Day7 Rules Texting Video Porn Erotica

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Bad  Boy  Sex  Secrets  


Day  Seven  

Rules  for  Texting,  Home  Video,  Porn  &  Erotica  

And  last,  Rules  for  Texting,  video,  porn  and  erotica.    Bad  boys  break  the  rules  of  society.    They  don't  give  a  shit  
what  other  people  say.    A  man  that  is  sure  of  himself  is  a  turn  on  for  women.    She  may  want  to  be  confident  in  
herself,  yes,  but  she  doesn't  want  you  to  be  a  pushover.    She  doesn't  want  to  give  her  power  away  to  you  and  she  
doesn't  want  you  to  give  your  power  away  to  her.    She  puts  people  in  their  place  all  day  long.    She,  deep  down,  
wants  you  to  put  her  in  her  place  with  a  twinkle  in  your  bad  boy  eye.  
True  bad  boys  have  heart  and,  while  they  don't  give  a  shit  what  other  people  say,  their  actions  are  never  at  the  
expense  of  another  or  done  with  unkindness,  malice  or  for  narcissistic  shallow  pleasure.    
I  can't  stress  enough  that  true  successful  bad  boys  are  not  assholes  or  jerks.    Assholes  and  jerks  only  attract  
insecure,  low  self  esteem,  needy,  gold  digging  women.    Yes?      
True  bad  boys  are  both  kind  and  kinky  and  turned  on  by  a  woman  who  will  honor  him.    True  bad  boys  are  bold  
and  dark  and  wild  and  turned  on  by  a  woman  who  honors  his  choice  to  embrace  his  true  sexual  nature  
unapologetically  and  is  willing  to  penetrate  the  world  as  his  authentic  self.  
I  invite  you  to  really  choose  right  now.    Are  you  willing  to  have  a  woman  who  will  adore  the  true  bad  boy  in  
you?    Because  if  you  doubt  you  can  be  him,  so  will  she.    If  you  judge  him,  so  will  she.    If  you  dishonor  the  bad  boy  
in  you,  so  will  she.    Yet  if  you  honor,  trust,  value  and  celebrate  this  part;  this  component  of  the  totality  of  who  
you  are  as  a  man;  yes  you  are  kind,  honoring,  creative,  strong,  and  yes  you  are  a  bad  boy  who's  kinky  and  erotic  
and  dark  with  heart  and  you  are  totally  at  peace  in  your  sexuality  and  you  are  open  to  exploring  more  and  more  
fulfilling  sex  with  your  partner;  if  you  own  that,  then  she  can  own  that  about  you  too.    It  starts  with  you.    You  
have  all  the  power.  
So:  texting,  videoing,  watching  sex  movies,  reading  erotica;  all  of  this  falls  under  this  category.    Does  it  turn  you  
on?  The  authentic  bad  boy?    Does  engaging  in  any  of  these  really  feel  true  for  you?    Given  you're  choosing  to  be  
at  peace  with  exactly  who  you  are  as  a  bad  boy,  given  that  you've  cleared  away  all  these  judgments  about  who  
you  are  as  the  bad  boy;  what  would  be  true  for  you?  What  would  celebrate  your  bad  boy  with  your  partner  
With  texting,  we'll  start  there,  let  go  of  the  strategy  texting.    Start  with  what  you  know  works  and  then  ask  these  
questions:  what  would  turn  her  on  right  now?    What  would  turn  me  on  right  now?  What  would  bring  me  fun  
and  joy  and  hot  sex  as  a  bad  boy  right  now?    Not,  what  do  I  need  to  do  to  be  good  enough?  Not  what  do  I  need  to  
do  to  make  her  like  me?    No.  That's  all  that  old  hesitancy  stuff.  
Let  yourself  be  turned  on  in  the  process.    One  gentleman  I  interviewed  once  told  me  he  doesn't  even  speak  a  
word  to  his  wife  until  it  first  pleases  him  erotically.    So  he's  in  a  state  of  total  orgasmic  bliss  24/7;  so  long  as  he's  
conscious  of  that;  and  then  she  gets  the  gift  of  that.    Isn't  that  hot?  
Just  try  asking  what  would  turn  me  on  right  now  and  be  a  gift  and  turn  my  woman  on  right  now?    Know  that  if  
one  text  doesn't  work,  that's  okay.    Have  some  lightness  and  fun  about  it.  Have  some  laughs  and  humor  about  it.    
Letting  her  know  she  turns  your  on  during  the  day  is  the  foreplay  women  need  to  feel  not  like  a  piece  of  meat  
when  you  want  to  have  sex  later  that  night.    When  you  ignore  her  all  day  and  then  want  sex  at  night,  it  feels  like  
an  obligation  to  her  void  of  valuing  her;  just  valuing  her  pussy  and  seeing  her  as  a  piece  of  meat  and  not  a  work  
of  art.    Women  really  thrive  on  kindness  and  praise  and  bad  boy  dirty  texting  sort  of  all  mixed  in  to  one  like  a  
tapestry  of  sexual  energies  that  touch  every  magic  button  and  open  her  up  all  the  way.    You  can't  really  go  
wrong.    But  if  you  just  do  only  bad  boy  dirty  texting  and  you  forget  the  kindness  and  praise,  again,  it  makes  her  

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feel  like  a  piece  of  meat.    So  it's  about  weaving  it  and  trusting  yourself  and  having  some  fun.    It's  like  art.    It's  like  
creativity.    Be  you.  Have  the  authenticity  of  exactly  you.    No  one  can  do  it  better  than  you  because  there's  only  
one  you.    Have  fun  with  this.    I  don't  think  I've  ever  seen  it  go  wrong.    The  only  time  I  can  ever  remember  a  client  
having  it  go  wrong  is  when  he  forgot  some  of  that  kindness  and  praise  and  just  out  of  the  blue  came  this  dirty  
bad  boy  texting  and  it  took  her  off  guard.    But  so  long  as  you  weave  it  in  to  who  you  already  are  and  expand  and  
open  it  in  to  more  dirty  and  nasty  as  well  as  gorgeous,  sexy  woman  praise,  you're  going  to  be  just  fine.  
Next,  about  filming  a  video;  is  that  true  for  you  as  an  authentic  bad  boy?  We're  not  doing  things  to  try  to  be  this  
strategy  bad  boy.    No,  it's  all  about  being  the  real  you.    So  if  that's  something  that  turns  you  on,  maybe  you  could  
even  text  about  it  just  to  get  a  response.    Talk  to  her  about  it.  Remember  those  conversations:  tell  me  something  
about  you  and  sex?    How  about,  tell  me  something  about  you  and  sex  videos  as  you're  driving  out  to  a  date  night  
or  something  like  that.    Again,  remember  with  those  conversations,  all  you  say  is  thank  you.    There's  no  
judgment  or  opinions  about  it.    It's  a  very  safe  way  to  talk  about  topics  that  normally  aren't  safe  to  talk  about.  
In  today's  world  with  facebook  and  the  internet,  the  freedom  for  having  videos  is  quite  tarnished,  right?    You've  
got  celebrity  sex  tapes  getting  out  everywhere.    She  may  not  want  to  have  that  video  out  there  whatsoever.    So  
you  can  create  a  deal.    Be  very  honoring  of  one  another.  Create  a  deal  that  works  for  both  of  you.  
Sometimes  couples  film  themselves  having  sex,  watch  it  and  delete  it.    Some  couples  each  have  a  copy  of  it  so  it  
feels  safe  that  each  has  the  power  to  show  it  yet  each  choose  to  honor  each  other  by  not  showing  it.    Some  just  
hook  up  the  camera  to  the  big  screen  TV,  never  even  press  record.    The  just  like  to  see  themselves  fucking  on  the  
big  screen.    Others  create  a  level  of  trust  and  respect  and  they  will  send  movies  through  the  internet  on  one  of  
those  large  files  services  such  as  yousendit.    You  can  download  a  big  file.  They  love  watching  their  beloved  
masturbating  while  they're  away  on  business  and  they  trust  each  other  not  to  send  those  videos  anywhere.  
This  is  the  bad  boy  dance  of  trust  and  communication  with  your  partner.    Take  her  to  the  edge  yet  don't  fall  off  
the  edge.    You  can  do  it  and  you  can  do  it  by  being  the  space  of  a  nonjudgmental,  this  is  who  I  am,  this  is  what  I  
choose  and  that  welcome  invitation  of  will  you  play  with  me  here  and  a  woman  will  generally  be  open  to  some  
form  of  this  so  long  as  you're  that  impeccably  present,  trustworthy,  heart  centered,  dark  with  heart  bad  boy  that  
she's  always  been  waiting  for.  
Now  lastly,  porn  and  erotic  fiction.  This  is  such  a  wild  topic.    While  I've  honestly  found  from  bad  boys  is  that  
before  they  were  bad  boys,  they  would  hide  and  watch  porn.    But  now  they  don't  really  hide  anymore  in  the  
world  of  fantasy.    They're  really  creating  those  fantasies  as  a  reality  in  their  bedroom  and  it's  turning  them  on  
and  it's  turning  their  partners  on;  same  with  women.  They  don't  hide  so  much  in  the  realm  of  erotic  fiction  on  
their  kindles  to  fulfill  their  fantasies.  They're  living  them  because  their  bad  boys  finally  showed  up.    If  anything,  
more  conscious,  connected,  authentic  productions  of  porn  or  erotica  are  used  during  their  sexual  encounters  for  
added  stimulation.    Yet  I  will  say,  once  most  men  have  stepped  in  to  this  bad  boy  sex  secrets  program,  what's  
happened  is  neither  partner  is  really  turned  on  anymore  by  the  lack  of  kindness  and  the  disconnection  that  
many  porn  videos  and  erotica  portrays.  
Because  the  bad  boy,  the  true  bad  boy,  is  really  honoring  and  connected  and  celebrating  of  his  own  darkness.    
He's  vulnerable  with  his  own  desires.  He  actually  listens  to  himself.  He  honors  himself  and  he  creates  those  
desires  in  real  life.    He's  bold.    He's  creating  what  he  chooses.    He's  allowing  the  full  spectrum  of  his  sexuality  to  
be  expressed  without  shame.    He's  grateful  to  be  a  man,  to  be  a  lover,  to  be  alive.    This  makes  his  partner  get  wet  
just  thinking  about  him.    Gush  when  he  looks  at  her.    Orgasm  at  his  slightest  touch.    Open  and  beg  for  more  as  he  
enters  her.      
It's  because  the  totality  of  the  man  is  present  and  the  relationship  is  officially  entered  in  to  this  new  fresh  
delicious  erotic  bad  boy  dimension.    She's  very  very  happy  that  you've  shown  up;  all  of  you;  and  she's  so  open  to  
saying  yes,  yes  yes!  to  more  of  you.  

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So  I  praise  you  for  the  brilliance  and  the  balls  it  took  to  embrace  this  Bad  Boy  Sex  Secrets  journey.    This  is  just  
the  beginning.    Stay  close.  Learn  more.    You  never  get  there.  It's  an  ever  expanding  journey  of  pleasure  and  
confidence  and  possibility;  if  you're  bold  enough  to  stay  open  to  the  unknown.  
All  my  delicious  love.  
~Allana  <3  



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