A Binding Fate by Tgray

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A Binding Fate

By Tgray


Had I known at the time the fate I was subjecting him to, I would have sent him away the moment I first opened my
door to him. Instead, I found myself helplessly lost in the lure of his scent and reveling in the sound of his strong,
steady heartbeat. His eyes- eyes that held such youthful exuberance were mixed with intelligence that appealed to
my overtly curious nature. Should I have turned him away that night? Who is to say. That is a question I cannot
allow myself to dwell on. The outcome of my actions remains the same, regardless.

As I watch over his motionless body, I listen for the quick rush of his pulse. I long for the rise and fall of his chest
and a heartbeat so familiar to my ears I could pick him out of a crowd of strangers without so much as an effort.

I am disturbed that the only sound to be heard is his silence. I have taken away everything that he was and replaced
it with the very existence I am cursed to endure if only because I find myself too selfish to let him go. His future as
it is now will take on a different path, one that may or may not collide with mine. The only thing I am completely
sure of…

This time, the choice will be his.


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South Carolina – 1865

Brian’s POV

The nights are longer now, with autumn pushing the last of the summer heat away. I was relaxing on the steps of the
porch, attuned to every sound around me. I listened to the constant snap of twigs in the forest before tuning into the
flow of the stream through a hollow log I knew was at least a mile away. When I woke this evening, there was a
feeling in the air. A feeling of anticipation… of something looming I could not explain. Call it instinct or
premonition, though many others would claim such a thing doesn’t exist.

I waited patiently, listening to the clip clop of hooves on the long dirt road until I saw the lone horse and rider come
into view around the bend of trees. I knew he was there, of course, long before I saw or heard him. His presence
made my skin resonate in a way it always does when there is prey within reach. A stranger no doubt… I could sense
his caution as he rode closer to the house and porch where I sat.

Closing my eyes, my nostrils flared and I was immediately on my feet, pushing down the urge to close the distance
between us. His scent was invigorating. It put me on edge though I knew how carefully I had to tread. He slowed to
a canter as he came upon me until finally, he was within distance to slide off the mare, holding the reigns tightly
while keeping the horse next to his side. Her nervous shimmies had him confused and he rhythmically pet her long
mane to comfort her, but she was right in her protest. Her natural animal instincts told her it wasn’t safe here.

“Good evening,” he offered. His approach was warm and friendly, not at all what I was expecting.

I nodded, shoving my hands inside my pockets, keeping the tightness of my fists concealed. It was worse than I
anticipated. He reeked of sweat and the musky odor of the forest, but beneath that, there was something else.
Something that had my control wavering in a way I hadn’t felt in years.

“I’m sorry for the intrusion. I’ve been riding for hours and yours is the first property I’ve come to since starting out
early this morning.”

“And you won’t find another for at least five miles south.”

The sigh I received was full of unhidden fatigue. It was then that I relaxed enough to really focus on his appearance.
Skin, pale in the moonlight, definitely not a man used to the toils of outdoor labor. The clothes he wore were elegant
enough for a gentleman, but not so outlandish that he stood out as a snob. I caught a hint of blue beneath his heavy

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lids and I was mesmerized by what I saw. Maybe his exhaustion was the cause for the uneasiness that I felt. The
uneasiness in the knowledge that he was not at all afraid. He was tired, yet comfortable in my presence. Either the
boy had no instinct of survival, or he was the most fascinating creature I’d encountered in a lifetime.

I knew without doubt that I wanted him. By what definition of the word, I was uncertain. There were two prospects
which appealed to me, and truth be told, neither would have made me unhappy.

He held out a large canteen that was firmly planted around his neck. “Can you spare some water and maybe a heel of

I had other thoughts. “Wouldn’t you have better need for a bed?”

His eyes flickered, thinking. “As appealing as it sounds, I would never make it to the next Inn without thirst and
hunger getting the best of me.”

I found myself quirking a smile when I realized he’d either avoided, or possibly failed to understand my invitation.
Something tells me he wasn’t that naïve.

“You’ve come far?”

“Just north of Pennsylvania.”

Hmm. Impressive. “You have business in Charleston?”

He shook his head as he answered me. “No. Just passing through.”

“Well you look dead on your feet. There’s not an Inn for several miles and I have an extra room you might consider
for the night.”

His brow furrowed and he looked more than a bit befuddled. “You’d offer a bed to a stranger?”

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I shrugged, trying not to seem overzealous. “You look harmless enough.”

“Looks can be deceiving. You know nothing of me. I could attempt to murder you in your sleep.”

Under a rumbling chuckle, I retorted, “I assure you, you’d not succeed.”

I don’t know what caught my attention more. The soft smile, or the way his forehead scrunched as he considered my
offer. Finally, walking closer, his horse resisting his pull, he held out his hand. “I’m Justin. Justin Taylor.”

“Brian Kinney.” His hand was warm, his grip strong and sure. It was an effort to pull away; to resist taking him right
there where we stood, but my curiosity about this boy was stronger than my craving. Nodding toward the stable
behind the main house, I offered his horse a comfortable home for the night and watched intently as he walked away
from me. Suddenly, it became very clear what it was I wanted of him. At least for now.

Justin’s POV

I was beyond tired, almost to the point where I feared sleep would be inevitable. My body was exhausted as I had
been running on adrenaline alone for the past two days. But I had a purpose here.

Brian seemed a gracious host, offering whiskey as a welcome replacement for the water I’d asked for earlier.
Though he didn’t drink a drop himself, he sat comfortably in the chair opposite mine, watching as the burn worked
it’s way slowly down my throat. It unnerved me a bit, but I knew what I was up against. I had an advantage.

Brian. I don’t think I had the words to describe the gracefulness yet the strength he exuded. He just may have been
the most intriguing man I’d ever set eyes on. But then, wasn’t that the appeal? His alluring nature used to attract
until you were completely powerless to fight? It was a dangerous game I was playing and I had to remember to keep
my wits about me.

Through the flickering of the candlelight that brightened the room, I noticed for the first time, his eyes. The many
colors blending through to a light golden brown, soft and hypnotic and I would swear if it were possible that he was

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seeing straight into my thoughts. I’ve no doubt he realized the guilt of my attraction. Would he be appalled to know
my thoughts? How I’d resisted staring at the hard curve of his lips, imagining their taste… their feel. I would have
blushed at the way his body caused such a reaction in my own, but luckily, the whiskey was masking enough to act
as the cause for the redness I knew was coloring my cheeks.

“So where are you headed?”


His smirk was open, giving way to a smile as he repeated the question I’d missed.

“Oh,” I hesitated, “New Orleans. My cousin was recently widowed and there are obligations I need to attend to.” It
sounded reasonable.

“Most men would be afraid to take such a long journey alone.”

I shook my head. “I’ve found recently, there’s not much out there that frightens me.”

“Brave outlook, if not a little foolish.”

The conversation was taking an ominous turn, so I decided to quickly move away from the subject of bravery and
foolishness. I was most likely both, but there was no need to enlighten him to that fact.

Glancing around, I asked, “Does no one live here with you?” I found it eerie, the sitting room without windows. In
fact, as he led me inside, I was a little unnerved by the lack of windows in any of the common areas. Then again, I
suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised.

“I live alone.”

“No wife?”

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His expression was one of amusement. “A wife? No. I’d hardly imagine spending my nights trying to satisfy a
woman would be of any interest to me.”

Laughing, I took another sip from my glass. I was surprised how relaxed I felt, but I chose to blame it on the
whiskey. It was dulling my senses, which probably wasn’t in my best interest. “So you live here alone, out in the
middle of nowhere.” It was a statement, really. Anything, just to keep the conversation flowing. The sound of his
voice was pleasant, almost melodic in the way the words rolled off his tongue. I began doubting my suspicions and
myself. There was no way that Brian, this beautiful man could be the monster I’d been warned about.

“I prefer solitude. It’s less troublesome.”

His eyes darkened and I almost felt a sense of sadness. But that would be impossible. Wouldn’t it? If what I’d been
told were true? “Surely you have need for companionship.”

His eyebrow rose to his hairline. “I have no problem finding willing company when I desire it.”

He was sure to be the death of me, for desire and companionship was surely something he knew often. His tongue
swiped his bottom lip slowly as he moved forward, sliding just to the edge of his seat. His eyes stared me down,
their color mysteriously darker than I’d previously thought. When his hand reached out, my skin prickled with
excitement as I waited for his touch and found myself awkwardly disappointed when instead, he withdrew the glass
from my hand.

Confusion plagued me when he sat my unfinished whiskey on a side table and stood. “It’s late and I’m sure you’re
anxious for sleep. I was rude to steal your time the way I have.” What?

“Uhm, y… yes,” I stuttered. I was caught off guard by his sudden dismissal.

“I’ll wake you at sunup. You still have quite a distance ahead of you and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to waste a
drop of light.”

I answered slowly, “No, of course you’re right. I should take advantage while I can.”

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As he led me to my room, I pondered why he held such an affect on me. Why he stirred things that no stranger
should be able to. I had no answer for why I desired him so. Though some of his comments were confusingly
deceiving, clearly I’d misread the intentions of his invitation.

A Binding Fate: Chapter 2

Brian’s POV

I had to get away. Justin Taylor was poison, I was sure of it. How easy it would have been to lure him to my bed, to
know pleasure in a way I haven’t in three decades. I could smell it… his desire for me, and it was intoxicating. I
longed for the warmth that his body held, yearned for the sound of his pulse, racing with excitement as I took him,
fang and cock.

I resisted, leaving him safely nestled inside a dark room with only his dreams for company. Not that my control is
stretched to the point that I’d act irrationally, but a solid iron lock probably would have been a good idea.

Running wildly through the open forest, I knew what I needed. If I was to spend the entire night plagued with
listening to the sound of his heartbeat, I had to feed. The hunt would calm me. It would allow me to ignore the
instinct to take what was readily available.

A fox was unfortunate enough to cross my path; never having realized his life would end so abruptly. I drank his
essence, the blood thick and warm, filling the hunger deep inside the pit of my stomach. What would young Mister
Taylor think if he were to witness this? Would he run? Would he scream? Would the features of the demon repulse
him? Of course, in all honesty, I already knew the answer to every question, though I longed for the opposite to be

It was early morning, not quite daybreak when I finally found my resolve and returned from the woods. After a
quick trip to the stables, I moved in the direction of the house. The hunt had appeased the craving and I felt much
more in control than I had just a few hours earlier. Trying to be as silent as possible as to not awaken him, I pushed
the door closed gently, cringing when it let out a loud creak. It was then that I turned my attention to the sound I’d
been ignoring in my attempt to be silent. The sound of whimpering.

I hung my head in debate. A few moments later, even as I walked the length of the narrow hallway, I knew this was
a horrid mistake. Every nerve in my body told me to turn back, to forget the anguished sighs and to ignore the
desperation in his voice as he called out in his sleep. But I could not. It was a power beyond my own that made me
open the door to the guest room. When I saw him, I would have gasped for breath, had I an actual need for it.

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The blankets were scattered, kicked from his body, his blond hair matted and fused to his cheek with sweat and
tears. He was asleep, yet agitated enough to be restless, his body lashing out an unknown assailant. Would I be
doing him more harm by waking him? I could leave the room and let him settle on his own, but could I stand to
listen, knowing I might offer comfort? No, I couldn’t. With my decision made, I sat down on the edge of the bed.

“Justin.” My voice was soft, barely a whisper, still unsure. My confident nature had all but disappeared because of
this human and I had yet to venture why.

When he jerked, letting out a low murmur, I tried again, this time actually trying to draw him out of sleep. “Justin.
Justin, wake up now.”

He rolled onto his back, his eyes fluttering and I could see the uncertainty in his expression. I chanced putting my
hand on his arm and tried a little more firmly. “Justin.”

He reared, sitting upright, trying to make sense of where he was. I wasn’t sure that he’d recognize me in the barely
lit room, so I immediately began to speak, trying not to spook him worse than I knew he already was. “You were
dreaming. It’s over now… you’re alright.”

“Brian?” he whispered, softly.


His head turned toward me. It’s been so long since I’ve had to worry about darkness impeding my vision, I still
wasn’t sure how much he was actually seeing. Within moments, his heartbeat was slower, becoming less sporadic
and his eyes had lost that wild, confused haze.

“God, Brian.” He moved his body closer and nestled his head into my shoulder. Instinctively, my other arm wrapped
around him, gripping his back tightly through the light cotton shirt he was wearing. I tried to resist, but I had to take
the opportunity he’d given me. I breathed in deeply, letting his scent invade my entire body and I almost shook with
the intensity of the wave of need that it caused. My grip tightened further, pulling at the material beneath me, trying
to find bare skin until I heard his intake of breath.

I froze, and then apologized. “I’m sorry. I…”

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“Don’t be.” He sniffed, pulling back a bit, but he didn’t let go of me.

“I was forward in my assumptions.”

His hand traveled to the back of my neck and I sighed softly as his fingers tickled my skin. “Brian, is it so
unreasonable for you to assume that I would find you painstakingly irresistible?”

“But this isn’t…”

“Isn’t what? Acceptable?”

I huffed, but nodded.

“Is that not what you implied when we spoke this evening? Do you not find your pleasure in the company of men?
Was I so blind in my attraction for you that I imagined you felt the same only because I wanted it to be so?”

“Justin, there are things about me that you are not aware of. Things you couldn’t fathom that would make this…

“There is only one thing that matters.” He paused, and then continued when he knew I wouldn’t interrupt. “Do you
find me desirable, Brian?”

If he only knew. “In more ways than you can possibly imagine.”

“Then what’s the harm in one night’s pleasure?”

I closed my eyes and leaned in, resting my forehead against his. “I could easily lose myself in you. You’ve no idea.”

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“Would that be so terrible?” His hands slid to my face, one on each side as he gently pushed his fingers through my
hair. “You feel it, too. Don’t you? Almost as if fate is drawing us together?”

Though I could not explain it, I most definitely agreed with him. Could I do this? Could I trust myself to resist going
too far? If I were buried as deep as he would have me and his blood was calling to my very nature, would I be able
to stop the demon from emerging?

I had no choice, for he took it upon himself to make the decision for me. His lips took mine, the wet warmth sliding
against my own, sending a tremor of excitement through me. His kiss was filled with such passion, such fervor that I
had no alternative but to give back just as eagerly. Where my couplings had long become nothing but a tool for
quick release, this contact was a welcomed change to the usual custom.

My shirt was lifted and discarded as was Justin’s and the warmth radiating from his skin was slowly driving me
mad. I slid my fingers along his spine, massaging the taut muscles as he curled into me, trying to move closer.

“You’re hands are cool.”

I flinched and lifted them from his skin.

“No,” he complained, “I meant that it feels nice.” He reached for my arms, pulling them in front of him until he
could slide his fingers between mine. Bringing one of my hands to his lips, he kissed each finger gently and then
rubbed it against his cheek. Silently, he led them to his lap. “Soft. I should like to feel your hands on me here.” I
couldn’t help but smile.

I pushed him back, laying him flat and drew my fingers in circles along his stomach. “Patience,” I whispered,
watching him flinch at my ticklish touch. He lifted his arms to grip the board above his head and his back arched,
extending his neck in a delicate position. I could barely stand it. I felt a growl forming deep inside my chest, but
with effort, I managed to push it back down. I stared, trying to calm myself, marveling at his wanton beauty.

“What is it you possess that I’m unable to resist you?” I asked quietly, more for my own benefit.

“I could ask the same of you. I’ve never given myself this freely before and I can make no sense of it.”

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I carefully crawled onto him, sweeping his hair back as I devoured his lips. I left him panting and gasping my name
as I moved lower along his body, my nostrils flaring at the scent of his need. The time for soft, gentle caresses was
over. I could only ignore the nature of the beast for so long. Once I reached the foot of the bed, before I had a chance
to do it myself, he was pushing on the waist of his pants, kicking the material down until they hit the floor.

“I think I might die if you don’t touch me soon.”

Such a bad choice of words, for when I saw his state of glorious nakedness, my hunger was no longer buried. I
wanted all of him. The craving reared its ugly head and I could feel the demon stirring beneath my skin. The sound
of his breath, the beat of his heart, the smell of his arousal was heightened to new, overwhelming levels. I closed my
eyes and fought the monster. I refused to give in, no matter how much I wanted to.

“Please, Brian.”

I opened my eyes and gazed into his. I couldn’t explain the power he had over me. As fast as he managed to stir the
demon, he was able to calm it just as quickly and I’d never felt such confusion. Stripping myself of my pants, I stood
in front of him, watching his eyes darken as he took in the sight of me. He bit his bottom lip and lifted his feet to the

I nodded toward the bedside table. “I believe there might be oil.”

He twisted his body, opening the drawer and handed me the small bottle.

Pouring a sufficient amount into my palm, I ran my fingers through the liquid and knelt between his knees. When I
reached for his opening, he pushed me off, shaking his head. “No.”

My eyes widened. “But I thought…”

“It is enough to coat yourself. You may think it odd, but I enjoy the burn.”

It wasn’t as odd as he assumed. I nodded, bringing my hand to my length, stroking until it was almost dripping. He
may desire the pain of entrance, but he didn’t understand what danger he would be in if there was an accidental tear.

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His pale blue eyes locked on mine as I placed my hands on his hips and lifted him slightly. With ease, I pushed
forward and entered him.

A Binding fate: Chapter 3

Brian’s POV

He was insatiable, several times pushing me to the edge of climax and then drawing me back just as quickly. I’d
never taken a human lover who could rise to this level of stamina. He took my thrusts, sometimes harsh and brutal
and begged for more though I forced myself to ease my actions, catering to his fragile body.

“Brian,” he murmured, over and over again, his grip hard enough to bruise had my skin been as soft as his. His body
dripped of perspiration, his hair wringing wet from the exertion of our coupling, yet he continued without abandon,
his legs climbing my shoulders further with every movement of my hips against his ass.

I was dizzy with hunger. I couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t be deep enough. My cock was throbbing with the
need for release, but I refused to end this perfect ecstasy. In one fluent movement, I pushed his legs off and grabbed
his arms, pulling him forward onto my lap. My fingers dug into his skin, guiding his body’s movements as he
clenched and released around me. He was grinding his hips, the rhythm wild and rampant while at the same time
rubbing his wet cock against my stomach. I was positive at this moment, there wasn’t a creature alive with more of a
ferocious taste for danger than he.

He had to have felt it. The tension in my body, the almost rigid way I held my lips away from him. If I moved too
close… if I allowed myself to taste him, to lose myself in the warm cavern of his mouth, it wouldn’t be long before
I’d be tempted to run my tongue down the glistening curve of his skin. If that were to happen, there would be no
hope that he would live through the morning.

As if he could read my thoughts, his hands twisted in my hair, pulling me so roughly forward, I would have cried out
had I not had such a high tolerance for pain. He took my lips brutally, his teeth nipping at my tongue. If he’d known
my true nature, I would have sworn he was fulfilling a wish of death. My body was on fire from his heat, my ears
ringing from the steady flow of delectable moans and sighs whispered from his lips.

But there, hidden beneath the surface, was so much more than he was aware of. The scent of our sex was strong and
stringent; an aphrodisiac for what would usually follow. His blood. It was calling to me, pulsing and burning
beneath his flesh. I pulled away from his lips and nuzzled my face against his neck, doing what I’d sworn not to,
control be damned. My eyes closed as my nose skimmed the sweet fragrance, taking in his smell… his very essence.

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The pain of it was almost unbearable. I could feel the change lingering on the edge, the demon fighting to take over.
Justin was so willing… so vulnerable. My mouth was watering, the instinct to move in for the kill almost
overpowering my will. Thankfully, he chose that instant to speak, pleading for climax. As nothing else at that
moment could, the sound of his voice was enough to ground me.

I pulled away quickly, lying back, and gripped the bed sheets beside me with such ferocity while watching him
move upon me. Sliding one hand around his cock to stroke himself to completion, he rested the other on my thigh,
riding out his release, dragging mine from my body as well.


Justin’s POV

I was in a daze, lying beside Brian after the most intense climax I think I’ve ever experienced. Everything about him
had me mesmerized. Half of me wanted to never leave this house, or this bed for that matter and the other half told
me to run far, far away, as fast as my legs would carry me. Now that I knew the truth, it was foolish to stay in such
close proximity, however, my body was too sated and comfortable to worry about such trivial things as life or death
at the moment.

I wondered what he was thinking. His eyes were closed, yet I knew he was awake. I took a few moments to marvel
at his beauty, and yes, he was utterly beautiful. It had been so long since I’d felt such a strong desire to create any
type of art, but my fingers yearned for a sketchbook, a piece of charcoal… anything to capture the image lying next
to me. Was I mad for thinking such thoughts? Should I not be screaming my fear instead? But then to scream in fear,
one must first be afraid. I found myself far from it and that bothered me more than I’d care to admit.

My body was still soaked from head to foot, though there wasn’t a drop of perspiration on his skin. He was flawless,
every muscle shaped and defined as if sculpted purposely to perfection. The rise and fall of his chest was rhythmic,
timed almost to coincide with my own, but I knew it was for my benefit only, and not for need to fill his lungs.

His eyes remained closed, yet the sound of his voice startled me. “What was it in your dreams that had you so

“My dreams?”

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He opened his eyes and turned only his head to look at me as I shifted onto my elbow. “When I woke you, you were
in a state of panic. I wondered what could have brought on such dread.”

I shrugged. It would do no good to discuss these things with him. “I don’t remember.” The nightmares were such a
common occurrence; I hardly took notice of them anymore. Somehow, I doubted he would understand, had I tried to

He nodded and I was happy he was content to let it go. What surprised me was the discomfort I felt when he sat up
and moved from the bed, gathering his clothes from the floor. “I should let you rest a while longer.”

I reached out for him, holding his hand in mine. “You could stay.”

He pulled back as if I’d scorched him and then solemnly said, “That probably wouldn’t be a good idea.”

I nodded. “My plan was to head out shortly after daybreak. Will I see you before I go?”

He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

“And if I want to?” I knew my eyes were pleading and I felt childish to even ask, but there was an ache building in
my chest I couldn’t explain.

“I wish you a long and fruitful future, Justin Taylor.”

He turned and left the room without another glance.


Brian’s POV

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This was insane. I’d had him. I took my pleasure, I’d resisted temptation and now thoughts of this boy… this man
were plaguing me like nothing else I’d ever known. As day came and with it the sun, I finally forced sleep to take
me and it was with memories of his warmth and the scent of his skin that I drifted off into oblivion.

A Binding fate: Chapter 4

Brian’s POV

“I can assure you, you’d be dead before you have a chance to blink.”

Justin stared from a chair placed against the wall at the foot of my bed, a sharpened piece of wood sitting poised
across his lap. He nodded, but remained silent. My attention was momentarily drawn toward the window, and even
through the thick shade, I could see the sun setting, darkening the sky. When my eyes shifted back, he still hadn’t
moved and still hadn’t said a word. I was perplexed that I hadn’t sensed him before now and wondered how long
he’d been sitting there.

“Justin.” His gaze met mine but his expression was impossible to read. “Do you intend to use that?”

He glanced nervously down at the wood, twirling it in his hand, and then back up at me. With a sigh, he said, “I’ve
been watching you for over an hour and my thoughts are no clearer now than they were when I stepped foot into this

I made a movement to sit up and I watched the way he flinched, gripping the stake tighter. I felt a pang of regret that
I could cause him that kind of fear. What had happened in the hours since I’d left him? And why had he not left this
morning as he’d planned?

“So now you view me as a monster?”

His shoulders barely shrugged. “Isn’t that what you are?”

With a creased brow, I chose my words wisely and answered, “I could have taken your life several times over, yet
you remain unharmed.”

“That proves nothing.”

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“Is that so?” I snapped.

He stood suddenly, his nostrils flaring in anger, and moved closer toward the bed. “You are a vampire! A curse of
nature! I should have…”

“Should have what?!”

He grit his teeth as his eyes narrowed. “I should have shoved this point into your dead heart while you slept.”

In the time it took me to cross the room, he hadn’t even managed another breath. I was behind him, my arms holding
him in a grip so tight, my body pressed against every inch of his. When I spoke, it was through the razor sharp fangs
of the monster he accused me of being.

“Why didn’t you?” As I tilted his head slowly, my teeth grazed his skin, running along his cheek, below his ear,
stopping only when I’d reached the smooth curve of his neck. I could feel his trembling, his fear…

“I could end this now. Pull the life from your body… drain you and leave you to die.” His heartbeat grew wild, his
blood rushing through his veins as he clenched his fingers around mine, his weapon long since dropped to the

“Is that what you want?” I let my incisor break the surface, just barely, but enough. He winced as my tongue slid
across his skin absorbing the sweet taste. Ambrosia. Pure and simple. I closed my eyes and willed for the strength to
stop at a single drop.

“Don’t,” he whispered.

I sighed against his skin, taking in the scent. “Well then tell me, Justin, why should you be spared? You came into
my home, took your pleasure and then threatened to end my existence. I could easily say that you are the monster.”

After a moment, I felt his resistance fade. In a voice soft and passive, he whispered, “I meant, don’t stop. I deserve
this fate, for what I have done. I betrayed everything I am the moment I allowed you inside my body.”

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I took a chance and loosened my hold, gently skimming my fingers down his arms until he was free. Free to run,
free to fight… free to turn around and see me as I truly am.

He did none of these things.

Motionless, he held his position, even when I asked, “Why do you think you deserve death?”

He wrapped his arms around his body. His voice was shaky, full of emotion, but the previous fear and anger was
gone. “I came with the intention of killing you. I knew what you were.”

I shifted, my face now the human mask he was accustomed to and stepped around him so I was able to see his
expression. “You knew, yet you accepted my invitation to stay?”

He glanced up at me quickly and I could tell he was surprised not to see ridges and fangs. The last thing I wanted
was to have him repulsed by my appearance. As if I should care what he thought about any of this. Oddly, I did.

“At first glance, I thought the stories I’d heard were lies. It was inconceivable that you were… what people
whispered you to be. Yet now, to know the truth...” It was rather disconcerting to hear. I thought I’d hidden my
presence well, having kept mostly to myself, only seeking company with others of my kind for quite some time.
Unfortunately, this meant my time here in South Carolina would soon come to an end.


“In passing…”

“Justin, you don’t just hear stories of vampires in passing. It’s not in one’s normal conversation unless you were to
be considered mad.”

He looked up at me. Directly at me. His eyes narrowed and he held his head up as if to challenge me. “It is normal if
you’re a hunter.”

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My eyebrow rose in question, and then it all clicked. Snorting, I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.
“A hunter.” That I’d invited into my home. I opened my eyes to see him watching me. Examining me to be more

“Nothing about you is as it should be. I find myself questioning my own sanity.” His skin blushed a luscious shade
of crimson and I could only imagine what he was envisioning. I would not be exaggerating if I were to say he’d
instigated a rather sweltering tryst with the enemy. His guilt must have been staggering.

“At least you are not alone in your ponderings.”

This surprised him.

I couldn’t help myself. I reached out to him, cupping his cheek lightly and felt immensely grateful when he didn’t
pull away. “I have not taken a human lover since before you were born.” I waited for a reaction, but when nothing
came, I continued. “Even then, those who were unfortunate enough to garner my attention meant nothing to me.
Prey to be used and discarded.”

“Brian, I don’t…”

“You need to know, so that in telling you, I might understand what this power is that you hold over me.” He tried to
speak, probably to argue, but I placed my finger over his lips. “It is real, Justin. I held you, tasted you… I could have
drawn the blood from your body and you would have been helpless to stop it. But I wouldn’t. Not because I didn’t
long for it, or worse yet, crave it even. Your scent is the sweetest, most alluring aroma I’ve ever encountered, but I
couldn’t bear to see the life drain from your eyes. I would not be the cause of such a wasted death.”

Justin placed his hand over mine and slowly guided it down, laying my fingers flat against his chest. “I don’t
understand. I’ve faced many of your kind, Brian. Why does your presence bring out such exhilaration when the
others only stimulated my hatred? From your touch alone, my heart feels as if it might jump out of my skin.”

“When did you know? You said you didn’t believe what you’d been told, yet I find you here with no doubt in your
mind as to what I am.”

He took a breath and let my hand go before placing his own against my skin. Firmly, he traced my shoulder, down
along the curve of my neck before resting his palm against my motionless heart. “You realize, even now, that you
sometimes forget to breathe? And cease to do so completely while you sleep?”

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I glanced down at his fingers, his nails running circles along my bare chest. I’d only now taken in the state of my
nakedness to his clothed body. “It’s not a need, but a habit. Or for show as to not be discovered. I’ll have to pay
better attention to detail in the future.”

“While you can fake breath, some things you cannot pass for human. Our exertion was such that I was drenched,
while you did not even break a sweat. And your stamina…” He blushed ferociously again.

“Was equal to yours.” I found myself smiling. “Though I may have been holding back… a bit.”

He reciprocated my smile and then took me by surprise when his body came forward and he rested his lips against
my neck. “I’ve never actually been so close as to touch a vampire before. In the heat of the fight, it is all about
keeping my distance.”

I let him explore for a moment, ghosting kisses along my skin, guiding his lips slowly down to my nipple. “Why are
you colder now than I remember?”

“My body warms when I feed.”

He stepped back with an audible gasp.

“Animals, Justin. I feed on animals and have for quite some time. I’d been in the forest just before I came to you.”

He seemed to contemplate this a little too much. His brow furrowed in thought as he ran his hands through his hair.

“Yes. Only animals.”

Seemingly content for the moment, he stepped forward again, cautiously. “So I am safe with you?”

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I traced his lips with a finger, desperately wanting to devour him. “As safe as I am with you and your pointy stick,” I
teased. But then seriously, I answered, “Never think you are safe in the company of a vampire, no matter what he
may tell you. I have a strong resolve, and when I say I am able to practice control, it is still always there, floating
just beneath the surface.”

“What is?”

I finally allowed myself to replace my finger with my lips, kissing him with renewed desire. He accepted, pulling
me to him, his hands wrapping around the back of my neck. We stayed that way for some time before it dawned on
him that I’d failed to answer his question. He pulled away reluctantly and asked again, “What is always there
beneath the surface?”

I gazed back, my eyes cold and serious. “The knowledge that your blood is the most compelling thing to me. As
much as your appearance may please me, and the very pleasure I took in you exceeds most anything imaginable,
your blood is the one thing I desire most of all.”

I’d swear his face went ashen. I knew he wouldn’t be able to handle the truth. I should have trusted my instincts.
Why tell him something so frightening, when it is within my power to hold the temptation at bay? I stared down at
him, waiting.

“I’d like to stay and learn more. All I know of vampires is what I’ve discovered on my own, and it seems that I do
not know much. I should like you to teach me more than the anger of their existence.” He continued to astonish me.

“There’s no crying cousin awaiting your arrival?”

“A story made up to secure my way in. There’s no cousin, crying or otherwise. I have no place to be and no family
to miss my absence.”

I nodded. “Well then, I see no reason for you to leave. Although, you’ll have to excuse me for a short while if I am
to be around you for any length of time. Keeping my hunger satisfied will be a key factor in your safety.”

He cringed a bit, but I didn’t expect him to understand. Part of me hoped he never did.

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As I dressed, he watched me, his eyes a dark and dangerous shade of blue. I knew the look well, but that would have
to wait. He followed me into the common area and finally asked, “Do you have anything I might eat?”

Smiling, I led him to the pantry where human food was plenty. As I’d said earlier, as with breathing, it was all in
keeping up appearances.

I left him to make his own meal as I took to the woods to find my own.

A Binding Fate: Chapter 5

Brian’s POV

I’d made quick time, my interest still focused on Justin, waiting for my return. Two kills within fifteen minutes,
enough to quench my thirst and I was already heading back to the house, anticipating the evening. Justin was at the
door before I made it inside, pulling my shirt from my body while trying to rid me of the rest of my clothes.

“Did something happen…” he latched onto my lips, “while I was gone…” he kissed me fiercely, “that I should
know about?”

“Yes,” Justin answered, a pleading, desperate tone in his short answer. He dropped his pants, revealing his desire in
all its beauty. “I thought of you.”

I grinned imperiously, my hand stroking firmly once… twice around his hardness. “And this is what became of your

“Mmm,” he choked out, his eyes fluttering shut. “They were… rather detailed.”

“I do believe I’m rather impressed with the way your mind works.”

He lifted his shirt and flung it aside, leaving me to stare at his naked body. “If it’s all the same to you, may we talk
about my mind later?” He walked backward, pushing himself up against the edge of the dining table, giving me the
same needy gaze I’d seen before I left. With quicker than human speed, I was on him with his feet locked behind my
waist, laying him across the cold wood. “You have no idea what you do to me,” I growled, burying my face into his

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His hands were in my hair, gripping tightly, trying to pull me higher. “Wait, Justin. Let me just…” get control.
Luckily, he seemed to understand and eased his grip. I stared up at him with my chin resting against him. He smiled
at me.

“Your skin has a nice flush.”

We both knew why and I couldn’t hide my shame. “That doesn’t bother you?” I inquired, nervously.

He shook his head. “And you’re warm.”

I nodded. “That’ll last for several hours.”

He tilted his head and I waited. It seemed he was sidetracked, though laying this close with his body beneath mine, I
didn’t mind. “Do you need blood every day?”

“With you here, yes. But usually, every couple of days is enough.”

He ran the back of his hand across my cheek. “Are you alright now?” And then I realized what he was doing. He
wasn’t sidetracked and though I’m sure he was curious, he wasn’t really interested in talking. He was calming me.

“You’re very smart,” I said, with a cheeky grin.

“And very desperate,” he grinned back. “I need to feel you inside me, now.”

I shook my head and moved up to kiss him. “If nothing else, I will teach you patience.”

“I’ll be a student to patience another time.”

“Oh, but I think I would like to begin now.”

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He sighed when I moved off of him and I was almost disappointed to lose his warmth. I held out my hand and he
was anxious to take it.


An hour later, lying sated across my bed with Justin resting against my chest, I couldn’t have been more content. It
was foolish to have deprived myself of human company for so long. Nothing could be more exhilarating than sliding
into the heat of his body or listening to the sound of his pulse as his excitement rose to climax.

“I never knew there could be such pleasure in something so wicked.”

I found myself chuckling in his ear. “And which wicked thing would that be? I remember several.”

And for all the things he was willing to do, his blush at mentioning any of them was quite endearing. “When you
placed your tongue… there.”

Smiling, I ran my hand through his hair. “Ah, yes. My favorite lesson. If your whimpers were any indication, I
would say you quite enjoyed the teasing. More so when I opened your ass and tasted you from the inside.”

He lifted his head to look at me and cringed. “Eww. That doesn’t sound so pleasant.”

My brow rose. “Quite the contrary. I enjoyed it every bit as much as you.”

He shook his head and returned to his previous position. We were silent for a while and were it not for his heavy
heartbeat, I would have thought he was drifting into sleep.

“How old are you?”

I pulled him tighter. “And so the questioning continues.”

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“If it makes you uncomfortable…”

“No. My comfort doesn’t matter. Yours, on the other hand…”

“I want to know.”

I took an unneeded breath. “Alright then. I was born in August 1785 but life as I know it began in my twenty ninth
year. That is what I consider the year of my birth.”

Justin shifted, sliding his leg over mine and pushed his head onto his elbow beside me. “So that means you’ve been
a vampire for…” He stopped to figure it out.

“Fifty one years.”

His eyes expressed his surprise. “Do you miss it? Being human?”

“How can you miss what you do not know?”

“Surely you couldn’t have forgotten.”

I shrugged. How could I explain this to him when I didn’t understand it myself? “I don’t know exactly how, but
when you are turned… when you become a vampire, your life before ceases to hold any importance. Maybe for a
short time, there are memories, things you long to hold on to, but those memories fade almost so fast that you’ve
forgotten you cared to remember them anyway.”

He looked away and I could not dismiss the sadness in his eyes. “What is it?”

He pursed his lips and turned toward me. “I’d be happy to forget my life so easily.”

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“No, you wouldn’t,” I answered sternly. “For the alternative is much worse than any pain your human life brings
with it.”

“I’ve never told anyone, but I almost took my own life once. At the last possible moment, I remembered something
I’d read about losing your soul to Satan and I wasn’t willing to risk it.”

“Are you a religious man, Justin?”

He huffed a sigh and placed his hand over my heart. “I believe in the power of right and wrong and that your soul
continues after death. I believe everyone has the choice to choose his own path, but I don’t believe that everything
can be measured in black or white, Heaven or Hell.”

He noticed my silence, though I knew it wouldn’t be allowed to last. “What do you believe?”

“What I believe, or used to believe means nothing, for I am certain you cannot do the things I have done and still
possess a soul. I know nothing of Heaven or Hell, but a creature such as I am can only be spawned from evil.”

He shook his head adamantly. “I don’t believe that. I’ve seen your kindness and though it doesn’t beat, I’ve seen
your heart. To be evil… truly evil, you’d be nothing but a monster without conscience.”


“No, Brian. I…”

“Justin,” I growled. I sat up quickly, putting my hand over his mouth to quiet him. I listened carefully and then
turned to face him. “Promise me you won’t move from this spot.”


All it took was a stern look. With confusion, he nodded. “Okay, but what…”

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“Just be quiet and don’t move.” I stood and reached for a pair of pants.

He was about to speak again, but I stopped him. “We have company.” A low growl escaped my throat and Justin
turned to look at me with fear filled eyes. “A vampire.”

A Binding fate: Chapter 6

Justin’s POV

The sound of Brian’s warning growl was enough to send a rippling chill down my spine. I’d been on the receiving
end of a vampire’s fury before, but to imagine that Brian could place such fear inside me… it was unfathomable.

But here I am, cowering in the corner of the room, the quilt from the bed pulled tightly around my body. He told me
to stay and from the seriousness in his tone, I knew it would be in my best interest to obey. At least until his
attention was focused elsewhere, and not on me. I suppose I was more concerned with eavesdropping than with my
own safety. I was positive Brian would be furious when I snuck out of the room and off to the kitchen to find my
discarded clothes, but as long as I stayed in the shadows, who was to know?


I could hear their voices in the hall and something immediately drew my attention to the voice of the man Brian was
talking to. I moved a little closer, just around the corner when it dawned on me. I knew him. Knew him well, if you
considered the five months of secret rendezvous and nights spent in his bed. But then, Brian had warned that this
was a vampire. Which meant…

I was too intent on making sense of something I would not let myself believe that I failed to notice the silence
coming from the other room. And then I heard the snarl, which I was more than positive, came from Brian.

Brian’s POV

I could feel him long before he was at the door, so I was ready and waiting by the time I heard the knock. Justin was
hidden, far out of sight, but I was not foolish enough to believe that another vampire would not immediately sense

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his presence. My only hope was that this person might be reasonable. If not, I would do what I must, for what other
choice would I have?

Opening the door casually, I took in his appearance, noticing every minute detail before he was able to offer a
greeting. He was hardly attractive, dressed rather tactlessly if not for the gentleman’s coat that covered his rags.
Dirty brown hair and filthy nails told me he was most likely a scavenger among our kind, feeding on the less
fortunate, or maybe the homeless. From the dark rings around his pupils, I was sure it had been some time since he’d
last had a meal.

“I’m searching for someone.” No greeting, no pleasantries… I’d say he was short on manners as well. His chin rose
and his nostrils flared, scenting the air around him. He narrowed his eyes and tried to look beyond me into the room.

“There’s nothing here for you. I’d suggest you turn back and return from wherever it was you came.”

He took a step forward, trying to edge his way around me, craning his neck even further. “But I can… he’s here. I
know it. His scent…” he swallowed, closing his eyes momentarily. “You are wrapped in it.” He was almost shaking
with excitement, his movements quick and deliberate, thinking he could make a path through my arm and the
opened door. I gave a warning, not quite a growl, but something to let him know I was serious. He knew there was a
human here and having not fed, the situation turned a little more dangerous than I cared to allow.

I gripped his arms, shoving him away from the door and that’s when he yelled out, “Justin!”

Justin’s POV


Before I stepped fully into the room, Brian was in front of me, a low steady rumble barely audible, but there just the
same. I placed my hand on his arm, trying to peer around him and also hoping to calm him, though I’d already
realized that wasn’t going to happen.

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Ethan’s eyes were dark, angry… unlike anything I’d ever seen before. His attention was focused directly on me, not
wavering for even a moment and it seemed he was almost shaking as he took a step forward.

“Justin? Can it be true? My need to find you has consumed my every waking moment. I’ve tracked you through
Maryland and Virginia, and then through the Carolinas, almost having given up when I thought it hopeless!”

I took in his appearance and could hardly believe what I was seeing. “My God, Ethan. What happened to you?”

“Isn’t it magnificent? I was released from my pathetic existence. Now I am able to laugh at society and their
preposterous rules.”

“But, when? When did this happen?”

“Half a year? A little more? It was the night your family’s manor was attacked. I was hidden in the shadows, waiting
for your return… hoping you might have changed your mind about us.”

My head was spinning, trying to block out those memories, but I needed to know, so I ventured further. “You were

He nodded. “In your room.”

“And you did nothing?! Nothing to help them?!”

“What was to be done? It was three to one and it wasn’t exactly a fair fight with their strength and speed. I was
weak, Justin. I wanted to see you again so I begged them to let me live.”

I pushed forward, trying to make my way around Brian, “Ethan, why!?”

“Justin! Don’t. He’s barely in control.” Brian pulled me against his body, his fists clenched tightly as he held me

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Ethan glared at me, his eyes glowing yellow as he spoke to Brian. “This doesn’t concern you.”

A low growl rumbled from beside me. I shifted back, letting Brian take another step in front of me, his body locked
in a protective stance. Every instinct was telling me to tread carefully before things went very badly.

Ethan’s voice softened, for a moment, reminding me of the man I used to know. The man I thought I’d been in love
with. “Don’t you see? We can be together now. There’s no one to stop us. No one to object.” He was still pleading
and I wondered how he could be so oblivious to Brian’s anger. “I promise it won’t hurt and then it’ll be the two of
us forever, Justin. You can’t imagine how it feels… the power, the strength…”

Everything happened very quickly then. A menacing roar echoed through the room and Brian’s body stiffened for
only a fraction of a second before I was being shoved backward into a corner and he was poised, ready for a fight. I
glanced at Ethan and saw his vampire features for only an instant, before my attention was swiftly drawn to Brian. I
was simply amazed by him. I couldn’t look away, my sight focused on the deep ridges of his forehead, his fangs and
burning yellow eyes.

He moved with such speed, such precision, I didn’t see him change positions until he had Ethan by the neck, ready
to twist his head from his body.

“No, Brian!”

His head shot up to look at me in confusion, his lips pulled back to reveal razor sharp teeth, glistening with menace.
I couldn’t let him do it. Staring at the panicked expression Ethan’s face held, I hoped it would be enough that he
would retreat after being so utterly defeated. “Go! I don’t want to set eyes on you again, Ethan.”

Brian’s grip visibly loosened. I don’t think he could have been any more astounded.

“But Justin,” Ethan tried to argue.

Brian turned to face him. “I would not be so quick to plead. My patience is short and it is only Justin’s request that is
keeping you alive.”

With another glance at me, Ethan gave up the fight, leaving with a slam of the porch door behind him. I could not
reach Brian fast enough. I stood in front of him, watching as he turned his head away from me. “Why do you hide?”

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After a moment, he hesitantly let me look upon his vampire face. I could tell he was trying to calm himself, to shift
back, but I took the opportunity given and reached up to touch him. He flinched and whispered “no.”

“Shhh.” His eyes closed as my fingers pressed to his forehead, running softly over the raised skin there. Slowly, I let
them travel down along his temple until my hand rested on his neck. “Why does this bother you?”

He shook his head and placed his hand over mine, avoiding looking directly at me. “You shouldn’t have to see me
this way.”


“This should repulse you.”

I pulled my hand out of his and moved it to his cheek, forcing him to turn to me. “You’re beautiful, no matter what
face you wear.” I lifted onto my toes and closed the small space between us, pressing my lips to his. I felt him
shiver, felt him pull back, but I would not allow him to. I followed, trying to cautiously avoid rubbing my tongue
along his sharp teeth. This time, when he pulled away, I looked at him, wordlessly letting him know that I was not
afraid of this.

He sighed. “This is too difficult. You don’t understand.”

“Tell me,” I whispered.

His head rose and he closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. He remained motionless, almost as if he were memorizing the
fragrance before lowering his head to me. “Things are… much more vibrant, more pronounced when the demon is
in control. My craving… the need to taste you is almost unbearable.”

Slowly, my lips pressed against his neck, licking the spot just below his ear. “I trust you.” I turned my head and
stretched sideways, doing the unthinkable. I bared my neck to him.

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His eyes widened and he growled. If only he realized what effect that sound had on me. If it was meant to frighten,
he was sorely mistaken. Shoving me backward as if I had burned him, his eyes blazed with anger. “Why would you
be so foolish?!”

I put on a face of resolve and stepped toward him again. This time, I pulled my shirt from my body and tossed it to
the floor. I noticed he was not breathing and wondered if he was attempting to block out my scent. “Justin…”

“Why deny yourself something that is offered freely?”

“Stop. I cannot do this!”

I pulled him into me, whispering into his ear. “Drink, Brian.”

“Please don’t…”

He was still resisting, but his lips were nuzzling my neck and I felt his tongue just barely grazing my skin. I moaned
at the contact and stretched to give him better access. “I have faith in you. You’ll know when to stop.”

A low growl rumbled, his hand moved to the back of my neck and he huffed out a breath against my skin as he
whispered, “Forgive me.”

A Binding Fate: Chapter 7

Justin’s POV

A hot, intense burn spread through my limbs when his bite broke the skin, pushing deeper and deeper until he could
sink no further. I gripped his arms, instinctively trying to push him away, but his hold was considerably stronger,
dragging my body tightly against his. I closed my eyes and tried to focus, feeling the motion of his lips and his
tongue against my neck as he drew the blood from my body.

“Brian,” I tried to speak, but I’m not sure sound actually found its way from my lips. But then I heard him, an
answering hum that almost brought me to my knees. A low deep rumble vibrating against my skin, exciting every

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nerve in my body. Slowly, I gave in to him and let the warmth flow through me, embracing the all-encompassing
feeling of being taken. Brian had me, gripping so tightly, pulling me lower and lower until we were both on the
ground, his body pressing me into the wood of the floor. Enveloped in dizziness, the room fading slowly in and out,
all I could think about was the coolness of Brian’s mouth, the way his body was flexing and moving against mine
and the shameful fact that my arousal was prominent and noticeable between us. I only barely realized I was lifting
my legs, rutting against him, moaning for more friction, pleading for something… anything. Begging for him not to
let this end.

Without warning, his head shot up and I was released from the grasp of his fangs. The growl that emanated from
deep within his body echoed throughout the room and I probably should have feared the horrifying sound. Should
have, but didn’t because he chose that precise moment to find the bare skin of my need. I arched against him as he
stroked me, long firm movements until he brought me to completion, giving me the relief I’d been greedily asking
for. The last thing I remembered before surrendering to the overwhelming darkness was Brian’s whispered apology.


I had no idea what time it was when I awoke. My body was stiff, my back and shoulders sore from being pushed
into the hard floor and my neck… it throbbed like nothing I’d felt before. I reached up, letting my fingers trace the
wound in the place he’d bitten. I closed my eyes as a shiver of excitement coursed through me, even though I cursed
myself for inviting these feelings I should have been trying to suppress. I slowly pushed the blanket down, taking in
my surroundings and realizing I was in the room I’d occupied the night before and not in Brian’s bed.

It was still dark outside and I could scarcely guess the sun would be rising in the next couple of hours. I wondered
why I was left alone and suddenly felt a deep seeded need to find Brian. I lit the table lamp beside me and decided to
go in search. It took me a moment; I was still weak on my feet, but I made my way from the room, padding down
the narrow hall until I reached the common area, disappointed to find it empty. I listened for sounds, but the house
was silent, giving nothing away. After thoroughly inspecting each area, I determined he was not in his bedroom, the
kitchen or the pantry and I toyed with the idea he may be out in the woods. Defeated, I turned around to return to my
room, noticing for the first time another entrance off the main foyer. Pushing the door open slowly, I shined the
candle in front of me before stepping inside. The light reflected and I saw him sitting there alone in the dark.

“Go back to bed, Justin.” He spoke serenely from his seat in the corner, not even bothering to look at me. I glanced
around briefly and saw shelves. Empty shelves that adorned two of the large walls in the room. When I moved
closer, I discovered the floor was littered with books. Books that should have been on the shelves, but were
purposely strewn from their place.

“Why are you sitting here alone?”

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He shrugged and looked up at me, but didn’t answer.

Stepping forward, careful not to stumble on the mess, I stared at him as he stared back. Finally he looked away,
resting his head in his hand, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. He was clearly agitated and I wasn’t sure
what to say, so I chose to say nothing, hoping he would eventually tell me what was wrong. I’d almost given up
when he asked, “Who is Ethan?”

I thought about it for a moment, and then placed the lamp on a table nearby. “He is… was someone I knew.”

His eyebrow lifted in a knowing gesture and he crossed his arms in front of him. He wasn’t letting it go that easily.

I sighed. “He was my lover.”

He nodded, though I’m sure he’d already assumed as much. “I’d made it clear I no longer wished to be with him, so
he took it upon himself to begin pursuing me, hounding me to give him another chance.”

“Well it seems he never quite accepted your refusal.”

I shook my head. “He did seem rather delusional.” It was still hard to absorb what had happened. That Ethan could
be so self-seeking as to want this.

“So you hunt because vampires killed your family?”

“Killed?” I couldn’t help but scoff at that. “They were slaughtered, Brian. My parents… my sister. It appeared as if
they… enjoyed themselves as they tore my family’s home to shreds.” I couldn’t hide the harsh undertones in my
voice. “That is the nightmare I carry with me.”

“Unfortunately, Justin, that’s the nature of vampires. Though most are content to not call attention to themselves,
others do enjoy wreaking havoc where they are able. It is but a game to them.”

I moved even closer, kneeling down in front of his chair. “And what of you? Why are you not as they are?”

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He pulled back, almost as if he were afraid of me. I tried to appear unconcerned, but it made me ache to feel him
putting distance between us. “I am not as different as you presume and you should never fool yourself into thinking

“You’re wrong.” I reached for his hand, but he refused it.

“You should not have offered yourself. I could have taken your life, Justin. Easily. And now… your very presence
intoxicates me more than I can stand. It is a struggle not to finish what was started and I fear I am not strong

I stood up again, backing away, raising my arms and gesturing down my body. “You are within arm’s reach, yet
here I am, still breathing. If it is your strength you doubt… ”

He jumped up quickly, his vampire speed bringing him to stand in front of me before I could blink. He gripped my
arms and stared intently, his eyes dark and angry. “You are dangerous. You make me feel things… want things that
are unattainable.”

I looked at him incredulously. “And you don’t think I feel these things, Brian? That I don’t yearn for you or crave
your touch? That I don’t curse myself for allowing these desires? I am wise enough to know I’m playing with fire
each time I’m near you, but I am willing to take that chance!”

Brian closed his eyes, trembling as he laid his forehead against mine, locking his hands behind my neck. After a
moment of silence between us, he tilted his head and let his cheek brush against my temple. He moved slowly,
almost cautiously, touching the skin near my ear and inhaling the scent of my hair before descending down the curve
of my neck, stopping at the base of my shoulder when he found the place where he’d marked me. He was
motionless, his entire body completely still against mine. I would have followed suit, the intense moment filling the
air about us, but unlike his, the rise and fall of my chest was inevitable.

He held me for a moment, just resting his lips lightly against my skin and then he kissed me, letting his tongue glide
over the mark. His mark. A rush of chills overtook me, my entire body quivering with anticipation and excitement at
that simple touch. My hand slid around his waist and I tried to pull him tighter against me. It seemed there was
nothing that mattered more than being next to him. The desire to be closer, to have him inside me was
overshadowing every other thought in a way that was almost frightening in its intensity.

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His lips found mine, kissing me deeply… urgent and hungry kisses that left me panting and writhing against him.
His voice broke the spell, just briefly when he whispered, “I should not be doing this.”

“There is no denying what is between us, Brian. I feel I could not breathe without you near me.”

He tensed and I suddenly had an eerie feeling that I had said something wrong. “I hope that is not true, for you are
leaving as soon as the sun rises.”

My breath caught and I stepped back, pulling out of his arms, bewildered and angry. “What?! Why?!”

“It is for your own good, Justin.”

Did I mean nothing to him? Did it not matter what I wanted? “You’d send me away so quickly rather than face your

“What I may or may not feel bares no impact on what must be done.”

“What must be done? I don’t understand.”

“You think a vampire will give up his quest for you just because you tell him to go away? You trust that he will
leave you safe?”

It dawned on me then. “Ethan.”

He nodded. “He will not give up and I cannot protect you here.”

“I’ve no place to go that he would not follow.”

“He cannot travel in the daylight. It would give you a head start and I will see to it that he doesn’t follow when the
sun sets.”

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“How can you be sure…”

“I’ll take care of him.”

The coldness in his voice was unsettling, but the meaning was more than clear. “You’d kill him?”

He seemed surprised that I’d asked. “I would. To protect you.”

I stared at him, dumbfounded. I wanted to shower him with kisses for being the man I knew he was, but another part
of me was insulted, knowing he thought I was weak and unable to take care of myself. He must have sensed the
warring emotions because after a moment, he moved closer, taking me into his arms. “He knows you too well,
Justin. He’d use that to get to you and knowing what he wants… I think it’d be better not to take any chances.”

I closed my eyes, sinking into his chest. “I don’t want to leave.”

“You don’t have a choice.” I felt his lips on the top of my head and heard the regret in his voice. “If there were any
other way...”

“Where will I go?”

“I know of a place, only an hour’s ride. When you get there, ask for Debbie, tell her I sent you and there won’t be
any questions.”

I lifted my head, looking up at him. “And when will I see you again?”

With a shake of his head, he said, “Justin…”

“No, Brian. If you have no intention of coming for me, then I won’t go. I’ll stay here and take my chances.”

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I could see the pain in his eyes. “You know this is impossible. You deserve more than I will ever be able to give

“Promise you’ll come for me.” I wouldn’t let him go so easy. Not when I’d just found him. “Or rest assured I will be
back here within a week.”

His expression turned to one of defeat and he nodded, giving in. Something tells me he wasn’t sold on the idea of
being apart either. I let a small smile escape and then I reached up to kiss him, pleased when he didn’t object. If
these were our last hours together before he sent me away, I’d make sure to spend them in his bed.

A Binding Fate: Chapter 8

Brian’s POV

I didn’t want him to go. I wanted him here, where I could keep him close and keep my eye on him. But I had to act
rationally and this was the best option for everyone. At Deb’s, he would be out of harm’s way, and he would be far
enough away from me that I might have a chance to clear my head. Obviously, with Justin around, I would not be in
the position to think straight. He seemed to challenge every instinct and left me with too many questions that I didn’t
have time to contemplate right now. Ethan may be a fledgling, but I’ve learned never to underestimate an opponent,
no matter what the circumstance.

He was lying beside me, sleeping quietly after finally realizing I wasn’t going to give in to his demands. If I were to
let him have his way, if I felt his warmth again, or allowed myself the pleasure of being inside him, I might never
have the strength to make him leave. He couldn’t possibly understand what he put into motion when he offered
himself to me, and I was insane to have thought I could deny what would happen once I accepted the offer.

But there was a way to stop it. And I had to, before it was too late. Leaving this place, the place I’d called home for
thirty years would be hard to do, but sending him to Deb’s was almost unbearable. But I had no choice, on both
counts. If Justin was right and the town was talking, it wouldn’t be long until I’d have to go anyway. This turn of
events gave me the excuse to disappear now, rather than later, when another hunter may decide to be brave enough
to face me. Besides… if for no other reason, I knew I couldn’t be here waiting when Justin came looking for me.


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An hour went by, moving much too quickly. I could sense the daylight just on the horizon and soon it would be
time. He shifted restlessly, pushing closer to me and I couldn’t help but wrap my arms tightly around him. I'd put on
quite a show of resistance when he was begging me to take him again, but in reality, there was nothing I wanted

I let my hand rest upon his chest, pressing it against his heart. It was calming in a way; feeling it, listening to the
sound of the steady beat ringing in my ears.

“Do you miss it?” he asked sleepily, locking his fingers in mine, pulling my hand tighter to him.


He chuckled softly, “Liar.”

I shook my head. “I don’t miss it, but I like listening to yours beat.”

“And it does so wildly. My pulse races from your touch. I would think my heart would give up from exhaustion
when I’m around you.”

I disagreed. “It is calm now.”

I saw his smile as he rolled toward me, shifting onto his back. “You’re not touching me in the right place.”

I groaned, lying my head down onto his chest before raising it back up to look at him. “Justin.”

“Once more, Brian. Please. I need to feel you.” His body was so tempting, as it always was. If he’d known how
close I was to giving in only an hour ago, he would not have fallen asleep so easily. Now, with the scent of his sex
as well as his blood calling to me, it may have just been an inevitable postponement. As I breathed in deeply, letting
the combination take over my senses, I knew I would take him, one way or another.

“I won’t be fooled into thinking you don’t want me.” His hand moved to caress my hip and then slid down to rub the
hardness pushing against him. I couldn’t exactly deny it when the evidence was so prominent.

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“It’s not about not wanting you. It’s… I fear I want you too much. In a way that would not be fair to you.”

After pulling his hand away, he moved his hips, rubbing his leg between mine causing a sensational friction between
us. I couldn’t help but moan as I buried my head into his chest. When he began removing articles of clothing, any
delusion I had of stopping this was lost.


The sounds of his pleasure filled the room as I took him between my lips. My tongue glided down his flesh, lapping
at the wetness, tasting his excitement. His hands were in my hair, trying to guide me… trying to show me where he
wanted my attention. I swallowed his length and took him to the back of my throat, squeezing and suctioning around
him, the advantages of being without breath. When his back arched and he began begging, I slid off, dragging my
tongue lower, beneath his scrotum. I pressed at the area there, listening to the yelp of delight the action pulled from

“Please, Brian.”

I knew what he wanted. He’d learned the pleasure that could be derived from being orally breeched, and now that he
had, he was shameless in asking for it. Lucky for him, I was more than willing to give it.


He was smooth and wet after letting me spend several minutes ravishing him, my tongue entering him over and over
until he was desperately moaning, his body thrashing on the bed, insisting that I take him… now. He was gasping,
pleading for something more… more than what my tongue could give. His absolute wantonness drove me to the
edge of madness. If he were stronger… stronger than human, I would have pounded into him with the force and
vigor that I know would break him in two. It was a challenge, but as he placed his legs upon my shoulders, I slid into
him carefully, reminding myself that he was only human.

He reached for me, pulling me down on top of his body until our lips could meet in a hungry kiss. Once I felt his
tongue against mine, I couldn’t stop and the pace became frantic, almost animalistic as he opened up to allow me all
the way inside. Flesh slapped against flesh, rougher than I would have intended, but his cries of gratification told me
he was enjoying the wildness of our coupling as much as I was. I left his mouth and pressed my lips to his cheek,
down the curve of his ear… following a path to suck on his collarbone, all the while denying where this was heading
because I didn’t want to think about it.

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“Please, Brian.” He turned his head and exposed the soft, smooth skin of his neck, still red from my previous bite. “I
know what you want.”

And I did, as I knew I would. I longed for the taste of his blood on my lips. I wanted to feel the richness of his
essence sliding down my throat. I growled against him, lowering my head to nuzzle his skin. He lifted his legs,
flexing even more to draw me deeper into his body.

“Don’t fight it, for I am yours to take.” One hand moved to my back, his fingernails scraping my skin, releasing into
the air the subtle scent of fresh blood, while the other tugged at me, pulling me firmly against his neck. “I want it,”
he whispered.

Opening my mouth, I momentarily rested my lips against my mark and then summonsed the change, freeing the
demon. His muscles clenched around me and he held his breath as my hand slid into his hair, tilting his head back
further. I sank into his flesh, reveling in the sweetness that spilled over my tongue. After the penetration, when he
was able to breathe again, he moaned his pleasure and wrapped his arms around me.

My hips ground into him once more and then I stopped all movement as my erection throbbed, deeply encased in his
tight warmth. I could feel his hardness against me, pressed firmly between our bodies, the wetness seeping out onto
my stomach. I allowed myself a brief moment to focus on nothing but the taste of him. I filled my mouth and
swallowed slowly, cautiously listening to his heartbeat for signs of distress. His grip was still tight, urging me to
continue, but foolishly, he had no idea when a vampire’s bite would pass the point of danger. All he knew was the
bliss. The complete feeling of ecstasy that swam through every inch of his body. With one last pull from the wound,
I stopped sucking, leaving my teeth imbedded in his skin, reluctant to break that connection with him.

When he felt the absence of motion and knew I had taken all that I would, he let his head drop to the pillow and
wrapped his feet strongly around my waist, pushing his hips upward, begging me to let him finish. Within moments,
I felt his contractions and my stomach was coated with his release as I filled him from the inside with my own.


Silence filled the air around us as we lay naked and spent, watching the night give way to the daylight. He left only
once to take care of his human needs and to draw the heavy shade across my window before returning to nestle his
body against mine.


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I lazily glanced at him, running my fingers through the soft patch of hair beneath his navel, watching as his stomach
jumped and quivered at my touch. “Hmm?”

“Does my blood make you stronger? More so than animals?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

He smiled. “Good.”

“Though I’ve fed too much, too soon, leaving you weaker than I would like. I will have to keep you another few
hours before trusting you to ride by yourself.”

“I’ll be fine, Brian. Though another few hours with you isn’t entirely unpleasant.”

Placing my hand on his cheek, I turned his head to face me, searching the emotion behind his eyes. This would be
the last time we’d be together and I wanted to commit everything about him to memory. “Promise you won’t stop
until you get there. Not for anyone.”

He pulled me down and met my lips gently. “I promise. I’ll be safe.”


Justin’s POV

The ride was completely uneventful, as I’m sure Brian hoped it would be. I left in plenty of time to ensure daylight
stayed with me, even though in my condition, I rode easier than my normal pace and barely made it before nightfall.
I’d never admit it to Brian, but the weakness I felt was greater than I let on and I was anxious to find a place to rest

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and regain a bit of strength. The directions he mapped out took me to a small town on the outskirts of Charleston,
where I did as he instructed and stopped nowhere until I found my destination.

I was relieved to see the sign on the quaint two-story building reading Liberty Inn. What I was not prepared for was
the house’s owner and the vampires that called it home.

A Binding Fate: Chapter 9

Justin’s POV

The first thing I noticed when the door opened in front of me was the color red. Flaming red hair piled high on top of
a heavily made up woman. I may have been dismayed at the outrageousness of her attire had I not been so focused
on what my body was trying to tell me. My stomach was tied in knots; though that was a normal gut reaction
whenever I felt there was danger about. What wasn’t so normal was the way the hair on my arms stood on end,
sending waves of chilling shivers down my spine.

“Well what have we here?”

It took me a moment to realize she’d spoken, having been so caught up in the sensations I was experiencing. I
snapped to attention and nodded. “My name is Justin Taylor. If you’d be so kind, I was told you would have a place
for me.”

Her eyes gleamed, pulling back to take in my appearance. The extent to which she ogled me brought color to my
cheeks along with an embarrassed nervousness.

“How do you do? I’m Debbie, the owner of this fine establishment, but everyone calls me Deb.” Not becoming of a
lady, she held out her hand suggesting a man’s handshake, catching me off guard. Reluctantly, I reached my hand
out to reciprocate and that’s when it struck me. It was cool to the touch. Too cool. “You’re a vampire.” I stepped
back quickly, my breath catching suddenly as I contemplated what I should do. My weapons were tied to my horse
and if this was a trick, I was more than outmatched.

“Quit it with the hysterics, would you? It’s not as if I’m going to eat you.” She smiled, and then laughed at my
reaction. “So Brian sent you to me, did he? What the fuck’s that boy up to now?”

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Her colorful language astounded me and it showed. But then, there was the other reason for my surprise. “How did
you know?”

“You’re wearing his scent inside and out. It ain’t too hard to figure why.”

I may just keep a permanent blush around this woman. Vampire. Whatever. “He said I would be safe here.”

She cocked an eyebrow and chuckled. “Never thought I’d see the day I’d be protecting a human.” And then she
motioned for me to follow her inside. “Well c’mon then.”

The large open room was even more garish than its owner, if that was at all possible. The artworks adorning the
walls were tasteless and crude, but then somehow, I wasn’t surprised by this revelation.

“So what is it we’re supposed to be keeping you safe from?”


Just then, I heard the sound of footfalls on the large set of stairs behind me and then a voice calling out, “Brian! It’s
about time you…” The words were cut short when I turned around and he stopped midway down the staircase. His
expression was confused, but also a little dark, as if I’d played a very bad joke on him. “I thought you were someone

“Michael, this is Justin. Brian sent him to stay with us.”

He slowly descended while eyeing me suspiciously. “And how do you know that?”

“He told me so.”

Michael scoffed and turned to Deb. “And you’d trust the word of a human? You know Brian doesn’t associate with
them.” Them, dripping with sarcasm and I immediately knew this Michael would not be on my side.

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Deb gave a stern glance Michael’s way and then said, “Go find Justin a clean room and get him settled and then I
want you both down here in time for dinner.”

I couldn’t hide the sudden apprehensive expression, but Deb only smiled. “If you know Brian, you know the way he
chooses his meals.” I visibly relaxed as I nodded. “Alright then. You should know you have nothing to be worried
about. I was the one who taught him the ways he’s grown accustomed to.”

“You taught him to live on animals?”

She stared at me pointedly and I was suddenly aware of the mark on my neck, not completely hidden by my collar.
“In theory.”

Blushing again, I tried not to show my embarrassment as easily this time. Unfortunately, my efforts failed when she
added, “Now I’d suggest you go wash up. You reek of cock and day old sex.” She smiled knowingly and sent me on
my way.


Michael barely spoke two words as he followed me out to get the two saddlebags I was carrying and then ushered
me upstairs to the room I would occupy. The sideways glances gave him away though. He didn’t want me here.

When I arrived downstairs an hour later, I was surprised to be joined by several others around the large dining table.
Introductions were made and my best educated guess would be that I was the only human in attendance. It was
affirmed when my meal of roast beef and rice was the only solid food on the table.

I’d learned a few things as we sat sharing food and stories as if this was any normal supper. Though I suppose it was
only myself that felt abnormal in this setting. The vampires who lived here, seven in all, did so with the illusion of
being a family. Passing themselves off as cousins and long distance relatives, they were the picture perfect family to
any outsider who might come calling. Deb was actually blood relation to Michael… her son, turned only six months
after she was. I wouldn’t assume their ages and I’m not sure it would be polite to ask, so for now, I’m left to wonder.

The Inn, however, wasn’t an illusion. It was open to the public, though rarely housed many guests. It seemed there
were rumors amongst the townsfolk. It held a certain reputation as an establishment in bad taste and even worse
company; that its owner would let men lay with men and likewise women with women. It was amazing she hadn’t
been all but banished from society whether it could be proven or not.

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It was late and I was tired, ready to retire to my room when I noticed the flurry of activity all around me. I had
almost forgotten I was the odd man whose morning did not begin when the sun set in the sky. It also made me
wonder about Brian and what he might be doing at this moment. Thinking about him made my heart ache in a way
I’d never felt before. If this was love, I was consumed with it. I’d taken Deb’s advice and washed, though now, I
regretted not having Brian’s scent to cling to.


I focused my attention on Deb, who had taken a place beside me on the sofa in a quiet sitting room off the main

“The others are going out and I thought we might sit down and have a talk.”

I nodded. I was sure there were things she very much wanted to know, and, with any luck, I’d find a few answers of
my own.

“The first thing I want to know is whether Brian is alright or not. You said he sent you here to keep you safe?”

“Yeah, he is or… he was.” I paused for a moment, thinking about what I’d actually done. I’d left Brian there alone
to take care of my problem. What if something happened to him? “I shouldn’t have left. I could have helped.”

“Helped with what, Justin? Tell me what’s happening.” I turned to her and saw the worry etched on her face.

“There was a vampire. Someone I’d known before he was…” I looked down, away from her gaze. “Turned. Brian
was protecting me.”

“It seems Brian was doing more than that.” She reached out, pulling my collar away, exposing the bruised, tender
area on my neck.

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I pulled away from her grip. “He’s not… he wasn’t trying to hurt me if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Her eyebrow rose before she answered, “I wouldn’t assume anything, but Brian hasn’t fed from a human in over
thirty years. I find it a little troubling that you’d show up with his mark on you.”

“I let him, Deb. It wasn’t…”

“You shouldn’t have.” She glanced at me sternly. “I understand if you were entranced by him. Vampires, or more
specifically Brian, have a certain… allure when they want something. A fuck is one thing, but this…”

“I wasn’t tranced or lured or anything like that! You act like he tricked me! He didn’t trick me, I wanted it!” She
sighed heavily and then leaned back, closing her eyes. It still fascinated me that vampires held onto such human
habits. Breathing was but a small fraction.

I couldn’t tell if she was angry, frustrated or just ready to throw me out, but I decided it would be in my best interest
to remain silent for the moment. When she finally spoke again, her voice was soft, no doubt trying to calm me.
“What do you know of vampires, Justin?”

Shrugging, I answered honestly, “How to kill them mostly.”

She seemed surprised for a few seconds, or even dismayed, but quickly hid her expression. “That’s a good thing to
know. You can’t be too careful. Most would rip into you without a second thought.”

Sadly, I nodded. “My family was killed that way. It’s the only reason I know about their existence at all.”

She reached out to touch me, her cold fingers sliding over my cheek. “Well that was a hell of a way to learn about
us.” She shook her head and then added, “There are a few vampires, not many, but a few that don’t condone feeding
on humans. I try to convince as many as I can, but it’s hard. The scent… the taste for human blood is instinctual and
most can’t, or won’t fight the urge. The trouble is, too many dead or missing bodies causes attention and that puts us
in danger. I prefer being able to stay in one place for a while.”

“Is that how you know Brian?”

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“Aah, Brian.” She smiled. “When I met Brian thirty three years ago, he was as wild as any vampire I’d ever met. But
he was different, too. He’d been alone from the night he was turned and forced to figure it all out on his own. His
sire, the one who bit him, must have been young or newly turned, fucked up and left him for dead I suppose. At least
that’s how Brian tells it.”

“So he just woke up and he was a vampire?”

“That is usually how it works.”

“No, I mean…”

“It’s a frightening experience for anyone, but usually there’s someone waiting to teach you. To help you understand
your new life, the things you’re feeling. Brian had to learn not only what he was, but also how to survive without
anyone’s help. The trouble was, and this is my opinion, I don’t think he ever really wanted the life that was given to
him. He didn’t embrace it and frankly, I don’t know that he’s ever really accepted it.”

I shrugged. “He seems alright to me.”

“It’s been a lot of years, Justin. And putting distance between himself and humans seems to have helped. You see,
for a vampire, the desire to feed is something you can’t resist. It’s the nature of the beast. But for Brian? It took me a
little while to figure out, but once I did, I realized while his hunger for blood was as strong as any other vampire’s,
his guilt after feeding was something I’d not seen before.”

I almost smiled, thinking back to his unwarranted apology after taking my blood.

“I believe he enjoyed the challenge of the hunt. But the kill? Well, it always left him disheartened for a few days.
Once I made him aware that he could survive without humans, he stayed away from them as much as possible and
seemed all the better for it.”

“I just thought he enjoyed being alone. Well, except for certain company.” I blushed crimson and I’m sure she

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“He has always been quite the entertainer.” She shook her head, her meaning more than implied. “So you see why I
might be a little concerned when you showed up on my doorstep, reeking of Brian? And then when I saw the bite

“I told you, I…”

“Wanted it. I know that’s what you said. But you don’t understand our ways. You don’t know what kind of trouble
this could cause.”

“Why should it cause any trouble? He didn’t hurt me. No harm done.”

“Well, we’ll see about that. For now, tell me about this other vampire.”

I spent another twenty minutes filling her in on Ethan and his unexpected visit. As she listened, she seemed
distracted and I could only wonder if she was still worried about Brian drinking from me. Maybe she was afraid he’d
start feeding on humans again. But that didn’t make any sense after what she’d confided to me. One thing was for
certain. There was so much I didn’t understand and I wanted to know it all.


Three days passed slowly and I found myself overly frustrated. Even more so because Deb didn’t seem too
concerned. She seemed to think Brian would have no problem facing a newly turned vampire, but I couldn’t help but
be worried for him. When the fourth day passed with no word, I stayed in my room, pacing a path on the rug,
avoiding everyone else in the house. Something was wrong. I could feel it. Brian was in trouble and it was making
me crazy to think I wasn’t there to help him. My hand inadvertently caressed the mark on my neck. His mark, that
always made me shiver with the slightest touch of my fingers. Where was he? I needed to go to him. I would wait
until morning and leave while everyone else was asleep. I knew it was the only way that Deb would let me go.

A Binding Fate: Chapter 10

Justin’s POV

I could hardly sleep from worrying about Brian. I tried to hold onto Deb’s optimism that he would be all right, at
least until morning when it would be safe to go to him, but my gut was telling me I should have already been on my
way. In my head, I saw him in every horrible scenario I could think of… none of which ended with Ethan’s defeat. I

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pulled the blanket tighter around my neck and forced my eyes to close. I turned to thoughts less gloomy, trying to
occupy my overactive imagination. Instead, I imagined Brian’s eyes, dark and intense, able to stare as if searching
deep inside me. His hands, smooth and gentle, knowing all the ways in which to touch. His body molded to mine,
the fit of which was incomparable to any other lover I’d had. I refused to believe I would not have the opportunity to
feel his lips against mine in deep, hungry kisses again. I would, and soon.


I barely remembered dozing off but when I awoke, I felt I was in the midst of another dream, not unlike the
nightmares I’d experienced the past three nights. Only this was more of a feeling, like something pulling at me from
the inside, forcing me to respond. I tossed the quilt aside and dressed as quickly as possible, making my way
downstairs where I knew the others would still be up wandering around, if not out doing whatever vampires did at
night when they didn’t partake of humans. My body was almost shaking, the sensation so strong and by the time I
reached the sitting room next to the foyer, I knew what I had been feeling. It was suddenly clear.


Deb’s voice was beside me, thought I barely heard it, completely focused on what was beyond the door. Nothing
else mattered at the moment. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I tried to shrug it off, without success. “Justin! What
are you doing?”

I heard the question, somewhere off in the distance and I answered, hoping it was spoken audibly and not just in my
thoughts. I saw Brian. He was coming and he needed my help. The hand holding onto me tightened, and if not for
her incredible strength, I doubt she would have been successful in stopping me.

“Justin! Stop! Just wait a minute!”

I blinked then, turning to look at her, panic racing through my body. “Please Deb! He’s out there! He’s in trouble!”

She shook her head and looked at me. I could see sympathy and confusion. “Justin. If he were, I would know it. It’s
just another dream confusing your mind.”

I ripped from her hold, shouting, “No! This is real! I don’t know how, but I know it is!”

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Her eyes found mine, staring at my resolve, and I could tell she knew what I was saying was true. She clutched her
hands to her chest and shook her head. “I knew it! I fucking knew what he did!”

I didn’t understand, but at the moment, I didn’t really care. I just needed to get to him. I moved toward the door and
she reached out, stopping me again. “You are staying here.” She turned, shouting into the other room, “Michael!
Emmett! Get you asses out here!” Within seconds, the room was full and Deb had explained my predicament,
ordering Michael and Emmett to head out in search of Brian. Her intention was to keep me safe, not wanting to send
me out in the middle of the night, but I was left feeling totally useless.

Ten minutes later, I was nervously pacing the foyer, the anxiety I was feeling heightened even more as time went by.
Deb refused to let me out of her sight, watching every move, ready for me to bolt at any second. I would have, but if
Brian’s speed was any indication of the way vampires moved, I’d have no chance in making it to the door without
enduring her wrath. I barely noticed anyone else in the room, but knew they were all there, waiting to watch me fail.

Luckily, before I went completely mad, Deb bypassed me, yelling, “They’re here!” before yanking the door open. In
a flash, I was on the porch, watching as Michael and Emmett came through the trees on the far side of the yard. My
breath hitched and I gasped, seeing Brian’s body as they carried him, motionless between them. My first reaction
was to assume that he was dead. But then, that would have been impossible. Dead meant dust for vampires, which
meant he was still alive or… whatever. If nothing else, it meant there was hope.

Without anyone holding me back this time, I took off, running as fast as I could until I was with him, trying to help,
though I knew they didn’t need me for that. My strength was nothing compared to theirs, but I couldn’t stand not
touching him, feeling him… anything just to know he was real. The moment my hand wrapped around his and I felt
his extremely cold skin, I knew there was a bona fide chance I could lose him. “Brian! Brian!” I yelled.

Michael turned to me, his eyes throwing daggers, and snapped back, “You’re wasting your breath. He can’t hear

Stupid idiot vampire.

Emmett shook his head, looking directly at Michael. “You go on and talk to him as much as you want, Justin.”

Michael huffed and rolled his eyes. No one said anything else until we finally got him inside, laying him carefully
on the sofa in the guest area.

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“Fuck! What the hell happened to him?!” Deb’s eyes were wide with panic and I could tell this wasn’t good. His
clothes were rumpled and torn, blood soaking through every layer. Cuts and gashes marred his beautiful face, as
well as every other part of his body not covered by the ruined material. I kneeled down on the floor next to the sofa,
pushing the others back. Not caring who I offended, I pointedly ignored Michael’s glare.

Running my fingers gently through Brian’s hair, pulling them away to see the blood covering my hand, my eyes
watered and I fought to hold myself together. “Please! Can you feel me here, as I felt you? You were calling to me,
Brian. I heard you!” I bent down, letting my head rest against his chest, wishing I could feel his heart. To have
something… anything to let me know it wasn’t hopeless. It was impossible now to control my emotions and the
tears slid down my cheeks, mixing with the blood coating his shirt. Staring at his face, I cursed myself when I
imagined a movement beneath his eyelid, but then shot up when I heard a whispered, “Justin,” on his lips.

Suddenly, Michael’s hand was on my arm, pulling me up, dragging me away. “This is ridiculous! Why don’t you
leave so we can take care of him?!”

“I’m not going anywhere!” I screamed back, trying to keep my focus on Brian.

“How can you help? You’re not one of us! You don’t know anything about us!”

I turned my head abruptly and looked down, where he was still holding onto me. “Get your hand off of me or I’ll
show you exactly what I know about vampires.”

“Would you two knock it off!?” Deb waited until she knew she had our full attention and then turned to where
Lindsay and Melanie were standing off to the side. “Go get some wet towels and fresh linen. We need to get him
cleaned up.” They left quickly and then Deb stepped closer. “He’s not healing. He hasn’t fed.”

Michael was quick to volunteer, offering to hunt. She agreed and said, “Ted, Emmett… go with him. Bring back
anything you can find.” The three of them headed for the door, then Deb turned to me. I searched her eyes and they
acknowledged what I already knew. It had all been a ruse, biding time, waiting for me to do what we both knew I
had to. I nodded and went back down on my knees, pushing my hand beneath his head to lift him up. The movement
caught Emmett’s attention, followed by Ted and Michael, who came to a halt, watching me.

“Brian, listen to me. You have to feed. You’ve lost too much blood and you’re not healing.” Though he’d only fed
from my neck, I knew the position would be too awkward to arrange and I glanced up at Deb in question. Her only
answer was to smile as she stepped back, joining the others near the door. Michael tried to move forward, but she
grabbed his hand, stopping him.

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I took a breath. I could figure this out. I thought of all the pulse points, pictured the steady flow of blood and then
slowly lowered my wrist to Brian’s mouth. I pushed it against his lips, trying to encourage him, but nothing
happened. Frustrated, I leaned down next to his ear and whispered, “You have to bite. Please, Brian.”

His eyes barely opened and I managed to see a hint of brown staring back at me until he closed them again,
tightening his lips together. It was his refusal that angered me.

I turned my head over my shoulder and said, “I need something sharp!” If Brian wouldn’t drink from me, there was
only one thing I could do. I could bring out the vampire in him that needed blood more than morality. A blade was
in my hand and I was slicing into my wrist without so much as a flinch. Brian’s eyes opened again, wider this time
when he tasted it. My blood, flowing against his lips. “Drink,” I pleaded, “it’s the only way.”

I could see the hesitance in his eyes, but he opened his lips slightly, allowing the warm sustenance to hit his tongue.
I heard a low, feral growl and then watched, feeling victorious as his features changed. His hands gripped my arm,
pulling my wrist as close as possible. The familiar heat overtook me when I felt the stab of his fangs as he pushed
into my skin, drawing the blood out in quick, successive bursts. He was not slow and gentle as had been the other
times, but instead, harsh and hungry, feeding for survival. I lost track of the time that passed, so caught up in the feel
of Brian, before I had the sense to notice how dizzy I was, the room spinning around me when I opened my eyes. I
forced out a whimper, trying to grip his hair… trying to pull him away. He was taking too much and no one was
trying to help me. I was going to die and I’d done it willingly.

I barely registered what was happening to me when Brian let me go. My wrist hurt, but his fangs were gone and I
was being pulled upward, my body too weak to resist. I didn’t care. They could do with me what they wanted. Finish
me off, leave me to rot… anything as long as Brian was all right. But then I felt softness beneath me and I managed
to roll my eyes open slightly enough to see that I was on the sofa, Brian’s body firmly pressed against mine, his
yellow eyes staring intensely down at my face. He was alive and he was beautiful and this meant I wasn’t going to
die. I could let go now, at least for a little while, but first there was something I needed, even more than the
unconscious sleep my body was demanding. Wrapping my arms around him as best I could, I tilted my head back,
closing my eyes. I moaned when he penetrated the skin at the base of my neck and then smiled as the darkness
pulled me under.


Brian’s POV

“How long? It’s been almost two days!”

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Deb looked at me, her fingers sliding lovingly against my cheek. “Soon. His body knows what it needs and right
now that’s rest. You fed quickly and Justin lost a lot of blood. It’ll take time.”

I stood up, looking for something to throw, to destroy, just something to take my anger out on. “Why did you let him
do it?! You should have stopped him!”

“Stopped him? Who could have stopped him? He’s a determined little shit and you should be so lucky.”

I shuffled back to the bed, sitting down on the edge of it, watching Justin’s sleeping form. “He’s different from the
rest of them.”

She snorted. “Well that’s a hell of an understatement.”

I cast her a lopsided grin and then turned my body to face her. When I didn’t say anything, her smile faded. “What,

Shrugging, I answered, “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“Well that makes two of us. I’ve known you to do some crazy things over the years, but this sure as hell beats ‘em
all.” She glanced sideways at Justin and then caught my eye. “What were you thinking, huh? Does he even know?
Does he realize what it means?”

Guilt ridden, I shook my head.

“Brian,” she scolded.

“Save the lecture. I already know the consequences of what I’ve done.”

“Do you?! He could feel you, Brian. When no one else could, he knew you were in trouble.”

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“I know!” I growled.

She squinted her eyes, letting me know she didn’t appreciate my tone. Silence fell between us, but then I realized
she was only trying not to yell back at me. Calmly, she asked, “How strong is this bond?”

I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose.


“Strong enough.” I looked up, glaring at her and knew she wasn’t satisfied. “So strong I thought I would go insane
after he left.”

Her mouth dropped. “Jesus Christ.” She stood up and began pacing the room. “What, it wasn’t good enough just to
fuck him? You had to go and mess with things this boy has no hope of understanding?!”

“I’ll talk to him. I’ll make him understand.”

“That he’s bonded to you for the rest of his life? He’s young, Brian! And human! You think he’s going to want

I’d already considered the alternative. I was prepared for what I had to do if he couldn’t live with this. I would end
my own existence to preserve the life he wanted. I would let him be free of me. “I’ll talk to him, Deb.”

“You’d better. If you won’t, I will.”

I eyed her wearily. Deb was never one to stay quiet. She turned to leave and then came back to me, gently kissing
the top of my head. “I don’t know what it is between the two of you, but Justin was willing to risk his life for you.
You remember that.”

I nodded.

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“I’ll have some chicken soup ready when he wakes up.”

Smiling, I watched as she left the room. I was thankful it hadn’t gone as bad as I’d envisioned.


It was a couple of hours later when Justin finally began to stir. I was lying beside him, mesmerized as always by the
rise and fall of his chest when his eyes opened and his lips rose into a crooked smile. I couldn’t help but return the
gesture. The relief I felt was incomparable to anything else I could imagine. When his lips made to speak, I placed a
finger over his mouth. “Shh. Don’t try to talk.”

He shook his head and hoarsely whispered, “Brian.”

“Justin,” I answered, a warning that he’d better listen.

“You’re okay?”

Nodding, “Yes. I’m fine, but you need to take it easy.”

“What happened to you?” He choked it out and began to cough. I spotted the pitcher of water Deb had left on the
bedside table and poured him a small amount. Helping lift his head, he sipped, sputtering even as he swallowed it.

“We’ll talk about it later.”


I put on a stern face and repeated, “I said later, Justin.”

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He sighed, but gave in. I was extremely thankful he was too weak to argue. I leaned over him, the need to touch him
warring with the knowledge that he was so very fragile right now. Deciding that a kiss would not put him in harm’s
way, I let my lips press against his and felt him respond in earnest. What had he done to me? What was it he
possessed that made me so careless to anything but having him? The same questions had plagued me from the start.
Maybe I would never find the answers. Maybe I’d just have to accept it for what it was.

I pulled back to find Justin staring at me with wide, frightened eyes. “What? Did I hurt you?” I rolled away, looking
for signs of distress, finding nothing but the troubled look I was still receiving.

“I heard you, Brian. Though you didn’t speak.”

It was my turn to acknowledge shock. “What?”

“I heard your thoughts. You wish to know what I have done to you? I will tell you it is the same as you have done to
me. Call it possession if you choose, but I prefer fate, for I have accepted that there was no other choice for me but
to want you.”

“It’s impossible,” I protested. “Only vampires are able to bond that closely.”

I watched him shrug before he said, “I only know what your thoughts betray. Is that what we are, Brian? Bonded

I didn’t have to say anything. One look into his eyes and we both knew the answer. I answered him vocally the best I
could. “From the first bite, we were joined. Though, the intensity is more than I expected.”

“But how? How did it happen?”

“I wanted you, and you gave yourself to me. In turn, when you offered your blood, you gave yourself to the demon
inside me.”

“Surely it’s not really a demon.”

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“What else could it be? It is a demon I struggle with no matter what name you call it.”

He seemed to consider that, and then continued with what was becoming a personal interrogation. “Tell me, Brian.
Is it love that binds you to me?”

If my heart were alive, I’m sure it would have answered for me. “That would be simple, wouldn’t it? Love is
something a human would understand the meaning of. If love means I would go mad without you, or that I would
sacrifice my own existence to ensure your happiness and well being, then yes, I suppose it could be called that.”

“I was afraid of losing you. I’ve never known such fear as when I thought you might not come back to me. Even
then, I knew I was yours, and that you were mine.”

“And you’re not angry? I took you…” His hand slid sensually across my neck, “I marked you, knowing the outcome
of what it would mean without giving you a choice.”

“Should I be angry that someone would desire me so much?”

I looked away from him. “I find it odd you’d think that way even if that someone is less than human.”

He reached out to touch my face, sliding his hand down my cheek, brushing my lips with his finger. “You may not
be human, but you could never be less.” He smiled and then kissed me softly. “And if you ever consider thoughts of
ending your life on my behalf again, I shall have to find new and inventive ways of punishing you.”

I smiled back. “I should be so lucky.”


Justin’s POV

I’m exhausted, but not from lack of sleep or physical activity. Who knew being forced to lie in bed for two days by
an overprotective vampire could be so tiring? I finally managed to talk him into going hunting after listening to

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Michael’s incessant begging for the last twelve hours. A week with Michael had grated on my nerves. How Brian
has spent thirty years with him, one would have to ponder.

I’d just decided I wasn’t going to be held prisoner anymore and had turned the bedding down when I heard footsteps
outside the door. Knowing Deb as I now did, she was probably bringing my millionth cup of chicken soup.
Everyone meant well, but submitting to such coddling just wasn’t in my nature.

“If that’s you, Deb, I’m not feeling very hungry right now!” If I could stop her before she made her way in, I
wouldn’t have to witness the look of hurt from my refusal.

“I heard you had quite an ordeal. I’m so glad you seem to have made it through unscathed.” He stopped just as he
made it inside and then closed the door behind him.

“Ethan.” I shuffled to the other side of the bed, trying to keep the furniture between us.

“You don’t know how I’ve worried about you, Justin. Knowing your mind was being poisoned by the likes of Brian
Kinney? That he could tempt you in ways of the flesh? How could you be so naïve?”

“Ethan, I…”

“Don’t deny it.” He snarled. “I know you lay with him. Let his hands touch you in places that should only belong to
me. Even now, the stench lingers on you.”

“How? How did you find me?”

He smiled wickedly, biting his lip as he moved closer to the bed. “I thought I’d taken care of Kinney. Did you know
there are vampires out there who aren’t too fond of being taken advantage of? And that’s what he does, you know.
Uses them for his pleasure and then discards them as if they were rubbish. When I offered up his head, there were
many willing to oblige just to say they’d had a part in his demise.” Ethan sighed. “It was a pity they were too
careless to finish him.”

When he noticed my look of distain, he smiled. “Although, if things had worked according to plan, he never would
have led me to you. I suppose it worked out rather nicely, don’t you?”

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“The others…”

“Are not here. It’s just you and me. As it should and will be from now on…”


Brian’s POV

“We need to get back, Michael. I don’t want to leave Justin on his own for too long.”

He stopped walking and crossed his arms, glaring at me. “Is he all you care about? Is this the way it’s going to be
from now on?”

I looked at him, the person who had been my best friend for what felt to be an eternity and I knew he would never
understand. I could try to explain, but it would be a waste of time. “Things change, Mikey. Justin is staying.”

“I can’t believe you’d let a human change everything! They are only meant for one thing and that’s not


“No, Brian! It’s true and you know it! We’re better than them! He doesn’t deserve what you’re giving him. He
doesn’t deserve you!”

“I’m the one who isn’t deserving. To think he’d still accept me even knowing what I am and the things I’ve done.”

“You’ll be better off when he’s gone. Just wait and see. And then I’ll still be here, just like I’ve always been.”

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“We won’t have to worry about that for quite some time, so you’ll have to get used to him whether you like it or
not.” I stomped in front of him, aggravated by his perception of the way things were. It was time to go back. I’d had
no need to feed, but knew Michael would never stop hassling me until I spent some time with him. Now, all I could
think of was Justin.

I tracked my way through the woods, following the same path we’d taken when we left. About a quarter mile from
the house, I had a sense of dread come over me, so powerful it almost brought me to my knees. I began to run when
I realized what I was feeling was Justin’s fear. I made it out of the clearing and into the yard in seconds, but not fast
enough to stop whatever was happening. The fear had strengthened, bordering on sheer terror and that’s when I felt
the excruciating pain.


I slammed through the door, immediately noticing the empty room where there should have been at least one person
to make sure he wasn’t in need of anything. “Justin!”

My feet barely touched the stairs as I raced to the bedroom. The scent of Justin’s blood overwhelmed me and it only
worsened when I opened the door. I prepared myself for the worse, and that was exactly what I received. Ethan,
gripping Justin’s body tightly to his, was drinking from the same place where my mark branded him. The fury I felt
had no boundaries. He barely had time to realize I was there before I was pushing Justin onto the bed and slamming
Ethan up against the wall. There were no words and no displays of dominance. This was revenge. Quick and brutal,
my teeth were in his neck, pulling and ripping as hard as I could. His blood began to spill and it nauseated me that I
could taste Justin with every mouthful I encountered. I growled, a loud and wounded cry as I released him from my
fangs and gripped his head between my hands, twisting until I could hear the satisfying crunch of bone snapping and
breaking. I wouldn’t stop until it was finished, giving one last good pull, watching as he wordlessly turned to dust in
front of me.

Ethan was forgotten as I pulled Justin’s body onto my lap. Michael appeared in the doorway and I gave him no
chance to speak. He saw the blood covering my face and the look in my eyes before I growled at him to get out.


I could feel no breath as I cradled him to me, but I listened. Carefully. Until I heard it. The faint beat. But it didn’t
matter because I already knew he wouldn’t survive this. Ethan had taken him from me. Unless…

I pulled him higher, letting my lips graze over his before turning his head away. With all the desperation that was in
me, I plunged my fangs into him, finishing what Ethan had begun. I fed, feeling his life draining with every bitter

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swallow until finally, his heart was mostly silent. There could be but only a few beats left before he was gone. I
stretched my head to the sky, screaming my pain to anyone who would listen and then bit into my wrist before
pushing it to his lips. “It’s your turn, Justin. If you can hear my thoughts, know that you must do this because I will
not live… I refuse to live without you. Do you hear me?! Your death is my death unless you drink.” I waited,
rocking his body slowly, pleading that I wasn’t too late. Pleading that he would know what to do. I bent my head
down and closed my eyes in gratitude as I felt movement. Barely there, but hopefully it would be enough.


As I watch over him, waiting… I long for the rise and fall of his chest and his heartbeat so familiar to my ears. I am
disturbed that the only sound to be heard is his silence. His future will take on a different path now, one that may or
may not collide with mine. The only thing I am completely sure of… The choice will be his this time.

My one hope is that he will someday forgive me



Justin’s POV

The pain had long since passed, leaving only numbness in its wake and I knew I was dying as the darkness and the
bitter cold surrounded me. But he was calling to me. Of that, I was certain. Nothing else mattered. It was only his
voice, distant but present that pulled me back from wherever my essence, or soul if you will, was trying to go. I had
to fight to stay with him, but fight I would, for that’s exactly what I intended to do. Stay with him.

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I could feel his body beneath mine, cradling me, trembling as he whispered words I struggled to understand. They
made little sense, but the resonance of his voice left me content and put my mind at ease. I wanted to reach out, to
tell him that I was still here… that I would never leave him.

“Your death is my death unless you drink.”

Years later, he would say he gave me no choice, but I believe there was never a choice to be made. When I felt the
first drop of bitterness on my tongue, I tasted my future. He saved me, and in doing so, gave me the greatest gift of
all. Our future together.

The End

A Binding Fate – The Aftermath

Brian’s POV

I watched it unfold in front of me while trying to keep the situation under control. I kept vigil over him, ignoring the
sounds of yelling and knocking from outside the door. My friends, no, my family, were trying to help me. Trying to
find out what was happening, even though I was fairly certain they already knew. Michael had been there. He saw
the blood. Saw my rage before I threw him out. I’m not sure how much time had passed before they gave up, or if
they gave up. I paid little attention to them as the sounds faded into silence, or maybe I was only drowning it out. It
didn’t matter. All that mattered was Justin.

Even without the strength of the bond, I knew what he was feeling. It’d happened to me so long ago, but I still
remember it as if it were yesterday. Waking to the confusion, the panic and the hunger that simply couldn’t be
ignored. Knowing there was something he’d need, something he’d crave more than he’d ever craved anything
before. Something that would now rule over him for the remainder of his existence.

After three hours of watching him, waiting and hoping, he’d risen with a gasp, clinging to the natural habit of filling
his lungs with air as he reached for me, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. His breath was heavy and uneven and I knew
it would take some time before he’d discover the uselessness of the action. Holding him in my arms, I caressed him
into a more tranquil state, giving him the time he needed to come to terms with his death. That’s what it was really.
A human death replaced with something much more complex and much more powerful.

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All I could do was cling to him, hoping that when his eyes opened and he looked upon me, they wouldn’t be filled
with the hatred I was expecting. I’d forced this life without giving him a real choice. But now, I’d let him choose to
love or hate me. Time would only tell. When he finally spoke and I heard the gentle tone in his voice, I couldn’t help
but thank whoever it was that allowed him to come back to me. I felt his anxiousness, the uneasiness of trying to
make sense of it all, but I felt no anger. My worst fear was quelled.


“I’ve got you. You’re safe.”


“You don’t have to worry about him.”

It took a moment but then he nodded and whispered, “Everything hurts. Am I okay?”

What was I really supposed to say to that? “It won’t hurt for long. You’re hungry. Your body’s just telling you what
you need.”

“Hungry? My stomach is in knots.”

I combed my fingers through his hair, easing him back onto the bed. There’s so much he’ll need to learn. My hand
lightly traced his face, my fingers running against the ridges along his brow. He was still painstakingly beautiful.
“Justin, do you remember anything? Do you know what’s happened to you?”

He turned to look at me then. Bright golden eyes replacing the blue I’d grown accustomed to. “You saved me.”

I let my hand drop and looked away from him. “I’ve condemned you. I was selfish.”

“Your heart doesn’t believe that. It knows the truth of what was inevitable. From our first kiss, I knew I would be
with you just as you knew it, if you’d ever admit it.”

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I shook my head. He was wrong.



“Please.” He sat up, tucking his legs beneath him, moving closer to wrap his arms around me. “Stop. I can’t stand
this feeling.”

My eyes shifted to his. Where there was confusion in mine, his held nothing but anguish.

“I can hear your mind saying it, over and over. You think you made a mistake. Doing this… was a mistake.”

I shook my head. “Justin-”

He pulled away from me, scooting back, wrapping his arms around his chest. He wasn’t talking then, but the look on
his face spoke volumes of the hurt he was feeling. The hurt I was causing, which only worked to enhance my guilt
even more.

When he closed his eyes and laid back on the bed, I reached for him, only to have him flinch and turn away from
me. “Go away.”

“What? Justin-”

“Go! I don’t want you here! I don’t need you!”

Hearing those words… “You don’t know what you’re saying. You’re not-”

A growl ripped through the room, startling me, his anger alone causing me to move away slightly. “Get out, Brian!”

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“No! Justin, just-”

He flew around quickly, catching me off guard and pushed me off the bed, his strength surprising even him, the look
on his face as evidence. “Leave!”


I was downstairs and through the front door dry heaving against the fence when I felt Deb walk up next to me. “You
know that never really works for us.”

My mind understood that, but convincing my body to agree was an entirely different matter. I continued coughing
and sputtering for another couple of minutes before I realized she was right and that I was only going through the
motions. Deb let me, standing by, waiting until I was finished before placing her hand on my shoulder. “Did that

Help with what? She had no idea what I was going through.

“I’m sorry, Brian. I know you cared about him and that was something I never thought possible. Michael told us
what he saw. The little he did see. We could only guess what happened.”

I turned away from her. “I wasn’t there. I should have been. I should have-”

“You should have what? Known what was going to happen? Seen the future?”

“I should have stayed there! I should never have left him alone and this wouldn’t have happened!”

“Stop it, Brian. You can’t do that to yourself. You didn’t cause that boy’s death!”

I turned around, stunned. She didn’t know. She assumed. She thought Justin was…

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“He’s not dead.”

Her hand lifted to her mouth as she stared at me. “You-”

“I couldn’t, Deb. I couldn’t let him go.”

“Jesus H. Christ, Brian! What are you doing out here then?!” She grabbed my arm and began dragging me with her,
back to the house. “Is he awake?! That poor kid must be terrified! What the hell were you thinking leaving him

I resisted, pushing back against her, pulling my arm away. “I’m doing what he wanted! He told me to leave!”

“And you listened to him?! What’s wrong with the brain in that head of yours?! You of all people know what it’s
like. You were left to fend for yourself, to figure things out on your own and you know how bad that screwed you
up! I don’t care what he said! You get your scrawny ass back in there and take care of him!”



As I reluctantly made my way back up to Justin, ignoring the stares from the sitting room as I passed by, I thanked
every force in nature that I had Deb around to keep me grounded. She’d been my saving grace the last three decades
and now I knew she would be Justin’s.


When I opened the door to the upstairs bedroom where I’d left him, there was an immediate chill in the air. The bed
was empty and the window was open, allowing the curtain to hang in the breeze. “Justin!”

I knew before I’d even stepped into the room. He was gone.

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I flew to the window, peering through it, trying to see him out in the darkness. “Justin! Justin!” I screamed, but
received nothing in return. No reply. As if I thought I would.

Michael appeared behind me and I grabbed him, full of panic, knowing I was yelling and probably making no sense
at all. Luckily, he was able to decipher my jumbled words and shook me until I focused on him. “Brian. Calm down.
I’ll help you find him. We all will.”

I stood there for a moment, letting it sink in. Justin was gone and it was my fault. He wasn’t safe out there by
himself. He didn’t know. He was alone and weak and I’d failed him. Suddenly, without thinking, I was darting down
the stairs, running as fast as my legs would carry me, Michael and probably everyone else trailing somewhere

I stopped at the edge of the clearing behind the Inn and closed my eyes, my body still stiff with panic. Inhaling
deeply, catching his scent, I following it until it led me to a path in the woods where the weeds were torn and
mangled. I began calling to him again, hearing others off in the distance doing the same. Michael’s, Deb’s and then
Lindsay’s voices in succession one right after another. I pushed through the brush and walked quickly, trying to feel
him. Trying to use the bond between us to guide me. I was afraid and desperate, not entirely sure if they were my
own feelings or Justin’s, though I suppose it wasn’t really important to differentiate between the two. And then I
heard him. His voice, calling my name. And I ran.

“Justin!” My arms went around him the moment I reached him. He was squatting in a patch of brush, his arms
wrapped around his knees tightly; his body shivering and I knew it wasn’t from the cool air. I knew what he needed.
A fresh kill would be best, but I wasn’t going to leave him to find one. Placing my hand on the back of his head, I
carefully pulled him forward, guiding him. Tilting slightly until I felt him stiffen against my neck, I urged him to
drink. “It’s instinct. Don’t think about it, just do it.”

“I don’t-”

“Just bite and the rest will happen naturally. It’ll drive the pain away.”

He remained still and I let him, knowing he would eventually find his way. Finally, after a few long moments, I felt
the prick of his incisors as he reluctantly bit. Just as I’d told him, he began the pull and swallow without further
encouragement. My fingers dug into his arms, trying to pull him in… trying to pull him closer to me. This did more
for our bond, the bond between a new vampire and his sire than it did for his need to feed, but it would quench his
hunger until he was ready to hunt.

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“Brian,” he whispered, a few minutes later. I found myself impressed with his self-control. I thought back to my first
time feeding and how I’d longed to hold onto that warm feeling forever. And then I realized. There was nothing
warm about the blood he was taking from me. It was as dead as I am.

I pushed him away, only to scold him. “Don’t ever disappear on me again.” I could feel his emotions, muddled and
confused as he started slowly falling apart, afraid to look at me. “Justin. Listen to me.” I made sure I had his
attention, raising his chin to meet his eyes. “I was wrong to leave. But what I was feeling… it had nothing to do with
thinking that this was a mistake.”

“But I felt it. I could hear what you-”

“You felt my guilt. Guilt because I took your life… your humanity. Which is something I have to deal with. But it
wasn’t regret. I would never regret keeping you with me.”

He blinked slowly. If his body would allow them, I’m sure I would have seen tears. “I thought you didn’t want me.”

I shook my head and pulled him close again as I placed my lips against his. “We need to work on this ability you
have of reading my mind. It only works if you get it right.”


I felt Justin tense up in my arms. He pulled away and his eyes narrowed on Michael as he slowly approached us. I
watched Justin carefully, gripping his arm to hold him beside me when he began to growl in a low, deep steady

“Stay back, Michael,” I warned, tightening my hold when Justin tried to move forward in front of me. “We’re fine.
Meet us back at the house.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

The comment warranted another growl.

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“Justin, calm down.” I wasn’t really sure what the problem was. I could feel the anxiety crawling through him in
waves and the only thing I was sure of was that I had to get Michael out of there.

“What did I do?! I didn’t do anything!”

“It doesn’t matter, just go!”


“Go, Michael!”

With a huff and noticeable pout, he finally listened to me and turned around to leave. It took several minutes after he
was gone before Justin’s agitation simmered.


He shook his head and stood up, pacing two steps forward, three steps back. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t
understand what I’m feeling.”

“Well I’m rather sure that was anger.”

He turned to me and frowned.

“There aren’t any true answers. You are going to feel a lot of things a lot of different ways until you learn to control
the intensity of what you’ve become.”

“I don’t know if I can, Brian. Everything is different. It’s too much.”

“It’s supposed to be. We are different! Open your eyes, Justin and look around! You haven’t even noticed the clarity
of what you can see, or the sounds, the smells…”

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“The burning in my stomach?”

Solemnly, I nodded. “That’s a part of it, too.”

“And what do I eat, Brian? Animals? Like you?”

I stood up then, going to him, answering the only way I could. “That’s your choice. I can’t make that decision for

“I don’t think it’s a hard one to make.”

I closed my eyes, wishing for his sake that that were true. “It’s impossible to know until you’ve been around them.
You’ll be drawn to people, Justin. To their warmth and their blood. It’s nature. It’s what we are.”

“But not what we have to be.”

“No,” I agreed, placing my hand around the back of his neck, pulling him in for a deep, tender kiss. I wondered how
long it would take for him to learn to hide his true features. I longed to see blue eyes and the smile that captured me.


As we walked together back to Deb’s Inn, I tried to soothe his uneasiness, but I knew the truth of what lay ahead. I
knew the temptation and how hard it would be for him. I could help guide him in the ways I’d become accustomed
to, but ultimately, he would have to decide what it was in his nature to become. I wouldn’t stop him, whatever his
choice. I would stand beside him for as long as he would have me.



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