MIX A6 2008

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PAMIÊTAJ!!! Ostateczne rozwi¹zania
zaznacz na karcie odpowiedzi.







I. Grammar part

1. …………………….. on my watch? I can't find it.

a) Are you looking

c) Do you see

b) Are you sitting

d) Can you sit

2. Do you …………….. every day?

a) swimming

c) swim

b) go swimming

d) like swimming

7. My birthday is on …………………………………… .

a) the eighteenth of February

c) February 18

b) 18 February

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d) eighteen February

3. I'm really good …………. using a computer.

a) at

c) of

b) in

d) about

5. We can't make a chocolate cake. We ……………. flour.

a) have no

d) don't have much

c) don't have a

b) don't have any

6. There are ………………………………………….. here.

d) two sheeps, three mouses and two fishes

c) two sheep, three mice and two fish

a) two sheeps, three mice and two fish

b) two sheep, three mice and two fishes

4. A:


…………… do you want to be an actor?

Because I want to be famous.

a) When

c) Which

b) What

d) Why

II. Communication activity and vocabulary check

10. What time is it?

a) It's fifty past ten.

c) It's ten fifty.

b) It's ten to eleven.

d) It's ten to ten.

The solution is ……………………… .

a) an European country

c) an European language

b) a boy's name

d) a capital city in Europe

8. He (1) ………………………. a book (2) ………………… .

a) (1) read; (2) yesterday

c) (1) is reading; (2) now

b) (1) reads; (2) every evening

d) (1) will read; (2) next week

9. How (1) …………..free time do you have? Do you have (2) …………………. money? Can we go to the

Hawaii Islands on holiday?

a) (1) much; (2) many

c) (1) much; (2) much

b) (1) many; (2) a lot of

d) (1) much; (2) many












11. Do the crossword and find the solution.





5. My father's sister is my ……….. .

A beautiful country in the north of Europe,
and skiers.
That cat isn't old, it's ……………… .



famous for fjords




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Centrum Edukacji Szkolnej 2008

IV. General knowledge about English-speaking countries

21. The Maoris were the native people in …………………………. .

a) Australia

c) New Zealand

b) Wales

d) the USA

17. The Canadians …………………………………….. .

a) love winter sports

c) enjoy having holiday in the nature

b) live mostly in the north part of the country

d) usually travel on dog sledges

12. A:

B: …………………………

I'm so sorry about the cup.

a) Not at all.

c) That's OK.

b) Don't worry about it.

d) Why did you do it?

24. English is the first language in ………………………….. .

a) Australia

d) Canada

b) New Zealand

c) The United Kingdom

d) Canada has a bigger population than Poland

b) Canada is larger than Europe.

16. Which sentence is true?

a) Some Inuits live in igloos.

c) English and French are the first languages in


d) Indians

18. The native peoples of Canada are the……………………………… .

a) British

c) Inuits

b) French

23. A dime is a coin of the United States worth …………………. .

a) 1 cent

c) 1 dollar

b) 10 cents

d) 10 dollars

13. A:



I'm twelve and a half.

a) How old have you got?

c) How old are you?

b) How old do you have?

d) What age you have?

d) He's Portuguese.

b) She comes from Greece. She's Greek.

14. What nationality is your new penfriend?

a) She is Greece.

c) He's Portugish.

d) not as happy as

b) as happy as

15. Jane is …………………….. Mary.

a) more happy than

c) happier than

III. Reading comprehension

Canada is a huge country. It is bigger than India, China or the USA and nearly as large as Europe, but it has a smaller

population than Poland. North part of Canada is very cold. Forests cover most of central part of the country and there are wild,
beautiful mountains in the west. Most Canadians live in the south, along the American border.

There is also a big population of the Inuits (native American Eskimos) in the north of the country. Their life is very difficult.

The winters are long and cold, the summers are short and cool. Some Inuits still live in small houses made from ice called igloos and
they travel on dog sledges.
The native peoples of Canada are Indians: Creeks, Mohawks, Iroquois and Sioux. Now, only 1% of population are Indians.

The first immigrants from Europe arrived in Canada in the 16 century. They were mainly from England and France, so now

people speak English and French there. The population of the country is about 32 million and most of people live in the towns. Not
many people live in the countryside but the Canadians have summer houses near lakes and rivers and enjoy having holidays there.

There are thirty-nine national parks and people love camping there.

The Canadians love winter sports. The most popular are skiing, skating and ice hockey.

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Adapted from: C. Skinner “New Friends” - Longman

19. Summers in the north of Canada are ……………………… .

a) short

c) hot

b) long

d) cool

20. The Inuits …………………………………………………. .

a) are the native people living in the north of Canada

c) number 1% of the population of Canada

b) sometimes build homes from ice

d) are also called the Eskimos

22. Artur Boruc plays for …………………………… as a goalkeeper.

a) Glasgow Rangers

c) Celtic Glasgow

b) Manchester United

d) Tottenham

25. You can visit Hollywood when you are in ………………………. .

a) Los Angeles

d) Canada

b) San Francisco

c) California

26. Thanksgiving Day is an American special day. It is ……………….. every year.

a) in December

d) on the fourth Thursday in November

b) on 26 December

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c) on the first Monday in October


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