Phantom Lovers by Marie Medina

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Evernight Publishing

Copyright© 2012 Marie Medina



Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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To Howard, who convinced me Lynsay would like two
better than one.

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Marie Medina

Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Lynsay crawled across the stage floor on her knees, stretching

her tape measure beside her. She wrote the measurements down and
moved to another spot. She heard voices, but she ignored them and
kept measuring. Until the murmured words turned to moans. She
stopped and slowly turned to look across the empty theater. She didn’t
see anyone when she scanned the floor seats, so she looked up at the
balcony and private boxes. The curtain on the right side of Box Five
moved a little, and the moans intensified. Lynsay cocked one eyebrow
when she realized both voices seemed to be male.

If the couple had wanted more privacy, there were dozens of

other places they could have chosen in the theater. “Hello? Is
someone up there?”

No one answered, and the moans stopped.
She stared up at the box a moment longer, but the moans

didn’t start again. The curtain hung absolutely still. She shrugged, and
then she went back to taking her measurements.

The managers had promised they’d have a renovated stage for

the new season, but that promise had fallen through. Again. Now she
was stuck yet another season designing sets for a stage that needed to
be at least five feet longer and ten feet wider. She knew it was a
money issue, but she couldn’t help feeling bitter.

“Stupid managers. What do they care as long as seats get sold?

What do they know about the arts?” she murmured.

She heard a man laugh softly somewhere behind her. Another

man with a deeper voice whispered something. She turned around,
thinking she’d see a couple of the new grips getting a good look at her

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ass, but no one was there. She looked back up at Box Five, but it
remained still and empty.

“They won’t answer you. Not yet,” said a voice behind


She sighed as she turned to see the gray-haired dance mistress

emerge from backstage. “Who won’t, Eleanor?”

“The theater ghosts. They will reveal themselves when they

are ready to do so.”

“This isn’t Paris, Eleanor. We don’t have ghosts wondering

the corridors here in America.”

Eleanor smiled. “Every theater has a ghost, and it is bad luck

to deny its existence. This one simply happens to have two. This is
New England. Is it not the most haunted part of America? Tell me I
am wrong.”

Lynsay knew she couldn’t. “It has more ghost stories, yes. It’s

older, and the buildings have been around longer. But that’s all it has,
stories and old buildings.”

“I can’t make you believe me. That will be up to them.”
Lynsay had grown tired of the stories, which she’d been

hearing off and on for two years, and she really did have work to do.
“Are they cute? Because if they aren’t, I’m not interested.”

Eleanor laughed, fingering the lavender crystal at her neck.

“You’re playing with fire, my girl.” She turned on her heels and
walked backstage again. “I’m sure they both heard you.”

Lynsay had grown accustomed to the superstitions of the

theater, but the dance mistress certainly took them to extremes. “And
how exactly am I playing with fire?”

“You shall see. And I daresay you shall enjoy it.”
Sighing, Lynsay pulled the clip out of her long black hair,

shook it out, and then she started to put it up again. She had a lot to
get done, and the curls kept getting in her face.

She jumped when she felt something tug on her hair. She did a

complete circle, hoping to see who had done that, but there was no
one; and she wasn’t close enough to anything that could have caught
her hair.

It hadn’t really felt like a tug, though. It had felt like

someone’s fingers running through the ends of her hair. She quickly
finished securing her hair in the clip and picked up her tape measure.

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She wasn’t going to let Eleanor or any of the other members of the
company spook her into believing in ghosts.

Lynsay coughed again, glaring at the unresponsive light

switch. She turned on her flashlight and carefully made her way
through the room, snorting and coughing as she went. Every step she
took kicked up more dust. She shone her flashlight up as high as she
could. She saw there were at least five backdrops hanging quite a way
out of her reach. Based on the inventory, she knew one of the
company’s original backdrops for Mozart’s Don Giovanni hung
among them. The opera had been staged twenty years ago, so the
backdrop might be useless; but she wanted to at least get a look at it.

Finding the rope and pulley system holding them in place, she

unwound one end of the filthy rope and tried to lower the first one,
but nothing happened. She shone her light against the wall and
eventually saw an identical fixture about twenty feet away. She would
have to get someone to operate the other side in order to lower them.
Securing the rope again, she took one last look toward the rafters
before turning away and wiping her hands on her jeans. After moving
a few feet away, a sound made her stop. She looked back at the rope,
hoping she’d secured it well enough.

She gasped. The rope and wheels were moving, and the end of

the rope floated in mid-air. The exact same thing was happening on
the other side. She backed away from the descending canvas, more
than a little afraid it might fall on her. She told herself this fear was
practical, not superstitious. Staring at the ropes, she cleared her throat.

She got no answer. She waited until the backdrop was just

above the ground before she spoke again.

“Who’s doing this? Who are you?” She flashed the light all

around, even though she doubted she would see anyone.

The lights above her all switched on at the same time, nearly

blinding her. She blinked several times. She’d gotten no response
from those very lights when she’d flicked the switch by the door.
Looking all around, she still didn’t see who had helped her. She heard
a sigh right next to her ear. She whirled around at the hot rush of
breath, only to see no one.

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“Please say something. Who are you?” She’d never imagined

herself talking to thin air, but she knew she hadn’t imagined that sigh.
Or the warm breath that had come with it.

“Do you really want to know?” She whirled around again.

This time she’d felt a finger on her neck as well.

Strong hands gripped her shoulders. “I’m William,” he said,

his lips touching her ear.

She turned her head to the right toward his face, but there was

no face there. She also saw no hand on her shoulder. Knots began to
form in her stomach.

“And I’m John,” said the softer voice.
She took a shaky breath because she felt lips hovering in front

of hers. She stared straight ahead at nothing, yet someone’s breath
mingled with hers. “Oh?”

“This will help, my dear,” John said. His mouth met hers

softly, but when she parted her lips he became far more aggressive.
His hands slipped around her waist, and he pulled her into a tight
embrace against his strong chest.

When he released her, she opened her eyes and saw brown

eyes staring back at her. She backed away, but that put her in the
other man’s arms.

“My turn,” he said, tilting her head back to rest on his

shoulder. His kiss was gentler, but at the same time his hands roamed
up to her breasts. He massaged for a few seconds, then squeezed her
nipples between his fingers.

She sighed, despite her misgivings. When the other man began

nuzzling her neck, she came to her senses and tried to get out of their
arms. She stood panting and stared at them. They both wore dress
pants and button down shirts that would have looked more in fashion
in the 1950s. John had brown eyes and hair, and he wore black pants
and a white shirt. William wore a blue shirt and gray pants, and he
had blond hair and blue eyes. Both were fit, well-muscled and
absolutely gorgeous with aristocratic features and mischievous smiles.

John smiled at her seductively. “We’ve been watching you for

a long time, beautiful. We thought it was high time we came

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Came courting? Watching her? “Excuse me? Who are you,

and how did you just do…” She gestured around wildly. “…all of

William bowed low to her. “We are the theater ghosts. And

now you have no choice but to believe in us.”

“You’re both real enough, I’ll give you that,” she said, blood

rushing in her ears as she tried to understand what was happening.

John came forward, running his hands through his hair and

smiling broadly. “Want to feel just how real we are?”

Part of her mind screamed yes, but she still backed away from

him. “I’m serious. How did you two do all of this? I’ve been working
in the theater since high school, and I’ve never seen tricks like this.
How did you do it?”

William laughed. “You find it easier to believe that we can

make ourselves invisible than to believe we are ghosts?”

She turned to him, meeting his ethereal blue eyes. “I didn’t say

that! It has to be a trick.”

John sighed. “Let’s just scare the shit out of her and get it over

with.” He charged toward her.

She backed away as quickly as she could. “No, stop!” Scare

the shit out of her? What did he mean by that? She wasn’t fast
enough, and he soon overtook her.

And walked right through her.
She blinked, electrical sparks tingling all over her skin.

William approached her and lifted one of her trembling hands. He put
their palms together, and then he pushed his hand right through hers.
Staring, she pulled her hand back, watching it move through his hand
and arm as if they weren’t even there.

Arms encircled her waist again, and more importantly a cock

pressed against her ass. She gasped at the contact.

“But we can be as solid as you need us to be, for as long as

you need us to be,” John said.

He slid his cock up and down between her ass cheeks, making

her mouth fall open. When she looked up, William was right in front
of her.

“He is very impressive,” he said, capturing her chin and tilting

her lips up for a kiss.

Despite her better judgment, she let him take her into his

embrace. His lips played against hers softly, and soon his tongue

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made them part. His kiss was intoxicating and electric. She wrapped
her arms around him and gave in completely. John continued to grind
against her ass, and then his mouth found the back of her neck. He bit
her there, and she gasped. William swallowed the sound as his hands
slid over her hips and then over John’s ass to bring the three of them
closer. Reality came flooding back when she felt William’s cock
rubbing against her as well.

She’d never been so wet in her life, and when he spread her

legs to grind against her clit she nearly came, but could she really do
this? She wiggled to pull out of the kiss, to at least free her lips so she
could speak.

William pulled away and held her at arm’s length while John

stopped kissing her. He backed up a bit so his cock wasn’t touching
her, but he didn’t let go of her waist.

“Yes?” John asked, planting a brief kiss on her shoulder.
“So just because you’re ghosts, it’s okay for me to just fuck

you? How about giving a girl five seconds to adjust to the ghost part,

William ran one finger under her chin, his skin surprisingly

cool against hers. “You want us.”

She nodded, feeling that lying wouldn’t deter them at all. “I

do, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. If I see a hot guy on the
street, I don’t turn around and follow him. I don’t jump men when
they smile at me just because they arouse me.”

John ran his hands down over her hips and pushed her ass

against his erection again. “But you’ve always wanted to be with two

“John!” William said.
She pulled out of John’s arms. “What?”
John and William locked eyes, William looking furious and

John looking defiant. After a few seconds, John flushed pink. He
cleared his throat. “Well, we just—”

“How do you know that?” Could they read her mind? She’d

wanted to be with two men for years, but she’d never had a partner
willing to go that far with her.

William spoke first. “As we said, we’ve been watching you a

long time. We were there the night you broke up with that guy.”

“Brian,” John spat.

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Her gaze flicked to John. The hatred in his voice surprised her.

“You were there?”

John nodded. “We were there every single time you brought

him to your office.” He reached out and toyed with the ends of her
hair. “I was very jealous, watching you suck him.”

“You watched?” she whispered, surprised at how the thought

of being observed made her pussy clench.

He moved closer. “Watching him cup those full breasts, finger

your pussy.” He took her face in his hands, his skin as cool against
her as William’s had been. “Watching him eat you and fuck you. I
wanted to take his place.” He tightened his grip. “Especially all the
times he finished without making you come.”

She shivered in his arms, and he licked her lower lip. They

had been there. No one else could know those things. She pulled out
of his arms, her face glowing bright red.

William reached out, but he only touched her shoulder. “We’d

say we’re sorry, but we aren’t. We both wanted you, but we promised
each other we wouldn’t seduce you. We were forced to simply watch.
And want.”

John moved to her side again. “But then you told him what

you wanted. He spewed his dirty fantasies, and you complied. But
when you named yours, he was revolted. You were right to give him
the boot.”

She remembered the night clearly, the argument. She shook

her head to dispel the memories. “We wouldn’t have worked out
anyway. It was for the best.”

“But that night gave us hope,” William said. “You wanted two

men, and these two men wanted you.”

She didn’t want to think about that. If she kept thinking about

it, they’d end up rolling around on the dusty floor fucking until
midnight. She met William’s gaze. “Tell me how you got here. How
did you die?”

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Chapter Two

William looked into her light brown eyes, which were as

beautiful as John’s, and sighed. “Can we go to your office? You’ll get
tired of breathing this musty air soon.”

Lynsay nodded. “Okay. Come on.”
As they walked to her office, Lynsay kept studying everyone

they passed. He had to smile as she checked to see if anyone else
could see them. “They have no idea we’re here, Lynsay. They can’t
see us at all.”

She glanced up and down the hall before shutting her door and

turning to them. She smiled, looking adorably nervous, and walked
over to her desk. She sat on the side that was free of clutter and
looked at them. “Okay. Tell me.”

“It’s not a very interesting story. It’s actually a sad one,” John


William sat on the couch across from her desk while John

leaned against the wall. “We were lovers. In 1952. We couldn’t
exactly walk down the street holding hands, if you get my drift. We
both liked women, but we also liked men. And when we met, we
recognized this in each other. We began meeting here secretly. We
were in one of the prop rooms making love when a fire broke out. We
were both off work that day, so no one knew we were here.”

“Until they found our bodies,” John said. “The door got stuck.

William passed out from the smoke. I finally broke down the door,
but the fire had reached us. We didn’t make it out because the smoke
overtook me soon after that.”

Lynsay lowered her head for a moment before looking at both

of them. “I read about the fire in the library when I came to work
here. It says no one died.”

William’s eyes met John’s for a few seconds before he

explained. “John’s father was Harold Carnick.”

Her eyes went wide. “Really?”
John nodded. “Daddy didn’t like me. He knew I was different.

When they said my body was found with another man’s, he went to
work. Used all his dirty drug money to hush it up.”

“I’m an orphan,” William said. “No one cared. My landlady

came asking about me, but they told her I’d skipped town.”

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“I’m sorry,” she said, wiping away a tear. “I shouldn’t have

asked. You’re both so young…it had to be a sad story, of course.”

William reached out and touched her hand, loving the silky

feel of her skin and grateful for her compassionate tears. “We would
have told you eventually. We’ve been watching you because we both
like you.”

John moved away from the wall and sat on the edge of the

desk beside her. “A lot.”

William wanted Lynsay as much as John did, but he wished

John would take his approach down a notch or two. He loved John’s
aggressive side, but he didn’t want John’s haste to ruin things before
they had begun.

Lynsay looked into John’s eyes as William watched. She

reached over and touched his cheek, and he gripped her hand and
brought it to his lips. “The past is the past,” John said. “We’re
thinking of now.” He kissed his way over her wrist and up her arm.

When their lips met, William joined them, standing on the

other side of her and putting his arms around both of them.

“After hearing you say you wanted two men to make love to

you at the same time, William had to hold me back to keep me from
touching you,” John said after their lips parted.

“I would have gotten over Brian much quicker if you had,”

she said, leaning into John.

“Are you saying yes, Lynsay?” William asked.
She turned to look into his eyes. “John said it was high time

you two ‘came courting,’ didn’t he?”

William nodded, wanting to taste her lips again as he watched

John nuzzle her neck.

“Then court me,” she said, flicking her eyes between him and


John raised his eyebrows. “I court pretty aggressively.”
Lynsay smiled and looked back at William. “Does he?”
William laughed. “I would say so. After two weeks of

working together, he pulled me into an empty room and stuck his
tongue down my throat while his hand found its way down my pants.”

Her mouth popped open, but she didn’t say anything. She

closed it, but then she ran her tongue over her lower lip. “Did he? Did
you like that?”

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John stood just as William began to speak. “You bet he did,”

John said, pulling William into his arms. John drew William’s lower
lip between his teeth and sucked, sending a pulse of desire down to
his groin. William closed his eyes and gave in to him, letting John
kiss him and hold him. He felt John’s cock harden as their bodies
touched. When John broke the kiss and began nibbling at his neck,
William looked at Lynsay.

Her gaze was fixed on them as they embraced, her breathing

shallow and her look hungry.

“He’s amazing,” William whispered as he stared into her

entrancing eyes. “His mouth does the most wicked things.”

She swallowed and kept watching for a few moments, but then

she looked away. William gave John a little shake and pulled out of
his arms.

“All jokes aside, is that what you want? You want to be

wooed?” William asked.

“Yes,” she said. “I want to know you, both of you, first.” She

smiled, shaking her head. “I’m a little muddled right now.”

“Then we’ll leave you for now, so you can think,” William

said. He turned to John. “Right?”

He could feel that John didn’t want to leave, but after a brief

glance at him, John looked at her and nodded with a smile. “Yes. We
will. I don’t know what I’d do without him.” He looked up at the
ceiling and laughed before looking between the two of them.
“Probably earn myself quite a hard slap.”

To William’s relief, Lynsay laughed as well. “Maybe. Maybe

not. How about we see each other tomorrow?”

Both men nodded, and William grabbed John’s hand, making

them both disappear before John could say or do anything else.

John leaned against the wall and groaned, wanting nothing

more than to deck William. “God, you bastard! If I were as much of a
gentleman as you, my life wouldn’t have been half as interesting as it

William focused on him with that look of supreme patience

that both infuriated him and made him love him even more. “You
love her?” he asked.

John crossed his arms over his chest, but eventually he


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“I do, too. But you know what? She doesn’t love us. She

doesn’t know us. We have to give her time.”

John took William’s hand and brought it to his cock. William

cupped his length, and the lust surged forward again. “Then you better
do something about this. I need to come.”

William unbuttoned John’s pants and freed his hard dick, and

then he began to stroke him. John sighed at William’s touch. He
looked down and watched, noticing a few drops of pre-cum. He
grabbed William’s shoulders and pushed him to his knees. “Suck

Their eyes locked as William licked the head of his cock and

freed his own hard length. John sighed deeply as William began to
take his length into his mouth. “Your mouth does some pretty wicked
things, too.” He thrust forward. “I can’t wait until we’re both tasting
her, both fucking her.”

He thought back to the night Brian had stormed from her

office after she’d said they were through. He’d wanted to run after
him and beat him half to death for the names he’d thrown at her. But
he’d stayed with her to see her reaction, pleased when she angrily
balled up a few papers but then simply sighed and shrugged. He’d
wanted to touch her, but William wouldn’t let him. They’d argued,
then struggled and wound up fucking roughly on the floor while she
sat at her desk, completely unaware of their presence.

William sucked harder, playing with John’s balls with one

hand and stroking his own cock with the other. John’s eyes fixed on
William’s cock, and William looked up when John began noticeably
leaning to the side to watch. He pulled back and tongued the head.
“Fuck me the way you did that night.”

John smiled, loving the mental connection they had now. He

yanked William up and spun him around, holding his hands behind
his back. John traced his tongue along the back of William’s neck
while his hand found William’s cock. He jerked him and ground his
own cock against William’s ass, anticipating being inside him. They
both sank to their knees, and John lowered William’s pants before
pushing his own down further. He held both of William’s hands in
one of his, and brought the fingers of his other hand to William’s ass.
He slid in two fingers right away, his own cock jerking when he heard
William gasp and felt the ring of muscle tighten around his fingers.
When William began to moan in pleasure, John moved his cock to

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William’s hole and began to penetrate. As he slid further into his, he
reached around to stroke William’s cock. He was so hard, on the edge

“You wanted her as much as I did just now,” John said. He

thrust faster.

William thrust back to meet him every time. “Of course I did,

but we have to wait to get what we want.”

John reached forward and tangled his fingers in William’s

hair. He tugged with each thrust, releasing William’s hands. William
went down on all fours when John began stroking his cock again. “So
close,” William said.

John slowed his strokes. “Not until I say.” He eased his thrusts

as well. He felt the frustration ripple off of William. Smiling, he
leaned down and kissed a trail up William’s spine, rubbing his cheeks
on the soft material of his shirt. He focused on how good it felt to be
inside William, and then he imagined Lynsay watching.

William groaned, obviously seeing the picture in his mind.

William began to thrust back against John, pushing a picture of his
own into John’s mind. John smiled as the saw the three of them
together with Lynsay between them. William had her pussy while
John claimed her ass.

“Oh yes,” John said. He fucked William harder and jerked him

the way he liked, in long strokes, letting his fist linger over the head
of his cock. “Come for me. Now!”

William cried out and came, thick cum spilling over John’s

hand. He leaned back and thrust one final time, filling William’s ass
with his seed. He flipped him over and collapsed on his chest. He ran
his hand over William’s shoulder and kissed his neck.

“You’ll thank me,” William said, stroking John’s hair. “When

the three of us come together, we’ll have what we want.”

John gripped William’s shoulder and closed his eyes. “I

know.” He sighed deeply. “I know.”

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Chapter Three

One Month Later

William laughed loudly as John danced across the stage during

rehearsal. Lynsay sat beside him, a blank expression fixed on her
face. She coughed, and he saw her crack a smile behind her hand. She
leaned over and whispered to the director, who nodded and gestured
toward the door. She rose and exited the audience, William following
and nodding for John to do so as well.

“You two have got to stop,” she said as she breezed down the


John appeared in front of her at her office door, pulling her

into the room. “You know you love it,” he said.

She gasped when she saw what they’d done to her office.

They’d covered every available surface with rose petals. William
closed the door behind them.

“You like it?” he asked as he rested his hands on her


“It’s beautiful,” she said. She took a deep breath. “I love it.”
John kissed her hand. “You said you like roses, that you miss

them here in the city.” He turned her hand over and kissed her palm.

She stroked his cheek, and then she reached over and locked

the door before reaching for William’s hand. William knew it
wouldn’t be long until everything was perfect. Thus far, neither of
them had made love to her. They’d all fooled around, and both of
them had made her come many times, but they weren’t truly one yet.
They had come very close the day before. She’d jokingly asked them
to fool around for her, and they’d obliged her on the couch in her
office, giving her a full show that ended with John fucking William.
Hearing her whimper of longing, they’d pulled her into their
afterglow. Stretched out on the floor, they’d sandwiched her between
them, kissing her eager mouth and fingering her needy pussy until she

John pulled out the blankets and began spreading them over

the floor. “Your couch isn’t quite big enough, so we came prepared.”

She eyed the blankets, and then pulled William close. “You

said you two couldn’t read my mind, just each other’s.”

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John got on his knees and ran his hands up her skirt. “We

didn’t need to read your mind. Your cries last night and your blushes
and giggling this morning told us all we needed to know.”

She gasped and held tighter to William, her eyes telling him

how much she liked whatever John was doing under her skirt. He
brought his lips down onto hers and sighed as he gained access to her
sweetness. She put her arms around his neck and let her tongue slide
slowly against his. William loved the way she kissed. She would
always start out sweet and sultry, but then her passion would build
more and more as the embrace continued. Writhing against him, she
massaged his neck and nipped his lower lip. He lowered her hand to
his cock, and that fired her up even more.

John slid his hands between them to unbutton her blouse.

William backed up and saw that he was already naked, and she was
naked from the waist down. He got on his knees as John finished
undressing her, trailing his fingers up her thighs and teasing her
pussy. She sighed as he slid his fingers into her wet heat and caressed
her hot walls. Then he ran his slick fingers over her swollen clit.
Leaning in, he flicked his tongue at it.

She gasped and leaned back against John as William parted

her legs to taste her more. John had eaten her out before, but William
hadn’t yet. He swirled his tongue into her when he felt John’s hand on
the back of his head.

“William,” she said. “Oh god.”
John backed up and brought them down on the floor. He

reclined on his back and settled her on top of him so that she straddled
his stomach but faced away from him. William moved forward and
put his hands on John’s knees, meeting his gaze.

“You’re in my way,” William said with faux menace. He

pushed John’s legs down and straddled them. He tipped Lynsay back,
and John rose up on his elbows so she could lie back on his chest. He
kissed her shoulder and watched William pull her down until her
pussy caressed his cock. William kissed her, sucking on her lower lip
briefly before backing up and lowering himself to her pussy again. He
had to push John’s cock aside to lick her, and his jaw lightly teased
against John’s shaft as he enjoyed her.

“Mmmm,” she said.

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When he caught her watching, he held her gaze and licked

John’s cock. Then he licked her slit and ran his tongue in three circles
around her clit.

She cried out, her arousal, sweet and rich like salted honey,

pouring out of her trembling pussy. He drove his tongue into her and
lapped at the proof of her desire. She dug her nails into his shoulders,
and he finally broke away to kiss her. As they embraced, he lifted her
and slid her down onto John’s cock.

“Oh, yes,” John said, thrusting up.
William backed away and just watched as she rode him. He

stripped and moved to join them, but she stopped him. She kept him
standing in front of her and stroked his cock. He groaned when she
closed her mouth over it. Her mouth made time stop, so lost was he in
the sensations. He heard a moan and looked down at John, knowing
he was about to come. She threw her head back and cried out again,
and he watched John’s eyes roll back and then close. When they were
both still, he lifted her to her feet and carried her to the couch, where
he sat and made her straddle him.

“Ride me now,” he whispered against her lips. “If that little

pussy can take it.”

She teased him a bit, hovering just over him, but then she took

his cock inside of her. She turned to look at John. “Come here.”

John came and stood behind her, resting his hands on her


William groaned. She felt so good, her pussy was tight and hot

and full of John’s cum. John’s eyes met his as that thought went
through his mind, and William reached for him. They kissed, and he
could sense how much John loved the dirty thought. John had always
encouraged him to never be ashamed of anything that turned him on,
and William had never been more turned on than he was at that very

When their lips parted, Lynsay put her arms around his neck

and looked into his eyes.

“I’m close,” she said, flexing her muscles around him


“I know you are,” he said.
She gasped, and he noticed John’s hand caressing her ass,

playing at her hole.

Soon. Not tonight, but soon.

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John nodded slightly, but he continued to play at her hole. The

look on her face told them she liked it. She leaned back against John
and tipped her head to the side to look at him. Then she gasped and
came. She looked back at William and grasped his shoulders as the
orgasm took her. The sheer bliss on her face made him shoot, filling
her with his seed. He pumped to give her every last drop, the euphoria
overwhelming him as stars danced in front of his eyes.

John sat beside him, and they let her collapse across their laps.

William ran his hand lazily over her stomach while John played with
her hair.

“You guys do know I have to be back out there in an hour,

don’t you?” she asked.

William nodded. “Now you’ll be more relaxed.”
She laughed. “You bet I’ll be relaxed.” She sat up and kissed

them both. “I have some paperwork to do before then. Maybe I’ll
have dinner here tonight? I’ll run out and get something.”

“That sounds great,” John said.
“Anything that gives us more time with you,” William said.
She smiled, looking almost shy, which was amazing after what

they’d just done. “Exactly. I love being with you both so much.”

They left her to clean up and redress. When they

rematerialized in the balcony to watch the end of rehearsal, William
grasped John’s hand.

“Soon. I can feel it. Soon.”

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Chapter Four

John gazed up at the sun, glad he had let Lynsay talk him into

coming up onto the roof. “It’s nice,” he said, taking a deep breath as
he stretched himself out beside her. “I’d forgotten I could feel the
wind, the warmth of the sun. We haven’t come up here in years.”

“You really can’t leave the theater?” she asked.
He turned his head to her, wanting to say so much but

knowing William would be angry. If all went as planned, he might be
able to very soon, but he literally bit his tongue to keep the words in.
“No, we can’t.”

After looking sad for a dozen seconds, she smiled teasingly.

“Then you two better help me if I ever get fired.” She laughed.

He laughed, too. “Such a beautiful sound.” He caressed her

cheek. He couldn’t tell her what they needed from her, but he could
tell her lots of other things. “Lynsay, I love you. We love you.”

Her smile faded, but she didn’t pull away from his touch. “I

know, John.” She took his hand and kissed it. “I know.”

He’d hoped for more than just I know from her. He rolled to

his side and pulled her into his arms. “You know? Is that all?”

“I care for both of you. John, you know that.”
He searched her eyes. “I thought it was more than that.” He

brought his lips to hers, and she opened right away and responded to
his hunger. He rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him to get
her off the hard bricks.

She stroked his face and continued to kiss him. “It is,” she said

between kisses, “but I…get scared…sometimes. Scared to…say it.”

“Don’t be scared, Lynsay. Everything will be fine. I promise.”

He held her face and looked deep into her eyes. “I promise.”

She gazed down at him. “I don’t know why I trust you, but I

do. I guess it’s because…” She hesitated.

When he saw her lips start to form the words, he placed his

hand over her mouth. His chest felt tight, and he knew tonight would
be the night. He wanted to tell William, but part of him loved having
a secret. He wondered if he’d be able to keep it until that evening
when they all made love. “I want you to say the words when William
is here, too. You’ll stay after the show?”

She nodded. “I volunteered to lock up.”

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“Tonight will be special, Lynsay,” he said, grasping one of her

hands to his cheek then kissing her palm.

The door opened, and they both looked over to see William

emerge. He smiled when he saw them, but then he put on a very stern

“You trying to steal my girl, John?”
“Guilty as charged,” he said.
“He’s doing a rather good job of it, too,” Lynsay added.
William knelt down beside them. “Is he now?”
“He’s giving you quite a run for your money,” she continued,

“but I’m finding myself very, very confused.”

John loved her playful tone, loved seeing her tease William.
“Confused, you say?” William said.
“Oh yes. I’m so muddled I’m convinced I want you both.” She

leaned forward and whispered in William’s ear. “At the same time.”

William’s eyes met John’s, and John mouthed the word


William gave him the slightest nod. Then he backed away and

smiled at Lynsay. “You will stay after the show tonight?”

She nodded. “Already packed my bag and everything. I want

to sleep between you, wake up between you.”

William pulled her into his arms, and John gazed back up at

the sun, anticipating the moment he and William would be mortal
men again, walking the streets with the woman they loved.

Lynsay gasped when she saw how beautiful the room was.

Velvet curtains of every color draped the walls, and several large
candelabra stood around the room. The room glowed, and the air
smelled of roses and spice. Mattresses were arranged in the center of
the room, four stacks laid out in a square, each stack three mattresses

“Leftover from when the high school did ‘The Princess and

the Pea’,” John said, kissing the back of her neck.

“I didn’t even know this room was here,” she said, looking up

to the high ceiling.

William moved in front of her. “We keep boxes stacked in

front of the door. Only Eleanor knows this room exists anymore. No
one else has been here long enough.”

“She keeps smiling at me. She knows, doesn’t she?”

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John continued kissing her neck and soon began massaging

her breasts. “I can’t believe everyone doesn’t know, the way you
scream some days.”

She leaned back into his embrace as she gazed into William’s

eyes. “There won’t be anyone to hear me tonight though.”

William reached out and stroked her cheek before running a

finger over her lips. “You plan on being very loud tonight?”

She put her arms around his neck and pulled him close. She

loved being between them, feeling both their cocks pressed against
her, being trapped between the hardness of their chests. “Depends on
what you wicked boys do to me.”

William kissed her gently. “You seem more than willing.”
“Of course I am.” She pressed her cheek against John’s,

reaching back to place one hand on the back of his head while her
other hand stayed on the back of William’s neck. “I love you, both of

William’s eyes went wide, and then molten. His gaze flicked

to John briefly, and John extended his arms to embrace them both.

“I do,” she said. She turned back to John. “I love you.”
John captured her mouth as William began kissing her cheek

and pressing them all closer.

“Make love to me,” she said, the desire deep in her belly

blazing out of control. “I want both of you inside me.”

William stepped back, and John swept her into his arms.

When he set her down, both of them were naked. She laughed as John
began to undress her.

“I wish I could do that, too,” she said.
William moved in behind her and pulled off the blouse John

had unbuttoned. “We don’t. We like undressing you. It’s like opening
a present.”

When her bra came off, John’s head dipped down to her

breasts while William slid her skirt down her legs. John raked his
teeth over one nipple the same moment William slid her panties down
and nipped at the curve of her ass. She sighed as she stepped out of
her panties, William’s fingers stroking her already wet slit. John
pressed both of her breasts together and ran his tongue over her very
sensitive nipples. William sat on the mattresses and settled her on his
lap, his cock rubbing against her pussy. He spread his legs and hers,
and John knelt down.

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She leaned back, William caressing her breasts while John

alternated between licking her clit and William’s cock. She loved it
when they did that, and they both seemed to thoroughly enjoy it, too.
Tilting her head down, she watched him take the head of William’s
cock into his mouth. She rubbed herself over William’s cock and
pressed her clit against John’s mouth.

John moaned. “He tastes like your pussy.” He sucked on her

clit, making her buck.

William inched back, pulling her with him onto the mattresses.

John stayed with them, and his tongue played over her pussy and
William’s cock as he climbed up with them. Then John lowered her
onto William’s cock, making her lean back just enough that he could
keep tonguing her. He stretched out on the bed, his arms around their
thighs. His fingers circled and caressed them softly.

William held her hips and thrust deep. He sat up enough to

kiss her neck. His soft moans made her wetter, and she quickened the
pace. John sucked her clit and tongued it roughly, giving her no
choice but to come. She convulsed, milking William’s cock as John
moved up to kiss her. She could taste her own arousal on his lips, and
she licked them hungrily.

“Turn and face him,” John whispered. “Let me take you.”
She lifted herself and turned to straddle William. They

exchanged delicate kisses while John fingered her still trembling
pussy. John slid his cock into her slowly and stroked in and out. His
fingers played at her other hole, and one slipped in easily. She gasped,
but then she moaned at the invasion.

“You’re so wet,” William said. “You felt so good when you


When John withdrew, he lowered her onto William’s cock

again. William’s eyes rolled back and he groaned, thrusting up hard.
She let out a surprised cry.

“Just you wait,” John whispered in her ear. “But tell me if I

hurt you. I swear I’ll stop.”

She rode William slowly for a few moments, then leaned

forward and rested her arms on each side of him, presenting her ass to
John. He slid his finger into her again, and after several strokes he
eased a second finger in. When she started to moan, he pulled out and
brought his cock to her rosebud. William held her still, stopping his
thrusts, while John spread her cheeks and began his slow entry.

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The sensation made her gasp, but after a few inches she began

to move. She thrust back against John tentatively.

“Oh, god, yes!” John said.
She giggled and turned her head to watch him. His eyes were

closed and his head thrown back in rapture. When he opened his eyes
and caught her looking, he thrust deeper.

She moaned and turned back to William, who locked his lips

with hers as they found their rhythm. When William thrust in, John
retreated, and soon they moved as one. John kept going deeper until
he buried his cock completely in her ass. He stilled the three of them,
trailing kisses down her back.

“Can you feel each other?” she asked.
“Oh yes,” John said. They began to move again.
“We can feel every move,” William added. “Only a thin veil

of skin separates our cocks. And it feels amazing.”

She could feel them both swelling even more within her.

She’d never felt so full or so aroused. “I’m going to come.”

To her delighted surprise, both men doubled their efforts and

picked up the pace. The friction soon sent her soaring, and when she
cried out she felt them both spilling into her. She lost herself in the
blur of sensations. Their mouths and hands were all over her as her
pussy trembled. She could feel their warm cum inside her, dripping
out of her. Their frantic movements completely overcame her. She
felt hot, as if she were suffocating. Both of them felt hot and sweaty
as well, and their breathing was labored.

They all collapsed on the mattresses, and it took Lynsay

several moments to catch her breath. When she sat up, John and
William were on either side of her, staring at each other in
amazement. They reached out and touched each other, both of them

“What’s going on?” she asked, fear creeping over her and

making her feel cold despite the sudden heat of the room.

William grabbed her hands and placed one over his heart and

the other over John’s. “Feel that.”

“Your heart pounding?”
“Have you ever felt our hearts beating? Have we ever felt this

warm?” He moved her hand to his lips. “We’re alive again, Lynsay,
and we’re all yours.”

Lynsay sat bolt upright and jerked her hands away. “What?”

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“Eleanor,” John said. “She’s a witch. I don’t mean that the

way you probably think. She was born a witch. She can communicate
with the other world, and she can ask favors.”

“She helped us,” William continued. “We made a deal with

the powers on the other side. If we could love the same woman and
make her love us in return, we would be allowed to live out the years
that were stolen from us.”

“But there had to be a trick. We had to make love together and

come at the same time after you had confessed your love.”

She stared back and forth between both of them. “You’re


“Yes. And we love you and want you just as much,” William


She pulled back when he tried to kiss her. “Prove it.” Her

mind raced as she scrambled for her clothes. When they didn’t move,
she said, “Come on! Clothes, now!”

She watched them both scramble away to a chest in the far

corner. Were they serious? Was it possible? She buttoned her blouse
and watched them fumbling into the clothes. She noted they were not
the clothes they normally wore. Soon she recognized the tuxedo pants
from a recent production. They donned plain white button down shirts
and approached her. Both of them looked apprehensive, as if they
were afraid she might reject them.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said. “Do you get how crazy

this sounds? I have to have proof.” She grabbed their hands and
dragged them from the room, snagging her purse on the way out.

When they reached the employee entrance, both men hesitated

as she searched for her keys. She unlocked the door and stepped
outside. Propping the door open, she turned and backed away a few

“If you’re really alive, and really mine, come to me,” she said,

extending her arms to them.

William genuinely looked like he might throw up. John

stepped to the threshold and looked into her eyes. He took a deep
breath and stepped outside. His eyes widened, and then a jubilant
smile spread over his face. He rushed to her and snatched her up in his
arms. He kissed her soundly, taking her breath away.

She turned to William when John set her down. “Come on.

We’ll go home.”

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William looked at her when she said the word home, and then

he looked at John.

“Come on,” John said, reaching out. “I was scared, too, but

it’s true. It’s really true, just as Eleanor promised.”

William rushed through the door, stopping short just outside

of it. He looked around, stunned, and they went to him. Lynsay pulled
his mouth to hers for a long, sweet kiss.

“Well, what do you want to do first?” Lynsay asked, laughing

at the amazed expression on William’s face.

He and John looked at each other. “Are you hungry?”
“Starving,” John said.
Both men laughed, and then they kissed, a long, deep, joyous


She playfully pushed them apart. “If you two want to eat, you

better stop turning me on like this.”

John took her hand and then William’s. He pulled them

toward the street, walking backwards. “You saved us, Lynsay. We’ve
got the rest of our lives to do all sorts of things to each other.”

“Then let’s hurry,” she said. She pulled away quickly to shut

the back door and lock it, and then she ran back to her two waiting
lovers. “The quicker I get you two fed, the quicker you’ll regain your

They walked on each side of her, their arms circling her waist

as they squeezed her close.

“Will we need our strength?” John teased.
“Oh yes. You’re going to need all the strength you can get

because you’re certainly not going to get any sleep tonight.” She put
her arms around both of them and pulled them close when they
reached her car. As their lips touched in a sweet three-way kiss, her
heart swelled with joy and love as she thought of all the possibilities
they lay before them.

The End

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Other Books by Marie Medina:

Be My Bad Boy

Reaper’s Reward

In the Wolf’s Tower

Evernight Publishing


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