Angielski porównanie czasów PAST

background image

Past Continuous

(czynność niedokonana, nieskończona w


Past Simple

(czynność skończona w przeszłości)

(+) I was working in this report all yesterday
They were reading the book yesterday.

(-) She wasn’t working here.
We weren’t selling this books yesterday.

(?) Yes/No
Was she working here?
No she wasn’t.
Yes, she was.

Why was she crying yesterday?
Because she had an argument with her boss.

(+) I bought a new car one week ego/last week.
I visited Spain last summer.

(-) She didn’t eat breakfast today.
She wasn’t at work yesterday.

(?) Yes/No
Did you finish it yesterday?
Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.
Were you at work yesterday?
Yes, I was.
No, I wasn’t.

Why did you quit the job?
Because I didn’t like my boss.
Because I didn’t earn much.

1) While I was doing the shopping I saw my old friend.
2) She was watching TV and her daughter was ironing her clothes.
3) I opened the door and turned on the light.


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2013 10 20 angielski (czasy Future S i Past S)

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