Eden Cole Fenrir Wolves 2 Touch My Wolf

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Copyright © March 2011, Eden Cole
Cover art by Anastasia Rabiyah © March 2011

Amira Press
Charlotte, NC 28227

ISBN: 978-1-936279-74-6

No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or
mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and e-
mail, without prior written permission from Amira Press.

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Touch My Wolf

Eden Cole


Chapter One

Blaine removed his Stetson and swiped an arm over his forehead. The

day had turned really hot, which was unusual for their area in the Rocky
Mountains. He took his time walking along the path that led to Corey and
Devin’s cabin. Knowing them, they’d be in the throes of hot, sweaty sex
even now. Considering he hadn’t seen either of them in the main hall and
Corey hadn’t unlocked his office that must to be what they were up to.

He grumbled as he continued on, not like him at all. Usually Blaine

was easygoing, taking everything in stride and not taking himself too
seriously. He was happy for Corey and Devin, but their love showed him
all too well what he still lacked—his mate.

Corey had sent him a text to meet him at his place. He knew just what

he wanted too. Blaine had been avoiding dealing with the captured men
from the rival pack they’d broken up. A few had assimilated into their
group, but some were wild, fierce, and angry. They had never lived among
humans, preferring to embrace the animal side. After what they’d done to
Devin, Blaine wanted to see all of them put down or driven away, but
that’s not how Corey did things. Devin agreed with Blaine, but he
supported Corey one hundred percent.

Sighing about the whole mess that had been dumped into his lap as the

Beta, he knocked on Corey’s door and waited. No one answered, so he
knocked again. When it became clear that they weren’t planning on
coming, he frowned down at his watch. Damn it, at ten o’clock in the
morning, they should be roused. The ranch still had to function, mate or no

Aware that he was just jealous, he tried the door, found it unlocked,

and let himself in. The interior was chilly like they’d cranked the A/C to
maximum. Blaine shivered and shut the door behind him. He considered
calling out to see if they were awake, but decided against it. Both Alphas
were big, and sexy as hell. He’d watched Corey claim Devin and jerked
himself off at the sight. Another glimpse of those hard bodies would be
great. And they owed it to him anyway since they had no problem

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flaunting it in his face. Corey hadn’t even been gay before Devin. Not like
him. Blaine knew what he was and what he wanted. He’d wanted men
ever since his hormones had awakened as a pup.

The bedroom door stood open. Corey had a thing about doors. He

liked to be on guard, to know what was coming. While he could hear and
smell an intruder long before it got to him, Corey wanted to see as well.
That weirdness, which Blaine had no idea where it came from, was why
he liked his bedroom door open at all times.

Blaine drew up to the entry. His cock shifted in his pants at the sight.

Covers lay on the floor in a pile, and the two naked men’s bodies were in a
tangled heap on the bed, nothing separating them. Blaine traced their
limbs with his gaze, fingers interlaced, torsos sealed together. Corey lay
on top of Devin with his hips meeting at his mate’s. Blaine imagined them
moving, Corey jutting into Devin, or just rubbing cocks together for the
sheer tormenting pleasure of it. He grew tight with longing.

Corey grunted and blinked. Blaine didn’t move. He’d leaned into the

doorjamb and crossed his arms over his chest. When he realized he was
there, Corey sat up still straddling Devin. “Morning,” he mumbled.

He stretched his arms over his head and ran his hands through messy

hair. Corey was all corded muscle, ripped abs, big biceps. Blaine had
always been attracted to him, but his friend let him know he wasn’t into
other men. Not until he’d met and fallen for his mate. Now, Blaine
observed, he felt no shame at all. He made no attempt to hide the fact that
they’d been at each other all night, and from the looks of it, he had no
intention of climbing off his lover.

Blaine tried turning his eyes away from two long, healthy cocks

pressed together, but he couldn’t stop looking. Two perfect specimens just
feet away from him. Depression weighed heavily. He couldn’t force his
normal smile to his lips even if he had the energy to try. “You rang?” he

“Oh yeah,” Corey said. He stretched again, his hips shifting forward

and pushing his crotch toward Devin’s. His mate moaned and reached out
blindly with his hands. Corey patted them down to his stomach and held

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them there. “Sorry, I had to call you here, but right now, he can’t be
satisfied. We’ve barely gotten any sleep over the last month.”

“So sad for you,” Blaine quipped, and then bit his tongue.
Devin, whose head had been buried beneath a pillow, popped out and

glanced in Blaine’s direction. He’d forgotten Devin didn’t allow anyone to
disrespect Corey, but he wasn’t afraid. “What’s crawled up your ass,
Blaine?” Devin demanded.

“If only,” he growled back, and then swore. “Listen, I’ve got a lot to

do so if there’s nothing you need…”

Corey was on his feet in an instant, heading toward Blaine. “You’re

not your usual self, and you’re avoiding your job. Anything we need to

“No, nothing.” He retreated a step and looked from Corey to Devin

and back again. “I apologize. I’ll get on it. The prisoners, right? You want
me to work with them and get them to start interacting with others.”

“I know how you feel,” Devin interjected. “You’d rather ring their

damn necks, right? Well Corey thinks they can be changed. There’s only
four. You can handle that, can’t you, Blaine?”

Blaine sneered. “I can, but maybe you can’t.”
Devin growled low in his throat, a clear threat. Corey took a step to the

right and blocked Blaine’s sight of Devin. “Stop it, both of you. Blaine, if
you have a problem, now’s the time to spit it out.”

He shook his head. “No, I don’t have a problem.” He turned to go and

then stopped and came back. “No, I do. You two have been at it for a
month straight. You’re in here more than you’re in the office, and
everything else is getting dumped onto me. Have you forgotten your
people and the battle we just came through? Maybe you forgot that
Laramie died along with a few others in that battle we had with the other
pack. Laramie at least had a family.”

He didn’t get the chance to finish his tirade before Devin was on him,

slamming him hard against the wall. He crowded Blaine with his big
frame pressed close. His hand was wrapped around Blaine’s throat, and he

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frowned eye-to-eye with him, nostrils flared. “You have a problem with
how Corey runs this pack? I told you to watch your mouth, didn’t I?”

Blaine locked onto Devin’s hand and pulled. He contracted his arm

muscles hard to pull at the other man’s hold. If he didn’t throw in his
weight through his shoulder, he wasn’t getting loose. He got enough space
to wedge his shoulder in and pushed. They left the wall, but Devin
doubled his efforts and shoved back again. Blaine winced at the impact of
his body hitting the hard barrier and Devin’s long form sealing him in

His thigh went between Blaine’s before he realized it was going to

happen. All Devin had to do was lift his leg to ram his balls. He blew out a
breath. As angry as he was at being put in this position, he liked how his
groin tingled with another man so close. He grew hard with the friction of
their bulging cocks coming together. When he glanced up into Devin’s
eyes, he saw the knowing look. Devin was completely aware of the effect
he had on Blaine, and that pissed him off all the more.

Corey laid a hand on Devin’s arm, and the man released Blaine so fast,

he almost dropped to the floor. Corey caught him and held him up until he
regained his footing. He was too close without clothes, making Blaine’s
senses go wild. Damn it if he didn’t get a lover soon, he was going to rip
someone’s head off. Corey’s next words left him speechless.

“I think as his Alphas, we need to take care of Blaine,” Corey said to

Devin, “not threaten him. Right now, since he doesn’t have a lover, maybe
we should take him into our bed.”

“Wha-?” Blaine said blinking.
Devin glared at him and then did a sweep of Blaine with his gaze and

then focused on Blaine’s face again. “You might be right. That’s why he’s
acting like an ass, because he’s not getting any.”

Blaine swore. He was about to defend himself but thought better of it.

All these years, he’d imagined what it would be like to have Corey, and
he’d been close to having Devin when they dated. To have them both
hadn’t even crossed his mind. And if Corey was sure, it was a done deal.
There was nothing Devin didn’t do for his mate.

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But what about their relationship? Would adding Blaine to the mix

destroy what they had? He didn’t want that. Even though he knocked
heads with Devin, he liked the guy. Devin was good for Corey, and
anyone with eyes could see they were meant for each other.

Devin hadn’t stopped looking at him. Blaine had the feeling he was

just waiting for the opportunity to make him submit by ramming his big
cock up Blaine’s ass. He didn’t mind being taken at all, just not as a means
of punishment.

“You sure you want to do that, Corey?” he asked his old friend.

“Devin here looks like he’d rather skin me than bed me. And if I touch
you, I might get fed my balls.”

Corey looked at his lover who nodded. “I’m sure. Now, you get down

to the holding area and do what I asked you to. We’ll talk more about this
later. I’ll be in the office soon.” At Blaine’s look of disbelief, he said, “I
will. An hour tops.

Devin moved to yank Corey back against him. Obviously feeling the

man’s cock against his rear excited his friend. Blaine watched him go
erect in a heartbeat. Devin grinned. “Make that two hours.”

Annoyed and turned on, Blaine left. At least it looked like he would

get some action real soon.

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Chapter Two

Blaine took the short route across the back of the cabins to where

they’d chosen to keep the shifters that were out of control. The buildings
had been used for storage for years, but Corey had commanded one to be
cleaned out. The good thing about it was there were small rooms like big
closets on one side of the building. Now they were used as holding cells
for their four captives.

Three men and one woman. None had spoken more than a few words.

All had that look in their eyes, Blaine had noted. Or at least he had in three
of them. The few times he’d come, the fourth man had been put tranqed
because of his violence. He was bigger than most of the men guarding
him, and stronger possibly than all of them. Blaine’s reports said he’d
needed no less than four men holding him still in the shower when they’d
brought him here and cleaned him up.

Ah well, his job was to rehabilitate them, so he would do it. All of the

fenrir wolf shifters were wild in some way. He just needed to tap into his,
find where these beasts were, and bring them back to their human side. No
big deal.

He strolled into the sparse building as he’d done before. Doors lined

the opposite wall, the first three with locks on the outside. The middle two
stood open, and the last one again had a lock. The worst of them was in
that room. Like before, he felt something odd here when he came, a sense
of despair. Every time he entered, he was also overcome with a desire to
shift and run through the woods, feeling the earth beneath his paws. The
sense was so overwhelming, he had to stop and take a few deep breaths.
He had a job to do.

Two men came in the side door and paused to greet him. Blaine

nodded toward the far end of the building. “How’s he doing?”

“Oh him? He’s just fine,” the man said with heavy sarcasm. “Just tried

to rip Jesse’s arm from the socket a while ago.”

“What happened?” Blaine demanded.

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“We were taking him out for his shower and to air out his room, and

Jesse thought he’d get brave and not follow procedure. The monster got a
little wild, and well we had to tranq him—again. Everything under control
now though.”

Blaine walked over to the door and listened. There was no sound

inside. He laid his hand on the knob. “He’s tranquilized, you say?”

The man nodded. “Yep. Did it myself and checked not five minutes

ago. He’s out like a light. You’re not going in there, are you, Blaine?”

Blaine ignored him. He punched in the code to the lock. Before he

turned the knob, he nodded to the guard. The man swung around the gun
he had hanging from his shoulder and trained it on the door. Blaine opened
it. He didn’t know what he expected to see inside. A Sasquatch-like giant
of a man with long, unkempt hair, dirty and smelly perhaps. But that’s not
what met his curious stare.

The man lying on his back on the twin sized bed had white-blond hair

that looked like someone had chopped it off with dull scissors, but it didn’t
take away from his handsome face. He had a strong jaw and a determined,
tight-lipped expression even in sleep. His shoulders could rival a
linebacker’s. All of the captives had been supplied with simple clothing,
and this man hadn’t been an exception. A black T-shirt stretched over his
muscles atop khaki cargo pants. His feet were bare.

Blaine went over to him. He looked civilized, and yet he was the

wildest of them, unyielding, full of hate.

“Blaine, maybe you shouldn’t stand so close,” the guard called out.
“It’s fine.”
The minute the words left his mouth, the sleeping man opened his

eyes. Blaine stiffened, but he didn’t move back. From his position, he
knew he blocked the prisoner’s face from being seen. The guard didn’t
know he was awake. What impacted Blaine and had him almost shaking
with shock and denial was what he felt when he looked into those eyes.

Not this man. Not one of them!

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Blaine took a step back toward the door. The guard swore now that he

could see. “He’s up that soon? Damn it, I put three in him!” He raised the
gun, but Blaine put a hand over it.

“Wait, just get out.”
“Do what I tell you to do!”
The guard walked backward from the cell but held the door open.

Blaine moved at a more unhurried pace, and as he did his captive sat up,
watching him with narrowed eyes. Blue eyes, Blaine noticed. The man
began to growl low in his throat. His teeth sharpened and lengthened. Was
he even aware of who Blaine was or of this feeling of connection? Maybe
he was wrong. He hoped so. The last time he’d been with someone had
been too long ago. That was it. Fate would not deal him so cruel a blow as
to give him a mate but make him untouchable.

“What’s your name?” Blaine asked.
The guard sucked his teeth. “He doesn’t say a word, never has.”
“I said what is your name?” Blaine asked again, ignoring the man

behind him.

Blue tinged the half beast’s skin, followed closely by hair sprouting

from his pores. He was going to shift. His ears grew pointed. Blaine heard
the cracking of bone as the change began. When he spoke, his voice was
ragged and harsh. He leaped forward like he was ready to kill Blaine
where he stood. “My name is Gamble.”

Blaine leaped backward out of the door, and the guard slammed it shut

just as Gamble crashed into it. He banged and growled for several
minutes, but Blaine wasn’t paying attention to the noise. His mind was
filled with thoughts of how Gamble looked while sleeping—sexy like
someone he’d like to play with. That was out of the question. He wouldn’t
spend any more time on him for now. If he was going to rehabilitate
Gamble, that would take considerable energy. He’d have to focus on the
others first. His decision made, Blaine pushed Gamble to the back of his
thoughts and went to work for the rest of the morning. By late afternoon,

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he was tired. His throat was dry from talking so much, and all he wanted
was food and rest.

He left the lockup and returned to his cabin. Being the Beta of the

group had its perks. His place wasn’t as big as his Alpha’s, but it did have
two bedrooms and a loft. Although one of the bedrooms was considered
the master, he preferred the loft. The ceiling there was almost all made of
glass. He could stare out at the night sky or the clouds. And when the sun
shone too brightly, he could pull a covering over it. The reinforced glass
kept his room warm in winter and cool in summer. This place, this land
was perfect as far as he was concerned, and it was no wonder that
Gamble’s pack had wanted it.

He frowned realizing he was thinking of the wild shifter. The truth was

Gamble hadn’t been far from his thoughts. Pure-blooded fenrir wolf
shifter, he thought as he undressed in preparation for a shower. Gamble
was big and thick. When he’d stood up that instant before he’d turned
completely wolf, Blaine had seen how big he was. The other man had him
by at least half a head, maybe more. No wonder so many men were needed
to keep him in line.

What if he is my mate? No, that couldn’t be because both mates always

recognized each other. Always. He didn’t know Gamble, so he couldn’t be
sure if the reaction he’d had to Blaine was normal for him or not, or if it
indicated that he knew who Blaine was. What if he wasn’t gay? He shook
his head. He could go round and round with this, but it meant nothing. Not
only did he not have time to deal with the man, he didn’t want to. He
didn’t want a screwed up mate.

Deciding to forget about it, he stepped into the shower and washed

away the dirt and sweat. When he came back out of the bathroom running
a towel over his damp skin, he heard his cell phone buzzing. He hurried
over to it and read the text before frowning. Corey never just fucking
called anymore.

Blaine slipped into jeans and a tee and pushed his feet into his boots.

Heading over to Corey’s place, he grumbled because the call hadn’t

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directed him to come to the office. He’d been busy all day. Maybe Corey
had come and gone from work, but he wondered.

When he knocked and pushed the door open at Corey’s, his nose was

assaulted with the delicious smell of steak grilling. He would know that
scent anywhere. He made his way into the kitchen and stopped to watch.
Devin and Corey were barefoot and shirtless, but they’d slipped on jeans
at least. The rear door of the cabin stood open, and Devin slipped out of it
to tend to the grill. Every place in the homestead had the ability to cook in
house, but most people went to the main hall. Unless of course they were
newlyweds like these two. He sighed.

“You texted?” he announced.
Corey stopped tossing salad. He looked too domesticated, Blaine

thought. Before now, Corey had never cooked a meal. The women who
ran the kitchen down at the main hall did that for him and the others.
Blaine guessed it was Devin’s doing that had him in here. Again jealousy
rose in him.

Corey watched him. “Come here.”
Blaine raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“You heard me,” Corey repeated. “Get your ass over here.”
He walked over, and jerked in surprise when Corey put a hand to his

jaw line. “I know you’re having a hard time right now.”

Blaine grimaced. “Have you gone soft being mated? I’m fine.” He’d

started to make more protests when Corey stepped closer and pinned him
between the counter in the center of the kitchen and himself. Blaine
couldn’t hide how he’d gone solid from the first touch. He licked his lips.

“Uh, he’s just outside,” Blaine said. He didn’t fear any man, but he’d

have a hard time besting his Alpha, especially Devin.

“We’ve talked about it,” Corey told him, and leaned in to kiss Blaine’s

lips. Without even thinking about it, he opened his mouth and let Corey
slip his tongue in. Desire coursed through him, but he shoved Corey back.

“Don’t play games with me,” he ground out.
A step sounded outside, and Devin came back in. He eyed the two of

them and went about setting down a tray of steaks. When he was done, he

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came around the counter and stood next to Corey. “So?” he said looking at

Blaine looked from one to the other of them. “Are you two having

trouble? Is that what this is about?”

“Don’t be stupid,” Devin growled. He flipped Blaine around by his

shoulders and pushed into him. Blaine gasped at the bulge teasing his ass.
He gritted his teeth. Devin leaned over his shoulder and let his lips skim
Blaine’s cheek. When he grabbed for Blaine’s cock and began stroking it,
he was done for. There was no way he was going to fight his way out of
there. He didn’t want to. Devin gave him a hard squeeze that hurt a little
but excited him more. “You’re one of ours. We take care of our own.”

He shuddered. Should he tell them about meeting Gamble and what

he’d felt? Would it cancel what was obviously going to happen tonight?
He wasn’t going to pursue Gamble, and he knew whatever he started up
with Devin and Corey was for now, not permanent. For as long as it
lasted, he could have a little fun with his leaders and let the future take
care of itself.

Feeling a bit of his old self surface, he grinned and leaned in to kiss

Devin. “You’ve been itching to tame me, haven’t you? That will be a hard
fight, I warn you.”

Fire flashed in Devin’s eyes. One side of his mouth turned up, and he

nuzzled Blaine’s lips. They teased each other’s tongue for a little before
Devin uttered, “We’ll see about that. I’ve hog-tied feistier than you plenty
of times.”

Devin went to proving his point by moving his hand from Blaine’s

cock and drawing both Blaine’s arms behind his back. He fought to get
loose, but Devin locked his hands together to keep the hold. He jerked
Blaine around until Devin leaned against the counter, and Blaine rested
against Devin.

Corey caught him in the middle and took up stroking him where Devin

left off. He pushed his tongue into Blaine’s mouth while lowering his
zipper. Blaine moaned. They were going to have him right here in the
kitchen, even before they ate. His jeans hit the floor. Corey took his cock

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in his palm and slid his hand from base to tip. Every time he reached the
top, he squeezed and massaged until Blaine clenched his teeth together.
He let his head fall back, knowing if Corey didn’t ease up, he was going to
explode soon.

“Suck him,” Devin commanded Corey.
Corey gave him a hard look as if to say he would not be bossed. He

moved in close to Blaine and kissed his lips again, lingering with his
tongue swirling about Blaine’s mouth. Hungry for more, Blaine pressed in
harder. He devoured Corey’s mouth, but the farther he moved to capture
him, the more his arms hurt. Devin wasn’t letting go. He jerked on Blaine,
which brought him back to his chest. While Blaine sucked in a few
breaths, Corey knelt down in front of him. His blond head bent between
Blaine’s legs made him want to shove his fingers in the silky strands and
make Corey swallow all of his cock.

“Let me touch him,” Blaine asked Devin, but the shifter shook his

head. Blaine gasped as Corey ringed his tip with is tongue. “I won’t hurt
him. I’ll just hold him while he sucks.”

“I said no,” Devin told him. “You stay still and take your punishment.”

When Blaine glared at him over his shoulder, he chuckled. Devin
tightened his grip on Blaine’s arms and swooped in to cover his mouth.
His kiss was unlike Corey’s. While it was just as desperate and hungry,
Devin was rougher, more demanding. He swept his tongue over Blaine’s
bottom lip and forced his way in. Blaine could do nothing but accept the
onslaught because he was feeling weak with Corey sucking his cock.

The sensations swept his control away. One man between his legs,

pulling on his shaft with his mouth, and the other dominating him, forcing
him to take it all. Blaine had never given up so much, so fast. He’d had
powerful lovers in other shifters. In fact, it was because he enjoyed the
roughness of the sex and the abandon of letting go of all inhibitions that he
never dated human men. But Devin didn’t give him a chance to decide on
his own. He just moved in and took everything. Blaine had to admit that it
felt incredible.

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He began pumping against Corey’s face, feeling his orgasm build. His

groin muscles tightened as all the blood rushed to the area. Devin let go of
his mouth only because he wanted to watch his mate. Blaine stared as
well, getting off on his cock disappearing into Corey’s mouth. All those
years appreciating the sight of Corey, attracted to him but sure he wasn’t
the one, and now he had him.

Blaine licked his lips and moaned. “Yes, oh yes, Corey, suck me.

You’re going to make me spill in your mouth.” He pumped a little harder,
but Devin released one his arms to lock his hips into place. Being kept
immobile made it all the more tortuous. Blaine could do nothing but feel.

Each time, his cock came out wet and warm from his leader’s mouth,

the air hit it and teased his shaft, making him more excited. His balls rose
and tightened. He was close. When Corey released his cock to lick his way
down to Blaine’s balls, he protested. Corey ignored him. He kissed and
licked his thighs. He squeezed them, and after he’d waited until Blaine
was on the cusp of losing it, he returned to his cock and deep-throated

Blaine threw his head back and shouted through his release. Corey

drank down every single drop then licked him clean when he was done.
He sat back on his haunches and watched Devin. His mate nodded. Blaine
wondered what they were up to and then he knew when Corey began
removing his jeans. He tossed them aside and turned toward the table.
Blaine’s mouth watered when his Alpha leaned over and his ass spread in

Both Blaine and Corey stood still a minute to take in the sight of

Corey, legs planted firmly apart, muscled thighs and hard ass. He raised
his arms to brace on the table and folded them to rest his head. “Well?”
Corey called back to them.

Blaine was about to move in since Devin had released his aching arms.

He stroked his dick to get it nice and hard, but Devin stopped him.

“On your knees. Get him nice and wet,” he drawled in his heavy

Southern dialect.

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Blaine considered ignoring him, but Devin didn’t have to let him take

his mate. This was a privilege, a gift that could be snatched back. He
wasn’t going to look it in the face. Blaine dropped to his knees. Besides,
why should he mind licking the ass of the man who had only been a
fantasy for him all this time?

He ringed Corey’s hole with the tip of his tongue and then applied

pressure. Corey squirmed and moaned. He brought his hands up to push
the cheeks farther apart, but Devin beat him to it. Blaine was beginning to
realize that while Devin would let him fuck Corey, he wasn’t willing to let
him touch his mate. That was ridiculous, but again he wasn’t going to

Devin held Corey’s ass cheeks apart, and Blaine sucked and licked at

his hole. He lowered his mouth to push between his legs to get a taste of
his sac and then moved back up. All the while, he left Corey’s skin
glistening with moisture. Seeing it, his cock throbbed to be buried inside.
Devin stooped and framed Blaine’s body with his. The material of his
jeans scraped Blaine’s ass. Devin’s hard cock was easy to make out
behind the fabric.

“Now take this and grease him up and your dick too,” Devin said.
Blaine took the small tube and did as he was told. When he and Corey

were ready, he wasted no time. He stood up and guided his stiff cock to
Corey’s hole. The tight opening responded to his push, expanding around
his girth and letting him in. Inch by inch disappeared up Corey’s ass.
Blaine moved in, gasping for breath because it felt so good. Devin took
both his hands and placed them flat on the table. At the same time, he
trapped him between his body and Corey’s. He gave a powerful thrust,
shoving Blaine deep inside of Corey. All three of them cried out.

Blaine began banging into Corey at lightning speed. When Devin

seemed sure he wouldn’t try to hold Corey’s waist, he let go of his hands
and shed his jeans. He was frantic, blurs of movement at the edge of
Blaine’s vision. Blaine was more interested in the insane feeling of being
buried to the hilt inside his leader. In pleasure, he watched Corey go up

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onto his toes and arch his back. His ass rose a little higher, and Blaine took
the invitation to slam his dick home.

The table shook and banged the chairs around it. None of them cared.

When Devin was completely naked, he jerked Blaine’s head to the side
and shoved two fingers into his mouth. Blaine tried pulling away from the
violence of the move, but Devin held on, making him suck his digits.

Devin’s eyes had gone pale, and his teeth had sharpened. Blaine

recognized the beginnings of a shift. Devin’s desire took him over the top,
and he would not be able to control himself until he had Blaine. A hungry
growl emanated from his throat, and he pulled out of Blaine’s mouth and
reached behind him. Blaine knew what he planned to do. “Please, use the
lubricant,” he begged.

Devin seemed beyond comprehending. He pushed a wet finger into

Blaine’s ass anyway, and Blaine gasped. Standing up straight made him
tighter, and Devin was a big guy. If he went in at this angle without even
greasing him up, it would hurt like hell. He paused in his thrusts into
Corey and found the small tube where he’d tossed it on the table. He
greased his fingers and reached behind him to stroke Devin’s cock. The
big man groaned in response, but he didn’t stop him. Blaine added more
until he was satisfied Devin wouldn’t rip him apart.

He finished up and then bent more over Corey bringing his chest flush

with Corey’s back. Corey moaned and writhed under him. Devin worked
his anus a little more with his hand and then replaced it with his cock.
Blaine willed himself to relax and arched to take Devin. The ache was
sharp at first, but then bliss. Devin was slightly bigger than he was. His
massive body hulked over him, and his unyielding muscled thighs pushed
against Blaine’s.

Devin swore. “Fuck, you’re tight. Have you even had a man before?”
Blaine growled. He pushed hard into Corey, but Devin made him pay

for it by ramming him as well. His ass felt so full and stretched. With his
dick buried in Corey, sensations came at him from the front and the back.
They fell into a rhythm of pumping into each other, three men with their
bodies aligned. Blaine looked down and to the side to watch them come

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together. Seeing himself push into Corey while Devin pushed into him
made his head spin. He couldn’t get enough. He didn’t want to come again
yet. He wanted to feel this forever.

But neither Devin nor Corey had released, and from the moans they

emitted, he knew they were close. Devin thrust harder, sending Blaine into
Corey. He held onto Blaine’s hips and kept the punishing pace. Blaine
clenched his jaw and shut his eyes tight. He couldn’t hold back. He was
going to come too.

“Yes!” he shouted, followed by Devin’s growl. He emptied himself

inside Corey’s ass and felt Devin’s final push behind him, before the other
man’s thighs quivered against his as he ejaculated.

When Devin pulled out, Blaine did the same and sank to the floor

breathing hard. He pushed his fingers through his hair and watched as
Devin pulled Corey to a standing position. They embraced and kissed,
holding each other like they’d been apart forever. Blaine sighed. As good
as that was, he needed his own mate.

When they’d cleaned up, they sat down to dinner together, and Corey

invited him to spend the rest of the night in their bed. He accepted. At
least for the time being, he could have a lot of fun sandwiched between
two Alpha shifters. No man could resist.

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Chapter Three

Gamble opened his eyes in the lockup, hating every day, hating the

four walls that kept him from running free in the woods. If he could get
loose, he’d kill them all. They’d already murdered his Alpha along with a
few others. None of them deserved his mercy. None, except… He thought
of the man he’d seen the day before, tall and well built. Gamble had him
by a good head at least, but the man exuded authority. He wasn’t the
Alpha of this pack. He’d seen that one, and when he got his chance, he’d
take him out.

But this man, the one that visited him was familiar. Gamble was sure

he hadn’t seen him before. He’d been too occupied with getting to his
leader before that bastard killed him to notice anyone else around. Gamble
closed his eyes and brought up an image of the man in his head. Caution
and suspicion had clouded those eyes, but behind them he saw kindness.
He had no patience for such a thing. Kindness meant weakness in his
book, and that guaranteed his victory when he got loose.

For all his determination, he couldn’t deny there was something

special about this man. Who was he? He had a strong, sexy body with a
nice big cock if the bulge in his pants was any clue. Gamble had fucked
his leader plenty of times, so he knew what turned him on. Maybe he
would kill them all and save him for last. Then he’d satisfy his lust with
that one before he ended his existence as well.

Outside his door, someone unbolted the small square that would allow

them to slide his food in to him. He sat up and waited. His time was

Instead of the compartment opening like he expected, Gamble was

surprised that the door itself slid back. He was about to spring forward
when the man from the day before stepped inside and shut himself in with
Gamble. Crouched on the bed, fully clothed but with his feet bare, Gamble
weighed what to do. If he attacked and killed the man here, they’d just
open the door just enough to fill his ass with lead. If he bided his time, he

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might be able to escape to do more damage to them. That decided, he
didn’t move or take his eyes off of his prey.

Gamble breathed in deep. The man’s scent intoxicated him and made

him want to get a taste. He bet he could make the guy come in his mouth
with just a few licks. All of these thoughts and his lust he kept hidden,
knowing he gave nothing away, even in his expression.

“I’m Blaine,” the guy said, standing by the door but not appearing

afraid. “I rushed out so fast yesterday, I didn’t get to tell you. I remember
you said your name is Gamble. Norse, right? You’re full-blooded fenrir,
like us.”

I’m nothing like you.
Gamble bared his teeth, knowing they were those of the wolf inside of

him. When he wasn’t in his full animal form, he remained like he was
now. He had no need to connect with humans or live among them. If he
didn’t pick up on the shifter blood running in Blaine’s veins, he would
never know he wasn’t human by the look of him.

“I thought maybe we could get to know one another and become

friends,” Blaine suggested. “Anyway, I told the guard that I would bring in
your lunch today so we can talk.”

Told not asked, Gamble thought. So he was someone in charge. The

Beta maybe. Gamble narrowed his eyes and caught a new scent, one he
hadn’t picked up on the man yesterday. He left the bed in a heartbeat and
sent the tray flying against the wall. Gamble crashed into the man and
thumped him bodily on the door behind him.

Someone called out, “Blaine, you want me to open the door?”
“No, it’s fine,” Blaine answered. “I told you. Not until I tell you.

Everything’s good.” The fact was Gamble had his hand around Blaine’s
throat, and he squeezed. Nothing Blaine could do would get him off. He
was a good judge of strength and while this shifter was strong, he didn’t
match Gamble by a mile.

Gamble blocked him in, aware of the big chest muscles rising and

falling, the nostrils flared. Blaine had called on the inner beast’s strength,
so his teeth were pointed as well. Both his hands covered Gamble’s and

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tugged to keep him from crushing his windpipe. With impersonal interest
on the outside, Gamble curiously sniffed at Blaine. He leaned in close and
ran his nose along Blaine’s neck. He allowed his body to come closer so
that they brushed in length. His thigh pushed against Blaine’s crotch, and
the smaller man winced. Gamble didn’t do it enough to hurt him, but
Blaine seemed to expect it.

Gamble sniffed him again. Not one, but two men. Two had been close

enough to him to leave their scent, an aroma of sex, even though most of it
had been washed away. He couldn’t imagine why that should make rage
boil inside of him. Two men—two shifters—had fucked Blaine. Gamble

“Wait, wait, wait,” Blaine said, pulling at his arm.
Gamble thought his cock had gone hard, but he focused on the man’s

lips, wondering what he would be like to kiss. Maybe no better or worse
than any other man he’d been with. Definitely not as good as it had been
with his Alpha. A fresh wave of anger surged over him, and he pulled
Blaine forward only to slam him again.

“If you kill me now, there’s no way you’ll get out of here alive,”

Blaine explained. “You understand that much, don’t you?”

Gamble couldn’t resist talking to him, although he wanted to pretend

he didn’t get it. “You scared?”

Blaine sneered. “Hardly. I’ve been in fights with tougher men than


“No,” Gamble told him. “You haven’t.”
Their lips almost touched, Gamble with his head ducked, Blaine

looking up at him. He wouldn’t give an inch. That much was plain to see.
Gamble would have to take whatever he wanted. He’d never forced a man.
He never had to, and his real interest had only ever been in his Alpha.
They weren’t mated, but Gamble had hoped to be the only one. He never

Rather than kiss Blaine, he turned him and pushed him to the door

with his back to Gamble. He kept hold of Blaine’s throat but loosened his

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hold and reached in front of him to his crotch. At the same time, he raised
his thigh enough to brush it along Blaine’s ass.

“Who has been here?” he demanded. “I smell them. Two men.”
Blaine stiffened. “That’s not your business.”
“It is.” Gamble dipped down so his cock pressed into Blaine’s rear.

His shaft twitched, wanting to go deeper. He massaged Blaine’s cock,
feeling the length grow and harden. He let go and slid higher to the button
on his jeans. When it opened under his fingers, he lowered the zipper and
pushed the clothing away. Blaine’s cock sprang out long and erect.
Gamble licked his lips. “I could take you right now.”

“Not before I stopped you,” Blaine ground out. Gamble knew it

angered him that he was no longer in control. He’d thought he was the big
bad wolf come to tame Gamble with his human ways and words.

“Try to stop me,” Gamble taunted.
Blaine didn’t hesitate. He laid a flat hand over his fist and jabbed his

elbow back into Gamble’s side. Gamble winced, but he didn’t release his
hold. Blaine went after him again, stomping his foot and reaching back for
Gamble’s balls. Knowing that would hurt, Gamble leaned back. He lost
hold of Blaine’s cock to his disappointment, and it gave Blaine his chance.
He spun and barreled into Gamble, sending him backward across the room
to land on the bed.

Just as Blaine landed on top of him to pin him down, Gamble grinned.

He knew better what he’d done to the sheets. In an instant, he switched
their positions, so that Blaine was on the bottom and he was on top. He
threw an arm over Blaine’s broad chest, forcing him into the mattress. At
the same time, he reached past him to the shredded sheet he’d roped
together into an unbreakable bond. One end went around Blaine’s wrist,
and the other was knotted to the steel frame of the bed. He wasn’t going

They fought against each other for several minutes. Their grunts filled

the small space. Gamble being bigger and with nothing to lose was the
victor. He tied Blaine’s other arm down and sat up straddling him.

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Blaine breathed hard and growled in frustration. The rising and falling

of his chest mesmerized Gamble. “I could call and have someone in here
in a heartbeat.”

Gamble leaned down on his chest causing him to grunt. He raised

clawed fingers. “And I can have your throat slit faster.” He would never
kill this one. Gamble already knew that. What he didn’t know was why.
What made him so special? Was it only because he wanted to fuck him?
Maybe. He’d have to see if the feeling went away after he’d had him.

Gamble watched him struggle against the bonds, his arms above his

head and flat on his back. Blaine’s cock was still hanging out, teasing
Gamble to take a taste. He pulled Blaine’s pants lower and smiled at the
bead of precome he found. His gaze flicked back to the man’s face.
“Being tied down excites you?”

“Go to hell,” he spat.
Gamble leaned down and licked up the small bead. He closed his eyes,

enjoying Blaine’s flavor on the tip of his tongue. Beneath him Blaine
hadn’t moved, but he couldn’t control his cock. The rod shifted and
thickened all the more. “I thought you couldn’t speak,” Blaine rasped. “No
one but me has ever heard you talk. My report said you were dumb and

Gamble rose up from Blaine’s cock head and frowned. “Just because I

don’t speak often doesn’t mean I can’t or that I don’t understand anything.
Anyway, it doesn’t matter what your people think of me, or what you
think. When I’m out of here, I’m going to kill all of you for what you did
to my Alpha.”

Your Alpha?” Blaine snapped. “Maybe you forgot what yours did to

mine. He beat him until he was almost dead.”

“He didn’t. I did.”
Blaine’s eyes widened. He was silent, seething, Gamble guessed. Now

the lust for Gamble’s head on a platter must be on his mind too. Gamble
tore open Blaine’s shirt. He removed his jeans and pulled off his boots.
His prisoner was almost completely naked. His tanned, smooth skin

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tantalized Gamble. All he wanted to do was spend the rest of the day
touching him, tasting him.

Blaine’s eyes had gone dark. His fingers were clawed, and his chest

heaved in his anger. Gamble ignored all of that as he pushed one muscular
thigh up to kiss the skin on the inside of it. Blaine jerked, but he said

“You want me dead now?” Gamble asked as he licked a trail up

Blaine’s thigh. He kissed the heavy sac between his legs. Blaine stared at
the ceiling, his lips pressed together in a thin line. Gamble gave him a lick
on the head of his cock. “Who had you? Tell me.”

Blaine met his gaze. “Are you jealous? That I had lovers while yours is


Gamble swiped his claws across the man’s stomach, tearing the skin.

Blaine hissed and clenched his jaw against the pain.

“It’s obvious you were in love with your Alpha, but he didn’t make

you his mate,” Blaine went on.

“Shut up,” Gamble roared and leaped off the bed, backing to the wall.

He kept his eyes on Blaine as if he would attack at any moment. Gamble
crouched to the floor, feeling the change coming, but he resisted.

“Your leader was okay with you fucking him as often as you liked,

wasn’t he? Did he at least make you his Beta?”

Gamble jumped on the bed atop Blaine. He raised his hand to claw

him again, but he couldn’t bring it down. Blaine’s gaze never wavered. He
stared into Gamble’s eyes like nothing terrified him. Gamble knew how to
humiliate him and get under his skin. He lowered himself down Blaine’s
body to his cock and took it into his mouth. Greedily, he swallowed inch
after inch, savoring his taste, enjoying how it stretched his mouth because
of its size. He lowered his head over it as much as he could and then
sucked upward, letting it slide out. At the head, he kept hold and sucked
harder, biting down with the roof of his mouth rather than his teeth. Blaine
would feel the pressure without the pain or injury.

His captive squirmed and made small noises like he tried to smother

his groans. Gamble didn’t let up. He couldn’t, especially with his own

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cock straining against his pants. The space was limited when he wasn’t
hard. Getting excited like he was now made it impossible to stay dressed.
While he took Blaine’s cock in his hands and ran his lips and tongue along
the sides, he reached down and unzipped his pants. Having no underwear
under them, he sprang free, stiff and long.

Gamble swallowed Blaine’s dick again and groaned as he pumped his

mouth up and down the length. He drew back and teased the opening at
the top while watching the other shifter. “You want me to stop?”

“I don’t want you,” was the response.
Gamble raised an eyebrow. He sucked Blaine in a fast rhythm. The

man’s hips came up off the bed, pushing his dick into Gamble’s mouth.
His balls tightened, and he could no longer hide the fact that he liked what
Gamble was doing. His groans bounced off the walls, encouraging
Gamble to keep it up. On and on he pulled on Blaine’s shaft, letting the
head pop from his mouth only to stuff it back in. When he knew Blaine’s
orgasm was close, he concentrated on the part most sensitive—the head.
Seconds later, come spurted into his mouth, and he gladly drank it down.

“Bastard,” Blaine spat.
Gamble laughed and sat up. He climbed on top of his prisoner and

straddled him. Their cocks lay together, and he was pleased to see Blaine’s
eyes widen at his length and girth. “Bet you’d love to have this in you,
wouldn’t you?” Gamble asked.

“You’d love to get it in me.”
Gamble lay flat so their chests met. He almost came feeling Blaine’s

tiny nipples on his own. He ran his hands down Blaine’s arms and kissed
his lips. At first Blaine turned his head, but Gamble followed him and
covered his mouth. He pushed his tongue inside the wet warmth and lost
his train of thought to the pleasure. His breathing ragged, he lay still with
his nose beside Blaine’s, their lips just touching. This time the other man
didn’t turn away.

“I’m going to put my cock in your ass,” he whispered. Between them

Blaine’s shaft twitched. He didn’t have to look to know that it had gotten
hard again. All he had to do was rub against Blaine and he’d come. That’s

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how badly he needed it right now. “I’m going to take you over and over
until you beg me to stop.”

Blaine sneered. “Like hell I will. I told you, I’ve taken bigger men than


Jealousy reared its ugly head once again. Gamble jerked Blaine’s hips

up to him so he could reach underneath to the hard ass. He felt his way to
Blaine’s crack and pushed a finger to his hole back there. “Prove it.”

Blaine was about to say something when the scrape of the door

opening distracted them both. Gamble didn’t have a chance to turn around
before several points of pain broke out on his back. They’d tranquilized

Men rushed into the room and dragged Gamble back. He fought, but

with each movement his strength waned. He wanted to keep his eyes on
Blaine, but the room grew blurry.

“Oh damn, I’m sorry, Blaine,” someone said. “Go get Corey now!”
The last thing Gamble thought before he blacked out was they were

calling for the Alpha, and that man would be the one to touch Blaine,
removing all memory of what happened here. He didn’t want that. He
wouldn’t give up Blaine to anyone.

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Chapter Four

Blaine sat with his hands over his face and saying nothing. Could this

situation be anymore embarrassing? He didn’t think so, not when half a
dozen guards came into the cell only to find him on his back naked and the
prisoner on top of him. He had to be grateful for small favors like the fact
that they hadn’t come in a moment earlier and found him coming in the
man’s mouth.

He groaned and raked his hands through his hair. They had to guess

though, didn’t they? He was still hard when they dragged Gamble off him,
and he hadn’t been fighting when the man kissed him. At the least, he
could have bitten his tongue off when he stuck it in his mouth. But Blaine
hadn’t wanted that. From Gamble’s first touch, Blaine was hooked. He
had never in his life enjoyed a man sucking him off like he did with
Gamble. And his dumbass body still wanted more—a lot more.

But Gamble was the enemy. His expression said it all as he fell into

unconsciousness. First chance Gamble got, he would murder them all,
Blaine included. He could never have this sexy man, could never enjoy the
pleasure/pain of having Gamble put that massive cock into his rear. Blaine
licked his lips and kicked himself mentally for thinking about it while
Corey sat in front of him behind his desk and Devin stood at the window,
arms folded over his chest. They wanted an explanation of what happened,
and he couldn’t give them one. Not anything satisfactory.

“So,” Devin began, “instead of taming this beast, you let him take you

captive and rape you.”

“He didn’t rape me,” Blaine shouted and jumped to his feet.
Corey cast Devin a look and focused back on Blaine. “Okay, calm

down. Devin, you stay out of it. Tell us what happened, Blaine.”

Blaine sighed and sank into his chair. “I was going in there to talk to

him. Nothing happened.” He glowered at Devin. “Except that he got the
better of me and thought it would be great to humiliate me by taking my
clothes off. That’s all.”

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He wouldn’t tell them about the blowjob and certainly not how good it

was. Technically, yeah, that bastard had forced it on him, but from the
second he rubbed up against Blaine at the door, Blaine had wanted him
just as badly. He couldn’t fully blame Gamble for letting the beast have
his way.

Devin narrowed his eyes at him and shifted his shoulders up and

down. “I don’t know. You do like your lovers bigger than you. Maybe you
liked being tied down. We’ll have to remember that the next time you’re at
the cabin.”

Blaine gave him the finger, and then he realized what Devin had said.

The next time? They’d had fun, and both Devin and Corey took turns
sucking his cock and taking him from behind. Their sex drives had no off
button. But none of that compared to the few minutes he’d had with
Gamble. He didn’t know if it was because the bond Devin and Corey
shared was absent so he didn’t feel like an outsider brought in. In that cell,
it had been just him and Gamble, and there was still the problem of how
he felt about Gamble, like he was important to his life. The connection had
intensified with their first kiss, but Gamble was still oblivious. He just
wanted to get himself off, and he was still hung up on his Alpha.

When Blaine realized they’d had a relationship and it had been more

than just sex on Gamble’s part, he admitted if only to himself that he was
jealous. He could never replace an Alpha, and what would Devin and
Corey say if they knew that it was Gamble who beat Devin? This was a
no-win situation. When Gamble first admitted what happened, he did feel
like ripping the guy apart. But the other emotions Gamble stirred in him
resurfaced. He could no more hurt Gamble than he could stop being a

“I feel like there’s something you’re keeping from me,” Corey said,

staring at him. His face didn’t hold anger, but his patience was wearing

“He told me something,” Blaine said, tapping his fingers on the heavy

wooden desk. He didn’t meet their eyes. Corey was fiercely protective of
Devin since the incident. Telling him might mean Gamble’s death. After

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all, Corey had promised to kill anyone who laid a hand on his mate. He
said…He told me he was the one who beat Devin.”

Corey gasped. “What did you say?”
Blaine couldn’t repeat it, but it was enough for Devin. He stormed

across the room and slammed a fist on the desk. “You’re telling me that
bastard that we’ve been feeding all this time and housing is the one that
did that? He’s dead.”

“No!” Blaine stood up. They widened their eyes at him. “I mean…”
Corey came around the desk and squeezed Devin’s shoulder. They

kissed, filling Blaine with longing. “What else?” Corey insisted when he
faced him again.

“I want him.”
“You want him?” Corey said in disbelief.
Devin was about to speak, but Corey cut him off. “You don’t want me

to kill the man responsible for almost taking my mate away from me
permanently because you want to have sex with him? Am I understanding
you right, Blaine?”

Blaine rotated his shoulders, aware of a knot that felt like someone had

slugged him in the back. He put some distance between himself and his
leaders in case they wanted to practice wringing a neck starting with his.
The window where Devin had been seemed like a safe spot, so he moved
there and looked out over the grounds. The swaying trees in the afternoon
air called to him to come and run. He couldn’t blame Gamble for wanting
to stay in the wild. There were fewer complications. If they were as wild
as their ancestors, Devin and Gamble could fight it out, and then it would
be over. Devin would lose. He swore at the realization that he’d just sided
with the enemy even if it was only in his head.

“Before you both blow a gasket, let me say this,” he began. “I don’t

believe he’s my mate. There’s no reaction on his part except for wanting
to make me look like an idiot. But I have these feelings.”

“Feelings,” Corey repeated.
“Yeah, like…you know…like he’s the one.”

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“The one!” Devin barked. “He’s not your mate, but he’s the one.

They’re one and the same, or didn’t you know that?”

“I know,” Blaine snapped.
Corey explained it. “If both sides don’t feel it, then they’re not mated.

I don’t mind telling you, Blaine, that I’m not happy. I want to go down
there and end this guy for touching Devin. But you’re my best friend.
Right now, I want more than anything for you to find your one and be

“I want your ass on a platter for not spitting this out the second you

knew,” Devin added.

Both Blaine and Corey gave him a look that said not helpful. Devin

frowned, but he deferred to Corey. Blaine waited in silence for his leader
to tell him the verdict. He needed a little more time, although he had no
idea how to approach Gamble again. That he wasn’t going to look bad in
front of the men was a given.

“Seventy-two hours,” Corey announced. “That’s how long you have to

get Gamble to confirm or deny that he’s your mate, and trust me, I’m
going to want proof of the connection. If it doesn’t happen in that time, I
will kill him. Is that acceptable?”

What choice did he have? “Yeah, that’s fine.”
After further discussion about his plans for reaching the others, Blaine

got out of there. He felt helpless. How did a man reach his mate when his
mate was half out of his head with revenge and hate? And he could be
wrong. This could be a matter of lust. Devin was right. He did like his
lover bigger, and while Blaine had never been tied up before, he couldn’t
believe how hot it was. He’d been ready to come from the moment he
pulled at the bonds and knew he couldn’t get away. Sure he could have
shifted and torn the sheets to shreds, but he hadn’t wanted to.

As he walked down the path leading from Corey’s office, he recalled

the feel of Gamble’s mouth wrapped around his erection. He grew hard
just thinking about. He wanted more. Even if it turned out Gamble wasn’t
his mate, at least he’d have had the best sex of his life. And that’s what it
boiled down to. He needed to go all the way with him, at a time when

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there were no interruptions. If they were mates, they would bond after sex,
and there would be no denying it.

“Hey, Blaine.”
He turned to see Jeff, the man who he sometimes went into town with

to drink and pick up women. Well, Jeff picked up women, and Blaine
could always find a man. He nodded to his friend. “Hey, what are up to?”

Jeff shrugged. “A few of us are going to Pete’s tonight. You in?”
Pete’s was short for Pete’s Bar and Grill. They played country music,

straw and peanut shells covered the floor, and in the back was a room for
pool and a room for riding a mechanical bull. Blaine checked his watch.
The day was far spent, but not late enough for the switchover to light
guard duty at the lockup. He’d go crazy if he sat around waiting. Better to
pass the time doing something. “Yeah, I’m in. When are you leaving?”

“Couple hours.”
Blaine agreed to be ready and walked on. By the time he’d taken care

of some other business that was a part of his duties and had gone back to
his cabin to shower and change, it was time to meet the others at the main
gate. He took his truck since he wanted to be able to leave when he was
ready to go.

Jeff hopped into his truck, and they headed down to the bar. The

minute he entered the place, Blaine ordered a beer and took it to the back
of the bar where a few men had games of pool going on. He leaned against
the wall while drinking and watching.

“Hey, you looking for a little fun?” a man asked approaching him.
Blaine gave him a once over. Tall, good build. He wasn’t Blaine’s type

as he seemed soft. Blaine liked his men hard and rough. Devin had been
exactly what he liked, but he’d ended up being Corey’s mate. He sighed
thinking about it.

When he didn’t answer, the guy sidled up close. He bobbed his head to

some tune Blaine had heard before but didn’t know the words to. Blaine
took a swig from his drink. The guy came closer. Now Blaine could feel
his cock against his thigh. He had a hard-on, and Blaine got a little worked

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He looked at the man trying so hard to get his attention. He supposed

they all had a type of gaydar. Blaine didn’t carry himself in a way to give
away his sexual orientation. Not that he was ashamed of it. He was what
he was. “What are you offering?” Blaine asked, not really interested but
wanting to pass the time.

The man smiled and tilted his head to the side. The movement turned

Blaine off. “I don’t know. Whatever you are, I guess. I’ve always wanted
to get with your kind. I never got lucky before tonight.”

Blaine narrowed his eyes at him. “My kind. What do you mean by


He pressed in closer. Blaine resisted shoving him away. “You know,

fenrir shifters. I ran with a pack of them for a little while. You might know
them. They’re the group that came up against your people about a month
back, captured your Alpha and all?”

Blaine gritted his teeth, which had sharpened on hearing the man’s

admission. “You’re one of them?” He didn’t know why he asked
considering one whiff told him the man was not a fenrir. He was a shifter
all right, but not a wolf. What he was didn’t interest Blaine at the moment,
but rather what he said. He reached out and took the man by the shirtfront
and dragged him closer. With his head bent toward him, anyone watching
might think he’d found his bed partner for the night. “Well?” he

The guy began to shake, but he didn’t struggle to get out of Blaine’s

hold. Maybe he liked it. “No, no. I’m not one of them. Like I said, I ran
with them for a while. I don’t have my own pack. We…uh…my kind
don’t run in packs. We’re loners. Anyway, I was with them for a little
while, and if you need to know anything about them, I can tell you.”

His expression was hopeful. Blaine let him go and half turned away.

He did want to know, but he wasn’t going to let this weakling know.
Shrugging, he brought his beer to his lips and took a long swallow. “Why
would I give a fuck? We killed off most of them.”

“Bet you didn’t kill Gamble,” the man said with a grin.
Blaine stiffened. He feigned ignorance. “Gamble?”

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The man brought his hand up and rested it on Blaine’s chest. He traced

his fingertip over the material of Blaine’s shirt until he located his nipple
and began to circle it, teasing every once in a while. “Yeah, Gamble. He’s
a big one, and gay too. Or I guess he was since he was always on top of
their Alpha.”

Blaine gritted his teeth. Jealousy choked him until he wanted to plant

his fist in the man’s face. He wrestled himself for control. Even without
Blaine saying a word, the man must be in the mood to talk, so he kept on.

“Gamble was obsessed with him, or at least in love. And everybody

but him could tell that the leader was just using him for sex. He wasn’t
going to make Gamble his second or acknowledge him as his mate.”

Despite himself, Blaine asked, “Why’s that?”
“Because as powerful as Gamble was, he would then be considered

one of the Alphas, and he was strong enough to take over completely.
Word has it that the leader killed his mate in the past in a battle for
leadership of the pack. Can you imagine that? I would have said that’s
impossible, that a person could never kill their own mate—like it’s a
physical and emotional impossibility. Know what I mean?”

Blaine did know what he meant. He’d felt he didn’t have it in him to

hurt Gamble because he saw him as his mate, but did Gamble feel the
same? He was sure of nothing regarding the other man. He’d never even
heard of a wolf shifter denying the bond between mates.

“Anyway,” the man said, “Gamble obsessed over his lover to the point

that he’d do whatever he wanted. He’d kill for him. Gamble did all the
dirty work, an obedient little pup if ever you saw one.” He chuckled. “I
should say big, dumb pup, I guess.”

At that insult, Blaine drove his fist into the man’s mouth and knocked

him on the floor. He howled in pain and spat out blood. Several of his
friends went on alert, but Blaine shook his head. They settled into
whatever they’d been doing. None of the humans approached. They might
not know what Blaine and his kind were, but they knew not to fuck with

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Blaine leaned over the man on the floor and tossed him a tissue. “I’d

watch what I say out of my mouth from now on if I were you.” He stepped
over the trembling man and headed over to Jeff. “I’m going back. Not in
the mood after all. I’ll talk to you later.”

Jeff rested a hand on his shoulder. “Okay, bud, I’ll catch a ride with

one of the others. That is, if I decide to come back tonight.” He winked
and pulled the woman who stood beside him onto his lap. She laughed
when she shoved his hat off his head and ran her fingers through his hair.
Jeff buried his face in her deep cleavage.

Blaine turned away. Women meant nothing to him, but now he had to

worry more about Gamble. If they mated, would Gamble ever turn on
him? Did his ambitions go as deep as his former leader’s? And even if
they did mate, how would that change the fact that he hated Blaine’s
people for the loss of his lover?

He drove back to the homestead and parked outside of his cabin. His

watch said nine, but he wanted to wait until at least eleven before he
headed down to where Gamble was. Most likely one guard would be on
duty just to keep an eye out. He would wait until the man checked the
grounds and then slip in. With any luck, Gamble wouldn’t get violent, and
Blaine would have a chance to talk to him more. Then…well, then he’d
see what happened if they mated.

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Chapter Five

Just the thought of mating with Gamble turned Blaine on. When he got

back to his place, he walked in and headed to the bedroom. Another
shower and he’d lay down for a bit. The next time Blaine opened his eyes,
it was after midnight. He swore and sat up rubbing sleep from his eyes.
One hour later than he had intended wouldn’t make a difference, so he
headed to lockdown. The night was still and quiet. In the distance, the
sound of howling reached him, and he glanced toward the sky. A full
moon. He grinned not believing that he could have forgotten. On a night
like this, most of his people were randy. If there was sex to be had, they
went at it.

Knowing he was right, he wasn’t surprised when he heard grunting

near the building where they held Gamble. Blaine breathed in deep. The
scent of the person he picked up was one of the guards, although he was
surprised by the identity of the woman the man was with. He wondered if
Devin knew his twin was out here at midnight riding a man’s cock. Not so
much of a mouse when lust hit, Blaine guessed.

The inside of the building was quiet. He moved past the first three

doors of the other prisoners, caring only about reaching Gamble. He
paused to listen to the sounds of the night. The guard was too excited to
pick up his scent in the area. He was glad for small favors.

Blaine listened outside Gamble’s cell. He opened the small slot in the

door and peered in. Gamble crouched in the corner watching him. The dim
light shining in from the windows behind Blaine reflected in his eyes,
making them appear to glow in the dark. “Stay there. Don’t move,” Blaine

He closed the slot and then opened the door. The fact that a

combination lock had been put on the door, one that was accessed on
either side, was a good thing. He couldn’t take keys into the cell with him,
yet he’d be able to get out when he was ready. Blaine stepped inside and
let the door close behind him. He listened for the lock to slide into place.

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“I smelled you coming a mile off,” Gamble said, resentment in his


Blaine studied him. He wore no shirt or shoes, only pants. And he

could pretend he didn’t want Blaine there, but the erection he already
sported said otherwise. Even wild, or because of it, Gamble could not
deny the call to physical gratification tonight of all nights.

Blaine approached the bed, keeping a careful eye on Gamble. While

the room was darker now that he’d shut off most of the light outside, he
could see just fine. Gamble rested one hand on the back of the bed,
exposing his side. Blaine gasped at the marks on his skin and rushed over
to him.

“Who the hell did this?” he demanded.
Gamble shrugged. “You can thank your guards for that.”
“They were not given commands to beat,” he ground out, hating the

thought of someone hurting Gamble.

“I’m not some weak pup that I’ll cry over a few scratches,” Gamble

assured him. “Besides, he got some time off work for his pains.”

“Meaning I tried to rip his arm off to beat him with it.”
Blaine frowned at him and then went back to his side. “I should get

something to clean this up.”

Gamble pulled his hands away from his injury and forced Blaine to

look into his eyes. “Why are you here?”

“You know why I’m here.”
Gamble stared at him for a few minutes. They were mere inches apart.

Gamble stood in the same position he’d found him, and Blaine knelt with
one leg on the bed. The blood rushed in his ears, and he felt his heart
trying to leap out of his chest. If nothing else, this man excited him. For
him to die, even if he wasn’t his mate, was a horrible loss.

Gamble kissed him, pushing his tongue into Blaine’s mouth. The kiss

was a punishing one, meant to hurt him or make him run. Blaine wasn’t
giving in. He gave as good as he got, pushing back against Gamble and
exploring his chest with his hands.

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“I could snap you in half,” Gamble whispered between hungry nips.
“Don’t underestimate me,” Blaine shot back.
Blaine ended up on the bed with Gamble over him. His groin rubbed

into Blaine’s. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of this man’s body on
his. Gamble pushed a thigh between Blaine’s and brought his knee up. The
twinkle in his eye seemed to dare Blaine to fight. He didn’t need to.

“So you want me to fuck you, is that it?” Gamble asked. “Before your

people kill me?”

Blaine gasped. How could he know what the plan was? They’d only

just decided a few hours ago, and it wasn’t likely that either Corey or
Devin had told him. At the confusion that must be reflected on his face,
Gamble laughed and sat up. Blaine hated the loss of the heavy weight on
top of him. He leaned up on his elbows. Gamble sat on his haunches quite
content to ignore the erection behind the cargo pants. Blaine swore
silently. He’d give anything to unsettle him and take back the control
Gamble seemed to have. Just once to see him beg for Blaine. He almost
laughed. This man was just short of all animal instinct. He’d never beg.
He’d take what he wanted. That was what turned Blaine on the most.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Blaine lied. “We’ve kept

you safe all this time. Why would we kill you now?”

“Kept me safe?” Gamble laughed. “Don’t you mean kept your people

safe from me?”

“If that’s the case, all you have to do is stop being so aggressive and

trying to fight, and then you can be free,” Blaine explained. “There are a
few of your pack who live among us in peace.”

Gamble’s eyes darkened and narrowed. “I have no desire to play nice

with the likes of you. Anyway, the guards talk as if a shifter cannot hear
them through the door. They taunt me with threats and say it’s official. My
date for execution is in three days.”

Blaine did all he could not to let his emotions show. So someone had

overheard their discussion and ran their mouth. Corey would want to
know. “I don’t know why they would say such a thing, but it’s obvious
you’re going to play games rather than explore what we both desire.”

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He stood ready to leave and moved toward the door. Turning his back

on Gamble was probably a mistake, but Blaine was disappointed. Gamble
struck him as the kind of man who would spite his own needs to get back
at an enemy even in the smallest way. If they were going to kill him, he
wouldn’t give Blaine the satisfaction of having him before then.

He took two steps before the bigger man was on him from behind.

Gamble crushed him to his body with one massive arm and reached for his
pants. Blaine gasped in surprise when Gamble lowered his zipper and
pulled his cock out. He’d been wrong, and so glad he was as Gamble
stroked his hard cock from bottom to top. Blaine rested his head back
against Gamble’s chest and groaned. Gamble put a finger in the precome
at the shaft tip and licked it off. He didn’t stay away for long though. His
pumping was bringing Blaine to a climax fast.

“Turn your head,” Gamble commanded. Blaine did and tilted it

upward for them to kiss. He lost himself in the feel of Gamble’s mouth on
his and his hand squeezing and tugging on his cock. Gamble crushed his
mouth, punishing him. Blaine could do nothing but surrender in bliss.
Before long, he came hard, gasping and grunting.

Gamble released him and returned to the bed. He lay down on his back

with his hands behind his head. “Come over here and suck me.”

Blaine frowned. “You’ve forgotten that I don’t answer your


“Suck me,” Gamble repeated like Blaine hadn’t just refused.
Blaine cursed at him, and they stood there having a stare-off. He felt

himself losing because he did want to taste Gamble. He’d not had the
chance before, and this might lead to more. How he hoped so. One time.
He could give in one time, and then get his way in the end. He dropped to
his knees and unbuttoned Gamble’s pants. When his cock came into view,
Blaine swallowed, eyes widening. His cock was fatter than Devin’s, and it
would, without question, hurt like hell getting up his ass, but he’d gone
hard just seeing it.

Blaine didn’t concentrate on the shaft right off. He started at Gamble’s

thigh and kissed the corded muscle he found there. Gamble’s skin was

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smooth and hairless, to his surprise. He smelled of soap. He wondered just
how many men it took to hold him in the shower so he wouldn’t escape.
Blaine imagined all of them soaking wet, struggling together. Their
muscles must have glistened with moisture. Jealousy rose in him thinking
that they got to see this sexy body every day and got to wash it.

Did they touch Gamble’s dick? No, he couldn’t think about that, or

he’d go nuts. Better to enjoy the fact that he had it in his hands right now
and could taste at his leisure.

Blaine pushed the bulbous head past his lips and gave a suck like a

lollipop. He pulled the thick cock from his mouth and ran his tongue all
over it, concentrating on the head. Tangy, salty precome coated his
tongue, and he went back for more. He squeezed the base and pumped
upward while he dragged on the head. Above him, Gamble grunted his
pleasure rather than let himself moan. Blaine did enough moaning for the
both of them. He’d never had a man that tasted so good, even if he
couldn’t get more than Gamble’s cap into his mouth.

When Gamble’s balls rose and tightened, Gamble pulled himself out

of Blaine’s mouth. “Do you have lubricant?”

Knowing what that meant, Blaine pulled it from his pocket. Butterflies

formed in his gut knowing what he was in for.

“Turn over,” Gamble instructed. Again, he didn’t bother refusing

command. This was what he wanted. He needed to know one way or
another if Gamble was his mate, and he’d know that when Gamble came
inside of him.

Blaine stood up and shed his clothes in seconds. He knelt down on the

edge of the bed and used the cream to prep his hole. Just using a finger to
push into his anus got him excited. He worked it in and out a few times
before adding another finger. Gamble seemed to get tired of waiting doing
nothing. He shoved Blaine’s hands aside and creamed his own fingers.
Blaine almost collapsed from the first invasion of his lover’s digits. He
pumped his hips and squeezed his ass tight so he could feel more.

He knotted his fingers in the sheets when Gamble kissed and licked his

ass. He worked his way up over Blaine and laid his head on his back.

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Blaine would never have thought Gamble could be so gentle with his
intimacy, but that thought faded the moment Gamble began hand fucking
him hard and fast.

Blaine grunted and clenched his teeth. Gamble had gone to four

fingers inside him. “Damn it, you don’t have to do it that rough.”

“If you can’t take this,” came the cruel reply, “you’ll never take my

dick. Do you want it? Or not?”

“Yes!” Blaine shouted as his anus stretched and gave around Gamble’s

thrust. “I want it now. Give it to me.”

Gamble stopped right away and added more lubricant to Blaine’s

already sore ass. He braced himself with his eyes closed. He breathed
through his nose and willed himself to stay calm. He’d had bigger men
then himself. This shouldn’t be a big deal.

Gamble’s dick head eased into his hole. Blaine lost his stance and

almost fell over, but his lover caught him in a tight grip around his waist.
He winced against the pain but said nothing as Gamble pushed farther in.
They went slow, Blaine trying his best to keep himself at an angle to take
all of his lover. He’d never been so full. He tried stroking his own cock,
but he didn’t have the strength. He was at Gamble’s mercy, but that
bastard had none.

Gamble began to pump in an out until Blaine’s muscles gave and let

him in with ease. The ache decreased, and Blaine’s mind and body were
overwhelmed with pleasure. The feeling was almost tormenting. He hung
from Gamble’s hold as Gamble thumped into his ass. The sound of their
bodies slapping together added to his bliss. Gamble’s balls bounced
against that small stretch of skin between his ass and his own balls. He
loved every touch. He couldn’t get enough.

“Ah, yes, yes,” he moaned. “Don’t stop, Gamble.”
Gamble growled low in his throat and thrust harder. Blaine’s head

spun. He could come just like this, but the orgasm held off, keeping him in
suspended animation, teasing him but not letting him fall.

“Do you want to be my bitch?” Gamble muttered.

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Blaine clenched his jaw. He was nobody’s bitch. His fingers clawed,

and he tore the sheets under him. If he thought he had control, he was
wrong. Gamble had released his waist only to hold him at both hips to
drive his erection into Blaine. His back arched, ass surrendered, Blaine
had to admit he belonged to Gamble as long as he wanted him.

“I’m not giving in to you,” Blaine said, though he heard the weakness

in his own voice.

“You’ve already given in.” Gamble leaned down and reached under

Blaine. One squeeze and stroke, and Blaine emptied himself into
Gamble’s hand. When he was done. Gamble sat up and pounded faster.
His sharp intake of breath told Blaine he was close, but instead of coming
in Blaine as he expected, Gamble jerked out of him and shot his thick
cream across Blaine’s back.

Blaine’s mouth fell open in shock. He spun around. “What are you


Gamble’s expression was impassive. “I’m done with you for the night.

Get out.”

“B-But you should have…” he began. Gamble was already cleaning

himself off and slipping back into his pants. Blaine could argue all night,
but that would only make him look desperate. Gamble knew what he was
doing. He’d deliberately not come inside Blaine. He knew there was a
chance that they would be mated if he did, and that meant he’d rejected

Without a word, Blaine bent to pick up his clothes and boots and

walked to the door. He half expected Gamble to jump him and force his
way out. If he did, with the condition Blaine’s heart and his weakened
body was in, Gamble would have made it. But Gamble stayed where he
was, perched on the edge of the bed with his arm behind his head. He
didn’t give a damn either way.

Blaine walked back to his cabin and dropped his clothes on the floor.

He stepped into the shower even though the water hadn’t warmed up
enough yet. Nothing penetrated the hurt he felt. Whether Gamble and he
belonged together or not, he pathetically longed to be with him. Even after

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that meanness Gamble had subjected him to. He pounded a fist on the
shower wall as water ran down his face and over his body. He reduced the
cold water, and soon the tepid warmth turned to hot. The sting on his skin
distracted him just a little from his broken heart.

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Chapter Six

Why had he done that, Gamble wondered. Why did he hurt Blaine?

Especially since now he knew that by hurting him he’d hurt himself. The
truth was he wanted to be with Blaine, even if they weren’t mated, he
wanted more of him and to keep him close at all times. The only other
man he’d felt that way about was his Alpha. They weren’t mates, but
Gamble had loved him. He’d promised himself that he would kill all of
these people in retribution for taking him away, but that would hurt

Gamble slammed his fist against the wall, cracking the plaster. This

situation was too complicated. They’d never accept him, and he couldn’t
turn his back on what they’d done. He growled and paced the small room.
Tangling his fingers in his hair and tugging did nothing to ease his

“Blaine, Blaine, Blaine,” he chanted.
Gamble came to a decision. He’d bide his time and then make a last

desperate attempt at escape. After all, he had nothing to lose. They were
going to kill him. A chance would present itself before then. The morning
came, and he stayed in his corner when the guard opened the door. He
didn’t fight when they took him to the shower. Not yet. Too many of them
surrounded him, and they had no problem using the tranquilizer gun,
which pissed him off.

“I don’t know why you’re bothering to behave,” the guard said when

they’d brought him back to his cell. “Like I told you, you have three
days—oops, two now.” He chuckled. “Enjoy the other side. If you see
Fenrir, say hi for me.”

The door slammed shut. A short while later, the middle compartment

opened for his food to be slipped in. Gamble took it and the verbal abuse
without a word. When Blaine came again, Gamble jumped on him. He
kissed his neck and pressed close while running his hands all over the
man. Like the night before, he refused to come inside of Blaine. If they
were mates and he claimed Blaine in that way, he’d be lost without

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Gamble. This way, they could enjoy a few nights of sexual bliss, and then
Gamble could leave forever. Blaine could find another lover. The thought
of that was too much to deal with, so he buried it.

Besides, having Blaine under him was all he needed at the moment.

With the lights off and the night quiet, Gamble stretched naked over
Blaine. A sheet rested over his hips, and his legs and Blaine’s were
tangled together. He enjoyed the feel of Blaine’s dick pressed against his
as he lay on top of his lover. They remained still while they caught their
breath from the last round of sex.

“I guess you want me to leave now,” Blaine said, anger in his tone.

Gamble didn’t move or say a word. So far tonight, he’d been quiet, not
responding to his lover’s attempt at conversation. If he dared say anything,
he thought he’d give himself away, so he didn’t risk it.

Blaine shifted. Their cock heads brushing made Gamble harder. He put

a hand at Blaine’s hip to keep him still.

“You’re just going to ignore me all night?” Blaine demanded. Gamble

said nothing. Blaine tried again. “I guess you were in love with your

That got Gamble’s attention. Was he jealous? He leaned up to look

into Blaine’s eyes, and he was sure he saw it there. One part of him
wanted to reassure Blaine he had nothing anymore to be jealous of. What
Gamble had felt for his leader was not even on the same scale with what
he felt for this man. On the other hand, he wanted to keep Blaine in the
dark about him. He didn’t want him to push harder for them to mate. If
Blaine only knew, Gamble would kill for him, do anything to protect him.
If he knew that, he’d figure out that they were mates, and nothing could
keep them apart. That’s why Gamble had to hold him off.

“I still love him,” he said. That was true somewhat. He loved his

leader for what he’d been to him, but he was no longer in love with him.

Blaine turned his head. The murder in his gaze was clear. He ground

his teeth, which had sharpened to points. Gamble leaned down to run his
tongue over them and then over Blaine’s lips. They kissed, hungrily and
for a long time. Gamble reached down to grab hold of Blaine’s thigh, and

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he raised it to press into him. Blaine groaned. He arched his chest upward
to Gamble. Gamble took the offering of his flat nipples and teased one
with the tip of his tongue.

Blaine moaned his name. The word tore at Gamble. He felt his

resistance crumbling and fought with everything inside of him. Without
even knowing it, Blaine had a hold on him. He raised a hand and touched
Gamble’s cropped curls. A guard had cut his hair to spite him. The locks
had gone half way down his back. Blaine seemed mesmerized by the
rough look.

“S-So you could never love me, I guess,” he said.
In an instant, Gamble’s throat dried. He stared at Blaine and licked his

lips. “That’s what you want? I told you, you can be my bitch at any time.”

Blaine swore. “Stop fucking around! This is serious, and you know it.”
Gamble tried to shut him up with a kiss, but Blaine wedged an arm

between them. His strength was great, no match for Gamble’s, but still a
turn on because he was one hundred percent man. He wasn’t weak.
Gamble loved dominating his lover, but he preferred his lover to be able to
give back to him almost as hard as he got. Blaine was exactly that and

With Blaine fighting him all the way, Gamble got his lover over onto

his stomach. He checked Blaine’s back entrance to see that it was still
lubed enough for him to enter. With Blaine flat against the bed, Gamble
drove into him. His cock was immediately surrounded by warm, tight
walls. He forced Blaine’s arms above his head and locked their fingers
together before he began pumping deep into him. Blaine gasped and bit
off a cry. What Gamble had done didn’t hurt now that they’d done it
several times just tonight, but the tight fit with his body straight was

Gamble kissed his neck and nibbled his ear. They moved as one,

shuddering and panting. Blaine’s ass curved into him drove his lust to new
heights. Every push, every sensation of his cock gliding into that small
hole drove him to the brink of madness. Their thighs were slick with

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sweat, but neither wanted to separate. While Blaine fought him, he knew
his lover enjoyed everything that Gamble did to him.

He leaned to the side a little, not much because he didn’t want his

chest off of Blaine’s back. He moved just enough to be able to see his ass
rise in the air and come down on Blaine, tightening as he pushed in. Each
time his dick was seated all the way to the hilt, Blaine shuddered and
groaned. He hadn’t said a word in a while, but the slight arch to his back
causing his hips to rise up to meet Gamble’s thrust, the way he gripped
Gamble’s fingers, it all spoke volumes.

Gamble nuzzled his face in Blaine’s hair, memorized his scent for

when they were apart. His lips moved, but he didn’t say it out loud. I love

When he could no longer keep him there without declaring his

feelings, Gamble dismissed Blaine. Like before, Blaine gathered his stuff
in silence, his face stony. He left, and Gamble prepared for a life of
darkness without him.

* * * *

Gamble had put them all down with tranquilizers. Payback was a

bitch, and it had felt good to take out his captors. Of course, if he hadn’t
been weakened by his feelings for Blaine, the bastards would be dead.
Either way, he was free, and he could head out of town and put as much
distance between this place and himself as he could. But there was one
thing he couldn’t let go. He had to find the leader and see the man face to
face that had killed his leader. He knew it was risky and that they might
catch him again, but he had to try. Still, since the guards weren’t due to
change shifts yet, he might have a few hours before they realized he’d
gotten out.

He shifted into his wolf form to track the leader. With any luck, he’d

catch him alone. Knowing he was mated would make that difficult. He
knew that if it were possible for him and Blaine to be together, he’d never
let the man leave his side.

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Gamble threaded through the trees, avoiding the paths. He came out

facing the building where the scent of the leader was strongest and
frowned. This was one of the scents he picked up on Blaine, which meant
Blaine had slept with his Alpha. Anger surged in Gamble. He didn’t want
any other man touching Blaine, but he had no choice. When he was gone,
Blaine would choose someone else.

He shifted and approached the building, walked up the few steps, and

entered. The Alpha sat behind his desk with his head bent over paperwork.
Gamble gritted his teeth. “I should kill you now,” he announced.

The man looked up calmly. He’d known Gamble was coming of

course. “Do you really want to be here? You should be long gone,
shouldn’t you? Today is the day I set to have you killed.”

Gamble stalked across the room and brought his hands down hard on

the desktop. His clawed fingers scraped the wood, leaving deep gouges,
but he never took his eyes off of his prey. The man stood up, his eyes
narrowed and teeth beginning to sharpen as he snarled at Gamble.

“A life for a life,” Gamble told him. “You killed my leader, so I kill


“He hurt my mate, so I challenged him. He lost.”
Gamble eyes widened. “You knew it wasn’t me who did it. I told

Blaine intentionally so he would tell you. I wanted to force a

The man walked around the desk to face Gamble head on. He

respected the fact that he wasn’t afraid to die. “You think I’m a fool? Your
scent wasn’t on him. Your Alpha’s was. He was the one who beat Devin,
not you.”

“If you knew that, why did you order my death?”
All of a sudden the anger seemed to drain out of him. He remained

alert but not wound tight as if he was ready to attack. “Why are you here?”

“I asked you a question,” Gamble snapped.
He went on as if Gamble hadn’t spoken, as if the first question was

rhetorical. “Are you here for your former leader or for Blaine? If you’re

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here for a dead man, then I was wrong about you. But if you’re here for
Blaine, then we have something to fight about.”

Gamble blinked at him, not sure he followed. “What the hell are you

talking about?”

The door opened, and another man came in. He went on alert the

second he spotted Gamble. Damn it, he was out of time. He’d played this
whole thing out wrong. The second his paws hit the ground, he should
have run and kept running. Swinging his gaze back and forth between the
two men, he assessed whether he could take them both. Probably not,
especially the bigger man who marched across the floor and stood slightly
in front of the one he’d been arguing with. Gamble drew in a deep breath.
This was the other scent. This man had also had Blaine. Hurt tore at his
insides. Blaine is mine, and they deserve to die for touching him.

He took a step toward them, but the damn door opened again. This

time, it was Blaine. He stopped, seeing Gamble. Blaine looked from him
to the other two and noticed the bigger man’s fingers clawed. He rushed
over and pushed Blaine. Gamble growled and ripped Blaine away from

“You don’t touch him!” he exploded.
Every eye turned on him, and it pissed Gamble off that the leader’s

gaze held amusement. “Just as I thought. You’re here to challenge me for
sleeping with Blaine. Is that it?”

Gamble clenched his jaw. He stared at Blaine. He hadn’t meant to see

him again. Letting him go last night had been hard enough, near
impossible. They hadn’t even claimed one another, and yet their bond had

Blaine turned to him. “Look, it was before you and I slept together,

okay? It hasn’t happened since then.” He glanced between them. “I don’t
want you to fight. Someone will die if that happens. Corey, isn’t it obvious
even if we haven’t mated? He’s my one.”

Gamble watched Blaine’s face redden. He ran fingers through his hair,

tussling it and making himself even more irresistible. The fact grated on
Gamble’s raw nerves.

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“I love him. I know our pasts are hard to look beyond, but I need him.

Corey, Devin, please, don’t kill him.”

“Don’t beg!” Gamble ground out. “You don’t owe them anything.

You’re better than that.” Internally, he was falling apart hearing Blaine say
he loved him. He longed to have Blaine looking at him when he said it,
but Gamble was used to hiding what he felt deep inside. He knew he
looked wild right now, caring only to rip something apart.

“I had conditions, Blaine,” Corey said. “You’re out of time.”
Blaine turned to him and stepped close. Gamble could do nothing but

ball his hands into fists at his sides and look down at his lover. Blaine
wore a long-sleeved shirt open at the collar by a few buttons. The peek at
his hard chest reminded Gamble of what that entire body looked like
naked. The fact that he himself didn’t wear a stitch showed one and all his
reaction to Blaine. His cock rose and stiffened until it leaned out a little
from his belly as if reaching for Blaine.

“I’ll prove it right now,” Blaine said, resting a hand on his stomach.

Gamble flinched at the touch. If his lover didn’t stop now, he would not be
able to keep himself from taking him right here in front of the other two.

“No.” He shook his head. “I’m not proving anything to them. I’m

leaving here if I have to fight my way out.”

Blaine lowered his lashes. His jaw tightened. Gamble couldn’t tell if

the emotion he saw was hurt or anger. “So you won’t claim me, just like
you haven’t over the last few days? Every time, you wouldn’t come in me.
You don’t want me.”

“You’re a fool,” Gamble snapped. “I’ve fucked you in every

conceivable position. I get hard every time you walk in the door. You
can’t say I don’t want you.”

“It’s not enough. We haven’t mated—”
“I owe them nothing!” Gamble shouted. “I will not prove—”
“Prove it to me,” Blaine interrupted. “Prove to me that you love me.

Mate with me, and I’ll fight by your side against…against everybody.” He
stepped closer to Gamble until their bodies brushed, and he ran his hands
over Gamble’s chest, planting small kisses there. When he looked up,

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Gamble was shocked to see wetness in his eyes. He’d always steeled
himself against weakness, hated it in his lovers, and instinct told him
Blaine was the same. Yet seeing his lover broken ripped Gamble apart.
They kissed lightly, Gamble unable to push him away. Blaine spoke softly
against his lips. A human wouldn’t have heard his words. “I need to know
you love me more than him.”

“That’s a given,” he blurted out and then was embarrassed.
Hope bloomed in Blaine’s eyes, but he stood in silence. He could be

tricking Gamble just to get what he wanted. They might have plotted
together how to destroy him emotionally and then kill him after they’d
finished the game. But no, he knew Blaine. He was sure of it. Blaine ached
for him the same as he did Blaine. If he released inside of him, their bond
would become more solid. Even now, it was so strong that his lover was
willing to fight against his leader. Gamble understood that level of giving
of oneself. He’d done it from will alone when his Alpha was alive, but
Blaine was driven to it. Blaine was his one, and he was Blaine’s. He
accepted it at last.

“I love you,” Gamble admitted, “and I will prove it here and now.”
He took hold of both sides of Blaine’s shirt and ripped them apart.

Buttons flew, and gasps of surprise filled the room. Blaine’s attention
didn’t waver from him. He leaned down and kissed along his lover’s chest,
teasing his nipples with the tip of his tongue before he went back to
Blaine’s lips. While devoured Blaine’s sexy mouth, he worked his way
down to his pants and opened them with rough hands as well. Blaine
didn’t protest once.

When he was naked, Gamble pulled him close and bent his knees to

bring his cock on a level with Blaine’s. They rubbed together, their
erections stroking, precome on each tip mingling. Gamble drew in a
shuddering breath and nipped his way down to Blaine’s throat. Blaine
tipped his head back, giving Gamble greater access, and he didn’t hesitate
to explore. Blaine’s scent was like a drug to him. He couldn’t get enough.
Breathing him in took Gamble on a high he never wanted to come down

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At first, he leaned Blaine against the desk and dropped down to take

his cock into his mouth. Gamble swallowed as much as he could and
licked along the sides. He kissed his sac and took each ball into his mouth
to suck. Blaine squirmed and groaned. He tangled his fingers in Gamble’s
hair, crying out his name. Gamble moved back to his dick and sucked hard
on the head. Blaine’s thighs shook, and he gasped, as he was close to
coming. But Gamble released him and stood up. He kissed away Blaine’s
disappointment and made him turn around to face the desk.

While Blaine leaned over the desk, ass in the air, Gamble turned a

demanding look on the other two. Devin smirked and tossed him a small
tube. Gamble nodded his thanks and opened it to grease his fingers. When
he was done, he pushed three at once inside Blaine.

Devin swore. “Don’t you want to go easy on him?”
Now it was Gamble’s turn to smirk. He leaned back a little to give

Devin a good look at his shaft. “He’s used to this, aren’t you, Blaine?”

“Just put it in me now,” Blaine demanded. Gamble grinned. He

worked Blaine’s hole a little more and then pushed his thick hard-on up
his channel. Blaine shouted, “Yes, yes!”

Gamble reached in front of him and laid a hand over Blaine’s crotch to

protect him from banging into the desk, and he grasped his hip with the
other hand. He began a slow grind, but as soon as Blaine was ready, he
pounded into him. The slap of their bodies meeting filled the office. Blaine
groaned his pleasure, while Gamble grunted his. Moisture pooled at
Gamble’s temples and on his top lip. Wherever their skin met became
slick, and still he ground deep into Blaine. He pumped faster and threw his
head back with his eyes closed.

There was nothing on earth like being connected to Blaine, both

physically and mentally. He wanted to hold it until just past eternity, but
his orgasm was coming fast. His core muscles all worked to push an
overwhelming sensation where they came together. Gamble’s balls rose
and squeezed tight. He couldn’t hold back. His come came shooting
forward, and he felt it move along his cock to fill his lover’s ass. At the
same time, his palm grew warm with Blaine’s release.

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“Ah,” Gamble moaned. “I take you, Blaine, as my mate. For now and


“And I take you for my mate,” Blaine panted.
Gamble flattened the man he loved on the desktop and lay on him.

They found each other’s lips and sealed their merger as one with a kiss.
“Blaine, Blaine,” he chanted, not meaning to say it aloud.

Blaine clutched his hand, and Gamble sat up to lift him in his arms. A

couch was situated in the corner, and Gamble took his mate over to it to sit
him on his lap. They nuzzled together still kissing. Gamble hadn’t had
nearly enough of Blaine’s hard, sexy body. He would need a few hours.
Then…then he would go… Pain washed over him. He couldn’t take
Blaine from his home and those he loved.

His mate broke their kiss and rested his forehead on Gamble’s

shoulder. After a few minutes he whispered in Gamble’s ears. “I will keep
my promise. I’ll stay by you forever. If you make them your enemy, then
they’ll be mine too.”

“The opposite should also be true,” Corey said leaning against his

desk, arms folded. Devin’s hand lay over Corey’s cock, stroking him
through his pants. The man had no shame, and from the tents in both
men’s pants, what Gamble and Blaine had done had affected them.

“What are you talking about?” Gamble asked. He still had no love for


“If you’re committed to Blaine, then you have no problem making me

and my mate, and our people your people. This is Blaine’s home, and I’m
sure you know how hard it is without a pack.”

Gamble frowned. “I thought today was my day to die?”
“You weren’t the one who hurt Devin. I have nothing against you,”

Corey said simply.

“But you touched Blaine.”
“With his consent. We are his Alphas. We take care of our own, and

he needed what we gave him. He’s got you now.”

Gamble looked at Blaine, and he nodded. Gamble hesitated. Was he

telling the truth? Would they back off of Blaine now that he had him? If

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they touched him or even looked at him funny, Gamble would put them
both down, one way or another. But could he really stay here and live
among them? He searched his heart, still full of hate for Corey. Living
without Blaine wasn’t an option either.

“You know,” Devin interjected, “your bond isn’t complete. Maybe

that’s why you’re still struggling with things.”

Gamble glared at him, and Blaine turned beet red.
“He’s right,” Corey agreed. “You need to both release inside each

other to seal things.”

Gamble put Blaine off his lap and stood up. Doubt clouded Blaine’s

eyes for a moment, but then he narrowed his eyes and firmed his jaw. If
Gamble thought of rejecting him, he had the feeling Blaine would knock
him over the head and drag him off somewhere to finish the job himself.
Gamble bit back a smile.

“Am I right in thinking that it doesn’t have to be in front of you two?”

he asked.

Corey nodded.
Gamble held out his hand to Blaine, and his mate took it and stood.

“Then come on. We’ll do this in private. If you want to stay with these
people, then that’s what we’ll do. They’ll become my allies and my pack.”

“Are you sure?” Blaine asked. When he confirmed, Blaine tugged him

toward the door. “Then let’s get out of here. Corey, Devin, I’m going to
need a month off!” The door banged into the wall as they ran, shifting as
they did to head into the mountains. Gamble’s paws pounded the ground
behind his mate. Wherever Blaine went, that’s where he’d follow. In the
end, there’d been give and take. He understood that Blaine needed the
pack, but by leaving the confines of the homestead and heading into the
wild, Gamble knew that Blaine realized what he needed as well.

Blaine was everything, and the sorrow and anger Gamble had been

carrying in his heart slipped away. The touch of his one had healed it all.

The End

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TuÉâà à{x Tâà{ÉÜ

Eden Cole is the author of several erotic works including male/male

and ménage, and she has many more on the way. Please visit Risky Ink at
riskyink.blogspot.com to find out more about her First Time Series of
male/male novellas.


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