Twin Pines Grizzlies 13 Dominant Alpha

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Twin Pines Grizzlies 13

Dominant Alpha

Taking control was his specialty…

Dominant Holden Burke knows how to work a submissive to get
the most out of him for the camera, but when a man from his
past hits the stage, he's reluctant to perform.

Tommy Estin was a teenager when he and Burke ended up in an
intense sexual situation. Rather than face what he'd done, Burke
ran, convinced he'd taken advantage of Tommy. He's been
punishing himself ever since.

Tommy never forgot that encounter with Burke. There was no
taking advantage involved, but Burke refused to listen. Seven
years later, Tommy wants his chance with Burke, even if he has
to do a live sex show to get it. If Burke pulls the plug on the
show, he'll have a lot of explaining to do, so he goes forward,
determined to make Tommy regret confronting him.

If they can move past their own history, Burke and Tommy will
find a whole new life with the bear-shifting brotherhood they
never knew existed. A life with more twists and turns than either
of them could ever imagine.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 37,828 words

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Twin Pines Grizzlies 13

Anitra Lynn McLeod



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Anitra Lynn McLeod
E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-499-1

First E-book Publication: June 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Because love always finds a way.

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Twin Pines Grizzlies 13


Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

Holden Burke was ready to put on one hell of a show. All week

long he’d been looking forward to getting off for the riveted eyes of
his faithful followers. Everything was exactly as he’d requested. The
entire stage looked like something straight out of the Wild, Wild West.
Well, with a kinky twist. He had a wall formed of rustic planks that
looked kind of like a piece of railroad track. That was where he would
tie up and torture his victim. A hole at hip height would expose the
man’s cock to the audience and give Burke the challenge that he
loved. Burke would have to get the guy off without one single stroke
to his cock. So far, he’d managed to do so with every one of his

Rubbing his hands together, Burke surveyed the rest of the

equipment. All of it was perfect down to the smallest detail. For his
outfit, Burke wore tight jeans, cowboy boots, and a holster slung low,
but rather than guns he had sex toys. His chest was bare and lightly
oiled, showing off his tan. On his head he wore a black hat. Natch. He
was the bad guy, after all.

Just as he’d asked, the stage manager had put the imitation railroad

on a spinning platform so that Burke could pick and choose how best
to display himself and his victim to the audience. Reaching up, he

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yanked on the embedded ropes. They were solid. They looked like old
jute but were actually soft, scuffed-up nylon. The set designer had
done some truly beautiful work putting all of the stage together.

As always, there was a safe word in place in case things got too

intense, but so far, not a man had called one out. Tonight the word
was Tonto, which Burke thought was funny given the stage dressing.
Vasco, the stage manager, was very good at picking out submissives
who would work for Burke’s shows. Part of Burke’s mystique was
that he didn’t choose the men. They were chosen for him, and he still
got them off. There was something powerful about a man who could
work his magic on anyone.

Burke had now done a dozen shows with Vasco, and each one had

been a bigger moneymaker than the last. There was nothing Burke
enjoyed more than getting his freak on and getting paid handsomely to

Each time the setting was different, as Vasco wanted to keep

things fresh, but tonight this was all Burke’s design. He’d had a
fascination for playing cowboy since he was a kid. The first guy he
kissed was playing the white hat, and that was a moment Burke never
forgot. Tommy’s mouth had tasted like a cherry Popsicle, and he’d
gotten hard as they pressed together.

Each time Burke imagined doing this to someone, he refined the

scene in his mind, adding elements, removing distractions. He wasn’t
certain what he was looking for exactly. Something. Someone? No.
This was about getting off and getting paid, nothing more.

And then in the back of the stage, he saw a man in a white hat.

Well, he saw his hat glowing under the lights, but he saw no features.
His victim was running late, but Burke let that go. Not everyone was
as punctual as he was. Besides, from what he could see, his victim
looked perfect. Burke definitely had his type. He liked them strong so
they could take what he dished out. And he liked them tall so he didn’t
have to bend over to whisper vulgarities in their ear, but one of his
favorite things was a playmate with blond hair. If he had an innocent

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face to go with those fragile-colored strands, so much the better.
Burke knew why he had a thing for innocent blonds. The first guy he’d
kissed had been both blond and innocent.

“We’re about ready, Burke.”
“Who is it tonight?”
Vasco looked down at his clipboard and flipped rapidly through his

stack of paperwork. “Fuck. I’m sorry, Burke. He’s a last-minute
replacement, so I don’t have his name at the ready.”

“Don’t sweat it. What happened to the guy who was scheduled?”
“Called off at the last minute.”
Burke frowned as Vasco took his highly caffeinated self behind the

rear-stage curtains. Vasco was anal, and that was a good thing. He
made sure the place was safe, secure, and anything that went down
was sane and consensual. If something fucked up, it was Vasco’s ass
on the bottom line, so he took care of business. Burke trusted him. If a
last-minute change had taken place, Vasco would make sure the guy
knew the drill.

Lights came on, and then someone tinkered with the gels on the

spots so the stage wasn’t glaringly bright, but more golden, like a
desert at sundown. Yeah. Burke grinned. That was when the bad men
came out to play. For the third time, Burke checked that he had all his
gear situated on his person. Stopping a live show for any reason was
bad form. Burke had mentally walked through this so many times he
was certain he had it down to a science, so now he could show off his

Two weeks of denial had his balls primed. He was known for a

bountiful climax that he loved to splatter all over the back and
buttocks of his victim. Tonight he thought he would outdo himself on
that score. He was in a perfect mood, the stage was set, and all he
needed now was for Vasco to give the go that would start the live
show. Even now, Burke heard the audience squirming in their seats.
They didn’t talk amongst themselves but waited in a breathless kind of
awe on the other side of the front-stage curtains.

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Once Vasco cued him, dozens of people would be immersed in his

show. They paid well for the privilege. It was one thing to watch a
porn, but there was something unique about a live show. The
immediacy of it, but also, there was the potential for something
unscripted to happen. Burke didn’t think the audience was riveted for
a mistake, but what they wanted to see was something they never saw
in a porn, and that was unscripted actions and reactions. Reality was
powerful in a business that was based more on myth than anything

As much as Burke rehearsed in his head, he didn’t allow his

submissive to have any idea of what was coming. To them, everything
that happened was a surprise. And that was what fueled the voyeur’s
interest. Burke knew what was coming, as he was the man in charge.
All his victim knew was the safe word to make it all stop.

Being an exhibitionist, Burke got to fly his own freak flag high and

proud. As for his victim? Well, he got to indulge his cravings, too. The
submissive had the pleasure of giving it all up to the bad man. Burke
made sure they got a walloping dose of pleasure from relinquishing
control. Their climaxes were always as spectacular if not more so than

Via Vasco, Burke only gave his partners three simple instructions.

One, they had to come to the show clean, inside and out. Two, they
had to refrain from climaxing for two weeks prior to the event. And
three, they had to allow Burke to tie them up and do whatever he
wanted to them. There was that safe word, but so far, not a soul had
used it. Burke had a knack for knowing just how far he could push a
man before he broke him.

“We’re gonna go in thirty.” Vasco checked his clipboard and cued

the man who would send the show out to monitors placed around the
club. That way, everyone could see everything from every angle. There
were cameras everywhere that Burke couldn’t see right now, but soon
they’d have a little red light glowing at the top to indicate their
placement. In that way, Burke could play up to a particular camera and

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help the director to cut in and out of shots for the best show.

Burke took a deep breath and centered himself. Thirty seconds. As

soon as they hit the end of that countdown, the front curtains would
open, his victim would emerge through the black curtain at the back of
the stage, and Burke would start his scene.

Anticipation tingled over his skin, tightening his muscles, making

him widen his stance. He wanted to look like a terrifying badass when
his innocent playmate saw him for the first time. That was one thing
Burke clearly had in his favor. He looked menacing. His features were
dark, heavy, and he never smiled except when he was baring his teeth.
Dark hair, dark eyes, and a glare that could still the beating hearts of
virgins. That was his look. It certainly helped that he was six and a half
feet tall and over two hundred fifty pounds of bulging muscle.

As the countdown ticked off in his head, Burke eyed the board

where he would tie up his playmate. Despite the rough look of the
wood, it was carefully sanded and smooth to the touch, just like those
harsh-looking ropes. This was about appearance. He didn’t actually
want the man to get a chest full of splinters or rope burns on his limbs.

“Four, three...” Vasco’s voice trailed off as the cameras came on,

the front curtain opened, and Burke’s victim entered the stage.

Fuck. For the first time ever, Burke almost stopped a show before

it even got started. What the hell was Tommy Estin doing wearing the
white hat? As astonished as he was to find little Tommy all grown up
and placing himself in his more than capable hands, Burke didn’t want
to corrupt the guy any more than he had.

Long ago, they had shared a first kiss. That one kiss had changed

Burke’s life, but no matter how tempted he’d been, he’d never gone
after Tommy again. He was just a damn kid and so innocent he
practically had a halo over his beautiful blond head.

Under the brim of the white hat, Tommy’s clear brown eyes peered

at Burke. Wide, innocent, curious—every goddamned bit of it pushing
at Burke’s buttons. Tommy was taller now. A lot taller. And he was
much bigger with strong-looking muscles. He wasn’t a kid, and Burke

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owed him nothing.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Burke barked.
To his credit, Tommy held his ground. “You’ve got something I


A snarl twisted Burke’s lip. “Oh, I’m gonna give you something,

boy. But I don’t know if you’re gonna want it.”

Before he could respond, Burke was on him. In seconds, he had

Tommy’s arms secured above his head via a rope dangling there, right
where Burke had requested it be. It was anchored above and draped to
a pulley where Burke could adjust the tension. Moving to the device,
Burke tightened the rope until Tommy had to stand almost on his
tiptoes to keep the pressure off his shoulders.

As his hat tumbled behind him, Burke appreciated the symbolism.

There goes the first mark of innocence, he thought. Maybe that’s why
he loved pale blond hair. Even without the hat, it was still as if Tommy
was wearing white on his head. But now, without the hat, his eyes
looked enormous and so innocent it was almost painful. Tommy’s lips
were moist and red. For the life of him, to Burke it appeared he’d just
been sucking on a cherry Popsicle.

With his hands pulled up high, Tommy’s body was elongated and

beautifully displayed. As furious as Burke was to be tricked into doing
this with someone he knew, and Tommy of all the people on the
planet, he couldn’t help but admire the man’s courage, and damn it all
if he wasn’t just exactly what Burke had always pictured.

This was what had been missing from the scene as he played it

over and again inside his head. The perfect playmate. Little Tommy
Estin was all grown up into a strong and willing submissive.

Curious about his mouth, Burke came close, placing his mouth

right next to Tommy’s. When he breathed in, he smelled cherry. Ah,
His cock damn near busted a hole through his jeans. The urge to
taste him was tempered by the role he was playing.

“You shouldn’t have come here, boy.”
“I want what’s rightfully mine.”

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Even without a script, Tommy was a natural at improvisation. But

Burke sensed a deeper meaning behind those words. Tommy had tried
to hook up with Burke after that fated day, but Burke had avoided
him. He was a kid, and Burke was going to leave him that way. He
was older than Tommy by three years. That didn’t mean so much now
that Burke was twenty-three, but back then, that difference meant a
hell of a lot when Burke was sixteen. Seven years ago, dropping the
hats on their heads had just been a joke, but then Burke took playing
the bad guy too far and had cornered Tommy. He’d never forgotten
that moment and never stopped regretting it. He’d taken advantage of
him, and here he was, live for an audience of at least one hundred,
debating just what the hell he was going to do with Tommy now.

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Chapter 2

Tommy took a deep breath to hold his position steady. With his

arms over his head and the rope pulling his entire body taut, he
struggled just to keep himself upright, which was no doubt why Burke
had put him into this position. Focusing on maintaining his balance
gave him something to occupy his mind rather than worrying over
what evil Burke would commit next.

Stepping out from between those black curtains and getting his

first good look at Burke after almost a decade had been startling. As a
boy, Burke had been handsome, but as a man, he was dangerously so.
Dark hair, dark eyes, those harsh features—all of it added up to a man
of menace and peril. Burke was every erotic fantasy of Tommy’s come
to life. Under his tight jeans, Tommy’s cock had swelled just looking
at him. When Burke came near and Tommy smelled the light sweat
and oil of his body, he’d practically melted on the spot. He was
everything and more than what Tommy remembered.

Getting himself on the roster for this show had been one of the

trickiest things Tommy had ever managed to pull off. But he had to be
the one to play this scene with Burke. Given their history, that was a
no-brainer. That day, that kiss, the hunger in Burke’s eyes as he’d
pinned Tommy to the wall—every nuance from that moment was
etched into his mind. All his masturbatory fantasies from that day
forward had involved good guys, bad guys, and cowboy hats in black
and white.

When he got older, Tommy recognized he had a fetish due to his

first sexual experience, but intellectualizing it didn’t make any damn
difference. Trying to act something out with another man failed

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dismally, so Tommy had tracked Burke down. Discovering he put on
live shows for an exclusive BDSM club fascinated him, and he vowed
one way or another he would end up in Burke’s clutches.

So here he was, dangling from a rope, with Burke’s mouth coming

close enough to his for Burke to taste the cherry on his breath.

“You shouldn’t have come.” Burke spoke harshly, his rough voice

like gravel over velvet.

“I couldn’t stay away.”
Every word they spoke fit the scene but also had deep currents in

their history.

“I’m gonna fuck you up, boy.” Burke grasped Tommy’s cock

through his jeans and squeezed. “I’m gonna make you regret you ever
laid eyes on me.”

Fat fucking chance, Tommy thought, but he said nothing. This was

Burke’s signature. His dirty talk. His gruff and unforgiving presence.
Tommy deliberately opened his eyes wide, filling his face with
innocence and terror, knowing that doing so would push all of Burke’s
buttons. Tommy knew he’d hit his mark perfectly when Burke’s fist on
his cock tightened another notch and he hissed between clenched

“You got something to say to me, boy?”
Tommy shook his head.
“That’s good. Save your pretty voice for screaming.” Burke

yanked at the button of Tommy’s jeans, wrenching the zipper down
with the force of his pull. Since he was barefoot, all Burke had to do
was get his jeans off and Tommy would be bare. Burke pushed them
down around his hips but deliberately kept Tommy’s cock tucked to
the side and hidden. With a forceful grasp, Burke spun Tommy so that
his back was to Burke. He pushed at the jeans until Tommy’s buns
were exposed.

“Look at that lily-white ass.” Burke smacked one big hand against

his right buttock. It stung, but Tommy kept quiet. This was only the

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“You ever had a grown man spank you, boy?”
Tommy shook his head, dropping it just a little, playing his part as

the terrified victim.

“I’m going to turn this white ass pink, and then I’m going to make

it red.” Burke grasped a handful of Tommy’s hair and pulled his head
back. He placed his mouth right against Tommy’s ear and asked, “And
then do you know what I’m gonna do?” Burke waited for a moment,
but Tommy wisely didn’t respond. “I’m gonna fuck your sweet ass
until you scream.”

When Burke let go of his hair, Tommy struggled as if he were

trying desperately to get away, but that was strictly theater. The whole
reason he was here was to have Burke fuck him good, hard, and long.
Moreover, Tommy had fixed it so that Burke couldn’t back out. Not
with an audience watching their every move.

With a growl, Burke slapped Tommy’s ass again, harder, stinging

his flesh and making the sound fill the entire theater. Again and again
Burke slapped his open palm against him, making him shake and
struggle, but these blows were more about sound than administering
pain. That part would be given in smaller doses. However, to those
watching, it appeared that Burke was laying into Tommy’s white
bottom with a frenzy of raw violence.

“Let’s see what that’s done to your cock.”
Tommy was spun. Burke kept ahold of his hips until Tommy

regained his tentative balance.

Burke looked into his eyes, and for a timeless moment, Tommy fell

into Burke’s dark gaze. Just like that day when he pressed him up
against the wall in his basement, Burke’s eyes were filled with hunger.
Now, though, the hunger had matured, just like the man. There was a
beast inside Burke that craved Tommy’s submission and longed for the
perfect blend of innocence, fear, and answering need. If Burke looked
long and hard enough into Tommy’s eyes, he would discover that
Tommy was his match. Tommy had known and accepted that truth
ages ago. It was Burke, the stronger one, who had run away from

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what they could be together.

They’d been too young to know exactly what they were doing

back then, but they knew now. Locked on course to a finality that
they’d delayed for so many years, it was as if all their passions, their
cravings, and their perversions came screaming up to the surface.
Everything would be laid bare on this stage tonight.

Trepidation and longing collided in Tommy. He’d prayed for this

and had practically sold his soul to get here, and now he wanted to be
good for Burke. Tommy wanted to ensure that all of Burke’s darkest
needs were fulfilled.

Time returned to normal as Burke looked down and exposed

Tommy’s cock.

“Look at how hard you are.” Burke wrapped his callused palm

around Tommy’s aching prick and tugged. “You like getting slapped

Tommy shook his head hard enough to make his hair tangle over

his forehead and obscure his eyes just a bit. Just enough to make his
eyes look wide and terrified.

“Speak, boy. You said you wanted something from me.”
“Let me go.” Tommy kept his voice high-pitched but low in

volume. Those watching would have to strain to hear him. But the
contrast between Burke’s forceful presence and his tender shyness
would be both visual and auditory.

“I’ll let you go when I’m satisfied.” Burke cupped his free hand to

his own cock. “You’re gonna have to make me come, boy. Think you
can do that?”

Tommy gulped as he looked down.
“Don’t worry. I’ll make you come, and I won’t even touch your


Frowning, Tommy looked up just in time to see a little hitch of a

grin twist Burke’s upper lip.

“I’m gonna make your cream fly out of you with just the power of

my cock.”

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Burke let go of Tommy’s prick and yanked down his pants so

violently Tommy struggled to keep his balance. His wrists were tender
from the pressure, and his arms were shaking.

“Let’s get you naked so I can see what I have to work with.”
Lifting one leg then the other, Burke got Tommy out of his jeans

and kicked them away. Bare and dangling, Tommy was turned around
in a circle as Burke inspected him.

From his holster, Burke extracted a length of flexible plastic that

had a tiny square at one end. By flicking his wrist, Burke was able to
deliver a series of sharp microspanks along Tommy’s buttocks and

Whatever the device was, it stung but only for a split second. What

it mainly did was make Tommy shift in his restraints as Burke
continued to turn and assess him.

“That’s it, boy. Dance for me. Show me those long, strong legs.

Let me see your buttocks bounce.” Burke continued to randomly
deliver blows until he had Tommy facing him again. “Now let’s see if I
can make your cock dance.”

Burke held the device close as if he would paddle Tommy’s prick.

Holding his breath, Tommy waited for the first blow. He knew Burke
wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, but just the thought of one of those
stinging smacks on his junk amped up his adrenalin until he was

Instead of striking him, Burke lifted his free hand and twisted

Tommy’s nipple.

A cry of surprise tore from Tommy’s lips as he flung his head

back. The shock of expecting one thing and getting another flushed
more fight-or-flight chemicals into his already overloaded bloodstream.

“Did the bad man surprise you?” Burke grasped his head by

threading his thick fingers through Tommy’s hair, making Tommy
look at him. “And your cock did indeed dance for me. I think you like

Tommy tried to shake his head, but Burke forced him to nod.

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“Yeah, that’s it. See? You’re loving it, aren’t you?”
Again, Burke made him nod. He let go and twisted his other

nipple. This time when Tommy cried out, he also felt his cock twitch.
Fuck. Burke had indeed found a way to make his dick dance without
touching it. Now Tommy had no doubt that Burke would do exactly
what he said he would. He was going to make Tommy climax without
stroking his cock.

Burke stepped back and lightly paddled the device over Tommy’s

chest, making him quiver as he tried to keep his balance. He was
breathing hard and sweating from the exertion of just staying centered.
He tried to think of how long he’d been bound this way, but his mind
couldn’t focus on time when Burke continued to smatter his skin with
intense slaps.

Fleeting stings of pain bloomed and died all over his body like

time-lapse wildflowers. Through it all, Tommy felt his hard cock
bouncing with each wince. Rather than softening him, all Burke’s
action did was make Tommy harder. He’d never considered himself a
masochist, but then again, he’d never really done anything of a sexual
nature beyond touching himself.

Striving to keep still was distracting him from feeling the full depth

of the stinging blows, which was probably the point of restraining him
this way. All Tommy knew was that he would take whatever Burke
dished out because he wanted the ultimate reward of having Burke’s
powerful prick penetrating his virgin hole.

“You do dance well.” Burke spun him around so that Tommy’s

back was to him again. “Nice high buns on your sweet little ass.”
Burke cupped Tommy’s buttocks into his massive hands, alerting
Tommy to the fact he’d put away the torture tool. For now, at any
rate. “Squeeze them for me.”

Tommy clenched his buttocks as hard as he could, hoping to please


“Yeah. Nice and tight. You’re gonna milk my cock real good.”

Burke yanked his cheeks apart so suddenly that Tommy cried out as he

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lost his balance. Without seeming like he was, Burke used his powerful
arms to help Tommy stabilize and take the pressure off his shoulders.
“Keep your cool, boy. I’m just checking what I’ve got here.”

Unable to see what he was doing, all Tommy could do was hold on

and try to guess.

“Look at this sweet, pink pucker.”
At that point, Tommy knew Burke was crouched down looking

directly at his hole, because he felt his breath caress his exposed flesh.

Burke stretched him open, and Tommy imagined he was doing this

so one of the cameras scattered all around the stage could zoom in and
show everyone watching what Burke was seeing. Tommy only knew
this because he’d watched one of Burke’s live shows. Getting into the
limited seating had cost him a fortune, but it had been worth every
cent. Burke had his tricks and his way of pulling the viewer into the
scene so fully they could easily picture themselves as either man. If
they were into giving rough sex, they would see themselves as Burke.
If they were into getting it rough, they would see themselves as
Tommy. If they liked both, they could go back and forth until they
reached their own peak of pleasure.

Because distilled to its essence, that was what this show was

about. It was to get off on. Everyone watching was doing so for
arousal. Some had probably already climaxed. Some, like Tommy and
Burke, wouldn’t get their satisfaction until the very end. Once he’d
wrung everything from him that he could, Burke would cream all over
Tommy’s back. What happened between now and then would push
Tommy beyond what he thought he could endure. But endure he
would, because he’d been waiting his whole life for this moment.
Burke couldn’t walk away. He couldn’t stop the encounter. Only
Tommy could. One word and it all stopped. However, if Tommy did
that, there would be no second chance. No matter what he did,
Tommy would never be able to wrangle events to duplicate this. One
shot was all he got. And he would make the most of it.

“I think this fragile thing hasn’t had so much as a finger in it, has

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Tommy didn’t know what to say, so he stayed silent.
“You answer me.” Burke let go of his buttocks and clapped his

hands together on the opposite sides, smacking each bun toward the
center, shaking Tommy’s entire body. “You ever take it up the ass?”

“No.” The one word tore out of Tommy’s throat like a cry of


Burke yanked his buttocks apart again, obviously peering at the

hole he would violate. “You’re in some serious trouble, boy.”

As Tommy looked up at the lights shining down on him, he

thought that perhaps he was. Although before he’d thought this was
exactly what he wanted, and he’d diligently saved himself for Burke,
maybe he should have prepared himself for this. His ass was tight
because he’d never slipped so much as a toy up there when he jacked
off. He wanted Burke to be the first, completely.

“Please don’t hurt me.” Tommy’s voice shook from his effort to

hold steady and his sudden realization that getting what he wanted
may not be what he actually needed.

“Hurt you?” Burke let go of his buttocks and turned him. “I’m

gonna make you regret the day you decided to stick yourself in my
business.” Burke grasped Tommy’s chin, pulled him close, and
whispered, “You should have stayed away, Tommy.”

He delivered this line so softly Tommy doubted any of the

microphones had picked it up.

“I let you go for a reason, and you just had to come back and taunt

me. There’s no turning back now.”

Stone-cold fear washed goose bumps over Tommy’s sweat-

drenched flesh. Burke was just getting started with him. Oh. God.
He’d made a terrible mistake. There was no care in his eyes. No
fondness. Nothing but that raw, animal hunger.

Only in the confines of his mind had Tommy put a different look in

those hunter eyes. He’d romanticized Burke and crafted him into
something he never really was. Burke wasn’t human, he was a beast,

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and he was going to rip Tommy apart without a shred of emotion.

This wasn’t at all what Tommy had envisioned. He thought that

when Burke saw him and realized he’d waited all these years for him,
he’d be grateful and maybe fall in love. Tommy had never felt more
idiotic in his life than he did right at this moment. Tommy would have
hung his head in shame for his silly romanticism, but Burke still had a
firm grip on his chin.

Burke tilted his head as if he were considering what he was reading

in Tommy’s face. Maybe he could sense Tommy’s fear was real and
that he now regretted what he’d done, placing himself in Burke’s
strong hands.

And then, a glimmer of hope.
The harshness of Burke’s face softened. His hand wasn’t as

forceful, but seemed to cradle Tommy’s face, holding him steady so he
could keep on peering at him. The angle of Burke’s head and the
tilting of his hat over their two faces effectively blocked every single
camera and the view of the audience. In the midst of something public,
Burke had found a way to ensure a moment of privacy.

Moving closer with a half step, Burke wrapped his arm around

Tommy, lifting him up slightly by cupping his ass. It took just enough
pressure off his arms to make Tommy sigh with relief.

“Cherry.” Burke moved his mouth until he was a bare breath away

from Tommy’s. “You ate a fucking cherry Popsicle before coming on
stage, didn’t you?”

“Why did you come here?”
“Because I’ve always wanted you.”
“I’m a bad man.”
“I know.”
And then Burke did the last thing Tommy would have ever


Burke kissed him.

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Chapter 3

The taste of Tommy’s cherry mouth exploded memories and

longings into Burke’s mind that he’d worked diligently to rid himself
of. Goddamn, but just that barest taste brought back the rawness of
that moment in his basement and pushed something bestial in Burke.

Dirty need demanded that Burke ask, “Is all of you as cherry as

your mouth?”

“Please, I’ve never done this. I’ve never—”
“Sweet cherry ass?” Burke assessed Tommy’s innocent features

and realized he was just as virginal now as he’d been all those years
ago. A shiver of blatant appetite forced him to snarl, “I’m not
stopping. If you want me to, you just say that one word.”

Burke stepped back. None of that had been picked up by the

cameras, the microphones, or the audience. Burke knew the stage
layout intimately. He grinned. By the time the night was over, he’d
know Tommy that way, too. Unless he chickened out. And from what
Burke remembered, Tommy wasn’t a coward.

“I don’t like outsiders coming into my world thinking they can

make me change who I am or how I conduct my business.” Burke
noticed that Tommy’s entire body trembled from the effort of
maintaining his balance. In another five minutes, he’d probably
collapse, but until then, Burke was going to push him. He wanted
Tommy right on that edge of thinking he couldn’t take another
moment, and then Burke would give him a reprieve. Not a long one,
just one lengthy enough for Tommy to think Burke had gone soft on
him. And then he’d start in again and push him right up to that limit.
Each time he did this, Tommy would get stronger and ever more

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determined to outlast him. It was as much psychological as it was

“You think you can change me?” Burke asked, adjusting himself,

drawing the attention of the cameras to the impressive bulge in his

“No. Please. I just wanted, I just—”
Out of his holster Burke yanked the riding crop and proceeded to

slap stinging bites over Tommy’s chest.

Tiny cries emerged from his cherry lips with each nip. The red dye

made his teeth seem whiter and his face seem more innocent. God, on
the monitors, he would look incredible. Live, he was amazing, but
Burke could easily picture how the engineer would enhance the colors
to bring out the paleness of Tommy’s hair contrasted to the redness of
his lips. Doing that would make Burke look even darker and more

“You want something that I’ve got.” Burke pinged a blow right on

Tommy’s nipple, and his cock twitched. Undercurrents to all their
chatter rolled around them, picking up force. What he said and what
he meant was a language that only he and Tommy could decipher. To
anyone watching, this was just erotic talk to push the scene, but to
Burke and Tommy it was a rehashing of the day when Burke forcefully
pushed Tommy against the wall. “You want something pretty damn
bad to come out here alone, knowing that I’m stronger than you.”

“Oh, you remember that word. You’re going to be using that one

word a lot pretty soon. And it won’t be begging me to stop.”

Tommy’s eyes went wide as he looked Burke in the face.
“You’ll be begging me to let you go.”
Tommy shook his head.
“You’ll be crying for me to release you.”
Burke’s face hardened. “You disagreeing with me?”
Big brown eyes widened farther, and his face turned frantic. “No,

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no, I would never—”

One whap on his balls elicited a cry of shock that closed his eyes

and danced him back on his toes.

Burke had landed a glancing blow because he really didn’t want to

hurt Tommy. He just wanted to scare the shit out of him so that he
would never do something like this again. Or was there more to
Burke’s intentions? Burke never let anger rule him during a scene.
What was it about Tommy that pushed his buttons? And then he got it.
He was angry because he wanted him. He’d always wanted him, ever
since that day he pushed him against that wall and taken a kiss that he
shouldn’t have. The feel of Tommy below his body, that taste of his
mouth, the way both of their hearts were pounding with the fear of
getting caught—all of that had been reproduced here.

“Look at me.”
Tommy blinked past the tears to focus on Burke.
He lifted the riding crop, and Tommy held his breath. Ever so

slowly, Burke lowered the end to the middle of Tommy’s chest.

“You are going to do everything I tell you to do.”
Tommy nodded so vigorously he flung the tears out of his eyes.

One landed on his cheek, the other on his chest.

Reaching out his free hand, Burke lifted the tear from his chest and

licked it off. “Pain tears are different from any other kind of tear.”

Tommy swallowed hard but said nothing.
Moving in, Burke licked the tear off his cheek and took the

opportunity to whisper, “Say the word and you’re free.”

When he pulled back, there was a new hardness in Tommy’s eyes.

He was good and scared, but he was also determined. And when
Burke looked down, he realized he was also turned on. His cock was
hard and jutting out from his body. If the blow had really hurt him or
he was deeply terrified, he wouldn’t still have an erection. Tommy
either enjoyed pain, enjoyed being a public spectacle, or he really
wanted Burke to be in charge of him. Perhaps all three.

No matter what he told himself, Burke realized that he wanted to

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keep going. He might have felt tricked into taking on a novice and a
man he had a past with, but then again, there wasn’t any other way he
would have gotten involved with Tommy.

“One night.” The words slipped out before Burke realized what

he’d said didn’t quite go with what he was doing, so he tried to cover.
“You survive one night with me, boy, and I’ll let you go. You got it?”

Tommy nodded.
But really, what Burke was trying desperately to do was convince

himself that one night was all this was going to be. He was not going
to do anything with Tommy but work on this stage with him. When it
was over and they were both utterly spent, Burke would turn his back
and walk away. Cold and cutting, that had to be the finale to this.
Tommy wouldn’t learn his lesson any other way. And damn it all to
hell, but Burke was bound to teach Tommy a lesson. He didn’t call
himself a bad man for no reason. Walking off was simplified by the fact
that Vasco had someone who came in to give the submissives
aftercare, because that was something Burke didn’t do. He left it all on
the stage then went home where he drank himself into oblivion. But no
one knew that part. And he was going to keep it that way.

“You think you can survive me for one night?”
Lifting his chin ever so slightly, Tommy said, “I can. I will.”
“You look strong.” Burke continued to slide the end of the riding

crop down Tommy’s chest then stroked along his arms. “Lot of pent-
up power in your body.” He trailed it down, caressing his way over his
hips, his thighs, and then stroked the tip over his cock and balls.
“Good solid prick.”

Burke flicked his hand back, watching as Tommy flinched, but

there was no blow. Burke had flicked away from his body, not toward.

Tommy glared at him, furious he’d been tricked, and that was

when Burke delivered a blow right at the base of Tommy’s cock.

Startled, Tommy cried out.
“That’s it.” Burke caressed him with the end of the tool. “Like I

said, you should save your voice for screaming. Too much talking will

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leave you breathless for the pain I’m going to bring.” He paused,
lowered his head, pursed his lips, and then drawled, “There is gonna be
so much pain that you’ll be crying for your mamma by the time I’m
done with you.”

“I won’t.” Tommy lifted his chin, and despite his awkward posture

with his hands stretched high overhead, he straightened his shoulders
as best he could.

“You wanna argue with me?” Burke uttered a bark of a laugh. To

date, not a submissive had ever dared to defy him in any way. But that
was the trick here. Tommy wasn’t just anybody, and Burke was
starting to think that he wasn’t really submissive. He just wanted
Burke to finish what he started all those years ago.

Stepping close again, Burke got near enough so he could examine

Tommy’s face. “I will make you cry.”

“That’s not the same as crying for my momma, now is it?”
Burke tried to fight it, but he grinned despite his best efforts.

Damn, but Tommy had grown some serious balls. Even then, in the
basement, when Burke had realized what he’d done and pulled back,
Tommy swore he wouldn’t tell. He wasn’t mad. He wanted more. Not
once had Tommy ever threatened to tell. What drove Burke away was
his own sense of shame for forcing himself on a younger boy.

“I’ve already made you cry.” Burke touched Tommy’s cheek and

chest where the tears had landed. “Your tears are sweet. I could drink
myself drunk on your pain.” Burke put the riding crop into his holster,
and this time he used his hands on Tommy’s nipples, twisting them

Tommy moaned, and his head went back, but he didn’t cry out.
Encouraged, Burke reached into his holster and removed his

special contraption. Folded up, the item fit into one of the gun slots on
his belt with room enough for the added toy. He dangled the chrome
and leather item before Tommy’s eyes.

Tommy frowned at it, unable to grasp what it was because the item

wouldn’t make sense until it was on him.

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“Had this made special for you.” Burke leaned in close to get

another quick taste of the cherry on Tommy’s mouth. Memories
flooded him, galvanizing him, making Burke determined to see this
through. “I always knew I would get my hands on you. And I wanted
to be ready for that day. Or night.”

Burke slid the leather-strapped, chromed-ringed device around

Tommy’s hips. A strap dangled down the front and one down the
back. With smooth efficiency, Burke wrapped what looked like a
leather cock ring around Tommy’s shaft, just behind his balls, but it
was actually neoprene that wouldn’t bind him too tightly. In designing
the device, Burke knew he had to make it so that it could be easily
adjusted to fit any man who ended up in his clutches. That the man
turned out to be Tommy, who Burke kept picturing while crafting the
toy, was nothing short of karma.

“This is going to keep you in line while I torment you.”
“Can’t do it yourself?”
As the words caught up to Burke’s mind, he simultaneously

appreciated Tommy’s nerve and vowed to dominate him into

After hooking the cock ring to the waistband, which pulled his

cock up and out, Burke spun Tommy around. Forcefully, he yanked
apart his buttocks, giving the camera another look at his tight, pink
pucker. Damn. Burke couldn’t help himself. He leaned forward and
licked that sweet hole.

Tommy cried out and lifted his buttocks while standing on the very

tips of his toes.

His taste was wickedly good. If innocence had a taste, Tommy was

ripe with it. And Burke was determined to strip him of it, of all of it,
from every cell of his alluring body by night’s end. Burke took a
moment to tongue fuck him, loving the way Tommy squirmed to stay
still, to stay balanced, to not indicate how much he enjoyed what
Burke was doing to him.

As suddenly as he started, Burke stopped. From his holster he

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withdrew a squat butt plug. He’d lubed it up before the night got
started and slipped a bit of plastic wrap around it, so when he pulled it
out it was ready to go with no delays.

Holding Tommy’s buns parted with one hand, he nudged the plug

in with the other.

Tommy hissed out a breath when the device went in, and Burke

realized he’d never had anything in his tender bottom.

Aw, fuck.
Burke’s cock twitched so hard it was trying to bust out of his jeans

again and get near enough to penetrate Tommy’s virgin hole. To give
that glory to a toy was almost heartbreaking, but then again, Tommy
wouldn’t be able to handle Burke’s cock without some kind of
breaking in.

“Sweet tight ass just sucked that plug right in.” Burke grasped the

strap that dangled from the back of the waistband and used it to hold
the plug inside Tommy’s now-quivering bottom. Then he reached
underneath to attach the back strap to the cock ring and strap in the

“All bound up with nowhere to go.”
Burke rose and turned Tommy around so the cameras and the

audience could see him from all angles. The leather and chrome-ringed
device fit Tommy perfectly. His cock was forced out and kept rigid
while his ass was filled with a plug that would tease his every

“How does that feel?”
“Not as good as your tongue felt.”
Burke yanked his riding crop out and flicked the very tip of

Tommy’s prick. He was so expert with the device he was able to strike
with pinpoint accuracy. When his blow puffed more air than actual
contact to Tommy’s cock, Tommy clenched his teeth together to stop
himself from crying out for no reason.

“I’m very good at what I do.” Burke put the device back in his


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Tommy nodded respectfully.
“I think we have an understanding.”
Tommy lifted his chin defiantly. “I understand that you’re really a


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Chapter 4

“I’m a coward?” Burke asked calmly.
Tommy kept his chin high. “Did I stutter?”
Burke yanked on Tommy’s cock, pulling him off balance and

forcing his weight onto his aching arms.

Rather than scream, Tommy clenched his teeth together and

danced quickly on his toes to regain his balance. All the while, the plug
in his ass tormented him. If he had just a bit more room, he could rock
his hips, but given how expertly Burke had trussed him up, Tommy
could barely stay upright let alone get any pleasure out of the toy. Still,
for a first foray up his ass, it was sublime. Tommy wanted to squirm
and feel the plug tickling him everywhere, but he couldn’t, because
Burke knew exactly how far he could push a man before he went

“You got a mouth on you, boy.” Burke eased his finger across

Tommy’s lips. He did this speculatively, like he was thinking of all the
things he could make Tommy do with his mouth. “You try my

“You’re trying mine.”
Warning flashed in Burke’s eyes, but Tommy didn’t heed the

signal. He’d been dangled around on this stage long enough. Given the
chance, Tommy had a feeling Burke would just keep messing with him
and never exactly get to the rough-and-dirty part. The fucking part. As
afraid as Tommy was, he was also determined to have Burke claim him
once and for all. Tormenting dreams of Burke teasing him endlessly,
his mouth so close to Tommy’s ear, or his lips, his words snarled, his
touches rough, but never, not once in all his dreams, was there any

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kind of completion.

“I want you inside me. I’ve longed to feel your cock up my ass

from that moment—”

Burke whipped out the stinging slapper, hitting Tommy on the

edge of his balls. It cut him off and made him remember where he was.
They weren’t alone here. This was live, public, and dozens of eyes
were probably doubly riveted now, desperate for Tommy to spill more,
to defy Burke more, because they probably wanted to see him get his
comeuppance. To be honest, Tommy wanted that, too. If he let Burke
tease and torment him with toys, if he dared to climax that way, then
Burke could walk away without claiming him.

That would end this for good, because Tommy knew if Burke got

away this time, it would be for all time. And he couldn’t have that.

“You talk too much, boy. I think maybe I have to do something

about that mouth of yours.”

Tommy pressed his lips tightly together, afraid that Burke would

shove something in his mouth, and then any conversation would be cut
off. That wouldn’t be good. Burke liked to talk, and Tommy could
only goad him if he were able to talk, too.

“Your cock.” The two words tumbled out of Tommy’s mouth

before he could stop them.

Burke’s right brow raised, lifting and tilting his black hat a notch to

the left.

“Why don’t you put your cock in my mouth?” Tommy tauntingly


Burke cupped Tommy’s chin, forcing his head up high. He studied

him for a long, quiet moment. And then he did the unexpected again.
Burke lowered his face and traced Tommy’s lips with his tongue. He
did this in a most speculative way, almost like he was testing how
Tommy’s lips would feel on his prick by tasting them with his tongue.
All along the upper and lower lip Burke teased the pointed tip of his
tongue. As Tommy held still and almost breathless, he wondered what
Burke’s action would look like to the audience.

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“You’d like to suck my cock?” Burke pulled back and grinned

down at him. “I thought you were afraid?”

“Maybe if I sucked your cock good and proper, you’d leave my ass

alone.” It sounded like it would fit the scene, and it added another
layer of conflict. Moreover, there was a part of Tommy that wanted
his words to be true. Now that he was here, live, and there was no
turning back, he hoped he could entice Burke into a private show. One
where Tommy would have some semblance of control and hope that
Burke wouldn’t walk away once everything was over.

“You think you can make me come with your mouth?” Both brows

lifted as Burke reconsidered Tommy’s mouth. “You do have mighty
fine and sweet lips. So cherry.” Burke pinched his fingers, forcing
Tommy to purse his lips. “Fucking your face would be as fine as
fucking any paid whore’s cunt.”

Insulted, Tommy snarled out a slur of his own, but Burke deftly

cut him off when he squeezed his lips together by digging his fingers
into his cheeks.

“Don’t you speak while I’m thinking.”
Burke held Tommy from talking for the longest time. His body

ached, his cock was so hard it throbbed with his heartbeat, and the toy
in his ass was pulsed into a small up-and-down movement by the pull
of the device that was attached to his dick. Tommy wanted to scream
with frustration, but that was just what Burke wanted. Burke wanted
to humble him and prove that he wasn’t up to snuff. So Tommy
redoubled his vow to be strong. He would take any- and everything
Burke dished out. And he’d give as good as he got.

“Okay, boy. You’re gonna get on your knees and suck my cock.”
Before Tommy realized what was going on, Burke extracted a

knife from his back pocket and cut the rope holding him up.

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Chapter 5

Watching Tommy tumble to the floor was gratifying. Burke liked

nothing better than surprising his submissive and his audience at the
same time. Burke knew he’d succeeded because of the look on
Tommy’s face and he heard gasps of stunned shock from the observers
that were quickly stifled. They were ever so careful to keep quiet so
they wouldn’t miss anything. Burke knew his audience was riveted to
the interaction between himself and Tommy. Never had Burke done
something like this.

Tommy struggled to get his limbs to work.
Before he could get situated, Burke grasped a handful of Tommy’s

beautiful pale hair and lifted him up. Such an action would look
painful, but he wasn’t actually pulling hard on Tommy’s hair. By
gripping and lifting up he was directing Tommy and forcing him to
follow along or the action would hurt. Tommy lifted himself up to
avoid the pain of having his hair pulled.

“Come on, cocksucker. Show me your stuff.” Forcefully, Burke

rubbed Tommy’s face against his denim-covered prick. “You wanted
to suck the bad man’s dick, so let’s see some action.”

Snarling, Tommy tried to right himself, but his body refused to

cooperate. That was what an extended time in the bindings could do.
Tommy was desperate to make his muscles perform, but they couldn’t
do what he wanted them to do because the pathways were all fucked
up. Knowing this, and knowing just how long he had until Tommy
regained the use of his powerful limbs, gave Burke a finite amount of
time to humiliate Tommy for daring to question him in any way. What
he did seemed utterly cruel and heartless, but Tommy had to

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understand that in this game, Burke was his master. No
insubordination could be tolerated no matter how intriguing Burke
found it. He had an image to uphold, and he took that very seriously.

“Virgin boy and his virgin mouth so cherry it’s red.” Burke lifted

Tommy’s head and forced his finger between his lips. Tommy could
always bite him, but Burke gave him a look that made it clear that
biting his finger meant that there was no way in hell Burke would stick
his cock between his lips. As angry as Tommy was, and as frustrated
and needy as he was, he wasn’t about to do more than nibble at
Burke’s finger, if anything.

Apparently deciding to keep his place, Tommy did nothing.

Deliberately, Tommy let his lips go slack, allowing Burke to do
whatever he wanted to do.

Working his digit in and out of his mouth forced Tommy to his

knees and made him focus on pleasing Burke rather than getting his
body to work. Knowing this allowed Burke to keep his hold on
Tommy without having to exert undo physical restraint.

“Ah, boy, you do know how to suck.” Burke pulled his finger from

between Tommy’s lips with a pop that echoed in the theater.

Wordlessly, Tommy begged to suck his cock. Big brown eyes

looked right at the bulge in Burke’s jeans then back up the length of
his body and into his eyes.

“Tell me how much you want to suck my cock.” Burke placed his

cautioning finger over Tommy’s lips before he could speak. “Say it
nice to sway me.”

When Burke withdrew his finger, Tommy leaned up until his

mouth was right against the fabric that kept Burke’s cock hidden.

“Please. I want to suck your cock. I want to satisfy you so you’ll

let me go. I’ll do anything.” Tommy made his voice sweeter than
honey. He lifted his neck, angling his face into the light, making his
mouth the focus of his features.

Fuck. Burke wanted to ram his prick between those cherry lips. He

wanted to cream in his mouth and then kiss him to see what his cum

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and the lingering essence of a cherry Popsicle would taste like. Instead,
he coolly assessed Tommy like he meant nothing to him. Lowering his
voice to a snarl, Burke said, “If you do a good job, I’ll release you.”

Tommy’s eyes brightened.
“I’ll come in that sweet mouth of yours, and I’ll let you keep your

ass cherry.”

Darkness entered Tommy’s features. For a split second, Burke

witnessed the battle between wanting fulfillment and wanting to escape
with some semblance of dignity play out over Tommy’s features. His
lust and his longing were in direct conflict with his need to simply hold
himself together.

“Dare you go into darkness with the bad man?” Burke cupped

Tommy’s chin, angling his face up, placing Tommy’s throat against the
concealed power of his cock. “You feel that?” Burke rubbed the length
of his prick along Tommy’s tender throat. “I can fuck your face into
pain, boy.” Burke eased back. “Or you can just surrender.”

“Surrender?” The question slipped beyond Tommy’s lips and into

the air around them.

“Give in to me.”
“What does that mean exactly?” Tommy’s face expressed his

concern that he would be going from the frying pan into the fire.

“I will let you go without violating you.” Burke gave him a

tremendous gift. Not once in his history had he ever let a submissive
go without breaking him first. That was Burke’s calling, after all. He
didn’t free men. He broke them. Burke did this pretty much the same
way some men broke wild horses. To Burke, every man was wild until
he caught him up in his crosshairs and broke him down into his
elements. Tommy, even given their history, was no different.

“I don’t want to break you, boy, but I will. If you make me.”

Toying with him, Burke cupped the back of Tommy’s head and forced
his lips over the bulge in his jeans. “I think a boy like you is too sweet
to break.”

Tommy forcefully leaned back. His bound hands helped to hold

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him up as he got to his knees, then his feet. With a growl of resistance,
Tommy stood on his bare feet that hadn’t known solid ground for over
an hour. Tommy swayed dangerously. Hands still bound by the rope
that had pulled his body taut, Tommy stood and faced Burke. The
leather and chrome belt that forced his cock hard and rammed a toy up
his butt was still firmly in place. Remarkably, Tommy held his dignity.

“You can’t break me.” Tommy issued the challenge.
“Are you daring me, boy?” Burke let his voice linger over that

slight of calling Tommy a boy. Denigrating him came easy, almost
naturally to Burke, but the fire his insult lit in Tommy’s eyes was
something to see.

Enraged by everything Burke had done, fueled by the rough words

he’d used, determined now more than ever, Tommy stood his ground,
lifted his chin, straightened his shoulders, and swore, “You can’t break

“We’ll see about that.” With the gauntlet thrown down, there was

no way he was letting Tommy get his lips around his cock. That could
too easily break Burke. He had wet dreams that involved sticking his
dick between Tommy’s tender lips. To do it in real life would make
him come in about ten seconds. Instead, Burke grasped Tommy’s
bound hands and pulled him over toward the mock railroad.

Tommy struggled, but his body still didn’t work quite right, and

before he knew what was happening, Burke had the old rope off his
wrists and a new rope wrapped around them, holding him face-first to
the wall.

“Gotta make sure you’re good and tight.” With his arms stretched

wide, Tommy had no choice but to turn his head to the side and leave
it there. Just as Burke asked for in his specs, there was a camera right
in Tommy’s face. The audience would be able to see every little
expression that crossed his features.

With his arms secure, Burke removed the device from around

Tommy’s waist, but he left the plug in place for now. He gave it a
twist, and Tommy arched his back, lifting his butt.

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“That feel good?”
The way he said that one word made Burke shiver. He wasn’t

kidding. It felt damn good to him, and Burke wanted to yank it out
and replace that tiny toy with his massive cock. But he didn’t. Not yet.
He knew that just like with his mouth, he would probably go off in his
ass after two strokes. So he was going to have to delay that moment
for as long as he could.

It was this realization that confirmed for Burke he was truly in the

danger zone this time. Usually, he could fuck a submissive for hours
without even getting close to climax. But not so with Tommy. His
legendary self-control had deserted him.

Burke made sure Tommy’s cock was placed out the hole, and then

he tied his legs. To ensure he was kept on his toes both literally and
figuratively, Burke angled the board so that Tommy had to stand on
his tiptoes to keep his cock comfortably in the hole. This had the
added effect of keeping his buttocks nice and tight. Burke tied up
Tommy’s ankles then rose. After admiring him, Burke slapped his ass.

Under the lights, Tommy’s butt had a nice red sheen to it now.

Stress and the slaps cumulated in a rosy flush. Out of Burke’s holster
came a new toy. This was a long, thin cane that, when flicked
properly, caused a longer line of stinging pain. The first quick flick
over Tommy’s tender tush elicited a howl.

“Never should have dared the bad man.” Burke continued to flick

the cane over Tommy’s buttocks. Try as he might, Tommy couldn’t
hold back his cries. “That’s it, boy. Let it out.”

“You bastard!”
“That’s right.” Burke smoothed the cane sideways over the row of

tiny welts. As soon as Tommy caught his breath, Burke tapped him
again. Once he had amassed a thick line, he put the cane away and
tenderly rubbed his wounds. “You’re strong.”

Tommy wisely kept his mouth shut.
“Strong, and damn, look at how tight your ass is.” Burke pressed

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his buttocks together then yanked them apart. There was a flat end
attached to the base to help hold the black plug in place. It looked
lewdly nasty against Tommy’s pale bottom. Twirling it around caused
Tommy to dance from leg to leg. “You’re not gonna come already, are

Tommy didn’t answer.
Burke pulled the plug almost all the way out then rammed it back

in. He did this several times in a row until Tommy was used to the
motion. Once he was comfortable, Burke yanked the toy free and
tossed it aside.

Prying his buttocks apart, Burke gave himself and the audience

another good, long look at that sweet, cherry pucker. Just the thought
of sticking his cock in there had him breathing hard. With the lube
from the plug, Tommy’s ass glistened invitingly under the lights.
Again, on the monitors, the image of his tender ass would be

From his holster, Burke removed a slender wand with a bulbous

head. Gently, he slid it into Tommy’s bottom.

“Oh. God.” Tommy’s voice was soft, but the microphones would

undoubtedly pick up his awe.

“Doesn’t that feel nice?” Burke eased the wand back and forth

over Tommy’s prostate. Too much and he’d come, which would ruin
the second half of the show, so Burke was careful to keep Tommy
right at the edge and go no further. Reading Tommy was about as
simple as reading a comic book in that he gave everything away with
his moaning, groaning, and the angling of his ass.

Just as soon as Tommy relaxed into the prostate massage, Burke

removed the tool and slapped Tommy’s buttock hard.

He cried out.
Burke hit him again on the other cheek.
Tommy clenched his teeth.
Burke grinned and pressed up against him. With Tommy’s legs

parted, Burke was now quite a bit taller than him, which fueled his lust

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for domination. He pressed his denim-clad cock against Tommy’s
tender butt. The faded fabric probably felt good after all the abuse and
explained Tommy’s sigh.

“That feel good?”
“Yes. Just as it did all those years ago.”
Burke froze. Personal details should never come into this type of

play. Too late, Tommy realized his mistake, but there was nothing to
be done about it. Still, Tommy’s slip caused Burke to remember that
moment in the basement. They’d been talking about some random
thing or another when Burke saw the cowboy hats. Tommy explained
they were from his sister’s birthday party. Burke plunked the black one
on his head and the white one on Tommy’s. They’d pretended to have
a shoot-out around the battered couch, and then Burke got Tommy
cornered by the washer. When Tommy lifted his hands to surrender,
Burke captured them, stepped into him, and kissed him. And then...oh,
God. Burke had run a long time from what he’d done next. He’d
drown himself in booze and dirty sex shows to erase the memory, but
Tommy brought it all back. After stealing a kiss, Burke had turned
Tommy to the wall and rubbed his cock against his ass. In three
strokes Burke had climaxed. Shocked, Burke had stepped back,
allowing Tommy to turn and press against him. Tommy was hard. And
Burke had wanted to rub him, but instead he ran, because he knew
what he’d done was wrong.

“It wasn’t wrong then, and it sure as hell isn’t wrong now.”

Tommy looked over his shoulder and right into Burke’s eyes. “Finish

An urge to run possessed Burke. It was crazy. He was in control.

He was in charge. This was his scene, and he was the master of all he
surveyed. And yet he knew if he continued, he would never be the
same. Claiming Tommy would put an end to the running, but the
question was, what would he do then?

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Chapter 6

“Do it. Fuck me. I’m begging you to.” Tommy couldn’t see Burke

as well as he’d like since looking over his shoulder was awkward as
hell, but he had a pretty good idea of what was going on in Burke’s
head. They’d been dancing around the issue all night. Everything
they’d said could be traced back to that fateful day in Tommy’s
basement. “I want to feel your cock in me.”

“Shut up.” Burke pressed in close, his cock digging into the meat

of Tommy’s ass, causing the welts to flair pain into his body.

“You rubbed up on me and got off, and you’ve been running from

me ever since.”

“Shut up.” Burke growled this time against Tommy’s mouth, but

there was no fire to the words, only a confused kind of hurt.

“Don’t be ashamed. I wanted you, too. I still do.”
“You were a kid.”
“So were you.”
“That doesn’t excuse me using you like some kind of blow-up


“Is that what you did? I thought it was just kids having fun, and

then it got suddenly serious.”

“Yes. No. I don’t know anymore.”
“Finish what you started.” Tommy knew there was something

more holding Burke back. There was a finality to them doing this that
he couldn’t explain. If Burke gave in and claimed him, something
would end. What exactly would die in that moment, Tommy had no
clue. Moreover, he had no idea what would come into its place.
Something better or something worse would be born into the void of

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what died, but Tommy simply didn’t know what that thing was. “The
only thing I know for certain is we have to move on from the past and
neither one of us can until you finish what you started all those years

Burke uttered a forlorn sigh that touched Tommy’s heart. All his

posturing and bullying was just a desperate attempt to keep his
emotions at bay. In a way, Tommy understood. He never let down his
guard with anyone. Burke was the only man he felt he could do that
with. Sadly, he’d had to trick him to get the chance.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” Burke’s declaration was soft and

whispered right against Tommy’s ear.

“Then don’t.”
A chuckle filled the air around his head. “I don’t even know if I

can do this.”

“You feel hard enough to me.”
Another chuckle. “Tommy, I—” Burke cut himself off and pulled

away without finishing.

Behind him, Tommy heard movement, and then something

dropped to the stage. Out the corner of his eye, he realized it was
Burke’s holster. Then he heard the sound of rivet buttons popping one
by one. He didn’t have to see him to picture Burke working the fly of
his jeans down with those thick fingers of his. Burke moved a bit to
the side so that Tommy could see him greasing up his cock.

Like the master dominant he was, Burke took his time, which

amped up Tommy’s anticipation. Burke smoothed glistening gel over
the head and then down the shaft of his cock with practiced finesse. He
then cupped his fist around and stroked right down to his balls. Rather
than remove his jeans, he just pushed them down and used the V
opening to display his heavy prick and balls.

When Burke cupped his sac into his hand and coated it, he was

doing so for not only the camera eye, but for Tommy. Watching him
was mesmerizing. Long-lost dreams came rushing back into his mind,
but they were nothing compared to this reality. Finally, after years of

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wicked cravings, he would have Burke.

“You see this, boy?”
Tommy nodded.
“You think it’ll fit in that tight little hole of yours?”
Tommy nodded. He understood that Burke clung to the scene in a

desperate bid to distance himself. Tommy let him, because the fact was
nothing was going to protect him from the emotions swirling between
them. There was more here than sex. More than just two grown-up
boys finishing off an interlude. There was fate and destiny and
something else that would live and die in this tiny span of time.

Burke moved behind him, and Tommy couldn’t see him without

twisting his head uncomfortably, so he didn’t. He relaxed against the
wall, letting it hold most of his weight so he could be ready for what
would come.

“Such a nice, tight hole.” Burke worked his fingers between

Tommy’s cheeks and then around his puckered flesh.

Tommy closed his eyes on a sigh. It felt good. He knew Burke was

still playing to his audience, but he was also opening Tommy up. His
crass talk was simply a way for him to cover up the fact that he cared
very deeply about not hurting him. That was what all the fuss had been
about years ago. Burke thought that somehow he’d taken advantage of
him and hurt him by pushing him against the wall and rubbing up on
him. But he hadn’t. They’d been playing, and it just happened. Frankly,
it had felt wonderful. Just like what he was doing now.

“So tight I can barely get my finger in there.” Burke slid one finger

in and out in time to his lazy drawl.

Tommy moaned and lifted his ass, angling himself for more. His

cock moved against the smooth wood. He was so hard he couldn’t
believe he hadn’t creamed all over the floor.

“Look at your sweet ass presented to me like a gift.” Burke

pressed another finger in alongside the first, working him open,
stretching him good.

Tommy was so enraptured by the feel of those thick fingers

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dominating his hole that he couldn’t say anything. Even though
Tommy couldn’t actually see Burke, he could picture him in his mind.
There, Tommy saw those thick, dark fingers sliding in and out of his
tender ass. Burke’s big hand would look even bigger against the
smallness of his pucker. Visually, it would be a tremendous turn-on.
To feel the power barely contained was nothing short of magical.
Should he want to, Burke could have him in agony with those
pumping fingers, but he took pity on him.

“Rock your hips, boy. Show the bad man that you like his fucking


Tommy did as instructed. He didn’t have much room for

movement given how he was trussed up, but the small flicks of his hips
were enough to stroke his cock in and out of the sanded hole of the
board and move his pucker around Burke’s fingers.

“Here comes another one.” Burke eased a third finger in, which

caused Tommy to clench up and plaster himself against the board as if
he struggled to get away. “Relax now. Relax.” Burke pulled back until
he had only two fingers in. “Damn, but you’re a tight one. I think this
here hole might just scrape my cock it’s so taut.”

Tommy drew a deep breath and tried to relax. He wanted Burke

inside him so desperately he was ratcheting up his tension just by his
own painful longing for him. That wouldn’t do. By pacing his breath to
the same rhythm of Burke’s sliding fingers, they were able to hit an
easy tempo that allowed Tommy to relax and open up.

“Ah, yeah. There we go, boy. Doesn’t that feel good now?”
“Yes.” That one word didn’t come close to conveying how good

Burke’s ministrations felt.

Again, Burke slid that third finger in, and this time, Tommy was

able to take the added pressure.

“There we go. Good. That’s so good. Keep rocking, boy. I don’t

want you to rip my dick up with your snug little hole.”

Burke kept right on fucking him with his fingers, but now there

was more in that he was making his arm and hand more rigid. Tommy

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wasn’t sure what he was doing until he pictured him in his head.
There, he imagined Burke was flexing to show off his muscles. By
making his arm and hand tight, he would look more menacing as he
worked his fingers in and out of Tommy’s backside. A creative
engineer could speed up that movement to make it look dangerously

“Tilt your hips a little more now. Show the bad man how much

you like it.”

Tommy’s head was spinning. If Burke wasn’t careful, he was

going to make him come just with his fingers.

“Please. Please get inside me.”
Burke chuckled. “I told you.”
“I said you’d be begging me for release.”
Tommy had thought of release in terms of letting him go, not in

terms of letting him get off.

“You were right,” Tommy said, trying to look over his shoulder.

“I’m begging you.”

Burke kept right on going with his fucking fingers. In and out and

then he kind of curled them up so they bumped along Tommy’s

“You just keep your shirt on.” Burke chuckled. “Well, I guess you

can’t do that.”

Tommy waited for what seemed forever, and then Burke’s fingers

were gone. He felt almost tragically empty. He needed him inside.
Anymore delays were going to make him screaming crazy. And then
Tommy felt Burke’s big hands on his buttocks, rubbing them

“So nice and hot from my spanking.”
The gel on his hands soothed the stinging of his flesh, but there

was loads of heat pouring off Tommy’s body.

“Damn, boy, you’ve got about the nicest ass I’ve ever seen.”

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Tommy wondered if that was true or if Burke was still simply

playing his part.

“So high and tight. How’s that feel, boy?” Burke pressed Tommy’s

buttocks together then rubbed his cock up and down the tight split
between them.

“Ah, God. Good. So good.” Tommy flashed back to that day in

the basement when Burke spun him around, facing him to the wall, and
then rubbed up on him like this. Back then, Tommy had only a vague
inkling of what Burke was doing, but it had felt so crazy good, and
then he’d gotten hard for the first time ever in his life. Tommy had
never understood what boys were talking about when they said they
got hard, but suddenly he did. Burke got him hard, and then he was
gone. Tommy hadn’t known what to do until he remembered the boys
talking about jacking off. Reaching down into his jeans, he’d touched
his cock experimentally while thinking about what Burke had done and
blam! Tommy had come for the first time.

Rather than plunge his cock into him now, Burke took his time. He

leisurely stroked his prick up and down Tommy’s crack, no doubt
giving the cameras a great visual to zoom in on. From the feel of him,
Burke’s cock was enormous, and that tool would look terrifyingly
large rubbing up between Tommy’s buns.

“So damn good, boy. All firm and tight and ah, yeah, let’s get in

there a little deeper.”

Burke pressed his cock forcefully into the split, rocking it nice and

slow. Each pass made Tommy hold his breath, waiting for the moment
when Burke would rub against his hole.

“Please. God, please.”
“Music to the bad man’s ears, boy. Your voice is so sweet, so

needy. Begging for my big, nasty cock to violate your virgin bottom.”
Using his thumb, Burke forced his cock deeper into the split.

Angling up, Tommy tried to hurry Burke along, but the man simply

refused to rush.

Back and forth, back and forth, Burke’s cock sawed down into the

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tight split formed by him pressing Tommy’s buttocks together. And
then his thumb at the top pushed down harder against his cock, forcing
that dangerous tool to go deeper. Finally, for the first time, Burke’s
cock rubbed across the now wickedly sensitive skin of his pucker.

Tommy’s head went back and cry of pure, undiluted ecstasy

tumbled from his lips.

Over and again Burke rubbed that spot with the head of his prick.
“Look at your legs, straining to hold you up, working hard to keep

your ass tilted just so. Without a word you’re still begging for my
cock.” Burke cupped his big hands more firmly around Tommy’s hips
and deepened the angle so now when he slid back and forth, the entire
length of his cock rubbed across Tommy’s hole.

Every dream he’d ever had was coming true. A lifetime spent

waiting for this moment made him want to alternately speed things up
and yet delay them indefinitely.

Burke seemed to be in no hurry. He actually slowed down his

stroking, and Tommy figured he was playing to the cameras, because
he always did that in his live shows. Since it was so difficult to
maintain angles for all audience members, the massive monitors gave
everyone the best seat in the house. Burke seemed to want to give the
engineer plenty of angles to choose from.

When Burke suddenly stepped away, Tommy howled with

frustration. He had no idea what was going on until he felt the board
he was tied to alter in angle. He went backward just enough so that he
could stand more firmly on the balls of his feet. Once Burke had him
situated, he returned to rubbing his cock in the split of Tommy’s ass.
This time, though, with the change in angle, Tommy was able to feel
Burke’s heavy balls against the lowest arc of his buttocks.

Hairy and slick, Burke’s sac rubbed across some of the welts

Burke had delivered earlier, soothing them with the gel. Just as
Tommy became accustomed to this, Burke then started pressing the
head of his cock more fully into Tommy’s hole with each pass.

Breathlessly, Tommy waited to feel him enter, but Burke

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tormented him for what felt like hours. If he kept on rubbing him like
this, he might very well make him climax without even penetrating

“You want a taste of my cock, boy?”
“Yes!” Tommy practically screamed out his answer.
“Listen to you all desperate.” Burke pressed forward a little

harder, and the edge of his cockhead entered Tommy’s pucker. It
wasn’t nearly enough, and Tommy uttered a moan of aggravation. Just
when he didn’t think Burke was ever going to move on, he stepped
back, yanked Tommy’s buttocks apart, and placed the tip of his prick
right against Tommy’s hole.

“Yes. There. God, please. I can’t take anymore.”
“You’ll take whatever I give you.”
Burke held himself steady.
Tommy imagined the cameras zooming in on the image of Burke’s

cock ready to penetrate virgin territory. Ever so slowly, Burke moved
forward. Tommy’s ass stretched to accommodate him. Tommy had to
dig his fingernails into the wall not to scream. It wasn’t pain, and it
wasn’t pleasure. Just like the earlier spankings, it was a confusing
combination of both. Each millimeter Burke went deeper caused
Tommy to lift his bottom more willingly. Fullness around that area
compelled him to tense up, but Burke’s fingertips traced against his
hips, soothing him.

“Relax. Let me come inside.”
Unlike earlier, Burke’s voice was almost kind. Gone was that edge

of cruelty. As much as he tried to posture like he didn’t care, Burke
did. Tommy felt it in all that Burke had done to ready him for this

With a grunt and a push, the head of Burke’s cock fully penetrated

Tommy’s ass. There was a pinch and then relief as his taut sphincter
settled around the somewhat-slimmer shaft.

Burke held perfectly still, giving Tommy plenty of time to grow

accustomed to his girth.

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“How’s that, boy?”
“Good. So good. Keep going.”
Burke chuckled and withdrew. His cock pulled out of Tommy’s

ass with a faint pop.

“Just like I thought. You’re so tight you’re gonna scrape up my

dick.” Burke went back to fingering Tommy with a more leisurely
pace. It was almost as if he could do this all night. And then Tommy
had another thought. Maybe Burke wasn’t as relaxed as he wanted
Tommy and the audience to think. Perhaps Burke was slowing things
down so he didn’t blow his load too early. That thought made Tommy
grin. Knowing Burke wasn’t as immune as he wanted to appear was
empowering indeed.

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Chapter 7

“Damn, but your ass is something special, boy.” Burke was

mesmerized by watching his dark fingers slip in and out of Tommy’s
pale behind. Each time he pulled back, his sphincter fluttered around
his fingertips, trying to pull him back in. Burke had returned to doing
this because that bare taste of having the knob of his cock inside had
almost caused him to blow his load. He tried to pass it off as Tommy
being too tight, but the fact was it was Burke who simply couldn’t
resist. Only an inch or two inside, and he could have happily creamed
right then. Never, not once in all his sexual experiences, had that ever
happened to him. Self-control had to top the list of traits for a man
who put on live sex shows. Burke usually maintained his aloof stance
easily, but to date, he’d always been one step removed from his
playmates. Not so with Tommy.

Once he’d teased him for a while, Burke slipped the knob of his

cock back inside and got the same result. The urge to blow lifted his
balls and caused his whole body to go haywire. He withdrew and went
back to fingers. Repeatedly, he did this until he finally managed to get
a bit more of his cock inside than just the tip.

Tommy angled up willingly, his eyes closed as he clung to the wall.

The cherry on his lips had faded a bit, but he was still plenty beautiful
to look at. To Burke, he appeared a most willing sacrifice.

“What would you do if I untied you?” Burke asked only to distract

himself from the urge to cream inside Tommy.

“I’d do anything you told me to do.”
“Is that so?” Burke rocked his hips, dipping three inches in and out

of Tommy at a leisurely pace that was probably going to end up killing

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“I swear it.”
Burke thought if he could get Tommy bent over a little he

wouldn’t be so damn tight. As part of the set dressing, there was a
solid post-and-beam fence with a saddle slung over it. Burke eased his
cock out of Tommy and went over to make sure the thing was
secured. Lifting his gaze to the curtained area in the back, Burke met
Vasco’s eyes, and he nodded, wordlessly communicating that the fence
and saddle were solid. True to form, Vasco took care of everything.

Burke grinned as he fingered the saddle. It was set at a perfect

height for what he had in mind. He looked into one of the cameras and
said, “I’m gonna ride you, boy.” He turned and considered Tommy
splayed out against the board. “You want the bad man to ride you,
don’t you?”

“Yes. Please. I’ll do anything.”
“Good.” Burke untied Tommy’s ankles and then his hands. He

gave Tommy a moment to let his circulation return to his limbs then
guided him over to the saddle. “I want you to straddle this and lean

Tommy followed his instructions, and in short order, he was

draped over the saddle with his ass high up in the air.

Slinging his leg over the fence, Burke eased up behind him and

slipped his cock slowly back inside. It took all his effort and firmly
clenched teeth not to let out a howl of bliss. Watching Tommy arch up
to accept his invading prick almost made Burke blow his wad.

“Is that good, boy?”
“Yes.” Tommy had braced his hands on the horn of the saddle and

used that to leverage his fanny up higher.

Burke grasped his hips and slid another inch inside his crushing

heat. Fuck. He’d ridden his fair share of ass but nothing like this.
Nothing this intense, this compelling, this—and in that moment, Burke
realized he was bareback. He’d never forgotten his condom before.
Not once. He clung to Tommy without moving. Should he stop?

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Confirm it was okay with Tommy? Keep going?

“More. Please. I want to feel you inside me.”
Burke pushed forward just a bit more and realized he couldn’t stop

now even if he wanted to. Something, some unnamable force,
compelled him. Whatever the feeling was inside him, it pushed him
onward, both literally and figuratively. More of his cock slid into
Tommy’s beautiful ass.

“Whoa, ah, God.” Burke pulled out and closed his eyes. His entire

body was shaking.

“Fill me. Fuck me.” Tommy repeated those words like a chant.
Burke rammed into him hard and fast, plunging his cock to the

halfway point.

Tommy met his thrust with a cry of welcome and angled himself to

accept more.

Repeatedly, Burke pulled out and plunged, loving the way his

darker cock looked gliding into and out of Tommy’s sweet tush.
Lights caused the slick gel on his prick to glisten with each thrust.

“You ready to come, boy?”
Unable to speak, Tommy nodded and lifted himself up a bit from

the saddle.

Burke confirmed that there was a camera ready to capture him

when he blew.

With one big hand on the small of Tommy’s back, Burke settled

him for the ride that would come. Each plunge he made was a little
deeper, a little harder. Tommy’s fingers turned white as he braced
himself against the saddle.

Very low, whispered against his chest as he kept his head down,

Tommy begged, “Fuck me. Take it all from me. Everything. I want to
give everything to you. My heart, my soul, my entire being is yours.”

Galvanized by a need to take what he willingly would give, Burke

forgot about the cameras and his goals for the show. All he knew was
the drive to breed Tommy. No way in hell was he going to waste his
seed on his back and buttocks. Not this time. Burke was going to mark

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him inside and out. Tommy would forever after this moment belong to

“Mine. Tell me that you’re mine.” Burke lifted Tommy up as he


“Yours. I’m yours.” Tommy turned and sought Burke’s mouth.
When their lips connected, that taste of cherry made Burke wild

with lust. Forcefully, he moved forward so his ass was in the saddle,
and then Tommy was bouncing on him, riding his cock like a man
desperate to break a wild stallion.

Burke steadied Tommy’s hips, helping him to move up and down,

taking the entire length of Burke’s cock in his snug, beautiful ass.

“Come for me, Tommy. I want to feel you milk my cock.”
“Fill me. Fill me and make me cream for you.”
Snarling, Burke yanked Tommy down as he flicked his hips up,

drilling just a bit more of his cock inside. Burke came so hard he
tossed his head back, tumbling his hat off. Each jet that filled Tommy
seemed to tie Burke to him. Deeper and deeper into some mystical
union they went, until Burke realized there was no ending this bond.
Somehow, in some way, he’d entwined himself with Tommy for

“Ah, God, yes!” Tommy climaxed. He shook on top of Burke,

pulling another jet or two out of Burke’s pumping cock as his ass
milked the full length of his prick.

Burke wrapped his arms around Tommy, holding him as he

trembled, his climax jetting all over the floor. A crazy urge to drink
him made Burke want to lift Tommy up and turn him around, so he
did, despite the fact it was awkward. All Burke knew was a hunger to
taste him. Once he had Tommy straddled over the fence facing him,
Burke sucked the last few spurts into his mouth.

When he was finished sucking Tommy dry, he looked up. Relief,

pleasure, deep satisfaction practically made Tommy glow. He looked
so happy he was almost in tears. He reached out, cupped Burke’s face,
leaned down, and kissed him, swirling the cherry with the taste of his

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own cream.

Pulling him down, Burke resettled his cock in Tommy’s ass as they

faced one another. Desperate to control himself, Burke kissed him
until the urge to cry out triumphantly finally abated. Burke had never
wanted to express any emotion when he had sex. He had sex for
money and to get off, but never to connect. That was the one thing he
avoided like the plague. Yet here he was, with Tommy on his lap, his
sweet ass quivering around Burke’s still-creaming cock as he kissed
him to prevent bellowing like a possessive male for the whole audience
to see.

And that was when he realized he had no choice. As good as

Tommy had felt, as compelling and different and unique as this had
been, Burke had no choice but to get away as fast as he could.

Tommy clung to his shoulders, his exhaustion clear. For a first

timer, he’d been amazing. If Burke didn’t suddenly feel this impossible
compulsion toward him, he would have been eager to set up another
show with Tommy. Hell, the two of them could go into business
together and make a fortune. But if Burke was this attached after one
time, he would only entrench himself more if he dared to see him

So he wouldn’t.
The curtain slowly closed.
“And we’re out.” Vasco’s soft voice clearly startled Tommy,

causing him to lift his head and glance around the stage.

The cameras were off now, and the spectators were exiting the

club so they could talk about what they had seen. It was a curious
thing to Burke that they never spoke before, during, or after the show.
Not in the theater. Perhaps what they were here for was simply too
raw for words until they’d gained enough distance to make sense of it
all. And tonight? Well, tonight had been nothing like Burke’s usual
shows. Given the sound of frantic, shuffling feet, he imagined some
were rushing outside to talk while others were in a rush to fornicate.

“That was unbelievable.” Tommy met Burke’s gaze and smiled. In

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his joy was everything Burke feared—attachment, longing, and
something dangerously close to love.

“Glad you had a good time.” Burke kept his voice cool if not

outright cold.

Tommy clearly noticed Burke’s indifferent tone, because he

frowned curiously at him.

“Come on, boy. Time to get up.” Burke patted his ass and then

bodily lifted up, dislodging Tommy off his lap. Burke dumped Tommy
into the saddle backward. To make his point, he let him land hard on
his paddled and recently fucked ass. Tommy winced, and Burke said,
“Give it a few days, boy. You’ll be okay.”

“But I thought...” Tommy’s voice trailed off, but the look on his

face said it all. He was emotionally wounded by the way Burke was
treating him. And Burke knew it. But if he didn’t go out fast and
harsh, Tommy was going to continue to think there was something
between them when there wasn’t.

“You thought this was gonna lead to something?” Burke leaned

over him, chuckled, and ruffled his fingers through Tommy’s silky
blond hair. “Boy, don’t be daft. It’s just a show.”

Burke slung his leg over the post, tucked his softening cock away,

buttoned up, and left the stage. From the back hallway, he grabbed his
shirt, a bottle of water, and waved good-bye to Vasco. Burke made
sure to bang the metal exit door loudly behind him.

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Chapter 8

Tommy sat staring after Burke for a full three minutes before he

realized he wasn’t coming back.

“Here, let me help you up.”
When Tommy resisted the efforts of the slightly built young man

with the long black hair, he softly said, “Burke doesn’t do the
aftercare. He can’t. It’s his image to be aloof. That’s what I’m here

“For what?”
“To help you come down from the event. To get you cleaned up.

To get you home.” The young man with the honest eyes wrapped his
arm around Tommy and helped him from the saddle. When Tommy
winced, the man said, “I’m James. I really can help you if you’ll let

Tommy nodded, mainly because he was too confused to think

straight. Something had happened between him and Burke. Something
profound. Or so he thought. But if Burke was able to just walk off like
nothing happened, then clearly the only thing that had happened was in
Tommy’s foolish head. What the hell had he been thinking? He’d seen
Burke’s shows. But he’d thought that dark disinterest was just an act.
Surely for a man he had a history with, things would be different.

“Come for me, Tommy. I want to feel you milk my cock with your


Burke had slipped and used Tommy’s name. Surely that meant

something, didn’t it?

“I’ve never seen him do that,” James said as he took Tommy

behind the curtains and toward a bathroom that was thankfully empty.

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“Do what?”
At the sink, James wetted a towel and proceeded to wipe Tommy

down. He did this gently, almost professionally, like a well-trained
masseur. “Well, he went bareback.”

Tommy was flattered that he was Burke’s first bareback lover, but

he was also a bit afraid. “He always wears condoms?”

“Always. He’s a fanatic about them. Believe me, you’re safe. And

you were a virgin, so he’s safe. I’m pretty sure that’s why he went
without.” James paused for a moment. “Damn, but that was hot. I
thought you two had arranged something, but by the look on your
face, I guess not.”

“No. I never spoke to him about it.” Tommy hadn’t talked to

Burke in seven long years. “What was the other?”

“Oh, that he didn’t do his big come-shot finish. That’s his

trademark, you know. A big gusher all over his sub’s paddled bottom.
The camera always zooms up on his jets of white against the red
cheeks.” James had Tommy turn, and he wiped down his back and his
now-stinging bottom. “I know. I’m sorry. Hang on just a second until
I get you cleaned up. This is just temporary until we get you home
where you can shower.”

“What did they zoom in on this time?”
“I think your splatters on the floor. But I’m not sure. I was back

here getting things ready, so I wasn’t watching the monitor.”

While Tommy stood too dumbfounded by the events to speak,

James cleaned him up then smoothed some kind of numbing salve over
Tommy’s butt. The pain receded to a dull ache. James put the tube
into Tommy’s hand.

“Apply this over the next few days. It has lidocaine, which numbs

the skin, and oils to help heal you. If you keep it clean and wear
something soft, like these sweats”—James handed him a pair of black
pants—“you’ll be good as new in three days. Probably less. Burke is
very good at only irritating the surface of the skin.”

Too bad he didn’t just irritate the surface of my heart. Tommy

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stared down at the pants.

“Does your rectum hurt?” James wasn’t embarrassed by his

questions, and Lord knew Tommy shouldn’t be, either, considering
he’d just lost his cherry for the viewing enjoyment of dozens of people,
but the simple question made him blush.

“I feel a pinch when I walk, but I’m not in pain.” As hurt as he was

emotionally, he wasn’t that damaged physically. Burke’s drawn-out
torment had kept him from serious bodily pain.

“Good. I noticed he took a lot of time to stretch you for him. He’s

one of the better Doms. Some of the guys deliberately don’t ease their
way in because they like to hear the subs cry. It’s a sadistic bent that
Burke doesn’t have.”

“Thank God.”
“Yeah.” James grinned.
“But he seemed to like hurting me with the slaps and the whipper.”
“That thing with the little square of plastic at the end.”
“Oh, it’s a riding crop.”
“For horses?”
“Yeah, and that’s more for show than really inflicting pain.” James

gave him a curious frown. “You’re totally new to all of this, aren’t

“Yeah. I knew Burke way back when, and I thought—well,

whatever I thought, I obviously thought wrong.”

“Oh, sweetie.” James shook his head. “Did you see him and fall in

love?” Rather than give him a condescending face, James seemed to
genuinely commiserate with Tommy’s pain. He was so honestly kind
that Tommy found himself nodding. “You came here thinking if you
gave it all up to him, he’d fall in love with you in return?”

“Something like that.” Tommy had already made a total ass of

himself. He really didn’t need to compound the error by spilling his
guts to this guy. But then again, James seemed to know anyway.
Moreover, he seemed to understand.

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“Go use the toilet before you get dressed in the sweats.” James

handed him a package of premoistened cloths and pointed to the stalls
behind them.

Tommy did as James instructed. Carefully, he cleaned himself with

the proffered wet naps, and then pulled on the sweats. He felt a little
better than he had just ten minutes ago.

“Come with me.” James wrapped his arm around Tommy’s waist

and took him out of the bathroom and into what appeared to be an
office of some sort. With an uplifted palm, James indicated a chair, and
Tommy sat gingerly. “That’s the ticket. It really will heal with no
marks, no lasting damage at all. Burke is very good at what he does.”

“And what he does doesn’t involve any emotions.”
“That is part of his allure.” James poured two cups of what smelled

like strong coffee from a thermos and passed one to Tommy. Before
he could drink, James added a splash of whisky. “Drink.”

Tommy peered dubiously into the cup. He didn’t drink alcohol. Or

at least he never had. He wasn’t actually old enough, but he only had
six months to go.

“Trust me. It will help you relax. You won’t be driving anywhere


“Nope. Aftercare with James includes me taking you home and

tending to you for one full night.” James lifted his hands, cutting off
Tommy before he could protest. “And no, I don’t do anything but tend
to you. No sex. I won’t suggest it, and if you even try it, my boyfriend
will get mighty pissed. Although, after what you’ve been through, I
doubt sex is what’s on your mind right now.”

“The thought of even kissing someone is beyond me.” Well, unless

that someone was Burke. Foolishly, Tommy had visions of leaving the
stage and returning home with Burke, curling up with him in bed, and
lazily exploring his chest while they talked everything out. God, he
was a grade-A idiot.

“Stop beating yourself up.” James sipped from his cup.

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“How do you know what I’m thinking?”
“Honey, you show everything on your face. That’s what is going

to make you a star tonight. Your innocent face that showed everything
you thought or felt more clearly than a neon sign.”

“Really.” James patted his knee. “You took a chance. It didn’t pay

off. That’s life.” He shrugged. “It’s been said before in probably better
ways than I could ever say it, but it’s the stuff you don’t do that you
end up regretting.”

“It is?” Somehow, given what a fool he’d made of himself tonight,

Tommy had a difficult time believing that.

“When people are on their deathbeds, they always regret things

they didn’t do. The risk they didn’t take. The love they didn’t share.
The emotion they refused to give voice to.”

“I took a risk, and it bombed.” Tommy sipped from his coffee, and

the alcohol burned all the way down. When it hit his belly, it warmed
him. Damn. He now understood the phrase “getting hit with a load of
bricks.” One good shot and he was melting into the chair. Oddly, the
coffee buzzed him so he was wide awake and yet relaxed.

“Caffeine is often combined with pain relievers to increase their

efficiency. Mixing it with alcohol in this case will give you a nice buzz
but let you stay awake so you can mentally go over the night.”

“I just want to forget.” Tommy guzzled down his drink and put his

cup out for a second dose.

“You don’t want to forget.” James poured the coffee, added the

splash of whisky, and then settled back to sip at his first cup as Tommy
got to work on his second.

“I do.”
“No.” James took a sip. “I’m not arguing with you to be an ass.

I’m doing my job as an aftercare specialist and making sure you’re
honest with yourself.” James leaned close. “You can lie to me, and you
can lie to everyone, but for the love of your sanity, don’t lie to
yourself. You’ll end up a miserable freak, and you’re too damn special

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to end up like that.”

Tommy absorbed what James was saying and gave himself a

moment by sipping his drink.

“I can see it in your eyes you want to replay everything in your

mind and see where you went wrong.”

“Damn. What are you, psychic?”
“I’ve been doing aftercare on Vasco’s shows for about five years


“How old are you?” Tommy asked. “I mean, don’t take this the

wrong way, but you look barely eighteen.” Hell, James didn’t even
look that old, really. He looked more like sixteen.

“Flatterer!” James squeezed his knee. “Believe it or not, I’m thirty.

I’ve also been in this business a long time.” James leaded forward and
placed his hand comfortingly on Tommy’s knee. “I’ve seen a lot, and
honestly, tonight, something magical happened on that stage.”

Tommy felt hope eating away at all the despair that was sagging

his body down.

“I’ve never seen anything like that. Burke lost his place.”
“What?” Tommy frowned, unsure what James meant.
“He lost the role he was playing, and he’s never, ever even come

close to slipping up. He called you by your given name.” James
wagged his finger in a no-no fashion. “That’s something he’s never
done, either. All those people watching will likely remember him doing
that. But the big thing was the lack of a condom and no gushing cum
shot.” James fanned himself dramatically. “That’s huge in this business.
Burke knows the drill. He makes sure to have the engineer know
where and when he intends to deliver that shot so he can in turn plaster
it all over the monitors for the audience. There are always a set of ten
cameras aimed at that location, but what did Burke do? He untied you
and took you over to a prop that wasn’t even supposed to be used for
the shoot.”

“It wasn’t?” Tommy asked. “But then why was it so sturdy?”
“Because Vasco’s anal as hell. Nothing gets on that stage unless it

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could withstand an invading army.”

“Who’s Vasco?”
“Ah, sorry.” James poured himself another cup and refilled

Tommy’s. “He’s the stage manager. Everything here he’s responsible
for. He owns the space, the equipment, hires all the people—it’s his
name on the bottom line with the insurance, so he makes sure
everyone’s bottom line falls into place. I’m sure he’s freaking himself
right the hell out over what happened tonight.”

“You mean with the bareback and no cum shot.”
“Yep.” James glanced at the closed office door. “Frankly, I’m

surprised he hasn’t come busting in here yet. Maybe he thinks you left.
Maybe he’s trying to track down Burke.” James shrugged. “But for
the moment, be glad that you have a reprieve.”

“From what?”
“From the storm that is Vasco.”
“What will he want?”
“Waivers on the medical. He’ll demand you and Burke submit to

testing to prove you’re both healthy. He’ll want you to swear out an
oath that you agreed to the bareback beforehand.”

“But we didn’t.”
“Shh!” James said dramatically with a finger to his lips. “You’re

only encouraging the wrath of Vasco.”

Tommy realized that James was joking but also partly serious.

Hell, if this guy wanted tests, Tommy was okay with that. He had
nothing to hide. After tonight, he really had nothing left to hide.

“Oh!” James sat up as if he suddenly remembered something. “I

almost forgot the most important thing.”

“What’s that?”
“He kissed you.”
Tommy nodded, remembering the feel of Burke’s harsh lips

softening against his own. That close, he’d felt the rough rub of his
after-five shadow, and he’d heard that soft, almost imperceptible catch
to his breathing when they’d connected. It was the same exact same

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sound Burke had made when they were teenagers.

“Burke never kisses his subs.”
“No.” James shrugged. “So, maybe something did happen here.”
“Maybe.” But Tommy didn’t believe it. Had something real

happened between them, then there was no way Burke could just walk
off and slam the door. That horrible sound was likely to stay in
Tommy’s head for the rest of his life.

“You okay?” James reached out and pressed his hand against

Tommy’s knee. There was nothing sexual or demanding in his touch.
Tommy realized he was touching him repeatedly to give him the
comfort of contact. James was genuinely concerned about Tommy’s

Tommy nodded that he was okay, as far as his body went, but his

heart and his mind were a different matter. Very softly, Tommy asked,
“I’ll never see Burke again, will I?”

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Chapter 9

“No, I’m not interested in lowering my fucking credit card interest

rate!” Burke would have slammed down the phone, but he was on his
cell. Somehow, clicking the little end button didn’t give nearly the
satisfaction that bashing the phone into the cradle did. To compensate,
Burke gave the phone the finger and snarled, “Fuck head,” for good

He tossed the piece of plastic against the wall. It didn’t shatter but

bounced and landed on the floor somewhere near his bed. Burke
flopped on his back and stared up at the stained ceiling. Often he
contemplated the origin of the stains, but tonight he found that even
that game couldn’t distract him.

Little Tommy Estin all grown up and on his stage with his willing

body. Fuck. Drunk as he was, Burke reached down and massaged his
cock, which was hard, and his balls were achy despite the epic come
up Tommy’s sweet, tight ass.

Burke had gotten himself home, showered, shaved, and cleaned

himself more thoroughly than a fucking surgeon. And for what? So he
could crawl into bed and lay on his back, glaring up at the ceiling
playing Name That Stain.

Tommy had been so impossibly sweet. He’d walked onto that

stage with no idea what kind of monster he was giving himself to.

“Poor little virgin had no idea the bad man would violate him and

just walk away like the consummate prick.” Burke lifted the bottle of
Jack Daniel’s to the ceiling and then lowered it to his lips. Considering
it was mostly empty, instead of getting a face full of booze, he barely
got a mouthful.

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“Fucker.” Burke tossed the empty bottle over the side of the bed.

He would have thrown it at the wall, but he’d tiptoed through the
broken glass just one time too many over the years. Unpleasant and
pointless, bottle bashing was now a thing of the past. He refrained
from throwing all breakables at the wall. This also cut down on
neighbor complaints to the landlord. Or “landbitch” as Burke called
her. That woman was nothing but a moneygrubbing shark who didn’t
care who got chewed up in her wake. Burke hated her guts because he
saw himself in her. He, like her, was nothing but a swindler who took
what he wanted and did what he figured he could get away with.

Just like he had tonight.
Given how well the live shows had been going, Burke could have

moved out of his crappy digs in downtown Denver two years ago, but
he didn’t. He banked his money and waited. For what, he didn’t know.
He wasn’t even certain why he stayed in Colorado after he broke away
from his abusive family. Burke figured he’d know his motivations
when something happened.

“You mean like tonight?”
Burke asked the question to the stained ceiling, but like usual it

didn’t answer. He’d been waiting and longing and hoping for
something, anything, to shake him from the bleak path he’d been on.
When it finally happened, what did he do?

“Turned tail and ran like a fucking chicken shit.” Burke whapped

his thigh with his riding crop. It made a whistling sound as it sliced
through the air then a sharp, smart snick as it landed against his hairy
thigh. He was so hammered he didn’t even twitch.

Into his mind came a perfect image of Tommy, with his hands

pulled up high over his head, dancing around on his tiptoes as he
struggled to stay balanced while absorbing Burke’s blows.

“And he took them. He took everything I dished out.”
Burke had pushed Tommy longer and harder than any experienced

sub. When he’d stood up to him, defiant, determined, Burke had barely
been able to resist falling into the trap.

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“Ah! But I caught you out!” Burke lifted his right hand

triumphantly. “I realized what you were trying to do, and I wouldn’t
let you!”

Burke considered his thick fingers. Watching them slide in and out

of Tommy’s sweet tush had turned his cock to fucking stone. Never
had he been so hard. One bare bit inside the walls of Tommy’s ass and
Burke had been on the verge of blowing his load. Even when he’d
backed off, he hadn’t really lasted long after that.

“And you didn’t do the shot.”
The riding crop whistled through the air as Burke whacked at his

numb thigh.

“You know the cum shot is the—most—important—shot!” Burke

punctuated each word with a blow to his body. He was considered a
god in the live-show industry. He knew his angles, he knew his lines,
his audience, and with one curve ball—Tommy Estin—he’d forgotten

“I even called him by his given name.”
Burke was disappointed in himself and baffled by what had

happened. Tommy had mesmerized him. Cherry Popsicle on his breath,
staining his mouth, that wicked memory-evoking taste. And then his
innocence. Offering up that virgin hole. Looking up at Burke with
those damn hungry eyes, bringing back the shame of that moment in
the basement, forgiving him for what he’d done, encouraging Burke to
finish what they’d started seven years ago.

“I should have stopped it before it got started.”
But Burke hadn’t. Because he couldn’t. Because goddamn it all to

hell, he wanted to know Tommy.

“I wanted to know him right down to the darkest, most secret part

of my soul.”

Tasting his sweet hole, feeling him give below his demanding body,

watching Tommy’s cream fly as Burke drilled his prick deep—fuck.
Burke was lost before it ever got started. And like a goddamned
coward—which Tommy had accused him of being—he’d practically

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run from the theater once he’d shot his wad and everything was over.
Worse, he’d been mean about it. He made sure Tommy knew he didn’t
give a shit about him even though that wasn’t true.

“I kissed him. More than once.” Frankly, Burke had a terrible time

keeping himself from kissing Tommy even more than he had. He’d just
tasted so damn good. And it wasn’t just the cherry flavor on his
mouth. It was the taste of Tommy. That was what he couldn’t get
enough of.

For the first time ever, a sexual encounter had brought Burke to an

emotional connection. Ah, but that wasn’t true, either. It was the
second time ever. The first time Burke had felt something was when
he’d thought he’d violated Tommy’s innocence by shoving him against
that basement wall and taking advantage. How fitting was it that the
second time he’d been near Tommy, he did the same damn thing? Only
this time he’d violated him worse.

Not that he worried about Tommy. James would be there to give

the aftercare that Burke couldn’t deliver. Vasco, being as anal as he
was, took care of that part of the event because he knew Burke

“I’m a prick. I beat them then fuck them and often humiliate them.

You really want to put me in charge of caring for them afterward?”
Burke remembered spewing that in one big chunk at Vasco, who had

Vasco hadn’t wanted Burke anywhere near the subs after the

show. He was a smart man who knew how to run his business.

The sad truth was Burke couldn’t tend to the emotional or physical

needs of his submissives because he was too busy beating himself up
for what he’d done to them. But no one knew that. No one saw what
Burke did after he walked away from one of his shows. No doubt
most would be floored that he went to a liquor store with the stench of
sex still strong on him, bought a bottle of Jack, then came home and
started drinking while in the shower. He damn near scrubbed himself
raw before stepping out, drying off, and drinking himself into oblivion.

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“Ah, oblivion. We are old friends, you and I.” Burke pawed

around on the bed for his bottle of whiskey then realized he’d polished
if off. Fuck. He could go for another entire bottle, but there was no
way he could drive or even walk to get one. Even if he managed to
make it to a liquor store, no clerk in his or her right mind would sell
him any more alcohol.

Knowing how he was after the spotlight, Burke didn’t keep booze

in the house. He bought a bottle to get him through the worst of the
after-show effects, and then he got a second one to help him come
down from the first. He managed to get on with his life after that.

Burke didn’t want liquor to become a way of life.
Ironically, he’d come to rely on it to get him through the forty-

eight hours after a live show. But that was only two days out of thirty
or so. That wasn’t bad. Or that was what he told himself. It wasn’t like
he did the wake and bake like so many college students who relied on
marijuana to get them through life. It wasn’t like he came home and
pumped heroin into his veins or shoveled coke up his nose. No. Burke
drank a bottle tonight, and he’d get another for tomorrow, and then
he’d be done with booze until the next show.

“Or that’s the plan.”
Things might just be different this time given how different this

time had been. Tommy. Damn. Sweet, innocent little Tommy all grown
up and so wickedly perfect like he’d just stepped right out of one of
Burke’s dirty dreams.

“Damn him and that cherry mouth!” Burke slapped his thigh hard.

Cherry mixed with the taste of Tommy’s cum had been so fucking
sweet he’d wanted to drink gallons of it. As he lay there on his back
looking up at the nasty ceiling, Burke pictured Tommy bending over
that saddle, lifting his ass, offering himself to him.

“Damn your fucking tight hole!” Burke slapped the riding crop

over his body, but he hardly felt the blows. No matter what he did, he
couldn’t stop thinking of Tommy.

“Sweet, sweet Tommy.”

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Burke closed his eyes and remembered that moment when he’d

spun his young body to the wall and rubbed up on him. Aw, fuck. He’d
creamed all over his jeans. And he’d run because he’d been ashamed.
So fucking ashamed because Tommy had been so much younger than
him. To Burke, it didn’t matter that Tommy forgave him. What he’d
done back then was wrong. And then he’d turned right around and
used Tommy again, and goddamn him to hell, that was wrong, too.

“Aw, fuck, Tommy. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” But Burke

was alone, and no one could hear his sorrow. Like the consummate
prick he was, Burke had stomped out of the show and slammed the
door behind him. Burke did that on purpose to make Tommy think he
didn’t care. Seven years ago, he walked away, and Burke made damn
good and sure he did it again. He didn’t just leave Tommy. No. Burke
stomped out the door and slammed it hard so Tommy could hear it
rattle and know in no uncertain terms that Burke blew him off.

“Suck on this, fucktard!” Burke lifted his finger to the stain. And

then he realized he was snarling and grousing at a stained ceiling.
“Pansy ass. You couldn’t even face him.”

For the first time, Burke wondered what happened post show.
He wondered if James was able to take care of Tommy.
What if Tommy bolted?
Burke sat up in bed.
What if Tommy ran from the theater before James could even try

to soothe him? What if what Burke had done was so ugly no one could
help Tommy comprehend what had happened and give him the
emotional and physical support to recover?

Burke sat in his tangled sheets, sweaty, frustrated, irritated,

annoyed, but more than anything, he was ashamed.

“God damn him!”
Tumbling out of bed, Burke landed on the floor and shifted around

in the shadows with his hands, surfing the carpet for his phone.

“Where the hell is it? Fucker.” Snarling expletives didn’t help him

find the phone, but it did allow him to blow off steam. And Burke was

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steamed. Tonight he’d broken just about every rule there was for a
man who did what he did for a living. He’d done things he swore he’d
never do. He’d fucked someone he knew, and he’d lost himself in the
moment. Burke had called Tommy by name. Such a breach was
unheard of by a man like him. Moreover, he’d kissed him. And he’d
almost cried it felt so good. And then, to top off all his mistakes, he’d
dumped his load deep into Tommy bareback.

“Aw, fuck.”
Remembering that moment caused Burke to shiver uncontrollably.

Because Burke realized what he’d done by creaming Tommy’s sweet
ass was claim him. It was that simple and that complicated.

“Should have said no when he came through the black curtain.”
Burke could have said no and called the whole thing off, but he

couldn’t, because Tommy was the man he’d seen in that setting the
entire time he’d been putting it together. Burke just didn’t know that
until Tommy hit the stage in that white hat.

“Dirty dreams come to life.”
Burke hit himself, hard, his open hand making a sharp slap against

his ass.

“Bad, bad boy.” He hit himself over and over until he left hot red

marks along his body from his buttocks to the back of his knee. Again,
if only the world could see what he did to his subs in public, they
would be shocked to see he did worse to himself in private. Burke hit
them to prime himself for the real event of hitting himself. Hating
himself, despising himself, bruising and battering his body was the real
show. Burke just waled on those men in public to ready himself for the
private event.

But tonight, Burke held back. Just like he had with Tommy. Oh,

yeah, he’d whapped him, caned him, spanked him, but if anyone with
half a critical eye had seen the show, they would have noticed Burke
pulling his blows. Because it was Tommy. Little Tommy Estin with his
cherry-flavored mouth and his sweet cherry ass.

“Fuck you, Tommy.” Burke slapped his open palm against his

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upper right thigh so hard the slap echoed off the walls. So he did it
again. And again. And again. He figured he’d stop when he drew

He looked down at the phone in his hand. For a long time he

couldn’t remember what he’d gotten it for. When the memory hit, he
clenched his teeth not to cry.

“Only candy-ass babies cry.” Or that’s what his old man had told

him while he slapped, punched, and kicked Burke.

So Burke didn’t cry. He sat up on the edge of his bed and looked

around at the crap hole he lived in. Like the blows he rained down on
his body, this was just more punishment. But no one was going to
really reprimand him, because he walked off before anyone could.

“I should at least give him a chance to tell me off.”
Burke looked down at his phone. Somewhere in there was James’s

phone number. Tracing his finger over the buttons, Burke considered
calling but dismissed the idea. As he’d proven with the telemarketer, it
was so easy to hang up on someone. So much harder to slam a door in
their face.

“Let’s go over to James’s place.” Burke had been to his apartment

once. It was a cozy abode that James shared with his partner, Maurice,
who was one big, badass dude. Burke had stared at the man, baffled by
how he could be so tough, and yet when James came near, Maurice’s
features softened, and he smiled like he’d just seen a box of kittens.
Maurice had caught Burke staring and finally asked, none too nicely,
what his fucking problem was. Burke had uttered a bark of laughter
and said he didn’t have an issue with the man, but he’d left shortly
after that and hadn’t gone back.

Fondling the phone, Burke realized it wasn’t that late. The show

had started at six in the evening, and it was now almost nine. That
wasn’t too late to go calling on a Friday night. Burke could always say
he was just checking up on his sub. He never had before, but Tommy
wouldn’t know that. James would. But Burke didn’t think he’d say

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“And so what if he did? I don’t owe James anything.”
Burke stood and took two steps before he stumbled and damn near

face-planted. He took two steps back and dropped his ass on the edge
of the bed. Okay, he couldn’t walk, which sure as shit meant he
couldn’t drive.

“I’ve got to sober up.” He sat there trying to come up with a

brilliant plan on how to do that. How did one get sober fast? “Coffee!”
Into the air, Burke lifted a triumphant finger. But he didn’t have any
coffee. Food might help. He looked across the area between his bed
and the fridge. Damn. It appeared to be more than a mile. There was
some excellent leftover lasagna and salad in that box. All he had to do
was stand up and go get it. If he ate something, took a cold shower,
got dressed, and called a cab, that would help to sober him up.

“And then I can go see James and just make sure Tommy is okay.

That’s all I’m going to do. Just check on him.”

Even through the haze of alcohol, Burke realized he could just call

James and ask. That would involve nothing more than a few clicks on
his phone. Calling over had the added benefit that Tommy wouldn’t
necessarily have to know that Burke had called. That way, Tommy
couldn’t say anything, and Burke wouldn’t be exposing a piece of his
heart. Protecting that had become his primary concern. He basically
had a wall that was a thousand feet high around his heart, with a
shark-infested moat around the outside of the wall for good measure.
Nothing, and he meant nothing, was ever going to get through.

He’d shown his vulnerability once, and his old man beat him so

badly Burke had decided to never be emotionally vulnerable ever
again. What irony in that Tommy had been the cause of Burke letting
down his guard in the past, and now he was contemplating taking the
same risk for him again. But considering wasn’t doing. Right now
Burke was just thinking about it. Burke knew Tommy wouldn’t beat
him like his father had, but somehow the thought of Tommy rejecting
him with silence or a cutting stare seemed far more painful.

Burke sat on the edge of his bed, darting his gaze between the

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phone in his hand and the refrigerator across the floor, trying to decide
what to do.

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Chapter 10

Tommy waited expectantly for James’s answer to his question.
James gave himself time to formulate a response by slowly sipping

his coffee then repeating Tommy’s question. “Do I think you’ll ever
see Burke again?”

Tommy nodded. He already knew the answer, but he thought he’d

ask anyway. Maybe just to rub the reality in his face and make him get
it through his head that there was no happy ending here. Not for him
and Burke. Childhood dreams were just that—dreams that had no
place in the adult world.

“Honey, I...hell. Don’t make me be cruel. I’m not good at it.”

James offered out more coffee and booze, but Tommy shook his head.
He was feeling comfortably numb at the moment, and he didn’t want
to go further than this. “Burke does what he does because it’s who he

“Does he live around here?”
“I’m not at liberty to get into that.” James’s eyebrows knitted

together. “Please don’t hurt yourself worse. It was what it was, and
now you need to let it go. Move on, Tommy. You’re young,
handsome, and you’ll have more offers than you’ll know what to do
with after tonight.”

“Oh, honey!” James patted his thigh. “A guy like you who can look

like you do while getting his freak on is a valuable commodity in this
business.” James turned, opened up the top drawer of the desk, and
extracted a stack of business cards. He set his coffee cup down so he
could flip through them. “This one.” James handed it out.

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Tentatively, Tommy took the card. It was heavy, cream-colored

paper with just a name and a number. “Not very informative.”

“He’s the biggest BDSM participant procurer in California.”
“But I live here in Colorado.”
“Well, sweetheart, you have to go where the work is.” James

grinned. “Just call that number. You’ll probably get a secretary, but
she’ll give you an address where you can audition.”

“And that would be...?” Tommy had no clue what he would be

asked to do.

“After taking a good look at you, and perhaps interviewing some

of the people who saw you tonight, he’ll set you up with an
experienced club Dom like Burke. You’ll do the same thing you did
here, live, in another venue with a small audience. Once you prove
your mettle, the sky’s the limit.” James winked. “Trust me, sweetie,
there’s clubs all over the US, but you’ll likely start in California.”

“Does Burke have a procurer?” Tommy asked, tapping the cream-

colored card.

“Burke is a special case. A business unto himself. He works

exclusively with Vasco, and he sets up his own shows.”

“How did he ever get started doing this?”
“Don’t make a face like that.” James retrieved his coffee cup and

sipped. “There’s no shame in doing what you love for a living, right?”

“Right.” Tommy nodded. It was rude of him to cast aspersions

when he didn’t really know anything about the business these people
worked in.

“Burke got started just like you did, I suppose. He saw a live

show, enjoyed it, then came down to interview with Vasco.”

Tommy felt a bit queasy.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just—I don’t know. It’s kind of sad, isn’t it?”
“How? Burke does exactly what he wants, when he wants, and

sets his own price.”

“There’s no love there. No caring.” No intimacy or a place for

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someone who cares about him almost desperately. But Tommy left
that part unsaid.

James sighed. “Look, kid. You seem real sweet, so maybe this isn’t

the life for you.”

James took the card out of Tommy’s hand. He didn’t resist,

because he knew he was never going to do something like this again.
He’d had his heart yanked out of his chest and stomped on. Once was
enough, thanks very much.

“Live shows aren’t about love or caring. Well, except for what I

do, but I strictly work aftercare for BDSM scenes. Anyway, it’s about
sex, not love. Those are two very different things.”

“I know that,” Tommy defended. “I’m not a moron.” Well, yeah,

he was, but he didn’t need to point that out to James since the guy
probably already knew.

“No, you’re not, but you are woefully innocent. It’s charming, but

with someone like you, it’s not an act like I thought. You’d get eaten
alive. To someone like Burke, this is a job. That’s all it is. If he has
someone outside of this, then that’s great, but he’d never hook up with
someone he did shows with. It’s like that horrible phrase...” James
trailed off while he thought of it. “Ah, right—you don’t shit where you

Tommy flinched back.
“Yeah, it’s gross, but it’s fitting. You don’t hook up with someone

you do shows with because this is all fantasy and it’s about business,
not pleasure.” James lifted his hand as if to encompass the entire
building. “Nothing that happens here is real. It’s all make-believe so
the people watching can have those precious moments of escapism.”
James shrugged. “That’s all it is.”

“Pleasure for the sake of business.”
“Well, when you put it like that, it sounds awful.”
“Put it in a way where it doesn’t,” Tommy challenged.
“It is a business. Period. If you thought there was more to it, that’s

on you, not on Burke.”

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Feeling desperately sad, Tommy looked away from James and his

kind face and honest eyes. He was a very nice man who was doing his
best to help Tommy cope, but right now, the only coping Tommy
really wanted to do was curl into a ball and sleep. If he could just get
through this summer of shame, he would have plenty to occupy his
mind in the fall when he started at Twin Pines College. He was going
to try out for center on the Grizzlies football team. But he had to get
through this first.

There was a series of taps on the office door.
“Come on.” James set his cup aside and stood, offering out a hand

to Tommy. “Maurice is here to take us home.”

“You’re staying with Maurice and me tonight. And no buts, no

excuses, no trying to get me to change my game plan. You signed up
for this.”

“I did?”
“It’s in your contract. You read it, right?”
“Yeah.” Tommy had read it with half-assed interest because all he

cared about was getting himself in a situation where Burke couldn’t
run away. He’d gotten what he’d wanted, but Burke still managed to
exit the building anyway. He hadn’t even looked back. He’d called him
“boy” and deliberately dumped him on that saddle so the landing
would hurt. Burke went out of his way to make sure Tommy knew the
deal so he had to start getting it through his head.

James opened the door to a man who was almost as big as Burke.

Tall, wide, muscles bulging all over the place. He wore a black tank
top, black jeans, and engineer boots. The last thing this guy looked like
was a man named Maurice. He looked like the kind of guy who would
take delight in popping kids’ balloons just to see them cry. And then
his entire demeanor altered when he laid his eyes on James.

“Hey, babe.” A huge smile transformed Maurice into the kind of

man who would be giving kids balloons just to see them grin. His
happiness at just seeing James was so clear Tommy couldn’t help a

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surge of jealousy. That was the look he’d wanted to see on Burke’s
face. That was the expression he’d always longed to look up and find.
What he got instead was a snarl, a half grin, and the glare of a man
who didn’t give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut what happened to
Tommy. “You guys ready to go?”

“We are.” James snaked his arm through Tommy’s on one side,

and Maurice took the other arm. It was damn clear to Tommy that
they weren’t going to take no for an answer. And honestly, he didn’t
want to say no. They were both so kind and obviously in love. As
much as it might hurt to be around that with the sudden painful,
shameful realization that he’d set his sights on the wrong man, these
two men would also remind Tommy that love was something he could
find. He just had to find the right man.

Sadly, Burke was not that man.

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Chapter 11

“This is the place.” Burke tossed the cab driver a twenty, told him

to keep the change, and exited the back of the taxi. Burke had eaten,
taken another shower, brushed his teeth, splashed on cologne, and had
a gift in the bag that was clutched in his hand.

Burke was also shaking. Since it was June, it wasn’t because he

was cold. He was fucking terrified. Never in his life had he been so
nervous. Now he understood that what he’d done to Tommy was
incredibly nasty. The poor guy had put his heart on his sleeve, and
Burke had ripped it off, tossed it down, stomped, spit, and practically
set fire to the tender thing before giving Tommy the metaphorical
finger and stomping off.

“Goddamn, but I’m a prick.”
As he gazed up at the apartment complex, he adjusted his bulge.

Fuck. This might go better if he didn’t have a raging hard-on.
Ludicrous, considering the action earlier, not to mention the cold
shower. But hard he was, and he certainly wasn’t going to take care of
it in the parking lot as he gazed up to where Tommy was at.

Burke hadn’t called James. He decided to man up and give Tommy

the courtesy of yelling at him and telling him to piss off to his face.
After what he’d done, he owed him that if nothing else. In the hopes of
swaying Tommy into maybe hearing him out, Burke pulled on his
sexiest jeans, the pair with little rips and holes that gave someone
looking at him tantalizing glimpses of his lower half. On the top he
wore a body-hugging T-shirt in dark blue.

“All I really need are some flowers.” He glanced down at the bag

in his hand. Not flowers, but hopefully something that said, “Sorry,

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I’m an ass, and please forgive me.” Although, to be fair, Burke was
putting an awful lot on such a little bag.

Burke took a deep breath, centered himself, and climbed up the

steps to the second-floor landing. At the top, he cupped his hand and
breathed into his palm to check his breath. He was still pretty tipsy, but
thankfully, he didn’t reek of booze. Demolishing half a pan of lasagna
and a huge salad had helped tremendously. Turning left, Burke kept a
steady pace toward the end unit. James and Maurice had the apartment
on the left of the upper portion of the building. If not for the massive
trees, they would have had a good view of the mountains.

At the door, he reached out to knock, and then hesitated. He heard

laughter inside. Through the thick wooden door, he couldn’t tell who
was laughing, exactly. He waited for them to laugh again so maybe he
could tell. Then he realized it didn’t matter.

Again he lifted his fist to knock, and again he hesitated. Maybe

Tommy was okay. If they were in there laughing, then obviously,
everything was fine. Happy people did not need a downer like Burke
fucking up their good time. Still, he owed Tommy the chance to get
his licks in. Burke hadn’t let him do it as a kid, so he certainly owed
him that as a man. Before he could change his mind again, Burke lifted
his hand and knocked.

There was a long pause, and then the door was opened by

Maurice. Damn, the man was massive, but he had something that
Burke had always envied. Maurice seemed to be able to keep his
manhood and love fearlessly. Perhaps having a name like Maurice had
made him tough. How come Maurice hadn’t been emotionally stunted
like Burke was?

“Hey, what are you doing here?” Maurice crowded the doorway so

that Burke couldn’t see in and anyone behind him couldn’t see out. It
was practically universal language for “you’re not welcome.”

Burke almost turned tail and walked away. Only the sound of

Tommy’s laughter held him riveted. He’d give anything to be the one
to make him chuckle like that. All Burke had ever done was give pain.

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But now, with Tommy, all Burke wanted to do was give pleasure.

“I’m here to see Tommy.”
Maurice frowned, and Burke had the feeling that he wanted to

close the door.

“Hey, hon. I’ve got this.” James pulled the door open and peered

out at Burke. Maurice didn’t step aside. He stayed right where he was
with one big hand on the door. “Really. I’ve got it,” James said more

With a sigh, Maurice stepped back, but he wasn’t going anywhere.

He stood with his arms crossed and his expression grim. Apparently,
James had told him what Burke had done to Tommy after the show.

“You really shouldn’t be here.” James looked down at the bag in

Burke’s hand.

“I brought him something.” Burke offered it out. For a moment, he

thought James wasn’t going to take it, but eventually, he did. With a
frown, James unfolded the bag and peered inside. “Aw, Burke. I

“I’m not walking away again.” In that moment, he decided that

he’d plunk his ass right down here on their doorstep until he got to see
Tommy. “Even if he wants to yell at me and slap my face, I’m going to
stand right here until Tommy tells me to go.”

James turned and looked behind Maurice. He held up the bag and

then walked behind the immovable mountain of muscle that was his
boyfriend. Burke could only assume Tommy was back there. Was he
in pain? He’d heard him laughing, so clearly he wasn’t cowered up into
a ball. That was good.

“Please, Tommy.” Burke kept his voice level because if he started

yelling, that would practically ensure Maurice slammed the door
closed. “I just want to apologize to you. To your face. I owe you that.
I should have done it all those years ago, but I didn’t have the balls.”

“And now you do?” It was Tommy’s voice spilling out the

doorway and enveloping Burke just like the cool night air.

“I do.”

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“Why did you bring me these?”
Obviously, James had given Tommy the bag with Burke’s gift

inside. “Because I thought...because I wanted...I don’t know, exactly.”

“Let him in.” Tommy’s voice was curious, not angry, but Burke

couldn’t say it was overly welcoming, either. Frankly, Tommy
sounded more speculative than anything. Almost as if he wanted to
hear what Burke had to say just so he could humiliate him. Or maybe
Burke was just imagining the absolute worst-case scenario because in
his own mind, he figured that was exactly what he deserved.

Maurice stepped back, giving Burke his first glimpse of Tommy

since the show. All he wore was a pair of black sweats. His hair had
been washed because it was still slightly damp and a mess of tangles.
His eyes were red, and Burke feared it was from crying. Burke realized
that if he said or did the wrong thing, he could hurt Tommy worse
than he already had, so he was determined to choose his words

“Do you want one?” Tommy held up the box of Popsicles that

Burke had brought to make amends. Only Tommy would understand
their significance.

Burke shook his head. “I only like them—” when I taste them

secondhand on you. But he didn’t say that, because it would give
away too much. Burke frowned. Wasn’t that what he was here for? To
show the heart he’d frantically kept hidden all these years? Wasn’t it
time for him to step out of the shadow his abusive father had beaten
him into?

After taking a deep, fortifying breath, Burke declared, “I only like

the cherry ones. And only when I can taste them secondhand on you.”

He stood there expecting Tommy to throw the box at him, but

what Tommy did was grin as he opened the package. From within,
Tommy pulled out a cherry-flavored treat, peeled off the wrapper,
broke it in half, and then popped one side in his mouth.

The tense situation in Burke’s pants got a little tenser watching

Tommy slide that phallic treat in and out of his mouth.

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“I think they’ll be okay.” James hooked his arm with Maurice’s

and led him toward the living room. “Be nice, Burke,” he whispered as
he passed.

Burke nodded. He was going to be nice, because if he was, he

might get to taste Tommy’s mouth, and right now, he’d give just about
anything for that opportunity.

“Come here.” Tommy slurped the treat loudly after issuing his


Used to being in charge, Burke found it a little disconcerting to do

as Tommy asked. He wasn’t ordering or bossing him, though. He was
grinning and crooking his finger playfully as he sucked on a frozen
cherry delight. Burke moved toward him like a man walking though
honey. When he got close, he could smell the soap Tommy had
washed up with, and then the scent of sweet cherry filled his entire
body with longing. All at once he was a boy and a man, but they both
had the exact same hunger.

“I’d give anything to kiss you.” The confession tumbled from

Burke’s lips before he even knew what he was going to say.

“Anything?” Tommy took another long suck of the treat. Burke

wanted to grab it and toss it aside then latch his lips onto Tommy’s
and never let go.

“I’m sorry about what happened.”
Tommy nodded.
“I fucked up.”
Tommy worked the treat in and out of his mouth, turning his lips

bright red, which only highlighted the paleness of his hair.

“I was afraid.”
At that, Tommy’s eyes went round, and he tossed the Popsicle in

the sink. “You?” Tommy tilted his head to the side. “Afraid?”

Burke nodded.
“Of what?”
“Of you. Of how I felt when I saw you.” Burke looked down,

because he’d never allowed himself to be vulnerable after that one

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time. It was stone-cold terrifying the second time around. He was
trembling all over and hoped to God Tommy couldn’t see him shaking.
“I hurt you before you could hurt me.”

“Burke.” Tommy stood and closed the distance between them. “I

wouldn’t hurt you.”

“I know that now.” Burke took a deep breath as if to forever

remember Tommy’s scent so he could track him anywhere. “Please
forgive me.”

“I forgive you.” Tommy reached out and smoothed his hand down

Burke’s chest.

Contact surged a rush of testosterone that Burke struggled to

contain. “It’s just that easy?” Burke almost slapped himself. Here he
was getting what he wanted, and some fucked-up part of him was
trying to mess things up.

“It’s just that easy.” Tommy stepped closer. “Now. Let’s start

over.” He tilted his face closer to Burke’s. “Hi, Burke. Long time no

Burke grinned. “Hi, Tommy. It has been a very long time.” He

lifted his hand and cupped Tommy’s chin. “Have you been eating
cherry Popsicles?”

“I have.” Tommy moved just a bit closer. “Want one?”
“Naw. I’ll just have a taste of you.” Burke lowered his head and

pressed his lips against Tommy’s. Just like on the stage, memories
exploded in his brain, but this time, Burke didn’t try to run from them.
Tommy wasn’t angry with him for what happened back then. Tommy
wasn’t even angry with him for what had happened tonight. Tommy
accepted Burke. For him to accept Burke for exactly who and what he
was could only mean one thing. Little Tommy Estin was in love with
big bad Holden Burke.

Deepening the kiss by wrapping his arms around Tommy’s waist,

Burke was careful not to squeeze him too tight. He wanted to pick
Tommy up, toss him over his shoulder, and then go make wild love to
him for hours, but not after what he’d done to him tonight. What

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Tommy needed right now was tender, loving care. He did not need to
be further manhandled. Reluctantly, Burke pulled back from their
passionate kiss.

“I’ve never done aftercare,” Burke admitted.
“It’s okay. James took care of me.”
“Oh.” Burke realized that he wasn’t needed, and it stung.
“Don’t you even think that I don’t want you here, because I do.”

Tommy kissed Burke again, giving him another taste of that sweet
cherry. “I need you to stay here with me and tell me what happened.”

“But you forgave me.”
“I did. But I still need to understand.”
“I can do that.” Burke looked around the kitchen. “Um, here?”
“No. I want to lie down.” Tommy disengaged from him, put the

box of Popsicles in the freezer, then took Burke’s hand, leading him
into the living room.

James and Maurice were on the couch, snuggled together watching


“Can Burke stay here with me?” Tommy asked.
James nodded. “He’s more than welcome.”
Maurice didn’t nod. His dark eyes assessed Burke, and Burke

wanted to snarl at him “what the fuck is your deal?” But he didn’t. He
remembered looking hard at Maurice as he tried to figure out his deal,
and that was all this was. One man sizing up another. One alpha male
questioning the intentions of another.

“Go on into your room, Tommy.” Burke nodded to Maurice. “I’m

going to talk to Maurice for a moment.”

Maurice stood, and so did James.
James took Tommy toward the back while Burke and Maurice

went into the kitchen.

“I know you don’t like me.” Burke didn’t pull any punches. He and

Maurice had to get this out into the open.

“I don’t know you,” Maurice said, settling his ass on the kitchen

counter. He peered into the sink and eyed the rapidly melting treat.

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“But I know a cruel man when I see one, and I heard what you did
tonight from James. You hurt Tommy for no reason I can grasp.”

“I know.” Burke felt horrible. As scared as he was to confess the

truth to another alpha male, he did so anyway, because Burke realized
he was never going to get through this until he was honest with
himself and everyone else around him. “I left because I was afraid.”

“Of Tommy?” Maurice’s brows rose high with obvious disbelief.
“Of how I feel about him.”
“Ah.” Maurice nodded. “Look, it’s not my issue, just—this is my

house. And it’s a safe place for James to bring guys who need his help
after a show.” Maurice drew a deep breath and cast his gaze toward
the back of the apartment where James and Tommy had gone. He
lowered his voice to a whisper. “After what you did, you’re damn
lucky that kid wasn’t a total fucking mess.”

“I know.” Burke didn’t need Maurice to be his conscience. He

knew he’d done the wrong thing, and he was here to atone. “James is
very good at what he does.” Burke owed him big time for this.

“But then again, I never, in a million years, would have expected

you to show up on my doorstep with your hat in hand, so to speak.”
Maurice sighed.

“I surprised you and myself.” Burke matched Maurice’s sigh. “I’ve

never felt like this about anyone. I’ve known Tommy since we were
kids, and—” Burke cut himself off. “I refuse to walk away again.”

Maurice nodded. It was clear he understood Burke’s reasons but

he was also fiercely protective of Tommy’s feelings. “Just be kind to
him. Tommy is a really a great guy from what I’ve seen so far.”

“I want to—” be with him. Again, Burke didn’t say the words,

because the truth was he didn’t know who Tommy was now. Frankly,
he didn’t care. He wanted to be with him anyway. For the first time in
ages, Burke felt good, and he felt that when he was near Tommy.

“There’s something powerful between you two. That much is clear

from what James told me went down during the show. He said you
kissed him, went bareback, and called him by his name.”

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Burke nodded, confirming he had indeed done all three of those

things. There was a first time for everything, and apparently, Burke
had decided to do them all at once with a man he’d never been able to
shake from his mind.

“But I knew something was really up when James said you blew

your trademark cum shot.”

“Yeah.” Burke knew that alone was going to get a lot of the

audience members making comments online. People would wonder,
and they’d post about it endlessly. “I wanted to mark Tommy as mine.
Crazy, right?”

“Not so much.” Maurice grinned. “Alpha, totally, and maybe a

little crazy, but when you meet the right one, your body sometimes
knows before your brain figures it out.”

“Was it like that with you and James?” God, it was a nosy

question, but Burke desperately wanted to know.

“James knew.” Again, Maurice looked through the walls as if he

could see his partner in the back of the apartment. “I didn’t really get
it, how deep I was in, until James was suddenly gone.” Maurice took a
deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, as if remembering that
pain. “That’s when I got it.” Maurice looked at Burke. “Once he was
gone, that’s when I realized how much I loved having James around.”

Burke nodded. “That’s what it was like when I got home tonight. I

missed Tommy and felt terrible about what I’d done. I got drunk like
that was going to help.”

“Booze is never the answer.”
“What is?” Burke asked somewhat jokingly.
“Love.” Maurice met his gaze. “Acknowledge that you love him,

and stop being afraid of the intensity. That’s your answer.”

Deep inside, Burke knew that was true. But knowing didn’t lessen

the fact that love scared the crap out of him.

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Chapter 12

Tommy was lying on top of the bed when Burke came in. He took

up the entire doorway and seemed to suck all the air out of the room
with his presence. Tommy swallowed hard.

“Is it okay if I come in?” Burke asked, his powerful voice

surprisingly soft.

Tommy nodded. Burke was being terribly cautious and polite.

Tommy imagined him as a man who took what he wanted and rarely
looked back to see if he’d pissed anyone off. But now, he was
determined to be considerate. Tommy could have made him jump
through hoops and grovel at his feet before allowing him back in his
good graces, but Tommy had no desire to play that kind of game with
Burke. He wanted him. Tommy was touched beyond words that Burke
had come for him. According to James, this had never happened. And
the gift Burke had brought was funny and sweet and almost painfully
romantic. If Burke was willing, after all these years, to put his heart
out there, Tommy was willing to graciously accept that gift.

“You can close the door, too. If you want,” Tommy suggested.
One edge of Burke’s upper lip lifted into a dangerously handsome

and suggestive grin. Very softly, Burke asked, “Are you trying to get
me alone?”

“I am.” Tommy nodded.
“James said we shouldn’t do anything in light of what we did on

the stage tonight.” Burke closed the door behind him once he’d
entered, but he didn’t lock it. He seemed to be leaving it accessible, as
if that would keep their hands above the danger zone.

Not bloody likely, Tommy thought. “I think James is very sweet,

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but I also think this isn’t any of his business.” Tommy sat up and tried
to cover his wince, but he was obviously unsuccessful given the look
of shame that washed over Burke’s features.

“Oh, fuck. I really hurt you, didn’t I?” Burke was on the bed next

to him in a flash. He reached out but seemed afraid to make contact
lest he do more damage.

“I’m fine. Really. Just tender.” Tommy grabbed the numbing oil

that James had given him. “I just need another dose of this.” Tommy
rose to go into the bathroom, but Burke’s words stopped him short.

“I’ll help.”
Tommy turned around, and Burke was peering at him with his

conciliatory and plaintive gaze.

“Please.” Burke swallowed. “Let me help you.”
“Okay.” Tommy returned to the bed and rolled onto his belly.
Carefully, Burke pulled Tommy’s borrowed sweats down without

further aggravating the welts.

“Shit.” Burke’s tormented breath rushed against Tommy’s back.
“They don’t hurt.”
“God, on your beautiful skin.”
Tommy couldn’t see Burke’s face, given how he was laying on the

bed, but he heard the regret in his voice. If he didn’t know better, he’d
swear Burke was crying.

“I will never do that to you again.”
“Okay.” Tommy hesitated, afraid to ask, but he had to know. “But

I thought you needed that to get off.”

“The spanking is done for the fetish viewers. And yeah, I guess I

enjoy it, given how I get off on it, but I’ve never...” His voice trailed
off, and Tommy almost prompted him to go on, but Burke continued,
“I’ve never had a relationship outside of the shows.”

Tommy was thankful that he was lying down because the shock of

that confession would have knocked him over if he’d been standing.
“You’ve never had a boyfriend?”

“No. That’s why I always wondered about James and Maurice.

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How the fuck did they make that happen, and why the hell couldn’t I?”

Tommy opened his mouth to respond, but his voice caught when

he felt Burke’s fingertips tracing lightly over his bottom. Burke
smoothed the oil on so gently his touch was almost tickling him.
Almost, but for the kindness and care he conveyed.

“Am I hurting you?” Burke asked softly.
“No. It feels good.” Tommy arched up just a little bit into his

caress. The oil numbed the sting, and Burke’s massaging fingers eased
away the pain.

“Your skin is really beautiful, Tommy.”
“Thank you. Your touch is very gentle.”
“Is it? I feel like I’m manhandling you again.”
“You’re not. You’re touching me like I’m made out of spun


“You are. So sweet.”
Tommy felt Burke press a kiss to his lower back.
“Slip some between my cheeks.” Tommy wasn’t really sore there,

but he didn’t want Burke to stop.

“Yes. Just a bit. It will kind of numb me.”
“Oh, Tommy, please tell me I didn’t tear you.”
“No!” Tommy rolled to his side so he could face Burke. “You

were very careful. I know you think you’re this big, bad monster, but
you went slowly and made sure I was ready. You didn’t hurt me at all.
I just wanted to feel you touch me there again.”

“Oh.” Burke sighed with relief. “I was so ashamed. I wanted you

so badly. It was like I was starving for you.” Burke eased Tommy
back onto his belly. “Grab one of those pillows and put it below your

Tommy did and then held his bottom up so he could relax and

enjoy what Burke was doing.

After coating his finger liberally, Burke slipped it down Tommy’s

crack then eased it around his puckered flesh.

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With a moan of bliss, Tommy tried to part his legs, to give Burke

more access, but his sweats got in his way.

“Can I take these off?” Burke asked.
“Yes.” Tommy helped Burke slide his borrowed sweats down and

off. Now, Tommy was able to spread his legs so Burke had total
access to his bottom. Unlike what he’d done on stage tonight, there
was no intent to stretch him open or amp him up. Burke was careful to
keep his touches gentle and just forceful enough to spread the numbing
oil. Curiously, even though the goo numbed him, it still felt wickedly
good to have Burke’s finger sliding around in a circle.

“Go inside,” Tommy whispered.
“Are you sure?” Burke’s thick finger hesitated at the entrance to

his ass.

“Please.” Tommy lifted his bottom just a bit, just enough to make

his invitation clear.

Burke gently eased his finger inside.
Tommy’s eyes rolled back and a high, breathless moan emerged

from between his lips.

“Good?” Burke asked.
“Yes. Very.”
Burke moved that one finger in and out until Tommy was hungry

for more and begged for another finger, or better yet, Burke’s thick

“I can’t do more than this.” Burke kept slipping his finger in and

out. “I swore to James and Maurice I wouldn’t hurt you.”

“You’re not hurting me. God, it feels so good.” Tommy could

happily stay here doing this for the next twenty-four hours.

“I have an idea.” Burke left the bed, and when he returned, he

rolled Tommy to his side.

Burke’s chest was bare. In his hand, he held his T-shirt. Tommy

frowned at the curious picture he made.

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“I don’t want to get oil all over their bed.” Together they pushed

away the bedclothes, exposing the sheets, and then Burke helped
Tommy to roll over onto his T-shirt so that if any oil came off him it
would coat Burke’s shirt and not the bedding.

“You’re very thoughtful.”
Burke’s darkly menacing face softened, and he blushed as he

looked down at the floor.

Tommy almost gasped. Bad boy Burke blushing? And then he

realized why. Probably no one complimented him. Or, the truth was
more likely that Burke had never done anything to be complimented
for. Perhaps on purpose. If Burke believed he was a bad man and
unworthy of love, he would go out of his way to prove that assessment
to himself.

“You’re so strong.” Tommy couldn’t stop himself from looking at

Burke’s amazing body. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him anywhere.
Six and a half feet of man meat. But there was more than that outward
showing of physical power. Seven years ago, Burke had been a tall,
gangly teen with big hands that he’d finally grown into. In Tommy’s
eyes, he was nothing short of beautiful.

“I work out a lot.” Burke flexed his arms then shrugged like a shy

teen. “No sex but for the shows, you know? Pumping iron helps keep
me distracted.”

“Until tonight, I’ve only been with my right hand.” Tommy


“Lucky hand.” Burke stared down at Tommy for a long time.
Tommy didn’t move or cover up. He felt that Burke in many ways

was as much of a virgin as he was. If he’d only hooked up for the
shows, and those were all about business, then Burke had never had
sex of any kind strictly for pleasure. The only time he’d had any kind
of encounter for his own pleasure was that day in the basement. Oh.
. Tommy almost smacked himself for not grasping the obvious
earlier. Burke hadn’t had sex outside of the shows because he was still
beating himself up over what happened all those years ago.

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“That day, in my basement, that was the first day I ever jacked

off.” Tommy stayed on the bed, naked and stretched out for Burke’s
hungry eyes.

Burke’s gaze darted to Tommy’s face. There was a look of terror

in his dark eyes, but he held his ground, determined to confront that
day after seven long, needlessly tortured years.

“You left,” Tommy said softly.
Tommy cut him off. “I was hard. For the first time in my life, my

dick got hard that day, and I didn’t know what to do.”

Burke looked mortified.
“It was my first erection.” Tommy held Burke’s gaze, forcing him

to stay with him, to stay in the moment. This was what they’d never
done all those years ago. Had they confronted the situation, things
would be very different now. But they hadn’t, and the situation was
what it was.

“No regrets. No harm. No foul.” Burke looked to argue that, but

Tommy repeated the words. “No regrets. No harm. No foul.” Tommy
was determined to force Burke to finally confront that day so they
could move the hell on. Because Tommy knew if they didn’t embrace
the past now, they never would. And what might be would be over
before it ever got started. Losing this chance would be a tragic waste.

Burke’s features hardened, and he almost turned away, but he

determinedly stopped himself. It was clear he made himself face
Tommy. Maybe he thought the payback was coming, because he
looked like a man who was braced for bad news.

“I reached down into my pants and rubbed my dick. I didn’t know

what the hell I was doing.” Since he was naked, Tommy reached down
and grasped his very hard cock. “Now that I’m older, I’ve stroked
myself plenty of times.” Tracing his fingers over his shaft hardened him
further and kept Burke’s attention riveted. “But that day, I was
clueless. I was so excited about what happened.”

Frowning, Burke looked back into Tommy’s eyes. Clearly, he

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didn’t believe that what he’d done aroused Tommy. In Burke’s mind,
he’d taken advantage, and that wasn’t true at all. Tommy had to make
sure he convinced Burke of that fact now.

“I’d always been fascinated with you.” Tommy’s confession rushed

from him.

“No,” Burke argued. “I made you have me over.”
“You did?” Tommy pretended to consider. “How did you do


“I, uh, well, there were times when I came over for no reason.”
“Is that how you remember it?”
“I wanted you.” Burke glared down at the floor like he was

admitting to the foulest crime in the universe. “I thought you were so
fucking cute with your bright blond hair and your funny sense of
humor and, shit, that laugh. You had this laugh that just made me
hard.” Burke looked up with his darkly hungry eyes. “And your
mouth. I wanted to kiss you long before I ever did.”

“I know.”
Burke’s eyes widened.
“I mean, I think I knew it subconsciously. That’s why I was always

inviting you over. You didn’t come over uninvited or for no reason.”
Before he could argue, Tommy went on, “You know those comics?”
Tommy couldn’t even remember the name of them now, all these years
later. “Some superhero in tight black with bulging muscles, but the
biggest bulge he had was in his pants.”

Burke nodded and barely kept Tommy’s gaze.
“I thought the story lines were silly, but there was something about

those drawings of the hero’s masculine form that excited me. I didn’t
know why until I was older.”

Burke nodded.
“I didn’t like them, but I bought them because I knew you did like

them. I knew if I had one, you’d come over to read it with me, and I
could be near you. Didn’t you notice how I always suggested we read
them together on my bed?” Tommy stroked his fist down his prick

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with a sigh. “I wanted to be close to you, and I had no idea why. All
the other boys talked about girls, and I just didn’t get it. That day, the
day we played good guy and bad guy, I got it. I wasn’t like them. I
was like you.” Tommy paused. “I liked boys. And I liked you.”

Burke took a deep breath but didn’t speak.
“When I touched my cock and thought of you, I came so hard I

couldn’t see for almost a full minute.”

Burke darted his attention between Tommy’s stroking fist and his


“Every night after that I would crawl into bed, wait for my family

to go to sleep, and then I’d put my hand down my pajamas and stroke
my dick until I came.” Tommy backed off on the touching because if
he wasn’t careful, he was going to cream all over the bed after Burke
had taken such care to keep James and Maurice’s bedding clean.
“Every time I jacked off, I thought of you, cowboys, and comics.”

Burke offered up a tentative smile. He appeared so unsure of

himself, so afraid to tell any truth that might reveal his heart, so
Tommy opened his eyes wide, hoping he conveyed his emotional
sincerity. God, if he had rejected him tonight, he feared Burke would
have retreated back into the darkness he’d lived in for the last seven
years and probably stayed there for the rest of his life. It would have
been a tragic waste of a good man who was only slightly damaged.

“I developed an unhealthy fascination with cherry Popsicles,”

Burke admitted.

Tommy grinned. “I think you might be able to taste the one on my

mouth still.” Tommy certainly could taste it.

“I always thought I hurt you. I just remember slamming you into

that wall so hard I knocked the wind out of you.”

“I sighed forcefully when you pressed against me. Believe me, if I

was breathless, it was because I was excited, not because you body-
slammed me.”

“I thought I was too rough with the way I rode against your ass.

Your tight fucking ass.” Burke clenched his hand into a fist then

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swiped at the bulge in his jeans. When Tommy glanced down, he
realized how hard Burke was. His faded jeans seemed on the verge of
breaking under the strain of containing Burke’s massive cock.

“No. I arched into you,” Tommy said, palming his prick.
“I took advantage.” Burke shook his head, determined to paint

himself as the villain in the black hat no matter what Tommy said.

“Think about it, Burke. If I had been afraid, I would have said

something. If I had been angry, I would have said something. Instead,
I hung onto that wall and let you rub up on me because it felt good.”
Tommy let go of his cock and gritted his teeth. “Just thinking of that
moment has pushed me right into a need to climax.” Tommy looked
down, and he knew that Burke followed his gaze. Tommy’s cock
leaked pre-cum like tiny tears of frustration and need. Reaching down,
Tommy rubbed the tip of his prick to his belly to make a string of pre-
cum when he lifted his dick up. “Just look at me, Burke. All these
years later and just talking about that moment has me on the verge of
blowing my load.”

Tommy looked up, but Burke’s gaze was riveted on his cock, so

Tommy rubbed his thumb over the tip, smoothing the slick cum
around and around, making himself crazy.

“Ah, God, Burke. You standing there, looking at me, I want you

so badly. I want to touch you, feel you, smell you—fuck. I’ll do
anything just to be with you.” Tommy yanked hard at his prick then let
go, drawing Burke’s attention to his face. “Tonight, when I hit that
stage, I put myself in your hands because I needed you. I wanted you.
I desperately longed to finish what we started all those years ago in my

“All these years, I thought...” Burke didn’t seem able to finish, and

Tommy realized that putting everything into words wasn’t Burke’s
strong suit.

“You’ve been beating yourself up over nothing.” Tommy lifted his

arms. “Please stop doing that, and just give us a chance.”

For a moment, Tommy thought Burke would pounce on him

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because he looked so excited, but instead, Burke slid gently onto the
bed and took Tommy into his powerful arms.

“Ah, Tommy. I should have talked to you all those years ago.”
“Don’t worry about that now.” Tommy pulled back so he could

see Burke’s face. “We can’t change the past, but we can damn well
make sure that we make the future good. Right?”

“Good? Naw. How about fucking fantastic?” And then Burke’s

mouth captured his. Burke’s tongue penetrated Tommy’s mouth as he
sucked at the cherry flavor that was ripe in Tommy.

Tommy relaxed in Burke’s arms, secure and confident that they

were now moving forward. The past was gone. The basement, the
stage—both were over and done with, and they were going to begin

“I want to please you.” Burke eased Tommy onto his back. “I

want to show you how much I—how much I—” Burke held his breath
for the longest time as if holding back his emotional confession.

Tommy said nothing. He did nothing. He gave Burke the time he

needed to find the words and put his feelings in order.

“I want to show you how much I love you.” Burke met Tommy’s

eyes directly despite his obvious concern.

Tommy smiled and cupped his chin, drawing him close. “You

already have.”

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Chapter 13

Burke leaned over and kissed the tip of Tommy’s prick.
“Burke, I can’t handle much of this.” Tommy gasped and stiffened

on the bed.

“Yes, you can.” Burke eased back and peered up at Tommy’s face.

There he was, all open, honest, and willing, just like he’d been all those
years ago. Burke couldn’t decide if he wanted to capture him or
surrender to him. “Tommy, I swear, I won’t do anything that might
hurt you.”

“I want to touch you, too.” Tommy’s plaintive voice encouraged

Burke to undress, but still, he resisted. He was going to keep his
promise to James and Maurice that he wouldn’t hurt Tommy. Even if
it killed him, Burke would resist. And it damn well might.

“Lie back. Let me take care of you, okay?” Burke held Tommy

down with one big hand to his chest. “I want to suck your cock.”

“But what about you?”
“This is about me showing you how much I love you. I need to do

this. I put my shirt under your ass to protect the bed, and I’m going to
do this to protect you.”

“Protect me from what?” Tommy’s tone was light and curious, but

there was confusion lurking below. It was clear to Burke that Tommy
trusted him, but he was still baffled about how raw Burke’s lust could

“I’m going to protect you from the hunger in me.” Burke stood

looking down at Tommy, looming his massive body above him.

True to form, Tommy showed no fear. Tommy grinned up at

Burke and said, “Do with me what you will.” With that, Tommy lifted

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his arms above his head.

Nothing in this world was as powerful as Tommy’s capitulation to

Burke’s lust.

Burke growled and playfully pounced on him, absorbing all his

weight with his arms. As soon as he captured Tommy’s hands, he
pulled back, terrified that he was only repeating the error from his

“Don’t pull away.” Tommy kissed Burke’s harsh lips. “Don’t you

dare make this ugly when it’s not. I need you. I want you. I...” Tommy
held his breath, unable to continue.

Burke peered down at him, expectant, and then he realized in this,

he would have to go first. He’d admitted the truth secondhand, but this
time, Burke needed to be very direct. “I love you, Tommy.”

Tommy reached up, grasped Burke’s head, pulled him down, and

swore, “I love you, too.”

Perverse as hell, Burke pulled back from Tommy’s cherry mouth

and demanded, “Why?”

Tommy barely hesitated. He cupped Burke’s chin, leaned up,

kissed him, and said, “Because you excite me. You inflame me. You
arouse me. You make me come alive, and I can’t imagine my life
without you.”

“Really?” Burke couldn’t imagine having that kind of impact on

anyone. All he’d ever done was scare the hell out of people or piss
them off.

“Really,” Tommy confirmed.
Pleased, Burke stroked his fingers through Tommy’s hair. “I think

I fell in love with you on that stage tonight. You were utterly fearless.
You’re the first man who ever stood up to me like that. You took
everything I gave, and you just wouldn’t be broken.”

“I kept feeling this tugging between us,” Tommy said. “It was like

a connection needed to be forged.”

“I felt that, too.” Burke kissed Tommy’s forehead. “I couldn’t

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figure out what the hell it was because it’s never happened before.”

“When you came inside me, that’s the moment when I felt the

bond solidify. Like, that was the first step.”

Burke uttered a stunned laugh. “Me, too. I mean, that’s exactly

what I felt. That was why I couldn’t pull out and cream on your back.
If I had, I would have ruined that bond.” Burke recalled his
conversation with Maurice in the kitchen. “It was bonding us, but also
it’s a very alpha marking behavior.”

For a split second, Burke considered that he’d said too much and if

he kept going Tommy was going to think he was crazy, but he pushed
on anyway. “Marking you as my mate.”

Rather than laugh or call him crazy, Tommy hugged him hard. “I

felt that, too. Like I was giving myself up to my mate.”

“I want you to be my mate in every sense of the word. I want to

live with you, be with you, and share everything in my life with you.”
The words tumbled out of Burke’s mouth without any resistance. That
was the way they would be. Tommy was his mate, and that was that.

“I want that. I want all of that.”
Burke slipped his big hand down and cupped Tommy’s cock. He

was as hard as Burke was. Sliding off the bed so he could have a better
angle, Burke sucked Tommy’s cock into his mouth from the side and
slid his hand down to cup his balls.

Hearing Tommy’s cooing, breathless encouragement was like

music to Burke’s ears. No man had ever made those sounds for him,
but then again, he’d never sucked another man’s cock. Moreover, no
man ever would groan in ecstasy for him like this again because
tonight, Tommy was his chosen, his only.

“I’m going to come. Burke, please, I want to touch you. I want—

ah, my God!”

Tommy came good and hard when Burke slipped his finger up

inside and rubbed his sweet spot while sucking him. He tasted so good
Burke didn’t stop sucking until he’d drained him dry. When he finally

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pulled away and looked up, Tommy had his hands up over his head,
his eyes were closed, and a look of bliss was on his face. He looked
utterly, completely satisfied.

Burke went into the attached bathroom to wash his hands. He

glanced up at his image over the sink and was startled by what he saw.
He looked better. Not profoundly different, just less harsh, more open,
and maybe a little welcoming. Burke smiled. Yikes. Okay, one step at a
. Maybe after a while with Tommy his smile wouldn’t look quite
so menacing. He shut off the bathroom light then settled on the edge
of the bed, removed his shoes, his socks, and then climbed into bed
next to Tommy, who spooned up to him.

“You left your pants on,” Tommy pointed out.
“I know. I did that on purpose.”
“And what exactly is the purpose?”
“This was about caring for you, not getting my rocks off. If I keep

my pants on, I’ll keep reminding myself of that.” Unfortunately, his
cock didn’t know how to take a hint. It kept right on throbbing and
clamoring for attention despite Burke’s resolve to be noble.

“You are so sweet.” Tommy kissed his cheek and splayed his hand

across Burke’s chest.

“We should get some sleep. We’ve got a lot to figure out in the


“We do?” Tommy asked.
“Well, yeah. I mean, we have to decide where we’re going to live,

how we’re going to pay the bills. You know, all those annoying adult
things.” Burke felt Tommy stiffen ever so slightly. “Okay, we have to
set some rules right now. We need to talk about things. That’s what
got us both into this crazy mess in the first place—not talking. Well,
more so me than you, but that means I’m willing to listen when you
talk. Okay?”

“So tell me what just made you tighten up.”
“I’m living up in Twin Pines.”

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“Okay. That’s the little mountain town that’s about two hours

from here?” Burke had heard of the place, but he’d never gone there.
Funny. He’d had several chances to go, but turned them all down
because he was afraid of going there. He had no idea why. Now,
suddenly, he very much wanted to go there with Tommy. He felt
almost that he had to go there with him to take the next step. Toward
what, he didn’t know, but they were on a path that nothing could take
them off. Burke was exhilarated and a little afraid, but he took a page
from Tommy’s book. Burke was going to put himself on the stage of
life and start taking some risks. Seemed to him if he wanted the
rewards he had to put himself out there.

“Yeah, Twin Pines is about two hours from here,” Tommy said.

“I’m enrolled at the college there, and I’ll start this fall.”

“Good for you!” Burke kissed the top of Tommy’s head.
“I’m transferring over from a two-year school, so I’ll be a junior,

but the big thing is getting on their football team.”

“What position are you going for?”
Burke lifted and kissed Tommy’s hand. “You have the hands for it.

Very strong, very dexterous.”

“Do you play?”
“I did in high school.” Burke hadn’t bothered to go on to college.

He knew what he was, and he’d fallen into the BDSM scene almost
effortlessly. But now, everything was different. “Do you think—ah,
never mind.”

“Do I think what? Talk.” Tommy held his hand at the ready. “Talk

or I tickle.”

“Tickle? Do you not see how big I am?”
“You were ticklish as a boy, and things like that don’t change.”
“They don’t?”
“Nope. So talk or I tickle.” Tommy flexed his fingers.
“Okay. I was wondering, well, do you think they’d let an old-timer

like me apply?”

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“Of course you can apply. Getting in is a different matter, but

you’ll never know unless you try.”

“Then I’ll try.”
“Good! What would you study?”
“I don’t know.” Burke shrugged. “Hang on.” He slipped out of

bed, turned off the overhead light, then got back in, snuggling right up
to Tommy. “But I need to learn something to make money. I’m not
doing the shows anymore.”

There was a long pause, and Burke waited for Tommy to say


“I don’t want you to think you have to change everything for me.”
“I don’t, Tommy. I’m changing that for me. I’m done punishing


“Okay. Good.”
“What are you studying?”
“I’m working toward a degree in accounting. I’ve got my AS now,

and I’ve got a job lined up at a store in Twin Pines. I have a place to
live, too. I mean, it’s not much, just a one-bedroom apartment, but
there’s room enough for two.”

“Are you inviting me to come live with you?” Burke asked.
“If you want. I don’t know where you live or if you’d be willing to

leave your place. Is it nice?”

“It’s the equivalent of living in an armpit.”
Tommy laughed. “Sounds awesome.”
“It’s a piece of shit and another way I’ve been punishing myself.”

It was as if the blinders had been removed and Burke could now see
his life with brand-new vision. “I’m not sure what I’ll do with myself,
but I do know one thing.”

“What’s that?”
“Whatever it is I’m going to do, I’m going to do it with you.”
Tommy wrapped his arm across Burke’s chest and hugged him


“We should get some sleep,” Burke said.

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“You’re going to sleep wearing your pants with a raging hard-on

stuffed inside them? Really?”

“I’m being noble.”
“You really don’t have to be that noble.”
“Tommy, I don’t want to hurt you. I swore to James I wouldn’t,

you know, make you do anything for me.”

“Okay. Then you’ll do something for yourself.”
Before Burke knew what he was up to, Tommy slid out of bed,

pulled his sweats up his long, strong legs, and turned the overhead
light back on. He ducked into the bathroom then emerged with a bottle
of hand lotion, which he tossed on the bed.

“Give me a show.” Tommy leaned up against the wall.
“What?” Burke sat up and looked around the bedroom. “What in

the world are you talking about?”

“I want to watch you masturbate.”
Fuck. Why did the very idea of Tommy watching him jack off turn

him on so much? His balls were so excited by the prospect they
practically jumped up and down. “You want a show?” Burke asked
with the roughest voice he could manage and tossed in his raunchiest
expression to boot.

“Come here.” Burke patted the bed near him. “Best seat in the


Tommy came over and settled on the side of the bed.
Burke reached down and yanked open the button fly with one

vicious pull.

Tommy gasped, and his pupils went wide. Given what was going

on in his sweats, Burke just might have to suck him off again. Not that
doing that was any kind of problem. Tommy tasted so good Burke
could drink him all day. Although that would make doing ordinary
things difficult, what with his head permanently wedged between
Tommy’s legs.

Once he had the flaps open, his cock tumbled into view, and

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Tommy licked his lips. When he leaned over, Burke held him back
with one big hand to his shoulder.

“Nuh-uh. You’re supposed to watch. If you touch me or try

anything, I’ll stop the show.”

Tommy grinned. “And no flash photography.”
“That’s right.” Burke eased his jeans down until he got his balls


“Damn, you’ve got huge balls.”
“Helps to deliver the goods for the cream shot.” Burke wasn’t sad

that he wouldn’t be doing that anymore. Besides, if he felt the need to
be admired, he could do what he was doing right now and put on a
private show for Tommy. Cupping his sac, Burke said, “Not as full as
they normally are. Not after filling your sweet, tight ass tonight.”

Tommy squirmed and reached down to adjust his rapidly hardening


“You enjoying the show so far?” Burke stroked his shaft then

wrapped his fist tightly around, darkening the head and causing a
single pearl of pre-cum to form at the tip.

“God, yes.” Tommy’s eyes were riveted to Burke’s cock.
Flicking his thumb over the tip, he lubed up the head so it glistened

in the light. Burke caressed himself from the tip all the way down to
his balls. He had no intention of rushing through this. Watching the
way Tommy watched him was hypnotically erotic. Tommy’s eyes
would go wide then narrow with speculation, and his tongue kept
swiping across his lower lip like he was desperate for a taste. As much
as Burke would love to have Tommy’s sweet mouth on his cock, he
was going to hold to his word. This was a look-but-do-not-touch
show, and that was all.

“Ah, yeah.” Burke lifted his hips, making sure to flex every muscle

in his body. He was showing off his prowess for his mate. And it felt
fucking fantastic. “Drizzle some of that lotion on me.”

Tommy practically lunged for the bottle. Once he got it open, he

squirted a good amount over Burke’s cock. It was cold, but it warmed

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up as soon as it hit his overheated flesh. And then he started to pump
in earnest.

“Join me.”
Tommy reached out for him, but Burke tsked. “No, no, Tommy.

Jack yours for me so we can watch each other.”

Nodding enthusiastically, Tommy pulled his sweats down, and his

prick jumped out like an eager puppy, all aquiver and ready to play.
Tommy poured some lotion in his fist and stroked himself while
watching Burke.

“Not too fast now. We want to make this last a bit.”
“Right.” Tommy nodded. “God, I can’t believe I’m going to come

again after everything we’ve done tonight.”

“I know. I have a feeling we’re gonna be like this for a while.

Eventually, it will settle down.” Burke cupped his balls, feeling the
weight and the load that was gathered there. “Then again, maybe not.”

“I can make time for this.”
“Fuck yeah.” Tommy jerked his hips and then slowed his strokes.

“Sorry. I’m too close to that edge.”

“The trick is to get right up to the cliff, just close enough so you

can see over, but don’t take that last little step. Not until you have to.”

“I’m trying but looking at you, watching the way you fuck your

fist. Shit!” Tommy pulled his hand away and took several deep breaths
before he palmed himself again.

“Hold on. We’re almost there.” Burke held his fist steady and

rocked his hips up. “I’m thinking of your ass. Sliding my cock in there
tonight. Being your first, your only.” Burke met Tommy’s gaze and
grinned. “You felt so good around my cock. So tight.” Burke
tightened his fist so that he had to ram his cock up hard in order to
drill into his clenched fingers.

“Aw, fuck. Aw, yeah. That’s good, that’s—ah!” Tommy came,

spurting up onto his belly.

Seeing and smelling him compelled Burke’s climax to reach the

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point of no return.

“Watch me, Tommy. Watch what thinking of you does to me.

Watch what having you look at me does to—aw, fuck!” Burke’s entire
body went taut as he pumped his load across his chest.

“Holy crap!”
Burke knew why Tommy was impressed. He splattered a huge

load and flung it high. Damn, but he almost landed a spurt on his chin.
And the jets just kept on coming. Burke curled his abs, lifting his chest
and his legs, forcing the last of the climax out. Exhausted, he collapsed

“That was epic.”
Burke peered over at Tommy, who glanced down at himself. “I am

not even going to make the foolish mistake of comparing my load to

“Kiss me, Tommy.”
Clearly more than willing, Tommy leaned over and kissed him.
“Now, let’s get cleaned up and get some shut-eye. We have a big

day tomorrow.”

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Chapter 14

“Hey, it’s nice.” Burke set his duffle bag in the center of the living

room floor as he checked out Tommy’s apartment. Their place was a
brisk ten-minute walk from campus, the neighbors seemed to be pretty
quiet, and they had their own washer and dryer. Tommy pointed all
this out to Burke on the drive up in the hopes of impressing him. The
last thing he wanted was for Burke to regret coming up here.

“Thanks.” They had spent a grand total of thirty minutes getting

what little Burke had from his apartment and finishing things up with
his landlord. She didn’t seem to give a crap he was leaving, and Burke
didn’t seem sad to go. Like he said, the place was the equivalent of
living in an armpit. Most of his stuff was junk that had been there
when he moved in, and it stayed when he moved out. The only things
they’d taken besides his clothes and some linens was his kitchenware,
of which there was quite a bit, and nice stuff, too. Or at least it looked
that way to Tommy. But he really didn’t know a frying pan from a
double boiler since he didn’t cook.

Tommy showed Burke around, feeling a little out of sorts at how

fast everything had happened, but ultimately, he was happy. He
wanted Burke here, and already he’d noticed subtle changes in him. He
was less menacing in appearance, mainly because he grinned more.
Also, he laughed with genuine joy rather than in a malicious way. It
was as if he’d gotten a whole new lease on life and he was happy to
have it.

“This fridge is in a sad state.” Burke stood there with the door

open. There was a bottle of ketchup, since the diner never gave
enough of those little packets, in Tommy’s opinion, and some pickles.

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There was something on the center shelf that was moldy. He thought it
might be an orange. There was a half loaf of white bread, some mayo,
and a new package of bologna.

Burke closed the door and opened the freezer. “Ice. Yum. If

nothing else, we have to get some Popsicles.”

Tommy laughed. “That we will do.” Feeling like he had to explain,

Tommy blurted, “I don’t really eat a lot at home. There’s a good diner
not too far from here. When I’m here, I eat mostly sandwiches and
stuff.” Tommy felt foolish, like he was still a little kid who was only
playing at being an adult. He realized rather suddenly that he had a
cupboard full of breakfast cereal. It was easy to make, cheap, and
didn’t go bad. And he’d give anything for Burke not to see it.

“Lucky for you, I know how to cook.”
“You do?” Tommy should have realized that from Burke’s kitchen

stuff, but he’d been a little distracted by watching Burke’s muscles
bunch and flex as he boxed everything up. Tommy had a very sudden
and racy image of Burke wearing nothing but an apron. And he was
holding a spatula. Tommy shivered. He’d discovered, much to his
chagrin, that he’d liked the spanking Burke had given him on stage. If
he did it a bit lighter and talked dirty to him, Tommy thought he could
enjoy that a lot. He didn’t quite know how to tell Burke, though. He
seemed determined to move away from that, and Tommy didn’t want
him doing anything that would make him uncomfortable.

“I do indeed know how to cook. It’s something I learned because I

don’t like processed crap. Not healthy.” Burke closed the freezer then
moved on to the cabinets. “Ah, Tommy.” Burke tsked when he saw
the boxes of cereal. “I am going to fatten you up and teach you how to
make really good food.” He turned and peered intently at him for a
moment. “How’s your butt?”

“Fine.” Tommy blushed.
“I think you’re about ready for another dose of James’s numbing


“Okay.” So far, every time Burke had put the stuff on him it had

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turned into an excuse for Burke to suck him off. He said he had to
since it was his fault Tommy got hard. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t let
Tommy reciprocate. It was maddening. Burke was walking around
with a major boner and wouldn’t let Tommy anywhere near it. Burke
insisted he was saving it up for when he could get back inside Tommy.

“Come on.” Burke retrieved the oil from his pack and then

followed Tommy into his bedroom.

“Very nice.”
“Thanks.” Tommy had gotten the best bed he could afford, and

then his mother got him sheets and a comforter to match for his
birthday. So far, his parents had turned every present-giving holiday
into an opportunity to provide him with apartment furnishings. By his
senior year, Tommy figured he’d be able to outfit a house.

Burke pulled the cover down then put a towel on the bed just in

case. “Slip your sweats down.”

Tommy pulled off his shirt, shoes, socks, sweats, and then lay on

his belly.

Burke’s fingers gently rubbed the oil over Tommy’s buns.
Tommy had checked in the mirror this morning after his shower

and noticed all the welts were gone. He didn’t even wince when he
washed up or dried off. But Burke insisted another day with the oil at
a minimum was necessary, just to be on the safe side.

“Lift up a little,” Burke said, his voice husky. “I want to get some

a little lower.”

Tommy slid a pillow below his hips and the towel.
“Good. That’s good. So very good.” Burke’s fingers smoothed

down and then teased around Tommy’s hole. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m melting.”
Burke continued to finger Tommy until he was squirming with


“Here, stand up.”
Tommy had barely gotten to his feet when Burke pulled him close

and sucked his cock in as deep as he could. Meanwhile, he continued

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to work his finger in and out of Tommy’s ass.

“Aw, fuck.” It felt incredible, and looking down, watching as his

prick slipped between Burke’s lips was making him crazy. “I’m gonna
come. I’m gonna—”

Burke sucked him all the way in so his throat closed around

Tommy’s shaft. At the same time, he stuck his finger deep and
flickered it over his prostate. Tommy came so hard he practically went
blind. When he opened his eyes and looked down, Burke was
breathing hard and his eyes had a dangerously hungry look.

“I’m not taking no for an answer this time.” Tommy dropped to his

knees and pulled at Burke’s pants.

“I’ll wait.”
“You’re going crazy.”
“I want to be inside you again.”
“Then do it.” Tommy dropped down onto Burke’s lap. “Fuck me.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t.” Tommy kissed him and pressed his body against

Burke’s, loving the moan he made as he tried to resist. Just when
Burke seemed to get the upper hand, Tommy lifted his mouth to
Burke’s ear and begged, “Please fuck me. I want to feel you inside me
again. I need you.”

There was a long moment where Burke clearly struggled with

himself. Eventually, Burke stood, taking Tommy up with him. He
turned and placed Tommy on the bed. He didn’t bother to get
undressed. There was a frantic need in him now, and he barely
managed to get his jeans down before he was on top of Tommy.

“Are you sure?” Burke hesitated with his cock pressed against

Tommy’s hole. Even with the numbing oil, he felt everything, and it all
felt good.

“I’m positive. I couldn’t be more certain. I’m ready.”
Burke held his breath as he eased inside, keeping a careful watch

on Tommy’s face.

“Oh, God. Tommy. You feel so perfect. Like you were made for

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“I was.” Tommy wrapped his arms and legs around Burke, pulling

him down on top of him, loving the feel of his powerful body above
him, filling him.

“You know, if not for the numbing oil, I would have climaxed as

soon as I pressed against you.”

“What a waste that would have been.” Tommy clutched his

shoulders. “I want you to mark me.”

Once he was in, Burke let out a breathless, moaning sigh that was

part relief, part surrender to the inevitable storm that would come.
Tommy knew the beast was still there in him and always would be, but
Burke had learned how to master his animal rather than letting it
control him.

Burke started rocking his hips. He slipped his hands under

Tommy’s shoulders so he could cup his head and slide his fingers
through Tommy’s hair.

“So beautiful. So sweet. I love you, Tommy. I love you.”
Tommy was almost in tears Burke was so tender. Each thrust

pressed their bodies more tightly together and pushed Burke closer to
that edge. If not for the numbing oil, he would have tumbled off much
sooner. As it was, Burke lasted only a few minutes, but they were the
most intense and beautiful minutes of Tommy’s life. Burke held his
gaze, loving him with his eyes, his hands, his entire body. Tommy
clung to him, grateful and pleased that they blended so well together.

“I can’t last. God, I want to ride you.”
“I don’t want—”
Tommy cut him off with a kiss and rocked his hips hard. He was a

lot stronger than Burke realized, because his flick lifted Burke a bit.

“You want it like that, do you?”
“Yeah.” Tommy did it again. “I want it like that.”
Burke increased his pace so slowly as to be maddening until he

was finally flicking his hips and drilling his prick in and out with such

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force he was shaking the bed.

“Oh, fuck. That’s it. Hold on to me, Tommy. Hold—” Burke gave

one final push and then went rigid as he pumped deep inside Tommy’s

The feel of him was incredible. Tommy squirmed deliciously,

loving how deep Burke had to get inside to claim him, to mark him.

Unwilling to pull out, Burke rolled so that Tommy was on top of

him, but he kept his cock buried. They stayed pressed together for
over an hour. Tommy had settled his head on Burke’s chest, and he
was on the verge of falling asleep when the doorbell rang.

Burke snickered, which finally drew his cock out of Tommy’s


“What are you chuckling at?”
“I was thinking it was the downstairs neighbors complaining about

the thumping bed, but they probably would have come up sooner.”

Hastily, they cleaned up, got dressed, and went to the door.
Tommy peered through the peephole, but he didn’t recognize the

man standing there. Still, there was something familiar about his bright
blue eyes and long black hair. When he opened the door, the man
smiled and stuck out his hand.

“Hi. I’m Josh Ratcliff. I’m a linebacker for the Grizzlies?”
Why the man made it a question, Tommy had no idea, but he


“Anyway, Coach Miller gave me your name, and I thought I’d stop

by, see how you’re doing, and answer any—”

As soon as Tommy clasped Josh’s hand, he pulled Tommy close

and kissed him.

“What the fuck do you think—”
And then he was kissing Burke.
He did this twice more in rapid succession. Tommy felt so dizzy he

slumped down to the floor. So did Burke. There was no point in
resisting Josh, as he didn’t seem to be hurting them. What he was
doing felt good. Really good. Tommy couldn’t believe it, but he got

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hard. When he glanced over, he noticed Burke was hard again, too.

Eventually, all three of them climaxed.
Josh stopped, and the three of them sat on the floor for about ten


Josh stood, wobbled a bit, but he seemed determined to go. He

looked down and said, “Welcome to the bear-shifting brotherhood of
the Twin Pines Grizzlies.”

By the time information stopped exploding in Tommy’s head, Josh

was gone.

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Chapter 15

Burke had never been in such fancy digs before. He kept his

thumbs tucked into the belt loops on his jeans to stop himself from
touching and possibly breaking anything. He felt like he was in a
museum and not someone’s house.

Phillip Remson had invited him and Tommy to his estate that

overlooked the valley of Twin Pines for the monthly get-together of
the brotherhood. Everyone wanted to get to know him and Tommy as
the newest members. Since Burke had always been pretty much
antisocial, he was a little nervous to say the least.

“Here, have a drink.” Anthony Reed offered him a choice between

a shot of hard liquor and a beer. Burke took the beer. “And relax.
None of us bite.”

“Not in human form, at any rate.” Kevin Henderson lifted his mug

of brew to Burke.

Josh Ratcliff, the man who had twinned him and Tommy, was

there and ended up doing another kissing-breathing thing with Burke,
Tommy, Water, and Skye. No one really knew what this secondary
twinning was about, but Burke didn’t mind being connected to those
two. In many ways, they had a lot in common. Skye had survived the
sex industry just as Burke had. Water was the most emotionally
available man Burke had ever met next to Tommy. Those two had
managed to save his and Skye’s damaged souls. Overall, they fit one
another well.

For just about the first time in his life, Burke didn’t feel gigantic.

Most of these guys were as big as he was, and a few, like Anthony,
were bigger. It was remarkably comforting to not stand out for his

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sheer bulk alone. Moreover, all of the guys were welcoming toward
him and Tommy. In a curious way, it was like they’d always been
brothers but had just forgotten until recently.

After a drink and some wickedly good eats, the entire group of

them went outside in the back of Phillip’s palatial estate.

It was pitch black and a little bit chilly despite the fact it was June.

This high up, the air never got really hot even in the summer, and then
nights cooled down rapidly. Burke had stepped up behind Tommy and
wrapped his arms around him so they could share body heat. Or that
was his excuse.

“You really don’t need an excuse to hold me,” Tommy reminded.
“I know, but I’m still getting used to this honesty thing. You know,

like you not telling me about the spanking thing.”

“Yeah. Um, is that okay?”
“I could be persuaded to spank your sweet, naughty ass on


“And raunchy talk?”
“I could be persuaded to talk dirty while paddling your lily-white


“Persuaded how?” Tommy asked.
To the outside world, they appeared to just be standing together,

hugging, but their brothers probably knew they were chatting away on
their private mental link. It was nice in that they could express
complicated ideas almost effortlessly. Moreover, they could talk to the
entire group if they wanted to. Learning to direct their voice to one or
many was a little tricky, but they had it down now.

“All you have to do is get us a pair of cowboy hats and we can

play all you want.” Burke didn’t want to do shows anymore, but he
still wanted to play with Tommy.

“I’m gonna hold you to that.”
“Please do.”
Into Burke’s head came a vision of Tommy wearing

nothing but a white cowboy hat. He was bent over, displaying his tight
ass, and Burke was behind him wearing a black hat and a holster full of

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sex toys. “Come on, I’d look silly dressed like that!”

“No. Totally hot.”
“At least in your vision can I wear some pants?”
Tommy stuck him in a pair of assless chaps.
“Fuck. That’s worse than just the holster!”
He and Tommy played around with their vision until they were

totally laughing and turned on, which Burke discovered was a great

“What are we doing out here?” Burke asked aloud to the general


“We’ve been shifting in a group.” Phillip and his twin Ryan were

getting undressed. “We’ve been exploring the woods and getting to
know our bear selves better.”

When all the guys started stripping down, Burke and Tommy

joined them. If he would have thought about it for any length of time,
Burke might have thought getting naked with over twenty guys was
way weirder than putting on a live sex show, but he chose not to think
about it. According to the group, when they shifted, whatever they
were wearing or carrying was destroyed. This included jewelry,
watches, and cell phones.

“I’m still trying to figure something out, a way to carry things, shift

on a dime, and not lose them, but everything we’ve tried has failed.
Even Derek’s suggestion of a purse didn’t work.”

“It was a fabulous idea.” Derek was the group jokester and one

hell of a good-looking guy. Had Burke not reformed, he wouldn’t
mind putting Derek through his paces on stage.

“You and your fascination for blond hair,” Tommy teased.
“Hey, I said I would if I wasn’t reformed.”
“I don’t mind you looking and admiring our brothers. They are a

handsome bunch.”

Tommy was utterly secure in his relationship with Burke, just as

Burke was with him.

“Okay, so how do we shift?” Tommy asked.

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Several brothers bombarded them with mental images, suggestions,

and tips.

Overwhelmed, Burke tossed up his hand. “Whoa! One at a time,

please. God, my fucking brain feels pummeled.”

“The first time, it helps if you stand apart from your partner.”

Adrian Grace took several steps away from his twin, Logan Tucker.
The two men stared at one another and then in the blink of an eye they
were a blond-brown grizzly bear.

“Aw,” Tommy said. “It’s cute.”
“Cute like it could eat your face,” Burke pointed out.
“They wouldn’t.” Tommy looked suddenly afraid. “Right? I mean,

they’re in there and sentient. Right?”

“We’re in here, and no, we won’t eat you. Come on, shift!” Logan


Logan and Adrian’s bear wandered off toward the edge of where

the forest started to thicken.

“Okay. Let’s do this.” Tommy walked away from Burke and stared

at him.

Burke wasn’t sure what to do, but one of his brothers said softly

into his head, “Pull him into you.” And the next thing Burke knew, he
was lower to the ground and barraged with smells.

“Holy shit! I can smell everything.” Burke felt his much-longer

nose quivering.

“Yeah. It’s intense.”
Tommy was right there with Burke in the body of the bear. They

tumbled around, getting used to moving on four legs rather than two.

“I love this!” Tommy exclaimed.
“Me, too.” In many ways, this was more intimate than sex.

Tommy was infiltrated into his cells. It was strange but beautiful, and
the more they walked around exploring things, the more right it felt.

“I don’t ever want to shift back.” Tommy pushed them toward the

forest edge.

“You might rethink that when it comes time to eat.”

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“What? Why?”
“Bears eat raw meat, but that’s when they can get it. They also

eat a lot of berries—”

“Which doesn’t sound that bad.”
“And grubs.”
Tommy asked. “What are those?”
“The larva of insects.”
“Ew! Bears eat that?”
“Okay, so maybe we’ll just do this part time.”
There was another smell that kept coming to Burke that he

couldn’t identify. It was odd because it wasn’t pleasant, but it wasn’t
foul, either.

Burke and Tommy wandered over to inspect a fallen tree. Rather

than walking all the way around, they had decided to climb over it but
managed to wedge themselves on top with their butt up in the air.

“Great. Even in bear form you’ve got me with my ass up high,”

Tommy teased.

“Me? It was your idea to climb over rather than walk around.

Besides, I’ll bet we look all kinds of cute.”

When one of the bears came up behind them, Burke asked for a

little shove to push them over, but what he got instead shocked the
hell out of him.

“You smell good.” Water buried his bear snout under Burke and

Tommy’s tail.

“We do?” Burke asked.
“Very good,” Skye said, sniffing them again.
Quite suddenly, Burke and Tommy realized what that weird scent

was. Together they said, “We’re in heat!”

“That would explain why we’re so attracted to you.” Water and

Skye’s bear continued to sniff them.

“I can’t believe we’re a girl bear,” Burke said. “Or that we seem

to be opening up to your bear.”

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“Opening up?” Water asked.
“Yeah. Our legs are all relaxed, and we no longer have any urge

to climb over the log to get away.” When the reason for their change
of mind hit Burke, he grinned, and so did Tommy. “I think our bear
wants your bear to mount us.”

“Really?” Water asked. “But what if we knock you up?”
“I think that’s the point.”
Burke projected his voice to Tommy.

“Is that something you want?”

“To maybe have kids with you?” When tears choked Tommy’s

voice, Burke had his answer.

After a deliberate and calm discussion among the four of them,

they decided to mate.

“Isn’t this like cheating on our partners?” Skye asked.
“Not if we all agree to what we’re doing. It’s more than just

random curiosity. We might be able to actually have kids. That’s

Burke agreed with Water. “But don’t get your hopes up too high.

From what I’ve read, bears don’t get pregnant all that easily.”

“Are you sure you don’t just want to get freaky in our bear

body?” Tommy asked with a teasing tone.

“Would you be surprised if I said yes?”
Tommy giggled then sobered. “So you don’t want to have


“Of course I do, but again, the odds are against that happening,

and admit the truth that the idea of mating in this big, hairy body
interests you, too.”

After a bit of hemming and hawing, Tommy reluctantly admitted

he was aroused by the idea.

Once they were all in agreement, they quickly got down to


As soon as Burke and Tommy braced themselves, Water and Skye

mounted them.

“Fuck!” Now Burke knew what Tommy felt like when he rammed

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his cock into him.

“You’ve never rammed yourself into me, not like this, and ow!

Could you guys slow the hell down?”

“Sorry. First-time clumsiness.” Water sounded a little

embarrassed as their bear climbed off to regroup.

“Try again with your paws better braced on the log, and slow

down.” After giving them instructions, Burke chuckled.

“What?” Tommy asked.
“Oh, just the weirdness factor of telling a bear how to mount us.

Struck me strange.”

Water and Skye’s bear planted his big paws on either side of their

body and started humping much more slowly.

“Like my life just can’t get any weirder.” What stunned Burke

was that after the initial shock, the fucking they were getting started to
feel wickedly awesome. “Okay, this is officially the kinkiest thing I’ve
ever done.”

“It’s gonna get weirder.” Tommy turned their head to the side to

show Burke that they had an audience.

“Great. Even in bear form I’m still putting on live sex shows. And

you guys are still going too fast.”

“I’m sorry. I would make us slow down more, but I can’t.” Skye

sounded equal amounts frustrated and turned on.

“Do girl bears have orgasms?” Tommy asked.
“I did a lot of research, but that tidbit did not come up, so I don’t

know. But I think we’re about to have one anyway.” A storm of
pleasure swamped Burke and Tommy as their bear body clamped
down around Water and Skye’s bear cock. But they didn’t stop. They
kept right on humping. They lowered their head and growled into
Burke and Tommy’s ear. It was so fucking hot they came again. When
Water and Skye dug their teeth into the scruff of their neck, holding
them down as they growled and fucked harder, Burke and Tommy
came so many times they lost count. Finally, Water and Skye’s bear
lifted his head, gave one last shove, and climaxed.

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Now Burke knew what Tommy felt when he came inside him.

They could feel the pulsing jets as Water and Skye’s bear came.

“Are you filled with creamy goodness?” Derek asked.
“Just wait, buddy, you’re next.” Kade and Aaron’s bear pounced

on Derek and Brandon’s bear.

“Oh, no.”
“You say no, but your back end says yes.”
“Okay, we’ll give it a go
oooo!” Derek’s cry went up so high he

practically hit a range only dogs could hear. And it was clear they’d
just been penetrated.

“Give it to him good!” Burke encouraged. Derek had certainly

enjoyed watching them get mounted, so while he, Tommy, Water, and
Skye recovered, they watched Derek and Brandon’s bear get nailed by
Kade and Aaron’s bear. Now Burke could understand why everyone
watched. It was so weirdly erotic, he felt guilty for being so aroused.

“Well, that might be because you’ve still got a foot of bear cock

in you,” Water said.

“A foot?” Burke snickered. “Don’t flatter yourself, pal.”
Water and Skye gave a flicker of hips that drilled their still-hard

cock into Burke and Tommy.

“You realize you’re still hard because of your baculum, right?”

Burke asked.

“What’s a baculum?” Skye asked.
“Rather than using restricted blood flow to get hard like a human

penis, bears have a baculum, or penis bone. That’s so you can pounce
on your mate when, say, she’s innocently bent over a log.”

“I thought that felt strange.” Water rubbed his big furry head

against Burke and Tommy’s. “Did we hurt you?”

“Naw. A little at first but then, damn, it really did feel good. Hell,

it still does.”

“Good because we don’t want to get off you just yet.”
“Don’t. You’re good right there while we watch the next pair.”
And while watching the next pair, the Water and Skye bear

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continued to pump more cum into Burke and Tommy’s bear.

“When you were doing your research, did you find out how much

sperm male grizzly bears have?” Tommy snickered. “I feel it’s like
what Derek said—we’re literally being stuffed with creamy

“Nothing about that, but I’ll look when we get home.”
“There’s more coming,”
Water said.
All of them snickered at his pun.
“What if something really weird happens after this?” Skye asked.
“Like this isn’t weird enough for you?” Burke asked.
Tommy laughed.
“This is plenty weird, but I was just thinking that, well, what if we

get you guys pregnant?”

“I thought that was the whole point?” Burke asked.
“Yeah, but what will you have? Kids or cubs?”

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Chapter 16

Tommy and Burke went utterly still. “Oh, shit. That’s something

we didn’t quite puzzle out. We knew we might create offspring, but I
just assumed they’d be human.”

“So did I. Okay, get out and off of us right now.” Burke struggled

in earnest.

“The damage has already been done.” Tommy soothed him and

he stopped struggling.

“But what the hell will happen?” Burke seemed flat-out terrified.
“I guess we’re gonna find out.” When Tommy looked up, he

noticed the rest of the guys had returned to human form. He correctly
assessed they did so in order to avoid mating.

“Oh, that is so not fair. Make the new guys test the waters for

you!” Burke was genuinely angry, as he felt taken advantage of. He’d
actively participated in the discussion, but they’d neglected to discuss
a major point.

“We didn’t know this would happen,” Matthew protested.
“Yes we did.” Danny Jones, leader of the group, met Burke and

Tommy’s gaze. “We didn’t want to have all of us mated because we
didn’t know what would happen, so we thought—”

“We?” Burke interrupted.
“I,” Danny clarified. One thing about him, he was a no-nonsense

leader who stepped up to the plate to take responsibility. “I thought it
best to have two pairs mate, and then we’d know. I’m sorry. I thought
the four of you were in agreement just like the other four were.”

“We were but we didn’t think about exactly what our kids would

be.” Burke was so worried he was making their enormous body shake.

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“Neither did we but it’s too late to change our minds now. The

deed is done,” Derek said. “Aw, fuck. Why does this have to feel so
damn good?”

That comment only seemed to antagonize Burke.
“Please, don’t worry,” Tommy begged. “Like Derek said, it’s

done. And I would have agreed even if we had discussed human or
bear. Whatever they are I’ll love them.”

Even though they were fully entwined with one another inside the

bear body, Tommy felt Burke retreat. It was as if he settled into a
corner, wrapped his arms around his knees, and hung his head. More
than anything Tommy thought Burke was ashamed. He felt foolish for
not asking the most obvious question. Nothing Tommy said was going
to get him to come out. Not for a while at any rate.

“I’m sorry, guys. Really. We didn’t think that far ahead, either.

Seems like a no brainer but…” Water sounded miserable.

“It’s okay.” Tommy knew that they’d just followed their instincts.
After another twenty minutes, the Water and Skye bear pulled out

and slid off the Burke and Tommy bear. Their bear tried to push them
over the log, but ended up going around to the other side to push from
that direction. Burke and Tommy landed on their butt, got up, and
lumbered back toward the house.

Their bear walked with stiff legs rather than a more fluid grace.

They were stumbling over every rock and root in their path. Tommy
realized they were walking stiff from a bit of pain in their nether

“I just want to get dressed and go home.” Burke sounded

annoyed, but through their connection, Tommy knew the real problem
was that Burke was embarrassed he hadn’t thought of the obvious
question of what their kids would be, and he was scared that he
wouldn’t be able to handle what might come of their mating. Burke
had been all for the idea at the time, but now he was filled with regret.

Having just found a place where he felt he belonged and brothers

who would protect him only to have it shattered caused Tommy to

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burst into tears.

“Oh, shit. Tommy.”
Their bear stopped midstride and sat down.
“I’m sorry.” Burke mentally wrapped his arms around Tommy and


“I know. So am I.”
“We’ll work this out, okay? I guess I’m just really worried right

now. I mean, it’s a lot to take in all at once. Being a bear, being a girl
bear, getting mounted by another bear, and being pregnant. Honestly,
what the hell is this thing inside us going to be like since we’re both
guys? Which one of us will”

And Tommy realized that’s what really scared Burke. Not

knowing what they were carrying. Would it be a bear, a human, or
some scary blend of both?

“Maybe we won’t even get pregnant.”
“We are. I can feel it.”
Tommy reached out mentally, and he, too, felt a spark.
“There’s two.”
Tommy tried again, and indeed there were two flashes of energy in

their body with them. He was alternately excited and terrified. “What
do we do?”

“Hell if I know.” Burke sighed loud and long.
It took Tommy a moment to realize he hadn’t sighed so much as

he’d yawned. As if to prove the point, they opened up their bear
mouth and yawned.

“I’m suddenly very sleepy.” Tommy had never felt so dragged out

in his life.

“Yeah. So am I. I think it has something to do with our delicate

state.” Burke shook their bear head, trying to wake up, but it didn’t
do any good.

The Water and Skye bear came up and rubbed his face against their

face, snuffling softly, almost comfortingly.

“You’ve had your way with us.” Burke nudged them by butting

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their head. “You don’t have to stick around now that you’ve gotten

“We’re not that kind of bear,” Water said.
“And each time you move away, we feel sick to our stomach.”

Skye nuzzled in again. “Being in contact with you makes that pain go

“Where are the other guys?”
“Watching the other mating.”
The four of them laughed.
“Are you still peeved?” Skye seemed reluctant to ask.
“I’ll get over it,” Burke said, and Tommy knew that he would.

Burke was a survivor. He just needed a little time to come to grips
with all of this. “Okay, this tiredness is getting more profound, and I
think I know why.”

The other three waited.
“I think we’re going into hibernation mode.”
“I thought bears did that in the winter?”
Water asked.
“Yeah, but, we’re not really bears, are we?” Burke seemed to go

suddenly very still, very quiet, like he was listening to a voice that was
miles away. “I get it now. You guys have to help us get somewhere

“What? Why?” Water and Skye turned their bear head this way

and that, as if looking for danger.

“Because we’re going to stay like this and sleep for a while.”

Burke seemed very certain. When Tommy asked, Burke said, “I can’t
explain it any better than this is what we’re supposed to do. If we shift
back to human, we’ll lose both of them.”
Mentally, Burke wrapped his
arms around Tommy and squeezed. “I don’t want to lose them.”

Just like with his ability to cook, Tommy was flabbergasted that

Burke had developed sudden, intense, and passionate maternal

“You’re not the only one who is surprised. Hell, knock me down

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with a feather, but no one, no how is hurting my kids.”

“Our kids.” Water nudged their bear gently and snuggled their

neck. “That’s why we don’t want you to go far from us. It’s paternal
instincts kicking in.”

“The male bear bails after mating,” Burke pointed out.
“Yeah, well, as you said, we’re not rightly bears, now, are we?”
“Good point.”

Their bear yawned again, and keeping their eyes open became ever

more difficult.

“We’ve got to get them somewhere to sleep.” Water looked

around at Phillip’s backyard. There was a semicircle of groomed
landscape that rolled right into the natural setting of the forest. “I
don’t want them out here.”

The two bears considered the mansion.
“It’s really the only logical place.” Burke grinned.
“Fanciest bear den ever.”
“And the other guys should have to cater to us.”
Burke lumbered

toward the house.

“He’s right.” Water shook his head after shifting back to human.

“They wanted to see what would happen, so here it is. I am not letting
my mate sleep outside. Not when there’s a perfectly comfy room in the

Skye and Water dressed.
“Wait here, okay? We’re not going to be gone long. We’ll find you

a place to bunk up. You are going to be fully, completely taken care
of.” Water reached out and cupped their furry chin.

Tommy luxuriated in his touch.
“Are you crushing on him?” Burke teasingly asked.
“Maybe a bit. He is awfully sweet.” Tommy sighed and watched

as the two men entered the house.

“He’s got a nice ass.”
“You are such an ass man.”

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“Right, which is why we should have been the male bear.”
They were silent for a moment and then Tommy asked, “Does it

really bother you that we’re the girl?”

“No.” They settled on their furry butt, and Burke rubbed their

belly. “Don’t tell the others, but this is the most incredible feeling.
I’m scared but excited. More than anything I feel protective. If
someone came at us, I’d eat them first and ask questions later.”

“I think our mate, or rather mates, would do the same.” Tommy

sighed. “You seem closer to our kids than I do.”

“Do I?” Burke mentally shrugged. “I think when I retreated into

my little pity-party corner, they reached out to me. To comfort and
console me.”

“No, I don’t think so. Not in the true sense of the word.”
“Not quite. But not a bear, either. I think on that we’re going to

have to wait and see.” Burke suddenly uttered a truly joyful laugh that
was so pleasing to Tommy’s heart he melted into him and laughed
right along with him even though he didn’t know what he was
laughing at. But he didn’t care. For the first time since they were kids,
Burke was honestly joyful, and that was music to Tommy’s ears.

“What made you laugh like that?”
“Ah, Tommy.”
Burke hugged him hard. “Last Friday night, I was

thinking to myself that I was going to put on a hell of a show, and I
did. Later on, I thought it was my last, but here we are about to put on
one hell of a show with what we’re carrying. We are about to be the
very center of attention.”

“Are you afraid?”
“Scared shitless, but I’ve got you, and together we can get

through anything.” Mentally, Burke pulled him close and kissed him
hard. “I love you, Tommy.”

“I love you, Burke.”
“And whatever comes of what we’ve done tonight I’m going to

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love, too.”

“So am I.”
When Water and Skye returned, they followed them into the house

and settled in for a good long nap.



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Reading, writing, and white-water rafting are the three things

Anitra Lynn McLeod enjoys the most. You can visit her at

Also by Anitra Lynn McLeod

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Twin Pines Grizzlies 8: Strong Alpha

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Twin Pines Grizzlies 9:

Dedicated Alpha

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Twin Pines Grizzlies 10:

Dangerous Alpha

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Twin Pines Grizzlies 11:

Daring Alpha

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Twin Pines Grizzlies 12:

Proud Alpha

For all other titles, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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