Sean Michael A Hammer Novel 30 Christmas Homecoming

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Christmas Homecoming - 1

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents either are the product of the author's
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living
or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of
either the author or the publisher.

Christmas Homecoming
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2011 by Sean Michael
Cover illustration by Alessia Brio
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-719-9
All rights reserved, which includes the right to
reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright
Law. For information address Torquere Press. Inc., PO
Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: December 2011
Printed in the USA

Christmas Homecoming - 2

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Christmas Homecoming, a Hammer Club story

By Sean Michael

Grady rang the doorbell to Oliver's place, two bottles

of wine under his arm. Another Thanksgiving without
his Joey. He didn't want to be here, not really. He
wanted to be at home, in his house, with Joey.

He sighed and shook himself. "Come on, Grady.

Buck up. At least you're home and among friends." Joey
was the one in a warzone.

Jack opened the door, bounced into his arms, the little

sub all smiles. "Master Grady! You came!"

He summoned up a smile for Jack. "I did. How could

I refuse you and Oliver?"

"I'm so glad." Jack kissed his cheek. "We miss your

smile." The best part was that the words sounded true,
like Jack was truly pleased to see him.

He handed over the wine bottles and patted Jack's

shoulders. "Thank you, boy."

"Come in. We're a good-sized group today -- about

fourteen, I think."

"You and Oliver are too good to us strays." He was

relieved, actually, that he was just one of a group.

"Nonsense, my boy. Having my family around me is

most important." Oliver came to him, face wreathed in
smiled. "Jack, that darling little caterer has some

"Happy Thanksgiving, Oliver." Grady gave the man a

hug as Jack dashed off.

"Happy Thanks..."
His phone buzzed, interrupting them. He frowned.

"Sorry, Oliver, I'll just be a minute." He flipped open the
phone. "Hello?"

"Grady. Happy Thanksgiving." Oh. Oh, his Joey.

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"Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Joey. Have they

done you a special meal?" The last thanksgiving they'd
been together they'd had peanut butter sandwiches and it
had been the best he could remember in a long time.

"They did shit at the mess earlier, yeah. I'm fixin' to

go out on a night patrol, knew you'd be up."

Grady slipped into one of the rooms off the front hall,

knowing Oliver wouldn't begrudge him the privacy. "I
am. Oliver was good enough to invite me."

Joey's voice sounded so good.
"Yeah? He bring you a boy to serve you turkey?" Oh,

his green eyed soldier. It felt good to know the wanting
and the missing weren't all one-way.

"The only boy I'm interested in has night patrol."
"I miss you." Joey sighed softly. "I'll Skype you


"I miss you too, and it's a date." He wanted to reach

through the phone and touch his boy. He wanted to
stroke Joey's cheek, to kiss those lovely lips, to swat that
amazing, muscled ass.

"Good deal. I have to go. Have turkey and don't fall

in love with some twink."

"I won't. I promise." He closed his cell phone and

slipped it in his pocket, sighing. Fall in love with some
twink. As if there was anyone in his heart other than his

He stood there a second, then Oliver's hand patted his

shoulder. "Come be with your friends, Grady. Let your
boy save the world."

He nodded and shook off his mood as best he could,

following Oliver back to the main room where everyone
was gathered. He would eat turkey and pie and be
grateful that he had Joey in his life, even if his lover was
deployed overseas.

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"Grady, you need to come to the auction. I need your

assistance." Oliver's voice brooked no argument, and the
fact that the man was standing at his front door was

"Surely you have a whole cadre of men who could

help you?" To say he was feeling anti-social was an
understatement. He was missing Joey like he had a hole
in his heart, and the last thing he wanted to do was
participate in the club's holiday auction.

"You're the only one who I know, for sure, is free of


Oh, now, that felt like it was a little below the belt.

"Gee, thanks, Oliver."

"What? You'll celebrate next time he's home on

leave. We worry about you."

"I'm fine, Oliver. I'm just not in the mood to go and

be festive." To watch all the men bid for their lovers at

"So come and be nasty. As long as you keep track of

the money, I don't care."

That startled a laugh out of him. "All right, all right. I

should know better than to say no to you."

"You absolutely should. This is a huge fundraiser for

us and I guarantee you that you'll enjoy it."

"As long as I don't have to promise to enjoy it, I'll

come." He gave Oliver a wink.

"You can scowl hideously. Are you going to invite

me in, or should we go get coffee?"

"Oh, sorry, Oliver. Where are my manners?" He

stepped back, opening the door wider.

"In Afghanistan, I imagine." Oliver winked, came in.

"How are things at work?"

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He chuckled and closed the door, leading Oliver to

the kitchen. "I've been putting a lot of extra time in. By
the time Joey comes home, I should have months worth
of time off. Which I guess will come in handy. Coffee?"

"Oh, excellent news. Please."
He poured Oliver a cup of coffee, putting the cream

and sugar on the table before putting some cookies on a
plate. "And how are you and Jack doing?"

"Exceptionally well, thank you. He was going to

leave for Iraq in March, but we've discussed it and we
feel his heart is better served at home."

"Oh, I'm pleased for you, Ollie. The war has taken

too many of our men from us already."

"It has." When he sat, Oliver patted his hand. "How is


"Just fine last time I heard." He'd only had the one

call since Thanksgiving. Joey'd missed the last three
Skype sessions. "I'm worried about him, Oliver. He
needs me." What was more, he needed Joey.

"When does he come home for good?"
Grady shook his head. "They're being cagey. He

swears he should be home by Valentine's Day, but I'm
worried it'll be another year."

"Another year? In combat?"
"They've already extended him two years, Oliver,

why wouldn't they add another?"

"I don't know, Grady. I'm sorry. I know it's difficult

for you. Is there anything I can do?"

He huffed out his breath. "You can tell me to start

acting like the grown up I am or you'll put me over your
knee and spank the self-pity party out of me."

Oliver chuckled. "Indeed. Or we could go train Ev

together. That man is enough to drive me to drink."

Ev was a Dom in Training, a wild child with a temper

and an amazing sense of humor. A challenge.

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"That sounds like the best idea I've heard all week."

He gave Oliver a grateful smile. Maybe helping out at
the auction wouldn't be that bad after all; he needed a
distraction. "What is it you need me to do again for this
year's auction?"

"Keep track of the funds for me, mainly. Marcus was

going to do the honors, but Jim will be on a book tour."

"He's not going to be emceeing this year either?

That's a pity."

"No. No, this year it's Billy and Tanny."
Grady laughed. "Oh, you're going to need to be on

top of that Tanny. He's a live wire." A good boy, for
sure, but the boy knew exactly how to act out to get
what he wanted, needed from his master.

Unlike his Joey, who simmered and bubbled, making

him come fetch his boy, making him get Joey to beg for
release, for the strapping and plugging he needed.
Grady's prick rose a little as he thought about Joey.
Damn, but he needed his boy home.

"I intend to let Bill take care of that, I believe. What

do you think we should do for appetizers?"

"Mini corn-dogs on a stick." He kept his expression

serious, waiting for Oliver's reaction.

One eyebrow rose. "Not beanie-weenies?"
"Too obvious, no?"
"Frozen bananas with cream?" Oliver was having too

much fun.

"Sausages and apricots for the main?"
"Surrounded with gherkins and olives?"
They both looked at each other and cracked up.
He patted Oliver on the back. "I think you should

leave the menu up to Xavier. Isn't that what you pay him

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"It is. He's insisting on steaks and shrimp with some

curry for those few vegetarians." Oliver's nose wrinkled.
"It's just not... Christmassy."

"If you want turkey, ask for turkey. You're the boss,

Oliver, there should be some perks."

"I want roast beef."
"Then tell them that's what you want." Sometimes

Oliver was too nice.

"I may do that yet." Oliver smiled. "Sometimes a man

needs something traditional."

"Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy and Yorkshire

pudding?" It sounded very homey and Christmas, really.
Grady would bet it would go over well.

"And some delicious cake." Oliver nodded, making

notes on a Blackberry.

He waited for a beat, then said simply, "Fruitcake."
Oliver's laugh rang out, and soon his joined right in.


Grady shifted, watching yet another boy get 'bought'

by his master. He'd been right -- attending the Hammer's
Christmas Auction was making him miss his boy even
more. It didn't help that he'd been here since just after
lunch to help set everything up, and then had spent the
entire auction sitting behind the payments table, taking
money, running credit cards, and watching happy
couples hook up.

Not that he was unhappy for any of them, but damn

it, all he wanted was some face time with Joey. And by
that he meant more than just a chance to Skype. He
wanted in person face time. And chest time. And ass
time. And cock time.

He wanted his boy, damn it.

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The only saving grace was that the auction was

nearly over, and while he had to stay until all the monies
raised had been collected, it would be easier to do
without having to watch yet another pair get together via
the auction.

Billy stepped up to the stage, long black braid coiled

around his neck like a make-shift collar. "We have one
last auction for tonight. One last sub hoping the right
master will snap him up and keep him."

Grady frowned and looked at his list. Xan had been

the last auction, snapped up by Giles, as expected.
Tradition now, though they'd not actually been together
the first few years it had happened.

A broad-shouldered man, dressed simply in a white t-

shirt and jeans, stepped onto the stage, blue eyes so
bright they were like lasers when he moved into the

"Gentlemen, let me introduce..."
Grady stood, utterly shocked. "Joey?" That was his

Joey, as sure as he was standing there. Joey. Here in the
club, the most beautiful man Grady had ever seen. He
strode toward the stage.

"He's up for..."
Joey stepped off the stage, coming right toward him,

that smile real and warm. "Hey."

He opened his arms and wrapped Joey in a tight hug.

Real. This was real. He wasn't ever going to let go.

He heard the club explode in applause, but it didn't

matter. All his heart heard was Joey's whispered. "Merry
Christmas, huh?"

"Yes. Yes, Merry Christmas." He squeezed his eyes

closed as tightly as he hugged Joey to him. He would
not cry.

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"There's supposed to be this big thing -- the auction,

hot sex in a back room." Joey shook his head. "My
gear's already in your car. Take me home, Sir?"

"Absolutely." He didn't take a kiss; they'd put on

enough of a show already and that would be for just

Turning, his arm around Joey's waist, he looked over

at the table where he'd been taking payments. Oliver was
where he'd been sitting, shit-eating grin on the man's
face, giving him two thumbs-up. He didn't say or do
another thing; he grabbed Joey's hand and led him out to
the car.

It didn't even feel real.
It didn't seem possible.
"When did you get back?" He finally asked as they

slid into the car.

"I hit CONUS a week ago. They did most of my out-

processing in the desert. I got into town this morning."
Out-processing? Joey had said Valentine's Day at the
earliest. The absolute earliest.

"You're a sneak. You and Oliver. Now him, I can't do

anything about, but your ass is all mine." He grinned
over, excitement going through him. It was feeling more
and more real.

"I wasn't sure that it would work, but Oliver knows a

Rabbi and that Rabbi knew a clerk whose father is a

He glanced over at Joey before turning his attention

back to the road. "Seriously? Not that it really matters.
I'm just happy that you're home. How long are you back
for?" Please let it be for longer than just the holidays.

Joey's hand brushed his thigh. "As long as you'll keep

me, I guess."

He dropped his hand to Joey's, wrapping them

together. "Really? You're home for good?"

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"I'm done. A civilian. Home."
Grady had to make himself focus on the road, on just

getting to the house. "That is the best Christmas present
I could have ever gotten." The urge to speed was huge.

"Home. Home, home, home." Pushy man.
"You've waited this long, you can wait another five

minutes." He was speaking to himself as much as to his

"I could jack off right here, just smelling you."
"Don't you dare, boy." The words growled out of him

and he shot Joey a sharp look. "No coming until I say
you can." How long had it been since he'd said those
words? Far too fucking long.

Joey's moan was sweet as honey. "Or what?"
"Or you won't come again until Christmas Day." A

nice little ring holding back Joey's come... Of course
he'd have to shave the man first. Oh, there was so much
to look forward to -- it seemed like everything was
brand new again.

Grady could suddenly smell his boy -- male and

strong. Oh, fuck. Fuck, he'd missed that. He hadn't even
known it was gone.

Despite his vow to drive safely, he got them home in

record time. They pulled up into the driveway and he
undid his seat belt, was out of the car almost before it
had stopped. In. They needed to be inside. Now.

Joey grabbed two duffels from the back seat.

"They're delivering the rest."

"Great. Inside. Come on, boy. No dawdling." He

unlocked the door and held it open for the fucking stud
in jeans and a t-shirt. He might have been vibrating with

"You haven't decorated?" Joey stomped up the stairs,

and Grady could see the flat belly rippling.

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"I wasn't feeling terribly festive." He hadn't even

gotten out the boxes from the attic. He licked his lips,
letting Joey go in before him so he could get a look at
that backside. "We'll do it together." Tight, hard -- that
ass was worth writing odes to.

"That works for me. Later."
He stepped in and closed the door, barely giving Joey

enough time to drop his duffel bags before he had that
ass slammed back against the wall, his mouth landing on
Joey's like a ton of bricks.

Oh, fuck.
Strong hands grabbed his head, Joey's tongue pushing

into his lips, fucking them good and hard. His own
hands finally unfisted from Joey's t-shirt and he slid
them down over that strong chest. Joey'd always been
well-built, but time away had added muscle. There
wasn't an ounce of fat on his Marine. Not a bit of

He pressed in close, feeling all that power with his

own body as his tongue fought with Joey's. He'd been
right to keep their first kiss for now. He wasn't going to
be able to stop now that he'd started.

Joey's hand slipped down, tearing at his buttons.

"Now. Need you. Now, man."

"Pushy boy." He growled the words out, but the truth

was that he wasn't any more interested in waiting than
Joey was. "Gets yours off and face the fucking wall."

Joey nodded, but just kept stripping him down, hands

rough on his skin. Deciding they'd sort it all out later, he
pulled open Joey's jeans, began shoving them down the
strong thighs. "You've earned a punishment, boy."

"Good. I want your fucking cock. Now."
"Turn around and face the wall, boy, like I told you.

I'm going to fuck your ass. Hard." He didn't have any

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fucking lube on him. Or anywhere nearby -- it wasn't
like he'd needed it lately.

Joey turned, offered him that tight little ass, that

amazing back. That fine, hot little body with the plug
just showing. Fuck, yes. Moaning, he got hold of the end
of the plug and tugged, pulling it right out. It wasn't a
large one, just big enough to gently stretch, to keep his
boy slick.

Joey arched. "Now. Now, Grady. I need your prick.

In me."

He smacked that beautiful ass, just the once, but hard.

Then he pressed his prick against Joey's slick little hole.
Joey didn't give him a choice, didn't let him wait, that
fine ass just took him in one harsh move, down to the

"Damn." He rested his forehead against the back of

Joey's neck, for a moment just feeling his boy tight
around him.

"Home." Joey gave a soft sound, almost a sob.
"Yes. You're here, boy. In my arms. Never letting

you go again." He pulled out slowly, and then slammed
back home again.

Muscles fluttered around his cock, jerking about him,

the sensation maddening. Groaning, he pulled almost all
the way out, and then in again. Then he did it again and
again, his body quickly finding the rhythm it needed.

"Harder." Joey spread those muscles legs, driving

onto him like a needy slut.

He grabbed hold of Joey's thighs and added his

strength, pulling Joey back as he pressed forward.

"Yes!" The word was barked out, Joey's hole

clenching down. "Oh, fuck yes."

He didn't have any more words of his own, and just

kept thrusting. He saw his lover move, hand going to
jack that fat cock off.

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"No!" He slapped Joey's hand away. "You don't

touch this without permission again."

"Need you!"
"I know what you need." He slammed in, nailing

Joey's gland.

The howl he got made him smile, made him do it

again and again. He kept punching, kept grunting and
loving on his boy. Finally, he wrapped his hand around
Joey's cock. It was his turn to cry out, as Joey's ass
snapped tight around him, muscles milking him.

"Love." He jacked Joey in time to his thrusts.
"Yes. Yes. Yes..." Joey groaned, prick throbbing in

his hand. "Soon."

"Yes. Together. Wait for me."
"Together..." Joey nodded, gulping in air as their

bodies slapped together. Grady knew every inch of his
lover, knew when Joey could hold on, when he couldn't.

And he knew they both wanted to get off badly right


"Now," the word growled from him as he slammed in


Joey's answer was a grunt, that ass like a glove as

heat poured over Grady's hand. He let himself go, let
Joey's body pull his orgasm out of him. He filled his boy
with his spunk.

They stood there, breathing together, panting hard.
He pressed a kiss to Joey's neck, licked that lovely

skin. "Welcome home, boy."

"Thanks." Joey sighed softly, body shivering around


He slowly let go of Joey's prick, his own sliding out

of Joey's body. "You need a shower, babe? Dinner?"

"I... I don't know." Joey gave a weak chuckle. "This

is the farthest I planned."

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"You planned me fucking you up against the wall in

our hallway, did you?" He turned Joey, grinning into his
lover's face.

"I planned on that smile." Joey leaned into him, teeth

tugging his bottom lip playfully. "I've never been a
civilian before."

"You're not just a civilian. You're my boy."
"Maybe..." Joey teased.
Grady laughed. "Don't make me beat you." Like that

wasn't exactly what they both wanted, needed.

"You sure you still have it in you, man?" Joey

nudged him. "I'm going to clean up."

"Oh, you brat." He laughed and grabbed Joey's hand,

dragged him toward the bedroom.

"You're not pissed, are you? About me tricking you?"
He shook his head, how could he be upset with

having Joey home again? "No, it was a wonderful
surprise. I've missed you so much."

"I was afraid something would fuck it up. Up until

this morning when I got on the fucking flight home."
Someone was tense, stressed out. Cursing like a...

"And you're here now and I know what you need."
Those blue eyes found him, the look vulnerable.


"Yes, Joey. I know what you need and I'm going to

make sure you know you're home."

His boy didn't answer, but he felt the tremor, felt the

way goosebumps drew up on Joey's skin. He drew his
lover into the bedroom. He'd cleaned up this morning,
changed the sheets, left the windows open to keep the
room fresh.

"On the bed, ass up," he ordered.
"I need to clean up."

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Grady smiled. God, he loved the fight. "We'll get to

that. You need to get on the bed, ass up, first." His hand
was itching to get to it.

"I said I need..."
His hand flew, slapping Joey's ass hard. "Now, boy.

That's an order."

"Yes, Sir."
He stripped off the rest of his clothing as Joey

climbed onto their bed. Their bed. That's what it was
again. Theirs.

He admired the long lines, the strong muscles. The

Corps tattoo... Oh! Oh, he could get his boy inked now,
pierced. Marked. "I'm going to make you mine, boy. I'm
going to decorate you and make sure everyone knows
you're mine."

"What?" That swollen, wet little hole jerked.
"Tattoos, piercings. Your body is all mine now." He

rubbed Joey's ass and then let his hand fly.

"Oh, fuck..." Joey groaned the word and he hit again.
"No cursing, boy."
"No fucking way."
He hit harder this time. "You heard me."
"Oh, shit. Stings. I need to clean up, man."
"You need to remember how to be my boy." Grady

swatted Joey's ass a few more times.

He let one hand rest in the small of Joey's back as he

warmed the tight ass. He kept talking, making sure Joey
knew exactly who was giving him this spanking.
Eventually Joey was moving, rocking back into the
blows, body flushing with heat.

"That's my boy. Your body remembers, your body


"Missed you." That was the fucking understatement

of the year.

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"I know. Like a hole inside." He could totally relate.
"Yeah. Yeah. Tell me this is real."
"This is absolutely real." He smacked Joey's ass

again, then squeezed one red cheek.

"Fucking tell me again."
"Real." He grabbed Joey's balls and tugged on them.

"Real." He tweaked one of Joey's nipples.

His boy twisted away from him, then pushed back in

toward him. "Yes."

"Real." He grabbed Joey's prick and squeezed hard.
"Yours. Yours." Joey spun around, grabbed him,

kissed him almost viciously.

He pressed Joey back onto the bed, kissing just hard.

He was the Top. He was the Dom. They'd already
established this four years ago. It sure was fun to remind
Joey, though.

When the kiss was over, he bit at Joey's lower lip.

"Now we need to get you cleaned up." He patted Joey's

"We?" Joey took his right hand, held it.
"You're not on your own anymore, babe. You and

me. A team again." He tweaked Joey's right nipple.

"Hey..." Joey swallowed hard, nodded. "It'll take a

few days, to sink in."

"I know. I can scarcely believe you're here myself."

He patted Joey's hip. "And I'll help you settle back in.
Trust me."

"I do." Joey kissed him again, grinned. "Honest."

He reached with his free hand and rubbed Joey's ass,

feeling the heat against his palm.

"Let's go get you cleaned up and then we can start

working on making you feel at home again."


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Three thirty a.m. rolled around and Joey was up.

Sleep was a rare commodity these days, even as hard as
Grady had worked him. He slipped out of bed, did PT
for an hour, then slipped into the shower with a cup of

He needed to talk to Grady about what the man

wanted him to do with his stuff. It was a little weird,
acting like he was moving here. They'd talked about it,
sure, but reality was always different than plans.

He let the hot water beat down on him, hand curling

around his cock as he jacked himself, looking for a little
release, a little relaxation.

"I didn't give you permission to touch yourself, boy."

Grady's voice startled the shit out of him.

He jumped, hand gripping his cock hard. "Fuck,


"Sure. If you ask nicely. But first your punishment

for touching yourself."

"Why are you up? It's early!" Could he distract Grady

from the punishment? At least the man seemed to have
forgotten the no cursing rule, the keep yourself shaved
for me rule.

"The bed was empty." Grady climbed into the

shower. "Why are you up so early?"

"Can't sleep. Worked out, did some shit."
God, Grady was a stud. The man was pure liquid sex

-- dark and stacked with a blinding white smile.

That smile turned wicked. "You should have woken


He shrugged, but smiled. "Maybe next time I will."
Grady reached out and tweaked a nipple. "These

seem awfully bare." Then that hand moved down to card
through his curls. "This doesn't seem bare enough."

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All Joey could do was chuckle, push into Grady's

arms. Grady's mouth covered his, swallowing his
chuckle right up. Grady's tongue fucked his lips, pushing
hard, fast, devouring him. The fingers at his pubes
tugged, pulling hard enough to sting.

"I'm gonna watch you shave this off."
He groaned, shook his head. "Maybe I'll grow it


Grady chuckled. "You think it'll keep growing and

we can braid it? We're not going to find out. You're
shaving it now."

He opened his mouth, but Grady handed him the


"Snip them down and then I'll soap them up for you

to shave." Grady's eyes were shining. "It's happening,
babe, so just do it."

"Perv." The sound of the clippers made his cock jerk,

made him remember the first time Grady asked him to
do this, even before there was a rule.

"I am." He got another grin from Grady, then his

master's attention focused on his genitals.

He trimmed a line from the top, enough that he could

barely tell, then took another line.

"Tease," accused Grady.
"You make me crazy." And hard. Hungry. Aching.
"You've missed me, huh?"
"Every day." He'd done his duty, proudly, but... He

didn't want to think about that right now.

"Good. Keep shaving, babe."
He kept going, his prick aching with the vibrations,

with the way Grady watched.

As soon as he was done, Grady passed him the razor

and then the man soaped up his hands. Then those
knowing fingers moved over the short hairs left behind.
That was his cue and Joey shaved himself quickly,

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making sure to shave his balls, his hands shaking at the

Grady's hands wrapped around his, stilling them,

taking the razor from him. "You'll keep this area shaved
from now on, hmm?"

His belly went tight, hard as rock. "Yes, Sir."
"Good." Grady's fingers slid across his abs, and then

down. "So soft."

He groaned softly, moved into the touch. Maybe that

was his punishment for jacking off. Maybe not. Grady
tapped the skin next, fingers snapping on it. He backed
away, murmuring under his breath, cussing at the sting.

Grady looked at him, wicked grin on the loved face.

"What was that?"

"What?" Last night Grady had been shocked,

surprised. Today, his Dom was awake, ready, wanting to

"I didn't hear what you said."
"I said that fucking stings." He wasn't going to

fucking back down.

"Of course it stings. That's the point." Grady snapped

his skin again with those clever fingers. "And you're not
supposed to be cursing."

"Hate that fucking rule." Actually he loved it, a little

bit, privately. It let him beg for attention without using
so many words.

"I'll give you that one, but you swear again and I'll

have to punish you." Grady looked eager.

"Always threatening to punish me." He leaned in,

took a hard, biting kiss.

"You think I won't?"
"I'm fucking tired of thinking, Grady. Of being on

fucking alert."

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Grady's low growl was the only warning he got

before he was spun around and pressed up against the
tile, two hard swats hitting his already red ass.

"Shit! Shit, you asshole!"
Three more swats landed without comment.
"Fuck!" Joey threw his head back, snarled.
"That's it. You're getting stuffed and ringed and I'm

not going to let you come until later. Much later."

"No. No way." God, yes.
"That's not for you to say." Grady turned off the

shower and manhandled him out.

"I was taking a shower!" It was just dawn, the sun

just coming up.

"You're clean." Grady passed a towel over him

briefly. "And now you're dry."

"And you're pushy." And beautiful and the hottest

son of a bitch ever.

"That's why you love me, Joey." Grady gave him a

wink and grabbed his hand, dragging him toward the

He went, his breath catching in his chest, just a bit.

Home. He was home.

"On the bed. And if you're not there, ass up for me, in

ten seconds, I'm cuffing you to the headboard."

"Fuck off, man. I don't have to take orders anymore."

He met Grady's eyes, begging the man to hear him, to
help him. To be what he needed.

"I'm not tossing off orders, here. This is your master,

telling you what to do. No one is going to make you
pushups if you decide not to." Grady raised an eyebrow.
"That gorgeous ass of yours is going to suffer, though."

His cock jerked, so hard it hurt. His lips opened, but

no words came out.

"You've got five seconds left, boy."

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He wanted the cuffs, needed them, so he stood,

holding Grady's gaze.

His master didn't back down for a second. "Cuffs it

is." Grady pushed forward, forcing him back toward the

Grady had to work for it, but the man got him down,

got a heavy, stiff leather cuff around his wrist. Pushing
him onto his back, Grady straddled him and got the
matching cuff on his other wrist. Grady's cock was a hot,
hard brand against his chest.

"Sir." He loved this man, adored him.
"I've got you, Joey." The cuffs were locked together

around the headboard.

"I'm tired, you know? I haven't slept well in so

fucking long."

"You're home now. We'll get you back into rhythm."
"You think so?" It was easier to talk, cuffed.
"I know so." Grady was always so sure. It was sexy,

and comforting.

"What happens next?"
"I plug you, I put a ring on your cock, and then you

suck mine." So sure and so matter of fact.

"I need a big one. I want to feel it."
"Such a greedy slut." Grady bent and kissed him,

fucking his lips.

He moaned, opened up, hips fucking the air. Maybe

he could come, once, before the ring. Grady reached
back and grabbed his nuts, squeezing lightly. Oh, fuck.
No. No. He grunted, thighs spreading wide.

Grady broke the kiss and smiled at him. "No


"Evil bastard."
"You can't do the time, don't do the crime." Grady

winked and shifted, moving down his body to settled

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between his legs. "Plug and then ring, or ring and then

"Plug and then ring." He loved assplay. Got off on it.
Grady laughed and shook his head. "You're already

being punished, let's not add coming without permission
to the mix. We'll do the ring first."

He stuck his tongue out at Grady, but winked,

relaxing into the knowledge that the man had his
number. Grady swooped in for another kiss, and then
slid out of the bed for a moment, coming back with a
ring and a large plug.

It had been a long time since he'd seen any sexual

toys. Since the last time he'd been home on leave.

Grady stopped at the side of the bed and stared down

at him. "Oh, look at you."

"Still hot enough for you?" He knew he was. He

worked hard to make sure Grady waited for him.

"Almost too hot." Grady licked his lips. "And it's

been too long since you were in my bed. Our bed."

"Yeah." He spread his legs, making his offer as clear

as glass.

"Fuck, that's the hottest thing I've seen yet." Grady

finally climbed up onto the bed, putting the plug down
and keeping the ring in his hand. Damn it. No fair. Joey
wanted that plug. Needed it.

Grady wrapped one hand around his prick, jacking

him easily, thumb pressing against his slit every time it
passed. Fuck, yes. He groaned, hips pushing up toward
that touch.

"Just need to make sure you're good and hard before

we get the ring on." Grady kept working his cock, the
leather of the cock-ring sliding over his skin, around his

"Need you, man. Fucking dreamed about you."

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"Yes. I had the same dreams." The leather tightened

around his balls, and then around the base of his prick.

He grunted low, feeling the pressure deep in the pit of

his belly. Everything got a little tighter, the snap that
followed, the sound of the ring being locked in place,
was loud. Grady's satisfied hum was louder.

"Aches." So good.
"I know. You've missed this ache, dreamed of it as

many times as you dreamed of me." Grady patted his
ball sac.

His knees drew up, his body burning.
"Oh, needy, needy boy." Grady patted his ass this

time, then slid a finger along his hole, nail scraping the
tiniest bit.

"You know I need you. Always."
"It's easy to forget when you're halfway around the


Grady's finger dipped into him, the slight burn

perfect. Joey bore down, took that finger, needing. A
second one pushed in, Grady still not using the lube --
making him feel it. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Please. That burn
and scrape was perfect. Those fingers pushed deeper, all
the way in. Then Grady bent them just a bit, lighting up
his gland.

"Fucking Christ! Yes!"
Grady yanked out his fingers and smacked his ass.
"Grady!" Oh fuck, he needed.
"No swearing, boy." Grady swatted him again and

then leaned over him to grab the tube of lube from in the
bedside table drawer.

Making him wait. Asshole. Bastard. Motherfucker.

Beautiful, vicious man.

Grady's smile said he knew exactly what Joey was

thinking, too.

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Then those fingers were back, three of them this time,

slick and sure, pushing into him. Grady insisted he open
up to the invasion, and he did. He rocked down, riding
the touch.

"So eager. As eager as I remembered." Grady's grin

was fierce. "I worried I'd imagined it."

"No. No, you didn't. Touch me. God, your hands."

That touch.

"I'm touching." Grady put a fourth finger in,

stretching him.

"Oh. Oh, f..." Those fingers twisted and his eyes

rolled back in his head.

"Now do you feel me?"
"Yes. Yes, Grady. Feel you."
"Good." Grady's fingers pushed deep, hitting his

gland hard.

"Shit..." He cried out, hips punching up as need

flooded him.

Grady smacked his ass with the free hand. "No


"No cursing. More. Need you. Grady..." He needed to


"Mmm. I know. And I'm right here." Grady's fingers

slid slowly out of him.

"No..." His body arched, fighting to keep those

fingers inside.

"The plug will fill you."
"I want you, damn it." His hole jerked, tightened.
"I'll fuck you. Eventually." Grady picked up a huge

plug. "First I want your mouth."

God, look at that. Look at that fat, thick, heavy thing.

So big. Grady made a show of slicking the plug up, hand
moving over it, showing it from every angle. Joey
whimpered, bit his lips to stop the noise.

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"Don't hide from me, boy. You have a reaction --

don't keep it from me."

He didn't know what to do, how to respond. Grady

placed the plug at his hole, and then met his gaze,
holding it.

"What do you want?" he asked, panting softly.
"To make you crazy with pleasure."
"Kiss me? Please?" He needed that connection.
Grady smiled, moving slowly until their lips met. The

touch was light, almost teasing. Then the plug pushed in
and Grady's kiss got hard. It didn't matter. All that
mattered was the way they touched -- that the burn and
stretch felt so good, tasted so right.

Grady kissed him the whole time the plug pushed in

and in, kissed him as it filled him and was seated in

Loud, desperate sounds escaped him, pushed into

Grady's lips. Grady took them all, each sound,
swallowed them down. Joey rocked down on the plug,
moving it inside him as his ass worked the plastic.

Their lips parted, Grady staring down at him. "You

want my cock, boy?"

"Fuck, yes. Need it."
"Good. Because I want your mouth."
"Come take it, then. I'm right here."
"Pushy boy." Like Grady didn't love it when he


"Because I want you? Your cock? Your fucking


"Because you want it on your timetable." Grady gave

him a wink.

Then the man began to climb slowly up him,

straddling his chest. He could smell Grady, could see the
heavy curls above that fat, thick cock. Grady painted

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Joey's lips with the tip of that amazing cock, not letting
him have it between his lips yet.

He opened up, managing to slap the wet tip with his

tongue, gathering some salt.

"Mmm." Grady gave him a low moan and pushed

forward, prick sliding into his mouth.

Joey wrapped his lips around the thick shaft, started

sucking hard. His. His lover. His Grady. His man.

"Oh, fuck!" Groaning, Grady pushed in deeper.
Joey wrapped his fingers around the chain of the

cuffs, using the leverage to move himself.

"That's it, boy. Take me in." Gray pushed even


Every inch. All of him. Joey sucked harder, his eyes

crossing with the effort. Grady pulled back, cock sliding
almost out of his mouth before rocking back in. Joey
swallowed hard around the tip, pulling that salt into him.

"Oh, my stunning, greedy boy." Grady moved faster,

pushing into his lips.

He felt his cheeks heat, his body reacting, hungry for

more. Grady rocked, sliding in and out of his mouth. His
master's eyes never left his face. He slapped the shaft,
teased with his teeth.

"You haven't forgotten how to do this." Grady

grinned wildly down at him.

God, no. He was good at this.
Moving faster, harder, Grady really began to get into

it, making him work for it. He curled his legs up,
pushing his bent knees into the small of Grady's back,
keeping that prick deep.

Grady's eyes widened. Fuck, yeah. Years of

abdominal work put to use.

"Brat." There was no heat behind the word, though,

and Grady didn't tell him to stop.

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He rolled, sucking hard, swallowing as he moved his

legs, encouraging Grady to move, too. Move Grady did,
rocking into him, harder and harder. Every thrust in, his
throat clenched, his body shivered.

"Yes. Yes, Joey. So good." The praise made it better,

made it that much harder.

"Soon," Grady promised, thrusting harder, really

pushing deep every time.

Soon. Soon. His cock ached, throbbed against the

bonds. Grady's cock pushed deep into his throat, and
then Grady was coming.

Joey swallowed hard, hips fucking the air, ass

working the plug.

Grady stayed deep in his throat until he'd shuddered

through his orgasm, and then slid away. Seconds later,
Joey's mouth was covered, Grady tongue-fucking his
lips. He bucked up, rubbing himself frantically against
his lover.

"No coming," growled Grady before biting his lower


"I need." And fuck, it felt good.
"I know. You can need for a while longer." Grady

licked a path along his jaw and then down his neck.
"When you get to come, it'll be on my cock."

"Oh." The single word was gasped, his skin tingling

as Grady nuzzled his throat.

Grady used his teeth, then soothed the scrape with

more tongue. Then one hand slid down to play with his
right nipple. Joey pulled at the cuffs, wanting to touch
back, to have some control over this. Grady pinched his
nipple, hard.

"Don't. Let me loose now."
"Oh, no. Not yet. After I've had you." Grady shifted

down his body, and then his mouth latched around
Joey's nipple, tongue flicking rapidly across it.

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"No. No, it's too much. Just... Fuck!" Suddenly it was

huge, overwhelming. Home. He was fucking home.

Grady bit down hard on his nipple. "That's another

spanking for you."

Joey screamed, cursing violently, opening his hands

as he released control.

"Another spanking before you get to come." Grady

moved over to his other nipple, licking it gently, almost

"You bastard!" He gulped in air, body covered in a

cold sweat.

"Shh. That's not how you really feel." The tip of his

left nipple was bitten, and then the whole thing sucked
into Grady's mouth.

Hard and soft, sharp and smooth, Grady worked his

nipple with contrasting sensations.

"I'm home." Joey growled the words out, making

them real.

Grady hummed and nodded with his nipple still

between tight lips. He gulped in a few breaths. Home.
Home. Grady's mouth left his nipple and kept moving
down, playing with his navel before tracing his abs. His
muscles jerked and danced, responding to that touch.

Grady explored him with that hot tongue, wetting and

warming his skin at the same time. His cock was skirted,
Grady making for his right hip. Joey's body began to
melt, to relax, to ease into the mattress, desire becoming
something manageable again.

When Grady was finished exploring his chest, a sharp

smack hit his thigh. "Legs up in the air so I can spank
that sexy ass of yours."

Joey growled softly, turned his face into his upper


Grady smacked his thigh again. "Now, boy."
"Fuck..." That was asking so fucking much.

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Grady's hands slid from his ankles up along his

calves; it was clear that if he didn't get it done, Grady

"I want to get up. Take a run. Clear my head."
"Too bad. You're going to raise your legs, get

spanked, get fucked and come like a ton of bricks."
Grady gave him a wicked grin. "Welcome home, baby."

He flipped Grady off, going for playful. Grady

laughed and pushed his legs up, rolling his ass off the
mattress. His muscles clenched, but it didn't matter.
Grady was strong, Grady had him.

The first hit landed hard, and so did the second. His

legs bent, pushing against Grady, fighting him. Grady
pushed back, the next two swats even harder.

"Let me up!" He arched, coming up on his shoulders.
Grady smacked his ass again. "Take your

punishment, Joey."

"No!" Every smack jostled the plug inside him.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." Each word came with a smack. His

ass burned, his legs ached. He was going to scream with
it. "No more swearing." Two more swats hit him, and
then Grady let his legs go.

He hid his face, gulping in air, trying not to lose his


Grady pinched one of his nipples. "Look at me, boy."
"You're always pushing."
"It's who I am."
He looked at Grady as soon as his panic faded.
"And what you need."
He nodded. "What we need."
A soft pat landed on his hip. "That's right."
He needed connection, now, touch, and Grady gave it

to him, hands moving over his skin, caressing every
inch. Grady spread his legs wide, settling between them

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as he continued to touch, continued to ground him, tell
him the truth of him being home.

Eventually it worked and he could breathe again,

focus on how fucking good it felt, how his ass felt a
little swollen, a little too sensitive on the sheets.

"Ready for me now?" Grady's fingers played with the

plug inside him, twisting it, tugging it partway out.

"Yes, Sir. Please. I want to feel you everywhere."
"I like the sound of that." Grady played with the plug

a little more, moving it in and out, twisting it, setting all
his nerves on fire.

His arousal started to build again, the ring trapping

his cock and balls making him ache. Grady bent and
licked the drops of pre-come from the tip of his prick
just before he pulled the plug right out.

"Oh!" Joey's body snapped closed, the sudden

emptiness shocking.

"Mmm. It's me now, babe. Just hold on." The heat of

Grady's prick was amazing as it pushed against his hole.

Joey closed his eyes, let himself simply feel the push,

the stretch, the vague burn. The warmth.

"Oh, Joey. Joey." Grady groaned, sinking in deep.
"Yeah." So good. That sweet prick was so good.
Grady brought their mouths together, kissing him as

Grady's hairy thighs rested against his ass, making it

He rocked, riding the touches, sliding his ass on

Grady's prick. Grady moved with him, slowly picking
up their speed. His master kissed and touched him,
making it about more than just ass and cock.

A laugh built inside him, deep and low, pure joy that

wouldn't be held in. Grady smiled at him and moved
faster, harder.

"Yes." He nodded, added his strength to the motions,

drove himself down.

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Every time Grady's thighs smacked into his ass, it

brought a flash of pain, which drove him even higher.
His abs were burning, screaming at him, but he couldn't
stop. His balls needed him to move.

After what might have been hours, or only minutes,

Grady's hand pushed between them. "Get ready, Joey."

"Ready." He was born ready.
He felt Grady's fingers slide on his flesh, and then the

snap was undone, the leather falling away.

"Come for me."
He sucked in a deep breath, willed his body to relax,

to melt, but he couldn't. His fucking body wouldn't.
Grady shifted, finding his gland and knocking it hard.

He grunted, eyes crossing. "Please!"
Wrapping a strong hand around his prick, Grady

worked his gland and his tip together. A wild scream
tore from him, and finally -- blessedly -- he came.
Grady's cry met his scream, hips pumping like mad as
Grady filled him with spunk. The whole fucking world
spun, went gray around the edges.

Grady pressed down against him, nuzzling into his

neck. He held on, sucking in one breath after another,
suddenly exhausted.

"Welcome home, Joey." Grady kissed him again

before leaving his body and sliding next to him. He
almost missed Grady releasing his wrists and massaging

Joey pushed close, got settled. "Need to sleep now."
"Yeah. Love you." Grady kissed the top of his head.
"Love." He let himself sleep, rest hard. Grady would

be there when he woke up.


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Grady cooked a huge breakfast. Bruch, really. Eggs,

bacon, ham, toast, and two steaming mugs of coffee. Of
course, now that he'd tired Joey out enough to actually
sleep, it looked like his lover was going to nap the day

Joey was curled in the blankets, arms over his head.

It made Grady hum happily, to see his boy like that.

He headed deeper into the bedroom to wake Joey up

when a car backfired outside and Joey shot up out of
bed, snapping, "Incoming. Move, Marines!"

"Stand down, soldier. You're home." He went to the

bed, touching Joey's arm, giving his boy his touch as
well as his voice.

They'd gone through this, more than once, and he met

Joey's eyes, smiled, refusing to let any of the regret that
anyone had to live in that kind of high alert show. His
job was to be confident, sure, steady.

Sure enough, Joey blinked once, then took a deep

breath. "Yeah. Sorry. Hey."

He let his smile deepen, brighten, and touched Joey's

cheek, stroking it. "Good morning, boy."

"Is it? Still morning?" Joey leaned into his touch,

hands sliding around his waist. "Do I smell bacon?"

"Well, no, it's afternoon, but we're going to have

breakfast, so... And yes." He chuckled. "You smell
bacon. I made ham, too. And eggs. Coffee."

"Oh, God. You made eggs?" Joey's grin made him a

little stupid. His boy loved how he cooked eggs. It was
silly, a little ridiculous, and made Grady feel a million
feet tall.

"Of course I made you eggs." He leaned in to taste

that happy smile.

"You rock. Thank you." Joey winked at him. "We

have a busy day ahead of us, Grady. Let's eat!"

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"A busy day?" He raised an eyebrow as he admired

Joey's body.

"Yes." Joey turned, grabbed a pair of sweats. "We need
a tree. Lights. Possibly a light-up Santa that moves."

"A light up Santa that moves?" He shook his head as

they made their way back to the kitchen together.
"You're planning on making our house as tacky as
possible, aren't you?"

"You know it. Get a move on." Someone had gotten

enough rest to give orders.

"I'm not the one who slept the day away," Grady

noted, chuckling.

"I was awake earlier. You tempted me back to bed."
He snorted. "Four am is not morning. That didn't


"Did too." Joey headed for the coffee pot.
"That's still the middle of the night." Grady grabbed a

couple of oven mitts and pulled their breakfast plates out
of the oven, setting them on the little table in the
breakfast nook.

"Nope. I was up at four a.m. a lot. Looks great. You

want coffee?"

"I do want coffee. And now that you're home? Four

a.m. is not morning." He gave Joey a wink and grabbed
his fork.

"Uh-huh. What if I get a job that starts early?"
"No four a.m. jobs. That's inhuman."
Joey shrugged. "I'll have to see what I can find. Lots

of my squad re-upped because the economy was so
tight. I wanted to come home."

"You needed to come home." He needed Joey to be

home. "We should talk to Oliver, see if anyone at the
club has work going."

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"Maybe. I don't know. I mean, do they make jobs for

people like me?"

"People like you?" He raised an eyebrow, eggs

halfway to his mouth.

"Well, I mean, I have my degree in history, eight

years of service. Nothing worthwhile."

He would not hear anyone put down his boy, not

even Joey himself. "Eight years of service -- that's a
fantastic resume, babe."

"To do what? I'm going to have to think about this."
"You know you don't need to find a job tomorrow,

right?" Joey was barely even home.

"I know. Tomorrow's Christmas Eve."
"So you'll wait 'til the new year to worry about it?"
"I'll try." Joey's lips twisted. "It's a little unnerving."
"Tell me you have no money in your savings account,

and you don't have a lover who has a place for you."

"I have a lot of money. You know that. I just..." Joey

shrugged. "A man needs a job. Needs to work."

"So you look for a job. You don't need to stress it,

though. Especially not in the first few days you're
home." He'd tie Joey up and fuck him blind again if he
had to. Like it was a hardship. He'd do it anyway.

"Right. Today I'm decorating your house. Tomorrow

we have to figure out what we're eating for Christmas.
And presents. I have to find you something that's not
from the Duty Free Store at the airport. And I need to do

"Listen to you -- laundry -- so domestic." It was


"My uniforms need it, and I'm out of underwear."
Somehow Grady thought his life was about to

become much more organized.

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"You can go commando. That way when I grab your

ass in the back corner of a store, it'll almost be like the
real thing."

"Uh-huh." Joey was up and cleaning before he was

half done. He knew his boy ate fast from the military
life, but it was still unnerving.

"We have plenty of time before the stores close."
"Hmm? Time for what?"
"To do the shopping, to buy decorations. You can

relax now, Joey. You're home." He got up and pressed
himself against Joey's back, loving all the hard muscles.

"Christmas is barreling down on us."
"And we'll go shopping now, but when we get back,

I'm having my wicked way with you."

Joey needed to remember how to relax, how to just

be. It had been a long time.

"I want you to have a good Christmas."
"Joey." He squeezed his lover's waist. "You're home.

I didn't think I was going to see you before Valentine's
Day, and it's been nearly two years. And. You. Are.
Home. That makes this the best Christmas ever. Even if
we have toast and water as our Christmas dinner."

"I am. I'm a civilian." Joey leaned back against him.
"You are. My civilian. My man. My stud. All mine.

You notice the emphasis there?" He grinned and kissed
Joey's neck.

"I could hear it again."
He was happy to oblige. "My civilian. My man. My

stud. All mine. My Joey."

"Yeah." Joey took his hand and brought it to those

soft lips. "Yours."

"That's right." He kissed the back of Joey's neck,

nibbled just below Joey's hairline.

"I may let it grow out."

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"Imagine you with long hair. A braid for me to grab

onto." Oh, look at his boy blush. "Mmm. I think it's a
good idea." He rubbed against Joey's back.

"Do you have other ideas?"
"Oh, babe, I have all sorts of ideas." He rubbed

harder, his prick trying to bury itself in Joey's ass
through layers of clothes.

"You want me again?"
"Of course I do. You are always in my heart and


"Silver-tongued devil."
He laughed and licked at Joey's neck again.


"You're distracting me."
"No, that's not it. I would just rather make love to you

than go shopping. Sue me."

"I'd rather bend over and let you fuck me until I


"That works for me." He tugged down Joey's

sweatpants, backed off a couple steps and smacked
Joey's ass.

"That's not fucking!" That was two curse words.
He smacked that ass again. "If you stop cursing, we

might be able to get to the fucking."

"I didn't cuss!"
"You did." He gave Joey another smack for good

measure, and then grabbed his lover, pushing his upper
body forward.

"Did not." Joey spread for him, eager, even though

Grady knew that sweet hole would be sore.

"And now you're arguing with your master. You must

be out of practice." He moved to his knees and licked
from the top of Joey's crack down to his hole.

"Oh. Oh, God. Master..."

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Grady smiled. Hungry slut. He licked at Joey's hole,

then palmed Joey's reddened butt and spread the cheeks.

"Please. Oh, fuck. Dreamed about this. Jacked off

thinking about your mouth."

"And I've dreamed about making you crazy doing

this." He licked almost delicately at that sweet little hole
a few more times, teasing, knowing Joey craved so
much more.

Joey stretched, head resting down on his folded


Humming, Grady licked again and then pointed his

tongue, pushing just the tip inside Joey's heat. The scent
of his boy flooded him, made his cock ache, throb.
Need. He pushed his tongue deeper, taking more of the
taste in, Joey's ass squeezing his tongue, trying to pull it
in deeper. Joey started babbling for him, voice husky
and hoarse, perverse in their bright kitchen.

He tongue-fucked his boy, letting the sounds of need

wash over him. No matter how much he might have
fantasized about this, nothing compared to the reality of
Joey's taste, of his boy's sounds. And it was going to be
his, now. Daily.

He spread Joey wider, pushed his tongue in deeper.

Just a moment longer and then it would be his prick,
filling his boy to the hilt. The need rode him hard, made
his balls ache.

"Master!" Joey's back arched, thighs tense, taut.
He scratched Joey's reddened ass lightly.
"Shit!" Joey stumbled forward, slamming into the


"Easy, boy." He stroked those same cheeks, kissed

each one. He was ready to take his boy now.

"Need it. God, I need your fucking cock, could ride

you all fucking day."

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"I'm going to take you up on that." He took one last

swipe at Joey's hole and stood, pulling down his jeans.

"Now. Now, come on." Pushy!
He grabbed Joey's ass again, squeezed it, but didn't

spread the red cheeks yet.

"That doesn't sound like begging, boy."
"Fuck me. Hard and deep. Give me your fucking

prick." Filthy language.

"I said I wanted begging, boy, not swearing." He

spanked Joey's ass again.

Joey pushed back toward him. "I need you."
"Mmm. That's better. And I need you." He lined up,

pushing the head of his cock against Joey's hole. Red
and slick and swollen, that sweet ring kissed the tip of
his cock. "Oh, fuck. So good." He pushed in, just a bit,
just to feel that tight heat around him.

Joey groaned, muscles shuddering. "Burns."
"Mmm. You're so tight, so hot." He pushed in a little


Joey nodded, ass jerking around him.
"All mine." He pushed the rest of the way in, until his

balls nudged up against Joey's ass.

"Big. I'm yours. So big."
He nodded, humming softly. "It's everything, this

thing between us." He pulled partway out, pushed back
in again, the heat of Joey's ass like a fire against his hips.

"Yeah." Joey sighed, relaxed around him.
Grady leaned his head on Joey's shoulder, his body

pressed against the muscled back, and he found a
rhythm. He loved the way Joey moaned for him, one
sound following the heels of the first. He let his eyes
close and simply felt and heard and smelled and tasted
his lover. His Joey.

They rocked together slowly, moaning together.
"All day, right boy?"

Christmas Homecoming - 39

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"Uh-huh. All day. You and me."
"That's right. God. I love this." So fucking much.
"I love you." The words were soft, but sure.
"Yes. Yes, Joey. Love." He kept thrusting, the

rhythm slow and perfect.

Joey braced himself on one hand, reached back and

touched him.

"Yes. Touch me, Joey." It felt so good.
"Forever. I swear."
"Holding you to that." He wasn't letting Joey go


He felt Joey's laugh, all through his body, all through

his cock. God, he loved this man. He held his lover a
little tighter, rocked into Joey a little harder.

"Mmmhmm. There. Right there, yeah?"
"Yeah. I've got you." He nodded, kept his focus on

giving Joey as much pleasure as he could. This was
fucking heaven.

"Oh. Oh, yeah. Love. Right there. Need you so bad."
He pushed a little harder as he shifted one hand down

to wrap around Joey's leaking prick. Joey's sharp little
cry echoed off the backsplash.

"Yes. Yes." He tugged on Joey's prick, rubbing the

tip with his thumb, spreading the liquid dripping from

"Shit. Gonna be sore..."
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you." It was, after all,

half the fun.

"Yeah." That was a satisfied sound.
Chuckling, he pumped in, stroked, drove them both

toward the edge. Joey groaned, pushed back into his

"You're allowed to come, boy." He wasn't going to go

until Joey did. They could do it together.

"Want to. Want to shoot."

Christmas Homecoming - 40

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"Then do it. Come for me. Come on my cock, Joey."
Joey grunted, body taut. "Yes..."
"Yes. Now!" He slammed into Joey, his whole body

shuddering as he squeezed his boy's cock.

Joey's spunk sprayed over his fingers, over his hand.

He could smell it -- pure Joey. Moaning, he jerked into
Joey one more time and then filled his boy.

They leaned together, Joey panting, sweat making

them slide against each other.

"Oh, Joey. I've missed this." He chuckled somewhat


"God, yes. Every day, man. Every day. Every time I

lost a man."

He hugged Joey tight. "You're home now, no more

losing people."

"Yeah. I like that word, home."
"I like that you're here." He kissed the back of Joey's

neck one more time as he slipped from Joey's body.
"Come take a shower with me."

"Sounds good." Joey stood, back popping. "Thanks

for breakfast."

Grady waggled his eyebrows up and down. "Thanks

for after breakfast."

"Dork." He got a smile, slow and happy and

wondering. "It's going to be one hell of a Christmas."

"It's going to be the best Christmas yet. The first of


Their fingers curled together. "Ooh-rah."


Christmas Homecoming - 41


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