Mate 9 Luther's Mate Dawn Wilder

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Dawn Wilder

Copyright 2014 Dawn Wilder

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This book is fictional and any resemblance to persons, places, or events is coincidental.

Adult Reading Material (language, violence, sexual content). All characters are above 18 years of



By Dawn Wilder

Paranormal Erotic Shorts:

Mate Me

Were My Mark

Incubus Needs

Foxy Lady

Runt of the Litter

Paranormal Erotic Shorts Collection (contains all of the shorts above)

Were It (best read after Were My Mark)

Sea Me

Fangs for Coming

Were Break (best read after Were My Mark)

Paranormal Erotic Shorts Collection, Volume 2 (contains the four above, plus Were My Mark so it

can be read before the other Were shorts)

Were Shield

Gunner’s Mate

Tracker’s Mate

Breaker’s Mate

Ryder’s Mate

Asher’s Mate

Elena’s Warriors

Curves Ahead

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Foster’s Mate
Fisher’s Mate

Play Hard

Luther's Mate

Dawn Wilder Writing as A.R. Dawn

Paranormal Romance:

Going Lupe

In the Lupe

Let Sleeping Lupes Lie


Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Connect with Dawn Wilder




Chapter 1


“I'm sorry, Luther. But I need to think of the pack as a whole and you're's causing too

many issues. A pack with too many internal problems is weak. Weak packs are targets.”

I stared at Jorge's face. He looked uncomfortable more than sad, despite the tone of his words.
The sharp sting of betrayal had already settled into a dull ache in my chest. There had already

been so many smaller and larger hurts dealt me here that my heart had had to harden somewhat.

But it still hurt.
For the last ten years, I'd done everything for the good of the pack. I'd acted as one of the

Enforcers, I'd shared what I had with members who'd needed it. I'd kept my head down, careful not to
flaunt my sexuality, knowing it wasn't something the majority were comfortable with.

I'd been discrete. Gone to the next town over to scratch the itch. Hell, I hadn't even kept a lover

longer than a week, knowing a relationship would be so much more difficult to hide.

But I hadn't been careful enough.
Someone had seen me. The news had spread quickly, packs not really big on privacy.
The last two days had not gone well.
I hadn't realized I still had a kernel of hope buried deep inside me. Hope that I'd be accepted. That

people would remember that I was still me, remember everything I'd done for them.

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“I'll be out by sundown.”
No way was I begging for scraps from the very people I would have given my life for.
Ignoring more half-hearted platitudes, I went home to clear out my possessions.
I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't be here anymore.
If I ended up alone, so be it.
At least there wouldn't be anyone to let me down.


I pulled up into the bar parking lot, ready for a few drinks before I headed home.
I opened the door, a cacophony of scents and sounds assaulting me as soon as I stepped in. The

brisk night air gave way to the warmth inside.

Spotting an empty seat in the back, I pushed through the crowd, ignoring a couple of invitations to

dance along the way.

Sitting down with a sigh, I signaled the bartender and asked for a beer.
He set down the bottle with a lingering smile and an invitation in his kohl-lined eyes.
I ignored the invitation and picked up the cold bottle, leaning back with it in my hand to look over

the crowd.

Plenty of flesh was on display. Men dressed in mesh shirts to show off hours in the gym, others

dressed in pants so tight I could measure their length and girth with a glance.

But I wasn't in the mood to buy.
I gestured for another beer as the door opened and someone else came inside.
I didn't look up until I heard a deep voice politely refusing a salacious come on.
That voice hit something inside me.
My head jerked up as I scanned the area by the door.
There. The newcomer was causing quite a stir.
And I could see why.
He was a big bruiser, but I probably had an inch or two on him in height. Unlike the other men

here, he was dressed simply, in a relaxed pair of worn jeans and a gray t-shirt.

He didn't need to gild the lily.
The body in those clothes was ripped. Not a guy who was content with an hour in the gym a few

times a week.

That kind of lean muscle and bulk took dedication. But I didn't get the vibe that he did it for

vanity's sake.

His face was all angles and hollows, his dark hair cut ruthlessly short. A small scar on his left

eyebrow and another silvery line on a high cheekbone on the same side kept his face from being too

My disinterest fled.
I watched as he looked around, his eyes scanning the bar for an empty seat.
His eyes collided with mine.
They were a light color but he was too far for me to tell whether they were blue or green.
Holding his eyes, I pulled out the chair next to me.
He looked at it and then at me again.

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Come on, babe. Don't make me come after you.
I knew I would.
After a brief hesitation, he made a beeline for me.
As he skirted me to get to the stool, I got a whiff of his scent.
Wolf. Man.
My cock sat up, all but begging for a piece of the guy.
I watched his eyes widen a little as he caught the faint musk of my own scent, unmistakably wolf.
But I needed to find out what he was doing in our territory. He should have come to me as soon as

he set foot on it.

“I'm Cliff.”
“Luther,” he answered, his eyes moving over my face.
“Why didn't you come speak with me? This territory is claimed. This could easily be taken as an

act of aggression.”

He nodded stiffly, shifting in his seat.
“I apologize. I was just passing through and didn't think anyone would notice.”
I stared and he bowed his head in submission, obviously not wanting to start a dominance


My wolf lunged at me. It thought I should show the new wolf who was boss. Cover him with my

body and mark his vulnerable throat.

Luther kept his head down as I wrestled with my wolf. I was well-past being a pup and being

ruled by my wolf's urges.

“Where are you going?” The slight growl in my voice was unavoidable.
Luther raised his head cautiously, making sure to keep his movements slow and easy.
I appreciated the effort.
“I don't know yet. West.”
He didn't know?
“Where's your pack?”
His broad shoulders hunched a little as he looked away.
“I don't have one anymore.”
I set my beer down with a click, not letting my dismay show on my face.
“You don't have one,” I repeated.
He shook his head, jaw clenched tight.
“Is this a recent development?” I asked gently.
He didn't look like a pack-less wolf. I'd met a few in my life and they'd ball been withdrawn, thin.


Wolves needed a pack to thrive. Even the strongest of us.
Especially the strongest of us.
We needed people to care for, people to protect. And Luther wasn't weak.
I knew that much even though I'd just met him.
He nodded.
“Why?” I needed to know the people under my protection were safe while he was here.
“Someone saw me with another man.”
I waited, expecting more to to the story. When he stayed quiet, eyes not meeting mine, my disbelief

quickly turned to anger.

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Tamping it down with effort, I took a swig of beer to buy myself some time.
Setting the bottle down carefully, I made sure I was right.
“They kicked you out because you're gay.”
He nodded, lips tight with suppressed emotion.
I didn't even think before I spoke again, the instinct to help him too strong.
“Come home with me.”
His eyes finally met mine again, the light blue startled.
“Come home with you?”
“You have no place to go. Maybe my pack is where you should be. Nobody cares who you fuck as

long as you're loyal to us. Hell, I'm the Alpha and you just met me at the gayest bar in a five town

He smiled at that in reluctant amusement.
God those lips were bite-able.
But I refused to take advantage of someone who was obviously wounded.
“Come on. I have an empty guestroom and no hidden agenda,” I coaxed, knowing I was lying.
Because as soon as he was in a better place, I planned on making Luther mine.
But he didn't need to know that.


I followed Cliff out, taking the chance to scan his impressive body.
If we got into a fight, I didn't know if I could take him. That hadn't happened to me for a while.
The street lights outside glinted off his blond hair, caught in a stubby ponytail at the base of his

skull. His muscled shoulders and arms were showcased by the tank he was wearing, the relaxed fit
jeans cupping his ass.

A tight, hard ass.
I adjusted my jeans, the hard-on I'd gotten when I scented Cliff still raring to go.
“That's me. My place is just a few minutes away. You can follow behind.”
I nodded, getting into my car and following the behemoth he drove.
I'd gone into the bar hoping for a drink and come out with a hot Alpha who was willing to take me


I pushed down the hope that threatened to overtake me. No promises were made and I didn't want

to get hurt again.

Cliff's place was less than ten minutes away.
I pulled up behind him. The long driveway led to a cozy ranch-style house with no neighbors that I

could see nearby. I was guessing he owned quite a bit of the forested land around the house.

I grabbed my bag and hoisted it onto my shoulder as he went up the steps and unlocked the door.
“Kitchen and living room. Feel free to use both.” He led me through the open floor plan to a


“My room is at the end. This one's yours.”
He opened the first door on the right and gestured me inside.
It was pretty big for a guest room. Furnished simply with a bed, a side table and a dresser.
“Bathroom's through there. Everything you need should be there. I like to keep everything ready in

case any of my pack needs to bunk over.”

I nodded, setting my bag down.

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“Are you hungry? I was going to heat up some leftovers. Chicken and rice. Lynda keeps me

stocked up so I don't stuff my face with junk.”

I smiled, wondering if Lynda was angling for something more.
“I could eat.”
He nodded, giving me a sloppy salute as he went back out to the kitchen.
I sat down on the fluffy white comforter, trying to get myself together before going out to the


Taking a deep breath, I swallowed to get rid of the knot in my throat, combing my hands through

my hair.

I went into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face.
Drying off, I went out to the kitchen to see if I could lend a hand.
But he already had everything laid out on the table.
“Sit down, you're just in time. Beer?”
I nodded, murmuring thanks as he handed me the cold bottle.
“Smells good.” I inhaled appreciatively.
“Yeah, that's why I don't fight too hard when she shows up. Tastes even better.”
I dug into the chicken and rice, finding out he was completely right.
It did taste better.
“So, what do you do?”
I swallowed quickly.
“I'm a contractor. And I was an Enforcer for my old pack.”
He nodded, his eyes scanning me.
“Yeah, that fits. I bet nobody was breaking the rules while you were there.”
I snorted.
“You'd be surprised.”
He chuckled as he continued eating.
We focused on finishing the food.
When he stood up with the dishes, I took them from him.
“Let me clean up at least.”
He smiled and let me do the dishes.
Don't get attached, I told myself sternly.
The lure of a home like this one and a man like Cliff was really strong.
But I needed to protect myself.

Chapter 2


“I've called a senior pack meeting. Everyone should be here within a half hour.”
Luther nodded, moving from the window to the mantle above the fireplace to look at the pictures

there. Nervous energy came off him in waves.

“Don't worry, they won't bite. But I need to run your trial period by them and they need to meet

you for that.”

“I know.” He put a frame gently back in place and rubbed his hands on his thighs. “Shit. I'm acting

like a total wuss. Sorry.”

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God, he was cute.
He resisted a little when I pulled on his arm, but then let me move him into a hug. I slid my hand

into his hair and wrapped my other arm around his waist.

He was stiff for a few seconds but then leaned against me, letting out a breath as he wrapped his

arms around me, taking the comfort he needed.

“They're going to like you. This is just a formality. Okay?”
He nodded against my shoulder.
I breathed him in, the scent waking my wolf.
This was exactly the wrong time to get an erection. But my cock reared its idiotic head anyway.
I eased my hips away a little as Luther's hot breath brushed against my neck.
I went from half-mast to full on hard-on in a rush that had me feeling a little light headed.
I felt Luther's heartbeat increase to meet mine.
He was the one to break away, my arms not wanting to let him go.
“Sorry,” he muttered, turning away.
But not before I caught a glimpse of his own cock tenting his jeans.
He grunted as I pushed him up against the wall, grinding my cock against his round ass. I wrapped

my arm across his chest to grip his shoulder.

“Sorry. I know you're vulnerable right now. I shouldn't be taking advantage.” The apology

probably would've been better if I wasn't panting against his neck with my cock pressed up against

“No. I want it.” He braced his hands against the wall and pushed back against me.
Fuck. It was like waving red in front of a bull.
I ripped open his jeans and shoved them down to mid thigh, palming the smooth hot skin of his

ass. I needed to be inside that ass.

“Lube,” I growled pulling back to go to my bedroom.
But Luther dropped to his knees in front of me.
“Let me.”
He opened my fly at lightning speed, pulling out my grateful cock.
My eyes rolled back in my head as his hot mouth closed over my crown and then slid down until

his nose was almost touching my stomach.

God. Damn.
He pulled off slowly, leaving my length glistening wet.
“There.” He looked up with a small smirk.
I was beyond any words at this point.
He let me push him over the back of the couch, his ass turned up toward me at exactly the right

height and angle. I pulled one cheek to the side to expose his asshole and used my other hand to aim
my throbbing cock.

“Shit. I need to loosen you up a little first.”
“No.” He pushed back against me eagerly. “I like it like this.”
With a tortured groan, I pushed forward.
It was almost too tight with no prep work at all, but he helped, bearing down and pushing back.

His low moans let me know this was exactly what he wanted.

Sawing in and out, I pushed and he pushed back until I was buried inside the tight, hot clasp of his

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body. I stayed still, both of us breathing hard while I waited for him to adjust.

I wasn't exactly small.
I pushed his t-shirt up his back.
“Take it off.”
He grabbed the back of it and pulled it over his head, throwing it on the floor.
I smoothed my hands up the smooth silk of his back, testing the firm muscle. He sighed and

squirmed a little as I moved my hands down his back again.

I wanted more of that pretty tanned skin against mine.
Pulling my own shirt off, I bent over Luther until his hot skin met mine, slick with sweat already.

He groaned from the change of angle.

I slid my arms under him and hooked my hands over his shoulders.
Kissing the sweet spot behind his ear where his scent pooled, I asked him if he was ready.
“Fuck. Yes, please.”
I smiled at the please.
“Brace yourself.”
He reached out to grip the couch cushions.
Good enough.
He swore as I pulled out slowly, his ass trying to hold me in.
I pushed back in harder.
A couple slower thrusts and then I had some room to play.
Pulling back, I hammered in hard, my hips slapping against his ass, the skin rippling from the


“Yes,” he groaned, spreading his feet as much as the bunched up jeans would allow.
So I gave him what both of us wanted.
A hard, pounding rhythm that had sweat dripping off me onto Luther's back. Wanting more

leverage, I straightened and moved my grip to his hips, keeping the thrusts hard and fast. I knew my
hold on him was hard enough to leave bruises, but he didn't seem to care.

“Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry!”
I looked up to see Lynda standing in the door with a dish of something in her hand, Otto and

Leonard right behind her.

Luther was frozen underneath me.
“Wait outside.” The snap of command was hard in my voice, causing all three to stumble over

each other as they retreated, the front door slamming shut behind them.

“Oh shit.” Luther tried to stand up, pulling away.
“Where do you think you're going?” I asked.
Pushing him back down, I seated myself back in fully.
He moaned, bucking back against me despite himself.
“We can't keep going. They're right out there! And this wasn't exactly the first impression I wanted

to make either.”

I started thrusting again.
“They're early. If they caught an eyeful, that's on them.”
There was no way we were stopping now. The whole fucking pack could wait at the door if they

showed up.

It didn't take a lot of convincing to get him to go along.
I could feel I was getting close already. No way would I last long for my first time with him.

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“Jerk yourself off for me.”
He groaned, letting go with one hand to reach under himself. I licked my lips as I watched his arm


Fuck. Next time I was taking the time to suck that pretty cock.
With the little bit of sanity left in me, I grabbed my t-shirt and handed it to him so he wouldn't

come all over the couch. We wouldn't have time to clean that up before everyone was in here.

He grabbed the shirt and within two more pumps, was making use of it.
“Fuck,” he ground out, his ass clenching down on me as he bucked against his own hand.
With a sigh of relief I let myself go over, hammering away as I came.
I grunted as my release poured out of me, the spurts lasting a long time. I couldn't remember

coming so hard before.

I pushed in and held myself there as my cock softened, spent completely.
I combed my fingers through his damp hair, rubbing the reddened skin at his hips gently.
“Are you okay?”
He groaned in response, slowly straightening from his bent over position.
I pulled out, taking him into my arms as he turned around to face me.
“Yeah. I really needed that.”
Tugging his head off my shoulder, I kissed him softly, his lips clinging to mine.
“I should have waited,” I murmured against his lips.
He bit my lower lip, making me growl a little. If people weren't waiting outside, I would have had

him under me again.

“I'm glad you didn't. I'm not fragile.”
I let him move back even though I didn't want to.
A few minutes to clean up in the bathroom and a fresh set of clothes later, we were both ready to

face the pack.


The quick shower I'd taken hadn't completely washed away Cliff's scent.
It was ridiculous to feel self-conscious about that when they'd walked in on us in the act, but there

you go.

Adopting the stony, don't-fuck-with-me face I'd perfected during my time as an Enforcer, I sat

quietly, letting Cliff handle things.

There were about ten senior members that Cliff had called in. A couple stared at me openly while

the others snuck quick glances when they thought I wasn't looking.

“Objections to his trial period?” Cliff asked calmly.
Lynda raised her hand.
What a surprise.
“We don't know what he's actually done. Are you just going to take his word for it? Shouldn't we

investigate first?”

Cliff nodded.
“I already had his story looked into last night.” He sent me an apologetic glance, but I wasn't

offended. It was actually comforting to know that my possible future Alpha wasn't careless with those
under his protection. “Everything checked out. Other issues?”

I watched them look at each other and slowly shake their heads. They obviously weren't sure

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about this, but they couldn't think of any more valid arguments at the moment.

“Good. I'll see you at the run.”
Taking their cue, the group stood and slowly filed out of the living room.
“They'll come around. They just aren't used to new members being brought in.”
I nodded, my shoulders relaxing a little as the door closed behind them and we were alone again.
I looked away from the door and at Cliff where he stood leaning against the fireplace, arms

crossed in front of his chest. His biceps looked huge in that position, the t-shirt he'd thrown on
clinging to him. He'd left his damp hair down, the blond darker when wet. The roughly combed hair
framed his angular face.

God, he was hot.
I could already feel my body reacting to him again now that I wasn't so nervous.
“Your acceptance into the pack doesn't hinge on us being together. You know that?”
I nodded.
“Good.” He grinned. “I just wanted to be sure about that before I fucked that tight ass again.”
He was on me in the next second, pushing me back against the cushions.

Chapter 3

2 weeks later


“I'll see you for dinner.”
Pulling Luther in tight, I gave him a warm kiss that sent tingles down my spine. If we hadn't just

fucked each other's brains out, I knew I would've made him late for work.

“I'll be here.” He gave me a happy grin before walking out the door and hopping into his pickup to

go out his job site.

Life was damn good.
Having Luther living with me settled something I didn't even know was bothering me. The need

for a mate, someone to keep hold of in the middle of the night.

Someone of my own to protect and care for.
I hadn't brought up the M-word with Luther yet though. I'd definitely jumped the shark on our

physical relationship, but I wanted him to be a little more settled before I broached him with it.

My wolf didn't like that decision at all.
It wanted to bite him and mark him so there was no doubt in anyone's mind that he was taken. That

he was mine.

Pushing that urge down was a lesson in control, but Luther was worth the care.
Moving back to my office to get some work done, I sat down just as my phone rang.
“Cliff, this is Jorge, Alpha of the Three Point Pack.”
I leaned back in my chair.
“I'm missing one of my pack and have been trying to find him. I'm hoping you might have some

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word of him. He's tall, dark hair blue eyes. Goes by Luther.”

Ah. So this was Luther's asshole of an Alpha. Didn't take him long to realize exactly what he'd

thrown out like a piece of trash.

“Sure. I know where he is.”
When I didn't continue, Jorge chuckled uneasily.
“That's great news. Could you let me know where? Maybe get him a message from me?”
“I could get him a message. But he isn't yours anymore. He's ours.”
He's mine.
Another pause, this one longer.
“Well, I'm sure you thought you were doing the charitable thing by taking him in. But you don't

need to shoulder that burden anymore, he already has a pack-”

“Yes. My pack. Maybe you should actually take care of your people instead of stabbing them in

the back.”

I hung up before he could respond.
Carefully, I stood up and walked out of my office and out the back door. My wolf was chomping at

the bit now, almost violent in its desire to mark Luther. To tie him to me and the pack in every way

Not bothering to strip first, I changed, stepping out of what remained of my clothes and sprinting

into the forest.


I drove back home after a long day working on the old house the newly married couple wanted to


It felt good to be back to work. It definitely made me feel like less of a moocher if I could help

contribute to the finances.

Though Cliff just laughed when I'd mentioned it, saying he didn't need the money and that I was

doing him a favor. He'd made fake puppy dog eyes and said how he was so lonely before I'd gotten

I'd rolled my eyes at that, but there was a tinge of truth to the joke that had me feeling warm and

happy inside.

I'd never imagined that the worst thing that I could possibly imagine having happen would lead to

the best thing that had happened to me.

I wasn't just accepted. I was cared for. And Cliff had made it a point to let me know his place was

my home as long as I wanted to stay.

I parked in the drive and hopped out with a smile, looking forward to seeing him.
I knew I was acting like a schoolgirl as I hurried up the walk.
But before I could open the front door, it flew open.
A naked Cliff yanked me inside and slammed the door shut before pushing me up against it.
“Do you want to be my mate?”
My heart leaped even through the confusion caused by his behavior and the arousal from having

his hot, hard body pressed up against mine.

“Why? What's wrong?”
He pushed closer, his erection pushing up against mine. He ducked his head, his face against the

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side of my neck.

“Jorge called today.”
I froze.
Why would my former Alpha be calling Cliff?
“What did he want?”
He shuddered as I smoothed my hands up his naked back, trying to calm him down a little. When

he spoke again, his lips brushed against the vulnerable skin of my neck, making goosebumps break

“He wanted you back. But you're mine now.” He growled the last statement, closing his teeth over

me as he cupped my ass.

It was getting harder to think.
I wasn't calming him down, he was bringing me up.
“I'm not going back there, Cliff.” His teeth let up a little. “And I do want to me your mate. But not

if the only reason you're asking is because you're afraid I'll leave.”

“It's not the only reason I'm asking,” he said, the gravel in his voice going straight to my cock.

“I've been trying to give you time. But that asshole calling kind of...riled me up.”

I snorted at the understatement of the year.
“Do you mean it? Now's the time to say no because I can't hold back if you don't say it.” His

breath was hot against the damp spot he'd left on my skin.

I turned so my mouth was against his ear.
I cried out as he bit into me hard, his teeth sinking in.
It hurt. But it blended in with the pleasure of him grinding against me, of his hot skin under my

hands, his scent.

He let go of me with one hand to rip open my pants and shove them down. The clatter of the button

bouncing off the floor had me thinking I should invest in some more elastic-waist pants.

My eyes closed completely as his hand wrapped around my cock, pulling on it firmly.
“Take off your pants.”
“Huh?” I raised my head from where it had dropped back against the door.
“Take them off.”
I let go of him to shove them down farther, toeing of my shoes before stepping out of them.
As soon as they were off, Cliff hauled me over his shoulder and strode inside to his bedroom.
I was already taking off my t-shirt as I bounced on the bed, but it was still covering my face as

Cliff pushed one of my legs up and slid a lubed finger inside me.

I gasped at the quick intrusion, yanking the shirt over my head and throwing it over the bed.
Cliff inserted another finger quickly after the first, scissoring them before sliding them out and

aiming his cock.

I gulped as I finally got a good look at it.
Reddened, with the head glistening with moisture, the veins popping out, it looked downright

painful. Cliff's gritted teeth definitely told that story.

He didn't go slow. I doubted that he could have at that point.
I groaned as he sank his length into me, raising my legs to wrap around him as his hips met mine.
Once he was in, some of the frenzy left him and his eyes softened, tracking over to the drops of

blood on my neck.

Bending down, he kissed me softly.

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Moaning, I tangled my tongue with his, combing my fingers into the soft strands of his hair, damp

with sweat.

He broke the kiss to lick at the bite he'd left in my skin.
I winced a little and he straightened his arms, his biceps popping as he held his torso up.
“I'd apologize, but I wouldn't mean it.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Fine. But I'm going to give you a matching one. Get down here.”
He grinned, eyes crinkling at the corners.
“My pleasure.”
He laid his torso on mine, angling his neck to give me a clear shot.
Gripping his hair in one hand, I pulled his head at even more of an angle, eliciting a sound from


It wasn't one of pain.
I licked the taut skin, sucked at it, nibbled it, until Cliff was grinding against me, his fingers

digging into my hip.

That's when I bit down on the skin I'd just sensitized.
I carefully let go, licking at the small wounds.
But Cliff couldn't take anymore, rising up so he could get some leverage to thrust. I dug my heels

into the hard muscle of his ass and worked back against him, the metallic taste of his blood still on my

His eyes stayed locked on my neck as he thrust, his abs and pecs flexing, arms taut with tension.
He tracked my hand as I reached down to my cock.
Not stopping his thrusting, he grabbed the lube from the bedside table and poured some onto my


Aided by the slickness, I started pumping myself in time with the thrusts.
It felt too good.
A few thrusts later, I came all over my stomach, Cliff's cock keeping me going long past when I

thought I was empty.

He leaned down to kiss me, one hand rubbing my cum into my skin.
Straightening again, he watched his hand rubbing over my slick skin.
My legs slid down his sides as I tried to catch my breath. Hooking his arms under my knees, he

bent over and pushed my legs back, pounding into me in quick hard strokes, his eyes shut tight.

With a groan, he came inside me, the warmth of it spreading.
Skating my hands up his arms, I cupped his shoulders, urging him down to lie on top of me.
And it was perfect.
The pain of the mark, the sight of his matching one, his skin slick against mine and our scents

mixed with sex.



My wolf was finally content, wallowing in the bliss of having marked Luther.
This wasn't what I'd been planning, but nothing seemed to go the way I'd planned when it came to


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He just scrambled me up too much.
“Do you think...Jorge might show up?”
The arm I had wrapped around his waist tightened.
“I hope he does. My foot up his ass could be a good learning experience for him.”
He snorted out a laugh, scooting back so he was pressed up against me more firmly.
“I won't stop you. But you're going to have to wait your turn.”
I mulled that over for a second.
“I can live with that.”
“Good.” He sighed as he closed his eyes. “It's a deal.”
I held him as he fell asleep, his even breathing lulling me.
Burying my face against the back of his head, I let myself relax.
I had everything important held safely in my arms.


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