albus A6 2007

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PAMIÊTAJ!!! Ostateczne rozwi¹zania zaznacz na karcie odpowiedzi.





13. Jennifer speaks Spanish fluently, so she ………….. work as an interpreter.

a) should

b) must

c) has to

d) can


/ROK 2007/



1. Which question is correct?


A: She's looking for her gold ring.


a) For what she is looking?

b) What for is she looking?

c) What does she look for?

d) What is she looking for?

2. If you go to a stationer's, you can buy ………………… .

a) a bottle of wine

b) some bread

c) a bunch of flowers

d) a good pen

3. Which words describes people's appearance?

a) A; D; H; J

b) A; B; D; F

c) C; E; F; G

d) B; D; G; J

A. attractive

B. stubborn

C. shy

D. pretty

E. jealous

F. moody

G. helpful

H. slim

J. long-haired

4. We ……………… hire videos. We don't like going to the cinema.

a) seldom

b) often

c) every day

d) on Saturdays

5. Do the crossword puzzle “irregular verbs” and find the solution.

a) kupowaæ

b) stawaæ siê

c) nauczaæ

d) uczyæ siê

Has³em krzy¿ówki jest forma przesz³a czasownika, który znaczy ...................

Put past forms of the verbs:
1) steal
2) catch
3) burn
4) begin
5) choose
6) stand







6. What nationality is your penfriend?

a) He's Greece.

b) He's Greek.

c) He's from Greek.

d) He's Greekish.

7. Whose dog is this?

a) My neighbours

b) Carols

c) Her

d) Mine

8. Bob (1) ………. his ankle while he (2) …………….football after school yesterday.

a) (1) sprained; (2) played

b) (1) sprained; (2) was playing

c) (1) was spraining; (2) was playing

d) (1) was spraining; (2) played

9. Andy is a very good dancer. He can dance all Latin American dances very ………… .

a) well

b) good

c) beautiful

d) perfect

10. You …………. raise your hand if you want to say something. It's the school rule.

a) shouldn't

b) mustn't

c) should

d) can't

11. Look at that girl! She ……………….. a lovely hat.

a) is having

b) has

c) haves

d) is got

12. My sister's got a very long …………… .

a) hair

b) feet

c) neck

d) thumbs

14. Be quiet! Mum (1) ………….. her favourite serial. She (2) ………….. it every Thursday afternoon.

a) (1) is watching; (2) watches

b) (1) was watching; (2) watched

c) (1) is looking; (2) looks

d) (1) looks; (2) is watching

background image

© Centrum Edukacji Szkolnej 2007

26. Yesterday, after breakfast, Sarah ................................. .

a) was diving at the coral reef

c) was splashed with water

b) was watching people in the street

d) was laughing at the bus stop

15. …………………… starving. Can I have a sandwich, please?

a) I've got

c) I am

b) I'm not

d) It's very

Sarah is having a good time on holiday in Jamaica. At the moment she's sitting on the hotel balcony. She is

drinking mango juice and eating nuts.

She arrived in Kingston a week ago. Every day she (1) ………… to the seaside to dive at the coral reef. In the

evenings she likes sitting in the street café and watching people passing by. She usually has ice cream and coke there.
Yesterday Sarah had her morning coffee and eggs in the hotel and went to the bus stop to go diving. While she
(2) ………… for the bus, it (3) ………… to rain heavily and quickly the street was full of water. Suddenly a car passed her
at full speed and a lot of water splashed her. People at the bus stop were laughing, but Sarah had to come back to the
hotel and it was too late for diving.

24. Fill the gaps in the text.

a) (1) is going; (2) was waiting; (3) started

c) (1) went; (2) is waiting, (3) start

b) (1) goes; (2) waited; (3) was starting

d) (1) goes; (2) was waiting; (3) started

25. Sarah is just having ……………….. .





16. Put the sweater (1) ………… now. If it is hot, take it (2) ………. .

a) (1) -; (2) out

c) (1) over; (2) away

b) (1) on; (2) off

d) (1) up; (2) down

17. Luke often gets (1) ……………. school (2) …………… bike.

a) (1) for; (2) on

c) (1) at; (2) of

b) (1) to; (2) by

d) (1) in; (2) bye

18. My best friend and I …………….. chess every Friday afternoon.

a) plays

c) am playing

b) are playing

d) play

19. If you want to borrow a book you should go to …………………… .

a) a bookshop

c) the cinema

b) a video rental shop

d) the library

20. ………………. can fly an aeroplane without special training.

a) Nobody

c) Everybody

b) Somebody

d) Someone

21. In the London Zoo tourists can admire:

There aren't any ………………. in the London Zoo.

a) elks

c) hippos

b) pandas

d) crocodiles

22. I ………….. my mother to prepare for the party tomorrow afternoon.

a) am having

c) have to help

b) help

d) have to helping

23. My mum wants me to eat only healthy food. She gives me a lot of fruit and vegetables to eat. She gives


She doesn't give me .............. because I don't like them.

a) cucumbers

c) radishes

b) cauliflowers

d) beets


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