Mate 1 Gunner's Mate Dawn Wilder

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Dawn Wilder

Copyright 2014 Dawn Wilder

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This book is fictional and any resemblance to persons, places, or events is coincidental.

Adult Reading Material (language, violence, sexual content). All characters are above 18 years

of age.


By Dawn Wilder

Paranormal Erotic Shorts:

Mate Me

Were My Mark

Incubus Needs

Foxy Lady

Runt of the Litter

Paranormal Erotic Shorts Collection (contains all of the shorts above)

Were It (best read after Were My Mark)

Sea Me

Fangs for Coming

Were Break (best read after Were My Mark)

Paranormal Erotic Shorts Collection, Volume 2 (contains the four above, plus Were My Mark so it

can be read before the other Were shorts)

Were Shield

Gunner’s Mate

Dawn Wilder Writing as A.R. Dawn

Paranormal Romance:

Going Lupe

In the Lupe

Let Sleeping Lupes Lie

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Paranormal Erotica:

Elena’s Warriors


Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Connect with Dawn Wilder




Chapter 1


I lifted my nose to the night air as the feel of the cool earth under my paws settled me.
Whenever I questioned whether or not I wanted to stay in this pack, a run through the pristine

land would always remind me why I was still here.

I heard the scurrying of a small furry treat nearby, but ignored it, not hungry enough to expend the

extra energy. The forest was teeming with the sounds of life.

I padded up the familiar path to the lake, thinking maybe a swim would be a good idea. The heat

of the day still lingered in the balmy night and the sight of moonlight shining off the gently waving
water was always soothing.

I moved through the dark with the silence of practice and habit and was just reaching the clearing

around the shore when the wind shifted and I realized I wasn’t alone.

I took in a larger breath, savoring the familiar, tantalizing scent. I scanned carefully in front of

me, trying to pinpoint the source.

A large gray wolf, its fur almost glowing against the dark backdrop of the lake. I watched as it

shook itself before smoothly shifting into a large, powerful man.

A very naked man.
My eyes ate up the muscled length of his back, the lines from shoulder to ass making a v that

seemed to point directly to the hard, taut muscles of that rear. Shallow dimples in his lower back
seemed to be specially placed to highlight the hard muscle of that rock-hard ass.

I lingered there before scanning down the long, powerful legs, the silky skin looking insanely


He reached up with one muscled arm to rake his fingers through dark, silky looking hair that

reached halfway down his neck, the movement making the muscles of his back and arm ripple.

He turned his head to look out at the water and a chiseled profile came into view. High brow,

straight nose, granite jaw.

After contemplating the water for a few moments, he walked over to a large rock, sitting down

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so he could see it and the trees.

I let myself stare at Gunner as I never did when I thought he might catch me.
His dark eyes were shadowed and heavy stubble covered his lean cheeks. A smooth shave never

lasted very long for him.

The strong column of his neck swept down to broad shoulders and hard pecs, the nipples

tightened into hard points. The sheer chest hair lightened as it traveled down across a ripped eight-
pack, the delineation obvious even as he sat relaxed.

I almost betrayed myself as I reached his cock.
Despite his seemingly relaxed pose, there was one part of him that obviously wasn’t relaxed at


His impressive erection stretched up to lay across his abs as he moved to lean back on his

elbows, the shadowy weight of his testicles hanging heavily below. It was long, proportional to his
size, and thick. The head was large, mushroom-shaped and glistening with excitement. I could see
the engorged veins under the smooth skin from here.

God, I’d never wished someone was gay as hard as I was wishing right now.
But I’d seen the women hanging off him, seen them almost purring when he walked by, never

mind the fact that we were wolves, not cats.

They were all salivating for the new wolf in town, and I’d caught the scent of more than a couple

of them all over him.

And who could blame them? I was doing the same thing, although I was more careful about it.
“Are you just going to stand there all night?”
My heart leaped at the deep, husky voice, just now realizing that the wind had changed direction.
I was no longer downwind.
Raising my eyes slowly to his face, I found him looking right back at me.
I could turn around and go back, but pride had me stepping forward instead. I didn’t want to look

like I was running away.

He smiled as I came closer. Stopping a few feet away, I pretended to be interested in the water

so I wouldn’t have to look at him.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. I tried to breathe shallowly, the delicious musk of his scent

getting to me even quicker this close up. The spicy scent of his arousal only intensified it.

“Maybe you could change. Kind of hard to have a conversation like this,” he said, a hint of

amusement entering his tone.

How was I supposed to hide the effect he was having on me if I changed? But it would be weird

to refuse, especially with him completely naked and on display with that impressive erection.

Mentally cringing, I bit the bullet and changed.
I drew my knee up quickly to hide my own erection, not quite as large as his, but not one that

would be missed either. Especially not against my lean runner’s build.

I let my hair fall forward a little to hide my face, glad I’d let the dark brown mass grow to

shoulder length.

“Why are you doing that?”
“Doing what?” I asked, confused.
“Hiding that pretty cock.”
I whipped my head around to look at him, shocked.

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He grinned at me, his lean cheeks creasing.
“I mean, don’t you think it’s rude. I’m all out in the open here. You’re going to make me shy.”
There was nothing shy about that grin or the way he was reclining completely relaxed like that.

And there was a hint of something else in his eyes, a little dark, a little predatory.

Did he…want to see it?
I licked my lips and carefully lowered my knee.
His eyes dropped down right away. I felt another surge of excitement as he looked at me. His

cheeks were flushed and his eyes glittered when they finally met mine after a leisurely path back up
my body.

I bit my lip as he sat up and gripped his cock in one hand, not stroking it, just holding it with

enough force that his fingertips whitened.

“Why are you staying here, Rhett?”
Abruptly mortified, I stood up, thinking I’d completely misunderstood.
But when I took a step away, he stopped me with an iron grip on my wrist, pulling me back

toward him to stand between his spread legs. When I was close enough, his other hand moved to cup
my hip.

“No, I don’t mean here. I mean in this pack. I see how they treat you.” There was a hint of anger

in his voice that left me a bit bewildered.

I was distracted for a second as the hand gripping my wrist let go and settled on one thigh, the

fingers curling around to the back just under the curve of one cheek.

“Not all of them,” I said softly, a little startled to hear my internal dialogue repeated by someone

else. Someone who was still a stranger, having only moved out to our little town a week ago.

“No, not all of them,” he acknowledged. “But enough to matter. Why not just leave?”
“This is my home. I’m not letting anyone run me out of it,” I said, surprising even myself with

my vehemence.

“Good. I don’t want you to leave.”
“You don’t want me to leave?” I repeated dumbly.
“I don’t want you to leave. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get closer to you but it’s been

tough when you always seem to hang back or disappear when I’m around. I’d decided that I was
going to just show up at your place tomorrow.” His smile was decidedly wicked this time. “But this
is much better.”

I gasped as he closed his hand around the base of my cock, sliding up the rigid length to the head.

His thumb smeared the drops of pre-cum he found there.

My toes curled and my hands flew to his shoulders to steady myself.
His other hand cupped my balls, already drawn up tight.
And then he bent his head and licked at the tip with the flat of his tongue.
I stared down in disbelief as his pink tongue came out and swiped against me again.
Quickly, I screwed my eyes shut, trying to hold on and not embarrass myself by coming at the

first couple of licks.

But then he sucked half of my length into his warm, wet mouth and I made the mistake of opening

my eyes and looking again.

The sight of his lips stretched around me was like a punch in the gut.
I held my breath and my hands slid into his hair, the strands as silky as I’d imagined they’d be,

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warmed by the heat of his scalp.

My mouth began to water, the small of my back tingling.
There was no way I was going to be able to hold on. Not with how hard up I was for him

already, on top of being sexually deprived for months.

I shuddered as I reached the point of no return, one of the most satisfying orgasms of my life

plowing through me.

He kept up the steady suction, wringing me dry, making sweet encouraging sounds as he drank

me down.

With one final lick on the extremely sensitive head, he backed off before pulling me down onto

his lap.

“Sorry,” I said, still trying to catch my breath.
“For what?” he asked before scraping his teeth down my neck and sinking them into my shoulder.
I twitched at the sting, but I still had too many endorphins coursing through my body for it to

really hurt.

My eyelids were getting heavy, but I quickly opened them again as he surged to his feet and

threw me over his shoulder easily, one hand cupping and squeezing my ass while the other took a firm
grip on my thigh.

I reared up as he started walking quickly.
“Where are you going?”
“We’re going back to my place. I need a bed to do all the things I want to do to you,” he said, not

even a hint of strain in his voice.

Oh, man.
I cleared my throat.
“I can walk. You don’t have to carry me.”
“Now that I’ve got you, I’m not letting go until we’re in my bed and I have you under me.”
He made the trip in record time, reaching the small cabin nestled in the woods just a few minutes


I got a brief glimpse of the shadowy living room before we were in his bedroom. He tossed me

onto the bed and I spread my arms to steady myself as I bounced.

He clicked on the bedside lamp, lighting the room with a soft glow before reaching into the table

it was resting on and coming out with a strip of condoms and a tube.

Heat flushed through me again at the clear indication of his intent.
Setting them on the table, he pulled me toward the edge of the bed and I went willingly, bracing

my feet on the carpet.

“Bend over,” he said, pushing down between my shoulder blades.
I bent over, the softness of the comforter against my cheek as I turned my head to the side. By

this point, I was back at full mast and I couldn’t help the small thrusts against the bed.

My cheeks clenched as he landed a smack on one of them.
“Stay still,” he growled.
I heard the ripping sound of the foil being torn open.
I rose up a little and twisted to watch as he rolled the condom up his length in a practiced move

before squeezing some lube in a hand and applying it to his length. I licked my lips as I watched that
large hand slowly caressing his shaft, the thin layer of the condom like a second skin.

A hand on my back pushed me back down before a foot was inserted between my legs and they

were kicked farther apart.

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And then cool liquid was being dripped down between my cheeks and calloused fingers were

there, rimming me, rubbing against me just a little roughly. I grunted as one long digit was inserted
slowly inside, pushed in as far as it could go. He thrust it in and out to loosen me up a little before
adding another finger.

I exhaled as he scissored his fingers, getting me ready to take his impressive girth. The slight

sting of being stretched only wound me up tighter.

I thrust back against him impatiently.
“Just do it. I’m ready,” I said a little desperately.
“Just a little more,” he said soothingly.
He inserted a third finger and I rubbed my face against the bed almost whining in my frustration


He reached under my hips to take a hold of my weeping cock, giving a firm squeeze as he

layered his body over mine. He kissed my jaw and I turned my head to meet his lips with my own, the
kiss instantly wet, hot, deep.

He removed his fingers from me and I felt the broad tip of his cock nudging at me finally. I tilted

my hips back at him to help as he pushed forward.

I broke the kiss on a groan as he slowly inched into me, the burning stretch taking all my

concentration. I panted as he pulled out a little and thrust inside again, a little deeper than before.

His grip on my hips tightened as he pulled out again and pushed in even farther. He thrust gently

a few more times, until his hands tilted my hips and pulled me against him at the same time he pushed
in with some added force.

I moaned and he hissed out a breath when his hips finally met mine.
I felt unbelievably full, completely taken. When his hand reached up to scrape his short nails

down my spine, the extra stimulation was almost painfully pleasurable, sending sensitizing tingles
through my body.

I was breathing heavily as he stood up and pulled out slowly before thrusting back in forcefully.

I hummed at the feel, but he let out a frustrated sound.

He stayed inside me as he picked me up by the hips and urged me fully onto the bed on my knees,

climbing up behind me. I folded my arms and rested my head against them, arching my back to give
him full access.

“Fuck,” he growled.
And finally snapped.
He went at me like a machine, fast digging thrusts, the sound of skin slapping against skin

blending in with the squeaking of the bed as we tested its integrity.

Bracing myself with one arm, I gave my cock a squeezing stroke, letting out a sigh of relief at the

direct stimulation.

“No,” he snarled, pushing my hand away. “That pretty cock is mine.”
I was more than happy to let him replace my hand with his, the one that was still slick with a

layer of lube.

He didn’t mess around, just began stroking me from root to tip in a quick rhythm with the

obvious intent to get me off as quickly as possible. The wet clicking of the fast strokes blended with
the sound of the bed and his skin against mine.

The twist he added at the end of each stroke was my undoing.
With an almost pained sound, I came all over his stroking hand, my ass clenching automatically,

my body stiffening at the waves of sensation coursing through me.

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“Fuck,” he said almost reverently as I squeezed him.
He kept up the stroking and the pounding as I came, extending it as long as possible.
I was just coming down when he slung himself as deep as he could go and I felt the heat of his

own release inside me.

I let myself sink to the bed with him on top of me, our sweat-slick bodies sliding against each

other as we both tried to get our breathing under control.

He kissed my damp neck before gently pulling out and going to the bathroom to clean himself off.
I curled up on my side, which was about as much physical activity my limp body was up to at

that point.

I opened my eyes to slits as I felt the bed dip.
Gunner had wet a nubby wash cloth and he used it to clean me off, my exhausted cock only

stirring slightly at the nice feel of the warm fabric.

He reached around and cleaned off the lube from between my cheeks, which was a little

embarrassing, but he did it so quickly and gently it was over before I could protest.

“Maybe I should head back…” I trailed off, a little unsure of my welcome now that we’d both

gotten off.

Man, had we both gotten off.
He flipped the covers back and bodily moved me inside before sliding in behind me and

covering us both up.

One brawny arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me in against him, my back to his front.
I guess I wasn’t going anywhere right then.
I dropped off to sleep with a smile on my face.

Chapter 2


Rhett was out like a light within a minute.
I pulled his lean body in closer to mine, breathing in that delicious sweet scent that had been

driving me crazy for the past week.

I brushed back his wavy hair, liking the rough silk feel of it, the longish strands spread out over

the pillow.

I studied his face, now that the haze of lust had dimmed a little. It was narrow, with high

cheekbones and studious chocolate brown eyes that were closed right now, the fans of his eyelashes
casting light shadows across his cheeks. His nose was a little crooked with a slight bump on the
ridge, his jaw well-defined with the slightest dimple in the middle of his chin.

His quirky looks were amazingly appealing combined with the lean body, hard body. He had a

long, well-defined build, like a runner or a swimmer, with little body hair.

I liked how he felt in my arms. Smaller than me, but strong, the soft skin of his ass cradling my

cock beautifully.

The thought of anyone trying to hurt him made me see red.
Rhett frowned in his sleep, shifting uncomfortably and I realized I’d tightened the hand on his hip

painfully. Loosening it, I rubbed at the reddened skin, kissing his shoulder in apology.

It wasn’t that many people who felt the need to put him down, but I knew from personal

experience it didn’t take a lot. The worst of it was that his own mother was a homophobe, even

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though his father and sister weren’t, from what I could tell.

It didn’t help that he was so attractive.
I’d seen how some of the women looked at him and how a few of the more insecure men reacted

to it. I’d been at the other end of some of those barbs as well a few times, though most were smart
enough to be intimidated by my size.

Well, it wasn’t going to happen anymore. As far as I was concerned, Rhett was now mine to


And nobody was allowed to hurt what was mine.
I buried my face in his hair and the already comforting scent of him helped me fall asleep.

I woke up as Rhett tried to slide out of the bed without waking me.
Not happening.
I pulled him back and under me, bracing my forearms on either side of his startled face.
“Where are you going?” I asked, sinking my weight down on top of him, ignoring the friction of

two hard cocks rubbing against each other.

“Uh, I have some work I have to do,” he stuttered, his cheeks turning an adorable pink.
I’d asked around and found out that he was an engineer, telecommuting three days a week.
“Is it urgent?” I asked, moving hips a bit so that I could slide our cocks more firmly together.
“Uh,” he said, his eyes going a little glassy. “I could, maybe, wait a little.”
I leaned down to take that soft mouth, sinking my fingers into his hair to cup the back of his

head. I slid my tongue in to explore the soft recesses of his mouth.

When he sucked on it, the top of my head almost exploded.
Then he reached down and took hold of my cock, using just enough force. I made an encouraging

sound, thrusting in his hand.

He fumbled at the bedside table and his hand came back slick. He rubbed my cock then his, until

we slid against each other slickly, caught between each of our bodies.

Rhett’s hand slid down my back, rimming me with a slick finger. I broke our kiss to take in a

breath as he slid it inside me, quickly followed by another.

My thrusts increased in pressure as I slid along the edge of letting go, both of us gasping and

groaning, sweat starting to mingle between us.

I stared into his eyes, watched as the almost panicked look came into them as his orgasm


We came together, painting each other’s abdomens, pushing against each other even harder as we

sought more pressure, more friction.

Rhett’s short, neat nails dug into my shoulders, the prick of pain only adding to the tumult of


Our frantic pace finally slowed as we reached the end.
I groaned as I sank against him.
“Best wake-up call in the world. Fucking you could easily become a habit,” I murmured tiredly.
“You wouldn’t hear me complaining,” he said dazedly.
I chuckled as I slid the covers off and stood, holding out a hand to him.
“Come on. Time for a shower.”
He smiled a little shyly and let me pull him up.
The shower was just a shower, unfortunately. We both had to get to work. Though we did have

fun slicking up each other’s bodies and finding all the sensitive, ticklish spots.

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With a promise to come back for lunch if he had time, Rhett kissed me goodbye to head back

home, about a fifteen minute walk from my place.

Most of the other homes were situated nearer the town, but I’d deliberately picked one deeper in

the surrounding woods so I would have more quiet.

I thought it was a good sign that Rhett had had the same idea when he’d picked out his own


With a stupid smile on my face and dressed in a pair of paint splattered jeans, I went to the little

sun porch off the back that I’d turned into a studio for myself.

I didn’t particularly feel like working on the half-finished commissioned piece sitting in there

right now.

Setting up a blank canvas, I got to work on what I did have in mind.

The morning passed quickly.
I was so absorbed in my work, I didn’t realize it was lunchtime until the knock at the door.

Frowning, I set down my paintbrush and wiped my hands on a rag as I walked over to see who was
interrupting me.

The frown was still on my face when I opened it to a casually dressed Rhett, a sweet smile on

his face until he saw the frown on mine.

“I’m sorry, am I interrupting? Should I-”
I yanked him in by the arm and kissed him gently.
“I’m glad to see you. Just hadn’t realized how late it had gotten.”
He relaxed, a relieved smile coming back to his face.
It was a testament to how distracted I was by him that I hadn’t realized he was holding a rather

large basket until he held it up.

“Jenny called and heard I was coming over here for lunch. She brought food over for us.”
“Your sister?” I asked, breathing in the mouth-watering scent of fried chicken.
“Yes. She’s a damned good cook, so I never turn down the offer of food,” he said with a grin, his

eyes sparkling with good humor.

“Smells good,” I said. “Let me just go clean off my hands and I’ll be right back.”
By the time I came back out, Rhett had already found the plates and silverware and set out the

food he’d brought. I took out the glasses and tipped a bottle of milk at Rhett questioningly. When he
nodded, I poured us both a tall glass.

Rhett told me how his latest project was going and I sat back and listened to him, enjoying

watching his mobile face as he spoke animatedly. He asked about my family and I told him about my
globe-trotting parents and the younger brother who’d gone into the military.

“So, I don’t really have a home base like most people. My family is constantly moving around,”

I finished. “That’s why I moved out here. Seemed like a place I’d like to put down some roots.”

Rhett nodded.
“It is. The pack owns acres and acres of land here where we can go running and hunting. And

apart from a few bad seeds, the people are great.”

He opened his mouth to continue, but went quiet as I held up a hand. I thought I’d heard

something outside.

Gesturing for him to stay where he was, I crept over to the window and looked outside.
Chris and his little pack of idiots.
The four of them were huddled together and I watched as one of them stuffed a rag into a bottle.

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With a snarl, I yanked open the front door and strode out to deal with the little shits.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked in a low voice, the rumble in it warning me I was

dangerously close to shifting.

Chris’s eyes widened as he saw me coming toward him before he glanced around and

remembered there were four of them and only one of me.

Showed how much he knew.
His eyes went back to my cabin and he smirked.
I glanced back to see Rhett had come out even though I’d told him to stay put.
“I knew you were a cocksucker,” he sneered at me, his fleshy mouth making the expression even

more unattractive.

I smiled coldly and he stepped back before he could get a hold of himself. I watched as he tried

to cover up his embarrassment at the retreat with a belligerent expression.

“What, jealous? No one willing to suck your limp little dick?” I asked, looking at his crotch and

raising an eyebrow.

A couple of his friends sniggered and he turned to glare at them.
I watched dispassionately as his face turned an unbecoming shade of brick red as his hands

clenched into fists at his sides.

“Careful. There’s only one of you,” he said, his lips tight.
“Two of us,” Rhett said from right next to me.
I glared at him, wanting him to stay inside the house where it was safe. He just stared back

calmly and I let out a huff as I looked back at Chris.

“You,” he sputtered out a laugh as he stared at Rhett condescendingly.
“Me. I’ve taken your shit for too long,” Rhett said firmly.
“You’ll take as much shit as I want to dish out, princess.”
He must have given some kind of signal because the other three were suddenly on top of me as

Chris lunged for Rhett.

I took a punch to the ribs and one to the face before I threw my head back at the guy who’d

twisted my hands behind my back. The sickening crunch was followed by the immediate loosening of
his grip on me and I jerked free.

I growled and punched one of them in the jaw hard enough to send him flying. He hit a tree and

slid down, his eyes closed.

The other one swiped at me with claws and I dodged enough to avoid serious injury, though he

left a series of shallow scratches across my abdomen.

Pulling him to me with that extended arm, I kneed him in the gut and then punched him in the back

of his head.

As he fell limply to the ground, the guy whose nose I’d probably broken jumped onto my back,

his arms wrapped around my neck in an attempt to choke me.

I reached up to grab his arms, but stumbled back as he was forcefully pulled off me before I


Turning around I found the guy punching Rhett in the face.
I was suddenly just there.
Grabbing the guy, I threw him away.
Rhett was bent over, holding onto his knees as he spit blood on the ground.
“Are you alright?” I asked, pulling him up so I could get a look at his face.
A black eye and a split lip, and he seemed to be favoring one side, but nothing that looked too

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“Where’s Chris?”
He pointed at the crumpled form on the ground.
I whistled as I saw the damage Chris had taken.
“He probably outweighs you by what- fifty pounds?” I asked.
“I was motivated.”
Well. Stupid to underestimate him just because he wasn’t built like me.
I watched dispassionately as the three others slowly got to their feet, shifter healing not letting

them stay down for long.

Not looking at us, two of them went over to Chris and pulled him up, dragging him away with an

arm over each of their shoulders.

“This is probably going to come back to bite us on the ass,” Rhett murmured as he watched them

limp away.

I wish I could have disagreed.
We made our own way slowly back inside and Rhett made a fuss over the scratches on my

stomach and the major bruise already spreading over one cheekbone.

I rolled my eyes, but it felt kind of nice to have someone care for me like that.
Nothing was wrong with either of us that some ice and rest wouldn’t cure. But if they’d found

Rhett alone…

“You need to bring your work over here. And some of your stuff,” I said abruptly.
Rhett gave me an irritated look. Probably I should work on my communication skills.
“Please. I don’t want you to be alone if they decide to come back.”
His shoulders slumped and he nodded.
“I’ll come help,” I said, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.
And I really wasn’t above taking advantage of such a prime situation. He was basically moving

in with me.

I tried not to let my satisfaction show.

Chapter 3


I looked at my clothes hanging next to Gunner’s in the closet.
It gave me a funny feeling in the middle of my chest to see my shirts next to his.
But I couldn’t get used to it. I had to keep reminding myself that this was only temporary.
With a sigh, I pulled out some sweats and a t-shirt, wanting to be comfortable and able to

undress quickly in case shifting was necessary.

Gunner had decided we needed to talk to Mahone, the Alpha. According to Gunner, this whole

thing should have been resolved by him a long time ago.

Couldn’t say that I didn’t agree. Mahone was just…lazy. If there was an easy way out of doing

something, he invariably took.

The easy way in this case had always been to just ignore the problem.
I turned to see Gunner rubbing a towel over his damp hair, the play of muscle in his arm and

chest drawing my eye. He was dressed only in a pair of cutoffs.

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I pulled on my sneakers and followed him out of the house.
Mahone lived in town, in the traditional Alpha house. It was situated in the center of everything

so that people would be able to take their problems and grievances to the current Alpha easily.

Of course, most people didn’t bother, intimately acquainted with Mahone’s hands-off approach

to everything.

Gunner had taken my hand as we walked, and I had the urge to pull mine out of his as we got to

the main street, but I suppressed it. It would hurt him and I needed to stop living as if I was ashamed
of who I was.

Just thinking that had me squaring my shoulders and standing up straighter.
We went up the porch steps and I knocked on the door, conscious of the eyes watching us


Mahone’s mate, Heather, opened the door.
“Hi, Rhett,” she said warily as she took both of us in. “Gunner.”
“Afternoon, Heather. We need to speak with Mahone,” Gunner stated quietly but firmly. He

didn’t add an ‘or else’, but it was there in his tone.

Apparently, she heard it too.
With a stiff nod, she swung the door open farther and stepped back to let us pass.
“He’s in the den.”
With a nod, Gunner led the way past the formal living area and down the hall to the den. He

must have been here when speaking to Mahone about moving into our territory and joining the pack.

Mahone was watching television, relaxed in a recliner with the remote in his hand a beer in a

cup holder in the chair. His eyes flicked to us.

With a put-upon expression, he turned off the television and straightened up.
“What can I do for you boys?”
“You need to reprimand Chris and his little gang, or I’m going to have to do something a little

more permanent than I’d like,” Gunner said.

No chit chat, straight to the point.
“Now, don’t be rash,” Mahone said uncomfortably, scratching at his shaggy gray head. He might

be pushing sixty with hair that had gone completely gray, but he was still well-muscled , despite the
softness that was starting to settle around his middle.

“This isn’t rash. I’m bringing a long-standing problem to your attention,” Gunner said calmly. He

still managed to inject a reprimand in his tone.

I tried to give Gunner a warning look, but he ignored me.
Even Mahone would have to do something eventually if Gunner outright defied him.
“This is a personal issue between Rhett and Chris. It isn’t the Alpha’s job to get involved in

personal issues,” Mahone snapped back.

“It is if members of your pack are in real danger. And Rhett here has been in real physical

danger for years, right under your nose,” Gunner bit back, ramping it up instead of toning it down.

“You think you can do a better job, boy?” Mahone said menacingly.
“I know I can. But what I want is for you to actually do your job.” Gunner’s hands remained

relaxed it his sides as he locked eyes with Mahone.

“Is that a challenge? Are you fucking challenging me?” Mahone stood up, his six and a half feet

bulk impressive. Nervously, I noticed Gunner was actually about an inch shorter than him, and maybe
twenty pounds lighter, though much of the difference was probably that hard fat that a lot of aging

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athletes seemed to accumulate.

“If you want to take it as a challenge, fine. Something has to be done about this, and if you’re not

going to step up, maybe it’s time for a new Alpha.”

A direct challenge. No getting out of it now.
With a roar, Mahone leaped at Gunner.
In a blink of an eye, they’d crashed through the sliding glass doors and out into the grassy

backyard, both of them trading blows as they rolled.

Fuck. This really wasn’t what I had in mind when we came over here.
Jumping out to follow them, I was just in time to see Mahone land a blow with his meaty fist.

Gunner was clearly stunned.

I took a step toward them to do something, even though interference wasn’t allowed in a


But Gunner shook it off and dodged the next blow just in time.
Mahone gasped and stiffened but I hadn’t seen Gunner land a blow.
Shoving the bigger man off him and to the side, Gunner crouched next to him with his hand half

changed, wicked claws dripping with blood.

Now that Mahone was on his back, I could see his shirt was rapidly soaking with blood over his


Gunner touched his claws almost delicately to the man’s throat, just dimpling the skin.
“Yield, or I’ll fucking tear out your throat,” he said, narrowed eyes locked with panicked ones

as Mahone clutched at his belly.

“I yield,” he whispered.
Gunner didn’t move and for a second I was afraid that he was going to kill him anyway. But with

a deep breath, he finally moved back, sliding his hand away from that vulnerable throat.

A chorus of howls sounded from all around us and I finally looked away from the two

combatants and realized that we had a crowd of spectators that had hung back far enough to give them

Gunner threw back his head and howled back, his bare torso splattered with the blood of the

defeated Alpha.

“I thought we were going over there to ask him to intervene,” I said mildly.
Gunner fidgeted impatiently, sitting on the closed lid of the toilet while I cleaned off his chest

and stomach, checking to make sure none of the blood was his.

“I did too,” he said a little sheepishly. “I don’t know what came over me.”
I hummed noncommittally.
“At least Chris won’t mess with us anymore. Not if he wants to stay in this pack.”
“We can hope,” I said dryly, hoping it was true but not wanting to give Chris too much credit. He

wasn’t exactly the sharpest guy. “Well, now you have a whole other full time job and more roots than
you’re going to know what do with.”

I moved back to rinse out the small towel in the sink, but was stopped by his hand on my


“Is it ok? I mean, will you mind being the Alpha’s mate?” he asked seriously, worried eyes

searching mine.

“Mate?” I asked, unsure.
He smiled and pulled me close to loop his arms around my waist.

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“Yes, mate. I’ve already marked you,” he said, hot eyes drifting over the bite mark on my

shoulder that he’d given me the first night we’d been together.

I could feel the stupid grin coming over my face, but I couldn’t stop it.
This gorgeous wolf was my mate.
I sat down in his lap, my legs straddling his lean hips.
“I think I can cope. As long as you don’t go getting a big head about it,” I teased, smoothing his

hair back from his face.

His hands slid into the back of my sweats to cup my ass.
“I could maybe keep my head in check,” he said, nuzzling against my neck. “But you’re going to

have to model for me.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his middle as he stood smoothly and

walked us out into the small sunroom at the back of his cabin.

I let go and slowly slid down his body, my eyes on the canvas set up on a tarp in the middle of

the room. The painting was unfinished, but even without the details filled in, it was clear the subject
was me.

A very naked me, a slumberous smile on my face and my heavy-lidded eyes glinting with a touch

of wickedness.

“That’s me,” I said, shocked.
“Mmm, yes,” Gunner said sliding his hands under my shirt to wrap around my stomach. “But I

need you to strip so I can get it just right.”

“Uh, is anyone else going to see this?” I squeaked.
I mean, I wasn’t particularly shy about my body- it was impossible when I’d basically seen

everyone I knew naked at one time or another before or after a shift. But the expression on my face
and the tone of the painting was just too…intimate.

“No. This one’s for my private collection.” He sucked my earlobe into his mouth and I


I didn’t resist as he slipped my t-shirt over my head and skimmed my sweats down over my legs,

pressing a kiss to the back of my thigh as he stood up.

I lay down on the chaise lounge he had in one corner. His hands were light on me as he moved

my arms and legs into the positions he wanted.

“Just one more thing…”
He took my half-mast erection in his hand and gave it a few lingering strokes, more than enough

to finish the job.

“Perfect,” he said with that wicked smile that was becoming familiar.
I let out a stuttering breath as he let go and went back to the canvas.
He made me lie there for what felt like an hour, his caressing eyes making me feel my nakedness

acutely. He didn’t touch me again, but his hot stare was enough to keep me excited, the look of
concentration on his face mixing with the obvious lust he was feeling.

My eyes tracked down that hard abdomen to the bulge that was clearly straining to break free. I

licked my lips as he reached down absently to adjust himself.

The head of his cock peaked out the top of the low waistband.
I groaned, finally breaking. I let my hand smooth down my stomach to take my aching cock in

hand, the firm squeeze I gave it having my eyes roll back in my head.

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“I think that’s enough for now.”
I struggled to re-focus my eyes as Gunner crossed the room in record time, his shorts already

ripped off, exposing his raging hard-on.

I let go of my own cock and grabbed his, loving the feel of the hot resilient flesh in my hand. A

drop of pre-cum slowly dripped down his shaft from the gleaming head.

I needed that in my mouth.
Gunner almost purred as I took half of his cock into my mouth, sucking and licking. He tasted

perfect, a little salty and all male.

I squeezed the soft weight of his testicles in my hand before reaching behind them and rubbing at

the sensitive skin between his sack and his ass.

His cock jumped in my mouth and he jerked deeper into it, his hips thrusting involuntarily.
“Let me get you too,” he gasped out, taking my cock in his hand.
I moaned, appreciating the stimulation as I set up a rhythm guaranteed to get him off. His hand

matched the pace as his other one reached over me to take a hard grip on the back of the couch,
widening his stance at the same time to help brace himself.

I pulled off to lick at his head and take a deep breath.
Then slid all the way down his cock, burying my nose against his trimmed pubic hair.
With a startled shout, he came down my throat and I swallowed convulsively knowing it would

feel good.

His hand stopped moving on my cock as he came and I reached down to tighten it around me and

move it up and down in a tight double-fist.

I pulled off him as I came, crying out as the pleasure punched through me too.
Gunner collapsed down on top of me, both of us breathing heavily as we tried to catch our


“Feel free…to ask me…to model…anytime,” I gasped out.
He stirred a little.
“Maybe I should only paint you…from now on,” he said.
“Sounds like…a plan.”
We both laughed weakly as he turned us to our sides, our arms wrapped around each other.
“I’m so glad you moved out here,” I said softly.
He smiled, and kissed my shoulder.
“Me too.”


Connect with Dawn Wilder

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Connect with Dawn Wilder

Document Outline


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