Lazy Sunday by Manyafandom

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Lazy Sunday by Manyafandom

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


On a lazy Sunday Bella discovers some interesting reading material, Edward is intrigued by her

reaction to it. Smut filled one-shot. Rated M for Graphic Lemons. AU-All Human.

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Sunday mornings were meant to be spent this way. Meant to be spent doing nothing, alone, just

Bella and me. This must be what heaven was like.

Well, maybe, it would be better if we were naked. Maybe I can rectify the situation.

Nah, I‟ll just let her be, for now.

The incredibly busy week we both had was over, finally. It was Sunday and it had been decided
that we needed a day to just relax. No getting dressed, no going out, no plans, no errands, no
phone calls, no work, and no interruptions. Getting up late, throwing on comfy “bum around”
clothes and having a no fuss breakfast of cereal and coffee, we made our way to the living room to

start our day of sloth.

Music softly played in the background. Nothing in particular, just something to break up the
silence. There wasn’t any talking, just happiness to be in the presence of each other, content with
the silence between us. My coffee cup rested on my chest while I read the Sunday paper, lying on

the couch, my head on the arm and my ankles crossed.

My life can not get any better than this.

This was perfection and I had no intentions of moving anytime soon. Days like this were few and
far between and I loved them. We hardly ever had time to just be us and planned to enjoy today to
its fullest.

The last year of my residency was coming to an end, thank god. Happy that this phase was almost
over I was looking forward to the slower pace that being done with all my training would bring. The
last several years had been hectic, to say the least. Between Med school, my internship and

residency it felt like I was always moving, never stopping.

Bella had been in grad school, then working for the local paper before going freelance when my
residency started. The body of work she had built up was good and she could be choosier with her


After my residency ended, I planned on going into private practice. This would allow for time to
enjoy just be married. Even though we had already been married for 4 years, it felt like we hadn’t
been able to enjoy it, the being together part anyway. Getting our careers in order was important
to us both, so we had let things slide in our marriage during the meantime. Maybe it was time to

have kids, or at least start to a talk about it having them.

A quiet giggle snort brought me out of my musings.

What was that? Was that Bella?

Lowering my paper, I looked over at Bella, trying to figure out if the noise had come from her. She
was sitting on the floor on the other side of the coffee table, left leg extended out in front of her,
right leg folded towards her body with her right foot touching her left thigh. She sat, forming a 4
with her perfect legs, laughing quietly to herself. Laptop opened in front of her on the floor and a
notebook on her right, the page half filled with notes, starring at the computer screen with a wry
smile on her lips.

Even though we had a no work rule for the day, she was doing research for some new piece she
was working on. I had let it slide, knowing it was only research and she wouldn’t get that into it.
Had she been actually writing the piece, she would be in a creative oblivious bubble not breaking

out of it until the piece was done.

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She snorted again. Clearing my throat, I arched an eyebrow in question. Looking up at me she
shook her head lightly and went back to focusing on the computer screen again, indicating that it

wasn’t important or that funny.

She rarely snorts, what was so damn funny?

Looking so adorable right now, she was the most exquisite creature I had ever seen; petite, but
curvy body, long mahogany hair piled on top of her head in a bun held in place by a pencil.
Reading glasses were perched on the end of her button nose, milk chocolate eyes hidden behind
the glasses. Face slightly scrunched, brows furrowed, lips slightly pursed as she chewed on her

bottom lip concentrating on the computer screen.

A bolt of lust went straight to my groin watching her chew on her lip. Moving my gaze from her lips
to her body, she was wearing nothing but an old wife beater, I could just make out the outline of
dark nipples under the thin material, loose grey knit shorts covered her hips. The sight caused my
arousal to increase. Stretching my neck to peer over the laptop, I could see that she wasn’t

wearing any panties.

Unghh…dear god, is she trying to kill me.

Turning my head back to my paper, I tried to focus on anything but the lust now coursing through
me. Shifting, attempting to get more comfortable, my now hard dick strained against the fabric of

my boxers. Just looking at her got me hard.

Get a grip Edward, leave her be.

Her grip on my dick would be better, the lust-filled part of my brain retorted.

Stop it, she‟s working.

She was working, kinda, and I didn’t want to interrupt. We had all day. It’s not like we hadn’t just

had sex less than 12 hours ago.

We had attended a hospital fundraiser the night before, the event was semi formal and Bella had
looked amazing. Wearing a simple midnight blue dress, god I love that color on her, it was off the
shoulder and had a billowy skirt that ended right below her knees. There had been dancing at the
event and I took full advantage of showing my wife my moves. Catching glimpses of her creamy
thighs when I twirled her on the dance floor, the view started the spark of my desire. Slowly,
throughout the night, we became more and more aroused until we practically felt each other up on

the dance floor. An early exit was in order.

We barely made it home before I pounced, pushing her up against the front door the second it was
closed. I launched an attack on her neck and shoulders, the intoxicating scent of her enveloping
me, fueling my lust. Grabbing my hair, pulling it by the roots, she pushed me further into her neck.

She knew that pulling my hair only egged me on.

The fire was there, the inferno that coursed through my body whenever my lips touched her skin.

It had not diminished in all the years we had been together.

I moved my lips to her mouth capturing her moan, her sweet breath mingling with my own,
fanning the flames.

Bringing my hands down to her ass, pulling her against my erection, I slid my hands to her thighs
lifting her up and wrapping her legs around me. Bracing a hand against the door and holding our
weight with the other hand, I lifted her skirt up between us, bringing her hot core in contact with

my throbbing cock.

Ripping aside the scrap of lace that barely passed as underwear, I ran my finger along her dripping
slit and circled her clit, causing her breath to hitch and a low moan to escape her lips into my

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mouth. Loosening my tie with her small hands, she began to unbutton my dress shirt, trying to get
at the skin on my chest. As I slowly pushed a single digit into her hot pussy, juices coated my

finger and ran down my hand.

Fuck, Bella, you‟re so wet.”

She was too far gone and could only get out a whimper.

My lips moved back to her neck, continuing licking, nipping and kissing. Increasing the pace of my
probing finger, I added another and circled her clit with my thumb. Her hips started to move
against me, causing my fingers to go deeper. Her breathing became shallow and I knew she was

A whimper escaped her lips as I removed my hand from her core. Shushing her gently, I brought
my hand to the bodice of her dress, pulling it down until her breasts were exposed to me. She

wasn‟t wearing a bra and her nipples were hard.

The lust I felt was overwhelming, I needed to have her soon.

Taking a hardened peak into my mouth, my hand returned to its previous task. Adding a third
finger to her core, I curled my fingers searching for her spot, my thumb continuing to flick at her
clit. Nipping at the nub between my teeth, I tugged lightly as my tongue flicked over it bringing her

to her peak.

Unghh…Edward, fuck!” She screamed as the orgasm ripped through her.

I loved it when she called my name when she came.

Muscles clamped down, quivering around my fingers, her juices dripping onto my palm, back
arched off the door pushing her breast into my face, smothering my mouth. Continuing to fuck her
with my fingers until she was done, her head collapsed onto my shoulder and her whole body

slumped against me.

Removing my fingers from between her swollen lips, I brought them to my mouth to taste her. I
flicked my tongue over the slick fingers, groaning from the pure pleasure it brought me. I loved the

taste of her.

Shrugging my shoulder to get Bella‟s attention, she raised her head and looked at me through lust
filled half-lidded eyes. Placing my cum-covered fingers to her mouth, I rubbed them across her
lips, making her moan lightly as she licked her lips. Taking my fingers into her hot mouth, sucking
on them and tasting herself, she swirled her tongue around the fingers, making sure to get it all.

My cock grew even harder at the sight and feel of her lips around my fingers.

Taking my fingers from her mouth, she pouted, obviously not done with them. Undoing my belt

and then my pants with one hand, I lowered the zipper giving her a look.

Realizing what I was doing she leaned back against the door while grabbing my tie to help hold her

up. My throbbing erection sprang forth from the confines of my slacks.

Releasing my tie, her hands helped me shimmy out of my pants and boxers, and they fell to

ground, pooling at my ankles.

I pushed my hips forward until my cock made contact with her wet slit, shuddering at the
sensation. Bella ground her hips into my cock, increasing the friction. Letting out a shaky breath, I

was already on the edge of my orgasm.

Grabbing my rock hard erection, I guided it to her entrance, rubbing the head against her clit
teasing her. The sensation on her over-sensitive nub made her moan loudly and throw her head

back, making a thud against the door.

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Placing my cock at her entrance, my hand went to her chin, pulling her face down.

Look at me Bella.” I commanded.

Lifting her head so she could stare into my eyes as I slowly pushed into her hot, wet center, I

watched the expression on her face as I filled her. It was amazing.

When I was fully buried within her, I let the sensation overtake me. The feeling of being inside of

her was the most intense feeling ever. I loved it and never wanted it to stop.

Slowly I started to move my hips, thrusting in and out. God, she was so tight.

She whimpered at each thrust. The noises were driving me crazy, causing me to grow even larger
inside of her. Increasing my pace, I brought my hands to her hips, angling them in search of her g-
spot. A loud moan escaped her lips as I found it and she clenched the walls of her pussy around


Ugnhh…God…Edward…you feel so damn good!”

Resting my forehead against hers, I thrust even harder and deeper into her.

Sex with her was fucking incredible.

Bella…fuck…you‟re so tight…so wet,” I groaned out loudly. “Damn I love fucking you!”

I love fucking you too, baby!” she screamed at me. “Mmm…harder…faster, please!”

Not one to disappoint, I pistoned my hips rapidly and roughly into her, grunting at each thrust. I
was close, so close, but held off to wait for her. Her breathing became erratic and I knew she was

close too.

Shifting my hips so my pelvic bone hit her clit at each thrust, she screamed. After a while, I felt her

tense up, on the verge of her orgasm.

Look at me!” She growled. “I‟m so close…damn you…cum with me Edward!”

Obeying her request, I looked into her eyes as I slammed harder into her. It was enough to send
her over the edge. Arching her back as she came, she pushed her exposed breast into my chest,

her hard nipples rubbing against my shirt.

Fuck, Edward…I‟m…I‟m coming!”

Walls clamped down, pulsing around my dick, sending me over the edge with her. I groaned as the
sensation took over. Gripping her hips roughly, I buried myself to the hilt, spilling my seed. My

orgasm was intense; it even felt as if I blacked out for a second.

After we came back down, my knees started to give out. Slowly lowering us to the floor, I collapsed
onto the ground, never releasing her, and laid her on top of me. We were both panting, trying to

get our erratic heartbeats to calm down.

After a few minutes, our breathing went back to normal, each of us reveling in the after sex high.

Damn baby, that was amazing.”

Tell me about it!” I sighed, laughing. It vibrated down to where we were still joined, causing me to
stir once again. Since we hadn‟t even made it two feet into the house before attacking each other,

we were still fully clothed.

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Raising her head from my chest, she looked at me trying to see what was so funny.

What?” she asked, annoyed and arching an eyebrow at me.

We didn‟t make it much past the front door and we‟re still dressed. You don‟t think that‟s funny?
Am I that irresistible that you couldn‟t wait „til we got to the bedroom to have me?” I replied, lifting

my head to look at her and raising an eyebrow of my own.

If I remember correctly, it was YOU that pushed ME up against the door the minute it was closed.
Am I that irresistible that you couldn‟t wait „til we got to the bedroom to have me?” She said,
throwing my words back at me, then laughing and sitting up, breaking our connection. It was a
deep, full-throated laugh that caused her whole body to shake, the vibration making my cock

twitch and start to harden all over again.

Umm, whatever you say, sweetie. Maybe we could continue this discussion in bed, preferably

without all the clothing?” I asked, my voice laced with syrupy sweetness.

Grinding her pelvis against me and feeling my erection, she raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk on
her face, and a glint of playfulness in her eyes. Slowly dragging her body down mine, leaning back

onto her feet and straddling my legs, she stood up and held her hand out to me.

A low moan brought me out of the memory, shaking my head to clear it of the thoughts of last
night’s activities. The memory wasn’t helping me get rid of my problem, only making it worse. It

took me a minute to realize that is wasn’t me who moaned, but Bella.

Laying the paper down on my chest, I looked over at her. A red flush graced her face, mouth
slightly open as labored breaths escaped her lips, nipples hard beneath her thin tank top. She was

focused on the computer in front of her, oblivious to my gaze.

Hot damn, she‟s turned on!

The thought of her aroused caused me to become even more aroused.

Putting the paper and my coffee cup on the coffee table, I sat up; finally ready to act on the lust

that had been plaguing me.

“You ok, love?”

“Mmm…yeah, I’m just a little…you know…” She said, trailing off softly.

“No, I don’t. Just a little what, love?” I asked, already knowing the answer and trying to hide the

humor in my voice.

“Umm...turned on.” She blushed even more, embarrassed.

“So, what turned you on?”

“Well, I’m writing this article on this author that’s very popular right now. She has written a couple
of books, about vampires of all things, and I’ve read the first one, but not the rest. So anyway,
there is a massive online following dedicated to the books. I was looking for a new angle and
thought I would interview some of the website owners. Trying to find out why the books are so
popular and why people are so obsessed with them. Ya know, get the perspective of the fans.” She

said, not looking at me with her chin tucked firmly against her chest.

“And that turned you on?” I asked, not really understanding.

“Ahh…no…umm...” She answered hesitantly.

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“Come on, you can tell me.” I coaxed.

“Well, you see part of the online community is fanfiction.”

“What’s fanfiction?”

“Well, it’s stories written by the fans about whatever they’re into. There is a huge fanfiction
community in regards to the vampire books. So for research, I was reading a few. Some are god
awful; bad writing, net speak, and inane plots. Clearly written by a 12 year old. But some of them
are good. Really good. There is a lot of untapped talent out there. Anyway, I was turned on
because I was reading this one story and it was bit, well…graphic.” She said the last part, barely
above a whisper.

Graphic, as in SEX? Sex as in…Porn. She means porn. My sweet, innocent, blushing Bella was
reading PORN!!

Fuck! Dirty, naughty Bella…unghh! Whoa down boy, maybe porn isn‟t what she meant.

“You’re reading porn?” I responded, disbelieving.

“Not porn, per say, more erotica.”

Extremely intrigued by this, I wanted to see what she had been reading.

Getting up, I made my way over to her. I sat down behind her, my legs on the outside of hers,
scooting up to where we were almost touching with her positioned between my thighs. Not wanting
her to know about my raging hard on, I left some space between our lower bodies. That’s if she

didn’t see it tenting my boxers as I walked over to her.

Leaning forward, my chin resting on her shoulder, I looked at the computer screen, placing on my

hands on my knees to keep from touching her.

“So this story that has you so turned on, what’s it about?”

Turning her head to look at me, she was a bit of a mess, but still beautiful. We hadn’t showered
after all of our energetic activities the previous night, having passed out after round three and not

caring this morning, as we knew we were spending the day in.

Mascara was faintly smudged around her eyes and she had a slight beard burn along her mouth
and jaw from my stubble, making her look disheveled in an irresistible way. Inhaling her scent, she
smelled of sex, her strawberry shampoo, sweat, freesia, and a smell that was just Bella, which

further added to the feeling of dirtiness and my lust.


Spying him out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the massive erection tenting his boxers
as he walked over to me. Slyly glancing up, I took in his white undershirt stretched across his

broad shoulders, toned chest, and stomach, which showed off his torso perfectly.

Is he turned on by me being turned on? Wow!

Not really touching me, he situated himself behind me. My nipples were hard and my core was
already dripping, so I was thankful that we weren’t actually touching. I wouldn’t have been able to
handle it. Pressure from his chin on my shoulder sent tingles throughout my body, making heat

pool in my stomach.

“So this story that has you so turned on, what’s it about?” He asked with a mischievous tone in his


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Turning my head, I took him in.

God, he was gorgeous.

Looking pleasantly disheveled, reddish brown locks, the epitome of bed head, fell all around his
face in an arousing mess. Apple green eyes filled with lust were darker than usual with a bit of
playfulness in them. There was stubble along his jaw, just asking to be nuzzled and full lips
begging me to kiss them. After all this time, after all these years, I still had a hard time believing

this Adonis was mine and only mine.

God, I want him. I want him hard!

“Well it’s about the first time the main characters in the books make love. He’s a vampire and she’s
a human. He has to be careful to not lose control or he could hurt or kill her. His vampire strength
is superior to her frail humanness. The physical response she has to him is strong, making her
unaware of her actions. It’s passionate and tests his control. It’s kinda all about having restraint,
but giving into your desires at the same time. The balance between desire, restraint, and control.”

I answered, giving him a vague description.


I felt him nuzzle my neck with his lips and nose. Giving him better access, I turned back to the
computer screen. Butterfly kisses up my neck, to behind my ear, and back down to my shoulder

effectively rendered me speechless.

“Would you read some of it to me?” He whispered into my neck, his voice husky and filled with


He‟s crazy if he expects me to be able to talk and read with him doing that to my neck.


Focusing on the words on the screen in front of me and trying not to think about what my husband
was doing to my neck or how my body was responding to it, I cleared my throat, swallowing hard

as I began reading.

It was dark, but the full moon shone through the wall of windows, casting shadows around the
room. Standing and facing the bed, my body trembled, filled with fear and anticipation. Coming up

behind me, he gently brushed my hair over my shoulder, exposing my back and neck to him.”

Edward took the pencil out my hair, making it fall in a cascade over my shoulder and his head.
Gathering it up, he placed it over my shoulder just as the main character in the story had. My hair
brushed against my nipple, pebbling it further and increasing the heat between my thighs.
Continuing the ministrations on my neck, he started to nip and lick in between kisses. His teeth on

my skin set my whole body awake with an electric current.

I read on, tremors in my voice.

Stepping forward and bringing his arms around me, our bodies suddenly flush with each other, I
felt the muscles of his chest and stomach on my back, through the layers of clothing we both still
wore. Dipping his head to kiss the back of my neck, he breathed in, inhaling my scent. Cool breath
blew out along my neck and shoulders, causing me to shiver and sending tingles throughout my


Doing just as the character did, he kissed the side of my neck and inhaled. Then slowly blew
against the moist skin. Responding just as the heroine had, my skin pebbled and the electric
current sparked all over my body.

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Grabbing the collar of my shirt and gently pulling it away from my neck, he exposed my skin,
knowing how easy it would be for him to rip it from my body. He slowly lowered his mouth to the
exposed skin, kissing from behind my ear to where the fabric of the shirt lay, being careful not to
press too hard on my delicate skin. My nipples hardened at the sensation his cool lips caused. A
quiet moan escaped my lips as I felt heat gather in my stomach, moisture pooling between my


As I was reading Edward had scooted forward, bringing his body flush with mine, no room between
us. I felt his massive erection pressing into the small of my back. Gathering my hair, he placed it

over his shoulder, the silky waves falling down his back.

The strap to my wifebeater dragged across my shoulder onto my arm as his fingers lightly brushed
my skin, and then he leaned forward, licking my collarbone from behind. I caught his scent. It was
a mix of sweat, green apples, sex, clean cotton, coffee and a smell that was his alone. His smell
made my head spin and fall back onto his shoulder as I let out a strangled moan.

God, he smells good.

Trying not to drown in the sensations his mouth was creating, I focused on the computer screen.

In response to my moan his hands were suddenly at my hips, pulling me back into him. Feeling
his arousal, I whimpered at the feel of him hard against my back. Sliding his hands to the hem of
my shirt, he tugged it over my head. It happened so fast it barely registered in my mind before my
bra was undone just as quickly. Pushing the straps from my shoulders, the garment fell to the floor
in front of me. Grabbing at my waist carefully, he pulled me against his chest, the bare skin of my

back rubbing against the cotton of his shirt.”

Stopping several times as I read to gasp and moan at the things Edward was doing to me, the

words came out stilted and stuttered.

Again while I was reading, he had done just as the main character had. Taking my wife beater off

and throwing it across the room, my hair placed back over his shoulder, he pulled me into him.

Feeling his toned muscles through his t-shirt, I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to do
this. How much longer I would be able to coherently read the text in front of me. But my desire for

him was making me want to continue this game of sorts; the whole thing was extremely erotic.

Taking a shuttering breath, I read on.

His hands grasped my shoulders, squeezing gently, and then slid down my front. Palms brushed
gently against my erect nipples, pausing over them for a moment before moving slightly over the
nubs, causing me to inhale sharply at the sensation and growl lightly. He chuckled behind me at
my reaction, the laugh vibrating on my back. Continuing the journey south, he caressed the skin of
my flat stomach and his long fingers circled my bellybutton. Fingers dipped lower under the waist
band of my jeans, rubbing back and forth across the skin there. His hands came to the clasp of my
jeans, unbuttoning them and slowly lowering the zipper, which made him brush lightly against my
mound. Gently he pulled the fabric down my hips to my ankles, bringing my panties with them.
Stepping out of them, I was now completely exposed to him for the first time. Shyness swept over

me, making me want to hide my nakedness from his eyes.”

Edward’s hands had made the journey that the characters hands had. Doing exactly what the
character had done to his love. His palms on my nipples caused them to harden further, creating a

painfully good ache.

When his hands got to my shorts, he ran a finger under the waistband, rubbing back and forth
from hipbone to hipbone. When the character had lowered the girl’s jeans he had slipped his hand
into my shorts, running a finger up and down my slit, swirling his fingers in the moisture gathered


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My head fell back onto his shoulder, completely lost in the pleasure he was giving me. My body was
on fire, over sensitive to each of his touches. Knowing that I had reached my breaking point,
reading more was the furthest thing from my mind. Want filled me. I needed him and I needed him


I can‟t take it anymore. I fucking want need him in me.

“Edward…please.” I begged

“Please what, love?”

You know damn well what! Stop with the teasing, please, I can‟t take it.

“I want…I need…”

“What do you want? What do you need, Bella? You have to tell me.” His voice calm as he asked


You in me now, but the words are not making it to my mouth, I screamed at him in my head. Try

to get it out Bella. You can do it.

“More…I need more…touch me…please…I need to feel you…all of you.”

Placing one last kiss on my shoulder, he removed his hand from my shorts and leaned back
slightly. I felt him take off his shirt. Lifting his legs from where they lay next to mine, he scooted
back a bit before I heard the wrestle of fabric and realized he was taking off his boxers. Bending
forward, I closed the laptop, pushing it and my notebook out of our way, and took my glasses off

as well.

Starting to turn towards him, I was stopped, his hands roughly grasping my arms.

“Get on your knees, Bella.” He commanded, his velvet voice heavy with desire.

Doing what he told me, I waited for his next move.

Moving up behind me, he placed his hands on the waist band of my shorts, tugging them roughly
to my knees. I lifted a knee to get the fabric over them, and then lifted the other knee so he could

pull them off completely.

Grabbing me at the waist, he pulled me hard against his body. Feeling every muscle, every ripple
against my back, I knew his body so well, could see it in my mind just from the feel of him against


Grinding his hips into my backside, his cock pressed into the small of my back and the hollow
above my ass. The contact caused my juices to flow even more, the slick liquid sliding gown my


“Spread your knees wider.” He commanded.

Again, I did as I was told. Pulling away from me, I immediately missed the contact of his skin

against mine. Movement behind and underneath me alerted me to a change in his position.

I looked down to see his smirking face between my thighs. Grabbing my hips, thumbs pressed
against my hipbones with his fingers splayed on my ass, he guided my center to his awaiting


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Inhaling my arousal, he growled and slowly licked the moisture from my thighs, making sure to get
every drop. Flicking his tongue against my clit, making my hips buck, he grasped my hips firmly to

keep me in place.

Edward’s tongue lapped at my lower lips, collecting the moisture, and licking up and down my

entrance before probing his tongue into my core, sending spasms throughout me.

The feeling of his tongue inside of me, fucking me was pure bliss. It was almost too much that I

nearly came.

Moving a hand from my hip, he brought it to my clit, circling it with long fingers, as his devil tongue
continued to fuck me. Putting pressure on my clit with his finger, he swirled the nub just the way

he knew I liked. My hands moved to his hair, tugging and pushing his head further into my center.

“Unn-uh, Bella.” He breathed into my pussy.

Releasing my hands from his hair, I slid them up my torso to my breasts. Palming them, I
squeezed and pushed them together, pinching my nipples, which added to the heat that gathered

in my stomach and coursed all over my body.

Edward removed his tongue from my pussy, moving it to my bundle of nerves, brushing it with his
flat tongue. Moving his hand down, he plunged two fingers into me, curling them, trying to find my

spot as he pumped in and out of me, his tongue still flicking and circling my clit.

I was so close. I just needed something to push me over the edge.

As if he read my mind, he took my clit into his mouth and sucked roughly. It was more than
enough, making me cum. White spots exploded behind my eyelids as pleasure shot through me

and I couldn’t breath.

“Oh god, Edward, Fuck!” I screamed through my orgasm.

My orgasm rocked through me, causing my muscles to spasm as he continued finger fucking me
and sucking on my clit while I rode out the waves of pleasure.

As I was coming down from my climax, he gently bit my clit, flicking it with his tongue, and curling

his fingers to press into my spot, making me orgasm again.

My second climax caused me to buck and grind onto his face, covering his mouth and jaw with my


Finally it was over and my muscles relaxed, leaving me limp and covered with a sheen of sweat.
Feeling dizzy, I collapsed forward, my ass resting on his collarbone, my stomach on his forehead,
and my breasts pushed into the carpet.

That was absolutely fucking amazing! It‟s never been that good before.

“Breath, love.” Edward reminded me, chuckling into my lower stomach.

Taking a deep breath, the oxygen immediately made the dizziness go away.

He moved from underneath me, but I hardly noticed, too spent to care. I breathed in deeply for a

few moments trying to get my heartbeat back to normal.

Feeling a tug on my hips, I was lifted back against Edward’s torso. He was sitting on his knees.

He positioned me so my back was against his chest, legs straddling him and my butt pressed

against his erection. Still spent from my two orgasms, my head fell back onto his shoulder.

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“Don’t think I’m done with you yet, Bella.” He growled into my ear.

An arm came around my middle, pushing me further into him; the other hand went south, brushing
against my bundle of nerves and the sensation caused me to twitch. Releasing me, his hands went
to my hips, lifting me gently so his cock was at my entrance.

Slowly he slid my body down onto him, only stopping when I was fully impaled. The feel of him
being completely buried in me was exquisite. I felt the heat pool once again.

I started to rock my hips up and down, enjoying the friction from this unusual position, but finding
a good rhythm as time went on. His hands were still on my hips, helping to guide me as he
increased the speed of my thrusts slightly.

Wow, I fucking love this! We‟ve never done it like this before. Must put it on my to-do list again. So

Lifting his forehead from where it rested on my shoulder, he started biting down on my shoulder
gently. The feeling of his teeth sinking into my flesh spurred me on, causing me to rock faster. We

both moaned at the increase in speed.

“Fuck…Bella…you feel…so good.”

Growling back at him, my mind too far gone for words, but loving the feeling of being in control,

loving that I could make him feel like this.

I swirled my hips as I thrust down, causing him to bite down harder on my shoulder. Doing it

again, he released my flesh from his mouth, licking where he had marked me.

“Do…that…again…baby, please.” He begged in barely a whisper.

Continuing to swirl my hips on the down thrust, increasing the speed over time, building to my
release, I could tell that he was close as well. At this point his hips were bucking up into me,

matching my strokes.

Moving one of his hands to my pelvis and holding me to him, the other went across my stomach,
palm cupping my breast and pinching my nipple. The hand on my breast kept me pressed against
his chest that was now slick with sweat. He moved the hand on my pelvis down to where we were
joined, pressing my clit with his fingers.

“I’m so close, love. Cum with me, baby. Cum on my dick.” He murmured softly into my ear.

Hot breath fanned out over my neck and his words sent more flames though my already

overheated body.

“Me too, baby. I’m so close.”

Clenching my walls around his shaft, trying to increase the pressure, he growled at the sensation. I

kept clenching and unclenching, driving us both closer to our release.

“Fuck Bella…you’re so tight…makes you even fucking tighter.” Edward grunted in my ear.

Right on the edge, so close to my release, I needed one small thing to send me over.

Edward pinched my clit between two fingers, sending me over the edge into my orgasm, my pussy
clenching even harder around his cock. The intense pleasure of my climax filled me, making me

tense all my muscles.

“Say my name!” he demanded of me. “Say my name while you cum, Bella!”

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“Edward,” I barely managed to get out.

“Again, louder!” He grunted, slamming me into him.

“Edward! Fucking hell! Edward.” I screamed out.

Saying his name while I came around and over him was enough to make him cum.

Biting down hard one last time on my shoulder, breaking the skin, he spilled into me. A muffled
groan came out of his mouth onto my shoulder as he pumped into me a few more times, and then

slumped forward, curling his body around mine.

Arms loosened their hold on me and I fell forward onto the carpet, lying on my stomach. His semi-
hard cock slipped out of me with a suction-like sound as I fell. The noise made me giggle, rubbing

my check against the carpet.

Edward collapsed next to me on his back, letting out a deep sigh.

That was the best sex we have ever had. I should read porn to him more often.

Our breathing returned to normal and I heard Edward roll onto his side facing me, his hand
caressing up and down my spine. Turning my head towards him, smiling the biggest smile I have

ever smiled, he laughed at my expression, his smile matching mine.

“Happy, my love?”

“Blissfully happy, baby.” I purred back at him. “That was… wow! There are no words to describe it,
beyond amazing. I love you so much.”

“The feeling’s mutual, love.” He whispered, leaning closer to kiss me.

“I should read to you more often, I think.” I said, peppering his face with small kisses.

“That you should, especially if it’s anything like that.”

“I feel the need to shower, but I don’t think my legs will work.” I giggled, rolling onto my side to

face him.

“Well, you do kinda smell.” Edward replied, sniffing the air and laughing.

Smacking at him, I winced in pain. Seeing me wince, he grimaced, looking over me to find what
had caused the pain. A deep red bite mark was on my shoulder from where he had bitten me

before, the blood already drying. Softly he brushed his fingers over the bite.

“I’m so sorry, love. I guess I just got carried away. I never meant to hurt you, Bella.” He said in

barely a whisper, remorse strung through-out his words.

“S’ok, it felt good at the time.” I smiled, trying to relieve some of his guilt. I secretly liked it when

he would bite me, even more when he lost control while doing it.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to make it up to you by taking care of you.” He said, getting up off the

floor. “You said something about a shower, my love.”

“A shower would be divine.”

Bending down to pick me up bridal style, he carried me upstairs to our bathroom. Kissing my nose

and then brushing his nose against mine, I nuzzled his neck.

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“I love you, my husband.” I sighed into his neck.

“And I love you, my wife.” He replied, kissing the top of my head.

“Maybe if you’re good I’ll find some more fanfiction for us to enjoy after our shower.” I told him

with a smirk on my face.


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