138 11 (8)

B/138: G.H.Stine - Urządzenia poruszane siłą umysłu

Wstecz / Spis

Bird Christopher, The Divining Hand, New Age Press, Black Mountain NC, 1979.
Campbell John W., Jr., prywatna korespondencja, 22 czerwca 1956 r.
Campbell John W., Jr., Psionic Machine, Type One, .Astounding Science Fiction",
t. LVII, nr 4, czerwiec 1956.
Campbell John W., Jr., Unprovable Speculation, .Astounding Science Fiction",
t. LVIII, nr 6, luty 1957.
Campbell John W., Jr., Addendum On The Symbolic Psionic Machine, .Astounding
Science Fiction", t. LIX, nr 4, czerwiec 1957.
Cerf Christopher i Navasky Victor, The Experts Speak, Pantheon Books, New
York 1984.
Flanagan G. Patrick, Pyramid Power, De Vorss & Co., 1046 Princeton Drive,
Marina del Key CA 90291, 1973.
Flanagan G. Patrick, Piramid Power II, Innergy Publications, P.O. Box 18224,
ucsonAZ85731, 1981.
Stine G. Harry, The Hopeful Future, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York
Stine G. Harry, Edmund Scientific Catalog, Edmund Scientific, 101 E. Glouchester
Pike, Barrington NJ 08007, 1984.
Stine G. Harry, The Radio Amateur's Handbook, American Radio Relay League,
Newington CT 06111, 1984.


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