Wanting Edward Cullen by Wishimight

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Wanting Edward Cullen by Wishimight

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


With Edward Cullen on the brain, she needs release, and she needs it now. My contribution for
Smut Mondays on twilighted. One shot. Rated M for sexy times.

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Mondays officially suck.

I should’ve known today was going to be disastrous from the moment my stupid alarm clock went
off, yanking me out of quite possibly the most erotic sex dream I’d ever had. I wanted to smash

the damn thing into a million pieces for beeping just as Edward’s fingers thrust into me.

I cursed loudly and launched the hunk of junk across the room when I realized I was alone in my

bed and not lying naked in the grass with that insanely gorgeous Greek god of a man.

This was getting ridiculous. The closer we got to graduation, the more he starred in my dreams...




I couldn’t get his crazy bronze hair or his dazzling topaz eyes out of my mind. Was it possible to

spontaneously combust for wanting someone so much?

As I showered, I slid my fingers all over and inside my overheated body, imagining they were his,
stroking me, pumping me, bringing me to heights I’d never known before. But just as the fevered
heat inside of me began to reach its boiling point, there was a loud knock on the bathroom door

and a warning from the parental that I was going to be late if I didn’t “put a move on it.”

Friggin crap!

Needless to say, I toweled myself off sorely disappointed and more frustrated than ever.

By the time I got to school, I was so flustered that I slipped and fell on my ass in the parking lot.
Thankfully, Edward wasn’t there yet to see me make a complete idiot of myself. Unfortunately,

however, Mike was there to witness my fall.

“Hey, you,” he crooned as he jogged over to my side and helped me up before running a hand

through his freakishly, spiked hair. Nothing at all like Edward’s beautiful mess.

“Hey,” I mumbled back, not really in the mood for Mike this early in the morning.

He slid a clammy finger beneath my chin and tilted my head up, forcing me to look, not into the
liquid butterscotch eyes I wanted most to see, but into his boring blue ones. When we first met, I
had thought he was cute. Of course, that was before I’d laid my eyes on Edward. Edward was

perfection. Mike was... well... not.

“Everything okay?” he asked, his voice laced with concern.

I sighed. “Yeah. I just...” really want Edward inside me right now. “I’m tired.”

“You sure? Sure I can’t help you with... anything?”

All the air was sucked out of my lungs, and my cheeks likely flushed crimson. Was I just overly
horny or was he suggesting...

Before I had time to form a response, I caught a glimpse of pale flesh out of the corner of my eye.



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I smiled involuntarily like the lovesick puppy that I was, ignored Mike, and headed off to first
period and... Edward. We had almost every class together, and if you asked me, it wasn’t enough.

Throughout the morning, I ignored the incessant droning of Mr. Varner and shamelessly stared at
Edward’s god-like form, picturing the deliciously defined muscles hidden beneath his shirt and the
happy trail that led to the gloriousness encased below in his jeans. He caught me ogling his crotch

several times, but other than furrowing his brow and clenching his jaw, said nothing.

Such a gentleman.

God, how I wanted him.

But no matter how many times I “accidentally” brushed my arm up against his or licked my lips

seductively or arched my back or shook my ass in his direction, he ignored me.

He was driving me insane.

By the end of fourth period–the one class I didn’t share with Edward–I couldn’t take it anymore. My
panties were soaked completely through, and my body was literally trembling from being in a

constant state of arousal.

I need release, and I need it now!

As soon as the bell rang for lunch, I sprinted out of the classroom and searched the crowded quad
area outside frantically. My heart thundered in my chest as our eyes locked across the throng of

students. The bastard smirked at me as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

Ha! Like he could read my mind.

Of course, it didn’t take a mind reader to figure out exactly what my body was practically begging


He cocked an eyebrow, questioning me silently.

I nodded in response, breathing so heavy I was worried I’d pass out before he even touched me.

We darted as inconspicuously as possible toward the science building and into our old Biology
classroom, which was, thankfully, currently dark and empty. As soon as the door was securely
locked, he turned and flashed a predatory grin, stalking toward me like a hungry lion ready to

devour its prey.

“It’s been too long,” he murmured as his eyes slowly raked up and down my throbbing body. I

swallowed loudly and nodded in agreement.

He slid his hands around my waist then glided them down to squeeze my ass, lifting me up onto
one of the cold, hard lab tables. He lowered his head to my neck and nuzzled my throat with his

nose, inhaling deeply, before trailing his lips across my skin.

“I’ve been imagining this all day. I can’t wait to be inside you,” he whispered before nibbling on my


I shivered with delight at his husky tone and grabbed his hair, pulling his head forcefully to mine.
Our lips crashed together, sending a pleasurable wave of sensation that rippled all the way from

the top of my head to the soles of my feet before climbing back up and settling between my legs.

He groaned, parting his lips, and I took the opportunity to plunge my tongue inside his mouth,
swirling and sliding it against his. His hands were suddenly everywhere at once–groping my

breasts, caressing my thighs, sliding along the curves of my hips beneath my skirt.

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It wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. I needed more.

More... Please...

He must have sensed the same urgency because I soon felt my lacy panties being violently ripped

off my body as his hand slithered toward the spot where I ached the most.

I gasped in surprise when, without warning, his fingers thrust deep inside of me.


This was exactly where my dream had been so cruelly cut off, though the details were definitely
much different than they were now. I moaned at the overpowering sensations that were swirling all

over and inside my body.

“I need you, baby,” I panted as he nipped and licked his way along my throat.

His lips curled into a wicked smirk as he withdrew his fingers and gripped my hips roughly in his
hands, pulling my pelvis flush against his, grinding his rock-hard erection against me, letting me

feel that he needed release just as badly as I did.

I barely had the chance to blink before he tore his shirt, jeans and boxers off.

Excited much?

I grinned as my eyes took in his... enthusiasm... and I followed suit in a rush, discarding my

clothes in a haphazard pile onto the floor below.

“Fuck, I want you,” he grunted as he grabbed hold of my body again.

I scooted myself as close to him as I possibly could and whimpered, “Please.”

A shock of unbelievable pleasure shot through me as he thrust into my core in one quick, powerful


We both cried out from the sensation of him filling me, and I was pretty sure I saw his eyes roll

into the back of his head.

“Damn,” he whispered breathlessly as he held painfully still for a moment before lowering his head

to my shoulder, mumbling incoherently.

I heard words fall from his lips like “tight” and “hot”, but all I could focus on was the overwhelming

feeling of him sheathed completely inside of me.

He eventually began moving his hips against mine, slowly at first, but then gradually building into a

steady rhythm of pumping himself in and out, in and out.

I slid my legs up his bare thighs, locked them tightly around his waist, and raked my fingernails

across his back, eliciting a hiss of pleasure from him.

His lips attacked my chest hungrily, latching onto one of my breasts and sucking it roughly inside
of his mouth. I wondered briefly if he was going to sink his teeth into my flesh, and the very

thought of that only turned me on even more.

He kneaded my other breast with his hand, rolling and pinching the hardened peak between his
fingers. His other hand grabbed onto my ass, rocking my pelvis harder and faster against his as

our pace quickened into a near frenzy.

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I closed my eyes and threw my head back as the sound of my moans, his groans, and our mutual
pants filled the air in the dark, empty classroom.

Even though my eyes were shut as tight as possible, I could see nothing but soft bronze hair,
smoldering topaz eyes and that sexy as hell crooked grin.

That image alone sent me exploding over the edge as I felt the most intense, most powerful
orgasm of my life rocket through my body.

“Edward!” I screamed, digging my nails harshly into his back.

He thrust his hips wildly against mine, his climax ripping through him within seconds. “Bella,” he

moaned, long and loud.

At that moment... maybe it was because we were both coming down from the high of our

respective orgasms...

Or maybe it was because we finally opened our eyes and looked at each other’s faces...

Or maybe it was because we realized what the other person had said in our moment of ecstasy...

Regardless, at that moment, we both stared at each other in complete and utter shock.

“Uh...” he stammered, panting heavily as he slid out of me and backed away, completely


I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I just grabbed my clothes with trembling hands and tried not
to think about how mortified I felt or the fact that my favorite panties were now in pieces.

We both dressed as quickly and as silently as possible, neither one of us so much as uttering a
word, looking anywhere and everywhere but at each other.

We reached the door in uncomfortable silence, and just as we stepped outside, Edward and Bella
walked right past us, hand in fucking hand.

Just perfect.

Bella, annoying as she was, didn’t even notice us. She was too busy blushing like a stupid idiot and

smiling at her inhumanly gorgeous boyfriend that she didn’t deserve.


Edward, however, gaped at us, completely horrified, as if he somehow knew exactly what we’d

been doing.

Oh, how I wish it was him I’d been doing.

He quickly ushered Bella away toward the cafeteria like we had some sort of disease.

Ha! As if. That cream made the rash go away weeks ago.

Alice, who had been following silently behind them, stopped and turned to us, flashing us a
knowing smirk. “Hello, Jessica... Mike... what have you two been up to?”

Instead of answering, I left Mike to deal with the annoying little short person and made a beeline
for the bathroom to throw up the contents of my churning stomach.

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Yes, it’s definitely official; Monday’s suck ass.


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