WWE Legends of Wrestlemania IGN Insiders Guide

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WWE Legends of WreslteMania Guide

The Rock vs. Steve Austin, No DQ... Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels,
1-hour Ironman Match... Andre the Giant vs. Hulk Hogan... There
was a time when WrestleMania was the culmination to entertaining
stories told all year, where long-standing feuds were settled, where
the WWE mantra "anything can happen" kept fans on the edge of
their seats as their favorite wrestlers battled it out all over (and
frequently out of) the squared circle.

While there is no question that wrestling has lost some of its luster
over the last decade, THQ has sought to recapture at least some of
the spirit from 80s and mid-90s, even down to the fact that WWE
Legends of WrestleMania somewhat feels like a classic brawler,
with power meters instead of limb damage and its face button
controls instead of using both analog sticks. Though players of
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW should be able to pick up the new
controls fairly quickly and start dominating the stars of old as they've
done the stars of new, everyone could use a little assistance with
WrestleMania Tour Mode. Using this guide, you'll easily overcome
all the objectives that lay before you, leading you to unlock all
costumes and videos to relive those glory days of professional

In this WWE Legends of WrestleMania strategy guide, you'll


// A couple of quick tips, including a video demonstration of building your

Chain Level.


// A WWE Legends of WrestleMania walkthrough for all seven stages of Relive...


// ...and all six stages of Rewrite...


// ...plus all six stages of Redefine.

Warning: use of this game may cause frequent attacks of nostalgia.

Guide by: Jon "PyroFalkon" Habib

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WWE Legends of WreslteMania Tour Basics

The bread and butter of WWE Legends of WrestleMania, the WrestleMania Tour takes you through several moments of
the first 15 WrestleManias, asking you to "relive, rewrite, and redefine." All modes task you to do specific actions in
famous matches, and we're here to give you an event-by-event breakdown.

While we're not giving you a step-by-step guide on the basics of the controls (that's what the manual and in-game
tutorial are for), we do have a couple tips for you to get you through the objectives quickly.

Many of the challenges in the WrestleMania Tour are affected by your Chain Level. In many cases, an objective tasks
you to do your finisher, requiring Chain Level 3. For better or worse, once you get pretty good at the game, you might be
beating down the opponent so quickly that you can't bring the Chain Level where it needs to be.

Luckily, there's a sure-fire way to get it charged. First, you need to stun your opponent. One way to do this is to reverse
a strike or grapple; another is to floor the opponent using any method, then picking him up by pressing Away + Grapple.
Once your opponent is stunned, simply tap Grapple, and you'll start a Grapple Chain. If you win that, your Chain Level
normally jumps a full level, sometimes more. Do this two or three times, and you'll be fully charged no matter how
damaged either of you are.

Our second tip involves the harder-to-get objectives. Some objectives require that the opponent attacks you, and if you
have too little health left at that point, you may wind up losing as you wait for him to do something to clear an objective.
In order to keep your health high, you'll want to exploit the healing taunt. Exit the ring (optional, but necessary for safety),
then hold down and taunt by pressing Action and Block together. The "Down Taunt" as I call it will restore 25% of your
health bar. It costs one Chain Level to execute, but with our first tip, that shouldn't be a problem.

WWE Legends of WreslteMania Relive

Relive challenges put you in historic matches, and task you to repeat history. Each challenge is prefaced with a video of
the match in question, with a few key highlights that you will more than likely have to replicate during the match. For
WWE fans who grew up while WrestleMania was still young, fresh, and engaging, this will be an interactive trip down
memory lane.

All challenges are worth a certain number of points. A minimum number is needed to pass the challenge with a gold
medal, although achieving the maximum should as always be your goal. Hey, you came to WrestleMania: no reason to
be a wuss here!

50 points out of 90 to get gold

Trading Rights: Win the chain battle at the start of the match (10 points)

Busted Wide Open: Whip KKB into the cage (20 points)

Keep Bundy Caged: Get up while KKB tries to leave via the door (10 points)

Stop Bundy Again: Repeat "Keep Bundy Caged" (10 points)

Full Power Leg Drop: Execute Hogan's finisher (20 points)

The Great Escape: Win the match by escaping the cage via climbing out of it (20 points)

A nice introduction to the Relive mode, this one is pretty easy to do. Trading Rights will be over right off the bat and
depends on literally a single button press, so if you're a perfectionist, you can just immediately restart if needed.

Two Quick Tips


Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Challenge 4


Challenge 1 : : Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Bundy @ WrestleMania 2


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After you get that out of the way, you need to beat on
Bundy ASAP. Try getting Busted Wide Open clear
immediately by holding away from KKB and pressing
Grapple. You'll Irish Whip him and pretty much
immediately bust him open (this isn't SmackDown vs.
RAW where you need to hammer the head for the
whole match to get some blood flowing).

From there, once KKB's power is low, allow him to
beat on you. The instant you're floored, tap buttons to
recover, but don't fill the meter the whole way.
Instead, leave just a sliver, and let KKB head to the
door (which he will). As soon as he's there and starts
the door mini-game, tap the rest of the way, and you'll
stand and immediately teleport over to the door to
stop him. Repeat this immediately after, and you'll
clear Keep Bundy Caged and Stop Bundy Again,
giving you the gold.

Now it's downhill. Hammer on KKB until he's got no health left. Bust out your finisher once your chain is fully charged,
then immediately head over to a cage wall and press Action. Tap away, and you'll escape the cage, getting a perfect

60 points out of 100 to get gold

Unstoppable Force: Win the chain battle at the start of the match (20 points)

Knock the Big Man Down: Irish Whip Andre and win the chain (20 points)

Daze the Giant: Grapple Andre when he's stunned (20 points)

Hogan Escapes: Win the chain when Andre does the Bear Hug (20 points)

Unbelievable!: Grapple when Hogan's chain level is maxxed (20 points)

Just like before, you can clear Unstoppable Force immediately, and it comes down to a single button press. Anticipate
the timing after Hogan shoves Andre and just before Andre delivers a punch.

Now, you may be tempted here to burn out Knock the Big Man Down and Unbelievable!, but the two tasks are actually
designed to be done at the end of the match. You can just get them out of the way now, but you'll basically insta-win as
soon as you do so: you can't manually break the resulting pin. It'll get you a gold, yes, but not give you a perfect score.

Instead, walk over to the nearest corner, and let
Andre come to you. Get around him so his back is to
the corner, then just tap Strike until Andre is leaning
against the turnbuckles. Tap Grapple, and you'll clear
Daze the Giant.

Now, hang back and let Andre attack you so he can
build up his chain combo. Usually once he's at Chain
Level 2, he'll more than likely immediately bearhug
you. Sometimes he'll do it sooner, if luck is with you.
Either way, win that little fracas, and you'll clear
Hogan Escapes.

After that, just stand there like a moron, but get ready
to hit a reversal. Andre will try to strike you, so just
immediately reverse it. Hold away from him, tap
Grapple, and you'll do a chain to clear Knock the Big
Man Down. This will fill Hogan's Chain Level
completely, and Andre will immediately stand but be stunned, allowing you to do a standard grapple to clear
Unbelievable! and win the match.


Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Challenge 4


Challenge 2 : : Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant @ WrestleMania III


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100 points out of 130 to get gold

The Ultimate Challenge: Win the chain battle at the start of the match (20 points)

Off the Turnbuckle Again: Attack twice from the top rope (10 points)

Adrenaline: Perform a standard taunt (20 points)

Drop the Hulkster: Succeed with a strong grapple at Chain Level 2 or 3 (10 points)

Strength of the Warrior: Succeed with a strong grapple at Chain Level 3 (10 points)

Stop the Red and Yellow: Reverse Hogan's finisher (10 points)

Look Out!: Succeed the chain when you Irish Whip Hogan at Chain Level 2 or 3 (20 points)

Body Splash!!!: Do Warrior's finisher (10 points)

And New WWE Champion...: Win the match (20 points)

This one may have a lot of challenges, but the
majority are pretty quick and revolve around you
jumping running around like crazy... kinda like
Warrior did on his entrances!

The chain battle here is a button-masher rather than
a reaction mini-game. Hogan is pretty tough but just
keep hammering away, as there are a couple times
he relents a bit. You don't have to fill the meter
completely; it's sorta like a reverse tug-of-war, where
as long as the mark is over on Hogan's half of the
meter after about 15 seconds, you'll win... and clear
The Ultimate Challenge.

The first thing you should do after the match proper
starts is to retreat to the nearest corner and hop up
by holding toward it and pressing Action twice. Wait
until Hogan is on his feet, hit Strike, and repeat.
Hogan tries to run away from this sometimes, but if he does, just follow up with a weak attack and try again. Usually,
Hogan stands there like an idiot and allows you to hit him. Either way, do this twice and you'll clear Off the Turnbuckle

Next, just beat the living crap out of Hogan as quickly as possible. You should get to Chain Level 2 rather quickly. From
there, stand still until Hogan tries something, and reverse it. Follow this up by holding Grapple, and you'll clear Drop the

Continue attacking as you wish until Hogan has zero
health left. At that point, let Hogan get up, then Irish
Whip him to clear Look Out!. It's easier if Hogan is
low on health, but either way it's affected by button-
mashing again, so prepare for it.

By the time that's all over, you should be at Chain
Level 3. If not, continue attacking until you are. Stand
there and reverse Hogan's next strike, then hold
Grapple to get clear Strength of the Warrior.

Now comes the hard part: you need to let Hogan beat
on you. You'll more than likely run low on health while
this is going on, so leave the ring, and taunt while
holding down again to recover your health. This will
let you clear Adrenaline. Feel free to repeat if you
take a bit too much damage.

Once Hogan gets to Chain Level 3, he'll bust out his finisher, which you'll need to reverse by winning the resulting chain.
This nets you Stop the Red and Black.


Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Challenge 4


Challenge 3 : : Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan @ WrestleMania VI


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Nothing left but to win the match. Attack Hogan to get to Chain Level 3, hit your finisher, make the pin, and you'll clear
the last two remaining tasks. This might be tough, as you'll be rather low on health, but it's quite doable. Don't hesitate to
bail and burn a Chain Level to recover your health if need be: you have all the time in the world to pull this off.

105 points out of 135 to get gold

The Power of the Hulkster: Win the chain battle at the start of the match (20 points)

Taking It to Slaughter : Damage Slaughter 5 times in a row (20 points)

A New Hogan: The moment the match starts, damage Slaughter 5 times without taking a hit (5 points)

Shot After Shot: Do a grapple when Slaughter is in the corner (10 points)

Drop the Traitor: Irish Whip Slaughter and win the chain (10 points)

New Set of Rules: Do a grapple when Slaughter is outside the ring and near the apron (10 points)

The Sacrifice: After clearing "New Set of Rules," do a grapple when Slaughter is groggy near the ropes inside
the ring (10 points)

Leg Drop!!!: Execute Hogan's finisher (20 points)

Crimson Leg Drop: Execute Hogan's finisher when Hogan is bleeding (5 points)

Hulk Up: When Hogan is bleeding and with a fully charged chain level, kick out of a pin (5 points)

For the USA: Win the match (20 points)

Most these challenges are predicated on beating the hell out of Slaughter, so we're going to do all of those immediately
so we can approach the rest with maximum health. First, win the mini-game to start off the match to clear The Power of
the Hulkster.

Now, walk near Slaughter, but don't attack. See, if you just strike like crazy, Slaughter will more than likely reverse you
at some point, screwing you out of A New Hogan. Instead, tap the run button, and after you bounce off the ropes, tap the
strike button: Slaughter seldom, if ever, tries to block a running attack. Do this four times (the fifth strike that counted
was when you won the grapple mini-game), and you'll clear both Taking It to Slaughter and A New Hogan.

Next, do an Irish Whip to clear Drop the Traitor.
Slaughter will roll out of the ring as a result. Follow
him, and as soon as he stands up, strike him a
couple times and grapple. If you time it right, you'll
clear New Set of Rules.

Head back in the ring, then do the Super Irish
Grapple (hold away from Slaughter, then hold
Grapple) to whip Slaughter into the corner. Walk or
run up to him, but don't attack; instead, grapple, and
you'll clear Shot After Shot. As soon as Slaughter
gets up from that, strike him several times to get him
caught up in the ropes. Grapple here, and you'll
actually wind up taking damage; you'll come up
bleeding too. This will clear The Sacrifice, and set
you up for the rest of the challenges.

Build up your Chain Level to maximum, then allow
Slaughter to kick your butt. Pretty much the instant you're floored, Slaughter will try pinning you. Kick out of that, and
you'll clear Hulk Up. If you win the resulting chain, you'll also clear Leg Drop!!! and Crimson Leg Drop. If you fail the
chain, build up your Chain Level again, and just execute your finisher the normal way. At that point, all you need to do is
make a pin, and you'll clear For the USA and end the match with a perfect score.


Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Challenge 4


Challenge 4 : : Hulk Hogan vs. Sgt. Slaughter @ WrestleMania VII


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120 points out of 140 to get gold

Hard Rights: Win the chain battle at the start of the match (20 points)

Vintage Hart: Do a top rope diving attack when Austin is down (20 points)

Physical Dissection: Attack Austin's legs 5 times with specific moves (20 points)

Bone Chilling Pain: Do a grapple against Austin the corner when Bret's Chain Level is at least 2 (20 points)

Akin to a Bar Fight: Do a grapple against Austin outside the ring at a specific corner (20 points)

Have a Seat: Use a chair against Austin's legs while he's down (20 points)

Busted Open: Make Austin bleed (20 points)

Domination: Win the match with your finisher (20 points)

The objectives here involve hurting Austin while he's stunned or down, both of which you've got more time to do when
he's out of health. This means your first goal is to make him as wounded as humanly possible. Fortunately, because
there's no objective asking you to take damage, you can assault him without regards to taking a break for any reason.

Because this is a submission match, and because Austin will probably spend most of it without health, you'll have to be
careful when doing submission moves to him. Until you're done with all the objectives, if the icons come up in the corner
to button-mash to lock in a submission, simply don't press anything. This will cause Austin damage but it won't make him

First, as usual, win the initial chain to clear Hard
Rights. You'll wind up outside the ring, so you may as
well stay there for now. Circle the ring to the camera's
left, which should get you closer to the entrance ramp
(which, I admit, isn't actually a ramp in this arena).

Now, of the two corners closest to the entrance ramp,
one has stairs, and one does not. Go to the one that
does have the stairs, and stand about halfway
between the stairs and the security railing. When
Austin comes to you, just tap grapple. You may take
damage from the resulting attack, but at least you'll
clear Akin to a Bar Fight. You'll get to brawl in the
crowd for a few seconds before you automatically
return to ringside.

By this point, you should be at Chain Level 2. Jump
in the ring, then do a strong Irish Whip to get Austin
into a corner. Make sure the corner does not have steps underneath it at ringside, then grapple him in the corner. (If the
corner does have steps, you'll need to relocate when you do the strong Irish Whip). Grapple, and you'll clear Bone
Chilling Pain.

Since you're both outside the ring again, it's time to
get a chair. Get near the apron, then press toward
Austin and grapple. Do it right, and you'll toss Austin
in the ring and grab a chair from under the ring.
You're both in the ring again, and you can use the
chair to smash Austin the head. That should clear
Busted Open, and it will knock Austin down naturally.
Use the chair against his legs to then clear Have a

Now it's time to clear Physical Dissection. Drop the
chair, then floor Austin with conventional methods.
Get to his legs, then tap Grapple. Alternatively, you
can smack Austin until he's against the ropes, then
Grapple him, then tap Grapple again to do a leg-
related move too. Either way, you must do a total of
five attacks in any combination with these two types
of attacks, and you'll clear the objective.


Challenge 5

Challenge 6

Challenge 7



Challenge 5 : : Bret "The Hit Man" Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin @ WrestleMania 13


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Only two more left, and they're easy. Get Austin near a corner, then down him however you wish. Immediately hold
toward the corner, tap Action twice to climb the ropes, then tap Strike to come down with an elbow. Do it quick enough,
and you'll clear Vintage Hart. As soon as Austin stands from that, hit your finisher, and you'll clear Domination!

140 points out of 160 to get gold

Beaten to the Punch: Hit Shawn before he hits you (20 points)

Well Documented: Attack Shawn three times with specific moves (20 points)

Bird Sighting: Do a standard taunt (10 points)

Taking Out the Monitors: Do a grapple with Shawn while he's against the ropes (20 points)

Face First: Do a grapple outside the ring near the stairs (10 points)

DX Damage: Irish Whip Shawn at Chain Level 2 or better (20 points)

All's Fair: Do a grapple near the drums at the stage (20 points)

Silence the Music: Reverse Shawn's finisher (10 points)

Still No Music: Reverse Shawn's finisher a second time (10 points)

Enter the Stone Cold Era: Win the match (20 points)

The objectives here are split between being outside
the ring and getting the crap beat out of you, which is
definitely touchy. We'll have to take this one carefully.
You'll definitely need to keep your Chain Level nice
and high during this match, because you'll need to
frequently heal yourself or risk being taken down.

Start off by smacking Shawn to clear Beaten to the
Punch, then double-tap Grapple. This will put you
behind Shawn; follow up with by tapping Grapple,
and you'll do a specific move to help you clear Well
Documented. Do this twice more (for a total of three
attacks), and you'll get it.

Now charge up to Chain Level 2, then Irish Whip
Shawn to clear DX Damage. After the cut scene,
you'll be near the stage. Walk over to the drums to
the left, stun Shawn, and do the grapple.
Unfortunately, you will take the damage, but you'll clear All's Fair. While you're here, as soon as you're up, take Shawn
down (I prefer doing another quick grapple from the rear to do a forearm to his back), and quickly hit Action and Block
without a direction. You'll extend Austin's favorite fingers, and clear Bird Sighting.

Go back toward the ring but stay outside it. Irish Whip
Shawn into the nearby steps, then quickly grapple
him to clear Face First. Jump back in the ring, then
wait for him to get in too. Attack him a few times to
get him hung up in the ropes, then grapple. When
Shawn flies off the apron and smashes into the
announce table, you'll clear Take Out the Monitors.

Now comes the tricky part: getting Shawn to do his
finisher twice. Charge your meter, heal up as much
as you can, then just sit tight and let Shawn assault
you. Because his meter, like yours, charges fastest
when doing a chain, it's best to allow him to stun you,
and then simply don't press any buttons during the
chain. This will charge his meter quickly, encouraging
him to do his finisher.

If you run low on health (about less than 25%),
charge your meter again and re-heal. You'll want to have as much health as possible when he decided to do his finisher,
so if you miss the mini-game, you don't get pinned. Note that when he does his finisher, you both have to be in the ring,
so try to stay there during this. Reverse it twice to finish both Silence the Music and Still No Music.


Challenge 5

Challenge 6

Challenge 7



Challenge 6 : : Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels @ WrestleMania 14


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After that, all you have to do is win by pin to clear Enter the Stone Cold Era. You can use any technique to do so, but
what's better than using a Stone Cold Stunner?

Perfect score of 215 points to get gold

Slobber Knocker: Win the chain battle at the start of the match (20 points)

Break'n the Furniture: Do grapples in front of the Spanish announcers' table until it breaks (20 points)

Cool Down: Immediately after clearing Break'n the Furniture, grab a water bottle from the other table by double-
tapping Action (10 points)

Brawl in the Arena: Do a grapple near either corner of the security barrier nearest the entrance ramp (20 points)

Head Banging: Do a grapple when Rock is stunned against the steps (20 points)

Choke Him Out: Do a grapple when Rock is near the power cables by the entrance (20 points)

WrestleMania Sign: Do a grapple when Rock is near the WrestleMania sing by the entrance (20 points)

Sign Language: Do a standard taunt (10 points)

Lou Thesz Press!: Execute Austin's finisher or win the chain from Irish Whipping Rock (20 points)

Stunner!: Execute Austin's finisher (20 points)

Stunner! Stunner!: Execute Austin's finisher twice (5 points)

Block Bottom: Block Rock's Chain Level 3 grapple (10 points)

The Rattlesnake Rules Again!: Win the match (20 points)

You'll need a perfect score here to get a medal.
Luckily, almost every objective involves you on
offense, so it should be easy. The only touchy one as
far as timing goes is Cool Down, so we're going to try
to get that one out of the way ASAP.

Start off by winning the chain and clearing Slobber
Knocker, then Irish Whip Rocky and win the chain to
clear Lou Thesz Press!. Charge your meter up a
level, take Rocky down, then hit Block and Action
together to flip Rocky bird and clear Sign Language.

Time to get the ones out of the ring. Exit, then walk
over to the Spanish announce table: it's the one that
is nearer the corner without the stairs. Better put, it's
the one without JR or Jerry Lawler. Anyway, get near
it, then grapple with Rocky to put him on the table.
You'll have to do it a second time to break it and clear
Break'n the Furniture. Immediately afterwards, walk over to the other announce table, and tap Action twice to grab a
bottle of water to clear Cool Down.

Walk a bit to the left to the ring steps. Wait for Rock
to recover and follow, then Irish Whip him into them
to clear Head Banging. Now walk around the ring on
the left side, and stop at the corner. Wait for Rock to
approach, then grapple him to toss him out and clear
Brawl in the Arena. Fight there for a bit, until the
game decides to let you back over to ringside.

Leave the corner, head near the entrance ramp.
Grapple Rock (or let him grapple you) to get to the
entrance area. Get near the stage, and you can clear
both Choke Him Out and WrestleMania Sign by
grappling with Rocky near the left and the top,
respectively. Clear them, then head back to the ring

You're almost done. Charge your meter, heal up,
then let Rock assault you. When he gets to Chain
Level 3, he'll try to Rock Bottom you. The thing is, this Rock Bottom is not his finisher; it's just a standard grapple. So,


Challenge 5

Challenge 6

Challenge 7



Challenge 7 : : Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock @ WrestleMania XV


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once he's at Chain Level 3, you'll want to start reversing everything he does. Hopefully he'll try to Rock Bottom you right
off the bat, so you can clear Block Bottom. If he doesn't, just stay standing and try reversing everything he does at Chain
Level 3 until you get it.

Recharge your own Chain Level, hit your finisher to clear Stunner!. Repeat to clear Stunner! Stunner!, then pin Rock to
clear the challenge and Relive mode!

WWE Legends of WreslteMania Rewrite

In contrast to Relive mode, Rewrite has you playing out WrestleMania matches but going against history. You basically
play as the loser, or the winner who didn't get the title, and your goal is to win this time around. Other than the historical
implications, the mode is identical to Relive.

80 points out of 100 to get gold

Strong Grapple (20 points)

Reversal (20 points)

Taunt (20 points)

Finisher (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)

All the objectives are self-explanatory. If you've cleared Relive by the time you get here, this will be cake. If not, well,
take this match to get familiar with the game's controls.

80 points out of 100 to get gold

Strong Grapple (20 points)

Reversal (20 points)

Taunt (20 points)

Finisher (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)

Same deal here.

120 points out of 180 to get gold

First Strike (20 points)

5 Attacks (20 points)

Strong Grapple (20 points)

Top Turnbuckle Attack (20 points)

Reversal (20 points)

Busted Open (20 points)

Taunt (20 points)

Finisher (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)


Cahllenges 1 - 3

Challenges 4 - 6


Challenge 1 : : Junkyard Dog vs. Greg Valentine @WrestleMania 1

Challenge 2 : : Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Honky Tonk Man @ WrestleMania III

Challenge 3 : : Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake vs. Honky Tonk Man @ WrestleMania IV


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Although a few more objectives have been added, it's
pretty much the same deal. Note that 5 Attacks
means "five attacks in a row," and Busted Open
refers to you making Honky Tonk bleed, not the other
way around.

There are two you may have trouble with. Honky
doesn't stay down long, so in order to do the Top
Turnbuckle Attack move, you may want to do a
strong Irish Whip into the corner. Run over to him,
grapple, and use Action or Block when prompted.
This will have Beefcake throw Honky to the mat, then
Beefcake will climb the ropes. Press toward Honky
and then strike to do a quick elbow drop.

The other you might struggle with is Busted Open.
Luckily, Beefcake has several moves that can cause
blood. If you're at Chain Level 1 or 2, you can
execute a strong grapple without pressing a direction on the stick to do a blood-causing move. At Chain Level 3, hold
toward Honky, then do a strong grapple. If any of the moves fail, never fear: just keep at it and eventually one will work.

120 points out of 180 to get gold

First Strike (20 points)

5 Attacks (20 points)

Strong Grapple (20 points)

Top Turnbuckle Attack (20 points)

Reversal (20 points)

Busted Open (20 points)

Taunt (20 points)

Finisher (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)

Same deal as before here, except that it's tougher for Ultimate Warrior to cause blood. Get to Chain Level 2, then hold
toward Rude and double-tap Grapple when Rude is not stunned. Warrior should do a face crusher that can cause blood;
if it doesn't, just keep it up until it does. Rude doesn't need his brains anyway. Note that when you do Warrior's finisher,
his first button press comes quick.

160 points out of 180 to get gold

Start with 5 Attacks (20 points)

3 Strong Grapples (20 points)

2 Top Turnbuckle Attacks (20 points)

4 Corner Slams (20 points)

3 Reversals (20 points)

Busted Open (20 points)

3 Taunts (20 points)

2 Finishers (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)


Cahllenges 1 - 3

Challenges 4 - 6


Challenge 4 : : Ultimate Warrior vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude @ WrestleMania V

Challenge 5 : : Yokozuna vs. Bret "The Hit Man" Hart @ WrestleMania X


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Notice the first objective. Due to Yokozuna's slow
speed, this one is probably the hardest. Try simple
grapples, and restart the match if Bret manages to
get a hit in. Avoid using any ground attack, as it takes
Yoko's animation forever. Also note the 4 Corner
Slams objective: this one means you need to do a
strong Irish Whip into each of the four corners to pass

Yokozuna has two options to cause blood. First, at
Chain Level 1, you can hold toward an unstunned
Bret and tap grapple to do a brain chop. Alternatively,
at Chain Level 2, you can do a strong grapple without
a direction to do a headbutt.

Other than that, really the most complicated part of
this is making sure you actually do everything that
needs to be done. If you pause the game, you can
select "Objectives" from the pause menu to see what you have left that needs to be done. By this point, actually doing
the tasks should be simple; just build on what you know and what you've done, and you'll clear it easily.

160 points out of 180 to get gold

Start with 5 Attacks (20 points)

3 Strong Grapples (20 points)

2 Top Turnbuckle Attacks (20 points)

4 Corner Slams (20 points)

3 Reversals (20 points)

Busted Open (20 points)

3 Taunts (20 points)

2 Finishers (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)

Bret only has one option for blood: you've got to get
to Chain Level 3, then hold toward Shawn and do a
strong grapple. Luckily, because it only occurs at
Chain Level 3, you can do it over and over until it
happens without being interrupted.

The only catch here is that it's a ten-minute Ironman
Match, meaning you've got clear all your objectives
within ten minutes and have more points than Shawn
in order to clear it all. This shouldn't be too bad,
really, but it's something to keep in mind. Finish
Shawn off, and you'll have cleared Rewrite mode!

Challenge 6 : : Bret "The Hit Man" Hart vs. Shawn Michaels @ WrestleMania XII


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WWE Legends of WreslteMania Redefine

In Redefine mode, the matches are historical, but their gimmicks have changed. Unlike the other two modes, you can
choose who you want to control. You still have objectives to fulfill, but picking one wrestler or the other may make it

80 points out of 100 to get gold

Strong Grapple (20 points)

Reversal (20 points)

Taunt (20 points)

Finisher (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)

All the objectives are self-explanatory and easy to do. Consider it a tune-up match!

80 points out of 100 to get gold

Strong Grapple (20 points)

Reversal (20 points)

Taunt (20 points)

Finisher (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)

Same deal as above, should be simple. Just remember you've got to leave the cage to win; no pins or submissions here.

120 points out of 180 to get gold

First Strike (20 points)

5 Attacks (20 points)

Strong Grapple (20 points)

Top Turnbuckle Attack (20 points)

Reversal (20 points)

Busted Open (20 points)

Taunt (20 points)

Finisher (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)


Cahllenges 1 - 3

Challenges 4 - 6


Challenge 1 : : Andre the Giant vs. Big John Studd, Hell in a Cell Match, @ WrestleMania 1

Challenge 2 : : Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude, Steel Cage Match, @ WM VI

Challenge 3 : : Big Bossman vs. Mr. Perfect, Ladder Match, @ WrestleMania VII


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The objectives are pretty straight-forward here. For
Busted Open, each guy only has a single move that
can cause blood. If you're playing as Big Bossman,
you need to hold forward and tap Grapple when his
Chain Level is 2 or 3. Note, of course, that Mr.
Perfect needs to be normal—that is, not stunned—for
it to work. If you're playing as Mr. Perfect instead, you
need to do a simple strong grapple when you're at
Chain Level 1.

Ladder matches in WWE Legends of WrestleMania
are far easier than SmackDown vs. RAW. To set up
the ladder, first you need to grab it by double-tapping
Action. Then, you just need to stand near the target
and hold Action to set it up and start climbing. If your
opponent is flat on his back with no health, you just
need to hold up on the D-stick to climb all the way
and finish things instantly. If your opponent is not
down, things get a little more complicated; however, wrestlers stay down way longer in this match type than others, so it
should be pretty easy.

120 points out of 180 to get gold

First Strike (20 points)

5 Attacks (20 points)

Strong Grapple (20 points)

Top Turnbuckle Attack (20 points)

Reversal (20 points)

Busted Open (20 points)

Taunt (20 points)

Finisher (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)

Same deal as above, pretty simple stuff. If you play as Bret, you'll end things with the Sharpshooter; as Piper, you'll end
things with the Sleeper. All rules are off in this submission-only match otherwise.

If you're playing as Bret, you can only cause blood by holding toward Piper and doing a strong grapple at Chain Level 3.
As Piper, you've got way more options. You can hold forward and tap Grapple at Chain Level 1, hold forward and
double-tap Grapple at Chain Level 2 or 3, do a strong grapple at Chain Level 1, hold forward and do a strong grapple at
Chain Level 2, do a strong grapple at Chain Level 3, or hold forward and do a strong grapple also at Chain Level 3. Tons
of options, and tons of blood, for the Rowdy one!

160 points out of 180 to get gold

Start with 5 Attacks (20 points)

3 Strong Grapples (20 points)

2 Top Turnbuckle Attacks (20 points)

4 Corner Slams (20 points)

3 Reversals (20 points)

Busted Open (20 points)

3 Taunts (20 points)

2 Finishers (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)

You've done a Steel Cage match already, so this shouldn't tough. No matter who you play as, it's easy to cause blood:
just do a standard Irish Whip, and you'll chuck your opponent face-first into the cage. Also remember that you'll need to


Cahllenges 1 - 3

Challenges 4 - 6


Challenge 4 : : Bret "The Hit Man" Hart vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper, Submission Match, @ WM VIII

Challenge 5 : : Bret "The Hit Man" Hart vs. Yokozuna, Steel Cage Match, @ WrestleMania IX


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actually escape the cage rather than pin or make the other submit to win.

160 points out of 180 to get gold

Start with 5 Attacks (20 points)

3 Strong Grapples (20 points)

2 Top Turnbuckle Attacks (20 points)

4 Corner Slams (20 points)

3 Reversals (20 points)

Busted Open (20 points)

3 Taunts (20 points)

2 Finishers (20 points)

Win the Match (20 points)

The final match of the WrestleMania Tour mode is one of the easiest. With no rules to worry about, the whole blood deal
becomes easy. Do a grapple against your opponent near the apron outside the ring, and you'll pull up a steel chair. Use
that against his face, and let the blood flow! Other than that, this should be cake, and you can finish unlocking everything
in WrestleMania Tour mode in short order.

Challenge 6 : : Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy, No Disqualification Match, @ WrestleMania XI


© 2009 IGN Entertainment, Inc.


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