Marie Medina Saving His Mate

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Evernight Publishing

Copyright© 2013 Marie Medina

ISBN: 978-1-77130-457-3

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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To Howard

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The Year of Hearts, 2

Marie Medina

Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

3150, The Year of Hearts

Lance felt the air cooling around him as he watched the suns

sink below the horizon. He could feel Lord Tavok’s presence behind
him. The vampire hovered constantly. Lance didn’t truly mind, but he
wasn’t sure how to handle Tavok’s attention. His mind still reeled
when he tried to face the fact that he was the vampire’s mate. He’d
spent ten years serving another vampire, and only yesterday he’d
watched her being lowered into the ground. Lady Elizabella had been
beautiful and loving and carefree. Five years earlier, she’d come to
him in raptures because she’d found her mate. Every vampire had a
mate, another person whose blood called to him or her in a special
way. This person could be of either sex, and could be another vampire
or a human. Elizabella’s had been human. Unfortunately, this human
had also been married with three children. He’d refused to leave them,
rebuffing all of Elizabella’s pleas and even forbidding her from
touching him. Elizabella’s attempts to force him to submit had
resulted in his suicide.

Lance sighed as he remembered the cry that had pierced the

night when it happened. Elizabella had been both inconsolable and
uncontrollable. He’d been forced to tie her down to keep her from
taking her own life, and she’d ranted and raved at anyone, aside from
him, who came near her. She had recovered, but then she’d set her
sights on another vampire, Lord Ettore. Being rejected a second time
had affected her mind, but Lance hadn’t seen it until it was too late.

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Just over a week ago, she’d kidnapped Simon, Ettore’s mate, thinking
Ettore would finally be hers if his mate were gone as well. Lance had
refused to help her, and that had been the end of her favor.

Lance had been imprisoned with Simon and then rescued by

Tavok, so he’d been safe in Ettore’s castle when Elizabella killed
herself. In a way, he felt grateful he hadn’t been there to see her jump
and break her neck, but he also felt guilty, believing she never would
have killed herself if he’d been there to talk to her. Everyone told him
to stop thinking that way, but it was proving very hard.

Being denied her mate had driven Elizabella mad, so Lance

knew all too well that keeping his distance from Tavok was causing
the vampire pain. Lance had been with many women, but he’d also
had a male lover once. Henri had left him to get married because he
wanted children, but Lance had never forgotten their time together.
Tavok had lots of appeal for Lance. He was exactly Lance’s height,
but his frame was slight, his muscles leaner. Lance liked that, and he
was very tempted to invite Tavok to his bed and keep the vampire
pinned beneath him all night. Two things had been stopping him up to
this point. First of all, though he had not been in love with Elizabella,
he had loved her with his whole heart, and his failure to protect and
save her would likely pain him for a long time. He felt guilty both for
thinking of his own pleasure and for expecting Tavok to deal with
him as he grieved. Second, Tavok was a vampire and an aristocrat, so
Lance doubted he, a former servant, would be allowed to be the
dominant partner in their relationship. However, that was what Lance
craved above all else. With the funeral over, Lance knew Tavok was
anxious for their relationship to move forward.

Tavok had come on strong from the beginning. Lance had

been bleeding when Tavok rescued him and Simon, and Tavok hadn’t
been able to take his eyes off of Lance. Tavok had healed Lance’s
wound, the feel of Tavok’s mouth and tongue sending Lance into a
state of high arousal; a sure sign Lance was indeed the vampire’s
mate. The need to pull Tavok to him and take him roughly had
overwhelmed Lance, and he’d pushed it back with all his might. He
still remembered trembling in Tavok’s arms, forcing himself not to
give in to the sudden wave of lust. His efforts to keep his distance
from Tavok seemed to be working for now. He endeavored not to
spend too much time alone with him, and he remained deferential,
even though Tavok insisted he cease such behavior. He even avoided

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eye contact as much as possible. Vampires’ eyes changed colors with
their moods, turning crimson when they needed to feed and darkening
to almost black when their needs became more carnal. Lance didn’t
know what he’d do if he saw such a look in Tavok’s eyes.

However, Tavok didn’t understand any of this because Lance

hadn’t allowed the topic to come up. He’d allowed Tavok to place his
arm around him during the funeral, and he’d even cried in the
vampire’s arms afterwards, appreciating how undemanding Tavok’s
consolation was. The comfort of that sweet and loving embrace had
stayed with Lance well into the night. He’d spent most of the day
alone, and now he felt he owed Tavok something. Lance turned and
looked behind him, searching for Tavok. Movement within an
archway caught his eye, and he stood and walked in that direction. He
found Tavok concealing himself in a corner, looking guilty and
partially hiding his face behind his long blond hair.

Lance bowed slightly. “Your care is appreciated, my lord, but

you’ll only tire yourself worrying about me all the time.”

“You’re all I can think about, Lance. I can’t help it.” Tavok

came out of the corner and stood only inches away. “And please use
my name. It makes me happy.”

Lance appreciated Tavok’s bluntness, yet something about it

felt very demanding now. “I’m adjusting. Forgive me,” Lance said.
Tavok licked his lips, and Lance mirrored the gesture, longing to kiss
him. They had not kissed yet, though Tavok healing his wound had
made Lance’s blood boil like no kiss ever had.

“How are you? I know you need time, but I want nothing more

than to comfort you.”

My greatest comfort would be found with my cock buried deep

inside you. “I know … Tavok.” Lance cast his gaze down. “I am well.
She was unhappy, and if the gods are merciful she is now at peace. I
will recover from losing her far sooner than I will forget how I failed

“You loved her so much.”
Tavok’s whispered words nearly shattered Lance’s heart. He’d

never heard such sadness in anyone’s voice, not even Elizabella’s. He
made himself look into Tavok’s eyes, knowing he had to set this

“Tavok, I know what you’re thinking, what everyone thinks. I

was not in love with her. I am not mourning the loss of a lover. She

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was so good to me. And after she lost her mate,” he shook his head,
feeling momentarily overwhelmed, “she needed me so much. I don’t
know why she chose me, but it pleased me that I could give her
something no one else could. It was never sexual or romantic.”

Tavok looked extremely relieved, though he did a good job of

composing his features under Lance’s scrutiny. “I am glad to hear
that, but it seems unfeeling of me to be happy while you’re suffering.”

“I know you can’t help it.” Lance smiled sadly. “When she

met her mate, she came home singing. She danced around the foyer,
twirling like a little girl in a new gown.” His smile faded as he
thought of the foyer and pictured her jumping to her death.

Tavok came forward and took Lance’s face gently in his

hands. “We can talk about it, or we can be silent on the subject. I want
to spend the evening getting to know you. Tell me what you need, and
you shall have it.”

Lance looked into Tavok’s eyes, which were green now.

Vampire’s irises remained white most of the time, and crimson and
black were the only colors that had the same meaning for all of them.
Was green sadness for Tavok? Longing? Lance didn’t know, but
spending the evening together would help him learn. “I would enjoy
spending the evening with you.”

“Then join me in my room. We can talk or play a game of

castles.” Tavok smiled. “I could read you some of Ettore’s bad

Lance gave him a small smile. “I have not played castles in so

long, I am sure you would win, and I will pass on the poetry. I want to
talk with you.” I want to touch you, want to take you.

“Good. I’ll walk you back. I need to feed, but I will only leave

you a few minutes.”

Lance grabbed Tavok’s hands as he began to pull away, and

Tavok stared at him with wide eyes. Lance released Tavok’s hands
after a moment, trying to rationalize his reaction. The idea of Tavok
taking from another angered and upset him.

“What is it, Lance?” Tavok’s face fell. “I didn’t think

mentioning drinking blood would bother you. Elizabella drank
directly from you, didn’t she?”

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“Only at the end, after her wits were completely gone. This

has nothing to do with her. I’ve kept myself at a distance, but I was
not rejecting you. You should be drinking from me.” While he didn’t
want to be dominated or subdued, he didn’t like thinking of Tavok
drinking from another more often than he had to. “I can’t give you as
much as you need until I’m turned, but feed from me tonight?”

Tavok pressed close and put his arms around Lance’s neck.

“I’m happy to hear you have no doubts about me turning you. I could
not go on without you if you chose to live a human lifespan.” He ran
one hand into Lance’s hair. “I only wanted to give you time, but I
have been longing to drink from you since I first scented your blood.
That brief taste as I healed your wound was not enough. Oh yes, I’ll
feed from you tonight.”

The rapturous and lusty expression on Tavok’s face made

Lance moan, and he wrapped his arms around Tavok, whose eyes
widened again in surprise. They were starting to go crimson already.
Lance crushed his mouth against Tavok’s. The vampire stiffened, but
then he began to fight for control. The clash of teeth and tongues
made Lance hard, and he knew Tavok could feel it. Tavok tightened
his fingers in Lance’s hair. Feeling even bolder when Tavok sighed,
Lance grabbed his hips and began to grind their bodies together.

When Tavok was released, he gasped. “By the gods, Lance, I

was so afraid you didn’t want me.”

Lance had a choice. He could confess all of his anxieties, or he

could tell Tavok what he expected to hear. “I didn’t want to disrespect
her by plunging too quickly into my own pleasure.”

Tavok’s eyes widened yet again, his irises now a deep blood

color. Lance rubbed Tavok’s back, imagining what a responsive and
sensual lover the vampire was going to be. The desire to tease the
sexy man proved far too great. “Will you always look at me that way
when I surprise you, Tavok?” He’d known his choice of the words
“plunging” and “pleasure” would titillate the vampire, and Lance
secretly rejoiced at his ability to arouse Tavok.

“Why? Do you like it?” Tavok whispered flirtatiously.
“I do. I like seeing the effect I have on you.” There’s

something so innocent about it. He knew better than to voice that
thought. He guessed the vampire would try twice as hard to dominate
him if he said things like that. Lance knew Tavok was far from being

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an innocent, but it was still blatantly obvious that Lance affected him
in a unique way. Lance loved that.

“Then I’ll stop holding back. I’ll make sure you have no doubt

how you’re affecting me.” He took Lance’s hand and led him back
into the castle. “Come. I think we need to be alone before the whole
castle starts talking.”

Lance allowed himself to be led, though he was already

forming plans of how he would take the lead once they were alone.
Despite the grief still firmly lodged in his heart and his desire not to
be made to submit, he knew his control was slipping. And if he gave
in and simply submitted, how would it play out? What would they be
like together? He couldn’t deny how much he wanted to find out, no
matter how they came together.

Tavok led Lance to the rooms he kept in his brother Ettore’s

castle. He’d spent almost a week worrying how he would woo and
seduce Lance, and now he’d discovered the man had wanted him all
along. That kiss had blown Tavok away with its ardor. Lance would
be a passionate lover, perhaps a rough one at times. That excited
Tavok, though he had never imagined his mate might be so
aggressive. They were the same height, but Lance was twice as wide
as Tavok was. His broad chest and huge muscles begged Tavok to
explore and caress and fondle. His shoulder-length brown hair had a
reddish tint to it, and his pale green eyes pierced straight to Tavok’s
heart with every glance. His tan proved he spent a lot of time in the
sun, and Tavok couldn’t help picturing him outside, shirtless and
glistening with sweat.

Opening the door and ushering Lance in, Tavok tried to

control his thoughts. Even though they had both become aroused, he
thought it best not to assume Lance was offering himself completely.
They would need to discuss this before Tavok drank from him. The
arousal they would both feel combined with Tavok’s ability to
temporarily control Lance would grant Tavok a power that might
prove too heady if they did not set the rules down first. Already he
craved nothing more than being tangled in the larger man’s arms all

As he closed the door, Tavok watched Lance’s reaction. Lance

walked farther into the room and went to stand by the largest
fireplace. Tavok’s rooms were in the center of the castle, and the suns

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didn’t warm them, so fires always burned in the fireplaces. Tavok
moved next to him to watch the flames dance.

“I’m sure I don’t have to tell you anything about what a

vampire’s bite does.”

“No, you don’t.” Lance turned a hungry gaze his way. “I was

amazed though by what a simple swipe of your tongue did to me.”

Tavok’s cock responded to the memory of that brief taste, the

memory of Lance’s surprised moan. “You should tell me what you
want before I drink. We don’t have to do anything else tonight, if you
don’t want to.”

Lance grinned. “Do I look like I don’t want to?” Lance pulled

Tavok against him roughly and claimed his mouth. Tavok moaned
when he felt Lance hardening against him again. He forced his hand
between their bodies so he could stroke Lance’s cock. Tavok nipped
at Lance’s lip as he unlaced Lance’s pants and gripped his dick. He
could barely get his fingers around the shaft. Tavok broke the kiss.

“May I drink from down there, near your cock?” He tickled

his fingers along Lance’s thigh.

“Mmmm, I’d like you down there.” Lance’s words came out

in a deep, sexy rumble.

Tavok bit his lip to keep himself under control as he continued

stroking Lance’s dick and cast his eyes downward. “You would?” He
knelt and licked the head of Lance’s cock, which was dark purple
now. The veiny shaft jerked in Tavok’s hand as he began to pump. He
suckled the first couple of inches and cupped Lance’s hot, heavy
balls, forcing Lance’s pants down a little more. Tavok couldn’t wait
to enter him, to see this big, strong man subdued and trembling under
his touch.

“Oh yes,” Lance said, his breath coming in pants as he rubbed

the back of Tavok’s head.

Tavok stood and stripped his robes off, backing toward the

bed. “Come here. I’m so hungry.”

Lance drew his shirt off and tossed it away, and Tavok licked

his lips at the sight of those flexing muscles. Tavok knelt on the bed
as Lance finished undressing, and then Tavok held his hand out in
invitation. Moving quickly, Lance pushed Tavok down and pinned
him to the mattress, capturing his mouth again, but this time with
even more aggression. He stroked Tavok and teased his cock with
little mercy before massaging his balls and then sliding two fingers

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down the crack of his ass. Those circling fingers made Tavok moan
and fueled his bloodlust. As strong as Lance was, Tavok could
overpower him, especially when he wanted to feed. He flipped their
positions easily, and Lance drew in a startled breath. Tavok smiled
and brushed a kiss over his lips. The awed look on Lance’s face was
so sexy.

“You might be bigger, but you know I’m stronger.” This time

Tavok was in control of the ravaging kiss they shared. He gripped
Lance’s cock again, loving how thick it was. His own cock was
longer and smoother but not as thick, and Tavok liked the contrast as
he moved over Lance and began massaging both of their cocks in his
hand, rubbing them together and feeling the pre-cum spreading over
them and slicking his fingers.

Tavok wrenched himself away from the kiss, even though

Lance tried to keep him in his embrace. He licked a trail down
Lance’s chest, enjoying the hard feel of muscle and the tickle of
Lance’s dark chest hair against his cheeks. Tavok licked Lance’s cock
again to taste his salty pre-cum. Suckling the head to further inflame
Lance, Tavok glanced up to admire the blatant desire on the man’s
face. Tavok settled between Lance’s legs and spread them to reveal
the inside of his thigh. He circled his tongue on the sensitive skin
before sucking gently. When Lance moaned and arched up, Tavok bit
down and drank. The pleasure nearly blew him away, and he had to
use every ounce of restraint to stop and lick the wound closed.

Lance’s eyes were shut, and he’d turned his head into one of

the decorative pillows. He shook as Tavok caressed his chest.

“Let me see you,” Tavok said.
Lance obeyed instantly and opened his eyes. Tavok kissed him

tenderly and cupped his face in his hands. “I can’t wait to be inside

Lance’s eyes darkened, his lids lowering, and he licked his

lips. Tavok couldn’t tell what emotion he was feeling. Desire … yes,
that was unmistakable, but something else lingered there as well.
Tavok moved away to retrieve a vial of oil, and he lubed his own
shaft before moving back onto the bed, his hands slick with oil. He
slid two fingers over Lance’s hole, watching his face. Lance closed
his eyes again and moaned.

Tavok slid one finger into him, moving it in and out slowly.

Then he added a second finger. Lance was tight. Had he ever had a

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male lover? Lance hadn’t questioned being the mate of a male
vampire, so Tavok suspected he had some experience in that area.
However, he doubted the large man had ever been fucked in the ass.
He smiled, knowing no ordinary human would be able to hold Lance
down long enough to even try. Lance’s reactions subtly suggested
surprise, the way he gasped and the way he moved when Tavok
massaged his prostate. Tavok liked that—he wanted to be the only
one to have Lance this way.

Lance’s cock wept pre-cum, and the man’s small cries nearly

drove Tavok over the edge. Tavok removed his fingers and spread
Lance’s hole, entering him easily at first but soon meeting resistance.
He leaned forward and moaned as Lance’s hole gripped him like a
fist. Tavok kept going, and when he was completely inside of Lance,
he tilted his head down to kiss him.

“Open your eyes, please. I need to see you.”
Lance opened them, but he looked stunned. His mind was

probably still reeling from Tavok’s bite, and Tavok’s ability to
command him right now might also be throwing him off. Tavok had
taken enough blood that he’d be able to make Lance obey him for
hours, and the thought made him thrust harder. “Keep looking at me
until you come. I want to savor this moment, remember every detail.”
He smiled and nuzzled Lance’s neck. “You’ll have to forgive me if
I’m abusing my powers. I’m so enthralled by you.”

“I’m not objecting.” Lance’s hands wandered over Tavok’s

body, at times tender yet at other moments rough. The large man
seemed to be fighting for control of both himself and the situation.
Soon, however, he relaxed and moaned with need. “I’m going to
come,” Lance whispered, the passion in his voice and on his face

Tavok sat back and repositioned so he could stroke Lance’s

straining cock. He thrust hard and deep into Lance as the man
exploded in his hand, the hot cum gushing forth with the power of
Lance’s release. Lance clawed at the bedclothes beneath him as his
hips undulated. His cock thrust into Tavok’s hand, and the motions
also encouraged Tavok’s grinding. Tavok moaned as well when he
realized Lance’s cock remained hard. The stress of the past week
must have left him with a great deal of pent-up desire.

“You need more?” Tavok whispered.

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“Yes! Oh, mercy, yes,” Lance said, sitting up just enough to

watch Tavok pump his cock.

“Thank the gods. I’m nowhere near done with you.”
Lance locked eyes with him, looking breathless. He’d relaxed,

the stunned expression leaving his eyes. Lance bent his legs and
moved in counterpoint to Tavok.

Tavok reached out and cupped his face. “I love you.”
Lance moved against him with more fervor. “Mmmm, gods, I

love this.”

Tavok stilled for a moment, but then he doubled his efforts,

thrusting into Lance and jacking Lance’s cock roughly. Lance was
human, so Tavok had to be patient. He ran his thumb over Lance’s
cheek and smiled, not wanting to detract from Lance’s pleasure or let
Lance see his disappointment. This seduction was only one step in
winning Lance’s love. Lance had offered his blood and come to
Tavok’s bed willingly, so surely it wouldn’t be long.

“I’m close again,” Lance said on a moan. “Come with me.”
“Oh yes, my love.” Tavok jerked Lance to him as he thrust

hard and began twisting his fingers around Lance’s shaft. He felt
Lance come again as his own pleasure burst over him. Tavok spilled
into his lover, a feeling of completion like none he’d ever known
engulfing him. They both trembled and collapsed against each other.
Their lips and tongues tangled in soft, seeking kisses. Tavok
murmured words of love over and over, content to feel Lance’s arms
tighten around him in response.

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Chapter Two

Lance turned his head to watch Tavok sleeping. He’d let the

vampire fuck him in the ass. And he’d loved it. Henri had always
trembled every time Lance had mentioned taking him, but Lance had
never imagined how it would actually feel until meeting Tavok. He’d
expected that it would be painful at worst and uncomfortable at best,
but Tavok had blown him away completely. His desire to dominate
the vampire wasn’t quelled, but submitting no longer seemed so bad,
not if being taken by Tavok would always be the way it was last

Tavok shifted slightly, and his lips parted. His bite had been

amazing. Elizabella had bitten Lance a couple of times while she kept
him and Simon locked up, and he had reacted physically then.
However, his concern for himself and Simon combined with his
anxiety that she might lose control had tamed his arousal easily
enough. He was glad Tavok’s bite hadn’t brought back any bad
memories, as that had been one of Lance’s initial fears. Letting Tavok
drink from him had been incredibly sensual, to the point that it had
addled his thoughts with lust. Tavok had only muddled Lance’s
feelings further by making Lance look at him, not letting him hide as
they both came apart. Though Lance had enjoyed that as well, the
lack of control over his own actions feeling oddly freeing, the
intensity had also overwhelmed him a bit. Perhaps today he could put
those feelings into words. Unless he had misjudged the vampire,
Tavok would listen to any concerns he voiced and consider them.

Hours had passed, and Tavok wouldn’t have the ability to

order Lance around now. Lance moved closer and brushed his lips
over Tavok’s. The vampire responded sweetly, opening up and
allowing Lance to have his way with his mouth. Did he dare ask for
what he desired? Tavok had declared his love several times. In fact,
he’d declared it within thirty seconds of meeting Lance. I love you
Tavok had said when he’d learned Lance was trying to help
Simon escape. Tavok had stated many times that he would do
anything to make Lance happy, but would he relinquish control in
bed, at least some of the time?

“Good morning,” Tavok said, rolling into Lance’s arms as he

opened his eyes. He looked stunningly sexy, a sated sleepiness
lingering in his eyes.

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“It is. Very good indeed.” Lance caressed Tavok’s smooth

chest before snaking his arm over his waist and around his back. “I
dreamt of you all night.”

Tavok smiled, and his eyes turned bright blue. “What did you

dream of?”

Lance let his hand glide down over Tavok’s ass. He felt Tavok

tense a little, but Tavok didn’t pull away. “Lots of things.”

Tavok searched Lance’s face. What was Tavok thinking? Did

he know what Lance wanted? Lance let his fingers delve between
Tavok’s cheeks as he brought their lips together for another kiss.

A loud knock made them both stop. Tavok held Lance’s gaze

for a moment before turning and calling, “Yes?”

“Lord Tavok, your brother needs to speak with you right

away. Lord Kadlin has returned.”

Tavok sat bolt upright in bed, ripping himself out of Lance’s

arms without the slightest hesitation. “I’ll be there momentarily.”
Tavok swore under his breath.

Trying not to take the action personally, Lance sat

dumbfounded as Tavok jumped out of bed and began throwing
clothes on. Who was Kadlin? Lance had never heard the name before.
He rose and went into the bathing chamber. He splashed water on his
face, and then he began dressing as well. Tavok tied his long blond
hair back with a black ribbon and finally looked at Lance as he took a
moment to rest on the bed. “Do you want to come with me?”

Lance moved toward the bed as he adjusted his pants. “Do you

want me to?”

“I’m not sure if Kadlin is actually here or not. I should have

asked. Would you be prepared to meet him?”

Lance hesitated. “I suppose so. Who is he?”
Tavok stood and came forward as Lance shrugged his shirt on.

“You don’t know who he is?” Tavok sounded incredulous.

What am I missing here? “Should I?”
“He’s Elizabella’s twin brother. He’s been gone for decades.

We honestly didn’t even know if he was alive or not. He had an affair
with a demon, even bonded with her, and then he disappeared.”

A demon? “You can’t be serious. Demons aren’t real. They

only exist in scary children’s stories.”

Tavok shook his head. “They’re real. You can stay here if you

want. I’m not sure what he’ll be like if he is here. Spending too much

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time with a demon can change anyone. Kadlin was rather selfish and
sadistic to begin with. He and Ettore got along well enough, but as a
child I didn’t like him at all.”

“So people who say someone has ‘demon blood’ … you mean

that isn’t just a euphemism? I thought it was simply an archaic idea.
The notion of someone’s blood being good or evil is ridiculous.”

“Demons, more often than not, are quite evil. Humans and

vampires born of a union with a demon are not. Lots of vampires and
humans alike are prejudiced against them though. Demons feed off of
others in many ways. It’s not unreasonable to be wary of someone
who chooses to be aligned to a demon. It’s all right if you wish to stay
here for now.”

“I’ll go down with you. I won’t hide up here.”
Tavok took Lance’s chin in hand and kissed him. “You’re so

brave. I knew it the moment I saw you.” He grasped Lance’s hand.
“Come, then. We’ll find out what is happening.”

As they made their way through the winding corridors, Lance

did not feel brave. Elizabella had a twin? What would he want? Was
he angry? Would he challenge one of the other vampires over his
sister’s death? Lord Ettore had been present, along with Lady
Christobel and her mate, Gaston, when Elizabella died. Lady
Christobel, whose land bordered Ettore’s, was the oldest vampire for
a hundred miles. Surely no one would question her word. He gripped
Tavok’s hand tighter and stopped.

“What is it, Lance?”
“I was her bodyguard. The only one she confided in after her

mate’s death.” He shook his head and lowered his gaze. “He has
every right to blame me. I know it’s considered unfair for a vampire
to challenge a human to a duel, but what if he does demand justice?”

Tavok’s eyes hardened, and he took Lance’s other hand as

well. “If he demands anything regarding you, he will have to get
through me first. He’s an outcast among vampires because of what he
did. The king would be on our side.” He let go of Lance’s right hand
and gripped the side of his face possessively. “I will not let anyone
harm you.” Tavok kissed him briefly and stared into his eyes.

Heat flooded Lance’s face and coursed down his body in

waves. Tavok’s eyes glowed yellow now, like a wolf’s. What would
Tavok do if some kind of challenge were issued? The idea of another
man protecting him made Lance feel inadequate and emasculated. He

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needed no one to fight his battles for him, and he would not let Tavok
stand between him and a challenge. He would not let Tavok be hurt
because of him. Yet, in almost the same breath, he felt a hint of the
emotions he’d had the night before. Tavok feeling such passion for
him made Lance long to see how far that passion might take the
handsome vampire. Lance took a deep breath, pushing down the
confusion and the arousal, as in this instance he had no desire to see
what might happen, because he did not want Tavok in danger.

“I hope there is no need for you to have to do anything at all.

No matter what happens, I want to apologize. Everyone here tells me
not to blame myself, but I will feel better if I’m allowed to

Tavok stroked his face, but he remained silent.
Lance didn’t hide his frustration. “You want me to be happy?

You want me to get past the pain I’m still feeling? Give me the
chance to do something. Don’t keep saying you love me if you can’t
even allow me this.”

Tavok’s hand stilled, and then he let it drop. “I’ll do

everything I can.” He turned and began to pull Lance down the hall
again. “Don’t ever doubt that.”

The words came out sharply, like a command, but something

in Tavok’s voice and stance told Lance he was embarrassed. Did
Tavok think Lance had judged him because of his hesitation or
silence? Lance hadn’t meant for it to seem that way, despite his
aggravation at his current situation. Would Tavok’s solicitous nature
make him this sensitive all the time? Though still feeling
apprehensive, Lance caught up so he could walk at Tavok’s side.
Lance squeezed his hand, glad to see Tavok give him a softer look as
he squeezed back. Lance would face whatever was coming easily with
Tavok supporting him.

The wind whipped around Tavok and Lance as they got out of

the carriage. Tavok smoothed the back of the deep purple robes Lance
now wore. He wanted to go back to Ettore’s castle and strip him out
of them, but that simply wasn’t possible. Tavok nodded to their
carriage driver, and the man circled away from the steps and toward
the stables. The last time Tavok had been to Elizabella’s castle he’d
been sneaking in through a secret passage. He’d gone into the castle
expecting a fight, and he’d come out with his mate.

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Lance stood at the bottom of the steps, staring up at the turrets

and clenching his fists.

“Relax, Lance. Ettore said Kadlin wants to meet you. It’s

nothing so serious. He regrets not being here for his sister when she
was in pain and wants to talk to you.”

Nodding, Lance lowered his gaze and unclenched his fists. “I

know that, but I thought I’d never have to come back here. I’m not
sure how I’ll feel being in the foyer where she…” He let his voice
trail off and took Tavok’s hand.

Tavok squeezed his hand. “I’m with you.” He began walking

up the stairs, and Lance kept stride without hesitating. The doors
opened before they reached the top of the steps, and a silent servant
gestured for them to follow. Tavok relaxed when the servant led them
to the right, bypassing the foyer. Still not saying a word, the servant
left them in a small sitting room.

“What was that all about?” Lance asked as soon as the door

had shut behind the man.

“I don’t know. Some vampires do strictly enforce the rule

about not speaking until you are spoken to with their servants. Even
so, saying absolutely nothing to us is odd.”

“He can’t speak, actually, because he doesn’t have a tongue.

It’s a rather unpleasant story.”

Tavok and Lance turned to see Kadlin emerging from behind a

silk curtain draped in an archway. His golden hair shone as if the sun
were reflecting off of it, even though they were indoors. In fact, the
room seemed brighter because he was in it. He certainly didn’t look
like a man who’d bonded with a demon. Lance bowed, and Tavok
came back to himself and bowed as well.

“Lord Kadlin,” Tavok said as he straightened.
Kadlin bowed as well. “Lord Tavok.” He strode forward and

stopped a few inches away from Lance, though he made no move to
touch him. “And you must be Lance.”

Lance bowed a second time. “Yes, my lord.”
“I am very happy to meet you. I hope to be seeing a lot of


Tavok clasped his hands behind his back. Really? You didn’t

mention anything like that to my brother.

“Whatever you wish, my lord.” Lance straightened, but he

kept his gaze lowered. “May I say something?”

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Kadlin smiled at him warmly. Lance didn’t see this because he

was looking down, but Tavok noted it. “Yes, Lance, please.” Kadlin
gestured to the two long couches facing one another. “Sit, both of

Lance moved to the longer couch but waited until Tavok had

seated himself. He sat close enough to Tavok to emphasize their
relationship, but not too close. Was Lance nervous? Tavok noted his
hands fisted together in his lap. Kadlin seemed friendly enough, but
Tavok still felt wary because Kadlin was directing most of his
friendliness toward Lance. He’s no longer scowling and sarcastic, but
being smarmy isn’t necessarily better.
Kadlin sat across from them,
and Tavok studied the room as the servant reappeared with a tea tray
and served them. The walls seemed to be white stone covered in red
lace. The trim and the built-in shelves were painted gold. The
furniture reflected the same scheme, red and white with gold accents.
Tavok did not care for it.

The door shut again, and Lance sat forward, his tea untouched.

“My lord, I want to apologize for failing in my duties. Your sister
trusted me more than anyone else, and I let her down.”

Kadlin leaned forward as well. “She committed suicide, and if

I am correct she had you locked up at the time. What could you
possibly have done?”

“I could have opened my eyes and seen that she needed help

long before that day.”

Kadlin smiled oddly, looking as if he were indulging Lance,

which Tavok found annoyingly condescending. “The servants who
returned upon my arrival yesterday say she loved you very much.
They said they all knew something was wrong when she had you
beaten and then locked away, but not a day earlier. This turn of events
shocked them all.”

Tavok went still, the teacup almost to his lips. No one had told

him Lance had been beaten. Did Ettore know? What about Simon? He
hadn’t noticed any bruises on Lance’s body, but of course he hadn’t
seen the man naked until over a week after the beating probably took
place. He couldn’t help feeling a little less sympathy for Elizabella in
that moment. How dare anyone lay a hand on my mate! Tavok tried
to refocus on the conversation.

“My lord, I let pride stand in my way. I was honored she

confided only in me. She snarled at others who tried to comfort her.

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At times, she even ignored them completely. I told myself she would
get over her pain. Vampires live so long that I took it as a given she
would one day be happy again.”

Kadlin reached across the small table between them and

touched Lance’s hand. “That sounds logical enough, Lance. What
reason could you have had to believe otherwise? You’re too harsh on
yourself, and I don’t think she would have liked that.”

Lance sat back and put his hands at his sides, out of Kadlin’s

reach, much to Tavok’s relief. He wasn’t proud of feeling jealous, but
Kadlin’s focus on Lance annoyed him more the longer it went on. Did
Lance feel uncomfortable as well, or was he pulling back for Tavok’s

Lance continued, “Nonetheless, I owe you an apology. I am

sorry for your loss and the role that I know I played in it.”

“Then you are forgiven, and I want you to forget it. Unless

you have powers you haven’t yet revealed, you could not have seen
into her mind. She was always very good at deceiving others.”

Tavok tore his gaze away from Lance to study Kadlin again.

Despite his problems with Kadlin, Tavok had never found any fault
with his sister until she kidnapped Simon.

“She was, Tavok, I swear it. A very deceitful creature. She

always hid her true emotions behind that sweet façade. I was the only
one who ever saw through it, the only one to ever know her heart.
With me alone did she drop her guard and let her true self come out.”

Tavok had to consciously keep his eyebrows from lifting.

He’d heard more than one rumor about how close the twins had been,
but he’d turned away from such gossip because Elizabella had always
seemed so sweet and kind, nothing like her vitriolic brother. Drinking
the blood of a sibling, except in an emergency, was as taboo among
vampires as sex and marriage among relatives was for ordinary
humans. If true, it might go a long way toward explaining Elizabella’s
mental deterioration. Her brother’s absence would have made her
weak emotionally and mentally, if they had been drinking from one
another regularly. He decided to venture a question.

“How did you know she had died? Who found you?” Tavok


“I felt it. Here.” Kadlin sat back and placed his hand over his

heart, but he kept his eyes on Lance with growing intensity. “Though
far apart, we were never truly without each other.”

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Lance shifted a bit, as though uncomfortable. Tavok didn’t

blame him. Kadlin was only a few words away from confessing he
and his sister had made a habit of drinking from one another.

Tavok wanted to change the subject. “Do you have a place for

all of the servants who returned? Ettore will help if any need a new
position.” Some servants had left, while a few others had been
imprisoned for their part in Simon’s kidnapping. A handful had
remained with Ettore and then returned when Kadlin had arrived the
day before. Tavok worried about them now. He didn’t want any of
them staying here simply because they didn’t want to ask for help.

“They can stay for now, but yes, tell Ettore they will need new

positions. I only plan to stay a month or so.”

Relief washed over Tavok, but Kadlin quickly robbed him of

the feeling.

“I hope to spend some time with you, Lance. I wish to know

many things about these past few years.”

“Of course, my lord.”
Tavok put his arm around Lance very possessively, but he

kept a smile on his face. “I hope you won’t take my mate away from
me too often. I’ve only just found him.”

Kadlin smiled back, and it irked Tavok that he couldn’t quite

tell if it were genuine or not. “Of course not. I wouldn’t dream of
inconveniencing you.”

Tavok nodded graciously, but he did not like where this was

going. Kadlin grew even more unctuous as the conversation turned to
ordinary topics, and watching the man watch Lance convinced Tavok
he had reason to be cautious.

Unable to take any more silence, Lance moved to sit next to

Tavok in the carriage and touched his thigh. “What are you thinking?
I don’t truly want to spend any more time with Lord Kadlin, but your
silence is what is making me apprehensive. What has you so

“I never liked him. Never. He was once bound to a demon,

and for all we know he could still be aligned with her. He as good as
admitted to sharing blood with his own sister.” He gripped Lance’s
hand and met his gaze. “I don’t want him anywhere near you, not to
mention alone with you. I have too many reasons not to trust him.”

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Lance didn’t trust him at all. He couldn’t imagine Elizabella

being close to a man like Kadlin. Why had she never mentioned him?
Had he really been bound to a demon? And what did that even mean?
Until Tavok had mentioned them yesterday, Lance had thought of
them as fictional beings. “Would it be rude for you to insist you come
along? Would it be better if I say I don’t like to be away from you?”

Tavok leaned closer. “Is that true, by any chance?”
Lance kissed his lips lightly. “Since we met, you’ve never

been far away. I knew you were constantly watching me. At night, I
missed it. I confronted you two days ago because I wanted you closer.
And yes, I am very fond of having you near.”

“I’ll ask Ettore. Kadlin is, among vampires, considered an

outcast. However, he is still due a certain deference from humans. It’s
a hard question. I could decline his invitation, as could Ettore, but it’s
you he wants to see. His reasoning sounds honorable enough, but I
don’t trust him. I could deny him access to you. I am honestly
considering it.”

Lance hoped Tavok would do exactly that, but he wouldn’t

say it. “I’ll do whatever you and your brother think best. The family’s
honor should be a priority.”

Tavok’s eyes reflected his shocked surprise as they flicked

back to Lance. He shook his head slowly and pulled Lance into his
arms. “I don’t give a damn. You are my priority, and the sooner this is
done the sooner I can take you back home with me.”

Tavok took Lance’s mouth roughly, and Lance could feel the

frustration pouring off of him. He relaxed and let Tavok do as he
pleased. Kadlin’s demeanor and comments had bothered him, but he
had started to truly worry when Tavok hadn’t said anything about
their meeting.

Lance broke from the kiss. “I want that, too.” Lance pressed

his forehead to Tavok’s. “Did I do anything wrong? Send the wrong
signals to him? I wasn’t sure how to act.”

“You did nothing wrong. His eager attention was highly

inappropriate. He shouldn’t have touched you, and he should not have
invited you to return without me. You’re my mate, and you are not a
vampire yet. It’s a severe breach of etiquette.” Tavok gave him a
slightly flirtatious smile. “And it made me jealous.”

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Lance tried to smile as well, sensing Tavok was attempting to

be playful and lighten the mood so he wouldn’t worry. He loved how
Tavok seemed to genuinely be always thinking of his needs. “Did it?”

“Yes. We’ll be up all night as I reassure myself that you’re


“You really need reassurance?” Lance stroked Tavok’s thigh

again, taking interest in the game.

Tavok had him pinned in the corner in no time, the playful

look falling away. “Oh no. I know you’re mine, but I’ll take any
excuse to keep you pinned beneath me all night.”

Lance jumped at the chance to address the subject, tilting his

head to avoid Tavok’s kiss. “And what if I want you pinned beneath

Tavok’s eyes widened. Lance was growing to love that

reaction so much.

Blinking, Tavok asked, “Is that something you want?” His

hand traveled down Lance’s chest, and Lance was sure he felt
Tavok’s cock harden against his leg.

“Yes. You said you’d give me anything. Is it taboo to ask?”
Tavok shook his head. “No. There’s nothing you can’t ask

for.” He continued to caress Lance’s chest, and Lance took a deep
breath to flex his muscles. That made Tavok draw in a breath as well.

Licking his lips and quickening his exploration, his fingers

everywhere, Tavok said, “I might like that.”

The whispered words had a shyness and innocence about them

despite the aggressiveness of Tavok’s hands. Lance had noticed this
about Tavok several times. Usually, there was nothing innocent about
Tavok at all. But when he widened his eyes, as he almost always did
when Lance surprised him in some way, Lance had to fight the urge
push him against the nearest wall and take what he wanted. Tavok
also often lowered his voice or even blushed slightly when Lance said
or did something that showed his affection or physical desire. Lance
liked the contrast and enjoyed seeing the vampire’s vulnerable side,
which made his strong side all that much sexier.

Lance touched Tavok’s cheek. “I’m in no way displeased with

what we have, but it would make me happy to be the one to take you.
I’m used to being the dominant one. I wouldn’t have given that up for
anyone else.”

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“You wouldn’t?” Tavok’s eyes softened as he smiled and

settled his arms around Lance’s neck.

Lance shook his head. Their lips met just as the carriage came

to a stop. Lance held to the back of Tavok’s head and made him
submit to a thorough kiss before pulling out of his arms.

“Then I’ll think about it,” Tavok said.
They both adjusted their robes before getting out of the

carriage. Even though Tavok hadn’t said yes, Lance felt confident he
soon would.

Dark clouds swirled in the distance as they descended. Lance

watched the storm’s unbelievably fast approach as the carriage pulled

“We should go find Ettore,” Tavok said. “As much as I want

to stay in our room the rest of the day, we need to let him know what

Lance felt his apprehension return, a light sweat breaking out

on his forehead. “What do you think Lord Kadlin wants with me?”

Tavok’s eyes turned steel grey, and his expression hardened.

Lance had learned that this color signified both displeasure and
determination. “Whatever it is,” Tavok said, “he won’t get it.”

Lance took Tavok’s hand and kissed it, enjoying how the

smaller man blinked and then softened, his eyes lightening to almost
white quickly. Again, the contrasting personality aspects, as well as
Lance’s ability to affect Tavok, aroused Lance. “Agreed. I’m yours,
and he needs to acknowledge that.”

“He will.” Tavok turned and headed up the stairs to the front

door, keeping hold of Lance’s hand. “Come on.”

They hurried inside, barely making it into the foyer before

thunder sounded and rain came pouring down.

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Chapter Three

Tavok jumped up and took the letter Ettore held out to him.

Kadlin had extended a formal invitation to Lance, and Lance alone,
and it had been three days since Tavok had sent a letter denying his
permission. Ettore had insisted Tavok and Lance remain until some
kind of reply came, for the sake of etiquette, and Tavok knew from
his brother’s face that this must be it.

“Have you read it?” Tavok asked.
“No. It is still sealed.”
Tavok turned it over and tore at the wax seal. He read it three

times before returning his attention to his brother.

I received your message and regret it must go this way. You

will soon see you do not have the power to keep Lance from me. His
heart is with my sister, and she is with me. He will be mine soon
enough. Save yourself some pain and let him go now. You’re young
and will easily find another lover.

“Another lover?” Tavok thrust the paper at Ettore. “Lance is

my mate! I knew Kadlin would only bring trouble. I knew it! He’s
insane and talking nonsense.”

Ettore sighed heavily as he read the letter. “This is sure to be a

pain, but he’ll likely lose interest soon. Trust me. He’s always had a
decidedly juvenile attention span. Lance will never go to him
willingly. Besides the fact he wasn’t in love with Elizabella, as Kadlin
seems to believe, he hardly ever leaves your side. He cares for you,
and he accepted being your mate right away. No one could take him
from you.”

Tavok didn’t say anything. He couldn’t. He was far too angry.
“Tavok? You aren’t worried, are you?”
Was he? No, not truly. And yet, as much as Lance enjoyed

being in Tavok’s bed, he had not yet declared his feelings one way or
another. Lance hadn’t brought up the subject of them switching
positions in their lovemaking since Tavok had said he would consider
it. Was the patience and willingness to submit a sign of Lance’s
deeper feelings? Would Lance declare himself if Tavok gave in? The
idea did arouse him, and if it would make Lance happy, Tavok would
gladly submit.

“Tavok, are you listening to me?”

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Tavok shook his head. “I’m sorry, Ettore.” He took his

brother’s hand. “No, I’m not worried about Kadlin actually taking
Lance from me, but Lance and I only found each other a short time
ago. I don’t want this kind of stress and pressure to disrupt things, not
after all he’s already been through.”

“I saw you with the jeweler today. Hasn’t Lance consented to

the bond?”

When a vampire found his or her mate, they had matching

jewelry made. Vampires did not marry, but the mating bond was for
life, and each partner wore a special piece of jewelry to declare this.
He and Lance had selected necklaces, which would bear Tavok’s
family crest and another symbol of their choosing. Lance was in their
room looking through the books now. “Yes. We plan to have them
made before we leave. With your permission, I want to leave as soon
as they are done. The family crest is already being set in the pendant.
Lance only needs to pick the other symbol.”

Ettore gave a faint smile. “You’re so impatient.”
“I want us safely away from here!” He frowned, as he hadn’t

meant to snap at his brother. “Sorry.”

Ettore shook his head. “No, I mean with Lance. I’m not

prying, but he obviously hasn’t given you the exact reassurance you
crave. Is he unsure about being turned?”

Tavok loved his older brother very much, but he at times hated

how well Ettore knew him. “No, he’s already mentioned being turned.
He definitely wants it. He cares for me. I know that. He simply hasn’t
said it.”

“He has been through a lot lately. Has he had a male lover


“I think so, based on a few vague comments, but I haven’t

asked. I don’t want to hear about former lovers.”

“Just be patient. Simon didn’t come around right away. He

even resisted at first and only agreed to come with me because he
thought it was his duty. You remember us talking about this. It’s fine
now, despite bumps along the way. We didn’t even consummate it
until a few days ago, but in the end it made little difference when or
how it happened.”

Tavok’s eyebrows shot up. He was often guilty of letting too

much information slip out, but Ettore was always discreet. He
couldn’t help picturing his brother’s mate, a gorgeous and sexy dark-

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haired man with an absolutely charming smile and breathtaking blue
eyes. “You obviously got all the patience in the family then, because I
couldn’t imagine exercising that kind of control. I only stayed away
from Lance to let him grieve. I nearly went mad waiting for him to
come to me.”

Ettore smiled more genuinely now. “It was hard, but that’s not

the issue. Lance is probably still dealing with guilt and grief, Tavok.
Kadlin isn’t helping. Get things settled here and take Lance home.
You’ll both feel better when you don’t have all of these distractions.
I’ll send word to the king and advise Lady Christobel and Gaston of
Kadlin’s threats. If she tells him to leave you and Lance alone, we can
have him arrested if he makes any further moves.”

“I want to protect my mate myself. Can’t you understand


“Yes, but Christobel is far older than we. She’s the highest

authority for a hundred miles, and you would be foolish not to ask for
her help. We don’t know what Kadlin has been doing all these years.
If he still consorts with demons, he must be watched until something
new engages his attention and draws him away from us.”

As fear gripped Tavok’s heart, he nodded without even

thinking about it. Eventually, he said, “Yes. Yes, we must visit her.
I’m being selfish and foolish. You’re right.”

“Of course I am!” Ettore said with more than a hint of


Tavok rolled his eyes. “I’m going to check on Lance and tell

him about this. We need to start packing. Make the arrangements for a
visit, and we’ll be with you shortly.”

Ettore nodded and headed out of the castle, and Tavok quickly

made his way to his room, the letter crumbled in his hand.

Lance sat by the fire examining the engravings in the two

books he had open on the table before him. He glanced up and smiled.
“I was thinking of you.”

Tavok shoved the paper into his pocket, unwilling to spoil the

moment. “Good. I was thinking of you.”

Lance turned back to the books and pointed. “I think I know

which one I like best, though I’m not sure if you’ll like it or not.”

“I’ll like whatever pleases you.” Bending closer, Tavok

looked at the symbol, a triangle with a swirl within it. “The Eternal
Eye?” Was Lance religious? The pendants would be set with stones

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representing the years of their births, and Lance had said he was born
under the sign of the gods. Many humans and vampires alike born in
those years always went to the temples and made offerings because
they believed they owed it to the gods, as if they had only been born
because the gods allowed it.

“Yes, but not for the reason you seem to be thinking.” Lance

looked down at the page again. “I chose it because I could always feel
you watching me before we came together. Letting you watch over
me and take care of me,” he shook his head, “I was surprised I could
do it so easily. It’s a big deal.”

“Is it?” Tavok knew damn well that it was, but he wanted to

hear Lance tell him exactly why.

“I took care of my mother until she died. I took care of my

sister, even though she was older, until she got married. And I took
care of Elizabella.” He fell silent, but Tavok knew he had more to say.
After a few moments, he added, “And given what happened, letting
someone else be in control was hard.”

Tell me you love me. Please, tell me you love me. “I know it

was. That’s why I was so grateful, so happy.” He moved around the
table and pulled a chair close so he could sit by him. Taking Lance’s
hand, he said, “We can always talk about things like that. Like the
subject you broached the other day.”

Lance’s eyes lit up then. “Have you had any significant


The obvious excitement from Lance aroused Tavok. “I have.

When we arrive at my home, I want you to take me our first night
there. It’ll bring us closer. I want us to be equals, so this shouldn’t
even be a question.”

Lance squeezed his hand. “Must we wait?”
Lance’s eagerness sent a bolt of desire right through Tavok’s

body, but he knew he had to tell Lance what had happened. “We have
other matters to attend to first. Otherwise, I would never turn from the
chance to make love with you.” He considered only relaying the
letter’s message, but then he thought better of it. He handed it to
Lance. “Read this. Kadlin has, for all intents and purposes, leveled a
threat at us both. I want to begin packing tonight. We’ll send a
message to the jeweler right away.” He eyed the letter, which Lance
still had not uncrumbled, and then he looked up at Lance and

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smoothed the man’s hair back. “I want to see the sign that you’re
mine whenever I look at you.”

After a long silence, Lance said, “Threats?” He still didn’t

read the letter. “Then why are we running away?”

Tavok didn’t think of it that way at all. Leaving made more

sense than any other move right now. “Because I want you safe.”

“I’m uneasy because of all I’ve learned of him, and yes, I was

nervous when we met him, but I’m not afraid.”

“Just read it. I know you’re not afraid, Lance.” He sat back

and sighed, but then hurriedly added, “If it helps, think how you
would feel in my position. He is threatening me, in a way, so look at it
from that perspective.”

Lance read the letter several times. “So I’m what he wants?

An object he wants to collect? We made it clear that I am with you,
that I’m your mate, so this is a direct insult.”

“You and I need to visit Lady Christobel. Ettore will go with

us. He’s making arrangements now.”

Lance looked confused, but then he nodded. “Yes, she is the

highest authority here.”

“Then you see we’re following protocol. We’re not running


“I still don’t like it. Do I have any say here?”
Tavok held his breath. What would Lance do—what would he

feel—if Tavok told him he didn’t? He did not want to stay here with
Kadlin so close.

“I see,” Lance said, rising and going to stand near the fire.
Lance always jumped to conclusions so quickly whenever

Tavok didn’t have an immediate answer for him. “I’m sorry if it
angers you, but I want us farther away.” He rose and went to stand by
Lance. “In our home.”

“Well, then, I suppose I have to submit.” Lance rounded on

Tavok, his face unreadable, and he leaned forward to whisper, “But
I’ll have you submitting soon enough, once we’re there.”

Lance moved away before Tavok could react, exiting the

room. Tavok took several deep breaths, because he knew Lance had
meant to do this to him, to arouse him and then leave him wanting
when they had no time for him to be sated in any way.

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“What have I let myself in for?” he murmured as he went after

Lance, erotic images swirling in his head. “Going to be a long couple
of days.”

Lance stood in the courtyard admiring the exterior of Tavok’s

castle. The previous two days had been hectic, and he and Tavok had
both been so tired upon leaving Ettore’s castle that they’d slept most
of the way. Lance had woken up to find Tavok gazing at him with an
unreadable look on his face. Had he been remembering what he’d
promised would happen when they reached his home? Lance hadn’t
had the chance to ask as the carriage jolted to a halt. He listened to
Tavok giving orders as he walked closer to the castle. The stones of
the structure were white but had veins of deep green running through
them. Pale green vines with purple flowers covered half the castle.

“What do you think?” Tavok asked.
“Very beautiful.”
“Come on. We should eat and then go to bed.” Tavok grabbed

his hand and pulled him along.

Tugging him to a stop, Lance said, “But it’s early, and I’m not


Tavok smiled. “I’m not tired at all, but you need to eat. You’ll

need your strength.” He brushed a kiss across Lance’s mouth and then
pulled him forward again.

Lance gave in because he was in fact quite hungry. He ate

heartily while Tavok sipped some wine and told him about the
surrounding area. Lance knew he’d never remember all the names
Tavok threw his way, but he didn’t ask Tavok to slow down because
he was enjoying the animated narrative. Tavok obviously cared about
the people on his land. Having grown up in many different villages,
Lance knew every vampire was different. The king kept order well
enough, but some lords and ladies abused their power regularly.
Tavok seemed kind and honorable as well as patient and generous.
Lance sat back and drank his own wine, his gaze eventually settling
on Tavok’s mouth. He wanted the vampire to drink from him, but
more than that he wanted to see Tavok submit the way he’d promised
he would.

Tavok stopped talking and licked his lips, and then he leaned

forward and placed his hand over Lance’s on the table. “I believe I
promised you something.”

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“You did. Are you sure?” Lance knew this would change

things between them, but he hoped it would be for the better. He liked
being taken by Tavok far more than he’d expected to, but he wanted
the chance to subdue him as well, to relish his trust and surrender.

“Yes. I’ll give you anything.” He caressed Lance’s fingers.

“It’s a bonus that what you want will bring me pleasure as well.”

Lance rose from the table and drew Tavok to his feet. “Then

what are we waiting for?” He led Tavok out of the anteroom, through
a small library, and then into the bedroom. Tavok’s private rooms
were on the east side of the castle, and they were designed like a
maze, one room leading into another in a circle. A small garden
nestled in the middle of the structure, and Lance imagined them out
there making love beneath the stars as he glanced at the blossoming

Tavok smiled. “Perhaps next time,” he whispered.
“How do you do that?”
He laughed. “Well, that look held far too much lust. I admire

natural beauty, too, but not that much.”

Lance held Tavok’s face in his hands. “Drink from me when

we both come. All right?”

“Yes.” Tavok looked down as Lance ran his thumbs over his

face. His voice also sounded a little shaky to Lance. Was he nervous
or aroused? Both?

“You act so shy sometimes.” Lance brushed a kiss to his lips.

“I don’t understand it, but I want to.”

Tavok blinked but didn’t look up. “Shy?”
“The way you gasp at times, the way you look at me with

wide eyes when I surprise you.” He kissed Tavok again. “I love it, but
it makes me wonder what you’re thinking.”

Covering Lance’s hands with his, Tavok lifted his eyes again.

“It’s awe. It’s less common for a vampire’s mate to be of the same
sex, so I always assumed mine might be a woman, though in my heart
I wanted it to be a man. And then I meet you, and you’re just so
perfect.” He gripped one of Lance’s hands tighter, letting his other
one come down to touch Lance’s necklace. It matched Tavok’s,
except that a yellow jewel graced the crown in the family crest while
Tavok’s was set with a red one. “And you want me. There was no
resistance. So many couples have a hard time at first, even when the
attraction is instant. I’m in awe of you, of us. I can’t believe how

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lucky I am.” Still circling his finger over the pendant, he added, “It
makes me so happy every time I look at this.”

Lance wasted no time when Tavok finished talking. He pulled

Tavok into a heated kiss and began stripping their robes off. While
Lance hadn’t been thrilled about wearing robes all the time, he’d
come to appreciate how quickly they could be shed. When their
clothes were pooled at their feet, Lance pressed his body against
Tavok’s so their cocks touched. Lance curled his fingers into Tavok’s
hair and pulled his head back, kissing his neck and grazing his teeth
over the sensitive skin. He chuckled when Tavok shuddered against
him. “One day, after I’m turned, I can bite you.”

Lance felt Tavok’s cock jerk against him. He tightened his

grip in Tavok’s hair and gently bit him as he slid his hand over the
crack of Tavok’s ass. Moaning, the vampire rubbed against him and
dug his fingers into Lance’s back. The moan became an aroused
whimper when Lance massaged the tight ring of muscle.

“Mmmm, you seem to like this kind of treatment,” Lance said,

pressing his forehead to Tavok’s.

Tavok’s eyes fluttered open, and he looked dazed. “You feel

so good.”

Lance chuckled again, and then he lifted Tavok into his arms,

delighting in the way Tavok’s eyes widened. Though they were the
same height, Tavok was much leaner and proved very light in Lance’s
arms. Lance literally threw him onto bed and then crawled on top of

“I’ll feel even better deep inside you.” Lance captured

Tavok’s mouth in a brutal kiss, and he deepened it as the vampire
squirmed under him. He held Tavok’s hands over his head in one
hand and used his other to massage both of their cocks.

Tavok didn’t resist at all, submitting completely and even

spreading his legs wide for Lance. He eagerly returned Lance’s
kisses, which only made Lance more desperate to be inside of him.
Lance trailed kisses over Tavok’s neck, nipping occasionally when he
found sensitive spots. Tavok’s skin tasted sweet, yet spicy. Moving
lower, Lance released Tavok’s hands, which immediately came down
to caress Lance’s hair and shoulders. Lance licked and sucked his way
along Tavok’s skin until he came to his cock. Tavok’s cries filled the
air as Lance sucked him deep and teased him, varying his suction and
pace just enough to bring Tavok right to the edge. Then Lance drew

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back and slid his tongue lower to play over Tavok’s hole, which made
the vampire arch up with a startled gasp. Lance probed a bit deeper
before backing off to grab some oil. The scent of sugar and jasmine
filled the room as he oiled his cock and then moved in to prepare

Drops of pre-cum slid down Tavok’s cock, and Lance lapped

at them as his fingers circled Tavok’s hole. He could tell Tavok was
holding his breath, and he moved up to lie beside him. They kissed
very gently as Lance penetrated with one finger. Tavok trembled and
ran his hands all over Lance’s chest, and then he nuzzled against
Lance when the kiss ended.

Lance let another finger slide in as Tavok burrowed against

his chest. These reactions pleased and surprised Lance. At the same
time, he remembered how much he’d enjoyed Tavok’s dominance the
other times they’d made love. Maybe it would never matter who
submitted to the other. Maybe this was what it was always like when
two people fell in love.

Lance pulled Tavok’s head back for another kiss as the

thought that he might be in love with the vampire whirled through his

“Please, Lance. Please!” Tavok begged between hungry


Lance quickly moved down between Tavok’s legs, lifting

them over his own thighs as he pressed against Tavok’s anus.
Arching, Tavok cast a pleading look up at Lance.

Licking his lips, Lance spread Tavok’s cheeks and entered

him. He moved in steadily until he was fully seated. Settling on top of
Tavok with his arms on either side of him, Lance trailed kisses over
his face and neck again. Tavok tried to move against Lance, but
Lance reached one hand down to hold him in place.

“I can’t stand this much longer,” Tavok whispered against

Lance’s ear.

“Yes, you can,” Lance whispered back. “Submission is about

more than being held down and fucked senseless.” Lance began to
move slowly, and when Tavok moaned, he stopped. “It’s about trust.”

Tavok’s right hand knotted in the sheets next to his head, and

Lance wrapped his own fingers around Tavok’s fist. Lance smiled and
bit Tavok’s lower lip, making the vampire gasp sharply.

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“Yet nice as this is, I am about to fuck you senseless.” He ran

his tongue over Tavok’s swollen lip. “Bite my neck when you feel me
spill into your ass.”

“Yes.” The words made Tavok’s eyes roll into the back of his

head, and Tavok wrapped his free hand around Lance’s neck as Lance
began to move. Lance had barely been able to hold on with Tavok’s
hot channel gripping him so tightly, but teasing the vampire had
confirmed his suspicions. Tavok loved being dominated, and Lance
was already plotting ways for both of them to benefit from this

Pounding repeatedly into Tavok’s ass, Lance lost himself to

sensation. He lifted Tavok and crushed him to his chest as his release
neared, and when he pressed a kiss to Tavok’s neck, he felt the
vampire come. Lance brought their lips together as they both moaned,
and the hot cum spread between their bodies and ran down to where
they were joined. Tavok slowed his pace so he could thrust as hard
and as deep as possible. Tavok dug his nails into Lance’s back and
raked them across the skin, and then Tavok turned his mouth to
Lance’s neck.

“I need to taste you,” Tavok said, his words desperate.
The thought of being bitten sent Lance over, and he came

hard, burying himself deep inside Tavok as he spilled. Lance tilted his
neck in invitation, and then everything fell away as his lover bit him.
His heart raced, and stars danced behind his closed lids. Soon, he felt
Tavok licking the wound closed, and they both collapsed on the bed,
Lance on top of Tavok, covering him in kisses.

When their breathing returned to normal and Lance was able

to force himself to take his mouth away from Tavok’s sweet body,
they lay silently, their fingers playing against each other’s chests.

Lance opened his mouth to tease Tavok, but his words were

cut off.

“I loved that, Lance. It was amazing. I’ve never let another

lover have control.”

Lance smiled. “So you’re going to let me do it again?” he

asked, his voice husky.

“Oh yes.” Tavok spread his palm over Lance’s heart. “And

one day, we can bite each other when we come.”

Lance grabbed Tavok’s hand and sucked his fingers into his

mouth. “I’m looking forward to it.” Then he pulled Tavok back into

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his arms, loving the way the vampire rolled onto his back and pulled
Lance on top of him immediately in invitation. Lance definitely
wanted Tavok to fuck him again, but he planned on spending the rest
of this night with his lover trapped beneath him.

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Chapter Four

Lance’s eyes snapped open when he heard moaning. He

turned and found the bed empty. “Tavok?”

He only heard more moaning, but he couldn’t tell if the sounds

were good or bad. Scanning the room, he slowly rose from the bed.
Nothing seemed out of place, but where was Tavok? Though he
searched every room, Lance found nothing. He went to one of the
glass doors and gazed out into the small garden, but he saw nothing
except flowers.

Lance grabbed an outer robe from the armoire and headed for

the door that led out of Tavok’s private rooms. He opened the door
and looked in each direction. While he was wondering which way to
go, he heard the moans again. Now, the sounds came to him more
clearly, and he could say without any doubt that they were moans of
pain. He followed the sound down a flight of stairs that he didn’t
remember from earlier.

The stairs led him to a door, and the moans seemed to be

coming from behind it. He looked back up the stairs, but the rest of
the castle remained silent. Why hadn’t the sounds awakened anyone
else? And where was Tavok? Lance opened the door and stepped
forward, but the room was pitch black. However, he kept moving
forward because someone behind him was pushing him into the
darkness. When he tried to turn around, the hands pushing him clawed
his back, slicing into the skin.

Lance cried out and tried to pull free of whoever was behind

him. He twisted and bent low to try to get away, but the claws only
dug deeper. A mouth came to the back of his neck and bit into the
flesh there, hard. Lance felt the blood flowing down his back. Lance
managed to grab his attacker by the back of the neck. He was able to
free himself, and then he fell to the floor. The moaning had stopped,
and he couldn’t hear his attacker moving. Lance kept his breathing
shallow, but he still couldn’t hear anything. He would’ve fled the
room, but he couldn’t see the door. He hadn’t heard it close, but the
sound of it shutting could have been drowned out by his struggles. As
Lance tried to get to his feet, the clawed hands grabbed him again. He
screamed, writhing against the creature as he tried to free himself

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Tavok jolted awake and rolled onto his knees when he heard

Lance scream. Lance lay on his stomach clutching his pillow and
shaking as if he were in pain. “Lance, what is it?” Lance’s eyes
remained closed, and he didn’t acknowledge Tavok in any way.
“Wake up!”

Lance gave a groan, and then his eyes blinked open. He turned

his head and buried it against the pillow clutched to his chest.

“Lance, it was a dream. What’s wrong?”
Sweat coated Lance’s skin, and he still shook a little as he

rolled over and looked up into Tavok’s eyes. Tavok had seen Lance
upset several times as he’d first dealt with Elizabella’s death, but
Tavok had never seen the man scared. He didn’t like it at all, and he
couldn’t stand feeling helpless when his lover needed comfort.

“Lance?” Tavok stroked Lance’s cheek, hoping for more of a

response. He couldn’t help if he didn’t know what Lance had been
through. “Tell me, if you can.”

“That hurt too much to have been a dream.”
What had hurt too much? Reaching out to stroke Lance’s

chest, Tavok leaned in, but Lance jerked away this time.

“No! Stop!”
“What, Lance, what?” It hurt to see Lance pull away like that,

as if he were afraid of him. What could Lance have seen or felt in that
dream that would make him have this reaction?

Lance sat up and practically leapt off the bed, rubbing his

arms, the back of his neck, and his sides. He reached one hand back to
his shoulder blade and felt the skin tentatively. Tavok rose as well as
he watched Lance examining his chest and his back in the mirror.

“Lance, I’ll drink more of your blood and make you tell me if

you don’t explain yourself! You’re frightening me!”

Lance turned wide eyes his way. “No, please don’t bite me.


Hurt clenched Tavok’s heart again. “All right. I’m sorry. Can’t

you see how worried I am? I didn’t mean it as a real threat, but at least
it got your attention.”

Lance flushed and looked away. “I know, but I don’t want to

be bitten. It … that thing … it…” His voice trailed off.

“Thing?” What could he be talking about? “Tell me about it.”
“It had claws, but on human hands. It was a man, but not

exactly. It had teeth far sharper than yours. I woke to moaning. Well, I

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thought I was awake. You were gone. The voice didn’t sound like
yours, but still I worried. I went in search of it and found the source.
Then the thing attacked me, pushing me into a dark room and clawing
at me. Biting me.” He touched his hand to the skin over his heart,
rubbing as if he couldn’t believe it was still there. “It said one word:
heart. It would have ripped it out if you hadn’t woken me.”

Tavok stepped forward, but he stopped when Lance visibly

tensed. “Oh, Lance, no. It was a dream. Nothing would have really

“It was real.” The words came out softly, yet they carried a lot

of conviction.

How could Tavok argue with him? He needed to calm Lance

down somehow. Later, Lance would come to his senses on his own.
“What can I do? Are you in pain? What will make you feel safe?”

“I want to see if the room I went to is really here. I went down

stairs I didn’t recognize. I need to know.”

Tavok cared more about knowing if Lance was in pain or not,

but still he nodded curtly and picked up a robe. He handed it to Lance
and then grabbed one for himself. “Lead the way. I’ll be right behind

Though he hesitated for a moment, Lance soon moved out of

the bedroom and through the library and anteroom. He hesitated
again, but then walked toward the main door and opened it. Tavok
wondered what he was thinking and feeling. How scared was he? Was
he trying to hide that now? Lance moved to the right and stopped
abruptly by the far wall. He pointed at the stones. “Have there ever
been stairs here? A door of any kind?”

“No, never. My brother Fredric designed this castle as a

present the year I reached maturity. There is nothing but stone. The
other side is outside of the castle. Come and look.” He led Lance to a
window around the corner. “See?” He pointed. “That is the other side
of that wall.”

Lance stared out at the wall, and finally he nodded. “It was a

hunch. I thought perhaps one of the castle’s memories had made its
way into my dreams.”

Tavok raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything. So Lance

believed in what the priests called “floating” memories, but he hadn’t
believed in demons until recently? Tavok almost commented on the
fact, but then he thought better of it. “Are you in any pain now?” He

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desperately wanted to touch Lance, but he couldn’t bear to see his
lover shrink from him again.

“No, but my skin tingles.”
“Come back to the room and let me look. I won’t touch you.”
Lance stiffened a little, but Tavok couldn’t guess exactly why.

They returned to the bedroom, and Tavok lit several more candles.
Lance began looking at his back and chest in the mirror right away.
When Tavok brought the candles over, Lance grew very still and let
Tavok look at him.

“I’m sorry about this,” Lance said softly.
“Don’t you dare try to apologize. We need to see if anything is

truly wrong.”

Lance lifted his head and turned toward Tavok. “No, I mean

for pulling away from you. I simply don’t want to be touched right

Tavok stopped and looked into Lance’s eyes. “If not being

touched is what you need, then that is all I need to know. Don’t
apologize. Whatever you need to feel better right now, to feel safe, is
what matters.”

Lance turned away and gazed down at the floor. “It hurt so

much. No dream has ever felt so real. Nothing unusual has ever
happened here?”

“No.” Tavok stepped back and shook his head. “There isn’t a

flaw on your skin. Is it sensitive to your own touch?”

Lance ran his hand over his chest. “No. The tingling has

lessened now.”

“Nothing odd has ever happened here, and no one has died

within these walls. The castle is only twenty-nine years old.” Tavok
moved toward the fire and sat down on one of the couches. “So you
believe in floating memories?”

Lance nodded and moved to stand by the fire. Gazing down

into the low flames, he said, “I had dreams about two little boys when
I was young. They were very repetitive. One day, I saw two men
talking with my mother. I heard them talking about our house and
how they’d played there as children. They described things I’d seen,
and their hair color was right. Other things about them were familiar,
too. I knew I’d picked up on those memories in my sleep.”

Tavok had always believed floating memories were an

invention of the priests, a way to guilt children into being good. If

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they did bad things and left bad memories, others would suffer when
they relived them in dreams. “I never believed in them before. I’m
glad you told me about that. I guess it’s easy to dismiss the
supernatural as mere superstition until you actually encounter it.”

“I’m pleased to hear nothing like that happened here, but that

only gives me slight comfort. Why would I have such a violent dream
at random? I’ve never felt pain in a dream before.”

“Are you afraid to go back to sleep?”
Lance shook his head. “No, but I still don’t want to do so until

I understand this.”

Tavok sighed in frustration. “I don’t see how we can puzzle it

out tonight.”

Coming to kneel before Tavok, Lance said, “It’s nearly dawn.

I don’t want to be touched, but touching you will distract me enough
to ease my mind.”

“Can you do so without pain?”
Lance touched Tavok’s face and chest, letting his hands roam

everywhere. “It seems so. Is this all right?”

Tavok longed to caress his lover’s face, but he balled his fist at

his side to stop himself as he nodded. “I wish I could do more than

“You said what I need is what matters, and I want to touch

you.” Lance opened Tavok’s robe and nuzzled his stomach, which
had Tavok’s cock responding within seconds. “Please.”

“I’ll never deny you, and I swear we’ll find out if there’s any

real danger.”

“I know.” He pressed a hot, wet kiss to Tavok’s thigh. “You

take such good care of me, but now you just need to relax.”

Tavok had no choice but to do that as Lance’s mouth teased

him. He knew he should be grateful Lance wanted to touch him at all,
considering how he’d pulled away before. Tavok tangled his hands in
his robe to keep them still and let Lance have his way and bring him
to completion repeatedly until the sun rose.

They’d been in the library for hours. Lance kept catching

Tavok watching him as they both explored the texts concerning
dreams. It reminded him, in a twisted way, of the first week of their
courtship, when Tavok had remained at a distance while Lance grew
accustomed to all the changes in his life, to the death of his mistress

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and the revelation that he was a vampire’s mate. They’d known each
other less than a month, but Lance’s love for Tavok grew with each
day. That only added to Lance’s frustration now because he knew
Tavok was upset about not being able to touch him. However, it
couldn’t be helped. Three days had passed since his nightmare, yet
Lance still couldn’t stand to be touched. He felt fine and normal when
he touched others—with his hands, at least—but he recoiled from
everyone who tried to touch him. At first, another’s touch had only
made him jump, made his skin tingle. Now, even the briefest contact
made his skin burn and sent pain shooting through every nerve in that
area. It infuriated him.

Even though the dream had not returned, he still wasn’t

sleeping very well. Neither was Tavok. Lance stood, rubbing his
temples. “I’m going out for some air. I’ll come back soon.”

“All right.” Tavok cast a longing look at him. “Nothing I can


Lance shook his head. “Just need a few minutes, some fresh

air and sunshine.”

Tavok nodded and looked back down, but once Lance turned,

he felt Tavok’s eyes on him as he walked out the door and into the

The sun felt good on his skin, and the breeze did calm him as

he moved to a bench and sat down. Tavok spent every moment
making the most effort possible to help and please Lance, which made
him want to tell Tavok how much his feelings had grown. Yet, telling
Tavok he was falling in love with him would likely frustrate the
vampire even more. Lance could constantly feel how much Tavok
wanted to touch him. They hadn’t had any sexual contact since the
night of his nightmare. He could place his hands on others, but even
slight contact anywhere else caused pain now. Would this continue to
worsen? Would Tavok be able to turn him? That often cured many
ailments in humans, but they couldn’t be sure. In his present
condition, turning would be very painful, so they didn’t dare risk

Closing his eyes, Lance took a deep breath. He rubbed his

neck for a moment, flexing the stiff muscles in his back, and then he
slumped against the back of the bench. His eyes flew open when two
hands slid under his robe to massage his neck muscles. He wasn’t
surprised by the touch so much as by the fact that there was no pain.

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“Hello, Lance.”
“Lord Ettore?” Lance turned slowly and looked up at Tavok’s

brother, thoroughly confused by his actions as well as his tone.

Ettore smiled down at him, his eyes a piercing silver color

Lance had never seen before. “I felt your need, and I had to come.”
He caressed Lance’s cheek with one finger.

Lance pulled away and stood. “Tavok sent word to you?”

Lance knew for a fact that Tavok had only sent a messenger a few
hours ago. Ettore couldn’t have arrived so quickly if he’d come in
response to the message. Also, he could think of no reason Ettore
would be able to touch him when no one else could.

“Yes, but I knew you needed me even before that.”
“You did?” The man standing before him was not Ettore.

Lance could have fled easily, but he was no coward. Whoever this
imposter was, they had to keep him from escaping.

“Yes. I’ve been in agony since you left. Can’t you feel it?” He

stepped closer. “You submitted to the wrong vampire. You belong in
my bed, not his. That’s why I can touch you.”

Who is he? What has he done to me? Lance stalled as he

scanned the edges of the garden, hoping someone else would come.
“What about Simon?”

“There’s always room for one more.”
That response worried Lance a little. He sincerely hoped

Simon hadn’t been kidnapped again. Lance let his gaze roll over the
man before him. He certainly looked like Ettore. Could he be a rogue
priest? He’d heard old legends about men who could shapeshift if
they had a vampire’s blood. Those men consorted with … demons.
He cursed silently. Even lack of sleep was no excuse for such
stupidity on his part.

“Lord Kadlin, I won’t be a willing player in whatever game

this is.”

The man smiled. “Oh yes, you will. Do you actually think you

can stop me?”

Lance rushed at him, landing a punch to his stomach. Kadlin

doubled over, and when he straightened, his disguise had fallen away.
The long white hair gave way to blond, and a snarl spread across
Kadlin’s face as his eyes went red.

“You think you can best a vampire?”
“I won’t stand down because I’m afraid to try.”

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“I don’t want you harmed. I love you.”
“Liar! You’re obsessed. You don’t even know me!” Lance

took advantage of Kadlin’s passivity and punched him right in the
nose. Blood flowed freely, but Kadlin only laughed.

“Oh, my boy, you are feisty. I can’t wait to get you alone.”

Kadlin rubbed his hand over his face, smearing the blood everywhere.
He flicked his fingers at Lance, splattering the blood on his face.

Lance blinked, feeling dizzy. He stumbled back, but he lost

consciousness before he even hit the ground.

“Lord Tavok! Lord Tavok!”
Tavok shot out of his chair and ran to the door, nearly

colliding with Virginia, one of the kitchen maids.

“What is it?”
She gasped for breath. “My lord, I saw something so strange.

I’ve told the steward, and he’s rallying the men.” She drew another
breath and let it out shakily. “I saw your mate talking with a man in
the garden. He punched this man, and I began to back away to get
help. But then the man made some sort of gesture with his hand. Your
mate began to fall backwards, but then both men vanished! I didn’t
dare believe my eyes at first, but I know that is what I saw.”

“Was the man blond?”
“Kadlin. Where is the steward?”
“In the courtyard. Men have been sent to examine the garden.

I must go show them where it happened.”

“Go, then. You’ve done well, Virginia.”
She bowed and scurried away. Tavok lifted his robes and ran

for the courtyard. Kadlin had caused that dream. He’d suspected it all
along, but he’d been unwilling to say it unless Lance brought it up
first. He’d been a damn fool for letting Lance go anywhere alone.
Even though nothing had happened since the night of the nightmare,
they still should have remained vigilant.

“You want a fight, Kadlin, then by the gods you have one.”


Lance woke with aching arms and a headache. As he blinked

and tried to move, the room came into focus, but he could only rise a
couple of inches. He lay on a bed, and the rattle of chains and the feel
of metal digging into his wrists made him twist to look over his head.

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Chains bound him to the headboard, and a few tugs showed them to
be very sturdy. His neck felt warm and sticky, and he had blood on
his shoulder. He shuddered, knowing Kadlin had bitten him. Lance
felt weak enough to be very worried about what Kadlin would now be
able to force him to do. While Elizabella forcing herself on him had
broken his heart, he’d never truly feared her. But what might Kadlin
have in store for him?

The door slammed open, and Lance knew he was about to find

out. Kadlin strode in, and a woman followed.

“No,” Lance whispered.
Elizabella stood by her twin brother, stroking his arm. But it

couldn’t be! Lance had seen her being buried. He’d been the last to
leave her grave. Vampires could only be resurrected in myths and
legends. History had never recorded it actually happening. He stared
into her eyes, and it was then he noticed the entire eye was black, not
just the iris.

“You’re the demon!” Lance spat the words at them. “The two

of you did this to me!”

Kadlin came over to the bed. “This is my beloved sister. Your

mistress. You wish to please her, don’t you?” He shrugged his robes
away and sat on the bed, naked, reaching up to untie Lance’s robes.

“You will be punished for this! Lady Christobel warned you to

stay away from me. I am Lord Tavok’s mate.”

“Stop fighting me.”
Lance stilled, and he couldn’t speak, having no choice but to

obey Kadlin. He thought quickly and tried again. “What are you going
to do?” Those words came out with no trouble.

“I want you turned. I’ve found I’m quite fond of vampires,”

the demon said, its voice sending a chill over Lance’s body. The
rasping sound was neither feminine nor masculine, and it managed to
sound threatening and seductive at the same time.

Elizabella had deserved pity because of her madness, and even

though she had forced her bite on him and tried to harm Simon, part
of his heart would always love and pity her. But Kadlin had chosen to
ally himself with this abomination. It sickened Lance to see the
demon taking Elizabella’s form. Did it always appear this way? Did
Kadlin have sex with it while it looked like his sister? Yet another
sign of his perversion, of how twisted he was.

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Kadlin opened Lance’s robes, exposing him completely, and

Lance saw to his horror that another bite graced his thigh. Yet another
appeared right by his heart. Little wonder I feel so weak. Lance tensed
when Kadlin stroked his cock, which did not respond to the man’s
touch. Kadlin’s eyes changed horribly, going completely black like
the demon’s, but soon the irises glowed red. Lance felt his fear
building. He had no options for escape. He was so weak he couldn’t
even free himself.

Kadlin bent and licked Lance’s cock. When nothing happened,

he growled up at Lance like a feral animal. Lance tried his best to
remain still and calm. Enduring whatever was in store for him was
better than dying. Kadlin roughly licked the wound on Lance’s thigh,
applying pressure and making it bleed again before biting the tender
flesh. As he sucked Lance’s blood, Lance couldn’t fight the physical
arousal even though he was mentally repulsed. His dizziness
worsened as Kadlin’s blood-covered mouth engulfed his cock. After
what seemed an eternity, Lance felt Kadlin inching over him. When
Lance managed to open his eyes, he saw Kadlin bite into his own
wrist. The vampire drank his own blood, and then he brought his lips
to Lance’s. Frightened and angry as he was, the taste still intoxicated
Lance. Kadlin kissed him roughly, forcing his blood into Lance’s
mouth. Next, Kadlin broke the kiss and pressed his wrist to Lance’s

Lance had no choice. Kadlin had taken so much of his blood

he couldn’t disobey. He drank, and within seconds his vision went
red. He could hear nothing but the rush of blood in his ears and
Kadlin’s groans as he writhed against Lance. Then Lance felt the hot
splash of cum on his chest as Kadlin came. The vampire jerked his
wrist away and again took Lance’s cock into his mouth. Lance
couldn’t fight the climax, passing out again as his cock was drained.
As the darkness fell, he could hear the demon laughing.

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Chapter Five

Tavok tried to listen to Ettore’s words, but he couldn’t. He

could hardly keep still, let alone think straight. The journey back to
Ettore’s castle had seemed interminable. Every inch of Elizabella’s
castle had been searched. It was completely empty. None of the
servants were anywhere to be found, which made no sense. Someone
would have seen them leave, but no one they had questioned had seen
any of them on the main road. They had found no bodies either.
Tavok was grateful for that, but it only made the castle’s desertion
more mysterious.

Ettore grabbed him by the arm to stop his pacing. “Tavok, we

will find him. You refused to rest when my mate was taken from me.
I won’t stop until we find Lance. I swear it.”

Tavok pulled away from Ettore. “What is taking Fredric so


“He’ll be here soon. He had to find the priest first.” Ettore

sighed. “We have to check the castle for a passage before we expand
our search. No one saw any carriages leaving, and too many people
have disappeared. Given the way Lance disappeared, the demon must
be helping Kadlin.”

Tavok balled his hands into fists. “If Kadlin has taken Lance

to the demon realm, what chance do we really have of finding him?
Of saving him?”

“Satoru has done this before. A young girl in his village was

tricked by a demon, and because they discovered this and found the
passage in time, Satoru was able to save her. It is highly likely there is
a passage between realms in the castle or on the estate. That’s
probably how Kadlin met the demon in the first place.”

“It’s been almost twenty-four hours since he was taken. Is that

too long? How by all the heavens can we know? Aren’t there any
seers closer?” Tavok couldn’t stand the waiting, the inactivity. There
had to be a way to speed things up.

“None that I know of. Satoru is very powerful, and like I said,

he has done this before. He’s also very strong and good with a sword.
If we have to fight, he’ll be useful as opposed to needing our

Tavok barely registered these statements. What was happening

to Lance? Had Kadlin bitten him? What might he be forcing him to

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do? Anger boiled inside of him. “I’ll kill Kadlin if I can. The
consequences don’t matter. He’s been tormenting my mate. I haven’t
been able to touch Lance for days. And now, the gods only know
what he’s doing to him.”

“You’ll be no help if you keep thinking this way.”
Tavok pounded his fist on the fireplace mantle. “Damn it,

Ettore, I’m not like you! I can’t stay calm the way you do.”

“I’m not expecting you to be like me. I don’t mean to upset

you, but it’s paining me to see you torment yourself in this way. I can
tell which direction your thoughts are tending. I know it’s hard, but
you need to focus on action, not imagined horrors.”

Turning away, Tavok refused to speak. He whirled back

around though when the door opened. His older brother Fredric
rushed into the room, looking vexed. His eyes flashed a stormy grey,
a sure sign something was annoying him, and he shoved his hand
through his short black hair in seeming frustration. He looked far too
thin to Tavok. He’d always been slender, as he was several inches
taller than Tavok or Ettore, but he truly looked tired and worn at the
moment. A human came in behind him. He had shoulder-length
brown hair and very bright green eyes, like Lance. His face was calm,
but something about his eyes told Tavok he was annoyed as well.

Exactly what we need, Fredric’s mercurial nature irritating

the seer. Tavok adored Fredric, who was far closer to him in age than
Ettore was, but his unpredictable moods made him hard to live with.

“Tavok, Ettore, this is Satoru,” Fredric said in a clipped tone,

bowing to his brothers before gesturing to the priest.

Satoru bowed, not seeming too bothered by Fredric’s curt

manner. “My lords. We can depart as soon as you’d like. I need no
preparation, and weapons are already being loaded onto the horses.”

Tavok moved quickly, desiring to cut off any niceties Ettore

might launch into. “Good. My mate has been missing almost twenty-
four hours.” He grasped Satoru by the shoulder and led him out of the
room. “Tell me plainly how concerned I should be.”

“It’s hard to say, my lord. The suspected abductor being a

vampire concerns me the most. There is nothing about the demon
realm in and of itself that poses a vampire or a human any form of
danger. If Lord Kadlin did take your mate there, the demon he is
aligned with will keep all other demons away. Since demons can only

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come here by making a deal with one from this realm, they are very
possessive and territorial.”

“That is only a slight comfort. Possessing my mate in every

way is exactly what Kadlin wants, and with a demon’s help, he may
be capable of anything.”

“Yes, I understand.” They emerged in the courtyard. Horses

had been prepared for them, and Satoru mounted quickly. “I promise
to do my very best, my lord.” He adjusted the sword at his side, which
Tavok had not noticed until that very moment, and spurred his horse

Tavok moved to his own horse hurriedly, seeing that one of

Ettore’s crossbows had been strapped to the saddle. His fingers itched
to pull that trigger. “I don’t know what happened on the way here,
Fredric, but you obey his every word no matter what.”

Fredric stiffened, turning from adjusting his saddle. “We

simply had a personality clash, Tavok. You know I don’t like priests,
especially ones who are always spouting philosophical drivel.”

Tavok glanced at Ettore, who was eyeing their brother with an

odd smile on his face. Rolling his eyes, Tavok mounted and took off
after Satoru. He had no time for brotherly teasing or family drama.
Ettore and Fredric could argue for hours when they were both
inclined, and now was not the time.

“Come on, you two! We don’t have time for name calling and

hair pulling!” he called over his shoulder. I’m coming, Lance. I’m


Lance ripped the chains out of the headboard with one tug. He

flexed his arms to work the kinks out of his muscles, and then he
twisted the shackles at his wrists until they broke. As angry as he was,
the change still left him feeling euphoric. His own strength amazed
him, and he was glad to have it, as it would help him escape. Soon
though, hate and anger won out, and he roared out his frustration as he
threw his weight against the door. He didn’t leave any mark at all,
which meant that, as he’d suspected, the demon had done something
to it. They’d obviously anticipated how strong he would be when he
rose as a vampire.

A vampire. He’d wanted it, but not this way. His thoughts

flew to Tavok as he closed his eyes. That bastard Kadlin had robbed
Tavok of the honor of turning him. He knew Tavok would feel this

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keenly. Worse yet, as long as Kadlin lived, he and Lance would share
a mental bond. He was sure Kadlin already knew he had risen. Lance
cast his gaze around the windowless room. Where were they? How
long had he been gone? He had no idea how long he’d been
unconscious either time. A day? Several days? As bad as things were
for Lance, he was not afraid of fighting Kadlin. Now that he was a
vampire, he stood a pretty good chance of winning. His fears and
anxieties focused on Tavok, who had been in agony simply seeing
Lance grieving. What state might Tavok be in worrying about what
was happening to him?

Lance kicked the door, cursing under his breath. The thought

of his lover in pain maddened him. How would a hand-to-hand fight
against Kadlin go? In what ways could the demon hurt Tavok and

The sound of hinges straining made Lance focus on the door

again. Kadlin came in and quickly shut the door behind him, and
Lance saw the air around it waver slightly, as if heat rose around it.

“You can beat the door all you want. It won’t do you any


“I see that now.” Lance stepped forward. “What do you want?

Now that I’m a vampire, you can’t command me, no matter how
much of my blood you’ve had.”

“The same thing I wanted before. I want you. She wants you.”
“That thing is not your sister. You’re insane.”
Kadlin’s eyes hardened, going completely black. “She gives

me what I always desired but could never have.”

What did that mean? “The demon? What does she give you?”
“What Elizabella denied me.”
Lance felt ill as the implication sank in. He couldn’t hide his

disgust. “If your sister, your true sister, denied you something, I’m
certain she was quite right to do so.”

Kadlin laughed. “She wanted it, but the priests and others

taught her to be ashamed. She gave me her blood once when we got
caught in a rainstorm and had to take refuge in a cave all night. She
became aroused and let me kiss her. I put her hand on my cock, and
she stroked me almost to completion before she pulled away. I took
her hand and made her finish.”

Before he even knew what he was doing, Lance lashed out and

backhanded Kadlin. The vampire licked his bleeding lip and only

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laughed. “I caught her alone several more times. I couldn’t get enough
of her blood, and I was just strong enough to subdue her.” Kadlin’s
insane smile faded. “Then she threatened to tell the king if I did not
stop. The guilt was weighing her down. Oh, if she’d only cast it

Lance shoved Kadlin against the wall and took him by the

throat. “You sick freak! No wonder she went insane. Someone she
loved, someone whose duty was her protection, violated her trust and
dishonored her love. It was your fault! That’s why she never spoke of
you. Doing so would only have caused her pain.”

Kadlin grabbed Lance’s wrist. “She loved me. She was simply

too weak to admit it.” Kadlin wrenched at Lance’s wrist and managed
to free himself. “I was born a vampire, Lance. I’ll still be able to best

“So, you have your demon plaything to enjoy your perverted

games with. Why in the heavens do you want me?”

Kadlin leered at him. “I like cock. I watched Elizabella

constantly. Hexma, the demon, taught me how to leave my body. I
watched you two together. Elizabella desired you, but she was waiting
for her mate. That man tried to be kind to her, but in the end I
couldn’t let him live. I possessed him and made him go to the castle. I
made him jump. Elizabella suspected me, but she could prove
nothing. I entered her dreams many times. You were her whole world
those last years. My jealousy constantly warred with my desire to
have you myself.”

Lance now shook with rage. “Did you make her jump?” He bit

the words out with no effort to hide the venom.

Kadlin frowned. “No. That was the last thing I wanted.”
Shaking his head, Lance said, “But still, you did make her

jump! She wanted to be free of you.” Hot, angry tears rolled down
Lance’s face. Elizabella’s history grew sadder every time he learned
something new. Oh, mistress, why didn’t you tell me? I’d have fought
this bastard and his demon to the death.
He struggled to catch his

“Crying for her? My, you are sensitive. Passionate. Give in to

me, and I can take it all away. There is a river here that can wash
away your memories. I can take you to it. You’re better off forgetting

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Lance started swinging his fists, giving little thought to where

his blows landed. Blood covered his knuckles within moments, and
Kadlin finally began to fight back. Kadlin was indeed stronger, but
Lance didn’t let up even to catch his breath. He didn’t stop until he
felt the blast of power against his chest. Hitting the wall, he had a
hard time focusing at first.

Hexma stood over him in her true form. She had purple skin

and blood-red hair. Her eyes were completely black, and her yellow
teeth looked sharp as razors. “I wouldn’t suggest harming my pet
again. I’ll make you pay, and he won’t be able to stop me.”

Kadlin rolled to his back, cringing from pain and clutching his

side. His eyes flickered open. “She’ll kill you if it strikes her fancy.
I’m all she needs to have access to our realm. Just give in. I’ll give
you more pleasure than Tavok ever could.”

Though those words both enraged and disgusted him, Lance

remained silent. He held his hands up to Hexma in a gesture of
surrender. He had to come up with a better plan soon. The look in
Hexma’s eyes told him it was very unlikely he’d survive the week, if
she had her way.

Tavok stood staring at the wall Satoru had stepped through

moments earlier. He wanted to plunge right after the priest, but he
knew it wasn’t safe to do so.

“Amazing,” Fredric said.
“See? Priests can be useful,” Ettore said.
Fredric scoffed at the comment. “He was born a seer. It has

little to do with his decision to become a priest.”

Tavok eyed Fredric and didn’t hide his annoyance. “Would

you stop it? He’s helping us. A minute ago you were annoyed he
wouldn’t let you go with him, as if you were concerned for his safety.
You obviously don’t hate him, so stop acting like you do.” He shifted
the crossbow to his other hand, his anxiety building.

“He is very handsome and well built,” Ettore said, his

nonchalance not quite believable.

Fredric let his breath out in a huff. “Don’t even start, either of

you. I like women, all right? Nothing wrong with same-sex
relationships, but I’m not attracted to men. At all.”

Tavok turned his gaze back to the wall. He didn’t necessarily

agree with Ettore completely about Fredric being attracted to Satoru,

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but it would explain Fredric’s hot and cold reactions to the priest. Was
Satoru attracted to Fredric? The priest was hard to read, but
something about the way he looked at Fredric made Tavok wonder.

“All right,” Ettore finally said. “He’s handsome. That’s all I

was saying.”

Tavok rolled his eyes. The argument was a good distraction,

but he didn’t want to be distracted. He wanted Satoru to come back
through that wall. Now. His gaze went back and forth between his
brothers, Ettore calm and watching Fredric closely, while Fredric’s
face was drawn tight with tension. Tavok again noticed how thin and
pale Fredric was.

Fredric rubbed his forehead. “I don’t care one way or another

what he looks like. Do you want to know the real reason he was the
best person for this?”

Tavok raised his eyebrows. The tone of Fredric’s voice

implied they wouldn’t like what he had to say.

“Go ahead,” Ettore said. “I hope it will explain your


Fredric glared at Ettore. “His father was a demon. The foul

thing violated Satoru’s mother when she was only fourteen. He has
the powers of a demon, and that half of his nature protects him as
well. Demons cannot make deals with their own kind, so he can’t be
tricked or brought under a demon’s power. He’s invincible—at least
when it comes to demons.”

While this revelation surprised Tavok, it didn’t worry him.

He’d known a few men who’d been fathered by demons, and they had
all been both completely ordinary and very moral. He again rolled his
eyes, this time at his brother’s judgmental temperament. “I’m glad to
hear it, Fredric. We need all the help we can get.”

Fredric didn’t answer, still casting a fuming look at Ettore,

who was almost smiling. Tavok pressed his lips together and
remained silent.

“I bet that made you angry,” Ettore said, his tone teasing.
“He lives on my land, so I should have been told his true

nature,” Fredric said.

“No, I mean because you’re attracted to him, seeing as you’ve

always been intolerant of those with demon blood. Most of them are
the product of rape, and it’s wrong to blame the mother or the child.”

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Ettore shook his head. “You’re far too old to be scared of someone
simply because he’s different. It’s a very human prejudice.”

Fredric inched closer to Ettore, getting right in his face and

pointing an accusatory finger. Red-faced and laboring to breathe,
Fredric very slowly said, “Demon spawn … should not … enter the

Ettore only smiled at him. “That man won’t be a priest for


“What?” Tavok asked, puzzled. What in the heavens was

Ettore talking about? “Ettore, you two can bicker later. Satoru is on
our side, and that is all that matters. He’ll be back any—”

The sound of running and panting cut his words off. Satoru

came bursting through the wall. The priest collapsed on the floor,
looking exhausted but otherwise unharmed.

“It leads to a labyrinth,” Satoru said. “I found my way to the

demon, and the vampire and your mate were there. I’ve marked the
path, but we need to hurry. They were distracted by an argument, and
if they’re still fighting we can get the jump on them.”

“Then let’s move,” Fredric said.
“No,” Satoru said. “It’s safer if I only take one of you, and it

should be Tavok.”

Fredric gave the man a once-over. “You need as much help as

you can get. You don’t look ready to fight.”

Satoru rose, straightening and grasping his sword as he leveled

a cool gaze at Fredric. “I’m always ready for a fight.” He turned to
Tavok. “Do you wish to come? It’s your decision.”

Tavok nodded, checking the crossbow and adjusting the long

knife at his side. “Oh yes. I’m coming.”

Satoru turned back to Fredric. “I am not going to betray you.”
“That is not the reason I want to come with you,” Fredric said,

stepping forward. “Whatever powers you have, I’m still stronger than
you are.”

“I’m not a green boy who needs protecting, and honestly, my

lord, you look like you’ve seen far better days.” Satoru spat the
words, showing strong emotion for the first time since he’d arrived.
He bowed to Tavok. “Come, my lord.” Satoru went through the wall
without another word.

Tavok glared at his brother. Satoru had a point about the way

Fredric looked, but there was no time now. “Maybe you should listen

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to Ettore this time. Something sure has you riled.” Tavok closed his
eyes and stepped through the wall, meeting Satoru on the other side.

“This way,” Satoru said.
Tavok followed, amazed at what he saw. The walls seemed to

be made of liquid obsidian. They appeared to be stone, yet if he
focused his eyes on the surface, the walls seemed to ripple and move.
He soon learned to train his eyes on Satoru and the white chalk marks
the priest had made on the floor.

“That brother of yours,” Satoru said, “he’s opinionated. And


“I won’t deny it.”
“He questioned me constantly on the way here, and he was

impressed until he found out something he didn’t like.”

“That you’re half-demon?”
Satoru turned slightly to make eye contact and nodded. “It’s

possibly going to help me save your mate.”

“I don’t share his opinions. I am glad of this advantage. Glad

to know you, in fact.”

Satoru nodded slowly. “Very good. I need your complete


“You have it.”
They stopped a few feet from a door set in an archway.
“He is in there.” Satoru spoke softly, then closed his eyes and

listened. “The demon is gone, but Kadlin is still with him.”

Tavok’s anger surged forward again. “Then let’s move.”
Satoru put a hand on his arm. “One thing first. I didn’t want

the others to know, but I don’t want you to be surprised.”

A chill ran over Tavok’s heart. “What is it?”
“Kadlin turned him. Your mate is a vampire. This will help

him fight, so it is to our advantage, but I am aware of all the reasons
the fact will grieve you.”

Tavok turned his eyes to the door. “Do whatever must be

done, but if possible,” he looked into Satoru’s eyes, “let me kill

Satoru bowed his head. “I swear, I will.”
“Then let’s move,” Tavok said, inching toward the door.

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Chapter Six

Tavok watched the door before them shudder silently as

Satoru moved his hands through the air in front of it. Satoru’s skin
seemed to radiate light, and his eyes brightened almost like a
vampire’s. His radiant countenance and striking profile transfixed
Tavok for a moment as he felt the power building around them.
Satoru stepped back slowly, the door opening inch by inch.

“Go now,” Satoru said under his breath. “I’ll have to rip it off

its hinges to keep it open.”

Tavok ducked in as soon as the opening was big enough, and

he saw Lance and Kadlin struggling. Blood covered both men, and
pure hatred filled Lance’s eyes. Tavok raised the crossbow and fired
just as Kadlin leaned in to bite Lance. The arrow lodged in his eye.
Kadlin reared back and gave a roar of pain, and Lance stepped away,
breathing hard and wiping blood from his face.

“Tavok?” Lance moved toward him, but Kadlin latched on to

his shoulder. Tavok moved forward, but Lance managed to land a
punch to Kadlin’s face over his shoulder. As Kadlin toppled against
the wall, Tavok fired the crossbow again. This arrow hit Kadlin’s
wrist, pinning him to the wall, which had been Tavok’s intention.

Lance rushed to Tavok’s side and kissed him fiercely. The feel

of his fangs startled Tavok, but he gave in to the brief yet passionate
embrace, looking up into Lance’s red eyes as they parted. The spell
was broken before either could say anything because Satoru
wrenching the door off its hinges distracted them.

“The demon is coming. We must hurry,” Satoru said.
The roar of rushing wind filled the room, and the candles

flickered briefly before a vile creature with purple skin and red hair
burst in upon them. It lunged at Satoru, who turned with incredible
speed in time to catch it by the throat. The demon screamed and
clawed at him.

“Who is that?” Lance whispered as Satoru began saying

something in another language.

“A priest, half-demon. He’s here to help—”
Tavok went silent as he watched Satoru draw a knife and

unceremoniously slit the demon’s throat. Red-hot embers poured from
the wound, and the demon cried out again before crumbling to hot

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Satoru turned, clutching at his throat, which was bleeding.

“Take care of him,” he pointed to Kadlin, “quickly. The other demons
will know this part of the realm no longer has a ruling demon. They’ll
come faster than you could imagine.”

“No!” Kadlin yanked his arm free, blood flying everywhere as

he advanced.

Tavok palmed his knife and leapt forward, driving the blade

under Kadlin’s ribcage and pushing until he pierced Kadlin’s heart.
As Kadlin bled out, Lance came forward and grabbed the man by his

“May the gods torment you eternally for what you did!” Lance

finished the job, snapping Kadlin’s neck.

Tavok withdrew his blade and stared at Lance. “What did he

do, Lance?” He pressed against his mate. “Tell me.”

Lance’s eyes again filled with anger and hate. “Later. We

must move.” He grabbed Tavok and pulled him along. Satoru nodded
and led them back through the labyrinth. Tavok didn’t want to wait
until later, but they had no choice. He could hear the roaring of wind
again, and he knew other demons were coming. They would not be
able to get through without striking a deal, but the demons could still
harm them while they remained in this realm. Satoru pushed them
through and then fell to the floor beside them. Only then did Tavok
notice how much blood the man was losing.

“Satoru!” Tavok helped Lance lower himself to the ground,

and he made it to Satoru’s side a moment after Fredric did. Satoru
drew his hand away, and Tavok heard Fredric gasp. “That wound
needs to be closed,” Tavok said.

Fredric didn’t move, even though he was on Satoru’s right

side, closest to the wound. “Fredric? Gods, you are an idiot!”

Tavok leaned forward and ran his tongue repeatedly over

Satoru’s neck, healing the wound. Satoru relaxed and slumped against
Tavok, who glared at his brother. “Are you so prejudiced and ignorant
you would have let him bleed to death? He did me far more good this
day than you have your entire life!”

Fredric growled at Tavok, something he had never done

before. Tavok might regret the bitter words later, but right now he
was too angry to care.

“Have you lost your mind?” Tavok whispered.

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Satoru laughed softly. “He’s jealous,” he whispered. “I saw

his reaction when he smelled my blood.” Satoru pulled away and
leaned toward Fredric. “I felt a kinship the moment I saw you, but I
certainly didn’t expect this.”

Ettore, who was kneeling beside Lance and checking his

wounds, snickered. “Gods, I only thought he wanted to fuck you. You
being his mate is too perfect, Satoru.”

Satoru smiled at Ettore’s words and searched Fredric’s face.

“I’m not sure he sees it that way, my lord.” He raised a blood-covered
finger to Fredric’s lips. “Prove me wrong.”

Fredric fell backwards as if he’d been struck. “You’re not

human. This is insane.”

“I’m half-human, and you know damn well even the royal line

has some demon blood in it.”

Fredric didn’t respond. He rose swiftly and fled, not looking

back. Tavok could only shake his head. He helped Satoru stand, and
then he returned to Lance’s side.

“Charming guy,” Lance said. He pulled Tavok into his arms.

“You reacted very differently when you came upon me bleeding from
the neck.”

“Damn right I did,” Tavok said, crushing his mouth against

Lance’s. The deep, hot kiss went on and on. Ettore and Satoru were
gone by the time they parted.

“I’m so sorry,” Lance said.
Tavok couldn’t speak at first, but he finally found his words.

“What for? Don’t even try to take the blame for anything that

“I wasn’t strong enough to keep him from turning me. I

wanted you to have that pleasure, wanted to deepen our bond in that

“Nothing could make me love you more deeply than I already

do. Tell me what you need. What did he do to you?”

“Tomorrow,” Lance said, almost pleading. “Right now I want

to go back to Ettore’s castle and be with you. I need to sleep in your
arms. I swear I’ll tell you everything tomorrow.”

“All right.” Tavok cast one last look around before helping

Lance out of the castle. He hoped the king would order it destroyed.

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Lance lay in Tavok’s arms the next morning, running his

fingers lazily along Tavok’s chest. He felt relieved after telling Tavok
everything that had happened, but he couldn’t tell what Tavok was

“Say something,” Lance finally said.
“I don’t know where to begin, Lance. I failed you.”
“When I said that about Elizabella, you always told me to


“Given what you said, nothing could have helped or saved

her.” Tavok shifted to make Lance look at him. “How do you feel
about that? What you learned? I know now that’s what you meant
when you said you hoped Kadlin would be tormented.”

Lance knew Tavok was purposely steering away from talking

about Kadlin forcing himself on Lance, but for now he would let him
do so. “It still hurts to think of her, but being sad will not honor her
memory. She would not want it. I’ve said those words many times
before, but I feel them more now.”

“You can talk about her as much as you want. Whatever you

need, Lance.”

Lance brushed a kiss to Tavok’s cheek. “I need you to promise

you won’t brood over what happened to me. Neither of us could have
fought him with that demon aiding him. I’ve seen justice done as far
as this world is concerned. As far as his past crimes, I trust the gods to
punish him. His death atones for what he did to me.”

“I find it hard to share that opinion. What good is a vampire

who cannot protect his mate?”

“I don’t want to be protected. I want to be loved.”
“Lance, of course I love you.”
“And I love you, but how can we enjoy that if you can’t get

past this?”

Tavok stared at Lance with wide eyes. He shifted slightly and

moved his hand to cup Lance’s cheek. “You love me?”

Lance smirked. “If you can’t tell after the things I did to you

last night, you’re a lost cause.”

“How long have you known?”
“It’s hard to tell. When I was in the demon realm, you were all

I could think about. I didn’t give a damn about what happened for my
own sake. All I could think about was your reaction. When he turned
me, I was angry he took that from you. When he touched me—”

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“Lance, stop!” His hand tightened as he cradled Lance’s face.
“Tavok, please listen.” When Tavok didn’t protest, Lance

went on. “When he touched me, I was disgusted, yes, but I was angry
because he was touching what belonged to you. He was pathetic,
without honor or pride. A sad excuse for a vampire. He was too feeble
and worthless to even give another thought to.”

“We seem to have reversed our roles here. Now I’m the one

who needs time.”

“You can have all the time you need.” Lance caressed Tavok’s

chest. “What do you need right now? I know I was aggressive last
night. Do you want us stop until you feel differently?”

Tavok seized his hand and pressed a kiss to the palm. “No,

Lance, no.” He closed his eyes. “It nearly drove me mad when I
couldn’t touch you.” He opened his eyes and searched Lance’s face.

“So just time?” Lance said. “Nothing else? It pained me as

well, and I don’t want to be away from you for even a moment now.”

“And you never will be again, not if I have any say in the


“Then it’s settled. You are the lord and master, after all,”

Lance said playfully, his need for Tavok building as he pressed closer.

I am the lord and master? Says the insatiable vampire who

held me down last night and sank his fangs and his cock into me.”

“You loved it.”
“I did, and now I’m going to do the same to you.” Tavok

pushed Lance to his back and climbed on top of him.

“Are you?” Lance smiled as he licked his lips.
“Yes.” Tavok repositioned and licked Lance’s neck before

letting his teeth graze the skin. “Do you want that?” He drew back to
search Lance’s face again.

“Yes. Claim me and mark me.” Lance anchored his hand in

Tavok’s hair. “Let me feel that I belong to you.” He pulled Tavok
down until their lips met, relishing the way Tavok kissed him and
how good Tavok’s body felt covering him. As he gave himself to his
lover, Lance vowed he would never again let anything force them to

Lance knew he was dreaming, but he wasn’t afraid this time.

A feeling of peace and security surrounded him as the warmth of the
suns seeped into his skin. He’d never seen this garden before, but it

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didn’t matter. A blonde woman in a shining silver gown sat on the
bank of the river that flowed lazily past the fragrant garden.

“My lady.” Lance bowed to her and then joined her on the


Elizabella turned and smiled, looking younger and more

radiant than he’d ever seen her look the ten years he’d known her.
“Lance.” She reached out and touched his hand. “You know why I’m

“I believe so. You want to be sure I move on.”
“Yes, but that’s only one reason. I haven’t been granted much

time, but I wanted you to know I am at peace. The past doesn’t
matter, not where I am.”

“And Kadlin?”
She gazed off into the distance, but her face reflected no

change of emotion. “He’s in a different place.” She caressed his hand.
“I’m happy you have found love. I can’t watch you, but every now
and then I feel things. That’s the way it is with the ones we loved and
left behind.”

He placed his other hand over hers, knowing this would be

their last encounter and his last chance to say the words. “Will you
rebuff me if I try to apologize for failing you?”

“No,” she touched his cheek, “but only because I feel how

much you need to say it. I failed you as well. I knew I was coming
apart, and I wish I could undo those last days. I should have been

Though he wanted to say so much more, he did not want

darkness tainting this peaceful moment. “Then let us consider all
wrongs confessed and forgiven. It’s been years since we sat quietly
and enjoyed a beautiful day. I want to sit here until you have to go. I
want to see you smile and hear you laugh.”

She gave him a very bright smile as she moved to face him

more fully. “Then you must tell me of happy things, like Tavok. He is
so sweet and kindhearted, and I always liked him. I can feel the joy he
brings you, and I wanted to know everything.”

Lance began to tell her everything that pleased him about

Tavok, unable to stop himself from gushing in a way that probably
would have made Tavok’s eyes widen in both embarrassment and

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“Eager, aren’t you?”
Lance opened his eyes, blinking several times as he realized

he was truly awake now. He had Tavok clenched tightly in his arms,
and his hard cock pressed against Tavok’s ass.

“I was dreaming of you,” Lance said, dropping a kiss on

Tavok’s neck and squeezing him even closer. “Or talking about you
rather. I don’t know if it was truly real, but Elizabella came to me.
She told me not to worry. She’s at peace, and Kadlin has gotten what
he deserved. She’s happy for us and wanted to hear me talk about

Tavok turned in his arms. “Do you believe it was real?”
Lance studied Tavok’s face, considering his answer carefully.

“My heart tells me it was.”

“Then it was real, and we can both be at peace. Nothing else

can hurt her or us now.”

Lance could feel Tavok’s cock pressing against him now.

“You’re not too sleepy?”

“Not for you.” They both slept naked, and Tavok ran his hands

down Lance’s chest. “So who’s on top tonight?”

Lance grasped Tavok’s hand and moved it to his cock, arching

into Tavok’s palm. “Both. You first, then me.”

“That sounds perfect.”
Lance smiled. “Best of both worlds, and making love takes

twice as long.”

“Mmmm, I love the way you think.” Tavok pushed Lance

onto his back and kissed his chest and stomach as he stroked Lance’s

Lance chuckled happily. “I love you.”
Tavok licked the head of Lance’s cock and met his gaze. “And

I love you.”

Lance bucked up and closed his eyes as his lover’s mouth

engulfed his cock and everything else in the world fell away.

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Tavok watched Fredric talking with Ettore as the stable boy

brought Fredric’s horse out. Satoru was gone. He’d sealed the passage
in Elizabella’s castle the day before. They’d also found a sealed cell
in the dungeon, and Satoru had freed the servants Kadlin had
imprisoned. After making one last attempt to get Fredric’s attention,
Satoru had left. Fredric had avoided Satoru as much as possible, and
he hadn’t said a word to him even when Satoru had directly addressed
him. Tavok took the horse from the boy and nodded. Walking up to
his brother, he shook his head and glared at the stubborn fool.

“You’re going to be miserable without him. You might not

feel it yet, but you will,” Tavok said. He handed his brother the reins.

Fredric snatched them from his hand. “He isn’t my mate. He’s

a man. The royal line will die out if we all become like you two.”

“His sex has nothing to do with his blood. It’s far more likely

we both have this inclination because of who our intended mates
were,” Ettore said.

“So, what, the gods are trying to control the number of

vampires by fating couples who can’t reproduce? More drivel from
the priests.”

“Who are we to say?” Tavok said. “It’s one of the more

rational theories I’ve heard in a temple.”

Fredric shook his head. “It’s a mistake. It has to be.”
“Because he’s a man, one with demon blood at that? Because

he’s a priest? He had no say in who his father was, especially given
the circumstances, and I’ve never understood why you dislike priests.
He’d have to leave his order anyway to become your mate.”

“I think they’re condescending and arrogant,” Fredric said,

mounting his horse.

Tavok couldn’t help laughing. “As if you can talk. Your

treatment of Satoru was disgraceful, especially given how vital he was
in rescuing Lance.”

Fredric sighed. “Tavok, I’m exhausted. I don’t want to fight.”
Tavok frowned and flicked his gaze briefly to Ettore, who also

looked concerned.

Ettore said, “If you’re exhausted, you shouldn’t leave. You

can stay here as long as you need to.”

“Mentally, Ettore. I’m exhausted mentally.”

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“I don’t believe you,” Tavok said. “You’re too thin and too


Fredric lowered his gaze, looking guilty. “There is nothing

wrong with me that can’t be fixed with rest.” He turned his horse and
rode off without another word.

Lance approached and came to Tavok’s side. “I was coming

down to say goodbye. Are you all still fighting?”

“Sort of,” Tavok said.
Simon, Ettore’s mate, came running up as well. “Fredric is

leaving already?”

Ettore nodded. “He’s as stubborn as ever. After we go to my

parents to formally ask permission to turn you, we should visit him.”

“All right,” Simon said.
“He might not like that,” Tavok said.
Ettore met Tavok’s gaze and sighed. “He could have run away

immediately and avoided Satoru altogether, but he didn’t. I think he
was too weak and had no choice but to stick around a couple of days.”

“What?” Simon asked. “What’s wrong with him?”
Ettore kept his gaze locked with Tavok’s. “I think he has the


Tavok stared back at his brother, a cold ache building in his

stomach. “What? Ettore, no, please. You must be mistaken.”

“The Dissolution?” Simon asked. “What is that?”
“A disease that affects only vampires,” Lance said. “There’s

no cure.”

Simon’s face fell, and he touched Ettore’s arm. “I’m so sorry.

I hope you’re wrong.”

Ettore patted Simon’s hand. “It’s not always fatal. Sixty

percent of vampires survive.”

“What happens to the others?” Simon asked.
“They waste away. Their blood loses its regenerative powers.”

Ettore shook his head. “His stubbornness may kill him.”

“Indeed,” Tavok said when he realized what his brother

meant. He gazed off into the distance, and then he turned to Lance.
“Are you up for a mission before we go home?”

Lance raised his eyebrows. “Of course. What are you


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“Most mated vampires survive,” Tavok said to Lance and

Simon. “Don’t they, Ettore? That’s what you meant about his

Ettore nodded. “Yes. Almost all mated vampires survive.

Receiving the same blood from another vampire all the time seems to
increase their chances of survival. It’s not a cure every time, but it’s
the closest thing we have to a cure.”

“Then there’s no time to waste,” Tavok said. “We have to find

Satoru and convince him to keep trying. He’s obviously attracted to
Fredric. They were tense and ultra-sensitive around each other from
the start. And Satoru couldn’t stop goading Fredric after he reacted to
Satoru’s blood.”

Lance nodded. “I can be ready whenever you are.”
Ettore put his arm around Simon. “Satoru told me he was

heading south instead of returning home.”

“Then we’re heading south.”
“We can prepare now,” Lance said. “We can set off well

before sunset and get a good start.” He took Tavok’s hand and kissed
it. “He reunited me with my love. The least I can do is help him win

Tavok gave Lance’s hand a squeeze as they turned to go back

into the castle, wishing to reassure him that all was well between
them. They’d had a long talk in bed that morning, as Lance had
reiterated that he did not want Tavok brooding over what Kadlin had
done to him. Though their mental connection was slightly different
because Tavok had not turned Lance himself, Tavok’s love for him
was in no way diminished. Lance seemed genuinely at peace about
Kadlin’s assault and the forced turning, and this mental fortitude
made Tavok admire and love Lance even more. He promised himself
and Lance he would focus on their love and their future together, as
he did not wish to dwell on the past or in any way cause Lance pain or
distress. Having his mate return his love and stay by his side every
day and in his arms each night was all that mattered.

Tavok drew in a fortifying breath, glad they were of one mind

regarding this mission. “My brother is an arrogant and obstinate fool,
but he would never let any of us cope alone if we were in need. His
mate saved your life, so I’ll be damned if I don’t at least try to return
the favor.” He pushed the door open and tried his best to give Lance
an optimistic smile. “He can tell us off when he’s well again.”

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Other Books by Marie Medina:

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A Rampant Hunger by James Cox

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