Cassandra Dayne His Wrath

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His Wrath

written by Cassandre Dayne

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Cover Artist: Carl J. Franklin
First Edition
©2012, Rebel Ink Press, LLC

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Chapter One

What the fuck? Tossing over in bed, Parker inhaled as he tried to figure out what was going

on. As a wafting of something smoky filtered past his nostrils, he groaned, opening and closing

his eyes. “I…what is…” Suddenly the scent kicked in. Jerking up, he scrambled to get out of bed.

“Fire!” Shit! Shit! Shit! Almost tripping over the covers, he pitched forward and ran to the top of

the stairs. Groaning, he gazed down the long flight but was unable to see anything. “God damn

it!” Rushing down the stairs, he shook his head in disbelief. He could see a trickle of smoke

coming from under the office door and he knew better than to risk opening it. Panting, he

yanked the hall phone from its cradle, tossed open the front door and bolted outside.

As he pressed 911, he heard a crackling sound coming from the side of the house. “I’d like

to report a fire at 9211 Stanford Hills Drive. Yes… No, I don’t know how it started. Yes, I’m all

right…yes…thank you.” Holding the phone to his head, Parker railed to the heavens. His life’s

work and everything he had tried to accomplish was nestled inside his house. The only saving

grace was the fact he had a sprinkler system but water would do more damage given the

number of electronics and computers housed in his office than the smoke would. Laughing, he

couldn’t believe he was comparing the two.

Parker jogged to the office window and peered inside just as flames licked up the side-wall.


He heard sirens and thanked the heavens that living barely two miles from a fire station

had been Joey’s request. Whispering his name, Parker closed his eyes as the familiar ache

tugged at his heart. A single tear slid down his cheek and he wiped it away furiously, chastising

himself for thinking about his lover at a time like this. Besides, Joey had been dead for…

Dropping his head, Parker rubbed his eyes, remembering Joey’s laugh and his dancing blue eyes

the day they purchased the house. Then there was all the times they’d searched for the perfect

piece of furniture. God damn it! Their dreams were stolen too soon by a brain tumor. He

swallowed hard and pushed away the memories as the fire truck zoomed up his long driveway.

One of the fireman jumped off the truck and raced toward him as the others began jerking

hoses from the back, immediately dragging them toward the erupting fire.

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“Sir, we’ll need you to move back. Is there anyone else inside? A pet perhaps?” While his

voice was calm, the fireman's eyes were imploring.

Parker shook his head. “Just me. I think it’s contained to the office.” Pointing toward the

window, he realized his hand was shaking and he didn’t think it had anything to do with the


“All right. We’ll take care of everything. Just stay here.”

“Yes, I will,” Parker breathed. In what seemed like a matter of minutes, the all clear was

given. Parker inched forward as the same fireman approached, removing his hat.

“The level of damage isn’t too bad. The sprinklers helped contain the fire to the office but

it’s pretty well destroyed.”

Hissing, Parker nodded. “Thank you for reacting so quickly.”

“No problem, Mr. Skye. I’m glad I could help. I’m a huge fan of yours.” Grinning, the man

held out his hand.

“Thank you…”

“Mike. Mike Forsythe.”

“I appreciate everything you did.” Shaking Mike’s hand, Parker gazed back toward the

house and thought about his art collection, the one luxury to show for all his hard work. “How

bad is the smoke damage?” As they walked closer to the side of the house, he could see that

the entire room would have to be re-built. At least his music room was on the other side of the


“I think it’s confined to the outer hallway but you'll need to have a professional restoration

company come in.”

“Yeah. I’ll add it to my list.”

“We’ll clean up and get out of your hair. I should have the report ready for your insurance

company early tomorrow. Looks like the fire started with the fax machine,” Mike said.

“A fax machine I almost never use.” One that Joey insisted they have in case someone had

to get in touch with the famous composer. Chuckling, Parker thought about the irony.

“Well think of it this way, it could have been a lot worse if you hadn’t been at home.”

“You’re right. I’m a lucky man,” Parker breathed. Cursing silently, he wasn’t sure he cared.

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Mike patted him on the back. “A good contractor will have you back in shape in no time.

There’s a lot of good folks looking for work.”

“Thanks again.” As Parker watched him walk away, he walked toward the front door. The

problem was he didn’t know any contractors. In truth, since Joey’s death, he’d holed himself up

in this house composing. While it had been the most productive time in his career to date,

there was no joy in his life. Thinking about the bleak days and lonely nights gave Parker shivers.

He went out once a week for necessities and perhaps twice a year to have dinner with friends.

Even the awards shows meant nothing to him now.

No, nothing held the same sparkle since losing Joey, the love of his life and the only man

who'd understood his dark cravings. Parker Skye, the well known composer and art collector,

had officially turned into a worthless slug. Growling, he eyed the wreck that had once been his

office as the firemen collected their gear. Strolling into the kitchen, he glanced at the clock.

Hell, it was almost noon and he was still in pajama bottoms. Christ, he was pathetic.

Parker walked to the refrigerator and opened the door, reaching first for the carton of milk

before eyeing the orange juice and opting for a screwdriver instead. Drink prepared, he called

his insurance company and obtained the necessary okay to find a contractor, the call ending

with the promise of an adjuster coming by the end of the day to start a claim on their end.

Leaning against the counter, he gazed out at his pool and realized he hadn’t taken a swim in


Perhaps the fire had been a Godsend. At minimum, it was certainly an eye opener. Joey

wouldn’t want him to hole up like a minion mourning this long. It was time to let go at least

enough so that he could become human again. Sipping his drink, he thought about the

playroom, the hallmark of their commitment to a Dominate/submissive lifestyle. Swallowing

hard, Parker suddenly had a burning desire to see the hallowed space and headed for the hall.

Opening the door, Parker thought back on how long it had been since he was inside. “It’s

just a room.” His blood pulsing, the encouragement did little good. As he flipped a switch, a

soft, ambient glow filtered throughout the Goth-like space. Steeling his nerves, Parker moved

further inside, his heart racing. After Joey’s death he'd considered removing every bit of the

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equipment they'd collected over the two years they’d lived in the house together but couldn’t

bring himself to destroy something that had meant so much to the two of them.

“Oh Joey. Why aren’t you here?” Staring at the St. Andrews cross, Parker sighed as a series

of shivers trickled down his back. He glided toward the oversized piece, sliding his hand across

the cool steel. The delicious apparatus had been Joey’s favorite. He loved to be secured and

flogged, giving into his Master. Licking the rim of his glass, Parker remembered the first time

they'd used their brand new bondage toy fondly as his cock twitched.

“You’ve been a very bad boy,” Parker hissed as he fastened the last restraint around Joey’s

ankle and stood back, admiring Joey’s carved muscles. Grazing a single finger down Joey’s spine

to the crack of his ass, Parker pursed his lips in anticipation of fucking his delicious submissive

hard, but only after he punished the man for his serious indiscretions.

“Yes, sir,” Joey breathed, his voice barely a whisper.

“You need to be disciplined severely for your actions. You need to understand every cause

has an effect and not coming home on time is a punishable offense.” Grinning, he brushed his

fingertip down between Joey's legs, circling his swollen balls. Cupping them together, he

squeezed with enough pressure Joey tipped his head back and moaned, his legs shaking. While

they enjoyed playtime, Parker was indeed a true Master and their agreed to rules were never



Squeezing harder, Parker inched back up and slipped his finger into his mouth, wetting the

entire length before pressing it to the entrance of Joey’s dark hole. Inserting the tip inside, he

inhaled deeply, relishing in the musky scent of the man who'd been his lover for almost six years.

As he pushed his finger inside the dark cavern, Parker sighed.

Joey moaned and jutted his hips back.

“I can see how hungry you are,” Parker whispered as he leaned in and darted his tongue

out, licking a long line down from the base of Joey’s neck to his shoulders.

“Yes, sir…I…want you to fuck me…I…”


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Parker slapped his ass hard. “You know better than to speak unless given permission. You’re

only allowed to answer questions, period. Do you understand?” Adding two more fingers, he

thrust inside, pushing past the tight ring of muscle as Joey moaned.

“Yes, sir!” Joey hissed through clenched teeth.

“Better.” Parker plunged in and out of Joey's body as he flexed his fingers open, enjoying the

way Joey’s muscles clamped around the tight invasion. He removed his fingers and nipped Joey’s

ear lobe before sauntering toward the tall wooden cabinet that held his favorite floggers and

plugs. “What shall we use tonight?” He asked as he eyed the extensive collection. “I think we’ll

start with a flogger and perhaps move to a belt for your indiscretions.”

“Yes, sir.”

Gliding back toward Joey, Parker feathered the ends of the cattails down Joey’s back and

ass in a blatant promise of what was to come. “Ready?”

“Yes, sir,” Joey whispered, leaning his cheek against the cool steel.

Parker moved back slowly. Snapping his wrist, he connected the leather across the tender

part of Joey’s ass.

Crack! Slap!

“Ooohhhh!” Joey wailed.

Crack! Pop!

Parker growled as he gave Joey a series of harsh whips, slapping hard against his ass and

the back of his thighs. “Mmmm…very nice.” Moving forward, he slid his hand across Joey’s

crimson cheeks, savoring the heat. “Just a few more.”

Panting, Joey clenched his fists closed and jerked against his restraints.

“You want more, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir!”

Pop! Slap!

After a few additional strikes, Parker replaced the flogger with his favorite belt and slid the

thick strap under his nose. The sweet fragrance of well-worn leather was almost as delicious as

the scent of a man’s cum. “Old faithful.”

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As he gave Joey a series of strong lashes, he marveled at the way Joey responded, meeting

every whip with a thrust of his backside.

Crack! Pop!

Joey shivered but remained quiet, every part of his body shaking involuntarily.

“I think you’ve learned your lesson,” Parker hissed as he put away the implements and

glided back toward his lover. “Now I’m going to fuck my very good little boy.” Releasing Joey’s

bindings, Parker pulled the trembling man against his chest, caressing his muscles as he ground

his covered cock into Joey’s swollen ass.

Joey lolled his head back and remained limp in Parker’s arms.

Parker licked up and down Joey’s neck as he cupped his nipple, twisting the tender flesh

between his forefinger and thumb.

“Aaaahhhh…” Joey gripped Parker’s leg, clawing into the dense material of his jeans.

Sliding his hand down, Parker wrapped his fingers around the base of Joey’s cock, stroking

his hardened length. “You want my dick shoved in that tight ass of yours?”

“Yes…sir…” His body wavering back and forth, Joey’s voice was barely audible.

Parker moved them both forward toward the hard steel table he loved to use. “This is

exactly what you need, a hard fucking by the Master who loves you and controls you.”

“Oh yes…yes…”

Easing Joey’s waist over the table, Parker licked his lips. “Grip the edge and spread your legs

for me.”

Obeying instantly, Joey gripped the back edge and pushed his legs out at what had to be a

painful level.

Parker moved behind Joey, placing the tip of his throbbing erection at Joey’s rosy hole,

pushing until it was just inside. “Not going to be gentle.” While he'd never want to inflict any

level of pain that Joey didn’t want or understand, the man loved being taken in the ass and they

engaged in the act at least once a day. Their romance had started out whirlwind, both having

voracious appetites, and every day found them experimenting with something kinkier. From

public sex to sex clubs, they'd tried almost everything but nothing was as satisfying as their

playtime at home.

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Joey grunted and wiggled back and forth.

“Careful or I’ll whip your ass again.” Growling, Parker impaled Joey’s asshole in one long,

hard thrust, driving past the tight ring. As Joey’s muscles instantly gripped around his shaft,

Parker grunted and threw his head back. There was nothing better than slipping his cock inside

his lover.


Parker pulled out until just the tip was inside and repeated the move, driving harder and

deeper with each pass. The sound of his balls slapping against Joey’s bruised ass was a heady

aphrodisiac. His heart racing, he continued his actions until they became almost savage,

slamming Joey against the steel. “Yes…oh yes…” Gripping Joey’s hips, he plunged in and out

until he couldn’t hold back the raging tide any longer.

Joey grunted and moaned as he scrambled to hold on to the table, his body pitching up and

down. “Oh…ohoh…aaaaaahhhhh!”

Throwing his head back, Parker wailed as he exploded inside Joey’s dark cavern. His entire

body shook from the almost violent action as his heart raced, sending a series of pounding

echoes into his ears. Sucking in his breath, he leaned over Joey’s sweaty back as his cock

continued pulsing inside Joey’s ass. “Damn…fucking…hot.”

Panting, Parker stumbled against the cross, his blood coursing wildly through his system.

Blinking furiously, he tried to control his breathing as his hand shook, forcing the drink over the

edge of his glass. As he licked his lips, he gazed down with hazy eyes realizing he had his hand

wrapped around his dick. Tipping his head back, he suddenly realized he hadn’t masturbated in

several months. Just the memory of time spent with his lover made him horny as hell and

desperately sad.

He pushed his bottoms down, kicking the unwanted material to the side. Gazing at the

cabinet, Parker took long strides and set his drink down on the table with a hard thud. Swinging

open the doors, he gazed at the myriad of unused toys and selected a pair of nipple clamps. He

needed to feel again. Holding the metal vices into the light, he shook his head and envisioned

Joey’s gorgeous face and dancing blue eyes. Then he snapped the clamps in place, the pain was

instant and blinding. “Oh…” Never a receiver, he was shocked at just how much anguish they

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created but as his cock twitched, hungry for relief, he wrapped his hand around the base and


Stumbling forward, he gripped the edge of the table as he stroked his shaft, his actions

growing more savage. Inhaling, he held his breath as the biting pain of the pinchers dragged his

mind into a level of rapture he hadn’t experienced in so long. He stroked the entire length of his

shaft as he panted, thrashing his head back and forth. “Oh…oohoh!” Bubbles pulsed past his

lips as his heart raced, his orgasm close. As stars floated around his eyes marring his vision, he

dropped his head.

“Joey!” His legs thumping into the leg of the table, Parker threw his head back and

screamed as hot cum erupted from his cockhead. He continued pumping as the thick goo

covered his stomach. Laughing, he rubbed the cream into his skin and groaned. When he finally

released the biting clamps, he gasped as blood rushed into his nipples. “Dear God!”

He gripped the table and reached for his drink, nearly pitching the dense crystal off the side

from his slippery hand. Shaking his head, he smiled as tears cascaded down his cheeks. Sensing

Joey’s presence, he nodded. It was time to live again.

Struggling to get up the stairs, Parker wiped his hands and calmed his breathing. Every part

of him was on fire and he knew he needed the taste of a man. He grabbed the phone as he

wiped the sweat from his brow, almost dropping the receiver to the floor.


“Jack, buddy. I need your help.”

“Parker? As in Parker Skye, my long lost friend?” Jack chuckled.

“Don’t rub it in. It’s me. How are you by the way?” Parker swallowed hard, trying to steady

the quiver in his voice.

“I can’t believe you’ve crawled out of your shell and you’re asking me for help. Something

must be going on by the way your voice is shaking,” Jack said, a lilt in his voice.

“Look, I had a fire in my office this morning.”


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“Fortunately the sprinklers contained the damn thing to the office but the room is

destroyed. I need a contractor to secure it and rebuild it quickly. You know how I hate

interruptions.” Parker finished his drink and gazed outside as the sun glimmered over the pool.

“You know that means you’re going to have to interact with people, right?”

Growling into the phone, Parker realized Jack was only concerned about his rather bizarre

behavior. “Yeah. I think I can handle it. You know anyone?”

“Hmm…okay. I think I have the perfect guy in mind. He's a nice guy and he’s struggling for


“Hey, aren’t they all. You want me to give him a call?”

Jack sighed. “Let me call him first. He’s got this thing about taking what he considers

handouts. He does fantastic work and I know he’ll do a good job for you.”

“So what’s the catch?” Parker heard the glitch in his friend’s voice. They’d been friends

since college and while they rarely saw each other, Parker considered Jack one of his best


“Well, he’s a ex con under my care.”

Raising his eyebrow, Parker mulled over the idea. Jack had been a parole officer for years

and was very good at helping rehabilitate ex cons. If there was one thing Parker knew, it was

that Jack wouldn’t suggest hiring anyone unless the guy was moving on to a better life. “What’s

his name?”

“Clark McGraw. But his friends call him Wrath.”

“Catchy name.”

“Fits him,” Jack stated.

“Okay, now you have me intrigued. What does that mean?”

“It means he’s a big guy. Look, he’s got a chip on his shoulder because he was railroaded

into prison. He took it personally and he’s trying to prove his wealth to the world. I helped him

get started with his business and he’s damn embarrassed about it. I’ve seen his work though

and he’s fantastic. And um…you might just like him.”

Parker knew that tone. Parker had never hidden the fact he was gay and Jack had been

trying to hook him up with a new partner for a good two years. While Jack meant well, he had

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no idea what type of man Parker was looking for. Jack couldn’t. Only Joey had known just how

kinky Parker's needs truly were. Longing to live the lifestyle twenty-four hours a day, he and

Joey were almost to that point when Joey succumbed to the brutal disease that took him in a

mere four months. “Fixing me up again?”

“Hey, Wrath isn’t the kind of guy who goes around advertising he craves another man.”

“Then how do you know?”

“Call it intuition from years of dealing with people. I’m just saying you need to move on

with your life,” Jack said quietly.

“You’re right and I plan on it. Give Wrath a call for me and if he’s as good as you say he is

then, I’ll talk him up to my friends. Who knows? A big strapping guy might just turn them the

hell on, ex con or not.”

“Will do, buddy. I know I’m stretching it here, but what about dinner sometime next week?

We have a lot to talk about.”

Parker smiled. “You’re on.”

Jack hesitated before he spoke. “Sorry, just had to restart my heart.”

“I’m serious, smart ass. You get me Wrath and we’ll have dinner next week. On me.”

“And pigs fly to the moon. You got it, guy.”

As Parker hung up the phone and as he walked outside, he sniffed the crisp air and grinned

before diving into the deep end of the pool naked. And damn if it didn’t feel good.

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Chapter Two

Wrath McGraw sat at his kitchen table staring at the pile of bills. Hissing, he tossed the

phone bill into the growing mass and closed his eyes. He needed more work or he was going to

go under in a matter of weeks. While he'd resisted taking Jack’s money, he was grateful he

hadn’t allowed his pride to get in the way. Still, he was determined to pay the guy back. Jerking

up, he glanced at his watch. While it was only a little after three, he wanted a beer. No, he

needed a beer.

Grabbing a cold one out of the fridge, he popped the top and took a long pull as he brushed

his hand through his long hair. Heading for the back door, he gazed out at the mess of brush

and stumps. One day he was going to take the time and get the house in order. At least his

sister had tried to care for the place while he was in the joint. Growling, he gripped the bottle

tightly, swearing to the heavens. If the asshole white kid hadn’t lied in the courtroom and if his

mommy and daddy hadn’t been rich, Wrath would have gotten off with a slap on the wrist.

Instead, he’d spend two long, hard years behind bars for protecting a friend. The damn kid

deserved to be punched for antagonizing his buddy.

Wrath remembered the ugly night all too well. Called a faggot for the first time in his life,

somehow the entire thing shocked him. When the group of college kids cornered his buddy and

tried to sodomize him, Wrath refused to allow it. Shaking away the memories, he realized his

look was one of the reasons he received the maximum.

Rubbing his hand down his chest, Wrath groaned. Standing six foot six, the judge had called

his massive hands deadly weapons. That’s when he learned that nobody gave a shit anymore.

Even his buddy confused he wasn't sure what happened that night. “Bastards!” Snarling, he

gulped half the bottle before he heard his cell phone go off. Snorting, just the thought of having

to have a co-signer for the damn phone burned his ass.

Wrath stalked to the phone and yanked it off the counter. “Hello?”

“You sound pissed.”

“Well, well. Jack White. Is this a social call or are you just trying to make sure I stay in my

cage?” Hearing silence, he sighed. “Sorry. Just remembering.”

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“I understand your anger, buddy but I’m not the enemy. I’m trying to be your friend. You

hear me?”

“Yeah, I hear you.” Wrath clenched his fist. Jack White was without a doubt a decent parole

officer and a man who seemed to believe in him. “Not trying to take it out on you. Just been a

rough couple of days. Whadya need?”

“A favor for a friend of mine if you have the time.”

Exhaling slowly Wrath swished his beer. “Yeah, I got so much lined up.”

“Good. I need you get over there today. My buddy had a fire in the office in his house this

morning and he needs to get the place secured. He’ll need the room rebuilt in short order as

well,” Jack stated.

“Sure. I can do that. Where does his live?” Owing Jack more than one favor, Wrath resigned

himself to taking the job whether he thought of it as charity or not.

“Just outside the Palisades.”

Wrath shook his head. The last thing he needed was to get in the middle of some rich

neighborhood. When they found out about his record, he’d be toast. “Look, I want to help you

out but I don’t need any more shit.”

“Parker’s not judgmental like you’re used to and besides he…he knows about your record,”

Jack said quietly. “Clark…er Wrath, they have to know and if the guy says he can deal with it

then you have no issues. You hear me? The guy is wealthy and will tell his friends if you do a

good job so stop being a son of a bitch and follow my guidance for once!”

Hissing, rage pulsed though his system but Wrath knew Jack was right. If he didn’t take his

head of out his ass, he was going to lose his company. The construction business was supposed

to help give him time to work on what he really loved doing. Instead, he fought every day just

to be able to put food on the table. “I hear you. What’s the address?” Snagging a piece of

paper, he wrote down the street number, shaking his head.

“You won’t regret it. I consider it a personal favor. His name is Parker Skye.”

“We’ll just see what your buddy thinks,” Wrath sighed.

“By the way, go easy with him. He’s still in mourning.”


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“His…life partner.”

Raising his eyebrow, Wrath sniffed. “No problem. Easy as pie.” Hanging up the phone, he

tossed the empty beer bottle into the trashcan and grabbed his keys. It promised to be an

interesting evening after all.


Parker stood shaking his head as the adjuster walked around the shell of an office taking

copious notes.

“And you’re sure it was started by the fax machine?” The woman asked as she lifted her

glasses, her harsh gaze locked onto the melted plastic.

“Well, only as sure as the fire department was, Ms. Martin.”

“Well, sometimes they can be wrong. Are they doing a follow up investigation?” The

woman eyed Parker.

Frowning, he tamped back an ugly rebuttal as he heard the sound of a truck rumbling up

his driveway. “They didn’t seem to think there was any need. I’m getting their report


“I’ll just take a few pictures.”

You do that. “Sure. Seems I have company.” As Parker moved out to the lawn, he couldn’t

tell who was behind the wheel of the jacked up Black Dodge Ram but he suspected it was

Wrath McGraw. At least something was going according to plan today.

As the door opened and the man climbed out, Parker glanced down at the steel tipped

cowboy boots then blazed a long, hot trail up the length of the man’s body as his mouth

dropped open. Sucking in his breath, he realized his cock was throbbing against the tight

confines of his jeans. Jack wasn’t kidding when he'd said the man was huge. Standing at least six

and a half feet, Wrath’s midnight hair fell to the middle of his back. Wearing dark shades, a pair

of tight black jeans and a tee shirt that showed the exact reason God created man in the first

place, the chocolate hunk wore dark and dangerous like a badge of honor.

Whew. Said under his breath, Parker’s pulse rocketed into overdrive as the man walked

over, his stride long and powerful. Swallowing hard, Parker realized his foot was tapping

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involuntarily against the driveway pavement. He'd never reacted to a man this way. A fleeting

vision of Wrath’s naked body forced a trickle of sweat down the back of Parker's neck.

“Parker Skye?” Holding out his hand, the man took off his sunglasses and gazed down into

Parker’s eyes.

Wiping the sweat from his palm on his jeans, Parker held out his hand and nodded. “You

must be Wrath McGraw.”

Nodding, Wrath’s eyes glimmered. “Jack told you to expect me?”

“Thank you for coming on such short notice.”

“I owe Jack a lot. He said you had a fire?” Cocking his head, Wrath stole a glance down

Parker’s form before looking toward the house.

Catching the look, Parker fought a grin as he guided them around the corner of the

structure. “Yeah. Damn fax machine.”

“Happens more often than you'd think.”

The sound of Wrath’s husky voice sent a series of electric jolts skating down Parker’s spine.

“Tell that to my insurance adjuster.”

Wrath chuckled. “I’d be happy to. While I’m here, I’ll work up an estimate. And I'll try and

work with the insurance numbers.”

“Don’t worry about that.” Parker caught Wrath's look of surprise. “Not that I’m not going to

take the insurance check, it’s just that I’ve wanted to redo the space anyway. Perhaps we can

talk about a new design. I mean…if you don’t have too many engagements over the next couple

of months.” Why the hell was he so nervous around this guy? It sure as hell had nothing to do

with the fact Wrath was an ex con. In truth, Parker was so turned on he could barely focus.

“I can’t say I have a lot going on. I’d be happy to try and help you.” Parker caught the edge

in Wrath’s voice as he scrutinized the gaping holes and scarred wood.

“I’ll leave you so you can get to work. Just come on in the house when you’re done

securing everything.”

“Good enough.”

Turning to go, Parker inched back and smiled, trying to make Wrath feel more comfortable.

“And of course I’ll pay you for today’s work when you’re done.”

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“That would be wonderful. I’ll get to work.” Parker caught the smile crossing Wrath’s face.

Parker licked his lips as he walked back inside. There was something about Wrath McGraw

that was appealing and it wasn't entirely the fact Parker wanted to take the man to bed.

Chuckling, he rubbed his hand across his mouth and stole a quick glance out the window. There

was no doubt he wanted Wrath like no other man. Sadly, as he watched the rough-hewn hunk

maneuver large pieces of plywood off the back of his truck, he wasn’t certain he should go

through with seeing if he was right about Wrath’s hungers. It had been a long damn time.


Wrath finished a little over two hours later. While sealing up the holes was crude at best, it

would allow the guy a little peace for the night. Tired, he put his tools away before heading

toward the house as the sun began setting behind a bank of trees. Glancing across the lawn,

Wrath could tell the Parker was successful at whatever it was he did for a living. The

Mediterranean style home was tasteful in design and detail with a front fountain and trees

creating a secluded area, not to mention Parker’s closest neighbor was at least a half-mile

away. The setting suited the engaging blond.

There was something about Parker that intrigued him. While he'd never really been into

white men, his dick throbbed every time he thought about Parker's runner’s body and sparkling

green eyes. Growling, he pushed thoughts of tasting the man out of his mind. The work would

be time consuming and if Parker really wanted something different, perhaps Wrath wouldn't

have a reason to worry for the next couple of months. The fire had done some damage but

from what he could tell, gutting and starting over would be easy enough. He’d need an

electrician but everything else Wrath could handle himself.

Wrath walked toward the house, his apprehension growing. He’d never felt comfortable

around wealthy people. Perhaps it was because of his frugal upbringing. At least Parker seemed

down to earth. Rapping on the front door, he was met with no response. As he opened the

door, he listened for any sound of the man inside. Hearing nothing, he walked further into the

house, instantly admiring the layout. Rich in color and plush in design, the place was a home

decorated by a man who had a penchant for detail. Impressive. The extensive art collection

flanking the majority of the walls caught his attention.

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Gliding toward the back of the living room, he looked from piece to piece as a level of

understanding crossed his mind. The collection of erotic art was masked expertly by creative

details yet Wrath's keen eye and love for the genre took in the dark meanings easily. Licking his

lips, he studied piece after piece depicting various stages of bondage. Whoever the artist was

that created the stunning works adorning Parker's wall had a bent for kink even Wrath wasn't

entirely familiar with. Clearly there was more to his new client than his timid demeanor

indicated. Who are you, Parker Skye?

As Wrath stepped into the kitchen, he had to shake his head. There was more money in the

granite countertops and stainless appliances than his entire house was worth. As he gazed

across the clean and organized space, a sense of loneliness crept into his mind. This was a

kitchen only used for essentials and it was stark. Hearing a vibe of music, he tipped his head and

looked out the bank of floor to ceiling windows flanking the breakfast area. The glistening pool

grabbed his attention first, the man holding his head in his hands second. Sucking in his breath,

he strode to the set of French doors and walked outside.

Sounds of Bon Jovi floated from unseen speakers and from where he stood, Wrath could

easily tell that Parker was upset. Mourning a loss was a bitch. He hadn’t had a lover in over four

years and that man left Wrath for another. Chuckling, Wrath bit his tongue remembering

finding Randy in bed with their next-door neighbor and the neighbor’s son. It had been a

sickening eye opener and as such, finding another lover wasn’t on the top of his list of needs.

Clucking his jaw, Wrath could see himself dating… What the hell are you thinking? His body

shaking, the combination of memories forced him to exhale. Shrugging off the feelings of

shame, he moved closer, accidentally kicking a metal table leg. As it scrapped across the

concrete deck, the sharp sound pulsed into the air.

Parker snapped his head up and turned to stare at Wrath. Rising to his feet, he smiled as he

walked toward him.

Wrath could easily tell Parker had been crying. Folding his arms, he stood quietly allowing

the man to collect himself.


“It’s not pretty but it’ll do until we can get started.”

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“Thanks. I’ll get you a check,” Parker moved toward the house, his voice strained.

“Would you like to go over some design thoughts?”

Parker stopped short as his shoulders sagged. Turning slowly, he lifted his head to gaze into

Wrath’s eyes. “It’s late and my manners suck. How about a drink and we can talk and maybe

that’ll give you some ideas to go on.”

Wrath nodded. There was something so sad about Parker Wrath felt compelled to get to

know him better. “I’d like that.”

“What would you like?” Parker led him into the kitchen and turned on a light.

“Whatever you’re having.”

Parker smiled as he grabbed two rocks glasses. “Johnny Walker okay?”

“Perfect.” Wrath sniffed as he tried to figure out what to say to the guy. “What are you

trying to do with your office?”

“Perhaps just make it a little bit more user friendly. I’m not a gadget guy but I run my

business from my home and I need everything at my fingertips.” Pushing a glass across the

island, Parker sighed.

“What do you do?”

“I’m a composer, mostly music scores.”

“Ah. Not what I expected.” Swirling the mahogany liquid, Wrath took a gulp as he watched

Parker trying to process his thoughts. There was a trickle of electric heat flickering between

them and while the realization was disconcerting, Wrath was enticed by the mysterious man.

“What, I don’t look like the musician type?” Parker chuckled.

“In truth I thought you were an artist. With the depth of your collection, I pegged you for a

painter,” Wrath stated, his voice husky. His cock throbbing, he inhaled the musky fragrance of

the man and licked the rim of his glass.

Parker hesitated as he took a large gulp of his drink. “You appreciate the art?”

“Very much so.”

“Are you an artist or do you have other creative talents?” Edging around the island, Parker


“Let’s just say I dabble in making wooden pieces.”

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As a look of surprise crossed Parker’s face, he smiled genuinely. “I’d love to see your work


“How did you obtain your collection?”

Parker smiled. “An artist from Sweden. He’s not very well known in the states As a result of

my purchasing so may pieces at once, he asked that I allow the pieces to be shown in a gallery

showing of sorts via the Internet to help promote his work here. That happened just last week. I

was happy to see him garner so much attention and several new fans, from what I could tell.

The guy’s a bit out there but I love his rather dangerous work. Few people understand my

particular needs.”

“An internet showing. Interesting. Would you sell any of the pieces?”

“I can't imagine. I appreciate them more than…well they’re special to me. It’s one of the

reasons I was so concerned about the fire. I promised the artist if there was a serious customer

interested in seeing the collection firsthand, I'd allow them to take an up close and personal

look and he’s taken me up on the offer. I think he’s coming into town next week.”

Wrath could see the faraway look of in Parker’s eyes.

“While it doesn't appear they were harmed, I need to find an art restorer to make sure.”

“I might know of someone if you’d like me to give them a call. I have an artist friend who's

had a couple of showings.”

Looking relieved, Parker nodded as he gazed into Wrath’s eyes. “That would be great. I’ve

kind of caged myself away since… Anyway, for too long so I’m not good at handling things like I

used to.”

“No problem. I’ll make a call. I’m sure he knows the right people that can help.”

“That would be perfect.” Parker rubbed his eyes and looked away.

“Tell me what you had in mind for your office and I’ll get you some rough sketches.

Tomorrow okay?”

“Unfortunately, I have to finish a piece tomorrow but the next day would work. Perhaps I’ll

have the go ahead for demolition by then.

“I’ll plan on being here around eight.” Wrath exhaled as he narrowed his eyes and savored

Parker’s long legs.

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“Sounds good,” Parker breathed as he locked eyes with Wrath. “Let’s go take a look at the


Trailing behind Parker, Wrath swallowed hard as his hunger grew. Reminding himself

clients were off limits, he sighed.


Peeling off his clothes, Wrath pitched the grungy material into the hamper and turned on

the shower. Today was the first day he remembered smiling since he’d been released. Naked,

he stood gazing at his reflection and shook his head, admitting that he wanted more out of life.

He wanted a relationship. While he enjoyed women occasionally, he’d always craved the rough

touch of a man. And that was something that was difficult to find given his look and prowess.

Using the flat of his hands, he pressed down from his chest to his taut stomach. There was

one decent thing to be said about prison life, his body was sculpted from days of working out.

There was little else to do behind bars except lift weights and stay out of the group shower.

Fortunately he’d experienced few issues with men attempting to fuck him. At two hundred sixty

pounds of pure muscle, he was menacing to almost everyone. Gripping the bathroom counter

he hissed, refusing to succumb to the ugly memory. He was beyond that now and trying hard to

make a new life. Still, the majority of his family considered his life a dirty little secret and what

few friends he had left wanted little to do with him. Unfortunately, Wrath wasn’t entirely sure if

his issues with the people around him were because of his jacked up prison record or the fact

he preferred a man’s dick in his ass.

Instinct told him Parker was completely different and didn’t give a shit about either. There

was no way to miss the man’s thick cock bulging in his jeans. Slanting his eyes, Wrath followed

his fingers as they moved down to cup his balls, squeezing until a slice of pain shot up his spine.

Inhaling, he licked his lips and thought about Parker’s boyish face. He moved his hands down to

the inside of his massive thighs, rubbing up and down as he spread his legs wide and imagined

Parker on his knees, sucking his cock. Somehow he could envision Parker wrapping his hand

around Wrath’s dreads, holding him as Wrath swirled his tongue around Parker’s shaft in long,

lazy licks.

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Wrath turned to the side and admired his rounded butt. Many men called his ass fuckable

and he craved having a thick cock shoved deep inside, his lover pumping in and out in a savage

fashion while he lay strapped down, unable to move. Inhaling deeply, he brushed his hands

down and used a single finger to slide up and down the crack of his ass. His heart racing, he

closed his eyes and dreamed of being whipped and fucked. Lifting his finger to his mouth, he

suckled, making sure the entire length was soaked with his saliva before reaching behind and

circling his dark hole. He pressed the tip just inside and tossed his head back, enjoying the

invasion as he panted.

While he was no stranger to being fucked in the ass, the delicious act was a thing of the

past. Pushing his finger deeper, every part of his body on fire. There was no doubt he needed


Swallowing hard, he stole a glance at the last drawer on the right, the one that held his

limited collection of toys. He hadn’t allowed a moment of pleasure for himself in several weeks.

Maybe tonight he had the perfect reason to break out of his self imposed prison.

He jerked open the drawer and sorted through the selection of pieces, fingering each. From

the savage looking cock ring to the leather strap and flogger, he could only afford a few select

items but he’d chosen well. Wrapping his hand around the thick ass plug, he eased it out and

held the glorious piece up to the light. His pulse skipping, he grabbed the tube of lubricant and

jerked off the cap, pouring a generous glob over the handcrafted piece of glass.

Wrath sucked in his breath and leaned over the counter, opening his legs wide. There was

nothing like the feel of a hard piece buried in his dark cavern. Placing the tip just at the

entrance, he wiggled the dildo inside his body, twirling the toy in aimless circles as he pushed

harder, allowing his tense muscles to succumb to the beast of pleasure. A slice of pain trickled

into his balls and they instantly swelled with need. “Ooohhh…” He drew the toy almost all the

way out before driving harder, this time pressing against the tight ring. Repeating the move, he

sighed and arched his back, thrusting the thick piece deep inside his cavity. “Fuck!” Roaring, he

held the plug in place as the dichotomy of pain and pleasure gave him chills.

“Oh yeah…” If only Parker could be forcing the polished glass inside as he whipped his ass

for being the bad little boy. As a burst of steam floated past the mirror, he groaned and eased

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back from the counter. Keeping the toy in place, he moved into the shower and stood under

the water. Tonight he’d wear the plug to bed, reminding him of better times. Grabbing shower

gel, he poured a copious amount onto his hand and rubbed his body down, concentrating on

his cock and balls.

Wrapping his hand around the base of his shaft, he stroked up and down the length as he

savored the carnal act, envisioning Parker’s look of approval. Wrath grunted and leaned against

the cool tile as he jutted his hips forward. As tingles sliced into his balls, he moaned and closed

his eyes. This time he imagined placing his palms on the back of the shower and spreading his

legs as Parker stood behind him, sliding his cockhead up and down the crack of his ass in a

blazing tease. He could feel Parker’s hot breath skating along his neck just moments before he

plunged his cock inside, driving Wrath up onto his toes from the sheer force of Parker’s actions.

There was nothing better than a man fucking him savagely.

“God…yyyyeeesss!” His actions becoming more barbaric, he squeezed his balls and pumped

his cock until a moment of rapture enveloped his system. Prickles of heat danced into his

system and as his balls swelled with cum, he arched his back and rested his head against the

wall. Inching his hand around to his ass, he tugged the plug, jerking his shaft roughly, creating a

delicious burn of friction. “Oh…yyyeeesss.”

The combined action was all he could take. Cum filled the base of his shaft, racing up from

his swollen balls until Wrath was strangled by the intensity. “Oh…ohoh…aaaahhhh!” As hot

cum spewed from his slit, he roared as jolts of white-hot heat pulsed through every part of his

body. Sucking in his breath, shooting stars floated behind his hazy eyes.

His legs shaking uncontrollably, Wrath realized he hadn’t come this hard in a long time and

it was all because of one stunning blond. And then Wrath realized he was in deep shit. If his

instincts were right about Parker, Wrath was going to submit body and soul.

Smiling, Wrath licked his lips and palmed the shower wall, allowing the hot water to burn

against his sensitized skin. And then Wrath made the mistake of forgetting why pleasure caused

him so much pain. Even masturbating reminded him about the ugly event. “Come here, boy toy.

I want you to suck my cock,” he cooed as he moved into the shower. His swagger matching his

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ugly demeanor, the man gazed at his buddies and grinned, sucking his teeth so the sound

fluttered into the almost empty room.

Wrath sucked in his breath and refused to look at the group as he continued with his

shower. Kept back as punishment for railing on a mouthy son of a bitch, he’d been late getting

to the showers in the first place. Dominick was a sadist and ruled the cell block. While he hadn’t

given Wrath much shit, rumors had been floating for two weeks. He and his group of vagrants

were looking for another toy to play with and Dominick wanted a pet to fuck whenever he felt

like it. Wrath wasn't going to be anybody’s boy.

“Did you hear me, boy?” Dominick sniffed as he inched closer.

Wrath stole a glance and simply gave him a bored look.

Dominick chuckled as he slapped his two buddies in the chest. “I don’t think he gets it


“Think we outta show him who’s boss around here?” The closest man laughed, his eyes

dancing with a haze of lust.

The game in prison was intolerable at best. Wrath was due to get out in two short months,

maybe less given his mostly good behavior. He didn't need this shit. Turning off the water, he

inhaled slowly and shook his hair, allowing the drops to thud against the wall. He counted six

men and while the majority of them were shorter than he was, Dominick was a burly man with

extremities to match his pumped out chest.

“I see the big boy don’t want to play,” Dominick took three long strides and stopped. He had

Wrath cornered.

Wrath didn’t think the guy wanted a real confrontation, only a bit of playtime. He grabbed

a towel and wrapped it around his waist.

“I think the boy don’t hear so good, Dominick. And from what I heard, faggots like it hard up

the ass so what’s the big deal if we give it to him?”

“That’s right, Shane. He likes to be ridden hard by a man hard, don’t cha, boy?” Dominick

laughed as he folded his arms. “See this cock right here? You’re gonna suck it or else.”

Wrath closed his eyes as a slice of fury raced through him. The scene with his buddy played

out in his mind like a vicious broken record and this was too damn similar. “Just get out of here.

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You don’t want a piece of me. You’re just bored.” Showing no fear, he sauntered toward them,

glowering from one to the next.

“Tough guy now?” Shane grunted. “You know what we do with tough guys? We eat 'em for


“Unless the little fuck eats us first!” Dominick chortled. The group laughed and spread

further into the room.

“Fuck off!” Wrath snapped, growing sick of the bullshit.

Tick. Tock.

“Accepted,” Dominick breathed as he closed the distance.

Surrounded in seconds, the towel was ripped from Wrath’s waist and pitched as he was

shoved to his knees by multiple sets of hands. Scrambling to get to his feet, Wrath hissed and

swung his fists. It was the hard kick in the kidney that dropped him to his hand. Panting, he

heard his heart thumping raggedly in his chest as the men surrounded him.

Wrapping his hand around Wrath’s hair, Dominick yanked back his head and spat in

Wrath’s face. “Here’s how it’s gonna be. You’re gonna play nice and suck our cocks until we say

you’re done and then we’ll let you go. If not, you ain’t gonna be fucking nothin’ for a very long

time. Got it, black fuck?”

Shane laughed as he dangled his half hard cock in front of Wrath’s face. “I get you second

and I might just want a dose of that fine looking ass you got there, too.”

Dominick snarled. “Only after I’m done with him. Open your mouth boy cause here it


Dropping to his knees, Wrath lowered his head and moaned as hot tears fell down his

cheeks. As he pressed his hands over his eyes and leaned against the shower wall, he couldn't

control his sobs.

Minutes later he wiped his eyes. They might have attempted to take his dignity but the

men who preyed on him day and night weren’t going to take his soul. As he rose to his feet,

Wrath was thankful the tests had come back clean and he was disease free. Anger rose in his

system and Wrath slammed his fist against the back of the shower. As he heard the sound of

breaking glass, he swore he’d never think about that moment in time again.

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Coffee cup in hand, Parker walked to the window and rubbed his tired eyes. He hadn’t slept

well for two nights. He was spending several hours finally putting away the remainder of Joey’s

things hadn’t helped. The pieces of their life together meant the world to Parker but the

constant reminder of a life stolen did his heart and soul no good. Everyone he knew suggested

he put the remnants away. It was past time. Why he’d managed to do the soul-stealing act now

he wasn’t sure other than a nagging feeling that life was passing him by.

He thought about Joey’s smiling face and allowed the anger and sadness to flow from him,

leaving him crying into his pillow until the wee hours of the morning. The experience had left

him drained but the emotional breakdown was cathartic and Parker now believed he could

move on. He’d taken the last of the boxes to the storage room and as he turned off the light,

Parker said a prayer and whispered words of love. Joey was gone, that he couldn't change. But

would never be forgotten.

Promises made to complete the score he was working on by the end of the day, Parker was

already late and that wasn’t like him. Always the consummate professional, he prided himself in

making sure his music directors had everything they needed ahead of time.

Growling, he closed his eyes and hummed the piece. Perhaps the action movie wasn’t his

cup of tea but then again, he was writing a piece for a fairly hot sex scene. The thought gave

him a smile. A love scene nestled in the middle of a blood curdling zombie movie. Who knew

flesh suckers were all the rage?

“Time to get to work.” Glancing at his watch, he realized Wrath would arrive in a few hours.

Everything was in order and with any luck, the burned out shell would be gone today and then

maybe some normalcy would settle in. Inspiration. That’s what Parker needed. As he walked

back to the piano, he gazed down at the baby grand and rubbed his hand over the polished

wood. Parker knew exactly what inspiration he needed. A fleeting and vivid image of Wrath

naked and tied across the spanking bench forced a twitch in his dick.

Parker allowed the image to continue as he moved in front of the keys. Setting his cup

down, he eased onto the bench. As the vision took on a life of its own, Parker imagined wielding

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a crop, slicing the tip across Wrath’s carved ass. Music flowed easily and while he was

surprised, excitement surged through him.

Alive and on fire, he created the piece easily, stopping only long enough to capture notes

on paper every now and then. He loved writing music the old fashioned way, transposing the

music into an electronic format after the entire piece was finished. He made a few additional

scribbles and played the song again before moving to his electric piano, adding the proper

string accompaniments and recording the entire piece.

Parker clapped his hands and grinned. “Thank God.” Realizing he was parched, he stole a

quick glance at his watch. Surprised it was almost noon, he rose to his feet as he hissed. Wrath

hadn’t shown up. Great. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

Gliding toward his office, the sounds of construction filtered down the hall. As he moved

past the office doors, he stood gawking. “Holy fuck!”

“They come down fast. It’s rebuilding that takes time.” Wrath inched around the corner.

“I didn’t think you were here.”

“I knocked and figured you were busy. I heard the music. Besides, this is the messy part,”

Wrath sniffed as he wiped soot and dirt down the length of his jeans. “I hope you don’t mind

but I brought my trailer so I can take the debris to the dump.” Nodding toward his truck, he

wiped sweat from his brow.

“Not at all. I’m amazed.” Parker walked outside and stood staring at the completely blank

space. Only the footings remained.

“Let me get everything in the trailer and I’ll grab the plans. I think I have a pretty good idea

of how we can utilize the existing floor plan.”

“That’d be great. I need to process that new piece of music real quick. You’re welcome to

come and go as you please. There are drinks in the fridge and if you’d like to cool off, you can

certainly take a swim.” Parker admired Wrath's work, grateful that Jack suggested him for the


“Thanks. I brought a cooler,” Wrath lifted an armful of drywall and headed for the truck.

Parker inhaled slowly as he watched the man saunter toward the trailer and licked his lips.

As Wrath tipped a cooler, gulping the liquid inside, he allowed water to trickle down from his

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mouth, wetting his tee shirt. Panting, Parker’s foot tapped absently against the doorjamb. Holy

hell the man was hot. While submissives came in every package, Parker couldn’t tell for sure

about Wrath. The hard bodied man buried his emotions deep and Parker wondered if

something happened to Wrath in prison. Stealing another glance as Wrath wiped the beads of

sweat from his face, he was determined to learn about the man hiding behind the mask of iron.

Perhaps showing Wrath his playroom might prove to be enlightening for both of them.

Chuckling, he thought about calling Jack and giving him a huge thank you.

Stepping back inside the house, Parker smiled as he headed to his music room to tie up the

day's loose ends. Maybe another swim was in order. After all, he deserved a break.

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Chapter Three

Hot and sticky, Wrath pitched the last of the material into the trailer and grunted. His body

hurt like a son of a bitch. Damn! It had been a long time since he’d put in several hours of brute

labor and the aches and pains reminded him that he was almost forty-four but it also made him

feel very much alive.

Finishing the last of his water, he grabbed his drawings. While Parker deserved a series of

plans, Wrath had limited software and no money to purchase anything new so he’d utilized his

God given talent and drew a room he believed Parker would like. Heading for the front door, he

brushed off as much dirt and soot as he could. A heathen he wasn’t. Wrath sighed and knocked

on the door, hearing nothing.

Instead of walking through the house in his condition, Wrath took a gamble and moved

around to the side of the house. As he neared the fence surrounding the pool, he could hear

music. Hell, if he had a damn pool in the middle of a gorgeous plot of land, he’d be outside

every chance he could get.

Wrath stood gazing over the iron-gate and his dick instantly pressed against his jeans.

Parker was lying on the far side of the pool in swim trunks and shades, his shoulder length, sun

kissed hair hugging his shoulders. A book nestled on his chest and a drink on the side table, it

appeared Parker was asleep. He eased into the pool area and took a long, hard gaze at the

man’s sculpted legs and carved chest. Clearing his throat quietly, he moved closer and could see

the easy rise and fall of Parker’s chest.

Sighing, Wrath laid his plans down on the closest table and turned around. They could talk

another day.

“You’re hot.”

The husky voice stopped him cold. As he glanced over his shoulder, Wrath wasn’t entirely

sure the man had spoken. “What did you say?”

Parker lifted his head and smiled. “I said you’re sweltering from the heat.”

A twitch pulsed in the corner of Wrath’s mouth. “Sizzling day.”

“Right. You need to cool off.”

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Hell, I need more than that. “I’m fine.”

Parker sat up and spread his legs on either side of the lounge chair as he tossed the book in

his hand on top of the table. “Seriously. Why not take a swim? It’ll cool you down.”

Wrath hesitated and gazed into the sun. Was this guy really coming onto him? “I brought

you the plans.”

“That’s great. When will you be able to start on the remodel?” Parker asked as he grabbed

his drink, swirling the liquid in the glass.

“You should get a building permit,” Wrath said, stepping closer to Parker.

“I'm not worried about it. I’m nestled in here with few neighbors. Who’s going to know?”

Sighing, Wrath didn’t want to get caught up in anything below the board, but in truth, if

Parker waited for a permit, it could take two full months. “Fine. Whenever you’d like.”

“I’m ready for anything right now.” Creeping forward on the chair, Parker tilted his head.

“How about that swim?” Brushing his hand across the shimmer of his face, Parker edged his

hand down the length of his neck ever so slowly until he grazed a finger back and forth across

his nipple.

Swallowing hard, a slight tick pulsed down the side of Wrath's neck. What the hell did he

have to lose if he allowed himself to see where this might go? His cock twitching, he nodded. “I

don’t have a swim suit.”

“I don’t mind. We’re both adults.” Giving Wrath space, Parker took a gulp of his drink, set

the glass down with a hard thud and leaned back in his lounge chair.

Wrath closed his eyes briefly and looked around the perimeter of the enclosure, buying

time if nothing else. Nodding to no one, he steeled his nerves, yanked off his sunglasses and

drew off his shirt, pitching the dirty cotton to the concrete by the table. He kicked off his work

boots and glanced at Parker who seemed to be lost in a private moment of ecstasy. With his

hands shaking, Wrath fumbled for several seconds before managing to release his belt.

Parker shifted but said nothing as he hummed to the song coming through the speakers.

Fucking hell! He unfastened his sweat soaked jeans and jerked them down past his hips.

Wrath always went commando, even in the joint, but for some reason he felt more naked today

than usual. Chastising his ridiculous behavior, he shuffled out of his pants, thankful his cock

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wasn’t hard, and moved toward the edge of the pool. He had to admit that taking a dip seemed

like a serious indulgence. As he slipped into the water, he smiled. The crisp water splashing

across the heat of his skin was invigorating and sensual.

Glancing at Parker, he swam the length of the pool several times, relishing in the gentle

waves skimming across his balls. When he was more relaxed and cooled down, he moved

toward the edge of the pool and dragged his upper body up over the rim. Sighing, he reached

his arms across the ragged concrete and kicked his legs in the water.

“Better?” Parker asked, his voice filled with hunger.


“May I join you?”

“Your pool,” Wrath breathed.

Parker nodded and tossed his sunglasses aside.

Refusing to give into temptation, Wrath folded his arms back over the edge of the pool and

lowered his head, closing his eyes as he heard the sound of splashing water behind him. Why in

the hell did the rich composer have a thing for him? His nerves on edge, he heard nothing but

the sound of lapping water and sucked in his breath.

“Tell me about your furniture.”

The sound of Parker’s voice drew Wrath out of his moment of peace. “What do you want to


“What do you specialize in?” Climbing out of the water, Parker stood squeezing water from

his shoulder length hair.

“I can make anything with wood.” Lifting his head to where Parker stood, Wrath could just

make out the delicate hairs on the man’s thighs.

“Anything?” Parker eased down next to Wrath, slipping his feet into the water.

“I specialize in hand crafted items.” Wrath turned so that his back hit the pool wall. Was

this nothing more than a game of cat and mouse?

“Do you work on commission?”

“Depends on what you have in mind.”

“I enjoy crafted pieces,” Parker commented as he slipped fully into the pool.

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“Like your art?” Wrath took a calculated gamble.

“Very much like my art.” Parker fumbled under the water.

Looking away, Wrath refused to give into Parker’s attempt at baiting him. “What would you

like built?”

“A special bench.” Parker tossed his swim trunks toward the lounge chair.

Sucking in his breath, a bead of sweat trickled down the back of his neck. Wrath coughed,

trying to hide his building hunger. “Something for your office?”


“Something to hold a piece of art?” Wrath refused to look at him.

Parker chuckled. “In a manner of speaking.”

Parker dunked his head under the water before turning and using his powerful leg muscles

to kick out from the pool wall. His body jutted forward quickly. Jerking up from the water like a

bullet, he threw his head back.

As the glistening sun managed to snap a line down the length of Parker’s body, showcasing

his hardened cock, Wrath was mesmerized. And very worried this was some sort of test.

Once again Parker pulled up from the water and sat on the edge of the pool, spreading his

legs. Then he turned his head slowly and gazed into Wrath’s eyes. “You have to know what I

am. What I crave in a man?” Parker's voice was filled with a raspy darkness.

As Parker’s hot breath skated across the shimmer of his face, Wrath lifted his head. Their

lips barely inches away, he licked around the edge of his mouth and shifted closer to Parker. “I

want to know. Tell me.”

As a moment of understanding passed between them, a slight curl appeared in the corner

of Parker’s mouth. “I dominate my lover in such a way he's left begging for mercy. And for

more. I crave taking my man to the limits of pain and pleasure, giving him every fantasy he’s

every yearned for, even if it's something he’s been afraid to admit to himself. I hunger to have a

lover share my lifestyle not only in my playroom, but in my bed and in our lives as well. I want

there to be such a complete level of trust between us there are no boundaries to the level of

kink we can share as love grows to the point of forever.” Leaning further forward, every action

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deliberate, Parker brushed his lips across Wrath’s, moving back and forth before darting his

tongue out and tracing a circle around the other man’s lips.

The scent of tang and peppermint floated across Wrath’s nostrils, fueling a level of hunger

and need he hadn’t experienced in far too long. Swallowing hard, he lifted his head slightly and

captured Parker’s mouth, darting his tongue inside.

Parker took control, pressing his hand down from Wrath’s brow to the side of his face until

he gripped Wrath under his chin, holding him still as their tongues entwined. As the kiss

became a passionate roar of need, Parker broke the heated moment, pushing Wrath back. “Tell

me. Is that a place you see yourself?”

Wrath’s entire body shook not only from the anticipation of being with such a delicious

man, but from such a heady experience. Opening and closing his mouth, he allowed his gaze to

drift down Parker’s chest to his waist and further to his thick cock.

Using a single finger, Parker lifted Wrath’s chin. “I asked you a question.”

“More than anything.”

Parker pressed the finger back and forth across the seam of Wrath’s mouth before bringing

it to his own, licking the tip. “Tell me what you want from a Master?”

Hesitating, Wrath wasn’t entirely sure how to answer.

As if sensing his discomfort, Parker nodded. “You can tell me anything. I promise I won’t

betray your confidence, judge you or think anything less of you.”

Swallowing hard, Wrath steeled his nerves. When he began speaking, he was surprised at

his words. “I want to be trained. I want to give my Master all the pleasure and joy he requires. I

long to be taken and disciplined until my Master is happy with my behavior.” The statement

was simple enough and there was no hesitation. It was exactly what Wrath wanted in a

relationship. But why he trusted a near stranger enough to say it all out loud was beyond

understanding. Blinking furiously, Wrath remained still but his body betrayed him as he was

shaking almost uncontrollably.

“Mmmm… Very good.” Parker smiled, the look mischievous, as he opened his legs as wide

as his body would allow and tilted his head back. “Suck me.”

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Wrath nodded and moved between Parker’s legs as he kept his eyes locked onto the man

he hoped he'd call Master very soon. As he slid his hands up the length of Parker’s thighs,

kneading the muscular flesh, his heart beat hard into his chest.

Parker entwined his fingers in Wrath’s long locks and leaned down, kissing his lips softly.

“You can have all you want.” Giving him a heated look, Parker lay back on the concrete and


Wrath pressed a finger across the sensitive slit of Parker’s shaft, gliding it back and forth as

the thick muscle throbbed. Moving closer, he lowered his head and darted his tongue out,

dragging it across the tip before swirling around Parker's blood engorged head.

“Yyyyeeesss…” Parker hissed as he lifted his legs, resting his feet on the edge of the pool.

Raking his finger down the underside of Parker’s erection, Wrath sighed and licked down

until he swirled the tip of his tongue around Parker's swollen balls. Sucking first one testicle and

then the other, Wrath alternated squeezing and stroking the base of Parker's cock.

Parker moaned and lifted his body, arching his back.

Wrapping his hand around the base of Parker’s shaft, Wrath pumped slowly as he grazed

his teeth back up until he reached the tip. As he eased down again, he wet his finger and

swirled it around Parker’s cockhead before sliding it down to the crack of his ass, moving up and

down. He took the tip into his mouth and sucked as he went down an inch at a time, instantly

rewarded with several drops of pre-cum for his efforts.

Slipping his arms around the back of his thighs, Parker lifted his legs and opened himself

wider, exposing every part of himself for Wrath to take and taste.

Grunting and desperate with need, Wrath took him all the way down to the base as he

pressed his finger down the crack of Parker’s ass, finding his puckered hole. As he slipped his

finger just inside, he heard Parker whimper. Encouraged, he pressed the tip deeper as he used

his strong jaw muscles to suck his shaft as it swelled in his mouth.

“So good…that…yes!” Parker jerked up the instant Wrath pushed his finger past the tight

ring of muscle. “Fuck! That’s it…yes…drive harder.”

Obeying the command instantly, Wrath added two more fingers and thrust hard into

Parker’s ass, licking his lips as the man’s muscles gripped around the tight invasion. Working up

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and down, Wrath went the entire length of his dick dragging his tongue as he flexed his fingers

open and closed.

“Oh…ohoh…” Jerking his legs back further, Parker groaned. “Lick my asshole.”

Easing his fingers out of Parker’s ass, Wrath pulled away from Parker's slick cock and

breathed a swath of hot air across his balls as he nibbled all the way down to Parker's balls.

Wrath purred as he opened Parker’s ass cheeks wide and darted his tongue around the dark

center in lazy circles.


Wrath used a combination of his tongue and fingers as he drove into Parker's asshole. He

loved rimming almost as much as tasting sweet cum. Hissing, he pushed his hands under

Parker’s ass, lifting him up from the hard concrete before burying his face into his hot center. As

he licked furiously, he closed his eyes, a level of ecstasy pulsing into his system. When Parker’s

breathing became nothing but ragged pants, he licked back up his shaft and engulfed the entire

length of him, sucking him off in manic motions.

“Sweet Jesus!” Parker clawed Wrath’s shoulders, digging into his flesh as he moaned and


Refusing to let Parker go, Wrath squeezed his shaft tightly in his mouth as he cupped and

clenched Parker’s balls until the man grunted from the dichotomy of pain and pleasure. He

continued his savage attack knowing Parker was close to cumming. His heart racing, stars

floated across Wrath's eyes, marring his vision. He hadn’t been this hungry for a man in years

and joy swelled in his heart until he was left breathless.

“Oh…I can’t…shit…” Parker moaned, his body jerking. As he panted he lifted his body,

enabling him to watch as Wrath sucked him fast and furiously. “Wrath!” Falling back, Parker

exploded, shooting hot cum down into Wrath’s hot mouth.

Wrath held him tightly as wet strings slid down the back of his throat, savoring the intense

flavor of his lover.

“Fuck…that was…that…whew!” Pressing the back of his hand across his mouth, his chest

heaved in the bright sunshine.

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Slowly releasing him, Wrath licked Parker's cock and balls clean. Grinning, he finally eased

away from the wall. “Mmm…” He licked the remnants of cum from around his mouth and

sighed. “What else can I do to please you?”

“I...I don’t…know.” His voice barely audible, Parker struggled to sit up.

Wrath could see a mixture of desire mixed with an intense level of sadness in Parker as

their eyes met. He dipped into the pool and moved back further, giving Parker space as Parker

slipped into the crystal blue water.

Wrath stopped and watched torment float across Parker’s face. What had happened to his

lover? He remained completely still as Parker drew near. As the electricity flowed between

them, he swallowed and gave a single nod. “You’re not ready.”

Parker opened his mouth and tried to smile. “That easy to read?”

“I understand more than you know.”

“You lost someone?” Parker asked as he brushed his hand down Wrath’s chest.

“Not quite like you did. Mine was to infidelity but it still hurt.”

“Of course it did. A loss is painful no matter how it happens.” Leaning forward, Parker

kissed Wrath’s lips. “I meant what I said. I want more with you, I just…” Clenching his eyes

closed, he swallowed hard.

“Want to talk about it?”

Nibbling on his bottom lip, Parker sighed. “I think I do. Would you mind?”

“Not at all.”

“Let me grab something for us to drink and I’ll be right back.”

Wrath watched Parker’s shoulders slump as he climbed out of the water. Swimming to the

other side of the pool, he thought about the moment of intimacy and whether or not two

damaged souls could possibly enjoy sharing pleasure and perhaps something else.

Minutes later they both sat on the edge of the pool, lemonade in hand. When Parker

spoke, his voice was barely audible.

“Joey was really my first love. I had a lot of girlfriends and then boyfriends but Joey was the

first man that really understood me and allowed me to be the man I always knew I was,” Parker

breathed as he sipped his drink.

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“You mean the D/s lifestyle?”

“Yeah, that and how private I am. I really don’t enjoy crowds or a lot of attention, which is

one reason I’ve been able to just hole up here so easily. I don’t know.” A death grip on his glass,

Parker gazed into the afternoon sky.

Wrath remained quiet, remembering his own private hell, giving the man space.

“Anyway, I met Joey through friends and we hit it off instantly. Our interests were similar

and he managed to draw me out of my shell with his tenacious attitude. The man was

just…special. We decided on a whim to look for a larger house. He found this place and fell in

love and I couldn’t say no.”

“What did Joey do?”

“He was a copy writer and a damn good one, too. Made a great living and was well liked.

Joey actually convinced me to have parties here. God, the last time I've had friends to the

house was after Joey…died.” His voice trailing off, Parker hid behind his drink.

Wrath slid his hand out to comfort him but drew it back. He had no real understanding of

giving comfort. His previous relationship had nothing to do with romance or passion. They were

raw and hungry men and Wrath had no doubt that was one of the reasons they grew apart.

Maybe he didn’t have a relationship in him. “How did he die, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Parker shook his head. “I need to talk about his death. He had a progressive brain tumor

that took him in months. One day he was healthy and we were planning our future together

and the next day he started having headaches. He refused to see anyone saying it was just

eyestrain. When I found him on the bathroom floor hugging the toilet two days later, I rushed

him to the emergency room but by then it was too late.” Parker’s voice cracked.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah. They couldn’t operate so they sent him home to die.” Tilting his head back, tears

slipped from his eyes. “I…uh…held him…the night he…died. I couldn’t…let him…go.”

Wrath slid his arm around Parker’s waist and while his hold was tentative, he could sense

the warmth between them. “Sssshhh…”

Parker wiped his eyes roughly. “No. It’s okay. Oddly enough it was Jack who found us the

next morning. I was so out of it.”

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“Jack’s a good man.”

He nodded. Licking his lips, Parker shifted away and turned, propping his thigh on the edge.

“What about you?”

“My relationship?”


Wrath opened his eyes wide. There was something about the inflection that meant nothing

more than Parker wanted to get close. “Not much to tell. I was trying to protect a friend I cared

about and we were at a bar and some drunk kids started calling us names.”

“Were you two lovers?”

“That’s just it. No. And we weren’t doing anything to would indicate we were gay. Christ,

we were in a sports bar drinking Budweiser's for God’s sake!” Snarling, Wrath remembered the

smell of the bar and the game that was blaring from every television set.

“So what happened?” Parker pressed his fingers across Wrath’s forearm, brushing them

back and forth aimlessly.

“The damn kids started talking shit and we ignored them and I thought they left. I went to

the bathroom and when I came out, my buddy wasn’t there. I found him and the five bastards

outside trying to fuck him. I got so pissed off!” Gripping his glass tightly, Wrath was terrified

he'd crush the dense crystal into tiny splinters.

“What did you do?”

“I yanked them off and they kept coming back saying my buddy wanted it. The kid who

teased us the most got all up in my face and spit and I lost it. I…” Wrath threw his head back

and hissed. “Yeah, I was boozed up and pissed off at the world at the moment. I guess I took it

out on the kid.” Closing his eyes, it was the simple touch of kindness from Parker that kept him


“What happened to the boy you beat up?”

“The force of my blow slammed him into the brick wall and he had to have surgery. They

said he almost died. By then I was in jail.”

“Didn’t your buddy tell them what happened?”

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“Fuck no! He said almost nothing at trial. I couldn’t believe it.” Wrath swigged back the

lemonade remembering how sick and disgusted he was when his friend looked the judge in the

eye and lied his ass off.

“What? You’re kidding me,” Parker hissed.

“Nope. The judge said my actions were barbaric and that I was a lethal weapon so I was

sent away. Even my cock sucking defense attorney said little. Taught me a lot about the


“It’s not always like that, Wrath. Some people are good.”

Wrath laughed. “Said from man who’s been hiding away.”

Parker sucked in his breath but kept his hand on Wrath’s arm.

“That was shitty and I’m sorry. I’ve been filled with rage for so damn long I almost became

the monster they accused me of being.”

Parker scooted closer. “Wrath, did you ever consider your friend egged them on or perhaps

they had a meeting set for sex and you were there by accident?”

Wrath cocked his head. Nothing like that had ever crossed his mind. “No…I…” As he

thought about the night he remembered Billy said he was going out and Wrath insisted he go

along. While Billy had given him an odd look, he said nothing. “Do you really think he’d do that

to me?” Wrath's eyes darted back and forth across Parker’s as a single trickle of rage flowed

down the back of his neck.

“Did he come and see you in prison?”

“No. Would you have?”


Wrath was completely taken aback. Smiling, he had no doubt Parker would have. “Seems

we’re two damaged souls trying to find a way out.”

“Yeah.” Parker licked the rim of his glass. “What happened between us…”

“Doesn’t have to happen again and you don’t have to mention it. I understand. It was just


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Parker pressed his finger over Wrath’s mouth. “If you belonged to me, I’d have you locked

down and flogged for those words. That’s not what I meant.” Leaning forward, he wrapped his

arm around Wrath’s neck, dragging him down to meet his kiss.

Wrath jerked his body forward, forcing Parker to wrap his legs around his waist. He

fumbled to set down his drink as Parker did the same before pressing his hand down to stroke

Wrath’s cock. Shivering, Wrath closed his eyes as the held each other.

Parker cupped and kneaded Wrath’s balls, squeezing as he broke the kiss. Nipping Wrath’s

bottom lip, he pulled the tender flesh between his teeth before moving back. “Can we try


Wrath swallowed and searched Parker’s eyes. “I’d like that.”


“I should go. Lots to do tomorrow.”

“I understand.”

Wrath rose to his feet. As he turned to gather his things, Parker slapped him across the ass.

Sucking in his breath, Wrath turned as tingles raced down his spine.

Parker grinned. “Remember to ask me if you can leave next time.”

“Yes, sir.” Wrath smiled as he slid into his clothes.

Parker walked him to the door. Holding it open, he sighed and brushed his hand down the

length of Wrath’s chest. “Thanks for listening. This was the first time I’ve really said anything.”

Wrath nodded. “It feels good to talk about the past.”

As Wrath drove out of his driveway, he turned on the radio for the first time in months.

Eyeing a large white van, he slammed his hand on the steering wheel and made a mental note

to call his buddy about the art restorers. Glancing into his rear view mirror, Wrath watched as

the driver turned into Parker’s driveway. Maybe Parker found someone after all.

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Chapter Four

“Hey Jack! How are you?” Parker couldn’t help but smile. He licked his finger, tasting the

remnants of Wrath, and swore he heard Joey’s voice whispering words of encouragement.

While he couldn’t let go of the past completely, he had a feeling Wrath was going to help him

get over his grief. The rest would take care of itself.

“You have to be kidding? I didn’t get the memo. Is the world coming to an end?”

“Shut up! I promised you dinner out and I meant it. Your suggestion of hiring Wrath has

been incredible. I mean the guy can build like no one else and he’s just amazing and…” Hearing

complete silence, Parker laughed at himself. “Sorry. For some odd reason I’m excited and


“I haven’t heard you like this in a long time. It’s great. Glad it's working out for you. Maybe

more than I thought, eh?” Jack’s laughter was filled with genuine amusement.

“I’ll get you for this one. Night after tomorrow, you free?”

“Sounds great. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Me, too,” Parker breathed.

“What is it? I know you too well. Why are you hesitating?”

“You have this belief in Wrath, right?”

“Yeah. What are you getting at?” Jack asked, his voice filling with mischief.

“Is it possible the kid he was protecting was in co-hoots with the group that attacked him?”

“Uh…it’s possible, I guess. But it’s kinda water under the bridge. Why are you bringing this

up now?”

“Because the incident still haunts him and you know as well as I do that having a prison

sentence hanging over your head is life altering.” Parker heard the hesitation in Jack’s voice and

shook his head.

Jack sighed. “You like him, don’t you?”

“Let’s just say he managed to get me to talk about Joey.”

“I’m impressed.”

“I’m just asking you to sniff if you can,” Parker said quietly.

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“Okay. I’ll see what I can find out, but I'm not promising anything. You know I can’t.”

“I’m not asking you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”

“If Wrath had this kind of effect on you then by all means, have at it till your heart’s

content,” Jack teased.

“You're so bad!” As Parker hung up the phone, he grinned. Jack was right. Wrath was

incredible and what he could do with his mouth had to be illegal in several states. Heading for

the kitchen, the doorbell dragged him out of his fantasy. He glided to the door humming a tune

and threw it open half expecting to see Wrath. Eyeing the three bulky men in uniforms, Parker

was surprised. “Yes?”

“We’re here about the artwork,” the tallest man said, his voice gruff. Holding out a

clipboard, he smiled.

Wrath came through again. Nodding, Parker opened the door wider. “Come in. I’ve been

expecting you.”

“Oh, not sure you have,” the second man said as he moved in front of the door.

“I’m sorry?” Parker asked, eyeing the group as a bad feeling washed over him. Opening his

eyes wide, he saw a pipe in the largest man's hands just seconds before…


A pounding noise dragged Wrath out of a decent sleep. Jerking up, he shook his head and

tried to figure out what he’d heard. A few seconds ticked by with no additional noise. Shaking

his head, he snuggled back into the pillows. As he heard the pounding again, clear and sharp on

his front door, he dragged himself out of bed and yanked a robe off the side chair. “Shit!” Who

the hell was at his door in the middle of the fucking night? Tying the belt loosely around his

naked body, he stumbled toward the front door trying to figure what time it was.

“Yes?” He asked through the door.

“Clark McGraw?” The deep voice asked.

“Yes.” He knew the tone all too well. Even before the words came, he unlocked and opened

the door.

“Police. Open up.”

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Wrath nodded to the two uniformed officers and smiled as the old anger raged within him.

“What can I do for you?”

“May we come in?” The second officer asked.

“Certainly, Sir.” Wrath sucked in his breath. “What’s going on, Officer…” Unable to read his

badge, he shifted his gaze to the other officer who gazed around the sparse house.

“Officer Simpson. Do you know a Parker Skye?” Scrutinizing Wrath, the first officer raised

his eyebrow.

“Yes. I’m doing some work for him. Why?” Wrath shifted back and forth.

“Where were you between the hours of six and ten this evening?”

“Uh, I left Parker’s…Mr. Skye’s house a little before six and came right home. Why?” Wrath

narrowed his eyes. Something was wrong. Trying to control his nerves, he inhaled and kept his

expression stoic.

The two officers looked at each other. “Anyone able to corroborate your story?” Officer

Simpson’s voice was clipped.

“Well, other than Mr. Skye, no. What’s happened to Parker?” Wrath heard a crack in his

voice and clenched his fists, a terrible feeling taking over the pit of his stomach.

“He was the victim of a brutal attack. I’m afraid we’re going to have to take you in.” Holding

out handcuffs, Officer Simpson nodded to the other officer. “I’m going to read you your rights.”

“I know the drill. How's Parker?” His body shaking, Wrath trembled, longing to talk to

Parker. “Please tell me.”

“Hands behind your back, “ the second officer said, grabbing Wrath’s arm.

“Please,” Wrath hissed.

“He’ll be all right,” Officer Simpson said quietly. “Go ahead, Frank.”

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you…”

“Can I please get dressed?” Wrath shook his head. This did not look good at all.

“You can have someone bring you clothes later but my guess is you won’t need them

where you’re going.”

Wrath dropped his head. There was no way Jack was going to be able to help him. He was

going back to prison one way or the other.

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As the officers led him out of his house, he held his head high and prayed that Parker was


Pacing back and forth in the holding cell, Wrath avoided the ugly cat-calls and leers and

concentrated on not losing his temper. For all practical terms, Wrath was in a sorry state of shit.

His single phone call had been to Jack White and after several assorted cuss words, Jack

promised to check on Parker and grab Wrath some clothes. Leaning his head against the bars,

he groaned and thought about the van. Snapping his head back up, a single trickle of

apprehension pulsed down the back of his neck. Shit! He’d seen the motherfuckers and didn’t

say anything! What was wrong with him?

His heart racing, he wrung his hands and tried to remember the license plate. He was damn

good at remembering numbers. Why couldn’t he see the plate in his head? Cussing to himself,

he grew furious and terrified for Parker. Was this about the art or something darker? Had they

abused his friend, his…lover, in any way? If so, he knew he was going to kick the motherfucker

off the face of the earth. Oh yeah. He’d take the fucker down shoving a…

As the outer door opened and two officers walked his direction, Wrath knew instinctively

they were coming for him. Inching back from the bars, he held his hands up and lowered his


“All right McGraw, your parole officer is here then we've got some questions for you.”

Wrath nodded, barely looking at the officer, as he was lead to an interrogation room.

Pushed inside, he turned slowly and faced Jack. “I didn’t touch him.”

“But you know who did. Damn it, Wrath! What the fuck kind of people are you running

with?” Jack hissed as he tossed a handful of clothes onto the small desk.

“What are you talking about?” Wrath grabbed a pair of jeans and yanked them on,

fumbling with the zipper.

“Didn’t you offer to find someone to clean his artwork?” Jack fumed.

“I did but…”

“That’s my damn friend lying in the hospital, asshole!”

Wrath opened and closed his mouth. “I told him I'd get someone then I forgot to call.”

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Jack snapped his head up and hissed. Within seconds he closed the distance and pushed

Wrath against the wall with a hard thud. “If you’re lying to me I swear to God I’ll make sure you

serve out the rest of your term. Do you hear me?”

While Wrath wanted to be angry, seeing the passion nestled within Jack meant he was right

about the man. He jerked away from Jack and sighed. “I swear to you on my sister’s life I didn’t

call anybody. I got sidetracked when Parker said he wanted to see plans for a remodel. But I

think I might've seen their getaway van.” Pulling on the cotton shirt, he pressed his hands down

the material. There was no doubt he’d be dressed in prison orange soon enough.

He inched back and shook his head. “Keep talking.”

“First. Tell me about Parker. Please.”

Jack tipped his head and gazed into Wrath’s eyes. “He’s going to be all right. They broke a

couple ribs and roughed him up pretty badly but he’ll be fine. He's going to be sore and need

rest for a couple of days but it's nothing permanent. They took several pieces of art. I think he’s

more upset about losing his art than his injuries.”

Wrath breathed a sigh of relief. “He told me that he allowed a photo shoot of his art last

week for some Internet sales thing to try and get the artist more exposure. Maybe somebody

heard about the fire and figured it was a quick score.”

“Parker assumed it was the guy you were sending and let the men in without asking. Shit.

Tell me about this damn get away car.”

“It was a white Dodge van from a few years ago with California plates and no markings on

the side.”

Jack laughed. “That fits just about five thousand vehicles in the city, man. Anything else?”

“I caught a glimpse of the license plate.”

“Did you tell the police?”

“First of all, they wouldn’t listen to me and second off…” Wrath groaned.

“What?” Jack asked. “What? Damn it! Do you have any idea how hard I’ve tried to get him

out of his shell? Three fucking years!” Shaking his head, Jack turned his back. “Why am I telling

you this?”

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Wrath edged forward. “Because you know I give a shit and…I can’t remember the plate. I’m

trying to.”

“What happened with you and Parker?”

“I was working on the room and we got to talking and…” Wrath looked away.

“You fucking had sex, didn’t you? I heard the damn joy in Parker’s voice after you left,” Jack

admonished. “I’m not even sure what to think about all this.”

“He called you after I left? That would mean you can tell the police I wasn’t lying.” Wrath

grinned as he realized how stupid his words sounded. “Don’t say it.”

“I fucking won’t but if what you said is right about the van, we may have something when

we find it. Got it?”

“I hear exactly what you’re saying.” Wrath tried to see the plate in his head but something

was blocking his vision completely. God fucking damn it!

“Unbelievable, Wrath. Great. Just fucking great. Do you have any idea what kind of shit

you’re in here?”

“Yeah I do.”

“No matter what the outcome, this is an automatic back to jail situation. I’m going to try

and keep you out but I tell you what buddy, you gotta remember that damn plate,” Jack sniffed

and headed for the door. “Tell the police exactly what you told me but leave out the part about

fucking him.” Yanking open the door, Jack sighed. “Getting you fucking bail is going to cost me.”

Wrath opened his mouth to retort but instead shook his head and swallowed back his

anger. “Jack. Thank you for believing in me. I know no one else will.”

He turned slowly and pushed the door closed without latching it. “For what it’s worth,

Parker’s call was about your sentence and he gave me a good idea about your buddy. He

believes in your innocence.”

Wrath raised his eyebrow as a tick pulsed across the thick vein in his neck. “He does?”

“About both situations. You’re one lucky asshole. Now let’s see if we can help the man that

wants to help you. Got it?”

As Wrath nodded, a shiver skated down his spine. No one had ever done anything so kind

for him with the exception of Jack. “I promise you I’ll remember.”

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Nodding, Jack opened the door.

“I know I’m not in a position to ask you for favors after everything you’ve done but will you

please tell Parker I’m sorry?”

Jack turned and nodded. “He wanted me to tell you he can’t wait to see you.”

Wrath opened his eyes wide.

“I only hope you both know what you’re getting into.”

As Jack closed the door, Wrath slumped against the wall and rubbed his eyes. “So do I.”


Wincing, Parker moved into the living room. “Thanks for bringing me home, Jack.”

“You’re in no shape to stay by yourself,” Jack hissed.

“I’ll be fine. I’ve lived through worse.”

“When?” Jack stared at him as Parker tipped his head. “This is different than Joey.”

“The ache’s the same,” Parker breathed as he moved toward the small bar. “Drink? Cause I

sure as shit need one.”

“Should you be drinking with the painkillers?”

Parker chuckled then groaned. “Yeah, they’re doing a lot of good here. Where the hell am I

going? The fucker trashed part of the house ripping the pictures out so what the hell. I think I

deserve a Goddamned drink.”

“Fine. Make it two.” Jack edged around the sofa and gazed out the back door.



“I know that tone. You aren’t entirely sure about Wrath’s involvement, are you?” Parker

asked as he reached into the small icemaker, every muscle in his body screaming.

“Seeing his concern about you alone was enough to convince me but this isn’t about me.

The courts get to decide whether he violated his parole and sometimes they’re a bit finicky

about who they believe.”

Parker nodded and thought about the situation. He knew as soon as he saw the snide looks

on the faces of his attackers that they had nothing to do with Wrath McGraw. But he was

smart enough to know what Jack was saying. “I gave a shitty description to the officers. I wish I

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could remember more about them but I really thought Wrath sent them.” Pouring two glasses

of bourbon, he pushed a glass toward Jack.

“You sure as shit gave a nothing account. Didn’t you tell me that these guys were wearing

uniforms, dark glasses and hats?”


“Then they have little to go on.” Jack swirled the liquid before taking a gulp. “At least Wrath

noticed a van when he left.”

“He did?” Sadly Parker remembered little of the attack and only fleeting glimpses of their

faces. As a wave of pain sliced through his system, he grabbed the edge of the bar and his legs

almost buckled.

“That’s it. We need to find someone to stay here with you. I'd do it but I have to wrangle a

jerk upstate early tomorrow. Anyone you want me to call?” Jack asked as he closed the distance

and grabbed Parker’s arm.

Parker waved his hand. “I called someone.”

“You did? Good.” Jack eyed him and sighed. “Wait, you didn’t?"

“I care about him.”

“Christ, Parker. I was barely able to keep his ass out of lock up, buddy. You sure about


Hobbling, Parker headed for the sofa, groaning every step of the way. “I’m only sure of one

thing. I felt something real for the first time in so long and I refuse to believe anything but the

best about Wrath. Can you understand that at all, Jack?”

Jack rubbed his eyes. “Yeah. More than you know. I just worry about you.”

“I’ve been worried about me, too, but even with being beaten to shit I feel more alive than

I have in years. It’s amazing.” Parker closed his eyes and smiled. Sensations rocketed through

his body at the mere thought of Wrath.

Jack laughed. “Okay. When’s he due in?”

The sound of the doorbell sent a smile across Parker’s face. “About now.”

Jack tipped his head back and burst out laughing. “And here I thought the steaks and wine

you had me bring you was about a lovely dinner with an old friend.”

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Parker raised his glass. “It will be soon enough. Thank you for everything.”

Jack sighed, finished his drink and set the glass down on top of the bar with a thud. “I’ll

check in on you tomorrow.”

“Thanks.” Parker sat back on the couch and gazed out toward the pool, remembering the

beautiful moment he'd shared with Wrath. His heart ached as much as his body. He couldn’t

lose Wrath to a prison sentence. Swallowing hard, he closed his eyes and tried to imagine

better days.

“You look like shit,” Wrath said quietly.

“Thank you.”

“I could kill the motherfuckers!”

Parker snapped his eyes open. “Don’t even think it.”

“It’s my fucking fault.”

“Unless you hired the thugs and asked them to beat the crap out of me, I don’t see how.”

Wrath shook his head. “Are you sure you want me here?”

Pain flashed through Parker as he sat up. “I want you here.”

Several seconds ticked by as they gazed at each other.

“Okay then. Let me help you. Can I refresh your drink and turn on music and…prop your

feet up maybe? What else?” His grin full of mischief, Wrath gave Parker a heated look.

“Suck my cock.” While Parker was teasing, his dick twitched at the notion.

Wrath grinned as his eyes flashed. “First things first.”

“I had some things brought in for dinner. Steaks. Bread.”

Wrath laughed as he headed toward the bar. “I brought a bottle of wine and I’m going to

assume you have normal things in your pantry like pasta and tomatoes?”

Parker grimaced as he rose to his feet and set his drink down. “What did you have in


“Believe it or not, I’m pretty good in the kitchen.” Wrath wrapped his arm around Parker

and gently drew him into the heat of his body. “I make a mean spaghetti sauce from scratch. It’s

the Italian in me thanks to my mama.”

“Italian, eh?” Parker winced.

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“Yeah and I swear if I find the fuckers, they die.”

“I’ll be all right.” Parker said as fear of the unknown hung between them. Parker pressed

his fingers across Wrath’s cheek and sighed. “What a mess.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help.” Wrath held him tightly as he guided them into the


As Parker grazed his thumb back and forth across Wrath’s lips, he sighed. “You’ve helping

now.” Leaning forward, he pressed his lips across Wrath’s as he inhaled deeply. Sliding his hand

down Wrath’s chest, he moved it further down to cup Wrath’s bulge, caressing and stroking as

he pressed his tongue inside Wrath’s hot, wet mouth.

Wrath shivered and ran his hands down Parker’s body in gentle sweeps, finally cupping his

ass and drawing Parker’s body tightly to his.

While his body hurt, his cock ached more and he longed to taste Wrath again. Every nerve

ending on fire, Parker was determined to show him the playroom and gauge his reaction.

Wrath ground his hips back and forth across Parker’s, every action careful and gentle.

Grunting, he pushed back slowly and gazed into Parker’s eyes. “Drinks and dinner.”

“You’re right.” But Parker wanted nothing more than to consummate their relationship one

way or the other.

“Come on. Let’s get you sitting.”

The touch of Wrath’s hand was warm and comforting and while Parker wasn’t accustomed

to being afraid, he couldn’t help but admit he felt safer with the hulking hunk in his house.


Wrath studied Parker’s reactions throughout dinner. Obviously in pain, the man drank too

much and refused to give into his heightened state of anguish. With each passing moment,

Wrath grew angrier. The license plate number came to him the moment he walked out of jail.

Finding the owner of the van had been easy enough and from the little information he’d

gathered from his contacts, the guys were two bit players for hire who appeared to have no

desire to hide their identities. The word on the street was that a large score was going down

soon. All three of the men that attacked Parker had records for various crime related activities

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and were considered small players in the big world of art theft. Yet their behavior was stupid.

Wrath could smell a set up a mile away. But who was doing this and why?

Determined to get to the bottom of what was happening to Parker, Wrath asked basic

questions about the artist. “Tell me what you know about this Anders Scanlan guy. You

mentioned he's from Russia or something?”

“Sweden and there’s not much to tell. I found him via some friends who know about my

particular proclivities. We talked a few times via chat sessions and he sent me photographs of

his work. I know he’s a bit out there but everything I checked proved him credible.” Parker

leaned across the kitchen table. “What are you thinking?”

Wrath shrugged, not liking what he was hearing. Being in the joint allowed him to learn

about crime than he'd ever wanted and this one smelled of something else entirely. “Not sure

yet. Just something that’s on my mind. Did they take every piece?” Making mental note of the

name, he rubbed his eyes and drained his glass of wine.

“They only took what they could grab quickly.” As Parker stood, plate in hand, his body

swayed back and forth. “I have some very expensive art they could have taken and they didn’t.

Shit. Sorry.” Rubbing his eyes, he groaned.

“Whoa, babe. Let’s get you to bed.” Wrath rose to his feet, eased the plate from Parker’s

hand and wrapped his arm around Parker’s waist.

“Not yet.”

“You’re weak, dazed and falling over. Don't be stubborn. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

Parker palmed Wrath's chest and gazed into his eyes. “I want to show you something first. I

need to know how you feel about it before we go any further.”

“Not sure I’m going to like this.”

Parker eased toward the counter and tipped his head. “When I was younger, I knew that I

wasn’t like other kids. I played music from before I can remember and the ability allowed me to

go places few have gone. I studied in

France and interned in Spain. I’ve played with some of the finest orchestras around the

world and yet I never felt fulfilled.”

“Until your partner?”

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“Yeah. He brought me out of myself.”

Wrath could sense Parker's desire to let go of the past. He thought about his own past and

realized how similar they really were--they both craved the ability to accept themselves. “What

do you need to show me?”

“No one else has seen our…my room.” Swallowing hard, Parker forced a smile, his eyes


Wrath trailed behind Parker toward what must be the bedroom side of the house. As they

neared the last closed door, he stood quietly as Parker hesitated.

“We selected it all together. As I mentioned, Joey completely understood my needs.”

Opening the door, Parker flipped on a light and buried his hands in his pockets as he stepped


Wrath’s eyes opened wide. When he heard the term playroom, he anticipated what he'd

seen before; sex toys and floggers in a tidy little collection nestled in a wooden box away from

prying eyes. Seeing the extensive collection of apparatuses stunned him.

Parker chuckled. “You seem surprised. Are my needs too invasive for you?”

As he moved further into the room, Wrath tentatively slid his hand over the cool wood of

the spanking bench. Eyeing the steel machine taking center stage, he shook his head.


“You're welcome to touch as much as you like. I’m very sad to say the room has gotten

little use. Joey and I had just completed our collection when he succumbed to his illness.

Somehow I couldn’t manage to deal with taking the apparatuses down or frequenting the room

at all.” Parker moved among the pieces, absently touching and stroking each one.

“This is about more than playtime, isn’t it?” Wrath asked pointedly, needing to see if Parker

was comfortable enough to answer.


“Meaning this is nothing more than a cathartic statement of who you are and a blatant

attempt to forgive yourself for what others might consider a weakness.”

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Parker cocked his jaw and looked away. Hesitating, he lifted his head and looked into

Wrath’s eyes. “This is where I’m most comfortable with who I am. This is how I know I’m alive.

This is how I want to share my life and my love with someone.”

It was the way Parker said the words that sent a trickle of anticipation down Wrath's spine.

As his heart thumped into his chest, he swallowed hard, envisioning a relationship with Parker.

Sucking in his breath, he chastised the thought. There was no way he could handle a

relationship with anyone. Not after… “You’re fortunate.” He turned away and brushed his hand

over the cool steel as his cock pushed against the tight confines of his jeans.

Parker inched forward slowly and placed his hand on the small of Wrath’s back. “You want

to tell me what they did to you?”

Snapping his head up, Wrath narrowed his eyes and resisted snarling. “Nothing.” Inching

away from Parker’s grasp, he realized he was shaking.

“Wrath. Hiding behind the torture isn’t going to help you heal. I wear that badge well

enough. You have to talk about the incident and learn to let it go or it’ll eat you alive. Come on,

man. You can talk to me about it. I won’t judge you in any way. You can trust me with your


“Trust you? I don’t know you and you’ve lived a pretty damn good life from what I can tell.

How the hell would you get it?”


“You have no idea what it’s like!” Wrath snapped. Instantly regretting his outburst, he

snarled and slammed his hand against the cross, the clanging sound of metal against wood

reverberating throughout the room. Shaking his head, Wrath opened and closed his eyes. He

was refusing the one man offering him kindness. What was wrong with him?

Parked sighed. “No. I don’t and you’re right. I shouldn’t have brought you here. I knew

something was wrong and I thought… I’m sorry, Wrath. I’ll leave you alone and head to my

bedroom. You’re welcome to stay in the guest room. I have a computer in the living room you

can use as well.” He hesitated before moving toward the door.

Wrath’s heart ached. Tipping his head back, he clenched his eyes shut. “There were six of

them. They caught me in the shower when everyone else was done. I was late because of an

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infraction. I had two months to go. I was never fucked with by anybody in all that time.

Everyone inside thought I was a bad ass and I portrayed the persona well.” A series of tremors

raced down his spine. “I thought they wouldn’t touch me because of my size but one of them

figured out I wasn’t into women and I think that really made them angry.” Slowly he turned and

gazed at Parker, his expression was something Wrath hadn’t expected. Instead of pity there

was a quiet reverence, as if the Parker understood admitting that a big man could be taken was

more damaging than the act itself.

“I wish I could say I understand but I can’t.”

“They forced me to suck their cocks, one right after the other.” Saying the words alone

forced a bubble to erupt from his mouth.

Parker inhaled deeply and walked closer, his eyes never leaving Wrath. “Wrath. I’m here.

You’re safe.”

The strength in Parker urged him on. “The damn leader of the group was the real asshole.

After they finished he laughed and spit on me, calling me nothing but a lazy whore. I refused to

give in to even looking at him. So he had his men jerk me up and push me…and…” Unable to

finish, he balled his fist and held it against his head. As sweat poured down his back, Wrath was

afraid he was going to pass out.

Parker closed the distance and wrapped his arm around Wrath’s waist, pulling him into the

heat of his chest. Cupping Wrath’s face in his hands, he shook his head. “They took your body,

babe, not your soul. They used you. You deserve all the happiness and love you can find. You’re

a wonderful person and an even better friend. No one can take that from you, Wrath.” Leaning

forward, he pressed his lips across Wrath’s cheek and brushed the single tear from his eye.

“Thank you for sharing your story with me. I’ll never ask you about it again but if you want to

talk, I’m here.”

Wrath had no idea what to say as Parker eased out of the room. Moving against the wall,

he held his hands over his face and inhaled. Finally calm, he followed the man he was falling for,

determined to care for Parker’s battered body.

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Chapter Five

Parker was exhausted and while he longed for sleep, he realized what telling the tale meant

for Wrath. The suffering the man endured was tremendous. Although Parker knew the drugs

and alcohol were having a tremendous effect on his system, he wasn’t ready to give the night

up. Neither man said anything as Parker led them into his bedroom. Turning on a single light,

the glow warmed the comfortable space.

“I’ll be outside making sure the freaks don’t come back,” Wrath breathed, his tone harsh.

“You and I both know the attack had nothing to do with me.”


“Perhaps? You’re going to have to tell me what you’re thinking here.”

“I need to check some things out first.”

“Uh-huh.” Parker gazed down the length of Wrath and smiled. “You’re incredible.”

“I’m nothing special.”

“Wrath. What happened to you might've shaped the way you feel about yourself but it’s

not the measure of the man.”

Wrath looked away. “You don’t know me.”

“But I want to. Stay.”

“You need your rest,” Wrath said quietly.

Sighing, he shook his head as he slowly removed his shirt. While the pain was dulled, an

intense ache gripped his body. As he pitched the shirt to the floor, he winced. “What I need

isn’t about sleep.” Unfastening his jeans, he faltered and fell against the bed.

“Damn those assholes. Let me help you.” Wrath moved quickly to Parker’s side and gently

eased the tight material down from Parker’s hips.

Parker blinked furiously as the rough-hewn man became the gentlest of creatures. “I’m


“Like hell you are.” Wrath tossed Parker’s jeans and hissed. “You’re fucking bruised all over.

I could kill the sons of bitches. You could've died.” He yanked at the covers, jerking them down

from the top of the bed.

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“If they intended to kill me I’d be gone.” There was something about the way Wrath stood

staring at the single piece of art hanging over his bed that troubled Parker. There was no doubt

Wrath was holding something back. “You gonna tell me or do I have to guess?” Parker said, as

he eased onto the soft cotton, moving back to the pillows as he studied the man scrutinizing

the painting. Clearly Wrath wasn’t ready to tell all his secrets just yet. There was work to do to

build trust between them. “This one depicts the moment a sub accepts his position. I chose this

one to be over my bed for a reason.”

Wrath kept his eyes on the painting. “To remind us that we all crave something carnal deep

inside as we succumb to our lover.”

A smile curled across Parker's lips. No man had ever understood the meaning of the stark

creation. “Amazing.”

“Something I know a little bit about...”

“I hope one day you’re comfortable enough to talk with me about anything,” Parker said as

he nodded.

“I’ve always been a private person.”

“But you crave more.”

Several seconds ticked by. “True enough.”

Parker settled into the sheets. “I’ll give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

Wrath slowly lowered his head and nodded. Hesitating, he opened and closed his mouth.

“What do you need to sleep?”


“You’re in pain. The last thing I want to do is inflict more.”

“You’re wearing too many clothes.”


“Come.” His tone commanding, Parker patted the sheets and refused to blink.

“Hmmmm…” Wrath inched away from the bed and slowly dragged his shirt from the tight

confines of his pants. Giving Parker a cautious smile, he drew the tee shirt over his head and

pitched the unwanted material to the floor.

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It was as if he was seeing the gorgeous, chocolate-laced man for the first time. Sighing,

Parker licked his lips as he blazed a heated trail from Wrath’s face to his long neck and down to

his muscular chest and six pack abs. “All of it,” he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Wrath growled as he yanked the zipper down on his jeans. “You’re not my type.”

“And what type is that?”

“I don’t crave white men.”

“I’m allergic to chocolate.”

As Wrath pushed his jeans past his hips, he kept his gaze pinned on Parker. “I’m caustic.”

“I’m damaged.” His blood sizzling, Parker watched with growing anticipation as Wrath let

his jeans fall to the floor and stepped out of them. Sucking in his breath, the sight of Wrath’s

throbbing cock forced his shaft to full attention. “Jesus.”

“You see something you want?” Wrath palmed his chest and slid his hands down his chest

as he darted his eyes across Parker’s groin.

“Fuck yes.”

“Tell me.”

Parker swallowed hard as he yanked the pillow from under his head and tossed it off the

bed. There was no question what he wanted. “Your cock in my mouth.”

Wrath shook his head. “You need rest.” Inching toward the bed, he gazed down at Parker

as he pinched his nipple, teasing.

“You keep doing that and I’m going to tie you to this bed.”

“And I would mind, why?” Wrath leaned over and dragged his long locks across Parker’s

chest. Hissing, he gazed down the length of Parker before crawling across his lover’s legs.

Straddling Parker’s thighs carefully, he pressed the flat of his hands across his chest..

Closing his eyes, Parker inhaled deeply as Wrath brushed his hands down his chest to his

waist. “I won’t break.”

“It’s difficult for me to be gentle.” Dipping his head, Wrath darted his tongue out, licking

across the seam of Parker’s mouth.

Parker inhaled the rich, woodsy scent that was all Wrath and closed his eyes as he glided

his hands down to Wrath's hips.

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“I need to taste you.”

Wrath nipped Parker’s bottom lip and growled as he inched further up the bed. “You


Parker grinned as he brushed his hand up to cup Wrath’s balls, squeezing until Wrath

moaned. “Yes.”

Wrath tossed his head back as he clenched the sheet, clawing the material in his fingers.

Moving up the bed slowly, he gazed into Parker’s eyes as he gripped his cock, pressing it back

and forth across Parker’s mouth. “Then suck me.”

Parker stroked the base of Wrath’s throbbing erection, pumping up and down as he darted

his tongue out, licking across the sensitive slit. Between the musky scent of Wrath’s sex and the

tangy taste, his body quaked in anticipation of shoving inside Wrath’s ass for the first time.

Sighing, he swirled his tongue around Wrath’s swollen cockhead, savoring the flavor as he

continued stroking.

Wrath grunted and pushed his hips forward as he palmed the wall and spread his legs. “Oh

yeah. Suck me.”

Parker lifted Wrath’s cock and licked all the way down to his balls, taking first one and then

the second in his mouth. As he sucked the swollen sacs, he groaned and tightened his grip

around his lover’s shaft. Raking his teeth across Wrath’s sensitive skin, he nipped until he

reached the tip, finally taking Wrath’s dick into his needy mouth.

“Fuck...yyyyeeesss!” Wrath’s body shook as he threw his head back and hissed.

Parker took him down an inch at a time as he continued to cup and squeeze Wrath’s balls.

Using his strong jaw muscles, Parker sucked hard, dragging his tongue back and forth across

Wrath’s skin.

“Oh…yeah…” Wrath moaned and fucked Parker’s mouth, driving his cock in and out manic

fashion until his breath turned to short huffs.

Parker relaxed his throat and lifted his head, allowing the angle of Wrath’s cock to slice to

the back. His hunger growing, he sucked Wrath’s shaft in a savage manner as he pumped the

base of Wrath’s thick muscle, each stroke harder and faster until his entire body shook from


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“I can’t…hold it.”

Parker clamped hard around Wrath’s cock as he continued stroking, his heart racing until a

thumping echo was the only sound he heard.

Wrath slammed into Parker’s mouth, his savage beast rushing to the surface.

Sliding his hands around Wrath’s hips, Parker gripped his ass and pummeled Wrath’s shaft

into his mouth as he lifted and angled his head.

The intense combination too much, Wrath roared as he exploded into Parker’s mouth.

Yyyyyeeessss!” Moaning, his entire body trembled as he continued thrusting in long, hard


Parker closed his eyes as hot cum spewed down his throat, the taste of the man he craved

like no other. As he drained the last of Wrath’s cum, he sighed and licked Wrath’s shaft clean,

sucking the juice from Wrath’s balls.

“Oh…shit!” Wrath dropped his head and groaned. “That was…amazing.” His legs shaking,

he moved back and sat on his haunches, wiping his eyes as he struggled to catch his breath.

Parker licked his lips and narrowed his eyes as a combination of exhaustion and a drug-

induced haze began dulling his senses. “Yes…it was.” Swallowing hard, he wiped his mouth with

the back of his hand. “Thank you for taking…care…of me.”

Wrath leaned forward and pressed his lips across Parker’s. “My pleasure. Now sleep. I’ll be

here when you wake.”

Reaching out, Parker slid his hand down Wrath’s chest. “Good. I really hope you are.”

As Wrath climbed off the bed, he pulled the sheets around Parker’s chest. Grabbing his

clothes, he gave Parker a sensuous smile. “Count on it.” Turning off the light, he headed for the



Wrath hissed as he walked down the hall. There was no doubt this little punk artist had

something to do with the theft, and Parker's beating. There was only one way to find out. At

least he knew his way around computers. Grinning, he walked into the living room. It was going

to be a long night but Wrath was determined to find out everything he could about Anders


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Grabbing a tumbler, he filled it with ice and poured a hefty amount of bourbon. Swirling

the mahogany liquid in his glass, he stood staring out at the reflections banking off the pool.

The old rage he'd felt in prison re-surfaced, filling his mind and heart with an almost blinding

need for revenge. As he thought about Parker, he licked the rim of the glass before taking a

gulp of his drink. He was going to protect Parker, the right way this time. The way Wrath hadn't

with his friend before.

He found the laptop Parker mentioned and turned it on. With the information he already

had, it should be easy enough to find out where the perpetrators lived. His main interest was

trying to determine any connection between the artist and the assholes that had beaten the

crap out of Parker.. As he sat down at Parker’s desk, he shook his head. One way or the other,

he was going to figure out if the artist had anything to do with the crime.

Anders was certainly a media slut. His picture appeared in several prominent locations.

Wrath was surprised Anders had nearly a hundred different pages on Google and it didn’t take

any time at all to learn the man was in deep water financially. It appeared he was suffering a

type of artist's block and some experts were already calling him washed up. In addition, the

man had a dubious past. Perhaps Anders was interested in finding a new home. Rubbing his

face, Wrath had a strong suspicion that Anders needed to provide art quick so his critics would

leave him alone. “Now let’s find out if you’ve been in this country recently.”

Barely thirty minutes later Wrath sat back in the chair and closed his eyes. He had to do

something to help Parker. Anders Scanlan was a real freak of nature. Finding the darker sites

showcasing the man’s true interests was an eye opener. Anger boiled within him as flashes of

the ugly fight rolled past his field of vision, more nightmare than memory. Suddenly realizing he

could no longer breathe, Wrath jerked to his feet and clasped his hand over his heart. A

moment of clarity flooded his mind and he knew instantly what he had to do.

Gripping the glass, he finished his drink, set the dense crystal down with a thud and

grabbed his keys. There was no way he was going to allow Anders to get away with this. The

little creep had entered the country almost a week before and then disappeared. From what he

could tell, the little Internet show staged at Parker's was a ploy to find out if Parker actually had

the pieces in his possession and where he lived. Nothing more. It had worked perfectly. Very

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few people in America knew about Anders so he could easily fit into society without question.

That is until little boys started disappearing. “Unbelievable.” Anders was a time bomb waiting

to explode and somebody had to stop him. This time Wrath would right the wrong. If the street

gang was on the take and working for the pervert, Anders would be about ready to regain his

prized collection then move into anonymity for a little while. That wasn’t going to happen as

long as Wrath was breathing.

A freak of nature wasn’t going to alter his hopes for the future. While he knew his

involvement with this was risky, it was worth making sure Parker was safe and happy. They

both needed to catch a break.

Driving down the dark street, he glanced back and forth, searching for any signs of activity.

Given the time the streets were deserted and while this part of town was considered the slums,

the area was the perfect place to hide such an extensive art collection. As he drove by the

dilapidated house, he detected no movement but there was a light on in the back. Parking on

the side street, he turned off the engine and sat quietly. What are you doing? Are you out of

your mind? One infraction and he was back in the joint, something he couldn’t tolerate. Still,

thoughts of keeping Parker safe outweighed the risk. What if Anders wanted everything Parker

had? What if the thugs came back?

Maybe he should just call Jack and have the guys picked up. What, and tip off the cops that

he had illegally hacked into a site and had conveniently not given information when he

remembered the license plate? Jack would have no choice but to turn him in. “Fuck!” Hissing,

Wrath rubbed his tired eyes. What if he simply determined the art was here and then left an

anonymous tip? Hmmm… Perhaps that was the thing to do. A compromise reached, he climbed

out of the truck and stood still, listening for any sound. Other than dogs barking in the distance,

there was little noise.

Get in. Get out. Pick up the phone. As he inched toward the unassuming ranch house, he

passed by a new van. Looking over his shoulder, he took a moment and eased the side door

open, careful to use his shirttail. “Bastard.” Wrath shook his head as he stared at the group of

paintings. There was no doubt they were probably being moved to their new home. He’d made

it just in time.

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Gliding toward the back of the house, the sound of rap music coming from somewhere in

the interior was a clear indication that someone was home. Tamping back his anger, he

reminded himself of the heady goal as he approached the house.

Then he heard the intense conversation over the din of the music. Someone wasn’t happy.

Crouching in the shadows, Wrath edged past a series of windows. As he peeked inside, he

couldn’t detect anything but a jumbled up mess of boxes. Inching closer to the back door, he

could see four men arguing. As the largest of the group moved, slamming his fist into a wall,

Wrath could clearly see a single oversized painting leaning against a console unit. Wrath

resisted erupting with anger and instead craned his neck to listen to what they were saying.

“I told you we got all we could take.”

“What do you mean you didn’t get all of them? I paid you well for your assistance,” the

man snarled. Pacing back and forth in the room, the tall blond kept his back to the door.

“We got what we saw. Shit man! It was the middle of the day,” another snorted.

Wrath balled his fists. His instincts were correct. Anders was behind the thefts and he

planned to go back.

“I want them all.” The blond snapped and turned slightly. “I have to have them!” Anders.

The Swede snarled and Wrath sucked in his breath. Surely Parker had no idea about Anders

dark reputation. His tastes bordering on sick, he was well known for using and abusing young

boys for the sake of his art. And oddly enough, other pieces of his erotic art had been stolen

over the past six months from prized collections in Europe.

“You’re out of your mind! Don’t you think that faggot boy called the cops with our

description? You want your art, you little cock sucker, then you get it!”

“Fine. Then you don’t get paid. I have few choices left. I thought pigs like you could handle

something simple. Obviously I was wrong. Allow a man to do your job.” Holding up a gun,

Anders laughed as the others cursed. The man was as cool as a cucumber.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” One of the men shouted as he rushed Anders, a

snarl curling across his lips.

“What I should've done in the beginning. He’ll open up his doors willingly for me and then

I’ll have no problem getting exactly what I want. Even if I have to use this,” Anders chided.

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“You’re killing a man over art? Are you fucking out of your mind?” Another laughed. “Hey

Pablo! You really got us in the middle of some shit man. Fucking lunatic foreign freak!”

The single shot cut through the night air and as the man dropped to the ground holding his

knee, he screamed as the others rushed toward Anders. Wrath could easily see they all had


“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Don’t even think about it, boy. I’ll drop your ass in a heartbeat.” Aiming the gun directly at

the man they called Pablo’s chest, Anders shook his head. “I suggest you realize I’m serious and

leave me alone. This is about my life and I don’t mind taking yours. Who they hell would believe

I had anything to do with thugs like you?”

“You asshole!” The injured man howled.

“What the hell does that mean?” Pablo growled.

Wrath closed his eyes as his rage built to an uncontrollable level.

“That means you were an means to and end and nothing more.”

What in the hell is he doing? Wrath narrowed his eyes. The freak of nature was taking

matters into his own hands.

Wrath scuttled back into the shadows as three more gunshots rang out. Anders had no

intentions of paying the idiots. Rather the Swede had just kicked everything into overdrive. As

screams floated into the night, Wrath heard Anders chuckle seconds before the man opened

the door.

Carrying the single piece of art, Anders slipped the gun into the back of his pants and

moved toward the van.

Wrath glanced back into the house. Four shattered kneecaps would keep the men down

and quiet. As Anders pushed the remaining piece into his van, he slid the door closed and

chuckled. Wrath knew exactly where he was headed next. Just as the first hint of dawn floated

across the horizon, a vision of what he had to do settled into his system. And then Wrath lost it,

charging toward Anders.


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Parker knew instantly Wrath wasn’t in the house. The quiet sounds of house noises and

nothing else were a clear indication. He gazed at the clock and sighed. It was almost nine.

Suddenly wide-awake, he eased out of bed. Still in pain, at least the sensations weren’t blinding

any longer. He glided into the bathroom and gazed at his reflection. Mike Tyson had nothing on

his bruised and battered look. Snagging a robe, he drew it on slowly, careful to avoid wrapping

the belt too tightly around his waist. As he splashed his face with water, he grimaced and

wondered where in the hell his lover was.

As he moved into the living room, he noticed the lap top lid open. There was no sign of

Wrath. How long had he been gone? Moving toward the computer, he hit the space bar and

scrutinized the Google page. What in the world was Wrath doing looking up Anders Scanlan? As

he gazed down at the grouping of bullet headlines, he shook his head. “Interesting.” Parker

read a few select passages and realized Anders had a black cloud swallowing him.

The more articles he read the worse the feeling of dread coursed through his system.

Sniffing further, he moved to a news site out of Europe and typed in Ander’s name. Parker sat

back in his seat and tried to figure out where Wrath would have gone. He rubbed his eyes as

something caught his attention. Clicking up the window, he groaned. A MapQuest location filled

the screen. Fuck. What are you doing?

Moving into the kitchen, Parker grabbed the phone as he turned on the television set. Hairs

stood on the back of his neck. Trying to control his breathing, he dialed Jack’s number just as a

breaking news bulletin flashed across the screen.

“Breaking news. Police received an anonymous tip early this morning about stolen art and

when they arrived at the scene, they found a robbery for hire situation turned brutal. Beaten

unconscious and left for dead, the elusive European artist Anders Scanlan is fighting for his life

in the hospital while several members of a violent street gang are recovering from bullet

wounds. Recovered in the dazzling chain of events is the art collection by composure Parker

Skye who was recently beaten severely during a robbery of several of his paintings. While police

are still trying to unravel the mystery, they are asking for the anonymous caller to please get in

contact with the officers in charge.”

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While the reporter droned on about the attack, Parker fell into a state of shock and moved

back from the television. It couldn’t be. Wrath wouldn’t do something so impetuous, would he?

Would he risk his freedom to…

“Parker. Are you there? Parker. I was just going to call you. What’s going on?” Jack’s

troubled voice crackled through the phone.

“Jack? Do you know about the art being recovered?” His heart racing, he stared at the

screen unable to focus. "You tell me what the hell is going on."

“Yeah. I know. Wrath called me and gave me a very interesting story about that artist fella.


“Wait, you think Wrath's responsible?” When Parker heard a distinct noise coming from

the hallway, he lifted his head and stared at Wrath, whose bloody shirt told him exactly what

he’d done.

“Hell. I don’t want to think so but what he told me, whew. He found out some pretty

damning information about this Anders guy and I think he thought you were going to be the

next target. He gave me a tip about how freaky the guy is so I assume Wrath’s involved in the

attack. I have to say, your artist friend is one sick man. Did you know he uses children? There’s

an entire country trying to find out where he is.”

“I just read some of the articles. I had no idea.”

“Well, I used my connections to see if Wrath was right, buddy.” Jack whistled. “Let me tell

you, what Anders is into would give you nightmares. The Swedish police think he might have

made a mistake this time because a kid turned up dead. Anders disappeared after the boy’s

body was found.”

Parker swallowed hard. “Well. He got what he deserved then.”

Wrath stood staring at Parker, his eyes darting back and forth across the television screen.

“Did Wrath tell you he did it?” Parker asked quietly.

“No. I’m just assuming but if he had anything to do with it, I don’t know how much I can

help Wrath this time. The parole board doesn’t have to keep listening to me.”

“What happens now?”

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“The bad news is there's a witness who gave a pretty good description of Wrath. The

officers put two and two together from Wrath being in lock up the other day and called me.

Look, Parker, I had to tell them Wrath is staying with you. The police are on their way to

question him. I know you care about the guy but you can’t protect him if he had anything to do

with this.”

Parker turned and locked eyes with Wrath.

Wrath looked down and rubbed his eyes.

“He was with me all night long,” Parker said defiantly. As Wrath snapped his head up,

Parker watched the man’s disbelief turn to shock.

“Oh no you don’t. You and I know you’re lying and while I understand why, you can’t do

this. You have your own life to worry about,” Jack snapped.

“No. I’m not lying. We just got out of the shower after making love.”

“Parker!” Jack hissed.

“Trust me for once,” Parker breathed.

Jack hesitated. “Buddy, I sure as shit hope you know what you’re doing.”

“You know what? For the first time in a very long time, I think I do.” As every nerve ending

in Parker’s body came alive, he was filled with joy and relief. His lover had done everything in

his power to protect him, something no one had ever done before. “I’ll be happy to talk to the


“God, Parker. I can’t lie to the police if they ask questions.”

“They already have an anonymous tip. Let it go, Jack. Please. I’ll never ask you for another

favor.” Parker moved toward Wrath who stood silent, his body shaking.

Jack groaned and clucked his jaw. “I could lose everything.”

“You said it yourself. Anders is sick.”

“Damn it! It’s your life you’re messing with,” Jack snarled. “But I have to tell you I’m proud

of you. And I looked into the past, that friend of Wrath’s? Billy had some interesting things to


“And?” Parker’s eyes opened wide.

“We’ll talk later. I just hope it’s not from jail.”

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Parker hung up the phone and gazed at Wrath. “I don’t think I want to know any of the

details but we don't have much time. You need to get into the shower.”

“Why are you helping me?”

“Because I care about you and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

Wrath shook his head. “I have to turn myself in. I’m putting your life in jeopardy because I

lost my head.”

“We’ll argue the merits of why later. Please get in the shower.”

Opening and closing his mouth, Wrath hissed. “Fine, for now.” He moved toward the door,

stopping briefly. “For what it’s worth, you’re a wonderful friend.”

As Parker watched him walk away, his head down, he gripped the counter and waited. And

prayed. For some reason he knew Wrath was trying to say goodbye.

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Chapter Six

Wrath stood at the back door, gazing at his pathetic back yard. In the four days since the

incident, he hadn’t been able to sleep or eat. The police, while questioning both he and Parker

on several occasions, finally succumbed to media pressure allowing the case to simply fade into

the woodwork. The street gang refused to say anything and their fingerprints on the pieces of

art said enough. Anders Scanlan was going to recover and had already been charged in the

attack on Parker and theft of Parker’s art. Sweden was chomping at the bit to extradite Anders

and from what Jack told him, the fight was on. Oddly enough, while Parker’s art was returned

intact, he promptly turned every piece over to a gallery to be used for a charity auction for the

local children's shelter. Wrath smiled. Parker Skye never ceased to amaze him. The man was

too good, especially for Wrath.

Gazing at his ringing phone, he didn’t need to look at the display to see who was calling.

Parker had tried him several times. While he longed to talk to Parker and explain his behavior,

he didn’t have the courage. He had no idea what to do about the addition on Parker’s home

either. The excuse he’d given Parker about ordering building materials was lame at best. Wrath

had no idea what to do but his heart was no longer in the project.

Jack even called several times and Wrath couldn’t manage to talk to him, either. Cutting off

the rest of the world couldn’t last but right now, Wrath just wanted some peace. He simply

couldn’t forgive himself for succumbing to such rage, no matter the circumstances. Wrath

didn’t need his particular brand of fury surrounding Parker. Even saying his name brought

hunger and anguish racing through Wrath's body. Resigned, he'd figure out a way to have

someone finish the addition. The worst part about beating up the artist was that Wrath didn’t

really feel bad about his horrific actions.

It was time to take responsibility for everything that had happened in his life. While Jack's

pep talk helped, his heart remained filled with anguish.

Sorting through his bills, Wrath had everything neatly organized when he heard a sharp

knock on the door. As he tucked his shirt into his shorts and headed for the door, he gazed at

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the condition of the house and groaned. He'd never been such a slob before. Opening the door,

he saw no one. “Hello?”

“I thought I’d surprise you since you refuse to return any of my calls.”

“Parker.” Simply seeing the man sent a tremor of chills dancing down Wrath's spine.

“You can’t avoid me forever.”

“I’m not avoiding you.”

“Bullshit.” Parker shook his head.

Inhaling deeply, Wrath sighed and licked his lips. “All right. I am. You don’t need my shit in

your life.”

“And I have no life without you.”

The words stunned him. A slight smile ticked at the corner of his mouth. “Come in.”

Parker nodded as he moved inside. Giving Wrath a curt nod, he grinned as he shook his


“Don’t say it. I’m a slob.” Wrath chuckled as he closed the door.

“You’re in pain and you have every right to slack off a little.”

“Well, that might be the case but it didn’t give me the right to go out like a vigilante.”

Parker folded his arms. “I know what you were doing, Wrath. You were righting all the

wrongs that were inflicted on you. Makes sense to me.”

“I don’t know if anything makes any sense any longer.”

Parker gripped his arm. “Listen to me. You may want to avoid me because you think you’re

protecting me, but I wanted to give you a little bit of your life back. Whether you accept the

information or not, I can’t control that. You’re stubborn as hell.”

Stubborn? “Meaning?” Wrath could tell Parker was hiding something behind his baby blues.

“Remember the hunch I had about your friend?”

“Yeah, but what does it matter?”

“While you were ignoring the world I asked Jack to see if he could hunt down that buddy of

yours. He told a bit of a different story than the one he shared with the police a few years ago.”

Parker eyed him carefully as the information set in.

“What are you saying?” His heart thumping, Wrath shivered.

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“I was right. Your friend admitted he was there to meet those guys that night.”

“Why not just tell me he had a date?”

Parker shrugged. “Sex for money. Had a nice little ring going.”

Wrath’s mouth dropped open. “He was my roommate for awhile when his wife kicked him

out. I knew he was trying some different things but a sex ring?”

“He was flat broke and evidently someone made him an offer and one thing led to another.

He’s quite the upstanding citizen now and while Jack had to convince him to tell the tale, he’s

pretty damn remorseful.” Parker smiled. “Maybe knowing this will give you a little peace. Jack

said if the guy would have told the truth all those years ago, you would've probably gotten off

with a slap on the wrist.”

While Wrath knew he should be furious, relief washed through his system instead. As he

backed into the kitchen and turned away, he smiled for the first time he could remember.

Hearing Parker behind him, he dropped his head.

“I know you’re upset. I just thought it would give you some level of peace in your heart.”

Wrath shook his head as tears slipped from his eyes. Unable to speak, the ugly feelings of

self-loathing drained from his body, leaving him exhausted and unsure of what to do and how

to feel.

“I hope one day you can forgive yourself and find the man of your dreams. You certainly

gave me hope.”

For the first time in his life, Wrath wanted a future and knew he wanted to share it with

someone. “Don’t go. Please.”


As he turned and saw Parker’s expression of confusion mixed with a hopeful boyish grin, his

heart melted. “Stay with me. Be with me. I want you more than I can begin to explain.”

Parker grinned and leaned against the doorjamb. “You sure?”

“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. You believed in me when no one else would.

II love you for it.”

“Then come here.”


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“Because I insist.”

The closer he got to Parker, the more Wrath's pulse kicked into overload. Every part of his

body tingling with breathless anticipation and he growled as he stood just out of reach. “What

if I don’t?”

“Then you’ll be tied and flogged,” Parker stated as he moved into the hallway. Giving Wrath

a look of admiration, he licked his finger and slid it across the seam of Wrath’s mouth.

Parker wrapped his arm around Wrath and Wrath savored the taste of the man as he

ground his hips into Parker’s, tremors of raging need thrashing throughout his body. Jerking the

man to his chest, he slid his hands down the length of Parker’s back, cupping and squeezing his

ass. Tingling sensations danced between them as electric current heated up the space around

them. As the kiss became a slice of ecstasy, Wrath slowly walked them both toward the

bedroom, his eyes never leaving Parker.

Breaking the kiss, Parker unbuttoned Wrath’s shirt as his gaze turned feral. “Too many


“You’re right.” Reaching out, Wrath yanked Parker’s polo from his jeans and pulled the shirt

from the man’s shoulders, tossing the unwanted clothing against the wall. He jerked off his own

and growled as he kicked off his shoes.

Parker chuckled, the tone dark and dangerous, as he followed suit. “I can’t be gentle.”

“Who says I want gentle?” Wrath grinned as he backed into his bedroom. Fumbling with his

zipper, he finally pushed the thin shorts down from his hips allowing gravity to take them to the

floor. “Off,” he whispered as he pointed to Parker’s jeans.

“You don’t give the orders, I do.” Yet Parker unfastened his jeans and yanked off his tennis


As Parker stood naked, he licked his lips and admired Parker’s perfect shaped ass. “You’re


“You’re winning points,” Parker said over his shoulder.

Cupping Parker’s naked ass, Wrath closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of the man’s hard

body. He traced a line up and down Parker’s spine as the man shivered at his touch. He'd never

been gentle with a man but today he wanted nothing more than to make love in a moment of

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shared passion. Moving closer, he pressed Parker’s hair from the back of his neck and darted a

series of kisses across the base, the taste of Parker’s skin tangy and refreshing. Nipping Parker’s

earlobe, he sighed and slid his hands around Parker’s hips, pressing his throbbing cock into

Parker’s ass.

“You feel incredible,” Parker whispered, his voice dripping with lust. He arched his back and

lolled his head back onto his shoulder as he grazed his hands down the sides of Wrath’s thighs.

Wrapping his hands around the base of Parker’s shaft, he pumped up and down the entire

length as he continued grinding back and forth across Parker’s tight ass. “I can’t wait to be

inside you.”

“Only after I take you hard.” Breaking from Wrath’s hold, Parker turned around and slid his

arms around Wrath’s waist as he lifted his head and licked from the underside of Wrath’s chin

up to circle his mouth in hungry swipes.

Wrath closed his eyes and tipped his head back, allowing the man whatever he wanted. His

body pulsed with need and as Parker used the flat of his hands to brush down Wrath’s chest, he

knew he'd finally found his heaven.

“I want you on your knees right now.”

Nodding, Wrath inched toward the bed, his pulse racing. Giving up control to Parker felt

right and as stars floated across his eyes, he had a fleeting thought about love and family.

Kneeling on the bed, he clenched his eyes shut as Parker moved behind him.

Crack! Pop!

As Parker pressed a series of hard spanks against Wrath’s backside, he purred. r

Pop! Slap! Crack!

Every nerve ending on fire, Wrath opened his legs wider and accepted his punishment,

something he’d craved for so long. “Ooohhhh…”

Parker wet his finger and slid it down the crack of Wrath’s ass. Pushing Wrath onto his

hands, he pressed the tip of his finger to Wrath’s dark hole, tracing circles around the tight

opening. “Feel good?”


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“Yyyyeeessss!” As Wrath tingled, he dropped his head and moaned. The feel of Parker’s

finger in his ass was just about the sexiest turn on he'd ever experienced. His ass on fire, he

took every one of Parker’s hard slaps until Parker drove first one and then two other fingers

inside his ass, flexing them open. Unsure he was ever going to fully enjoy being taken in the ass

again, breathless sensations rushed though his body, reminding him he was very much alive.

“That’s it.” Parker dropped to his knee and opened Wrath’s ass cheeks wide as he

continued plunging in and out, every drive harder and deeper. “Mmmm…” Lowering his head,

he licked around Wrath’s asshole, darting his tongue in and out of the dark cavern.

Shuddering, Wrath laid his face on the comforter as his legs trembled.

Parker buried his face into Wrath’s ass, licking with fevered actions as he buried his tongue

deep inside his hole.

Moaning, dazzling sensations skated down Wrath’s spine as he closed his eyes and gave

himself completely over, praying Parker would take care of him the way he longed for.

His grunt filled with a dark rumble, Parker rose to his feet and caressed Wrath’s ass as he

continued sliding his fingers in and out. “We're here by choice, Wrath. Just you and me, two

people that care about each other. No one stronger or weaker, right? You're here because you

want to be. There's no force, no loss of choice, no fear. I adore you, Wrath. I will never hurt

you. I may push you, but I will never take what is only meant to be given freely.”

Wanting nothing more than what Parker promised, Wrath growled as he pushed his hips

back in a brazen offering of his sex.

Parker tipped his head back and allowed a long breath to escape his lips as he pressed the

tip of his cock to Wrath’s asshole and pushed inside. Grabbing Wrath’s hips, he held the

position as he leaned over and licked Wrath’s shoulders.

“Fuck!” The dichotomy of pain mixed together with a blissful amount of rapture until his

breath was stolen. His ass muscles clenched around the tight invasion and for a moment Wrath

couldn’t focus. Pain. Pleasure. This was sheer ecstasy and something that stole his breath and

dragged his imagination into brighter days filled with plenty of playtime.


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Parker pulled almost all the way out as he grazed his hands up and down on Wrath’s back.

“You want more?”

Ppppllleeeeaaaassee!” God how he wanted more. Wrath shivered as Parker pushed quick

jabs into his ass before pulling all the way out again. Clawing the sheets, he fought not to beg as

Parked teased him, dragging the tip of his cock up and down the crack of Wrath's ass.

Thrusting his entire length into Wrath’s ass, Parker threw his head back and roared. Every

drive harder than the one before, he picked up the pace until he pushed Wrath’s body into the

comforter and the headboard slammed into the wall. “Yes! So tight. So…” His voice nothing but

a series of scattered pants, Parker continued, his balls slapping against Wrath’s ass cheeks.

A series of electric jolts sliced through Wrath. As Parker raked across his prostate, he

shivered, his legs shaking. Nothing had ever felt so incredible. Parker plunged inside until Wrath

fell into a complete level of rapture as his muscles constricted over Parker’s sweet invasion.

Sweat dripped off his forehead as his heart raced.

“I can’t…hold it…I can’t…” Parker exploded inside Wrath’s ass as he cried out and continued


The feel of hot cum filling his ass scintillating, Wrath clenched his eyes shut as the moment

of ecstasy drove away the last of his demons.

As Parker wrapped his body around Wrath’s, drawing him up to his knees, he cupped his

hands around Wrath’s chest and kissed the side of his neck. “I can’t wait to explore a life with


Neither could Wrath.


Parker thought about the last few incredible weeks and sighed as he stood with a bottle of

beer in hand, gazing at the gorgeous new room. Wrath worked night and day it seemed to

make sure the space was exactly what Parker wanted. “Amazing.” He was floored by the level

of craftsmanship Wrath exemplified in every simple yet powerful detail, all created with

Parker’s music in mind. And Wrath’s furniture, more aptly called stunning works of art, took his

breath away. Hell, he'd sold more pieces to his friends for Wrath than the man could produce

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given work on the addition. The gift of a hand turned cherry and maple inlayed writing desk,

the most personal gift from Wrath, had brought Parker to tears.

Things were so damn good between them Parker was terrified it would all disappear. Jack

had pulled some strings in getting Wrath released from probation and while he longed to have

Wrath’s name cleared, he was happy they were both moving toward a future.

And he was thrilled when Wrath decided to move in with him.

“Dollar for your thoughts,” Wrath breathed as he slid a cold bottle across the heat of

Parker’s neck.

“You don’t have a dollar. I haven’t paid you yet, remember?” A shiver trickled down his

spine given Wrath had a way of making him hot and horny all the damn time. “Whew. Careful

or we’ll have to christen the new office.”

“Good point. By the way, when are you paying me? Or are you paying me with sex?”

Chuckling, Wrath flanked Parker’s side. “And why would that be a problem anyway?”

“Cause I want to enjoy the playroom and you’ll get yours when I say.”

“We’ll see.”

Parker heard a catch in his voice. “What are you hiding?”

“Who, me?”

“Yeah, you. You know what you get if you keep secrets from me.” Grinning, Parker loved

watching Wrath process their relationship. They’d gone slow and easy in introducing Wrath to

the playroom, and the lifestyle. While Wrath was finally on the road to forgiving himself and

recovering from his past, Parker was going to continue to nurture him along. Wrath wasn’t

ready for twenty four/seven yet.

“Well, there might be something you want to see in the playroom.”

“Hmmm…what have you done?”

Wrath grinned. “Not telling.” Turning on his heel, he walked toward the house.

Licking his lips, Parker trailed behind, eager to see what surprise was in store.

. “Ready?”


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Opening the door slowly, Wrath turned on the light. “Given your birthday's next week, I

couldn’t resist.”

His mouth dropped open as Parker gazed across the room, gawking at the new bench in

utter amazement. “You did this?” As he moved forward, his feet heavy, he slid his hand down

the smooth wooded back. The spanking bench was unlike any he’d ever seen before. Parker

recognized everything from Brazilian cherry to Paduk in the exquisite inlay. “I can’t believe you

did this for me.” His breath stolen, his heart thumped in his chest sending a series of echoes

into his ears.

“There’s more.” Nodding toward the corner of the room, Wrath smiled. “You gave away

your art to charity and I know how much you loved those pieces.”

“They were created by a sick individual. They mean nothing except that they drew us closer


“Do you have any idea how much those pieces garnered the kids?” Wrath asked as he took

a ship of his beer.

“I wouldn’t even let the gallery owner tell me. I’m thrilled but doesn’t matter.”

“Let’s just say well over six figures about six times over.”

What?” Parker smiled. “Wow.”

“Go take a look.”

Walking toward the canvas cloth, he shook his head. His fingers shaking, he pulled off the

material and gazed at the piece. The incredible form of man tied to a cross was rich in detail

and the shimmer that burst across the canvas stole his breath. It was the man attached that

shocked the hell out of him. “It’s you!” Stealing a glance at Wrath, he could easily see how

honored Wrath was by his reaction. “How? When did you have time? Why?” As he touched the

oversized piece, a single tear trickled from the corner of his eye.

Wrath inched forward and wrapped his arm around Parker’s waist. "Remember I said I had

an artist friend? I didn’t tell you what kind of art he specialized in. I commissioned this piece for

you. If you like this, he has others. They just don’t include me.” Chuckling, his eyes glistened in

the dim lighting.

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“You are…I could whip your ass for this! Unbelievable. I mean…” No one had ever given him

anything so meaningful in his life.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Slamming down his empty beer bottle, Wrath yanked off his

shirt and drew down his shorts, revealing his hard cock. “I’ve been a very bad boy.” His grin

laced with mischief, Wrath walked toward the new bench and stood with his head cocked.


A shiver of anticipation tumbled down his spine and coursed directly into his aching dick.

Opening his mouth, Parker shook his head as a complete understanding passed through both

men. This was Wrath’s way of saying he was more than ready to take the next step toward

accepting the subservient life. “You’re right. Over the bench.”

“Yes, Sir.” Positioning his body over the smooth apparatus, Wrath slipped his hands into

the already prepared cuffs.

Parker finished his beer and tossed the bottle down. Edging forward, he secured Wrath’s

wrists and ankles and stood marveling at the stunning piece of art, both wooden and in canvas.

His pressed the flat of his hand down Wrath’s spine savoring every ripple of the man’s chiseled

muscles. As his blood raced through his body, Parker licked his lips.


Giving him a hard slap, he leaned over and kissed Wrath’s back, sliding his fingers down his

spine. “We’ll start with a flogger tonight and see where it goes from there. But first I think you

need something to fill that perfect ass of yours.” Growling, Parker moved toward his beloved

cabinet and threw open the doors. “This will do nicely.” Selecting a large sized plug, he snagged

a tube of lube before taking it to Wrath and showing him what he had in mind. “To your liking?”

Yyyeeesss!” Shaking, Wrath rattled his cuffs as Parker slickened the dense rubber piece.

In the weeks of discussion and sharing like and cravings, Parker learned Wrath enjoyed

wearing an ass plug for extended periods of time. “This is just the beginning. Tomorrow you'll

wear one all day, only removing it when you need to go to the bathroom. Trust me, I’ll check to

make sure.” Patting Wrath’s ass, he parted Wrath’s cheeks and slid the toy to his dark entrance.

Pushing it inside slowly, he twisted the tapered plug until Wrath’s muscles gripped around the

thick invasion.

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Moaning, Wrath jerked at his bindings as the plug molded to his body. “Oh…ohoh…”

“That’s it.” Stepping back, Parker enjoyed the site for several seconds before heading to the

cabinet and selecting his favorite long handled flogger. For a split second he thought about

Joey, realizing in his heart the man he'd loved for so long was looking down on him with blissful

approval. As he moved back toward Wrath, he grinned and grazed the strands of leather from

Wrath’s neck to his feet and back up the inside of his thighs. “Ready?”

“Yes, Sir!” Wrath snapped as he jerked up, trying to arch his back.

“Now, now. Be still.”

Whoosh! Crack!

Giving Wrath a series of hard slaps, Parker sighed and gazed down at the man’s cheeks. In

the glorious intimacy of their shared passion, he tipped his head to the heavens, thankful for

the moment of peace and understanding. He was falling in love.

The End

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About the Author

Cassandre started writing stories and poems before she knew how to ride a bike and proceeded onto

novels by age eleven. By the time she was an early teenager, she had written fifteen novels. As early
adulthood, college and life settled in; writing was placed on the back burner but never forgotten
entirely. Suddenly awakened by the rampant fantasies and untold stories of characters that flowed
through her dreams every night and filtered into her daylight hours; she could hold back the creative
process no longer.

Cassandre writes highly erotic romance stories and novels in the contemporary, science fiction and
paranormal flavors. Currently she has fifteen erotic romance novels published with Rebel Ink Press and
several more under contract.

In addition, as her alter ego Bethany Halle, she is the host of two blog talk radio shows with Robin Falls
Red River Radio. The Fire of Fantasy & Darkness airs every other month highlighting writers and other
artists in the fantasy, science fiction and paranormal genres. Dare to Take the Plunge also airs every
other month featuring writers, publishers, cover artists and reviewers in the erotic romance genre. She
also is a weekly/monthly contributor to Naughty Nights Press, Erotic Diaries, After Dark Online, Kinke
Magazine and Queer Magazine Online.

As Bethany Halle she is also the Director of Communications for Rebel Ink Press and currently serves on
the Nominating Committee of the RWA’s Passionate Ink. She will serve as President Elect for Passionate
Ink in 2012. She was a Passionate Ink finalist for their Passionate Plume contest with Treats in a Plain
Brown Wrapper
and has received several four and five star reviews for her work.

Enter her many worlds where dreams and fantasies become realities and the desires for all things
decadent hopefully will keep readers intrigued for many years to come. Visit her website for a taste of her spicy world, trailers and free reads.

Married and currently living in a small town in Virginia with her two wondrous four-legged friends, her
world is filled with endless possibilities of the future. Remember...always dare to take the plunge!

Member of:
Virginia Romance Writers
Romance Writers of America
Passionate Ink
ARRA – Australian Romance Readers Association


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