Eden Cole Reluctant Mate

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Reluctant Mate

Eden Cole

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Perfect Strangers Collection

Copyright © 2012 EDEN COLE

Cover art by Amanda Kelsey

Edited by Trinity Scott

ISBN: 978-1-936387-43-4

ISBN 10: 1-936387-43-3

All Romance eBooks, LLC

Palm Harbor, Florida 34684


This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons,

living or dead, or business establishments, events, or locales is

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or

reproduced in any manner whatsoever with out written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews.

First All Romance eBooks publication: February 2012

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Gray stepped out of the car after parking in front of

his father’s house, one of the many mansions on St.
Charles Avenue. He sighed. The summons had come two
hours ago. The order had been to be there within one, but
Gray sometimes stretched the boundaries of his father’s
tolerance. After all, it wasn’t as if he was a child. He was
twenty-eight, a man, capable of handling his own affairs.
Of course, those affairs were all family-related. The
luxury he was able to live in was because of the hard
work his father and grandfather had put into the company
business over the years. Gray wasn’t ungrateful. He just
figured he shouldn’t have to jump to attention every time
his father snapped his fingers.

He used his key to let himself into the house. All was

in silence until he walked down the hall. His father’s
voice boomed from one of the living areas as soon as he
opened the door. Gray braced himself for the coming

“Gray!” his father shouted. Scarcely five feet

separated them, and Gray refrained from frowning at the
noise level.

“Good morning, Dad,” he answered. Years ago, his

father had insisted he call him Father. Gray had almost

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choked on the sip of coffee he’d been drinking at the time.
Needless to say that idea died a swift death. “You

His father narrowed cold golden eyes at him, eyes

that matched all of his peoples’ except one, but Gray
didn’t have many dealings with his cousin. “I expected
you an hour ago, Gray. I don’t appreciate being made to

“I apologize, sir.” Gray drew in a deep breath to start

spinning a story that would drive his father more insane.
The older man waved an inpatient hand.

“Never mind why you took so long,” his father said.

“I have something very important to tell you. I’ve been
thinking it over for these past few months and spoke with
a few men I respect who have a good grasp on the future
for our people.”

Gray froze. Something told him whatever

conclusions his father and his advisors had come to
wouldn’t be good for him. Now he wished he’d stopped
by a bar and downed a few drinks before coming here. Of
course he didn’t indulge this early in the day. As much as
he enjoyed pushing his father’s buttons, he respected what
his father did, and that was to protect their reputation.

“Should I sit down for this?” he asked and then

crossed the room anyway to take a seat. His father had
dressed in a business suit that morning as he usually did,
but Gray had opted for simple slacks and a collared shirt.
He felt he looked neat without appearing stuffy, which
was what he’d classify his father as being.

“I’ve decided,” his father said, “it’s time for you to

take a mate.”

Gray raised an eyebrow. He bent one leg over the

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over and leaned back in his chair. With an arm extended
out along the couch’s back, he shrugged. “Sure.” He’d
been thinking it was time himself. After all, his
grandfather had passed three years ago, leaving his father
in charge of their business. Gray’s mother hadn’t been the
strongest woman, so she’d had only two children, Gray
and his younger brother, who wasn’t expected to mate any
time soon. That left Gray and his blue-eyed cousin to
carry on the name. Gray knew his father thought only of
him in that capacity. “I have no problem with it. See,
Dad? I can agree with you sometimes.”

His father grunted in annoyance. “I’ve also taken the

liberty of choosing your mate. We—”

“Now, hold on,” Gray interrupted. “I think I can

choose my own wife.”

“—have to think of what will be most advantageous

for our people.”

Gray frowned at being ignored, but his father

obviously didn’t give a damn.

“We have money. That’s great, but I don’t have to

remind you of how we were almost revealed just a few
years ago. The fact that there are wolf shifters in this
world is still a secret, but it won’t be for long. One day,
what we are will be revealed, and I fear that money will
mean nothing. We need political influence. We need to be
able to control the laws and get them changed to our favor
in order to survive.”

Gray couldn’t fault his way of thinking there either.

“Okay, what does that have to do with my mate?”

To his surprise, his father hesitated, something he

never did. His father was one of the most self-assured
people he knew, and he thought so much of himself, no

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one to Gray’s knowledge had ever intimidated him. “You
understand it would be best if your mate is a shifter?”

“Of course.”
“We know of several families like us. I’ve made it

my business to cultivate relationships with every one of
them we’ve learned of over the years, following after your
grandfather’s example.”

Gray gritted his teeth. “Get to the point, Dad.” He

wasn’t overly worried. All the shifters around his age who
were not married were hot. The trait was strong in his
kind whether male or female. Of course, good looks
didn’t mean they didn’t have other challenges sometimes,
such as his mother’s ill health.

“The Cain family,” his father announced. “I’ve

decided you will mate with their head to take advantage
of their strong connections with people in leadership.”

Gray sat there blinking at his father, at a loss for

words. Maybe he’d heard wrong. Cain. He knew the
name. Everyone did. They were rumored to be poor as
church mice now, but even he with his disinterest in
anything having to do with politics knew that they had
influence way beyond any of the other shifters across the
United States.

He cleared his throat. “Correct me if I’m wrong, Dad,

but the head of the Cain family is male.”

Gray surged to his feet. “Let me get this straight, sir.

You expect me to mate with a man? A man who is
rumored to be the worst gambler and drunkard in all of
New Orleans? The word is they are poor because of this
idiot, and I’m supposed to…” He cringed in disgust.
“Marry him! Are you insane?”

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His father stood up as well now that Gray was yelling

and towering over him. “You will do as I say, Gray. The
arrangements are already made. You’ll meet Lucas here
on Friday night, and—”

A low growl began in his father’s throat, that of the

wolf, and his eyes, which had been humanlike a moment
ago, brightened to a pure gold, almost glowing. Gray was
not intimidated, but he did use caution. His father might
be getting up in age, but he had years of experience
connecting with the beast within. He’d been in a fight six
months ago with a younger wolf down on the docks, a
shifter who’d thought he could come in and disrupt the
order they commanded at the company. Gray had been
prepared to take care of the idiot, but in moments his
father had pinned him at the throat with sharp, deadly
teeth. Not that he thought his father would do the same to
him, but he wasn’t a fool either. Knowing his stubborn
parent, he could wound Gray, fully expecting him to heal
by the end of the week.

“You will be here at dinner on Friday evening to

meet your mate. Dinner is at eight.”

Gray strolled to the door and wrenched it open.

Before he walked through, he looked back at his father. “I
respect you and your ways. I will agree to mating, but I
will never—not now, not ever—mate with a man.

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Chapter One

Lucas leaned against the front of his car, legs crossed

at the ankles. He considered taking out a cigarette to pass
the time, but he’d quit several months ago. That didn’t
stop the thought from coming to him. He still had half a
pack in his pocket, the same one he’d bought the last time
he had extra money. That seemed like a lifetime ago.

The man just getting out of his car dressed in a long

coat that must cost more than Lucas’s entire outfit
probably never had to think twice about whether he could
afford whatever it was he was entering the convenience
store to buy. Lucas sighed. He didn’t spite him. He never
spited anyone for what they had. He’d been there once
upon a time, and somehow he would figure out how to get
it all back.

In the distance, he caught the ding of a trolley on its

route, and from another direction, the horn blast of one of
the ferries on the bayou. He loved his city. He never
wanted to leave, but he had to think of the family. Maybe
things would work out with this crazy plan, and he’d
never have worry about that again. The idea went beyond
anything he’d ever considered, but it had come down to it.
He had no other choice.

“Hey, cher,” he called to the smartly dressed man just

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coming out of the store, “got a cig?”

The man frowned. Lucas recognized him, but from

the distance in the guy’s eyes, he knew Gray Lachin
didn’t know who he was. Lucas strolled over to him,
hands shoved into his pockets. Recognition reflected in
the golden eyes. Not from figuring out who Lucas was,
but what.

“I don’t smoke,” Gray said.
Lucas shrugged. “Neither do I.” Gray opened his

mouth to say something else, but Lucas cut him off. “You
look like something’s on your mind. Wanna talk about

“Not really,” he snapped. Then he hesitated. “It’s not

the kind of thing I’d talk to anyone about. Not anyone I
know and certainly not a stranger.”

Lucas could guess what it was, the very thing that

consumed his thoughts as well. Could he actually go
through with it? Of course he could. He had to one way or
another. He’d decided to meet Gray on his own terms
though, when his daddy wasn’t there to influence him.
Lucas had heard the rumors. The Lachin family was
rolling deep, and the older son played the part of the
rebellious heir, but in the end he did what Daddy said.
Lucas wanted to get a real feel of the man.

“Okay, if not talking, I know a way to blow off a

little steam. Down by the bayou in an area not many
people frequent.”

“You’re talking of running…in our natural form.”
Lucas smiled. “Chilly tonight.” He dug into his coat

and pulled out a bottle of Jack. He’d been saving it. “How
about this instead.”

Gray’s eyes narrowed. “How do I know you’re not

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going to get me down there, hit me over the head, and
shove me into the river?”

Lucas laughed. “For the simple reason that you know

what I am just as I know what you are. My guess is you’d
give me a run for my money. Am I right, cher?”

Gray gritted his teeth. “Sure, why not.”
Lucas took the lead in his car since he knew where he

wanted to end up. The lights and noise of the city faded as
they headed down the back roads. The trees on both sides
of the road thickened, and while his headlights cut
through the darkness, he didn’t need them to help him see.
He knew Gray didn’t either. They blended as much as any
human in New Orleans, but just like Gray had suggested,
sometimes they let go of the façade and let the beast
loose. Lucas’s family home, which he was close to losing
because of debt, had several acres where he and his
people had run free for generations. That wasn’t what this
night was about though.

At the curve in the road, he took an almost unseen

narrow path that was unpaved. Branches brushed the sides
of his car, but he wasn’t worried about it. He chuckled
imagining by now Gray was cursing him for bringing him
this way.

They soon cut their engines and shut off the lights.

Lucas stepped out of the car and slammed the door. Just
as he thought, Gray’s expression was sour.

“You did that on purpose?” he growled. “There had

to be a better way down here.”

Lucas didn’t confirm or deny. He took up the spot

he’d occupied while waiting for Gray. They were very
close to the water. Gators had been spotted down here
from time to time, but he wasn’t worried. He offered the

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bottle to Gray, but he waved his hand.

“You first.”
“Suit yourself.” Lucas took a long swig and

swallowed. The alcohol burned with satisfaction going
down. Already the night chill eased. Seeing that it was
safe, Gray took the bottle from him and took a drink of
his own. With the third or fourth round, his new friend’s
shoulders seemed less tense, and he settled beside Lucas.

“You ever have a situation where your family wants

you to do something that’s good for all of you, but you’re
the one taking the fall?” Gray asked.

Lucas took another drink dropped back on his elbows

while staring out at the water. “Yeah, I’m there right

“You consider not doing it, no matter what it


Lucas glanced over at him. So he wasn’t a complete

puppet. He had a mind of his own, but Lucas couldn’t
afford for Gray to grow a set of balls now. He needed
him, and he would convince him whatever it took.
“Family is everything. Everything. I wouldn’t consider
turning my back on them. I have little ones that depend on
me. If I am not man enough to do what’s hard, then how
can they look up to me? How can they grow up to be
strong enough to make tough choices?”

Gray swore. “The family, our people!” He was about

to throw the bottle into the water, but Lucas caught his
arm and retrieved it to sit on the ground. Gray took a few
unsteady steps away from him. Lucas wasn’t worried. The
drink’s influence didn’t last long with any of them. Most
of us.
Their metabolisms were too fast, and it would be
burned up within the hour. His uncle had tried his best to

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overcome that little inconvenience.

The golden-eyed wolf shifter turned to face him. “I’m

sick of everything being about all of us and nothing about
what I want. I guess I sound like a spoiled brat, huh?”

Lucas held up a thumb and a forefinger, and Gray

snarled at him.

“I’ve done everything he wants me to. I used to long

to leave New Orleans, maybe go to Europe and live there
a while.”

That surprised and disappointed Lucas. He couldn’t

see himself leaving.

“I stayed and worked the family business,” Gray

continued. “He wanted me to take a mate and…”

Here his dialogue fell away, and Lucas wondered if

he should enlighten the man as to who he was. “And you
don’t want a mate?”

“I don’t want the mate my father chose.” He ran a

hand through his hair, disordering the dark locks. Lucas
found himself examining the man before him. He could
acknowledge that Gray was handsome. He stood about
the same height as Lucas—six-four. His build was good,
defined muscle but slightly leaner than Lucas. Gray’s coat
when he shifted to his wolf form matched his name.
Lucas’s coat was blacker with a few spots of gray on his
belly. The urgent expression in Gray’s face when he
turned to him pulled Lucas from his thoughts. “What
would you do? Take the mate for family’s sake?”

They’d gone over this. Lucas wouldn’t say anything

Gray wanted to hear. “As I’ve said, family is everything
to me. Perhaps you’ve never had everyone depend solely
on you.”

Gray’s lips tightened. Lucas thought he would blow

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up and defend himself, but his shoulders slumped, and his
head dipped. “You’re right. My grandfather and father
have always been there. I’d be a fool not to see the
sacrifices they made in their time. But damn it, this!” His
hands waved through the night air.

Lucas had mercy on him. “I never introduced

myself.” He stuck out a hand. “I’m Lucas Cain.”

Gray stared wide-eyed. “No, you’re not.”
He shook his head. “The head of the Cain family is

an older guy, a drunkard and a gambler.”

Lucas dropped his hand seeing Gray had ignored it.

“Ah, the rumors.”

“So it’s not true?”
“Oh, it’s true,” he admitted. The disappointment in

his intended’s expression was priceless. “My uncle. He
was the head of my family up until a few months ago. His
lifestyle finally caught up with him. Now it’s all on me. I
guess in a way, it’s been on me for a few years since, like
you said, he was a drunkard and a gambler. Leave it to
Uncle Luke to find a way around our inability to stay
drunk long.”

“Oh, I get it,” Gray said, “the similarity in names.

That’s why people thought…”

“Yeah.” Lucas eyed him. “And you’re Gray Lachin,

correct? I’m your mate.”

Gray scowled. “You knew who I was all along.”
Lucas held up his hands. “Guilty. I wanted to feel

you out before Friday. I hope you don’t mind.”

“You.” Gray eyed him, and he figured the man was

sizing him up, wondering if he could bear the idea of
being mated to him. Lucas waited in silence, to his

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surprise, hoping he didn’t come up lacking. “It’s
impossible,” Gray said at last.

“I can’t kiss a man.” His fingers disappeared into his

hair once again. “I can’t kiss him, and I definitely can’t…
Oh, hell. There’s got to be another way, another family,
for Pete’s sake!”

Lucas didn’t know what came over him. He wasn’t

aware of thinking before he acted at all. He just leaned
over, since they were side-by-side, and kissed Gray on the
mouth. The firm lips were warm and not wholly
disgusting. Not disgusting at all.

The next moment, Gray’s fist impacted with his jaw,

and Lucas stumbled back. Gray swiped a hand over his
mouth. “What the fuck did you do that for?”

Lucas worked his jaw. The pain told him Gray was

pretty strong, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.
“I’ll let you have that one,” he said with a slight grin, “but
no repeats.”

Gray let loose a string of curses.
Lucas laughed. If they weren’t dealing with this

mess, he figured they could have been friends. He liked
Gray’s personality. Without the weight of their families
on their backs, they could have run together in their truer
forms, maybe even fought side-by-side.

“If you plan to wrestle against your father’s wishes,

you’d better have all your facts straight,” he told Gray.

“What does that mean?”
Lucas settled into the spot he’d occupied before the

slug to his jaw. He drew in a deep breath of the evening
air and tilted his head back a little, eyes closed. “To
convince him you can’t possibly mate with a man, don’t

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you think you should at least try?”

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Chapter Two

“Kiss you?” Gray couldn’t keep from stumbling over

the words let alone think about following through with
them. He had an impulse to drive his fist into Lucas’s
mouth a second time for suggesting such a thing, but he
kind of liked the guy. Not like that, damn it! Lucas was
trying, and he had to give him credit, but did it all come
too easily for him? Was he gay? “Are you—”

“Gay? No.” Lucas shrugged. “In this situation I wish

I was. Never thought I’d ever say that.”

“Then why are you so comfortable with the idea?”
Cher, I’m not comfortable. Trust me. The thought

of, uh, kissing you doesn’t sit well. However, I thought
about this, and I’ve decided I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ve
never backed down from a challenge.”

“You’re insinuating I would?” Gray clutched his

hands into fists. He realized he was letting his temper get
the best of him, but he felt the ground slipping out from
under him. Then again, maybe he should do what Lucas
suggested. He was right that Gray couldn’t go back to his
father with a fight and not have a good argument.
Everyone knew two people couldn’t just decide to mate.
There had to be a connection that bound them together. If
he could prove to the stubborn old man that it was

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impossible, then he and the others could go try to push
this on someone else. “Fine. I’ll give it a try.”

“Okay, but don’t hit me again because I will slug you

back,” Lucas warned.

Gray didn’t doubt it. Lucas was built bigger than he

was, and his hands he’d noticed when the man gestured,
were massive. “Fine. So, what do you want to do?”

Lucas turned to face him. “Kiss. We can start there

and see how it goes.”

Gray swallowed. He ran his moist palms down his

pants legs and glanced around. Lucas chuckled, annoying

“There’s nobody out here.”
“I know that,” Gray snapped. He reached out to tug

Lucas close, but the man’s hand came up and caught his
just as he wrapped his fingers around his shirt front. They
had a brief battle of wills with their eyes until Gray
released him. His heart rate had increased, and he was
glad to note Lucas wasn’t as calm as he pretended. He’d
never be able to cover his racing pulse, and the raspy
breath was a dead giveaway. Gray could hear his heart
like a drum beat. They took a few tentative steps closer to
each other. “Don’t touch me.”

“Likewise,” Lucas said.
“I mean other than our lips.” Whatever else he’d

thought to say was cut off the minute their mouths came

At first it was tight and closed, but then Lucas parted

his lips. Gray wouldn’t be outdone, so he opened his
mouth as well. Some instinct made them tilt their heads,
and the kiss deepened just a little. Despite the position, it
didn’t feel right. Gray drew back.

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“What is it?” Lucas asked.
Gray frowned.
“Was it gross?”
“No. No, of course not.” What the hell was he

thinking rushing to reassure the man? Of course it was
gross. Wasn’t it? “Something’s not right.”

Lucas’s gaze veered to the left as if he considered it,

and then he snapped his fingers. “We weren’t moving.
You remember kissing women, right? We sort of move,
kind of go with it.”

Gray gritted his teeth. “Fine. Let’s go again.”
Their lips touched, and this time Gray parted his first.

Lucas followed his lead but not for long. He began
moving, sucking, drawing back enough to make the
smacking sound before going in to kiss again. Gray kissed
him harder. He opened his mouth a little more and pushed
his tongue out. The second the tip touched Lucas’s, he
growled and wrenched away.

“I think we were doing it right this time,” Lucas said.
“Shut up!”
Gray paced away. He tugged at his hair, muttering to

himself. At the end of Lucas’s car, he stopped and looked
down. Horror washed over him, causing goose bumps to
pop out on his skin. His cock was hard. No, no, no!

“Hey, what are you doing?” Lucas called from

somewhere behind him.

“Nothing!” His voice was deeper than usual. The

beast felt his insecurity and wanted to take dominance. He
didn’t need to change. Gray squatted, leaning his arms on
his thighs as he continued to think about the situation he
was in.

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He could stop here and tell his father, he couldn’t do

it, but what if he demanded a demonstration, like a kiss
just as they shared just now. There was no way he could
deny anything if his cock got hard. Fuck! Had Lucas’s
grown too? He dared not ask. Maybe it was just the act.
His body didn’t know the difference. No, if he took that
approach, then it would mean he shouldn’t have a
problem going further.

He glanced over his shoulder. Lucas had taken up his

position leaning on the front of the car, arms crossed like
he did this sort of thing every day. First impressions
didn’t reveal him to be the softer type, so Gray had to
figure he was good at hiding what he felt. Fine. Gray had
every intention of getting Lucas hard. Then they could
both suffer the humiliation.

He stood up and walked back over to stand in front of

Lucas. “Come on. Let’s try it again.”

Lucas nodded.
Gray laid light hands on Lucas’s hips and waited for

the man to shove him off, but he didn’t. He moved closer.
Their bodies weren’t exactly touching, but Gray picked
up on the other man’s heat. His temperature had risen.
Gray waited until their lips met before he closed the last
inch of space between them. His crotch touched Lucas’s.
He expected bile to rise in his throat, but when it didn’t,
he deepened the kiss and pressed tighter. Lucas’s hands
came around his waist, and the tips of their tongues met
once again.

The night seemed to grow quieter with not even the

nocturnal creatures stirring. The only sound reaching
Gray’s ears was the noise of him kissing another man. He
had allowed his tongue to curl with Lucas’s, and they’d

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both opened their mouths wide enough to fully taste each
other. He felt ashamed of the fact that there was the tiniest
spark of pleasure to what he was doing, and he pushed
those thoughts away. His enjoyment, he decided, was in
feeling the confirmation of Lucas’s body. There was no
mistaking the big, hard cock pressed into his.

Lucas must have finally noticed because he broke

away, looked down, and jetted away the same as Gray had
done. However, Lucas wrenched his car door open and
hopped inside, slamming the door behind him. His
forehead went down on the steering wheel, and his
knuckles were white where he gripped it.

Gray took his time walking around to the side of the

car. He wrapped on the glass. “What are you doing?”

“Shut up,” Lucas spat.
“You change your mind?”
“I haven’t changed anything.” Still, Lucas didn’t look


Gray walked around the other side and folded into the

passenger seat. They sat in silence for a while. “We could
fake it, tell everybody we had sex and just leave it at that.
Maybe we could even arrange to go out of town or
something, every now and then, and pick up women

Lucas’s head came up. The interest was obvious, but

then his countenance fell. “Won’t work. They’d sense it.
Hell, they’d smell that we haven’t had each other.”

“Damn.” Gray punched the dash.
Lucas ran a hand over his face. “How about this? We

do it. Once. Fast. That gives us each other’s scent and
makes it real. I’ll take you, and—”

“Hold it.” Gray snarled. “What do you mean you’ll

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take me? How about I take you?”

“No fucking way,” Lucas growled.
They argued back and forth for a few minutes,

neither wanting to accept the fate of being the receiver.
Gray had no doubt it would hurt like hell, and letting
another man do that, well, no way. Lucas could forget it.

“Ugh! This is getting us nowhere,” Lucas interjected.

“Okay, how about this. We do each other, and we can flip
for who gets it first.”

Gray couldn’t help finding that funny. “Flip? Seems

impersonal, doesn’t it?”

“We’re not exactly a couple here.”
“Yeah.” He shook his head. “Okay, fine. I have a

coin. Call it.”

Gray tossed the coin and caught it on his wrist,

covering it. He took a deep breath and pulled his hand
away. They were both silent for a few seconds. Lucas
tapped a thumb on the steering wheel, staring straight

“We doing it here?” Gray asked at last.
“No, I still have my family’s apartment. I planned to

let it go at the end of the month. We can go there and be
more comfortable.” He glanced over at Gray. “Are you
sure? You’re going to let me take you first, right?”

Gray sighed. “Yeah, I lost after all. No choice.”

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Chapter Three

Gray stood just inside the entry to the apartment. The

place was nice, semi-spacious. Some pieces of the
furniture appeared to be quality made, maybe expensive,
but others were obviously cheap. He guessed Lucas or his
uncle had sold some to cover expenses. Across the living
room, a gap in the curtains revealed a wrought iron
balcony, which was typical of apartments in the area. The
location was decent, The French Quarter.

His partner locked the door behind him and walked

past to the dining room table. Gray’s stomach stirred with
his nerves as Lucas removed the contents of the bag he
carried. They had discussed that too—who would go into
the store to buy lubricant. Just thinking it had launched
them into silence at first. Then Lucas figured since he’d
won the toss up, it was only fair that he take the hit on the
buy. Gray resisted asking how it had gone. The redness in
the man’s cheeks was testament enough when he came
out of the store.

“Uh,” Gray said, feeling awkward. “Mind if I take a


Lucas pointed his chin toward the hall. “That way, on

the right.”

Gray found the bathroom easily enough. He stripped

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down and couldn’t help checking his body out in the
mirror. Running in his wolf form kept him in shape. His
muscles were firm, his skin taut. He didn’t think Lucas
would have any complaints. Then he cursed himself for
thinking that. This was no romantic rendezvous. They
were there to prove what a mistake attempting to mate
would be. That’s all. He didn’t give a crap if Lucas liked
his body or not.

When he was done, he stepped out into the bedroom,

naked. Lucas was there, and for some reason it irritated
him that the man averted his eyes from Gray’s form. He
passed him by and disappeared in the bathroom for his
own shower. Gray didn’t know what to do, so he sat on
the bed. A full size, he guessed both his and Lucas’s feet
would hang over the bottom. He would have put in a king

The bathroom door opened, and Gray glanced up. He

couldn’t help where his gaze went, which was straight to
Lucas’s cock. “What the fuck! Are you hard?”

Lucas frowned. “You’re complaining? We’re here for

sex aren’t we?”

Gray surged to his feet and paced. He scratched the

back of his head. At last he turned back to Lucas. “You
grow out to what eight inches?”

“Nine.” To Gray’s disgust, Lucas looked proud about

it. “I’m not all the way there yet. Getting naked tends to
get it excited. I have a big appetite.”

Gray ground his teeth. “You’re not the one getting

the cock in your ass.”

“Not first anyway. I’ll take it slow.”
For a moment, Gray thought about snatching up his

clothes and hightailing it out of there. He’d never once

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thought of being with another man. Okay, once he’d
wondered, but that was all it was. Wondering. Everybody
did when they were young and curious, didn’t they? He’d
never considered acting on it, and this was…could he
even do it?

Lucas approached him. “Listen, I don’t want you to

feel like you were manipulated into this. I know why I’m
doing this and why I won’t back down no matter what it
means to me, but you’re different.”

“Yeah.” Gray fidgeted. They were standing bare as

the day they were born, too close. Could he change his
mind and tell his father to go fuck himself? Better yet, the
old man could mate with Lucas. His mother had died
giving birth to his younger brother.

No, he knew it wouldn’t work. Their people mated

for life when they were able to make that connection, and
even the death of one couldn’t destroy the bond. The
other just waited to pass on into the next life where their
mate waited. He sighed.

“There’s no guarantee our secret will be revealed

today or tomorrow, possibly not in the next hundred

“That’s true.”
He saw disappointment in Lucas’s eyes and

speculated once again about just how extensive his debts
were. They could all get jobs, surely. He ran a hand over
his face. “My father will never leave me alone until I
prove to him this can’t work.”

“Then prove it to him.” He reached out and laid a

hand on Gray’s hip. Gray flinched.

“We could do a little more kissing, so we can warm

up,” he suggested. Lucas agreed.

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They headed over to the bed and sat side by side.

Lucas leaned in close to him, and their lips met. Right
away, they started in with tongues, and Gray relaxed a
little. They’d done enough of this down by the bayou for
him not to feel too weird. He tilted his head to the side,
and Lucas put a hand up to his shoulder. Gentle pressure
made him lay back, and Lucas bent over him. As soon as
the other man’s chest touched his, Gray went stiff again.
Lucas pulled away. His cheeks were flaming red, and
Gray knew his own were as well.

“We can keep trying,” Gray muttered.
He climbed higher on the bed, and Lucas followed.

This time, they fumbled trying to hug. Lucas stuck him in
the eye, and Gray thumped him in the arm in retaliation.
They glowered at each other and then laughed a little.

They kissed again, and when Lucas moved over

Gray, he forced himself to relax. He noticed how tight
Lucas’s nipples were, how hard his chest felt. Their abs
aligned, and Gray spread his legs just a little to allow
Lucas to settle between them. His fingers spasmed on
Lucas’s arms when their cocks touched. He was hard. The
fact embarrassed him, but he knew Lucas had grown
harder as well. Just knowing it was sex did it. That’s all,
he reminded himself.

His lover’s hands skimmed over his sides to his hips,

and Gray covered them with his and broke their kiss.
“What are you doing?”

“Uh, caressing you. It helps to get you excited.”
Lucas had leaned up to talk to him, and Gray spotted

his nipples, rigid just as he’d felt. They were tiny and flat
like his, the areolas dark. He hesitated and then ran his

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tongue over one small peak. Lucas sucked in a sharp
breath, but he didn’t complain. Gray pinched the other
between a thumb and forefinger while he continued to
lick the other nipple.

Taking that first step on his own relaxed him a little

more, so when Lucas raised his hips off of Gray and
stroked his cock, Gray didn’t jump. His shaft tightened
though, and he acknowledged to himself that it felt good.
Why wouldn’t it? He palmed himself pretty often when a
woman wasn’t available.

Gray watched Lucas pumping his cock with his hand,

going from the base to the tip and down again. His lips
parted, and his breathing became heavier. He closed his
eyes a second, enjoying it, and then forced them open.
No, this was supposed to be a failure. He had to focus. A
groan rose to his lips, and he frowned and bit it off. He
wasn’t letting Lucas get the best of him.

Gray pushed at Lucas’s hip so he could lean up a

little more, and he reached around his partner’s arm to get
to Lucas’s cock. Damn, it was thick, bigger and longer
than Gray’s cock. He should feel envious, but all he could
think about was Lucas tearing up his ass with this
monster. He worked it and tightened his hold every time
he came up to the sensitive head. Lucas moaned, and
Gray smiled. His satisfaction was short-lived because
Lucas returned to his mouth so they could kiss. They lay
flat on the bed, stroking each other’s cock and exploring
each other’s mouths. When Lucas raised his head once
again, Gray told himself he wasn’t disappointed.

“Are you ready for me to work back there?” Lucas


Gray stiffened. “Yeah, I guess.” He didn’t know what

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to do being used to taking the lead with a woman. He
couldn’t seem to wrap his head around assuming that role.

“Turn over, and get on your knees,” Lucas told him.
“I don’t need you to tell me what to do,” he snapped

back, just because he didn’t appreciate Lucas acting like
he was some kind of Alpha. Then again, he supposed he
was given that he was the head of his family. The recall
pissed Gray off. He rolled to his stomach anyway and
rose to his knees. A chill raced over his skin. He dipped
his head and shut his eyes, then swore when Lucas’s
lubed up finger touched his hole.

“Sorry, did it hurt?”
Gray flared his nostrils. He bunched the covers in his

fingers. “No.”

Not a big deal, not a big deal, he chanted in silence.

Lucas’s finger pierced his anus and went in deep. He
gasped, but it didn’t hurt too bad. More tight and
surprising than anything else. He looked over his shoulder
at Lucas’s face, expecting disgust and found wonder
instead. The more he played with Gray’s ass, the more he
seemed to get into it. Gray hesitated and then pushed back
on Lucas’s finger. His ass muscles eased a little, and a
sensation he didn’t want to identify surged through him.

Lucas added another finger, and then another. “Does

it hurt too much?”

“N-No.” Gray breathed deep. He ducked his head and

closed his eyes. He didn’t want his partner to see him
struggle not to make any sounds.

“I think maybe you’re ready,” Lucas told him. When

Gray grew tense, Lucas rubbed his ass cheek. “Take it
easy. I’ll go really slow.”

“If you don’t have a condom, I have one…” he

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Lucas raised an eyebrow and grinned. “I have

plenty.” He held up the evidence, which Gray hadn’t seen
him bring over to the bed. Maybe he kept it in the side
table. Just how many women had he brought here?

The first invasion of Lucas’s cock into his ass took

his breath away. He swore, and so did Lucas, but he
didn’t think it was for the same reason.

“Fuck, cher, you’re so tight,” Lucas said. “Wait,

wait, don’t move.”

Gray couldn’t have if he wanted to. His ass burned a

little and felt so full. He wasn’t sure if he could take it.
He’d been here so many times on the other end because
he loved sex as much as he suspected Lucas did. All of
them were the same. The beast had an insatiable appetite
for it. Right now, Lucas must be struggling not to come
too soon.

Gray glanced down between his legs. His cock was

still rigid from when Lucas had handled it. He didn’t
think he’d ever been so hard. Perhaps it was because it
was a new experience.

After some time, Lucas began to move in and out of

him, taking his time. Gray still felt too full. He wondered
if he arched a little more if it would give him relief. He
tried it, pushing his ass a little higher for a better angle.
Lucas moaned. He’d come to rest his hands on Gray’s
lower back, and he got into a smooth rhythm. Gray
matched his thrusts, and their bodies slapped together.

“I have to…I have to admit…” Lucas’s voice trailed

off. Gray recognized the deeper tone as it happened to
him time and again when he’d gotten too into sex. His
beast rose to the surface, hard to control. A growl erupted

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from Lucas’s throat. In the next instant, he sprawled over
Gray’s back. His claws dug into Gray’s flesh, and Gray
winced. Lucas’s thrusts became more incessant. He
slammed into Gray over and over. The cry of satisfaction
rattled the windows.

When Lucas rolled away, spent, Gray wasn’t sure

what to think. Had he done things wrong? Was this how
women felt? Like it was incomplete? He sat up on the
side of the bed watching his lover, angry with him. He
should be happy. Sure he was sexually unsatisfied, but
more importantly, he was not mated to Lucas in any way.

After some time, Lucas opened his eyes and seemed

to pick up on Gray’s mood right away. “Sorry.”

“Well, I guess I proved my point,” Gray snapped. He

went to stand, but Lucas dropped a heavy hand on his

“It’s not over.”

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Chapter Four

At some point in the middle of having sex with Gray,

Lucas had stopped being embarrassed. He found no
reason to pretend that he didn’t like coming just now.
What man didn’t love to come? Gray’s ass had been super
tight, tighter than any woman he’d ever been with. His
muscles had squeezed the hell out of Lucas’s cock, and he
couldn’t have held back if he tried.

That, along with the feel of his skin brushing Gray’s,

had been different. Gray’s body was hard and strong.
Lucas enjoyed taking care of himself physically, and he
could admire a man who was cut like Gray. So he’d
gotten carried away. He’d enjoyed it. Wasn’t that the
point? He was serious about making Gray his mate, and
the fact that he hadn’t vomited on the man was a plus.

The moment it as over, he knew he’d messed up

though. Gray looked disappointed, but Lucas had a
feeling it wasn’t about his dislike of what they’d done but
that he hadn’t come. Lucas wouldn’t let it go there. No
partner had ever left his bed unsatisfied, and just because
this time it was a man made no difference.

He pulled Gray back onto the bed and kissed him.

They were getting the hang of that, and Lucas didn’t mind
it at all. He positioned himself in front of Gray with his

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back to him while they continued to kiss. He knew by
Gray’s scent and the sound of his heart beat that he was
getting into it. When his lover wanted to kiss down his
neck and stroke his chest, Lucas let him. He rested his
head on Gray’s shoulder and then winced when he got the
payback he should have expected. He’d let his beast
control him a little too much, and he’d grown out his
claws, digging them into Gray’s back. Gray bit him on the
shoulder. In fights past, Lucas had felt the bite of a wolf
and knew it well. Gray had allowed himself to change just
enough so he could bite Lucas. Lucas welcomed it.

While Gray kept a firm hold on his shoulder with his

teeth, he pumped Lucas’s cock. Lucas moaned. The sound
of the deep, throaty growl in his ear only heightened his
desire. His shaft grew, but this was about Gray’s pleasure
now. Lucas arched his back as he’d seen Gray do and
pushed his ass into the other man’s crotch. Gray’s cock
slid between his cheeks, but it didn’t penetrate.

Gray leaned up a little and teased Lucas’s hole,

rimming it with the tip of his cock. “Guess it’s not big
enough for you,” he quipped.

Lucas sucked his teeth. “Cher, your cock is every bit

of seven-and-a-half inches. I think it’s more than

They kissed. Lucas circled Gray’s mouth with his

tongue. The coppery taste of blood tinged his palette. That
too was familiar. Lucas took Gray’s hands and ran them
up his thighs. His lover squeezed him there, just short of
touching his cock, and he moaned. He broke their kiss to
grab the lube and handed it to Gray. The golden eyes
darkened, and they stared into each other’s eyes before
Gray bent to the task of coating Lucas’s anus.

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When another condom was in place and Lucas’s ass

was prepped with Gray’s fingers, Lucas waited to be
taken. Doubts assailed him. He opened his mouth to tell
Gray to stop, but his cock slid home.

“Hell!” Lucas shouted. Not because it hurt bad, but

because it was so unexpected. Without thinking, he
scooted up the bed, and they lost the connection between
their bodies. Gray came after him and shoved a hand to
his back. Lucas thumped the headboard, hands flat on the
wall. Gray thrust his cock inside Lucas again. Lucas
grabbed for his thigh to push him off. Gray held on and
thumped in and out of Lucas at a blinding speed. The
sounds of their bodies coming together filled Lucas’s
ears. His mind screamed that this shouldn’t be, but Gray
kept coming at him. When Lucas rose up higher on his
knees, Gray rose with him. They faced the wall, Gray’s
hands over his, their forms molded together. Lucas turned
away, but Gray found his mouth anyway and thrust his
tongue between Lucas’s lips.

“Mm,” Gray mumbled against his lips. They kissed

roughly and fucked harder. Gray seemed to be determined
to outdo what Lucas had done, and Lucas couldn’t deny
he was succeeding.

Somehow Lucas got out from under Gray, and when

Gray slid to the edge of the bed to come after him, Lucas
sat on his lap facing away. His lover’s hands came up to
his hips, and Lucas threaded Gray’s cock into his ass
again. Lucas bounced. Gray cried out in pleasure.

“T-That’s going to make me come,” Gray murmured.

“Oh, yes, yes. This is crazy!”

Lucas knew when he exploded because Gray shook

and moaned in ecstasy. Lucas came all the way down,

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filling himself with Gray’s dick. He grabbed hold of his
own cock and began pumping it. Very soon, thick, hot
come shot out of his shaft and ran down his hand.

* * * *

Gray paced outside the living room for a few

moments. He heard one of his father’s friends in there and
was glad of the delay. The fact that he was going to admit
to sleeping with a man was hard enough, but he knew his
father would still fight him on this, stubbornly refusing to
accept that he was wrong. Gray didn’t give a damn. The
old man would have to admit to the truth.

“Gray!” his father boomed. “Do you think I cannot

smell you there? Come in.”

He sighed and opened the door. “Dad. Sir.” He

nodded to both men in greeting. As usual, his father

“Have a seat. I wanted to talk to you about the

meeting on Friday,” his father began.

“That won’t be necessary.” Gray eyed the other man,

an elderly wolf, more set in his ways than even his father.
To think that he’d agreed to Lucas and Gray mating was
surprising. “We’ve met.”

Both his father and his father’s friend stared at him.

Gray felt his face burning and swore under his breath.

“Explain yourself,” his father insisted.
“What’s there to explain? We met, we…got to know

each other a little. You don’t need to have the dinner. This
idea is ludicrous as I’m sure you realize by now.”

“Jeddah, thank you for coming,” his father told the

elderly man. “I will see you again soon.” Anyone who
knew the head of the Lachin family knew that was a clear
dismissal. Gray watched Jeddah’s lips tighten, but he just

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nodded and said his good-byes before disappearing into
the hall. Gray didn’t expect him to try listening in. He and
his father could pick up the scent and hear the man as he
exited the house in near silence. Gray’s father turned back
to him. “What do you mean you met Lucas Cain?

Now that there was no one to overhear, Gray had no

recourse but to give his father the details—in as few
words as possible. After he’d told him about the meeting
at the convenience store and the agreement to test the
mating theory between the two of them, he allowed his
father to come to the conclusion on his own that they’d
followed through.

To his credit, the man’s cheeks reddened. “So you

were intimate?”

Gray stared toward the window although the curtains

hadn’t been opened. “Yes.”

“Yes! Everything, just like a man and a woman

would. The bottom line is we are not mated.” His father
appeared doubtful. “Come on, Dad, you can smell him on
me, I’m sure.”

“I don’t doubt you, son,” his father assured him.

“What I doubt is that you gave it your all, that you opened
your heart to him.”

“My heart!”
His father frowned. “Watch your tone.”
Gray jumped to his feet and walked over to the

window. He twitched the curtain back, and as he stood
there looking out onto the busy street, he wondered if
Lucas had anyone to break this embarrassing news to.
Now that he was head of his family, did he have advisors,

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or was that a privilege Gray’s father took because he
could afford it? He turned back to the older man. “With
all due respect, sir, me falling in love with a man is as
likely as me mating with him. So I wouldn’t put all my
hopes in it, if I were you.”

“It’s too soon to tell.”
Gray blinked. “Sir?”
His father’s eyes had glazed over, and he scratched at

his chin, obviously pondering the situation. “You need
more time. This is a new prospect. Most of us mate by
being intimate. I can imagine that the first time for you
was awkward. Am I right?”

Gray had no intention of answering that.
“The more you do it, the more relaxed you’ll be.

You’ll let your guard down.”

Gray closed his eyes and leaned his face on the

window’s cool glass. “There’s something wrong with my
father advising me about sex with a man.”

“Do you have to keep repeating that!” his father


“Why? It bothers you too?”
His father sighed. “I’ve come to terms with it. This is

the only way, Gray. You must see that. I’ve raised you to
value what we’ve built as a family, coming from nothing
to being one of the most prosperous families in New

Gray grunted.
“The dinner stands, but…” His father tapped a pen on

the sheet of paper at his elbow. “I think I will change it
some, into a gathering, invite more people. In a way, it
will be like an announcement of your engagement.”

Gray flushed. “You are not going to announce it!”

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“No, but the truth will be obvious to one and all. Like

you said, they will sense the beginnings of a connection
between the two of you. Our families will appear to be
united as I will invite Lucas to host alongside you and

Gray dropped into a chair. The man never gave up.

“Dad, you realize I can’t carry on the family name
without having kids?”

His father smiled, a subtle lift to the ends of his

mouth, which was more menacing than charming. “Why
are you worried about that since you’re convinced this
won’t work?”

“Fine. More time won’t mean a thing.” Gray decided

to approach this another way. If his father threw a party
on Friday, he’d likely invite every shifter family he knew
of, and there were bound to be available women there. All
Gray had to do was choose one for his mate. The house
had plenty of empty bedrooms. He could take her there, if
she was willing—and of course she would be willing
because of who he was. When their mating bond began,
his father would have no choice but to give up the idea of
aligning him with Lucas. With that idea in mind, Gray
discussed business with his father a while longer and then
left the house to find more interesting activities. Friday’s
party would take care of itself.

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Chapter Five

Gray decided to be late. He’d stayed out most of the

day and returned to his apartment to shower and change
when he should have been arriving at his father’s house.
The party was in full swing. His father had hired extra
staff since he kept only a cook and housekeeper to
maintain the house. Servers circulated with wine or
champagne. A long table, stretching from one end of the
room to the other, was covered with foods of all kinds.

Gray should have been scoping the room for a

potential female mate, but instead he looked for Lucas.
When he spotted him holding up a wall with a plate piled
high, his eyebrows went up. Not that the man was eating
so much. Hell, they all had healthy appetites for food,
even the women. The surprise was in the fact that Lucas
squirreled away rolls into his suit jacket.

Curious, Gray crossed the room with nods to those he

knew and avoided conversations to get to Lucas. “Hey,”
he called out when he was close enough.

Lucas’s silver eyes met his, and he smiled. Gray was

beginning to see that there was always a smile close to
Lucas’s lips. He liked that in his personality. What
annoyed him was immediately following that thought was
the memory of what those lips tasted like. He clenched his

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fist in his pocket.

“How’s it going?” Lucas said in greeting.
“What’s with the food?” Gray asked. He flicked his

gaze toward Lucas’s pocket.

Lucas didn’t blink. “What food?”
For a moment, they stared at each other saying

nothing, and then Gray let it go. Lucas could have the
entire tableful for all he cared. He took up the spot next to
Lucas and crossed his arms over his chest while he
scanned the crowd. “Any new faces? Wait, I guess yours
is new to me.”

Lucas chuckled. “Not now.”
Gray’s cheeks burned, but then he smiled. “She’s


Lucas followed his line of sight. They both took in

the five-foot-tall beauty with long, dark hair. She scarcely
came up to their chests, but she had a trim figure and big

“Nice,” Lucas said. “That’s Arabella. Good family,

strong breeders. Middle class but with a bit of influence.”

Gray smacked his arm. “That’s what her family’s

about. What about her? You been with her?”

Lucas’s easy smile graced his face, and amusement

lit up his eyes. “No, I wish. You think a young pup like
you can handle her?”

Gray grunted. “Like you can? And who are you

calling pup? How old are you?”

Lucas stood to his full height. “Thirty.”
“I’m twenty-eight, not far behind, but trust me I can

get her like that.” He snapped his fingers.

They continued to tease each other joking. In the

back of Gray’s mind, he realized he enjoyed chatting with

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Lucas, and as much as they both talked about conquering
Arabella, neither of them approached her. He knew they
weren’t afraid to. Insecurity when it came to mating
wasn’t in their nature, but laughing with Lucas seemed
more fun.

The subject of their conversation looked over from

the crowd of men surrounding her and broke off from the
group. Gray bumped Lucas’s arm as if he hadn’t noticed.
She sashayed in their direction, and he and Lucas watched
her approach, taking in the rhythm to her hips.

“Lucas.” She pouted up at him. “You didn’t come

and speak to me.”

He grinned. “I apologize. Have you met my buddy,

Gray?” He indicated Gray, and her assessing eyes flicked
to him. Gray saw the speculation. He took in the moment
it registered that they were closer than friends and tried
not to show his embarrassment. Then the beautiful little
shifter surprised him. She sidled closer and took his arm.

“Gray Lachin, right? I’ve heard of you. The bad-boy

heir, not serious about anything or anyone. I guess I see
why, huh?”

He frowned, but she continued to chatter. “Dance

with me?”

He was about to tell her the music had stopped, but it

started up again, a faster tempo than the previous song.
Gray realized this woman would make a good mate, but
he didn’t feel like pursuing her at this particular moment.
To his relief, she reached a hand out to Lucas as well.

“You too,” she said.
Lucas rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Must you

have all the men in the room yipping at your heels, Ari?”

“Of course.” She returned his smile, but Gray didn’t

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think the lightness of it was reflected in her eyes. He
didn’t know her well, but he sensed she was annoyed.
Lucas joined her and Gray on the dance floor, and she
moved as if for them, swaying her hips, raising her arms
above her head in a sensual dance. Gray scanned the area.
Every younger man in the room was focused on her. He
glanced at Lucas and saw his impatience. Lucas didn’t
like the attitude, or maybe he didn’t like her.

His lover wasn’t actually dancing. He sort of rocked

his weight from one foot to the other, hands tucked in his
pockets as if he waited for the torture to end. Lucas had
dressed in a suit, but Gray had chosen to be casual.
Somehow Lucas’s choice didn’t surprise him, and he
wondered if his did for Lucas.

Why the hell am I busy thinking about him when I

should be charming this woman into one of the

He switched his attention to Arabella in time to find

that several other men had joined them on the floor. The
ages ranged from late teens to maybe forty. Arabella
blossomed among them all. Without being arrogant, Gray
knew he was a better mate than every one of these men,
and all she’d need was a gentle push. If he made her feel
like she was the center of his universe, she’d come to him.
He stayed where he was, and when more people joined
the group, a few women not to be outdone by Arabella, he
drifted farther away from her.

Somehow, Lucas was always at his side, and his

friend thumped his arm. “I hate dancing. Want to catch
some air?”

“Yes,” Gray almost shouted.
They escaped to a side door and took to the street.

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For a while they walked in silence, and then Gray spoke.
“I hear you live in one of those old plantation houses.”

Lucas nodded. “Mm, I’m surprised your family


“My dad hates being out of the thick of things. We

have a small place up north for getting back to nature or
whatever, but I’d love to have something closer. I don’t
get to run enough as it is.”

Lucas smiled. “My property stretches for several

acres, plenty of trees, and the little ones can feel free to let
their beasts out with no consequences.”

Gray frowned. “Little ones?”
“If you don’t feel a need to get back to the party too

quickly, maybe you’d like to visit now,” Lucas suggested.
“I have to drop off something at my place.” Gray couldn’t
help wondering if it had to do with the rolls he’d stashed
in his pocket.

“Sure, why not?” he said.
They walked back the way they’d come and headed

around to St. Charles Avenue. They took Gray’s car, but
Lucas drove. Gray sat listening to the radio playing low.
He peered over at his new friend several times and
couldn’t help how his gaze lowered to Lucas’s crotch.
What was he doing here? Why hadn’t he stayed with
Arabella and invited her to become his mate? He knew
she’d picked up on the kind of relationship he had with
Lucas and suspected she was the kind of woman who’d
love the challenge of “converting” him. Yet, he hadn’t
been that interested.

Still, there was no rush. He liked Lucas as a friend.

They’d had fun together at the party. Maybe they could
hit a bar later and have a drink, pick up some human

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women for a little fun… No, this wasn’t about gaining a
new friend to hang out with. They joked, but if he’d
learned anything about Lucas in the time he’d known him,
it was that Lucas was serious about his family. He
wouldn’t mess around with Gray if Gray refused to be his
mate. The thought brought his mood down, and he tried
shaking it away.

They arrived at Lucas’s home in a decent amount of

time. Gray stepped out of the car and whistled. “Damn, all
of this is yours, huh? No wonder you have bills.”

Lucas chuckled. “Your house was no shack.”
Gray shook his head. “That’s my father’s place. I

grew up there, but I got out as soon as I turned eighteen. I
have an apartment. When I find a mate, I’m going to buy
a house.”

A look passed over Lucas’s face that Gray didn’t

catch, and he could have kicked himself. He hadn’t
wanted to let out that he was going to seriously look in
another direction for a mate.

“Come on,” Lucas said, and Gray followed him.
As soon as he opened the front door, a cacophony of

childish voices shouted his name, and what sounded like
an army came thundering down the hall. At first, Gray
wondered how they’d known unless they were watching
the drive, but then he remembered. Idiot. Five little cubs
in human form charged around the corner and threw
themselves into Lucas’s arms.

Gray stared. “These are your kids?”
Lucas burst out laughing. “Cher, your expression is

priceless. I wish I had a picture of it.”

Gray almost flipped him off before he remembered

the kids.

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“No, these are my nieces and nephews,” Lucas

explained. “All the rumors you heard about my uncle
were true.”

“Couldn’t keep it in his pants,” Gray muttered. From

their scent and their appearance, he guessed they weren’t
all from the same mother either. How many more were
out there? And Lucas had responsibility for all of them,
from the looks of it. His uncle should have been strung up
by his toes long before he died.

Lucas turned his back a little from Gray, which of

course made Gray more determined to see what he was up
to. Gray bit off an exclamation of comprehension when
Lucas pulled the rolls he’d hidden earlier from his
pockets. The kids pounced on them and ate voraciously.
A sick feeling started in the pit of Gray’s stomach.

“Do you have—” he began.
“Come on.” Lucas stood up. “We’ll have a drink in

my office. All of you pups, in bed now.” His tone had
become sharp and commanding, but Gray heard the love
in it as well. A collective whine rose from the group, but
they obeyed. An older woman Gray hadn’t noticed before
stood on the stairs leading to the second floor, and she
gestured for the kids to come with her. Another mouth to
feed, Gray realized, the nanny. Now he knew why Lucas
was so determined and why he’d do whatever it took
provide for his family.

Gray followed him down the hall and around a corner

or two. Doors lined the walls, all closed. He felt a chill as
if there were no heat on in the house, but when Lucas
opened his office door, warmth rushed out. A fire was
going in the fireplace, and a tray with a bottle of wine and
two glasses sat on a side table. Lucas’s gaze softened.

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“The oldest. He’s ten and thinks he’s a man who

needs to take care of me,” he explained. “He must have
realized I had a guest and I’d want to come in here.”

Gray scowled. “I think I’m a little jealous. I come

home to an empty apartment after work.”

Lucas dropped onto the couch next to the table, and

Gray took the chair opposite. He watched Lucas unbutton
his jacket and slip it off to lie over the back of the couch.
“You should be.”

“I guess you don’t have to worry about continuing

your line.”

Gray took the glass Lucas handed him. He took a sip

and refrained from frowning. Cheap stuff. Instead he
forced it down so as not to be rude. For some reason he
didn’t want to hurt Lucas’s feelings. The fact that he’d
hidden what he’d done with the food meant he had a lot of
pride. Gray was going to deal him a blow soon enough
when he had people deliver groceries to this house in the

“So why are you here?” Lucas asked.
Gray looked up from his glass. “Huh?”
Lucas kicked his foot lightly, and Gray kicked back.

They chuckled. Gray could see them always in
competition with each other, looking for opportunities to
outdo the other. That would be fun. Too much lately he’d
been wrapped up in work and avoiding his father and his
political crap.

“You could be back at your father’s place with the

beautiful Arabella writhing under you.”

Gray’s eyes widened. Lucas didn’t mince words. “So

could you.”

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“Yeah, I could.”
“Ass.” Gray laughed. “Truth is I had more fun with


“Yeah.” Lucas swirled the contents of his glass. He

downed it in one swallow and then reached out and
snagged Gray’s. “I know it sucks. I’m used to it.” He
finished Gray’s portion and set the glasses aside.

Gray tapped a thumb on the chair and looked around,

but he couldn’t focus on what he saw. A slight pain
started in the pit of his belly. “I haven’t convinced my
father that we can’t mate.”

Gray sprung up from his chair and moved to the

couch beside Lucas. He laid a hand on his pants front and
kissed him. Lucas didn’t pull away. Their tongues met for
a brief second. They each moaned a little and leaned back.

“We could try again,” Gray said.
Lucas put a hand up to Gray’s chest and pinched

open a few buttons on his shirt. “Yeah, we could.”

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Chapter Six

Gray lay in Lucas’s bed in a daze. They’d done it

again, and this time he was a little less awkward, just as
his father had said. If he wanted to admit the truth, he’d
say it felt good. Lucas had gotten up to go the bathroom.
This time around, it would be Gray taking Lucas. He was
a little sore, but not too bad. The door opened, and his
partner stood in the doorway. Gray felt no embarrassment
about looking him over. He took in his lover’s thighs.
They were so muscular and hard. He’d run his hands over
them while they were intimate, and his abs were sculpted
steel. Only now did Gray realize he’d always admired a
man who took care of his body. He’d noticed as long as
he could remember, and there was nothing wrong with

On up Lucas’s body, he examined him. Across his

stomach to his broad chest, his shoulders, and firm jaw,
Gray paused at his lips. They’d kissed each other with
more urgency tonight. He didn’t know why. They’d just
done it, consuming each other’s mouth, tongues lashing at
each other, delving deep. Between his legs, his cock
stirred as he remembered.

Gray forced his gaze higher to meet Lucas’s eyes.

Lucas looked back at him, and he wondered what his

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partner thought—of him and of the situation. Did he wish
things were different, that he didn’t feel like he was
backed into a corner? In reality, all Gray’s father had to
do was give Lucas a loan, and he was sure it would pull
them out of most of their debt, even buy him some time to
turn his finances around. Gray didn’t have access to that
level of funds, although he did have a generous bank
account, partially based on his cut from the company and
his salary working there. His father didn’t operate that
way though. He was all about gaining advantage.

“I was thinking,” Lucas said, interrupting his

thoughts. “We can push it to another level and test how
close we can get.”

Gray frowned. “How much further can it go? We’ve

fucked each other already.”

Lucas crossed the room. “Are you willing to try?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Lucas dropped to his knees in front of Gray, and he

sucked in a breath. The man’s mouth was way too close to
his cock, and for the return of his embarrassment, his cock
twitched. He couldn’t intend to do what Gray thought he

Lucas’s hand came up to grip Gray’s cock, and he

dipped his head. One solid lick across the head had Gray
hissing between his teeth. His lover paused as if gauging
both of their reactions to what he’d done. When Gray said
nothing, he continued. Lucas’s mouth closed over Gray’s

“Oh, hell,” Gray bit out.
Lucas didn’t stop. He sucked hard and then began to

pump his mouth up and down. Gray closed his eyes. He
tilted his head back and moaned. Now that they’d both

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moaned like crazy during their sessions, neither had to
hide it. He let go, gasping, and clawing at the sheet. No
one had gone down on him in a while. That must be why
it felt so incredible. He arched his hips and tried to resist
holding the back of Lucas’s head, but it proved to be no
use. He tangled his fingers in the curls and pushed toward
his lover’s mouth. How the hell did Lucas get so good at

“Yes, yes,” he cried out. “That feels…” He couldn’t

admit it. The words trembled on his lips. Lucas knew how
hard to suck, and he was a demon with his tongue,
swirling it around the head, licking up Gray’s precome.
Gray raised his leg and rested one heel on the side of the
bed. He looked down to watch Lucas. Just seeing it
heightened his desire to astronomical proportions. “Lucas,
damn it, you’re going to make me come.”

Lucas’s answer was a moan and make noisy slurps as

if he loved what he tasted. Gray clenched his jaw. He
couldn’t hold back.

“If you don’t stop, I’m going to come in your

mouth.” He pumped faster between Lucas’s lips, and a
shudder rocked his body when he felt the tip hit the back
of the man’s throat. “Oh, baby, stop.”

He gasped and put a fist up to his mouth. Half

expecting Lucas to raise his head and laugh at him, he
waited, but Lucas was lost in what he was doing. Gray
forgot his discomfort and put a hand on either side of
Lucas’s head. He watched himself grind between the
thick, male lips, and then he was gone. His come shot
forward, and he howled his pleasure. Lucas coughed
once, and then he began swallowing. He sucked every last
drop out and drank it all.

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The act blew Gray away. He collapsed on the bed,

breathing hard. “I can’t believe you did that. I can’t
believe a man sucked my cock.”

Lucas climbed up over him and let half his weight

come down onto Gray. They were nose to nose, and Gray
raised his head to kiss him. Their tongues intertwined for
a moment. “It was a good way to bring us closer.”

“Yeah, I admit that,” Gray said. “But you know

there’s no way I’m going to get hard again too soon. I
need some time. I’m supposed to be taking you.”

Lucas took Gray’s hand and guided it down his body

to his cock. Gray squeezed his lover’s shaft. “I’m ready
again,” Lucas told him. “If you’re not too sore…”

“I’m not.”
He should argue about it being his turn and Lucas

taking advantage of him, but he didn’t feel the need. He
kind of wanted Lucas in him again, as odd as it seemed.

Lucas rose up off of him. “Turn over and kneel on

the side of the bed.”

Gray did as he asked and looked back at Lucas

bending to kiss his ass cheek. He ran a hand down Gray’s
back and squeezed his hips before exploring his thighs. A
rough push there had Gray’s legs parted, and Lucas
skimmed fingertips up his legs to cup his balls. Gray
moaned. He let his head fall to the bed waiting. Lucas
kissed him again and began massaging his ass hole. The
soreness eased some, and when his lover lubed up his
finger and threaded a digit into his opening, he arched
into it.

Lucas laid on him while still working his finger in

and out of Gray’s ass. Their lips met in a hungry kiss.
Gray sucked his lover’s bottom lip and moaned into his

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“Ready for me?” Lucas whispered.
The condom went on quickly, and then Gray was full

once again. He couldn’t believe he’d been taken twice
tonight, but his insides gripped Lucas’s cock like a vice.
He was so tight, but it felt good. When Lucas began
pumping, he laid flat on the bed and arched his back so
his ass would be higher. Lucas grabbed his hips and
increased his pace. The low slapping sound grew louder
the faster he thrust.

Lucas pounded the hell out of him, and Gray took it

all. He braced himself on the bed and pushed back as hard
he got it. Gray had been with women both human and
shifter, and he knew this was wilder than either could
have withstood. If nothing else, he and Lucas were a good
match for how they liked their sex.

“Ah, yes, fuck, yes! Cher, your ass has been made for

my cock,” Lucas shouted. Gray smiled to himself. He
buried his face in a pillow, knowing Lucas hadn’t meant
to admit that. He was right though. Nothing compared to
the pleasure blasting through Gray’s system. Zings of
ecstasy vibrated across his rear around to his cock. He
grew harder the more Lucas pumped.

Somehow he knew when Lucas was about to come.

His rhythm grew more frenzied, and the beast surfaced
making him whine like the wolf. He wondered if Lucas
was aware that he did it. Gray kind of got off on it. He
pushed into his lover and reached back to squeeze Lucas’s
ass. Their bodies came together in one final thrust, and
Lucas emptied himself into the condom.

They were panting hard, and Gray was too tired to

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move. He uttered a sound of protest when Lucas’s arm
came around his waist and he lifted him to the bed. Lucas
threw the sheets back and removed the spent condom
before he spooned Gray’s ass. Gray sighed and accepted
it. He let his partner wrap an arm around his waist and
take hold of his cock. While their lengths were sealed
together, Lucas stroked his cock.

“You’re going to make me come again,” he

murmured lazily.

“That’s the point.”
Lucas’s deep tone surprised him. He should have

expected it. The wolf was still at the surface even after
he’d released. Gray looked back to check his eyes, but he
was too close to another orgasm. As soon as he sucked in
a sharp breath and climaxed, Lucas bit into his shoulder.
Gray cried out. He could do nothing when Lucas’s cock
eased inside his ass with no covering. They moved as one,
bodies joined and Lucas’s sharp teeth sunk into the flesh
of his shoulder.

When they were past exhaustion, they lay together

unmoving. Gray considered what happened, going over it
in his mind again and again.

“I didn’t mean…” Lucas said.
“You claimed me,” Gray finished for him. “You bit

me before, but…”

“It wasn’t the same as this time.”
“Tell me something,” Lucas asked.”
“Did it disgust you, me sucking your cock?”
“I want to do it again sometime.”

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* * * *

Gray woke up in bed alone. The feeling of pleasure,

or was it satisfaction, that rolled over him was alien—and
annoying. A single sheet covered the lower half of his
body, and he pushed it away to sit up. Somewhere in the
house, someone was cursing in anger. The bathroom to
his right was silent. That meant Lucas wasn’t in the room.
He kind of wanted to find him and see what he was up to.

Gray showered. He looked for his clothes, but they

were nowhere to be found. In their place on the chair was
a pair of faded jeans and a T-shirt. From the look of them
they would fit, if a bit loosely. Since there’d been no
underwear left out, he slipped straight into the clothes and
left the room with bare feet.

As he walked down the hall, he picked up voices

from the bottom of the stairs. At the top, he looked over
the banister to spot men coming in and going out of the
house, delivering bags and boxes. Then it hit him. He
remembered sneaking out of bed last night after they’d
finished having sex and calling his father’s secretary.
Mary was used to his father calling her at all hours, and
he paid her enough to accommodate him. Gray had asked
her to arrange for the groceries, clothes, and toys for the
kids. She’d said she’d get on it in the morning, and boy
had she ever come through.

Gray descended the stairs. As soon as he spotted

Lucas, he had to suppress a smile. His lover’s face was
red, and it wasn’t possible for his eyebrows to drop any
lower. The tight, straight line his mouth made showed his
mood. He looked up and narrowed accusing eyes on

“I didn’t bring you here to do this,” he snapped.

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Gray moved past him. He nabbed a box from a

delivery man and tore into the packing tape. Inside was a
giant teddy bear. Gray looked around at the curious stares
of the kids and settled on the little one. She appeared to be
about five. He pulled the bear free and held it out to her.
The girl squealed and pounced on the gift. Gray turned
back to Lucas.

“Your pride would deny her this?” he said.
Lucas looked like he would choke on his rage at any

second, and then his gaze flicked to the girl. She turned
wondering eyes to her uncle. “Can I have it, Lucas?”

All the anger drained from his face, and he knelt in

front of her to pat her head. “Of course, mon cher. Can
you tell Gray thank you?”

Mèsi,” she whispered shyly.
Gray smiled. He usually spoke only English, but he

understood what she said without a problem. “Pa de

The other kids tore into the packages when Lucas

gave them permission. Soon each one of them had a bitten
piece of fruit in one hand and a toy in the other while they
scrambled to see what else they’d gotten. After a while,
the nanny arrived to get them moving with putting away
the gifts, and Lucas all but dragged him into his office.

“Why did you do that?” he demanded.
Gray shrugged. “You needed it. The kids did too.”
“I can take care of them just fine. They aren’t


“I know.” Gray watched him pace. He wondered why

he should want to touch Lucas at the moment when he
wasn’t exactly sexually excited. “I’m kind of like your
mate now. I guess.” He scratched his head. “I have the

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right to provide for you and the kids.”

Lucas looked horrified and disgusted. Then he

dropped into a chair and ducked his head. Gray
considered what to say to cheer him up. He didn’t know
Lucas well enough to know what would bring him out of
a funk. He liked the guy with the easy smile, and it gave
him an unpleasant feeling seeing him down.

When Lucas met his gaze again, the strain in his eyes

was gone, and he forced a grin. “You’re right. I should
thank you.”

Gray grunted. “Damn right.”
Lucas took him by surprise standing up and coming

over to kiss him. At first Gray didn’t respond, and then he
touched lightly at Lucas’s waist. Lucas wrapped his arms
around his middle. They pressed close and tongue-kissed
for a few minutes. Lucas drew back first.

“It seems more natural to do that now.”
“We’ve done it a lot,” Gray said, not wanting to

admit to anything more.

Lucas kissed him again, and he didn’t pull away.

“Where do we go from here?”

Gray considered it. “I think maybe we could stay

together. Everyone probably figures we’re mated now
anyway after last night.”

Lucas nodded. “Yeah, especially after we

disappeared together.”

“And all but rejected Arabella.”
They chuckled.
“I don’t doubt she left with a lover,” Lucas said.
“Mm, and I don’t regret not getting involved with

her. What do you suppose she’s like when she’s in heat?”

Lucas laughed again. “You mean she wasn’t?”

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Gray joined him in joking about the woman. There it

was again, he thought, that easy camaraderie between the
two of them. Could they really make a go of it? They’d
done all that was expected of them, and no one could say
they were faking it. In public they could be like mates,
devoted to one another. In private… He moved out of
Lucas’s arms as he considered the future and took a seat.

Someone knocked on the door, and Lucas called

“Come in.”

The door opened, and there stood the ten-year-old

boy that Lucas said looked after him. He held a bottle in
his hands, and unless Gray missed his guess, it was
quality scotch, Gray’s favorite. Mary, you are amazing.

“I thought this was probably yours,” the boy said.
Lucas took the bottle. “Thanks.” He looked at Gray.

“This your doing too?”

“I’m not knocking your wine, man. Mary must have

sensed it.” He chuckled. “This is great scotch though. You
had this before?”

“Yeah, it’s good stuff.” Lucas found clean glasses

after his nephew left and poured for the two of them. He
took a sip from his drink and whistled. “Thank you

Gray raised his glass. He downed his scotch. “That’s

perfect, although I guess it’s a little early in the day.”

“You slept until one.”
Gray checked his watch and found his friend was

right. “Ah well, I had a late night.” The words reminded
him of something a former lover had said when she
missed work because she overslept at his place after
marathon sex. He shifted his shoulders and set his glass
down. “I was thinking.”

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Gray tapped the rim of his glass, not looking at

Lucas. “We don’t have to have sex at all from here on.
We can live as if we’re mated. Once in a while, we could
go out of town together and pick up women. No one has
to know, and we can continue the lifestyle we’re used to.
Sexually, I mean.”

When Lucas didn’t say anything, he looked up at

him. His friend’s face was so expressionless, he couldn’t
tell what he was thinking. Gray didn’t know why he’d
suggested it. Maybe it was the thought of not being with a
woman again, owning the choices he’d made to accept a
male mate. He didn’t mind admitting to himself that it
terrified him and made him want to do just what he’d
suggested—leave town and find a woman.

The longer Lucas took in answering him, the more he

shifted in his chair and longed to know what the guy was
thinking. “Well?” he demanded.

“We can do that,” Lucas said at last, but whether the

prospect excited him or put him off, Gray didn’t know. “I
suppose you can stay at your apartment, and I’ll stay here.
I need the space for the kids, if you don’t mind…uh…”

“Of course.” Gray frowned. All of a sudden, he felt

like he’d lost his best friend. “Living separately isn’t a
good idea though. We could keep the apartment you have
in the city, and of course this house. Sometimes I can stay
there to be closer to work, and maybe come out here on
the weekends.”

“I’ll clean and air out a room for you.”
Gray stood up and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

The idea of not sharing Lucas’s bed should not alter his
mood, but it did. He hadn’t been thinking of touching

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Lucas before, but now he was. He recalled the hard,
muscular feel to his ass while he clutched it as Lucas
drove into his. A nerve jumped in his neck as if to bring to
his mind Lucas’s wolf teeth sunk into his shoulder. Gray
reached up and touched the place, still tender, but no
doubt would be gone tomorrow. The effects of the bite
wouldn’t be. Their connection. Could they be mated?
Hell, no. That was impossible.

“Sounds great,” he said without sincerity. “My father

will get off my back. He’ll probably want a small,
traditional ceremony witnessed by our kind to seal it, and
then we’re free to do what we want. You don’t mind, do
you? It’s not going to be official according to New
Orleans laws but respected among all shifters.”

Lucas rose to his feet. “No, I don’t mind.”
He crossed the space between them, and for a

moment Gray thought he was going to reach out for him,
but he was wrong. He refused to acknowledge the
disappointment he felt. Lucas passed by so close that his
hip brushed Gray’s crotch, setting off an explosion of
need. Gray’s cock grew hard and tented his pants, but
Lucas didn’t look back or stop moving.

“You probably want to get to work,” Lucas said. “I

don’t want to keep you.” He opened the door.

Gray clenched his jaw. The bastard was throwing him

out. There was no easy friendship between them as there
had been last night. Lucas seemed distant. Had his teasing
and laughter been just a ploy to lure Gray into agreeing to
this crazy idea? Was he really like Gray’s father in
personality, driven, focused, and cared for nothing but
securing his goals?

To think that he could have been used like a woman

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pissed Gray off. He strode over to stand in front of Lucas.
They were less than a half dozen inches apart. To his
annoyance, Gray’s gaze dropped to the man’s lips, but he
forced it up again.

“So that’s it?” he said.
Lucas’s eyebrows went up. “What do you mean?”
Gray hesitated and then he snapped, “Nothing. When

do you want to go out of town? I don’t like going without
for long.”

For the first time since Gray had made his

suggestion, Lucas’s expression darkened as if in anger,
and then it cleared. “Any time you want. How about this

Gray didn’t say another word. He didn’t bother with

saying good-bye but found his shoes, put them on and
walked out. He could retrieve his clothes later. After all,
he’d be living here on the weekends. Thinking of it made
his head pound as he slid behind the wheel of his car and
pealed down the drive.

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Chapter Seven

Lucas sat in the driver’s seat of Gray’s car once

again. Every now and then, he glanced down at the gold
band on his ring finger. They had performed the
ceremony according to shifter laws. He was officially
bound to Gray, and Gray to him. Lucas still couldn’t
believe it.

Of course, there was one flaw. Their “honeymoon”

consisted of the two of them driving out of town, far
enough from anyone who would recognize them, to pick
up women. The problem with that plan was that Lucas
didn’t feel right about it. Not because of his commitment
to Gray. After all, if Gray agreed, this wasn’t a betrayal.
His feelings went in a whole other direction. He didn’t
like exploring them. Just like Gray, this situation was still
awkward for him.

He glanced over at his mate. Gray had put his seat

back and lay with an arm slung over his eyes. He’d said
he hadn’t slept well the night before, and Lucas wondered
if it was because he stayed at his house, in an unfamiliar

Lucas sighed. Between watching the road, he

examined his mate’s body. The slacks he wore hugged his
narrow hips and fit his muscular thighs well. The crotch

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area wasn’t tented, but Lucas remembered how it looked
when it was. He tightened his hands on the steering
wheel. Why couldn’t he get this man out of head? Had
what they’d done changed him somehow? He didn’t think
so, but it didn’t stop his head from replaying over and
over every touch, every kiss, even the feel of his cock
stroking deep inside Gray’s tight ass.

He grunted, annoyed and tugged at his pants. His

cock had gone hard, and he didn’t want Gray to see.
Maybe it was a good thing what they were about to do. If
Gray wasn’t feeling like he was, he’d not only look like a
fool if he tried to come onto him, he’d offend the man he
now thought of as his best friend.

No, more than my friend. He’s actually my mate.


“What’s wrong?” Gray said, peering out from under

his arm.

Lucas focused on the road. “Nothing. Why?”
Gray put his seat forward. “I’m hungry. Let’s stop.”
Lucas pulled in at the next available restaurant and

switched off the car. Gray opened his door and got out.
After watching his mate a second, Lucas got out as well.
He followed Gray into the restaurant and paused in the
entrance. The restaurant had a bar, which had every stool
taken. Surprisingly, there were booths available, so they
allowed the waitress to lead them to one. Lucas sat on one
side and Gray on the other.

Right away, Lucas felt eyes on him. He scanned the

restaurant and caught the eye of a beautiful young woman
at the bar. She smiled and raised her glass to him. From
the way she was scantily dressed, he could guess she was
on the prowl even though she was human. Her breasts

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were big, and if her blouse had been cut any lower, her
areolas would be exposed. Lucas waited for his cock to
stir, but not even a twitch. To be polite, he nodded to her.
When he turned back to Gray, he caught his mate’s frown.

“You work fast,” he snapped.
Lucas raised his eyebrows. “Isn’t that why we’re out


Gray opened his menu with a little too much energy.

“Let’s just eat first at least. I’m starved.”

Lucas shrugged. When Gray bent over the task of

selecting what he wanted to eat, Lucas examined him. His
hair was thick and dark. Lucas hadn’t touched it when
they were having sex, but he found he wanted to now.
Would it feel like his? Stupid, why wouldn’t it? He
sighed. This was going to be hard. He accepted the fact
that for whatever reason, he still wanted Gray. Never in
his life did he expect that one day he would find his mate
yet not be able to touch him. Of course, he’d never
thought it would be a man, but that didn’t matter now.
Gray was his. He knew it if Gray didn’t. Gray had sensed
what he was feeling in the car. That only happened when
shifters were bonded as one. Just as he knew what Gray
was feeling right this moment—lust.

Gray had raised his menu so Lucas couldn’t see his

face, but then he sensed someone watching from a
different direction. He glanced over to spot another
woman. This one was staring at Gray. She uncrossed her
legs to show a flash of red panties before re-crossing
them. Lucas’s heart sank. Gray must be lusting over her.

Lucas stood up. “I’m not hungry. I’m going to wait in

the car.”

“What? Lucas!” Gray called, but he didn’t stop.

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When he slammed himself inside the car, he gripped

the steering wheel and lowered his head on his hands.
What was he going to do? How could he deal with this the
rest of his life? He needed to accept it, for the kids’ sake.
He would suffer, but it wasn’t like he hadn’t done so for a
long time anyway.

A knock on the window startled him to look up. Gray

stood there frowning at him. “What the hell are you

Lucas rolled the window down. “You’re getting what

you want. What’s the big deal if I sit this one out?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Gray complained.

“Was it all a game for you? Did you pretend to be
someone you’re not just to get me to do what you want?”

Lucas narrowed his eyes at him. He thought he

sensed pain from Gray, but then it was gone. “What are
you talking about?”

“I—” Gray began.
“There you are,” a feminine voice called out.
Lucas tensed and looked over to where it came from.

The woman who’d been eying Gray stood not far from the
car, hand on her hip and offering a very seductive smile.
Lucas had been too distracted before, but now he breathed
in deep. She was a shifter but not a wolf, if he didn’t miss
his guess.

She sauntered over and leaned on the side of the car,

too close to Gray. Lucas bit off the growl that rose in his
throat. Good thing for his mood, she made no attempt to
touch Gray.

“I haven’t seen our kind around here in ages,” she

said, gaze firmly planted on Gray. “I’d love to go have
some fun in the woods back there, wouldn’t you?” Her

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Reluctant Mate


hand dropped onto Gray’s arm, and she arched her back
to push her breasts out more. Lucas gritted his teeth. She
had to sense they were mated. He wanted to tell her to
back off, but because of the agreement with Gray, he
didn’t really have the right. From the rage stirring in his
gut, the wolf didn’t agree to anything that meant another
could touch his mate. The woman danced away a few
steps and twirled to face Gray, holding her hand out.
“Want to run?”

Gray hesitated. He looked down at Lucas, but Lucas

refused to beg him to stay or show him how much this
plan bothered him. He sat with his expression schooled
into indifference.

Gray scowled at him. “You’re a cold son of a bitch,

you know that?’

Lucas opened his mouth to respond, but they were off

already, running on two legs toward the trees. The sun
was going down, so that there was scarcely any light. A
human wouldn’t have picked out the change as Gray and
the woman shifted at the edge of the trees. Lucas saw it
clearly. His lips tightened seeing her become some type of
dog. Not a wolf.

The beast in him raged to be free. Even though the

two were rapidly gaining ground away from him, he
picked up the woman’s scent. She was sexually excited.
Lucas found he could no longer hold back. Gray belonged
to him. He’d claimed him, and no man or woman had the
right to touch him. For that, she would die.

The car door slammed behind him, and Lucas hit the

woods at a full run. He shifted out of his clothes and took
on his animal form. His fur was black with a small spot of
gray and white on his stomach. He zipped between the

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trees, blending with the darkness and his head held low to
follow their scent.

By the time, he caught up with them, they’d shifted

back to their human forms. The woman stood leaning
against a tree with Gray in front of her. She pouted up at
him, and Lucas, his mind somewhat hazy in his anger,
caught her last words. “What’s wrong, baby? Can’t you
get it up for me? I’ve got all this for you.” She ran her
hands over her slender figure, and Lucas crept into the
clearing where they were, teeth bared. A growl started in
his throat that steadily grew louder.

Gray spun on his heel to face him, and his eyes

widened. He extended a hand backward to the woman but
didn’t touch her. “You’d better get out of here.”

“Why?” she whined. “We were just about to have

some fun. Tell your boring friend to go.”

“He’s not my friend,” Gray said. “Enough talk. Go!”
Lucas stalked her, drawing closer, his eyes never

leaving hers. She seemed to catch on at last to his intent—
to rip her limb from limb.

She turned to run, and Lucas leaped after her. Before

he could get far, Gray stepped in his path and caught him
before falling to his knees. Lucas barked and thrashed to
get free, but Gray’s hold tightened.

He whispered in his ear, “I was wrong. I know that


Lucas stopped struggling, but he didn’t fully get what

Gray was saying. In this form, with his wolf all but in
charge, his reasoning wasn’t the best.

Gray tangled his fingers in Lucas’s fur and spoke

again right next to his ear. “We’re mated. I belong to you

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The admission made Lucas pause, but it didn’t make

him feel better. He glanced past Gray’s shoulder and
heard the twigs snapping beneath the dog’s feet. He
whined to follow, but Lucas wasn’t letting go.

Gray shook Lucas’s head, knotting his fists in his fur.

“Lucas! Come back to me,” he commanded. Lucas
snapped at him, but Gray’s eyes only narrowed. Lucas
smelled no fear. His mate grabbed his muzzle and forced
their eyes to meet. “Come back, baby.”

Lucas allowed the change to take him. He shifted to

his human form, and together he and Gray stood. His
anger hadn’t lessened. He shoved at Gray and caused him
to stumble back, but Gray never lost his footing.

“I can smell her,” he growled. “She had no right to

see you, let alone touch you. You admit it now only
because you’re bound to me. I have every right to hunt
her down and kill her.”

He shoved past and barreled toward the trees.
“You’re right,” Gray called after him.
He stopped and waited.
Gray continued. “You do have the right to kill her.

She touched me, and even though she’s a dog, she sensed
that we’re mated and didn’t care.” Gray approached him
cautiously but still without fear. That emotion so close
would have set Lucas off all the more. He wouldn’t hurt
Gray, but nothing would have stopped him from going
after the woman. Gray laid a hand on his arm. Lucas
acknowledged the desire that tightened his groin. “I’m not
admitting I belong to you because I have to but
because…I love you, Lucas.”

Lucas drew in a sharp breath. He didn’t turn from the

tree line but stood there in silence. The hand Gray had

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laid on his arm rose to grasp him above the elbow. Gray’s
biceps bulged as he forced Lucas around to face him.
Lucas resisted with just a little less strength than his
partner. Not because he wasn’t as strong or stronger, but
because he wanted to look at Gray while he said it again.

Gray’s shoulders were full of tension. His hands

spasmed on Lucas’s arms, but then he relaxed and his
pinched expression cleared. He tilted his head back,
exposing his neck. Lucas drew in a deep breath and took
in Gray’s scent. Desire, he realized, the same intensity
Gray had displayed in the restaurant. Lucas remembered
what the woman said when he came upon them. She’d
asked Gray why he wasn’t hard. Then Lucas recalled his
own reaction to the other female back there. He’d not
gotten hard either. He was now—painfully so—and so
was Gray.

Because he’s mine.
Lucas stepped closer to Gray and nosed along his

neck. He sharpened his teeth to bite him but then
hesitated. He licked Gray instead and then put his own
head back. He waited. Gray’s teeth sank into his flesh,
and white hot pleasure ravaged Lucas’s system.

Lucas didn’t submit to Gray long. Instead, he pushed

his lover back and followed until Gray banged against a

Cher, tell me again,” he demanded.
Gray’s eyes softened, and he grinned. “I love you,

Lucas. I don’t know when it happened or for that matter
why, when we’re both men. Maybe it was meant to be all
the time. I don’t care. All I know is, I love you, and I want
us to be like a regular mated couple…if you want that.”

Lucas sagged against him until their bodies aligned.

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He felt his partner’s cock twitch, and he captured his lips
in a hungry kiss. Their tongues met and curled together,
each moaning their pleasure. Lucas drew away just
enough so he could speak without losing contact. “I love
you too, and that’s definitely what I want.” He raised his
gaze from Gray’s sexy lips to his eyes and frowned. “I
want you to share my room and come home more often
than just the weekend.”

“Every night. I promise.”
Lucas cupped his face and kissed him again. Now

that he was sure of Gray’s feelings, he wouldn’t let him
get away. No one was coming between them or taking
Gray from him. He pressed closer, for the first time,
allowing himself to enjoy the sensation of Gray’s hard
body rubbing his. He leaned back and stared down at his
lover’s cock. He didn’t have to be embarrassed that he
liked looking. Lucas dropped to his knees and took Gray’s
stiff shaft between his lips. He uttered a long, “Mmm,” at
the flavor and licked up one side and down the other.
While he sucked Gray off, he stroked his thighs and
squeezed his ass. Gray spread his legs wider and moaned.

“Ah, yes, Lucas. I love how you suck me. Deeper,

please. Swallow me.”

They were free, Lucas thought, free to love each

other and free to make each other feel good. He did as his
lover asked and took him farther into his mouth. He
relaxed his throat, and Gray’s cock slid down into it. Gray
cried out in pleasure.

“Oh, hell, man, you’re going to make me come,”

Gray rasped.

He made good with his threat when Lucas tasted the

salty spray filling his mouth. He drew back just a little to

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drink his mate’s come and sucked for more. When Gray
was empty, Lucas stood up. He pushed his tongue
between Gray’s lips and let him lick his own come off
Lucas’s tongue.

“Now you,” Gray said.
Lucas thought he was going to drop to his knees, but

to Lucas’s excitement, he turned and arched his back.
Gray’s ass rose higher in invitation. Lucas grinned. He
rubbed the round, hard ass and squeezed then threaded
between the cheeks to find his prize. Gray’s ass hole was
tight and ready but too dry. Lucas’s cock twitched in
anticipation of taking it.

He dropped back down to his knees and spread

Gray’s cheeks once again. He took one long swipe with
his tongue over the puckered entrance. Goose bumps
broke out on his lover’s thighs. Lucas drew moisture in
his mouth and licked again. He rimmed Gray’s hole and
wet it, placing pressure on it but not entering in.

Gray growled his impatience. “That feels good, baby,

but surely I’m wet enough now. I want your cock in my

Lucas gave his hole a kiss and smacked his cheek.

“You’ll get it when I’m ready to give it to you.” Gray
glared over his shoulder at him, but Lucas just stuck two
fingers into his mouth and wet them thoroughly. He
pulled them out slowly while Gray watched. He grinned.

“Yes, damn it!”
Lucas thrust his fingers inside Gray. His moan was

too human for Lucas’s taste. He wanted to drive his mate
over the edge. Lucas jumped to his feet and pulled his
hand back. He held his cock in place and drove into the

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Reluctant Mate


tiny hole. This time, Gray’s wolf howl filled the night.
His fingernails grew into claws, and he shredded the tree
he leaned on. Lucas ravaged his hole, pounding into him
at top speed. Their bodies slammed together over and
over, becoming slick with sweat.

Lucas drove all the way in and lined his body with

Gray’s. He intertwined his fingers with his partners while
he arched his hips.

“Bite me like last time,” Gray begged, his head

falling back onto Lucas’s shoulder.

Lucas didn’t hesitate. He sank his teeth into his

mate’s taut flesh. Gray howled. His come shot into Gray’s
ass, and he lay on him not moving. When he was empty,
he released the bite and licked the wound. Gray’s lips met
his in a kiss that was sweeter than any they had shared
before. Lucas tried filling the caress with all the love he
felt for Gray, and all the things he hadn’t yet said.

Gray reached back and stroked his hair. “I know,” he


Lucas’s eyes widened. He stared at Gray and noted

the happiness he saw in his expression. Gray shrugged.

“I think this mating thing with you was a great idea.

It’s going to get really interesting. But don’t tell my dad.”

Lucas chuckled. “I agree. Now come on. I want you

in my bed tonight and under me.”

Gray smirked. “I offered you my ass once, but don’t

get cocky. You owe me a few times in yours.”

Lucas took a step in the direction where they’d left

the car. “I’ll race you for it.” He shifted into his wolf form
and took off, knowing the padding of the four feet behind
him were those of his perfect mate.

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The End

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About the Author

Eden Cole is the author of several erotic works including
male/male and menage, and she has many more on the
way. Please visit Risky Ink at riskyink.blogspot.com to
find out more about her First Time Series of male/male

For more information on other books by Eden, visit the
author’s official website:


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Eden Cole


Also by This Author

Not My Wolf, Amira Press
Touch My Wolf, Amira Press
Heal My Wolf, Amira Press
Star Runner, Sugar and Spice Press
Welcome Home, Cowboy, Sugar and Spice Press
Reclaiming His Dragon, Sugar and Spice Press

Document Outline


Podobne podstrony:
Eden Cole Reluctant Mate 2
Eden Cole The Shifter s Mate
Eden Cole A Stolen Soul (pdf)
Eden Cole To Catch A Tiger
Eden Cole Protect and Serve
Eden Cole Kite and Wolf
Eden Cole What He Wants
Welcome Home, Cowboy Eden Cole
Eden Cole Alien Bond (pdf)
Eden Cole Amaka s Lover (pdf)
Eden Cole NYPD Night Shift
Eden Cole Star Runner
Eden Cole NYPD Christmas
Eden Cole Heal my Wolf
Jacks Marcy DeWitt s Pack 05 Eli s Reluctant Mate
Eden Cole Snowbound Holiday mfmm (pdf)
Eden Cole Fenrir Wolves 2 Touch My Wolf

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