Phases 10 Autumn Sacrifice Bronwyn Green

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Autumn Sacrifice

A Phases Story

By Bronwyn Green

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Autumn Sacrifice
Copyright © 2011 Bronwyn Green
Edited by Michele Paulin
Cover art by Les Byerley,

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-424-6

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work
is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is
investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: October 2011

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely

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To Kris -This one is for you. You know…until you pan > To Gigi - This is for you, too. Your

support means the world to me.

To Chel – Your friendship, love and patience keep me sane.

I love you guys!

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Chapter One

“Hey, brat.”
A warm body slid onto the hard, wooden pew next to Brenna Alten. She inhaled deeply, filling

her lungs with the sharp smell of autumn leaves and the spicy musk of warm man. Caleb Mahingan.
She’d recognize that voice and scent anywhere, and they still sent desire fluttering through her middle.
So much for outgrowing that particular reaction. She hadn’t seen him in nearly three years, but
apparently, the sound of his deep, gravelly voice and masculine rumble still caused a screaming case
of insta-lust. In church, no less.

He pulled her into his embrace, tugging her firmly against his chest. She wrapped her arms

around him, returning his hug.

“Hey,” she said, pulling back slightly. Not the brightest of replies, but really, it was all she

could come up with when she looked at him. She wasn’t sure it was possible, but he was even more
gorgeous than she’d remembered. Keeping up with him via email and phone calls hadn’t prepared her
at all to see him in person again.

He stared at her, curiosity and surprise clear on his face.
“What?” she asked.
He studied her for a moment more then shook his head as if dismissing a stray thought. “I was

hoping you’d make an appearance,” he murmured, his voice carrying slightly over the sound of the
arriving guests.

She had the feeling there was more to it than that, but she shrugged. “How could I miss Roxy’s


He arched a brow and glanced pointedly toward where her father sat several rows ahead of

them. “Well, you’ve managed to miss just about everything else around here in the last few years.
Email’s just not the same as actually seeing you and having you nearby.”

She shifted in her seat and faced forward. “Let’s not go there, okay?”
He opened his mouth, but before he had a chance to answer, Caleb’s younger brother, Ethan,

slid into the spot on the other side of her, aorede of hnd strong arms wrapped around her from behind.
Jake—the youngest of the Mahingan boys.

“The prodigal daughter returns,” Jake whispered, his lips skimming her ear.
“Hey, guys.”
Her gaze shifted and she glanced quickly at Ethan then turned to peek at Jake. The sharp jolt of

lust she’d felt when she’d seen Caleb, increased exponentially. Hell, all the Mahingan men were too
damn gorgeous for her own good—tall, broad shouldered, tightly muscled with black hair and copper
skin, their Native American heritage evident in their high cheekbones and dark eyes. Their gazes were

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bright with amusement and something else she wasn’t sure she wanted to examine too closely. They
all watched her.

She quickly faced the front of the church again. This wedding couldn’t be over soon enough.

She needed to get out of here, preferably before she made a fool of herself with these guys.

“You’re trying to figure out how soon you can take off, aren’t you?” Caleb murmured in her ear.
Color rose to her cheeks. Was she still that easy to read? Thankfully, the soft strains of the

piano began, quieting everyone as the bridal party made its way into the small church. Was it too
much to hope that the wedding would distract everyone long enough for her to hug her cousin, meet
her new husband and make her escape?

Brenna’s father glanced over his shoulder, his expression growing cold when he saw her. He

turned away, dismissing her as if she were a stranger. She tried to ignore the sharp stab of pain, and
her eyes burned with tears she’d swore she’d never cry again. She’d thought he’d lost the power to
hurt her with nothing more than a glance. Apparently not.

She didn’t know why she’d expected, no matter how briefly, anything else. He’d lost interest

years ago when it had become apparent that she’d never be what he wanted. From the corners of her
eyes, she glanced at the men on either side of her. They were what he wanted—wolves—shape-
shifters. From the time they’d come into their power, considerably earlier than most shifters did,
she’d known she’d been replaced in her father’s affections. Not that she’d ever had all that much to
begin with. Maybe things would have been different if her mom was still around. He’d definitely
gotten worse after she’d died.

Blinking rapidly, Brenna willed away the tears and looked toward the front of the church where

the bridesmaids and groomsmen had assembled.

“Are you okay?” Caleb asked.
Nodding, she forced a smile she was far from feeling and stood as the bride walked down the

aisle. Caleb’s hand settled warmly at the small of Brenna’s back, chasing away the lingering sadness.
Or at least overshadowing it slightly. Her stomach flip-flopped nervously. She wasn’t sure if it was
the anxiety she felt at being home again or the sensation of Caleb’s thumb brushing rhythmically along
her spine.

A slow, languorous heat spread throughout her body. How was it that such an innocent touch

could make her want all the things she couldn’t have—namely Caleb and his brothers? And a life in
her hometown. Pushing aside her ill-timed melancholy, she focused on her cousin and the reason
she’d returned home.

It was impossible to ignore the wall of men e.
“I was so afraid you weren’t going to make it,” Roxy whispered as she squeezed her.
Guilt swamped Brenna as she returned the other woman’s hug. “I was just telling Caleb, I

wouldn’t have missed it.”

Roxy pulled back and gave her a stern look. “And you’d better not take off until we get a chance

to catch up.” She glanced at Ethan and the others. “Keep an eye on her, will you? At least, until after
the reception. I don’t want her to leave before we get to visit.”

After introducing her husband, she took her place in the reception line, and Brenna moved to

exit the pew, but Caleb was blocking her way. “And where do you think you’re going?”

Brenna rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”
“We’ve been given our orders.” A slow, wicked grin spread across his face and she was glad

she was still seated. She’d forgotten how tummy-fluttering the sight of his smile was.

Ethan scooted closer behind her and settled his hand on her waist. The tremors in her stomach

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increased at his touch, and she shifted nervously.

“How about if we walk you to the reception?” Ethan offered.
“Great idea,” Jake said.
Caleb continued to smile, appreciation shimmering in his gaze has he looked at her. “Yeah.

We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

Brenna’s breath caught in her chest as she lost herself in the heat in his expression. She needed

to get out of here before she jumped the man in the middle of the church and made her cousin’s
wedding that much more memorable.

She’d always found all three brothers attractive, but Caleb had made her insides melty since

she’d first figured out what lust felt like. And she’d had an unrequited crush on him ever since. Much
to her annoyance, she’d compared every guy she’d ever dated to him. And unsurprisingly, none had
ever measured up.

Taking her hand, Caleb gently tugged her from her seat and led her out the side door, into the

late afternoon sunshine, with Jake and Ethan following close behind. Her heart loosened slightly as
she took in the sights of Calumet, the small town where she’d grown up. She hadn’t even realized how
much she’d missed her home and her friends until she’d come back. Maybe, this wouldn’t be the
awkward homecoming she’d feared.

Still hand in hand with Caleb, Brenna rounded the corner and nearly ran into her father.
Heart in her throat, she backed up a step and tried to pull her hand free of Caleb’s, but he

refused to release her.

Having no choice but to stand her ground, she forced a smile in her father’s direction, hoping

he’d surprise her. Maybe enough time had passed that he was ready to move on, too. It wasn’t as
though she didn’t want to have a relationship with him. “Hey, dad. How are you?”o. u?”

Her father eyed her up and down. “I’m surprised you bothered to come,” he finally said.
Hope deflated like a balloon in her chest. So much for thinking that maybe things could be

different. He turned and walked toward the parking lot.

“Good to see you, too,” she said, finally finding her voice. She had no idea if he heard her or


She made the mistake of glancing at Caleb. He looked confused and more than a little horrified.
“What the hell?” he demanded.
She shook her head, blinking back the stupid burn of tears.
“What was that all about?” he demanded again.
She scowled at him. “Don’t act like you don’t know.”
“Know what?”
Brenna studied him. He really did look genuinely confused.
He stepped closer to her and brushed her hair from her face. “I know things weren’t great with

you two before you left—”

“It’s not up for discussion.”
“Brenna, I—”
“Please, just…don’t.”
Glaring after her father, Caleb started to follow him, but she grabbed his hand and pulled him

back toward her.

He stopped and frowned but put an arm around her, pulling her against his side. “We’re talking

about this, later,” he murmured into her ear.

Ignoring his pronouncement, she watched her father get in his car. “So…do you think the

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reception has an open bar?”

* * * *

The music from the reception drifted out to where Brenna wandered along the beach that lined

the wave-tossed shore of Lake Superior. She picked her way along the stone-strewn path toward the
woods that separated the water from the narrow strip of road. If she were smart, she’d get back in her
rental car and hightail it for the airport. And not the ridiculously tiny Houghton County Memorial
Airport airstrip. The likelihood of running into Caleb there was huge. He was one of the few pilots
who flew out of Houghton Memorial. And that would lead to a conversation she had no intention of

She’d been avoiding uncomfortable conversations all night. The guys, of course, wanted to

know what was up with her father. Frankly, she was stunned that they didn’t seem to have a clue.
After all, their abilities and her lack thereof were one of the main reasons she’d left in the first place.
Was it possible they hadn’t figured it out?

It seemed unlikely that they hadn’t, but she’d never told them about the problems between her

and her father. She didn’t want them to feel guilty for his interest in them. Especially, since their
mother had had no clue what to do with a house full of shifters, and their dad had taken off when they
were little. Maybe her father hadn’t mentioned the difficulties he had with her either. If that was the
case, she certainly wasn’t going to tell them now.iff now.

As she continued walking, the sand and rocks beneath her feet gave way to sand and dying plant

life as she moved closer to the tree line. Taking a deep breath, she let the damp lake air tinged with
pine fill her. The scent almost brought tears to her eyes. Nothing in Southern California smelled like
this. It was all saltwater, sunscreen and money.

When she’d left Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, she’d chosen the west coast because it had

seemed like the farthest place she could go to get away from her father without actually leaving the
country. It also ended up being a great place to launch her art career. Thanks to contacts she’d made,
she’d broken into the children’s book market much quicker than she would have if she’d stayed here.
Of course, if she’d stayed here, she might have ended up married to Caleb or one of his brothers and
giving birth to the next generation of shifters. It was certainly what her father had been pushing her

She wasn’t sure, but she suspected that most fathers would have been worried with three men

showing an interest in their daughter. Nope. Not Joe Alten. He’d let her know that he’d approve of a
union with any one of the men as long as she could provide a grandchild or two that inherited shifter
abilities. The last thing she was about to do was give her father another misguided opportunity for
wish fulfillment by sacrificing her dreams for his. Besides, she’d never been sure if they’d actually
been interested in her or if they’d been encouraged to pursue her.

“I thought you were going to save me a dance.”
Heart in her throat, she whirled around at the sound of Caleb’s voice. Either she was

completely oblivious to the world around her or he was too damn good at moving silently. She
suspected the latter.

“You scared the hell out of me.”
His lips quirked upward, a secretive smile playing across his face. “Sorry.”
He didn’t look at all repentant.
“So were you planning on taking off without saying goodbye?” he asked.
“I wasn’t taking off. I just needed some air.”

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“What?” she asked, unable to help the defensiveness in her tone.
“I think that you’ve been looking for an excuse to leave since you got here. It’s been even more

apparent since we ran into your dad.” He leaned back against the trunk of a huge birch, and the nearly
full moon showed through the trees, glinting off the inky black of his hair. Her fingers itched to run
through it, but she pushed aside the urge.

He crossed his arms over his chest. “You wanna tell me what that was about?”
Her stomach knotted, and she smoothed her hands over her skirt. “Not particularly.”
“Funny. Your dad said the same thing.”
Maybe her father at least felt some guilt. Or maybe he just didn’t want to own up to subpar

parenting. Either way, it looked as if he wasn’t any more interested in dragging Caleb and his
brothers into their messed up father-daughter relationship than she was. That was just fine wing just
fith her.

“Look, it’s no secret that your relationship sucks,” he said.
“Thank you, Dr. Phil.”
“But,” he added, clearly ignoring her. “It might help to talk about it.”
“I’m good.”
A comfortable silence stretched out between them, and she marveled at how easy it was to pick

up where they’d left off. They’d always been pretty good friends in spite of everything. However,
“friends” didn’t really cover the thoughts she’d been having about him since seeing him again that
afternoon. She needed to get out of that mindset right now. As much as she might want to, she wasn’t
about to have a fling with Caleb.

Shaking his head, Caleb pushed off the tree and prowled toward her. “You still owe me that


She laughed, the earlier nervousness returning. “Out here?”
“Why not? We can hear the music.” He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her flush

against him. Holding her closely, he swayed to the beat of the song. “Are you seeing someone in

It was hard to think when she was pressed against a wall of hard muscle and wanted nothing

more than to melt against him. And there was no mistaking the erection pushing against her. Her good
intentions were fading fast. What would it hurt? She was leaving in a couple days, and Caleb didn’t
do serious when it came to relationships. For as long as they’d known each other, he’d never had a
relationship that lasted longer than a few weeks. She highly doubted that had changed in her absence.
Finally, she managed to shake her head. “No. I’m not seeing anyone.”

The secretive smile was back, curving his lips ever so slightly as he peered down at her.


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Chapter Two

Caleb stared down at the woman in his embrace. Slowly, she lifted her arms to circle his neck

and began to move with him. In the light of the nearly full moon, he could see the soft gray of her eyes
as she watched him warily. If she had any idea what he was thinking right now, she’d be halfway
across the country before he knew what hit him.

When he’d sat next to her at the wedding and caught a whiff of her scent, he’d known. He’d

known she was his mate. He’d been surprised that he hadn’t realized it years ago. But he’d just been
coming into his power and could barely control his shifts, let alone recognize a mate. There had been
a few other shifters in the area, but none that he and his brothers had had any kind of personal
relationship with. Luckily, he and his brothers had had her father to help them through the adjustment.
Though Joe wasn’t a shifter, his father had been, and he was able to help them cope with all the difust
all thficult changes.

A slight breeze blew Brenna’s hair, and he caught the scent of vanilla and spice. It took almost

all the control he possessed not to bury his fingers in the long, dark auburn strands and hold her head
steady as he devoured her mouth. He managed to restrain himself, though. Barely. The restraint
vanished as soon as she dragged her fingers through his hair and down the back of his neck. It was the
tiniest caress, and yet, it sent need racing through his blood.

Any pretense of dancing ended as he slid his hand up her back and fisted his fingers in her hair

at the base of her skull. The action drew a surprised gasp from her parted lips. Her gaze dropped to
his mouth. For a moment, he thought she was about to close the distance between them, but her eyes
flitted up to meet his then darted away as if she’d lost her nerve.

“Bren…” It was all he could choke out. He wanted her so badly. The scent of her arousal

mixed with the warmth of her skin and her light perfume. Combined, it nearly swamped his senses.

At the sound of her name, her tongue darted out to moisten her lips, and she lifted her eyes to

his, making contact. She continued to hold his gaze as he lowered his head, finally closing her eyes as
he claimed her mouth. He’d intended to make the kiss gentle, to tease her lips open so he could taste
her. But the road to hell was paved with good intentions, and he just tossed down another paving
stone. Slanting his lips over hers, he delved inside her mouth. Wine and her sweet flavor assailed him
as he deepened the kiss.

Hunger, sharp and needy, twisted his gut as he backed her against the trunk of a huge tree. A soft

moan slipped from her mouth to his as he fitted her curves against his body. She gripped his hair and
angled his head, kissing him as if she wanted him as fiercely as he wanted her. He needed to slow
down, to tell her she was his mate, but he couldn’t find the words. When she slid her hands across his
back and slipped her hands beneath the fabric of his shirt, stroking his overheated skin, he was lost to

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her touch. He groaned as her cool fingers moved, skimming over his stomach, brushing the button on
his waistband, making him wish she’d just unfasten the damn thing already and take him in her hand.

Instead, she smoothed her touch upward and slowly unknotted his tie before tugging his shirt

buttons free from their holes. Breaking the kiss, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his chest.
The feel of her hot breath on his skin tightened his balls, and his hips jerked against hers. Her
breathing turned ragged, coming out in strangled little bursts as the flesh of his nipple tightened
against her lips. Trailing her fingers around the waistband of his pants, she drove his need higher. She
flicked her tongue over the sensitive nub then scraped her teeth across it as he stifled a groan. His
frayed control nearly snapped.

In a move so fast, Brenna felt rather than saw it, Caleb grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms

to the tree above her head. Breathing heavily, he stood back and stared at her. In the light of the moon,
she saw that his eyes were no longer dark brown but shot through with gold as his wolf rose to the

That realization should have terrified her, but it didn’t. Inexplicably, it aroused her even more

to know that his primitive nature had bled that close to release. She half-heartedly tugged at his hold
on her, but she could tell it was pointless. He’d let her go when he was good and ready. Otugand rear,
she suspected, if she asked. But she wasn’t about to do that. She didn’t understand it, but the prospect
of being at his mercy was a huge turn on. She’d never wanted to be helpless before.

Caleb leaned in close and nuzzled her neck, inhaling in a way that sent shivers down her spine.

“I can smell your arousal,” he murmured against her ear.

She clenched her thighs together instinctively at his words.
“I can feel the heat rising off your skin.” He nipped at the side of her neck. “I can tell how wet

you are even without touching you.”

Straightening, he stared down at her, his eyes slowly traveling the lines of her body. With his

free hand, he traced the outline of her mouth with his fingertip. When he ran it across the seam, she
parted her lips and drew the tip into her mouth, holding his gaze while she sucked. She couldn’t help
the smile that curved her lips when he shuddered and closed his eyes.

Pulling his finger from her mouth, he dragged it down the center of her sternum, his hand coming

to rest between her breasts. Her nipples hardened in anticipation of his touch. Even in the falling
darkness, he seemed to notice, his gaze focused on her chest.

“I need to see you,” he murmured, his voice rough. He quickly undid the buttons of her blouse,

pushing the fabric aside until her lace-covered breasts were bared.

She felt his sharp inhalation deep in the pit of her stomach and her pussy clenched—empty and

aching. Pressing against her, pelvis to pelvis, he held her tightly to the tree. The solid ridge of his
cock pressed into her cleft. It was impossible not to rub against him. She couldn’t ever remember
wanting a man as badly as she wanted Caleb. And so far, the reality was shooting her adolescent
fantasies all to hell.

He drew her hands down below her head and guided them to wrap behind her, around the tree.

“Keep them here.” He trailed hot kisses along her collarbone.

Unable to help herself, she lifted her arms and buried her fingers in his hair. Raising his head,

he met her gaze, his eyes bright with mischief. “Such a naughty little brat.”

The childhood nickname should have sounded all wrong in this context, but with the desire

coursing through her body and the rough need evident in his voice, it didn’t. Oh God, it really didn’t.
At all.

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Yanking his tie free from his shirt, he quickly bound one of her wrists with it, moving around

the tree to secure her other one. He stood back and stared at her. She tugged at her arms, feeling the
sudden need to cover herself, but there was no getting loose.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prettier sight.”
The heat in his voice coiled in her middle. Her panties grew wetter as she squirmed against the


Resting his hands on the upper swell of her hips, he brushed his thumbs over her belly sending

goose bumps chasing along her skin. He skimmed his palms upward along her ribcage and over the
outer curves of her breasts. The way her arms were pinned behind her thrust her chest forward like an
offering to the man in front of her.

It took forever, but finally, he cupped them. Hispaned them big, rough hands caught at the lace

as she tried to push herself more fully into his touch, but he wouldn’t be hurried. He teased her tightly
budded nipples, pinching and tugging on them as she bit her lip, trying to hold back her whimpers of
pleasure. The last thing she needed was anyone from the reception hearing her and deciding to

Caleb’s fingers deftly unfastened the front closure of her bra and pushed aside the cups, baring

her to his gaze. “Christ, you’re beautiful.”

He’d said it so quietly, she wasn’t sure the words were even meant for her. Lowering his head,

he pulled an aching nipple into the scalding heat of his mouth. It was almost impossible to keep from
crying out, but she managed it. Somehow.

He dropped to his knees before her and trailed kisses between her breasts, sucking and biting at

her nipples before nuzzling his way down her stomach making her tremble with need. He kissed and
nipped at her tender flesh while he tugged her narrow skirt upward, his fingernails abrading her thighs
as the fabric climbed higher.

Part of her couldn’t believe this was happening, couldn’t believe that she was in the middle of

the woods letting Caleb tie her to a damn tree and strip her. The other part couldn’t believe he wasn’t
fucking her already. She was desperate to be filled. By him.

With every inch of skin he bared, he pressed a kiss to the insides of her thighs. By the time he

made it to her core, she’d be nothing more than a pile of unfulfilled need, and her underwear would
be embarrassingly wet. She held her breath as he hooked his fingers onto the elastic and dragged the
silky fabric down her legs, sliding it off her ankles and letting it drop to the ground. He shouldered
her thighs apart, and the cool night air bathed her overheated flesh.

Pushing her skirt all the way up, he trailed his fingers over her damp curls, before spreading her

lips and exposing her fully to his gaze. Even in the growing darkness, he seemed to have no trouble
seeing her. Her entire body shook with the anticipation of his mouth on her cunt. He hesitated for the
longest time, but finally, finally, he touched her, dragging the tip of his tongue through her molten
folds. Her head fell back, thudding against the tree. Even the sharp smack of wood didn’t lessen the
pleasure of his mouth on her. His fingers stroked and teased her needy pussy, carefully avoiding her
swollen clit. He moaned against her sodden flesh, and the vibrations of his voice shuttered through

She lifted her hips, trying to get his mouth where she wanted it, but he was apparently

determined to take his damn time. He just pushed her back more firmly against the tree and continued
exploring her at his leisurely pace. The bark biting into her ass seemed to heighten all of the other
sensations racing through her body. She knew it wouldn’t be long before she came.

She bit her lower lip as she strained against him. Without warning, he drew her clit between his

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lips, his teeth scraping across it. He’d broken a dam within her and sensation flooded through. Waves
of bliss washed over her, enveloping her body. Unable to keep silent, she cried out, splitting the night
air. The sound had barely left her mouth before she heard the howling of wolves, their voices burying
her own.

A flush heated her face. She couldn’t help but wonder if that had been Ethan and Jake saving

her from any potential embarrassment or if it had just been a welcome coincidence by their wild
counterpaavild counrts. And if it had been Ethan and Jake, had they been watching? Had they been
watching their brother strip her? Would they watch him fuck her? And why did that thought send a
fresh rush of moisture flooding through her?

Caleb stood and moved toward her, his lips shiny with her release. Her cunt clenched, still

wanting more. Wanting his cock. Inside her. Now. She reached for him only to realize that she was
still secured to the tree.

A lazy smile quirked the corner of his lips as he unfastened his waistband the zipper loud in the

night air. As he pushed aside his pants and underwear, Brenna got her first look at his cock. He was
huge—thick and long and wet with pre-cum. Her mouth dried, and she tried to swallow.

Holding her gaze, he watched her as he stroked his shaft from root to tip. “Do you have any idea

how fucking hot you are? Tied up like some sort of virgin sacrifice waiting for the dragon?”

A breathless laugh escaped her. “The dragon…the big bad wolf…”
His lazy smile turned into a feral grin and his teeth glinted in the low light. Her stomach

trembled with nervous excitement as he drew closer.

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Chapter Three

Caleb released his cock and drove his hands through her hair, angling her head to take his kiss.

Her mouth opened beneath his, warm and sweet as he delved inside. He still couldn’t quite believe he
had this woman where he’d wanted her for so long. Of course, his fantasies never involved tying her
to a tree and making her come. His cock jerked at the memory of her sharp, needy cries and her
addictive taste. Reality was so much better than what he’d imagined while frantically jerking off in
the shower as a teenager. Reality was warm and soft and more responsive than he’d ever dared
dream. Reality made his entire body shake with need.

He pushed against her, his shaft dragging wetly across her stomach. He swallowed her little

gasp of pleasure as he continued to kiss her. It was all he could do not to bury himself inside her
immediately. Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against hers and tried to catch his breath—to
slow down. He needed to tell her she was his mate before this went any further. She pushed her hips
against his, tightening his balls.

“I need you. Inside me,” she whispered, her breath a caress against his lips. “Please tell me you

have protection.”

Blindly, he reached for his wallet and pulled out a condom, letting his billfold and pants fall to

the ground. Tearing open the foil packet, he quickly sheathed himself and released one of her wrists
from its binding.

He slipped his arm beneath her ass and lifted her up until the head of his cock was aligned with

her heated folds. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he pushed the air from her lungs as he
shoved inside her with a quick, harsh thrust. He groaned as her fiery d hs her fchannel surrounded
him, engulfing him. He’d wanted to take it slower, ease into her, but the sensation of finally having his
mate in his arms aroused him more intensely than anything he’d ever experienced.

God, he should have told her already—he shouldn’t have let it get this far. Brenna locked her

trembling legs around his waist, and the last bit of rational thought flew from his head. Her nails
scored his shoulders as she clutched at him. The sting of pain urged him forward as he slowly pulled
back, sliding through her snug passage. Her eyes closed, and her head lolled on her neck against the
tree trunk. Slipping his hand up her back, he cupped the base of her skull, cradling her head and
protecting it from the rough bark. Her taut nipples rubbed against his chest as he slid in and out of her
grasping body.

In the back of his mind, he knew there was something he should be doing. Something he should

be saying. But the taut clasp of her sweet cunt and the breathless whimpers that caressed his neck
chased whatever it was from his head. Her intoxicating scent surrounded him. The only thing he could
focus on was the welcoming heat of her body and her needy demands for more. His arms tightened

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around her as he surged forward, pounding into her—filling her completely.

Her nails scratched at his shoulders through his cotton shirt as she pulled him closer. His lips

found the gentle curve of her neck, and his teeth closed over the tender skin before he stopped
himself. He couldn’t mark her—not without her consent. But Christ, he wanted to. He wanted to sink
his teeth into her flesh. Make her his—permission or no—and damn the consequences.

He forced himself to look into her eyes. The expression in her gaze was more open, more

trusting than anything he ever remembered seeing from her. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t take the
choice from her.

Instead, he reached between them and brushed his thumb across her clit, pushing her closer to

completion. Her pussy began to ripple around him, contracting around his shaft as he continued to
power in and out of her. Sensation streaked down his spine to pool at the small of his back. Brenna’s
keening cry spilled from her lips, immediately followed by Jake and Ethan’s howls, closer this time.
The sound of her release and the feel of her body milking him shoved him over the edge, and he came,
groaning her name and empting into the condom that separated them.

Twining her arms around his neck, she slumped against him, breathing heavily. “Wow. I…


“Come home with me.”
“I should probably—”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You should probably come home with me.”
They needed to talk.

* * * *

Brenna squinted in the too-bright light hanging in the kitchen of Caleb’s house. What was she

thinking? She shouldn’t be here. Somehow, she’d let him talk her into taking her rental car and coming
home with him. He’d left his at the reception for one of his brothers to drive back later.

Her teeth sinking into her lower lip, she glanced across the room to where he stood staring at

her, his features thrown into sharp relief by the overhead light. Her tummy fluttered at the intensity in
g antensithis gaze and desire bubbled back to life. She wanted him again? What the hell was the
matter with her?

It wasn’t that the sex hadn’t been fantastic—it had been better than that. Hands down, the best

experience she’d ever had, but it wasn’t an experience she intended to repeat. No matter how much
she might want to.

If she wasn’t careful, her long-time crush could easily become something else entirely. And

wasn’t that just the last thing she needed? After all this time, she wasn’t about to cave and fall in line
with her father’s twisted little hopes and plans. He would have to find some other way to live out his
shifter dreams. He wouldn’t do it by living vicariously through her. If he couldn’t love her for who
she was, she refused to be loved for who she was with.

Caleb took a step toward her. “You’re regretting this already?” His tone was neutral, but she

didn’t miss the disappointment in his eyes.

Several deep breaths later, she met his gaze. “Not regretting it, exactly.”
“But?” he prodded her when she’d paused too long.
“But,” she continued. “I really think I should be going.” When he opened his mouth to speak,

she rushed to say, “It was great. Really, really great, but I should go. Back to my hotel.”

“We need to talk, Bren.”
“Nah, we’re good. Really.” She moved toward the door, but he blocked her way glowering at

her. The fluttering in her belly increased, and if she knew where her underwear were, she’d bet

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they’d be damp. She’d probably laugh at any other guy who thought broody and scowly would work
on her, but with Caleb, it actually did.

Not really,” he countered.
“We both had fun, right?” she said brightly. Probably too brightly. “No harm, no foul. So how

about we make plans to see each other later tomorrow or maybe Monday? Before I fly out Tuesday

He shook his head, moving closer. “We really do need to talk.”
“About what?” she finally asked as she took another step back, crossing her arms over her


A small smile lifted the corners of his mouth. He reached out and cupped her face, brushing his

thumb over her cheekbone. “I realized something at the wedding, today.”

“What?” she asked, wariness replacing her earlier desire.
“You’re my mate.”
The words sank like three separate boulders into the pit of her stomach, each landing with a

resounding thud until she thought she might be sick. “No.” She crossed the room in a pathetic attempt
to both move away from him as well as away from the memories of everything her father wanted from
her. “No way. Not a chance.”

He frowned. “You know how this works, Brenna. You’re the one.” He moved closer to her.

Close enough to lean forward and brush his lips along her neck. “It’s in your scent. The way my body
responds to yours.”

She snorted. “I have a feeling you’d respond thn>
And the glower was back. “Despite what you’re clearly thinking, I’ve always been attracted to

you. I’ve always cared about you.”

“Really. If that was true, why didn’t you know I was your mate before I left?”
He blew out a frustrated breath. “I’d only just started coming into my change when you took off.

I could barely figure out the difference between the scent of prey and the scent of the neighbor’s dog.
There was no way I could have recognized it for what it was. And by the time I might have been able
to sort it out, you were long gone.”

The accusation sat heavy in the air. For the briefest of moments, she couldn’t help but imagine

what it would have been like if she’d stayed. Would they have fallen in love? Could shifters even fall
in love, or was mating just a biological imperative? And why did that thought make her feel like

She blinked, clearing her burning eyes. “I have to go. Now.”
She opened her mouth and closed it again. It was such a simple question, but the answer was

more complicated than she wanted to admit—even to herself. She mentally shook off her confusion.
Did it really matter if she stayed the night? She was leaving soon. There was no way she could fall in
love with Caleb—not that fast. Sooner or later, he’d figure out he was wrong about the whole mate
thing. She was silly to have worried about it in the first place. And as long as her father didn’t find
out that she was sleeping with Caleb or about his ridiculous claims, everything would be fine. Well,
it would be fine as long as those claims were revoked.

“Look, I’m staying until Tuesday morning, and I’m more than happy to hang out with you, but

you’ve gotta drop this mate talk.”

“You are my mate, Brenna.”
Ice sluiced through her veins at the conviction in his voice, but the chill was quickly washed

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away by a hot rush of anger. “No. No way. You know what I am? I’m the chick you hooked up with
after a wedding because we both know there’s no such thing as a happily ever after, but we’re both
lonely enough not to care. That’s who I am. That girl. Not your mate.”

He laughed, a low menacing sound. “You’re a hell of a lot more than that.”
He settled his hands on her hips, heat soaking into her skin through the thin fabric of her skirt.

Her anger started to fade with his touch, but a knot of worry formed. How was it that she could be that
pissed, but the minute he touched her, it started to weaken? He couldn’t be right about the mate thing
—she was apparently just too easily distracted by a hot guy for her own good. But it wasn’t just any
hot guy she admitted to herself. It was just Caleb.

He took a forward step with each backward move she made, walking until they were in the

living room. Aroused excitement unfurled in the pit of her stomach as she hit the back of the couch.
Her purse slipped from nerveless fingers to the floor as his thumbs brushed down and over her belly
and back up again. Her pussy clenched emptily, and all she could think about was getting him inside
her again.

She moistene waShe moid her lips with the tip of her tongue. “Look, I want you, but…”
He pressed kisses along the column of her neck, moving to the sensitive spot behind her ear.

Her thoughts vanished until all she could think about was his warm breath caressing her skin and his
body pressed against hers.

“You were saying?” he whispered.
She was saying what? When he was standing this close, and all she could smell was the forest

and the heat of his skin, she had no clue what she might have said.

“About what?” she forced out the words, even though the proper sounds were nearly

impossible to form.

A slow, seductive smile curved his lips. “I believe you were telling me that you wanted me,”

he murmured as his hand slipped between them and untucked her blouse from the waistband of her

“Right.” The word sounded more like a sigh than speech. “That.” She closed her eyes. “You

know, it’s impossible to think when you do this.”

He drew his fingertip from the base of her throat down through the valley between her breasts.

“When I do this?”

She could hear the smile in his voice.
He opened her top button. “How about when I do this?”
She caught his finger and scowled at him. “Can’t think.”
He chuckled. “Would I be a horrible person if I admitted that was part of the plan?”
A shiver worked through her. As she tried to collect her thoughts, he finished unbuttoning her

shirt, splaying his big, warm hand over her belly and toying with the edge of her bra.

She pressed his hand flat against her skin, stopping his motion. “You need to know—this

doesn’t change anything. I’m not your mate. I’m not going to become your mate. I’m going back to
California in a couple days.”

He frowned. “Right. You’re just the chick I’m bringing home to fuck after a wedding.”
The harshness in his voice made her chest ache, but she wasn’t backing down.
“Take it or leave it.”

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Chapter Four

Caleb’s frown deepened. “Fine.”
Brenna’s breath caught in her throat as he grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around to

face the couch. The need that had tumbled through her earlier, increased, tightening her pussy as the
insides of her thighs grew slick with her arousal.

“You like this,” he whispered harshly against an>hly agaher ear. “You like it when I take


She couldn’t deny it. She sure as hell didn’t understand it, but there was something undeniably

hot about Caleb taking control.

He yanked her blouse off her shoulders and halfway down her arms, leaving them pinned

behind her. He thrust his rock-hard cock against her ass, his pants catching on her skirt. When she
whimpered, he did it again, his fingers dropping to the closure and releasing it. Her skirt fell to the
floor with a whisper of fabric.

He squatted behind her and stroked his work-roughened fingertips down her leg, sending tingles

of awareness shooting through her as he lifted her foot free of the tangle of clothing. He repeated the
action with the other leg, his breath hot on her thighs. When she moved to take off her shoes, he
tapped her ass sharply. “Leave them.”

A shiver worked through her as he stood, his fully clothed body skimming her mostly nude one.

Wearing nothing but her bra, half a shirt and high-heeled black pumps, she leaned against the back of
his couch.

Working his foot between hers, he kicked her feet apart, spreading her legs. She couldn’t

suppress the needy groan that escaped. Taking off his shirt, Caleb added it to the growing pile on the
floor and chuckled, wrapping his bare arms around her. The silky hair on his forearms tickled her
skin. “I’m learning so many interesting things about you, Bren. Things that mean you’re going to spend
the rest of your time here tied to my bed.”

She practically came at the roughly whispered promise.
Keeping her pinned to his chest, he slid a hand down toward her center, his fingers slipping

between her soaking folds. His shuddering breath stirred her hair. “You’re so wet. You’re practically
burning me.”

Changing direction, he moved his hands up her torso and palmed her breasts. She arched her

back, pushing hard against him. She needed more from him. She wanted to be mindless—all thoughts
of mates and forever gone. Nothing but how it felt to have their bodies straining together. Then even
that thought vanished as he slipped his hands inside her bra, cupping her swollen flesh. Her nipples
peaked against his callused fingers as he teased her, thrusting against her ass as he toyed with the

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pebbled tips.

She tried to free her hand to open the front clasp of her bra, but when he sensed her movement,

he pressed more tightly against her, trapping her arms between them. But that only served to put his
cock at hand level. Twisting her wrists, she unfastened his belt and the button on his pants. It took a
little more wriggling to get his zipper down, but she managed it.

She hadn’t gotten a chance to touch him before—that wasn’t going to happen this time. She

wanted her hands and mouth all over him. She wanted memories to take away with her when she left.
Slipping her hand inside his underwear, she wrapped her fingers around his cock. Hot velvet-covered
steel—he was unbelievably thick. And she couldn’t wait to get him inside her again.

At this angle, it was difficult to stroke him the way she wanted to, but judging by his strangled

groans, she must have been doing something right. She brushed her thumb across the wide head,
smearing pre-cum over his smooth skin. She’d never wanted to go down on anyone as much as she
did Caleb. Her mouth practically watered for him.

“I want to taste you,” she rasped, ignoring the blush she felt staining her cheeks.
His hips jerked against her ass, and his ragged inhalation sent goose bumps chasing along her

limbs. He rolled her nipples between his thumbs and fingertips, pinching sharply and tugging. “I want
this to last, brat,” he said, his voice sounding more gravelly than usual. “I’m not sure it would if you
wrapped those pretty lips around my cock.”

Her pussy clenched at his nearly growled words. “Does this mean you’re not going to fuck me

any time soon?”

His only response was a laugh as he trailed his fingers over the sensitive flesh of her stomach,

down toward her cleft, plunging inside the warmth of her body while his thumb brushed across her
clit. Streaks of pleasure shot through her, and her legs started to tremble. It was a good thing Caleb
was holding her up with his arm pinned over her chest because she wasn’t sure how much longer she
could remain standing on her own.

She tugged at his pants, trying to push them aside, wanting to feel his skin against hers. But her

awkward position made it nearly impossible.

“Something you need?” he asked, amusement heavy in his voice.
“You’re not funny,” she panted, barely able to form words with her arousal-clouded brain.
He pressed a kiss to the curve of her shoulder, and she felt him smile against her skin. The way

he shifted behind her, she could tell he was toeing off his shoes and socks. He momentarily pulled his
arm from around her chest and pulled out his wallet, laying it on the back of the couch before he
shoved off his pants. The tip of his cock brushed the small of her back, leaving a smear of pre-cum on
her skin. She shivered at the slick, damp heat and the feeling of his thick length against her ass as he
wrapped his arm around her again, pressing hot kisses to the middle of her back.

Releasing her, he grabbed his wallet and rifled through it before cursing under his breath.
“Problem?” she asked.
He guided her to lean against the back of the couch. “Stay here, and don’t move.”
With her hands behind her back and her balance wobbly in her heels, she didn’t have much of a

choice. Well, she did. She could shrug off the blouse if she chose to. But she didn’t. More than
anything, she wanted to see what would happen—what he’d do next. Her arousal heightened as Caleb
disappeared down the darkened hallway behind her. Goose bumps washed over her skin as his
warmth soon faded from her flesh. She heard the click of a light switch and the rattle of a medicine
cabinet as he rummaged through it—looking for condoms, she supposed. A shiver worked through

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her, but this time, it was anticipatory. She’d had him not more than an hour ago, and she was ready for
him again.

The sound of footsteps behind her had her peering over her shoulder as Caleb returned, sealed

packet in his hand. “I thought I told you not to move, Bren.”

His words belied the conversational tone. His hand smoothed over her ass cheek almost


“I’ve never really gotten along with authority figures,” she murmured.
He lifted his hand and brought it down—hard—against her ass. “Clearly,” he said, spanking her

again. “We’ll need to work on that.”

It was impossible to stifle her moans as he let his palm rain down on her skin. The sharp pain

quickly became almost overwhelming, but then it began to change. Warmth seeped into her pussy as
his hand continued to fall. Slumping over the back of the couch, she offered her ass for more as
arousal slicked her thighs. She was so close. So close to coming. Just a little more and he’d push her
over the edge.

He stopped.
He fucking stopped.
It was almost impossible to crane her neck and look at him from where she was draped over the

couch, but she managed it. Breathing heavily, he stared at her ass, his hand hovering above it.

“I can feel the heat rising off your skin.” Lowering his hand, he smoothed it over her burning

flesh. The brush of his work-worn fingers on her over-sensitized skin had her crying out and
whimpering, begging him to take her.

He dragged his fingers through her dripping cleft, circling the entrance to her pussy before

sliding back to tease the puckered opening of her ass.

“Oh my God, just fuck me already,” she demanded, her voice mostly muffled by the cushion

beneath her. Relief flooded her at the sound of the condom packet tearing open. She almost wept as he
dragged the thick head of his cock along her cleft before finally pressing into her. He tunneled through
her tender tissues; the friction almost unbearable as he seated himself fully against her ass. His hair
abraded her hypersensitive flesh, but the discomfort mixed deliciously with the pleasure of having
him inside her, filling her.

He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back until she was almost standing, pressed as

tightly to his chest as they could manage with her hands behind her back. A scream strangled in her
throat at the change in angle. A couple more thrusts and she’d be there.

He slipped his arm around her, splaying his hand across her belly as he pounded into her, his

fingers toying with her clit.

Letting her eyes fall closed, her head dropped forward, her internal muscles clenching around


“Hey, we brought the car—”
Brenna’s eyes flew open in horror, and she saw Ethan and Jake standing in the open doorway

watching Caleb fucking her. The lust in their expressions and the gold bleeding into the brown of their
eyes as their wolves rose to the surface burned into her brain. It was impossible to miss the sudden
erections tenting their pants as they stared.

No matter how much she wanted to pretend they weren’t there, she couldn’t take her eyes off

them. The orgasm, that had been struggling to claw free, tore through her, dragging unrelenting
pleasure through her shaking body. When the last shudder left her limp in Caleb’s arms, she slumped
over the back of the couch, her eyes tightly closed.

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His body was rigid and his cock was still hard. He hadn’t come. But at the realization they

were being watched, she had. What the hell was the matter with her?

Caleb nuzzled her neck, betheher necfore trailing kisses up to her ear. “I had no idea you had an

exhibitionist streak.”

“I don’t,” she said, her voice taut.
He chuckled. “I’d beg to differ. You came so hard when you realized they were watching you.”
She shook her head, eyes still tightly closed.
“You forget,” he murmured. “Your sweet, little cunt is wrapped around my cock. I can feel

every one of your reactions, every little response. In fact, the more I talk about it, the more you ripple
around me. You liked it.”

She shook her head again, praying that when she opened her eyes, Jake and Ethan would be

gone. Because if she were totally honest, she’d have to admit she liked it. More than a little.

“You’re lying, brat. The scent of your arousal is getting stronger with every second.” He slid

both hands upward until he was cupping her lace-covered breasts. “You know that shifter alphas
sometimes share their mates with their unmated pack members.” Her nipples peaked against his
palms, and her breath caught in her throat. “I think you’d like that,” he continued.

“I’m not your mate,” she choked out.
“Not yet.”
“Not ever.”
“How about you go ahead and think that while we make you come?”
A shaky whimper escaped her parted lips as he pinched her nipples.
“Say no, and they leave. Say yes, and we worship every inch of your body.”
She should say no. She knew she should. What kind of woman had sex with three brothers?

With three shifters? But she wanted to. She wanted to know what it would be like. And what would it
matter? She’d be gone soon anyway, and she’d hate to spend the rest of her life wondering.

With a maelstrom of wild butterflies bombarding her stomach, she nodded. “Yes.”

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Chapter Five

“You won’t regret it,” Caleb whispered in her ear.
Nervous energy washed over her. She sure as hell hoped not.
Someone leaned forward and tenderly kissed her lips, slowly claiming her mouth, thrusting his

tongue, mimicking the motion Caleb had resumed as he fucked her pussy. His hands were still at her
breasts. He flicked open the clasp of her bra and peeled back the cups, revealing her aching, swollen
flesh to his brothers.

She opened her eyes as Ethan lifted his lips from hers in time to see both men staring at her

chest and stroking their cocks through theian throughr pants. Jake reached out and touched her,
brushing his thumb over her distended nipple. She shuddered at the simple caress, bearing down on
Caleb’s cock. His hands dropped to her waist, as his brothers climbed onto the couch and descended
on her nipples, each drawing one into the heated recesses of their mouths.

Her back arched, and she didn’t even bother trying to stifle the scream that burst from her. She

struggled to get her arms free. She needed to touch them. Caleb pulled her blouse from her body,
releasing her arms at last.

“One of these days, I’m gonna tie you up for real,” he promised darkly.
She buried her hands in Ethan and Jake’s hair as they sucked on her nipples, teasing her with

tongues and teeth; all the while, she imagined being bound to Caleb’s bed, at their mercy. Hopefully,
it was one hell of a big bed.

Ethan and Jake each climbed on the couch and she reached for their belt buckles. Jake

impatiently began loosening his belt and shoved his pants down, freeing his cock. She wrapped her
fingers around the heated length while opening Ethan’s fly with her other hand.

She could barely think. Caleb continued to slowly work himself in and out of her pussy. No

matter how many times she shoved her hips back, demanding more, he just kept the same, maddening

Ethan slipped his free hand along her belly, downward to toy with her clit. Finding the little

bundle of nerves, he circled it with his thumb, barely touching it as he traced around it.

And Jake reached around her, skimming his hand down her back until he reached her ass.

Lifting his mouth from her breast, he looked at her. “Somebody got her ass paddled. Were you a bad
girl?” Before she could answer, he slid his hand down between her and Caleb until he reached her
anus. Capturing her nipple in his mouth again, he stroked the puckered hole, teasing the sensitive flesh
while she writhed between the three men.

The stimulation was too much. Tautly coiled sensation twisted in her abdomen and fissions of

pleasure raced over every nerve ending, drawing her need tighter until it slammed into her, knocking

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her free from her mooring. For several long moments, she felt weightless, adrift in a sea of bliss.

Caleb pulled from her still-spasming channel and urged her to the floor while he and his

brothers followed suit. Nudging her knees a little further apart, Caleb slid inside her again, and she
groaned at the sensation of him sliding through her swollen channel. She couldn’t believe it, but she
was ready for more. She’d lost track of how many times she’d come tonight, but she still wanted
more. She needed more.

Ethan and Jake knelt in front of her. With Caleb, helping her keep her balance by holding her

steady, she grasped their shafts, taking one after the other into her mouth. Caleb groaned behind her,
and she wondered if he regretted not letting her go down on him earlier. He shafted her harder while
she sucked on his brothers. A cock in her pussy and one in each hand. When had she become so
wanton? Pretty much from the moment Caleb had touched her, she supposed.

Ethan leaked pre-cum across her tongue, and she swallowed it down, urging him to give her


“Take him deeper,” Caleb demanded. “Take him deeper, and I’ll fuck you harder.”


Jake wrapped her hair around his fist, pulling it back from her face, so they could all watch, she

assumed. Fine by her. Let them see. Caleb had been right when he’d insisted it had turned her on to be
watched. She never would have imagined that about herself, but after tonight, she had to admit that it
was true.

Jake kept a tight grip on her hair, and it pulled a bit as she took Ethan farther into her throat. But

that small sting of pain didn’t dissuade her. If anything, it made her more desperate to make Ethan lose

“Gorgeous,” Jake breathed as he watched, stroking his cock with his free hand.
Ethan was close. She could feel it. He tried to pull back, but she refused to let him go, sucking

harder. He stiffened, and on a groan, spilled down her throat. Caleb’s fingers convulsed on her hips
as he pounded into her.

Letting Ethan slip from her mouth, she turned to Jake and fully engulfed him, swallowing around

his shaft as she took him deeper. His hips jerked as he held her head, fucking her mouth with short,
shallow strokes.

“So good,” he whispered. “So damn good.”
Gripping him firmly around the base, she took him further, while Caleb’s thrusts grew faster.

She’d guess his control was hanging by a thread. Good.

Brenna lashed the head of Jake’s cock with her tongue and carefully ran her teeth over the

sensitive flesh.

“Holy fuck, Brenna!”
If she could have smiled, she would have. It was a giddy feeling to wield this kind of power

over three incredibly gorgeous and strong men. Using both mouth and hand, she worked him in and
out, bringing him ever closer to the edge. Jake stiffened and on a wordless cry, emptied himself down
her throat.

She’d barely pulled off him before Caleb tightened his hands on her hips and slammed into her

with wild, out of control thrusts. She’d never been fucked so hard in her life, and she loved it. Fisting
her hands in the throw rug on the floor, she hung on for dear life while Caleb relentlessly pounded her

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His brothers watched her getting fucked, stroking her skin and their still semi-hard erections.

The sound of wet flesh slapping filled the room along with her needy cries.

It was too much—their hungry gazes, the desperate sounds, the glorious thrusts filling her body

over and over. Her orgasm came out of nowhere, driving into her even harder than Caleb did. Brutal
pleasure washed over her.

Her pussy clamped down so hard on the man inside her, he could barely move, and the

sensation of him pumping through her grasping passage made her explode again. Finally, with a few
more soul-shaking plunges, he came—shuddering and groaning her name. Nothing but the harsh sound
of their breathing filled the air; she could barely keep her eyes open.

Carefully withdrawing from her body, Caleb disposed of the condom then pulled her from the

floor to sit on his lap on the couch. The hair on his thighs abraded her tender ass, the jolt of pain
chasing away any residual sleepiness.

Ethan grabbed a blanket y rd a blafrom the back the chair and spread it over both her and


She smiled her thanks at him, her cheeks flushing. Now that it was over, she couldn’t quite

believe she’d had sex with all three of them. In the heat of the moment, it had seemed like a great
idea. Now? She wasn’t quite sure.

Caleb wrapped his arms around her and tugged her against his chest. “How about you two give

a man and his mate a little privacy?”

“Not your mate,” she muttered against his neck.
Both Ethan and Jake chuckled as they dressed then kissed the top of her head.
“You know,” Jake said. “If you want to ditch Caleb, I’m totally available.”
“Me, too,” Ethan added.
She couldn’t quite suppress a giggle, her embarrassment fading.
“Out.” Caleb scowled at his brothers. “Both of you.”

* * * *

Caleb woke with a start, gray morning light filling the room and his bed empty and cold. Where

was Brenna? Concern filled him as he left his room. Did she regret what had happened last night?

He peered out the kitchen window and sagged with relief. Her car was still there, and when he

glanced around, he noticed their clothes still on the floor where they’d left them. Moving to the living
room window, he spotted her out on the beach, wearing what looked to be his flannel pajama bottoms
and sweatshirt. He took a quick shower, pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and headed out to her.
She sat with her arms wrapped around her drawn up knees, watching the waves crash on the

She smiled at him as he approached and sat down behind her, placing his legs on either side of

her body. “Hey, you,” she murmured.

Despite the fact that she’d rolled up the legs and sleeves of his shirt and pants, she was still

swimming in them. There was something intrinsically hot about seeing a woman in his clothing—
especially Brenna. Her damp hair was tucked behind her ears and she looked sleepy and sated. And
relaxed. For the first time since he’d seen her yesterday, she didn’t look stressed out. He was glad
he’d sent Ethan and Jake home last night. This was a moment he didn’t want to share with anyone

She sighed and stretched her legs out in front of her on the sand, leaning back against him. “I

knew I missed home, but I didn’t realize just how much until I saw the lake again.”

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He nodded. “There’s nothing like it.”
“I miss having four seasons and snow days.” She looked at the trees that ran the length of the

shore. “I really miss autumn. Nothing changes where I am. And Christmas lights without snow is just
something I’ll never get used to.”

“There’s nothing stopping you from coming back,” he pointed out.
She sat up straight. The tension, that had been blissfully absent, returned. “That ship has

Th height

Frustration flared to life. “Then turn it around, and sail it back.”
She turned and just looked at him, then faced front again to watch the water.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and took a deep breath. “At least, answer me this

truthfully. Are you happy out there? Do you have whatever it was that was missing from your life

Her gray eyes clouded with tears, but she rapidly blinked them away. She was quiet for the

longest time and he thought she wouldn’t answer. But finally, she slumped against him, looking
defeated. “I have a couple friends; the dating scene is dismal at best. I spend most of my time in the
tiny studio in my apartment.”

The thought of her dating anyone rankled—especially after last night, but he kept silent.
“Mostly, I work,” she said. “And to be honest, I can illustrate books from anywhere.”
“Okay, so move. Go somewhere else that makes you happy. Or come home.”
“I can’t. Moving back is out of the question.”
“Look, I don’t pretend to know what’s going on between you and your dad.” He sighed.

“Neither one of you will talk about it, but there are plenty of other people here who would love for
you to come home.”

She frowned, setting down her mug and turning all the way around to face him. “And I’m sure

that with all this mate talk, you’re at the top of the list.”

“I’m at the top of the list of people who want to see you happy. And if you were happy in

California and wanted me, then I’d go there to be with you.”

Surprise widened her eyes, but she didn’t say anything.
He pulled her back into his arms, and she laid her head against his chest. She was quiet for the

longest time, and he thought she must have fallen asleep, but she shifted and finally spoke.

“I was actually hoping that when I saw my dad at the wedding we could finally move past

things. I thought maybe he’d be happy to see me. That he might have even missed me.”

Caleb tightened his arms around her. The pain in her voice made his chest ache. He opened his

mouth to tell her that he was sure that Joe had missed her, but he honestly didn’t know, and he wasn’t
about to lie to her. Any time he’d brought up Brenna to her father, the man had shut the conversation
down immediately, his anger unmistakable.

“What happened between you two?” he finally asked.
Her slim shoulders lifted against his chest in a half-hearted shrug. “I wasn’t the kid he wanted. I

was a disappointment.”

He snorted. “How does a full-ride scholarship and successful artist translate into a


“When the child in question isn’t a shifter and that’s all her daddy has ever wanted.”
He could almost taste the bitterness in her voice. The horrible truth of Joe’s interest in the three

Mahingan boys became suddenly and pittddenly ainfully clear. Caleb’s heart ached for her.

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And he’d never figured it out. His mother had been so grateful that Joe had provided a father-

figure in their lives that Caleb had viewed it through that same lens, never understanding that they’d
been hurting a little girl who’d just wanted her father’s love. Rage filled him. Rage at Joe and rage at
himself for being too stupid to figure it out. He’d deal with Joe later. Right now, his biggest concern
was his mate.

“I’m so sorry, Bren.”
She shifted in his arms again and urged him to look down at her. Lifting her lips to his, she

kissed him. Her mouth was soft and sweet against his. “Don’t be sorry. Just make me forget.”

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Chapter Six

Caleb slid his fingers through her hair, angling her head to kiss her more deeply. If Brenna

wanted to forget, he’d help her forget. At the moment, he was more than happy to do the same. He
hated the revelation that Joe had treated her like that, but her story rang true, and it explained so damn
much. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it before.

He pulled her onto his lap, and she straddled him, wrapping her legs around his waist and her

arms around his neck. The slide of her pussy along the already hardening ridge of his cock stiffened
him further. Slipping his hands beneath her borrowed sweatshirt, he stroked her skin, urging her

The wind grew stronger, and cold rain spattered them. Laughing, she glanced at the roiling

black clouds overhead. Lightning split the sky, and the following crack of thunder was so loud, the
ground vibrated beneath them. She climbed off him and pulled him up from the sand. Still holding
hands, they ran to the house as the sky opened up, dumping a deluge of rain and hailstones on them,
soaking them almost instantly. As soon as they were inside, she tugged on his shirt, dragging it over
his head and baring his chest.

Stepping closer, she pressed her lips to nearly every inch of skin she could reach, the warmth of

her mouth contrasting sharply with his cold, rain-wet flesh. He pulled off the damp shirt she wore and
let it drop, before yanking at the drawstring that held up the too-big pants. They slipped down her legs
leaving her naked and shivering in the middle of the kitchen.

Dropping to her knees, she opened the fly of his jeans and quickly freed his cock. She wrapped

her chilly fingers around it and guided the hard length to her lips. The combination of her cold hands
and the heat of her mouth as she teased the swollen head sent streaks of pleasure that shot down his
spine and tightened his balls.

She looked up at him through her lashes as she took him deeper. He watched the way her lips

stretched around him. She was so damn beautiful. And she was his. It had been agonizing last night to
see her go down on his brothers. It had also excited him more than he’d imagined possible. Watching
as they’d taken turns fucking her herfuckingmouth, sucking her nipples and making her come. Watching
as she’d milked them dry, swallowing everything they had to offer. It had been amazing. It had also
just about killed him. He and his brothers had shared plenty of women in the past, but he’d never
experienced that kind of gut twisting jealousy. Obviously, the difference was knowing that Brenna
was his mate.

But it was bigger than that, he admitted. Most of the gut twisting jealousy was simply because

she was Brenna, and he’d been more than half in love with her for years. He doubted that it would
take much to push him across the border into fully in love. If he wasn’t there already.

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Brenna circled the head of his cock with the tip of her tongue, bringing him back to the present.

As he stared at her, she completely engulfed him, taking him all the way down her throat, sucking so
hard he thought he’d lose it right there. He was too damn close, but as much as he wanted to come
now, he wouldn’t. He tangled his hands in her hair and gently pulled her off.

She looked up at him, her eyes bright with amusement and desire. “Yes?”
He tugged her to her feet and, scooping her into his arms, carried her down the hall and tossed

her in the middle of his bed. She landed with a laugh and pushed up on her elbows, watching him and

Her nipples were taut little buds that begged for his touch, and he was only too eager to comply.

Dark pink tips crowned pale breasts that trembled with each ragged breath. His gaze greedily
followed the lines of her body, committing the sight of her in his bed to memory.

It was almost impossible to believe that Brenna was here with him—even though he’d had her

last night in the woods and again in his living room. Those seemed more like dreams than reality. But
seeing her naked in his bed was reality at its finest.

Pushing his pants the rest of the way off, he followed her down, pinning her to the mattress and

taking her mouth again. Nothing was better than this. The taste of his mate on his tongue. The feel of
her in his arms. The only thing he really needed was to claim her. He could, of course, do it without
her permission, but he refused to do that to her. She had to want him. Forever. If she didn’t, he wasn’t
sure what he’d do. But for now, he pushed that worry out of his head and focused on her.

He dragged kisses along her jaw and neck and over her collarbone. His teeth ached to sink into

the gentle curve between her neck and shoulder and mark her as his, but he held himself back. Barely.

Instead, he pressed kisses to her sternum, nuzzling the inner curves of her breasts before finally

making his way to a tight nipple. Taking one into his mouth, he drew on it, loving the way it hardened
further against his tongue. He sucked and bit at the sensitive bundle of nerves until she was writhing
beneath him, lifting her hips and demanding that he fill her.

“Not yet, brat.”
Instead, he switched his attention to her other nipple, making her cry out with what seemed to

be equal parts frustration and pleasure. She tangled her fingers in his hair, trying to hold his head
where she wanted it. But she wasn’t calling the shots today. Ignoring her overt hints, he continued his
downward path, loving the way she trembled beneath him.

With a hand on each silky, soft thigh, he spread her legs and leaned forward, nuzzling her

sensitive skin as he inched closer to her pussy. He wanted to take his time—to make it last for her.
Spreading her lips, he drew his tongue along her cleft, her flavor filling his mouth. Her scent and taste
were addictive. He needed more.

“Oh, God,” she groaned. Her fingernails scraped against his scalp. She held him steady as she

lifted her hips rhythmically against his mouth.

He suckled at her while she squirmed beneath him. Her hands left his head to trail upward, over

her stomach to cup her breasts and pinch her nipples. His cock throbbed at the sight of it. She was
stunning—her skin flushed, her breathing shallow.

He traced the length of her slit with his tongue, dipping into the opening of her pussy and

stroking through her folds again, careful to avoid her clit. She struggled, trying to get him to touch her
where she wanted it, but he wouldn’t be hurried. Instead, he threw an arm across her waist and held
her to the mattress. As he’d expected, the move made her wetter. At some point, he’d have to make
good on his promise to tie her to his bed. He knew she’d love it.

Circling her swollen clit with the tip of his tongue, he slid a finger into her slick channel. “God,

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you’re gorgeous,” he murmured against her damp flesh.

She trembled as he continued to stroke into her. “Quit teasing, and fuck me,” she whispered.
“Not yet.” But he took pity on her and slid another finger inside her. She gripped him as he

pulled his hand back. Flicking his tongue across her clit, he did it again, watching her strain to lift her
hips from the bed. Panting, little whimpers filled the air while she met his thrusting fingers, stroke for
stroke, as he moved in and out of her willing body. He pumped a little harder. Her hands gripped the

“Please Caleb,” she whispered. “Please make me come.”
He couldn’t deny her, but he wasn’t anywhere near finished licking her sweet pussy. He added

a third finger anyway and scraped his teeth across her clit as he sucked it between his lips. She
bucked against him, repeating his name on a broken cry, as her pussy contracted, rippling around his

All of his well-intentioned plans to take things slow vanished. He reached into his nightstand

drawer and fumbled around until he came up with a condom. Quickly sheathing himself, he was
poised over her in seconds, the head of his cock kissing the entrance of her cunt. Holding
himselfselding hi above her, he slowly pushed inside her snug passage. Caleb’s breath caught at the
welcoming clasp of her body. He pulled back, reveling in her tight grip. Her pussy clenched him as if
she couldn’t bear to release him.

Slipping a hand beneath her ass, he fitted her more tightly to him and thrust forward. The motion

pushed a cry from her lips as he lodged as deeply as possible. She clung to him, wrapping her arms
and legs around him, holding him as fiercely as he held her. He wanted this. With her. For the rest of
their lives.

He shafted her harder, and she whimpered every time his sac slapped wetly against her. His

balls began to tighten. Every rhythmic pulse of her cunt pushed him closer to the edge. He was close
—way too close. He rolled to his back, bringing her with him.

Using his chest to push herself to a sitting position, she slowly lifted herself up the length of his

cock before sliding back down. Her hair swung around her shoulders in a tangled halo, illuminated by
the lightning flashing through the window. The sporadic bursts of brightness accentuated her, making
her skin seem to glow as she rode him. Her teeth sank into her lower lip as her speed increased. He
was sure he’d never seen a more beautiful sight.

He slid his hands over the smooth muscles of her thighs, trailing closer to her pussy with every

move she made. Foolishly, he’d thought he’d last longer in this position, but he’d seriously
underestimated the effect of having Brenna undulating over him, taking him deeper than he’d thought

Reaching out, he traced the opening of her pussy with his fingertip. He circled the spot where

they were joined—caressed the delicate flesh that stretched to take him. Her whimpers turned to
guttural cries as he trailed upward to circle the swollen nub of her clit. He teased it with the tip of his
finger until her internal muscles began to clench around him.

He held her thighs and pushed into her, lifting his hips off the bed as he plowed through her

tender tissues. Her head dropped back, and her cry turned into a scream. She gripped him so tightly,
he could barely move.

He managed a few more thrusts, driving hard through her release until tingles of sensation shot

along his spine, gathering at the small of his back. The feeling spread through his balls and cock until
he couldn’t hold back any longer and emptied inside her.

Boneless, she slumped against his chest, her inhalations just as ragged as his. Lifting his hand,

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he smoothed her hair from her face as their breathing gradually returned to normal.

He couldn’t remember ever feeling this…vulnerable before. And he didn’t like it. Knowing that

she was his mate but not claiming her fully ate at him. The more time he spent with her, the more his
wolf struggled to rise to the surface, societal niceties be damned. Using strength of will he hadn’t
known he possessed, he buried his animal nature for a while longer, knowing the closer they got to the
full moon, the harder it would be to control. Pushing those thoughts away, he tugged the blankets over
them, cradling Brenna in his arms. Everything else could wait a while longer.

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Chapter Seven

Brenna walked with Roxy along the shoreline that meandered in front of Caleb’s house. Her

cousin was back from the bed and breakfast where she’d spent the weekend with her new husband.
She’d gone looking for Brenna at the motel but quickly learned Brenna was staying with Caleb. News
still traveled at light speed in this sleepy little town.

“So…are you going to spill or what?” Roxy asked as they skirted a particularly large piece of


“Spill what?”
Her cousin rolled her eyes. “Seriously? You’ve had a crush on Caleb since we were in the

ninth grade, and I come home from my honeymoon and you’ve practically moved in with him. I think
there’s plenty to tell, so get dishing!”

Brenna couldn’t help but laugh at Roxy’s indignation, but she had no idea where to begin. She’d

been here since the night of the wedding. The following day, he’d talked her into ditching the motel
room and staying with him. And she couldn’t say she regretted that decision. He’d taken her to visit
all of her favorite spots along the coast. They’d hiked the dunes outside of Eagle Harbor, hunted for
agates on the beach and he’d even taken her out on the lake until the waves got too rough. She
assumed he was working every angle he could in an attempt to get her to stay. But since that couldn’t
happen, she was looking at it as accumulating more memories to take home with her. Of course, her
favorite recollections wouldn’t be the rocks or the leisurely walks through the brilliant autumn
colored leaves. It would be the fervent kisses when she least expected them and the way he worked
her body, making her come until she was weak, bringing her to heights she hadn’t known existed.

Yeah. She didn’t have any regrets about staying with him. Except the big one that loomed on the

horizon. The one that was going to send her back to California with a broken heart. Because she was

She couldn’t imagine waking up to an empty bed or not seeing his mischievous>
Brenna followed Roxy up on top of a rock formation that jutted out into the lake then carefully

picked her way across the jagged surface as they walk to the edge where the waves crashed against it.
The rising full moon—the Blood Moon—hung low on the horizon. Fingers of red and orange spread
across the October sky. She stared out over the vast churning waters and tried to think of what to tell

Her cousin put her hand on Brenna’s shoulder. “You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”
The lie was already on her lips when she whirled to look at the other woman. But it died as

soon as she looked into Roxy’s eyes. “It’s stupid. But, yeah. I am.”

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Roxy’s eyes clouded. “Why is it stupid?”
Brenna sighed. “He might want me, but he doesn’t love me.” She wasn’t convinced that shifters

could fall in love—at least, not without the assistance of pheromones and biological predisposition.
And that really wasn’t love. Not as far as she was concerned, anyway. It was more like genetic

“You don’t know that.” Roxy said. “You should see the way he looks at you.”
Brenna wanted to share everything—shifters, mates, her father, but Caleb’s secret wasn’t hers

to tell. Roxy was her cousin on her mother’s side of the family and didn’t have a clue that the
creatures most people considered fantasy were real.

Most people believed shape-shifters were nothing more than myths or folklore. Typically, their

existence wasn’t known beyond mates or immediately family. Having been the son of a shifter, her
father had known. Without seeing any signs in her, her father never should have revealed that shifters
exist. But he’d never let little things like ethics get in the way. She sighed, her heart aching at the
building pain.

“I think it’s more the novelty,” she finally said, needing to fill the silence.
Roxy slung her arm around Brenna’s shoulder and smiled sadly. “Can’t blame a girl for a little

wishful thinking.”

“What do you mean?”
“I was just thinking how great it would be if you and Caleb fell in love and you moved back

home. See? Totally selfish, wishful thinking.”

She wouldn’t admit it aloud, but she couldn’t help but want the same thing. Blinking back tears,

she returned Roxy’s smile. “I do miss living here.” Brenna turned and looked at the riot of colored
leaves that covered the trees on the shore. Scarlet, gold, russet and orange, all bright against the
darkening sky—she’d never seen a more beautiful place. “But I don’t see that changing any time

“Is it because of your dad, or are you happy there?”
Brenna smiled. “You always did know how to get to the heart of it.”
“It’s the therapist in me; what can I say?”
“Before, thn>“Be I would have said it was mostly about my dad.”
Roxy nodded. “He really is an ass. Nothing’s changed since you’ve been gone.”
“I’m not surprised.”
“But now?” her cousin prodded.
Brenna took a deep breath and forced herself to be as honest as she could without revealing

Caleb or his brothers’ secret. “Now, I’m in love with Caleb, and honestly, I think it would kill me to
see him all the time when this doesn’t work out.”

“That’s a pretty depressing outlook.”
Brenna shrugged. She couldn’t really argue with that assessment. It might be different if she

could trust that he wanted her for her—not because nature thought she’d be a great breeding partner. It
was almost funny. Her father didn’t want her for what she couldn’t give him and Caleb wanted her for
what she could. Irony at its best.

Of course, maybe she was assuming that was what Caleb wanted. But mates were meant to

reproduce. It was how nature worked. And God knew her father had drilled the importance of
increasing the shifter population into her head for years. She sighed. She should give Caleb the
benefit of the doubt on that one and find out how he felt. But since she planned on leaving no matter
what, bringing it up wouldn’t help anything.

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After Roxy left, she found Caleb reading on the porch swing. He pulled her onto his lap and set

the swing to rocking. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder, loving
the closeness and the companionable silence they shared yet knowing it would be destroyed soon.
Sooner or later, they’d have to talk, but right now, she wanted this—this closeness—for just a little
bit longer.

The crunch of tires on gravel caught her attention. It was likely one or both of the guys. A

nervous flutter settled in her belly at the memory of the last time they’d been together. She lifted her
head and froze as the car rounded the corner.

Her father turned off the engine and got out.
Brenna moved to scramble off Caleb’s lap, but he locked his arms around her, and there was no

getting free.

“Let me go,” she whispered, pushing against his chest.
He looked at her. “I won’t let him hurt you anymore.”
“I—” she almost said love but stopped herself in time. “I appreciate it, but it’s not your battle

to fight.”

“You’re my mate,” he murmured. “It’s mine, too.”
She closed her eyes in frustration, took a deep breath and pinned him with her gaze. “Don’t do

this now. Please. And if you care about me—at all—don’t mention that in front of him.”

His lips tightened, and his eyes brightened with the gold of his wolf, his anger bleeding through.

But to her relief, he nodded. However, he kept his arms tightly around her. She hated to admit it, even
to herself, but having him here, supporting her gave her the strength to look her father in the eyes.

Caleb tried to keep his emotions contained as he watched Joe climb the porch steps. He’d

never seen the man look so pleased.

“It’s about time you finally did something right,” the older man said, clapping his daughter on

the shoulder.

Brenna’s gray eyes turned to slate—cold and flat. Her chin lifted slightly, and she stared at her

father. “So having ridiculous amounts of sex with someone you think of as a son is ‘doing something

Joe looked a little uncomfortable. His smile faltered slightly but didn’t fade entirely. “Well,

we’ve got to get shifters back in the family somehow, don’t we?”

Caleb’s rage surged to the surface, and he gripped the armrest of the swing. The wood cracked

beneath his grip. Brenna shifted on his lap, moving to stand. He didn’t stop her this time, but more
than anything, he wanted to plow his fist into her father’s face.

Brenna took several steps toward Joe. “So as far as you’re concerned, my only value lies in my

ability to produce shifter children?” she asked, her voice even and deadly.

Only an idiot would answer in the affirmative.
“Of course, that’s not your only value,” Joe blustered. “But since you didn’t end up with this

gift yourself, this is the next best thing.”

Caleb cringed. Apparently, Joe was that idiot.
“Would it have killed you to, I don’t know…maybe take just a little fatherly interest in me?”
Pain vibrated off Brenna in waves, but Joe seemed oblivious. This didn’t seem like the same

guy who had befriended him and his brothers. But what did Caleb know? The majority of his time
spent with Brenna was when her father wasn’t around. And she was rarely around when he was with

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“I tried to get you to develop an interest in your heritage, but you wanted nothing to do with it.”
“No. You wanted to live vicariously through me, because the family genes skipped you, too.”

She glanced at Caleb, regret in her eyes and turned back to Joe. “When that didn’t work, you found
yourself a new family.”

The older man opened his mouth, but she didn’t give him a chance to speak.
“Just so you know, I’m not looking for apologies.”
Joe’s face turned red, and his hands tightened into fists at his side, but he held his tongue.
“I just want you to understand that you lost your right to parent me a long time ago.” The fight

seemed to leave her with the last of her words.

Her father took several unsteady steps toward her. “Why the hell would I apologize to you? I

did the best I could trying to raise you up right, but you’ve always been a miserable bitch.”

“That’s it.” Caleb stepped between them. “I kept quiet so Brenna could say what she needed to

say to you. But this is enough. You will not speak to your daughter like that.”

“I’ll speak to her any damn way I want to.”
“No. You won’t.”
Joe stared at him in disbelief.
“You need to leave now,” Caleb added, sliding his arm around Brenna’s waist.
“After everything I’ve done for you and your brothers, you’re siding with her?”
“Go.” Caleb let his wolf rise to the surface—let the other man get a good look at his barely

contained rage. With the full moon rising, it was nearly impossible not to shift, but he clung to his
humanity a while longer.

Cursing under his breath, Joe got in his car and peeled out, kicking up gravel against the side of

the house.

Not bothering to watch the other man leave, Caleb pulled Brenna into his arms and held her.

“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry he’s a dick. I’m sorry we basically replaced you. I’m surprised you didn’t
hate us.”

She shook her head against his chest. “It was kinda hard to hate the guys who’d always looked

out for me—especially when my own father wouldn’t. I was old enough to figure out that it had less to
do with me and more to do with his own imagined failures.” Pulling away slightly, she shrugged. “I
guess coming back for the wedding was a good thing all around. I don’t have to wonder anymore if
I’d imagined things or blown them out of proportion.”

“I hate that this is what you came home to, but I’m not going to lie. I’m so glad you came back.”
He lowered his head to kiss her, but she looked away. A wall slammed between them, so

tangible he could practically feel the individual bricks.

She backed up a step. Her eyes filled with tears. “I can’t do this.”
“You can’t do what?” Ice water replaced the blood in his veins.
“I can’t stand here and let you think this whole mate thing has a chance in hell of working out

for us.”

He stared at her, his teeth aching to bite her—to claim her as his. To change her body chemistry

by marking her—binding her to him forever.

Her hands shook violently as she pushed them through her hair. “I can’t do it. I can’t let him get

what he wants from me.”

“Fuck him,” he snarled.
Brenna jumped at his tone.

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“Fuck. Him,” he said again. “This isn’t about your father. What about what you want?”
“What I want doesn’t matter,” she said bitterly. “It never has.”
“Fine. What about what I want?”
She stared at him, eyes wide.
“I want you. I’ve always fucking wanted you. Christ, Brenna, I love you. And I think you love

me. Doesn’t that count for anything?”

She laughed. It was possibly the bitterest sound he’d ever heard. “No. Iiv>rd. “t really


“How does love not count?” he demanded, prowling toward her, his anger pushing his wolf

toward release.

“It’s not love,” she snapped. “It’s biology. Nothing more. Nothing less.”
She frowned at him. “Smelling like mating material doesn’t equal love.”
Pure frustration combined with the intensifying need to shift, and a growl crawled up his throat.

He couldn’t stifle the sound if he tried. “Yeah, I might have just realized that we’re biologically
suited. But I realized something else, too. And that’s that I’ve been in love with you for a fuck of a
long time. Years, brat.”

He stalked toward her, backing her up against the side of the house. “Having you move across

the country didn’t kill it and having you back…” He nipped at her lower lip. “Having you in my
bed…” He trailed open-mouthed kisses along the side of her neck; the scent of her flesh was
intoxicating. “Having my cock buried inside you…” He scraped her collarbone with his teeth drawn
by the seductive pulse of her blood beneath her skin. He forced his mouth away and lifted his head to
stare into her eyes. “All of that only makes me positive we’re meant to be together.”

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Chapter Eight

Brenna shook her head, her eyes brimming with tears. Her heart had turned to stone in her chest.

She had no idea how much it would hurt to tell him she couldn’t be with him. She stared into Caleb’s
eyes. The brown had been completely swallowed by the gold, and she could tell he was trying
desperately to keep from shifting.

Glancing at the moon hanging heavy over the water, she noticed the two gray and black timber

wolves that waited silently a few feet from the stairs. Ethan and Jake, she assumed. Looking back at
Caleb, she touched his face. “I know you need to go,” she murmured.

“We’re not done discussing this.”
She absently watched the progress of a red and gold maple leaf as it fluttered to the ground

between them.

He dragged her against his chest and thrust his hand in her hair, pulling her head back and took

her mouth with an almost brutal kiss. Liquid heat spread through her as she melted against him.
Opening her mouth beneath his, she returned his kiss.

He rested his forehead against hers, pain flaring across his features. “Will you still be here

when I get back?”

“Will you?” he demanded when she didn’t answer.
She didn’t want to hurt him, but she wasn’t sure she could give him what he wanted. “I need to


He backed away, pain shadowing his eyes. He toed off his shoes and pulled his T-shirt over his

head, baring his tightly muscled chest. Tossing the shirt on the swing, he quickly added the rest of his

“I know you don’t believe me. I know you don’t think what I feel could possibly be more than

pheromones, but I do love you.”

Before she could respond, he dropped to his hands and knees, letting the change take him. She’d

seen it before, but only from a distance. As she watched, his body contracted and contorted. Muscles
shifted, and bones cracked and popped with sickening, wet sounds as his body transformed. Coarse,
black hair sprouted where smooth, golden brown skin had been. Fingers and toes shortened while
thick, curved nails sprouted from what were now wide paws. The face that was so dear to her had
elongated to a snout. Deadly looking canines replaced his mischievous smile, and fur tufted ears
cocked to the side as his tail swished back and forth. The only sign of the man she loved was his eyes.
Though they were gold instead of brown, they still held his intensity and warmth.

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She squatted down and put out her hand. He padded across the wood-planked floor to stand in

front of her and nudged her palm with the top of his head. She petted him, burying her fingers in his
thick fur until the other wolves howled. With a lick to the inside of her wrist, he bounded under her
outstretched arm and joined his brothers. Caleb stopped halfway to the woods and looked back at her
for a moment before disappearing into the shadow-cloaked trees.

Brenna watched until the darkness swallowed everything but the moon, Caleb’s words still

echoing in her head and her heart aching. Finally, she picked up his discarded clothing and went into
the house. Sitting down at the table, she doodled absently on a notepad. What was she going to do?
She was supposed to drive to Marquette tomorrow to catch a flight to Detroit and from there another
flight to California. A week ago, she’d been desperate to return to her tiny, hideously over-priced
apartment. Now, the thought of leaving the place she’d grown up—leaving Caleb—made her want to
curl up into a ball and sob.

Glancing down at the paper, the pen fell from her fingers. Caleb’s eyes stared back at her from

a wolfen face. The expression in the eyes of the drawing was as pain-filled as his had been before
he’d shifted. Suddenly, she knew. Biology caused discomfort—not anguish. Anguish was something
else entirely.

* * * *

Caleb didn’t know how far he ran. He just ran until the wolf loosened its grip long enough to let

him shift back. Leaving Ethan and Jake in the forest, he raced back to his house, shifting as soon as he
reached the steps.

A wave of relief hit him as soon as he saw Brenna’s car sitting in the driveway where she’d

left it, but the respite was short lived when he couldn’t find her anywhere in the house or outside in
the yard.

Her trail was easy enough to pick up; it meandered through the forest then along the shoreline

close to where she’d been walking with her cousin earlier. He could tell she’d been out on the rock
formations again.

His heart jumped into his throat as the thought occurred to him that maybe she’d been swept into

the water by one of the dangerously high waves that washed over the tops of the rocks, but the wind
shifted, carrying her scent to him. She was on shore. Turning around, he noticed movement near the
house. Bounding away from the water, he headed up the beach toward where she paced in front of the
steps. She whirled to face him, squinting into the darkness.

“Caleb?” she called, her voice a little shaky. “Is that you? I sure hope it’s you.”
Turning his focus inward, he willed himself to shift forms again. He ignored the pain that

ripped through him as his bones and muscles stretched and reformed. Hair and claws receded leaving
behind naked skin that quickly grew chilled in the windy, autumn night. Forcing himself to his feet, he

Without warning, Brenna launched herself into his arms, wrapping herself around his body. He

released the breath he’d been holding as he pulled her close. When he’d left her on the porch, he’d
been half convinced that she’d be long gone when he got back. He would have chased her down, of
course. But he was thrilled that he didn’t have to. He just hoped that her being here meant that she was
staying. Or at least considering it.

“I realized I made a mistake,” she admitted. “So I tried to find you.”
“In the forest? At night?”
She sighed. “I know. I know. Beyond stupid.” She shyly met his gaze. “I’m sorry,” she

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murmured. “I was scared to believe that you might actually love me…for me.”

After seeing her father in action, he could definitely understand her mistrust.
“I love you, too. You know that, right?” she asked.
He nodded, his heart swelling. But there was still more that needed to be discussed. More she

needed to know. “Look, I’m not going to lie to you. There’s a biological component to this. It makes
your scent irresistible. It makes me crazy for the taste of you. It makes me hard for you the minute I’m
near you.” He chuckled. “But to be fair, that last bit’s been going on since you were in high school.”

With a smile, she pushed her hips against his already stiff cock.
“But,” he continued. “That doesn’t affect my love for you. I need to know that you understand


She nodded. “I do. I might have been a little slow on the uptake, but I do get it.”
He lowered himself to his knees, drawing her down on the cold sand with him and took her

mouth, thrusting his tongue inside and tasting her thoroughly. Her admission of love combined with
the full moon drew his beast forward again. The need to mark her and make her his was growing

Her passion rising, she skimmed her hands over the planes of his body, pulling him closer,

stroking his skin and pressing kisses to his chest. His cock jerked against her, trapped between their

Cradling the base of her skull, he secured his fingers in her hair and tugged her head back,

exposing her neck. “It’s time.”

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Chapter Nine

Caleb’s teeth scraped across her exposed neck, sending shivers of need racing through

Brenna’s body. She swallowed hard, her heart in her throat. She wasn’t sure what the mating ritual
would involve. She’d heard whispers of blood and sex, but not much more than that.

A hot rush of moisture flooded her pussy as he pressed his hard cock against her pelvis. A

lifetime of passion at Caleb’s hands…she’d never tire of it. Briefly breaking their kiss, she stripped
off her top, exposing the dark blue, lace bra she wore. Her nipples tightened almost painfully in the
chilly air, but he quickly warmed them, drawing them one after the other into the scalding heat of his
mouth. Arching her back, she begged him to take more, suck harder.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Jake and Ethan, still in their wolf forms, watching them.

Her breath caught as she realized that as unmated wolves thnd ed wolvey’d likely be taking part in
whatever the ritual involved.

Caleb followed her line of sight. “The alpha’s mate is pleasured by the entire pack, but you still

belong to me.” It wasn’t a question.

And she thought she’d been wet before.
Both wolves shifted forms. Bones snapped. Fur vanished. And she was surrounded by three

very naked, very aroused men. Jake leaned forward and kissed her, greedily claiming her mouth then
rose and entered the house.

Before she had time to wonder what he was doing, Ethan moved behind her. Pressing his

erection against her ass, he reached around and unfastened her jeans, peeling them down her hips and
helping her take them off.

As Jake returned with a blanket, Caleb sat on the step and pulled her onto his lap. He draped

her legs over his thighs, spreading her wide. Though she still had on her bra and panties, she felt
utterly exposed.

The hard ridge of Caleb’s cock pressed firmly into her ass as she squirmed against it.
“Careful, brat,” he whispered, his breath brushing the shell of her ear.
Her pussy clenched, aching to be filled, and her breasts begged for someone’s touch—anyone’s

touch. She stifled a moan of frustration as all three men gazed at her. Finally, Caleb reached around
and cupped her breasts. Already tight little peaks, her nipples hardened further into the palms of his

He pinched and twisted the sensitive tips, hardening them further. The lace cups chafed

deliciously against her overly sensitized skin, and all she could do was moan and squirm against him.
While Caleb continued to torment her, Ethan settled between her spread legs and leaned forward,
nuzzling her thighs.

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“You smell so good.” Inching closer to her center, he pressed kisses along the crease of her

legs, nipping at the edge of her underwear as he went.

She canted her hips upward, hoping he’d take the hint and stop teasing her.
“Uh-uh, brat,” Caleb murmured. “You’re not calling the shots here.”
Groaning, she thumped her head against his shoulder. “So this mating thing is all about killing

me with denial?”

Caleb continued toying with a nipple while Jake sucked on the other one, pressing it hard

against the roof of his mouth. She grabbed his head and hung on, afraid he’d pull back and leave her
even more miserable and wanting than before.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” Caleb asked. “So open and willing—your

juices running down my thighs.” He ground his cock against her ass and groaned. “I need to be inside
you. I need to feel you squeezing me.”

It took a couple seconds to catch her breath, but she was finally able to mutter, “I don’t see

anyone stopping you.”

Sliding his hand from her breast down her stomach to her pussy, he pulled aside the crotch of

her underwear. The cool air bathed her heated flesh, until Ethan dragged the tip of his tongue through
her folds, briefly flicking it across her clit making her cry out.

Caleb shifted her until she was hovering above his erection and slowly eased it inside her,

filling her completely before pulling her back on his lap. The position was intense, she’d never felt so
stretched—so full. Settling his hands on her hips, he helped slide her up and down the length of his
cock as he plowed through her tender passage.

Jake continued to play with her nipples as Ethan stretched up and took her mouth with his. She

could taste the sharp tang of his arousal as he swept his tongue across hers. He stroked her inner
thighs, trailing his fingertips over her clit, driving her into a frenzy. Caleb shafted her harder,
whispering in her ear about how hot she made him. How hot she was making his brothers. How they
were going to make sure that she came harder than she ever had before.

It didn’t take much. His murmured promises wrapped around her, stroking her mind like the

three men stroked her body. She began to tremble and her internal muscles clamped down on Caleb’s
cock. He opened his mouth over the curve of her neck and shoulder and bit down. Growing sharper,
his teeth lengthened, piercing her skin. Pain and shock screamed through her body, but it morphed
quickly to a burning sting then to an unbelievable pleasure that strengthened and prolonged her
orgasm. Her cry echoed through the nearly silent night.

Finally, Caleb lifted his mouth from her flesh and gently licked at the wound. She slumped

against him while Jake spread out the blanket that he’d carried from the house on the ground. Residual
pleasure traveled through her body, sending tingles of need along her limbs. How was it possible to
want more after an experience like that? But she diing? But sd. Maybe it was being surrounded by
these men. Or maybe it was the aftereffects of the mating bite, but she sure as hell hoped they weren’t
finished yet.

Ethan guided her to a standing position. He slid her underwear off baring her ass while Jake

unfastened her bra and removed it leaving her just as naked as they were. Taking her hand, Caleb led
her to the blanket and pulled her down on top of him. He was still hard and slick with her juices. She
froze as he prodded her entrance, just now realizing he hadn’t worn a condom earlier.

He smoothed his hand down her back. “It’s part of the joining. Nothing between mates.” He

nipped playfully at her chin. “Shifters can’t contract or carry illnesses.”

“What about pregnancy?” she asked.

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“Only when we’re ready. We can control conception.”
Handy.Proving her trust in him, she guided him into her body, loving the skin-on-skin sensation

now that she was coherent enough to pay attention to it. She lifted herself up and down the thick length
of his cock until she was moving at the same fevered pitch she was earlier. He held her hips firmly to
his own, pushing into her needy cunt from below. Another release built with every thrust. She was
almost there when Caleb gripped her hips, stopping her.

Before she could question him, she felt hands on her ass and fingertips sliding through the cleft.

She stiffened as a blanket of unease drifted over her.

“It’s okay,” Caleb soothed. “I promise. You’ll love it. Two men filling you, pounding into your

tight body. It’s going to feel so good.”

While he spoke, Jake worked a lube-coated finger into her ass. He carefully slid it in and out,

preparing her with firm, gentle strokes. The small amount of pain quickly morphed to pleasure. He
worked another finger into her tight passage, scissoring them apart and stretching her, readying her to
accept his cock, adding a third finger until she begged him to take her ass.

Nearly mindless with need, she panted while Jake slathered lube on his condom-covered

arousal. Kneeling behind her, he slowly worked his shaft inside her. He was so much thicker than his
fingers had been. The sharp sting of pain abated as his head passed the tight ring of muscles. He
paused, letting her catch her breath before he pushed all the way inside. Brenna groaned at the
fullness, unable to move if she wanted to.

Caleb gently guided her forward on his cock. She felt every ridge, every vein as he slid through

her snug channel. Bliss tingled to life at his careful movements. Gripping his shoulders for leverage,
she rocked back and forth, her pubis bone grinding pleasurably against his. A sweet pressure built in
her pussy as he pushed into her from below.
Jake began to thrust counterpoint to Caleb, stealing her breath. Their cocks slid against one another,
separated only by a thin membrane. The sensations were glorious. Muscles pressed around her on all
sides, a hard, heady contrast to the softness of her body. Their skin grew damp where they were
pushed together, and each sweat-slick glide of their hard bodies against her sent her nerve endings
she had into hyper-awareness. Each brush of hair across her skin, each heated breath on her neck
heightened her arousal, sending need racing through her.

What were once slow, measured thrusts sped up, each man seeming more eager than the other to

plunge into her welcoming body. Each movement grew a little more desperate. Every drive a little
less controlled. And she loved it.

Glancing up, she saw Ethan watching them, stroking his arousal that was damp with pre-cum.

That ever-tightening feeling in her abdomen increased at the lust in his eyes and the frantic jerks on
his cock. She motioned him closer. If she was going to have them all tonight, she was going to have
them all at once.

Brenna’s nipples had tightened into aching peaks that rubbed across Caleb’s chest with every

merciless thrust. Both cocks throbbed inside her as they slammed in and out of her demanding body.
She cried out for more.

Ethan moved closer, bringing the head of his cock to her lips. She opened her mouth and

swirled her tongue around the wide, sticky head. Lifting her hand, she grasped the base of his erection
and pulled him deeper. He slid his fingers into her hair and guided her along the length of his shaft,
fucking her mouth as surely as his brothers were fucking her ass and pussy.

The thought sent a thrill through her, and she started to shake. She was close. It wouldn’t take

much more from any of them to push her over the edge.

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Caleb groaned beneath her, his breath hot on her neck. “Take him deeper. Swallow him down.”
She lifted her chest to get a better grip on Ethan, working him with her hand and mouth. Caleb

took that opportunity to tug at her nipples, twisting them sharply between his thumbs and forefingers.
Each pinch sent a fresh rush of juices to cover his shaft. Her keening cry was muffled by Ethan’s

“I’m not going to last,” he groaned. “I’m almost there.”
She squeezed the base of his shaft, matching the rhythmic pull of her lips. His fingers tightened

in her hair as he thrust faster.

“Brenna. I—” The rest of his words were lost to the guttural groan that escaped him as he

tipped his head back. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he tried to speak. With another harsh
groan, he came hot and thick, shooting down her throat.

Both Caleb and Jake drove deeper and harder. Any sense of timing or rhythm they’d had, any

sense of give and take, vanished when Ethan came. Both men clung to her as they pounded into her
body. With rough hands and gasping breath, they fucked her until she could barely think. Could barely
breathe. She didn’t care. She loved the way they made her feel reckless and needy. She loved the way
they filled her, never wanting it to end.

Her clit ground against Caleb’s pubic bone with every stroke to her ass. Uncontrollable shivers

shot through her pussy with each thrust. She tried to prolong the contact, riding the dark edge
beabldark edtween pleasure and pain while Caleb tugged at her nipples.

“I want you to come,” Caleb bit out, his voice almost raw. “I want to feel you squeeze my cock

so hard I can barely move.” He trapped her in his gaze. “Can you do that for me, Bren?”

She nodded, her head feeling as limp as a ragdoll’s. Overwhelmed, she was drowning,

swamped by waves of pleasure. Every thrust—every counterthrust—blurred together until her greedy
body was inundated by sensation. A swirling spiral of need twisted in her abdomen, growing tighter
and tighter.

Ethan dropped kisses along her spine while Caleb lifted his lips to her neck, kissing the mating

mark. Without warning, he again sank his teeth into the curve where her neck and shoulder met. The
sharp sting of pain-laced pleasure was all she needed. The release that had hovered just out of reach
burst and pulled her under. Like waves pounding against a rock, her orgasm washed over her with a
force that took her breath away.

She was vaguely aware of both Caleb and Jake powering through her clenching, rippling

muscles, pushing through her release to find their own. Jake stiffened and groaned, coming in a rush.
Caleb grabbed her ass and held her tight to him as he jerked, filling her with hot spurts of fluid,
sending another smaller release shuddering through her.

She collapsed against Caleb’s chest, and Jake slumped against her back. Ethan was already a

boneless lump on the blanket at her side. No one spoke, and the only sounds were their panting,
ragged breaths and the waves crashing on the shore.

* * * *

Brenna’s eyes drifted open, and she blinked taking in her surroundings. She was lying in

Caleb’s bed, his hard, muscled body was wrapped around hers and his thick, equally hard cock
pressed into her hip. Ethan and Jake were nowhere in sight. Obviously, she and Caleb had made it
inside last night, but she had no memory of it; she’d been so exhausted.

Caleb was propped up on his elbow, his big warm hand splayed over her belly. She shifted to

hug him, but she couldn’t move her arms. Waking fully, she realized that he’d tied her wrists to the

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She raised an eyebrow. “I thought we’d established last night that I wouldn’t run off on you.”
“With you, I’ve discovered it’s a good idea not to take chances.” He slid his hand upward to

cup her breast, and she squirmed against him. “Besides, I saw the look in your eyes when I threatened
to tie you to my bed. I’m just trying to keep my woman happy.”

“Right.” Her voice sounded breathy instead of disdainful as she’d intended.
That slow, wicked smile she loved so much curved his lips upward, and her insides turned to

tingly, liquid warmth. “I also wanted to be sure you wouldn’t panic and run away when I asked you to
marry me.”

She blinked.
She blinked again.
“I love you, brat. And I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much.”
She glanced upward to where her wrists were secured to the bed.
His grin widened. “Anything to make my mate happy.”
Happiness spread through her with ever widening ripples. Stretching toward him as far as she

could, she kissed him. “Yes,” she whispered against his lips. “Yes.”

The past fell away. Her father and what he thought didn’t matter. What mattered was that she

was with the person she loved most. And he loved her in return—unconditionally. Her eyes burned a
little, but they were happy tears.

“I’ll have to get my stuff from my apartment, and I’ll have to break my lease, but I can move

back here as soon as possible.”

“We can live here. Or California. I don’t care.”
She scoffed. “You’d hate California.”
“It doesn’t matter. Home is where my mate is. Home is where my love is.”
The tears that threatened earlier slipped down her cheeks, but he smoothed them away with his

thumbs as he lowered his lips to hers. He tasted like the best future she could imagine. The only one
she wanted. Returning his kiss, she promised him forever. They’d let time and love figure out the rest.

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About the Author

Bronwyn lives in Michigan with her wonderful husband, two amazing sons and five somewhat-
psychotic cats. When not tormenting her characters, she can usually be found helping with reading and
writing projects in her sons’ classrooms as well as being the car pool mom extraordinaire for seven
teens. Besides writing, she also enjoys reading, knitting, sewing, cross stitching, pottery, drawing—
basically anything that helps her avoid the tortures of cleaning and cooking.

Bronwyn loves to talk to her readers and can be found at


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