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Recommended Readings:
The following readings are recommended by the professor or The Teaching Company to enhance
your learning experience.
Recommended Readings
Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: A Guide to Stress, Stress-
Sapolsky, R
The course basically is a shortened version of this book; thus, the latter is
ideal for those wanting to delve further into these subjects.
Managing Pain Before It Manages You. 3rd edition
Caudill, M
Chronic pain syndromes are the epitome of stress-related disorders, and
this book does a good job of teaching the underlying science along with
stress/pain management techniques.
Dement, W
William Dement is the dean of sleep medicine and a strong voice
emphasizing the health risks of chronic sleep deprivation. This book is a
nontechnical overview of the subject, including strategies for improving the
quality of sleep.
The Status syndrome: How social standing affects our
Marmot, M
Marmot is the leader in the field of scientists investigating why it is that low
socioeconomic status adversely influences health so dramatically. This
accessible book summarizes the entire field, emphasizing the important
role of stress in connecting socioeconomic status and health.
Diabetes for Dummies, 3rd edition
Rubin, A
Adult-onset diabetes, now an epidemic in the developed world, is a classic
case of a disease worsened by stress. This book teaches clearly about the
workings of diabetes, and about the management issues (including stress
management) related to it.
The Balance Within: The science connecting health and
Sternberg, E
This is a superb and non-technical book looking at many of the same
themes as in the course. Sternberg, a leading neuroscientist, puts a
particular emphasis on the interactions among stress, health, emotions and
behavior as they pertain to the immune system.