Copyright ©2003 by Steve Fearson and
The document was written by an individual who has reportedly rubbed shoulders with
many of the world's most famous modern psychics as well as several of today's top theat-
rical magicians. The individual uses the alias, "Station Manager".
When I first learned of the documents I was told that the writer used an alias because he
had put himself in serious danger by revealing this information. After reading the mate-
rial, I do believe he was serious.
Portions of the document seem to be delusional ramblings but they strike a chord deep in
my consciousness at the same time. If this material affects the mind as the author sup-
poses it could be very dangerous indeed.
The most intriguing thing about the entire thing to me is that the author states that he has
rubbed shoulders with the top magicians and psychics of our time. But he details the
development of the procedure in a story about being confronted by aliens!
He states that he was confronted by aliens during a sleep paralysis episode and was
shown the procedure at which time he felt that his mind was disintegrating. He states that
his mind was dismantled by the aliens and only upon rebuilding it piece by piece was he
able to reconstruct their system.. from the inside out.
At any rate the author leaves us wondering whether he was the originator of the proce-
dure described, or if he considered the psychics he was dealing with to be in some way
the aliens he talks about.
Without a doubt, the knowledge in this document goes far beyond any magic trick I've
seen. The effect actually causes the spectator to experience a mystical sensation, the
feeling of an outside force or presence at work. I know of no other magic trick that does
that. I do not even feel comfortable calling it a magic trick.
Even the most complex mechanical illusions can not achieve the effect that this routine
has on the human mind. With a normal magic trick we often take a single interesting
principle an make it into a trick. Some especially devious tricks use more than one prin-
ciple. This routine is a multi level mind trip like I have never seen before.
The best way to explain it would be to compare it to a good chess player. A good chess
player thinks a few moves into the future. You need a fairly advanced mind to operate
efficiently at these deep levels of concentration. This routine layers many many levels of
deception. At least 6 that I can see. By the end of the procedure the truth is buried under
so many layers of deception that for all effective purposes, it is no longer out there.
The other point that strikes me about the procedure is the way it utilizes the mind of the
subject. You enslave their mind, turning it into a mechanical demon which is going to
fool them for you. When you finally flip the switch their mind reacts as predictably as a
computer or a robot. Or a toaster for that matter. It's pretty scary.
The author does mention a companion piece to this document. Unfortunately I was not
able to obtain a copy of this piece, which the author refers to as "The Primer". I have no
idea what it was supposed to have contained. It is suspected that the actual text of "The
Primer" contained a coded message which reveals the identity of the writer. I doubt that
is true as I don't see how that could possibly be of benefit to him.
The most important part of the document is the routine itself. This is explained very
coherently before the author drifts off into what seems to be mumbo jumbo. How much
we should take seriously is unclear. Probably some of it is simply fable to help further
hide the identity of the author.
The original document consists of several double sided, hand written pages which I have
reproduced here as faithfully as possible.
I have rubbed shoulders with some of the greatest deceivers in history. Fascinated with
mystery, I have spent much of my time among an elite group of professional psychics,
most of them Americans. My interest in psychics and their methods is responsible for
leading me to my second passion which is magic. As a regular visitor of a large magic
shop in a major metropolitan city I also managed to befriend and learn from every major
magician throughout the last 40 years.
Whether these individuals deceive us to entertain or to entrance, their powers depend on
one thing.. secret knowledge. The knowledge used to entertain as a magician really is the
same as that which is used by the psychic. The difference is in the depth and power of
the knowledge.
A magician is a trickster who does not have much to lose if he gets caught. A bad review
from a critic or a few laughs at his expense is the most he has to fear.
A psychic has much more to lose if caught. The psychics I have met possess knowledge
that goes far beyond that contained in the average magic trick. Some mind tricks used by
today's psychics are so powerful that they can literally induce a trancelike state instantly.
This is something most magicians are not even aware of. They use ancient tricks of mind
control and confidence games to literally disable the human mind. In a one on one situa-
tion a good psychic WILL deceive you. As a human being with a normally operating
brain, you have no control over certain types of trance induction. It works just as if you
had taken a drug. There is no escaping it. It is this kind of knowledge that this routine is
made from. And it is in revealing this kind of knowledge that I have put myself in grave
This routine is more than just a trick to impress a client. It is the #1 induction technique
used by today's top psychics. The performance of the routine induces a temporary trance
state during which the subject is very susceptible to suggestion. There are certain sug-
gestions that can be given to the subject at this point that can leave a lasting impression
and cause the subject to become very submissive in any situation that involves the psy-
chic. In other words, they have you wrapped around their finger. You are likely to do
anything they say after that. Now you have some idea of the gravity of this situation.
I would like to say I am releasing this information for the good of the people. In the past
I have wondered if it might be good to expose these techniques to help others to not be
I wish that were the case. I am doing this for money. My experiences with the psychics
left me broke and confused. I had felt during my time with them that they had accepted
me into their inner circle. They were sharing so much with me, but obviously there was
more that they didn't share. I believe now that they had control over me. They either
entranced me, or they may have used some type of drug or poison to disturb my mind.
The end result was that I handed them my life savings. I must admit that it was because
of my own greed that they were able to dupe me. Without going into too much detail, I
supplied the funding that created an organization which has since ran the PROCEDURE
on thousands of people including many famous celebrities and several politicians. Today
I am completely broke and have no way to generate income as I am afraid to go any-
where. My intention is to have someone sell this manuscript on ebay for enough money
to leave the country so I can get a job and get my life started again.
Please understand that the following PROCEDURE contains bits of secret knowledge
carried down through history by generations of professional psychics. Please be fore-
warned that the concepts contained herein are not dangerous in and of themselves. There
is nothing mystical or spiritual about them. They are simply tricks of the mind. Absorb
the material at your own pace. If you find yourself feeling lightheaded or mentally
stressed take a break and read the Primer again before returning to the material.
A subject is first asked to draw a picture, then to concentrate on it and project it to you
You announce that you will then draw your own picture based on the impressions you
Just when it seems you have failed in your attempt, it is revealed that you have actually
been incredibly accurate!
By the completion of the experiment they can not deny that you have somehow drawn
the EXACT same thing!
The PROCEDURE is simple in it's physical execution but incredibly complex from a
psychological standpoint. It is the nearest thing to a spell that I have seen. A few simple
actions and words produce a chain reaction of events which occur entirely in the mind of
the subject and serve to induce what can only be described as a trance state. It is in this
altered reality that they convince themselves of your success and often experience the
sensation of a force that is greater than you both. To put it bluntly.. It blows their mind.
Before explaining the mechanics it is important to reveal more details of the specifics of
the execution. It will make it easier to understand the mechanics. There are 3 main
phases to the routine.
Phase One: In the first phase you and the volunteer are each holding a pad of paper and a
marker. They draw a picture on the paper and you attempt to duplicate it. You appear to
be unsure of your impressions though and decide to abandon the attempt, scribbling out
the picture an laying the pad aside.
Phase Two: You ask them to try again with a new picture. They complete their picture
and you again struggle to duplicate it, apparently having a difficult time. Somewhat
frustrated in your attempts, you ask what it is they have drawn. You become suddenly
excited and reveal that you have drawn something similar!
Phase Three: As the volunteer examines the second drawing to decide if they are in fact
similar as you claim, they notice something shocking. The first drawing you made, al-
though it is scribbled out is actually nearly 100% accurate. Even though you felt you
were not doing well you actually did manage to draw almost exactly the same thing!
The ideal performance would use two drawing sized pads of paper. You can do the trick
on napkins though if you wanted to.
Tell your helper to hold the pad so you are not able to see what they are drawing and to
draw a simple picture of anything they like.
When they have completed their drawing you apparently begin to draw a picture in an
attempt to duplicate theirs. In reality you will doing something different. You will being
drawing a scribble in an area towards the upper left corner of your paper.
Feign effort as you do this and show all the signs of a
seriously troubled psychic. Pretend to draw a bit, actually
running just the tip of your finger across the paper instead
of the pen so you don't leave any marks. Once you've
pretended to draw an imaginary object, act as though
you're giving up and actually make a scribble on the page
as if you we're scribbling out the object you've just pre-
tended to draw.
Once you have drawn the scribble tell your volunteer that
you are not getting anything at all and set your pad aside
face down.
Ask them what they drew. Don't feel nervous about asking
because as far as they know right now the trick is over and
you would naturally be curious to see what they drew. Take a quick look at their picture
with a ho hum attitude and give it right back to them. For the sake of our example lets
say that the first picture they drew was a dog.
Tell them you would like to try one more time and ask them to draw a new picture, just a
bit more detailed.
Now you pick up your pad and again begin to draw.
The very first thing you do is to draw a picture very simi-
lar to their first picture right over the scribble you drew
the first time. This picture can be very basic, vague in
When the volunteer sees this picture at the end of the
performance their mind will automatically put it behind
the scribble since you only scribble things out, not draw
on top of scribbles.
This principle will later result in an even more devastating effect which will take place in
their mind.
Continue immediately to begin drawing at the center of the page. You are about to create
a picture that is very likely to make an impressive match with their new picture.
Over years of trial and error, we have determined the 6 most likely objects to be drawn
by the average person during a test such as this. The drawing has actually been designed
to include the 6 most often drawn objects in this situation.
1. A house
2. A tree
3. A flower
4. A stick person
5. The Moon
6. The Sun
The drawing is optimized for maximum accuracy with the average person. You can
expect to get at least one hit from it.
You'll see we have a house (or building) with a sun (or is
it a moon?) in the sky. Outside you see a tree.. or a
flower (or is it a person?). You can see that there are
many interpretations of the objects you've drawn.
Experience with experiments of this nature show that
most subjects will draw a picture which includes at least
one of these objects or basic shapes. Remember that you
have been feigning frustration the entire time also so at
this point any small match may seem a success.
Tell them that you really are not feeling very inspired
and ask them what they have drawn this time. You
should be able to relate something to your drawing with
varying degrees of accuracy. There is a slight possibility that you are not able to match
anything at all. More on that later.
For explanation's sake lets say they've drawn the moon. Get excited, display your draw-
ing to them and point to the sun. Say.. "That was the first thing I drew. I didn't know if it
was a moon or a sun, and then I kept going too long I suppose."
This is where phase three kicks in. They will most likely notice your first drawing on
their own and be shocked at the accuracy of it. If they do not, just draw attention to it
casually and say something like, "I guess the first one wasn't that bad, but I didn't know
what it was." Don't press this point. They will decide for themselves that you have
scored a very impressive direct hit.
In the case that your subject has drawn a house on the first attempt you may leave out the
house or substitute a car instead for a likely match. This is unlikely though because for
the first drawing you made the suggestion that they draw a "simple" picture. The house
is likely the second time since you made the suggestion that they would draw a "more
detailed" picture.
In the rare case that you can't relate anything on the second attempt to their drawing, you
can still draw attention back to your first attempt. The effect on the subject is almost
equally strong.
It is crucial that you appear to consider the first attempt as a failure, and are apparently
not satisfied with it. This is necessary so that the subject is able to feel that they have
truly decided for themselves that you have succeeded. The fact that they make the deci-
sion for themselves is the clincher.
Be prepared for some serious, and very profound reactions from the subject.
As they realize that you scored a direct hit on the first attempt but did not notice it your-
self they will often get a strange sensation of a mystical force at work that is greater than
both of you. This is triggered for many reasons but the main thing that induces it is a
piece of code that handles accountability.
When something unexpected happens the mind immediately tries to account for it, by
finding who or what is responsible for it. This happens so quickly you're usually not
even aware of it. The mind needs to do this because things do not just happen without a
cause. If you see something happen and there was no apparent cause for it to happen you
would become quite disturbed.
For example, if you see a paper move on your desk the mind immediately immediately
sets upon the task of accounting for the movement of the paper. Normally it will be
associated with the movement of air. Now, if your mind is not able to immediately iden-
tify the source of the draft it begins to look around the immediate area for other possible
sources. This is partially responsible for the sensation of an outside force or presence.
When the subject first realizes that something very magical has happened their mind will
attempt to connect you with the source of the phenomenon. When they realize that the
phenomenon happened without you recognizing it they will feel somehow as though you
are not responsible for it, at least not entirely. It is at this point that their mind becomes
alarmed and their senses become hyperactive as they search the surrounding area for a
source of the phenomenon. It is believed that in this alarmed state the subject actually
activates dormant senses as they search for the invisible source of the phenomenon. This
results in a sensation that is always described as mystical.
The psychics have a term for this state. It is always accompanied by the rapid onset of a
deep trance state. Any conscious resistance has been effectively disabled and bypassed
as a result of the subject's senses being bombarded by a series of perfectly orchestrated
deceptions. The psychic's term for what you've done to the subject is not pretty. It is
sexual in connotation. You have tweaked their mind and now it is deceiving itself while
you sit back and watch. For all intensive purposes they are temporarily insane during this
moment. They have not yet started the reorganization process.
Someone is very vulnerable in this state. The psychic is no longer considered to be the
motive force for the the experience, it is just happening and their defenses are down.
There are many things a psychic may say to someone at this moment. All of them are
counterproductive to the state of mind of the subject and we will not discuss them here.
Most psychics actually prefer to implant their suggestions during states of full con-
sciousness. They are in fact more effective and are retained longer when implanted dur-
ing a normal conversation. True conscious suggestion or active mind control is much
more difficult to learn than something like the PROCEDURE and it is not often used for
entertainment purposes.
A quick note regarding conscious active mind control - My understanding is that all of
the active mind control work was developed since the 1950's and came directly from the
US government's MKUltra experiments. The psychics had already infiltrated the govern-
ment as remote viewers and easily gained access to the MKUltra information. It is be-
lieved that the government got most of the original ideas from documents seized during a
raid on a soft drink company who was accused of placing politically oriented subliminal
messages in advertisements. These are theories I learned from psychics and I don't nec-
essarily support them all. For instance, some psychics believe that there is actually a
single sentence that when heard aloud or even read can induce a trance so deep that the
subject enters a coma and often dies within a few days. This deadly suggestion is sup-
posed to be known by only a few select individuals and that the President of the United
States has to learn it upon entering office. I find this a bit hard to swallow though. How
does the President learn the deadly sentence without dying himself?
As a responsible human being, you must cease any communication with the subject
should you ever notice that they have entered a very deep trance state. Even psychics
who implant suggestions for their own personal gain are extremely careful in this very
sensitive area. If your subject experiences a serious mental disturbance they may end up
out of your control and reveal your intentions to the authorities. There was a case of a
psychic master and a student who felt that the master had implanted destructive sugges-
tions in his mind. The student has since spent years making very public efforts to expose
the teacher, with little success. Whether the teacher did implant anything in the mind of
the student does not matter and unless the student agrees to submit to the trance state
again willingly we can never know. The important point here is that the subject feels
very vulnerable if they get the sensation that something has been "done to them".
If the subject does enter a deep trance state just leave them alone. Think of it as a state of
astonishment. There is no need to talk them down or release them from anything. They
will be fine.
When a piece of bad code, or a lie manages to slip into the subconscious, the only way
for the person to remove it is to actually experience an insanity or trance similar to that
induced during the original PROCEDURE. Under normal circumstances all bad code is
carefully filtered out by the conscious mind. In the unfortunate case that a bad bit gets in
there, the subconscious mind will immediately go to work on suppressing it so that it is
never realized. If it were to be realized insanity would result as the conscious mind must
distort itself to allow the bad information to slip back out. This is not dangerous, but it is
generally unpleasant for the person experiencing it. This phenomenon works strongly in
our favor because the act of attempting to reconstruct what actually occurred will feel
instantly disturbing, or "mind bending".
A Time Warp is achieved by exploiting a bit of code which psychics refer to as "Old
Faithful". This code was programmed into you by another entity, the public school sys-
tem. The relational problems you deal with in elementary school hardwire Old Faithful
deep inside your head as a child.
example: If Jane is older than Mary and Mary is older than Alice that means that..
Jane is older than Mary
Mary is older than Jane
Alice is older than Jane
In this case the answer is number 1, Jane is older than Mary.
This is the way we learn to position things in time and space mentally. This coding is
engrained deep in every one of us. Psychics exploit it more than any other piece of code.
That is why they've nicknamed it Old Faithful.
Here is how they exploit the code..
By causing the subject to believe that they have perceived a series of actions in a specific
sequence when in fact said actions were performed in a sequence other than that per-
ceived by the subject, we cause the subject to convince themselves that an additional
factor is true when in fact it is not. This happens with no direct suggestion from the
psychic. Their belief of TRUTH in the additional factor is often based on several other
UNTRUTHS. This is the type of deep implanting of material that is associated not as
much with magicians as it is with the top level professional psychics.
Now let's replace the standard question with another of similar structure..
question: If the first drawing happened before the scribble and the scribble happened
before I ever showed my picture then..
Time will warp in the mind of the spectator so you have now drawn your first prediction
well before you ever had a chance to see it.
The mechanics of the PROCEDURE were revealed to me by an alien leader named Lord
Bumbah during an instance of sleep paralysis, or what many consider a semi-dream
state. When the alien showed me the PROCEDURE I felt my mind being scrambled.
Upon trying to remember what I had just seen, my mind fell apart in pieces which re-
sembled small crystal pyramids. I was forced to rebuild my own mind in reverse se-
quence. Observing the sequence of events in reverse did not have the same scrambling
effect on my mind. I was able to remember each segment this way and did put the first
copy of the PROCEDURE on paper backwards. It was then reversed piece by piece.
Apparently simply reading the effect on paper does not induce the trance state, or insan-
ity. It is only the attempt to recollect an actual performance of the effect that causes
trouble. I have decided to include the Primer with every copy though just in case I am
wrong. If you experience any disturbances after reading this manuscript please read the
Primer again to quell such disturbances. Even if it feels that the disturbance is from an
outside force, trust that your unconscious is just struggling with a bit of bad code. Cer-
tain concepts are impossible to grasp without the Primer as a bridge. The primer is also a
piece of code. Code designed to create a neural structure that serves as a base for the
new concepts.
After running the PROCEDURE, the subject will always remember you as someone who
possesses powers of a supernatural nature. If you see the subject again be sure to convey
such an attitude or the subject may become disturbed.
Always keep in mind when running a PROCEDURE that the subject will have never
experienced anything of this potentially disturbing magnitude before. The objects that
you drew were not just similar in shape. You were able to make at least one EXACT
This routine is the closest thing you will find to an actual spell or magic appearing here
on earth. A strange sequence of moves and words allow you to create an alternate reality
for your subject where you are able to actually read their mind and reproduce their draw-
ings. There is no evidence of your crime. Instead there is proof to verify that the experi-
ence was in fact REAL.
And they will literally go crazy before they figure it out.
Dated January 31st, 2003
Station Manager
There is somthing else I feel compelled to reveal which I originally did not intend to
discuss. Today I realized I must.
The professional psychics that you see on television and the modern New Age cult are
one and the same. They are part of an organization with a plan to capitalize on and take
credit for a worldwide shift of consciousness which is about to occur.
Every 1000 years spirituality, religion and psychic phenomenon enjoy a rebirth as inter-
est is renewed around the world. The average person is not aware of this phenomenon
but it is true throughout the history. The organization is well aware of this fact and is
ready to exploit it. Their leader is a man we will call George.
George is reportedly the in-between between the organization and a higher source of
information, The Three. The Three are pictured as a group of researchers or scientists
who are continuing an ancient tradition of the recording and subsequent prediction of
patterns in nature. Their system of predictions has become their oracle, guiding their
every move. There have always been 3, as the oracle leads them to a replacement when
one of the three becomes ill or dies. In this way the Three vaguely resemble an immortal
The goal of their research is to uncover the secret mathematics and techniques of God
himself and ultimately gain control over nature and it's forces. Although their methods
are 100% scientific they consider themselves high priests. They claim to have solved the
riddles of the Revelations and believe the oracle to be the voice of god.
George reportedly learned of the three by discovering a secret code in the writings of the
Freemasons. He followed a sort of treasure map which led him to the eternal hiding
place of The Three. The Three informed George that his arrival had been predicted by
their experiments.
The Three told George to organize the psychics and the New Age movement and begin
supplying them with reliable predictions that are so accurate and impossible to explain
that their impact disturbs the consciousness of the entire world. For example, some years
back the most popular prediction we were distributed for the summer went something
like this.. "There will be 6 hurricanes just off the coast of Florida in August.". It would
seem at first thought that it is impossible to make a prediction like this accurately but it
did turn out to bee almost completely accurate. This prediction was delivered to us long
before the general public was aware of a weather pattern that we would all come to know
as "El Nino". The El Nino weather pattern as been documented by the Three for thou-
sands of years in one form or another. More recently science has begun charting it's
effects. The last time we experienced an El Nino of a magnitude comparable to that of
the one that was coming was 200 years earlier. The Three knew from their records that
each time an El Nino of that magnitude passed through it resulted in 6 hurricanes just off
the coast of Florida, or hitting Florida. Hence the prediction. I assume that most weather
predictions work along the same lines. But the majority of their predictions relate to
things other than weather and the predictions get more specific and accurate each year.
The Three believe that George and the movement will eventually run the world in one
great "New World Church". By that time, The Three will also have discovered through
their study of the patterns, the final keys to the knowledge they are searching for and will
effectively be an immortal god.
To help achieve their goal, The Three have always been involved in causing disruptions
within the structure of the existing churches and creating an anarchic situation by pitting
churches against each other. This is done through the sublimation of suggestive rumors,
disguised as scientific statements or discoveries but not necessarily based in fact. They
need not worry that the rumors will be discovered as fraudulent since their oracle has
supplied them with rumors of which have the characteristic of being taken easily as fact.
In other words, nobody will ever bother to investigate the rumor itself. Instead a fire will
quickly be started on false fuel.
Many magicians will recognize one of their more successful strikes against Christianity.
There is a story popular among magicians that relates to the story of Moses changing a
staff into a snake in the Bible. The story as it is usually told is that changing a staff into a
snake is an old magicians trick done with a certain type of snake that becomes stiff as a
rail when pinched at a special spot at the base of it's head. You may have heard this story
before. It has appeared in print many times since it's invention, usually in magic or anti-
christian publications. Often the snake is specifically named as the Naji Naji or Black
The story is simply not true. A quick check into any legitimate zoology encyclopedia is
really all it takes to find out we’ve been had. The only records of the feat are as dubious
as stories of the Indian rope trick. This famous lie has been quoted over and over, ap-
pearing so many places it would seem to be true. But it isn’t.
Didn't you ever wonder why no one is able to perform this trick today? Why doesn't it
appear on video or even in a photograph? Over the years the destructive rumor has suc-
cessfully mutated into something along the lines of, "JESUS turned a stick into a snake
and that is just an old magic trick.” or even, “Jesus was a magician.”. This undermines
the spirit of Christianity, just as the Three predicted it would. Today much of the infor-
mation we take as fact is merely the fruits of evil seeds planted throughout the ages by
the eternal Three.
Of the things that you accept as TRUTHS, how many have you investigated and con-
firmed? And knowing what you now know, do you believe such a thing as a reliable
source even exists?
If you or anyone you know is already involved with the movement in any way my advice
to you is to begin to quietly separate yourself from them immediately. All higher levels
of the various new age or psychic movements are connected by the New World Church.
And be aware in the future that the plan of the movement also includes reaching out in
the form of a "many headed serpent". They aim to control many different organizations
such as child care centers and schools with the ultimate goal of controlling the school
system and performing things similar to the PROCEDURE on our children, entrancing
them and enslaving their minds forever.
Eventually we could all become slaves to a church with no philosophy other than that of
emptying our wallets and brainwashing our children. This is the hope of the New World
During the next few decades you will become increasingly aware of attempts by the
media to run these procedures on us and our children. My hope is that sharing these facts
with you will enable you to save save yourself.
Dated February 4th, 2003
Station Manager
Editors note: The following four lines were notes found on the back of one page of the
document which do not appear to relate to anything contained within the document
itself. The only exception is the comment regarding the orange, which could refer to an
optional item often drawn. In my experience with the effect an orange has been an often
drawn item. The other two statements are especially eerie, considering the content of the
702 23 495
don't tell what i know
Orange is a good one
- End
is copyrighted ©2003 by Steve Fearson and
Disclaimer: This document is intended to be used for entertainment purposes only. No guarantee is given as to the validity of the statements
or theories expressed in this document. No responsibility will be accepted for any psychological or financial damage caused by intentional
misuse of the effect or the principles revealed in this ebook.