Astrid Cooper Vampire for Hire

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Sebastian—the vampire for hire who can rise to every
challenge and sink his fangs into any problem…

Sebastian de Seville is a vampire down on his luck. Once a
confidant of queens and a lover of kings, now he must work
as a vampire for hire at Monsters inK.

But the job opportunity brings him into conflict with his

human employer, the young and sexy Matthew Jackson.
Never work with children, animals or computers—this has
been Bas’s motto, because they are complications a vampire
does not need. Sebastian must battle his unnatural attraction
to a mere human whose easy charm and innocent eyes
conceal a man of rare and true passion, and whose past
hides a danger that could destroy them both.

Bas always rises to the challenge. What else can a vampire

do but solve a problem with a simple bite to the neck?
Except, simple seduction turns complicated…

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or
are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or
locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Vampire for Hire


2012 Astrid Cooper

ISBN: 978-1-77111-095-2

Cover art by Martine Jardin

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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Published by eXtasy Books

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Vampire for Hire


Astrid Cooper

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Dear Reader,

Like all my “monsters inK” stories, the setting is in
Australia. As I am an Australian writer, you may notice,
as you read, slight variations in grammar and spelling. I
have also included a short glossary of Australian words
at the end of this book.

I hope you enjoy your down under “monsters” visit!

Best wishes,
Astrid Cooper.

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Chapter One

ow far can a vampire sink?” Sebastian asked his cat.
“And I’m not talking about my fangs.”

The cat yawned, stretched, and snuggled into the bed. Gyng
was not a cat-shifter, just a plain old moggy who waltzed in
one day from the back lane and demanded food and a bed—
Bas’s king-size bed with the black velvet cover.

Bas eyed the cat. “Thanks for the input, Gyng. I’ll

remember this when you want your can of caviar.” The
former alley cat had quickly acquired expensive tastes.

Sebastian stared at the ‘Situations Vacant’ page. He, who

had once been a confidant of queens and a lover of kings,
was reduced to this—looking for paid work. It was enough
to make a vampire repudiate blood and turn to whiskey.

Exiled from the Vampire Sanctuary, left to fend for

himself and no place to call home and no lover to share his
nights or his passion, and with his fortune forfeited, his
home warded by wizards against his return—the idea of a
padded silk coffin to retreat to was suddenly more
appealing than his one bedroom flat.

His fangs itched. That usually indicated trouble. Well,

tomorrow was rent day and he hadn’t had a decent bite to
eat all week. What else could go wrong?

Sebastian ran his pointer-talon through the job

opportunities. He skipped the professional listings. He had
studied at many universities over four hundred years, but in
the twenty-first century there seemed to be little interest in


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the humanities doctorates he had acquired. Humans wanted
IT personnel, or doctors, or lawyers. Even if he was IT
qualified, his vampire aura scrambled circuitry, so he had
never worked with machines. Sometimes even the damn
toaster spewed sparks. Two electronic can openers had
exploded last week when he was opening Gyng’s caviar. The
only thing that had so far worked without incident was the
espresso machine.

An internet search for work was out of the question. Even

if he could operate a computer, he was not in the mood to
coddle a machine that made human lives a misery. And a
living hell for vampires. So, Google was out.

He glanced out of the window. The moon hung low in the

sky. He scented the air. Dawn was near. Perhaps he should
move on and try his luck in another city? He’d said that last
year when he was in Sydney. Now, he was in Adelaide,
South Australia. The City of Churches. An irony for a
vampire who stayed away from all things religious.

He frowned at the jobs on offer. A motley selection of


‘Small party business looking for individual entertainer

with magic, flair and poise. Willing to work nights.’

Nights were his speciality. He was not a morning vamp.
As for magic, he could juggle the ether, which wasn’t the

same as a wizard’s magic, but he could do enough to
convince a human and glamour himself and do small
conjurings to survive. But that was before the Ban placed
upon him. The Ban meant that if he used any vampire-
magic, he’d suffer pain, directly proportional to the magic he
used, and afterwards he would be as weak as a newborn.
The Ban imposed upon him was inventive. Blast the
Imperium who had sentenced him. One day…

But until that day, he would have to live as he could and

if that meant using some sort of glamour to entertain
humans… Were his circumstances so desperate that he

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would seriously consider working in a magic show?

Glancing around his dismal abode, yep, his situation

called for drastic measures. The advertisement had no phone
number, or email, just an address. ‘Bellevue Lane, Adelaide.
Apply today, in person, 6th June, from 8am to noon.’

The irony of the date made him smile, his canine scraping

his lower lip. D-day. His D-day.

Leaving the table, he hunted through his clothes, selecting

his cream linen shirt and black Armani suit. He dragged out
his boots from under the bed. Gyng had a preoccupation,
bordering on a fetish, for his Italian leather boots. No matter
where he kept them, Gyng always found them, dragging
them to his lair under Bas’s bed. Bas scraped cat fur and
whiskers from inside the boots before putting them on.

“You know, Gyng, I swear you must have some shifter

genes. You make my life a misery.”

The cat opened a green eye and winked, snuggling deeper

into the velvet quilt.

Sebastian had to smile. The cat had attitude. Perhaps that

was why he and Gyng got on so well. But he never was
comfortable around cat shifters. Vamps and shifters had a
love hate relationship. They enjoyed one another’s company,
but rarely formed deep or lasting liaisons. Cats were too
catty and vampires tended to view the universe more

Bas stood up, smoothed down his trousers, and eyed his

cat. “Right, well, don’t work too hard while I’m gone.” He
locked his front door. He hated keys. So much easier to put a
block on the lock, but that was a waste of energy and as
payback from the Ban, he’d have a headache for hours. He
strode down the street to the bus stop—a fucking bus!—and
headed into the city. Bas paid the driver for his ticket and
stumbled in the aisle as the bus swerved out into the flow of
traffic. What was the human preoccupation with speed?
Even the bus driver had a death wish, it seemed, as he

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hurtled through the traffic. He much preferred the sedate
and leisurely comfort of a carriage. He edged into the hard
plastic seat and stared out the window. His fangs itched

* * * *

True to his run of bad luck, the entrance to the party
business was a tatty wooden door located at the bottom end
of a dank laneway that stank of all things human. The
lingering acidic taint of drugs wafted through the air, the
users long gone in the light of day.

Sebastian pushed open the door and the mingled scents of

cigarette smoke, unwashed human and stale pizza slammed
into his senses. His gut churned. It took a lot to make a
vampire’s stomach turn, and his was doing cartwheels. Get a

grip, Bas. You can do this.

He climbed the stairwell, his long legs taking the steps

three at a time. The door he sought was last on the left.

‘Monsters Inc.’ was etched on the glass.
Bloody hell! He almost ran at that point. He was no


Graffiti, some of it faded with attempts to remove it from

the glass, was scrawled over the door. ‘Inc’ had been
changed to ‘inK’ and ‘fangs very much’ was written beneath
the name of the business, in a juvenile hand. ‘Sink your teeth
into this bitch.’ What Bas saw was hardly original, but the
irony of his predicament made him smile.

He knocked on the door, waited for what he considered a

polite stretch of time, and opened it. He paused, shocked.
Vampires were rarely surprised.

The room before him was untidy, though the single long-

stemmed red rose in a crimson Wedgwood vase sitting on a
mahogany desk was at odds with the clutter. The bookcase
on his left contained a few first editions. Antiques in a run-

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down tenement? The paradox was intriguing. He stepped
over papers and files littering the floor.

From the adjoining room he heard water splashing.
“Be with you in a minute.” The male voice from the next

room was young, with a seductive burr that made
Sebastian’s two hearts leap. Why hadn’t he sensed the
human before? He was a vampire, for the star’s sake. A
hunter. A connoisseur of the male… that a human man had
surprised him… he shook his head. He was losing it!

The human emerged from behind the door and halted. He

stared. Sebastian stared.

The young man was naked from the waist up, rubbing his

damp blond hair with a red towel. Tendrils of hair dripped
water down his neck, sending rivulets to his chest, to his
navel and disappearing with a slow teasing trail beneath the
waistband of his faded denims.

Bas’s mouth went dry and his hearts pounded. Their

gazes locked. Clashed. This boy was going to be trouble for
Bas, he just knew it. But trouble, vampires, and Sebastian
were familiar bedfellows. Vampires lived for trouble,
especially if a young, virile human male was involved. Yep,
this boy was trouble and Bas’s fangs itched with

How old was he? Bas guessed his age to be twenty—a

mere youth compared to Bas’s four hundred years. A boy,
on the cusp of manhood. His sandy hair was not as long as
Bas preferred in his men. It curled in an unruly tangle
around his neck. The neck. Hmmmm. Bas’s favourite
erogenous zone. He was tall, almost six foot two, Bas’s own
height, but perhaps too slim, dressed in faded denims, with
the arse patched and seams fraying at the ankles. Oh Great
Stars! Bas’s gaze fastened on the sight of the human ankles…
naked ankles—his particular turn-on.

The image rose in Bas’s mind of naked ankles, legs

entwined around his torso, heels pressing into the small of

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his back… Hells! It had been too damn long since he’d had a

“Do I pass muster?” the boy demanded, the voice tinged

with ice. He threw the towel into a soggy heap beside his
desk. Going to the filing cabinet leaning at an angle against
the far wall, he pulled open a drawer and lifted out a denim
shirt. He shrugged himself into the garment, buttoning it
with one hand while watching Bas.

“So, what can I do for you—Mr…?”
“I’m here about the advertised vacancy.”
“What vacancy?” The hazel eyes were dark and

narrowed, but in the height of passion Bas knew they’d
sparkle and shine with a cat-like luminescence.

“The one in the paper.” Bas frowned. “The job.”
“Is this some sort of joke?”
“I assure you I don’t find this amusing. I’m deadly

serious.” Deadly with a capital D when someone was
messing with him.

“Someone’s having a joke at your expense and mine. I’m

not hiring. Let alone—”

“Let alone someone of my infinite appeal and charm and

obvious culture?” Bas sighed and picked an imaginary piece
of lint from his jacket. “I get that all the time.”

“I bet you do.” Beneath the sarcasm, Bas heard the

bitterness. What had made this young man so cynical?

Bas and he again traded gazes. Theirs was a mutual

measuring, stripping away the façade. The boy had spunk.
He’d need it if he was to tangle with a vampire. And tangle
they would. Bas counted on it, feeling the thrill spiral
through his nerves, hardening his cock.

Bas said, “I can perform magic. I can dance passably. I

can’t juggle.”

“How about an acrobat?”
Sebastian waved his hand, indicating a so-so aptitude.
“What I’m really looking for is a vampire.”

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Bas laughed, he couldn’t help it. “Look no further.”
“You might look the real deal in a cape. Have you got a


“Capes are so out of fashion.”
“I can supply the costume.”
“I wear Armani only.”
“A designer fang boy, huh?”
He paused, studying Bas from head to toe. “Look. Maybe.

I have a kids’ party tonight. Midnight, actually. They ought
to be in bed, but hey, work’s work. Are you available?”

Never work with animals, children, or machines. Never. But

Bas was intrigued and desperate. So he said yes, when he
should have said no.

The man went to his desk and tugged open the top

drawer. He rummaged around inside, taking out some
papers. Two cards fluttered down on the desk.

“How’n’hell did they get there? Christ!” He pushed the

cards away. Bas saw two tarot cards—one the king of
pentacles, the other the six of wands. He glanced up at the
human, but he was obliviously sorting through papers in the
folder. Bas frowned. Was this some sort of act, a conspiracy?
His signature tarot card was the king of pentacles, and the
young man on the horse, the six of wands—who did this
signify? Surely not the youngster before him? If so, he was
balanced between dramatic good fortune and success, or
doom and treachery at the hands of a stranger.

Bas drew in a deep breath. Was it possible he was the

stranger to bring down ruination on this human? He would
have to be careful and ensure that it was not so. Blood-kin
put a lot of faith in divination. Some of the most adept tarot
readers were vampires. Bas had his own deck of cards. He
would have to do a reading tonight. His thoughts were
interrupted by the sound of shuffling paper.

“Bloody paperwork. It’s a nightmare. Ah, here’s the

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form.” He glanced up at Bas. “Aren’t you going to ask me?”

“Your pay.”
“This is my first job interview.”
“Now why doesn’t that surprise me?” He smiled at Bas,

but his eyes were cold. “I’ll pay you fifty dollars up front,
and twenty-five per hour. Any tips you keep.” He paused.
“Do you have a set of fangs?”

“Can I see? The last vampire I hired had a set that looked

like they came out of a Corn Flakes packet.”

Bas frowned. “You want to see my fangs?”
“Fangs very much.”
Bas groaned. “That graffiti on the door is bad enough.”
“Sorry, just couldn’t resist.”
Sebastian eyed him darkly. He dug into his jacket pocket

and bent over, pretending to insert a set of teeth into his
mouth. He straightened and drew off his Ray-Bands.

The boy stared, then walked around the desk, halting in

front of Bas who bared his fangs. He reached out and
touched the tip of Bas’s right canine. Normally no human
was allowed such an intimacy. A vampire’s fangs were…

“Ouch, they’re sharp.”
Bas groaned and scented the air. The tip of the boy’s

finger bled from a puncture wound from his incisor. Bas
stifled the urge to grab the finger and insert it into his
mouth. One day, he’d taste the man’s blood, but not today.

“They’re the best set of fangs I’ve ever seen. But it’s the

eyes that do me in.”

“That’s what they all say.” Vampire cobalt blue eyes,

black-slitted like a cat’s. Most of the time he wore contacts,
covering his eyes, making them human-blue. Few species
could resist the eyes of a vampire.

“Okay, the eyes have it. So, show me what you have to

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Bas nearly bit his tongue as his incisor elongated. He

clamped his mouth shut, his hearts pounding, his cock
twitching with anticipation.

Except, the boy wasn’t Initiated. He didn’t know what

he’d said. ‘Show me what you have to offer’ – one of the
deepest intimacies spoken between vampire and lover.

Bas paused. He hadn’t prepared for a demonstration. The

pain of a performance would be excruciating. Waste of time
and a waste of energy. “Is a demonstration necessary?”

The human spread his hands. “’Fraid so. I have to know

I’m getting value for money.”

Bas snorted, indignant. Then he saw the mischievous glint

in the boy’s eyes. Naughty, foolish boy. But Bas liked to be
played with—most of the time. “Very well. Give me a
moment to prepare.”

“Take it slow.”
“I always take it slow,” Bas drawled. “But first we need

introductions.” A vampire never engaged with another
creature without the formality of names. “I am Sebastian de

“Matthew Jackson.” The human paused. “Is Sebastian de

Seville your stage name?”

“It is my name.”
“Right. The name fits.”
“So does the suit.”
Matthew laughed. “So start when you’re ready, Mr de


Bas blocked the pain as he concentrated on the cards on

the desk. They began to glow, then hovered above the desk,
spinning and flipping end over end. He touched a few more
objects with his glamour. Papers, pens, a few clips and a
half-eaten sandwich on the windowsill rose into the air.
They all coalesced into a single glob in the centre of the
room. He morphed the mass into a dragon avatar. Fire

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erupted from the creature’s mouth.

The golden dragon flew around the room, its long tail

curling, dragging over Matthew’s head, lifting tendrils of
blond hair. It ran up and down the taut male body, digging
in talons, licking its forked tongue over flesh that one day
Bas would lick, from head to toe. The dragon bit Matthew’s
arse. With a yelp, he swatted at it. The beast came away with
a mouthful of denim. The creature flew up into the air,
hovered near the ceiling, then imploded, showering the
room with gold-wrapped chocolates.

Bas caught one candy, unwrapped it, popping it into his

mouth. A soft centre, laced with cognac, his particular
favourite. Matthew peeled off his own chocolate tentatively
biting into it, teasing the centre with his tongue. Bas groaned
at the sight, the obvious sexual innuendo. With his
concentration diverted, the nagging pain slammed full
strength, twisting like a knife into his brain. If he was a
lesser vampire he’d have fainted.

“You okay, Mr de Seville? You’ve turned white, like

you’ve seen a ghost.”

Bas waved away the concern. He purged the pain, putting

it to the periphery of his mind. Once he was home, he’d
concede, but not here, and certainly not in front of this boy.
He straightened his shoulders and swallowed hard.

Matthew stared at him. “Hell, I’ve never seen anything

like that kinda magic. How’d ya get the dragon to rip my
jeans? And the chocolates… Man! You could be in the
casino. Vegas maybe. Do you really want to work for me?
You’d make more money elsewhere.”

“Thanks, but I prefer not to draw attention to myself.”
He laughed. “You’re gonna do that, whatever you do.

Trust me! You’ve got the job. Sit down. We’ll fill out the

“I have given you my word. Where I come from that is


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“And where is that? Where you come from I mean?”
“Spain. Seville.”
“You don’t have an accent.”
“I’m cosmopolitan.” Bas smiled. “But if you prefer, I can

speak with an accent, or perhaps even speak Spanish. Si?
Please yourself—como quieras.”

Matthew was intrigued. Bas could feel it in the way his

heart skipped.

“Might be better if we stuck to English. My Spanish is…

non-existent.” He shuffled papers on his desk. “Now, let’s
get this sorted. Take a seat. There’s forms for insurance and
taxation to deal with.” He dragged a chair forward, pushing
off books and papers onto the floor.

“You need to tidy your office, Mr Jackson.”
“Tidy house is sign of a misplaced life.” He waved Bas to

the chair.

The rickety old chair squeaked beneath Bas’s weight. He

watched as Matthew filled in the contract by hand, though a
laptop was on the side of the desk.

“You don’t use a computer?” Bas asked.
“Nope. I like the personal touch when it comes to my

contracts.” He smiled.

Bas swallowed down hard. Matthew’s smile was

charming, innocent. Devastating. “I always prefer the
personal touch myself, too,” Bas drawled.

Matthew’s pen jerked sideways on the paper and a faint

flush tinged his cheeks, but he kept on writing. Bas smiled to
himself. This boy was deliciously receptive. The vampire
hook had been cast and he would reel his prey in, slowly,
teasingly, until…

Matthew pushed the papers across the desk. Bas’s fingers

intercepted his. The touch was electric. A cliché if ever there
was one, but there was no cliché in the thrill racing up his
spine. In response, Matthew’s breathing elevated and his
scent coiled across to invade Bas’s personal space.

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“The kids are gonna love you, especially if you talk with a

Spanish accent.”

Bas smiled. The kids were not his target. Senor Jackson

was. Poor guy didn’t stand a chance. He drew out his gold-
tipped fountain pen from his pocket and signed his name
with the usual flourish, before pushing the papers back
across the desk.

Matthew glanced at the signature. “I need your tax file


“Don’t have one.”
“Centrelink reference?”
“What is centrelink?”
“Welfare agency. Dole office.”
“If you don’t have welfare, how do you survive?”
“That’s my affair.”
“Right. Then, I need a driver’s licence.” Matthew eyed

him. “I see. So you want cash in hand, like most of my
people? No forms or questions asked?”

“I avoid all bureaucracy.”
“Rightio.” Matthew tore up the papers and flicked them

into the rubbish bin in the corner. Some of the papers
fluttered down onto the floor. Bas resisted the urge to tidy
the mess—he was a fastidious vampire, especially when it
came to his lovers, he—

Bas gasped, his gut cramping.
“You okay, Mr de Seville?”
“Hungry…” He swallowed down hard. Hungry… in pain.
“That bad, huh? I know what it’s like to be hungry. Do

you need some cash to buy food?” Matthew rummaged
through his desk and brought out a few twenty-dollar notes.

“I ate a bagel on the way here.”
“If you bought it from Greasy Andy’s, on the corner, then

that explains your crook gut. The guy’s place is rancid.”

Sebastian frowned, his attention diverted by the look of

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concern in the Matthew’s eyes. What he saw was… Seven
Hells! He pushed back from the desk, so hard that the chair
leg broke and it toppled over, crashing to the floor. The noise
shattered the moment.

Matthew stood up. “That thing’s been ready to break for

years. Sorry. Not your fault. Hey, are you okay?”

Bas lifted his gaze. Big mistake. The eyes staring back at

him were tawny-gold. Innocent. A boy-man who was a
virgin and unaware of his own sexuality. Bas should be
running to the door—if he had any vampire sense. Their
gazes held. Bas caught the hurt, the self-denial. This boy
could be beautiful, but he chose not to be. He wore a mask to
the world. Bas could identify with that—a vampire had
many masks over many centuries of life.

“Are you having second thoughts about the job?”
“No.” Bas cleared his suddenly tight throat. Second

thoughts about you, however. His hook had turned around to
bite into his flesh, his soul. He folded his arms and stared at
Matthew. You will be a challenge. And Bas so loved
challenges… Matthew would surrender and in that
capitulation he would learn what it was to be a man. Bas

“You’re one strange bloke!”
“I’m a vampire.”
“Yeah, right.” Matthew bent down to the desk and

scrawled something on the back of a card. He held it out to
Bas. “This is the address of the job.”

Bas took it, careful not to touch Matthew and stared at the

Monsters Inc. card. Flipping it over, he saw that the address
was in Toorak. He knew that suburb. Had looked at an
apartment there, but the rent was astronomical.

“They’re posh paying customers,” Matthew said. “I’ve

been there before. The kids are… well, a handful.”

“I’ll just bite ’em if they misbehave.”
“I’ll meet you at the venue, fifteen minutes before time.”

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“Why do you call this business Monsters Inc.?”
“That was my father.”
Bas caught the undercurrent of a pain-filled memory,

hastily smothered. “Yes, your father…?

“He was a showman. I carried on this business after he


“And your mother?”
“You ask too many questions.”
“But of course, it is my Spanish nature.” Bas nodded. “See

you at the witching hour.”

“The what?”
“Witching hour. Midnight. Don’t you have witches in

your clientele, or employ?”

“I don’t believe in all that hocus-pocus.”
Sebastian grinned. When he was done with the boy…

he’d be showing him more than hocus-pocus and

“Do you need an advance?” Matthew asked.
“A what?” Sebastian’s hearts thrummed. Advance—that’s

what he said! He’d happily engage in any advance with this
boy-man… He stared at the three twenty dollar notes
Matthew was waving.

“For expenses. No one I employ goes hungry.”
“Is that a promise?”
“What’n’hell do ya’ mean by that? You want the fucking

money, or not?”

“Yes, thank you.” Bas took the money and slipped it into

his jacket pocket. The boy’s aggressive response was not
surprising. He was fighting hard against sexual awakening.
Some men hid it by running, others through bravado. Bas
was glad that Matthew didn’t bolt for the nearest exit. The
boy had courage. He was going to need it.

“Right. Well, don’t buy any food in this street. Trust me.

You’ll be sorry you came.”

Bas smiled. “I’m not sorry.” And I will come. One day—one

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day, with you.

“You know, Mr de Seville—”
“Please, my friends call me Sebastian.”
“Okay, Sebastian. That was some show you gave me.” He

paused. “I’m thinking.”

Humans thinking—that could be very dangerous for a

vampire. “About what?”

Ah… things were looking up. “I’m flattered.”
“I’m always being asked for male strippers for hen’s night


“And what has this to do with me?” Bas’s voice was


“With your looks and body, and that chocolate surprise,


“I don’t strip in public.” The very idea made him want to

gnash his fangs.

“Okay, forget I mentioned it. Just that if you need extra

cash, trust me, you’d make a fortune.”

“Many things I may be, Senor Jackson, but a whore I am


Matthew flushed. “I’m sorry. I guess my brain wasn’t in

sync with my mouth… Ah hell.”

“I’ll forgive you this one time.” Bas meant it. He’d

challenged men and vampires to duels to the death for less
insult, but this boy would be granted liberties—in bed and
out of it.

“Can you make other illusions? I mean for women?

Instead of a dragon, a man… the girls’d love that sort of
thing going over them… and chocolate at the end. Every
girl’s dream.”

“I’m not every girl’s dream.”
“Then what are you?”
“A nightmare.”
Matthew grinned. “See you at midnight, Mr de S…

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Sebastian.” He held out his hand.

Bas took Matthew’s hand. The grip was firm, but fraught

with indecision and tension. “Until tonight.” He inclined his
head and stalked from the room, carefully closing the door.

He paused outside the office to catch his breath. In the

space of an hour, his life had gone from dull to challenging.
And with that challenge came danger.

Matthew Jackson’s virginal appeal was a complication

that a vampire living with a Ban did not need. But Hells! He
always lived dangerously. Bas glanced at the scrawled
writing on the door, ‘Monsters inK’ and laughed.

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Chapter Two

o money was worth this. The screaming kids were out of
control. One stuck an ice-cream down the front of Bas’s

pants. Another puked all over his boots. And that was just
the girls.

Bas conjured another illusion, this time of a nosferatu

stalking its prey. That got everyone’s attention.

The birthday boy clapped his hands, jumping up and

down. “Sink ya fangs into the corpse. I wanna see the guts
and blood.”

Macabre little bastard. Bas turned his blue gaze on the

youngster. Right, these little monsters wanted to play rough,
he’d give them rough. He’d show them real monsters.

The nosferatu hissed at all the children, fangs glowing

purple and green in the dark. The creature raced around the
lawn, overturning chairs and tables, tousling the hair of the
boys. They screamed and dove for cover. The nosferatu
slunk around the lawn, sniffing. Children scattered,
squealing in delight. Another nosferatu materialized and
launched itself at the other, talons extended. Flesh tore,
splattering mock blood over the carefully manicured lawn.
Fruit punch bubbled in the crystal bowl and two glasses
exploded. The kids had demanded real. They got it and then

The parents watched white-faced, as their little darlings

soaked up the entertainment. In between watching the


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battling monsters, the children gobbled more of the bat-
shaped chocolates that Matthew had brought. The soft
centres oozed red jelly, dribbling down the chins of some of
the kids.

Bas’s gut churned at the sight. A vampire had standards

and this party was a human free for all. A girl grabbed Bas’s
cape, wiping her sticky face on the satin. Bas growled and
bared his fangs. The girl poked out her tongue at him. From
the corner of his eye, he saw Matthew standing by the
cardboard haunted gothic castle that he had supplied for the
party. He was laughing. Matthew’s reaction did little to
improve Bas’s mood.

The two nosferatu again clashed, this time in the middle

of the garden and the larger throttled the smaller, tearing it
limb from limb. Red sparks flew in all directions. The
remaining nosferatu rose into the air on long leather-like
wings. It flew around the garden, chasing the children, all
the while groaning and hissing, gnashing its fangs and
extending its green talons, before winging out of sight.

Bas ended the illusion and drew in a deep breath, forcing

his headache away. He’d pay the price for all this magic, but
hell, he’d enjoyed scaring the kids. Except, these children
hadn’t been terrified. Before his Ban, when he was a friend
to the Imperium, he had been called to hunt the real
nosferatu… now the real thing could put a shiver up your
arse. And the stink… He didn’t conjour a stench for the
party, enough kids had been sick already—the nosferatu
stink would have them puking over everything.

Realising that the show was over, the kids started

clapping. Soon Bas was surrounded by young adoring fans,
tugging at his cape, pleading to touch his fangs.

One of the parents wheeled out a birthday cake onto the

lawn. The dessert was shaped like a coffin with a gnarled,
taloned hand lifting the black chocolate lid. The kids forgot
Bas and raced to the cake, each clamouring for a large piece.

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Sebastian whirled his cape and disappeared in a rain of

fairy dust and silver stars. He inverted the light and was
invisible until he stood at Matthew’s side.

“That show was stunning. Those monsters looked real. I

wouldn’t want to meet one of ’em in a dark alley—or
anywhere for that matter.” Matthew smiled. “The kids loved
you, but the women…” He rolled his eyes. “They asked me
if the vampire was for hire. They want to book you for their
own private show.”

“I told you I don’t strip in public.”
Matthew snorted. “I don’t think they’d be asking for

anything public, something strictly between the sheets.” He
paused, his eyes lifting to Bas. “Maybe you want to

“Not interested.” A vampire had to draw the line at doing

some things. A bite in the neck was part of the job
description, but a fuck for money with some skinny-arsed
woman was just asking too much.

“You’d take on more work, provided no sex is involved?”
“Yes.” Bas paused. “If you chaperone.”
“Can’t handle the women?”
“I never do.” His eyes locked with Matthew’s. The boy


“The clean-up crew’ll be here in a half hour. I have to

stick around til then. You need a ride home?”

Bas grinned. Yep, he needed a ride—a no-holds barred

night of sex… The thought of a rough and tumble with a
willing partner ignited his blood, his every cell. He
swallowed down hard. Matthew was obliviously packing up
the chocolates into a complimentary Monsters goodie bag.
As Bas studied him, he realised that he wanted this boy. No
other would slake his thirst, his need. But Matthew was
unaware of his own desires. How, then, could he quench
another’s appetite—especially that of a vampire? Bas
groaned inwardly. This seduction would take time and

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expertise. He’d endure it, somehow, this wanting, this pent
up frustration.

“A ride would be appreciated.” Bas nearly bit his tongue

in two as he forced the words out of his mouth, denying the
wild clamouring of his heart, the thrumming of his sex.

“Yeah, right. I saw you arrive by taxi. I can take you


Three middle-aged men arrived on the scene in a panel

van, pulling a trailer. With cool efficiency, they divested the
party area of all traces of the show, dismantling the castle
and storing it in the van.

“That all, boss?” one asked.
“Yes, thanks, Pete. Here’s the address of tomorrow’s

show. Same time clean-up.” He handed Pete a card.

“Glad things are looking up for the business. It’s about

time.” He paused, his gaze lingering on Sebastian.

“Oh, sorry. This is Sebastian de Seville. My vampire for


“Vampire, eh? My wife is into all that sorta thing. Must be

the cape that does it.”

“No, it’s the teeth,” Matthew said. “Trust me.”
“Yeah, rightio. See ya’ tomorrow night.”
The men climbed into the van and drove away.
Sebastian turned to Matthew. “Do you really think it’s a

vampire’s teeth that fascinates people?”







psychological stuff about piercing flesh. The vampire’s bite
is the ultimate penetration.” His gaze met Bas’s. “I read
Freud. Or was it Jung? Someone talked all about

Bas laughed. He couldn’t help it. How little any knew

about the vampire allure.

Matthew led the way to where several luxury cars and a

limousine were parked under the verandah. Bas studied
each one. Which car belonged to Matt? Perhaps the sleek red

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Ferrari or the sporty black Mercedes?

Matthew stopped beside a motor bike with a covered

sidecar. He lifted the black helmet from the handlebars and
flung his left leg over the seat, settling down.

“This is your vehicle?”
“You seriously expect me to ride that thing?” Bas


“C’mon Mr Fang. Live dangerously.”
Bas eyed him. The motor bike was beneath contempt. “I

have lived more dangerously than you can…”

Matthew grinned. “Nearly had ya.”
“What?” Bas demanded.
“You nearly gave me a snippet of information. You’ve

lived dangerously. So, why would a bike freak you out?”

“It doesn’t.”
“Yeah right.” Matt’s eyes danced mischief. “Sorry, I’m

carrying some sound equipment in the side car. You’ll have
to ride pillion. Get on. You’re in for a thrill.”

“Machinery and thrills for me are mutually exclusive.”
“I don’t have a spare helmet. Sorry. If the cops pull us

over, I’ll be the one fined, not you. Okay?” He grinned. “So,
maybe I make sure we don’t get pulled up by the police?”

“Whatever you say.” Bas unfastened his cape and

carefully folded it, placing it in the sidecar. He hitched over
the seat, trying to get comfortable, deciding that the only
positive to come out of this experience was that he was able
to lean hard into Matthew’s back. He breathed in the human
scent. A mix of spice and male… very sexy. Bas snaked his
right arm around Matt’s waist, his left hand was in a death
lock around the seat handle. Matthew gunned the engine
and took off. Bas closed his eyes.

“Give me directions. Where ya live?” No answer. “Hey

you still alive back there?”

“I’m not sure.”

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Matthew laughed and swerved in and out of traffic. Car

horns blared followed by a few expletives.

A lifetime later, the bike turned into the side street and

drew up outside Bas’s home. His two-room flat was at the
back of the mansion. In its heyday, the sixteen room house
with massive central ballroom must have been stunning, but
decades of neglect and tasteless renovations had destroyed
its character. Matthew switched off the engine. Bas noticed
how he eyed the flaking paint and masonry, the rusting roof.

“You live here?”
“This from a guy who lives out the back of Monsters i-n-


“Yeah, we’re both bums.”
“Speak for yourself.” Bas climbed off and stood swaying

on jelly legs. His gut didn’t feel much better. “Why is it that
hu… why do people have a death streak?”

“A what?” Matthew pulled off his helmet and stuck it on

the bike’s handlebars.

“I swear you were going over the speed limit.”
“You had your eyes closed, how would you know?”
“This bike is a death trap.”
Matthew’s eyes narrowed. “Live fast, die young, leave a

good looking corpse.”

“Corpses are never good looking.”
“Speaking from experience? Are you a doctor, or


“Or something. Thanks for the ride.”
“Uh-huh. Not going to ask me in for a nightcap?”
“It’s morning in case you hadn’t noticed and no, I’m not

asking you in.” In his present state, Bas knew that was
asking for trouble. He was weak and the fastest way to
recover would be to feast. He wanted Matthew’s blood and
his body, probably in that order. His gaze fastened on
Matthew, his long, jean clad legs astride the bike. The
images—what those legs could do. How they would feel

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wrapped around his back.

Matthew smiled. Bas sighed. When the boy smiled like


“I’ve got some espresso.” Never mix business with

pleasure. The warning circled his brain, but then vampires
never thought with their brains when aroused.

“Espresso sounds great.” Matthew followed Bas down the

side of the run-down mansion.

Sebastian inserted the key into the front door and shoved

it open with his shoulder. Damn thing was sticking again.
He switched on the light. Matthew’s eyes widened.

“I’ve heard of the minimalist look, but this is taking it a

bit far.” He stalked around the room, looking at the one
painting on the wall. He peered closer at the signature, then
turned to Bas.

“This is Goya. It’s an original. I recognize his work. But

it’s not one I’ve ever seen.”

It was Bas’s turn to be shocked. “How do you know it’s


“I studied art at school. I…” He frowned. “And it’s an

unknown. Do you know what it’s worth? The last unknown
Goya was discovered twenty years ago. Then it was worth
around three million bucks--”

“You’re an art expert, then?”
“It’s a hobby of mine.” Matthew glanced back at the

painting before turning to Bas, arms folded. “You’re wasting
your time and talent working for me. Hell, you shouldn’t
need to work for me, when you own this treasure. What
gives? What the fuck are you doing living in this dive, with a
priceless antique? You need to get a life.”

Bas’s hand fumbled, spilling coffee beans over the sink. “I


“Get a life. Why is everything so neat? A tidy house is a

sign of a misspent life.” His smile took the sting from his

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“Ah.” Bas felt relief flood through him. That’s what the

boy meant about getting a life! “Vampires are fastidious

“You… what?” Matthew regarded him in shock, then

smiled. “Oh, right. You never relax the vamp image then?”

“Rarely.” Bas had to smirk at that.
Matthew flicked the suits hanging up in their plastic

covers on the back of the door. He eyed the line of shoes,
also in plastic bags on a metal rack.

“You wear Armani, have Goya on the wall and you want

to work for me?” He turned to Bas, arms folded. “Why?”

“It’s… I can’t explain.”
“I’m your friend. Trust me.”
Their gazes locked. For the first time in his life, it was Bas

who looked away. “I have my reasons.”

“The same as why you live out the back of Monsters Inc.”
“You think?”
“I know.” Bas paused, again catching Matthew’s gaze.


The silence was deafening, punctuated by the slurp hiss

of the espresso machine.

The flap in the door teased open and Gyng cat stalked in,

nose in the air, disdainfully ignoring Matthew. The cat leapt
onto the counter and rubbed against Bas’s sleeve, leaving a
trail of twigs and fluff. He swore the cat did that on
purpose—getting half the garden on his coat and then
depositing it around his home, with a liberal pile on his
quilt. Bas went to the cupboard and opened up a tin of tuna.
The tuna was going to be his lunch, but the cat needed it
more. He poured cat milk into a Wedgewood bowl he had
bought just for Gyng. Vampires were too sentimental. He
stroked the cat’s back.

“I thought only wizards kept familiars.”
“Gyng isn’t a fam…” Bas bit back the words. Around

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Matthew he was forgetting himself. Who he was—what he

“You really do need to lighten up Bas-boy.”
Sebastian frowned. Bas-boy—indeed!
Matthew glanced around the room. “So, if you’re a

vampire, where’s the coffin?”

“I traded it in for the sofa.” Bas laughed.
“You ought to do that more often.”
“Laugh, because when you do…” Matthew stopped,


By all rights Bas ought to have investigated that comment

further. He studied Matthew. The swirl of tension around
Matthew had its roots in sex. The boy was aroused, fighting
it, fighting the attraction. Bas ground his fangs against his
lip, willing them back into their protective sheaths. He
wasn’t going to bite this boy!

Bas took up the two cups and handed Matthew his. He

curled up against the sofa and watched Matthew pacing the
room like a caged werewolf.

“Do you want me to offer you a full time, permanent

contract?” Matthew asked suddenly, turning to him. “If
you’re going to be a regular at Monsters, then maybe I ought
to make it official. So we both know where we stand.”

“I have your word, that’s good enough for me.”
Matthew nodded. “Thanks for that.” Their gazes locked, a

measuring passed between them. Again, for the boy’s sake,
Bas was first to break contact, but he felt Matthew’s heat, as
if he was touching him. Felt his need—amid the… What the
? Matthew’s body had flooded with horror. Why? Bas
eyed him. Had the human picked up something of Bas’s true

“What’s wrong?” Sebastian asked.
“You can tell me to mind my own business. But

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someone’s hurt you and badly.”

Matthew shook his head. Bas caught a shadowed image

in Matthew’s mind, buried deep behind layers of emotion—
Bas could retrieve it, but that was akin to rape and he never
raped. Matthew would tell him in his own good time. Bas
sucked in his breath. That sounded very much like a
relationship… and he never got involved. Perhaps it was
time to move on while he still could? He sipped his coffee,
but it was bitter. Like his mood, his memories.

“Do you have a mobile, so I can contact you with

bookings?” Matthew asked.

“No. The last time I tried to use one, the damn thing

exploded in my ear.”

“Then how am I going to contact you? Pigeons? Smoke

signals? C’mon.” He strode to the door.

“Where are you going?”
“We’re going to the store and get you into the twenty-first


“Not on the back of your bike.”
“I thought we agreed that it was time for you to start

living dangerously?”

Bas had to smile, at that. As a vampire, to live

dangerously was his modus operandi. “I don’t have a death
wish. At least not today,” Bas said following Matthew out of
the door.

The electrical store, two kilometres from Bas’s home,

covered a substantial chunk of one block. Bas reluctantly
followed Matthew through the automatic doors, to the back
of the discount warehouse. As Bas eased past shelves and
displays, one laptop sparked and several screens wavered.
One let out a high pitched wail and died. A salesman came

Matthew glanced at the computer then at Bas. “Who are

you? Uri Geller?” He held up his hand. “Nope, don’t

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answer. Let’s get that phone and vamoose.”

After trying ten different phones, Bas found one that

seemed compatible with his vampire aura. At least it
worked, didn’t give up its electronic ghost the moment he
touched it.

Bas took out his wallet and thumbed through the notes.
Matthew held his hand out. “Nope, on me.” He gave the

salesman his credit card. “You need to get into the twenty-
first century, Bas-boy.”

“Cash works for me.”
“When you have it?”
Bas sniffed disdainfully.
Leaving the store behind, Matthew keyed in phone

numbers and handed the mobile over to Bas. “So, I’ll call
you with bookings. I have one tonight. Better wear a chastity
belt, though, the gals want more from you than a magic

“What girls are these?”
“Some of the women from the kids’ party bailed me up

during the show and booked your act. Five-hundred dollars
plus tips.” He paused. “Except I’m not sure what tip they
might be talking about.”

“I have an idea.”
Matthew laughed. “So do I.”

They arrived back at Bas’s apartment, with lunch and a

bottle of wine. Sitting cross-legged on the rug they ate from
the foil containers and sipped the Chablis from plastic cups.
Bas watched Matthew run his tongue over his lips, dredging
up the last mayonnaise from his veggie sandwich. He leaned
back and sipped his drink.

“I’m bushed.”
Bas frowned, struggling for an interpretation. He was

always behind with lingua franca and Aussie slang was
probably the most indecipherable of all the languages he had

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thus far encountered.

“You’re tired?”
“Man, you don’t know.” Matthew regarded him, eyes

narrowed. “You really need to lighten up. You talk like my
grandfather. The old codger was a professor of classics at

“Roman ruins?”
“Roaming something.” He laughed. “Speaking of which,

you’d better get some rest before tonight. There’ll be a lot of

“Not if I have any say in it, there won’t.”
“You’re not…?”
Bas raised his eye brow. “Yes?”
Bas spread his hands. “You want to ask me something. So


“None of my business.” Matthew pushed himself up from

the floor.

“Do you always say that when things get too personal?”
“What the…? What do I say?”
“You say it’s none of my business.”
“Well… I guess. Look, you’ll tell me in your own good


“What do you want to know?”
“I’m leaving.”
Bas followed him to the front door, but as Matthew

opened it, Bas put his hand against the door, pushing it
closed. He leaned into Matthew. The boy stood tall,
immobile. His stance belied the tumult within; Bas could feel
the swirl of blood in his veins, the thud of his heart, the
beginning of the erection… Slowly, Matthew turned, lifting
his chin.

“I don’t have any right to know a damn thing about you,

or you about me. Except… professionally.”

Bas smiled. “No right, perhaps, but I think that you and I

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are more than professional acquaintances.”

“You think?” The huskiness in Matthew’s voice gave him

away—that and the sexual frisson racing up his spine.

“No, in answer to your unasked question,” Bas said

slowly. “No, I’m not a ladies’ man.”

Matthew swallowed down, hard. Fright lurked at the

back of his hazel eyes. But below the fright was desire. It
would be a challenge to tease out the desire and banish the
fear… There was nothing more that Sebastian liked than a
challenge. He put a thumb to Matthew’s lips and teased
along the mouth, a gentle pressure, his gaze holding
Matthew’s captive.

“How’d ya know I was thinking about your… um…


Slowly, ever so slowly, Bas leaned forward and touched

his mouth to Matthew’s lips, then stepped back.

Matthew stared at him, bemused, befuddled. And Bas

hadn’t even tried to be-spell the boy. Interesting. He’d
underestimated the boy’s need.

“Do you want me to pick you up?”
Bas frowned. “I weigh too much.”
“No, idiot! You really are weird, you know that? Do you

want me to take you to the next gig? I’ll pick you up here at

“And be my chaperone?”
“Somebody has to guard your virtue.”
Bas laughed at that. “Then… en guarde.”
Matthew tugged the door open and strode down the path.

Gyng raced in front of him, weaving in and out of Matt’s
feet, making him stumble.

“Don’t drive like the devil is after you. And watch out for

my cat!” Matthew waved an acknowledgement, sat astride
his bike and gunned the engine. He took off sedately, then
disappeared around the corner with a screech of tyres.

“Humans!” Bas said and slammed the door closed. He

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needed to sleep, but first he would have to scrape off a layer
of twigs and ginger fur from his pillow.

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Chapter Three

wo weeks later and after another gruelling night,
Sebastian wearily climbed the steps to the office, absently

noticing that the rubbish in the stairwell had been removed.
Instead of the acrid stench of refuse and drugs, he scented
the pungency of antiseptic and bleach.

Reaching the landing, he strode to the end of the

passageway and halted at the door. Monsters inK was still
there, written not in the juvenile hand, but a new sign with
the misspelling and the carving of a bat with fangs hovering
over the capital ‘K’. Matthew’s humour was eccentric,
defying all vampire logic.

Bas pushed open the door to the office and paused. What

was that awful sound? At first it sounded like one of Gyng’s
catfights, but as Bas filtered through the discord, he realised
it was someone singing. Or, attempting to sing and failing—
miserably. A deeper analysis, Bas realised that it was Matt
singing in a foreign tongue, an aria from La Boheme.

Through the open door to the back room, he saw Matt

standing at an easel, wearing his patched denims, and
ragged t-shirt, and a state of the art pair of headphones. He
was dabbing paint onto the canvas, singing the opera and
making a weird little half dance that made muscles flex and
harden in… most interesting ways. Fascinated, Bas watched,
his hearts skipping with desire.

Matt gave a sexy twist of his hips, in unison with the flick


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of his brush, pirouetting on his right foot. He halted in mid-
turn, his gaze locked on Bas. He blushed, tearing the
headphones away, flinging them onto the chair beside him.

“How long have you been standing there?”
Not nearly long enough. Bas swallowed his laughter.

Matt’s discomfiture was exquisite.

“What do you want?” Matt glanced out of the window.

“It’s morning?”

“Yes, eight a.m.”
Matt ran paint stained fingers through his hair, streaking

it with purple and green and red paint. Delightful. Bas
admired the effect. Matt lifted up a rag and wiped his hands

Bas strode forward. “What are you doing?”
“Painting,” Matt replied gruffly and flung a sheet over the

easel as Bas tried to see the canvas.

“You enjoy opera?”
“When I’m painting. It’s sensory… Speaking of work, are

you just going to a job, or returning?”

Bas dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out his leather

wallet. He counted out the thousand dollars and handed it
over to Matt.

“What’s this for?”
“Your commission.”
“What did you do to earn this sort of money in one

night?” He held up his hand. “Nope, don’t tell me. Best I
don’t know.”

“Nothing horizontal, I assure you. Always vertical. I

taught Amanda King how to tango.” Bas watched, intrigued,
as Matt’s eyes lit up, then narrowed.

“You know how to tango?”
“Tango. Tangle. I know…”
Matt sniffed disdainfully. “You know all the moves.” Not

a question, an accusation, of sorts. What Bas heard
demanded investigation, but by the look on Matt’s face,

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vampire curiosity wasn’t going to be assuaged anytime
soon. Time to retreat and divert the human’s focus.

“Amanda’s husband is an insufferable bore. The man has

no wit or imagination and leaves the entertainment of his
wife to strangers, like me. Her soul is starving. I taught her
how to dance. She doesn’t move as well as you, however.
Where did you learn to dance like that?”

“Natural ability.” He studied Bas deeply. “But one

thousand dollars for a few hour’s work?”

“She offered me more, but I’m not a thief in the night.”
“Just a vampire.”
“There’s nothing just about being a vampire.”
“Obviously,” Matt said flinging down the money on the


“I’m happy to do these out of hours engagements,” Bas

said, “but I need you to chaperone again. Yesterday, in my
other booking, I had hands over me in places even I blush to

“I didn’t know vampires blushed.”
“Not generally. It takes a lot to make a vampire blush…”

Bas grinned. Matthew was always baiting him, teasing him
for the fact that Bas always played a role, little realising that
Bas really was a vampire.

“Yeah, I suppose you’d need a shot of blood to put the

colour in your cheeks,” Matthew said. “But what about this
tango? I didn’t know you could dance.”

“I have many talents.”
“Hidden from view.”
“But of course.”
“You kill me, Bas.”
“I do?”
“Yep. You stand there all innocence and feed me that

weird fang-boy crap as if it’s the truth.”

“What is it that Shakespeare said? There are more things

in Heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your

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philosophy. Matthew, the world is a deeper, darker place
than you can imagine.”

“Oh, I dunno, I’ve seen dark and dangerous.”
“You think you have,” Bas said, his gaze clashing with

Matt’s. “So, you enjoy opera and you paint. You also dance.
Perhaps I can teach you to tango?”

Matt shrugged. “There’d be a problem as to which one of

us was going to lead.”

“My tango with you would be a dance of equals. Why is it

that you think always in terms of superior and inferior?”

“That’s life.”
“Then yours is a sad commentary. One day I’ll show you

the error of your perception.”

“Yeah, right! I’ve had two more bookings for your

vampire act, Friday and Saturday. Can you handle them? If I
ride shotgun?”

“Yes. Are they for children or women?”
“Kids’ shows. One is a friend of John Regan.”
“That boy whose sister put an ice cream down my pants?”
“The same.” Matt grinned. “I asked for danger money.

You’ll get five hundred for the show and laundry expenses.”

“It’s not funny.”
“From where I stand it is.”
“You don’t have to endure the ruination of an Armani


“You’d better get levis and a t-shirt, then.” Matt paused.

“I’m hungry. You want to go and get some breakfast?”

“Yes.” But the breakfast Bas wanted at the moment was

contained in a tall male frame… he quashed the thought.

Matthew took the money from the bench and strode into

the office, putting the cash in the floor safe.

Bas walked up to the easel and flicked back the sheet. He

stared, hearts pounding. Shock raced through his veins, a
heady, heated flood that reached a crescendo in his temples.

“Hey!” Matt said, rushing forward, hand outstretched.

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Bas held him at arm’s length, his fist curled into Matt’s

paint speckled t-shirt. Bas was surprised at the boy’s
strength as he struggled to be free. The next moment he had
crashed full length into Bas. They fell to the floor in a tangle
of arms and legs. Matt lay on top, his body wedged between
Bas’s legs.

Neither of them breathed.
Bas’s hands fastened on Matt’s hips, his fingers spreading

over the tight arse. For a moment Matt was rigid,
embarrassed. Frightened. Then a gentle relaxation, he leaned
into Bas and it was Bas’s turn to be rigid, frightened. The
need he felt was terrifying. His need, almost a pain. This boy
was going to be the death of him.

“You make a very comfortable mattress, Sebastian.”

Matthew’s purr would do a cat proud, its tones husky,
seductive, all male and utterly sexy.

Bas wrapped his legs around Matt’s thighs, holding him

tight. He put a hand to his nape, fingers weaving in his hair.
He let out the breath he had been holding. Matt’s nostrils
flared. Damn! Bas hadn’t meant to lace his breath with
vampire scent, but it was done and Matthew had reacted.
Bas didn’t want the artificial response; he wanted Matt to
come to him—to come with him—freely, willingly, not
because of some reaction to his vampire pheromones.

Bas touched his mouth to Matt’s, intending a gentle

caress. But the boy had other ideas. He ground his body
against Bas, his mouth fiercely returning the kiss. When he
pulled back to stare down at Bas, it was Bas whose nerves
were frazzled, who wanted sex, who wanted… just wanted.

“Do I shock you?” Matt asked.
Bas pushed back the blond hair from Matt’s eyes. “Why

would you think I’m shocked?”

“You held back.”
“You felt that?” Bas was shaken then. Really shaken.
“Yep. So, kiss me like you mean it.” He paused, eyes

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searching. “Unless you don’t mean it. Don’t want me…?”

Bas’s mouth parted over his, swallowing the words. He

kissed Matt until he was drowning, clinging to Bas, grinding
his body against his. Matt’s fingers snaked between them,
descending to Bas’s groin.

“No,” Bas managed to whisper, intercepting the caressing


“No?” Matt whispered.
“You don’t want to rush this, Matthew. You…”
“I’m not rushing. I want…”
His kiss fried Bas’s senses. He kissed like an expert. For

the first time in his life, Bas struggled to match the pace and
skill of his lover. Intriguing. Unexpected. God, he could love
this man forever.

Bas drew in his breath, as the thought intruded. He

shivered. Forever. Forever was a long time. Forever meant

commitment. Forever meant… forever.

Matthew pulled back. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Everything
“You want to take it slow? Is that it? You want—”
“What I want, I can’t explain. Not yet. But you’re

unexpected.” Bas smiled, teasing back the hair from Matt’s
face. “It’s time we talked and I can’t do that lying down.

“Since you asked so nicely.” Matthew stood up and held

out his hand to Bas, lifting him to his feet. “I’m sorry if I
came on too strong for you. I just dunno…”

“Never apologise to me, Matthew.”
In response, he smiled that little boy smile that made Bas

turn to mush. And a vampire never turned to mush because
of a human. Until now. It was Bas’s turn to smile.

“Why are you smiling?”
“Because of you.”
“Me?” Matthew asked.
“You’re so unexpected. You sing, you dance, you paint.

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You kiss like a courtesan.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. I think.” Matthew frowned

at Bas. “So, you like my painting?”

“Yes. You’re talented. The lines, the shadows, the colour.

Why aren’t you painting, instead of managing an
entertainment agency?”

“People rely on me. People you haven’t met. The rest of


“Duty can be a two-edged sword. I know.” Bas stared at

the painting, his hearts awhirl, his mind flying in all
directions. Like his hormones. He couldn’t fuck this boy…
not now. Not without revealing himself. Matthew would
have to learn slowly what Bas was, what he needed. Forever
was a damn long time. He studied the portrait and then
looked at Matt. “Should I be flattered that I’m the subject of
your painting? But why this scene?” His face stared back at
him from behind an elaborately carved Moorish column. Bas
had lived in Seville with the Moors. Had Matt picked it up in
some sort of telepathic exchange?

“It fits, doesn’t it?” Matt pushed forward and drew the

sheet down over his work. “I did some reading about
Seville. I’d like to see it one day.” He paused. ”With you.”

Those two simple words—with you—held a lifetime of

promises, expectations… Bas smiled and cupped Matt’s
cheek in his palm. “Yes. One day. With me.”

Matthew swallowed hard. “Sebastian…?”
“Not now, Matt. I need to eat and rest. It’s been a helluva


“Yes, I forgot. Will you teach me to tango?”
Bas laughed. “More than tango.”
“Is that a promise?”
Sebastian inclined his head, his hand over his main heart.

“My word of honour. As a gentleman of Spain.”

Matthew smiled. “You’re weird, you know that? One

moment you’re chivalrous like something out of Don

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Quixote, the next scaring me like something out of Bram

“I aim to please.”
Matt laughed. “Ah… please is not the word I had in


“Then what?”
“I need to think about it.”
“Take all the time you need, Matthew, but in the end, I’ll

want an answer.”

“Same goes for me. I want answers from you.”
“One day.”
“But not today?” Matt paused. “Let’s go and get

breakfast. Holly’s Café is the only place to eat within cooee of
this neighbourhood.”

“What is this cooee?”
“Australian expression. It’s used in the outback to call for

help, to judge distances, to let someone know you’re in the
area.” He grinned. “You really are new to all this, aren’t ya?”

“New to some things, Matthew, but an old hand at


“Like tango?”
Bas shrugged, not trusting himself to speak. Matthew was

teasing and when a vampire was teased, things happened…
especially if the person teasing was a young, sexy male. With
Matthew, tango would have a whole new meaning. As
would tease.

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Chapter Four

uggling two cups of coffee and a box of bagels, Sebastian
climbed the stairs to Monsters inK. The tuna and mayo

bagels were Matt’s favourite. The boy needed feeding, often
skipping meals as he worked hard to extend the monster-
for-hire business.

At the top of the landing, Sebastian heard a muffled thud

followed by a groan. The rancid stench of pain and fear…
Matthew’s! Bas dropped the food and raced to the office,
shouldering open the door, breaking it from its hinges.

A burly man had Matthew’s arms pinioned behind his

back, while another punched him in the gut.

The next blow didn’t connect as Bas tore the two fat men

away from Matthew. Matt crumpled to the floor and lay
unmoving. Which was probably just as well, since Bas didn’t
want Matt to witness what would happen next. But just to be
sure, Bas wove a glamour around himself, so that Matthew
would not see his vampire self in action.

Bas got Mr Puncher up against the wall, lifting him with

one hand around the throat, so he dangled a few inches
above the floor, his face turning puce as he choked. The
other gangster struggled in Bas’s fist, clawing at the fingers
around his collar. Bas lifted him off the floor, too, and shook
them both like rag dolls.

“I’m not sure what’s going on here, but Mr Jackson is


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under my protection. Trouble him again, and your next
engagement will be with the morgue. You understand?” No
reply. He shook the dangling men. He growled, baring his
fangs. His talon extended, scraping the neck of the man he
held in his right hand. “Understand?”

Bas took their response as acquiescence and flung them

out of the office. He kicked them down the stairs and they
went head over heels and landed one on top of the other in
the debris at the foot of the stairs. Bas strode over to
Matthew. His hands were a bloody mess. His pain made Bas

He lifted Matthew to his feet and put him in the office

chair—the only piece of furniture still upright. Bas looked
down at the bowed head, resisting the urge to take Matt in
his arms. “Who the hell were those two? You want to tell me
what that was all about?”

“No.” Matthew swore and cradled his hands on his lap,

the blood soaking his jeans.

Bas put a finger onto the battered flesh, sensing. Bad

breaks. Gut-cramping pain. He’d experienced worse on the
battlefield, but for some reason the sight of Matthew’s
injuries, his bowed head, the blond hair matted and
bloodied… it was all too much. He wanted to rip out some
throats and perhaps a few bodies torn limb from limb—
starting with the two vermin downstairs.

He swallowed down the anger, struggling against the all-

consuming vampire instinct for revenge.

Bas knelt in front of Matt and reached out to the broken

hands. Matthew pulled back.

“Trust me. I’m not going to hurt you.” Bas sent out a

soothing to him, the vampire equivalent of a double whiskey
and a few moments later Matthew had relaxed, allowing his
hands to be taken between Bas’s palms. Bas concentrated,

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sensing the injury, knitting the broken bones from inside to
out. He heard Matthew’s sharp gasp of pain, yet he did not
flinch. The boy was a surprise—stronger than he ever dared

Minutes passed, the only sound in the room, Bas’s two

hearts thudding in his ears, as he poured more energy into
the wounds. He sensed other injuries. A cracked rib, bruises,
and cuts that he healed, one by one.

There would be hell to pay for his healing, the energy

drain was enormous, but right now he didn’t give a fuck for
anything or anyone—except Matt.

Bas pushed himself to his feet and stood swaying. The

pain of his healing ran the entire length of his spine, to reach
a pinnacle at the base of his skull.

Matthew tentatively flexed his fingers. “They’re healed.

What the hell did you do?”

“Accelerated healing.”
“Like that Reiki stuff?”
“Like,” Bas said. “Why did they torture you?”
Matthew shrugged.
“Why?” Bas used his most authoritative vampire voice. It

never failed to work, but Matthew simply looked at him
with that infuriatingly stubborn silence. Bas swore and ran a
hand through his hair. He must be losing his touch. “Why?”
he asked. “Please, tell me.”

“That’s better. I don’t like it when you order me around.

You sound like my father.”

Bas laughed. He supposed he was old enough to be the

boy’s father, several times removed.

“I was beaten, because I owe them money.”
“They don’t strike me as your average debt collectors.”

He’d seen some thugs in the East End of London, when Jack
the Ripper was terrorizing the area. The debt collectors he’d
known then made the Ripper a gentleman in comparison.
Except gentleman he was not—the Ripper was a blue-

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blooded nosferatu from the planet Dracule.

Matthew stood up shakily and walked to the bookcase. “I

could do with a drink.” He drew out a brandy bottle from
behind a book on the shelf and two glasses. Bas waved aside
the drink. He needed a different vintage taken from a more
pleasing decanter.

Matthew knocked back two slugs of brandy before he put

the bottle down. “My Dad borrowed money. A lot of it.
When he died I inherited the debt. With interest.”

“They’re loan sharks?”
“’Fraid so. Dad’s credit wasn’t good. An itinerant

showman with a kid in tow. Not exactly a good risk. He
borrowed from the only people he could, to buy this office
and set up Monsters.”

Bas glanced around, finally understanding why Matthew

didn’t have the money to upgrade his office, why he slept in
a swag on the sofa out back. “It stops here and now.”

“What does?”
“All of this.”
“I pay my debts.”
“So do I. It’s a matter of honour.”
Matthew grinned.
“I’m serious,” Bas said.
“Yes, I know.”
“Leave these piranhas to me. I will deal with them.”
“You don’t need to know the details.” Bas peeled off the

remnants of his glamour. It was safe now—now that his
vampire self was under control. His gaze held Matt’s. Tawny
eyes met his. That look. Sebastian’s hearts thudded. Matt
looked at him, not with desire, but terror. Abject terror and
bone-numbing hurt.

“We have to talk, Sebastian.” Matt paused, his gaze

narrowed. “Who the hell… what the hell are you?”

“Pardon me?”

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“You’re not human.”
“How am I not human?” Bas stared. How had Matt seen

him? Had the glamour failed? Or had he underestimated
Matt’s resilience and strength?

“Don’t mess with me, mate. I saw what you did to those

guys. My hands. All that magic. You’re not human. Not even

“I’m a vampire.”
Their gazes clashed. Held.
“There’s no such thing as vampires.”
Bas snorted. “I beg to differ. I told you the world is a place

much darker than you comprehend. I’m living proof.”

“Christ…” Matt ran a hand through his hair and half

turned away. “Just when were you going to bite me and
make me one of the undead?”

“I’m not undead. My two hearts beat as strongly as yours.

Blood swirls in my veins. I’m alive, more alive than any
other species you can name. My bite doesn’t kill. At least not
all the time. Not to those I care about.”

“A vampire with a conscience. Spare me.”
“Oh, I have. I’ve wanted to bite you, drink your blood,

fuck you in ways you can’t imagine, yet I haven’t,

“I love you.” There he had said it. Never once in all his

life had he said that to another. Admire. Like. But love—never.
It had taken this innocent boy, this youth to bring him to his
knees. But the look in Matthew’s eyes said it all. Monster.

Matt said, “One of my friends reads cards. She told me I’d

meet a tall, dark stranger who’d be the death of me. Well,
I’ve died. Here and now. Because you’ve used me. Betrayed
me. You’re a goddamn monster and… oh, just the fuck get

“Get the fuck out and never come back.”

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Bas had known pain, had nearly died from battle wounds

and been sliced by the torturer’s knife, but nothing—
nothing—had prepared him for this. This hurt in ways he
could never have imagined. Could not endure.

He closed the door quietly and walked out into the night.

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Chapter Five

t was usually at two a.m., when the shopping mall was
deathly quiet and he’d finished his rounds, that Bas’s

thoughts turned maudlin. As a night security guard in the
shopping mall, he could safely avoid people, with no
questions asked why he preferred the graveyard shift. That
was an irony. Weren’t vampires and graveyards

He heard nothing from Matthew, except a cheque in the

mail for outstanding payments for work, and that came
through a lawyer. Bas sent a thank you note but received no
reply. He hadn’t expected it. How was Matt doing? Was he
struggling to make ends meet? Had he found a ‘vampire’
replacement? That thought made Bash gnash his fangs.
Many times he had picked up his mobile to text Matt, just to
make sure he was okay. If Matt needed help, the last person
he’d accept it from would be Bas…

Since he was no longer employed by Monsters, he

received no further bookings for parties, but he’d had
several calls on his mobile from women who wanted to book
him for ‘private dance sessions’. He refused the
engagements, despite the exorbitant sums offered for his
services. There was a limit to what a vampire might do to
survive and becoming a female’s plaything was not an

Bas had endured his security job for nearly two months.


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Tonight was no different from any other, but his damn fangs
were itching like hell. He patrolled the silent mall, the only
sound the jangle of keys on his belt and the squeak, scrape of
his rubber-soled boots on the tiles. The radio on his hip

“Bob checking in. All okay.”
“All okay here,” Bas responded.
Bob was Bas’s boss. The man stank of tobacco and

frustration and he fancied himself a martial arts officiando
and harangued his employees on the benefits of kung fu
over karate. He and the two other security men tried a few
moves on Bas the first night, but humans were no match for
vampires and one man went down like a sack of potatoes.
Bob was pleased, and hired Bas immediately. The other men
kept a respectful, but resentful distance, not even speaking
to him as they changed into their grey and red uniforms in
the security office. Fine with him. Bas was never getting
close to another human. But as the weeks dragged on, the
pain did not lessen, as he’d anticipated. Instead, Bas’s nerves
grew raw. He knew what he wanted—who he wanted—but
Matthew was gone. Long gone. Sebastian was a monster and
Matthew had every right to reject him. Hell, but it hurt!

In the far distance, Bas heard the roar of a car engine, then

the sound of glass shattering. He turned and ran, instincts
flung far ahead, locating the source.

A car had burst through the barriers and into the front

doors of the mall, snapping the bollards in half. Three
youths in black hoodies raced to the electrical store, while
one remained in the driver’s seat, gunning the engine.

One of the thieves aimed a tazer at Bas and fired. The

electrical cables connected into Bas’s shirt and sent pulsing
waves through his body. Bas buckled at the knees, gasping
for air. He wrenched the prongs from his chest and stood up,
ran to the car and yanked the driver from the seat. Two
youths raced from the shop and slammed against Bas.

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Connecting against his immovable vampire stance, the
thieves reeled backwards, one falling into the broken glass.

Bas smelled and tasted the coppery scent of human blood.

For a moment his vision turned black. Then all went red.
Something hit him between the shoulder-blades and he
wrenched about, tearing the steel bar from the youth’s
hands. He kicked out and his assailant went down and
didn’t get up. One boy lay moaning on the floor. Blood
spurted from a torn artery at his neck. As Bas bent over the
youth, trying to staunch the wound, blood misted over him.
Bas clamped his mouth, afraid to even taste a drop. If he did,
it had been so long—no telling what he might do.

Panic spiralled through him. Had to get away, but the

boy’s hands gripped his, his eyes silent, pleading. Bas had
seen that look before on the faces of friends and enemies as
they died… He had never wanted to see that look again.

The wail of police sirens punctuated the silence. The boy

died in his arms.

When the police raced into the mall, they found the

remaining youths out cold on the floor, Bas standing to the
side, his uniform covered in blood. Bob arrived and prodded
the glass with his booted foot.

“Good night’s work, Seville,” he said. “Pity about the

death. There’ll be forms to fill in and probably an inquest.
But you done good, mate!” Bob held out his hand, but Bas
waved him aside.

The detective took Bas’s statement and urged him to get

checked by the ambulance crew in attendance. This was a
complication every vampire feared—entanglement with
bureaucracy, with police, with medical people. Any one of
them could discover his true nature and then that’d be the
start of a nightmare. He had no illusions what would be
done to him. The Inquisition and witch trials of history had
killed enough blood-kin… Bas vanished into the night while
no one was looking.

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He threw his bloodied jacket and equipment in the

nearest dumpster and went home. It was only as he
showered that he noticed the cuts on his own flesh. They
had been deep, but vampires healed fast. In the morning,
there’d be nothing but a faint seam, and then the day after,
his flesh would be as perfect as always.

Bas traced a finger over his wounds. How much blood

had he lost? Enough for it to mingle with the human boy? If
there had been an exchange, it was possible that the human
might resurrect. Bas groaned and leaned his head against the
shower screen. If. If. What a fucking mess! And he’d have to
look for work again—somewhere where no humans would
be involved. How possible was that?

His hearts hammered and that ache at the base of his skull

was back. He needed to feed. It was long overdue. Maybe a
raw steak might help, but his gut churned at the idea. No, he
needed blood, warm, alive from a willing partner. From
He could not. He flung himself down on his bed, his head
pounding in unison with his hearts.

Two days later he woke up to the sound of someone

hammering on his door. Gyng, lying on the bed next to him,
yowled and stood up, stretched and padded to the kitchen.
The sound of the cat chewing biscuits reverberated through
Bas’s skull. For one terrifying minute he thought he might be
sick. The door creaked with more blows on the aged wood.

He shrugged himself into his blue silk dressing gown and

yanked open the door, the chain breaking. He stared.

Matthew was standing at the doorway.
“Christ, Bas, you look like death.”
The irony of the comment was not lost on either of them.

Matt gasped at his own words. Bas tried to smile, but his
mouth was frozen.

“I had to check up on you. They said you were hurt.


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“I’m neither. Now… goodbye.”
Matt’s foot in the door stopped it from closing. He pushed

it open and stalked in. If Bas wasn’t so weak he’d have
kicked the boy out.

“I came to say sorry. But you look bloody awful. Are you


“To my stomach.” But what else was new? He glared

balefully at his unwelcome visitor, wishing him to go.

“I’ll get a doctor.”
“Aren’t you forgetting something? I’m not human. Not

even close, as you said. No doctor can help me. They’ll cart
me off to some laboratory and splice and dice. If I’m lucky.
Can you just leave?” Bas glared at him.

“Nope.” Matthew stood his ground. “Get to bed. Is there

something I can do for you?”

“I need blood. So get out while you still can.”
Matt’s face turned ashen. It was only as Bas’s vision

cleared, that he saw Matt had lost weight, the shadows on
his face, beneath his eyes, and the dull lustre of his eyes—the
boy was sick. Great. Maybe they could share the morgue

Bas stalked to his bed and dropped down on it, throwing

an arm across his eyes. He felt Matthew standing at the side
of the bed looking down.

“What sort of blood do you need? An animal’s?”
“I never take blood from a creature unwilling. What sort

of monster do you take me for?”

“You’re the first vampire I’ve met. I’m winging it here.”
Bas had to laugh at that.
“Then… then… you’d better take my blood,” Matt said.

“I’ve got some things to say to you and you can’t die until
I’ve said them.”

“So, after that I can die? Thanks so much.”

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The bed lurched. Matt sat beside him. Bas felt the

human’s warmth, the fear… other things buried so deep
they were just a shadow on Matt’s mind.

“You want blood, so you can have mine. How does it

work? You bite me in the neck?”

“That’s only reserved for lovers. I can drink from the vein

in your wrist. That’s the least intimate.”

“Right.” Matt held out his wrist. “Bite away.”
“I can’t.”
Retching, Bas turned away.
Matt retreated from the bed and the loneliness tore at

Bas’s resolve. Then the bed lurched again, and a warm thigh
rested beside his face.

Matthew held a knife against his wrist. “Either you bite,

or I cut. I’ve never slashed myself before, so I could sever
something… I guess that’d be messy. Your choice,

Sighing, Bas reached out to Matt’s wrist and pulled it to

his mouth. He paused. This was not how it should be, the
taking of blood, how he had planned to first taste Matt’s
blood-gift. Tears stung the backs of Bas’s eyes. A fang
tentatively descended, lightly piercing Matt’s flesh.

He halted, reluctance warring with desire, with need.

Matt’s hand at the back of his head, pushed his wrist against
Bas’s mouth. The scent of warm, human blood washed over
him, tingling his tongue.

“I’ll force it down your goddamn throat. Now drink, fuck


Instinct overcame resolve as Bas tasted the blood. Sweet.

Nectar of the gods. Ambrosia. A hundred sensations flashed in
his mind. He opened his mouth, his fangs fully engaging. He
heard Matthew’s sharp breath and moan as the teeth pierced
his skin. For a moment the boy’s body trembled in shock,

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and fear.

“It’s okay, Bas. I’m okay.” The words were at odds with

the tremor Bas heard in Matt’s voice.

Sebastian felt Matt’s fingers tease through his hair,

stroking his temple. The boy’s touch was gentle.

“Drink. Take what you need, I’m not afraid... It feels

kinda nice.”

Bas lifted his gaze to Matt, then his hearts beat frantically

and the blood seeped into his stomach, igniting and
strengthening. He had not tasted such piquancy in all his
life. This blood, this life… He closed his eyes.

It was only as he heard Matthew’s groan and felt the

human’s weakness in the shuddering of cold flesh that he
pulled his mouth away and turned face down in the bed, so
Matthew could not see the stain on his lips, or his bloodied
fangs. So he couldn’t see the fear and revulsion on the face of
the boy-man Bas loved.

When Bas woke again it was to the faint light of a candle

burning in a cup.

“Welcome back.” Matt’s voice came from beyond the

circle of light, but Bas saw his outline and felt his life pulse
as if it was his own.

Bas stretched, revelling in the new-found strength and

vigour. He hadn’t felt so energized in decades. He caught
Matt’s aura. “Are you still here?”

“Apparently.” Matthew rose and stepped forward,

looking down at him. “Do you need more blood?”

“Anything I can get you?”
“I need to drink and eat. I don’t think there’s much in the


“There were a few tins of cat food in the cupboard. I went

out and shopped while you slept. I can offer you steak, fish,
or lasagna.”

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Bas watched between his lashes as Matthew busied

himself in the kitchen. Gyng sat on the counter and
scrounged for food. The cat was without shame, but then so
was Bas. Probably why they got on so well together.

The aroma of meat and onions sizzling in the frypan

made Bas’s stomach growl.

“I don’t suppose you want garlic on your steak?” Matt

asked, his hand hovering over the herb rack.

“I like garlic, but not now.” He didn’t want garlic breath

when he dealt with Matt—and deal with him he would.


The meal when it arrived was piled high on a plate and

Bas ate as if he was starving, which he was. He drank a litre
of tomato juice straight from the bottle.

“Are you alright, from my feeding?” Bas managed to ask,

eyeing Matt, shamed that he hadn’t thought to ask before

“I slept for a day and then I ate… Pretty disgusting.”
“And the cat?”
“He’s fine. I probably overfed him. He threw up on the


Like me, Bas thought. After the shopping mall incident,

where hadn’t he thrown up when he got home? Bas kept
that to himself. He almost smiled.

“After all that’s happened, you’re worried about the cat?”
“Of course, he’s my friend.”
Matthew’s gaze misted. What had he said, Bas wondered,

to make his eyes sparkle with tears?

“You’re a goddam contradiction. Do you know that, de


Matt sat on the edge of the bed and stroked the velvet

cover with his long fingers.

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“You’ve got something you want to say, so the sooner it’s

said the better,” Bas said, steeling himself for the inevitable
disgust, horror, outrage. And ultimate rejection. Matt’s
gentle words and tender actions when Bas had taken the
boy’s blood seemed unreal. Were they an illusion, fanned by
his deep vampire need?

“I owe you an apology,” Matt said.
“You… what?” Bas hadn’t expected this. His gaze lifted,

his throat tight, breath held.

“I told you to go, when I wanted you to stay.”
“Is that all you’ve got to say… mmm?” Matt lifted his

gaze to Bas and flushed. “You saved my hands, if not my life
that day in the office. You didn’t deserve what I said and
did. You’re a vampire. I was scared. But more scared of how
I felt about you, than what you told me you were. I said you
betrayed me. You didn’t. You always told me you were a
vampire. It’s just that I didn’t believe you.”

“Yes, I am what I am.” Bas fumbled for Matthew’s hand

and held it.

“I want you to come back, Bas. Come back to Monsters.”
“How ironic. A monster working for Monsters.”
“You’re no monster. You belong there… with me.”
Sebastian studied Matt deeply, began to reach for him,

before the thought intruded—an ugly question with an even
uglier answer. Why did Matt need him to return to
Monsters? Was the business failing so badly that Matt would
beg his return? That and nothing more? Bas knew that
Monsters was often financially challenged, especially when
Matt had been repaying the exorbitant loan to the gangsters.
Had the men returned, demanding money with more
menaces? Bas frowned at Matthew. He’d never thought that
the boy was so mercenary, but humans, Bas knew only too
well, could be cold and calculating, putting aside disgust
and loathing of blood-kin to feather their own nests. Was

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that why Matt was here, pretending concern, offering him
blood—his blood the price for Bas’s return?

Bas was suddenly cold and sick and so tired—so very,

very tired.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Matt asked. “Your

eyes are… Christ, they’re glowing.” He went to leap from
the bed, but Bas grabbed his wrist and dragged him back

“I want an answer, Matthew. The truth. Look at me.”
For a moment their eyes met, Matt relaxed, with Bas’s


“The hell with you!” Matt said and punched him hard, his

fist connecting with Bas’s jaw.

Matt raced to the door and Bas slammed into him, turning

him, holding him hard against the wood.

“You gonna rip out my throat, now?” Matt asked.
“No. I want an answer.”
“So, okay. Ask. Don’t put that hex-look on me.”
Bas nearly smiled. Matthew was such a shock. No one

had ever shrugged off his vampire hold, or stood up to him,
the way this boy was doing. He’d never let a human strike
him, either.

“Why do you want me back at Monsters?”
Matt swallowed hard. “Because…”
“I… I miss you.”
“You miss me, or you miss the money I bring in?”
Matt gaped. “Fuck you. I don’t need your damn vampire

show. I’m doing fine on my own, like I always do.”

“Fine, is it?”
“Yeah, just fine!” Matt’s cheeks slowly drained of their

high colour. “Is that what you think? That I came here to ask
you back because of money? That I lured you with my
blood? That’s one helluva blood price I paid if it were true.”

“My thoughts exactly. Humans are anxious to pay a blood

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price to my kind, for what we give in exchange.”

“Not this human.” Matt raised his chin. “You need

convincing? Then do that mind-reading stuff that vampires

Bas wanted to believe Matthew—Hells Seven Fires, how

he wanted to!

Matthew’s thoughts reached out to him, enfolding Bas.

The boy was projecting! How was that possible? In moments
of heightened passion, humans could clumsily project…

What Bas saw was no act, no lies. He reached out to

gently hold Matt’s chin.

“It’s me who owes you an apology, Matthew.”
“I’ve told you the truth, de Seville.”
Their gazes locked. The silence lengthened.
“Come back to the bed, Matthew, we need to talk.” Bas

smiled.” Just talk. It’s more comfortable and my head’s

“Mine, too.”
Bas reclined on the bed, and Matt sat on the edge.
“I’m not going to bite you, Matt. Relax.”
“Will you come back to Monsters?”
“After what we just said and did to the other?”
“Everyone at Monsters gets into tiffs. That’s show


“That was more than a tiff. Fighting can be fun, but it’s the

making-up after that’s by far the best.”

Matthew smiled. “Mum used to say that to me when she

and Dad… Ah hell, forget I said that.”

“For the moment,” Bas agreed, eyes narrowed. “So tell me

what’s been happening at Monsters.”

“Same as always.” Matt touched the back of Bas’s hand. “I

saw the report about the robbery in the paper. It had a
crappy picture of you that the security company supplied.
The police said you’d been hurt in the robbery and that you

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were missing. I thought you’d been killed. How can a
vampire have his picture taken? They don’t have

Bas smiled. “That’s a myth. We can have our pictures

taken and we have reflections… When we want to be seen,
that is.”

“So, are you like a nosferatu?” Matt paused. “Or, is the

Bas I see before me, the real Sebastian?”

“And if not?”
“I dunno. I truly can’t answer that right now. In time I can

probably get used to someone who looks like Gollum…

Sebastian laughed. “I am as you see me. Except when I

have the blood lust and then my eyes are red and my

“Let me see your teeth. I saw them at the office, that first

day, and when you fed, but I wasn’t paying attention.
Please, show me.””

Sebastian paused, then let his canines descend. He

opened his mouth and twisted his head so that Matthew
could see them in all their splendour.

Matthew reached out and touched a fingertip to the right

fang. “Ouch. It’s sharp.” A drop of blood welled up on his
skin and Bas snatched the hand to his mouth and sucked.
“Mmm, a fine vintage.”

Matthew drew in a sharp breath. “Bloody hell, you’ve

given me a hard-on, just by doing that.”

“Perfectly natural reaction. What are you going to do

about it?” Bas nodded in the direction of Matt’s crotch.

“Same as always since you left. Ignore it. Or take a cold


“Can I ask you a question, Matthew?” Bas paused. “You

came here worried about me, wanting me to return to
Monsters. But things have changed between us. You’ve seen
me, as I am. You offered your blood and I’ve fed from you.”

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“Does that mean we’re engaged?” Matt’s smile was


“In a manner of speaking.”
“Blood freely given and received is a serious matter. And

there were things you said and did when I was ill that need

“Maybe they just need exploration, not explanation.”
Bas looked at Matthew, shocked. This boy was a surprise.

Such a surprise. Delightful. Exhilirating.

Bas pulled Matt down against him and enfolded him in

his arms, wrapping his long legs around him.

“Where do you come from, Bas? Not Spain, I gather?”
“Originally? Vampire kin all originate from a planet thirty

light years from earth, it’s called Dracule.”

Matt raised his head. “Dracule? As in Dracula? There

really was such a guy?”

“Fact and fiction blended.”
“And you came here, of all the gin joints in the universe,

you chose this little ol’ planet. Why?”

“Politics and my father and brothers. It’s complicated.”
“It always is when fathers are involved.”
“Yes, well, my family was related to the Emperor… the

Vlad—the clan leader of Dracule. My father wasn’t content
to sit on the sidelines, as a member of the Imperium—that is
the vampire council. No, he wanted to rule. He led his clan
in revolt. He failed. I was away at the time, visiting friends
in France. It’s the main reason I escaped the death
sentence—that and the intercession of powerful men in the
Imperium. I was banished here, without friends, family or
fortune. It’s called the Ban. I’m allowed a very limited
income. My mentor in the Imperium gave me money and
other things over the years, until he was discovered. He is
under Ban himself, now. So, I had to find paid work. At

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“So it really was your first job interview?”
“Hand to mouth existence? Or should I say hand to


“You could say.” Bas smiled. “I’ve lived on my wits,

became the confidant of queens and a king’s companion, so
at times I’ve lived in luxury. At other times, it’s been
difficult. I’m able to use a certain amount of vampire magic
to survive, but always at a cost, directly proportional to the
power I expend.”

“So, every time you did your show, you were sick? I

mean some of the stuff you did was unreal. Was payback a

“Christ, Bas. That’s inhuman.”
“Well, I am inhuman.”
“Yep. You’ve got two hearts. I know you told me that

when I confronted you that day in my office, but I didn’t
believe you.” He smiled. “After you took my blood, you
went to sleep. I couldn’t wake you. I thought you were
dying, so I listened to your heart and found two.”

“I was in the healing trance. I hadn’t taken blood for a

long time. Too long. I was…” He shrugged.

“You might have died? I mean, all that stuff about

vampires being undead, it’s all bullshit?”

“There are undead among the nosferatu, who trade life

for power and their slaves who are initiated through fear
and pain.”

“Those who choose to become blood-bonded with a

vampire. If done through love it is the most intimate union
of all. But if done through violence, the initiate becomes a
ghoul, in torment and agony, enslaved to the vampire
controlling him—or her.”


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“Exactly,” Bas said.
“So guys and women can be initiated?”
“Yes, if they wish it. It’s a decision neither vampire nor

lover take lightly.”

Matt nodded. He looked into the distance and Bas

allowed him to take all the time he needed to assimilate the
knowledge of vampire-kin.

When Matthew’s gaze turned back to Bas, it was the boy-

man of old with tawny eyes alight, and that little boy smile
that turned Bas inside out.

“So, all this mess you’re in has to do with a father?

Typical, huh?”

“Yes.” Bas stroked Matt’s hair. “Your own father was

cruel to you?” Matthew dipped his face, but Bas grasped his
chin, raising his head. “Tell me, Matthew.” Bas watched the
colour of Matt’s eyes darken. He could read Matt’s soul, his
pain, his fear in the colour-shift of his eyes. More eloquent
than words, more intimate, more revealing.

Matthew cleared his throat. “He hated me, because my

mother died in an accident. I was to blame. I was out in a
boat when I was told not to. She couldn’t swim. The boat
capsized. She drowned trying to save me. It was an accident,
but hell, he couldn’t… wouldn’t forgive me.” He paused.
“How old are you, Bas?”

“Four hundred I can expect to live for maybe one

thousand years. More, if I have the blood-exchange

“I see.”
“By that I take it you think that you’ll grow old and die

while I remain as I am now? I can give you the longevity.”

“If I drink your blood and become a vampire?”
“You’ll never be a vampire. It’s a species, not something

that originates from any ritual. As my lover, I would initiate
you during the blood exchange, when we trade love and life
and blood.” Bas paused, sensing Matt’s subtle reaction—

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intrigue amid the horror. It was a beginning.

“You must have seen some amazing stuff in four hundred


“Oh, yes. I’ve had friends die in my arms, on the battle

field, in hospitals. I’ve seen war and torture and abuse. The
rise of madmen and the demise of visionaries. On this world
and my own.” Bas paused. “I was on the beaches of
Normandy fighting for king and country against that
madman Hitler. His interest in the occult would have led
him to discover the existence of the blood world. But the
irony of it was that even though Hitler died, human nature
being what it is, a dozen more nutters took his place.”

“You’re a cynic.”
“A realist.”
“Not all humans are good, so I guess not all vampires are

bad.” Matthew paused. “Tell me about Dracule. Where
you’ve lived.”

“I rarely visited this planet before my Ban. Too many

humans and too much hatred and fear. But this world has a
lot of beauty, a place of opportunities. I can realise that now.
I’ve lived in every country on earth. My own world, Dracule,
is a desert, thanks to the clan wars before the Imperium, and
before we instigated the Ban for those who defied the law…
On Dracule, we live underground, venturing only out at

“Like the myths?”
“That’s why our eyes are slitted. So much to tell you,


“Then tell me little by little.”
“Mmm.” Bas paused. “I’ve seen it all and I’m tired. So

damn tired.”

Matthew rolled into Bas, stroking his hair, nuzzling his

cheek. “Then rest. You’re safe here. Go to sleep. Vampires
really do sleep like the dead!” He smiled and lightly slapped
Bas’s arse. “Can you be killed with a stake through the

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“Yes. And you can stake me any time you want, provided

it’s that ‘stake’ between your legs.”

“Deal. Go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake.”
“And when I’m awake?”
“If you want more to drink, then I can be the blood bank.”

Matt paused. “But I… Look, Bas, I want you, I need you, but
right now, I don’t think I can go any further. I need time.
Does that make me a coward?”

Bas took Matthew’s hand and raised it to his lips. “No.

When you’re ready, I’ll be waiting.”

“It might be a while.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“That’s for damn sure.”

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Chapter Six

as rarely attended parties, or other forms of human
gathering. The jostling bodies and their scents and needs

and fears made for an unhappy vampire. He needed space.
He didn’t need complications that inevitably arose when
surrounded by humans. Perhaps he was getting old. He was
four hundred years, after all.

But Matthew had asked him to his party and with his

searing kiss sweetening the invitation—how could a
vampire refuse? So, he paused outside the cottage, hearing
the laughter and the thrum of music. Well, what passed for
music in the twenty-first century.

He rang the doorbell and after a few minutes someone

yanked the door open. Matthew stood there, dressed in a
green silk shirt and black denims and boots. The green
highlighted his eyes. Bas tried not to notice. And failed.

Matthew held out his hand. “You came?”
“Did you doubt it?”
“You never know about a vampire.” Matthew grinned

and took Bas’s hand in a sure, warm grip. He dragged Bas
into the passageway. The thick wall of human scents hit Bas
and he closed down his senses. Matthew was more than
enough distraction. Bas held out the bottle of champagne.

“Only the best.”
The atmosphere electrified as they stared at each other.


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Matthew dropped his hand.

“Come through, meet the gang.”
He followed Matthew, watching the way his denims

hugged his tight arse, rode the length of his legs with that
unique walking grace that would make a Familiar proud.

The room he was ushered into was lit dimly, by red

candles in ornate black candelabra.

Matthew whistled for silence and all attention riveted

upon him, gazes flickering to Bas. “Our latest Monster,
everyone. Sebastian de Seville.” Monster. They exchanged a
conspiratorial smile. Matthew took him by the arm and led
him to each person, making introductions. Bas’s vampire
instincts caught individual scents and stored them in his
brain, alongside names.

There was a rich assortment of men and women, young,

old, some dressed casually, others exotically. Bas had
dressed down for the occasion, favouring black levis, a black
silk shirt and his Italian boots. With his dark hair tied back
in a black velvet thong, it was his vampire sense of the
dramatic to appear like a shadow, all darkness, no light.

Matt halted before a man dressed in a black pin-striped

suit, and wearing thick, horn-rimmed glasses.

“Bas, this is the company lawyer, Ray O’Connor. Ray’s

been used to Monsters all his life. His dad was our lawyer
before he retired.”

They shook hands.
“Pleasure to meet you Mr de Seville.”
“Thank you. My pleasure, too.”
Matt linked his arm in Bas’s and led him away. “I know

what you’re thinking. The guy’s a geek.”

“No, I was thinking that he’s repressed. His voice had an

undercurrent of sex, but he stands like he’s got a rod up his

“Some people pay good money for that sort of


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“If you visit Madam Lash.”
Matt laughed. “Ray’s a good friend. I’m pretty sure he

knows more about us all than he lets on, but he’s discreet
and a bloody good lawyer.”

“Yes, now—”
“So you’re the vampire Matt’s been enthusing about?”

Came a woman’s throaty voice and Bas turned.

She was middle-aged, dark of hair and eye, with high

cheekbones and a slant of eye that bespoke the Orient. Her
floor length green kaftan was embroidered with peacock
feathers, the bird eye sparkling with crystals.

“My name is Erilla. I’m a witch.” She held out her

bejewelled hand, her long nails silver and encrusted with

Sebastian took her hand and swallowed the cry as her

skin burned his. She was a witch… a blood witch.

“Like calls to like, lover-boy,” she said drily. “A word

outside.” She strode away, her silk gown rustling in her tall
wake. She disappeared through a side door into the garden.

The affront of a witch, ordering him… Bas bit down

against the prejudice. Vamps rarely interacted with witches.
Contrary females at the best of times, their blood burned a
vamp. Wizards and witches were sworn enemies. He
supposed, if this witch was a friend of Matthew’s, he could
tolerate her presence. At a distance.

He found Erilla leaning against the iron balustrade, arms

folded, eyes narrowed. Bas didn’t like that look. When a
witch meant business it was bad news for everyone.

“My friends call me Ril.”
“Am I your friend?”
“That remains to be seen. Depends on how you treat


“Is that any of your business?”
“Oh, yes. We’re family. Close as blood.”
Bas sniffed disdainfully.

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“You think humans don’t have affiliations as close as

vampires, or other blood? You know nothing, then, fang-

“If you’re going to insult me…” Bas half turned away.

Her outstretched hand halted him. He stepped back from

“Your fangs itching, huh?” Erilla laughed. “Vamps are

always techy when their fangs itch. Settle down. I’ve got
some stuff to say. I want you to know my connection. I
worked for Matt’s father when he owned the circus, before
Monsters came into existence.” She paused. “That’s how
Monsters started… The circus got into difficulties and had to
sell out to a multi-national. The new owners had no time for
real magic and circus performers, just a lot of high tech glitz
and a few animals. So overnight we were made redundant.
No place to go, nowhere to call home. Hence, Monsters Inc.”
She smiled sardonically. “Little realizing that within the
family there were real monsters… The latest a vampire. The
boy’s spoken about little else but you for weeks.”

Bas felt the blush creep over his cheeks. It took a lot to

make a vampire blush. In living memory he’d only blushed
twice. He folded his arms and frowned down at the witch.

She jabbed a pointed nail at him. “You don’t hurt him.

Ever. I’m not talking about fangs. That’s between you both.
I’m talking about betrayal.”

“I don’t need a lecture from you.”
“Well, you’re gonna get it, fang boy, like it or not. I owe

him everything. Has he told you about himself? Have you
even asked? No?” She rolled her eyes. “Why aren’t I
surprised. Vampires are a selfish lot.”

“Madam, if you’re going to insult me, I’m leaving.” Bas

paused. “As for Matthew’s personal life, he’ll tell me when
he’s ready.”

“Well, maybe. His father was a hard man. And Matt is

still paying the price.” She eyed him disdainfully. “Don’t

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understand me? Wait until Matt tells you—if he tells you.
Then you’ll understand. I knew you were coming. I’m a
diviner. When I was reading, four months ago, I turned up
the death card. About the same time you arrived on the

“I don’t kill, though right now, I’m tempted.”
Ril laughed. “A vampire with a no-kill policy?”
“We’re not all blood-sucking sex maniacs.”
“I’m yet to be convinced.”
“And you, madam, have read your cards incorrectly.

Were you sent here under Ban, too? What did you do? False

Her smile faded, her eyes becoming haunted.
The hair on Bas’s nape lifted. “Ah.”
A universe of understanding in that one word. She was a

deflowered witch. Her magic torn from her, stolen by the
cruellest means—a circle of wizards who raped the life and
magic from her. Few witches survived the encounter fewer
still retained their wits, let alone a vestige of magic—enough
to read fortunes. She must have been high level before…

“Yes, tenth level, so it took ten wizards to do it, and I took

two of the bastards down before they did. I was sent
through the portal more dead than alive and I landed here.
Matt’s mother found me.”

“He told me about his mother’s death.”
Ril’s eyes widened. “Did he now? Well, that reveals a lot

to me.” She paused. “His mother was a one in a million
human and she nursed me back to health and gave me a job
in the circus. Before the bastard arrived on the scene.”

“The bastard?”
“Jack Jackson. Bastard extraordinaire. In comparison he

made wizards look like gentlemen. If he hadn’t died of
natural causes, six years ago, I’d’ve been tempted to send
him into the ether. We all looked after Matt, but trust me, he
kept Monsters going. He’s a special boy, is my Matthew.”

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Her gaze hardened. “And you, fang boy, what did you do to
end up on this backwater world?”

“None of your business.”
“That bad, huh?”
Sebastian had to smile. The witch returned the smile.
“I think I might like you, but it’s too soon to tell.” She

hitched off the railing and stalked towards the door. She
paused to look at him over her shoulder. “Don’t you hurt

Bas nodded. The bloody cheek of the witch, but then he

supposed given the history between her and Matt, she had a
right to be protective.

And then he remembered that first day in Matt’s office

and the tarot cards. Had the Erilla planted them there? He
had no doubt. But why would she do that? His fangs itched.
Who could fathom the actions or reasoning of a woman, let
alone a witch?

“Bas?” Matthew strode out onto the balcony, carrying two

glasses of champagne. He silently handed Bas a flute. “Did
you enjoy your


with Ril?”

“Enjoy is not a word I’d use to describe it. Enlightening

perhaps. The woman has a bite that would do a vampire

Matt shrugged and sipped his drink. “You like the

family?” He inclined his head back towards the lounge

“Mmm.” He drew in a deep breath and set his glass on

the table. “We need to talk. Private.”

Matthew tensed, the wary look in his face and eyes—Bas

hated that look. He gently took Matthew’s glass and put it
on the table. “Private.” He led him out into the garden,
finding a wrought iron seat beneath an old oak tree. Matt sat
down as if he was sitting on red hot coals. Bas sat at the
opposite end.

“So… talk,” Matt said, as the silence lengthened between

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them. “You telling me you’re leaving?”

“No, why would I leave?”
“You tell me. Every time I try to get close, you now

retreat. When you do answer my questions it’s all that
fucking vampire stuff.”

“I know as much about you, as you do about me. When I

ask you, you get all h…” He was going to say human.

“Do I?”
“Sometimes. I’m going slow, Matt, for your sake.”
“I’m a big boy now. I can handle it. I’m tired of the slow

and easy.”

Bas slid along the bench, until his thigh pressed against

Matthew’s. It had been a long time since he had seduced a
human. By his own choice, he had decided to go slow,
allowing Matthew all the time in the world, but he couldn’t
stand it, not a moment longer. He wanted to sink fangs and
body into this man and never let go.

“There’s things between us, Matthew, that need to be

settled. You’re like a cat on a hot tin roof.”

“Me? You’re the one with those come to me eyes.”
“I—what?” Bas had been careful never to remove his

contacts when Matthew was around. Matt had only seen his
blue, slitted eyes twice—the day of the interview and when
Matt had found Bas recovering from the mall death. When a
vampire revealed his eyes to his lover, the fangs weren’t far
behind. Consummation in all respects of the word.

“So, what are we going to do?”
“Here? Now?” Bas paused. “I think… just this.” He lifted

Matthew’s chin. He had intended a simple kiss, to test, to
taste—for them both. But the warmth, the scent… Bas took
Matthew in his arms and pressed his mouth, savouring and
plundering. At first Matthew was rigid in his arms, the kiss
unrequited. Then, a tentative response, a hand on his thigh,
stroking, moving upwards to Bas’s bulging cock. He held his

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“Matthew, don’t stop,” Bas said as he felt the fingers


“I’ve never done this… I don’t know…”
“At your own pace.” Bas’d be patient, even though he

was fit to burst. But he wasn’t leaving here, this time,
without either of them resolving… He laughed to himself.
Resolving. That was the last thing on his mind. He wanted
commitment. He wanted consummation. He was going to
have it. So was Matthew.

His blood thrummed in his veins, beating a furious tattoo

at his temples. He wanted to lose himself, sink his body and
his fangs into this boy… no, he was not a boy. He was a
man. Matthew was all man, and for the first time in his long
life, Sebastian wanted more than the simple sex – he wanted
love. But to love a human? “Matthew…” He all but growled.

“Will you call me Matt? I hate it when you say Matthew.

You sound like my father.”

Bas kissed him again, gently, straying his lips over the

fine stubble of Matt’s chin. Vampires were allergic to beards.
He’d probably have a rash after this night, but what the
hell… a small price to pay.

Matt’s fingers stroked. Bas held his breath as the zip of his

jeans was edged down. A hesitation. Bas kissed
encouragement. Fingers crept inside, touching the flesh.
Matt grasped the rigid cock and Bas lifted off the seat. It was
as if a million nerve endings screamed at once, the vampire
body reacted to the moment, the wanting, the needing…
Bas’s fangs descended and he clamped his mouth shut,
fearful of reminding Matt that he was an inhuman monster,
with fangs, one inch long. Matt lifted his gaze to Bas.

“Am I doing it right?”
“Mmmm.” Sometimes even a vampire was lost for words.

He lifted upwards, allowing Matt deeper entry. Bas closed

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his eyes, delirious, oblivious to all except the pressure at his
groin, as fingers grasped and stroked, before parting the
opening of his cock.

Sometime, somehow, Matthew had moved and Bas’s next

moment stopped his hearts, as Matthew knelt between Bas’s
legs and took his rigid length into his mouth. He slid a
tongue tip around the engorged flesh, lightly biting, while
cupping his balls, gently squeezing. The inexperienced
mouth grew more daring, artful, as if he had loved this way
all his life. He took Bas deeply, then retreated, slow, soft,
hard, furious, deep, shallow, alternating the speed and
depth with each lick and suck. Bas wound his fingers in
Matt’s hair and arched up and down, in tandem with the
mouth encircling him.

Bas came, a moment of turning inside out, darkness

tinged with red and all the while the mouth continued
plundering, draining him.

Then the quiet interlude and the sound of shattered

breathing. Bas’s hearts thudded, a pounding crescendo at
the apex of his thighs. He wanted to bury himself deep into
Matthew, to be the taker…

Matthew rested back on his heels, his hair awry, his eyes

glazed, his cheeks tinged with red. Was that a blush? How
delightful. Bas touched his face.

“Will you let me love you, now?” Bas asked.
“Um… like I just did or the other?”
“Your choice.”
“I don’t want you to fuck me in the garden. I want…”
Bas leant forward and cupped Matt’s face in his hands.

“What do you want?”

“I want… I want… not here. Not now.”
“You want the romance?”
Matt pulled back from him. “You’re laughing at me.”
“No, Matthew.” This human thought he wanted the

romance, but what he really wanted was the seduction. And

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a vampire was master of that. As a prelude to moving in for
the thrill and the kill. “I’m in no hurry. When you want me
to take you, we’ll both know. But… let me taste you. Please
let me …” Let me drink your blood. But he dared not ask that.
Not now. But, by every holy rite, he wanted the blood.
Needed it as never before. And if he gave into the lust, Matt
would really be afraid, would run from him forever.

Bas lifted Matthew, laying him down along the seat. He

unzipped, unbuttoned, peeling aside fabric to reveal the pale
human flesh, but ridged and hard as only a man can be. He
trailed kisses and tiny bites along the flesh. Matt grasped
Bas’s hair, gasping and writhing with every lick and flick of
mouth, tongue, bite. Bas’s fang gently circled the navel, as
his fingers dipped lower. He wound his hand around the
hot, straining erection.

Bas took him deep into his mouth, tasting man-salt.

Musk-scented human flesh was hot against his cheek as he
lapped and probed. He loved the man as he had no other,
slowly, deliberately, savouring; withdrawing when he
sensed the climax, holding Matthew at the brink, letting the
tension ebb, before returning to build once more. This, the
vampire’s seductive dance, reserved only for another
vampire, or the soul mate of blood.

Bas paused, mid-stroke. Would Matthew agree to the

exchange? They had talked about it, but never seriously. A
vampire wanted forever. But for a human, forever was
something they could not understand, until after the blood
exchange. He knew he was going too fast, but Matt had said
he was tired of slow. Bas needed to retreat. To be patient.
But what if, at the very end, Matthew rejected him, rejected
his vampire gift?

“Bas?” Matthew’s hand feathered through his hair. Bas

felt the uncertainty, the trembling. He bent to his loving with
gentle intensity, this time allowing Matthew to peak, to

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tumble over and into the oblivion. Le Petite Morte. The Little
Death. How apt, the French description for the orgasm.

Bas lathered his length, nibbled, sucked, licked. He gently

scraped his fang along Matthew’s cock, sensing the pulsing
blood, the man essence… He blew cool kisses over his flesh
and then returned to his loving. Matthew groaned and
shifted against him, his fingers dug into Bas’s shoulders. He
arched upwards, gasping, the softest moan. A hiss of breath.

Then, the quiet interlude, with only the sound of laboured


“Sebastian,” he whispered.
“That’s my name.”
Bas closed his eyes and rested his cheek against Matt’s

groin. Fingers stroked his hair. He was content.

Later, with his clothes properly around him, Matthew

disappeared into the house and returned carrying a bottle of
champagne and two flutes. He silently poured the glasses
and held one out to Bas.

“I don’t know what to say,” Matthew said.
“Then say nothing.” Bas grinned and touched his knee. “I

don’t need pillow talk. I enjoyed it. So did you.” He raised
his glass. “Here’s to closer encounters.”

They drank in silence for a time.
“Now,” Bas said, putting down his glass. “I’m going to

kiss you. Properly. Here. Sit astride me.”

Matthew grinned, but did as ordered. His long legs

wound around Bas’s back. God, that felt good, the heels
digging into the small of his back. Comforting. Bas put an
arm around Matt, drawing him closer, while his free hand
held his lover by the base of the neck, his fingers teasing into
the curl of hair at collar. He nuzzled his cheek against Matt’s
and then parting his lips, Bas took Matt’s mouth in a kiss
that began as a leisurely exploration but slowly lengthened,
daring, tongue to tongue dancing and teasing and stroking.

Matt broke the kiss, smiling. “You taste of spice and…

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something else.”

“And you.”
“I wanted to do this to you the first day you came into my


“I didn’t come in your office, but I wanted to.”
“Please, kiss me again,” Matt said.
A vampire always obliged, especially when asked so


When they returned to the party, Bas saw Ril eyeing him

from the corner. Her gaze flicked to Matthew. What she saw
must have pleased her, Bas thought ironically, because the
woman gave a curt nod and returned to talking to her
companion, Brutus the Strong Man, who now acted as her
security guard when she held her séances.

Never in his wildest imaginings did Bas think he would

take a human as lover, or be in the company of a witch—
deflowered or whole—or become part of a family that called
itself Monsters inK. That was the universe for you—it
always moved in mysterious ways. And the creator of that
universe… had a damn sense of humour.

Matt’s hand at the small of Bas’s back was comforting, but

held a hint of possession. Bas had never been possessed in
his life. It felt interesting. And the promise of more
interesting things to come made Bas’s cock throb and his
hearts pound. The fangs in their sheaths itched. And when a
fang itched, one had to scratch it. Eventually. It was the
eventually that would be worth the wait and the tease.

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Chapter Seven

he one thing that vampires do better than any other
species—besides the biting with style—is seduction. This

thought crossed Bas’s mind as he lit the candles on the
candelabra. But, he now realised, he’d been the one who had
been played and seduced, not by an expert, but by an
innocent amateur with sandy hair and a permanent stubble
on his chin. Though, Matt had opted to shave every day, and
always before seeing Bas, since the rash had appeared on
Bas’s face and other areas not so easily viewed. Anyway, the
boy had seduced with the dexterity of a professional, but
rather than annoyance, Bas felt pleasure. Um, more than
pleasure. A thrill.
It took a lot to thrill a vampire.

The cat flap bounced open and Gyng stalked in. Bas

shooed him away from the table, and set down the bowl of
cat food and milk in the kitchen before the rangy tom.

Minutes later, Bas heard the rumble of Matt’s bike and

then the quick footsteps and scent that were unique. Matt
pushed open the door, juggling a bottle of wine and two
boxes of… what was in the boxes?

Matt set the bottle and boxes down and went into Bas’s

arms for a lingering kiss.

“Was that the main course or dessert?” Matt asked.
Sebastian watched as he unpacked the boxes, revealing a

triple layered chocolate mud cake and a cheese and greens


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platter. Matthew was dressed in a new pair of black jeans,
violet silk shirt, with a black string tie. Interestingly enough,
he was wearing a pair of black leather boots that screamed
Italian. Since when did Matthew dress up? Was it for him?
Now that thought was definitely interesting. Capital ‘I’,

“I didn’t know if you preferred the sweet or savoury for

afters.” Matt turned to him, his eyes dancing mischief.

“Both, all contained in the one accommodating package.”
“What makes you think I’m accommodating?”
“What makes you think I was talking about you?”
“Takes one to know one.”
Matt held up his hands in mock surrender. He glanced

around the room. “You’ve gone to a lot of trouble.” His eyes
grew serious. “Sebastian?”

“Uh-oh. When you call me that I know I’m in trouble.”
Matt punched him playfully on the arm. “If you were in

trouble, you’d know it.”

“I’d bite you.”
“You shouldn’t say that.”
“What? About biting you? Isn’t that what you like?”
“Yes, but you saying it to me, before we’re blood-bonded,

it’s considered in bad taste. Sorry—no pun intended. If
another vampire said it to me, then I’d counter-challenge.
There’d be a fight to the death.

“I’m new to this, Bas. I make mistakes. I don’t mean to.”
Bas spread his hands. “To err is human, love of mine.”
“Am I? Your love, I mean?” He paused, his hazel eyes

serious, searching. “How many lovers have you had, Bas?”

“Not as many as you imagine.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“You want names, dates?”

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Bas studied Matt. He was nervous, anxious. That’s why

he’d never bothered with virgins before. And a human
virgin was the most testy of creatures. Male or female. “I
told you we’d go at your own pace.”

“What if it’s not enough?” What if I’m not enough—the

silent thought twined out of Matt’s mind.

“You are,” Bas said, clasping his lover’s hand between his

own. “But what if you know all about me and it’s too
much?” If he told Matt that one day, he would need the
intimacy of the true blood exchange—what then? He didn’t
know how much longer he could go without his lover’s
blood, given at the height of passion, when it became the
most intoxicating vintage imaginable.

“I’m glad you don’t wear those god-awful contacts any

more. I’ve gotten used to the blue, but the slits are full on.”
Matt flushed. “I kinda thought vamps’ eyes would be red
and… spooky.”

“They will go red when I’m in lust. During the exchange.”

Sebastian smiled. “And as for full-on… I’m always full-on,

“That exchange thing. What is it?”
Sebastian drew in his breath. How to explain? “It is the

passion. The exchange of blood between equals. Lovers.
Always done with love. Though…”

“I told you about the nosferatu and the ghoul-initiates. If I

revealed more about the dark nature of some vampires, you
might run screaming.”

“I won’t.”
“So certain of that, are you?”
Matthew raised his chin. “Yep. So this exchange is done

between lovers? Is that when you make babies?”

“Problem there, Bas. I don’t think either of us can have


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“So, how do vampires reproduce?”
“It varies. There are male-female couples who reproduce

in the usual way, seeding during the exchange. For same sex
couples, they initiate during the exchange. The vampire and
lover exchange blood and other things… the lover is
transformed to vampire-kin. My lover will become my mate.
For life.”

“Just like that?”
“Not exactly.”
“It’s the not exactly that interests me.”
“We don’t talk about it. It is done. It is understood.”
“Not by me.”
“Of course not. You have to be in the mood.” Bas spread

his hands. “You think too much, Matthew. There are times
when it’s a curse. When humans think too much, it causes all
sorts of complications.”

“You’re taking the piss.”
“I enjoy teasing you.” Because you always take my bait. He

would never tell Matthew that.

“So you only do that initiate thing with a lover. How

many times have you, Bas? Initiated, I mean.”

“Never.” Bas shivered. He had inadvertently allowed

some of his blood to mingle with that thief in the shopping
mall. It sometimes only took a small amount to initiate, and
Bas’s blood was potent—he was, after all, kindred to royalty,
to the Vlad. He’d had Ray make some discreet enquiries
with the police and it turned out that the youth who had
died, Adam Sanders, had been cremated by his family
following the autopsy. It was done. Over. But until Ray had
found out the details, Bas had been afraid. A rogue initiate
had to be hunted down and slain, before he turned ghoul-

“Everything okay, Bas-boy? You look like someone

walked over your grave.”

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“Just thinking.”
“Why are you wearing your Armani?”
“Special night.”
“It is?” Matt’s voice was suddenly husky and Bas felt and

heard his heart pound.

“I intend to make love to you. Properly.”
“Properly?” Matt’s body tensed in a nano-second, the

heat rising a notch.

“Is that a problem?”
“I thought it’d be spontaneous… unplanned.”
“Making love to one’s lover is never unplanned.”
“I’m your lover?”
“What else?”
“I thought…”
Sebastian stepped up to Matt and put a thumb to his

mouth. He growled, a low rumbling in his throat. “The
trouble with you is that you think too much.” He kissed
Matt hard on the mouth. “Still want to think?”

Matthew grinned crookedly—that little boy smile that

melted Bas’s bones. “I want to eat.”

“So do I.”
“I mean eat dinner.”
“What else?” Bas asked and stalked away, laughing


The dinner was over, and dessert left—Gyng had invaded

the pantry and licked the cream off the cake before settling
on the bed with a satisfied smirk.

Reclining on the sofa, Bas watched Matt sip from his

glass. Across the length of sofa, their eyes met. For the first
time, Bas sent Matthew a soothing thought. The boy was as
wired as… wired. He wanted this to be easy, slow,
something that Matthew would savour.

Matt looked up. “Tell me more about the other places

where you’ve lived? I know about Seville. That’s why I
painted you.”

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“I like Australia. The sun is warm, it reminds me of


But how long will you be content? The thought projected

and Bas caught it.

“I plan to stay here.”
“In this dump?”
“That’s ironic coming from you.”
“I don’t always plan to live in that office.”
“If you want me to give you commitment and

assurances…?” Bas spread his hands. “It depends on you.”

“I’m not asking for a damn wedding ring, but I’m not just

a one night fuck.”

“Did I ever give you reason to think that?”
“No. Ah hell!” Matt swallowed the wine in one gulp. “I’d

better go.” He stood up and headed to the door. He never
made it. Bas stood in front of him, barring the way.

“No,” Bas said.
“No. Get on the bed. Now.”
“You heard me.”
For a moment Matt’s eyes flared, before pain extinguished

passion. Bas saw the play of light in his tawny eyes. His
vampire senses ignited. He dared the mind-probe, delving
deep. He saw the image of a child being beaten senseless by
a man in shadows. Bas reeled in shock. Who was this
monster? Was this what Ril had meant those weeks ago at
the party? And he had just made that stupid remark,
thinking that Matt might like it rough—to start off with.

Bas dragged fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry.” He

paused and held out his hand. “Come to bed with me?

“Bas, I’m scared.”
“Of me?” His mouth tasted like dry ash.
“I don’t like being hurt.”

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“Neither do I. You think I would hurt you? Ever?”
A glimmer of tears danced in hazel eyes. Bas took Matt’s

face between his palms and kissed him, dragging a tongue
tip over his lips.

“Your own pace, Matthew.”
“You say that all the time, but I know that it’s never

enough for you.” He paused. “Why you work so hard, take
every assignment you can and even do those strip things for
the women… I hate it when you do that.”

“I’m far from enamoured with them, I can assure you.

When I strip I pretend it’s you and only you watching me.”

Matt gaped.
Sebastian dragged off the hair thong and shook his hair

free, the comma hanging over his brow. He lifted his face,
tossing the hair from his eyes. The next to go was his jacket.
He flung that away and heard a distinct yeow from Gyng—
must have landed on the cat. With his eyes fastened to
Matt’s gaze, Bas carefully undid the buttons of his shirt,
laughing silently to realize his hands were trembling so
much he could hardly use his fingers. He was like a virgin,
sweating and trembling before his lover.

His hands flipped open the belt. Then his button, then

zip. His mouth went desert dry at the sound. Matt’s eyes
flicked down and then up to Bas. Bas kicked off his boots,
his eyes never leaving Matt. He peeled off his socks with his
toes—he’d practised that for days. A vampire had a certain
style and socks in bed didn’t enter the equation.

He stood tall, chin raised, the stance of the vampire,

arrogant and in control. He peeled off the trousers and stood
naked, his cock erect, to his navel. He didn’t wear
underwear and Matt stared. Realising.

Bas spread his arms. “Just flesh and blood, Matt.”
“You’re magnificent.”
The vampire in him preened. “Now, your turn. Or do I

act as valet?”

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Matthew groaned. He retreated to the bed and sat down

on the edge of the black velvet spread.

He fumbled with his boots and kicked them off. Bas

pushed him back on the bed and knelt between his thighs.
He tugged at the belt, opened it, zipped down. He bent
forward, his hair tickling Matt’s cheek. He kissed his lover in
a lazy teasing caress, using his tongue to tease the lips open.
He plunged inside, Matt’s tongue twining with his own in a
sexy dance. He drew the jeans down Matt’s legs and realised
that his lover also had no underwear. The thought made his
cock pulse and his balls harden. He fought for control.

Bas removed the shirt, flinging it into a corner. He leaned

over Matt, kissing him, trailing gentle bites and kisses over
his chest, teasing a nipple to a hard peak. He moved lower,
swirling his tongue over the light smattering of golden hair,
to his navel, then lower, deliberately slow and seductive
feather soft caresses. He blew against the heated flesh and
then touched his mouth to the tip of Matt’s erection. Bas felt
Matt grab his hair, holding him, while he lifted his hips,
grinding himself against Bas. A silent invitation that Bas
answered, by taking the cock deep into his mouth.

“You…” Matt groaned. “I want to taste you when you do


The familiar 69. They moved on the bed, positioning,

without awkwardness, as if they were familiar lovers. Bas
yelped as Matt’s mouth fastened around his cock. They
loved in tandem, then Bas cried out as he felt Matt’s fingers
gently tease at the opening of his arse. It nearly finished him,
that touch.

His mouth fastened harder on Matt and he brought him

to climax, taking the essence, tasting its spice and salt.

Almost as good as blood.

He pulled away from Matt and watched his lover’s climax

wash through his body, his face, caught the faint shadow of
it in Matt’s mind. A flare of red, then darkness.

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“Bas… You.” Matt reached for his cock, but Bas had other

ideas. He glanced down at his cock, shimmering with Matt’s
saliva. He carefully turned Matt on his side and nestled
behind him, flinging a possessive thigh over him. He probed
the tight opening and Matt tensed. Ah damn, not ready. Bas
kissed his neck and nibbled the earlobe, sending him
soothing thoughts.

“Do you remember that first day in your office?” Bas

asked huskily.

“Mmmm. Oh, do that again, it feels… Ah!”
“That first day in your office when you said to me show

me what you have to offer.”

“Yeah, so?”
He stroked down Matt’s chest, to his stomach, lower to

hold his cock in a sure grip. He gently scrolled and teased
and pumped and Matt rocked against him.

“It is the most evocative, deeply sexy, intimate thing a

vampire and a lover can say to the other. I can’t emphasise
that enough. So, Matthew, heart of my heart, soon to be
blood of my blood, show me what you have to offer.”

Matt put an arm behind him and drew Bas hard against

him. He lifted up.

Bas entered Matt, slowly. He took the pain away,

channelling it down into his own body.

“Bloody hell…” Matt whispered.
“It hurts?”
“It feels so fucking good. Oh, hell, do that again. Let me

show you what I have to offer, Bas. Don’t hold back. I want
this. I want you.”

Bas twitched inside Matt. His lover shivered. Shivering

was good.

The minutes slowed, he entered, stopped, held, twitched,

kissed, licked and then entered some more. Matt reared back
and pushed down taking Bas’s full length. For a moment,
Bas held his breath, his hearts stalling, as they shared the

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pleasure and the pain.

“You should have let me take my time.” Bas nibbled his

lover’s neck.

“You were taking too damn long.”
Bas moved against him, at first in slow, unhurried

strokes, then increasing, all the while hand-pumping Matt’s
cock in tandem with the pace he set behind.

Matt exploded and Bas followed him down into the sweet

oblivion of climax. The little death.

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Chapter Eight

t was the best of times and it was the worst of times, Bas
thought. To have Matthew as his lover, of days and nights

in shared passion, but always at the end, Matthew left to go
home. But worse, he still had not tasted his lover’s blood.
Matthew had not offered. But he allowed Bas every liberty of
body and gave and received pleasure, but it wasn’t enough.
Not damn near enough.

A vampire never asked for the blood exchange. It had to

be given freely. Only the depraved, the nosferatu took
without asking, creating and destroying…

Bas watched as Matt gunned the bike engine and took off

down the street, the moonlight glinting off the chrome
helmet. He never looked back. Not ever.

His Matt defied all logic.
Gyng stalked across the table and licked at the scraps of

food. The cat had definitely put on weight since Matthew
had arrived, bringing with him boxes of goodies to eat
between lovemaking.

Bas washed the dishes and set the flat to rights before

taking some well-earned rest on his bed. A bed that was still
crumpled from their loving and still carrying the sex-scent of
human and vampire. He breathed in deeply. He needed to

Tomorrow he had an all-night booking. A monsters, myth

and mayhem show with Erilla, Brutus and Matt featuring as


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a witch, a demon and a ghost—in that order. The party was
to be held in a mansion in the Adelaide Hills, the proceeds to
go to a Bear Sanctuary. Monsters inK was going from
strength to strength and Matt had said he’d have to hire
more personnel. Did Bas know any out of work monsters
who needed employment?

That had been his parting comment, followed by a slant of

his lips against Bas’s cheek.

Out of work monsters—indeed!
Bas turned face down in the bed and closed his eyes.
It seemed only minutes had passed when the ringing of

his mobile dragged him out of his sleep. Groggily, he
reached for the phone and thumbed the answer key.

“Mmm.” He wasn’t a morning vamp, the sunlight coming

through the window indicated early morning… He glanced
at the clock by the bed. Ten a.m. Who in the hell rang him at
such a disgusting time?

“This is Ray.”
“Who?” His mind kicked in. “Sorry, Ray. I was asleep.”
“No easy way to say this. Bad news, I’m afraid. There’s

been an accident.”

“Yes?” Bas sat up in bed, flinging the hair out of his eyes.
“I’m at the Royal Adelaide. Matt’s in intensive care.

Accident. Can you…?”

When they wanted to, vampires could move faster than

warp speed. Bas was heading into the city within ten

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Chapter Nine

he hospital stank. It was an anathema to vampires, the
sterility and the desperate bodies, full of drugs,

rendering the blood unpalatable. Unreadable.

A nurse gave Bas directions. He ran down the Intensive

Care Unit corridor. Turning the corner, he saw the three
standing outside a door. Ril was in tears with Brutus trying
to console her. Ray stood to one side, his face pale.

“Sebastian, thank the great goddess you’re here.” Ril put

her hands on Bas’s arm. He growled as witch flesh met
vampire flesh, burning. “Sorry, I…”

“What happened?”
“An accident,” Ril told him. “So they said. But the police

had one witness who thought that the car swerved into Matt,
as if on purpose…”

“He’s always ridden that bike like a lunatic!” Ray said.

“No room for error.”

“They want to turn off the life support,” Ril whispered.

“He’s in a coma. Do something!” Her eyes held his.

“I wouldn’t let the doctor do that until you were here,”

Ray said. “I’ve got power of attorney. But since you and he
are, well… it’s you who has to decide.”

“Please, Sebastian. You can save him,” Ril begged.
“Erilla, sweetheart,” Ray said gently.
“He can save him.”
Bas pushed open the door and paused, shocked, as he


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saw Matthew on the bed, plugged into a dozen machines.
He looked more robot than human. Not the vibrancy, the
piquancy of his sweet lover, pulsing with life and blood…

A nurse bent over the prone body, adjusting the

breathing tube in Matt’s mouth.

“I want to see Mr Jackson alone,” Bas said to the nurse.
She glanced at Ray, brows lifted. “It’s okay,” the lawyer

told the hesitating woman.

The nurse left the room, frowning.
“Sebastian,” Ril shouldered past Ray. “I’ll make sure that

no one enters this room, and that the machines don’t register
any changes. Whatever happens, the hospital won’t
remember us being here, no records, so no questions asked.
You’ll be safe.”

“Ril…?” Ray began.
The witch ignored the lawyer. “Just save him, Bas. Save


Save him. The words echoed in his mind.
Bas sat on the side of the bed and took Matthew’s hand

between his. Memories surfaced, of the time when his
slender hands had been bloodied and broken. But that had
been a simple healing. Now Matthew’s injuries were
terminal. The damage was beyond a vampire mind-healing.
There was only one way. The Change. He must Initiate.

If he did not do this, Matthew would die. If he did this

Matthew might not survive the exchange. Would he have
the strength? Did he love life enough? Did he want Bas
enough? Matt would have to fight the death facing him.

Save him. You can do this.
But, where to start? All these tubes invading Matt’s body,

the bandages, the splints, and swollen, bruised, bloodied
flesh. It looked as if Matt had been slammed hard against a
brick wall, every part of him damaged.

He stood up. “I need the nurse. Can you get her, Ray?”
Minutes later, the woman was standing beside Matt’s bed.

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“You have to prepare for the worst,” she said. “It’s a miracle,
he’s lasted this long.”

“Nurse Forsythe. Look at me.”
The woman responded to Bas’s vampire command,

turning woodenly, raising her gaze to his.

“Bas…?” Ray stepped toward him.
“I suggest you leave here, Ray, what I’m going to do

might cause you problems.”

“Come along, Ray,” Brutus said. “Leave them alone.”
“But. But.”
Brutus marched Ray out of the room. Ril followed,

throwing Bas a last pleading look.

Bas drew off his sunglasses and stepped up to the nurse.

He lifted her chin with his right hand. His gaze held hers.
She gasped as the contact was made and held. “Have no fear
of me. I want you to remove all the tubes, splints. Every
piece of medical intervention. Do it slowly. Carefully. Now,

The nurse pulled back the sheet covering Matt’s body and

bent to her task, hands gently disentangling Matt from the
machines, the tubes and wires. She staunched leaking blood.

Bas glanced at Matthew. His hearts lurched in his chest.

Matt looked a hundred times worse without the machines
shielding his battered, broken body. “Are you finished?”

The nurse nodded.
“Okay, then. Thank you. Now, please leave. You’ll

remember nothing you’ve said or done here in the last

The woman walked slowly to the door, closing it behind


Bas sat on the edge of the bed and tugged up his shirt

sleeve. He bit into his wrist, tapping the vein. Crimson blobs
erupted onto his skin. He wiped the blood onto his finger
and put it to Matthew’s lips.

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He moaned. In denial. Of the blood? Of him? Bas took

Matthew’s chin and held it while he put his wrist to the
boy’s lips. Drops of blood oozed into his mouth. He
swallowed slowly, as if the effort cost him every ounce of his

“Drink, lover of mine. Take it all.” Bas cradled Matt’s

head as he sipped vampire blood.

They had made so many plans. Would they all come to

nothing? Would Matthew die of a traffic accident? Such a
bloody stupid thing! But witnesses had said that the car
veered into Matthew’s bike, as if on purpose. That must be a
mistake… Bas’s temples throbbed.

As if on purpose. The words echoed in his mind.
Was this accident payback from the men who had beaten

Matt because he had failed to make a payment? Human
! Whether Matthew lived or died, Sebastian
would make sure that those responsible had a hellish end.
Vampire retribution was beyond imagining.

Bas put two fingers to Matthew’s right temple,

concentrating. This was going to be damn hard, because
deep mental rapport was better achieved when eye contact
was made.

He matched his heart beats to Matt’s, his breathing

shallow, like Matt’s. He linked. Down, his awareness
plummeted, until he caught the faint spark of Matt’s life-
force, whirling amid the dark awareness… Matt was nearly
dead, but a part of him clung tenaciously to life.

A slight flare in response.
“Matt, I know you can hear me. Don’t try to answer. Just

listen. I can save you, but I need to change you. That means
a blood exchange. Initiation. We talked about it—remember?
Once done it’s irreversible. You’ll need my blood forever
and I’ll need yours. I know you once said you wished you
could live many lifetimes and do stuff… But did you really

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mean it?”

He felt the softest mind-caress. Want. That small action

had depleted Matt. And he now hovered on the edge of
death. It was only Bas’s force of will that held him from the

Bas concentrated, using memories of Matt to bring

himself to sexual arousal. Only then could the blood
synthesise, have any chance of the change. He shifted on the
bed, easing cramped muscles. Bas lifted his wrist from
Matt’s mouth. He tugged at his shirt, baring his chest. With
his hunter talon he cut a path across his chest, above his first
heart. This was not how it should be. The exchange between
lovers was done during sex, face to face, a fang to the neck
and a mutual drinking, love and essence mingling. That was
why it was called the exchange. But at least Matt could drink
as close to his heart as possible; it wasn’t cold or clinical like
a taste from the wrist. Bas bent forward and kissed Matt,
hating the feel of his lover’s unresponsive lips.

Love me, Matthew. He used his vampire allure to ignite the

spark of desire.

Matt’s eyelids fluttered.
Bas leaned over Matt and tilting his lover’s head, let the

blood flow from his wound into the parted mouth. At first,
Matt barely touched the gift, but slowly, as the vampire
essence entered his body, Bas sensed the life-force returning.
Matt’s mouth fastened on Bas’s flesh, slowly sucking,

Sebastian’s hearts thudded as he gave up more of his

essence. The minutes passed slowly. He held Matt to him,
willing him to live. For both their sakes.

Matt mind-whispered, Bas-boy.
Bas smiled. Even near death, he revealed the depth of his

love… how that reaction must have cost him.

“Live, Matthew. Live!”
A few drops of vampire blood, now deepest crimson

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with the potency of the exchange, slid into Matt’s mouth. He
swallowed, slowly, as if the effort to do so was beyond
imagining. It probably was.

Sebastian lathered his tongue against Matt’s neck, his

fangs descending to the vein, just the slightest pierce, barely
enough. A drop of blood oozed into Bas’s mouth. For a
moment his hearts stalled. Then, he felt it, tasted his vampire
self in the blood that Matthew gave to him. When Matt was
better, they’d do this exchange properly, but for now it was
enough to bring Matt back from the brink.

Minutes passed, each one an eternity of torture. Will he

live? Will he die? Bas again set his fangs to Matt’s neck and
drank. He took the blood into his mouth, swirling it like the
sweetest vintage. He bent over Matt and kissed him, letting
the vampire-essence flow into Matt’s mouth.

Matthew’s thoughts touched Bas. You and I tango. Tangle.


Promise, lover of mine. Promise! Now drink, lover, drink. Take

it all.

He heard-felt an answering sigh before Sebastian felt the

human teeth at his breast, the tongue, the lips probing. He
closed his eyes and lay down beside his lover, holding his
body close, arms and legs entwined.

Bas concentrated, sending his awareness deep into Matt’s

body, healing torn flesh, mending broken bones. For Bas, the
pain was excruciating. He forced it away, re-directing his
energy to the next bone, the next piece of flesh.

When it was done, and Matt was whole, Bas barely had

enough energy left to breathe.

“B… Bas?” Matt’s voice was a hoarse whisper.
The vampire opened his eyes and gazed upon Matthew’s

face. The hospital stench was on the periphery of his senses,
but it was Matthew’s life force that enveloped him like a
sweet, seductive mantle.

“You called me. I came. Where? What?” Matt whispered,

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his gaze upon Bas.

Sebastian slowly explained the accident. “Now, I have to

get you out of here.”

Matt glanced down at Sebastian’s wrist, saw the

congealed blood and the fang marks. He studied the wounds
on Bas’s chest. “I remember…”

“It was the only way to save you.”
“Don’t feel different.”
“You won’t. When we have the proper exchange, then

you’ll feel different.”

“I think I’m going to be sick.”
“No! Keep the blood down. Stay here.”
“Not going anywhere.”
Bas slid off the bed and grasped the bed rail as the room

pitched around him. He fought for consciousness, tapping
the last vestige of vampire power within himself. He was
dangerously depleted. He stumbled out into the corridor.
Matt’s friends pushed themselves from the wall, faces

“You look like death, Sebastian!” Ril said, her hands

gripping his wrist. He didn’t feel her witch flesh burn his.
She turned his hand and saw the blood and lacerations. She
parted his bloodied shirt. “Sebastian?” A world of meaning
and understanding in that one word.

He smiled grimly. “Trust me, I feel worse than I look.” He

paused. “Matt’s okay.”

“He can’t be okay!” Ray said. “He was dead. And you’re

covered in blood. What the hell…? Your eyes… Oh, man!”

“Do you need to know?”
“No, I guess not.”
“Have to get Matt out of here. Diversion.”
“I can do that,” Ril said. “Take Matthew home. We don’t

need doctors prying and poking our boy.” She paused. “But
first… this, for you, blood prince.” Ril’s dark eyes fastened
on Bas. Slowly, he felt Ril’s magic. She gifted him energy.

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Not as strong, or as lasting as a blood-gift, but it would keep
him on his feet until he and Matt were safely away.

“Thank you, Erilla. There are times when it’s good to have

a witch on one’s side.” Bas paused and glanced at the

“If you don’t want to compromise your legal sensibilities,

Ray, I suggest you get out of here, now,” Brutus said.

Ray glanced at the door to Matt’s room, then back at

Erilla, Brutus and Bas. “Keep me posted.” He stalked down
the corridor and disappeared into the elevator.

“Brutus, I need a disguise. Doctor’s coat. Can you find me

one? I also need a wheelchair for Matt.”

“I saw a gurney in the corridor. Will that do?”
“Whatever.” Bas was beyond caring. He just had to get

out of this hospital. The antiseptic stench was enough to rot
his lungs and poison his blood.

“I’ll glamour you, Sebastian,” Ril said. “Forget the coat,

Bru. Blood prince, look at me.”

Bas felt the tingling over his skin, like ants swarming into

every pore. Ril’s glamour enveloped him. He sensed the
white coat, the stethoscope around his neck.

“It’s done. Your eyes are green. Sexy.” Ril smiled.
“Thanks.” Bas returned to Matt’s room. A few minutes

later, Brutus arrived with a gurney. Bas carefully lifted a
semi-conscious Matt onto the gurney and threw a sheet over
him, leaving only his head protruding from the material.

“Now, what?” Brutus asked.
“Madam Erilla’s diversion.”
Brutus groaned, his eyes going heavenward. “That’s what

I thought. When she puts her mind to it, she can scare the
pants off me.”

Bas grinned. He always suspected that the relationship

between the two was more than it seemed. That a witch took
a human lover…

Outside they heard a deep-throated roar, followed by

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screams—male and female.

Bas poked his head out of the room and saw Erilla in the

waiting room, sitting on a chair. Her aura flared. He’d never
seen a witch practise her full magic and wondered again
how she had retained enough power after her deflowering
to juggle the ether and do what she was doing. Come to
think of it—what the hell was she doing?

A green-skinned ghoul, seven feet tall stalked down the

corridor, waving its eight arms, screaming like a banshee.
People fled from its path. Purple mist roiled down the walls,
along the floor, weaving in and out of human legs and arms
and clinging to furniture.

Bas gagged at the sulphuric stench. Demons thrived on

sulphur, but they were the only blood-kin who did.

“Let’s go.” Bas pushed the gurney forward. Brutus and he

took off down the corridor, weaving around people, heading
for the elevator. Bas punched the button and it sparked.
Bloody hell! What a time for his vampire aura to fry wiring.

“You too, huh?” Brutus said. “I call Ril, Ms Sparky. She

fries all our wiring, when she’s in one of her moods.” The
big man’s finger pressed the button. Agitated, he hopped
from one foot to the other. “C’mon! C’mon.”

They watched the display. Three floors to go.
The electricals sparked as another ghoul’s screams echoed

around the corridor.

That was enough for Bas. “Let’s take the stairs.” He spun

the gurney about, rubber wheels squealing against the vinyl

“Hey! You! Wait!”
Bas glanced around and saw a doctor clawing his way

through the enveloping mist.

“Change of plan,” Brutus said to Bas. “Get going. I’ll deal

with this.”

The doctor rushed forward. “You can’t take my patient…

he’s dying.”

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Brutus intercepted the man, holding him until the

elevator reached their floor. The doors slid open and Brutus
pushed the doctor into the lift.

“I’m not being treated like this. Unhand me, you…

you…!” The doctor spluttered his outrage.

Brutus hit the basement button and as the doors began to

close he skipped past him and out, leaving the doctor alone
in the now descending elevator.

Bas hurtled down the corridor, swerving the gurney to

avoid collisions. People ran against him, fleeing from the
ghoul. A bat flew down the corridor, trailing mist, diving on
people like some sort of fighter aeroplane. Its eyes glowed
red and its purple fangs pulsed like strobe lights.

From somewhere they heard a clanking chain and wailing

and a god-awful stench like rotten eggs.

Brutus caught up with Bas near the stairwell.
“Christ Almighty!” Brutus said, clapping a hand over his

nose. “Ril, you stupid witch, you’ve gone too far.”

“I ain’t started,” she responded, an ethereal voice in the

swirling green mist.

“Fucking hell, it’s a mummy!” someone screamed.

“Watch out, the bat’s got fangs.”

“Bugger the fangs. That bat just shit on me.”
Screams and moans punctuated the mist. A doctor and

nurses raced past, the bat dive-bombing them, plucking the
doctor’s stethoscope from his neck.

They heard Erilla’s laugh.
“That’s enough, Ril,” Bas said.
“No way, I’m having the time of my life. Halloween was

never like this!”

Brutus nodded to Bas. “Definitely in one of her moods. I’ll

get her. You get Matt away. Ril and I’ll be okay. See you
back at Ril’s cottage.” He turned and ran back down the

Bas lifted Matt from the gurney and into his arms. Matt

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moaned. Kicking open the door, Bas bounded down the
stairs, three at a time. He reached ground floor and raced out
into the car park.

Behind him he heard the incessant blaring of a car horn.

He turned and saw Ray driving towards him, leaning out of
the window, waving frantically. The Land Cruiser braked
sharply beside Bas.

“Get in. Quickly.”
Bas flung open the back door and lifted Matt inside. Bas

had barely one leg in the Cruiser when it took off. He clung
to the seat as the Toyota wove through the car park and out
into the street. He dragged himself inside and slammed the
door shut.

In the rearview Bas saw three police cars screech to a halt

at the hospital emergency entrance. Officers raced inside,
against the flow of people leaving the hospital, purple and
green mist clinging to skin and clothes.

Ray glanced at Bas. “Where do you want me to take


“Ril’s cottage.”
“Right. I didn’t see anything and I know nothing.”
“Very wise,” Bas said and fainted.

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Chapter Ten

alloween comes early to Royal



students are blamed for causing chaos in
the Intensive Care Unit. Eye witnesses
reported noxious fumes, swirling purple
mists with attacks by ghouls, ghosts, a
mummy and a bat. Police have questioned
owners of local theatrical hire shops, but it
seems no costumes as described by
witnesses have been recently hired. One
owner said if anyone knows who made the
costumes, he wants their business. Police
investigations are continuing. No arrests
have been made.”

Bas glanced up from the morning paper. Matt roared with
laughter as he reclined on the bed in the guest cottage on
Erilla’s property, in the Adelaide Hills. They had been there
two weeks, Bas recovering his strength, and Matt

“No one was in any danger,” Erilla sniffed disdainfully.

“What sort of witch do you think I am? I shielded the
patients in the ICU. It was probably the best fun they’ve had
in ages. Might’ve given them a new lease on life.”

“Or scared them to death.”


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“Read the reports, fang-boy. No patient died and several

made miraculous recoveries. Got up next day and walked
out of the hospital. That’s tenth level magic for you.”

“You amaze me, Ril,” Matt said.
“Thank you. I aim to amaze.”
“But you were deflowered,” Bas said frowning.
“Then I met Brutus. Humans can have interesting side

effects. True, I’m not the witch I was, but I’m not past my
use by date.”

“Maybe I can use that act for Halloween?” Matt chewed

his lower lip.

“I don’t think that’s wise,” Bas said. “Monsters inK needs

to keep a low profile. No ghosts or ghouls.”

“But the bat has possibilities!”
Bas rolled his eyes.
“You’re certain there’s no record with the police of

Matthew’s accident, or his subsequent hospitalisation? Or
our visit?” Bas asked.

“Not a whiff,” Ril said. “I made sure of that. Sent paper

files into the ether, and computer data just got fried. You’re
safe, fang-boy, so is the boss.”

Matt snorted. “There are times, Erilla, when I’m not sure

who is the boss at Monsters.”

“Maybe we’re just an autonomous collective,” Brutus


Ril laughed. “Out of here. Leave them alone. Bru, make

yourself useful and drive down to see Gyng and feed him
today. I need a break from that cat’s demands. He’s a

“Gyng is a powder puff.”
“He’s hell on four paws.”
Bas laughed.
Two weeks after Matt’s recovery and the hospital furore

all but forgotten by the press, they were leaving to return to
Bas’s flat. The taxi pulled up outside, and Brutus took the

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luggage out to the waiting car.

“I have a confession to make,” Erilla said.
They turned to look at her standing on the top step of her

front porch.

“Yes?” Bas asked. The look she gave him was not

comforting. For the first time since he had known her, the
witch looked positively contrite—and a little smug.

“I put that ad in the paper… the one that you answered,

getting the job at Monsters.”

Bas and Matt exchanged glances.
“I read cards, as you know. I told you, Matt, that you’d

meet a tall, dark stranger who’d be the death of you, but
who would also herald a beginning. So, I knew I had to
intervene. Our Matt’s been on his own too long. I didn’t
realize until after I posted that job advert and sent a
subliminal message, to flush out Mr tall, dark stranger, that
the stranger was a bloody vampire.” She paused. “Well… in
a manner of speaking, you, Sebastian, were the death of

“But also a beginning,” Bas whispered. Matt clasped his


“And you put those tarot cards in my desk?” Matt


“Of course. I used them as the lure. I put a spell on them

to bring you two together. The rest was up to you. There’s
only so much a witch can do.”

Bas clenched his fists. “Erilla!”
“Don’t use that tone with me, fang-boy. I promised Matt’s

mother I’d watch over him, and I have and will do so in the

“That’s my job,” Bas said.
Erilla snorted. “Vampires can’t be trusted to do a good job

at anything.”

“I’m a vampire for hire. I’m good at my job. Isn’t that so,


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“Good in and out of bed.”
“I’m not talking about that.”
“You’d better not, because it’s none of your damn

business, witch.”

“You challenging me, Mr Fang?”
“You want a challenge?”
Erilla and he traded gazes. “Perhaps there can be peace

between us,” the witch said. “If you look after the boy

“He does me properly, Ril.”
“Humans!” Erilla and Bas said in unison. They looked at

each other and laughed.

“Now that’s all over, can we get going?” Matt asked.

“And Ril, honey, don’t use those cards on me again. And no

“If you insist.”

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Chapter Eleven

rriving back at the flat, Bas carried in the bags and
deposited them on the sofa. Gyng sprinted up to Matt

and rubbed around his ankles. He picked up the cat and
they nuzzled noses.

“Miss me, old boy, huh? Get used to it, I’m going to be

around for a long time. I mean a loooong time.”

“Not here,” Bas said. “We’re leaving.”
“We… what?”
“While you were convalescing, I was making plans.”
“What sort of plans?”
“Future plans. For us. For Monsters.” Bas went into the

kitchen and brought back a cat cage. He put it down beside
Gyng and the cat obediently went inside. “Once I explained
to him where we were going and why, he kept whining
about how long it took for a human—for you—to get

“You talked to the cat?”
“We can get images across, a limited conversation, but


“Can I do that with cats?”
“When your blood has matured. Some animals have an

affinity for the blood—such as cats and bats.” Bas smiled at
Matt’s stare. “I told you that the exchange is more than one
of blood. There’s all sorts of spin-offs. You’re not the boy
you once were.”


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Matt snorted. “I’m not a boy, don’t I prove that to you

every night?” He paused. “So just where are we going

“This is the address.” Bas held out a slip of paper. “I’ll call

a taxi.”

“I’m not going anywhere in a goddam car like some

invalid. My new bike’s going to be delivered in about,
say…” He glanced at his watch. “Five minutes.”

“You… what?”
“I was making plans of my own when you were in that

daily healing trance at Ril’s. Think you’re the only one who
can spring surprises, Fangoria?”

“What is Fangoria?”
“You, fang-boy. Your name. Fangoria.”
Bas flushed—for the third time in his life. “I’d rather you

called me lover of mine.”

“No fun in that, Fangoria. Because I like to see you blush

and gnash your fangs. If I call you lover of mine, you go to

“No I don’t.”
Matthew grinned and walked to the door.
“Here it is. Right on time.” He strode outside and

intercepted the delivery man on the pavement. The man
opened up the double doors of the delivery truck and
wheeled a large, gleaming new Harley Davidson down the
ramp. He parked it on the street. Matt signed for the
delivery and took the keys and two helmets.

Bas took Gyng outside and met Matthew on the street.
“She’s all fuelled up and ready to go,” Matt said, stroking

the Harley’s handlebars.

“I suppose you won’t reconsider a taxi?”
“Nope. It’ll be a bit of a squeeze with the cat, but we’ll


Bas sighed. “I suppose you must ride a bike?”
“Like you need to draw blood.”

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“So what was that address again?” Matt looked at the

address scrawled on the piece of paper. “You know how to
get there?”

“Yes, but like all vampires, I can’t read a street map. I can

guide you by senses.”

“Right. Hop on.”
Gyng, in the cat-cage rode on the bike wedged between

Bas on the back and Matthew in the front. The cat actually
looked as if he was enjoying the ride, his whiskers ruffling in
the breeze. For most of the trip, Bas kept his eyes closed.

Matthew pulled into the old cobbled street that had once

formed part of the Port Docks precinct. Surrounding
buildings were in various stages of repair, the whole area
being ‘gentrified’.

They got off the bike, Matt setting the kickstand with his


“What do you think?” Bas asked standing across the

street, looking at the century old, four-storey stone

“Good neighbourhood. Upwardly mobile with the river

front being renovated. Prime real estate and close to the city.
Not cheap.”

“Yes, it was expensive.”
“What? You bought it?”
“Yes, for you.”
“For me?”
“The new Monsters.”
“Is that Inc with a ‘c’ or a ‘k’?”
“K.” Bas paused. “Ray is drawing up all the papers for

you to sign.”

“For me to what?”
“This title is in your name. I just paid for it.”
“Why what?”

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“Why do this?”
Bas glared at him. “You have to ask?”
“Damn right I do.”
Bas folded his arms.
“And don’t the fuck do that.”
“What?” Bas bit back his smile. He enjoyed teasing

Matthew. He always never failed to react to vampire

“That… the folded arms, the superior fang boy look. It

pisses me off.”

Bas laughed. “Matthew, lover-mine. You gave me a job

when I needed it, no questions asked. I repay my debts.”

“Yeah, right. But a thousand times over?”
“I wasn’t keeping a tally.”
“Well, okay, I’ll agree on one condition. That you sign the

papers with me. It’s about time you had a paper trail, and
became Mr Respectable.” Matthew paused and smiled.
“And paid taxes.”

“I can never be Mr Respectable.”
“And why’s that?”
“I’m a vampire.” Bas paused. “With my Ban, I’m not

certain we can bend the rules and have joint ownership.”

“They can damn well go to hell. It’s ours. They want to

take it away, then they’ll be in for a helluva fight. I’ll put Ril
onto ’em.”

Bas laughed.
“But how did you pay for all of this?” Matt paused. “You

sold the Goya? Bas! How could you? It was the only thing
they left you.”

Bas had told Matthew all about his Ban, the Blood

politics. It made for an interesting day of questions and
answers while Matthew was recuperating in bed—when
they weren’t making love in the guest cottage on Erilla’s

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property. Bas had even told Matt about Ril and her
deflowering. Matt had said that he never wanted to meet a
wizard. Ever. Chances were, though, that if Bas’s plans
reached fruition, Matt would meet wizards and more… He
had to smile at that.

“What’s making you smile, Fangoria?” Matt demanded.
“Thoughts.” Bas shrugged. “I was glad to be rid of the

painting. Too many memories and recriminations. The
painting is from my past. It can build our future. Why would
I not sell it, given the incentive?”

“Sebastian…” Matthew paused. “How could you sell it

without questions being asked? I mean, an unknown Goya
suddenly appearing on the art market…”

“I sold it to a Familiar.”
“A Familiar? You mean a cat shifter?”
“Yes. The bloody felinus drove a hard bargain. I only got

a million dollars, a fraction of its true worth, but it’ll be
enough to renovate part of the warehouse, get Monsters up
and running.”

“All this gives me a headache. How’n’the hell am I going

to sort out the shifters from the vampires and the ghouls and
the wizards… and the bats? This is a whole new world for

“You could always return to that two room office and live

out of your swag.”

Matthew snorted. “I’m never going back there, except to

pack up. I’ll get Ray to put it on the market. The proceeds
will give us more cash flow.”

“If you insist.”
“Damn right I do.”
Bas took Matthew’s arm. “We’re standing at the rear

entrance. Come out to the front.” He lifted up the cat carrier
and strode forward, Matt at his side.

The front of the warehouse was hung with a grey tarp,

and waiting on the wide stairway was Ray, dressed in his

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usual immaculate suit with trusty briefcase in hand. He
pushed up his glasses from the end of his nose.

Bas settled Gyng at the side of the tarp.
“What’s going on?” Matthew asked.
“Wait and see.”
Ray joined their side and raised his hand. The tarp fell. So

did Matt’s jaw.

The sign over the carved wooden doorway was

emblazoned with a Gothic design with Monsters inK written
in the middle. A bat logo formed the dot above the ‘i’ in inK.

“But… I don’t understand.”
“As I said, we have a new home.”
“Come inside,” Ray said. “I have the papers ready.”
The black marble steps led on to a wide portico—also of

black marble, and the surrounding arch was also black
marble studded with silver, to match the ebony door.

Inside was a shambles, workmen’s tools and benches

everywhere. Bas hadn’t expected much else. The warehouse
was a shell, but one day it would be beautiful. He put
Gyng’s carry cage on the floor and opened the door. The cat
poked his nose out and then walked out, flicking his tail,
whiskers twitching. He stepped daintily around the floor
and disappeared behind a workbench.

Ray set his briefcase down on a workbench. Opening it,

he pulled out a large piece of paper. “Here,” the lawyer said.
“This is the transfer document, from Sebastian to you.”

“Change of plan, Ray,” Matt said. “Bas and I are joint

owners of this property as well as joint owners of Monsters.”

“I see. Well, I can draw up the necessary documents and

be back here tomorrow. Is that okay?”

“Fine, but not too early.”
“Yes, I understand, not before midday.” He shoved up his

glasses and pushed the paper into his briefcase. “See you

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Matt watched Ray leave the building. “Did Ril’s magic

make him forget what he saw and heard at the hospital?”

“Don’t think so. He’s just in denial.” Bas smiled. “I’ve got

something to show you upstairs. You go first. The electricity
is cut, but even if it was working, the elevator has to be
replaced. Not safe. There’s a staircase at the back… not for
the faint-hearted, but it works.”

They climbed the creaking wooden stairs, Bas watching

the rise and fall of Matthew’s thighs as he climbed ahead of

“I can feel your eyes on my arse.”
“Later you’ll feel more than my eyes on your arse.”
“Promises, promises.”
Reaching the second level, Matthew paused.
“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” Bas said. The two men stood

on the landing looking about.

Gyng streaked past them. He scented the air, yowling,

then stalked the perimeter before finding a sunny position in
a window. He sharpened his claws on the red velvet curtain
and arched his back, depositing a fine mist of fur onto virgin
material. His green eyes sparked at Bas and Matt.

“I swear the cat does that on purpose.”
“Naturally.” Bas smiled, turning to Matthew. “What do

you think of the renovations so far?”

The floorboards had been cleaned and sanded. They

gleamed with red and black tones. Black velvet chairs rested
on thick Persian rugs.

“We’ll have to live rough for a while.” Bas stared at the


“This is rough?” Matt demanded.
Standing under an alcove, hung with black silk, was a

king-size bed, draped in red and black velvet.

“I’ve only seen to the basics. I thought you would want to

decorate, too.”

“Bas, you can’t be serious.”

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“What? That I’d trust your human decorating skills?”
Matthew punched him on the arm and Bas reeled.
“Sorry, I forgot now that I’ve got inhuman strength. Did I

hurt you?”

Bas snorted.
“But, Sebastian, you can’t… is this really the new

Monsters inK?”

“It will be. There are blood-kin out there with no place to

go and they need work, like I did. This place will give them
opportunities and sanctuary. I thought a restaurant on the
first floor, the cellar has to be the cabaret venue. That for
starters. With Halloween just around the corner, Monsters is
in demand. Ril wrote about the hospital haunting on
Facebook and added a lure, so we’ve had hundreds of hits.
We’ve got treble the number of bookings.”

“I’m overwhelmed.”
“Not yet, but you soon will be.” Bas folded his arms. “Do

you like this?”

Matthew’s kiss was answer enough.
When they both drew breath, Matt stepped back, eyes

narrowed. “There’s one thing you haven’t told me. I’ve
asked before. I’m asking now. What happened to the goons?
I know the accident was payback gone wrong. They didn’t
mean to kill me. Killing off clients is bad for business. So,
where are they?”

“I paid them a night visit, with Brutus and Ril and two


“Those vamps’d put the wind up anyone. Did they have

pulsing purple fangs and red eyes?”

“Naturally.” They laughed.
“The seven foot ghoul in tow sealed the deal, with the bat

hovering on the periphery, just in case the gangsters needed
further persuasion. Threatened with goring, a witch’s
cauldron and living entombment, the loan shark and his
minions disappeared into the night and were last seen

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heading for the bush, pursued by a surveillance bat.”

Matthew shook his head, laughing so hard tears ran

down his cheeks. “I’m overwhelmed.”

“No, but you will be.”
“Is that a promise?” His voice turned husky—the sure

sign that he was aroused and trying not to show it. The boy
had a lot to learn.

“Come to bed, Matt.”
The thing about Matt that Bas loved the most was that he

never had to be asked twice. Voracious in his tastes and
appetite, he was a lover without equal.

“I want the proper exchange. That full initiate thing,”

Matt said. “I want to be with you forever.”

“Forever is a long time.”
“I’ve got a lot of plans, more than one lifetime. So bite

me.” He shrugged off his shirt and left it where it lay on the
floor. Bas eyed it. He was going to be hard pressed to teach
him how to keep house. He was untidy to a fault. All things
considered, however, it was a small price to pay to have
Matthew Jackson as his lover.

Matt wrapped his arms around Bas and drew the

vampire’s head down to kiss him, his tongue dancing and
curling against Bas’s.

Clothing lay strewn around the room. They fell on to the

king size bed, a tangle of arms and legs, their kiss never

Bas lay above him, Matt’s legs wrapped around his waist,

the heels pressing into the small of his back. Cock to cock.
Equals. Bas reached down to palm the human erection and
Matt’s hand sought the vampire.

Later, Bas lifted Matt onto his lap, positioned his lover,

entering him in slow motion. Matt moaned with pleasure.
Bas let Matt order the thrust and retreat. Slowly, Bas reached
up and drew the tangle of hair away from Matt’s neck. He

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Vampire for Hire


kissed his throat, trailing a fang along the vein.

Bas drew his small finger along his own throat, the talon

cutting flesh. Matt lifted his head, his nostrils flaring.

Good, he had smelled the vampire blood. Bas was

pleased. “Now, taste me, as I taste you.”

“I want more than a taste.”
“Then be my guest.”
Matt gazed down at the talon, then studied Bas. “I

remember seeing that talon in hospital. I thought it was a
dream. Are there any other appendages I need to know

“No. The only appendage you need to know about, is

eight inches long and gets hard on occasion, though more
often when you’re around.”

Matt laughed. He lowered his head to Bas’s throat, his

inexperienced mouth fastening on the vampire blood. For a
moment he hesitated. His tongue tip swirled and his blunt
teeth nibbled. Bas erupted inside him. Matt bore down on
him in every way he could: body, teeth, mouth…

Bas bit gently and tasted his lover’s blood, now with its

trace of vampire. He quested deeper, his body shuddering,
holding back the release. Matthew drank as they moved
against the other, Matt’s cock against Bas’s gut. Bas took the
erection and palmed it, plying his skill to bring his lover the
deepest climax. With the body release, the blood essence
heightened. Their auras joined. The life swirled between
them, in them, through them, around them. Then the
moment of simultaneous climax and the blood between
human and vampire exchanged. Delicious. Intense. Irrevocable.
Human and vampire became one.

“Now, you, Bas. I want you. I’m going to make you


Bas shivered. At last. Where before he had always taken

Matt, loving him, and Matt had brought Bas to climax by his
mouth or hand, Matt had never asked to enter Bas’s body. It

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Astrid Cooper


hurt Bas, confused him as to Matt’s reluctance.

“You’ll have to tell me what you like,” Matt said. “I’ve

never done this. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Is that why you’ve never wanted to love me?” Bas asked.

“Were you afraid you’d hurt me? Fail me?” He stroked
Matt’s hair. “You can never disappoint me, love of mine.
Hell, I’m dying for you to fuck me. Do it, Matt. Do it now.
Let me show you what I have to offer.”

Matthew rolled into him, pressing hard against Bas’s

back. He parted his lover’s legs. His fingers teased Bas’s
back, nails trailing up to his neck, down his chest, to his
navel. Lower. He grasped Bas’s length and in that moment
he entered Bas, tentatively. Bas accommodated. He
screamed, the pleasure was so intense. Bas’s fangs
descended and he gifted Matt with the vampire essence, as
Matt gifted Bas with his love.

Hours later, satiated, they lay in each other’s arms.
“I can hear the workmen downstairs,” Matt said. “I can

feel their hearts.”

“In time your senses will develop, so you’ll hear and see

much more. The exchange between us will always grow.
You give me much, Matthew. I didn’t know a man could be
like this.”

“That makes two of us. Christ, if I knew the first day I saw

you, what I know now, I think I would have flung you
across the desk and fucked you…”

“Might have saved us a lot of trouble.”
“But vampires live for trouble, Ril told me.”
“The witch knows too much.”
Matthew’s fingers traced a line down Bas’s middle,

stopping at the tip of his erection as it lay against his

“Do you want me again?” Bas whispered.
“You have to ask?” Matt blushed and laughed. “Bas, I

want to fuck you in all ways. Now.”

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Vampire for Hire


“And then it’s my turn?”
“Deal. Roll over. There’s a new way I want to try.”
Gyng paused at the entrance to the bedroom, his glowing

eyes wide as he watched his favourite people cavorting on
the bed—his bed with that comfortable black velvet cover—
the one that was so fetching against his ginger fur.

He leapt, claws extended to the pale buttocks.
Matt’s scream of surprise and pain was mingled with

Bas’s deep laughter.

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About the Author

Astrid has been writing since she was five years old and
even then her stories were of the fantastic: aliens, spaceships,
knights on magical quests. Astrid is an award-winning, best-
selling author whose works encompass many genres and
many formats (traditional print, electronic and POD). Active
in s.f. fandom, she has organised s.f./fantasy conventions,
edited over 100 fanzines, and run several fantasy ‘fan’

She is currently working on more sexy paranormal and

futuristic stories for Extasy Books, including Starfire (the
sequel to her best-selling Starlight series).

When not writing, Astrid works in her two and a half

acre garden in rural South Australia, growing her own fruit
and vegetables. She also has an animal sanctuary on her

Her website is:

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Watch out for The Cat the Vampire Dragged in—book
two of the Monsters inK series: due for release at
eXtasy in March, 2012. More titles in the series are
scheduled for the following months, as well as a
sequel to the Bas and Matt story.

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Readers may not be familiar with some of the Australian
words in this story. A short explanation of Aussie-isms is
included. If any reader wishes for a more detailed
explanation from Astrid of any Aussie-isms in this story,
please contact her at

Bushed: tired, exhausted.

Centrelink: the Australian Government welfare agency

Cooee: an outback greeting. It’s generally shouted out in the
open (in the outback) and it echoes, travels a long distance. It
alerts all in an area that someone is “out there”. To say it’s
not within ‘cooee’ of anything means that it’s a great

Crook: means to be ill/unwell.


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