Welcome Home, Cowboy Eden Cole

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Welcome Home, Cowboy

Eden Cole

Copyright © January 2011, Eden Cole
Cover art by Sugar and Spice Press © January 2011
ISBN 978-1-936668-02-1

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel
are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to
reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

Sugar and Spice Press
North Carolina, USA

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Welcome Home, Cowboy Eden Cole



Fenn was just saddling his horse, Demon, for an early morning ride

when one of the ranch hands called his name. He’d heard the wall phone
ringing at the back but didn’t think much of it. A few years ago he’d
arranged to have one installed so cook could more easily reach the
workers down here when it was time to eat. They all appreciated the
convenience. Unfortunately, he’d also had the main line wired in so if he
got a call while he was with Demon, he could be found. This morning he
didn’t want to be disturbed.

Cutting the man off before he could tell him who was on the line, Fenn

said, “Listen, whoever it is, it’s too early. Tell Cook to take a message,
that you just missed me.”

He gripped the back of the saddle and the horn in front and then

slipped his boot in the stirrup. The man held up a hand. “Wait, Fenn. Cook
said it’s Jason, said he sounded down.”

A stab of worry hit Fenn, and he didn’t wait to hear more but barreled

past his employee heading for the phone. He pressed the receiver to his
ear. “Cook, put him through.” After her “yes, sir” there was dead air, and
then the unmistakable den of a busy city reached him. “Jason?”

“Hey,” his best friend responded.
Cook had been right. Jason sounded like his world had just come to an

end. With bitterness, he guessed it had something to do with Jason’s wife.
Fenn hated the woman with a passion and regretted the day Jason met her,
let alone married her. He forced sunlight into his tone as he usually did
with Jason. “Hey, partner, what’s got you so down in the mouth? That
beautiful wife not giving you enough head? I told you get your ass back to
Montana, and I’ll fix you right up.”

Jason grunted. “The women you know don’t interest me, Fenn. I told

you that a million times.”

Fenn laughed, but he wasn’t talking about women. He was talking

about himself. Ever since they were both seventeen, Fenn had realized
what he wanted more than anything else, and that was Jason. But Jason

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had been blind to what Fenn felt about him, and he’d moved to the big city
right after college and never looked back except for times like this.

“It’s not that anyway,” Jason said after a few minutes of silence. Fenn

thought he fought tears, but since he’d never seen Jason cry, he wasn’t
sure. “She’s finally done it. Fenn, she divorced me, and there wasn’t a
damn thing I could do about it.”

“Oh hell, Jason.” Fenn closed his eyes and rested his forehead on the

wooden beam in front of him. A part of him was thrilled that his friend
was free of that poisonous witch, but another knew Jason had just had his
heart ripped out. As sure as he was that Jason was all he wanted, that’s
how sure he was that what Jason wanted above all else was a family,
something he’d never had outside of Fenn and to a lesser extent Fenn’s
father. Jason had been willing to stick it out all these years trying to make
things work with Bev, hoping she would have kids with him and his life
would be complete. That never happened. “Buddy, I’m so sorry. Listen,
take a break from the city. Come home, and I’ll take care of you.”

Jason chuckled. “Leave it to you to act more like my parent than my

friend, but I appreciate the sentiment. I can’t leave. I’m in the middle of a
case. I guess I just…” His voice faded out, but Fenn knew to wait for him.
He always waited for Jason. “I needed to talk. Just talk to me, Fenn. Let
me hear one of your crazy stories you used to make up when we were

“Of course,” Fenn said with enthusiasm. “Have I told you…?”
He continued on for the next hour telling Jason back to back

outrageous tales that made little sense and were obviously untrue. This
was their way. Fenn would find some way to distract Jason from whatever
was on his mind, while Fenn avoided what was on his. The hardest part of
it was that Fenn feared it would always be like this, until one or the other
of them passed away. Still, no matter what, he would not allow the
bleakness in his soul to spill out and contaminate Jason. He’d be here
every time his friend called, and in his personal life, he would play the
cowboy that goes about breaking women’s hearts.

* * * *

Jason clicked his phone closed and turned the corner. He’d known

Fenn wouldn’t be carrying his cell that morning. Why he even owned one,
Jason didn’t know, but he’d been fortunate to catch him before he headed

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out on his morning ride. Memories of Angel Grove, Montana washed over
him. Jason might have been an orphan, but Fenn had made it home. Jason
didn’t know how many times over the last ten years Fenn had asked him to
come home, and this time wasn’t any different. The problem was even
though Jason knew his marriage was over, he held onto hope.

He’d held onto that tiny spark of his dream straight through receiving

the divorce papers. But today it was all gone. Bev had hauled him into
court, and the assigned judge had no sympathy for Jason, no love of
family. The divorce was final.

For a little while as he listened to Fenn’s deep, rumbling voice tell him

stupid stories that no one in their right mind would believe, Jason had
pushed the pain of his loss to the back of his mind. He would be the first to
admit his and Fenn’s friendship was screwy. Fenn said stupid stuff that
would make a person wonder if he was gay, but the man didn’t fit the
profile—at least not in Jason’s mind. Fenn was solidly built, close to six
and a half feet tall. At any one time, he kept a string of women waiting for
his sexual attentions. In addition to that, he was a wealthy ranch owner.
Every man wanted to be him, and every woman wanted to be the one.

With all he had going for him Fenn would still go to the ends of the

earth if someone needed him, most of all for Jason. He acknowledged that
truth. Fenn listened patiently and cheered him up every time he called, day
or night. He was always willing to make people laugh, always the center
of the party. So if some of his comments to Jason were a little warmer and
he liked to invade personal space, Jason didn’t care. Fenn was his only
family, and likely would always be the only one.

That thought tore apart his insides, and he scrubbed a hand over his

burning eyes considering it. The radio crackled to life with the
dispatcher’s voice. With a sigh, Jason reached for it. “Detective Lang, go

He listened with half an ear to the message regarding a case he was

working on. While all he wanted to do was go somewhere and drown
himself in a bottle, he thought the best thing now would be to throw
himself into work. Jason drove to the suspect’s address and parked his car.
Mind still firmly on his wife—ex-wife—he took the stairs to the second
floor and found the apartment. After rapping on the door with his
knuckles, he waited. Something snapped beyond the door. Jason assumed
it was a chain or lock being released. By the time the real truth of the

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situation penetrated his foggy brain and he had reached for his weapon, it
was too late.

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Chapter One

Air brakes signaled that the bus had stopped before Jason looked up.

He fought his way to his feet, wincing in pain. Although it had been a few
days and his doctor had cleared him to travel, his side still hurt like a
beast. The painkillers he’d taken earlier must have begun to wear off. He’d
need to find a drink soon to take more.

Scanning the area, he took in the mountains just past the depot and

dragged in as much of a deep breath as he could. No fresher air existed
than the air in Montana. When he realized Fenn was not among the few
people waiting to pick up the travelers, he frowned and checked his watch.

A distinctive clip clop met his ears from behind, but another spasm of

pain hit, causing him to stand where he was rather than turn to look. A tall
horse, almost as big as some thoroughbreds, drew alongside him. Fenn
bent forward over the saddle until his head was level with Jason’s.
“You’re early,” he commented.

Jason’s frown deepened. “And I’m sure you don’t expect me to ride

with you on Demon.”

Fenn’s expression brightened as if that were possible. A smile

habitually graced his lips. “You remember him.”

“Cut the act, Fenn. I haven’t been gone that long.”
“Long enough,” his friend quipped. “No, of course I don’t expect you

to ride the horse. In fact, I never expected you to take a bus. A plane
would have been much more comfortable with your injury.” Fenn’s gaze
flicked over Jason’s form. Feeling somehow exposed, Jason shifted his
stance. The amusement in Fenn’s eyes told him he knew just how
uncomfortable Jason felt right then.

“I needed time to think, and a plane ride would have been over too

soon,” Jason explained. “Besides, the bus was fine.”

“The paleness in your cheeks tells me you’re lying.” Fenn

straightened. “Anyway, I had planned to head back and then get my car,
but my morning ride took longer than I intended. Mind if I use your phone
to call someone?”

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Jason flared his nostrils. “You haven’t learned to take yours yet? How

the hell do you conduct business, Fenn, if you can’t be reached?”

“The only time I can’t be reached is when Demon and I are working

out our…” He laughed. “Our demons.”

Jason shook his head and held out his phone. He watched as Fenn

slipped off the horse, as usual the material of his shirt straining across hard
muscle. Fenn took the phone and began dialing. He stuck the other hand
out toward Jason, and Jason gripped his friend’s palm. Normally, Fenn
would give him a warmer greeting. Almost a year had passed since they
saw each other, but he supposed his friend was thinking of Jason’s injury.
He appreciated the thought.

When a pickup rolled into the lot where they waited, Jason led Demon

to the truck and handed the reins to the driver. “See that he gets home and
brushed down. Jason and I will take the truck.”

“You got it, Fenn,” the man responded, and they got in and pulled off.
With light chatter all the way back to Fenn’s ranch, Jason not in the

mood for talking, they made good time. Fenn left the truck with still
another person in his employ and grabbed Jason’s bags to show him
inside. On the way to the second floor, Jason called over his shoulder.
“There’re a lot of faces I don’t recognize. You must be doing really well.”

“I get by,” Fenn said. He never bragged about his success. “But don’t

worry. Cook’s still here, and you know how she loves you.”

At the top of the stairs, Jason laid a hand on his stomach. “She loves

cooking for me. I think I gained twenty pounds the last time I visited.”

For the second time, Fenn’s gaze swept him. “You’re all muscle, and

you know it. A wounded cop? I’ll have to beat the women off of you.”
Jason thought he saw a flash of something in Fenn’s eyes, but it was gone
before he could identify it. Fenn led the way into the bedroom. “This is a
different room than what you had last time. It’s right next to mine.”

Jason walked over to the king size bed and stopped. The last time he

visited, he’d dragged Bev along. Fenn must have thought the other room
would bring back memories of that. He couldn’t know that even if
everything was unfamiliar, the mess his life was would fill his mind.

The door bumped shut behind him, and suddenly Fenn’s arms came

around his shoulders. This was what Jason had expected from his friend
who thought nothing of doing whatever was needed to cheer him up. Fenn
stood too close so that Jason felt his friend’s hard thigh and unless he was

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mistaken, Fenn’s cock at the top part of his ass. Fenn had him by a few
inches even though Jason was over six feet himself.

“Have I said I’m sorry?” Fenn whispered.
“Yeah.” Jason didn’t move. He knew he should shove Fenn off of him

and remind him about personal space, but knowing Fenn cared so much
helped him to continue standing there existing. “I wish I could be like you,
Fenn. I’ve faced off against guys with guns pointed at me without
flinching. In my career, I shot one person and killed another. It was hard,
and according to department regulations, I had to have a psych eval and
talk to the staff shrink for a bit. But all of that I dealt with. This is
different, and I just can’t get my head straight.”

“I know.”
Jason sighed. “You’re probably tired of hearing me go on and on about

it. Maybe you think I’m a wuss.”

“No!” Fenn turned him to face him. His big hands landed heavy on

Jason’s shoulders. He stood not more than a couple inches from Jason. If
Jason had the strength or the will, he would push him back. Fenn’s intense
expression made him pause. “I will be here for you, Jason, just like I
always have been. If you have to tell me about her or about your situation
a hundred times to feel better or even a thousand, that’s fine with me. Got

Jason grunted. Fenn’s head began to lower toward him. For a minute,

he thought his friend was going to kiss him, and the weird thing about that
was Jason almost welcomed it. He must really be screwed up in the head if
he was thinking that way. At the last second, Fenn turned his head and
dragged Jason into a hug. Jason suppressed a wince at the friction against
his wound.

Their bodies were pressed close together. No two straight men hugged

this way, and yet it wasn’t unexpected given his friend. In private, he had
no problem showing his affection, and because Jason loved him like a
brother and had no one else, he’d put up with Fenn’s quirkiness.

Jason patted Fenn’s back with awkwardness while Fenn’s arms were

locked at his waist. He sighed. “Okay, idiot, you can let go. It’s not like I
was in danger of dying.”

Fenn held on a little longer and then backed up a step. He frowned at

Jason, their eyes almost level. Jason felt himself color. Of all the stupid
reactions, his cock was hard. He hoped Fenn wouldn’t notice, but Fenn’s
attention was on Jason’s face, and he seemed pissed. “Well I wouldn’t

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know that, would I, considering you didn’t bother telling me until after
you got out of the hospital?”

“I didn’t want you to worry and fly up there.”
“Of course I would have,” Fenn groused. “You’re my best friend.

We’re closer than any two men I know. I can’t believe you didn’t need me

Jason moved away to begin unpacking when all he really wanted to do

was collapse on the bed and sleep. “Oh come on, Fenn. I’m not a child.
You don’t need to rescue me like you’ve done in the past. I’ve held down
my job for years and faced greater danger—like almost having my head
blown off I don’t know how many times. It wasn’t a big deal.”

Fenn stomped to the window and threw back the curtain to look out.

Jason saw the tension in his shoulders. His words were harsh but true.
Still, he didn’t have to point it out.

“Look, I…” he began, unsure how to finish.
Fenn spun to face him, the crease between his brows gone, and his

mouth relaxed. Jason examined his broad shoulders and found the tension
missing from there as well. Sheesh, no one recovered their good nature
like his buddy.

“Okay, Detective Lang,” Fenn said. “Since you’re such a man, let’s

see if you remember what it’s like to be a cowboy. From today, you’ll earn
your keep while you’re here.”

Jason’s mouth dropped open. “Excuse me?”
The twinkle in his friend’s eyes made him suspicious. “You heard me.

You’ll earn your keep working as a ranch hand. We’ll see just how hard
you think you still are after living in the big city.”

Jason dropped the jeans he’d been pulling from his bag and crossed his

arms over his chest. “Have you forgotten I’m injured?”

“Hm, sounds like a cop-out to me. But in consideration of that fact,

you can be on light duty. But you will work sunup to sundown like the rest
of us.”

Despite needing a little more time to heal, Jason found he was excited

by the prospect of getting back into working at the ranch. Years ago, Fenn
had inherited the place from his dad when he got sick, but before that, he’d
taken in Jason, and the two of them had come up side by side working
hard as ranch hands. Fenn’s father had never believed in going easy on his
son. He’d treated Jason with some affection, but he had never advanced

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beyond the level of foster child. He’d paid for Jason’s college education
and for that and his upbringing, Jason was grateful.

“You know I am on administrative leave with pay. I can just go into

town and stay at a motel or something,” Jason reminded him.

“But you won’t.”
Jason grinned, for the first time in the past week realizing he’d

forgotten about Bev. With time, the gaps might be longer, and the pain
would ease. “Okay, I accept your challenge. Just as I outdid you when we
were kids, I’ll beat you now.”

“We will see, my friend. We will see.”

* * * *

Every muscle in Jason’s entire body screamed out in protest. Just as

Fenn promised to do, he’d given Jason light duty, but the minute his
stitches were out and the doctor had given him a clean if weakened bill of
health, then Fenn pounced. The first heavy duty task he’d charged him
with was driving cattle with him and a few others. The damn drive wasn’t
even necessary, but Jason knew Fenn was trying to make a point. His
excuse of course had been that he was accommodating the wishes of a few
city folks that he hoped to do business with. Everyone not from this kind
of lifestyle fantasized about driving cattle.

After hours of riding, Fenn called a rest stop, and Jason wandered a

little ways away from everyone else. A thick patch of trees separated him
from the others, and he’d found the steep side of a high hill to lean on. He
suspected if he searched farther, he’d uncover a cave, but he didn’t
move—couldn’t move.

Breathing heavily and willing his muscles to relax, he closed his eyes.

At least the air was cool at this elevation. They were not quite in the
mountains, but close enough for hills like the one he rested on.

“Drink this.”
Jason cracked an eye open. Fenn stood close to him holding up a

leather bota bag. He took it, pulled the cap, and drank deeply. When he
finished he handed it back and ran a hand over his mouth. “Thanks.”

“Bet you’re in pain, huh? Been out of the saddle a long time.” Fenn


“Shut the hell up.” Jason touched his side where he’d been shot. It hurt

no more than the rest of his body, but he thought he’d check anyway.

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Thinking nothing of it, he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled the material
back. Fenn gasped when they both looked down at the bruising.

“Jason, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you…”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. The skin’s just sensitive for

the time being. All that pain from before is gone. In another week, I’m
guessing it won’t even bruise.”

Fenn seemed unconvinced. He laid a hand on Jason’s stomach just

beneath the jagged scar and moved closer. Still looking down, Jason
couldn’t help noticing the inch of space between his crotch and Fenn’s. He
was still off kilter, he decided. And when he felt his cock hardening,
extending his pants, he shoved Fenn’s hand away and put a lot of space
between them.

“I said I’m fine,” he snapped. “We have an agreement, don’t we? I’m

going to prove I never lost my edge.”

“Not at the risk of your health,” Fenn countered.
“Who’s the girl now?” Jason tossed Fenn a challenging look and then

strode back toward the others. From the crunch of twigs and leaves, he
knew Fenn followed. Relief flooded him knowing Fenn hadn’t seen his
body’s reaction to his nearness. What Jason needed was a woman that
meant absolutely nothing to him to meet his physical needs. Then he
would be right as rain.

Back at the ranch after they’d gotten cleaned up and ready for the

evening meal, he brought up the subject to Fenn about visiting one of the
local bars to pick up women. Jason was surprised at Fenn’s lack of
enthusiasm, but then as if he dredged up the interest, Fenn slapped Jason
on the back. “You got it. Sounds like fun, and I haven’t had sexy legs
wrapped around me while I’m buried to my balls in a while. But what say
we wait until you’re not so sore. Wouldn’t want you collapsing and I have
to finish up for you. You’d never live it down.”

Jason growled and punched his friend. “Like I’ve ever failed in that

department. I may not have bedded every woman I’ve laid eyes on like
you, but all the ones I’ve been with have been satisfied.”

Fenn eyed him from head to toe. A pause at his cock must have been

imagined. “Yeah, I’ll bet.”

“Okay, two or three days at the longest. I won’t need more than that.

Then we’ll get smashed and laid. Deal?”

“Deal.” For some reason Fenn seemed annoyed, and rather than eat the

supper Cook had made for them, he muttered something about taking care

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of some last minute business and disappeared. Jason was left to wonder
what bee had gotten under his friend’s bonnet and sat down to his own
meal. He found it strangely silent and lonely eating by himself since the
other ranch hands had finished earlier.

Later, he would look for Fenn and find out if something was on his

mind. Fenn had been there for him over the last couple of weeks, and he
wanted to return the favor. Jason refused to always be the one on the
receiving end of the support. If Fenn needed to talk, he’d listen.

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Chapter Two

Fenn leaned back in his office chair and closed his eyes with his feet

on the desk. He’d had to walk away from Jason earlier. The jealousy and
anger that had risen in him at Jason’s request had been too much to hide.
Thinking of Jason with a woman again was too much. If they did go out to
a bar, it would take a few beers for him to tolerate standing there watching
a woman flirting with Jason. Bev had been easy. The few times Jason had
brought her to the ranch, she’d shown that she hated public affection. He’d
wondered what the cold-hearted bitch was like in private, but Jason had
once assured him that they had a healthy sex life. At the time, he’d
changed the subject.

As he sat there thinking of Jason’s sex life and what it would be like if

that desire in his friend could be turned to him, Fenn’s cock hardened.
Growling in frustration, he sat forward and slammed his booted feet on the
floor. How he ached for Jason. That afternoon, laying his hand on Jason’s
stomach, feeling the contraction of his tight muscles under his touch had
almost been his undoing. All of the willpower he could muster kept him
from moving in and rubbing against Jason. As it was, Jason had brushed
him off and walked away just in time.

“Jason,” he whispered to the empty room.
He unbuttoned his jeans, lowered the zipper, and pushed a hand into

his boxers. His cock swelled even more at his stroke. He gritted his teeth
and drew in a sharp breath. Visions of Jason with his shirt open ran
through his mind as he worked his shaft. What would it be like having
Jason under him? Would his ass be tight, squeezing Fenn’s cock until he
felt like he’d lose his sanity? Would Jason cry out his name?

Plenty of times when he bedded women, Fenn had heard them scream

his name when they orgasmed. He’d liked it. The sense of power washing
over him had been unbelievable, knowing his expertise had brought his
lover to that point. At best, the experience was lacking, and he attributed it
the person not being the one who he loved. Sex could be good and even

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satisfying to a certain extent, but Fenn believed if he could just make love
to Jason, it would be everything he dreamed of.

One hand gripping the edge of his desk, the other wrapped around his

dick, Fenn felt the build up. He increased his pace, sliding from the bottom
of his cock to the top. Inside, blood rushed to his groin. His balls drew
higher. He arched his hips into his hand movements, and then before he
could spill on the carpet or over his desk, he snatched up the hand towel
he’d brought in for this purpose and covered his cock head. A moment
after, his juices shot out, dampening the material. Fenn sighed and leaned
back. The tension had eased considerably, but the deep-seated need hadn’t
gone away.

In the bathroom he’d had built off his office, he cleaned up and

washed his hands. While he shut off the light, another thought occurred to
him. All these years, he’d been chasing women, fucking and leaving them
as a way to cover for his feelings for Jason. He’d never deceived himself
into thinking there was any other reason than that. However, in all that
time, he’d not once considered whether he would enjoy being with another
man. Now Fenn began to wonder. Would his need for Jason go away if he
slept with a man? Before he could think more on it, a knock sounded on
his office door.

“Hey, Finn, you in there?” Jason called out. “Can I come in?”
All the relief Fenn felt a moment ago evaporated. He ran a hand over

his face as he dropped into his chair. Yeah, he needed to test out his theory
and fast, or he was likely to wrestle his best friend to the floor and have
his way with him. From Jason’s size and build, unless he wanted it, Fenn
would have a mighty big fight on his hands.

“Yeah, come in.”
Jason opened the door and stuck his head in. “You hiding out?”
“I told you I had some last minute work.” Realizing he sounded

gruffer than normal, he amended his tone and grinned. “Why, were you
lonely without me?”

“You wish.” Jason came in and sat down on the other side of the desk.

While he glanced around, Fenn feasted his eyes on his friend. Jason was
built solid and strong. Fenn might have him by a few inches in height, but
Jason had broader shoulders. He was Fenn’s opposite in looks being dark-
haired. More than once Fenn had found himself lost in Jason’s chocolate
brown eyes, such a contrast to his blue ones.

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Fenn had dreamed of stroking that chiseled jaw and kissing Jason’s

full lips. Jason was one hundred percent man, and somehow that turned
Fenn on even more. How many times they’d wrestled each other as kids,
each trying to prove he was stronger. They were a close match though
because sometimes Fenn would get his friend pinned to the floor, and
sometimes Jason would have him at his mercy. Not until Fenn was
seventeen did he come to the full realization of why he loved those
matches so much. When he straddled Jason’s hips and with their fingers
intertwined, Fenn had forced Jason’s arms above his head. There had been
no greater physical pleasure. He had attributed that feeling to getting the
victory, but it had been more.

Jason interrupted his thoughts. “I can tell something’s bugging you.

Spit it out. You’re always ragging me to share, and I don’t know how
many times I’ve talked about Bev since I’ve been home. You’ve listened
without complaint. So what’s the problem?”

Fenn shook his head. “Nothing. Just work.”
“Don’t give me that.” Jason glared at him. “I know you better than

anyone knows you, Fenn. And since I walked in the room, you haven’t
smiled once, not a real one anyway. That’s not you. You’re usually bright
as the sun.”

Fenn affected a pose with one hand over his heart. “I never knew I was

your sunlight. You don’t know how this makes me feel.”

Jason burst out laughing. “I’m about to bust the sun in the mouth if he

keeps mocking me.”

“Such violence.” Fenn sobered and glanced down at the calendar on

his desk. He’d scribbled a note about a horse sale the next day, which he’d
long since decided not to attend. Inspiration struck. “Listen, it’s just work.
I had a big loss recently, and I’m feeling the affects. I have another
meeting tomorrow that I have to fly to, so I’ll be gone a couple days. That
will give you time to recover before our date.”

He gave Jason a bright grin. Fenn told the truth. He did have a loss, but

that was all apart of business. The damage was minimal. However, the
excuse was all he could come up with off the top of his head. He planned
to fly out of town but not to attend the sale. This was a perfect opportunity
to find a male lover and test out his theory.

“Wait, you’re skipping out on our competition? I thought we were

working together,” Jason said, incredulity in his expression. If Fenn didn’t
know any better he’d think Jason didn’t want him to leave him.

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Fenn waved his hand. “Ah, but remember, you are a ranch hand. This

job is management.”

Jason narrowed his eyes at him. “I still say you’re running away.”
Fenn was quiet a moment, tapping his finger on the desktop. “You’ll

wait, right? I mean for the trip into town.”

“Maybe I should go ahead of you,” Jason groused. “And seduce any

woman you haven’t already boffed.”

“She doesn’t exist around here, buddy.” Fenn tried for an offhand tone,

but failed. Even though he planned to have a one night stand while he was
gone, he couldn’t bear the thought of Jason doing the same. Jason wasn’t
like him. He’d never slept with a woman he wasn’t involved with. That
wasn’t his nature.

“You’re a whore,” Jason accused him. “Anyway, I don’t know how

much longer I’ll be here. Originally, I’d decided on six months leave,

Fenn surged to his feet. “No!” When Jason stared at him wide-eyed

from his outburst, he struggled to calm down. “Now, who’s running away?
Or rather running back. You know as well as I do why you’re getting
antsy, Jason. You think if you’re in the city where she is, she’ll be tempted
to come back to you. Have a little more pride than that.”

Jason cursed. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Fenn walked around the desk and stood over Jason. Something in his

stance must have made Jason think he was about to attack because his
friend jumped up. Fenn couldn’t resist touching him. He laid a heavy hand
in the place where Jason’s neck met his shoulders and squeezed a little.
“You deserve better.”

“That’s not for you to say.” His gaze skittered away from Fenn’s hard

look, but Fenn stepped closer, knowing he crowded Jason. In some ways,
he did it because nothing gave him life like being close to Jason, and also
because it forced his friend to face whatever he was avoiding.

“Why wouldn’t it be for me to say? I’m your best friend, aren’t I? If I

can’t tell you the truth, who can?” He waited for Jason to answer him, but
when he remained silent, Fenn shrank the space between them. Standing
inches from him, Fenn forced Jason to look at him, and his friend frowned
with nostrils flared and lips compressed. In silence, they challenged each
other. Fenn felt Jason’s pain rolling off him in waves. Not for the first
time, he wondered if Jason’s heartbreak was more about his lost dream

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than love of the witch he’d married. He couldn’t approach his theory with
Jason yet, knowing how far to go with his blunt words.

“Fine, you’re right,” Jason ground out. “Drop it.”
Fenn didn’t want to, but he wouldn’t keep pushing. He moved even

closer to Jason, feeling a pull he was helpless to ignore. After coming,
he’d been semi-hard. Now lightly pressed against Jason, his cock swelled
all the more. Jason brought his hands up to shove him, but Fenn held on
and touched his friend’s forehead with his.

“Just wait for me, okay? Don’t go back yet.” He hesitated, and Jason

had stopped struggling against him when he began to speak. “Don’t go
into town until I get back. Is it a deal?”

He knew he was being selfish, but he desperately wanted to wash

away the urges for Jason if there was no hope. If that happened, then he
could redouble his efforts to help Jason heal, all with no reservation. What
he planned had to work, or he’d suffer for the rest of his life.

Jason sighed. “Fine, I’ll wait for you. Now can we not stand here like

two gay men? You don’t seem to know how to keep your hands and your
body to yourself.”

Fenn released him and laughed. “Did I ever tell you the story of the

guy who…”

* * * *

Fenn walked into the bar and paused to scan the room. He’d been

reluctant research whether there were gay bars in the area. Instead he’d
relied on what he knew would happen when he stepped into this busy
establishment. Much of his adult life, he’d been used to getting both
female and male attention. All the males he’d ignored for the simple fact
that they hadn’t been Jason, but of course he’d always noticed them

Several pairs of eyes met his as he scanned the room, and just as

expected, a few lingering ones belonged to other men. He strolled up to
the bar and ordered a beer. When he received it, he put his back to the
counter and surveyed the crowd once again. Skimming over the women,
pausing only long enough to appreciate the beauty represented, he
examined the men. One in particular stood out. Oddly enough the reason
was the man could be Jason’s brother. Not a good choice, he told himself,
but couldn’t resist raising his beer to the guy.

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When the man drew near enough, Fenn tipped his Stetson. From where

he sat, he could almost make out the shiver that passed over the guy’s
body. Fenn guessed he liked cowboys.

“Hey,” the man said. “You’re not from around here, are you?” He

propped an arm on the bar and tilted his head so that dark curls tumbled
onto his forehead. Fenn reached out and brushed the hair back. The
smooth silk tickled his fingers.

“How could you tell?” Fenn took a long drag on his beer and set the

empty bottle on the counter. His companion rushed to pay for another for
him. Fenn thanked him in a quiet voice, casting his tone deeper than usual.

The man shrugged. “Cowboy hat and boots, belt…” He gasped. “You

really wear stuff like that where you’re from?”

Fenn looked down at his oversized belt buckle. He grinned. No, of

course he didn’t usually wear a buckle with the word “cock” emblazoned
across it. “I was feeling outrageous today.”

“Ah,” was the response. “Anyway, I’m Kev.
“Just Kev?”
“Yeah.” An earnestness stole over Kev’s handsome features. “I’m not

wrong in thinking you’re looking for what I am tonight, am I?” When
Fenn questioned him, he elaborated. “For a one time thing, no strings.”

For the first time since he’d hatched this plan, Fenn hesitated. One part

of him wanted to rush out the door and not look back, condemning this
idea for the boneheaded scheme it was. On the other hand, if he didn’t try,
he’d never know if it was possible to be free of the tormenting desire that
was a part of him every day.

Fenn put a hand up to touch his lip and raised an eyebrow when he

saw Kev follow his movements with his eyes. He’d never spent more than
a moment acknowledging male attraction to him, so this was unusual. He
wasn’t exactly put off, but he wasn’t drawn in either.

“Yes, that’s what I’m looking for,” he agreed. “You know somewhere

around here we can go?” He had no desire to take Kev to his hotel room.
Once he was done with the man, he wanted a private place to return to
until he flew home.

The eagerness in the other man was palpable. “No need to talk you up,

huh? That’s what I like. I don’t need to help you justify a one night stand.”
Kev slapped a bill on the counter, nodded to the bartender, and looked
back at Fenn. “I know a place. Let’s go.”

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They left the bar, Fenn following Kev in his rental. He navigated the

night traffic with ease, keeping up with Kev. This city was one he hadn’t
done business in. The population was such that he could get lost in the
crowd, but cowboys weren’t a dime a dozen like where he lived. Hence
the appeal to Kev, he guessed.

The motel they stopped at was a small one but clean from the looks of

it. Fenn waited while Kev stuck the key he’d procured from the office into
the door. He patted his pocket to be sure the condoms he’d bought were
still there, and they were. From the moment he spotted the double bed, his
heart began to race. Near the exit, he froze in place saying nothing.

Kev turned around when he reached the bed and grinned. “Hey, I don’t

bite. Haven’t you ever done this before? I know a sexy thing like you isn’t
a virgin.”

Fenn’s habit of smiling through every situation surfaced, and he

flashed a bright one on Kev. The man licked his lips, and he stared at Fenn
as if he wanted to have him for a late night snack. “Anyone ever tell you
how hot you are? Man, if I was in the market for a long term lover, you’d
be my first choice. Hell, I might still consider it, if it’s good tonight.”

Fenn was done with the conversation. He crossed the room in a couple

strides, stopping in front of Kev. “On the bed, now.”

Kev let out a groan of pleasure. He extended to his tiptoes since he

was much shorter than Fenn and tipped up his chin for a kiss. Fenn turned
his head. Kev pouted. “You’re not changing your mind, are you?”

“No kissing.”
When Kev realized Fenn wouldn’t give in, he undressed and climbed

on the bed. Once more Fenn thought about leaving, but he had to know if
this would take away his longing for Jason. As he stripped, he let his gaze
sweep over Kev’s body. The man was toned and sexy, but no matter how
he resisted, Fenn compared him to Jason. Kev came out on the losing side.

Fenn put a knee on the side of the bed, making it sink with his weight.

He shook his head with a slight movement. At the same time, he mentally
pushed away thoughts of Jason. If he kept obsessing, then he’d never be
free. Fenn reached out and dragged his fingertips along Kev’s muscular
thigh. The tight, dark curls tickled, and he felt his cock stir.

“Come on, baby,” Kev cooed. “I can’t wait any longer.” He pushed his

ass in the air while he lay face down. After he’d wet his fingers, he began
to work his own anus, sliding a finger in and rotating it in a slow circle.

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His eyes fluttered closed, an expression of ecstasy transforming his face.
Fenn looked away.

Fenn put a condom packet between his teeth and ripped it open. With

deft fingers, he rolled the thin rubber down over his cock. Although he
was turned on and hard, this was different from his experiences with
women. Being with Kev seemed less sensual. Fenn had always gotten off
on mixing lust with affection, even if that affection was feigned. The
women always responded better when he pretended to care, and the sex
was satisfying—at least for the time being.

With Kev he didn’t want to pretend he cared and cuddle with him and

kiss. He should give it more effort, be charming, but the thought only
angered him. Gripping his dick, he scooted closer to Kev until his thighs
brushed the backs of Kev’s. “Move,” Fenn commanded, and Kev pulled
his fingers away. By this time, he’d been stuffing three fingers into his
tight hole, so Fenn figured he was more than ready.

Fenn reached between Kev’s legs and massaged his balls before going

lower to squeeze Kev’s cock. The other man whined and bucked. He
pleaded for Fenn to take him. Fenn dug his fingers into Kev’s hips not
caring if he was being rough. He positioned his cock at the hole and then
pushed in. Buried just past his swollen head, white hot pleasure shot
through his system. Fenn clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. He dug his
fingers in more and forced Kev back onto his cock.

The round ass, softer than he’d expected, sank against him until their

bodies were flush. Fenn began a slow stroke, already feeling his orgasm
build. He kept his eyes closed and his head tilted back. In front of him Kev
moaned and sobbed. “You were so rough. I like it. Please, do it hard.
Punish me.”

“Shut up,” Fenn told him. His words were harsh, but his tone was not.

Mingled with Fenn’s pleasure was regret and guilt. He picked up speed in
his thrusts, slamming his cock deep into Kev’s rear. Twice he slapped
Kev’s ass, and Kev screamed his delight. Each time he heard Kev’s
excitement, Fenn fucked him harder. When he could no longer hold back
his climax, he forced Kev into him while he pushed forward. Jason’s face
rose in his mind’s eye just when Fenn’s come exploded. He cried out in
anguish, “Jason!”

He bucked hard at the core, trying to gain control while riding out the

spasms of pleasure the entire time. Fenn forced Kev flat on the bed and
crushed him under his heavy weight while he continued to pump into his

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ass. When the tormenting waves slowed, he stilled trying to catch his
breath. With the last vestiges of strength, he collapsed on the bed.

Fenn lay with one arm thrown over his face and ignored Kev moving

on his side. He guessed he was putting his clothes on. “You ruined a
perfectly excellent encounter. You made me feel so good, I could have
gone all night. But then you went and yelled some other guy’s name. If
you love him so much, maybe you should have been in bed with him!”

Fenn sighed. “I’m sorry. I used you.”
“Fuck off!” Kev stomped to the door, opened it, and slammed out.
After he heard his car start and pull out, Fenn sat up and discarded the

used condom. He slipped into his own clothes and tossed the card key on
the bed. When he was in his rental, he drove around in the darkness
looking for a liquor store. As luck would have it, he found one near his
hotel. He bought two bottles of whiskey, stuffed them in his jacket, and
headed back to his room. Tonight he would get well and truly plastered.

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Chapter Three

Three days had passed since Fenn went on his trip, and Jason was

getting worried. Especially since the idiot wasn’t answering his phone. For
the millionth time, Jason punched the speed dial for Jason. He’d expected
the dumbass to forget it at home, but when he searched around Fenn’s
room, it wasn’t there. Even standing outside of his locked office and
calling him didn’t produce anything. Fenn must have the phone, but for
whatever reason, he wasn’t picking up.

All kinds of thoughts ran through Jason’s mind, the most rampant one

being that Fenn lay half dead in a ditch somewhere. He swore, ended the
call at voicemail, and dialed again. “Damn it, Fenn, pick up.”

As if he’d heard him, Fenn suddenly came on the line. “’Lo?”
“Where the hell have you been, and why haven’t you answered your

phone all this time?” Jason demanded, aware that he sounded like a
worried wife and resented Fenn making him feel that way. “You said one
day, Fenn.”

“Oh, Jason,” Fenn said, slurring his words with a thickness to his voice

as if he’d just awakened. “It’s no use. I can’t help myself.”

Jason announced the obvious. “You’re drunk.”
Fenn chuckled, but this time it didn’t have his usual light tone. He

sounded crushed, Jason thought.

“What’s going on, Fenn? I knew something was bugging you when

you left. I don’t understand why you won’t talk to me. We’re best friends,
and if you can’t talk to me, who can you talk to?”

“No use.”
“Fenn? Are you there?” he called out. For a while the line had gone

silent. Jason pulled his phone from his ear and looked at it, but the
connection held. “Fenn, answer me. Where are you? I’ll come and get

When he spoke, Fenn’s voice cracked. “I don’t need that.”

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Fenn told him and named the hotel. Jason had been out of the ranching

business for a long time, but he was pretty sure the city where Fenn was
didn’t have a whole lot going on in their field. Then again, Fenn was
known to travel far and wide if he’d heard of a sale that offered quality
horseflesh. Still, this place seemed unlikely.

“I’m on my way,” he told his friend. “Wait for me.”
A few hours later, Jason’s flight touched down, and he grabbed a taxi

to the hotel Fenn had named. At least he wasn’t finding him in an alley or
at some dive of a motel. Thoughts of Fenn being blackmailed by someone
had also rushed through his mind when he’d heard nothing.

After convincing the hotel staff to give him a card key when he flashed

his badge, he headed up to the tenth floor in the elevator. Jason hurried
down the hall glancing at the numbers on the doors until he found the right
one. He slipped the key in the slot and opened the door to be assaulted by
the scent of alcohol. The room was a jumbled mess with sheets and
blankets littering the floor, clothes strewn about, and Fenn stark naked on
the floor in front of the window.

Jason swore. He rechecked to see that the Do Not Disturb sign was on

the knob and shut the door. After crossing the room to the window, he
drew the blinds closed, hoping the drunken idiot hadn’t been flashing the
world. Finally, he squatted down and gave Fenn a few sharp raps across
the cheek.

“Hey, wake up!”
Fenn’s eyelids fluttered but didn’t open. His skin was pale and his lips

deep rose. Stubble grew along his chin and jaw, which was odd for Jason
to see since Fenn was always well-groomed. He called out his friend’s
name and gave him a few more light slaps. Color filled at least one cheek.
He bit back a chuckle, but his irritation with Fenn sobered him quickly.

“Fenn, if you don’t get off the floor, I’m going to dump a pitcher of ice

water on you.”

That got a reaction, but not much of one. Fenn’s eyes opened. They

were usually sky blue, but drunk and with him being down about
something, they’d darkened like a stormy sea. For a few minutes neither of
them said a word. Jason couldn’t have explained to himself, let alone
anyone else why he knelt there staring down at Fenn.

Fenn raised his arms and caught Jason around the neck, almost

unsettling him. “I really love you, buddy. More than anyone else in this
world. I love you, Jason. You hear me?”

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Jason flared his nostrils and pursed his lips. “Okay, idiot, you’re

soused. Let’s get you in the shower. Maybe that will clear your head a

Fenn might be taller and have a lot of muscle, but Jason was no

weakling. Now that he was all healed up, he had no trouble hoisting his
friend to his feet and wrapping an arm around Fenn’s waist while Fenn
angled his arm over Jason’s shoulders. Their hips met as Jason all but
dragged Fenn toward the bathroom.

“I’m sorry, Jason,” Fenn was saying. “I screwed up. I shouldn’t have

done it, and it didn’t make a different at all. I’m still not free. I’ll never be

Jason’s blackmail theory came hurtling back at Fenn’s words. “Did

you forget I’m a cop, Fenn? If you’re in trouble, I’ll help you. I have a few
connections. If someone is pressuring you to do something, I’ll bring them
down. I promise you that.”

“No, no, no. Not that,” Fenn slurred.
By that time, Jason had him in the bathroom, and he propped Fenn

against the shower wall while he reached for the faucet. Cold water
drenched Jason’s shirt sleeves while it rained on Fenn’s head. He yelped
but didn’t come round any more. When Jason let him go, he toppled
sideways. Jason caught him and then realized unless he held Fenn up, he’d
likely fall over and crack his head open.

With one hand bracing Fenn on the shower wall, Jason toed his boots

off. He glanced down at his clothes. Water had already soaked his shirt
through, and there were dots of wetness on his jeans. With Fenn naked, it
would be awkward if he stripped too. Besides, Fenn would never stay up
long enough for him to get out of his pants.

He stepped into the narrow shower and closed the door behind him. In

the limited space, there wasn’t much room for two big men. They were
just short of chest to chest, and Jason did not appreciate the chilled water.
In fact, he kept Fenn upright and added a little hot water to the mix so that
it was still cool but wouldn’t freeze him to death.

Jason reached up to plant a hand on Fenn’s head, prepared to dip it

further under the spray, but all of a sudden Fenn switched their positions
and slammed Jason against the wall. Fenn pressed in close, crushing his
body against Jason’s. Jason gasped at the feel of Fenn’s shaft, hard as a
rock, wedged into his. A side effect to the alcohol, he decided and
dismissed it from his mind.

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Fenn brought his face close to Jason’s so their mouths were less than

an inch apart. “I told you,” Fenn murmured.

Jason shoved him hard. Fenn crashed against the fragile Plexiglas, and

Jason snatched him back before they destroyed it. He flipped his friend
around to the wall again. As if they were in a drunken brawl, the two of
them struggled back and forth. All the time, their chests brushed, cocks
bumped, and thighs rubbed. Jason tried to get the upper hand, but it wasn’t
easy with them both being soaking wet. And although he’d made the water
warmer, his hands were still chilled along with the rest of his body
encased in heavy jeans and long-sleeved shirt. Through the material, he
thought he felt Fenn’s rigid nipples, but since they were flat and small, he
figured it was a trick of his imagination.

“Quit fighting me, Fenn, and sober up,” Jason growled.
Once more Fenn switched their positions. This time, Fenn pinned him

in place, pushing his body hard against Jason’s. The fact that his cock was
now hard too shocked Jason to the point that he stopped struggling. Fenn
leaned in closer. Now Jason felt his friend’s warm breath on his lips. Just a
half inch and they would touch. Jason willed himself to turn his head, but
something inside him didn’t want to.

Fenn’s heated gaze locked with his, and then he closed the space. One

minute they were fighting, the next Jason had parted his lips to admit
Fenn’s tongue. His mind shouted for him to stop, to punch Fenn in the
head, anything to get free. But instead, Jason deepened the kiss. He snaked
his tongue into Fenn’s mouth, and the two curled together while they
greedily locked lips.

Moaning, Fenn ran his hands down Jason’s side and tugged him closer

so he could encircle his waist. Jason didn’t know when he’d done it, but
his arms had crept up to Fenn’s shoulders. He tangled his fingers in Fenn’s
wet hair, remembering how gloriously it shined in the sunlight. A moan of
pleasure tore from Jason’s throat. That brought him out of his trance.
Appalled at what he’d done, he broke Fenn’s hold on him and shoved with
all his strength. Fenn slammed into the door, snapping it open, and landed
in a heap on the floor.

Jason didn’t look at his friend. He stepped past him, grabbed his boots,

and headed back into the room. Pacing in the narrow strip between the bed
and the dresser, he left wet footprints and drops of water on the carpet. He
couldn’t believe he’d done that. What had possessed him? His mind was
still screwed up over Bev. That must be it. And Fenn didn’t know whether

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he was coming or going. Jason spotted the half empty bottle of whiskey on
the dresser and another in the trash. How Fenn was even conscious, he
didn’t know.

He sighed and began straightening the room. In Fenn’s suitcase there

were two sets of clean clothes. He was glad. The shirt might be a little
snug across the shoulders, but they were close to the same size in hips. He
would borrow jeans and shirt and leave the other for his friend.

In silence he prepared to leave. Fenn stepped out of the bathroom

somewhat more sober and pulled on boxers. Jason kept his gaze averted
for the most part. From the corner of his eyes, he watched Fenn dress and
decided he wasn’t going to wait until Fenn slept it off. He wanted out of
this room now.

Glad his cell phone had suffered no damage, he picked up Fenn’s

overdue plane ticket and dialed the airline. Soon he’d arranged for them
both to fly back to Montana. By that night, they were home, and Jason
went to his room. Not for another minute could he face his friend after the
kiss. Hopefully, things would look better, and the incident would be
laughed off, in the morning.

* * * *

Jason opened his eyes the next morning to a knock on the door.

“Yeah?” he called.

“It’s Fenn. I thought maybe you’d like to go for a ride with me. I mean

the horses.”

“What else could you mean,” Jason muttered, and then aloud he said,

“Yeah, sure. Give me a minute to wash the sleep out of my eyes and brush
my teeth. I’ll be down in fifteen.”

Jason sat up and flipped his feet over the side of the bed. So much for

things looking brighter. He’d heard the awkwardness in Fenn’s tone, and
he’d been no better. Fenn was no doubt embarrassed. He hoped his friend
didn’t blame him for what happened, even though he knew it was his fault.
Jason groaned in frustration and moved to get ready. In ten minutes he was
walking down toward the stables. Fenn already had Demon waiting, and
he’d brought out Lex as well. Jason had been happy to see that Fenn had
taken care of his horse all the time he was gone. He couldn’t believe how
much he’d missed him.

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Lex nuzzled his hand when Jason reached out to him. “Hey,” he said

to Fenn.

“Hey,” was the response.
They sprung up onto their mounts and headed out. The trail Fenn

chose was a familiar one, and soon they sped across the land at top speed.
Wind whipped into Jason’s face, and he urged his horse to pick up the
pace. They were neck and neck with Fenn and Demon. Neither Jason nor
Lex liked to lose to the other duo. This had been a daily ritual as they grew
up, and Jason welcomed the feeling of being home.

When they pulled up to the lake to rest, Jason dismounted. Like they

had been used to, neither of them bothered to tether their horses. Both
were well-trained and came at a whistle. Jason walked out over the water
along a short pier someone had built in his absence. Fenn’s booted
footsteps sounded behind him, but Jason didn’t turn around.

“About yesterday,” Jason began.
“It doesn’t matter,” Fenn interrupted.
Jason frowned and faced Fenn. “It does matter. I was there to help you,

not…” He couldn’t bring himself to say the last part.”

“It was an accident,” Fenn said.
Jason’s eyebrows went up. “An accident? Are you serious?” He knew

Fenn forgave him for most things before he could even ask. That was
Fenn’s way, but to call their kiss an accident was laughable. Jason had
been wrong pure and simple, and he wanted to make it right.

Fenn nodded. “Yeah, I should have been dealing with my problems

rather than drinking.”

Fenn was blaming himself? “Look, this isn’t your fault, but you’re

right, you shouldn’t have been drinking. I told you I’d listen to whatever is
on your mind. That still stands.” Jason paused waiting for Fenn’s
response. His friend looked like he would say something, but then he
turned away and walked back up the pier.

“You’re just going to walk away?” Jason shouted after him.
“I’m not going to risk our friendship,” Fenn responded.
Jason rushed up behind him and laid a hand on Fenn’s shoulder. Fenn

flinched, and Jason jerked away, embarrassed. “Let’s agree that it didn’t
happen. We’ve done it before with other stuff. Why not this? Nothing will
ruin our friendship unless we let it.”

“That’s not what I—” Fenn fell silent and then grunted. “Fine, we’ll go

on from here. No big deal. Business as usual.”

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By the time the day was well spent, it was painfully obvious to Jason

that they had not resolved their issues, generated by that kiss. All day in
each other’s presence, they were tense, and their conversation stilted.
Jason’s tension came out in the way he handled Fenn’s horses to be
broken until Fenn had snapped. “Take off for the day. Now!”

Jason opened his mouth but thought better of it. He agreed after all. He

loved the animals just as much as Fenn did. He did not want one to suffer
because of his out of control emotions. “Fine,” he ground out. He turned to
head back to the house.

“Don’t wait for me for dinner,” Fenn called after him.
Jason paused and looked back. Was Fenn going into town without

him, or would he work late? Working late wasn’t likely unless he planned
to repair fences or some other menial task. Fenn did not overwork his
animals just because he wanted to avoid Jason. He told himself he didn’t
give a crap what his friend did at this point. They hadn’t discussed their
night in town, and frankly, he wasn’t in the mood anyway. He figured he’d
wolf down some dinner and retire in his room. Maybe a police
investigation show would be on, something to distract him.

After he’d cleaned up and eaten, Jason flopped onto his bed and used

the remote to flick the TV on. He could have vegged in the family room
with the huge flat screen Fenn had installed there, but he didn’t want to
chance running into his friend with them both in this mood. He yawned
and watched the screen with disinterest for a while, and then sleepiness
overcame him. Jason’s eyelids grew heavy. He fought to stay awake, but it
was a losing battle. As soon as his lashes touched his cheeks, Fenn’s face
came into view in his mind. Firm lips, deep rose, eyes full of anger.
Something stirred in Jason. This was his usual reaction to seeing his
friend, he thought. Fenn. His friend’s lips descended, and Jason felt them
touch his. He jerked awake.

For a minute, Jason forgot where he was, and then he remembered. He

sat up and ran a hand through his hair. When he looked down, he gritted
his teeth. His cock was hard just as before, tenting his pants. I’m horny,
nothing more. It’s been a while.

He tried recalling Bev’s face, but the image was blurry at best. This

was ridiculous. He still loved her, and he’d been married to Bev for seven
years. She didn’t disappear from his heart and mind after a few short
weeks of separation. That argument calmed him, and Jason lay back on his

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pillow. He unbuttoned his jeans and lowered the zipper. Inside his boxers,
he palmed his cock and began to stroke. Uh, that feels good.

Working himself fast and rough, he pumped his rod and closed his

eyes. With his other hand, he shoved his boxers lower to expose his cock.
He watched his hand movements, took in the bead of precome on the tip.
Biting his bottom lip, he grunted as something deep inside shifted as if it
were a coil ready to spring. Right at the edge of his orgasm, Jason tried
uttering Bev’s name, his release held off. He worked harder. Relief was a
heartbeat away. He needed it to drain the tension.

I want you so bad. I want you, I want you. That’s when it shot forth,

aching but good. He relaxed with a sigh. In the back of his mind, he asked
himself who he was talking about and supplied Bev as the answer, but
Jason feared she wasn’t who he’d meant. He refused to examine any
further and rolled from the bed to take a shower.

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Chapter Four

Jason strolled up behind Fenn who was bent over the motor of his

tractor. Because of the unseasonably warm weather today, Fenn had
stripped off his shirt. Jason had already had to run an arm across his own
moist forehead, and he thought maybe he wouldn’t mind stripping off his
shirt. For some reason, although it had never felt that way before, them
both bare from the waist up seemed too intimate. Jason kept his in place.

He paused behind Fenn. “So we’re baling today?”
Fenn tugged at a belt, checking it for tightness. At his feet sat a can of

oil. All the gadgets needed to be well-greased to be sure everything went
smoothly and the tractor didn’t break down. From the look of it, Jason
guessed Fenn had replaced the fifty-year-old one he’d inherited from his

“Yeah,” Fenn responded.
He didn’t turn around but pretended to be busier with the check than

necessary. He must have forgotten that Jason knew this whole procedure
as well as he did. The block between them remained, and neither really
wanted to discuss it.

“Can you go down and eyeball the hay one last time?” Fenn asked.
Jason compressed his lips. He nodded but knew Fenn didn’t see him.

Rather he stuffed his hands in his pockets and began the inspection. Once
or twice, they’d found small animals hidden in the drying grass. Catching
one in the blades would not be a pretty sight.

The tractor came to life, but Jason kept walking. He was quite a way

down from where Fenn drove. Because he had to take his time, he’d be a
while catching up to Jason. When he stopped and turned around, Jason put
a hand up to shade his eyes. Even from this distance, Fenn’s tanned chest
stood out against the background. Sweat glistened on his muscles, and his
biceps bulged even though he wasn’t giving much effort to turning the
wheel. Jason felt heat in his cheeks and spun away. What the hell was he
thinking noticing that stuff about Fenn?

Pissed at himself, he hurried on inspecting the grass. When a rustle

reached him, he stopped. Sometimes, while the sound of the tractor did
scare any animal hiding in the grass, it may become confused, and rather
than run to safety, it scurried into danger. Jason crept closer to where he
thought he saw movement, but he could no longer hear since Fenn bore
down on him. He held up a hand. Fenn stopped and shut off the engine.

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“What is it?” he called.
“Something’s in here. I thought I heard it, but then you got too close,”

Jason told him.

Together they bent over the grass, eyes squinted against the bright sun.

Fenn was so close to Jason, he could have touched his hand. He’d been
right about the sweat glistening on Fenn’s skin. He growled in anger and
whipped in the opposite direction. The animal must be long gone, and if it
wasn’t well, damn it, he’d tried to help. There must be a million and one
jobs around this ranch that didn’t require him to work side-by-side with

Before he could take more than a step, a pile of hay came down on his

head. “What the hell?” Jason spun around, but Fenn stood there with
raised gloved hands like he’d done nothing wrong. The glint in his eyes
said otherwise. All of a sudden Jason’s anger faded away. “Oh, no, buddy,
you’re not getting away with that.”

Fenn took off running, and Jason ran after him. He’d almost laid a

hand on Fenn’s collar, when his friend feigned left and was out of reach.
By the time Jason caught up again, Fenn had made it to a second field
farther along in the haying process. A pile of hay lay just ahead. With a
last burst of speed, Jason leaped forward and crashed into Fenn’s back.
They both went hurtling into the hay pile, arms and legs sprawled every
which way.

“Ow, no shirt, no shirt,” Fenn complained, but he couldn’t stop

laughing as Jason held him down and grabbed a handful of hay to torment
him with it. As kids they’d stick pieces a straw up each other’s nose if
either of them caught the other napping rather than working.

“Oh it hurts, huh?” Jason laughed. “You should have thought of that

before you started a fight you couldn’t finish, my friend.”

Fenn flipped him off, and Jason rolled down the small hill, landing on

his side. Fist on his hips and towering above Jason, Fenn grinned down at
him. “You say that like you’ve ever won in these little scuffles.”

“Don’t flatter yourself.” Jason swept a leg out and clipped Fenn. His

friend landed on his ass, and Jason pounced. “You do know I’ve taken
down plenty of bad guys your size and bigger, right?”

Fenn sucked his teeth. “Always the show off. I see I’ll have to teach

you a lesson.” They tumbled back and forth, sometimes Jason on top and
others Fenn. Of course the contest of strength was going nowhere because
neither of them could stop busting up.

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At last, they collapsed breathing hard with Fenn lying half over Jason.

Sweaty and hot, all Jason could think of was stripping off some of his
clothes when he looked up at Fenn. Then he realized just how close Fenn’s
mouth was to his. His heartbeat, which had begun to slow, raced again,
and if he wasn’t mistaken, so did Fenn’s as he looked down at him.

Fenn must have realized how close they were. He sprung up, scooting

backward with his hands.

“Listen, I…” Jason began as he sat up.
“No, I don’t want to talk about it,” Fenn interrupted.
“Well, I do, damn it!” Jason shouted. “Not discussing what happened

is stupid, and it’s screwing up our friendship, or hadn’t you noticed?”

Fenn stood up and brushed his jeans and hair of bits of hay. “Every

time we even start, we argue. It gets us nowhere.” He tried walking away,
but Jason gripped his arm to stop him.

“No, what gets us nowhere is your stubborn-ass determination not to

talk about the kiss.” Jason released his friend and raised his hands in a
gesture of his frustration. “You were drunk—”

“Oh, I was drunk!” Fenn raged. Jason had never seen him so angry.

His brows pinched together, eyes stormy. He tightened his jaw and balled
his hands into fists. “Is that the excuse you’re making, that I was drunk?”

“I’m not making an excuse.”
“No?” Fenn stepped closer and poked him in the chest. “You kissed

me back, my friend, tongue and all. I’ll be generous and say yeah okay,
that was all me being drunk.” Sarcasm dripped from his tongue. “But what
about the countless times over the years you let me give you full body
hugs, huh? What about the times our cocks clearly touched and you didn’t
back off?”

Jason’s eyes widened. “You’re like a brother to me. That’s your

personality. Some people touch more than others. No big deal. I put up
with it because it was you.”

Fenn shook his head, his eyes wide in disbelief. “You’ve got to be

kidding me. Your explanation for everything is it’s my fault, and you were
just humoring me? Unbelievable!”

Jason would have defended himself further, but his cell phone rang in

his pocket. He fished it out expecting it to be his captain, but a wave a
shock hit him when he saw who it was. “Bev.”

He answered, and for a minute Fenn stared at him and then spun on his

heel to walk away. Soon he started the tractor, and Jason could hear

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nothing. He hurried in the opposite direction. What his ex-wife could
want, he didn’t know, but she couldn’t have chosen a poorer time to call.
Jason tried to figure out whether he was excited to hear her and hopeful
this was a sign they weren’t through, but his emotions were a jumbled
mess. He was still pissed off at Fenn and fearful that this latest argument
left them farther apart. Bev thrown in the mix didn’t help.

Halfway to the house, she got around to what she called him for. “I

was packing up some things and couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

Jason frowned. “Packing what things?”
“You don’t want to comment on me thinking about you?”
“Not at this time.” He ran a hand over his face. That sounded lame,

like he still had feelings for her. He stopped walking and searched his
heart again, but wasn’t sure of anything. “Bev, why don’t you be clear
about what you want? You filed for a divorce, and when I didn’t give you
one, you went to court to get a judge to end our marriage whether I liked it
or not. Everything from where I stand went your way.”

She began to whine, and Jason gritted his teeth. There were plenty of

women who knew how to use their feminine wiles, who could pout and
even whine just a little to get a man to give her what she wanted. Jason
had fallen for it during his time of dating. But Bev had never been good at
using what came naturally to most women. He’d end up more irritated
than anything. What appealed to Jason about Bev had always been her
strength, her take charge attitude. She’d been more like one of the boys.

“I heard you were in Montana for a while,” she commented. “I guess I

thought if that was the case, you must be taking it easier, working less.
Remember our biggest problem was you never had any time for me.”

“That wasn’t our biggest problem.”
“Well…I mean…you know.”
He wondered if he was doing the same thing to Fenn that Bev did to

him, casting blame as if he’d never been in the wrong. Bev worked almost
as much as he did, and when they were together, well, there had ceased to
be anything to talk about. Not to mention that their sex life had gone stale
from the very first month of marriage.

In the distance, the tractor engine cut. Jason cast a glance over his

shoulder and knew that Fenn was finished for the day. Not wanting to talk
again right now, he headed around to the ranch office. Inside there were
keys to various work vehicles hanging on a hook. Fenn had told him he
could borrow one any time he’d like to go into town.

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“Look, Bev, can we talk about this another time? I have some things I

have to take care of.” She began to speak, but he cut her off. “It was great
hearing from you.” He ended the connection and stuffed his phone in his

When Jason walked into the small building, he spotted Fenn’s assistant

manager looking down at a clipboard. The desk he leaned on was small
and nothing fancy. Jason imagined those who worked here didn’t care one
way or another whether the place was stylish. Fenn’s office in the main
house was much nicer.

At Jason’s step, the man glanced up and smiled. “Afternoon, Jason.

How’s it going?”

Jason gave a noncommittal reply. “Hey, Larry. Mind if I take a truck?

No one needs it, do they?”

“Not at all. Even if we needed it, it’d be no big deal. Fenn says treat

you like we would him, and that’s what we do. Take number four. It’s

Jason detected no resentfulness from Larry and figured most of the

staff that had been here for years considered him part owner. Even while
Jason grew up side-by-side with Fenn, everyone knew Jason was just a
step or two above ranch hand. The only one that had cared for Jason was
Fenn. He’d treated him like a brother. Back then when they finished
school, Jason had already laid out his future plans—move to the city,
become a cop, and start a family. He’d made good on his promise to
himself except for the family part.

“Thanks, bud. Catch you later.” Jason snatched a key off the hook

marked with a white circle and the number four printed in the middle.
Soon he was headed away from the ranch and into town. A couple beers
were all he needed and maybe some time to clear his head. Then he would
come back and have it out once and for all with Fenn. If he could help it,
no one would interrupt, even if he had to turn his phone off. What he
wasn’t going to do was lose his best friend under any circumstances.

* * * *

By the time Jason headed back to the ranch, the sun had well and truly

set. He glanced at his watch. Close to eight, he realized he’d missed dinner
and hoped that wasn’t another thing Fenn would add to the marks against
Jason. Not that Fenn had bothered calling him. Jason had found himself

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checking and rechecking his phone to see if he’d missed any calls. That
had pissed him off more, so he’d focused on flirting with the women he
found at the bar. Not one of them appealed, and he was glad he hadn’t
taken Fenn up on the offer for them to come here together and both seek
out a bed partner for the night. At least Jason had had his ego stroked.
More than one woman was disappointed that he didn’t leave with her.

He pulled up into the drive and headed around to the back of the

house. In the spot designated for trucks, he parked and got out. After
leaving the keys on the hook, he returned to the house. Cook met him on
the verandah ringing her hands.

“Mr. Jason, Fenn is not with you?” Cook was the only person on the

entire ranch that called either him or Fenn mister. Fenn liked to keep
things casual, which meant nothing to Cook if she wanted to show her
respect. Jason thought it was odd that he’d never learned her real name.
She’d always been known as Cook. Of course Fenn probably knew since
he issued her paycheck.

“Uh, no,” he said. “He probably had an errand or something.”
She shook her head several times before speaking. “He never skips

supper unless he tells me he will. He’s very considerate, Mr. Fenn is, and
always smiling. But today, he hasn’t smiled.” She tapped one plump finger
to her lips as she thought. “For a few days, I think he hasn’t smiled.”

A pang of guilt hit him. “I’m sure that—”
“I guess I shouldn’t have thought he was with you. You drove home,

right? And Mr. Fenn left on Demon early. He hasn’t come back. My old
bones tell me before the night is over, there will be a storm. He shouldn’t
stay out after dark with the horse, and definitely not in a storm.”

Alarm rose in Jason’s chest. Both of those statements were true. He

knew from experience himself and from what Fenn’s father had taught
them. Aside from that, Fenn loved Demon and would do nothing to risk
the horse’s health. Jason glanced at the sky. Millions of stars twinkled
down on them. There wasn’t a cloud in sight, and the moon shown
brightly. Cook might be wrong, but he didn’t want to take a chance.

“I’ll go and look for him,” he offered. Jason headed to the stables and

readied Lex. When the horse was saddled up, he rode toward the front of
the house and stopped. Cook stood there as if she had to see him off. “Did
you already ask Larry if he knows where Fenn is? We sure he didn’t just
take Demon to the vet?”

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She shook her head. “No vet. Demon is not due for a checkup, and you

remember, Mr. Jason, the vet comes here. Mr. Fenn has a very good
rapport with him. Plus he is my cousin.”

Lex danced about at Cook’s chatter, and Jason felt just as eager to be

gone to look for Fenn. His friend had to be okay. Fenn was a skilled
horseman, and he knew this entire county like the back of his hand. There
should be no reason for him not to come back sooner than now.

“Mr. Larry doesn’t know. He’s been calling around, but he didn’t call

you. No one knows your cell phone number.”

Jason gritted his teeth. That was a fail on his part. He’d make it right

when he got back. “Okay, I’m going. I’ll call if…when I find him. Don’t
worry, and go inside. It’s warm, but the night air can’t be good for you.”

He didn’t wait for her to make it inside before he took off at top speed.

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Chapter Five

Only when common sense prevailed did Jason slow his horse. Fenn

would not be helped if Jason couldn’t get to him because his horse went
lame on the darkened trail. He and Lex picked their way over foliage and
twigs. For the most part the way was clear because Fenn had men check
the area now and again. Besides that he rode out every morning. He’d
have seen if there was an obstruction to the path.

The longer it took Jason to make progress, the harder he gritted his

teeth. Several times he called Fenn’s phone on the off chance he’d taken it
with him, but there had been no answer. Besides, he was pretty sure Cook
had tried that, or Larry had. When he found that idiot, he would knock him
on his ass for making his workers worry about him. For making me worry,
damn it.

By the time he reached the lake where they’d stopped a few days ago,

a good hour and a half had passed. A surge of anger rose in Jason when he
spotted his friend standing near the shoreline, and he slipped off Lex to lay
into him. When he barreled toward Fenn, he paused. The moonlight
glimmered off Fenn’s pale hair, and a faint breeze stirred a few tendrils.
Jason’s throat went dry. He stood there watching, wanting to go nearer,
but not daring to. He tried to get a handle on himself, but it took a while
for him to think clearly.

“You know you’ve got everyone worried, don’t you?” he demanded.
“But not you,” Fenn stated. He didn’t move from his spot, nor did he

look back.

“I just came to tell you I’m leaving,” he blurted out, not even thinking

that beforehand. For some reason he wished he could take it back.

This time, Fenn did turn. Jason couldn’t see his face in the shadows,

but as before he stood stock still, like he was afraid to move too much.
Jason decided that was a figment of his imagination perpetuated by their
surroundings. The trees, painted black in the darkness seemed melancholy,
and Jason could have sworn Fenn’s mood matched their appearance.

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“So you’re running back to Bev,” Fenn spat. “After how she’s treated

you, kicked you aside like the dog she no longer wants?”

Only now did he remember Bev’s call and how it must seem to

announce he was leaving after he talked to her. Fenn must think he was a
wuss, that he was whipped by a woman who could stomp her high heels
into him, and Jason would take it. He wasn’t that kind of man. Despite
that, Fenn’s accusation angered him all the more, and he had no desire to
correct his misconception.

“I’m sick of you throwing her in my face like I don’t have the right to

love my wife.”

Ex-wife,” Fenn snapped.
Jason narrowed his eyes. He stalked up to Fenn and stopped a foot or

so from him. “Oh, I get it. You were jealous of what I had. You put on the
front of being the happy playboy, sleep with a different woman every
week, but in reality you wish you had more.”

Fenn threw his head back and laughed. Jason’s gaze flicked from his

friend’s face to his long neck and back again.

“Who in their right mind would be jealous of you having the ice

queen?” He looked around as if he asked an invisible audience, waiting for
someone to speak up. In that same instant, Jason lost it. He drove a fist
into Fenn’s jaw, and his friend stumbled back but didn’t fall.

Fenn regained his balance and came at Jason. His right hook connected

with Jason’s chin. Jason went down to one hand but sprang up again. They
tussled back and forth, feet sliding in the dirt and grass. Each one got a
good blow in to the side or stomach. Fenn slammed Jason into a tree. He
moved in so close Jason thought he would kiss him again, but then he
backed off and turned away. Still pissed, Jason charged at his friend and
took him in a chokehold. With an easy foot move he’d been trained to do
in the academy, he switched their positions and had Fenn pinned against
the tree.

Not even knowing what he intended to do before he did it, Jason lined

Fenn’s body with his, and kissed him hungrily. Before Fenn could realize
what he’d done and respond, Jason stumbled away. His breath came out
harsh and noisy, and he cursed, touching his lips. What had he been

This was well and truly it for them, he thought. The realization made

him sink to the ground and thump down on his ass. He hung his head

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while he rested his forearms on his knees. Beside him, Fenn dropped down
too, and they sat in silence for while.

“I guess there’s no turning back,” Fenn announced, but Jason thought

he seemed happy about it.

The next instant, he found himself flat on the ground where Fenn had

shoved him, and his friend rolled over on top of him. Jason’s cock
hardened in an instant pressed as it was by Fenn’s. Their chests were
sealed together, and Fenn rested his hands at Jason’s hips. Jason had no
idea what to do with his arms. They lay flopped to the side, his palms
opened like he’d surrendered.

Fenn’s mouth came down over his, and Jason couldn’t help himself.

He kissed him back, opening to Fenn’s tongue, enjoying how his best
friend tasted. But alarm bells were going off in his head. He pulled away,
but instead of releasing him, Fenn began kissing along his throat. Jason
sucked in a breath at how it felt. No one had ached with longing like this
with just a few nips at his throat.

“Stop, Fenn,” he croaked. “We shouldn’t be doing stuff like this. Two

straight men? This isn’t right.”

Fenn leaned up just enough to slide his hand down between them.

When he squeezed Jason’s cock, he cried out. Fenn captured his lips in
another kiss, and after a few minutes of fevered exploring, he murmured
against Jason’s cheek, “Experiment. We’re just experimenting. No harm
done, and everyone does it at some point in their lives, right?”

Was that true? Maybe Fenn was just giving him the excuse he needed

for tonight. They were just seeing what it was like, nothing more. And no
one said they had to do it again after this or that they had to declare
themselves to be gay from here on out. No problem.

This time, Fenn paused and waited for his answer, but he didn’t move

away. Jason realized he didn’t want Fenn to get up. He liked his hand right
where it was, and if he was honest with himself, he wanted to do the same.
For as long as he could remember, he’d noticed every aspect of Fenn’s
body—from his blond hair, to his amazing eyes, to his muscular build.
Now, he had the chance to run his fingers through that hair, stare into
those eyes, and most important of all—touch that body.

“How far?” he asked with hesitance. “How far are we willing to go?”
Fenn smiled. Jason tried not to acknowledge how his heart sputtered

seeing the sunlight so late at night.

“All the way,” Fenn said.

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Jason licked his dry lips, and to his surprise Fenn watched him doing

it. Jason’s cock twitched. Fenn squeezed and stroked, making Jason moan
and close his eyes. “No one will know? Promise me, Fenn, no one will
know, and…we’re only talking about tonight.”

“You got it. I promise, no one will know, and if this is the one and

only time, well we’ll make it really good!”

Still Jason hesitated. Going any further would be past the point of no

return. As it was, he didn’t think he could stand it if Fenn didn’t stroke
him until he came. His cock throbbed, and he could barely think straight
imagining Fenn sticking his hand down his pants. Skin against skin, that
had to be amazing. Jason hadn’t been with many women, but the few he
had been intimate with were good, really good when he came. What would
this be like?

He looked into Fenn’s eyes, but with his back to the moonlight and it

being so dark, Jason couldn’t see the color. He loved Fenn. That had never
been a mystery. Fenn was like his brother, but he was also the closest
person to him. His friend knew everything about Jason, down to the
smallest secret. Well, all except that he liked looking at Fenn. Hell, he’d
never faced that truth until now. Not completely. Would sex with Fenn be
as good as it was with women? Would it be better? Or worse?

He was nervous about the ramifications of tonight and about the effect

to their friendship, but at the same time, he just couldn’t say no. While
Fenn waited, Jason reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.
He dialed the ranch, and Cook picked up on the first ring.

“Cook, I found him. We’re going to take our time getting back since

it’s so dark, to be sure the horses are okay. Don’t worry. Go on to bed.
We’ll see you in the morning.” Before she could respond, he ended the
call and let the phone fall on the ground. “I want it. I want

Fenn wasted no time in lowering his head to kiss Jason. Their tongues

met and entwined, while Fenn worked Jason’s button loose on his pants.
When he’d lowered his zipper and slipped his hand inside, Jason’s jaw
went slack. He arched into Fenn’s touch, loving the feel of his friend
rubbing him. His cock swelled all the more, and Jason had no idea how he
was going to hold his orgasm to make this last. The feeling was too

Fenn scooted off him but stayed close so that Jason could feel his hard

cock against his hip. Fenn braced himself on his elbow while watching his

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hand movements. “Oh wow, I never imagined you were this thick. Mm,
you look good, Jason.”

Jason shivered. Fenn’s words excited him but shocked him at the same

time. Fenn didn’t seem ashamed or nervous about admitting the effect
touching him and looking at him was having on him. His friend looked
down right ravenous, which turned Jason on all the more. He, on the other
hand, had clenched his fists at his sides, aching to touch Fenn but unable
to make himself move. He’d never considered himself a fearful person.
He’d never even allowed a flinch when facing a suspect, but this was

“Don’t you want to touch me?” Fenn asked.
Jason licked his lips and swallowed. “Yes.”
When Jason didn’t move, Fenn released his cock and sat up. He

opened his pants and scooted them down over his hips along with his
boxers. Jason watched in fascination when the pale stiff cock sprung forth.
Fenn had mentioned his thickness, but his buddy’s cock was perfection.
Just like the rest of him.

Fenn soon shed all of his clothing, and Jason could do nothing but

admire the hardened physique, the rippled abs, the buff chest, and thighs
that made Jason want to squeeze them. He almost lost it when Fenn stood
with his back briefly to him. Jason’s eyes widened at the round muscled
excellence that was Fenn’s ass. What would it be like if he licked Fenn
there? His heart raced thinking about it, but Fenn didn’t give him the
chance to dwell on those thoughts.

Straddling him with one of those solid thighs on each side of his head,

Fenn dangled his cock above Jason. “I want you to suck my cock.”

Jason gasped. “You’re moving fast, aren’t you?”
“If you don’t want it…” Fenn bumped the swollen head against

Jason’s lips and then made as if to move away. Jason thrust forward and
took the tip into his mouth. He couldn’t believe it. He had a man’s cock in
his mouth. No, not just any man, Fenn. He pushed all the way forward
until Fenn’s shaft touched the back of his mouth, and then he pulled back.
Fenn. Mm, it’s so good.

Precome salted his tongue, and he pulled on the shaft for more. None

came. He’d have to work Fenn until he gave him what he wanted.
Greedily Jason sucked Fenn from the bottom to the top and back again. In
the moonlight, his friend’s erection glistened and didn’t spend more than a

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second outside of Jason’s mouth. With the tip resting on Jason’s lips, he
murmured, “It’s leathery, like mine. Smooth, and it tastes so good.”

He couldn’t help it. He sucked some more while massaging Fenn’s

balls in his palm. Fenn’s thighs quivered, and he threw his head back
groaning and calling out Jason’s name. “If I let you go all the way…”
Fenn almost cried out. “Not like this. Not now.”

Jason had no idea what he was talking about, but Fenn sprung off of

him and began ripping at Jason’s clothes. Jason had to pull away and
undress on his own or go back to the ranch with all his buttons torn off.
Explaining that away wouldn’t be easy. When he was as naked as Fenn,
his friend pulled him to his feet and guided him over to a tree. Fenn placed
his hands flat against the bark facing away from him.

“What are you doing?”
Fenn kissed him quiet, and then pushed a finger into his mouth. Over

his shoulder Jason watched Fenn. Their eyes locked. From their position,
Jason saw a bit better into Fenn’s eyes, and he could have sworn he saw
desperate love there. But Fenn moved up behind him, and Jason cried out
because Fenn had gently pushed his finger against Jason’s anus.

“Wha—” Jason began.
Again, Fenn kissed him quiet, nibbling for a moment at his lips. “This

is how two men make love.” The finger glided in, a tight squeeze but not
painful to his surprise. Fenn worked it around and around as if he wanted
to loosen Jason’s entrance. Light-headedness assailed Jason. The feeling
of fullness was almost overwhelming.

“Damn it,” Jason breathed. “T-That’s incredible.”
“I know.”
Fenn moved closer and reached around in front of Jason to grab his

cock. He pumped and squeezed. Jason’s head dropped back on Fenn’s
shoulder. They stayed that way a long while with Fenn massaging his ass
opening and working his cock. The sensations threatening to make Jason
lose his mind were almost more than he could bear. He nearly lost it when
Fenn caught his precome and put his fingers to his mouth to lick it off.
Jason bit down on a howl of bliss. But Fenn stopped his hand movements
and stepped back. Jason could have pleaded with him to continue, but he
said nothing.

“Suck me again, Jason. Get me wet,” Fenn encouraged.
Jason wanted to do whatever Fenn wanted him to at that moment. He

dropped to his knees and began sucking Fenn deep into his mouth. He

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reached for Fenn’s balls like he’d done before, but his friend stopped him.
When Fenn’s cock was good and slick, he pulled himself out of Jason’s
mouth and helped Jason to his feet.

After placing Jason’s hands on the tree, Fenn encircled his waist with

one arm and took Jason’s cock in his other hand. Jason lost his breath at
the first breach of his ass. Fenn’s fingering him hadn’t hurt, but this did.
He bit down and curled his fingers, scraping his knuckles on the bark’s
harsh surface.

Fenn didn’t stop. He pushed in inch by slow inch with his knees bent

so he could get a good angle. Jason panted and struggled to accept the
stretching of his hole. He sagged toward the tree, but Fenn pulled him
back as if he’d never let him get away. If Jason thought he’d felt full with
Fenn’s finger, this went far beyond that.

With his hot breath warming Jason’s neck, Fenn whispered in a ragged

voice, “Does it hurt too much for you?”

“Yes…no.” Jason wasn’t sure. His mind clouded with confusion. He

wanted Fenn to back off and give him time, but he wanted to be taken too.
He couldn’t move away. He couldn’t push closer. The only thing left was

When he was seated all the way inside Jason, Fenn released the base of

his cock and wrapped both arms around Jason’s waist. Their bodies
bumped together and drew apart, then bumped again. Jason never
imagined having someone rear into him, but gradually the pain lessened.
Although there was still a soreness to it, he began to enjoy the sensation of
Fenn pumping into his ass.

Jason turned his head to capture Fenn’s lips in a kiss, but Fenn didn’t

return the caress. Fenn’s head dipped forward, and his breathing was
heavy. Jason figured he was about to come. Jason pushed into him, taking
the full length of Fenn’s cock. Fenn gave a choked cry, and then warmth
spread over Jason’s insides. Fenn sagged into him, and Jason supported
both their weight.

This time when Jason kissed him, Fenn responded. They stood sealed

together from behind, tongues in each other’s mouths while they tasted
and explored. After some time, Fenn raised his head but let the tip of his
nose tease Jason’s.

“Now you,” Fenn said.
Jason’s eyes widened. “Now me what?”
“You’re going to fuck me in the ass,” Fenn told him.

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“Hold on,” Jason began, but Fenn pulled out of him. Jason shuddered

at the loss.

Fenn roughly spun Jason around to face him and lifted Jason’s hand to

put two fingers into his mouth. He sucked lightly on Jason’s finger making
Jason shiver. The act reminded him of what it had been like to suck Fenn’s
cock, and made him ache to have his own cock sucked.

“You’re going to do this,” Fenn said and pushed Jason’s fingers into

his ass. Jason was surprised that while Fenn’s ass was nice and tight, Fenn
didn’t seem to be fighting against the same pain he had. Fenn guided him
until he was knuckle deep and rotated Jason’s hand, working the hole in a
circle. Jason yanked his hand away.

“You think you’re in charge of this experiment?” Jason dropped a

heavy hand on Fenn’s shoulder and shoved him downward. Fenn resisted
at first, but Jason was skilled at bringing a man to his knees in his line of
work. Soon Fenn was on level with Jason’s erection. Jason knotted his
fingers in Fenn’s hair and pulled his head toward him. “Suck my cock

Fenn obeyed to his extreme pleasure. Jason had noticed that he was

longer than Fenn, but his friend took him deeper into his mouth. From the
mind-numbing squeeze, he guessed that Fenn had taken him part way
down his throat. If Jason didn’t stop him soon, he’d fill Fenn’s mouth with
his come, but Jason was determined that like his friend, he’d empty his
load in Fenn’s ass. Just thinking of it turned him on like nothing ever had.

Jason pulled back, careful not to hurt Fenn. “On your knees.”
Fenn flipped over onto his hands and knees, his hard, sexy ass in the

air, waiting for Jason. With one leg raised and one knee planted outside of
Fenn’s, Jason guided his cock head to Fenn’s ass. In the pale light, he
wondered how he could ever squeeze into Fenn, but he pressed anyway.
Taking his time to push in, Jason let his breath out in a low hiss as he
clutched Fenn’s hip. Fenn’s cry pierced the quiet night, but Jason wasn’t
backing off. He held on and pulled Fenn back onto him.

In one way, he felt like he wanted to get back at Fenn for making him

feel this way. He wasted no time thrusting into Fenn’s ass and soon buried
himself balls deep. Fenn’s hot body wrapped around Jason’s shaft, milking
it, driving him until it was near impossible to hold off his climax. He
shoved hard into Fenn while yanking him back. Rather than pained, Fenn
seemed to love it. His back arched, bringing his ass higher. Jason leaned

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into Fenn and thrust harder and faster. He pounded Fenn’s little asshole,
punishing it and him.

At the same time he slammed into Fenn, the ecstasy of it had his head

whirling. Fenn was impossibly tight and warm. Jason understood why
Fenn hadn’t backed off earlier. He couldn’t. Jason couldn’t have stopped
now if he wanted to. And he did not want to. He pushed and pushed,
loving the sound of their flesh slapping together, echoing out over the
mountains. Their grunts merged. Jason felt the buildup. In another minute,
he was going to come, and come hard.

Fingers biting into Fenn’s hips, Jason drove him down onto his cock

and at the same time forced his way in. Fenn called out his name, his voice
thick with emotion. Jason couldn’t hold it anymore. His come burst forth.
He fell over Fenn’s back. This time, Fenn supported them as Jason
emptied himself into his best friend.

At last, they lay side by side, panting. Fenn’s face was split ear to ear

with a satisfied grin, but now that his lust had been sated, Jason began to
wonder where they should go from here. He rolled to his feet and stood.
“We should go back to the ranch.”

Fenn stood and stepped close. “Are you okay?”
Jason moved out of reach. “Fine.”
They headed back in silence, Jason, despite his worries, reliving every

moment of the most incredible sex ever.

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Chapter Six

Fenn went down to breakfast stiff and sore the next morning. He’d

examined his body in the shower and hadn’t been surprised at the bruises
on his hips. Being in his line of work, his body was hardened, and he
didn’t injure easily, he’d known when Jason started bossing him last night
that his friend wanted punish him for what they were doing. Aside from
that, he couldn’t be happier. Besides, Jason pounding the hell out of his
ass had made him come a twice. That one time in the motel with that guy
couldn’t compare to what he’d enjoyed with Jason. Of course that didn’t
surprise him. He knew what he felt for Jason. There was no question of
how much he loved him, but what would Jason feel in the light of day?
Could they continue their “experiment”? He hoped so.

When he entered the dining room, Fenn found Jason already sitting in

his normal seat with a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of him. No
one else was present at the moment. Fenn picked up speed and came up
behind him. He wrapped his arms around Jason and licked a dab of butter
from the side of Jason’s lip.

“Morning,” Fenn murmured.
Jason shook him off. “Are you nuts? Someone could walk in at any

minute. Cook just left to get your food.”

Fenn grinned. “Well if she just left, then we’re safe.” He dropped a

kiss on Jason’s lips and squeezed his cock through his jeans.

Jason shoved him. “Knock it off, damn it.”
Undaunted by his friend’s attitude, Fenn hummed on the way to his

chair and dropped into it. Jason might protest, but in the instant that Fenn
kissed him, he’d kissed back. Jason was not disgusted by what they’d done
the night before, and maybe Fenn could make sure he didn’t regret it
either. Now that he’d had him, Fenn wasn’t going to give up so easily.
Last night had fueled his hunger. He wanted Jason in his bed, under him
and on top of him, every which way they could do it. Jason, I love you.

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Cook pushed the door open which separated the dining room from the

kitchen. “There you are, Fenn. None the worse for your little venture last

Fenn grinned at Jason. “Just a little sore.”
Jason growled and cast him a warning glance.
Cook didn’t seem to notice anything out of place about them. She

bustled over and set his plate down along with a pot of coffee. “Good, you
should be sore. You can’t just run off and not think of your horse or those
back here worrying about you. I don’t know when you’ll learn to take your
cell phone when you ride. That’s what it’s for, if you get into trouble.”

Fenn allowed for her gentle scold, knowing she cared, but his mind

was filled with thoughts of Jason and how soon he could get him alone.
After Cook left them, Fenn remembered what Jason said last night about
leaving. His stomach knotted, and he clenched the fork in his hand that
he’d just picked up. Now that they’d crossed a barrier, he did not want to
go back until they’d both discovered whether this should continue. Fenn
hoped it would.

Forcing himself to relax, he buttered his toast and then piled it with

egg and sausage. After taking a bite, chewing, and swallowing, he
broached the subject. “About last night…”

“Don’t start on that right now,” Jason interrupted.
“I was just going to ask about what you said, about leaving.” He

couldn’t help the desperation that had crept into his tone but hoped Jason
hadn’t heard it. “Is that still true? Are you going back to Bev?”

Jason’s fork clanged to his plate, and he snatched it up as if he wanted

to hide how Fenn’s questions affected him. “I said that out of anger, but I
don’t know what I’m doing.” Jason’s gaze met Fenn’s. “You’re fighting
with something too though.”

Fenn’s eyebrows went up. “What do you mean?”
“Whatever drove you out of town and made me have to come get


Fenn froze. He’d forgotten that. Well, not entirely. He’d forgotten that

Jason still didn’t know what he’d been up to, and he wasn’t so sure he
should admit this early in their sexual relationship. If he told Jason he slept
with another man, there was no telling what his reaction would be. They
hadn’t been intimate at the time, but Fenn still felt like he’d betrayed
Jason, and who knew if Jason would feel the same way. Fenn looked away

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from his friend. If he lost Jason now after last night, he didn’t think he
could handle it.

“That,” Fenn mumbled, not sure what excuse to give. “Uh, I told you

business just got to me, and I handled it wrong.”

“And I know you’re lying.”
Jason knew him too damn well. Fenn gritted his teeth. He picked up

his coffee cup for something to do with his hands since his appetite had
taken a nose dive. After downing the black, unsweetened liquid, he poured
another cup and then sipped more slowly. He peered at Jason over the rim
and reached out a hand to cover his.

“I know you’re worried about me, but don’t.”
Jason sneered and jerked his hand away. He pushed his chair back and

picked up his empty plate. “Don’t patronize me, Fenn. If you don’t want to
talk, fine, but don’t expect me to tell you all that’s on my mind either.”

“So our friendship has come to this?” Fenn felt the need to ride Demon

until they were both winded, but he’d learned his lesson yesterday. He’d
never run from a challenge before, and he wasn’t going to make it a habit

Jason rolled his eyes. “I think I’d forgotten how dramatic you are. I’m

going to ride with Charlie into town for supplies. I’ll be back later.” He
nabbed his hat from the table and left the room. With each click of his
boots on the hall floor, Fenn felt him getting farther away. Jason might
think he’d escaped, but Fenn wasn’t giving up so easily. Jason still wanted
him, and Fenn would bring that home to him soon enough.

* * * *

Jason found every excuse in the book to stay away from Fenn. He

volunteered for every voyage into town or a neighboring county, and
paired with other ranch hands on various tasks around the ranch. For the
next few days, he didn’t see Fenn except at breakfast and at dinner. Each
time, he’d wolf his food down and be off. Ducking Fenn’s roaming hands
and errant kisses was a challenge, especially when the idiot didn’t care if
they were caught.

All the time, Jason’s body raged for Fenn’s. He blamed it on having no

sex at all, and someone with whom he’d enjoyed it offering himself. That
kept him from looking too deeply at his desires. Yet, if he was really not
interested in continuing where they left off at least for a short while, he

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would answer his phone when Bev and his captain called. Jason knew his
boss was inquiring about his return from leave, and Bev wanted him back.

Jason stepped out on the verandah for a few moments when he was

between tasks, figuring he was safe for the time being since Fenn was out
on the tractor. From a distance, the rumble of the motor reached him.
Without thinking about it, he walked off the porch headed in that
direction, but then stopped. This was ridiculous. He was drawn to Fenn.
His cock hardened in his pants just thinking of seeing his friend. That had
never been his reaction before.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. He should go find Larry and see if

there was something he could help the man with, any small task. Jason
strolled around the side of the house with every intention of looking for
Larry, but he found himself walking along the neat rows in the field
instead. Where Fenn moved along at an unhurried pace, Jason grew closer.
His heart rate picked up although he wasn’t traveling much faster than the

Steps away from Fenn, Jason stopped when his friend cut the engine.

Fenn twisted around apparently to check the wagon trailing him and he
spotted Jason. Like a deer caught in headlights, Jason didn’t move or
speak. A smile broke over Fenn’s handsome face. “Hey.”

“I was just wondering if you needed help,” Jason rushed to say. He

hated how weak and pathetic he sounded and cleared his throat. “I mean I
was looking for Larry, but he wasn’t in the office,” he lied.

Fenn crooked his finger. “Come here.” Jason shook his head and

frowned but walked over anyway. Fenn patted the seat in front of him.
“Come up here with me.”

Jason’s mouth fell open. He looked around. “Are you psycho? I’m not

doing that. Someone might see us.”

Fenn continued to grin like a besotted fool. Jason grunted and

questioned his own sanity when he climbed up. Being a big man, Fenn had
taken up most of the seat, leaving maybe an inch for Jason. He leaned
back, a clear invitation on his face. Jason couldn’t deny the zing of
excitement that flashed through his core. Even before he sat down on
Fenn’s lap, his friend’s arms encircled him and drew him back to his
chest. They sat awkwardly at first. The whole idea would have worked out
better if Jason had been a small man, but from the moment Fenn’s hand
slipped below his belly down to Jason’s cock, he couldn’t think of a thing
wrong with the situation.

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“Feels good touching you,” Fenn whispered in his ear and then

lowered his zipper. Jason’s breath bottled in his chest when Fenn’s fingers
closed around his shaft. In seconds, he grew stiff and long. Fenn groaned.
“I could make you come right here.”

“Don’t,” Jason hissed, but he bowed over the steering wheel and

gripped it trying to resist Fenn’s stroke. Cool air teased his exposed flesh,
but Fenn warmed him with each pump. Jason squirmed on his friend’s lap,
and Fenn’s cock responded beneath him. The memory of Fenn buried deep
inside his ass washed over Jason, and his orgasm built. “You should stop.”

Fenn caught hold of his chin and forced Jason’s head to the side. Jason

could have resisted if he wanted, but when Fenn’s mouth descended on his
and that tongue filled his mouth, he knew he didn’t want to stop him. They
moaned into each other’s mouths, sucking and kissing, each trying
desperately for more.

“Damn it, Fenn,” Jason roared. “I’m going to come.”
“Do it, Jay.” Fenn nuzzled his lips. “Come for me.”
Jason tried to hold on. He didn’t want to come in the middle of this

field, high atop this tractor for all the world to see. But he was beyond
holding back. He’d climbed up here of his own free will, and Fenn’s hand
wrapped around his cock was all he wanted. Jason burrowed into Fenn’s
neck, and Fenn tightened his hold. His hand movements quickened. Jason
let go.

“Ah, oh yeah. Mmm,” he cried out.
“Look at it,” Fenn told him. Jason looked down and watched as Fenn

continued to pump him. A last shot of his seed hit the steering wheel and
dripped down. Fenn laughed. “See that wasn’t so bad.”

Jason glared. He pushed Fenn’s hand away and tucked his cock into

his boxers. Now he’d have to go up to the house and shower, hoping no
one looked at him funny because he was pretty sure what he’d been up to
was written across his forehead. Fenn forced one more kiss on him before
he released Jason to jump to the ground.

“Hey,” Fenn called before Jason could get out of earshot. He stopped

and turned. “Have dinner with me tonight.”

“I always have dinner with you. Why should that change?”
Fenn crossed his arms over his chest. Jason felt another urge to be

close to him but took a step back as if Fenn might attack at any second.
His confused mind was getting on his nerves, and he’d be glad when he
got over whatever this was.

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“You sit in the same room as I am for all of two seconds, shoving your

food down your throat,” Fenn explained. “I’ve wondered if any second
you’ll rupture your esophagus.”

The corner of Jason’s mouth twitched in his effort not to laugh. “And

your point, old woman?”

Fenn leaned forward, turning on the charm even as he did it. A slow

grin spread across his features, and his blue eyes were as light as the sky.
Jason held himself rigid. This was odd. He’d seen his friend pull that
expression on several women, and every one of them fell hard for Fenn,
giving into whatever he desired. Jason wanted to tell him it didn’t work on
him, but he’d be lying.

He turned his back. “Fine, I won’t run, but keep your hands to

yourself. Got it?”

“I make no promises,” Fenn said with too much glee in his tone, and

Jason stomped back to the house.

For the rest of the afternoon, Jason was relieved that Fenn didn’t

pursue him. At the same time, he was disappointed. On some level, he’d
enjoyed the attention, even the excitement of risking getting caught. But
he’d dismissed those ideas, blaming them on Fenn’s influence. His friend
was the type to get off on hunting him while Jason escaped in the opposite
direction. He participated in rodeos, riding bucking broncos and bulls
every year. Fenn was as much of a hardened cowboy as Jason was a cop.
That’s why it shook him for a loop that Fenn couldn’t keep his hands off
of him. Of course, if Jason wasn’t in denial, he’d admit he wanted to rub
down Fenn just as badly. If this were not about sex between men, hell,
he’d be the one doing the hunting.

Jason came downstairs a little early knowing supper would be in an

hour or so. He paused just around the corner from the stairs when he saw
Fenn disappear through a doorway. Jason followed. When he caught up to
Fenn, he found his friend standing in the kitchen, doing what he didn’t

“What are you doing, Fenn?” he called out.
Fenn put his finger to his mouth. “Shh, I don’t want Cook to catch

me.” Jason realized Fenn had been about to ladle soup into a bowl. With
Jason watching, he eased the top on the pot again and faced him with a
guilty grin.

Jason crossed his arms over his chest. “You do remember how picky

she is about sampling her food before it’s served?”

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Fenn grumbled. “Yeah, well I’m a growing man. I need sustenance,

and I didn’t get a chance to grab lunch while I was in town today.”

At Fenn’s words that he was a growing man, Jason couldn’t help the

shift of his gaze from Fenn’s face to his crotch. He felt his face warm
when Fenn caught him looking and winked. Did his libido ever rest, for
pete’s sake?

Jason tried to continue the conversation to distract Fenn from his

obvious line of thought. “Well, an apple should hold us both over. I’m
hungry too. That sandwich earlier wasn’t enough, and I—”

“Was making sure I didn’t catch you in the dining room,” Fenn

finished. He grabbed Jason’s wrist in a grip that he wasn’t breaking from
without a lot of effort. “If you’re really hungry, I can give you something
better than fruit.”

Jason knew just where this was heading. He jerked hard on his arm,

but that only gave Fenn the excuse of losing his balance and barreling into
Jason’s chest. Fenn’s arms came around his waist, and he squeezed
Jason’s ass. Desire flamed to life inside of him. His cock stirred against

“You know, I sucked you earlier, and you left me needy,” Fenn

accused him.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”
“You can make up for it right here and now,” Fenn suggested.
Jason pulled out of Fenn’s embrace. “In the middle of the kitchen?

Sometimes I think you want us to get caught. There’s no telling where
Cook went off to, and if she has this pot going, it’s likely she’ll be back
soon. This isn’t the place for this kind of thing, Fenn. Now let go of my

“Not until you admit you want to suck my dick,” Fenn demanded, still

in his good-natured way.

Jason growled. Even as they stood, facing each other with Fenn

clamped onto Jason’s arm, it looked too intimate. Anyone stumbling onto
them now wouldn’t have to guess at their sexual relationship. The fact that
it annoyed the hell out of Jason about how uncomfortable he felt over this
situation didn’t change his reaction to Fenn. He blew out a heavy breath
and ran his hand through his hair. Right away, Fenn caught the movement
and reached up to fix Jason’s tussled hair as if he was his wife. Jason
ducked out of reach.

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“Fine, I admit it,” he said. “I want to suck your dick.” I want to hear

you moan and taste your come again. Anger suffused his mind at that
unnecessary mental admission.

Fenn released him and walked over to the entrance to the larder.

Figuring his friend was about to raid that place for a snack, Jason turned
away and then froze. The unmistakable noise of Fenn lowering his zipper
reached him. Jason’s cock twitched. He glanced back. Fenn had opened
his pants and stood stroking his erection and staring down at it. When he
looked up to meet Jason’s gaze, he raised an eyebrow. Fenn spun on the
ball of his foot and walked into the darkness of the larder. A light switch
clicked. In the recesses, Jason caught sight of Fenn with his pants low on
his narrow hips headed down the short flight of stairs.

Jason couldn’t have walked away now if he tried. He hurried in after

Fenn and pulled the door closed behind him. Fenn’s larder was an
oversized room on a lower level off the kitchen. A few steps led into it
because the ceiling didn’t extend much beyond his head. Jason followed
him along a row of shelved canned goods. If a disaster struck and they
couldn’t leave the house, at least they wouldn’t starve for quite a while.

Fenn stopped at the end of the aisle and let his pants drop around his

ankles. Jason ran a hand over his mouth feeling stubble at his jaw. Seeing
Fenn’s ass bared reminded him of that night by the lake and how he’d
wanted to lick his friend’s smooth skin there. Jason didn’t ask for
permission. He went after what he wanted. Dropping to his knees, he
massaged Fenn’s ass cheeks, loving the strength and toned muscles under
his hands. He tentatively leaned in to swipe Fenn’s ass with his tongue. He
was salty but good.

Jason rained several kisses over the area and then licked slowly over

the curve. He sucked Fenn’s flesh into his mouth and moaned as he did so.
Above him, Fenn’s breathing had become fast and heavy. He braced
himself on a beam and pushed his ass toward Jason.

Jason took the offering, kissing all over Fenn’s ass and working his

way around to the front. When his lips met Fenn’s cock, he parted them to
take the engorged member as far as he could. He wished could take his
friend as deep as Fenn took him, but that would come with practice. The
thought startled him, and he drew back a little looking up at Fenn.

A tremor went through Fenn’s thighs, and he cupped Jason’s chin. “I

don’t know what you do to me, but…” He seemed reticent of continuing

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or regretted what he’d already said. His eyes glittered with his lust. “I love
your mouth on me, Jay. Make me come again, please.”

Jason didn’t hesitate. He took Fenn’s cock into his mouth and suck

hard, pumping his fist up and down Fenn’s length. He pulled the shaft
from his mouth and licked the underside down to Fenn’s balls. Groans
escaped his throat as he devoured his friend and greedily wrapped his lips
around the thick head. Between Fenn’s legs, Jason reached up to grab his
ass. Pushing the cheeks apart, he found Fenn’s anus, but he didn’t push in.
He didn’t want to injure Fenn. Instead, he massaged the tight hole, running
his fingers around the rim and placing gentle pressure there. Fenn cried
out his name.

Again, Jason released the cock to explore lower. He took one ball into

his mouth and sucked harder than he had before. Fenn hissed. Jason drew
back. “Does it hurt?”

“It aches good. Don’t stop.”
Jason went back to focusing on Fenn’s balls, playing with them,

teasing the tender skin with the tip of his tongue before he sucked,
knowing Fenn liked the slight pain. After a while, Fenn pushed his fingers
in Jason’s hair and tugged.

“I need to get in your mouth now,” he said.
Jason obliged him. He swallowed as much of Fenn’s cock as he could

manage and began a slow pump. That wasn’t enough. His friend tangled
his other hand in Jason’s hair and tugged him forward. Jason caught the
thrust just in time and wrestled for control. He worked Fenn rough and
fast, grunting and pulling. Each time he withdrew enough so that only the
head rested between his lips, he applied pressure, enough to make Fenn
shout through his gritted teeth. And then come burst into Jason’s mouth.
He tasted the faint flavor of pineapples and remembered Fenn eating them
over the last few days.

Jason drank every drop and drew on Fenn’s cock for more. When his

friend was empty and Jason had licked his way from the base to the tip of
his friend’s shaft, Jason leaned back. Fenn reached down to pull him up,
and they pressed tight into each other’s arms. Their mouths met in a kiss,
Fenn not seeming to mind the taste of his own come on Jason’s lips.

“To put it simply, that was incredible,” Fenn murmured. He rested his

forehead on Jason’s shoulder while his hand slid along Jason’s stomach to
the front of his pants. “But look; now you’re hard all over again.”

Jason chuckled. “It’s a never-ending cycle.”

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“We can fix that,” Fenn told him and unbuttoned Jason’s pants. He

pulled Jason’s erection free, and for a few minutes they stood sealed
together kissing. Fenn twisted back and forth so his cock rubbed over
Jason’s. The movements only drove Jason’s hunger higher. They grasped
each other’s asses and pushed in tighter. Their mouths tangled in hot
kisses with their tongues curled together.

Jason broke the connection first, panting, “I think I need—”
“Fenn, are you down there?” Cook called out from the kitchen

doorway. They froze.

“Shit, shit, shit!” Jason snapped. “I knew this would happen.”
“Relax,” Fenn told him. He stepped away and began fixing his clothes.

“Yeah, I’m here. You caught us, Cook, trying to get a snack just before
dinner. I know I saw some of those crackers I like in the last haul.”

“I knew it,” Cook called back. “Fenn Kelley, you are a bottomless pit

when it comes to eating. I hid those crackers or I’d have nothing for the
soup. Now, come up here, you two, and I’ll get you something until

Jason could almost see her with her hand on her hip and wagging a

finger like they were still the kids she used to chase out of her kitchen
years ago. He was busy pulling himself together and wondering if the
larder now smelled like sex. He didn’t think so, but one couldn’t be too
sure. His stomach cramped with nerves about someone finding out about
what they did.

Fenn winked at him and headed up the stairs like nothing ever

happened between them. Jason hung back. When he figured Cook would
wonder what was really going on down there because Jason wasn’t
coming out, he hurried up the stairs and into the kitchen. Just as if she
suspected nothing, Cook handed a bowl of sliced fruit to each of them and
turned back to the stove.

Fenn reached into his bowl and pulled out a peach to pop into his

mouth. Juice glistened on his lips reminding Jason of how they tasted. For
a minute, he forgot everything except his desire for Fenn. He swayed in
his lover’s direction and then shook his head. Cook hummed at the stove
as she sprinkled fresh herbs into her pot and stirred. Jason glared at Fenn
like it was his fault for tempting him. It is!

“Don’t forget supper,” Fenn said and disappeared into the hall. Jason

sighed. There was no way he’d get out of this meal, and he knew it.
Besides, fruit would never satisfy him. He was a meat and potatoes kind of

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guy. Resigned to his fate, he followed Fenn out of the kitchen while plying
himself with his afternoon snack.

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Chapter Seven

Fenn stepped out of the shower smiling. His cheeks hurt. How many

times had he caught himself grinning like a complete fool over the last few
days? He didn’t know the answer to that, but what he did know was that
Jason was the one that put it there. He hadn’t yet convinced him to spend
an entire night in his bed, but now that they’d made love a few times, he
was confident that he could. Every time he looked into Jason’s eyes, he
saw his friend’s desire. The emotion of it was so strong, it came out in the
times they were in each other’s arms, and it threatened to sweep them both
away. Fenn felt confident that in time, that lust would develop into love.

While he stood in front of the mirror running a towel over his skin,

catching beads of moisture, he recalled that there was only one dark spot
obscuring their happy future. Fenn needed to tell Jason the truth about
what happened when he went out of town. Maybe he wasn’t obligated
exactly since they weren’t lovers then, but Fenn thought it was only right.
From day one they’d shared everything about each other. Each problem
was dealt with together. Jason had leaned on him countless times when he
had trouble with his ex, and Fenn knew Jason well enough to know it hurt
him that Fenn wasn’t being honest about what had happened that day.

He considered how much to share, and then scratched that. All of it.

He needed to tell Jason the real reason he went to meet another man, just
so he could try to scrub away the love he felt for his friend. Once Jason
knew how much he loved him, he should be free to open up and see if he
could love Fenn in return.

Fenn dropped the towel on the floor and examined his body. He was

firm and toned. Slapping a hand over his abs, he liked that they were rock
solid, rippled as he wanted them. And Jason too if his roaming hands had
anything to say about it.

He looked at his cock. Long and thick, it had been inside Jason

countless times now, and in his mouth too. Jason savored it, reached for it
almost before he’d even kissed Fenn when they came together. He’s
hooked, and so am I.

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Fenn closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He couldn’t get enough.

In fact, he’d dare to say his life revolved around Jason. He’d do anything
for him, go anywhere. Fenn loved his ranch and the life of the cowboy, but
even that he would walk away from if that’s what Jason wanted. Deep
inside, though, he hoped it would never come to that. Jason might buck
against the truth, but he was a cowboy as well, and Fenn would have to do
all that he could to keep him at the ranch.

Confident that he could seduce his lover and win his heart too, Fenn

pulled on a pair of jeans and socks, then left his shirt hanging open while
he shoved his feet into boots. He remembered the pair he’d seen in a
catalog a few weeks ago and wondered if Jason would accept them as his
gift. Fenn had every intention of spoiling Jason, buying him anything that
money could provide. Never in his wildest dream did he consider being
married, but he was thinking of it now. He chuckled. Slow down, Fenn.
Soon enough for that.
Excitement brewed inside to the point that he
wanted to shout from the rooftops. He held his composure with supreme
effort and went downstairs to find Jason.

When Fenn didn’t locate Jason in any of the usual places, he figured

he knew just where his buddy had gone. Out back on the opposite side of
the stables a good way into the trees lay an old path leading to a gazebo
they’d played in as kids. Fenn had never had the foliage cut back from the
path because he wanted it to remain their little hideout. The gazebo he’d
secretly restored himself, so the wood hadn’t rotted, and the paint was
somewhat fresh. There he found Jason whiling away a lazy afternoon after
all the chores had been done. He sat in the swing Fenn had also replaced
and kept himself going with one booted foot. His Stetson lay on the seat
beside him, and he ran an arm over his brow.

Fenn paused long enough to stare at Jason, admiring his strong

physique before Jason saw him. His thighs strained against his jeans, and
the bulge in his crotch was a bit less pronounced than it was that morning
when Fenn had cornered him in the hall to feel him up. He grinned.

Jason glanced up and saw him, and Fenn continued on. He climbed the

single step to the gazebo’s platform and stopped in front of Jason. When
Fenn placed a hand on the back rest at either side of Jason, his friend
didn’t move. Fenn leaned down, waiting for Jason to raise his chin. Their
mouths met in a sweet kiss. Fenn wanted to take it deeper, but he held
back. Not until they had a talk.

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When he moved Jason’s hat and dropped into the seat beside him, his

friend commented, “Well that’s a surprise.”

“What is?”
“You didn’t try to molest me.”
Fenn blustered. “I do not molest you. Now who is the dramatic one?”
“Still you.”
They both laughed.
Fenn hesitated. “I wanted to talk to you about something before we got

all hot and heavy like we usually do.” He felt Jason’s gaze on him and
surged to his feet. Standing at the rail, he gripped the smooth wood under
his palms. “About that trip I took.”

Fenn licked his lips and swallowed. There was no easy way to come

out with it. “I went there to be with someone, a one night stand.”

When he looked back, Fenn caught a frown creasing Jason’s brows.

He longed to touch him, but stayed where he was. Jason shook his head in
confusion. “What’s the big deal? You’ve bedded like what a million
women? That’s nothing new.”

“Hardly a million,” Fenn grumped.
“Well, we weren’t…uh…doing what we’re doing now, if that’s what’s

worrying you. I don’t get why you had to leave town to do it or why you
were hesitant to tell me.”

Fenn sucked in a breath and blew it out. He faced Jason and looked

him in the eye. How he loved him so much. He wanted to get on his knees
and ask Jason to marry him right now. “It was a man,” he blurted out. “I
met a guy at a bar there, and we went to a motel. We had sex.”

For a long time Jason didn’t say a word. On pins and needles, Fenn

waited for him to process what he’d said, but still there was nothing. The
afternoon turned darker, and soon they wouldn’t be able to see each
other’s faces.

“Well?” he said after some time. “Do you have a comment about what

I just said?”

Jason stood up. Fenn felt a pull from his entire being to go to him and

hold him, but he stayed where he was. His fingers hurt from his grip on
the railing behind him.

“You’re telling me you’re gay? This isn’t an experiment at all, what

we’re doing. You’re gay, and you already knew you were when you
seduced me at that lake.”

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Anger stirred in Fenn. “I don’t remember you hating what we did,

what we’ve continued to do. I couldn’t seduce a straight man.”

“I am straight, damn you!”
Fenn fell silent. Emotions roiled like a storm in his head and in his

heart. He wanted to lash out and hurt Jason as he was hurting him right
now. He’d been ready to offer Jason everything he had, but he’d ignored
the fact that Jason was ashamed of their sexual involvement. He was
ashamed of him. “To make yourself feel better, you’ll just keep blaming
me, acting like it’s all my fault. I’ve seen the lust in your eyes. I’ve seen
how hard your cock gets when you just look at me—”

Fenn flipped over the rail and landed on his back on the ground. His

jaw ached where Jason had driven his fist into it. Jason vaulted over the
barrier between them and landed neatly at his side. His hand came down to
wrap around Fenn’s neck. Fenn locked both his hands on Jason’s arm to
pull him away. Jason’s rage made it hard to get free.

“I don’t want you,” Jason insisted, slamming Fenn’s back against the

dirt when he tried to rise. “Get it through your head. It was an experiment
and nothing else.”

Fenn tightened his lips. He wouldn’t beg Jason. He wouldn’t tell him

how he felt beyond what he’d already said. From the anger almost
palpable in Jason’s expression, he expected another blow. Instead, Jason
brought his mouth down on Fenn’s and nibbled at his lips. For a second,
he dipped his tongue into Fenn’s mouth, and a tormented moan ripped
from his throat before he drew back.

Realizing what he’d done, Jason leaped away like Fenn had attacked

him rather than the other way around and stood up. “I…just leave me
alone, Fenn. I need to…” He didn’t finish whatever he’d intended to say.
Fenn had to watch Jason disappear through the trees as his own hope

* * * *

Another morning Fenn opened his eyes. The first thing he recalled was

Jason walking away from him. He’d decided to give his friend time to
process what he’d been told. A bit of his hope had returned given that one,
Jason had kissed him even after he knew the truth, and two, the fact that
Fenn was with someone else wasn’t the issue. Jason needed time to accept
what he was, and everything would be fine. Fenn would spend his life

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making up for any deception on his part. If nothing else, he was confident
that he loved Jason more than any other person on the planet, and felt
comfortable proving that fact.

With those thoughts bolstering him enough to get out of bed, he rose

and showered then dressed. On the way downstairs to breakfast, he caught
the sound of voices out on the verandah. Being six-thirty in the morning, it
was late enough that most of his staff would already be hard at work, but
too early for visitors. By the time he reached the hall, he recognized the
woman’s voice, and Jason’s, in discussion.

Fenn stepped out of the front door, plastering on a smile. “Hello, Bev.”
Her cold gaze flicked to him. “Fenn.”
“What are you doing here?” He looked from Jason’s ex-wife to him,

noting Jason’s high color. His heart thumped to greet Jason properly. That
would have happened if Jason had come to his bed or he had joined him in

“She’s come for me,” Jason said, and Fenn’s blood ran cold.
“Sorry? What did you say?”
Jason turned to face him, shoulders squared. “I didn’t know she was

coming, especially given I wasn’t taking her calls. But now that she’s
here, I think it’s time I go back to my life. I’ve been slumming with you
long enough, Fenn.” He held out his hand as if they should shake like
acquaintances. “Thank you for taking care of me while I was injured and
listening to all my woes. You’ve been a great friend.”

In other words, our friendship is over? Fenn fell back on all the acting

practice he’d done over the years and kept his easy smile in place. From
habit, he was sure it didn’t even look forced, and he could have bet good
money, the friendly warmth reached his eyes. Inside, something had shut
down. He didn’t want to examine it now, in front of these two.

Fenn took Jason’s hand and shook it with all the warmth of a polite

stranger. “Sure, buddy. That’s what I’m here for. As usual, you call any
time you need to talk. Bev, it’s good seeing you again. Y’all staying for
breakfast or heading out now? I can arrange someone to drive you to the

Fenn knew he was rambling and rushing them out the door, but he had

to either get them gone or find somewhere else to be fast. There was no
telling how long he’d be able to hold himself together. In the end, Bev
suggested since none of them had had breakfast yet, they should enjoy it
together. Fenn got the feeling that she wanted to rub it in that she got the

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prize, but that would mean she knew about his desire for Jason. She can’t
possibly know.

He suffered through an hour and a half of her chattering about how

great things would be between them once they were back in “civilization.”
Each time she laid a hand with manicured red tinted fingernails on Jason’s
arm, Fenn wanted to chew off his own lip. He forced each bite of food into
his mouth and chewed but tasted nothing. He should have been given an
Oscar or at least a simple trophy for the way he carried on a conversation
with the bitch that stole his lover. No, she didn’t steal Jason, Fenn
corrected. Jason gave himself up, all because he was afraid of what they

Fenn saw them off with smiles and promises to call. Then he procured

a bottle of tequila from his stash and locked himself in his office. After he
dropped into his chair and put his feet up, he unscrewed the bottle and put
it to his lips. The long swallow of golden hued liquid would start him on
his road to forgetting.

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Chapter Eight

Bev crept up behind him on her hands and knees. Not that she was

really sneaking with the bed springs as noisy as they were. He should have
bought a new one a long time ago. Jason had seen her in her new nightie,
almost transparent and cupping her full breasts like a caress. She’d
pretended not to notice him glance at her when she all but bounced from
the bathroom, but Jason had turned his head anyway.

Her hand came down on his shoulder, and he flinched. Tightening his

jaw, he mentally kicked himself for it. The reaction had been the same
every day since they’d come back to the city. The fact of the matter was,
he didn’t want her touching him. What he wasn’t ready to admit was why.

“Oh come on, Jason, how long is this going to go on? You’re a man,

right?” She flipped off the bed and came around to stand in front of him.
“Look at me. I know you want me.”

Her words angered him. “Of course I’m a man. Why would you say


Confusion colored her face, and then her attitude matched his. “Well

you’re not acting like it. Ever since we left Montana you’ve been distant,
and that parting with Fenn was odd. You two have always been so close.
You’re practically the same person. Neither of you looked the other in the
eye, and that handshake looked fake. Did you have a fight?”

“I have no desire to discuss Fenn with you.” He moved to turn away,

but she jumped at him, landing on his lap with her legs spread. She
reached between them and grabbed at his cock. Jason jerked her hand off
of him. “Don’t pretend we ever had a healthy sex life, Bev, because we
didn’t. And unless you forgot, you divorced me, not the other way

“Whose fault is that?” she spat.
His eyebrows went up. “You’re blaming me?”
She sighed and stood. Jason couldn’t understand the resignation in her

expression and the sadness in her eyes. Maybe she’d given up on seducing
him. All those years, he’d lied to Fenn, told him sex with his wife was

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perfect and satisfying, but that was farthest from the truth. He and Bev had
always been awkward together, and over time, she’d become more and
more cold. The single reason he’d kept it up was he had held on to his
blind dream of having a family, complete with kids.

“You’re telling me you don’t know?” she demanded. “After all these

years you don’t know? Damn you, Jason, you’re gay.”

“That’s a lie!” He surged to his feet, crowding her so she had to fall

back a few steps, but Bev was not one to back down from anyone, least of
all him. Their arguments could go on for days, and she’d always been the
one to win. Only when he gave up from mental exhaustion did he have

“If you still don’t know, you’re a fool, Jason Lang. What straight man

let’s his best friend hang on him like Fenn hangs on you? You think I
didn’t know? Whenever something great happened to you, the first person
to know was Fenn, not your wife. And when you were down, he was the
shoulder you leaned on.” She shook her head and walked over to the bed
to drop down on it. Her head hung in defeat. “At first, I said I wasn’t
going to go after you. I knew before we dated that you were in the closet,
but I was attracted to you. I stupidly thought I could turn you straight and
make you love me. After we were married, I knew I couldn’t, not when
you were already in love with Fenn. No one can come between you two no
matter how hard they try. You were meant for each other.”

Jason listened to this shocking speech in silence. He wanted to rage

and shout that she was wrong. He wanted to at least blame her for
marrying him just to prove she could change him, but what good did it do
now? Dropping his head into his hands, he said, “I don’t want to believe
that. I can’t believe that. The family I dreamed of…”

“Is not coming the way you expected.” She got up and hugged him

before going to the closet to slip into a robe. “I still want you. Silly me. I
don’t know if that’s love I feel or just…I don’t know. I tried to give up,
but I ran into so many of our friends so often, and even your captain who
wanted to know if I’d heard from you. He was ready to put out an APB or
something if you hadn’t contacted him when you did.”

Jason grunted. He hadn’t told Bev yet, but he’d already put in his

resignation. For some reason, he couldn’t go back. Even now as he stood
there taking in the noises of the city, he hated it. He missed the whinnies
of the horses and the stamping of their hooves in the dirt. Even the tractor

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rumbling in the distance had given him a sense of home. But he knew why
that was. Jason closed his eyes, tugging at his hair. No, I can’t do that.

Bev stood in front of him after she was decent. “I kind of thought

when I went up there to check one last time, that you’d tell me it was too
late because you and Fenn were a couple. But the way both of you acted
made me hope. I figured you’d had an argument, like maybe Fenn came
out to you, and you rejected him.”

“Not exactly,” Jason said, raising his head to look her in the eyes. “We

were lovers while I was there.”

Be gasped.
“It was everything, absolutely everything I imagined as far as pleasure

and intimacy with the one I love. I just thought that someone was you. We
never had that.” The expression on her face wasn’t of pain but
disappointment. Jason didn’t pretend to understand how she felt, but he
was beginning to get how he did—and by default a little of what Fenn was
going through. He’d been cruel to his friend, maybe even broke his heart,
and if there was a person who least deserved that kind of treatment, it was

Fenn, his heart cried out.
“I’m sorry, Bev. I have to go back. I should never have left.” He

rushed about the room packing his suitcase. Happiness like he’d never
expected to feel infused his entire body and mind. No doubt, it would take
some doing to get Fenn to forgive him, but Jason wouldn’t give up until he

* * * *

Fenn ignored the sound of a key in his office lock. He should have

known Cook wouldn’t leave well enough alone. “Where did you get the
key, Cook?”

In his mind the words were clear, but from the confusion on Cook’s

face, he guessed his pronunciation was way off. That’s what happened
when he imbibed whole bottles of alcohol and didn’t eat. That fact that he
wasn’t dead was a miracle.

“Larry has a key to every place on this ranch. I should have one to at

least every door in this house.” She stuck her hands on her ample hips
glaring at him. “When are you going to stop feeling sorry for yourself and
come out of here? This entire room smells so bad with alcohol, it’s

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seeping under the door, and I don’t mind admitting that it’s making my
head spin.”

If his world weren’t so dark, he might have found that funny. Instead

he grunted and waited to see if there was anything else. Of course there

“I don’t know what’s come over you these last few weeks, Fenn, but I

don’t like it. You were always the happy one to Jason’s darker personality.
You helped everyone to smile, including him.” She tapped a finger to her
mouth. “Which is why I don’t get it.”

Fenn held up a finger, but the weight of his arm was too much to hold

steady, so he dropped it. The point he wanted to make would have to be
made in words only. “First, you’re confused. It’s only been a few days, not
a few weeks.”

After deciphering what he said, she shook her head. “No, it started

when Jason came back. You were happier than I’ve ever seen you, but you
were sadder too. And now that he’s been gone a week, you are worse.”

She waited for him to speak, but Fenn fumbled with his bottle and

poured himself a glass. He brought it to his lips, but Cook rushed around
the desk and snatched it from his fingers. “Hey,” he complained.

She held it out of reach. He tried pushing to his feet but fell back hard,

almost toppling his chair over. Cook’s eyes shined with unshed tears.
“Talk to me. I have been with your family for most of your life. I care
about you and Jason. I know something is terribly wrong, and if you’ll
trust Cook, I’ll fix it for you.”

This time, Fenn did smile. “You’ll fix it? You can’t fix it. No one

can.” He held both arms straight out to the side like he encompassed his
entire life and the ranch, and his relationship with Jason. Maybe he did.
“There’s nothing you can do because I’m gay. You hear that? I like men.
More specifically, I am in love with Jason. There, I said it. So do you want
to leave my employ?”

She frowned. “Why would I do that? I’m head honcho in the kitchen. I

have a dozen or more young men at my mercy because I fill their bellies.
You pay me a more than fare wage. No, I’m not going to judge you,
although I wish you liked women. Your life would be much easier, I
suspect. But I love you as if you were one of my own, Fenn Kelley. That
will never change till I go home to my reward.

“Now, this loving Jason thing—did you tell him how you feel?” Cook


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“No, it’s too late,” he muttered. “He hates me.”
“I don’t know about that.”
Cook spun around, and Fenn looked past her to the doorway. His heart

skipped a few beats, and he swore it must have stopped. Jason stood there
as calm as if he’d never left. Fenn glanced past him to see if Bev was with
him, but Jason guessed who he looked for.

“She’s not here. It’s just me.”
While they stood there staring at each other, Cook slipped out and shut

the door behind her. Fenn couldn’t move. He could barely breathe. Jason
was here, so close he could reach out and touch him. Is it too dramatic to
think he’s my life? He’d think so and laugh if I said it.

“What are you doing back here?” Fenn asked. He tried hard not to

show that he was drunk but knew he’d failed at Jason’s frown.

“Apparently, I’m back just in time to rescue you from yourself—


Fenn looked around for his glass and realized Cook had left with it. He

grumbled and considered drinking straight from the bottle. Jason guessed
his intentions and pulled it out of reach. This time Fenn wasn’t even going
to try. If he got up, he’d end up on his face and look even more like a fool
than he did already.

“I don’t need you to rescue me,” he insisted. “I’m fine on my own.”
“Oh is that right?” Jason came around the desk and leaned on the edge.

His jeans hugging muscular thighs and crotch were inches away from
Fenn. He tried not to notice, but that was impossible. This close, Fenn
caught a whiff of Jason’s aftershave. All the time they had been together,
Jason hadn’t shaved much because Fenn liked him slightly scruffy, a
contrast to Fenn’s looks. The dark hair stubbling Jason’s chin had always
turned Fenn on. Now his face was smooth, and Fenn wondered if he’d
done it to spite him.

Unable to resist, he reached up and stroked Jason’s face.

Disappointment hit him. Jason smiled and rested a hand over Fenn’s.
When he leaned down to kiss it, Fenn shivered. “Don’t worry. It’ll grow
back. I admit I shaved at first to take away one more thing that made me
your man. Along with it the cowboy boots, the hat, and even my jeans
were stuffed into the closet after I left.”

“My man,” Fenn repeated. How he would love that, if Jason was his

man. “Why are you back, Jason? To torment me?”

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“To care for you as you’ve cared for me,” his friend responded. With

that, Jason pulled Fenn to his feet. Together they stumbled along the hall
and up the stairs to Fenn’s room. Jason dumped Fenn on the bed, and he
fell back. In fascination, Fenn watched Jason drop to his knees and begin
tugging Fenn’s boots off. When he had them off, he went into the
bathroom, and Fenn heard the bath water come on. He listened for the
shower, but the water didn’t switch over to a spray. After a few minutes
Jason returned and began undressing Fenn.

“Am I being taken advantage of?” Fenn teased, unable to contain the

new hope and joy he felt at seeing his lover.

Jason only sneered. “You’re drunk. That’s not attractive, Fenn. I’m

going to get you cleaned up, and then you’re going to bed. When’s the last
time you ate?”

Fenn waved a hand. “I don’t know. Sometime.” A soft knock sounded

on the door. Jason went to answer and came back with a tray of food. Fenn
grunted at Cook’s interference. “Give or take a few days…”

“First we bathe, and then we eat,” Jason told him.
“We,” Jason repeated. “If I let you get in there alone, you’ll probably

fall over and crack your skull. And there’s no way you can stand in the
shower. So we’re taking a bath together. End of discussion.”

Soon they were tucked in the tub with Fenn wavering between Jason

being there because he felt guilty for the way he left and swinging back
the other way believing that Jason might actually be in love with him.
Wanting more than anything to ask his friend, he dared not. Jason seemed
more likely to punch him in the jaw again after finding him drunk. Fenn
decided to keep his mouth shut and enjoy this moment of sitting between
Jason’s legs while he ran a soapy washcloth over Fenn’s body.

“We can’t stay in here long,” Jason said. “The food will get cold.”
“Aww, Mom, a little longer,” Fenn teased.
Jason didn’t laugh. “You seem determined to make everyone worry

about you. First the trip, then the lake, and now this again.”

Fenn stiffened. “Wait, did Cook call you? Is that why you’re here?”

Fenn wrenched away from his friend’s hold and stood up to face him.
Water dripped from his soaked naked flesh, and because he was unsteady,
he was forced to catch himself on Jason’s shoulder. The move brought his
cock within dangerous proximity to his friend’s mouth. Fenn thought

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Jason would shove him back in disgust, but Jason reached up and snatched
him down on his lap.

“Idiot,” Jason muttered. He covered Fenn’s lips with his own and

swirled his tongue over Fenn’s bottom lip before drawing it into his
mouth. Fenn moaned pressing in close to his lover, loving the feel of their
hard cocks rubbing together. But Jason didn’t let the kiss develop into
more. He finished washing Fenn and then washed himself. After he got
them out of the tub, Fenn submitted to Jason’s rough hands running a
towel over his skin. “Now you will eat everything on your plate or else.”

Fenn didn’t ask “or else what.” He was too busy enjoying the

attention. Again, he sat between Jason’s legs leaning on his chest while he
ate. His head had begun to clear, and with each bite of food, he felt a lot
better. The roiling in his stomach settled, and the headache he’d had for
days began to ease.

When Fenn had scooped up the last bit of potatoes au gratin and slice

of beef, he drained his glass of lemonade and set it on the tray. Jason
leaned in and gave him a single kiss in reward and then set everything in
the hall outside the room. He shut and locked the door then joined Fenn in
the bed and clicked the light off.

Fenn ran his hand over Jason’s belly in the darkness, eager to find his

cock, but Jason stilled his movements. “No, rest now, and we talk later.
Then…well, we’ll see.”

Fenn grumbled. Just wait until he was feeling fully whole. He’d show

Jason that he refused to wait to have him again, and if it wasn’t what his
lover wanted, well he shouldn’t have come back. He could not kiss him
and lay naked in his arms and expect Fenn to play nice. Soon enough, they
would be buried one in the other until Fenn had had his fill.

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Welcome Home, Cowboy Eden Cole


Chapter Nine

Jason woke up feeling a heavy weight around his middle. He didn’t

feel disoriented or wonder where he was. He knew. Coming home to the
ranch had been tough, and even on the plane, he’d argued, trying his best
to convince himself that he wasn’t gay. But he guessed he knew from the
second he resigned from his job and the first time Bev tried to touch him.
He’d replayed in his mind all the times they’d had sex and whether he
enjoyed it. His time with her, even the good ones when they shared a joke
or watched a good movie while holding hands didn’t compare to the
rightness of even a fight he’d had with Fenn.

Outside the window, the night was just changing to dawn. A small ray

of light pierced the gap in the curtains to allow him to see Fenn’s arm
slung over his waist. While he stared at the shape of Fenn’s arm and the
size of his palm that was all male, Jason felt a stirring in his body and
heart. He could no longer deny the truth. Besides, he’d allowed Fenn to go
on hurting, only thinking of himself and his fears.

Sensing his friend was awake, he said, “You’ve loved me a long time

haven’t you?”

“Yes,” came the simple answer.
“I’m sorry, Fenn. I was afraid.” He stroked Fenn’s arm and wanted to

turn to kiss him, but Fenn had molded his body to Jason’s from behind. At
Jason’s words, Fenn had tightened his hold, and Jason felt Fenn’s cock
erect and ready against his ass. Remembering how it felt to be full of
Fenn, he pushed back, and his friend responded with a thrust of his hips.

Fenn leaned up and planted kisses on the side of Jason’s head, pausing

at points as if he had to breathe in Jason’s scent to go on. In his hair, he
murmured, “I don’t think I can make it again if you leave. Tell me the
truth of how you feel, Jay. Please, I need at least that.”

“I love you, Fenn. I love you so much. I think I’ve been in love with

you a long time too, but I never recognized it for what it was.” Jason
chuckled, his voice a slight echo in the early morning quiet. “I used to
stare at you, your movements like when you raised your arms in a stretch.

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I couldn’t stop looking at your body or even your smile. Do you know I
used to think of your smile as the sun coming out? If that’s not gay, what

Fenn laughed too. “Yeah, buddy, that is so gay.”
Jason elbowed him, and Fenn let out a small oof.
“Don’t worry,” Fenn encouraged him, “I have sappy thoughts about

you all the time, like the one I just said. I can’t help myself. Jason, I don’t
want to be without you again. If you prefer the city, I’ll sell the ranch, and
we’ll live there. I’ll go wherever you want. I’ll give you whatever you

“Don’t you dare,” Jason groused. “Never sell the ranch unless you’re

sick of it, but I know you love this work. You love this place, and so do I.
My decision was made before I got here. If you will forgive me, I will stay
here with you forever. I’ll never leave unless we’re together going on a
trip or something. Do you think you can forgive me, Fenn? I promise I’ll
never deny my love for you again.”

“Buddy, there is nothing to forgive. You needed time to adjust to this

thing. I’ve known it for years. I’m just the happiest man on the planet right
now because you came back, and you’ve promised to stay.”

Fenn released him and pulled him around so that Jason lay flat on his

back. His friend braced himself on an elbow and stared down at Jason. He
brushed aside a lock of hair that had curled against the corner of Jason’s
eye. “I love you, Jason Lang,” Fenn declared. “Will you marry me?”

Jason swallowed. “Marriage?”
Fenn smiled, and Jason felt his chest constrict. Once he’d admitted to

himself how much he loved Fenn, he couldn’t see how he’d not seen it

“When we can, and when you’re comfortable,” Fenn amended.
Jason sucked in a deep breath and nodded. “Yes...Yes, I will.”
Fenn crushed Jason’s mouth under his. He took Jason’s chin between

strong fingers and forced his chin higher while he devoured Jason. First
nipping at his lips, Fenn ran the tip of his tongue over Jason’s bottom lip
then teased his way over his jaw, down along his throat to his chest. Fenn
planted noisy kisses between moans over Jason’s hot flesh. He squeezed
Jason’s sides and then leaned back enough that he could raise Jason’s
body toward his hungry mouth as he explored.

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“Mm, you taste so good. I’ve missed this. Jay, tell me I don’t have to

be gentle. Tell me I can fuck you as hard as I need to, until we both
collapse, and even if we’re sore as hell later.”

He nipped the tip of Jason’s rigid cock and reached under him to thrust

a finger toward his anus. Jason jerked. “I’m as desperate as you are, but
not dry, idiot.”

Jason could have sworn Fenn’s eyes glowed in the dark a moment. He

flipped Jason roughly to his stomach and leaned over toward his
nightstand. The drawer flew out at his pull and dumped its contents on the
floor. Fenn cursed. He disappeared over the edge of the bed and scrounged
around before reappearing with a triumphant chuckle.

Jason didn’t have long to wonder what he was up to. Of course he

searched for lubricant. Fenn popped off the top of the tube and squeeze a
dab onto his finger. He pressed a finger to Jason’s anus and began working
the gel around his entrance. Jason moaned and pushed back so that Fenn’s
finger slipped into him. Used to being taken from behind now, he had no
pain. In fact the pleasure was so great, he couldn’t wait to go all the way
with Fenn. To feel his lover shove deep inside of him and ravage him like
he wanted.

He rolled to his side and took the tube from Fenn’s hands. With gel

squeezed into his palm, he began massaging it over Fenn’s cock. The thick
shaft pulsed in his hand. Jason licked his lips watching his hand
movements. His lust grew feeling the smooth leathery skin beneath his
hand and the bump of the head. How he loved Fenn’s cap. He played with
it, tugging and squeezing it in his hand.

Fenn hissed between his teeth. He pushed his hips forward and laid a

hand over Jason’s, guiding him to pump rougher and faster. At the same
time, Fenn continued to work with Jason’s anus. He’d pierced him with
three fingers now and drove them up to his knuckles before retracting,
then driving in again.

Before long, Fenn pulled his dick from Jason’s hand and pushed him

onto his stomach again. He straddled Jason from behind. “I can’t wait any
longer. I need to take you. Hold on to the top of the mattress”

In hungry anticipation, Jason did what Fenn commanded. He bit down

on the inside of his cheek and waited. First the bulbous head invaded his
pinched flesh, and all the strength left Jason’s body. All he could do was
feel. Hold onto the mattress? Where would he get the strength for that? He
knew Fenn intended to take him as violently as Jason could stand it.

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Fenn’s sexual desire didn’t have bounds, especially when it came to Jason.
He couldn’t get enough. When they’d first become lovers, Jason suspected
that Fenn would have sex all day long over several days and still want
more. His sex drive was pretty high itself, but when it came to the man he
loved, whatever Fenn wanted, Jason desired to make him happy.

Fenn pulled Jason’s hips up off the bed and shoved a pillow under

him. He drove his cock into Jason until he was seated as far as possible.
Then rather than withdraw only to head back in, he instead wiggled his
hips, making his cock rotate in Jason’s anus in small circles. The walls of
Jason’s ass seemed to stretch to accommodate this new movement.

Jason dropped his head down on the bed, squeezing his eyes closed

and letting his mouth drop open. His fingers scrambled at the mattress
edge, but he couldn’t get a grip. The sensations of an orgasm were coming
fast, but Fenn hadn’t started pumping yet.

“Do it,” Jason demanded. “Fuck me hard, Fenn.”
“Are you sure you can take me that much?” Fenn teased.
Jason growled. He must want him to lose his mind. “Come on. You

know I can take it, everything you want to give me. Fenn, do it.”

Without much more discussion, Fenn let his weight come down on

Jason. Looking over his shoulder, Jason watched as their bodies came
together, Fenn’s thigh driving up against Jason’s and his pelvis curving
around Jason’s ass. Jason shuddered in delight at how their bodies molded
together, how Fenn didn’t let even an inch separate them.

“Mm,” he moaned as he kissed along Jason’s back, “I love your skin,

your flavor. Jay, look how perfectly our bodies fit together. I want to be
inside you always.” He licked Jason’s earlobe and kissed behind the
sensitive area. “You want your man to fuck you hard?”

“Yes, oh yes.” Jason panted.
Fenn grabbed him around the waist, laid almost flat against Jason’s

back, and hoisted him closer. When he began to thump hard into Jason’s
ass, the force of it became slaps against his flesh as if Fenn spanked him.
Fenn demonstrated his strength with each violent thrust. He pounded
faster and harder, grunted Jason’s name through his teeth. From head to
toe, Jason went slack, unable to do anything but accept the onslaught.

His anus stretched around Fenn’s thick cock and ached with each

pump, but at the same time, it was so good. He never wanted it to end.
Jason thought the pleasure couldn’t build any more, but the fierce grip
Fenn had around his abdomen shifted lower until he encircled Jason’s

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cock. He pulled his lover so that they were slightly on their sides, giving
Fenn the ability to stroke Jason’s cock while he pumped into his ass. The
sensation was like getting it from the front and the back, and Jason
shouted so close to release.

With one arm thrown across Jason’s chest, and the other pumping his

dick, Fenn slammed into him from behind and spoke into his ear. “You
belong to me, every inch of your hot body. Do you know that? Tell me,”
Fenn demanded.

“Yes, yes,” Jason gasped. He got off on it when Fenn dominated him.

Jason had never thought he’d like such a thing, but he did, and when he’d
been the one commanding Fenn last night, he knew it wouldn’t last
beyond then. Fenn would wrestle the control back.

Knowing it would send Fenn’s desires to a new level—and his own for

that matter—Jason arched his hips and pushed his ass back into Fenn’s
groin. Fenn roared, and seconds later, Jason felt his hot seed fill him. A
few more pumps of his lover’s hand, and Jason joined him in falling over
the edge. His release was more powerful than they’d had together before,
and the two of them rode it out, still pumping and stroking for a long

Finally, Fenn released Jason’s cock but he didn’t let go of his hold

around his chest, nor did he pull out of him. They lay in silence trying to
catch their breath until Fenn said, “The way we both yelled out, I’m
guessing the entire ranch knows about us. Will that bother you, that they

Jason thought about it. He had to admit that it would, but no matter

what, he wasn’t willing to leave Fenn again. “It might bother me, but you
don’t have to worry. I’m not going anywhere.”

Fenn squeezed him. Jason could feel his love coming through that

hold. He was pretty sure Fenn was slightly obsessed with him, but since he
felt the same way, it didn’t bother him. He loved it.

“What I’m more worried about is some of them not wanting to work

for an openly gay boss.” Jason pulled away and turned around to face
Fenn. From the moment he did, he missed having Fenn inside him, but he
liked cuddling against his chest just as much. “I don’t want anyone to hurt
you. You’ve got a big heart. I’ve always known that, and I hate myself for
being the main one to wound you so many times.”

Jason caressed Fenn’s cheek with the back of his hand. Fenn captured

it and kissed Jason’s palm. “You are my entire world.” He said the words

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in a matter-of-fact way, belaying any sappiness. “I can’t accept you hating
yourself or holding on to blame because of what happened between us in
the past. We’re here now, and you can make it up to me by letting me have
your body as often as I want.”

A mischievous grin lit up Fenn’s face. Jason laughed. “You love me

for my body.”

“Not only that.” He rolled Jason to his back and leaned over him.

Their chests, almost a match in hardness and width, rubbed together. Jason
shivered at the feel of Fenn’s flat nipples teasing his own. From the look
in his eyes, he knew Fenn’s desire had begun to build again, and he
welcomed it. “I do love your body, but I also love you for your mind, your
kindness, and toughness. You’ve always been the closest person to me,
even when my dad was alive. And you always bring back my smile to the
point where it’s real.”

Jason kissed him, a gentle touch imbibed he hoped with all the love he

felt for Fenn. “I know what you mean. I realize now that I can tell when its
real and when it’s not. That smile has gotten me through a lot as well. No
matter what happens, I’ll be with you.”

Fenn touched his forehead to Jason’s. “That’s all I need.” He rolled off

the bed and held a hand out to Jason. When Jason raised his eyebrows,
Fenn said, “We’ll shower together, maybe even fool around in there, and
together we face the world. Does that sound like a plan?”

Jason grinned and stood to place his hand in Fenn’s. He knew now he

would never leave Fenn’s side again. This is where he belonged, and
where he wanted most to be. “Yeah, it sounds perfect.”

The End

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Welcome Home, Cowboy Eden Cole


Sugar and Spice Press

Where romance is everything nice.



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