Sean Michael A Hammer Novel 14 Christmas Auction

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Christmas Auction: A Hammer story

By Sean Michael

The Saturday before Christmas at the Hammer brought with it, every year, their auction for
charity. The place was always packed, the items up for bid always fetched a fair price, the
proceeds from all food and booze consumed also went to charity and everyone always had a
good time.

Marcus, however, was not always the emcee. In fact, this was his first time. Oliver had asked,
and how could he say no?

He couldn't.

He stood in front of the mirror, frowning at the red velvet Santa hat on his head. He wasn't sure it
didn't look... camp with his bald head. But he'd already refused the red velvet pantsuit, much to
Oliver's chagrin. Instead, he wore black leather pants, a dark red shirt, and stompy leather boots.
In the pantsuit he would have looked fruity; in what he was wearing he looked, well, toppy.
Which suited him just fine.

"Baby? Does the hat work?"

Jim tilted his head. "Not really, but you should wear it just for the auction."

He took another look in the mirror and nodded. Taking the hat off, he put it on the doorknob;
he'd put it back on when Xavier called on him to open the auction. Until then, he and Jim had
one of the private rooms all to themselves; Xavier had even served them dinner before telling
them with a wink that they had almost two hours before things were scheduled to begin.

"Now that that's settled, we just need to figure out what to do to fill the time before I'm needed
onstage." He smiled at his baby; he had a few ideas.

Jim was wearing jeans and a long sleeved white T-shirt, long hair worn in a braid down the back.
His baby was not completely comfortable with the thought of an auction -- as if any sub ever
ended with anyone they didn't belong with. There had even been stories about couples who had
met each other during the auction.

Besides, he'd been very clear on what was on offer with Jim -- coffee and brownies served by his
baby. Full stop. And he might have asked Jack to bid for Jim on his behalf.

He moved to where Jim was stacking their empty plates and gave that sweet ass a gentle smack.

Those beautiful green eyes met his, wide and warm. "Master?"

"I was just testing out one of the things we could do before I'm needed onstage."

"You'll be wonderful." Jim stepped close, nose sliding on his jaw.

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"Mmm." He slid his arm around Jim's waist and raised his head, just enough that Jim could
nuzzle into his neck. Jim's lips were soft, heated where they were worshipping his skin. No one
loved like his baby did. No one. His eyes closed for a moment and he simply reveled in the
touches, the heat, and the scent of his baby.

His hand slid from Jim's waist to his lover's ass again, and he squeezed, fingers pressing into
Jim's crease through the denim. Jim hummed softly and arched into his hand, the motion easy as

"I want you," he said, eyes opening so he could watch Jim move into his touch in the mirror.

"I'm yours." Jim's lips brushed his collarbone.

"You are." He tilted Jim's head up and took those lips, moaning against the soft skin. Jim's hands
slid up, fingers sliding over his scalp. Jim had shaved him this morning, so carefully, so
thoroughly. He hummed happily, devouring Jim's mouth. Jim tasted minty, like candy canes.
"You taste like Christmas."

"Xavier gave me a candy cane when we came in. I love those."

"I love them in your mouth." He waggled his eyebrows, making the words as suggestive as

"You aren't peppermint flavored, but I love you in my mouth."

He tilted his head and chuckled. "This is getting complicated, baby."

Jim started laughing, the sound filling the air up. Loath to stop the sweet laughter, he tugged
Jim's T-shirt out of his jeans and began to pull it off. The beautiful inked muscles came into
view, Jim waxed and pumped and lovely. It had him moaning, his hands sliding on Jim's skin,
tracing the tattoos, his fingers spreading over warm skin. Tigers and waves, fishes and flowers --
the design still took his breath away.

He watched in the mirror as Jim moved, the tattoos coming alive. Groaning, he took another kiss.

"Master." The words were barely whispered against his lips.

"Yes. Yours." He bit at Jim's lower lip, tugging on it.

Jim moaned, the sound happy as fuck, and stepped into the curve of his arms. He moved to undo
Jim's belt. He wanted to have his baby on the big bed provided, make sure they put it to good

"I was dressed..."

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He smiled at the gentle tease. "You can get dressed again. Later." After he'd had that sexy ass.

Jim's jeans dropped when the fly was opened, the fine body fully exposed. Groaning, he took a
last look in the mirror and then shuffled them toward the bed. Jim followed beautifully, flowing
along with him as they went.

He opened his leather pants, freeing his cock as he pushed his naked lover onto the bed. There
was something sexy about being fully dressed while Jim was naked. Jim's eyes were on his cock,
and the pink tongue slipped out, wetting those lips.

Marcus chuckled; he knew exactly what Jim wanted. "Wanton baby."

"Yes, Master." The smile warmed him, bone-deep.

"I know what you want." He climbed onto the bed, straddling Jim's chest.

"Yes. Yes, please."

Knees sliding up snug against Jim's armpits, he leaned forward and painted the lovely lips with
the tip of his cock.

"Master." Jim moaned, tongue slipping out to lick and lap at him.

"It's all yours, baby." He shifted a little more, bringing his cock closer, nudging it into his baby's

Jim's lips wrapped around the head of his prick, the heat and suction fucking perfect. Groaning,
he wrapped his hands around the headboard and held on, the movement giving him enough
forward tilt to push his cock deeper.

Jim moaned, swallowing hard, pulling at him. He held Jim's gaze, watching the pleasure in those
pretty green eyes. It felt so good; it felt even better knowing how much Jim wanted it. Heat and
suction moved over his cock, from tip to base.

"Baby." He held on as long as he could, but it seemed like no time at all before he was rocking
his hips, pushing his cock in and out of Jim's mouth. The tip slipped into the back of Jim's throat,
over and over, and he groaned as Jim pulled harder.

He moved from rocking his hips, to pushing hard as he fucked Jim's mouth, his orgasm barreling
down on him. Through it all, his baby took it, took him, and asked for more.

"Jim!" He shouted his lover's name as his hips jerked one last time and he shot hard. Jim's fingers
stroked his thighs, petted him as he rode out his orgasm. Groaning, still trying to catch his breath,
he let go of the headboard with one hand, sliding it along Jim's cheek. "So good, baby."

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Jim beamed at him, eyes shining up at him. He pulled out slowly, reluctant to leave that perfect,
hot mouth.

"Master." Jim moaned, cock hard, leaking for him.

"Yes, my needy baby?"

"Thank you."

Heat filled him and he bent to give Jim a wild, passionate kiss. Jim tasted like him, like sex, like
pure need. He lay down on top of his baby, rubbing the leather of his pants against Jim's needy
prick. He loved the moans, the deep, desperate sounds.

He put one leg between Jim's thighs, giving Jim a nice smooth patch of leather to rub off against.
Marcus watched the heat in Jim's eyes, his baby giving it all to him. "The leather feel good
against your cock, baby? Does rubbing against it make you want to come?"

Jim's prick was slick enough with pre-come that it moved easily on him, Jim humping faster.

"So sexy, baby." He pressed one hard kiss after another on Jim's mouth, one hand dropping to
wrap around Jim's hip and encourage the movements.

Jim groaned and arched, body convulsing. "Master..."

"Come on, baby. Give it up for me."

"Help me."

He slid his hand beneath Jim's ass, squeezing, digging his fingers in. Heat sprayed up over his
leathers, Jim convulsing. Groaning, he softened his touch and gave Jim a gentle, but thorough,
kiss. The scent was wonderful.

"Mmm... Master." Jim blinked at him.

He licked at Jim's lips. "My sexy baby."

"Yours. Did I mess up your pants?"

"We can clean them up, baby."

"Mmm. Okay." Jim moaned softly. "You taste so good."

"So do you." He rolled off Jim, pulling his lover into his arms as they lay together. "Are you
going to wait backstage for me while I'm emceeing the auction?"

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"Whatever you want, Master."

"I'd like you by my side, maybe helping?"

"Then I'll be there."

"Thank you, baby."

Jim kissed his nose. He chuckled and kissed Jim's. "Merry Christmas party, Master."

"Yes. Merry Christmas party to you, too."

There was a knock on the door, the club's manager's voice sounding.. "We'll be starting in five
minutes, Marcus."

"Thanks, Xavier." He smiled at his baby. "Ready?"

"We have to clean you up and I'm naked!"

He put his head back and laughed. "Details, baby. Just details."

"Uh-huh. Relatively important details." Jim's eyes were twinkling. "Up."

He stood, still chuckling, and held out a hand to his baby.

Jim's hand slid into his. "Yes, Master."

He wouldn't need to bid on anything; he already had everything he could want.


Xan looked himself over. He looked good -- he knew he did. Tight jeans and snakeskin boots, a
wide-necked white sweater, a tiny gold chain. He was shaved, top to bottom, his ink oiled, his
piercings all matching.

It was time for a fabulous, glorious, breath-taking goodbye.

"And now, our next item up for bid is a single night with our dear friend, Alexander. Xan's note
here is that he is available for six hours of hard play, beginning at ten p.m. tonight and ending at
four tomorrow morning. Xan's note also says that he'll be moving out of town in the morning, so
this is his final appearance at the Hammer."

He nodded. That was right. Time to move on. Time to find a new life. But first, one last hurrah.
He stomped up on the stage, working it, moving his ass. Applause and cheers met his entrance,
as well as the odd wolf-whistle. Yeah, he definitely looked good.

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Xan refused to look out to see if there was a certain someone out there. If he was, cool. If not,
whatever. The man didn't want anything more than a one-nighter once a year, and it didn't matter
who bought him tonight. He just wanted to do this last thing and go.

"Let's start the bidding at a thousand dollars tonight. Do I have-- thank you. One thousand. Two.
Yes, two thousand dollars. Do I hear three? Very good. Three. Four. Five. Five Thousand dollars
is the bid. Six hours of hard play folks with the lovely Xan. That should be worth at least six
thousand. And thank you. I have six, do I hear seven?"

Xan bent over the podium, spread his legs and pumped it.

"Seven. I have-- Eight. I have Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. I have eleven thousand."

"Twenty thousand dollars." The voice cut across the auctioneer's patter.

Xan went still, blinked and turned as the place went silent. Jesus.

"Twenty. I have twenty thousand dollars, do I hear twenty-one?" Marcus chuckled. "Twenty it is.
Going once, going twice. Sold to number seventeen!" The gavel hit the podium and Marcus gave
him a wink.

He nodded and headed down the stairs to be claimed.

Please. Please let it be him. Just one more time.

A tall, muscled man with short dark hair and the most intense gray eyes met him. There was a
scar on the man's cheek. Gil.

Xan looked up, his entire body awake and alive and eager. "Sir."

He wouldn't call the man Master. He wouldn't. He was saving that.

"Xan." Gill didn't smile, but there was pleasure in the dark eyes. "We have a half hour before ten.
Would you like a drink? A light meal?"

"Dance with me?" One more time?

Gil did smile this time, and his hand was taken. Xan kept his own smile on his face, refusing to
be melancholy.

They moved to the side of the club where there was dancing and tall tables with stools for those
who wanted a drink. Gil drew him into the strong arms, tugging him close.

"Oh..." He pushed in, inhaling, filling himself with that scent. God, he'd missed this, longed for
it. Dreamed. Stupid, he knew, but true. "Merry Christmas, Sir."

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"Merry Christmas, Xan."

They danced in silence for a few moments, and then Gil spoke again. "I was pleased to see you
on the auction roster tonight."

"Thank you. I was hoping... I'm glad you were here."

"I came on the chance... I came."

He shivered, pressed close. "You did."

Gil's hand slid down to his ass, holding him there, snugged up against the strong body. He could
feel eyes on them, people admiring them as they moved together around the dance floor. Xan let
himself go, let Gil take him and lead him. The man had a firm hand and was very self-assured,
confident. It was sexy as hell.

One hand was on the small of his back, solid, sure. He remembered last year, how that hand had
warmed him, from top to bottom, a piece of carved ginger inserted in his hole to burn.

"Still have the same safeword, boy?"

Xan nodded. "Ghost."

"Good. Any requests?"

He opened his mouth to say, "Make me yours," but what came out was, "No. No, I'm yours for
the evening."

"Excellent." Gil's eyes were heated as he looked down at Xan, moving him expertly around the
floor. Xan focused, trying to remember every moment, every breath. How often in life did you
get to know for sure that this was the very last time? Gil looked like he was into it, too, those
gray eyes never left his, not for a moment. The music swelled around them, the beat solid and
strong, heavy under their feet.

It was nearly ten p.m. when Gil danced him toward the rooms at the back of the club. "You've
arranged for a room?"

"Yes, sir. Xavier gave me the key for the red room."

"Excellent." It was the same room they'd used the year before, and the year before that.

Xan unlocked the door to the room, held the door open for Gil. Gil nodded to him and then
locked the door once they were in. The sounds from the club disappeared as soon as the door had
closed behind them. Gil kept the key and Xan stood, still and waiting.

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Gil walked slowly around him, and he could feel that admiring gaze going top to bottom. He
refused to shiver, to respond. He could control himself. He could. That gaze never left him,
though, and he imagined he could feel the amazing heat of it touching him. It was stupid.
Ridiculous. Absolutely insane, the way he wanted this. They'd only had two nights together --
just two, but Gil had been with someone that first time and, although he knew Gil was single last
year, the man had made it clear that Xan was just a diversion.

Gil went over to the big toy chest supplied by the club and began to go through it, to take stuff
out. Xan watched, admiring the long, strong body, the skilled hands. The tight little butt. A chain
was pulled out, several weights put next to it. Several plugs, floggers and a cockring that
looked... bumpy.

His cock began to fill, swelling, pressing against the fly of his jeans. He thought he heard Gil
make a humming sound. "Do you have something wonderful planned for Christmas?" He
couldn't just stay silent.

"I had tonight planned." Gil turned, looked into his eyes. "I'm glad my plans didn't fall through."

"I am, too." He could be honest about that.

"Then strip and come over here."

"Yes, Sir." He stripped off easily -- exposing his double pierced nipples, his pierced navel, then
the ladder traveling over his ball sac and up his cock, the ring in the tip.

Gil licked his lips as Xan exposed himself and that soft sound came again, reaching out between
them. His ink covered him, from knee to collarbones in the front and back, barring the globes of
his ass, which were bare.

"Very nice. Come here."

"Yes, Sir." His cock led the way, straight to Gil.

Gil palmed it for a moment, fingers wrapping tight as Gil weighed him, measured him. Played
with his ladder. Then the big hands slid over his hips and up along his ribs, thumbs flicking the
rings in his nipples. His abs went rock hard, begging the touch.

"Your body is made for touching," murmured Gil, breath ghosting across his cheek.

"Yes, Sir." It was made for Gil to touch.

God, he was an idiot.

Gil reached back and grabbed the chain, linking it from one set of nipple rings to the other. Then
he put a small weight on it. Xan's eyelids got heavy, his nipples ached, the tug so sweet.

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Gil set the weight swinging. "Lovely."

His breath caught in his throat, and he swallowed to thank Gil, but his mouth was dry.

"On your knees, boy. You may lick my boots."

He almost argued, just to see what Gil would do, but instead he knelt and denied Gil the 'Yes,
Sir' he'd normally give.

"Take your time," murmured Gil, one hand gliding over his bald head.

He moaned softly, lowering himself to the floor, as he breathed in the scent of leather. The
weight on the chain tugged at his nipples, pulled at his skin. His toes curled as the flavor of Gil's
boots hit him. Hot. Fuck.

"The view is fucking incredible."

"Thank you, Sir." He whispered the words.

"What was that?"

He looked up, met Gil's eyes, challenging. "Hmm?"

"You'll speak up so I can hear you, and you'll remember who's in charge here or our evening is

"That would be a hell of a waste of money."

Gil's gaze didn't leave his. "Then make sure you don't let that happen."

He held that look, his entire body alight. Those gray eyes kept staring into his own, Gil not
backing down by even a blink. His cock began to leak, his heart beating faster, a sheen of sweat
covering his skin. So strong. He was so fucked.

The tension between them grew, Gil solid, implacable as he stood and waited for Xan to submit.

"Thank you, Sir." He moaned and bent back to his worshipping, aching with need.

"You're welcome." The words rumbled over him, sounding like praise.

Xan lost himself, mouth moving over the leather as he drifted away, the act meditative, quiet. He
had no idea how long it went on -- it didn't matter anyway.

"Move up my leathers now. Your goal is my cock, but take your time."

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He followed directions, nuzzling the inside of Gil's knee, humming under his breath. Out of the
corner of his eye he could see the bulge in Gil's pants growing. He slowed, tongue on Gil's thigh.
This time that moan was louder. Gil smelled so good. So fucking hot.

"When you're there, undo my pants and suck my cock."

Xan nuzzled Gil's balls, pushing a little through the leather.

Gil spread his feet apart a little more. "Good boy."

He huffed softly. He wasn't a boy, even if the gentle diminutive zipped down his spine.

One big hand slid over his scalp again, warm and gentle, then Gil cupped the back of his head
and pressed his face into the warm leathers, against the bulge at Gil's crotch. He moaned, mouth
open, his tongue stud sliding up the long, hard cock.

"That's right, like that. Remember, the better you do this, the better your reward."

His eyes flashed up to Gil's, and his tongue pushed harder. Gil's eyes met his, heat and pleasure
in them. It was easy, to unlace the pretty leathers and set that needy cock free. He had no
problem sucking. In fact, he was good at it. Gil licked his lips, muscles all tight, the anticipation
right there. Xan bent to the task, starting by taking Gil's cock in completely, swallowing hard
around the tip, tongue slapping the shaft, before he moved to focus on fucking the slit of Gil's
prick with his stud.

"Fuck." Gil's hands both moved to cup his head, fingertips digging into his scalp, but not
controlling his movements.

Yes. Yes, feel me. I could've made you happy. I could have.

"You can use your hands, too."

He rolled Gil's balls in his fingers, tugging whenever they began to draw up. They had time. Gil
started to make noises, grunts and moans, sounds that he took to mean good and more and don't
stop. Sucking and licking, pushing hard -- Xan worked to make this blowjob the best one, the
one that Gil would remember every time another guy's mouth was on him. Forever.

With the room so quiet, it was easy to hear as Gil's breath began to hitch, to grow ragged. Gil's
hips started rocking, gently to start with, though Xan could remember the man fucking his mouth
with long, hard strokes. He started humming, adding that sensation to the suction.

"You're so fucking good at this." Gil's voice was rough, strained, thick with need.

Xan just wanted it to be perfect.

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The fingers on his head tightened and Gil started humping his face, cock sliding deep with every
thrust. He relaxed his throat, letting Gil in and swallowing on every thrust.

"That's it, Xan. Take it. Such a fucking stud." Groaning, Gil moved faster, hips snapping and
then freezing as come shot down Xan's throat. He swallowed every drop, fighting to focus, to
keep every second. Making a soft, happy noise, Gil slowly pulled out and stroked his head. "Yes.
Good boy."

He shivered. "Thank you, Sir."

Gil's fingers slid over his face, cupped his chin. One finger ran over his lips. "You can undress
me now. And then I'll give you a night to remember."


Gil stood still, not allowing himself to give anything away as Xan expertly worked him out of his
clothes, folded them neatly and set them aside. He'd come tonight for this. There wasn't anything
else he'd wanted to bid on. He hadn't even been sure that Xan would be here, but he'd hoped.

Just two encounters like this one, each a year apart. It made no sense how much he'd anticipated
this, wanted it. Yet here he was. Twenty thousand dollars poorer, but knowing it would be worth

Naked, he turned to the items he'd taken out of the toy chest, picked up the leather cockring and
rubbed his fingers along the bumps that lined the inside of the binding.

Blue eyes, the palest he'd ever seen, stared at him through long, white eyelashes. Even without
the piercings and tattoos, Xan would have been fascinating, beautiful. With the enhancements he
was utterly stunning.

Gil showed Xan the leather cockring with its ball loop and then began to work it onto the hard,
dripping prick. He was careful not to tear the little barbells, but made sure to nudge them, jostle
them. It was a challenge, but one he enjoyed.

After the cock ring was in place, Xan's balls bunched together and pushed forward, he played
with the ladder. Xan was so still, so controlled, so focused on him. It was odd, for the bubbly,
wicked man to be so quiet. At least Gil thought it was odd.

"Pick the plug you want." He'd taken out three. All thick, one with ridges, one with little almost
fringes, sturdy and short all over it; the other vibrated.

Xan looked the plugs over, and finally chose the ridged one. "This one, Sir."

"Why that one?"

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"It's shiny."

Gil laughed, surprised by Xan's answer. There was that quicksilver smile, just for him. He took
the plug and began to lube it up. "Bend over, Xan."

"Over the bed or right here?"

"Oh, right here is just fine." He loved watching the sexy body stretch.

"Yes, Sir." Xan folded forward, the pale asscheeks shocking without the dark ink.

His fingers itched to spank them and he went ahead and let his hand fly twice in quick
succession, giving each cheek a nice swat. Two perfect pink handprints appeared, the ass cheeks
clenching tight. Very nice.

He gave the right cheek another little swat and then slipped one lubed finger into Xan. The man
squeezed for him, making him work for it. He loved the challenge, loved pushing until Xan's ass
yielding, letting him in. So hot inside, Xan's inner walls like silk. Gil thought the man was tighter
this year, tighter than before.

Had Xan been on his own during this past year? The thought was surprising. Even more
surprising was the feeling that swept through him at the thought. Deep inside, he was fiercely
glad about it.

He pushed in another finger, working to stretch Xan open. Xan began to breathe faster, began to
pant. Oh, yes. He'd been waiting for a reaction like that, to know that he was affecting Xan. He
added another finger, twisting and pushing with them, finding Xan's little gland. He almost --
almost -- got a soft little cry. He pegged it again, and then again. Xan was bound, wouldn't be
able to orgasm, so the sensations would be rolling through his body.

The lean muscles started rippling, shaking for him. He picked up the plug in his free hand and
pegged that sweet spot one last time before letting his fingers slide away. He got a soft almost-
complaint. It made him smile, and play for a moment, teasing the tip of the plug across Xan's
hole, but not pushing in. Xan leaned forward, almost losing his balance.

"Careful," he growled. Falling over was not in his plans. He grabbed hold of Xan's hip and
tugged him back, not quite piercing the tight hole with the plug.

"Sorry, Sir."

He swatted Xan's ass. "No problem. Now, take the plug in."

"Sure. No sweat." The tight little hole pressed back, then pulled away.

"No sweat." Chuckling, he swatted Xan's ass again, putting a little heat into it this time. "You're

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supposed to enjoy it." Because he certainly was; it was hot, watching Xan's ass slowly swallow
the plug up.

"Are you sure about that?"

Cheeky little fuck. He swatted Xan again. "Quite."

Xan moaned softly, rocked toward his touch. He spanked Xan again, watching as each rock back
took more of the plug in. He'd never seen anyone who wanted it as much as Xan did. Anyone
who needed to be taken, dominated. Fucked and forced and made to feel. He pushed the rest of
the plug in, shoving it hard.

Xan stumbled forward, grunting hard. He let the plug slide away and then pushed it back in again
as he pulled Xan back toward him.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

"That's what we're doing." And he did, fucking Xan good and hard with the plug. He added more
lube, pushing a little harder, spreading Xan's hole. "Such a pretty ass."

Xan shook it, teasing, testing.

He swatted again, laughing. "Such a brat, though."


Gil laughed again, twisting the plug as he pushed it back in.

"Fuck, it's big."

"It is. Not as big as I am."

Xan grunted, but didn't say anything, just pressed back again.

"You remember what it feels like to get taken by me. And if you're very good you'll feel it

"I'd like that. One more time. Please, Sir."

"Uh-huh. Let's see if you earn it." He seated the plug and slapped Xan's ass. Xan didn't move,
didn't make a sound, but stayed bent over. "Very good. Over the bed now. We're going to make
this pretty skin of yours sing."

Xan headed to the bed, then bent, resting his head on his hands. God, that man got to him.

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He went over to the various floggers he'd taken out of the chest, fingers running over them. Xan's
eyes were on him, still, quiet, watching. He picked up a short, heavy flogger. This one would
thud deep; Xan would feel him for days. Gil nodded and picked it up, hit his palm with it a
couple times. Xan closed his eyes, spread for him.

"This will warm you nicely." He moved to the bed, and decided where to hit first. He
remembered how Xan had jerked and shivered, had danced for him, two years in a row.
Beautiful man. "Begin," he murmured, and brought his arm down, the flogger landing across
Xan's shoulders.

The inked skin didn't show the blows, but Gil could smell heat, need. He worked his way down
with deliberate, rhythmic blows, slowly moving from the top of Xan's shoulders down. Beautiful
boy. Such need, such hunger. His own cock stood out from his body, hard again despite having
already come. Xan was quite inspirational.

He worked the lean back, avoiding the pale globes of Xan's ass. When the tattoos had darkened
from the blood coming close to the surface, he moved to the backs of Xan's legs. Xan groaned,
so softly, the sound sweet, and he wanted more. He moved up and down the long legs and then
again worked Xan's back and shoulders. He was saving that sweet, pale ass for his hand.

He could see the hint of metal in Xan's double guiche and he found a little clip on weight to put
there, to counterbalance the one at Xan's nipples. Taking the opportunity, he put down the
flogger and flexed his fingers. He was ready for that ass now.

"My hand," he said softly.

"Yes, Sir."

He began to spank Xan's ass, the pale globes making an excellent target.

Xan didn't offer him any response for the longest time, then a soft sob sounded and Xan began to
move. He nodded, hand moving faster, hitting into Xan's body as it pushed back. Inaudible
words hiccupped from Xan, things he couldn't understand, couldn't quite hear.

He was going to push Xan, make sure that this man never forgot this night they shared together.
No matter where the man went.

His arm was getting tired, his hand burning hot, stinging now with each swat of that beautiful
ass. Xan's skin was rosy, bright, places starting to bruise. He could barely wait to fuck Xan's
rosy, tight ass. He wanted to remember, too. To hold on to what they'd done here tonight.

Why was the man leaving? What could he find somewhere else? Certainly not anyone who could
move him like Gil could.

Growling, he spanked Xan several more times and then stopped.

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Xan's head came up, light blue eyes wet. "Sir?"

He stroked Xan's head, smiling softly. "I'm going to make love to you now."

One tear escaped, staining the lean face. Bending, he kissed it away. Xan turned, surprising him,
and brought their mouths together, the kiss heated and wild, filled with desperation. He was
frozen for a second, and then he kissed back, tongue pushing into Xan's mouth. Xan kissed him
like the man had blown him earlier -- the act breathtaking with need and desire.

Fuck, he could lose himself in this. He had to remind himself that Xan was leaving town, leaving
the west coast after tonight. He needed to know why. He needed Xan to tell him. He pulled away
from the kiss, panting as he stared into pale eyes. "Why are you going?"

"Because I can't stay here and only be with the person I need once a year." Xan's eyes rolled and
the beautiful man jerked up and away from him.

Gil's eyes widened at the words, and then narrowed as he considered what Xan had just told him.
"You need me?"

"I have to go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I just... I can't. I'll tell Xavier it's my fault. Jesus. This was
stupid." Xan tugged on his sweater, the act just barely stopping the flow of words. There was the
Xan he knew.

"No, I think you'll stay. I still have over four hours left." He'd get to the bottom of this before
those four hours were over.

"I... I can't. I just... I'm sorry. I know I'm not, but I'm just... And the drive."

Jesus, that was beautiful.

He wrapped his hands around Xan's arms and tugged the man up against his body, taking a hard
kiss. He reached down, fingers on that burning ass, the plug between. Xan whimpered for him,
the kiss going deep. He pushed at the base of the plug, sending it deeper and rubbing Xan's ass at
the same time. Xan cried out for him, the sound pushing into his lips. Yes.

He managed to work the end of the plug out, then pushed it back in again, fucking Xan with it as
his tongue fucked the sweet lips. Oh, fuck. So much better than the controlled stillness, the quiet.
He moved them back to the bed and pushed Xan down onto it. His mouth never left Xan's as he
followed the man down.

His hand tugged the weights, pushed the plug, explored the ladder on that fine cock and balls. All
the while, he kept that sweet mouth busy. So fucking sexy and completely focused on him now.
Xan's hand wrapped around his neck, holding their mouths together. Pushy boy. He allowed it,
for now. But when Xan was his boy, he'd behave better.

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When Xan was his, they would have a lovely list of punishments to explore and his wild child
would have what he needed.

He finally broke the kiss, panting hard; Xan panted just as hard. Those light blue eyes stared at
him, wide and so lovely, so unusual.

"You'll stay."

"What?" Those swollen lips parted.

"I said you'll stay, boy."

His boy.

"I..." His hand flew, catching Xan's hip, and his boy moaned. "Yes."

"Yes what, boy?"

"Yes, Master."


"Next up is Jeremy. He's offering a night of pleasure to the highest bidder."

Oh, wait.


No way.

Jeremy grabbed his cane, headed toward the stage. "Wait. Wait. Marcus, man. You got it..."

"Just a minute, please." Marcus left the podium and met him by the curtain. "What's up,

"I donated ironwork, man. I mean, like andirons. I ain't... I cain't... I mean... Jesus." He would
bent over and offer his Simon the world, but no other man on Earth. Not for any reason or any
amount of money. Ever.

"No, this is right. I've got Simon's signature right here."

He frowned, shook his head. "You're sure?"

The crowd was beginning to get restless.

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Marcus put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure. Your Master's taken care of everything, so come
on out and let's get this auction moving, hmm?"

"Yeah? Okay. Okay. Yeah." Simon wouldn't fuck him over, not in a million years. If Simon
signed it, knew about it, his beautiful lover had something up his sleeve. Jeremy clomped up on
the stage, his new legs lighter, easier than the other ones had been.

Marcus' patter started up again. "Here's Jeremy, offering a night of pleasure to the highest bidder.
This big beautiful man will be at your command until dawn. Let's start the bidding at one
thousand. I've got one. And two. There's three. That's three thousand dollars."

Jeremy chuckled, shook his head. It was the Hammer's biggest fundraiser, and well worth the
fun, but damn. Like his ass was worth three thousand bucks.

"I have four and now five. That's six. I've got six, will someone give me seven? Yes. Seven, how
about eight? Eight. That's eight thousand dollars. Do I hear nine?"

"Nine thousand dollars?" he whispered. "Shit, Marcus..."

"I have nine." Marcus winked at him. "How about ten? Thank you, sir. Ten. That's ten thousand
dollars for this beautiful man. Eleven? Will someone go to eleven? Anyone? Okay, I have ten
thousand dollars. Going once. Going twice. Sold to number twelve."

Jeremy stood there, swayed a little. "Jesus. It better be a damn good night, huh?"

Marcus patted his arm. "I'm sure it will be. Do you need help getting to room four?"

"Room four? No. No, I'm good." He took the key, pocketed it. "Merry Christmas, man."

"Merry Christmas, Jeremy." Marcus gave him a grin and a wink and went back to the podium.
"Up next we have an hour of massage..."

Jeremy made his way to the back, smiling at servers, getting a couple of hugs, then heading to
Room Four. It had better be Simon. Damn it.

The room was still empty when he got there, dark until he turned on the lights. This room was
simple, stark, but the bed looked comfortable, solid. He seemed to be waiting for a long time,
and then he heard footsteps come to the door and stop. Before he could decide whether to worry
or not, he noticed his pillows for his stumps by the bed.

Jeremy smiled, heat flooding him. God, he was stupid in love. He turned around and opened the
door, the grin still on his face.

Simon was there, hand raised to knock. His lover beamed at him. "Jeremy. You're looking
incredibly handsome tonight."

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"Hey, Beautiful." He held one hand out. "Sir."

Simon took his hand and came into the room, locking the door behind him. "Are you ready for a
night you'll never forget?"

"I couldn't believe when Marcus called out the offer. I had a second of worry."

"I would never allow another to touch you, Jeremy."

That made him puff up a little, made him proud. "No?" He knew it, but it was damn hot to hear

"Absolutely not. You're mine." Simon stepped close and took a kiss, like he was sealing the
words. Jeremy moaned, opened right on up. He did love when Simon got his Dom on.

When the kiss was over, Simon went over to where his pillows were. Behind them was a little
bag. Simon picked that up and looked inside, smiling and nodding at what he saw.

He arched an eyebrow, but didn't ask. "You want the legs off, Bea...Sir?"

"I do. I want you to be comfortable for this." Simon smiled, looking peaceful and happy.

"There's no chair here... is there?" What if he had to get up, go to the bathroom in the night?
When Simon rolled out his little travel chair, he grinned. "Man, I should never doubt, huh?
You've got my back."

"I do." Simon patted his arm. "I wouldn't leave you hanging. Now come on, all the little details
are taken care of, let's make this a ten thousand dollar night!"

"Ten thousand dollars... Christ..." He started stripping, pushing his jeans down, then sat, worked
his thighs out of his legs.

"You're worth every penny and more." Simon was watching him, admiring gaze traveling over
his body.

He blushed, ducked his head. "Shit, I'm yours. You don't have to pay a dime for it."

"No, but that doesn't mean you're not still worth it." Simon stepped up close, hands running over
the muscles of his chest. He flexed, feeling about as buff and hot as a guy could. Simon's hitched
breath only served to increase that feeling. "I am the luckiest man alive to have such a stud for
my very own."

"Before we start this, come kiss me."

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"How do you know beginning with a kiss isn't a part of 'this'?" Simon stepped up between his
legs, though, and cupped his face. Damn, Simon always kept him off-balance.

Smiling, Simon brought their mouths together, the kiss beginning slowly and then deepening. By
the time Simon's lips left him, he was swaying, moaning softly with an aching cock.

Simon stroked his cheeks and then let him go. "Lie back on the bed, love. Get comfortable --
you'll be lying there for awhile."

Simon picked up the pillows for his stumps, passing them over.

"On my back, Sir?"

"Yes, please." Simon began to strip, body slim but toned.

"So fine." He got himself propped. "You want me spread?"

"I do. I'm going to start by putting in a plug." Simon pulled a fairly large plug out of the bag by
the bed, along with a very large tube of lube.

"That's the economy-sized slick."

Simon looked startled for a moment, and then laughed, face lighting up. "I suppose it is." Then
Simon's eyes grew serious, dark. "We're going to need it."

"Yeah? That sounds... intense." His cock jerked, his entire body happy.

"Excellent, I'd hate to give you the wrong impression, and I can see that I haven't." Simon
crawled up onto the bed and leaned over him. The plug was brought to his mouth, the tip sliding
on his lips. "I want you to suck on it."

His cheeks burned, and his hips jerked as a rush of arousal hit him. Simon licked his own lips
and then fed the silver plug between his lips. He could feel his master's eyes on him, watching
him closely. This little sound came out of him, but he opened, let Simon feed it in.

The heat in Simon's face was worth it, as was the moan that filled the air. His fingers curled into
the crisp sheets, and he couldn't decide what to do. Whether to breathe.

Simon moved the plug slowly, fucking his mouth with it. "So sexy, Jeremy."

God. God, this was hard. Intense. Bizarre.

Then Simon leaned in and licked along his lips, tongue sliding to touch where they were
stretched and the plug spread them. That made him cry out again, and he grabbed Simon's

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shoulders. Simon moved the plug faster, lips and tongue staying right there, teasing his mouth,
fucking it, both.

Oh. Oh, God. Oh, fuck. He moaned, eyes rolling back in his head.

Eventually, the fucking slowed and Simon let the plug fall out of him mouth. It was replaced by
Simon's mouth, warm tongue pushing in. Jeremy grunted, body rocking as he held on. Simon's
tongue fucked his lips, this much more familiar than the hard, unyielding plug.

Then Simon broke away with a groan. "Time to fill you, my love."

"Fuck, yes. Yes, sir. Please." He loved his life.

"While I'm putting the plug in, you can take a look at the new plug I bought you." Simon reached
into the bag and pulled out a small cylindrical item. It almost looked like the tip end of a tin
penny whistle with a ring around the top. It was hollow.

"Plug? Sir? It... it's awful little..." He'd worry it would get lost.

Simon lubed up the other plug and smiled. "It doesn't go where you're thinking it goes."

"You mean... Jesus, Simon. It's huge to go in my cock." He knew Simon wouldn't hurt him, but

Simon chuckled. "You were just saying how little it was."

"That's when I thought it belonged somewhere else..."

Simon kissed the tip of his cock. "You're going to love it."

He looked at Simon, his prick trying to shrink up. Simon slid slick fingers along his crack,
teasing at his hole. "You are."

"I trust you." Mostly.

"You've loved the sounds every time we use them." Those fingers slid into him now, pushing

"That... that's not a sound."

"Same principle. Only with this you can come." Simon found his gland, fingertips pushing
against it.

"I. I. Oh, fuck. Shh. Don't talk. You make me need so bad."

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"That's the point, isn't it? Making you need, making you want, making you come?" Simon's
fingers fucked him, pushing against his gland, stretching him.

"Yeah. I mean... It's about you, too. Wanting. I mean. Fuck. Sir."

"Oh, yes, Jeremy. We're in this together. Maybe more tonight than at any other time." A third
finger pushed into him, Simon spreading him.

"I don't understand."

Simon's fingers disappeared and the base of the plug breached his hole. "Tonight, I'm going to
hold you in my hand." The plug slid into him in one sure, smooth motion.

Any questions he might have asked disappeared with that smooth, sweet pressure. Simon twisted
the plug and then set it in place. His cock was patted, his balls stroked.

"Sir..." He hummed, wiggled carefully.

"So pretty." Simon kissed the tip of his cock again and then took the... the penis plug from his

"Have... have you ever used one of those?"

"I'm not going to do anything that will damage you, Jeremy." Simon rubbed his belly in slow

"I know." He did. Still...

"Love." Simon lay on top of him, looked down at him. "Breathe." He met Simon's eyes, then
took a long, deep, slow breath, feeling the air fill his lungs, then leave him. "Again."

"Yes, Sir." In, so deep, then out.

Simon breathed with him, watched him. Over and over they breathed, until there wasn't any
tension left in him, wasn't anything but Simon and him. Simon smiled against his lips and then
touched them with his tongue.

He opened easily, letting Simon in. Simon's tongue explored his mouth as if it was the first time.
Everything went quiet inside him, and he held on, fingers tangled in Simon's hair. It went on and
on, like they had all night to do nothing else but this. He floated happily, so happy, so settled.

Eventually, Simon's hands began to move on him, sliding over his muscles, finding the sweet
spots on his body. Sounds started slipping out of him, deep and undeniable.

Each one was met with a moan from Simon. "So good. Jeremy."

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"Yours. Damn, you make me need."

"The feeling is mutual." Simon slid off his body and pressed kisses across his chest. His nipples
went hard, trying to reach for Simon's touch. "You want something," Simon teased, breathing the
words across his nipples, but not actually touching them with more than air.

"Always." Shit, his life was about wanting.

"Maybe I'll give it to you." Simon nearly licked his nipple -- he could feel the heat from the
beautiful man's tongue -- and then sat back up to smile down at him. "Maybe I won't."

He chuckled, reached up and tweaked Simon's nipple. "Tease."

Simon gasped and jerked against him. Then his lover laughed. "That's the general idea."

He wrapped his arms around his lover, hands working the long, lean muscles. "Love touching
you, man."

Simon moaned softly and turned his head, kissing Jeremy's arm. "Thank God for that."

Gentle fingers explored his belly, sliding over the muscles, the touches so good. Those hands slid
down his thighs, refusing to shy away from scars, the stumps. Simon massaged them, knowing
just where to stroke to give him the most relief, make him feel the best.

Jeremy spent about a second worrying about the damned stumps, then he spread, encouraging the
touches that he needed. "Oh. Oh, God. I didn't know they hurt that bad."

Simon bent and kissed the stumps. "That's because you're always so busy pushing."

"I am." It was important -- to push, to try. "I have to. It's important."

"It is. You have to remember that tonight." Simon held up the damn penis plug.

"I. I will. Are you sure?"

The smile Simon gave him was soft and full of love. "I am. And you're going to love it."

"Okay, then." Simon hadn't ever led him wrong. Never.

Simon beamed at him. "Your faith in me is sexier than just about anything else, love."

"You are... mine. You love me. There's nothing not to believe in."

"That's right. And I'm going to make you feel so good tonight. We're going to feel so close when
I'm done." Simon took the penis plug and liberally lubed the outside of it.

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His heart started beating faster. "Tomorrow, we can be together? Alone?"

"I'm off work from now until after New Year's Eve. And I'm all yours." Simon took his prick,
holding it loosely.

"The studio is closed. I think... I may need some time. Just us."

"It's yours, Jeremy. A week and a half, just you and I. And maybe a couple of beers."

"Pizza. Lots of pizza."

"As much as you can eat." Simon put the end of the penis plug at the tip of his penis.

The metal felt cold. He stopped breathing, waiting. Frozen.

Simon held still and then looked up at him. "Breathe, Jeremy."

He blinked, then ducked his head, blushing dark. "Damn. Sorry."

"You don't need to apologize." Simon rubbed his thigh for a moment, and then took hold of his
prick again. Once more the little plug was held at the tip of his prick, and then Simon began to
slowly push it in.

He was fine for the first bit, then it started to stretch him. "Oh."

"Keep breathing, love."

"It burns, some." Not that he was scared.

"It's a bit of a stretch and usually we work our way up to the larger sounds." Simon smiled up at
him. "It'll ease, love. Like it always does."

"I miss my toes." The words burst out of him. He wanted to curl them.

Simon stilled, then his hand found Jeremy's, holding it. "I'm sorry, love."

"I used to curl my toes, when I needed control."

"Then you need to find something else to replace it."

"Like what?"

"Curling your fingers, closing your eyes. Clenching your thigh muscles..."

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That sound was still spreading him, stretching him. He scrunched his eyes closed tight. No. No,
that didn't work for him. It was obvious.

"Hum?" Simon suggested softly as the sound finally stopped moving. The ring that had been
around the top slipped over his cock, coming to rest around his glans.

"Oh. Oh. Oh..." His thighs went tight and he moaned.

"Just look at you." Simon slowly let his prick go, hands rubbing over his thighs now.

"Sir..." His hips bucked restlessly.

"You need a distraction, don't you?" Simon rolled his balls and teased the butt plug inside him,
nudging it gently.

"Fuck. Fuck, Simon. Love. Sir. Shit, that's... wow."

Tugging on the plug in his ass, Simon began to fuck him with it while alternating touches to his
balls, his cock, and the penis plug in his slit. He moved, hips restless. Words poured out of him,
filthy and needy and desperate.

Simon shifted the plug inside him, moving it so every time it was pushed back in it hit his gland.
Then his lover leaned in and whispered in his ear. "You know, you can still come with this
particular cock plug."

"I... You said. Jesus, Simon, you're driving me crazy."

"Good, it's working. And I said that with this little plug in your slit, you can still come because
it's hollow. So come when you need to. I want you relaxed for the next step." Simon bit at his

"Talk to me, Sir. Tell me." That made him so hot.

"Mmm. As you wish, my love." Simon kept slamming the plug into his ass as he spoke. "You
remember what we else we talked about when we first discussed filling your cock?"

He shook his head. Shit, he didn't remember his own name.

"We talked about my hand filling you, but then we were distracted by the idea, and later the
reality, of the sounds." Simon pushed the plug in particularly hard, nailing his gland. "I'm going
to hold you in my hand tonight."

"Fuck. Fuck. Sir. I haven't ever." Never. He'd never let anyone in that deep.

"I know." Simon bent and kissed the tip of his cock.

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That tingled, all through him, and he cried out, spunk pulsing out of him.

"Oh, so lovely." Simon lapped at the come on his belly and then on his cock, shifting the plug

"Fuck... Fuck, yes. So good."

"I said you'd like it." Simon looked smug.

He groaned, his prick still hard. Simon petted it gently, and then began playing with the plug in
his ass again.

"You happy?"

"Oh, yes." Simon smiled at him. "Are you?"

"Mmm." He nodded, hips moving slowly.


Simon kissed his prick again, before slowly pulling the plug out of his ass. Jeremy grunted, his
body suddenly empty, aching.

Simon patted his thigh. "I won't leave you hanging, love."

"I know. I trust you. My body... shit, it has a mind of its own."

That had Simon laughing, sweet almost-giggles. He reached up, tickling his lover. "Jeremy!"
Simon laughed harder, wriggling.

"Hmm?" God, he was so in love it hurt.

Still giggling, Simon leaned on his chest and brought their mouths together for a laughing kiss.
Jeremy licked and nuzzled, biting at Simon's bottom lip.

"Mmm, my sexy lover." Simon's fingers slid over him, teasing his nipple and stroking his abs.

"Yours. You know how lucky I am? That you still think so?"

"I can't imagine a time when I don't think so."

He hummed, just accepting that. It was a blessing. He'd take it.

Simon gave him another kiss, one of those that said his lover was about to get down to business.

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Their lips parted and he smiled into Simon's eyes. "Are you ready?"

"I am. Are you?"

"Yes, sir." He would be. For Simon.

"Excellent." Simon beamed at him, patted his prick which jostled the little plug inside it, and
then settled down between his spread thighs.

"Damn. That tingles."

"You can't forget it's there, that's for sure."

"No." He chuckled. "No, I can't."

"That's how I like it." Simon's fingers slid on the skin behind his balls, slick and slippery as they
headed for his hole. His body was stretched, eager, wanting to be filled. "Your eagerness makes
me happy, love." Two fingers pushed against his hole and then breached him, sliding deep.

"You know I love that... being filled. Used to think it was crazy, but it's so good."

Simon beamed at him. "I know. We've expanded so many boundaries together. Done things you
thought were crazy or impossible." Simon tapped the tip of his cock even as the fingers in his ass
pushed deep enough to find his gland and nudge it.

He bared his teeth, hips bucking as his abs clenched. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

Moaning, Simon let him have it with the double barreled attack again. Then two fingers became
three, Simon scissoring them apart and stretching him in earnest now.

"Want. Fuck. Love you. So fucking good." He was going out of his goddamn mind.

"I don't know why we haven't done this before," murmured Simon, fingers disappearing.

"Please..." He needed Simon to keep touching.

"I just need more of the slick, love." Simon kissed the tip of his cock again, shifting that little
tube of metal inside him again.

"Shit. Gonna throw that thing away." Either that or dream about it.

"No, you're not." Simon sounded very sure of that.

"No? I might." He moaned, ass rocking.

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"Then I'll just buy a new one." Simon kissed him again and then fingers began to push at him,
Simon letting his own motions take in the tips.

He loved the stretch, the dull burn, the pressure. More than that, he loved that Simon gave it to
him. This was more than usual, though. Not at first, but as Simon's fingers slowly pushed in
deeper, they were stretching him farther than usual. A lot farther.

"Simon." His shoulders left the mattress, the spark of panic hitting him.

"Jeremy." Simon's free hand landed in the middle of his chest, pushing him back onto the
mattress. "I have you."

"I don't know 'bout this."

Simon's fingers slid away, leaving him empty again. The beautiful eyes focused on his. "You
don't have to -- I do."

"It's real big." He swallowed hard, took a deep breath.

"It is. It's probably as big as anything we've done, but you've always trusted me and you need to
now, as well."

"I do. I do. I'm trying, man." This was hard.

"Try harder." Simon winked and three fingers pushed back into his body, thrusting in and out.

"I am." Butthead.

Chuckling, Simon kept finger-fucking him, spreading and stretching him. The pressure eased and
he relaxed, eyes closing. "That's it, love. Just let it happen."

"Love..." He focused on pleasure, on breathing, slow and even.

Simon's fingers slowed, still moving in and out and in and out. And in and in and in, spreading
him. A low moan pushed from him, and he rocked down, taking more.

"That's it, my love. You know you want it."

"Want you." More lube was spread over him, the cool shock of it so fucking sweet.

"Keep rocking."

He kept rocking and Simon kept pushing him, hand stretching him so wide.

"Mmm..." His thighs went tight again, tensing up.

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Simon kissed his prick. "Shh. Ease back and let it happen, love."

Jeremy reached out, rubbed his thighs, thumbs pushing into the heavy muscles there until the
tension passed.

Nodding, Simon kissed his prick again. "Yes, love." Then Simon's hand continued to push, to
spread him open.

"Love you, hmm? So much."

"Good." Simon smiled up at him, hand still pushing. So big. It was so big. "I love you, too."

"Simon. I... Full." He wanted to scream with it.

"We're almost there, love. Just a little bit more..."

"More slick. More slick; it burns."

"Shh. It's okay. We're almost there." Simon's hand stilled and cool lube slid along his skin where
it was stretched.

"Mmm..." He arched, the fire banking just enough that he could move again, bear down, take

"That's it!" And just like that, his ass closed around Simon's wrist, the stretch easing.

"Oh, that's it. Love. Jeremy."

"Simon." He cried out, sounds tearing from him.

Simon patted his thigh with a free hand. "I'm inside you, love."

"I..." He couldn't think.

"Just breathe, love."

"I am. I am." His muscles jerked, rolled and he gasp, trying for a deep breath.

Simon stroked his cock, thumb worrying the ring around his glans, shifting it a little over and

"Shit. Oh, shit, Sir." He just kept babbling. What else was he supposed to do?

Then Simon curled his fingers into a fist. Jeremy's heart seemed like it stopped. Fingers relaxing,
Simon stretched his hand out, and then made a fist again.

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His abs contracted as he grunted, the room spinning. "Sir."

"That's right, and I have you, Jeremy. Right here in my hand."

"Help me."

"You're doing just fine, love. Just breathe through it." Simon's free hand slid over his balls,
rolling them, then Simon moved his fingers down to tease at the skin just beyond them. The ring
felt huge, the skin around it pulled taut.

"So sexy, so beautiful." Simon groaned, hand turning into a fist again and pushing forward and

"Yours." He meant it.

"I know." Simon moved his hand in and out, pushing, pulling, blowing his damn mind. He
couldn't breathe, couldn't think, all he could do was need.

Simon began to move his hand faster, murmuring words that didn't make sense, just cocooned
him in the beloved voice. He needed this. Simon. A soft, warm touch slid across the top of his
stretched slit, Simon's tongue adding to the sensations rocking him.

Spunk poured out of him, the world shuddering. Simon cried out and bucked against him, heat
splashing over his thighs.

Jeremy melted; there was no other choice. Simon had him and that had to be enough.

There were the warm touches of Simon's fingers as he rubbed the come on his bell and his thighs
into Jeremy's skin. And there might have been words, Jeremy wasn't sure, but it didn't matter.
Nothing mattered right now. Nothing but Simon. Simon, who was so deep inside him that
Jeremy would always feel him right there.


Jim was tired and ready to go home. It had been a very long night with noise and new things,
new people, new situations, and he thought he was hungry, maybe. Jim knew he wanted some
caffeine or an Excedrin. He was trying very, very hard not to bitch.

Marcus was in the middle of a group of Doms who were all congratulating him on a very
successful auction. The club had raised a shit-load of money.

He headed toward the back, toward the shadows. He'd been friendly all evening and it was
starting to wear him down.

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Jack came bouncing over. "Wasn't it a great evening, Jim? Your master was a wonderful emcee. I
bet Oliver asks him to do it every year."

"Mmmhmm." He smiled, nodded. "Do you have any aspirin on you?"

"Oh, have you got a headache?" Jack didn't wait for an answer before shouting out. "Master
Marcus! Jim's got a headache!"

"Jack. Jack, don't bother him. I'm okay. Please."

It was too late, though, because Marcus had broken away from the group and was headed toward
him and Jack. Damn it. He sighed, pinched his nose and tried to breathe.

"Baby? Are you okay?"

"No, he's got a headache, Master Marcus. He needs an aspirin."

"Thank you, Jack. I think Oliver was looking for you."

"Oh! I'd better go. Feel better, Jim!" Jack hurried off.

"I'm fine, Master."

Marcus' arm came around his shoulders and they headed away from the crowd down a quiet hall.
"Fine but hurting."

"I only have a headache. I just wanted an aspirin."

"I do believe I have some in my bag." Marcus led him back to the room Xavier had assigned to
them. "It's been a long night, hasn't it?"

"Yes, Sir." He wanted to go home, to their home.

"Let's get our stuff and go, baby. I've put in more than my share of time. If there's anything else
that needs doing, Oliver can get someone else to do it."

"You're sure? I can wait." Oh, thank God. Thank God.

"I'm sure." Marcus grabbed the sports bag they'd brought and dug through it, coming up with a
little container of aspirin and a bottle of water. "Take these first, baby."

"Thank you, Sir." He took three pills and sucked the water down.

Marcus quickly gathered their stuff, shoving it into the bag. "I was very proud of you tonight,

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"You were?"

"I was. I saw how hard you were working to keep everyone organized backstage, not to mention
keeping me well-supplied with the information cards and water. You were perfect all evening

"I just want to help, hmm?"

"And you were a great help." Marcus drew him close and gave him a long kiss. "So proud."

"Master." He leaned in, his bound cock still mostly hard.

"Mmm... maybe we should spend a few moments here before we head home." Marcus' hands slid
down to grasp his ass, squeezing his sensitive cheeks. He stepped closer, fingers sliding over
Marcus' scalp, adoring the bare skin. Marcus leaned into the touches and grabbed the waistband
of his sweater. "Let's do something about all these clothes."

Jim leaned. "Master, please. Take me home?" The Hammer was good, but... home was real.

Marcus' fingers shifted, pulling his T-shirt back down. "Anything you want, baby."

"Thank you. I'm sorry, I just..." He met Marcus' eyes. "I need our home, us. Just us. You."

Marcus cupped his cheeks and stared down into his eyes. "Never, ever, apologize for telling me
what you want, what you need." Marcus gave him another kiss, lips lingering against his. "I am
even prouder of you for that."

Jim smiled for him, rested against his Master. He could feel their hearts beating together.

"Now that that's done, we've got the holidays all to ourselves. Just you and me, baby. For almost
two weeks. No working."

Jim nodded, the smile undeniable. "No work. No worries. Just us."

"Yes." Marcus gave him another long, slow kiss that addled his brains. "Merry Christmas, baby."

"Yes. Merry Christmas." The lights were sparkling in Marcus' eyes like little rainbows.

Merry Christmas to them all.


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Christmas Auction

Copyright © 2009 by Sean Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information
address Torquere Press, PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.

Printed in the United States of America.

ISBN: 978-1-60370-890-6, 1-60370-890-1

Torquere Press: Single Shot first electronic edition / December 2009

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.

Christmas Auction: A Hammer Story - 33


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