Charlie Richards Wooing His Wolf

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On the Road: Traveling was supposed to open his
eyes, but it opened his heart, too.

Logan St. Clair made some bad decisions and fell
in with the wrong crowd. After believing a fellow
wolf shifter’s bigoted opinions, he helps attack
their pack’s brand new alpha and alpha-mate…his
male alpha-mate. They lose and Logan is exiled. To
his shock, Logan is approached by another alpha,
Kontra Belikov—a bear shifter who leads a
nomadic group of bikers. Even knowing Kontra is
mated to a male, the allure of a new pack is too
strong, Logan accepts. Most of Kontra’s pack-
members are in gay matings, and Logan learns to
be polite and accepting of those who are gay, even
forming his own opinions.

While Logan no longer loathes homosexuals, he

never expects to feel attraction to a guy. That’s
exactly what happens, however, when he meets
Kai’s human friend, Tyson Grubler. He doesn’t
understand it and fights it with every fiber of his
being. Except, when Logan sees Tyson head into a
club bathroom with a stranger, he loses control of
his wolf’s possessive instincts. Logan tosses
Tyson’s trick out of the stall and sinks his teeth
into a very shocked Tyson’s neck. Realizing what
he’s done—started the bonding process—Logan
flees. Can he come to terms with what his wolf
already knows—that Tyson is his mate?

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author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
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Wooing His Wolf

Copyright © 2014 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0043-9

Cover art by Carmen Waters

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Wooing His Wolf

Kontra’s Menagerie, Book Nineteen


Charlie Richards

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To those who keep on keeping on…may we all find that

dedication to keep working toward our hopes and


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Chapter One

e’re going out.”
Tyson Grubler looked up from the

magazine he’d been reading…well, trying to read,
anyway. He must have read the same paragraph
six times now. He should have the information
about the horsepower boosting performance
microchip memorized by now. Glancing between
the pair of men, Brock Sanchez and Korbin Harris,
two of his best friends, Tyson realized they were
both dressed to go clubbing.

“Uh, okay,” Tyson said, scowling. On one hand,

he felt a mixture of relief that they hadn’t told him,
because that way, he didn’t have to come up with
an excuse not to go. However, he also felt
irritation at not even having been given the choice.
“Have a good time.”

Brock crossed his arms over his broad chest and

shook his head. “Oh, we will,” he assured, then
smirked. “And so will you. You’re coming.”

Korbin nodded. “Yup.” He pointed in the

direction of the stairs. “Go get dressed. We’re tired
of your moping.”


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“Moping?” Tyson curled his lip. “I’m not


“Uh huh.” Brock didn’t sound convinced. The

man turned and leaned one broad shoulder
against the wall. “Hey, Tyson. We’re going out to
play pool. Wanna come?” While he spoke Tyson’s
name, he focused his brown-eyed gaze on Korbin.

Scowling, Tyson watched Korbin roll a

shoulder. He rubbed his thumb over the carefully
groomed, thin, dark mustache covering his upper
lip as he grunted. “Naw,” he finally said. “I’m not
in the mood.”

“You sure,” Brock asked, pretending to press.

“Gonna get some beers, hang out.”

Korbin shook his head. “I can do that here.”
Remembering his own words, Tyson growled

at having them thrown back at him. “Very funny.”

Brock rolled his eyes, then shoved off the wall.

“Oh, we’re not done,” he responded drolly. This
time, he held Tyson’s gaze as he asked, “Hey,
man. We’re heading out to go bar hopping. Come
with us.”

Rubbing the back of his neck with one long-

fingered hand, Korbin hemmed and hawed before
saying, “You guys go ahead. I have to hit the sack
early tonight so I can go to my mom’s in the
morning. She asked me to paint the shed.”

Tyson had had enough. He leaped to his feet

and glared at his friends. “What the fuck, guys?
She really did need help!”

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Both men lifted hands in placation. Korbin

shifted nervously and even Brock appeared
somewhat contrite. “We know, buddy,” Brock
soothed. “We just wanna get your ass out of the
house. All you’ve been concentrating on is your
web design for the last month.” Brock smiled, then
pointed out, “All work and no play makes Tyson a
dull boy.”

Grimacing, Tyson tossed his magazine onto the

coffee table. He didn’t miss the hopeful smiles his
move garnered from his friends. “Where are you

“We’re going to The Shiny Penny,” Brock told

him, grinning gleefully, as if he’d won something.

Hell, maybe he had. The Shiny Penny was a no

bias club that catered to just about any
crowd…well, maybe not the BDSM blokes, but
other than that. Gay, straight, even those looking
for a ménage could probably find what they were
looking for at the place. The beer was good, the
place was clean, and the atmosphere friendly.

“Kai and Dorian will be there,” Korbin tossed

out. “Probably some of the other guys, too.”

Tyson’s thoughts immediately turned to one

particular other guy. The man seemed to pop into
his thoughts anytime he didn’t have his mind
occupied, which was the real reason he’d been
focusing on getting his and his buddy’s website
design business up and running. He didn’t want
any spare time. It was bad enough he couldn’t

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resist jacking off to the guy’s face when alone at
night…or in the shower.

“I haven’t seen Kai in a while,” Tyson


“Sweet,” Brock crowed. “Hurry up and go get


Nodding, Tyson headed toward the stairs. “Do

I have time for a shower?” he called as he walked
up them.

“Better make it quick!” Brock called. “I wanna

get there before all the hot chicks are gone!”

“Hell, I just want my dick sucked,” Korbin


Tyson snorted as he bounded up the stairs.

Getting his dick sucked sounded like a damn fine
idea. He stripped swiftly and hopped into the
shower. As he scrubbed, one swipe of the cloth
over his cock had blood heading south and his
dick thickening to half-mast. Instantly, he
conjured images of dirty blond hair, shadowed
hazel eyes, a square jaw, and masculine features.

“Shit,” Tyson grumbled. “Why am I so

obsessed with the guy?”

Ignoring his now aching prick, Tyson quickly

finished washing up and climbed out of the
shower. As he brushed his teeth and combed his
hair, he couldn’t help remembering the first—and
only—time he’d seen the guy.

Tyson and his friends had traveled to Kansas

early last month, taking advantage of summer

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break to get away for some guy time. They
planned to cut loose before their final semester of
college. They’d also tossed around ideas for going
into business together, since he studied graphic
arts, Kai focused on business management, Brock
took classes in marketing, and Korbin was a wiz in
computer science.

None of them could have imagined they’d run

across a group of shifters.

They’d known for years that Kai Sudderson

had the ability to change into a platypus. They’d
never heard of anyone else doing it, so kept their
friend’s secret close to the vest. After all, there was
no telling what could happen to Kai if the wrong
person found out about the man’s strange ability.

Kai had decided to go swimming in his other

form in the pond behind their rented cabin. He’d
ended up getting his tail caught in a beaver trap.
The guys still felt bad that they hadn’t gone with
him. Hell, they’d all heard the warnings about
never swimming alone.

To Kai’s good fortune, another shifter, this one

a guy that could turn into a penguin, had found
their friend. The shifter, Yuma, had taken him
back to their manor and had gotten him medical
treatment. Kai had even run across his new
partner there, Dorian Yaris. Dorian had the ability
to turn into a California condor.

At the manor, Kai had been introduced to

shifters that came in all shapes and sizes. While a

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pride of lion shifters owned the place itself, Yuma
had been visiting with his biker gang, made up of
a hodge-podge of men with shifting abilities.
Tyson had heard the leader, Kontra Belikov, could
turn into a grizzly bear, and considering his
massive size and odd coloring, Tyson found he
wasn’t all that surprised. While Tyson hadn’t
heard what all of the men could turn into, he
knew there was a hyena, an owl, and a couple of

When Tyson and their friends had ended up

holding a party, Dorian and a few other shifters
had crashed it. Dorian had sought out Kai and
wooed him.

That was where Tyson had spotted Logan St.

Clair. He’d immediately felt an attraction to the
sandy-haired man. He’d found out later that
Logan had the ability to change into a wolf, but
then, like now, Tyson couldn’t give a rip. He
found himself almost drooling over the guy’s
impressive muscle definition and square,
masculine features. Even Logan’s watchful hazel
eyes intrigued Tyson.

Unfortunately, Logan had slipped away from

the party before Tyson could come up with an
excuse to approach him.

A few days after Tyson and his buddies had

returned to their home near Rio Rancho, Dorian
and his biker buddies had followed, driving their
motorcycles from Kansas to New Mexico. A few of

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them had joined them for a barbeque, including
the leader, Kontra, his lover, Tim, plus, Yuma and
his lover Hunter, as well as Tim’s father, Luc.
Tyson had drummed up the courage to pull Tim
aside and ask the man for information on Logan.

It hadn’t been encouraging.
Logan had joined the biker gang after his wolf

shifter pack had kicked him out…for crossing
their homosexual alpha. The guy, evidently, was a
homophobic asshole.

“Story of my life,” Tyson grumbled as he

yanked on his jeans.

“Hey, you ready?” Brock asked, striding into

the room without knocking.

Tyson tucked, zipped, and buttoned before

answering. “Just a sec,” he finally replied,
slapping on some deodorant before crossing to his

“No underwear?” Brock teased, his grin loud

and clear in his tone.

Snorting, Tyson glanced back at him. “As if you

have any on.”

“All the better for getting sucked off,” Brock

responded, waggling his brows.

“Exactly,” Tyson agreed, having to mentally

push away the image of thick lips in a square jaw
stretched wide around his erection. It wasn’t going
to happen. He flipped through his shirts, listening
to the metal hangers scrape across the closet bar.

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His mind preoccupied, Tyson didn’t really see the

“Wear the green one.”
Looking over his shoulder, Tyson spotted

Korbin standing in the doorway, leaning one
shoulder against the frame.

Turning back to the shirts, Tyson found the one

he thought his friend meant. The deep green, short
sleeve shirt had pearl snaps that he knew
shimmered under most club lighting. It was also
made with three percent spandex and fitted nicely
to his torso, showing off Tyson’s firm pectorals
and ripped abs.

Grinning, he nodded and pulled on the shirt.
Brock snickered and shoved at Korbin’s

shoulder, knocking him from his perch. “What are
you? His fashion consultant?”

Korbin caught his balance and scoffed. “He

looks hot in it,” he replied, rolling one shoulder.
“Just because you don’t have any fashion sense…”
He let the sentence hang as he disappeared down
the hallway.

“Hey! I got fashion sense!” Brock hollered,

following him.

Shaking his head, Tyson buttoned the shirt

halfway up, then followed behind them. A
moment later, the trio trooped out of the house
and climbed into Brock’s bronco. Tyson took the
back seat behind Korbin in the passenger seat.

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“Since ya’ll are dragging me out tonight, one of

you is DDing,” Tyson stated.

If he was going to have any chance of shutting

his brain off enough to get his dick sucked by
some twink, he’d need plenty of alcohol.

Brock snorted. “I’m pretty sure that’s why

we’re in my vehicle, asshat.”

Korbin turned around in his seat and grinned at

him. “First round is even on me.”

Tyson’s brows shot up. “Thanks.”
“Hey, maybe once you’re liquored up, you’ll

tell us what the fuck crawled up your ass and
died,” Brock stated. He glanced back at him, then
added, “You haven’t been yourself since vacation,
Ty. We’re your friends. We want to help.”

Grimacing, Tyson shrugged. Brock wasn’t the

most observant man, so for him to have noticed
that he’d been out of sorts, well…damn. It wasn’t
as if he wanted to tell them he was pining after a
homophobic wolf shifter.

Tyson removed his seatbelt, slid to the middle

of the rear bench seat, and rebuckled. Then, he
leaned forward and clapped a hand to each of his
friend’s shoulders. “Well, no time to get out of my
funk than now, right boys? Bring on the party!”

Brock responded by saying something crass.

Korbin snorted. Tyson vowed to find some pretty,
young twink to take his mind off the unattainable.

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Chapter Two

ogan St. Clair glared at the stop light, waiting
for it to change and wishing it never would.

He refused to admit that he was pouting, but he’d
been ordered by his alpha, Kontra Belikov, to
come out to the club. Evidently, the big bear
shifter was tired of his antisocial behavior.

Still, Logan couldn’t bring himself to admit that

the reason he didn’t go running in animal form
with the group was because he feared his wolf
would take off in search of Tyson Grubler. He’d
seen the blond haired, blue-eyed human only
once, at a party when another shifter had been
wooing his mate.

The second Logan had scented the broad

shouldered human, his wolf had sat up in the back
of his mind and panted. His dick had stiffened in
his jeans, forcing him to adjust his cock to a more
comfortable position. A second whiff almost had
him creaming his jeans and he’d had to flee the
party. When he’d gotten back to his borrowed
room at the manor they were staying at, he’d


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jacked off twice to the memory of the musky
masculine sweaty scent.

Even now, riding his Harley toward some club,

Logan’s prick thickened at the memory.

Son of a bitch! How could I be attracted to a damn


Logan didn’t want to want a guy, and he sure

didn’t want a male mate. He didn’t care what the
rest of the shifters in this pack did, he wanted to
find some sweet girl to settle down with and raise
a bunch of cubs. He’d always wanted kids…ever
since his sister had given him a niece to spoil, he’d
dreamed of the day he’d have his own.

How can I have that with some young human?
After a few discreet questions, Logan had

discovered that Tyson was one of Kai Sudderson’s
buddies. The platypus shifter was only twenty-
two, just about to start his senior year of college,
which meant his buddies were probably the same,
give or take a year. No way in hell would Tyson
be ready to settle down and want kids.

Shit, what am I even thinking? If I ignore this mate-

pull long enough, it’ll pass and I’ll find some nice
female shifter to mate with.

At that, Logan’s wolf whined in the back of his


Shut up.
Damn wolf didn’t know what was best for it.
The light turned green and the others with him

gunned their engines. The noise yanked Logan

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from his thoughts and he hit the throttle,
following the group. Within ten minutes, he
turned his vehicle into the parking lot of a club
and parked his bike next to his fellow shifters.

“Come on, Logan,” Payson urged, stopping

next to him. “You gotta blow off some steam, wolf.
You’re wound too tight.” The hyena shifter
grinned widely. “I’ll help you find a hottie to suck
your dick. That’ll loosen ya up!”

Logan rolled his eyes, even as the image of

Tyson on his knees, his lips wrapped around his
erection, shoved its way into his mind. Instantly,
Logan’s cock reacted, thickening in his jeans.

Payson laughed. “Oh, little Logan likes the

sound of that,” he crowed, glancing meaningfully
at the crotch of Logan’s suddenly too tight jeans.

“Shut the fuck up,” Logan snapped, shoving

the other shifter’s shoulder.

Stumbling sideways, Payson continued to

cackle. “Awe, relax, man. I know your little Logan
ain’t so little.” He grinned widely and winked.
“I’ve seen it, remember?”

As shifters, Logan had gotten naked with just

about all of the men around him, the exception
would be Payson’s human mate Land and
Kontra’s mate Tim. While the alpha’s lover was
indeed the son of an owl shifter, his mother had
been a witch, and the magick running through his
veins evidently superseded that, so he didn’t have

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an animal. Logan couldn’t imagine how that had
worked out.

Logan was told that Yuma and his human mate,

Hunter, would be meeting them there with Kai
and Dorian. He didn’t see too much of them, since
Dorian had taken over as alpha of a dingo shifter
pack in the nearby mountains. Logan figured that
was for the best, since there was less of a risk of
running into Tyson that way. Suddenly, he
wondered if Kai’s friend would be with him that

A moment later, after walking into the bar,

Logan had his answer. Tyson’s scent, although
faint, remained in the air. Inside the building,
somewhere, was the man Fate seemed to think
Logan should take as his mate.

Irritated, Logan pushed past his buddies and

stalked to the bar. It wasn’t too busy, so he had a
shot of whiskey before him within a minute or
two. He downed a second shot just as quickly
before Diego, who was also a wolf shifter and
happened to be his ex-alpha, stepped up next to
him. It’d been Diego’s son that Logan had
attacked. Abbott had banished him, and for good
reason, Logan understood that.

Diego gripped Logan’s wrist when he went to

put it up again, staying his attempt to signal
another round. One look from the more dominant
wolf had Logan lowering his gaze to the scuffed
wood of the bar.

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“Two Bud Lites, barkeep,” Diego requested,

releasing his hold on Logan. “And a shot of jack.”

Logan looked toward him to find the other wolf

leaning on the bar eyeing him. He couldn’t hold
the older male’s gaze and returned his focus to the
bar. A shot of whiskey appeared in his line of

“Down that, then come with me,” Diego


Again, Logan obeyed. He tipped back the shot

and swallowed, the liquid not burning quite as
much as the first couple had. Once he put the glass
down, Diego picked up the long-necks in one
hand and gripped Logan’s shoulder with the other

Logan had no choice but to allow Diego to

maneuver him through the throngs of people.
They reached a small table for two tucked in the
back. As they approached, Tim rose and nodded,
then headed past them, patting Logan on the
shoulder as he went.

Not needing to be told, Logan took Tim’s

vacated seat. Diego took the other chair. He placed
the bottles on the table, pushed one toward Logan,
then picked up and took a swig from the second.

“Well,” Diego asked gruffly. “Is this about your

pack mates being gay? Because you knew that
before you agreed to travel with Kontra.”

Logan grimaced and shook his head. He picked

up his bottle of beer. “How do you do it?”

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“Do what?”
After taking a swig of the bitter brew, Logan

admitted, “I was running home and saw you with
that guy at the party. You were out near the pond
in the dark. You were—” He swallowed hard,
remembering the sight of his alpha fucking a guy.

To his surprise, Diego snorted. “Some guy catch

your eye and you need instruction?” he teased. “Is
that what has you all worked up?”

Logan peered around the bar and opened his

mouth, having every intention of denying Diego’s
comment. The words died in his throat when his
gaze fell upon a jean-clad figure in a tight green
shirt. Logan’s gaze fixated on the firm globes of
the dancing male’s ass, rolling and undulating as
he swiveled his hips, shimmying with his dance

Lifting his gaze, taking in the strong lines of the

guy’s back, Logan’s jaw sagged open. He realized
he should have instinctively known why his gaze
had been snagged by the man. It was Tyson.
Tyson rocked and ground against the shorter,
leaner man, who was doing the same to him.

Unable to help himself, a low growl rolled

through Logan’s chest. He tensed, fighting the
desire to rise from his seat. He wanted to stalk
through the crowd and yank the little redhead
away from Tyson. How dare another man touch


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Even Diego’s concerned rumble couldn’t get

Logan to yank his gaze away from Tyson and
his…date. Suddenly, the redhead reached up and
cupped Tyson’s nape, and Tyson lowered his
head. At first, Logan thought they were going to
kiss, and the taste of bile in the back of his throat
shocked him.

Except, then the smaller man said something in

Tyson’s ear. For a second, Tyson seemed to
hesitate, then he glanced toward a table to the
right. Logan looked that way just long enough to
spot Kai and the others in that group before
refocusing on Tyson in time to see the human
smile and nod at his dance partner. The redhead
grinned, then cupped Tyson’s crotch and
squeezed before grabbing Tyson’s hand and
leading the way between dancers.

They disappeared down a hallway. Logan

spotted the restroom sign lit up overhead.

Logan growled and leaped to his feet. Hell, no!
Diego grabbed his wrist. “Where are you

going? What’s wrong?”

Wrenching his arm away, Logan didn’t even

bother answering. Instead, he stalked away from
the table, shoving between couples. Several
opened their mouth as if to yell at him, but
snapped their mouths closed just as fast, probably
at the sight of Logan’s expression. He just knew
his anger was written all over his face.

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Logan had no trouble picking up Tyson’s

enticing scent and he followed it down the
hallway. There were only two choices, the
bathroom or the alley, and the reasons for going to
either with the twinky redhead pissed Logan the
hell off.

Pausing at the men’s room door, Logan inhaled.

Beneath the smell of feces, body odor, and cum,
was the unmistakable scent of Tyson. He shoved
the door open, a snarl curling his lips. He spotted
two men at the sinks and one at the urinals.

“Get out.” He gruffly snapped the order.
The big fellow at one sink straightened, looking

for all the world like he intended to say
something—probably to tell Logan to fuck off.
Curling his lips, Logan’s feral growl and snarl
easily shot down anything the guy might say.

Seconds later, the room was empty.
Logan leaned over and swept his gaze along the

floor, pleased to see feet only in the handicapped
stall. Of course, it pissed him off that there were
two sets in there, but he’d expected as much.
Stepping up to the door, he pushed hard enough
to make the locking mechanism groan.

“Open the door, Tyson,” Logan ordered.
“Fuck!” a quiet voice squeaked. “You said you

didn’t have a boyfriend!”

“I don’t,” Tyson declared, sounding a bit

hysterical himself.

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Logan growled. “Don’t make me break the lock.

You know I can,” he warned.

The lock clicked and Logan stepped backward.

His eyes narrowed as he watched the door swing
open. The redhead hunched his shoulders and
looked up at him. “I’m real sorry, mister,” he
whispered. “I never would have come on to him if
I’d known he was taken. I’m not like that.”

Scenting the guy, Logan smelled his fear…and

his sincerity. He clenched his jaw and jerked his
chin toward the door. The man scurried out.

Logan stepped into the stall and slammed the

door behind him. As he felt behind his back and
locked the door, he growled low and peered at a
clearly shaken Tyson.

“Wh-what are you doing here?” Tyson asked,

his gaze flicking to him then to the wall, then over
his shoulder, and back to his face again.

“How dare you hook-up with another right in

front of me? Is this punishment for me not
approaching you?” Logan snarled, completely
incensed. Even as he spoke, he knew the words
were ridiculous.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
It didn’t matter that Tyson’s scent screamed the

truth, Logan was too far gone. His wolf rode him
hard. He wanted, needed to prove to Tyson that the
human was his. Especially after he swept his gaze
down Tyson’s body and spotted how he held his

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jeans—betraying that they were open and half
hanging off of his hips.

“You’re mine!” Logan declared.
Logan snarled and grabbed his mate’s hands.

Nearly instantly, the pants dropped, exposing his
human’s half-hard dick. Rumbling, Logan used
his hold and his shifter strength to spin Tyson
around and press his mate’s chest against the
stall’s left wall.

Logan pressed his body against Tyson’s. He

leaned his head down and snapped, “You are my
mate, Tyson,” he declared. “No other may touch

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Chapter Three

yson’s chest heaved as he struggled to come
up with a response to Logan’s shocking claim.

Problem was that it was hard to think since he
found himself distracted by the pain in his
suddenly throbbing dick. When he’d walked into
the restroom with Gary—or was it Barry—he’d
only been half hard. He’d figured his trick could
help him out with that.

The second Tyson had heard Logan’s growly

voice on the other side of the door, gaining an
erection had no longer been a problem. Now, he
faced the wall with his jeans around his thighs and
Logan’s chest pressed against his back.

When Tyson didn’t manage to answer, Logan

growled. “Need some convincing, do you,

Logan used his hold on Tyson’s wrists to lift

them higher, sliding them up the cool metal of the
stall wall until they were just over his head. Easing
his grip and moving his fingers upward, Logan
pressed his palms against the back of Tyson’s


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hands, encouraging with rhythmic pushes for him
to uncurl his fists.

“Leave them there,” Logan whispered the

order, once Tyson’s palms were flat.

Tyson glanced over his shoulder, his lips parted

as he panted. “Uh, okay,” he muttered.

Growling, Logan skimmed his fingertips down

the tops of Tyson’s hands, then his forearms. He
paused to tickle the sensitive skin on the inside of
Tyson’s elbows. Tyson grunted, hissing through
clenched teeth. Logan hummed, then continued
touching, making his way over the rest of Tyson’s
arms to his shoulders.

“I’ve been thinking of touching you like this for

weeks,” Logan growled as he slid his hand down
Tyson’s shirt-clad shoulder-blades. Then, he
wrapped his arms around Tyson’s torso and slid
one hand under his shirt, roughly pinching his
nipple. With his other hand, Logan gripped the
side of Tyson’s shirt and gave it a twist and a
yank, opening the few snaps that held it closed.

Tyson shivered as the cool air caressed his

budding nipples, making them pucker. Logan
pinched his other now hard bud, and Tyson
shuddered at the mixture of pleasure and pain.

“Damn it,” he gasped. He arched his back,

pressing his chest forward, searching for more
touches to his nipples. It also shoved his ass
against Logan’s groin, pushing into the shifter’s

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erection, reveling in the heat of the male behind
him. “Logan!”

The shifter behind him tightened his hold.

Rocking his hips, he rutted against Tyson’s ass
once, twice as he nuzzled his five-o-clock shadow
against the sensitive skin under Tyson’s ear. “Tell
me you understand,” Logan demanded.

Understand? Understand what?
“Tell me you will not allow another to touch

you,” Logan ordered. “Tell me you are mine!”

Right. That.
Tyson opened his mouth to agree. Anything to

feel more caresses from this man, more
stimulation. Except, then he remembered Tim’s
words…Logan started as a homophobe. He’s come a

long way, but he still clenches his jaw and looks away
whenever any of our mated couples show their affection

for each other. He’s got a long way to go.

Swallowing hard, Tyson muttered, “I’m a red-

blooded male, Logan. I can’t go months at a time
without sex,” he murmured. Peering over his
shoulder, he tried to get a read on Logan. “I have
needs. I’m not gonna sit around waiting until you
get jealous or horny.”

Logan growled. “I will see to your needs,” he

declared as he scraped his thumbnail over Tyson’s
swollen bud.

Tyson grunted, sparks shooting across his

chest. His dick jerked, bouncing against his abs.
How the hell Logan knew his nipples were a hot

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spot, he didn’t know, but damn that felt good.
When the shifter flicked his nipple then pinched
harder, Tyson felt pre-cum ooze from his shaft. He
shivered at the feel of his fluid dripping over his
sensitive head.

“Fuck,” Tyson hissed. “Do that again,” he

pleaded, wanting, needing more.

Chuckling roughly, Logan pulled his hand

away instead.

Tyson glared over his shoulder at Logan, then

he realized the man was opening his pants. His
jaw gaped. “What are you doing?”

“Proving to you that you belong to me,” Logan

replied, growling gruffly. “Proving I can see to
your needs.”

Meeting the wolf shifter’s gaze, Tyson saw the

feral light in his hazel eyes. His heart felt as if it
skipped a beat. Tyson’s body flushed with heat as
answering lust slammed through him. He’d
wanted this man for so long, but surely, he didn’t
mean to…

Tyson felt Logan’s dick slap against his ass.
Even as Tyson’s asshole clenched and he

desired to have the thick length moving against
his ass fill him, Tyson warned, “We can’t do that

“Just relax,” Logan crooned as he slowly rutted

against him. His hand on Tyson’s stomach rubbed
his abs in an oddly soothing gesture. “I’ll not hurt
you,” he claimed. “This will feel good.”

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Tyson opened his mouth to express his concern,

but then Logan returned his right hand to his
nipples. Logan tugged, plucked, twisted, and
massaged Tyson’s buds, alternating between
them. As he did that, he used the fingertips of his
left hand to massage Tyson’s pubes.

Gaping, Tyson groaned at the sensations

coursing through his body. He curled his hands
back into fists, his arms tensing as he pushed on
the wall so he could press harder into the hot,
solid wall of male behind him.

Logan growled, his hips speeding up as he slid

his erection along the groove of Tyson’s ass.
“Yeah,” he snarled, lowering his mouth to Tyson’s
neck, covering his column with wet, sucking
kisses. “Like how your body responds to me,” he

Tyson’s body felt as if it were on fire. He knew

if Logan only touched his dick or his balls he’d
come, and he wanted to come so desperately. His
testicles felt heavy, swollen and tight. Each pinch
and twist to his nipple sent another spark and
tingle to them.

Finally, Logan’s hand cupped his erection and


Shouting hoarsely, Tyson bucked. His balls

pulled flush to his body and his cum spurted from
him in harsh pulses of pleasure.

“That’s it,” Logan rumbled, stroking him

through his orgasm. “I see to your needs.”

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With Logan’s hand on his dick, continuing to

work him, and his thumb massaging his nipple,
Tyson felt as if the shifter were urging every last
bit of seed from his body. “Yesss,” Tyson hissed,
his body jolting and shuddering in Logan’s strong
grip. Tyson’s head felt too heavy, and he rolled it
back to rest on Logan’s shoulder.

Growling next to Tyson’s ear, Logan mouthed

his neck for a second more. Then, the shifter’s
rutting body stiffened and hot fluid spilled over
Tyson’s ass. In the next instant, sharp pain speared
Tyson’s shoulder. Even before Tyson’s gasp left
his mouth, the pain morphed into the most intense
bliss burning through his veins.

Tyson moaned loudly as he came again,

somehow managing to paint the bathroom wall
with two more strands of his essence.






disappeared, and Tyson almost fell to his knees.
Leaning heavily on his fists against the wall,
Tyson managed to keep standing. He peered over
his shoulder and slurred, “What the fuck?”

Then, Tyson blinked a couple of times and

managed to focus on Logan’s face. He took in the
shifter’s stricken look. Logan’s eyes were wide in a
shockingly pale face, accentuated by the drop of
blood at the corner of his mouth. Tyson lifted his
hand to his neck and winced when his hand came
away with more blood.

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“I-I’m so sorry,” Logan whispered. He bent and

grabbed his jeans, yanking them up and tucking
himself away, completely ignoring the fact that
cum coated his pubic hairs. “I shouldn’t have done

Then, with those words, Logan fled.
Tyson blinked once, twice, staring at the space

Logan had occupied. He shook his head and
sighed. He really should have known better, but
damn had Logan’s aggressive insistence turned
him on…as had his hands. The man had the most
amazing touch, so fucking hot.

Sighing again, Tyson grabbed a wad of toilet

paper and cleaned himself up. He righted his
clothes, left the stall, and crossed to the sink.
Seeing the wound on his neck, Tyson cringed. He
wetted a paper towel and dabbed gently at the
puckered flesh. Hissing, he grabbed a clean paper
towel, then draped it over the wound. He
buttoned his shirt the rest of the way to hold it in

Just long enough to get home.
Damn shifters.

Tyson left the restroom and returned to the

main area. He mentally grimaced at the cheeky
smirks on his friends’ faces when he settled on his
chair. His shoulder twinged when he leaned
forward and rested his elbows on the table.
Leaning toward Brock, Tyson prayed his friends
thought he sported a smirk and not a wince.

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Korbin snickered. “Feeling better?”
“Yep,” Tyson lied. “I came, I danced, I

conquered,” he quipped, winking. Tyson turned
and grinned widely at Brock. “Now, I’m tired and
I wanna go home.” Ignoring the disbelieving looks
on Korbin and Brock’s faces, he met Kai’s gaze. “It
was good to see you again, man. Don’t be a

Kai grinned. “It’s not like you couldn’t visit me,

too,” he reminded him.

“I’ll do that,” Tyson claimed, rising from his


Brock stood, too, but Tyson waved him away.

“Relax, bud. You can stick around. I’ll call a cab.”

Shaking his head, Brock pulled his keys from

his pocket. “No way, man. I’m the DD. That
means I get you home.” He looked at Korbin.
“You staying or going?”

Korbin downed his beer and rose. “I’m ready.

Let’s bail.”

Tyson appreciated his friend’s support even as

he felt bad for pulling them away. Kai and his
partner, Dorian, rose as well. Rounding the table,
Tyson encompassed Kai in a brief hug. “I’ll swing
by soon,” he promised.

Kai nodded.
Grinning at Dorian, Tyson stated, “Thanks for

coming out.” He held out his hand.

To Tyson’s surprise, Dorian gripped his palm

and pulled him into a one-armed hug. He didn’t

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miss how the shifter sniffed his neck. His eyes
were narrowed as he released Tyson and stepped
away from him, but he didn’t say anything.

Tyson held his gaze for just a second, then

cleared his throat and turned away. He headed
toward the door. Once they hit the parking lot,
Korbin wrapped his right arm around Tyson’s
shoulders and his left arm around Brock’s. “That
was fun, guys. We need to do it again!”

Brock snickered. “Sure. Next time you drive.”
Korbin laughed. “You got it. Me and Tyson will

draw straws.”

“I’ll drive,” Tyson offered, chuckling at their

antics. “You can take the one after.”

Snickering, Korbin patted his shoulder and

said, “Thanks, man!”

Pain shot through his wound. With a cry, Tyson

twisted away from Korbin. Both his friends
stopped and stared at him. His face heating, Tyson
struggled to come up with something. He forced a
grin, even as he reached up and lightly rubbed the
area around the wound. “Hit my shoulder against
the paper towel holder,” he told them with a wink.

His words drew the desired effect. Both men

guffawed. Brock gained his voice first and he
managed to sputter, “Had a vigorous round? No
wonder you’re tired!” Pulling his keys from his
pocket, Brock twirled them around his finger.
“Let’s get you home, Casanova!”

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Tyson nodded and followed his laughing

friends to Brock’s bronco.

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Chapter Four

ogan paced his hotel room, his hands clenched
at his sides and his brows furrowed.

“Fuck,” he hissed. “Fuck! How could I do


The sound of the door opening caused Logan to

whirl. Upon seeing Diego, he almost turned
around and started another pass, except, the ex-
alpha wasn’t alone. He was followed by Kontra,
Tim, Payson, and Land. Even the Texas longhorn
bull shifter Sam and his ex-military mate, Ryan,
joined them.

Payson crossed the room, tugging his mate with

him. After flopping onto an easy chair, his legs
splayed, he patted his lap. Land glanced at the
others furtively, then curled up on the hyena
shifter’s lap. It should have looked ridiculous,
considering both men were about the same height.
Somehow, though, Land situated himself with his
ass between Payson’s splayed legs, his legs below
his knees hanging off the side, and Payson held
him close to his chest. After they shared a brief,


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yet sweet kiss, which Logan had to glance away
from, both men peered at the others.

Sam leaned against the wall by the door, as did

Ryan. Diego sat on the bed. Kontra leaned against
the opposite wall, Tim pressed against his chest as
the alpha wrapped his arms around him from

Logan swept his gaze over the group. His heart

tripped in his chest and his wolf cowered in the
back of his mind. “Alpha,” Logan whispered. “I—

“Your pacing is upsetting the patron below,”

Diego commented, drawing his attention.

“Uh, sorry,” Logan mumbled. “I’ll, uh—” He

paused and glanced around at the assembled
group again. “I’ll keep it down.”

“Good,” Kontra rumbled. “Now tell us why

you’re pacing. You haven’t been right since—” He
cut himself off and scowled. “Hell, I don’t know
you well enough to even guess,” he snarled.

Logan bowed his head in the face of his alpha’s


“Diego? You know this pup’s mind?” Kontra

asked. “Is it because he was kicked out of his
pack? Or maybe because he’s still a little
homophobic and he’s surrounded by gay men?”

“No,” Logan cried, his head coming up. “It’s

not that.”

Pulling away from Tim, Kontra crossed his

arms over his chest and scowled. “Then, what,

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Logan?” he demanded. “You don’t want to be
here? You don’t want to follow me? I won’t force
you to stay. I told you that when I offered my
pack’s protection. You can leave whenever you

Logan hung his head. Settling in one of the

upright chairs at the small dining room table, he
rested his head in his hands. He heard Diego sigh.

“Last night, you asked how I could be with a

man,” Diego stated slowly. “What was the real
question, Logan?”

Lifting his head, Logan looked around the

room. He knew none of the men would judge him
for being with a guy, but would they for walking
away from his mate…after starting the bonding

Yeah, probably.
Hell, if Tyson had been a woman, he would be

wooing her with every fiber of his being. But
Tyson is not a woman, he’s a man, a young, virile male
who evidently still enjoys the bar scene.
How could he
ask the guy to settle down, let alone raise a family
with him?

“I realized I found guys more attractive than

women when I was seventeen.” Logan whispered
the admission, his heart thudding harshly in his
chest. He couldn’t believe he was going to admit
this. “His name was Nolan Kidman and I
fantasized about him my entire senior year.

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“In college, I even got up the courage to hit a

gay bar once.” Logan glanced around the group of
men. Seeing Payson’s smirk, he quickly added, “I
danced, but still didn’t feel comfortable doing
more than that.”

Payson’s grin widened, but his focus turned to

Ryan. He held up his hand and wiggled his

Logan’s mouth sagged open when the muscular

human groaned, reached behind his body, and
pulled out his wallet. Ryan crossed the room as he
counted out a number of twenties. “I can’t believe
you were right,” Ryan grumbled as he slapped the
money onto Payson’s outstretched palm.

Payson snickered, then tapped the side of the

bills against his nose. “You should have listened. I
could smell his arousal plenty of times when we
were serviced by a cute waiter,” he claimed with a
waggle of his brows.

Sputtering, Logan gaped at the pair. “You bet

on me?”

Ryan shrugged as he returned to Sam’s side.

For his part, Sam leaned close to his mate and
murmured, “I warned you not to bet against
Payson’s nose.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Ryan griped.
“So that doesn’t really answer my question,

Logan,” Diego pointed out, bringing the group
back to the problem. “You’re attracted to men, but
never gave any indication while you were part of

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my pack. My grandson is gay, so surely you must
have known I wouldn’t kick you out because of

“After my sister had Linda, I realized how

much I wanted cubs of my own,” Logan told
them. “I tried to put my desires behind me. I tried
to find a pretty girl that I could fall in love with
and marry.” He shook his head, twisting his lips
in a sneer. “I almost married one girlfriend when I
learned she was pregnant. Then she admitted
she’d been cheating on me…and the babe wasn’t

Placing his left elbow on the table, Logan

leaned on it. “I stopped dating after that.” He
scoffed. “Me and my right hand got real familiar,
and when I was desperate, I’d pick up a chick at a
bar to get head.” Shrugging his right shoulder, he
finished, “I figured Fate would bring along my
mate eventually, I just didn’t figure it’d be a guy.”

“You met your mate? When?” Sam asked,

sounding shocked.

Diego scoffed. “That explains why you’ve been

so jittery,” he muttered. “Is that why you left the
table? You scented your mate?”

Logan swallowed hard. He swept his gaze

around the room, saw the expectant looks on
several of the men’s faces, while Diego appeared
amused and Tim actually looked concerned.
Kontra met his gaze and lifted one brow, the
question in his eyes.

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Licking his lips, Logan returned his focus to

Diego and nodded once. “Yeah. My mate was
there,” he whispered. “I saw him dancing with
another man and then they headed toward the
back and—” He growled at just thinking about
anyone touching Tyson. “My wolf was so angry
and I c-couldn’t-I couldn’t let another touch him
and—” Lunging to his feet, Logan started pacing
again, unable to stay still. “I didn’t mean to,” he
hissed, his wolf just under the surface.

“You didn’t mean to do what?” Kontra

demanded gruffly. “And to whom? Who is your

Before Logan could manage to mutter the

answer, Tim murmured, “It’s Tyson Grubler, isn’t

Logan spun around. His jaw sagged open,

shock filling him. “H-How did you know?”

Tim sighed. He exchanged a look with Kontra

before saying, “Because he asked me about you
when we first arrived.” He looked at his mate. “At
the barbeque at Kai’s, remember?”

Kontra nodded. “I do remember you talking to

him, yes.”

“Tyson asked about me?” Logan tried to wrap

his mind around that. Had Tyson been feeling the
mate-pull all this time, too?

Nodding, Tim told him, “Since we’re all gay, he

wanted to know if you were at least bisexual. He
said he thought you were hot.” He shrugged and

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admitted, “I kinda warned him away from you,
actually. Sorry.”

Glaring, Logan demanded, “You warned my

mate away from me? Why?”

Tim snorted. “Why? Why do you think?” He

waved his hand at Logan, indicating how he still
paced. “Please, you’re up here freaking out over
the fact that your mate is a man,” he stated dryly.

“Not because he’s a man,” Logan snapped.

“Because I bit him.” Anger and humiliation
flooded him. “I started the claiming process
without his permission!”

“What?” Kontra pushed away from the wall.

“You bit him?”

Logan nodded. “Yeah. I found him in a

bathroom stall with another man and I-I just lost
it. My wolf—” He paused and shook his head. “I
can’t remember the last time I lost control of my
wolf like that. All I could think about was-was
making him realize that he was mine.” Logan
fisted his hands and shuddered at the memory. “I
needed him to admit that no one else was allowed
to touch him.”

“You met him at that party, didn’t you?” Diego

asked. “The one in Kansas where Kai and Dorian

“Yeah,” Logan admitted.
“That was weeks ago,” Payson pointed out.
Sam grunted. “That’s a long time to fight your


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“And would explain why you lost control in the

bathroom,” Diego pointed out.

Logan flopped back onto the chair and put his

head in his hands. “Then I left him there,” he
muttered. “In the bathroom, his jeans around his
ankles. He probably thinks I’m an asshole.”

“Leaving him like that, you are an asshole,”

Payson commented.

Lifting his head, Logan scowled at the hyena

shifter. “Thanks.”

Kontra sighed. “Pacing your hotel room isn’t

gonna fix it, Logan. You need to go talk to him.”

Logan felt his eyes widen as he focused on his

alpha. “Talk to him?”

The big bear shifter’s eyes narrowed and he

smirked. “Yeah.”

“What would I say?”
“Apologizing would be a good place to start,”

Land murmured softly.

Logan grimaced. Yeah, that would be a good

place to start. “Right, uh, can I get directions to his
place?” he asked. Now that he’d come clean and
decided on an action, his need to right his wrong,
and to see his mate again, rode him hard.

“Hell bent for leather, huh, boy?” Diego teased,

lines crinkling around his eyes as he grinned at
him. He rose and crossed to him. Patting him on
the shoulder, he winked. “You let me know if you
need instruction.”

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Payson snorted as he urged Land to his feet and

both men stood. “Whatever. That’s what porn is
for.” He grinned widely. “I got plenty to choose
from. Just say the word.”

“I like the ones with men in uniform,” Land

told him softly, his face turning beet red at the

Logan felt his own face heat. No way in hell

was he going to admit that he knew what he was
doing…in theory, anyway. He’d been enjoying
porn since his friend, Porter, had shown him a
magazine he’d stolen from his older brother. That
had been when Logan was thirteen. It’d been full
of naked women, but still. Besides, taking a man
couldn’t be that much different than back-dooring
a woman, right?

Tim focused on Kontra. The goateed alpha

lifted one brow in response. Sighing, Tim returned
his focus to Logan. “By the time you make it to
your bike, I’ll have texted you the address.” His
eyes narrowed. “However, I’m rather fond of
Yuma,” he stated, referencing the pack’s penguin
shifter. “And Yuma is fond of Kai and his friends.
If you’re not serious about this, if you’re just
jerking Tyson around because he’s got your dick
in a twist, walk away now,” he warned. “The
bond will fade and you can find someone to give
you cubs, and Tyson can find some cute twink to

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Snarling, Logan lunged at Tim. He grabbed the

man’s upper arms and slammed the guy against
the wall. “Tyson is mine!” he howled. “Mine!”

Feeling a nearly crushing grip on his shoulder,

Logan cried out and almost went to his knees. He
felt his body spun as black spots danced across his
vision. His head thudded against the wall and a
thick forearm pressed against his throat. Logan
gasped, struggling to take in a full breath.

Kontra’s angry, snarling visage entered Logan’s

line-of-sight, a deep rumbling growl erupting
from his throat.

Logan’s anger seeped from him instantly as fear

took its place. He’d just attacked the alpha mate.
Logan let out an unmanly whimper as he
struggled to bow his head and expose his neck to
his alpha, something impossible in his current
position. With Kontra’s forearm tight to his throat,
he couldn’t even get enough air to apologize.

Did I just lose another pack?
Tim appeared behind Kontra, the man’s hand

landing on Kontra’s shoulder. “Well, at least we
know Logan is serious,” he stated, grinning and
rubbing his shoulder with his free hand.

Kontra growled, but his scowl was focused on

Tim. “Did you have to put yourself in harm’s way
to figure that out?”

Shrugging, then wincing, Tim grinned at his

mate. “Awe, don’t be angry with him, big guy.”

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He rocked up and pecked a kiss to Kontra’s lips.
“Had to know, didn’t we?”

Rumbling with obvious irritation, Kontra

returned his focus to Logan. He eased his hold,
ordering, “Go make up with your mate and get a
hold of your damn self.” With that, Kontra
grabbed Tim’s wrist and started dragging him
toward the door. “Come on. I’m gonna inspect
every inch of your fucking body and then pound
you through the mattress.”

Logan gaped as he watched the pair walk away,

just hearing Tim reply, “Mmm, my favorite,”
before the door closed behind them.

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Chapter Five

pon hearing the knock on the door, Tyson
grunted and rolled onto his back. He

immediately hissed as the throb in his shoulder
once again made itself known. Logan’s damn bite
might have been pleasurable at the time, but now,
it just fucking hurt.

What the hell had that been about, anyway?
“Tyson?” Korbin called quietly.
Tyson forced open his eyelids and moved his

head. Spotting his friend’s head as he peeked
around the partially open door, he frowned. “Not
feeling well, man,” he muttered. “What ya want?”

Korbin grimaced and glanced sideways, at

something that must have been outside the room
that Tyson couldn’t see. He looked back at him
and nodded. “I know, Ty, but I’ve got a shifter out
here that said he smelled your blood and, uh—”
He glanced to the side again, then gave Tyson a
pleading look. “Brock’s not here and this guy is a
shifter. It’s not like I can force him out by myself,
ya know?”


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Rolling his eyes, Tyson sat up in bed, grunting.

He ran a hand through his hair, then over his face,
trying to get his brain in gear. “Who is it?” he
grumbled, thinking maybe it was someone who
could tell him why Logan had bit him and why it
hurt so damn much.

“Says his name is Logan St. Clair.”
Tyson’s eyes widened. “What?”
Korbin nodded. “Says you know him?”
From his friend’s tone, Tyson knew Korbin

wasn’t certain he believed the shifter’s claim. “I
know him,” he assured softly. He glanced down at
himself, taking in the sweat of his body from lying
in bed all night and morning. He’d gotten up
twice to piss and drink water, but that had been
about it.

For some reason, when Tyson had arrived

home, fatigue had washed over him. He’d felt an
odd ache, which he dismissed as coming from the
wound on his shoulder. All he’d wanted to do was
curl up and sleep…maybe forget the few moments
of bliss Logan had given him, then taken away.

Damn, bigoted shifter.
Realizing he checked himself out as if he

worried about what Logan would think, Tyson
grunted. He pushed himself up on the bed, so his
back rested against the headboard. Waving his
hand, he beckoned gruffly, “Send him in.”

Korbin stared at him for a few seconds, his

mouth opened as if he planned to say something,

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but finally he just nodded. His head disappeared,
the door swung open wider, revealing Korbin
fully and Logan...who paced behind him,
obviously irritated about something.

Logan turned and swept his gaze over Tyson.

The shifter’s hazel-eyed gaze fixed on the bandage
he’d taped over his shoulder after his shower the
night before. His jaw tensing, his eyes blazing,
Logan stalked into the room. He swiped at the
door, making it swing and slam shut.

Tyson tensed and frowned. He really didn’t like

the look in the man’s eyes, something akin to
anger and worry. Lifting his hand, palm out,
Tyson told him, “Look, if you’re here because of
last night, don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”

Growling softly, Logan continued toward him.

“We will tell everyone!” he snapped. “You’re my
mate, damn it,” Logan snarled. “I started the
claiming process and I mean to see it through.”

Blinking once, Tyson gaped. “Huh?”
Logan lifted his left hand and gripped Tyson’s

fingers with surprising gentleness considering the
feral light filling his hazel eyes. “I fucked up last
night,” he admitted.

Confused, Tyson glanced from where Logan

held his hand back to his face. “Well, yeah, that’s
why I said I wouldn’t tell.” He frowned at the
sadness that filled him when he said those words.
Still, he added, “Even my friends think I was with
that redhead. You don’t have to worry.”

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His grip tightening a bit, Logan growled again.

“That’s not how I fucked up,” he stated. “I
shouldn’t have bitten you without permission, let
alone left you as I did,” he claimed as he reached
out and touched the bandage on Tyson’s shoulder.

Tyson flinched away from the gentle touch.

Seeing Logan’s face pale, Tyson lowered his gaze
to where Logan held him. “Yeah, you bit me
pretty good. Hurts,” he mumbled. “Bled some, so
I covered it.”

“And for that, I am sorry, too,” Logan


Logan rested his knee on the bed, then his ass,

settling on the mattress next to Tyson. Lowering
his eyelids to half-mast, Tyson inhaled the shifter’s
scent, an earthy musk that was all male and for
some reason aroused him faster than any perfume
or cologne. He wanted to press his nose against
the man’s neck and enjoy the heady scent.

The gentle touch to his shoulder, just to the

right of the bandage, drew Tyson back to his
wound and the man sitting next to him. “Can I
remove this?” Logan asked, even as he scraped a
nail under the edge of the tape. He tugged
steadily, not bothering to wait for Tyson’s
permission. “I can help,” he claimed.

“Uh.” Tyson didn’t really know how to respond

to that, so instead he asked, “Why did you bite

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Logan rumbled softly, the noise sounding

oddly like a purr when he revealed the mark on
Tyson’s shoulder. “Mine,” he murmured, leaning
toward him.

At first, Tyson thought Logan was going to kiss

him. Instead, Logan angled his head and rubbed
his nose along the column of his neck. Tyson tilted
his head, giving him more access, as he gasped
out, “What are you doing?” It didn’t escape
Tyson’s notice that Logan hadn’t bothered to
answer his question.

“Told you I’d make it better,” Logan


Tyson felt the slide of Logan’s tongue across the

tender edges of the torn flesh. Instead of hurting,
the wet glide sent tingles sparking across his skin.
“Oh,” he gasped, shivering. His eyes widened at
the oddly pleasant sensations. “Wh-Why does that
feel so good?”

Logan actually chuckled and licked at him

again before he answered. “I am your mate,” he
whispered. “My saliva is genetically coded to aid
in the healing of your wounds. Once we finish our
bond, you’ll even heal a bit faster, too.”

When Logan licked over the wound again,

Tyson felt his balls tighten at the sensation. He
moaned, gritting his teeth.

Lifting his head, Logan’s face hung inches from

Tyson’s own. Tyson glanced at Logan’s lips, then
licked his own. They hadn’t kissed in the

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bathroom, and Tyson found himself wondering
what the shifter tasted like. Intending to find out,
Tyson leaned forward, closing the distance
between them.

At the last second, Logan moved his head. He

positioned their temples together and nuzzled as
he whispered, “I’ve never—” Logan paused and
gulped, the sound quiet, but audible. Instead of
finishing his earlier thought, he pleaded, “Let me
hear you. Let me know what my mouth on your
neck makes you feel.”

While Logan hadn’t said the words, Tyson got

the message. Logan had never kissed a guy before.
Tyson struggled with how to interpret that even as
he whispered, “Okay.” As Logan moved his
mouth back to Tyson’s neck, sending warm puffs
of breath over his still slightly tingling skin, Tyson
tried to figure the shifter out.

Logan had walked away from him at the party.

Then, he’d turned up in the bar bathroom. He’d
claimed they were mates, that Tyson was his, then
he’d run. Had Logan been trying to figure out
their connection during that time? Or had he been
trying to deny it? How did that work with a

Sighing, Tyson tilted his head, his eyes

narrowed to half-mast. The sensation of Logan
returning to licking his wound caused goose
bumps to break out on the skin of his left arm.
Tyson made a mental note to talk to Kai and

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Dorian as soon as possible, then gave himself over
to the sensations.

Tyson let out a soft moan, enjoying the gentle

ministrations. He hissed with pleasure when
Logan finally released his hand so Logan could
rest his palm on Tyson’s chest and tweak his
nipple. His body jolted and he arched, pressing up
into the touch.

Logan chuckled. “Like your nipples played

with, do you?” he asked, squeezing Tyson’s bud,
pinching and rolling it.

“Oh, fuck,” Tyson squeaked. The pain went

straight to his dick and pre-cum oozed from him.

“Yeah,” Logan growled. “Call my name.”
Tyson’s body hummed with pleasure and

arousal, his dick ached and his balls tightened. “L-
Logan, please!” he whispered. Reaching down,
Tyson pressed the heel of his hand against his
throbbing dick.

Suddenly, Logan pulled away from him.
“I-I’m sorry,” Logan whispered. “I don’t know

what to do.”

Snapping his eyes open—he wasn’t certain

when he’d closed them—Tyson stared at the other
man. Logan’s expression appeared confused,
conflicted. His lips were slightly red and swollen
from licking and kissing Tyson’s skin. His hands
twitched where he rested them on his thighs. An
obvious erection filled out the groin of his jeans.

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Understanding slid through Tyson’s mind like

a duck into water. Logan needed guidance. He
didn’t know how to do the things he
wanted…from kissing to sex. Tyson didn’t think
for a second that Logan was a virgin, but the guy
had obviously not been in control of himself the
prior evening, the man’s wolf instincts to claim
and possess had been. Now, Tyson needed to
guide the man, ease the obviously ignorant male
into this without freaking him out.

Praying he was up to the task, Tyson slid away

from the headboard so he reclined on the mattress.
He patted the space next to him as he offered,
“Would you like to lie down? Maybe get more
comfortable?” He waved a hand toward Logan’s
crotch, indicating his clearly defined erection.

Tyson saw Logan’s right hand move toward his

groin, covering himself, as if to hide from him.
Wanting to ease the man’s fears, he assured, “We
don’t have to do anything right now. We do need
to talk about this and maybe you’ll be more
comfortable kicking off your shoes and socks and
lying down here next to me?” As he spoke, Tyson
reached out and gripped Logan’s right hand. He
squeezed it gently, pulling it away from his groin.
“Can we do that?”

Logan slid from the bed and pulled his hand

away. For a second, Tyson thought he’d pushed
too hard. His prick had eased upon seeing the
uncertainty on the shifter’s face, so it wasn’t that

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he really wanted to get off. He really did, however,
want to talk to the man about the whole mating

The guy rode in a nomadic motorcycle gang.

Tyson and his friends were starting up a business.
He’d worked hard on it for the past several weeks.
Would Logan expect him to give all that up?
Tyson couldn’t do that. Plus, his mom lived in
town, and they were the only family each other
had. He’d never leave her.

Then, Logan revealed yards of deeply tanned

muscle, refocusing Tyson’s attention. He licked his
lips, just managing to hold in his hum of
appreciation. He hadn’t been in a position to
admire the man last night. Now, his fingers almost
twitched with his desire to explore every inch of
Logan’s hard flesh.

Hot damn, he’s a sexy man!
Logan’s hand froze on his zipper.
Tyson pulled his gaze away from the enticing

bulge and peered up at Logan’s face. The shifter
sported a crooked grin. “You think I’m sexy?”

“Did I say that out loud?” Tyson blurted the

question, just like he must have done with his
admiration a few seconds before.

Nodding, Logan finished unzipping and

shoved the fabric down his legs. When he
straightened a moment later and began to climb
onto the bed, he was gloriously naked. Evidently,
Tyson’s admiration of him had eased most of

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Logan’s nerves, for he settled on the bed,
completely comfortable with his nudity.

Logan lay on his side, resting on his elbow as he

stared down at him. His half-hard prick lay thick
across his thigh. He swept his gaze over Tyson, his
gaze snagging on his boxers. “Your turn,” Logan
whispered, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he
pointed at Tyson’s underwear with his left hand.

Nodding, Tyson lifted his hips and shoved

down his boxers. He kicked them off, pushing
them off the side of the bed.

Again, Logan’s Adam’s apple dipped. Tyson

couldn’t help but flex a bit, pleased upon seeing
the shifter’s open appreciation on his face. He
wanted to roll into Logan’s arms, flush their
bodies together, and grind against the man as he
sank his tongue into Logan’s mouth.

Tyson didn’t do any of those things,

remembering Logan’s tension earlier. Instead, he
struggled to come up with an opening line. Some
way to start the conversation he knew they needed
to have without just blurting out, how does mating

work and what does that mean for us?

After a few seconds of admiration, Logan broke

the silence by asking, “I don’t know if it’s normal
for men to cuddle, but you’re my mate, and I
really want to hold you.” His brows drew together
as he expressed his desire, proving his unease.
“Can we do that?”

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Tyson didn’t think he should feel so much

pleasure at such a simple request, but he did, and
he couldn’t stop his grin. “Men cuddle,” he
assured. “And I’d love to feel your arms around
me again.”

Logan nodded slowly as he reached out and

placed his left palm on Tyson’s abs and rubbed
lightly, tracing each line of his six pack. His
stomach clenched instinctively at the soft touch.
Blood flooded to his cock, causing him to thicken,
but he did his best to ignore it. Logan didn’t. He
lifted his hand from Tyson’s abs and moved it
down, using his forefingers to trace the thick vein
running along the underside of his erection. Tyson
just held in the groan at the light fingering.

“You know, yours is the only dick I’ve ever

touched,” Logan whispered, his face flushing with
the admission.

Tyson swallowed hard. He licked his lips and

responded breathily, “Feel free to explore. I’m not

Hell, talking was overrated anyway.

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Chapter Six

ogan moved his fingertips up and down the
thick vein, rubbing lightly. He couldn’t help

but admire the silky skin encasing the engorged,
maybe seven and a half inch shaft, or the
prominent blood-rich vein running the length.
Seeing the thick bead of translucent fluid oozing
from the wide slit in the broad red cap, Logan felt
an urge to shimmy down and lick it up, to taste his
mate’s fluids.

Since Logan’s bluntness and honesty had






understanding Tyson had been about the almost
kiss plus Logan’s unfamiliarity with how to be
with a male—he hoped it would work this time,
too. Massaging the wrinkled skin right below the
cap, his nostrils flared at the scent of his mate’s

“You smell amazing,” Logan whispered. “And

I’m wondering how you would taste.”

Tyson made a noise, something between a

groan, a grunt, and a whimper. “J-Just do what


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you want, Logan,” he almost squeaked.
“Whatever makes you comfortable.”

Logan tore his gaze away from the dick he

fondled and tracked his gaze along Tyson’s body.
Taking in how the human’s flushed chest rose and
fell so quickly, he realized how much control his
mate displayed. Logan could see it in the depths
of his mate’s widely dilated blue eyes.

Need to please his mate filled Logan. He

wanted his mate happy, to accept him. While he
knew talking would have to come, his own cock
throbbed between his legs. The idea of giving and
receiving pleasure made it difficult to think of
anything else.

Swirling his fingertip around the head of

Tyson’s cock, Logan scooped up the bead of pre-
cum. He brought it to his mouth and wrapped his
lips around his digit, sucking the fluid from it.
Light hints of salt and musk washed over his taste
buds. His cock jerked at the flavor of his mate.

Logan’s moan nearly drowned out Tyson’s.

Meeting his mate’s gaze, he fixed on his lover’s
panting mouth. He wanted to slide his tongue in
there and see if Tyson’s saliva tasted similar to his

While Logan had danced with men, he’d never

kissed one. Right now, he wanted to change that
very much…right that second. He’d seen all the
mated couples in the gang hold and kiss their

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mates. They seemed comfortable, content, and
happy. Logan wanted that with Tyson.

“Are you okay?”
Tyson’s whispered question yanked Logan

from his thoughts. “Yeah,” he responded. “I know
we said we need to talk but, uh—” Logan
grimaced and glanced between their groins, taking
in their similarly aroused states.

Chuckling softly, Tyson nodded. “You do have

that effect on me. How about we take the edge off,
then chat?” Tyson spread his thighs and cleared
his throat before offering, “You wanna rub one off
on me?”

Logan moaned. “Yesss,” he hissed.
Moving quickly, he knelt between Tyson’s legs.

He stared down at the prone form of his human
mate, his expression open and honest, full of lust
and need. Tyson hid nothing from him. He
wanted to fulfill every fantasy, every desire, this
man had.

First, I’ll need to learn them…but after…
Logan lowered his hips, pressing against Tyson.

Feeling his cock rub and align with another man’s
equally hard shaft for the first time, he let out a
low rumbling growl as pleasure shot through and
heated his groin. Propped up on his straightened
arms, he peered down into Tyson’s widely dilated
eyes. His arms spread wide to either side, his
fingers loose, Tyson smiled up at him. His
expression once again screamed patience, and

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Logan felt his heart constrict in his chest at being
paired with this sweet human.

Then, Logan tracked his gaze down Tyson’s

muscular torso. He took in his sharply beaded
nipples, the tan buds jutting from the light brown
areolas. He remembered how Tyson had
responded when he’d tugged and twisted on
them, the glorious sight of how Tyson had
twitched, arched, and moaned burned into his
mind like the most magnificent porno.

Lowering his gaze further, Logan took in where

his dick rested beside Tyson’s. While Logan’s cock
was longer, it wasn’t quite as thick as his mate’s,
and appeared a bit paler than his own with a
redder cap while Logan’s was a more burnished
brown. He thought they looked good pressed
against each other.

Logan rocked his hips, causing their shafts to

slide together. He hissed, expressing his pleasure
at the friction. Watching their cocks, Logan
continued rocking his hips.

The throb in his dick intensified, magnified by

the feel of pressure on his length coupled with the
friction of Tyson’s cock moving against his own.

So good!
Returning his focus to Tyson’s lips, Logan

decided he wanted a taste…before he blew his
load and his lustful courage escaped him. He
closed the distance between them, flushing his
body to Tyson’s from thighs to shoulders.

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Humming his pleasure at once again feeling his
lover’s body pressed against his own, he stared
into his mate’s deep blue eyes. Without looking,
he slid his palms along Tyson’s arms until he
found the other man’s hands. He twined their
fingers and moved their hands up to either side of
Tyson’s head.

“Mate,” Logan whispered. His body felt on fire

as his balls rolled in their sacks.

Tyson’s face appeared flushed and his mouth

hung partway open as he panted quietly. His
eyelids were at half-mast as he peered up at him,
the expression upon his face was one that Logan
could only call…bliss. Logan wanted a taste of

Lowering his head, Logan hesitated just an

instant, his lips a scant gap from Tyson’s own. He
felt his mate’s breath waft against his own mouth
and Logan inhaled his mate’s heady scent. Finally,
he sealed his lips over his mate’s.

Logan thrust his tongue in deep. He

whimpered as Tyson’s heady taste exploded
across his taste buds. A shudder went through
him and his body felt as if it went up in flames.

Tilting his head, Logan lapped at Tyson’s

tongue and ate hungrily at the man’s mouth.
Tyson fed him a moan and returned the kiss
aggressively, using his lips and tongue to fight for
dominance. Logan groaned, reveling in the heady
feeling of enjoying his mate.

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Logan felt his balls tingle and pull tight to his

body. His cock oozed more pre-cum. Combining
with the fluid seeping from Logan’s drooling dick,
their cocks slid easily against each other. The
friction drove him wild. Logan growled into
Tyson’s mouth, his fingers tightening where they
twined with his mate’s.

Heat exploded through Logan’s body as his

orgasm blind-sided him. He whined his pleasure,
his dick spurting burst after burst of seed into the
space between them. Logan felt Tyson buck
beneath him and the scent of his cum flooded the
room as his hot seed coated Logan’s still-spurting
prick, adding to the mess between them.

Tyson shuddered and moaned, sighing into

Logan’s mouth.

Euphoria flooded Logan’s senses. He loved that

he’d given his mate pleasure.

Logan finally lifted his head and peered at

Tyson’s face. He grinned at the relaxed, almost
loopy expression, on the man’s face. He really
liked the look of his mate’s kiss-swollen lips. He
couldn’t resist giving them a quick peck, having
every intention of seeing them that way often.
After this first taste of his mate, Logan knew he’d
want to kiss Tyson as often as possible.

Resting his forehead against Tyson’s own,

Logan enjoyed the lingering pings of bliss. He
watched through half-mast eyes as Tyson did the
same. He liked the feel of his mate’s body replete

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under his own. Squeezing his mate’s hands
lightly, Logan tested their strength. He’d been
surprised at how good it had felt to lose control
and writhe with abandon, no fear of hurting his

“We should really clean up before we’re stuck

together,” Tyson mumbled, his eyes still closed.

Logan chuckled. He released Tyson’s hands,

but instead of levering off his mate, he slid his
arms under Tyson’s torso and up to cup his
shoulder blades. “I don’t know,” he murmured,
humming. “I kinda like it right here.” He pecked
another kiss to Tyson’s curved lips.

Tyson opened his eyes and grinned up at him.

“Oh, yeah? You gonna feel that way when you
need to piss and your pubes yank on your balls?”

Barking a laugh, Logan pushed up and got a

little space between them. He peered down their
bodies, enjoying the appearance of hard skin and
muscle, until he looked at his and Tyson’s half-
hard pricks resting together in a pool of cooling

The sight of his lover’s dick lying against his

own, combined with the scent of sex in the air and
the feel of his mate in his arms, caused his prick to
twitch, rolling against Tyson’s penis. Tyson
hissed, but Logan found his gaze fixed on where
his mate’s prick moved, too.

Logan groaned and pushed away from Tyson.

He flipped off the man to lie on his back beside

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him. Turning his head, he found his mate
smirking at him. He watched as his human
lowered his right hand and swirled his forefingers
through the mess on his belly.

“Something wrong?” Tyson teased, winking.

He lifted his hand, angling for his mouth. Logan’s
eyes widened and he gripped Tyson’s wrist,
stopping him from sucking the fluids from his

Lifting a brow, Tyson asked innocently, “Sorry.

Did you want some?”

“If you do that, you could finish the bond

between us,” Logan whispered.

Logan flushed, his face heating. He really

wanted that, but he needed to be fair and truthful
to his mate, too. He nodded. “It happened to one
of Kontra’s people,” he admitted, releasing his
hold and watching carefully as Tyson lowered his
hand back to his belly. “My fluids entering you,
one way or another, could finish our bond because
I’ve already placed my claiming mark on you.”

Tyson reached up with his left hand, touching

his neck. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Nodding, Logan explained, “When I was

licking you earlier, my saliva closed the wound.
I’m sorry I left it open.” He flushed again, this
time in embarrassment. “I should have asked
before biting you.”

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This time, Tyson nodded. “Yeah, but what’s

done is done,” he whispered. He stared at the
ceiling for a second, then looked away from

At first, Logan thought Tyson angry, but all he

did was grab a box of tissues and start cleaning
himself up. He held the box out to Logan, so he
took several and followed his mate’s example.
Once clean, Tyson leaned over Logan and tossed
the used paper into a wastebasket on that side of
the bed. Logan again followed his lead, throwing
away his own.

Tyson pulled up the sheet from the foot of the

bed where it had been kicked at some point
during their horizontal activity. He shoved a
pillow under his head, then held out his arms.
“Come here,” he urged.

Relieved that his mate didn’t seem upset, Logan

obeyed. He slid his left arm under the other man’s
pillow and cuddled up to Tyson. Sighing, he
relaxed against the other man, chest to chest, his
head on the pillow beside the human’s. Lying that
close made actually seeing the man a bit awkward,
but it sure felt good.

Once they were both settled, Tyson whispered,

“Okay, Logan. Tell me about shifters and mating,
and what you think that means for us.”

Logan closed his eyes, relaxed against his mate,

and started talking.

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Chapter Seven

ecause of how long paranormals live,”
Logan started slowly. “Fate gives each of us

a mate, someone suited to be our perfect
companion so we won’t be lonely over our
centuries-long life.”

Tyson nodded, remembering that part, having

heard Kai explain after he’d met his lover, Dorian.
“And I am your mate, so Fate put us together,” he
murmured. Then, thinking out loud, he added,
“But you’ve never been with a guy and got kicked
out of your old pack because you participated in a
bigoted mutiny of the gay alpha.”

Logan stiffened, but he didn’t pull away. After

a second, he cleared his throat and muttered, “You
know about that?”

Lifting his head away a bit so he could really

focus on Logan, Tyson admitted, “After seeing
you at that party in Kansas, when we got back a
few weeks ago and had that barbeque to welcome
Dorian, I asked Tim about you.”


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“I see,” Logan whispered, the tension still

radiating from him and his jaw held tight.

Tyson returned to his prior position, cuddling

close to the man. “I figured I’d let you know, since
I can understand why you’d fight the mate-pull
for so long. You had to come to grips with Fate’s

After a few seconds of silence, Logan

murmured, “Thank you.” He sighed and nuzzled
Tyson’s temple. “It was…unexpected, but I must
admit to you that I have been attracted to men
before. I just—” He paused, then explained, “I just
never acted on it. Since I enjoyed women, too, and
I wanted kids, I figured I’d just…not. Ya know?”

That caught Tyson’s attention. His brows shot

up and he smirked. “My mother knows I’m
bisexual. She told me she doesn’t care about the
sex of who I end up with as long as the person is
kind, respectful to me, and I give her grandkids.”

Logan adjusted, easing away and leaning on his

elbow to look down at him. “What about you? Do
you want kids?”

“Sure,” Tyson replied, grinning up at him.

“What? You think it’s a woman thing?”

The shifter’s jaw sagged open for a few seconds

before he leaned down and sealed his lips over
Tyson’s. Opening immediately to his lover, Tyson
accepted his thick tongue and teased it with his
own. He lifted his left hand and threaded his

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fingers through Logan’s hair, enjoying the feel of
the strands.

Tyson tilted his head a bit and tightened his

fingers in Logan’s thick locks. He used his hold to
encourage his lover to take the kiss deeper. While
Logan had denied them kissing earlier, he’d
certainly gotten over whatever had been holding
him back.

And damn can the man kiss!
Logan finally lifted his head, breaking the lip-

lock. Tyson would have fought him, but at that
point, his lungs screamed for oxygen. Panting, he
grinned up at Logan. “So, uh, I guess that means
we just have to decide if we want to adopt or use a
surrogate, huh?”

Chuckling, Logan settled back next to him.

“Maybe a house first,” he replied.

The man’s comment brought Tyson down to

earth with a mental thump. What the hell was he
thinking? Was he really ready to pick out curtains
with the guy? He had to admit, at least to himself,
he kind of was. Still, they should take some time
to get to know each other a little more, right?

Hearing the concern in Logan’s tone, Tyson

focused on the shifter. He slid his hand down
Logan’s neck and squeezed his shoulder.
“Humans do things a little slower, ya know?”
Tyson didn’t like Logan’s hurt expression or the
pained look in his eyes. He rubbed his hand up

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and down Logan’s neck and offered him a smile.
“Hey, I’m not saying no, okay? I just—” He
shrugged his left shoulder. “I need some time to
get to know you. Can we, uh, date?”

Holy shit! Did those words just come out of my


Tyson had stopped dating at the age of nineteen

when he’d bought a fake ID. He’d started clubbing
and switched to one night stands. Until now, he’d
never felt compelled to spend more than a few
hours with a potential conquest. It was why his
friends thought of him as a player.

Damn, are they gonna have a field day with this!
“Date?” Logan asked. His eyes widened. “Oh,

of course! Humans date and get to know each
other,” he mumbled, his brows furrowing.

Tyson bit back a snicker. The man appeared so

confused and earnest. It would have been
endearing if they weren’t talking about the rest of
Tyson’s life. “So, uh, how about we get up. Maybe
go eat. I wasn’t feeling well this morning, so—”
He grimaced, swallowing. “Damn.” He wiped his
mouth. “Before we kiss again, maybe I should
brush my teeth,” he muttered.

Logan grinned. “I think you taste fantastic.”
Returning the smile, Tyson chuckled. “Okay.”
“Okay,” Logan responded. Easing away, he

swung his legs over the bed and stood. “Let me
take you out to eat, then,” he suggested. “It can be
our first date.”

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Tyson nodded. “All right.”

Two weeks.
Tyson smiled as he thought of all the time he’d

spent with Logan in that time. Other than his
buddies, he’d never spent that much time with
anyone…not even past girlfriends. Korbin and
Brock had given him a bit of crap, but they’d
seemed mostly happy for him.

His friends didn’t truly care that Logan was a

guy, even though they’d razzed him a bit about it.
When Kai had come out as gay, they’d rallied
around him. Both he and Korbin had admitted to
being bisexual. Brock had just shrugged and
stated, “More for me.” While Brock didn’t admit
to being interested in men, Tyson has seen him
look appreciatively at one or two over the years.

“Hey! You almost ready?”
Tyson turned from where he’d been staring

vacantly into his drawer of t-shirts and spotted
Korbin in the doorway. He smiled at his dark-
haired friend. “Just about,” he replied, turning
back around and grabbing a shirt with a sports

In the time it took for Tyson to pop his head

through and situate the shirt in place, Korbin had
crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed.
Cocking his head, he took in his friend’s troubled
expression. Leaning his hip on his dresser, Tyson
crossed his arms over his chest.

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“You okay, Korbin?”
Korbin met his gaze. He smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, yeah, just thinking. Hey, how did Logan
meeting your mother go?”

Tyson narrowed his eyes, but he allowed his

friend to change the subject. He’d figure out what
was bothering his friend eventually. “It went
well,” he replied.

When Tyson had first told Logan that his

mother, Matilda Grubler, had invited them both to
Sunday supper, the wolf shifter’s face had drained
of color. Still, to the man’s credit, he’d agreed
without a fight. Then, he’d spent the next several
days asking for reassurance that Matilda knew he
was a guy.

Finally, Tyson had opened his lover’s jeans and

gripped Logan’s dick. Jacking slowly, he’d said,
“My mom knows you’ve got a dick between your
legs, Logan.” He grinned at the instant arousal
darkening his lover’s normally hazel eyes to a
deep green color. “All my mom cares about is that
you’re good to her son. You gonna be good to me,

Logan had moaned and nodded. “Y-Yeah, I’ll

be good to you.”

“Oh, yeah? How good?” Tyson had asked as

he’d picked up his pace with his hand.

Grunting, Logan had surprised Tyson by

cupping his cock through his jeans. Tyson had
paused in his jacking as his own hips bucked into

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Logan’s hold, which must have been just long
enough for Logan to regain his senses. For in the
next instant, his lover had removed Tyson’s grip
from his dick, shoved him back onto the bed, and
had worked Tyson’s jeans to his thighs. Finally,
he’d climbed onto the bed and straddled Tyson’s
face and ordered, “Suck me,” right before Logan
had swallowed Tyson’s dick.

“Oh, fuck! Logan!” Tyson cried as Logan began

to work him.

In their time together, Logan had taken to

sucking cock like a duck to water. They’d watched
a couple of pornos together and it hadn’t taken
long for the shifter to learn to drive Tyson out of
his mind with his tongue. The man had a
goddamned gift.

Tyson had tipped his head back and opened his

mouth, pulling Logan’s dick into his mouth. He’d
started sucking, bringing his hands up to work the
base of Logan’s dick with one hand while using
the other to roll and fondle Logan’s balls. He’d
discovered early that the shifter had sensitive

Within seconds, they were both coming. After

drinking his lover’s seed down, Tyson released
Logan’s softening shaft. It’d taken a couple blow
jobs to convince Logan that he understood
swallowing his seed meant they could be bonded
and that was what he wanted, even as they dated

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Panting hard, Tyson had muttered, “Damn, but

you do take good care of me.”

Logan had flopped onto the bed next to him

and chuckled.

“Okay, I know that look, and it’s not because

you’re thinking about your mom,” Korbin teased,
breaking into Tyson’s thoughts.

Tyson felt his face heat even as he grinned

widely. “Yeah, definitely not.” He winked. “Logan
was a little tense about the possibility of meeting
mom and, well, let’s just say, it was fun relaxing

Korbin snorted and rose from the bed. “Yeah.

I’ve heard you some nights. I know all about how
you relax,” he told him, holding up his fingers and
making air quotes. Suddenly, he sobered, moving
his right hand to the back of his neck. “Guess I’m
gonna be alone here with Brock soon,” he
muttered. “Times sure do change.”

Shrugging, Tyson stared at the floor. “Guess we

all gotta grow up sometime,” he mumbled.
Grimacing, he returned his focus to his friend.
“You know that.” Smiling, he added, “Besides,
you’ll run into that special someone soon. I believe

“You think so?”
Tyson nodded. “Yeah.”
Korbin nodded and headed toward the door.

Pulling the door open and starting out, he paused

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and looked back at Tyson. “What does the mate-
pull feel like?”

Surprised, Tyson’s brows lifted. “Uh, well…”

He paused and thought about how he reacted to
Logan, while with him and when apart. Sighing,
he frowned. “It’s like a—” He paused again and
scowled. “Before we started dating, I saw him
across the room at that party on the lake. I didn’t
even talk to him,” he admitted, “and still I
couldn’t stop thinking about him…about his face.
About his eyes. How he moved. What he was
wearing. All I could think about was stripping his
clothes and exploring him.”

Tyson flushed at his own thoughts and his dick

had a predictable response. Any thoughts of
stripping Logan naked and licking every inch of
his lightly haired body got his motor running. He
swallowed and told Korbin, “I asked Tim about
him. Found out he wasn’t gay or even bisexual. So
I tried to forget him.” He shrugged. “I threw
myself into work. Did everything I could to focus
on something else, ya know? It didn’t work very
well,” he conceded dryly.

“Evidently, Logan had recognized me as his

mate and had been working through his own
shit.” He wasn’t going to admit that his mate had
started claiming him because of possessive wolf
instincts. “I guess, you could say the mate-pull is
like an uncomfortable nagging itch that you can’t
seem to scratch. Only that person can.”

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Tyson gaped. He rarely heard Korbin swear,

especially sober. He crossed the room and grabbed
his friend’s arm before he could leave the room.
“Korbin? What’s wrong?”

Korbin’s mouth twisted into a grimace. “I can’t

get that blond vampire out of my mind. I see his
face when I close my eyes.” He ran a hand over his
upper lip, rubbing the carefully trimmed
mustache he sported. “I went grocery shopping
two days ago and I thought I saw him around
every corner. It was nuts!”

“Oh!” Tyson nibbled his lip, trying to

remember the men who’d dropped into the
barbeque for five minutes to talk with Kontra.
“What was his name?”

Shaking his head, Korbin whispered, “I have no


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Chapter Eight

o, Korbin’s hot for one of the vampires that
was at that barbeque?” Logan asked, glancing

over at his mate. As he and Tyson had hiked up
the mountain trail, his human had told him about
Korbin’s admission to obsessing over a blond
vampire that had been in and out of their home in
five minutes. “And he has no idea who he is?”

Tyson grimaced. “Afraid not. I was hoping you

might know.”

Logan shook his head. “Sorry, no. I wasn’t part

of the group that met with them.” He frowned.
“Either time.”

“Either time?”
Seeing he’d peaked his mate’s interest, Logan

continued, “Yeah, they came and helped Dorian
and Kontra and a number of others clear out the
dingoes. You heard about that, right?”

Tyson grimaced. “Yeah. Kai said the shifters

that had lived in those cabins before were some
assholes that kidnapped and tortured humans,


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Logan nodded. “Afraid so. Anyway, I haven’t

been with Kontra’s group long, so it’s not like he
was gonna trust me in a fight, right?” he stated
dryly, shrugging his shoulders. “I heard through
the grapevine that the same vampires that had
stopped by the barbeque were the ones who
helped clear out the dingoes.”

“I don’t suppose you’d be willing to ask Kontra

about that, would you?” Tyson asked hopefully.
“Could he give us the names? I promised to help
Korbin do what I could to track him down, ya
know?” he explained. Pausing on the trail, Tyson
grabbed Logan’s arm.

Logan stopped walking and turned to face his

mate. He took in the man’s earnest expression and
creased brows. Lifting his other hand, he cupped
his hand around Tyson’s where he held Logan’s
arm. He gave his fingers a squeeze.

“Yeah,” Logan assured. “I can do that.” He

smiled and nodded, then pulled away. He turned
and started climbing again. “Not much farther.”

“Where are we going anyway?” Tyson asked,

jogging a couple of steps to catch up with him. He
fell into step beside him as he looked around at
the trees. “I thought I knew the area pretty well,
but you’ve got me stumped.”

Chuckling, Logan glanced at him and winked.

“That was actually the idea,” he told him. “I asked
Kai if you were familiar with Lake Conchlin,
which is just over the rise ahead.”

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Tyson’s brows shot up and his lips curved into

a wide grin. “Really? I’ve been fishing out here a
few times. It’s great for largemouth bass.” He
looked forward through the trees, as if he could
figure out where he was now that he knew the

Laughing at the look, Logan crooked a finger.

“Come on. I have something to show you.” He
picked up his pace, excitement filling him. He
hoped, hell, he prayed, that Tyson would
appreciate his surprise. He really, really hoped
he’d appreciate it.

“Oh, yeah? What is it?”
Logan grinned upon hearing the excitement in

his mate’s voice. Cresting the rise, he paused and
took in his first view of Lake Conchlin. The dark
water rippled softly in certain areas, telling where
wind moved through trees to affect the water.
Birds landed and took off, diving for bugs and
fish. On the shore to the right, Logan spotted what
he looked for, a large rowboat.

“Fishing,” Logan replied. Grabbing Tyson’s

hand, he pulled his mate close. He cupped his
man’s face with one hand and placed his other
hand on his human’s waist. He tugged at Tyson’s
waist, pleased that he came into his embrace
without hesitation. Leaning forward, Logan
pressed a soft kiss to the blond human’s lips. He
sipped lightly.

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When Logan finally pulled back after several

butterfly kisses, Tyson smiled up at him. His blue
eyes seemed to glow as he whispered, “Fishing,

Grinning, Logan replied, “Well, if your buddy

Brock stocked it with poles and bait we will.” He
winked again, then sealed his mouth over Tyson’s
in a brief, hard kiss, praying his plan didn’t
backfire. “Come on.”

Tyson nodded and grinned. “Nice. Let’s go


Logan led the way down the trail, Tyson

following close behind him. His mate stopped
next to the small boat and they started looking
over the supplies. Tyson chuckled, holding up a
tackle box full of over a dozen flavors of power
bait, nearly twice that many lures, and a couple of
cartons that Logan’s sensitive nose told him
contained worms.

“One thing can be said for Brock,” Tyson

commented, closing the container and putting it
back down. “He knows his fishing equipment.
Come on.”

Logan couldn’t be more pleased with how

excited his mate was at the prospect of spending a
couple of hours in a small boat with him trying to
catch elusive fish. It wasn’t his thing, but Korbin
and Brock had assured him that when they took
Kai swimming, the three of them fished and
enjoyed it very much.

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Taking up a position on the opposite side of the

row boat, Logan helped Tyson push the boat into
the water. He followed Tyson’s lead and jumped
into the boat. Before his mate could, he grabbed
the oars and pushed them a little further from
shore. Once they were clear of the bank, Logan
stowed the oars along the side of the boat.

Tyson, in the meantime, had lowered the small

electric motor into the water.

Logan glanced around the lake and admitted, “I

don’t know the first thing about fishing, but if you
wanna switch seats, I’ll go wherever you want me
to while you set up the rods?”

Winking, Tyson grinned. “Of course.” He

pitched forward, keeping low as he and Logan
switched positions.

As they maneuvered around each other, Logan

felt Tyson cup his cock, giving him a squeeze.

“I’ll set up the rods,” Tyson purred into his ear,

then his hand was gone and he settled on the front
bench, facing him. His legs were splayed, showing
off his own erection.

Logan groaned. After settling next to the motor,

he reached down and adjusted himself. “Damn,
you’re a tease,” he grumbled.

Tyson chuckled as he reached for the poles and

started putting them together. “Not teasing.
Foreplay, sexy wolf,” he assured.

“Great,” Logan grumbled. “Fishing with a


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Tilting his head back, Tyson laughed heartily.
Logan couldn’t help but chuckle himself,

enjoying how carefree and easy Tyson acted with
him. It boded well for their future together that
they could get along with such ease. Plus, the
move showed off the strong column of Tyson’s
neck, making Logan’s mouth water. He wanted
another bite of that.

While he’d managed to control his instinct to

renew his mark on his mate, it’d been difficult.
They’d restricted their affections to kissing,
blowjobs, and hand jobs. Their bond strengthened
with each encounter and there was no way Logan
could walk away from Tyson. Hell, at this point,
he didn’t think Tyson could walk away from him,
either, but he still tried to give Tyson the
appearance that he had a choice.

“Where are we heading?” Logan asked after

starting the motor.

“Uh.” Tyson glanced around the lake. “Start

that way.”

Logan twisted the throttle and the soft whine of

the electric engine cut through the silence. Moving
the handle, he headed them in the direction Tyson
had indicated. Enjoying the scent of water, earth,
and small animals that wafted past them on the
breeze, Logan smiled. His wolf perked up in his
mind, eager to explore.

“Shut off the motor and we’ll drift toward that

small inlet,” Tyson instructed.

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Obeying, Logan cut the engine and turned to

his mate. Tyson handed him a pole. It’d been a
while…a long while…but after looking over the
reel, he remembered how to cast. He fumbled his
first couple of attempts, but managed to get the
lure out an acceptable distance on his third try.

Tyson chuckled softly, drawing Logan’s

attention. His mate’s mouth curved in a sexy
smile. “You know, you could have asked,” Tyson
said, waving his free hand toward the reel Logan
slowly worked back in.

Logan smirked. “What self-respecting man do

you know that asks for directions?” he teased.

Nodding, Tyson snorted. “Right. My mistake.”

They fished for some time, occasionally

changing locations, working their way around the
lake. They waved to other fishermen when they
ran across them and jeered good-naturedly at each
other when fish broke lines and stole bait.
Eventually, they both managed to bring in a pair
of good-sized fish, which they hooked onto a
chain stringer and draped over the side of the

Logan glanced around and realized he

recognized the area. “Time to put the poles away,”
he stated, reeling in his line.

Tyson appeared surprised, but did as Logan

instructed. “What’s going on?”

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“I told you I had something to show you,”

Logan replied evasively. Once the poles were
stowed, he started the engine and sent them
moving slowly toward a dock.

“I thought the surprise was fishing,” Tyson

said, sounding confused.

Shaking his head, Logan said, “Nope. That was

just for fun and to spend time with you.” He
smiled wryly at Tyson, then shut off the engine a
few feet from the dock and allowed them to coast.
The boat bumped lightly into the dock and Logan
reached out and grabbed onto a wood plank.

Logan grabbed the rope tied to the bow and

leaped from the boat. After tying it to one of the
pylons, Logan turned back and saw that Tyson
had stepped from the boat and stood next to him,
peering around them.

“So, what are we doing here?”
Crouching down, Logan reached out and

unhooked the string of fish. He straightened and
gripped Tyson’s hand with his own. Giving his
mate a smile, he started up the dock, pleased just
to have his mate beside him.

At the end of the dock, Tyson paused. He

squeezed Logan’s hand and tugged, his desire
obvious. “What are we doing here?” Tyson asked

Logan stopped beside him and looked up the

slight incline of the one hundred feet of yard at the

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log-style cabin. A large patio waited along with
furniture, a grill, and a fish cleaning station.

Logan took a deep breath, then let it out slowly

through his teeth. Peering at Tyson through his
lashes, Logan told him, “Kontra and the gang
pulled out this morning. I’m looking for a job
around here.”

Tyson’s eyes widened. “Really?” He grinned

for a few seconds, then his expression turned to
one of worry. “I thought shifters liked living in
packs.” He squeezed their fingers. “Are you going
to stay with Kai and his pack?”

Licking his lips, Logan decided it was now or

never. He took the plunge. “No,” he replied.
Holding Tyson’s gaze, he told him, “I bought this
place. I’m gonna live here…and I’m hoping to
convince you to live with me.”

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Chapter Nine

yson felt his jaw sag open. Just as quickly, he
snapped it shut as he took in Logan’s earnest,

serious expression and warm hazel eyes.
Swallowing hard, Tyson dragged his gaze away
from Logan and swept his focus over the area.

While Tyson had been expecting Logan to ask

for the next step in their relationship, he’d looked
on it with both anticipation and dread. He liked
the idea of going to sleep in Logan’s arms every
night, but he’d feared where Logan would beg
him to travel. Instead, Logan had given up his
pack, again, to make a home here, for Tyson.

Having loved their time fishing, Tyson had

thought living on a lake similar to this would be
great. He’d invite his buddies over to his place.
There’d be fishing and fish fries and barbeques.
He couldn’t think of a better way to raise a child
than in the country, teaching him or her to swim
and fish…hell, even to hunt.


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They had been dreams, pipe dreams, something

he hoped to maybe have one day, and Logan was
offering it to him.

Meeting Logan’s gaze again, Tyson saw the fear

and hope in the man’s eyes. He needed to put the
poor man out of his misery. He nodded. “Yeah,
wow,” he murmured. Squeezing Logan’s fingers
tightly, Tyson grinned at Logan. He glanced
around at the piece of paradise around him before
returning his focus to his lover. “How did you
know? Are you sure?”

Logan’s shoulders sagged, his tension leeching

out of him, as his grin stretched across his face. “I
want my mate happy. In order to do that, I have to
know him. You remember when you left me in the
sitting room with your mom to get the dessert?”

Tyson nodded slowly. He’d had trouble finding

the pie cutter. “Yeah. Sorry that took so long,” he
murmured. He’d apologized then, too, yelling
through the walls, asking his mother where the
implement was. He’d finally found it in the dish
washer and had to clean it first before preparing a
platter and taking it to the sitting room.

Chuckling, Logan lifted their twined hands and

brought it to his lips. “It’s fine. She did the
predictable and brought out the baby pictures. I
got to hear all about how you learned to fish from
your father, the two of you going every weekend,
sometimes alone and sometimes with your
friends.” He released Tyson’s hand and wrapped

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that arm around Tyson’s waist, pulling their sides
together and angling their bodies toward the
house. “She said you shared your desire for a
house on a lake a number of times. Said you
wanted to raise your kids where you could teach
them to fish.”

Scoffing, Tyson grinned at him. “Yeah. Yeah, I

did tell her that. And it’s true, too.”

“It’s a four bedroom, three and a half bath

house. It has a massive kitchen, a three car garage,
and everything was recently remodeled,” Logan
told him. He lifted the stringer of fish and pointed
toward a door that looked like it might lead to
storage. “That’s an outdoor shower.” Then, he
pointed again. “Fish-cleaning station. Built-in
barbeque. Retractable awning.”

“Damn,” Tyson mumbled. “That’s—” He

glanced around at all the extras that came with the
home. Suddenly, he felt concern for how much the
place had cost. “This place is amazing, but I don’t
want to feel like a kept man,” he admitted, his
brows drawing together. “I’d like to be able to pull
my weight.”

Logan nodded. “I did think of that. Can we talk

about it over dinner?”

Unable to deny the shifter when he appeared so

hopeful, Tyson nodded. “How can I say no to
fresh fish? We baking or frying?”

“Whichever you want,” Logan replied. Easing

away, he lowered his free hand and once again

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grabbed Tyson’s. “I had a few of the guys stock
the place before they left.”

Tyson chuckled. “Good thing you didn’t have

my friends stock it,” he told him with a smirk. “All
you would have ended up with was steak and

Logan barked a laugh. “Not that I think there’s

anything wrong with that, but ya gotta have the
chips with the fish, right?”

Snorting, Tyson nodded. “Right. So.”
Tyson turned and used his free hand to grip

Logan’s nape and bring their lips together. Once
Logan had gotten over his hang-ups, he’d
welcomed kissing Tyson every chance he got.
Tyson was more than happy to take advantage of

Sliding his tongue across Logan’s lips, Tyson

teased at his lover’s mouth. The shifter opened
immediately, allowing Tyson to slide his tongue in
deep. He swirled their appendages together,
enjoying his lover’s powerful, masculine flavor.
Pulling back, Tyson nipped at Logan’s bottom lip,
soothed the sting with a swipe of his tongue, then
broke the kiss.

Grinning at Logan’s dilated eyes, flushed

cheeks, and bee-stung lips, Tyson asked, “You
know how to fillet a fish?”

“I think I can manage,” Logan murmured


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“Good,” Tyson replied. “Give me the keys. I’m

gonna make myself at home in the kitchen and see
what kind of batter I can whip up.”

“Fried, then?”
Tyson nodded. “Yep. No better way to

celebrate something than with fried foods and
beer,” he told the shifter. He smirked and asked,
“There is beer, right?”

Logan chuckled. “Knowing the guys in

Kontra’s pack, absolutely.”

Pulling back, Tyson realized something. “You

didn’t consider them your pack, did you? That’s
why it’s so easy to walk away from them.”

Sighing, Logan sobered. “No. I lost my pack

through foolish decisions.” He smiled faintly and
tugged his left hand free of Tyson’s grip. Cupping
Tyson’s jaw, he stated, “I wasn’t with Kontra long
enough to develop a bond with his shifters. Only
Diego, because he was the alpha of my pack
before—” He paused and flushed.

Tyson nodded, understanding…before he’d

attacked Diego’s son, Abbott, after the shifter had
taken over the pack. Deciding they both needed a
subject change, he pecked a kiss to Logan’s lips,
then pulled away. He held up his hand and
wiggled his fingers. “Keys.”

Logan dug into his pocket and pulled out a

small ring with three keys on it. He dropped it
onto Tyson’s waiting palm. “One’s the front door,

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one’s the garage door, and one’s the French
doors,” he murmured. “They’re yours.”

His heart thudding in his chest, Tyson’s

breathing hitched. “Thanks.”

Closing Tyson’s fingers over the keys, Logan

nodded. “You’re welcome.”

Tyson held his lover’s gaze for another few

seconds, taking in the sexy male’s soft hazel eyes
and affectionate expression. Damn, he wanted to
see that look on Logan’s face often. Tyson nodded.
“I’ll leave the French doors unlocked.”

Logan returned his nod, then headed toward

the cleaning station.

Watching the shifter stride away for a few

seconds, Tyson admired the man’s backside. He
wondered what it’d be like to sink into Logan’s
tight ass. His cock thickened at his thoughts and
he hoped the shifter would allow him the chance.
While he enjoyed bottoming, he didn’t want to be
the bitch all the time.

Something else to discuss.
Tyson turned away and strode to the house. He

unlocked the door and stepped inside, peering
around curiously. While he’d never really had any
thoughts about interior design, he found he did
have an interest in the layout of his future home.
To his relief, Tyson liked what he saw.

The floor plan was open and spacious with

vaulted ceilings. Just as Logan had stated, to the
left was a large kitchen with modern, stainless

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steel appliances. It was separated from the dining
room, which currently stood empty, by a bar.
Several barstools gave them a place to eat until
they furnished the home. Straight ahead, the great
room was dominated by a beautiful stone fireplace
made of what looked like colorful river rocks.

A hallway disappeared beyond the dining

room area next to a set of circular, wooden,
floating stairs that led to what could be a loft.
Tyson figured he’d have plenty of chances to
explore later. For now, he needed to know what
was available in the kitchen.

Tyson checked out the refrigerator first and

pulled out two bottles of beer. Popping both caps,
he took a long swallow from one as he raided the
cupboards and pulled down a large plate. He
grabbed that and the beers and walked back
toward the French doors.

Pushing through them, Tyson headed toward

his lover, smirking at the look of concentration on
Logan’s face. His man wielded the fillet knife that
had been included with the fishing supplies.
According to Brock, one didn’t go fishing without
a knife, needle nose pliers, and a net…along with
the poles and bait. The guy was nothing if not

Without a word, Tyson set the second bottle of

beer and the plate on the metal counter near the
sink. Logan glanced up in surprise. Tyson hip-

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checked him lightly before winking and heading
back inside the house.

Once he’d returned to the kitchen, Tyson took

another long swallow. Then, he set his bottle aside
and began scanning through the cupboards. He
pulled out a number of items before searching for
the pots and pans he needed. Once everything
littered the counter, he placed a large sauce pan on
a burner—turning the burner to low—and
scooped several dollops of Crisco into it.

Tyson kept half his attention on that as he

started preparing the butter and batter for the
breading in which he planned to dip the fresh fish

Feeling a pair of strong arms wrap around him,

Tyson paused. He held his flour-covered hands
away from his body as he leaned against the solid
chest behind him. Tyson hummed with pleasure
upon feeling Logan nuzzle and kiss his neck.

“Hey,” Tyson mumbled. “You done with the


“Mmm-hmm,” Logan mumbled absently, his

focus obviously not on food. “You look good in
our kitchen.”

When Logan slid his palms up and rubbed over

Tyson’s nipples, making them bead beneath his
shirt, Tyson arched into his touch. He groaned his
approval, the move also pushing his ass into
Logan’s groin. A warm tingle spread through him

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upon feeling the thick dick trapped behind
Logan’s fly.

Then, Tyson’s stomach grumbled.
Logan chuckled as he nipped the lobe of

Tyson’s ear. “Guess that mean’s I should feed
you,” he teased. “How about we finish this after

“Definitely,” Tyson agreed.
After Logan released him, he and Tyson

worked side by side, frying fish and cross-cut
fries. Tyson couldn’t keep the smile from his face
as he reveled in how easy and comfortable it was
between them. He could imagine doing this every
night. Logan kept sending lustful looks Tyson’s
way, causing arousal to simmer through him and
his dick remained mostly hard in his shorts.
Instead of being uncomfortable, Tyson found the
anticipation the best form of foreplay.

After popping the last bite of fish into his

mouth, Tyson turned on his barstool to find Logan
staring at his mouth. Tingles broke out over his
skin at the intensity of the shifter’s stare.

Pushing away his own empty plate, Logan

asked, “Shall we clean the kitchen or shall I show
you the bedroom?”

Licking his lips, anticipation burning through

him, Tyson murmured, “What? No tour?”

Logan smirked. “Three bedrooms upstairs and

two baths. One of the bedrooms has an ensuite, so
if you want the master bedroom upstairs, it’s

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doable. There’s also a master suite downstairs,
which is where I put my things. There’s also a
study and a half bath down here besides what you
can see here,” he said, waving at the empty
expanse. “I have furniture in storage in Oregon,
but I don’t really think they’ll fit in this space, so
we’ll have to go furniture shopping at some
point.” His voice turned husky, as he finished, “I
did, however, already pick up bedroom furniture,
which I would very much like to break in with

Tyson’s blood pounded in his veins. His dick,

which had remained nearly rock hard through the
entire meal, throbbed in his briefs. His ass
clenched as he swept over his lover’s form and
fixated on the bulge filling Logan’s jeans.

Returning his focus to Logan’s heated

expression, Tyson whispered, “We’re equals in
this, right?”

Logan cocked his head, concern easing some of

the lust blazing in his eyes. That wasn’t really
what Tyson wanted, but he’d needed to ask before
giving the guy his ass.

“Is this about the cost of the house?” Logan

asked. “Because I’ve been alive for nearly seventy
years. It’s given me a bit of a leg up on income. I
know you’re starting your own business and that’s
where your financial focus is. I just want to
support you through that. I care for you.”

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Tyson’s heart melted at Logan’s earnest words.

“Thanks,” he murmured. “I—” He paused and
reached for his lover’s hand where it rested on the
counter. “Thanks.” Tyson realized he didn’t need
to worry about this now. They’d work it out. Hell,
with how hard Logan worked to fit their lives
together, Tyson could certainly do the same. “I
know all those blow jobs already bonded us,” he
stated, deciding for blunt. Seeing Logan’s guilty
expression, he squeezed the shifter’s hand. “Hey,
you warned me when we first got together. Don’t
worry about that. I already told you it’s what I

“And I wanted to give you the choice after

virtually taking it away,” Logan mumbled,
grimacing guiltily.

Smiling, Tyson leaned forward and pressed a

light kiss to Logan’s lips. “You’ve been very
patient, dating me, spending time with my
friends, learning what’s important to me and
making it happen,” he told him, waving his free
hand at their current surroundings. “Now, take
me to our bedroom and claim me properly,

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Woofing His Wolf


Chapter Ten

ogan’s heart swelled and his dick ached. Still,
he realized Tyson hadn’t answered his

question…and as much as he wanted to take his
mate up on his offer, he wanted truth between
them. However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t have

Sliding off the barstool, Logan used their

twined fingers to urge Tyson to join him. He
crossed the empty dining room and led the way
down the hall to the bedroom. Once they stood
beside the bed, Logan turned to his mate.

“Let me take care of this,” Logan murmured,

wanting to touch and explore his mate.

Reaching for the hem of Tyson’s shirt, Logan

tugged the t-shirt up and over his human’s head.
He made certain to scrape the backs of his fingers
over Tyson’s nipples, pleased with how his mate
shivered and the nubs instantly hardened. Logan
loved the man’s response to nipple play and
planned to take full advantage.

First, he wanted them both naked.


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Logan lowered to one knee and made quick

work of removing his mate’s sneakers and socks.
Reaching up, he unbuttoned and unzipped
Tyson’s shorts. After he parted the fly, he ran his
thumb up and down the hard length trapped
behind his mate’s navy blue briefs.

Scenting Tyson’s arousal—his pre-cum’s aroma

the finest aphrodisiac to his senses—Logan
hummed. His mouth filled with saliva. While he
wanted a taste of Tyson’s heady essence, he
wanted him naked and sprawled on the bed for
him even more.

Gently, Logan pulled the waistband of Tyson’s

underwear forward and over his cock, shoving the
briefs and shorts down his mate’s legs. Tyson’s
dick bounced, jerking at his groin, drawing
Logan’s attention back to it as he helped him step
free of the clothes. Giving in to temptation, Logan
leaned forward, stuck out his tongue, and swiped
over Tyson’s leaking head.

Tyson hissed and his hands clenched at his

sides. When he went to reach for him, Logan
pulled back and stood. “Lie on the bed,” he urged.
“Get comfortable.”

While making quick work of his own clothes,

Logan kept half his attention on Tyson. He nearly
swallowed his tongue when his sweet human
crawled onto the bed, the globes of his ass flexing
enticingly. That he was going to have that soon
sent an ache through his balls.

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Woofing His Wolf


Logan forced himself to turn away from the

enticing sight, so he could concentrate long
enough to open the nightstand drawer. Pulling
out a couple of items, he turned back to Tyson and
the bed. He groaned at the sight that met his gaze.

Tyson lay sprawled on the bed. He had his legs

splayed, one knee bent with that foot flat on the
mattress, further opening himself for Logan’s
viewing pleasure. His right arm was up, his hand
behind his head. With his left hand, he gripped his
own dick and slowly jacked himself.

Growling, Logan ordered, “Release yourself. I

will take care of you.”

“You do like ordering me around,” Tyson

teased back, doing as he was told. He moved his
other hand behind his head to join the first, spread
his legs wider, bending his knees, and placing
both feet flat. “So, what are you going to do to

Logan crawled slowly onto the bed, positioning

himself on his knees between Tyson’s spread legs.
“First,” he rumbled, dropping the tube of lube by
his knee. “I’m going to put these on your sensitive
little nipples,” he stated, holding up the small
nipple clamps. “I’m going to play with them as I
prepare you. I’m going to make you come,” he
promised. “Then, I’m going to slide my dick into
your ass. I’m going to bite your neck and spill my
seed inside you, and you’re going to come all over

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Tyson moaned, his body shuddering. “Oh,


“No, just Logan,” he teased, his cock twitching

between his legs. “Keep your arms behind your
head, Tyson. I love seeing you spread open just
like this.”

“O-Okay,” Tyson panted.
His arms visibly tensed before he managed to

relax them. His cock bobbed and leaked, jutting
from his groin like a beacon begging for pleasure.
Logan had every intention of giving Tyson that

Logan dropped the clips onto the mattress by

Tyson’s hip, then leaned forward and rested his
weight on his knuckles. Ducking his head, he
lapped at one of Tyson’s nipples while pinching
the other with the fingers of his free hand. Tyson
moaned, the noise like music to his ears, driving
his own desire to please his mate higher.

Releasing the nub he sucked, Logan lifted his

head and enjoyed watching his mate’s body bow
reflexively when he pinched and rolled the other
nipple. He grabbed one of the small claws. Taking
care, he eased the clamp onto Tyson’s hardened

“Holy fuck!” Tyson shouted. His hands came

out from behind his head as his body arched like a
bow. He managed to still them, fisted on either
side of his head, panting harshly. “Logan!”

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Woofing His Wolf


Logan grinned at his lover, loving the responses

he received. “Yes, handsome?” he teased as he
moved his fingers to Tyson’s other nipple. He
rolled it and pinched, effectively wiping his saliva
away before placing the second clamp onto it.

Tyson peered up at him through heavily dilated

eyes, his body gleaming in a sudden sweat. “H-
Holy shit,” he whined. He opened and clenched
his hands, obviously struggling for control. His
body writhed, shifting and sliding over the sheets.
“Never imagined.”

“Good,” Logan murmured.
Lowering his head, Logan wrapped his lips

around one of the clamped buds and sucked
lightly. He worked his lover’s nipples gently,
figuring with them already clamped, they’d be
extra sensitive and he didn’t want to hurt
him…only give him pleasure.

“L-Logan,” Tyson panted, his body shivering

and twitching beneath him. “Better get me ready,”
he urged breathlessly. “S-So close.”

Logan lifted his head and rocked back. “Easy,

sweet mate,” he crooned, grabbing for the lube.
“Let me get you prepped.” He opened the tube
and squirted some of the gel onto his fingers.
Realizing he’d underestimated just how sensitive
his mate’s nipples were, Logan knew he had to
hurry…for both their sakes.

Swiping his hand over his cock, Logan hissed

and fought for control. Just as quickly, he released

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his dick, poured more slick onto his fingers, and
rubbed his fingertips over Tyson’s taint. Balancing
carefully, he leaned forward again until he leaned
over his lover and looked him in the eye.

“Will you tell me why you asked if we’re


Logan whispered the question just as he slid his

finger into Tyson’s channel and, using the other
hand, flicked his nipple lightly. He watched his
mate’s eyes widen and his jaw sag open. Tyson
panted and gasped as Logan slowly worked him
open, making certain to massage his prostate with
every plunge of his finger, first one, then two.

“Tell me,” Logan demanded. “We are equals, so

tell me why you asked.”

Tyson whined and shuddered. He writhed

wildly, his head tossing, as he growled through
clenched teeth. “Does that mean I get your ass
next?” Tyson managed to snap.

Logan froze. His ass clenched. Allow Tyson to

take him? The thought hadn’t crossed his mind,
but now that his mate had asked, he could
understand why the man would question him. His
lover had enjoyed giving and receiving blowjobs,
kisses, touches, surely he’d feel the same about
giving and receiving ass.

His hand fell away from his mate’s nipple and

he placed it beside Tyson’s shoulder. He pecked a
kiss to Tyson’s lips, then lifted his head and

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whispered, “Yes. I may need to work up to it, but
we are equals. My ass is yours.”

Tyson gaped at him. “Really?”
Nodding, Logan smiled. “Oh, yes. You are my

mate. I will give you everything in my power to
give,” he whispered.

Smiling up at him, Tyson murmured, “All I

want is you.”

“Then you’ll have me,” Logan promised.

Grinning, he winked, joy filling him at his mate’s
words. “But first, it’s time for you to come.”

“Oh, hell, yeah!” Tyson whined.
Logan wrapped his lips around Tyson’s clasp-

clad nipple and sucked, hard, as he pressed his
fingers against his mate’s gland. Tyson’s back
arched and he howled. Hot blasts of cum smacked
Logan’s chin, neck, and chest as he slid a third
finger into his mate’s channel, stretching the last
bit he thought his mate needed so he could sink
his aching erection into him.

Once Tyson settled a bit, his noises diminishing

to soft whines and grunts, Logan released his
mate’s bud and pulled his fingers from his chute.
He gripped his own dick and lined up to Tyson’s
waiting hole.

Logan pressed his throbbing prick forward. He

sank inch by blissful inch into the beautiful human
beneath him. Releasing the base of his prick,
Logan lay over his mate. He pressed their chests

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together as he bottomed out, feeling his balls
pressed flush to his ass.

“Tyson,” Logan breathed. He rested his

forehead against his mate’s, the man’s visage
swimming slightly at the close proximity. Closing
his eyes, he breathed in his scent. “My mate.”

Sighing, Tyson brought his arms around

Logan’s shoulders, cupping his shoulder-blades.

Logan turned his head and nuzzled Tyson’s

temple, then his neck. “Love having you in my
arms, in our bed, in our home,” he muttered. As
he slowly pulled his prick partway free of the
hottest, tightest, most amazing channel he’d ever
experienced, he mumbled, “Can’t wait to have
you here every night.”

Tyson groaned, tilting his neck, giving him

more access. He spread his legs wider and brought
them up. Wrapping his legs around Logan’s waist,
he crossed his ankles at the small of Logan’s back,
nudging the top of his ass with his heels.

“Yes, sexy wolf. Can’t wait.”
Logan’s wolf howled in his mind, the sound

coming from his mouth a moaning whine. “My
mate,” he growled, snapping his hips. “Mine.”

Tyson grunted beneath him. His body arched

and rocked as he met Logan thrust for thrust.

Sparks of heated bliss spread through Logan’s

groin, growing hotter with each thrust of his dick
into his mate. Pleasure, more intense than he’d
ever imagined sang through his veins. Tyson

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Woofing His Wolf


writhed beneath him, scrabbling at his back,
digging his heels into his ass, caused pleasure and
pride to flood him.

“So good,” Tyson moaned. He arched his neck,

offering. “Please.”

Logan growled in his throat. The silky column

of Tyson’s neck beckoned, the steady pulse of his
life-blood calling to him and his wolf. His balls
tightened, his shaft throbbed, and his canines
tingled. Unable to hold off his own impending
orgasm, Logan wanted, needed, his mate to join
him in bliss.

Moaning against Tyson’s neck, Logan sank into

him once more. His balls pulled tight and his cock
pulsed. As his orgasm throbbed through his
system, he sank his teeth into his mate’s neck.
Tyson howled and Logan reveled in the beautiful
sound of bliss as he gulped down several
mouthfuls of his mate’s life-essence.

His hips continued to jack spastically as he shot,

his seed coating Tyson’s innards. Pulling his teeth
from his mate’s flesh, Logan lapped at his blood,
sealing the wound. Even in the throes of bliss, he
refused to leave his mate in pain again.

Tyson hummed and sighed. His hands rubbed

down his back and sides as he released his leg’s
hold on Logan’s hips. “Wow,” he murmured,
continuing to pet him.

Logan eased his softening prick from Tyson’s

chute and cuddled his mate close. “Give me a few

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seconds,” he said. “Then, I’ll get something to
clean us up with.”

“Mmm,” Tyson responded, relaxing in his

arms. “Thanks for sealing the wound this time.”

His brows furrowing, Logan nuzzled his mate’s

neck. “I’m sorry how I left you that first time,” he
whispered. “I’m sorry I never asked for your

Tyson chuckled and hugged him tight. “I’m

not,” he responded. “If you hadn’t done what you
did, I might have dragged my feet,” the man
admitted. “And I’m right where I should be.”

Logan sighed and kissed his mate’s temple. “So

am I,” he murmured. “So am I.”

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About the Author

Charlie started writing fantasy when she was
eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic
romance at age nineteen, she realized her true
calling. She now focuses on writing gay erotic
romance, normally of the paranormal variety, with
heroes of all kinds. With the help and support of
her husband, Charlie finally fulfilled one of her
life-long goals…move to acreage with her horses.
You can often find her curled up with her laptop
and a cup of tea or glass of wine, creating her next
adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring the mountains
of her new Oregon home on horseback, 4-wheeler,
or motorcycle.

She can be reached at
Or visit her at

Document Outline


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