Talk Through It by Wishimight

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Talk Through It by Wishimight

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


Edward talks Bella through her change into a vampire with surprising results. Inspired by the Dirty
Talking Edward contest. One shot. Rated M for lemony, sexy DTE fun.

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“I‟m sorry, love. I‟m so, so sorry.”

I stroked my lovely wife‟s long, brown hair out of her face as she writhed on the bed beside me in

the worst possible pain imaginable.

I would know; I‟ve endured it myself.

Granted, it‟s been ninety years, but thanks to my keen vampire memories, I can remember with
utmost clarity the fiery, all-consuming pain that wracked my body as Carlisle‟s venom flowed

through my veins, changing me into the vampire I am today.

“It‟s okay, sweetheart. It‟ll all be over soon.”

I hated to see Bella in this much agony. Watching her was pure torture.

I would gladly take her place a thousand times over than to witness her beautiful face contort with
each lick of the fire that roared throughout her insides, hearing each scream that fell from her

perfect lips.

How could I do this to her? To my angel?

I truly was a monster.

“I love you, Bella. With all of my being, I love you.”

Despite my inhuman strength, I felt incredibly weak, though I knew I had to be strong for her.

My Bella needed me to be strong for her.

“We‟ll share eternity together, love... you and I... forever.”

I cradled my reason for existence in my arms, clutching her lithe, trembling body to my chest as
she let out yet another agonized wail and grasped hold of my shirt, trying to pull herself even

tighter against me.

“It‟s all right. I‟m here, Bella.”

She whimpered and shook in my embrace as she continued to scream with all of her might.

It had been two and a half days already. Sixty hours of pure hell as I watched my one and only

love being burned alive from the inside out.

I knew the end was in sight, still that didn‟t help lessen her anguish or my torment. I wished, even
prayed that there was something I could do that could help her. Anything that would help dull her


But despite my many loving comments, nothing seemed to soothe her. She continued to squirm

and writhe in my grasp, all the while crying out for relief.

Bella arched her back and let out her loudest scream yet.

I couldn‟t take it anymore.

“Fuck!” I yelled in frustration, then immediately regretted my indecent outburst.

I had never cursed in front of Bella. It simply wasn‟t befitting a gentleman.

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I noticed that in the wake of my swearing, Bella had frozen.

Wonderful. I’ve terrified my angel.

“I‟m sorry, sweetheart. I just... seeing you suffering is unbearable,” I groaned.

“Edward,” she gasped suddenly, shutting her eyes tightly against the onslaught of the fiery hell she

was enduring. “Please!”

“Anything, sweetheart. What do you want? Do you want me to sing your lullaby again?”

I had already sung it at least five hundred times since I'd sunk my teeth into the soft flesh in the
crook of her neck, but I would happily sing it a thousand times more if it would bring her any

semblance of relief.

She shook her head and dug her fingernails into my arms. Her strength had increased

exponentially, but it still wasn‟t enough to hurt me.

She let out another agonized scream. That alone caused me greater pain than anything that

anyone–mortal or immortal–could ever inflict upon me.

I felt so helpless.

“It‟s almost over, love. You... won‟t be... breakable anymore,” I choked out through my own

tearless sobs. “You and I... we can finally... truly... be together.”

Bella continued to tremble in my arms, but she wasn‟t thrashing about nearly as much as before.
“How?” Her breathing was severely labored, but she managed to whimper, “Tell me.”

What did she mean by that? Surely she had to know my meaning.

“Uh... you know... we won‟t have to worry about my... self control.”

Bella‟s cries stopped. Though her body was still tense and trembling, eyes still shut up tight, she

cocked her head slightly to the side, as if to listen. “Yes... more, Edward... please,” she pleaded.

It was so soft, I didn‟t think I heard her correctly. If it wasn‟t for my supernatural sense of hearing,

certainly I wouldn‟t have heard her request.

She wanted more. More of what? What did she want? Why couldn‟t I read her mind?

Certainly, she didn‟t want me to actually spell it out into words.

Did she?

“Well... love...” I swallowed the venom that had pooled in my mouth.

Did she really want to hear this?

While we‟d been... intimate... several times on Isle Esme, we‟d never... Bella and I had never... we

didn‟t actually ever... discuss in exact words...

She began to shake violently as her grip on my arms intensified. I clutched her to me as close as

possible and pressed my lips against her forehead.

I knew the worst of her pain was still yet to come. I closed my eyes tightly, willing for it to be over


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“Tell me, Edward!” she yelled, her voice hoarse from screaming. “What... are we going... to do?”

She cried out as she writhed in my arms again, her increasing strength nearly causing me to lose

my hold on her.

“Fuck!” I cursed myself only to cringe at my carelessness yet again. I hoped she would forgive me

for another momentary lapse in composure.

At once, Bella stilled her movements. “Yes! Edward... tell me...”

For once in my existence, I was speechless.

Surely my beautiful, sweet, innocent wife wasn‟t asking me to...

“Tell me... Edward," she panted through clenched teeth. "Tell me how you‟re going to... fuck me!”

She gasped.

My gasp mirrored hers as my eyes widened in utter shock.

Dear God.

Though I didn't require it, my breathing picked up in both speed and intensity. “Um...”

I looked toward the bedroom door, which was currently closed.

Was our family still hunting or had they returned?

For a fraction of a second it felt like my frozen heart had literally thundered to life beneath my

pale, white chest.

“Tell me, Edward!” she screamed, whimpering in my arms.

Anything for her.

“You won‟t be as fragile anymore love, so...” I swallowed loudly. “I can... pound... into you?” I said

a little timidly though it came out as more of a question.

The tension in her jaw relaxed ever so slightly as the corner of her mouth rose into a tight smile.

“Yes,” she whispered. “More.”


This was what she wanted?


I tried to recall all of the many vulgar and „naughty thoughts‟ I‟d heard through the various minds
I‟d read over the years. Even, God forbid, the things I‟d overheard my own family members say to

their mates.

I decided to go with one that Emmett used on more than one occasion. One that usually ended
with Rosalie screaming in pleasure and me running out of the house at top speed, finally unable to

bear the nauseating, animalistic noises any longer.

I swallowed another mouthful of venom, though I sounded more like a pathetic human gulping.

I drew in a deep, unecessary breath.

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Here goes nothing.

“I want to thrust my cock deep inside you, Bella... I want to bury myself so far into you that I‟ll

never want to leave.”

Her body stiffened and went completely rigid as soon as the words left my mouth.

I glanced down at her in panic.

Too much?

What must she think of me now?

She bit her lip and whispered softly, “More Edward.”


This was certainly a new side of Bella.

Then again, her reactions had never failed to surprise me.

Could her fantasies actually be the same as... my fantasies? The very thought was immensely


I found myself smiling for the first time in days.

“Bella, I want to fuck you so hard, we break the furniture.”

She let out the tiniest of moans as her body trembled. "Mmmm. Yes."

Her response lit a fire of its own deep within my very being.

I knew I shouldn‟t give in to my lust for her like this while she was in agony, but she had always

been such a temptation to me... in more ways than one.

I couldn‟t help myself. I didn't have enough self control to resist her when she made those kinds of


My breathing began to slowly match hers, labored and heavy.

I noticed that her delicious scent that made me crave her precious lifeblood was nearly gone,
replaced with venom... and an even more mouth-watering aroma. One I‟d only had teasers of


“Fuck Bella!” I inhaled deeply, and my eyes very nearly rolled into the back of my head. “Damn,
you smell so good. You wouldn‟t believe how badly I‟ve wanted to taste you. To have my mouth
finally on your dripping core, my tongue lapping up your sweet, intoxicating juices.” Something I‟d

only fantasized about doing.

I felt my arousal straining against the jeans I wore. Being careful not to hurt her, I pressed and

lightly rubbed her body up and down against my hardness.

“Do you feel that, Bella?" I groaned at the friction our bodies created."Do you feel how badly I

want to be inside of you, fucking you senseless until you get too tired to go on?”

Her breath hitched, and her eyes flashed open, instantly locking with mine. There was no fear, no

unease, no confusion to be found in there.

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No. Her gaze contained nothing but pure lust.

My mouth turned up into a lazy, crooked grin as I leaned in closer until my lips were against her

ear and whispered, “Of course, love... you won‟t ever get tired anymore.”

I pulled my head away to see her reaction. Her jaw dropped, and she just stared at me with wide


I smirked and lowered my voice. “That‟s right, Isabella. I‟m going to have my wicked way with you

forever... every single day of forever.”

With that, she moaned and arched her back, though it seemed to have little to do with being in


Suddenly, her heart rate picked up speed, and I knew she was only seconds away from the end, or

rather, the beginning of her life.


I continued to distract her from her, no doubt, intensifying pain. “I want to thrust into you so hard

and so fast... and you know I am known for my speed, love.”

She gripped me even tighter as she moaned. Hey eyes shut tight while her heart thudded loudly in

her chest.

“I want us to come together, Bella... to scream so loudly that we shatter all the fucking windows.”

She whimpered once before her heart went silent.

Her body fell limp in my arms.


The wait was over.

I relaxed my overly tensed muscles, trying in vain to forget about how aroused I was as I brushed

my lips lovingly against her forehead.

She had made it through the agonizing change. For me. I had to concentrate on her needs right

now. She would likely be a little disoriented, and most definitely, unbearably thirsty.

I breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, “Welcome home, love.”

Her newly crimson eyes flashed open and stared into my topaz ones. I moved a hand up to

tenderly caress the marble skin of her face.

“I love you, Bella.”

She practically melted into my embrace and placed her palm against my cheek. “I love you,
Edward... forever.”

I closed my eyes and leaned my face against her hand.


We would have our forever.

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I was finally complete.

This was heaven.

It just couldn't get any better than this.

Without warning, I felt the fabric of my shirt suddenly being ripped from my body.

I opened my eyes in shock.

Bella jumped off my lap, flashed me a wicked grin then tore off my jeans as well, tossing the

scraps of denim onto the floor.

Holy. Hell.

I felt myself twitch against the fabric of my boxers.

I narrowed my eyes at her and pursed my lips, moving at an inhuman speed until I was pressed

flush up against her, gripping her wrists in my hands.

“I liked that shirt, love,” I said forcefully before attacking her mouth with mine.

I heard her gasp in surprise, and I took the opportunity to dip my tongue into her mouth.

We both moaned at the contact of our tongues sliding together for the first time, neither of us
having ever experienced this type of kissing before. It had been too dangerous for her before. That

was then.

I grabbed the dress my sister had changed Bella into, before she and the entire family had left to
go hunting, and ripped the offensive fabric away so that I could have access to her smooth, silky


Sorry Alice.

“So beautiful,” I murmured at the sight of my sweetheart bare before me.

My mouth was everywhere at once: Smothering her lips, caressing her neck, suckling her breasts.

Absolute perfection.

Bella pouted then sucked her lower lip in between her teeth. “I‟m hungry, Edward,” she



Some husband I was.

Her throat was probably on fire, and here I was all hot and horny, trying to ravish her just

moments after her change.

I dropped my hands and lowered my head, too ashamed of myself to even look at her.

I gazed down at our shredded clothes on the floor. Guess I should pick out some new outfits for us

before I make an even bigger ass out of myself.

I turned away from her and headed toward the closet. “I‟m so sorry, Bella. I just got a little..." I

closed my eyes, disgusted by my appaling behavior. "Of course, you need to hunt. I...”

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But I didn‟t have time to finish my apology because I found myself suddenly flying backwards
through the air.

I landed on my back in the middle of the bed with a thud.

My head shot up, and I locked eyes with Bella, a triumphant grin on her face.

She lowered into a hunting crouch, smirked then pounced on me, shredding my boxers in seconds

with her razor sharp teeth.


She eyed my erection that now stood at full attention and dragged her tongue eagerly across her


“I‟m hungry for you, Edward,” she purred in a husky voice.

Fuck. Me.

I gulped and swallowed the venom that had once again gathered in my mouth.

She’s not going to... is she?

Before I had time to finish my thought, her tongue darted out and licked my shaft completely from

base to tip.

Hell yes!

Guess that answers that question.

I groaned loudly at the contact of her warm, wet tongue on me.

This was most assuredly something we hadn‟t done on Isle Esme.

She winked at me then took me fully into her mouth.

Oh, dear God.

I wasn‟t prepared for the onslaught of feelings her action brought about in me.

“Holy fuck, Bella!” My eyes definitely rolled back into my head this time.

She continued stroking me with her tongue as her mouth tightened its hold on me.

I wove my hands through her silky hair that was brushing against my thighs and moved with her
as her head bobbed up and down over my length. Her hands grazed over what she couldn't fit
inside her mouth.

I was losing it.

“Oh God, that feels so good!”

I felt like I was floating.

This "renovated" Bella was definitely my new brand of heroin.

I moaned loudly and cried out her name as I exploded inside of her mouth.

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I lay there and stared at the ceiling in a daze as she continued to lick me, her movements slowing
and eventually stopping.

She crawled her way up my body until we were face to face.

I probably had the most idiotic grin plastered onto my face; I didn‟t care.

I couldn‟t speak. There were no words in any language in the history of time to express what I

wanted to tell her.

Instead I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her face closer, inwardly doing cartwheels that

my days of self control were over.

I crushed my lips fiercely against hers for a heated kiss, letting my tongue explore her mouth


She tilted her head to the side out of habit to take an unnecessary breath, and I trailed my lips

against her jaw and down her neck.

But there was somewhere else I wanted my mouth to be.

With inhuman speed, I flipped us over, so that she was beneath me, and gave her another one of

my crooked grins. “Well now, I think it‟s only fair, love.”

I licked my lips hungrily and inched my way down her torso, stopping every so often for a taste of

her tantalizing flesh.

Her breasts, her navel, her fucking hips.

All mine.


I gripped her navy blue panties with my thumbs and slowly pulled them down her legs.

She whimpered at my slow pace, causing me to chuckle.

“I‟m keeping these,” I said as I tossed her undies onto my dresser.

She lifted her head and stared at me, arching an eyebrow. "Oh, really."

I nodded. “They‟re mine now. Just like this...” I bent down and pressed my lips firmly against her

center. “Mine,” I growled into her flesh.

She shivered and arched her back. "Edward..."

Pleasure shot through me at the sound of her breathy voice as I stroked my tongue against her


We both moaned–her from the contact, me from the taste.

“Damn, Bella, you taste even better than I thought possible.”

I had to have more.

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I plunged my tongue deep into her wetness, exploring every single delectable inch of her. Nothing–
not even her blood that I sucked out of her wrist after James had attacked her–ever tasted so


I was like a starving man at a buffet; I would never be able to get enough.

I latched my mouth onto her bundle of nerves and thrust a finger inside of her.

She let out a loud moan and bucked her hips against my face.

I slid my free hand gently but firmly onto her taut stomach to keep her steady as I plunged

another finger inside her cool, yet overheated core.

I tilted my head slightly, watching her eyes shut tightly, lips parted, as my mouth and fingers

continued to stroke and move against her, inside her.

"Don't stop!" she gasped. "Don't ever stop."

I could feel her walls beginning to clench.

She was writhing around on the bed, moaning and whimpering and shivering.

It was the most beautiful sight in the world.

“Edward!” she cried out, arching her back as I felt every muscle in her body tighten momentarily

then suddenly release.

I licked up every single drop, even the slick wetness that coated my fingers, not letting any

essence of Bella go to waste.

“Mmm. So fucking delicious,” I murmured as I kissed her tender flesh once more before crawling

back up her body.

Her eyes opened to gaze into mine as her breathing slowed, body lightly trembling.

“Edward... that was... oh God.”

I lowered my head and took one of her breasts into my mouth, flicking the hardened tip with my
tongue. She closed her eyes, moaned and arched her back. I fondled the other mound with my

hand, before releasing them to stare up at her.

“I‟m not done with you, Bella,” I said with a growl as I positioned my hips between her legs.

She opened her astonished eyes to meet my gaze.

I smirked at her and pressed myself against her. “If you think breaking the headboard at Isle Esme
was something, you haven‟t seen anything yet.”

With that, her eyes widened even further, and her jaw practically hit the floor.

I flashed her a mischievous grin then quickly, without warning, slammed my cock into her.

We both moaned loudly.

“Ungh! You‟re so fucking tight!” I gasped.

It took every ounce of self control I had left to still my movements until she looked back at me.

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She lazily smiled and panted, “More, Edward... please... please.”

Her begging sent a shock of electricity all the way down to my toes. “Anything for you, love.”

I pulled back out momentarily only to thrust into her again, even harder this time.

“Ahhh! Yes, ummmm, Edward!”

I slid out slowly then rammed her again. Then again. And again.

She hiked her legs up and locked them around my waist as we found our rhythm.

It was like I had found paradise; I never wanted to leave.

She lifted her hips and matched mine thrust for thrust.

“Dammit, Bella... you feel so... fuck... so, ungh... good... so damn good!”

She threw her head back into the pillow and gasped, “Faster, Edward!”

I picked up the pace and continued to thrust my hips wildly against hers.

Our cries of passion mixed with moans of pleasure filled the air. The noise was almost deafening. It
felt like we were flying.

I would've been blissfully happy to remain in this bed for the rest of eternity.

“I want you to scream my name, Bella,” I half growled, half grunted.

She groaned and dug her nails into my back.

“Fuck!” I shouted. Her newborn strength was definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Our bodies writhed as one as we held each other as close as possible, moving together faster...

thrusting harder.

For the first time, the restraint was finally gone. We were equals at last.

“I want you to... fuck... come Bella... come undone.”

I pressed my mouth against the soft spot of her neck where I‟d bitten her less than three days ago,

and sucked. Hard.

“Now!” I growled against her flesh.

“Edward!” she screamed as the earth shook. I felt her walls clamp around me and her body

tremble beneath mine.

I gasped at the overwhelming sensation and thrust into her one... two... three more times before
everything within me grew tighter and tighter until I couldn‟t possibly take it anymore, and felt the

most amazing, most powerful release as Bella‟s name fell from my lips repeatedly, as if in a chant.

I collapsed onto her, both of our chests heaving together, up and down.

I tried to roll off of her, but she tightened her arms and legs around me and held me against her


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“Oh, Edward,” she panted. “That was...”

“Fucking phenomenal,” I finished, grinning into her neck.

She let out a giggle. “Yeah... wow.”

I rolled over off of her, onto my back, and pulled her against my chest, relishing the feeling of her

naked body still entwined with mine.

I hadn't thought this level of bliss even existed.

She was mine now in all possible ways... forever.

“Bella, don‟t take this the wrong way, love." I closed my eyes and brushed my lips tenderly against
the top of her head. "These past several months with you have been unbelievable, but... holy fuck!

Why didn‟t I change you at the end of the first book?”

“So, we‟ll never get tired...” Bella said, trailing off suggestively at the end.

I shook my head and grinned. “Nope.”

“Mmm. I think I like the sound of that,” she said, snuggling in even closer against my chest.

I stroked the soft, bare skin of her back then suddenly remembered we were supposed to be doing

something else... something vitally important.

I sighed.


I was such a terrible husband.

“Sweetheart, you should hunt.”

She lifted her head and looked into my eyes.

I smiled softly. “I don‟t want you to be in any pain, love.”

She bit her lip, no doubt frightened at everything that “hunt” implied, and nodded slowly. She

peeled herself off of me and went to stand.

“Oops,” she giggled as she looked around.

I sat up to see what had her so amused.

Oops was right.

The mattress was completely on the floor; we had thoroughly ripped the bed from the four posts.

The headboard was practically disintegrated into a pile of dust by the pillows. And the wall had

several gouges in it, one that went all the way through to the room next door.

There were also glass shards scattered about the floor. While, we hadn‟t shattered all the windows,

we did manage to take care of one.

So that’s what all that noise was.

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“Er, I guess we need a new bed... and a window?”

We laughed and kissed and hurried to get dressed then walked down the stairs at human speed,

hand in hand.

As we stepped into the living room, we were met with the silent, open-mouthed stares of six



Bella and I froze.

She buried her face into my shoulder and muttered, "Crap." If she were still human, her cheeks

would have been tomato red.

“Hey,” I said, my voice a little shaky as I looked out at the astonished faces of our family.

I ran my fingers through my, no doubt, serious case of sex hair. “Um, how long have you all been


Nobody said anything.

Even their thoughts were blank.

They just continued to stare at us in what I can only imagine was complete and utter shock.

“Oh. My. God,” Alice whispered, breaking the silence. Will bleach work on a vampire’s ears?

Perhaps now would be a good time to fix up that cottage in the woods, Esme wondered, averting

her eyes.

Emmett smirked and shook his head. “Man, it‟s always the quiet ones...”


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