L A Day Barbarian Mate [pdf]

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Barbarian Mate

ISBN 9781419909856
Barbarian Mate Copyright© 2007 L.A. Day
Edited by Jaynie Ritchie.
Photography by Les Byerley, cover design by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication: May 2007

This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written
permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Content Advisory:





Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-
rotic), and X (X-treme).

The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. This story has been
rated E–rotic.

S-ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall
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L.A. Day

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This is for my Barbarian Mate, my husband of almost twenty years. Without your

support and love, I would not have the time or desire to express myself on paper.

Thank you for being my alpha male.

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Barbarian Mate

Chapter One

Barbarian! The word burst from Eliza’s lips. Anger and frustration flooded her

within as she watched the warriors dismount in the center of the village. A clanswoman

came forward and escorted the bedraggled captives to the community lodge. Thoughts

of what Bruton may have done with the captives tainted her joy at seeing him. Turning

the reins of his stallion over to a young boy, Bruton ducked into his lodge, ignoring the

females. Eliza rolled her tense shoulders—jealousy was not an acceptable emotion for

the future Liberian Priestess but she feared that was what was burning in her chest.

Had Bruton coupled with any of the females? She squared her shoulders and raised her

chin. It did not matter, for her only interest in the barbarian was for his seed. Eliza

thought of walking into the village to gather the seed she required, but now her pride

would not allow it. She considered a rival clan, another seed giver, but her stomach

rebelled at the thought. No. It was Bruton’s seed she wanted.

Within minutes, the flap to Bruton’s lodge shoved aside and he stepped out.

Stripped of the warrior’s garb, he stood now with massive thighs spread apart, clothed

only in traditional breeches and knee-length boots. His dark hair hung about his

shoulders and muscles flexed in his arm as he raised his hand in greeting to another

barbarian. Her tongue stuck to the roof of her suddenly dry mouth. She was of age and

ready for seed. She clenched her thighs, wetness leaked from her core. She was ready,

ready for the act of acquiring seed.

Tasha, her longtime friend, stepped from a nearby lodge, quickly followed by Tilo

her seed giver. It was good to see Tasha was well—it was obvious she had born her

barbarian a babe. From the distance, she could not discern the words as Tilo

approached his warlord. Bruton placed a hand upon Tilo’s shoulder as they spoke. A

sudden smile lit Bruton’s usually somber face at Tilo’s words. Whatever Tilo said had


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L.A. Day

pleased Bruton. She wondered if they spoke of the females. She crossed her fingers,

hoping he would not enter the community lodge—she wasn’t sure her heart could take

such a blow.

Her breath left her body in a rush when he spun on his heels and headed for the

river. His tight breeches conformed to his well-developed thighs and ass, bringing a

moan to her lips. Making her way quietly through the trees, she reached the river’s

edge. Disappointment flared that the pooled water already hid his impressive form

from her eyes.

* * * * *

Bruton lounged in the water, soaking his tired muscles. It had been an arduous

journey, rescuing the captured females from a rival clan. The battle had been bloody,

resulting in several deaths, but thankfully, none was of his clan. The cool freshness of

the water relaxed many of his aches and pains but not the throbbing ache of his cock.

Tilo had just told him Eliza had entered this realm. He had known her time was near

and now his solitary time of waiting was at an end. Still, doubts plagued his mind.

Tasha, through way of Tilo, had assured him that Eliza would attempt to gather his

seed. Alas, he feared that was all she wanted. What if he did not please her enough and

she did not want to stay? Could he allow her to return to her coven, taking his seed, his

offspring with her? In all things he was confident, always sure of himself and his skills,

but now as his eyes scanned the trees for movement, his hands shook with the violence

of the emotion he held at bay.

A slight movement in the branches caught his gaze. A flash of blonde among the

green, her long hair a beacon drawing his hungry gaze. She looked as nervous as he felt.

In her case, there was good reason. She had never mated before, at least not with a

male. Tilo had told him of the horror stories the Liberians taught their daughters of the

barbarian males. She probably expected him to take her by force, with no care for her

pain or her feelings.


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Barbarian Mate

In the shadows of the trees she stood tall and proud, and his lip curled at the sight.

Her full breasts lay bare, capped with large, dusky nipples. His body went up in flames.

The coolness of the water could not stop his cock from coming to full-length arousal at

her shy approach. He had lain with females in his youth but none stirred him the way

she did. She had come to him seeking his seed but he intended to have more. His cock

pulsed with long-denied need but he didn’t welcome the nearly overwhelming desire.

Patience was a virtue, tested sorely as he awaited her move. Alas, if he were to win her

heart as well as her body, he would have to proceed with caution, not rush her as a stag

in heat.

* * * * *

Eliza dropped out of the tree, wiping her sweaty palms on the front of her buckskin

skirt. She swallowed deeply, looking down at her bare breasts self-consciously. The

females of his village wore vests, to hide their chests. Would it displease him to see her

dressed in so little? There was no need for modesty in an all-female coven. Breasts were

viewed as just another part of a body, used for suckling a babe. However, here it

seemed lewd and indecent to have them on display. She raised her hands to cover the

mounds of flesh as they rose and fell rapidly with her hurried breath. She gasped in

wonder. Her nipples were tight and sensitive to the touch. It was a curious thing and

she shifted her hands across the peaked tips. The taut nipples dragged across her palms

and tingling ripples of heat shot to her groin. She released a shaky breath and hurriedly

lowered her hands.

Could she approach him wearing only a skirt? She wrung her hands nervously.

Could she drop that, baring her nether curls to his eyes, and join him in the river? She

thought she was ready but now she was unsure. She’d partaken of dangerous missions

and never had her heart pounded as many drums in her chest.

Her breath came fast, her stomach rolled. She wished she could be more

presentable. The humidity in the trees was overwhelming—the two suns of Barbar were

relentless and she probably smelled like a wild boar. Centering her energies, she closed


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L.A. Day

her eyes and concentrated. A fresh breeze arose—fluttering leaves and flower petals

swirled around her in a fragrant caress. She opened her eyes and the wind vanished.

She felt better prepared to face him. There was still a chance he would not want her.

After all, he had probably recently coupled with one or more of the captives. That

thought burned in her heart. It mattered little how she looked, she only needed his seed

and since he was a barbarian, he would mate with any female. She was probably not the

first to gather Bruton’s seed, nor would she be the last. Her lips curled downward at the

poignant thought. She’d never asked any of her coven who had sired their babes—she

feared she did not want to know.

She stepped out of the shadows, her chin tilted up and her gaze boldly seeking his.

She would not let him see her fear, her vulnerability. She had a mission to accomplish

and she would do it before returning successfully to her clan. Her steps faltered as he

rose to his feet in the water. A glimmer of water shimmered across the contour of his

powerful chest. She hesitated a moment as something else bobbed out of the water near

him. It was the head of his rod, bursting out of the river as if it were a serpent sighting

prey. She gulped at the sight and then continued on her journey. Slowly, she

approached the bank and he stood his ground, making no move toward her. Their

gazes collided and his dark eyes gleamed with an inner hunger, clearly bespeaking his

want of her body. A slight breeze ruffled her hair and carried the scent of pine laced

with testosterone. It filled her lungs and her nose flared, breathing deeply of the heady


Ducking her head beneath his ardent gaze, she dipped a bare toe into the cool

water, setting off ripples that once more drew her gaze to him. Eliza’s hands shook as

she reached for the tie that held her rawhide skirt in place. She had watched him at his

bath on many occasions. She had seen others as well, but now she could not recall any

of them. His masculine perfection scattered her thoughts. She tried to speak but instead

a gulping sound erupted from her mouth. She licked her dry lips.


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Barbarian Mate

“Come, my princess. Come take what you want,” his deep voice was husky,

huskier than she remembered.

With one arm extended, he beckoned her to his side. She stood mesmerized,

transfixed as the sinewy muscles of his chest and arm rippled. Do not form a bond with

the seed giver. The elder mother’s words repeated in her head. How was she to take what

she wanted from so powerful a male? She had been told that male flesh was weak but it

did not appear so to her. The size of his bicep rivaled that of her thigh. It was apparent

that forcing him was no option. Finally, managing to swallow the lump in her throat,

she tilted her head arrogantly, untied the skirt and let it drop. With feet slightly apart

and knees locked, she stood proudly, naked before him, hoping he could not see her

fear. The heat of his gaze traveled slowly from her breasts to groin and she had to fist

her hands to stop them from covering her nakedness. His fiery gaze flickered back to


“Your beauty rivals that of a goddess. Come to me,” his silky voice commanded

and enticed. After a moment, she plunged head first into the welcoming cover of the


* * * * *

Bruton’s knees nearly buckled at her perfection. She was more beautiful than he

remembered. Tall and lithe with muscles toned and tight. The skin beneath her skirt

was pale but the rest of her gleamed golden from the kiss of the sun. Light curls covered

the nest that crested sleek thighs. Thighs he would soon part for his mouth and cock.

Breath came uneasy but he couldn’t allow her to see it. As she disappeared beneath the

water he closed his eyes for a moment, gathering his strength. He would need all of his

control if he was not to ruin the only opportunity he might ever have to win her trust—

to win her heart.

Her head broke the surface of the water a foot from where he stood rooted to the

spot. She faced him arrogantly, defiantly, her blue eyes flashing with fear and what he


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L.A. Day

hoped was desire. Her long hair slicked back from her face revealed perfectly even

features. “You know why I’m here.” Her words were a statement more than a question.

He met her anxious gaze and nodded his head in acknowledgement as he glided

closer to her. He stopped within easy reach.

“Do you give me your seed willingly?” she asked, her eyes darting away as her

tongue snaked out, nervously licking at her lips. Need gnawed his gut at the errant

movement. His fiery blood roared through his veins and beads of perspiration dotted

his upper lip—he wished the water were a few degrees cooler.

Bruton snorted at her question. “Do you think that you could take my seed by

force?” An image flashed before his eyes. Naked and staked to the ground spread-eagle,

his rigid cock stood straight up as the sassy witch prepared to mount him. Liquid heat

flooded his veins at the thought and he quickly banished it from his head before he did

something he might regret.

“There are ways.” Her silky voice played havoc with his nerves as she tried to

portray a confidence she did not possess.

“Ways that I doubt you know or are capable of attempting by yourself. But have no

fears, I’ll allow you to have my seed.” His eyes lowered to the full globes of her upper

breasts. “I’ll place it deep in your body where it’s sure to take root.”

A little whimper escaped her lips before she commanded, “Come to shore then, I’ll

have your seed now and be on my way.”

A deep chuckle escaped Bruton’s lips. “That’s not quite how I imagined taking

you.” The feisty little imp thought he’d pump his seed into her on command.

Obviously, she was used to giving orders. She would learn to submit to him, body and


“Why? You get what you want, a willing female you can rut, and I’ll get what I

require.” As she spoke, she moved closer to the shore, the shallower water once again

displaying the delectable fruit of her tight tipped breasts. They were set high and full,

ripe for his tongue. Bruton swallowed deeply. Moving closer, he raised a hand and


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Barbarian Mate

without touching her, he allowed the water to trail from his fingertips across a

protruding nipple. A startled gasp escaped her lips. Her skin flushed and the pulse

point in her throat throbbed visibly. Desire spiraled through his system, his cock

stretched between them to full length as if it tried to reach for her. He inched a little

closer and the head of his cock brushed her lower stomach. His breath hissed from his

lungs. He was supposed to be the one in control.

“You have no idea what I want or even what you require.”

“If you are unwilling I can find another,” she huffed and spun on a heel. Her words

angered him and he grasped her arm, yanking her roughly to him. The tips of her

breasts grazed his chest and the hungry length of his arousal prodded the silken skin of

her stomach as she struggled against him. A growl rumbled in his throat, the witch

would push him too far.

“There will be no other.” Immediately, he loosened his grip, hoping his heated

reaction had not confirmed her image of him as a sadistic barbarian. He had not meant

to lose his temper but the thought of her with another boiled his already heated blood.

“Do you want my seed?”

“Yes, but all this is not required.” Eliza looked doubtful, and he brushed a hand

along the silken skin of her cheek.

“I require it. You require it if you want to enjoy our coupling.” She shifted in his

embrace and his cock glided along her soft flesh. He clenched his teeth to quell the

burning desire to drag her to the shore and bury his cock in her virgin body. It had been

too long since he’d known the warmth of a woman’s body.

“I need no pleasure, just your seed.” Her wide eyes flashed and her lips trembled—

he feared she was near panic.

“Pleasing me is the only way to get my seed and right now you are not.”

* * * * *


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L.A. Day

Eliza willed herself to relax in his embrace. She would submit to these barbaric

mating customs if it would get her what she needed. Arms like the thickest of vines

entwined her, easily lifting her as if she were a small woman. His heated skin pressed

tightly to her and as he walked his rod brushed at her backside. She shivered nervously.

Bruton’s size and strength made her feel petite for the first time that she could

remember. She took pride in her height, muscle tone and strength but for once, it was a

pleasure to be the weaker one, the pampered one.

When they reached the shore, he laid her gently on the ground. The grass was cool

and tickly against her bare skin but she gave it little thought. Bruton stood over her,

naked and fiercely aroused. His hands rested on lean hips and his mighty rod burst

from a bush of midnight curls, beneath which hung his heavy seed sac. She unwittingly

licked her lips. Standing over her, he resembled a pagan god—the god of war. Her eyes

flickered back to his thickly protruding erection. She had not imagined its size. With so

potent a rod, he could be the god of love. Was there a god of lust? she wondered as her

core pulsed and dampened. She tossed restlessly, biting her lower lip as she withheld

her groan. Surely, such a shaft would do her irreparable damage. She swallowed back a

protest. It was her duty to part her thighs for him. She impatiently shifted her legs

under his dark, intense stare. It was her duty to accept his rod within her body. A shiver

of anticipation rode her spine. Her eyes gleamed at the hulking barbarian. It was only

duty, she told herself.

Bruton dropped to the ground next to her, rolling to his side. He brushed her wet

hair back from her face and she was surprised to notice a slight tremble to his hand.

Why is he nervous about giving me his seed? she wondered.

Brown eyes filled with the heat of passion pinned her to the spot. She couldn’t

move, didn’t want to move. Swallowing deeply, she turned her eyes to the distance,

unable to hold his gaze a moment longer. “Maybe it would be best to just get it over



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Barbarian Mate

“Shh, you have no idea what you’re saying.” His tone was as gentle as his hand

upon her cheek. She was surprised. Even though his fully distended shaft brushed her

thigh, he seemed in no hurry to pierce her maidenhead. She had thought he would fall

upon her at the first opportunity. The elders had insinuated that the only use a

barbarian had for a woman was to rut his shaft into her as often as possible.

“I understand what is n-necessary,” she stuttered over the words, hating her own

uncertainty. Her traitorous body burned at his touch but still she feared what was to

come. She knew there would be pain but as a priestess, she learned to ignore pain. She

feared the unknown, the chaotic feelings plaguing her body. The sensitivity of her

breasts, the flutter of her heart and the unusual wetness between her thighs all gave

pause to her tormented mind. She knew not the reason for any of these ailments. Only

once before had such sensations wracked her body—it was two years before in this

man’s arms, when he’d caught her and Tasha as they observed him at his bath.

“You may know what is necessary but you have no idea what is needed. Not yet

anyway.” As he spoke these words, he lowered his head until his lips brushed her

cheek and ear. He nibbled the lobe before his tongue darted into the shell. Eliza jumped,

startled by his action and the tingle of awareness that his caress shot through her

system. Squeezing her eyes shut, she began chanting in her head. I won’t enjoy this. I’ll

only take what I need—require—not need.

“Open your eyes,” a deep, velvet voice purred in her ear and a shiver traveled her

spine straight to her core.

“No.” She tossed her head, her eyes squeezed tightly closed. She tensed and tried in

vain to stem the errant emotions raging her body.

“Why? Are you afraid?” he threw out a taunting challenge.


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L.A. Day

Chapter Two

Sky blue eyes popped open. “I fear no mortal man, not even a barbarian.”

Bruton stifled his laughter—in some ways she had changed very little. He knew her

weaknesses and her strengths. She refused to show any weakness in front of a male. He

knew in order to have her as his mate he would have to break her, to a point. Teach her

to submit to his will and his needs, in such a way not to destroy the independent heart

that beat within this woman. His task would prove difficult but not impossible. By her

reaction to him, he realized she was deeply attracted to him although she may not know

it or admit it to herself. Natural, sexual urges warred with the teachings of her coven.

Leaning closer, he allowed his body to graze hers and the touch of her flesh was

electrifying. He had joined with others in the past but never had his skin sizzled at just

the brush of naked flesh. He closed his eyes, groaning inwardly, this would be the most

ardent test of his control to date.

“Maybe we should do this in a more traditional position,” the softly spoken words

tumbled from her lips.

Traditional position! His brows shot upward. What would she consider a traditional

position? He supposed she wished to be on top, in control of the situation. Although he

would enjoy her riding him immensely, he could picture her breasts bouncing as her

tight sheath slid up and down his rigid cock. Alas, he did not think it would be the best

position for her first time.

“What position is that?” he whispered at her ear, before nipping her lobe.

Her body stiffened. “I believe I’d be on my hands and knees, while you would be

behind me.” Her head ducked, unable to meet his gaze as she softly murmured the

instructions. He blinked as her directive painted a vivid picture in his mind. Chuckling

silently to himself, he grinned. He should have guessed. Her clan wanted him to take


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Barbarian Mate

her like an animal, mount her as if she were a bitch in heat. In such a way as to

eliminate intimacy, no eye contact, no meeting of mouths, nothing except for the joining

of groins for seed delivery. He shook his head in disgust at the teachings of the

Liberians, and they called his clan barbaric. It was not that her chosen position was

unappealing but it would not work for a first joining either. Not if he hoped to keep her

at his side for all time. No, a more gentle possession was required to initiate a virgin in

the act of lovemaking.

“I do not think that is the best choice for our first time.”

“First time,” her tone rose to a squeaky pitch.

“It will take many…many times to satisfy me—to satisfy you.” He tilted her head to

meet his gaze as his thumb rode her full bottom lip.

* * * * *

Sucking her lower lip into her mouth, she bit the tender flesh. Eliza watched the

barbarian closely as tiny sparks of flame surged along under her skin. By the heavy-

lidded look of the barbarian, he felt the currents as well. It had to be part of the trickery

the barbarians welded. She knew of their tricks, the elders had warned her. She must

keep her wits about her and remain in control of the situation.

“I require only your seed not…” The rest of her words were lost in his mouth. If

lightning had stuck her, she would not have felt more of a charge. Soft yet firm lips

covered hers and heat crept through her veins. His tongue stroked across her teeth

before diving into her mouth. She moaned at the sweet invasion, her fingers burrowed

into the grass beneath her, gripping tightly, so her hands would not betray her. His

substantial frame eased over her, their skin brushed chest-to-chest—naked torso to

naked torso. His thigh landed between her legs, she involuntarily arched against him

and his taut flesh buffeted her tender folds.


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L.A. Day

“By Goddess,” she gasped out, this was surely wrong. Some forbidden ritual of

mating that she must cease. Involuntarily she arched again. She groaned into his mouth,

soon she would find the strength to stop this madness.

“Yes. You feel it too. It’s sweeter than sap, hotter than Barbar’s two suns.” His

tongue trailed a wicked path along her jaw line.

It was a certainty this was written on the creed as what not to do. No mouth

touching, no stroking bodies with hands, no using mouth on any part of body, only the

joining at the genitals for the delivery of seed. His musky scent inflamed her and she

groaned as his lips found hers once more.

“Blessed be,” she murmured, her hands tightening in the grass. She did not see the

harm in this one delicious transgression, as long as she procured his seed. When he

lowered his body fully over hers, she realized the folly of her complicity. Her cream-

slicked core slid smoothly along his thickly muscled thigh and her will to resist


She gasped against his lips, sucking the breath from his lungs. Yanking the grass up

from the roots, she flung it in the air as she grasped his biceps. Grass fluttered around

them, sticking to their damp, heated flesh, but they barely noticed. The muscles of his

arms flexed big and hard in her grip but his skin was so smooth and warm. Her fingers

gloried in their discovery of flesh so silky and taut. As much as she enjoyed this, she

knew she must shove him away. Just as she sought to part their lips, he shifted, his silky

chest hairs tickled the tips of her breasts and his thigh buffeted the tender flesh between

her legs. Her wits scattered on the winds of change.

“Sweet Goddess, help me,” she pleaded as her blood beat a deafening tattoo in her


* * * * *

Lowering himself farther, he growled at the exquisite torture. Her breasts were a

delightful cushion for his chest and her thighs cradled his aching cock in a warm


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Barbarian Mate

cocoon, as if made just for him. His cock was hard and heavy, prodding against the

virgin territory. She was willing and he had waited long enough. Gritting his teeth, he

forced himself to slow down. He wasn’t going there—not yet anyway.

“Bruton, we need…” her plea tugged at his heartstrings.

“I know.” He smiled and shook his head before lowering his mouth to one ripe

breast. He couldn’t resist the tempting peaks a moment longer. His tongue flicked a

torrid path across the pale flesh to the pebbled nipple. Inhaling deeply, the tang of lust

flooded his senses. He clenched his jaw to stem the flow of need.

“No,” she cried, tossing her head. A hand tangled in his hair, yanking persistently.

“Yes.” Resting his weight on his left arm, his right hand skimmed from the smooth

indent of her waist to the fullness of her breast. Testing the weight and texture in his

palm, he found it perfect as he gathered the heavy globes for his lips.

“There shouldn’t be…please…no touching.” Her words denied him but her back

arched under his possession, seeking the sensations his touch aroused.

He chuckled at her innocence. “It’s all about touching and kissing. I’m going to

touch and lick and suckle every nook of you before I have my fill.”

She mewled as his warm breath fanned her naked breasts. “It’s not right…”

“What, it’s not on the witch’s creed? You’re in my realm now and your creed be

damned. I’m going to revel in this and so will you. I seem to remember your hands

stroking my arms a moment ago and I think you’ll be stroking more than that before

we’re through.” He shifted his cock against her lower belly to emphasize his words.

“I was trying to shove you away.”

“Huh, I expected you to be a might stronger. If that was your best effort, I’m


With considerable force, both of her hands slammed into his shoulders, lifting him

off her a few inches, but his mouth didn’t lose contact with the nipple he’d returned to

suckling. He pressed back until her arms shook from the strain. He didn’t want to harm


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L.A. Day

her but he needed to impress upon her that he was stronger. That she would bow to his

will in this and all things. She pushed one more time, straining to put all her force

behind her. A grunt escaped her lips. She was quite strong for a female but he refused

to budge.

“That was better. On a lesser male you might stand a chance.” Her strength and

tenacity pleased him—she would birth him strong sons and daughters.

“It is not fair but I have no need of physical strength. I have other powers.”

“Life is not fair. Is it fair you wish to steal my seed and keep me from my child?” He

couldn’t keep the bitterness from his words. Life had not been fair to him either. Since

the elder mothers had separated the clan, forming an all-female realm, everything had

changed. He would not allow fate to part them again. Now he would control their

destiny. In time, she would realize she belonged here on Barbar with him.

“You agreed to give me your seed.”

“I did.” He agreed to give her his seed but he never agreed to let her leave with it.

She was not an experienced bargainer and didn’t understand that you could not take

everything at face value. As her strength gave out, he crashed back down on her, but he

softened the impact with his arms.

Nuzzling her neck, he whispered, “I will give you my seed, enough seed for ten

seed gathers, but it will be done my way.”

* * * * *

She shivered under his wicked lips and tongue. The elders were right, the

barbarians held magic in their touch and quick, silver tongues. Never one to run in the

face of danger, she inhaled a shaky breath. Eliza considered her options. She didn’t

have many. She could fight him and he would win or she could give in and he would

win but either way she would have his seed, so she would truly be the victor. “Do what

you will, I’ll still have what I want.”


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Barbarian Mate

“We both will,” he muttered as his mouth meshed once more with hers. Parting her

lips, his tongue thrust between her teeth, filling her mouth, filling her body with need.

She whimpered. Horror filled her to show such weakness to a mere barbarian. If

she allowed him, he would dominate her very soul.

Aggressiveness had won many a battle. A tactical change appeared in order to shift

the tides in her direction. Her tongue dueled with his, her hands caressing the powerful

contours of his shoulders, muscles contracted beneath her hands. Hot flesh rippled

against her and she longed to revel in his touch and why not? Why shouldn’t she enjoy

this as long as she received his seed? What difference would it make? Her arms snaked

up, wrapping around his broad shoulders, her hands slid into his hair, threading the

silky lengths.

Strong arms gathered her to him and her bones melted beneath him. Opening her

mouth wider, she welcomed his tongue in a deeper, sensual penetration. His mouth,

tasting slightly of rum, was as delicious as sin should be. She was sure she could get

addicted to the taste—and the feel of his wicked tongue.

Warmth enveloped her, she was so very warm but her flesh quivered as if chilled

under his rough barbarian hands. Aching in the most mysterious places, she shifted

restlessly beneath him, seeking to assuage the angst his touch stirred deep within her

soul. As much as she tried, she couldn’t resist the lure of his touch, the taste of his lips.

His fingertips teasingly trailed the outside of her thigh, urging her closer, and

willingly she complied. Lifting her leg, he wrapped it around his hip, leaving her wet

core open and vulnerable to him. He shifted his flesh, scorching hot, against her tender


The barbarians are tricky. The creed said it was so. “Damn the creed,” she muttered as

he kissed his way down her throat.

* * * * *


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Bruton’s lips curled upward against her flesh. Her words revealed her inner battle

of desire versus duty. It was up to him to see that desire ruled supreme over duty. No

battle had ever been so important. He had faced opponents with much greater physical

strength but never had more hinged on the outcome. His life, his very soul hinged on

emerging from this tumultuous battle victorious.

His hand found the softness of her breast once again and his thumb tweaked the

distended nipple. Her little moans and groans of pleasure were arousing, almost as

arousing as her hands learning the texture of his back. Her awakening passions stirred

him deeply. When her seeking hands found his buttocks and squeezed, he nearly lost

control of the battle he waged with his own ardor. His cock ached, his balls tightened in

want of release. He fought a war within his own mind. A part of him wanted to thrust

inside her hot, wet canal to end the torment, the other part knew she needed time.

“Oh yes, Eliza, touch me. Let me feel your hands on my body. Show me how much

your body aches for mine.”

Reaching her breast with his mouth, his tongue swirled around the tip, his teeth

nipping the elongated nipple. He suckled heartily on the bud and her hands grasped

both sides of his head. He thought she wished to shove him away until he felt her

gyrations beneath him. Suckling greedily upon one breast and then the other, he

glanced at her face, taking in her rapt expression. He shifted his thigh between her legs,

enjoying how wet she was for him. The sweet scent of lust called to him. He buffeted

her damp pussy with his leg, teasing her inflamed senses. Her breath hitched in her


“Mercy,” she pleaded. Her eyes rolled back, her lips parted on a sigh. “Bruton, help

me…” She writhed under him. “I need…please…”

He couldn’t have been happier, until a thought struck him. As much as he wanted

to ignore it, the thought nagged at him until he had to satisfy his curiosity. “Open your

eyes and look upon me.”


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* * * * *

Through parted lips she gasped for breath, opening her eyes mere slits, she looked

at the dominant, looming male. “What?” she cried, not wanting to surface from the

depth of bliss submerging her mind. For the first time, she started to worry. She thought

she knew why her friend Tasha had stayed with the barbarians. How had the elders

turned their back on the male race and walked away? Without a doubt, they were

barbarian. They probably drank too much ale and made a mess of the lodge.

Nonetheless, these feelings, did they not make it worth the trouble? Didn’t they want to

stay with their seed giver, to lie in their bed and enjoy coupling with them nightly, to

taste the heights of passion she was just beginning to glimpse? She would miss this

hard male body, his musky scent that teased her awakening senses. Even if she wanted

to, she could not stay with her seed giver. She was the future Liberian Priestess and her

coven needed her. They needed her and the female offspring this man would give her.

She would be strong for her clan for she had no choice.

“Do you know who I am? Do you know who is pleasing your body?” a voice husky

with need rasped the strange question.

“Bruton,” her voice sounded weak to her own ears.

“Yes, Bruton. I want you to know it is I.” As he spoke these words to her, he shifted

his position, spreading her thighs to kneel between them. “I want you to know who will

take you to paradise.”

Eliza could not control the shiver that shook her body as he spread her wide for his

possession. She felt the thickness of his shaft probing her entrance and she arched up,

aching for it. Her feminine core throbbed in a way that was as foreign to her as the

wetness seeping from her slit. The elders had said little to prepare her for this moment.

What they had said had nothing to do with pleasure, only pain and duty. Eliza feared

something was wrong with her—she should not find such joy in the arms of the

dominant barbarian, but she did.


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His hot length trailed her wet folds. The fleshy head butted against an ultrasensitive

spot and she arched and cried out. “Bruton. Mercy, Bruton…please…”

His heated gaze rose from where their bodies nearly joined and pinned her to the

ground. “It’s your sweet spot I found, the nubbin of nerves that’ll make you beg for

release.” His rod butted the spot repeatedly and she struggled to drag air into her lungs.

She licked her lips and wrapped her legs around him, trying to force his possession

of her. She might live to regret accepting such ecstasy but for now, she would not think

of it. “Take me, Bruton. Pierce my body and give me your seed.”


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Chapter Three

A stake to his heart could not have stung him any more than her words. Did she

still only want his seed? Before, as she had arched against him, her eyes shut, moaning

in delight, he had feared she thought of another that had touched her body in the past.

This was the first time she sought to gather seed. He knew she was virginal but he

couldn’t help but wonder if another had pleased her body with their lips and hands.

Possibly, she had received pleasure and comfort in the arms of another woman. The

thought of her with another, be it male or female, did not set well with him. His heart

ached to think she could feel for another. He wanted her to desire only him and for

more than just his seed.

“Do you want my seed?” He pulled back, his breath heaving.

“Yes.” She closed her eyes and nodded as she nibbled her swollen lip.

“Do you want me?” He fought to control the timbre of his voice, unwilling to seem

vulnerable and needy to this female.

A frown drew her brows together. “What do you mean?”

“I am going to give you paradise but I’m not going to give my seed…not yet.” As

he spoke, he lowered his head. “Watch me please you.” Her reddened, plump pussy

lips glistened with her juices and he growled in his throat as his mouth perched inches

above her heated center. He could not wait to taste her sweetness. “I will drink of your

sweet cream and you will find ecstasy.”

His lips touched her mound, parting the wet slit, seeking the nub hidden in her

sweet, moist folds.

She gasped and yanked on his hair. “Cease. It’s not right for you to taste me so.

What do you do to me?”


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She smelled of woman, innocent yet aroused, and tasted of the sweetest nectar. His

cock throbbed painfully. Her luscious flavor would have him spilling his seed to the

ground. His tongue found her nubbin nestled in the core of her femininity. When he

took the extended flesh between his teeth, her hips bucked straight up.

“Bruton. Cease this torture,” she pleaded but the hand in his hair no longer tried to

pull him away.

Lifting his head, he met her troubled gaze. “Have you no experience of this?”

“No, I am a maiden gatherer. I thought you knew,” she answered breathlessly. Her

eyes were full of startled wonder and a dark flush bloomed at her cheeks.

“Yes, but what other pleasures have you experienced?”

“Naught,” she replied innocently as her eyes darted away.

“You have not touched and kissed, possibly with another—woman.”

“No. How could you ask such a thing?” Her shocked tone of voice left him in no

doubt of the truth.

“Isn’t that the way of your coven?” His eyes narrowed, studying her reaction.

“No. At least not…no.” She shook her head vehemently.

“What are you not saying? What is it you hide from me?”

She chewed her lips nervously. “I…” She cleared her throat. “Once I touched

myself between my thighs.” Her eyes lowered, the long lashes brushing her cheeks as

she made her innocent confession.

A smile tugged at his lips. He could not fault her for that. He had stroked his rod to

completion far more than once and most often with her beautiful face in his vision.

“‘That’s normal—you do not have to be ashamed.”

“But I did not…never would I do that with another of my coven…I do not know

about the others.”

“Hmm, I suppose not all of the coven prefer female lovers and all males are not

brutal, forceful women abusers either.” His eyes ran the length of her and settled on her


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plump pussy lips. “Some of us enjoy giving our women pleasure—it is a pleasure to us

as well.” His shoulders spread her thighs wider. Palming her softly rounded bottom, he

lowered his lips again. He wanted more of her tangy cream. He licked and suckled.

Parting her inner lips, he tongued her folds, finding the tight, virgin hole. Piercing the

opening with his tongue, his thumb rasped her nubbin.

“No…no,” Eliza cried, bucking against his mouth, driving his tongue deeper. Her

inner muscles rippled around his tongue and he thrust faster. Her thighs quivered and

clamped on his head. She squeezed her legs together and bucked, he might drown in

her lush, tangy essence.

“By Goddess,” she panted as her body gave up the struggle and her thighs fell

open. His gaze flickered up, meeting her misty eyes. He lapped her tender folds,

drinking of her cream, savoring the carnal treat.

* * * * *

She gasped for breath as her body fluttered downward from its intense height.

Whimpering under his attentive mouth, she begged him to stop. She could take no

more of his sweet torture. Nevertheless, part of her, a part she did not recognize, never

wanted the pleasure to end.

“Bruton,” she gasped as the tremble of her thighs began again and she squeezed

them around him. His mouth and tongue did things she never thought possible. Scary,

life-altering sensations built and began to vibrate through her. She cried, for she was

weak, unable to resist the touch of her barbarian.

Eliza groaned as her eyes landed on him, feasting between her thighs. Feral eyes

gleamed as his tongue and mouth probed and prodded. His tongue traced each fold

and flicked at a spot so sensitive it seemed a raw nerve. All the while, his eyes bore into

hers, asserting his dominance. The visual of the forbidden dance of his mouth upon her

was too much and she squeezed her eyes tightly shut. He had promised ecstasy and

delivered. Now he seemed determined to surpass even that.


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Breath rasped as the tumultuous feelings boiled within her, until it bloomed in full

force. She shuddered and pulsed, bursting forth as white-hot sensation poured over her,

scattering her wits. As the petals of a flower, she wilted under him, spent and replete.

He gathered her gently in his arms and she buried her face in his chest, not wanting

him to see the tears of weakness on her cheeks. The tremors still shook her raw body.

“Shh, it’s all right.” His breath laced with her scent fanned her face as he tenderly

stroked her hair and down her back. With a sniffle, Eliza pulled back. She couldn’t

remember the last time she had cried. Embarrassment flooded her cheeks as she looked

away from the barbarian, wishing she were anywhere but here, next to him.


“It was your first time. It is understandable strong emotions overcame you. Have

you never found release at your own hand?”

Heat bloomed on her cheeks. Her own hand had brought her little pleasure. It was

only that one time, after he had found her at the river and left her wracked with need.

She had tried to no avail to relieve the angst in her untried body but instead had cried

herself to sleep. “No.” She shook her head. “I did not know…the pleasure was

unexpected…I cannot believe you thought I could do that…with a woman.”

“There be some things only a man can give you but there are some things a woman

can give you just as well.”

“I cannot imagine letting a woman do that, I do not know if I could let another…”

Eliza pressed her lips together to stop the confession from spilling from her lips.

“What were you saying?” he gently prodded, his lip curving upward.

“Nothing.” She shook her head, unwilling to answer.

His hand under her chin lifted her face to meet the scrutiny of his gaze. “You could

not imagine letting another man do that to you.”

“I did not say…”


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“Shh.” Placing a finger at her lips, he hushed her lies. “We need no lies between us.

I will not let another man touch you.” His thumb stroked her lip. “No. No other man

will ever know your sweetness. You are for me alone.”

“You have no rights over me.” Eliza’s tone was indignant. The barbarian attitude

inside the man began to raise its dominant head. He thought because he had given her

untold pleasure that she would submit to his will in all things. He could think again. No

man would rule her mind and body, no matter the pleasure he gave her with his body.

“You think not.” His tone was a little too low, a little too calm for her liking.

Lying back on the grass, relaxing her deliciously aching body, she studied the

perplexing male until she remembered she still did not have his seed. “You have not

fulfilled our bargain. I do not have your seed.”

“Do not worry, I’m far from finished.” To underscore his point he ran a hand along

the length of the engorged rod that jutted proudly from his body. Fisting her hands,

Eliza stopped herself from reaching for the tempting tumescent length. Her fingers

longed to stroke the shaft in a forbidden caress much as his did—but she was not

supposed to touch or caress her barbarian. Not with her hands or her mouth, but

nothing could stop her eyes from lovingly caressing his naked form. Eliza nervously

plucked at the grass as she observed the fascinatingly erotic show. “See. I can touch

myself for pleasure, as you can touch yourself.”

She did not resist when his hands enclosed hers, placing them intimately upon him.

“But it is more pleasurable to touch each other.” Shockingly, her hands discovered the

secrets of his flesh. Awe soon turned to wonder at flesh so soft yet hard. His warm skin

was silky smooth over the stiff organ and her fingers found and traced the raised ridge

on the underside of his shaft. His breath hissed from his body as her thumb worried the

puckered flesh near the head of his shaft.

“Touch me. Show me that you want me.” His tone revealed a need she dared not

look too closely at for it mirrored her own.


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She knew this was wrong, it went against her teachings, but she couldn’t help

herself as she rose up on one elbow and explored at will. The fleshy head glistened with

a pearl of moisture leaking from the slit. She wondered if this was his seed. Touching

her finger to the wetness, she had the craziest notion to taste his essence.

Contemplating, she leaned close, inhaling his scent. Licking her lips, she swallowed

deeply. It wouldn’t be right to taste him—that was too personal, too intimate for just a

seed giver. The fact that she wished to was obviously a flaw in her character.

* * * * *

A sinful smile tugged at his lips as he watched his woman tenderly explore his

cock. Her eyes shone bright, rapt with discovery. He knew he had pleased her and he

could see the heat of desire burning once again in her eyes. He intended to please her

more, to tempt her more. Their future depended on it. The dual suns’ heat beat down

upon them but Bruton did not feel the scorching temperature. Internally, he burned so

hot the suns’ rays had no effect upon his naked flesh.

“If you continue to touch me so, I fear you will lose my seed to the ground.” He

nearly groaned the words as his hand once again closed around her seeking fingers,

stilling them in place. Lifting one hand from his cock, he placed it upon her pussy. “Feel

how hot you are—and wet. Your body readies for my possession.”

Their eyes locked as their hands lay intertwined in her damp folds. He glided her

finger over her nubbin and she gasped. “There is no shame in this. There is no shame in

giving and receiving pleasure.” Her eyes dilated as he worked her fingers in her folds.

Someday, he would enjoy watching her make herself come just for him.

“I think it is time. I cannot wait any longer to possess you.” He shifted her beneath

him, spreading her silky thighs. She lay bare and beautiful and he struggled to withhold

words of love. Words that lay heavy on his tongue but she was not ready to hear.

“I’m ready,” she gasped and jerked as his fingers spread her swollen folds and

pierced her tight hole. “You are very tight.” He worked a finger in and out before


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adding a second. She flinched and he sighed. “I need to prepare you. I do not want to

harm you.” Her cream coated his fingers as he stretched her virgin sheath. His cock

ached but he would not hurry her. He would take his time, spreading her wide enough

to accept his thick girth. When her hips began to rise to meet the thrust of his fingers, he

deemed her ready.

With her open and waiting, he moved between her thighs. He feared she had no

idea what to expect. He wasn’t sure he knew what to expect—so far his time with her

had far exceeded any previous experience of his life. He had never taken a virgin, never

emptied his seed into a woman. “There will be pain at first,” he told her as he nudged

her opening with the tip of his cock.

“Yes, your thick rod will rip into me, splitting me wide, you’ll thrust and then your

seed will erupt.” She exhaled a shaky breath. “I am strong, I can take it.”

If he could have drawn a proper breath, he would have chuckled. Her grim

description of her expectations did not surprise him but he hoped he could far surpass

them. Breaching her wet, warm canal, he felt her tightness engulf him. He gritted his

teeth, inhaling deeply. If he did not rein in his fervor, he would quickly fulfill her

expectations. Gazing at her face, he pulled back then inched forward into her hot, tight

depth. Her eyes widened and her lips parted but she didn’t cry out. His woman

embraced the pain.

Sweat poured from his brow at his exertion of control. His need was great, the

desire to thrust deeply burned relentlessly in his groin. He tilted her hips for his next

penetrating thrust. A tiny whimper escaped her lips and was nearly his undoing.

“Relax. Accept me into your body, revel in our joining and together we will find


Trusting eyes watched him but he could not hold her gaze. He was unwilling to

witness her pain as his cock split her open. Her thighs relaxed, opening farther to his

invasion and he burrowed deeper, parting the virgin flesh. Gritting his teeth, he

withdrew from the velvet grip. It was going to hurt and for that there was no help, he


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was too large and she was too tight. A shudder wracked his frame and he thrust deeply,

penetrating her maidenhead.

Her breath hissed from her body, her inner muscles rebelled, trying to reject his

possession. He hesitated; the last thing he wanted was to bring her pain. He opened his

eyes, seeking hers. A tumultuous smile and teary eyes greeted him. “Do not stop.

Bruton, please…”

Her body clenched around him, sucking him deeper into her wet, silken haven,

milking his cock. His thumb found her pulsing nerve center with a circling caress.

Burrowing deeper, he clenched his jaw to withhold his release. He would make sure she

reached the stars and burst in pleasure before he exploded in her welcoming heat. “So

beautiful you are. If you could only see…” He glanced down at their joined bodies. Her

hole stretched wide to take him and her cream coated his cock as he thrust back and

forth. It was a thing of beauty, her body taking his.

Long, slim legs wrapped around him, pulling him deeper. Her hands reached out,

caressing his chest, one tugged at his hair, pulling him to within reach of her ravenous

mouth. Their lips met and she thrust her tongue into his mouth in unison with his slow

thrusts within her body. He was unsure if this was her way of trying to dominate him

but he found no reason to complain. His head spun with the torrent of sensation.

She yanked their lips apart, her blue eyes glazed with shock and awe. She reached

out unseeingly. “Bruton, I…” she gasped, unable to finish. Her chest heaved as she

sought to breathe.

“Do not fight it. Let it take you. Let the pleasure wash over your body as the rising

of twin moons.” He coaxed his woman through the turbulent climax. Her eyes closed as

she bucked forcefully up against him, burying more of his cock impossibly deeper into

her virginal passage. Her teeth clamped on her lip, muffling a scream of pleasure. Her

thighs clenched, muscles tightened as she spasmed relentlessly around his rod.


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His balls screamed for mercy. He couldn’t withhold his release a moment longer—

throwing back his head, he roared in triumph as his cock emptied a full load of seed

into her hot depths.

Ecstasy sapped his strength as he collapsed to her side. His hand found hers and

enclosed it in a tight grasp. He panted, unable to speak, unsure what to say. He had just

experienced the most gratifying sexual experience of his life but he feared her reaction.

If he held her hand, she could not run. If she ran, she would take his heart. Breathless,

they both lay, their chests heaving from the frantic love play.

“I suppose I should thank you for…for the donation of your seed.” The words

whispered so low he wasn’t sure she wished him to hear.

The experience had not immediately changed her outlook. He had expected as

much and tried not to feel pained at her words. “I do not think you’ll want to thank



“I drank lespie before meeting you. That and the position I took you in almost

always produces a male child.” Bruton was not above a few minor untruths if they

helped his cause.

“What! You know I need a female heir. It’s impossible anyway, since moving to the

Liberian realm none of our coven have birthed a male child.”

“You think not.”

“I would know!” Her tone was indignant.

“How many stillbirths has the coven had?”

Eliza shook her head. “It’s a sad thing.”

“They are not stillbirths but male children.”

“The elders would not kill a newborn.” She sat up, yanking at her hand, her brow

furrowing in annoyance.

“But they would lie and send them to their sires to raise.”


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“You are the liar.”

“Then where do all the male children of my clan come from? Many of the gatherers

have chosen to stay with their mates but many a male child in my clan has no mother.”

Red-hot rage burned in his heart at the thought of her leaving and taking his child but

he fought to remain calm.

“No. It’s not true.” Her tone was adamant but her eyes cast to the distance, unable

to meet his.

“Your elders are powerful but even they cannot change the sex of a child—not with

satisfactory results.”

“I must leave and talk to the elders. I have not been told of such a thing.” Her

words rang true and he believed she did not know of the elders’ deception.

“Do you think they will tell you? No. If you leave and birth a male child they will

tell you it died and bring the child to me.”

“I cannot…I must go. If that is true…”

“You chose to come to me willingly. You spread your thighs for me, accepted my

seed. Now you think I will let you take my offspring. Let it grow to be a hater of all

males, even its sire. No. I cannot take that chance.” Once she entered the Liberian realm,

he could not follow.

“You did not have to give me your seed.” Finally, she turned to face him. Her eyes

gleamed with unshed tears.

“But you begged so nicely for it.” He could not stop the sarcastic tone that poured

into the words.

“I did not beg.” She yanked her hand, trying to break free of his grasp but he

tightened his fingers, refusing to let go.

“It wasn’t my seed you were begging for. You begged for my thick cock to pierce

your body and end your torment.” He leaned forward, delivering the words nose to


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nose. Her eyes flared, the blue nearly disappearing as they dilated. His little witch was

near eruption.

“You are right, it was a torment to have to submit to you and your barbarian touch.

I’m glad I’ll never have to do that again.” Her free hand swung at his head with force.

He palmed her fist before it could smash into his face. He shook his head and smiled—

she had the spirit of a warrior.

“Oh you will do it again, in fact, this very moment. Prepare to beg.” He flipped her

onto her back and slid on top of her. He released her hands and they hit his shoulders.

She shoved with all her might but he didn’t move.

“No,” she gasped as he lowered his mouth, forcing her lips apart.

Fingernails dug into his shoulders. He lifted his head, glancing at one hand.

“Remove them or I’ll tie your hands.” He wasn’t about to play fair, he’d show her how

a barbarian mated with his female. “You want a barbarian. I’ll give you one. Maybe I’ll

mount you like the animal your coven claims all males to be.”

Ruthlessly, his mouth parted hers, his tongue penetrating the seal of her lips.

Wrapping a hand in her hair, he held her head steady as his tongue thrust deeply. Eliza

whimpered into his mouth. Her hands lifted from his shoulders, raking down his back

slick with sweat. He shuddered under the sweep of her hands.

Nibbling her mouth, he tugged her lower lip with his teeth. Her sweet, honeyed

taste soothed his savage impulse. Releasing her lip, he kissed his way down her throat.

Her pulse point pounded under his lips. Was it fear or desire that made her heart run


Raising his head, he met her gaze head on. He worried he’d find fear and resistance

but only heat and desire burned in her eyes. His lip curled with pleasure. Her mind

might fight him but her body surrendered to his touch.

* * * * *


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His wicked grin gave her pause. She was pinned beneath him as he straddled her

thigh. When he shifted, she had her opportunity to escape. There was enough room to

bring her knee up into his groin, temporarily immobilizing him. She hesitated and she

knew she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t harm him even temporarily. She couldn’t harm

the instrument that gave her such pleasure.

Thick thighs parted hers, holding her open as his stiff rod grazed her intimately.

She shut her eyes, going under as his hands gathered her breasts, lips nuzzling. He had

won. She’d let him have the victory. A sharp breath escaped her lips when the tip of his

shaft butted up against the shockingly sensitive spot in her slit. The wetness poured

from her again and she cried out.

“Bruton.” Her eyes fluttered. She did not want to beg but she needed him to fill her.

“Shh.” Their eyes locked. “Do not fight me.” His hands soothed her as his erection

probed her tender folds. His dark eyes dilated. “Accept me.”

This time there was no pain just a slow stretch of tight flesh as he impaled her on

his rigid shaft. She released a sobbing breath. “By Goddess.” She tilted her hips up,

accepting his possession. His girth burrowed unhurriedly into her sensitive flesh. She

grasped the cheeks of his buttocks and the bunched muscles flexed under her hands.

She held her breath as his rod buried deep enough his hairy seed sac brushed her

bottom. “Please…” She didn’t want to beg but she needed him to move. She wanted

what he’d given her before. She ached for the wild, heated ride to glory, the soaring rise

and the stomach-dropping fall that left her breathless and replete.

“Yes Eliza, come with me.”

He shifted and tingles rode her spine, she arched to meet his thrust. She might not

be in control but she would participate in her own demise.

“Now…Bruton…now…” Her hands gripped his hips, arching up, he surged

impossibly deeper. A scream tore from her lips as fire burned from her core to the tip of

her head. Blinding light flashed behind her eyelids and she collapsed to the ground,

groaning helplessly as her insides pulsed and chaotic sensations built. A sudden


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eruption sent her over the edge and she tumbled headlong into a blistering climax. Her

nails clawed his hips as she screamed out in release.

He thrust once, twice more before he shuddered violently. He growled a warning

and his hot seed poured into her body. She lay still—she should be happy she had

achieved her goal but she wanted to cry. It was an impossible situation. He wanted her

to stay but she was obligated to leave. She had responsibilities that she could not turn

her back on.

Lying naked at his side, she was ashamed to admit he was right—she had begged,

and for more than his seed. He had the ability to turn her body traitor against her

beliefs. Was this what had made the elders leave? She did not consider this brutality or

torture. Nevertheless, to lose one’s self so utterly to another was disquieting. She prided

herself on her control but he shattered it. Shattered it so thoroughly, she’d participated

in her own downfall, even reveled in it.

“Do not fret, in time you will adjust. Tasha could not be happier with your…with

Tilo.” His words awoke her from her stupor.

“It is different for me. I am the coven’s future priestess. I will succeed my mother

just as my daughter will succeed me. Even if I wished to change this, I cannot.” She lay

at his side, his seed leaking from her body, and she had not the energy or will to move.

“I can. I have. You will stay here as my mate. Our daughter or son will know both

its parents.”

“You cannot hold me against my will. You may be stronger but my powers can

defeat you,” she warned, although she knew she would not hurt him.

“Were you not told your powers can not harm me?”

“It is written that I cannot use my powers to gather seed or to stop your will during

the mating but it doesn’t say I cannot use my powers to escape you.”

“Do you know why your powers will not work against me?” he spoke softly, his

lips curling upward.


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She shook her head, she’d never wondered why.

“Your powers have no effect on the one you desire…or love.”

“You lie!” It could not be true.

“That is why the elders left the clan. They could not control their mates. Their

powers were useless against the men who mated them. As strong as your elders were,

their mates still dominated them. The elders are women who prefer power to love.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Then try it! Try to harm me.”

“It will kill you.”

“If you don’t desire me—love me—if I am not your true mate, it will,” he replied

huskily, confidently.

“And you will sit there and let me.” Her heart pounded, her hands shook. She

raised them, fingers pointing in his direction. She felt the power as it bristled in her

hands. She licked lips gone dry. She took a deep breath. “I cannot—I have no wish to

see you die.”

His lips curled upward. “You know what I say is true.”

“I could have struck you down.” She would never harm him but she could not tell

him that. If he spoke the truth and she had even attempted he would know of her

desire…love for him but what if he were wrong. She would never take the chance.

“If you had not cared enough—it would be best that you strike me down.” He

moved to her side.

“You may hold me captive for a time but eventually, I will escape.”

“There is no escaping this.” His eyes blazed into hers. “You belong to me.”


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Chapter Four

“Belong to you! I am not your slave.”

He shook his head, dragging her to her feet. “I do not wish for a slave.”

Yanking her behind him, he led her to their discarded clothes. “Put your clothes

on.” She bent over, reaching for her skirt, and a growl escaped his lips. The full cheeks

of her ass and what lay between was tempting. Thankfully, she wrapped the skirt

around her before flashing him a dubious look.

Keeping a close eye on Eliza, he retrieved a bag he had hidden in a hollow log.

Shaking out the contents, he presented her with a vest. “Put this on.” He would not

have her walk bare-chested into his village for all his clan to see. Her glorious breasts

were for him alone, him and his offspring.

He saw her eyes dart to the tree line. Anticipating her move, he stepped in front of

her. “You cannot escape.” He wouldn’t allow her to reach the trees. She could

camouflage herself until she reached the entrance to the other realm, the Liberian realm.

He had to secure her before she gathered her wits and realized her powers were limited

but not useless.

He was surprised she did not argue but accepted the vest. It was a shame to cover

such perfection but he was not one to share. Tugging his breeches on, he watched her


Her eyes closed and her lips barely moved as he watched her. She chanted in her

head, he knew not of what. “What are you doing?”

She shrieked as he pulled her close, her eyes opened and they had darkened in

color. Wrapping a hand in her hair, he tugged her head backward and his head bent,

meeting her lips. Forcefully, he parted her lips, his tongue dueling with hers until she

shuddered in his embrace. “Do not think to use your powers against me.”


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His hand dropped to her center, finding her wet. He pressed against her little

nubbin until she squirmed. “This will stop you from harming me.”

Her eyes were a glimmering blue again but they narrowed angrily.

“We will go to my village now and if you even think to perform another spell I will

take you to the ground and mount you for all to see.”

“Barbarian,” she hissed before setting off toward his village.

* * * * *

Temporarily giving up the hope of escape, she marched in front of him. As they

approached his village, she received a few curious looks and greetings from some of the

females she knew. They appeared happy but did they dare to appear otherwise under

the scrutiny of the barbarians? When she escaped, she would take the others, if they

wished. One female, a young, dark-haired girl, openly glared at her. Jealousy burned in

the woman’s eyes.

She turned to Bruton. “Who is that girl?” Her tone was a little more shrewish than

she would have liked.

Mischief danced in his eye. “Jealous?”

“Is she your…”

“Don’t say it. She is just a village girl. She means nothing to me except as a friend’s

sister. You are my mate.” He grasped her upper arm hurrying her toward his lodge.

“Not for long.” She threw an angry look over her shoulder in the girl’s direction,

which elicited a chuckle from Bruton.

When she neared the community lodge, she hesitated. She remembered the captive

females and wondered again if he had coupled with any or all of those women. She

refused to look at the lodge as they passed it on the way to his private dwelling. The

sounds of sobs pierced the air and she hardened her heart against her captor.

Obviously, the barbarians enjoyed torturing females. If given the opportunity, she

would rescue them.


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Lifting the flap on his lodge, he bid her to enter. Eliza was impressed with the size

and order of the dwelling. It was not as rustic as she would have expected from such a

heathen breed but he was warlord and his lodge was larger than most. A massive bed

of furs dominated one side of the lodge. With no doubt, it was a warrior’s domain,

weapons hung about the rafters, his broadsword and skaken star set close by the door,

but it seemed an orderly arrangement. Even the garb he’d worn on his raid had been

folded and placed in a large woven basket. Glancing around, she found the lodge

comfortable and to her liking, even the scent was a woodsy combination of cedar and

leather. She was pleased until her eyes rested upon four stakes driven into the ground

at her feet. From their spacing, it was obvious they were bondage stakes, complete with

ties. It was true. The barbarians…Bruton enjoyed forcing females to couple with him.

Her heart sank, her eyes burned and she blinked rapidly. She would not give the

barbarian the satisfaction of her tears.

Would he tie her down and force her? She shivered at the thought. Their joining at

the river had been poignant, at least for her. Now it was tainted, to be taken by force

even by him…she could not think it.

Eliza kicked one of the stakes with her foot. “Is this the only way barbarians can get

a female to lie beneath them?”

“I remember you lying beneath me willingly enough.”

“Only for your seed, not because I wanted to. How many of the captive females did

you force your rutting shaft into?” She couldn’t believe that she’d thought, for even one

moment, that she’d want to stay with such a barbaric beast.

Dark brows shot up at her words. “You know not of what you speak, woman.”

“I saw you and your heathen band riding in with the captives. Their clothes in

tatters, bruises on their faces, and I can hear their sobs. How do you explain that?”

“I do not have to explain myself to you.” His eyes darkened and if she did not

know better, she would think her words caused him pain.

“No, you don’t as long as you let me walk out of here.”


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“Lie down.” She straightened to her full height as he loomed over her. Power

tingled in her hands. She could not allow him to tie her.

“What? I’m not about to…umph.” She hit the ground as he swept her feet out from

under her. He slowed her fall then pinned her beneath him. She twisted but it was

useless to fight against his superior strength. Physical power would not win this

battle—mental strength would prevail.

She began a chant. “Great Goddess hear me…” He wrapped a leather tie around

her wrist and her thoughts scattered. He held her other wrist in place and tied the strap.

Now she knew what persuaded Tasha to stay. Together, they would escape their

captors. It would take time but they would succeed.

The stakes bound her spread-eagle to the ground. “I must attend to things in the

community lodge. Since I cannot trust you to stay here, I will tie you and post a guard.

You will be safe.”

“What, rutting on me twice and those others however many times was not enough

to sate your lust? Do you have to ravage them some more?” She pulled uselessly at her

bonds. She called upon her inner strength. Nothing! She closed her eyes, inhaling

deeply. Rayden! “You barbarian bastard.” The ties were dipped in rayden, the only

thing that rendered her powers useless.

“It’s no wonder the elders left your kind. Is this how the males controlled their

mates? Draining their powers, making them useless, a breeding slave.”

“It’d be in your best interest to not speak about that which you do not know.”

“I know you all are rutting barbarians, brutalizing females for sport,” she spat the

words at him.

“Have you been brutalized? Is that how you describe the things I did to you? Did I

hurt you?”

“I’m tied up, drained of power, a slave to your will.”


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He brushed her hair back from her face. “If I could trust you…but I cannot. I will

not let you escape or harm an innocent person.” His large hands were tender.

“Brutalizing anyone brings me no joy. You will learn much in time.” He adjusted her

vest and skirt. “Do not pull at your binds, you will only hurt yourself.” He rubbed the

flesh of her wrists. “I’ve no wish to hurt you.”

His fingers plucked at the ties of her vest. “Bruton.”

“There’s no need to keep these covered in my lodge.” He pulled one tie, then the

next. The heat of his breath fanned her chest as he parted the vest. “Ahh, tight tipped

and ready for my mouth.”

His lips closed on a nipple and sucked powerfully. “No…no.” Her head thrashed.

His hand traveled her inner thigh. “This is not right.” The rayden left her weak,

powerless. She was open, vulnerable and he seemed bent on taking advantage.

His hand ducked under her short skirt and brushed her curls. A thick finger parted

her slit, teasing her nubbin.

“Sweet Goddess,” she panted the words at his teasing touch.

“I would agree if you weren’t so wet for me.”

A finger pierced her hole and to her horror, her inner muscles rippled, suckling at

the finger, drawing it deeper.

“You want me.”

“No.” She closed her eyes so he could not see the truth.

“Your body wants me—wants my cock. Your sweet, little pussy wants to be filled—

stretched to capacity. My finger is not enough—is it? You want more.”

Another finger joined the first. She whimpered but she wouldn’t beg.

“Tell me you want more.”

“I don’t.” Her eyes opened, flashing fire at the looming giant.


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He removed his hand and rolled to his feet, stalking across the lodge, the muscles of

his buttocks flexing beneath the tight breeches. Her pussy pulsed in need. She gasped,

he wouldn’t—couldn’t just leave her.

He rummaged through a basket and turned with something in his hand.

“What’s that?” She swallowed nervously.

“This?” He held the object up for her to see, a tubular-shaped thing. She’d found

something similar in her mother’s belongings years ago. Tasha had called it a pleasure

wand. His teeth gleamed as he smiled with feral intent and stalked across the lodge.

“No, oh Goddess…” He wouldn’t use that thing on her.

He knelt between her splayed thighs, lifting her hips he pushed her skirt up around

her waist.

“Bruton, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to give you pleasure like you’ve never imagined.”

“More than before? I could not survive it.”

His eyes burned with liquid heat. “There is so much you have yet to learn.” The

wand was cool as it brushed her thigh.

* * * * *

Her eyes begged him but he didn’t think she knew what she really wanted. He

lowered his gaze. Ruddy, plump pussy lips gleamed with moisture. The tip of the long,

slim wand entered her hole. He wished it was his cock but he needed to withhold his

pleasure until he could teach her what they could have together. He needed to take her

to the heights and beyond. It was the only way to ensure she’d crave him, need him, the

way he needed her.

Her cream eased the way and the wand slid smoothly into her tight sheath.

Lowering his head, his lips nestled her folds. Finding her nubbin, he rasped it with his

tongue as the wand slid slowly in her velvet canal. Her sweet taste fired his blood and


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his cock throbbed in his breeches. He needed her wet and willing beneath him but not

just for today—forever.

She fought her ties to shift beneath him, denying his possession. His gaze lifted and

passed her pointed breasts to meet eyes hooded with desire. He laved her sensitive

nubbin with his tongue.

Her head tossed as she bit down on her lip to silence her pleas. Rising up, he leaned

forward and lips wet with her juices found her mouth. Giving no mercy, his tongue

pierced her mouth. His bare chest grazed her taut nipples as his cloth-covered cock

ground against her pussy, pushing the wand farther into her heated body.

“Sweet Goddess, Bruton, please…” She twisted, yanking her mouth from his, and

pulled against the ties.

“Not yet.” His mouth found a nipple, suckling deeply.

“Argh.” Her back arched and a scream of frustration left her lips. “Now.”

His lips curved and he slowly slid the wand from her weeping depths. Unfastened

his damp breeches, his aching rod burst forward.

Hungry eyes zeroed in on his cock. She licked her lips. “Now, Bruton.”

“You want the wand or my cock?”

“Your cock,” she answered without hesitation. Her eyes hadn’t dropped and his

cock leaked with need under her hot gaze.

“Or both?”

“Both.” Her eyes shot to his. “They would not fit.”

Reaching for his dagger, he cut the ties binding her ankles but left the rayden in

place, just in case. Bending her knees, she raised her hips, silently begging for

possession, and he cupped her full, round buttocks.

“Not together in your tight pussy.” Cupping the mounds, he parted her cheeks and

a finger brushed the virgin hole he had yet to possess. Longed to possess.

Her eyes widened.


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Cream wept from her pussy and he used it to pierce the tight budded hole.

“Bruton…I…ahh.” Her heels dug into the ground as she tried to scoot away. “What

heathen torture is this?”

“You will not find it torture when both holes are full and you fly so high your body

convulses and your soul bursts in rapturous release.” His finger slipped deeper and she

arched up on her toes. “You are so hot and tight.” A tremor shook his frame. He wanted

to take her but he knew she wasn’t ready for the thickness of his cock.

Picking up the wand, he wet it with her juices and replaced his finger with it. The

wand would stretch her hole, making it easier for his possession.

“No.” She bucked.

“Relax.” Slowly, inch by inch, the wand disappeared.

* * * * *

She gasped for breath. Surely, this was wrong—forbidden. With excruciating

slowness, he parted her virgin ass. Her toes curled, her spine tingled. She swallowed

another protest. With a deep breath, she bore down on the hard instrument and she saw

stars. She wiggled and her pussy wept in jealousy, as full as her ass was, her pussy was


“Bruton, I need…” She hesitated as she looked into eyes hot enough to scorch. Oh

hell, why not. “I need your…cock.” Her face heated at her confession.

His eyes shut and a primitive growl burst from his lips. He shifted slightly and his

cock grazed her wet, achy center. His first thrust pushed all air from her lungs. She had

no idea. “Bruton.”

“Relax, you can take it.” He eased forward slowly.

“Untie me.” She wanted to touch him, to feel his chest—to grasp his hips and force

him deeper—harder.


She whimpered and bucked up hard against him. “Harder, faster…please.”


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He bent her forward, one hand kept the wand in place, the other held her hips and

his pace quickened. Fiercely, deeply he thrust. “So good…Eliza…never before,” he

mumbled brokenly as his sweat-gleaming flesh slapped against hers.

Her body shivered, she had no control. Her inner muscles pulsed and never-before-

reached sensations built. She couldn’t breathe, her lungs burned. Rhythmically her

body clenched and convulsed. Heat seared her flesh and as she was just about to erupt,

he slid the wand from her ass. Before she could draw a breath, he replaced it with his

thick cock. He filled her—stretched her tight hole until she thought she would burst.

After the initial thrust, sweet sizzling heat replaced the pain.

“Oh my…”

He plunged deeper. “Mine.” The word tore from his lips. “Mine—only mine.” He

thrust deeper, harder and her world was reduced to flashes of heat and light behind

tightly closed eyes. Her head spun and darkness reached for her.

She awoke, her hands bound tightly above her head, but strong arms held her close.

“What happened?”

“I think you passed out.”

Tingling pulses of sensation still flickered in her nether regions. “Did you…” Heat

dusted her cheeks.

“Did I finish? Yes, right behind you.”

“Oh.” She couldn’t meet the eyes that watched her.

“How do you feel?”

“Fine, can you untie me now?”

“That depends. After that can you leave me?”

Could she? She didn’t want to but her coven depended on her. “I don’t know.” She

wouldn’t lie to him, not now.

“You could walk away from me—from us—and take my child with you? Maybe

you are your mother’s daughter after all.”


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“What! Barbarian, you think everything is solved with your mighty rod,” she

screamed loud enough half the clan probably heard.

“I’m not sure why I waste my time,” he muttered and she kicked at him as he

pulled her skirt down over her nakedness and refastened her vest. Pulling a robe over

her, he rolled to his feet, pacing the lodge.

“Eliza.” She turned her head to the side. He stood and looked at her for a moment

but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of meeting his gaze. Without another word,

he turned and left.

Eliza lay supine, weighing her options. The few she had, with her hands tied there

was little she could do. She had made mistakes in handling this from the beginning. She

should have listened better. She knew the risks. She knew what had happened to Tasha,

or did she? Knowing what she knew now, she was unsure. She would have to think

about this, but her mind seemed cloudy, there was too much to digest. She needed a

moment’s rest.

Eliza dozed until a gurgle at her side awoke her. Opening her eyes, she saw Tasha

holding a wrapped child. She smiled at her. “Tasha, release me. We can escape.”

Shaking her head, Tasha replied, “I cannot, I have no wish to leave. In time, you

will not either.”

“How can you say that? These barbarians forced us! I am tied up.” Eliza pulled at

the ties. “They are rayden dipped, do not touch them. Get a knife and cut me free.”

“I cannot.”

“I am the future priestess, heed my words,” she commanded.

“I am under the rule of Bruton now, as you are.” Tasha unwrapped the bundled

child, holding her naked baby boy up for Eliza to see. “Is he not beautiful? What would

happen to him if I returned with you?”

“He has a father.” The tiny boy gurgled as he suckled a finger. Eliza wouldn’t allow

herself to think about it. Leaving a child, any child behind…she couldn’t fathom.


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“Yes, but he needs his mother as well. And I need his father.”

Eliza glared at her friend. “Release me then and I will be gone.”

“No, I cannot.”

“I suppose the barbarians would punish you for disobedience?”

“No. I wish for you to stay. I am selfish enough to want my friend back. Besides, I

know in my heart you belong here with Bruton. If you would be honest with yourself,

you’d know this as well. I remember when you chose him as your seed giver.”

“We were but young, foolish girls.” She would not remember, could not remember.

“Yes, it’s true but we knew what we liked, what we wanted. We did not want to

live in an all female coven.”

“Why? We had everything we needed.”

“Did we? After being with Bruton do you think you can be satisfied to go back to

that lifestyle?” Tasha’s steady gaze regarded her.

Eliza darted her eyes away. She was not prepared to answer that question. “Our

mothers, the elders and the others, they are satisfied.”

“Do you not realize they are not like us? They hoped we’d be like them but we are


“I don’t know what you mean.” Sensations, thoughts, memories all flickered in her

mind. Her head pounded, she could not think. Everything seemed out of kilter.

“Have you not noticed that most of the young females do not return from collecting

seed? Haven’t you ever wondered why?”

“They’re held as captives—slaves by the barbarian male tribes.” It had to be the

truth, didn’t it?

“I am not, neither is Sulu or Lena. I do not think the females living in other bands

are captive either.”

“I am a captive.” There was no denying she was bound, supine and vulnerable.

“For now. Until you learn what is best.”


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“I know what’s best. You have been brainwashed. We were warned, do you not


“I remember it all. Do you?” Eliza met Tasha’s gaze but didn’t respond.

“Do you remember watching Tilo and Bruton at their baths? Do you remember how

we felt watching them? Do you remember the day Bruton caught you? They could have

kept us then but they did not, they wanted us to come to them.”

Eliza had spent the better part of two years trying to forget that day. Trying to

forget how it felt to be so close to Bruton, to feel his touch, the brush of his body against

hers. Now she would have to try to forget what it felt like to lie in his arms, to kiss his

lips, to know his full possession. A sob escaped her lips. “Stop.”

“No. Do you remember the punishment when we foolishly told our mothers? They

have no feelings or desires for a male but we did. We do.”

“Are you saying…?” She could not grasp the words.

“The older women of our tribe, your mother, my mother, they have no use for

males. Our mothers care for one another.”

“You want me to believe that our elder mothers….and that they want us to…”

“I saw them once. I was young and I tried not to think about it but I saw them.” The

look in Tasha’s eyes told the story. At one time, Eliza would not have questioned

anything Tasha said.

“You lie.” Eliza feared she could no longer trust her now that she was under the

influence of the barbarians. He may have convinced her of this. She might be confused.

Bruton had implied something of this nature as well. It might be barbarian trickery.

Tasha shook her head. “There is someone who waits to see you.”

Eliza assumed it would be Lena; they’d been friends before her time to gather. Her

eyes lifted, surprised to see Tilo enter the lodge.

“You remember Tilo.”


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Eliza nodded, eyeing the large, blond male, seeing warmth and banked anger in his

eyes. She hated appearing tied, humbled before this barbarian. She shifted nervously

when he seated himself close to her side, his hand brushing back her hair.

Her eyes darted back to Tasha in time to witness the encouraging smile she flashed

the big male. “Do not fear Tilo, he is your brother.”

Her eyes flashed back to Tilo, seeing the blond hair, the even features so like her

own. She shook her head in denial. “I don’t have a brother.”

“Yes you do, Lizzy girl.” The nickname reverberated in her mind. “Lizzy girl, do

not run, Lizzy girl, come here, Lizzy girl…Lizzy girl…Lizzy…” She shook her head.

“No…no.” Another voice echoed in her head. “Eliza, are you okay?” a familiar

voice echoed in her mind. A dark-haired young boy helped her up from the ground and

brushed her knee. Her gaze flickered to Tasha.

“Do you remember him? You were younger than I when we left and I was

forbidden to mention anything.”

“I’m not…I’m not sure.”

“You know the Liberians once lived here on Barbar, until the other realm was


“Yes, but that was long ago. Long before we were born.”

“Not so long ago, you were three or four. I was six.”

“I was ten when you left and Bruton eleven.” Her eyes darted back to Tilo.

Tears poured from her eyes. Until today, she hadn’t cried in years. Not since her

mother dragged her screaming and crying from the village, away from her friends, her

brother—and Bruton.

“Tilo.” She blinked back the tears, trying to smile.

“Ahh, Lizzy girl, it took you long enough.” Pulling a dagger from his belt, he slit

the ties at her wrists, gathering her in his arms.

“Tilo, my brother.”


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“It is I.”

“I forgot…”

“Shh, there is no need, Tasha explained long ago that you did not remember us.

You were too young, the trauma too great.”

“Bruton…” She couldn’t manage more than his name but luckily, Tilo understood.

“He knows you don’t remember us or our ways. Tasha told him you believed in the

creed. When he caught you that day by the river—he’s been waiting ever since. Hoping

you’d return and want to stay. I think it was hardest on him, the waiting and not

knowing if you’d return, if you’d choose him.” Tears streamed down her face and she

sniffled as Tilo spoke. All the wasted time…years because the elders had to separate the


A wail went up from the other side of the lodge. Eliza turned her eyes to the babe.

“My nephew.”

“Yes,” replied Tasha as she approached. “We named him Draydon but we call him

Dray. He’s three months old.”

“Can I hold him?”

Tasha nodded, extending the wrapped bundle, and nervously Eliza took the babe,

supporting the little head. “He is beautiful.”

“Handsome,” inserted Tilo.

She lay him across her chest and he began to root. “I think he wants his nipple.”

Eliza laughed as she handed him back to his mother.

“Yes. Soon you will have a wee one to suckle at your breast,” Tasha said, opening

her vest and placing the child to her nipple.

“So do I have to fight Bruton for your honor?”

“Bruton…oh Tilo.” She met her brother’s gaze. “What will I do?”

“What do you want to do?”


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Chapter Five

It was late when Bruton entered his lodge. He’d stayed away longer than necessary.

The look of rejection on Eliza’s face had eaten at his soul. He’d come to a decision—he

couldn’t keep her bound if she wanted to go. He had to set her free. He’d lived these

last two years without his heart, without the girl who lit the light of his soul. He would

release her on the morrow. He had hoped she would want to stay. That she would resist

the teachings of her coven but he would not force her.

Expecting to find her bound to the stakes, his heart dropped to see the cut straps.

He fell to his knees, hanging his head. He didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye.

He might never see her again, her or his child. His hand grabbed a stake and with

strength born of anger and grief, he yanked it from the ground. Raising it in the air, he

hesitated. Should he drive it through what was left of his heart?

A small but strong hand wrapped around his wrist. “And I was going to use those

stakes to tie you down.” His head spun around. He swiped his cheek, hoping it was too

dim in the lodge for her to see the wetness, the proof of his weakness.

“I thought you were gone,” his voice croaked.

“Without a proper goodbye?”

“Do I deserve one?”

“Barbarians deserve what they get. My mother left my sire because he was a brutal,

hateful man.” She took the stake from his hand, flipping it in the air. “Now it’s time for

you to get what you deserve.”

He cast his gaze to the ground—he did not want her to see the devastation her

words would cause.

“I think you deserve to have that thick cock sucked dry.”


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His head popped up. She didn’t just say… Blue eyes gleamed with mischief and a

husky laugh escaped her throat. He moved forward.

* * * * *

“Not this time.” She pushed at his chest. His head snapped up and he regarded her

with hungry, hooded eyes. “It’s my turn.” His eyes opened wider, gleaming with dark,

feral intensity. A sexy grin curled his lips.

“I’m all yours.” He spread his hands out.

“Drop those breeches and lie down.”

He blinked. A wicked laugh erupted from his lips.

The thick ridge of his arousal was obvious through the tight material. Eliza

swallowed deeply. She hoped he didn’t notice the tremor in her hands as she gestured

at the breeches. “Off.”

He hadn’t bothered with a tunic. His hand lowered to the ties of his breeches, he

slowly released the fastening. His erect cock burst from the parted material. His thumbs

hooked in his pants, his hips shimmied. “Mmm, I like that.” Dark eyes met hers.

“The rest of the way.” She motioned again and licked her lips. His grin held wicked

promise as he peeled his breeches down his thighs. Inch by inch the more impressive

muscle appeared in the dimming light. Finally, he stood up straight and dropped the

material at her feet. His biceps bulged as he lay down between the remaining stakes and

crossed his arms behind his head. Splayed thighs and a bent knee hid nothing. His erect

rod bowing under its own weight stretched across his stomach well beyond his


“Oh Goddess,” she sighed.

She dropped to her knees at his side. Her palms were sweating and her mouth was

dry. Tasha had made it sound simple and enjoyable but now—what if she did

something wrong?


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“Eliza.” Her eyes flew to meet his. “Relax.” She nodded. “Touch me if you want to

but if you’re not ready…” His warm, brown eyes full of love and understanding melted

her fear.

“I’m ready.” She placed her hand on his chest, the soft and springy hair curled

around her fingers. She found a tight male nipple and plucked it with her thumb.

Leaning forward, she circled the small nub with her tongue and her core slicked with

her juices. He groaned low in his throat.

His taste was salty, he smelled of outdoors and man. She inhaled deeply. Tracing a

faint scar on his side led down his hip. Not a word passed his lips but his flesh quivered

under her touch. Hipbones slightly protruded from a flat, rippled stomach and between

them lay paradise. Her nervous hand poised above his erection for a moment. Turning

her eyes to his, she watched his reaction as she trailed one finger along the raised ridge

from base to tip.

Muscles tensed and his breath hissed from between his lips. He didn’t move but she

could tell he wanted to. She remembered how it felt to have him touch her intimately,

his fingers brushing her slit, plunging into her hole. She wiggled, clenching her thighs.

She wanted to give him that kind of pleasure. She wanted him to writhe in ecstasy

under her touch, needing her the way she needed him. Turning her eyes back to his

glorious length, she wrapped a hand firmly around the base, stroking the torrid length.

A bead of moisture temptingly gleamed at the tip—this time she wouldn’t waste it on

her hand. She leaned forward and her tongue darted out to lick his pearly seed. He

groaned, his hips bucking upward.

“Mmm.” She licked her lips, tasting his essence, savoring the flavor of his seed. She

leaned closer. His musky male scent heated her blood. His unique taste pleasing to her

senses, she wanted more. Wetting her lips, she parted them over his erection. The head

and upper shaft stretched her lips and filled her mouth. She rolled her tongue around

the flared tip, seeking more of his seed.


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L.A. Day

He arched up and in a half sitting position he cradled her to his rod, a hand

tangling in her hair, urging her closer as he slowly pumped his hips. His other hand ran

the length of her back and ducked under her skirt, finding her wet, needy core. Thick,

blunt fingers parted her folds, sliding easily in her cream.

“Eliza, I can not take much more of your exquisite pleasuring.” She shifted and his

shaft brushed the back of her throat. She swallowed deeply, allowing him to slide an

inch farther into the cavern of her mouth. Her teeth scraped his silky flesh, her tongue

laving the rigid length. He tasted so good she never wanted to release his shaft but at

the same time, she wanted him buried deeply in her aching core.

“Yes. Suckle me. Take more, Eliza…more.” His hand in her hair guided her mouth

upon his shaft while a finger pierced her hole. She pushed back against the blunt

invasion, suckling harder on his thick length.

“Have mercy, my little witch.” A growl tore from his lips and his thighs trembled

as he fought for control. Another finger thrust within her, in a rapid-fire motion his

fingers drove into her core. She moaned around his rod, hips rocking and head

bobbing, she sought to end their torment.

His hand cupped the back of her head as his hips thrust upward, deep into her

throat. Stuffed full at both ends, she writhed, her inner muscles fluttered then clenched

as release washed over her.

“It’s too late, too late.” Throwing back his head, he roared in tortured bliss. Hot

seed burst into her mouth, spurting down her throat. She swallowed convulsively,

milking every drop of the tangy fluid from his shaft.

Bruton flopped back on the ground, his semi-erect rod popping from her mouth.

His slumberous gaze watched her as he panted for breath. “Where did you learn to

suckle a man?” he gasped.

“Tilo,” she replied breathlessly while wiping the back of her hand across her

swollen, sensitive lips.


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Barbarian Mate

“What did you say?” he roared, sitting up straight, his startled gaze pinning her in


“I meant to say, Tilo taught Tasha and she thought you might enjoy…”

His lips smashed into hers, cutting off her words. “Tasha’s a devious woman. I owe

her my thanks.” He licked his lips with a strange look upon his face. “So this is what I

taste like?”

“You never tasted your seed on another’s lips?”

“I never allowed a female to take me so.”

“You have not.”

He shook his head. “I have joined with others, before that day at the river.”

“You mean since then you haven’t…” Joy erupted in her heart at his words. She

had no right to expect him to have waited so long.

“I’ve been waiting for you. I could not join with another when my heart belonged to


“You have not allowed a seed gatherer to have your seed.”

“No. I would have no one birth my child but you. Although some have tried…”

Eliza swatted the smug barbarian on his naked thigh. “Oh I’m sure they have…but

not anymore. That young dark-haired girl…”

“She will soon be told you are my mate, the mate of my heart.”

“The captives…” His dark eyes turned to hers filled with love. “No.” She held up

her hand to silence him. “You would not harm the females.” She answered her own

question. She knew in her heart that Bruton, Tilo and the other men of this clan would

not harm innocent women. This was her clan and except for a few, her sire included,

they were a good lot.

“The females were being held captive by your sire’s rebel clan. My warriors…he left

us not a choice.”

“You killed him.”


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L.A. Day

“Yes, but I was not the one to strike the fatal blow.”

Without a word, Eliza knew that Bruton had not struck him down because of his

feelings for her. “It was for the best.” She curled up in his lap, burying her face in his

neck. From what little she could remember he was only a sire, never a father.

“Yes.” His arms closed around her, cradling her to his chest. “There is nothing now

to stop your mother and the others from returning to our clan. They would be


Eliza’s eyes met his as her mind rushed ahead. Would her mother and the other

Liberians be willing to return to the clan? Sixteen years was a long time. They were set

in their ways, ways that did not include men, but every year fewer and fewer females

returned from seed gathering. They would be much safer here within a larger clan. She

knew that Bruton would be true to his word. He would allow them to live in peace

among the clan. It would be good for the clan to unite once more. Her mother could

reunite with Tilo. There would be others reunited with their sons. She’d often seen her

mother looking pensive and forlorn, now she knew why. It must have been torture to

leave her son behind. It was not something she would ever consider doing.

It had been hard enough for her to leave Bruton two years ago when he’d surprised

her at the river. Her lips curved as she thought of that day.

“Do you see them?” Tasha asked from her hidden spot in the trees.

“Tilo’s in the water but I don’t see Bruton.” She stood on tiptoes. “There’s some other

male…” She gasped, stumbling backward into a tree trunk. Bruton stood before her, powerful
and naked. She closed her eyes. Why didn’t she stay in the trees?

“Eliza,” Tasha called.

Bruton moved closer, his nakedness brushing her flesh. “Eliza is fine—she’s with me.”

“Bruton.” Tasha hovered above.

“Do not interfere, Tasha.” Eliza knew the voice was Tilo’s but she couldn’t see him,

Bruton’s massive frame filled her line of vision.


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Barbarian Mate

“Spying, Eliza, you have only to ask and I’d let you look your fill. What were you hoping to


“It’s not…we weren’t.”

“You think we don’t know you little witches come here, watching as we bathe?”

“It’s not that…we are trying to choose a seed giver.”

“How do you choose? By the size of a rod?”

Eliza gasped at his words, shaking her head in denial. “No…we would not.”

“And you’ve chosen me.”

“I didn’t say…” Oh Goddess, the tip of his cock grazed her lowered stomach.

“You want my seed?” he purred the words in her ear. “You want my seed deep in your

virgin body?” She glanced downward and gasped. Heat bloomed on her cheeks, she had never
seen a naked male so close before.

“I’m too young.”

“You’re eighteen—old enough.” His firm, warm lips brushed her neck and she squirmed.

“You taste good enough to eat.”

“Please, I don’t want to hurt you. Let me go.”

“Could you hurt me?” His dark, intense eyes had bore into hers. “You come here watching

me bathe—you’ve chosen me to give you seed. Could you strike me down and choose another?”

Eliza moaned at his words as a foreign sensation rocked her to the core.

“Are you wet between your thighs with want of me? If you are you’re powerless against

me.” With a light brush of his hand, he touched her cheek. “Should I touch you and see?”

Her thighs quivered and she locked her knees. To her horror, wetness seeped from her

feminine core. His words only made it more intense.

“I’m ready to give you seed.” He shifted his hips against her, proving his point.

“Are you ready to accept it?”

“I…” His hand ran across her shoulder, down her arm, brushing the sides of her breasts.

She flinched under his hand, her breasts aching with need.


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L.A. Day

“Bruton,” Tilo’s rough voice had jarred her. “You can’t mate her—they’ll kill her.”


“It’s in the creed, if a female accepts seed before her twentieth year, she’s unworthy and

they’ll kill her. Tasha just told me.”

“Is this true?”

“Yes. If you cannot control your body, you’ll be deemed unable to control your powers.” She

took Tasha’s lie and expanded it.

“You’ll be safe if you stay with me. No one will ever harm you.”

“I cannot.”

He tore away from her, his open palm slamming into the trunk of a tree. “Go then.” He

turned back, his eyes blazing. “Return when you reach twenty years.”

She shook her head. Fear kept her from speaking.

“If you think to choose another seed giver, he’ll die the day he takes you.”

“Bruton,” she gasped, surprised by his venomous tone.

“Heed my words! No one else will ever touch you.”

Bruton’s voice brought her back to the present. “They’ll be welcome to live as they

choose, with whom they choose,” he stated.

“We can ask them to join the clan.”

“If they refuse?”

She hated the uncertainty in his voice. “I am Liberian but my place is on Barbar

with you. I love you.”

“Yes. Your place has always been with me.” One hand slid under her skirt, finding

her naked ass. “I should have kept you when I found you that day at the river.”

“Why didn’t you?”


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Barbarian Mate

“I feared you would run away. I could not take the chance that they would kill you.

I loved you then as I love you now. Your mother turned her back on Tilo. She might

have allowed you to die.”

Eliza laughed. “We lied, that is not in the creed. The elders would not kill me.”

“I think I will have to punish you.”

“Do you want to tie me?” She held her hands out, offering total submission.

“No. I want to feel your hands on me as I love you.”

“Yes. Love me, barbarian, love me.”


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About the Author

L.A. Day exists only in the mind of an ordinary wife and mother. An avid reader

since early childhood, she began writing romance in her teens. Now, 20+ years later

she’s progressed to erotic romance. Supported by her husband of many years, she

spends her evenings in front of the computer.

She now has a chance to bring her stories to life for everyone to enjoy. Her favorite

genre is erotic romance with a paranormal twist. She feels that if you're going to create

an alpha male character, why not make him bigger, stronger, more well endowed than

any human man could ever be? It is fantasy, after all. Thanks to Ellora’s Cave, L.A. Day

can live her fantasy, making money for thinking about sex 24/7.

L.A. welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address

on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by L.A. Day

Feral Domination

The Last Warrior

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you




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