Evangeline Anderson Season's Spankings

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Season’s Spankings

ISBN # 1-4199-0867-7
Season’s Spankings Copyright© 2006 Evangeline Anderson
Edited by Shannon Combs.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.

Electronic book Publication: November 2006

This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written
permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Content Advisory:






Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-
rotic), and X (X-treme).

The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. This story has been
rated E–rotic.

S-ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall
word count. E-rated titles might contain material that some readers find objectionable—in other words,
almost anything goes, sexually. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry in terms of both sexual
language and descriptiveness in these works of literature.

X-treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Stories designated
with the letter X tend to contain difficult or controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

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Evangeline Anderson

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Evangeline Anderson

Chapter One

Lucky Starr knew just what she wanted for Christmas—a one-night stand with her

hot, unobtainable boss. The question was how to go about getting it. She’d tried being

excellent at her job and doing everything that was asked of her, but that hadn’t done

her any good. Then she’d tried being sweetly confused and asking for extra help after

office hours were over but her boss, a tall, dark and reserved hunk of man by the name

of Eric Payne, didn’t respond to that tactic either. Then Lucky had gotten a flash—

maybe being bad at her job might work.

For the last week she’d been making obvious mistakes in her work as a CPA for the

accounting firm of Smythe, Forest, and Starr—mistakes that would have cost her

company’s clients a fortune if Mr. Payne hadn’t found them. But of course, Lucky had

known he would. That was the whole idea.

She stood in the middle of Eric Payne’s office, looking down at the toes of her

sensible, low business heels and trying to appear distraught when in fact, she was full

of nervous excitement inside. Finally, finally he was noticing her as more than just

another employee.

Of course, most people wouldn’t have considered being called on the carpet a good

way to be noticed, but Lucky would take what she could get—she was a girl on a

mission. She planned to have Eric Payne one way or another by Christmas and have

him out of her system by the new year. And if she had to get him mad to do it, so much

the better. There were fewer strings attached to angry sex and Lucky definitely didn’t

want any strings.

“What the hell were you thinking, Lucinda?” Her boss’s deep voice reverberated

through her, making Lucky quiver inside. No one but Mr. Payne called her by her real

first name—her friends and family had been calling her Lucky for as long as she could


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remember. But when Eric Payne pronounced her name, she felt a strange tingle down

deep inside, a tingle that made her nibble her lush lower lip and breathe a little faster.

“I…I don’t know, Mr. Payne,” she murmured, daring to look up through her lashes

at the anger bubbling just below the surface in his dark eyes. Eric Payne stood almost

six foot three to her five foot six and he towered over her now as he paced the room in

front of his desk.

“This latest error on the Gellman account was the most asinine I’ve seen you make

yet. A child could have avoided it. And you used to be such a diligent worker. What


What happened was that being diligent didnt get me anywhere, Lucky thought giving

him another glance from the corner of her eye. There was no doubt that Mr. Payne was

an impressive figure of a man. Besides his height, he was built—but not in an over-

pumped, spends-his-life-in-the-gym kind of way. No, he looked more like a boxer with

his big hands and hard body, not to mention the curving white scar just above his

upper lip. Lucky longed to nibble that scar, to taste his narrow but sensual mouth, but

the closest she’d gotten was the tongue-lashing she was presently receiving.

Part of the problem, she was sure, was that her doting uncle St. John Starr was one

of the senior partners of the firm. Not many employees were willing to take on the

boss’s niece, no matter how tempting she might be and Lucky knew she could be plenty

tempting when she felt like it. She had strawberry blonde hair that couldn’t decide if it

wanted to be straight or curly, big gray-green eyes and a lush, curvy figure that was the

antithesis of thin. She knew she didn’t look like a supermodel but then again, she didn’t

want to. Let other women starve to get rid of their boobs or ass—Lucky liked hers.

“I’m not sure what happened, Mr. Payne,” she murmured, flicking her eyes up to

his again and trying to suppress the naughty smile that was playing around the corner

of her full mouth. “I…I guess I was thinking of other things. I’m sorry.” The insincere

apology didn’t do a thing for his temper.


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“I swear sometimes I think you’re doing this on purpose,” he growled in a low,

intense voice, his dark eyes blazing as he paced in front of her. His broad shoulders

bulged with muscle, straining the crisp white cotton shirt he wore but his deep maroon

tie was in a tight, even knot as always.

Just once Lucky wished she could seem him lose it, lose that careful façade of

professionalism that always covered him like some kind of magical cape. This was as

close as she had ever seen him to out of control and yet his tie was still neat, his short

dark hair was still straight and smooth and he hadn’t even rolled up his shirt sleeves.

What would it take to really get to him? To make him forget that she was the boss’s

niece and off-limits? She knew he felt something for her—she could see it in his dark

eyes, could hear it in his deep voice. Lucky needed to find a way to get him to release

that fire, to act on his pent-up emotions and finally take her. But how?

Now she gave him her most innocent look. “Why would I make mistakes on

purpose?” she asked, twisting her fingers together. “Honestly, Mr. Payne, I guess I just

wasn’t thinking.”

“Well, you’d better start thinking, Lucinda.” He took a step toward her and looked

down, looming over her like a mountain of muscle. If he meant to intimidate her, he

failed. All Lucky could think was how good he smelled—spicy and hot like leather and

musk. She could feel the heat from his big body radiating straight through her

conservative business suit to her skin. “Sometimes,” he said, “I just want to…to—”

Lucky felt a little thrill run through her. This was it! Eric Payne was about to lose

control! She pressed her thighs together tightly in excitement. “To do what?” she

inquired sweetly, smiling up at him.

“Nothing.” Mr. Payne took a step back, a scowl playing around his chiseled

features. “You can go,” he told her curtly, jerking his head toward the door to his office.

Lucky’s heart dropped into her shoes. Damn it! She had been so close—she could

feel it. But if the mistakes she’d been making didn’t get to her elusive boss, she didn’t

know what would. Well, there was always the Christmas party tonight. She supposed


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she could wear a come-hither look along with her new low-cut dress but somehow, she

thought it would take more than a plunging neckline to melt her boss’s icy indifference.

She had to try something new. Find some way to break down his defenses and force

him to release his suppressed emotions. But how?


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Chapter Two

It was the sign that caught Lucky’s eye. Want to get his attention? Heat up your

holidays with our new Christmas scents. It was written in red and green letters across the

plate-glass window of a tiny shop called E-scent-ial Oils she’d never noticed before

even though she drove home the same exact way every day. Her car was idling at a red

light and she was replaying the day’s events at work in her head when the festive colors

snagged her attention.

It sounded like a perfume shop but Lucky was intrigued by the display of tiny glass

bottles in all different shapes and colors that were stacked under the green and red

lettering. She had plenty of perfume herself, but she needed to get a gift for the Secret

Santa exchange being held at the party tonight. She’d drawn Christine Harris’ name, a

friend of hers who was one of the secretaries at Smythe, Forest, and Starr but she still

hadn’t bought her a gift. She’d been planning to stop by the mall but this close to

Christmas it was a complete madhouse and she would be happy to avoid it.

No sooner had she made her decision than the light finally changed and she was

able to pull into the tiny parking lot behind the crumbling brick building that housed E-

scent-ial Oils. Perfect! Lucky hopped out of her car and went around to the front,

wondering why she had never noticed the shop before. Well, maybe they had just

opened. At any rate, she had an idea she was going to find something really special


An old-fashioned bell jingled as she opened the door and a low, smooth voice called

out, “Just a moment, please!”

Lucky let the door close behind her and stood just inside the doorway breathing in

the most amazing array of aromas she’d ever encountered. She smelled lavender and

mint and patchouli and rose and gardenia—all scents she would have expected to find


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in a perfume shop. But there was also the smell of a pine forest after a heavy rain,

buttered toast, a deep warm scent that could only be natural masculine musk and even

the crisp aroma of freshly cut grass as well as thousands of others. What kind of

perfume shop carried scents like that? After all, who wanted to smell like grass

clippings or buttered toast?

The inside of the shop was crammed with tables and trays and shelves. Every flat

surface was filled with hundreds of small blue bottles with eyedropper tops and round

paper labels. At the back of the shop was a glass-topped counter with an old-fashioned

push-button cash register and opposite it, on the far wall was a long curtain made

entirely of red glass bugle beads. As Lucky watched, the strands of beads parted and a

woman with strikingly pale blue eyes and black hair came out.

“Yes?” She smiled politely. “Can I help you?”

“I’m interested in getting a gift for my friend.” Lucky gestured at one of the small

blue glass bottles labeled Attar of Roses. “How do I start?”

“Well, to begin with, we can’t sell you anything for anyone else.” The woman who

must be the shopkeeper gave her a mysterious smile and came out from behind the

counter. Lucky saw she was wearing an indigo gown with long flowing sleeves. Her

age was impossible to guess—she might have been twenty-six years old or sixty for all

Lucky could tell from her smooth, pale face. “After all,” the woman continued, “how do

you know what your friend wants to feel like?”

“Uh, don’t you mean how do I know what she wants to smell like?” Lucky


“No, I mean how do you know what she wants to feel? And what she wants the

people around her who smell her new scent to feel?” The shopkeeper smiled serenely

and took one of the tiny colored bottles from the window display. “Wouldn’t you rather

buy something for yourself? Perhaps a custom mixture?”

“Well, I…” Lucky frowned. The tiny ruby red vial in the woman’s hand looked like

it wouldn’t even hold half an ounce and she wasn’t anxious to pay an arm and a leg for


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a tiny amount of some expensive mixture that might smell like a skunk’s armpit. On the

other hand, there was no time to go to the mall now so she might as well get Christine’s

gift here. “That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind but okay.”

The shopkeeper nodded regally. “Very well, then.” She stepped forward and

inhaled deeply. Lucky realized that the woman was smelling her.

“Hey!” She took a step back, feeling subtly violated.

The shopkeeper only smiled. “Might I suggest a mixture of Dirt and Jamaican Rain

with just a little Sandalwood musk?” she said politely. “After scenting your aura, I’m

convinced you’ll find it works well with your body chemistry. You’ll find the necessary

bottles over there.” She gestured to a small, squat table on the other side of the red

beaded curtain.

Scenting my aura? Lucky thought. Oooookay. Aloud she said, “Dirt? Why would I

want to smell like dirt?”

“It’s an earthy tone for an earthy personality, dear. Often helps bring those

suppressed emotions to the surface,” the shopkeeper answered, steering her toward the


“Suppressed emotions?” Lucky raised an eyebrow, remembering her earlier wish to

find some way to get her boss to act on his own suppressed emotions and take her. But

that was crazy. No matter what the shopkeeper claimed there was no way a perfume

could make someone lose their inhibitions. Could it?

“Our scents open doors inside your soul,” the shopkeeper said mysteriously. “They

can illuminate the psyche. They bring things that were previously hidden to light. That

is what you came in here for, isn’t it?”

“Actually opening doors to the soul and illuminating the psyche aren’t high on my

to-do list,” Lucky said, thinking that this experience was getting weirder all the time. “I

just came here to get a gift for my friend because there’s no time to get to the mall

and…” She trailed off as her arm jostled the beaded curtain by the table, offering a

tantalizing glimpse of the back room of the shop. She couldn’t see much but it also


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seemed to be filled with bottles—much larger and more ornate ones than the small blue

glass ones displayed on the tables and shelves in the front part of the shop. “What’s

that?” she asked, nodding her head at the curtain. “Are those more oils? Could I choose

a scent from there?”

“Oh, no, certainly not.” The shopkeeper sounded a little shocked, as though Lucky

had asked if she could go in the back of a five-star restaurant and make her own meal.

“Those are our purest and most potent oils—they are not for beginners,” she said.

“They can be dangerous in inexperienced hands so I must ask you to leave them strictly

alone. Now here, just smell the Dirt—it’s got a lovely aroma if you give it a chance.”

She was lifting one of the small blue bottles to let Lucky smell its contents when the

bell jingled again and five or six women dressed like flight attendants came in,

chattering like a flock of birds. “Excuse me, dear, I’ll be right back.” The shopkeeper

went to greet her new customers.

Lucky took a whiff from the Dirt bottle and was surprised to see that it really did

have a fresh, earthy aroma that she liked. Maybe the shopkeeper was right. She added a

drop to the ruby red vial and then sniffed the Jamaican Rain. It had a clean, slightly

tropical scent that reminded her of the beach. Lucky added two drops to her bottle but

her eyes kept being drawn back to the mysterious back room behind the curtain. What

kind of oils did the woman have back there and how could a scented oil possibly be


She glanced up and saw that the shopkeeper had her back to her and was

completely engrossed in helping her new customers. Well, could it really hurt just to

have a look? Casually, Lucky parted the strands of beads and entered the cool, dim

back room, keeping one eye behind her the whole time. Her heart was pounding but the

curiosity bubbling inside her was too strong to resist.

The back room was tiny and dark with only one table, but on the table was a

collection of the most exquisite perfume bottles Lucky had ever seen. They seemed to

come in all shapes and sizes from blown glass to cut crystal to gold and silver. These


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bottles didn’t have paper labels on them and she could see why—they were much too

expensive to risk ruining with a sticker. Instead, there were little carved plaques

standing before each one, engraved with elegant cursive script.

“Irresistible,” Lucky read under her breath, looking at the plaque beside a delicate

blown glass bottle that was vivid pink. Well, what woman wouldn’t want to be

irresistible? She took the dropper from the bottle and sniffed it carefully. She couldn’t

detect much of a scent and yet, the more she sniffed it, the more she liked it. Maybe the

oils in these bottles had some kind of pheromones or something in them. Something

subtle. Shrugging to herself, she put a drop of the clear oil from the pink bottle into her

vial and continued around the table.

“Temptress, vixen, macho, naughty, insatiable…” She noticed that some of the

bottles had more complicated names. “Tie me up, tie me down,” she murmured,

looking at a brushed steel bottle that was crisscrossed with black leather lacings.

“Leather and lace, dark and dominant, sweetly submissive… Submissive?” She nearly

laughed but then a quick picture of herself trembling in the middle of Eric Payne’s

office while he circled her like a hungry shark flashed through her mind. Lucky pushed

it away quickly and went back to the essential oils. After all, this oil was for her Secret

Santa gift, not herself. And it wasn’t like she wanted to be submissive—she just had to

act sorry about the mistakes she’d been making even when she wasn’t sorry a bit. It

would take a hell of a lot more than some hokey scented oil to get Lucky Starr to ask

some man to be her “master”.

Around the back of the table there was a blood-red cut crystal bottle shaped like a

flame. “Desire” read the plaque beside the bottle. Hmm… Looking up through the

beaded strands to make sure the shopkeeper was still busy with the flight attendants,

Lucky carefully withdrew the dropper from the Desire bottle. Handling the long,

delicate dropper gingerly, she put two drops of the oil into her own tiny vial which was

getting almost full.


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Just as she was about to slip unobtrusively out of the back room, another little

group of bottles drew her eye. They were red and green with gold ribbons—obviously

the Christmas scents that had been advertised on the sign outside.

She leaned down and read the labels on the trio of red and green bottles. One was

called I’ll be Hot for Christmas, and another said Santa, Baby. Okay, weird but kind of

funny. Lucky grinned as she read the last one, Season’s Spankings. “Oh man, the

worst,” she whispered to herself, trying to suppress her laughter. It would be too funny

to put some of that in the oil and tell Christine about it later—her friend would get a big

kick out of it. Lucky reached for the dropper and added not one, not two, but three

drops of the clear, viscous oil to the mixture she had in her vial.

“Well now, if you ladies would step this way…”

The low, confident sound of the shopkeeper’s voice seemed to break the trance she

had fallen into and Lucky looked up in a panic. The shopkeeper had her head turned

toward a chirpy blonde flight attendant but she and the other customers were headed

for the back of the store and if she looked into the back room…

Lucky replaced the dropper on the Season’s Spankings bottle and quickly slid

through the beaded curtain, trying not to let the strands of bugle beads rattle against

each other as she went. By the time the shopkeeper came back to the little squat table

beside the back room, Lucky was just adding one final drop of Sandalwood musk to her


“Done.” She closed the ruby red vial tightly with its tiny cap and smiled innocently

at the shopkeeper. “Do you accept credit cards?”

The shopkeeper frowned, the expression centering in her pale blue eyes. “Are you

certain you have everything you need, dear?” she asked, giving Lucky a penetrating


Lucky repressed the urge to squirm uncomfortably. “Yup—it’s perfect. You were

right, Dirt really does smell good.” She smiled brightly again and held up the slender

vial. “So how much do I owe you?”


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Chapter Three

Lucky stepped into the shower with a sigh of relief. She didn’t have much time

before the party but she wanted to freshen up before she faced down her boss. As she

poured some body wash on a bath puff, she wondered what it was about Eric Payne

that made her want him enough to provoke him so much. It wasn’t just his broad

shoulders, big hands and those smoldering dark eyes that drew her. No, it was the fact

that he was always so distant and aloof—unattainable. Lucky had always had the bad

habit of wanting anything she couldn’t have and from an early age, she’d made it her

business to get the things that were denied her. Anything forbidden interested her and

that included her superior at work.

If Mr. Payne had been married or gay or with someone else, she wouldn’t have

bothered him. But he wasn’t any of those things and every once in a while she felt his

eyes following her, saw the careful mask of cool professionalism slip just a little bit as

he watched her sway across the room. There was definitely something there—he just

refused to act on it. And so he had become a challenge to her—another something she

wanted because she couldn’t have it.

And once I have himif I ever manage to get under his skinIll probably be bored of him

and move on, Lucky told herself as she slid the bath puff over her naked body. That was

always the way it was with her—she’d find some new guy that seemed perfect and

after a few dates she’d lose interest. All of them seemed to lack some quality that Lucky

couldn’t name even to herself but was constantly searching for. After countless attempts

to find her Prince Charming, she had decided to give up and just look for a good time.

She was sure that once she achieved her goal of a one-night stand with her boss, he

would look boring in the morning too.


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But the thought of having Eric Payne, or of letting him have her, was far from

boring at the moment. She dropped the puff and began to slide her soapy hands over

her skin, cupping her full breasts and tweaking the nipples to make them hard. She

could just imagine her boss’s big hand covering her breasts, making her moan as he

twisted and pulled her tight nipples—or maybe sucked them into that hot mouth of


Moaning, Lucky leaned back against the cool tiles as the hot water rushed over her

and let her hands slide farther down her wet, soapy skin. The tiny patch of reddish-

blonde curls between her thighs was wet, and not just from the shower. She parted her

legs and let one teasing finger slip down between her swollen pussy lips, caressing the

sensitive bud of her clit. In her mind’s eye, she could just see her boss doing this exact

thing, his large boxer’s hands unexpectedly gentle as he parted her folds and pressed

two strong fingers deep into her cunt. Lucky loved the idea of raising her skirt and

letting him finger-fuck her, maybe in the supply closet at the party tonight, or even in

his dim, gloomy office where she’d spent so much time lately being reprimanded.

The fantasy grew into one she often indulged in—being caught in his office after

hours and being appropriately punished for it. She would be digging through his desk

drawers, maybe looking for a file or maybe just being nosy. It didn’t matter to Lucky.

The important thing was the effect her illicit search would have on her boss…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Well, well, well…what have we here? What exactly do you think you’re doing in

my office after hours, Ms. Starr?”

The deep voice startled Lucky and she looked up with a gasp to see that the thick

wooden door of Eric Payne’s office was open and he was watching her rifle through his

desk. With the light shining behind him, he looked positively huge with his muscular

form framed in the doorway.


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“Oh!” She put a hand to her breasts and stepped back, feeling all the blood rush

from her face. “What…what are you doing here, Mr. Payne?” she asked, realizing as the

words left her lips that it was a stupid question.

“It’s my office, Ms. Starr. I think a more appropriate question is what are you doing

here?” Mr. Payne stepped inside the office and shut the door firmly behind him, his

eyes growing hot. When he took a step forward, his rich, masculine scent washed over

her and Lucky felt her knees start to tremble in a combination of fear and desire. Oh,

God, I can’t believe he caught me! “Well?” Her boss glared at her and she realized he was

still waiting for an explanation.

“I…” Lucky said weakly, looking at the door behind him longingly. Eric Payne’s

broad shoulders were effectively blocking her only exit and she knew there was no way

to get past him. She was trapped.

As though sensing she was thinking of escape, Mr. Payne was suddenly looming

over her, one hand on her arm and his dark eyes caressing her body through her white

silk blouse and black business suit.

“You have a lot of nerve sneaking around my office after business hours,” he said,

his gaze sweeping over her breasts. To her mortification, Lucky could feel herself

reacting helplessly to his lust, her nipples stiffening and her pussy growing wet and

ready. She backed away toward the far wall of the office, afraid he would scent her

weakness and desire like a male animal scenting a female of his species in heat.

“I-I was looking for my file,” she murmured, pressing herself back against the cool

office wall. To her mingled fright and excitement, her boss followed her, looming over

her and cutting off any means of escape. “I-I wanted to know what you had written

about me. What my next evaluation was going to be like.”

“Is that right?” To her shock, Mr. Payne reached out and brushed one large hand

over her sensitive breasts, making her nipples tighten in fear and need. “And you think

snooping around where you don’t belong is going to make it any better?” His hand


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slipped lower and two thick fingers pressed briefly along the front of her short skirt,

teasing her swollen clit. Lucky gasped and tried to close her legs.

“I didn’t…I didn’t mean to do anything wrong,” she babbled, feeling panicked.

“Please, I’m sorry, Mr. Payne. I’ll never do it again.”

“I know you won’t. Not after I’m done with you anyway.” Eric Payne crossed his

arms over his broad chest.

“Please…” Lucky bit her lip, feeling like her heart was going to pound right out of

her chest. “Please, sir, can’t you just let me go?”

He shook his head, still scowling. “I’ll let you go all in good time. But first I think

you need to be taught a lesson, Lucinda.”

“A lesson?” Her mouth was so dry she could barely get the words out.

Slowly, her boss nodded. “Yes, a lesson about what happens to employees that

trespass in their boss’s office and look through confidential files they have no business

looking at. So I want you to strip.”

“I…I’m sorry, what?” Lucky couldn’t believe what he was asking.

Eric Payne frowned, his face like a thundercloud. “I said take off your clothes. I

want to see you nude in under a minute. Now.”

The sharp commanding tone of his voice galvanized her into action. Fumbling with

her blouse and business suit, Lucky was soon down to her lacy white bra and


“Well?” Her boss frowned. “Why did you stop? I said nude and I meant nude. I

want to see nothing but skin, Lucinda.”

“I-I,” Lucky stuttered. Could her boss really be serious? Did he really want her to

get bare-ass naked in front of him in his office? The unyielding look in his dark eyes

gave her the answer. He was dead serious and she was in big trouble. Working with

numb, clumsy fingers, Lucky finally managed to get her bra off and work her panties

down her legs. At last she stood before him completely nude, her nipples tight with the


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slight chill in the air-conditioned office and pussy wet with forbidden desire. God, she

hoped her boss didn’t notice that last detail.

“Nice,” her boss murmured, stroking a hand over her full, naked breasts and

making Lucky bite her lip to suppress a moan. “Would you care to tell me the real

reason you were snooping around in my office, Lucinda?”

Lucky felt her cheeks grow hot with shame. Could he possibly know that in a small,

perverse corner of her mind she had been hoping her boss would catch her and punish

her? Did he have any idea how badly she wanted him? “I told you, I was looking for

my file,” she said, trying to explain her actions. “I… It’s not like I meant for you to find


One of Mr. Payne’s dark eyebrows shot up. “I think you’re protesting a little too

much, Lucinda. You snuck in here and you didn’t want me to find you? Is that why

your soft little pussy’s all wet and hot right now?” He reached down and stroked

between her naked cunt lips again, making Lucky moan. She couldn’t believe her boss

was touching her this way, fingering her right there against the wall of his office while

she stood completely nude in front of him at his command. And she couldn’t believe

how hot and wet his touch made her. The feeling of his thick fingers on her naked,

unprotected pussy started a fire inside her that was quickly burning out of control.

“Well, is that why you’re hot? Answer me, Lucinda!” Eric Payne demanded, suddenly

thrusting his fingers deep into her cunt.

“I-I guess so,” Lucky gasped, pressing herself back against the wall. Oh, how had

she gotten herself into this situation? She was trapped in the office after hours, her

breasts and pussy completely exposed with her frighteningly sexy boss fingering her

wet sex. What was she going to do?

“Well, if you’re wet and ready, then I don’t guess you’ll mind if I come in that sweet

pussy of yours,” Mr. Payne said, confirming her worst fears and darkest desires.

“What?” Lucky looked at him, down to where his thick fingers were piercing her

cunt and realized that he had his cock in his other hand. It wasn’t the length of it that


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worried her although it was longer than any she’d ever seen before. No, what made her

bite the inside of her cheek was its girth—Mr. Payne’s cock was immensely thick.

“I…please, I don’t understand,” she moaned as his fingers sank deeper into her body.

“It’s simple enough, Lucinda,” her boss said. “If I actually fuck you, you’ll go

crying to your uncle and make a scene. But I’m not asking to do that.” He nodded down

at his cock which was dripping copious amounts of milky precum onto the carpet. “You

need a proper punishment for your misbehavior. All I’m going to do is put the head of

my cock in that tight little cunt of yours and shoot you full of my cum. Then I’ll let you

go and you can clean yourself up and promise never to enter my office again without

my permission. All right?”

“I…” Lucky licked her lips nervously. She didn’t see that she had much of a choice.

If she refused Mr. Payne’s punishment, he might tell her uncle that she’d been snooping

in the personnel files in his office and she hated to think what a mess that would cause.

But still, she was frightened. “Please, Mr. Payne,” she murmured, licking her lips

nervously. “Please, can’t I just…just kiss you instead?”

One black eyebrow rose almost to his hairline. “Kiss me?”

“Yes, kiss you.” Lucky dropped suddenly to her knees before him, feeling the dense

weave of the carpet against her bare skin and took him in her hands.

“Like this,” she murmured, taking his hot, hard length in one hand and leaning

forward. This close he had a spicy, wild musk like nothing she had ever smelled before

and it made Lucky dizzy with desire. She felt intoxicated by his rich, masculine scent

and her lower body tightened with need as she leaned forward to place a soft, open-

mouthed kiss on the head of his cock. The taste of his cum, salty and bitter and

delicious, exploded across her tongue and Lucky found she was lapping eagerly,

sucking the head into her mouth when truly she had only meant to kiss his cock briefly

as a show of respect and submission.

“Well, well, you must be hungry, Lucinda,” her boss growled approvingly as she

leaned forward to take more of his thick length into her mouth. She wasn’t sure if she


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would be able to swallow his cock and milk him with her throat as she wanted to, but

suddenly she was determined to find out. She wanted to suck Mr. Payne’s thick cock

until he shot his cum into her willing mouth and filled her with his heat.

So even though she knew it was wrong, knew that it was against office policy and

her uncle would undoubtedly disapprove, Lucky leaned forward and captured more of

her boss’s throbbing shaft in her mouth, swallowing to take his length all the way down

her throat. In the back of her mind, a question nagged. Surely if she gave him a good

enough blowjob he wouldn’t fuck her, would he?

“You’re very talented, Lucinda,” Mr. Payne rumbled, stroking her hair. “But I know

what you’re thinking. You’re hoping if you swallow my load of cum, I won’t have any

left to pump into your pussy. Isn’t that right?”

Lucky felt a surge of panic. Oh, God, he had figured her out! He knew why she

wanted to suck him, what she was trying to do. But how had he guessed? How could he


“God, you’re good. I’m almost tempted to finish in your mouth.” Eric Payne buried

both large hands in her hair and pulled her forward, fucking her mouth gently. For a

moment Lucky thought that her plan was going to work after all. But then he pulled her

off him, letting his thick cock slide from between her wet lips.

“Mr. Payne?” she asked timidly, as he pulled her up to her feet and pressed her

back against the cool office wall once more.

“Nice try, Lucinda,” he growled, frowning at her. “But in order to punish you

properly, I still need to come inside your soft little cunt.” He reached down once more

to part her pussy lips and Lucky couldn’t help moaning aloud as he penetrated her to

the hilt with two thick fingers.

“And that’s all?” she asked, eyeing his thick, pulsing cock which she had so recently

been sucking. “You just want…just want to come inside me? And…and you won’t fuck



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“You’ll have to trust me, Lucinda.” Her boss nodded gravely and withdrew his

fingers from her aching sex. Then he licked her juices off his hand and cupping her

cheek, he gave her a deceptively gentle smile. “So what’ll it be? Will you spread your

legs for me or do I have to spread them myself?”

What else could she do? She was trapped as much by the reactions of her own body

as by Eric Payne leaning over her. Her nipples were tight little buds and her sex was

drenched with her juices. She needed this as much as he did by now. Wordlessly, Lucky

spread her legs as Mr. Payne moved closer, pulling her naked, trembling body up to

meet his own muscular form. She moaned as he lifted one of her legs over his hip to

open her cunt wider. Then she felt the broad head of his cock pressing against her,

spreading the thick precum he’d been dripping all over her open pussy. At last he

found her entrance and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to control her emotions as

the broad head began to push inside her.

Oh God, she moaned inside her head, even as she felt her cunt juicing in response to

his lust. I cant believe this is happening! Cant believe he has the head of his cock buried inside

my pussy!

“Good girl,” Mr. Payne muttered, pressing deeper so that a thick inch of his shaft

followed the head. “Just open your cunt for me so I can fill you full of my cum. Open

wide and take it.”

“Please!” Lucky protested as yet another thick inch slipped inside her unprotected

pussy, stretching her to the limit. “You said you just wanted to put the head inside me

and come. You…you promised.”

“I never promised you anything. I told you that you’d have to trust me,” he

growled softly. “But now that I’m already in you, I can tell that you need a much more

serious punishment than the one I had planned. I’m not going to come until I’m buried

all the way inside your sweet wet cunt. I’m sorry, Lucinda, but you’ll have to take it



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Lucky was trapped and she knew it. Despite her fear, there was nothing she could

do but spread her legs wider and let Mr. Payne penetrate her pussy to the hilt.

Moaning, she leaned back against the cool wall of the office and tried to submit to his

cock in her pussy, to the way he was stretching her cunt with his thick shaft.

“That’s good, Lucinda. Take it all. God, your pussy’s tight.” Mr. Payne pressed

deeper into her, pushing his thick shaft farther and farther into her sex, making Lucky

moan with lust and fear. God, he was so big! If only he would come and get it over

with. If only this would be over so she could stop feeling the confusing mixture of

shame and lust washing over her.

At last she felt the broad head press against the end of her channel and knew the

thick cock was seated all the way inside her. Maybe her boss would come now and let

her go. The whole situation seemed unreal. Five minutes before she had been searching

through his files in the darkened office and now she was naked against the wall with

her boss’s pulsing shaft filling her. How could this happen?

“Please,” she gasped, as he pulled back and thrust into her again. “Please, Mr.

Payne, you promised not to fuck me!”

“How many times do I have to remind you that I didn’t promise anything?” He

frowned down at her and pulled out once more, only to pound back into her open sex.

“Now that I’m all the way inside you, I find that you need an even stronger punishment

than I thought. So I think I’ll have to fuck you just a little before I come. You don’t really

mind, do you?”

The worst thing was that she didn’t mind. At least, her body didn’t. Lucky could

feel her cunt getting wetter and more slippery, actually helping his cock move inside

her, helping him fuck her. She had never felt so helpless and yet, waves of pleasure

burned through her, tightening her nipples and making her swollen clit ache.

“Relax now, Lucinda,” Mr. Payne murmured in her ear as he pulled out for another

thrust. “Just open up and let me fuck you and I promise it’ll all be over soon enough.”

He pushed in again and the next time he pulled out, he put a hand between their


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bodies. Lucky gasped as she felt his broad thumb settle over her clit and rub as he

continued to plow into her open cunt, fucking her as hard as he could.

“Oh…Oh God!” she moaned as he thrust inside her, rubbing her clit as he did.

Though she didn’t want to be, she was already on the edge of orgasm, teetering on the

brink as Mr. Payne fucked her, filling her helpless, open pussy with his cock over and

over again.

“That’s right, Lucinda. I know what you need and exactly how to give it to you.

Come for me. Come for me now,” he commanded. With a last rough thrust, he filled her

cunt to the limit and Lucky felt his hot cum beginning to gush into her well-fucked

pussy. At the same time her own orgasm hit, milking his shaft as though to get every

last drop inside her. Filled with humiliation and desire, she closed her eyes and bit her

lip, trying not to cry out as the shameful orgasm rolled through her.

Oh God, cant believe hes actually doing it! Cant believe he fucked me so hard and made me

come all over his cock! Cant believe

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Mmmrrrow.” The sudden entrance of her cat, Busy, interrupted what was

becoming a first-class fantasy. Lucky opened her eyes and sighed as the big black tom

pawed impatiently at the shower curtain until she opened it an inch and flicked some

water in his face to make him stop.

“Sss!” Busy sounded offended now. He jerked back, his large yellow eyes

narrowing to slits as he hissed his displeasure.

“Well, that’s what you get,” Lucky told him, rinsing the soap off her skin. “I was

almost there and then and you had to go and interrupt me. I was just about to have a

little fun and you interrupted me.” The big cat sat back on the bathmat, blinking

owlishly and she sighed. “Well, I don’t really have time for that anyway—not if I want

to make the party on time.”

“Mmmrrrow,” Busy agreed as she finished rising and reached for a towel.


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Lucky had found the big black cat as a small, bedraggled kitten that someone had

left in an alley behind her condo and she couldn’t help being attached to him even if he

did have a few bad habits. Besides interrupting her shower fantasies, he also coughed

up the occasional hairball. But his most annoying trait was a bizarre tendency to spray

the living room curtains when he didn’t like someone Lucky brought home. Since Busy

enjoyed being the only male in her life, that pretty much included any date she

happened to bring inside. Lucky had tried everything to break him of it but there was

no stopping Busy when he was in a snit. Lately she had given up trying to wash the

rudely baptized curtains in favor of throwing them out and buying new ones. There

was just no getting the sharp, ammonia odor of pissed-off cat pee out of the fabric


“I don’t think you have to worry about peeing on the curtains tonight,” she told her

cat as she stepped out of the shower and toweled herself off. “The only man I’m

interested in at the moment refuses to take the bait, even if he did get a little perturbed

today when I screwed up the Gellman account. Accidentally on purpose, of course.”

She grinned when she thought of the look on Eric’s face when he had called her into his

office and then shivered when she remembered those dark, burning eyes. He had

almost lost it today, she was sure. If she could just push him a little further…

Once in her room she went straight for her dressing table, intending to put on some

of her favorite perfume before she got dressed. But just as she reached for the bottle, her

eyes happened to fall on the small black box that held the tiny ruby vial of essential oils.

I shouldnt, she thought. Its supposed to be a gift. But despite her inner misgivings, she

found herself opening the box and unscrewing the tiny gold cap. Just a touch wont hurt,

she told herself, dabbing the fragrance behind her ears and at the pulse points of her

wrists. Then, for good measure, she put a little at the bend of her elbows and the backs

of her knees. That was more than a little but the more she smelled the fresh, earthy scent

of the oil, the more she liked it.


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Suddenly, she decided she didn’t want to give away the perfumed oil after all. She

had a really nice bath set she’d gotten for her mom that only needed a bow to make it

complete. She could give the set to her Secret Santa pal and buy her mom something

else before Christmas.

Recapping the bottle of essential oils, she went to the closet to get the dress she’d

bought especially for this occasion. It was a bright red silk sheath with spaghetti straps

that plunged low in the front and even lower in the back—too low, in fact, to wear a bra

under it. There was a slit up one thigh that came well above her knee making her legs

seem to go on forever. When Lucky slid into the soft, slippery fabric, it clung to her

every curve, making her feel like a goddess. A half-naked goddess, but a goddess just

the same. Beneath it she wore only a red lacy thong, so she didn’t have panty lines.

“Naughty and nice,” Lucky murmured, as she eyed herself in the mirror. The dress

was much more revealing than her usual business attire and normally she wouldn’t

have chosen to wear it to an office party. But today she had seen a little crack in Eric

Payne’s armor and she was determined to widen that crack if she could. She again

thought about leading him from the conference hall where the party was being held for

a bout of quick and dirty sex in the supply closet. The idea of having him, of that hot

mouth on hers and those large boxer’s hands roaming all over her body just wouldn’t

leave her head.

“I just need to get him out of my system, Busy,” she told her cat, who had followed

her into the bedroom and watched with interest while she got dressed. “I need to get

over him so I can move on to something or someone else, damn it!” She hated admitting

that her unobtainable boss got under her skin but it had been six months since he first

took the job at Smythe, Forest, and Starr and Eric Payne was all she could think about.

The sooner she got over him, the sooner she could forget about him and get back to her

old self.


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“There, ready,” she told her cat as she slipped into the strappy black heels she’d

gotten to go with her dress. “Wish me luck, Busy.” She walked out the door,

determined to fulfill her Christmas wish.


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Chapter Four

Lucky could feel the silky material of her red dress sliding across her bare breasts as

she swayed onto the dance floor. Her nipples tingled with the sensation and she was

already getting hot between her thighs just imagining her boss’s dark eyes raking over

her naughty outfit. She’d gotten plenty of appreciative stares since she entered the large

conference hall at the offices of the office but the one man she was looking for wasn’t

there yet. Eric Payne had yet to put in an appearance.

The hall was decorated with red and green lights and gold tinsel. In the corner, a DJ

was playing Christmas tunes that sounded like endless variations of “Jingle Bell Rock”.

The other corner held a makeshift bar and a hired bartender who was mixing drinks.

Beside the bar the Secret Santa table was loaded with presents. Lucky had already

gotten her gift, which turned out to be a crystal ornament, when depositing the bath

basket for Christine.

She stood around for a while and turned down several offers to dance from

coworkers in various stages of inebriation—Ted Jenkins from payroll had been

especially annoying and kept insisting that she “smelled real good tonight”. The

thought of her new perfume had crossed Lucky’s mind but she had dismissed it

immediately. Ted was drunk, a usual occurrence at the Christmas party, and acting like

an idiot, a usual occurrence any time. Still, after several other men had told her the

same thing, she began to wonder. Our scents open doors inside your soul. They can

illuminate the psyche. They bring things that were previously hidden to light. The words of the

woman at the E-scent-ial Oils shop rang in her head. But that was crazy—there was no

way a perfume could affect anyone emotionally, no matter what the weird shopkeeper

had said.


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Aside from her male coworkers telling her how good she smelled, Lucky was

beginning to think she’d have a better evening at home. After all, she had a top-of-the-

line vibrator—a Christmas present to herself from the year before—and she knew how

to use it. Or she could always just download some erotica to her laptop and let her

fingers do the walking. Anything would be better than being bombarded by annoyingly

cheerful holiday music and watching her coworkers get drunker and drunker on the

free alcohol the company was providing.

“Lucky, omigod, I love it! I just love it! But I thought there was a fifteen dollar


Lucky turned to see her friend, plump, freckled Christine Harris, clutching the large

elaborate bath set she had dropped off at the Secret Santa table. Lucky grinned at her,

feeling better about the evening.

“I’m so glad you like it,” she said, giving her friend a quick hug. “And don’t worry

about the stupid limit—you’re worth it.” She was glad now that she’d given her friend

the bigger bath basket instead of the tiny bottle of essential oils. Christine was a

sweetheart and it was great to see her so happy and besides, Lucky could still smell the

warm fragrance on her own skin and she liked it. It made her feel sexy somehow—

almost irresistible. She grinned to herself, remembering the drops of “forbidden” oils

she’d put in her bottle. Maybe it was working—in a purely psychological way of course.

Anyone who smelled her new perfume found her desirable, which in turn made Lucky

feel irresistible. Well, at least none of them had offered to spank her yet. Just the idea

made her want to laugh. Opening doors in your soul—right.

“You look gorgeous tonight. And you smell great.” Christine took a step back to

take in the red silk dress. “Wow—that dress is super-hot. I’m surprised you had the

nerve to wear it. I sure wouldn’t.”

“I’m wearing it for a reason,” Lucky said, giving her friend a wink. “I was hoping

that if you-know-who made it here tonight we might get to finish what I started today

in his office.”


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Christine gave her a look that was half admiration and half alarm. “Lucky, you are

so bad—he’s your boss. I don’t care if your uncle is a senior partner, that’s a big no-no.”

Lucky grinned. “Who says I want a relationship? A quick fling is good enough for


“But what if your uncle finds out?” Christine demanded. “He’d be so upset.”

“There is that.” Lucky frowned. Her uncle St. John was a sweet old soul who

definitely wouldn’t understand a modern woman’s need for conquests. He came from

the era when women stayed home to cook and clean and he was always telling Lucky

that she needed to find a husband and settle down. Ugh! Then she brightened.

“There’s no way Uncle St. John will find out,” she told her friend. “Because you and

I are the only ones in the office who know what I’m after. And once I get it, Mr. Tall,

Dark and Dangerous right where I want him, he won’t dare say anything about it. After

all, would you tell your boss if you were sleeping with his darling niece?” She grinned.

“So don’t worry about me—you know I always have a plan. And it was working earlier

today too, before he sent me away.”

Christine pulled her from the edge of the dance floor to the far corner of the room

beside the table that held the rum-spiked eggnog and finger foods. “Now tell all,” she

insisted. “What did you do? I thought being sweet and asking for his help after hours

wasn’t working.”

“It wasn’t.” Lucky’s gray-green eyes danced with mischief. “Which is why I started

making mistakes—big ones. The way I screwed up the figures on the Gellman account,

I thought he was going to grab me right there in his office.” She frowned.

“Unfortunately he restrained himself.”

Christine’s friendly blue eyes widened in apprehension. “But aren’t you worried

about getting him so worked up? I mean, there’s something about Eric Payne—I can’t

exactly put my finger on it and I don’t think he’d hurt anyone. But he scares me just the



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Lucky made a shooing motion with one hand. “You just have to know how to

handle him.”

“But making mistakes on purpose seems like a bad idea,” Christine said earnestly.

Lucky laughed dismissively. “Listen, if making deliberate mistakes is the only way

to get his attention—”

“You have it,” said a voice behind her. A large hand landed on her bare shoulder

and spun her around. She caught a quick glimpse of the horrified expression on

Christine’s face and then an appallingly familiar figure filled her line of vision. “You

have my complete attention,” the deep voice continued. “But I have to agree with your

friend—making mistakes on purpose is the wrong way to get it.”

“I-I—” Lucky stared up at the speaker in horrified fascination, feeling completely


Eric Payne had finally made it to the party.


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Chapter Five

“If you’ll excuse us,” Eric said in a low voice to Christine and before she knew it,

Lucky was being dragged out onto the dance floor. She saw her friend give her one last

anxious glance and then they were lost in the dancers who were swaying to something

soft and sensuous by Norah Jones. At least it’s not “Jingle Bell Rock”, Lucky thought


“How long were you listening to my conversation?” she demanded, trying to sound

indignant despite the way his hard body was pressed against her own.

“How long have you been making mistakes on purpose just to get under my skin?”

he returned, a frown making the white scar above his lip more pronounced.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lucky lifted her chin defiantly.

“You know perfectly well what I’m talking about, Lucinda.” Eric Payne’s deep

voice was little more than a growl. “And what’s more, I know you know so drop the

act. You’ve been playing me for a fool and I don’t appreciate it, no matter what your

motives are.” He scowled. “But now it’s time you got what’s coming to you.”

“I don’t understand—” she began but then he had her by the arm and was pulling

her off the dance floor.

“There’s nothing to understand. You’re coming with me,” he growled. His grip on

her arm was like iron and Lucky went with him helplessly. Most of her other coworkers

were too drunk to notice what was going on and even Christine was dancing with her

date and didn’t see them leave. As Eric pulled her out of the conference hall, Lucky had

to acknowledge that she was completely on her own with her very angry boss. It was

exactly what she had planned on happening but now that it was, she found she was

nervous and uncertain. How angry had she made him? Had she finally pushed him too



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“Where are you taking me?” she demanded, attempting to put on the brakes and

utterly failing.

“My office,” he said grimly. “We’re going to finish what we started earlier.”

Lucky felt a cold chill run down her spine. What was he going to do to her? By the

look on his dark face, it wasn’t sex her boss had in mind. But before she could protest

further, he had pulled her down the hallway and into his dimly lit office and slammed

the heavy wooden door behind them. Then he turned to face her, breathing heavily.

“What…what are you going to do to me?” Lucky bit her lip, feeling like a flight of

butterflies had suddenly taken off in her stomach. Every time she’d imagined this

scenario in her head, this was the time when Eric had pulled her in for a hard, angry

kiss. She had been anticipating that kiss and the quick, angry sex to follow. But instead

of kissing her, he was no longer even touching her. He was simply staring down at her

with that look on his face like a thundercloud about to erupt.

“There’s something different about you tonight and it’s not just that silky little piece

of nothing you have on,” he said, not answering her question. He leaned forward, his

nostrils flaring slightly and Lucky leaned back, suddenly alarmed. Was he smelling her

perfume? Was it doing something to him? Surely not.

“Whatever it is,” he continued, “it’s not going to save you from your punishment.”

“Punishment?” Lucky looked at him with wide eyes, not believing what she was

hearing. “Are you serious?”

“I’m completely serious.” Eric crossed his arms over his chest and frowned.

“You’ve been making mistakes that could cost this company enormous amounts of

money—and you’ve been doing it on purpose.” He scowled. “Normally in a case like

this I would bring the matter to my superior’s attention. But with you, it wouldn’t do

any good. I’ve seen the way you have your uncle wrapped around your finger. He

wouldn’t even give you a slap on the wrist.”

“No.” Lucky lifted her chin defiantly. “You’re right. Uncle St. John wouldn’t do a

thing to punish me.”


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“He would, however, be extremely disappointed,” her boss continued, “if he knew

that his favorite niece was involved in some kind of corporate sabotage.”

“Sabotage?” Lucky raised her eyebrows at him. “It was a few mistakes, I hardly

think you can call that sabotage.”

“Do you want to take the chance that your uncle will make that distinction?” He

frowned at her. “Do you want to take a chance on disappointing him?”

“I…” Lucky bit her lip. She suddenly realized that Eric Payne had her in a much

worse position than she had him in by far. He was right—if he went to Uncle St. John

with the news that she had been screwing up on purpose for whatever reason, her

sweet old uncle would be terribly unhappy. And no matter how much she liked to get

what she wanted, Lucky didn’t want to hurt him.

“I can see by the look on that pretty little face that you begin to see what you’ve

gotten yourself into.” He boss smiled grimly. “Now that we’ve established who’s in

charge, I want you to go over to my desk, raise your skirt up over your hips and bend


“What?” Lucky couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had been scheming for

six months to get her boss into bed or into the supply closet or across his desk, or

wherever she could for that matter. But she was determined that she wasn’t having sex

with him except under her own terms. “I don’t care what you’ve got on me,” she told

him, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m not going to let you coerce me into sex just

to keep your mouth shut.”

Eric threw back his head and laughed for perhaps the first time since she’d known

him. “Oh, I’m not going to fuck you, Lucinda,” he said, a gleam of dark humor

sparkling in his eyes. “I’m just going to teach you a lesson. I’m going to spank you.”


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Chapter Six

It has to be the perfume! He wouldnt dare do this, to even suggest it, if I wasnt wearing

this weird essential oils mixture, Lucky thought frantically. It was a crazy thing to think

but she just couldn’t see any other reason why her normally calm and collected boss

would be insisting that she bend over his desk for a spanking. The mix of essential oils

was working just as the shopkeeper claimed it would—opening doors to his soul and

releasing his suppressed emotions. But who knew what kind of emotions he had been

suppressing? She certainly hadn’t had any idea that her boss was into corporal

punishment or she might have thought twice about her plan to push his buttons.

But no matter what the reason behind his demand, she could tell that Eric Payne

was going to stand firmly behind it. His arms were crossed over his broad chest and his

face looked like it had been carved from granite. I cant believe it! Lucky thought. He

actually expects me to do this!

“I’m waiting.” Her boss gestured to the large mahogany desk with stacks of papers

set neatly to one side. “Get over there and pull up your skirt, Lucinda.”

“This…this is blackmail!” Lucky told him in a trembling voice. “I can’t believe—”

“That I’m serious?” He frowned. “Well, I sure as hell am, sweetheart, and the

sooner you figure that out and take your spanking, the sooner you can go home and

climb into a cool bath. Because I guarantee you’re going to need it after tonight.” He

took off his dark jacket and began to roll up the sleeves of his crisp white cotton shirt,

exposing tanned and muscular forearms. “Go on,” he said. “Get over to the desk or I’m

going out to find your uncle right now.”

Lucky was so angry she wanted to spit. How dare he turn the tables on her this

way? She had never allowed any man to dictate her actions, had never tolerated a hand

raised against her. And now this…this…this arrogant prick was demanding that she


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bend over his desk so he could spank her like a naughty child! And the worst thing was

she had no choice but to let him.

“You’ll regret this,” she said stiffly, stalking over to the wide expanse of mahogany

and bending over it.

“Raise your skirt. All the way up,” Eric commanded. “And I seriously doubt I’m

going to regret my actions nearly as much as you’re about to.” He stepped up behind

her and Lucky balled her hands into fists against the cool wood of his desk. She

couldn’t believe she was submitting to this. “I said all the way,” he repeated and she felt

him lift the hem of her red silk dress, which she had raised only to mid-thigh, to the

middle of her back so that her ass was completely exposed with only the tiny strip of

red lace from her thong to cover it.

“You—” She half turned, one hand coming off the desk to stop him but her boss

shook his head.

“Uh-uh-uh, Lucinda. You’re going to keep your hands on the desk at all times, no

matter what I do. Or the deal is off and I go to find your uncle, understand?”

“I… You…” Lucky couldn’t think of anything bad enough to say, any name bad

enough to call him.

“I’m waiting.” He stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest once more, a

little smile playing around the corner of his narrow but sensual mouth. Once again

Lucky saw that she had no choice. Feeling like she might burst, she replaced her hand

on the desk, leaving her ass bare and unprotected.

“Now spread your legs,” Eric growled, stepping up behind her again.

Lucky bit her lip. “I thought you said you weren’t going to—”

“I’m not,” he interrupted her. “But I don’t want you trying to ball up and hide from

what’s coming to you. Here.” He reached down and put both palms against her inner

thighs making Lucky gasp as the tips of his fingers just brushed her pussy through the

wispy red lace of her panties. He ignored her gasp and she felt his strong, warm hands


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pushing her legs apart, forcing her into a wider stance than she would have thought


The motion not only opened her legs, it also spread her cunt lips wide and Lucky

knew that if her tiny red thong hadn’t been in the way he would have been able to see

the hot, wet interior of her pussy. Despite her rage the thought turned her on, or maybe

it was the feeling of being so exposed…so vulnerable… No! Lucky told herself sternly. I

do not get off on letting some man control me! Thats not me! But she could feel the slippery

heat gathering between her thighs and her nipples were hard against the cool surface of

the mahogany desk.

“If you hold still and take your spanking like you should, this will all be over soon.”

Eric’s deep voice was unexpectedly gentle but then his tone hardened. “Now as I spank

you I want you to say, ‘I must not make mistakes on purpose.’ Do you understand?”

“Y-yes.” Lucky fought the urge to close her thighs and squeeze herself into a tight

little ball. Mr. Payne had demanded she remain exposed and vulnerable to him as he

punished her and she suddenly decided that was exactly what she intended to do. If he

thought she was afraid of him, that she would cower away from what he was dishing

out, he had another think coming.

“Good. Begin,” his voice rumbled in her ear.

“I must not—” Lucky began. Smack! The stinging slap of his large palm on her

unprotected ass made her gasp.

“Continue,” her boss demanded. Smack! Another stinging blow landed on her

naked backside and Lucky almost moaned as the tingling pain ran through her.

“I must not make mistakes—” Smack, smack, smack! “Oh God! Mistakes on…on

purpose,” she blurted as the volley of deliberate slaps rained down on her quivering

flesh. Her ass felt like it was on fire now and yet, despite her determination, the pain

was somehow transmuting itself to pleasure. She could feel her pussy getting wetter

and more swollen every time her boss’s hand connected with her skin. What was

happening to her? Was she actually getting off on this?


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“Again,” Eric’s deep voice was terse and commanding. Outside the door and far

down the hall she could still hear the sounds of the office party, the music and laughter,

but none of it was real. Nothing was real but the cool press of her boss’s wooden desk

against her breasts and hands and the feel of his hard palm connecting with her soft,

naked ass, punishing her, giving her exactly what he had promised her—a spanking.

“I must not—” Smack! “make mistakes—” Smack! “on purpose!” Lucky gasped. Her

backside was burning and her fingertips slid across the desk in an effort to keep from

reaching back to shield herself. These were no light love taps he was giving her. Lucky

knew she would be too sore to sit down for days after this. Tears came to her eyes as the

spanking went on and on and she had to fight to keep her legs open, to keep her back

arched and her body vulnerable to his blows. “Please!” she moaned, but her plea fell on

deaf ears.

“Again,” he commanded in that same harsh, deep voice. It was as though he was

determined to break something inside her and wouldn’t stop until he succeeded.

Lucky didn’t want to break and cry, but worse than the stinging agony in her

tender ass was the wet heat building between her thighs. She didn’t think it was the

pain her body was reacting to—rather it was the feeling of utter helplessness she got

from having her naked ass high in the air, letting her boss spank her. Never in a million

years could she have dreamed that being disgraced and punished would turn her on

but her pussy had never been so hot and wet and her breath was coming in short,

uneven pants as he continued to spank her. Damn Eric Payne! How could he do this to

her? Why was she letting him do it?

“I never told you to stop.” His deep voice was relentless as was his hand.

“Continue, Lucinda. Now.”

“I…I must not—” Lucky began but her words ended in a little sob as his hard palm

connected with her tender flesh once more. It was too much—simply too much. The

pain and pleasure filled her with confusion. How could a man she’d been sure she


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could wrap around her finger master her so easily? How could she allow herself to be

mastered—want to be mastered even?

“Lucinda,” he said. Lucky tensed, ready to receive an even harder smack for daring

to lose control, but instead the spanking suddenly ended. “Stand up and turn around,”

Eric told her in a strangely gentle voice.

Stiffly, Lucky did as he said, turning so that the backs of her thighs were pressed

against the edge of his desk. Her dress was still pushed up to her thighs but she was

more concerned with the tears running down her cheeks. Damn Eric Payne for making

her cry. Damn him for making her hot and wet and so horribly confused.

“Here.” There was a look of sympathy on his dark face as he produced a soft clean

handkerchief and wiped gently at her cheeks.

“Stop it!” Lucky tried to jerk away from him but there was no place to go. He had

her trapped against the desk and she couldn’t get away. “I took your damn spanking—

now leave me alone,” she said, lifting her chin. “You got what you wanted.”

“Not quite.” He stopped trying to wipe her eyes and crossed his arms over his

broad chest again. His black tie was loosened and the first two buttons of his shirt were

unbuttoned but whereas once Lucky would have seen it as a sign that she was getting

to him, she now knew it meant that he was getting to her. Somehow she had lost the

upper hand and she didn’t know how to get it back. Worse, she wasn’t sure if she

wanted it back. As angry as she was and as much as her ass stung, she still felt the

powerful surge of desire moving within her, making her sex wet and her knees tremble.

Making her nipples so hard they hurt. And now it seemed he intended to continue his


“What…what do you mean ‘not quite’?” she asked, trying to control the tremble in

her voice and failing miserably.

“I mean that I gave you what you deserve but I haven’t quite gotten what I want

from you yet,” he said, a sardonic little smile playing around his mouth.

“What do you want, then?” she asked, forcing herself to meet his dark eyes.


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“To know what that little spanking I just gave you did for you.” Her boss stepped

closer to the desk until she could feel the heat from his body radiating against her skin

under the thin red silk dress. “You see, I’ve been watching you, Lucinda,” he continued.

“Almost as hard as you’ve been watching me, I suspect. And I have a theory about

you—I think you need a good, hard spanking once in a while, though I bet you’ve never

gotten one before tonight. But more than that, I bet you want one.”

“Want to get spanked? Are you crazy?” Lucky spat at him, trying to still the

pounding of her heart. “Why the hell would I want to get spanked by a jerk like you?”

“Because it turns you on. Not just the spanking, either. The submission. You need

someone stronger than you, someone to master you and make you submit. But up until

now you haven’t found him.” He said it with such certainty that Lucky’s breath caught

in her throat. How could he possibly know something like that about her? Something

she was only just beginning to suspect herself? He cant, she thought wildly. He cant

know that about me! Hes just trying to freak me outto make it worse.

“Do you deny it?” Eric frowned down at her, his dark eyes blazing.

“Of course I deny it. It’s crazy!” Lucky took a deep breath, her hands fisting at her

sides. She’d be damned if she would admit the confusing mixture of emotions churning

inside her to this arrogant man.

“What about these then?” He reached up and cupped her breasts in his large hands,

circling her hardened nipples lightly through the slippery silk of her dress.

“I…I—” Lucky gasped as a fresh rush of fire ran from the sensitive tips of her

breasts down to the cleft of her sex. She pressed her thighs together tightly, wanting to

tell him to stop but completely unable to.

“Why are your nipples hard?” he went on relentlessly. He tugged at the scooped

neck of her dress, pulling it down and framing her naked breasts with the soft, crimson

material. “Look at them, Lucinda,” he murmured. “So ripe and tight. Just made to be

sucked. Why are they like that?” He cupped her breasts again, this time with nothing

between them and continued to circle her naked nipples with his thumbs.


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Lucky was unable to suppress a moan. God, his big warm hands on her body felt so

good! But she’d go to hell before she told him that. “I-it’s cold in here,” she stuttered.

“Really cold. That’s all.”

Eric shook his head. “Are you really going to make me prove my theory beyond a

shadow of a doubt, Lucinda?” he asked, a note of disapproval in his deep voice. “Do I

really have to make it obvious that you need to submit?”

Lucky glared at him. “I don’t need to submit to any man. And I don’t care what you

say, I don’t like being…being spanked—oh!” The last word ended on a gasp because

Eric had reached down and was pulling her dress even higher, exposing the tiny lace

thong that barely covered her pussy. “What…what are you doing?” she demanded,

fighting to keep her composure.

“Spread your legs for me, Lucinda,” he said, not answering the frantic question.

“Since you seem to insist on it, we’ll do things the hard way.”

“I-I don’t understand,” Lucky whispered. And yet she found she was spreading her

legs at his command, just as she had leaned over the desk and presented her ass to be

whipped when he demanded she do so. What was wrong with her, doing everything he

ordered like this? Submitting to him?

“You will,” he said in that same, steely voice. “Now spread your legs for me and

show me your pussy, Lucinda.”

Moaning, Lucky did as he told her, spreading her thighs wide so that her cunt lips

parted under the tiny red thong.

“Now.” Eric reached down and cupped her mound in one large hand, making

Lucky bite her lip and gasp. “Are you telling me that getting spanked, that submitting

to me when I told you to bend over and bare your ass didn’t turn you on?” Lucky felt

one long finger press against the thin red lace of the thong, rubbing the slippery unlined

material against her enflamed flesh. She could feel her body opening for him

spontaneously, her pussy lips so swollen and hot that they were spreading of their own


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volition, welcoming his invasion despite the thin lace barrier between them. But still she

was determined to deny him.

“N-n-no,” she stuttered.

“No?” He raised an eyebrow at her, one blunt fingertip began to stroke relentlessly

through the fabric along the sensitized side of her clit, building incredible sensations in

the tight little bundle of nerves even as she moaned and cried out softly, writhing

against his hand.

“No,” she gasped again.

“So if I told you to take off these little red panties, your pussy wouldn’t be hot and

wet and ready?” her boss demanded.

Lucky had no more words but she shook her head, still mutely denying his


Eric frowned. “You leave me no choice, then. Take off your panties.”

With all that was in her, Lucky didn’t want to do as he said. And yet…and yet, part

of her, a part she had kept buried so deep she barely even knew it was there, did. That

was the part that won. Pressing her trembling thighs together, she slipped her thumbs

into the wispy waistband of her red thong and pulled it down, baring herself

completely to his gaze.

“Good.” To her surprise, Eric was suddenly on his knees before her. “Now spread

your legs again, Lucinda, and let me see your pussy. Let me prove to you how much

you need this.”

Unable to help herself, Lucky did as she was told, spreading her thighs wide once

more. Never had she been so wet, so ready for any man before. She didn’t know how

her infuriating boss had done it, but he had enflamed her until she was right on the

edge. Lucky almost felt as if she could come just from his eyes on her.

“Look at this,” he murmured, reaching up to frame her hot, wet sex with both of his

large hands. With his thumbs, he parted her cunt lips, exposing her hot pink interior to


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his gaze and Lucky moaned helplessly. “Look how wet your pussy is, Lucinda,” he

said. “Look how swollen your clit is.” Gently, he stroked her sensitive little nub with his

fingertip, making her jump and moan softly. Eric looked up at her. “I bet you’re so wet I

could slide inside you right now with no problem at all,” he murmured. “Just like this.”

Two large, blunt digits slid down her slippery folds and Lucky bit her lip hard as

she felt him enter her, fucking deep into her cunt with his fingers. He pulled back, still

watching her face, and then fucked into her once more while rubbing her clit with his


“Oh God…I can’t…I…” Lucky threw back her head and groaned as a whip-crack

orgasm sliced through her.

“That’s right, sweetheart.” Eric still watched her face intently. “Come for me. Come

while I fuck you with my fingers. Then tell me why your pussy is so hot and wet. I want

the truth this time.”

Lucky grabbed on to his shoulders to steady herself as the pleasure rushed through

her. But even as it did, she knew she was going to give him what he wanted. God, to be

at this man’s mercy, to let him touch her, finger her to orgasm and not be able to stop

herself from coming was the ultimate humiliation. And yet she still couldn’t stop.

“Tell me,” her boss was insisting. “Tell me why you’re so hot, Lucinda. Was it from

the spanking? The submission?”

“Yes,” she gasped. “No…I don’t know, damn it!” She tried to catch her breath as he

slowly withdrew his fingers. “I’ve never…that’s not something I ever wanted before. I

don’t know why it turned me on …or what you did to me to make it turn me on.”

“I didn’t do anything but treat you the way you’ve been begging to be treated,” he

said quietly. Then he leaned forward, parted the lips of her pussy and kissed her wet,

open folds. Lucky cried out softly as she felt his hot, wet tongue swirl around her

supersensitive clit. Was he going to eat her now? But after a long, lingering kiss to her

inner cunt, he pulled away. Lucky almost moaned from the loss of sensation. Her first


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orgasm had been shallow and quick. She longed for something more—something


“What…?” she whispered, looking down into his dark eyes. “What are you going to

do to me now?”

He smiled and rose so that he was standing over her once more. “A good question,

Lucinda. A very good question for a submissive to ask.”

Lucky wanted to be angry at his choice of words but somehow all the anger seemed

to have leaked out of her. “So I suppose you’re my master now,” she asked. She was

trying for sarcasm but the question came out almost serious.

Eric cupped her chin gently in one large palm. “Only while we’re in this office

together,” he told her.

“I’m not going to call you ‘Master’,” Lucky said, frowning.

“You don’t have to because you’ve already acknowledged it. There’s no need to

repeat the obvious,” he said softly. Leaning down, he took her mouth in a kiss so

possessive and tender that it made Lucky’s knees tremble. His mouth tasted of her—hot

and salty and sweet all at once and he seemed to enjoy sharing her secret flavor with

her until she moaned. If she hadn’t been leaning against the side of the desk she knew

she would have fallen over at the intensity of the emotions sweeping over her. At last

he pulled back, breaking the kiss.

“I’m glad you finally told the truth—to me and to yourself,” he murmured, looking

into her eyes. “As a reward, I’m going to fuck you—with my cock, not just my fingers

this time.”

Once again Lucky wanted to protest. She had wanted this for six months, from the

moment she first laid eyes on Eric Payne—but she wanted it on her terms. Now it

seemed that nothing in conjunction with her boss would ever be on her terms again.

Why didn’t that bother her more? she wondered. Why didn’t the idea of giving herself

to the man in front of her whenever he demanded it send her running from the room

instead of making her pussy even hotter and more ready?


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“Lucinda?” he asked and she saw that he was watching her intently, no doubt

gauging her reaction. His nostrils flared slightly and she wondered again if this entire

scenario was all due to her strange new magical perfume. But it didn’t really matter

what had caused this scene between them—the fact was they were in the middle of it

and she knew neither of them was leaving until it was over.

She nodded, not sure what to say but another question seemed appropriate.

“How…” She cleared her throat. “How do you want me?” she asked in a husky voice.

Eric stroked her cheek and murmured approval. “Bend over the desk again,

sweetheart,” he said in that soft, deep voice that could be so gentle when he wanted it

to. “I want to take you from behind. I’m going to fuck your naked pussy and come

inside you—fill you up with my cum, Lucinda. Do you understand me?”

“Yes,” she whispered softly. “Yes, I…I understand.” I submit, she thought, turning

to face the desk and leaning over to place her hands on its cool wooden surface once

more. I submit to your fucking, to your naked cock filling my pussy, coming inside me. I cant

fight anymoredont want to fight anymore. I submit.

“Good,” Eric murmured, almost as though he had heard her thoughts. “Bend lower,

sweetheart, and put your ass in the air for me. Then spread your legs and let me in. Let

me fuck you.”

“Yes,” Lucky whispered and inside her head she added “Master” before she could

stop herself. She felt his large hands pressing her down to the desk until her cheek was

touching its cool surface and her naked breasts rubbed against the wood. Then he was

parting her thighs even wider and she heard the low metallic sound of his zipper going


Lucky had never felt so helpless or so vulnerable as she did then. She was spread

out against her boss’s desk with her dress pushed over her hips and her bare pussy

open and waiting to receive his cock. Her Master’s cock. Suddenly she realized she

didn’t even know how big he was, how thick. Judging from what a big man he was he

might be huge and her soft little cunt was tight. She hoped he wouldn’t hurt her but


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even if he did, there was nothing she could do now but relax and let him fuck her.

Nothing she could do but submit to his cock in her pussy, stretching her, filling her,

fucking her and coming deep inside her until he was satisfied.

“It’s all right, sweetheart. I’m not going to hurt you.” Eric’s deep voice was gentle

and his large warm hands were soothing on her bare back. Lucky realized that she was

trembling with emotion and tried to control herself. “Just relax,” she heard him say, still

stroking her shivering skin. “Relax and let me fuck you, Lucinda. Open your sweet

pussy and let me in.”

As he spoke the last words she felt the broad plum-shaped head of his cock sliding

over her wet, open folds and seeking entrance to her cunt. She moaned softly and

clutched at the smooth desktop, willing herself to be open for him, to take all he had to

give. Then he was crowning just at the entrance to her body and she felt the broad head

slip slowly into her pussy.

Lucky bit the inside of her cheek as he slid farther into her unresisting cunt. The

head of his cock was huge and so was the shaft that followed. Eric stretched her as she

had never been stretched, as inch by slow, deliberate inch, he slid his cock into her

slippery, naked pussy, filling her to the limit.

“God,” she moaned softly, as his warm hands on her hips guided him even deeper.

How could she take any more? How could she stand it? And yet as his thick cock slid

farther and farther into her, she realized she had no choice. No matter what happened

now, she had to let Eric Payne finish what he had started. At last she felt him bottoming

out inside her, the broad head of his cock pressing hard against the mouth of her womb

and knew he could go no farther. He was completely inside her now, fully sheathed in

her tight, wet cunt and he could finally begin to fuck.

“Good, Lucinda,” she heard him murmur as he caressed her hips and back. “I’m all

the way inside you now, filling your hot little pussy. Can you feel me?”

“Yes,” she whispered, though a tight throat. “God yes, I can feel you…Master,” she

couldn’t help adding even though she had sworn not to call him that.


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“Good, sweetheart,” he growled softly. “Then I want you to just relax and try to

stay open for me. You’re not to press back against me or try to match my rhythm

either—I want you to just open yourself and submit to my fucking. Understand?”

“I…” Lucky swallowed hard. “I understand, Master,” she whispered, the word

coming more and more easily to her lips. It seemed so right somehow. So true.

“Good,” he murmured. “I’m going to ride your soft little cunt hard until I fill you

full of my cum, Lucinda. Can’t wait to come inside you and feel you coming all around

me at the same time.” And then, with a long, slow slide that almost took his shaft

completely from her pussy, he began.

Lucky gasped as she felt his long fingers tighten on his hipbones and then he was

slamming back into her, fucking her with slow, deliberate strokes that made her gasp

and cry out every time he hit bottom inside her. God, she thought to herself as the

pleasure built higher and higher inside her with every rough thrust of his cock into her

wet, open pussy. How can I want this? How can I want to submit to him and why does

submitting make everything seem so much hotter, so much better?

She couldn’t answer her own question but there was no doubt it was true. Every

rude thrust of Eric’s thick shaft into her was more intense, more pleasurable, because

she was giving in to him, giving him complete control of her body to do with as he

pleased. Lucky had never had that sensation before, the sensation of giving someone

else dominion over her mind, body and spirit and she found it was an intoxicating

sensation—a high like nothing she had ever experienced before. None of her angry sex

fantasies could even begin to compare with the reality of her complete submission to

her boss and the push and thrust of his cock inside her helpless, unresisting pussy.

None of them even came close.

“That’s right, Lucinda,” she heard Eric growling as he fucked into her. “That’s right,

open up for me, sweetheart. Take it all and get ready to come all over my cock when I

tell you to.”


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“Yes, Master!” she moaned as he speeded up his rhythm, his fingers gripping her

tightly to pull her onto his cock. The desk beneath her fingertips was slick with her

sweat and she was panting, unable to get a deep breath, unable to do anything but open

herself for her Master’s cock. Then she felt one large hand slip down between her legs

and suddenly he was stroking her wet open folds. Stroking just above the place where

they were joined. Oh, God! she thought. Godohgodohgod! I cant stand it! Its too much!

Eric seemed to sense the nearness of her orgasm because his blunt fingertips began

to rub almost roughly over her enflamed clit. “That’s right, sweetheart, work for it,” he

rumbled. “Getting ready to come now. Want to feel you coming all around me.”

“Oh God! Oh Master, please!” Lucky heard herself begging. “Please make me come!

Please fuck me!”

“Love to fuck your tight little cunt, Lucinda,” he growled, plowing into her

mercilessly. “I knew I would. Knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that you were

going to be mine. That you were going to open your pussy for me so I could fill you full

of my cum.”

“God!” His fingers across her clit and the rough thrust of his cock inside her

combined with the hot, dirty words were suddenly too much. Lucky felt herself tilting

over the edge even as Eric pressed deeply into her.

“Now! Come for me now, Lucinda!”

“Yes, Master!” she moaned, fisting her hands on the slick wooden surface of the

desk as her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave. “Oh God, yes!”

She had never come so hard in her entire life and she was suddenly sure she would

never come so hard again. Because she knew that once the scent from the magical

perfume wore off, the door it had opened in Eric Payne’s soul would close and he

would never again allow his inflexible emotional barriers down enough to take her the

way she now wanted to be taken.


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Chapter Seven

“This is ridiculous! It was here—right here!” Lucky muttered to herself as she

circled the block for what had to be the fifteenth time. Tonight was Christmas Eve and

for the first time, Eric was coming over to her home so it was vitally important she find

what she was looking for.

For the last week they had been conducting a torrid love affair and it was the

hottest and most addictive relationship Lucky had ever been in. Every day she had

worn the magic perfume to work, carefully rationing it so the contents of the tiny ruby

red vial would last. And every day when her boss called her into his office, there was

some new delicious punishment waiting for her. Sometimes he blindfolded her and

spanked her over the desk again, sometimes she crawled beneath it to suck his cock

while he conducted phone conferences and once Eric had reversed the situation and

made her sit in his chair while he ate her, forcing her to make business calls and not

betray the pleasure she was feeling while she spoke. After hours he stripped her,

handcuffed her to his filing cabinet and fed her Chinese takeout bite by bite between

kisses and licks to the more sensitive parts of her anatomy.

Lucky was in heaven. She had never had a relationship like this—one that held her

interest as effortlessly as Eric held her when they were alone together. She had to catch

herself to stop from calling him Master in front of the other coworkers and she had an

idea some of them suspected what was going on but she didn’t give a damn. Far from

being bored with her boss now that she had finally gotten him into bed, she was more

like… Addicted, Lucky admitted to herself as she circled the block for the sixteenth time.

Im addicted to himhell, I think I might even love him. It seemed like a crazy thought but

she just couldn’t shake the idea. Because whatever it was she had been looking for in a

man all these years, Eric Payne seemed to have it in spades. Lucky didn’t know if it was


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his dominance or the tender way he stroked her cheek and kissed her after a hard

spanking. Whatever—he pushed her buttons and that was good enough for her.

There was only one problem with this idyllic relationship—it had been started and

continued on the strength of the magic essential oil perfume Lucky had bought the

night of the Christmas party and now she was completely out. There wasn’t a drop left

in the little red vial and she was terribly afraid that the moment Eric met her at the door

and she wasn’t wearing it, he would lose all interest. She knew it was silly to obsess

about a perfume but she couldn’t shake the feeling that without it, her new relationship

would be dead in the water. And now the freaking perfume shop had disappeared.

“It has to be here!” Lucky muttered, parking the car to get out and walk around the

empty lot where the crumbling red brick building that housed E-scent-ial Oils used to

stand. “A whole entire building can’t just disappear in a week!” But it had. The building

was gone, her perfume was all used up and Lucky was officially screwed.

* * * * *

The doorbell rang at eight o’clock sharp and was echoed by an angry hissing from

Busy who was penned in the bathroom.

“Hush up, Busy,” Lucky muttered as she went to answer the door. This was the

first time she’d had Eric over and she didn’t want to take a chance on the big tomcat

baptizing the curtains in a fit of jealousy.

The front room of her condo which was decorated country chic was neat and there

was a bottle of wine already open in case Eric decided to stay. She took a deep breath

and smoothed the white silk blouse and plain black skirt she was wearing.

Nerving herself for the inevitable, she pulled open the door and tried to smile. Eric

was standing there, wearing black dress pants and a dark red button-down shirt that

looked great with his dark skin tones. In his hands was a small, brightly wrapped box,

obviously a Christmas present.

“Hello, Lucinda.” He leaned in to plant a possessive kiss on her cheek.


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“Hello, uh…” Lucky wasn’t quite sure what to call him in this setting. She’d been

calling him Master when they were alone and Mr. Payne in front of other coworkers at

the office but this was the first time he’d been to her home. Eric seemed to understand

her difficulty.

“We’re not at the office now,” he said, still smiling at her. “You can call me Eric if I

can call you Lucky.”

“You, uh, want to use my nickname?” Lucky raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Unless you’d rather I didn’t.” He frowned at her, his nostrils flaring slightly. “Are

you all right? There’s something…different about you tonight.”

Lucky swallowed hard. “Uh, I’m fine and you can use my nickname if you want. I

don’t mind.”

“You know,” he said, coming into the room and putting the small gift down on her

coffee table. “I’ve been thinking. What’s been going on at the office needs to stop.”

Uh-oh, here it comes. Lucky felt her heart drop down to her shoes. He had suddenly

realized that he didn’t want to be with her after all and he was about to break things off.

As much as she’d tried to steel herself for this moment, it still hurt terribly.

“I…I understand,” she whispered. Her throat was so dry it hurt. “I…do you want

some wine while we talk about this? It might make things easier.”

Eric frowned. “Well, sure, I suppose.”

“Great, I hope red is okay. It’s just in the kitchen.” She jumped up before he could

answer and rushed from the living room to the tiny kitchen of her condo. This hurt, oh

God how much it hurt! Lucky had dumped plenty of guys for being boring, for being

not exactly what she was looking for and now she had a feeling she was about to get a

taste of her own medicine. A stab with a karmic knife.

She poured the chilled wine into two long-stemmed crystal glasses with a shaking

hand and had to mop up almost a cup of it that missed its target. Damn it, why had she


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allowed herself to get so involved with her boss of all people? It was going to be so

awkward at work now.

“Lucky, are you okay?” Eric called from the living room. Her nickname still

sounded strange in his deep voice.

“Fine…I’m…I’ll be right there,” Lucky called back. She put up a hand to push a

wisp of hair from her eyes and realized she was crying. Great, just great. At least wait

until he actually dumps you to start the waterworks! she told herself fiercely.

“Just going to use your bathroom a minute if you don’t mind,” Eric’s deep voice

floated in from the living room.

“Go ahead.” Lucky was trying to arrange the two glasses and the bottle on a tray

but her clumsy hands kept wanting to knock one or all of them over. Why couldn’t she

get control of herself and her emotions? Why was it that Eric Payne affected her this

way? At last she got everything situated on the tray and brought it out into the living

room just in time to catch Busy, who must have escaped when Eric opened the

bathroom door, taking aim at her new blue drapes.

“No! Busy, no!” she shouted. Forgetting the tray in her hands, she rushed forward

to stop the jealous cat, tripped on the corner of the coffee table and went down. The

bottles and wineglasses tilted over in an instant, splashing her tan Berber carpet with

red wine. As the blood-red liquid gurgled out of the fallen wine bottle, making what

Lucky was sure was a permanent stain, the unmistakable odor of cat pee filled the air.

“Busy!” she wailed as the big black tomcat turned to face her, a satisfied look in his

yellow eyes.

“Mmrrow,” he informed her and sauntered off, leaving the unmistakable scent of

his jealousy behind.

Lucky couldn’t help it. She drew her knees up to her chin, put her head down and

cried. There was wine on her carpet, cat pee on her drapes and the only man she’d ever

loved was about to walk out of the bathroom and drop her like a white shoe after Labor


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Evangeline Anderson

Day because she’d run out of the freaking magic perfume and the shop where she’d

bought it had disappeared. Her life might as well be over.

“Lucky? What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Eric was suddenly kneeling beside her,

heedless of the red wine that was soaking into the knees of his pants. “What is it?” he

murmured as he gathered her into his arms.

Lucky pushed away from him, still sobbing. “I…I can’t do this,” she said through

her tears. “I know what you’re going to say. That I’m changed, that I’m different and

you’re not interested anymore. But damn it! It’s not my fault I ran out of the perfume. I

didn’t know what effect it would have on you and I never meant to fall in lo—I mean, I

only wanted a one-time fling. I didn’t know it would turn into so much more.”

“I knew.” Eric’s voice was quiet but intense. “From the first minute I saw you I

knew. Knew what you were and what you could become with just a nudge in the right


“Which was what—your slave?” Lucky snapped.

“No.” Eric reached out to stroke her cheek. “My submissive. I hope you know the

difference by now.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter anyway since you’ve decided to end it, does it?” Lucky

demanded, pulling away from his hand.

“End it? What are you talking about?” Eric raised an eyebrow at her.

“What you said about the way things had to stop at the office. Don’t try to deny it.”

“I’m not denying it.” He frowned. “And I think I’m right. I don’t want to jeopardize

either of our careers by bringing our relationship into the office when it ought to be kept

at home.”

“Whose home? What are you talking about?” Lucky wrapped her arms around

herself and sniffed. “Look, can we at least go sit on the couch and get away from this

smell? I’m sorry but my cat Busy is so jealous and he had this weird habit…” She trailed

off because Eric was shaking his head.


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Season’s Spankings

“Uh, sorry but what smell?” He frowned. “You mean the spilled wine?”

“No.” Lucky gave him an incredulous look. “I mean the cat pee. Busy likes to spray

the drapes when anyone he doesn’t care for shows up and that includes just about

everybody. Can’t you smell it? I’m about to choke over here.”

Eric shrugged his broad shoulders. “Well, to tell you the truth, not really. I had

several sinus surgeries when I was a kid and they pretty much wiped out my sense of

smell. I just assumed you meant the wine because it’s all over the carpet but I really

can’t smell that either.”

Lucky had been getting up off the carpet but now she sat back down with a thump.

“You mean…all this time you couldn’t smell anything? The perfume, the essential

oils… I was so worried and you…you couldn’t…” She shook her head. “I don’t

understand. Why did you come on to me that night at the Christmas party? Why did

you drag me into your office and do…what you did?” She blushed, her heart racing as

she remembered their hot first encounter.

Eric smiled at her. “Because you were finally ready. I could tell by the way you’d

been acting that entire week and I was just looking for an excuse to take you. When I

heard what you were telling your friend, I finally had one.”

Lucky felt so confused she didn’t know how to react. So it hadn’t been the essential

oils she’d been wearing that attracted Eric to her at all. It was her hidden submissive

streak—so hidden that even she hadn’t know about it until he showed it to her. “So you

knew why I was trying to get your attention?”

Eric shook his head. “You had my attention from the minute I got hired, Lucky.

There was no need to go through all those silly maneuvers. I was just waiting for you to

be ready. Ready to accept me as a lover…and maybe more.”

“More?” Lucky was still sitting on the wine-soaked carpet and now she got to her

knees and leaned toward him. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I’d get down on my knees, but I guess I’m already there.” Eric laughed and

plucked at the knees of his pants which were soaked with the red wine. “So anyway,


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Evangeline Anderson

here.” He reached over to grab the small box from the coffee table and handed it to her.

“Open it,” he said patiently when Lucky looked at him with wide eyes. “It’s for you.”

With trembling fingers she ripped at the brightly colored wrapping paper and an

oblong velvet box fell into her hands. It was too big to be a ring but why else would Eric

talk about getting down on his knees? She opened the lid and gasped at the beautiful

black suede collar she found inside. Dangling from the center was a brilliant diamond


“Oh, Eric, you shouldn’t have.” Lucky put a hand to her mouth. The diamond had

to be at least two and a half carats. Maybe three.

“I had it made up right after the Christmas party,” he said. “I know it’s not a

traditional gift and probably not what you expected but I hope you’ll wear it with pride

and realize that your submissive tendencies are nothing to be ashamed of.” He looked

suddenly uncertain. “Will you wear it? I want something more with you, Lucky,

something permanent. I know I’m moving fast here but…”

“Eric, I don’t know what to say.” Lucky looked down at the beautiful sub collar

again. “But I do know I’m not ashamed of my tendencies,” she continued, surprised to

find that it was true. “I mean, before the night of the Christmas party I never would

have dreamed that I…” She broke off suddenly, putting a hand to her mouth. Inside her

head she heard the voice of the E-scent-ial Oils shopkeeper once more. Our scents open

doors inside your soul. They can illuminate the psyche. They bring things that were previously

hidden to light.

“What? What is it?” Eric frowned in obvious concern.

“Nothing, I just…just realized something.” Lucky shook her head. All this time

she’d been thinking that the perfume she’d been wearing was affecting Eric and that

without it he wouldn’t be the same. But it wasn’t Eric who’d had a door opened in his

soul—it was her. It was Lucky who had changed, who had recognized something new

about herself—the desire to submit.


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Season’s Spankings

“Lucky?” The note of concern in Eric’s deep voice made her look up at him.

“Lucky,” he said again. “Will you wear it and agree to be my submissive?”

She realized that she’d been sitting there on her wine-soaked carpet having an

epiphany while her lover—no, her Master—still didn’t know if she accepted his gift and

all that came with it. Leaning forward she wrapped her arms around his neck and

planted a long, luscious kiss on his sensual mouth.

“I’ll wear it with pride,” she murmured. “Master.”


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About the Author

Evangeline Anderson is a registered MRI tech who would rather be writing. She is

thirty-something and lives in Florida with a husband, three cats and a college-age sister

but no kids because enough is enough already. She had been writing erotic stories for

her own gratification for a number of years before it occurred to her to try to get paid

for it. To her delight, she found it was actually possible to get money for having a dirty

mind and she has been writing steadily ever since.

Evangeline welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Evangeline Anderson

Ceremony of Three

For Her Pleasure


Planet X

Secret Thirst

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you




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