Coaxing His Skittish Lynx By Charlie Richards

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Into the paranormal world: Never be ashamed of a
scar. It simply means you were stronger than
whatever tried to hurt you.

For the last twenty-five years, Roland’s Iberian
lynx had been used as an attraction in curiosity
shows. One night, strangers take him away. Upon
waking, he’s disoriented and scared…until he
recognizes the scent of his old friend, Vane.
Separated when Roland was sold and Vane
wasn’t, Vane had since been rescued, and now
offers the same freedom to Roland. With the force
of Vane’s entire gargoyle clutch behind him,
Roland finally feels like he can make a new start.
Except, one of the gargoyles claims that they are
mates, but Roland can’t sense it, revealing a secret
he never wanted exposed.

Tobias is thrilled to discover that Roland is his

mate until the lynx shifter denies their bond.
When the pretty shifter declares he can’t bond
with anyone—and Tobias learns the life-changing
reason why—Tobias vows that it doesn’t matter to
him. He’ll stand by and care for his mate through
any difficulty. His devotion is quickly called into
question when dangers from Roland’s past force
Tobias to spend time guaranteeing his mate’s
safety instead of spending time with Roland. Can
Tobias prove to his mate that he truly wants him
and doesn’t consider Roland just another duty?

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author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual events or locales or persons,
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Coaxing His Skittish Lynx

Copyright © 2014 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-77111-926-9

Cover art by Scott Carpenter

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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Published by eXtasy Books

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Coaxing His Skittish Lynx

A Paranormal’s Love: Book Seven


Charlie Richards

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To those who take responsibility for their own actions—

life has bumps, but it’s how we handle them that proves

a person’s true character.

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Chapter One

oland slowly roused, consciousness seeping
into his mind, pulling him from the dark

abyss he’d been floating in blissfully. He felt warm
and relaxed and that scared him. Had he done
something wrong, something to anger his captors?
Had they drugged him again?

Cracking open an eyelid, Roland peeked at his

surroundings. Instead of the cold, damp cage he
expected to see, he saw…a fireplace, the glow of
flames illuminating the darkened room.

What the—
He turned his head a bit and realized he lay on

a massive padded cushion and someone had
spread a blanket over him. That explained the
source of the warm and comfortable feeling.

But where am I? What’s going on?
Roland wondered if he’d been sold again. That

must be it. Then, memories—fuzzy from
malnourishment and whatever drugs were still
clearing from his system—surfaced in his mind.

Noises pulled Roland from an uneasy doze. He


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spotted a massive shadow, then a creature of some
kind appearing out of the darkness. With a slicing
movement of one clawed hand, the loincloth-clad
beast opened his cage. The huge creature opened
the door and moved cautiously inside with him.

Roland crouched in a corner and hissed, more

from fear than in warning.

What the hell is going on?
Then, the creature crouched before him and

said, “I’ve been sent by Vane, Roland. My name is
Geoffrey. I’m a gargoyle, just like Vane. I’m here
to help you.”

Vane? Who is—wait, that name’s familiar.

Gargoyle? What is that?

The creature must have taken his confusion as

acceptance, for he waved another person into his
cage. A human…who held a syringe. Fear slid
through Roland and he hissed again, curling his
lips back in a low snarl. He pressed his back
against the bars of the cage behind him and struck
out with one paw. The guards clipped his claws
regularly, but the power behind his blow could
still hurt.

“Shit,” the human squeaked, stumbling back a

few steps.

“Hey, easy, Roland,” the creature—gargoyle—

Geoffrey murmured. “None of that, now. We’ll get
you out of here, but for everyone’s safety, we need
you sedated. We can’t have you panicking while
we’re flying you to safety.” He lifted a clawed

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hand and pointed. “This is Leroy. He’s a nurse. He
won’t hurt you.”

Roland hissed again. He didn’t know these

people. He didn’t trust them.

Geoffrey sighed and shook his head. “Guess

we’ll have to do this the hard way. Sorry, buddy.”

That was the only warning Roland received

before Geoffrey lunged at him. Roland struck out,
but his blow barely seemed to register to the
massive male. The gargoyle tackled him. Draped
over Roland’s back, Geoffrey wrapped his arms
around him and grabbed Roland’s front legs. The
heavy weight and tight hold offered Roland little
chance to move.

Roland opened his mouth, intending to yowl,

but just that fast, the human stabbed the needle
into his neck. Instead, he hissed and attempted to
snap at the male. Geoffrey released his right leg
and grabbed his jaws in a tight grip. Whining, he
scraped his blunted claws down Geoffrey’s

The gargoyle grunted, but didn’t release his


Then, whatever the human had injected into

him took effect. His vision swam and lethargy
swamped his limbs. Vaguely, he felt Geoffrey’s
grip ease on him, but he still couldn’t move.

The last thing Roland remembered was that the

gargoyle actually scratched his head and leaned
close to whisper, “Sorry, buddy.”

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So…where am I now?
While the scents of the gargoyle and the human

that had brought him there wafted in the air,
Roland noted several other people’s scents
permeated the area, too. He peered around the
room, taking in the large, four-poster bed, the
dresser, and nightstands.

The place screamed money.
Money meant the people thought themselves

privileged. Roland didn’t like people who felt
privileged. Bud Wallice, the carnival show’s
owner, where Roland lived as an Iberian lynx,
accepted payment from rich people to parade
Roland around like a pet cat.

Roland found it degrading, worse even than

having to lie in a cage all day so patrons could
walk around, and stare at him. He wasn’t just an
Iberian lynx. He was a shifter, a man who could
turn into a cat, who shared his instincts and
abilities. He clung to those ideas, helping him
keep sane.

Unfortunately, the fear of giving away that

shifters existed to humans kept him trapped in his
lynx form. He couldn’t allow the cat out of the
bag, per se, and he’d been sold and resold many
times. Occasionally, he wondered if his old pride
had moved after he’d been kidnapped…about as
often as he wondered where he was being held.

Not wanting to think about his pride, his

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parents, or his brothers and sisters, Roland pushed
those thoughts from his mind. He’d wondered for
years why no one had come to rescue him,
waffling between fearing the worst and feeling

Roland struggled to his feet. He still felt weak,

but he could move, the sedative easing its hold.
Padding slowly toward the balcony doors, he
toyed with the idea of shifting. It’d been so long.
Would he remember how? He paused and stared
out the glass-paned doors.

The sun shone brightly, illuminating a

sprawling green lawn. To the right, it ended at
garden hedges while straight ahead, a pine forest
beckoned. Roland’s jaw sagged, even in cat form.
Could he make it?

Just as he made up his mind to try—hell, when

would he get another opportunity—the squeak of
a door opening reached him from through the
wall. Then, footsteps sounded, telling Roland he’d
missed his opportunity. Fearing what was coming,
Roland crawled under the bed and curled up
against the wall.

Another door opened and a crack of light

illuminated a triangle on the floor. The
unmistakable silhouette of a person crossed the
light, then melted into the dark shadows of the

A gruff voice growled, “Roland? Where are ya,


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Roland tensed. These people knew his name.

How was that possible? He hadn’t told his name
to anyone. Humans had captured him while he’d
been out running with his family. That was years
ago, and he’d been in lynx form ever since.

Wait, there’d been one time…
Red legs ending in black, deadly looking claws

appeared at the side of the bed. Slowly the male
lowered himself to the floor and a face that looked
vaguely familiar appeared. Sunken eye-sockets,
black horns, and a skeletal-like face should have
been scary, but the red eyes peering at him
sparked a long-buried memory.

When the humans had first captured Roland,

they’d sold him to a man named…Larson
Goldman. He’d been tossed into the cage of what
Larson called a demon. Upon seeing the lean, red
creature, Roland had thought he’d be dead for
sure. Instead, once Larson had left, the demon had
spoken to him.

“I don’t want to hurt you, cat, but if you attack,

I’ll defend myself.”

Roland had shifted, revealing shifter’s existence

to the creature. They’d become friends.

“Come on out of there, Roland,” Vane urged.

“You’re safe here. No one will hurt you.” He
settled on the floor next to the bed and beckoned
with one clawed hand. “You have my word.”

Feeling the first dredges of something he hadn’t

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felt in years, hope, Roland’s tension slowly eased.
He crept forward a few steps, then a few more. He
kept his gaze fixed on Vane, afraid if he looked
away, his friend would disappear. Finally, he
managed to clear the bed frame.

Roland wasted no time crawling onto his

friend’s lap. Heaving a sigh, he settled his head on
Vane’s thigh. The demon had grown since they’d
been forced apart decades ago. His broader thighs
made the position far more comfortable, and he
nuzzled and kneaded, expressing his pleasure.

When Vane wrapped his arm around Roland

with one hand and petted his head with the other,
Roland let out a contented sigh.

Finally, he felt safe.
“You gonna shift?” Vane asked.
Roland had never heard the guy rumble softly

as he did now. He figured he must look horrible
and be acting completely pathetic to get this kind
of treatment, but he just couldn’t help himself.
After so long being alone and scared, Roland
needed the comfort.

Not wanting to move, Roland shook his head

and purred.

Vane chuckled quietly for a few seconds, then

they lapsed into silence. After a few minutes
where Vane just petted and held him, he stated, “I
guess I’ll start at the beginning. First, I want to
apologize for taking so long in finding you. I—”
He paused, his voice hitching. “Losing you how I

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did, then getting beaten, I—” He sounded as if the
memories pained him. “I lost my memory.”

Roland tensed. It was a good thing his claws

were clipped and Vane’s hide was thick, otherwise
he felt certain he’d have inadvertently speared the

Vane sighed. “Gods, I’m so sorry.”
Mewling, Roland tried to reassure his friend.

He rubbed his head on Vane’s thigh. He’d been
the recipient of many beatings at the hands of
Larson. Not to mention—he shut that thought
down, too embarrassed even to think it.

“I was rescued almost twenty years ago by

Maelgwn and a couple of others,” Vane
whispered. “He’s the leader here. They sat me
down and explained that I’m a gargoyle, that’s
why I turn into stone during the day and look like
I do. I learned about our culture. They paid for my
education and forged identification for me. It
wasn’t until I found my mate that I remembered
you,” he admitted. “I, um, my mate and I had a
misunderstanding and…well, in the end I had a
panic attack and a flashback and—”

Vane’s grip tightened in Roland’s fur for a few

seconds. “As soon as I remembered you, I hunted
you down, and my clutch-mates helped me free
you and the other shifters at that place.” Again, he
sighed. “I’m sorry.”

Roland scented Vane’s self-disgust—huh, a

gargoyle, go figure—and didn’t like smelling it from

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his friend. The gargoyle had remembered him.
That was the important thing. He had to tell him.

He called to his human form and felt relief that,

after so long, he had no trouble changing. It took
longer than in the past, but he got it done. It felt
strange to have fingers, toes, and skin instead of
fur after living as a cat for decades.

Slowly sitting up, Roland appreciated that Vane

allowed him to stay on his lap. He hadn’t missed
the part where Vane said he’d found his mate.
He’d learned about mates from his parents when
he’d started shifting at the age of twelve, knowing
they were possessive. His father had been so
proud, saying because he was an early bloomer,
he’d end up a strong lynx.

Now, that’d never be so.
“It’s not your fault,” Roland said, his voice

rusty from disuse. “If it makes you feel any better,
the places I was held after Larson weren’t nearly
as bad.” That was true, too. Sure, living conditions
always sucked because everyone treated him as an
animal, and while the food wasn’t as much as a
shifter needed to live and grow properly, at least
they hadn’t beaten him.

Vane sighed. “It doesn’t.”
Roland shrugged. “My momma used to say

that everything happens in its own time for its
own reason. We shouldn’t question Fate.”

Nodding, Vane hugged him. “You are welcome

here as long as you need. Our doctor is the best

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and our leader is patient. I know you probably
want to contact your family, but—” Vane stopped

Maybe he was uncertain what he wanted to say

or how to ask for what he needed. Roland
remembered his friend hadn’t ever been the most
eloquent. He rested his head on Vane’s hard pec
and admitted, “I don’t know if I want to find my
family. What if they never even looked for me?”

“I’m sure they did.” Vane sounded so


Needing to think on something else, Roland

murmured, “So, I’m really free? Is Mister Wallice
going to come looking for me?”

“You’re really free,” Vane assured. “And if he

knows what’s good for him, he won’t come
looking for you all,” he added, his voice dropping
to an angry snarl. “You are under our clutch’s
protection. You are safe.”

Sighing, Roland closed his eyes and let his body

relax for the first time in what felt like forever.
“Thank you.” After a few seconds, he smiled and
murmured, “Congrats on finding your mate. Is he

“He is,” stated another voice.
Roland widened his eyes in surprise. He hadn’t

heard anyone enter. Was he really that out of it?
Possibly…between the lingering effects of
whatever sedative was in his system, along with
the shock and relief of actually being rescued,

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Roland figured his body couldn’t handle much
more stress.

Snapping his head around, he spotted not one,

but several…males. Roland thought he scented
irritation or maybe anger from someone and he
figured finding a stranger in the arms of your
mate would certainly do it.

Sweeping his gaze over the three males, Roland

noticed the tense set of the human’s shoulders.
While his wide lips were set in a tight smile, he
held out his hand toward Roland. “I’m Matthew
Beakman,” the human stated. “I’m Vane’s mate.
I’m glad to see you awake and…” At that, his
words seemed to stall and he grimaced.

Roland really didn’t want to, but he couldn’t in







lap…especially nude. While that wasn’t a big
thing for shifters, he knew it was for humans.
Sliding sideways, Roland’s ass hit the floor. He
brought his knees up and wrapped his arms
around them, shielding himself from the

“Nice to meet you,” Roland whispered.


“Thanks,” Matthew replied.
Watching Matthew’s hand slowly lower to his

side, Roland felt a bit bad. Still, he couldn’t bring
himself to touch the other man. He turned his
attention to the two gargoyles standing behind
Matthew. Both had green mottled skin, one much

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lighter than the other gargoyle. The darker of the
two actually had his arms crossed and he scowled.

Uncertainty filled Roland, and his grip on his

legs tightened. “Um, th-thanks for rescuing, um,
us.” He remembered Vane saying that more than
one shifter had been freed.

“You’re welcome, Roland,” the lighter of the

pair replied. His smile appeared genuine. He
stepped forward and crouched in front of him.
“I’m Doctor Perseus. Me and Nurse Leroy, the
human who came with Geoffrey to get you, will
be working with you throughout your

Roland nodded slowly.
“As will I,” stated the second male. “I’m the

clutch second, Tobias. We will move you to my
suite as soon as possible.”

Roland’s jaw sagged open. He swept his gaze

over the massive male, taking in his wide
shoulders and heavily muscled torso. He had thick
limbs ending in black claws. Behind him, Tobias
sported a pair of large black wings.

“Wh-wh-why?” Roland stammered.
Tobias actually appeared insulted. He

straightened as he snapped, “You’re my mate.
How could you think I’d do anything else?”

Feeling the blood drain from his face, Roland

knew he paled. His heart seemed to skip a beat
and he struggled to get enough air in his lungs.
His mate? He couldn’t have a mate. Not anymore.

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“No,” he whimpered. “No, no, no, no.” Roland
rolled to his side and curled into a fetal position as
despair filled him.

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Chapter Two

obias couldn’t help it. His eyes widened in
shock. Was his mate rejecting him? Taking in

the male’s dark hair, pale skin, and sunken form,
he knew the young shifter—hell, Roland didn’t
appear much more than nineteen—would need
some time to recuperate. Tobias knew Roland had
been held as an animal for many years, but surely
he understood the importance of finding one’s

Then, his mate’s scent hit him. Fear.

Hopelessness. Anguish.

What the fuck?
“I won’t make that bad a mate,” he growled,

planting his fists on his hips, offended beyond
anything he remembered feeling before.

Vane’s wide red-eyed and open mouthed

expression told of his own shock. He rested his
hand on Roland’s shoulder. “Roland?”

Jealousy ripped through Tobias’ system, hard

and fast. It’d been bad enough to walk in and see
another man holding and comforting his naked


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mate. There was no way in hell he’d allow that to
happen again.

“Don’t touch him,” he snarled.
Tobias dropped to his knees and swiped at

Vane’s hand, shoving it away. Then, he paused as
he took in his clearly traumatized mate. Damn, he
really should have broached this in a better way,
but Roland was a shifter. Shifters knew their
mates by scent, didn’t they?

Fighting back a sigh of frustration, Seconds did

not show frustration, ever, Tobias settled his right
hand lightly on Roland’s shoulder. He shivered at
the contact. Gods above, I’m actually touching my
At over four hundred years old, Tobias had
waited a long time to find that special someone.

Damn it, I can’t screw this up!
A need to touch more of the skinny young male

before him surged through him and Tobias settled
his second hand on Roland’s flank. He rubbed
slowly over the jutting hip bone, up his skinny
side, and back down again. Damn, he wanted to
explore every inch of this slender shifter.

“Roland,” Tobias rumbled, trying to keep his

tone even and calm. “Talk to me. I understand
you’re young. I’ve waited over four hundred years
to find you, so I can be patient. If you need time—
” He paused, searching for the right words. While
he could be patient, it wasn’t exactly his strong
point. Tobias wasn’t certain how long he’d be able
to wait and didn’t want to set up false hopes. “We

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can work this out,” he finished lamely.

He hated having an audience but figured

sending everyone away would be counter-

Finally, Roland stopped shaking.
Tobias kept up the light stroking, appreciating

that his mate seemed to be responding to his
touch, at least. Even if he vocally denied their
bond, Roland’s body knew the truth.

Roland turned his head a bit and peered up at

him, blinking tears out of his big green eyes.
Normally, Tobias would feel disdain at such
weakness. All he felt at that moment, however,
was a deep-seated desire to erase the pain marring
the slender oval face of the male before him.

“We can work this out,” Tobias repeated,

hoping it didn’t sound too much like he was

Roland closed his eyes for a few seconds, and

Tobias thought he was rejecting him again. Then,
without looking at him, Roland whispered, “It’s
not that I don’t want a mate. I can’t have a mate.”

Confusion filled Tobias, causing him to stop

rubbing his mate’s side. Fortunately, Roland

“I’m not a child,” Roland told him. “I’m

probably around forty or so, and I’m not
physically capable of mating.”

With those cryptic words, Roland leaped to his

feet and rushed through a door on the left.

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Tobias stared at Roland’s ass in shock, even as

his cock thickened beneath his loincloth. “What
the hell?” He rose, having every intention of
following. Damn it, he’d get an explanation even if
he had to break the door down to go inside and
get it.

“Wait,” Perseus urged. When Tobias turned

and snarled at him, Perseus held up his hand,
“Please, Second. I think I can help with your

Tobias crossed his arms over his chest. “Well?”
Perseus grimaced and rubbed a clawed hand

over his scalp. “You noticed that your mate
appears…young, yet he said he’s around forty
years of age?”

“Yes,” Tobias rumbled.
When he’d walked in and spotted the skinny

shifter in Vane’s arms, at first, he felt bad for
Matthew, since he and Vane had worked so hard
through so many misunderstandings already.
Then, the young shifter’s scent had hit him, and
he’d taken a second look at the male.

Wild, dark locks fell in disarray around a thin

face. The man’s body appeared too lean, the knobs
of his spine showing clearly down his back. Tobias
wanted to trace those prominent bumps, follow
them to the deep vee of his high, rounded ass. As
far as extra flesh went, it appeared it all remained
on the young man’s butt.

Tobias’ blood had flowed south, heating in his

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veins. Shock mingled with excitement and
pleasure as he realized that this shifter was his
long-awaited-for mate.

Roland had positioned his skinny arms and legs

in such a way that his genitals were hidden.
Tobias had checked, because while his own cock
plumped behind his loincloth, betraying his
attraction to the young male, he couldn’t scent any
arousal from the young shifter.

“How old was Roland when he was dumped in

your cage, Vane?” Perseus asked, his words blunt.

Tobias grimaced at the picture those words


Vane didn’t correct him, answering, “Fifteen

and he stayed with me for two years. He’s been in
captivity a good twenty-five years.”

Tobias frowned. “What does that have to do

with anything?”

Perseus sighed and shook his head. “It’s

something Leroy noticed, Tobias, and after seeing
how young Roland appears, I’m a little worried
about how it will impact you since you claim him
as your mate.”

“What?” Tobias growled. “What did Leroy

notice?” Why couldn’t the man just spit it out?

The overly spicy scent of unease poured off of

Perseus, and Tobias barely resisted the urge to
slam the man against the wall and demand
answers. Finally, Perseus peered at him through
his lashes and murmured, “At some point, Roland

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was castrated, and from his appearance, it was
before he completed puberty. Essentially, his body
is stuck in adolescence, which is why his olfactory
senses haven’t developed enough to recognize a
mate’s scent.”

“By the Gods,” Tobias whispered. He struggled

to wrap his mind around that idea. Licking his
lips, he murmured, “And his claim that he isn’t
capable of mating?”

“Well,” Perseus drew the word out as he swept

his gaze over Tobias, probably searching for how
his words were affecting him.

Tobias growled. “Roland is my fucking mate,

whether he can scent it or not. I want to help him.”

Perseus nodded. “Good. He’ll need it…and

patience,” he added. “Because of Leroy’s





replacement therapy, and I think it will help him.
Especially after his comment about not being
capable of mating…which leads me to believe he
doesn’t produce enough testosterone to sustain an

Oh, shit. My mate doesn’t get hard? No wonder he’d

seemed so upset about finding a mate. And what if he

never recognizes me as his mate? How will that affect
our bonding?

Tobias didn’t know, but there was only one

way to find out. He glanced toward Vane. “I’ll
find a way to make this work,” he vowed,
uncertain if he spoke the words more for himself

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or to assure the other gargoyle that he wouldn’t
hurt Vane’s friend.

Vane’s eyes narrowed. He opened his mouth,

but closed it just as quickly. Finally, he settled for
a sharp nod.

After taking a few steps toward the closed

bathroom door, Tobias paused and looked at
Perseus. “Do what you can to create a shifter
friendly program. I’ll talk to Roland and, when
he’s ready, bring him to you for...treatment.”

“I’ll put something together,” Perseus


Nodding, Tobias headed toward the closed


“Good luck,” Matthew called, his tone


Tobias looked over his shoulder at Vane’s

human mate. “Thank you,” he responded.

Sweeping his gaze over Matthew, Tobias saw

how he’d pressed his back to Vane’s chest and
pulled Vane’s arms around himself. Matthew had
twined his fingers with his gargoyle mate’s claws.

Tobias found that the desire to do that with

Roland, to hold him just like that, was undeniable.
He realized that Matthew had been persistent,
patient, devious, and strong in winning Vane’s
trust. Tobias mentally reminded himself that he’d
need to be the same.

The others filing from the room pulled him

from his thoughts.

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Returning his focus to the closed bathroom

door, Tobias rapped gently. When he didn’t get a
response, he knocked louder. This time, after a
few seconds, he heard a watery-sounding, go away.

Oh, fuck that.
Tobias reached down and gripped the handle.

He wasn’t surprised to find it locked, but that
didn’t stop him. Using his gargoyle strength, he
wrenched the handle and broke the lock, popping
the door open.

Pushing the door wide, Tobias stepped inside

the small room. He glanced around, searching for
his mate. His heart clenched in his chest upon
spotting him seated on the floor, wedged between
the toilet and the wall. Again, his knees were
pressed against his chest and his arms wrapped
tightly around them.

Allowing a sigh to slip passed his teeth and

lips, Tobias slowly moved across the spacious area
and lowered to his knees before the shifter. He
couldn’t remember the last time he’d kneeled
before a male once, let alone twice, in one evening.
Upon spotting the trembling in Roland’s skinny
body, he couldn’t help but reach for the male.

Roland flinched.
Tobias chose to ignore that. Gripping Roland’s

upper arms, Tobias felt his mate’s cold, clammy
skin. Not liking that one bit, especially with how
little padding Roland had to hold in his body heat,
Tobias pulled his mate out of his hiding space as

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gently as he could.

Roland whimpered and resisted a bit, wriggling

in his grip.

Growling more in warning than irritation,

Tobias rumbled, “Come here, Roland.”

“This won’t work,” Roland whispered.
At least, he stopped fighting and came forward,

out of his self-imposed prison. Tobias took that as
a small win. “Are you averse to me as your mate?”
he asked, truly curious. “Or just a mate in

To Tobias’ utter shock, Roland actually kept

coming. He pressed close and curled up on his lap,
similar to what he’d done to Vane. Tobias let him.
He rocked back onto his ass, which, fortunately,
landed his back against a wall. Fighting back a
shiver at the sudden cold, Tobias released
Roland’s arms so he could wrap them around the
much smaller male.

“Easy, little one. I’ve got you,” Tobias

whispered, the endearment easily rolling off of his

“You don’t want me,” Roland mumbled. “I’m

damaged goods.”

Tobias closed his eyes. His throat constricted.

For just a second, he felt pin pricks hit the backs of
his eyes. Damn it all, he would not cry…not when
he knew his mate’s words weren’t true. “Who
gives a shit if you don’t have testicles,” Tobias
snarled. Roland stiffened in his arms, but he

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wouldn’t let go. “The doctor can help you,” he

When Roland hunched in on himself, Tobias

wanted to bite his own tongue off. Instead, he
thought quickly and blurted, “I know why you
believe you can’t have a mate.” Okay, maybe not the
best thing to say either, but…
“We can work through
this. If Fate didn’t want us to be together, I
wouldn’t recognize your scent as my one and

Tobias waited for some response from Roland.

He struggled to keep from tightening his grip as
each second passed in silence, fighting the desire
to hold the man until he agreed to be his. Instead,
Tobias eased his hold enough to stroke one hand
up and down the man’s spine…the naked man.

He had to shift Roland to the left a bit to keep

his suddenly aching prick from rubbing against
his mate’s rounded ass. Oh, but it was difficult. He
could so easily imagine pulling the stays on his
loincloth, freeing his erection, and sliding it
between the mounds of his mate’s ass.

Damn, he could ride his mate’s ass to

completion, spilling his seed all over his back,
marking him. Then, every paranormal who
smelled Roland would know he was taken.

Roland shifted his weight, making his intention

to move away apparent. Refusing to allow the
shifter to get away, Tobias demanded, “Tell me
your thoughts.” Would his mate completely refuse

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to communicate? What would he do then? Was his
mate stuck in an adolescent mentality, too? With
the way he’d crawled onto his lap and clung to
him, Tobias wouldn’t be surprised. Not that
Tobias didn’t enjoy holding and touching Roland,
but that could get a bit awkward while trying to
fulfill his duties.

To Tobias’ surprise, Roland lifted his head and

stared him straight in the eye. “I want you to
release me.”

“Why?” Tobias blurted out the question

without thinking.

Still holding his gaze, Roland grimaced, then

told him, “Because it was unfair to expect comfort
from you when I have nothing to offer you in

Frowning, Tobias clenched his jaw. He hadn’t

busted into this room just to be sent away.
However—taking in the dirt embedded in the





acknowledging that the smell of dirt and sweat
permeated the male’s scent—Tobias decided
another tactic might be beneficial.

Instead of releasing Roland, Tobias used his

impressive strength to rock to his feet, still holding
his mate in his arms. Roland squeaked and started
to flail. Tobias cradled the much smaller male to
his chest.

“Easy, little one,” he rumbled.
Roland gaped up at him. “What are you

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“I’m going to show you that you do have

something to offer me,” Tobias stated, his voice
firm. He needed Roland to start listening.

Roland snorted. “Like what?” he grumbled,

finally showing a bit of spirit.

Smiling, Tobias stepped into the oversized

shower stall. Because most gargoyles were quite
large, when the clutch had purchased and
renovated this estate, they’d made certain every
shower stall and every tub was huge. At the time,
Tobias had wondered at his clutch-leader,
Maelgwn’s logic. Now, he appreciated the
gargoyle’s foresight.

“We are going to get you warm and clean. How

long has it been since you’ve enjoyed a long, hot

Roland peered up at the dual shower heads. “I

don’t know.” He whispered the admission.

There were way too many scents on Roland’s

skin for Tobias’ liking, and if he could use the
excuse of warming his mate in the shower to
remove them, he’d do it. Then, Tobias planned to
replace them with his own.

After turning on the water and finding the right

temperature, Tobias moved Roland under the
spray. He picked up the soap and used it to lather
up a cloth. He returned his focus to Roland and
stated, “Having a mate isn’t all about sex, Roland.
It’s about companionship. One of the things mates

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do for each other is simply being there to care for
one another.”

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Chapter Three

oland had frozen upon feeling the heated
spray hit him. Tobias’ words barely

registered to him as the realization that he was
taking his first hot shower in nearly twenty-five
years hit him. Tears beaded at the corners of his
eyes and he fought back a whimper as he

Then, the feel of a moist, soapy fabric being

rubbed over his skin caused him to squeal and
jump sideways, out from beneath the heavenly
stream of water, and he slammed his shoulder into
a tile-covered wall. Hissing, he rubbed his
shoulder, trying to ease the ache.

“Easy, Roland,” Tobias murmured, reaching for

him with his empty hand. He settled his large,
clawed fingers on Roland’s shoulder, replacing
Roland’s hand in gently massaging him.

Roland had to admit, he liked the soothing

touch. He turned his back to the larger male and
pressed into the touch. If he’d been in cat form,
he’d have arched and purred.


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Tobias gently tugged him back under the spray.

“I won’t hurt you. I only want to help.”

At the pleading in Tobias’ tone, Roland felt the

fight leave him. He didn’t want to lead the big
gargoyle on, but Tobias seemed so earnest…and
it’d been so long since someone had taken care of

Roland nodded. “Okay,” he whispered.
Once again, Tobias pressed the soft, soapy cloth

against Roland’s skin, this time on the opposite
shoulder of where he still rubbed, erasing the
earlier pain. Roland sighed and closed his eyes,
enjoying the pleasant sensation of the cloth sliding
over his damp flesh.

Tobias rubbed across Roland’s shoulders,

adding his second hand to the work. He swept
down, first one arm, back up, then did the same
with the other before starting to work the cloth
down his back. All the while, he made an odd,
rumbling, humming noise, which Roland found
strangely relaxing.

Suddenly, it occurred to Roland that he hadn’t

been washed by another since his mother stopped
giving him baths at the age of six. Shyness unlike
anything he’d experienced before flooded him.
Roland covered his groin, hiding his flaccid dick
behind his hands.

Roland hunched his shoulders. He closed his

eyes. Knowing he was skinny and short and
malnourished, he worried the other male would

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be turned off by his body. Then again, he didn’t
know what he was supposed to do if Tobias was
turned on either.

Having been imprisoned since the age of

fifteen, it wasn’t as if Roland had any experience
with anything of an intimate nature. At that time,
he’d just started admitting—to himself anyway—
that he found the male form more exciting than
the female form. He certainly hadn’t admitted that
to anyone, and yet, Fate knew.

Evidently, Tobias had picked up on his unease,

for he paused in his ministrations of cleaning his
back to murmur, “Hey, now. What is it?”

Hunching in on himself even more, unable to

hide his embarrassment, Roland shook his head

Strong, thickly muscled arms wrapped around

Roland’s torso. Tobias held the pale blue, soapy
cloth in one hand against his skinny chest while
the claws on the other hand rested on his stomach.
They moved slowly, rhythmically scraping and
petting his sunken abs. Tobias rubbed his head
against Roland’s temple.

“I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong,”

Tobias murmured. “I only want to help.”

With how the gargoyle wrapped him up,

Roland felt the press of something long and hard
against the small of his back. Okay, that answered
one question. Now, what the hell was he
supposed to do about it? Will Tobias expect me to

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please him in some way? Fear flooded him as Roland
registered just how large the erection pressed
against him truly was.

Roland’s body tensed so tightly, his muscles

actually hurt. Through a clenched jaw, he
managed to ask, “Do you, um…do you expect me
to—” That was all he could get out,
embarrassment warring with the fear permeating

Tobias froze for several long seconds, his big

body still where he wrapped around Roland.
Finally, he said, “I think I know what you’re
asking, but just to clarify…do I expect you to let
me fuck you?”

Hearing it stated so bluntly, Roland’s cheeks

heated. He hoped the steam from the hot water
hid his reaction, then realized that was stupid
because Tobias would just pick up on his scent.
Unable to get his tongue to work, he managed to
nod, his movements jerky.

“No, little one,” Tobias told him. “You’re in no

condition for that kind of activity.”

An odd emotion surged through Roland, and it

took him a few seconds to realize it felt an awful
lot like indignation. “Is-is it because-because I’m—
” Once more, words failed him, so he moved one
hand from his groin only to wave at himself where
he still used his other to cover his cock.

Tobias’ chuckle sounded a little rough before he

rumbled, “Ahh, Ro.” He paused and nuzzled

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Roland’s temple. “That has nothing to do with it.”

If not, then— “Why?” Crap! Did I just ask that?

Do I actually want him to stick that huge dick I feel up
He couldn’t even finish the thought in his
head, although he did feel his body flush at the
image in his mind. Even his groin warmed a bit.

“Because, my mate,” Tobias replied. “We just

rescued you from captivity. You’re malnourished,
tired, and in need of a little TLC. You don’t know
me and I don’t know you.” He again nuzzled the
column of Roland’s neck.

Liking how Tobias’ hide-covered jaw felt on the

skin of his neck, Roland tilted his head to give him
more room, hoping for more. Tobias must have
gotten the message, for he rubbed some more.
Then, he pressed sucking, open-mouthed kisses
up that same flesh from the corner of his shoulder
all the way to behind his ear.

Then, Tobias murmured, “Once we get to know

each other, there will be time enough for sex.”

That odd heating in Roland’s groin actually

intensified. To his shock, his cock actually moved
on its own behind his hands. Excitement of a
different sort filled Roland.

He hadn’t had an erection since before his

capture. After getting castrated by that asshole
Goldman, he had believed he never would again.
Could Tobias actually cause his body to respond?
Was that the mate-pull thing his parents had told
him about—oh, so long ago?

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Remembering words Tobias had spoken earlier,

Roland turned his head a bit and peered through
his lashes at the dark green figure. “You said the
doctor may be able to help with, um, stuff?”

Tobias lifted his head and met his gaze. His

dark gray eyes met his gaze steadily as he replied,
“Yes. We should go see him after our shower. I’d
like to consult with him on foods, too.”

Nodding, Tobias reached for the soap and once

more lathered up. As he returned to his cleaning,
he replied, “Yes. While you don’t appear horribly
malnourished, you should definitely be carrying
more weight.”

Roland nodded and returned his focus to the

wall. How was he supposed to interpret Tobias’
words? Did that mean the gargoyle didn’t like the
way he looked? Roland hadn’t had interaction
with others for decades and he didn’t really know
how to interact with adults. He’d been just a kid
when he’d been caged. Inadequacy filled him.

“Lift your arms, little one,” Tobias ordered,

interrupting Roland’s jumble of confused

While Tobias’ tone sounded soft, it still held

plenty of command, and Roland found himself
instantly obeying. He lifted his arms.

Tobias soaped first one pit, then the other. The

feel of the cloth scraping over the surprisingly
sensitive skin caused him to shiver. Who knew

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that’d feel so good? He was almost disappointed
when Tobias moved around to his chest, but then
he rubbed the soapy cloth over his nipples.

Roland gasped as heat blossomed across his

chest. His nipples beaded. The skin of his chest
goose-bumped. “Oh!”

Chuckling, Tobias lightly scraped the thumb

claw of his free hand over Roland’s hardened nub.
Sparks of pleasure seemed to follow the few hairs
that trailed down his chest to his groin.

“Like how that feels?”
Roland swallowed hard upon hearing Tobias’

rumbled question. “Mmm-hmm,” he admitted. It
felt really good.

“I look forward to exploring every inch of your

body,” Tobias stated, his deep voice somehow
sounding even deeper. “But my time with you
grows short. The sun will be up in a couple of
hours, and we still have much to accomplish
before then.”

Frowning in confusion, Roland muttered, “The


“Yes,” Tobias replied. “I’m a gargoyle. Until

our mating is complete, I will turn to stone during
the day, then awaken to care for you at night.”

As Tobias spoke, his hands swept down

Roland’s chest, washing his stomach. Distracted
by his words, Roland didn’t consider Tobias’
destination until he cupped Roland’s flaccid penis
in one hand and gently rubbed the cloth over it

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with the other.

Roland squeaked, his body jolting.
Tobias released his dick and pressed that hand

to Roland’s stomach and chest. He held Roland
still against his chest as he continued to use the
cloth to clean his groin. “Hush, Ro,” Tobias
soothed. “We’re just cleaning. Exploring to give
pleasure will be another day.”

Stilling in Tobias’ hold, Roland sucked in a

lungful of air. He struggled to slow his racing
pulse. He’d never been touched like this, as if he
was something to be appreciated. No, it was
more…cherished, maybe?

Roland thought it felt nice for Tobias to touch

his penis, the feel of the cloth over the wrinkled
skin of his empty sack felt even better. He actually
felt his dick twitch at that. Wow, maybe with
enough work, he could actually get an erection.
Would Tobias be willing to work that hard,

Tobias moved on to his legs, washing first one,

then the other. He even picked up each foot and
cleaned between his toes. That was weird. Finally,
Tobias tossed the washcloth on a small shelf and
grabbed a bottle. He squirted the thick liquid into
his palm and began working it into Roland’s hair.

Shampoo. Oh, when was the last time his hair

had been washed? Tobias massaged his scalp,
rubbing and rubbing. Roland sighed.


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Finally, Tobias urged Roland deeper into the

spray, turning him this way and that, rinsing off
all the soap. After turning off the water, Tobias
pushed open the shower door and grabbed a large
towel and wrapped it around Roland, then
proceeded to dry him.

“Come on,” he urged. “Head into the bedroom.

There are sweats and t-shirts in the drawers. Find
something that fits okay. I’ll be right there.”

Roland nodded and followed the big gargoyle’s

instructions. He headed into the bedroom and
opened the top drawer. He pulled out the top pair
of sweats and held them up. Finding them way
too big, he checked the tag. XL. Opening and
closing drawers, checking tags of sweatpants, he
searched for a medium.

Just as he found it and started pulling them on,

Roland heard a door bang open and someone call,
“Yo, Tobias. You in here? Maelgwn’s lookin’ for

Roland yanked the sweats up his first leg, then

shifted his weight and lifted his other leg, angling
for the hole. The door leading out of the bedroom
opened and in strode a red gargoyle with white
claws. Roland froze, uncertainty filling him.

Who was this gargoyle? Was he a friend?
Looking around, the male’s gaze landed on

Roland. His mouth widened into a large smile,
showing off plenty of sharp teeth. “Hey, there,
pretty shifter.”

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The guy’s greeting snapped Roland out of his

haze. He shoved his second leg in, but lost his
balance in the process and landed on his butt.
Grunting in pain, he struggled to get the now-
tangled pant leg up his leg.

“Hey, sorry to startle you,” the male stated,

coming toward him. “I’m Kort. I’m looking for
Tobias, that’s our clutch’s second. You know,
kinda like a shifter beta.” He stopped and knelt in
front of him. “You okay? You need some help?”

As Kort reached toward him, Roland finally

managed to get the sweats under his butt and
around his waist. He wasted no time scooting
backward away from the gargoyle’s outstretched
hand. He couldn’t say why it was okay for Vane to
touch him or Tobias to touch him and not this
gargoyle, it just was.

Kort pulled his hand back and rested his

forearm on his knee. “You okay?” he asked again.

“F-fine,” Roland managed to say. With several

feet between them, he stopped crab-walking and
pointed toward the bathroom. “Tobias is—”
Seeing the other gargoyle step out of the
bathroom, his hide dried, his thick, black hair still
wet, and his loincloth back in place, Roland
finished, “There.”

Turning, Kort said, “Hey, Maelgwn sent—”
“Why is my mate on the floor with you

kneeling over him?” Tobias snarled, cutting off the
other gargoyle. He stalked forward, his gray eyes

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glittering, dark with the promise of retribution.
“What have you done to him?”

Kort lifted his hands to either side of him.

“Nothing, I swear.” His voice squeaked a bit.

Roland realized that, if the furious look etched

on Tobias’ dark features were aimed at him, his
voice would probably crack, too. Along with that
realization, it hit Roland that Tobias was angry on
his behalf…unjustly so, but still.

“I’m fine,” Roland assured, slowly rising to his


Tobias turned his attention toward Roland, his

expression easing to one of concern as he swept
his gaze over him as if searching for injury. He
held out his hand, palm up.

Knowing what the gargoyle silently requested,

Roland skirted the still kneeling Kort and crossed
to his…gargoyle, mate, friend? He wasn’t sure
what to call Tobias at that point. Sliding his hand
onto Tobias’ palm, Roland allowed the male to
pull him close and tuck him against his side.

Using his other hand, Tobias cupped Roland’s

jaw and tipped his head up so their gazes met.
“Why were you on the floor with Kort kneeling
over you?”

While Tobias’ voice remained gruff, Roland

scented the concern rolling off him. He just knew
that if he said the wrong thing, Tobias would tear
Kort limb from limb. Fear seeped through him and
he prayed he never had that kind of aggression

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directed at him.

Swallowing hard, he admitted, “He startled me

when he came in and I fell over putting on my
sweats. He was just trying to help.”

Tobias lowered his head and openly scented his

neck. “You are upset, fearful,” he whispered. “Did
he do something to upset you?”

“Then, why?” Tobias demanded.
“Y-you’re angry,” he blurted. Searching Tobias’

face, trying to figure him out, he continued,
“People hit when they’re angry.”

Tobias’ jaw sagged open. His breathing hitched

and his face actually somehow paled. “I’d never hit
you. You’re my mate.”

Swallowing hard, Roland nodded. Right, the

gargoyle believed they were mates. He’d
forgotten. Except… “My dad said he and mom
were mates, but when they argued they hit and
threw stuff at each other or us. I learned to stay
out of the way,” he whispered.

Roland watched Tobias’ Adam’s apple bob as

he waited with bated breath for a response.

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Chapter Four

very instinct in Tobias screamed for him to
wrap up his mate in his arms and to promise

him that he’d never hurt him, no matter what.
Unfortunately, from the fear and confusion
pouring off the young shifter, Tobias didn’t think
he’d believe him, no matter what his own scent
might project. From the sounds of it, trust of
others had been shattered long before he’d been

Still, Tobias couldn’t help but try. Continuing to

cradle Roland’s jaw and nape, he told him,
“Although I can’t predict what the future will
bring, I will never purposefully hurt you, Roland.”

Roland continued just to stare, his gaze

sweeping over his face a couple of times.

Tobias rubbed his thumb over Roland’s thin

lips and smiled. “Let’s go see the doc,” he
murmured, before leaning down and pressing a
light peck to the corner of his mate’s mouth. While
he would have loved to engage in a proper lip-
lock, he didn’t plan to have his first true kiss with


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his mate while in front of another.

Turning toward Kort, who wisely averted his

eyes from Roland’s bare torso, Tobias asked,
“Why did Maelgwn send you?”

Kort slowly rose to his feet as he replied, “He’s

asking for a status update on the rescued shifters.”

Tobias frowned. “I’m headed down with

Roland to see Perseus. Let him know I’ll check in
before roost.”

Although a flash of surprise crossed his face—

which he quickly hid—Kort nodded. “Yes,
Second. I’ll report back.”

After sliding his arm around Roland’s torso

possessively, Tobias urged his mate forward and
out of the room.

Waking from roost, Tobias gave himself a full

body shudder. He spread his wings up and away
from his sides and stretched his arms over his
head. While he wanted to track down his mate,
immediately, he knew he needed to check in with
Maelgwn first.

Tobias had just managed to get to the parapets

before the sun had risen. He’d only had a chance
to check in with his chieftain due to how long he’d
been with Roland and the doctor. He’d hated
leaving and had ended up calling Vane to come sit
with his mate, so he could go see his chieftain.

Hopping off the roof, Tobias headed into his

chambers. He made a quick stop in his bathroom

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to take a piss and brush his teeth and hair. He
pulled his dark locks into a queue at the nape of
his neck, then strode from the room.

Deciding to skip the morning meal for now,

hoping that he could talk his mate into joining him
for a more private meal in a bit, Tobias strode
swiftly toward Maelgwn’s study. He knocked
briskly on the door only to wait impatiently for
several seconds. Finally, he heard his chieftain
shout for him to enter.

Tobias pushed the door open and the smell of

spent seed hit his senses. Smirking, he peered
toward the desk and spotted Maelgwn’s human
mate, Bobby, curled up on the chieftain’s lap. The
human’s cheeks sported a rosy glow.

“Good evening to you two,” Tobias rumbled,

amused at the darkening flush working its way
across Bobby’s cheeks.

“I hear congratulations are in order,” Bobby

replied gamely. “The little lynx, right?”

As he nodded, Tobias crossed the room and

settled in one of the large chairs in front of the
desk. “Roland, Vane’s friend.”

“Having a shifter as a mate makes it easier,

doesn’t it?” Bobby asked, cocking his head and
glancing up at Maelgwn’s face, offering him a shy

The chieftain smiled down at him while

running a hand down his arm.

Bobby leaned into the gargoyle’s touch and the

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smile quickly turned heated.

Damn, will I ever have that kind of look directed at

me by Roland?

Tobias sure hoped so. “Normally, I’d say yes,

since they already know about the paranormal
world and mates, but there are…extenuating
circumstances,” he admitted.

When he’d swung by Maelgwn’s office the

evening before, he hadn’t had the chance to
explain everything to his chieftain, only telling
him that all the shifters were beginning to come
around and Perseus was treating Roland, his mate,
last. After that, he’d promised to swing by first
thing upon waking and he’d headed to his

“Explain,” Maelgwn commanded.
Sighing, Tobias ran his hands over his thighs,

giving away his unease to Maelgwn.

“Surely it’s not that bad,” Maelgwn


Tobias watched the muscles in his chieftain’s

arm tense as though he tightened his grip on his
own mate. Appreciating the telltale sign that his
chieftain understood problems with a mate, he
explained, “My mate was castrated before
finishing puberty. He doesn’t recognize me as his

He watched the blood drain from Bobby’s face

even as Maelgwn moved the hand that had been
resting on his desk to below it. Tobias guessed it

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was to either cup his own balls or maybe his

“Oh, God,” Bobby whispered. “The poor


“I’d prefer that information be kept quiet,”

Tobias requested.

“Of course,” Maelgwn instantly assured. “It’s

on a need to know basis.”

Bobby nodded quickly, his green eyes big as

saucers in his pale face.

Clearing his throat, Tobias continued, “Raised

voices scare him, which isn’t surprising. I found
that out when I yelled at Kort. When I assured
Roland that I wouldn’t hurt him, reminded him
that he’s my mate, he said his parents were mates
and not only hit each other when angry, but threw
things at each other.” He paused and shook his
head. He didn’t understand how mates could act
that way toward each other…unless they weren’t
fated mates. Maybe Tobias needed to verify that
Roland understood the difference.

“He has no trust in the mate-pull,” Maelgwn

mused. “Interesting.”

Tobias growled. “Interesting? That’s what you

think that is?” He lurched to his feet and started
pacing. “I have a temper, Maelgwn. You know
that,” he snapped.

“No kidding,” Maelgwn commented dryly.
Snarling, Tobias curled his lip in frustration.

“Roland not only doesn’t believe we’re mates, so

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even if I manage to woo him, he won’t believe that
when I do express my anger I’d never hurt him.”

Rubbing the back of his neck, Tobias paused in

his pacing and scowled at his chieftain. “What the
fuck am I going to do?”

Maelgwn smiled, showing off plenty of sharp

teeth. “You will be yourself, Tobias. You are my
second, and I know you’re a good man. You will
show him that, even if you slip up,” he stated
firmly. Then, he offered a smile. “And it doesn’t
hurt to remember that your friends will help. All
you have to do is say something.”

Tobias jerked a nod. He did often forget that.

Asking for assistance in anything wasn’t
something he chose to do if at all possible. Could
he though, for the sake of his mate?

“I’d be more worried about mating, actually,”

Maelgwn stated, cutting into his thoughts. “Can
he—” He paused, grimaced, then tried again.
“Can Roland get an erection? Can he claim you?”

Tobias just knew if his chieftain’s blue skin

hadn’t been so dark, the big gargoyle would have
been blushing. While he knew from where
Maelgwn’s concern stemmed, his cheeks clenched
at the reminder that the easiest way to complete a
gargoyle bond was by having his mate fuck him. If
Roland couldn’t claim him, he couldn’t go through
molt. That meant he’d never gain a human form,
and he’d be doomed always to turn into stone

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during the day, having half a life with his mate.

“Perseus put him on testosterone replacement

therapy. It works for humans, so they can have a
normal sex life,” Tobias explained. “The thing he
doesn’t know is proper dosage, so he’s starting
with what a human would be given. He’ll check
Roland’s levels daily and slowly up it until it’s
where it should be.”

“How does he know what a shifter’s regular

level is?” Bobby asked curiously.

Turning his attention to the human, Tobias

reminded the man, “There are plenty of shifters
here. He’s worked on them many times.”

Bobby lifted a hand, palm out, probably

expressing an apology for questioning him. “I
really hope it works out.”

“Thank you,” Tobias replied. He sure hoped it

worked out, too. Just thinking about erections and
mating had his cock thickening in his loincloth.
Other than his right hand, he had no intention of
doing anything about it, though. He refused to
take his mate until he knew Roland could enjoy it
as well. He’d never been known for patience, but
in this, he refused to budge.

“Okay, tell me about the other shifters,”

Maelgwn ordered.

Easing back into the chair, Tobias placed his

arms on the rest and rubbed the fabric idly with
his claws. “The albino alligator has yet to change.
Vane and I assured him that we only wish to help

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him and he seemed to understand. He allowed
Perseus to draw blood and he didn’t give the doc
any trouble when he and Leroy gave him as much
of a physical as they could while he was in his
animal form. He’s currently staying close to the
pond southwest of the house.” The gargoyles that
monitored security were instructed to keep an eye
on the alligator, so they’d at least know if he made
a move to leave, shift, or even come inside.

“The boa shifted as soon as he woke yesterday,

sometime during the day. His name is Caladon
O’Hara. He’d been in captivity for six years and
was imported from an island in the South Sea,”
Tobias explained. “I’ve offered Raymond and
Vane’s services to assist him in locating his pack or
whatever he calls it. When he seemed uncertain, I
even offered Caladon access to our clutch
computers so he could search for himself. I’m not
sure if he’ll take it, though.” Frowning, he crossed
his arms over his chest as he mused, “I get the
impression he’s not certain if he wants to go

Maelgwn nodded. “Well, if I ended up missing

and no one came looking for me, I’m not sure I’d
bother returning, either.”

Tobias mentally agreed.
“Assign a gargoyle to Caladon, maybe Kort or

Holden. Either has a light schedule at the
moment,” Maelgwn suggested, referencing a pair
of unmated gargoyles who worked shifts in

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cleaning the manor or cooking in the kitchens.
“Ask Gus if he’d be interested in spending some
time at the pond. Maybe picnics with Tible and his

Nodding, Tobias made a mental note to swing

by the mated couple’s suite. As a rhino shifter,
Gus would probably enjoy swimming with the
alligator, and Tobias knew that’s why his leader
had suggested him. Gus’s mate, Tible, was a small
gray gargoyle and together they had a fairly
newly hatched son, Vaclar.

“I’ll ask him,” Tobias assured. Leaning forward,

he moved to rise, when Maelgwn held up his
hand to stall him. Fighting his need to complete
his duties so he could go see his mate, Tobias
cocked his head and lifted a brow ridge in silent

“I received a report from Greg earlier today,”

Maelgwn told him.

Tobias straightened in his seat. Greg had

remained in Idaho to monitor Bud Wallice and his
people. Bud owned a curiosity show in Idaho.
That was where they’d found Roland, Caladon,
and the alligator. Vane’s mate, Matthew, had
arranged to purchase Caladon in his snake form,
and Tobias and a few others had used the
distraction to slip into camp and rescue the other

He’d snagged the alligator while the gargoyle

Geoffrey had gotten Roland.

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“A police report has been filed for the missing

lynx and alligator and Wallice has given them
Prentiss’ name,” Maelgwn stated. “The police
have discovered that it was a false identity and
they tracked down the box company we used to
move the snake.”

“Damn, at least we paid for everything with

cash,” Tobias mumbled.

“Well, now I have police from up there coming

here being escorted by Detective DeSoto to speak
with Einan, since his name was on the rental
contract,” Maelgwn told him. He ran a hand over
his face and sighed. “I need a massive aquarium
and I need Caladon in it. Then, I need everyone
who can’t appear human to stay in their rooms.”

Tobias grimaced. “Damn, Caladon’s not going

to like that.” No shifter wanted to voluntarily
climb into a cage, even if they were assured to be
getting out quickly enough. “Wait a minute,” he
murmured, an idea coming to him. “What if we
use the arboretum as his cage? Then we don’t
have to build anything. Hell, he’ll probably love it
in there for sunning anyway.”

Maelgwn cocked his head. “Hmm, I do like that


“I’ll set it up. I’ll have Cornelius make a beware

of boa sign or something,” Tobias added. Then, he
shoved to his feet. “And the other shifters?”

“If they can’t stay human, they need to stay

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scarce,” Maelgwn warned.

Tobias nodded again. “I’ll spread the word.

When are we expecting them?”

“DeSoto tipped me off that their flight should

land first thing. They’ll be coming in the

“And Prentiss? How do we explain him?” Gods

above, could my life get any more complicated? “Vane
sure as hell isn’t gonna allow his new mate to be
placed in the line of fire.”

Maelgwn nodded. “I know. Leave that to me.

I’ll think of something.”

Tobias actually felt relief. And that’s why he’s the

leader. He gets to fix the tough shit. “Then I’m gonna
go find Caladon and let him know what’s up, then
ask Cornelius to make that sign and give Einan a
heads up of what’s going on.”

After pecking a kiss to Bobby’s temple,

Maelgwn eased his lover off of his lap and gained
his feet. “I’ll speak with Vane and Matthew.”

Turning, Tobias headed toward the door. After

pulling the door open, he held it for the other two
men. He saw the tense set of Maelgwn’s
shoulders. Reaching out, Tobias touched his
chieftain’s upper arm to gain his attention.

The other gargoyle turned to him, his

expression questioning.

Tobias grinned. “We’ve been through worse

than this.”

Maelgwn cocked his head before he chuckled

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and nodded. “You remember the days we had to
rely on humans to shield us? Now, with so many
of us having mates by our sides, we don’t have to
rely on outsiders.”

“Yep,” Tobias agreed. “Life’s getting better and

better all the time.”

“That it is.”
Heading off toward the south wing, Tobias’

growling stomach made him regret not stopping
for at least a quick burrito from the breakfast bar.
As he moved swiftly through the place, the fact
that he moved toward his mate pushed through
his mind.

Tobias paused at Roland’s door. He placed his

palm on the wooden panel, knowing all he had to
do was step inside and he could see him, touch
him. Bowing his head, he wrapped his wings
tightly around him and pulled his hand away.
Tobias turned and strode to the next door.

Duty called.

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Chapter Five

oland lifted his head from the pillow created
by his forearms and listened. For just an

instant, he’d thought he’d heard a scrape at the
door. He cocked his head when the scent of Tobias
wafted oh-so-faintly across his senses. To his
surprise, he actually felt his cock twitch at the
scent…or maybe it was the memory of the sweet
way Tobias had washed him in the shower,
touching every part of him.

When no knock sounded, Roland lowered his

head back to his arms. Upon returning to his suite
with Vane that morning—after his friend had
escorted him to the dining hall and made certain
he ate until he was stuffed—Roland had spotted
the fireplace in the front room. The rug in front of
the hearth had called to him. Vane had helped him
build a fire. Then, after he’d left, Roland had
curled up in front of it and hadn’t bothered to
move except to use the bathroom.

He figured it’d have been more comfortable to

lie there in cat form, but after living as a lynx for


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decades, he couldn’t convince himself to shift back
just yet.

Once again, the scent Roland recognized as

Tobias tickled his senses. Confused, Roland rose to
his feet and crossed to the door. Roland pressed
his ear to the door and his heightened shifter
hearing easily picked up the sound of footsteps
and the mumble of low voices.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Roland

stepped back, gripped the handle, and pulled the
door open. He peered into the hall, then stuck his
head through the opening and glanced around.

Roland spotted the retreating forms of two

males, one very tall and extremely slender and the
second one, who stood a couple of inches shorter
but was far broader, was a dark red gargoyle.

“Tobias?” He couldn’t have said the gargoyle’s

name in more than a whisper as he unconsciously
took a step forward.

Still, the gargoyle turned, confirming his

suspicion. Tobias held up a hand, obviously
asking for the other man to wait. Tobias strode
toward him, and for an instant, Roland worried
the gargoyle was upset that he’d interrupted.

Then, Tobias smiled, showing off a few of his

sharp teeth. “Roland.”

The way Tobias said his name caused an odd

warmth to fill Roland’s chest. He’d never felt
anything like it and wasn’t certain what to make
of it. “Hey, I, um—” Roland wasn’t certain what to

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say. He wasn’t even entirely certain why he’d
wanted to know if Tobias was near.

Tobias rested a hand on his shoulder. He

squeezed lightly, then used his thumb to massage
Roland’s collarbone. “I have a couple of duties to
attend to, then I’d planned to seek you out,”
Tobias told him. “Will you join me for a meal in a

“Um, what time is it?” Roland asked

tentatively, uncertain how long ago he’d eaten
with Vane. Glancing toward the other male, he
wondered what they were doing together. Tobias
said that he and him were mates, so shouldn’t he
have sought him out first upon waking from his
sleep? Roost, that’s what Vane had called it.

“It’s about ten thirty,” Tobias told him.
“You’ve been up for a while,” Roland


Tobias nodded. “I had to see Maelgwn and give

him my report,” he told him. “I ran out of time
yesterday.” He winked. “Too long with the doc,
I’m afraid.”

Roland jerked back a bit, feeling a lot like he’d

been smacked. Too long with the doc? That
actually meant Tobias felt he’d spent too long with
him, didn’t it? Is that why he hadn’t come for him?
He thought his duties were more important? Was
it because he hadn’t acknowledged the mate pull
between them? Irritation filled Roland. It wasn’t
his fault he’d been captured, held, castrated. None

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of it was his fault. Hell, if it was anyone’s fault, it
was his parents and his pride for not helping him.

“No,” Roland replied softly. “I have an

appointment with Doctor Perseus in a little bit.”

Tobias nodded. “I see. Should I meet you


Roland shrugged, wishing he’d never given in

to curiosity and stepped through the door. He
didn’t want to know that Tobias thought his
duties were more important than he was.

I’m too damaged. What if I were to get well? Would

he be more interested then?

“No, thanks,” Roland whispered. He needed to

be fixed first. Then, maybe Tobias would want to
spend more time with him. “I’d like to see Doctor
Perseus alone.”

“Oh.” Tobias pulled his hand from Roland’s

shoulder. “I see.” He cocked his head. “Then, I’ll
catch up with you later.”

“Okay,” Roland whispered, stepping backward

into the doorway of his room. “Good luck with
your duties.”

Without waiting for a response, Roland took

another step backward and shut the door. He
didn’t understand the odd ache in his chest. He
knew he didn’t feel the mate-pull toward the
gargoyle, but the male had been so nice, so
attentive. Too bad it didn’t last very long.

Well, it wasn’t as if he understood the mate-pull

anyway. Maybe he should just move on. Finding

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his parents would be a good start. Vane had said
he’d help him. His old friend said he’d become
quite the computer expert, which was how he’d
found Roland.

Roland’s pride had a computer in their main

lodge, but no one in his pride had been wealthy
enough to have one of their own. While in his
cage, he’d seen people poking at their phones and
understood the concept that they were tiny
computers. Technology had come a long way
since he’d been locked up.

Did he really want to face his pride members

like this though? Perhaps he’d just feel better
knowing he had a choice.

Decision made, Roland reopened his door and

peeked out, hoping Tobias had gone. The gargoyle
confused him, attentive one minute then too busy
the next. Pushing thoughts of Tobias away,
Roland made his way slowly down the hallway.
Vane had given him directions, so he knew how to
get to his friend’s room.

Before long, Roland stopped before a door,

hoping it was the right one. He knocked. After a
moment, it was opened and Roland found himself
staring at a tall male that appeared Native

“Oh,” Roland murmured, taking a step

backward. “I’m sorry. I must have the wrong

“Roland, hey,” the man greeted. “You have the

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right room. Come in.”

The Native American swung the door wider,

and that’s when the scent of the male caught
Roland’s attention. His jaw sagged open in shock.

The male glanced down at himself, then peered

at Roland and grimaced. “Yeah, sorry. I forgot you
haven’t seen me like this, yet. Come on in.” He
swung the door wider and beckoned him forward
with one bronzed hand.

Roland moved forward, his gaze sweeping over

Vane from head to toe. While the man wore a
loincloth as a gargoyle would, Vane’s human form
looked a lot like a Native American who decided
to take up body building. His long black hair hung
to his shoulder blades and he had plenty of muscle
on display.

“Hey, Roland,” Matthew greeted from further

in the room. The human rose from where he’d
been seated on the sofa. “How are you doing

“Uh…okay,” Roland decided on.
The sound of the door closing caught his

attention, and he glanced over his shoulder just in
time to see Vane exchange a look with his mate.
Vane returned his gaze to Roland and, wrapping
his arm around Roland’s shoulders, urged him
toward the couch.

“Have a seat, buddy,” Vane urged. “What’s

going on in that brain of yours?”

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Roland found himself urged onto the sofa. “I

was just considering asking you to help me find
my family. I might not contact them, but I’d like to
at least have the option.”

Matthew patted his shoulder. “I’ll get coffee

and the laptop.”

“I don’t drink coffee,” Roland mumbled. He’d

tried some that morning and found it awful.

“Oh, okay. Sorry. That didn’t even occur to

me,” Matthew commented. “I think we have some
orange juice.”

Roland appreciated the offer and his mouth

actually salivated with the idea of tasting the
tangy beverage. It’d been…yeah, years. “I’d love

Vane plopped on the sofa beside him, grinning.

“Damn, buddy. Orange juice has you excited, but
you ran from the prospect of a mate yesterday.”
Vane rubbed his hands over his face, then reached
out and grabbed Roland’s hand. Gently, he
massaged his fingers and tendons in both of his,
then asked, “Talk to me. I know you just got here
and everything is probably a jumble in your head.
You need time to adjust. What can we do to make
this transition easier?”

Swallowing hard, Roland glanced from Vane’s

concerned expression to where his human hands
clasped Roland’s own. “I’m really not sure,” he
admitted. “My parents said they were mates, but
they were a pretty volatile couple. I mean, they

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didn’t even curb the fighting when my siblings
and I were in the room. Maybe that’s why they
didn’t bother looking for me. Because they had
other cubs.” That idea hurt, but it made sense. His
parents had always seemed more concerned with
copulating and producing cubs, not actually
taking care of them.

“I’m sorry, Roland,” Vane said. “That’s not how

all matings are. Hell, you’ll see a bunch of great
examples of good relationships here if you take
the time to get to know the guys.” He shrugged.
“Fate knows what She’s doing even if we don’t
most of the time.”

Roland frowned. “Fate? What are you talking


Vane lifted a brow. “Fate. The one who chooses

fated mates. Your perfect match.”

“Perfect match? What do you mean?”
Scowling, Vane asked, “Has no one explained

Fated mates?”

Roland shrugged and shook his head. “My

pride didn’t have a lot of members, so most people
found someone they thought they could make
good, strong cubs with and mated. Sometimes,
love wasn’t even involved.”

“Ah, I’m sorry,” Vane rumbled. “Finding your

fated mate is like…finding the other half of your
soul when you didn’t even realize it was missing.”
He smiled toward the doorway where Matthew
had disappeared. “Your body craves being with

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your mate, even when you don’t understand why.
You want to touch that person, make certain
they’re safe, cared for, happy.” He returned his
gaze to Roland, a light shining in his reddish-
brown eyes. “You still have to work hard to create
a relationship, but the rewards are more than
worth the effort.”

“Oh,” Roland murmured. If mates craved being

with each other, why had Tobias been with that
other guy? Still full of doubt, he murmured, “Even
though Tobias assured me we’re mates, I don’t
seem to scent him as mine. Perseus said it’s
because of…” He let the sentence trail off as he
waved at his groin. He didn’t want to admit that
he wanted to be around the man, if just to feel his
arms around him because it made him feel safe.

“I thought Tobias understood that,” Vane


“Sure, in theory,” Roland grumbled. He pulled

his hand out of his friend’s grip and crossed his
arms over his chest. “Yesterday he was all sticking
close and attentive, but today he hasn’t even come
to see me. I saw him in the hall and he was with
someone else. He told me he had some things to
do first but wanted to catch up with me later.
What the hell is more important than a recovering
mate?” He realized he sounded like a petulant
child. Geez, did not finishing puberty mean he’d
end up acting like a teenager his whole life? He
really didn’t want that.

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Vane cocked his head and narrowed his eyes.

“Look I almost fucked up my own mating by not
communicating, so my advice is to talk to him,” he
told him. “You’ve been through a lot,” he
reiterated. “Consider this. Tobias is our second.
He has powerful instincts and aggression held
carefully in check by Maelgwn. We stole you and
the alligator from Bud’s property.” He shrugged.
“If it’d been up to me and Tobias, we probably
would have killed Bud and his people.” He smiled
wryly. “Maelgwn is a good leader. He keeps us
from doing things we shouldn’t. Things that could
brand us rogue or draw unnecessary attention to
our kind,” he admitted.

“So,” Roland whispered. “You’re saying he’s

violent and I should be wary of him?”

Why the hell would his friend tell him this?

Was it because he worried about his safety? He
saw the way Vane’s jaw clenched, and Roland
tried to figure out his friend’s intent.

Matthew rejoined them, chuckling and shaking

his head. “No, that’s not what Vane means, at all.”
Vane popped up and grabbed the tray of drinks.
Matthew murmured his thanks, then placed the
laptop on the coffee table.

“Then, what?” Roland demanded, tired of

riddles and not understanding what was going on
around him. Maybe he should just go back to bed
for a couple of days until everything made sense.

“Vane’s still a bit rusty at this whole

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communication thing,” Matthew said, handing
Roland the tall glass of orange juice. He then
placed his empty hand on Vane’s upper arm and
rubbed, probably intending to soften the words.
After Vane gave his mate a cock-eyed smile and
shrugged one shoulder, Matthew returned his
focus to Roland. “Vane means, Tobias’ very strong
instincts lead him to care for those under his
protection, his family, with almost single-minded
determination and focus.” He smiled at Roland,
his hazel eyes twinkling. “Tobias believes you are
his mate, therefore, even more important than his
family, his clutch.”

“And him doing his duties before seeing me

is?” he quietly pressed. He couldn’t seem to help
it. That Tobias claimed to be his mate, then did
other things hurt…probably more than it should.
Was that the mate-pull?

Roland didn’t know.
“Taking care of you,” Vane said, picking up his

coffee. “Tobias does his duty first to assure your
safety, Roland.” He took a sip of his coffee, then

Frowning, Roland cocked his head. “Huh?”
Matthew and Vane exchanged a glance. Then,

Vane growled low in his throat and wrapped a
possessive arm around his mate. “It’s why I’m in
human form, at the moment,” Vane told him.
“Cops from Idaho are flying in and Detective
DeSoto is escorting them here. Now, they don’t

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have any real jurisdiction, but I guess DeSoto’s
chief has a good history of inter-precinct

“Oh, God,” Roland whispered. When

something cold splashed on his hand, he glanced
down and realized his hands trembled. He
wrapped his second hand around the glass, too,
trying to steady it. His heart pounded in his chest
and he struggled to swallow around the lump in
his throat. Bringing the glass to his lips, he gulped
several swallows, quickly draining it. Once he felt
like he wasn’t about to shake out of his skin, he
whispered, “What do I do? Should I hide?”

Vane shook his head. “You need to stay in

human form, Roland. I’d offer to have you stay
here, but because me and Matthew were directly
involved in buying the boa from Bud, we have to
meet with the detectives,” he explained.

“They shouldn’t be here long,” Matthew

assured. “If you’d like, we can have someone stay
with you? Maybe Sapian and his mate, Missy.
They’re super nice.”

Suddenly, that three day nap sounded better

and better. He shook his head. “N-no, thanks.” He
sure as hell didn’t want to have some people he
didn’t know come sit with him as if he needed a
babysitter. “Thanks for the orange juice,” he
murmured, rising to his feet. “I gotta go.”

Matthew took the empty glass from his hand

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while Vane settled a hand on his shoulder. “You

“Yeah, sure,” he lied. From Vane’s scowl,

Roland figured the gargoyle knew it, too. Still, he
forced a smile and said, “I gotta go see Doctor
Perseus. He was gonna run some more tests.”

That at least was true.
Vane nodded. “Feel free to call me if you need

anything at all.”

Roland nodded and strode toward the door.

“Thanks again,” he mumbled, forcing a smile,
glancing between the pair, seeing identical looks
of concern on their faces. With a wave, he headed
toward the doctor’s suite.

If Tobias was putting his duties first to keep

him safe, he obviously thought he needed
protecting. Maybe, if Roland proved he wasn’t so
damaged, he’d get more attention instead.

What can I do to speed up my healing?

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Chapter Six

obias stalked through the manor, using his
long stride to eat up the distance between

himself and his mate. He’d been trying to track
down his young shifter since meeting with Einan
and Cornelius. That was over an hour ago. It
didn’t make him any happier that setting up the
arboretum to look legitimate to hold a boa had
taken a bit longer than he’d planned—he’d had to
find someone to repair three broken glass panes.

First, Tobias had checked his mate’s room, but

he hadn’t been there. When he came out, he’d
spotted Kort passing the hallway. As much as it
galled him to ask the gargoyle, Tobias had
appreciated the male being able to tell him that
he’d seen him go into Vane’s room. Unfortunately,
when he swung by, the big gargoyle had given
him a funny look, then told him Roland had left
some time before to see Perseus.

When he’d reached the hospital wing, Roland

had already been gone from there, too. With over
half the evening gone, he wanted to spend the rest


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of his available time getting to know his mate. He
couldn’t do that, however, if he couldn’t find the
little male, and he was getting frustrated. If
Roland wasn’t in his room, he didn’t know where
else to look.

Once again at the suite currently assigned to

Roland—this would be so much easier if he’d
followed his instincts and immediately moved his
mate to his own suites—Tobias knocked lightly.
He’d wanted to give his mate time to accept him,
but having to track him down was intolerable. He
yearned to wake from roost and see his mate
inside waiting for him. Hell, he should be holding
the man in his arms every night. Well, whenever
they slept anyway.

“Who is it?”
Roland’s soft call through the door yanked

Tobias back to the matter at hand...wooing his
mate. “It’s Tobias,” he replied.

For several seconds, nothing happened. Finally,

Roland replied, “I know.”

Frowning, Tobias rested one clawed hand on

the door. He struggled to find an acceptable way
to respond. As a dominant gargoyle, he could
demand to be let in and the far more submissive
lynx would probably do it, but he didn’t want to
force his mate to allow him entrance. He wanted
his mate to welcome him.

He opened his mouth, then snapped it shut.

Shaking his head hard for a second, he wondered

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what he’d done to be barred entrance. Then, it
occurred to him, maybe he needed to ask.
“Roland,” he murmured. “Little one, will you let
me in?”

Even with Roland’s stuttered confirmation, it

still took him a few seconds to open the door. As
soon as the shifter cracked the door open, the
heavy, earthy scent of Roland’s arousal hit Tobias
like a sucker punch in the gut.

Shock hit Tobias’ system first, followed quickly

by lust, sharp and poignant. His blood flowed
south too quickly, leaving him lightheaded for
several heartbeats. Growling low in his throat,
Tobias stalked through the partly opened
doorway. When he kicked the door closed with his
foot, he noted a rolled up towel on the floor. His
brows drew together, then he slowly slid it against
the door, pressing it to fill the crack between the
bottom of the door and the floor.

That explains why I didn’t smell him at all.
That didn’t explain just what the hell was going

on with Roland. When he’d taken his mate to
Perseus yesterday, the doctor had claimed it
would take days, maybe even weeks before they’d
figure out the level needed to see results. From the
scent permeating the room, Perseus had been

Tobias slowly swept his gaze over the darkened

room, his gaze finally landing on Roland. His

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mate rested on the sofa, his back pressed into the
corner created by the back and arm, his knees up
and his feet on the cushion before him. Roland
had his arms wrapped around his knees and
rocked a bit in place.

Concern warred with the ardor coursing

through Tobias’ veins, allowing him to ignore his
rock-hard erection. While he knew he tented his
loincloth obscenely, he still kept his movements
slow as he paced toward his mate.

Roland watched him warily. Sweat beaded on

the shifter’s brow and temple. The closer Tobias
came to the shifter, the thicker the scent of his
arousal hung in the air, almost cloying in its
intensity. Roland flicked out his tongue, licking his
bottom lip. His gaze fixed on Tobias, and he began
to pant softly.

Clamping down on his lust, Tobias slowly

kneeled before the obviously distraught male.
“Talk to me, Roland,” he urged, trying to sound
soothing. Reaching out, he rested his left hand
gently on his mate’s calf while placing his other
hand on his shoulder, feeling hot, clammy skin.
“What’s going on?”

“I don’t want you to be mad,” Roland

mumbled, his gaze sliding away. His twined
fingers tightened, his knuckles turning white, and
he rocked a bit more.

Tobias scraped his thumb nail over the tendon

that ran from just under his jaw to his collarbone.

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“I can’t promise to not get upset,” he murmured,
choosing his words carefully. “But I can’t help if
you won’t trust me…and that’s all I want to do.”

“I used extra.” Roland whispered the

admission, peering at him through his lashes.

Tobias almost blurted out, extra what, but then

it hit him. “More gel?”

Roland nodded, his eyes widening, dominating

his face, even in the low lighting. “A lot.”

Perseus had prescribed the human dose

equivalent for the first few days to see what affect
it had on Roland. He didn’t want to injure the
shifter if the human testosterone replacement
topical gel didn’t agree with his system. Evidently,
his mate hadn’t been quite as patient as he’d
seemed yesterday in the visit.

Damn. “I’m not angry,” he assured.
“I thought, if I wasn’t…wasn’t so damaged.”

His voice hitched at his own words. Before Tobias
could come up with a way to convince his mate
that he didn’t consider him damaged, Roland
continued. “If I were well, I wouldn’t need for you
to make sure I’m safe. Then, you could spend
more time with me.”

Tobias struggled to understand where this

admission was coming from. “I’ll always want to
make certain you’re safe,” he admitted. “It’s wired
in my blood. That will never change.”

Roland’s brows pinched together and he

scowled at his kneecaps. “Y-you’ll always—” he

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paused and shook his head. His hands tightened
and loosened, making white lines appear and
disappear on his knuckles. “But I want—” His
words hitching, Roland moaned a bit, his body
tensing under Tobias’ fingers.

Whatever he’d been trying to say, Tobias

vowed to figure it out later. Right now, something
was very wrong. “I just want to know how to
help,” Tobias assured. “Let me help you.”

Looking at him, Roland’s anguished gaze met

his. “I hurt.”

“Where, little one?” Tobias instantly responded.

Instinct drove him to find out how to soothe his
mate. “What can I do?”

Slowly, Roland stretched out his legs, the near

one hanging off the edge of the sofa toward him
and the far one against the back sofa cushion. “I
tried to jack off, but that just hurt more,” Roland

Tobias stared at the slender, maybe seven and a

half inch prick, jutting up from a bed of springy
black curls. Already the slit oozed pre-cum from
the center of an angry-looking red cap and it took
every bit of Tobias’ considerable self-control to
keep from leaning forward and licking up the
tasty-looking bead.

Holy fuck!
Forcing his gaze higher, to peer into his soon-

to-be lover’s eyes, Tobias saw the confusion
and…hope, glittering in Roland’s amber depths.

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“Let me know how this feels,” Tobias murmured
as he skimmed his left hand up his mate’s calf and
along his inner thigh.

Tobias rested his fingertips in the crease of

Roland’s groin, gently petting the sensitive skin.
He stretched the tips of his claws outward a bit,
threading through his pubes and along his skin.
To his pleasure, Roland gasped and his erection

“Hmm,” Tobias hummed at that response.

Very nice.
Sliding his other hand up to cup his mate’s

nape and jaw, Tobias leaned forward. Desire to
taste his mate’s lips surged through his veins. He
wanted to swallow the sounds of his lover’s desire
down, feel them tremble his lips, tickle his throat.
Tobias closed the final distance and enjoyed the
first taste of his mate.

He opened his mouth just a bit and wrapped

his lips around his mate’s plump bottom lip,
sucking lightly on it. Swiping his tongue along the
seam of Roland’s mouth, he nipped gently on the
lip he kissed. Roland gasped softly, the move
opening his mouth just a bit.

It was enough.
Tobias pressed his tongue into that space,

forcing Roland to open wider. The earthy,
masculine goodness of his mate exploded across
his taste buds. Tobias wanted more, so much

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more, but he also didn’t want to scare his
inexperienced lover.

Licking his way around Roland’s mouth, Tobias

explored him. He mapped his mouth, flicked
Roland’s teeth, slid along his tongue, and
massaged his palate.

Tobias felt Roland’s near hand grab his upper

arm and press closer, trying to get more, and his
heart thudded at how his mate melted into his
touch. Planting his left foot next to the couch, he
used the hand on Roland’s inner thigh to
encourage him to move his left leg over Tobias’
raised knee. The move spread his mate wider,
giving Tobias more room to play.

Scraping his claws gently across the sensitive

skin beneath Roland’s springy black pubes once
more, he worked his fingers ever closer to his
mate’s dripping cock. Tobias reached the base and
gently massaged the taut skin where shaft met
groin, running his first two fingers back and forth,
then up the underside’s first inch.

Roland squeaked and yanked his mouth away,

peering down at where Tobias touched him.

Tobias followed his mate’s gaze. He saw the

rosy hue coloring his mate’s neck and chest as his
shifter gasped for breath. He watched Roland’s
abs clench and quiver as his dick jerked and
tapped against them. Several strings of pre-cum
stretched from his cock head—nearly translucent
strands like spider’s silk—to his abs.

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“Hurts,” Roland whimpered. “Make it stop.”
“Okay, little one. I’ve got you,” Tobias assured.
Grabbing the base of his mate’s dick, Tobias

lifted the shaft away from Roland’s abs, making it
point straight up. He lowered his head and
swallowed his mate’s erection to the root. Mindful
of his teeth, he sucked up, then went right back
down. He swiped his tongue over the engorged
head, tasting slightly salty and sweet pre-cum.

Tobias released the base of his mate’s dick, no

longer needing to stabilize the shaft in his mouth.
Moving his hand down, he gently fondled the soft
skin of his sack. Roland gasped, telling Tobias that
even though he no longer had testicles, fondling
his sack still gave his lover pleasure.

So much so that, without warning, Roland

screamed and shot.

The first forceful blast hit the back of Tobias’

throat, but he managed to pull up enough to taste
the second shot and the third. He swallowed his
mate’s slightly bitter cum quickly, still sucking
lightly, doing his best to prolong his lover’s

While the shaft in his mouth stopped shooting,

it didn’t soften. He listened to his mate’s panting
breaths for several heartbeats before lifting his
head. He moved his hand back to Roland’s
erection, again playing with the now spit-slicked

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Tobias watched as Roland slowly came down

from his endorphin high. Smiling, he asked, “You
feeling a bit better, my mate?”

Roland slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a

couple of times, obviously struggling to refocus.
“Wow,” he whispered. “Jacking off when I was a
kid never felt like that.”

As soon as the words were out of his mouth,

Roland flushed. Tobias knew that, this time, it was
caused by embarrassment. He figured Roland
probably hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but
people let the damnedest things slip when they
were floating in post-orgasmic bliss.

Wanting to relax his lover, Tobias smiled. “I’m

glad you enjoyed it.”

Suddenly, Roland shifted his hips almost

restlessly. He frowned at his cock, then at Tobias,
then he closed his eyes and shivered. Goose
bumps broke out on his arms.

“What is it, Ro?” Tobias could guess, seeing as

his mate’s dick hadn’t softened one bit. “Is your
body easing? Or do you need more?”

When Roland snapped his eyes open and

peered at him, Tobias gasped. Roland’s deep
green eyes had turned feral and he growled low in
his throat.

Tobias knew he stared at his mate’s lynx.

Roland held his body tense where he lay sprawled
on the sofa, his leg draped across Tobias’
knee…all except his still bobbing and once more

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weeping cock. Acting on his instincts to care for
and soothe his mate, Tobias trilled softly, the
sound vibrating his throat and chest. Holding his
lover’s gaze he leaned forward, until their
proximity forced him to look at his destination,
Roland’s temple and ear.

Nuzzling the side of Roland’s face, Tobias

continued to trill. He pressed his chest to Roland’s
hoping the contact would calm the young shifter.
Slowly, the tension eased from the lean body.

“That’s the way,” Tobias crooned. “I’d never

hurt you. You’re mine and I’m yours. We’ll get
through this together.”

Roland’s whispered word didn’t sound like a

question, but Tobias affirmed it anyway. Anything
to help his lover settle. “Yes. Together.” He knew
he must still be hurting—hell, Tobias’ dick didn’t
feel any better. He didn’t want to push but he
desperately needed relief and nothing sounded
better than sliding his aching cock into his naked

“Mmm-hmm, yours,” Tobias assured.
“Mine,” Roland repeated, much more gruffly.
Roland’s head moved against Tobias’, moving

forward and down. Canines pierced his shoulder.
Pain speared Tobias and he opened his mouth to
cry out in surprise. Then, bliss unlike anything
he’d felt before slammed through his body. The

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sensation traveled straight to his balls. They
pulled flush to his body and cum spurted up his
dick, coating the inside of his loincloth as his
orgasm swamped his senses.

Struggling to regain some semblance of thought

remained difficult for Tobias, since Roland
continued to suckle on his neck. The strong
sucking sensation transferred straight to his cock,
keeping him hard and ready.

“Holy fuck,” Tobias muttered, yanking lube

from the pouch attached to his loincloth. “You
started our mating.”

Pulling the stays of his loincloth, Tobias barely

managed to keep from returning the bite as he
freed his throbbing shaft. Instead, with Roland
still clamped onto his neck, he eased his shifter
sideways, off the sofa, and into his arms. He rose
and settled them both on the couch, Roland
straddling his lap this time.

Tobias hissed upon the feel of Roland’s hard

shaft pressed against his own. Roland moaned
around his mouthful of flesh and began rocking
his hips. Grunting, Tobias quickly squirted slick
onto his fingers and tossed the tube aside.

Sliding the fingers of his slicked hand down

Roland’s cleft, Tobias urged his hips to still with
his other hand. Upon hearing Roland’s whine of
frustration, he urged, “Hold on just a sec, Ro. I
gotta stretch you and I don’t want to hurt you
with my claws.”

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Injuring or hurting his mate in any way was not

an option for Tobias. He wanted his mate open
and begging for his dick. Roland had started the
process, flooding Tobias with a need to dominate
his mate, show him who the alpha of the pair
would be. At the same time, he knew he couldn’t
just ram his cock in and claim his lover. Roland
needed gentle this first time.

Tobias’ warring instincts caused his hands to

tremble as he struggled to control himself.
Fortunately, Roland obeyed, shivering under his

Sliding his claws down his mate’s crack, Tobias

reveled in the soft skin under his fingers. He
found Roland’s opening and paused, massaging
the entrance. Working the muscle, he relaxed the
opening, readying it for his invasion.

When Roland whimpered and rocked his ass

toward his questing fingers, Tobias could wait no
longer. He slid his first finger inside the hot body
draped over his chest. Instantly, Roland’s body
clenched upon his invading finger.

Tobias moaned upon feeling the hot vise

around his digit. His cock flexed where it pressed
against Roland’s own.

Need slammed through Tobias, need to get his

dick into his lover as fast as possible.

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Chapter Seven

eeling the thick finger moving in and out of
his ass finally yanked Roland from the

pleasant haze he floated in. He gasped and
snapped his head up. Tobias grunted and stilled
his finger, meeting his stare. Roland flicked his
gaze from Tobias’ surprised expression to the
wound he’d just pulled his teeth from…none-to-
gently, judging by the ragged edges to the bite
mark. Seeing the blood ooze, Roland licked his
lips and swallowed.

Unable to help himself, Roland tipped his head

back forward and swiped his tongue over the
mating mark. He whimpered, the taste of the
blood on his tongue causing his cock to jerk,
surprising him with the intensity of his lust.

When Tobias had touched his empty sacks, the

shock of him actually touching him there had
combined with the pleasure it’d caused. He’d
come in seconds, enjoying the most intense
orgasm in his memory.

Roland couldn’t remember the last time his cat


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had wanted something so badly and his control
had slipped. Laving his tongue over the claiming
mark, he felt the desire to sink his canines in once
more and again, enjoy Tobias’ exquisite-tasting

Tobias started moving the finger in his ass

again. Roland thought it a curious sensation. Not
painful, really, just…odd. However, glancing
down at the thick shaft rubbing against his own,
he had no idea how something that large would fit
inside of him.

Evidently, something must have clued Tobias

onto Roland’s thoughts, for he softly stated,
“Don’t worry, Roland. I will make certain you’re
good and ready. Then, I’ll show you how to take

“You, um, you swing both ways?” Roland

gasped. This guy was the clutch second. Surely he
didn’t bottom. He flushed at the idea that created
in his mind.

Tobias chuckled as he slid a second finger into

Roland’s channel alongside the first. “Not
normally, but the easiest and quickest way for a
gargoyle to complete his bond with a male mate, is
to be fucked by him,” he stated bluntly.

Roland gasped, but not from hearing Tobias’

blunt explanation. The added stretch from the
second finger was more than a little
uncomfortable, sending a burning sensation
through his butt. Tensing, Roland’s body clamped

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down on the invading digits.

Sliding his fingers out a bit, then back in, Tobias

urged, “Easy, Roland. Just relax. I got you.”

Suddenly, Tobias touched something inside

Roland’s channel that sent the most wonderful
sparks shooting up his stalk. Goose bumps broke
out over his groin. “Oh, more,” he cried.

“You got it, little one,” Tobias growled, his lips

curving into a self-satisfied smile as his eyes
darkened to a stormy gray.

Tobias started working that spot inside each

time he thrust his fingers into him.

Roland grabbed onto Tobias’ shoulders and

hung on, panting hard. After several more hits to
that spot, he couldn’t stay still any longer. He
rocked backward wanting those fingers deeper,
needing something more.

“More,” Roland insisted.
He wasn’t certain what he needed, but his body

burned. His cock leaked, and the skin of his groin

“I’ll give you what you need, my mate,” Tobias

growled. “Just one more finger. Don’t want to hurt

While Roland appreciated the gargoyle’s

concern, he’d never felt fire like this surging
through his body before. The tingles that had
started in his groin had traveled up his chest. His
nipples were hard nubs and actually hurt.
Uncertain if that was normal, he lifted his hand to

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his own chest and touched one nipple,
whimpering at the odd sting that seemed to shoot
down his chest.

“Ah, sensitive nipples,” Tobias murmured

gruffly. “Good to know.” He skimmed the hand
that had been resting on Roland’s hip up his body,
skimming along his ribcage, sending prickles of
sensation across his skin.

Roland couldn’t stop rocking his hips, moving

between the fingers filling his ass and the pressure
of the gargoyle’s dick against his own. Groaning,
he blurted, “Is that normal?”

Tobias hummed. “Some are more responsive

than others,” he murmured. Offering a smile that
promised pleasure, he stated, “I appreciate a
responsive lover.”

Some emotion Roland didn’t recognize

slammed through him and he snarled, “You’re
mine!” He just kept himself from sinking his
canines back into Tobias’ shoulder.

“Yes,” Tobias purred. “I’m yours.”
As he spoke, Tobias pinched one of Roland’s

beaded nipples just as he slid a third finger into
Roland’s ass and pegged that hot spot inside him.
Between the man’s words and actions, all concerns
about prior lovers fled. “What is that?” he whined.
Sparks danced through his system, setting his
blood on fire and making his body jolt in his
lover’s grip.

“That, my sweet little mate,” Tobias crooned.

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“Is your prostate.” He pegged that spot again. “It
can bring you much pleasure. So can this,” he
added, pinching and twisting his swollen nipple.

Roland yowled as his dick jerked and spurted a

dollop of pre-cum.

“Mmm,” Tobias rumbled, releasing his nipple.
Panting, his eyes wide, Roland watched Tobias

reach down between them. Tobias swiped his
thumb across the head of his dick and scooped up
the bead of fluid. The touch across his sensitive
head caused a groan to escape him. Then, he saw
Tobias stick out his tongue and lick the fluid from
his digit.

Roland’s jaw sagged open.
Tobias winked. “You taste delicious, little one.”
Having never tasted himself, Roland couldn’t

really say.

“Now, my mate. I’m going to claim you,”

Tobias stated.

Roland thought the gargoyle’s voice sounded

strained. He spotted the lines of tension in the
gargoyle’s face, neck, and arms. Yet, as Tobias
guided him up a bit and removed his fingers from
his chute, his movements remained gentle.

Without Tobias’ fingers in him, Roland’s

channel felt empty. He clenched his hole and
moaned. “Please,” he murmured. “Fill me.”

Tobias growled low. “Hell, yeah.”
Roland felt something press against his

opening, something large and blunt. Swallowing

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hard, he gaped at Tobias. His gargoyle’s dick felt
so huge pressing against his opening, but Roland
felt so empty.

“Push out for me, Roland,” Tobias urged. “Let

me in.”

Nodding, Roland did his best to obey. Taking a

deep breath, he pushed out and pressed against
Tobias’ shaft. After a few seconds, the head
popped inside him. Pain shot through his ass.
Gasping, he tensed.

Tobias grunted. A strained expression crossed

his face, but he still gave Roland a reassuring
smile. “Take a deep breath and focus on relaxing,”
Tobias urged. “Take your time. No rush.”

Roland swallowed hard, struggling to obey.

Forcing his lungs to take in first one slow deep
breath, then another, he focused on relaxing his
body. Roland knew he wanted this, wanted this
gargoyle who’d come for him, whose scent filled
his body with need.

Fixing his gaze on Tobias, Roland pushed out

again and sank down a bit on his lover’s dick.

Gods above, I have a lover. Tobias wants me, even
though I’m damaged.
Wanting to please this
gargoyle that wanted him no matter what, Roland
began moving in earnest, rocking back and forth,
slowly taking more and more of his lover’s cock.
Sweat beaded at Roland’s temple and he panted
hard, but his butt finally rested on Tobias’ thighs.

Tobias’ hold on Roland’s hips tightened,

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holding him in place. “Stay still, little one,” he
gasped out. “Gods above, you feel good.”

Roland did as commanded. He stayed in place

and breathed through the burn.

Tobias kept one hand on Roland’s and rubbed

his ribs lightly with the other. “So sexy,” he
rumbled, moving his other hand higher. Tobias
flicked his thumb claw over Roland’s nipple.

Hissing, Roland’s body jerked. The large shaft

spearing him jostled within the confines of his
body and pressed against that spot inside him,
sending bursts of pleasure through him. “Oh,” he
gasped. The desire to move, to feel more of that,
burned through him. He wriggled on Tobias’ lap,
trying to get his lover’s erection to move over that
spot again.

“Ah, that’s the way to show me you’re ready,”

Tobias growled. “Hands on my shoulders, Ro.”

Roland obeyed the command, his thumb

landing on the claiming mark. Rubbing over the
healing wound, he resisted the urge to lean
forward and lick it. Damn, he could hardly resist
his cat’s instincts to lick, nip, and bite.

Tobias’ large hands lifting him slowly yanked

Roland’s attention back to his mate’s face. Well,
crap, I’ve finally admitted it.
His cat had known
before he did.

Meeting Roland’s gaze, Tobias held his ass

several inches above his groin. He started
thrusting slowly. Roland gasped at the friction to

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his inner muscles. Tingles worked from his
channel through his groin. An odd sensation
vibrated at the base of his spine.

“Oh, more,” he pleaded. “Feels…feels good.”
“This will make it even better,” Tobias assured.
Tobias snapped his hips upward, driving his

erection deep inside him. He hit Roland’s gland,
tearing a moan from his throat. His jaw sagged
open as sparks shot through his system.

Tobias set up a quick, steady rhythm, driving

into him over and over. Roland felt as if his entire
body was on fire and his head lolled, his eyes
sliding closed. Bliss blanketed his system. His
orgasm broke over him like a wave on the sand.
He howled as pulse after pulse of ecstasy coursed
through his system.

“So beautiful,” Tobias rumbled. “Yeah, grip my

cock. Gonna make you mine, lynx. Gonna take
care of you.”

Roland managed to pry open his eyelids and

peer at him. Holding Tobias’ gaze, he tilted his
head and smiled, anticipation coursing through
him. Tobias didn’t leave him waiting. The
gargoyle pulled him close, burying his cock deep,
leaned forward, and bit.

Feeling Tobias’ sharp teeth sink into his skin,

Roland opened his mouth to scream, but instead
of pain, the fire of pleasure coursed through him.
The sensations zinged straight to his groin and
Roland found himself blindsided by a second

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His lover growled, sending vibrations through

his shoulder and down his chest, making him

Roland sagged against his lover’s chest,

gasping, panting, struggling to catch his breath.

When he’d given in to temptation and used the

testosterone gel over and over, wanting to see
some kind of response from his body, he never
would have imagined this. He didn’t know if his
lover was responding to his arousal or because he
no longer thought he was broken. Except, Tobias
had touched Roland’s empty sacks. He knew he
wasn’t a whole man.

What did that mean?
Tobias growled low in his throat. “Whatever

you’re thinking about, stop,” he ordered. Cupping
Roland’s nape, Tobias forced him to tilt his head
so he could look into his eyes. “Stop thinking so
hard. We’re mates. We belong together. For better
or worse. It’s you and me, Ro.”

Sighing, Roland nuzzled Tobias’ neck. “Yeah,”

he replied simply, uncertain what else to say.
After losing Vane, he hadn’t had anyone to rely on
for over twenty years. What would it be like to
truly trust another person?

Tobias’ fingers wrapped around Roland’s penis.

He looked down, gasping at the sight and feel of

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the gargoyle’s dark green hand stroking up and
down his still hard dick.

Damn, how can I still be hard?
“I’d guess it’s a combination of overdosing and

pheromones,” Tobias told him softly, making
Roland realize he’d said his thought aloud. The
gargoyle shifted his hips and his erection jostled
and slid inside Roland’s chute. “See, little one. I’m
still hard for you, too. The need to complete our
bonding is a natural instinct.”

Gasping as Tobias’ grip on his dick drove his

arousal higher, Roland tried to process that. “S-so
to soften, we need to complete our bond?”

Tobias grinned, showing off plenty of teeth.

“I’d like to see if that’ll do it. Unless you’d like me
to take you to see the doc?”

Snickering, Roland admitted, “I prefer trying

option one first, please.”

Chuckling, Tobias nodded. “Me, too.” Tobias

wrapped his arms tightly around Roland and
pushed forward, standing, easily carrying his

Roland squeaked and clung to his lover’s broad

shoulders. The dick in his butt shifted and slid in
and out just a bit with each of Tobias’ steps.
Moaning at the exquisite ride, Roland mumbled,
“Oh, holy crap. That feels good.” Rotating his hips
a bit, he felt Tobias’ dick slide deeper with each
step and an image of him coming just like this
popped into his head. “Do you ever pace your

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Tobias’ brow ridges shot up, his surprise

evident. “Occasionally.” He stopped beside the
bed, making Roland realize they’d reached the
bedroom. “Why?”

Fighting back a sigh of disappointment at the

stimulation stopping, Roland admitted, “I bet I
could come while you paced your office,” he
murmured, his face heating at his admission. Still,
for some reason, he couldn’t get the image out of
his head or keep his tongue from continuing,
“You’d walk back and forth, back and forth.” He
groaned at his mental image. “I’d bounce up and
down on your shaft until I came, marking you
with my fluid.”

When Tobias growled, it rumbled through his

chest and even his dick, vibrating Roland inside
and out. Roland grunted. “Oh, wow.”

“Yeah, wow,” Tobias stated. “I do like the

sound of that. We’d—” Stopping, Tobias grunted.
“Damn, I can feel the pull of the sun. We don’t
have much time.”

Concerned, Roland asked, “Not much time? For


Tobias eased him off his cock, drawing a moan

of loss from Roland, and laid him onto the bed.
Holding Roland’s gaze, he stated, “I turn to stone
during the day, Roland. I’ll do that until our bond
is complete. Then, I’ll go through molt, which will
allow me to take on a human form and only need

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to turn to stone occasionally to rest.”

When Tobias glanced toward the window,

Roland followed his gaze and he realized it was
no longer pitch black outside.

“You either fuck me hard and fast, completing

the bond, or we’ll have to wait until tomorrow
evening.” Tobias leaned close, his dark face
earnest. “This is your call, Roland. I hate leaving
you needing, but if you need more time, it’s yours.
All you have to do is ask.”

To Roland, there was no decision to make at all.

He knew his mate wanted to complete their bond.
He’d been forward about it from day one. “I want
you,” he replied, discovering that it was true. He
didn’t know everything about the male, yet, but
he wanted to find out. “Tell me what to do.”

“I’ll get myself ready quickly,” Tobias told him,

opening the lube and pouring some onto his

Roland hadn’t even realized the gargoyle had

brought it with him. He watched in fascination as
Tobias reached behind himself and grunted.
Wanting to see, Roland wriggled out from under
the male and crawled around his lover.

Upon seeing one of Tobias’ thick digits spearing

his own ass, Roland gasped. His dick jerked and
oozed and he suddenly felt hot all over. When
Tobias shoved a second finger in and started
twisting his hand while pulling them in and out in
small increments, Roland gripped the base of his

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dick and moaned.

Tobias peered over at him and grinned. “You

ready, Ro?”

Roland liked the nickname and he liked the

throaty quality of his mate’s voice even more.

“Slick up and get behind me. Take me, my


Grabbing the tube Tobias indicated, Roland

didn’t need to be told twice. He quickly popped
the cap and drizzled some onto his bobbing prick.
Hissing, Roland squeezed the base again while
jacking his erection, covering himself with the

Tobias gripped his wrist, gaining his attention.

He winked. “Careful. Don’t want you to blow
until you get in me.”

“Yeah. Right.”
Roland knee-walked forward, getting behind

his lover. As he watched, Tobias slid his fingers
out of his hole and lowered to his elbows, offering
himself. For just a second, Roland stared at the
lube-slicked hole, excitement coursing through

Licking his lips, Roland guided his penis to

Tobias’ offered opening. At the first touch of his
sensitive head to the firm muscle, a shiver worked
through him. Excitement and anticipation coursed
through him, and he shoved…hard.

When the head of his dick slid through the

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muscle, stretching it, Roland groaned at the
exquisite pressure. Wanting, needing more, he
kept pushing. Blissful heat and pressure
swallowed his length. Roland moaned in pleasure.
He grabbed onto Tobias’ hips and used the hold to
start jacking his hips. He watched his dick slide in
and out of his gargoyle, felt the pull of his inner
muscles massaging his dick. His body felt so hot
he feared he’d combust.

“Tobias,” he whimpered, knowing, somehow,

unbelievably, he tipped on the edge again.

“Do it,” Tobias growled. “Fill me up, lover.”
At the forceful tone, Roland moaned and

obeyed. He sank in deep, as far as he could go,
into his mate. His dick felt as if it swelled within
the confines of his lover and fluid spurted from
him, filling his lover’s channel.

Leaning over his lover’s back, his body

shuddering, Roland sank his canines into the
highest flesh he could reach, the thick flesh
beneath Tobias’ shoulder blade. As his lover’s life-
essence once again flowed over his tongue, he
smiled at feeling his lover jerk and groan beneath
him. Roland joined his lover in moaning when he
felt the rhythmic massage on his still-buried shaft.

Roland hummed and slid his canines free, then

licked the wound, sealing it. “Wow.”

Tobias chuckled beneath him. “Definitely.”
Fortunately, Roland’s penis finally began to

soften. As he slipped free, he couldn’t help but

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notice the fluid and slick around his prick and
dripping down Tobias’ thighs. Why the hell did
that make him so proud?

Tobias rolled to his back, grabbing Roland and

dragging him to his chest. He caught Roland’s
mouth with his own and thrust his tongue in
deep. He opened quickly to his mate, loving how
it felt like a thorough claiming. By the time Tobias
broke the kiss, Roland panted, struggling to catch
his breath.

Grinning up at him, Tobias murmured, “Thank

you, my sweet Ro.”

Roland snickered. “Shouldn’t I be thanking


Shrugging, Tobias replied, “Mutually beneficial

then.” He threaded his claws through Roland’s
hair, massaging gently. “When I go through molt,
it’s painful, but don’t be afraid. I’ll be fine.”

Roland nodded. “Okay.”
Tobias closed his eyes and sighed. “The sun

rises. Soon, I’ll be able to hold you, pleasure you,
keep you safe at all times.” He smiled slightly. “I
don’t want you to see this.” He crooked a finger.
“Kiss me. Then, please leave. I’ll come out in a few

Not knowing what to say, Roland nodded. He

leaned down and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to
Tobias’ lips, then eased off his lover’s chest and
rose. Walking toward the balcony door, Roland
paused with one hand on the handle of the French

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doors. He looked over his shoulder and smiled,
then headed onto the balcony.

While the morning air was chilly on his naked

skin, Roland strode to the railing anyway. He
rested his hands on the stone and stared out,
watching the sun rise. He thought about the
changes to his life in just a short forty-eight hours.

“Thank you, Vane,” he whispered.
While it had taken a long time, his friend had

come for him. He’d met a kind, if dominant,
gargoyle that seemed to want to care for him.
Kidnapped at fifteen, Roland had never learned to
stand on his own two feet, and while part of him
wanted that chance, he liked the idea of not
having it thrust upon him all at once even better.

Tobias would help him learn.
Thinking of his lover, Roland glanced over his

shoulder at his doors. He’d forgotten to ask how
long molt would last. After a few minutes staring
at the doors, he headed toward them. Roland
hesitated only an instant before curiosity got the
better of him. He pulled open one door and
peeked into the bedroom.

Roland saw Tobias’ form in the morning light,

still on the bed. Moving slowly toward his lover,
he frowned. A few steps later, Roland gasped. He
ran the last few steps and knelt beside the bed.
Reaching out, he rested his hand on Tobias’ hand.

“Oh, no,” he whispered, fighting back tears.
Tobias was stone.

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Their mating hadn’t worked.

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Chapter Eight

rapping his arms around himself, Roland
swayed on his feet. He fought a wave of

lightheadedness. Focusing on where he touched
his mate, he concentrated on his breathing until
the black spots faded.

He knew he should have eaten more. The

cinnamon toast Doctor Perseus had given him had
long since worn off, as had the meal he’d enjoyed
with Vane. He’d been instructed to eat after
applying his gel, but…well, that hadn’t turned out
quite like he’d planned. Then, he’d expended far
too many calories enjoying his first erection in
twenty-five years with Tobias. Not that he was
complaining about that.

Damn it! Why didn’t it work?
The idea that they weren’t really mates popped

into his head, but his lynx instantly snarled at that.
He itched idly at the drying cum on his chest.
Suddenly, his hand froze and his gaze lowered to
his hand, then his groin. His hand trembled as he
lifted his flaccid dick and stared at the empty


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pouch beneath.

Swallowing hard, Roland fought against the

tears that pricked the backs of his eyes.

Roland released himself and strode to the

phone attached to the wall. Picking up the
headset, he held it against his ear as he scanned
down the list of numbers. He punched in the
numbers for the doctor’s wing and listened to the
other end of the line ring twice.

“Nurse Leroy. How can I help you?”
“I-is Doctor Perseus there?” Roland asked. He

didn’t know if he wanted to tell his problems to
the human nurse. Would he even be able to help?

“Afraid not. Is this Roland?”
“Yeah.” Roland glanced over his shoulder at

Tobias. He couldn’t wait. He wanted answers
before his mate woke up. “Do you know anything
about gargoyle matings?”

Leroy remained quiet a moment, then stated,

“I’ve been learning. You, um—” Leroy paused for
a second, then told him, “The doc said there’ll be
complications because of your current inability to
get an erection. That should solve itself in time.
You just gotta have patience.”

“Uh, that’s not actually the problem,” he

muttered, fighting to keep the heat from his
cheeks even though he knew the other man
couldn’t see it.

“Oh, well what’s up?”
Roland grimaced at the human’s open curiosity.

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While shifters weren’t prudes by nature—hell,
they got naked together quite often to shift and
run—he’d barely had the birds and the bees
conversation before getting kidnapped. He sure
hadn’t talked openly about sex with anyone.

“Hey,” Leroy said, cutting into his thoughts. “I

can’t help if I don’t know the problem.”

Sighing, Roland grimaced. Damn, that sounded

familiar…so many problems. He sucked in a huge
breath then blurted out, “I-fucked-and-claimed-
didn’t-go-through-molt.” He said the words so
fast he wasn’t certain Leroy could understand.

“Uh,” Leroy started. “Could you slow that

down a little for me? Did you say you already
started bonding?”

“No, we completed our bond…well, according

to Tobias,” Roland told him. “He thought he’d go
through molt this morning, but didn’t, and now
there’s a stone gargoyle stretched out on my bed.”

“Damn,” Leroy muttered. “I’m fairly new at

working with gargoyles. I don’t understand all the
nuances, yet.”

Rubbing a hand over his face, Roland struggled

to figure out who to talk to. He knew Vane and
Matthew were busy working with Maelgwn
because the detectives were supposed to arrive

“Shit, the detectives. What if they need to

search rooms? They’ll find him!”

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“Hey, easy, Roland,” Leroy soothed. “Don’t go

borrowing trouble.” Roland listened to the human
breathe for several seconds, but he didn’t know
what else to say. Finally, Leroy said, “I’m gonna
go find Einan and Cornelius. Maybe they’re
available. If not, they’ll be able to tell me who has
time to get to you. Just sit tight. Don’t let anyone
in that you don’t know, okay?”

“Yeah, okay. Thanks.”
“Sure,” Leroy assured. “I’ll be there as soon as I

can with back-up.”

After that, the line disconnected. Slowly,

Roland hung up the phone. He turned and stared
at Tobias again. He didn’t even fight the urge to
go to his mate. Tracing his fingertips over what he
knew was a dark green brow ridge when not
sleeping stone, Roland leaned down and pressed a
soft kiss to his mate’s frozen lips.

Roland straightened and swept his gaze over

his lover’s form. His gaze snagged on his stone
groin and his dick where it rested against his left
thigh, impressive even while flaccid. Wait, where
had he left his loincloth? He should really clean
the white flecks from his groin, abs, and chest.

Striding to the front room, Roland glanced

around and spotted Tobias’ loincloth on the floor
near the sofa. His face heated as he thought about
what they’d done there, a smile coming unbidden
to his lips. Shaking his head at himself, he grabbed
the small bit of fabric and folded it as he returned

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to the bedroom. He laid the scrap on the foot of
the bed, lightly touched Tobias’ clawed foot, then
headed to the bathroom.

Since he had a few minutes, he figured he’d get

cleaned up. He didn’t relish the idea of seeing
anyone with cum on him. He knew a shower
wouldn’t clear away Tobias’ scent from his skin—
and he found he liked that fact— but he at least
wanted to be clean when Leroy came.

Roland showered, then took a few minutes to

wipe down his gargoyle before throwing a blanket
over him, covering him from the waist down.
Silly, maybe, but since it was the only thing he
could do for the guy… Finally, he dressed in a pair
of sweats, climbed onto the bed, and pressed close
to his lover’s warm, stone body.

Sleep caught up with him quickly.

The loud knock on the door roused Roland. He

rubbed his face groggily before swinging his legs
over the side of the bed. He sighed and glanced at
the clock. Ten in the morning. He couldn’t have
been asleep for more than an hour or so and
fatigue weighed heavily upon him.

Someone pounding on the door again got

Roland moving.

Roland grunted as he pushed to his feet. After

rounding the bed, he leaned over and pressed a
quick kiss to Tobias’ mouth, then hustled to the
front room just as another series of knocks

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sounded, followed by a deep voice he didn’t
recognize calling his name.

“Who is it?” Roland called.
“Einan and Cornelius,” Roland heard the deep

voice say.

“And Leroy. Open up,” Leroy called as well.
Unlocking the door, Roland pulled it open and

peered at a bronzed skin male that appeared
human but scented as gargoyle. He had his hand
wrapped protectively around a man with a
bulging belly whose scent seemed shifter mixed
with something else. Roland decided they must be
Einan and Cornelius, because he recognized Leroy
from when he’d been rescued.

“Come in, please,” Roland offered, stepping

back. He couldn’t help but stare at Cornelius’
massive belly. If he didn’t know better, he’d think
the guy looked—

“Yeah, I’m pregnant,” Cornelius commented.
Roland yanked his gaze away from the man’s

middle and met his eyes. He flushed with
embarrassment at being caught staring.

Fortunately, Cornelius’ green eyes twinkled

and he grinned. “Doctor Perseus tells me it’ll only
be a few more days before I’m due to lay our egg.”
He beamed up at Einan who wore a proud if
somewhat nervous expression at his mate’s words.

Gaping, Roland mumbled, “P-pregnant? Egg?”

What the crap?

Cornelius’ sighed as he lowered himself to the

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sofa. “Yeah, gargoyles can get their male mates
pregnant, so watch out.” He waggled his brows.

“Holy shit!” Roland squeaked.
Leroy shook his blond-haired head and rested a

slender hand on Roland’s arm. “Don’t let
Cornelius freak you out, cutie. I know for a fact
that Doc Perseus gave you cinnamon toast earlier
today. As long as you eat a couple of slices a day,
you’ll be just fine.”

Roland nodded quickly. “I’ll remember,” he

mumbled. He wondered why Tobias hadn’t told
him. Did the gargoyle want, uh, cubs?

Einan clapped him on the shoulder. “I’m sure

Tobias didn’t fail to tell you on purpose. Now,
why don’t you tell us what happened and we’ll
see what we can do to help.”

Immediately, Roland felt his face flame. He had

to clear his throat twice before he managed to
mumble, “We, uh, we bonded. You know?” He
cut a look at Einan, hoping for the gargoyle’s help.

The dark-haired male in human form’s brows

shot up. “Tobias allowed you to fuck him? Huh. I
didn’t know he had it in him.”

The comment confused Roland, since his lover

hadn’t seemed in the least bit reticent about
bottoming. He’d thought he’d done it before…of
course, they’d kinda been in a hurry. Still, Roland

Einan grunted, then crossed to the door to the

bedroom and pushed it open, peeking in. “So, you

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fucked him, he fucked you, and you exchanged
mating bites,” he mused slowly. Leaning in the
doorway, he turned to look at Roland. “And, yet,
he didn’t molt.”

“Yeah,” Roland whispered. He exchanged a

look with Leroy who offered him a reassuring
smile. Sighing, Roland admitted, “There are
extenuating circumstances.”

“Oh?” Einan crossed his arms over his chest.

“What would that be?”

After a sigh, Roland whispered, “I was


From the corner of his eye, Roland saw

Cornelius pale and cover his balls. In front of him,
Einan shifted away from the wall restlessly and
his hands clenched. The male frowned. “So, you,
uh…” He cleared his throat, then finished, “So,
you don’t have any balls? How does that work?”

Leroy, thankfully, answered for him. “Without

the right amount of testosterone, it’s difficult for a
man to get and sustain an erection. Doctor Perseus
and I came up with testosterone replacement
therapy for him. I’m not sure why he reacted so
fast to it, but evidently he did.” Leroy smirked and
cocked a brow, but didn’t question him further on
that, which Roland appreciated. Instead—his
voice clinically detached—he continued, “While
the testicle creates the semen and a majority of the
testosterone, it only makes up about five percent
of what we ejaculate. The rest is created and

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stored elsewhere and mixes with the semen when
a man orgasms.”

Einan’s dark eyes appeared a bit glazed over, as

if he didn’t understand some or all of what the
nurse had just explained. It was Cornelius that
actually spoke up. “Oh, well then it’ll just take
longer, that’s all.”

Roland focused on the shifter, hope filling him

to discover a possible answer. “You think?”

“I don’t top and Einan doesn’t bottom,”

Cornelius stated matter-of-factly, nodding as he
spoke. A suggestive smirk curved one side of his
mouth as he told him, “But he loves how I taste
and sucked me off plenty of times.” He winked.
“Just have Tobias suck you off a few times. His
molt will be more painful, but it’ll happen.”

Even while the blood flowed to his face, heating

his face in what he knew was a fierce flush,
Roland felt hope surge through him. “Yeah?” he
murmured. “You think so?”





completely confident.

“But, babe, you have semen in your ejaculate,”

Einan pointed out.

Cornelius rolled his eyes and snorted. “So.

What about Sapian and Missy? Sapian went
through molt.”

Roland didn’t know who they were but Einan

seemed to, for understanding crossed his
expression. “Right,” Einan drew the word out as

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he focused on Roland. He explained, “Sapian is a
gargoyle mated to the human woman, Missy.”
Smirking, he pointed out, “Women don’t have
semen and they obviously can’t fuck their mate.”

Not following, Roland drew his brows together.

“So how does it work, then?”

“A gargoyle mated with a female would go

down on her just like we’d go down on our
mates,” Einan said with a shrug. “Women
produce fluids during sex. There’s no semen
involved, so it’s not nearly instantaneous like with
a male, but it does happen. Eventually, the
gargoyle consumes enough of her fluid to initiate
the molt.”

As Einan had spoken, Roland felt his face

getting hotter and hotter. He wrapped his arms
around his torso and mumbled, “Um, okay.”

Leroy slapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t

think on it too much.”

Fortunately—or not—Roland didn’t get a

chance to dwell on it. A knock at the door
sounded, followed by Maelgwn calling, “Roland?
It’s Maelgwn. Do you have a moment?”

Before any of them could speak, Einan held up

his hand, asking for silence. Striding to the couch,
he grabbed the throw blanket off of the back and
wrapped it around his mate, hiding his stomach.
Next, he motioned for the pair to follow them. In
the bedroom, he crossed to the bed and scooped
the frozen form of Tobias into his arms. “Leroy,

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open the balcony door. Roland, get in bed and act

Without question, Roland obeyed. Einan

carefully maneuvered out the door and into the
morning air. Too busy settling the covers over
him, he didn’t catch what Einan said to Leroy, but
when he strode back into the room, he offered
Roland a wink then headed to the front and the
door where Maelgwn called again.

Roland strained his ears and heard Leroy greet

Maelgwn and the men with him, who were
introduced as a number of detectives. With his
shifter hearing, Roland was able to hear Leroy
caution the men to be quiet as Roland was sick
and Leroy was there caring for him.

Knowing his mate was safe—hell, there was no

way Einan would allow anything to happen to his
second—Roland pretended to be sick.

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Chapter Nine

obias woke from roost slowly, as he did every
evening. Except, something felt off, different.

Memories came to him in a rush. He’d claimed
Roland. His mate had claimed him. Except, Tobias
hadn’t gone through molt.

Jerking to a sitting position, Tobias glanced

around frantically. He recognized the upper
parapet. “How the hell—”

“Welcome back,” Einan greeted. “Roland has

been a bit worried.” Einan grinned and tossed
something at him.

Tobias frowned, catching it on reflex. Holding it

up, he realized it was his loincloth. “I should have
gone through molt. What happened? How’d I end
up here?”

“When you didn’t enter molt, Roland called

down to the doc’s office looking for Perseus. Since
Perseus was roosting, too, he got Nurse Leroy,”
Einan explained. “Leroy contacted me, so me and
Cornelius headed to Roland’s suite with the nurse.
After hearing you and Roland’s unique


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circumstances, we were able to come up with an
explanation and put your mate’s mind at ease.”

They did? “How?”
Einan snickered. “Your mate has no semen. It’ll

take longer to initiate the molt. Be patient.”

“Damn, I didn’t think of that,” Tobias

grumbled, running a clawed hand over his face.

“Just suck him off a few times,” Einan told him.

Then, smacking him on the arm, he added, “And
explain male pregnancy to him. I had Cornelius
with me and we kinda shocked the shit out of

Roland. Pregnancy. Sex. Shit!
“I fucked him and didn’t take precautions,”

Tobias muttered.

Einan pushed to his feet and held out his hand.

Tobias took it and—a bit dazed—allowed the
enforcer to pull him to his feet. “Don’t worry
about it,” Einan told him, using his free hand to
pat his shoulder. “Perseus fed him cinnamon toast
before letting him leave his office last night.
You’re covered.” He smirked and pointed down at
his groin. “In that area anyway. Just make certain
you keep feeding him that or something

After rolling his eyes, Tobias secured his

loincloth around him. He couldn’t remember a
time he’d entered roost without it…maybe back
when he was still a hatchling. “No kidding. I’d
like a little time to get to know my mate before

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throwing a hatchling into the mix.” Heading
down the parapet’s stairs, he called over his
shoulder, “How’s Cornelius doing, by the way?
He’s close to due, right?”

Grunting his confirmation, Einan told him,

“Perseus thinks within the week.” He scoffed.
“Damn. Me! A father. Just…damn!”

Tobias laughed. “Better you than me, bud.”
“Don’t want kids?”
Upon reaching the bottom of the narrow

stairway, Tobias pulled the door open and
stepped through, then waited for the enforcer.
“Maybe someday,” he admitted. “Right now, I just
want to make my mate happy and healthy.”

“A good goal, to be sure,” Einan agreed,

gripping his shoulder and squeezing lightly. His
expression turned serious as he told him, “You’re
fucking heavy in stone form. I had to carry you
from Roland’s bed and fly you up to the parapet.
Otherwise, you’d have been discovered by the
detectives. They wanted to talk to Roland since he
was a new arrival.”

Tobias growled low in his throat. “Damn it.

That’s why we rushed the fucking mating. I’d
wanted to be there for him!” Then, remembering
how he’d found Roland the evening before, hard
and needing, he added, “Well, one of the reasons.
Is he okay?”

Not bothering to wait for a response, Tobias

strode swiftly down the hallway. It took every bit

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of self-control Tobias had to keep from jogging
through the place. As it was, he figured it’d have
been faster to fly to Roland’s balcony and let
himself in that way.

Oh well.
Einan fell into step beside him as he answered,

“Don’t worry. He’s fine. Leroy told our guests he
was sick, so all Roland had to do was huddle in
bed, answer a few questions, and act sick. It didn’t
take long for the detectives to move on.”

“Good,” Tobias responded. Still, he wanted,

needed to see for himself.

Finally, Tobias knocked on his mate’s door.

Again, the thought that he needed to move his
lover into his own suite entered his mind. He even
bet that now his lover would be amenable.

“Who is it?” Roland asked.
Tobias smiled at the sound of Roland’s soft

voice. Hearing his mate speak went straight to his
balls. His cock thickened in his loincloth even as
relief filled Tobias since it meant Roland was
indeed safe. “It’s me and Einan.”

The door was yanked open and Roland stared

up at him.

Seeing Roland wore only baggy, gray sweats,

Tobias drank in the miles of pale, smooth skin.
While Roland’s ribs still protruded a bit, as did his
hip bones, Tobias had never found another sexier.
He stepped forward and buried one clawed hand
into Roland’s shaggy, black hair, using the hold to

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tilt his lover’s head back.

Tobias peered into Roland’s deep green eyes as

he wrapped his other arm around his mate’s waist
and pulled him flush against him. Reveling in the
way Roland came willingly, Tobias almost lost
himself in his mate’s expressive green eyes. He
saw concern, relief, and even affection. Someday,
he hoped to see love, because he knew he was well
on his way to falling hard for his little lynx.

Backing up his mate a bit, Tobias pressed the

small shifter into the wall. He lowered his head
and rested his forehead against his mate’s as he
murmured, “Hey. You okay?”

Roland nodded, his face moving against Tobias’

own. “Better now,” he replied, offering a shy

After what they’d done the evening before,

Tobias thought that look the sexiest fucking thing
he’d seen in over a century. “Good.” Tobias licked
across the seam of Roland’s mouth, tasting traces
of orange juice, bacon grease, and his mate.
“Mmm, you taste good.”

Snickering, Roland replied, “Glad you think


Tobias appreciated that his mate felt

comfortable enough to tease, telling him the man
grew more comfortable with him. Palming his
mate’s ass, he lifted Roland higher against him. He
pressed the shifter’s back against the wall, then

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released his jaw and used his now free hand to
encourage his lover to wrap his legs around his
waist, aligning their groins.

Finally, he gave in to the desire that never

seemed to be far away when around Roland. He
pressed his cock against his lover’s, pleased to find
his mate’s dick at least half-hard. Capturing his
shifter’s mouth, he swept his tongue in deep, the
flavors he’d tasted earlier exploding across his
sensitive taste-buds.

Growling low in his throat, Tobias rocked his

hips, rutting against his mate in a firm, slow
rhythm. He thrust his tongue around his mate’s
mouth in a parody of what he wanted to do with
his dick and his mate’s ass. Need to feel his lover’s
chute clamped around him again heated his blood.

Tobias felt Roland’s arms tighten around his

neck, his fingers digging into the tendons of his
neck and one shoulder blade. His mate’s heels
pressed into his ass. Roland’s dick thickened,
filling and hardening against his own.

“Well, I guess this is our cue to leave.”
Pulling his lips from Roland’s, Tobias panted

harshly as he looked over his shoulder at a
grinning Cornelius. The shifter stood wrapped in
Einan’s arms. Both men smirked at them.

Tobias hadn’t even been aware that Cornelius

was in the room, but why Einan had walked the
entire way with him finally made sense. It also
bespoke of how distracting his mate was to him.

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He’d have to learn to be more careful.

Right then, though, Tobias wanted them gone.

“Thank you for taking care of my mate when I
could not.” He tried to keep the growl out of his
voice, but knew he didn’t quite succeed.

Einan lifted one brow ridge while Cornelius

snickered. “Our pleasure,” Cornelius replied.
“We’ll catch up with you both later.” He pointed
at Roland and winked. “Don’t forget your toast.”

Roland’s face flushed, turning a slight pink

color as he mumbled, “I won’t.”

Taking Cornelius’ hand, Einan led his mate

from the room.

As soon as the door clicked closed, Tobias

reached over and flipped the lock in place. He
returned his hand to Roland’s ass while focusing
on his mate’s face. “I apologize for not telling you
about gargoyles and the pregnancy thing. I didn’t
expect anything to happen this quickly, but that’s
no excuse.”

Roland offered an understanding smile,

although his face still held a rosy hue. “Only one
person has to remember. Fortunately, the doc did
it for you.”

“I’ll be sure to thank him,” Tobias stated. “Not

that I would be averse to making a baby with you,
I’d like more time with just you first.”

Actually smirking, Roland teased, “That’s

because you’re not the one who has to carry the
egg.” Then, he sobered. “I admit the idea of going

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through what Cornelius is about to kinda freaks
me out.”

“Understandable,” Tobias replied. Hell, it

freaked him out and he’d grown up with the idea.
Lowering his head, he pecked a quick kiss to his
mate’s lips. “So, as much as I want to get back to
what we were doing, I’d like a chance to get to
know you, too. Have you eaten?”

Roland nodded, nibbling his bottom lip. “I

didn’t know if you would be by as soon as you
woke or get some work done first.”

Tobias hated that he’d put that doubt into his

mate. Grimacing, he slowly lowered Roland to the
floor, then led him over to the roaring fireplace.
Sitting on the throw rug, he leaned against the
sofa and encouraged his lover to settle on his lap.
“I apologize I did that,” Tobias murmured.
Cupping Roland’s jaw, he smiled down at his man
and said, “I won’t make that mistake again. I’d
like to move you into my suite, so I can see you
first thing every day. Then, when I finally do go
through molt, we can curl up together. I’m sure
we have plenty of things to share with each

“I’d like that,” Roland replied, the smile

lighting his eyes and face. “You think we have
plenty of things to discuss?”

“Sure we do,” Tobias instantly responded,

grinning his own pleasure at having his mate
agree. “For example, I was one hundred and fifty

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seven when I left my birth clutch. I was a late
baby, and my parents had passed over a century
before that,” he explained. He smiled at the
memory of his parents. They’d been so in love.
Tobias hoped to have that kind of connection with
Roland someday. Continuing, he explained, “Most
of the other gargoyles in the clutch weren’t mated,
so when the chieftain decided to move our clutch
to Canada, there wasn’t much resistance. He
wanted the longer evenings,” Tobias added with a
shrug. After almost two centuries, he rarely even
thought about his old clutch.

“I’d met Maelgwn years before when our

clutches traded information and we considered
each other friends. He’d just taken over this clutch
at that time and still had a fair bit of unrest when
he heard my clutch was moving. Maelgwn
approached me about becoming his second. I liked
the idea of gaining rank, plus I trusted and
respected him as a leader. So, I came here, and
here I’ve stayed.”

Roland grinned. “So, no family drama,

just…you got a better job offer?”

“Exactly,” Tobias responded, even knowing

Roland teased. He winked. “What about you? You
said your parents were mates but they didn’t get
along? How about siblings. You mentioned
brothers and sisters. How many of them? Do you
plan to find them?”

Laughing, Roland cuddled against him,

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rubbing his head against Tobias’ neck where he’d
bit him. “Wow, full of questions.”

Tobias shrugged, then pecked a kiss to his

mate’s temple. “I want to know everything about

“We’ll get there,” Roland assured quietly. “For

now, let’s just say, Vane and Matthew explained
fated mates and my parents were not that. People
in my pride mate for best gene matches,” he
added, curling his lip and shaking his head. “I
have three sisters, all older, and one brother,
younger, and I’d like to find them.” Pausing, his
brows furrowed as he softy told him, “I don’t
know if I actually want to talk to them. I
mean…it’s been twenty-five years. Why’d they
never find me?”

Hating the despondency suddenly filling

Roland’s scent and tone, Tobias growled. “I’m
sorry you went through what you did,” he
rumbled. “If I could take back your kidnapping
and still keep you, I would do it in a heartbeat.”

Roland nodded, meeting his gaze.
Tobias stared into his mate’s green eyes. His

heart felt as though it skipped a beat when he saw
the emotions swirling in their depths. Roland hid
nothing from him, not his belief in Tobias’ words,
his relief that Tobias felt that way, or his growing
affection for him.

Adjusting his position, Roland straddled

Tobias’ lap and cupped his jaw. “I know,” he

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whispered. “I wouldn’t take it back either.”
Roland feathered his thumbs across Tobias’ lips,
sending a shiver down Tobias’ spine. “This is so
much better,” Roland continued. He leaned
forward and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to just
Tobias’ bottom lip. “I like the idea of fated mates. I
like having you care for me. I like how it feels
when I’m wrapped up in your arms.”

Tobias’ blood pounded faster and faster in his

veins the more Roland admitted. Damn, how did I
get so lucky?
Deciding that they’d done enough
talking Tobias tightened his arms where they were
wrapped around Roland, flushing their bodies
together. “Enough talking,” Tobias stated gruffly,
his voice deepening with his rising desire. “Let’s
get back to what we were doing when I first
walked in. I believe we have some more bonding
to do.”

“Okay,” Roland whispered breathlessly.
“Good,” Tobias rumbled. Still holding his lover

tight, he rolled to his feet and strode toward the
bedroom. The way they rubbed with each step
reminded him of the fantasy Roland had admitted
to him. Grinning, he closed the door behind him,
then leaned against it. “I seem to remember you
saying you wanted to ride my cock while I walked
around, didn’t you?” He saw Roland’s eyes
widen, so he lowered his voice to a throaty purr
and offered, “Fancy a moonlit walk in the

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Roland’s jaw sagged open, expressing his shock

clearly. The dilating of his eyes betrayed how
much his mate liked the idea.

Winking, Tobias lowered his lover to the floor,

then made quick work of removing his loincloth.
He held out his hand, silently asking.

A breathy chuckle escaped Roland as he

reached out and took Tobias’ hand, peering shyly
through his lashes at him. Grinning, his heart
thumping with anticipation, Tobias asked, “What
happened to the lube, Ro?”

Roland tugged lightly on his hand and Tobias

allowed his mate to lead him to the bed. After
glancing back over his shoulder at him, still
smiling and blushing, Roland reached under his
pillow and pulled out the tube.

Tobias urged his mate to lie on the bed with his

legs hanging off. He gently gripped one of
Roland’s calves and placed it on the edge of the
bed. Giving his mate a wicked smile, Tobias
reached down and, using a claw, sliced open the
crotch of the sweatpants, opening his groin to
Tobias’ gaze. “So you don’t get cold,” he purred,
winking at Roland’s shocked expression. Once
again focusing on his mate’s groin, Tobias
carefully maneuvered Roland’s semi-hard cock
out of the gaping hole. He gently petted the base
then skimmed his claws lightly over the soft skin
of his empty sack.

Roland’s breathing hitched, drawing Tobias’

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attention back to his lover’s face. His sexy shifter
rested back on his elbows. With his face and chest
flushed, he panted breaths between parted lips.

“Beautiful, sexy, amazing. Love how you

respond to my touch,” Tobias crooned.

Licking his lips, Roland swallowed hard

enough to make his Adam’s apple bob. “Y-you
don’t mind touching my…my—” Roland glanced
down at his groin.

It took a second for Tobias to understand to

what he referred, but then he smiled, hoping he
appeared reassuring. “I love every part of you,” he
assured. “I think you’re perfect just the way you

His brows shooting up, Roland appeared


Tobias knew his mate saw himself as less than

and he hoped someday his sweet shifter would
believe him. In the meantime, he planned to give
Roland as much attention and pleasure as

With that thought in mind, he popped the cap

on the lube and drizzled a liberal amount onto the
fingers of his right hand. He reached down and
place one wet digit against Roland’s star,
massaging the opening. Pressing gently, he
carefully dipped the tip of his digit into Roland’s

At Roland’s gasp, Tobias looked up and

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searched his mate’s face. He growled in pleasure
at the shifter’s heavy-lidded look. Smiling, he slid
his finger in a bit further while pitching forward
and resting his other hand on the bed. Tobias
settled his mouth over Roland’s lips.

Tobias kept half his concentration on stretching

his mate as he thrust his tongue into Roland’s
mouth. Wrapping his long tongue around
Roland’s appendage, he stroked that muscle while
massaging his mate’s chute-muscles.

When Roland whimpered and moaned into his

mouth, Tobias reveled in the sounds his mate
made. He increased his efforts, licking and petting
his mate’s tongue, teeth, and gums. He slid a
second finger into Roland’s channel beside the
first, then crooked his fingers and rubbed over his

Roland grunted and groaned and Tobias drank

the sounds down. He loved that he could cause his
mate such pleasure. Roland started rocking his
hips in time with Tobias’ finger thrusts, meeting
him, his body unconsciously begging for more.

Tobias didn’t make his mate beg. He slid a third

finger into his lover, stretching him wider,
preparing him for Tobias’ thick cock. Tobias could
hardly wait to bury his throbbing shaft inside his
mate again. His dick bobbed and jerked—seeming
to dance in time with the noises his mate fed
him—jutting straight out from his groin.

Needing some friction, Tobias pressed his body

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closer. He grunted when he felt the wet head of
his dick slide across Roland’s inner thigh.

Turning his head, breaking the kiss, Roland

gasped. “Now. I feel you against my leg. I want
you in me now. Please.”

His mate practically hissed the words and

Tobias couldn’t deny him. He eased his fingers out
of his lover’s ass, then gripped his shaft with that
same hand and gave himself a quick stroke,
spreading the leftover lube. Guiding his cock to
his mate’s stretched and lubed hole, Tobias
returned his focus to Roland’s gaze.

Tobias discovered Roland looking down,

watching his hand where he held himself against
Roland’s star. Watching Roland as his mate
watched him, Tobias slowly, insistently, thrust

Roland gasped. His eyes widened, but his

pupils dilated, expressing pleasure instead of
pain. Tobias thrust slowly, forward and back,
sinking more and more into his mate.

Licking his lips, Roland panted and lifted a


Still moving, Tobias watched as his lover

reached down. When Roland tentatively touched
where they connected, his fingertips sliding along
Tobias’ dick as well as Roland’s own stretched
muscle, it was Tobias’ turn to shudder. The look of
wonder on his mate’s face combined with his
sensual touch almost shoved Tobias over the edge.

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Tobias grabbed Roland’s wrist gently in his still

partially slicked hand, drawing his mate’s hand
away from him. Roland’s gaze snapped to his,
giving him a questioning look. Smiling, he winked
as he admitted, “If you keep doing that, I’m going
to come, which will completely ruin my plans.”

A shockingly smug smile crossed Roland’s

pretty features. “We certainly wouldn’t want

“No. Definitely not,” Tobias rumbled, fighting

down his chuckle. “Let’s go take a walk.”

Without preamble, Tobias slid his arms around

Roland, held him tight, and heaved them both
upright. Roland slid his arms around Tobias’ neck,
canted his hips, and wrapped his legs tightly
around his hips. Tobias grunted as his cock slid
the rest of the way into his mate.

Roland moaned and wriggled a bit in his arms.
Tobias growled his approval as his mate’s

rectum muscles massaged his cock. “So good.”

“Yeah,” Roland responded breathlessly.
Moving across the floor, Tobias headed to the

balcony’s French doors, threw them open, and
headed outside. He hefted Roland a bit higher on
his hips, securing him in place with one arm
around him just under his shoulder blades. With
his right arm under Roland’s ass, he slipped his
hand into the slash he’d made in the crotch of
Roland’s sweats, giving him a better grip.

Tobias stepped on a chair, then the balcony

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edge, spread his wings, and took off. Roland
squeaked and clung to him tighter. Blood singing
through his veins, Tobias felt almost intoxicated
with the heady feeling of having his cock in his
mate’s ass as he soared through the air.

Tobias flew slowly across the yard. Tilting the

angle of his wing-beats, Tobias steadied them in
the air just above the treetops. From this vantage
point, he could see the expanse of the large garden
labyrinth below them.

“Take a look around, Ro,” he urged. “See the

world from above.”

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Chapter Ten

oland groaned and shuddered. He felt Tobias
begin to slowly rock his hips, keeping in time

with the gentle rise and fall caused by his lover’s
wing beats. His gargoyle’s dick slid in and out of
his chute just a bit, massaging his prostate just

Gathering his courage, Roland lifted his head

from where he’d tucked his face against the crook
of Tobias’ neck. He tipped his head back and
stared into his lover’s face for several seconds. The
affection and feral pleasure etched across his
features—all directed at him—took Roland’s
breath away.

“Tobias,” Roland whispered.
“Hello, sexy,” he crooned.
Roland loosened the death-grip he had on

Tobias’ back, managing to slide his hand until he
cupped the gargoyle’s nape. He struggled to keep
his breathing steady as his nerves fought with the
exquisite sensations shooting from his rectum to
burn through his groin.


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Holding his mate’s gaze, Roland started to

move tentatively against him. He gasped when
just that bit allowed Tobias’ cock head to rub over
his gland even harder. “Tobias,” he gasped.

Tobias smiled smugly, then jerked his chin to

the right. “Check out the view, Ro. I promise we’re
not that high and I’d never drop you.”

“I know you wouldn’t,” Roland quickly








mate…something he hadn’t felt for anyone since
before his kidnapping. This gargoyle, though,
would always come for him, care for him, treasure
him. Tobias hid nothing with his expression,
letting Roland see it all. Roland’s heart thundered
in his chest for a new reason, echoing the
unspoken profession gleaming from his mate’s

Panting softly, Roland proved his faith in his

mate and slowly peered to the right. He gasped as
a grin stretched his lips. He glanced at his lover,
seeing the pride on his gargoyle’s face, then
returned to looking around the dark yard.

They hovered just over the treetops, which

were about twenty feet tall. That was more than
what Roland considered not that high, but since
Tobias was a gargoyle, Roland knew his
perceptions were a bit different. The nearly full
moon illuminated the area with the aid of sporadic
outside lights, both lanterns on posts and foot-

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high walkway lights.

As Roland looked, Tobias changed his wing-

beats and they began to move along the tree line.
He saw the garden hedges created a number of
walls, while, from his vantage point, he made out
a number of trellises with various hanging vines
created a variety of others. Although the flowers
were mostly closed for the evening, his lynx
senses gave him exceptional night vision and he
spotted a variety of colors peeking from between
the edges of the leaves closed around the buds.

The entire ensemble appeared to be a maze

with a number of both large and small fountains
and benches interspersed throughout.

“It’s amazing,” Roland whispered.
“We’ll explore that together someday,” Tobias

told him. He leaned closer and purred throatily
into his ear. “We’ll find all the best secret spots to
steal an intimate moment.”

Roland’s breath caught in his throat. The effect

of the idea Tobias’ words created in his head—
sneaking into a little used lane and finding a
secluded park bench and having his mate bend
him over and fuck him—combined with how
Tobias took that moment to adjust the angle and
speed of his hips, nailing his gland straight on.

Sparks danced through Roland’s body and he

barely managed to gasp out, “D-don’t you know
the maze?”

“No,” Tobias replied, his voice going husky and

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deep. “Goshen, our gardener, changes it every
year. He fills in some openings and creates others.
It’ll be fun to discover every crack, won’t it?”

Moaning, Roland nodded. “Y-yeah.” An

especially forceful snap of Tobias’ hips caused him
to grunt. “G-gonna come.” He tried desperately to
hold back, this experience so wonderful and
intimate he wanted it to last forever.

“That’s the idea, my mate,” Tobias rumbled.

“After you come, I’m going to lay you down on a
park bench and lick all your cum off of you. I’m
going to explore your body, discover every spot
that makes you groan, moan, and scream, then I’m
going to suck your cock and make you come all
over again. I’m going to drain you dry.”

At his mate’s graphic description, Roland had

no hope of controlling himself. He moaned as
Tobias pegged his gland once more, and that was
it. Roland fell headlong into release, spurting his
ejaculate between them, his body jerking and
twitching in the safety of his mate’s arms.

Growling, Tobias clutched Roland close.
Roland reveled in the gentle strokes along his

spine, the pleasant vibration of his mate’s trilling,
and the massage and release of the hand on his
ass. “Tobias,” he mumbled, his senses reeling with
bliss. He nuzzled his mate’s neck, mouthing kisses
along the tendons. “So good.”

For a second, Roland felt as though his stomach

pitched, then he felt something against his back.

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He snapped his eyes open—uncertain when he’d
closed them—and peered up at his lover. He
realized Tobias had landed somewhere in the
garden and settled him on the smooth surface of a
marble bench. Tobias jacked his hips, thrusting
into him over and over. Roland moaned, rocking
up to meet his every thrust, more than happy to
welcome his mate into his body.

Looking up at Tobias, seeing his fierce

expression, the lines of tension on his mate’s face,
Roland grabbed his mate’s jaw and brought him in
for a kiss. He thrust his tongue in deep, tasting his
lover, matching him thrust for thrust.

Tobias growled into Roland’s mouth, nipping

his tongue. His hips stuttered. Roland felt his
lover’s thick shaft swell in his rectum, then Tobias
pressed his forehead against Roland’s collarbone
as Tobias emptied into him, flooding him with his

Warmth filled him from the inside out and

Roland couldn’t help but smile. “Mmm,” he
hummed. “Love how it feels when you fill me. So

Groaning, Tobias slowly eased out of him. He

grinned down at him. “You and me both, little
one.” Once free of Roland’s body, Tobias lowered
his head and licked his way into Roland’s mouth.

Roland was only too happy to open to his lover,

welcoming his tongue and sucking on the
appendage. Tobias rumbled, a pleased sound,

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filling Roland with pride that he could please his

Tobias ended their slow make-out session, then

pressed a butterfly kiss to the corner of his mouth,
then his chin. He skimmed his lips along Roland’s
jaw line as his claws traced each rib. Reaching the
skin behind Roland’s ear, Tobias suckled the soft

Whimpering, Roland tilted his head, offering

more room. Renewed heat fired through his veins.
The wet suction seemed to transfer straight to his
cock, making his dick thicken and his groin tingle.
Roland shifted his hips restlessly and one hand
cupped Tobias’ skull, threading through his hair.

“Mmm,” Tobias hummed.
The vibration yanked a moan of pleasure from

Roland’s throat.

“Hot spot,” his lover crooned. “Gonna

remember that.”

“Oh, yeah,” Roland mumbled, shifting

restlessly. “More.”

Tobias chuckled. “There are more hot spots to

find,” he murmured, skimming his lips down the
column of his neck, nipping as he went.

Roland watched through half-mast eyes as

Tobias continued down his collarbone, then down
his pec. His breath caught in his throat as he
watched Tobias’ progress. A whine escaped his
throat when Tobias finally hovered over his

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Looking up at him, Tobias’ gaze clashed with

his own. A grin curved the gargoyle’s thin lips
right before he pursed them and blew. Roland
gasped as the warm breath caused goose bumps to
rise on his chest and his beaded nipple tightened
almost painfully. Tobias slowly slid his tongue out
and swirled it all around the hardened bud.

“Aargg!” Roland grunted through clenched

teeth. “That hurts but I like it,” he whined,
confusion flooding him. “Wh-why? Never liked
pain before.”

“Easy, sexy,” Tobias soothed, rubbing his hips.

“Not all pain is bad. It’s just how we’re wired. If
your lover uses it the right way, it can make the
coming pleasure so much better.”

Roland frowned, still uncertain, but he trusted

his lover. “O-okay.”

Tobias smiled up at him. “We’ll stick with

licking and light pinching for now,” he told him.
“Maybe we’ll work up to biting or even getting
these pierced.” He winked. “Time will tell.” He
pinched Roland’s opposite nipple for emphasis.

Roland gasped when that sent a sting of

unmistakable pleasure zinging down his spine.
“Oh!” Yeah, that was so much better.

Nodding, as if figuring something out, Tobias

leaned down and opened his mouth, drawing the
nipple he’d blown air over into his mouth. The
warm haven surrounding his tight bead felt
almost as wonderful as when Tobias had sucked

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his dick.

I bet I could come just from this.
Tobias popped off of his nipple and chuckled.

“Have no fear, my mate. I’ll find plenty of ways to
make you come.”

His lover’s gruff words made Roland realize

he’d spoken out loud. Instead of being
embarrassed, Roland snorted and grinned. “I’ll
hold you to that.”

Winking, Tobias replied, “I look forward to it.”

He started licking and nipping across each rib,
starting on the outside, working to his sternum,
then moving across the other side, only to start all
over again on the other side. As he traced each
bone, he murmured, “Right now, I’m going to
clean your cum off your chest, just like I

Roland watched as he did just that. His soft lips

caressed his skin, his calloused hands kneaded his
nipples, and his warm breath created goose
bumps on his skin. Anticipation coiled in Roland’s
gut, building his pleasure unlike anything he
could have imagined.

Tobias licked and cleaned Roland’s chest and

moved down to his stomach. He released Roland’s
nipples, and Roland just managed to keep in his
moan of dismay. Then, Tobias eased the elastic
band over his bobbing erection, sliding the ruined
sweats down and off his legs.

Staring in wonder, Roland’s heart raced as

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Tobias licked up the last bit of cum from his
sunken abs. He twitched away from his mate’s
questing tongue when it delved into the dip of his
left hip.

Chuckling, Tobias peered up his body at him,

his eyes smoldering. “Ticklish?”

“Seems so,” Roland replied breathlessly.
Tobias hummed and resumed his cleaning.
Roland’s breathing sped up as Tobias drew

closer and closer to his oozing dick. Instead of
sucking him down, his mate licked his way
around the base and sides of his shaft and Roland
almost swallowed his tongue.

Then, that same talented tongue swiped over

his empty sack.

His entire body erupting in flames, teased

beyond endurance, Roland opened his mouth on a
silent scream. His body spasmed and his dick
erupted, squirting out several more strands of
ejaculate as his orgasm swamped him. Cresting on
waves of bliss, Roland floated with pleasure.

Roland smiled loopily at the sound of Tobias’

smug hum and the scrape of his lover’s tongue
once more licking up his fluids.

Seconds later, Tobias’ face appeared above him,

smirking down at him. Roland felt the nudge of
his lover’s hard cock at his hole. “Ready for one
more?” he asked as he pressed insistently and slid
his dick back into him.

Lifting his legs and wrapping them around his

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lover’s waist, Roland let out a throaty groan. “I
don’t think I can,” he admitted. His body already
felt like mush, sated and relaxed.

“You will, my love,” Tobias vowed. “You will.”
Then, Tobias started a swift thrust and retreat

rhythm, repeatedly driving into his body.

Roland moaned, reveling in his lover’s taking.

He didn’t think his softened prick would thicken
again, but he sure loved how it felt when his mate
took him.

Tobias leaned close to his ear and growled,

“Tasting you, seeing you respond to my touch,
drives me wild. I’m so close, Ro, and I insist on
taking you with me.”

Whining, Roland thrashed his head. “C-can’t,”

he slurred.

“You can,” Tobias insisted. Then, his lover

opened his mouth, clamped onto his shoulder,
and sank his teeth deep.

Roland orgasmed, screaming Tobias’ name as

he did. As his dick jerked and spurted, black spots
danced across his vision. The bliss caused by that
final orgasm swept him away and his vision
dimmed, and Roland realized his mate had been

Tobias had made him come again.

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Chapter Eleven

roaning, Roland rolled over in his bed.
Wait, my bed?

Easing to a sitting position, Roland looked

around. His brows creased. He didn’t recognize
his location. Okay, not my bed. He knew he
remained in the gargoyle manor, since the room
he rested in—while larger—still had a similar
layout to his own suite. Still, he didn’t recognize

Roland calmed himself and took a long, deep

breath…then, he smiled. “Tobias.” His mate’s
scent hung heavy in the air, telling him that he
resided in his mate’s quarters. The sun streaming
through the windows told Roland that he’d slept
through the night, and since Tobias wasn’t there,
he guessed his mate still hadn’t gone through

Flopping back on the bed, Roland felt the ache

in his ass and remembered the wonderful evening
of lovemaking he’d enjoyed with his mate. He
couldn’t stop his smile. Damn, his mate was


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sweet. Sighing, he stared up at the ceiling and he
just knew he sported a goofy grin.

He lay there for several minutes before his

stomach rumbled, pulling him out of the doze
he’d sunk into. Deciding he wanted food enough
to venture out, Roland sought out the shower,
then dressed in sweats and a t-shirt he found in
the dresser. They fit him comfortably, which told
Roland that his mate had made certain he had
things available in his size.

Once again, Roland found himself grinning.

Damn, I’ve got it bad!
Shaking his head, Roland opened the front door

and peered around. He didn’t recognize the wing
he stayed in, but he did recognize a few of the
scents. It smelled like Einan and Cornelius often
traveled this hallway.

Roland followed his nose to find the most likely

door and knocked, hoping his new friend was
home. Shifting restlessly from foot to foot, after a
short expanse of time, he thought about leaving.
Then, his sensitive ears heard footsteps.

Seconds later, Einan pulled open his door. His

dark gray brow ridges shot up and he cocked his
head. “Roland? Can I help you?”

Again, Roland shifted his weight. He wrapped

his arms around his stomach and admitted, “I fell
asleep while out with Tobias last night and he left
me in his bed. Um…” He cocked his head and
admitted, “I’m kinda hungry and wondered if

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Cornelius was available for whatever meal is
being served about now?”

Einan grinned, his low chuckle lighting his gray

eyes. “Of course, Tobias would want you in his
bed. With your bond incomplete, he’s probably
going out of his mind with territorial instincts.”
Einan called over his shoulder, saying, “You up
for a trip to the dining hall, stud?”

Cornelius’ voice called, “Sure, what’s up?”
“We have a guest who needs a tour,” Einan

replied, obviously speaking to his mate.

Cornelius appeared at Einan’s side. He grinned

upon spotting Roland. “Hey!” he greeted. “Sure.
That sounds like a great distraction.” He focused
on Roland while palming his protruding belly. “I
swear. If little Buckley doesn’t want to be laid
soon, I’m gonna start reading up on what females
do to try to induce labor.”

Roland fought back a smile as Einan wrapped

his arm around Cornelius’ shoulders and tugged
him close. He pecked a kiss to his mate’s temple
and muttered, “Soon, babe. Be patient.”

Rolling his eyes, Cornelius scoffed. “Yeah. I’m

sure you’d be saying that if you were the one
carrying the egg.”

“You know if I could take this burden from

you, I would,” Einan murmured.

Cornelius turned to face his mate and wrapped

his arms around his shoulders. Standing on his
toes, he pressed a kiss to his mate’s lips. “I know,”

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he replied. “Patience just isn’t my strong suit.” He
grimaced. “You know that.”

Einan chuckled. “I know.”
The gargoyle captured Cornelius’ mouth for a

few seconds in a kiss that made Roland blush and
look away. The male’s gruff words drew his
attention back to the couple.

“Go eat. I have a few things to get done. I’ll

catch up with you later.”

“Sounds good. I can always use another meal,”

Cornelius teased, winking.

Einan laughed, patted his lover on his ass, then

walked away.

Cornelius turned back to him and wrapped his

slender arm around Roland’s waist. “Let’s go eat.”

“Have you had your cinnamon today?” Nurse

Leroy asked.

Roland felt heat flush his face. “Yes,” he

mumbled, unable to meet the human’s gaze. Even
his ears burned. After he and Cornelius had
finished a meal—where he’d eaten far more than
he ever remembered eating at one time and he
could almost feel his lynx happily licking his paws
in his mind—his friend had showed him around
the manor, then led him to the doctor’s wing for
his daily check-up.

“Double what I recommended,” Cornelius

piped up, amusement coloring his tone.

Leroy’s cupid bow lips curved up at the sides,

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betraying his own mirth. “Well, better to overdo it
than under do it.”

Cornelius laughed. He reached forward and

slapped Roland on his knee. “Yep, Roland here
doesn’t seem to want kids.”

“Not right now,” Roland replied defensively.

“Maybe eventually.”

“And well you shouldn’t,” Leroy stated, giving

Cornelius a mock glare before returning his
attention to Roland and giving him a sunny smile.
“You’re well on your way to being healthy, but
you’re not one hundred percent, yet. No need to
tax your body over something you have years to
get around to.”

Roland grinned at the short, slender human. He

appreciated that the human agreed with him.

Leroy shrugged. “Just giving you a medical

point of view.” He glanced toward Cornelius, his
gaze flicking over the male’s form. He grimaced.
“Personally, the idea of carrying a child freaks me
out. I mean…men weren’t designed to carry
children, so for some gargoyle’s seed to fuck with
my body and change the laws of nature? No
thanks.” His smile appeared forced as he peered at
Cornelius again. “No offense.”

Fortunately, Cornelius snickered. “No worries.”

He shrugged. “I’d always planned to use a
surrogate, so this wasn’t so much of a stretch for

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“Well, you’re doing very well,” Leroy told

Roland, patting him on the thigh. “Get out and get
some sun. The gardens are beautiful here.”

Roland’s face flushed at the mention of


“Mmm,” Cornelius hummed, eyeing him

speculatively. “I think someone already knows
how lovely the gardens are.”

“Shut up,” Roland mumbled. The burn reached

his ears.

Cornelius laughed. “Well, I’m supposed to get a

little exercise every day,” he said. “Why don’t we
take a short walk in the woods behind the
gardens? Has your lynx been out since you’ve
been here?”

Trepidation flooded Roland. “Leave the safety

of the manor?”

“Don’t worry,” Cornelius assured. “The

grounds are secured. Lots of cameras.”

“Um, okay,” Roland conceded. His cat would

like that.

“Well, have fun,” Leroy told him, rising to his

feet. “Exercise is always a good idea.” He winked.
“You know…other than what you’ve been doing.”

Again, Roland felt his face heat.
Cornelius chuckled and grabbed his arm,

pulling him to his feet and toward the door.
“You’ll get used to us,” Cornelius told him.

“Yeah, right,” Roland responded absently.

Turning, he waved at Leroy. “Thanks for

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“No prob,” Leroy responded. “I’ll see you


After Cornelius added his own goodbye, he led

Roland toward the back of the house. Stepping
outside, Roland couldn’t help but smile as the sun
warmed his face. Shielding his eyes, he glanced up
at the clear blue sky and smiled. His cat stretched
in anticipation.

Yeah, I guess I do need to get out.
“Hey, guys, watch your step,” a deep voice


Roland pulled his gaze from the sky and found

a tall, well-built blond standing a few feet away.
He pointed at Roland’s feet. Looking down, he
spotted a crisscross of red lines suspended about
six inches off the ground by stakes, and one of
them crossed the four steps in front of him.

“Hi, Marty,” Cornelius greeted. “What are you


The male, Marty, shoved the pencil he held

behind his ear. He stepped over the red string and
strode toward them, his gait long-legged and
loose. Smiling, he waved around at the massive
grid. “Maelgwn wants a deck.”

“Oh, okay,” Cornelius responded. He pointed

at a much smaller grid off to the side. “And that?”

“Area for a gazebo and hot tub,” Marty replied.
“Nice.” Cornelius somehow danced on his toes.
Roland had no idea how the heavily pregnant

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shifter moved like that. Carefully, he walked
down the stairs and stepped over the strands.
“That’ll be nice,” he all but lied. He’d rather have
grass beneath his toes or his paws and the tree-line
beckoned. When was the last time he’d actually
been on a run? Remembering, he grimaced.

With my parents.
I need a new memory.

He’d rather have made it with Tobias, but now

that he was out there—breathing the fresh air, the
moist earthy soil, and the fragrant pine—a need to
run nearly overwhelmed him. Carefully stepping
over the remaining threads, his focus riveted on
one thing, he headed toward the forest, stripping
his t-shirt over his head.

“Hey,” Cornelius called. “You in a hurry?”
“Yeah,” Roland replied, glancing over his

shoulder at the other shifter where he seemed to
be chatting with Marty. “I need…” He returned
his attention to the forest, unable to explain.

“I get it,” Cornelius said, hustling to catch up.

“Your lynx calls.”

“Yeah,” Roland admitted.
After he stripped, Roland wasted no time

initiating his shift. Over the sound of his muscles
popping and tendons snapping, he heard Marty
say, “There’s no way I can let you walk the
grounds alone. Einan would kill me.”

“Why? Your own mate has the place totally

secure,” Cornelius argued. “Roland needs to run,

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so I’ll just wander behind him.”

“What if you go into labor?” Marty pointed out.
With his shift completed, Roland turned and

bumped his head against Cornelius’ side, trying to
express his gratefulness for this opportunity.
Cornelius grinned and ruffled his fur before
tugging on an ear tuft.

“I thought lynx were orange,” Marty stated,

eyeing him. “What’s with all the black?”

“He’s Iberian,” Cornelius stated. “Their

coloring’s a bit different.”

Roland chuffed and turned, ready to run.
Evidently, Marty must have thought he’d

offended Roland, for he called, “Hey, buddy. No
insult intended. You’re a very pretty…cat.”

Turning to look at the human, Roland chuffed

again, then took off running.

“Apology accepted,” Cornelius said behind

him. “Let’s go.”

For a couple of hours, Roland bounded through

the forest, climbed up and down trees, and even
leapt from limb to limb. He reveled in the feel of
the dirt and pine needles beneath his paws. He
enjoyed how the warm wind ruffled his fur. His
favorite part though, was the freedom to run

Occasionally he scented both Cornelius and

Marty. It seemed the pregnant rhino shifter had
convinced the human to go with him. Padding

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through the forest, Roland slowly made his way in
the general direction of his friend’s scents.

Roland found them sitting in a clearing.

Pausing at the edge, he took in their backs and the
lines of tension visible through their shoulders
and necks. He wondered what was wrong and a
niggle of concern worked through him.

Pausing, Roland tried to figure out if he should

go to them or go back to the manor and get Einan.

“Here, kitty-kitty-kitty,” a nasal-sounding voice


Roland recognized that voice and fear sliced

through him.

Ryker—the head guard from the carny show

he’d been rescued from—stepped out of the
bushes to his left. In his hand, he held a weapon, a
tranquilizer gun.

Yowling, Roland spun on his haunches and

lunged toward the man. He knew he couldn’t get
away, but maybe if the others—

Ryker fired the weapon. A green-feathered dart

pierced Roland’s shoulder. Still, his momentum
carried him into the guard. With the last of his
strength, Roland sank his teeth into the man’s
shoulder as they tumbled to the ground as
darkness swallowed his senses.

“Hey, Roland, wake up.”
Roland whimpered and tried to pry an eyelid

open. He wanted to tell the person shaking him to

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leave him alone, so he could sleep, but all that
came out was an unintelligible mewl.

“Cornelius, he’s coming around,” that same

guy said.

“Come on, Roland,” Cornelius’ distinctive voice

pleaded. “Shake the tranquilizer. You’re stronger
than that.”

Memories slithered through his mind, hazy and

unfocused. Running through the forest, climbing
trees, thinking he needed to find Cornelius and
thank him. It’d been getting late and he’d been
getting tired.

Then—Roland whined and jerked. The clearing,

the carny show guard, Ryker, and the tranquilizer
gun. At least I got a good bite in, Roland thought
maliciously, a snarl ripping from his throat.

“Hey, it’s me, Cornelius. And you remember

Marty. We’re your friends,” Cornelius’ voice came
again, concerned and urgent.

Realizing he still growled, Roland ceased the

noise. This time, he managed to open his eyelids.
Blinking a few times, he took in their
surroundings. A cave, he was in a cave…with
Cornelius and Marty. The big human appeared
angry and scented slightly acrid. Marty’s jaw
clenched, his eyes narrowed, and his gaze
constantly swept the opening of the cavern.

Roland followed his gaze and realized they

must have been in a mine or something, judging

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by the old, rusty grate with a shiny new padlock.

Cornelius, however, appeared extremely pale

with sweat beading on his top lip and temple.

Roland started to ask if his friend was all right,

then realized he was still in lynx form. Quickly, he
initiated his shift. As soon as he was human
enough, he rolled toward his friend, finishing
reshaping his limbs on the move.

Reaching Cornelius, he gripped the other

shifter’s hand. “Are you okay?”

Cornelius tipped his head to meet his gaze,

staring at him with pain-filled eyes. “I’m in labor.”

“Shit!” Roland hissed. “Stay calm,” he told him,

even though he felt his own pulse spiking.

At least his friend nodded sharply.
Marty knelt beside them. “I can open the lock,”

he told them quietly. “We can get out of here.”

“I don’t think I can run,” Cornelius whimpered.

He clutched his stomach for several long
agonizing seconds, then gasped out, “Son of a

Rubbing a hand over his face, Marty met

Roland’s gaze. “Can we carry him?”

Roland shook his head. “I’m still too weak,” he

admitted. “I’m assuming we’re fairly close?”

Marty nodded. “A couple of miles. These guys

aren’t too smart, but they are well armed. They
have armor piercing rounds that will work very
well on gargoyles.”

“Damn…oh, damn.” Roland shook his head

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hard. “No, no, no—”

“What?” Cornelius snapped just before

groaning in pain.

“Something I overheard once, but never really

thought about because I didn’t really understand
gargoyles,” Roland admitted. “Bud Wallice, he’s
the owner of the show, he was talking to Ryker.
He told the guy that if you control the person the
demon is linked through, then you could control
the demon. I never really thought about it again,
but…” he grimaced and turned to Marty. “If you
can get out of here, do it. Bring help. They won’t
harm us.”

Marty glanced back and forth between them.

“Are you sure?”

Cornelius jerked a nod. “Look, they’re going to

be coming whether you go or not, but this way
will be quicker and you’ll be able to warn them
about the armor piercing rounds.” He paused and
gripped his stomach.

“Breathe through the pain,” Roland urged. “It’ll

pass faster.”

Scowling, Cornelius curled his lip.
Roland grabbed Cornelius’ hand in a show of

support while looking at Marty. “Go. Lock us in
behind you. It’s better that way. We’ll tell them
you wandered down the mine shaft.”

Marty scowled and glanced between them.

Cornelius nodded. Finally, Marty stood and
crossed to the gate. He pulled a pocketknife from

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his boot and some kind of small file from the end,
then went to work on the lock. It didn’t take the
human long, and he was soon easing the gate
open and slipping through.

Looking back at them, Marty offered a tight

smile as he clicked the lock back in place.

Then, he was gone.
Roland returned his focus to Cornelius.

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Chapter Twelve

he first thing Tobias became conscious of was
the pain. It tore through his body like liquid

fire in his veins…and not the good kind. He
couldn’t stop the roar of anguish even if he’d tried.
His skin felt as if someone were trying to fillet him
with a dull, rusty knife and his muscles ached as if
he’d run a marathon. Even his bones ached.

Finally, Tobias managed to open his eyes and

suck in a huge lungful of air. Black spots danced
across his vision, but it was the bright light that
forced him to slam his eyelids closed again.

Tobias focused on taking one breath after

another. After what felt like an eternity, the
burning sensation undulating just under his skin
began to dissipate. Groaning, Tobias hoped the
end was in sight. He cracked his eyelids open
again and took in the blue sky above him.

Shock coursed through him. Blue sky?
Jaw sagging open in shock, Tobias peered up

for the first time at a daytime sky. “How?”

“You with us, then?”


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Tobias jerked his head left and spotted Vane

seated next to him on the roof. His blood-red skin
gleamed in the sunlight and his black-clawed
hands were clenched…as was his jaw.

“What the fuck just happened? Why am I


Vane sighed, and something in the big

gargoyle’s expression made Tobias think he
wasn’t going to like the answer. “I heard
screaming and realized it was you. No one ever
mentioned a gargoyle could go through molt in
the middle of the day while stone.”

That was what had happened? Why? “I’ve

never heard of that either,” he admitted.

“Maybe something in you felt your mate was in

trouble, and it triggered the completion of your

“Roland?” Tobias’ heart tightened in his chest.

He lunged to his feet and glared at the other
gargoyle. “Where the fuck is my mate?”

Vane slowly rose, and while the red gargoyle

stood a couple of inches taller than him, he
averted his gaze. “We’re trying to figure that out.
Marty and Cornelius are missing, too.”

Lifting his arms to the heavens, Tobias let out

an anguished cry, screaming his mate’s name. His
body felt as if it were on fire again, but this time
only for a second or two, as he returned to
gargoyle form. Lowering his arms, he glared at the
beautiful sky above him. He’d always wanted to

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share the first time he saw the sky with his mate
and now—

Tobias cut off that train of thought. He refused

to give in to despondency. His mate needed him.
Turning and glaring at Vane, he growled, “Tell me
everything,” then spread his black wings and
leaped from the roof.

Vane followed. He spoke as they flew. “Leroy

said Cornelius escorted Roland to see him, then
left a little after two. They talked about going for a
run. Marty was in the back yard working on the
outline for the deck Maelgwn wants built, and for
some reason, he must have decided to go with

“Probably because he knew Einan would go

into a rage if he found out Cornelius went hiking
alone,” Tobias grumbled. He knew he was so
damn angry at Roland for the same thing. As soon
as he found his mate, he was going to tie him to
the bed until he promised never to pull a stunt like
that again.

“But he was with Roland. They weren’t alone.”
Tobias cast a look the other gargoyle’s way and

saw true confusion on his face. “Roland was most
likely running in lynx form. Because of how far
along Cornelius is, he can’t shift. That means they
were both alone…and Einan’s mate is quite slow
moving right now.”

Vane grunted in understanding and nodded


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Landing on a second story patio, Tobias yanked

open the doors and stalked swiftly through the
manor. Upon reaching the security room, he
slammed open the doors, finding the room nearly
filled to capacity.

Maelgwn stood against the far wall, staring

over the shoulder of Raymond, one of the clutch’s
tech gurus. Being mated to Marty, Raymond
expressed his agitation by tapping furiously at the
keys of his computer and glancing quickly
between four monitors. Matthew, Vane’s mate and
Marty’s brother, sat against the left wall with his
head in his hands. Also clustered around were
Sapian, Leroy, Einan, and Greg. Einan stood
behind a chair rather than in it, and his claws were
dug deeply into the back’s plush cushion.

Maelgwn pulled his gaze away from his focus

of the screens and his brow ridges shot up.

“I was on my way here when I heard him going

through molt,” Vane explained from behind him.

“Look at this! It’s Marty!” Raymond shouted,

pointing at the screen.

Einan shoved around the desk while Tobias

pushed between gargoyles. Vane headed to
Matthew’s side, whose head had snapped up to
stare at Raymond with wide eyes. They crowded
around the desk.

Tobias scowled as he watched Marty sprint for

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all he was worth through the forest. At first, he
didn’t understand why the human dodged around
trees and kept zigzagging this way and that. It all
became clear when a pair of humans appeared at
the edge of the screen. They chased Marty, guns in
their hands as if they were trying to get a shot.

Raymond leaped to his feet. “Marty!”
“Where is that?” Einan snapped.
“Um, quadrant two B,” Raymond said, backing

a step, obviously feeling the same urge Tobias
felt…go to Marty. Of course, in Tobias’ case, he’d
be asking the human where Roland was as
opposed to clutching him close.

“Vane, take over here,” Maelgwn ordered.

“Stay with your mate.”

“Wait, I want to come!” Matthew cried.
Maelgwn shook his head. “No, I need you and

Vane to keep an eye on the monitors. See if anyone
else turns up. Call and let us know.” From his firm
voice, Tobias knew the chieftain expected to be

“Yes, sir,” Vane replied. The big gargoyle gave

his mate a warning look when Matthew looked
like he was going to protest again.

“Look!” Einan pointed at the monitor.
Tobias looked down just in time to see a large

white alligator launch from between two bushes
and latch its strong jaws around the thigh of one
of the chasers and take him down.

Recognizing the area, Tobias didn’t wait to see

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what happened next. He bolted from the room
and sprinted toward the balcony where he’d
entered. Not stopping, he spread his wings and
leaped over the edge, flapping hard, winging as
swiftly as possible toward the location on the

When he burst through the trees and spotted

the large pond making up almost four acres nearly
a mile from their manor, he spotted movement on
the other side. He flew swiftly toward them.

The closer Tobias got, the heavier the scent of

blood hung in the air. Finally, he made out Marty
on his knees, obviously searching for something in
the leaves and pine needles near shore. Another
male lay on his back, blood pouring from both of
his thighs and he used his hands to struggle

A second male held a knife and swung it at the

advancing albino alligator that Tobias recognized
as one of the rescued shifters. As Tobias watched,
the alligator dove left and shifted. The transition
was smooth and seamless, taking place in a matter
of ten seconds.

The human’s jaw sagged open in shock,

proving that he’d never seen a shifter change
before. It was enough. The pale-haired male
planted one bare foot, pivoted, and executed a
spinning back kick, knocking the knife from the
surprised human’s hand. He followed that up
with a roundhouse kick to the chest, sending the

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attacker tumbling onto his ass.

The blond looked over his shoulder at Marty.

“You okay?” he asked in an accented tenor.

Marty’s head snapped up. He took in the

downed men and the male shifter, then looked
over and saw Tobias. Picking up the weapon—
which upon closer inspection, Tobias recognized
as a tranquilizer gun—Marty rose to his feet.

“Yeah. Thanks,” Marty said, sounding

breathless but heartfelt.

Tobias heard others land behind him as he

angled a grateful look and nod to the alligator
shifter before heading toward Marty. “Where are

“N-northwest, maybe four miles,” Marty

panted. He looked at Einan. “You need to hurry.
We would have tried to get away together, but
Cornelius is in labor. Roland is helping him,
but…I don’t think he knows what he’s doing.”

“How many men? Who took you?” Einan


“Bud Wallice and a number of his guards. I saw


“Well, well,” Tobias snarled. “I get to meet the

little shit face to face.” He cracked his knuckles,
looking forward to that.

Snarling, Tobias started to turn away, but

Marty grabbed his wrist. “There’s more,” Marty
said, struggling to talk around his gasps. “These
guys have been using tranqs on us,” he told them,

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holding up the weapon. “But they have armor
piercing bullets and the pistols to use them. You
need to be careful.”

“We will,” Maelgwn assured. “Thank you for

getting this information to us. Go with your mate.
We’ll take care of this.”

“I should help,” Marty countered. “Show you

where they are.”

“We can backtrack your scent, Marty,” Tobias

stated. “You’ve done your part.” He noted Einan
had already started moving and turned quickly to

“Thank you, for helping my mate,” Raymond


The alligator shifter offered a half bow. “Your

people helped me. I return the favor.” Then, the
naked male started sprinting through the woods.
Surprisingly, he caught up with and passed Einan
and Tobias actually found it difficult to keep up
with the five foot eleven, slender male.

“Damn, he’s quick,” Sapian grumbled.
Tobias mentally agreed. He actually found it

easier to kick off the ground, half-spread his
wings, and zip between the trees that way.
Catching up with the shifter, he bluntly stated,
“This is personal for you.”

The guy nodded once, but didn’t look at him.
“Welcome aboard,” Tobias stated.

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Tristan grunted.
Tobias focused on scenting Marty’s trail and

moving as swiftly as possible. When the smell of
others began to tickle the senses on his sensitive
tongue, Tobias slowed. He dropped to the ground
and came to a stop. The others gathered around.
While they were off their own property, it was far
too close for Tobias’ comfort. He didn’t know how
they’d missed the fact that Bud Wallice and his
buddies had flown into the area and gotten so

Anger simmered that the fucking human would

dare to take his mate. He’d make the
presumptuous asshole pay.

“Get it together, Tobias,” Maelgwn warned

gruffly. “Your mate needs you. Don’t lose your

Tobias nodded. Glancing around, he noted

Tristan was gone. He lifted a brow ridge in
question. Sapian stepped close and stated, “The
alligator is getting as close as possible. You and I
are going to circle the camp to the left. Einan and
Maelgwn will circle right.”

“We’ll take out guards as we can and get a lay

of the land,” Maelgwn rumbled.

Brow ridges shooting up, Tobias cocked his

head. Was his chieftain giving him the permission
he thought he was?

Maelgwn’s smile appeared hard and feral.
Tobias let out a long, slow breath. He wrapped

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his wings around him and turned away. Sapian
flanked him. The pair moved slowly, slipping
between trees. Opening his mouth a bit, he
allowed the air currents to pass across the
receptors on his tongue. A musty scent caught his
attention. He exchanged a look with Sapian and
from the other gargoyle’s nod, knew the enforcer
smelled the human, too.

Both started moving again, circling around the

source of the scent. Tobias spotted a flash of red
amidst the trees ahead. Spreading his wings, he
leaped and flew straight into the air. Using claws
and feet, he easily ascended the thick pine next to
him until he balanced twenty feet in the air.

Spreading his wings for balance, Tobias crept

along a thick branch, then leaped to a nearby one.
He grew closer and spotted the human guard,
who appeared to be on perimeter watch. Tobias
shook his head as he saw that the red he’d noted
was a red and black plaid coat. Carefully, he made
his way along the tree limbs until he perched
almost directly above him.

Tobias looked left and right. Something blue

some forty feet away caught his attention. Looking
above him, he noted that Sapian mirrored Tobias
in the trees above the other man. He caught the
enforcer’s eye, then held up three fingers and
counted down. Tobias dropped silently from the
tree. He landed directly behind the male, reached
forward, grabbed the surprised male’s head, and

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Charlie Richards



Releasing the guard, Tobias stepped back and

allowed the human to topple to the ground. He
looked right again and saw the guard at Sapian’s
feet. After nodding once, Tobias turned his back
on Sapian and he knew the other gargoyle did the
same to him. They slowly moved away from each
other, and Tobias knew that—like him—Sapian
was checking for another guard within the next
fifty paces.

Tobias found one, and took that one out the

same way he’d killed the first. Climbing another
tree, he slowly made his way in the direction he
guessed was the center of camp. He didn’t see
anyone until the trees ended at a large shelf of
mine tailings. He spotted four men standing
around a campfire.

Two of the men had their heads together—

apparently strategizing. Tobias recognized the
heavyset fellow as Bud, but he didn’t recognize
the second man. A third man lay on a sleeping bag
spread near the campfire. He had a bandage
wrapped around his shoulder and that arm was in
a sling. The scent of blood hovered in the air. The
fourth man stood nearby, glancing around
furtively—including at the pair—looking as
nervous and hunched as a cowed dog.

A scent caught Tobias’ attention and he turned

to watch Sapian close the distance between them.
“There’s a mine fifty feet up the hill,” the enforcer

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Coaxing His Skittish Lynx


told him. “That’s where Cornelius and Roland are
being held.”

Tobias gasped and his gaze snapped to peer in

that direction, as if he could see over the crest of
the tailings pile. Sapian laid a hand on his
shoulder and nodded. “Go. Rescue them. I’ll cover
for you for ten minutes…make certain you’re not
disturbed. Then, I’ll find the others and let them
know the mates are safe.”

Torn, Tobias looked up the hill, then back at the

quartet of people.

Sapian grabbed his upper arm and squeezed.

“Tobias, your mate needs you.”

Swallowing hard, Tobias jerked a nod. As much

as he wished he could be the one to take out Bud,
he knew Sapian was right. His mate needed him.
His duty was to seeing to his mate’s safety…and
his heart clenched in his chest at being able to
make certain his mate was safe.

Turning away, Tobias carefully slipped through

the trees, getting as far north as possible until he
ran out of cover. Dropping from the tree, he kept
his body low and a careful eye on the horizon. He
reached the opening to the mine without incident.
When he peeked inside, he spotted a single guard.
The only problem was, there was no cover
between him and the human.

Suddenly, Cornelius screamed. Tobias’ eyes

widened and his jaw sagged. It sounded as if
Einan’s mate was dying. The guard cringed,

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turned to face the locked gate of the cage, and
banged on the bars as he shouted, “Shut up in

That put the human’s back to Tobias, and he

wasted no time capitalizing. He leaped forward,
spreading his wings just a bit to extend the length
of his jump, and landed on the human’s back. As
with the others, Tobias offered no mercy and
snapped his neck.

Stepping away from the toppling human,

Tobias stepped to the cage door and swiped the
lock with his claws. The new metal fell to the
cavern floor. Almost instantly, Tobias found his
arms filled with his mate. Hugging Roland close,
Tobias captured his mouth and thrust his tongue
deep. He allowed himself the pleasure of tasting
his mate, touching his body, reassuring himself
that his mate was uninjured.

Both of them seemed to catch themselves at the

same time and draw away. Still, Roland grinned at
him, then glanced at the sunlight at the end of the
tunnel. “You molted,” he whispered.

“Yeah,” Tobias rumbled. “Nothing could keep

me from coming for you.”

Roland appeared extremely pleased by his

words, but didn’t fight when Tobias lowered him
back to the ground. “Can you shift, my mate? I
will carry Cornelius, and we’ll get the fuck out of

“Hell, yeah.”

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Coaxing His Skittish Lynx


Tobias turned to Cornelius and took in the

sweaty countenance of the enforcer’s mate. His
eyes were dilated in pain and his breath came in
short pants. Stepping close, he slid his arms under
the shifter’s knees and torso. “I’m sorry. This may
hurt,” he warned. “I’ll take you home. Get you
some help.”

Cornelius nodded. “What the fuck took you so


Tobias chose to ignore the shifter’s

belligerence—hell, the guy was in agony—and
didn’t reply. Instead, he lifted the man into his
arms, cradled him to his chest, and got the hell out
of there.

Tobias would rather have been in his suite with

Roland, mapping every crevice of his mate’s body
and making certain he was well. However, when
they’d arrived at the manor and the infirmary
they’d learned that Einan was still out, Roland had
insisted on staying with Cornelius.

Leroy had given the rhino shifter some pain

killers and they’d kicked in just when Gus—a
friend of Cornelius’ and also a rhino shifter—and
his mate Tible had arrived with their son, Vaclar.
While they sat and coached Cornelius, the in labor
shifter still refused to release Roland’s hand and
Roland didn’t try to pull away.

As soon as night had fallen, Perseus had

arrived and taken over the labor proceedings.

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Leroy had appeared more than happy to
relinquish control, but he stuck around and acted
as the doctor’s gopher.

Einan rushed in just as Cornelius was

screaming through his final push. Sapian—his
mate Missy pressed close to his side—
accompanied him and stopped at Tobias’ side.
With half his attention on his mate, who still
coached his friend through the egg-birth, Tobias
couldn’t help but ask, “You get everybody?”

Sapian nodded. “Yes, but not in the way you

mean. One of the guards, some guy named Walter
turned on his buddies and took a bullet meant for
Maelgwn. He’s with Leroy, who’s prepping him
for surgery. Ryker’s waiting for his shoulder to be
looked at.” Sapian glanced at him and smirked. “It
seems your little lynx took a hell of a chunk out of
him.” Before Tobias could grin with pride, Sapian
added, “We also brought in Wallice. He’s being
held for questioning in the servant’s quarters.
Some of the things he knows about us—” Sapian
paused and shook his head. “We need to know
how he knew about us.”

Growling low in his throat, Tobias frowned. He

didn’t like having those assholes so near his
mate…hell, anyone from his clutch, but he
understood the need. “Thanks for the heads up,”
he finally stated. “I’ll be interested in helping with
the interrogation.”

Snorting, Sapian nodded. “I just bet you are.”

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Coaxing His Skittish Lynx


Roland appeared at his side and snuggled up to

him. Tobias wrapped his arms around him. “Hey,
sexy mate,” he greeted, so happy to have Roland
safe with him again. Lowering his head until his
lips were a hairsbreadth from his mate’s ear, he all
but purred, “I’m going to lock you in our bedroom
for the next week.”

Tobias watched goose bumps erupt on the

sensitive skin behind his lover’s ear. Roland
opened his mouth and sucked in a harsh breath.
He peered up at him through his lashes. “Oh,

“Then what?”
Tobias grinned. His mate didn’t seem to be

averse to his plan at all. Winking, he murmured,
“I’m gonna show you why it’s a good idea to
always have me around.”

“Mmm, I look forward to you proving that,”

Roland whispered.

Any response Tobias would have said was cut

off by a poignant gasp from Cornelius, and Tobias
watched as Perseus settled a purple and blue
mottled egg into the rhino shifter’s arms. Tobias
smiled at the sweet sight as Einan—who Tobias
just knew would never admit that he was blinking
fast to catch his tears of joy—leaned down and
kissed his mate.

“That’s truly amazing,” Roland whispered.
Tobias nodded. “It is.”

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Roland reached up and touched Tobias cheek

softly, drawing his attention. Roland looked
nervous as he licked his lips, but he stated, “I’m
not averse to kids, but I’m really happy it’s him
and not me.”

Grinning, Tobias replied, “Me, too.”
“Maybe someday?”
Nodding, Tobias nuzzled his mate’s cheek,

leaving his scent on his mate. “Maybe someday,”
he whispered.

Cornelius called Roland’s name and his mate

moved to the shifter’s bedside, ooing and ahing as
he slid his fingers over the egg.

Standing against the wall, Tobias smiled as he

watched his mate interact with the group.
Roland’s big heart astonished him, especially after
everything he’d been through. His mate had come
such a long way, had forged strong friendships,
even going so far as to stay with Cornelius instead
of escaping with Marty.

Not that Tobias thought ill of Marty. Hell,

without his help and warning, it’d have taken
them far longer to locate the missing mates. They
also would have been running into the situation
blind, making probability for injury, or even
casualty, high. No, Tobias appreciated Marty’s

Instead, Roland had helped Cornelius, most

likely making a friend for life from not only the
small rhino shifter, but the guy’s friends, Gus and

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Coaxing His Skittish Lynx


Tible, not to mention Einan. After just a few short
days, Roland had proved his heart, his worth, and
nothing could have made Tobias prouder, or
made him love him more.

Just days and I love him.
Smiling at his thoughts, Tobias couldn’t wait

for the opportunity to pull his mate away. He
looked forward to laying Roland down and, not
only telling, but showing his sexy lynx everything
he felt for him.

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About the Author

Charlie started writing fantasy when she was
eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic
romance at age nineteen, she realized her true
calling. She now focuses on writing gay erotic
romance, normally of the paranormal variety, with
heroes of all kinds. With the help and support of
her husband, Charlie finally fulfilled one of her
life-long goals…move to acreage with her horses.
You can often find her curled up with her laptop
and a cup of tea or glass of wine, creating her next
adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring the mountains
of her new Oregon home on horseback, 4-wheeler,
or motorcycle.






Or visit her at

Document Outline


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