Charlie Richards Restitution From His Mate

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Into the Paranormal World: Sometimes running from
something will lead you right to it.

Logan McByrne enjoys working at his construction
company, drinking beer with his buddies, and sex with no
strings attached…usually in that order. When his occasional
hook-up, the gargoyle Geoffrey, gets too serious, Logan
heads to Oregon for a working vacation at his friend,
Zander’s ranch. On a hunting expedition to thin a large pack
of coyotes that have been terrorizing his buddy’s goat herds,
he runs into the last thing he expects, a group of wolf
shifters. Zander panics, there are shots fired, and Logan is
blamed for a stray bullet that hits one of the wolves.

James Jimmy Noleander is the beta of the Tamang wolf

pack. While he never expected meeting his mate would
grant him an immediate happily ever after, he never in his
wildest dreams thought his mate would shoot him. Jimmy
wants to forgive his mate, but there are laws in place and
restitution must be made. On top of that, Jimmy discovers
that a jealous gargoyle is on Logan’s tail and Logan has
commitment issues. Can Jimmy keep Logan safe, figure out
a way to convince Logan of the benefits of mating, while
finding suitable reparation that won’t drive his mate away?

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,
and incidents either are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental.

Restitution From His Mate

Copyright © 2014 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-77111-953-5

Cover art by Scott Carpenter

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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Published by eXtasy Books

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Restitution From His Mate

A Paranormal’s Love: Book Eight


Charlie Richards

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To whoever created the commercials about greatness. Thanks for

the inspiration to push through the pain.

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Chapter One

e’re gonna miss you, man,” Marty told Logan,
slapping him on the shoulder.

Logan McByrne grinned before taking a swig of his beer.

Once he’d swallowed, he stated, “I won’t be gone that long.”

Just long enough for Geoffrey to find someone else to get attached
Well, that’s what he hoped anyway.

“Where you headed up there?” Matt, Marty’s younger

brother asked.

Staring off into the gloom descending on the forest

surrounding his home, Logan realized he was really gonna
miss these quiet nights with his friends. Damn, clingy
“You remember Zander Wheeler?”

Marty nodded. “Yeah, he went to high school with us. He

married someone who was here on vacation and moved
away, right?”

“That’s the one,” Logan confirmed. “We kept in touch. He

moved to this small town, Chiloquin. It’s near Crater Lake,
lots of forest, rolling hills, mountains…and coyotes and big
cats,” he added. Grimacing, Logan continued, “His wife
passed last year and her parents died a couple of years
before that, so he’s alone up there.”

“Damn,” Matt muttered. “Tough break.”
Logan nodded, thinking the same thing. That was one of

the reasons he didn’t feel the urge to get too attached. He
had his mom, his friends, his work, and his hook-ups. He
didn’t need lasting entanglements. Which is why he was
taking this trip…he’d fucked with Geoffrey a few


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times…giving and receiving. That had probably been his
mistake, giving Geoffrey his ass. That’s when the gargoyle
had started asking about his schedule, what he did on days
he didn’t come to the gargoyle’s manor. When he’d felt
Geoffrey’s teeth at his neck, Logan knew the time had come
to stop seeing the gargoyle.

“Yeah,” Logan agreed. “There’s been a coyote pack

roaming his area. He’s lost almost half a dozen goats to them
over the last couple of weeks.”

Marty smirked. “You going hunting, then?”
Logan dipped his head in a nod.
After a few moments of silence, Matthew asked, “And

this wouldn’t have anything to do with Geoffrey?”

Rolling his mouthful of beer on his tongue for a couple of

seconds, Logan enjoyed the taste of the dark beer. He didn’t
treat himself to it often, but since he was heading out in the
morning, he’d decided to splurge on a few. It also gave him
time to think up a response.

Awe, hell, if I can’t be honest with my friends…
After swallowing, Logan sighed and met Matt’s gaze.

“How’d you know?”

Matt shrugged. “Last Tuesday when he came out of roost,

he sat next to me and Vane in the dining hall. He kept
looking around the room, then finally asked where you
were.” Grimacing, he admitted, “He didn’t look too happy
when I told him you were a substitute bowler on Pedro’s
team when they needed a guy to fill in.”

Logan grunted. He remembered the not-so-subtle

comments Geoffrey had made when Logan had stopped by
the manor a few nights after that. In Logan’s opinion,
Zander’s request for help couldn’t have come at a better

“Yeah, he’s getting a bit possessive. Figured it’d be a good

time to get away.”

“You gonna tell him?” Marty asked.

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Snorting, Logan shook his head. “Of course not. You and

Matt know, people at work know, and my momma knows.
They’re the only ones I need to tell,” he grumbled.

Marty held up a hand. “Sorry, man. I didn’t mean

anything by it.”

Logan leaned forward and grabbed a pretzel from the

bowl sitting on the table. He shoved it into his mouth and
chewed slowly.

“We will miss you,” Matt reiterated. “But I can certainly

understand why you’d need to get away,” he said. “You
don’t want a gargoyle to get unduly attached. That wouldn’t
end well for either one of you.”

“Exactly,” Logan agreed.
Although, some sixth sense told him that Geoffrey wasn’t

going to be that easy to shake.

Stepping out of his truck, Logan stretched his arms over

his head. He turned this way and that, grunting with each
pop of his back.

That was a long ass drive.
Logan twisted his torso one more time, hummed at the

satisfying crack, then headed across the driveway toward
the gravel path that led to the front porch. He hadn’t even
reached it when the door opened. A tall, slender man with
short dark hair and…a limp…stopped at the railing, a grin
on his face.

“Hey, Logan McByrne!” Zander greeted. “You made it.”
Grinning back, Logan took the steps two at a time and

stopped beside his friend. “I sure did. Thank god for GPS or
I wouldn’t have. You’re out there, buddy,” he teased. He
held out his hand.

“Yeah, yeah,” Zander responded, mirth in his voice. He

grabbed Logan’s hand and pulled him into a one-armed,
back-pounding hug. “Thanks for coming.”

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“Always happy to help out a friend,” Logan replied. He

glanced toward his friend’s left leg and jerked his chin.
“What happened to your knee?” He’d seen the slow stiff

Zander rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I’ve been

staying up trying to keep watch, you know? I was tired
yesterday and wasn’t paying enough attention while out
feeding.” He turned and started leading the way into the

Logan followed.
“One of my billies is pretty aggressive,” he explained.

“I’m normally more careful around him, but this time, I
missed the signs and didn’t move fast enough. He popped
me in the knee.”

Nodding, Logan glanced around at the place, noting the

feminine touches that said his friend hadn’t yet moved on
from his wife. The only overtly masculine room was the den
on the right, with its massive big screen TV and the large
leather sofas and chairs. Even the kitchen still had
knickknacks that spoke of a woman in the house.

Pulling his focus back to his friend, Logan grinned and

stated, “Well, you’ll have to point the little shit out to me so I
can be on guard.”

“You got it,” Zander agreed. “You want a cup of coffee?”
“Yeah, that sounds great. Black is fine,” Logan replied.

“Where do you want me to toss my shit?”

Zander pointed toward the hall that seemed to run along

the den’s back wall. “Third door on the left. The first door
goes down to the basement, and the second is a bathroom.
I’m upstairs.”

Now that surprised Logan. He knew when his buddy and

his wife had purchased the home, the upstairs had contained

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two bedrooms and one bath. In fact, the master bedroom
had been on the main floor.

Grabbing a pair of mugs and placing them on the counter,

Zander nodded. “Yeah, I gutted the place last year. I
couldn’t—” He paused and scowled at his cup for a few
minutes before muttering, “I couldn’t keep sleeping in that

Logan just nodded. He’d never cared about someone like

Zander had evidently cared for his wife. “I’ll get my stuff,”
he mumbled, feeling suddenly uncomfortable.

As he turned and strode from the house, he looked into

the den again and noted the walls looked freshly painted. It
seems the upstairs wasn’t the only thing redone. He must
have turned the master bedroom into the den…or at least
part of it, judging by the size. Perhaps Zander was just
remodeling one section of the house at a time and hadn’t
gotten to the kitchen, dining, and living rooms.

“Huh,” Logan mumbled, jogging down the steps and

striding to the car. Far be it for him to attempt to figure
someone out. He barely had himself figured out most of the

Opening the back door of his truck’s cab, Logan pulled

out a small suitcase and a large duffel bag. He knocked the
door shut with his hip and strode back into the house. After
finding the bedroom and placing his bags on the bed, he
returned to the kitchen and grabbed the cup of coffee Zander
had left there for him.

Then, Logan went in search of his friend.
Logan found him sitting on the deck, cleaning a rifle. He

settled in a chair next to him and let out a long sigh. “This is
nice,” he said stretching out his legs with a groan. Even
though he’d been sitting for the last eight hours, it wasn’t as
if he could relax.

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Peering around, he took in the half dozen low-slung

buildings, the dozens upon dozens of goats grazing in the
massive paddocks, and the horses lolling in their own
paddocks near what was obviously a horse barn. Everything
appeared clean and in good repair, telling Logan that
Zander certainly wasn’t wallowing in self-pity. The guy
must work damn hard to keep this place up.

“You probably wonder why the living room looks like it

does. As if Melissa will walk through the door at any
moment,” Zander stated without looking away from what
he was doing.

Logan appreciated that their conversations seemed just as

easy as their texts and email communications. He liked that
his friend felt comfortable enough to speak frankly. Logan
shrugged. “Man, everyone deals with shit in different ways.
I ain’t one to judge.” He grinned at the other man. “Hell, I
don’t even know how to have a relationship, let alone how
I’d react if it ended badly.”

Zander snorted.
Okay, maybe saying a marriage ending badly when the

spouse died was putting it a bit mildly, but Logan never
claimed to be a genius with words.

Logan reached over and smacked his upper arm. “Sorry,


Lifting a brow, Zander peered at him. “The truth is, I

don’t want anyone to know I’ve moved on and try to set me
up,” he admitted. “There’s this guy who comes a weekend
or two a month. He’s the one who helped me remodel.
He’s…” Zander flushed, suddenly. “Awe, hell. You and me,
we always promised never to mess around with people who
are married but—”

Knowing his mouth gaped and doing something about it

were two completely different things. It took Logan several
seconds to snap his jaw shut and swallow. Not enough

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moisture. He lifted his coffee cup to his mouth and drained
the half-cooled liquid.

Finally, Logan managed to make his voice work. “Oh,

Zan, you didn’t,” he whispered. Taking in the crestfallen
look on his friend’s face, how his cheeks pinked, and the
way he scrubbed furiously with the barrel brush, Logan
knew he’d done just that. “So, this guy, he’s cheating on

Zander’s cheeks turned an even darker shade of red. He

lifted his head, revealing an expression of embarrassment.
“Wife of twelve years and two kids. Hell, the guy even has a
dog and his wife is expecting their third.” His voice lowered
to a whisper. “She’s due in two months. I’ve met her. Nice

Logan felt the blood drain from his face. “Oh, Zan.” His

words failed him.

“It’s part of why I begged you to come out here.”
Admittedly, on Logan’s part, his friend hadn’t needed to

beg at all. He’d needed a change himself. “Tell me what I
can do to help.”

Zander gave him a hopeful smile. “Keep me away from

him. Being with him is like some unyielding compulsion. If I
weren’t the one always preparing the food and drinks, I’d
think he was slipping me something. When he asks to come,
it’s like I’m powerless to say no!”

Logan’s brows drew together. His friend had never been a

weak-willed man. That sounded suspiciously paranormal to
him. Unfortunately, Logan knew he couldn’t say anything
unless he had proof. When the gargoyle Raymond had
mated with his buddy Marty, he’d given his word to the
clutch leader, Maelgwn, that he wouldn’t tell anyone of their
existence…or that of others, such as shape shifters,
vampires, and everything in between.

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“I’ll help in any way I can, Zander,” Logan assured. “Hell,

I’ll even field your calls if you want?”

Shaking his head, Zander offered a grateful smile. “No.

How about I announce my calls and if anyone named Juarez
calls, you take it and hang it up,” he said ruefully.

Logan didn’t think that was too much to ask. “Done,” he

instantly replied.

Zander’s brows shot up. “Huh?”
Snorting, Logan rolled his eyes. “Come on, man. I don’t

mind being your secretary if it helps you cut it off with this
douche bag.” He leaned over and patted Zander on the leg.
“We all need help getting our heads on straight every now
and again.”

After several long seconds of staring, where Logan made

sure he held his gaze steady, the corners of Zander’s lips
lifted. “Thanks for believing me. I feel like I’m going crazy.”

“We’ll figure this out,” Logan assured. “No worries,

buddy.” Trying to lighten the mood, he stated, “Now, I saw
those steaks marinating on the counter. You got any cold
beer to go with them?”

Zander cracked a true smile this time. “Hells to the yeah.”

Within thirty minutes, steaks were grilled, baked potatoes

were cooked, and beers were cracked.

Back outside on the deck, Logan used his right foot to

catch a chair’s leg and yank it to the table. He set his plate
down, then plopped into the chair. He dragged his plate
toward him, then sliced the potato in half before using the
tines of his fork to pull the butter dish to him. He helped
himself to a liberal amount, slathering his potato.

“Still just as cultured, I see,” Zander teased, settling into

his own chair.

Logan laughed as he sank his fork and knife into his steak

and started cutting the thick slab of meat. Hot damn, I love

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meat! Looking up at his friend, he grinned. “Not like I’m
tryin’ to impress anyone here.”

Zander snorted and gave him the finger. “You know,

you’re the only fucker who knows I swing both ways.”

Lifting a shoulder, Logan replied, “Not surprising really.

It’s not always looked upon in a good light.”

“How many people know about you?”
Logan’s brows shot up. “Honestly? No clue,” he

admitted. At one time, that answer had been two, Zander
and Marty. However, that was before…before Marty fell in
love with a guy, before Logan learned that gargoyles existed,
and long before Logan realized that it didn’t matter what
others thought of him.

“Damn, really?”
Grinning at his friend’s shock, Logan nodded “Yep. For a

while, only Marty knew, then I told you.” He rolled his eyes,
then smirked. “You remember Marty Beakman?” After he
got a nod of confirmation, he told him, “Well, he ended up
liking the occasional guy, too, and we trolled a few gay bars
together. Turns out, all he had to do was go to a coffee shop
to find his mate.”

He internally cringed at his mental slip, especially when

Zander caught it. “Mate?”

Logan nodded. “Yep,” he said, rolling with it. “Mate,

husband, partner…whatever.” He winked. “We met for
business in this coffee shop one night. Damn, the guy
couldn’t keep his focus on me. Eventually, he and Raymond
officially met and fell in love.” He shrugged. “Anyway, not a
week later, his baby brother, who I gotta admit is a sexy
fucker, found his partner amongst Raymond’s friends.”

Grinning, Logan shrugged. “The feeling of freedom, of

knowing that if I decide to make out with a guy in front of
them, that they won’t judge me…it’s pretty sweet.”

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Zander’s eyes were wide, expressing his surprise. Then,

he asked, “Then what the fuck are you doing here?”

This time, it was Logan’s turn to look abashed. “I let a guy

get too close, think too much, ya know?” He shook his head.
“I mean, he’s a nice guy, but not…” He let his voice trail
away, struggling.

“Not someone you couldn’t stand to see on another

person’s arm?”

Yeah,” Logan agreed. “Exactly.”
“Well, you’ll find him soon enough,” Zander said. Then, a

cold smile curved his lips. “In the meantime, I have a little
hunting trip we need to go on.”

“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’ve been monitoring the coyotes’ movements. I

think I know where we need to head to catch a number of
them in the canyon.”

For the next half hour, Logan listened to Zander explain

where he wanted to go to catch the coyotes that were eating
his goats.

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Chapter Two

ow’d you pull babysitting duty?”
James Noleander, Jimmy to his friends, glanced over

at Richard Ponders, the pack enforcer and the alpha’s mate.
He smirked, then returned his attention to the arriving
vehicles. As the beta of the Tamang wolf shifter pack, Jimmy
could have delegated this task to someone else, but he
hadn’t. He actually wanted to run with the younger wolves
as their pack’s lead tracker, Aaric Tamang, also the alpha’s
brother, taught those in training a thing or two.

“I volunteered,” Jimmy admitted. “I like kids.”
“You volunteered to run with the teens in tracker

training?” Richard sounded genuinely surprised.

Nodding, Jimmy watched Aaric round up the three

teenagers consisting of two boys and a girl. He led them
away from the driveway and the retreating vehicles. Aaric
stopped at a clearing off to the side of the house and started
chatting with them.

“Yep.” Jimmy peeled his t-shirt over his head and turned

to face the other man. He grinned at Richard, amused by his
disbelieving expression. “Nothing better than watching their
expressions of wonder when they learn something new.”

Jimmy looked forward to having kids of his own

someday. He hoped whoever his mate turned out to be felt
the same way. Jimmy wanted the opportunity to see the
world through the innocent eyes of his child. Experiencing


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the world through the eyes of a youngster as they explored
and learned…in his opinion, nothing could be better.

“Well, good luck,” Richard muttered.
“You don’t want kids?” Jimmy asked, surprised.
Richard shrugged. “If Abbott approaches me about using

a surrogate…” His words trailed off as he frowned and
shrugged again. “I don’t know.”

Patting the other shifter on the shoulder, Jimmy chuckled.

“Well, I don’t think you have to worry about that for now.”
He offered the guy a wry smile. “You two are still in the
honeymoon phase. Can’t keep your hands off of each other.”

Grinning back, Richard nodded. “Yep.”
Jimmy laughed again as he turned away from the other

man. Trotting down the stairs, he headed across the lawn
and joined Aaric and the three teens, Cindy, Greg, and Kyle.
Since Aaric was in the middle of explaining how the training
would work that afternoon, Jimmy stood a couple feet away
and listened.

“Cindy and I will leave first,” Aaric told the two boys.

“We’ll use a few tricks we discussed to disguise our trail.
After twenty minutes, you two will try to follow us. Beta
James will accompany you. Stay together,” he reminded

“We will,” Greg assured.
“Good,” Aaric said before turning and facing Cindy.

“Let’s go. I’ll follow you. Your goal is to use the terrain to
hide your trail to the best of your ability.”

Cindy nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Then, let’s go,” Aaric ordered.
“Come on, boys,” Jimmy said as Aaric yanked his shirt

over his head. “Let’s go have a soda while they get started.”
He settled a hand on each teenager’s shoulder and steered
them away from Aaric and Cindy.

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Behind him, Jimmy heard the tell-tale sounds of

someone—or in this case, two someones—going through a
shift. A few seconds later, he heard a pair of yips, then the
sound of paws on leaves. Glancing over his shoulder, Jimmy
saw Aaric’s red and brown wolf and Cindy’s blonde wolf
disappearing into the trees.

Jimmy returned his focus to the boys as he guided them

across the yard toward Aaric’s home. The tracker had told
him to make himself comfortable while they waited, so he
did. By the time they walked inside the house, Richard had
left with his brother Crain, Aaric’s mate. He knew that while
they were training the younger wolf shifters, Crain was
helping his brother paint the nursery of a pregnant pack-

“What would you like, guys?” Jimmy asked, opening the

fridge. “Looks like Aaric has sprite, lemonade, and root
beer.” He smirked at the pair. “Well, generic versions

“Sprite’s fine for me,” Greg said.
“Uh, I’ll just have water,” Kyle answered.
Greg nodded. “Yeah, water. Water’s good.”
Jimmy nodded and closed the fridge. He grabbed three

glasses and filled them with tap water. Two, he placed on
the counter, one, he drank himself. Over the rim of the glass,
Jimmy watched the two boys glance nervously at each other
before grabbing their own drinks and taking small sips.

Grinning, Jimmy set his own cup on the counter. He

settled his hip against the granite slab and his palm near his
water glass. “Do I make you nervous because I’m the beta or
because I’m ex-military?”

Rolling his eyes, Greg shook his head. “I’m nervous

because Cindy’s better than me and Kyle.”

“What if we can’t find her?” Kyle asked, nodding,

probably at what Greg said.

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“Ah,” Jimmy responded. That made sense. Smiling, he

offered, “I’m not going just to keep an eye on you guys. If
you get stuck, you can ask for help.” He shrugged.
“Otherwise, how would any of us learn?”

Greg snickered. “You a good enough tracker to hunt

down Aaric? I thought he was the best in the pack.”

Jimmy wasn’t going to bother pointing out that he’d been

Special Forces in the military. He probably could track Aaric,
just not using traditional wolf techniques. Instead, he
grinned largely and said, “Well, it’s a good thing we’re not
tracking Aaric, isn’t it?”

Both boys smiled, their shoulders relaxing. Chatting

about tracking techniques, it wasn’t long before the twenty
minutes passed.

“All right, gents, let’s get on with it, then,” Jimmy said,

pushing away from the counter. He led the way to the deck,
and shoved his sweats off, leaving him naked. From the
corner of his eye, he saw the boys pulling off their own

Jimmy called to his wolf, letting the change take him.

Within seconds, he shook out his wolf’s fur. He trotted off
the deck and sat in the grass, waiting for the teens to work
slowly through their own shifts. After a good thirty seconds
or so, one black wolf and one gray wolf joined him on the

Rising, Jimmy woofed softly. The young wolves

exchanged looks, then trotted across the lawn to where
they’d left Aaric and Cindy to shift earlier. Jimmy followed
the pair as they sniffed the grass.

Jimmy instantly noted where a twig was broken and grass

was crushed several feet away. It took the teens a bit longer
to realize that area was where the pair had entered the
forest. Jimmy watched Greg and Kyle move into the woods,

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their noses on the ground, slowly moving between trees and
around shrubs.

They moved slowly but steadily until they hit a stream.

They exchanged looks, then Kyle’s gray wolf scampered
across the water. He started sniffing the far side of the bank.
After a few seconds, Kyle looked at Greg and shook his
head. Greg started searching upstream.

Jimmy climbed onto a fallen tree and surveyed the area.

He searched for signs of disturbance in grass, mud, or
leaves. It took about ten seconds to spot the partial paw print
in the mud fifteen feet downstream. Sitting down, Jimmy
watched the boys try to figure out where their prey had
exited the stream.

After several minutes, Kyle started heading downstream.

When he practically stepped on the print, Jimmy growled in
warning. Kyle froze, and his head swung around to look at
him. Sniffing, Jimmy stared pointedly at the ground at
Kyle’s feet. After cocking his head and staring at him for
several seconds, Kyle looked down.

Evidently, he spotted the print, for he lowered his head

and sniffed. Glancing at Jimmy, Kyle looked a bit abashed.
Jimmy chuffed, his wolf’s equivalent of a laugh. Kyle looked
over his shoulder and yipped at Greg. The black wolf spun,
splashed across the stream, and stopped next to
Kyle…landing right on the print.

Kyle pinned his ears back and snapped at Greg. The other

wolf jumped away with a startled yelp. In the next second,
Greg retaliated by lunging at Kyle and knocking him over.

Jimmy shook his head as he watched the young wolves’

antics. Barking sharply, Jimmy got the teens attention. After
both stopped and hung their heads, Jimmy attempted to get
them back on track by nodding toward the now destroyed
print. At least they’d be able to use their nose to keep
following the trail.

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After another ten minutes, it became painfully obvious to

Jimmy that, while Kyle was the better of the two, neither boy
had much aptitude for tracking. They kept getting distracted
by various scents, from bunny trails to deer tracks.

Finally, they came to a section of rocky embankment. The

trail led up the rocks, then seemed to disappear. The boys
sniffed every bit of rock along the top of the embankment,
trying to decide what direction the pair went next.

Jimmy sat down at the top and waited to see how long it

would take them to realize that Cindy and Aaric hadn’t
climbed all the way up. Instead, judging by the disturbed
grass seven feet below, they’d climbed along the rocks, got
about three quarters of the way up, then leaped from rock to
rock, across a large gap, and jumped back down to the
ground. Jimmy bet they’d headed north.

He had to admit. Jimmy thought Cindy was good.
Kyle whined, drawing Jimmy’s attention. The young wolf

sat with his head cocked. Greg sat next to him, peering
around, and looking confused.

Recognizing the signs, that the boys had lost the trail,

Jimmy crossed to them and shifted. He crouched beside
them and pointed toward the rocks. “Look down there. Do
you see the crushed grass?” After they nodded, Jimmy
continued, “That means they didn’t come all the way up.
Start sniffing the rocks and you’ll discover which ones they
jumped on, until finally they jumped down over there. See if
you can find them,” he instructed, pointing. “If you can’t, I’ll
show you.”

After the pups got moving, Jimmy shifted back to wolf

form. Even through the sounds of his muscles popping and
his bones reshaping, he still heard the gasped holy shit. As
soon as he could move and see, Jimmy scanned the trees. He
spotted the flash of a camouflaged form and heard the
crunch of booted feet on leaves and twigs.

Oh, son of a bitch!

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Jimmy had been so wrapped up in watching the pups

struggle, he hadn’t even noticed the scent of a human
nearby. Barking once, he got the young wolves’ attention.
Then, he pivoted and headed after the human. From the
words the guy had gasped, Jimmy knew he’d seen too
much. He’d need to take him to his alpha so they could
figure out what to do with him.

Stretching his legs, Jimmy bounded after the human. He

had to admit, the guy moved quick. Of course, panic could
spur a person to greater speed than he’d normally be able to
go. Still, after a couple of minutes, Jimmy caught sight of the

Dressed for hunting, the male carried a rifle. Jimmy

wondered what the human had been hunting. Obviously, it
didn’t seem to be wolves.

“Zander! What’s wrong, man?”
The call of a second male caused Jimmy to slow. The deep

voice sent a shiver of need down his spine.

Well, shit.
“Logan! Thank God, I found you. We need to get out of

here,” the first man, Zander, called.

“What is it?” Logan’s question carried between trees.
Jimmy crept forward, seeing that he’d caught up with

Zander, who must have been stopped by this Logan fellow.
Crawling on his belly, he paused under a bush and peered at
the two men. The first man grabbed the second’s arm and
said, “I just saw a werewolf.”

Logan’s brows shot up, which pulled the scar marring his

right cheek, almost masking the odd expression that crossed
his face. Clearing the look, Logan took the weapon from
Zander’s hand and said, “Well, I didn’t see any coyote sign
in this direction, so why don’t we head back to the ranch and
you can tell me all about it. Okay?”

Just then, the wind shifted, and an earthy musky scent

wafted across Jimmy’s senses. Oh, hot damn! The man called

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Logan was his mate! No wonder the sound of his voice
skittered so pleasantly across his senses.

Glancing over his shoulder, Jimmy spotted Kyle and Greg

about twenty feet away. Both pups were lying on the
ground, watching warily. He growled softly, warning them
away. Both lowered their heads to their paws and whined.

Jimmy turned back and saw the backs of both men as

Logan seemed to be leading a still clearly distraught Zander
away. Coming out of the trees, Jimmy yipped once. When
both men turned, he started his shift. It occurred to him that
he should probably just follow them to their vehicle and
memorize the license plate number, but with his mate so
close, he couldn’t resist trying to talk to him right that

Shifting didn’t take long, and by the time Jimmy finished,

stood, and opened his eyes, he saw the men struggling with
the rifle. “Wait, please,” Jimmy called, stepping toward
them. “I mean you no harm.”

“Listen to him, Zander,” Logan grunted out. It seemed he

was trying to keep the weapon away from his friend.

“Please, I just—”
Jimmy never got to finish his sentence. At that second, the

sharp report of a rifle echoed through the trees. Pain ripped
through Jimmy’s chest and he stumbled backward.
Disorientation filled Jimmy and he lost his balance and fell.
His head hit the ground and everything became fuzzy.

“Son of a bitch!”
Jimmy heard Logan’s growled words right before he saw

the handsome redhead’s face appear in his line of sight.
Getting a much closer look at the scar on the human’s face,
Jimmy decided he liked how rugged it made his mate look.
Then, Jimmy realized if that was what he was thinking
about, he probably wasn’t completely lucid.

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“I’m so sorry, buddy,” Logan called, his voice sounding

as if it came from a long way off. He pressed hard against
Jimmy’s right shoulder and pain erupted through him.
“Shifters normally run in packs, right? Please tell me you’re
not alone out here.”

With some surprise, Jimmy realized Logan knew about

his kind. “K-Kyle and Greg,” Jimmy managed to mumble.
His vision dimmed and he knew he was going to pass out
soon. He just prayed that when that happened, Logan could
convince his friend to help him instead of leaving him to die.

Before having to face that risk, Jimmy desperately wanted

to taste his human. He reached up and gripped Logan’s
nape. “Come here, mate,” he urged.

Logan’s brows shot up and his eyes widened, but he did

as Jimmy bid and leaned toward his face. Using the last of
his strength, Jimmy leaned up and brushed his lips to
Logan’s, then licked the plump lower lip, tasting man and

Grinning, Jimmy lay back down and mumbled, “Nice,” as

the darkness descended.

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Chapter Three

lthough Logan’s heart pounded in his chest and all he
wanted to do was run from the handsome man, he

knew he couldn’t. If this guy thought they were mates…

Think about it later.
Logan peered over his shoulder at Zander, who stood in

shocked silence, his jaw gaping. No help there. Scanning the
tree line, Logan spotted two pairs of eyes almost hidden by
the trees.

“Greg? Kyle?” Logan called, hoping one of them had

some kind of paramedic training or could at least point him
in the direction of a nearby vehicle or home. “Come on guys,
your friend needs help.”

Unfortunately, when the pair of wolves, one gray and one

black, crept out of from under the bushes, Logan realized the
pair were little more than cubs. Still, he’d be grateful for any

Then, Zander finally seemed to come out of himself. He

howled and lunged toward Logan…or more to the point, the
gun under his knee. “Monsters!” He placed his right hand
on the ground and with his left hand, he reached for the

Logan moved his knee so it landed on Zander’s hand. He

pressed down hard as he shoved his shoulder into his
friend’s chest. He understood the man was traumatized and
not thinking clearly, but he couldn’t allow him to make
matters worse.


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“Sit down, Zander. The cubs won’t hurt us,” Logan

stated, praying it was accurate.

To Logan’s surprise, and relief, Zander did as he ordered.

He plopped down on his ass, a vacant almost paralyzed look
on his face. Logan knew how he felt. When he’d learned of
gargoyles, he’d felt the same way. Of course, he hadn’t tried
to kill any of them.

When one of the wolf cubs started to howl, Logan pulled

his attention away from his friend and his past. He looked
toward the pair and saw that it was the gray wolf howling
and the black wolf was shifting.

“Is this your father?” Logan asked once the boy had

shifted. They’d both been black wolves. It wasn’t so far of a

The boy shook his head. “No. That’s Beta Noleander. I’m

Greg Thatchson.”

“A fucking beta,” Logan grumbled. He cut a quick glance

toward Zander, who now had his knees pressed to his chest
and his arms around them. He rocked on his ass a bit,
mumbling to himself. Logan shook his head and stated,
“God, we’re in trouble now.”

Returning his focus to the boy, he asked, “Is there a pack

home nearby? Someone who can help? If not, can you help
me carry him? My buddy is in shock,” Logan stated

Greg shook his head. “I’ll help carry him, but…” He

scowled as he glanced between Logan and Zander. “Why
aren’t you freaking out? I mean, you shot him,” he said even
as he knelt beside them.

“Not on purpose,” Logan said, because he wasn’t certain

who had pulled the trigger. He didn’t think he’d done it, but
since he and Zander had both had their hands on the rifle, he
couldn’t discount accidentally setting the weapon off. “And
my buddies are mated with gargoyles.”

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“I didn’t know they lived around here,” Greg mused.
Logan didn’t bother correcting the young wolf’s

misconception. Instead, he yanked his t-shirt over his head,
then his belt from his pant’s loops while saying, “Lift his
torso. Can you do that? I’m gonna cinch my t-shirt over his
wound, so it’ll stay in place while we move him.”

Greg slid his arms under Jimmy’s shoulders and heaved.
When the beta let out a groan, Logan grimaced. He fought

against a sudden odd urge to shove Greg away and yell at
him for hurting him. It was ridiculous. Fear sliced through
Logan’s veins, knowing exactly what the unexpected urge
meant. He’d seen his buddies go through mating urges.
He’d just never expected to feel them himself.

Later. Deal with it later.
“What the fuck happened? Who the hell are you?”
Logan ignored the angry words and finished cinching the

belt, holding the makeshift bandage in place. Then, he lifted
his gaze and saw an auburn-haired, leanly-muscled male. A
blonde wolf now sat beside the gray wolf. From its size,
Logan guessed it was another teenager. “You got a car

“My home is six miles,” the guy answered. His eyes

narrowed as he took in the scene, including the gun and a
clearly in shock Zander.

“Help me carry him. My buddy’s truck is only a mile and

a half away,” Logan said. He glanced toward Greg. “Zander
is gonna need a hand. Can you help him up?”

“Who the fuck are you?” the guy snapped again.
Logan glared at the other guy. “My name is Logan

McByrne, if that’s so bloody important to you. Now, are you
gonna help me help the beta or not?”

The man blanched, glancing between everyone again.

“Fine, but give me the rifle first.”

Narrowing his eyes, Logan clenched his jaw. “Fine,” he

snarled. Still, he reached down and handed the weapon

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to…whoever the other guy was. Logan curled his lip and he
asked, “Can we get Noleander help now?”

Damn, but do these protective urges feel weird.
The other man took the weapon, slung it over his

shoulder, then crouched beside Noleander’s head. “Lead the

Logan did just that. After he squatted between the beta’s

knees and gripped each thigh, he grunted as he rose to his
feet. With his back to the others, he felt horribly vulnerable,
but couldn't do anything about it.

“Greg, help Zander, would ya, kid?” Logan asked.
Logan glanced out of the corner of his eyes as he walked

as quickly as he could—while fighting the tension he felt in
his own back caused by carrying Noleander’s heavy body—
in conjunction with how the dude at his back moved. At
least Greg wrapped his arm around Zander’s shoulders and
urged him to his feet. Logan heard the crunch of leaves and
glanced left and right. He spotted the young shifters trotting
beside them, casting uneasy glances at him and the beta.

All Logan could think was…I’m in so much trouble.
By the time Logan reached Zander’s pickup truck, sweat

dripped down his back. The shifter was damn heavy. “Greg,
leave Zander and open the tailgate,” Logan ordered.

Evidently, he had enough confidence and force in his

voice to get the young shifter moving. Greg propped a still-
in-shock Zander against the fender of the truck, then jogged
to the end of the vehicle and opened the tailgate.

Oddly, the thought that shifters could move so easily

while naked, their willies bouncing in the wind, popped into
Logan’s head. That told him that he just might not be okay,

Logan helped carry Noleander around the truck and to

the bed. He shoved the shifter’s legs onto the bed of the
truck, then moved his hold to the guy’s butt. He tried not to

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allow his fingers to flex, to enjoy the feel of the male’s firm
globes, but he knew he didn’t completely succeed. The guy’s
ass was fine, after all. Once Noleander’s lower body was on
the truck—what the fuck kind of name was that, anyway—
Logan climbed onto the bed and helped slide the man the
rest of the way in.

“The keys are on the visor,” Logan told the other man. He

settled on the bed of the truck and pulled the beta’s head
onto his lap. “Drive where you will.”

Fuck these mating hormones!
Clenching his jaw, Logan stared defiantly at the other


“Interesting,” was all the guy said as he put up the

tailgate. Then, he rounded the truck and urged Zander into
the back of the cab, followed by Greg. The pair of young
wolves hopped into the bed with Logan and settled half on
top of Noleander. Because of his blood loss and the cold
metal of the bed, he knew it was for the best, to conserve his
body heat.

That didn’t mean he liked having others near the beta.
Logan braced his legs on the wheel well when the other

shifter got them moving. As he watched the trees go by, it
occurred to him that he probably should have been more
concerned about where he was going and with whom. Still,
Logan knew there’d be time enough for answers on who
these shifters were.

After a surprisingly short drive, the shifter turned into a

driveway and a house appeared through the trees. As soon
as the shifter slid from the truck, he started issuing orders.

“Greg, help Zander into the house and put him in my

study. Kyle, call the alpha. Cindy, call Lacy.” By that time,
the shifter had reached the foot of the truck and lowered the
tailgate. The young wolves leaped from the bed and headed
toward the house. Greg helped Zander from the cab.
“Logan, help me carry Jimmy into the house.”

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“Jimmy?” Logan couldn’t help but question. What was

Noleander then? Still, he moved and started helping the guy
slide the beta out of the truck.

“Yes,” the shifter replied, grunting as he took the injured

shifter’s weight. “The man you’re fawning over is Beta
James Noleander. Jimmy. I’m Head Tracker Aaric Tamang.
My brother is Alpha Abbott Tamang,” Aaric rattled off. “Oh,
and you and your friend are in a world of trouble if Jimmy

Logan growled upon hearing someone speak of the man

he helped carry and dying in the same thought.

Aaric must have misunderstood, for he snapped, “Well,

you should have thought of that before you shot him. Greg
told me on the drive over what happened.”

“It was an accident,” Logan replied. “Zander was already

freaked out about seeing James shift once. What the hell was
he thinking doing it again?”

“Is it true that you’re his mate?” Aaric asked bluntly.
Logan grimaced as he walked through the front door, left

standing wide open by Greg. He really didn’t want to
answer that question, so kept his mouth shut.

“Head left,” Aaric ordered. “So, it’s that way, is it? Got a

problem with shifters or homosexuality? Either way, you’d
better pull your head out of your ass, ’cause your buddy,
Zander, is banging a male vampire.”

“Damn, I thought it sounded hinky,” Logan grumbled,

heading down the hall. So Zander was being coerced by a
vampire. His poor friend just might go off the deep end
before everything got straightened out. “And, neither is the
problem. My best friend is Marty Beakman, a guy, and he’s
mated with a gargoyle, which are all males.”

After lying James on the bed, Logan cringed upon hearing

the shifter’s groan and getting a good look at the pallor of
his skin.

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“Lacy is on her way,” a teenage girl—Cindy, probably—

said from the open doorway.

“So is the alpha,” a boy added, standing behind her


“Who’s Lacy?” Logan asked, unable to hide his curiosity.

Was that the beta’s wife? Girlfriend? Sister?

And why the fuck do I feel a need to keep her away from him?
“Doctor Lacy Koshmill,” Aaric stated, yanking a

pillowcase off a pillow and laying the fabric over James’
groin. “She’s our pack doctor.” He turned toward Cindy.
“How long?”

“Ten minutes,” she replied.
Aaric nodded. “I’m gonna grab supplies,” he said.

“Cindy, sit with him.” Frowning at Logan he stated, “I need
you to come with me.”

Logan tensed. “Why? Where?” It suddenly occurred to

him that he was holding James’ right hand in both of
his…not that he could remember when he’d picked it up.
Slowly, he forced himself to release the shifter’s hand.

“I need you in the den with your buddy. The alpha’s

gonna want to talk to you.”

While Logan understood that there were rules, and he’d

managed to release the injured male’s hand, it took a hell of
a lot of self-control to walk away from him…which pissed
him off even more. He didn’t do relationships, so these urges
were not only foreign, they were damn irritating.

“Where is it?” Logan asked gruffly. He clenched his jaw

and strode from the room.

“This way,” Kyle told him, leading back down the hall to

another door.

Logan refused to look back. He strode through the

doorway the teenager indicated and found a large study,
complete with massive desk and one entire wall of

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Zander sat on a sofa. When Logan walked in, his gaze

lifted to meet Logan’s eyes and he whispered, “What the
fuck is going on, Logan?”

Sighing, Logan shut the door behind him, crossed the

room, and settled next to his friend. “These guys aren’t
werewolves,” Logan told him. “They call themselves
shifters,” he explained. “There are all different kinds of
shifters out there, from wolves to rhinos.” Logan wondered
if he’d get the opportunity to call his friends. Just how much
trouble were he and Zander in?

“Th-That’s not possible.”
“Look, it is possible,” Logan insisted. “You saw several of

them change with your own eyes.” He rubbed his palms
over his face, trying to get the sexy image of a naked James
out of his mind. “And if it makes you feel better, the reason
you’re so enamored with Juarez is because he’s a vampire.”

Zander’s face paled. “What?”
Maybe Logan shouldn’t have dropped that bombshell,

yet. Oh, well. No one ever claimed he was tactful. That was
why Marty was the face of their construction company.
Logan turned and brought up his left knee onto the sofa, his
left arm rested along the back and he faced Zander.

“Look, I’ve known about these guys for a while now.

Most of them are good guys, just like you and me,” Logan
assured. “I don’t know why the vampire has fixated on you,
but we’ll figure it out. Okay?”

A loud knock on the door drew Logan’s attention. He

didn’t even get a chance to respond before the door was
pushed open with enough force to bang against the wall
stopper and start to swing closed again. A barrel-chested,
dark-haired man put up an arm and stopped it. The man
frowned, his gaze sweeping back and forth between them.

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Deciding his friend was traumatized enough, Logan

slowly stood and stated, “I’m Logan McByrne. I’ll take

“I’m Alpha Abbott Tamang,” the big man said, his deep

tone surprisingly soft. “I understand you know about us.

Logan had already told the others, so wondered why they

hadn’t passed the information on. “I’m here on vacation,
helping Zander Wheeler with his goat ranch,” he said, tilting
his head to indicate Zander. “I’m from Durango, Colorado. I
learned of your existence when my buddies mated with a
couple of gargoyles. There are a number of shifters in the

Alpha Abbott stared with a narrow-eyed gaze for several

seconds as if assessing him. Finally, the man crossed his
arms over his chest and asked, “Does that mean you’re
familiar with our use of restitution?”

Nodding once, Logan had figured that would be coming.

One way or another, reparation needed to be made for the
injury caused to Jimmy. “I am.”

“Good,” the alpha said. “If Jimmy dies, your life is forfeit,

so you’d better hope Lacy can heal him,” he told him
bluntly. “If he lives, Jimmy chooses the restitution.”

Logan nodded again. He’d figured as much. He

wondered if the alpha had learned yet that James thought
they were mates. Would he allow James to make that choice
if he’d known?

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Chapter Four

immy groaned, then cut off the sound, deciding that was a
bad idea. It just sent more waves of pain shooting through

his body.

What the fuck happened?
“Back with us, Beta?”
Recognizing the sound of his alpha’s voice, Jimmy tried to

think back…to remember. He forced one eyelid open a crack
and squinted up at Alpha Abbott. He read the concern on
the other man’s face and he inhaled slowly struggling to
grasp…a scent tickled his senses, distracting him.

Finally, it clicked. He’d been out running with the teens,

showing them tracking techniques. Having been busy with
them, he’d completely missed the scent of a human. The guy
had witnessed him shift, and he’d given chase. That man
had led him to his mate.

“Logan,” Jimmy rasped.
“Relax,” Lacy murmured, appearing in Jimmy’s line of

sight. “He can’t harm you anymore.”

“No,” Jimmy mumbled. Damn, he needed to be able to

talk. “Water.”

Lacy cupped his nape and lifted his head. She held a

small cup to his lips. “Slow sips,” she cautioned. “The slug
lodged in your collarbone. You lost a lot of blood, but now
that I’ve gotten the bullet out and closed the wound, you
should heal quickly. You’re lucky that asshole isn’t a very
good shot.”


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Jimmy nearly spit out the sip of water he’d just taken.

Glaring, he managed to swallow. He growled low in his
throat before snapping, “Watch your mouth, doc. That’s my
mate you’re talking about.”

Gasping, Lacy snatched her hands away so fast she

sloshed water on his shoulder. “But he shot you!”

“It was an accident,” Jimmy forced out. “He was trying to

keep the gun away from his friend and the gun went off.”

Alpha Abbott sighed. “Aaric said as much.” He shook his

head. “I’m sorry, Jimmy. Logan took responsibility for the
gun going off. You’ll need to decide on an equivalent

“Shit,” Jimmy couldn’t help but mutter. He allowed his

eyelids to slide shut. He didn’t know if he could do
it…decide on an acceptable repayment to being
shot…something that would allow his pack to view the debt
repaid. How could he make such a choice?

“Take your time on deciding,” Abbott urged. “This isn’t

something that needs to be chosen this instant. You need to
heal first.”

“Is he here?” Jimmy needed to know if he was going to

have to track down his mate.

“Yes. Actually, he helped bring you here,” Abbott told

him. “He’s in the den with his friend.”

“Zander,” Jimmy mumbled, remembering the name. “His

friend is Zander. He saw me shift when I was helping the
cubs with tracking.” Smiling wanly, he forced his eyes open
again and met his alpha’s gaze. “Cindy’s gonna be good.
Has good instincts. Imagination.” After swallowing the bit of
saliva the couple sips of water created, Jimmy asked, “Can I
see him?”

Abbott’s eyes narrowed, but he nodded. “I will ask him if

he’ll come.”

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“Get some rest now,” Lacy ordered. “Or you won’t be

awake when the human shows up.”

As the pain radiating through his body continued to pulse

in waves, Jimmy thought that was a fantastic idea. No
sooner had he thought it, and his eyelids slid closed again.
The pull of unconsciousness took him.

The murmur of voices tugged Jimmy out of the deep

abyss of pain-riddled sleep.

“Obviously, he can’t see you right now because he’s

resting,” Lacy hissed. “Go back to the den, human, and I’ll
get you when next he wakes.”

Logan growled, actually growled, sounding very much

like a pissed off wolf. Jimmy found the noise sexy as hell and
the pain actually receded when his mate’s scent sank into his
senses…probably due to the rise of his arousal. Relief for any
reason was welcome.

“My mate, your beta, asked to see me,” Logan snarled, his

voice low and firm. “I’m not going anywhere. I will be here
when he wakes.”

Jimmy gasped. Logan knew about mating and he’d

acknowledged their bond. He remembered calling Logan
mate before he kissed him, but surely the human wouldn’t
have understood what it meant. He wondered who’d
explained it to Logan and if he could truly accept him. Gods
above, he’d never felt such a surge of hope.

“James?” Logan softly called his name, his voice sounding


Forcing his eyelids to open, Jimmy looked up at the

handsome, scarred face of his human as he leaned over him.
He wondered how the man had gotten the ragged mark on
his cheek, the misshapen T that stretched from his eye to his
ear, then from near the middle of that to the corner of his

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He smiled. “Hey, sexy.”
Logan snorted, the corner of his lip turning up. “You

hopped up on pain pills, buddy?”

“Not your buddy,” Jimmy mumbled. “Your mate.”
His gaze sliding to the wound on Jimmy’s shoulder,

Logan cleared his throat. “I’m sorry about your shoulder.”

Jimmy really didn’t like how Logan used the comment to

evade his claim, but it wasn’t like he was in any position to
force the issue. Instead, he lifted his hand toward his
bandaged shoulder. He paused, his fingertips hovering over
the covered wound.

To his surprise, Logan gently gripped Jimmy’s hand with

his own. He pulled it away from the wound and toward
himself. “Hey, now. No touching,” Logan ordered softly.
“Lacy already hates me enough. Don’t want to give her
another reason to kick me out, right?”

Smiling, Jimmy nodded once. “Good idea.” Deciding if

Logan wouldn’t readily admit they were mates, maybe he’d
be more comfortable talking about something else, he asked,
“How’d you learn about shifters? You didn’t seem surprised
when I changed in front of you.”

Logan offered him a wry smile. “I’m from Durango,

Colorado. It’s home to the Falias clutch of gargoyles. A
couple of my buddies are mated to them,” he explained.
“Some of the gargoyles are mated to shifters, too.”

Unable to let that go, Jimmy tightened his grip and stated,

“So you know what mating is and what it means to

Meeting his gaze, Logan’s green eyes narrowed for just an

instant. He grimaced. “Yeah,” he admitted. “I know what it

“You feel the pull, too,” Jimmy pressed, holding his gaze.

“But you’re gonna fight it, aren’t you?”

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Logan’s focus swept over his face, his shoulder and

wound, then returned to meet his eyes. “I’ve never had a
relationship, James,” he stated bluntly, then cleared his
throat. “I don’t know how. I’ve never been good at—” His
mouth snapped shut and his lips pressed into a thin line,
making the white scar at the corner twist a bit.

“At?” If Logan thought Jimmy was a bit out of it, that was

probably why he was willing to explain. Hell, Jimmy wasn’t
going to let him know that wasn’t accurate. “Good at?” he
pressed, hoping to take advantage.

Several seconds passed where Logan’s jaw remained

clenched and his eyes narrowed. He released Jimmy’s hand
and rested his palms on the mattress, his head bowed.
Finally, he refocused on Jimmy and stated, “I’ve never been
good at sharing.” He said the final word as if it were
something to be avoided at all costs.

Well, damn, my mate seems to have serious commitment issues.

Then how does he interact with friends? That was sharing, too, of a
sort, right?
God, he had so much to figure out, but Jimmy
could feel himself tiring again. “Gonna have to work on
that,” he mumbled absently. His eyelids slid closed and he

“Damn, you’re not hopped up on meds,” Logan rumbled,

his voice coming out a growl. “You’re fucked up with pain.”
His voice sounded further away when next he said, “Hey,
doc, you got any pain meds handy?”

“He should be sleeping,” Lacy immediately replied, a

snap in her voice. “Just let him sleep the next few days and
he’ll be good as new.”

“Awe, fuck, you’re one of those old school healers,”

Logan grumbled.

“Excuse me?” the doctor responded hotly.
Logan growled again. “There are drugs that can be given

to you lot to make him more comfortable,” he stated gruffly.
“How come you don’t have any of them?”

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Lacy sounded offended when she replied, “How dare you

tell me how to care for my patients!”

“Oh, fuck you, doc,” Logan snarled. “My shifter buddy

just gave birth to a gargoyle egg and Doctor Perseus gave
him meds. Your kind blames humans for being prejudice,”
he continued, his voice rising in anger and frustration, “but
the truth is, you’re the one who is prejudice!”

“Why you—” Lacy sputtered. “I’m getting the alpha.”
Jimmy cringed when he heard the door slam. “Shit,” he


“Awe, fuck,” Logan growled. He squeezed Jimmy’s hand.

“I’m sorry, James. That was stupid. I just—” He growled
again. “I hate seeing you in pain when you don’t have to

“Everyone calls me Jimmy,” he told his mate absently as

he tried to make sense of Logan’s claims. “They only call me
James when we’re being formal.”

Logan hummed softly, then mumbled, “Then I’ll be the

only one, James.”

Jimmy smiled a bit, surprised at how much he actually

liked that thought. Still, he didn’t want his mate upset about
Lacy’s lack of pain meds. Squeezing Logan’s hand back,
Jimmy tried soothing his mate’s irritation. “Relax, Logan,”
he murmured. “Human drugs don’t work on us. Burn
through our system too fast,” he added.

Logan must have leaned closer, for his scent intensified

and Jimmy felt certain he could feel the man’s breath against
his ear as he whispered, “I know that. There have been
drugs developed by doctors in packs that have been
modified to work on shifters. I’ve seen it. The gargoyle
clutch has access to them.”

Sliding his hand up Jimmy’s wrist, Logan’s fingers glided

along the sensitive skin of his inner elbow. Jimmy sighed at
the sensual touch, his blood heating in his veins. Did Logan

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mean to arouse? Or was he trying to soothe? Jimmy wasn’t
certain, but blood flowed south, filling his cock, causing him
to plump beneath the pillowcase covering him.

“That feels good,” Jimmy mumbled.
“It’s meant to,” Logan rumbled. “If your alpha will allow

me to make a call, I can get some painkillers over-nighted to
you,” he offered. “However, in the meantime, would you
care for some natural painkillers?”

Jimmy forced his eyes back open so he could see Logan’s

face, wanting, needing to read his expression. As he’d
guessed, Logan leaned close to him. His face inches from his
own, his eyes appeared a deep emerald green as they
glittered with lust.

Logan might be fearful of a relationship, but Jimmy knew

he felt the mate-pull just the same.

Turning his head, putting his lips a bit closer to Logan’s,

Jimmy whispered, “What did you have in mind?”

His lips curving into a predatory smile, Logan removed

the hand on Jimmy’s arm and placed it next to his head.
With the other hand, he bent his fingers and skimmed the
backs of his knuckles along the skin of Jimmy’s abs.

“You shifters and your nudity. You got a nice cock, James.

How about I stroke you off?” Logan offered gruffly. “That’ll
send you off to sleep so nicely, won’t it?”

Jimmy smiled. “Oh, that sounds like a pleasant way to be

put to sleep,” he murmured, swallowing hard. His cock
agreed, thickening to full arousal.

Logan chuckled, continuing to rub his knuckles across

Jimmy’s abs. He slid his fingers under the pillowcase, which
was now nicely tented by Jimmy’s eager erection. Grinning
wickedly, Logan leaned close and whispered into his ear.
“How quickly do you think I can get you off?” he rumbled
as he gripped Jimmy’s erection in a firm grasp. He didn’t
waste time, setting up a smooth rhythm.

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The dry hold felt a little rough, but the pressure on

Jimmy’s shaft more than made up for it. He grunted,
clenching his jaw.

“Don’t tense up too much, sexy,” Logan warned. “This is

supposed to relax you, to give you pleasure, not more pain.”

Jimmy struggled to do just that. With Logan’s hand on his

shaft, his warm breath ghosting over his ear, and his heady
scent flooding his nostrils, it was a damn difficult request.

“When was the last time you lay passively while someone

jacked you off?” Jimmy grumbled. His thighs tensed and his
abs quivered as he breathed through the pleasant sensations
tingling through his groin.

Logan chuckled. “Point taken.” He winked. “Just

remember that this is supposed to relax you.”

Feeling his balls pull tight against him, Jimmy knew it

wouldn’t be long. He hadn’t had sex since earning the beta
position six months before. Not for lack of offers, but
because he didn’t want to lead any pack members on.
Finding his mate was enough for a shifter to get an erection,
then to have that mate touch him after being celibate that

“Ah, shit,” Jimmy groaned. “Gonna come.”
Lowering his head a bit more, Logan nuzzled his temple,

his peach fuzz covered cheek caressing his skin. “Do it,”
Logan urged. “Paint my hand with your cum, sexy shifter.
Do it now.”

Jimmy moaned. His abs tightened as his body convulsed

with his too-long pent-up release. Even the pain of the move
didn’t mar the perfect feel of his orgasm washing over him,
sending bliss pinging through his system.

“Well, fuck, James,” Logan rumbled. “You’re a light

touch. That could be fun. Imagine all the places I could give
you a quick one.”

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Snorting, Jimmy didn’t plan on pointing out that Logan

spoke of them being together in the future, even in a round-
a-bout way. “It’s just been a while,” he admitted.

“Oh, so you don’t think I can get you off that fast

whenever I want?”

Jimmy grinned. He turned his head so their gazes locked

and their lips were less than an inch apart. “I’m willing to let
you try.”

Logan smirked. “Oh, you will, will you? That’s big of


Sighing, Jimmy allowed his eyes to slide closed. Fatigue

amplified by his orgasm weighed him down. He smiled
vacantly as he mumbled, “Yes, yes it is.”

Chuckling, Logan whispered, “Get some rest, James. It

seems we’ll have plenty to talk about later.”

Jimmy sighed and nodded. “Yeah.” He’d hardly gotten

the word out before sleep pulled him back under.

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Chapter Five

ogan pulled his handkerchief out of his back pocket and
wiped James’ cum from his fingers. He gave in to

curiosity and raised his hand to his mouth, licking a bit of it
off before finishing with the cloth. A little salty, but not
nearly as bitter as other men’s seed he’d tasted.

Huh. Nice.
Turning his attention to his new lover’s groin—did a

hand job make James his lover, or was that wishful
thinking—Logan wiped away the seed that he hadn’t caught
with his hand.

Damn, why am I even thinking like that?
The door opening caught Logan’s attention, and he

quickly righted the pillowcase over James’ groin. Yeah, he
knew shifters didn’t care much about nudity, but that didn’t
mean he wanted the guy to flash everyone unnecessarily.

Logan spotted Lacy striding through the door, a

purposeful look on her face. At least her arrival caused
Logan’s own erection to ease, freeing him from his painful
state. Alpha Abbott followed, his expression looking more
annoyed than angry. The alpha paused in the doorway and
tilted his head. When the corners of his lips twitched, Logan
realized the man smelled James’ spent seed.

Right, shifter senses.
Lacy evidently scented it, too, for she suddenly hissed.

“What the hell have you been doing?”


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Chuckling, Logan met her gaze. “Keep your voice down,

doc,” he stated. “I just did as you asked. I just helped him
relax so he could sleep.”

Alpha Abbott snorted at that. “Unique way of going

about it,” he commented. “That does mean we have time to
talk, then. Both of you, come with me.”

Logan knew it wasn’t a request. After one more sweep of

his gaze over James—where he blatantly ogled what he
could see of the shifter’s chest and abs—Logan turned and
headed out the door. He paused in the hallway and waited
for Lacy and Abbott to join him.

Abbott followed immediately, but Lacy stepped close to

her patient and checked the bandage on the gunshot wound.
Logan scowled at the way she touched James and he
clenched his hands in irritation.

“The mate pull is a tough thing to control, isn’t it?”

Abbott rumbled quietly from at Logan’s side. “Fighting it
only makes it worse.”

Logan frowned. “What are you talking about?”
Shrugging, Abbott’s eyes narrowed. “You under-estimate

shifter hearing, Logan,” he stated. “And do you really think
it took ten minutes for Lacy to track me down and find me in
this small house? I was standing outside while you and he
spoke.” Then he smirked. “At least, until you started relaxing
him. Good thing Lacy had been too busy calming Zander to
be with me.”

“Zander?” Logan asked. “What happened?” His friend

had been fairly calm when he’d left him just a short while

Abbott sighed. “Your friend isn’t taking the news of

paranormals well. He started hyperventilating. The doc
ended up sedating him.”

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“Look,” Logan stated. “Zander is a goat farmer. Part of

the problem is that he needs to see to his goats and he’s
afraid you’re not going to allow him to leave to do that.”

“Then, he’d be right,” Abbott replied. “Until he agrees to

secrecy, as you obviously did at one time, I can’t allow him
to leave.”

Sighing, Logan jerked a nod. “Okay. I get that. If not him,

then me,” he offered. “I came into town yesterday and he
showed me the ropes. Knowing his goats are taken care of
will help Zander settle down.”

“I’m sorry, Logan,” the alpha immediately responded,

crossing his arms over his chest. “You cannot leave, either.
Not until the terms of recompense are confirmed and

Logan’s jaw clenched. “I’m not going anywhere,” he

snapped. “I will fulfill the debt, whatever it is.”

Alpha Abbott growled, the sound a low rumble. “Careful,

Logan. You will not disrespect me.”

Realizing his error, Logan sucked in a harsh breath and

let it out slowly. His tone could definitely be interpreted as
challenging to an alpha wolf. He needed the man to know he
considered him more dominant…the one in charge. Logan
didn’t have to like it, but he did understand it.

“My apologies. I find it offensive when my word is not

taken at face value,” Logan admitted. “Perhaps if you send
one of your enforcers with me to oversee that I return,” he
suggested. “Would I be able to go care for the goats then?”

Evidently, Abbott recognized that Logan was attempting

to work within the confines of the shifter’s system, even
though he was human. “That is acceptable. I will have
Adriana accompany you,” Abbott stated.

Logan nodded, relief filling him. While he wasn’t truly

excited about caring for Zander’s goats without the

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experienced man’s help, he knew his friend’s livelihood
needed to be protected. “Thank you,” he said.

“There is one other thing,” Alpha Abbott said. “What are

these shifter pain killers you were speaking of?”

Glancing toward Lacy, Logan watched her join them. She

glared mutinously at the very mention of drugs. He frowned
right back for several seconds, then moved his attention to
the alpha while clearing his expression.

“I can’t tell you much about it,” Logan admitted. “All I

can tell you is that my buddies are mated to gargoyles and
gargoyles can get their male mates pregnant. I met the rhino
shifter Cornelius after my best friend Marty mated with the
gargoyle, Raymond,” he continued explaining. “Cornelius
was pregnant. When he birthed the egg, the clutch doctor
gave him something for the pain. It was a white pill and it
worked.” He shrugged. “That’s all I know.”

“Huh,” Alpha Abbott muttered. He rubbed a hand over

his chin. “Interesting.” He turned to Lacy. “Have you
received any reports from the Shifter Council about possible
shifter painkillers?”

Lacy’s eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms over her

chest. “Maybe,” she replied grudgingly.

“Why didn’t you bring this information to me?” Alpha

Abbott growled, obviously displeased that this was the first
time hearing about it.

After sighing, Lacy stated, “Because your father had just

handed the alpha mantel to you and you had plenty of other
things to occupy your attention.”

“That is not a call you should make,” Abbott snapped.

“Lacy, is Beta James stable?”

“Yes, Alpha,” she mumbled, her gaze lowering in


“Good. Go get that report and bring it to me,” the alpha


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Lacy nodded. “Yes, Alpha.” She hustled past them, but

not before casting a nasty glare toward Logan.

Great. I’ve made an enemy in the pack already.
With that thought in mind, Logan had another idea occur

to him. Technically, the gargoyle chieftain considered him
under his protection because he lived in that town and knew
about paranormals. He’d want to know about this, wouldn’t
he? Besides, checking in with the lead gargoyle would offer
a second possibility.

“Alpha Abbott,” Logan stated softly. “Please, allow me to

contact Chieftain Maelgwn. He’ll want to know my
situation. Plus, he could send some of the painkillers Doctor
Perseus used and he’d undoubtedly know where they came

The alpha’s eyes narrowed. “Are you officially part of his


“Not officially. No,” Logan had to admit. “But he is the

one who took my vow of silence. Him and his enforcer,

“Hmm,” Abbott rumbled. “I suppose I can understand

your request. You may call him while with Adriana.”

Logan nodded. “Thank you.”
“I’ll have your phone returned to you,” the alpha told

him before striding away from him down the hallway. Over
his shoulder, he stated, “Zander is still in the den. Join him,
or feel free to stay with Jimmy.”

Grimacing, Logan glanced over his shoulder, through the

open doorway, and stared at James. He really wanted to
walk back into that room, drag the desk chair over to the
bed, and stay by the sexy shifter’s side. For that very reason,
Logan turned away and headed back to the den.

Letting himself inside the room, Logan saw Zander lying

on the sofa. He crossed to his friend and knelt beside the
couch. Maybe he’d heard Logan enter the room, or maybe he

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just knew he was no longer alone. Either way, Zander’s
eyelids twitched and he turned his head toward Logan.

Logan reached out and touched Zander’s forehead as he

murmured, “Hey, buddy. How ya feelin’?”

“What the hell happened?” Zander mumbled, cracking

open his right eye.

“Heard you got a little upset,” Logan replied. “The doc

knocked you out.”

Logan chuckled. “Yeah, but not with you,” he teased.
“Yeah, those are involved, too.”
Zander snorted. “God, you’re such a jackass.”
Snickering, Logan replied, “Yeah, well. It got ya to relax,


Nodding, Zander sobered a bit. “Yeah.” His brows

furrowed as the eye he’d opened slid back closed. “God,
damn. I can’t believe the shit that’s happened today.”
Zander’s eyelids slammed open. “Did I shoot him?”

Logan shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I’m handling it. You’ve

had enough scares. Besides, these guys can help you get
away from your vampire lover,” he pointed out. He didn’t
want his friend worrying about what would happen if the
blame were pinned on him. He patted Zander’s shoulder.
“Get some rest. I’m going to the farm and taking care of the

Zander tensed as if to rise, saying, “I should go with you.”
“You can’t,” Logan stated, placing his hand firmly on his

friend’s shoulder and pressing. He used his hold to keep the
man in place. Softly, he warned, “I’ve already vowed to be
silent about the existence of paranormals. You can’t leave
until you do the same.”

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“You want me to hide the fact that shape shifters exist?”

Zander hissed the question. “Come on, man. That’s the
biggest revelation in the history of…ever!”

Logan scowled. “What the hell do you think would

happen if people found out about them? Huh?”

Zander frowned back and lifted one shoulder in a half-

shrug. “Who the fuck cares? I mean, come on. You yourself
said that there’s a vampire out there manipulating me. You
think that’s okay?”

Growling, Logan snapped, “Think about this, then. If you

go public, one of two things will happen. One, no one
believes you. You’re labeled as crazy. Your business suffers
because others are leery of working with you.” As he spoke,
he hated making accusations like that, but he needed his
friend to pull his head out of his ass and think.

“You wouldn’t back me up?”
Zander’s gasped words made Logan growl low in his

throat. “No, I wouldn’t,” he snarled.

“Why?” Logan ground out. “Because every minority

group has at one time or is still currently being persecuted.
What the fuck do you think would happen? I’ve already
heard of secret groups experimenting on them,” he
continued brusquely. His eyes narrowed. “How about this
then? If something starts happening to them, my friend’s
mates are in danger. I will never allow that to happen.” He
leaned close, bringing him nose to nose with Zander. “Now,
I’m headed to the farm with one of the shifters to take care of
your goats. You think about that.”

Shoving to his feet, Logan turned away from his friend.

He clamped his mouth shut, knowing his anger was getting
the better of him…and if he said anything else, it’d be
something he’d regret. Instead, Logan stalked out of the

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room, just managing to keep from slamming the door
behind him.

“Whoa, easy does it, big boy,” a smooth feminine voice

crooned. “Temper, temper.”

Logan turned to the right and the teasing female. He

spotted a slender, well-endowed brunette. Her green eyes
flashed and her full lips were turned up into a teasing grin.
Feeling a bit off-kilter by her open teasing, Logan scowled.
“What’s it to you?”

The woman’s left brow went up and she crossed her arms

over her ample breasts. “Better watch your tone, handsome,
or I’ll watch you tend your friend’s goats instead of

Cocking his head, Logan swept his gaze over the woman

again, taking in her cocky confidence. “Adriana?”

“Got it in one,” she responded. Lowering her arms, she

rested one hand on her hip and lifted the other hand toward
Logan’s face. “Nice scar. I bet there’s a story behind that.”
Her eyes took on an assessing glint. “I’d like to hear it some

Logan jerked his head backward, away from her reaching

fingers. “Another time, perhaps,” he rumbled. “Let’s get to
Zander’s ranch. I’m sure his goats are wondering where
their supper is.” He used the excuse to step around her and
move toward the doorway. He glanced over his shoulder,
but not at her. Instead, he hesitated as desire to check on
James before leaving filled him.

“Okay,” Adriana responded, eyeing him speculatively.
Just resisting the urge to shake his head—whether at

himself or at her, Logan wasn’t certain—he gave into his
need and headed to James’ room. Well, where he rested
anyway. Logan vaguely remembered Aaric saying this was
his home.

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“Hey, what are you doing?” Adriana snapped, having

followed him. “Aren’t you the one who shot Jimmy?” She
grabbed his forearm. “Don’t you think you’ve done

Logan paused in the doorway. He frowned at where

Adriana’s grip rested on him and just bit back a growl as he
fought the urge to yank his arm away. He hated being
confined…hated it. Ever since getting out of prison, he found
he couldn’t be restrained in any way for any reason.

“Let go of me,” Logan hissed through clenched teeth.
“You don’t want to make an enemy of me, Logan,”

Adriana snapped. “Stay away from Jimmy. You don’t get to
injure him again.”

A low, angry growl sounded through the open doorway,

followed by James’ strained, raspy voice as he ordered,
“Release him, Adriana. Do not detain my mate.”

Immediately, Adriana yanked her hand away from him as

if burned. “Your mate?”

“Yes,” James responded gruffly.
Logan couldn’t find his voice, although he didn’t know if

he’d confirm or deny the shifter’s claim. Except, as he turned
toward the pale man lying in the bed—seeing James’ lips
pinched tight in pain, his skin pale from blood loss, and
sweat beading on his forehead—Logan knew he wouldn’t be
able to deny the man.

I am so fucked.
Ignoring his inner fear, Logan strode toward the injured


He heard Adriana mumble, “You got shot by your own


“It was an accident,” Logan snapped.
At the same time, James stated, “It was my own damn

fault. I shouldn’t have freaked out his friend.”

Logan felt his brows shoot up as he rested his hand on the

bed beside the reclining male’s. His fingertips touched

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James’ own, who instantly moved his hand so their digits
were intertwined. Logan grimaced. “I am sorry, James. I
should have found a better way to keep the gun from him.”

“Wait, I thought you shot him?” Adriana stated, frowning

at them both.

Logan shrugged. “We were both touching the rifle,

struggling with it. It doesn’t matter who pulled the trigger as
far as I’m concerned. I’m bigger and stronger. I knew about
shifters. I should have stopped him.”

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Chapter Six

immy grunted and started to shift to the left, wanting to
ease the pain stabbing through his right side.

“Whoa, easy there,” someone—a deeply voiced

someone—murmured. A slight pressure to his hip kept him
from rolling over. “Open your mouth,” the unknown male
urged as he cupped his nape and pressed something to his

His body shivered at the contact, the heat of the other

male’s touch feeling hot and uncomfortable on his skin. Not
recognizing the male’s scent, Jimmy attempted to turn his
head. He struggled to open his eyes, but they didn’t seem to
want to cooperate.

“Logan, give me a hand here,” the stranger called.
In seconds, something cool and wet smoothed over

Jimmy’s forehead and the heady scent of his mate flooded
his senses. He moaned at the feel of the cold, soft fabric
against his heated skin.

Oh, wow, that feels good.
“Come on, James,” Logan rumbled into his ear. “Take the

medicine. It will make you feel better. Doctor Perseus came a
long way to bring it to you.”

Trusting his mate wouldn’t hurt him—again—Jimmy

parted his lips and accepted the…pill, he decided, rolling the
tablet around his tongue. It tasted slightly bitter and started
to break apart into gritty chunks.


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“This is water,” the stranger who must be the doctor of

which Logan spoke said to him.

Jimmy felt something else against his lips. “Drink,” Logan


After sipping enough cool water to wash down the pill

and moisten his dry throat, Jimmy mumbled, “What’s—” He
paused, his throat dry again after just that word. The cup
returned and Jimmy drank gratefully. Finally, he managed
to ask, “What the hell happened?”

Last he could remember, Jimmy had watched Logan leave

with Adriana to go feed Zander’s goats. He’d drifted off to
sleep. Now, he could barely crack his eyelids open as he
peered around the partially darkened room. Obviously,
night had fallen. He felt hot, clammy, and sweat beaded his
body. He wanted to kick off the blanket someone had
covered him with, but he didn’t have the strength.

“I hate speaking ill of another, but your pack doctor is

old-school…and not a very good surgeon,” the stranger
stated softly. “The bullet actually hit your rib before
ricocheting and lodging in your collarbone. It’s why the
momentum was low enough that it didn’t shatter. However,
it did chip your rib, which severed an artery.”

“It’s a good thing Nurse Leroy thought ahead enough to

bring the portable X-ray machine,” Logan all but grumbled.

“When we found the chip, we realized we needed to re-

open the wound,” a soft voice stated. While the speaker
sounded feminine, the scent screamed human male. “We
removed the bone fragment and stopped the internal

Gods above, that all sounds so serious.
“You could have died,” Logan whispered. “You could

have died.” His voice cracked on that last word as he restated
them. “I would never have forgiven myself.”

Jimmy forced his eyes open fully and he peered up at

Logan. He hated seeing the lines of stress on Logan’s face,

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how his lips twisted, and the pain of self-flagellation in his
eyes. Reaching for Logan’s hand where he continued to hold
the cup, Jimmy squeezed his mate’s hand.

“We both could have done things differently,” Jimmy


Jimmy glanced toward the other occupants in the room.

While he couldn’t hide his surprise upon flashing his gaze
over a green, horned, winged creature, he didn’t linger, since
he knew that must be Doctor Perseus, the gargoyle. The final
male, a young blond human, stood off to the side, offering
him a tentative smile.

Sighing, Jimmy really wished he could have said this

while alone. “I know you’re taking the blame to shield your
friend.” He tightened his grip, however much he could,
when he felt Logan’s fingers tense. “I respect you for that,
Logan,” he assured. “Now, you brought in help that saved
me. For that, I can reduce the needed severity of your
restitution.” Sucking in a harsh breath, he finished, “I can’t
cancel it altogether because that would impact how others in
the pack view you.”

Logan swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

“James, I can’t—”

Thinking he knew what Logan was about to stay—that he

couldn’t stay, couldn’t be with him, in a relationship with
him—Jimmy blurted, “Because you caused me harm, you
must serve me as I heal. It will be your job to make certain
I’m taken care of until I’m well.”

His jaw gaping, Logan’s face became flushed with blood.

“I’m to…you want me to care…but I don’t know how. I’m
not a caregiver,” he whispered.

“Leroy,” the gargoyle rumbled. “You’ll need to walk

Logan through what will be required of him in caring for a
person healing from a gunshot wound, then surgery.”

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“E-everything?” the human—obviously Leroy—all but


Doctor Perseus jerked a nod, his dark eyes serious.

“Everything. How to keep the wound clean. How to feed
and medicate James.” He paused, his long, slender tongue
sliding over his top canine for a second. “Don’t forget
sponge baths and how to change his clothes.”

“But, why?” Leroy asked. “I’m here.”
“You won’t be doing it,” Logan whispered, his gaze

remained focused on Jimmy. “I am.”

Jimmy prayed that, during the course of his healing,

however long it took, Logan wouldn’t come to resent him.
He knew the enforced proximity with his mate, one he’d be
forced to see nude and touch regularly, would drive even a
human to consummate the mate-bond. Before long, Logan
would practically burn to complete their bond…just as he
already did.

Jimmy wasn’t playing fair, and he knew it. Still, he

couldn’t think of another way not only to fulfill the
restitution, but to force his reluctant mate to give them a

Hell. It would be hell for both of them.
“Leroy, go fetch the alpha. Let him know the beta has

chosen the form of his restitution,” Perseus ordered.

The human nodded, then scurried from the room.
“Where is your home?” Logan asked softly, his attention

still on Jimmy.

His head beginning to swim oddly, Jimmy smiled. “I got a

cabin deep in the woods,” he mumbled. “It’s a little place.
Two bedrooms. One bath. But it’s got a great den I turned
into a fucking awesome man cave.” It hit him suddenly that
his words came out slurred and he no longer hurt. “Shit,” he
growled out, glaring at nothing.

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“You okay? You still in pain?” Logan asked, instantly

appearing concerned.

While Jimmy thought it a better look than despondent,

worried, or pissed off, he couldn’t lie to him. “Not pain so
much as disoriented,” he admitted. “I feel like I’m drunk,
and I don’t like it.”

“Ah,” Logan murmured, smiling faintly. “Your systems

are hampered by the drugs, but it’s not permanent. It’s just a
side effect that will pass quickly into sleep.”

“Doesn’t mean I have to like it,” he snapped, even as he

felt the promised pull of sleep. “Hate being out of control.”
The words came out mumbled, almost garbled, but Logan
seemed to understand.

Logan leaned close and whispered, “You’ll feel better

after a good night’s sleep. Then, I’ll help take you to your
home and I’ll fulfill my restitution to you.”

Nothing had ever sounded so good to Jimmy.

“Come on, James. Wake up.”
Logan’s concerned voice roused Jimmy from his slumber.

Not liking the slightly sour scent of his mate’s worry, Jimmy
tried to open his eyes.

“I see your eyelids fluttering. Come on, babe,” Logan

urged. “Let me see those deep brown eyes.”

His mate’s soft touches to his cheeks registered, and

Jimmy tried again. This time, he managed to crack open his
left eyelid. He saw a distinct look of relief on Logan’s face as
he peered down at him.

“There you are,” Logan whispered. “I’ve been worried.

The doc thought you’d wake up when we moved you.”

Moved? Jimmy forced his other eye open and peered

around the area. He recognized his bedroom. “When?” One
word was all he managed to get out.

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Logan grimaced. “Eight hours ago. Alpha Abbott and his

mate showed me where you live. Doctor Perseus and Nurse
Leroy helped me get you settled. The doc is still here,”
Logan explained. “But Leroy went with Zander. I think one
of your pack went with him, too, but I’m not certain who.”

“Mmm,” Jimmy mumbled. While his head felt a bit

clearer than the last time, his body felt sweaty and achy.
“What happened?” Surely there was a reason he felt like
he’d been hit by a truck.

Settling into a chair next to the head of the bed, Logan

reached toward him, a cloth in hand. Jimmy hummed with
appreciation as the cool cloth slid over his heated skin. “You
ended up with an infection because of the crappy job your
pack doctor did on you,” Logan growled, clearly displeased.
“She tried to blame it on the pain pills, but that’s utter
bullshit and everyone knew it.” His hand paused in mid-
stroke and his green eyes burned into Jimmy’s. “You gotta
stop scaring me like that, James,” he whispered. “If we-If we
mate, you can’t-I can’t—” He finally stopped trying to

Jimmy thought he understood anyway, and while Logan

said if they mated, Jimmy had no doubt that they would. He’d
find a way to woo his mate, even in his weakened state. “I’ll
be more careful,” Jimmy promised. As the pack’s beta, he
had responsibilities that, at times, could be dangerous, but
he knew he’d acted foolishly, shifting in front of strange
humans. That kind of behavior he’d never do again…well,
not at least without back-up. “I promise.”

Logan seemed to take his words at face value, for he

jerked a single nod. Then, he once again started moving the
cloth over Jimmy’s body, swiping down his temples, along
his neck, and over his shoulders.

“Feels good,” Jimmy murmured. “Talk to me.”
Pausing, Logan cocked his head. “About what?”

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“Anything.” He didn’t really care. He just liked listening

to his mate’s voice. It reminded him that he wasn’t alone.

“Uh, well,” Logan started. His brows drew together. “I

was born in Grandview, Colorado. My dad left my mom
when I was eleven, so she found a job in Durango.” He
frowned. “I was a little shit for a while, until I made friends
with Marty Beakman. He helped me settle down some…for
a little while, at least.”

Jimmy tried to imagine that. Logan McByrne running

wild. He seemed so steady, so loyal now. Taking in the
man’s scrunched brows and how that caused the scar
marring his right cheek to twist the skin oddly, Jimmy knew
at one time that his human must have been pretty wild.

“I fell in with a bad crowd and got caught joy-riding in a

stolen vehicle,” Logan admitted. “I wasn’t driving, which is
the only reason I wasn’t tried as an adult. I still spent six
months in juvie.” He tossed the cloth aside and rested his
elbows on the bed, leaning close. “When I got out, I vowed
never to go back, but I was still an idiot, doing things I
shouldn’t. Marty and his brother, Matthew, they caught me
pawning a stereo another guy had jacked. They beat the shit
out of me.”

Growling low in his throat, Jimmy reached over and

grabbed Logan’s hand. “I thought you said Marty was your
best friend?” He’d been in and out since getting shot, but
Jimmy was pretty sure he hadn’t imagined that.

Logan chuckled roughly. “He is and always will be.

Getting a beat-down from them was the best thing they
could have done for me.” He grinned crookedly. “Knocked
some sense into me, you could say.”

Jimmy lowered his lids to half-mast and eyed his human.

“Got a lot of anger in you, Logan?” he asked softly. “’Cause
your dad left?”

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Snorting, Logan scowled at the comforter. “Once upon a

time. Yeah.”

Jimmy moved his hand up Logan’s arm to his neck. “Can

I ask why he left?” He spoke softly, using his thumb to trace
the top line of his scar.

Logan tensed, but he didn’t yank away, which was kind

of what Jimmy had been expecting. Instead, he stated,
“Couldn’t keep it in his pants.” In a cool tone he added, “He
liked his women young with big tits. He liked sex but didn’t
want to be a father.” He shrugged. “Take your pick. It
doesn’t matter, though. I made my own family.”

Logan nodded, then rose to his feet, finally pulling away.

“Yep. Marty and Matt. Their mates. The guys I work with,
Pedro and Paco. They stood beside me when my mom
battled with ovarian cancer,” he stated. “It’s time I get some
broth down you. You can’t get better if you don’t eat.
Perseus is in roost right now, but he’ll want to check you
when he wakes.”

Jimmy recognized an evasion when he heard one. As he

watched Logan hustle from the room, he realized he and his
mate had very different upbringings. He hoped they could
find some common ground.

I’ll find something, damn it.
He believed that with all his heart. Jimmy knew Fate

wouldn’t have paired them if they wouldn’t eventually
fit…hell, his own parents had had a rocky start, but once
they’d mated, they’d never been happier.

Maybe I should share that with him. Would it help?
When Logan returned, Jimmy forced a smile. “You gonna

feed me? Or will you help me sit up?”

Logan placed the bowl of lightly steaming broth on the

nightstand, then reached for him. He slid one arm under his
shoulders and the other under his thighs. With surprisingly

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little effort, Logan slid him up the bed and into a sitting

As Logan propped Jimmy’s upper back and head with

pillows, he mumbled, “Good thing I’ve spent so many years
working construction. You’re not light.” He ended his words
with a wink.

Jimmy didn’t bother fighting his smile. “Bet you look sexy

in a work belt, jeans, and boots. We gonna play construction
worker some time?”

Logan snorted. “Damn, man. Don’t talk like that. You’re

almost naked and it’s a little hard to keep my hands to
myself as it is.”

“Don’t want you to keep your hands to yourself. Even in

pain, you still do this to me,” Jimmy told him as he grabbed
the edge of the blanket and flipped it off his hips, revealing
his semi hard shaft.

Inhaling a harsh breath, Logan muttered something so

low under his breath, even Jimmy’s shifter hearing didn’t
allow him to make it out. Logan grabbed the blanket and
covered Jimmy back up, then scowled at him.

“You’re in no condition for me to do what I want to do to

you,” Logan growled out. “Now be a good little wolf and
drink your damn broth.”

After saying that, Logan settled on the bed beside Jimmy

and picked the bowl back up. Jimmy smiled as he watched
Logan cradle the bowl in one large palm and draw out a
broth-filled spoon with the other. When he held it to
Jimmy’s lips, he opened obediently and took in the liquid
filled utensil.

Jimmy drank each bite down. After the third, he

murmured, “It’s good. Thank you,” before accepting the
next spoonful. He reveled in the knowledge that his body
affected his mate so much and felt grateful to whatever Gods

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saw fit to grant him such a fine mate, rough around the
edges though he might be.

With every breath, Jimmy prayed Logan would come to

accept him and their inevitable mating.

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Chapter Seven

nce James had eaten all the soup, Logan saw that his
eyelids began to droop. The doctor had warned him that

the beta would need plenty of sleep, especially since his
body was still fighting off the last of the infection. It’d scared
the shit out of Logan when James hadn’t woken up after
several hours.

Logan knew he was drawn to the wolf shifter, and that

scared the shit out of him, too. He didn’t know if he could
handle a relationship, especially one that promised the
intensity that his buddies seemed to have with their
paranormal mates. Thinking of Marty and Matthew, Logan
decided he needed to make a call.

“Get some rest,” Logan urged.
“Will you stay?”
The softly pleaded words should have had Logan’s

instincts screaming at him to run, to get away from this
clingy male. Instead, he actually wanted to agree, to assure
James that he wasn’t going anywhere. Logan decided to land
somewhere in the middle.

After setting aside the now empty bowl and rising from

the bed, Logan helped James return to his prone position.
“I’ll stay until you sleep, then I need to make some calls,” he
told him. Logan really needed advice.

James nodded. “Thanks. Come up here.” He patted the

bedspread next to his hip.


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Logan hesitated. His cock already lay swollen and

twitching inside the crotch of his jeans. If he got into bed
with James, would he be able to keep from hardening the
rest of the way?

Unable to resist upon hearing James’ sweetly mumbled

word, Logan settled on the bed next to him. He lay on his
side, facing the other man, and drank in his perfectly
proportioned features.

A smile that, for all the world appeared fond, toyed

around the edges of James’ full lips. “My parents met when
their two clans were in the middle of a territory dispute,”
James whispered. “Mother was a wolf. Father was a coyote.
Father and a couple other coyotes poached some game in my
mother’s territory. They were caught.”

Logan didn’t know why James was telling him this, but if

it made the wolf shifter feel better, he’d listen. “What
happened?” he asked softly, letting the other man know his

James reached over with his near hand and gripped

Logan’s hand where he’d laid it on the blanket between
them. He twined their fingers, and Logan didn’t fight it. The
contact felt…nice.

“When the three coyotes were brought to the alpha’s

house, she recognized him right away.” James grimaced.
“She was the daughter of the alpha. My father was a lowly
tracker…well, that’s what her father considered him when
he discovered their connection.”

Squeezing the fingers Logan held, he asked, “What

happened? Did they run away together?”

Shaking his head, James told him, “No. She waited to see

what their restitution would be. When it ended up being that
they had to turn over their kill to the wolf pack, plus each
coyote would need to turn over their own next personal kill,

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she volunteered to be the monitor for my father. He would
hunt in their territory every evening until he successfully
brought in game, then return to his own territory.”

James fell quiet for so long, Logan felt certain he’d fallen

asleep. Then, he sighed and murmured, “They spent the
next three days getting to know each other and falling in
love, but my father never touched her…not like that,” he
stated. “On the fourth day, he made his required kill and
presented a pretty good sized doe to the pack alpha.”

“So, with the restitution complete, did he leave?” Logan

couldn’t help but ask. Hell, he knew he didn’t have that
much self-control. He hadn’t even made it a day before
giving in to the desire to feel the other man’s cock. While he
hadn’t gotten off, Logan craved that bit of power he felt
when he caused another to lose all control and come all over
himself. That had more than made up for not finding his
own release.

“I’m here, aren’t I?” James teased, giving him a cocky

grin. He seemed to perk up a bit as he told the rest of the
tale. “Nope. My dad revealed they were mates and asked for
my mother’s hand. When the alpha refused, my mother
threatened to run away with the coyote. The alpha tossed
my father out of his territory and locked my mother in her
suite of rooms.” Smirking, James continued, “My mother
climbed out her window, shifted to her wolf, and ran to the
edge of the territory. My father was waiting. They
consummated their mating under the light of the crescent
moon in a small clearing by this little brook.”

While Logan knew most children didn’t like to think of,

let alone speak of, their parents having sex, James seemed
almost proud of the fact. Maybe it was a shifter thing.
Putting aside his own feelings on the matter—because, yeah,
he didn’t want to think about his own mother and sex—
Logan asked, “Did the alpha come after them?” It didn’t

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escape Logan’s notice that James spoke of the shifter as the
rather than as grandfather.

“Hell, yeah,” James responded gruffly. “He found them

while they were still enjoying their post-coital bliss.” His
cheeks flushed at that. “He threatened to kill my dad, but
my mom stood beside him, proudly showing off their
mating bites. She asked if he was willing to kill his own
daughter, too.”

“Damn,” Logan muttered. Alphas didn’t like their wills

thwarted. “I bet that didn’t go over well.”

James shook his head. “They were both exiled.”
“So you’re the grandson of some asshole alpha out there

somewhere?” Logan couldn’t help but ask. “And you’re
happy being the beta?” Wasn’t alphaness—was that even a
word—passed down through bloodline?

His eyes narrowing, James replied gruffly, “No.” He

swept his gaze over Logan’s face and chest. “I’m the son of
Marian and Harold. I make my own destiny, whether it be
as an alpha, a beta, or the mate of a human.”

Logan flushed, his cheeks heating at the almost feral look

James gave him. He glanced down, just to be sure he really
did still wear the blue t-shirt he’d changed into that
morning. Aaric’s mate, Crain, had been kind enough to drop
off his bags after picking them up from Zander’s place.

His cock thickened from that look alone, pressing

insistently against the zipper of his jeans, and Logan
struggled to focus on something other than his now
throbbing dick. “So, uh, your parents were exiled? They
came here?”

“No, they settled in my father’s coyote pack. I moved here

less than a year ago, actually,” James explained. “Anyway,
they lived together happily for almost two centuries.” He
smiled, as if remembering them and the memory was a

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pleasant one. “Do you know why I told you about my

“Uh.” Logan really didn’t. “Because I’ll have to meet them


James chuckled, the sound rough and deep in his throat.

“No, my mate. My parents died over three decades ago.”

Damn, Logan probably hadn’t even been born then. Just

how old was James? “Uh…” Now he really didn’t know
what to say. “I’m sorry?” he hazarded.

As if reading his confusion and discomfort, James stated,

“It was a long time ago. I told you this so you would know
that I understand not all matings start easy. Sure, sometimes
a shifter will find their mate and without any hiccups, they’ll
settle into mated bliss.” He offered Logan a rueful smile.
“Most of the time, however, that’s not how it works.”

“It’s not?”
Logan thought back to both Marty and Matthew’s

matings. Both men had trouble connecting with their
gargoyle mates—for different reasons. Marty hadn’t known
gargoyles existed when he found himself drawn to a
mysterious, trench coat clad stranger. Discovering gargoyles
were real had been quite a shock for the man. Then, his
brother had become smitten with a gargoyle prejudiced
against humans, so they’d had a rocky road to get to the
point in their mating where they could communicate
without immediately jumping to conclusions, normally
wrong ones, and actually listen to each other.

“Of course not,” James murmured. “There’s no telling

where two people are at in their lives. Still, I wanted you to
know that I’m willing to work at this.” The right side of
James’ lips lifted in a wry smile. “I’m hoping, as we get to
know each other, you’ll find you’re willing to give us a shot,

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Was he willing to give them a shot? Logan stared into

James’ dark brown eyes and saw the lust shining in them.
From the words James spoke earlier, Logan knew the man’s
unlined features might make the man appear as if he was in
his late twenties or early thirties, but it was deceptive.

Logan moved his gaze lower. The male’s broad shoulders

and lightly haired chest begged to be touched, the pale
brown nipples to be traced and sucked, and Logan really
wanted to be the one doing just that.

Reaching out, Logan traced the light stubble forming on

James’ cheeks, liking the slight rasp.

What would it be like to feel that against his lips? To kiss

this man?

Logan had never kissed a man before, keeping his liaisons

with men to back room hookups where making out wasn’t
expected. He didn’t count the light peck James had
bestowed upon him right before passing out. It’d been too
brief, too light…a barely there contact. Logan had kissed
plenty of women, since they expected it. If he wanted into
their pants, it was practically required. He’d never kissed a
man though, afraid he’d enjoy the intimate gesture too
much, become too fond of the male.

This, though, was his mate. Could it really be just as

simple as that?

Locking his gaze with James’, Logan leaned forward. He

drew close and stopped when his lips were a hairsbreadth
away from the other man’s. Logan’s breathing spiked, his
heart pounding in his chest. Fear filled him, knowing this
could be a pivotal moment.

“Hush,” James crooned. He threaded his fingers through

the hair at Logan’s nape and urged, “Stop thinking so hard,
my mate.” He flexed his fingers, silently urging him to close
the distance.

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Need, sharp and poignant, stabbed through Logan. He

gave in. Closing the scant distance between them, Logan
claimed James’ lips. The other man opened immediately, no
hesitation, no dance, just instantly accepting Logan’s
invading tongue. Flavors burst across Logan’s senses, heady
and robust, like the finest wine mixed with earthy,
masculine undertones.

Logan growled his pleasure. He tilted his head,

deepening the kiss. Thrusting his tongue deep, he mapped
James’ cavity, licking along the roof of his mouth and over
his teeth and gums. James gave as good as he got, dueling
with Logan, thrusting his own tongue into Logan’s mouth,
and fighting for dominance.

Finally, when Logan became light-headed due to lack of

air, he jerked his head up, breaking the kiss. He gasped for
air, his chest heaving. James stared right back, his lips
slightly parted as he, too, panted hard. His swollen lips
gleamed from the wild lip lock and his eyes glimmered with
unmistakable lust.

His cock aching in his jeans, Logan needed like he’d never

experienced before in his life. From the restless twitching of
James’ hand where he gripped Logan’s nape, he figured his
soon-to-be-lover was probably in the same state.

Logan knew James wasn’t in any shape to do any actual

fucking, but he could at least relieve the pressure they felt.
Hell, it wasn’t like he ever held back when he wanted
something…and right now, he wanted James panting and
gasping his name.

Holding the shifter’s gaze, Logan reached down with his

left hand and with a practiced twist of his wrist, he undid all
the buttons on the button fly of his jeans. His shaft spilled
from between the flaps, the foreskin pulled away from his
glans and pre-cum gleaming on his head.

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James’ gaze flicked downward before returning to

Logan’s. He grinned. “Very nice, Logan. I was beginning to
think you had the patience of a saint.”

“Nope, definitely not a saint,” Logan admitted, smirking.

“J-Just wanted—” He felt his face heat. “Don’t want to hurt
you, but—”

“Shut up, strip, and get over here,” James growled.
Grinning with relief, Logan did just that. He lifted his

hips and pushed his jeans down, then kicked them off. Next,
Logan shoved the blanket aside and grunted in appreciation
at the sight of James’ weeping cock jutting from the nest of
dark curls.

“Shirt off,” James demanded. “Want to feel you.”
Crunching up, Logan twisted and pulled, yanking the

fabric over his head before tossing that aside, too. Feeling
James’ hand slide up his arm and over his chest, Logan
paused and returned his focus to the other man. He watched
in silence for several seconds as the shifter traced his tattoos,
the thick, black, tribal lines that spiraled around his right
upper arm to his shoulder and over his pec.

“One of these days,” James whispered, “I’m gonna ask if

these mean anything.” His gaze fixed on Logan’s face and
the heat nearly scorched him. “Right now though, I need
you to come here. I want to feel you paint me with your

Logan growled his excitement. Swinging his leg over

James, he settled on the man’s groin, pressing his balls into
his lover’s. He grinned upon hearing the shifter’s groan and
the way his eyes flared with feral delight. Planting his right
hand next to James’ shoulder, he placed the other beside his
head. He rolled his pelvis, pressing their lengths together
while keeping his weight off of James’ chest and shoulder.
He wanted to cause pleasure, not pain.

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“This what you need, lover?” Logan ground out, unable

to stop his own hips from bucking a bit, the pressure on his
cock and balls feeling too good after being denied so long.
His balls pulled tight to his body. “Fuck!” He wasn’t going
to last.

James chuckled roughly. “Soon. Just need another day or


Barking out a laugh of his own, Logan grinned down at

his lover. He saw the pleasure and mirth, the wide smile
splitting James’ lips, and couldn’t remember the last time
he’d felt this light and happy. When had sex stopped being

Logan reached between them and gripped his foreskin.

Gently, he stretched the flap of skin over both their dick’s
heads. Upon James’ growl, Logan glanced up and grinned at
the pleasure-pain etched on his features as the shifter’s gaze
riveted on their docked pricks. Logan hummed as he rocked
his hips a bit and sensation shot through his cock. He loved
the fact that condoms weren’t required with paranormals.
He’d never be able to do this with a human.

James reached up with his left hand—the right he kept

flat on the bed, obviously in an attempt not to work his bad
shoulder—and cupped Logan’s nape. “Come down here and
kiss me. I want to suck your tongue and make you come all
over my stomach.”

Unable to deny an offer like that, Logan leaned forward.

He settled his second hand back onto the bed and holding
his weight off James while continuing to rock his hips,
grinding their shafts together, bumping and rubbing their
heads beneath his foreskin. Their oozing pre-cum eased the
way, making the glide slick and smooth, delicious sparks
pinging through his groin, making his skin tingle.

When James tightened his grip on Logan’s neck, he

moved the last couple of inches needed to seal his lips over

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his lover’s, once more. James held to his word, immediately
sucking Logan’s tongue into his mouth and drawing on it
lightly. The sensation seemed to transfer straight to Logan’s
cock, as if James were sucking his dick, too, and Logan
shuddered, fire coursing through his blood.

James tilted his head, sucking harder. He released Logan’s

neck and slipped his hand between them. With just his
fingertips, he pressed against the stretched skin, massaging
it into Logan’s cock head.

Logan moaned into James’ mouth. The shifter growled

and drank the noise down, working his fingers faster.

His balls drew impossibly tighter as his shaft pulsed. His

cum oozed out of him in hard spurts, spilling over them
both and down their dicks. James released his mouth and
shouted harshly as his own body bucked. Through his haze
of orgasmic bliss, Logan watched the lines of pleasure-pain
etched across James’ features as he found his own release.
Logan smiled upon feeling the other man’s warm seed coat

Yeah, I could definitely get used to this.
But, what would he have to give up to keep it?

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Chapter Eight

immy’s body pinged as the pleasure from his release
eased the tension from him. Relaxing into the soft

mattress, he grinned up at his mate. Damn, but was Logan
sexy when he came. Jimmy wanted to see that fire burning
in his green eyes often.

While his desire to talk to his mate, to connect with him,

had pushed aside his fatigue for a bit, now after the release
of his orgasm, it came rushing back. Sighing, his eyelids slid
to half-mast. He hummed as he felt Logan’s prick soften and
release his own. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d
docked, but damn he’d forgotten how intense it felt. Maybe
that was because it’d been with his mate.

“Let me get a cloth to clean you up,” Logan murmured,

pulling away.

“Wait,” Jimmy called.
Logan paused, standing beside the bed.
Jimmy couldn’t help but drink in the sight. Hard lines and

thick muscles dominated Logan’s form. He sported wide
shoulders and big pecs, partially covered by the tribal tattoo
Jimmy wanted to trace with his tongue. His waist tapered to
a deeply grooved six pack, and v-cut muscular hips pointed
to the man’s half-mast, semen-covered dick and hairy balls.
His clearly defined, long legs were covered in a matt of
orangey red hair—which matched the short strands on his
head—and had felt soft against Jimmy’s thighs when Logan
had straddled him.


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The sound of Logan’s confusion when he said that one

word pulled Jimmy away from his perusal. He gave his mate
a lecherous smile. “Just admiring the view.”

Snorting, Logan shook his head and turned away,

heading out of the room. That was okay with Jimmy,
because now he admired the flexing globes of Logan’s ass.
Jimmy felt his dick twitch…and so did his fingers.

“Are you looking at my ass?”
Jimmy grinned upon hearing Logan’s hollered words.


Then, fatigue rolled through him and he completely

missed what Logan yelled back as the darkness of sleep
swept him under.

Jimmy roused slowly, the screaming of his bladder unable

to be denied any longer. He lay alone in the bed, which he
didn’t care for, but the warmth of the sheets beside him and
the scent of his mate heavy in the room told him he hadn’t
been alone for long.

Slowly, Jimmy eased into a sitting position. He tucked his

right arm against his stomach and waited for the black spots
to stop dancing before his eyes. After a few seconds, his
vision cleared and Jimmy carefully eased his legs off the side
of the bed. He sat there breathing heavily as sweat broke out
across his brow.

Hating being injured, Jimmy forced in one slow breath

after another, getting his pulse back under control. Pushing
off the mattress, he rose from the bed. He placed his left
hand on the wall and slowly made his way out of his
bedroom and into the bathroom. He hissed through his teeth
at every step, but he made it.

He relieved himself, groaning as the pressure in his

bladder eased. Damn, when was the last time he’d pissed?

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He couldn’t remember. He wasn’t completely certain how
long he’d drifted in and out of consciousness. He’d have to

Once done, Jimmy looked longingly at the shower, but

knew he didn’t have the strength to tackle that one on his
own. He smiled at the prospect of Logan washing him.
Maybe he could convince his mate to include a little
playtime. Jimmy took a moment to wash his face and neck
and brush his teeth.

Jimmy had just opened the bathroom door when he heard

a hard, pounding knock on his front door. Thinking one of
his pack mates was checking up on him, he grabbed a towel
and wrapped it around his waist, then headed slowly out of
the bathroom and down the hallway toward the front of the

When Jimmy reached the living room, Logan was already

at the front door pulling it open. While he couldn’t see his
mate’s expression, the tight set of his shoulders as he peered
at their visitor told him that his human wasn’t pleased to see
him or her. So did Logan’s gruffly asked, “What the fuck are
you doing here?”

A deep, male voice Jimmy didn’t recognize replied, “I’m

here to free you, of course. I heard you were being held.”

Jimmy didn’t wait to hear Logan’s reply. Instead, he took

the two lurching steps necessary to reach a small side table
and opened the drawer. Reaching inside, he pulled out his
Glock as he listened to Logan reply, “I’m not being held,
Geoffrey. I’m fulfilling my restitution to my mate.”

Freezing, Jimmy couldn’t stop his grin upon hearing

those words. Logan had just claimed him!

“Your mate?” the stranger—Logan had called him

Geoffrey—snarled. “But you’re mine.”

Oh, hell no.
Jimmy closed the drawer and placed his left hand behind

his back, hiding the gun. It wasn’t his dominant hand, but he

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was still accurate with a weapon. “Logan,” he called softly.
“Who’s at the door?”

Logan started and peered over his shoulder at him. His

face flushed a bit, making the few freckles on his face stand
out, and he replied, “Uh, it’s—”

Then the door was shoved, hard, forcing Logan back a

step. Over the threshold stepped a gargoyle, one Jimmy
didn’t recognize. The male had short, dark hair, large black
wings, and a glare on his pale blue features. He wore a
loincloth, which showed off his big muscled body for
anyone to see.

Stumbling away from the male, Logan’s blush intensified.

“This is Geoffrey. A gargoyle from the Falias clutch.”

Jimmy had figured that much out for himself. What he

wanted to know was why the gargoyle didn’t want Logan to
find his mate. Then, seeing the flush on Logan’s cheeks and
taking in his nervous scent, Jimmy combined that with the
possessive look the gargoyle cast on his human as he closed
the door. It hit him. Logan had a history with the gargoyle.

His wolf howling possessively, Jimmy fixed his gaze on

Logan. “Will you help me to the couch, my mate?”

Logan licked his lower lip, his face turning an even darker

shade of red, now almost hiding the freckles. “Yeah,” he
muttered, moving toward him.

“Hang on just a second,” Geoffrey snarled. He reached

out and grabbed Logan’s upper arm in one black-clawed
hand, halting his movement. “He’s not your mate. You don’t
need to answer to him.”

Logan glared at Geoffrey. Beads of sweat popped out on

his temple and upper lip. “Release me,” he demanded. The
blood that had been flushing his face disappeared so fast,
now Logan appeared almost unnaturally pale.

Jimmy scented his mate’s rising anxiety and anger. He

made a mental note…no restraining his lover.

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Evidently, Geoffrey either wasn’t picking up on Logan’s

emotions or he didn’t care. “Just calm down,” Geoffrey
ordered. “I heard you shot him, but that’s gotta be a load of
shit.” Geoffrey glared at Jimmy. “What are you holding over

Lowering his voice to a soft growl, Jimmy ordered,

“Release Logan, now, gargoyle. I’m not the one trying to
control him.” While he could easily admit he was trying to
coerce his mate to his way of thinking, he would never force
him as this male seemed to be trying to do. “Allow him to
choose where he wishes to stand.”

Geoffrey growled at Jimmy. His grip flexed on Logan’s


Logan attempted to yank his arm away, but the gargoyle

snarled and kept hold. “Release me,” Logan insisted again.

“Not until you tell me what this wolf has on you,”

Geoffrey roared. “You will tell me why you say you’re his
mate when you’re my mate!”

Jimmy’s grip flexed on the weapon behind his back and it

took every bit of self-control to keep from bringing the Glock
around his body and pointing it at the gargoyle.

Instead, Jimmy’s eyes narrowed as he met Logan’s gaze.

“Darling,” he murmured, keeping his voice soothing. “I can
force him away from you, if that is your wish.”

While Jimmy watched Logan’s eyes dart around the

room, to the gargoyle, and back to him, he heard Geoffrey
scoff. “As if you could force me to do anything,” the
gargoyle jeered. “You were asking for help to the sofa.”

Jimmy saw Logan’s tenuous control slipping. He didn’t

know why having his arm held affected Logan so much, but
it did, and it broke his heart seeing it. Having always been a
man of action, the adrenaline flooding his body steadied his
resolve…and his arm. Jimmy brought the Glock around his
body and pointed it calmly at Geoffrey.

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“Right now, I’m aiming for your left shoulder,” Jimmy

stated coolly. “You have ten seconds to release Logan before
I fire. If you try to move my mate into your path, the bullet
will hit your head, instead.”

A low growl escaped Geoffrey, but at least he released

Logan. “You really think I’d hurt him?” the gargoyle
snapped. “He’s my mate.”

Jimmy lifted his left brow. As Logan took a step away

from Geoffrey, he stated, “I really couldn’t say, but
considering he asked you to release him, twice, and you
ignored him, I wouldn’t put anything past you.”

“How dare you—”
“No!” Logan roared, cutting Geoffrey off. He turned and

pointed a finger at Geoffrey. “How dare you! You’re not my
mate. We had a good time, Geoffrey, but you wouldn’t take
no for an answer. That’s why I came out here,” Logan

Okay, Jimmy had known there was a story there, but he

hadn’t been prepared to hear it. His wolf was still too close
to the surface. “Fucker,” he sneered. “How dare you attempt
to force another to bond.”

Geoffrey’s jaw sagged open. “But, I-I thought you felt—”

He cocked his head, actually looking crestfallen. “You ran
from me? This situation is my fault?”

“It’s time for you to go,” Logan stated coldly. “I’m here of

my own free will. Please, leave.”

His mouth opened, then closed, then Geoffrey nodded.

He wrapped his wings around his shoulders, holding them
close, almost like a shield. “I-I’m sorry,” he mumbled,
reaching for the door. In the dark doorway, he paused. “If
you end up needing anything, you know my number,” he
quietly offered.

Logan stared at him steadily for a few seconds, then

jerked a nod.

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Geoffrey looked over at Jimmy, sweeping his gaze over

him, assessing. Without another word, he turned and
headed into the night, closing the door behind him.

Jimmy stood still and listened, and after a few seconds, he

heard the telltale sound of wings beating. Slowly, he
lowered the gun. As the adrenaline faded, so did his
strength. Stumbling back a step, Jimmy rested his good
shoulder against the wall. It still hurt. Grunting, he rolled
and turned his head, pressing his forehead into the wall, too,
trying to control the black spots dancing across his vision.

“James,” Logan cried.
Feeling Logan’s arms slide around his waist, Jimmy

smiled. He turned his head and inhaled his mate’s scent. It
steadied him somewhat, or maybe that was Logan himself,
who eased him away from the wall and to the sofa.

As Logan settled Jimmy onto the cushion, he mumbled, “I

don’t know if I should say thanks or what the fuck?”

“What do you mean?” Jimmy murmured. He rested his

head against the back and peered up at his mate. He
smirked. “I like thanks better.”

“What are you doing with a gun?” Logan asked, frowning

at the weapon. “I didn’t think shifters used guns.”

Jimmy realized he still clutched the Glock even as he

rested it on the cushion beside him. “Was in the military,” he
told him. “Twice.” He flipped the safety on and set it aside.
“Come here,” he beckoned, holding out his now empty

Logan didn’t seem to need any other urging. He

immediately took Jimmy’s hand, then eased onto the sofa
next to him, but not touching. “Do you need anything?” he
asked. Then, he frowned. “You shouldn’t be out of bed.
What the fuck were you doing?”

Pleased at his mate’s natural instinct to worry about him,

Jimmy told him, “Had to piss. I was hoping you’d help me

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shower, too.” He waggled his brows, hoping his mate got
the idea.

Snorting, Logan shook his head. Obviously, he’d gotten

his meaning but had no intention of agreeing to it. Jimmy
wondered what he could do to change his mind.

“Let me at least get you some water,” Logan said,

pushing back to his feet. He stared down at him, frowning.
“And some more broth. You look like you’re about to pass

“I’d rather a steak,” Jimmy said hopefully.
“Maybe tomorrow.”
Jimmy groaned. Damn, his mate was really getting into

this nursemaid shit.

Logan chuckled as he walked away. Within five minutes,

he returned with a mug full of what smelled like chicken
broth and a bottle of water. “Figured you could just drink it
this time,” Logan said, handing him the water first.

Jimmy took the bottle. Before he could even wonder at

how he was going to open it—there was no way he wanted
to put that much torque on his shoulder—Logan gripped the
cap with his now free hand.

“Hold it steady.”
When Jimmy did as he was bid, Logan twisted the cap off.

Jimmy lifted the bottle to his lips and drank deeply. He
hadn’t realized how dehydrated he was, but considering his
towel-clad body was drenched in sweat, he shouldn’t have
been surprised. Next, Logan handed him the broth, which he
also drank down without comment.

Finally, once both beverages were empty, Logan sat down

next to him, closer this time. “So, twice in the military?
How’d that work?”

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Jimmy sighed and settled his head against the backrest.

Damn, he couldn’t believe he felt tired again. Healing
sucked. “Are you aware that shifters live several centuries?”

“Yeah, four or five hundred years sometimes, right?”
Nodding, Jimmy absently reached out and threaded his

fingers through Logan’s. His mate didn’t fight him, even
when he brought the man’s palm to his lips and kissed it.
“I’m almost one hundred and twenty,” he explained. “I was
in the military during world war one. Freaky shit.” He shook
his head. He didn’t particularly care to remember those
days. “I ended my life by appearing to be MIA,” he
admitted. “After returning home, I hid in the mountains for
a decade, then reinvented myself.” He offered Logan a tired
smile. “Shifters have to do that every so often.”

Logan nodded. “I’d heard that from the gargoyles. Only

certain ones go out in public during any particular decade.”

That made sense. Gargoyles lived as a clutch and were

reclusive by nature since those unmated remained stone
during the day. Unmated gargoyles also couldn’t appear
human. Their mate had to accept them first. It suddenly hit
Jimmy as to why Geoffrey would want to claim Logan. The
guy was sexy, hard-working, and loyal…fine mate material.
Plus, as a gargoyle, mating gave them a number of perks.

“Well, I’ve reinvented myself a couple of times,” Jimmy

admitted. “I was a detective during the thirties and forties. A
lot of change then.” His heightened senses gave him an edge
over human detectives and he’d shot up the ranks quickly.
“Anyway, I just finished another stint in the military last
year.” He waved his hand around the cabin. “I’m in these
woods hiding out and serving as the pack beta,” he

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Chapter Nine

ver the next several days, they fell into a routine, which
more or less drove Logan crazy. He couldn’t remember

the last time he’d been around a warm willing body and not
taken advantage. Still, while James tried to convince him he
was fine, Logan refused to allow him to engage in anything
more strenuous than lying there while Logan did all the
work to rub each other off. He wouldn’t even agree to a
sixty-nine, although he’d sucked James off a few times.

Still, who’s counting?
Logan actually found himself learning about his lover,

which was a novelty. Since, in the past, he’d always engaged
in one night stands and fuck buddies, he’d never really
gotten to know any of them. Geoffrey was the only
exception, and at that point, Logan had run.

Now, he knew James’ favorite foods—barbeque ribs—and

what food he refused to eat, no matter who prepared it—
peas. Oddly enough, James liked Brussels sprouts. Logan
couldn’t remember anyone admitting that. He also knew the
man would watch any Die Hard movie, no matter that he’d
seen them all a million times already, and he hated chick
flicks. That was fine with Logan. He’d prefer to avoid
watching them as well.

There’s something to be said for two guys mating, Logan


That still didn’t mean his dick didn’t ache to sink into the

wolf shifter’s tight ass. However, until James received a


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clean bill of health from Doctor Perseus, Logan refused to
entertain the idea…much. That had been a suggestion from
Matthew, because, of course, his friend hadn’t had to wait to
bond. Marty had reluctantly agreed with his brother,
although Logan could at least tell he felt bad about offering
the advice. Hell, Marty’d had to wait to finish bonding with
his own mate due to a gunshot wound, too.

Logan felt grateful he didn’t have to deal with Lacy

anymore. He’d found out a few days before that she’d taken
over caring for the wolves when the prior doctor had passed
nearly fifty-five years before. She’d been a midwife and had
no official schooling. She’d learned all her skills from her
mother, who’d also been a pack midwife.

Alpha Abbott had put in a request to the Shifter Council

to see if any doctors were interested in relocating. For now,
Doctor Perseus had taken over James’ care and Nurse Leroy
had returned home.

When Logan’s phone went off, his first thought was of the

brothers. They’d talked about coming up to visit, but hadn’t
finalized dates yet. Grabbing his cell, he quickly hit the
button. He kept his voice down as he greeted the caller, not
wanting to wake James. The shifter didn’t nap nearly as
much as he did the first couple of days, for which Logan felt
grateful. He grew bored meandering through the small cabin
all by himself. He didn’t really have the mentality to sit
around every day and itched to do something with his
hands. Occasionally, he’d strolled the forest, but he never
went far since he didn’t want to leave James alone for long.

“Logan? Oh, thank God!”
Logan’s brows shot up. “Zander? Hey, how are you

adjusting?” Last Logan had heard, Zander had agreed to
silence. Unbeknownst to his friend, Alpha Abbott had a

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shifter watching the man and his phone lines were

“Juarez just called me,” Zander told him, clearly

distressed. “I couldn’t say no! I mean, I know he’s a vampire
and I still couldn’t say no! You said you’d help me!”

Logan moved the phone away from his ear a few inches

as his friend yelled into the phone. He cringed. Shit, he
needed to help Zander…find out what the vampire wanted
with his friend.

“Calm down, Zander,” Logan ordered, returning the

phone to his ear. “I’m on my way, but I’m a good thirty
minutes out. Now, I have some friends that are closer, but I
need you to allow them to help you. Do you understand?”
Even as he spoke, he prayed Alpha Abbott would let him
know who he had watching Zander. With the human under
his protection, he should care about a vampire sniffing
around him, right? Logan knew Chieftain Maelgwn would
want to know.

“Y-You’re talking about a shifter, aren’t you?”
Zander’s whispered words were filled with trepidation,

and Logan wasn’t going to lie to the man. “Yes.” He paused
for a few seconds, then assured, “They won’t hurt you.”

“Yes. I’m bringing at least one more with me.” Logan

glanced toward the bedroom. There was no way in hell he’d
leave his mate alone while recovering. “I need to make some
calls. Don’t allow Juarez into the house unless there are
others with you. Got it?”

“Okay, I’ll see you soon.” Logan hung up before Zander

could answer. He was too far out to get to his friend. He
needed help. Jogging to the bedroom, Logan picked up
James’ phone and scrolled through the contacts as he placed

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his other hand on his mate’s leg and shook. “James, babe,
wake up.”

“Wha—” James mumbled, immediately cracking open

one eyelid.

Finding the alpha’s number, Logan started punching it in

as he stated, “My buddy, Zander, needs help. I promised
him.” He gave his lover a beseeching look as he lifted his
phone to his ear. “Are you well enough to travel?”

“Of course,” James immediately replied, levering into a

sitting position as he swung his legs over the side.

While Logan spotted a slight grimace cross James’ face, he

didn’t call him on it. Mainly, because just then, someone
answered the phone. “Abbott’s phone.”

Frowning, wondering who would pick up the alpha’s line

other than him, Logan said, “This is Logan McByrne. I have
a situation with my friend, Zander Wheeler. Is Abbott
Tamang available? I need his help.” He grimaced, hating
asking for help…from anyone, even when he’d given the
same speech to Zander about friends being there for each

“Abbott’s not available. This is his husband, Richard.

What’s up with Zander?”

Oh, Richard. Abbott’s mate and the pack enforcer. “I

know you and Abbott have people watching Zander. There’s
a vampire, Juarez, that keeps sniffing around him, but Juarez
is married with kids. If Zander is Juarez’s beloved, that’s one
thing, but if he’s just yanking him around, well—”

“Gotcha,” Richard cut in, seeming to understand

immediately. “Pogue is over there. I’ll call him.”

Logan didn’t have a clue who that was, but he thanked

the enforcer anyway. “Thanks. James and I are on our way,
too,” Logan stated. “We should be there in…” He glanced
toward James, seeing he’d already pulled on jeans and a t-
shirt and now sat on the boot box at the foot of the bed and

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bent awkwardly to pull on socks and sneakers. “Thirty

“You’ll beat me, then,” Richard told him. “But Pogue will

be there. Is Jimmy up to that?”

It was asked calmly, but Logan still bristled. He just

managed to keep from snarling a retort, but he knew he still
growled as he stated, “I’ve taken very good care of James.
My mate is fine to travel.”

The line remained quiet for too long. James appeared at

his side and motioned for the phone. Logan relinquished the
device, battling between irritation that the shifter wanted to
step in and grateful that he didn’t have to say anything else
to the other wolf…because it probably wouldn’t be very

“Stop giving my mate flack, Richard,” James ordered

briskly. “Get someone over to Zander. We need to show him
we watch over our own.”

Logan didn’t know what Richard said, but James snorted

and rolled his eyes. “You’re such an ass.” He hung up and
handed the phone back to Logan. “Let’s go.”

“I’m sorry I’m dragging you out of bed,” Logan said

following James out of the room and toward the front door.
He opened his mouth, intending to say that his mate could
stay—because now that the man was up and moving, he
couldn’t think of a good reason why waking him had been

Instead, James glared over his shoulder at him. “Don’t be

ridiculous. I’m not sending you to face a vampire on your
own,” he stated. To soften the chiding, he smiled and
offered, “I understand that you’re independent and hate
asking for help, but this is a paranormal that can manipulate
minds. It’s just not happening.”

Well, damn, his mate knew him so well already.

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Logan didn’t even bother trying to rebuttal that. “Let’s


James led the way outside and to Logan’s truck. “You

drive,” he said, winking, tossing something at him.

On instinct, Logan caught the object and discovered that it

was his truck’s keys. While he knew his mate gave him that
control to ease his own personal demons, he appreciated it
anyway. “Thanks,” he said, his voice surprising himself with
how gruff it came out.

After they both climbed into the vehicle, James reached

over the center console and touched Logan’s shoulder,
gaining his attention. “You’re my mate. I’ll do anything for

Logan’s heart felt as if it skipped a beat. A swell of

emotion choked his throat, something he’d never felt before
and could scarcely put a label on…love. Holy fucking hell,
he loved this man. Following that revelation, instead of fear,
Logan felt only determination to prove his feelings to his
mate…he just had to figure out how.

Pushing those needs aside, Logan smiled at his mate.

“Thank you.” Without waiting for a response, he turned his
attention to his vehicle and got them moving. “You’re going
to have to let me know how to get there,” he admitted. “I
haven’t left your house in four days.”

“Head left out of the driveway, then follow the road for

five miles,” James instructed.

Logan did as he was told. Pulling away from the house,

he flipped on his headlights and an idea struck. He punched
a number into his phone and waited, praying he’d get an
answer. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the wolves, but, even
with their differences, Logan trusted someone else more.

“Is something wrong?”
Having not expected a greeting, Logan didn’t feel

slighted. Hell, it wasn’t like they’d parted on the best of

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circumstances, so he just felt grateful Geoffrey had taken his
call. Logan had seen the gargoyle skulking in the trees a time
or two over the last few days. While the gargoyle seemed
willing to leave Logan to his path, he appeared to be
struggling with his own, unable to leave him completely.

Maybe a task would help him.
“Not with me,” Logan replied. “My friend, Zander, may

be in danger. I’m on my way there, now, but it’ll be a good
thirty minutes. Can you get to him sooner?”

“Zander is the man you were visiting, right?”
Logan nodded, then realized Geoffrey couldn’t see it.


Geoffrey sighed. “Very well. What am I looking for?”
“If a vampire arrives before a shifter, protect

him…please,” Logan asked.

After a few seconds of silence, Geoffrey murmured, “As

you wish, my friend.”

“I thank you.”
The line disconnected and Logan once again focused on

the road.

“You called your ex-lover?”
James’ muttered words betrayed his irritation. Still, Logan

stood by his decision. When they wanted to, gargoyles could
get somewhere a hell of a lot faster than someone driving.

“I did,” Logan confirmed. “I promised Zander I’d help

him with this matter. He feels great guilt over seeing Juarez,
but he can’t seem to stop himself. Now that we know he’s a
vampire, it makes sense, but that doesn’t assuage his guilt
over sleeping with a married man.” He glanced toward
James. Upon seeing his lover’s brows drawn into a soft
crease, Logan added, “Geoffrey can get to Zander before
me.” Then, he offered his lover a wry smile. “Plus, it’ll give
him something new to focus on other than me moving on.”

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At that, James smirked. “Good idea. I haven’t liked

scenting him near my home.”

Logan grimaced. “I should have known you’d notice. I’m

sorry for that.”

James shrugged. “Not like you can control another

person’s actions,” he pointed out. “I thank you for trying to
give him another purpose.” Before Logan could bother
thinking up a response, James pointed and ordered, “Turn
left ahead.”

Before Logan could reach Zander’s home, his cell phone

rang again. Seeing his friend’s name light up the screen, he
answered, “I’m close.”

“Juarez is here. I’m hiding in the bathroom,” Zander


Logan frowned, hearing some odd noise in the

background. “Is that the shower?”

“Yeah,” Zander replied. “If I hear his voice or see his face,

I’m gonna want to do whatever he wants.”

“Damn it,” Logan snarled. “Where the hell is Pogue?”
James growled. “He should have been right outside

Zander’s home. He should be there…or at least stopping the

“Well, he’s not,” Logan grumbled. Returning his focus to

Zander, he stated, “Listen to me, Zander. I have a friend
arriving before me. Geoffrey. He’s a gargoyle, a paranormal,
with wings and claws and everything. He’s a good guy,” he
hurried to tell him. “He’ll make certain the vampire can’t get
to you. Just don’t…don’t run from him.”

Damn, his friend had a hard enough time with the idea of

vampires and shifters. Logan hoped Zander could keep his
head about him enough to hide from Juarez and not from
Geoffrey. He had to admit, though, he found himself
impressed by the idea of hiding behind the sound of water.

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“He’s one of the good guys?” Zander asked, sounding


“Yes,” Logan replied without hesitation. Geoffrey, for all

his flaws, had the same attributes as most gargoyles, their
unwavering loyalty to their clutch and their dedication to
friends and family. “In this case, go with the beast. I’ll be
there shortly.”

The line disconnected. Logan immediately dialed again.

“I’ll be there in two minutes,” Geoffrey said upon picking

“Juarez is there already. He’s the vampire. We need his

intentions figured out, because he’s married with kids and
still seducing my friend.”

“I’m on it.”
“Geoffrey, thank you,” Logan murmured.
Geoffrey muttered something Logan didn’t catch, then

speaking louder said, “I’m here. I see one male in the dining
room. I also hear water running in the bathroom.”

“Zander is in the bathroom. Juarez must be who you can


“Then I’ll just walk in and say hi…oh, wait,” Geoffrey

paused, then stated, “There’s a downed male outside the
home, a shifter from his scent. His pulse is strong, so I think
it was just a bump on the head.”

“Damn,” James grumbled. “Alpha Abbott’s not gonna

like that.”

Logan glanced toward the beta, realizing his mate

listened to everything said. He jerked a nod. “How far out
are we?” he asked the wolf shifter.

“Ten minutes.”
“Did you hear that?” Logan asked, returning his focus to

his phone call…and the road as he swerved left to stay with

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the curve of the road. He returned the vehicle to his own

“Yep, I heard,” Geoffrey replied. “And Logan,” he called.
“I’m sorry about before. I didn’t understand,” he said

softly. “But I do now.”

“What do you mean?” Logan asked, scowling.
“One of the guys in that house right now, whether it’s

Zander or the vampire, is my mate,” Geoffrey admitted.

Logan didn’t bother to try to stop the smile creasing his

lips. “That’s great, Geoff,” he murmured. “Really great.”

And it was, sort of, because if his friend mated Zander,

he’d be able to help smooth over his friend’s life. If he were
mated to Juarez however, things could get a little rocky.

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Chapter Ten

immy didn’t bother fighting the wash of relief that filled
him upon overhearing that the gargoyle thought one of

the two men was his mate. Of course, he’d thought Logan
was his mate, too, so he prayed the male was correct this

He could feel his strength flag as Logan drove as swiftly

as the law allowed—when speed limit rules were bent a
little—and he had to hold onto the oh shit handle to stay in
one place. It’d be a cold day in hell before he’d admit that to
Logan though.

Instead, Jimmy picked up his phone and called Richard.

He didn’t know what his alpha had been up to that he
couldn’t answer his cell phone earlier, but he wasn’t going to
disturb him if he really wasn’t available. As beta, he should
have known. Getting injured had completely thrown him
out of the loop.

Jimmy vowed to fix that…soon.
When Richard answered, he greeted, “Hey, you guys at

Zander’s, yet? I haven’t gotten a report from Pogue. What’s
going on?”

At least I’m not the only one in the dark.
“Not yet,” Jimmy stated. “We’re almost there. Another

minute or two. The vampire must have scented Pogue,
because Geoffrey found him unconscious outside the


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“Damn it,” Richard growled. “Look, Abbott’s on the

phone with Alpha Declan from Stone Ridge. It’s Declan’s
mate that cooked up those pain pills as well as a few other
things that shifters can use to make us more comfortable
while healing,” he explained, his frustration evident. “I
didn’t want to interrupt him, but if you think I should—”

“No,” Jimmy immediately denied. “But I think you

should leave him a note and get over here yourself. You’re
our pack’s lead enforcer,” he reminded him.

“You’re right,” Richard agreed, a low growl of frustration

lacing his words. “I’m gonna call in Adriana and let Aaric
and Crain know what’s going on.”

Jimmy nodded absently. “Good. I’ll see you there.”
Hanging up the phone, Jimmy held on as Logan turned

the truck into a driveway and rolled to a stop in front of a
large, two-story building. As soon as he opened the door, the
scent of goats, a great many goats, hit Jimmy’s sensitive
nose. He also smelled vampire, gargoyle, shifter, and
human. Something in the scents tickled his memory. For
some reason, he felt like he knew all the scents.

Odd…and why are all these paranormals in my territory?
Jimmy wanted to know where the vampire called home, if

only to confirm that it was indeed outside pack lands. How
the hell had they missed him if he lived nearby? Jimmy had
every intention of finding out.

The fatigue Jimmy had felt earlier seeped from his system

as adrenaline took hold. He strode easily beside his lover,
moving over the gravel to the front porch. Logan didn’t even
bother knocking. He grabbed the handle and turned. When
that proved the front door was locked, he growled,
impressing Jimmy with his aggression. Jimmy actually felt
his cock thicken in his jeans. Knowing it wasn’t the time, he
held up his hand and stated, “Allow me.”

Logan stepped back and held up his hand. “Be my guest.”

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Smirking, Jimmy stepped forward, gripped the knob with

his left hand, and wrenched the device. With his increased
strength, he easily broke the lock, which just left the
deadbolt. Jimmy knew his body—and probably his mate—
were going to yell at him later, he did it anyway. He stepped
backward, then lifted his right foot, and kicked the door.

The door released with a loud pop. That was good,

because it covered up Jimmy’s sharp hiss, since the jolt to his
body sent pain coursing through his shoulder and chest. His
nipples beaded for a whole different reason than what he
liked, and spots danced across his vision.

“Shit, what the fuck were you thinking?” Logan snapped,

rounding on him.

Grinning, Jimmy mumbled, “It worked, didn’t it?”
Logan sighed. “Are you okay? Did you tear anything?”
Jimmy didn’t think so. His wounds were securely closed,

the stitches taken out yesterday. It was his cracked bones
underneath that still ached, needing a few more days to
truly heal.

“I’m fine,” Jimmy assured, clamping his left hand on

Logan’s shoulder. He gave his mate a smile. “Let’s go…and
no hero shit,” he warned.

Offering a smirk at him over his shoulder, Logan led the

way through the door. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re
talking about.”

“Right,” Jimmy grumbled.
He followed closely, keeping a sharp eye for anything. He

need not have worried about it, for he easily heard several
voices growling and snarling at each other.

“Who the fuck do you think you are, vampire? Taking

over another’s mind to take blood?”

Jimmy realized that was obviously Geoffrey, recognizing

his gruff, deep voice.

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Another man that sounded vaguely familiar answered. “I

do what I must to survive, gargoyle. Don’t you?”

So odd!
“Don’t hand me that bullshit!” Geoffrey snarled. “You’ve

got him hiding in there, afraid of both of us. You have a wife
and kids, and yet you draw blood from another. If you loved
your beloved so much, you’d never stray from her!”

“My love for her is precisely why I’m here,” the guy

responded, obviously angry. “I’d never do anything to harm

Jimmy gasped. He froze for just an instant as realization

struck. He knew Zander’s story had sounded uncomfortably
familiar. “Fuck,” he whispered. Suddenly, recognizing the
scents outside made sense. Sprinting the last few steps to
reach the hallway, Jimmy grabbed the sofa and swung
around the corner. He faced the pair of men arguing in the
hallway outside a closed door—probably the bathroom.

“Avery Bronson, you son-of-a-bitch!” Jimmy roared. He

eyed the dark-haired, blue-eyed vampire with all the anger
and loathing in his being. “What the fuck are you doing
anywhere near my territory?”

Jimmy sneered at the other man’s shocked expression. “I

don’t go by that name anymore,” he snapped. “I haven’t in
almost thirty years.” Clearing his expression, mindful that
his mate was standing at his shoulder, Jimmy added, “I see
Megan kept her name. She pregnant again?”

Licking his lips, the man Jimmy knew as Avery, but who

must now be going by Juarez, jerked a nod. “Yeah.”

“Huh, I’d say congratulations, but you’re messing with a

human under my pack’s protection,” Jimmy snarled,
crossing his arms over his chest. “And, if I find out you’re
living in my territory, I’ll report you to the Vampire

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Juarez growled, low in his throat. “You know I’m on the

run from them!” he roared. “Why would you do this to me?”

Jimmy grimaced. “You’re right, that was a bit low,” he

mumbled. Yeah, he’d been allowing his emotions to do the
talking on that one.

Suddenly, Logan appeared in his peripheral vision. He

stopped and stood at Jimmy’s side. Wrapping one arm
around Jimmy’s waist possessively, Logan glared as he
stated, “I get that you and my mate have history, but that’s
not gonna stop me from kicking your damn ass if you don’t
leave my pal Zander alone.” Curling his lip, Logan
continued, “You want blood for some fucking reason, find a
blood bank.”

“It’s not that easy,” Juarez mumbled.
“Why not?” Logan snarled.
Jimmy wrapped his own arm around Logan, grateful his

mate had come up on his left side. He turned and focused on
his mate, allowing his human’s proximity to calm his ire.
Damn, thirty-seven years and it felt like yesterday. “Juarez
and Megan aren’t true mates,” he told Logan. “He gives her
blood to remain alive, and in return, he drinks from both her
and someone else. It’s not ideal, but he loves her.” Jimmy
had to admit, he craved that kind of selfless love, and hoped
to one day have it from Logan. “He’s been using this system
for almost a century now, I guess.”

Juarez nodded once. “More or less.”
“And why doesn’t blood from a blood bank work?”

Logan asked, not giving up on the idea. “If it doesn’t matter
who’s blood you’re drinking, why should it matter?”

Jimmy grimaced, not liking that he was about to side with

his ex, even in a small way. “It’d be like me going vegetarian
to be with someone I love,” he admitted.

Logan lifted one brow speculatively. “Are you saying

that, if I asked you to never eat meat unless I prepared it for

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you, you’d refuse me? I know a hell of a lot of ways to
prepare soy burgers to taste just as good as hamburger.” His
eyes narrowed. “In some cases, better, even.”

Jimmy sighed. Damn, if his mate actually requested

that…yeah, he’d try. He’d do his best to go without actual
meat for the rest of his life. “If that was what you needed,”
he whispered.

“See,” Logan murmured, frowning at Juarez. “You still

get to feed from living flesh, giving you pleasure, with your
woman, your wife,” he pointed out. “Then, every once in a
while, you drink warm blood from a glass, that way you and
your wife remain healthy. What’s the big deal?”

Juarez blanched, his face turning pale. “I-I…oh, Gods.”

He grimaced. “I suppose that could work.”

“Damn straight it could,” Jimmy grumbled, hating the

idea of helping his bastard of an ex-lover, but knowing he
couldn’t not do so. “And as it so happens, the wolf pack
owns a nearby blood bank. Stay the fuck away from anyone
but your wife, and we’ll give you the blood you need,” he

Juarez’s jaw worked for a few seconds, then he jerked a

nod. “Agreed. Do you need your alpha’s permission?”

Crossing his arms over his chest, ignoring the slight pain

in his shoulder, Jimmy curled his lips and snarled, “I am the
Tamang pack’s beta. Alpha Abbott will agree.”

“Of course he will,” boomed a deep voice from behind

him. Jimmy turned to see Abbott striding into the room,
Richard at his shoulder. “I have faith that you always have
our pack’s best interest at heart.” He gave Jimmy a
reassuring smile, before turning an assessing look onto the

“Well, then, vampire,” Abbott rumbled. “Why don’t you

tell me why you’ve been coming into my territory to feed
from our dear, traumatized Zander?” Without waiting for a

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response, Abbott stepped up to the bathroom door and
knocked twice before saying, “Zander, this is Abbott. I’m
here, as well as your friend Logan. You’re perfectly safe.
Please come out.”

After a few seconds, the door cracked open and Zander

glanced around warily. “I’m safe?”

Jimmy just fought back his grimace. Damn, no wonder

Logan made certain to take any possible punishment for
shooting him. This guy was clearly in over his head and not
dealing with the appearance of paranormals well at all.

Alpha Abbott offered Zander a tight-lipped smile. “Yes.

You are safe. Since you came to learn of our kind through
my pack, you will forever be under my protection.” At
Zander’s drawn brows, he explained, “That means, should
you be threatened, even indirectly—” Abbott frowned at
Juarez. “You may come to me for protection or help. I or my
beta and enforcers will never turn you away in your hour of

“Thank you,” Zander mumbled, clearly shocked. He

swept his gaze over the assembled group. His focus hitched
on Geoffrey, and if possible, his eyes widened even more.
Zander stepped closer to Abbott and focused on Juarez, his
face flushing. “You used me.”

“For which I do regret,” Juarez replied. “My wife is

human, but our bond is incomplete because we are not fated
mates,” he admitted. “I keep her alive with my blood, but
because of that, I do not draw complete sustenance from her.
I must supplement it. You—” He grimaced and shrugged.
“You were lonely. I thought I could give you comfort. I
didn’t know of the guilt you felt. I am sorry.”

Jimmy knew the vampire was sincere. He wasn’t a mean

man by nature, but love made one do odd things at times.
Glancing at his own mate, Jimmy finally understood what he
hadn’t all those years ago. Still, it didn’t matter. He loved

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Logan, and no longer cared about lovers from the past, even
if they did appear in his present or even his future.

He mentally grinned at his admission, even if he’d made

it only to himself. How long would he have to wait until he
could tell his human mate? If he said something that very
evening would he scare Logan away? That week? That
month? Humans could grow pensive about the oddest
things, and they hadn’t been together all that long. Hell, he
didn’t even know if Logan planned to stay once he’d healed.

Jimmy decided to play it by ear.
Still, he couldn’t wait until he could get a clean bill of

health from Doctor Perseus. There were so many things he
wanted to do with his lover.

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Chapter Eleven

ogan paced the room. James was expected back from his
doctor’s appointment within the hour. He was just

finishing up at Perseus’ makeshift office, set up at Aaric and
Crain’s place. Crossing the small living room over and over,
he tried to decide if he had the guts to go through with his

A snickering Crain had already called and told him that it

was a go.

All Logan had to do was get up the nerve to follow

through with his plans. Just as he turned to make another
pass, Logan heard his cell phone beep. Within seconds,
before he could even reach it, it beeped again. He picked up
the device, swiped the screen to open it, and smirked at
what he saw.

Two text messages.
Tapping the screen, Logan opened the first, from


Go get ’em, tiger!
Logan smiled at his friend’s words. The second text came

from Marty. His best friend was a little more forceful.

Get your ass in gear and just do it. You know you want to.

Everything else will fall into place.

Shaking his head, Logan chuckled. His friends were right.

He needed to get his ass in gear and go after what he
wanted…and that was James Noleander.


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Logan shoved his phone into his pocket and grabbed the

throw blanket off the back of the sofa. Next, he went to the
bedroom and picked up the lube from the nightstand. He
shoved it into his pocket, then grabbed one more item from
his duffel bag…a little something from Raymond. When the
little gargoyle had heard one of the wolf shifters in the area
was his mate, he’d over-nighted a package containing a few
happy mating gifts. Even while Logan shoved the small
pouch into his back pocket, his face flushed with

Damn, never thought I’d use one of these.
Finally, Logan wrote a short note—Follow my scent. I’m out

hiking—and taped it to the front door. Circling the small
structure, he started hiking into the woods. It took Logan an
hour and a half to reach the clearing beside the stream, but
when he saw the area Aaric had given him directions to,
Logan knew it was perfect.

The twilight illuminated the area beautifully, making the

water cascading over the rocks seem to twinkle. The green of
the grass appeared far darker than what Logan knew they
were. Even the deepening pink and purple hues streaking
across the sky seemed more…well, just more.

God, I’m turning into a fucking sap. Get on with it, Logan.
After finishing his internal smack upside the head, Logan

did just that. He strode through the grass and stopped five
feet away from the stream. Spreading out the blanket, he
tossed the lube and the small drawstring pouch onto it, then
proceeded to strip. Logan folded his clothes and placed them
on the edge of the blanket.

Logan knelt and picked up the pouch. Tugging the

strings, he opened it. He tipped the bag and a long,
cylindrical object fell into his hand. After staring at the pale
gray butt plug, Logan sighed and reached for the lube.

At least it’s not neon pink or something.

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Logan couldn’t believe how hard he’d become while

stretching himself. Lying on his back on the blanket, he
panted softly and struggled to ignore his jutting, aching
cock. Now he knew why men wore the damn things. If he
were to go dancing with this thing in his ass, he’d be
begging for a hard cock slamming into him, too.

Damn, twinks know what they’re doing.
A soft growl echoing through the forest drew Logan’s

attention. He searched the tree-line and it took two passes to
see the black wolf standing at the edge of the clearing. For
just a second, it stared right back at him, and a fissure of
nerves skated through Logan. He thought the wolf appeared
much like the one from last week, but couldn’t be sure. At
least, upon seeing the animal, Logan’s erection wilted a bit
and he no longer felt like he’d blow at any second.

“Please, tell me you’re my James,” Logan murmured.

Then, forcing a smile and putting a joviality he didn’t feel at
that second into his tone, he added, “I’d hate to be lying here
naked in front of anyone else.”

The wolf growled softly, then the shift began.
Logan watched the shifter’s fur recede, clearing his skin.

His bones moved beneath his skin as his body realigned,
causing his muscles and tendons to pop and crack. Within
seconds, James crouched in the grass near the edge of the

Slowly, James stood. He swept his gaze over Logan,

thoroughly taking in his naked prone form. A feral smile
spread across James’ lips and he began stalking slowly
toward Logan.

“I guess someone spilled the news to you already, then,”

James growled.

“Yep,” Logan responded. His shaft hardened again,

regaining the little bit of rigidity he’d lost upon seeing
James’ wolf. “I remembered the story about your parents,”

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he admitted, glancing around the area. “I know it’s not the
same place, but I figured—”

Logan paused and shrugged, suddenly feeling

uncomfortable. He looked away, toward the stretch of water
that cascaded down the rocks, creating a kind of waterfall.
Would James find it too cheesy, completing their bonding in
a similar fashion as his parents? Hell, did the wolf even want
to complete their bonding?

James lowered to his knees beside Logan’s hip, his jutting

cock entering Logan’s peripheral vision, drawing his
attention. Logan’s fingers twitched as he fought the desire to
reach up and grip that hard, yet silky flesh, to stroke it, feel it
beneath his fingers. Damn, but did he have it bad. He
wanted to pleasure this man, his man, his mate. Logan
wanted, needed, to know James felt the same.

“We still have plenty of shit to work through,” Logan

reminded his lover. “But I want you to know that I’m
committed to working through it. I want to figure out that
shit with you.”

James swept his gaze over Logan’s form slowly, then

fixed his focus on Logan’s eyes. His lips curved into a wide
grin. “Oh, baby, this is truly the sweetest and hottest thing
anyone has ever done for me.” He leaned over Logan and
swung his leg over, so he straddled his hips, mimicking a
move Logan had done to James many times over the course
of the last week. “Working through our differences so we
can be together sounds like the best idea I’ve ever heard.”

Logan found his mouth suddenly dry, but he managed to

croak out, “Do you want to claim me?”

Growling, James’ eyes seemed to glow and his

penetrating gaze roved over Logan’s face, holding him in
place. “Oh, yes, Logan McByrne. I want to claim you very
much,” he whispered, reaching up and gently tracing the
scar on Logan’s cheek.

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While getting to know each other over the past few days,

one of the stories Logan had told was the tale of how he’d
gotten the scar…in a dumbass bar fight with some woman’s
boyfriend—a woman he hadn’t even wanted to sleep with.
Of course, being three sheets to the wind at the time, he
might have used a few colorful metaphors when telling the
boyfriend that Logan had been fending off the woman’s
unwanted advances and not the other way around. Logan
had ended up getting a broken beer bottle upside the face.
Marty had rushed him to the emergency room.

At first, Logan had found it disturbing how James liked to

touch the puckered lines. Now, though, Logan recognized
James’ gesture for what it was…a show of affection. Logan
turned his head and kissed James’ fingertips.

“Then you better lube up that thick cock of yours, James,

because my ass can’t wait for a pounding.” He focused on
his lover and offered a wicked grin. “My chute is gonna grip
your cock so good, my mate. I’m gonna hold you tight and
milk you, make you want the sensations to last forever but
they can’t because it just feels so damn good.” Logan
reached up and threaded his fingers through James hair.
“You ready for that?”

“Hell, yeah,” James snarled.
Logan sensed the instant James’ aggressive shifter

tendencies took over, and he reveled in being the cause of
his lover’s loss of control. He couldn’t wait until his mate
found his surprise, wanting to see what kind of reaction it

James scooted down his body, until his knees were on

either side of his calves. To Logan’s surprise, he leaned
forward, opened his mouth, and swallowed down his prick.
When James sucked hard, Logan’s body instinctively bucked
into the warm, wet heat. He tightened his fingers in James’
hair, unable to help his body’s reaction when he was already

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so primed, and he started fucking his lover’s mouth in hard,
sharp jerks.

Grinning obscenely around his mouthful of dick, James

gripped Logan’s hips and forced them to the blanket. Logan
moaned, thinking the action over. Then, James sank back
down on his prick and continued blowing him, humming,
making Logan’s shaft vibrate deliciously. Logan groaned
loudly, his thighs trembling as he struggled to keep still. His
balls pulled tight to his body.

Between the sucking pressure massaging his cock, the

vibrations tickling the sensitive tissue of his shaft, and the
plug pressing against his prostate, Logan lost it. Cum burst
from his dick as Logan’s body shuddered and shook. His
legs shifted restlessly as he tried to open them wider, but
found them trapped between James’ own. Even as pleasure
swamped his senses, Logan found he wanted more, needed
more. He wanted everything.

“God damn, you’re hot when you come,” James growled

out after releasing Logan’s softening, still-twitching prick.
“Gonna make you do that again.”

Logan moaned, liking the sound of that vow.
James used his hold on Logan’s hips to flip him onto his

stomach. Between the fabric against his overly sensitive dick
and the way his lover rubbed his calloused hands over his
sides, hips, and globes, Logan felt his cock stiffening right
back up.

When James gripped Logan’s ass-cheeks and pried them

apart, he must have spotted the pale gray object Logan had
inserted into himself, for he rumbled, “Oh, fuck, Logan.
Look at that. All ready for me.”

Peering over his shoulder, Logan gruffly replied, “Yep.

Now get your dick in my ass and claim me.”

James froze for several seconds. Without turning his head,

he peered through his lashes at Logan. A slow predatory

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smile curved his lips. “Oh, don’t you worry, my mate,”
James growled. “I’ll have my dick inside you soon enough,”
he stated.

As James released Logan’s ass, he reached for his own

erection with one hand and the lube with the other. He
popped the cap and leaned forward, slapping his cock
against first Logan’s left cheek, then his right. “I’m gonna
paint you inside and out.”

Logan’s eyes widened, at the feel of James’ dick smacking

him as well as the words his lover spoke. He’d never
thought the idea of a man spurting his seed on him would
turn him on, but the way his cock jerked was undeniable.
“Yes.” Damn, did he suddenly want his lover to do just that.

“You’ll scream for me,” James growled as he released his

dick and poured lube on his fingers. “You’ll beg to come.”
As James stroked himself slowly, he felt between Logan’s
cheeks, his fingertips brushing over the toy’s base, jostling it.
“There enough lube on this?”

Grunting at the sensation, Logan managed to nod once.

“Hurry the fuck up!” he snarled.

James chuckled roughly. “Oh, yes, we will fuck.”
Removing his fingers from Logan’s crack, James used that

hand to grip his cheek and push the globe sideways. Logan
returned his focus down to the blanket. He closed his eyes,
reveling in the sensations coursing through him as James
grabbed the plug and pulled it out oh-so-slowly. Logan
groaned when he felt his lover release the toy with it only
partway out and his body seemed to suck it back into him,
pegging his prostate. Sparks shot through his groin as the
skin on his thighs goose bumped.

“J-James,” he grunted.
James began to repeatedly move the butt plug in and out

of his rectum. Logan attempted to lift his hips, to push into
the touches, but his lover used the hold on his cheek to keep

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him still. He had no hope against the shifter’s strength and
his cock flexed and oozed at the display of dominance as
well as the exquisite pleasure sparking along his nerve
endings as James continually pegged his gland.

While Logan had been dreaming about tapping James’ ass

all week, he really wanted, needed even, to feel his lover
claim him. His entire body felt strung tighter than a
bowstring and he felt as if he ached. He didn’t know if he’d
ever needed another the way he did James right at that

Turning his head, Logan rested his cheek on the blanket

and peered at his lover out of the corner of his eye. James
seemed transfixed on Logan’s ass as he continued to work
the plug, watching how his hole stretched around the toy as
he moved it. The man straddled Logan’s thighs, seemingly
ignoring his own cock, which jutted from his dark thatch of
curls, twitching and oozing.

Logan gripped the blanket with his fingers. “Please, stop

playing,” he hissed, his body shivering as more pre-cum
oozed from him when James’ gaze switched to Logan’s face,
a self-satisfied grin curving his lips.

“Are you ready for me to sink my cock into you?”
“That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you ask,”

Logan snapped. “What the fuck do you think?”

James had the audacity to laugh. Still, Logan couldn’t

complain since at that second, he pulled the plug all the way
out and tossed it to the blanket. Logan grunted at the empty
feeling in his ass. Fortunately, James guided his cock to his

When the shifter’s cock head pressed against his opening,

Logan again tried to lift his hips. Once more, his lover held
him down. “Relax and let me in,” James urged, thrusting
into him.

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Upon feeling his lover’s cock head pop past his guardian

muscle, Logan sighed, forcing the tension from his body.
That one move seemed to suck James’ dick into him fully.
Within seconds, Logan felt stretched to capacity, the skin of
his rectum stinging deliciously, as he felt James’ balls nestle
against his crack.

Finally, James released his ass. Logan shifted, expecting

his lover to allow him up to his hands and knees. Instead, he
felt the full weight of the shifter plaster to his back.

“Hush,” James crooned. “Feel me inside you? Stretching

you wide?” James moved his hips slowly in a circle,
massaging Logan’s stretched ring. “You’re mine, Logan. My
mate. Say it,” he demanded.

“Hell, yeah,” Logan instantly responded, helpless to do

anything but give in to the sexy man mounting him. “I’m

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Chapter Twelve

pon hearing Logan’s breathless words, Jimmy
struggled to remain still. He wanted to ream his mate’s

ass so badly, fill him with his seed, bite his neck, and bond
their lives together. However, he wanted to drive his lover
out of his mind even more.

Jimmy sprawled over his mate, his dick buried deep into

Logan’s ass while his legs bracketed the outside of his
human’s legs. Pressing his chest into Logan’s back, Jimmy
moved his arms from where they rested on either side of his
lover’s torso. He gripped Logan’s hands, easing his mate’s
death-grip on the blanket and twining their fingers together.

Blanketing Logan, Jimmy reveled in the heat gripping his

dick coupled with the solid feel of his mate beneath him. He
rested his forehead against the nape of Logan’s neck and
breathed in his scent for several seconds. Feeling Logan’s
hands tighten and relax, he enjoyed how his mate’s body
shuddered restlessly beneath him.

“Thank you for giving us this chance,” Jimmy whispered

before he began mouthing the skin beneath his lips. He also
started rocking his hips, barely moving his shaft within the
clenching confines of Logan’s body. He couldn’t ever
remember feeling anything as exquisite as this moment in
his life. “I will do everything in my power to make this
transition as easy as possible for you,” he murmured,
meaning every word of his vow.


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“This isn’t a chance,” Logan growled, bucking violently.

“You’ve already gotten my heart, you fucker. If you think
this is just a possible thing between us, get the fuck off of

Shocked by not only the sudden movement of the man

under him, but the angry scent oozing from his pores,
Jimmy almost toppled sideways. He regained his balance
quickly, his wolf’s instincts driving him to establish

Jimmy tightened his hold on Logan’s hands. He tensed

his thighs and pressed harder with his pelvis for several
seconds. Then, he rocked his hips backward, pulling his
erection part way free of Logan’s channel before reversing
direction and slamming back into him. Delicious sparks
tingled through his groin, sending pleasure coursing
through his body, and it took a moment to get himself under

Remembering Logan’s angry words gave Jimmy the

strength to cease his mindless rutting. He sank his dick deep
into Logan and stilled his hips. “Your heart?” Jimmy
rumbled gruffly. “I have your heart?” He really needed to
confirm what he’d heard, to verify it wasn’t just his
imagination or wishful thinking.

Logan glared over his shoulder at him. “Yeah, James. I

fucking love you, but you knew that would happen when
you demanded your restitution be me caring for you.” His
eyes narrowed, but Jimmy wasn’t certain if it was still in
anger or to shield his eyes and shutter his expression. “You
knew it’d happen. Admit it.”

“I knew it’d be next to impossible to resist consummating

our mating,” Jimmy admitted, unwilling to lie to his mate. “I
had hoped you’d come to care for me anyway.” Not wanting
to discuss this in the middle of sex, he leaned forward
awkwardly and pressed his lips to Logan’s own.

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Thrusting his tongue into his mate’s mouth, Jimmy swept

his appendage around his lover’s cavity, licking and nipping
at his tongue and teeth. Finally, he jerked his head up,
ending the kiss. Peering into Logan’s eyes, he whispered,
“Logan, I love you, and it ain’t just the fact that I have my
dick in your ass. I love your sense of honor and loyalty. I
love what you’ve overcome and the man you’ve become.
Having you stand at my side would bring me honor.”

Logan stared at him hard for several seconds, his neck

craned awkwardly, his mouth slightly parted as he panted
heavily. Finally, he jerked a nod. “Fighting is stupid. Fuck
me and finish the claiming.” Then, he smirked. “And make
me come at least twice more.”

Jimmy barked a laugh. “As you wish, my mate.”
After sliding his cock halfway out, Jimmy reversed

direction. He started a slow rhythm of thrusting and
retracting, driving into his mate over and over. Keeping the
other man pinned to the blanket, he refused to allow his
mate any control, his wolf needing some measure of
domination over his mate.

“You take my cock so beautifully,” Jimmy crooned,

sliding in and out of his mate. “You feel so good massaging
my dick, your chute rippling around me.” As he spoke, he
adjusted the angle of each thrust until Logan moaned and
his channel fluttered around him. “Ah, there it is,” Jimmy
stated smugly.

Continuing to stab that one spot inside his mate with each

thrust, Jimmy stimulated his mate’s gland without mercy.
He soaked himself in the soft growls and grunts coming
from the man beneath him, the twitching and shivers
racking the body beneath his own. While he felt his own
balls tighten and the base of his spine tingled, he refused to
come before his mate.

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Jimmy lowered his mouth to the point where Logan’s

neck met his shoulder and started sucking up a mark.
Scraping his teeth along the pulse point, he watched goose
bumps break out over the skin of Logan’s arms.

“Feel good?” Jimmy growled out. “Your balls are so tight,

aren’t they?”

“Fuck, yeah. Love your cock driving into my ass,” Logan

gasped back.

“Just wait until it’s the other way around,” Jimmy

whispered, purposefully blowing his warm breath across the
skin he’d been sucking on. “I’ll squeeze your cock so good,
wrapping it in the tight heat of my body.” As he talked, he
sped up his own thrusts, rutting into his lover, making
certain to drill Logan’s prostate with each plunge. “Your
balls will pull tight. Your cock will ache. Your spine will
tingle. You’ll lose all control. You’ll drive into me over and
over as you mindlessly seek your pleasure.”

As Jimmy spoke, he felt his own balls pull tight. He knew

he was about to succumb to his own imaginings and his own
asshole clenched in anticipation. Soon, he promised himself.
He knew from Logan’s dominance that his mate would have
no trouble topping…he just felt grateful that his human had
turned out to be the occasional switch, too.

Jimmy needed to push his mate over the edge, so he

whispered, “I’ll clamp around your dick and your hips will
buck wildly as you spill your seed into my ass, breeding me
as you’ve never done another.”

While Jimmy didn’t know if that was true, it seemed to be

the last straw, throwing his mate over the edge into bliss.
Logan’s chute fluttered around Jimmy’s shaft, then clamped
down on him. “J-James!” Logan screamed as his fingers held
Jimmy’s tightly, nearly to the point of pain.

“Sh-Shit!” Jimmy ground out, feeling his own orgasm

yanked from him.

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His cock spurted. After the first couple of streams, his

body bucking as the fire of bliss roared through his system,
feral desires swamped him. Even as he withdrew his cock so
he could spill the rest of his seed on his mate’s back, his
canines lengthened and he bit deeply into Logan’s neck.

Logan roared. His entire body jolted as if electrocuted,

then a pleasure-pain-filled moan filled the clearing.

Jimmy growled around his mouthful of flesh, reveling in

the sexy noise echoing around them, drowning out the
sounds of the stream. Nothing could beat the sound of the
pleasure he gave his mate. As Jimmy swallowed down
Logan’s metallic-flavored life-blood, another spurt of seed
pulsed from his dick. Rubbing his jerking cock along the
valley of Logan’s ass-cheeks, Jimmy rubbed his seed into his
mate’s skin.

Satisfaction and pride warred inside Jimmy as he

carefully extracted his teeth. He licked the mating mark
clean, sealing the wound. Lifting his head, he peered down
at Logan, pleased to see a relaxed, satiated expression on his

Jimmy winked. “Satisfied?” he teased.
Logan got his elbows under him, then twisted and peered

down their bodies. “You weren’t kidding about marking
me,” he commented. Smirking, he waggled his brows,
softening the comment. “You gonna let me do that to you?”

Grinning, Jimmy flopped onto his back and looked over

at his lover. “Yep.”

His brows shooting up, Logan’s eyes widened. “You’re


Jimmy reached over and cupped Logan’s jaw. He urged

the man forward and sealed their mouths together in a slow
slide of lips. Alternating between light sucking kisses to
Logan’s bottom lip and dipping his tongue into his mate’s
mouth, Jimmy took his time claiming his man’s mouth.

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Restitution from His Mate


Once breathing became paramount, Jimmy drew back

and smiled at Logan. He shifted his grip a bit so he could
slide his thumb over the scars on his cheek. When Jimmy
had first done that, he’d figured out pretty quickly that his
touching the mark had caused Logan discomfort, so for his
human to nuzzle into his touch instead, warmed him from
the inside out.

“I do love you, Logan,” Jimmy murmured softly. “You’ve

given me the greatest honor in choosing to stay with me.”
He’d feared he’d be forced to leave his pack, and while
technically this wasn’t his birth pack, he’d been welcomed
by Alpha Diego, Alpha Abbott’s father, and he was making
a home here.

“Yeah, I do need to talk to you about that,” Logan

mumbled, turning his head and kissing Jimmy’s fingers.

Jimmy couldn’t hide the stiffening of his body or the way

his arms tensed. Logan shook his head, then levered over
him, resting one hand on Jimmy’s chest and idly rubbing his
nipple. “It’s not what you think. I’m gonna need some time
to move my mom out here, and I need to know how to get
permission to have my friends and their gargoyle mates
visit,” he explained. “They’ve offered to bring my tools.”

With his mate’s hand on him, rubbing lightly over his

beading nub, Jimmy struggled to concentrate. This wasn’t
the first time Logan had mentioned his mother, but with
how he’d commented about being supported by his friends,
he’d made the assumption that she’d passed…especially
with how he’d changed the subject so quickly. Why hadn’t
Jimmy thought to press the issue?

Then, Logan’s words actually clicked to Jimmy, and he

asked, “You think she’ll be willing to move?”

Logan nodded once. “During her fight with ovarian

cancer last year, she lost a lot of muscle mass. She’s in an
Assisted Living community, now, still going through

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rehabilitation. If we can find a good place around here, I can
convince her to transfer.”

“She’d do that?” Jimmy couldn’t hide his surprise.
Giving him an odd look, Logan nodded again. “Sure. I’m

not gonna tell her about paranormals or anything.” He
rolled a shoulder and while smirking, added, “Not unless
she finds a mate.” He winked, then continued. “But she’s
always encouraged me to find someone to love and who’ll
love me, too.” He rolled over and settled onto his back,
staring up at the night sky. He pillowed his hands behind
his head and commented, “I’d always blown her off, ya

Jimmy nodded absently. He did know. While his parents

had understood why he’d never had a serious relationship,
his human friends in the military hadn’t understood. After
the first tour, when he’d arranged his missing in action status,
he’d learned not to make much in the way of friends the
second time around. Having to cut all ties grew painful.

“So, your mother survived ovarian cancer,” Jimmy

murmured. “That’s amazing.”

“She’s in remission, yeah,” Logan stated carefully.
Understanding, Jimmy rolled to face his lover and

wrapped his arm over the other man’s torso, offering silent
comfort. Logan smiled up at him and placed one hand on
Jimmy’s own where it’d landed on Logan’s tattooed

Tracing the lines under his fingertips, Jimmy asked,

“Does this have anything to do with it?”

Logan snorted. “Nah.” Grinning, he told him, “I just

happen to like tats.” Suddenly, he sobered and cocked his
head. “You’re a pretty wolf. Can I get your picture on me
somewhere? Maybe my shoulder or my back?”

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Restitution from His Mate


Jimmy’s jaw sagged open, shocked at the offer. He

struggled with words, not certain how to explain how
honored he felt by Logan’s request.

Evidently, Logan misinterpreted his hesitation, for he

hurried to say, “I don’t have to or anything. I just thought
it’d be cool.” He rolled a shoulder in a half shrug. “There are
others I want.”

“I’d be honored…flattered…I—damn!” Jimmy ran out of


“Okay,” Logan’s grin dominated his face, the corner of his

eye crinkling oddly with the scar tissue around it.

Jimmy thought that only gave him a roguish look that he

appreciated all the more. No one could hold a candle to his
mate in sexiness. “So, you mentioned tools,” he said, eager
to discuss his mate moving up there.

Logan nodded. “Yeah, I hope you don’t mind, but I was

looking at your property and found a great location for a
shop. I’ve uh—” He cleared his throat and his gaze slid
sideways, peering over Jimmy’s shoulder. “I’ve always been
good with tools and thought maybe, while the guys were
here…” His voice trailed off, stalling, obviously uncertain.

“Hey,” Jimmy crooned, rubbing his chest. “You can tell

me anything,” he assured, hoping his mate would open up
and express his wishes. “Ask anything.”

“I’m a partner in a construction company,” Logan

admitted. “Marty and Matthew have already agreed to buy
out my share, but, well, I’m hoping while they’re here, you
wouldn’t mind me building a shop on your land.” He spoke
quickly, obviously trying to get the words out. “I could start
a furniture business or something…maybe remodeling.” He
shrugged. “I just started looking into it, so I’m not real sure,

Jimmy wouldn’t have been able to contain his grin, even

if he’d tried…so he didn’t. “Fuck, man, all you have to do is

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ask!” His excitement and anticipation coursed through him.
“As you know, I’ve been given a clean bill of health.” He
winked. “I can swing a hammer with the best of them. I’d be
happy to help you build whatever you decide.”

Logan squeezed the hand he held, cradling it to his chest.

“I’m sure you can,” he murmured. “Just the idea that you’re
willing is enough.”

Brows lifting, Jimmy smirked. “You don’t think I can

swing a hammer?”

Chuckling, Logan squeezed his hand again before

reaching out and threading his fingers through Jimmy’s hair.
Then, he settled his hand on his nape and massaged gently.
“My lover, you’ll be too busy with your pack shit, but if you
ever have a spare moment, then, yes. I’d be happy to give
you a hammer.”

Jimmy chuckled, relief filling him that his mate didn’t

think him incompetent. “Very well then. I can live with
that.” Hell, now that he’d been given a clean bill of health,
he knew he’d have plenty of reports to catch up on. Being
the beta of a pack wasn’t all running around howling at the
moon and telling the other shifters what the alpha wanted.
No, it was keeping tabs on everything that went on in the
area…something that they’d been sorely lacking, evidently.

He had every intention of changing that.
Speaking of knowing what was going on in pack lands,

Jimmy said, “I’ll let Alpha know you have friends coming to
help out for a while. I’m certain he won’t mind.” Grinning,
he added, “Hell, he’ll probably try to talk the other
gargoyles into convincing Doctor Perseus to take on an
apprentice. He’s hoping to avoid having to wait for the
Shifter Council to locate a doctor willing to relocate. It seems
Perseus flat out refused to work with Lacy.” He shook his
head. He had only met the woman a few times. Until her
ineptitude with saving his own life, Jimmy would never

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Restitution from His Mate


have guessed that not only was she prejudiced against
change, but that she had never actually had medical
training. Jimmy lived, so he just felt grateful she hadn’t
jeopardized any other lives.

“What has you thinking so hard?”
Jimmy returned his focus to Logan. “Sorry, got to

thinking about pack business. Now that I’m well, I have
quite a bit to catch up on,” he admitted.

Logan grimaced. “I know. I am sorry about that.”
“I’m not.”
Logan’s brows shot up.
Jimmy grinned. “I never would have spent all this time

with you if it hadn’t happened.” He winked. “Then how
would I know that you love raisins, hate dried apricots, and
know that you create the best damned chocolate brownies?
Better even than my mother had made.” He sighed and
smiled at his mate. “Everything works out the way it

“Well, there is one thing you don’t know,” Logan

growled, his eyes narrowing.

Smirking, Jimmy asked, “And what’s that?”
“How my cock feels in your ass.”
At those few words, Jimmy’s blood heated in his veins.

His cock thickened and jutted from his groin. Grinning
widely, he rolled to his back, gripped his thighs, and pulled
them to either side of his chest.

“I’d love to learn,” Jimmy quipped, giving his mate a

heated look.

With a feral smile on his face and the scent of lust swirling

in the air, Logan grabbed the lube and showed Jimmy
exactly what he’d been missing.

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About the Author

Charlie started writing fantasy when she was eight, and after
stumbling onto her first erotic romance at age nineteen, she
realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing gay
erotic romance, normally of the paranormal variety, with
heroes of all kinds. With the help and support of her
husband, Charlie finally fulfilled one of her life-long
goals…move to acreage with her horses. You can often find
her curled up with her laptop and a cup of tea or glass of
wine, creating her next adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring
the mountains of her new Oregon home on horseback, 4-
wheeler, or motorcycle.

She can be reached at
Or visit her at

Document Outline


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