MIX A5 2007

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PAMIÊTAJ!!! Ostateczne rozwi¹zania
zaznacz na karcie odpowiedzi.




I. Grammar part




1. Be quiet! Your little sister ………… .

a) sleeps

c) is sleeping

b) wants to sleep

d) sleeping

10. My mum has got (1) ………… egg and (2) ………… fruit in her basket.

a) (1) any; (2) a

c) (1) an; (2) any

d) (1) an; (2) some

b) (1) a; (2) some

II. Communication activity and vocabulary check

2. She ………………….. a new mountain bike.

a) has

c) has got

b) doesn't have

d) hasn't got

3. How ………………… sugar do you want to your coffee?

a) much

c) does

b) old

d) many

4. This is my brother. Look at (1) …………. . (2) ……………. hands are very dirty.

a) (1) he; (2) Him

c) (1) him; (2) His

b) (1) his; (2) Him

d) (1) he; (2) His

5. Tim is standing …………………. two girls.

a) behind

c) under

b) opposite

d) between

6. My dad ………………….. his car every Saturday.

a) is washing

c) isn't washing

b) wash

d) washes

7. Które liczebniki s¹ poprawne?

a) first, second, thirth, fourth, fifth

c) first, second, third, forth, fiveth

b) first, second, third, fourth, fifth

d) fists, second, third, forth, fifth

8. My teacher ………………. four foreign languages.

a) speaks

c) can speak

b) is speaking

d) can speaks

9. Jack can play the …………… .

a) football

c) table tennis

b) guitar

d) drums

11. Whose cat is this?

a) It's my.

c) It's mine.

d) It's ours.

b) It's Mary's.

12. A: How old are you?

B: ………………..

a) I'm past eleven.

c) I'm fine, thanks.

b) I'm twelve and a half.

d) I'm nearly eleven.

13. Uncle Jack is my …………………………. .

a) aunt's husband

c) father's brother

d) sister's husband

b) mother's brother

14. My mother has:

She doesn't have any .................................

a) bread

c) strawberries

b) bananas

d) pears




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Centrum Edukacji Szkolnej 2007

IV. General knowledge about English-speaking countries

23. People in England love eating ……………….. for lunch.

a) fish and chips

c) ice cream

b) meat or fish pie

d) chocolate cake

24. How is 26 December called in Britain?


a) New Year's Eve

c) Shrove Tuesday

d) Boxing Day

b) Christmas Day

III. Reading comprehension

Lions, leopards, tigers, cheetahs and jaguars are members of the 'big cat' family.

The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. It can run at more than 100 km/h, but only in a short distance up to
500 metres. It always hunts antelopes on open ground. It has long powerful legs and a small head. It has yellow fur with
black spots. The cheetah is different from other cats because it can't draw in its claws. It is in danger of extinction. Now
there are only about 4000 cheetahs and most of them live in Africa. They live in national parks in South Africa and

It can't draw in its claws -

danger of extinction -

nie potrafi chowaæ pazurów

niebezpieczeñstwo zag³ady

20. Wybierz prawdziwe zdania.

a) Cheetahs are the fastest animals on land.

c) All cheetahs live in Africa.

b) Cheetahs can run at 500 km/h.

d) Cheetahs hunt on open ground.

21. Cheetah's legs are …………………….. .

a) powerful

c) long

b) small

d) short

25. When you are in the USA you can see ………………………

a) Disney World

c) Buckingham Palace

d) Yellowstone

National Park

b) Golden Gate Bridge

26. ……………………… is the capital city of the USA.

a) New York

c) Washington

d) Chicago

b) Los Angeles

15. A: When does the spring begin?

B: It begins …………………. .

a) on the twenty-one of March

c) on the twentieth-first of March

b) on the twenty-third of March

d) in March

16. Rozwi¹¿ krzy¿ówkê i odczytaj has³o.







Has³em jest:

a) 7

c) 9

b) 8

d) 10

17. Where are the skis?

a) after the cupboard

c) behind the cupboard

b) on the cupboard

d) past the cupboard.

18. Which animals are members of the 'big cat' family?

a) antelope

c) jaguar

b) lion

d) cheetah

19. Now there are about ………….. cheetahs in the world.

a) five hundred

c) four thousand

b) a hundred

d) five

22. Trafalgar Square is in the centre of …………………. .

a) New York

c) London

b) Washington

d) San Francisco












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