MIX A6 2007

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II. Communication activity and vocabulary check

5. This beautiful scarf …………….. two pounds seventy-five.

a) is

c) cost

b) was

d) costs

8. My sister always has (1) …………. cheese for (2) …………… breakfast.

a) (1) a; (2) the

c) (1) some; (2) -

b) (1) -; (2) -

d) (1) any; (2) a

I. Grammar part

1. Two (1) …….. and four (2) ……….are sitting under the bridge.

a) (1) mouses; (2) gooses

c) (1) mice; (2) geese

b) (1) mice; (2) gooses

d) (1) mouses; (2) geeses

2. A: …………. did you get up so early yesterday morning?

B: Because I wanted to see the sunrise.

a) What

c) Why

b) When

d) Whose

3. Where ………… your best friend live?

a) is

c) do

b) does

d) has

4. Choose the correct sentence.

a) Every day Tom goes to school by bike, but he is never on time.

c) Tom goes every day to school by bike, but he comes never on time.

b) Every day Tom goes to school by bike, but he never is on time.

d) Tom goes to school by bike every day, but he never comes on time.

6. Can you help me ……………….. my English homework?

a) with

c) in

b) at

d) of

7. Where is Tina?

a) She watches TV in the living room.

c) She will go to the cinema with Jack.

b) She's doing the washing-up in the kitchen.

d) She's at school.

9. I bought (1) …………… beautiful postcards in Sydney, but I didn't spend (2) …………. money.

a) (1) a lot of; (2) many

c) (1) many; (2) much

b) (1) much; (2) much

d) (1) a lot of; (2) much

10. Betty is (1) ……………….. and (2) ………………. girl in our class.

a) (1) pretty; (2) intelligent

c) 1) the most pretty; (2) the most intelligent

b) (1) more pretty; (2) more intelligent

d) (1) the prettiest; (2) the most intelligent

11. Robert (1) ……………… to his favourite music (2) ……………… .

a) (1) listens; (2) every evening

c) (1) is listening; (2) now

b) (1) will listen; (2) next Sunday

d) (1) listened; (2) yesterday afternoon

13. Rozwi¹¿ krzy¿ówkê i odczytaj has³o.

Has³o znaczy po polsku:

a) tornister

c) temperówka

b) szatnia

d) pomieszczenie lekcyjne

12. A: I' m very thirsty.

B: ………………..

a) Have a drink.

b) It's your problem.

c) Would you like some water?

d) You should go to the supermarket.






















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Centrum Edukacji Szkolnej 2007

IV. General knowledge about English-speaking countries

23. Which country is the second largest in the world?

a) The USA

c) Australia

b) Canada

d) India

20. Choose true sentences.

a) London is the biggest city in the world.

c) There are a lot of double-decker buses in London.

b) London taxis are black.

d) No city had an underground earlier than


21. King Henry VIII built …………………………… .

a) the Tower of London

c) Buckingham Palace

b) beautiful gardens

d) Hampton Court


25. When you are in Australia you can visit …………………………… .

a) The Great Barrier Reef

c) The Sears Tower

d) The Sydney

Opera House

b) Ayers Rock

18. You can see famous wax models at ……………………… .

a) the British Museum

c) Madame Tussaud's

b) the Tate Gallery

d) the Natural

History Museum

19. Tourists can see the crown jewels in ……………………….. .

a) Buckingham Palace

c) the British Museum

b) Hampton Court

d) the Tower of


22. Tomasz Kuszczak plays as a goalkeeper for ………………… .

a) FC Liverpool

c) Manchester United

b) Chelsea London

d) Arsenal London

14. We live in Poland. We are ……………………. .

a) Polonian

c) Poles

b) Polish

d) Polandish

15. My new mobile phone ……………….. the old one.

a) isn't as attractive as

c) is much better than

b) is the most beautiful

d) has a bigger LCD display than

16. Jak grzecznie zapytasz o drogê do dworca autobusowego “Victoria” w Londynie?

a) Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Victoria Coach Station, please?

c) I don't know how to get to Victoria Coach Station.

b) I'd like to get to Victoria Coach Station, please.

d) Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Coach Station?

17. London was founded in ……………………… .

a) the first century

c) the seventeenth


b) the eleventh century

d) 1666

III. Reading comprehension

London, the capital city of the United Kingdom, has a population of about 7 million. It lies on the River Thames, where the Romans
landed 2 thousand years ago. From about 1800 until World War II, London was the biggest city in the world, but now there are many
cities which are much bigger. London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its historical buildings,
such as Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, and the Houses of Parliament, where you can see and hear the famous clock,
Big Ben. In the centre of the city there is beautiful St Paul's Cathedral, which was built after the Great Fire of London. It destroyed
the whole town in 1666. Most of tourists visit the Tower of London, the fortress, which was built in the 11 century by William the
Conqueror. Now you can see the famous crown jewels there. On the River Thames you can also see the famous king's Hampton
Court Palace with impressive gardens built by King Henry VIII. In London there are some world famous museums. The British
Museum was the first museum in the world. It opened in 1773. About 6 million visitors a year come there to admire pieces of ancient
Greek and Egyptian art and king's treasures. The Tate Gallery and the Natural History Museum also attract many tourists. Foreign
tourists love visiting Madame Tussaud's, a museum where you can see wax models of famous people from the past to the present
day. And of course they want to ride on the big wheel, the London Eye, next to the river, opposite the Houses of Parliament. Like
many big cities, London has problems with traffic and pollution. It has a fantastic underground system. The London Underground is
the oldest in the world and about 2,5 million people use these trains every day. But there are still too many cars on the streets, which
pollute the air and cause traffic jams. The city is famous for its black taxis and red double-decker buses. There are five large
beautiful parks in the city center. Perhaps Hyde Park is the most famous.

t h

III. Reading comprehension

24. Choose the names of British Prime Ministers.

a) Winston Churchill

c) Tony Blair

b) George Bush

d) Margaret


26. Lake District is the national park in …………………… .

a) the USA

c) the United Kingdom

d) Canada

b) Australia


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