck

Caelen panted and glided both

hands down Tony’s chest to stroke his
cock. “Why don’t I fuck you first?”

“You’ll get your chance later.”

Taking a step back, Tony unfastened
his skin-tight jeans and nodded to him.
“Better get ready or I won’t be gentle.”

“Who says I like it gentle?”
Tony growled. “Show me.”
Grinning wickedly, Caelen began

a little dance of lust, strutting back and
forth as the shimmering moon cast a
luminous haze down across the
darkened space. Tugging his belt free,
he swayed back and forth as he slowly

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unzipped his pants, grazing one hand
under his body hugging violet silk

Tony had never been as hungry for

any human in his life. “Hurry, I’m
famished.” He pulled out his cock and
stroked in fevered motions as he
continued to watch the shameless

Caelen opened his button fly,

revealing the lack of underwear.

Sucking in his breath, Tony

narrowed his eyes as Caelen pulled out
his cock. The long thick muscle was a
thing of beauty and one Tony wanted to
taste, but at the moment, it was
Caelen’s lily-white perfect ass he
wanted to take…hard. “Bend over and

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brace the wall.”

Tony raised his eyebrow as he

laughed. “You’ll learn.” Stalking him
for several sinful seconds, Tony used
the power of his upper body strength to
push Caelen against the wall, forcing
his legs as far apart as the dense
material around his knees would allow.
Glancing up and down the alley, Tony
knew he was risking more than just
getting caught. He was endangering his
career but his hunger, his need was too

“ Shit…you are…” Caelen palmed

the wall and threw his head back,
lifting his naked ass into the chilly air.

Tony rubbed his ass cheeks,

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enjoying the way his hard curves fit
into his hand. Running his finger up
and down Caelen’s crack, he wet the
fingers of his other hand and slid them
to Caelen’s dark hole. “Gonna take you
hard and fast, brother. Sure you can
handle what I can dish out?”

“Try me.”
Wasting no time, Tony sliced a

single finger inside Caelen’s ass,
pushing past the tight ring of muscles
as Caelen groaned.

“Shit!” He clawed the brick and

dropped his head, arching his back.

“God, so damn tight. Can’t wait to

taste that sweet little rose bud of
yours,” Tony grunted as he reached
around and cupped Caelen’s fully erect

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cock. Every part of him tingling and he
quivered as he inserted a second finger
inside, pulsing in and out. As Caelen’s
ass muscles gripped around Tony’s
invasion, Tony closed his eyes and
relished the scintillating moment of
being with a man. He picked up his
pace, the force pushing Caelen into the
wall again.

“God, fuck me. I…can’t…stand


His heart thumping wildly, Tony

grunted like the caged animal he was
and lifted his cock, placing the tip at
Caelen’s tight entrance. “Oh yeah,
you’re one delicious fuck. I’m going to
enjoy this.” Pressing it inside, Tony
threw his head back and roared as he

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impaled Caelen in one hard drive,
nearly slamming his head into the
dense bricks.

“Fuck!” Caelen screamed, his

body shaking violently.

The memory sweet indeed, Tony

pressed the back of his hand over his
mouth, savoring the long lost kiss. How
he’d missed their wicked and wild
moments before reality had kicked him
in the ass. “It’s going to be a special
night, so I’ll give you some slack.”

“Special night, eh?”
“Yeah. Call it a re-coming out


“Oh, I hope to hell there’ll be

cumming tonight.” Caelen pulsed a
single finger inside his hot wet mouth.

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Tony growled. “Go on and tease

me.” Turning away, he gazed toward the
sparkling moon, fighting an evil grin.
Thank God he had good friends.

“Mmmm…seems like you’re lost in


Tony adjusted his cock and

grimaced. “Lost in lust.”

“I think I like that thought. You sure

you don’t want to just fuck me here?”
Caelen offered, teasing Tony. “I mean
since you are determined to change and
all, why not try it?”

As Tony slid his hand down to cup

Caelen’s ass, he drew him in for a single
kiss, feeling the heat of his body sizzle
every last nerve. “Tempting, but I have
big plans for you.”

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“I hope they’re long, hard, thick

plans.” Caelen chuckled as they walked
down the dimly lit parking lot. “Where
exactly are you taking me for this re-
coming out bash anyway?”

Tony wrapped his arm around

Caelen’s waist and pressed a long lick
down the side of his neck. “Sealed With
a Kiss
, a club catering to everything
kinky where there will be many
surprises in store for naughty boys.
Getting in was nothing short of
extraordinary.” Tony took a deep breath.
Sealed keeps their anonymity guarded
as the police don’t exactly see eye to eye
with what they’re doing.”

“Oh really?” Caelen gazed around

the corner. “Dark and mysterious. Just

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the way I like it. I’m surprised, no
shocked as hell that you’d succumb to
such a shameless adventure.”

You have no idea, buddy. “It’s you

that’s going to succumb tonight.” Tony
grinned impishly in the darkness as they
neared the entrance. Stopping short, he
yanked Caelen back into the dark alley
and pressed his back against the brick
wall, palming the sides by his face.
“Tonight you’ll do exactly as I say.”

“Or what?”
Giving him a savage growl, Tony

leaned in and captured his mouth,
pressing his tongue inside. Their tongues
entwining, he tasted the remnants of their
last drink, spicy and rich.

Caelen wrapped his arms around

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Tony and pulled him in close, grinding
his groin into his belly.

Tony loved the feel of Caelen

grazing against the heat of his body.
Cupping his carved ass, the kiss became
a passionate roar. Touching and tasting,
white-hot electric jolts thrashed through
his body sending a series of pulses into
his bloodstream. On fire and in need, he
knew the night was going to be very
tasty. Breaking the kiss, he nipped
Caelen’s bottom lip, taking the tender
flesh between his teeth as he slid his
hand around to stroke Caelen’s cock.

“Mmmm….” he moaned and closed

his eyes, allowing Tony to take control.

As Tony eased back, he licked a

line across his chin, lifted his head and

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nibbled his neck, all the while caressing
Caelen’s throbbing cock. “I think you’re
in need.” It was all he could do not to
drag him back to the car and throw him
over the hood.

“Uh huh.”
Instead, he eyed the shadowed

space and hissed. “Suck me.”

“What?” Caelen asked, obviously

surprised. “What did you say to me?”

“You heard me. I said get down on

your knees and suck me.”

“Wait a minute, what if someone

walks by?”

Tony turned his back to the wall,

resting against it and pushed Caelen’s
shoulders. “What if they do? They’ll
simply enjoy a lecherous moment. On

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your knees, boy toy.” Giving him one
hard shove, Tony forced Caelen to his
knees and pressed his groin into his face.

“Fuck! This is…different. I like this

man. Where has he been hiding?”

“Mmmm…I’ll make up for lost

time. Now suck me or face my wrath.”

Caelen sucked in his breath and

slid his hands up from Tony’s calves to
his knees as he leaned his head in and
mouthed Tony’s erection through the
dense material of his jeans. Grazing one
hand up, he stroked his cock, going up
and down in a lazy fashion.

“Don’t tease me, suck me.”
Caelen chuckled and unfastened

Tony’s pants, tugging the zipper down
slowly. “You sure you can handle me?”

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“Want to try for being fucked in the

ass out in the middle of the street?”

Caelen tugged apart the edges of his

jeans and pulled out his cock.
“Commando tonight. You know how I
love it.” Taking a single finger, he slid it
up and down the length of his shaft as
Tony tipped his head back and rested it
on the brick wall.

Entwining his fingers in his long

locks, Tony held him, forcing his head

Caelen pushed Tony’s jeans down

past his chiseled hips and let out a low,
husky groan. “So fucking hot.” Darting
his tongue out, Caelen licked the
sensitive slit as he grazed his other hand
down to cup Tony’s balls, squeezing

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with just enough pressure that a single
moan escaped his lips.

“Shit!” Tony swallowed hard and

glanced across the parking lot through
hazy eyes. Thank God the club was in
the middle of nowhere as far as the city
was concerned. Tony’s ass would be
fired if he was found being sucked by a
hottie in a dark alley. And yet, as Caelen
slid his mouth over Tony’s cockhead, he
wasn’t sure he gave a damn whether they
were discovered in their shameless act
of indiscretion or not.

Caelen rolled Tony’s swollen sacs

in his hand as he took him down an inch
at a time, his tongue tracing circle after
circle around Tony’s throbbing shaft.

Tony moaned and licked his dry

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lips, every nerve in his body on edge.
He felt the first drops of his pre-cum
pulse from his slit and it fueled the fire
that raged within. Jerking Caelen’s head
farther into his body, Tony began fucking
his mouth with wild abandon, refusing
him the chance to breathe.





pressing his fingers into his crack as he
allowed the man to fuck him in a crazed




floated into the night air as he pressed
the tips of his fingers inside Tony’s ass,
pulsing inside as he opened his ass
cheeks wide.

The breathtaking sensations washed

over Tony’s body as a series of tingling
electric jolts and for a moment he

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couldn’t focus on anything at all. He
drove his cock into Caelen’s mouth as
the man’s fingers pushed past the tight
ring of muscle. The dichotomy of the
pinch mixed with pleasure was almost




can’t…” Tony’s ragged cries echoed
through the alley, euphoria ripping
through his body. He drove into
Caelen’s mouth harder and faster until
Tony couldn’t take it any longer.

Caelen chose that exact moment to

thrust his fingers all the way inside
Tony’s ass, pumping in and out as Tony
jerked Caelen’s head.

“I’m cuming…I’m…” Unable to

speak, Tony threw his head back and
roared as he erupted into Caelen’s

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mouth, sending white-hot stings of cum
down his partner’s throat. “Yes…shit…

Caelen grunted and took Tony’s

honey, gulping as his fingers plunged
into Tony’s ass.

Panting, Tony continued his dance

of ecstasy as he gazed down at his lover,
relishing the way the excess cum trickled
down his chin. His entire body shaking,
Tony stood still, allowing his heart rate
to return to normal as he shook his head
and laughed. “You’re so…fucking good
at that…shit!” Letting Caelen go, Tony
pushed his cock back into his pants. His
fingers trembling, he was barely able to
button and zip. Stealing a series of quick
glances toward the parking lot, Tony

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was alive with excitement.


dangerous treat was much better than
he’d remembered.

Caelen rose to his feet, his legs

shaky and wiped his mouth with the back
of his hand. “Good?”

“For now,” Tony grunted, giving

Caelen a wolfish look. “There’ll be






appreciation and brushed his hands
through his hair. “That’s what they all

“You'll obey me tonight,” Tony


Caelen inched forward and pressed

his tongue inside Tony’s mouth before
taking a step back and grinning. He

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lolled his head back as he clawed
Tony’s forearms. “Maybe.”

“Maybe?” Tony gripped Caelen’s

shaft and rubbed his hand up and down
frantically, reminding his partner of what
lie ahead.




whimper erupted from Caelen’s lips.

Tony eased away, running his

finger through his damp hair, giving
Caelen a wicked grin. “We’ll see just
how good you are and then maybe you’ll
get more than a surprise tonight.”

“You’re so damn bad. Christ!”
“I’ve wasted far too much time.

There’s only one thing you need to
know.” They walked out of the dark
alley toward the front door.

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“What’s that?” Caelen chuckled as

he pursed his lips, giving Tony a
sideways glance.

“You’ll enjoy tonight and throw all

your inhibitions aside. When we’re
done, we’ll see who’s played the game
better. Winner takes all.”

“Game? You planned a naughty

game for this evening? I like it,
especially given the fact you loathe
games outside our house. Tell me more.”
Caelen gave Tony a hard look as he
pressed his hand down his chest for

Tony shook his head. “Nice try.

The game tonight is domination. We’ll
see if you can take the heat.” As he eyed
the bouncers flanking the door, Tony

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knew this was going to be a night that his
sexy live-in wouldn’t soon forget.
“Dartanion. Party of two.”

The bulky bouncer eyed his chart

and nodded. “Welcome to Sealed With a
Kiss. Enjoy the show. There is only one
rule. What happens here stays here. You
got it?”

Tony fought the grin that threatened

to give him away. “Absolutely.”

Opening the door, the burly man

ushered them inside.

Instantly assaulted by the pulsing

music and flashing neon lights, the
darkened room glowed from the electric
heat and everywhere the sounds of
laughter floated across the large space.

“How’d you hear about this

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place?” Caelen asked.

“I have my sources,” Tony breathed

as he gazed around the perimeter of the
room. While he had never been here
before, he had heard about their
scandalous activities and longed to
partake in their particular flavors of
sensual proclivities. The bar was huge,
the crowd hungry, but it was the stage
that caught his attention. “Shows.”

“As in kinky shows?” Caelen

craned his neck.

“Anything and everything goes

here.” Tony turned his head slowly. He
knew Caelen craved all things highly
kinky and while they’d only indulged in
a bit of public display and outdoor sex,
Caelen needed more. Up to this point

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particularly exotic because of his
position as detective. There was still a
“boys in blue” kind of rule and no one
crossed the imaginary line. It didn’t help
that Tony was considered a red-blooded
Italian Stallion, or so his days of boxing
had garnered him. This club was a
perfect compromise.

The surprise was scandalous.
“Welcome. Have you boys come to

play or simply watch?” The perky
redhead smiled coyly and nodded to
both men.

“Whew…well, let’s see. I don’t

know,” Caelen said. “What are we
doing, Tony? Tasting or tempting?”

“I think I’m gonna like you boys.

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I’m Tina.”

“Well Tina, we’re watching tonight

but we’ll see what the future holds.”
Tony eyed the crowd and was surprised
at the mixture of people. A heady
combination of young and old, he could
tell easily that each had a purpose. Tony
found the place through a guy on the
force that enjoyed the same sexual
appetites. While the majority of the
department had no idea about Tony’s
extracurricular activities, Tony managed
to find one guy that enjoyed the lifestyle
and was happy to suggest this secret
party zone. Sealed With a Kiss was
indeed highly regarded, tough to get into
and one hell of a ride, according to
Hunter Rivers, a detective at the

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precinct. Hunter and his partner Quade
Stevens were regulars and had given
Tony the lay of the land. Seeing the
activity and the eager audience, he was
damn glad they had. All this was brand
new to him. A moment of fear trickled
down Tony’s spine. Biting back his
personal demons, he allowed the
excitement of something new to calm his

“Good enough. Let me tell you a

little bit about the club. Every sexual act
is catered to. We expect you to be clean,
use a condom when you aren’t with your
partner and respect those in the Rooms
of Scandal.”

“Rooms of Scandal?” Caelen asked

as he glanced at the far side of the club.

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Tina purred and slid her finger

down the side of his cheek. “Honey,
everything you can imagine happens in
those hallowed halls. You just have to
be invited. Remember that. However the
shows are free, but keep in mind that
sometimes our members select luscious
creatures from the audience at random to
play with so if you can’t take the heat,
stay out of the kitchen.”





interesting,” Caelen breathed.

Tony shivered as he eyed a group

of men and a single woman entering one
of the rooms located on the left side of
the club. The light over the doorway
pulsed a flashing neon hot pink
indicating the room was occupied.

background image


“You like what you see?” Tina

leaned in, pressing her finger down
Tony’s arm.

“Mmmm... I do. All things kinky

happen inside those hallowed halls?”

“Lover, you have no idea. The

rooms are booked in advance. If you are
welcomed into the fold tonight, you’ll
have an opportunity to place your names
on the waiting list.” Tina smiled coyly.

“Whew!” Caelen hissed. “This is

serious shit.”

“Indeed gentlemen. Right this way.

The shows are going to start in about
fifteen minutes. You’re just in time to
experience the sexiest side of the club
and what we’re famous for,” Tina

background image

cooed, turning on her flair as she
sashayed toward the heart of the






“I know how much you crave a

good piece of action. I thought this
would be a perfect reminder of what we
used to have.” Tony smiled, thinking
about what was in store. Eyeing the
stage, he was taken aback.


were n e v e r this kinky!”

Caelen chuckled.

“Here we are boys. Center stage,”

Tina purred as she stopped at a table for
two directly in front.

“Perfect,” Tony nodded.
“Your waiter will be right with

background image

you. And I understand that you two are
celebrating something special tonight.”
Brushing her fingers down Caelen’s
chest, she smiled and nodded to Tony.

“We are.” Tony gazed over at

Caelen and pursed his lips. “Very

“Don’t worry, you’re going to have

the sexiest and most sizzling night
you’ve had in a very long time. I
guarantee it.”

Caelen raised his eyebrow as she

walked away and let out a long strangled
breath. “If I was into girls, oh boy.”

“Don’t go there my darling man,”

Tony teased as they sat down.

“What can I expect to see tonight?”
“Anything and everything.”

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“Oooohhhh…now that sounds like

fun.” Caelen grinned. “I think I like this

“Somehow I thought you would.”

Tony fought chuckling. While their
relationship wasn’t lacking in heat in the
privacy of their bedroom, this naughty
event was going to be the delicious icing
on a very wicked cake. Forget their
sinful games at home. This was much

“Well, the hired help seems good

enough to eat.”

“What can I get you boys?” the

waiter cooed as he sauntered to their

Tony sucked in his breath as he

blazed a long trail down the length of the

background image

American Indian’s stunning body. “My,
oh my.” The tall chocolate stick of a man
was graced with a perfectly toned upper
body, carved from intense workouts, a
long torso that dipped into a slender
waist and runner’s legs, thighs bulging
through his thin linen pants. Licking his
lips, the stranger eyed Caelen’s amused
look and egged it on. Sliding a finger
across the seam of his mouth, he pulsed
the tip just inside, suckling as if it was
the perfect Sunday afternoon treat.

“We seem to have hungry boys here

tonight. You’ve come to the right place.
I’m Drake and I’ll be taking care of

“Well Drake, since this is a very

important night, I’ll allow my gorgeous

background image

companion to order first,” Tony said,
giving Drake a soulful look.

Caelen leaned over and slid his

fingers across the shimmer of Tony’s
cheek. “Careful tonight or face my
wrath.” He kept his gaze locked onto
Tony’s for a languishing moment until
turning his head and smiling at Drake,
undressing him with his eyes. “Two
Chivas Regal’s, neat.”

Tony fought laughing as he enjoyed

seeing Caelen’s playful side forcing its
way to the surface. Lately Caelen had
grown colder with every terse moment
and every argument the two men shared,
each seeming to bubble from nowhere.
Both men were weary from fighting.
Tonight was a new beginning. Wild and

background image

uninhibited behavior wasn’t going to
cure their issues or make up for the last
few months, but it would certainly
remind Caelen what living was for. Or
so Tony hoped. “What do you think you
might do about it?”

As Drake gave Caelen a hungry

look and blew him a kiss before walking
away, Caelen inhaled deeply. “I’d enjoy
a taste of that scintillating toy tonight. Up
for a ménage?”

“Perhaps, if you’re a good boy.”
“Mmmm…“ Inching his chair

closer to Tony’s, Caelen took his hand
and rubbed his thumb back and forth
across Tony’s palm, drawing circle after
circle. “You know exactly what I can do
to that body of yours.”

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Indeed he did. Tony shivered as his

cock pulsed, sending a series of waves
cascading down his spine. Caelen’s
favorite way to take him was lying in
front of the fire drinking wine. He would
force Tony onto his back before lifting
his legs and thrusting his cock inside
Tony’s ass as he stared into his eyes.
Whew. The thought was delicious
indeed. “Mmmmm… You’re so gonna
get it tonight.”

Caelen tipped his head back and

howled. “You’re right. You’re on fire
tonight. You remind me of that
shameless, sexy, wicked man I met in a
tiny little coffee shop one day. I think I
remember him. Hmmm…”

“Well, it was a little steamy in that

background image

joint.” Tony gazed at the crowd as they
moved into the arena area.

“Steamy? If I remember correctly

the little girl behind the counter asked us
to leave. I think she said our behavior
bordered on scandalous?”

Tony laughed. That was exactly

what the voluptuous blond had said. He
remembered that day fondly. Yet it had
taken months before Tony agreed to their
first date. Adjusting the growing bulge
between his legs, Tony grinned. “I
remember. You attempted to fuck me in
the bathroom.”

“And you refused.” Caelen blew

him a kiss and scanned the darkened
room. “Fascinating group of people that
come here.”

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“They’ll all interested in the same

things we are, copious amounts of mind
altering sex.”

Caelen laughed. “Lord boy, forget

being on fire tonight. You’re ready to
consume something wicked.”

“You have no idea.”
“Here you are boys. The first one’s






newcomers,” Drake cooed as he set the
glasses down. “Show’s about ready to
start. I hope neither of you mind
delicious naked bodies.”

Caelen grabbed his glass, lifting the

dense crystal to his lips and licking the
rim in slow motion.

“Ooohhhh…you’re a naughty, sinful

boy. We have ways of dealing with that

background image

here. Careful, you never know what
might happen,” Drake chuckled as he
moved away, giving a longing look over
his shoulder.

Caelen let his breath out slowly and

turned his hungry gaze to Tony. “You’re
going to be fucked hard and deep

Tony chuckled and swirled the

spicy scotch as a single man entered the
staging area and the lights dimmed.
Grabbing Caelen’s hand, Tony yanked
him across the table and captured his
mouth, pressing his tongue into Caelen,
exploring the dark recess. Feeling
completely uninhibited, every nerve in
his body was on fire. Tony loved the
passionate kisses they shared, so hot and

background image

wet and sultry he could almost orgasm
from the moment alone. He slid his hand
under the table, brushing his fingers
along the inside of Caelen’s thigh until
he reached his crotch.

Caelen opened his legs wide,

sliding forward on the chair, allowing
complete access as he moaned softly and
closed his eyes.

Tony cupped Caelen’s cock and

stroked in fevered motions, longing to
suck Caelen off in the middle of the bar.
Nipping his bottom lip, he pulled the
tender flesh between his teeth and bit
down as he squeezed Caelen’s balls
until the man uttered a single sound of

Caelen palmed his chest and broke

background image

the heated moment, panting as a series of
moans escaped his lips. “Fuck! Shit

Tony grinned and eased back into

his chair, grabbing his glass and taking a
long sip.

A pulsing iridescent shimmer of

blue light flashed across the stage in a
sweeping pattern as the music became an
erotic beat of Spanish guitar and piano.
The sultry strains vibrated through the
room exciting the crowd until they
catcalled and whistled, famished for the
show to start.

“Are you ready to experience your

greatest fantasies fulfilled on this very
stage?” The deep baritone voice echoed
against the walls.

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Inching forward, Caelen sighed as

he sipped his drink.

Tony laid his hand on Caelen’s leg,

stroking aimlessly as he grinned, barely
able to contain himself. Unable to see in
the dimly lit space, Tony guessed there
wasn’t a single person in the large
establishment that wasn’t sitting on the
edge of their seat.

The darkened bar roared to life as

the lights came up in the entire room,
sending electric jolts of neon sparkling
back and forth.

“Shit! This is incredible,” Caelen

said, tapping his foot.

“What are you looking for tonight?

Perhaps a tasty bite of bondage? The
deep slice of a flogger?” the announcer

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cooed, his husky voice reverberating
throughout the room.

“Dear God, I’m so fucking turned

on right now…whew.” Caelen gulped
his drink and inched forward.

“For our first lovely show tonight,





you… her


The lights went out completely,

quieting the entire room. The music
continued its eerie strains, the guitar





intensifying the anticipation. Emotions
ran high as a single red light shined
across the stage, illuminating a sexy
blond wearing a mere slip of lace sitting
on the edge of a bed, tied and gagged. As
the lights lifted, she struggled with her

background image

tight bindings, moaning.

“What the…is that real?” Caelen

whispered, gulping his drink.

Tony reclined against him. “It’s

fantasy. Just watch.”

Caelen nodded and finished his

drink, setting the glass down with a thud.

Just then two masked men entered

the stage and sauntered to the girl, each
swinging an instrument of discipline.

“Shit man, those are two hot

hunks,” Caelen sighed.

Tony eyed the men wearing nothing

more than tight leather pants that
showcased the thick bulges between
their legs and felt his own dick grow
hard. Damn, he was horny. He eyed
Drake and lifted his glass. This was a

background image

night for over indulgence of every

“Tonight enjoy Taylor and Tyler as

they take the lovely Miss Cassidy into a
heightened stage of rapture. Taylor?”

The first man stepped forward,

nodding to the crowd. Tipping his head
back, he roared as he lifted the whip,
swinging it around the room.

The crowd screamed as several

customers jumped to their feet.

Taylor slammed the end of the

leather strand down onto the stage.

“Shit!” Caelen yelled.
“Wouldn’t you enjoy a taste of the

whip?” Tony asked, running his finger
down the length of Caelen’s forearm.

“I…don’t know.”

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“Tyler?” the announcer asked.
Tyler howled as he showed the

audience the red and black cattails,
groaning savagely as he tossed the
weapon of discipline back and forth
between each hand. Tossing his long
hair up and down in a dramatic
sweeping motion, he growled and eyed
every single person in the front row
giving each a lascivious grin.

“I think our boy may be looking for

a volunteer,” the announcer’s voice was
laced with danger.

“Fuck no,” Caelen hissed.
“I think that sounds like a

wonderful idea,” Tony whispered.

The hulk of a man paced back and

forth as the audience cheered.

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“Pick me!”
“Beat me!”
“Whew, he’s nuts!” Caelen said


Grunting, Tyler heard the loud yell

and turned, stalking toward their table.
Catching Caelen’s famished gaze, Tyler
grinned, sucked his lips for effect and
moved forward, tipping his head as he
bent to his knees.

“Fuck…me,” Caelen breathed.
“Seems like he’s found a willing

participant,” the announcer rumbled.

“Spank him! Spank him! Spank


Tony glanced around at the

audience, taken aback. These people
were serious. Whew!

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Tyler toyed with Caelen, slicing the

flogger down the length of his chest,
tickling his groin as he licked his lips.

“I think he wants you,” Tony

whispered in his ear, his breath catching.

Caelen shivered.
“Stand,” Tyler demanded.
“What?” Caelen blinked furiously.
“Yes! Do it!” the crowd roared.
“Stand. Now!”




glanced at Tony.

“I’d follow his instructions if I

were you,” Tony hissed, eyeing the
stunning mocha skinned man.

The crowd seemed to be holding

their breath and the instant Caelen stood,
they erupted, chanting over and over.

background image

Go! Go! Go!”
Tyler jumped off the platform and

stood over Caelen, gazing down from his
face to his chest and finally settling on
his crotch. Grazing the flogger to his
balls, he pulsed the instrument of pain
across Caelen’s growing bulge and
breathed in his scent.

Every move highly exaggerated,

Tyler growled like a caged animal and
smiled, his eyes narrowing into mere
slits. “Bend over the table.”

“What? What did he just say?”

Caelen stood shivering, backing away

As Drake set the fresh drinks down,

he nodded to Tyler. “Tyler has the hots
for him I see. Careful, he likes to play

background image

with the new toys.”

Tony nodded. “I see that.”
“Bend over the table or I’ll strip

you naked,” Tyler hissed, allowing his
hot breath to shower over Caelen.

Tony grabbed the drink and

grinned. “Seriously, I suggest you follow
his orders completely.” Seeing Caelen
visibly shaken, he second-guessed his
decision…for about thirty seconds.
Nothing on this glorious night would hurt
his lover and yet, Tony wanted him to
succumb in every way. There was no
doubt in his mind he wanted to own
Caelen, his hot body and his very soul.
The thought startling, Tony savored the





shimmering across Caelen’s face. “Do

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it!” He pushed the drinks to the side
allowing a smooth space directly in the
middle of the table.

The forceful words startled Caelen.

Turning slowly he lowered over the
wooden surface, his body trembling.

Tyler kicked his feet apart and

wielded the flogger, twirling it into the

Do it! Do it! Do it!”
Tony kept his eyes locked onto

Caelen’s as Tyler raised the whip.
“Have fun, lover. Just what you always

Crack! Slap!
Tyler thrust the whip down across

his ass in rapid succession, grunting
savagely as he peppered Tony’s mate

background image

with blows.

Caelen grabbed the edge of the

table and sucked in his breath as he
closed his eyes.






determination riding Caelen’s face. He
was completely prepared to take his
punishment for an unknown wicked
deed. Tony sipped his drink and
watched the tasty appetizer as the
customers jeered. How many fantasies
had they shared? Somehow he knew
Caelen didn’t think he’d remember.



audience cheered with each hard slap.

Tyler gave Caelen another hard

series of licks before easing back and
turning to face the crowd. “Anyone else

background image

need a lesson in submission?”

“Ah fuck…ah fuck…” Caelen

panted and lowered his head to the table.

“You’re fun to play with. I’ll

remember that.” Tyler gave him one last
hard smack before jumping back onto the

“Ooooohhhhh….” Caelen’s fisted

his hands, his breathing ragged. “What
the hell was that?”

“Just the beginning.” Tony rose

from his chair and wrapped his arm
around Caelen’s waist as the crowd
clapped wildly for the pre-cursor to the

The whistles and howls permeated

the humid air as the lights flashed in

background image

shimmers around the stage before finally
settling on the girl that gazed like a
damaged fawn into the crowd.

“Okay, I’m shocked as shit tonight.”

Caelen shook his head and brushed his
shaking hands through his hair.




Caelen down onto his lap and licked the
side of his neck in long slow drags as
the lights dimmed. Tasting the heady
combination of sweat and exotic
cologne, the delicious sensations sent a
series of raging pulses into Tony’s cock.
Grinding his ass back and forth across
his throbbing erection, Tony was telling
his lover in no uncertain terms what
would happen. “Now, the rest of the
show begins.

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background image

Chapter Two

Caelen shivered as the wicked

combination of Tony’s hard cock and the
slice of pain from his public whipping
sent a forceful pang straight into his
dick. Licking his lips he tried to
concentrate on the sinful actions brewing
on the stage, but the moment Tony
pressed his hand across his lap, Caelen
almost lost it. As the swirling activity of
the entertainers got the crowd pumping,
he allowed the delicious sensations to
sizzle through his body. Goddamn! Tony
was a wild man tonight and while he had
no idea what threw all his concerns out
the freaking window all of a sudden,
Caelen was damn glad. This was more

background image

than a scandalous and particularly
sensual offering. They hadn’t done
anything this blatantly wicked since…
well since the beginning.

“Here’s another drink for you

boys,” Drake set down two tumblers and
grinned, wagging his ass back and forth.
“These are on Tyler.”

Caelen smiled at the sexy waiter as

a series of shivers trickled down his
spine. He had heard of these kinds of
clubs but never in his wildest dreams
would he have expected setting foot in
one of them. “Thanks.”

“Just watch him, the man’s a brute.”

Drake laughed as he strolled into the

“How do you like the club?” Tony

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asked, aimlessly stroking Caelen’s cock.

“You knew I’d like it. Reminds me

of some of our first dates,” he breathed,
grabbing his drink, grateful Tony
convinced him that he actually wanted to
break the mold and cruise in public
together. When Tony suggested they go
out, Caelen was shocked and for two
days he said no fucking way. After all,
how many times had he gotten the damn
lecture about being a cop? Sighing, he
eyed Tony, who seemed again be the
man he’d fallen in love with and then
thanked God above that he hadn’t
followed his instincts earlier. Turning
his full attention to the stage, Caelen
leaned against Tony and opened his legs.

“Cassidy! It’s time to be punished

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for all your wicked little deeds,” Taylor
cracked the whip across the stage near
the bed where the frail girl hovered.

She jumped, a series of exaggerated

whimpers flowing from her mouth.

“She’s very naughty indeed,” Tyler

hissed, jerking her onto her feet. Pitching
the flogger down onto the bed, he lifted
her head and crushed her mouth with his
as he took the back of her flimsy nightie
in his hands. With a single move, he
ripped the material from her body,
exposing her naked flesh.

The audience gasped and inched

closer to the shameless action.

“Shit! Forget about just being

serious, these people are truly out there.
Wild and wooly.” Caelen gulped his

background image


“That’s why it’s a very hush, hush

club. If the police knew what went on
during the shows, this place would be
shut down,” Tony whispered, nipping
the bottom of Caelen’s earlobe before
licking a zigzag line down the back of
his neck. “From what I know, they’re
already on the hit list which is what
makes coming here that much more





breathed out, the electric jolts of brazen
hunger racing through his mind. “But
you’re the cops and if your fellow
buddies in blue knew you were here...”
He couldn’t finish the sentence. Tony
refused to talk about his difficulties. The

background image

man held his emotions and his fears
buried inside. After a few months,
Caelen finally stopped asking.





Tonight I’m just another hungry man
longing to please my sassy little boy toy.
The one I’ve kept waiting far too long.”
Lifting his groin, he pressed his cock
against Caelen’s ass as he wrapped a
hand around his thigh and pulled him
into throbbing shaft. “Would you like me
to take you right here?”

“Ha!” The thought was both

titillating and terrifying and yet as the
excitement surged through him, Caelen
tilted his body and captured Tony’s
mouth, pressing his tongue past his lips,
tasting the sweet essence of the Chivas,

background image

the warm slice of peppermint and the
musky scent that was all male. God, he
hungered for the man.

Tony moaned into the kiss and

stroked Caelen’s cock, going up and
down in a frantic moment of passion, not
concerned with who would see, who
would force them to stop. Inching his
fingers to his button, Tony unfastened it
slowly and tugged the zipper down.

Shit! Caelen froze. Tony had never

been this uninhibited in front of anyone
and especially not in a public location.
The dizzy feeling of doing something so
completely outrageous sent a series of
electric shimmers in vibrant colors of
chartreuse and tangerine floating across
Caelen’s field of vision. Temporarily

background image

blinded, he gulped and managed to push
his drink onto the table before dropping
it like a rock. His breath stolen, he
melted into his lover as Tony slipped his
hand inside his tight pants, stroking his

Tony gripped his shaft, sliding it

free from the dark confines and broke the
kiss. “You feel damn good.”

Panting, Caelen blinked furiously

and lolled his head back as he darted his
eyes around the periphery of the room. In
the shadowed light, there was no one
paying any attention to their nefarious
little act. Longing to rip down his pants
and have Tony fuck him, instead, Caelen
eyed the stage, forcing himself to
concentrate on the show.

background image

“Come here girl,” Taylor swung the

whip around, teasing the crowd.




whimpering as tears rolled down her
cheeks. “Please, I was a good girl!”

Crack! Snap!
Tyler slapped her ass in rapid

succession with the cattails, hissing as
he turned around her in circle after
circle, stalking his prey. “You’re one
very bad girl and you’ll succumb to us.”
Giving the audience a long, hard look,
Tyler encouraged their participation.
“Should she be punished?”

“Spank her!”
“She’s very wicked!”
“Oh yeah, teach her what being

bad means!”

background image

“Rough crowd,” Caelen groaned,

feeling the sting on his ass. The
tantalizing moment had shocked the hell
out of him, but he had to admit, it sizzled
his senses. He hadn’t felt this level of
euphoria in too damn long.




insubordinate. You know what you do
with naughty children, don’t you?” Tony
purred as he tugged Caelen’s cock up
and down, his grip tightening.

“You keep doing that and I won’t

be able to…shit!” Never had a hand job
felt this damn good.

Tyler dragged Cassidy to the “x”

cross and snapped the cuffs in place on
each wrist. Giving the crowd a savage
look, he eased back, allowing the

background image

audience to see her naked form as the
lights shifted, showering the apparatus
with a warm dancing cerulean blue in
time to the almost savage music.

The audience jeered, whistling as

he bent and clasped her ankles in the
manacles. Sliding his hand up from her
ankle to the inside of her thigh, he stood
as he brushed his hand between her legs,
rubbing her pussy back and forth with
his fingers.

Moaning, she struggled with her

bindings. “Oh please!”

“She’s one hot little girl but she

understands that she must be disciplined.
Tell me the truth, don’t you want to be
the one on that cross, ready to take her





background image

experience being lashed as you confess
all your sins?” Tony whispered,
squeezing Caelen’s balls.

Caelen shivered, the mixture of

pain and intense pleasure forcing a
strangled groan from his lips. “Fuck…
yes!” Clenching his eyes closed, he
simply savored the moment of ecstasy,
his balls filling with seed. Clawing
Tony’s thigh, he fought screaming out
into the crowd. The sudden crack of the
whip dragged his attention back to the
stage. As the flogger was wielded
across her ass, it was as if he could feel
every slice of pain, experience every
moment of the incredible act. Barely
able to breathe, he shifted back and forth
across Tony’s erection, trying with

background image

everything he had to control his actions,
his hungry desires.

“That’s it, you know what you

want. Do you want my cock inside that
tight little ass of yours?” Tony nipped
his neck, biting down until Caelen
arched his back.

“Do you want me to fuck you right

here in front of all these people,
allowing them to see just how bad you
really are?”

“If I do, will you obey me, not only

on this night but forever?” Tony’s husky
voice pulsed against the side of Caelen’s

His deep timbre resonated into

background image

Caelen’s ear, forcing his leg to quiver
involuntarily. Opening and closing his
mouth, Caelen knew it was all he’d
hungered for since the beginning of their
relationship. “God… yes.”

“What?” Tony squeezed his balls


“Yyyyyeeeesss!” Blinking in rapid

succession, he attempted to focus and
watched in sheer fascination as Taylor
dropped to his knees and jerked
Cassidy’s ass back away from the ebony
steel, grunting like a caged animal as
Tyler paced the stage.

“Fuck her!” The scream came from

the back of the room.

“Take her hard!” A woman


background image

Every nerve ending on fire, Caelen

fought the raging storm that was building
as Tony masturbated him, going up and
down his throbbing shaft in rapid
succession. “Fuck…oh fuck…”

“Watch them!” Tony commanded as

he continued stroking, licking the back of
Caelen’s neck.

Caelen swallowed hard and tried to

concentrate. Watching Taylor part her
ass cheeks and dart his fingertip down
the length of her crack as she struggled
and wailed, Tyler slid his hands
between the apparatus. Watching the
man fondle her breasts was too much.





whispered, picking up his pace.

background image

Taylor pushed his fingers into her

pussy, driving into the woman with
enough force she thudded against the

Caelen thrashed his head back and

forth as he gripped Tony’s legs tightly.
“Yes.” His heart thumping into his chest,
watching Taylor lick her exposed slick
cunt, her forbidden hole was too much.

“Fuck her! Fuck her! Fuck her!”
“Have you been a good enough

boy?” Tony growled savagely, his hand
going up and down on Caelen’s cock.

Caelen whimpered as the orgasm

raced through him, sending a series of
white noise pounding into his years.

“Oh…ohohoh!” Cassidy moaned

and thrust her hips back, meeting every

background image

lick, every hard pulsing drive.

“Yes…please let me cum!” Caelen

begged, not caring who heard. He was
more than ready to acquiesce to his
lover; ready to give up his very soul to
the man he loved. “Please.”

Tony slid his hand up and down his

shaft, gripping it tightly as he cupped
Caelen’s balls, holding them with
enough pressure that Caelen tipped his
head back and yelped. “That’s it. Tell
me what you want.”

“Please…let me cum!” Cassidy


Crack! Snap!
“No!” Taylor hissed and slapped

her ass with his bare hand several times.

The audience screamed and rose to

background image

their feet.

“Oh shit!” Caelen moaned and

wrenched his eyes closed. There was no
way he could hold back the wave that
crashed against him. “Let me cum!”

Tony purred and continued his

manic pace. “What?”

“Please! Please, I’ll be good!”

Cassidy wailed.

“Then you will obey us now and

forever!” Tyler roared.

From the dark recesses of his mind,

Caelen knew she was being unhooked
from her imprisonment and while he
longed to see the two men fuck her like
the barbarians they were, he fell into the
sheer bliss of ecstasy. “Please let me
cum! I’ll do anything!”

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Tony inhaled deeply and blew a hot

puff of air across Caelen before jerking
him sideways. “Look at me!”

Caelen opened his eyes and gazed

at Tony, noticing the man’s savage look
was no longer human but that of a beast
ready to ravage his prey. Shaking, every
part of Caelen’s body was on fire as he
struggled not to cum. Panting, he nodded.

“Fuck her hard!” The audience

screamed in rapid succession, every man
and woman hungry for more.

Tony grinned and narrowed his

eyes. “Cum.” Capturing Caelen’s mouth,
he forced his tongue into the back of his

background image

throat just as Caelen screamed.

The wave shattered through his

body sending a white-hot series of
electrifying jolts pulsing through him,
unraveling him. Unable to see, Caelen
shook violently as the climax roared
from his swollen balls and raced up his
shaft. The moment he exploded, he
gripped Tony’s arms tightly and the
sounds of Cassidy screaming in the back
ground only fueled the fire that
consumed him. Nothing had ever felt this
good in his entire life. Opening and
closing his eyes, Tony held him as he

Tony broke the kiss and growled

low and slow as he continued pumping
Caelen’s cock. “Seems you’ve created a

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“Me? I…hardly…think so,” Caelen

whispered, barely able to control his
breathing. Shaking his head, he willed
the dazzling cobwebs out of his mind.

Tony laughed. “I think you had

more fun than our snazzy little blond up

Struggling to turn his head, it was

the loud thudding noise that drew his
attention. Jerking his head to the right, he
tried to focus on what was happening.
He turned to eye the stage. Taylor was
fucking her from behind, the sound of his
balls slapping against her ass filtered
above the exotic music. The audience
was completely crazed, crowding the

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stage, everyone in various stages of

Tony turned his head in the

direction of the noise. “Interesting.”

“Uh huh.”
“What the hell was that?” Tony

gripped his arms and forced Caelen to a
standing position.

“I don’t know.” Caelen fumbled to

press his spent cock back into his pants.
He could see the customers nearest to
the door jumping to their feet. “What’s
going on?” Hearing a muffled cry, he
looked at Tony who was scrutinizing the

“Stay here. Let me find out what’s

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going on.”





building as Tony filtered through the
crowd. He brushed his hand through his
hair and grabbed his watered down
drink. Turning his lust filled gaze to the
stage, the sight of the woman’s tiny
scarlet mouth sucking Tyler like a
seasoned pro was tasty indeed. He
inched closer to the stage and could see
every sinful move as Taylor yanked out
his cock, lifted her hips up and impaled
her ass in one hard drive, forcing a
series of jagged screams erupting from
her lips. “Damn! That’s hot!” He raised
his eyebrow and squinted as Taylor
plunged in and out of her cunt in a
savage manner, thrusting his head back

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and roaring.

The audience cheered.
“I don’t like that sound,” someone

hissed as Caelen scanned the room. He
had a terrible feeling about this.

What?” The outraged voice from

the back of the room filtered above the
screaming crowd.

“No!” another angry hiss blanketed

the room.

Caelen turned and eyed the crowd

and suddenly the entire back of the room
rushed toward the door. He could hear
the sound of glass breaking. Instantly on
edge, he moved closer to the melee.

A series of angry screams and

shouts erupted and then the entire crowd

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reacted, racing toward the door.

“No!” The deep baritone yelled.

“No one is leaving the club until you’re

Caelen shrunk into the shadows.

He’d been around Tony long enough to
smell a raid. “Oh…fuck…me.”

Several minutes passed by as the

entertainers stopped their wicked act,
attempting to figure out what was going
on. Tyler moved to the edge of the stage,
hands on his hips as he groused to the
stagehand who stumbled onto the stage,
clothes in hand.

Just then he caught Tony’s haunted

gaze as he sauntered through the crowd,
his eyes darting back and forth. Locking
onto Caelen, he shook his head as he

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neared. “Uh oh. This isn’t good.”
Gulping the rest of his drink, he slammed
it down on the closet table and moved
forward. “What’s going on?”

“The police are here. I think we’ll

be okay, but they’re not going to allow
anyone to leave until they check us all

“What? Are you freaking kidding

me?” Caelen knew damn good and well
what this meant. It could mean the end of
Tony’s career.

Tony brushed his hand down

Caelen’s arm and smiled yet the look
was filled with terror. “It’s going to be
okay.” He scanned the crowd and
swallowed hard.

“I’m so sorry.”

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“Why? I brought you here. It’s

going to be fine. Just stay here.”

“Where the hell are you going?”

Caelen could see the police milling
through the customers. Terror flashed
though his body.

“Caelen, I want to try and head this

off. I’m going to talk to them and see if I
can stop this bullshit. You know what’s
at stake here. I shouldn’t be long,” Tony
grimaced. “I hope to God I’m not long.”

Caelen sighed. “Okay. Do what you

got to do. I understand.” Bloody hell he
understood. This was about as terrible
as it could possibly get. And if Tony
was caught in the middle of this, there
was no way he’d be forgiven.

Tony patted his arm. “I’ll be back

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and then we’ll get the hell out of here
and go have some real shameless fun.”

“That would be great.” As he

watched Tony head into the dense crowd
of terrified people, Caelen had a
wretched feeling about what was about
to happen. “Fuck.” He turned his stare to
the stage. Cassidy was frowning as a
stagehand tossed her a robe. Her look
was filled with rage as if she’d seen this
before. Shaking his head, Caelen walked
back to their table and grabbed Tony’s
left over drink. This was some damn
special night. No wonder Tony refused
to go out and indulge in kinky fantasies.
He sat down in the seat with a hard thud
and crouched to the edge. Damn it! This
was the perfect beginning to something

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fresh, something exciting for both of
them and to have it ruined by the cops
was outrageous. This was a simple…sex
club that…catered to…all things wicked
and... Caelen chuckled. Now wasn’t that
a statement? Yet he couldn’t help but
think about the fact that he had to end the
relationship with Tony. He’d lain awake
so many nights thinking about what went
wrong between them, wondering if they
could salvage what they had.

Groaning, he brushed his hands

through his hair and fought the interesting
myriad of feelings that filled him. In a
way the night had been cathartic.
Perhaps it was a fitting ending. He and
Tony were convenient friends and only
sometimes lovers and there were

background image

moments they hardly knew what to say to
each other. Lifting his head, he stared
blankly into the crowd. He loved Tony.
There was no doubt in his mind about
that. But he couldn’t take being a dirty
secret any longer. It wasn’t fair to either
man. Tony had his career and it meant
everything to him. Caelen understood
more than most men would, but that
didn’t make his decision any easier.

He was going to end it tomorrow.

He had to. Caelen wanted someone that
wanted him for all his good and bad
points. He had to be with a man that truly
wanted to be with him and no matter
what Tony said, what he did spoke
louder. The night was a wonderful
ending to something that’d been an

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incredibly special moment in time.

The lights rose so that he could see

the concerned faces of the customers; all
wondering what in the hell was going

Stealing a glance across the crowd,

Tyler clamored off the stage and headed
straight for him, his look nothing short of

Caelen stood as he gazed down the

length of the dazzling man, sucking in his
breath as he got a better look in the light.
Holy fuck! They really make sexy hunks
that big? Whew.
Standing at well over
six and a half feet, the man was a God
like creature with waist length sun-
kissed hair and muscles that rivaled
every Stallone movie Caelen had ever

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“Well, well, my little boy toy tease.

You were very good.” Tyler grinned, his
eyes blazing a slow trail down Caelen’s
body and back, settling on Caelen’s
crotch as he brushed a single finger back
across the seam of his mouth.

Caelen inhaled Cassidy’s scent

which covered the man’s body. An
intoxicating mixture of gardenias and
vanilla, the fragrance was a delicious
aphrodisiac. While women could be
tasty treats, men were far more delicious
to feast on. “Yeah, thanks. I don’t like
this shit though.” He motioned to the

Tyler nodded as he placed his

hands on his lips and inched closer.

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“Don’t worry. We’ve been through this

“You mean the club?”
“Yeah, since we do just about

every kinky act that the audience asks
for, we’re a huge target. But everything
is well hidden, so I wouldn’t worry too
much. Besides, the night’s not over yet.”

Caelen couldn’t help but notice his

lascivious look. Why did he get the
feeling the guy could turn him over the
table and fuck him hard while the rest of
the audience looked on? “Good. I don’t
think we need any trouble.” Catching a
glimpse of Tony, he could tell things
weren’t going well. He’d never seen the
man so damn angry.

“That your man?” Tyler asked as he

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pulsed a single finger down the side of
Caelen’s cheek.

He shivered, feeling a brand new

and very wicked series of shivers
trickling down the length of his cock.
Swallowing hard, he tipped his head and
stared in the most perfect pair of sky
blue eyes he’d ever seen. “Uh…yeah.”
Caelen stole a glance down at the man’s
bulging cock and resisted reaching out
and stroking the massive muscle. Dear
God, even through the leather he could
make out the outline of his near perfect
and very delicious looking shaft.

“Shame. I could use a boy toy like

you. Mmmm…I can just imagine tasting
you every morning, spanking you when
you’re a wicked little creature and

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fucking you hard every night.” Backing
Caelen against the table, he stuck his
tongue out, sucking in his breath. He
turned his head slowly and eyed the
group near the entrance.

There was something dark and

dangerous about the man and for some
ungodly reason it thrilled the hell out of
Caelen. What the hell was he thinking?
He hadn’t been unfaithful to Tony no
matter the stress their relationship had
been under. In fact, he’d refused to even
consider anyone else. He flashed to their
aggressive arguments and shuddered.
They certainly knew how to push each
other’s buttons. “Well, I admit you’re
incredible but I’m not sure Tony would
approve.” Did those words just come

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out of his mouth?

“Approve, eh?” Tyler closed the

distance between them and palmed
Caelen’s chest, toying with his nipples
through his thin shirt. “That means he
owns you? Granted, a fucking sexy
looking master, but does he or can I

“No…uh…no!” Caelen sucked his

breath. The entire evening was driving
their relationship to Tony being the one
in control, a little game that had been
going on since the beginning. Caelen
always thought he was the dominator in
the relationship, but Tony refused to be
the bottom. So the question was still on
the table. Who would take the top? Did
it even matter any longer? Could he taste

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something? No! This wasn’t like him at

“Good then. Means I can have a

naughty little taste of you. Remember,
anything goes here.” Tyler grazed his
hand down and cupped Caelen’s cock,
stroking him roughly.

“Ooohhh…um…hold on,” Caelen

breathed, yet every sensation that rushed
through his body was nothing short of
electrifying. His legs shaking, he
grabbed Tyler’s hand but instead of
forcing it away, he gripped his fingers as
the man fondled him, relishing in the

Leaning forward, Tyler licked the

side of his face as his other hand

background image

fumbled to unzip Caelen’s pants. His
whisper laced with a husky tone, Tyler
breathed a long swath across his face, as
his words pulsed into Caelen’s ear. “I
saw you tonight as your lover stroked
you, squeezed you and brought you to a
delicious climax. Wish I could have
been there to lick up your cream.”

Accomplishing his deed, Tyler

pressed his hand inside, his fingers
gripping Caelen’s cock. “You think it
went unnoticed? You think both Taylor
and I don’t want a taste of this?”
Yanking his dick from his pants, he
wrapped his hand around Caelen’s
growing erection and slid his hand up
and down, brushing his fingers over the

background image

sensitive slit.

“Oh…you…couldn’t have.” He

closed his eyes as he clawed Tyler’s
sculpted chest, the scent of the man
driving him nearly crazy.

“But I did,” he cooed and dipped

his head, capturing his mouth and forcing
his tongue hard against his throat.

Caelen froze, the desire raging

through him yet as he shook, he knew
instantly he didn’t want this, not without
Tony. “Mmm…”Pushing hard against the
rock solid man, he wasn’t sure what the
hell to do.

Tyler maneuvered Caelen around

the table, inching him toward the back of
the stage area.

He groaned and pushed again,

background image

breaking the kiss. “Sorry guy, the full
court press is truly exciting, but right
now with what’s going on in here and
the fact that I’m…” Caelen froze as the
fleeting visions of his life with Tony
fluttered like a slow rolling color movie
in the back of his mind. “I’m seriously

“Oh come on now. A little morsel

perhaps? It’s on the house. We have a
very scintillating way of taking care of
our special customers.” Tyler pushed
him further, stroking his dick.

“No…really.” Wow, he’d certainly

had his moments of being accosted while
on modeling gigs, but this was more than
outrageous. Struggling to see around the




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You’re one damn hot man and if I were
single…” What the hell was taking so
long with the police? A single bead of
sweat trickled down the side of his
cheek. As the push became a shove and
he hit the back of the wall with a hard
thud, Caelen grunted and managed to
elbow Tyler to arm’s length. Laughing
nervously, he had no idea what the hell
to say.

Tyler growled and stole a glance at

into the crowd. “One taste.” Dropping to
his knees, he pulled the tip of Caelen’s
shaft to his mouth, darting a series of
licks around and around in lazy circles
as he grunted like a wild boar.

“Wait…I…” The sensations were

delicious and tantalizing, but as the

background image

realization of what was happening
rushed his system, Caelen nudged hard
and scrambled away. “No. I don’t want
this, okay?”

“Come on now, pretty boy.” Tyler

grabbed him, yanking him back. Taking
his shaft into his mouth, he took Caelen’s
cock all the way down to the base.

“No!” Caelen jerked away.
“I get what I want.”
“Look man, I know this is an sinful

little act, but I’m not on the menu for
tonight, okay? We’ve got cops in here
and you know, I have a guy and…”

“And what? Tell me you don’t want

some of this?” Wiping the back of his
mouth with his hand, Tyler rose to his
full height. “I can make you feel things

background image

you ain’t never felt in your life.”

‘That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

The complete realization that he was
utterly and completely in love with Tony
hit him like a ton of bricks. Grinning, he
eyed the brooding blond and chuckled.
“Back off. I have someone.” Out of the
corner of his eye, he could see two
police officers heading their direction.
Inhaling deeply, for a split second, he
was glad.

Tyler moved toward him, his look

full of anger as he hissed. “I will fuck

A rage enveloping Caelen that he

had never experienced in his life. “No,
you won’t!”

That’s exactly the moment when all

background image

hell broke loose.

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Chapter Three

“What the fuck?”
Caelen heard Tony’s angry voice as

he struggled to get past Tyler. Both men
stunned, he shook his hand, the ache
from the intense struggle slicing into his
entire body. He hadn’t hit a man in a
good ten years and the fact that he
pummeled the guy with wild swings
shocked the crap out of him. “Um…it
was nothing.”

“I don’t think it was nothing, sir.”

The officer stood shaking his head as he
let out a long breath. Giving them both a
chastising look, he glanced at his

“What does that mean?” Caelen

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asked, eyeing the muscular black man.

“Let me take care of this.” Tony

stepped in front of the group.

“Detective, you’re out of your

jurisdiction,” the second officer said,
encouraging Tyler to step back.

Caelen narrowed his eyes. He’d

seen the beefy Puerto Rican once when
he was at Tony’s office. The man took
menacing to an entirely new scale. Built
like a brick shit house, the man should
be on the wrestling circuit instead of
carrying a gun.

“Well, I happen to know one of the

people involved in this ridiculous
melee.” Tony’s gaze shifted to Caelen,
his eyes filled with anger. He turned to
the first officer. “Look, Officer Rivers,

background image

this was just a spar between friends and
nothing more. I can handle this.”

“I don’t think we can do that, sir,”

the Puerto Rican answered.

Tony shook his head and hissed,

gazing down the length of the second





understand you’re just trying to do your
job, but there’s nothing here for you to
deal with. Nothing happened here. Right

Caelen wanted to do nothing more

than to shrink into the shadows. Holy
hell, like this was anything Tony needed.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! “Tony’s right. It was
just a misunderstanding.” Granted,
seeing Tyler’s cracked lip meant he
wasn’t the best position to argue. Had he

background image

really hit the tank of a man?

“Quite the contrary sir,” Officer

Rivers said, eyeing Tyler. “You want to
press charges sir?”

“What the fuck?” Now Caelen was

pissed. “He hit on me. He tried to…” Oh
yeah, go on and say it. He sucked my
cock and I enjoyed it.

“Excuse me?” Officer Stevens

inched closer. “I beg your pardon?”

“He meant that…” Tony started.
“You know, I think I do want to

press charges. I was minding my own
business after the show and this guy
came out of the shadows and attacked
me, “ Tyler said clearly as he paced the

“What?” Caelen hissed. “You’re

background image

out of your mind!”

“What?” Tony growled. “You’ve

got to be fucking kidding me!”

Caelen felt a nightmare coming on.

“Look, I can explain this.” He pressed
his hand against Tony’s chest, pushing
him back.

Several loud shouts erupted from

the back of the room near the door.

“I think we’re going to have to take

you in and ask you questions,” Officer
Rivers stated, grabbing Caelen’s arm.

Caelen jerked it away. “I don’t

have anything to say.” How the hell was
he supposed to tell them the man had
nearly…had nearly taken him into a back
room and fucked him while his
Detective boyfriend was trying to stop a

background image

raid on a sex club? Yeah, he was in
some kind of special hell meant for
idiots. There was no doubt this fire was
going to consume him until he was
blackened to a crisp.

“Seriously, we can deal with this

later, right?” Tony asked, inching behind

Officer Stevens shook his head and

sniffed as he sliced a brazen look of
utter disdain across the crowd. “A quiet
place would be good. Don’t think I can
stomach any more of this crap. You
work here?” he asked Tyler.

“Sure do,” Tyler said, leaning

toward Caelen.

“Outrageous,” Tony murmured.
“Let’s go and have a little chat

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about what happened here, sir,” Officer
Rivers said, jerking Caelen forward.

“Wait a minute. You can’t do this

without an attorney present.” Tony
moved forward, his look bordering

Tyler laughed. “The pretty boy was

asking for it and suddenly didn’t like that
I didn’t want him.”

Caelen opened and closed his

mouth. Shocked, he had no idea what the
hell to say. “That’s not…that’s…” He
glanced at Tony who had questions
riding the subtle lines of his face. Wait a
minute. Tony thought he was going to
fuck another man in the club? Seeing the
wary expression, he knew. Holy shit! He

background image

“We’re just going to question him

and nothing more.” Suddenly Officer






compassion. “Where can we go that’s

“Dressing room will do. This

way,” Tyler grunted.

“Tony?” Caelen asked.
“It’s okay. I’ll be right here and

hell…well…just tell them everything.”
Tony refused to look into Caelen’s eyes.

What the hell was going on? Guilt

and anguish taunting him, Caelen swore
under his breath as the group and they
headed into what appeared to be the
bowels of hell. Darkness surrounded
them as they moved down a long
hallway and suddenly Caelen could feel

background image

hands cupping his ass, kneading his
muscles. He fought the combination of
fear and complete outrage. How dare the
man try and seduce him in the middle of
a bar! How dare the man… Unable to
finish the thought, he envisioned Tony’s
eyes and forced back a strangled cry.

“Right down here to the right,”

Tyler purred from behind, grazing his
hand between Caelen’s legs.

Caelen pitched his head back and

refused to give in to the bully.

“Here?” Officer Stevens asked,

stopping as the last door.

“Yep,” Tyler cooed. Suddenly

forcing Caelen against the wall with a
hard thud, he pressed his hand between
his legs and breathed against his neck.

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“You and I will finish this. You’re too
sexy to waste.” Lifting Caelen’s chin, he
crushed his mouth and thrust his tongue
past his lips, entwining his tongue with

Caelen pushed against him, his

heart thumping as he tried to stop the
intense desire that raged through him.
Completely shaken, he raised his knee
and kicked Tyler in the groin. It wasn’t a
damaging blow, but one meant to tell the
asshole in no uncertain terms that Caelen
was off limits.

“Shit! The fucker tried to crush my

balls!” Tyler snarled.

Panting, Caelen attempted to move

out of the way but Officer Stevens jerked
him back into line.

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“You be quiet!” The officer pointed

his finger at Tyler and hissed before
turning his angry gaze toward Tyler.
“And you behave or else!”

Caelen grimaced as he heard the

door being opened. Suddenly a bright
fluorescent light splashed across his
eyes and the ugly illumination forced
him to squint.

“Let’s go.” Officer Rivers shoved

him inside.

Caelen stumbled forward and

clenched his fists. This entire experience
was nothing short of absurd. He turned
slowly and faced his attacker. Suddenly
a wretched thought occurred to him.
Blinking furiously, he tried to make
sense of the thoughts that sputtered in the

background image

back of his mind. He’d been sexually
attacked. Right? Had he encouraged it?
Wiping the sweat from his eyes, he was
suddenly unsure of his behavior.

“This will do,” Officer Stevens

nodded and turned to face Caelen. “You
stay in here. We’re going to talk to…

“Tyler Berrington.”
“We’re going to talk to Mr.

Berrington first outside and then we’ll
be right with you.”

“But….” Caelen started.
Officer Stevens held up his finger.

“Wait right here. You leave this room
and we’ll drag your ass down to the
precinct and make sure you stay a long
night. Do you understand?”

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Caelen hesitated.
“Do you know what they do to

pretty little blonds like you in jail?
Those big burly men will love you.
Do…you…understand me?”

Caelen shivered before nodding

and gritting his teeth. How could this be

“Do you?” he asked again, this time

his voice was barely audible but the
threat was clear.

“Okay. Come on, big guy. Out the

door.” Officer Stevens nodded to the
other officer.

Officer Rivers opened the door and

gave Caelen a knowing look. “We’ll be
right back, sweetie.”

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The door closing with a thud,

Caelen let out a long hiss. This was
getting out of hand. Brushing his hand
through his hair, he began pacing the
floor and trying to figure out what the
hell he could do to get out of this mess.
“Shit!” He slammed his hand into the
small table nestled against the wall and
relished in the burning feeling cutting
into his wrist. How the hell had he
gotten into this?

Caelen thought about his life lately

and knew he had everything in the palm
of his hand. What sucked was that it took
all this to remind him that he had
something special with Tony. “Fuck!”

The term was had. He knew from

the look on Tony’s face that he’d lost the

background image

love of his life. There was no doubt.
What was he going to do? Slumping
against the wall, Caelen lowered his
head and a single tear trickled from the
corner of his eye. Wiping it furiously, he
inhaled and shook his head. It was his
fault. He’d pushed Tony too hard over
the last few months. He damn near dared
Tony to deal with what Caelen called
his repression of being gay. Tony wasn’t
against being gay, but the fact that he
wanted no one to know about their
relationship seemed so completely
wretched to Caelen. Now he understood
in no uncertain terms why he had
concerns. If only Tony would confide in
him. That was the crux of the problem.

Seeing the two cops staring at him

background image

like he was a piece of meat felt horrible.
Caelen knew he was fortunate that being
in the business of entertainment was a
forgiving place at least in the sense of
his sexual appetite. Tony didn’t have that
luxury. Tony had to hide behind
everything to keep his job. Something
had to give.

He strolled the room, going back

and forth as his body shook, trying to
wrangle the reality in his mind. If Tyler
pressed charges, Caelen could go to jail.
Oh boy, that would go over well. As he
continued his walk, finally settling into
several realizations, he forgave himself
as a single whimper escaped his mouth.
It’s going to be okay one way or the

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The door opened just a crack and

Caelen could hear angry voices in the
hallway. Slinking back into the dark
corner, he wanted to laugh. When had he
turned into such a childish freak?
Growling, he stepped into the light,
prepared for anything that was going to
come his way. Yeah right.

Officer Rivers came inside first,

his eyes darting up and down the length
of Caelen. “Time to chat.”

“Sure. I’ll talk but it’s going to be

exactly what I told you before and that’s
the damn truth.”

“I heard what you said before.” He

grinned and nodded toward Officer
Stevens, who entered and slammed the

background image

“Well, we heard a very interesting

story and one that’s flavored a bit
differently.” Officer Stevens smiled,
sucking his lips as he moved toward the
center table and sat down, swinging his
leg back and forth. “You were really a
hard boy with the man, weren’t you?”

“Hard boy?” Caelen asked.
“Yep,” Officer Rivers nodded,

inching closer.

“I was defending myself.” Caelen

looked back and forth between them.
There was something about their dark
looks that troubled him.

“Sure you were,” Officer Rivers

added, flanking his side. “”Why don’t
you tell us the truth? You were hungry
for another man while your lover was

background image

pre-occupied and you decided that the
hired help would do nicely.”

“What? Fuck no!” Caelen hissed.

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Is it?” Officer Stevens asked, his

drawl laced with an accusing tone.

“Yeah. Hell yeah. The asshole

jumped me! Me! I was waiting like the
rest of the customers to see what the hell
was going on. He decided to accost me!”
Caelen had never been so damn angry in
his life.

“Sure, whatever you say.” Officer

Stevens chuckled and tipped his head.
“Your story.”

“No, it’s the damn truth,” Caelen


“Well then. If it’s the truth, we need

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to frisk you.” Officer Rivers added,
inching closer still. “Turn around and
face the wall.”

“What? What?” Caelen had no idea

what to say let alone what to think. They
couldn’t honestly be asking him to do
that. “For what?” They didn’t frisk
people for this kind of bullshit, did

“You heard the man. You’re acting

kinda weird like you might be on drugs.
After all, that’s the only reason you’d do
something that stupid.”

“Are you out of your mind?” Oh

yeah, that was exactly the thing to do,
Caelen shook.

“Do you want me to get out the

nightstick?” Officer Stevens smiled,

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slapping his leg against the floor.

“Um…I don’t think you can do

this.” Caelen backed further into the
wall, hugging his arms.

“Oh, we can. Turn around or I’ll

force you and trust me, you won’t like
the way I manhandle you.” Officer
Rivers grabbed his arm.

“Don’t...don’t you touch me.”

Caelen shook, blinking furiously as he
tried to concentrate on the request.
Could they do this? Did he have to

“Do it!” Officer Steven snapped,

jumping to his feet.

Caelen shivered and nodded,

turning around slowly. “Look…I don’t
know what he told you but it’s not true. I

background image

really was...”

“Shut up!” Officer Rivers snarled,

forcing him against the wall. Kicking his
feet out, he growled. “Hands on your

Caelen hesitated.
He obeyed as the shivers trickled

down his spine. This is ridiculous. How
could he be in the middle of an

Officer Rivers began patting him

down starting at his neck and shoulders,
moving down to his back and waist.
“Hiding anything boy? A few sex toys

Sex toys? “No! I’m not!” Defiant,

Caelen closed his eyes as the hands

background image

moved around his waist and down his
hips. He sucked in his breath as fingers
grazed over his groin. Did it happen this

“Spread them further,” Officer






Caelen could hear him coming

closer and for some reason his legs
quaked uncontrollably. Was it from the
fear of the unknown or the worry of what
was going to happen to him? Unsure, he
tried to remain still as he officer
concentrated on kneading his cock,
sliding his hands up and down his shaft,
cupping and caressing his balls.
Suddenly sensations rocketed through
him. What the hell were they doing?

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“Hmmm…I think we need to have

him strip.”





leaned against the wall near Caelen. “I
think he’s right. You need to strip, boy.”

“What? I will not fucking strip!”

Caelen snapped. This he wasn’t going to
do period.

“You will or you’ll face our

wrath.” Officer Stevens smiled and
licked his lips.

As the other officer began stroking

Caelen’s ass, pressing his hands
between his legs as he moved closer to
the heat of his body, he knew something
else was going on here entirely. “What
are you doing?”





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whispered, sliding closer to Caelen, his
hands caressing and stroking.

“No. This has to stop.” Caelen

pressed back, trying to move away from

“No!” Officer Stevens slammed

him against the wall, keeping his hand on
the small of his back. “You’ll strip or

“Yes, you will.” Officer Stevens

tugged at his shirt.

Shivers thrashed uncontrollably

through Caelen’s body. They were going
to touch him. They were going to…
Gulping, he froze, his blood curdling. “I
don’t understand.”

“You don’t need to understand. Just

strip.” Officer Rivers eased back and

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Caelen stole a look at the other

officer and grimaced. They were
serious. “I…”

He turned around and groaned. ”I

need to talk to your superiors.”

Both officers laughed. “You go,

sexy boy.” It was Officer Stevens that

“What?” Suddenly Caelen knew

this was nothing but a game, but of
who’s making? “I don’t understand.”

“Strip now or many bad things will

happen to you,” Officer Rivers licked
his lips. “You’re one snazzy little

There was something about the way

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they looked at him, wild and hungry that
forced Caelen to jerk his shirt up from
his waist and over is shoulders. Pitching
the linen shirt aside, he quivered as the
cold slice of air hit his skin.

“Oh my. You’re tasty indeed.

You’re that perfect little French vanilla
stick ready to be consumed.” Officer
Rivers grinned lasciviously as he
brushed a single finger down Caelen’s
naked back. “Can’t wait to see the rest
of you.”

“This isn’t real.” Caelen moved

away from the wall.

“That’s where you’re wrong. This

delicious experience is very real and
you can call me Quade.” Officer Stevens
moved closer, breathing in deeply as he

background image

pushed strands of Caelen’s hair back
from his shoulders.

“I’m Hunter and trust me, you’re the

tasty prey. Now I suggest you scramble
out of those pants or else.”

Caelen gulped as the muscular

black man crowded his space. What he
couldn’t figure out was if this was a part
of some private kinky show or simply a
takedown since he as a gay man and
homosexuality wasn’t high in the
rankings at the city’s finest. Knowing he
was in a secret spot in the back of the
joint and no one knew where he was, oh
yeah, this was a takedown. Fumbling
with his button and zipper, he finally
managed to unfasten them and pressed
the material away.

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“Take them all the way off,” Quade

snickered, slowly turning circles around
him. “I gotta admit, you’re one sensual
man. I could eat you for breakfast.” He
laughed, his tone laced with dark hunger.
“You know what? I think I will.”

Closing his eyes, Caelen fought a

combination of anger and frustration but
obeyed, lowering his pants.

“Whew baby and commando to

boot. Yessiree, we have a hottie on our
hands,” Hunter cooed, smacking his lips
together. “Gonna be a feast.”

Kicking off his boots, Caelen

yanked off his pants feeling a mixture of
terror and a weird sick feeling of
delicious apprehension. When he was
completely naked he swallowed hard

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and opened his eyes, facing his seducers.
“What now?”

“What now?” Hunter raised his

eyebrow. Chuckling, he eyed Quade and
grazed his hand down Caelen’s chest,
inching toward his cock.

“Don’t do this.” Caelen didn’t want

to beg, but this was getting out of hand.

“Don’t do this?” Quade asked.

“What is it you think we’re doing?”

Hunter roared. “I think you better

show him.”

“Show me what?” Caelen looked

between them. By the mischievous looks
crossing their faces, he knew there was
some hidden secret.

Quade shook his head, grinning

with a wicked glare. “Had you believing

background image

a lot of tasty treats, didn’t we?”
Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled
out a crisp white envelope and tossed it
to Caelen.

“Just open it,” Hunter quipped. “I

have to admit, that was a good show.”

“You bet it was and this one is a

fine looking piece.”

Caelen grimaced as he opened the






handwritten note, he fought a series of
emotions. Anger, frustration, anticipation
and a raging hunger raced through him.
His fingers shaky, several beads of
perspiration slid down both sides of his
face. Barely able to focus, he had to read
the note more than once to comprehend.

background image

Well, I hope you are enjoying the

surprise, Caelen. Tonight all your most
wicked fantasies will come true. Relax
as the beefy men are just to your tastes.
Hand selected, they’re going to take
you on an exquisite ride to a place

Imagine… And enjoy….

It took several minutes for the

words to sink in. Caelen glanced at both
men, each looking ready to feast on his
body. Now that he knew it was a gift, a
wonderful surprise, Caelen folded the
note and grinned. He thought about what
this meant for both of them and couldn’t
believe it. For Tony to do this meant

background image

planning and trust and… Utterly amazed,
Caelen allowed all the suppressed
sensations to flood his body and his
wicked needs to fill his kinky mind. This
was delicious indeed. “So…you think
you can handle me, boys?”

Hunter laughed and took his hand,






erection. “Tell me, what do you think?”

As Quade closed in behind him,

sliding his hands around Caelen’s waist
and cupping his groin, he let out a single
strangled breath and leaned his head
back. “Give me more.”

Quade laughed and stroked his

pulsing cock with one hand as he
squeezed his balls with the other. “Tony
told us what you like and what your

background image

fantasies are. Like this?”

“Just like that,” Caelen purred, his

eyes fluttering open to see the most
incredible look of hunger raging on
Hunter’s face. Reaching out, he brushed
his fingers down across his chest and
realized for the first time how much he
enjoyed a man in uniform. As Quade
continued caressing the length of his
cock, he slid his arms around the
stunning mocha man’s neck, allowing the
sheer enjoyment of being sandwiched
between them to tantalize his senses.
This was indeed one of his fantasies.
He’d never had a ménage and craved it,
but Tony refused.

“I think he needs to do a little work

before we leave for another secluded

background image

location,” Quade whispered, sliding his
tongue around Caelen’s earlobe in a lazy
pattern, finally taking the tender flesh
between his teeth as he wrapped his
hand around his shaft.

“You’re right,” Hunter hissed.
“What do you want?” Caelen gazed

at his rich dark chocolate features with
hazy eyes. Suddenly dessert never
looked so good.

“I think you need to suck me,”

Hunter replied, slowly unfastening his

“Really?” Now the game made

sense. Of course Tony would tease him
with something so sinful. How many
nights had he thought about something
just like this? A secret location, a

background image

wicked tryst with a couple of hot
strangers was about as sizzling as it got
and it was more than obvious that Tony
trusted the two incredible creatures with
bodies like Aztec Gods. “Tell me this,
you two really police officers?”

As Hunter opened his fly, he simply

nodded. “Which means you need to
obey. On your knees.”

With the help of a single push from

Quade, Caelen fell to his knees, taking
Hunter’s cock into his hands. The long,
thick and very swollen muscle was much
bigger than he’d ever taken and as he
salivated over tasting the rich treat, he
darted a series of licks across the
sensitive slit. “Mmmm….”

“It’s been a while. My, my you’re

background image

tempting.” Hunter moaned and grabbed
Caelen’s head, entwining his fingers in
his hair. “Tony’s been keeping you a
secret and I understand why.”

Quade straddled him from behind,

brushing his fingers down Caelen’s
neck. He pressed his cock against him,
pulsing the throbbing muscle back and
forth, teasing. Tempting. “You want both
of us? Can you handle all this heat?”

The thought far too tasty to resist,

Caelen opened his mouth and took
Hunter’s cockhead into his wet heat,
grazing his tongue around in lazy circles
as the man moaned, jutting his hips

“That’s it, take more of him,”

Quade encouraged as he bent and slid

background image

the flat of his palm down Caelen’s chest,
kneading his breast. Pinching his nipple
between his forefinger and thumb, he
squeezed until Caelen moaned through
the kiss. “Trust me, there’ll be more pain
for you tonight as we bring you into a
blazing moment of ecstasy.”

Shivering, Caelen went down an

inch at a time, cupping Hunter’s swollen
balls as he relaxed his throat, trying to
take all of him. The man was huge and
damn if he didn’t want to have every last
drop of his hot chocolate cream. Up and
down Caelen went on his shaft as Hunter
began driving into his mouth, fucking
him in controlled thrusts.

“Sweet lord, that’s good. Take it.

Suck me! Oh yeah!” Hunter’s garbled

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groan bounced against the thick walls.





furiously as he felt Quade pulling back.
Far too hungry to care, he grazed his
hand around to Hunter’s ass, sliding his
finger down his crack.

‘That’s it. Oh yeah. You want to

fuck me in the ass, boy?”

“Mmmm…” Caelen jiggled his way

in past Quade’s rounded ass to his dark
hole, pressing the tip of his finger inside.

“Fuck!” Hunter threw his head back

and roared.

Caelen took him down further, the

sweet drops of pre-cum sliding down
into his throat. The taste of the man was
like a tangy orange, just ripe and ready
for picking. Pushing his finger further

background image

inside his ass, he hit the tight ring of
muscles and licked furiously. The
experience was far too tasty to resist.

“Suck…me….yeah…yeah!” Hunter

thrust into his mouth in long ravaging
plunges, holding Caelen’s head still as
he thrust into him.





nothing more than to fuck the man in his
sweet little dark hole.

“Goddamn you’re good!”
Suddenly Caelen was jerked away

from Hunter, a dark covering thrown
over his face. “What the fuck?”

“The game’s just beginning. You’re

going to acquiesce to everything we ask
of you and if you don’t, you’ll be
severely punished,” a deep baritone

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voice echoed from the distance.

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Chapter Four

Tony grinned and adjusted the

aching bulge between his legs as he
glided into the room and gazed down at
Caelen’s naked body. He was hungry as
hell. Damn, he’d barely been able to
hide the game from him. The sizzling
event planned for over two weeks,
enlisting the help of fellow officers,
Hunter and Quade had been easier than
Tony thought. Granted, he’d long
suspected the two men were lovers, but
in a “don’t ask don’t tell” situation, no
one said a damn thing. Yet one day they
had a drink together after work and each
of them came clean. That very night the
wicked event was created. This wasn’t

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only meant to give Caelen everything
he’d ever imagined in a wicked erotic
moment, but Tony wanted this night to





relationship, which would move it into
another level entirely. Not only would
Caelen succumb to his domination in the
bedroom, he would commit to being
with Tony forever. It would be game

Chuckling, the thought sent a series

of raging tremors thrashing through
Tony’s body. The growing distance
between them had turned bitter cold and
Tony wanted it to end tonight. Every part
of this event carefully calculated, Tony
was grateful that the fabulous owner
from Sealed With a Kiss embraced the

background image

clandestine operation. And now the real
treat was ready to begin. This was one
fantasy that Caelen wouldn’t remember
telling him one late evening after too
many glasses of red wine.

“What the hell is going on?”

Caelen’s muffled voice yelled from
under the blanket. Struggling, he was
kept on his knees.

“You’ve been very bad,” Quade

hissed as he leaned over him.

“It’s time we dealt with his

horrendous behavior,” Hunter growled,
jerking Caelen to his feet.

“Where are you taking me?” Caelen


Tony tipped his head to his

accomplices. “Wherever they want to.”

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“Tony?” Caelen asked, his voice

filled with quiet apprehension.

“It’s time you understand who’s in

charge in this relationship,” Tony
answered giving the others a nod.
Everything was set up and ready. “Take

“You’re so going to get it after

this.” Caelen laughed.

Hunter grabbed him under the arms

and walked him toward the door.

“Somehow I don’t think so.” Tony

followed them out into the hallway
toward the stage, taking the long way
around the bar.

“Where are we going?” Caelen

fought against the cover.

Crack! Pop!

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Quade slapped his ass, giving Tony

a satisfied look. “You’ll remain quiet or
we’ll have to gag you.”

Tony could barely keep from

chuckling as he could sense Caelen’s
wheels turning a thousand miles an hour.
What’s happening? Where are they
taking me?
Wouldn’t his golden haired
lover be shocked? “Don’t worry, it’s not
far.” Taking him out the side door, they
shoved him into the backseat of a
waiting vehicle, the engine running.

Caelen grunted, emitting a long

slow hiss.

Tony crowded next to him on one

side, Hunter the other while Quade
climbed into the driver’s seat.” You just
stay calm and everything will be just

background image


“Where are we going?” Caelen’s

tone was laced with cocky defiance.

Jerking off the blanket, Hunter

immediately tied a thick dark mask
around his eyes. “I suggest you remain
quiet or the punishment will be worse.”

Tony slid his hand up Caelen’s

thigh and gave Hunter an evil grin.
“Let’s play.” Both he and Hunter opened
his legs and as he watched Hunter lick
his lips, he brushed his hand over
Caelen’s cock, relishing the way the man
throbbed in his hand.

Caelen jumped. “Ooohhh…”
“You feel damn good,” Tony licked

the side of his neck, nibbling on his
earlobe. “Feel good to you?”

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Hunter cupped his balls, squeezing

as he leaned over and tilted Caelen’s
head to the side, licking a long
languishing circle around his mouth.
“You taste so damn sweet.”

Caelen squirmed and clawed the

seat. “Mmmm….”

Inching his body back toward the

side of the car, Tony took Caelen’s cock
into his hand and leaned over, darting a
series of licks across his slit.

“Shit!” Caelen moaned.
Hunter took his hand and placed it

on his cock as he kneaded his balls and
whispered into his ear. “I want to fuck
you. Would you like that?”

“Yes,” Caelen breathed.

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Tony took his cockhead into his

mouth and sucked him, running his
tongue around in circles. Up and down
he went, enjoying the tangy flavor of his
lover. The tempting treat only meant to
torture, he sighed and rubbed his hand
along the inside of Caelen’s thigh.
Taking him all the way down and back
up, he raked his nails down the length of
his shaft and then withdrew the
throbbing muscle completely. “That’s all
you get.”

“No!” Caelen lifted his ass off the


“Careful or I’ll turn you over my

knee,” Tony hissed and smiled at Hunter.

“Wait, I get one taste,” Hunter

growled and instantly went down on

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Caelen, suckling him with powerful

“Fuck!” Caelen threw his head

back and moaned, thrusting his groin into
Hunter’s mouth.

Tony settled into the corner of the

backseat, watching in fascination as
Hunter ravaged his lover and felt a pang
of jealously. “Not too much pleasure yet.
He is way too naughty.”

Hunter grunted and went down the

entire length of his cock several more
times before lifting his head. “Damn! I
could do that for days.” He grinned and
licked his lips.

Tony could see Quade watching in

the rear view mirror. He nodded to the
man and smiled. The rouse was almost

background image

perfect. “We’re almost there.”

Quade pulled the car back around

the building and parked.

Tony climbed out and helped

Caelen out of the car. Before they got to
the door, he stopped and turned him to
face the street noise. “Do you hear the
roar of the city?”

“Yes,” Caelen whispered, grabbing

Tony’s hand.

“What do the teeming streets tell


Caelen shrugged and remained


Quade popped him on the ass and

moved behind him, thrusting his groin
into the man’s ass. “You answer when

background image

asked a question.”

Caelen shivered, but a smile

crossed his lips. “That I belong.”

“To me, that is,” Tony growled.

“Let’s go.” They led him inside and back
down the darkened hallway.

“Right this way,” Hunter said.
As they moved out into the candlelit

room, Tony was amazed that there were
no sounds. An eerie quiet surrounded
them as they inched forward in the
darkness. Swallowing hard, Tony felt
every nerve in his body standing on
edge. He wanted this to be perfect and
knew he was taking a gamble with the
very sinful game, but finding Caelen’s
goodbye note tucked in the back of his
dresser drawer had been enough to kick

background image

him in the ass. Thank God Caelen had
been working the night Tony stumbled on
the damning thing. He’d dragged a bottle
of tequila out from the back of the bar
and sat nursing it along with his tears
that night. Nursing? Hell, he’d passed
out on the couch and lied that a case had
him down.

Fighting back the ugly thought, Tony

was more determined than ever to save
their relationship, even if it threatened
his job. Somehow the thought was
freeing. He was grateful that both Hunter
and Quade knew what he was going
through. While they faced the same
concerns and they were careful not to
flaunt their relationship, in their off time
they were lovers and friends and didn’t

background image

care who they ran into. Tony had learned
many things from their long discussions.

“You ready?” Hunter whispered as

Quade took Caelen toward the stage.

“You have no idea,” Tony breathed

and made his way to the front table.
While he had no intention of waiting too
long to engage in the salacious event, he
wanted to see the look on Caelen’s face.
There was nothing like a private show.
Chuckling, he turned his gaze into the
darkened room and grinned. Private

In the whisper of light, Quade

turned him around to face the back wall,
patting his ass. “You move and you’ll be
disciplined.” His husky voice filtered
across the expansive space.

background image

As he secured Caelen’s arms above

him on the long steel bar, Tony shifted in
his seat, his cock aching for release. A
drink was placed in front of him.
Nodding, he said nothing and gazed
around the room, unable to see anything.
Gripping the crystal glass, he took a long
gulp as he watched the two men secure
Caelen to the apparatus. This was too
damn good. He leaned forward in his
seat and tipped the tumbler, praying this
would work and that Caelen would
forgive his blatant stupidity. That’s it, no
more of this shit! It was time to play and
he felt like a damn big kid in a candy
store. If this worked, by God they’d
make the snazzy little joint a place
they’d frequent and perhaps become

background image

regular players. Wouldn’t that be a
sizzling new aspect to add to their
relationship? Hearing the chains rattle
on the stage dragged him back from his
shameless thoughts.

Hunter and Quade glided down the

steps toward the table. Easing into the
two flanking chairs, they both grinned as
the Drake came forward to take their
orders. “He’s not a happy camper,”
Quade laughed, keeping his voice low.

“But I tell you what, he’s one

stunning guy,” Hunter chimed in. “Has an
amazingly hot mouth too. Whew.

Tony wagged his finger in his face.

“After tonight, he’s off limits.”

“Budweiser,” Quade ordered.
“Same.” Hunter chuckled and

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pulled his hands back. “Just saying!”

“This is some wicked idea you had,

Jesus!” Drake mused.

“Just wait until the show. This man

thought of everything.” Hunter laughed.

“Yeah, you best remember that my

birthday is next month and I expect
something dazzling.” Quade gave his
lover a come-hither look.

Drake inhaled deeply and eyed the

stage. “Well, you got me intrigued.
Would you like something?”

“Hell yeah, I’ll have another one of

these.” Lord knows he would need the
sustenance. Tony chuckled as the lights
flashed back and forth the length of the
stage. As Caelen’s naked body came into
view, he heard gasps from the audience.

background image

They certainly couldn’t stay quiet for
long. Admiring his buff form, he licked
the rim of his glass and dragged his eyes
down from Caelen’s muscular back to
his small waist and perfectly carved
hips. Settling on his ass, he took a huge
gulp and continued his feast following
Caelen’s long legs down to feet that
barely touched the stage floor. His body
stretched out and ready for anything,
Tony’s heart thumped against his chest
with anticipation.

“Comin’ up boys.” Drake sauntered

into the dark recesses of the bar.





breathed. “He’s one incredible hunk of

“You’re a lucky man,” Hunter

background image

reached over and brushed his hand down
Quade’s thigh.

“Eh, now he’s trying to make me

jealous.” Quade wrapped his hand
around Hunter’s, entwining their fingers.

Tony nodded and eyed the romantic

moment, feeling another slice of
remorse. Other than the events in dark
alleys, he and Caelen were always at
arm's length when they went out.
Hmmm…what a fucking asshole he was.
“I’m one lucky man indeed.” He smiled
as the announcer slowly walked on
stage, the sound of the stairs creaking
drawing Caelen’s attention. He only
wanted to confuse Caelen and while
he’d know they were back in the club, at
least he’d managed to keep it secret

background image

while they changed the staging.

Caelen struggled with the chains,

kicking his legs out.





presentation of tonight’s show.” The
announcer breathed into the microphone
as the lights pulsed in a series of
electrifying flashes, showering the stage.

The audience roared, clapping and

whistling as the music started. The
almost overwhelming head banging
guitar licks of Nickelback sliced across
the room, bouncing off the walls.

“This is amazing,” Hunter said as

he gazed around the room. “I think the
person that showed you this shameless
location needs a big juicy treat, don’t
you?” He gave Tony a salacious look.

background image

“Who was the sinful creature?”






chuckled as he nodded and turned to see
people standing wall to wall and was
shocked off his ass. How the hell did the
owners wrangle this many customers for
an amateur event?

“Are you ready for a taste of

something golden and delicious?” The
announcer nodded toward Caelen.

“Hell yeah!”
“Turn him around!”
“Let’s see all of him!”
A trickle of sweat slid down the

side of his face. Why the hell was he
nervous? Tony leaned back in his chair
and tried to appear nonchalant as his
blood pumped through his veins sending

background image

a resounding thud landing in his ears.
Turned on and terrified was an
interesting place to be.

“Turn him around you say?” The

announcer growled, egging the crowd on
as he pointed to the edge of the stage.

“Do it!”
“Hungry crowd tonight. Haven’t

seen them like this before,” Hunter
hissed as Drake set down their drinks.

“I’m amazed,” Tony said quietly.
“It’s always been an interesting

place. The atmosphere is sizzling, the
drinks free flowing and the entertainment
stellar.” Quade grabbed his beer and
took a long pull.

“What’s not to like? It’s right up

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our wicked alley,” Hunter mused.

Tony wrung his hands as both Tyler

and Taylor thumped up onto the stage.
He turned his gaze to Caelen who
struggled with his bindings, forcing a
scraping noise to filter across the stage.

“Damn! Those men are huge.”

Hunter craned his neck. “Whewee! You
sure that little boy can handle those
two?” He laughed as he tipped his beer

“My boy can handle anything I

decide.” His words stunned him and
suddenly Tony burst into laughter as the
Tyler turned Caelen around slowly to the

“Did you just play the he-man

card?” Quade asked, choking on his

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“He did.” Hunter grinned. “I think

this place does him a world of good.”

As the audience got their first real

look at his gorgeous lover, their gasps
filtering into the air, Tony felt another
tug of jealously. The night was full of

“Now that you’ve seen the tasty

treat to end your night. I think you’re
ready for all that this golden haired boy
can give. Take it away boys!”

Tyler and Taylor grunted as they

resumed their playtime, the audience
cheering them on. Tony grabbed his
drink and settled in for the show, a
wicked smile crossing his face. “Glad
you boys could join me in my little re-

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coming out surprise.”

“That’s an interesting way to put

tonight.” Hunter nodded to Quade.
“We’re happy to. As a matter of fact,
wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“It’s not every day you get to see a

sizzling act,” Quade added.

That was for damn sure.


Caelen sucked in his breath. Damn,

the car ride was steamy. They’d
thoroughly confused him, but he realized
from the moment they dragged him down
the hall and he heard the muffled sounds
of voices that he was going to be the
show that night. Damn if he wasn’t
utterly fucking terrified. Being manacled

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as the crowd roared around him was
electrifying, yet he could barely keep
from shaking. With every sound and
every loud cheer, his senses became
more alive, burning him alive. Licking
his dry lips, he strained to hear as two
sets of boots stomped onto the stage.
Instantly he caught a whiff of Tyler and
his first reaction was to jerk back. Then
he smiled. Of course, the fight had been
staged to have the cops come into play.
His lover had been busy setting this up.

“Tyler, Taylor, enjoy boys! But

don’t forget to leave a little taste for the
audience members.”

Caelen heard the announcer leaving

and suddenly there was a series of grunts
before two pairs of hands began stroking

background image

his chest, inching down to his groin.
Sensations rushed through him, sending a
jolt of white-hot heat thrashing into his
body. Sucking in his breath as fingers
brushed over his balls, he jerked back.

The instant flash of brutal anguish

startled him into silence.

“Quiet, now!” Taylor’s gruff voice


Caelen bit his lip as a hand cupped

his balls, squeezing until the slice of
pain forced him to throw his head back.

“That’s it. You ready for your

punishment for denying me?” Tyler

Caelen gulped as Tyler’s breath

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skipped across his neck. The feel of his
tongue licking from the base of his chin
and up in a zigzag pattern until he kissed
him, crushing and ravaging his mouth
like a wild beast brought his cock to full
attention. Caelen had never felt such
intense awareness in his life. The
fevered kiss took on a wild dance of
passion as the other man rubbed his
hands up and down Caelen’s ass cheeks.
Every cell in his body on fire, he fought
his raging emotions as the two men
manhandled him, fueled by the screams
and catcalls from the audience.

Tyler broke the kiss and grunted.

“Going to be tasty fucking that sweet ass
of yours.” He slid his hand down and
stroked Caelen’s cock, wrapping his

background image

hand around him and pumping. “You
want more? You want my mouth taking
that sweet cock of yours?”

Caelen opened and closed his

mouth, unsure of what to say.

“Suck him!”
“Fuck him!”
“Seems like we have a quandary.

Suck or fuck? Which would you prefer?”
Tyler asked, his growl turning savage.

Caelen had no idea what to say.
The single strike was given as a

warning and as Caelen grunted the huge
man chuckled, blowing a single puff of
hot air across Caelen’s face.


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Licking the kiss from his lips,

Caelen strained against his chains.
“What are you going to do?”

“You’re very bad,” Taylor hissed.
Bracing himself, Caelen heard the

whoosh of the whip and the instant the
leather connected with his buttocks, he
jerked forward. “Aaaaaahhhhh!”

Crack! Slap!
A series of hard strikes was

planted against his ass as the audience
gasped and cheered.

While the pain was excruciating,

Tony knew the bliss that followed was a
breathtaking moment of acquiescence.
This is what Caelen longed for and the
only thing he hated was that the
instrument of discipline being wielded

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wasn’t from Tony’s hand.

“I think I’ve decided – sucking,”

Tyler laughed.

Grimacing, the moment not one but

two mouths licked the side of Caelen’s
cock, he froze and dipped his head
forward. Nothing could have prepared
him for the complete feeling of rapture.
Desire roared through him like a
runaway freight train dragging him into
the pits of hell. With each swipe of their
raspy tongues, he fell more and more
into his dark craving, not caring who
witnessed his kinky needs.

“Suck him! Suck him! Suck him!”

the crowd chanted, their screams mixing
with the loud music creating a frenzy of

background image

Barely able to think, the blackness

surrounding him forced Caelen’s other
senses to take over. On fire and in need,
Caelen threw his head back and howled
as one of the men took his cock all the
way down to the base as the other
suckled his ball like a sweet drop of
chocolate coated candy. Using the power
of his arms, he pushed his body forward
to fuck the hungry mouth, thrusting as
hard as the tight confines would allow
until he his arms ached from the near

“The boy’s so tasty,” Taylor’s dark

voice screamed.

Tyler took his shaft, driving Caelen

into the back of his throat as Caelen
hissed and struggled, his climax racing

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from his balls. Twisting and pulling, he
knew he wasn’t going to last long. Just
as he neared that glorious moment of
ecstasy, his blindfold was ripped off.
“Shit!” The lights blinding him, he
blinked furiously trying to focus as he
gazed around at the room and every part
of his body tightened. He had no idea
hundreds of people were watching his
every move. His eyes locking on Tony’s,
a single strangled sigh bubbled past his

Just then the lights snapped off.
“What the hell?” Caelen froze.

Straining to see, he shook his head in an
attempt to focus on anything of value.

“Shit!” The announcer’s voice

called from the distance.

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The audience groaned.
“Damn it!” Tyler hissed and rose to

his feet. “Don’t worry, sexy guy, I’m
gonna be finishing that tasty treat.” He
lifted Caelen’s chin and licked across
the seam of his mouth. “You taste so
damn sweet, like warm honey.”

As hot breath skated across

Caelen’s skin, he inhaled the exotic
scent of the man, relishing in the direct
correlation Tyler’s scent had to his
pulsing cock. Goddamn! He needed
relief. Panting, he groaned as Taylor
scrambled to his feet and patted his ass.

“And I’m going to enjoy fucking the

little boy toy.”

The shameless anticipation killing

him, Caelen fought the whimper that

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threatened to erupt from the base of his
throat. From the corner of the stage he
could hear a new set of feet clamoring
up the steps.

“Sorry folks, just a temporary

situation. Happens all the time. Just be

P at i e nt ? Hell, he was like a

hanging chuck of meat and Caelen knew
damn good and well the audience was
hungry for a huge finish.

“I’ll be back. Gonna get a drink,”

Tyler said, grumbling. “You coming?”

“Yeah. This shit happens all the

damn time. Sick to death of it. When the
hell are they going to get that damn
system fixed?” Taylor growled and slid
his hand around Caelen’s waist,

background image

caressing his cock before heading away.
“Don’t go anywhere.”

Caelen grumbled as he heard the

audience members moving about. The
sound of crisp laughter and clinking
glasses echoed in the darkness. He
chuckled at his predicament and
wondered if Karma was utterly against
him. Then he heard the guttural sounds of
the announcer as he tumbled onto the

“We’re back to normal folks. If

everyone will be seated, we’re going to
take off right where stopped. Places

Caelen started laughing as it

dawned on him that he was simply an act
of entertainment for a group of people

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that hungered for all things sinful. He
was nothing more than the flavor of the
day. As he heard the sounds of heavy
feet on the stage, he closed his eyes.
Tony was so going to get it for this
raucous little event.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I bring

you...” the announcer rumbled.

Come on! Let’s get this moving.

His wrists killing him, Caelen suddenly
felt the presence of a body behind him.

“This time the audience is going to

be a part of. Hmmmm…what do you
have to do?”

The lights flipped on, sending

shimmering iridescent colors floating
around the entire perimeter of the room
and a single sapphire blue light pulsed

background image

down from the ceiling over Caelen. As
the announcer’s words settled in, he
opened his eyes slowly, glancing first
into the audience, expecting to see
Tony’s face in the front row. Instead, he
saw an empty chair and a clean table.
“What?” His whisper hoarse, he
struggled hard against the chains that
held him in place. Tony wouldn’t leave
him here, would he? What the fuck?










The audience cheered.




unfastening his chains. Another spotlight
in a dazzling shade of scarlet flashed on
in the far right hand corner. From where

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he stood shackled, he couldn’t see what
the hell was going on, yet the frantic
roars and whistles from the customers
who craned their necks to see the
unraveling story line startled him. What
the hell is going on?

“Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you

a one time performance unequaled in our
snazzy little club. We’ll give you a
couple of choices related to the outcome
of this little show and you’ll decide how
this event is going to end. Who is going
to taste our little volunteer?”

Another rouse? Holy shit, Tony

was good. The sound of his right wrist
being unlocked flooded Caelen with
relief. Barely able to see through the
sparkling crimson glow, Caelen took a

background image

deep breath and tried to calm his ragged




uncontrollably, Caelen swallowed hard
and willed a calm feeling.

“One choice is the stunning men of

the club, Tyler and Taylor.”

Caelen watched them strut out,

raising their arms into the air as the
crowd cheered.






announcer roared into the microphone.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!”
Where the hell was Tony? Noticing

him in the audience, Caelen tried to
catch his eye as the unknown creature
tugged at his other handcuff.

“Or perhaps you would prefer the

men in blue?”

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Caelen snapped his head to see

Hunter and Quade stepping through the
sensual haze. His eyes opening wide, he
licked his lips savoring the way the men
kicked up the concept of uniforms. Whew
Wearing nothing more than skin-
tight leather pants, gun holsters and
cop’s hats, they looked like something
out of a Village People motion picture.

The crowd went wild, rushing the


Finally free, Caelen stumbled

forward before he was instantly yanked
back. Stealing a quick glance at his new
captors, their garish looks startled him,
adding to the intensity of the heat coming
from the crow. Caelen sucked in the
humid air, trickles of sweat pouring

background image

down his back.

“Well, what do you think?” The

announcer sauntered toward Caelen, his
grin nothing but a mixture of evil
mischief. “The boys in blue or the club

“Boys in blue!”
“Club hotties!”
Over and over the audience

cheered and chanted as they continued to
crush the stage.

Taken aback, Caelen rubbed his

wrists. He could no longer see Tony in
the thick crowd, but he gasped breath as
a single white light showered down over
a large bed. “Holy fuck.” And that’s
exactly what was going to happen on
center stage. “Oh shit.” Public display

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was one thing but this was something
else entirely.

“Hmmm… It seems like we have a

tie. What to do? Tsk Tsk.” The burly
announcer paced back and forth across
the stage. “How about another choice?”

Another choice?
Caelen suddenly

felt ill.

“Well, then that’s what you shall


Come on! Let’s get on with this.

Feeling antsy, Caelen struggled to see
what was happening. Who the hell were
they bringing up now, the bartender?

“All right!” the announcer cooed.

“May I present to you Detective Tony
Dartanion of the Philadelphia Police

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Caelen’s mouth dropped open as

Tony glided through the bright red haze.
Nothing could have prepared him for
this moment. Standing in all black, Tony
was breathtaking. The chants and
whistles echoed in his ears, sending
electric jolts into his heart.

“I think a choice has been made,”

the announcer said as he backed out of
the light.

Tony walked toward him slowly

his actions cagey like that of a predator
sizing up his prey. Taking control, he
pointed to Hunter and Quade then moved
his finger deliberately toward the bed,
telling them in no uncertain terms they
were a part of the show. As he closed

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the remaining distance and stood within
six inches of Caelen, a slight smile
curled on his lip. “Surprised?”

“I don’t know what to say. Why

would you do this?”

“Because I’ve been a fool and I

don’t want to lose you.”

“But your job, your career,” Caelen


“Shhh…the time for talking is

over.” As Tony palmed his chest, he
leaned forward and brushed his lips
across Caelen’s, darting his tongue
inside his mouth.

The crowed strained to see, their

mumbles nothing but strangled hushed
sounds, willing the lovers.

“Take him!” Tony commanded.

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Caelen shook his head as he was

led to the bed and turned to watch his
lover as he sauntered across the stage,
ripping his shirt off and tossing it into
the audience, exciting the crowd. The
music pulsed into overdrive and the
beating drums reverberated off the
walls, adding to the melee in the room.
As Caelen watched Tony strip in front of
the crowd, undulating like a trained
exotic dancer, he licked his lips
hungering for the man more than he ever
had. He breathed in deeply as Hunter
and Quade removed their clothing,
crossing back and forth across the stage,
each man tossing their hats into distant
corners of the room.

Energizing the crowd, Hunter

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preened as he swayed his hips back and
forth before unfastening his gun belt and
dropping it onto the dense platform.

Quade followed suit and the crowd


“Strip! Strip!”
“Take it all off!”
All three men now fully naked, the





whistling over the din of the music.

Hunter inched forward, dragging

Caelen into a kiss, instantly forcing his
tongue past his swollen lips. Their
tongues entwining, he slid his hands up
and down Caelen’s back, grinding his
hips against Caelen’s groin.

Caelen moaned into the kiss as he

felt Quade behind him, rubbing the flat

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of his hand up and down the side of his

Quade slid a single finger down the

crack of Caelen’s ass and kicked
Caelen’s legs apart, leaning forward to
blow a hot breath down the length of his
neck. Pushing his hair back, Quade
sliced a lick down to his shoulder,






Hunter broke the kiss and brushed

his thumbs down Caelen’s cheeks as he
eased back and blazed a trail down the
length of his body, his hungry gaze
settling on Caelen’s cock. “I’m famished
and you’re one hot fuck.”

“Then suck me,” Caelen whispered.
The audience didn’t need to hear

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what was said. They knew the exquisite
moment of passion was nothing more
than a precursor. Insatiable with need,
they swayed back and forth, crowding
the stage.

“Gladly.” Hunter dropped to his

knees and wrapped his hand around
Caelen’s dick. Bringing the tip to his
lips, he traced a series of circles around
his cockhead, sweeping his tongue in a
lazy pattern.

Caelen lolled his head back against

Quade’s shoulder as the man moved his
hands to massage Caelen’s heaving
chest. “Yes…God yes…” Out of the
corner of his eye, Caelen could see Tony
waiting patiently, his arms folded, a
dangerously sullen look. He wasn’t

background image

going to wait for long.

Hunter slid his hand under his balls

and squeezed until Caelen whimpered.
He pushed Caelen’s throbbing cock into
his mouth, going down an inch at a time,
swirling his tongue around as he
caressed the base.

The pressure from Hunter’s hands

sent jolts of electricity slicing through
Caelen’s bloodstream. With every swipe
of his tongue, Caelen panted, his legs

“Feel good?” Quade’s voice was

filled with a savage tone of desire.

“Want more?” Quade nipped his

earlobe, pulling the tender flesh into his

background image

Yyyyyeeeessss!” Caelen pressed

his hips forward, jutting his cock further
into Hunter’s mouth, every part of him
wanting to fuck the man on his knees like
a wild beast. The brazen feeling of
having men take and taste him was
nothing short of spectacular and Caelen
lost all sense of reason as Quade
dropped to his knees behind him,
cupping Caelen’s ass cheeks in his hand.

As he kneaded his carved flesh,

Quade lowered his head and licked the
inside of Caelen’s leg, grazing his
tongue up from his knee to the base of
his ass, his actions rough.





Caelen’s balls, sliding his hand up and
down Caelen’s rigid shaft before taking

background image

his swollen sac into his mouth, sucking
as he looked into Caelen’s eyes.

Caelen threw his head back the

intense sensations showering over him
like a bolt of sheer energy. As the
vibrant burst of light cascaded down
across the players, he could barely focus
as Quade’s tongue hit the back of his
balls. The wicked move stunned him, the
feel of his fingers parting his ass thrilled
him. The moment the tip of Quade’s
tongue circled his rosy hole, Caelen
almost lost it. “Fuck!” Clenching
Hunter’s head, he held him as the man
nibbled the underside of his cock,
inching up and engulfing his mouth over
his cockhead.

Quade tipped Caelen forward and

background image

opened his ass cheeks, instantly burying
his face in the chiseled folds, his tongue
slipping inside his dark hole.




through Caelen until he could no longer
feel his legs. Jerking Hunter’s head
forward, he pumped into his mouth in a
wild moment of sheer abandon, fucking
him relentlessly as he thrashed his head
back and forth.

“Fuck him! Fuck him!”
“Suck him! Suck him!”
The wild bantering only fueled the

explosion of sensations that consumed
every part of him. “God…yes…suck
me!” Caelen moaned, his body on fire.
Using his strong thigh muscles, he drove
into Hunter’s mouth as Quade rubbed the

background image

back of his balls and rimmed his
asshole. Clenching his eyes closed, he
couldn’t hold back the tidal wave any
longer. As the shameless dance of
adrenaline kicked in, sperm rushed from
his balls, racing up his cock. Struggling
to remain standing, his strangled cry was
barely audible as he opened his eyes,
frantically searching for his lover.
Locking onto Tony’s savage glare, he
licked his lips as he erupted into
Hunter’s mouth, a coy grin crossing his
face. “Fuck!”

Hunter gripped his hips, holding

him still as he took his sweet cream. The
remnants bubbling from the corner of his
mouth, he refused to move as Caelen




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growing weak.

Panting, Caelen was exhausted. He

would’ve fallen to the ground if the two
men hadn’t been holding him upright. As
beads of perspiration dripped into his
eyes, marring his vision, he was vaguely
aware of being led to the bed. At that
moment, all he longed to do was crawl
on top of the silk comforter and savor
the soft material.

Instead, he was jerked into Tony’s

arms. He smiled and palmed Tony’s
naked chest, clawing his flesh as he tried
to focus. “You want…something?” His
voice garbled, he chuckled at his
condition, panting.

“It’s what I’ll have,” Tony hissed,

wrapping one hand around Caelen’s

background image

waist and pulling Caelen tightly into his
grip. Placing the other hand on the back
of his head, he pressed forward,
capturing his mouth.

As Tony pushed his tongue past

Caelen’s swollen lips, he fell into the
ecstasy, feeling his heart racing from the
amazing moment of passion. There was
no other man for him and in that moment
he lost his soul to the man he was
completely in love with.

He broke the kiss. “I want you.”




playfulness returning. “You sure?”

Tony eased back and nipped his

bottom lip. In an instant, he turned
Caelen around, wrenching his arm
behind him as he pushed him to the edge

background image

of the bed. “I’m more than sure. It’s time
you know who you belong to. Will you
succumb to me? Here? Now?”

The microphone caught Tony’s

booming voice. The echo pulsed into the
crowd and as they cheered, Caelen
dropped his head. “No.”

Caelen jumped as another bout of

sheer torture enveloped him. Tony had
never been this forceful with him.
Wanting nothing more than to allow the
man to take control, he threw his head
back. “No!”

Crack! Pop!
“Give him more!”
The moment dragged on as Tony

background image

whipped Caelen’s ass in long hard slaps
until Caelen couldn’t stand it any longer.

“What did you say? I couldn’t hear


“I said…yyyyeeesssss!” Caelen

yelled above the frenzy. “Yes!”

Tony lowered his head, pressing

his long dark locks over Caelen’s back
in a sweeping motion. Yanking the
sweat-laden strands of hair from
Caelen’s neck, he licked a long line
down as he whispered so only his lover
could hear. “Game over.”

The two little words were the

perfect cherry on top of the ice cream.
As Caelen was pushed onto the

background image

comforter, his legs spread wide, he
lifted his head in blatant defiance. He
was now owned and proud of it. Eyeing
Hunter and Quade as they both gave him
a desperate look, their cocks stiff with
need, the feel of Tony’s wet fingertip
pulsing inside his ass sent a delicious
serious of shivers pulsing down
Caelen’s spine. The feeling nothing short
of spectacular, he arched his back and
took Quade’s throbbing cock into
Caelen’s mouth.

“That’s it. Suck them as I fuck you,”

Tony growled, pressing a second finger
inside. Sliding in and out of his tight
hole with ginger motions, Tony hit the
rigid ring of muscles and pushed until he
was all the way inside.

background image

Pain and pleasure mixed together in

a sweet dichotomy until Caelen was
dizzy as Hunter plunged his dick into his
mouth next. The two men forced him to
suck them and somewhere in the back of
his mind a little voice egged him on.
Suck them! Suck them! Suck them! He
knew they were the words of the
patrons, but it was also the music of his
soul that wanted nothing more than a
shameless night of reckless abandon.
Relaxing his throat, Caelen took each
man’s thick cock as they held his head
high, fucking his mouth relentlessly.

“So hot. So damn tight.” Tony

replaced his fingers with the tip of his
cock, pressing it just inside and grabbing
Caelen’s hips. “Can’t be gentle tonight.

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You’ve kept me waiting for far too

And in that moment, Caelen didn’t

want anything but to be taken savagely.
Clawing the comforter, he opened his
legs further in complete submission as
Hunter jerked his head up, fucking his
mouth with hard jabs.

Tony impaled him in one long hard

thrust, his actions almost brutal as the
sounds of his balls slapping against
Caelen’s ass floated into the humid air.

Caelen groaned from the flash of

anguish and stopped moving until Quade
took over, forcing Caelen’s mouth down
his shaft.

Shuddering, Tony growled and

slammed back into Caelen, holding his

background image

position for several seconds before
repeating his desperate moves again and
again. “Tight baby, so damn tight. You
feel fucking good.”

Tony drove into Caelen’s ass as the

other men fucked his mouth, the dance
fueled by the crowd until their chants
and screams drowned out the pulsing
music. Caelen’s muscles gripped Tony
like a tight vice as every part of his body
shook uncontrollably. As a single thrust
rattled his system, Caelen closed his
eyes and allowed the anguish and
rapture to drive him into oblivion.

Tony grunted like a wild animal as

he continued the pace. “Fuck…I…won’t
last…long.” Throwing his head back, his
strangled roar was nothing short of

background image





growled and shoved his cock all the way
down Caelen’s throat, unyielding as the
younger man sputtered and gagged.

Caelen accepted and savored the

slice of raw savagery Tony offered as
Tony erupted into his ass and Quade
exploded into his mouth. As the warm
spurt of cum flowed across his face from
Hunter’s cock, he closed his eyes, a
feeling of utter bliss showering over
him. Quite simply, Caelen was in

background image

Chapter Five

Climbing up the stairs, Tony

smiled. He hadn’t been this happy in two
years. Nothing else seemed to matter
except the fact that he’d finally given all
of himself to Caelen. That was so damn
special. That they were happy and
together was the most important aspect
of the outcome from their night at Sealed
With a Kiss
. The event had been nothing
short of spectacular and Tony wanted
another taste. Entering their bedroom,
the warm glow of the morning sun
shimmered across the bed. He gazed
down at the sleeping hunk and inhaled
deeply, smelling the scent of Caelen’s
masculinity and the remnants of their

background image

sex. He’d lost count of how many times
they engaged in scintillating moment of
passion. Finally exhausted, they barely
made it home before they fell into a

Tony set the cups of coffee down,

tossed Saturday’s unopened mail on the
dresser, grimacing as he eyed the top
envelope but he shook off the feeling.
Nothing was going to get in the way of
finding true happiness any longer. He
walked to the other side of the bed.
Brushing his hand over Caelen’s long
golden locks, a slight smile curled on his
lips. Oddly enough, he’d barely said
anything to Tony about their rather
shocking evening. At first Tony worried
that the naughty event might be too much

background image

for their relationship to handle. In truth,
Caelen wore a worried, haunted
expression as if the magic spell would
come to an end. Perhaps it was simply
too late to rekindle their relationship.
Tony knew the gamble was huge.
Grabbing his cup of coffee, Tony moved
to the window and leaned his head
against the glass thinking about the past
as he hoped for a future.

He loved their house. It wasn’t

large by any means but they’d spent days
finding just the right furniture, the perfect
pieces of art. It was their house and he’d
never really shared one with another
lover. Between his ex-wife and ex-girl
friends, Tony had always lived in their
environment. But this house belonged to

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both of them. Sipping the bitter chicory
brew, Tony shook his head and closed
his eyes.

He felt the muscular hand on the

small of his back first, the whisper of a
kiss across his shoulder next. Sighing,
Tony turned his head and smiled as
Caelen’s naked body pressed against the
slick silk of his robe. “How do you

“You must be kidding me?”
“No, I’m not. Why? Is something


Caelen laughed as he reached for

the steaming cup of coffee. “I can’t
believe you’re asking me that. After a
night of fucking glorious sex or glory
fucking, you must be kidding?” His eyes

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twinkling, he took a long sip and shook
his head. “Wait, you’re serious!”

Tony shrugged and eyed their back

yard. “No, yes…hell, I don’t know.”

“Let me re-cap this for you. You

gave me the most wicked and wonderful
surprise ever and you stand here this
morning and question…question…well,
what are you questioning exactly?”

He shrugged again and sipped his


“Tony. What’s wrong?”
“Not nothing. Something. You can

open up to me now. Talk to me, babe. I
know you’re worried about everything,
but you did something last night that was
amazing. Please talk to me. If we share

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everything, we can get through anything.
You have to know that.”

“No. It’s nothing I said,” Tony said

gruffly, yet his heart ached. Stealing a
glance are the stack of mail, it was
something. No matter what he did Tony
couldn’t get away from what he was.
Too many things nagged at him. He
heard the clamor as the cup thudded on
top of the nightstand.

Caelen wrapped his arms around

his waist and pulled Tony into his chest.
“Last night was incredible, but it
wouldn’t have meant anything to me
without you.”

A quiet settled between them.
Caelen moved against the wall and

darted his eyes back and forth across

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Tony. “Wait a minute. You didn’t enjoy
it, did you? You pushed yourself and
hated it. Right? Is that what this is

“Yeah, this sullen bullshit!” Caelen

narrowed his eyes. “You fucking hated
it. Why did you bother?”

Tony grimaced. How the hell did

the gears switch so fast? “No. That’s not

“Yeah. That’s exactly what it is.”

Caelen grabbed the cup of coffee,
sloshing the dark liquid over the edge.
Grimacing, he took a giant gulp as he
backed toward the wall, hovering
against it.

Tony sighed. “Caelen, that’s not

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what I meant at all.” He couldn’t look
him in the eye. Guilt ravaged his body,
his soul and suddenly Tony was
completely frozen. How do you tell a
man what you feel when you’ve been
such a shit for far too long? And what
exactly do you say when you aren’t sure
about your future together?

“Then I think you better tell me

what you meant. You said game over last
night and then…and…” Caelen clucked
his jaw and shook his head, his tone icy.
“Thank you for the gracious little gift. It
was very hot. I know it took a lot out of
you to do that.”

“To do that?”
“Yeah. To stretch yourself for me.”
“Caelen, that’s not what happened.”

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“Yeah, Tony, it was. Don’t get me

wrong. I appreciate the effort but your
heart isn’t in this relationship and you
know what?”

“Wait a minute….”
“Let me finish.” Caelen eased away

from the wall and from Tony. “You
know, last night was wonderful and
everything about it really was…it was





experience initially with Hunter and
Quade was a forged set up, but I realized
something. I…”

“What?” Tony barely was able to

get the cup on top of the dresser his
hands were shaking so badly. “What are
you trying to say?”

“I’m trying to say that I’ve held you

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back from your career for two years.
They way Hunter and Quade played was
spot on. Hell yes, the act was good. In
truth, it was far too real. You never
mentioned them before because you’re
all hiding from the big bad bullies at the
station. Right? I mean God knows being
gay is a mortal sin.”

“It was a game, Caelen. Something

I thought you’d enjoy and…and I didn’t
mention them to you because until
recently we…” What the hell was he
trying to say? No, he hadn’t even
attempted to get close to Hunter and
Quade. Why? He knew why. Tony didn’t
want to be associated with two men that
all the gay bashing jokes were about. He
couldn’t take the heat.

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“No, it was real enough all right.

The fucking shame is that it’ll just get
shoved back in that damn black hole of
yours, never to be talked about again.
Jesus! I just wish you hadn’t bothered.”

Tony moved toward him. He could

clearly see Caelen shutting down. Every
moment of the last eighteen months
together flashed before his eyes. “Listen
to me.”

“Why, so you can bullshit me and

yourself some more? You don’t want
this and I know that in my heart. Just
seeing the terror racing through you right
now is enough to tell me everything. I get

“You don’t get it at all.”
Caelen held his hand out. “Oh,

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yes…I…do. Thank you for the lovely
send off.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Wait a

minute. You think…that…” Oh fuck!
“No. Listen to me…”

“No. I…I need to move on. I’ve

thought about this.”

“Yeah you have and keeping that

little secret from me. You spout off
bullshit about my emotion and me
harboring my feelings and then you lie to
me.” Why he felt the flash of anger, he
wasn’t sure, but just as soon as Tony
spouted the words, he regretted them.

“What does that mean?”
“It means I found the note. What,

were you planning on leaving without
fucking telling me? That it? Did you

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want to run off in the fucking middle of
the night?”

Caelen sucked in his breath and

tossed the half full cup onto the
nightstand. “How…fucking…dare you!”
He glared at Tony. “How… How dare

“I…” What the hell could he say?

Tony closed his eyes and clenched his
fist. “Look...”

“No. No Tony. I know and I do

understand. It’s over, okay? I can’t take
this any longer. I just can’t.”

“I don’t want it to end like this.”
“Then give me a damn reason why I

shouldn’t walk out that door? Tell me
why you want me here!” Caelen
challenged. “Tell me!”

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Inhaling deeply, Tony shook his


Tick. Tock.
“Yep, status quo. My fucking God!

I’m so incredibly stupid. I’m going to go
stay at my sister’s for awhile until we
can sort out the house and our play life.”
Caelen shifted backwards and turned
toward the door.

“Please stop.”
Caelen shook his head. “For what

it’s worth, you were the only person I’ve
ever been in love with.”

Stunned by the entire morning, Tony

was frozen until he heard the bedroom
door slam shut. What the fuck just
happened? The realization hit him hard
and he flew toward the door, throwing it

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open and racing into the hallway.

“Why? What does it matter?”

Caelen faced the stairwell.

“Come here!”
“No!” Yet Caelen hesitated. ”No…

I…I need a real relationship with a man
that’s not ashamed to be seen in public
with me.”

“So do I and I’m not ashamed of


“You don’t have any fucking idea

what you need because you refuse to
deal with it. Fuck you Tony! I’ve done
this long enough.” Caelen continued
down the stairs.

Tony sucked in his breath, took two

long strides and reached out, grabbing

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Caelen’s arm. Jerking him around, he
forced him into his chest and slid his
hands up to cup his face. As Caelen
shook his head back and forth, every
raging emotion of the past, his job, his
love and everything he’d ever wanted in
his life flooded his mind. “Hear me!”

“No!” Caelen struggled.
“Please,” he whispered as he

pressed his thumbs back and forth across
Caelen’s cheeks. “I want to say
something to you.”

“Then say it!”
Tony laughed, his heart thumping

into his chest. “So damn defiant.
Goddamn! You are. I’ve never met a
man so damn stubborn in my fucking

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Caelen gripped his hands and tried

to jerk them away. Hissing, his eyes
were full of anger.

He shook his head. “Damn you!”

And then Tony crushed his mouth over
Caelen’s, forcing his tongue inside.
Tasting the bitter coffee and rich honey
of the man, Tony melted and wrapped
his arms around his lover.

Caelen’s arms flailed but as he

shuddered, he slid his arms around
Tony’s waist, pulling them both further
into the kiss.

The passion roared between them

as Tony shifted and slammed Caelen
against the wall, pressing his hands
down to his waist.

Caelen maneuvered and palmed his

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chest, pushing him hard. “No!”

Panting, Tony shook his head as he

watched his lover trying to figure out
what to do. “Yes!” Shoving him into the
wall, the sudden crash from the picture
in their bedroom brought a smile.

Caelen growled and then chuckled.

“You stop!”

Tony eased back and made the

decision. “I’m quitting the force.”

“What?” His eyes locked on

Tony’s. “What did you say?”

“I mean it. I’ve let that damn job

come in between us for far too long.”

“But you love it.”
“I did.”
“Then you can’t quit.”

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“Well, I made my decision and you

know how stubborn I am.” Tony grinned
as a feeling of utter relief washed over
his system.

“Seriously Tony, why would you

do this?”

“Because I love you, Caelen. I’ve

never loved anyone like I do you. All the
bullshit and all the hiding is going to
stop. I want to spend the rest of my life
with you. I want…” Tony felt a flutter in
his heart and swallowed hard. He’d
never been in touch with his emotions
and as the single tear slipped down his
cheek, he shook his head.

“Tony.” Caelen wiped away the

tear and in a slow and deliberate move,
pressed the salty bead into his mouth as

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he blinked furiously, tears forming in his

“I want to take the next step.”
“What does that mean?” Caelen

asked tentatively.

This time there was no hesitation

from Tony. “I want forever.”





Tony threw his head back and

laughed, his deep baritone bouncing off
the walls. “God help me, yes!” Passion
raged in him. Never had he felt this
alive. Crushing Caelen’s mouth, he
yanked him into his chest, gliding his
hands down the length of his back and
cupping his naked ass. Grinding his
groin into Caelen’s belly, he lifted him

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off his feet and dragged him into the
bedroom, bumping against the dresser.
The mail fluttered to the ground and they
both laughed at Tony’s actions. As he
ravaged the man’s mouth, his heart
swelled as every demon blasted from his
system. In love and in lust, he turned in
complete circles as Caelen wrapped his
legs around his thighs.

Caelen moaned into the kiss, his

fingers brushing up and down Tony’s

Tony eased Caelen down onto the

bed allowing his hair to dangle across
his naked chest. Breaking the kiss, he
hovered over him, their lips barely
touching as he licked a line across the
seam of his mouth. “I want you.”

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“Then fuck me,” Caelen breathed,

nipping his lower lip.

“No. I want to make love to you.”

Pushing up, he gazed down at him as he
slowly untied the sash on his robe.
Pressing it off his shoulders, he allowed
gravity to take it to the floor as he
watched Caelen’s expressions intently.
“What are you thinking?”

‘That I love this man. That I want

nothing more than to spend the rest of my
life with you.”

Tony smiled and leaned over the

end of the bed. “As long as you obey?”
He crawled them both up the bed.

Caelen laughed as he reached out

and pinched Tony’s nipples, twisting the
tender flesh. “You sure about that?”

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haunches, he nipped first one nipple and
the next. “Feel good?”

“Yes.” Caelen closed his eyes and

rubbed his fingers up and down Tony’s

“Want more?” He bit down on his

nipple until Caelen moaned.

“Mmmm…” Taking the hard bud

between his teeth, he suckled as he slid
his hand down his chest until he reached
the soft hairs above his cock. Toying
with him, he brushed a single fingertip
across his slit.

“You tease.”
Moving to the other nipple, he

repeated his actions before crawling

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between Caelen’s legs, pushing them
open wide. His motions slow and
deliberate, he licked down Caelen’s
chest, savoring the taste that was pure
male. “Just the way you like.”

“What do you want?” Caelen

breathed as he wound his fingers in
Tony’s hair, his breath becoming ragged.




inching closer to his groin. Grazing his
fingers down the inside of his thigh
aimlessly, he puffed a swath of hot
breath across Caelen’s stomach before
licking a long line down to his cock.
“What do you want?”

Caelen’s eyes fluttered closed as he

thrashed his head from side to side.

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Taking the tip of his cock into his

mouth, Tony purred savagely as he
cupped his balls, squeezing with just
enough pressure a single strangled moan
escaped Caelen’s lips. As he pulled
Caelen’s throbbing shaft into his mouth,
he inched further down and wrapped his
arms around his thighs, pressing his legs
up and back against his chest.

“God!” Moaning, he struggled to

get to him.

Tony grunted and took Caelen

down an inch at a time as he grazed his
tongue around his shaft in lazy circles.
Relaxing his throat, he sucked him all the
way inside until his mouth was full.

Using his strong jaw muscles, Tony

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sucked him with fierce actions, going up
and down the entire length of his cock as
he continued kneading his swollen balls.
Every part of his body was on fire from
brazen need to consume the man.

“Sweet…Jesus!” Caelen panted,

arching his back as he grabbed onto
Tony’s head.

Lifting him further up from the bed,

he continued his feast until he knew
Caelen was close. Drawing him all the
way out, he nibbled on the underside of
Caelen’s cock, going all the way to the
base. Opening his mouth wide, he
suckled both balls at one time as he slid
his fingers down the crack of his ass and
found his dark hole, pressing a fingertip

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“Shit! Tony!” His voice barely

audible, Caelen groaned as he tugged at
Tony’s long locks, nearly jerking him
away from his groin.

Tony purred as he let go of

Caelen’s swollen sacs, a tiny pop
permeating the air. “Do I need to tie you
down?” His voice nothing but a savage
whisper, he breathed a low and slow
wafting of air, allowing it to dance
across Caelen’s throbbing erection.

“No…yes…no!” Chuckling, Caelen

brushed his hands through Tony’s hair as
he nuzzled into the comforter. “God,
make me cum.”

Tony raked his nails up and down

his shaft as he pressed his finger further
into Caelen’s ass. “You sure?”

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Wasting no time, he engulfed his

dick, taking him all the way down,
holding him as he squeezed with his

“Aaaaahhhhh!” Caelen jerked up

from the bed and wrapped his arms
around his legs, yanking them back
further, allowing Tony complete access.

Tony suckled his cock as he

pressed a second and then third finger
into his ass, thrusting further until he hit
the tight ring of muscle.

“Shit…I’m gonna…oh God!”
Kicking up the pace, Tony licked

and sucked him as he plunged further and
deeper into his ass and then he heard
Caelen’s rattled cries.

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It was more than Caelen could take.

Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!” Erupting,


moaned as he tossed his head back, his
breathing ragged as he jerked up from
the bed.

Tony took every drop, savoring the

creamy flavor of his lover, sultry and
spicy. He loved every moment as hot
cum slid down his throat. Flexing his
fingers open inside Caelen’s tight ass,
Tony could tell he was hitting his
prostate, driving Caelen into a wicked
level of euphoria.

Caelen licked his lips and fell back

against the comforter, his eyes squeezed
shut. “Dear…fucking…God!”

Removing his fingers slowly, Tony

grinned, tracing his tongue around the

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edges of his mouth, refusing to miss
anything. “Tasty.”

Panting, Caelen laughed and wiped

his own mouth. “Shit! You haven’t been
like that in months.”

“Just imagine what else I have in

store for you.” Rising to his knees Tony
moved closer to Caelen and bent down
to devour his mouth. “You ready to be
fucked?” Pressing the tip of his
throbbing erection to the entrance of
Caelen’s ass, he grinned.

“Thought we were making love?”

he teased.

That will come later.”
“Mmmm…” Caelen slid his arms

over Tony’s shoulders.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Impaling

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him in one hard drive, he threw his head
back as Caelen’s muscles gripped him
instantly, milking him like a tight vice.

“Fuck…fuckfuckfuck!” He clawed

Tony’s skin, his eyes opening wide.

Drawing completely out, Tony

thrust in again, rising onto his arms. The
angle changed, he slammed into Caelen
in savage motions, his heart racing as he
growled, his hunger insatiable.

“God…oh God!”
He knew damn good and well he

wasn’t going to last long. He trust with
force, driving Caelen up from the bed as
his actions became wilder. Tony hissed
and growled as sparkles of vibrant light
flashed through his field of vision.
Unable to focus, he struggled to maintain

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as Caelen held his arms.

Lowering his head slowly, he

nipped the tip of Caelen’s nose as his
blood sizzled. “I can’t…I can’t hold it.”

Squeezing his muscles, Caelen

licked Tony’s lips. “Don’t.”

But Tony couldn’t hold back any

longer. Throwing his head back, his
bedraggled scream echoed through the
room as he exploded inside Caelen’s
ass, his heart thumping against his chest.
Ecstasy roared through his body until he
was left breathless. Making love had
never felt this damn good. Panting, he
continued cumming as he remained still,
his body shaking violently as he gazed
down into Caelen’s incredible eyes

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which reflected his amazing soul.
Lowering his head, Tony brushed his
lips across Caelen’s and remained there
until his entire body ached. He rolled off
finally and groaned.

“That was…insane.”
“You do that…to me.” Barely able

to breathe, he closed his eyes, willing
his heart rate to slow down.

Caelen turned on his side and

rubbed his hand across Tony’s face.

Tony laughed. “Oh…yeah.”
Grunting, Caelen crawled off the

bed. “We made a mess,” he said,
bending over to retrieve the spilled mail.

He sucked in his breath as Caelen

grabbed the long white envelope.

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Caelen studied it. “Interesting. I

think this is for you.” Tossing the piece
of mail to Tony, he shook his head. “The
Review Board?”

Tony struggled to sit up. “It’s not

what you think.” He hadn’t told Caelen
that he’d tried three times to make
Captain. This was simply going to be
another rejection letter and Tony was
terrified that Caelen would think his
decision to quit the force was based on
this alone.

“You don’t know what



Tony opened then closed his mouth.
“Then open it if it’s nothing. I mean

if the Review Board isn’t reviewing
your status as an employee because of

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some fucking incident that happened,
then okay. Open the damn letter.”

Backed into a corner, Tony

grimaced and held the thin envelope,
brushing his thumb across the lettering.
“I applied for Captain.”

“That’s wonderful! Why are you

quitting then?”

“Because this is the third time and

it’s going to be another rejection. I
didn’t tell you because I knew you’d be
disappointed in me.”

Caelen sucked in his breath.

“Disappointed? Are you kidding me?”
Dropping to his knees, he brushed his
hand over Tony’s arm. “I’m proud of
you for trying. That’s what you wanted.
If they’re stupid enough not to want you

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then fuck them!”

There was something about his

conviction that made Tony smile. “God,
I love you.” He threw the envelope
across the room. “I only need you, not
this any longer.”

“Well, if you say so.” Caelen

grinned, kissed his lips, rising to his
feet. “I think champagne might be in
order.” He headed for the door.

“Sounds wonderful.”
Turning quickly, he grabbed the

envelope and moved out of Tony’s
reach, tearing it open.

“What are you doing?”
“What you’re too scared to do!”

Caelen laughed as he jerked out a single
piece of paper. Scanning the page, he

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wore no expression.

For some reason, the news still

hurt, no matter how much Tony prepared
himself for the inevitable. Swallowing
hard, he knew he’d made the right
decision and even had the name for his
brand new company, Change of Attitude

Caelen read the letter and looked

up at Tony.

Tony cocked his head, seeing his

hazy eyes. “It’s okay, you can read it.
I’m fine.”

“I’m not sure I can.”
“Please. I kept you in the dark for

far too long. We’re going to share all the
good times and the bad ones together
from now on. I wasted enough bloody

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time. This is a new beginning. No matter
what you think, the games are over.”

“Eh. Maybe.” Unable to keep the

grin off his face, Caelen’s eyes sparkled.
“You’re right, it’s game over…Captain
Antonio Dartanion.”


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About the Author

Cassandre started writing stories

and poems before she knew how to ride
a bike and proceeded onto novels by age
eleven. By the time she was an early
teenager, she had written fifteen novels.
As early adulthood, college and life
settled in; writing was placed on the
back burner but never forgotten entirely.
Suddenly awakened by the rampant
fantasies and untold stories of characters
that flowed through her dreams every
night and filtered into her daylight hours;
she could hold back the creative process
no longer.

Cassandre writes highly erotic

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romance stories and novels in the




paranormal flavors. Currently she has
fifteen erotic romance novels published
with Rebel Ink Press and several more
under contract.

In addition, as her alter ego

Bethany Halle, she is the host of two
blog talk radio shows with Robin Falls
Red River Radio. The Fire of Fantasy &
Darkness airs every other month
highlighting writers and other artists in





paranormal genres. Dare to Take the
Plunge also airs every other month
featuring writers, publishers, cover
artists and reviewers in the erotic

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weekly/monthly contributor to Naughty
Nights Press, Erotic Diaries, After Dark
Online, Kinke Magazine and Queer
Magazine Online.

As Bethany Halle she is also the

Director of Communications for Rebel
Ink Press and currently serves on the
Nominating Committee of the RWA’s
Passionate Ink. She will serve as
President Elect for Passionate Ink in

She was a Passionate Ink finalist

for their Passionate Plume contest with
Treats in a Plain Brown Wrapper and
has received several four and five star

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reviews for her work.

Enter her many worlds where

dreams and fantasies become realities
and the desires for all things decadent
hopefully will keep readers intrigued for
many years to come. Visit her website

for a taste of

her spicy world, trailers and free reads.

Married and currently living in a

small town in Virginia with her two
wondrous four legged friends, her world
is filled with endless possibilities of the

Remember.... always dare to take

the plunge!

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Member of:
Virginia Romance Writers
Romance Writers of America
Passionate Ink
ARRA – Australian Romance

Readers Association


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