Eden Cole NYPD Christmas

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NYPD Christmas

Copyright © December 2011 Eden Cole, Risky Ink

Cover Art by Risky Ink



All rights are reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any

manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief

quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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NYPD Christmas

Eden Cole


Erik shifted gears and zipped in and out of the lanes, trying to avoid

the slower drivers. He grumbled in annoyance every time someone had the
bright idea to pull in front of him and move like they had all day to get
where they were going. “Tourists,” he decided. Why did they have to
come to New York to shop? Actually, he didn’t give a damn what they did
as long as they did it far away from him. To add to his irritation, snow
began to fall. He gritted his teeth. He hated this time of year. The
temperature had dropped far below zero, so it was cold. Everybody
crowded the streets shopping. All he waited for was the Christmas season
to pass so things could go back to normal.

He drove through the Holland tunnel and discovered lighter traffic for

the first time. He shifted gears again and opened up his Jaguar XL, roaring
down the road. Before he’d gone too far, flashing lights appeared in his
rearview mirror along with a blaring siren. Erik growled and slowed down
to pull to the side of the road. While he waited for the cop to take his time
getting out of his car, he retrieved his wallet from his pocket and took his
paperwork from the glove compartment.

The cop drew up to the window just as Erik rolled the window down.

“Sir, do you have any idea how fast you were going?”

“Thirty-five?” Erik flashed a grin. His face was reflected in the

mirrored glasses, and the lips in a tight line didn’t show amusement.

“License, registration, and insurance,” the cop said.
Erik sighed and handed over the information. “Hey, it’s the Christmas

season. Give me a break.” He cringed when the man flipped open his
ticket book. “I’ve got two hundred dollars in my wallet and box seats to
the Rangers game if you make that ticket go away.”

The cop removed his glasses, and Erik was struck by the dark eyes. Of

course he had noticed the muscular build, but he didn’t like cops, his
present situation being the reason.

“I’ve got cold handcuffs and a ride in the back of my squad car,” the

cop quipped. “I think the last guy took a piss while he was back there.”

Erik swore under his breath.

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The cop tore off the ticket and handed it along with Erik’s papers to

him. “You should be happy it’s just the ticket and I’m not hauling you off
to jail for trying to bribe a policeman. Have a nice day, sir.”

When he was gone, Erik started his car and pulled off at a reduced

speed. This was why he hated the holidays, and he grumbled all the way
into the office.

* * * *

The phone rang, but Erik ignored it as he stared at the report before

him. By the end of the day, he needed to have it analyzed and give his own
thoughts on his colleague’s findings. The company’s next move depended
on him, and he’d already been at it for longer than he cared to remember.
When his desk phone ceased, his cell phone started up. Erik banged a fist
on the desk and then peered at the phone’s face. His sister. He sighed. If
he didn’t answer, she’d just call back—and keep it up until she reached
him. The woman was stubborn as hell and a lot like their mother.

He stabbed the connection button and barked, “Yeah.”
“Jeez, Erik, are you always in a bad mood around the holidays?”
He uttered a rude noise in answer, and she chuckled. Erin was the

exact opposite of him. She was always upbeat, and Christmas was an
excuse for her to spread her cheer to everyone else whether they liked it or
not. “What do you want, Erin? I have a lot of work to get through before

“Meet me at Gordon’s restaurant.”
“I have a present for you. Meet me there, at the table with the

poinsettia,” she said.

“Because I can’t recognize my own twin, I need a flower to show me

where she is,” he griped. “I hate flowers.”

She swore, almost as good as he’d have done. “It’s a plant. Now meet

me in fifteen minutes.”

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“Ever heard of work?”
His answer was a click in his ear. Erik growled. He thrust his papers

aside and stood up. At least he worked right above the Rockefeller Center
and could get to the restaurant below with ease. After leaving word that
he’d be back soon with his secretary, he took the elevator down to street

Gordon’s Restaurant was his and Erin’s favorite. Once a week, he

usually gave into her invitation to have dinner with her there. Because of
work, Erik might have allowed his relations with his family to lag, but
Erin wouldn’t hear of it.

When he stepped inside the small restaurant, he paused and scanned

the area. While garland hung from the ceiling and wreaths at intervals
along the walls, there were no poinsettias. He frowned and was about to
leave when he spotted it. He should have known. The table in the back
corner was Erin’s favorite because it allowed her a great view of the
Christmas decorations and the ice skaters this time of year. Erik was half
way to the table when he realized someone already occupied the table.

Erik stopped at the table and rubbed his neck. “I think that’s mine,” he

said, nodding to the plant.

The dark eyes that focused on him were both startling and familiar. “I

believe it’s mine, a present from a friend.”

“A friend,” Erik said in disbelief. “I think it would be too much of a

coincidence if my sister told me she was leaving it for me and for your
friend to give it to you as well. I’m not trying to take your table, if that’s
what you’re worried about.”

The man grinned, flashing a smile that Erik couldn’t deny displayed

how sexy and handsome he was. Erik lowered his gaze over him, taking in
the shirt unbuttoned at the collar. The material stretched over a broad
chest. He’d paired it with jeans, which Erik wished he could see more of,
but the table blocked his view. Back at the man’s face, he took in the
square jawline and the full lips. When he met the man’s eyes, recognition
hit him. “Wait, you’re the dick cop that gave me a ticket.”

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“And you’re the asshole who tried to bribe me,” was the quick-witted


Erik waited for his cranky attitude to return, but it didn’t. Instead, he

was amused. He dropped into the chair opposite the guy and stuck his
hand out. “Erik Crane.”

The cop’s brows went up, and he took Erik’s hand. Erik started at the

shock of desire that arrowed through him when their hands touched. He
had no idea if the cop was gay, but he wanted him. How do I get things to
that point?

“Cooper Dare. So Erin is your sister?”
“My twin actually.” Erik frowned. “Wait, you’re not cheating with her,

are you? She’s married!”

Cooper shook his head. “You’re exactly like she described you. No,

we’re not involved. She’s a friend only. I happen to be gay.”

Erik couldn’t believe his luck, but then something occurred to him.

How likely was it that a sexy man who was gay would be the one sitting at
his table? He put two and two together and figured out that Erin had left
this sexy cop for him. Erik could forgive the ticket incident for a chance to
have some fun with Cooper.

“She set us up,” Erik said, referring to his sister. “She had no intention

of coming.”

The winning smile Erik was beginning to favor spread over his face.

“I’m assuming your sister knows you well enough to know what you

He hesitated. “I’m not exactly out of the closet. I’m a businessman in a

very crucial position at my company. I believe revealing my preferences at
this time wouldn’t be advantageous. But yes, I’m gay, and Erin knows it
and accepts it.”

Erik had placed his hands on the table with his short speech, and when

he was done, Cooper reached across the space between them to lay a hand
over his. The small caress from his index finger set Erik’s blood to
boiling. He pulled his hand away.

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“I have no problem letting anyone know what I like,” Cooper said.

“All of the guys at the sixty-fourth know my orientation.”

Erik had dated men who weren’t out like him and men who were.

Since his interests led him to a bigger, more manly type, he hadn’t had
trouble up until now with people figuring out his secret. Maybe some of
his coworkers had guessed, but it didn’t matter to him as long as there
weren’t confrontations or stupid reactions that affected his career.

“I respect your choice,” Cooper told him, “and I admit I’m interested.

Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?”

Erik grinned. His mood lifted even more, and he could see this holiday

not being as bad as he’d thought. “I’d like that.”

* * * *

Erik walked behind Cooper as they entered the restaurant. Because of

needing to get back to work, he’d had to cut short their lunch meeting.
Cooper working night shift had prevented them from seeing each other for
another week, but they spoke often on the phone. At last, their schedules
had come together.

While Cooper strolled ahead of him, Erik took in the site of his narrow

hips, rounded ass, and muscular thighs. He imagined the smooth tanned
skin, the ripple of muscle and how it would feel to get inside of him.
Would tonight be too soon, or was the cop looking for something lasting?
Erik didn’t make a practice of hooking up with men looking for love. He
had no intention of settling down any time soon. He was only thirty-five,
still young enough to sow a few more wild oats.

At the table, he took a seat and watched as Cooper took his. The cop

grinned. “It seems as if you like what you see.”

Erik smoothed down his suit jacket in front. “Is that a problem?”
“Not at all.” Cooper’s gaze flicked over him, and Erik saw the

appreciation in their depths. “I like what I see as well. I’m imagining all
kinds of interesting things.”

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Pleasure suffused Erik’s system. “Mm, nice to know. Do you lift


“I do. It’s required for the job.” Cooper reached for the glass of water

in front of him, and his bicep flexed. Erik’s mouth watered. “I can see you
do as well.”

“Company gym,” he commented. “I work fifty to sixty hours a week

usually, so I try when I can to get in a little exercise.”

The conversation paused while they placed their orders. Erik ordered

the steak and baked potato with vegetable medley. Cooper chose the same.

“A man after my own heart,” Cooper said, and Erik smiled.
They spoke of the stress of work and the hazards of Cooper’s.

Manhattan was not the safest city in the world, and he had to admire a man
who was open about his sexuality and dealt with it all the same. “Do you
like being a cop? What does your family say?”

Cooper leaned back in his chair. They’d finished their food, and he

sipped at a glass of wine. Erik’s gaze drifted down over his chest and the
flat stomach. He knew Cooper had given him the view. The more they
spoke, the more he was sure he was getting some tonight.

“My parents are no longer around, but I have two brothers. One is a

cop like me, a detective actually, and the other is a fireman.”

Cooper gave a gracious smile. “We do what we love. Since all of our

jobs can be dangerous, we don’t ride each other about it, but Adam, my
youngest brother, was caught in a serious fire last year and has burn scars
over a quarter of his torso. We’re glad he’s okay, but it brought it home
how short life can be.”

Erik tried assessing what that could mean, whether Cooper didn’t hold

back from something he wanted, or if it meant he was all done playing
around, and he was looking for love. His next words answered Erik’s
unspoken question.

“So, my place or yours?”

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For a moment, all Erik could do was stare. Talk about blunt and to the

point. He didn’t mind it a bit. In fact, he loved that kind of attitude. He
leaned forward and grinned. “Yours.”

He had an apartment nearby, but for some reason, he was curious

about Cooper. He wanted to know more about him. The conversation
earlier where they had shared information regarding their lives and
families had been his way of breaking the ice and making his sex interest
relax enough to give himself to Erik. However, looking to go to his place
and learn more about him was breaking all of Erik’s usual rules.

Not that he was worried. He’d warmed up to some men more than

others in the past. No biggie. He’d satisfy his lust with the sexy cop and
move on. Who knew, maybe Cooper would find a way to get him out of
the ticket if he pleased him in bed.

The first indication that Erik was treading a dangerous course was

when he followed Cooper in his car to his house. Unlike Erik’s high-
priced apartment in Manhattan, Cooper owned a modest home in Far
Rockaway, Queens. The place just screamed family man. Erik knew
Cooper would dub his apartment a bachelor’s pad or a spot where he
brought back one-night-stands. He’d done that plenty of times too.

A small fireplace took up one wall of his living room, and over the

mantle were various pictures, one of an older couple, and around it
pictures of Cooper and men who were obviously his brothers. Erik raised
an eyebrow. “Are you sure this is your place?”

The red in Cooper’s cheeks made him look boyish, and Erik wanted

him even more. He kept his hands to himself for the time being and waited
for the answer. Cooper rushed over to the mantle and picked up the picture
of the older couple. He seemed about to lay it flat but then changed his
mind. Warnings went off in Erik’s head. Had the man even done this
before? He said he was out of the closet.

Cooper turned after a few seconds and offered a sheepish grin. “This

was my parent’s place. They left it to me because my brothers had already

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bought their own houses. I moved in about a month ago. It took me about
a year to come back here, and I haven’t gotten around to redecorating.”

“Ah, I see.” Erik almost sighed in relief, and then he had a thought.

“Don’t tell me we’re going to do it in the bed you had when you were a
kid. That kind of thing works in movies, but I’m a pretty big guy.” His
gaze drifted down over Cooper’s body and snagged on his bulging crotch.
Erik couldn’t wait to see what was hidden under there. “And so are you.”

“No, we don’t have to use my old bed.” His smile drew Erik to him,

and he walked over and rested his hands on Cooper’s hips. Erik took a
deep breath, taking in Cooper’s manly scent. His cock stirred, wanting
action now.

“Well, where am I taking you then?” he asked, doing his best not to

sound overly eager. He was. His last lover hadn’t gotten the message that
he wasn’t into him, and Erik had a real challenge convincing the man to
let go and stop coming around. Because of that, he hadn’t sought out a
new partner for a couple months. He was horny as hell. Remembering that
last problem, he tightened his hands on Cooper’s hips when the man was
about to lead him to the bedroom. “Hold on. I wanted to make sure a
couple things are clear.”

Cooper stopped.
“I’m not looking for love,” Erik told him. “I don’t want a relationship.

I want you. Tonight.”

He didn’t know what he expected, but it wasn’t Cooper’s calm

acceptance, or his amusement. His lips twitched, and he gave Erik a half

“Whatever makes you feel safe, chief,” Cooper said.
Erik flared his nostrils. “It’s not a safety issue.”
“Come on.” Cooper walked down the hall, leaving Erik standing there.

For some reason he felt like they’d just had a battle of wits, and Cooper
had wiped the floor with him. He’d tried to grasp and hold the emotional
upper hand, but he seemed to have failed. Erik was great at reading

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people, but boy did he get Cooper wrong. At this point, he didn’t know if
the man was like him—into one-night-stands—or not.

They came into the master bedroom, and Erik could tell Cooper’s

hesitance of redecorating hadn’t extended to this room. He’d done it over
with modern furniture, a good paint job, and cool accents around the
ceiling and hip level on the wall. What appealed to Erik was the massive

He grinned as he came in the door and walked up behind Cooper.

Feeling free to touch, he ran his hand down Cooper’s back and ended at
his round ass. The muscles were firm and conditioned. Erik’s cock
twitched in anticipation of piercing it and feeling Cooper’s inner walls
squeezing the hell out of him. Just thinking of it, he moaned and moved
closer. He let his hard-on brush against the cop, and he kissed the other
man’s neck.

“I can’t wait to get inside you,” he murmured. The expression on

Cooper’s face made him hesitate. “You’re not going to fight me, are you?”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Cooper shifted out of reach. He loosened his

belt and worked his button open and his zipper down. Erik’s mouth
watered. He tossed his own clothes aside and was soon naked. Pleasure
suffused him when the cop’s eyes widened taking in his cock. Cooper let
out a low whistle. “Nice cock. I see I’m going to have to suck it.”

Erik had fantasies of a man getting him off in uniform. He wondered if

Cooper would agree. “How about you do it with your uniform shirt on?
Maybe the belt with the cuffs and gun too?”

Cooper smirked, but he went over to the closet and pulled out a black

shirt. Beyond him, Erik caught sight of a row of them, all neatly pressed.
He tossed his T-shirt aside and slipped the dark material over his
shoulders. Erik almost lamented seeing the big chest disappear from view,
but with Cooper’s strong legs revealed beneath the shirt, he almost sagged
with desire.

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Cooper walked over to the dresser and searched a drawer. He pulled

out handcuffs. “These aren’t state issue. They’re my personal ones. How
about I cuff you?”

“Yeah, no.”
“Scared?” Cooper teased.
Erik swore. “Fine. Let’s do it, but if you try anything I don’t like, I’ll

break loose and crack your skull.”

Cooper just laughed.
He stood close to Erik with his big chest poking into Erik’s. Cooper

didn’t need to look down at what he was doing as he brought Erik’s hands
together and cuffed them. Their eyes never wavered from staring into each
other’s. Erik shook, the enjoyment of teasing himself with this man was so
much. They hadn’t touched in any real way, yet he liked it so far.

“Now, you can’t get away,” Cooper said, and Erik suspected he said it

only to challenge him to try.

Erik smirked and took one step back. He whipped his bound hands

over Cooper’s head and trapped the cop before drawing him in close.
“What was that you were saying?” he whispered, his lips close to
Cooper’s. The cop turned his head so their mouths could meet, and Erik
kissed him hungrily. He might not be able to stroke and explore Cooper’s
body at the moment, but he could knot his fists in the man’s hair while he
devoured his mouth.

Cooper’s deep moans raised the hair on Erik’s arms. He ground into

the other man, loving the feel of their cocks rubbing, as if they were in
competition. “I like the way you think you’re in charge,” Cooper said,
taking Erik by surprise.

The next moment he was flat on his back on the bed, and Cooper

straddled him. “What the hell?” he growled. He tried sitting up, but
Cooper pulled muscle from somewhere Erik hadn’t yet judged. He didn’t
even break a sweat pinning Erik under him. Erik was no pansy either. He
worked out at his company’s gym regularly, and he had challenged
himself to lift heavier and heavier weights as he conditioned himself. Still,

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even flexed to his maximum, he couldn’t unseat Cooper, not when he was

Cooper sat up facing him with one leg on either side of Erik’s hips.

Erik glanced down between them and couldn’t help the excitement he felt
seeing Cooper’s uniform shirt gaped open at the bottom so Erik got just a
peek at his cock.

“You said you were going to suck my cock,” he said. “Maybe you

want me to suck yours.”

Cooper ground his hard ass into Erik’s shaft, rough enough that it hurt

a little. Erik drew in a sharp breath. “Don’t worry. I’m going to get you

Erik got the message quick enough. Cooper was trying to prove

something, showing he was the tough cop. He understood that, even liked
it. He’d agreed to be handcuffed, so he had to go through with it, even if
he ground his teeth at giving up control to another man.

Cooper gave his hips one more grind and then leaned forward. He

started at Erik’s lips, kissing him until Erik was hungry for more. Then his
lover worked his way lower. He sucked at the skin at the base of Erik’s
neck. He gave a slow lick at his pecs, but when he circled Erik’s areola
rather than tease his nipple, Erik grunted his complaint. Cooper chuckled.
He continued to torment Erik, and not to be bested by any man Erik raised
his hips like a bucking bronco. Cooper had no trouble staying on. His teeth
sank into Erik’s tiny, flat nipple, and Erik cried out.

“You bastard.”
Cooper licked the abused nipple. “The way your cock is twitching I’m

not convinced you don’t like it.”

“Fuck you,” Erik spat, but the damn cop was right. Even though the

bite pinched, it got him off. He’d had one lover before that bit his nipples,
and he’d wanted it ever since. Funny enough, he felt odd asking anyone
other lover to do it. Cooper had done so on instinct, or maybe he liked it

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The cop scooted lower. He trailed kisses and nips all the way down

Erik’s body. He stuck his tongue inside Erik’s navel and then rained such
passionate caresses over his abs with his mouth that Erik felt dizzy from
the sensations. He tried holding it together, but that was impossible. He’d
always loved raunchy, wild sex, but Cooper’s touches were way more
sensual. Erik never imagined he would love it this much.

When his lover arrived at his cock, Erik was beyond patience. He

lifted his hips to Cooper’s mouth, willing him to swallow him. His dick
throbbed, he was so horny, but Cooper kept playing with him—nipping,
kissing, stroking until Erik demanded that he do it.

“Now, damn it, I’ve got to come!”
Cooper ignored his command and headed for his balls. He licked the

sac and sucked one side then the other. A quake rocked Erik from head to
foot. He dropped his head on the bed, unable to do anything but feel when
Cooper sucked one ball between his lips. He thought he would spend a
millennium craving when his lover at last pushed his hard-on into his

“Oh, hell,” Erik muttered. He’d wanted to last longer, but it was too

much, not after all Cooper had done to him. He came moments after
Cooper began drawing on his erection. Erik groaned. He made a half turn,
pushing deeper into Cooper’s mouth as he watched the cop sucking him
off. When he was done, he fell flat on his back, panting. “That was good,
oh so good. Come here. You can sit on my face if you want. I’ll lick your
ass and then suck you off.”

The cop’s eyes glittered with his interest. “You get me ready. I’m

going to get you hard again, and then I’m sitting right here.” He pointed to
Erik’s cock. “Nothing’s better than that to me.”

“Like getting it in the ass, huh?” Erik grinned. “Fine. We’ll do it your


Cooper flipped around so his back faced Erik. His ass was nice and

tight, round with hard muscle. Erik liked the fact that there wasn’t an
ounce of extra flesh on the man. Before Cooper settled over him, Erik had

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raised his cuffed hands above his head. Now, he pushed the dark shirt up
some to get a better look at what Cooper was offering. His hole was deep
pink and puckered, but Erik had a feeling this sexy man was no virgin.
Right now, he was all Erik’s, and he wouldn’t think of another man
getting his hands on what belonged to him for the night.

Erik tapped his ass. “Slide back some more. I can’t wait to taste it.”
Cooper did as he asked, and Erik stuck his tongue out. Firm, slightly

salty skin met the tip, and he moaned. He parted his lips and gave
Cooper’s ass hole a good, wet kiss. Cooper squirmed, and he smiled.
“Mm, he moaned. “Your hole is so pretty.”

The cop frowned at him, and Erik chuckled. He gave the taut cheek a

swat the best he could, and he stroked the reddening skin. His cock
twitched in response to what he was doing. He licked the hole again, and
then was lost in pleasuring Cooper. He gripped his cheeks while rimming
the entrance. Then he ran his tongue across the middle over and over.
When Cooper rose up a little, gasping, Erik moved with him, keeping at
the hungry licks. After a little while, Cooper jerked completely away,

“You’re hard,” he said in answer to Erik’s raised brow. Erik looked

down to find he was right. Man, he’d never gotten it up a second time so
fast. What was so special about this cop? Cooper stroked his dick, and
Erik’s raised his hips in rhythm to the man’s movements. “Facing or

Erik hesitated. He’d often liked a man facing away from him because

facing him had seemed more intimate. Yet, right now, he realized he’d
like to look into Cooper’s eyes while he rode him. Erik put it down to the
whole man in uniform thing which was getting him off. His sister couldn’t
have given him a better Christmas present. “Facing.”

Cooper switched to face him again, and reached over the side of the

bed to retrieve his pants. Erik watched him remove a condom and couldn’t
help commenting, “Is that state issued?”

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Cooper grinned. “Yeah.” He tore the packet open with his teeth, and

while he did, Erik examined his sexy body, his legs parted over Erik’s
hips, his cock angling away from solid abs, and balls resting on Erik’s
stomach. Cooper had a sprinkling of dark hair coating his thighs, and Erik
decided he wanted to stroke him there. The cuffs kept him from enjoying

“Take these off.”
Cooper raised his hands as if he intended to comply, but instead, he

kissed Erik’s wrists. There was that sensual thing he did, passionate and
affectionate. Erik clenched his jaw. He didn’t want to feel anything for this
man other than pure and simple lust. They could get it out of their systems
and move on.

His lover let his hands fall to his chest without taking the cuffs off, and

he began working the condom onto Erik’s erection. With him touching his
dick the way he was, Erik couldn’t make himself argue to be freed. He
closed his eyes and drew in a heavy breath. His cock was more sensitive to
every caress than he ever remembered it being. The shaft throbbed to fill
Cooper’s ass like nobody’s business.

Erik licked his lips. “Put it in, baby.”
He thought Cooper would ignore him once again, but he met Erik’s

gaze and then raised his hips. Fire raced through Erik’s loins when
Cooper’s tight ass came down on his cock tip. Erik’s jaw went slack. He
stuttered through his encouragement to the man to keep going. The
pleasure was unbelievable, and all he could think about was would it be
this good the second and third time—the fiftieth. He told himself this was
the one and only experience between them, but his body’s response said

Cooper got Erik buried to the hilt inside him, and then he began

pumping his hips. Erik couldn’t take his eyes off the man—from the way
he rested strong fingers on Erik’s abs to keep himself upright, to the way
he’d captured a small bit of his tongue between his teeth. Cooper was just

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as lost in the sensations from the look of him. He arched his back and rode
Erik’s cock to abandon.

“Mm, yeah,” Erik muttered. “Ride my dick, baby. Ride it harder.”
Cooper began to bounce faster and faster. His ass came down on

Erik’s balls and swallowed his cock until Erik was dizzy with pleasure and
pain. His thoughts jumbled. He could no longer think clearly. All he knew
was Cooper and how good it felt to be in him.

“More,” he demanded, and reached up to grab Cooper around the

waist. The cuffs restricted him, and he swore. Erik did what he could. He
raised and lowered his hips, doing his best to slam into Cooper. He fucked
him for his pleasure but also to punish the cop for making it harder for him
to maintain control. His lover seemed unmoved by his anger and
frustration. Cooper rode until Erik’s inner muscles began contracting. He
was going to come. “Damn,” he moaned.

Cooper did some odd wiggle with his hips, and Erik was gone. His

release shattered the last vestige of sanity. Erik froze in place, feeling the
come pumping into the condom. At that moment, he wished more than
anything that there was no barrier to him emptying himself inside Cooper,
but he had never in his entire life been so satisfied.

Erik lay on his back stretched out over the bed. He sighed. While he’d

never been so contented, he’d also never felt so worn out. After Cooper
moved off him and un-cuffed his hands, Erik examined his cock lying
against his stomach, and he allowed one side of his lips to curl. Cooper’s
mouth wrapped around his shaft had been everything he needed and more.
Who knew he’d be that good at it? And then to take it further by riding the
hell out of him, it beat all. Erik looked over at the man, lying still with his
dark lashes brushing his cheeks. Some foreign emotion stirred in Erik’s
chest, but with ruthless determination, he stuffed it down.

“So about that ticket…” he began, trying to get back to himself.
Cooper put a hand up to his mouth and yawned. He sat up and moved

to the side of the bed with his back to Erik. All of Erik’s mental strength

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kept him from reaching out and stroking Cooper’s back then dropping a
kiss on his shoulder. He wasn’t the cuddling type.

Cooper pulled a T-shirt over his big shoulders and lowered it around

his torso. “The ticket stands,” he said and stood to face him. “Is that why
you fucked me, to get a ticket taken care of? From the look of your car and
the quality of your clothes, I’d say you could afford that and a hundred

Erik swore. “It’s the principle of the matter.”
“Principle?” Cooper’s doubt couldn’t be clearer. “I take my job

seriously. I don’t take bribes, even if it comes in the form of a stiff cock on
a sexy lover. But how about I admit that I am extremely tempted?”

To Erik’s surprise and anger, Cooper leaned over and kissed his lips

before continuing to get dressed. He knew the signals. He’d done it a
million times before himself, gotten dressed and ready to leave after a
great night of sex. The problem was that this was Cooper’s house, so his
putting his clothes on meant Erik was dismissed. That pissed him off. He
was normally the one to dismiss a man, not the other way around.

While he dressed in silence, he fumed. He’d intended to call Cooper

again, another broken rule. Not now he wouldn’t. The guy could go fuck
himself. “It was good. Thanks,” he forced out between clenched teeth. He
started past Cooper, but the cop put a hand out to stop him. Erik told his
body to keep moving, but it wasn’t listening. He found himself letting
Cooper draw him into an embrace where their lengths aligned. The
warmth of Cooper’s body arrested his senses as strongly as it did earlier.
He didn’t turn away when Cooper kissed him. They stood quiet in each
other’s hold, breathing deeply, the touch of their lips featherlight.

“I want to see you again,” Cooper said.
Are you an idiot? Tell him no, you don’t do repeats. “How’s your

schedule next week?” he asked instead.

“Not next week.” Cooper ran his hand over Erik’s ass and pulled him

tighter. Their cocks rubbed, and Erik was already semi-hard again. Cooper

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did just what Erik had been thinking of doing to him earlier. He dropped a
kiss on Erik’s shoulder. “I want to see you tomorrow. I can shift my
schedule around, trade with someone.”

Erik should have said that was going too far. He should have said he

was too busy tomorrow and that his report would consume both his energy
and his time. “I’m going to be late. I’m on a deadline. It’s not unheard of
for me to come in after midnight sometimes.”

Cooper shrugged. “I’ll wait.”

* * * *

“So, what did you think?” Erin asked him.
Just the question made Erik clench his hand into a fist and frown. He

was glad she was on the phone, so she couldn’t see how conversation
about Cooper affected him. “It went fine,” he said in a neutral tone.
“Although I’ll admit it’s weird for my sister to set me up on a date
knowing I’m gay.”

She made a small noise of annoyance. “Brother, you forget that I knew

you were gay before you did.”

He grumbled in response.
“I have no problem with what you are. You’re the crazy one too afraid

to come out of the closet.”

“I am not in the closet!” He ran a hand over his face and took a few

quiet breaths to calm himself. “Anyway, we went to dinner. Thanks I
guess for the ‘gift’.”

“When are you seeing him again?” she asked, and he tensed.
“I’m not.”
“Hm, how about taking him ice skating at the Rockefeller Center. You

love skating, and I think I remember him saying he was looking forward to
seeing the big tree all decorated this year. His schedule around this time of
year is usually full, so I don’t think he gets much time off just to enjoy the

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She chattered on an on as if he’d never spoken. Erik had agreed with

Cooper about coming to his house that night, but when he’d gotten away
from the man’s influence, he’d thought more clearly. Getting involved
with him was a mistake, one Erik refused to make.

“Are you even going to let me get a word in, Erin?”
She laughed. “Just say you’ll see him again,” she prompted.
He hesitated. When his phone beeped with another call coming in,

relief washed over him. “Hey, I have an important call to take. I’ll catch
up with you later. ‘Bye.” He clicked over to the other call without
checking the ID to see who it was. “Hello?”

He froze. Something in hearing the man’s voice both excited him and

put him off. He was put off because of the desire that stirred in his core,
yet he couldn’t deny his heart beating faster. If it was a matter of only his
crotch tightening at the thought of being with Cooper, that wouldn’t be
such a big deal. “Uh, hi,” he responded, a casual tone he wasn’t feeling.

His secretary peeked into his office and held up a folder. Erik waved

her inside.

“I was thinking about cooking dinner tonight,” Cooper said. “A treat

since I don’t do it often. Do you like steak?”

Who the hell didn’t? “Um, about that…” he began and paused to sign

the papers before him. He knew his secretary was the nosy type. She was
one of the biggest gossips in the office, and Erik had been careful to keep
his personal life just that. The last thing he wanted was to have it spread
around that he was gay. “I don’t think I can make it.”

Cooper was silent for a few moments. “I rearranged my schedule. You

said you’d get in late, but it would be fine.”

“Don’t be a child about it. Things change,” he snapped. His gut stirred

in an unpleasant way at being mean to Cooper for no real reason. Even
Erin had mentioned the cop’s busy schedule, and Erik knew he was being
unfair. He felt bad, but he had to stop things here. Cooking dinner for
him? No, that couldn’t happen.

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When he spoke again, Cooper’s tone was calm, if a little cold. “Don’t

worry about it. Maybe I’ll talk to you some other time.”

“Hey, I—”
The line went dead. Regret so strong it choked him caught Erik in its

grips. He clenched his hand into a fist and then dropped the phone on the
desktop. A few seconds passed before he realized he wasn’t alone.

“Is that all, Beverly?” he growled.
She jumped and gathered the papers. “Yes, thanks.” He didn’t wait to

see the door close behind her but stood up and strode over to the window.
Watching the busy New Yorkers rushing to and fro on the street below
had always helped him to think through his problems, even if they were no
more than ants with him on the thirty-fourth floor.

Two cars tried cutting each other off, and he watched the drivers jump

out and approach. While he couldn’t hear anything, he was sure there were
curses thrown back and forth, and maybe a fist fight would break out. That
kind of thing wasn’t unheard of. A cop car drew up behind one of the cars,
which made him think of Cooper. He sighed and rested his forehead
against the glass. Where was he now? What was he doing, and how fast
would he find another man to take to his bed?

Erik frowned. None of that mattered to him. He’d gotten what he

wanted. From the way their call ended, Cooper got what he intended him
to get, that they would not be going any further with this relationship. Still,
why did he want to call the man back and tell him dinner was on? He
resisted the impulse. Whatever feelings he was experiencing right now
would pass after a few days. No problem.

* * * *

Three days had passed, and Erik was in a fouler mood than usual. He

stood in a department store wondering what the hell he was going to buy
Erin for Christmas. He’d never hear the end of it if he didn’t get

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something, and if he got Beverly to grab a gift, Erin would consider it too
perfect to have come from him. He’d been there and done that.

Lingerie maybe? The thought sickened him. Erin wouldn’t be

embarrassed, but he would, and she would milk it. Maybe he could go to
Macy’s and buy her perfume. His head swam as an older woman sailed by
with a bright red scarf tied so tight around her neck that she looked like
she was choking. Whatever scent she had applied was brutal in its assault
on his nostrils and head. He would not survive the perfume counter. What
else could he get her?

All around him shoppers scurried about with arms full of packages and

bags. None of the selections seemed right for Erin. He was close to
forgetting it and giving her a gift certificate like he’d done three years in a
row. Any marathon complaint from his twin might be worth saving
himself the headache.

Someone bumped him passing by, and he turned to snap an insult. The

words froze on his lips.

“Sorry, man. Didn’t mean to bump you,” the guy said. He spun back to

his buddy. “Dirk, hurry up. We’re going to miss the game.”

While they continued on along the aisle, Erik fell into step behind

them. No way on earth these two men could deny they were related to
Cooper. They looked just like him. Same eyes, same thick, dark hair. The
older one stood just over Cooper’s height. The younger was shorter and
slighter of build. Erik remembered the cop had said he had two brothers—
one a detective, the other a fireman. He strained to catch the younger
man’s name and found it was Adam. The detective was Dirk, and the
fireman was Adam.

Erik told himself he should get back to shopping for his sister’s

Christmas present, but all he could do was follow Cooper’s brothers. He
wasn’t attracted to them, not like he’d been to Cooper. He could
acknowledge they were hot men, but his interest, to his annoyance, was all
about their relationship to his former lover. The need that had almost

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consumed him over the last few days seemed to multiply with their
appearance. He wanted Cooper, and he couldn’t deny it.

Dirk and Adam left the store with Erik hot on their heels. They jogged

down the street and crossed to the other side to get to Battery Park. When
Erik entered the park behind them, the shouts of several other men caught
his attention. He looked ahead and saw that there was a crowd of them, all
dressed for physical activity. Men and women lined the sides of the fields,
and he quickly realized what the event was—the annual flag football game
between the New York policemen and firefighters.

Despite the sharp chill in the air, some of the men had stripped off

coats and sweatshirts. They stretched and jogged in place while chatting
with buddies. A few tossed crass comments to their rivals. Erik leaned
against a tree, watching. He enjoyed the view while scanning the
participants. How likely was it that all three brothers would play today?

“Coop!” someone called out.
Erik stiffened. He glanced to his left, and there, just walking up having

parked his squad car nearby was Cooper. He wore gray sweats and
grinned as he greeted his brother. The two slapped hands and shook before
pounding each other on the back. The oldest of the three squeezed
Cooper’s shoulder. Because everyone felt the need to shout, Erik had no
trouble hearing what he said.

“You still in a funk, or you ready to play, little brother?”
Cooper flipped him off, and they play fought each other. Erik

wondered about Cooper’s bad mood. Had he caused it? He didn’t think so
since they had only gone out once. Their night of passion had been great,
but there shouldn’t be any deeper emotion. Of course, tell that to his stupid
mind and body that wouldn’t let go of the memory of the cop.

Erik watched them play ball, running and shouting. A couple of

arguments broke out. When Cooper was knocked on his ass, Erik had to
stop himself jogging out to the field to plant a fist in the face of the man
who took him down. He gritted his teeth at the insults tossed around by the
players, one in particular who accused Cooper of throwing like a girl. Erik

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was a good judge of skill, and the cop had a good arm. He didn’t think it
was because he was gay. This was how they played, and nobody seemed
offended, least of all Cooper. Erik settled down when he remembered that
these were men who put their lives on the line every day. None of them
would take it too far.

He was just about to leave when the game was over, when someone

called out. He glanced over his shoulder and groaned. The shouter was
Adam, and Cooper stood right beside him staring at Erik. Fuck!

The smile that the younger man had worn all day was gone to be

replaced by a frown. He started over toward Erik. “I want to talk to you.”

Cooper grabbed his arm. “Leave it, Adam.”
“No, I’m not going to leave it. I don’t appreciate my brother being

tossed aside like garbage when you made plans with him. You know what
kind of shit cops have to deal with around the holidays? Not to mention
any other time of the year.” Adam hooked a finger in his direction. “Come
here, asshole. Let me talk to you.”

Erik frowned. He’d never backed down from a fight before, and he

wasn’t starting now. “You want to start something? You think because
you’re a firefighter, I won’t drop your ass on the ground in front of your

They rushed up to each other. Erik wasn’t dressed casually the way

they were, but it didn’t matter. The issue between him and Cooper was
between them, not this bastard who thought too much of himself because
he rode a red truck.

“I saw how you handled the ball out there, pal.” Erik sneered. “No

wonder your team lost.”

Adam’s eyes bugged. He launched a fist toward Erik’s face, but all of

a sudden Cooper stood there. He caught the fist, twisted Adam’s arm, and
shoved him a few steps away. “Cool it, damn it!” Adam spun on his heel
ready to come back again, but a look from Cooper made him pause.
“Contrary to what you think with all your hotheadedness, Adam, I can

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take care of myself. I’m your big brother. You aren’t mine. Now mind
your fucking business.”

Adam kept tossing out insults to Erik and struggling in Cooper’s hold.

Their other brother Dirk walked up and laid a heavy hand on his little
brother’s shoulder. “Cool it, Adam. Like Coop said, it’s not our business.”
He peered at Erik and then looked back at Adam. “Come on. We’re
missing out on some serious drinking.”

A cheer went up, and Erik blanched. He’d only just noticed they had a

large audience, and anyone who knew Cooper must have known that the
argument was about his lover. Erik gritted his teeth and stuffed his hands
into his pockets. The men from the game and their friends began drifting
away. Dirk’s suggestion must have worked for Adam because he stopped
struggling to get at Erik.

“Thanks,” he muttered to Dirk.
The man frowned. “Make no mistake, I did it for Cooper not you. I

would have gladly let my little brother kick your ass, but that’s not what
Cooper wants.”

The two of them walked away, and Erik was left with Cooper alone.

He tried for nonchalance, but he couldn’t stop looking at Cooper, taking in
his hard, sexy body covered in a sheen of sweat from the game. Erik
imagined him stripped down and glistening. The space in his slacks
disappeared. He was never so grateful for a long trench coat to hide his

“Sorry about that,” Cooper said. “I knew going in that you didn’t want

us to lead anywhere. My brothers tend to be overprotective because I’m
the sensitive one.” His cheeks reddened. “I guess I let my heart get the
best of me on too many occasions. To someone on the outside, it might
seem like Adam over-reacted.”

Erik waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it.”
The hunger in Cooper’s eyes was there an instant and then gone. Erik

figured he had imagined it. From what he’d seen, the man was always cool
and in control. He couldn’t see him losing it because he’d fallen in love.

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Or perhaps he hadn’t with Erik. Thinking that way depressed him, but he
was getting what he wanted, wasn’t he?

“So what are you doing here?” Cooper asked.
Erik leaned against a tree and shrugged. “Just passing by, heard the

noise, and figured I’d take a look. A coincidence.”

This time he was sure of the fleeting expression on the other man’s

face, one of disappointment. “Oh, well, I don’t get to drink with the guys.
Duty calls. I have just enough time to get a shower, and then it’s hitting
the streets. Take it easy.”

He walked away, and everything inside of Erik wanted to call him

back. He resisted. In the air around him, he felt like he could still pick up
the cop’s natural scent. Erik closed his eyes and breathed it in, the aroma
triggering a memory of their brief time together. A cruel wind swept in
and took it away, leaving him shivering against the cold. He sighed and
turned to go back to shopping. Erin would just have to deal with the same
old gift she always got.

* * * *

“I’m so glad you came,” Erin said while she hugged Erik. “John, the

kids, and I don’t get to see you enough.”

“I can’t stay long. I have a few reports to go through.”
She rolled her eyes and dragged him farther into her apartment. “You

always have reports. They can wait. This is Christmas, and you should
spend it with your family.”

As Erik strolled into the living room, he grimaced at the decorations

taking up every available spot—from the tree touching the ceiling and
crammed with homemade decorations to the ivy strung above the balcony
doors to the red and green candles in glass holders on the side tables, the
place looked like Christmas had exploded in it.

He’d never liked this holiday above all others, maybe because his

father never allowed them to decorate. He and Erin had had to sit and

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watch the man do everything. If they were given permission to hang one
ornament, it would be a miracle. The other issue was that their gifts each
year were always iffy. If their financial situation was good and the regular
bills had been paid, then they could have a couple of new toys. If not, then
they did without. Erik had always found it odd how he’d grown up to hate
the holiday, while Erin loved to make it as huge an event as possible.

“Anyone interesting coming over?” he asked his sister.
She eyed him like she could see into his soul. “Like who?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. You always have a bunch of friends at

your house.”

“That’s Christmas Eve, last night.” She pushed him into a chair and

piled wrapped boxes onto his lap. At first Erik thought they were all for
him, but then he noticed the names of her kids on the tags, all from him to
them. He ran a hand over his face. And his sister laughed. “Time for you
to do your duty, Uncle Erik.”

For the next few hours, Erik sat quietly and observed while his sister

and her family chattered and laughed as they shared a day that was special
to them. The more he watched, the lonelier he became. He rehearsed in his
head the words that would allow him to get out of there and go back to
work. Erin was stubborn and bossy, but he’d always given in to whatever
she wanted their entire lives. He just knew he would never allow the hole
in his existence to spread to her. If he couldn’t be happy, then she would.

Why can’t I be happy?
As he stood up from the table and helped gather the dinner dishes as

was the tradition for him and Erin’s husband, he couldn’t hold back what
kept dominating his thoughts. “You really didn’t invite Cooper?”

“I knew it,” she squealed. “You are into him.”
“Erin.” He gritted his teeth.
She slapped his arm. “Oh, stop being afraid to want what you want,

Erik. We’re grown. We choose what we want, and that old mean man who
raised us is long gone. So live! Go get your man if you want him.”

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Erik stared at her. If he really did go after Cooper, and he accepted

him, eventually it would all come out that he was gay. He’d taken three
years to allow his twin to tell her husband about his orientation. The
moment John found out, he’d been different with Erik. John was reserved
by nature, but they had joked together over the dishwashing at holidays,
calling it women’s work. After he learned the truth, he’d made a couple of
comments that made it clear what he thought of Erik. However, like Erik,
John loved Erin enough to want her to enjoy herself at all times. So he had
accepted Erik to some degree.

What would happen at work though? He’d seen friendships unravel in

an instant when they found out the truth. Would his supervisor or
coworkers lose confidence in his ability to beat the competition out each
year as he’d been doing all along?

He hauled plates to the kitchen and stood at the sink washing the same

dish over and over. Images of Cooper flashed before his mind’s eye—his
smile, his scent, the strength in his arms when he held Erik down, even the
feel of Erik’s cock sliding deep into Cooper’s ass. Thinking of the cop, he
wasn’t surprised when his dick hardened. One night with him hadn’t been

Decision made, he jerked his hands from the water and turned wiping

them on a hand towel. His sister was there grinning and holding out her
hand. “See how well I know you, little brother?”

He flared his nostrils. “I think you mean big brother, by a good ten

minutes.” For the first time in forever, he flashed a grin and kissed her
cheek. “What’s this?” he asked of the gift-wrapped box she handed him.

“A gift for your boyfriend. Now go get him.”
Erik felt his cheeks warm and took the offering with gratitude.

“Thanks. Wish me luck.”

“You don’t need luck.” She shoved him toward the door. “When

you’re not all grumpy and biting everyone’s head off, you’re a charmer.
Get over there and show him who he belongs with.”

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As he left, Erik got no comment from John, but he hadn’t expected

one. That was okay. Erin being in his corner was enough. He felt his
confidence bolster. He could do this. Nothing else mattered except giving
a relationship with Cooper a chance. When he jumped into his car and
turned over the engine, anticipation knotted his stomach and tightened in
his chest. He was both excited and nervous. Not knowing if Cooper was
off for the night or working, he decided to try his place first. This time
drawing up to the cop’s house, the homey feeling warmed Erik, and he
imagined Cooper welcoming him at the end of a working day. Of course
that was absurd given both of their schedules.

Erik weaved around the cars parked in the drive and rang the bell. He

heard male voices inside and someone stumbling close to the door. When
it swung open, he was face to face with Adam. The frown on the smaller
man’s face wasn’t unexpected, but his older brother elbowed him aside,
probably to keep him from punching Erik.

“What do you want?” Adam snapped anyway.
Erik squared his shoulders. He wasn’t intimidated in the least. “As if

it’s any of your business, I’m here to see Cooper.”

Both men stared at him, and then they stepped back. He moved inside.

They led him to the living room, and he sat down. Erik strained his ears to
catch his lover’s movements in another part of the house, but the TV
blared. Both brothers flanked him, and Erik shifted on the chair.

Adam reached for the box. “What’s that?”
Erik moved it out of reach. “It’s not yours is what it is.”
After he’d dealt with Adam, then Dirk started in. He laid a hand on

Erik’s thigh and scooted in closer. He was taller than Erik by several
inches, and he dipped his head close. Erik felt his warm breath on his
cheek. The man knew nothing of personal space, but then Erik figured he
was doing it on purpose. He didn’t know if Dirk was seriously attracted to
him or playing games.

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“Why don’t we have a little fun while we wait for my little brother?”

Dirk suggested. He followed up his comment by kissing Erik. Erik jerked
away, surged to his feet, and dragged the back of a hand over his mouth.

“Fuck off! Does Cooper know what kind of asshole his brother is?” he

demanded. “Where is he? Is he even here?”

Before Dirk could answer, a key sounded in the lock at the front door,

and it opened. Erik whirled to face his lover, and his heart beat kicked up
several notches. He began to pant, and a knot tightened his stomach.
Warm brown eyes met his in surprise.

“I kissed your boyfriend,” Dirk said surprising Erik and moving

around him.

The hurt Erik expected to see in his lover’s eyes didn’t materialize. He

frowned instead. “I told you to stop testing my dates, damn it, Dirk.” His
gaze swept to Adam, but the younger man shrugged his innocence. Then
Cooper turned to Erik. “What are you doing here?”

“I brought you this.” He held up the gift he was still holding as if it

was some type of protection against attack. He’d never had a brother, and
Cooper’s relationship with his both intrigued and confused him. They
were overly protective, but their actions didn’t make him rethink his
decision to pursue Cooper. Nothing was getting in the way of that.
“And…I want us to try again.”

“Wow, deep, bro,” Adam said with heavy sarcasm. “That’s all you

have to say after fucking him and dropping him like garbage?”

“Shut up, Adam,” Cooper growled.
Erik noted Cooper was in his uniform. He must have had to work, one

of the worse days to have to do so. Dark circles ringed his eyes, and he
appeared paler than the last time Erik had seen him. On impulse, Erik
shoved the gift in Adam’s hands and charged toward Cooper. He expected
someone to grab him or Cooper himself to push him off. The cop didn’t
stop him when he jerked him into his arms and sealed their hips together.
Erik flicked his chin up and crushed his mouth under his. He didn’t have

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to force Cooper’s lips apart. They did so on their own, and they kissed
each other deeply with tongues tasting and moans rising in their throats.
Erik pulled Cooper closer still, loving the hard muscle vying with his.
Cooper’s cock jutted against his thigh, and he welcomed it. His erection
strained in his pants, and he ran a hand down Cooper’s back until he
reached his tight ass.

“Baby,” he moaned against Cooper’s lips. Never in a million years

would he have done such a thing in front of others, but right now he didn’t
care about anyone but Cooper. The emotions welling inside him couldn’t
be contained. He rested his hands on either side of Cooper’s face and
raised his head to look into the man’s eyes. “I know this will sound crazy,
but… I think I love you.”

Erik felt warmth creep into his cheeks. He expected a snicker from

Cooper’s brothers, but there was no sound around them other than the fire
crackling in the fireplace and a Christmas carol playing very low. He had
no idea when the TV had been turned off. In the stillness, he shuffled from
one foot to the other. Desperation crept in as he waited for Cooper’s
response. He couldn’t read anything from the stiff expression that must be
one Cooper wore when on the job in a tough city to work in.

When Cooper still didn’t speak, Erik dropped his hands to his sides

and took a step back. He looked away. He’d leave the gift since Erin had
bought it for Cooper. He deserved it. Hell, he deserved a partner that
would care enough to pick it out himself.

“I hope you like the gift,” he said and turned toward the door.
Cooper touched his fingertips, and Erik stopped. Pleasure at the light

touch raced up his arm. The cop closed his digits around Erik’s, and they
held on in silence for a few minutes.

“I didn’t mean to love you,” Cooper said. “I told myself I was stronger

than that and I wouldn’t repeat mistakes of the past. You were clear from
the beginning that it was just about the sex and one night. I couldn’t help
asking to see you again, and when you said yes, I let it go to my head.” He
chuckled, a sort of choked off embarrassed quality to it. “I mean my heart.

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I love you, Erik. I’ve fallen for a guy quick before, but never like it
happened with you. You hit me deep and fast. Are you sure about this? I
told you, I’m not in the closet, and I won’t pretend.”

Erik swung back to face him. Now that he knew Cooper loved him—

and that was mind-boggling given how cruel he’d been—he felt free to
pull the man over to the couch and sat down. Only now did he realize his
brothers had cleared out. Erik didn’t even hear them in another part of the

Twitchy with obvious nerves, Cooper picked up the gift Erik had given

him and tore into the wrapping paper. Erik frowned at the stuffed bear, but
Cooper grinned. “Let me guess. Erin picked this out.”

Erik nodded. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better next time and get it myself.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not good at choosing them either. Funny

enough Adam is. He chooses for all of us, and Dirk and I used to get him
to shop for our parents’ gifts.”

Erik didn’t want to talk about anyone else but the two of them for a

while. He took the bear from Cooper’s hands and tossed it aside before
coaxing him onto his lap. While he watched, Cooper unbuckled his belt, a
sturdy tool for holding his gun and other paraphernalia of his position.
Erik couldn’t help himself. He rested a hand over Cooper’s crotch and
stroked a little. “Oh, baby, you’re so sexy. I want you. I need you, and no
embarrassment or fear of what people think is going to keep me from
having you. Right now, the only person who can get me away from you is

Cooper’s cock twitched under his palm, and he gave it a squeeze. His

cop moaned and laid a hand over Erik’s. “I want you too.” He ground his
ass into Erik’s groin drawing a grunt from him. Erik kissed his shoulder.

“You off the rest of the night?” he asked.
“For the next three days.”
“Then you’re not leaving my sight!”
Pleasure in Cooper’s eyes made them almost glow, but then he

frowned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t get you a gift. Let me…”

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Eden Cole


When he began to rise, Erik held him in place. “No, don’t move. I

have my gift. You. Erin gave me that one too.”

The warmth in Cooper’s cheeks made him look less the tough cop and

more the sexy man that Erik couldn’t wait to get his hands on. He reached
for Cooper’s zipper and lowered it while he kissed along the man’s neck.
Cooper’s cock swelled even more in his palm, and Erik pulled it free.
“You know how much I want to taste your dick right now?”

Cooper shrugged with a half grin. “I’m not stopping you.”
Erik slipped him off his lap and dropped to his knees. With eagerness,

he stuffed Cooper’s cock into his mouth and took a long suck. Inches slid
past his lips and deep into his mouth while he squeezed the base. He
moaned and closed his eyes as he enjoyed Cooper’s tangy flavor. The
smooth leather-like texture of his skin was addictive, and the precome had
Erik’s own cock tightening in his pants. He worked his way lower and
licked the underside of his lover’s shaft. A kiss to the sac beneath had
Cooper shivering. Erik lay a hand on his hard thigh and tasted some more.
He let go of Cooper’s dick but kept him between his lips. Each time he
swallowed the length, he stroked Cooper’s inner thighs and played with
his balls. After a while, the cop began moving his hips and raising himself
off the couch so that he could give Erik more.

“So good,” Erik murmured. “You want to come in my mouth don’t


“Fuck, yes,” Cooper moaned. “I’m close. I want it bad, Erik. Make me

come, and I will let you wear my ass hole out.”

Erik leaned back and grinned. “Oh, you’re giving me that ass either

way. I’ll take it if I have to.”

A dark brow rose. “Is that so?”
“Yeah, that’s so.”
He saw the acceptance of his challenge in Cooper’s eyes. He liked

when they vied and pitted muscle against muscle. Cooper would fight him,
and he’d have to pull out all the stops to get the better of the thickly built
man, but in the end he knew the cop would be his. Erik would have him

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NYPD Christmas

Eden Cole


down on his knees bent over, and he’d ravage that tight hole until he
couldn’t move anymore. He almost came just thinking about it, but there
would be time enough for that after he got Cooper off. He had a craving to
taste his come at the moment.

Erik leaned over Cooper and shoved his shirt up. He peppered kisses

over his hard abs and licked his way back down to his lover’s cock. The
broad shaft pulsed in his mouth, but he went after it with all the strength
he had in his sucking. Cooper cried out. He flung his head back and
gripped Erik’s shoulders. Erik didn’t slow down for a second. He sucked
hard and reached under Cooper to grab his ass. He pinched and squeezed,
laved and drew on the sensitive head. He thought he heard a whimper
from the tough officer of the law, but he didn’t look up. Cooper’s balls
began to rise and contract. Erik took him deep into his throat. He lowered
down and rose up the full length at lightning speed. The sounds of his
slurping as he ate hungrily filled the room, and then Cooper’s cry cut
across that.

Liquid filled Erik’s mouth, and he drank it down. He pulled on the

dick for more, sucking and licking away every drop. When no more came
to him, he let the spent cock ease from his mouth, but he didn’t release the
head. He teased it and nibbled the tip. A quiver shook one of Cooper’s
thighs against Erik’s cheek. Erik rested his head on his lover’s leg and let
the cock tip lean against his mouth. He breathed in Cooper’s musky scent,
a mixture of come and heated male. He loved it.

“Tell me you liked that,” he said.
Cooper’s tone when he spoke was just as low as Erik’s. He’d collapsed

against the back of the couch, and his breaths were noisy. “I loved it.”

Erik hauled himself up from the floor and lay across Cooper. He

kissed his lover, and their tongues met. “Now I’m going to fuck you silly.”
He let his hard-on brush Cooper’s dick through his slacks.

Cooper smiled. His even white teeth paired with a dimple in one cheek

stirred Erik’s heart. How had he resisted the pull all this time? Not
. Cooper put a hand on his arm, and Erik grinned at the flexed

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NYPD Christmas

Eden Cole


muscle in his bicep. His lover shoved at him, but he resisted being moved
off his lap. He sat up only enough to jostle Cooper the rest of the way out
of his pants and boxers.

“Somehow, I don’t think you’re fighting me very hard,” he said and

stood up in front of Cooper. He let him watch while he removed his own
clothes. Cooper’s dark eyes never left his cock, and he liked that. Having
his lover’s gaze on his shaft made it grow harder. The tip leaked of
precome. Erik put one leg up on the couch and grabbed for the back of
Cooper’s head. The cop resisted, but Erik forced him closer. He stuffed his
cock tip between Cooper’s lips. They both moaned as he licked away the
come. “Oh, baby, yes. No! Not too much. I’m coming in you tonight, not
in your mouth.”

Cooper gave him one more lick and sat back. The glow in his eyes

made Erik want to keep it there always. Not like he’d seen before when
he’d done just what Cooper expected, used his body and then dumped
him. The hurt expression had torn at him, but he hadn’t admitted it to

He placed a knee in the inside of Cooper’s legs and grasped him

behind the knee. Cooper caught his wrist and held on. Erik used the
greater strength in his legs to combat the power in Cooper’s hold. He
forced his lover’s leg higher. When he couldn’t get a firm grip on the other
one, he wet his fingers and found Cooper’s ass hole. He knew once he’d
pushed in there, the cop would be his. Dark lashes lowered for a second
when he penetrated the barrier and then flashed wide. Cooper’s left hand
and Erik’s right locked, fingers intertwined, as they pushed against each
other. Erik was in a better position. He used his chest to push into
Cooper’s and pinned him to the back of the couch. He found his lover’s
mouth and kissed him deeply. Cooper didn’t fight the kiss. Their tongues
intertwined. Erik couldn’t distinguish the taste of his own come from

He sat higher, so he towered over Cooper and crushed his hot mouth.

Cooper gave as much as he got, sucking at Erik’s bottom lip and running a

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NYPD Christmas

Eden Cole


moist tongue alone Erik’s throat. Erik almost forgot what his intentions
were. He was going to conquer his lawman. He pushed his fingers in
deeper into Cooper’s ass and began working them in and out. Cooper cried
out his pleasure. Before he could pull himself together, Erik replaced his
fingers with his cock. He thrust all the way in, not roughly but with
determination. The grip Cooper had on his fingers gave way.

Erik raised Cooper’s other leg so he could get better access to his hot

ass and placed his hands on the couch back. He thrust hard, loving the feel
of Cooper’s tight hole squeezing the hell out of him. Cooper rested his
heels on Erik’s thighs, and Erik pushed in deeper. They both exhaled in

When Erik found a mind-blowing rhythm to his pumping into Cooper,

some movement in the room made him glance up. His eyes widened at the
sight of Dirk standing in the doorway watching them. The man had no
shame in seeing Erik claim rights to his brother’s body. Erik waited for his
own shame to surface or embarrassment, but nothing other than pleasure
suffused his being. All he could feel right now was how amazing it was to
be inside Cooper and to know he’d have him as often as he liked.

He didn’t stop pumping his dick in Cooper’s ass, even when he

noticed Dirk’s cock grown hard and tent his pants. The older man leaned
negligently against the doorframe and ran a hand over his shaft. Desire
clouded dark eyes that matched Cooper’s. Erik glanced down at his lover,
and his heart swelled.

“I only want you,” he whispered in Cooper’s ear, and his lover’s arms

came around his waist so tight Erik winced. He didn’t push him off. He
just kept on making love to Cooper, pressing in tighter to him with his
eyes closed. Blood pulsed to his shaft, and inner muscles contracted. He
knew without looking that his balls had risen, ready for a release. Dirk
could watch them all night if he wanted. All Erik cared about was the man
he was buried inside of. “I can’t get enough of you, baby. I love you.”

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NYPD Christmas

Eden Cole


Cooper rubbed his cheek against Erik’s and planted a featherlight kiss

on his lips. “Don’t get enough. Stay. Make love to me all night. I love you
so much, Erik.”

Erik nodded because it was the only thing he could do. His release

shattered his control. He gasped and dropped his head to Cooper’s
shoulder. Come spurted from his cock, filling his lover. He panted so hard,
but he couldn’t draw in enough breath with them so close together. Still,
he didn’t move. Cooper’s arms would be where he belonged from now on,
and for the first time he could see happier holidays. Already, this was the
best Christmas he’d ever had. Someone special in his life. He’d never
thought to desire it, let alone pursue it.

When his heart rate steadied, he raised his head and ran a hand down

Cooper’s cheek. A cop for a Christmas present—who’d have thought this
man would be the one to steal his heart. Hell, he’d wondered if he had a
heart himself sometimes.

“So…” he began, sudden nerves hitting him as his dick eased out of

Cooper on its own. He cast a glance in Dirk’s direction, but the man was
gone. Erik licked his lips. “You’ll stay? I mean, I’ll stay. You want to be
with me?”

Cooper grinned and pushed at his chest a little. Erik rose and watched

his lover stroll toward the door leading to the rest of the house. He
couldn’t help staring at the tight ass, all muscle and no excess fat
anywhere. Cooper paused to look over his shoulder and held a hand out.

Relief flooded Erik, and he could almost shout for joy. “Definitely.”

The End

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About the Author

Eden Cole is the author of several erotic works including male/male

and ménage, and she has many more on the way. Please visit Risky Ink at
riskyink.blogspot.com to find out more of male/male novellas.


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Welcome Home, Cowboy Eden Cole
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