Fenrir Wolves 1 Not My Wolf

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Not My Wolf

By Eden Cole

Copyright © February 2011, Eden Cole

Cover art by Anastasia Rabiyah © February 2011

Published by Amira Press at Smashwords


ISBN: 978-1-936279-70-8

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Chapter One

“You can’t put it off forever, you know,” Blaine reminded him. “Every day, more and

more of the men are asking about when you’ll mate.”

“It’s not like my mate is sitting outside my door waiting for me to take her,” Corey

complained. “You know that as well as every wolf out there. And the bigger issue here is
not whether I have my mate. It’s whether we’re going to escalate this issue with the rival

Blaine nodded. “Yeah, there’s that too.”
Corey growled at him, but his second in command was not fazed in the least. Blaine

was a good man, a great fenrir shifter. He’d stayed beside Corey for many years and was
comfortable not challenging him for leadership of the pack. The others might assume it
was because Blaine was openly gay, but Corey knew better. Blaine was one of the
strongest, most self-assured men he knew. He was comfortable in what and who he was,
but he also felt his place was to support Corey. If today or tomorrow, Blaine changed that
view, Corey knew he’d learn it from his Beta firsthand. That made Blaine his best friend
aside from his duties.

“Anyway,” Corey began, breaking eye contact with the other man and staring down at

his desk, “I might be meeting my mate a lot sooner than you or I thought.”

Blaine, who had been rearing back in his chair with his face hidden beneath his

Stetson, shot forward. His chair slammed down on the floor. “What? Why didn’t you say
anything, you ass? Where is she? How do you know?”

Corey winced at the explosion of sound. All of the fenrir shifters in his small Rocky

Mountain pack had sensitive hearing. “Watch it, would you?” he snapped. At Blaine’s
apology, he continued. “I had a dream last night—”

“A dream?” Blaine whistled. “So you did get the gift from our ancestors. Shows up in

the Alpha sooner or later.”

“Yeah,” Corey agreed, “and that’s another thing that others have questioned about my

authority. Not those who want to challenge me of course, just troublemakers.”

“The dream?” Blaine led.
Corey hesitated again. The dream had been sensual, hot. He’d awakened that morning

drenched with sweat, his cock rock solid. If the experience wasn’t a premonition of what
was to come, it was at least enjoyable, until he woke up. “She was in it, my mate. I’m
pretty sure it was her because I heard myself say ‘you’re my mate?’” He shrugged, all of
a sudden feeling stupid.

Blaine laughed. “You didn’t sound too sure.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” he insisted, becoming more so as he spoke. “The feeling was right.”

He closed his eyes and leaned back remembering the scene with them together, both
naked on a bearskin rug. The setting he recognized too, his cabin. The pack lived on a
plot of land kept for their own kind, and the occasional stray from another type of shifter.
Ownership had passed from one Alpha to the next over the last centuries. They worked
the land to produce their livelihood, whether it was crops or cattle, all to allow them a
sanctuary away from the big city.

Fenrir shifters were different from regular wolf shape-shifters. They were descendents

of the Norse god Fenrir, and their fur when they changed to their animal form had an
electric blue quality to it. They were bigger and stronger than regular wolf shifters. They

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were fewer in numbers than other groups. This was partially the reason his pack members
kept pushing at him to find his mate, so that he could have children and keep the
bloodline going. The more Corey looked out over his small pack and watched as they
mated and started families, the lonelier he became from one year to the next. But the
matter was more serious than him just picking out one of the unattached women and
going for it.

“What did she look like? Maybe she’s one of us or someone from a neighboring


Corey shook his head. “I’m not sure. Actually the entire scene was hazy. All I could

see very clearly was my cabin. She was there with me. We were having sex in front of the
fireplace. She has long, black hair. And when she touched me…

“Touched you?” Blaine asked, doubt in his tone.
Corey frowned. “I know what you’re going to say. It seems more likely that when I

touch my mate, I connect with her and feel that she’s the one. But well…honestly, it was
her touch that got me. I can’t explain it.” He knew his face must be red. He sounded like
a damn woman. “Look, don’t give me grief. All I’m saying is, I believe she’s it. So what
I need to do is—”

“Is find a black-haired woman and have her touch you.”
“If you’re not going to take this seriously…”
Blaine held up his hands. “Okay, okay, buddy. I get it. And you’re in luck.”
Corey narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “Why’s that?”
“Because, my friend, it so happens that I need a double.”
“You haven’t heard me out yet.”
“I said no.” Corey stood up. “I’ve got rounds to make. I’m not going on a double date

with you. I’m not gay, Blaine, and I’d appreciate it if you would remember that.” Corey
reached for his hat and placed it on his head before continuing toward his office door.

Blaine surged to his feet and followed. “Okay, but the double would be with my new

friend’s sister,” he emphasized. “And she’s got long, black hair.”

Corey stopped with his hand on the doorknob and glanced over his shoulder. He

should jerk the bastard up in the collar and plant him a facer just for playing with him,
but he let it go. “Why didn’t you say that in the first place?”

Blaine only grinned and stuck his hands in his pockets. “So that’s a yes?”
“Yes,” Corey spat. “But no kissy stuff in my presence. You know how that irritates


Blaine brushed by him and jogged down the three steps to the asphalt. “I wonder


Corey didn’t bother arguing. They’d had the discussion many times before. Blaine

seemed to think just because he enjoyed men, everyone should, including Corey. He had
never, nor would he ever, take a man to his bed.

* * * *

“Why are you dating him, Devin? He’s not your mate,” his sister asked softly.
Devin growled and snapped, “Do not question me, Corrin.” When he saw the surprise

and hurt in her eyes, he relented. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed. She’d know

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the truth soon enough, so why hide it from her? They were twins, and he shared
everything with his sister. Not to get her to help him make decisions, but just because she
was his companion on their trek up north to Colorado.

They had been born in Texas, and that’s where they spent most of their lives with a

pack that they didn’t exactly fit in with. When Devin dreamed that he’d find his mate in
Colorado, he headed out immediately. They had been here for months with no leads.
He’d heard there were fenrir shifters in the area but had seen no evidence of them. Corrin
and he weren’t full-blooded fenrir wolves. They had only a quarter of that special blood
running through their veins. Apparently, that was more than enough to make them
outcasts in their common wolf pack. That along with the fact that Devin was bigger and
stronger than even his Alpha, a fact that no one took kindly to. Devin didn’t know how to
keep his head low and his mouth shut. So when he had the dream, he left home, and
Corrin had come with him.

“He’s a fenrir, full-blooded. Weren’t you able to tell that from his scent and his size?”

he asked. “There’s no telling if his pack will accept us or if they will be the same as the
others, thinking we’re beneath them and hardly worth notice. Either way, my mate is here
in Colorado. I know he is.”

“And he’s a man?” she asked.
He grinned and nodded. “Darlin’ you know I’ve always preferred men. And yes, it

was a man in my dream.” If he wasn’t driving at the moment, he would have closed his
eyes and brought up the vision he knew by heart now. “He is perfect in every way, big,
sexy, and most importantly—mine.”

Corrin chuckled. “I’ve never seen you so happy as when you’re talking about your

mate. I shouldn’t be surprised it’s a man, but I am. Shifter mates have always been
matched in order to procreate.”

Devin shook his head. “We gave it that emphasis. Our ancestors believed that they

were not born complete. There was someone out there with a part of their heart and soul.
When they found that person, then they were one. Having offspring was a gift that came
from that union, but it wasn’t the focus.”

“If you say so, big brother.”
Devin glanced at his sister and wondered not for the first time if she was happy or

content. She went wherever he did and didn’t complain a lot about her own situation.
Corrin voiced her opinions more when she worried about what was happening with him.
He was not some delicate flower who could not adapt to his surroundings. After all, he
was doing fine in Colorado even though it was much cooler than Texas and very
mountainous compared to the flat area they grew up in. Anyway, he would be thrilled
when he could meet his mate. That’s all that mattered.

His cock tightened every time he thought of the man. Big, muscular, blond. Devin

was going to bend him over and take him until they were both sore and exhausted. He
had exchanged a few kisses with his new friend, but nothing more. Devin’s sex drive was
high—all shifters were that way—but knowing he was close, he didn’t want to have sex
with Blaine. Tonight, though, he intended to push to be taken around his pack. A man
among them might be the one.

“I don’t see why I’m being dragged into this date,” Corrin said, cutting across his


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“You’re not being dragged.” He pulled his pickup to a stop at a red light and looked

over at her. “Blaine says his buddy needs to get out more, and he thought the double date
would be good for him. No big deal.”

She straightened her dress and brushed at it as if there was lint. Corrin was not good

in social situations. She clammed up with people she didn’t know well. Shifters might be
aggressive, but Corrin did not fit the mold.

“Is he ugly?”
“Have you met a shifter that is?”
“No.” She grinned. “But I’m not like everyone else, so you never know.”
The light changed, and he pulled off. “Don’t worry, darlin’, everything will be fine.

You’re not being asked to marry him or even date him after this. I’ll size him up first to
make sure he’s okay to even breathe your air. If he’s not, I will send him on his way.”

Corrin laughed. “My hero. Don’t start any fights.”
“Do I ever?”
She gave him a look that encompassed all his past run-ins with members of their

previous pack.

“I don’t start them. I just finish it.” He gripped the steering wheel, turning his

knuckles white. “We don’t have to apologize for what we are. We don’t have to bow to
anyone. Period. If Blaine’s pack doesn’t accept us, and my mate’s not there, we’ll keep

Her eyes widened. “You mean leave Colorado?”
“No.” He sighed. “He’s here. Somewhere. And I intend to find him. I’ll lay my claim

to him, and then things will get better. Wherever he is, that’s where we’ll belong until
you find your mate.”

“All right, then I’ll trust you.” She squeezed his arm and turned her attention to the

road ahead.

Devin looked too. They had arrived at the bar and grill where Blaine asked to meet

him. Just at the horizon were the Rocky Mountains. He might talk big, but nervousness
fluttered in his stomach. Devin believed in a place to belong. He’d never had it, but he’d
always thought it would come when he met his mate. Just thinking that Blaine might take
him to see his pack and one of those men might be the one had him light-headed.

But what if Blaine refused or became angry because he felt like Devin was using him

to get to his people? Pack members were fierce about protecting their own. Should he
have come right out at the beginning and admitted that he was on the hunt for his mate?
No, all of them were looking one way or another, whether they were actively traveling
from place to place or just hoping to stumble upon the one. Blaine couldn’t fault him for
that part of it, but he might have a problem with Devin letting him think they’d become

Oh well, too late to turn back now. He threw his truck in park and hopped out to walk

around and help Corrin. At least he could spend the evening talking and drinking with a
new friend. The loneliness could be staved off a little while and meet him in the morning
when the alcohol was gone.

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Chapter Two

Corey sat in the booth seat across from Blaine and raised his bottle of beer to his lips.

He never sat with his back to the door so he could always be aware of who entered. Of
course they could smell a shifter coming from a mile off. He just liked the added security
of seeing faces, especially watching eyes. Blaine, on the other hand, was such an
easygoing type of man he could care less. He didn’t expect trouble, yet it had never taken
him by surprise when it came.

Corey knew when the brother and sister drove up. He smelled them, one scent as

familiar as if it were his own identification. He’d never picked up on it before today. His
heart raced, and his palms had become sweaty in an instant. He ran them down the legs of
his jeans and tried to compose himself.

“Hey, buddy, relax,” Blaine advised with an expression of amusement on his face.

“I’m sure they won’t bite.”

“Shut up,” Corey ground out, but then he glanced toward the door. A man had just

opened it and moved aside to let a woman step ahead of him. They paused just inside of
the entrance and scanned the crowd. A few whistles pierced the air, and the woman
colored. Corey could understand their feeling. She was beautiful. Long, thick raven’s
wing hair extended halfway down her back. Her face was that of an angel, and her figure
slender with good-sized breasts. Corey registered all of this impersonally, which soured
his mood. She was not the one. He’d come for nothing.

He shifted his gaze to the man out of curiosity. The man was taller than the woman by

several inches. If he had to guess, he’d say about his height, six foot five. The man was
built like most fenrir shifters, huge and muscular. No one would mistake that these two
were brother and sister because the man had dark hair like hers, long, but not as long as
hers. His extended to his shoulders and was tussled, like he combed it more often with his
fingers than anything else. His eyes were dark and cagey. Corey guessed he’d hold his
own in a fight and expected at any moment someone would challenge his ability.

He scanned the man’s clothes, a bomber jacket, collared shirt, and jeans that fit him a

bit too tight for the package they hid. Corey blinked and felt his face warm. What the hell
did he give a crap about the man’s package for? He flicked his eyes back to the man’s
face, and this time his eyes were focused on Corey. Something went through him—
recognition. He followed it with denial. Hell no! Not possible!

All of a sudden, Corey’s chest hurt, and he fidgeted. He forced fingers through his

hair and turned to face Blaine. His friend narrowed his eyes. “What’s gotten into you,
Corey? You act like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Blaine turned toward the door and spotted the two. He stood up and waved them over.

Corey wanted to yank his arm down, but he sat stock still. Now he wished he hadn’t been
so hopeful. That damn dream meant nothing. He was lonely for a woman in his bed.
That’s all. Maybe this woman wouldn’t be so bad, he decided.

Blaine hugged the man. Corey hated how he wanted to tear his friend away from the

guy. He gritted his teeth. He noted that the guy hadn’t taken his eyes off him since he’d

“Corey, this is my friend, Devin,” Blaine said. “Devin, this is my leader, our Alpha,


Devin’s eyes widened. “The Alpha?”

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Corey sneered. “Yes, the Alpha. Do you have a problem with that?”
Devin’s lips curled in a grin. “No problem at all. I could never have imagined…” He

continued to stare at Corey like he was a piece of prime rib. Corey told himself he hated
the man’s Southern drawl, the way he dragged out all of his words. The two were
obviously from somewhere south, and he couldn’t remember if Blaine had ever told him
from where. After that first look, Corey refused to look at him. He focused instead on his
sister, and Devin at last caught the hint. “Oh yes, this is my sister, Corrin.”

Corey and Corrin, he thought like a teenager. That could work.
“Hello,” the woman whispered. Corey picked up on her voice because he could, not

because she’d spoken very loud. He wasn’t into the shy type. Damn.

Devin settled in the booth beside Blaine, and Corrin sat beside him. His Beta kept

tossing him looks, but Corey ignored him. Blaine knew he was acting weird, and he knew
it too. He couldn’t get a hold of himself. Being completely aware of another person in so
consuming a way went beyond anything he’d ever experienced. He didn’t appreciate it.
Still, he felt it when Devin looked at him and when he glanced away. He sensed his
mood, excitement and confusion mingling.

After the siblings had ordered and received drinks and they’d sat around talking about

nothing important, Devin leaned forward over the table, his eyes on Corey. “Don’t you
want to ask me anything?”

Corey frowned at him. “Why would I want to?”
“You know,” Devin insisted. He tapped his bottle on the table, the only sign of his

nerves. He didn’t color in embarrassment like Corey did or anyone else he knew when
the situation made them uncomfortable. Corey sensed it in him—the ability to be an
Alpha, maybe even more so than Corey.

Trying to cover for the odd feelings that had taken hold of him, Corey waved his hand

in dismissal. “Blaine’s a big boy. I don’t need to interrogate his dates.”

The intensity in Devin increased. “Can I speak to you alone?”
“What for?” Corey was being unreasonable. If he was feeling nothing at all in

connection with Devin, he wouldn’t be acting this way. That fact was painfully clear as
well. He hated that there was nothing he could do to hide it from the others, especially

The man had the boldness to reach his hand across the table to Corey’s, and he jerked

back, knocking over his drink. Beer sloshed the table and his hand, and he looked around
for something to clean up the mess. Finding nothing, he faced Corrin and crowded her a
little. “Mind letting me out? I just remembered I have some business I need to take care
of. Sorry about that. I have to go. Nice meeting you both. See you at home, Blaine.”

As quickly as he could, he crossed to the door, ignoring their protests. He couldn’t get

to his SUV fast enough. When he reached it, he unlocked the door and yanked it open. A
hand came up from behind and blocked him from getting in. He should have heard or
even sensed him coming, but he’d been too preoccupied.

“Why are you running away from me, Corey?” Devin asked.
He turned to face the other man, finding Devin way too close. Corey had nowhere to

go unless he wanted to duck under Devin’s arm. But that would make him brush against
his hard body. If he folded into his vehicle at this point, it would bring him lower than
Devin, a sort of submission. No fucking way.

“Who’s running?” he lied. “I told you I have business to do.”

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Devin didn’t address his ridiculous excuse but rather said, “I know you feel it—our

connection. I knew the minute I walked through the door and laid eyes on you.” He
touched Corey’s cheek, and he pulled away. Devin didn’t appear to be daunted. “Darlin’,
you’re the one.”

Corey sneered. “I’m not your darlin’. Don’t call me that. Just because my Beta is gay

doesn’t mean I am. I assure you I like women, and only women. So you can back off
before I knock you on your ass.”

Devin leaned in closer. Corey was disgusted with himself that he was so aware of this

man. His body had gone up a few degrees just being close to him. Maybe he’d missed it
somewhere when he met Corrin. Devin was her twin, so his wires might be crossed and
she was his real mate after all.

“You could try,” Devin responded.
He pushed even closer, and Corey gave him a shove. Devin fell back a step and came

in again. Their arms locked in a contest of wills, pecs and biceps flexed. Corey’s hat fell
off his head into the street. The bastard would pay for that.

Devin gave an extra thrust and thumped Corey into the door. He followed up by

bringing his huge body in close. Their cocks were at the same level, rubbing. Corey
expelled a breath in shock and fear.

“I’m not your mate,” he ground out in desperation.
“Prove it,” Devin insisted. “Have sex with me.”
“Are you insane? I don’t want you, you fuck!”
Just as he knew it would, Devin’s gaze dropped when they had less than two inches

between them. He offered a knowing smile that made Corey grit his teeth and growl low
in his throat.

“Your hard cock tells me otherwise, my friend.” Devin demonstrated what they both

knew by moving his hips a little. Corey’s cock twitched at feeling Devin’s move against

“Why would I ever want someone like you?” Corey said, grasping at anything to

make the man back off. “You’re not even a full-blooded fenrir.”

He felt the pain in his heart while he didn’t see any change in Devin’s expression at

all. Devin released him and took a step back. Not enough, but it was a start. Corey had no
problem with whoever his mate was not being full-blooded fenrir. Even if that person
was human or another type of shifter, it didn’t matter. But this man was absolutely not his

What he couldn’t explain was why he felt Devin’s pain and why it bothered him so

much that he’d hurt him with his words.

Devin remained quiet for a few minutes, and Corey hoped he was coming to terms

with his rejection. When he spoke, his tone was low and emotionless. “My sister and I are
lone wolves right now, having no pack. We request sanctuary with yours.

“No.” He’d been about to say hell no. Corey bent to pick up his hat and dust it off

then crossed his arms over his chest.

Devin glared at him. “I’ve heard from others that your group has land, that you’ll take

in even those who aren’t wolf shifters. You can’t turn us away.”

Corey was about to do just that when Blaine and Corrin walked up. Blaine clapped

Devin on the shoulder. Again, Corey wanted to thrust the hand away from Devin.

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“Of course Corey will take you in.” He looked at Corey smiling. “He knows we’re

known to take in strays. He’d never turn away those in need of help.”

Corey stood his ground. “We did that before, and look where it got us, Blaine. That

other pack, remember? Maybe he’s a spy. Why should I take him in? Seems a little too
eager to get up to our grounds.”

While he spoke, Corey put more space between himself and Devin. For the time

being, Blaine seemed too preoccupied with convincing him to take in Devin and his sister
to note the tent in Corey’s pants. This was because he was horny. He’d find a woman the
first chance he got to ease the itch he was feeling. He glanced at Corrin, whose head was
lowered. Again, he felt no attraction to her. Her quietness grated more than drew him. His
head wasn’t screwed on right. Maybe if he touched her…

Devin stepped into his line of sight, blocking his sister. The challenge in his gaze was

both possessive and protective. Corey drew back. Just who was he possessive of—his
sister? That was disgusting. And Devin couldn’t be jealous of him looking at someone
else, could he? This situation had gone from poor to unrecognizable.

“What about Corrin?” Blaine continued, relentless. “She has no one but Devin to

protect her up here. You know it takes a family to keep the women safe. Wild packs roam
this area, wolf and others.

Corey blew out a noisy breath. “Fine, but any trouble from them, and it’s your head.

You got that?

Blaine saluted. “Yes, sir.”
Corey sneered, jumped into his vehicle, and started it up. Blaine could handle the

details. He was getting the hell out of there. The more distance between him and Devin,
the better. Blaine had better put the man on the opposite side of the homestead so he
never had to see him except at pack meetings and other gatherings. His sanctuary in the
mountains had fast become anything but a haven.

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Chapter Three

Corey couldn’t sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw that scene, the one with

him and his mate on the carpet. That evening when he came home, he’d stood there in his
living room staring down at the area. He dared not bring up the image in his mind for fear
that it wouldn’t be the soft, she-wolf he had thought, but the burly man he’d met earlier.

Sweaty and wound tight with tension, he rolled to the edge of his bed and sat up. Even

though his air conditioner was working fine, he felt hot. He stood and peeled off the T-
shirt that clung to his damp skin. His boxers followed, leaving him naked. Going out this
way was not uncommon for his pack. Being in one’s natural state was a part of what they

He left his cabin and walked through the trees surrounding his place. With no

particular aim in mind, it annoyed him when he came out on the opposite side of the
grounds—just where he’d demanded Blaine house their guests. No lights shone through
the window. Not that he expected them to be awake, as it was well after midnight.

Corey stepped closer, a powerful longing sweeping over him to go inside, to see

Devin. He resisted and shook his head as if to dislodge the evil compulsion. He found it
impossible to walk away.

The door opened, and Corey stumbled back a step. His gaze locked with Devin’s, who

he could see clearly in the dim moonlight. Devin wore pajama bottoms and nothing else.
His chest was sprinkled with dark hairs, and the muscles of his abs glimmered with a
sheen of sweat. Corey cursed his eyesight for picking up on it.

“I’ve broken it off with Blaine,” Devin told him.
“What the fuck do I care?” Corey answered.
Somehow talking to Devin let him loose from the spell he’d been caught in. Corey

turned and ran, transforming as he did. His paws pounded the ground. The blood pumped
through his veins. With the moon overhead, egging him on, he ran and ran until his limbs
ached and his chest grew tight. Thoughts of Devin and the feelings he’d felt when he saw
him were less important than the exhilaration of being free. When he’d covered miles, he
turned and headed back at a more sedate pace. Once he stopped by a lake and took a
drink. Then he sat listening to the sounds of night and the other creatures in the forest. All
of them respected Corey and his pack members. They steered clear because they sensed
there was so much more to these wolves than any others. He and his men could reason
while in wolf form, but their senses were heightened, sharp to the world around them.

When he neared his homestead, he shifted back to his human form and walked at his

leisure. He didn’t have to take that route, but he passed Devin’s cabin. The other man still
stood outside in the position Corey had left him. Had it been anyone else Corey would
have invited him along on the run. He sensed Devin knew that.

“You’re just like I remember,” Devin called after him when he was just past the


Corey stopped and turned around. He should have kept going, but he couldn’t resist.

“What are you talking about?”

Devin’s dark gaze swept him from head to foot, and he lifted his chin toward Corey.

“I’ve been dreaming about that sexy, hard body for almost eight months. In real life it’s
even more perfect.”

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“Liar!” Corey shouted and clenched his fists. He shouldn’t let Devin get to him, but

he crawled under his skin with ease. To Corey’s shame, his cock stuck out at attention,
rigid and ready. Devin pinned his hot stare on it rather than Corey’s face, and he ran his
tongue over his bottom lip. Corey felt the twitch in his shaft and turned his back on the
man. “You’re just trying to get me riled. That’s not going to work, and if you keep
pushing me, you’ll find yourself without a pack. I suggest you think about your sister
before you let your mouth get you in trouble.”

Corey stalked back to his place and slammed the door shut before clicking every lock

into place. He showered the sweat and dirt off of his body, washed down a couple of
sleeping pills with a little juice, and dropped into bed. After tossing and turning another
hour, he finally fell into a dreamless sleep.

* * * *

Corey stood at his office window looking out the grounds and the trees beyond. He

wanted to leave, to shift and run. The wild didn’t call to him as much during the day.
He’d found purpose and duty caring for his family. But the stress of dealing with the
other pack that time and again kept nipping at his people was getting to him. He knew
what it was about. They wanted their land, as if they were somehow entitled to it.

He’d done the research, but everyone knew the story. One of Fenrir’s sons had

offspring not by his mate. That branch had veered off in a different direction and didn’t
inherit this land. Now his descendents wanted to return centuries later and claim what
wasn’t theirs. While Corey understood their plight of having no place to go, he was not
going to give up this land. He would be willing to give the rival pack a permanent home
among them, but that was it. So far, the offer wasn’t taken seriously.

A knock on the door behind him snapped him out of his reverie. He returned to his

desk chair and dropped wearily into it. “Come.”

The door opened at a snail’s pace, and then Corrin came into view. “I hope I’m not

disturbing you. I know you’re busy.”

“No, come in.” He watched her step inside and shut the door. He indicated she take a

seat, and he waited while she got settled. Corrin and her brother were definitely twins.
When he looked at her, he was reminded of Devin. But Devin is all steel, he thought with
a sense of longing. Corrin was gentle sweetness. “What can I do for you?”

He kept his voice low and calm so he wouldn’t frighten her. Whatever she’d come for

had her almost trembling. She clutched her hands together in her lap and straightened her
back. For a few minutes she remained silent, and he figured she was dredging up her

“I want to talk about Devin,” she announced after some time. Just like him, she

lengthened each word in an appealing drawl. He chided himself to stop comparing
everyone and everything to that damn Devin.

To show that he was a reasonable Alpha and that Devin meant little more than any

other guest, he asked, “Is he finding what he needs here? The others being cordial?”

She frowned at him, but when he raised an eyebrow, she dropped her chin to her

chest. The fingers in her lap turned white. “You have to know that no one wanted us
around in our old pack. Everybody could see that Devin is a born Alpha, but because
we’re mixed, we don’t get respect. Still, Devin can’t help being good at well…

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everything. He was better, faster, and stronger than our leader. Everyone hated him for

Against his will, Corey pictured the man in his mind. “How much of the fenrir blood

do you have?”

“One quarter.”
He gasped. “Are you sure?”
She looked up and nodded. “Our mother was half fenrir wolf, and our father was full

of the more common type. They were killed when we were young, and I think even they
didn’t find anywhere they belonged because everyone thinks the fenrir’s act superior to
the rest. Devin just wants a place where he can be accepted as he is. That’s all. He’ll
never say so, but he feels alone. Please if you can find it in your heart, let us stay. And as
for that other thing…”

The door burst open, and Devin walked in as if he owned the place. Corey’s nostrils

flared, and he frowned and stood up. “You don’t know the rules here, so I’ll give you a
break. No one just bursts in without knocking except my Beta.”

Devin shut the door behind him and strolled over to the desk. Corey tried not to be too

aware of how he looked in a long-sleeved shirt, hip hugging jeans, and cowboy boots. He
met Corey’s angry gaze head on. “If my sister is here, I have every right to come in.”
Dismissing Corey, he turned to Corrin. “What do you think you’re doing, Corrin?”

Her jaw worked her mouth, but no words came.
Devin caught her chin to stop the movement and forced it higher. “You keep your

nose out of my business and let me handle things on my own. Got it?”

Her face a mask of misery, she nodded.
Devin tilted his head toward the door. “Git.”
She stood and fled.
“Don’t you think you were a little hard on her?” Corey demanded. “She was only

thinking of you.”

“That’s not her job,” Devin retorted. “I take care of her, not the other way around, and

either way it’s none of your business.”

This is an about face, Corey thought. All the pushing for him to notice him, to accept

that he was his mate was gone from Devin’s attitude. He didn’t give Corey suggestive
looks or even seem attracted in the least. The absence was a relief. Yet Corey still felt a
pull toward the man, which irked him.

“Anyway,” Corey said, “I’ve decided that you can stay as long as you like. You and

Corrin can consider us your pack if that’s what you want. You’ll have to come to a
meeting with everyone there, swear loyalty and all that.”

“Is that what you want? For me to stay?”
Corey blinked at him. Had he thought the intensity gone? That must have been an

oversight. He felt Devin’s emotions, the longing, the lust, the loneliness, and the need to
belong. Maybe some latent ability his ancestor Alphas had was kicking in. But he didn’t
feel what Devin felt when he was away from him. Nor did he pick up on it from anyone
else, near or far.

Another knock sounded on the door, and he grunted. “What is this, Grand Central

Station today? Come!”

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The door opened. Laramie, one of the men who most opposed him, stepped inside. Of

all times, not now. “As you can see, Laramie, I’m with someone. If you could come back

“I just need two seconds,” the other man insisted, “two seconds to know when you’re

going to go after that other pack. You know my brother was injured last week in that
attack, and it was them who did it.”

“We have no proof of that,” Corey countered. “The—”
“We have the damn proof. If you weren’t too chicken shit to do something instead of

holing up in your office, this situation would be over.”

Within the blink of an eye, Devin had Laramie hanging by a hand around his throat,

slammed against the door. Devin sneered at him, teeth bared but not sharpened. “You
watch your mouth when you talk to your Alpha.”

All the blood drained from Laramie’s face, leaving him pale and shaken. For a

minute, Corey stood in shock and then he snapped, “Let him down, Devin.”

Instead Devin slammed Laramie again. “Apologize now.”
“Devin!” Corey roared.
He was about to move around his desk to force him to let go when Laramie

whispered, “Sir, I’m sorry, sir.”

“Go,” Corey bit out, and Devin dropped him. He scrambled out of the office. Was this

why Corrin fled? Devin would never treat his sister that way, would he? He got his
answer with Devin’s next words.

“No one speaks to you like that. They will respect you, or I will deal with them.”
“Just as you told your sister,” Corey shot back, “I can deal with my own problems.”
Devin faced him. His breathing was heavy, causing his barrel of a chest to rise and

fall at a rapid rate. Corey turned away so he didn’t have to see it.

“What you should have done was put him on his backside with your boot at his

throat,” Devin advised. “That would have taught him and any others who wanted to
mouth off at you to watch their tongue.”

“And what about your tongue?” Corey turned back and got up in his face. “What

about you, Devin? You’ve disrespected me from the first time I met you. And what you
did with that little stunt you pulled just now was undermine my authority. You think he
won’t go tell others how his Alpha needed a stranger to control his man?”

Devin stepped closer as well. “I haven’t disrespected you. I acknowledged you, but

you’re too stubborn to admit what you know is true.”

“The hell I do!” Corey shouted. “Do you have any idea what’s going on around here?

You, who want what you want, don’t give a damn about the issues we’re facing, that I’m
facing as the leader. I’ve got a hundred and fifty people out there I have to think about.
Many are women and children. I can’t just make rash decisions.”

“I’m sorry,” Devin said grudgingly.
Corey’s eyes widened.
“I said I’m sorry.” Devin’s hands dropped onto Corey’s shoulders. His thumb traced

circles on Corey’s cheek, and he felt all the anger from a moment ago dissipate. He told
his feet to step back out of this man’s reach, but he couldn’t move. Devin came closer.
Their bodies were just short of touching. “You have so much on you, and I should be
helping you to stay calm, not riling you up.”

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“I-It doesn’t matter,” Corey croaked. He broke their eye contact by lowering his head,

but he didn’t move away. Every fiber of his being liked him just where he was and
strained for more.

“It matters,” Devin insisted. “You’re under a lot of stress. You need a release. I firmly

believe a good stress reliever helps when things begin to pile up. A person makes better

“Don’t,” Corey told him.
Devin slid one hand down Corey’s arm until he reached his hand. Their fingers didn’t

interlace, but they did play together a little with slight touches. Devin continued his
movements until he circled around to Corey’s cock. The appendage grew hard and
extended from the first caress. Corey drew in a shuddering breath.

“Don’t do that,” he forced out.
Devin massaged his cock through his jeans and squeezed. Corey could curse it felt so

good. He put his hand over Devin’s intending to force him to quit, but he did nothing but
hold him there, letting him run his fingers over Corey’s full length. Shame and desire
twisted in his gut.

Devin moved in closer. He wrapped his other arm around Corey’s waist and pressed

his body close. His hand continued to work Corey’s cock, but when he leaned in as if he
was about to kiss Corey, he snapped out of it. He shoved Devin hard, sending the man
stumbling back several feet until he hit the office door.

“I said cut it out,” Corey repeated. “I’m not like that.”
He assumed Devin would insist he was, but he just turned and left the office. Corey

went around his desk and fell onto his chair. He laid his head on his folded hands and
willed his erection to ease while he thought of a solution to all his problems.

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Chapter Four

“So how’s it going?” Blaine asked.
Corey tightened his jaw. “You know how it’s going.” They stood at the side watching

a couple of the men train in the workout room Corey had built a few years ago. The
decision had turned out to be a good one since all of the men and many of the women
used it. Mats were laid out in the center today so that people could spar. Shifted or in
human form made no difference. Because of this, many in the room were naked, although
they had the grace to keep a towel wrapped around them until their turn came.

Devin was among them, proud and strong. He stood above the other men, Corey

couldn’t help admitting. His shoulders were wider, chest broader. Every part of his solid
form was in top shape down to his meaty thighs and solid calves. The towel he wore hung
low on his waist, barely knotted. The front extended out a bit giving the impression that
he had much more to be proud of. Corey forced his gaze from there to the man’s face. He
felt warmth entering his cheeks when Devin tossed the towel aside before he shifted.
There were several gasps and even a few whistles of appreciation, but Corey refused to
look for himself.

Devin’s stare met his, and he gave a slight nod before he was on all fours with fur

covering his body. His coat was not electric blue like the rest of them, but it did have a
blue blush to it. Even if he wasn’t full-blooded fenrir, he was massive like one, all corded
muscle and power.

Corey glanced over at his opponent. Laramie of all men. No match. He doesn’t stand

a chance.

“Is that a look of pride in your eyes?” Blaine asked, and Corey pinned him with his


“Shut the hell up.”
“You have to admit there’s something between you.”
“No, actually, I don’t. He’s not mine.”
Blaine leaned on the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. He watched Devin floor

Laramie with ease, but another wolf joined in the fight—not uncommon. Corey restrained
himself from moving.

“Why can’t you entertain the possibility?” Blaine asked him. “I mean look at him.

He’s perfect. He broke it off the second he saw you, but kissing him was good. Maybe I
should make another play for him.”

Corey jerked Blaine’s shirt front. “Keep your damn hands off him, even in playing


Around them several people gasped and watched them rather than the fight. Corey

released Blaine.

“Whoa, buddy, okay,” Blaine said chuckling. He held up his hands in surrender. “I

won’t touch the guy who is definitely not your wolf mate.”

Corey pretended he didn’t hear the sarcasm.
“Anyway, he’s been going around defending your leadership, putting down anyone

who would speak against you, and hinting that you’re working on fixing the problem
with the rival pack, saying they need to be behind you rather than flapping their gums
with complaints. He’s your biggest fan. Some have suggested that you brought him in to
help quell the dissention among the ranks.”

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“He’s overstepping his bounds is what he’s doing,” Corey grumbled. “I will have to

haul his ass into my office again and have another talk. I let them stay, but that can be
overturned at any time.”

Blaine shrugged. “His methods may be caveman, but you know these shifters respond

better to aggressiveness. They’re like humans in many ways, but they’re still part animal.
The wildness needs to be tamed by a firm lead. Whoa, whoa before you start thinking I’m
accusing you of not being a good Alpha, that’s not what I mean.”

“Then why don’t you make it clear to me what you’re saying, Blaine.” Corey

narrowed his eyes at him. “And be careful of what you say. Or do you at last want to
challenge my position?”

“No way. I’m happy with my lot in life,” his friend assured him. “What I’m saying is

you know how we believe our mate is the missing part of us?”

“Yeah so?”
“So what if your mate is the one that tames the wildness.”
Corey clenched his hands into fists. “That’s like saying I can’t lead my men.”
“No, I’m saying your mate tames the wildness, the animal. You’ve led us into the

twenty-first century with modern technology, with interaction with humans. You run this
homestead like a business and made it more profitable than any Alpha before you. You’re
everything we needed, Corey, and no one knows that better than I do. So, don’t think for
a moment that I’m with the few that say different.”

He answered with no more than a grunt and focused back on the fight. Devin had put

down the next man, along with two more who came at him. In the end, each of his
opponents bowed to his superiority even if they resented it. Devin changed back to his
human form, and Corey noted the gash on his thigh. That led to seeing his cock, jutting
out from his body, hard and thick. Corey jerked his gaze away and turned his back. He
left the gym giving himself the excuse that it was about work and not about running away
from his physical reaction to Devin.

* * * *

Devin woke up from the feeling of hands around his cock. Sweat beaded on his

forehead and his top lip. He pushed the sheet away and discovered his shaft had grown
erect. He sighed. The dream had done it, another one where he held Corey in his arms
after they’d made love. In it, Corey had pushed has ass back toward Devin’s crotch and
begged for another round. Devin had been all for it because he was not satisfied. Now
that he was awake he knew why. He still hadn’t come. His aching need for his mate made
him feel like he was going out of his mind. Never in all his scenarios thinking about what
their first meeting would be like did he consider that his mate wouldn’t be gay.

He rolled to the side of the bed and sat up. Running a hand through his messy hair, he

pushed it back off his forehead. His gaze caught the cut at his thigh. He’d felt Corey’s
alarm seeing him hurt, and then the naked lust afterward. That meant he’d seen him
naked. Devin grinned. He had nothing to be ashamed of when it came to his body, and
he’d shown it by purposely tossing aside the towel before he shifted. He wanted Corey’s
eyes on him.

I want more than his eyes on me, he thought and stood up. He listened at Corrin’s

door before he left the cabin and headed in the direction of Corey’s. While he walked, he

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picked up on several night watchmen who rotated shifts to be sure no one infiltrated the
area. Devin had a few ideas on making that system more efficient, but for the time being
he kept them to himself. Corey wouldn’t welcome his interference again. Not directly
anyway. He had no intention of stopping what he was doing among the members. They
would follow his mate if he had to beat them into submission.

He grinned at the thought. He’d never been behind his former Alpha as he was behind

Corey, even if he didn’t believe it. Devin knew he wasn’t a Beta, so Blaine had nothing to
worry about. He was an Alpha, but if he couldn’t have that position—because he refused
to fight Corey for it—then he would support him. Corey. His heart ached for his one, not
to mention his body.

Devin stopped outside of Corey’s cabin and looked up at the windows. They were

dark. He knew the door was locked, but the powerful drive to be nearer to Corey wasn’t
something to be denied tonight. The moon shone brightly overhead, almost taunting him
to go inside. Living by their wits over the last few months, Devin and his sister had
experienced situations that caused Devin to pick up a few tricks. He knew how to pick a

Maybe he was being too pushy. Corey might not appreciate him breaking in. He

laughed. Probably not, but he was going to do it, even if it meant just watching him sleep.
One look, then he could go for a run and tire himself out and return to bed.

When Devin made it inside with minimal noise, he surveyed the cabin. Corey’s place

was much bigger than his, better furnished as befitting the pack leader. He went stock
still when he spotted the fireplace in the living room, a massive landscape over it. The
bear carpet on the floor was the very one he’d seen in his dream. Because he’d never
been here, he was even surer his dreams were real. Corey was his.

Devin picked his way through the darkness to the master bedroom. The door stood

open to his surprise. Peering inside, he spotted a king-size bed, big, bulky furniture, two
windows, and a skylight of all things. A covering over the skylight was pulled back to
allow the moonlight to shine in. The pale illumination made the room glow like the
fenrir’s fur at night. Corey lay in the center of the bed, a single sheet slung across his big

Devin inched closer. His mate was naked. Boxers and a tee lay crumpled on the floor.

He must have been dreaming and got hot, Devin thought pleased. “Your body is
incredible,” he whispered.

Corey muttered something in his sleep and shifted on the bed.
Devin pulled back the cover to reveal more of Corey’s skin. Unlike his, Corey’s chest

was bare of hair, but it was just as hard. Wide shoulders and big chest tapered along his
torso down to his waist. He bent and kissed the rippled abs. A shiver of pleasure rolled
over him. Devin breathed in deep of his mate’s scent. He’d know it now wherever he
was. He’d never forget. He kissed Corey’s stomach again, raining kisses to his navel.
Corey moaned, and a tent formed under the sheet. Devin smiled. He remembered from
the other night just how big his man was?

Devin began kissing Corey’s body more earnestly. He was into it so much, he forgot

to be cautious so he wouldn’t wake him. When Corey shoved him, he realized too late.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Corey demanded. “And how did you get in

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Undaunted, Devin sat on the edge of the bed. “I wanted to see you, darlin’, so I came


“Well I don’t want to see you, so you can’t get the fuck out. And I told you about

calling me darlin’.”

Devin did it on purpose. Even if he was gay, he generally only called a woman by the

endearment. Truth was, he wanted to bug the man. Worked every time. “Oh, you want to
see me. I’d guess you want a lot more than to just see me.” He indicated Corey’s hard-on.
His mate jerked the sheets higher to cover his chest.

“I was dreaming.”
“About me?”
“Hell no!”
Impulsively, Devin jumped on top of Corey and pinned his arms above his head. He

knew he’d have to use a lot more muscle to keep Corey in place, but right now the shock
had kept his mate still. Nothing but the sheet separated their bodies. He could feel
Corey’s cock twitch under his, and the feeling set him on fire. All his might went into not
grinding against the other man.

“What if I just raped you right now?” he suggested.
Corey swore. “Impossible!”
Devin leaned down and kissed Corey’s neck. The other man shivered and tried jerking

away. Devin increased his hold. “Yeah, because if I fucked you right here, right now, it
wouldn’t be rape. You’d beg me not to stop.”

Even in the moonlight, Devin picked up on how Corey paled. “I would never do that.

I don’t want you. When are you going to get that through your head?”

Devin liked the challenge. He released Corey’s wrists and ran his hands up until they

lay flat against Corey’s. He threaded their fingers together and then began a slow pump
into Corey’s groin. The friction between their two hard dicks was unbearably good.

Corey’s eyes fluttered closed, and then he widened them comically. “S-Stop.”
“No.” He ran the tip of his tongue along Corey’s neck, finding a thick vein. His pulse

raced under Devin’s lips when he kissed the spot at his throat. “I’m taking you tonight. I
can’t wait any longer. I know you’re scared. I have to have you.”

“The hell you will! I won’t let you.” Corey swore with each kiss and lick. He arched

back so his cock gained space away from Devin’s, but Devin followed his lover deeper
into the mattress.

“You belong to me,” Devin told him. “I’m taking what’s mine.”
“I-If you care about me…” Corey struggled for words. “If I’m important, then you

would want this to happen right, when I’ve accepted you.”

Devin dropped his head alongside Corey’s on the pillow. He let all of his weight

except for a knee come down on his lover. Corey’s teeth were gritted so tight, Devin
knew he was doing everything he could not to moan. “You’re trying to convince me with
words to let you go, yet you’re the Alpha, aren’t you? Why haven’t you just taken my
head off my shoulders? Why don’t you use your own strength to move me?”

Corey jerked his hands free of Devin’s hold and pushed at Devin’s chest. But the

force was non-existent. He likes me on him, he thought with pleasure. He wanted so much
more, but he didn’t want to take responsibility for it.

Devin raised his hips and snatched the sheet away. Now nothing stood between them.

They were skin to skin, taking the experience of being close to another level. Devin

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shifted one leg to the outside of Corey’s and then pressed one of his between his lover’s
thighs. He raised Devin’s leg and ground into him.

“Ahh,” Corey cried out. He slammed a fist into the bed. Devin continued his

onslaught. He stroked Corey’s thigh, enjoying the hardened muscle under his fingertips.
While he caressed his mate, he kissed his jaw, licking his way around to Corey’s chin.
One taste of Corey’s mouth was what he wanted. No, not one, an infinite amount. He
wanted to crush Corey’s lips beneath his and keep on forever.

Don’t pull away. He brushed his mate’s lips with his. Corey’s mouth was sealed

closed, but he didn’t turn his head. Devin teased them while pumping against Corey’s
groin. He gripped Corey’s chin and forced him to look into his eyes. “Give in to me. Give
into what your body is calling for.”

“Go fuck yourself,” Corey spat.
“I’d rather fuck you.”
Corey didn’t respond.
Devin hesitated. “You know according to the old ways, I am within my right to force

my mate to submit to me.”

Corey’s face suffused with red. “That was for the man to do to the woman when she

was scared of the sexual act, and it was only with the Alpha’s approval and under

Devin grinned. “Hm, you’re the Alpha. We got that part. And you’re scared shitless.

We got that part too.”

“I’m not a woman,” Corey ground out.
Corey at last dredged up the strength to push him away, and Devin found himself on

the floor. “Get out.”

Devin stood up and moved toward the door. “Are you sure about this? Once I’m

gone…” His heart ached. Being so close, he knew Corey felt it too. He’d heard the gasp
behind him. When Devin reached the entrance of the cabin, he stopped. Now he was
overwhelmed with Corey’s pain, the loneliness that consumed him, the need to be with
Devin. He turned to peer in the direction of the bedroom. What he had said about his
rights was true, but he didn’t want to force Corey. He wanted him to come willingly.

Corey appeared in the hall and frowned. “I thought I told you to leave.”
“That’s a lot of bravado for someone who is thinking about running into my arms.”
His lover sneered. “You can’t read my mind, so don’t pretend to.”
“I feel your heart.”
Corey stomped toward him. “I said get the hell…”
Their mouths connected. Devin didn’t even expect it or know how it happened. Just

all of a sudden Corey was in his arms, sealed to him, cock to cock, lips and tongue
exploring each other’s mouths. Devin ran his hands up Corey’s back until he reached his
short, blond locks. He knotted his fingers there while he devoured Corey’s lips.

He tasted as delicious as Devin had imagined, a million times better than it had been

in his dreams. Devin broke the connection and trailed hungry kisses along Corey’s cheek.
He lifted the other man up, and to his surprise and delight, Corey wrapped his big legs
around Devin’s waist. What made him give in? He didn’t care. Just so long as they
consummated their bond.

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They stumbled their way back to the bedroom, and Devin dropped Corey on the bed

before following his solid body down. He wedged himself between Corey’s legs, feeling
his cock jump. Devin lowered himself a little in order to come up as if he thrust inside of
Corey. The friction of their cocks coming together drove him out of his head.

He drew back and licked Corey’s chest. He teased the tiny flat nipples and brought his

teeth down on the small bud. Corey jerked and moaned. He was stiff, and Devin felt his
fear. He leaned up to look into his lover’s eyes. “I know you’re nervous about this, so I’m
going to take you. It will be all on me.”

Corey seemed about to deny Devin’s words, but then he closed his mouth. Devin

caressed and kissed his way down Corey’s body until he reached his cock. He kissed the
tip, tasting salty pre-come.

“Wait, I—” Corey began, but Devin quickly swallowed the rigid length. Corey

couldn’t have denied it now if he wanted. Almost nothing compared to a warm wet
mouth covering a man’s cock.

While he sucked, Devin looked up at Corey. His mate scratched at the bed, raised his

hips, and closed his eyes. He seemed to be trying to resist the pleasure, but he couldn’t
get a hold of himself. His moans were music to Devin’s ears as Devin sucked more of
him in. He pumped Corey’s cock while concentrating on the head. He swirled the tip of
his tongue over the tiny opening and licked up more of Corey’s juices. Corey began to
rock against his face, grunting and holding the back of his head.

“No,” his lover muttered. “No, I’m going to come.”
Devin sucked harder. He worked his fist up and down the engorged rod and pulled

with his mouth on the head. Corey shouted and spasmed. Come filled Devin’s mouth. He
drank down every drop and sucked for more. When Corey was emptied, he sat up. He
could have asked if Corey liked it, but the heaving chest gave it away well enough.
Corey’d probably lie.

Devin rose from the bed and moved higher. Corey watched him in silence. He

searched the Alpha’s dresser top for something to use as lubricant and was relieved to
find a tube of lotion. Later, he’d go into town and buy some made for what they were
going to do. But first things first.

He set the tube on the bedside table and placed a knee on the mattress right beside

Corey’s head. With one hand he braced himself on the headboard, and with the other he
took hold of his cock. “Suck me,” he commanded.

Corey raised his hand as if to shove him back, but when he hit Devin’s thigh, he

stayed there. His gaze locked on Devin’s shaft. He licked his lips and swallowed. Devin’s
anticipation of having his mate’s lips wrapped around his cock was unbelievable. He
forced himself to wait. The lust he felt was reflected in Corey’s eyes though he was pretty
sure the other man didn’t know it.

“You don’t command me,” Corey growled. “I’m your Alpha.”
“Are you?”
Corey’s stare flicked to his face. They went head to head with just a look, and then

Corey’s mouth stretched over his swollen tip. Devin hissed. He pushed forward, making
Corey take him deeper. Little by little he slid into the man’s throat. He was going to come
sooner than he wanted if he didn’t pull out. He gripped the headboard with both hands
and rotated his hips, pumping into Corey’s face.

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“Mm, yeah. Suck it harder, Corey,” he told him. He was on the cusp before he

dropped a hand on Corey’s shoulder to stop him. “Not yet. I don’t want to come until I’m
inside you.”

They both knew what that meant. If Devin came inside of Corey, he was his. They

were bonded for life. Terror returned to Corey’s being, but it was too late. Devin glanced
down at his lover’s cock. He wasn’t going to be able to deny that hard-on.

“Turn over,” Devin instructed.
“I told you…”
Devin picked up the lotion. He squeezed some off onto his fingers. Just the act

seemed to heighten their need. He looked past the activity of his hands to Corey. The
man’s eyes were darker with desire. He hesitated a moment longer then flipped to his
hands and knees.

“I don’t know about this,” Corey muttered.
“I do.”
“You’ve done it before?” Corey’s tone held a note of disgust. That hurt Devin, but he

pushed it away. Corey was new, and he hadn’t wholly accepted that they were meant to
be, but he would. Bonded mates loved harder than any others. He’d seen it many times in
the pack he’d left behind. He’d dreamed of it for himself. Everyone did. When they were
one, Corey would love him so deeply, he would make it his mission to heal all the
wounds he’d inflicted on Devin with his words and reactions. Not that Devin held
anything against him. He was just confident in what Corey and he would mean to each
other. That had been brought home to him time and again in his dreams.

“I’ve done it once or twice,” he admitted.
He didn’t wait for another comment but rimmed Corey’s anus. Corey jerked away

from his touch. Devin reached a hand around his hip and stroked his cock. “Easy there,”
he drawled. “It’ll sting a little, but I promise you’ll like it.”

“I’m not so sure,” Corey quipped. “I think—”
Devin pushed a finger past the tight barrier, and Corey shuddered. He’d known Corey

wouldn’t cry out, but Devin intended to be gentle either way. Corey was strong, but he
didn’t want to hurt him. He pushed the finger to the hilt and pulled back. He lotioned two
more and worked in one after the other until he had three fingers rotating inside Corey’s
ass. His lover bucked against his fingers, and Devin tightened his hold on him. When
he’d gotten Corey settled some, he squeezed his cock and stroked it with each thrust of
his finger. He knew the combination from experience, and was sure that Corey was in
sexual bliss though he hadn’t made a sound.

“Let go. Feel how good it is,” he said to soothe him. “Soon I’m going to replace my

fingers with my cock, and you’ll be amazed at how full you are. You want that, don’t
you, Corey?”

“D-Don’t talk to me like that,” he growled in response.
Devin removed his fingers, and this time Corey cried out in protest. Devin chuckled.

He positioned his cock head at Corey’s anus and applied pressure. The top popped past
his opening. Corey swore and groaned. He tried pushing back, but Devin stopped him
with a hand on his muscled ass cheek.

“Slow and easy.” Devin gripped his hips and brought him back. He watched in

fascination as his cock disappeared up his lover’s channel. Mine. All mine.

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When Devin’s cock was fully seated in Corey’s rear, he began a slow pump that built

in speed. Soon he dug his fingers in Corey’s hips and pounded into his ass. Corey braced
himself on the headboard, but his moans told Devin that he liked what was happening to
him. Devin couldn’t stop. He never wanted to. His orgasm was coming hard. He wanted
to delay it, but slowing was an impossibility. Each time his skin slapped Corey’s, he got a
new zing of pleasure. His balls had tightened. Just a matter of time until he spilled into
Corey’s hot body.

“Damn it,” Corey swore. “I don’t want…Do it hard, Devin.” He reached between his

legs and began pumping his cock. “Make me come!”

Devin watched his body thrusting in fast to Corey’s. His groin lined with Corey’s ass.

The sight always got him off, seeing his slick cock sinking into another man. But this
went beyond that. This was Corey, his mate. He couldn’t hold back. “I can’t hold my
own,” he confessed.

Corey arched, sending his rear harder into Devin. That did it. Devin released, crying

out. All the strength left his body, and his hips spasmed forward whether he wanted them
to or not. His eyelids became heavy, his head bowed. In a haze of ecstasy, he heard
Corey’s shout and knew that he too had come.

Together, they fell flat on the bed with Devin still on top of Corey. His body was slick

with sweat, and he breathed hard. The muscles in his thighs burned, but it was a good
burn. Yawning and exhausted, Devin raised his arms to settle just outside of Corey’s
arms which were near his head. Devin found head space on the pillow and stayed just
where he was. Soon, he fell into a contented sleep.

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Chapter Five

Corey bent to study the damage done at the south end of his property. Crops had been

destroyed. The fence posts were dug up, and he’d already sent a few of his men to round
up the cattle that had escaped. He had to face the fact that this situation wasn’t going
away with talk or negotiation. The other pack was becoming vindictive, and it was only a
matter of time before someone got seriously hurt.

“Hey,” Devin said walking up to him, “we’ll get ‘em.”
Corey stiffened and stood up. He’d left that morning without waking Devin, and he’d

avoided him all day, pretending that he was too busy. Devin strolled straight up to Corey
and kissed him before Corey could shove him back.

“What the hell are you doing?” he demanded.
Devin’s eyes widened. “I’m kissing my mate.”
Corey ground his teeth and looked around. None of the men nearby had seemed to


“I’m not your mate,” he spat. “Look, last night was…well, it was…” He couldn’t

bring himself to admit what it had been and how it felt falling asleep cocooned in Devin’s
arms. The weight of the other man on him had done stuff to his body he didn’t appreciate.
“It was then. This is now. I’m not planning on a repeat. You got what you wanted. We
had sex. Now it’s over.”

He felt Devin’s pain, sensed it at a level way beyond what it had been before they

slept together. All the way out here he’d known when Devin woke up because he felt his
disappointment at not finding Corey in bed with him.

“You’re not going to deny what last night meant for us, are you?” Devin insisted,

following him.

“Shut up around others,” Corey growled.
“Fine,” Devin said. “What are you going to do about the other pack? You know this

means war.”

Corey rounded on him. “Don’t be dramatic. War?”
“Yeah, war.”
Devin glanced past him at the men, and Corey looked to find the others were

listening. He could guess their sentiment was the same. “Not that it’s any of your
business, but I’ve already contacted the Alpha of the other pack. Blaine and I are going to
pay him a visit tomorrow.”

Jealousy rolled off of Devin, pushing unseen against Corey’s conscious. “Blaine?

You’ll take your second. What about me? You can use my backup, and I don’t want you
to go with just Blaine. I feel like that’s what they’re waiting for.”

Corey narrowed his eyes at him. “But that’s not your call, is it? You’re still just a

guest here.”

Devin staggered back a step. His jaw worked while he stared into Corey’s eyes. Corey

regretted his harshness the moment he said it. His chest ached. He refused to admit it was
his heart. What his body wanted was to be pressed close to Devin’s. He longed for him to
be by his side as they went to confront the rival Alpha, but he would not take him. Doing
that was as good as accepting Devin for himself. No way!

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“If you’ll excuse me,” he said, “I have work to do. If you need something to keep

yourself occupied, report to Blaine. He can set you to a task.” Corey turned his back on
Devin and marched away.

* * * *

Devin banged the door open to the office where Blaine was at the moment. “Just what

the hell is between you and Corey?” he demanded.

Blaine grinned. “Hello to you too. I didn’t sleep with you last night. It’s customary to

greet a person when you spot them for the first time in a day.”

Devin frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He referred to Blaine’s emphasis on

“I.” The knowing look on Blaine’s face pissed him off. What made him angrier was that
Blaine didn’t seem to mind that he’d been with his Alpha.

Blaine shrugged. He’d leaned back in his chair and had his boots crossed on the desk.

His Stetson hung from a coat rack in the corner. “I was just taking a nightly stroll, and
since Corey’s cabin isn’t far from mine, I passed by it. Could have sworn I heard some
interesting sounds and caught a whiff or two of a couple of familiar shifters.”

Devin squeezed his hands into fists at his sides. “And that doesn’t bother you?”
“Why should it? You made it clear when you broke it off with me that it was because

Corey is your mate. I know my buddy, and he had a strange reaction to seeing you—one
I’ve never seen before with anyone else. Didn’t take much for me to believe he was the
one for you and vice versa.”

“But he gave me the impression…”
Blaine smiled again. “I think you also know how much this thing has scared Corey.

He probably led you to believe that there was something between me and him, just to get
you to back off. There’s never been anything between us. If there was, don’t you think
he’d be more accepting that he’s gay?”

Devin scratched his head thinking. “I suppose you’re right. Ugh, I don’t want

anything between us. I don’t want to wait for him to come around.” He paced the small
office. The square footage was less than what Corey had and rightly so. “I need to do
something to help him to see that I’m invaluable to him. I can help him with this conflict
if only he’ll let me.”

“Hm,” Blaine responded. “Your way and Corey’s are completely different. You want

to go in teeth bared. Corey wants to get them to accept us and ultimately bring them into
the family. He has a big heart even though he hides it. Most respect that about him. Some
don’t appreciate it.”

Devin nodded. “Yes, I can see that. Well, I’m sorry to bother you. Our problem is our


He started out the door when Blaine’s words stopped him. “I guess you realize that

you’re now our Alpha as well.”

He turned and blinked at the other man. “What are you saying?”
Blaine tapped a pen on the arm of his chair, still just as composed as when Devin

burst in. “It’s never happened before, but we have two Alphas now. Usually the leader’s
mate leads at his side, but he is still the top. What happens when it’s two men, I wonder?
Anyway, you are also Alpha now, whether Corey acknowledges it or not.”

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Blaine’s words were food for thought. Devin gave a noncommittal response and left

the office. He went in search of Corey again to force him to listen, but Corey brushed him
off. Devin slammed his fist into a nearby tree where Corey dismissed him. He would find
some way to get into Corey’s sights and stay there, if it killed him.

* * * *

Being in bed alone was oppressing. Corey had stripped the sheets from his bed and

washed those and his pillows in bleach to get rid of Devin’s scent. While his nose burned
in the cleanser’s pungent aroma, it did nothing for his memory. Each time he closed his
eyes, he felt Devin’s hands on his abdomen, his mouth wrapped around his cock.
“Devin,” he murmured, squeezing his shaft and hating himself for wanting what he
shouldn’t. He pumped his thickness, but it did no good. He couldn’t bring himself to a

After he’d left Devin on the path, he hadn’t seen him the rest of the day. To avoid

running into him at dinner in the main hall, Corey had skipped it and fasted. Going
hungry for the night wouldn’t kill him, but maybe that was why he couldn’t get himself
off or sleep.

He sat up and headed to the bathroom. There in his medicine cabinet, he pulled out

sleeping pills and popped a few into his mouth. He washed them down with water and
returned to bed. Forty-five minutes later, he finally fell asleep.

The dreams when they came this time were violent and painful. Someone in the

darkness whipped his naked flesh. Aside from the slashes, his wrists burned like they
were bound together too tightly. He gritted his teeth to keep from calling out. The pain
was unbearable. On and on, the abuse continued, but he couldn’t make out his
tormentor’s face. When he opened his eyes wide, all he saw was darkness, and he found
it hard to breathe.

A voice came close to his ear and whispered, “Thanks for coming to us and letting us

know how important you are. It’s just a matter of time before we get your Alpha Corey.”

He surged up in the bed shouting Devin’s name.
Sunlight poured in through the window. Corey’s head pounded, and his mouth was

cottony. He’d learned his lesson about taking too much medication on an empty stomach.
When a shower didn’t restore him but at least allowed him to see straight, he dressed and
headed toward the main hall for breakfast. The nightmares of the night had been just that,
he decided.

After sitting down to his morning meal of eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast, he tucked

into it. When half the plate had been consumed, he drained his coffee cup and requested
another. The hot liquid spilled over the side, and he looked up to reprimand the woman
who served him and found it was Corrin. So she’d found a place to help out. He was glad.

“How’s it going for you here, Corrin? Everything okay?”
The paleness of her beautiful face showed anything but contentment. Corey tried

dredging up warmer interest in her but found it lacking. She mumbled an apology for
making a mess and mopped it up with rag. “Okay, thanks.”

She turned to walk away, but stopped and looked back at him like she wanted to ask a

question but was intimidated. Corey had to admit after last’s night frustration and lack of
sleep, he wasn’t in the best of moods. He didn’t have a whole lot of patience for the way

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Corrin behaved. He’d seen her speaking freely with Devin, and even some of the other
women around the homestead. Why did she have to act like he’d chew her head off?

“Was there something else?” he asked, realizing too late his tone was gruff.
She squared her shoulders and approached the table. Attagirl, you’re a wolf. Act like


“I’m worried about Devin,” she blurted out.
The pain in his head intensified. “Of course you are. Look, just like I told him—”
“He didn’t come home last night.”
Corey stopped talking, and a flash of the horrible dream went through his head. He

was about to demand more of an explanation from her, when one of his men burst into
the main hall, banging the door against the wall. All conversation stopped, and heads
turned his way.

“Laramie’s dead!”
Exclamations erupted. Corey surged to his feet and abandoned his breakfast and

Corrin. “Show me,” Corey demanded of his man. Several followed as they made their
way out to the sight, a few hundred yards past their boundaries. The fact that there had
been a fight was obvious. Blaine moved up beside him and stooped to brush away
crushed leaves and broken branches. A paw print had been left in the dirt. “See that?”
Blaine said unnecessarily. He took a deep breath, pulling in the scents around them, and
Corey did the same.

He picked up a strong whiff of Devin. He could pick it out anywhere. Had Devin been

involved in Laramie’s murder? Corey didn’t think he would betray them.

“The body’s back here,” his man called. They moved farther into the wooded area

which was not policed by his people. On the other side of a narrow stream was Laramie
—or what was left of him.

Corey swore. The dirt and greenery had been stained red, more than enough there to

end even a shifter’s life. He traced the movements of the wolves that had done this by
what they had left behind and found more blood. Blaine had stayed by his side the entire
time, and it seemed they both identified a new problem at the same instance.

Devin’s scent again. Corey stooped and picked up a bit of stained branch. He smelled

it, and his canines lengthened and grew longer and pointed in an instant. The dreams he’d
had came into sharp focus. “This is Devin’s blood. They have him!”

Rage descended over Corey’s consciousness. He saw nothing but red, and felt

desperation to get to Devin. While he lay sleeping, someone had been hurting him,
beating him. Corey tossed the branch away and charged forward. Blaine stepped into his
path and gripped his shoulders.

“Hold on. I know you’re upset,” Blaine said.
“Get the hell out of my way,” Corey yelled. “I’m more than upset. They have Devin.

Don’t you understand?”

Blaine’s tone remained level. “Yes, I understand perfectly, and I promise you I’ll stay

with you until we find him. We will find him, Corey,” Blaine insisted. “But you can’t go
charging out there alone. They want that. We have to gather our men and do this right.”

Corey balled his hands into fists. He stared past Blaine, pushing against his hold. He

wanted to shift and forget everything except getting to Devin. Anguish must be clear on
his face, visible to the few men who had come out with him to this site, but he didn’t
care. Devin was all that mattered.

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He gave a small nod, and Blaine barked orders to the others nearby to gather more

men. They would leave in five.

Five minutes was an eternity. “I had another dream,” Corey confessed. “Someone was

hurting him.” His voice thickened as the change began. His emotions were out of control,
and there was no pulling them back. “They bound him and whipped him. I will rip that
person from limb to limb for laying one finger on Devin. He will die tonight.”

They all shifted and headed out to hunt the enemy. Corey stayed well ahead of his

pack, running with everything he had. Blaine was close behind him, and by late into the
night, they sniffed out Laramie’s attackers. Corey downed five of the other men before
Blaine could stop him. “We need one of them to tell us where Devin is,” he explained at
Corey’s outraged expression after they’d both shifted to human form.

Corey nodded and grabbed one of the enemies around the neck. He shook the wolf,

making his body flop around. “Shift, damn you.”

The man did, gasping for air.
“Where is he?” he demanded. “Where’s the man you took? He belongs to us—to


Fear etched the man’s eyes, and it should. Corey was prepared to rip him apart. The

man held up shaking hands. “He’s at our camp, five miles from here.”

“Show us.”
He nodded.
They ran on. The moon had hidden behind clouds, but Corey and his men had no

trouble picking their way over the mountainous terrain. When they came to an area
known for its expanse of caves, the wolf stopped and shifted. “There,” he said. “My
Alpha will kill me for this. I can’t go any farther.”

“You don’t have to worry about your Alpha,” Corey told him. He left the man

crumpled on the ground.

Corey gave the command. They must know that he and his men were coming, but it

didn’t matter. Even if he was outnumbered, he didn’t care. He needed to get to Devin.
The closer he’d come to this place, Corey had felt Devin’s emotions. He was in pain, but
he was alive. Corey fought his way through until he came to a cave. He picked up
Devin’s scent from beyond, so he knew he was there. The other pack’s Alpha stood in his

“So this guy I have,” he taunted, “he’s your mate, isn’t he?”
“That’s not your business,” Corey countered.
The man laughed. “I’d heard the Beta of your group was gay, but you? That’s a

surprise.” A slow, evil grin spread over his face. “What if I told you I had him last night,
that he enjoyed it, and since you rejected him, he came to me?”

To Corey’s surprise the other man’s cock stood out from his naked body, stiff and

hard. His own words had turned him on. Was this lifestyle so common? How had he not
noticed? Doubt assailed him. Had Devin left him willingly? His chest ached.

“He wouldn’t do that,” Blaine interjected. “Devin would not betray his people, and he

definitely wouldn’t leave his Alpha.”

Corey was grateful Blaine hadn’t indicated Devin was his mate. He wasn’t ready to let

everyone else know what he was beginning to accept himself. Devin and he belonged

“We only want what belongs to us,” the leader said. “The land.”

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Corey ignored his statement. “Were you the one who hurt Devin?”
The man waved a hand. “You should be focusing on this conflict, and how to end it. I

know I am.”

“Did you or did you not—hurt—Devin?” Corey repeated.
The man smirked. “He cried like a little girl.”
Corey growled. “No one interfere.” He shifted as he ran for the Alpha. They met in

the air, each gnashing with his teeth, clawing, and trying to get the upper hand. Corey
was in such a rage, he didn’t feel pain when the other wolf’s teeth came down on his
shoulder. He shook him off, rolled with the other animal’s body, and pinned him beneath
his paws. Corey went after his neck, but he missed. His opponent flipped him off and bit
down on Corey again. This time he did feel the pain of teeth tearing at his muscle. He
yelped. Just past the wolf’s shoulder, he saw Blaine ready to join the fray, but Corey
growled at him. Blaine stayed where he was.

The thought of Devin cold and injured in that cave renewed Corey’s strength. He

butted the other wolf into a nearby tree, making him dizzy. Corey took the advantage and
jumped on his back. He forced the wolf down to the ground and this time got his teeth
around his neck. Corey shook his head hard as he clenched. The wolf’s head flopped, and
he went silent. When he stopped moving, Corey let go and backed up. Slowly, the other
Alpha began to shift back to his human form. His head hung at an awkward angle. He
was dead.

Corey wasted no time changing and running toward the cave. Any fights now would

be few and halfhearted. The other pack’s leader was gone. The battle was done. He
entered the dark cave and picked up on Devin’s scent immediately. Toward the back a
pile of blankets lay, and at first Corey didn’t think Devin was among them, but then he
moved. Corey hurried inside and fell to his knees. His big, stubborn mate lay with a hood
over his head, secured by a rope around his neck. Corey unknotted the rope and yanked
the hood off. Devin’s eyes were closed. His hair was tangled about his head, and arms
bound. Dried blood stained his side and forehead. His wide, bare chest rose and fell

When he couldn’t easily get the rope loose that bound Devin’s wrist, Corey called for

a knife, and Blaine brought it. He cut through the bonds and lowered Devin’s arms before
gathering him up to his chest.

“He okay?” Blaine asked.
“He will be,” Corey said, pushing the words out and just wanting to be left alone to

care for his mate.

“I’ll call ahead for a vehicle,” Blaine offered. “You’ll have to carry him to the nearest


“There’s nowhere I wouldn’t carry him if he needed me.” Embarrassed at his sappy

words but knowing they were true, Corey turned from his best friend and stood up with
Devin in his arms. He began the two mile walk to where someone would pick them up
and take them home.

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Chapter Six

Corey stood in the jamb at his bedroom and watched Devin sleeping. His wounds had

all closed and healed, and there wasn’t much left as far as discoloration—the perks of
being born a shifter. He’d watched over Devin for the last few days at his house. As far as
he was concerned, Devin wasn’t living anywhere but here from now on.

His lover shifted in the bed and threw off the comforter coving his head. “Hot,” he

said. “How long do you plan to watch me sleep?”

Corey shrugged. “Until you stop faking and tell me what the hell you thought you

were doing leaving my protection.”

Devin’s face colored for the first time that Corey could see. He sat up and threw his

feet over the side of the bed. His cock rested against his belly, tempting Corey. He made
no move to cover it again, and Corey didn’t pretend he didn’t like looking.

“I thought I was proving to you that I can be of use to you,” Devin admitted.

“Granted, I went about it all wrong, but I did get results. You have to admit.”

Corey sneered and walked into the room. He didn’t move closer to Devin though,

because if he did, he’d put the man back to bed and join him. First, they needed to talk.
He strolled to the window and looked out, keeping his back to Devin. For the time being,
it seemed the best way to keep his hands to himself.

“I am your Alpha, Devin. You do not disobey me. I told you I would handle things.”
“And you did.”
Corey jerked in surprise when Devin’s hands came around his waist. He fiddled with

a button on Corey’s shirt and slid his hand past the barrier. The outside world no longer
had interest for him when his mate ran his palm over Corey’s abs. Devin kissed his neck
and breathed deep.

“You’re their Alpha,” Devin told him, dropping heavy hands on Corey’s shoulders

and turning him around to face him. He reached up to pull Corey’s new Stetson off his
head and tossed it across the room to land on a chair. “But we both know who’s the lead
in this relationship.”

Corey raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re going to disrespect me again?”
Devin kissed his lips, and Corey strained to get closer. They embraced, each trying to

prove they were the stronger man, the lead. Corey admitted that Devin was powerful,
even qualified to govern the pack at his side. But right now they were just two men,
desperately desiring one another. Corey pushed his tongue between Devin’s lips and
tasted how good his mouth was. Devin ran his hands all over Corey’s body, ending at his
ass. He squeezed and yanked Corey closer. Their cocks rubbed, driving Corey crazy. He
needed to get out of his jeans and fast, but he pushed Devin back. His lover didn’t fight
him. They both stood catching their breath.

“You’re not denying me, are you?” Devin asked.
Corey picked up on his doubt. He was almost floored by the devastation Devin felt at

the prospect of Corey refusing him. “No, I’m not. I know we’re connected. I’m not
saying I like it or that I’m comfortable because I’m not.” He moved around Devin and
walked to the door. “Get cleaned up. We can talk more over breakfast. I had it delivered
so you don’t have to go to the hall until you’re ready.”

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He didn’t wait for Devin to answer but headed out to the kitchen and then brought the

food to the living room. Devin would be more comfortable on the chairs here rather than
the stiff, upright ones in the kitchen. He arranged a few pillows in preparation for him
and opened the containers to fix Devin’s plate.

“Will this be a habit?” Devin asked when he came in. Corey frowned that the man had

showered but hadn’t bothered to put on clothes. How the hell could he think if Devin was
naked? Devin grinned as if he guessed what Corey was thinking.

“Will what become a habit?” he asked.
Devin waved his hand at the setup and sat on the opposite side of the couch from the

place where Corey had made up for him. “This babying me. Not letting me go to the hall
when I’m in perfect health, insisting that I spend more time than necessary in bed, and
this serving me. Well, I don’t mind the serving so long as you’re less covered than you
are now,” he drawled.

Corey swore. “We still can’t have a simple conversation without arguing. Have you

forgotten that you were beaten to within an inch of your life?”

“I was in no danger of dying. I’m tougher than that,” Devin quipped. He put his feet

up on the coffee table and tucked into his food.

“I felt your pain, you dumbass,” Corey growled.
Devin put his fork down and crooked a finger at him. “Come here, darlin’.”
Corey frowned.
“Come here, Corey,” Devin repeated.
Corey joined him on the couch, and Devin pulled him close. They tongue-kissed for a

few minutes, Devin tasting like maple syrup. “I love you. No, don’t pull away. I love you
so much, Corey. I did the first time I saw you, and I want to be with you every minute,
day and night. But not because I’m scared someone will get me or that I might get hurt.
That’s not the kind of man I am, and it’s not the kind of man I’m going to allow you to
treat me as.”

He kissed him. “Trust me, Corey. I know how you feel. Just like you can feel my

emotions, I sense yours. It hurt seeing me like that, and I promise I won’t pull anymore
foolhardy stunts without you by my side. But I will be the same man I came here as.”

Corey leaned forward, resting his arms on his thigh. “There are consequences to

disobeying your Alpha, you know.”

Devin chuckled. “Are there? You putting me in solitary confinement?”
Corey shook his head. “No, you’re not living anywhere else but here.”
“Is that another command?”
Devin tapped his fork on his plate. “You haven’t claimed me.”
Devin stretched his arms over his head and leaned back in the chair. Corey glanced

over to him, watching as his cock bobbed. He could almost taste the leathery skin on his
tongue, feel its stiffness in his hand. Devin ran a hand over his abs and spread his legs a
little more. Temptation was getting the better of Corey.

“We’re connected,” Devin explained. “But it’s not complete. Unless the rules are

different in this pack, if you’re insistent on being my Alpha, then taking me as your mate
requires claiming. That claiming must be done in the presence of a witness.”

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Corey groaned. He rubbed a hand over his eyes. Of course Devin was right. The

Alpha of a pack had to claim his “bride” in front of a witness, usually his Beta if he had
one. The change had come after centuries of the Alpha claiming his mate in front of the
entire pack. Even if he gave in and allowed Devin to call himself the Alpha of their
relationship, he’d still have to have sex with him in front of someone else to solidify the
claiming. Blaine was the best choice given he was gay. Corey groaned again. He was new
to this and didn’t like the thought of having someone watch while he enjoyed touching
and being touched by Devin.

“Surely, we can forget about that,” he suggested. “I mean it’s the twenty-first century,

for cripes sake.”

Devin shrugged. “If you want our connection to fade. You know the complications of

not making the claim.”

Corey jumped to his feet and paced the room. “Fuck!”
“Yes,” Devin commented amused. “I’d love to.”
“This isn’t funny.”
Devin kept chuckling. Corey considered flooring the cocky bastard until he

remembered how Devin had been treated. His lover smiled and joked, but there was still
residual pain, if not in his body, in his mind. Inner healing would take time, especially
with Corey there with him. Devin was a strong man, more solid than any he’d met, but he
was also vulnerable in ways. He’d needed somewhere to belong. Where Corey was, was
that place, and if he denied Devin, he’d only add to his hurt. Besides that, he wasn’t
willing to let this man go. He needed to know how he felt, especially if he was in trouble.
The completeness of that was in the full claiming.

“Fine, we’ll get this over with now,” Corey announced.
“So romantic,” Devin quipped.
Corey glared at him. He tugged his cell phone from his pocket and called Blaine.

When his second picked up, he barked, “Get the hell over to my place, now!” A second
after, someone knocked on the door, and he sighed. Something told him Blaine knew
what was required and knew he’d be chosen. The bastard was probably looking forward
to watching him make a fool of himself.

Since Corey didn’t move from the spot where he stood, Devin stood up to answer the

door. He stepped back to let Blaine pass by. Corey clenched his jaw at the look of interest
Blaine tossed Devin seeing him naked.

“I figured you’d be calling soon,” Blaine said.
“Just sit there,” Corey told him. He glanced around the room and spotted the bear

carpet in front of his fireplace. There was as good as any place. He’d make use of it and
get this thing done, so he and Devin could have some privacy. He walked over to the
carpet and began undoing his belt buckle while toeing out of his boots. “Come here,

“Bossy, isn’t he?” Devin tossed to Blaine in passing. “I’ll show him who is in charge

after while.”

“I bet you will.” Blaine laughed and flopped on the couch.
Corey didn’t like how his second’s cock was already hard, tenting his jeans. When he

was naked, he jerked Devin close to him and kissed his lips hungrily. Devin was just as
determined to show he wouldn’t be tamed. Their biceps flexed as they rubbed together,

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tongues mating. Corey had grown rock hard from the second Devin’s shaft brushed his.
Pushing and pulling, they sank to their knees on the carpet.

After a few more minutes of greedy kisses, Corey drew back. “Are you sure you’re

my mate?”

Devin smiled. So much love shone in his eyes, Corey felt almost like he needed to

shield against it. And then he remembered the dream. The scene had been this one, the
two of them before the fireplace, holding one another. Emotion swelled inside of him.
Even if he was still nervous about all this, the fact was he felt something for Devin. No.
More than something. This was love. He loved Devin. He’d felt like he would die if he
lost him during that battle. He’d killed several shifters, something he’d never done
before. Looking into Devin’s dark gaze, Corey knew he’d do it all again if it meant
keeping Devin safe.

Embarrassed, he muttered, “I love you.”
Devin shuddered in his arms. “I love you, too, Corey. I accept you as my Alpha and

as my mate. I pledge my loyalty to you and to this pack.”

“Our pack,” Corey said. “I accept you as my mate, and I claim you now.”
Corey lowered Devin to the carpet and kissed down his body. He ran his fingertips

over the hard plains, licked and nibbled the taut skin. Devin’s muscles contracted with
each touch. His body was hard and unyielding, so unlike a woman’s, and yet, it drove
Corey’s desires even higher. He reached Devin’s thigh and raised his knee while he
explored the broad expanse. The sprinkle of dark hair tickled his nose, and the tanned
skin excited him.

While he kissed up to Devin’s groin, he ran his hand under his lover’s thigh until he

reached his ass. He squeezed the tight rounded muscle at the same time he swallowed
Devin’s cock. A moan ripped from his throat, echoed by Devin’s. Corey wanted to spend
all day loving his mate’s shaft, but he had to complete the claiming first.

He sat up and pulled Devin down to him. He lay on his back, legs raised to expose his

rear entrance. Only then did Corey realize had hadn’t brought in the lotion. He saw
Blaine move from the corner of his eye and looked up. His friend waved a tube of
lubricant and then shot it to him. Corey knew his face must be red. Loving Devin he’d
forgotten that quickly that they had an audience. He bent his head to the task of readying
his lover and then tossed the tube aside.

His eyes met Devin’s, and right away, he was caught up once again. How he loved

him. Bringing their bodies together this way completed him when he’d not known there
was something missing. So the old saying about his people was true. They each needed
their mate to be whole.

Corey hauled Devin’s thighs and rear higher on his lap. He pushed his cock down so

the head was right at Devin’s entrance. Using his fingers wasn’t necessary. Devin was
ready. His body opened to Corey, stretching yet squeezing him at the same time. His
breath hissed between his teeth as he pushed deeper. Devin’s dark lashes fanned his
cheeks. His head went back and he arched into Corey’s thrust. This was his mate’s
surrender, he thought. He took it willingly, knowing the relationship with Devin wouldn’t
be an easy one. They were both headstrong, both determined to lead. He grinned and
leaned forward once he was fully seated inside Devin. They’d battle, but it would feel
good all the way.

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He began to grind hard into Devin, digging his fingers into Devin’s hips and forcing

him down on his erection. Devin groaned, which sent Corey farther over the edge. He
pistoned his hips, pushing faster. Their bodies thumped together over and over. He
growled his lover’s name. Mine!

“C-Come in me,” Devin rasped. “You’ve got to complete it by coming inside of me.”
“I know what I’m doing,” Corey told him. “You just enjoy it.”
He drove in harder and increased his pace. Their bodies were now slamming together.

Corey felt his climax coming fast. He watched his dick slide out shiny and wet, then
disappear inside Devin’s hole. His balls were tight as he stared at their movements. Devin
stroked his own cock, and seeing that was more than enough to finish it. An intake of
breath took his attention off Devin for a second, and he glanced at Blaine. His best friend
had pulled his cock from his pants and was pumping it while his gaze was riveted to
Devin and Corey.

Corey turned back to Devin. He narrowed his eyes on his handsome, rugged face. Not

in a million years would he have imagined he’d be doing this with a man. Boldness took
hold of him with the pleasure that suffused his system. “You want me to release in you,

“Yes,” Devin ground out. He had no shame about his situation. “Now, Corey. I want

to feel it.”

He didn’t have to beg. Corey couldn’t hold back any longer. His groin muscles

contracted, and the sensations of an orgasm took hold. He bucked, gasping and jerking
out of control. His come shot out, filling Devin’s ass. They moaned in unison when
Devin creamed his abs and chest. His come coated his fingers, but he kept drawing on his

On impulse, Corey pulled Devin’s hand away from his shaft and began to lick it.

Beside him, Blaine cried out, and Corey knew he’d reached his end as well. He let him
ride through, but when he was done, Corey whispered, “Leave us alone.”

He didn’t take his eyes off Devin, and Devin had opened his to stare into Corey’s

face. The front door opened and shut. Devin squeezed his hand. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Corey told him. “I haven’t gotten enough. Are you tired?”
Devin grinned. “Not a chance.”
“We’re a mess,” Corey suggested.
“Well, darlin’, let’s have a bath.”
Corey shook his head. “I guess I have to get used to that Southern charm thing you


Devin stood up and strolled ahead of him toward the bedroom. Corey watched him

go, enjoying the view of his ass and hard thighs. When had he ever found the sight of a
man’s unyielding body erotic? He guessed he didn’t. Devin himself was the draw.

“That’s how I won you over,” Devin called as he disappeared into the room. Corey

hightailed it after him. He didn’t want to lose sight of this man for one minute, and his
cock was already getting hard again.

A little later, Corey relaxed on his back, deep beneath the suds of a warm bath. He

threw his arms over the sides and closed his eyes. Water splashed as Devin climbed in.
Corey at first didn’t pay attention until Devin took hold of his cock and began feeding it
inside of his ass. Corey moaned. “Ah, that feels good. I think I’m going to love doing

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“Every day?”
“Several times,” Corey affirmed.
“How will we get any work done?”
Corey looked down at his lover perched on his lap facing him. Devin’s chest glistened

with water and suds. He had a sudden urge to taste the tiny flat nipples, but he couldn’t
move. The pleasure of Devin straddling him was too much. “At this moment, I don’t care
about work.”

Devin began to move, raising and lowering himself on Corey’s cock. Corey clenched

his teeth and flared his nostrils. Devin moved faster, rising and falling hard. He gripped
the sides of the tub to give himself leverage. They stared into each other’s eyes. Water
sloshed over the sides of the tub, but still Corey raised his hips to meet his lover coming
down on him.

“Come here,” Corey demanded. “I need to kiss you.”
Rather than obey, Devin jerked Corey to him, and their lips met. They mated with

their tongues, moaning and hungrily devouring each other. Corey ran his hands down
Devin’s chest and pinched at his nipples. He pulled back. Corey followed along his rigid
torso until he came to Devin’s cock, and he took it into his hand. Beneath the surface of
the water, Devin rode his cock while Corey stroked Devin’s. Their second orgasms took a
while in coming, but getting there and exploding had them shouting and bucking all the

Afterward, Devin climbed off of Corey, and they took turns washing each other.

Devin was the first to step from the water. He dried himself and then held out a towel.
Corey took it to wipe the excess moisture from his form. His mate watched with
appreciation reflected in his gaze. Corey grinned.

Hand in hand they went into the room and settled into the bed together. Corey waited

until Devin rested on his chest to ask the last question bugging him. “Devin.”

“Hmm?” Devin said with drowsiness in his tone.
“Did that other Alpha…Did he touch you? I mean did he…”
“No, he didn’t. I would have died before I let that happen.” He looked up at Corey.

“No one touches me unless you say so.”

Corey smiled. “That goes for me too.”
Devin shifted his position so they faced each other on their sides. He reached down to

take Corey’s cock and pressed the head against his own. Corey watched as the two domes
brushed. The pleasure, even slight, made him ready for more. Devin kept them both in his
palm, squeezing lightly. They kissed, the tips of their tongues just touching. The torment
of wanting more but not taking it was incredible. Just being this close to Devin was
enough for now.

“I am wondering what the men will say when they learn about us,” Devin said.
“Or rather have it confirmed,” Corey corrected. “I think most of them know there’s

more than friendship between us. The fact that you’re wondering surprises me though.
You don’t seem to be fazed by anything and don’t care what others think.”

Devin stroked his cheek. “I care about what you think, and Corrin. I want you to be

happy, and I know it’s a big deal that since we’re mated, we can’t have offspring to
advance the fenrir shifter line.” Devin lowered his eyes. “That might be a good thing
since I’m not full-blooded.”

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Corey dragged him into his arms, regretting every word he’d said that hurt Devin.

He’d spend his life making it up to him. That he promised himself. “I’m sorry. I don’t
feel that way at all. Yes, I would have liked to have kids, but what’s most important is
being with you, Devin.”

He leaned back and kissed Devin’s lips. For a while, they were lost in the sensations

of being close, and then Corey reaffirmed, “No matter what anyone says or does, I don’t
care. So long as I’m with you, we’ll face it all—together.”

The End

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About the Author

Eden Cole is the author of several erotic works including male/male and ménage, and

she has many more on the way. Please visit Risky Ink at riskyink.blogspot.com to find
out more about her First Time Series of male/male novellas.


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