Boy meets boy (storyline)

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Title: Boy Meets Boy
Pairing: YunJae
Length: 5/5
Characters: Kim Jaejoong & Jung Yunho.
Genre: Romance, Drama & Fluff
Credits: The short film “Boy Meets Boy” starring Kim Hyesung & Lee Hyunjin.
Summary: On a warm spring day Jaejoong, a small boy, meets tall and broad-shouldered Yunho
inside a bus. Jaejoong keeps looking at the intimidating boy whose sharp eyes are hidden under
his baseball cap. Jaejoong’s heart starts beating. What will happen to Jaejoong and Yunho?

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Leaning against the bus seat, Jaejoong opened his highlighter and highlighted an important line on his
book. When satisfied with what he has done, he smiled and closed the book. He opened his bag and got
his pencil case, during the process; his film canister dropped. He stared at it as it rolled over the other
side of the bus.

Unconsciously, he pouted and saw that the canister stopped rolling when it bumped on someone’s foot
and stopped. He bit his lip, as he was in a dilemma whether to get it or not. The bus’ pace went faster
causing the canister to roll over him again, he was about to reach out for it when the bus came to a stop.
Jaejoong wasn’t able to grab it when once again, it rolled over the other side and stopped when it hit
the foot of the same person. Silently, he cursed himself for being slow and stupid. Jaejoong examined
the guy— he’s tall, broad-shouldered and he has sharp eyes which were hidden under his baseball cap.

He was surprised when the stranger, who was standing, stepped on the canister and looked at him. He
looked away when he realized that they were practically staring at each other. He felt that the man was
still looking at him and it’s making him uncomfortable. He gulped hard, and was about to stand up to
approach the man when the stranger bent down and picked up the film while looking at him. In an
instant, he went back to his seat and looked down the floor of the bus.

The tall stranger was holding the canister tightly and he was in a dilemma whether to get the canister
from him or not. Once he mustered all of his courage, he took a deep breath, stood up to approach the

Slowly, he walked over the stranger who was eyeing him. As soon as he was in front of him, the broad-
shouldered man titled his baseball cap a bit and flashed him a very eye-catching smile. Jaejoong couldn’t
help but gasp at the sight. The stranger extended his hand out to give Jaejoong the canister; he also
extended out his and as he got his canister, their hands touched and his heart skipped a beat.

Jaejoong was unconsciously staring at the man. The light chuckle he heard was enough to make him
snap out of his reverie. He let out an awkward smile and bowed at the stranger before going back to his

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As he walked back towards his seat, a lady already occupied it. She looked at him and smiled while
giving him his school bag. He bowed at got his bag. He stood beside the stranger and looked at him, they
both locked gazes and looked away after a while.

Jaejoong felt something inside him tingle. And once again, his heart skipped a beat. Why? Is it because
of this stranger? He looked outside the window and noticed that he already reached his destination. He
pushed the button near the door and the bus pulled over the bus stop.


Jaejoong got out of the bus and started walking. His mind was thinking about the stranger. There’s
something about that man that makes him feel all giddy. He smiled and giggled when he remembered
the moment when they stared at each other.

His smile— the stranger’s smile was one of a kind. It was heart-warming and at the same time, adorable.
He continued to walk when he felt that someone is following him. He stopped for a second but then
continued when he realized that it was quite impossible.

But he could still feel it so he stopped again. He took a step, then another one and stopped. He smiled—
what if the stranger also got off the bus and followed him? Thinking about that possibility made him
smile even more.

He took a deep breath and continued to walk while smiling. Few moments after, his curiosity is killing
him. He has to find out whether the stranger is following him or not. He walked a bit more and he
suddenly turned around.

To his disappointment, he saw no one. Maybe it’s just his imagination. He smacked his head for being so
stupid. He continued to walk but then decided to give it another try. He turned around and his eyes

There, stood the stranger whom he saw on the bus. His heart was about to explode. Jaejoong was
feeling all different kinds of emotions.

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The stranger was no longer wearing his cap, he was holding it with his left hand and his right hand was
inside his jacket pocket.

He smiled at Jaejoong and slowly approached him. Jaejoong stood there dumbfounded, not knowing
what to do as the stranger was walking towards him.

Then, he handed something to Jaejoong— a camera. It was his camera that was stolen days ago.
Jaejoong looked at his camera, then at the stranger, back at the camera and at the stranger. His eyes
widened as he gasped. Then, he remembered it.


It was after school; he was getting the film from his camera and put it in the canister when it dropped. It
dropped down the stairs and someone stepped on it. There were five guys looking at him. He felt so
scared and was about run when the five guys ran after him and grabbed his bag. They forcefully
snatched his bag from him and pushed him on the wall. One of them kicked him in the stomach and he
winced in pain. He was scared to death but no tears came out of his eyes.

With full force, he stood up and ran away from those guys, leaving his things. They ran after him and
after a while, his pace went slower. He stopped dead on his tracks while panting hard. The guys were a
few meters away from him when they stopped.

They all looked at him but his gaze was fixed on one person, the guy who has his camera with him.
Jaejoong looked at the man and the man looked back at him.

They were staring at each other, forgetting the presence of the people around them.


It was him. The stranger was the guy who got his camera. He handed Jaejoong his camera and the latter
took it. Once again, their hands touched. And it gave Jaejoong a weird feeling.

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As soon as he gave Jaejoong what he needed to give him, he flashed him his last smile before walking

Jaejoong couldn’t see it but the stranger was smiling as he was walking away from the smaller boy. The
man stopped for a while and gave looked at him and walked again.

By the second, the man got farther away from Jaejoong. He tightened his grip on his camera and closed
his eyes. Should he do it? Should he?

He should. And almost in an instant, he turned around and ran after the taller male. The stranger felt
steps behind him and when he turned around, he was taken aback by surprise. Jaejoong hugged him so
tight. He looked surprised but then smiled when he realized what had happened. The man returned the
hug and tightened it.

Jaejoong is happy. The stranger is happy. They’re both happy. It doesn’t need a long time for them to
realize their love for each other. As long as they’re together, nothing could go wrong.

Strangers or not, once you feel love— you cannot refuse it.

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“So, what’s your name?” Jaejoong asked as he pulled away from the hug, blushing madly.

The taller male smiled, “I’m Yunho. Jung Yunho.”

“It’s nice to meet you Yunho.” Jaejoong said as he bowed politely. “I’m Ki—“

“Kim Jaejoong, I know.” Yunho cut him off.

He looked at him in surprise. “H-how did you know my name?” he asked, pointing a finger at him.

Yunho smirked. “It’s a secret for me to know, and for you to find out.” He saw the pout on Jaejoong’s
face and grinned. He pulled Jaejoong into a hug. “You’re so cute Jaejoongie.”

“You can’t call me Jaejoongie unless you tell me how you knew my name.” the smaller boy said,
breaking away from Yunho’s hug.

“Hey, I gave your camera back. You should be thankful. And calling you Jaejoongie is like a Thank You gift
for me from you.”

Jaejoong crossed his arms and hissed. “So now I should be thankful because you gave my camera back?
For your information Jung Yunho ssi, you stole my camera so it’s just right to give it back to me.”
Jaejoong said as a matter-of-factly.

“Oh right.” He wasn’t able to think of anything else to say since Jaejoong was right. “But still, I’ll call you
Jaejoongie whether you like it or not. And besides, you’re my boyfriend now.”

Jaejoong blushed at the mention of him being Yunho’s boyfriend. “Well, you’re right. As your boyfriend,
I have the right to know everything.”

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Yunho sighed in defeat. “Fine. But can we talk somewhere else?”

“Sure but that’ll have to wait later. I have to go to school. Speaking of school,” he looked at his wrist
watch. “I’m an hour late now. I have to hurry up before I get detention.”

“I’ll take you there.”

The smaller boy smiled. “No need. I can manage.”

“As your boyfriend, I have the right to walk you to school.” Yunho replied.

Jaejoong raised his eyebrows, “You’re using that on me huh? That’s my line, you know.”

“Uh-huh.” He grinned and intertwined his fingers with Jaejoong’s.


Fortunately for Jaejoong, he didn’t get detention since the first period teacher is absent. So he didn’t
miss anything at all. He smiled as he remembered Yunho. It was fast, yeah he knows it. But he knows
that what happened is just right.

He couldn’t wait for the dismissal; he wants to talk to Yunho so bad. This is the first that he has fallen in
love and he actually likes it. Yunho is his first and hopefully, his last.

Yunho and Jaejoong are practically thinking about each other. Yunho couldn’t stop smiling to himself.
His friends find him weird for that. Ever since he laid eyes on Jaejoong that day, he couldn’t stop
thinking about him.

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He looked at his wrist watch. Damn! He has to endure 5 more hours to see Jaejoong. Why is time so

He propped his elbows on the table, resting his head on his palms. He was sighing for the past 15
minutes and his buddies are slowly getting irritated by his actions but they’re nice enough to just let him

He smiled; he couldn’t believe that Kim Jaejoong is his official boyfriend now. It was days ago when he
first met him, stalked him. Yesterday when he attempted to talk to him and today when he actually met
him and became his lover.

Could life get any better than this?


Wiping the smile off his face is harder than he thought. Thinking about Yunho makes him feel giddy and
all. The nudge he received from his friend was enough to make his snap of his daydreaming. “What?” he
asked, turning to look at his friend who looked a bit disturbed?

“You know Jaejoong, if I wasn’t your friend; I would think that you’re crazy.”

“Well, I am crazy.” He replied, still smiling widely. “I’m crazy in love.” He added making his friend gag.

“Did you just say you’re in love?”

“Yes Changmin ah, I am in love.” He answered with hearts in his eyes.

“Since when?” Changmin asked curiously.

“Since this morning.”

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“With whom?”

“Jung Yunho.” Yunho’s name escaped smoothly from his mouth.

Changmin nodded. “Jung Yunho. Nice name.” he complimented. “So, how did you two meet?”

The taller man’s question made Jaejoong excited and all. He turned to look at Changmin and smiled. “It’s
a long story, but you really wanna know?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Then, Jaejoong started narrating everything to Changmin. At first, Changmin thought it was interesting
but Jaejoong seemed to be exaggerating things and the story’s getting a little but, uhm— draggy?
Anyhow, he just let his friend continue story telling even though Jaejoong himself is the only one
enjoying it. Not wanting to be rude, Changmin nods once in a while whenever he feels like he should.

Jaejoong finished his story with a smile. “So that’s how Yunho and I met.”

Changmin looked at him blankly. “Wow.” He muttered emotionlessly.


For the umpteenth time, Yunho looked at his wrist watch— 2:OOPM. Great! One more hour to go for
him to see Jaejoong again— but he couldn’t wait any longer so stood up and walked away, heading
towards Jaejoong’s school not even bothering to say goodbye to his friends. One hour of waiting won’t
hurt, right?

He was wrong for heaven's sake! At least he was killing time a while ago with his buddies so it wasn't
that bad. But now, he’s by himself - leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

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He sighed— checking the time once in a while. He has been in the same position for almost half an hour
but he didn’t mind. He’s doing it for Jaejoong and that’s enough for him to endure the pain and the
numbness of his legs. Everything will be worth it, for Jaejoong.

At last! The most-awaited 3:00PM came and he couldn’t wait to see his angel. Call him cheesy, stupid,
and mushy but that’s how he is when he’s in love. In love with Jaejoong.

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Walking with side by side with Changmin, Jaejoong spotted a familiar man leaning against the wall near
the school gate. He grabbed Changmin's wrist and ran towards the direction of the said person.

"Yunho!" he shouted while waving at him with his free hand.

Yunho heard his name and stood straight. He frowned a bit when he saw Jaejoong dragging someone
with him. He frowned even more when that someone is as equally handsome as he is. “Jaejoongie!” he
just shrugged his thoughts away and waved back at his lover.

When Jaejoong stood in front of him, he released his grip on Changmin and gave Yunho a hug. “Yunho,
this is Changmin, my best friend. And Changmin, this is Yunho, my boyfriend.”

Yunho gave Changmin a smile before extending out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you Changmin.”

Changmin took his hand and shook it. “Same here.” Then, he looked at Jaejoong. “So, why am I here

“Ah, I just want to introduce you to Yunho.” The older male answered.

“Well, now that you have, can I go now? I’m not acting rude by the way.”

Jaejoong chuckled. “Of course you’re not. And you can go now.”

When Changmin was nowhere in sight, Jaejoong threw himself at the taller boy. "I missed you." he said
earning a giggle from his lover.

"I missed you too!" Yunho replied, giving him a kiss on the top of his head. "So, do you have homeworks
or anything to do?"

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Jaejoong shook his head. "Nope, our teacher didn't give us any since we're going to have our spring
break soon."

"Where do you plan to go on your break?" he asked.

Jaejoong pouted. "I don't know. Usually, I just stay at home and sometimes, Changmin comes and sleeps
over. Yunnie," he tugged Yunho's sleeve and the latter looked at him. "I'm hungry." he whined, putting
his hand on his stomach.

Yunho chuckled. "Do you like cakes?" he asked. Jaejoong nodded furiously and he grinned. "Great! I
know a place which serves the best cakes ever!"


They both arrived to a cake shop and when they entered, "Hi Yunho!" a skinny man with a bowl-cut hair
greeted them.

"Yoochun hyung!" Yunho greeted him back, giving him a short hug. When they pulled away, Yunho
looked at Jaejoong and smiled. "Hyung, this is Jaejoong, my boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you Jaejoong ah. I'm Yoochun, Yunho's cousin." Then, they shook hands with each other.

After the introductions, Yoochun led them to a table and told them to make themselves comfortable.
"This place is nice Yunho ah." Jaejoong said as he scanned the whole place. "I'm sure Junsu would love it

"Who's Junsu?" he asked, with a hint of jealousy in his tone.

Jaejoong smiled faintly. "He's a friend, a very close friend." Then, his smile slowly faded.

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"What's the matter Jaejoongie?" Yunho asked worriedly, putting his hand over Jaejoong's.

"Nothing." the smaller boy shook his head. "I'm sure you'll get along with him very well."

"Then I would like to meet him." Yunho grinned. "Is it possible to meet him now?"

Jaejoong sighed. "I'm afraid not." Yunho asked why. "He has an a-"

He was cut off when Yoochun came back with two plates of cake in his hands. Yunho was so excited
about the cake that he forgot what they were talking about.

"This is delicious!" Jaejoong said as he took a bite of the cake.

"Thanks!" Yoochun grinned. "I'm glad that you liked it. Actually, it's the first time that I let someone else
taste that."

"Really?" he nodded. "Why?"

"It's a new recipe and I'm not sure if it's good enough to be sold publicly."

"This is really good Yoochun hyung." Yunho complimented while chewing his cake. He didn't notice that
he has an icing on the corner of is mouth until Jaejoong wiped it off for him. "Thanks Jaejoongie."

"I'm really glad that you both liked it." Then, Yoochun took a seat across the couple. They were talking
about certain stuff when Jaejoong's cell phone rang.

He answered it and after a few moments, he dropped the phone and tears were forming in his eyes.
"Jaejoongie, what happened?" Yunho asked, holding Jaejoong's hand and squeezing it lightly. He was
starting to get nervous, he knows that something must've happened.

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"I-I..I need to go to the hospital." he stuttered while trying to stand up straight but he failed. His legs
were weak and wobbly. The news he heard was very shocking and hard for him to accept.

"I'll go with you." Yunho stated, trying to help Jaejoong stand up.

"I'll drive you both there." Yoochun offered.

"No hyung, you still have work to do. I can manage." Yunho politely declined his offer. But Yoochun
insisted so in the end, he gave in to his offer.

They were on their way to the hospital, riding in Yoochun's car. Yoochun could hear the sobs of Jaejoong
which were muffled by Yunho's shirt as Jaejoong buried his face on Yunho's broad chest.

"Jaejoongie, calm down. I'm here. I'm sure everything's going to be alright." Yunho tried to calm the
sobbing Jaejoong down but to no avail.

The smaller boy shook his head, his face still buried on Yunho's chest while his hands were wrapped
around his lover's waist. "No Yunho, no. It's no alright."

"Uhm, Jaejoong.." Yoochun glanced at the younger boy from his rear view mirror. "..who's in the

"J-junsu." He managed to answer despite his continuous sobs.

"Junsu" Yoochun said the name and nodded.

Not long after, they arrived at the hospital. Jaejoong wasted no time and ran towards the nurse's desk
with Yunho following behind him. Yoochun had to park his car first so he'll follow after.

"Kim Junsu. Where's Kim Junsu?" Jaejoong asked the nurse.

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"May I know who you are sir?" the nurse asked him politely.

"I'm his friend dammit!" he yelled at the nurse. "Where is he?!"

The nurse seemed to be shocked at his attitude; she just stared at him in fear. "Miss, can you please tell
us where Kim Junsu is." Yunho decided that it's better if he's the one who'll talk to the nurse.

She snapped out of her reverie when she heard Yunho's deep and soothing voice. She cleared her throat
and typed something on the computer in front of her. "Sir, Kim Junsu's at Rm.335"

Jaejoong then rushed to the said room without even thanking the nurse. Being the nice person that he
is, Yunho thanked the nurse for Jaejoong.

When Jaejoong stood in front of the room where Junsu is, he took a deep breath before opening the
door. When he opened the door, he saw his friend lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

"Hyung!" Changmin, who was sitting beside Junsu's bed, greeted him. He approached the younger boy
and gave him a hug. Changmin noticed Jaejoong's eyes. "Hyung, were you crying?" Jaejoong looked
away from him but Changmin cupped his face and looked straight at him. "Hyung, if Junsu sees you
crying, I'm sure he won't be happy about it."

Jaejoong looked at Changmin and nodded slowly. "What happened?" he asked, his voice a bit hoarse
from all the crying.

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Changmin's hands dropped down his side and he sighed. "He was bullied by his classmates again and it
got out of hand to the point where he fainted. No one actually cared about that so they left him lying on
the ground and then it started to rain. Luckily, Seungri passed by and he saw Junsu so he called me. We
rushed him here. Fortunately, it's nothing serious. But he's weak hyung. Not just physically, but
emotionally as well."

"Where's Seungri?" Jaejoong asked, looking for the boy.

"He went home already." Jaejoong nodded. Changmin then noticed that Jaejoong wasn't alone. Yunho
was standing near the door with another man beside him. "Hi Yunho hyung and uhm.."

"Yoochun. I'm Park Yoochun, Yunho's cousin." Yoochun introduced himself.

Changmin smiled. "I'm Changmin, Shim Changmin. I'm guessing you're a hyung?" Yoochun nodded.

Yunho approached Jaejoong and hugged him from behind. "You okay now?" Jaejoong nodded, turning
his head to give Yunho a kiss on the cheek. "It's nice to know that Jaejoongie."

"He's awake!" Changmin announced making Jaejoong pull away from Yunho and rush to Junsu's side.
Yunho and Yoochun walked towards the man on the bed too.

"Su!" Jaejoong hugged him. When they pulled away, he cupped Junsu's face and asked, "Are you okay
now?" Junsu smiled and nodded.

Junsu looked around and saw that there were other people besides Jaejoong and Changmin. He held
Jaejoong's hand tightly and the older male knew what that gesture meant. "It's okay, Su." Changmin
said. "They're our friends."

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Jaejoong pointed at Yunho. "This is Yunho, he's my boyfriend." Junsu's eyes widened and looked at
Jaejoong. After a while, he grinned and hugged Jaejoong. He pointed at the man beside Yunho. "He's
Yoochun hyung. He's Yunho's cousin. Yunho, Yoochun hyung this is Junsu."

"Hi Junsu! It's nice to meet you." Yunho said, waiting for a greeting from the other male but nothing
came. Junsu just stared at him.

Jaejoong cleared his throat and looked down. "Uhm, Yunho ah. Junsu, h-he can't-"

"Hi Junsu!" he was cut off when Yoochun spoke up. "It's nice to meet you!" he walked towards Junsu
and sat beside him on his bed. "Do you like cakes?" Junsu looked at him and nodded furiously. "That's
great! When you get out of the hospital, I'll treat you okay? You can eat any cake that you want." Junsu
hugged him in happiness. He smiled widely and returned the younger boy's hug.

"Yoochun hyung.." Jaejoong was touched with what Yoochun did. What Yoochun did was really nothing
big but for him it's a big thing.

Junsu is mute. That's the main reason why everyday, the students in his school never fail to bully him.
Jaejoong already told him to transfer school or just go to a special school but Junsu insisted to stay
there. He wants to live like a normal person, he doesn't want to be treated differently - to be treated
like he's a special person that needs attention. But for some reason, he doesn't mind to be treated
specially by Yoochun.

"I'm sorry Jaejoongie." Yunho whispered in Jaejoong's ear. The latter just smiled at him and shook his

"It's okay Yunho ah."

"Are you guys hungry?" Yunho asked them.

"Finally!" Changmin almost shouted. "I thought that no one would ask that. I'm starving here you know."

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The others chuckled at Changmin's response. "Okay Changmin ah, Yunho and I will buy snacks. Yoochun
hyung, wanna come with us?" Jaejoong asked.

Yoochun shook his head. "No. I'll stay here with Junsu."

"How about you Changmin?"

"Nah, I'll stay here and sleep." he stated as he was lying down the couch on the side.

"Suit yourself." he then turned to Yunho and held his hand. "We'll be back soon." he announced.


"I think Yoochun hyung likes Junsu." Jaejoong said while they were walking towards the ramen house
hand-in-hand. Yunho looked at him weirdly. "Not really like like. But you know, he likes him."

Yunho chuckled. "I get what you mean Jaejoongie. I think he likes him too. But we shouldn't jump into
conclusions you know."

The smaller male nodded. "You're right. Yunho ah, do you go to school?" he asked.

Yunho's smile disappeared and he shook his head. "I dropped out." he answered truthfully.


"Well," he sighed. "I'm not a good student; I get into trouble every now and then. I'm not smart, my
average grade is below average. In short, I'm not the perfect student."

"No one is perfect Yunho ah." Jaejoong reasoned out. "I'm not a good student either, but I don't get into
trouble. Well, sometimes I do. I'm not smart either, I suck at Math. But you're perfect for me Yunho ah."

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Yunho was touched with his words. No one has actually said those words to him, not even his parents.
"Thanks Jaejoongie. You're prefect for me too." he then gave him a soft peck on the lips.

When they arrived at the ramen house, they ordered six bowls of ramen - the sixth one is for Changmin.
They were heading back to the hospital when Jaejoong bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry." he bowed

"Kim Jaejoong?" Jaejoong looked at the person who bumped onto him.

"Hyunjoong sunbae!" he bowed again when he recognized the familiar voice and face.

"It's nice seeing you here Jae." the older boy said, giving Jaejoong a hug - not noticing Jaejoong's hand
entangled with another person's hand. Yunho watched the scene full of jealousy.

"Nice seeing you too sunbae." Jaejoong let out a smile.

"I'll be going now. See you at school tomorrow, okay?" Jaejoong nodded. "Bye!" he then gave Jaejoong a
wink which made the younger boy surprised.

As soon as Hyunjoong was gone, Yunho faked a cough. "Jae huh?"

Jaejoong, who was still smiling, looked at his boyfriend. "Sorry Yunho ah, I forgot to introduce you."
Yunho scoffed. "Are you jealous?" he asked cutely.

"No, I'm not." the latter denied.

"Yes you are." Jaejoong teased him.

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"Fine, yes I am!" he almost yelled, startling Jaejoong. "How can you just let him hug you like that? And
Jae? Yeah, right! He doesn't have the right to call you Jae, Joongie or any other nicknames."

"Possessive much?"

Yunho nodded. "Well, you're my first boyfriend and I don't want to share you with someone else." he
said, wrapping his muscular arms around Jaejoong's slim waist.

"You're not gonna share me with anyone." Jaejoong said as a matter-of-factly. "I don't want that either.
And besides, he's just a sunbae. Nothing more, nothing less."

"But have you seen the way he looks at you? He even winked at you for Bambi's sake! He didn't even
notice me."

"Yunho ah, you have to calm down. He's nothing to me, just a friend. I didn't wink back at him so I don't
see any problem about that."

"But still.." Yunho whined.

Jaejoong chuckled at his lover's actions. "Let's just go Yunho. I'm sure that they're all starving -
Changmin, most especially."

Putting his jealousy aside, Yunho walked back at the hospital with Jaejoong peacefully.


"We're back!" Yunho announced as they opened the door of Junsu's hospital room. They both gasped at
the sight.

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Changmin was still sleeping on the couch. Junsu's sleeping on his bed, and Yoochun's lying down on the
same bed sleeping beside him. "Looks like we took a long time." Jaejoong whispered in Yunho's ear and
the latter nodded in agreement.

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While they let the three sleep peacefully, they decided to take a walk on the hospital park. "Yunho ah,
what's your dream?" Jaejoong asked as they were strolling along the park.

Yunho shrugged his shoulders. "How about you? What's your dream?"

"Me?" Jaejoong smiled. "Nothing grand. I just want to have a family that I can take care of. Then, I'll
open up a restaurant as a business. That'll definitely work for me."

Yunho grinned. "Do you know what my dream is, Jaejoongie?"


"My dream is to make your dream come true."

"That was cheesy." He then smiled. "But I love it."

Yunho kissed him lightly on the lips. "I know you would. Jaejoongie, want to seat over there?" he asked
while pointing at a bench he spotted a while ago.

Jaejoong rested his head on Yunho's shoulder while he holds Jaejoong's right hand with his left as they
settled down on the bench. "Oh Yunho ah, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" he asked, resting his head on top of Jaejoong's.

"Don't think that I forgot all about it. How did you know my name?"

Yunho chuckled. "Oh, that."

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Yunho went back his house with the camera in his hand. He didn't get the chance to return it to the boy
cause he ran away when he was about to approach him. He was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling
and remembering the incident earlier.

He couldn't just keep the camera so he decided to give it back to the boy the next day. Even if the boy
wore a jacket, he still saw what uniform he was wearing so he knows what school he goes to.

The next day, he waited for the boy at the street where he usually passes. He had the camera in his hand
and he was listening to his iPod, patiently waiting for the boy. He waited for him for a while but he never
showed up.

He sighed. He'll try tomorrow.

Tomorrow came and since he knows that the boy won't be showing up at the same street, he decided to
go straight to his school. He waited for a while and a smile appeared on his face when he spotted him.
He was walking alone so it was his chance. He followed the boy.

It was dark, so the couldn't see properly. Still, he was following the boy who was, unknown to him,
feeling uncomfortable not knowing the reason why. Then, to his surprise, the boy turned around and
looked at him.

Since it was dark, the boy squinted his eyes and took a closer look at him. For some reason, he felt
embarrassed so he suddenly ran away, leaving the boy clueless.

He didn't give up. The next day, he went back to the school. And once again, he saw him. He wasn't
alone, he was with his friends. They were walking out of the school when someone shouted, "Ya! Kim
Jaejoong, wait for me!" the boy turned around and waved at the other boy who called him.

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Yunho smiled. He knows his name now, and he's actually happy about that. He went to a nearby
playground and sat on a bench, thinking about Kim Jaejoong. He was holding the camera again, with a
smile painted on his face. He won't give up on him. Tomorrow, he promised himself.

Waking up extra early, he made his way to the bus stop hoping to see Kim Jaejoong in his school. He was
on he bus stop when the person he has been looking for got inside the bus. He smiled. He wasted no
time and entered the bus.

It must be his lucky day.


Jaejoong lifted his head up and looked at Yunho in disbelief. "So, you have been stalking me all this

"Well, you could say that."

He hit Yunho's arm playfully. "Did you know how scared I was when someone was following me that
day? It was dark you know!"

Yunho grinned. "And thanks to that dark, you didn't see my face properly or I would be so

"You really did all those things just to give my camera back?"

Yunho nodded. "Yeah, but it wasn't just because of the camera. Well, partly yes because I really wanted
to give you back your camera since I felt that it was so important to you. And the other half was
because I'm attracted to you from the first time I met you."

Jaejoong hugged Yunho so tight. "I love you Yunho! I really do."

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"I love you too Jaejoongie. My Jaejoongie."

"Hey, why are you getting cheesier by the minute?"

"I don't know." he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm only cheesy when I'm with you. So technically, it's all
because of you."

Jaejoong once again rested his head on the older male's shoulder while his hands were playing with
Yunho's long fingers. "I'm really glad you did all those Yunho. If not, I wouldn't have met you."

Yunho kissed Jaejoong's forehead. "I'm also glad that I met you. I love you Jaejoongie."

"How many times do you have to say that?" Jaejoong asked, giggling. But Yunho didn't answer him. He
smiled, "I love you too Yunho ah."


Feeling that the three are already awake, they decided to go back to Junsu's hospital room. True
enough, when they opened the door - they saw them slurping on the ramen they bought.

Changmin has two bowls with him while Yoochun was holding one, feeding Junsu.

"Aren't you going to ask us to eat?" Yunho asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Do you want to eat?" Changmin asked. "Cause if you don't, I won't mind eating your sha-"

"Yes Changmin, we want to eat." Jaejoong cut him off. He then got the two bowls of ramen and gave
Yunho one bowl.

"You and Junsu are pretty close now huh?" Yunho talked to Yoochun.

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The latter smiled and him and responded, "Well, he's cute and adorable and I want to take care of him."

"Is that a confession Park Yoochun?" Yunho asked, raising his eye brows.

Junsu choked on the ramen that Yoochun was feeding him, although no sound came from his mouth.
Yoochun helped Junsu drink water first before answering Yunho's question. "You can say that." He then
looked at Junsu. "But of course, I'll give him time. I'll wait for his answer until he's ready."

Junsu was getting embarrassed so he hung his head low and played his fingers. "Aww, you guys. You're
embarrassing Junsu ah." Jaejoong said, smiling. He's happy for his friend, and he's grateful that
Yoochun's willing to take care of him despite his incapability to speak.

Yoochun faced the blushing boy. "It's alright Junsu ah." he put down the bowl and cupped Junsu's face.
"No need to be embarrassed about it." Junsu nodded and soon smiled. "Want some more?" Yoochun
asked, earning a nod from his soon-to-be lover.

"Aren't they cute?" Jaejoong whispered in Yunho's ear.

"Not as cute as us." Yunho said proudly. "I love you Jaejoongie!"

Jaejoong smacked his arms. "Aish, you! Jung Yunho, you bastard, I love you too."


The End.

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