16=Marius Brothers 7 Gabriel

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Marius Brothers
Over six months. That’s how long Gabriel has been waiting to claim his mate and Caven has been

denied a physical relationship with the only man he wants. They’ve both pretty much lost what’s left
of their minds by now.

Gabriel’s hurt that Caven didn’t tell him about his powers showing up and being broken, and

Caven’s wounded that Gabriel didn’t care enough to see something was wrong with him. Not to
mention what he’s been seeing in his mate’s head no person should have to.

But when Caven finally gets answers to the questions plaguing him, can he turn to Gabriel for

support, or will he decide some issues can’t be overcome and walk away? Gabriel will stop at
nothing to convince Caven he sees him as the man he fell in love with and not an annoying teenager
he’s stuck with for a mate. But will it be enough?

Note: This book is written in first-person point of view.
Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
Length: , words


Marius Brothers


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

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First E-book Publication: February

Cover design by Sloan Winters
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dead is strictly coincidental.

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Chapter One


I stood off to the side, basically hiding from my mate and my brothers, as I watched everyone

having a blast at the Mariuses’

Christmas Ball. It was the only way to be there and not grab my head from the images that

assaulted me when people got too close.

Something was wrong with me and I’d known that for a while, but I was too scared to admit it or

confess what was going on with me to Ayden.

He’d come into his powers as a Kappa just fine. I, on the other hand, was in hell. And it had

gotten so much worse the past couple of months.

“Would you like to dance, Caven?” a deep voice asked me. It was a voice I knew well, and I

shivered at the deep timbre of it, wanting all the unspoken promises that were in his tone.

“No thank you,” I answered quickly as I went to step away from Gabriel.
“You can’t stay mad at me forever,” he whispered as he pulled me into his arms, swaying his hips

to the music. “I thought we were doing better after you gave me the best Christmas present ever.”

“I’m not mad.” It was a lie. I was furious but not really with Gabriel. It was what I kept seeing of

his past that filled me with rage, always festering in the pit of my stomach. I tried to pull away before
it started… But he was strong and then it was too late.

“You’re a wonderful dancer, Gabriel,” a blonde woman whispered as Gabriel’s hand slid over

the back of her dress and to her ass. “What else can you do with those hips?”

“I think we should go up to your room and find out,” my mate practically purred.
Then another memory flashed in my head. This time he was with some busty redhead and they

were dancing naked after sex. After that I was assaulted with images and every recollection he had
dancing with anyone, and the amount of men my dear mate had danced with was staggering.

“Caven, stop ignoring me,” Gabriel growled as I snapped back to the present. “Why do you do

that?” He was shaking me, his annoyance clear in his tone. I was facing him now and I wished I
hadn’t seen the anger in his eyes directed at me.

“Stop,” I gasped as my stomach flip-flopped as it always did when I got thrown into a memory

loop. “I’m going to puke.”

He let go of me instantly and I raced away from him. I wasn’t going to make it to the bathroom, so

instead I booked it out of the balcony doors. I heard Gabriel yell after me as I launched myself over
the railing and landed on the ground easily. Everyone didn’t need to see me get sick and I was glad
that I made it to the bushes in time.

Because nothing really would be worse than leaving proof of my getting sick all over the lawn.
“It’s okay, Caven,” Riley said gently as he rubbed my back. I’d been so distracted with puking out

my guts, I didn’t even register I wasn’t alone.

“Make Gabriel leave,” I begged as tears burned in my eyes. I heard some whispering as I kept dry

heaving and then my mate growling.

“I didn’t do anything wrong! He’s hurt and I’m not leaving him. I didn’t cause this. Something’s

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wrong with him!”

I knew he meant that I was sick or had eaten something bad. But the way he phrased it hurt

because he was right and just didn’t know it.

And then I got angry. So angry because in my heart I knew a mate who truly cared for me wouldn’t

have been able to ignore the signs that I was having issues… Considering we shared a suite. Gabriel
just thought I zoned out and ignored him, storming off on his righteous high horse ranting that this was
why we couldn’t be together because I still acted like a child.

“Two hundred and eighteen,” I said as I plopped down on my butt and pulled my knees to my


“What?” Riley asked as he stared at me curiously.
“That’s how many times Gabriel’s asked someone to dance before tonight when he asked me.”
“How could you possibly know that?” Gabriel whispered as his eyes went wide, staring at me

like I was a freak. “I don’t even know the number of people I’ve danced with.”

“I saw it all when you touched me and started dancing. I got the highlighted montage of everyone

you’ve ever danced with,” I admitted. Riley and Gabriel stared at me as if I’d just admitted to
popping the Hope Diamond out of my ass… And then I saw it wasn’t just them. Micah and Elena
were there too, probably having seen me run away from my mate.

I couldn’t take the way they were looking at me. This was why I hadn’t told anyone what was

going on since I made the mistake of admitting it to Alpha Paul when he got me drunk before raping
me. I was a freak and now everyone knew it.

Getting to my feet as quickly as I could on shaky legs, I jumped right back up on the balcony,

hoping no one else could do that. I tried to slip out of the ballroom and to my room so no one
noticed… It didn’t work.

“What’s going on, Caven?” Ayden asked me gently as I reached the stairs.
“Nothing. I’ve got a headache and I’m going to bed. Love you,” I mumbled as I tried to keep

going. He grabbed my arm and spun me to face him. I was a few inches taller than his five four and
since I was already standing a stair above him, I had to look down at him.

“Malachi said he’s been keeping your pain secret but when he felt what you were going through in

the ballroom tonight he came to find me. He’s distraught that he’s been hiding this when you
obviously need help. And now he’s worried you’ll hate him for breaking his promise not to tell

“I’m sorry he’s upset but it’s not his business. He shouldn’t have told anyone.”
“How could you not tell me?” Ayden whispered, hurt in his eyes.
“I’m your brother and I love you. I’ve been where you are, Caven.
Coming into our powers is frightening and I’ve been wondering why yours haven’t appeared yet.

Mine had already started by eighteen and you’re already nineteen. Tell me what’s going on.”

“I’d like to know too,” Gabriel said as he walked towards us.
“How did you know how many people I’ve danced with?”
Ayden glanced at my mate before focusing back on me. “We should take this conversation

somewhere private.” I saw the worry in his eyes. He knew something was wrong with me and he was
freaked out too. I might have told him before I saw that, but now… I didn’t want his pity that I was

“I’m an adult. I don’t have to tell either of you anything,” I growled as I ripped my arm out of

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Ayden’s grasp. I raced up the stairs, knowing my brother and mate were right behind me. But I was
faster than both of them. I got to my room first and locked the door before launching myself on the
bed. It was uncomfortable to lie there in that stupid tux and I started yanking it off when Gabriel
pounded on the door.

“Open up, Caven, or I swear I’ll break down the damn door,” he growled as the whole frame

shook with the force of his banging. I heard it crack and realized he would really do it. I didn’t know
if that pissed me off or hurt me more.

“Caven, let us in!” Ayden shouted as he kicked the door. Really?
Him too? No one respected me enough to leave me alone when I needed it. I grabbed my phone as

I rolled up to sit, bracing for their impending entry. I quickly called the only person I knew who
would help me get out of here and away from all this pressure, all this stress.

And he wouldn’t judge me.
“Hey, buddy. I was looking for you,” Tyler said fondly. “I thought we were going to talk.”
“We were but something’s wrong with me and Gabriel and Ayden are freaking out and trying to

break into my room. I can’t stay here, Tyler. Please, can I crash with you? It’s all too much.”

“Okay, I’ll sniff you out and—”
I yelped as the door was kicked in, almost dropping the phone.
“Caven! Caven! What’s going on? That asshole better not hurt you,” Tyler bellowed into the

phone. I scrambled to get it back to my ear, Gabriel’s and Ayden’s faces dropping as if they were hurt
I’d talk to someone else but not them. Honestly, they could both suck it right then.

“No, he just kicked in the door because I asked to be left alone and locked it. Apparently my mate

and my brother don’t take no or leave me alone very well. God forbid I get a few minutes to myself
after throwing up everything in my stomach once again.”

“I’m almost to you,” he growled. “Pack a bag. I’ll get you out of here.”
“Thanks, Tyler,” I sighed and hung up the phone. I stood and ignored both of them as I yanked on

some sweats.

“Okay, so kicking in the door was rash but we were worried,”
Ayden said quietly after a moment. “You weren’t even answering us.”

“I was trying to ignore you and then on the phone. Besides, Gabriel threatened to break down the

door before he even gave me a chance to say anything. Apparently I’m not allowed to have a mind of
my own.” I didn’t even look at them as I stuffed some clothes in a bag.

“Caven, I’m sorry. I was scared after seeing you so upset.”
You were upset,” I corrected Gabriel. “You looked at me like I was a freak of nature and then

exploded when I told you I wasn’t going to answer you. I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to or
you’re no better than Alpha Paul!”

“That’s not fair, Caven,” Ayden whispered as he hugged me from behind. “We love you and we

want to help. Why didn’t you tell me your powers were starting?”

“Because they’re not like yours!” I shouted as I turned around and shoved him. “I don’t see what

you do and I’m broken. It started before you even left the pack to find help. Just leave me alone!

Everyone just needs to leave me alone and I won’t see anything!”
“Let me help you, brother,” he pleaded with me. I gasped when I felt the tingling start.
“No,” I whimpered as I scrambled away from him. But it didn’t work. I didn’t get away from him

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in time. I grabbed my head as I was assaulted with images of every time Ayden had offered to help
someone. When it was over, I dove for the garbage can in my room but there was nothing left for me
to throw up.

“What have you done to my friend?” Tyler growled, just having reached my room as I flopped to

the floor.

“No yelling,” I begged as I grabbed my head. “I can’t take any more.”
“Don’t fight it, Caven. I get sick when I try and fight my powers,”
Ayden explained gently as he knelt down next to me and wiped my forehead with a cold


“I don’t see what mates desire most from each other or past traumas,” I mumbled. “I see

everything when my powers are triggered. You mentioned helping me so I saw every time you’ve
ever offered to help someone because it’s important to you. Gabriel really wanted to dance with me
so I saw every time he’s danced with a person. I can’t take it anymore and it won’t stop. I just need to
be alone.”

“That won’t help, brother.”
“You have no idea because you don’t have the same gift I do,” I snarled, practically spitting out

that vile word. It wasn’t a gift. It was a curse.

“Enough,” Tyler growled dangerously. He moved over to me and lifted me into his arms. “This

discussion can wait until Caven is feeling better. I’m taking him home with me for a while.”

“Fine,” Gabriel hissed, crossing his arms over his chest in anger.
“You want to leave, go ahead. Mates don’t keep things like this from each other. You should have

told me, Caven.”

“Don’t you even dare act like the injured party here,” I whispered, too exhausted to do much but

lie in Tyler’s arms, limp. “I’ve been living in your suite for months and you never even noticed I get
like this. You just assume I’m acting like a child and ignoring you. A real mate would have seen it
was more than that.”

Gabriel looked horrified at my words, and instead of that reaction pleasing me because I’d won

the argument, I only felt shame that I’d hurt my mate.

“What do you need that you didn’t get to pack yet?” Mav asked me. I rolled my head to look at

him and away from Gabriel, not even having realized Tyler’s mates were here.

“My GED test is in a few weeks. I need my laptop and study materials.” I quickly pointed to the

stack of books on my desk.

“You signed up for the test?” Gabriel whispered as he eyed me over as if he’d never seen me


I didn’t answer. I had tried to tell him last week but then he was pissed at me again. I couldn’t say

that I really blamed him. I kept jacking off in his bed so it smelled like me. So sue me? I kept
seeing in my head all the people he’d ever fucked and my wolf would freak out and need to mark his
bed as ours.

“Let’s get some more clothes for him too,” Tyler said as the world started to go black. I guess the

stress and excitement were too much for me because I passed out before we even left my room.

“I didn’t know anything was wrong,” I whispered as I took in the still form of my mate in another

man’s arms. I was having a really hard time with that, but if Caven needed space I would give it to

“You should have,” Tyler snapped at me. “I’ve known something was wrong with Caven and

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have been trying to get him to talk to me.

You share a suite with him. How could you not see it?”
“In his defense, my love,” Mav said gently as he rubbed Tyler’s shoulder, “Caven’s been through

a lot and Gabriel walked into the situation when it was already blowing up. He didn’t know Caven
before like you did to see something was wrong. Plus, he couldn’t claim Caven. You saw how I
jumped you the moment I found you.

Can you imagine having any sanity left if we had to wait months and months?”
“No, I guess not,” he sighed, shaking his head. “Tell me what happened while my mates pack for


I opened and closed my mouth a few times like a fish. It seemed the words just wouldn’t come

while my heart was breaking. I understood what Mav said and he made a few good points. But I still
should have known. Caven was right… I failed him.

Ayden filled Tyler in on what he knew and finally I was able to speak to help along the


“I don’t know how to help him,” Ayden admitted when we were done, rubbing his eyes. “I knew

what to do with my powers because I’d read up on being a Kappa. Not the history of them, mind you,
but more like an instruction manual on how to be a Kappa. Why is his gift all screwed up?”

“I think I know who to call for help,” Tyler mumbled as he shifted my passed-out mate in his

arms. “When I testified against Paul and then against the cruel members of our pack I spoke to a few
wolf elders. They might have some information as to what’s going on.”

“Thank you, Tyler,” I said, my voice hoarse with emotion.
“Whatever he needs, I’ll do what I have to. We can send the jet to bring this elder here if that’s


“Good to hear.” Tyler gave me a hard look that almost made me wince. “Because you’ve screwed

up enough. I heard one of the reasons you’ve been so upset with him. He was jacking off in your bed,

“That’s personal and—” I started to argue. Tyler was Caven’s friend and that was fine, but no one

should have been gossiping about my mate.

“Probably right after you denied him in some way, right?” Tyler raised an eyebrow at me as if

daring me to deny it.

“You did that when you saw that cute little shifter flirting with me,” Mav chuckled, shaking his


“I did. I was marking my territory. My wolf was riding me hard to let you know your bed belongs

to me and Asterio and no one else. I had to do something and I figured peeing all around you
constantly would piss you off.”

“It would have,” Mav agreed with a grimace.
Tyler ignored his mate and focused on me. “Caven did let it slip that you were always pissed with

him. Calling him childish, right?

Was that one of the reasons? Because I’m much older than he is and I dare you to accuse me of

that. It’s not an immaturity thing. It’s a wolf thing. If he sees all these memories in his head I bet he’s
seen you having sex with others and was staking his claim all while you were denying being intimate
with him.”

“I didn’t trust myself not to claim him once he was in my arms,” I whispered as my heart fully

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shattered. I’d screwed up so bad. “I didn’t understand. I’ve never been around wolves before you
guys showed up. How would I know that was a wolf thing and not an angry prank?”

“Because I could have told you that too,” Ayden answered, not looking happy with me either.
“Would you tell someone if Darcy had been acting that way? I wouldn’t have embarrassed your

brother like that,” I snapped, not willing to take the blame for this issue too.

“No, but Darcy is older than dirt,” Ayden threw right back.
“Caven’s nineteen and has been through hell. I’m not just anyone. I’m his brother. Don’t tell me

you don’t talk to your brothers about what’s been going on with your mate. You could have talked to
me on the side and I could have helped you understand. I wouldn’t go gossiping about my own damn

“You’re right,” I sighed after thinking about what he said. “It just seemed like betraying him, but

you’re right.”

“I get that,” Ayden said, his tone calming down. “What you were doing wasn’t working, Gabriel.

It was time to get help.”

“I thought we were doing better,” I replied, nodding that I heard him. “We’d been talking a little

bit more instead of fighting. He said he wasn’t going to claim me for six months because I’d denied
being intimate with him for six months. I didn’t think that was fair but if it was what he needed to feel
like this was an equal mating, I was willing to give it to him. I love him.”

“Mating isn’t easy,” Tyler said with a sad smile. “Everyone thinks it is because it’s insta-desire

when we find our mates. It’s not insta-love, or insta-understanding of each other, Gabriel. And it
damn well isn’t insta-perfection.”

“Ain’t that the fucking truth,” I grumbled as I reached out and caressed Caven’s face. “Whatever

he needs. If he needs time away from me, I’ll deal. Just promise me you’ll protect him. The demons
want the Kappas.”

“You know I will with my life,” Tyler swore to me, and as hard as it was… I accepted it and let

them walk out that door. I could feel Caven moving farther away from me as dread filled my entire
being as if he would never come back. In reality, I had no reason to believe he really might. I’d
screwed up and to top it off, I couldn’t help my mate. Why on god’s green earth would he ever want
to come back?

Great fucking Christmas this year was.

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Chapter Two


“How long was I out?” I groaned as I wiped my eyes as I woke up, knowing full well Tyler was

in the room with me.

“Sixteen hours,” he answered cautiously. “We were starting to get worried.”
“Which made you do what that you think I’m not going to like?” I sat up and blinked at him a few

times, trying to shake off sleep and the fatigue I was feeling. As if Tyler guessed what I needed, he
handed me a Gatorade he’d been holding. “Thanks.” I took a small sip, not wanting to overwhelm my
dehydrated and exhausted body.

I’d gotten used to handling my freak-out fits as I liked to call them.
“You weren’t waking up and you weren’t even responsive. I was just about to call Riley if you

didn’t wake up soon. But I did call a wolf elder and told him what I knew. Gabriel sent his parents’
jet for him when he couldn’t get a flight because of the holidays.”

“That’s who I’m smelling besides your mates,” I said quietly.
Then I studied my friend and lowered my voice, knowing full well a wolf elder would have much

better hearing than we would. “Why do you look so scared? Am I in trouble?”

“No, but Kappas are very rare, very valuable. He’s really excited to be here. He knows about you

and your brothers but I think I might have opened a can of worms by calling him I can’t close back

“Nonsense!” a loud voice boomed from the other room. “That’s not why I’m excited. If you’d

come out here instead of whispering in there, I could explain it to you.”

“So much for thinking we were being quiet enough,” I mumbled nervously. I stood on shaky legs

and drank some more of the sports drink as we made our way out into the living room.

“I apologize, Elder Dawson,” Tyler said in a chagrinned voice.
“It’s just, you have to understand that I’m a little leery of werewolf authority after what we’ve

been through.”

“I understand, Tyler,” the man replied with a sad smile. “We failed you. Both of you. But I

hopped on a plane on Christmas Eve so we didn’t again. Not to come here and take Caven away.”

I believed what the man was saying but there was something else about him that threw me.

“You’re a Kappa too,” I breathed when it hit me.

“I am. I wear colored contacts to blend into the human world and most wolves can’t sense what I

am so it keeps them focused on other things.” He stood and extended his hand to me. “Terrance

“Caven Magee. Nice to meet you, Elder,” I said respectfully, baring my throat as I shook his hand.

“Thank you for coming. I know leaving your family around the holidays couldn’t have been easy.”

“I don’t have one actually,” the elder admitted and I could feel the sadness in his voice. I gasped

as the tingling started. “Caven, don’t fight it. You can control this and I will teach you how but right
now just let go and let your powers guide you.”

I nodded as they started. I saw all the times the elder had been disappointed. He was so hopeful

every time he was to meet new people that he would find his mate. I saw it all, letting go and rolling
with it as he suggested.

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“It didn’t hurt this time,” I whispered in awe as it was over.
“It’s exhausting but not painful if you don’t fight against it,” he agreed.
“I’m sorry, Elder. Your memories are your own and not for me to see,” I mumbled as my cheeks

heated up. It was embarrassing for me to invade people’s privacy like that.

“They are but you didn’t do it on purpose. Besides, I saw what you did and tapered it off.” He

gave me a smile as he gestured for us to sit. We did and he patted a large, very old-looking book next
to him. “This will help you. It’s a book from the council’s archives about Kappas. There’s more than
I’m sure you’ve been taught.”

“Since we only had a book nowhere near that size with a small passage on Kappas, I’d agree with

you,” I said as I stared at the book.

“But how will that help me when my powers aren’t acting like a Kappa?”
“Ah, but here is why I was so excited,” the elder chuckled. “There are many legends as to the

origins of Kappas. While it’s in our history that we’re descendants of Eros, there’s no proof of that.
I’m not related to your family in any way so how could I be one like you?”

“I get what you’re saying,” I hedged. “It was weird to me when a shifter here at this coven told

Ayden that. If that was true, why weren’t my parents Kappas then?”

“Exactly. I believe there is a recessive gene in some werewolves, and when they meet the right

mate with the same gene, then they have Kappa children. That’s why there is never a Kappa with
siblings that aren’t Kappas unless they are born of another parent.”

“I didn’t know that,” Tyler said as he stared at me. “Paul always said you were all Kappas

because fate believed our pack was blessed and it had never happened before.”

“I want you to erase everything that maniac told you from your minds,” Elder Dawson growled.

“That man is a sociopath and a disgrace to the title of Alpha. Unfortunately he knew how to play the
political game and kept it from the council.”

“He said I was a broken freak because my powers weren’t like Ayden’s,” I whispered, saying it

out loud for the first time.

“Nothing is further from the truth, son,” Elder Dawson said gently as he leaned over and patted

my hand. “You see everything, don’t you?”

“Yes. I think it’s when a person feels strongly about something.
Like when Ayden was thinking about helping me, I got images of everyone he’s ever tried to help.

And he takes that seriously. It’s a calling to him.”

“And you’re the second born?”
“Yes.” Now I was curious.
“My brother sees things with mates. He helps them reconcile differences, sees their innermost

desires, helps overcome traumas, and that sort of thing.”

“Yes, that’s just like Ayden,” I said, trying to tone back my excitement. I felt as if this man knew

enough to help me so I wouldn’t feel like a freak anymore. He just needed to get to the punch line

“I’m like you, Caven. I see everything. I’m second born in my family and that’s generally the gift

of a Kappa who’s got an older sibling.”

“So I’m not broken?”
“No, not even close,” he answered gently, giving me a smile that left me feeling hopeful. “Kappas

are sexual in nature, but that is far from all we are. With your gifts, once you’re trained to use them

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and harness them, you’ll be a great leader. Most second-born Kappas are Alphas one day and even an
elder as I am.”

“Why people like us and not like Ayden?”
“Because we can see everything. You just have to learn how to control it.” I’m sure I made a face

that said I didn’t think that was really possible because Elder Dawson gave me a wink. “This whole
time we’ve been talking, I’ve been filtering through your memories about when your powers appear
and how it’s been for you. But you wouldn’t have known that unless I told you. That’s the type of
control you can have one day if you let me help you.”

“Yes, yes, I want help!” I blurted out and then winced how it sounded. “Not because I want to be

Alpha or dig into people’s minds.

I just want to not feel crippled by my powers all the time. It’s exhausting and I get sick every time

they show up.”

“You should have gained weight after being abused and in captivity but you haven’t from what

I’ve seen in your head. It’s because you hurt when you fight your powers and vomit. That’s not
healthy. I will stay for a while and help you start to learn control. I have a meeting with the vampires’
High Council later today to discuss why I’m here. I don’t wish to start any trouble. I’m not here as an
elder, but simply a wolf who can help you.”

“Thank you. I need it,” I whispered as I ran my fingers through my hair. “Where do we start?”
“I need you in a controlled environment for the first week. Just you and me—” he started to

explain but then growled deeply as his teeth elongated. “Mine!”

“I’m taken!” I shook at the desire I saw in his eyes and then sighed in relief when I realized he

wasn’t looking at me but past me to the door. Elder Dawson was out of his seat in a flash and opening
the front door, Tyler and I right on his heels. I heard the start of the conversation before we even
reached them.

“Thank you for coming, your highness,” Asterio said as he greeted Queen Magdalena in the

driveway. “The wolf elder hasn’t shown any signs that he wants to take Caven, but Tyler was nervous
and I didn’t know who else to call just in case something is wrong.”

“Of course, my dear boy,” she chuckled and glanced over at us.
Her face fell as she took in Elder Dawson. “Young man, you will retract your teeth this instant.”
“Mine,” the elder growled again.
“Put them away!” the Queen bellowed, the full force of her power in her tone. “You will behave


“I am,” Elder Dawson said as he moved towards her slowly. “And I am not a young man,

woman. I’m two centuries old.”

“You’re still young to me then,” she shot right back, giving a wave of her hand. “Did you not hear

how Asterio greeted me, Elder? I am Queen Magdalena. Queen of the fae and that trumps an elder.
You will put your teeth away this instant.”

While all this was going on, Tyler and I were watching them like a tennis match. Asterio was

trying to move his Queen behind him but she wasn’t having any of it. It was almost comical.

Elder Dawson finally retracted his teeth and moved until he was a few feet away from Queen

Magdalena. He knelt on the ground before her and bared his throat. “You are my mate, your highness.
I give myself to you freely and for always.”

“Your mate?” she gasped as her hand fluttered to her mouth. “Oh, my. That’s what you meant. Our

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kind does not scent mates as wolves do. I did not know.”

“I understand. I know how the fae find their mates,” Elder Dawson replied, practically purring

when the Queen cupped his cheek. “You also have two mates, do you not? Have you met our other

“Yes,” she whispered as tears filled her eyes. “He was killed several centuries ago defending a

portal to our world. There was a trap sprung and he had no idea how many were there. I was told he
fought valiantly.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Elder Dawson said quietly as he wrapped his hands around hers. His

expression clearly said he was sorry for both their loss. It was understandable. He found his mate,
only to find that he did have another one and never got to even meet him, dying before Elder Dawson
was even born. “Does your heart still have room for your other mate?”

“I’ve prayed that I would find you one day so that I may experience more than grief again,” she

admitted as she pulled Elder Dawson to his feet. “I will tell you all about our mate one day but for
now, I would like very much to get to know you.”

“As would I but I came here to help Caven,” he hedged as they both glanced to me.

“I’m good,” I blurted out and then kept rambling. “He gave me a book. He’s been really nice to

me, your highness. He’s been searching for you for a long time, sad he never found you. I can read the
book so I understand more about being a Kappa. You go talk. He can find me when you’re done. I’ve
got lots to do, need to eat, and he said I need quiet time.”

“Thank you, Caven,” Elder Dawson said with a smile. “Rest today, get your energy up, and try to

stay unstressed. Read that book as you said and tomorrow we will begin. I have a meeting with the
High Council soon and I will find a place for us to start working.”

“Right, someplace quiet.”
“My grandson has an old groundskeeper cabin on his property.
It’s not in the best shape but it will give Caven some privacy for your teachings while still

protected,” Queen Magdalena suggested. “I could speak to Barnabas about it.”

“Kind as you are beautiful,” Elder Dawson said as he lifted her hand to his lips. “Yes, that would

be perfect for me to help Caven control his gifts.”

“Then let us see to it after your meeting.” Then she turned to me and gave me a frown. “You are

never all alone, Caven. I understand you’ve been through a lot for one so young but there are many
here who want nothing more than to help you. I’ve spent enough time with you that I would have
hoped you would have come to me if you were having issues. When Asterio told me what happened
last night, I was quite upset.”

“I’m sorry, your highness,” I mumbled as I stared at my feet. “I thought I was broken and no one

wants to admit that. And everything’s always chaotic with much more important things going on than
my powers going crazy. I didn’t know who to trust or if I deserved the help.”

“Everyone always deserves help, Caven. I know it’s been a long time since you’ve had a mother

or father to guide you but we all ask for help when we need it. There is no shame in that.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry I upset you. I think you’re really cool and badass,” I mumbled, wanting to

smack myself in the forehead for being so lame. “You never act like a pompous Queen like you see on
TV. You care for everyone and always want to help. But you have so much on your plate. I never
wanted to add to anyone’s worries.”

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“That’s quite the apology,” she chuckled. “Now you know that if you’re ever upset or need help,

I’m here for you, right?”

“Yes, Queen Magdalena,” I quickly answered. I really did like her, but she was in charge of a

whole people. She had more important things than one wolf who didn’t know which way was up most

“Nonsense. You are just as important, Caven,” she whispered in my head. I smiled at her. She’d

done that trick to me before and it did always make me feel special. “I wanted to give you something
last night but you were gone before I got the chance to speak with you.”

I felt something in my hand and glanced down in shock that I hadn’t even seen her take anything

out and now I was holding it. I looked at my hand and saw it was an iridescent rock that shined like
the stars were trapped in it.

“It’s a worry stone. It’s bespelled to help you with what stresses you and from what I’ve seen,

you always have a lot on your plate,”

she explained with a gentle smile. “Hopefully now that help has arrived, things will get better.”

She gave me a wink and turned back to the car she was driven over in. She smiled when Elder
Dawson opened the door for her and I found myself doing the same.

Good. She deserved someone who treated her right.
“I’ll get you late breakfast and more Gatorades so you’ll be swimming in hydration,” Tyler said

as he went to hug me. But then he froze.

“He said I’m not a freak,” I whispered, hurt that he wouldn’t show affection to me anymore.
“Of course you’re not,” he sighed as he gestured between us. “But Elder Dawson said you didn’t

need stress and I wasn’t sure if hugging you brought your powers to the front of your mind or how it

“Oh, sorry.”
“Hey, you’re allowed some cranky time with everything going on.
I can be a bear when I’m thrown for a loop.”
“It’s true,” Asterio chuckled as he hugged his mate from behind.
“You should have seen him when the supply company brought the wrong material for the houses

he’s building. He was grumbling and muttering about cutting off someone’s balls for days.”

I glanced at them, seeing the love between them as if it was almost something I could touch. I

wanted that. Then the tingling started and I whimpered.

“Don’t fight it, Caven,” Tyler said gently. “It’s okay to see whatever you’re getting from us. We

won’t be mad.”

That’s all I needed to hear so I could let go. I hated that I invaded people’s privacy like this but if

Tyler gave me his permission, then it eased the guilt. I saw every time Tyler had told his mate that he
loved Asterio, blushing when some of the moments were very intimate.

When it was over I was sitting on the porch steps panting.
“And now you’ve seen why I understand what it feels like to consider yourself a freak and

broken,” Tyler whispered to me as he pushed my hair off my forehead.

“That’s not what I saw,” I told him as firmly as I could when I was this tired. “I saw a man who

overcame his past and learned what love meant, treasures it. You embraced who you are, Tyler, and I
wish I was more like you. I want to be like that one day.”

“I think you’ll make a wonderful Kappa who will help lots of people who need it.”

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I smiled brightly at him as we stood and we all went inside. I grabbed the massive book and took

it to my room as Tyler promised he’d be bringing me up food soon.

Just as I got settled and opened my book, my phone beeped with a text. I rolled over to grab it and

it beeped twice more in the few moments it took me to get it. It was Gabriel… Again. I had seventy
missed texts from him. What in the world?

“I know you’re mad and I screwed up. Please just let me know you’re okay, Caven. You were

unconscious when you left here and I’ve been freaking out all night and this morning,” the last one

Oh crap! Yeah, I didn’t mean to leave my mate hanging. I sucked.
I didn’t even read the other ones and hit the button to call him instead.
Gabriel sounded panicked and if the situation was reversed, I would have as well.

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Chapter Three


“Are you texting him again?” my mother asked gently as she sat down next to me at the kitchen

table. “How many is that?”

“I have no idea. I lost count after forty,” I admitted with a tired sigh. I hadn’t slept a wink last

night. Instead I’d been stalking my mate to see what was going on as I helped the staff clean up from
the Ball… The Ball that did not go as I had planned. It was supposed to be a magical night where I
showed Caven how much I loved him, gave him his Christmas present.

But noooo. It had been a disaster and now I was losing my mate.
My phone rang and I just stared at it for a moment, shocked at the name on the display. Then I

quickly accepted the call. “Caven?”

“Hey. Sorry, I just got your texts now and didn’t even get a chance to read them other than the last

one but I saw how worried you were and called right away,” my sexy little mate rambled on in that
cute way I adored. “I guess I was out until like an hour ago but I should have let you know I was okay
the moment I woke up. It’s just that Tyler was sitting here waiting to talk with me because he called
an elder and Elder Dawson was in the living room.

“He’s Queen Magdalena’s other mate so they rushed off but he seems like a good guy and he’s a

Kappa with the same gifts as me. It turns out I’m not broken or a freak. I’m just second born so I have
different powers than Ayden and he can help me he says.”

Wow, that was a lot to take in. I sat there for a moment and blinked as I stared off into the kitchen.

“Gabriel, are you there?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah, just trying to process all you said in such a short span,” I chuckled.
“Sorry. I ramble. I try not to and I know it annoys you—”
“I never said that,” I growled as my grip tightened on the phone.
“I think it’s endearing and sexy as hell. All I want to do is kiss you when you start that cute,

nervous rambling.”

“Really?” he breathed into the phone. “You want to kiss me?”
“Oh, baby,” I sighed as I ran my free hand through my hair. “I always want to kiss you. I’ve not

been doing a good job of showing how much I care for you if you didn’t even know that. I love you,

“Oh,” he whispered and then went silent. I waited for a few moments but it was too much to bear.
“So I take it you don’t feel the same way?”
“No, no not really,” he mumbled. “I barely know you even though we’ve basically been living

together all this time. You’re always mad at me or telling me no without explaining why to me. I don’t
see that you love me, Gabriel. It doesn’t make sense because you don’t even like me.” I gasped when
he said that and then I heard him sniffle. “It’s true, isn’t it? You don’t like me.”

“I like you so much, Caven.” I wanted to cry and beg him to give me another chance. My heart

ached at the idea that my mate didn’t think that I liked him. “I love the way you dance around when
you think no one’s looking because you do good on a test or assignment my mother gives you. I love
how caring and passionate you are. You yell at the characters on TV and in movies as if they can hear

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you because you don’t want them to get hurt.

“I love watching you run in wolf form. You’re so free and happy to do something as simple as

play outside. Why do you think I always want to go with you?”

“You said it was your job to keep me safe,” he mumbled.

“It is. You’re my mate and your safety is everything to me. But you’re safe on the estate’s

property, sweetie. As long as you don’t go too close to or past the sensors, you’re completely safe
here. I go because watching you enjoy yourself makes me happy.”

“Oh,” he whispered again. He didn’t say anything else so I took a chance.
“I’m sorry I’m always angry. It’s not really at you. For a vampire, eighteen is legal to claim our

mates. I’ve been slowly losing my mind because your rules are nineteen,” I explained, blushing when
I realized my mother was listening.

I stood and held up a hand to her to stay where she was. There were some things my mother didn’t

ever need to know. I stepped out of the kitchen door to the terrace and shivered at the cold December

“I know I’ve tried to tell you this, Caven, but I’m not very good at talking about my feelings and

for that I’m sorry too. I want you—”

“Yeah, so much you deny me all the time,” he said with a snort.
“Because I didn’t trust myself,” I sighed, tired of this same argument. “For us it’s ingrained to

claim our mate. If I touched you intimately after barely holding it together for all this time, I would
have bit you. And I couldn’t do that to you. You deserve a choice and I need to follow your laws so
they wouldn’t ever take you from me.

Claiming a mate against their will is a death offense, Caven. If I screwed this up and claimed you

early or before you said yes, it would mean my beheading.”

“Why did you never tell me that?” he gasped and I wanted to roll my eyes.
“Because I didn’t want you to think that was the reason I was so nervous to get near you. It’s not

about the punishment if I gave in to claiming you. I would never have forgiven myself for taking away
your choices. And then you kept teasing me and I was losing my mind. I didn’t understand it was a
wolf thing. I saw a man who’s barely a man paying me back for what he saw was denying him. But I
tried to show you I cared in other ways.

“What I was trying to say earlier was I want you in my arms at night. I want to hold you while we

watch Christmas movies and eat popcorn. I want to get caught up on the shows you watch every week
so I can join you and know what’s going on. I want to spend time with you without arguing and feeling
like I’m failing you constantly.

It got to where it was easier just to avoid you because you are the ultimate temptation and you

were always angry with me for something.”

“Yeah, that’s not really your fault,” he admitted with a tired sigh.
“My powers started before Ayden left, but it was here and there. Not a big deal really. Since I

met you and all the anxiety I’ve been feeling after being rescued, my mate not touching me, and all
around feeling like a freak, they’ve exploded.”

“And we weren’t in a place where you felt you could tell me what was going on,” I added,

leaning back against the side of the house.

My head hurt once again. I just wanted my mate. Why did everything have to be so fucking


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“No, but that wasn’t just about us, Gabriel. I didn’t tell Ayden either. I thought I was broken, that

Alpha Paul broke me and my powers were all screwed up. Who wants to admit that to their mate who
seems to not want them or like them?”

“I get it from your perspective now, but I did want you and I do like you.”
“That’s why you kept bringing up movies,” he said with a sigh. “I didn’t get it. I thought you were

trying to talk to me about movies to find something for me to do so I’d leave you alone. It never
crossed my mind that you’d want to watch the movies with me.”

I winced at what he said. He couldn’t have been further from the truth. But what I’d learned from

this conversation was we were both idiots. I just didn’t know how to fix any of this.

“I think we’ve both made a lot of assumptions,” I hedged after debating how best to move on from

our mistakes. “I know it’s not going to be easy but I’d like to try a fresh start. I think now that we
know we’ve not been seeing what the other meant with a lot of things, we can learn from this and
move on.”

“I don’t think I can do that,” he mumbled. “I’ve seen too much in your head. That’s why I was

always angry. I know it’s not fair or your fault but I can’t let go.”

“Maybe it’s time you told me what your powers really are,” I said gently, scared that my past

would ruin my future. “You said you saw everyone I’d ever danced with?”

“Yeah. Anything you feel strongly about I see. So when you asked me to dance, you really wanted

to and I saw all the other times you did. When we fought about sex, I saw everyone you’ve ever had
sex with. Same with when I tried to kiss you.”

“And then I got angry because I thought you were ignoring me when you were staring off into

space and then ran from the room. I didn’t know you saw all that. I would have handled things better.”

“I should have too,” he admitted. “It wouldn’t have gotten this bad if I’d told you what was going

on. But seriously, Gabriel, could you let go if you saw in your head, images burned into your brain, of
me having sex with others? And you’ve slept with a lot of women. I don’t have the same equipment.”

“It’s not breasts or a dick that attract me to someone. It’s the person themselves,” I explained. “I

won’t ever be longing for breasts when I’m with you, Caven. I can promise you that. On the other
matter, I honestly don’t know. I—” And then an idea struck me.

“Hang on one second. I need to send you a picture.”
“Okay,” he drawled, his tone confused. I darted back into the house and handed my mother my


“I need you to take a picture of my chest,” I told her as I yanked off my shirt. She gasped as her

eyes filled with tears.

“Victor did this?” she whispered as she touched my new tattoo.

“I asked him to do it from a picture I took of Caven,” I answered as I gestured to the phone. “He’s


“Oh crap,” she grumbled as she put the phone to her ear. “Hello, Caven. How are you feeling?”
“Okay. I got some answers as to what was going on with me, and Tyler just brought me a tray of

food to get back up my strength,”

Caven answered her. I could hear him clearly since I was standing right there.
“Is there anything we can do?”
“Elder Dawson’s going to help me learn control but other than that I guess just be patient with

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“We can do that. Okay, I’m going to take this picture Gabriel wants me to now.” She turned the

phone and pushed a button, and I heard a click after the flash. Then she handed it back to me and I
checked to make sure it was clear. I quickly sent it to Caven and put back on my shirt.

“Did you get it?” I asked as I slipped back outside.
“Yes,” he whispered in awe. “It looks just like my wolf.”
“It is your wolf. I took a picture with my phone weeks ago and asked Vic to tattoo you over my

heart because that’s where you are, Caven. You’re always in my heart and I wanted your Christmas
present to be your wolf where everyone could see it and know how important you are to me.

“I’m sorry you’ve seen everyone I’ve ever slept with but they weren’t you, my mate. I’ve never

gotten a tat of anyone else or given them my heart as I have you. I should have told you that, found a
way to show you that before we got to this point, but I can only tell you it’s truly how I feel now.”

He was quiet a few moments and I swear I held my breath and prayed to fate that we could fix

this. “Okay, we can try again after my training,” he said softly. “I can’t promise it will be easy for me
to move on from your memories but I believe you. I just don’t know how to make the images stop.”

“We can replace them with new ones,” I promised. “Maybe you can use your powers to see all

the dreams I’ve had that star you. I’ve never dreamed about someone the way I do you, baby. I need
you. It’s been killing me to keep you at arm’s length. I know you’re upset I’ve been denying us a
physical relationship when we could have had one but it wasn’t easy for me either. It hurts when I go
to sleep at night and you’re not in my arms.”

“You haven’t mentioned sex,” he mumbled. “Only holding me or being close to me, spending time

with me.”

“Because you’re more than some hottie to me that I want to fuck all night long.”
“More than? Meaning you want to do that too?” Caven asked and I could hear the hope in his


“Baby, the fantasies I’ve had about you would shock you,” I purred as I held the phone tightly. “I

didn’t want you to think that this was all about attraction to my mate and what my cock wants. But if
you need to hear that I desire you I’ll tell you all of my fantasies.”

“How about maybe the one you like best?” he suggested, clearing his throat.
“Let me get back to my room so I can touch myself while I tell you,” I offered, taking a chance.
“I turn you on to where you want to jack off on the phone with me?”
I couldn’t help it… I burst out laughing as I headed back inside. I kept going, laughing until my

sides hurt. It wasn’t until I was back in my suite that I calmed back down. “Caven, I’ve been
masturbating like crazy since we met. I swear I take extra showers so you won’t smell how dirty of a
bastard I am. I see you and I need a cold shower to keep from jumping you. I smell you and all I can
think about is how to permanently attach you to me and mostly my cock.”

“Are you hard now thinking about it?” my little imp of a mate purred.

“So hard,” I groaned. I rubbed my groin with the heel of my hand and moaned. This wasn’t

anywhere as good as what I’d do to him if he was in the room with me but it was a start. Then I had
an idea. Two could play at this game. “You want to see it? I could send you another picture.”

“Yes please,” he squeaked. I felt a feral smile cross my lips as I quickly undid my pants and

pulled out my cock, giving it a few good tugs to make sure it was hard and leaking for my mate. Then I

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snapped a few pictures and sent them to him.

“That’s just for you, Caven,” I told him when I heard him gasp, guessing he got the pictures. “It’s

all been for you since I met you.

I’ve not even thought about anyone else from my past. Always it’s you.”
“Like what do you think about?”
“Mostly right after you shift back into a man,” I answered honestly. “You’re all smiles and happy

and it’s almost infectious. I think about laying you down on the grass and licking every inch of your
sexy body while you growl at how much I’m turning you on.”

“Then what?” he panted and I felt my grin go even wider.
“Are you touching yourself, my sexy little mate?”
“Yes,” he gasped. “I’m fingering my hole wishing you were doing it as I stroke my cock.”
I just about swallowed my tongue. What a tease! “Well, I’d lick that hole as I fingered it, maybe

sink my fangs into your pert little ass until you begged for more.”

“Would you pin me down and fuck me all night?”
“If that’s what you begged for,” I answered, making a mental note that my mate would want that.

“I’d rotate between hard and fast and then slowly to keep you just on the edge of your orgasm.”

“Like I saw you do with that little blond guy,” he whispered sadly.
Oh shit.
“No,” I choked out, realizing getting over what he saw was going to be harder than some phone

sex. “No. It would be different. I love you and I barely knew him. He was scratching an itch but that’s
not how it would be with us, Caven.” I wasn’t sure which little blond guy he even meant. I was sure
there had been more than one.

“How can you know that for sure?”
“Because I’ve not thought about him since I was with him. If you hadn’t brought it up, it would

probably have never crossed my mind again. I don’t even remember his name.”

“I don’t know if that makes it better or worse,” he sighed. “How can you not know the name of

someone you fucked all night?”

“Honey, I’m almost thirty times older than you,” I reminded him and then winced. My age had

been a big issue between us too. “It’s a long time to live and remember everyone I’ve met in my life. I
was lonely so I found someone who was too. It was nothing more than that.”

“But there have been people you loved. I’ve seen it.”
I nodded, knowing he couldn’t see it as I stared at my withering erection. I decided to go for

brutal honesty as I walked into my room.

“I wish I was there to hug you and let you see in my eyes that you’re everything to me. Sure, I’ve

loved people and even a few that I thought I was in love with once upon a time.”

Thought you were?” he asked. I wanted to do a fist pump in the air that he caught on to that so it

didn’t seem like I was giving him a line.

“I thought I was until I fell for you,” I answered as I flopped on my bed, closing my eyes to

picture him. “That deep auburn hair that looks softer than the most expensive silk in the world. Those
purple eyes that tell me everything you’re always feeling, and even when you’re angry with me I get
lost in them. I knew I’d never really known love after meeting you. Sure, I loved those other people
but when I saw you hanging there because of your Alpha’s cruelness, my heart broke.

“I would have given my life to have kept you from that pain. I never felt that for anyone but my

family before. Maybe those others were puppy love? I don’t really know but I do know that I never
felt half as much for them as I do for you already. I want to protect you from the world and show you

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all that it has to offer at the same time. I want to make love to you every night before I hold you in my
arms as we sleep in our bed together. I want the first thing I see when I wake to be you.”

“That sounds nice,” he mumbled and I could almost see the blush covering his cheeks reaching his

neck like when he was really embarrassed. “You paid attention more than I thought you did. It always
seemed as if I was the annoying kid brother you wanted to ditch instead of a mate you wanted with

“I’m sorry for that. It wasn’t you but the situation of having to wait to claim you and my own lack

of control. I’ve been searching for you for hundreds of years, Caven. Imagine all that time wondering
what my mate would be like and then I finally find him and he’s more amazing than I could have ever
dreamed up and I can’t really have him yet.”

“No, I never thought of it like that. I’m sorry. I tried to see it from your perspective but until you

put it like that I just didn’t get it.”

“Does that mean we can go back to the phone sex then?” I asked hopefully, realizing I sounded

like a cad. “I’ve never done this before and I was really excited to experience it with you.”

“I’ve never done it either. It’s silly but I feel kinky and sexy for once,” he admitted with a giggle.
“I always think you’re sexy, baby,” I purred. “And I can’t wait to feel your body wrapped around

my cock. I heard a rumor that a wolf’s body naturally adjusts for their mate. Is that true?”

“Yes. I’m made just for you, Gabriel.” I shivered at the way he said my name with such lust. “You

just have to push in a bit and wait a moment for my body to open up for you. We don’t even need

“That’s so fucking hot,” I groaned as my dick renewed interest.
“So we can have sex anywhere and everywhere you want.”

“I never saw you take anyone to your bed. I want that,” he whispered. “Why did you never have

sex in your room?”

“Because it’s special. It was the room I knew I’d share with my mate one day. I never wanted the

presence of another ruining that.

This was always our room. I just needed to find you first.”
“I like that. I don’t want to go back to the guest room. I want to really be mates with you.”
“I want that too,” I groaned, loving the idea of finally sharing my bed with Caven. “We’ll sleep

naked, wrapped around each other after making love every night. I’ll show you everything, Caven.
We’ll always be together.”

“Throw in some hot, passionate sex where I’m screaming your name and I’m in,” he giggled.
“Deal. I’ll fuck you until you can’t walk the next morning and I have to carry you all day long,” I

promised. “I’ll sink my fat cock in your tight little ass and pound into it until we’re both exhausted.” I
stroked my cock fast, really getting into it. “I won’t even need your blood to want you desperately but
we’ll do that around the full moon and not even leave our room.”

“Oh god, Gabriel. I’m going to come,” he whimpered.
“Do it for me, my mate. Imagine I’m there and wanting to lick up every drop of your sweet cum.

And then I’d take you again just for good measure.”

“Gabriel!” Caven gasped and then grunted, probably trying to keep quiet since he was staying

with Tyler. I followed him right over, whispering his name as I finished all over my hand and

“Jesus, baby, I wish you were here so we could do that for real.

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How long until you come home?” I panted as I stared at my still-hard cock. “I want you so badly

that I’m ready to go again.”

“Not for a week or so,” he answered quietly. “Elder Dawson said I need to destress and stay

calm while we work on my powers and how to control them. He’s going to work with me the next
week at some groundskeeper’s cottage on Barnabas’s property. But now I don’t want to go. I want to
be with you.”

“Hey, I’ll still be here when you’re done,” I promised him. “We’ll celebrate and finally claim

each other if that’s what you want. Or I could just give you blow jobs until you’re ready. I think as
long as I’m not near your neck I can control my need to make you mine.”

“Oh god, the way you talk,” he groaned. “I can’t believe I didn’t know you were so dirty until

now. I love it.”

I felt my heart soar. It wasn’t like he said he loved me but it was a start. I promised him again that

I was here for him anytime he wanted to talk. He filled me in on what else was going on and what
Elder Dawson had told him. I was glad Caven had some answers he desperately needed, but I just
wished he was here with me so we could work through this together.

As we hung up I had an idea pop into my head. I quickly made another call and hoped I could

show my mate I cared even when I wasn’t right next to him. Caven was worth it to me.

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Chapter Four


It was after dark when Elder Dawson came back to Tyler’s house.
By then I’d eaten five meals and rehydrated to the point I was peeing every twenty minutes. Plus,

I’d read a few chapters in the massive book I was to study.

He and Queen Magdalena had already talked to Barnabas and we were going to use the cottage on

his property as discussed. There had to be something going on because they were all smiles as they
helped me load up my stuff at Tyler’s and then drove over there. I understood when we pulled up and
there were Christmas lights decorating the house.

“Gabriel,” I breathed as I got out of the car. “He really does pay attention to me. He sees me.”
“That young man of yours does,” Queen Magdalena agreed, giving me a wink. “Barnabas told me

he’s very persistent too. He left my grandson a few messages while we were in the High Council
meeting that he got after it. Gabriel got the whole Marius clan over here to spruce the place up, stock
up the fridge with all your favorites, and decorate since you missed the Christmas Ball and
celebrating today. I’m sure there’s a few more surprises as well.”

“Wow.” I felt my face heat up but I ignored it and jogged over to the door. The Queen had been

right because the first thing I saw was an envelope attached to the wood with my name on it. I quickly
opened it up and smiled. It was an invite to the High Council New Year’s Eve party and Gabriel was
requesting me to be his date. I wasn’t sure if Elder Dawson would let me go or if I’d have better
control in time, but if it was up to me, I’d go.

I walked inside and saw a large, bright blue Post-it on the coffee table right in front of the sofa.
“We’ll leave you to get settled in,” Elder Dawson said from behind me, setting down my bags. I

wanted to read that note like a beacon but I had to speak with them first.

“Wait, you’re leaving me here all alone?” I squeaked and then tried to clear my throat. “I thought

you were staying here too.”

“That was the plan but given I met my mate…” He trailed off and shrugged as if to say, plans


“Oh, right, okay. I’ve just never been alone like this before,” I mumbled, staring at my feet.
“You aren’t now, Caven,” Queen Magdalena chuckled as two massive fae warriors stepped into

the cottage. “This is Brio and Elan.

They’re going to be your guards. They’ll take turns watching the outside and sleeping in the guest

room tonight so you’ll always have someone close.”

“And I’ll be back in the morning to start our training. We’re going to do three times a day for an

hour to start so it’s not too overwhelming,” Elder Dawson explained. “But you need to be alone and
clearheaded for this to work. Lots of sleep, study the book, and stay fueled.”

“I can do that,” I agreed.
“We’re also going to start your new workout routine tomorrow.” I raised an eyebrow at that.

“You’re Alpha material, Caven. You have strength and power you’ve not even tapped into. I’m going
to help you with that. I’m going to be staying here now so we don’t have to cram it into a week but by
the time I’m done with you, you will be the strongest wolf around.”

I nodded, shocked at what he was saying. They said their good-byes and left the two warriors

with me who were staring at me as if waiting for me to say something. But I was in my own little

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“Alpha Caven,” I whispered as I rubbed my arms when I shivered.
“I like the sound of that.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, pint size,” Elan chuckled. “There’s a lot of training that goes into

being a fighter and a leader. And you need your strength so I’m going to see what they left us in the
way of food while Brio does a perimeter check.”

“Okay,” I agreed as I glanced at the note on the table again. I moved closer so I could read it and

laughed. It said turn me on and pointed to the TV remote. The TV looked brand new and I doubted it
had been there before Gabriel and his family spruced the place up. I did what the note said, frowning
in confusion when the TV turned on and a screen that said it was connecting to something appeared.

“Hello, Caven,” Gabriel said as his face popped up on the TV.
“Hey!” I gasped, shocked once again. “How did you get this all set up in such a short time?”
“It helps to have a big family who’s willing to help me see my mate on Christmas,” he chuckled.

“Did you settle in okay?”

“I haven’t even checked out my room or the place really,” I admitted. “I just got here. I saw your

invitation and if Elder Dawson thinks it’s okay for me to go, I’d love to be your date to the New
Year’s party. I saw this bright note and had to check it out the moment they left.”

“They left you all alone?” he asked, his tone indicating he didn’t like it.
“They just found each other, Gabriel. They don’t want some teenager around,” I answered,

shaking my head. “The Queen left me with two guards, Brio and Elan. One’s going to check the
property while the other stays inside with me. But we are only a couple of miles away from
Barnabas’s house. I’m safe here.”

“Are you trying to convince me or yourself, sweetie?” Gabriel’s tone was gentle so I didn’t feel

affronted by the question.

“Both? I’ve never really been on my own. Alpha Paul never let us out of his sight after Ayden

escaped. And then I’ve been living with you and that village you call a family. Someone was always
around and now I’m here with two men I’ve never met.”

“Queen Magdalena is a good woman. She wouldn’t have left them with you unless she trusted

them implicitly. Either way, if you feel scared or nervous, you call me and I’ll come right over.”

“I’m supposed to be studying and keeping calm,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “Nothing is ever

calm when you’re around.”

“I’m going to assume you meant that in a good way,” he drawled.
“I didn’t mean to crawl into bed with you, though that would be nice.
I’d stay outside and make sure you felt safe. That’s all.”
“It’s freezing outside. I feel bad enough that poor Brio is out there. I couldn’t ask you to do that


“Sorry, I didn’t mean to listen in but you’re not exactly being quiet,” Elan explained as he stepped

back in the room. “We have magic, Caven. Don’t worry about us. Brio and I can wrap ourselves in a
toasty bubble so the weather doesn’t affect us. If you got scared, Gabriel could stay in here with you
and just keep your distance so your gift doesn’t act up. Queen Magdalena said if we don’t penetrate
your ten-foot barrier then you should be fine.”

“I don’t have a barrier,” I said as I raised an eyebrow at him.
“Elder Dawson told her that’s normally how Kappa powers work.

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If someone is within ten feet of you then they’re instantly scanning them or something. I’m sure he

would have explained that to you tomorrow. They just wanted us to know so we didn’t go setting off
your gift left and right.”

“Thank you, Elan,” Gabriel said with a nod, but still eyeing over the man suspiciously. “And they

told you that my mate is spoken for?”

“Yeah, that was made crystal clear that we couldn’t touch the hot little wolf we’d be guarding. I

mean so clear the Queen threatened us with bodily harm if we flirted with him or did anything to
confuse him when he’s trying to learn control since he’s unclaimed because of his powers getting in
the way.”

I didn’t correct him that his explanation of why I was unclaimed wasn’t exactly accurate, but

Gabriel didn’t either so I figured we’d leave that between us.

“I left instructions on that note how to pull up the Skype menu and connect to a chat with me,”

Gabriel explained once Elan headed back into the kitchen. “I’ve got the app on my phone so it can
find me anywhere if you want to talk. Is there anything you need that we didn’t think of?”

“I haven’t seen all you’ve done yet,” I hedged, knowing what I’d want most but not sure I should

ask for it. He must have seen the indecision on my face.

“There’s nothing you can ask me for that I’ll laugh at, Caven,” he said gently.
“Can I get a couple of your sweatshirts you’ve worn?” I blurted out before I lost my nerve.

Gabriel smiled and I guessed he liked the idea. “My wolf doesn’t like being separated from you. As
much as you feel it’s your job to protect me, he feels the same way about you.

I think it would help if I was at least wearing something that smelled of you.”
“Of course. I’ll send one over and wear another tonight so it smells like me and that way you have

more than one. I just have one request of my own,” he said, his tone getting deeper and huskier as he

“Are you going to ask me for something dirty while there’s a warrior in the kitchen?” I chuckled

as I smiled brightly at him. I moved forward so I could touch the screen. It wasn’t the same as being
able to touch him the way I wanted but it was something at least. “Mr. Marius, I thought you had more
propriety than that.”

“Not when it comes to you, Caven,” he growled and then waggled his eyebrows at me.

“Tomorrow after you’re done studying and working hard, get me back on here, wearing my
sweatshirt, and we can move on past phone sex to Skype sex.”

“You’ve been waiting to say that, haven’t you?” I laughed when he nodded. “Coming up with new

terms to make dirty.”

“You have no idea, baby. Eat up and get some rest. Mother made sure the cook made several of

your favorites that just need to be put in the oven. We’ll bring more when you’re getting low on

“Thank you, Gabriel,” I whispered, suddenly feeling sad.
“What’s wrong? Did Elder Dawson tell you something else about your gifts? You seem worried.”
“I’m not sure how to say this without maybe insulting you but I think it’s something you need to

know,” I answered, sighing as I rubbed my hands over my face.

“Well, I won’t take it as an insult so tell me anyways.”
I nodded and took a deep breath. “I told you that Elder Dawson said that Kappas with my type of

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powers normally become Alphas.

He’s an elder for crying out loud. And he said he’s going to start training me to be an Alpha,


“And you’re worried what happens with us when you finish training?”
“Yeah,” I whispered, staring at my feet again. “Will you want me if I’m all Alpha Caven and


“Caven, you’re powerful now, sweetie,” he answered softly.
“You’re faster than I am, stronger too. You’ve got amazing gifts and powers. If you were meant to

be an Alpha then I support that. I think Elder Dawson would probably be the Alpha now of the pack
we have in the coven, but maybe you’d take over one day. I’m not worried about any of that. I
wouldn’t be happy if you got shipped off to Tibet to take over some wolf pack because our families
are here though.”

“Doesn’t work like that with wolves,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “Alphas don’t get assigned

places like that. Maybe if it’s a local pack that needs help while they find someone permanent but
normally the new Alpha is within the pack already. Like Fletcher took over once they got rid of Alpha
Paul and Beta Ben.”

“Yes, but there’s been talk about the rest of your pack joining our coven now that all the bad

apples have been locked up. So would he be in charge then or the elder or would you be?”

“At nineteen I shouldn’t be leading anyone,” I drawled, rolling my eyes at him. “Even if this were

to happen, I doubt it would be anytime soon that I’d be ready or trained. I just wanted you to know
what Elder Dawson said he was planning for me.”

“Thank you for telling me,” he replied, but I could see that I left him with more questions than

answers. “Mates should talk about these sorts of things. I’m glad you wanted me to know.”

I fell a little in love with my mate right then. I knew he was worried about what I had told him but

he was putting on the brave face for me, making it so I always felt comfortable coming to him with
things. How could I not love him a little for that? Well, that and getting this all set up for me. Gabriel
truly cared for me and while I hadn’t been able to see that from the way we were always fighting and
our issues… I was seeing it now.

“I should go eat and get unpacked,” I said when he was quiet a bit.
“Sorry, just trying to process this all. I’m not upset and thank you for telling me. I’m trying my best

here to stay positive and all, it’s just not—never mind. You have some studying to do.”

“Don’t do that,” I growled as I stepped away from his image, giving him my back. “I hate when

you do that! Why do you think I never believed you thought we were equals and you treated me like
some dumb kid? You don’t ever tell me what’s going on like I need to be coddled. Here I’m being
honest with you and you are hiding things from me.”

I turned to see him blinking at me in shock at my outburst.
“You’re right. You’re absolutely right and I’m sorry,” he agreed.
“That was never my intent but I can see how it would come off that way to you. I was pouting and

you didn’t need to hear that. I didn’t mean to coddle you or keep things from you. You’ve got enough
on your plate.”

“Why are you pouting?” My anger fled immediately when he admitted that.
“This isn’t how I wanted to spend my first Christmas with my mate,” he sighed. “I want you here

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in front of the fire with me, watching goofy movies after we opened presents like this image I built up
in my head over the centuries. This is hard.”

“I know it is. We’ll be together soon and we’ll make up for Christmas. It’s just a day. There’s no

rule that says we can’t celebrate it together next week and you can claim me on our Christmas.”

“Really? You’ve decided to let me for sure?” he asked, more excited than a kid about to open his

presents. “I mean, I know we discussed it but you didn’t sound certain then.”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” I chuckled as I rubbed my arms again. “We can fix this and be together if we

both try. I know it. I want to be yours, Gabriel. That’s all I’ve ever wanted since I met you.”

“I love you, baby,” he whispered as he reached out and touched the monitor on his laptop. I

walked over to the TV and moved my hand to where his was in the corner. “I’ll show you that I do. I
know you don’t believe me yet, but I really and truly do.”

“I believe you and I’m falling for you too. I just can’t flip a switch and be there yet though.

There’s too many months of fighting and everything I’ve seen in my head I need to get past first.”

“I understand. If there’s anything I can do to help, you’ll let me know?”
“I will but you’re doing a good job on your own,” I chuckled and then smiled widely. “The tat

really helped. It made me feel special.”

“You are special.” He leaned in and kissed the monitor with a loud smack. “Sleep tight and dream

of me because I’ll be dreaming about my sexy wolf.”

“Now I’m going to go to bed hard and need to jack off with a stranger in the next room from me,”

I grumbled, biting back a smile when I saw Gabriel’s expression turn jealous. “Night!” I
quickly grabbed the remote and turned off the TV while he was still stuttering out a reply.

“Are you sure you’re only nineteen?” Elan asked as he stepped into the room with two steaming

plates of lasagna. “You handled that like a pro, always leave them wanting more. But the relationship
stuff you handled better than most three times your age.”

“Thanks, I’m deciding that honesty is the best way,” I said as I took a plate from him and sat

down. “I tried keeping things inside that I should have told him and everything spun out of control
because he was doing the same. If we were just honest with each other instead of playing games and
misunderstanding each other, we wouldn’t have ended up in such a bad place.”

“Again, I ask if you’re really only nineteen,” he chuckled. “That’s a very mature perspective for

someone as young as you are.”

“Age is just a number,” I mumbled as I shoveled some food into my mouth. “There are people

twice my age who haven’t been through as much as I have. Maturity isn’t always about age and age
doesn’t mean that someone is really an adult.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t even remotely have my shit together like you do at your age. It’s impressive.

Gabriel’s a lucky guy.”

I blushed at the comment and kept eating because I didn’t know what else to say. Part of me hoped

that Gabriel felt the same way. I really hoped he did.


“Couldn’t stay away for one night, huh?” a fae warrior asked me as he slipped out of the shadows

and into my line of sight.

“Would you if that was your mate and he was scared?” I replied, raising an eyebrow at him as I

eyed him over. “And had two hot fae warriors guarding him?”


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“Nope. I’m surprised you held out this long,” he chuckled. “I’m Brio.”
“Gabriel, nice to meet you,” I said as I shook his hand. “I know this is on Barnabas’s estate, but I

just wanted to see for myself that he was safe.”

“I just got back out here. Elan took the shift after dinner so I could eat. Your mate was reading

some massive old book and gasping every so often. I’m assuming he was learning new things about
being a Kappa.”

“He’s so funny when he’s studying.” I smiled, picturing him just as Brio described. “He gets so

excited when he reads something new.

He’s like a sponge, sucking up everything he can as he goes. And if he finds he likes a subject

he’ll write it down in this notebook he keeps of things he wants to learn more about later.”

“You’re a lucky man, Gabriel. I’d love to have a mate so full of life like that.”
“I am but things haven’t been easy,” I admitted with a sigh. “I find him and he’s legal by our laws

but not by wolf law to claim. I’ve been losing my ever-loving mind and I’ve been taking it out on him
instead of explaining things to him. We’ve had some miscommunications as to how wolves act at
times too. I thought he was playing childish pranks but instead he was marking his territory.”

“Did he pee on you or something?” Brio chuckled.
“No, he kept masturbating in my bed and leaving his scent everywhere for me to find. I thought he

was being a brat for denying him a physical relationship. I couldn’t touch him and trust myself not to
claim him. I mean, you’ve seen him. He’s gorgeous. Everything in me is screaming to seal the deal
before someone can come in and sweep him off his feet.”

“Yeah, that would be tough. I’m glad we don’t have laws like that.
I mean, sure we have laws to protect the young against older people but an adult is an adult. We

don’t bite or claim like you guys do. If we find our mate during sex, that’s it, we’re bonded.”

“I guess everything has its positives and negatives.” I saw his confused look and explained. “You

guys could miss your mates because you didn’t sleep with them. We know by scent. So yeah, there’s
extra hoops to claiming them and following the rules, but if I was in your place I’d be so scared that
I’d miss my mate because I didn’t fuck them.”

“Yeah, it’s a concern,” he agreed. “The fae tend to be very open about sex. It’s just sex sometimes

so we tend to do everyone we can hoping we’ll get it right and find our mates one day. But our mates
can be human and there’s billions of them. We can’t sleep with all of them. I think being on this plane
has helped though.”

“How so?”
“Queen Magdalena has the sight and gets glimpses of the future or visions at times. She’s sent

some of us on random assignments where people have found their mates. I think that was blocked for
her when we were on the other plane. It gives me hope that one day she’ll send me somewhere
knowing I’ll find my mates.”

“Help is always good,” I agreed with a nod. “Which window is his?”
“Third one down. Are you going in? Because we were told no one was to get near him since it

sets off his powers and that won’t keep him calm.”

“No, just want to see him with my own eyes. I don’t think I can sit out here in this cold much

longer without worrying that my balls might shrivel up inside of me.”

“I can extend my warmth cocoon to include you,” he offered.
“Thanks but I don’t want to distract you from your patrols. If we’re hanging out then no one’s

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paying attention.”

“You know that’s not true,” Brio chuckled. “You’ve been a warrior long enough to know we can

do both.”

“Yeah, but he’s my mate. I don’t want anyone focused, even partially, on anything but him.”
“Fair enough. Nice meeting you.”
“You too. Keep him safe for me?”
“You have my word.”
I nodded and walked away from him, heading to the window Brio had said. When I got there I had

to bite back a groan. Caven was lying on his side, facing the window, with the bedding pooled around
his waist. One slim leg was sticking out and my hands shook with the need to caress him.

How many times had I stood in the doorway of his room and watched him sleep, desperately

wanting to be right there next to him?

I hadn’t thought it would be this hard staying away from him now that we were talking things out

but it killed me to be on this side of the window.

All I wanted was my mate and he was right there and I couldn’t be with him. Things were never

easy and I just prayed I could hold on to my sanity a little bit longer. I had to for Caven. I could do it
for my mate.

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Chapter Five


I woke the next morning with a gasp as I caught a familiar scent. I was up and out of my bed, not

paying attention to much other than the smell of my mate. As I raced through the house, I ignored
anyone else and ended up outside my bedroom window where Gabriel’s scent was strongest.

“He was here,” I growled, sniffing the air to confirm it. “Four hours ago.”
“That’s impressive,” Brio chuckled from behind me. “Yeah, he came after you fell asleep and

said he was just going to check in and lay eyes on you for himself.”

“He stayed longer than that to have this much of his scent still here,” I replied hesitantly.
“Oh yeah,” Brio chuckled. “He stayed until the end of my shift outside and then through most of

Elan’s. We used our magic to help keep him warm when we saw he was shivering. He said it was too
hard to leave you. He’s worried about you and that you’ll change your mind about letting him claim

“He shouldn’t be,” I whispered, shivering myself now that I was done with my adrenaline dash to

follow Gabriel’s smell. I also realized something else… I was naked. “I should get dressed.”

“I like the view though,” Brio purred as he eyed me over.
“I’m spoken for,” I snapped and turned away from him and jogged back towards the front door.

“Doesn’t mean I can’t look when you’re walking around naked!”
he called after me. He had a point but that didn’t mean I was going to let another man leer at me. It

did give me an idea though. I raced into my room and slipped on the soft robe Gabriel had given me a
few weeks ago. Then I turned on the TV and requested a chat with my mate.

“Don’t come in here,” I warned Elan when I heard him in the guest room. “I’m being intimate with

my mate.”

“Fine, but don’t be surprised if I’m doing dirty things in here as well,” he grumbled from the other

side of the door.

“Hey, baby,” Gabriel said as he came onto the screen, wiping his eyes of residual sleepiness.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Yes,” I purred as I undid the sash to my robe. “Probably because I had a guardian angel outside

my window watching over me.” I smiled when his eyes went wide, focused on my hands.

“You’re not mad? I just came to check on you but then I stayed a while.”
“No, not mad,” I said seductively as I let the robe slip from my shoulders. “I love waking up to

the smell of my mate.” He sucked in a breath through his teeth as he took in my naked body. “Like
what you see?”

“Yes. Fuck, are you gorgeous.” His voice got even deeper, no longer from just waking up but

desire as well. “Turn around and show me more.”

“Hey, this is my show,” I quipped. He whimpered but nodded and I thought I could still give him

what he wanted. I turned and bent over, spreading my legs wide. “Are you hard, my god of a mate?”

“I’m always hard since I met you,” he moaned. I moved my hand between my legs and fingered

my hole while the other one pulled the side of my ass so he could get a good look. “Baby, I’m begging
you to please, please, please finger yourself for me.”

“Since you asked so nicely, tell me what you want,” I teased, making sure he couldn’t see my evil

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“Sit on the couch so I can see your gorgeous face at the same time and fuck yourself with your

fingers until you come.” Well, apparently, my mate knew what he wanted.

“What time is it?” I asked as I quickly got into the position he wanted and shoved two fingers in

my ass.

“You’re asking that now?” Gabriel replied incredulously.
“Elder Dawson said he’s coming by at ten for my first lesson. Do you want him to walk in on

this? ” I threw right back.

“Shit, we have twenty minutes and he’s probably a man who’s early.”
“You’d be right,” Brio yelled from out front of the house. “Car’s coming up the drive.”
“Fuck!” I growled and jumped off the couch. I didn’t pull my fingers free first and ended up going

head over ass onto the coffee table.

“Caven!” Gabriel bellowed as the wind was knocked out of me and I cut the side of my head on

the corner of the table.

“I’m fine,” I lied with a groan. “Pretend you never saw your mate act like a total goober.”
“Are you okay?” Elan asked as he darted in the room… Naked. I gasped as I took in his massive

form and the hard-on between his legs.

“Why are you naked?” Gabriel growled.
“Not now, dude,” Elan said as he grabbed the remote and shut off the TV.
“Now he’s going to drive over here,” I groaned as I gasped for air.
“Just shut up and don’t move. Your head’s bleeding everywhere.”
“I just wanted to be sexy,” I whispered, mortified beyond words.
“I wanted to give him Skype sex like he wanted.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” he whispered as he grabbed a shirt someone had left out and held it to my head.

As if things couldn’t get worse, the front door opened.

“Balls.” I didn’t think there was a better way to put how I was feeling into words.
What is going on here?” Queen Magdalena exclaimed as she took in the sight before her. “Brio

said we couldn’t come in yet because you were in a compromising position.”

“I can explain, your highness,” Brio said quickly. “It’s just a misunderstanding.”
“Quiet!” she barked and then focused on me. I knew she was reading what happened from my

mind as Elan grabbed my robe with his free hand and draped it over me. He used a couch cushion to
cover himself. It wasn’t all that effective considering he only could reach a throw pillow on the floor.
“Oh my! Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting. We’ll give you a moment.”

“Thank you,” I mumbled, my embarrassment complete. She shooed Elder Dawson back outside,

whispering to him in hushed tones as Brio moved over to us.

“Go get dressed. I’ll help Caven,” he said with a sigh. I groaned in pain as he lifted me in his

arms, still holding the shirt to my head.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure Gabriel thought it was endearing. He’ll come riding to the rescue and kiss

it all better.”

“And probably beat you both for touching me when I’m naked.
He’s going to be so pissed at all of us.”
“He saw you fall, Caven. He knows nothing untoward was going on. It was just an accident.”

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“I’m such a spaz,” I whined pitifully. Brio sat me down on the kitchen counter next to the sink and

quickly rinsed out the shirt before wetting a towel and holding it to my head. I’d moved the robe over
my lap so he couldn’t see anything Gabriel would be pissed about at least.

“I really wish you weren’t spoken for,” Brio whispered as he stared at my stomach. Then his eyes

slowly moved over my chest before meeting my gaze. “I would show you such a good time.”

“I think I’m fine,” I said nervously as I took the towel from him.

“I’m sorry. I need to learn to shut my mouth.” I felt better when I saw he was blushing. “I can’t

help being attracted to you.”

“It’s fine,” I mumbled as I slid off the counter. My shaky legs didn’t hold me and I saw some

black dots as Brio caught me before I hit the floor. I know it wasn’t on purpose but his hands landed
on my ass.

“Oh god,” he groaned as he quickly moved his hands. Then he lifted me into his arms and brought

me to my room. “I need a cold fucking shower now.”

“Well, you do that and I’m going to get dressed,” I chuckled nervously. He sat me on the bed and I

quickly picked up the sweats I’d been wearing yesterday and tugged them on. “I’m fine. I’m just going
to sit here while I heal.”

“Yeah, right. Okay. I’ll go tell Elder Dawson and Queen Magdalena they can come in now,” he

mumbled before darting out of the room.

“Is there anything you need, Caven?” Queen Magdalena asked gently as she and Elder Dawson

came into my room a few minutes later.

“Yeah, can you make Gabriel forget he ever saw me act like a goober when he comes running

over here?”

“He’s coming here?” Elder Dawson asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Elan came running out of the guest room naked to help me, while I was naked and shut off the

Skype chat. Yeah, I’m pretty sure my mate is already in his car on his way,” I answered. I pulled the
towel off my head and saw there wasn’t any fresh blood so at least the cut had healed. “Or maybe you
could use your magic to make me graceful.”

“You’re a wolf, Caven,” the Queen chuckled. “The grace you have is apparent in every movement

you make. We all have clumsy moments. And no, I won’t take away Gabriel’s memories. As his mate
you should never want that for him.”

“No, I wouldn’t really do it,” I mumbled, embarrassed I’d even suggested it. “I just want a

mulligan really.” I smiled when the Queen gave me a confused look. “In golf, that’s a sport humans
play, a really boring one, by the way, it’s a term they use. It’s against the rules really, but sometimes
everyone playing agrees that they get a mulligan, or a do-over turn.”

“He is good at explaining things,” Elder Dawson said to Queen Magdalena as if replying to some

earlier conversation. “I’ll talk to the wolf council about your suggestion.”

“Caven has been very helpful in acclimating my people when he’s around. He’s a very patient


“People explain stuff to me all the time that I didn’t know. I figure someone helped me, I can pay

it forward,” I hedged, not knowing what was going on. “Do I get to know what you guys are talking

“After your lesson,” Elder Dawson said with a smile. “We have limited time before Gabriel gets

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here and I’d like to get started so when he rushes to your side you might be able to control your gift a
little bit better.”

“Okeydokey. I’m in.”
Queen Magdalena said her good-byes and left after giving me a kiss on the cheek. I sat with Elder

Dawson as he explained the exercises he wanted me to start working on. He said I needed to start
thinking of my brain in a different way… Like a house instead of a field. It sounds confusing but the
way he described it made sense.

Instead of my powers always being open for anyone close to me, I needed to decide when I

wanted to open the door to my house and let them out.

It was a smart analogy and I found it kind of just clicked in my head when he said it that way. I

was just excited to learn control because the way things had been going wasn’t working for my life.

I was livid as I drove over to Barnabas’s estate. It wasn’t a reasonable kind of anger since I knew

they didn’t do anything wrong.

But they touched my mate when he was naked and I’d not even gotten to do that yet other than

throwing him over my shoulder a few times after he nipped me in wolf form and shifted back. Elan
got to see Caven laid out for his viewing pleasure.

Granted, Caven had been hurt and bleeding, which was why my rage was irrational… But I was

still pissed off. And then the fae shut off the chat. I had no idea what happened after that or if Caven
was okay. I assumed he was but images kept popping up in my head of the two of them together. It
gave me a whole new level of respect for Caven.

How had he managed not to kill me in my sleep if he’d seen everyone I’d ever had sex with? I’d

have lost my mind if I’d seen him with someone else in full color like that.

“Oh shit,” I heard Elan say as I pulled up to the house and turned off my bike. “Gabriel, you’re not

supposed to be here. The elder is inside working with your mate.”

“So he’s fine? He didn’t bleed out or anything?” I shot right back, my fangs popping out as I

growled. “You shut off the chat and touched my naked mate. You really think I wouldn’t show up

“No, but I’m sure you broke the speed limit slightly to make this good of time,” Brio chuckled,

shaking his head. “Look, get it out of your system and yell at us because Caven feels horrible you saw
him fall like that. Being angry or upset with him won’t help.”

“I’m not upset with him. You two saw him naked and touched him!”
Brio flinched and went a little pale. “It was an accident. He was about to fall and I caught him. I

didn’t mean for my hands to land on his ass. I’m sorry. I should have—”

He didn’t even get to finish before my fist connected with his face. “He’s mine!” I hadn’t known

for sure that Brio had touched Caven, but I’d assumed he’d rushed in the house when Caven had got
hurt and saw my naked mate.

“Yeah, I know,” he mumbled, holding his broken and bleeding nose. “What else did he tell you?”
“Caven hasn’t talked to Gabriel yet or he would have known his mate was okay,” Elan chuckled.

“He just tricked you into admitting you touched Caven’s ass. What else did you do that’s got you so

“I’ll tell you but if you hit me again I’m punching you right back.
You got one free shot but I’m not taking a beating,” Brio informed me, waiting until I nodded. “I

carried him into the kitchen when the Queen and Elder Dawson showed up. I might have stared a little

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too long and commented that I wished he wasn’t taken because I wanted him. He got flustered and
told me he was fine and slid off the counter too fast. That’s why his legs gave out.

“I apologized and backed off but your mate made it very clear he was spoken for and my

comments weren’t welcome. I thought you should know that. I wasn’t flirting, or I didn’t mean to, but
he’s hot and I was jealous. I’ve been looking for my mate for over a millennium, Gabriel, and you
have this perfect one just handed to you and he’s not happy. Granted, that’s not entirely your fault and
he loves you—”

“What?” I gasped, ignoring his rant and focusing on that last part.
“He said that?”
“No, he didn’t have to,” Brio snickered. “He might not understand it because I doubt he’s ever

been in love before, but he does love you.

Maybe all he’s seen from your mind has clouded that or his gift is screwing with him so he

doesn’t know which way is up but that man loves you.”

“Yeah he does,” Elan chuckled, shaking his head. “You had that sweatshirt dropped off last night

in a sealed bag so it didn’t smell like anyone or anything but you. Caven practically tore into it,
yanked off his shirt, and slipped yours on. I’ve been around wolves before and while I’m sure his
wolf was happy to have your scent near, that wasn’t totally because he’s a shifter. That’s a man in
love who misses the one he wants to be with.”

“They’re both right,” my mate’s soft, musical voice said from behind me. “I don’t know which

way is up but I do feel more for you than I’ve even admitted to myself. I didn’t want to be in love with
you when I thought you saw me as an annoying brat. And I did miss you and want your sweatshirt for
more than my wolf.”

The next thing I knew I was at the bottom of the stairs looking up at him. “I need you, Caven,” I

practically whimpered. “I’ll leave if it will hurt you or mess up with your training if I touch you. But I
just needed to see you were okay and tell you that. I know you’d never be unfaithful to me, but they’re
both hot and uncomplicated and I know they want you. But I need you.”

Caven glanced at another wolf, who I assumed was the elder.
“Go ahead. Just keep the door closed in your mind as best as you can. But if it comes open, then

don’t fight it. We’ll work on more control after lunch. Greet your mate and whatever but I want you
calm and relaxed for our next session.”

“I’ll wear him out,” I promised when Caven smiled at me. I didn’t even greet the elder or say

good-bye as I picked up my mate and rushed inside with him. “First we’re getting the smell of other
men off of you.”

“I swear I didn’t—” he started to say but I shut him up with my mouth on his.
“I know,” I whispered against his lips, smiling at the lust I saw shining in his eyes for me. “I

know, Caven. I never doubted it. I never doubted you.”

“Good,” he sighed as he rubbed his face against my neck, covering me with his scent. “Did you

mention a shower?”

“Yes I did,” I growled and yanked off his clothes. Two minutes later we were in the shower and I

was humping against my mate’s body like a dog in heat.

“Take me,” he gasped as I moved his hips against mine. “I’m yours.”
“I don’t want our first time to be a quickie in the shower. I want to take more time with you than

that. Can we just take the edge off first?”

“You’re so good to me,” he purred as he nodded.

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“I’m trying.” I moved his body faster and moments later we were exploding all over each other.

While Caven sagged against me, spent and recovering, I quickly washed us both. Then I forwent
drying off and carried him to the bed after turning off the shower. I laid him out on it, Caven looking
debauched and perfect. “Just as I always wanted.”

“What do you mean?”
“I’ve dreamed about you spread out for me like a feast and not having to hold back what I wanted

anymore,” I whispered as I ran my hands over his naked thighs. “My biggest fantasies had you like

Wanting me, staring up at me with desire, right before I claim you.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” he asked nervously. “I’m yours.”
“Yes you are.” I lowered my mouth to his, wrapping his body around me. Okay, I had meant to go

slow, but we had the rest of our long lives to explore. I needed to claim him more than I needed air,
food, and blood combined. “Say the words, Caven.”

“Gabriel Marius, I give myself to you always and want you to claim me for eternity,” he moaned

as I licked along his collarbone.

“Bite me.”
“Music to my ears.” I moved my leaking cock to his hole and pushed in slightly. He gasped and

dug his short nails into my back.

Then when he was ready I pushed the rest of the way inside of him. “I love you, Caven, with all

my heart and my very soul.”

“Me too,” he whispered as his eyes filled with his emotions. It wasn’t the full phrase, but it was a

start and better than I deserved.

“Are you okay? No memories of mine?”
“No, I’m keeping the door closed.” I wasn’t sure what that meant but I knew my mate would

explain it to me later.

I took him slowly at first, relishing in the sexy little noises of pleasure he made.
“Please, Gabriel,” he begged as he cupped my cheek with his hand. “Show me how strong you

are. I need to see the passion you feel.”

“Yes, my mate.” I rolled us over so he was on top and thrust up into him with everything I had.

Caven threw back his head and cried out in bliss, his body meeting mine on every thrust, showing me
how much he wanted this. When I saw he was getting close, he leaned back over me and tilted his

“Drink.” I didn’t even hesitate at what he offered. I sank my fangs into his neck as I pounded into

his body, my mate shivering and crying out before coming all over me. I only took enough to claim
him but I wanted more of his intoxicating blood. Hell, I’d never had such a hard time stopping when I
drank from someone. The thought of draining him dry to get it all ran through my brain.

And that scared the living shit out of me.
I screamed out his name as I came, filling him with my release.
Caven gasped at the sensations as he collapsed on me. I licked his bite closed as wave after wave

of my orgasm washed over me. When it was finally over, I slumped against the bed, keeping my arms
tightly wrapped around Caven.

“You didn’t take much blood. Do you need more?” he asked hopefully. I only took a little so I

hoped I didn’t walk around with a boner the rest of the day.

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“If I do that then you’ll miss your next lesson,” I chuckled nervously, swallowing back my fear of

ever hurting my mate. I knew that this would be the only time I drank from Caven because if I
got more of his sweet, powerful blood, I didn’t know if I could stop myself again.

Which made mating with him the best and worst day of my life all rolled into one.

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Chapter Six


Gabriel was acting weird when he left. It worried me but I knew he wasn’t that guy. The one

we’ve all come across no matter how old we are once we hit being an adult. The one who wants
nothing but to get in our pants and then leaves no matter what they promised just to get what they

Gabriel wasn’t that guy. He’d claimed me and that was a major thing.
But that also left me a list a mile long of what could have gone wrong. He couldn’t get out of the

house and away from me fast enough, shooting me scared looks that he probably didn’t think I’d seen.
What the hell happened? Did I do something wrong? Did he not enjoy it as I thought he had?

I was quiet as I cleaned up after lunch, my mate not even having stayed to eat with me. Did I say

the wrong name during sex? No, I knew that couldn’t be it. I wasn’t thinking of anyone else besides

“What’s wrong, pint size? You should be on top of the world right now. Hot vamp sex with your

mate and if those bite marks are any indication, I’d say the man claimed you. We heard enough
outside to guess that.” Elan chuckled at his own joke as he ruffled my hair.

“Something freaked him out though,” I mumbled as I stared out the window. Elan didn’t get a

chance to reply before I heard a car pulling up. Hoping it was Elder Dawson, I rushed to the door and
flung it open. I sighed when I saw it was him. He’d have the answers.

“You’re far from calm,” he chastised gently as he got out and walked over to me.
“You said when we met that you were pulling memories about my powers flaring up out of my

mind. But I hadn’t even been thinking about that at the time. Is that something we can do? Look for a
specific memory from someone’s head and see it?”

“Tell me why you’re asking this first,” he said as he led me into the house. I sat down and told

him everything, skipping the more intimate details, of course, but everything else. “I was going to
teach you how to do what you want in time but I need to know if this is a road you really want to go
down. Your mate might see this as a betrayal of his privacy.”

“I’m willing to take that risk,” I said firmly. “Maybe it’s nothing and I’ll never bring it up but that

man practically ran out of here like the hounds of hell were on his tail. I need to know if I did
something wrong. I need to protect Gabriel even if it’s from me.”

“Okay, then let’s get started,” he sighed.

I didn’t end up driving home after I left Caven. I didn’t make the conscious decision but the next

thing I knew I was pulling up at Darcy’s house. I knew him better than Isaac and I didn’t know Mav at
all so Darcy was my best choice. Or this would totally blow up in my face and I could lose Caven.

I figured it was a / shot but I wasn’t really clear on which was more likely. Knocking on the door,

I thanked the wolf who opened it and asked for Darcy. The little guy, whose name I forget, led me into
a study that I paced for five minutes while waiting. I wondered if I was wearing out the carpeting the
way I was moving.

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“How do you not want to drain Ayden dry every time you drink from him?” I asked the man the

moment he opened the door.

“I’m assuming you claimed Caven then?” he whispered as he closed the door and moved closer.

“And keep your voice down.

Everyone in this house has better hearing than us.” He moved over to his desk and flipped on a

soothing noise machine. I raised an eyebrow and he shrugged. “It’s the only way to surprise Ayden
with anything.

The man can hear a pin drop from a mile away.”
“Right, yeah, I always forget,” I mumbled as I nervously ran my fingers through my hair. “I can’t

ever drink from my mate again. I wanted to take it all, Darcy. I’ve never had trouble controlling my
blood lust before, not even right after my transition. It was almost painful to stop.”

“It threw you. Yeah, I had that with Ayden at first. It’s hard. Their blood is almost addictive. I

took too much and only when he told me in my head that he was getting dizzy did I stop. But I didn’t
know their blood was different when I did it. You knew and were able to stop before you hurt him,

I had just opened my mouth to answer when the door flew open.
Ayden was standing there looking like he was ready to kill me where he stood.
“Did you hurt my brother?” he snarled as he slammed the door, his hands shifting into impressive


“No, I took only enough to claim him,” I said as I plopped down on the couch. I leaned back and

stared at the ceiling as if it would have the answers. “But his blood. My god, it was like drinking
sunshine and chocolate and everything amazing in life. I can’t taste it again or I don’t know if I will
stop next time.”

“Of course you will,” Ayden said gently, his anger gone as he sat down next to me. “You desire

his blood more than anyone else would because he’s your mate. But you love him. You’ll put him

“I’m trying to. That’s why I can’t drink from him again. The thought actually crossed my mind to

take it all, Ayden. I don’t trust myself.”

“Then trust Caven, Gabriel. Tell him the truth and he’ll help you,”
he replied as he rubbed my shoulder. “We’re strong. If it came down to it, he could remove you

from him.”

“I can’t risk it,” I whispered. “I won’t hurt him.”
“And you’re just never going to drink from him? Like he won’t figure out something is wrong.” He

had a point there. Caven was incredibly perceptive. He probably already knew something was up
with me.

“And if I tell him that I wanted to take all his blood? Yeah, that won’t kill him inside,” I muttered

as I covered my face with my hands and screamed into them. “Why does everything have to be so
fucked up? I just wanted to find my mate and be happy. Every step we take towards that, we take three
back. I just want something to go right and be easy.”

“Welcome to life,” Darcy chuckled. I rolled my head to glance at him, seeing he was shaking his.

“Nothing ever is easy. We do the best we can and fight the battles that need fighting. If we’re lucky,
we find someone willing to stand next to us and fight at our sides, to love us.

That’s what you’ve got now, Gabriel. Someone to love you. Now love him enough to be honest

and tell him.”

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“I understood when Darcy told me,” Ayden said. I turned to look at him so fast I swear I heard my

neck pop. “He had the same concern, Gabriel. You’re a vampire. It’s different than being a wolf.

I’m human but I’m not. I’m a wolf but not really. We have two people inside of us but you guys

don’t. You’re a vampire. You’re not human with regular human instincts. You crave blood and need it
to survive.

Explain this to Caven and tell him that you’re worried.”
“He’ll see me as a monster he needs to be afraid of,” I replied, voicing my biggest concern.

“I think you need to have more faith in my brother than that,” he chastised. “We all have crazy

fleeting thoughts here and there. Hell, I thought the other day that I was lucky that Darcy was a man
because if my mate had been a woman I wasn’t sure I could have loved her.

Random much? And that’s not the nicest thing to think about really and kind of insulting to Darcy.

It’s not that he’s a man that I love. It’s him. But it was something I still thought and we can’t help

“But as long as you don’t act on it, you acknowledge that you have to be careful with Caven and

move on,” Darcy added as he leaned over and kissed Ayden’s cheek. “I’m glad you were a man too,
little wolfie.”

“I don’t think I can trust myself biting him,” I admitted as I fisted my hands on my legs. “I’ve

never experienced a blood lust like that.”

“I can’t help you with that,” Ayden replied with a frown. “I’ve never desired blood before at all.

Ask your family. There’s got to be one of your brothers that had a problem after their transition or
something. I think you aren’t being fair to yourself and your restraint.

You love Caven, you’d never hurt him.
“Or if you don’t think you should try biting him again, start off simply and ask him to donate for

you. Maybe desensitize yourself from the draw of the blood by having a glass of it a night at dinner. It
can be overwhelming from what I’ve seen inside Darcy’s head. Get used to that.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” I agreed, the pressure in my chest starting to dissipate. “I can do that.

Thank you. I’ll talk to Caven once his seclusion is done with Elder Dawson.”

They both looked at me funny and I realized no one had told them what was going on. It turned out

Tyler had filled Ayden in that he’d called in help with Caven but Darcy and Ayden had been waiting
to hear more about it. They thought Caven was still chilling at Tyler’s place and taking a breather
from all of us.

I spent the next hour catching them up on everything that had been going on from what I knew.

They both stared at me with wide eyes as I kept talking. When I was done, they both sat there with
open mouths in shock.

“Yeah, I know how you feel,” I chuckled.
“Alpha Caven. It has a nice ring to it,” Ayden said proudly. “He’d make a great leader. Caven’s

very moral and believes the world can be fair if we demand it and are always fair to those around

“It’s a good thing to believe in,” I replied, impressed with my mate. That did sound like Caven. I

glanced at my watch and swore.

“Okay, I have to run. I got someone to cover my first class for me but I have another one soon.”
“What are you teaching the kiddies today?” Ayden asked with a smirk. I felt my face pale as it hit


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“Blood intake control in emergency situations where bags aren’t an option.” Darcy and Ayden

both gave me sympathetic looks. Yeah, sore subject right now.

Fuck. This was going to be a long day.

“Tired?” Elder Dawson asked gently as I rubbed my temples.
“Yeah. I knew learning this wouldn’t be like flipping a switch and bam, the lights were on. But

the last thing you taught me was easier.

Or the beginning of learning it was. My brain feels like mush that might slide out my ear after this


“Good, then let’s clear your head and work on your body,” he chuckled as he stood, rubbing his

hands together.

“You’re a little sadistic when you talk like that,” I grumbled as I got to my feet as well. “Wolf or

man workout?”

“Man to start and if you do well I’ll let you have the jog home on four legs. I called ahead to the

warriors and cleared one of their training rooms for us. I don’t want you bogged down with
controlling your powers while lifting heavy things. You’ll get smushed that way.”

“Let me throw on some sneakers and sweats.”
“You’ve got two minutes,” he said and I glanced at him with a raised brow. “Part of being a

leader is knowing when to floor the gas and make haste without forgetting a single thing.”

“Okay,” I drawled, not sure if tying my shoes right would teach me that. But then again, I’d learn

to remember everything real fast if I walked out the door naked because he didn’t give me enough
time. I must have made his deadline because he didn’t yell at me and I had rushed.

“Sprint there,” he informed me as we jogged down the porch stairs.
“Alone? What if someone got me? Isn’t that like twenty miles away at least from here? Who can

sprint that? What—”

“Less questions and more running,” he snapped at me. I felt my anger stir and I turned to face him.
“Look, I’m willing to learn but I never signed up for being a drone bee. I want to understand the

thought process behind things or I won’t get it. And as for this. I’ve had one crazy Alpha who didn’t
care about my safety and I won’t blindly follow anyone else again. I promised Gabriel I’d learn,
train, and not do anything that would risk my safety.

Running twenty miles alone, though in the daylight, still sounds not the safest thing.”
“Well it’s about time,” Elder Dawson chuckled. “I was starting to worry.”
“Huh?” I asked as I took a step back away from him, realizing Brio and Elan were there and

laughing as well. “Are you guys high?”

“No, we’ve been waiting to see what would finally push your buttons,” Elder Dawson explained.

“You’ve believed everything we’ve told you. Never questioned anything, never said no really, and
did everything we said.”

Now I was furious but I kept it in check. Blowing up wouldn’t help anything. “So you were

testing me to see if I was a wimp and would let you walk all over me?”

“Yes and—” He didn’t get to finish because I punched Elder Dawson in the face. Okay, so I

needed to work on controlling my temper apparently.

“I’m not a toy and I don’t play mind games. Don’t play them with me. You asked me to trust you.

I’ve been doing that. I’ve asked questions but I’m mostly a go-with-the-flow kind of guy if things

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make sense. You want me to be a leader. Leaders follow all the time.

They have advisors and defer to people who know more about a situation. They follow what their

people want and need but make the hard decisions as to how to make things happen.

“You’re also an elder. It’s ingrained in us since birth that we never question elders. Since you’ve

shown up you’ve not done anything to make me wonder that something was wrong and you promised
to do right by me. A leader doesn’t start trouble where there isn’t any. And I’m nineteen. I realize I
have limited knowledge and don’t have the right to question much. But I made a promise to Gabriel
and that’s worth asking what’s the plan for me.”

“Apparently we need to work on your temper too,” Elder Dawson drawled as he stretched out his

neck and worked his jaw to ease the pain. “Don’t do that again.”

“I will promise that as long as you don’t play that backhanded shit with me again. I’ve had enough

of that growing up with Paul as my Alpha. You want my trust? Deserve it.”

“Point taken but it was a small test to see where your limits were,”
he sighed. “I needed to make sure you were listening to me for the right reasons instead of blindly

following anyone who would tell you what to do.”

“Try asking me next time. I would have told you all of this if you’d simply asked.”

He eyed me over for a minute and then nodded. “Okay. You’re right. But understand that I will

test you like this for certain things.

People can give you the answers you want to hear when asked.
Putting them in certain situations will show how they’ll truly react when the heat is on and I need

to know that about you.”

“Okay,” I agreed, sighing as I paced in front of him. “But can we wait for more than a few days of

knowing each other? The last leader I had was nuts. Cut me some slack and let me fully trust you
before you pull any more Machiavellian crap.”

“What do you know about Machiavelli?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“That the man only understood roundabout and sneaky power. I don’t believe fear is ever the way

to lead no matter if you aren’t loved by your people. Respect is what a leader should shoot for. A
pack is supposed to be family. You don’t listen because you’re afraid of punishment or getting beaten
down if you don’t do as you’re told. A family respects and loves their parent or the person in charge
and trusts that they’ll do what’s right by them.”

“Are you sure you’re only nineteen?” Elder Dawson asked as he raised an eyebrow at me.
“I get that a lot,” I snickered. “I read a lot and I listen. I’ve also seen the way the Mariuses are

and that’s the type of leader I’d want to be. Desmond and Elena have power seeping out of their pores
but they never, ever abuse it. Their sons and the people they are in charge of defer to them because
they are honest, trustworthy, and always let their hearts guide their heads.

“I sat for hours the other night after you told me I was Alpha material and thought about who I

wanted to emulate if I ever became a leader. They were what popped into my head and who I’d want
to be like. They do everything they can for their family and people because of the right reasons. It’s
not about power to them. It’s about using their talents and years of experience to help and guide

That’s the type of leader I’d want to be.”

“I’m proud of you, Caven,” the elder said with a bright smile. I wasn’t sure that’s what I had

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expected from him, and I gave him a questioning look. “I’ve worked with a lot of Kappas over my
years and none at your age have ever taken their training and what I’ve told them so seriously. You’re
going to make a fine Alpha and I think the Queen’s suggestion is a good one.”

“Are you ever going to tell me about this elusive conversation you guys had?”
“When I feel all the pieces are in place. Let’s see where your strength is at before I tell you her

idea. An Alpha needs to be the toughest son of a bitch in the group to keep his role. Time for that
sprint.” He held up his hand when I opened my mouth. “I’m going to be running with you while Brio
and Elan drive next to us, so if there are any problems we have help. I’ll never put you in harm’s way,
Caven. Know that before all else.”

“Okay, let’s run.” I gave him a nod and swallowed loudly before taking off. I’d never run that far

as a man and I was afraid I’d come up lacking in the elder’s eyes. I didn’t want that.

I did the best I could but about halfway there I felt my stamina really take a hit. I kept breathing

like Gabriel had showed me when he’d helped me rehab my body after my rescue and the abuse I’d
suffered at the hands of Paul.

I tapped into that anger that had gathered inside of me at being a victim and used it to keep going. I

was never going to be anyone’s victim again. I was going to be an Alpha one day who protected his
people and I needed to earn that right. I could do this.

By the time we got to the warrior compound my muscles were burning and I could have drank

several gallons of water. I slowed when the elder did and we jogged up to the front door.

“How bad did I do?” I gasped as I slowed to a walk and kept moving so my muscles didn’t

cramp. “I’ve never run this kind of distance before on two legs.”

“Seriously?” Elder Dawson asked me with wide eyes, sucking in air at the same rate I was.

“You’ve not been running and training?”

“No. I used to jog with Gabriel when I first got here but then my powers kept showing me things

about him that I didn’t want to see.

So I shifted and started taking runs in wolf form and left him behind so I didn’t have to see any

more. Why?”

“That was amazing, Caven. I train like this all the time and work with other Kappas. I’m in really

good shape and that run wiped me.

I’ve never seen someone run so fast without having worked up to it.
How did you do that?”
“I got winded and then I remembered what it was like to be abused. I never want to be a victim

again and if you’re going to train me how to fight then I need to put everything into it. I want to be the
type of leader that helps people. I don’t know really. I let my anger from being whipped and raped
fuel me.”

“I’m sorry that happened to you, you know I am. But that’s some badass fuel you’ve got going on

there. Use it, Caven. The kids I normally help haven’t seen much. They’re innocent in a way and might
never know what it means to fight for their lives. You’ve experienced hell and not wanting to ever
again is powerful.”

“Okay.” I shrugged as we went inside when Elan and Brio pulled up and then joined us. I wasn’t

really sure I could control how I used my emotions but I could try. Maybe it would help me work
through my anger but I didn’t want to be angry forever. That didn’t sound healthy either. Elan handed
me a bottle of water as Brio led the way to the reserved training room. “Thanks.”

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“No problem. I’ve never seen anyone move like you guys did.”
“Tyler and Fletcher are faster than I am. I’ve sparred with them a few times and they’re scary


“Not for long or maybe not anymore,” Elder Dawson chuckled.
“You’re young and already fast enough to have me huffing and puffing. Tyler and Fletcher have

pretty much maxed out on how much speed and strength they can obtain. Sure, they can advance a
little if they keep working at it. But you’re just starting out. We train you right and you will run circles
around them.”

“And you? Weren’t you trained like that?” I asked, wondering why I was able to make him this


“I’m old, Caven. I was on my way out until the Queen found me and made me hers. I’ll be

immortal now as she is but I will still be old for a wolf. You’ll be young forever having mated
Gabriel at your age.

Tyler’s young but Fletcher’s a hundred or so. His body’s taken some abuse and he won’t ever be

able to hit the levels of strength and endurance you can as a Kappa.”

“This is all such a one-eighty from what I grew up being told about Kappas. I thought I was

basically going to be someone’s mistress who broke in pups into the world of sex when they came of
age. At least that was the role Paul always painted to us.”

“You don’t call him Alpha Paul as you did when I met you,” Elder Dawson hedged as he grabbed

a towel off the rack in the empty room.

“I didn’t know where you stood until you told Tyler and I that Paul was nuts. He was my Alpha so

I thought until I knew more if you agreed with what happened to him or not I should call him that.

But he wasn’t an Alpha. He was a tyrant and a monster. He doesn’t deserve the title.”
“In that, we are in perfect agreement, son,” Elder Dawson said, shaking his head. Yeah, Paul was

a disgrace and I’m glad the council thought that too. It gave me hope that not all wolves were messed
up but just our pack had been.

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Chapter Seven

“I’m sorry, you want me to do what?” I bellowed a few minutes later after Elder Dawson

explained what was first on our agenda.

“You want them to shoot at me? Gabriel will rip out their insides if he finds out!”
“I’m not kidding or testing you, Caven. This is a serious training exercise,” he said with a

frustrated sigh.

“I’m not letting people shoot at me!” I roared as I threw my hands in the air.
“We won’t be using bullets, twerp,” Elan said, rolling his eyes at my antics.
“Right, that makes it all better,” I growled.
“Brio, hit me,” Elan drawled as he lowered his shotgun to the floor. Brio aimed and I stood there

wide-eyed as Elan took one to the chest and grunted. “They hurt but it’s just bean bags. There’s no
serious damage done. Nothing life threatening. The warriors here use them in their training. I’ve been
in a few of the classes. Here the trainees do it like a vampire version of dodgeball, but I’m still not
sure what that is.”

“Dodgeball is played with a bunch of rubber balls. You split into two teams, line up the balls in

the middle, and someone blows the whistle to start the game,” I explained as I took several deep

If they used this type of training here Gabriel wouldn’t kill them for shooting me. “The goal is to

peg your opponents with the ball which makes them out of the game. If they catch the ball, you’re out.
This is so not the same.”

“It kind of is,” Elder Dawson chuckled. “We’re shooting a hundred bean bags at you. The goal is

to get hit by as few as you can.

You will be doing a lot of dodging.”
“Fine, okay, but can we start with like ten so I get a feel of what we’re doing before all hell fires

at me?”

“That’s fair,” he agreed. Then he showed me where I was allowed to run and stay in bounds for

the exercise. I got into position, stretched out a bit, and nodded that I was ready. I froze as they took
aim at me though and got three shots right in the chest. “Caven, you’re supposed to move.”

“Yeah, well I froze at the sight of guns!” I growled as I rubbed my sore chest. “I’ve not been

around them much and well, shotguns are scary. They are meant to kill.”

“Would you like me to show you how it’s done?” Elan asked gently. “Normally the trainees see

the test first.”

I thought about that a moment and nodded. “Yeah, that would help.” I stepped out of his way and

watched him dodge as many of the bean bags as he could, flinching when several hit him. Okay, I
could do this. I nodded that it was enough of a demonstration and everyone reloaded as Elan joined

I got into position and said a quick prayer to whoever was listening that I didn’t get one in the

head at least and get knocked out like a goober. After a few deep breaths I centered myself and waved
them on. I had to ignore the loud noises the shotguns made and quickly realized I couldn’t dodge right
or left because there were two others aiming at me that would nail me then.

It got easier and I started turning more to let one sail past me and not walk right into another one.

Then it started to be fun. I leapt into the air and landed back within the lines. Then I’d roll to the side

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and watch them sail over me.

That didn’t mean I wasn’t going to be one big bruise when this was all over because I was.

They tried to change up their patterns but I was getting kind of good at it, it seemed. But that didn’t

mean I should get cocky because that’s when they’d end up nailing me. They reloaded at will so
sometimes I got three of them firing at once, sometimes two, and rarely did I only have one shooting at
me. It made it harder to work on a pattern to dodge them so instead I simply paid attention to who was
aiming where.

“Done,” Elder Dawson called out with a smile, rubbing his shoulder from the recoil of the

shotgun. “How many hit you?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t keeping count,” I answered with a wince.
“Was that my job?”
“No, I just figured you would have kept count too.”
“I was too focused on what came next instead of what just happened. Was that the wrong way to

look at it?”

“Considering only a dozen hit you?” Brio chuckled, shaking his head. “Nope, I’d say that works

for you.”

“That’s it? Twelve of a hundred hit me? Is that normal the first time?”
“Most certainly not,” Elder Dawson answered me, smiling like a proud papa. “Normal is about

half for the first time. You did exceptional, Caven.”

“I can get that number down though. Can we go again? This is fun.”
“You have issues, pint size,” Elan snickered. “No one thinks bean bag training is fun.”
“I beg to differ,” King Rylan said from the doorway. I smiled at him. I liked Ry. He was good

people and not a pompous leader. “I enjoy showing my mates that I can always beat them at the

“Thank you for coming, your highness,” Elder Dawson replied as he bowed. I did too but gave Ry

a wink. We were cool and he said never to bow to him but if my elder did then I should have too.

“I appreciate the invite. Caven is very special to me,” Ry said firmly, letting the seriousness of

his tone sink in. “He’s a good friend as are his in-laws. All hell would rain down if anything were
ever to happen to him.”

“I assure you that I’m here to help, not to use his gifts for nefarious purposes or abuse him,” the

elder sighed. “I know most of this coven only knows about his old Alpha and how all the wolves of
this coven suffered. I promise you that’s not how most wolves are.

I’m sure you have some bad seeds in the margays as we do among wolves.”
“I’ll give you that,” Ry agreed as he came over to me. I hugged him back when he initiated the

gesture. “You okay? You like this guy?”

“Yeah, he’s very knowledgeable and explains things to me in a way I understand. He’s truly trying

to help me, Ry. The Queen is his mate.”

“I’d heard that rumor. I’m glad for them. The Queen is too good of a catch to be alone. I’m glad

she’s found her mate.” He turned back to the elder with his arm still around my shoulders. “A
thousand blessings on your mating, Terrance. Anyone would be lucky to have Magdalena as their

“I’m a very lucky man,” he agreed. “Caven, I asked King Rylan if I could borrow his fastest and

strongest margay to help with your training and sparring. When he heard it was you, he insisted it be

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him so you could learn with someone you trusted.”

“Thanks, Ry. I know you’re busy—” I started to say but he cut me off.
“I am but I tend to let my workout fall to the side. It’s a wonderful excuse for me to have to keep

up my strength and relieve some stress.

Besides, I want to see if you’re really Alpha potential as Terrance told me.”
“I just started and he said maybe with the powers I have,” I mumbled, my cheeks heating up under

the scrutiny.

“Yes, but only getting hit twelve times your first time with the bean bag shooting test is

impressive,” Rylan chuckled. Then he

lowered his voice and waggled his eyebrows at me. “Mention it to Gabriel and I’m sure he’ll

come up with something fun to congratulate you.”

“We finally mated,” I whispered excitedly. Elder Dawson cleared his throat and I quickly stowed

the chatter with my friend. “Sorry.”

“No, it’s good that you’re happy and proud of your mate. I know the feeling well but we only have

the space for a short time given the vampires need it to train their own warriors.”

“I’ve been debating building a training facility for the shifters on the palace’s lands given that we

have different needs than the vampire and fae warriors,” Rylan informed Elder Dawson. “Now that
you’re staying in our community I would very much like your opinion on the plans we’ve drawn up.”

“That would be great. Yes, I’ll come over with the Queen after dinner tonight if that’s okay with

you.” They agreed on a time, both parties looking excited and hopeful that together they could come
up with something to help both races of shifters. It worked for me and I just really liked when
everyone got along. I hated when people let their species or stupid differences get in the way of what
was important.

Next Elder Dawson got us set up on the weights, explaining what was first. Rylan showed me

how the very scary contraption worked.

“Okay, so I’m using my lower body to push myself up and move the metal bar with the amount of

weight that could crush me to the next rung?”

“Exactly. It’s like climbing a ladder but there’s only one handle that you keep moving up. Once

you get to the top then you reverse it and come back down,” Ry agreed.

“And I try not to die in the process,” I mumbled as I slipped on some weight-lifting gloves he

handed me. If my hands got sweaty then it could mess with my timing and I’d end up a pancake.

“If something goes wrong, just jump out of the way, okay? We’ll be right here to catch the weights

and bar if it falls,” he reassured me.

I didn’t know if there was any reassurance for a situation like this though. I wanted the shotguns

back after seeing this. Or maybe a forty-mile run.

“Quit stalling,” Elder Dawson chastised when I got lost in my head. I nodded and took a deep

breath as I wrapped my hands around the bar overhead. Then I used all the strength I had to swing my
lower body upwards and move the bar. It took my upper body strength to control where the bar
landed though. It was a strange dance really but luckily I got it onto the next rung.

“Okay, so you feel how the timing went on that, right? Just fall into a pattern and go slow because

I promise with two hundred pounds on that bar you’ll be feeling it in about five minutes like a mother
fucker,” Ry warned. I nodded and did it again. And again.

After about ten times moving up I overcompensated in my fatigue and went up two levels instead

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of one.

“Shit, sorry. I was getting tired so I tried to adjust so I didn’t fall.”
“If you can do two at a time then do it,” Elder Dawson said, his tone impressed. “Most can’t even

with lighter weight than they usually train with because of the agility involved. If you’ve got the
moves, use them, son.”

I nodded, not sure I should be trying to impress and show off what I was just learning how to do.

But I trusted the people there that they wouldn’t let me die or anything. I kept doing two levels at a
time for the rest of the way up. When I hit the top, I glanced down and swallowed. I had to be at least
forty feet in the air, hanging from a bar that I somehow had to control on the way back down. Yeah, up
wasn’t as scary.

“You’re doing the same thing with your lower half now, Caven,”
Rylan explained easily. “But instead of controlling the weight up you do it down. Don’t just lift it

out and let yourself fall. Visualize where you’re going to be putting it and control your movements.”

“Do one rung at a time on the way down,” Elder Dawson warned.
I nodded again, gasping for air and exhausted already. We still had sparring after this? I was

going to die then too probably. I filled my lungs with air and then let it out as my lower body moved
so I could get the momentum I needed. I got the bar on the next rung and ended up swinging a bit
because of the extra concern of gravity I hadn’t accounted for.

“Control that swinging or the bar will come right back out and you’ll be falling,” Brio barked out.

I tried again and it went smoother this time. I kept going and going, wanting to get the fuck down.

“Can you try two at a time now?” Elder Dawson asked me when I was halfway back down.
“No, I don’t trust myself this tired,” I admitted.
“Good. A fighter acknowledges his strengths and realizes his limitations. It’s how we train past

them,” Ry said firmly. I nodded that I heard him but really didn’t have the air to talk anymore. When I
got to the last one I was so focused on the fact that I was just about done that I wasn’t paying attention
to the actual movements as I should have. Just as I was about to fall I was snatched out of the way
while Brio grabbed the bar from me.

“Nicely done, pint size,” Elan chuckled as he set me on my feet.
“You don’t have to rub it in that I messed up,” I grumbled and went to pull away.
“Hey,” Brio snapped and I glanced at him. “He was serious. Take the damn compliment.”
“Oh,” I whispered as I turned around to face Elan. He looked hesitant and I tilted my head as I

studied him. “You’re such a kidder that I assumed you were teasing me. I apologize, Elan.”

“No worries. First time I did this I got up about five rungs before I landed on my ass.”
“I made it eight rungs,” Brio chuckled. “What you did was really impressive.”
Now I was really shocked. I glanced at Rylan to see what he thought and he shrugged.
“I made it but I was fifteen and didn’t have any weight on the bar.
My father took my training seriously. I didn’t learn hand-to-hand combat but he believed a King

should set the example to his people so I’ve been training since I was little. Margays rely on how fast
we are to stay safe and as heir my father believed I should be the fastest.”

“I’m sorry this brings up difficult memories for you,” I said gently as I got a glimpse but then

closed the proverbial door on my brain to keep the rest out. I patted Rylan on the shoulder.

“No, it’s better to think of him this way and the good times we shared instead of how he died.”
“Nicely done, Caven,” Elder Dawson said with a smile. “I saw in your head what you were doing

when what King Rylan said instigated your powers. You’re doing very well considering you’ve only
had one day of teaching and you’re tired.”

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“Thanks. That analogy of letting one memory in as I slowly close the door helped.”
Everyone gave us confused looks and Elder Dawson explained as he led us over to another room

with sparring mats on the floor. Rylan nodded and shot me a wink to let me know there were no hard
feelings at what I might have seen. I felt relieved because I valued him as a friend and hoped we’d
grow closer now that we were sparring partners. I wanted to have more friends.

But it was really the quality of friends that I wanted to focus on instead of the number of them I

had. And Rylan was high quality and loyal as could be.

We started with staffs that were about five feet long and Elder Dawson said we’d work into

various forms as we got better. I had a feeling he meant me really since Rylan had already been

Ry took it easy on me and I could see he was holding back.
Honestly, most might have had their egos or pride bruised with that but I was just grateful. I was

wiped and new to all of this. I liked that someone acknowledged that and didn’t try to beat me to

We were going for over a half an hour, both of us dripping with sweat and panting heavily. I was

totally focused and in the zone though so I had only taken a couple of hits that weren’t against my own
staff. Those were going to bruise big-time later. But then I got distracted when I smelled Gabriel. I
turned away for a split second…

And took Rylan’s staff right to my shoulder.
“Shit!” he exclaimed as he dropped it and rushed over to me. “I didn’t see you turn. I was

watching your hands to see if you were attacking. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” I groaned as the pain throbbed and radiated out. “I think I’m done for the day


“Come on, let’s get you in the hot tub,” he said gently as he took my staff. He passed it off to Brio

and led the way.

“I smelled Gabriel,” I told him as I glanced around.
“I’ll fill your mate in and bring him to you once you’re settled and relaxing,” Elder Dawson said

with a wince. “Hopefully that bruise won’t be so bad by the time I’m done.”

I let Ry lead me away as I pretended not to be in as much pain as I was. It wasn’t just the shoulder

now that the adrenaline of sparring was wearing off. My abs hurt, my legs, my knees, my arms, my
back… Everything hurt basically.

I stripped down and got in the massive hot tub as Rylan worked the controls on the jets. Sighing, I

sank into the water and leaned my head on one of the pillows there.

“What do you mean someone shot my mate?” I heard Gabriel bellow and I smiled. Guess stalling

my mate wasn’t working. “Oh well if it’s with the bean bags then that’s okay.”

If it’s with the bean bags that’s okay ? I stared at the door they were outside of in shock. I

needed to have a serious talk with my mate on what the definition of okay was. This whole place took
the idea of working out to almost nut job level. I mean, seriously!

“How did he do?” he asked quietly now that he got over the shock that I wasn’t bleeding and only


“Come ask me yourself,” I called out, chuckling when I saw Rylan roll his eyes.
“Still willing to spar with me?” Ry asked as he paused before leaving.

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“Yeah, of course. I shouldn’t have let Gabriel’s scent distract me.
I want to get to the level where you won’t hold back with me.”
“Caught that, did you?” he snickered and waved good-bye to me as my mate opened the door and

stood there, letting Ry pass before coming in.

“How did you do?”
“Twelve hit me out of a hundred,” I answered, not sure if he thought that was good. I mean, I

know the people I’d been with had said so but Gabriel was totally badass.

“Twelve? I still can’t do that good. My best is twenty-five hitting me only. A quarter is really

good by our training standards.”

“Slow ass vampires!” I heard Rylan call out and laugh from down the hallway.
“Apparently so,” Gabriel chuckled, shaking his head. “Twelve, huh? I can’t wait to tell Damian.

He’s got the best score in the family at twenty. My mate kicked his ass.”

“Glad I could represent,” I snickered as I held out my fist to him.
Gabriel bumped it and leaned over me.
“Are you hurt bad?”
“Lost focus in sparring when I smelled you nearby,” I admitted.
Then I patted the water next to me. “There’s room for one more.”
“There’s room for a dozen more in this hot tub,” he said with a snort but quickly yanked off his

clothes. I watched all his muscles move as he got undressed, sighing like a lovesick teenager. All that
was mine… And I was a teenager still, so well, the shoe fit, I guess.

“There’s something you need to talk to me about,” I surmised as he sat down in the tub hesitantly

and didn’t pull me closer.

“How did you know? Did you learn to control your gift?”

“I’m learning but no I didn’t try that yet. I was going to because I knew something was wrong the

way you raced out of my room earlier today,” I hedged, gauging if he’d be pissed if I had used my
gift. “But it’s all over your serious face that something’s wrong. Can I try and find out for myself?”

“I’m scared you’ll hate me for what you’ll see,” he whispered as he lowered his head.
“That could never happen,” I said firmly, knowing myself well enough to believe that. Gabriel

would never do anything that I could hate him for. I slid onto his lap and slowly opened the mental
door Elder Dawson had talked to me about. Then I focused on Gabriel and his claiming me. It took
me a minute and I gasped when I found it.

My mate was too hard on himself.
“And now you know why I’m upset and probably hate me,” he said sadly.
“Oh, Gabriel,” I sighed as leaned forward and kissed him. “You didn’t want me dead. You just

really, really like my blood. That’s not the same as thinking you should kill me. It’s like eating really
awesome ice cream and you think to yourself for a second that you should go back and have more or
finish it. That’s all. You controlled yourself just fine and you did nothing wrong.”

“Except in this instance the ice cream was you and if I’d eaten all of it you’d be dead!”
“But you didn’t. Even the thought of hurting me scared you so much that you stopped drinking

from me and swore to never again.

You won’t lose control. I’ve seen how much you love me now. I trust you.”
“I don’t,” he admitted as he shook against me as he wrapped his arms around me. This was one of

those moments between mates where I needed to prove what I was saying or it could do damage to

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our relationship. I let my hand shift into a claw and cut open my neck.

I felt Gabriel flinch as he smelled the blood.
“I trust you, my mate,” I whispered as I kissed his cheek. “Take your mate and take my blood. I

want you always. You can’t deny me the right to give you what I should as your mate. My blood is
yours to drink and to sustain yourself with.”

“I love how you turned this around so I’d be hurting you if I didn’t,” he growled as he licked my


“It’s about us. Not just you or me, but us,” I said in his mind. He moaned and lifted my hips up

until the head of his cock was poking at my hole. He lowered me slowly so I could adjust, and then
when I was ready I slid down his dick and we both cried out when he was fully inside of me.

“Can I talk to you now that we’ve mated?”
“Yes, you can,” I answered out loud so he knew I heard him. “It will be stronger once I bite you


“Do it,” he moaned as he started thrusting up into me. I grabbed his shoulders to stay balanced as

the water sloshed all around us and over the side of the hot tub. “Fuck, this is hot and kinky. All the
times I’ve soaked in this thing I’ve never thought of taking my mate in it.”

“You have an adventurous mate,” I chuckled. “Now bite me or no sex for a week. You’ll control

the urge, Gabriel.”

I felt him nod before his fangs bit into my neck. He drank slightly and then went to move away. I

held his head to my neck, letting him know I was okay.

“Stop or I’ll fuck you all night when you need rest. I’m okay, I swear.”
“But some night we will do that,” I snickered as I let go of his head. Then I got cheeky and didn’t

even warn him before I sunk my teeth into his neck. Gabriel went wild, pounding into me as I
carefully moved with him so I didn’t tear out his throat.

I didn’t even think I was close to peaking when my orgasm sideswiped me. I pulled out my teeth

and screamed out his name as I came all over us both as he kept right on taking me. Gabriel
followed me right over and I moaned as he filled me with his seed. I slumped against him when we
were spent, both of us shaking with aftershocks.

“Gross. Seriously, gross. You guys are draining that out and cleaning it when you’re done because

I’m not getting in there with cum,” a guy I didn’t know bitched from the doorway. I glanced up and
growled when I saw half a dozen warriors standing there.

“Get the fuck out. You heard the room was occupied. Have some damn manners,” I said in my

best authoritative voice. I stared in shock as they all bared their throats to me.

“Why did I just do that?” one of them muttered as they filed out of the room.
“Because an Alpha wolf just gave you an order and while you aren’t wolves you felt his power

and knew what to do to apologize,”

Elder Dawson explained to them.
“Wow,” I breathed as I smiled brightly at Gabriel. “I claimed my mate and have an Alpha voice.

This is like the best day ever!” I did a little happy dance and Gabriel groaned, his cock filling right
back up inside of me.

“Baby, you have to stop that,” he moaned as he stilled my hips.
“No, you have to fuck your mate again,” I growled, testing out the voice again.
“As my Alpha wants,” he chuckled as he gave me a wink. “I’m so glad you’re using your powers

for good.”

It worked because we had a second round.

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Chapter Eight


The next several days I did my best to keep my distance from Caven and give him the time he

deserved to train. And my best meant that I only slipped in through his window one night and made
love until Brio banged on the door and said we needed to stop the marathon because he was

We still went one more time.
But it was hard staying away from him when things were going so well between us. Hell, I missed

him so much I started playing that stupid Xbox game he was addicted to, Minecraft. Granted, I
realized it wasn’t stupid and I could see why he liked playing it so much and I might have stayed up a
few nights way too late. But that was all beside the point. I did it so when he came back after his
week we had something we could do together.

The joke was on me apparently.
“Your tux is all ready, my sweet mate,” I said as I answered the phone. “Elder Dawson still

giving you a pass to come out for the party?”

“Yeah, Darcy and Ayden are going to pick it up and bring it to me. My brothers want to talk to me

about this Alpha rumor. I haven’t told them anything yet.”

“You want me to be there for support when you do?”
“Nah, I got this. I just need to sit them down. Apparently the warrior compound is all whispering

about the little Kappa that got some of them to bare their throats like wolves. They just want to hear it
from the source.”

“Are you catching a ride with them to the party?” I asked, trying to hide my disappointment. I

wanted to walk in with Caven on my arm.

“If that’s okay? I figure why make you drive out of your way and I’ll see you there.”
“Yeah, that works.” I tried to keep my voice even and not show too much.
“There’s something I wanted to talk to you about before tonight though,” he said quietly and then

took a deep breath. “I want to stay another week and work with Elder Dawson without distractions.
My GED test is next week and I really need to study too.”

“And?” I whispered, knowing him well enough that there was more to the story.
“And I like it here. I know I can’t stay forever but I feel more relaxed here. It kind of feels like

home more than I ever really felt staying with you.”

“You weren’t staying with me, Caven. This is our home.”
“What if I don’t want it to be?”
“You don’t want to live with me?” I gasped as I plopped down on the couch in shock.
“I want you, Gabriel, and I want us to be together. Maybe I just don’t want to live there with all

your family. There’s always people around and it’s hard for me. I’m still learning and I need quiet.
And I’m trying to be honest here without hurting your feelings but it’s your suite. You decorated it,
you’ve lived there forever, and it doesn’t feel anything like me. I always feel like a guest. I don’t want
that for my home.”

“Okay, I can understand that. Are you thinking of getting a house in the community Tyler’s


“Maybe? I don’t really have a plan. I’m just trying to be honest about how I’m feeling. When I

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thought about coming back there with you, I felt like I’d be leaving home instead of coming home.
That won’t make either of us happy if I’m hiding that’s how I feel.”

“No and I’m glad you told me,” I sighed as I rubbed my free hand over my face. “I’m just trying to

process all of this. It never crossed my mind I might move out of the Marius estate when I met my

“You don’t have to,” he whispered sadly.
“If you don’t want to live here of course I will,” I said firmly.
“Can I discuss this with my mother? You know she’s great at coming up with alternative ideas. I

wouldn’t ask except you’re not sure what you want and maybe she can figure out a compromise.”

“Yeah, Elena’s always a big help,” he agreed. “Do you hate me?”
“No, I love you, sweetie. I understand everything that you’re saying and I get it. I just want to

figure out a solution. If you want to stay longer there to learn, I’ll figure out a way to cope. I miss you,

“You could come stay here when you’re not teaching,” he offered quietly.
“Is that what you want?”
“With all my heart, Gabriel. I need to be stronger and learn better control but that doesn’t mean I

don’t want you with me. I just don’t think I can walk back into that suite as things are. There are too
many memories and fights I’d replay over and over again. I’d glance at the couch where I saw every
time you slept with someone in my head and want to cry. I’m trying to work past all of this, but I can’t
do it there or alone.”

“How are you going to manage tonight if you can’t be around people?” I asked, letting him hear

the concern I was feeling.

“Hopefully what I’ve been working on will pay off. I might not be ready but I won’t know until I

try. It might end up that I’ll ask you to leave with me five minutes after I get there.”

“I would leave with you, you know that.”

“I do.” He was silent and I wasn’t sure what to say so he didn’t feel so bad about what he was

telling me. I decided to just go with my gut.

“Can I pack a bag and stay with you tonight? We can leave the party early and celebrate New

Year’s together.”

“Is that what you want to do?”
“Yeah, baby. I just want to be with you. I don’t care if it’s a party or the two of us relaxing in the

hot tub after the workout I’m sure you’ve had today. I just want to spend it with you. We could even
play Minecraft and drink bubbly.”

“You’ve been playing while I was gone?”
“I wanted to have something we could do together when you got back. I can see why you like it.

You have to explain some things to me seriously though, because I’m a whole new level of confused.
I mean, what are those green squidly-looking things and why do they keep blowing me up?”

“I have turned you to the dark side,” he snickered and then laughed. That was what I wanted to

hear. “Bring the Xbox and we can ditch out of the party early and play naked Minecraft while
drinking champagne. We’ll need to steal some munchies from the party though. You’ll need to keep up
your strength.”

“For the all-night marathon of Minecraft?”
“No for the rounds of sex in between,” he purred. “Love you, Gabriel.” And then he was gone. I

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stared at the phone in shock. Did he just tell me he loved me and run off the phone? I was thrilled that
he felt that way but also wanting to throttle him that he said it over the phone so I couldn’t show him
exactly how much it meant to me.

I shook my head as I darted out of my room to look for my mother. I could spank Caven tonight

and kiss him silly all at once for hanging up on me after dropping that bomb but first I needed to figure
out a way to make my mate happy living here. I didn’t want to remind him that we needed the extra
security the estate provided, but now that it turned out he was a super extra specially strong Kappa
we really needed it.

“Mother, I need your help. Maybe Father’s too,” I blurted out when I saw her in the library. She

gave me a concerned look and I shook my head. “Everyone’s fine. Nothing’s drastically wrong
besides my mate doesn’t want to live here with me. He wants us to move.”

“Let’s get your father,” she sighed, shaking her head. “I just want one week without some major


“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, feeling like a chastised little boy in a way I hadn’t in many centuries. “I

didn’t mean to dump this on you but I felt it was better to talk to you about this instead of just buying a
new house in Tyler’s development.”

“Well, we own the development for one,” she said as she walked over and hugged me. “And

secondly, I’m glad you came to me. I’ve just been having my fill lately of drama. I’m sorry I acted
like I wasn’t willing to help. I’m just very, very tired, Gabriel. We never seem to get a moment’s

“Amen to that,” I sighed, hugging her tightly. I was glad she wasn’t mad at me and I really didn’t

want her to be upset with Caven for not wanting to live there.

“And sometimes the answers are right in front of my daft sons’
faces and they can’t see it. I have a feeling that’s what this is and I should beat you later for not

having thought of the solution yourself.”

“You’re the best at problem solving so everyone gets what they want. If I came up with something

without help you know it wouldn’t work.”

“Smooth. Very smooth, my son,” she chuckled as we moved apart. “And right. Very, very right.” I

gave her a loud smacking kiss on the cheek and we headed towards Father’s study. This was an all-
hands-on-deck situation if we were going to handle this quickly.

Five minutes later we were sitting in his study sipping the good scotch my father only broke out

for the real times it was needed. I told them everything Caven had said to me and explained fully what
his gifts were. When I was done they simply stared at me a moment in shock.

“I heard something about a new Alpha but I figured it was Fletcher visiting the High Council to

discuss integrating what was left of the pack with the coven,” my mother muttered quietly. “Caven’s
going to need the security of the estate now more than ever.”

“But’s he’s an Alpha wolf,” I sighed. “If I bring that up then he’ll wonder if I think him weak,

right? I mean he’s strong and already so powerful. He got a twelve on the bean bag test.”

“Really?” my father asked, his eyes going wide. “His first time or after a few rounds?”
“His first time. He’s down to five now.”
“Fill the rest of us in as to what that means,” my mother drawled.
We quickly explained and she understood how important that was. “Is that the one that Damian

has the best score at with twenty?”

“Yes, exactly and Damian has been training with that in his program for years. We all have.

Caven’s just started. Rylan never gets hit. And while King Rylan has security at the palace and needs

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it, wolves don’t normally roll like that.”

“That’s not true either though,” my father hedged. “Alpha Paul had his enforcers and Betas that

keep peace in the pack and protect the Alpha. In all honesty if Caven’s going to take over one day he
should maybe be living with the wolves.”

“Barnabas leads the High Council and doesn’t live with them. The Queen doesn’t live with all the

fae,” I argued, wanting desperately for this to work. Then I decided to go with brutal honesty. “All my
years looking for my mate and dreaming of what it would be like when I found him, I always saw us
in this house. All of us live here and I love that. I don’t want to go.”

“What if we convert one of the suites in the wing the fae just moved out of?” Mother suggested

with a raised brow. “They’re in their newly built homes now and it’s quiet there. We normally use
it when we have guests, which we don’t have often. We could sit down and talk with the family about
Caven’s powers and that he might not always join us for meals and whatnot. They’d understand.
Malachi had a hard time adjusting too with his gift.”

“I know there’s been some tension between Caven and Malachi because he told Ayden about

Caven hurting. He told me he wants to smooth things over but maybe if Malachi could talk to him
about how the family is understanding. We’ve all been hovering over Caven after what he went
through. I was the worst one when I wasn’t hiding from him but that’s the last thing he needs with his
powers while he’s learning how to control them,” I said hopefully.

“That’s a good point but it sounds like your mate doesn’t feel like anything here is his,” my father

added. “Tell him we’ll convert the suite, extend it, and make it how he wants. Let him have some

Your rooms were set up for you, Gabriel. Your brothers have all converted their space one way

or another to accommodate their mates.

Cyrus didn’t want to live here when he found Damian. Let Caven speak with him.”
“Or maybe let Caven have both,” Mother suggested. “Change suites and convert it and buy him a

house in the development Tyler’s building. Let him have a place of his own that will still be safe if he
needs space or quiet to work on his powers. Who says it has to be one or the other?”

“You’re a genius,” I praised, smiling widely. “I don’t want to move out but yeah, I could do some

time there and some time here. I love our family. I don’t want to leave completely.”

“Then it’s settled. Discuss it with Caven and let us know,” my father said with a relieved grin.

“We want you both here, Gabriel.

Never doubt that. We love you both and you’re part of this family.
That being said, you’re mated now and you have to do what’s best for your mate.”
“I know. I can make this work and we’ll figure it out,” I assured them. My hope was renewed and

now I was completely determined.


“My brother a real Alpha with an Alpha voice. So it’s official? I mean Gabriel filled us in on

some things in the beginning, but this is sounding more and more like the real deal. Alpha Caven,”
Ayden whispered in awe when I was done explaining everything that had been going on to my
brothers and Darcy. “That is so fucking cool.”

“Really?” I couldn’t have been more shocked at his reaction.
“Totally,” Jalen chuckled. “You’re going to be the big cheese one day and we’re related to you. I

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smell favors!”

“I’m not an Alpha yet,” I snickered, shaking my head at his excitement. “I might be one but given I

already have the Alpha voice, Elder Dawson seems pretty sure of it.” I glanced at the clock and
smiled. I was going to see Gabriel soon. “Let me finish getting dressed and we should go.”

“You do smell like Alpha now,” Ayden whispered as he gave me a quick hug. “Your scent

changed when you mated, but it’s more than that. When I walked in I wanted to bare my throat to you.
I’m so proud of you, Caven. You’ll make a great leader.”

“Thank you, brother,” I said as I hugged him back, kissing his cheek when he pulled away. I was

overwhelmed by the support of my family. They stepped outside and I quickly got into my tux. Five
minutes later we were in Darcy’s SUV along with Brio and Elan.

“What the hell?” Darcy growled as he swerved the vehicle. “Was that guy trying to hit—” he

started to say but didn’t get to finish when another vehicle T-boned us. We flipped once and landed
back on the wheels as the SUV died and shook from the force of it. I sniffed the air and shivered.

“Elan, tell me you brought more guns than you could use yourself like normal,” I said quietly as I

got my seat belt off.

“Always. I love the weapons you have here,” he groaned as he grabbed his head. “Shit, that hurt.”
“Demons,” Ayden gasped as he saw them getting out of the vehicle. I quickly took the guns Elan

handed me and jumped out, leaping on top of the SUV and opening fire. Gabriel and Stefan had
worked with me the moment I arrived to teach me how to shoot. I took down two before I heard more
gunfire and realized Darcy was right there with me. When the demons were dead I winced as I
smelled more approaching.

“We need to make a run for it,” I said as I jumped down. Jalen was unconscious but Ayden looked

okay. “Ayden, you take Jalen.

Brio, you watch Elan’s back because he’s hurt. Darcy, you take the back and I’ll lead.”
“Caven, now is not the time to—”
“Don’t argue and let’s go!” I bellowed at Darcy.
I knew he thought now wasn’t the time to see if I was leader material… But that wasn’t what this

was about. I knew in my heart this was what we had to do to survive. Everyone hurried to do as I
asked as I pulled out my phone. I skipped calling my mate and decided Elder Dawson would be with
the Queen.

“We’re under attack on the way to the party. We’re about five miles down on the main road from

Barnabas’s. Two of us are injured and I smell at least thirty of them. We’re making a run for it,” I
rattled out the moment he answered.

“We’re on our way. Hold them off, son,” he said before I hung up.
“Help’s coming but we can’t stay here,” I informed them as I started jogging. The demons were

coming from behind us and I heard they were faster than the warriors but not as fast as wolves. But
we were in mixed company. Ayden kept up with me fine, Jalen draped over his shoulder. “If they get
within a mile I want you to sprint to the High Council’s compound. You’ll be cannon fodder with
Jalen injured. You’ll be better off and keep us safer if you’re not here.”

“Should we go now?” he asked as he glanced at me with worry.

“No. We don’t know what’s up ahead. Until we have to separate I want to stay together.”
“Elan, stay with me, man,” Brio said as he shook his friend.

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“Come on. We’re just going for a run.”
“Sorry. I’m seeing two of everything,” he grumbled. “It’s like the ground is tilting on me.”
I heard noises from way up ahead and smiled. I threw back my head and let out a loud howl to let

the wolves approaching know how far away we were. I got several return howls and wished the
Queen could just open a portal. It wouldn’t have worked in this instance because unless she could see
exactly where we were or knew exact coordinates, she could have made it right in the center of all the

“The demons are gaining on us,” I growled after sniffing the air.
“Move it!”
“Shit,” Brio swore and I looked back to see Elan go down. “I got him.” He picked his friend up

over his shoulder.

“But you’ll never be able to move as fast as we need carrying him.” I made a snap decision and

pulled another two guns off Elan.

“Keep going. I’m going to buy you some time.”
“Caven, no,” Ayden gasped. “We can do this.”
“The demons are two miles away. The wolves are ten or more.
They’ll be on us before help can get here. I’m just going to circle back and pick off a few to buy

time. Now move!” I didn’t wait for a reply or give a teary good-bye in case this was the end. “Tell
Gabriel I love him with everything I am.”

Then I ran. I ran harder and faster than I’d ever run before. I wasn’t sure where the courage came

from or if it was sheer stupidity but I knew what I had to do to keep my family safe. With two down
we would never have made it. One dying to keep them alive was worth it.

I just wished I got a chance to see Gabriel one last time.
As I hit the front of the group of demons, I opened fire. Then I leapt over them as high as I could,

smiling when they jumped to catch me and didn’t even come close. I kept firing and when I landed
behind them all I switched out my guns. I’d taken ten down already.

Not the best kill average but given this was my first time in battle, I thought it wasn’t bad.
I dodged left when they all turned and came at me, firing as I went and praying I got enough of

them that maybe they’d turn tail.

Apparently not.
I still had fifteen to deal with by the time I was down to one gun with one loaded clip. That was

not good odds given how I’d been faring so far. I shot as many more as I could as I circled back
around in front of them, and when I was out of ammo, I took off back towards my brothers.

As I pulled out about a half mile out in front of them, I saw the most beautiful sight. The Marius

brothers… All of them. They were riding the motorcycles they’d gotten for Christmas, pushing the
limits as they raced towards me. It was like something out of a movie.

Angels riding to save the day and kill the bad guys.
It was fucking gorgeous.
They started to ride past me but I saw which one Gabriel was on and leapt onto the back.
“I’m going to spank you for a week,” he growled as he handed me back a full gun.
“Looking forward to it, my mate,” I chuckled and opened fire.
They were better at this than I was and in moments all the demons were dead. Gabriel stopped the

bike as did his brothers and Cyrus.

“They’re all gone. I can smell that putrid scent from over twenty miles away and I don’t.”
“You okay, little brother?” Micah asked me with a wide smile.

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“I’m good. Pumped even,” I answered honestly after a moment.
“Is that what it’s like for you guys? The shit goes down and you just know what to do? It was like

breathing. I just knew.”

“Sometimes,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Sometimes it’s not that clear as to how to keep

everyone alive or the best course. But you went with your instincts and lived to fight another day. I’d
be pumped too.”

I, on the other hand, am livid,” Gabriel snarled as he reached back and pulled me around front.

“Are you fucking nuts? You could have been killed.”

“Gabriel, I didn’t even get a scratch on me,” I whispered gently.
“Like you wouldn’t have done the same thing to keep your family safe.”
“But I’ve trained for centuries, Caven.”
“And if you hadn’t? Then what? You would have done it still to give them time to get to safety.”
“Yes I would have,” he admitted as his eyes filled with tears.
“Don’t go bringing logic into this when my chest still hurts. I could have lost you.”
“But you didn’t and I love you. All I could think was that I didn’t get to tell you to your face and I

was so chicken shit to tell you on the phone and hang up. It just came out and startled me so I ended
the call. But you deserve better than that and I love you so much that if I was a chick I’d offer to have
your babies and I just want you. I can live anywhere and figure things out with my powers but I have
to have you.”

“I love it when you ramble,” he chuckled before mashing his mouth down to mine.
I hoped I still got the spanking. I’d always wanted to try that.

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Chapter Nine


I wanted to throttle my mate and beam with pride at the same time. How does that even work? I

kissed him breathless and I felt when the adrenaline from fighting started to fade.

“Are you really okay?” I asked quietly as I ran my fingers through his hair. “Seriously? You didn’t

get hurt?”

“They didn’t even touch me. I was too fast,” he answered with a smirk. “My brothers okay?”
“We drove past them and they were only a few miles away from the Council’s compound. The

wolves beat us to them and I saw Tyler running naked with Elan over his shoulder so I’m assuming
they’re okay. I heard one of them say they had to surround the Alpha’s brothers.”

“I’m not really an Alpha, Gabriel. Elder Dawson thinks I will be one but it’s not for sure.”
“You took charge and put others before yourself, Caven,” Victor said with a wide grin. “That’s

what it means to be an Alpha. I think you have a pack now, brother.”

“Maybe.” My mate shrugged as his cheeks heated up in a way that made me want him to be naked

no matter who was around. Caven got on the back of the bike again and we headed back towards
everyone else. I knew Caven could have made it back without the demons ever getting him with how
fast he was, but I was still glad we’d gotten there to kill the rest. Who knew where the remaining
demons would have ended up since most of the coven was at the party?

“How’s Jalen?” Caven asked his brother as I shut down the bike and he hopped off.
“He’s going to be just fine,” Queen Magdalena answered, staring at my mate with anger. On

instinct I tried to push him behind me but he wasn’t having any of it. “I gave you two guards so you
were never in danger. You’re still learning and training. This should never have happened!”

“And what was I supposed to do? Run with Elan who hurt his head in the crash and leave Brio

and Darcy to fight thirty demons when they’re not as fast as their enemy?” Caven replied calmly.

“They were gaining too much ground on us to stay together. The wolves wouldn’t have reached us

in time, and with two hurt we would have been injured trying to protect them.”

“This shouldn’t have happened!” she shouted. I don’t know which of us was more shocked when

Caven walked over to her and hugged her.

“We won. They’ll be okay and the demons are gone. It wasn’t your fault, Queen Magdalena. You

couldn’t have opened a portal without knowing exactly where we were. We’re fine.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered and hugged him back. “I should have been able to help you. I could

have put us anywhere on this road and done more damage.”

“I know. It’s all good. I was a beast and took out sixteen all by myself. I knew what to do.”
“He was decisive, calm, and handled the situation well, your highness,” Brio said as he dipped

his head. “I would follow Alpha Caven into battle any day after tonight.”

“I’m not an Alpha yet,” Caven mumbled as he blushed again.
“I beg to differ,” Elder Dawson chuckled as he patted his pupil on the back when he broke away

from the Queen. “You smell of Alpha, Caven. Your scent changed when you mated but it was more
than smelling of Gabriel as well. You’re an Alpha, Caven. The pack here thought nothing but of
protecting your brothers as you have. That’s what we do for our Alpha.”

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“Oh, but you’re an elder. You’re in charge.”
“Not here I’m not. I’m still an elder but there’s a reason we can’t be on the council and lead a

pack. It’s two full-time jobs. So I will still be an elder and request the High Council here approve
you as the pack’s Alpha and give you a seat as they did King Rylan and Queen Magdalena.”

“You want me to be on the High Council?” Caven squeaked as his eyes went wide. I moved just

in time to catch my mate as he fainted.

“Apparently he didn’t make the connection that being Alpha here would probably give him a seat

on the High Council,” Elder Dawson said as he rolled his eyes. “Maybe springing this on him after
his first time being in charge of anything wasn’t the best idea.”

“Caven’s Caven,” Tyler chuckled as he walked over to us, partially dressed now with his suit

pants hanging low on his hips. “It’s part of his charm that he cares so much and takes the
responsibility so seriously that his head got light after the adrenaline withdrawal he’s probably going
through after the fight.”

“Yeah, I’ve done that,” Micah agreed with a snicker. I caught my brother’s gaze and knew he was

a big fat liar and was trying to help Caven save face. The wolves might have issue with a nineteen-
year-old Alpha that faints. “Either way, Caven’s still learning so he won’t be invading a country soon
or anything. The wolves have a good support system but it’s good that they’ll have one of their own to
handle certain situations.”

“What does that mean for Alpha Fletcher?” Councilman Abbott asked quietly as he glanced at

Elder Dawson. “We were going to tell the rest of the pack they could start moving in to some of the
homes Tyler and his team have built.”

“Fletcher’s a good guy and never wanted the responsibility of leading,” Tyler hedged and then

winced. “But pride won’t let him give up the role without a dominance fight. We can come up with
terms so that it’s not a fight to the death like normal.”

“I want more practice time with King Rylan before I agree to that,” Caven said. I glanced down as

he stared up at me with questioning eyes. “If my mate’s okay with that.”

“You have my full support, my love,” I whispered against his lips.
I set him on his feet as I kissed him, a thrill going through me as he sighed. He felt the heat

between us as much as I did. Nice. “I’m with you through it all.”

“I love you, Gabriel.”
“Love you too.” And I did. God, did I ever love my mate.

I’d been training for weeks and now the big fight with Fletcher was here… And I was ready to

shit a brick. I didn’t want to hurt anyone without being provoked. I didn’t want to get hurt. Seriously,
this fighting to see who’s best like cavemen thing was so outdated.

And according to Victor, most of the coven was showing up along with the fae, and of course the

wolves would be there. I wanted to vomit.

I paced around our new suite that was still under renovations, but then I’d sit down because I

shouldn’t use my energy. Then I’d get right back up and try to busy myself with something.

“Why are you flipping through the furniture catalog again when we’ve already ordered everything

for our rooms?” Gabriel asked with a chuckle as he pulled me into his arms. “Have I told you today
how hot you are when you’re trying to burn off nervous energy?”

“Behave!” I chastised as I moved away. “I’m so not going to fight Fletch with wood.”

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“Okay, I know you won’t eat but you should at least have a protein shake and hydrate some.”
“Yeah, I could do that,” I sighed as I glanced around our living room again. I was dressed and

ready to go, but I just liked looking at our new rooms. It really had been a genius idea of Elena’s and
Desmond’s to move to a quieter part of the mansion and renovate the suite so it felt like ours instead
of Gabriel’s. The gesture really touched me and made me feel like family instead of just their son’s

We headed downstairs and I froze as we entered the kitchen. It was full of people!
“What are you doing here?” I asked Ayden, who I locked eyes with first.
“You can’t go to your first fight as Alpha without a posse,” Ry answered from the other side of

the room. “We need to show how many support you by arriving with you. Elena suggested we make it
into a morning and have a massive breakfast. The dining room is full of wolves and supporters.”

“Oh god,” I groaned as I walked over to the fridge. “It’s bad enough this is an archaic practice,

but everyone’s going to be there to witness it. We have a wolf elder here. Can’t he just watch the two
of us alone and announce the winner?”

“I think it is too but I haven’t come up with a better way to decide who’s stronger and should lead

either,” Elena said gently as she moved up next to me, rubbing my shoulder in comfort. “You can’t
just play Scrabble or see who would score higher on Jeopardy to decide who should be Alpha.”

“Doesn’t make this any less mortifying,” I whispered as I grabbed the handle tightly. “If I lose

that’s all I’ll be is the loser challenger. I might as well shave my head and paint it bright colors to
stand out as the leper of the coven.”

“Hey, you’re not going to lose,” she told me firmly. “I’ve seen you sparring with Rylan. You’re

good, Caven. And I’ve seen Fletcher practicing. He doesn’t have anywhere near the moves my boy
does. You’ll be great.”

“Thanks, Elena.” I gave her a quick hug and turned… Only to find more people there because they

heard I was here now.

“How’s the worry stone?” Queen Magdalena asked with a smile.
“You doing okay?”
“I might need another one of those,” I chuckled as I opened a Gatorade. Purple, my favorite. “The

other one might be toast soon.

I’m surprised I don’t have blisters on my hands.”
“You’ll be wonderful. None of us here would throw in with the losing side. We know who’s

going to be the Alpha in an hour.”

“The fight starts in fifty minutes,” I hedged.
“Of course. It shouldn’t take you more than that to beat that man,”
she said easily, giving me an unconcerned wave.
“Right. No pressure,” I snickered.
“We’ve got a pool going as to how long it takes you to beat Fletcher,” Damian told me with a big

smile. “I’ve got my money on five minutes.”

“Seriously? You guys,” I whined as I braced my hands on the counter. “This isn’t a game.”
“Being Alpha isn’t,” Desmond said gently, “but getting there is pretty much. You’ve got a fight,

after jumping through all those hoops and proving yourself in other ways to your council. I’d say it’s a
bigger game than the Olympics.”

I winced. He had a point. First the council had told me I had to pass my GED test because they

couldn’t have an Alpha without even a high school degree. That was easy because I had been more

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than ready. Then Elder Dawson had put me through all kinds of tests of my powers to show I had a
handle on them. Sure, they would grow and flare up at times, but overall I could keep them contained
when I wanted to.

After all that, there had been a few warrior-designed obstacle courses that I’d been timed on and

the results were sent to the wolf elders. They’d wanted extra proof that a nineteen-year-old could
really lead a pack, so they’d spent over a week coming up with ways for me to fail.

I hadn’t yet and they’d run out of excuses according to Elder Dawson. All that was left was the

fight with Fletcher. I didn’t want to back down and everyone thought I was ready but… Was this
something I even wanted? I wasn’t sure I was the better candidate here but after all the support and
people I care for pushing me, I couldn’t let them down.

The next few minutes I said hi to most everyone and drank the protein shake Gabriel made for me.

Then we all piled into the vehicles and I swear it took a line of cars a mile long to fit everyone.
Again, no pressure.

When we got to the High Council compound, I couldn’t get over how nice the weather was. I

glanced at Gabriel and he smiled. “Darcy can control the weather for around a mile. Plant life
responds to Brian and Banning so you get a spring day in winter.”

“Well at least I don’t have to worry about freezing my nuts off while getting my ass kicked,” I

grumbled, ignoring the looks my brothers and Gabriel’s family shot me at my negativity. I saw
Fletcher and headed towards him. No point in delaying the inevitable.

“So you showed,” he chuckled, shaking his head.
“I said I would. You know that I’m good to my word,” I replied firmly, not letting him faze me.
“Look at little Caven all grown up. Man, I knew you weren’t a boy anymore in every sense of the

word, but now you’re almost a man.”

“What does he mean every sense of the word?” Gabriel asked darkly and I felt my stomach drop.

Oh shit. It never crossed my mind to have told Gabriel.

“Caven didn’t tell you?” Fletcher’s eyes gleamed with mischief.
“This is not the time or—” I started to say, pissed off beyond anything I could remember.

“Tell me what?” Gabriel bellowed.
“That you’re not the only one here who knows the sweet sounds Caven makes when you fuck him

hard and fast, pinning him down, and taking what he offers,” Fletcher answered crudely and with a
smirk. “Such a nice piece of ass you landed for a mate, Gabriel. Too bad. I would have liked another
taste of sweet, sweet Caven after I won today.”

“He was your lover?” Gabriel shouted at me with wide eyes.
“How could you not fucking tell me that?”
“It never crossed my mind,” I admitted and then realized how lame that sounded.
“Un-fucking-real,” my mate snarled and turned on his heel, storming off as I just stared after him.
Well, fuck. I’d have to deal with that later but for now I was too pissed at Fletcher to run after my


“You know I should thank you,” I said to Fletcher as I faced him.
“I wasn’t sure I was the right person to be Alpha. Everyone was supporting me and pushing me

because of my powers and strengths that I should do this. But I just kept thinking I was too young and
why should anyone listen to me about anything.”

“And now?” Fletcher asked curiously, raising an eyebrow as if not sure where I was going with

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“And now I see I’m the much better choice here. A man, a leader, who would resort to pulling

shit like this to unfairly psych out an opponent shouldn’t be in charge. You shouldn’t be an example of
what is right if this is how you act.”

“This is how the game is played and what being an adult means, Caven,” he said in his best

condescending tone.

“No, I won’t accept that,” I growled. “Fairness can be expected if a leader shows it and demands

it from their people. Queen Magdalena would never have done this. King Rylan wouldn’t have either.
Elder Dawson is always fair and just. And I live with two High Councilmembers and they are the
most moral, giving people. A true leader wouldn’t try to hurt a mating for their own gain.” Now I was
shouting and really getting into a good rant. “We are not animals.

“We are people with animals inside of us. We are better than this.
Fighting with each other solves nothing. Fighting together against what’s bad in the world makes

us strong and wolves. This is not how I would lead and our pack deserves better.” I was practically
yelling in his face now and I’d had enough of all the shit and games. “Fuck this.” I pulled back my fist
and hit him as hard as I could.

I watched as Fletcher went down, out cold from one punch. My mouth fell open in shock as he hit

the ground. Wow. I couldn’t believe I just did that. Neither could anyone else from the silence of the
massive crowd.

“I declare Alpha Caven the winner,” Elder Dawson said loudly after a few moments. A cheer

went up but I was still focused on Fletcher. I’d won. Holy shit! I felt Elder Dawson hug me and give
me a little shake to snap out of it. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks. I need to go find my mate,” I sighed as I pulled away.
“I’ll be right back to celebrate.” I sniffed Gabriel out and started walking in that direction.
“I won the bet,” King Rylan announced proudly. “I told you Caven would get him in one punch!”
“I won too. I said Fletcher wouldn’t get one shot in,” Vic added.
Wow. Glad someone was excited when all I kept thinking was wow.
“Gabriel, wait,” I called out as I ran over to my mate when I was away from the group.
“Just go, Caven,” he said angrily as he kept his back to me. “Go celebrate and I’ll talk to you


Now I was pissed too. “No. I should be celebrating with my mate at my side.” I grabbed his

shoulder and spun him around. I saw the determination on his face and threw my hands in the air.
“Fine. Be a jerk. I came to apologize. I should have told you but I really never thought about it with
everything else going on. But you should remember something, Gabriel. I’ve seen everyone you’ve
ever been with in my head. I’ve seen it all and I’ve never acted like this.

“One asshole makes a crude comment about having been with me and you lose your shit when I

needed you most. Fletcher set a trap and you fell right into it instead of showing we were a team. I
would have thought you would have been pissed at him for pulling that crap and embarrassing me in
front of everyone. But instead you’re mad at me and letting people think the bond between us is so
weak we can’t take one hit like that. I had more faith in us than that.”

I turned away, my eyes burning, and headed back to the group. I didn’t get far until I was swooped

up into Gabriel’s arms and let out a startled yelp.

“You’re absolutely right and I’m sorry,” he whispered against my cheek. “I freaked out. I am

angry with Fletcher at what he did to you.

I wanted to pound him into the ground but I knew I would screw up the challenge if I got involved.

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And I was pissed that you didn’t tell me about him, hurt even. But again, you’re right. We’ve had too
much going on in a short amount of time for you have to have thought of everything I would want to

“He didn’t mean anything to me, Gabriel,” I told him as I hugged him tightly. “Fletcher was nice

to me and Paul had it bad for Fletcher.

So anything he wanted he got. He wanted me and given the choices, I went with Fletcher. I’ve

never seen him be a jerk like this until today.

I think Paul screwed with his head one too many times.” I took his face in my hands and stared

into his eyes. “I love you. You’re my mate and who I want to be with forever.”

“Am I at least better in bed than he is? He seemed to think he gave you such glorious pleasure that

it left me feeling inadequate.”

I couldn’t help it. I busted out laughing at Gabriel. How could someone so gorgeous, so wonderful

be so insecure sometimes? “He’s like four inches long and thinks porn is real and tries to emulate it
always but fails miserably. You, my sexy mate, are worlds above his supposed talents. I never
begged him for sex and I have you more times than I can count already since you’ve claimed me.”

“I do like it when you beg,” he purred as he kissed my neck. “Will my strong Alpha beg me to

take him tonight?”

“Oh yeah,” I moaned as I rubbed against him. “I’ll even use my Alpha voice to demand it if you

don’t behave.”

“Nice,” Gabriel hissed as he moved his hands over my ass. “I love you, Caven. I’m sorry I

handled this badly. Will you forgive me?”

“Of course. I’m sorry too. Fight over?”
“Yeah, let’s go celebrate your victory. I have a bet to claim.”
You got in on the bet?”
“Who do you think started it?” he chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “I

wanted everyone to know I supported you and to build up hype about the challenge so people would
get excited about having a new leader.”

“What if I hadn’t won?” I asked quietly as we walked towards the party that apparently had


“Never crossed my mind that you wouldn’t have.” He shrugged and I knew it was the truth.
“There are others in the pack I’ve been with,” I whispered as we got closer, knowing I should tell

Gabriel since it was such an issue about Fletcher.

“There are people in this coven I’ve been with. And you’re right that it doesn’t matter or isn’t a

big deal. All I care about is you’ll only be with me from now on and we’re going to be happy. The
rest is in the past where it belongs.”

“You’re only saying that because you’ve been with like eighty times as many people as I have,” I

chuckled, shaking my head.

“Probably.” He gave me a loud smacking kiss and a wink. “No, it’s how I really feel. For

someone who wasn’t sure he should be in charge, you’re really good at setting the example and
making people expect more from themselves.”

“Thanks, Gabriel.” I felt my cheeks heat up and my mate got that look of desire in his eyes. What

was it with thinking my blushing was so hot?

I didn’t know but I just really liked the result of it. I looked forward to it even.

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But first, we had a victory celebration to attend. And it was awesome. Everyone partied and had a

blast… And I was there with my mate at my side the whole time right where he should have been.

Right where we were meant to be. Together.
“Caven, can you help me find Brian and Banning O’Hagan?”
Rylan asked as he raced up to us. “They’re here, right? I’ve only got a moment before the Queen

opens the portal.”

“Yeah, I just saw them,” I answered as I pointed in the direction they had been. Gabriel raced off

to find them as I stared at Rylan in question. “What’s up?”

“There’s been an attack on the O’Hagan farm in Ireland,” he explained as we walked towards

where I saw the twins last. “Brighid O’Hagan’s dying.”

“Oh fuck,” I gasped as we picked up the pace. I knew everyone around us heard from the

whispers and movement. We reached Brian and Banning in time to see someone telling them. They
both went pale before glancing around to look for Queen Magdalena.

“This way. She’s getting a portal open,” Rylan called out as we turned direction. I felt Gabriel

move to my side and hand me a few weapons. Smart man to not even try to tell me to stay behind.
Very smart man.


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Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of

cowboys or pool boys of her own. A lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books;
vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military . . . It’s all good! She loves to get lost in fantasy that only
books can bring. Her wide interest in reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories,
romance, or mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire from Anne
Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.

For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit

Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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