Amber Kell Matchmaker, Matchmaker

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

Matchmaker, Matchmaker
ISBN # 978-0-85715-826-0
©Copyright Amber Kell 2011
Cover Art by April Martinez ©Copyright December 2011
Edited by Stacey Birkel
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound
Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil
proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This
story has a heat rating of Total-e-sizzling and a sexometer of 1.

This story contains 47 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book
containing 7 pages.

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Amber Kell

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When his matchmaking services are acquired by a vampire, Dane finds himself embroiled in a world
he’d vowed to never get involved in.

Dane Sanders is one of the most talented matchmakers in the city...and without any
hesitation he turns down the City Vampire Master’s business. After all, a vampire killed his
family and he vowed to never have anything to do with them. However, when the sexy
Master keeps a promise, Dane reluctantly finds himself the exclusive matchmaker of the

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This book is for everyone who is looking for that magical connection.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker,

Make me a match,

Find me a find,

Catch me a catch.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Look through your book,

And make me a perfect match.

Fiddler on the Roof

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Salvation Army: The Salvation Army
Energizer: Energizer Holdings

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Chapter One

I’m going to kill him. It’s the only way to get out of this matchmaking contract, and I’m

willing to do the jail time over it. Granted, I’m also betting I won’t be sent to jail. After all,

I’ve matched most of the judges in the city and they adore me.

“I don’t approve of your choices.” The tall werecougar loomed over me as if my picks

would change if he growled a little more.

“You haven’t even met them.” I held on to my temper…barely. I really longed to take

my solid steel owl statue and smash it over his head.

“I will know my mate,” he insisted.

“Great. Then go and meet these three women and let me know how it goes. Now, get

out of my office.”

A low growl rolled from his impressive chest. It was an unfair fact of life that all shifters

were gorgeous. It didn’t matter what kind of animal—wolves, cats, or even the occasional

rat…all gorgeous.

“No one talks to me like that.” He stood over my desk, trying to intimidate me with his

size and power.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. I barely came to his shoulder.

“Listen, sugar, I’m sure everyone in your clan thinks you’re the best thing since

warmed milk, but I don’t take intimidation well. I gave you the names and pictures of three

potential mates—go meet them. If none of them are your match then come back.”

My patience, never very long to start with, vanished completely beneath his

incredulous stare.

“I thought you were supposed to make me the perfect match.”

“Making the perfect match is all about lining up the right people. The three women I’m

setting up for you are potential mates, which means any one of them could be the right one,

but it will need a combination of how far each of you are along on your personal evolution to

determine a mate.”

“You can’t just look at them and know?” His examined me closely with his feral gaze.

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Actually, I could point out which one would be his perfect match, but people often

fought against their instincts. If I pointed out girl number two, he’d go with number one or

three then come back and yell at me about how they didn’t work out. It was best to let the

man or woman pick. Once they met—and chose—the one I knew they would pick in the

beginning, they settled down to domestic bliss.

“Go on the dates and be a good alpha.” I patted him on the shoulder just to get another

snarl. It was fun playing with the kitty cats.

I saw the moment the anger faded from his eyes. “One of these women is definitely my

mate?” He tilted his head as though he could hear my thoughts if he were to listen closely


“Yes. I promise one of these women is your mate.”

A wide, toothy smile crossed his handsome face. Before I could brace myself, he leant

forwards and placed a big kiss on my cheek.

“Thank you, Matchmaker. I’ll keep you informed.”

“You do that.”

With the smooth grace innate to all shifters, he walked out of my office. He had a great


“I thought he’d never leave,” a deep voice spoke behind me. I spun around, my heart


A tall man in an expensive suit leaned against my filing cabinet. His dark hair gleamed

in the dim lighting and his pale, almost colourless, blue eyes shone with an unnatural light.


I didn’t even have to check his aura to know what he was.

“Wh-what are you doing here?”

Few things scared me like vampires. There was something extremely creepy about a

person who could walk around after they’d died.

“I’d like to acquire your services.”


A frown formed over his unnaturally smooth brow. “What do you mean, no?”

“I mean no—as in I don’t match vampires.” He might scare me but it wasn’t the first

time I’d been scared in my life and I doubted it would be the last.

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“Why not?”

“Because you’re dead.”

“I am not dead,” he said in an offended tone. “If I were dead, I couldn’t be talking to


“Well, you’re the walking dead. It’s the same thing.”

He took my hand and placed it on his chest over where most people had a heart.

“Do you feel my heart beating?”

“Yes.” Strange, but I really could feel the thump of a heart inside his chest.

“Then I must be alive.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to participate in his twisted logic.

“Nevertheless, I don’t match vampires.” Nothing could get me to back down on that

particular vow. I only had to remember my aunt’s ravaged body.

“But you can.” I could hear the persuasive magic he threaded into his words.

I laughed. “That doesn’t work on me. I’m beyond vampire techniques. Matchmakers

can’t be influenced by magic. It helps protect us against unscrupulous people using us for

their own purposes.” My inherited ability, developed over centuries of ancestors, was one of

the things that marked me as a true matchmaker. Matchmaking wasn’t a hobby—it was

encoded into my DNA.

The vampire gave a rough laugh. “So you can’t match vampires?”

“I can match anyone.” Just because I chose not to match the walking dead didn’t mean I

couldn’t. As usual, my pride had hijacked my common sense and I’d blurted out the truth.

One day I would learn to think before I spoke. Unfortunately, today wasn’t that day.

The vampire walked closer…too close. I could feel his breath on my neck, which

dispelled another rumour about vampires not needing to breathe. I vaguely wondered if any

myths about vamps were right.

“What do you have against vampires?”

“A vampire killed my family. My aunt, my uncle, my little cousins—all killed by a

vampire.” My voice started to break but I swallowed back the tears with long practice.

“So the entire race loses your services?” I almost smiled at the astonishment in the

vampire’s voice but memories of a house full of torn-apart bodies stayed my amusement.

“What if the killer had been a human? Would you refuse to help a human find his mate?”

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“If the humans had covered it up and refused to investigate their own, then yes—the

humans would lose my services.”

“You went to the council?” Even as he asked the question I saw the realisation in his

eyes. I doubted it had been the first time the council had covered something up.

“Yes. My cousin Torrie could project images into another person’s mind. At the

moment of her death, she showed me what happened. Vampires slaughtered my family.

When I took my grievance to the counsel they brushed it aside saying I had no proof and

were completely unwilling to investigate. In fact, they said if I caused any problems, they

would finish off the rest of my family, so you can imagine why I’m unwilling to help any of

you. I found out later they were protecting the madman they’d put into power.”

A look that oddly resembled pity crossed the vampire’s face. I pushed the thought

aside. I doubted vampires had the capacity for compassion. “Who was it that killed your


“The City Master.”

“Ahh.” The vampire placed a hand on my shoulder and gave my tense shoulder a

gentle squeeze. “I will take care of your problem and then you will take care of mine.”

With those cryptic words, the vampire vanished…really vanished—no smoke, no

sparks, no anything. Just vanished. Freaky.

That didn’t stop my nerves from jangling like a Salvation Army bell at Christmas.

* * * *

Three days later, every channel, paper and gossip blog was abuzz over the murder of

the city’s Vampire Master. No one claimed to know what had happened, but the pictures of

the new Vampire Master looked surprisingly like the man who had been in my office earlier

in the week.


“What’s wrong?” Grant Hart, my office mate, looked over my shoulder at my computer


“I think I might be matching vampires in my future.”

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Grant stepped away from my desk and threw himself into my guest chair. “You hate


“I know.” I nodded. “But I sort of made a deal with the new City Master and he held up

his end of the bargain.” I explained my interaction with the other vamp a few days


Grant threw back his head and laughed. “You’re like the matchmaking mafia. I’d better

watch my back.”

I threw my pen at him.

Grant easily knocked it out of the way with his werelion reflexes. “Come on, even you

have to appreciate the irony of it all. The one vampire who killed your family and you

couldn’t get brought to justice is killed because you have services another vampire needs. It’s

perfect karma.”

I sighed. “I guess. But the worst thing is, I don’t even feel bad about it.”

“Good.” Grant’s pleasant expression turned to a scowl. “That sick vamp doesn’t

deserve your pity.”

A knock at my office door drew my attention.

“Come in,” I called.

A beautiful girl with auburn hair walked into the room.


“Good afternoon. I’m looking for Dane Sanders. Master Zephen said you would help

me find my match.” She gave me a shy smile.

I stood up and walked around the desk. “I’m Dane and this is my partner, Grant.”

“I’m Violet.”

After shaking her hand, I indicated the seat Grant had hastily vacated.

Sneaky Master Zephen. He knew I’d be able to turn down an arrogant warrior vampire,

but the shy, hopeful smile of this pretty vampire girl crumbled my defences.

I tilted my head at Grant. My partner took the hint. “I’ve got some stuff to do. Nice

meeting you.” With a short bow he left via the door connecting our offices.

I examined her for a moment, letting my inner sight sink into her essence. She sat down,

before shifting uncomfortably beneath my gaze. Her aura wasn’t the bright bold colours of a

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regular human, but a layered affair—with the faint shadow of her human colours and a new

overlay of her vampire life.

As a professional, I found the whole thing fascinating.

“What type of partner are you looking for? Male, female, human, were?” I asked still

studying her aura.

“Male, vampire.”

“Hmmm.” My database didn’t have any vampires since I had avoided the species. I

pulled a memo pad from my desk, wrote a short note, slid it into an envelope, sealed it then

handed it over to her.

“Please give this to your master. I won’t be able to help you until I meet more vampires.

I’m requesting an invitation into your stronghold so I can widen my matching pool.” I’d

never thought to reach a point where I’d want to meet vampires

Violet gave me an odd look. “That’s all you need?”

“That’s it.”

“Huh. I thought there would be more questions.”

I laughed. “Most people think that, but it’s more a connection of auras and souls than a

ten-part relationship questionnaire.”

Violet blushed.

I watched, amazed. I didn’t know vampires could blush.

After excusing herself, she left with my note clutched to her chest like a precious jewel.

* * * *

I spent the next week out of town meeting with a group of tiger shifters. It had turned

out that a few of them were mates. One male/male pairing was particularly interesting. I’d

left them to work out the details since neither of them appeared to be excited to have a male


Not my problem. Normally, I just nudged them into choosing from a selection of two or

three, but I could tell in this instance, if left on their own, they would never have chosen the

other one owing to their sex. They would make an amazing pair after they got over their

same-sex partner hang-up.

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Two grim-looking vampires met me at the airport as I disembarked the plane.

“Mr Dane Sanders?” the one on the left asked.


“Please come with us.”

I dug in my heels when one of them grabbed my arm. “I saw how this movie ended and

it wasn’t good.”

My abductors laughed. “The City Master wants to talk to you,” the kidnapper on the

left growled impatiently at me.


That was different. I had expected Zephen to demand to see me soon, though I hadn’t

expected an airport snatch-and-grab. I relaxed and let the vamps usher me towards the limo.

The vampire to my right sniffed at the air. “You’re not afraid of the Master?” His voice

indicated that I was either a complete idiot or I didn’t understand who I was dealing with.

“No. We have an understanding.”

After all, he had killed the previous Master so he could access my services. I couldn’t

meet with a safer vampire in the city.

The guards gave me strange looks. I couldn’t see their eyes behind the dark glasses, but

I could feel their stares…feel their curiosity beating at me.

With a sigh of relief, I slid into the cool comfort of the limo, relishing the ability to

stretch my legs after the harsh confinement of the plane. The guards slid into the front of the


I smirked at the City Master’s appearance.

“I think I’m going to have to start dressing completely in black and buy a trench coat to

hang around you,” I told the darkly-dressed vamp.

The City Master laughed—a strange, rusty sound as though he didn’t make it very


“I don’t think I ever properly introduced myself. I’m Zephen.”

“Violet told me.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “No last name?”

The Master shook his head. “We give up our families when we become vampires. As

we are reborn, we break all ties to the ones who loved us before.”

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“That sounds sad,” I said without thinking. After losing some of my family to an early

death, I couldn’t imagine giving the rest of them up just because I turned into a vampire.

Zephen growled. “We aren’t objects of pity, Dane. We are renewed. But in our renewal,

we must leave our old ways behind.”

I nodded like I understood, but I didn’t really.

A bitter smile crossed Zephen’s face as if he could read my mind. “You build a new

family once you become a vampire. In some ways it is sad, yes, but you gain in many other

ways.” He stared at me for a long moment before shaking his head as if my puny human

brain was a mystery to solve another day. “I am taking you to a vampire mixer. It’s where

vampires find new blood donors. Almost all the vampires in the city will be there. I will pay

you for each couple you pair up and an hourly wage for your time.” He mentioned an

amount I almost creamed my pants over. Apparently working for the undead was going to

fund my retirement in luxury accommodation.

Leaning back into my seat, I tried to appear calm and collected while inside I jumped

up and down like a cheerleader. Although the idea of matching vampires still made me

shudder, a deal was a deal.

My phone rang. I automatically answered.


“I found her!” the werecougar shouted in my ear. I held the phone a little further away

as I smiled. He sounded so ecstatic that a warm glow filled me. This was the best part of my

job, the happy ending.


“Dane, you’re the man. I’m going to tell everyone to come see you. I mailed you a

present as a thank you. She’s amazing.”

“Congratulations. Which one did you pick?”


“Good choice.” Relief rushed though me. Sally was the one I’d picked as his mate. The

other two werecougars were more beautiful, though, and as much as they claim to always go

with their mating instincts, he wouldn’t be the first shifter to fuck now and mate later.

After a few more bits of praise, the shifter hung up.

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Smiling, I slipped the phone back into my pocket. I loved matching people. Although

my ability compelled me to connect two souls together, it was the final result that kept me


“You have a beautiful smile, Dane. You should do it more often.”

“Umm, thank you.” I didn’t want to tell him I smiled all the time…just not in the

presence of murdering vampires. Not sure what to say, I shifted nervously in my seat until

curiosity about my travel companion overcame me. “What are you looking for in a mate?”

The vampire tilted his head and examined me as if I were an interesting specimen he’d

never encountered before. “I thought you didn’t need a lot of questions answered for your


“No specifics are necessary, but it helps to narrow things down if I know whether you’d

prefer a man, woman, shifter, vamp…” I let the words fade so he would get the hint. I didn’t

really need to know—I just wanted to fill the empty space between us with words…anything

to break his intense stare.

“I prefer men.” His hot eyes raked me from head to toe. “Blond. How tall are you?”

“Six feet.”

He arched a brow at me.

“Fine. Five ten.”

“I like my men under six feet, preferably with dimples.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine. Don’t tell me then.”

He opened his mouth to speak, likely to protest my statement, just as the limo came to a

halt. We’d reached our destination.

I wasn’t sure what to expect at a vampire mixer. Half-dressed goth kids and fanged

hotties? What I got was extremely ordinary. They looked like everyone else would if you

couldn’t read their auras. A lot of humans wore goth clothing, but there were also those who

dressed in designer threads like elegant counterparts of their undead partners.

“Where do you want to start?” My host asked.

“With a glass of water.” My throat could win a contest against the Sahara for dryness. I

needed a drink more than anything before I could even bother to try to connect auras.


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Seconds later a waitress appeared bearing an icy glass of water on a tray. After

snatching up the cool liquid, I drained the container, not stopping for a breath. Sighing, I set

it back on her tray.

“Get him another,” Zephen demanded. He rubbed my back with a soothing hand. “I

should’ve offered you water in the limo. I forget how easily air travel dehydrates humans.”

There was an oddly apologetic tone to his voice and I felt compelled to reassure him.

“That’s all right. Thank you,” I said to the server who’d brought me another glass. I

drank this one more slowly, unable to block out the hand still touching me. The contact sent

tingles down my back and straight to my groin. What was it about this guy? He was rather

touchy-feely for a vamp. Having hated vampires for a good portion of my life, I found this

new attraction unnerving. I gave the glass back to the server. “Thank you.”

“Are you sure you had enough? I can have Sarah follow you with more.”

I looked at the pretty server and gave her a smile. “I’m sure if I need more water I can

get some. No need to tie someone up for the night.”

The girl gave me a grateful look.

“I will make sure that in the future there is water for you to drink.”


Hopefully I could match a few people and be on my way. Sinking into my inner sight, I

gazed across the room. I immediately recognised the aura of Violet, the girl he’d first sent to

my office. I scanned the room to find her mate. I could feel him in the room. The strong

connection sank into my senses until it hummed beneath my skin. My gaze slid across a

blond man with dark eyes and a sad aura. Perfect. Still scanning his aura, I walked over to

him. His eyes widened when he saw the company I kept.

“I’m Dane Sanders,” I introduced myself, holding out my hand.

He shook it tentatively as if he was trying carefully not to break the delicate human.


“Come walk with me, Stephen.” I wrapped my hand around his biceps, smiling

internally when he automatically crooked his arm. I could almost feel his confusion.

“Is there some place in particular I’m going?” Unaware of my goal, he sounded more

amused than concerned.

“Over here.”

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I stopped in front of Violet. “Hello, my dear. Have you met my friend, Stephen?”

Stephen froze at my side when Violet gave him a shy smile. Her gaze immediately went

to mine. I gave her an encouraging nod. “I’d like to recommend the pair of you chat for a


“Thank you, Dane.” Violet’s eyes hungrily examined Stephen.

I released Stephen’s arm and had started to make my escape when he grabbed my

wrist. “What are you?”

“Your permanent death if you don’t take your hand off him.” Zephen’s voice vibrated

with fury.

The other vampire snatched his hand back. “Sorry, Master. I didn’t know he was


“Now you do.” Zephen took my hand and wrapped it around the crook of his arm in

imitation of how I’d been touching Stephen a moment before. We walked a few yards away

before he asked, “Are they a match?”

I looked back to see the pair staring at each other, their auras already melding.

“They will be.”

“Huh. That’s the entire process? You come look at people and put them together?”

“Pretty much.”

“How long does it take you to find matches?”

I shrugged. “Sometimes it happens right away and other times it takes a while. And

sometimes people will match in their next life but aren’t yet ready for their permanent


“How often will you need to come here?”

An idea flashed into my mind. Since I’d seen him in the paper, I knew they could

appear in a photo. “If I take a photo of each vampire, I can add them to my database and

expand their chances of being matched.”

“That’s it?”


“Huh.” I looked up at him and found him staring at me again with burning eyes.

“Is there a problem?” I asked. My body hardened beneath his look but I wasn’t going to

give in to the insane urge to let a vampire have me. Nope. My sense of self-preservation was

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too strong. My cock gave an argumentative pulse but I ignored it. Stupid thing didn’t know

what was best for it, anyway.

“No problem.” I didn’t trust Zephen’s innocent look. Someone along the way should’ve

told him it didn’t work.

“I will need to be the one taking the pictures…” My gaze flashed across the crowd as I

tried to estimate how long such a project would last. I sucked in my breath as I saw two souls

standing out like glowing stars. “Excuse me.”

Worried I’d lose sight of them, I slid through the crowd as fast as I could. As soon as I

reached the first man, I grabbed his wrist. Rarely had I seen a connection so strong. An

unusual urgency struck me. If I didn’t match this pair immediately, I knew they would never

see each other again. The matchmaker in me rebelled against that thought. These two had to

be matched. The hand of fate had struck them and it was my duty to see they were bound

together. As much as I joke around about my talent, I take my duty seriously.

Turning, I yanked to try to bring the other man with me, only to be brought to a sudden


“What?” I frowned at the vamp, who flashed his fangs at me.

“Where do you think you’re taking me, human?”

Frantically, I looked through the crowds. There he was. “To your soul mate if you move

a little faster.”

I tugged again, not wanting to take my eyes off the second vamp.

“I already have a mate.”

I shook my head. “You’re not bonded.” I would know if he were matched.

This time he let me drag him. We moved faster now that big, bad and frowny had

turned agreeable. No one wanted to get in his way. Relief flooded me when I reached the

other vamp.

I never ignore my instincts. They had to be bound…now!

Quickly grabbing the other man’s wrist and ignoring his hiss of surprise, I placed my

first capture’s hand in the other vampire’s hand.

“As is my duty, then you are bound.” I rarely used my binding power. I preferred to let

people match themselves. However, this time I didn’t hesitate. The flash of light from their

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binding, from their two souls combining, blinded me for a moment. I let out a sigh as the

tension that had rushed through me during the entire encounter vanished.

I wiped the sweat off my brow with the back of my hand.

“Whew, you guys are difficult.” Job done, I turned to go only to be grabbed and turned


“What now?” I looked up to see the two vampires staring at me. Interestingly, their

hands were still clasped. “I’ve got other work to do.”

“You bound us!” The first vamp gave me an outraged look.

“No, I matched you. You were already fated to be bound.” I wasn’t going to take the fall

for the work of the fates. I didn’t create the situation—I only conveyed it like a poorly-paid

supernatural messenger. Well…except for this time. This time I was a messenger that was

raking in the bucks.

“Is there a problem?” A slinky woman with a short black dress and a blacker aura

slipped her hand around the first guy’s arm.

Oh shit!

“Sorry, but your date is bound to someone else.” Sometimes it was best if an outside

party broke the news. It had been a while since I’d matched someone outside of their

relationship but it did happen occasionally.

“He’s not my date. He is my husband.” Her icy voice indicated I should realise there

was a difference.

I shook my head. “Sorry, but he’s not your husband anymore.” I didn’t really feel sorry.

She seemed like a class-A bitch, but it was still the right thing to say. Her look indicated I’d

better change my answer before she ripped out my heart with her claw-like nails. Good thing

she wasn’t a shifter. With the patience of a teacher explaining the alphabet to a

kindergartener, I said, “My power supersedes marital law.”

I felt him before he spoke, his body a shield from the growing crowd. He wrapped a

protective arm around my shoulder as if we were long-time lovers. “What did you do,

Dane?” he whispered in my ear.

“My job. I matched this pair, but pretty, dark and evil appears to object.”

The second guy burst out laughing. The first guy turned to the woman. “Sorry, Ivana.”

To my trained ear he didn’t sound sorry at all. She turned venomous eyes towards me.

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“I will see you pay for this.”

“You do know threatening me will land you three years in a paranormal prison.” I

didn’t call upon my special status very often, but she looked like the type who needed


“In my country, I am Master. I am above the law,” she sneered.

“No one is above this law. I am willing to overlook your behaviour this time since you

are obviously upset, but don’t push me.”

A man in a grey suit came to stand beside her.

“Cyri, kill him.”

The man took one look at me and stayed right where he was. No dummy, that one.

“He’s a matchmaker.”

“I want him dead!” she shrieked.

Sighing, I pulled out my cell phone and dialled a long-memorised number. I wasn’t in

the habit of resorting to idle threats. The line was picked up. “My life was threatened.”

A loud reverberation slammed through the room. A rock golem appeared from the hole

formed in the air. I pointed at the bitchy vamp. Silent as all golems are in their creepy way,

he snatched up Ivana then vanished back into the opening.

The pair I matched and the man in grey all stared at me, stunned. I snapped my phone

shut. The entire crowd was silent.

“I take threats by vampires very seriously.” I shuddered as I remembered my torn-apart


“Shhh. It’s all right.” Zephen ran a soothing hand over my neck.

“All right?” The first man I’d grabbed gave me a dazzling smile. “It’s more than all

right. It’s fabulous.” He picked me up and spun me around before plastering a big kiss on

my forehead. Then guy number two picked me up and crushed me in a tight hug.

“You don’t know how many centuries we’ve longed to be together.” I could hear the

tears clogging his throat and knew it was time to make my exit before I had to deal with the

mushy stuff. I’d rather face twenty fully-fanged vamps than one guy crying.

“Umm…good. Well, congratulations.”

“I’m Eaton and this is Neal.”

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“Nice to meet you.” I tried to give them my professional smile, but I was certain it fell

flat. I’d probably caused an international incident, but I was too tired to care. Suddenly, the

trip, the drama—everything hit me. My energy plummeted and my eyes started to close.

“Zephen, I need to go home. Invite me to your next shindig or send your people to me one at

a time, I don’t care, but I need a nap.”

“You can rest in my suite. It’s too late to take you home tonight.” It wouldn’t strike me

until later that there was no such thing as too late at night for a vampire.

“Whatever.” I could feel the magical bond of soul mates glowing from the pair. They

practically formed their own sun. I had to ask. “How long have you two waited?”

“Two hundred years.”

I nodded. “That is a long time.”

I meekly followed Zephen through the gaping crowds who quickly rushed to make

room. I guess having a golem snatch an important guest shifted me from annoying human to

scary golem guy. I didn’t try to talk to Zephen until he’d brought me to a tall four-poster bed,

piled high with pillows and a fluffy comforter.


“Will this do?”

“Perfect.” I kicked off my shoes and toppled head first onto its decadent goodness.

Comfy… I let out a low sigh.

Zephen laughed. “Take a nap, sweet. I’ll go and see if I can smooth things over.”


“Oh, I’m not. They were one of the reasons I wanted you here. I didn’t think you’d get

rid of Ivana so easily, though.”

“It’s not easy. Now I owe the golem maker a favour.” That was the downside of being a

matchmaker. I had relatively little magic of my own. I had to contract with others to keep my

ass safe.

“What kind of favour?”

“Knowing Liore, probably a sexual one.”

The golem maker was a gorgeous half fae with an insatiable sexual appetite and

amazing hands. I barely resisted the urge to call a golem a day just to get back in his bed.

“I don’t think so. I will deal with this Liore.”

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“Hmm…whatever.” Too tired to care or even wonder why the vampire cared if I shared

my favours with one guy or half the continent, I closed my eyes and absorbed the cushy

comfort of the soft bed.

“Sleep well, my matchmaker,” the vampire whispered.

As I fell asleep, I thought I felt a gentle hand brush across my head and the soft press of

lips on my cheek, but maybe I imagined it.

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Chapter Two

I awoke to the sound of cups chinking together. Blinking, I tried to focus.

“I’ve brought you coffee and a snack.”

It was the water girl from before.


Instead of going away, she sat down on the side of the bed. “Everyone is talking about

what you did last night.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.” I wasn’t really, but then, I hadn’t meant to cause a vampire

incident, either.

“Don’t be. You did everyone a favour. She’s a bitch and now her husband and his new

mate can rule her subjects. He only stayed with her because their parents bound them when

they were young.”

“Which is why parents should never be matchmakers.” I firmly believed parents were

the worse matchmakers ever. They never knew their kids as well as they thought they did.

She gave me a seductive smile as she flirted with her eyes. “If there’s anything else I can

do for you, Matchmaker, let me know.” Her voice deepened while she looked me up and

down as if I were catnip to her sex kitten.

Oh, hell. Sometimes I ran into matchmaker groupies who thought sex with a

matchmaker would bring them luck or something. I have to confess I had given in to a doe-

eyed blond once, but Sarah had the wrong equipment to tempt me.

“That will be all, Sarah.” Zephen’s hard voice sent the girl jumping off the bed and

scurrying away before I could do more than blink at his sudden entrance.

I took a sip of coffee, hoping the covers hid my erection.

Zephen sauntered into the room. “I see hiring you was worth every cent. You’ve

already earned me the undying gratitude of another leader and the eternal loyalty of a man

who never liked me before.”

“Which one didn’t like you?”


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“Ahh.” No wonder he was so intent on getting me here. It only helped him to have

other vampire leaders owing him favours. I could tell I’d be earning my exorbitant salary.

“Just doing my job.”

“Yes, and an interesting job it is indeed. I’d like you to live here for the next month as I

have my people come and go for mating.”

I shook my head. “Sorry, I have other obligations. There’s a pack of wolf shifters I’ve

promised my skills to for the next full moon. I have no problem taking photos and putting

them into my database and coming to your shindigs every week or so, but I can’t stay here.”

Zephen strolled over to me, stalking like a large predator. His walk had a slinky gait

that made me want to lick him all over. Damn, I needed to find the man a mate and soon.

“I had one of my people retrieve your camera.” Zephen nodded towards the dresser

where my camera bag now sat. I hadn’t noticed it during my conversation with Sarah.

“Thanks. It can definitely help things along if I can look at pictures.”

“Why do you have to be the one to take the pictures?”

“Because if I see their aura when I take the picture, I’ll see it again when I look at the

photo. If someone else takes it, I don’t know what they saw when they took it and the aura

won’t translate.”

Zephen gave a sexy chuckle. “You could’ve just said it was freaky matchmaker magic.”

I laughed. “If you can organise people, I’ll take pictures as soon as I’m done with my


“No hurry.” The vampire came closer. “I like you in my bed.”

I felt like a deer before a hungry lion, about to be devoured. I could’ve stopped him—or

so I told myself—but he was sexier than I could resist. When his lips brushed against mine,

tingles rushed through my body. He leant back and it took all of my resolve not to follow.

“Have you ever matched yourself?” Zephen asked.

I shook my head. “It’s impossible to match oneself.”

“What do matchmakers do when they want a match?”

I laughed. “Matchmakers don’t match. We remain single until we die.”

“And during this lifelong bachelorhood you have mapped out, do you ever take a


“Of course. We’re single…not eunuchs.”

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“Good, then I won’t feel guilty about this.”

Before I could ask, my arms were pinned and my lap was filled with a leather-wrapped

vampire like a gothic Christmas gift.

“What are you doing?”

“What I wanted to do ever since I first saw you look at me with your amazing eyes.”

His lips were hotter than I expected. If I had given it any thought, I’d have supposed

vampires were cold, with icy fingers, not inferno hot with delicious mouths urging me to

demand more. I twitched with the need to touch him. I yearned to pull him closer, to rub and

buck against his hot body. Lapping at my mouth, he tasted me like I was a sweet treat and he

had the world’s biggest sugar craving. I moaned against his lips, letting him know how much

I enjoyed his touch.

“Shh, my sweet one. I’ll take excellent care of you.” Zephen’s seductive voice made me

harder than rock. I rubbed against him, seeking friction.

There were several good solid reasons not to get involved with the City Master, but

right now—with his lips pressed to mine and his firm grip holding me still—I couldn’t think

of a single one. Fantasies, long hidden, crept into my mind…dreams where my lover held me

down and had his wicked way with me.

I groaned, trying to lift my hips to rub against him—needing…yearning for the friction

he denied me.

He leant down and nipped at my neck—teasing bites that tingled my spine and

tightened my nerves until I thought I would explode from the feel of his fangs alone. A small

part of my brain wondered if he sought sustenance but my body was all for anything he

wanted to do.

As he pressed against me, I didn’t care what he did as long as he did something. I

wanted him with a mindless passion.

My senses spun as he played me like a virtuoso, hitting all my hot spots. He slid off me

for a moment. I let out a gasp of protest from the removal of heat and pressure.

“Strip, honey.” Zephen stared at me with lustful eyes. I scrambled awkwardly off the

bed as my body tried to catch up with my mind. I’d fallen asleep with my clothes on and

now they were in the way.

I had barely found my balance before he’d stripped himself naked with vampire speed.

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“You humans are too slow,” he grumbled. Too enthralled in staring at his perfect form,

I fumbled with the buttons of my shirt.

“I’ll replace these later.”

The words had barely registered before Zephen ripped off my clothes, using

supernatural strength, then tossed the scraps of fabric over his shoulder.

A wide smile crossed his face as he saw my exposed body. I exercised religiously…an

instinctual survival method since I worked with a lot of fit shifters. I refused to be the chubby

prey in a room full of predators.

“I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me.”

I gave a yelp as Zephen lifted me up and tossed me onto the bed.


I didn’t have long to protest as Zephen leapt after me, landing right over my body. He

caught himself with his hands so I didn’t get crushed.

“Are we in a hurry?” I asked with a smile. It boosted my ego to have the sexy vamp so

crazy to have me.

Zephen nodded. “I’ve been wanting to fuck you since you crooked your eyebrow at me

that first night.”

“Ahh…you’re one of those people.”

Zephen frowned. “What people?”

“The kind who like to have a challenge.”

The blinding smile I got took me by surprise. I didn’t expect the carefree expression on

his serious face.

“You are just the kind of challenge I like, my dear.”

I returned his smile as I spread my legs to give him a place to settle more comfortably.

His kiss tasted like his smile—surprisingly warm and slightly sweet. I didn’t want to think

about what he’d eaten recently to give him that taste. I blocked out everything but the feel of

his body sliding against mine as his smooth hands wrapped around both of our cocks with

the perfect grip.

“Oh, yes!”

Hundreds of years of practice had definitely paid off.

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It didn’t take very many pumps of his amazing hands before warm wetness splashed

between us with the sharp smell of spent desire.

Sliding to the side of me, Zephen scraped a finger down my stomach collecting my

liquid passion on one tip. Bringing it to his mouth, he licked at his finger as if he were

sampling a gourmet treat.

“You taste divine.” He gave me a wicked smile, flashing a bit of fang. Anyone else

would’ve sounded cheesy saying something like that. Zephen pulled it off with style.

The sound of my phone ringing roused me from my comfy state. With a great force of

will, I crawled out of bed and stumbled to find my pants.

“Over by the dresser,” Zephen mumbled.


The phone had stopped ringing by the time I reached it, but the caller ID said it had

been my partner, Grant.

Worried something had happened at the office, I dialled Grant back.

“Dane, are you okay?”

“Um…yeah. Why?” I was more than okay. I felt energised.

“Dude, you went to a vampire mixer and didn’t come back. I was worried something

happened to you.”

“Jet lag caught up with me and I took a nap.”

“Well, snap out of it and come back to the office. The cougars want to fly you to

California next week for their annual get-together. Last time you matched forty people.”

I rubbed the back of my neck. This time of the month was my busiest. Anytime it was

close to a full moon, there were get-togethers and the werekin wanted a matchmaker. It

added a cachet to their meeting if they could guarantee possible matches. Unfortunately for

my schedule, my reputation was beginning to precede me and I was becoming known as the

best. Great for business…but hell on my sleep schedule, since paranormals stayed up late.

Before I could think of an answer, Zephen snatched the phone out of my hand and

spoke into the receiver.

“I’m afraid I’m going to need Dane’s attention through the rest of the month. He’s not

going to be available for travel.”

Without waiting to hear what my partner responded, Zephen hung up the phone.

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“You’re tired and you still have vampires to match. It will take a while to do all of those

pictures you require.”

“I still need to go see the wolves.”

“Not without an escort!” Zephen’s voice rose with his frustration.

I felt like this was a conversation on many levels and I didn’t understand any of them.

“An escort? Why would I need an escort?”

“Because if your match displeases someone, you might not have time to dial that phone

of yours. I don’t want anything to happen to my matchmaker.”

I figured his story would change once he found his mate. Oh well, I might as well enjoy

it now.

“I don’t know if the wolves would appreciate vampires in their territory.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

“This better not start cutting into my business.”

I didn’t know what I could possibly threaten him with. He could snap me like a

toothpick and go and find another matchmaker. Hell, there were at least three a stone’s

throw from my office. Of course, none of them had the sight, but few people could

differentiate one matchmaker from another.

“I’ll work everything out, sweet one.”

“What did you call me?” There were many words to describe me but sweet wasn’t one

of them. I vaguely remembered him calling me that before, but I wasn’t in a position to try to

recall when, since all my blood was rushing south.

“Sweet. You are my sweet one. My lover.” He devoured my mouth. I felt his fangs prick

my lip. Desire shot through me as he sucked at the wound. A lover’s kiss, vampires called it.

Vampires often used it to see if the blood of their human was compatible. Not all blood

appealed to all vamps.

“You taste like magic. You taste like mine,” he whispered against my lips.

I dare anyone to resist a line like that.

I—predictably—melted in his arms.

A soft knock broke us apart.

Sarah peeked her head in the door, anxious as a rabbit who knew the wolf was near.

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“What is it?” Zephen demanded. I petted his chest to bring down the growl. The poor

thing was only doing her job. Zephen’s hand cupped mine in a tender hold.

“Lord Therin is here,” Sarah whispered.

“Fine. Tell him we’ll be there in a moment.”

With a short bow, she left the room. I pulled the blanket over my shoulder and

snuggled into the soft pillow.

“You have to get dressed, too.”

“Why? I don’t need to sit in on vampire stuff.” No reason to get out of Zephen’s comfy


“He heads the second vampire family I want you to match for.”

I let a groan convey my feelings of annoyance.

Zephen’s warm laughter made me smile, but I hid my face in the pillow so he couldn’t

see. There was no way I wanted him to know I found him endearing. Vampires weren’t

cute—they were ruthless killers.

“Ow.” I rubbed my ass after Zephen slapped it.

“Get up, slug.”

“Bloodsucker.” I gave him my best pouty face but he just rolled his eyes.

“Yes, I’m riddled with guilt over asking you to get your ass out of my bed.”

“I don’t have anything to wear.” I didn’t try to hide the satisfaction in my voice.

“Yes, you do. I had some clothes brought over while you slept.” He pointed towards

the corner where a familiar overnight bag sat.


Zephen laughed.

I slid out from between the covers and unpacked my clothes. “I probably smell like

sex,” I complained as I zipped up my pants.

“Good,” Zephen gave me a pleased smile. “That will tell everyone you’re mine.”

It was my turn to roll my eyes. I obediently followed Zephen out of the room, glad I’d

told him I couldn’t stay. He had an air about him that said he was used to getting his way,

and I didn’t want to be one more lackey who did things at his whim. I’d fought hard to be

independent. I wasn’t going to fall back now.

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Zephen wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we entered a room I hadn’t visited yet.

Throughout the space, more vampires draped across the furniture like decorative accents. I

was momentarily distracted by the aura of one vampire. I’d seen its match…recently. Sliding

out from under Zephen’s arms, I approached the blond-haired vamp. I reached into my

pocket and pulled out my business card.

“Hi there.” The man’s eyes lit up when he looked me up and down. “I’m Dane,” I

continued, ignoring the ogling. I didn’t bother with a last name. After all, they were

superfluous to vampires. “I’m interested in your aura. Call me.” I handed over my card.

The vamp didn’t bother to look at it. Instead he took a step forwards. “I’m Win. I’m

delighted to meet you.”

“Take another step and it’ll be your last,” Zephen said behind me.

The blond sneered. “This might be your city but you are not my master.”

A growl had me spinning around. “Did you just growl?”

Zephen shrugged. “What if I did?”

“I don’t tolerate that with shifters. I’m not going to put up with it from a vamp. Go meet

with your Lord whoever, I’ve got business.” I made a shooing gesture.

Zephen shook his head. “He’s right over there.” He pointed a short distance across the


Rolling my eyes, I turned my back to him and addressed the other vampire. “Sorry

about that.” I gave Win my business smile.

“You just tried to shoo off the Master of the City and he didn’t kill you.”

The awe in the other vampire’s voice made me sigh. “Could you stay focused, please?”


“Call the number I gave you. I think I’ve met your soul mate.”


I nodded.

The man smiled. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me until I figure out who it was.” My mind raced through a dozen

possibilities, both male and female, shifter and vamp. Where had I seen his mate? Closing my

eyes, I tried to focus on my inner eyes, imagining the last time I’d seen an aura like his. In my

mind it was like a movie running through.

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“Did you figure it out?” An unfamiliar voice snapped me out of my trance.

Opening my eyes, I glared at the newcomer. “Do you mind? I completely lost—”

My voice broke off as I found myself staring at the most interesting aura I’d ever seen. It

was almost fractured, as if one person wasn’t enough to match him. He needed two. It was

incredibly rare to find a man who had two mates. A tri-mate. My grandmother had told me

of only a handful she’d matched in her entire sixty years of matching.

“You’re a tri-mate.” I couldn’t resist touching his face. He was the gold standard for

matchmakers. Matching him would mean I could match anyone. I could barely see his

features while trapped in my second sight. The colours wrapped around my fingers,

blending with the aura clinging to my hand. It struck me then who he matched.

He matched the man I’d just had sex with.

Snatching my hand back, I stepped away so fast I almost fell backwards. Zephen

grabbed me to prevent me from falling.

“Don’t touch me,” I snapped as my heart splintered in my chest. I might not have fallen

in love with Zephen, but I’d felt a connection. I should’ve known better. “Y-you belong to

him.” I pointed to the stranger. “I-I’ve got to go.” Nausea turned my stomach, threatening to

evict the bile I could feel burning my throat.

I couldn’t face them. I turned and walked away. I was out of the room and into the hall

before I realised I had no way of getting home.

“Need a ride?” Neal stepped forwards. A quick glance at him showed he looked

concerned but nothing else.

“Yes, please.” I needed to leave—to go home and feel sorry for myself in the comfort of

my own living room.

I was escorted to a sleek metallic sports car that probably cost as much as my apartment

building. Damn flashy vampires.

After rattling off my address, I looked out of the window as the vampire drove.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

I gave a bitter laugh. “Let’s just say I matched one too many people.”

Neal made a sympathetic noise but didn’t say anything else. Gratefully, I let the silence

sit between us. My bruised heart wouldn’t recover any time soon. As a matchmaker, I didn’t

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expect to find a perfect match. There were few matchers who married…but I also hadn’t

expected to match the one vampire I’d connected with.

When we reached my apartment, Neal insisted on walking me up.

“That’s really not necessary,” I objected.

“Yes, yes it is. I’m not going to tell Zephen I let something happen to his matchmaker.

Besides, I owe you.”

I shrugged as I unlocked the door and stopped short inside. A red-skinned demon

stood in the middle of my living room, his multi-coloured tusks curled in a beautiful swirl of

rainbow colour.

The vampire shoved me behind him.

“I’m here for the matchmaker,” the demon’s voice rang through the room.

“Well, you can’t have him,” the vampire growled.

I put my hand on the vampire’s back. “Hey, it’s all right.” I worked my way around the

vampire. “You’re here about a matchmaking job?” I asked the demon.

The demon nodded.

“You can’t trust a demon,” Neal cautioned. I could tell by his tone he was worried

about my associates.

I didn’t trust anyone, but I knew enough people by now that, as long as I let everyone

know who I was with, the chances of my being injured were slim. I’d built enough of a

following and matched enough powerful people that injuring me would be detrimental to a

person’s health. Besides, I knew this demon. The idea of going to the demon realm while my

ex-lover bonded with his new mate appealed to me. “I’ll go.”

The vampire grabbed my wrist. “Zephen will be displeased.”

“Trust me. Zephen won’t even notice. I matched him tonight. He’ll be fine.”

Looking into my eyes, the vampire nodded. “Be careful.”

“I’m always careful,” I lied. Being a matchmaker wasn’t a careful exercise. I often had to

tell already-matched parties that they hadn’t picked the right mate. Some people took it

better than others.

To my surprise, the vampire placed a kiss on my forehead. “For protection,” he

muttered, before turning and leaving my apartment. Stunned, I just stood there for a

moment. The benediction was a rare vampire blessing to keep me safe from magical

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influence. I could feel the magic from his kiss sinking into my skin. It would keep me safe

when I went to the demon dimension. The gesture was sweet but unnecessary.

“How’s it hanging, Dane?” the demon asked with a wide grin, revealing his triple row

of teeth. “I see you’re tangling with vamps these days. You have any problem with them, you

give me a call.”

“Thanks, Frank. How are the kids?”

Frank gave a big sigh, releasing a burst of flame. “That’s why I’m here, Dane. My oldest

are at that age for matching and I was hoping…”

“No worries, Frank. I’d be happy to help out. I owe you one after you saved my ass

from that hellhound.”

The demon clapped his hands together. “You’d best make your phone calls, then. I’ve

got sixty kids to match up and you know time works differently at home.”

That was what I had been hoping for. A day in the demon dimension was a month on

earth. Maybe by that time I’d be over my stupid infatuation with a mated vampire. Dialling

Grant, I let out a sigh when my partner picked up.

“Hello, partner.”

I smiled. Grant had obviously looked at the caller ID.

“Hey, I’m going to the demon realm for a few weeks. Can you hold down the fort?”

Grant made a low groaning noise. “And who’s going to have to explain that to the

vampires? The City Master didn’t even want you coming to the full moon werewolf hunt.

What’s he going to say about demons?”

“Nothing, because it isn’t any of his business.” I made sure my voice didn’t expose my

sudden bout of nerves. Despite what I might want, Zephen wasn’t mine. I needed to get


“What do you want me to tell your other clients?”

“Tell them the demons took me.” All supernatural creatures bowed to the demons in

hierarchy. You didn’t argue with something that could rip you apart and eat your soul.

“Besides, you can do some matches while I’m gone. I’ve taught you enough that you can

match just fine.”

“I don’t have the sight,” Grant complained.

“No, but you can use your other senses.”

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My partner gave another sigh, which I knew meant I’d won.

“Fine, but be careful.”

Why do people keep telling me that?

* * * *

Battered and scratched, but pleased with my work, I entered my apartment through the

inter-dimensional hole the demons had punched for me. My bank account would be flush as

soon as I got my demon gold exchanged. I wouldn’t have to work for years off the amount

the demons had paid me. But I would, of course. What else was I going to do with my days?

“Why are you limping?”

I screamed and clutched my heart like a melodramatic spinster.


The light turned on. Both Zephen and Lord Theron stood in my apartment. I only knew

it was Theron from his aura spinning around. I hadn’t shifted my vision from the demon

world. I blinked and went to my other sight to see two angry vamps confronting me.

“Is there a reason you were waiting in the dark to give me a heart attack?”

“You left without saying goodbye.” Zephen’s accusing gaze pierced through me like a

knife through butter.

“I left Grant with directions to contact you.”

Zephen marched forwards and grabbed me by my upper arms. “You left me.”

My nerves tingled at the vampire’s closeness. The scent of Zephen sent heat pooling in

my groin. I couldn’t stop a whimper from escaping my throat as memories of him fucking

me into the mattress flashed into my mind.

“Oh, hell yeah.” Lord Theron stood behind me. His elegant hands gripped my hips.

“What are you doing?” I could barely think over the lust clouding my brain. I wanted to

strip them both down and suck one while the other one fucked me. Shaking my head, I tore

myself away from them, retreating to the far side of the room.

“We’ve come to claim you.” Zephen said in a calm voice, as though what he said made


Claim me?

I didn’t know how to respond to that. “Umm…but you two are mates.”

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Zephen’s gaze narrowed. “And you’re never wrong?”

“No.” Switching to my second sight, I examined their auras. I frowned when I saw they

weren’t complete. Another bit was lacking in their mating bond. I, foolishly, had never

looked at Zephen’s aura…except for how it rubbed against me. “You need a third.” As soon

as I said it, my heart beat faster in my chest. Surely I was wrong…

They both gave me satisfied smiles. For the first time, I took a good look at Lord Theron

without my sight. The beauty of the man made my breath catch in my throat. Whereas

Zephen had dark sexuality, Theron had angelic beauty—gold hair with gold eyes rimmed in

blue. Truly stunning. I had to swallow back a moan as sexual attraction zipped through my


“Just because you need a third doesn’t mean I’m the third.” The thought of claiming

both men and then finding out someone else was their third sent a sharp pain through my

chest. For the first time, I didn’t want to be the one looking at perfectly matched auras. I

wanted to be the one who matched. “If I was your third, your auras would reflect that.”

“Maybe it’s because you haven’t touched me yet.”

Before I could refute Theron’s ridiculous logic, he wrapped his strong arms around me

and pulled me to his broad chest. Without warning, he kissed me. My brain completely

short-circuited and for a moment I forgot he was trying to make a point. I’d felt passion in

Zephen’s arms but Theron’s embrace didn’t feel like mere passion. It felt like a claiming—as

if this one man planned to sear his name on my soul as a warning to others. Drowning in

sensation, I clung to the man who burned me to my essence. If there were nothing but ashes

left when he was done, I wouldn’t have regretted a moment.

When he finally released me, it took me a moment to gather enough breath in my lungs

to speak.

The smug look on Theron’s face made me want to smack him. “Just because you’re a

good kisser doesn’t mean we’re mates.”

Theron’s eyes glowed with a possessive fervour. “Trust me. It does. And even if you

aren’t my mate, I’m keeping you anyway.”

I sputtered at that statement. “I’m not a stray dog that followed you home. Hell, you’re

in my house. You can take your arrogant attitude back to the vampire fortress.”

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Zephen laughed. He wrapped his long arms around me and the familiar smell of ash

and cloves surrounded me. Why he smelled that way I didn’t know, but the scent appealed

to me on a base level, and I knew no matter where I went in the future, this vampire’s scent

would haunt me. Surprisingly, Theron smelled like lemons and sunshine—a strange

combination for a vampire. “Don’t get riled, my sweet. Theron is used to getting what he

wants. He’s the overlord of the entire United States, while I only rule the city. He’s never

encountered anyone like you.”

Theron’s lush mouth turned up at the ends. “And I probably never will again.”

The vamp drove me crazy. My mouth tingled from our kiss and my body wanted

nothing more than to dive back into it again. Luckily, my practical side took control and I

stepped away from the comforting hold of Zephen.

My throat went dry as I realised the only true solution that would silence my questions.

I could easily convince myself that giving in to the sexy vampires was a good thing, but I

knew eventually it would eat away at me that some unknown third could come and snatch

them away. Just because they were both attracted to me didn’t mean we were fated to be

mates. “There’s only one way to solve this.”

“What’s that?” Zephen asked. The vamps now stood side by side and it took all my

willpower to resist the urge to throw myself at them and damn the consequences.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I said the one phrase I never thought I’d utter again.

“We have to go and see my grandmother.”

Theron laughed. “If that’s the only thing stopping us from getting together, I don’t see

the problem.”

“That’s because you’ve never met my granny.”

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Chapter Three

To say my grandmother was eccentric was like saying it sometimes rained in Seattle.

My grandmother was bat-shit crazy. Unfortunately, she was also the only other family

member who had the sight.

The vampires walked on either side of me like an honour guard. Occasionally I could

see them exchanging amused glances as we approached the big mansion at the top of the

Queen Anne hill. The house was gorgeous, built in the late eighteen-hundreds. More than

one generation of my family had been born and also died in that house. On the outside, it

had a stunning formal English garden.

“With the fuss you were making, I was expecting to travel to an alligator-infested

swamp,” Theron muttered.

“Don’t I wish!” I pulled open the front gate and ignored the laughter of my

companions. They would learn. It would almost be easier if there were a swamp, some man-

eating piranhas and maybe the aforementioned alligator. It would make the inhabitants

inside less disturbing in comparison.

I rang the doorbell.

The bells played for a moment before the door swung open.

“What the hell?” A chorus of protests met the sight before me.

“Hello, Jeeves.”


The zombie shuffled backwards to let us inside. Jeeves had a lemongrass scent to him,

which meant my grandmother had refreshed him recently. Most people would catch if

someone were a zombie at first sight, because they generally smelled like rotting flesh. Jeeves

had rotting flesh…you just couldn’t smell it.

“Where’s Grandmother?”

“In the back parlour, sir.”

“Thank you.”

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I made it a policy to always be polite to zombies. If they were hungry, they went after

rude people first. I learned that after a particularly annoying playmate lost a bit of his arm.

Needless to say, that boy’s mother never let him come over again. Not much of a loss…like I

said, he was annoying.

“You didn’t say your grandmother was a necromancer.” I heard a subtle tremor of

nerves in Theron’s voice. I turned to face him. The powerful vampire looked like he was

about to pass out.

“Grandmother isn’t a necromancer.”

“Then how does she have a zombie?” Zephen asked.

“It came with the house.”

I continued walking until I reached my grandmother’s favourite room. Painted bright

red with a smothering amount of lace, my relative fit right in.

“About time you came to see me!”

“Nice to see you, too.”

With every white hair in place, she looked like the fairytale grandmother…the one who

lulled you into a false sense of security before she stuffed you into the oven. Mother claimed

that Grandma had been off her meds during that event, but I still think that having a

gingerbread house was suspicious. Mother always tried to put a positive spin on things. I

wasn’t sure I wanted to know what she would make of me mating with two vampires.

“Come give me a kiss.”

I sighed but knew I’d never get any information without submitting to her demands.

Her cheek felt oddly fragile and I was almost afraid my lips would tear her skin as I

brushed them gently across her cheek.

She patted my hands. “You always were a nice boy and now you have your mates. I

worried you’d never find them. You’re not getting any younger, you know.”

“So says the ninety-five-year-old woman.”

She gave me a pleased smile, showing startlingly perfect teeth. “Flatterer. You know I’m

two hundred and fifty.”

I did know…but I also knew that my second cousin, Drake, had gone missing for a

while after he’d pointed it out at her last birthday party. Two years of his life he’ll never get


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“So you think we’re Dane’s mates?” Theron stepped forwards after flashing me a

victorious look.

Grandmother’s eyes went from warm brown to icy blue—a transformation that always

freaked me out. I hoped my eyes didn’t change like that when I looked for auras. I didn’t

know because I couldn’t see myself in the mirror while using the other sight.

“Yes. Dane will resist, so it will take a bit longer to bond. His matchmaking powers

work against him.”

“What do you mean they work against me?”

“You are the strongest matchmaker to come along since I was born. As you know, I’ve

had many men but never settled on one. I had always thought you would do the same, but

the fates have chosen two men for you to take to your heart and keep as your own. It is

unusual for a matchmaker to bond with anyone for a lifelong commitment. Once you give in

to the bond, you will be an unbeatable triad.”

She pinned Theron with her frosty eyes. “You might be the most powerful man in the

vampire world but that means nothing in relation to your mates. Remember that and your

life will be smoother.”

I stifled a laugh.

Theron had just opened his mouth to speak when an eerie howl echoed in the room.

I grabbed the vampires’ wrists. “Let’s go.”

Grandmother gave me an evil smile. “They like vampires.”

“Fuck. Run!” Knowing they wouldn’t let me run away on my own, I took off. I heard

their feet thundering after me. I made it to the front door and ripped it open. “Come on!” I

urged them forwards, waving my hand frantically. Without questioning, they rushed

through the door. I slammed it shut behind me as something big thudded against the heavy

wooden door.

After letting out a relieved breath, I rushed back down the stairs and off Grandmother’s

property as fast as I could go.

“What the hell was that?” Zephen asked.

Theron’s eyes were wide. “Were they what I thought they were?”

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“Hellhounds? Yep. How do you think a human lived to be two hundred and fifty? She

made a pact with a demon. She might be my granny, but if she could sacrifice all three of us

to her demon overlord, she would.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Theron scowled at me.

“Because I wanted to know and she’s the only other person I know who has the sight.”

“You could’ve warned us.” Zephen put his hand on my back in a protective gesture.

“And would you have come?”

“Never,” Zephen said.

“Absolutely not!” Theron protested.

“There you have it.”

* * * *

The limo ride back to my apartment was made in silence as I suffered the glares of my


“Well, at least you know now,” I grumbled.

“You are never visiting her again. I don’t care if it’s her three hundredth birthday!

Never!” Theron was in a fine rage. I felt my own anger rise to meet it.

“Will you just let it go? I had to know. And if you don’t stop yelling at me, this will be

the shortest mating in history because I will stab you!”

Theron gave me an amused look. “With what?”

Lifting my pant leg, I pulled out my big dagger. The vampires’ eyes widened.

“When did you put that in your boot?” Zephen asked.

“I never travel to Grandmother’s without a dagger, a vial of holy water and a pistol.” I

might be one of her favourite relatives, but if her demon lord wanted me, she’d hand me

over in a heartbeat.”

Theron’s hot eyes scanned over me. “Where do you keep the pistol?”

“In the small of my back.” I couldn’t hold back the laugh at his look of disappointment.

I think he was looking forward to searching me for it.

My phone rang. “Hey, Grant.”

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“There’s a scary ass female vamp looking for you. Did you have her put away after a


“Oh hell, is she there at the office?”

“Not anymore, but I had to tell her where you live. She threatened to snap one of our

client’s neck. I’m so sorry.” I could hear the tears in Grant’s voice.

“Hey, hey…it’s all right. It’s not your fault. You had to protect the client.” Grant might

be a shifter but he was a gentle man. I would be surprised to learn he’d ever attacked anyone,

even in his animal form. “I’ll take care of her.”

I hung up the phone and saw both of the vampires were watching me. I knew in that

moment how a mouse must feel faced by two hungry cats. “Your vampire girl came to my


“We’ll take care of her.” Zephen’s face was colder than ice. I was glad he wasn’t

thinking of me.

“She must’ve convinced the judge to release her.” As she was an attractive woman, I

wasn’t the least bit surprised she’d talked some easily-influenced judge into letting her go. It

was a mild offence since she hadn’t actually injured me. “Killing me would get her

imprisoned for life.”

“I don’t think her crazy ass cares,” Zephen said with a frown. “She’s already lost her

husband to another man as well as the control over her people. She is one assassin attempt

away from permanent death.”

Zephen had a good point.

I blinked and a moment later vampires surrounded me. Theron’s kiss tasted like warm

sunshine, heating me inside out as Zephen stroked me through my pants. With gentle

insistent tugs, my clothes made it to the bottom of the vehicle as two sexy men drove me out

of my ever-loving mind.

Theron bit my nipples, sending me bucking back into Zephen’s embrace.

“Isn’t he beautiful?” Zephen crooned.

“Yes.” Theron and I both responded.

I laughed.

Zephen tilted back my head until our eyes met. “I meant you.”

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“Hmm…” I couldn’t really focus with two sets of hands and an insistent mouth

touching me. My mind was a fog of lust.

I heard a clink as my gun and knife were set on the seat beside us.

“You’re a deadly little guy aren’t you?” Theron said, but since he was pulling off my

underwear, it took a moment to register what he said.

“Don’t call him little—he hates that,” Zephen warned.

“Well, he’s definitely not little everywhere. Did you see this beauty?”

I could feel the blush all the way to my toes.

“Mm hmm.” Zephen looked at my quickly-rising cock. “How does he taste?”

Theron lapped at me like I was his favourite type of lollipop. “Divine.”

“You should taste his blood.” Zephen’s voice had a dreamy quality to it.

“You taste it from my cock and it will be the last thing you do,” I threatened.

A soft laugh brushed across my body seconds before Theron sank his mouth down and

deep-throated me.

“Oh, fuck.” I screamed, arching my back. Zephen swooped in and covered my lips with

his. He slid his tongue in and out of my mouth at the same tempo that Theron sucked me. In

an embarrassingly short time, I tapped Theron’s shoulder to alert him of my upcoming

explosion. “I’m going to come,” I warned when he didn’t lift his head.

“Do it!”

The words whispered into my mind broke the last of my restraint. With a strangled

scream, I came.

Theron’s amazing mouth sucked and lapped until I was completely depleted. Looking

down at him, I was surprised to see the bright glow in his eyes.

“More than one type of fluid can sustain a vampire,” Zephen whispered in my ear.

“Which is good because one little human wouldn’t have enough blood to sustain two fully

grown vampires.”

“I’m not little,” I hissed.

Theron laughed. “And after you warned me about that.”

Zephen gave a rueful smile. “May we have your blood?”

I nodded. I tilted my head back. “Promise you won’t drain me?”

“Never. I’m going to let Theron have a little taste first since he’s already full.”

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I looked down at the vampire still on his knees below me. He waited patiently for my

agreement. I had the feeling he would stay there all day if I let him. “Go ahead.”

“Oh, thank the fuck.” Leaning across me, he licked a spot across my chest before

plunging in his fangs. I had thought it would hurt. I wasn’t prepared for the burst of desire

jolting through my system. My cock, flaccid before, jumped back to attention like the

Energizer bunny.

Wave after wave of desire rushed through my veins as Theron lifted his mouth. After

licking the wound clean, he let out a satisfied moan. “I thought you were exaggerating,



I made a soft moan as Theron leaned over me to kiss Zephen. He pressed his body

against mine as the pair kissed, adding pressure to my leaking cock. After their kiss, he gave

me another kiss of my own. Oh hell, if this was what I was in for, I would happily give

myself over to the vampires.

“I want to fuck you,” Theron growled.

I looked to Zephen.

“What?” The dark-haired vamp scowled at me.

“Can I suck you?”

Zephen’s smile warmed me inside out. “My sweet, you never have to ask that.”

“Do we have any lube?” I might be newly enamoured with my vampires, but I wasn’t a

masochist. I needed lube.

“Right here.” Theron pulled a bottle of lube out of his pocket.

I raised my eyebrows at Zephen.

“What? It’s not like I’m having sex with anyone but you two ever again. Excuse me for

being optimistic.”

I burst out laughing. Flipping over, I slid off the seat then presented my ass to Theron

while I quickly unsnapped and unbuttoned Zephen. I gave a nervous glance towards the

driver, even though the privacy screen was up. “Do we have enough time?”

Zephen gave me a wicked smile. “He’ll circle around until I tell him to stop.”

I gasped as Theron slid a lubed finger into my ass with little warning.

“Easy, babe,” Theron said, wiggling his finger until it hit that magic spot.

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“Don’t forget about me,” Zephen said with a laugh.

“Sorry.” I went back to my task of separating my dark lover from his pants.

Unfortunately, Theron’s dedication to his task had my concentration wandering.

“Let me take care of this. I can tell you’re distracted.” Zephen cast an amused look at


“Uh-huh…” I watched with avid appreciation as Zephen yanked his pants down to his

ankles. “Yum, no underwear.”

“I’m glad you approve.”

“Oh, I definitely approve.” I didn’t waste any time. As Theron slid in another finger and

added more lube, I lapped at Zephen’s cock, savouring the sticky, sweet flavour.

Zephen gasped as I deep-throated him. My lack of gag reflex had pleased more than

one man in my past.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” Zephen whispered as I increased my suction. “Oh, you have to

feel this, Theron. His mouth is amazing.”

“His ass is better.” With a gentle press, Theron pushed inside me. I could feel the

mushroom head of his cock as it popped into my hole. After making sure I could take him

easily, he proceeded to pound my ass like he was drilling for oil. With each thrust, he pushed

me down onto Zephen. I braced myself with my hands so I wouldn’t end up choking on the

vampire’s cock.

Never in a million years had I expected to be the human sandwich in a vampire

triad…but if this was how I going to spend the rest of my life, I had no complaints.

With a cry, Zephen released his load down my throat. I eased up enough to catch a few

drops of flavour on my tongue but most went untasted. Luckily, I knew there would be

several more chances in the future or my disappointment would have been acute. I clenched

my ass cheeks, tightening my grip around Theron.

“Oh, hell.” Theron gave a shout. His movements slowed and eventually he collapsed

against my back with a sigh. “You are amazing.” He brushed his warm lips against the back

of my neck in a gentle thank you.


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A cool towel wiped my ass clean before I was given a pat. “Get dressed, baby, and I’ll

tell the driver to head home.”

“Baby?” There was no way I was answering to that.

Theron gave me a hot look. “You’re a baby to us.”

It was hard to look dignified while I scrambled into my clothes, but I hoped my face

showed how I felt about that designation.

“I’d choose a different pet name if I were you,” Zephen prompted.

I flashed Zephen a pleased smile. At least one of my vampires was smart.

I didn’t trust Theron’s considering look. “Hmm, I’ll think it over.” He smirked as he

handed over my gun, knife and holy water. “You look good in those clothes and better

without them.”

Shaking my head, I quickly dressed and tried to ignore the scent of sex in the air…and

the fact I was still hard.

“We’ll take care of you once we get back to your place. We need to pack up all your

stuff, anyway,” Theron said, patting my leg.

“Um, why are we packing my stuff?”

“Because I’m not letting you live in that place anymore. You can move in with Zephen

and me until we can get a place built.”

“What’s wrong with Zephen’s place?”

Theron looked at me and for the first time I could see the powerful vampire behind

those gold bullion eyes. “It doesn’t suit a vampire of my stature.”

I turned back to Zephen, who shrugged. “He’s right. His position demands something

more spectacular, especially now that he has to provide for two mates.”

“You are both nuts.” I’d have protested more but the limo pulled up in front of my

apartment complex.

After stepping out, it took me a moment to realise what was wrong. Not a single light

glowed in the windows. Not one.

“She’s here,” I told the vamps as we exited. My announcement proved pointless since

she stepped out of the apartment building and headed right towards me.

“Well, hello there, Matchmaker. You’d be surprised how easily I escaped the prison you

sent me to.”

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I shrugged. I didn’t even try to pretend not to be afraid. Strangely, I was more

concerned for the men at my back than the scary vampire girl in front of me. I knew if she

killed me the other two wouldn’t recover. A triad destroyed had a bad effect on the

remaining pair and if the pair could virtually live forever, I worried that they’d either go mad

or turn on each other. I couldn’t let that happen. No—I’d have to do something about


“I’m not in charge of sentencing. They must’ve thought a threat wasn’t reason enough

to hold you.”

“You took everything from me!” she screeched.

“It wasn’t yours to keep.”

“Don’t antagonise her,” Zephen hissed.

I didn’t bother to tell him that it didn’t matter what I did. The look in her eyes said

anything I did would result in death. She wasn’t interested in my excuses. Nothing less than

my lifeless body would satisfy her.

“Ivana, you can’t harm him. He’s my mate,” Theron unwisely told her.

Her fangs dropped as she regarded me with an evil smile. “Then all the more reason for

him to die. If he’s gone, your power base will be up for grabs. Since he took away my people,

I’ll take yours.”

She moved fast, but I moved faster. The sound of gunfire exploded in the air. A

surprised expression crossed her face as she toppled over. The hole in her chest quickly filled

with her blood before it poured out onto the street.

A soft curse filled the air as Zephen spun me around to face him. “How did you do


“I might not be an all-powerful vampire but I can take care of myself. She isn’t the first

creature to attack me. After the vampires took part of my family, Grandmother charmed my

weapons to be faster than any creature alive. If I even think of one of them, they come to my


Theron growled. “Is this the same grandmother who sicced hellhounds on us earlier?”

I shrugged. “What can I say? She has good days and she has bad days.” Most days she

was ape-shit crazy, but it seemed rude to bring her insanity up when she had technically just

saved my life.

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“Let’s get your stuff and head home. I don’t think my heart can take any more shocks

tonight.” Zephen took hold of my wrist and started dragging me towards the building.

“You’re kind of delicate for a vampire, aren’t you?” I teased.

“I’ll show you delicate,” Zephen growled.

Laughing, I let Zephen lead me to my apartment. Theron chuckled as he followed

along. I might have to put up with two alpha vampires, but at least my life would never be


Coming Soon from Total-E-Bound Publishing:

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Talan’s Treasure

Amber Kell

Released 19


December 2011


Chapter One

Talan crouched in the grass, tail waving. He waited for the human-shaped wolf to walk

past. One more step. One more little foot forward and he’d…

“I know you’re out there, cat, and I’m wearing my only suit. Don’t even think about it,”

Adrian’s voice rang out over the field.

Talan thought it over for a moment, wiggled his butt then pounced.

“Oof.” The wolf-human made the best sounds. Talan held down his pretty human with

his large paws and let out a happy purr.

“Damn lion, let me up.”

Adrian’s mouth twitched up at the corner as he snarled at Talan. Talan gave a happy

snuffle and licked his wolf-human up the side of his face, absorbing the taste and scent of his


“Stop that. You know I hate the sandpaper kiss!” Adrian squirmed beneath Talan’s

hold, trying to get away.

Talan focused on his paws. To take care of the pesky buttons covering Adrian’s fine

form, fingers were needed. With a deep breath he called to his inner human. Fur sank into

flesh as paws separated, transforming into hands and feet. The breeze, mildly cool before,

became freezing against his bare, non-fur-covered skin.

“You can’t be naked out here, it’s too cold,” Adrian scolded. Talan’s mate went from

annoyed to concerned caretaker faster than a NASCAR driver.

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Talan jumped to his feet, pulling Adrian up as he went. He scowled at the wolf shifter’s

thin suit jacket, definitely not thick enough to handle the cold temperature. “Talking about

lack of proper clothing, where’s your coat?”

Adrian smiled. “I don’t need one. Wolves don’t feel the cold as much as you savannah


Talan rolled his eyes, wrapped his arms around his mate and pulled him close. Smiling,

he playfully rubbed his nose against Adrian’s. “You’re right. I only love the cold when it’s

snowy outside and I get to stay bundled inside with my favourite wolf.”

“Then you’re going to love the place at Steven’s Pass.”

Dazzled by Adrian’s wide smile, it took Talan a moment to register the other man’s


“What are you talking about?”

“I spoke to your sisters and we all agreed you need some downtime and I know we

definitely need some mate time. I’ve got a cabin reserved and we’re going there next


“But that’s Christmas!” He couldn’t believe Adrian would abandon the pack and pride

during the holidays. No one was more family-centric than his man.

Adrian shook his head. “It’s the weekend before Christmas, which just proves how

rundown you are that you’ve lost track of your days. You need a vacation and my brother’s

pack owns some cabins at the pass. He’s agreed to lend us one so we can have some time


Talan yanked Adrian closer until his bare body pressed against Adrian’s neatly ironed

suit. He took great delight in rumpling his lover as Adrian tucked tidily into the curve of

Talan’s body. His inner lion purred at the contact. “Honey, if we bond any more they’ll need

a blowtorch to separate us.”

A full body shiver shook Talan at the sexy look Adrian shot him from beneath his

lashes. No one affected him like Adrian. The innate allure of his little wolf brought Talan to

his knees both figuratively and literally several times a day. He could deny Adrian nothing.

If his sweet wolf man wanted to go away he’d go—hell, he’d travel to Antarctica to make his

love happy.

“I think it would be good for us.”

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The quiet way Adrian said the words sent warning bells through Talan’s head.

“We’re okay, right? You aren’t trying to tell me I’m screwing up?”

Talan’s heart pattered a panicky rhythm. The world started spinning.

A loud crack filled the air.

“Ow.” Talan grabbed his ass where Adrian had slapped him…hard.

“Sorry, but you were getting hysterical. I’m trying to be romantic here and we both

know how much I suck at it. Now, we are going to head to the house, pack a bag and go have

a weekend away from everyone, understand?”

Talan rubbed his sore cheek. “I always forget what a strong little shit you are.”

“Call me little again and you can keep your own hand company for the weekend,”

Adrian threatened, his eyes flashing dangerously.

Oops. Time to do damage control.

Snuggling Adrian closer, Talan purred at him. His wolf shifter was a sucker for a good

purr. Damn he smelled good. Talan nuzzled Adrian’s neck, absorbing the smell and rubbing

off his own. He liked the cologne but preferred the natural aroma of his lover more. “Why

are you wearing a suit and artificial fragrance?” For the first time he wondered why his

jeans-and-T-shirt man now rivalled a GQ model.

“It was the only outfit I still had at my brother’s house. It just came back from the dry

cleaner.” Adrian shrugged. “I’d forgotten I’d sent it off.”

Adrian had spent the night at the wolf pack for the full moon and had forgotten to take

a bag. Talan had waited all day to see what he’d wear home. His fastidious lover would

never wear the same clothes twice. A suit had never occurred to him.

“And the perfume?”

“I hugged Kade on the way out. Helen bought him some cologne.”

Ahh. Adrian’s sister-in-law was human and probably couldn’t smell her husband’s

natural scent. It was a testament to Kade’s devotion to his wife that he didn’t tell her wolves

didn’t wear cologne. “How is our sweet sister-in-law?”

“I think she’s having sextuplets.” Adrian wrinkled his nose as he thought it over.

Talan burst out laughing. “She’s not that big.”

“She’s huge. I’ve seen SUV’s smaller than that woman’s stomach.”

“I’m telling her what you said,” Talan snickered.

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“No you won’t,” Adrian said in a calm voice. “If you tell her, she’ll murder me and then

you’ll be missing a perfectly good mate and since you’re inherently laid back, you wouldn’t

do anything that would require you to have to try and hunt down another one.”

Talan looked down at Adrian. “Are you saying I’m lazy?”

“I said laid back. I thought it sounded better.”

Adrian’s green eyes sparkled with mischief and before Talan could catch on to his

mate’s plan, the wolf shifter danced out of reach and ran towards their house. “First one in

bed gets to choose the position,” he shouted to Talan over his shoulder.

Sneaky, beautiful wolf. With a happy roar, Talan gave chase.

Adrian beat him by a mile. In his human shape, the wolf shifter was lighter on his feet

than Talan. However, Talan didn’t complain as he found his man stripped bare and lying on

their bed. The vision of his naked mate promptly scrambled Talan’s thoughts.

He didn’t care what position they were in as long as it involved the two of them

together. No one was sexier than his man. No one.

With a growl he leapt onto the bed, pinning Adrian to the mattress. “Mine!” Even after

a year together, he still felt the need to proclaim the amazing wolf his. The worry that

someone else would come along and try to take Adrian ate at him. He’d almost lost Adrian

once to his own arrogance. He never wanted to experience that feeling again.

As if reading his mind, Adrian wrapped his legs around Talan and flipped them over.

“Why do you worry so much? I told you I wouldn’t leave you again.”

Adrian’s words settled the lion lurking inside. The cat felt an obsessive need for

constant reassurance and affection from his wolf mate, especially lately. Even though he was

the lion pride’s Alpha, Talan didn’t feel as confident in his place when it came to his lover.

Adrian was a beautiful, brilliant man and, in the back of his mind, Talan sometimes

wondered whether Adrian would have chosen him for a partner if fate hadn’t thrown them


A sharp tug at his hair shifted his attention back to the man lying on top of his chest. “I

don’t know where this insecurity comes from because you have no problem bossing

everyone else around.”

Talan smiled. “I don’t care about everyone else. I only care about you.”

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Adrian made a soft sound of disagreement before shaking his head. “You care about

everyone—it’s one of the reasons I love you.” He placed a hot kiss on his mate’s lips.

Talan’s lion curled up and purred inside him.

Feeling the vibration, Adrian laughed.

“I know I’m being an idiot but sometimes my cat needs reassurance.” He gave Adrian

his most appealing look, the one that had always got him the pretty boys in bars, back when

that’s how he chose his companionship for the evening.

“Just your cat?”

Talan’s lips curled into a rueful smile. “That’s all I’m admitting to.”

The look in Adrian’s eyes showed he saw no deficiencies in Talan. Only adoration filled

his gaze as he met Talan’s searching expression. “That’s why we need to get away for a bit, to

remind you why I love you so much.”

“You can remind me in a more direct manner.” Talan leered.

“I plan to.” Adrian’s smile promised all manner of wicked things.

Sliding down Talan’s body, Adrian kissed his way from Talan’s chest to his belly. He

slid his cheek across Talan’s stomach, slathering him with his scent. Talan let out a long sigh.

Nothing felt better than attention from his mate. Even something as mild as Adrian taking

his hand while they walked down the street made his heart thump faster.

Adrian nipped Talan’s hip, making him buck from the sensation.

“Stop teasing,” Talan growled.

“I like to tease.” Adrian flashed him a toothy smile, his eyes lit with joy.

Talan couldn’t resist his serious wolf in a playful mood. Another gentle bite sent a

firestorm of need through Talan. He let out a gasp as his lover’s sharp teeth sent goosebumps

of desire over his skin.

“Adrian,” he whispered, too overcome with love and lust to push more sound out of his

throat. His body melted beneath his lover’s ministrations.

Talan’s claws pushed through his flesh. He tried to get hold of something to settle him,

anything that would ground him to reality, anything other than his lover. He’d rip out his

own claws before he harmed Adrian.

“Suck me!” he demanded, trying to cling to his tenuous control.

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“Patience, love,” Adrian murmured, lapping at Talan’s skin. The ‘love’ made his cock

even harder.

“Now!” How could his wolf even think Talan would be patient with that sexy mouth

anywhere near his man parts?

A soft chuckle had him opening his eyes. He hadn’t even realised he’d closed them.

A mischievous smile crossed Adrian’s face and his green eyes sparkled up at Talan.

“The more you fight, the longer it takes,” he teased.

Talan roared at his lover’s gentle taunt—a full lion sound he knew they’d hear

throughout the rest of the house. His damned wolf appeared unfazed by the noise.

“I love it when you get all snarly.” Adrian grinned. “But if you shred another mattress,

Tia said she’d have my head.”

“My sister can’t have your head. Every part of you is mine.” He loved Tia, but if she so

much as mussed Adrian’s hair, he’d kick her ass.

“Hmmm, my knight,” Adrian growled right before he deep-throated Talan and took

away his ability to think.

“Oh my fucking God.” Talan screamed as Adrian’s warm, wet, wonderful mouth

consumed every inch of him. A few swallows later and Talan came down Adrian’s throat,

spurting with disturbing speed. He’d hoped to last longer but he should’ve realised he

couldn’t hold back against his mate.

Blinking to clear the spots dancing before his eyes, Talan’s lips formed a sloppy smile.

“You get better at that every time.”

Adrian licked his puffy lips. “It’s because you let me have so much practice.”

“I do what I can to help you become the best blow-job-giver in the world. Unfortunately

you’ll have to remain the unchallenged champion because you’re only allowed to practice on


The low animal growl alerted him that the other man wasn’t playing along before the

wolf shifter said, “And you’d best only receive them from me.”

Talan raised his hands defensively. “Absolutely. Now, come cuddle so I can recover

and fuck you into the mattress.”

Adrian snorted. “And I was worried the romance was dead.”

Talan pulled Adrian into his arms. “Never. Now tell me about our getaway.”

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About the Author

Amber is one of those quiet people they always tell you to watch out for. She lives in
Dallas with her husband, two sons, two cats and one extremely stupid dog.


Amber loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and
author biography at


Also by Amber Kell

Supernatural Mates: Nothing To Do With Pride

Supernatural Mates: From Pack to Pride

Supernatural Mates: A Prideful Mate

Supernatural Mates: A Prideless Man

Yearning Love: Protecting Francis

Yearning Love: Taking Care of Charlie

Dangerous Lovers: Catching Mr Right


Cowboy Lovin’: Tyler’s Cowboy

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erotic romance titles and discover pure quality

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