Charlie Richards Trusting His Rat

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Out of the Cage: The predator isn’t always the one
in charge…sometimes, it’s the prey.

Jamie Stratton has never had a serious relationship
in his life, hopping from bed to bed, waiting
patiently for his mate. Having just hit the three
hundred year old mark, the wolf shifter is ecstatic
to meet Paolo Muccio. He and Paolo spend one
glorious night together, but then Jamie learns of
his mate’s kink. Swamped by memories he
thought buried centuries ago, Jamie panics and

Paolo can’t believe his luck. Not only did wolf

shifters rescue him, but when they take him back
to their pack territory, he meets his mate. The icing
on the cake, though, is the fact that Jamie is
submissive. In his excitement, Paolo pushes too
hard too fast, causing his mate to remember past
hurts. Can Paolo not only track down his
wayward mate, but prove to Jamie that he can be
trusted in all things?

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Trusting His Rat

Copyright © 2014 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-77111-983-2

Cover art by Angela Waters

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Trusting His Rat

Wolves of Stone Ridge:

Book Twenty-Four


Charlie Richards

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To all my friends who love unique shifters. I enjoy

fulfilling your requests to see the unusual.

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Chapter One

ey, you doing okay?”
Paolo Muccio turned away from watching

the chaos in the front yard. Remaining where he
leaned against the porch railing, his arms crossed
over his chest, he fixed his focus on Nick Greely.
The sandy-haired wolf shifter had done so much
for him over the past weeks, as had the man’s
partner, Miach Coleman.

“I’m fine,” Paolo immediately replied. He

offered the concerned male a wry smile. “Better
than, actually.”

Nick’s brows shot up. “Really? Why is that?

Don’t like poker, after all?” he teased, referring to
the fact that they hadn’t even made it inside wolf
shifter Yates Cruner’s house where they’d planned
to attend a poker party.

“Not quite,” Paolo quipped back.
Grinning, Paolo tilted his head toward a

slender, dark-haired male talking with a group of
men that Paolo didn’t know. As if feeling Paolo’s
gaze upon him, the man looked his way. The wolf
shifter’s eyes widened and his mouth opened just


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a bit, his pink tongue peeking out as he swept it
over his plump bottom lip. The guy then flushed
and returned his attention to something one of the
other guys said.

“Ah, so that’s how it is. Even after all the

excitement, you still don’t plan to go home alone,
do you?” Nick teased. He punched Paolo lightly
on his upper arm. “Paolo, you dog.”

Paolo rumbled a low laugh, before replying,

“No, that would be you, Nick.” He returned his
focus to the wolf shifter. “I’m a rat, remember?”

Nick chuckled, then sobered, his brows

drawing together. “So, Jamie Stratton, huh? He’s a
sweet guy. Don’t hurt him.”

Instantly, Paolo’s brows shot up. Well, damn.

He’d never heard Nick be protective of anyone
except his mate. He glanced toward the man,
Jamie, and wondered about that. He wished he’d
had the opportunity to meet the shifter during the
course of a poker game, which was what he, Nick,
and Miach had planned for the evening when
they’d hiked over from Nick and Miach’s home a
couple of miles away.

It’d been a nice night, and after being locked in

a cage—for what he now knew was just shy of
eight months—Paolo had relished the idea of
being out in nature. He’d convinced Nick and
Miach to hike through the woods. Good thing he
had, too. They’d heard a woman screaming and a

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man Paolo now knew was Yates Cruner, the
home’s owner, trying to calm her down.

When Paolo had drawn close enough to see the

porch clearly, he’d spotted the gun the woman
waved. He’d acted on instinct and shifted. It’d
only taken him a few seconds to turn into his rat
form. Paolo had crawled out of his sweats and
scampered across the yard and up the steps.

Paolo had climbed the neurotic woman’s leg.

His actions had the desired effect, for she’d
freaked out further. Her screeching, hopping, and
kicking had given the others time to disarm her
and take her down. He still had no clue what
she’d been ranting about, nor did he particularly

What he wanted now was the chance to get

Jamie alone and find out just how mutual their
attraction was. He’d been alone a long time, but
he’d swear he felt a pull to mate with the wolf
shifter. His spicy sweet scent had gone straight to
his cock and it’d taken every bit of self-control not
to pop wood right there, naked, in front of
everyone. Miach had brought him his clothes and
he’d dressed quickly, but by that time, Jamie had
run into the house and retrieved something to
restrain the woman. Then, Alpha Declan had
arrived with a bunch of other wolf shifters and he
hadn’t had the chance to get close to Jamie again.

Now, cars were finally leaving and he hoped

his chance would come soon.

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“I don’t have any intention of hurting Jamie,”

Paolo murmured, returning his focus to Nick. “I
want to lick every inch of his body and give him
several mind-blowing orgasms,” he stated bluntly.

Nick snorted, his cheeks pinking a bit at Paolo’s

bluntness. “Uh, I’m sure he’d appreciate that,” he
responded with a snicker.

Paolo chuckled roughly, trying to ignore the

plumping of his dick at his own thoughts. “I sure
hope so,” he murmured, returning his focus to

“Alpha Declan would like to speak with you

once more,” Miach stated, announcing his
presence. “It’ll just take a moment.” He winked.
“Then, we’ll introduce you to Jamie.”

More blood flowed south as an eagerness Paolo

hadn’t felt in years filled him. Meet Jamie? Hell
“Lead the way,” Paolo urged, pushing away
from the railing.

Miach led both Paolo and Nick to where Alpha

Declan stood with the pack beta, Shane, and the
pack enforcer, Carson.

“How the hell did Lidia get over here?” Shane


Carson sighed. “She not only swiped Lark’s

phone, but she took his keys, too,” the enforcer

“That’ll teach us to leave our damn keys lying

about,” Declan grumbled.

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Shane shook his head. “Can’t expect to read

another’s mind.”

“Aye,” Declan grumbled, crossing his arms

over his chest. “Except, Digby told us she wasn’t
reconciling what happened to her very well. We
should have been more careful with that one.”

Paolo knew enough about the pack to know

that Lark was Declan’s mate. He also knew that
Digby referenced Doctor Gordon Digby, a shifter
working in town as a psychologist. Paolo had
spoken to him a few times himself in reference to
his own recovery.

He still hadn’t been able to track down what

happened to his rat pack. All he remembered was
the prick of a dart, injecting him with some
unknown substance. That had been when he’d
been out enjoying a romp in rat form with a few
friends. He’d awoken in a cage, still in animal
form. Stuck, he’d been unable to shift as a couple
of unwitting humans used him as a lab rat.

He didn’t blame the humans, not anymore.

Hell, he’d been on his way to Yates’ place to play
poker with a bunch of guys, including the scientist
who’d held him, Edwin Aldridge. The human had
mated with Byron Ziegler, a wolf shifter from this
pack. He’d been the one who happened to
recognized Paolo for what he was and rescued

“Paolo, thank ye for acting so quickly,” Alpha

Declan McIntire stated, pulling him from his

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thoughts. “Yer actions very well may have kept
everyone safe.”

Paolo nodded as he peered up at the head

shifter of the Stone Ridge wolf pack. He’d met the
big African American male once before, the day
after he’d finally shifted out of his rat form. If
Paolo were honest with himself, once human
again, he’d wondered if he’d ever get up the nerve
to shift back into his animal. This interaction had
proved that he still could, and without trouble,

“I just acted on instinct,” Paolo admitted as he

peered up at the alpha. The wolf shifter towered
over Paolo’s five foot seven inch frame, although
his shoulders were just about as broad as the six
foot three inch male. He’d been called stocky,
thickset, even sturdy, and stout. As a rat shifter, a
small animal, his human form reflected that.
However, that had never made him weak, which
made him uncomfortable to admit the next part.
Still, he’d never been one to lie, even to himself.
“I’m just glad I can shift again without concern. I
hadn’t changed into a rat since—” He grimaced
and cut off his words. “You know.”

“I can’t imagine what ye went through,” Declan

murmured, lowering his voice. “But yer services
to me pack members will not go unrewarded.
Ye’re welcome in me territory for as long as ye

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“My thanks,” Paolo immediately replied. “I’m

still trying to track down my friends.”

Declan nodded. “We’ll help in any way we

can.” He pointed over his shoulder at Carson and
said, “When ye’re ready, talk to Carson’s mate,
Jared. He and his buddy, Raul, are pretty tech
savvy. They may be able to help.”

A ripple of awareness rolled through Paolo,

pulling his attention away from Declan. “I’d
appreciate that,” he commented absently as his
gaze returned to the house. He spotted Jamie on
the porch, one lean hip resting on the railing. In
form-fitting blue jeans and a casual black t-shirt,
the wolf shifter was the sexiest thing Paolo had
ever seen.

Humming, Declan must have followed Paolo’s

gaze, for he said, “Jamie’s a good man. A little
skittish. Be careful with that one.”

Paolo recognized both a warning and an

acceptance from the alpha. Knowing he had to be
just as forward, he returned his focus to the alpha
and stated softly, “I mean him no harm. I think
he’s my mate.”

Declan’s eyes narrowed. “Think?”
“I’ve had a lot of tests done on me and there

were a lot of scents from a lot of people on that
porch.” Paolo grimaced, then admitted, “I’m still
having a hard time trusting my senses.”

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Nodding, Declan patted his shoulder. “Just be

careful, then. Let me know once ye know for

Paolo nodded. “I will.” He understood an

alpha’s need to take care of his people.

“Go talk to him,” Nick urged. “I’ll say our

good-byes to our hosts.”

Snorting, Paolo started toward the porch even

as he said, “You mean the ones I haven’t met,

“Yep, that’d be them,” Nick quipped back. “If

we don’t see you on the porch in thirty minutes,
we’ll assume you’re not walking back to the house
with us.” He winked, then strode past him, up the
porch, and into the house.

Miach followed Nick, offering Paolo an

encouraging smile as he moved past him.

Paolo paused on the porch, watching the door

close. Then, he turned left and made his way
slowly toward the other shifter. Drawing closer,
he realized the man stood a couple of inches taller
than him, but had a far leaner frame, a classic
runner’s build. The closer he drew, the heavier
Jamie’s spicy scent became. By the time Paolo
stopped before the wolf shifter, Paolo’s dick had
become ramrod straight and he knew if he looked
down, he’d see that he tented his sweats

Definitely my mate.

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Jamie pushed away from the railing, then

rocked his weight from foot to foot, giving away
his nerves. His hands twitched at his sides, as if he
weren’t certain what to do with his arms. He kept
his head bowed enough that, even though he was
taller, Jamie had to peer through his lashes to look
at Paolo.

Wishing to set the other man’s mind at ease—

and desperately wanting an excuse to touch him—
Paolo held out his right hand. “I’m Paolo Muccio.
Jamie, right?”

Jamie nodded slowly, then reached out and

took his hand. “Jamie Stratton.”

Paolo shivered at the nearly whispered words,

the melodious lightly accented tenor making his
balls tingle. Hot damn, he needed. It’d been…hell,
it’d been over a year since he’d even bothered
with a one-night stand.

Needing to confirm that Jamie felt the same,

Paolo rumbled softly, “You’re my mate, Jamie.”
He tightened his grip on the wolf’s hand and
tugged lightly, bringing him a shuffling step
closer. With his free hand, Paolo cupped Jamie’s
jaw and urged him to tip his head up enough so
he could peer into the shifter’s dark brown eyes.
“You know that. Don’t you?”

After Paolo watched Jamie’s Adam’s apple bob,

the other shifter whispered, “Aye.”

“Good,” Paolo responded. Deciding to go for

blunt, he laid it all out on the line for the other

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man. “I’m a rat shifter, Jamie, and I spent the last
eight months trapped in animal form. I’m a little
rusty at interacting with others, so if I botch
something up, it’s not intentional.”

Jamie nodded slowly. “I heard.”
That was good, Paolo decided. That meant his

mate might understand his next statement. “It’s
been a while since I had sex, Jamie,” he warned.
“Just your voice and scent has me hard enough to
pound nails. I’d love to find the nearest flat
surface and drive us both out of our minds.
However,” he added. “I won’t take you until
you’re ready, however long that is.”

When Jamie’s tongue flicked out to swipe

slowly along his plump bottom lip, Paolo tracked
the movement with his gaze. He just managed to
hold in a groan. Feeling a bead of pre-cum ooze
from his dick, Paolo couldn’t quite hide the hitch
in his breathing.

Jamie smiled shyly. “Ye’re, uh, ye’re staying at


“I am,” Paolo confirmed. That wouldn’t stop

him from being presumptuous enough to ask
Yates Cruner, owner of the home, for lube. The
man was mated to a dingo shifter, so he was sure
to have plenty lying around the house. Hell, Paolo
would easily admit—at least to himself—that he
was that desperate.

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“Would ye like to come back to my house?”

Jamie asked tentatively. “We could, perhaps, take
the edge off before we talk?”

Paolo felt his nostrils flare as he took in the pink

hue darkening Jamie’s cheeks. He wanted to know
how far down that blush went. Would it cover the
man’s chest? Were his nipples beaded?

“That sounds like a fantastic plan, Jamie,” Paolo

agreed. Still, there was something he wanted,
needed to do first. Paolo released Jamie’s hand, but
before he could draw away, he tightened his hold
on the wolf shifter’s jaw. “Come here,” he urged,
slipping his now free right hand around Jamie’s
waist and pulling the man toward him.

Jamie obviously hadn’t been expecting that, for

he stumbled as he closed the distance between
them. Gasping, the man’s free hand landed on
Paolo’s chest, their faces inches apart. As Jamie
stared into Paolo’s eyes, he watched as the wolf
shifter’s eyes quickly dilated.

Feeling his mate’s body against his own for the

first time, Paolo rumbled a low growl. Jamie’s
panting breaths sent warm puffs against his face.
Taking advantage of Jamie’s obvious surprise,
Paolo slid his left hand from Jamie’s jaw to his
nape and exerted pressure. Jamie gave in easily,
lowering his head the scant inch or two needed to
close the distance between them.

Paolo settled his lips over Jamie’s and sucked

lightly on the wolf’s bottom lip. After a couple of

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gentle pulls, he settled his lips more firmly over
his mate’s and swiped his tongue across the
bottom lip he’d just sucked. Jamie responded by
letting out a soft whine. Paolo took advantage and
thrust his tongue in deep.

Upon tasting Jamie for the first time, Paolo

groaned. Spicy, musky, male goodness exploded
across his tongue, making his taste buds sing. He
tightened his grip on Jamie’s nape and tilted his
head, aligning their mouths more fully. He
deepened their kiss, swiping his tongue against
Jamie’s, swishing it around his mate’s mouth as he
reveled in his taste.

His grip tightened around Jamie’s body, feeling

the hard planes of the man’s chest pressed against
his own. He felt the wolf shifter’s slender erection
press into his lower abs, making his own shaft
throb as he pressed it into the groove of Jamie’s

More, need more.
The sound of laughter and good-byes reminded

Paolo of where they were. He eased the kiss to an
end, although hearing Jamie’s whimper of protest
as he drew away nearly broke his self-control.

Sliding his left hand up into Jamie’s thick

brown hair, Paolo gripped the strands lightly and
held him steady. “Take me to your home, mate.”

Need shone brightly in Jamie’s eyes as he stared

back at Paolo, peering at him with dilated brown
eyes. He blinked once, then agreed. “Aye, please.”

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With far more self-control than he realized he

still had, Paolo eased his grip and released Jamie.
He took a step backward. A smile toyed at his lips
as he lightly ordered, “Lead the way.”

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Chapter Two

amie took a few seconds to peer at Paolo out of
the corner of his eye as he slowed his vehicle

before a stop sign. Paolo turned and leveled a feral
smile at him just as Jamie clamped more fully on
the brake. He froze and the car jerked to a stop,
causing the seatbelt to dig into his shoulder.

Heat flooded across Jamie’s chest, up his neck,

and spread over his cheeks. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
He returned his focus to the road, pressing on the
gas. Just as suddenly, he spotted the vehicle in the
intersection and slammed his foot back onto the
break. “Shite.”

Paolo leaned over and lightly gripped his right

wrist. With a gentle tug, he pulled Jamie’s hand
from the wheel. Cupping his hand in both of his
own, Paolo used his thumbs to knead Jamie’s

The impromptu massage sent blood flowing

south and Jamie wondered how he had any blood
left in his head. Surely, it was all in his aching
cock, which pressed insistently against the zipper


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of his fly. Jamie swallowed hard as he glanced
from his hand where the other shifter held him
before focusing on Paolo.

Jamie swept his gaze over the other shifter’s

dark-haired, goateed face. His dark eyes gleamed
in the moonlight and a smile tugged at the corners
of his thin lips. “Easy, sweet man,” Paolo rumbled
softly. He gently massaged Jamie’s hand between
his own as he assured, “We’re not in any rush.”

“Speak for yerself,” Jamie blurted, then his face

heated with embarrassment at his admission.

Paolo chuckled roughly. “Settle, my mate.

Better to get us home safely than risk injury to
you.” He brought Jamie’s hand to his mouth and
kissed the palm. “We wouldn’t want any
unnecessary delays due to rushing, would we?”

While it could have been a question, Jamie

knew it wasn’t. His natural inclination to submit
surged through him and he nodded. “Aye.”

“Good,” Paolo murmured. He released Jamie’s

hand. “Drive, Jamie.”

At the softly spoken yet clear command from

Paolo, Jamie nodded and straightened in his seat.
He refocused on the road and got them back
under way. After fifteen minutes of navigating
dark, windy roads, Jamie turned his jeep into his
driveway. He hit the button for the garage door
opener, blinked against the sudden onslaught of
light, and parked his vehicle inside the space.

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Jamie slid from the vehicle and closed the door

as a ripple of nerves flooded him. He’d never had
a relationship before, instead choosing either to
hop from bed to bed or to find humans who
enjoyed being friends-with-benefits. Now, he
wondered if that might come to bite him in the
arse. What would it take to mesh his life with
another shifter’s life? What would Paolo expect of

Suddenly, Paolo appeared at his side, telling

Jamie he must have been standing there far longer
than he thought. The other shifter took his right
hand with his left, then cupped his jaw with his
own right.

“I can scent your unease,” Paolo murmured

softly. “Your nerves are fighting with your desire.
Come inside and allow me to relax you.”

Paolo’s deep voice coupled with his quiet,

assured statements calmed Jamie’s nerves. He
nodded. “Okay.”

Cocking his head, Paolo stared at him with

narrowed eyes for a second, his expression
unreadable. Then, his lips curved into a smile that
could only be described as pleased, and he led
Jamie to the door. When he reached it, Paolo
pointed and softly ordered, “Open the door and
invite me inside, sweet wolf.”

Jamie nodded, eagerness filling him, replacing

his nerves. He flipped through his keys, found the
right one, and unlocked the door. Seconds later,

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Jamie eagerly led his mate into his mudroom.
After kicking off his sneakers—noting Paolo did
the same—Jamie led the way into the kitchen.

“Can I get ye anything? A drink, perhaps?”

Jamie asked, pausing to turn and look at his mate.

“A glass of water would be fantastic,” Paolo


Nodding, Jamie crossed to the cupboard and

pulled down a glass. He stepped to the
refrigerator and pressed the glass against the
water dispenser. As the glass filled, Jamie took a
moment to sweep his gaze over his mate.

Hot damn! I’ve met my mate!
Jamie had been waiting for this one man for

over three centuries. He noted Paolo’s short, thick
stature, his broad chest with thick chest hair
peeking up from the top of the white wife beater
he wore. Jamie knew that the rat shifter had been
trapped and caged for months—eight, according
to Paolo’s own admission—but he still sported
heavily muscled arms and a confidence that called
to Jamie.

Icy water hitting his fingers yanked Jamie back

to his task of getting Paolo a glass of water…a
glass of water, which now overflowed, hence the
water on his fingers. Heat flushed his neck and
cheeks as he jerked the glass away from the
dispenser, spilling even more.

Damn, my mate is gonna think I’m a spaz!

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“Sorry,” Jamie mumbled, heat infusing his

face…again. He couldn’t meet Paolo’s gaze as he
stretched out his arm and offered the shifter the
beverage. “Here.”

Paolo took the glass. “Thank you,” he rumbled


Jamie fought back a shiver upon hearing his

mate’s deep voice. He’d been shocked the first
time he’d heard it, when Paolo had greeted him on
the deck that first time. He’d watched in shock as
the rat that had distracted Lidia had shifted into a
thickset, bronze-skinned male.

Then again, it shouldn’t have come as such a

shock that such a melodious bass came from the
shorter man’s big, barrel of a chest. The
unmistakable look of lust in the man’s dark eyes
had taken Jamie’s breath away, the scent of the
man causing his cock to nearly break through the
zipper of his jeans’ crotch, then upon hearing the
shifter’s greeting of hello, beautiful in his deep bass,
his balls had pulled tight, almost making him spill
untouched in his jeans.

However, the most embarrassing part had been

when Jamie blurted, “I’m having a really odd urge
to scratch everyone’s eyes out.” Then, he’d
demanded, “You need clothes.”

Fortunately, the shifter hadn’t been offended

and had actually rumbled a deep laugh. To
Jamie’s relief, Paolo had gotten dressed. While the
rat shifter had done that, Jamie had fled like the

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scared submissive he was and ran into the house
to get zip ties to truss up the now subdued human

Starting upon hearing his name in Paolo’s

deeply crooned voice, Jamie’s eyes widened. “Um,

Paolo swept his gaze over Jamie once, twice,

then set his now nearly empty glass on the counter
and closed the gap between them. “You spend a
lot of time in your head, don’t you, sweet wolf.”
As he spoke, he reached out and cupped Jamie’s
jaw with both of his hands.

Staring into Paolo’s deep, dark eyes, Jamie

could do nothing but nod. It was true. When
young, he’d said anything that popped into his
head. Then, he’d been— He pushed those
thoughts aside, wanting the past to stay just that,
in the past. Either way, he’d learned the hard way
how to keep his mouth shut. Better just to listen
than face ridicule for saying something stupid.

“Ah, Jamie,” Paolo murmured. “You’re doing it


Jamie grimaced. “Sorry,” he whispered.
“Don’t worry,” Paolo soothed. He smiled, his

eyes seeming to spark with something Jamie
couldn’t hope to understand. “It seems I’ll need to
find a way to get you focused. Show me to your
bedroom, Jamie.”

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Sucking in a harsh breath at Paolo’s words,

Jamie’s eyes widened. He didn’t know how the
other shifter knew about his desire to be ordered
about, but he couldn’t deny his urges. Not with
his dick hard as steel in his jeans and his blood
already singing through his veins.

Jamie nodded in Paolo’s grip, and the shifter

released him. Even as he mentally bemoaned the
loss of his mate’s touch, Jamie turned and headed
around the island that separated the kitchen from
the dining room and entertainment area. Although
small, Jamie loved the open concept of his home,
which made it easy for him to host small get-
togethers with his friends. He loved baking and
serving snacks while still being able to chat with
his guests.

I hope Paolo will like my friends.
Paolo touched the back of his neck, gaining his

attention. Jamie glanced over his shoulder at him
and—upon seeing the slightly shorter shifter’s
indulgent smile—he realized he’d paused at the
opening of the hallway. He’d been sweeping his
gaze over his home as his thoughts ran away with

“The bedroom,” Paolo reminded him.
“Aye, right, sorry,” Jamie mumbled, getting his

feet moving again.

Paolo followed close behind, his hand

remaining on the back of Jamie’s neck. Liking the

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feel of his mate’s hand on him, Jamie tilted his
head just a bit, pressing into the hold.

Rumbling softly, Paolo expressed his obvious


Jamie smiled, liking that he’d pleased his

mate…especially after all his ridiculous, nervous
ticks he’d displayed over the last little while. He
opened his bedroom door and led the way inside.
Finally, the hand slipped from his neck, right
before he heard the bedroom door close behind

Glancing over his shoulder, Jamie watched

Paolo move around the room. The rat shifter must
have been using the moonlight to navigate, for he
didn’t bother turning on the overhead light.
Instead, he crossed to the corner on the left, where
Jamie had a reading nook set up, complete with a
large, cushioned chair next to a pillow, and
blanket-strewn window seat. Between them stood
a small, round table, which currently held two
paperbacks and Jamie’s E-reader. Behind that,
tucked in the corner, stood a tall floor lamp, which
would illuminate either the window seat or the
large chair, making it easy for Jamie to curl up
wherever he wanted.

Paolo flipped on the reading lamp, casting the

far side of the room, which included the bed, in
soft mellow light. After eyeing Jamie for a second,
Paolo tugged his wife beater over his head, folded
it, and placed it on the window seat. He tucked his

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thumbs into the waistband of the sweats, paused,
and offered Jamie a lascivious wink. Then, he
pushed the fabric forward and down, allowing his
long, thick erection to slap against his belly. He
removed and folded the sweats, too, placing it
with his t-shirt.

Seconds later, Jamie stared, wide-eyed, at a

gloriously naked Paolo. The man stood
confidently with his thickly muscled legs braced
hip-distant apart. He appeared comfortable and
relaxed as he gripped his own dick and slowly
stroked it.

“Are you ready to take the edge off, Jamie?”
Jamie couldn’t stop the whine of need from

escaping, feeling as if it was ripped from his
throat. His gaze remained riveted on Paolo,
somehow managing to watch both the man’s hand
on his dick as well as his face. Jamie took in the
smug satisfaction on Paolo’s face and watched as
his lips curved into a feral grin.

“Use your words, Jamie,” Paolo ordered.
Paolo swiped his thumb over his dick’s head,

rubbing the moisture over his glans. That one
move caused Jamie’s mouth to go dry, making it
even harder for him to find his voice. Still, Jamie’s
instinctual need to obey had him swallowing hard
and forcing words from his throat.

“Aye, please.”
“Good.” Paolo released himself, then turned

and settled on the cushy chair. “Come here.”

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Jamie moved without conscious decision, his

gaze riveted on the sight before him. While Jamie
normally curled up on the seat, his legs tucked
under him with a blanket around him, Paolo
sprawled. He spread his legs wide, relaxing his
arms on the rests, showing off his thickly built
body, everything on display, including his dick,
which jutted obscenely from a bed of thick, dark
curls. Jamie unconsciously licked his lips as he
moved toward his sexy mate.

Once Jamie stood in front of Paolo, his mate

motioned with one hand, pointing at his chest,
then the window seat and his own folded clothes.
Paolo made his desire clear—lose the shirt. Jamie
reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it from
his jeans. He yanked it over his head and felt his
nipples bead, but he wasn’t certain if the cause
was from Paolo’s intense stare or the cool
bedroom air.

Jamie almost dropped his shirt onto the floor,

but the narrowing of his mate’s eyes stayed his
action. Instead, he folded it and set it on the
window seat beside Paolo’s clothes. The pleased
smile on Paolo’s face sent a fresh surge of blood
down south, making him ache.

Except, when Jamie reached for his belt buckle,

Paolo finally moved. Quick as lightning, he leaned
forward, and gripped both of Jamie’s wrists, one
in each hand. “Allow me,” Paolo demanded

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Nibbling his lower lip, Jamie nodded. Paolo

released his wrists and reached for Jamie’s waist,
sinking his fingertips under the band and tickling
the sensitive skin of his hips. Jamie gasped, his
fingers twitching where he’d lowered his hands to
his sides.

Jamie just managed to keep himself from

rocking from foot to foot. Still, he knew his scent
betrayed his nerves, for Paolo smiled up as he
gently rubbed his blunt fingernails along his still
hidden skin. “Don’t worry, sweet wolf,” he
crooned. “I’ll take very good care of you.” Then,
he winked and lowered one hand to Jamie’s groin,
cupping his erection through the fabric. “And of
this, too.”

Groaning at the pressure Paolo applied to his

dick, Jamie’s hips bucked. “O-Okay,” he gasped.

“Now, then,” Paolo murmured, returning his

focus to Jamie’s groin. “Let’s make you a little
more comfortable, hmm?”

“Aye, please.” Jamie ached and certainly wasn’t

above begging.

Paolo growled softly at his words. He wasted

no time releasing each tab of Jamie’s button fly
jeans. His cock sprang from between the flaps,
hard and ready. Jamie couldn’t stop his moan of
relief. Then, Paolo leaned forward, stuck out his
tongue, and swiped the bead of pre-cum that
oozed from his slit.

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“P-Paolo,” Jamie groaned through clenched

teeth. He struggled against the urge to thrust as
his balls rolled in their sacks.

Straightening, Paolo grinned up at Jamie.

“Couldn’t resist,” he admitted. Then, he told him,
“You taste delicious, sweet mate.”

Jamie whimpered, his cock jerking at his soon-

to-be lover’s rumbled words. A moan burst from
his throat when next Paolo reached into his jeans
and cupped his balls. He gently eased them from
the confines of his crotch and settled them into the
groove of the fly. Then, he reached back up and
refastened the top button of his pants, making the
fly cup his genitals, thrusting them forward.

Staring at his cock and balls, Jamie’s breath

hitched upon seeing how his jeans encased him.
He stared in shock as Paolo gently fondled his
exposed testicles with just the tips of his
forefingers. The light touch sent tingles up his
scrotum, causing another dollop of pre-cum to
ooze from him.

Paolo slid his fingertips along the thick vein

that ran up the base of his shaft. He paused to
massage the wrinkled skin under his cap, causing
his foreskin to slide the rest of the way back from
his head. Humming, Paolo rubbed his thumb over
his glans, massaging his pre-cum into his cap.

Jamie gaped, panting harshly as he watched

Paolo touch him. His dick jerked and twitched at
the attention, completely beyond his control. He

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could feel his balls attempt to pull tighter to his
body, hindered by his partially buttoned fly.

“P-Paolo,” he whined. “Please.”
Lifting his focus to Jamie’s face, Paolo pulled

his hand away. “Kneel,” he ordered.

Lowering to his knees, Jamie quickly complied.
“Place your hands behind your back,” Paolo

ordered, sliding forward in his seat until he
balanced on the edge.

Again, Jamie obeyed.
“Good,” Paolo murmured, the gleam in his eyes

expressing his pleasure. He reached out and
cupped Jamie’s jaw, rubbing his thumb lightly
over Jamie’s lips. Jamie opened, allowing him to
dip inside and rub his tongue. “So responsive.”

Jamie shivered. His nipples tingled, begging for

attention, and he tightened his hold on his left
wrist where he gripped it behind his back with his
right hand. Instead, he sucked lightly on Paolo’s
thumb in his mouth.

Paolo growled softly. “Mmm,” he rumbled.

“Now, I’m gonna feel that on my dick. Lean over
and suck me, Jamie.” Pulling his thumb from
Jamie’s mouth, Paolo slid his hand around to his
nape. With his other hand, he gripped the armrest,
his knuckles turning white with his tight grip.

Following the pressure exerted by Paolo’s hand

on the back of his neck, Jamie obeyed. He leaned
forward, eyeing the thick erection jutting from his
mate’s groin. Guessing Paolo’s length at over

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seven inches, and with a healthy girth, Jamie
thought Paolo large for a man his height. He
imagined his mate would make a perfect

Jamie opened eagerly and gave in to Paolo’s

urgings. He wrapped his lips around the wet head
of his mate’s cock, quickly swiping his tongue
over and around the head. Swallowing the beads
of pre-cum, Jamie moaned softly at the exquisite,
salty flavor of his mate.

After sucking strongly on just the cap for a

moment, Jamie sank deeper. He took Paolo’s stalk
into his mouth to the root. Burying his face in his
mate’s thick pubes, he inhaled deeply, drawing his
lover’s heavy, masculine musk into his lungs.
Jamie hummed at the heady scent.

Paolo grunted above him.
The urge to get his mate off, to please him,

surged through Jamie. Paolo had said he hadn’t
had sex in a long time, and Jamie wanted to make
this worth his mate’s wait. Tilting his head, Jamie
adjusted his neck’s angle and lodged Paolo’s cock
head into his throat. He swallowed once, twice,
three times, before the need to breathe forced him
to back off. He sucked strongly as he lifted his
head. Then, Jamie took a deep breath and did it all

“Yes,” Paolo growled. “Just like that.”
Jamie felt Paolo’s grip slide away from his nape.

Paolo threaded his fingers through Jamie’s hair,

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gripping the strands loosely. Upon feeling the new
hold, Jamie’s balls rolled in their sacks, aching as
they forced their way closer to his body around
the fabric encasing them. Jamie’s blood pounded
in his veins, flowing south, and his dick became
just that much harder. Reveling at Paolo’s
controlling hold, knowing Paolo controlled his
head…controlled him, Jamie’s head swam in the
best way possible.

Suddenly, Paolo roared. His grip on Jamie’s

hair tightened and pulled, yanking Jamie’s head
back and his mouth off his cock. Paolo’s dick
bobbed and jerked a couple inches from his
mouth. The rat shifter’s cock erupted, spurting
streams of seed through the air toward him.

Jamie’s lids lowered to half-mast as soon as he

felt the first hot splash hit his cheek. Jamie felt
bliss that was even better than an orgasm pinging
through his system upon feeling Paolo marking
him. He floated upon the knowledge that he’d
done this, caused his lover such pleasure, and his
head swam with the satisfaction that his mate
marked him, even externally.

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Chapter Three

aolo peered down with satisfaction, not only
because he marked Jamie, but due to how his

mate reacted to that. Jamie gave up control so
beautifully. There were so many things Paolo
looked forward to doing with, doing to, his mate.

His dick spurted one last stream of seed at

those thoughts. The dollop landed on Jamie’s still
parted lips, and Paolo smiled when Jamie began to
slide his tongue out to taste, then stopped himself.
Oh, yes, his mate was so sexy in his submission.

Releasing his left hand’s hold on the chair’s

arm, Paolo reached forward and scooped up that
glob of semen. A fresh wave of arousal flooded
through his veins when Jamie’s dilated eyes
riveted on his finger and a soft whimper escaped
the wolf shifter’s throat. Paolo gave Jamie what he
wanted and slid his forefinger into his mate’s

Jamie licked at his finger eagerly, moaning and

sighing as he swallowed Paolo’s seed. Slowly,
keeping his hold on his lover’s hair, Paolo cleaned


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Jamie’s face. He enjoyed the looks and hums of
pleasure that passed over Jamie’s face as he fed
him every last drop.

Finally, the only way to get Jamie’s face any

cleaner was with a cloth—which Paolo had every
intention of doing shortly—and Paolo eased his
hold on Jamie’s hair. He massaged the tendons at
the back of his neck.

Leaning forward, he rested his left hand on

Jamie’s shoulder and urged him to rock back on
his shins. The new position caused his mate’s abs
to clench as he balanced, his arms still held behind
his back. Paolo admired the lean lines of Jamie’s
runner’s build. Paolo couldn’t wait to suck up
marks and place love bites on his mate’s smooth,
unblemished skin.

Paolo’s gaze strayed down to Jamie’s straining

cock. The wolf’s long, lean erection jutted from
between the flaps of his fly. The red hue coloring
his balls matched beautifully to the broad, flushed
cap of his cock. Jamie’s foreskin had pulled back
fully, exposing his wide slit and the gleam of
translucent fluid beading on top of it.

Swallowing hard, Paolo remembered the

delicious taste of his mate and he wanted more.
He growled low in his throat as he traced his left
hand down Jamie’s chest, being sure to flick his
right nipple, and straight down to his lover’s cock

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As he swiped his forefingers over Jamie’s

gleaming head, Paolo grinned with satisfaction at
how his mate’s dick twitched. Jamie’s cock seemed
to wave at him, begging for more contact. After he
sucked his mate’s sweet fluid from his finger, he
reached back down and lightly gripped Jamie’s

Jamie gasped, his eyes widening and his body


“That’s it,” Paolo rumbled, loving his mate’s

responses to his touch. He tightened his grip and
started jacking him. He also tightened his hand on
Jamie’s nape. “Give it up for me, sweet mate. Give
me your pleasure.”

His mouth gaped, but no sound came out as

Jamie’s eyes rolled into the back of his head.
Jamie’s cock swelled in Paolo’s hand and he
adjusted his grip and placed his thumb directly
beneath the head. As Jamie spurted, he felt the
pulse of his mate’s release under his thumb. At the
same time, Paolo read the expression on Jamie’s
face, watching as the pleasure-pain gave way to
bliss. A sexy smile teased at the corners of Jamie’s
lips as he panted harshly.

Paolo swallowed hard, knowing he was quickly

falling in love with that expression right there. He
wanted to put that look on his mate as often as

Next time, I want to hear him, too.

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From hearing Jamie’s whimpers and whines

earlier, he didn’t think the wolf was a naturally
quiet lover, so he wondered why Jamie had
silenced himself when he came. Who could
possibly have wanted not to hear his mate’s sexy

On second thought, I don’t want to know.
Paolo just wanted to change it. He’d have to see

what he could do to encourage more noise. He
found nothing sexier or more arousing than
hearing the vocal confirmation that what he did
pleased his lover.

When Jamie’s cock stopped throbbing under his

touch, Paolo rubbed his thumb over that pulse
point gently before releasing his grip on his mate’s
softening prick. He lifted his hand to his mouth
and licked away the seed. Paolo hmmed deeply,
enjoying the salty-sweet tang of his mate’s seed.

Damn, I could get used to this!
Shit, I
want to get used to this.
With his hand spit-cleaned, Paolo reached out

and unbuttoned Jamie’s jeans, releasing his
genitalia from the grip of his fly. He swept his
gaze over Jamie and watched as his lover’s chest
slowed. When Jamie took a shuddering breath,
indicating he calmed, Paolo smiled. Seeing his
lover’s pink tongue sweep over his plump lower
lip, Paolo knew he needed to taste his mate’s
mouth again.

And a bed.

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With those thoughts in mind, Paolo wrapped

his left arm around Jamie’s waist and moved his
right arm lower, around his mate’s shoulders. He
rocked to his feet, lifting the far more slender male
into his arms as he stood.

Never had Paolo been more grateful for his

shifter strength. He liked being able to carry Jamie,
even though the wolf shifter was slightly taller.
With his brawny arms and thick legs, Paolo had
no trouble striding to the bed and laying his mate
down. Next, he made quick work of stripping
Jamie of his jeans and socks. Finally, he paused
and stared down at his mate, the man he knew
would be the most important person in his life,
and smiled.

“Damn, you’re a sexy man, sweet wolf,” Paolo

growled. Excitement coursed through Paolo,
renewing his erection as he took in Jamie’s tan,
lean lines and toned limbs and frame. “I want to
mark every inch of you,” he claimed, climbing
onto the bed. He inserted a knee between his
mate’s calves, then used his other knee to push
Jamie’s legs wider. “Then, everyone will know
you’re taken.”

Jamie spread his legs, needing little urging to

make a space for him. He even lifted his arms for a
second, as if welcoming Paolo. Then, he stopped
and lowered them back to the comforter as if he
wasn’t certain if Paolo would be receptive to such

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Wanting to put that worry to rest as swiftly as

possible, Paolo levered over him. He rested his
elbows on either side of Jamie’s shoulders,
keeping a few inches between their bodies.
Otherwise, he knew the second he touched his
sweet mate he’d feel the driving need to sink his
dick into him.

“Jamie,” Paolo crooned, using his voice to urge

his lover to meet his gaze. “You are my mate. I
will always welcome your touch.”

Jamie’s gaze roved over Paolo, and Paolo

waited patiently for his mate to find whatever he
searched for. Finally, he seemed to find it, for he
smiled brightly as he released his grip on the
comforter. Jamie lifted his arms—still a bit
tentatively—and wrapped them around Paolo’s

Upon feeling the light glide of Jamie’s fingers

and palms across his skin, Paolo sighed. He
allowed his eyelids to slide to half-mast as he
enjoyed Jamie’s timid exploration of his back. His
cock thickened, returning to full mast, and he
lowered his hips, pressing against Jamie’s,
wanting to show his mate how much he enjoyed
being touched, gratified to feel an answering
erection pressing against his own.

I’m beginning to understand Nick and Declan’s

warnings. Something happened in my mate’s past.

As Paolo slowly began rutting, thrusting

lightly, rubbing and gliding their dicks together,

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Paolo lowered his head and captured his mate’s
mouth. He lapped at Jamie’s lips, first the bottom,
then the top, before taking advantage of his mate’s
parted lips and dipping his tongue inside. Paolo
took his time mapping Jamie’s mouth, thrusting in
and out, sliding his appendage against his lover’s,
nipping and licking.

Finally, when breathing became paramount,

Paolo brought the kiss to an end. As he inhaled, he
sucked lightly on Jamie’s bottom lip. Upon
hearing the whimpers escaping Jamie, Paolo
released his lover’s lip and lifted his head.

Paolo smiled with satisfaction as he took in

Jamie’s flushed chest, neck, and face. He picked
up his rutting pace, and grinned when his mate
arched his neck and moaned, bucking into the

“I want in your ass, Jamie,” Paolo stated, his

voice gruff, right before he gave into his own
need. He lowered his head so he could suck hard
on Jamie’s exposed tendon. He tasted sweat and
warm skin and just the hint of the metallic blood
under the surface. Damn, he wanted more of that.

After a few seconds, Paolo realized his mate

hadn’t responded. He lifted his head and stared
into Jamie’s heavy-lidded eyes. “If you’re not
certain, yet, we’ll finish just like this, then take
some time to get to know each other,” he offered.
As he spoke, his dick throbbed. He didn’t want to
wait, and if it were any other male, he’d use his

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considerable experience to change the guy’s mind,
but for his mate, he would.

“I-I want ye,” Jamie whispered. “I just—” He

paused and grimaced.

Paolo swept his gaze over Jamie’s face, reading

his expression. His dilated eyes, lips parted on
panting breaths, and flushed cheeks gave away his
lust. Then, Paolo inhaled deeply, taking in his
mate’s scent. The desire and arousal he expected,
but not the fear.

Banking his desire, Paolo prepared to back off.

He leaned all his weight on his right elbow as he
brought his left hand to Jamie’s face. Gently, Paolo
rubbed over Jamie’s brow, then down the side of
his hairline, over the curvature of his ear, and
down his jaw. With his first two fingertips, he
rubbed over Jamie’s kiss-swollen bottom lip.

“I told you it’d been a while,” Paolo murmured.

“I didn’t mean to bowl you over, sweet wolf. One
orgasm just didn’t seem enough,” he admitted.
“How about I stroke us both to completion, then
I’ll carry you into the bathroom. Do you have a big
tub? Room for two?” he asked hopefully.

While washing and holding a wet, naked Jamie

might make it difficult to concentrate on
conversation, he wanted to take care of his mate.

Jamie’s nails dug into Paolo’s shoulder blades,

causing a delicious sting. “Nay, I mean, aye.” He
stopped and scowled.

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Paolo stroked his fingers down the side of

Jamie’s neck, petting the light love bite he’d left on
his tendon. “Take your time, Jamie,” he urged.
“Tell me what you want.”

Huffing a breath, Jamie tilted his head,

obviously liking the stroking. “Um, aye, I have a
tub, and I like the idea of taking a bath with ye,
but that’s not…” He paused and scowled, then
swallowed hard.

“Take your time,” Paolo urged again. He hoped

his mate would be willing to open up to him. “Tell
me how you want me to take care of you.” While
he’d be the first to admit he was damn dominant,
he easily noted the skittishness the other wolf
shifters had spoken of. His sexy mate needed a
light hand to start. “You’re my mate, Jamie,” he
murmured. “I only want to make you happy.”



The blurted words were spoken so fast that it

took Paolo a few seconds to figure out what his
mate had said. “Okay, Jamie,” Paolo murmured.
“I have no intention of hurting you, sweet wolf,”
he stated. He tried to put every ounce of sincerity
he could into his voice.

Jamie stared at him, his eyes wide, his scent

wary. To Paolo’s surprise, the wolf held his gaze
for several long seconds. Finally, Jamie licked his
lips and nodded. “Ye won’t hurt me?” he

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“I can’t promise that, Jamie,” Paolo stated,

knowing no pain was impossible. Accidents
happened. Mistakes were sometimes unavoidable.
Miscommunications occurred. “I can promise that
I will never intentionally do anything to hurt you.
I only want you happy.” Then, needing to lighten
the mood, added an eyebrow waggle, and said
with a grin, “And well-fucked and pleasured.”

Slowly, a flush worked over Jamie’s face and a

sweet smile curved his lips. “Okay.”

While Paolo knew his mate still had some

doubts, he realized that was okay. They still had
plenty to learn about each other. He could prove
himself to his mate. “We won’t do anything you
don’t want,” he assured. “Ever.” If that meant
he’d have to put away his ropes and paddles, then
he would, but Paolo prayed to whatever God
cared to listen that his mate’s earlier submissive
actions—Damn, Jamie had been so responsive,
followed orders so beautifully
—would prove Jamie
was just as perfect for him in all areas of his life.

Nodding, Jamie peered at him with wide eyes.


It was a start.
“Where’s your lube, Jamie?” Paolo wasted no

time in asking.

Jamie motioned toward the nightstand. “Top


Paolo had to shift sideways, off his lover, to

reach the drawer and open it. When he turned

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around, he practically swallowed his tongue.
Jamie had taken his momentary distraction to flip
over and with his knees under him and his back
arched, presented himself so beautifully.

Groaning, Paolo climbed to his knees and

gripped the base of his dick, the beautiful sight
having him so close to the edge. “Stunning,” he
mumbled. Reaching out, he stroked his hand
down Jamie’s spine, stopping to massage the skin
just above his crack. When he saw Jamie shiver,
Paolo groaned. “Damn, Jamie. So fucking sexy.”

“Please, Paolo,” Jamie pleaded. “I need.”
Paolo nodded, even though Jamie couldn’t see

it. It seemed he wasn’t the only one on edge.
“Easy, sweet wolf,” he crooned as he quickly
popped the cap on the lube and drizzled some
onto the fingers of his left hand. “I’ll take good
care of you,” he assured.

Jamie nodded, his dark hair falling into his eyes

as he peered over his shoulder at him. “Okay.”

To Paolo, the acceptance acted as the strongest

aphrodisiac. He growled softly and, unable to help
his baser instincts, he ordered, “Hold yourself
open,” as he poured lube directly on his dick. He
shivered at the cold sensation even as he gripped
himself and jacked twice. After that, he released
his cock—any more of that and he’d come
prematurely, which would be embarrassing as

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As soon as Jamie obeyed—which he did

gratifyingly fast—Paolo gently stroked his lubed
fingers down Jamie’s crack. Without preamble, he
slid his middle finger deep into Jamie’s rectum. It
went in easily, telling Paolo either his mate fucked
regularly or he enjoyed playing with himself.

He’d find out another time. Right now, Paolo

needed inside his mate.

One finger became two, which quickly turned

into three. He’d be embarrassed by the need
driving him, except considering the way Jamie
arched his body and rocked toward him every
time he slipped his fingers nearly all the way free,
he knew his mate was on the same page.

Paolo listened to Jamie’s whimpers and reveled

in his incoherent pleading. Knowing he couldn’t
wait any longer, he pulled his fingers free and
gripped the base of his dick. He squeezed,
assuring himself that he’d at least get inside his
mate before coming, and settled his head against
Jamie’s star.

“Ready?” Paolo gritted out.
“Aye,” Jamie all but shouted.
Paolo didn’t ask again. He thrust, popping his

cock head past Jamie’s guardian muscle. It took
every bit of self-control he still possessed to pause.
Through gritted teeth he asked, “Okay?”

Jamie released his ass cheeks, bringing his arms

back around so he could get his elbows under

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him. “Please,” he hissed, trying to shove back and
impale himself on Paolo’s dick.

He would have succeeded, too, except Paolo

saw it coming. Spotting the tell-tale rocking of his
lover, he released his dick and gripped his lover’s
hips. Digging his fingertips into Jamie’s sides, he
growled, “Settle.”

Whining, Jamie shivered in Paolo’s grip. “P-


“This won’t take long,” Paolo warned right

before he thrust, sinking his prick into Jamie’s
gripping channel balls deep. He couldn’t hold in
his moan upon finally feeling his mate’s heat
surround him. Instinct had him pulling right back
out and thrusting back in, adjusting his

Jamie’s howl and body shudders told Paolo

he’d found it. His mate’s prostate. Noting the
angle, he began driving into his mate at that angle
with each stroke, nailing his mate’s gland, driving
the man under him into a shivering, sweating
mess of pleasure.

“P-Please!” Jamie whimpered. “Need—”
“Come,” Paolo ordered, seeing no reason to

deny his lover his pleasure, wanting him to enjoy
this as much as possible. As soon as he felt his
lover’s channel clamp around him, Paolo knew he
was lost. Snarling, he bucked his hips once, twice,
and spurted, coating his lover’s chute with his
seed. Instinct beyond his control took hold. His

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teeth extended and he sank them into the curve of
his lover’s shoulder.

Jamie screamed, his body jolting, his ass

muscles clenching, and the scent of even more
seed flooded the room.

Paolo sucked down several swallows of his

mate’s life-giving essence, reveling in the
knowledge that he held his mate, his future.
Easing his teeth free, he licked the claiming mark
clean, sealing it. Then, he nuzzled Jamie’s neck,
enjoying the scents of semen, sweat, and male
musk flooding the room.

Finally, Paolo pulled his softening prick from

his mate’s channel. Jamie moaned incoherently,
making Paolo grin. As he settled his nearly
comatose mate on the bed, pride flooded him that
he’d satisfied his mate so thoroughly.

Leaning close, Paolo pecked a quick kiss to

Jamie’s shoulder, then whispered, “Where’s your
bathroom? I’ll get a cloth to clean us up.”

Jamie cracked open an eyelid and peered at

him. A smile teased at the corners of his mouth.
“First door on the right,” he mumbled, flopping
his arm to indicate that Paolo needed to go back
into the hall.

Paolo slid off the bed, then couldn’t stop

himself from leaning back over and pecking a kiss
to the corner of Jamie’s mouth. When he saw the

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pleased smile that curved Jamie’s lips, he was glad
he’d done it. “Be right back,” he promised.

Finding the bathroom, Paolo made quick work

of cleaning himself. Then, he returned to the
bedroom. Jamie barely stirred when he cleaned
him up and tucked him under the covers. He
tossed the damp cloth toward the closet and the
laundry basket he saw inside the open doorway.

Paolo lifted the blanket and crawled in behind

his mate. Wrapping his arms around Jamie, he
spooned up behind the wolf, cuddling him close.
He sighed, finally allowing his body to relax. He
couldn’t believe his luck, finding freedom and his
mate so close together, and one that submitted so
sweetly, so naturally.

He couldn’t wait to explore everything with the

sexy and sweet wolf. Blinking, Paolo glanced up at
the wood headboard. Reaching up, he gripped one
slat and jiggled it, checking solidity. Yeah, that’d
handle Jamie tied to it a few times.

Returning his arm to around Jamie’s waist, he

allowed the steady breathing of his mate to soothe
him. Someday. He smiled, looking forward to the
future. “Gods, Jamie,” Paolo mumbled as he
nuzzled the back of Jamie’s neck. “You’ll look
amazing tied to my bed.”

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Chapter Four

amie just managed to keep his breath from
hitching. He knew Paolo thought him asleep,

and in truth, he almost had been. Feeling his mate
reach up and tug lightly on the slats of his
headboard had roused him. Then, to hear him say
he wanted to tie him up?

It took every bit of self-control to keep from

leaping away from the rat shifter. Memories Jamie
had thought he’d long since buried came at him
hard and fast…memories of ropes, chains, whips,
and— Jamie focused on keeping his breathing
deep and even, thinking only on taking his next
breath. He somehow managed to keep his
breathing even as he waited impatiently for Paolo
to fall asleep.

Once Jamie felt certain Paolo was asleep, he

carefully extricated himself from the sleeping rat
shifter. Standing at the side of the bed, he
wrapped his arms around his waist and stared
down at the man. He’d waited so long for his


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mate. How could Fate be so wrong, to give him a
man who wanted to tie him up and—

Unable to handle it a second longer, Jamie crept

from the room, down the hallway, and through
the living area to the back deck. With a quick call
to his wolf, Jamie shifted. He shook out his fur,
then hopped off the porch and headed north into
the trees. At the tree line, he paused and peered
back at his house.

Jamie whined for a second, then reminded

himself of his mate’s words. He’d been tied to a
bed before, and he’d never allow that to happen
again. Turning away from his home, Jamie took
off. He galloped through the trees, jumped over
logs, and scuttled under brush. He needed to hide
and could think of only one safe place.

Hours later, exhausted and sweaty, Jamie

trotted into a clearing. A large cabin stood in the
area’s center. He knew the shed off to the side
housed a couple of vehicles. The familiar scents of
his friends, those he loved and trusted—both wolf
and human—filled his nostrils. While he missed
the presence of his mate, the knowledge that those
who he knew cared for him eased the ache

Jamie crossed the clearing and circled around

the small cabin. He didn’t bother trying to get
inside. Instead, he crawled under the back deck.
With a huff, he flopped onto his side amidst the

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cobwebs and dirt. He pressed his back against the
stone base of the cabin and finally his racing pulse
began to settle.

Alone in the dark, safe in the knowledge that

only his friends would know where he hid, Jamie
relaxed enough to doze.

The thump of footsteps overhead roused Jamie

from his restless sleep. For several seconds, he
froze, trying to figure out where he was. Then, the
scent of dirt, timber, and wildflowers, coupled
with the gleam of light through the slats above his
head reminded him. Jamie hid out under his
friend and fellow wolf shifter, Michel McDover’s
deck, deep in the woods.

Along with that realization, Jamie remembered

why he hid there, because his mate wanted to tie
him up. Emotions crashed through him, equal
parts fear, disappointment, and sadness. Wasn’t
his mate supposed to be perfect for him? Take care
of him and keep him safe?

“Jason! Ye back here?”
The deep sounds of Preall McCollins caught

Jamie’s attention.

“Back here, Preall,” Jason responded, his voice

coming from above and to Jamie’s left. “On the
back deck.” Jason stood on the porch above
Jamie’s head. It had been the sound of Jason’s soft
thudding footsteps that had roused Jamie. The
human had exited the cabin and strode across the

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deck. Jason had mated with Michel last summer
and now lived with him in the small cabin.

Jamie thought about crawling out from under

the deck and facing his friends, but didn’t yet
want to admit to his problem. Speaking the
situation out loud would make everything so
much more…real. Instead, he listened as Preall
walked around the cabin and approached the

“Morning, Preall,” Jason greeted. “You want a

cup of coffee?”

“Aye, Jason,” Preall replied, his booted feet

climbing the couple of steps that led to the deck.
“Then ye can tell me why ye called me at the arse
crack of dawn.”

That comment caused Jamie to crack a smile,

even in wolf form. His friend wasn’t known for
being a morning person. Jamie knew that Jason
was aware of that, and the human laughed as he
teased, “Well, you wouldn’t want to miss out on
info about Trina coming into town on Monday,
would you?”

“What?” Preall cried, his voice turning excited.

“Hell, no. Be right back.”

Jamie knew Trina was Jason’s younger sister.

When she’d visited last year, she’d only been
seventeen. They’d all met while gathering at
Jason’s uncle’s home, Raul Braga. Preall had
realized the blossoming young woman was his
mate. They’d helped him through a bout of

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depression when he’d had to sit back and watch
Trina return to Boston with her mother, but it
couldn’t be helped. She’d been too young to claim.

Still, that didn’t stop Preall from keeping in

touch with Trina. They spoke mainly via email
and text message, because—Preall had admitted to
them once—of how hard his dick became just
listening to her sweet voice. He’d constantly had
to keep reminding himself of the reasons he
couldn’t instigate phone sex with his young
human mate.

Preall had kept them all abreast of her current

interests and plans. Now, Trina was eighteen and
the month before she’d graduated from high
school with honors in social studies. She planned
to go to college somewhere that she could focus on
Native American culture. It was like she was
already one of the group, and to that end, they’d
bribed their pack enforcer’s mate, Jared, to hack
into a college in Denver and doctor her acceptance
into a number of courses that would interest her.

Preall had been waiting for her to come out so

he could share the news—hell if Jamie knew how
Preall would explain the college’s pre-acceptance
to Trina. However, Jamie would be happy to help
Preall in any way, and desperately hoped it
worked out for him.

Better than my own mating.

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“Don’t get too excited,” Jason called in warning

as Preall strode swiftly over the wooden planks.
“My mom and stepdad will be here, too.”

“Damn,” Preall mumbled under his breath as

he thudded across the deck. “Let me get that
coffee so I can focus,” he grumbled right before
the trundle of the sliding glass door sounded.
Within a minute, the wolf shifter returned and the
scent of strong black coffee tickled Jamie’s senses.
His mouth salivated and he started rolling to his
feet. He paused when he heard Preall say, “So
when is this and how much trouble is it gonna be
to get some time with her away from the parents?”
Before Jason got the chance to answer, Preall
added, “Wait. Where’s Michel?”

Now that his friend had asked, Jamie wondered

the same thing.

“Out running,” Jason replied.
“Jamie with him?”
“Jamie?” Jason sounded confused. “I’ve not

seen him in a few days.”

“Huh? His scent is heavy in the area,” Preall

told him before slurping a sip of coffee.

Oh, shit! Jamie better get out there before they

inspected his hiding too closely.

“Well, here comes Michel. Maybe he knows,”

Jason stated.

Too late. Still, Jamie figured he’d better make an

appearance before they tracked him under the
deck. Besides, he could really use a cup of coffee

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and a few minutes in the company of his friends
before he had to explain finding his mate and
what he’d overheard. After that, he feared the shit
would hit the fan. Jamie knew he couldn’t hide the
truth from his friends for long.

“Mornin’, Michel!” Preall greeted.
Instead of Michel shifting and answering, the

wolf’s snout appeared at the base of the deck,
sniffing around it. Jamie quickly scrambled
toward the opening. Still, by the time he reached
it, Michel’s black wolf waited just beside the gap
between slats.

Given the way Michel sat, his head cocked,

Jamie figured the questions wouldn’t be put off for

Michel licked Jamie’s muzzle in a wolf greeting.

Jamie tilted his head and accepted the affection.
Then, Michel tucked his head and sniffed Jamie’s
neck and shoulder. He snorted and backed up a
step before starting his shift.

“Aye, Michel’s right, Jamie,” Preall stated,

hopping over the deck railing and landing on the
ground beside them. “Ye do smell different.
What’s going on? Why were ye hiding under
Michel’s deck?” Preall leaned close and inhaled,
then his nose wrinkled as he pulled away. “And
who the hell have ye been with?”

Knowing the questions were just beginning,

Jamie shifted. Once kneeling on the ground, his
head bowed, he peered through his lashes as he

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skittered his gaze between his friends. Michel’s
eyes were narrowed in obvious speculation. Preall
rested his hands on his hips and stared at him
with concern.

Jamie decided to meet Jason’s gaze, who leaned

against the railing and watched them. The
human’s focus remained on Jamie’s face, his gaze
carefully fixed above his chest, and his expression
soft in welcome. Offering Jason a tentative smile,
Jamie softly asked, “Can I get some coffee?”

Jason’s green eyes crinkled as he returned

Jamie’s smile. “And how about some sweats?” he
offered, winking.

“Thanks,” Jamie responded.
After Jason disappeared inside the cabin,

Michel—the defacto leader of their circle of
friends—rested a hand on the back of Jason’s neck.
“Just tell me it was consensual,” he rumbled

Jamie’s eyes widened. “Aye,” he instantly


Michel massaged the tendons in Jamie’s neck

for a few seconds, eyeing him speculatively.
Finally, he sighed and gruffly asked, “Are ye
going to clarify that ye consented to sex? Or
bonding, too?”

“Shite,” Preall growled, realization dawning on

his features. “That’s why—” He didn’t finish his
thought, stopping to stare at Jamie with shock in
his blue eyes.

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“Aye.” Michel used the hold on Jamie’s neck to

get him to turn his neck so the other shifter could
see the claiming mark. “Someone’s done and
claimed our Jamie.” Next, Michel moved his hand
to cup Jamie’s jaw. He used his hold to force Jamie
to meet his gaze. “I want to know why ye’re here
hiding under my deck and not with yer new
man.” His expression remained soft, yet firm. “Ye
will tell us all about it, then we’re gonna help
Preall with his situation.”

It wasn’t a question, which Jamie felt grateful

for. He nodded. “Okay.”

With gentle pressure, Michel urged Jamie into

the house. The bigger wolf accepted sweats from
his mate. He released Jamie, then Jason handed
him a pair of the soft blue material, too. Jamie
obeyed the unspoken order and pulled on the

Jason stood ready and handed both men a cup

of coffee.

Preall stood in the kitchen, making himself

completely at home. The other shifter already
stirred a bowl, eggs by the scent of it. Jamie’s
assumption was confirmed when the wolf picked
up a cutting board and scraped a healthy amount
of chopped red and green peppers as well as
onions followed by squirting in several dollops of
hot sauce. One thing all of them agreed
upon…they liked their eggs hot.

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“So, who is he?” Preall asked, glancing up at


Jamie flushed even as he responded, “Paolo

Muccio. He’s that rat shifter Byron helped rescue.”
Jamie smiled. Even knowing the reason he was
there, he couldn’t help himself. “He’s been living
with Nick and Miach,” he explained. “I met him
last night at Yates’ poker party.”

“And why aren’t ye with him now?”
Trust Michel to cut to the chase. Jamie knew the

older wolf didn’t have a hell of a lot of patience
anymore. He also knew that Jason, his young
human mate, was helping him with that.

“He wanted to tie me to his bed,” Jamie


His revelation was met with silence for several

seconds, then Jason smirked and winked at
Michel. “How come you never tie me up, big

Jamie’s jaw gaped even as Michel leaned over

and pecked a kiss to his mate’s lips. “This is

Wait. Was it? Did I completely misunderstand?
As he rolled that thought around in his head,

Jamie answered question after question from his

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Chapter Five

aolo woke slowly. He stretched contentedly,
enjoying the soft mattress beneath him. As

soon as full awareness registered, he smiled.
Jamie’s scent permeated the pillow and sheets
surrounding him.

My mate.
Reaching out, Paolo searched for the firm, lithe

form of his wolf. To his disappointment, he
realized Jamie’s warm body wasn’t pressed
against his own, nor was he even close enough to
touch. Paolo forced one eyelid open a crack.
Nothing. Turning his head, he noted the bed was

Fighting back a sigh, Paolo pushed up onto his

elbow and glanced around to find the entire room
empty. Listening carefully, he took in the sounds
of the home, the tick of the hot water heater, the
hum of the refrigerator, the whoosh of the central
air, and the drip of an automatic coffee machine.
Each sound—to him, both foreign and familiar—
took Paolo a few seconds to identify, reminding


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him that he was no longer caged. Still, that didn’t
tell him where his mate was.

Paolo swung his legs over the side of the bed

and sat up. After rubbing his face with his hands a
few seconds, the desire to know what happened to
Jamie became a burning need. He shoved to his
feet, crossed the room, and grabbed his sweats
from the window seat. After pulling them on,
Paolo strolled out of the bedroom and through the

After several minutes of searching—taking

advantage of the already-made coffee in the
carafe—Paolo grew concerned enough to peer into
the garage. Jamie’s jeep remained inside. Finally,
he noticed that the sliding glass door was
unlocked and realization hit him. Jamie must have
gone for a morning run. Barefoot and shirtless,
Paolo stepped onto the deck and crossed to the
railing. He leaned against the support and stared
at the line of trees surrounding the large cabin-
style home.

Smirking, Paolo looked at Jamie’s home. Perfect

for a wolf shifter. Deep in the middle of pack
lands. Trees all around. Paolo could see the appeal
to his mate.

Paolo’s smile faded. His own pack hadn’t had

anything like this. They’d lived on a small plot of
ten acres, which included a large farm house, a
massive old barn, and a tiny cornfield. His pack

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made money with electronics, not by farming, and
it’d been just enough to get by.

What happens if my alpha commands me to come


Paolo pushed that thought aside, knowing all

too well it was the reason why he hadn’t tried too
hard to find them, yet. Another problem was he
didn’t know, or even trust, the reasons he hadn’t
been rescued by his own people.

Knowing he couldn’t solve that particular

problem at the moment, Paolo glanced around the
area. He didn’t see anything. The trees grew dark
and thick, full of shadows, after about ten or
twelve feet.

The chime of the clock ringing caught Paolo’s

attention. Nine chimes.

Paolo had an appointment with the chief of the

firehouse. Under Doctor Gordon Digby’s
encouragement, he’d applied for a position as a
volunteer firefighter. He had money, and with the
help of Alpha Declan and Gordon’s partner and
mate, Detective Grady Stryker, he’d reclaimed his

Now, he had identification, access to his money,

and he knew he must have flagged something in
the system. Hell, he’d halted the procedure
someone had placed on his accounts to close and
transfer funds. With the detective’s help, he’d
learned the reason had been the death of the

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account’s owner. Unfortunately, he still hadn’t
learned who had started the process. No way
could it have been his own mother. With how she
still believed that his brother—who the
government claimed died in battle six years ago—
would come home told him of her propensity
toward denial.

The clock chiming the quarter hour encouraged

Paolo to get moving. As much as he wished he
could wait until his mate arrived home, because
he desperately wanted a good morning kiss, he
couldn’t wait any longer. Instead, Paolo walked
back into the house and went in search of his

A few minutes later, Nick promised to be on his

way to get him, and Paolo waited on the porch
with another cup of coffee.

I’ll return the mug to Jamie tonight.

Unable to help his grin, Paolo strode down the

street. The chief of the firehouse, Brahms Glowder,
had turned out to be a wolf shifter. Brahms had
already spoken to Declan and had received the go
ahead to bring Paolo on as a part time volunteer, if
he qualified, of course. They both knew, after
sharing his experience, Paolo would have no
trouble qualifying. He’d be back at the firehouse
in four hours to prove it.

Deciding to take steaks to Jamie’s to celebrate—

and wishing he had his mate’s phone number so

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he could call and tell him the awesome news—
Paolo stopped into the local grocery store. He
didn’t need to examine too closely on why he
wanted to share this achievement with Jamie. He
already knew. Paolo wanted to share everything
with his mate.

That didn’t take long.
The rueful thought flitted through Paolo’s mind

and he smirked and shook his head. Yep, already
His wolf was cute, sexy, and Paolo
couldn’t wait to earn his trust enough to tie him
up and caress every inch of his toned flesh. Just
having Jamie and ropes in the same thought had
Paolo’s dick plumping in his newly purchased

I am so screwed.
Still, Paolo thought it fondly as he perused the

steak choices. Once he’d picked out several—hell,
he wasn’t certain what cut Jamie liked best and
wanted to be prepared—he turned and headed
toward the front.

Paolo waited impatiently as the woman behind

the check-out stand finished with the dark haired
guy in front of him. Taking in his scent, Paolo
recognized the man as a wolf shifter, but he hadn’t
been introduced to him. The man swiped his card
through the scanner. At the same time, he tilted
his head and eyed Paolo for a few seconds,
obviously scenting him. Once he finished paying,
the wolf shifter placed his hand on the back of a

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pregnant human. He gave Paolo one more glance
over his shoulder, then headed out of the store.

The woman behind the counter, her nametag

read Candy, turned to Paolo and offered him a
bright smile. “Hi, there. Find everything okay?”

“Yes, thank you,” Paolo replied.
“You new in town?” Candy asked, offering him

a flirty smile as she grabbed his first item and
scanned it.

Paolo nodded. “Yes.”
Grinning, Candy batted her eyes as she stated,

“Oh, steaks. I love steaks.”

Just managing to resist rolling his eyes, because

Candy was about as subtle as a punch to the face,
Paolo smiled thinly and decided to go for blunt.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he replied. “I’m gay and in a

“Story of my life,” Candy grumbled. “All the

men around here are gay.”

“The gentleman who just left appeared to be

married with a pregnant wife,” Paolo pointed out,
fighting back a smirk at her irritated tone. “Was
that appearance incorrect? Was he perhaps
escorting a surrogate for he and his gay lover’s
offspring?” He knew his words were complete
bullshit. He’d smelled the wolf’s scent all over the
human female. They were a bonded couple. Still,
he couldn’t help but poke fun at the poor woman’s
plight. There were a large number of gay men in
Stone Ridge and the surrounding areas.

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Candy gaped at him, her hands freezing on the

package of jalapeno hotdogs—Paolo’s guilty
pleasure that he couldn’t ever seem to pass up
when he spotted them.

The third time the item beeped seemed to yank

her out of her shock. “N-No,” Candy quickly
responded as she shook her head hard. “Damn it,”
she grumbled, poking at her machine, probably
trying to remove the extra charges, since she’d
scanned the hotdogs more than once. As she
worked, she muttered, “That’s Laramie and his
wife Denise. She’s six months along and way
bigger than she should be. I wonder if she’s
having twins.”

Paolo knew she wasn’t having twins. If Denise

was six months along, and knocked up by her
wolf shifter husband, roughly seven months
would be full term. He didn’t actually care one
way or the other. In fact, he just wanted to get the
hell out of there and back to Jamie’s house. He’d
left his mate a note with his phone number, but
hadn’t heard from the wolf shifter. He and his rat
were becoming antsy. He wanted to see Jamie
again, assure himself that his mate had returned
from his run safely.

“You could always move to Colin City or even

Denver,” Paolo commented absently.

Why hadn’t Jamie called him? Unease filled


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“Can’t. My mom lives here and she won’t leave.

My dad is buried in the local cemetery,” Candy
replied with surprisingly no bitterness.

Paolo’s estimation of the young woman went

up a few notches. Her loyalty was admirable.
Taking in her thick red hair cut into a cute bob that
framed her heart-shaped face, Paolo realized the
woman was just Cory Luoso’s type. He just
managed to keep from smirking. Cory and Candy,
wouldn’t that be something. Now Paolo just had
to track down his old friend.

Candy telling him his total drew Paolo out of

his musings. Mentally shaking his head at himself,
Paolo quickly swiped his card, grabbed his bags,
and headed out of the store. He strode across the
lot and stopped next to his borrowed jeep. He
appreciated Miach allowing him to drive his

After placing his bags on the floorboard in front

of the passenger seat, Paolo closed the door and
walked around the rear of the vehicle.

“Are ye Paolo Muccio?”
Paolo paused and turned. He spotted the man

from the grocery store striding toward him.
Laramie, the cashier had called him. “Yes?”

“Ye son of a bitch,” Laramie snarled, so low

under his breath that only Paolo’s shifter hearing
allowed him to catch them.

Bristling, Paolo glared at the man. “Excuse


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Laramie balled up his fist and swung. Still

shocked, Paolo didn’t react swiftly enough and the
blow landed on his left side. He stumbled
backward against the jeep. Pressing his hand
against his side, he glared at the shifter. “What the

“Ye bond with Jamie, then threaten him?”

Laramie snarled. “I’ll teach ye to threaten my
friend, mate or not.”

When Laramie swung again, Paolo caught his

forearm with his own. With his left hand, he
grabbed Laramie’s wrist and pivoted, using the
shifter’s momentum to turn the guy and twist his
arm around behind his back. Paolo slammed the
much larger man against the jeep. He placed his
forearm against the back of the wolf’s neck and
pressed, hard, using his hold to keep Laramie in

“One hit I’ll give you as a misunderstanding,”

Paolo growled, cold and mean. “Don’t think I’ll
allow you to hit me again.” Hell, he had a black
belt in jujitsu and kung fu. For a long time, due to
his dominance, Paolo had hated his size. He’d
rectified the problem by learning martial arts.
Now, he didn’t have any trouble taking down
larger shifters. “Now, what the fuck are you
talking about?” he demanded, releasing the larger
male and stepping backward, watching warily.
“I’d never hurt Jamie.”

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“Don’t try to bullshit me,” Laramie snapped,

swinging back around to face him. His brows
were lowered into a harsh scowl. “He told us what
ye said, that ye wanted to tie him up.” Laramie
crossed his arms over his chest. “Good thing he
got away from ye.”

Tie him up? “Awe, shit,” Paolo whispered.
Paolo vaguely remembered mumbling his

desire to tie his mate to his bed. He’d thought
Jamie was asleep, but that had obviously been an





misunderstood and instead of asking him about it,
he’d fled.

Laramie’s brows eased as he smirked. “Now

ye’ll never get the chance. Jamie deserves better.”

While Paolo internally railed at Jamie for not

confronting him, he knew he couldn’t show it to
this man. Hell, he even understood why Jamie
hadn’t stuck around and asked…his mate was
submissive. No way would he have the confidence
to confront him.

“There’s been a misunderstanding,” Paolo

stated, trying to keep his tone steady. He wanted
to demand that Laramie take him to Jamie so he
could fix this, explain what he truly meant, but he
knew the wolf shifter would deny him. “I enjoy
D/s,” he admitted. “Are you familiar with that?”

Laramie’s jaw worked for a second, then he

nodded. “Aye. Ye’re into the bondage end of it?”

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Paolo nodded once. “I enjoy tying up and

pleasuring my lovers. I want to do that with Jamie,
to please him, not harm him.” As he said the
words, he realized he wanted that so badly his
fingers practically itched with the need to grip a
paddle and warm his mate’s behind, then soothe
the sting with palm and tongue. With how his
mate had obeyed the evening before, he knew his
mate would respond so beautifully. However,
before he could do any of that, Paolo needed to
earn his mate’s trust. To do that, he had to talk to
his mate…and this guy standing in front of him
was the key.

Glancing over his shoulder, Paolo spotted

Denise leaning against a nearby car, watching
them with concern. She had one hand pressed to
her rounded stomach and the second was in a fist
over her heart. Paolo turned back to Laramie.

“You have your own mate, wolf,” Paolo

pointed out. “How would it be if you were kept
apart due to a misunderstanding?”

A muscle in Laramie’s jaw ticked. He glanced

past Paolo, probably looking at his pregnant wife.
“I would move heaven and earth to fix a
misunderstanding,” Laramie growled low, as if
the admission were ripped from his throat.

Paolo nodded. “So, you understand then? Will

you help me fix this?”

“How do I know ye’re telling the truth?”

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Losing the fight with patience, Paolo growled

low in his own throat. “You are a fucking shifter,”
he hissed. “Use your nose. I’m not lying.”

Laramie glared and crossed his arms over his

chest. “Look, I’ll tell Jamie what ye told me.”

“Fine,” Paolo replied instantly. He didn’t know

this man, but his scent said he spoke the truth.
With how everyone seemed protective of Jamie, he
knew that was the best he was going to get. “Give
him my phone number. Please, ask him to call

Nodding, Laramie punched Paolo’s number

into his own phone as he rattled it off for the wolf
shifter. “I will.”

Paolo nodded again, suddenly feeling tired.

Heading around the other man, he told him, “I’ll
be at Nick and Miach’s.” While he wanted to
return to Jamie’s home in the hopes that his mate
would return on his own, Paolo knew he
shouldn’t. He needed to wait for Jamie to come to
him. He wouldn’t force himself on the wolf.
“Please, have him call me,” he stated again.

Laramie nodded. He shifted his weight from

foot to foot, his scent betraying his sudden unease.
“Look. I’m sorry, man, I—”

Paolo opened the jeep’s door as he sighed.

“Yeah, me, too.”

He didn’t have anything else to say. Tired and

disheartened, Paolo climbed into the vehicle. After
looking in his rearview mirror and confirming that

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Laramie no longer stood behind him, he started
the jeep and backed out of the parking space.

Praying Jamie would contact him soon, Paolo

headed toward Nick’s home. The shifter had been
so kind to him. Maybe Nick could help him track
Jamie down if nothing came from his altercation
with Laramie.

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Chapter Six

e did what?” Jamie scowled at Laramie. At
least the other wolf had the decency to

appear sheepish.

“Come on, Jamie,” Laramie pleaded, his words

sounding more like whining. “I thought he’d hurt
ye…or wanted to hurt ye,” he amended

Jamie shook his head and crossed his arms over

his chest, not swayed in the least at the guy’s
ridiculous attempt at soothing him. “I came up
here because I needed time to think. To get away
from his amazing scent, so I wouldn’t make stupid
choices while under the influence of the mating
pull,” he grumbled. “Not to have my friends make
decisions for me!”

“Then, ye plan to return to him?” Michel asked.
Jamie turned and looked at his host and friend.

The massive, bearded male sat sprawled on the
sofa, his mate sitting in front of him between his
spread legs. Michel held a beer in the hand resting
on the armrest while he wrapped his other arm


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around Jason. They looked comfortable, relaxed,
and Jamie wanted that…with Paolo…the man
he’d run away from.

In hindsight, Jamie knew he shouldn’t have

feigned sleep. He should have immediately asked
what Paolo meant. He could have left afterward if
he didn’t like the response…probably.

And that’s why I left…because I hardly know my


“I need to talk to him,” Jamie murmured. He

eased forward in his seat and rested his elbows on
his knees. “I should at least give him a chance,

“Yes,” Jason chirped. “You should. You only

get one mate, right?”

The human’s gentle reminder caused a stab of

guilt to slash through Jamie. Damn, if I’m suffering
this much, how is Paolo fairing?
Jamie knew he
wasn’t being fair to either of them.

“Can I borrow someone’s phone?” Jamie asked

to the men in the room in general as he pushed to
his feet. He’d come as a wolf and hadn’t brought
anything with him. Even the sweats and t-shirt he
wore were borrowed from Jason, the closest to his

Laramie stepped forward and held out his cell

phone. “Here. I’ve queued up his number for ye,”
he told him.

Jamie took the offering and glanced down at

the readout. He grimaced. The number entry was

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listed under the name Jamie’s Douche. “Ouch,” he
mumbled. His friend just shrugged, clearly not
repentant at his choice.

Michel urged Jason to his feet, then stood as

well. “All right, guys. Let’s give Jamie a few

“Thanks,” Jamie murmured appreciatively.
The big wolf nodded, leading the way outside,

Jason and Laramie trailing behind him. Laramie
made a quick stop in the kitchen to grab another
round of beers. He paused at the door, gazing at
Jamie. “Ye’re one of my best friends, Jamie. I just
want ye safe and happy.”

Nodding, Jamie offered an uncertain smile.

“Aye. Me, too.”

Laramie nodded once more, then turned and

stepped out onto the deck. Jamie appreciated
being left alone in the living room. Michel didn’t
have a spare bedroom, and Jamie had planned to
sleep on the sofa that evening. Then, Laramie had
shown up and told them how he’d virtually
attacked Paolo.

Jamie stared at the phone in his hand for a long

while, then finally grew a set and triggered the
phone to dial. After three rings, Paolo’s deep,
accented voice answered, “This is Paolo.”

At the sound of his mate’s voice, Jamie’s blood

flowed south. His cock thickened so fast it left him
dizzy and he gasped.

“Hello?” Paolo called, questioning in irritation.

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Finally, Jamie managed, “P-Paolo?”
“Jamie.” The other man seemed to breathe his

name, deep and slow. “Is that you, sweet wolf?”

Finding his tongue, Jamie whispered, “Aye.”

He nibbled his bottom lip for a few seconds,
uncertain what else to say at that point.

Silence reigned for a number of heartbeats.
Eventually, Paolo spoke. “I’m glad you called,

Jamie,” he murmured. “There’s so much I need to
tell you, to explain.”

“We do have a lot to talk about,” Jamie agreed,

managing to find his tongue.

“You’re in a quiet place, Jamie,” Paolo

commented. “Does that mean you have time

Jamie nodded, then realized Paolo couldn’t see.

“Aye,” he agreed. “I’m alone.” When Paolo didn’t
comment right away, Jamie replayed what his
mate had asked and added, “I have time.”

“Jamie, I’d never do anything to you that you

didn’t want and enjoy,” Paolo stated, obviously
going for bluntness. “Please, believe me when I
tell you that.”

Hearing Paolo’s earnest tone, Jamie wanted to

believe him so badly. Still, he needed to know.
“Why would ye want to tie me up then? Wolf
shifters don’t do well being…confined.” He could
barely get the words out as a hard shudder
wracked his body just thinking about it.

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“Oh, Jamie,” Paolo murmured soothingly. “The

purpose of tying you up would be to bring you

Confusion filled Jamie. That didn’t make any

sense to him. “How could that bring pleasure?”

Paolo chuckled roughly. “I told Laramie that I

enjoy the dominant submissive lifestyle. Did he
tell you that?”

Jamie frowned. “Nay.” Why hadn’t his friend

told him?

“Mmm, I did get the sense that kind of talk

made him uncomfortable,” Paolo commented.
“When you knelt at my feet and obeyed my
commands, how did you feel, Jamie?”

Sighing, Jamie thought about those moments,

listening to Paolo’s orders, doing as he said,
relaxed him. “I enjoyed it,” Jamie admitted. “I
felt…I felt relaxed, calm. I didn’t have to make any
decisions and I could just…be.” Damn, that made
no sense, even in his own head.

“That’s good, sweet wolf,” Paolo countered.

“That’s how it should be.”

“Because you enjoy giving up control, just as I

enjoy taking control,” Paolo explained. “There’s
nothing wrong with that. It’s just the way we’re
wired. In my opinion, it’s one of the reasons Fate
probably chose us as each other’s mates.”

Jamie thought about that for a few seconds,

then murmured, “What if I don’t want ye to do

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something. If I’m submitting, how do I tell ye?
Won’t ye be angry? Won’t ye punish me?” He
shivered at the very idea, fighting back demons
from his past.

“Ah, Jamie. Someone hurt you, didn’t they?

Took advantage of your beautiful instinctual
desire to submit and obey.”

Unable to help himself, Jamie allowed a

whimper to escape. “H-How did ye know that?”

“Jamie,” Paolo all but breathed his name.
For some reason, Jamie found himself relaxing.
“From your questions and how you ran when

you heard my comment about tying you up, it
wasn’t much of a leap, sweet wolf,” Paolo
commented. “Your concerns are valid. It would be
so easy for a dominant to tie up his submissive,
gag him, and injure him in ways that hadn’t been
agreed upon.”

Paolo remained silent for several seconds,

where Jamie could only swallow repeatedly as he
struggled to get moisture to his dry throat.

“Consider this, though,” Paolo softly ordered.

“How would it feel to kneel on the bed, your arms
tied behind your back, and your cock and balls
bound in a ring.” As he spoke, Paolo’s voice
deepened, betraying his own lust. “Then a light
sensation tickles the crack of your ass. You can’t
see what it is, and you try to squirm away from it.
The rope around your wrists is attached to one
that runs between your legs and your movements

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cause that rope to tighten the cock ring, causing
your balls to ache in the best possible way.”

Jamie shuddered, this time in arousal. He

reached down and pressed the heel of his hand
against the base of his suddenly aching prick.
“Oh,” he gasped.

Paolo hummed. “You do like the sound of that,

don’t you, Jamie.” Without missing a beat, he
continued, “You’d like it when I brought that item
around and you looked down to see a red feather
boa slide between your legs, then wrap around
your cock. It rubs against your balls, the caress so
soft, making your sensitive flesh tingle.”

Groaning, Jamie pressed harder against his

prick, but it didn’t stop his balls from rolling in his

“Gods that’s a sexy sound, Jamie,” Paolo

crooned. “You’re hard at the idea, aren’t you,
sweet wolf?”

“A-Aye,” Jamie managed to reply.
“Better take out your dick. You wouldn’t want

to come in your pants, would you? And I do plan
to make you come, Jamie.”

Panting hard, Jamie felt a bead of sweat drip

down his temple. His balls ached and his cock
throbbed as the desire to do just that burned
through his blood. After a quick glance toward the
window and the deck, he whispered, “Okay.” He
lifted his hips and shoved his sweats down just
enough to release his dick and balls. His cock

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slapped against his stomach, causing his groin to
tingle deliciously.

“Damn, I heard that…your dick slapping

against your abs. I bet you’re bobbing in the air
right now, fluid leaking from your tip,” Paolo
commented. “Imagine me wrapping a silk scarf
around your bobbing shaft,” he urged. “Rubbing
back and forth, back and forth.”

Jamie groaned and shuddered. His dick jerked

as he listened to his lover croon in his ear, and just
as Paolo had stated, a bead of pre-cum oozed from
his slit.

“P-Paolo, please,” he begged. He could

practically taste his orgasm. His dick throbbed and
his balls ached. “I need—” A whimper escaped
him, practically yanked from his throat.

“If I were to promise that,” Paolo pressed.

“Would you want to be tied up?”

“Oh, Gods! Aye!” Jamie cried loudly.
Paolo growled into the phone and rumbled,

“Come for me, my mate.”

Shouting hoarsely, Jamie obeyed. Without a

touch, his balls tightened just that bit more,
shooting cum up his dick. Spurts of seed pulsed
from his bobbing prick, painting ribbons of white
across the hardwood floor at his feet. Jamie
whimpered and moaned, reveling in the blissful
sensations cascading through his system.

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“You sound so sexy when you come, Jamie,”

Paolo murmured into Jamie’s ear. “I wish I could
have been there to see it.”

Jamie wished the same thing. He’d love to feel

his mate’s arms around him, holding him, giving
him something to hold onto as he floated. “I-I’m
sorry I didn’t talk to ye,” Jamie slurred, still feeling
the effects of his orgasm.

“I understand why you ran,” Paolo murmured.

“I hope that, someday, you’ll feel comfortable
telling me about it.”

Grimacing, Jamie sighed. “Perhaps.”
Paolo sighed. “I was held for eight months,” he

revealed. “I couldn’t change out of my rat form.
Aldridge and Toby weren’t bad guys, but they
weren’t the ones giving me the shots that kept me
trapped. That shit burned and the needle was so
fucking huge, especially considering that rats
aren’t very large animals,” Paolo told him. “They
inserted the needle into my back and force the
serum into my veins. It didn’t matter how I
fought,” he continued. “They wore gloves. My
back itched like crazy for hours and my blood felt
like liquid ice for several minutes before the
burning began.”

Listening to Paolo’s words, Jamie’s afterglow

disappeared in an instant. He grabbed a tissue
from the box on the end table and wiped himself
up before dropping the tissue onto the floor. He
tucked himself away, then grabbed a few more

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tissues. He lowered to his knees and started
wiping up his seed.

He heard whimpers, but it wasn’t until Paolo

cried his name that Jamie realized the cries came
from himself.

“Jamie, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you that

like this,” Paolo purred soothingly into his ear.
“Calm down, my sweet. You’re safe with your
friends. I’m not in a cage. We’re both okay. We’ll
be fine.”

Jamie bowed over his knees. He managed to

ease the grip he had on the phone, amazed he
hadn’t crushed the small device. “I’m okay,” he
managed to mumble, then he focused on just
breathing. The spots that had danced across his
vision eased, and he realized they’d been caused
by lack of oxygen.

“Are you okay, Jamie?”
He nodded, then remembered Paolo couldn’t

see it. “Aye, that, damn. Sorry,” he finished

“No need to apologize,” Paolo murmured into

his ear. “Is everything all right? Did my words
cause a flashback or something?” he asked softly.
“Is there anything I can do?”

Jamie sighed. He really just needed to think

about something else. “Talk to me,” he pleaded.

“About what?”

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Flopping back onto his ass, Jamie leaned

against the sofa he’d just been sitting on.
“Anything. Tell me about yerself…please.”

Paolo hummed into his ear for a few seconds.

“Well, I was born in a small, backwater town in
Maryland…almost one hundred twelve years
ago,” he started. “My parents were a true mate
match and loved each other very much. I have
four brothers and two sisters. My pack was taken
over by a new alpha about three months before
my disappearance. Since I can’t find my family,
I’m kinda thinking he thought I was a threat to his
authority.” Paolo snorted. “I suppose I was, too.
Everyone loved our old alpha and we could never
figure out why he brought in this new guy before
he died. Alpha Alan.”

Jamie cocked his head. “What do ye mean?”
For the next half hour, Paolo told Jamie about

his old pack, how his alpha claimed Alan was a
relative, son of a brother’s mate’s sister. Everyone
trusted the aging alpha and accepted Alan with
open arms. There’d been some tension between
Alan and Beta Loren, but that had been expected,
since Shet named the new arrival as his successor.
Two months later, Alpha Shet had died and Alan
assumed the position. Beta Loren had moved his
family to another pack.

“I’d like to tell you about my family,” Paolo

finally stated. “But I’d really like to share that in
person. We jumped into a mating without

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knowing each other, and I understand that’s the
reason we’re apart now. Will you allow me to take
you out on a date? I’d like the opportunity to get
to know you…outside the bedroom,” he finished,
mirth filling his tone.

“I’d like that,” Jamie replied, not even having to

think about his answer.

“Thank you, sweet wolf,” Paolo said, sounding

as if he whispered the words like a prayer. “I have
my first volunteer shift at the fire station in Stone
Ridge tomorrow morning.”

Jamie smiled at the pride he heard in his rat’s

voice. “I didn’t realize ye were a fire fighter.” Of
course, that stood to reason. There was so much he
didn’t know about his mate.

“I was in a previous life,” Paolo told him.

“Detective Stryker and your enforcer’s mate,
Jared, helped me with identity. Since the chief is a
wolf, I didn’t need to forge credentials. I start a
twelve hour volunteer shift tomorrow at six in the

“So does that mean ye’re free for supper?”

Jamie aside, surprised at how eager he was to see
his mate again.

“I am. How about we meet at seven thirty. Just

tell me where.”

Jamie grinned. “How about at Spiron’s Bar and

Grill. I’m gonna be there with a few friends. I’m
helping them get Jason’s sister away from his

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Paolo snorted. “There has got to be a story


“There is,” Jamie assured. “How about I tell ye

all about it when ye show up.”

“I look forward to it,” Paolo responded, his

tone softening. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Five minutes later, Jamie hung up the phone.

He couldn’t stop the grin from splitting his
features. He knew they still had plenty of things to
discuss, but a lightness that he hadn’t felt before
talking with Paolo filled him.

“Seems ye’re feeling better,” Michel called,

drawing attention to himself where he stood
leaning a hip against the dining room table.

Jamie had no clue when his friend had entered

the home. He flushed and nodded. “Aye.”

Michel chuckled deeply. He pushed away from

the table and crossed to the refrigerator and
opened it. After grabbing several beers, he leveled
a reassuring look Jamie’s way. “Ye keep yer phone
on ye and call if ye need anything. I’ll come
running.” He scowled. “Ye know that, right?”

“I know,” Jamie confirmed with a nod. He

smiled at his oldest and dearest friend. “It’s why I
came here.

Grunting, Michel nodded once, then headed

back outside with the beer. Before he closed the
door, he hollered, “Open some windows and air
the house out. Smells like cum in there.”

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Jamie leaped to his feet and obeyed, trying to

ignore the heat filling his cheeks.

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Chapter Seven

aolo just held back his groan as muscles he
hadn’t used in years made their presence

known. Who would have thought hours of rolling
hoses coupled with washing a fire engine could
cause his shoulders, arms, and back to ache.

“You did good today, rook,” Stake Dolan called

right before slapping him on the back hard
enough that, if he’d been human, he’d have
stumbled forward several steps. “When you back
on rotation?”

Turning to face the human, Paolo took in

Dolan’s grin. Then, he subtly scented the human.
There were two wolf shifters who worked full
time besides the chief, as well as two full time
humans and four part time humans. Paolo made
up fifty percent of the volunteers, the second being
a human, Charles Bronson, in his late thirties who
had recently retired from the military.

“Thanks, Dolan,” Paolo responded slowly. “I

have two days off, so I’ll be back Thursday


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Dolan snorted. “Cap easing you in, huh? I

always thought baptism by fire worked best.”

“Then it’s a good thing you’re not in charge,

Dolan,” Captain Glowder snapped, stalking into
the room. “Too many opportunities for mistakes
when your people are tired.” He fixed a look on
Paolo. “Get out of here, Paolo.” Then, he eyeballed
Dolan. “In my office, Dolan. Now.”

Paolo didn’t need to be told twice. “Night,” he

mumbled. He didn’t relish over-hearing the
tongue-chewing Dolan was about to receive.
Besides, he had more than enough to occupy his
mind…like his date with Jamie. Paolo used the
term loosely, since he didn’t really know what he
was walking into, considering his mate’s odd

My mate.
Just thinking of Jamie brought a smile to his

lips. Damn, he couldn’t wait to see the man again,
smell him, hold him…even if it was just his hand
underneath a restaurant table. That would lead to
more, Paolo felt certain, and he’d brave any
animosity from his mate’s friends and pack to be
with Jamie.

Climbing into the borrowed jeep, Paolo hissed

as he slid into the vehicle. Damn, any pressure on
his shoulders sent spikes through his body. If he
hadn’t been a shifter, knowing he had to face this
pain for three or four days, he’d be hating life. As
it was, he had a good twenty-four hours of pain to

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look forward to. Paolo agreed with Glowder.
Better to not jeopardize the team by over using his

Paolo turned the engine over on the jeep and

headed out of the station parking lot. Fifteen
minutes later, he parked in Nick and Miach’s
driveway. Not for the first time, the idea of getting
a place of his own crossed his mind. Except, if all
went well, maybe he could move in with Jamie. If
not that, then they could pick out a house

Shaking his head at his own thoughts, Paolo

slid from the jeep—just managing to squelch his
flinch—and headed toward the house. Before he
reached it, the door swung open. Nick appeared in
the doorway, grinning widely.

“Hey, there,” Nick greeted, sweeping his gaze

over Paolo. “Walking a bit stiff there. How was
your first day?”

Paolo grimaced. “Day was good. Body is sore.”
Nodding, Nick grinned. “Let me get you a

couple of shots of whiskey,” he offered, leading
the way into the room. “Meds don’t work on us
much, but that’ll at least keep you from flinching
with every step.” He winked. “Maybe you can get
Jamie to rub you down later.”

“Har, har,” Paolo muttered, scowling. Still, he

really, really liked that idea, not that he’d tell Nick
that. Jamie’s hands smoothing over the sore
muscles of his back and shoulders…hot damn! His

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prick liked the idea, too, and—despite the pain—
he found himself hardening in his jeans. “I gotta
get cleaned up,” he mumbled, hustling past a
snickering Nick as fast as his sore body could

Paolo hopped into the shower, cleaning as

swiftly as possible. He quickly jacked off, thinking
of his mate on his knees before him. Imagining
Jamie opening his mouth to take in his jutting
prick, the suction, the heat, the imaginary visual of
his mate on his knees servicing him, all combined
to set him off faster than he had since puberty.

“Damn,” he gasped, one hand on the tile wall

as he panted harshly.

Bowing his head, Paolo enjoyed the heat of the

water pounding onto the tired muscles of his back
and neck. A moment later, he lifted his arms and
wrapped his hands around the shower head. The
new position caused the hot water to lash across
the muscles of his upper arms.

Finally feeling relaxed enough to move, Paolo

lowered his arms and turned off the water. He
shoved aside the shower curtain and grabbed his
towel. Grimacing a bit, he rubbed himself dry,
then hung the towel up and strode from the
bathroom. It wasn’t like shifters were concerned
with nudity…besides, he knew Miach barbequed
on the back deck while Nick banged around in the
kitchen. He could hear them.

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He found a tumbler with a double shot of

amber liquid in a glass on his dresser and downed
it without hesitation. The whiskey burned just
right, settling in his empty stomach, warming him
from the inside out.

Smiling, Paolo dressed and headed toward the

kitchen within five minutes. Stopping in the
doorway, he snorted as he set the empty tumbler
on the counter. “Good thing I’m heading out.
Guess you’re not gonna need your jeep, Miach?”

The pair took their time bringing their lip-lock

to an end. Finally, Nick nuzzled his way down
Miach’s jaw and neck. Miach hummed, his hands
tightening on Nick’s ass where they gently rocked
their pelvises together.

Finally, Miach grinned at Paolo. “Help yourself.

I won’t need it tonight.”

Paolo chuckled and shook his head before

turning away. He waved a hand and headed
toward the door. “I’ll look into getting my own
vehicle in the next day or so,” he called over his
shoulder as he headed toward the jeep.

Less than thirty minutes later, Paolo pulled into

the parking lot of Spiron’s Bar and Grill. He walked
in and noted half the tables and booths on the
right side of the building were filled. The bar area
wrapped around to the left, separating the
restaurant seating from an expanse with a couple

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of pool tables, a dart board, and a number of
small, square tables lining the far wall.

Paolo spotted Jamie sitting on a bar stool. He

noticed Denise sat a few seats down with
Laramie’s arm around her waist, his palm spread
over her belly. A clean-shaven, blond man he
didn’t know sat next to Jamie on his mate’s other

As if sensing his presence, Jamie turned his

head and met his gaze. He watched a number of
expressions flit across his mate’s face, eyes
widening, then filling with heat, finally finishing
with a flush and a nervous, shy smile.

Desire to touch Jamie drove Paolo forward, not

to mention he didn’t like the uncertainty in his
mate’s eyes. He didn’t want Jamie to think he was
upset for their misunderstanding. Holding his
wolf shifter’s gaze, Paolo gave his mate a
reassuring smile.

When Paolo stopped before Jamie, looking up

at his mate, the hairs on his nape stood on end and
his skin tingled. He knew they were the center of
attention, but he kept his focus on Jamie. Reaching
up, he gently cupped his wolf’s jaw and rubbed
his thumb along his mate’s bottom lip.

Immediately, Jamie tilted his head and nuzzled

into his palm. The tension eased from the man’s
lean form, his shoulders sagging. Paolo doubted
his mate had even realized he’d been holding
himself so stiffly.

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Feeling gratified by Jamie’s welcome—his

small, silent submission—Paolo smiled. “Hello,
sweet wolf,” he murmured, keeping his voice
quiet since he wasn’t certain who around them
knew of shifters. The bartender was a wolf shifter,
but there were a number of humans at the other
end of the bar.

“Hi,” Jamie whispered back. “Thanks for


Paolo’s smile widened and he just resisted the

urge to pull Jamie off of the stool and into his arms
so he could kiss him. Instead, he assured,
“Anything for you, Jamie.” With the feel of gazes
still fixed on him, Paolo murmured, “Are you
willing to introduce me to your friends? They’re
staring.” He winked, softening the words.

Jamie’s face flushed, the skin under Paolo’s

fingers warming. He broke their stare and flitted
his gaze around the room. His face grew even
more flushed as he cleared his throat
uncomfortably. His tongue swept out to swipe
over his bottom lip before he nibbled and worried
that same flesh.

Unable to resist the allure of his mate’s lips any

longer, Paolo settled his right hand on Jamie’s hip
and urged him forward, off of the stool and
toward him. He leaned closer and pecked a quick
kiss to his mate’s lips, nipping lightly. Using the
hold he still had on Jamie’s jaw, Paolo tilted his

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wolf’s jaw and whispered his command.
“Introduce me to your friends, mate.”

Immediately, Jamie bobbed his head in a nod

and beamed at Paolo. Then, he turned and waved
a hand toward the blond to his left. “This is Preall
McCollins. I’ve known him for—” he paused,
glancing around, then finished, “—forever.”

Paolo nodded at the guy, who shook his hand

distractedly, his gaze continually straying to peer
toward the door. He wondered if he should be
offended, but then Jamie leaned close and
whispered, “He’s waiting for Jason’s sister, Trina.”
He pointed toward a slender human who leaned
against the pool table and watched with a smirk
on his face. He held a pool cue in his right hand.
“Trina is Preall’s mate. She turned eighteen last
fall and just graduated high school. She lives in
Hartford, Connecticut and is coming out here to
check colleges.”

“Ah,” Paolo breathed the word, understanding

filling him. “Is this the story you wanted to tell

Jamie nodded. “Mmm-hmm.”
“Can I get you something?”
Paolo turned upon hearing the deep voice and

nodded at the bartender. “Whatever dark beer you
have on tap,” Paolo requested.

“You got it,” the man responded, stepping

backward and grabbing a glass.

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A moment later, a beer-filled glass slid across

the bar to him. Paolo released his hold on Jamie
and grabbed his glass. After taking a swig, he
hummed his appreciation, offered the bartender
an approving smile, then returned his focus to his

“So, the rest of introductions?” Paolo prodded.
Jamie’s mouth gaped a second, and Paolo

realized his mate was watching him lick a bead of
beer off his upper lip. He grinned and winked.
That seemed to knock Jamie out of his reverie.
“Uh, right.” He turned and pointed at the
pregnant woman in Laramie’s arms. “That’s
Laramie and his wife, Denise. I understand ye
already met them.”

Paolo smirked and tilted his beer at the wolf

shifter in mock salute. “Briefly. Thank you for
getting my message to Jamie.”

Laramie just nodded.
“Jason’s partner, Michel, couldn’t make it

tonight,” Jamie explained. “He’s, um—” He
leaned close again. “He’s in hiding for the next
several years.”

“Ah, right,” Paolo responded, understanding. It

seemed Michel was in the in-between years, where
a shifter dropped out of society and waited any
number of years until no one would remember
him, before he resurfaced with a new identity.
“Then, Jason is here because of family.”

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Jamie nodded. “Jason turned up last summer,

so they’ve been mated about a year now,” he
revealed. Finally, he pointed toward a pair of men
seated at one of the small tables that lined the
opposite wall. “That’s Jason’s uncle, Raul Braga,
and his mate, Sean Garcia. And ye know Carson
and Jared.”

Once again, Paolo tilted his head in

acknowledgement, this time to Carson in
acknowledgment of his enforcer status. The
Native American wolf shifter nodded back, then
returned his attention to whatever his mate and
Raul seemed to be discussing. Sean smiled
indulgently as he handed a french fry to the baby
he bounced lightly on his knee.

“Hey, Paolo. I didn’t know you were going to

be here.”

Paolo turned and grinned, spotting Grady

Stryker. “Hi, Grady,” Paolo greeted. “Last minute
invite,” he told the large tiger shifter who was also
one of Stone Ridge’s detectives. He shook hands
with the man, then turned and did the same to the
man’s mate. “Doctor Digby. Good to see you

“Call me Gordon,” the shifter psychiatrist

offered with a smile, taking and shaking Paolo’s
hand. “We’re not on the clock,” he added,

“I didn’t know ye knew them,” Jamie

murmured, his brows drawing down.

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Paolo released Gordon and wrapped his arm

around Jamie’s waist. “I was caged,” he whispered
into his mate’s ear. “I met with the doc a number
of times,” he admitted. “And Grady and Jared
helped me regain my identity.”

“Oh,” Jamie mumbled. “Aye, ye did mention


The scent his mate gave off finally registered to

Paolo. He just managed to hold back his grin,
knowing he shouldn’t be pleased. Except, damn,
the knowledge that his mate was jealous of his
relationships—however innocent—with other
shifters filled him with a ridiculous amount of

“They helped me get my life back together,”

Paolo murmured into his ear.

“Speaking of lives,” Grady stated, drawing

attention. “Jared dropped off a file today. He
located one of the people on your list. Not your
parents or siblings,” he explained, “but it seems
Cory Luoso is currently living in a small town in
the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee.”

Scowling, Paolo couldn’t help mumbling

absently, “What is he doing there?”

“Who’s Cory Luoso?” Jamie asked, this time

sounding unmistakably irritated.

Paolo squeezed Jamie’s side, pressing him

closer for a couple of seconds. “A longtime
friend,” he told his mate. “Just like these guys are
your longtime friends.”

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“Geez, I don’t understand why I’m suddenly

jealous,” Jamie gasped. “I’m sorry.”

Chuckling, Paolo squeezed his mate again.

“Don’t apologize. We’ve had a trying couple of
days. Once our own relationship is solid, these
kinds of petty feelings will ease,” he assured.

Jamie nodded as he settled his head on Paolo’s

shoulder. “I hope so,” he murmured. “Feeling like
this sucks.”

“Come on,” Paolo said, urging his mate toward

the far wall and the empty table next to where
Jared and Carson sat. “Let’s sit. Those fries look

“I’ll order some and bring them over,” Grady

offered. “I want some wings and skins.”

Paolo’s stomach rumbled at the tiger shifter’s

words. “Damn, salt and fat sound great right
about now,” he admitted. “Next round’s on me,

Gordon chuckled. “We’ll hold you to that.”
As he started moving, Paolo’s body reminded

him of his aches and pains. It seemed the whiskey
shot had worn off. As he lowered into a chair, he
released his hold on Jamie’s waist. Paolo leaned
back and brought his arm up to rest on the back of
Jamie’s chair, who’d settled next to him.

Evidently, Paolo hadn’t been completely

successful in hiding his grimace, for Jamie peered
at him and asked, “Are ye okay?”

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Paolo nodded. He used the hand on the back of

the chair to squeeze Jamie’s shoulder. “Yes, sweet
wolf. I’m fine. Just sore from work.”

“A firefighter, huh?” Jamie asked. He tilted his

head and peered at him through his lashes. “I bet
ye look sexy in yer firefighter pants.”

Smirking, Paolo narrowed his eyes. “Hmm,

maybe I’ll show you sometime and you can decide
for sure.”

“I think I’d like that,” Jamie replied.
Paolo felt his cock thicken in his jeans at his

mate’s breathy response. Not wanting to sit with a
hard-on the entire evening, he squeezed Jamie’s
shoulder again and asked, “So, tell me why there’s
a huge gathering at the bar on a Monday night.”
Grinning, Paolo quipped. “Is this a normal thing?
Make it through Monday and have a night out
with buddies as a reward?”

Jamie snorted and shook his head. “Nay.

Jason’s mother and stepfather are homophobic
arseholes, so we’re all gathered here to lend
support and distraction so Jason and Preall can
smuggle Trina out the back.” He grinned. “It
should be great fun.”

“And I’m here to make sure no fights actually

break out,” Grady stated, settling onto one of the
chairs across from them, Gordon easing onto the
other. The pair placed several plates on the table
between them, holding the promised fries, wings,
and skins. “Gotta keep it sort of civil.”

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Jamie shook his head. “Fat chance of that,” he

said. “Brianna was a big enough bitch. Add her
homophobic husband into the mix and well—”
Jamie shook his head. “It could get loud in here.”

Before Paolo could even hope to come up with

a response to that, Jason strode over to his uncle’s
table and warned, “Trina just texted. They just
pulled up.”

Raul nodded and pushed to his feet. “Preall.

Come here.”

The wolf shifter strode across the room and

stopped by their table.

Paolo grabbed the plate of fries, dragged it

toward him, and ate a couple of the salty treats.
He settled in and prepared to watch the show. He
wondered just how big this brouhaha would
actually be.

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Chapter Eight

amie watched the lines of tension ease from
Paolo’s features as his mate relaxed in his chair

and focused on enjoying his fries. Paolo smiled at
him, holding up a fry. When Jamie shook his head,
Paolo popped it into his own mouth and reached
for another. With the fingertips of his hand draped
over the back of Jamie’s chair, Paolo lightly
rubbed over Jamie’s shoulder. He wasn’t certain if
his mate did it unconsciously or not, but Jamie
pressed into the contact, loving that his mate
wanted to touch him constantly.

Pulling his attention away from the man who’d

dominated his thoughts the last few days, Jamie
grabbed a potato skin. He dipped it in sour cream,
then brought the cheesy and bacon topped potato
to his mouth. He bit it in half and savored the
tasty morsel.

Just then, the sound of a very feminine squeal

of excitement caught Jamie’s attention. He
watched as Trina practically flew across the space,
weaving around the pool table, and threw herself


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into Jason’s arms. Good thing the young man had
gained some strength by bonding with a shifter,
because his lean frame didn’t appear to be capable
of withstanding that kind of impact.

“Hey, Trina,” Jason greeted, pecking his sister

on the cheek. “You found it.”

“Of course,” Trina stated. Then, she lowered

her voice—Jamie’s shifter hearing allowing him to
hear the young woman’s whispered words, “Not
for lack of trying on Arthur’s part. God, he took so
many wrong turns and threatened to turn around
more than once. I swear—”

“Hey, you’re here now,” Jason cut her off.


Trina nodded and stepped back, releasing him.

She looked around, her gaze snagging on Preall
for a few seconds, a blush darkening her cheeks a
bit. “Hey, Preall. Good to see you again,” she
murmured softly.

Smiling, his blue eyes twinkling, Preall nodded.

“And you, Trina. Welcome to Stone Ridge.”

Trina grinned in response. “Thanks!” For

several seconds, they just stared at each other,
then Trina blushed prettily and turned away. She
greeted both her Uncle Raul and Uncle Sean with
hugs and saved some baby talk for Lily. Returning
her focus to Jason, she asked, “Where’s that sexy
stud of yours?”

Preall growled low in his throat for a second,

then coughed, obviously trying to cover up his

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slip. Fortunately, Jason rushed to answer, “He
wanted to come, but this isn’t really his, uh—” He
paused and waved his hand around the crowded
space. “He’s not much on crowds and this would
have been a little much for him. He’s hoping I can
talk you into hiking tomorrow, though,” Jason

“Oh, yeah,” Trina instantly agreed. “That

sounds like fun.”

“Cool, there are—”
“No, we don’t have time for that, Trina,”

Brianna cut off her own son’s words. Jamie noted
she hadn’t even greeted Jason. Jamie’s assessment
of the woman didn’t improve, especially when she
stated, “We’re touring two campuses in Denver
tomorrow, so we really can’t be here long.”

Trina frowned at her mother. “We wouldn’t

have been so late if Arthur had followed the
directions I gave him.”

“Don’t you take that tone of voice with me,

young lady,” Arthur reprimanded.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Trina

muttered, “Well, it’s true. And I thought we were
checking those colleges out on Wednesday. Didn’t
you get rooms at that bed and breakfast I sent you
a link to?”

Jamie knew from conversations with Jason that

he’d thought his family would be staying a couple
of nights at a local B and B. Evidently, they were
changing plans on him so he couldn’t spend time

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with his sister. Unfortunately, that affected Preall,
too, and Jamie knew his friend wanted time with
Trina, too. The hiking trip was supposed to be
followed by a picnic where Jason and Michel
would leave Trina and Preall alone together.

“No, we decided that wouldn’t be the most

effective use of time on our trip,” Brianna replied.
“We’ll do the college thing tomorrow, then still
have time to check out that amusement park you
talked about.”

Trina frowned. “It’s summer. The park will be

packed. Besides, I want to spend the day with
Jason.” She lowered her arms and indicated her
brother, as if their mother couldn’t see him
standing right there.

“Hey, maybe I can walk the campus with you,”

Jason offered.

“I don’t think—” Arthur started.
Preall stepped forward, resting his hands on the

back of the chair Jason had vacated. “I have an
order of lumber to pick up in Denver. I’d planned
to get it Thursday, but I can adjust my schedule,”
he offered. “If there are two of us, the drive won’t
be so bad.”

“I said, I don’t—” Arthur tried again.
Both Jason and Trina ignored the man. Instead,

Trina beamed up at Preall. “You don’t have to do
that. I’m not interested in the amusement park.
It’d be way too hot this time of year and too many
lines. I’ll do the hiking thing.” She looked toward

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the bar and pointed, “Does he have anything non-
alcoholic? Oh, how about a virgin daiquiri?”

“It would be my pleasure to get that for you,

Trina,” Preall stated.

Trina’s skin glowed in a light flush. “Thanks,”

she whispered.

Preall offered a mock bow, then headed over to

the bar to place the order. Carson rose from his
seat and pointed at the chair. “Have a seat, Trina.
Catch up with your family. I’ll grab menus.” As
Trina moved to obey, Jared also rose and moved
to the next table over. He turned a chilly smile
onto the parents. “Arthur, Brianna, have a seat
over here.”

Arthur scowled and opened his mouth as if to

argue, but the narrowing of Jared’s eyes must
have changed his mind. Jamie lowered his gaze
back to the half of the potato skin still in his hand.
Hell, if Jared looked at him like that, he’d do
whatever the human wanted, too.

“Huh, I thought he reserved that look for the

target on his rifle range,” Paolo commented,
leaning close. “Not many humans make me
nervous, but damn. Not a look I want directed at
me…or you, for that matter.”

Jamie gazed at Paolo, who had evidently been

watching everything play out in silence. “Me
neither,” he admitted. “There are a hell of a lot of
rumors swirling around about him,” he mumbled,
cutting his attention toward the once again seated

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human. Feeling a set of eyes on him, Jamie
realized Carson had settled at another table and
now watched him solemnly. Jamie lowered his

Paolo chuckled. With the intensifying of Paolo’s

scent, Jamie realized he leaned closer and he
turned to meet his mate’s gaze. Paolo winked,
then pressed his lips to Jamie’s. He opened
instantly to the other man, and Paolo took
immediate advantage, thrusting his tongue in and
tangling with Jamie’s. He tasted of salt and fries
and the perfect musk that was all Paolo, and Jamie
loved every second of it.

“I can’t believe the staff here allows such

displays,” Arthur’s grumbled words reached
Jamie’s ears.

Slowly, Paolo brought the kiss to an end.

Holding Jamie’s gaze, he whispered, “I’d been
thinking about doing that since I walked in.
What’s ya’ll’s plans to separate Trina from her
douche bag parents? And how did Jason survive
that pair?”

“Arthur is the stepfather,” Jamie murmured.






displeasure at Jason being gay, Jason left and
tracked down his uncle. That was last year and his
parents have essentially disowned him, but his
sisters don’t agree with that view.” He waved
toward Trina, who leaned close to her brother and
chatted away. Every few seconds, she’d glance

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shyly toward Preall, who currently waited at the
bar. “As ye can see. His other sister, Alisha, is in
college. She’s taking summer classes and couldn’t
make it out here.”

“And Preall is Trina’s mate,” Paolo mused

quietly. “So what’s your plan to get them some
alone time?”

Jamie snickered. “Since Brianna and Arthur are

being dipshites about allowing Trina to go hiking,
we’ll put plan B into effect about halfway through
the meal. Our job will be to keep the parents from
causing a scene and going after Trina,” he

“Ah, in that case. Best eat up,” Paolo urged,

nodding toward the rapidly disappearing

Nodding, Jamie reached for a chicken wing, just

as Gordon did. The elephant shifter chuckled. “Eat
it. I’ll go get more.” Leaning toward Grady,
Gordon winked. “You want anything else besides
more of that?” he asked, pointing at the sauce all
over the man’s mouth.

Grady swallowed, then nodded. “How about

another beer?”

Sticking out his tongue, Gordon swiped across

the corner of his mouth. “Mmm, you do taste
good,” he murmured. “You got more sauce on
your lips than in your mouth.”

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Chuckling, Grady winked at his mate. “Awe,

you know what they say,” he murmured. “If it’s
not all over the place, it shouldn’t be in your face.”

Gordon rolled his eyes, even as they danced

with mirth. “You and your meat.”

“You and your tea,” Grady quipped right back.
While Grady was a tiger shifter and loved meat,

the rarer the better, Gordon was an elephant
shifter. He preferred salads and had focused on
the potato skins as opposed to the chicken
wings…and the carrot and celery sticks. They
were gone, too. Gordon was also known to the
pack for his love of tea and hatred of coffee. For a
long time, Jamie had thought Gordon had grown
up in England…or at least spent a number of years
over there. He’d never had the guts to ask though.

“This round’s on me,” Paolo stated, drawing

his attention. He grimaced as he moved his arm
from the back of Jamie’s chair. “I could use some
more fries, and maybe a shot of whiskey or two.”

“Lookin’ like ya hurt there, buddy,” Grady


“You roll up dozens of fire hoses and scrub a

fire truck and tell me how you feel afterward,”
Paolo grumbled, shoving to his feet. “And, yeah.
Damn, I do hurt,” he admitted.

“I can give ye a massage later if ye’re willing to

come home with me,” Jamie offered suddenly.
“Um, I mean—”

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Paolo leaned over and pressed a hard kiss to his

lips. “That sounds perfect.”

Before he could respond again, Paolo started

moving toward the bar. Gordon stood as well. “I’ll
help carry,” he stated, following as Paolo almost
imperceptibly limped from the table.

“Damn, he looks like he hurts,” Grady

commented again, watching the retreating pair.

“Aye,” Jamie whispered, feeling bad for his

mate. Paolo did a great job of hiding it, and
probably only people that were familiar with his
natural grace would notice. He frowned. “How
can you tell?” Why the hell would Grady be
staring at Paolo? His wolf bristled at that thought
and a soft growl escaped him.

Grady lifted his hands, the last chicken wing in

one hand. “Whoa, I’m a detective, remember? It’s
my job to notice shit like that.”

That made sense. Jamie nodded, his wolf

calming in the back of his mind. Damn. He
couldn’t remember the last time he’d been jealous
and now twice in one night? Hunching his
shoulders, Jamie muttered an apology. His heart
began racing in his chest. Shite, what if Grady took
affront? He was a tiger shifter, a big alpha top.

Grady hummed a few seconds around his

mouthful of hot wing. Then, he shook his head
and smiled. “Take a deep breath and relax, Jamie,”
he urged softly. “I’m not upset. I don’t consider it

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a challenge or anything. I’m not really part of your
pack, remember?”

Jamie followed his instructions and focused on

taking one breath after another. Shite. How could
he act like such an idiot…and in the middle of the
restaurant no less? Lowering his gaze, Jamie
focused on the hot wing he still held in his hand.

“Easy, Jamie. You okay?” Suddenly, Paolo was

there. He wrapped his arms around Jamie’s
shoulders, his chest pressed against his back, his
hands rubbing lightly over his chest. “Tell me
what’s wrong, sweet wolf,” he softly demanded
into his ear.

Letting out a soft sigh, Jamie leaned against his

mate. “Just a stupid, irrational reaction,” he

“Reaction to what?” Paolo whispered the


“It’s my fault,” Grady volunteered, drawing

both their attentions. He leaned forward and
lowered his voice as he said, “I made a comment
about the pain in your walk. Essentially, I
challenged his claim on you. He growled at me,
then realized what he did, and started to panic.”
Grady sighed and grabbed a napkin, wiping the
sauce from his fingers. “I tried to remind him that,
like you, I’m not really pack, but—” He smiled at
Jamie and tapped the side of his own skull. “You
kinda zoned out on me, Jamie. Got lost up here for
a minute, I think.”

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Jamie smiled wanly. “It happens.” He looked

left, spotting his mate who had his chin on Jamie’s
shoulder and peered at him with concern. “I’m
okay. Really.”

Paolo surveyed him for several more seconds,

then nodded, his chin digging into Jamie’s
shoulder for a second. “Okay. I hate seeing you in
distress,” he whispered. “I could see it in your
eyes across the room.” Lifting his head, he
loosened his arms. “You sure you’re okay?”

After confirming again that he was fine, Jamie

accepted a quick peck, then watched Paolo return
to Gordon’s side. The elephant shifter glanced
Jamie’s way, concern in his expression. Then, he
smiled at Jamie and returned his attention to the
bar and the food and drinks the bartender was
sliding across the wood toward him.

“So,” Grady drew the word out, pulling Jamie’s

attention back to him. “You gonna share the

Jamie knew exactly what Grady asked, and he

shook his head. “Don’t worry,” he murmured.
“Ye’ll know it when ye see it.” Unable to help
himself, he added, “I hope yer badge will keep our
friend from going after him.”

Grady shrugged. “As long as everyone has

agreed to get in the vehicle of their own free will,
there’s nothing our friend can do. We’re all adults

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Nodding, knowing they both knew who their





pointing out that Trina was eighteen and an adult
who could choose who she hung out with would
go as smoothly as they both hoped. However,
those driven by homophobia and bigotry seldom
made rational decisions. Jamie hoped this
wouldn’t backfire on his friends.

Still, Jamie would help them any way he could.
A moment later, Paolo settled back in his seat,

grunting softly. “I ordered double of everything
since it didn’t take us long to chow through the
first round,” he said, glancing between Jamie and
Grady. “The bartender is gonna bring us the next
round in maybe fifteen or so.”

Grady hummed, leaned forward, and grabbed a

wing. “Excellent idea, my friend.” He winked at
Gordon, then took a big bite. From the way he ate
his food, he seemed to be making certain he got
sauce on his chin. “Yum,” he mumbled around a
mouthful of chicken wing.

Gordon snorted. He grabbed a carrot stick, then

swiped the end through the sauce on Grady’s
chin. Winking, he bit the stick in half and chewed.

Jamie snickered at their antics and glanced at

Paolo. Would they ever be that comfortable? Paolo
stared right back at him, smiling that calm smile
that seemed to soothe Jamie’s wolf like nothing
else ever had.

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His mate seemed to be reading his mind, for he

reached over and rested his hand on Jamie’s thigh
and squeezed. He leaned close and nuzzled his
neck, then licked once at the sensitive skin behind
his ear before giving him a wink and straightening
in his chair.

Even as Jamie’s dick thickened in his jeans at

his mate’s touch, contentment worked through
him. He wasn’t certain how Paolo did it, but
without words his mate put him at ease. Smiling
happily, Jamie focused on eating and enjoying the
company of his friends and his mate.

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Chapter Nine

aolo kept a close eye on Jamie. While he felt
pleased that his mate still responded so

naturally to him, calming and relaxing at his
touch, he worried at his reaction. He’d known
Grady for a while now and nothing he’d seen told
him that the detective was prone to angry

Then, Paolo remembered his and Jamie’s drive

to his mate’s house. Not to mention, their
interaction in the kitchen, and Paolo knew it was
his love’s own mind that seemed to get him.
Whatever had happened in the past, it still
affected his mate to this day.

Damn, what will it take for him to confide in me?
Patience, Paolo reminded himself. He and his

mate hadn’t known each other all that long.

Massaging Jamie’s thigh lightly, almost

absently, Paolo swigged his beer. Then, he reached
for a potato skin. “So,” he started, deciding to
address what Candy had said. “The cashier at
your grocery store seemed a little bitter about all


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the gay men in the area.” He peered at Grady and
added, “Not so much angry as disappointed.”

Grady snorted and shook his head. “Naw, not

as many as you’d think, actually,” he told him.
“Declan has plenty of het couples in his pack,
too,” he assured. “Just most of them are wrapped
up with caring for cubs, so you don’t see them out
as much.”

“Ah,” Paolo murmured, nodding. “He has an

expansive pack, then?” He’d met so many male
couples that resided in the area, he’d made the
false assumption that Declan ran a mostly gay

Jamie nodded. “My friends and I have lived

under his leadership for—” He paused and
glanced around, then finished, “—well, a long
time, and we just found our mates. Laramie found
Denise years ago and last year Michel found Jason.
Then there’s ye and me and Preall and—” Again
he stopped speaking, this time he just tilted his
head toward Trina.

“Ah,” Paolo murmured. “Right.” Still, a fifty-

fifty split was nearly unheard of. “And you’re all
true mates?”

“Aye, we are. Most in the pack are, too,” Jamie

confirmed. He smiled. “Declan’s people have been
truly blessed.”

Paolo certainly agreed with that. Evidently,

Fate had decided to smile on the wolf shifter’s

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Trina rising from the table caught Paolo’s

attention. He saw that Jamie tracked her
movements as well, peering at the occupants of
the other table from beneath his lashes.

“I need to run to the little girl’s room,” Trina

told her brother and uncle.

Jason grinned. “Better hurry or Uncle Sean is

gonna eat all your fries,” he teased.

Placing her palm on her flat belly, Trina

groaned. “Ugh, that burger was huge, but I
couldn’t stop eating it. So good.” She sighed and
waved her other hand at the mound of fries still
on her plate. “Those are all yours if you want
them, Uncle Sean.”

“Won’t pass that up,” Sean instantly

responded, winking. Reaching out, he grabbed the
plate and pulled it toward him.

“The ladies room sounds great,” Denise said,

rising from the table behind Paolo and joining
Trina on her trek to the restroom. Her voice
drifted to Paolo’s sensitive shifter ears as she
complained, “I swear. The worst part of
pregnancy is how the baby sits right on your

Trina laughed and asked, “How far along are


“I’ll go pay our check while she’s gone,” Sean

said, also rising from the table.

Raul nodded, then tilted his head in a blatant

request for a kiss, which Sean had no trouble

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giving. Sean grabbed a couple fries from Trina’s
plate before heading away from the table,
probably to settle his bar tab, Lily bouncing on his

Behind Paolo, Laramie rose and headed after


Paolo’s eyes narrowed as he noted Preall,

Carson, and Jason did the same.

Leaning toward Jamie, Paolo whispered, “Is

this the sign I should be watching for?”

Jamie glanced around furtively, then nodded.
“So, what exactly is the plan?” Paolo asked

again, still curious.

“Ye’ll know,” Jamie whispered back.
Paolo opened his mouth, intending to press for

more information. Right then, however, Denise
came rushing awkwardly from the hallway that
housed the bathroom. She clutched her swollen
belly. Her eyes appeared too large in her head as
she searched the area.

“Laramie,” Denise cried. “Laramie!”
Nearly instantly, Laramie rushed to her side.

“What is it, sweetheart?”

“I think my water broke,” Denise replied. “I

think I’m going into labor!”

“Okay, okay. Calm down,” Laramie soothed.

“Let’s get you to the hospital. You’ll be fine.” He
wrapped an arm around Denise’s waist, pressed a
quick kiss to her temple, and started leading her
past the tables.

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Denise paused at their table and latched onto

Gordon’s arm. “Wait, wait,” she called. “Doctor
Digby, will you come with us? Please?”

“Denise,” Gordon started, resting his opposite

hand over hers where she clutched at him. “I’m
not that kind—” Grady shifted and Gordon
grunted. His eyes widened as he looked toward
his mate. Some communication passed between
them, as only those mated for years could do.
Gordon returned his focus to Denise and nodded.
“Of course, Denise. I’d be happy to help,” he
assured, rising from the table.

Grady rose as well. “Just let me know what

hospital you go to, darling.” He patted Gordon’s
shoulder. “I’ll settle the check and follow you.”

Gordon nodded and thanked him, then pressed

a quick kiss to Grady’s lips. When he pulled away,
Gordon’s eyes were narrowed in a questioning
look. The expression cleared as he turned and
refocused on Denise. “Let’s go, dear.”

Laramie gave Gordon an apologetic smile.

“Thanks, doc. It’ll make her feel better.”

As the trio left the restaurant, Grady headed

toward the bar. He pulled his wallet from his back
pocket as he moved. Everyone once against settled
in their seats.

Paolo opened his mouth to ask Jamie what was

going on, since in no way did Denise’s scent say
her water had broken, when he heard a low voice
whisper, “Four…three…”

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Paolo frowned and sought out who spoke in the

low, quiet voice. He knew if he hadn’t been a
shifter, he wouldn’t have heard the man.

Spotting Jared’s lips moving, Paolo realized it

was the human who spoke. Carson sat next to
him, a grimace on his face as he stared at…

Brianna looked up from her food and glanced

around the area. From the pinched expression on
her face when she took in all the men, she’d
obviously been trying to ignore who had been
dining around her. “Where’s Trina?” She patted
Arthur’s arm, getting his attention. “Where did
Trina go?”

“She went to the bathroom,” Arthur reminded

her, then refocused on his burger.

Huffing, Brianna grabbed his arm. “That was

ten minutes ago.”

Arthur scowled, clearly displeased to be pulled

away from his food. “Then go check on her,” he

Brianna shoved away from the table and all but

stalked to the restroom, muttering angrily about
rebellious children and unhelpful husbands.

Shaking his head, Paolo leaned close to Jamie

and mumbled, “Is the shit about to hit the fan?”

“Oh, aye,” Jamie murmured.
Within seconds, Brianna rushed back into the

room, yelling, “Trina’s gone! My baby is gone!”

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Grady was back by their sides, his hands held

up in placation, as he urged, “Calm down,
Brianna. What do you mean Trina is gone?”

Paolo’s eyes narrowed as he took in the scents

around him. Now the fact that Denise’s scent
didn’t indicate that her water had broken made







something…kidnapping Trina? That didn’t make
sense. Jason was her brother. He wouldn’t want
anything to happen to her.

Wait, where is Jason? And Preall, for that matter?
“What do you mean what do I mean?” Brianna

screeched. “My daughter went to the ladies room
and now she’s missing.” Sweeping her gaze over
the collected men, she screamed, “Where’s Jason?
Where is that man?”

“Your son headed home,” Raul stated as he

rose from his seat.

Brianna shoved around Grady and rounded on

her brother. “Jason is not my son,” she snarled. “I
don’t have a faggot for a son! That bastard took
my daughter, didn’t he? Where are they?”

If Paolo and the other shifters had been in

animal form, he just knew most of their hackles
would have been raised. Slowly, he rose to his
feet. He cupped Jamie’s upper arm and urged his
mate up, too. He wanted to be able to move fast if
an altercation broke out.

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“Brianna, does your daughter have a phone?”

Grady asked, resting his hand on the angry
woman’s shoulder.

Brianna wrenched away from the detective.

“Don’t you touch me,” she snapped even as she
swung an arm at Grady, hitting him on the chest.

Grady’s eyes narrowed as he growled a

warning, “Ma’am, regardless of how you feel
about me, I am an officer of the law. Don’t do that

Arthur stood and stalked to his wife’s side. “I

can’t believe the people of this town would allow
a fag to be an officer of the law,” he sneered. He
pointed at the shield attached to Grady’s hip, his
lip curling in disgust. “You don’t deserve to wear
that badge. Just goes to show how deviant this
place is.”

“Trina? Where are you?” Brianna snapped into

the phone she currently held to her ear.

Paolo’s sensitive hearing allowed him to hear

Trina’s end of the conversation.

“Hey, Mom,” Trina greeted. “Sorry I didn’t say

good-bye, but Jason’s man called and he had to

“Where are you,” Brianna asked again. “Are

you okay?”

“Oh, I’m fine, Mom,” Trina replied, sounding

happy and upbeat. “Oh, my goodness! Have you
seen the huge trees around here? Absolutely

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Grady grabbed the phone from Brianna’s hand,

ignoring her squeal of outrage, and asked, “Trina,
this is Detective Stryker. Your mother is concerned
that you are traveling under duress. Is that the
case? A simple yes or no will do, since we know
there are others with you.”

“No,” Trina immediately responded, her tone

taking on irritation.

“Are you there of your own free will?” Grady

pressed, holding up a hand to stall Brianna from
reaching for the phone.

“Yes.” This time, Trina’s belligerence and anger

shown through clearly. “Detective, I’m hanging
with my brother of my own free will. Please put
my mother on so I can tell her.”

“That’s all I needed, Trina,” Grady stated,

smiling. “Have fun. Here’s your mother.”

Brianna grabbed the phone and screeched into

the speaker, “Trina! You have Jason bring you
right back here. You do not have permission to go
joyriding with a bunch of strangers.”

“Mom, Jason is my brother and your son, no

matter how much you and Arthur hate the fact
that he’s gay,” Trina insisted. “I’m spending time
with him and his friends and there’s nothing you
can do to stop me. Go to the bed and breakfast I
told you about. Do something fun together. I’ll see
you Wednesday morning in time for checkout.”

Her jaw gaping, Brianna handed the phone to

Arthur. “Talk some sense into her.”

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Arthur took the phone and snapped, “Young

lady, you get your ass back here or the
opportunity to go to any colleges in this area will
be off the table.”

It took so long for Trina to respond, Paolo

wondered if she’d hung up. Finally, she coldly
stated, “You gonna disown me like you did Jason?

After a few seconds, Arthur said, “Trina?

Trina?” He lowered the phone from his ear and
shoved it into his pocket. “Damn it.” Crossing his
arms over his chest, Arthur focused on Grady. “I
want them found and arrested, Detective. This is

Paolo couldn’t believe that the human was

attempting to have his own stepson arrested for
kidnapping. Yet, the man was. From the scowl
Arthur leveled at the tiger shifter, Paolo knew he
expected to be able to do just that.

“I’m sorry, sir,” Grady responded. “Your

daughter is eighteen, making her a legal adult. She
went with her brother of her own free will. At this
point, my hands are tied.”

“Hands are tied?” Brianna snarled. “She

probably had to say those things because she
wasn’t alone. Even you said that.”

Paolo wondered what it would take to get

through to these asshole parents. Their little girl
was a young woman…one who had very different

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ideas about what was right and wrong. Paolo
decided he liked the girl.

“If you haven’t heard from her in twenty-four

hours, you can file a missing persons report,”
Grady told them. Reaching over, he grabbed his
jacket off the back of the chair. “Until that time, try
to relax. She’s with Jason and she’s fine. She’s an
adult who’s not interested in seeing you right
now.” He tossed the fabric carelessly over his arm
and turned toward the door. “Trina is well within
her rights. I suggest you respect that.”

Grady had made it only a few steps when

Arthur snarled. The human’s gaze zeroed in on
Jamie. “You,” he snapped, pointing his finger at
him. “You’re friends with Jason and that…that
Preall guy. I knew I should have found a way to
keep Trina from chatting with your friend.” So
angry, spittle flew from his lips as he stalked
toward them, “Where is he, anyway? I bet Preall
was a part of this, too!”

Arthur’s sneer curled his lips. “Tell me!” he

demanded, grabbing Jamie’s arm.

Paolo roared as Jamie cried out—whether in

pain or surprise, Paolo didn’t know and didn’t
care. Grabbing Arthur’s wrist, right above where
he gripped Jamie’s arm, he instinctively found the
pressure points he wanted and squeezed.

Crying out—this noise definitely one of pain—

Arthur released Jamie’s arm. “Don’t touch my
man,” Paolo ordered coldly.

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“Faggot!” Arthur screamed.
To Paolo’s surprise, Arthur reached into his

pocket with his free hand and pulled out a box
cutter. He swung the blade in an arc, angling
toward Paolo’s gut. Paolo leaped backward, but a
chair caused him to stumble. The blade scraped
across his flailing arm, causing pain to shoot
through his limb.

“Hey, that’s enough!” Detective Stryker must

have returned due to the commotion, for he
appeared behind Arthur. He grabbed the human’s
wrist, which held the knife with one hand and slid
his other arm under his left armpit and pulled that
arm up and away from his torso. “Drop the
weapon,” he ordered.

Brianna screeched.
“No!” both Jamie and Raul called just before the

woman slammed a glass of water over Grady’s

Grady grunted and his grip must have loosened

just enough for Arthur to pull free. The human
began to turn, swinging the blade as he went, an
irrational light filling his eyes. Paolo leaped
forward again. This time, he didn’t spare his
strength. He grabbed Arthur’s wrist and
squeezed, hard.

Arthur cried out, his hand opened, and his

knife clattered to the floor.

Paolo swept the man’s legs out from under him

and used his hold on Arthur’s arm to control how

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the human fell. Making certain Arthur landed on
his front, Paolo twisted the man’s arm behind his
back and settled his knee on the small of his back.

Leaning over Arthur, Paolo ordered with the

growl, “Stay still, you homophobic bastard, before
I decide to break this arm.”

While Arthur snarled, at least he fell still.
Paolo waited a few seconds, just to make

certain, then lifted his gaze and glanced around
the room. Raul had his sister in a backward bear
hug, keeping her in place even as she wriggled
and cursed while Sean held his niece protectively.

Carson held Jared in a similar hold, but he

nuzzled his human mate’s temple and whispered,
“Don’t get involved in this one, love. Let the
authorities handle it.” Jared trembled in his mate’s
grip, and Paolo realized that it must have been
from suppressed rage. If looks could kill, the cold
stare Jared focused on Arthur would have struck
him dead.

Paolo just held back his own shudder.
“I’m sorry, Raul,” Detective Stryker said. “I

have to take them both in. Brianna assaulted an
officer and Arthur assaulted both Jamie and Paolo
and resisted arrest.” He frowned at Brianna. “Cut
out your struggling or I’ll slap that on you, too.”

Brianna curled her lip, but stopped trying to

break free of her brother’s hold.

“Add destruction of property,” a deep voice,

the bartender, stated. The wolf shifters arms were

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crossed over his chest and he glared at Arthur.
“I’m pressing charges.”

Grady nodded, then knelt next to Paolo and

cuffed Arthur.

As Paolo shifted sideways and started to stand,

his vision swam, black spots dancing across his
vision. He tilted and sank back to one knee.
“Damn,” he mumbled.

“Are ye okay?” Jamie asked, kneeling beside


Paolo nodded. Glancing down, he took in the

red liquid pooling on the floor. “Got me better
than I thought,” Paolo mumbled, right before
darkness swamped him.

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Chapter Ten

amie opened the door to his home and shifted
nervously as Carson and Jared carried Paolo

inside and through to his bedroom.

“Towels! Now!”
Nearly jumping out of his skin at Jared’s yelled

order, Jamie quickly moved to get the requested
items. He grabbed all of them out of the bottom
drawer in the kitchen, then ran to the bedroom
and dropped them on the bed.

Carson removed his t-shirt, which had been

originally been used to wrap Paolo’s arm, and
Jared quickly replaced it with a clean towel. Then,
Carson stood and wrapped a big hand around
Jamie’s nape.

“Settle, little wolf,” the big enforcer rumbled.

“Lark will be here soon.”

Jamie nodded, knowing his pack-mates would

take good care of Paolo. It didn’t make him feel
any better that, as soon as he’d spotted the bright
blood pooling on the restaurant floor, he’d passed
out just as surely as Paolo had.


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Not to mention embarrassing, but he’d never

been able to handle the sight of blood…and that
had been a lot of blood. Jamie felt his own blood
drain from his face just thinking about it.

“Look at me,” Carson ordered.
Jamie obeyed the stronger wolf, tipping his

head back to focus on the Native American.
Carson’s deep brown eyes peered at him, his gaze
steady and calm. He continued massaging Jamie’s
nape as he ordered, “Watch me. Match your
breathing to mine.”

Nodding again, Jamie’s gaze lowered to

Carson’s wide bare chest. He watched it expand
and contract once, then matched the other shifter’s
breathing, inhaling and exhaling deeply. His
racing pulse slowed, and his mind calmed.

“That’s better,” Carson stated, his tone warm.
“What the fuck is going on?”
Jamie’s head whipped around when he heard

Paolo’s slurred words. “Paolo,” he cried. Pulling
from Carson’s grip, he rushed to his mate’s side.
“Are ye okay?” Sweeping his gaze over the
shorter, thicker man’s form, he saw how pale the
rat shifter’s face beneath his goatee was…just like
his neck. “Of course, ye’re not okay. That was a
stupid thing to ask,” he stated, shaking his head.

Paolo lifted his left hand, his good arm. Jamie

quickly rushed around the bed and took the hand,
crawling up next to him. “Can I do anything to
make ye more comfortable?”

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“You can tell me why the fuck you were

checking out Carson’s chest,” Paolo demanded.

Jamie flushed, embarrassed, suddenly realizing

how that must have looked. Paolo’s reaction just
cemented his own feelings. They needed to get to
know each other better. While he’d never cheat on
his mate—hell, he didn’t even think he’d be




emotional responses were not always in sync.

“He was helping me calm down,” Jamie

admitted. “I, um…I don’t handle the sight of
blood well and I passed out and then woke up and
started panicking all over again.”

Jared snorted. “Still, I agree it did look

questionable.” He lifted his gaze from where he
held the towel tight on Paolo’s arm and smirked at
his lover. “If I didn’t know it was some wolf thing,
I would have flayed your dick.”

Carson snickered as he crossed to stand beside

Jared. He cupped his mate’s head and used the
hold to tilt the man’s head back so their gazes
clashed, sparks seeming to dance between them.
“I love you, too,” Carson rumbled.

Jamie heard the sound of the front door

banging open, followed by Lark yelling, “Where’s
my patient?”

“In here,” Carson hollered. Then, he pecked a

chaste kiss to Jared’s lips before releasing him and
stepping backward, making room for the newly
arrived Lark.

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The doctor took Jared’s place, then opened the

towel a bit, getting a look at Paolo’s wound. Jamie
appreciated that he couldn’t see it from his angle.
Instead, he continued to focus on Paolo, watching
his mate’s face pale a bit more as he hissed lightly.

“You’re lucky you’re a shifter, Paolo,” Lark told

him softly. “Otherwise, you could have very well
bled out. He nicked your artery.” He shook his
head. “You lost a lot of blood and only your
shifter healing caused you to reproduce enough to
keep you alive and functioning.”

“Wasn’t that bad, doc,” Paolo stated. “Just a


Lark snorted. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
“Got plans tonight,” Paolo slurred. “Slap a

couple of butterfly bandages on there and wrap it.
I’ll be fine.”

Lifting a brow, Lark peered at Jamie.

“Stubborn, this one,” he commented, then winked.
“Got your hands full with him, I think.”

Jamie flushed as he smiled, but he couldn’t find

the words to respond.

Fortunately, Lark kept talking, making a

response unnecessary. “Well, good thing you’re
not the doctor, Paolo. Now, lie still and take it like
a man.”

Paolo turned his head and glared at the doctor.

Still, he remained silent even as he stubbornly
watched Lark clean and stitch the wound. Jamie

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followed his mate’s gaze at one point and nearly

Aye, not good with needles either.

Thirty minutes later, everyone cleared out of

Jamie’s house, and he found himself alone with
his mate for the first time in days. He returned to
his bed carrying a glass of water and a small bottle
of pain pills supplied by Lark.

“Do ye want something for the pain?” Jamie

offered, settling on the bed beside him. He held up
the bottle. “Lark’s pain pills work for shifters.”

Paolo shook his head. “No,” he stated gruffly.

Again, he held out his free hand. “The water
would be good though.”

Jamie nodded. He placed the pill bottle on the

nightstand, then slid his arm under Paolo’s
shoulders. Paolo placed one hand on the glass,
and Jamie fought back a smile as he helped his
lover take several long swallows. Even injured,
Paolo wanted the image of being in control.

After gulping down half the water, Paolo

released his hold on the glass, leaving it in Jamie’s
grip. Jamie eased the man back onto the mattress
and placed the glass next to the pill bottle. He
glanced between his mate, the empty far side of
the mattress, and the chair in the corner, trying to
decide where to settle.

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“Come here,” Paolo ordered softly. He patted

the open side of the bed. “It’s just a scratch on the
arm and I want to hold you.”

Not needing more prodding, Jamie rounded the

bed and climbed onto it. He settled beside his
mate, wriggling as close as he thought safe. Paolo
was having none of it. Crunching up, Paolo slid
his good arm under Jamie’s shoulders and yanked
him flush against him.

Paolo grunted, but he didn’t loosen his hold.

Instead, he gruffly growled, “Get over here and
get comfortable. I want to hold my mate, damn it.”

Jamie cuddled up to Paolo, settling along his

side as he stretched out beside him. Sighing, Jamie
rested his head on his mate’s left shoulder and
peered up at him. “Ye sure this is okay?”

Paolo turned his head and smiled at him. “Hell,

yeah,” he murmured. Leaning forward, he pressed
a kiss to Jamie’s temple. “I missed you.”

“Is that the lack of blood talking?” Jamie teased.
His brows drawing down, Paolo scowled. “I

may not say flowery words an awful lot, but I’m
never going to lie to you.” He sighed and gazed
tiredly at Jamie. “I’m crazy in love with you,
Jamie. I’m committed to making this work,
making you happy, whatever it takes.”

Jamie stared in shock, his jaw working but no

sound coming out. Finally, he blurted, “I love ye,
too.” And shite! It was true. “When did I fall in

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love with ye?” He slapped his free hand over his

I shouldn’t have said that.
Paolo chuckled roughly. He tightened his arm

for a second, then loosened again. “It’s as it should
be, my sweet wolf,” Paolo mumbled. “Damn, I
guess I’m more tired than I thought.” He turned
his head toward Jamie again and Jamie realized
the other shifter’s eyes were closed. “Rain check
on the massage, my love?”

Jamie nuzzled Paolo’s pec muscle. “Ye got it.”
Humming again, Paolo’s shoulder muscles lost

their tension. A moment later, Jamie realized his
mate was asleep.

The soft light of dawn filtered through the

window-shades right about the time his bladder
screamed at him. Jamie eased away from Paolo.

Paolo resisted, tightening his arm where it

wrapped around Jamie’s waist. “Where goin’?”
Paolo asked, obviously still mostly asleep.

“Gotta piss,” Jamie muttered.
“Comin’ back?” Paolo asked, cracking open one


Jamie saw the vulnerability in that one dark

eye, something Paolo probably would never have
shown if he were actually fully awake. With how
Jamie had slipped away in the night last time, he
completely understood why his mate would be
concerned. Jamie leaned forward and pressed a

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kiss to Paolo’s lips. “Aye, be right back,” he

Paolo held his gaze for a few seconds, then

nodded once. He released his hold.

Rushing from the bed, Jamie gasped with relief

upon getting to the toilet. He’d barely gotten his
sweats down, revealing his cock and balls, before
the dam burst. As the stream pinged against the
side of the bowl, Jamie groaned.

After a quick shake-off, he tucked his thumbs

into his waist-band and paused. An idea formed.
Instead of pulling his sweats up, he pushed them
down and kicked them off. He washed his hands,
then retrieved some cream from the medicine

Jamie returned to the bedroom and nearly

swallowed his tongue. Paolo had rolled onto his
stomach. His bandaged right arm was stretched
across the dark gray sheets. He’d kicked off the
blanket, revealing the thick muscles of his back,
which tapered to a lean waist. His sweats rode low
on his hips, revealing the dimples at the top of his
arse as well as the first inch of his crack.

Damn, what a nice view.
“I can feel you staring,” Paolo murmured. He

turned his head and smirked at Jamie. His dark
eyes flashed with heat upon spotting Jamie’s
nakedness. “Hmm, now there’s something to
wake up to every morning. Something I can do for

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“Actually,” Jamie murmured, trying to ignore

the twitching of his dick as he thickened from just
that single look. He held up the lotion. “I thought I
could give ye something.”

“Mmm, excellent idea,” Paolo responded,


Paolo lowered his good hand to his sweats and,

with a little wriggling—which should not have
looked as sexy as it did, but still caused Jamie’s
cock to thicken to full mast and jut from his
groin—Paolo got them down and off.

Jamie crossed to the bed. After a second of

hesitation, he climbed up and straddled Paolo’s
arse. He fought back a moan. Not completely
successful, since instead it came out a whimper.

Grunting, Paolo adjusted a pillow so it was

beneath his shoulders with his head hanging
down. He peered over his shoulder and cracked
an eyelid open. “Gods, the pleasure I want to give
your sexy body, Jamie,” he mumbled. “You have
no idea.”

His cock giving a little jump, Jamie swallowed,

wetting his suddenly dry throat. “Okay, but ye
first,” he whispered.

Paolo hummed. “You have a deal. Do your

worst, sweet wolf.”

Jamie smirked as he popped the lid on the

lotion and poured a healthy dollop onto his palm.
After closing the container, he tossed it aside. He
rubbed his hands together, warming the cold fluid

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between his palms and lubing up his fingers.
Then, he settled his hands on his mate’s back, just
above his shoulder blades, and started kneading
the hard muscles.

It didn’t take long.
After less than half a dozen push-pull

movements of his fingers, Paolo let out a loud
grunt. Jamie moved his hands up to Paolo’s
shoulders, digging in lightly at first, testing, then
deepening his movements. Paolo groaned, long
and low. The sound seemed to shake through the
man’s entire body, even managing to vibrate
Jamie’s balls. He continued to work as he bit his
lip, holding in his own sounds.

“Oh, my God! Jamie!” Paolo moaned. “Holy

shit! Where did you learn to do that?”

Jamie fought his own body’s reactions to feeling

Paolo’s warm, firm flesh under his fingers. This
was for his mate, not for himself. He worked his
way down Paolo’s shoulders, reveling in the
grunts and groans, even the occasional whimper,
that escaped his mate. As he worked over Paolo’s
upper back, he pressed and massaged, working
out the knots he felt beneath his mate’s skin.

By the time Jamie massaged down Paolo’s

spine, and reached the top of his arse-crack,
Jamie’s own dick ached and throbbed. His balls
tingled and rolled in their sacks, responding to the
way Paolo twitched and shivered beneath him.

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His cock oozed pre-cum, dripping over his head
and down his stalk.

Growling, Paolo twisted underneath him. He

rocked sideways, sending an unsuspecting Jamie
toppling. Immediately, Paolo was on top of him.
He lined up their groins, rubbing his hard prick
against Jamie’s own. Bracketing his arms on either
side of Jamie’s head, Paolo peered down at him,
his dark eyes blazing with lust and pleasure.

Jamie stared up at him, gaping. He fought his

body’s natural reaction to buck up, searching for

“Your hands are unbelievable torture mixed

with sheer bliss on my skin,” Paolo rumbled. “If
my cock wasn’t so hard, if I couldn’t think about
anything but touching you and getting us off, I’d
want you to continue massaging me forever.”

Then, he rocked his hips, causing his dick to

slide between them.

“Oh!” Jamie gasped as sparks danced up his

spine, then shot right back down to settle in his
balls. “P-Paolo.”

“Exactly,” Paolo responded. “Your aroused

scent is driving me crazy,” he admitted. “Slide
your slicked hands between us and grab our
cocks, Jamie. Hold us tight as we rut against each
other. We’ll paint our stomachs together.”

Whining at the command, Jamie did just as

instructed. He slipped both hands between them
and wrapped his still-slick fingers around their

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pricks. Moaning at the sensation of Paolo’s cock
pressed against his own, Jamie jacked once, twice
before managing to still his hands.

Paolo gripped Jamie’s hair with his left hand

and held him steady. His gaze pierced Jamie’s as
Paolo slowly started to move, rocking his hips,
sliding their cocks together. Jamie stared into
Paolo’s blazing dark eyes, seeing nothing but lust
and affection.

“P-Paolo,” Jamie whimpered, his balls pulling

tight. “Please!”

Growling, Paolo lowered his head and nuzzled

the sensitive skin of Jamie’s neck. He sucked
lightly, rocking his hips, grinding their erections
together as they slid within the confines of Jamie’s
hands. Jamie could do nothing but lie there and
take it, his body trembling and shaking.

“Yeah,” Paolo mumbled against the skin of

Jamie’s neck. “Now, Jamie. Come now. Let me feel
you fall to pieces.”

Whining a moan, Jamie’s body convulsed. His

tight balls forced his cum up his erection, coating
his hands and their stomachs with spurt after
spurt of ejaculate. His body shook and bliss
pinged through his system. Jamie heard a low
growl and felt the pinch of teeth gripping his flesh,
but not hard enough to break through. Then, the
heat of more seed flooded the space between
them, telling Jamie that his mate had come, too.

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Jamie lay panting, bliss singing through his

veins. He smiled vacantly, staring at the drop of
sweat threatening to drip down Paolo’s temple.
The urge to taste his mate’s sweat filled him and,
giving into the desire, he rocked up and licked his
mate’s temple.

Paolo turned his head and captured Jamie’s

tongue, sucking it into his mouth. Jamie whined at
the feel of suction, his cock twitching with
renewed interest. Releasing him, Paolo smiled
with satisfaction.

“Good morning, my sweet wolf,” Paolo

murmured. He leaned forward and pecked a kiss
to Jamie’s lips.

“Wow,” Jamie mumbled. “Can we wake up like

that every morning?”

Paolo grinned. “Perhaps.”

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Chapter Eleven

aolo stared at his mate over the top of his
newspaper. Just like the last couple of

Saturday mornings, Jamie moved around the
kitchen, making breakfast. From the smell of it,
bacon, eggs, hash browns, and toast were on the
menu this morning. Jamie focused on his task,
unnaturally quiet. It was odd, just like when Paolo
had arrived home the evening before to find his
mate curled up in bed, already asleep.

Damn, when did I start thinking of Jamie’s home as

my home?

Either way, it didn’t matter. Paolo worried

about Jamie.

Over the last two weeks, they’d been making

great strides. His mate worked nine to five at a
bank. Paolo had been impressed to discover that
Jamie was a financial analyst. Having never been
much with numbers—he’d worked just about
every job there was that required brawn—Paolo
couldn’t be more proud to discover his sweet, sexy


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mate had such an amazing brain to go along with
his pretty face.

They’d meshed their lives together with

apparent ease. Whoever woke first roused the
other with a morning blowjob. While Paolo
showered, Jamie cooked breakfast and prepared
lunches. While Jamie showered, Paolo washed the
dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Paolo made
suppers, mostly grilling, unless by some odd
chance, Jamie arrived home early.

Maybe that was the problem. Everything

between them meshed too easily. Surely that
should have given Paolo his first clue. There had
to be some bumps along the way. This would
undoubtedly be the start of them.

So, what did he need to do to get Jamie to tell

him the problem? He needed his mate to open up
to him.

For the next several minutes, Paolo sipped his

coffee and pretended to read the paper. He
watched Jamie rattle around the kitchen, cooking
and preparing. Paolo found his eyes widening
when he realized his mate even chopped up green
peppers, onions, and mushrooms to fry with the
hash browns. Add in the bacon and over-easy
eggs, and Paolo began to wonder if Jamie wanted
something. His mate knew that was Paolo’s
favorite way to enjoy hash browns.

When Jamie finally placed everything onto the

table, then topped off his coffee, and settled at the

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Trusting His Rat


table next to him, Paolo’d had enough with
guessing games. He splattered ketchup over his
hash browns, slathered a piece of toast with
raspberry jam, then pushed his plate away, rested
his forearms on the table, and leaned toward his

“Jamie, love,” Paolo started slowly. “Please, tell

me what’s bothering you. Have I done something
to upset you?” He couldn’t think of anything.
Hell, he even made a point of picking up the
towels off of the bathroom floor and putting the
damn toilet seat down—but that didn’t mean he
hadn’t missed something.

Head lifting from where he poked his fork at

his eggs, Jamie stared at Paolo with wide eyes.
“Nay! Of course not!”

Paolo reached over the table and rested his

hand on Jamie’s free hand. “Talk to me, sweet
wolf. I can tell something is bothering you.” He
squeezed Jamie’s hand lightly. “If it’s in my
power, I want to help.”

“Will ye tie me up?”
Upon hearing Jamie’s unexpected, clearly

nervous, request, Paolo straightened. His blood
instantly sang through his veins, flooding his cock,
which thickened in his sweats. Still, he could scent
his mate’s nervousness, and he’d vowed never to
do anything his mate didn’t truly want.

Licking his lips, Paolo took in Jamie’s white-

knuckled grip on his fork and how his mate’s eyes

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were dilated wider than normal. He swept his
gaze over Jamie’s face as he asked, “Are you
asking because you wish to experience something
new with me? Or do you think you have to do this
to keep me happy?” Paolo prayed he hadn’t given
that impression to his mate, but he’d be the first to
admit he still didn’t always understand his mate’s
thought processes.

Jamie immediately shook his head. Setting

down his fork, he looked Paolo in the eye and
admitted, “It’s all I can think about.” He
swallowed hard enough to cause his Adam’s
apple to bob. “I thought I didn’t need it, but I do. I
need ye to—” His voice broke and he clenched his
hands into fists, the one hand gripping Paolo

Paolo nodded. His breakfast forgotten, he rose

from his chair. He tugged on Jamie’s hand.
“Come, love. Allow me to give you what you

As Jamie rose, he admitted, “I’ve been tied up

before, by another, and I need to know that ye’re
not like him. I need—” Jamie gaped at Paolo,
evidently unable to force more words from him.

Cupping Jamie’s jaw with his free hand, Paolo

took a guess, praying he was right. “You like
being controlled in the bedroom.” Even sometimes
out of the bedroom, but Paolo would address that
another time. “You want me to tell you how to
please me, and you know I would enjoy seeing

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you tied up. Your submissive side begs you to
give in to your mate’s desire, but you’re afraid,
because someone hurt you in the past,” Paolo
finished, just keeping the growl from his voice at
expressing his suspicions.

“Aye,” Jamie whispered. “I need to know.”
Simple words that held so much meaning…to

them both.

Paolo nodded. “Go to the bedroom, Jamie. Take

off your clothes and wait for me by the bed,” he

Jamie glanced at the food, then at him, a

question creasing his brow.

Smiling, Paolo assured, “I’ll put our plates in

the oven, get a few things, then join you.”

Nodding, Jamie hurried from the room. Paolo

watched him go, his blood pounding through his
veins. The desire for Jamie, his need to make this
the best experience of his lover’s life, surged
through Paolo. He quickly carried the plates to the
kitchen and placed them in the oven, putting the
appliance on the lowest setting to keep the food
warm. Then he made a quick stop in their home
gym and the storage chest in the corner. Paolo
pulled out a number of items he hadn’t thought
he’d need for a long, long time.

Paolo carried his supplies to the bedroom…and

nearly swallowed his tongue. As he slowed his
walk and neared the bed, he took in Jamie’s lean,
toned body. Jamie rested on his knees near the bed

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Charlie Richards


with his hands clasped behind his back. While his
expression appeared relaxed, the white knuckles
of his right hand where he clutched his left wrist






scent…although only mildly.

While impressed Jamie had that much control

over his scent, that revelation also explained how
his mate had gotten away from him that first time.
Jamie had hidden his unease from Paolo, who’d
slipped into a contended sleep completely
unaware of his mate’s fear and unease.

Paolo’s eyes narrowed. That was unacceptable.
Ignoring his mate for the moment, Paolo took

his time laying out his supplies on the nightstand,
then stripping his clothes. He folded them and
placed them on the window seat, as he’d done
many times before. Finally, he turned back to
Jamie, having decided on a course of action.

“Climb onto the bed and resume that position,

Jamie,” Paolo softly ordered. “Face the

Jamie scrambled to obey, moving to the middle

of the bed and waiting, his hands once again
behind his back. Paolo felt gratified to see his
mate’s cock jutting from his groin, semi-hard and
thickening further as Paolo blatantly stared.
Nervous or not, Jamie enjoyed this.

Paolo picked up one of the items on the

nightstand and held it up. “I’m going to put a cock
ring on you, Jamie,” he stated. “You will not be

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allowed to come until I give permission. Is that

“Aye, sir,” Jamie whispered.
“What is your safe word?”
Jamie met his gaze at that. “What?”
Paolo just managed to keep from showing his

displeasure. Someone hadn’t given Jamie the
chance to say no. That in itself chilled Paolo to the
bone. So much could go wrong…and obviously
had with Jamie.

Instead, Paolo smiled and explained, “Safe

words. You actually need two of them. Your safe
words tell me when I go too far or push too hard.
It’s something you wouldn’t normally call out
during sex. One word tells me to slow down, that
you need a few moments before I can continue.
The second tells me no, that what we’re doing is
too much, and I stop.”

Jamie’s mouth opened and closed, twice, before

he whispered, “Strawberries for slow down, and
seven-up for stop.”

“Is there a story there?” Paolo asked before he

could stop himself. When he noted how Jamie’s
cock had wilted, he wished he’d kept his mouth

His smile appeared forced as Jamie whispered,

“I love strawberries, but I’m allergic, so I can only
eat them in small doses.” He paused, licking his
lips, before stating, “My mother’s ex liked to tie
me up when she wasn’t available to…play. He

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used to feed me seven-up after…after he was
done. Now I can’t stand the stuff.”

Paolo nodded once, then reached out and

cupped Jamie’s jaw. He leaned close and pressed a
soft, lingering kiss to his mate’s lips, caressing his
sweet wolf’s jaw with his fingers. When he pulled
back, Paolo smiled. “Got it. If you need a moment,
strawberries. If you don’t like it and want me to
stop, seven-up.”

Jamie smiled faintly and nodded. “Aye, sir.”
Continuing his plans, Paolo slid his hand down

Jamie’s jaw, his neck, and his chest. He rubbed his
thumb over Jamie’s nipple, pleased when his
mate’s prick thickened once more. When his hand
reached his mate’s cock, a couple swipes was all it
took to get him to full mast. When Jamie
whimpered and thrust his hips, bucking into
Paolo’s grip, he stilled his movements and
murmured, “Easy, sweet wolf. Not yet.”

With quick, precise movements, Paolo secured

the soft leather around Jamie’s cock and balls. He
rubbed his fingertips over Jamie’s lightly furred
sacks a few times, just to see Jamie’s cock twitch as
a bead of pre-cum welled from his tip.

Then, he swiped his forefinger over Jamie’s

head. He scooped up the translucent fluid and
slipped that finger into his mouth, tasting the
bead, enjoying his mate’s flavor. Upon seeing
Jamie watching him from beneath his lashes, his

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mouth open as he panted softly, Paolo winked and
turned away.

Paolo picked up the length of soft cotton rope

and held it up. “Now, I’m going to tie you up. If
you feel it’s too much, use your safe words.

Jamie eyed the rope for a long few seconds,

then he nodded once. He bit his bottom lip, but his
expression appeared determined.

Making a loop, Paolo slipped it around Jamie’s

wrists. Slowly, he tightened it, then gave it a light
tug just to see Jamie’s response. Nothing. Good. Still
Paolo threaded the rope between Jamie’s
legs, then created a loose knot and threaded
several loops through it which he wrapped
around his mate’s hips and over his wrists.

Paolo tightened those loops, then created one

more. This one, he lifted over Jamie’s head. With
how the loop was wrapped around the back of
Jamie’s neck with the ends attached to the knot
situated just above his mate’s groin, there was no
fear from choking. Still, for his mate’s comfort,
Paolo kept this final one a bit loose.

“Now,” Paolo murmured, gripping the rope on

Jamie’s bound wrists. “If you struggle, you’ll feel
it,” he stated, tugging lightly so his mate could feel
the rope beneath his legs tighten, sliding over his
bound balls.

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Jamie whimpered and shivered, his eyes

widening as his mouth gaped, his enjoyment

Then, Paolo picked up the paddle. He ran his

fingers over the soft leather hide covering the tool
as he returned his focus to his sexy, bound wolf.
“First, I’m going to spank you, Jamie,” he told
him. Jamie’s eyes widened, his eyes darting from
him, around the room, then back to Paolo. His
expression clearly screamed why? Paolo smiled.
“You should have told me, mate, when my words
upset you. Instead, you hid your unease and ran.
You punished us both for a misunderstanding that
could have been easily cleared up with one

Paolo knelt on the bed perpendicular to his

mate. He gently gripped the ropes around Jamie’s
wrist and ordered, “Bend over, mate. Shoulders
on the comforter, head turned toward me.” He
needed to see his mate’s facial expressions, watch
his responses, since he couldn’t trust his lover’s
scent. Given time, Paolo would learn to read his
mate better, but he wasn’t there, yet.

One day at a time.
Using his hold on the ropes, Paolo helped his

mate into position so he didn’t flop onto his face.
Once Jamie’s ass was up in the air, he rubbed the
paddle’s soft flat surface over one cheek, down to
the crease of his thigh. Then, he moved the paddle

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between Jamie’s legs and gently rubbed his mate’s
balls. Finally, Paolo moved it to Jamie’s other
thigh and up his ass.

“Ten swats should do as a good reminder of

why communicating is so important,” Paolo
whispered. Without waiting, he lifted his arm and
brought it back down, landing the paddle on
Jamie’s ass.

Jamie gasped, but didn’t complain.
Paolo brought the second smack down on the

male’s other cheek.

The scent of pre-cum flooded the air, and it

wasn’t all Paolo’s own.

Continuing the spanking, secure in the

knowledge that his mate enjoyed the punishment
as much as Paolo enjoyed giving it, he counted out
the rest of the paddling.

Once done, Paolo tossed the tool aside and

rubbed his hand over Jamie’s warm, red ass. He
focused on Jamie’s face, pleased to see the glazed
expression on his face, eyelids at half-mast and his
lips parted in panting gasps.

Smiling, Paolo reached beneath his mate and

swiped his fingertips over Jamie’s balls and up his
prick. Jamie whined when Paolo swirled his
thumb over his swollen glans and massaged in the
pre-cum oozing from him. Paolo met Jamie’s gaze,
enjoying the begging expression on his mate’s face
for a few seconds.

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Paolo gave Jamie a feral smile, reached for the

cock ring, and pulled it free. “Come,” he ordered.

Jamie’s eyes widened. A loud whine escaped

his throat and his body convulsed. Jamie’s cum
coated Paolo’s fingers as his mate came all over his
hand. Growling his own pleasure upon seeing his
sweet wolf lose control, Paolo tugged Jamie’s
bound wrists, sliding the rope between his mate’s
legs along his balls.

More cum squirted into Paolo’s hand and he

hummed. “Now, my mate,” Paolo crooned. He
lifted his hand from beneath Jamie and worked his
semen-coated fingers into his mate’s ass, which
was still reasonably loose from their fucking the
night before. “I’m going to sink my hard cock into
your ass, bite your neck, and make you come all
over again.”

Jamie stared up at Paolo, his expression glazed,

blissed out, as he smiled almost drunkenly up at
him. “Aye, sir.”

Growling low in his throat, Paolo maneuvered

behind Jamie. He swiped the remaining cum over
his shaft, lined up his aching cock, and speared his
mate. Heat and pressure enveloped his dick. He
lifted his mate’s torso and leaned backward,
draping his mate over his chest.

Paolo held Jamie close and nuzzled his temple,

the sensitive skin behind his ear, his shoulder.
“Mine,” Paolo declared.

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Jamie cocked his head and smiled over his

shoulder at him. “Yours.”

Nothing had ever sounded better.

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About the Author

Charlie started writing fantasy when she was
eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic
romance at age nineteen, she realized her true
calling. She now focuses on writing gay erotic
romance, normally of the paranormal variety, with
heroes of all kinds. With the help and support of
her husband, Charlie finally fulfilled one of her
life-long goals…move to acreage with her horses.
You can often find her curled up with her laptop
and a cup of tea or glass of wine, creating her next
adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring the mountains
of her new Oregon home on horseback, 4-wheeler,
or motorcycle.

She can be reached at
Or visit her at

Document Outline


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