Cassandre Dayne Hearts Forged in Fire

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Hearts Forged in Fire

written by Cassandre Dayne

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Cover Artist: Carl J. Franklin
First Edition
©2012, Rebel Ink Press, LLC

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Chapter One

“If you don’t get your head out of your ass I’m going to do it for you.”

Coke flew out of Zeke’s mouth landing all over his tee shirt. Coughing, he gazed at his sister

with a mixture of shock and awe. After all Sandi never said cuss words. Never. Wiping his

mouth he groaned. “Are you going to tell me why exactly?” Shoving the papers in his desk he

hissed and realized his hands were shaking.

“Zeke Parker you are one sexy as hell man with your long golden hair and rugged body and

yet you sit alone night after night playing with your toys,” Sandi huffed as she tsked her finger.

“I have a mind to take you over my knee and spank your ass.”

“What’s gotten into you this week? You had to meet me for lunch, you are begging me to

meet this guy who works for you and you’ve ask me to go to some damn frilly party. If I didn’t

know better I’d think you were trying to fix me up.”

“Leave it to your own accord and you’ll be alone for the rest of your life.”

Opening and closing his mouth Zeke knew his sister meant well. Almost twenty years old

she’d been his best friend and surrogate mother after their parents were killed in a plane

accident when he was nine. Working two jobs she supported them through thick and thin while

trying to run her ranch. Never married she was a rough and tumble woman who took no shit,

especially from him. “It hasn’t been that long.”

Sandi smiled as she walked closer, her eyes filled with sadness. “Long enough. I’m not

asking you to forget David, just move on. He’d want you to. You have to know that. I really want

you to have some things of your own and learn to be happy. All you do is work day in and out.

That’s not living and you know it.”

Even the sound of his name brought a tear to the corner of his eye. Unfortunately he didn’t

know how to live any longer and was making more of a mess out of the ranch than anything. “I

know,” he whispered as he gripped the can with enough force he crushed the middle. “He

would. I just can’t seem to drag myself out to meet anyone. I have the work here at the ranch

and my writing and that keeps me busy.” Gazing out at the mountains he sighed and thought

about the wonderful times he’d shared with David. They’d been so damn happy for almost

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three years, even considering a more formal arrangement but then David had… “I just can’t do


“I’m very proud of you for taking this place and making it not only stable but thriving

especially right now but the place and the work can’t consume your life. You’re a young man

and you need to find someone else.”

Closing his eyes Zeke cringed. While he continued to wallow in his self misery the ranch was

slowly going downhill and his pride kept him from telling anyone including his sister. “Someone

else? Do you know there are days I can barely get out of bed? If it wasn’t for the fact I need to

feed the animals and get the workers started every morning then I might not get up period.”

Sandi shook her head. “If you’re really that depressed then we need to get you some help.”

“What like damn psychiatrist who’s only going to tell me what I already know? I’m grieving.

What’s so wrong with that?” Suddenly incensed he broke away from her hold and stalked to

the front door nearly ripping it off the hinges before thumping out onto the porch. The day was

freezing and the fresh snow highlighted the trees like a beautiful blanket. Winter had always

been his favorite time of year.

Tipping his head back he gazed at the puffs of clouds and sighed. David had always called

Montana God’s country. Chuckling, he remembered the first time the man had shown up at the

ranch lost and almost out of gas. He was visiting his brother and had taken the wrong road. “Oh

David,” he breathed and clenched his fists. The wrong road had taken him almost a hundred

miles out of his way.

As luck would have it David had been forced to stay the night. Talking had turned into

dinner and a bottle of wine in front of the fire and against all odds they ended up in bed

together. Somehow the man never left except to collect his things from San Francisco. An art

critic, David had a keen eye for talent. And he gave up a mostly thriving business to be with

Zeke. The years they’d been together were the happiest in his life and Zeke was grateful for

having them. And now he was very much alone with no life. Sandi was right about so many

things. Giving him the reins of Rattlesnake Ranch was a wonderful deed given the fact he’d

almost fallen into a bottle and stayed but some days he could barely tolerate. For months he

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worked like a dog and then despair had taken over again. Beads of sweat trickled down his

back. It was time to buck up and face the damn music before something so precious was gone.

“You’re going to catch your death of cold out here,” Sandi breathed as she folded her arms.

“I feel peace out here. The cold clears my head.”

“I love it too. There’s nothing like looking at the mountains awash with fresh snow.”

They stood silently for several minutes.

“I’m only asking that you join me for dinner tomorrow night. That’s it. I really want you to

consider coming to the charity event and being a part of it. All the proceeds are going to go for

the humane shelters and I know how you love animals.”

Groaning, Zeke turned and could see the mischievous grin on her face. “I can tell you’re up

to something.”

“Little ole me? If by showing off my baby brother to a bunch of screaming women who are

going to bid very high at the auction for your hot body is up to something then guilty as


She’d been trying to get him to commit to the event for almost three months. “I hate to

remind you of this but I’m gay and I don’t think that’s fair to the women doing the bidding.” Yet

for the first time in days he couldn’t help but laugh. The thought of women pawing him,

hungering was both interesting and a bit terrifying.

“Well I didn’t ask you to have sex with the winner, just take her out to dinner.”

“Sandi!” Shaking his head he feigned being shocked. In truth she had an ornery streak that

ran though her like the wind. “When is it again?”

Giving him a naughty grin her eyes twinkled. “February thirteenth. Just in time for a

Valentine’s dinner out.” Realizing her faux paus she hissed.

“Don’t worry, sis. Everyday was like Valentine’s day for David and I.” While it was true the

slice of a knife sliced through his heart harder than any cupid’s arrow.

“So you’ll do it for me? I need one more or it’s not going to be the even dozen I promised.”

“Even dozen, eh?”

“Please? I promise you I’ll leave you alone.”

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Zeke owed her more than a silly dinner out with one of the local girls. “You can’t find

enough sexy men in this town that you have to come to your brother for help?”

“There are no sexy men in this town, with the exception of you of course.” Her grin

infectious she wrinkled her nose.

“I can’t resist you. Fine. I’ll do it but one dinner date and I do hope you at least invited some

women who are closer to my age.”

Giving him a wry smile she headed for the door. “You don’t like older women? Trust me,

we’re sexy as hell.”

Bursting into laughter he gave her a look and breathed in the crisp air. Perhaps she was

right. A dinner date with a woman would simply mean fresh conversation and nothing more. He

could live with that. Glancing at her he grinned. “I’ll take your word for it.”

“Oh and tomorrow night seven sharp. Just going to be a few of my friends so don’t worry.

You can be yourself. If you don’t arrive then I’m going to tell the woman all your secrets at the

charity event. And I don’t just mean about being gay either.”

“You wouldn’t!” Be himself? Zeke wasn’t entirely sure what that was any longer.

“Oh yes I would,” Sandi mused as she opened the door. “I love blackmail.”

Zeke hissed before smiling. “Fine. I’ll be there. By the way, what’s this event called


“Forged in Fire.”

“For Valentine’s Day? That sounds like vampires and other creatures of the night.”

“Oh sweet brother you’ve been out of the business of love for far too long. Like hearts

forged in fire?” Her words trailing off at the end she lowered her eyes and swallowed hard. “I’m

sorry. That was callous of me.”

“Not your fault and I love the name. I really do.” Inhaling deeply Zeke turned back toward

the mountain views and managed to keep the tears at bay until the door closed.

Why in the hell he was fretting over what to wear was beyond him but as Zeke stood in

front of his dresser mirror gazing at his reflection he resisted the urge to slam his hand against

the glass. It wasn’t that he was bad looking, he knew better but the haunted look remained in

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his eyes like a wounded soldier. He also hadn’t purchased new clothes since… Say it. You

haven’t bought anything new since the suit for David’s funeral. Shaking his head he sighed. So

he was wearing the one pair of decent black jeans he owned, a white shirt with no stains and

his traditional rattlesnake skin boots. Old faithful.

He’d have to do for the night. Grabbing his watch the sounds of the howling wind reminded

him another storm was coming in. While he wasn’t worried about the roads he did want to

make sure and check on the horses when he got back. Milly was due to give birth anytime and

the horse was already skittish enough without worrying about the brutal winds. His phone rang

catching him off guard. As he gazed at the number he sighed. He knew who the hell was calling

and he wasn’t prepared for more nagging about the bills. He hated bill collectors and had spent

half the previous day trying to figure out what to do or what to sell next. He’d allowed

everything to get out of hand because of his anguish. It had to stop. Sighing, he chose to ignore

the call but there was no doubt he would deal with the issue at hand one way or the other.

Unfortunately he had only one thing of value to sell other than his livestock and while the

piece would bring a pretty penny he wasn’t sure he could part with it. He headed into the den

and gazed at the piece of art. David’s one love was finding brilliant artists. David purchased the

stunning piece for the two of them for their collection and Zeke knew the worth. Just enough to

keep the doors open for a few months. Maybe then between the weather and the economy he

could get back on track. Sighing, he knew he had few options. No one was loaning anybody

money and especially not a ranch that hadn’t produced this past year. Sadly it was the one

tangible link to David.

As he grabbed his keys and headed for the truck he thought about David again. This was

only the second time he’d been to dinner at his sisters in over a year. What would his lover

think of his behavior? Smiling, he could see David’s terse face as he chastised him. Okay, maybe

a night around people instead of writing the next great American novel was worth trying. If he

managed to make it through the auction next week he’d call it a banner start to February. The

thought gave him a laugh.

The ride took twice the amount of time given the falling snow but he made it to Sandi’s

house only ten minutes late. He rushed to the door and entered without knocking and the scent

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of spaghetti sauce and garlic forced a growl from his stomach. God, he did miss his sister’s

cooking. And her Italian cooking was to die for. Hearing laughter coming from the living room

he headed for the kitchen instead. Maybe a cold beer or shot of bourbon would calm his

nerves. It wasn’t that he didn’t like her friends but they looked at him with a mixture of morbid

curiosity and disdain. There were days he wanted to ask if the reason was because he was gay

or was a hermit.

Grinning, he opened the fridge and selected a Corona. At least his sister kept a fully stocked

bar and refrigerator for entertaining. He jerked the bottle opener out of the kitchen drawer and

popped the top, taking a long pull as he brushed his hand through his hair. Goddamn it he was

nervous. Why? It wasn’t that he couldn’t hold a conversation. He was well educated for Christ’s

sake. Sadly too many people continued to ask him about David and how Zeke was doing. Like

shit and I can barely get out of bed most days. That would be wonderful dinner conversation.

Hissing, he chastised himself and took another gulp. Out of the corner of his eye he could

see a man approaching from the living room. For a second he had to blink as the almost God

like creature approached. Shaking the fog from his eyes he looked again. Sandi didn’t have any

friends who looked like this guy.

Tall and dark, his dark curly hair hung just to his broad shoulders. With the body hugging

suede shirt Zeke could still tell the man was built with a carved chest that flowed into a narrow

waist and thing hips. It was the man’s long legs and thick bulge between them that left him

breathless. Sucking in his breath Zeke realized his cock was stiff against his tight jeans and for a

minute the sheer anguish was dazzling. He felt very much alive for the first time in so long and

while the sensation was exhilarating he was also swept with guilt.

Turning away he tamped back his raging hormones and tried to figure out who the guy was.

He’d never seen him before. Searching his memory banks he couldn’t place the face – the

chiseled and ruggedly handsome face. Shit! What the hell is wrong with me? Zeke took another

long sip of his beer draining nearly half of it as the man came into the kitchen, stopping short.

“Hello. You must be Zeke Parker. Sandi’s told me all about you.”

The voice alone was enough to drop Zeke to his knees. Husky and sensuous the tone was

rich in a deep baritone. Licking his lips Zeke steeled his nerves before turning to face the man.

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And just about fell down. The man’s deep emerald green eyes were the most beautiful he’d

ever seen. His knees shaking, the instant attraction between them was evident by electricity

that ebbed and flowed. “I…I…” He shook his head and laughed. “Sorry. I am Zeke, yes…I am.”

Okay so he sounded like a damn schoolboy. Pathetic.

The mystery man laughed genuinely. “Mind if I grab one of those? I’m not much of a wine

man myself.”

“Help yourself.” Zeke’s hand trembled as he brought the bottle to his lips and as he gazed at

the man he could tell by the sophisticated clothing he wasn’t a rancher and also wasn’t from

around town.

He grabbed a beer and then gazed around the kitchen island.

“Oh, let me help you.” Zeke handed him the bottle opener forcing their fingers to touch.

The instant they did he gasped as a series of shivers snaked down his spine. His mouth suddenly

dry he could tell easily the stranger was as turned on as he was and the thought terrified him to

no end.

“Thank you,” he breathed, his voice dipping to a dangerously low level. As he gazed down

the length of Zeke and back up very slowly he grinned. “I’m sorry. Where are my manners? I’m

Drake Wilson.”

“Nice to meet you.” Zeke finished his beer and grabbed another. Snowstorm or not he

needed something to calm his ass down.

“Gorgeous here. Not used to this kind of snow but I have to admit I love it and it’s perfect

for the movie.”


“Yeah. I’m scouting locations for a movie and this is the last stop. I have to say I’m really

favoring the area here.” His smile dazzling he kept his eyes locked on Zeke. “I’m sorry. I work for

a film developer in LA and I get to travel sometimes around the world finding the right location

for the next great Oscar winner.”

“Sounds like an interesting job. Must keep you busy.”

Drake nodded. “Yeah it does and sometimes I’m not so sure that’s a good thing. I’ve been

living out of my car or a hotel room for two years. Kind of gets lonely.”

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There was something about Drake’s eyes that were almost as haunting as his. “Makes it

tough on a relationship. I bet your wife isn’t thrilled but I’m sure the perks can be good too.”

Zeke stole a quick glance at the man’s long fingers and while he didn’t see a ring that didn’t

mean anything. And why the hell did he care? You’re more than pathetic. You’re insane.

“No. I’m not worried. I’m…”

Before he had a chance to finish Sandi rushed into the room. “There you are, Drake. I

wondered what was keeping you so long and when did you sneak in, baby brother?”

“Just a few minutes ago. Something smells wonderful,” Zeke said simply trying to drag his

mind out of the gutter but as he stole a glance at Drake he could tell the man wanted to finish

the conversation and in truth so did he. Why would a complete stranger intrigue him so much?

“I know how you like my cooking so I thought I’d try and make it festive for our special

guest. Glad you two have met. We were just talking about how Drake needs a ranch for a

backdrop to the movie he’s working on. Naturally I thought of Rattlesnake Ranch.”

There was no doubt Sandi had something up her sleeve. As her eyes darted back and forth

between the men she smiled and sipped her red wine. While Zeke wanted to admonish her for

some reason he couldn’t.

“Hell, even the name of the ranch sounds perfect for the movie. I’d love to see it. I mean if

you’re interested in allowing me to take a few shots of the place.” Drake licked the top of the

beer bottle before taking a sip, his eyes never leaving Zeke.

“I…I guess that would be okay. Not much to see in the snow but it’s beautiful country and if

you want to come around I’ll be happy to show you the place.” While Zeke was surprised at his

reaction to the stunning man he sighed. “What kind of movie are you shooting?”

As Sandi stirred a pot on the stove she tipped her head back. “Isn’t it something a bit like

Brokeback Mountain?”

If this was her way of teasing him Zeke couldn’t tell. Drake simply nodded as he took a gulp

of his beer. “How long are you here for?”

“Depends on if I find the right spot. The movie is about realizing miracles and yes it’s a bit

like Brokeback,” Drake chuckled. “And there’s snow in part of the movie so we’d prefer natural

snow. In truth the town’s perfect and I love the backdrop of the mountains. If I can locate the

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perfect home setting then I’ll be here for a couple of weeks setting everything up before I go

back to LA to make the final arrangements,” Drake said quietly.

But Zeke could feel an invitation in his words somewhere. “You could make an appointment

to see the place if you want to.”

“How about tomorrow? The snow’s supposed to clear out of here in the morning,” Sandi


“I have the time if you do.” Drake smiled.

Why did Zeke feel like he was being set up? “How about eleven then?”

“It’s a date.”

As Zeke nodded he couldn’t help but glance down at the man’s crotch and wonder.

Goddamn he was horny.

Zeke was damn glad there were no people on the road and only animals. He was a bit tipsy

and more than normal when he made it back to the house. The snow was tapering off but the

silence from the blanket was a welcome feeling. Tromping onto the porch he dragged in a few

logs to rekindle the fire. On a night like this he needed more than just a warm blanket to drag

the chill from his bones.

The fire burning brightly he gazed at it and shook his head. He loved a roaring fire more

than anything but the first winter alone he couldn’t start one. Hell, he couldn’t light a fucking

candle. It had been too painful. Gazing into the flames he smiled. There was something very

vital and more than interesting about Drake and he wasn’t sure why but the man sizzled his


Hearing a whinny from the corral he wanted to make sure Milly was okay before heading to

bed. If the foul came in the middle of the night he was prepared but he really liked having the

vet close enough. Milly’s first foul was stillborn and she moped for weeks. This one he prayed to

God would be all right. Putting on a thicker parka he grabbed an oil lamp and headed outside.

The wind was still brisk but at least he could almost make out stars trying to shine through the

high level clouds.

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Heading into the barn he could tell all the horses were a touch restless but the ranch hands

had filled their water and food and none were worse for wear. Turning on a light he headed for

Milly’s stall and smiled. “Hey girl. How ya doin’ tonight?”

Whinnying, she headed straight for him, recognition in her eyes. Zeke opened the gate and

stepped inside. Holding her head he sighed as he rubbed her nose. “Oh girl. I want you to be

okay. I think it will be.” Nuzzling into his neck it was as if she knew what he was saying. “I know.

But the doc says you’re doing well. Just a few more days. I’ll be inside but if you need me you

know how to call out.” Laughing, Zeke loved this horse more than any he’d ridden in his life.

Milly was David’s horse and the very sweet girl who’d allowed a very untrained man to ride her,

always gentle and always forgiving. Milly could barely tolerate humans and bore a horrible scar

from the wretched night but she loved Zeke and he would honestly die for the horse.

She’d been the reason David perished but David died giving his heart to the creatures he’d

fallen in love with. “Okay baby girl. I’m going to go to bed but I love you and David loves you.”

Milly jerked back from hearing David’s name. Tipping her head she cried out, her whinny

woeful. “I know, baby. I miss him too.” As tears slipped out of his eyes he eased out of the stall,

clicking the door shut. His heart heavy he left the light on and walked out of the barn into the

cold and for the first time in ages he sobbed in anguish.

By the time he made it into the house he was chilled to the bone and tired. Pouring a

brandy he eased down by the fire and studied the intense colorations. Both beautiful and

destructive he inhaled the scent of the wood and tried to take comfort in the setting. Zeke took

a sip and savored the taste and the almost harsh burn in the back of his throat. Mesmerized by

the licking of the flames he swirled the brandy in his glass and remembered the horrible night.

He’d been the one to find David’s body and it took Milly a full ten minutes to understand Zeke

was only trying to help. By that point David was dead. Pressing the back of his hand over his

mouth his body shook. Why did the memories continue to be so painful?

He could envision David’s face as he laughed when they watched stupid comedies and the

way his eyes flashed in trepidation the first time he stood in front of Milly. At six foot five David

was a formidable man but was nearly brought to his knees by one horse. The thought gave Zeke

a smile. Raising his glass he thanked God he had three beautiful years with the man and could

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somehow feel David’s smile cascading down on him. It was time to let go to a point. He’d never

forget but he did want to try and be happy again. Gulping the rest of the brandy he stoked the

fire one last time before heading to bed. Cold nights he was used to. Perhaps he’d end up

getting a puppy. While he wasn’t a religious man he could feel David’s presence with him

almost all the time as if he didn’t want to leave. The feeling was comforting and one Zeke

wasn’t ready to lose.

Shaking off the feeling he moved to the window and gazed into the blackness. Sleep. That’s

what he needed. But as he turned toward the bed he’d shared with David he didn’t want sleep.

No, he wanted to feel again.

Zeke turned out the light and crawled into bed naked and for some reason as he thought

about Drake his cock instantly grew hard. Of course he’d masturbated over the last year but

always thinking about David, not about another man. Tonight he couldn’t get his mind off the

mystery man with the gorgeous body and perfect teeth. Nuzzling into the flannel sheets he

eased onto his back and slid the flat of his hands down his chest to his stomach, enjoying the

feel as he licked his lips.

As he closed his eyes he allowed himself to imagine being with Drake, tasting his lips and

touching his face. Sighing, Zeke slid his fingers down to tickle the soft hairs on his stomach

before moving them down to his crotch, grazing the tips through his pubic hair. His shaft

throbbed with need and as he teased the tip, grazing his finger across the sensitive slit his heart

thumped in his chest. This was as alive as he’d felt in a long time.

Arching his back he opened his legs as he wrapped his hand around the base of his cock

with one hand as he cupped and squeezed his balls with the other. The pressure was just

enough he let out a strangled moan. Panting, Zeke stroked up and down on his shaft as tingling

sensations thrashed through his body. Suddenly on fire, he licked his dry lips and squeezed his

seed sacs harder until a slice of anguish trickled down his spine. “Oh…yyyeeess.” It had been so

damn long since he’d felt a man’s touch teasing and electrifying him and just the image of

Drake’s face was enough to force his pulse into overdrive.

Up and down he stroked, his actions becoming manic as the friction of his hand burned his

tender skin and yet he continued. Harder and faster he tugged at his aching cock until he was

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left breathless, his legs trembling. Tossing his head back and forth Zeke moaned as he opened

and closed his eyes, shifting stars floating around his field of vision. “God…yes…oh…” As he

pumped harder, he grew desperate for more, his actions bordering on savage and still he

continued until beads of sweat poured down the side of his face. As a series of electric current

sent wave after wave into his body he was lost to the moment of passion.

Jerking up, he tossed his head back as every muscle in his body tensed, an intense orgasm

racing from the tips of his toes up his legs until he couldn’t hold back his raging need any

longer. Opening and closing his mouth he let out a strangled hiss as he exploded sending white-

hot strings of cum up and across his stomach. “Aaaahhhh!” Roaring into the dense air he

panted and tried to focus yet was lost to the savages of his lust.

Minutes later he smiled and traced a circle around his lips realizing he wanted more than

just this. No, he wanted to find out if the attraction between he and Drake was real. God help

him, he did.


There wasn’t going to be much sleep for Drake tonight and he knew it. Just meeting the

man had been enough to set his soul on fire but he had work to do so instead of thinking about

Zeke Parker sexually he concentrated on the emails he had to deal with and the contracts he’d

been avoiding. He hated paperwork but it was a necessary evil. Besides, the film was behind

schedule and he was tired of putting so much of his money into the picture. No one on his staff

knew he was funding the project and no one was going to know. He’d worked too damn hard

and he had to find a way to finish the movie.

Drake groaned as he read the emails. He had few choices and whether or not he wanted to

admit it he was out of time and out of money. It was now or never and this was the last stop.

With a little luck and the project would finally be recognized for the poignant piece it was. He

smiled thinking about how he’d found out about Montana and the ranch. There was no doubt it

was fucking perfect. From the information he’d been sent he couldn’t wait to take a look

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around Rattlesnake Ranch. Flicking his finger back and forth across his lips he realized he wasn’t

sure he could wait to get another look at the stunning cowboy.

Flipping through is emails he attempted to concentrate but every other minute he couldn’t

stop thinking about the gorgeous blond haired God in tight jeans and a body that… “Get your

mind back on business.” Yeah, like chastising himself was going to do any good. While he had

limited experience caring about anyone and especially after his relationship had ended so badly

a few years before he was hooked and he knew it. Now how would he convince the cowboy?

One way was to sweep in with promises of fame and fortune. Hell, he was in control, right?

He had a cunning little plan of his own and one no one had to know about including Cupid,

the rather tenacious force that had started this interesting trek. Smiling, he licked his lips and

was determined to find out as much as he could not only about Zeke but about Rattlesnake

Ranch. Maybe Karma was kicking his ass for working twenty four seven. Was it time to be able

to play a little? Yeah right, dream on.

Two hours later and a little beat of sneaky computer technique and he found out almost

everything he could about Zeke. Sighing, he leaned back in his chair as exhaustion swept his

body. And something else, what Cupid hadn’t told him was just how dire Zeke’s situation was.

And the little pittance he could offer the man wasn’t going to help much at all. “Damn it.” What

the hell was he going to do?

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Chapter Two

It was barely ten-thirty and for some reason Zeke was pacing the floor. He’d checked on the

animals, had three cups of coffee, cleaned up the house and was about as wired as he could be.

Hissing, he brushed his hands through his hair for the tenth time and sauntered back into the

bathroom to make sure he looked okay. As he gazed into the mirror he shook his head. He was

like a kid in heat and he couldn’t afford to lose his head. He had a lot of shit to do with the

business. In truth he had promises to make and ones he was determined to keep. Still, the

thought of seeing the man again forced his already aching cock to twitch.

As he made the bed and finally stood the living room gazing at the fresh snow and the hint

of the sun he knew the location was beautiful for any movie and yet he couldn’t be more

surprised Drake was scouting for another gay cowboy movie. Perhaps they were all the rage. He

hadn’t been to the movies since David died and while he kept up with certain levels of

entertainment he was much more content reading a good book and writing than watching any


A puff of snow dust down the road indicated a visitor. It was at that moment he realized his

legs were shaking. Gazing into the kitchen he thought about the rather pitiful lunch he’d made

in preparation for the man’s visit. He was no gourmet cook so the submarine sandwiches would

have to do. As the vehicle drew closer he put on his coat and moved out onto the porch. Drake

drove up in a very expensive range rover. Zeke sighed. While he originally made decent enough

money working and owning the ranch with Sandi he couldn’t afford a gorgeous car or anything

else expensive. Giving up his salary hadn’t been that big of a deal. He had all he needed at the

ranch. To live your life until you’re an old man and very much alone. The words of his sister

burned in the back of his mind.

Sucking in his breath he was determined to enjoy the day.

Drake slowly climbed out of the car and lifted his sunglasses, scanning the perimeter. “This

is freaking gorgeous. I’m in awe. This yours?”

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Zeke couldn’t help but notice honest appreciation. Easing down the steps he smiled as he

gazed across his surroundings. Sometimes it took a stranger coming to the place to really help

him understand how truly special everything was. “Sandi and I own it.

She’s had it since our parents died and I bought into it a couple years ago.”

Squinting, Drake nodded as he moved closer. “It’s perfect for the shoot if that’s something

you can handle.”

“I guess that means you’re going to have to tell me what’s involved.”


For several seconds they stood staring at each other until Zeke finally remembered his

manners. “Come in and get warm and then I’ll show you around.” He stole a gaze down the

length of the man and sighed. Dressed in tight faded blue jeans and a red sweater with a dark

parka the man looked incredibly sexy. His curls accentuated an almost perfectly chiseled face

and Zeke shivered from hunger. He had to shift his gaze for fear he’d show the man just how

horny he was. “Come on. I have a fire going.”

As Drake stepped inside he breathed deeply and smiled. “Jesus. I love the stone fireplace

and the hardwood floors. The last place I rented was like a deco flat for women. Don’t get me

wrong I love all kinds of architecture but this is comfortable. I also love the wide-open space. If

you’ve ever been to LA you would know why.”

Zeke smiled as he noticed the way Drake surveyed everything. “I love being here and the

fact I can be alone yet not far my sister. And no, I have no desire to come to LA. The biggest city

I’ve ever been to it Billings several times and Miami once just flying in to drive down to the

Keys.” He’d forgotten about the vacation with David and he pushed away the beautiful and yet

damning thought.

“Well I really thought I wanted nothing more than to live in the big city but every story

you’ve ever heard about it from the smog to the backstabbing is true.”

“Where you from?”

Drake gave him and odd looking before turning his head. “West Virginia. My grandmamma

always told me one day I’d miss it. Course as a teenager I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of the

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two bit hick town. Now…I don’t know. I think I miss it.” Tilting his head he gazed into Zeke’s

eyes and smiled.

“We’re practically cousins then.” Grinning, he felt an interesting mixture of comfort and

kinship with the man. That never happened to him on the first meeting.

“You’re right.”

They remained quiet for a few minutes and Zeke wasn’t sure what to say. Blurting out his

first thought, he resisted hissing. “So, you ever been in cowboy country before?”

Drake laughed. “Closest I’ve even been in behind the screen of a movie. I think the truth is

so much better than fiction. Don’t you?”

Was the guy flirting with him? God, he hoped so. “I do. But cowboys don’t lead a glorious

life like you see in the movies.”

“I guess that’s why I want the location to be as authentic as possible. I hate those glossy

westerns that make you think all cowboys are either heroes or villains and of course none of

them have to deal with real life like paying bills or worrying about their relationship.” Drake

opened his eyes wide. “I’m sorry. I’m prattling on about shit. “

“No I like hearing that and I agree with you. There’s nothing easy about running a ranch,

especially these days. The way beef prices are going I can barely survive. I’m trying and I’ll go

with a huge fight before I let it go but it’s tough.”

Drake nodded. “I understand and give you a hell of a lot of credit for what you’re doing. So

you want to hear more about the movie?”

“You know, unless you’re chilled to the bone why don’t we take a walk and that way you

can really see the place.”

“I’d like that.”

Swallowing hard Zeke led him down the path toward the new barn and the horse stalls.

“You and Sandi own all of this? This place is amazing.” His eyes swept over the expansive


“Yes. It was willed to her when our parents died and then she sold half to me a few years

ago. It’s been in our family in some manner for generations.”

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Drake stole a glance. “Sandi told me a lot about your parents. What a horrible way to lose


“How long have you known Sandi?” Surprised at Sandi telling him but so much, Zeke

couldn’t remember her mentioned him at all but then again he wasn’t paying much attention to

anything personal as of late.

“My mother went to college with her and used to talk about Sandi quite a lot. Mom said she

and Sandi got into a heap of trouble with the boys.” As Drake laughed he glanced down the

length of Zeke before slowly inching them back up. Licking his lips he smiled.

Why did Zeke has the distinct feeling the man was undressing him with his eyes? “My

sister? She’s the regular good girl.” He thought about the very few stories Sandi had told him

about her time in college. It was her one foray into living in the East and completely by herself.

Oddly enough, Sandi told him almost nothing about her obvious escapades.

“Not according to my mother. Something about getting caught naked outside their dorm.”

Bursting into laughter it was just the thing to break their growing tension. “I have to talk to

her about that. Here I thought my sister was the original good girl.” For some reason Zeke was

thrilled she had a naughty side. Then again, she’d taught him everything he knew.

“She’ll kill me!” Drake gasped and then studied the surroundings. “I can’t get over how

gorgeous everything is.”

“You should see it in the spring when the colors just start to turn. Simply breathtaking.”

“Why Rattlesnake Ranch?”

Zeke cocked his head and grinned. “You don’t really need me to answer that do you?”

As Drake’s eyes darted to the ground he scanned the perimeter. “Are they…I mean…”

Laughing, Zeke shook his head. “Little standing joke. While we do have rattlesnakes here

the truth is the ranch was named after my great-grandfather who supposedly had a harsh

tongue and an even worse temper, if you know what I mean.”

“Great story. Now that’ll make a wonderful backdrop for the movie. I love the old barn. By

the way if we decide to use your place then we will pay you for your inconveniences. We’d be

here at least three months shooting I anticipate.”

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Zeke nodded. “We do have plenty of room. I even have ranch hand quarters I’ve kept up.

We can’t keep absolute full time help all year round but the place is a great one to crash and it’s

cozy. Houses twenty-five or so. I rebuilt a lot of the buildings to make them more user friendly if

you know what I mean.” With his two hands and sweat equity he had given the buildings new

life but that was spit and spine only.

“Sound perfect. Mind if I take some pictures?”

“Of course not. Help yourself. I’ll be in the barn. I have a horse about ready to give birth.”

“Really?” His eyes opening wide Drake pulled out a camera. “I love horses. I don’t know if

they love me but they’re such amazing creatures.”

“Well come in when you’re done and I’ll introduce you to the finest filly this side of the

Mississippi.” Inhaling deeply the scent of Drake, all musk and very masculine filled Zeke’s

nostrils and he was just about as turned on as he could be. Why here and why him? Shivering,

he headed into the barn and eyed Milly. While she seemed fine he could tell her breathing was

more labored. “Won’t be long now girl. Why don’t we take you on a walk to give you a bit of a

stretch? Would you like that, pretty girl?”

As he entered into the stall Milly whinnied and stomped her feet. “I know you can’t wait. I

have someone I’d like you to meet.” Milly was if nothing else a wonderful judge of character.

While she’d remained skittish since David’s death she really didn’t like a certain class of men

who. Unfortunately her likes were far fewer than her dislikes. Zeke took a few minutes to rub

her down, feeling her belly. She couldn’t be anymore pregnant and he knew if the horse didn’t

give birth within thirty-six hours he’d have to take matters into his own hands.

“All right girl. Let’s get the harness on you.” Zeke sighed as he thought about using the

ranch. Could he give up his privacy for a period of time? If the money was as good as Sandi

insinuated then this might be what he needed to get through winter. Still, it would mean

opening up more than just his home to strangers. Well, hearing the man out was certainly a

good idea anyway. He led Milly out to the corral and as he turned the corner he heard a noise.

Startled, Milly snorted and jerked away from Zeke, racing into the middle of the ring, the

force knocking Drake to the ground.

“Shit!” Zeke hissed.

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“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you or myself.”

Zeke held out his hand. “She just spooks easily. You okay?” When Drake grasped his hand

Zeke felt a single bead of perspiration trickle down from his forehead even in the cold air.

Sucking in his breath he smiled and wiped it away casually but not before Drake saw his action

and smiled.

“Just my pride hurt. Ugh and hopefully not the camera. I took some wonderful shots.”

Grinning he lifted the camera and good several shots of Milly. “God she’d beautiful. Mind if I

pet her?”

Opening and closing his mouth he eyed his horse and smiled, a mischievous thought in his

head. “Go ahead.” If you can. She’ll race you around the ring. Zeke folded his arms, leaned

against the stable and watched the show unfold. Maybe she’d tire him out or the other way

around and Milly could have restful night or finally give birth. As watched the way Drake held

the camera, holding it just so as he edged closer to Milly he could almost see what Milly was

thinking. He resisted chuckling but as the horse began her dance Zeke could tell Drake was

getting frustrated quickly. “Go on, she’s waiting.”

Drake shook his head and shot an irritated look in his direction taking shot after shot of

mostly dirt and her tail.

Zeke had to bite his tongue hard to keep from laughing.

After chasing her around the enclosure several times Drake stopped and shook his head. “Is

she always this stubborn?”

“Yes.” This time Zeke couldn’t help but chuckle seeing the exasperation on Drake’s face.

“Just like her daddy, I suppose.” As he turned his head slowly he squinted in the sun and

gave Zeke a lopsided grin.

“You’re right.” If the man only knew. Milly had David’s personality to a “t”. Stubborn, highly

opinionated and spirited the two were like peas in pod.

David put the camera back in his jacket and sighed. Finally he turned and walked away,

looking over his shoulder.

Was he giving up this easily? Zeke enjoyed the little game as Milly totally ignored him,

whinnying and snorting. The horse turned her head and looked straight at Zeke until Zeke

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nodded. And then something magical happened. Pawing the dirt Milly snorted once before

swinging her head around and heading straight for Drake. While her moves were hesitant there

was purpose in her step. Zeke moved away from the building to see exactly what was going to

happen but kept his distance. Seeing the moment unfold he was in awe of the control both man

and beast had and his heart thumped in his chest forcing a series of echoes dancing in his ears.

No one was allowed to get this close to her, no one.

Slowly Drake turned and eyed Milly, giving her a slight nod. He remained still with the

exception of putting his hand out. Milly inched forward, giving Zeke a single glance. As Milly

closed the distance she lowered her head.

With instant tears in his eyes Zeke pressed the back of his hand over his mouth. He’d never

seen Milly act this way with anyone. Never. His body shaking he crept toward them as he

watched the beautiful moment unfold, completely mesmerized. Swallowing hard he could

Drake’s look of surprise and his gentle manner as he touched Milly.

Milly nuzzled into Drake and this time her whinny was one of contentment. “Girl, you’re so

beautiful.” Rubbing her muzzle Drake smiled and closed his eyes.

Closing the distance he watched the two together and simply stood appreciating the quiet

building bond. “That’s amazing. Milly’s never gotten this close to anyone since…”

As if seeming to understand Drake sighed and kissed her nose before looking at Zeke.

“Maybe one day I can ride her. If that’s allowed.”

Zeke nodded. “I’d like that.” And in truth he really would. The thought sent a series of

dazzling emotions racing into the back of his mind. Maybe he was starting to heal after all. “Do

you need to see more?”

“Eventually I’ll want to get some other pictures but I think I have enough to convince the

powers that be.” Grinning, he kissed Milly’s nose again before moving away. As he patted her

side he sighed and narrowed his eyes studying her flesh. “Where’d she get the scars?”

Zeke looked away and bit his lip. “Accident.” As the wind blew in soft puffs swirling the

snow he swallowed hard and tried to mask his tension.

“Oh,” he whispered and gave Milly another pat.

“I um made us some lunch. Do you have time to stay?”

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“I’d like that. I just need to make a phone call and then I’m all yours.”

“I secure Milly. You can make yourself at home in the house.”

“I’ll do that.”

Zeke watched him walk away and realized he’d been holding his breath. As he took her

reins he leaned in and whispered. “You trying to fix me up too?”

Milly jerked her head and snuffled into Zeke’s neck.

“Figures. You women are all alike.” As he gave her fresh water and feed he realized he was

whistling, something he used to do all the time. Somehow it seemed to sooth the girl and yet

she watched every movement. When he was finished he patted her again, gazed down at the

scars and allowed one last thought about David. Maybe it was time to remember he was still


Heading into the house he caught Drake just as he was ending his call.

“I don’t give a shit. This is exactly what I want and you will find a way to make it happen.

Period. You got it?” Drake shook his head back and forth as he stood in front of the fire. “No.

I’m deadly serious so get or board or get out.” Snapping his phone shut he cursed.

“Everything okay?” Zeke asked.

Drake whipped around, his face terse. “Perfect. Yeah. Great.” Finally he smiled as his eyes

focused on Zeke. “Good news. I’m going to email the pictures when I get back to the hotel but if

you’re still willing I think we have ourselves a deal.” His grin infectious Drake yanked off his


“Would you like some coffee?” Why was Zeke suddenly nervous and what was the man


“How about something a little stronger.”

And why did the man have to be so damn sexy? “Beer or bourbon perhaps?”

“Well I’m sort of on vacation and I think I just made one of the best deals of my life so I

think we should celebrate. Bourbon if you’ll join me.”

Somehow Zeke didn’t think he was going to get any additional work done today. Tipping his

head he gazed into Drake’s solemn eyes. Everyone had something to hide. “Bourbon it is. I’ll be

right back.”

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“And I’ll stoke the fire.”

Sliding back into the living room with drinks in hand Zeke frowned. Where did he go?

Searching the house he found Drake staring at the art piece and for some reason he felt like it

was an intrusion. It made no sense. Clearing his throat he inched closer and forced back his

feelings as he handed Drake a glass.

“This is stunning. Truly amazing. I love the colors and the bold accents. Must have cost a


“You know your artwork?”

Drake smiled. “My brother is not only an artist but runs the finest art gallery in San Diego.

They have some of the most incredible showings outside of New York City. Do you know the


“Only by reputation. It was a gift,” Zeke hid behind his glass as he took a sip.

Drake turned slowly and smiled. “That’s an incredible gift. You have no idea.”

“Yeah. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it.” Sighing, Zeke gazed at the piece. “Do you

think it’s worth very much?”

“What, are you kidding me? Quite a bit. I think you have a rare find on your hands.

Beautiful. Your friend has extraordinary tastes.”

“Yes, he did.” Well at least Zeke had confirmation of its value. Maybe…

They finished lunch and lounged by the fire talking and for Zeke was about as relaxed as he

had been in over a year. Both of their previous tensions seemed to be forgotten.

“You know what’s funny?”


“You haven’t asked me anything about the shoot,” Drake said as he swirled his drink. “Most

people get really excite about having a movie take over their property or at least they want to

brag to someone.”

“I’m not like most men,” Zeke said with an edge in his voice as he took a gulp before setting

down his glass.

“No. You’re certainly not.” Their eyes locked for several seconds before Drake looked away.

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“I think it’ll be a nice diversion. I’ve kinda needed that after the last year or so.” God, he

could be such as ass at times.

Looking down Drake finished his drink and gazed at the fire. “Do you mind if I ask you what

kind of accident?”

Zeke sighed.

“I didn’t mean to pry.”

“It’s okay. It was a fire.” For some reason the thought of telling a man he barely knew

seemed okay, perhaps better than okay. Maybe Drake arrived for a reason. “She was trying to

save David from the fire in the old barn. I think in truth she was trying to put out the flames so

she was burned protecting him.” He eyed Drake’s looks of surprise and took another gulp

before continuing. “You see Milly was my lover’s horse. It didn’t start out that way. Milly was

my horse but after the first week of David being here she belonged to him. Hell, they went

almost everywhere together. They were like two peas in a pod. I honestly never thought in my

wildest dreams that a city slicker could learn to be such a cowboy but she taught him

everything there was to know about riding including falling down. It was…” As agony swept

through his heart he pressed the back of his hand over his mouth to keep from screaming.

Why? Why?

Drake inched forward in the chair. “You don’t have to continue.”

“You know, I owe it to David somehow. I haven’t really talked about that fucking night for so

long.” But he’d done nothing but dream about it. “We had a terrible thunderstorm with

lightning like I’ve never seen before. The strikes were tremendous. I was in town at a meeting

and David was tending to the animals. I tried to call him and of course got no answer so I raced

back. It must have happened so damn fast. He…” Dropping his head Zeke could barely go on.

The ugly memories flashed in front of his eyes burning into his soul.

“David, where are you?” The screaming of the horses dragged his attention to the barn.

From where he stood he could see the flames licking over the roof. As his heart thumped in his

chest he ran forward and could easily tell the entire building was engulfed from the fire.

“David!” Hissing, he caught a glimpse of something in the corral. He took off running toward the

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sound, as the snapping of timbers and crackles electrified the night sky. Rounding the corner he

could see Milly, stamping and crying, smoke rising from a smoldering heap.

Barely able to get close, Milly went wild, crazed as she jumped up and down, snorting and


“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.” She refused to let him get close for several agonizing minutes.

When he did there was little left of his soul and as he stared down he knew his life would never

be okay again.

Shaking back the memory Zeke wiped the tears from his eyes. “The fire was… terrible.

There was nothing I could do but stand and watch. I almost lost Milly too. When I found her she

was barely coherent but refused to leave David’s side. They loved each other so much and

when David died it almost broke her heart.” Instantly Zeke could tell he’d rattled Drake. Turning

his head slowly he saw tears in the man’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have dumped all that on


His hand shaking Drake brushed it through his hair and swallowed hard before speaking.

“No. I should be the one apologizing. I didn’t mean to pry. You must be so angry with me after

I…well after I touched her that way.”

Somehow the words surprised him. “Angry? Not at all. In truth she’s been moping since he

died. I guess we both have. Nice to have something to smile about.” And it really was.

“Well, I should go. I have some things to do,” Drake breathed as he set his glass down on

the hearth and rose to his feet. Grabbing his coat he could barely look at Zeke.

He had a terrible feeling he’d crossed the line. What an idiot you are telling him all your

woes. “Anything I can help you with as far as the ranch?”

“No. The production assistant will be in touch with you in the next couple of weeks. I’m

going back to LA day after tomorrow and then I’ll come out at some point with the crew. It’ll be

in about forty-five days or so we’ll do some preliminary shoots. I might get to come back earlier

but it just all depends on the financing deal.”

Zeke nodded. “Good enough.“ Nope. He’d just blown the entire thing with the man.

Goddamn he was an idiot. He opened the door and dropped his head. “Thanks for coming out.”

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Drake headed out the door and then stopped. Turning slowly he locked eyes with Zeke. “I

know you’ve been through a lot. I don’t to sound callous or cold but if you’re willing I’d like to

explore something with you. Maybe. If you’re willing to um…” He tipped his head back and

laughed. “I sound pathetic, don’t I? I’m not very good with this. I haven’t really been out so to

speak but for so long. I really think you’re an incredible guy and one I’d love to get to know

better. Granted I’ll be away for a few weeks but maybe when I get back we can have dinner.”

Looking away a nervous tick flicked across the corner of his mouth. When he spoke again his

words were barely audible. “I also happen to think you’re damn sexy as hell.” Slapping his hand

over his mouth he looked horrified.

Seeing Drake’s shocked reactions made Zeke not only smile but horny as hell. As his cock

twitched, pressing tight against his jeans he resisted adjusting his bulge. “I think that’s the

nicest thing I’ve heard in a while. I’d love to.” Hmmm…the thought the man had just come out

with his sexuality was interesting. He’d always known he was gay and never questioned the

thought and it never bothered him. He could easily tell Drake wasn’t sure what to do or what

was expected of him and the mere sexy little thought was more beguiling than anything else.

Drake hesitated before easing forward. “I…good. I’ll call you at least. We can talk and just

maybe…talk.” Awkwardness written all over his face he smiled and lowered his head.

A series of thoughts and sensations thrashed through his body and while his legs trembled

he was left breathless because of the man. Losing all self-control he moved forward. “Drake.”

Closing the distance he cupped Drake’s chin and lifted it as he leaned in. Capturing Drake’s

mouth he whisked his tongue across Drake’s lips before pushing his tongue inside Drake’s


Drake moaned and closed his eyes, his entire body shaking as he gripped Zeke’s arms.

Zeke wrapped his arm around Drake’s waist pulling him tightly against the heat of his body.

His heart thumping he could easily tell Drake was turned on and as he ground his hips against

Drake’s the friction forced him to growl into the kiss. As the moment of passion roared he

sensed Drake relaxing.

Drake slid one hand around Zeke’s waist, allowing his fingers to dance back and forth across

his back. Their tongues entwining the kiss became a manic roar of hunger.

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Every part of his body on fire and very much alive for the first time in so long he longed to

encourage Drake to stay and to make love with him but he was unsure of what to do. Finding

the courage to break the kiss he sighed. “You taste so damn good.” His voice barely a whisper

he licked his lips and allowed the sweet scent of the man to fill his nostrils.

His face flushed, Drake panted as his eyes darted back and forth across Zeke’s. “I…I…”

Palming Zeke’s chest, he fingered the thick shirt as he struggled to find something to say.

“You don’t have to say anything.” Tracing the seam of Drake’s mouth with his index finger

he knew it was time to stop. “We’ll have plenty of time for this later. No rush. We’ll get to know

each other.” God he longed and hoped to get to know the gorgeous man. Why was he burning

all over with need? “If you want to I mean.”

Nodding slowly Drake said nothing but his look and his throbbing cock said enough.

There was something about the way Drake gazed at him that gave him courage and fueled

his almost savage needs. Gently easing Drake back inside he closed the door and backed him

against it. “I don’t know what’s happening here.”

“Neither do I but I’m so damn attracted to you. I…I’m not used to this, I’m not good at this.”

Biting his lower lip Zeke’s legs trembled. “What do you want?”

Several seconds ticked by.

“Drake.” Please God don’t let me lose him here.

“Oh…shit…” Tossing his head back Drake closed his eyes and jerked his coat off, pitching it

to the floor. “I want…”

“Tell me,” Zeke encouraged as he leaned forward and licked around the seam of Drake’s

mouth. Cupping his chest, he fingered Drake’s nipple through the fabric until the bud became

rock hard before slipping his hand down to caress the bulge growing between Drake’s legs.

Drake sucked in his breath as his eyes fluttered open. Panting, he used the flat of his hand

to brush down Zeke’s chest to his waist, his fingers dipping below the waistline. “I want…”

Tell me.” His voice more insistent, he kneaded Drake’s cock, stroking up and down until

they were both breathless.

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Drake fumbled with the button on Zeke’s jeans, his fingers shaking as he tried to unfasten.

“I want to taste you.” He laughed nervously as if admitting it was difficult and gave Zeke a

slanted stare. “All of you.”

It had been a long time since he’d had his cock sucked and there was nothing more that

Zeke would love that to have the man’s mouth wrapped around his shaft. Shivering, he licked

from the underside of Drake’s chin up to trace a circle around his mouth before crushing the

man’s mouth as he pulled Drake against his chest. He continued rubbing Drake’s throbbing

erection until he every nerve in his body stood on end. This was out of control and for some

reason he didn’t want it to stop. Breaking the kiss he pushed Drake to his knees, his grip tight

on the man’s shoulders. “Suck me then.”

Easing out Zeke’s cock his opened his eyes wide. “Shit.” As he kept his gaze locked on Zeke,

Drake managed to maneuver the tight material down from Zeke’s hips, exposing his thick shaft.

Inhaling deeply he sighed and took Zeke’s cock into his hands, kneading and caressing. Very

slowly he darted his tongue out and dragged the tip across the sensitive slit.

“Dear God!” Zeke’s legs continued to tremble from anxiety and an almost desperate level of

desire that threatened to consume him. Wrapping his fingers in Drake’s curls, the silky feel of

his hair sent another series of electric pulses into his system.

Drake cupped Zeke’s balls, rolling the tender flesh between his fingers as he continued

licking around the blood-engorged head. Licking down the underside, he breathed a swath of

hot air over Zeke’s balls as he squeezed them until Drake moaned.

Fearing he would fall, Zeke rested one hand on the back of the door as he kept the other

firmly wrapped around Drake’s hair, holding him in place. There was something so damn carnal

about having a stranger sucking his dick in the middle of the day with his pants hugging his

knees. Barely able to focus he licked his dry lips and closed his eyes. “That’s it, suck me.”

Sighing, Drake sucked Zeke’s balls, rolling his tongue around the swollen flesh as he inched

forward and slid his hand around Drake’s ass, brushing the tip of his finger up and down the


Visions of being ridden hard flashed through Zeke’s mind fueling his hunger and just as

Drake pressed a single finger inside his dark cavern Drake took half of Zeke’s cock into his

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mouth, using his strong jaw muscles to clamp around the muscle. “Oh…fuck!” The move forced

his eyes open and he gazed down at the shameless act as Drake pushed his finger past the ring

of muscle until a slice of pain washed over Zeke’s body.

Drake took him down another inch and then another, sucking and squeezing as he grunted,

his hand pumping the base of Zeke’s shaft.

For one who was supposed to be inexperienced Zeke could barely breathe from the intense

tingles that rushed through his system sending shards of electric current jolting into his heart.

He panted and began using his strong leg muscles to thrust his cock hard into Drake’s mouth,

his forceful actions almost pummeling him into the hard wood. “Suck me. Harder. Yeah…”

Drake began going up and down on Zeke’s cock harder and faster as he grunted, his actions

growing manic, his hunger building. He drove his finger as deep inside Zeke’s ass as his position

would allow until Zeke roared.

He tipped his head back and moaned, the feeling so damn good. God how he loved being

fucked in the ass almost savagely and as Drake thrust in and out he almost turned around and

begged to be fucked.

“Damn hot. So fucking hot,” Drake breathed as he grazed his teeth down and back up the

length of Zeke’s cock before taking his shaft back into his wet mouth, sucking and licking around

Zeke’s dick in zigzag lines.

Zeke was no longer in control of his body as a pain and pleasure mixed together in a

beautiful dance of lust. As he tipped his head back savoring the way the man could suck, his

orgasm rushed from the tips of his toes so unexpectedly he was floored. “Nnnnooo!” Every part

of his body shaking, he exploded inside Drake’s mouth with such ferocity he screamed.

Ffffuuucccckkk!” Clinging to the man he pushed Drake’s mouth all the way down until Drake’s

mouth hit his balls forcing him to take every drop of cum filling his mouth.

Drake gurgled but held on, his finger still buried deep in Zeke’s ass.

What seemed like minutes later Zeke eased back and wiped the sweat from his brow as he

gazed down with lazy eyes at the man who’d given him the first taste of pleasure in far too

long. “Sweet Jesus…that was…” What the hell could he say? Instantly he could see the flush of

embarrassment build on Drake’s face as the man stumbled to his feet.

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“I…that was… wonderful,” Drake said quietly yet he looked away.

And in the few minutes of awkward silence guilt entered into the back of Zeke’s mind and

not only because of David but because he felt he took advantage of the situation. “I should say

I’m sorry.” Easing back he jerked his jeans back up and fastened them, unable to look at Drake.

“No. You shouldn’t. I guess I got carried away.”

Chuckling softly Zeke nodded. “I guess we both did. I…” There was nothing to say. As they

looked at each other and smiled they both somehow knew things had changed between them

and they’d crossed the line and now neither had any clue what to do.

Drake grabbed his coat and every move jerky slipped into it, his chest heaving. “I’m not

usually like this, I mean I don’t just…I don’t sleep with men on the first meeting.” He growled

and closed his eyes.

“It’s okay.”

“There’s something about you I not only like but crave and I just am not sure how to handle

it.” Drake opened his eyes slowly and tried to smile.

“I know what you mean. We’ll just caulk it up to emotions.” Or insanity. Zeke resisted

groaning. Hell, he’d never done anything so impetuous in his life. Even as a teenager he never

engaged in sex with a stranger let alone… He resisted reacting any stronger. The guy was

already out of his element. Easing a strand of hair from Drake’s face the almost too intimate act

brought a chill between them. He moved away and sighed. “Until you get back then, next time.”

Whatever the hell next time meant.

“Yes.” Breaking the hold Drake stepped back, his feet almost stumbling over themselves.

“Next time. I’ll call you.”

A wave of horror swept through him and for some reason Zeke wanted to give the man an

out, or him and out or shit, both of them. Why couldn’t anything be easy any longer? “Look.

You are one hot man but I’m not sure I can do this again. I…”

While he looked hurt and stunned, Drake nodded. “I completely understand. I really do.


“You bet.” Clenching his fists he wanted to drag the man into the bedroom and spend days

exploring his body. So why couldn’t he?

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As Drake stepped backwards off the porch he looked longingly at Zeke before turning

around slowly and heading toward his car.

Zeke closed the door and balled his fist. Why did he have a terrible feeling he was never

going to see Drake again? “Good going idiot. You scared him away.” Watching Drake climb into

the car and start the engine he sighed and allowed himself to admit how much he wanted the

man. Licking his lips the damn moment felt good, too good and he prayed to God he hadn’t

pushed both of them into something they couldn’t recover from.


Slamming his hand against the steering wheel Drake hissed and cursed. “You fucking

asshole. You are a fucking stupid asshole.” Every part of him shaking he wasn’t sure for which

reason first, his impetuousness or prying into the damaged man’s life. He concentrated on

driving as he floored it, skidding across the snow. He threw back his head and laughed like he

was daring danger to get to him. Hell, as stupid as he was why the fuck not?

Turning on the stereo he was determined to walk away, trot away, race to the end of the

world. Okay, he had to admit it. Drake couldn’t get the man out of his mind. As he drove back

to the hotel he did everything he could to do so from switching radio stations over and over

again to sooth his nerves. Yeah, like that was going to happen. What in God’s name had he just

done? Licking his lips the taste of Zeke’s cum remained like a beacon of wanton lust and for

some reason he wanted more. Hell, he knew why he wanted more. The man was a raging hunk

and from the moment he laid eyes on him in the kitchen he knew he was hooked. He had also

been well aware Sandi was trying to fix him up with Zeke for months. Even his mother had the


Drake grinned. The truth was his mother and Sandi had been conniving for months and

when the shoot had come up Sandi had spent a good deal of money trying to convince the

powers that be Montana was the perfect location. There wasn’t a man or woman on the

production team that wasn’t chomping at the bit to come to Montana themselves. And now he

managed to take a grieving man and probably drag him into hell and back again with his

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ridiculous behavior. What in the hell was he thinking? Montana was in deed the last resort. No

one wanted their group in the midst and for no other reason than their previous movie had

flopped and everyone knew he was about as broke as could be. Damn it he wanted this movie

to work out so damn badly. The story was something so important to him and no one would

truly understand why. Hissing, he tried not to think about the inevitable but what was he

supposed to do. Karma wasn’t kind to him.

He hadn’t allowed himself to have a private life, not really and only a few of his friends

knew he was gay. It had taken him too many years of being honest with himself and when he

was finally able to halfway admit it he roared into something like a freight train not allowing

troubled feelings of another person to enter into his mind. “Idiot with a capital ‘I’.” Saying the

words out loud made him feel better. Ri-ght.

As his phone rang he hissed not ready to talk to anybody just yet. But somehow he had the

feeling it wasn’t going to stop. “Hello?”

“And how did it go today?” Her lilting voice breathed across the lines.

And how did she know he was gone? Oh the power of a woman. Chuckling Drake shook his

head and groaned. “Okay. The place is gorgeous so it’s a go. I already have that approved.”

“Why do I hear a hesitation in your voice?”

“Because…oh hell. I did something stupid and there is no doubt in my mind Zeke really isn’t

going to want to see me again.” Yeah like sucking his cock before I knew anything about him but

he loves horses and he lost the love of his life. Rubbing his eyes he wasn’t sure if he should turn

around and apologize or what.

“Do I want to know about it?”

“No, you don’t. Trust me.”

“Answer me this, do you want to see Zeke again?”

As Drake thought about Zeke and the way the man looked to his kind eyes and the sexy

damn smile he wore he knew the answer. “More than anything. What do I need to do, sell my

soul? Buy him a gift?” Rolling his eyes he knew he was so out of his comfort zone. Just the

thought of enjoying a man after everything he’d been through was taking a huge step, which

was good but leaping off a building was something else entirely. Marriage had been hell given

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his wife’s certain needs but this was beyond him. She’d stripped him out of every dime he

owned and taken his company down under, or with her to her brand new lover and they were

doing very well with his old contacts and using his old friends. Drake Wilson was a washed up

two bit player and no good for anybody. And yet he wanted Zeke desperately.

“If I tell you then you have to follow my directions completely. Do you agree? I have an idea

in mind but it has to remain between us.”

Why did he have the feeling he was selling his soul to a little devil in disguise? Because he

knew the answer. “Agreed.” Hearing her perky chuckle solidified the understanding. The

woman was playing cupid.

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Chapter Three

The screaming woke him sometime during the middle of the night. Zeke fought with the

covers and finally landed on his feet. “Milly.” Hell, it was about time. Struggling into his clothes

he fought to get into the barn. The wind was howling and the storm had come back into the

region, raging this time. The snow blinding he finally made his way into the stables and could

see the poor baby lying on her side. “It’s okay girl.” But he could clearly see she was struggling.

He grabbed fresh water and towels and headed into the stall. As he examined her he could

easily tell the foul wasn’t going to come without his help. He’d been through this before but

this time he was terrified. Milly was just shaky enough he knew he could lose her and that

would put him over the edge. “Good girl. You’re going to be okay.” As she whinnied he petted

her continuously and as he watched her actions and how the contractions occurred.

Thirty minutes later he could tell her breathing was far too labored. Zeke was going to have

to intervene or risk losing them both. Sucking in his breath he calmed his nerves and reminded

himself he was damn good rancher and the only person available to help. Given the intensity of

the storm the vet wouldn’t be able to make it until daylight. “Okay girl. This is about you and

me. We have to do this.” Dear God he prayed they could make this happen.

He rubbed her down making her as comfortable as possible as he lifted her tail and sighed.

Reaching inside her cavern he could feel the nose. That God it wasn’t a breach. As he prayed to

some God above he gently listed and maneuvered the life from Milly as she patiently lifted her

head over and over again to see what he was doing.

“Doing good girl. Just a little bit more.” As he eased the baby from her body he knew the

foul’s legs were tangled in a way he could break them. Wiping the sweat from his eyes he

thought about David’s calm voice telling Milly everything was going to be okay during every

storm. He sucked in his breath and gave her a smile, keeping his nerves in check. She could read

Zeke like a book and the last thing he needed to have happen was for her to kick out. She could

kill Zeke with the force if he wasn’t careful.

But somehow she trusted him as he did her and a few minute later the crying foul was born.

Smiling, Zeke held the baby as he gazed at Milly. This was what miracles were made of. And yet

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as the foul breathed and stumbled to his feet, finally nuzzling his mother Zeke broke down into

tears. This would have been something beautiful to share with David.

When he finally struggled to his feet, he wiped both Milly and the baby down, singing her

the very song he used to hate that David sang and smiled. A new life was born. Perhaps this was

the very sign he needed.

As the mama and baby lay together comfortably, both their breathing easy, Zeke grabbed a

fresh blanket and settled into the hay. This was where he was meant to be. The last thought as

he drifted off to sleep was what to name the baby boy. He had an idea.

Zeke stood finishing his coffee and staring out the window. He wasn’t entirely sure what to

do with the information he’d found out. When he overheard the angry conversation Drake had

he knew something was up and it nagged at him for days. Sighing, he gazed outside and leaned

his head against the window. They’d had a batch of clearing and a hint of the sun just peeked

around the cloud ready for its afternoon descent. The air was crisp and cold and for some

reason fueled his ugly mood. Checking his watch he realized he had about thirty minutes before

he had to leave. Unfortunately he knew Drake had more to lose than he did. He was angry but

reserved about the information. Everyone needed a fresh break and as he played the

information back and forth in his mind he decided to file it away and see what was going to


He finished the bitter Chicory and poured the rest down the sink and wondered why in

truth he hadn’t heard from Drake. The man could simply be busy trying to finish the last details

of the movie schedule and Jessie, the production assistant had indeed called to make certain

arrangements but he had a six sense and one that told him either his wretched story or the

brazen sexual act pushed him away. Of course Drake had a hell of a lot on his plate so that

could be it too but instinct usually served him well. If only he hadn’t allowed the intimate

moment to occur.

If Drake was pushing away that would serve him right. After all, his working ranch was

barely working so what the hell could he offer the movie scene, horses and land and a few

hundred cattle instead of a real herd. If he was to be truthful with himself he wasn’t quite ready

for anything other than a fake date for a good cause. Sauntering into the bedroom to change he

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eyed the selected outfit. Chuckling, he remembered the look at Sandi’s face when she in told

him in no uncertain terms he was wearing the outfit. Okay, so the two sizes too small black

jeans and the red silk shirt were going to help him look like a cross between a cowboy and a

stud muffin but… Sighing, he slid into the clothes and dabbed his neck with cologne. The hefty

bottle was the last treat David had purchased on a whim. At least the thought gave him a

comforting smile.

He stood gazing at his reflection. “Not too bad for an old guy.” Somehow at thirty-four he

felt a bit washed up. Closing his eyes he got into the grove of being a date, if there was such a

thing, and allowed the memories to flow. Only this time he felt the presence of a ghost. As

comforting fingers brushed along with back of his neck, Zeke could almost swear the sensation

of a heated kiss feathered against his cheek. Placing his fingers over the area, his fingers tingled.

Instead of sadness a warm blanket of love wrapped around him and in the next several minutes

he could almost feel David pulling away, telling him to live again. Was it cathartic? Perhaps.

When he finally opened his eyes he smiled as peace washed over him. David would forever

remain in his heart. He touched his lips and sighed. “You have a beautiful grandson by the way.

I think I’ll name him David. What do you think? I think Milly would like that.” Somehow he knew

in his heart David was smiling. He glanced into the mirror one last time and steeled his nerves.

A fake date or not he was going to try and have fun. This was for a damn good cause after all.

The humane society would always be a place of peace and love for him and for Sandi. No

matter his reservations, this he had to do.

Sliding into his boots, he grabbed his hat, coat and keys and walked out the front door, his

shoulders thrown back.

He drove in near silence to the location and was amazed at the amount of cars in the

parking lot. “Shit.” While Sandi had told him this Forged in Fire contest was well attended, he

had no idea how well attended. Zeke could barely find a parking space. As he trailed behind a

group of giddy women who’d obviously been drinking he smiled and could only imagine the

insanity he was going to face with the event. To be auctioned off like a piece of cattle was…

Okay, so he had to admit it was kind of exciting. To be wanted and hungered for by sinful

woman was every guy’s fantasy, right? Shame it wasn’t his.

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Wrapping the coat tighter around his body he entered the front door and stood gaping at

the crowd. There were hundreds of women teeming through the place and the town meeting

hall was not the place he remembered. Holy hell in a handbasket. Between the flashing strobe

lights and the copious amount of red and pink streamers it was a massive scene of wanton lust.

As he entered into the main room he had to blink several times to really understand what he

was seeing. Where those really condom packages on the tables and… “No way, handcuffs?”

Sucking in his breath he gazed the perimeter for anyone he recognized and longed to scuttle

back into the shadows.

“Oh no you don’t, baby brother,” Sandi grinned as she wrapped her arm around his waist.

“What was I doing now?” His eyes twinkling he kissed her cheek.

“Thinking of leaving and boy you smell damn good.”

“Okay, you got me. This is insane.”

She sighed and shook her head. “You haven’t seen anything. This is just getting started.

“Let’s get you in place. You have to strut out like fresh meat in front of all the little girls who are

going to beg and pay well to have you on their arm and then you can relax for a bit as you’re

lucky number seven to be auctioned off.”

“Great. Parading is not my best thing,” Zeke hissed.

“It is tonight.” Giving him a soulful look she smiled. “The outfit is perfect.”

“Well, you did select it,” Grinning, he could hear some appreciative oohs and aahhs and had

to admit it made him feel damn good.

“Let’s get you back and ready,” Sandi said as she took his arm.

Just as his cell phone rang. Eyeing the display he could only tell it was an out of state

number. “Zeke Parker.”

“It’s Drake.”

Hearing his voice made his mouth instantly dry. “Drake, how are you?”

“Not too bad. Working a lot to get everything straight. Just wanted to let you know I’ll be

coming in the end of next week and maybe we can have lunch and talk. I really think we should


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Talking was good, right? “Talk? Lunch? Of course. “ Hearing a whistling sound in the

background of the phone he narrowed his eyes. “What are you doing? You driving?”

“Sorry. Yeah, I’m on the road and we’re having one hell of a windstorm here in LA. Keeping

me from getting some of the damn details done so I hope it won’t hold me up but we’re on

schedule anyway. They’re going to want to get some test shots with the actors. Hey I better go.

The reception is shit but I’ll call you Thursday and plan something.”

“Sound good. Take care of yourself.” As Zeke ended the call he shook his head.

“Was that Drake?”

“Yeah,” he breathed and realized he was shaking.

“What’s he up to?” Leading him down a long hall, she opened the last door and ushered

him in. “And why do I get the feeling something’s up there?”

“Just planning on the trip back. And you stop being a matchmaker.”

“He is pretty hot, don’t you think?”

He stopped and gave her an evil grin. “You set up that dinner, didn’t you?”

Sandi laughed. “Okay, guilty as charged but big sisters are allowed. And no back talking.”

“You are so damn bad. Looks like a go I guess with the movie. That’s good I guess, but...”

“That’s perfect and what do you mean but. There are no buts with that. The money and the

company will be incredible.” Sandi smiled. “You’ve been doing such a wonderful job with the

ranch that the money is going to go for something just for you. A vacation. A trip anywhere

around the world. A new car.” Her eyes twinkling she clapped her hands.

Guilt rode him hard. “I don’t need anything and I’m not sure he’s who you think he is.”

“I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean. He’s a professional working with a wonderful

movie company and is going to pay you good money to simply use the ranch so stop whining.”

He shook his head and couldn’t tell her anything. Hell, why should it fucking matter


“Enough. Come on, no talk about money. Here we are and make yourself at home.” Sandi

gave him a kiss on the cheek and turned to walk away. Glancing over her shoulder she smiled. “I

think you like him. I wish I would have had an old lady’s insight to invite him tonight.”

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“You’re worse than any matchmaker,” he laughed as he pointed his finger. “Remember it’s

a charity event for women and he’s stuck in a storm anyway.” Lowering his head he sighed. “To

answer your question though I do like him, more than I thought I could. Hell, more than I


Opening and closing her mouth, Sandi sighed and looked away.

“Something wrong?”

“Just want you happy.”

As she skirted out the door he couldn’t help but think about how wonderful his sister had

always been. And he seemed to continually disappoint her. What she didn’t know and he

hadn’t had the heart to tell her was the ranch was in worse jeopardy than she knew. He

thought he could get a handle on it and instead he fucked everything up. The money would

have really helped but there were no gifts afforded to him. The decision made, he was going to

call the dealer tomorrow and put the painting on the market. The guy told him the investor was

simply going to showcase the piece and in a place he could see it so that would at least allow

him to see the beautiful painting…and remember.

He chatted with the other men as they laughed and talked about the event and Zeke was

instantly more at ease. The men were various ages and stages of their lives with professions

ranging from accountants to attorneys and while he was the only true cowboy in the bunch

they were all originally from somewhere in Montana so he felt an instant kinship. How odd

given he had no real friends. They even joked about doing a calendar. The dirty dozen they

called themselves. He couldn’t help but chuckle.

When they were called out onto the stage he was nervous as a coyote but strutted with the

rest of them as the strobe lights flashed across their heated bodies. Cat-calling and whistling

the women were already almost out of control but they were thrilled with the selection.

“Take it off, baby!”

“Strut your stuff.”

“Oh I want to take three of you home.”

“Strip for us.”

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Zeke laughed through the entire fifteen minutes and by the end of what he called the

pageant walk he was overheated and a bit horny. So he wasn’t the best dancer but the women

seemed to appreciate his stance, his walk and his tight jeans. All throughout Sandi stood in the

wings grinning like a kid.

As he headed back waiting his turn for the auction he heard some of the numbers to start

the bid and was in complete shock. “Four thousand dollars?” He stood gaping as the women bid

on Mr. Accountant and couldn’t help but chuckle. When the final bidding process was over the

man went for a cool fourteen thousand dollars. For one freaking date? Oh there had to be more

to this auction bit. Hissing, he headed back for the holding room for another drink and a check

of his sanity. What had he done?

He could hear the hooting and screaming as it got louder with each selection. Hell, Zeke

didn’t even know there were that many women in town with this kind of money. Well, that

wasn’t true. There was plenty of wealth in town, just not afforded to him.

“You’re on, Zeke,” the show’s assistant said as he smiled. “Be careful. They’re almost like

piranhas at this point.”

That’s exactly what he was afraid of. As he trailed behind, his nerves on edge he sucked in

his breath and tried to look relaxed. Yeah, like a freaking bull in heat. This was almost silly.

Heading onto stage the women whistled and several of them stood. Momentarily blinded by

the flashing lights there was no doubt more women had arrived. Standing room only he could

barely make out any faces but he knew there were a good three hundred or so. Gulping he took

his place as Sandi stood behind the podium. After this was over he was going to give her a stern

lecture. Chuckling, Zeke loved the way she took control.

“Ladies and gentlemen this fine specimen we have here is our lone cowboy and a true

rancher. Take a look and tell me what you think.” Motioning for him to strut his stuff she

grinned as her eyes sparkled.

Zeke tried his best to act like the few male stripped he’d seen even unbuttoning his shirt all

the way, showing off his pecs.


“Take it all off, baby!”

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“Let’s see that sexy body!”

He allowed himself to get into the grove, strutting and flashing his concept of a million

dollar smile as the women rushed toward the stage.

“All right ladies, let’s start the bidding. What do you say we start with…ten thousand


Zeke stopped and gaped at her. “What? Are you out of your mind?” But no one could hear

his exclamation as the bidding war began in earnest and with each round he felt himself

slipping into oblivion. The sexy event was totally out of control. With each thousand dollars, he

slunk further into the shadows. Goddamn the women were going to be so disappointed when

they knew he was gay.

“Forty-four thousand dollars!” A woman screamed.

At a solid five thousand above the others she was allowed a little space as she sauntered

toward the stage.

“Not bad, “Sandi cooed. “Any of you other ladies want a taste of this fine hunk?”

Zeke was so going to kill her.

As the other women talked and tried to determine someone cleared their throat. “Fifty

thousand dollars.”

The women gasped and turned around to see who the newcomer was.

And Zeke could tell the voice was decidedly masculine. Craning his neck he still couldn’t see

a damn thing.

“Fifty-five,” the woman countered.



“Oh yeah, baby.”

A quiet hush settled into the room.

The mysterious man stepped forward. “Sixty thousand.”

As Zeke inched forward he could finally see the man’s face just as he recognized the voice.

“Drake.” He eyes Sandi who stole a glance at him and his blood sizzled. Licking his lips he could

barely hear the echoing screams of the women and thought for sure he was going to pass out.

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“Are there any more bids?’ Sandi asked quickly.

“Damn it! Too rich more my blood but next time cowboy,” the woman purred as she walked

closer to the stage and gave Zeke a come hither look.

Zeke was shaking as Drake walked closer, a wry smile on his face and for several minutes

Zeke was frozen solid. Was this really happening?

“Once, twice, done!” Sandi slammed her gavel down on the wooden platform and clapped

as the other women sighed.

“I don’t understand,” Zeke mumbled.

Drake slowly walked on stage. “I couldn’t let you go on a date with anyone else, now could

I?” His grin was laced with mischief.

Zeke slowly turned his head to look at Sandi. “You both are so going to get it.”

Sandi rolled her eyes and tapped the microphone. “And for these two hotties they get one

night of a fabulous dinner at Deacon’s dude ranch and saloon.” As the crowd cheered she

inched forward and faced both men. “And a night at their fine hotel all expenses paid by me. If

you leave before sun up I’ll hog tie both of you.”

Zeke somehow knew he was going to have to kick…or kiss his sister.

“Can you handle this?” Drake asked quietly.

“The question is, can you?” Zeke said smiling. Whatever was going to happen he was damn

sure going to enjoy the night and the company.


“You were in on this all along?” Zeke asked as they settled into the limousine. He gazed at

Drake and shook his head.

“You’re angry?” Drake sighed. He was worried the man would indeed be very angry.

“Not angry and you didn’t answer the question.”

“Not from the beginning. No. I had no idea until I left your place what she had in mind.”

“Hmmm…” Looking out the window Zeke shook his head.

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Drake inched forward inhaling the scent of the man and wanted nothing more than to drag

him into the heat of his body. They remained quiet for several minutes until he had to speak.

“The other day was incredible. I didn’t mean to push you though.”

Zeke snapped his head around. “You thought you pushed me?”

“Well, of course. Didn’t I?”

Laughing, Zeke shook his head. “That’s what I thought. When you said you’d just come out

and here I went after you like a bull in a china shop forcing you to suck my cock. God…”

“You didn’t force me. The moment I saw you I wanted you.”


Drake could see a twinkle in Zeke’s eyes. His actions tentative he reached out and slid his

fingers across Zeke’s shimmering cheeks. Even in the slight moonlight he could see the man was

just as hungry as he was. Leaning in he brushed his lips across Zeke’s as his breath skipped.

“God I want you.”

“You have no idea how much I want you,” Zeke moaned as he wrapped his arm around

Drake’s neck and crushed his mouth. Pressing his tongue inside, he sighed as he rubbed his

hand up and down Drake’s back.

Tingling sensations raced down Drake’s back as he grazed his hand up the inside of Drake’s

thigh, savoring the muscular feeling of the man. His blood racing he closed his eyes as the kiss

became a roar of passion and finally let go of all his inhibitions. Their tongues entwining he

allowed Zeke to take control and to show him what he wanted.

Breaking the kiss Zeke traced a circle around the edge of his mouth as his hand traveled

down Drake’s chest. He pushed Drake’s legs apart and slid his hand over the man’s crotch,

massaging as he nipped Drake’s bottom lip, drawing the tender flesh inside his mouth. “God

what I could do to you.”

“Then do it.” Drake could help but tease. Leaning back he opened his legs wider in a blatant

invitation. “Take all you want.”

Growling, Zeke gazed down from Drake’s face to his chest and licked his lips. Crawling on his

knees he unbuttoned Drake’s shirt, exposing his chest before leaning in and licked down from

the cleft in his chin to his neck.

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Tipping his head back Drake sighed and allowed the man to taste and tease as the rumble of

the limo’s engine became a soothing backdrop.

Zeke licked down from Drake’s adam’s apple to his collarbone as his hand slid inside Drake’s

shirt. Fingering Drake’s nipple until it became hard he traced a circle around the hard bud

before taking it into his mouth, sucking and licking until Drake moaned. Repeating the effort

with the other nipple, Zeke drew in a long breath and eased a single finger inside his tight

pants. “I’m going to fuck that sweet ass of yours hard.” One hand stroked Drake’s cock as the

other toyed and played with the man’s nipples, pinching and twisting.

Electric jolts thrashed through Drake and he could barely focus as the reverberating sounds

of the motor and Zeke’s grunting sounds forced his already anguished shaft hard against his

pants, begging for release. He fumbled to get his pants unfastened just as the limo jerked to a

stop and heard Zeke chuckle.

“The crowd is usually huge. Unless you want to be the center of attention I suggest we wait

for a little while,” Zeke breathed yet he continued to stroke Drake’s groin.

Hissing, Drake pushed his hand away and blinked furiously barely able to make out the

restaurant lighting.


“Yeah, but not for food.” Gazing longingly into Drake’s eyes he could see so many emotions

riding the man’s face but he could also see determination.

“Skip dinner?”


As they strode into the hotel they said nothing while checking in. Grabbing the card key

they headed for the elevator. When the elevator doors closed Drake couldn’t help but push

Zeke into a corner. “I’ve waited to find someone, to have someone. I want so much.” Cocking

his head he gave Zeke a mischievous grin as he pressed the flat of his hand all the want down

Zeke’s chest to his groin, cupping his bulge and squeezing.

Zeke moaned and licked his lips. “You are so going to be in trouble. If I could stop this

elevator I’d force you to your knees and suck me right here.”

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While the stance was playful it was the first moment since Drake’s divorce he felt at ease

and allowed passion to enter into his mind and body. This man, this moment was so right. He

only hoped to God nothing would fuck it up. The ping of the elevator didn’t allow them to

continue any further. As they sauntered toward the hotel room his heart raced. He’d only had a

man twice and both times it had been less than delightful. Swallowing hard, he was more

excited than he’d ever been and yet apprehensive. This was now or never for both of them.

Zeke fumbled to get the key to work and Drake crowded behind him, cupping the man’s ass.

“Stop or we won’t make it inside.”

“Not sure I’d care right about now,” Drake hissed as he gazed down the hallway.

“Bad. Jesus. What happened to the timid guy?” The slight click forced a smile from his lips.

As he pushed open the door he smiled. “Wow.”

Drake laughed. “Wow isn’t the word. Your sister did all this?”

“I’m going to kill her or kiss her.”

As he gazed around the room his heart skipped. It was something to him that was a good

and yet horrific reminder of a past he thought he cared about more than anything and in truth

he had fallen into.

Zeke eased into the room and tossed his coat onto a chair. Gazing into the fire he sighed.

“They thought of everything.”

“Yes.” Breathless Drake took off his coat slowly, pitching it to the ground as he kept his eyes

on Zeke. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Are you sure?”

“You mean because of David?” Zeke asked as he gave Zeke a smile and slowly lifted his shirt.

“Yeah,” he breathed as he watched the action, mesmerized by the man’s beautiful form

illuminated in the soft glow of the room. His heart aching he slowly moved forward, kicking off

his shoes.

Nodding, he smiled. “I am. Can I ask you something?” Pitching the unwanted material to the

floor, he sighed and licked his lips as he pressed the flat of his hands down the length of his


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His cock pressed hard against his jeans forcing a single moan to escape his lips. Tamping

back his raw emotions he groaned. “Of course.”

“What was it about being married you didn’t like?” Zeke tugged off his boots, his ever never

leaving Drake’s.

Shocked, he shook his head. “Lying and cheating number one and I was trying to be

something I wasn’t number two.” He peeled off his shirt and tossed it hard.

“Makes sense.” Licking his lips Zeke unfastened his belt and button fly, easing the zipper

down very slowly. “You have to be yourself or you’ll die.”

“I agree.” Drake could barely take his eyes off the stunning man as he slipped his jeans

down over his hips. Sucking in his breath, his fingers were nothing but thumbs as he unfastened

his jeans. “Any more questions?”

“Not tonight.” Standing naked Zeke rubbed his hands down and across his chest and

stomach as he narrowed his eyes. “I need you naked.”

“You think you’re in charge?” But he obeyed, shuffling out of his jeans and tossing them to

the side.

“Yes and I love a man who goes commando. Come here.”

“Why?” Drake slid his hands down to cup his cock as his body ached and his soul hungered.

He realized he was panting, desperate to touch the man but they both had to have this exactly

the right way.

Zeke tipped his head back. “Because I want to touch you.”

Swallowing hard Drake inched forward until they were barely a foot apart. “I have to say

something. This isn’t just about a one-night stand. I’m not that kind of guy.”

“And I don’t just want it to be a one-night stand.” Zeke sighed and slid a single finger under

Drake’s chin, lifting it. “I don’t know all I can offer but I know I want to explore. This gift is

wonderful but the man standing before me is better.”

As the words settled in Drake realized he as shivering. Nodding, he wrapped his hand

around Zeke’s hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing his palm with gentle pulses before

darting his tongue out and licking up each finger, tasting the man, savoring his musky flavor.

“Mmmm…you keep doing that and I’ll drop to my knees.”

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“I’m not sure I’d mind.” Every move deliberate Drake slid his hand down Zeke’s neck to his

chest, cupping and kneading the powerful muscles. Sighing, he gazed down the length of the

man as his legs trembled.

Closing the distance Zeke pressed his lips over Drake’s as the kiss became a gentle reminder

of their shared fears. He darted his tongue out and licked across the seam of Drake’s mouth as

his hot breath skipped across Drake’s face. “I want you.”

“I want you.” His voice a mere ragged whisper Drake eased his hand down further to graze

the tip of his finger across Zeke’s stomach before allowing himself to slip into the man’s soft

pubic hair. Darting his eyes down the look of Zeke’s throbbing cock sent chills racing down his

spine. This was a slice of nirvana and one he never thought he’d have.

Zeke wrapped her hand around Drake’s neck pulling him in tighter against his body as he

crushed Drake’s mouth, forcing his tongue inside. He slipped his other hand down Drake’s back

until he reached his buttocks, cupping and squeezing as their tongues entwined, exploring the

dark heat of their mouths.

His eyes fluttered open and closed as he inhaled the sweet scent of the man and for several

seconds he couldn’t focus, as scattered lighted pulsed across his field of vision. No sexual

experience had felt this utterly breathtaking and as the kiss continued until his entire body

trembled he ground his cock across Zeke’s, allowing the friction to drive them both insane.

Breaking the kiss Zeke pressed his thumb across Drake’s mouth before slipping the digit

inside Drake’s mouth, pulsing in and out as his eyes flashed the level of hunger that washed

over his body. “I don’t know how much longer I can wait.”

Drake sucked his thumb as he cupped the man’s cock and balls squeezing and kneading as

his heart raced. Electric jolts showered over them and for several seconds the current sent a

buzzing noise into his ears and he was frozen in the moment. As he gripped Zeke’s hand and

eased his thumb out, he sighed and licked down his hand to his wrist before leaning forward

and nipping the man’s chin. “Then don’t.” He moved forward, guiding them both to the already

turned down bed.

Smiling, Zeke pursed his lips as he allowed his heated gaze to fall to Drake’s groin. “You’re

thick and hard.”

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“Because of what I want.”

“Hmmm. Good.” Zeke pushed him onto the side of the bed as be breathed in deeply. “God I

want to taste you.” He pressed Drake’s back into the softness of the comforter as he leaned

down and hovered his face over Drake’s. Darting his head down he nipped his bottom lip before

growling and licking down Drake’s chin to his neck, licking around his pulse of life before easing

down to swirl his tongue around Drake’s taut nipple in slow and easy circles. “Your skin tastes

so sweet.”

Drake closed his eyes as he entwined his fingers in Zeke’s long locks, a smile crossing his

face. Nothing could feel any better than this. He spread he legs in a blatant invitation as the

man licked his other nipple, biting down on the tender bud until he moaned. “God…oh yes…”

His legs trembled as he breathed in.

“Mmm…yes, so good.” Chuckling darkly he licked down the center of Drake’s chest until he

reached his belly button. Darting his tongue inside he slid his hand down Drake’s chest to cup

his balls, rolling the tender flesh between his fingers. Licking down further he dragged his

tongue across the sensitive slit of Drake’s shaft as he purred.

Drake’s body jumped involuntarily, his back arching up from the comforter and he panted

the second Zeke’s tongue licked all the way down the length of his shaft. A series of electric

jolts thrashed through his system. “God…oh God…”

Breathing a swatch of hot air across his stomach Zeke took Drake’s cock down an inch at a

time, sucking and dragging the tip of his tongue around as he continued to squeeze his balls.

Grunting, he wrapped his hand around the base of Drake’s cock, stroking up and down as he

drew his dick all the way back out, teasing him with a tender swirl of his tongue before taking

him down another inch and then another.

Drake clawed the soft bedding as he used the strength of his arms to push his groin up,

forcing his cock further into Zeke’s mouth. “God, suck me. Please, suck me.”

His breath long and slow Zeke growled and took his shaft all the way down until his mouth

hit Drake’s balls. Using the leverage of his strong jaw muscles he clamped over his erection as

he continued pumping the base.

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“Fuck!” The force of the man’s mouth sent a series of stars floating across his field of vision.

Gasping for air he was almost crazed as Zeke went up and down the entire length of his cock,

his tongue working feverishly as the man stroked and pumped the base. He was left powerless

and panting, his body feverish from the heat pulsing through his body. “Oh…yes…ohohoh….”

Zeke drew him all the way out and grazed his teeth up and down the length of Drake’s

shaft. “You want more?”

“Yes,” he could barely breathe.

“Can you handle more?”

Wiping the beads of sweat from his face Drake wasn’t sure. “Yes!”

Engulfing Drake’s cock Zeke sucked and licked as his fingers worked feverishly over Drake’s

shaft and balls, touching and teasing.

There wasn’t a part of him that wasn’t on fire and with every lick and every deep hold he

wanted more, had to have more. Dear God such wild sensations flowed through his body.

Barley able to catch his breath he knew his orgasm wasn’t going to be held at bay but for so

long. He grabbed onto Zeke’s head and pushed him all the way down the length of his

throbbing muscle. “Please suck me. God, suck me.” Tossing his head back and forth he moaned,

almost desperate to cum.

Zeke pumped and sucked, every move more crazed and powerful than the one before until

he was grunting like a wild animal.

“Oh yeah…oh yeah…oh…” Jerking up, Drake could no longer speak as the rushing sensation

dazzled him and a series of electric jolts swept through his system. Grunting, he couldn’t hold it

back any longer. As he opened his mouth only a silent scream hissed past his lips as he erupted,

sending hot cum down the back of Zeke’s throat.

Zeke licked and sucked, taking every last drop as he held his stance, relaxing his throat.

Moments later Drake lay spent, his lazy eyes gazing down at his lover and as he licked his

dry lips he tried to think of something to say. Instead he laughed softly and closed his eyes.

“Damn.” He could feel Zeke pull away and while he wanted to fight to get him back he didn’t

have the strength.

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“Now I take you.” Flipping Drake over onto his stomach Zeke pushed his legs up until Drake

was on all fours. “I told you I was in charge.”

Gasping for air, the sudden authority sent tremors skating down his spine but damn if he

didn’t love the man being so damn forceful. “Yes.”

Zeke pushed Drake’s legs wide as he eased the flat of his hand down Drake’s spine and

pressed a series of kisses behind every inch. “I’m going to fuck that sexy ass of yours now,” he

breathed as he licked all the way down Drake’s back and across his hipbones.

Drake tensed as Zeke’s fingers slid up and down his crack. Gasping he dropped his head and

breathed in as the man opened his ass cheeks. The instant he felt Zeke’s wet tongue rim his

puckered hole he gasped and groaned. “Yes…sweet lord yes.”

Zeke licked around the dark hole as he caressed both ass cheeks. Darting his tongue just

inside he sighed and buried his face into the man’s ass, licking and nipping as he caressed

Drake’s ass cheeks.

Drake panted, every nerve ending on fire until he could barely see clearly. He bucked his

body up and down begging for more. “Yes…God yes…”

“You’re almost ready.” Slipping a single finger next to his tongue he pressed it into Drake’s

ass, pushing gently as he continued to lick.

His heart racing Drake could hear nothing but the echoing thumps of his heart.

Adding a second finger he pressed both inside Drake’s dark hole, slowly at first as if allowing

the man to get used to the intense invasion. Flexing his fingers open he sighed and continued

licking, his tongue working in fevered actions with his fingers. “Feel good?

“Good?” Biting his lip Drake couldn’t express how damn good it felt. His body ached as

every muscle in his body trembled from the tension and heat and the combination was

incredible As Zeke pushed against the tight ring of muscle he panted as pain thrashed through

his body. Throwing his head back he roared. “Shit!”

As he pulsed his fingers in and out he hissed until he finally growled, the sound low and

husky. “I can’t hold back. No, I won’t hold back.” He climbed onto the bed and pushed Drake’s

body up further as he positioned himself behind, sliding the tip of his cock up and down Drake’s

asshole. “Can’t be gentle.”

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“Don’t. I want hard and rough.” Drake dropped his head in submission and while he wasn’t

sure what to expect he wanted nothing more than the man to take him like a savage.

Grunting, Zeke tipped his head back as he slid the tip of his cock just inside Drake’s ass.

Gripping the man’s hips he sighed and pushed his shaft deeper inside as he sucked in his

breath. “So good, so damn tight.”

Drake shuddered as he clutched the bedding, his heart racing. His ass muscles clamped

around the tight invasion and a slice of sheer pain washed over him.

Zeke pushed in further until he hit the tight ring and sighed. “It’ll hurt.”

“Make me hurt. I want to feel fucking alive.”

Grunting, he let out his breath slowly and thrust the entire length of his cock deep into

Drake’s ass, his body shaking as he held the stance, his hot breath skipping across Drake’s back.

“Fuck…so tight…”

“Shit…shit…” Every part of his body on fire Drake hovered over ecstasy and hell and as Zeke

slipped in and out in practiced moves he sighed. Nothing had prepared him for the intensity of

having a man fill his ass.

Harder and faster Zeke drove into Drake’s dark cavern until his balls slapped against the

man’s cheeks and still he plunged harder. “Yes…yesyesyes….”

There was such a level of intensity that Drake knew this was the true beginning of

something perhaps neither man could explain. His entire body quaking he shook his head as

beads of sweat spilled down to the comforter. This was sheer bliss.

“I can’t hold it much longer,” Zeke breathed, his voice barely audible. His legs trembled as

he thrust, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of Drake’s hips. “Shit…oh…I…” Every part of him

shaking he dropped his head, his long locks brushing back and forth across Drake’s back as he

shuddered and erupted.

Drake clenched his eyes shut as he panted, the feeling of hot cum spurting into his ass so

damn delicious he could barely think straight. Sucking in his breath he squeezed his ass muscles

around the thick shaft and was rewarded with a soft scream.

“Fuck! Oh Jesus!” Tensing, he fell over Drake, his arms palming the comforter as his

breathing remained labored. “Damn…so…good.

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They lay together holding each other not saying anything until they fell asleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night Drake woke to find an empty bed. Struggling to sit up

he blinked, adjusting his eyes to the dim light and gazed around the room. As he heard the soft

rustle he slowly crawled to the end of the bed and could clearly see Zeke sitting silently in front

of the fire. From the angle he could also see the glisten of the tears as they fell softly down

Zeke’s cheeks. Sighing, he longed to go to him, comfort him but knew this was a telling moment

and one he was unaccustomed to. What in the hell were they supposed to do now?

Then again, he was going to have to come clean to the man he was already falling for and as

a slice of guilt and anguish cut through his heart he closed his eyes. Why did everything have to

be such a fucking nightmare? As he lay back down, nuzzling into the soft sheets he fought his

own rages and knew in his heart he was falling in love with the man. But the truth he had to

face. He couldn’t hurt such a wonderful man and destroy his already tenuous hold on his sanity.

No, he wasn’t a monster. Choking back his own tears he knew what he had to do and while it

would break his heart and rip about his soul it was best.

Resigned, he fought to go back to sleep and knew there was never going to be another man

for him. Somehow the thought was comforting in its strangle hold. This was the right thing to

do and he’d find a way to say goodbye.

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Chapter Four

Zeke sighed as he gazed down at the sleeping man. The night had been so much more than

he’d anticipated and he had never felt so free and wonderful in his life. He couldn’t help but

smile. Making coffee he resisted whistling for fear he’d wake the peaceful giant. The moment

alone in front of the fire was cathartic and exactly what he needed and the release of his

demons, his anger and his sadness was more than a gift, it was a blessing and there was no

doubt David was smiling from the heavens above.

Standing by the window, he gazed at the beautiful day and grinned. While they’d predicted

snow later there was a glimmer of sun streaming from the clouds and it reminded him of a

beacon of hope, beautiful and pure. The soft rustle behind drew his attention back to the bed.

He was still naked and the instant he turned and looked at the gorgeous man with the messy

curls and ruddy complexion he was hard as a rock.

He padded toward the bed and crept on top, dipping his head to brush his lips across


Drake moved slowly and sighed.

Chuckling softly Zeke darted his tongue out and licked across the seam of Drake’s mouth,

teasing. Still the man remained asleep. He repeated the sultry move and was rewarded with

fluttering eyes. “Morning lover. How did you sleep?”

Drake’s eyes popped open and he instantly sucked in his breath and moved to the side.


Zeke could see a flash of something in Drake’s eyes. Confusion? Pain? He wasn’t sure. “I

didn’t mean to startle you.”

“You didn’t. I just had trouble sleeping.” Drake looked away.

“Well if I’d have known I would have kept you occupied.” Sliding his hand across the heat of

Drake’s face he leaned down a kissed his lips, allowing his tongue to dart just inside. While

Drake didn’t resist, he didn’t respond either. Zeke eased back and grazed the tip of his finger

around Drake’s mouth before he moved it down his neck to his chest. Swirling around Drake’s

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dark nipple he purred. “Sexy.” Inching the covers down he smiled and licked his lips seeing the

man’s gorgeous cock. “So much better in the daylight.”

Drake swallowed hard and gazed into Zeke’s eyes.

Biting his lower lip he pressed the flat of his hand down Drake’s stomach and toyed with the

soft hairs on his groin. “I loved last night.”

“It was…it was wonderful.” Drake looked away.

“What’s wrong?”


“Did I hurt you?” Why was Drake pulling away?

“No. Of course not. I just…” Rubbing his eyes Drake gave Zeke a waning smile.

Zeke couldn’t read him at all. “How about a shower together?”

Drake sighed and closed his eyes. “I really need to get going.”


“It’s just I have a lot to do. I need to get back to LA and make sure about the movie.”

Zeke sat back and brushed his hands through his hair. “Let me get this straight. You come all

the way out here to what, bid on me with money for one night together and you can’t leave

fast enough? I don’t get it.”

“What’s there to get? We both are working hard for what we want.” Drake sat up and

inched away.

“Wow. I have been out of the dating scene for a damn long time but I didn’t quite expect


“I’ll be back in a couple of weeks.”

“Uh-huh. Sure. Whatever. Do what you need to do.” Climbing off the bed Zeke hissed. Was

he played for a very expensive night of sex?

“I’m not trying to hurt you.”

“Like I said, whatever.” Giving Drake a harsh look he shook his head before heading off to

the bathroom, snagging his clothes on the way. Hissing, he stopped and turned his head. “Oh

and by the way, thanks so much for the lovely donation. I’m sure my sister and the humane

society will be grateful for the money. And just think about it, I only had to perform like a seal

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for one night. I’ll be out of the bathroom in a few minutes.” His body shaking, Zeke made it to

the bathroom and slammed the door before a new set of tears slipped out of his eyes. Why was

he so fucking stupid?

Pacing the floor Zeke hissed. It had been one hell of a week. Tired and frustrated he was

incensed by the damn phone call and didn’t know what to do. “I understand. It’s something you

have to do so fine. I just thought we had a damn deal.” He rubbed his eyes and tried to

concentrate on what the jerk was saying but could barely see straight from the anger rushing

through his system. “Fine, Jim. Do me one little favor then. That’s all I ask. Just keep it there for

a little while. I just want to be able to see it again.” As the man prattled on about a buyer and

needing cash of his own Zeke was losing patience. He held the phone out and resisted throwing

it against the wall. “I’ll be there tomorrow Goddamn it!”

He threw his head back and allowed his breath to escape slowly. This was fucking ridiculous.

Why did he make the decision to cell the painting? He knew the answer, to make ends meet

and pay the mortgage. Behind three months the bank was already starting foreclosure

procedures. He couldn’t allow that to happen. Sighing, he wasn’t even sure about going into the

city but he wanted to see the piece one last time. As he headed for his desk to finish the last of

paying what bills he could he heard a noise. Straining to hear he could tell it was Milly. She was

obviously playing with little David.

The thought gave him the shivers. Thank God the little foul was doing well. Even the vet

seemed amazed at both of them. He’d done something right in the past few weeks at least. As

Zeke heard her whinnying he smiled until the sound not only grew louder but closer as well.

“Oh shit!” If she’d broken out of the corral he was going to shoot himself. She loved to roam

and he’d lost Milly on more than one occasion.

Grabbing his coat he raced to the door and flung it open, tumbling out onto the front porch.

What he saw shocked him to the point he was rooted where he stood. “What the hell?” Seeing

Drake petting and playing with both horses was something he would never have expected. He

swallowed hard and simply enjoyed the show as the two horses who obviously cared about the

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man allowed him to dart around the corral like a fool. Zeke couldn’t help but smile just before

the bitter anger set in.

Striding down the stairs he walked slowly to the corral and stood on the outside of the

fence, remaining quiet. Every nerve standing on end he wasn’t sure what the hell to think.

Inhaling the sweet freshness of the morning, he counted to ten before clearing his throat.

Laughing from the playtime, Drake snapped his head to gaze at Zeke. Seeing his expression,

Drake dropped his head. “Hey.”

“Well well, slumming it?” He knew his words were laced with anger but his mood had

grown even darker finding out just how much he’d been used.

“I guess I deserved that,” Drake sniffed.

“And so much more. So what are you doing here?”

“Finalizing the arrangements for the movie. What do you think?”

Zeke chuckled. “Like that’s going to happen. How about the truth this time?”

Edging forward Drake took off his sunglasses and shook his head. “I don’t understand. What

are you saying?’

“It’s not me who’s saying anything here but I know the truth so why don’t you cut the

bullshit and the lies and really tell me why you’re here?” Seeing the confused expression on

Drake’s face only fueled his anger. Good, the man was off guard. “Okay. Have it your way.”

Giving him a curt nod, Zeke turned around and headed back toward the house, his heart

thumping wildly. Why did the guy get to him still? Why had he allowed his guard to go down?

“Wait a minute. I want to know what you’re trying to say.”

Zeke refused to stop. He made it to the door before he heard Drake’s heavy footsteps on

the porch.

“What the hell are you saying to me? I deserve an answer.” Jerking Zeke around by his arm

Drake snarled. “Talk to me. I came here to…to…”

“To what? You came here to continue your fucking lies?” Yanking his arm away he moved


“No you don’t.”

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Heading for his den he stood gazing outside, unsure of what to say or to feel. He could hear

Drake behind him breathing heavily but realized the two men were at a stalemate.

“Where’s the painting?” Drake asked quietly.

“It’s gone. I…” Somehow now the words seemed even more difficult to say. And why should

he tell Drake anything?

“What do you mean gone? That was your one connection to David other than Milly and the

colt. What did you do?”

Zeke tipped back his head. “Why do you care?”

“Because I care about you.”

“Yeah right. Just like you did after we made love. Had sex.” Zeke choked. “Yeah, had sex.”

“Zeke. We did make love and I was just…”

“Just what?” He turned to face the man and sighed. “Just what?”

“What happened to the painting?”

For some reason the angst in Drake’s voice sent a shiver down his spine. “I sold it. I had to,”

he breathed as he looked away. Saying the words out loud made it true. It was gone.

“Why? You loved the painting. You need to have it. Why?” Inching closer Drake looked at

him with an incredulous expression riding his face. “Why?”

“I have my reasons.” How the hell could he admit what dire straights he was in?

“To pay the bills? Is that it? I know you’re broke and I know you have nothing left and trying

to hide just how bad the situation is from Sandi but that’s why the movie being here is going to

help. I’m going to pay you money to use the ranch. You don’t have to sell the painting.”

As the words echoed in his head Zeke’s mouth dropped open. “What did you just say?”

Blushing, Drake brushed his hand through his hair. “I said you don’t have to sell it.”

“No. Oh no. How the hell do you know anything about my finances?” Blinking furiously

Zeke’s blood boiled. “Tell me!”

“I checked up on you, okay? That’s what I do as a producer and I had to. I know you’re

hurting and I want to help you if you’ll let me!” Drake snapped.

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“Excuse me? You could have fucking told me you checked up on me. I don’t believe you. You

come here and allow me to give a shit and to believe and you lie and you go behind my back.

God! I am so stupid.” He couldn’t hear anymore.

“I didn’t lie to you. I just did my job!”

“Your job? Which one is that Mr. I own the company. Oh no, I’m sorry. You don’t own the

damn company. Your ex wife does. You have no money, no say and your people are working for

free for you to get this movie off the ground and my bet is that if this movie doesn’t fly you are

toast in the industry. So if you want to float money around I wouldn’t. You’re broke and can’t

afford to pay me one damn penny. You used me so that I would what agree to allow you to use

the place and not have to pay me and then I’d never find out about your ugly little secret. I

guess you looked for a haunted man to seduce. You did a fucking Goddamn good job.” The

words flew out of his mouth before Zeke could stop them and as he saw the horror slide across

Drake’s face he regretted spewing them off.

“How…fucking…dare you. But fine. I’m broke but you know what, Zeke? I do…I did care

about you. It had nothing to do with the movie and the way I felt about you. When I saw you

crying after we – to use your words – had sex then I knew I’d made a mistake hurting you and

getting close. That’s why I left. No other reason. But have it your way. Be alone and lonely for

the rest of your life because I can’t take the fucking baggage. I have enough of that left with me

because of my ex-wife who took everything I cared about after she used me and threw me

away. Everything! I had nothing and I built myself back up and then… Oh what the fuck am I

bothering for? You don’t give a shit. Goodbye and trust me, it’s forever.” Giving Zeke one last

harsh glance Drake stomped out of the house.

And Zeke knew out of his life forever and for some reason he couldn’t move.


“Why won’t you talk to your sister?” Sandi asked quietly.

“Nothing to talk about.” Everything was a damn mess. Zeke wasn’t sure why the Gods were

out to get him but they sure as shit were.

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“You want to talk about the painting?”

“What do you know about it?” Shocked, he wasn’t sure what to say.

“First, I know you sold it to pay all the bills and second I know the first deal fell through and

the second one didn’t and the art dealer sold the painting to someone from over seas.”

He wasn’t sure what devastated him more the fact she knew about their horrible financial

situation or the fact he’d never see the painting again. Opening and closing his mouth he could

say nothing.

“Honey, the bank called me two weeks ago. I was making arrangements to pay everything

off. You didn’t have to sell the painting.”

“But…I don’t understand.” His breath caught in his throat. “It’s my responsibility! Mine!”

God, he sounded ridiculous even to himself.

“It’s ours and I wasn’t going to allow you to shoulder this by yourself. I anticipated we’d go

through hard times. Don’t you think I set aside money years ago to make sure? Hell, I ‘m even

pretty good with stocks and all I had to do was to cash a few in. We’re all paid up. Why didn’t

you trust me?” Sandi groaned as she closed the distance, placing her hand on Zeke’s arm.

“I failed.”

“Are you out of your mind? You rebuilt everything after the fire and you made all the

existing buildings better. You took money and invested in additional livestock and a more

sophisticated feeding system. This is a glitch and nothing more.”

Hearing her words not only stilled him but brought tears to his eyes. “I just wanted to make

you proud.”

Cupping his chin Sandi shook her head. “You always do. I’m sorry about the painting. I wish

there was something we could do.”

“Just another one of my impetuous decisions. I seem to be making a lot of them lately. Just

like the damn auction. I couldn’t even get sold to a real person. I bet that check bounced all the

way to hell and back.”

“If you mean the one from Drake, it didn’t because there wasn’t one.”

Zeke snapped his head up and could see a twinkle in her eyes before they turned dark. “I

don’t understand.”

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“Of course he was in complete co-hoots with me. Hell the auction raised over two hundred

thousand dollars between that and the extra money the women threw in for the cause so I

didn’t need any more money. I just wanted you to have someone you could love.”

While Zeke couldn’t believe it he knew his sister. “Amazing. Sorry it backfired. At least I

know he’s a lying sack of shit.”

Narrowing her eyes Sandi took a step back. “You’re too quick to judge. That’s why you

needed Cupid in the first place.”

“Well Cupid stuck the damn arrow right in my eye after ripping my heart out.”

“Unbelievable. He is hurting like you are. You lost David to a horrible accident. He lost his

wife and every bit of his life because of lies and deceit. Two hearts damaged by one form of fire

or another. And yet you were quick to judge his actions.”

“You knew?” Zeke sucked in his breath.

“Of course I knew. Do you honestly think I’d push anyone in your direction after what

you’ve been through I hadn’t checked out? What kind of sister do you think I am?”

“Hell. I don’t know what to say. I thought we had something but…”

“But you pushed him away.”

“He pushed me away after that night.”

Sandi gave him a wry smile. “That’s because he thought you were upset and not ready. He

was coming to talk to you about it when you kicked him out in a sense.”

Zeke started to refute when he realized what she’d said. “How did you know?”

Before she could say anything there was a knock on the door. “Sisters know everything.”

Chuckling, she moved to the door. “As I told you a couple of weeks ago, you need to get your

head out of your ass.”

His body shaking Zeke wasn’t sure what to do. Should he just call Drake and apologize or try

and book a flight to LA or what?

“It’s for you.”

“What is it?”

“Looks like a Valentine,” Sandi said as she smiled and handed him an envelope.

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“Valentine’s Day is over and thank God for it.” Eyeing the envelope he sighed and had a

feeling. His heart skipping he opened it slowly and took out the card.

I’m not very good with this but I wanted you to know

I care more about you than I realized

In truth I was falling in love

Can you give us another chance?

Zeke gasped as a single tear slid from his eyes. Wiping his furiously he fingers the lettering.

“What does it say?”

“Just a note to remind me I am an idiot,” he laughed and shook his head. “I have something

to do.”

“First you need to deal with the men outside.”

“What men?” He could see a look in her eye.

She walked back to the door and swung it open. “These men who want to know where

you’d like your piece of art.”

Zeke edged toward the door and gasped seeing his beloved piece. “You?”

“Not me, honey. Drake.” Pointing toward the side of the porch she smiled. “Happy

Valentine’s Day.”

As Zeke moved out onto the porch he had no idea what to say. Tears rolled down his cheeks

and while he wiped them away furiously they kept coming. “What? How?”

“Sandi told me where to find the piece so I had my brother take a look at it. Remember the

art dealer I told you about? He loves it quite a bit and bought it back. Granted, I’ll owe him for a

while or until my movie does well – if it does well but it was worth it. You have to have the

piece in your collection.”

Zeke opened his mouth and turned to gaze at his sister. “I think I like Cupid after all.”

Closing the distance he stood a few inches in front of Drake. “I’m so sorry for what I said. I was

cruel and didn’t mean them. Maybe I can help you with the movie after all. Everything is paid

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up so…” He could see a look cross Drake’s face. “Oh shit. Is the movie dead? I’m so sorry. I know

how much it meant to you.”

“Oddly enough I have another investor and while it’ll be tight I think we can make it. That is

if I have a place to film.” Drake grinned as he gazed at Zeke.

Zeke smiled. “You got it. An investor. That’s wonderful. You finally got a movie executive to

believe in you? That’s wonderful.”

“Not exactly. It’s more like a whole town.”

“A town? How can that be?”

Sandi flanked their sides and smiled as she folded her arms. “I always wanted to be in the

movie business. Meet your new executive producer.”

“What?” Zeke had no idea what to say.

Sandi laughed. “It’s a trade off. Seems the humane society heard about the movie and how

animals were going to be a central part so they gave up half the proceeds and my fabulous and

very wealthy ladies who were at the auction matched the amount. The only kicker is that the

society gets named and highlighted in the film. They think it’s a win win situation and the ladies

get to have a few dozen hunks in town for a few months. I also convinced Drake to allow us to

do a calendar called the dirty dozen so the town’s happy. I think it’s all just perfect. That is if

your head is out of your ass.” Patting Zeke on the ass she sighed. “I’m going to show these nice

delivery boys where to put the lovely picture and I think you two need to get re-acquainted.

Don’t you? Oh and um that’s Cupid’s order.”

As she floated back into the house guiding the deliverymen her sparkling laughter remained

and Zeke’s heart swelled. He glanced into Drake’s eyes and smiled. “I loved the card.”

“I mean every word. Can we try again and maybe the right way this time? No lies. No


“I’d like that.” Zeke stuck out his hand. “Hi. I’m Zeke Parker, reformed asshole.”

Chuckling, Drake shook his head. “No, you’re just about perfect.” Wrapping his arm around

Zeke he pulled him into the heat of his body as Drake crushed his mouth over Zeke’s.

Every nerve ending on fire Zeke closed his eyes as their kiss became a passionate roar. Their

tongues entwining he swayed his hips back and forth enjoying the friction as his cock throbbed.

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There was something so breathtaking about this moment he became lost in the heat of their

thumping hearts. And in his soul he knew the moment was love.


“Would you hurry up and get your ass to bed?” Drake laughed as he popped the

champagne, chuckling as a stream rolled down his hand.

“Hey, don’t waste any of that. Not everyday we can afford to spend a hundred dollars on a

bottle of bubbly.” Smiling down, Zeke stood with a sparkle in his eye and not a stich of clothing

on, his thick cock jutting out.

“Holy shit if you keep looking like that I am never going to be able to watch the show and

let’s not get the cart before the horse just yet.”

“Oh I’ll make you watch it and I have damn good feelings about this.” Sliding into bed he

leaned over and licked down the length of Drake’s neck.

“Whew, you know how to turn a man on.” Handing Zeke a glass of champagne he sighed. It

had been a tough but wonderful year and he couldn’t get over his shock that HBO had

purchased his movie. It had been a damn whirlwind and he knew it had something to do with

the tenacity and drive of the women in town. He couldn’t get over it.

“I can’t believe you really wanted to watch the premier in bed,” Zeke laughed as he held up

his glass.

“What better place? I’m happy here.”

“You have a one track mind and I love it.” His eyes twinkling Zeke lifted his glass. “Here’s to

the future and the success of Chasing Miracles cause we certainly made a few of our own.”

Dear God they certainly had. As they clinked glasses and drank Drake smiled as he gazed

down at the man who was not only his best friend and lover but business partner. “Something I

didn’t tell you. If this does well there’s talk of a second movie. You up for it?”

Zeke licked the rim of his glass and gave Drake a heated gaze. “Hmmm… not sure but I’m

definitely up for something.” Taking both glasses he set them down and took Drake’s hand,

placing it on his swollen cock. “See.”

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“I do.” Leaning over he kissed Zeke’s lips softly at first until his hunger became a ravaging

ache. He captured Zeke’s mouth, forcing his tongue into his wet heat as their tongues

entwined, tasting and teasing. His heart raced as he rubbed his hand up and down the length of

Zeke’s back finally cupping his carved ass and squeezing. Lights flashed across his field of vision

and as the kiss became manic his body trembled. When he finally broke the kiss he pushed Zeke

down hard and crawled between his legs.

“Seems like someone is hungry.”

“You have no idea.” Leaning down he took the entire length of Zeke’s shaft into his mouth,

licking around the head in lazy circles as he wrapped one hand around the base and the other

he cupped Zeke’s balls squeezing until Zeke grunted from pleasure. Up and down he took the

man’s throbbing dick, relaxing his throat and allowing the tip to hit the back. He sucked hard,

using his jaw muscles and closed his eyes. He never got used to enjoying sucking the man’s


“Sweet Lord you’re on fire tonight.” Panting, Zeke entwined his fingers in Drake’s hair,

tugging his head down as he arched his back. “Oh my that feels damn good.”

Drake grunted and drew him all the way out, licking across the sensitive slit. Rewarded

instantly with several drops of pre-cum he licked the pearl beads, savoring the musky flavor.

“You’re right, damn good.” Opening his mouth wide he took Zeke’s shaft all the way down until

his lips were against his balls and squeezed.

Zeke jerked up and sucked in his breath as his arms flailed. “Goddamn you’re going to make

me cum.”

“Mmm…” Drake stroked and pumped the base of his cock as he moved up and down the

entire length, flicking his tongue back and forth. He knew what drove his lover wild and Zeke

wasn’t going to last long.

“No. You…have to…stop.”

But he didn’t want to stop. Licking with increased fervor he could tell Zeke was close to


“I said…no!” Using his strong upper torso he flipped Drake around until he was on his back

and grinned. “I’ve told you before, I’m in charge.” Spreading and lifting Drake’s legs, Zeke

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pushed them back to Drake’s chest before giving him a chastising look. Leaning over he nipped

Drake’s nipple, drawing the tender flesh into his mouth before licking down the length of his

chest to his stomach and down further. “Feel good?”

Good? He was going to explode. “Yyyyeeessss.”

“Mmmm…then this will feel better.” Slipping his cockhead to Drake’s puckered asshole he

slid the tip just inside. “You’re always so tight. This might hurt.”

Giving Zeke a salacious look he licked his lips. “Prove it.”

As Zeke nodded, his eyes dancing, he pushed the entire length of his cock all the way inside

Drake’s ass.

Drake threw his head back and roared as every part of his body tingled and his ass muscles

clamped around the intense invasion. No matter how many times they made love he could

never get over the intense sensations. “Oh…yesyesyes!”

In and out Zeke thrust as he held his upper body along and gazed down into Drake’s eyes. “I

love fucking you.”

Harder and faster Zeke plunged into him and as Zeke scraped back and forth over his

prostate, Drake panted and wrapped his hand around his own cock. A feeling of rapture washed

over his body that he never wanted to end. “Oh…God…yes…”

Zeke struggled to hold it but as he moaned and tossed his head back his entire body shook

involuntarily. “I can’t…I…aaaaahhhh!” He exploded deep inside Drake’s ass. Dropping his head

beads of sweat trickled down over Drake’s face and neck.

Drake closed his eyes and allowed the moment of blissful passion to connect their hearts. “I

love you. God, I love you.”

“And I love you.”

As they lay together quietly the movie began and Drake sighed. It had been tough to keep

this secret and he could only wait and pray. “I have one more surprise for you.”

“You do? What?”

“Watch the opening scene.” Drake watched Zeke’s reaction as Milly and little David came

into view. “They’re always going to be the opening scene of any of my, correction our

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productions. I thought it was fitting.” He could see a mixture of emotions riding his face and for

a moment he thought he’d crossed the line. “Zeke. I’m sorry if you’re angry.”

Turning his head slowly Zeke smiled. “Angry? That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done

for me. What a wonderful present.”

“I thought it was fitting since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day,” Drake said, his voice breathless.

“One last little present.”

“That’s what you said about this one.”

“So sue me. I have the name for the next production.”

“What is it?” Zeke smiled.

“Hearts Forged in Fire. A little Cupid told me I should name it that,” Drake purred as he

laughed and couldn’t thank Sandi enough.

“God know we wouldn’t want to disappoint Cupid.”

“No, we wouldn’t. I heard she has a wicked arrow.”

As they watched the movie Drake sighed. This was what dreams and chasing miracles was

made of.

- The End -

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About the Author

Cassandre started writing stories and poems before she knew how to ride a bike and proceeded onto

novels by age eleven. By the time she was an early teenager, she had written fifteen novels. As early

adulthood, college and life settled in; writing was placed on the back burner but never forgotten

entirely. Suddenly awakened by the rampant fantasies and untold stories of characters that flowed

through her dreams every night and filtered into her daylight hours; she could hold back the creative

process no longer.

Cassandre writes highly erotic romance stories and novels in the contemporary, science fiction and

paranormal flavors. Currently she has fifteen erotic romance novels published with Rebel Ink Press and

several more under contract.

In addition, as her alter ego Bethany Halle, she is the host of two blog talk radio shows with Robin Falls

Red River Radio. The Fire of Fantasy & Darkness airs every other month highlighting writers and other

artists in the fantasy, science fiction and paranormal genres. Dare to Take the Plunge also airs every

other month featuring writers, publishers, cover artists and reviewers in the erotic romance genre. She

also is a weekly/monthly contributor to Naughty Nights Press, Erotic Diaries, After Dark Online, Kinke

Magazine and Queer Magazine Online.

As Bethany Halle she is also the Director of Communications for Rebel Ink Press and currently serves on

the Nominating Committee of the RWA’s Passionate Ink. She will serve as President Elect for Passionate

Ink in 2012.

She was a Passionate Ink finalist for their Passionate Plume contest with Treats in a Plain Brown

Wrapper and has received several four and five star reviews for her work.

Enter her many worlds where dreams and fantasies become realities and the desires

for all things decadent hopefully will keep readers intrigued for many years to come.

Visit her website

for a taste of her spicy world, trailers and

free reads.

Married and currently living in a small town in Virginia with her two wondrous four

legged friends, her world is filled with endless possibilities of the future.

Remember...... always dare to take the plunge!

Member of:

Virginia Romance Writers

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Romance Writers of America

Passionate Ink


ARRA – Australian Romance Readers Association


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