4 Gasq Dion Sandrine Half Moon Rising

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Half Moon Rising

By Sandrine Gasq-Dion

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To my family for putting up with my long hours, and

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locked doors.

Jennifer and Kim, I know I drive you nuts, but you

love me anyway.

And to my readers at LRO, as always, for waiting

patiently. NOT!

To Randy and Darius, for all the juicy stories.

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© Copyright 2011

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~Chapter One~

Oh fuck me!” Troy felt the air heat up as round after

round of gun fire whizzed past him. He’d taken his target
out without a hitch. It was afterwards, that all hell had broken
loose. The compound had guard dogs, and those dogs
were headed in his direction, as well as men with guns. A
lot of men with guns. His boots dug into the leaves and
vines on the forest floor of the Congo and he nearly tripped
over a tree root as he ran. Thank God he worked out almost
every day, or he’d be winded by now. The thick jungle
spread for miles around him, and Troy continued looking for
a way to evade his pursuers as he ran. To his left, the
sound of water flooded his ears, he recalculated his route
and ran in the direction of it. Shouts erupted behind him as
Troy finally saw an open area. “Oh, thank God!”

Flying out of the forest, he came to a sliding halt at

the edge of a cliff, barely managing not to plummet. A large
waterfall was to his right and Troy looked down to the water

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below. Way down.

Oh, shit.”

Judging by his position and the water below, he was

guessing it was about a fifty foot drop. What he didn’t know,
was how deep it was. Troy ran a hand through his hair and
weighed his options. Shot by the men behind him? Or jump
in the water and risk possible paralysis if it wasn’t deep
enough. Troy turned his head; the men were much closer
now. More gun shots went off behind him. Troy looked back
down at the water; it was starting to look better and better. It
was moving fast, maybe twenty miles an hour or more. He
threw his rifle around his neck and closed his eyes.

Fuck it.”

Hands on his chest, he hit the water cannonball

fashion and went under. The current caught him, dragging
him under as he fought a nasty undertow. Troy clawed his
way to the surface, only to see what looked like a very large
cliff looming closer. Oh fuck, another damn waterfall. Troy
looked around, hoping to find something, anything to stop
his forward progress. A rope landed a few feet in front of
him and he grabbed for it. It occurred to him at that
moment, that he might not like what was on the other end of
it. Looking towards where the rope originated, Troy saw a
gathering of men on the bank.

Just grab it asshole!” One of them shouted.

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Troy grinned. “Oh, I like you guys already.”

It took a few minutes and a bit of man power, to pull

him close enough to shore for him to get a grip on the rocks
that protruded from the water. A hand came out in front of
him and Troy looked up into very mesmerizing grey eyes.
The man was absolutely breathtaking. His black hair, strong
chin and high cheek bones were attached to a UFC
fighter’s body. Troy grabbed the offered hand, and was
hauled up out of the water.

Are you alright?” The man asked.

Troy shook the water out of his hair, and leaned his

head to the side, tapping it to get the water out of his ear. “I
think so.” Troy looked at all the men standing there staring
at him. It took a minute, but he began to recognize some of
them. Holy shit, these were the guys Keegan and Devin
were assigned to keep tabs on. Troy put his hand out. “Troy

Lorenzo Costa.”

Well, Lorenzo,” Troy said. “Thank you, for saving my

ass.” He pulled his jacket and shirt off and squeezed the
water out. After wiping most of the water off his back, Troy
checked the condition of his rifle.

One of the other men chuckled softly.

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It’s going to need a lot of TLC.” The man said.

Troy looked at the man who’d spoken. “And you


You don’t know who I am?” The man smiled.

Vince, leave the man alone.” Lorenzo sighed.

“We’re obviously here for the same reasons.”

Troy narrowed his eyes at the man. “Vicious Vince


Vince chuckled. “I see my reputation precedes me.”

Vince put his hand out. “Nice to meet you, Troy Bishop.”

One of the other men let out a loud sigh. “Why is it no

one knows who I am?”

Troy looked the man over; a picture from Keegan’s

desk came to mind. “Justin Maddox.”

Justin smiled. “Finally.”

Lorenzo sighed in frustration. “Can we get to safety,

please? The whole complex is about to go boom.” Lorenzo
got on his radio. “Dimitri?”


Are you ready?” Lorenzo winked at Troy.

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We are a go my friend.”

Light up the sky.” Lorenzo put the radio back in its

holster and eyed the man they’d just pulled from the river.

Sort of.” Troy treated them to his lopsided grin.

Lorenzo looked at the blood on Troy’s arm. “You are

injured. I will have my husband tend to that.”

Troy’s mouth fell open. “You’re gay?”

Lorenzo crossed his arms and looked down on him.

“Yes, you have a problem with gays?”

Troy glanced around at all the men, they all wore

wedding rings except for Vince Markov, but even


had a

tan line on his ring finger. Troy chuckled softly. “Hell no, I
don’t have a problem with gays. I’ve banged my share of

Ohhh really?” Vince’s eyes roamed over Troy’s

body, giving the man a slow once-over. “Native American?”

Vincent,” Lorenzo sighed. “We do not have time for

this, can we please get moving?”


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They walked for what seemed like miles through the

dense jungle, before they finally came upon a clearing. Troy
dug out his transmitter and held it up; he had a signal. He’d
met the rest of the men on their walk through the jungle, and
a few more had joined them after the fireball lit up the sky. It
was like looking through Keegan’s files, except it was live.
Dimitri Voronova was the man Lorenzo had spoken to on
the radio. He was obviously Russian and also drop-dead
gorgeous. In fact, they all were. They were like runway
models, for Christ sake. A smaller man, maybe five foot
ten, jumped out of a hummer and ran right into Lorenzo’s

Hello, my love.” Lorenzo smiled. “This man may

need some care. Troy Bishop, this is my husband, Reece.”

It’s nice to meet you.” Troy shook Reece’s hand.

Nice to meet you too, were they nice to you? Vince

can be a dick.” Reece chuckled.

Hey!”Vince pouted.

Dimitri laughed. “You are so vicious when you look

like that, Vince.”

Anyway,” Reece looked at Troy. “Let me check that


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Troy was shuffled to the hummer and was seated in

between Lorenzo and Vince. He radioed Derek, letting him
know he was safe, and would call with his extraction point.
Derek pelted him with questions.

What the hell, Troy? Why didn’t you call us sooner?”

Well, let’s see. I jumped into the water and almost

went over a hundred foot drop. The good news is, the target
is down and thanks to the guys I’m with, the complex no
longer exists. It went boom.”

Alright, just get on the radio when you’re ready. I’ll

let James know you’re okay.”

Roger that.” Troy shut off his radio and looked at the

two men on either side of him. “So, anyone have coffee?”


Troy sat on the table in a make-shift infirmary as

Reece Costa tended to his wound. The guy was adorable
with his brown hair and equally brown eyes, which were
currently assessing his injury. Reece’s husband, Lorenzo,
as well as three other men, now stood guard out front.

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So, how long have you and Lorenzo been married?”

Reece smiled. “Almost twenty years, we have a

teenage daughter.”

Troy shivered. “I feel sorry for her dates.”

Reece giggled. “So do I at times.” Reece looked up,

arching a brow. “Do you have any idea who any of us are?”

I’m not sure I should answer that.” Troy winked. “The

point is, I won’t be telling secrets.”

Reece sat back on the chair and studied Troy’s

bicep. “It’s not bad, looks like a graze. Just keep it clean.”
Reece looked at Troy’s back and side. “Seen some

Troy nodded. “Afghanistan.”

Thank you for your service.” Reece tilted his head,

holding back a smile. “You should probably call your ride
before Vince decides he needs to get laid.”

Troy laughed loud. “I’ll do that Reece; it was very

nice to meet you.”

Likewise, Troy.”

Troy stood up and looked around. “It would’ve been

nice if we’d known you guys were coming to do the same

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job. I could have passed on it and taken my vacation.” Troy
grinned. “Maybe we’ll meet again.”

You never know.” Reece shook Troy’s hand.


As the chopper hovered over him, Troy waved at the

group of men that’d pulled him from the river. Derek hauled
him into the chopper. Troy sat back in the seat with a loud

Jesus, you have nine fucking lives, Troy.” Derek

shook his head. “As soon as we get back, you need to be
debriefed. Any chance I can get you to tell me who those
men were?”

I think that was number ten.” Troy closed his eyes.

“And no, I’m not going to tell you. I’ll be telling Keegan and
James though and they can decide whether or not to tell
you. I hate having to repeat myself fifty times.” Troy just
wanted to get back to New York. He was going to make a
few changes, starting with where he was living. It was time
to go to his real home.

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A few days later, Troy was sitting in front of James

and Keegan. To say Keegan was excited, was an
understatement; he was


bouncing up and down in

the chair.

You met him?” Keegan’s eyes widened comically

and glazed over.

He shook my hand.” Troy smiled as Keegan sighed.

“I agree with you, by the way.”

Keegan furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?”

That man is so fucking gorgeous, it should be illegal

for him to walk around without a warning attached to him.”

Keegan giggled. “I told you.”

I also got to meet Lorenzo Costa, Justin Maddox

and Dimitri Voronova.” Troy almost laughed out loud at the
look on Keegan’s face. He looked ready to explode.

So unfair.” Keegan mumbled.

Okay, as much fun as this is,” James looked at the

two of them. “This is exactly what I was talking about, Troy.

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Once again, we go after a douchebag and they’re already
on the scene. It’s like they have access to all the same
records we do.”

Keegan looked up. “Hey, it’s not me! Our classified

documents are protected, trust me. I wrote the damn
program myself.”

I don’t think it’s you, Keegan. These guys have

access to the same intelligence we do.” James ran a hand
through his hair. “We’re doing the same jobs they are and
wasting resources. It would be in their best interest to work
with us.”

Troy shook his head. “I don’t see that happening,

James. These guys operate above the law. Hell, above

Who the fuck do you think


work for?” James

raised a brow. “I don’t follow the rules. In this outfit, there
aren’t any.”

I don’t think they know that.” Keegan sat back,

chewing his pencil. “I think they were under the assumption
that Troy was military. Am I right?” Keegan looked over at

They outright asked me if I was. I told them sort-of,

which is kind of truthful. I mean I


military, I’m just not

anymore. This team is run by Derek, but you pull the strings,
James. Which begs the question…who do you work for

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James leaned back in his chair, and laced his

fingers behind his head. “Now that is the million dollar
question, isn’t it?”

Never mind,” Troy laughed. “I know we aren’t going

to get the answer to that question.” Troy looked at Keegan
and smiled. “Vince Markov doesn’t strike me as vicious

Keegan almost choked on his own spit and

stammered. “Oh, you have got to see some of the files on
this guy.”

James nodded. “The name was given to him for

good reason, Troy; don’t let the good looks fool you. Vince
Markov is dangerous.Jame

Like… me, Mateo, Josh and Sam dangerous?”

Worse.” Keegan raised a brow.

Wow, that is bad.” Troy looked at his watch.

“Anyway, I have to get my ass in gear. I’m heading out to
visit Sam and his fiancé. If you need me, I’ll be at my
apartment in New York for a few days before I leave.” Troy
stood up and shook James’ hand. Smirking at Keegan, he
said. “Maybe one day you’ll meet Vince.”

Keegan sighed dramatically. “God, I hope so.”

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Come on baby! Pump him harder!” Troy tried to

keep from laughing, but watching Rick’s face heat with
anger was too much fun. He’d come out to the balcony for
his morning cup of calm-the-fuck-down and his paper, only
to see Rick Henley, his ex-boyfriend, pounding his newest
conquest. After that, it became something of an, I-have-to-
fuck-with-him cup. Rick’s new boy toy was embarrassed
and Rick refused to back down, so Troy decided to fuck
with him some more. “He look’s bored, Rick. Mix it up a
little bit!”

Fuck you, Troy!” Rick’s face heated even more.

Aw, honey. I tried that and I looked about like he

does now, Zzzzz.” Troy sat back and enjoyed the show
some more, until the new boyfriend had enough. It was too
bad, Troy was enjoying the guy’s balls slapping back and
forth. The balconies on both buildings were wooden slats
and easy to see in between, which was why Troy had such
a great view of the sex across the way. Rick stood, giving

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him the evil eye for a few more minutes.

I hope you’re happy, asshole!” Rick shouted.

Troy smiled wide and winked. “I would have been if

you’d made him cum, but we both know your follow through
sucks. Sixty second man. I give you a ‘C’ for technique

Rick flipped him off and Troy responded in kind.

Troy was only thirty and Rick was in his early forties and still
trying to prove he had what it took to get the young guys.
He’d caught him in bed with another man just weeks after
they’d started dating. Which, amusingly enough, started out
with Troy watching Rick work out naked on the balcony
each morning.

They’d finally met when Troy had gotten pulled over

for speeding on his way home from JFK. After a long two
weeks in Brazil, he was hurrying home to his apartment in
Oceanside, when the lights of a police car caught his
attention. To Troy’s surprise, the officer pulling him over
was none other than his sexy, naked neighbor. Troy got a
warning, and later that night, one hell of a fuck. It’d been
good for two weeks, until he’d come home and found Rick
banging another man. Probably another speeder, Troy
chuckled. What the hell, he didn’t care; he was finally going
to take a much needed vacation from his job.

He’d been on his way to visit Sam and his fiancé

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when the call came through for a new target. He’d thought
about turning it down, but the prospect of another fat
paycheck changed his mind. He’d called Sam to let him
know and they’d laughed on the phone for a half hour. But
the weirdest part was that Sam sounded relieved that he
couldn’t make it. He swore Sam was hiding something.
Troy chuckled as Rick and his new boyfriend argued, both
of them stealing glances his way, until the new boyfriend
shut the blinds.

Troy sighed and sat back in his cushioned deck

chair, propping his feet up on the balcony railing. The
breakup had been easy for him, but not so easy on Rick,
who begged for another chance. He wasn’t the kind of guy
that forgave infidelities and made that clear. So now he
was alone. Again. Troy rubbed his eyes with the palms of
his hands and scratched at the day’s growth of stubble on
his face. Someday he’d find Mr. Right. He just wasn’t
finding him right now. Troy chuckled. For a while, the guys
he served with in the Army thought he and Sam were a
couple. They both had similar backgrounds and a lot of the
same hobbies.

He and Sam became friends when they were five,

when Troy’s parents moved them to the reservation. He’d
been small for his age, even then. His Mother had always
said that one day he would be big and strong like the native
warriors. At six foot four and two hundred twenty pounds,
she’d been right. His hair was short again; he usually cut it

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for missions. His hazel eyes made the ladies sigh. Or so he
was told. He’d tried dating women before, even fucking
some. It just wasn’t his thing. He’d never really hidden his
sexual preferences, but he didn’t broadcast them either.
His relationships were slim to none; he could count them on
one hand. He just didn’t get that, Oh-my-God-this-is-the-one
vibe from any of them. He did realize he preferred men over
women quite early though.

Sam’s mother, Nadine, knew he was gay. He’d

confided in her a while back. She’d told him to follow his
heart, no matter if it was man or woman, or white. God, he
missed her. Nadine had been his adoptive mother ever
since his parents had died. The memories of that day came
flooding back. He was ten when it’d happened. He and his
parents had stopped in a convenience store on their way
home to the reservation. Troy had wanted a chocolate bar
and his father needed gas anyway. Raymond Bishop was
six foot three and towered over his wife, Celia Bishop. Both
of them were loving and nurturing; his mom with her
aquamarine eyes and his father with his refined looks and
bright hazel eyes. Troy was told he was a perfect mixture of
the two.

He’d been in the back of the store looking at comics

when the bell above the door chimed. Gunshots followed
and Troy ran down the aisle, looking for his mother. More
gunshots. Glass broke and he’d crouched low, peeking
around the corner of the aisle. His mother was on the floor,

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a pool of blood surrounding her body. His father‘s body was
by the front door. He’d surprised the gunman and gotten a
bullet to the heart.

Troy shook his head, pushing the memory back. He

went inside and poured himself another cup of coffee and
checked around the small apartment. New furniture had
been delivered the day before and had been placed
strategically by his interior designer. It would be going up
on the market the following week. Troy looked out the
window and smiled, it was time to move from New York and
go home to the reservation. Between his schedule and
Sam’s, the trip out had been pushed back and now it’d
been almost a year since they’d seen each other.

His cell phone rang, bringing him out of his daze. He

looked at the caller ID and frowned. Why was James Pruitt
calling? He’d just come off an assassin gig and told the
man he needed a vacation. Troy flipped his cell phone
open. “I’m on vacation, James. You do know what that
means, right?”

James laughed out loud. “I know, I know, I need a

recommendation though. Since all my best guys are settling
down, I need another guy to send out in your stead. Any
ideas for me?”

Troy wrinkled his brow; half the guys he was

deployed with were suitable and trust worthy, so to pick
one? Troy looked at the picture on the wall of him, Sam,

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Mateo and Josh with the General. These were his guys, his
blood brothers in arms. He’d made quite a few friends in
the FBI and CIA as well. Some of them had been in the
military before and understood the need to be a team. “Try
Devin, he’s one hell of a shot.”


Seriously? Yes, he’s the top marksman.” Troy

laughed. “Do you not even know the guys that work with

I’m a busy man, Troy.” James sighed in frustration.

Jesus, get laid will ya?” Troy snorted.

You sound like Josh.”

Ouch.” Troy laughed.

Bye Troy.” James snickered.


Half an hour later, he was in a cab to JFK. Another

hour passed and he was standing in line for security. He
got a lot of looks from the TSA guys, but thank God two

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already knew him well. Brice Palmer and Reggie Mayer
were the two he dealt with the most. He was a frequent
flyer, thanks to his job. They all laughed as the new guy took
the wand and ran it over his chest.

You want to do a cavity search?” Troy waggled his


Damn Bishop, stop scaring the new guy.” Brice


Troy smiled and put his hand out to Brice. The guy

was short as hell, but sweet as could be. Never gave Troy a
second glance, not even the first time he saw him. Which
considering his height and the way he looked, was rare.
“How’s the wife and kids, Brice?”

Bitch, bitch, nag, nag, whine, whine.” Brice smiled.

That good, eh?” Troy laughed loudly and smiled,

picking up his suitcase. “Try bringing her some flowers for
no reason, then see what you get.” Troy waved at the rest of
the TSA guys and made his way to his gate. He had a long
flight ahead of him and planned to sleep through it.


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The flight to Seattle was five hours. Troy sat through

a shitty movie and an extremely chatty seat partner. A
blonde, big chested, dumb-as-hell seat partner. More than
once, he’d looked at her as if she had a dick growing out of
her forehead. Still, she pressed on with her stupid

So, are you Mexican?” She asked.

Troy sighed and almost rolled his eyes, he’d never

gotten that question. He wondered if it was because of his
many tribal tattoos and the fact that he actually looked
Native American. “No, I’m Native American.”

So… Spanish?”

Troy sighed and gave her the best smile he could

manage, excusing himself to the bathroom. He wondered
how long he could sit in there before people started
wondering why the huge Mexican-Spanish guy was still in
the bathroom. When he came back out, the pilot told them
to put their seat belts on as they were landing at Sea-Tac.
Troy had never been so damn happy to see that his chatty
seat partner was asleep. He sat back and closed his eyes
and felt a tap on his shoulder. A dark haired flight attendant
was smiling at him.

I put a sleeping pill in her coke.” She said.

Troy smiled wide, taking her hand and kissing the

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top of the soft skin. “Thank you so much.” Troy looked at her
name tag. “Sabine.”




Upon landing, Troy made his way to the busy

baggage claim and waited for his luggage on the conveyor
belt. Once he retrieved his bag, he made his way towards
the front of the airport to hail a taxi. Walking through the
airport, he felt his stomach growling. A bag of pretzels was
not going to be enough to sustain him for the drive ahead.
He was going to have stop somewhere along the way for
something more…filling. He hailed a cab and sat back,
looking at Seattle fly by. Jesus, but it’d gotten crowded. The
freeways were clogged, but the town hadn’t lost its lure.

He’d been here many times before with Sam, just to

hang out at the bars and play pool. Once they started
pulling into Tacoma, Troy asked to be dropped off at the
nearest Ford dealership. He walked down the aisle of
trucks, looking at the features on each and eyeing space
and miles per gallon. Not that he cared; he was a truck guy
through and through. He’d sold his other truck a week

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before, deciding to move. He wasn’t about to haul a vehicle
from New York to Washington State.

It took about a half hour before anyone came out to

help him. Most of the time it was his size that intimidated
people, but the car salesman in his too- expensive-to-be-
working-on-a-car-lot-suit and the way he looked at him with
disgust, was one of the


types of guys. The kind that

thought Troy couldn’t afford shit on the lot.

Well, so happy someone came out to help me.”

Troy looked the salesman over.

What can I help you with?” The salesman asked.

Well, a truck for starters.” Troy leaned over, flicking

the man’s name tag. “Eli. In fact, this truck in particular.”
Troy ran his hand over the black F-250 diesel truck with an
extended cab.

Well, we can go inside; I’ll run a credit check and

see what we can get you into.”

Troy smiled and pulled his wallet out. “No need, I’ll

be paying for it in cash. Make sure it has a full tank of gas,
I’m leaving right after were done.”

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~Chapter Two~

Sawyer sat on top of the house he’d been building

for most of the day. He had a beautiful view of Grenville
Bay. The snow was starting to come down faster and it was
time to go home. He closed his eyes and felt the wind in his
hair, the smell of the salty ocean tickling his nostrils. He
loved it here. Well, he loved the beach. The sights and
sounds were almost a lullaby. When he’d first started out in
college, drawing house designs was a hobby. One of his
professors saw the drawing in class one day and asked
about it. It exploded from there. Word of mouth spread and
Sawyer was drawing up house plans for all kinds of people.
He was making good money at it and was now building
them as well.

It was here, that he sat and pondered about his life

and where it was going. He was twenty four with no mate,
and he wasn’t waiting with patience. Sawyer sighed and lay
back on his elbows. All he wanted was a family of his own,
and he wanted it before he turned thirty. Right now, his
family consisted of three younger brothers and a widowed

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father. Almost eight years had passed since his mother
died giving birth to his youngest brother, Wyatt.

It had been a shock to all of them, but they’d pulled

together through the grief, with the help of Nadine and Joe.
His father took time off work in the beginning to assure his
boys they didn’t have to worry about him, and over time
John Quinton’s heart healed. His father never dated. The
one woman that captured his heart, had taken it with her
when she died. Sawyer wanted a love like that, the end all,
be all love. He wanted kids too. At least two of them. When
he’d come out to his father at seventeen, Sawyer had been
scared to death of what would happen. His father had
smiled and took him by his shoulders, telling him, “That’s
what surrogates are for,” and then hugged him.

Sawyer smiled, thinking about ‘the talk’. It just so

happened his brothers were gay as well. Well, Xander and
Grayson were and Sawyer had no doubt that Wyatt would
be too. What were the odds? The wind shifted and Sawyer
smiled at the scent of a werewolf. He tipped his head back
and saw Nicholas Stevens making his way over to him. If
Sawyer hadn’t been waiting for his mate, he’d take Nick in
a heartbeat.

Nick was six foot two, he was a muscular man with

black hair and silvery eyes. Nick was part of the Northern
pack of Vancouver and they’d met during a meeting of the
packs. They’d become good friends from the first moment
they’d met. Nick needed a change of scenery, and Sawyer

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needed a friend his own age. It helped that Nick knew
about house building.

Nick,” Sawyer smiled broadly. “What brings you to

the roof?”

A certain hottie Native American.” Nick waggled his

eye brows.

I thought you liked white meat?” Sawyer arched a


Hey! I like dark meat too.” Nick looked up at the sky.

“It’s going to start coming down harder. You better get your
butt back to the reservation.” Nick put his hand out to help
Sawyer up. Just once, he’d love to get that feeling, that
twitch in his gut and crotch that told him he’d found his

I can almost hear what you’re thinking.” Sawyer

smiled. “I think that way sometimes too. I wish it was you at
times, Nick.”

Nick pulled Sawyer into his arms and looked into his

eyes. “I’d be honored, you know. You are one gorgeous
man, Sawyer; you’re sweet and funny—”

And a virgin.” Sawyer sighed deeply. “How about

we make a deal? If I haven’t found my mate by age fifty and
you haven’t either, we hook up.”

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Can’t we pretend we’re fifty and just hook up?” Nick

smiled wickedly.

Sawyer wanted that feeling; God knew he would love

for Nick to be his mate. It just wasn’t there. He was very
attracted to Nick, would love to kiss him and make love to
him, but Nick wasn’t his mate, and he never would be.
Sawyer sighed in frustration. “I’m going to have carpal
tunnel in my right hand.”

Great.” Nick sighed. “Now I have a visual of you

jacking off.”

And that’s a bad thing how? Okay, let’s get out of

here.” Sawyer laughed, pulling Nick with him.


Driving down the freeway with a bag of burgers, Troy

hummed happily. It’d been fun to watch Eli’s face when he
paid cash for the truck. Little fucker had an attitude and
deserved to be put in his place. Washington was always
beautiful and more than once, Troy had been surprised by
snow in the month of April. He was surprised again. It
started out light, then came down in larger flakes. Troy only
had a little over an hour left to go as he started driving

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through the more dense areas of the Olympic Peninsula.
Trees lined both sides of the two lane highway and Troy
started to feel like he was home again.

Things had changed a lot since he’d left for the

Army. More and more towns were sprouting up along the
way and trees were being cut down, replaced by new
seedlings. At least they had the sense to plant new ones.
He’d missed the Reservation. It was its own family and he’d
always felt like he belonged there. It was time to come
home. He made the turn and followed the road all the way
down. As always, it was completely unspoiled. He could
see Archer standing at the Quinton’s house, waving at him.
Troy stepped out of the truck and took a deep breath of
reservation air. God, this was where he belonged.

Troy!” Nadine came running out of the house,

wiping her hands on her apron.

Troy smiled and put his arms out. Nadine flew into

them and Troy hugged her hard. Her small frame was
almost comical, engulfed in his giant one. She pulled away,
looking in his eyes and Troy still saw the same woman that
gave him milk and cookies after school. Nadine was the
one that tucked him in at night and held his hand, the one
that stood with him and held him as they lowered his
parents into the ground. “You look beautiful as always,

Oh hush!” Nadine smiled, looking Troy over. “Look

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at you, all skin and bone! Don’t you have someone yet that
knows how to cook?”

No one cooks like you, Ma.” Troy picked her up and

hugged her tight. “I missed you guys.”

Nadine smiled and took his hand, walking over to

her husband and John with Archer; she smiled and looked
at Joe. “Look how skinny he’s gotten.”

Oh yes, I can see he’s about to fall over from

malnutrition, Nay.” Joe rolled his eyes.

Troy turned around to see what looked like Xander

chasing a kid across the front yard.

Wyatt! Come back here!” Xander shouted.

The little boy ran to him and looked up. Troy figured

he was John’s youngest boy. Troy crouched down in front of
him and put his hand out. “Hey Wyatt.”

You are Troy.” Wyatt grinned, revealing two missing

front teeth.

I am.” Troy shook his hand; he looked up to see

Sam making his way over, holding hands with a dark haired
man. He picked Wyatt up and slung him onto his hip,
watching as Sam made his way over, looking sheepish.
“Well, nice to see you too, Sam.”

Hey, bud.” Sam hugged Troy hard. It had taken a

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Hey, bud.” Sam hugged Troy hard. It had taken a

while for him to get his lupine side under control. Dakota
had been helping him, and it had been a riot. “How was the
flight and the drive?”

Well, seeing as I got a new truck, it was perfect.”

Troy nodded to his new truck. ”Check her out.” His eyes fell
on Sam’s fiancé and he put his hand out. “You must be the
fiancé, Dakota. I’m Troy Bishop. It’s nice to meet the man
that finally stole Sam’s heart. Congrats on your

It’s nice to meet you too, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

The man was even better looking in person. Tall like his
mate, he had the most beautiful hazel eyes.

Well, I hope to hear more about you.” Troy smiled

and his eyes fell on Xander staring at him. “What’s up your
ass?” Troy realized Xander wasn’t staring at him, he was
staring behind him. Troy turned and caught sight of the
biggest fucking black wolf he’d ever seen, making its way
over. He pulled his gun out from the waist band of his jeans.
“Jesus Christ!”

Wyatt giggled in his arms and he put his hands out.

“Wanna play!”

Are you nuts, kid?” Troy held Wyatt up as high as he

could, all while he kept an eye on the black wolf.

Sam smiled and took Troy’s hand. “Don’t worry,

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that’s—” Fuck, he couldn’t say that. That would sound just
great. ‘Hey Troy, meet Sawyer. By the way, he’s a
werewolf.’ Sam rolled his eyes. “That’s Little Shit.” Sam
almost lost it when Sawyer tilted his head, giving him the
‘look’. The look that said Sam was going to hear it later.

Troy finally put Wyatt down. The squirmy little bugger

ran to the wolf, throwing his arms around his neck.

Little Shit, Little Shit!” Wyatt giggled.

Xander finally snapped out of his daze and went and

grabbed Wyatt, who was now hanging from Sawyer’s neck
and biting his ears.

Wyatt, come on.” Xander mussed his brother’s hair.

So, ya’ll just keep wolves as pets now, huh?” Troy

looked at all the adults just sitting around drinking a beer as
a fucking wolf sat in their front yard.

Yup, um Little Shit, this is Troy Bishop, old friend of

mine. Why don’t you say hi to him?” Sam chuckled and
Dakota smacked his arm.

He really is harmless, Troy.” John sat back and

watched the exchange, silently laughing at the look on not
only Troy’s face, but Sawyer’s as well.

Troy almost fell over as Little Shit stuffed his face in

his crotch. “Whoa there, buddy.” Troy chuckled, squatting to

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look in the wolf’s eyes. Beautiful green emeralds looked
back at him; Jesus Christ, the wolf was beautiful. He’d
never seen anything like it. “Wow, you are beautiful, aren’t
you? Bet you get all the hot chicks.”

Wow, I think Little Shit likes you, Troy.” Xander

leaned against the front porch, smiling at his brother;
Sawyer had finally found his mate.

Troy picked up the wolf’s face, looking into its eyes.

“Yeah, I like him too.” Little Shit whined softly and Troy
rubbed his muzzle. “Hey buddy, what’s wrong?” Troy patted
his head, rubbing the spot behind the ear that Little Shit
liked so much.

Little Shit needs to get back, its dinner time.” John

raised a brow at his son. “Go on boy, we’ll leave you some

Little Shit, Little Shit!” Wyatt giggled and clapped

his hands.

Jesus.” Joe sighed and rolled his eyes. “Let’s get

inside for dinner guys, go wash up before Nadine scrubs
you down.”


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Sawyer was absent from dinner and John looked at

Sam, who promptly shrugged his shoulders. Dinner talk
revolved around Sam and Dakota’s engagement. Nadine
put another platter of ham slices down and looked at the

Where’s Sawyer, it’s not like him to miss a meal.”

Nadine sat down and handed the plate to Troy, smacking
Xander’s hand away from it.

Oh, he just met his boyfriend today, so he’s

probably nervous about seeing him again.” John looked at
her with a wink. Nadine stood there stunned, a look of
confusion on her face, until John cocked his head in Troy’s

Oh my God!” Nadine almost screamed. She

covered her mouth with her napkin, trying to hide her elation
that Sawyer had finally found his mate.

Troy’s forehead wrinkled. “Okay, that doesn’t make

sense; he just met his boyfriend today? How is he a
boyfriend if they just met today? Did shit change on the
reservation that much while I was gone? Arranged
marriages and boyfriends?”

Yes, Troy. We arrange marriages now. That’s why I

went and plucked Dakota from Alaska, he was betrothed to
me.” Sam sat back and laughed. “Ow!” Sam looked at

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Dakota. “What was that for?”

Wait, Sawyer? You mean little ‘what’s this do?’ Troy

smiled and took a sip of his beer. “I haven’t met him, have

Nope, but you will.” Sam smiled wide and looked at

the time. “It’s bonfire and beer time, who’s up for it?”

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~Chapter three~

Sawyer threw another log on the fire and sat down

stoking it; he took a sip of his beer and closed his eyes.
Thank God he’d gone hunting before he came back. He
knew he wouldn’t have been able to sit at the table with his
mate and control his lupine side. Why did his mate have to
be human? Sawyer couldn’t complain, after all, he’d finally
gotten what he had been praying for. Sawyer’s body had
gone completely haywire in Troy’s presence, and Sawyer
knew then that Troy was his mate. He knew it just as the sun
would be up in the morning and the sky was blue.

Sawyer knew the exact moment Troy stepped out of

the house. His scent carried on the wind and Sawyer’s
eyes shifted and his teeth elongated. All the blood rushed
south to Sawyer’s cock as the tantalizing scent of his mate
drew closer. He closed his eyes, trying to control the claws
in his fingers from emerging more. His back broke out in a
fine sheen of sweat as the wind carried Troy’s scent even
closer now. “Shit.”

Sawyer?” Troy walked over to the bonfire.


Aw hell.

Even his voice was fucking sexy.

Sawyer turned slowly, waiting for his teeth to recede before

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facing Troy full on, and…Oh. Fuck. Me. Jesus Christ, could
the God’s have made a more perfect human being? It took
everything Sawyer had to control his fucking libido as Troy
made his way closer. Oh God, his eyes were beautiful. In
the light of the fire, they blazed hazel.

Little ‘what’s this do’ grew up.”

Troy smiled.

Yeah, I did.” Sawyer noticed the quirk in Troy’s lip;

Troy was checking him out, slowly. Sawyer was almost
shaking, where the hell


everyone? Troy made his way

closer into the light of the fire and Sawyer almost groaned.
His dick was rock hard just looking at his mate, never mind
the damn scent rolling off of him in waves, tickling Sawyer’s
nose and sending a delicious tingle down to his cock. The
feeling was spreading through him and Sawyer backed off
a bit, hoping the wind would carry his scent a little further
away from him. Damn wind.

Should you be drinking?” Troy cocked an eyebrow.

Well, I don’t plan on driving heavy machinery any

time soon.” Sawyer crossed his arms over his chest and
fixed Troy with a look.

I meant, are you of age to be drinking?” Troy looked

at Sawyer’s body in the light of the fire. Damn, his dick was
rising to the fucking occasion at an alarming rate.

I’m twenty four.” Sawyer tried to hide his look of

shock, Troy thought he was underage? Well hell, this was

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going to be so much fun.

Oh.” Troy looked closer; he couldn’t see much but

the outline of Sawyer’s face. It was as if he was purposely
hiding from him. “You just have a young look about you.”

Well, you wouldn’t know much about me



brother’s, seeing how you left before we even got to meet
you.” Sawyer felt his body relaxing. Ah, so anger was good.
It was keeping his lupine side from emerging. “I’m
surprised you knew who Xander was.”

I’ve gotten pictures over the years.” Troy heard his

sarcastic drawl and kicked himself. He was not making a
very good first impression on Sawyer. In fact, he was
coming off as an asshole. “Look, I’m sorry—”

Don’t apologize.” Sawyer waved his hand in the air.

“I’m young and need to be in bed.” Sawyer threw his beer
bottle in the recycling bin by the fire and stalked past Troy.
He felt a hand on his arm and looked up into one hell of a
beautiful face.

I didn’t mean to piss you off, it’s just that…” Troy

was instantly mesmerized by emerald green eyes looking
back at him. His hand was seared by the heat coming off of

Sawyer yanked his arm away, he turned his face

away and felt his teeth elongating and the world went black

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and white. Fuck. “I need to go to bed, nice meeting you
Troy.” Sawyer practically ran back to the house. Dakota
was on his way out as Sawyer came in. He felt the push in
his mind and opened up the lines of communication.

What’s wrong?”

Dakota cocked his head to the


Sawyer shook his head. “

I can’t control it when I’m

near him, anger seems to help, but shit. I can’t stay mad
at him forever.”

Go shift and then come back out, ok? Then you

can at least spend time with your mate without freaking
him out.”

Dakota smiled and squeezed Sawyer’s hand.

Dakota watched Sawyer leave then turned his

attentions to Troy standing by the bonfire. He had a look of
confusion on his face and Dakota shook his head, making
his way over. “So, I see you met Sawyer.”

Troy ran a hand through his hair and let out a loud

sigh. Jesus, he was really making a great impression. “I
think I pissed him off. I didn’t mean to, I just thought he was
younger, you know?”

Dakota smiled and took Troy’s hand, sitting them

down on the stumps around the bonfire. The man looked
miserable somehow and Dakota pulled Troy’s face up.
“Don’t worry. Sawyer will get over it, I’m sure he will.”
Dakota sat back, watching Troy peeling the label off of his

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beer. His eyes scanned the darkness and saw Sam
coming out with Archer and John, Joe right behind them.
“So, how long has it been since you’ve been back?”

Troy’s heart sank and he tried to smile, but failed. “I

stayed for a bit after my parent’s died, but then I went off to
private school in Seattle. I couldn’t be here, seeing…” Troy
turned away and squeezed his eyes shut.

I’m so sorry for your loss.” Dakota leaned over and

patted Troy’s leg. “Nadine loves you. The look in her eyes
when you came back, I could tell she missed you. You’re
like a son to her.” Dakota watched Sawyer trot over, tail
wagging. “Hey, Little Shit.”

Well, hello again.” Troy pulled the face of the wolf up

to his own and got a lick across his face. “Oh wow, thanks.”
Troy laughed and mussed the wolf’s fur. “Well, at least I
haven’t pissed you off yet. Huh, Little Shit?” Troy smiled
when the wolf pressed up against him and let out a soft
whine. “Wow, he is truly beautiful.” Troy ran his fingers
through the wolf’s coat.

Sam sat down next to Dakota and smiled at Troy.

Yep, he likes to fetch things.” Sam laughed. “Isn’t

that right, Little Shit? You want me to go get the tennis
ball?” Sam laughed as Sawyer gave him the raised
eyebrow look. They’d all managed to get it down, with the
help of Dakota, who was the king of facial expressions in

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wolf form.

Troy.” Archer sat down and took a beer from John.

“We have set up one of the houses down by Sam and
Dakota’s for you. Once we knew you were coming, we
started work on it. I did not know if you wanted to stay in
your old house.” Archer’s face was one of sadness. “But we
have fixed it as well.”

Troy sat back and looked at the family he’d missed;

it seemed like forever since he’d been back. The thought of
staying in the house he shared with his parents was
comforting and daunting at the same time. To be in the
house with so many ghosts; Troy cleared his head and
looked at Archer. “I’ll stay in my parents’ house, for now.”

It is late my friends.” Archer looked at the men. “We

will talk more in the morning; I must rest my old bones.”

Yeah right,” Sam rolled his eyes. “You are one of the

youngest old guys I know, Archer.” Sam looked at Dakota
and saw the lust in his eyes and felt his body responding.
“Well ok then, we’ll see you for breakfast at Nadine’s
house, Troy.”

Yep, make sure there’s plenty of caffeine though,

you know how cranky I get.” Troy winked and smiled at

Oh, I do Troy.” Sam clapped him on the back. “I do.”

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Troy made his way down the path to his old house.

Little Shit was following him from a distance and Troy
turned and looked at him. “I’d like it if you came with me,
you don’t have to hide.” Troy smiled as the wolf trotted to
catch up and he turned back to the path, making his way
down. From here, the ocean could be heard and Troy
swore he felt the spray of it on his face. His parents’ house
over looked it and Troy stopped right in front of the house,
his hands sweating. He hadn’t been back, because he
didn’t know if he could deal with the pain of coming home.
Now he was faced with memories he couldn’t seem to
shake loose.

Troy put his hand on the knob, willed himself to turn

it. He felt the wolf at his thigh and bent over, gripping its fur.
He heard the soft whine and dropped down to be eye level
with Little Shit. “I don’t know if I can do this.” He whispered.
Little Shit rubbed up against him, then pawed at the door,
looking at him. “Okay, it’s time, isn’t it?” The wolf licked his
hand. Troy turned the knob and stepped inside the house.

Looking around, Troy noticed nothing much had

changed. Magazines still splayed across the coffee table

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and pictures hung on the wall, pictures of Troy and his
parents. Troy made his way to the bedroom he’d once slept
in; he sat on the bed and closed his eyes. Mental images of
his parents came forward and Troy felt the tears slipping
through his lashes. Little Shit was licking his hand, he
looked up and smiled. “Hey now, I’ll be ok.” Troy wiped his
eyes and got up, making his way to the linen closet. Fresh
towels and bedding sat neatly folded on the shelves. Troy
grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom.

When he came out, Little Shit was curled up on his

bed. “So, I guess we’re having a sleep over? You don’t
drool or anything, right?” Troy scooted the wolf over and got
under the blankets. Little Shit came closer and relaxed
beside him, letting out a soft whine. “Night buddy.” Troy ran
his hands in the soft fur and closed his eyes. Maybe
tomorrow would be a better day. He could try and fix things
with Sawyer.

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~Chapter Four~

The smell of gun powder filled the air and Troy let

out a scream


Pounding. Pounding was coming from somewhere

and there was a cold nose in his face. Troy opened his
eyes and saw Little Shit looking at him. More pounding at
the front door and he got up and threw some pants on
making his way down the hall. “Okay, okay. Shit, I haven’t
even had my coffee.” Troy swung open the door and Sam
stood there looking at him.

Well it’s about time! I’ve been knocking for five

minutes.” Sam stalked in and turned to face Troy. “Are you

I was, until some crazy guy started pounding at my

door.” Troy made his way into the kitchen to make coffee. It
didn’t take long to find everything. The kitchen was just how
Nadineas js was set up. “Oh hey, let Little Shit out, will ya?”

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Sam eyed Sawyer sitting on the kitchen floor

watching Troy’s ass. “Little Shit, would you like to pee?”
Sam cracked a smile as Sawyer huffed at him and trotted
to the front door. Sam let Sawyer out then went and sat at
the kitchen table. “I was worried you know, when you
decided to sleep here.”

Troy sighed and rested his hands on the counter.

“I’m fine Sam, I needed to do this. I have to face the ghosts

Sam stood and put his hand on his friend’s shoulder.

“Come on down to the parents’ house for breakfast. Okay?”
Sam turned him around. “I really did miss you.” Troy’s face
was pale; he hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep. “How was
Little Shit? Did he piss in the house?”

Nope.” Troy smiled and made his way back to the

bedroom. He found a shirt from his bag and threw it on with
some shoes. “Coffee made?”

Yup.” Sam smiled taking his hand and dragging him

out of the house. “With lots of creamer.”

The walk to Nadine and Joe’s wasn’t far, less than a

mile. Troy heard the sounds of wood cracking and noticed
Sawyer was the one making the noise. His broad back
flexed with every swing of the axe and his biceps rippled.
“I’m going to see if I can repair the damage from last night.”
Troy winked at Sam and headed towards Sawyer.

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Sawyer swung the axe again, hoping to relieve

some sexual tension from his body. Having spent the night
lying next to Troy, he’d not managed to get a lot of sleep.
He’d spent too much time just watching his mate with a kind
of awe. Not to mention the sight of the man naked in the
shower. Sawyer was getting hard again just



last night.

Sawyer had sat on the floor in the bedroom last night

until he’d heard water. His ears had perked up and he
snuck into the bathroom and had been greeted with an
ethereal sight. There Troy stood, all six feet four of him,
naked. Sawyer had actually salivated. Water cascaded
down Troy’s chest and divided at his naval, slicing down his
hips and alongside one impressive dick. His strong hands
rinsed his hair and the biceps flexed with every movement.
The only thing Sawyer could think of at that moment was


‘Oh holy hell’


‘thank the Gods my mate is drop dead


He’d snuck back out before Troy had noticed

his stalker; the sight of naked Troy would be with him for a
very long time.

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Sawyer shook his head clear of last night’s

memories and felt the hair on the back of his neck stand
straight up. His cock filled and his eyes refused to see
color. He counted to ten and tried to control his body.
“Good Morning, Troy.”

Troy stopped mid walk and looked at Sawyer. “How

did you know it was me?”

The smell of asshole drifted my way.” Sawyer

chuckled and swung th e axe again, cracking the log in two.
“What can I do you for this morning?”

You could do


.” Troy had to smile; every muscle

in Sawyer’s back went rigid. He had two ways of dealing
with angry people. Flirting or giving them back as much
anger as they dished out. He’d screwed up last night when
he got angry, so he was going the flirtation route.

Sawyer turned slowly and looked at him. “Excuse


Troy let out a soft gasp and almost tripped over a

log. Sawyer’s hand caught his wrist before he went down
and now they were face to face. Mere inches separated
their lips. Troy was captivated by Sawyer’s eyes. “Oh, my

Sawyer pulled himself up and backed away from

Troy. He flipped the axe and threw it, burying it in a piece of

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wood. “You’re welcome.”

Troy stood transfixed to the spot; nothing would

come out of his mouth. Sawyer Quinton in the light of day,
was absolutely beautiful. His black hair was in a ponytail
with snippets hanging in his face, but it was those eyes that
had Troy. Well, that and the damn body. Troy knew he was
doing a slow once over, and yet he couldn’t stop himself.
His eyes took in every inch of Sawyer and he realized
Sawyer had one hell of an impressive hard-on. And then it
hit him full force like a wrecking ball. He was looking at the
fortune teller’s prediction.

Oh my God, this is the one for


“Is that hard-on for me?”

Oh shit.

Your mouth opens before your brain processes,

doesn’t it?” Sawyer picked up the towel on the nearby
stump and wiped his back. “You better get to Nadine’s
before she sends someone out to hand feed you.”

Troy grabbed Sawyer’s wrist and felt the heat

radiating from it sink into his bones. Within seconds, his
whole body was filled with its warmth. “Look, I wanted to
apologize for last night.”

Sawyer closed his eyes and willed them to stay

human. Jesus, Troy touching him was making his body
react instinctually. Everything felt like it was going up in
flames. “Apology accepted.”

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Good, let’s kiss on it.” Troy hauled Sawyer against

him and crushed their lips together. His body felt as if it’d
been struck by lightning. He could hear his pulse pounding
in his ears and his cock became painfully engorged. The
fabric of his jeans stretched, rubbing painfully against his
erection as he used his tongue to force Sawyer’s mouth
open, diving inside.

Sawyer let out a gasp and Troy took full advantage

of his now open lips. His tongue licked the inside of
Sawyer’s mouth, fully tasting him. He coaxed Sawyer’s
tongue out to play and then they entwined. Troy’s arms
wrapped around Sawyer’s waist, pulling him flush against
him, like he just couldn’t get close enough. The air heated
around them as Sawyer gave as good as he got. Troy’s
hand slid down to Sawyer’s ass and gripped it firmly,
pulling him into his cock. There was a small whimper and
Troy broke the kiss slowly, looking into Sawyer’s eyes.
Sawyer’s lips were slightly bruised and he was breathing
hard. Troy said the first thing that came into his fried brain.

Sawyer stepped back, blinking rapidly. “I have to


I’m…I’m sorry…” Troy blurted out. Sawyer took off

running and Troy wanted to slap himself. What had he been
thinking? He’d just been told that Sawyer had a boyfriend.
Although the way Sawyer responded, he’d wanted it just as

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much as Troy. Maybe, if he played his cards right, he could
change Sawyer’s mind. Troy shuffled his feet in the dirt and
walked towards Nadine and Joe’s. He could already smell
the coffee brewing, so he knocked softly on the door.

I know you are not knocking on our door, Troy

Bishop!” Nadine’s voice floated from the kitchen.

Nope.” Troy smiled and walked into the Waters’

house. Nothing had changed since the last time he’d been
there. Nadine lovingly kept it the same way, year after year,
for her own reasons and Troy loved that about her. He
made his way into the warm kitchen and smiled at the
group around the table. Sam was eating a mountain of ham
off of his plate. “Would it kill you guys to learn how to cook?”

Why?” Joe shoved a forkful of French toast into his

open mouth. Syrup dripped out of one corner, making a line
down his chin.

John cleared his throat and smiled at Troy. “If you’re

not too busy, I have a favor I’d like to ask of you while you’re

Troy kissed Nadine’s cheek as he grabbed a plate

and piled it high. He sat down at the table and spread
butter over his French toast, then poured the syrup, making
sure he covered all of the slices. “What can I help with?”

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Would you like some toast with your syrup?” Sam’s

stomach ached watching the syrup overflow onto the plate,
and stretch out to the sides.

Troy stuck his tongue out at Sam and smiled at

John. “What do you need? Whatever it is, you know I’ll say

John sat back and twirled his fork. “It’s Sawyer’s

house. He wants to put a deck on the back that overlooks
the ocean, and I know you used to love working with wood
when you were younger.” John smiled at the mischief in
Troy’s eyes the minute he mentioned Sawyer. Yep, Troy
would help alright.

Don’t you have a degree in architecture, sweetie?”

Nadine mussed Troy’s hair, sitting herself down next to him.
She spooned hash browns onto another plate and set it
down next to his overflowing mountain of French toast.

I do.” Troy smiled. When he was younger, he loved

Lincoln logs and Lego’s. He’d spend hours and hours
making huge houses and skyscrapers, then knock them
down and make new ones. His Mother had always said
he’d make something of himself one day. Troy was pretty
sure she hadn’t meant assassin. “I’ll go over and take a

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Sawyer had just opened the door when he heard

Troy’s voice. His skin began to heat up and his lips started
tingling. Oh man, Troy could kiss. His first kiss had been
with his mate and boy what a kiss it was! Sawyer could still
feel the heat in his cock from it. He took a deep steadying
breath and counted to ten, and then made his way into the
kitchen. “Morning.”

Ah, I was just telling Troy here you needed help with

your deck.” John smiled as his son’s face turned red.

Um… yeah. I’m heading out to the lumber yard to

get more two by fours and concrete in just a few minutes.”
Sawyer kept his back to the table while he spoke. God
forbid anyone saw his face right now. He felt Nadine
standing next to him and she handed him a plate covered in
saran wrap.

Bless her.

You go on now, Sawyer. Troy can catch up.” Nadine

made sure she kept the focus on her as Sawyer snuck out
the side door. Troy was nervously picking at his toast and
Nadine narrowed her eyes at him. “Troy Matthew Bishop,
what did you do?”

What?” Troy twisted in his chair nervously under

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Nadine’s glare. “Okay fine. I kissed Sawyer.”

John spit his coffee out and coughed. Joe smacked

his back as Nadine grabbed the sponge, cleaning off the
table. It got eerily quiet until Sam’s loud voice cracked the

So, was it good?” Sam smiled.

Jesus Sam!” John coughed again and picked up

his napkin, wiping his mouth. His attention came back to
Troy, and he studied him with his eyebrow raised. “What
are your intentions?”

Troy sat forward with his hands clasped in front of

him. “I plan on stealing him from his boyfriend and making
him mine.” With John it was best to be honest. He was
never one to back down anyway.

John smiled and took a sip of his coffee. Troy

Bishop had no idea what he was getting himself into.
“Good to hear it.”


Troy made his way around to the back of Sawyer’s

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house. Holes were already dug for the footing and lumber
lay out in neat precise rows. Troy looked around and found
the construction plans and looked them over appreciatively.
Sawyer knew his shit. Troy smiled at the intricate drawings,
fine lines done with a careful, precise hand. When it was
done, there would be a beautiful view of the ocean. He
could see himself sitting on the deck with Sawyer, having a
beer, or having sex over the porch railing. Sweat broke out
on his brow from the emotions his imagination invoked.

What are you doing here?” Sawyer asked. He had

a beautiful view of Troy’s ass; damn, but the man was sex
on a stick. Too bad he had no idea what to do in that

Troy smiled with his back still turned to Sawyer.

“Your dad asked me to help, so here I am. You ready to go
to the store?” Troy turned and made his way up the hill
passing Sawyer. “Coming?”

Not yet, but hopefully soon, with you on top of me.

“Yeah, just let me get my keys.” Sawyer smiled.

Oh no, I got a new truck and I need to break her in.”

As Troy took his keys out, the photo of his parents slid out
of its plastic protective case. Sawyer caught it before it hit
the ground.

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Sawyer looked at the picture and felt his heart ache.

He knew what it was like to lose a parent. He handed the
picture back carefully and smiled. “I can fix that so it doesn’t
happen again.”

Troy smiled and took the picture, sliding it back in.

He remembered Sawyer’s mother vaguely. She had a
smile that could light up a room. “Well, let’s head out.”

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~Chapter Five~

Troy almost laughed out loud. Sawyer was playing

with every damn button in his truck. He was moving the
seats back and forth, and then switching the AC from high
to low. One minute his ass was on fire, the next it was cold
again. “You’re flash boiling my balls with the heated seats,
Sawyer.” Troy shot Sawyer an amused smile.

Sorry.” Sawyer laughed and started playing with the

GPS. “It’s annoying, does it ever shut up?”

Sure, when you get where you’re going. I can

change the voice if you want.” Troy smiled as Sawyer
pushed the button again and the GPS spoke in French.
Another push and Italian was streaming from a soft female
voice. “Do you even know where we’re going?” The GPS
mocked him from the dash.

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Sawyer smiled and turned the GPS off. “Yep, take

the next exit.”

Troy laughed and took the requested exit into town. It

wasn’t a huge area, just a few fast food joints and dollar
stores dotted the street. A couple of bars along the way
offered pool tables and Troy smiled at Sawyer sitting
quietly in the passenger seat. “You play pool?”

Sawyer felt a smile forming. Hell yeah he played

pool. “Nope. Why, do you?”

Maybe tomorrow we could come back and shoot a

game or two.” Troy pulled into the lumber yard and turned in
the seat, looking at Sawyer. “Look, I wanted to apologize
for kissing you like that. Your Dad said you just found your

Sawyer’s brow furrowed and he looked at Troy. His

boyfriend? He wasn’t sure how to answer that. He’d have to
talk to his Dad about it. “Okay, no problem. Come on, let’s
get wood.”

Oh Christ.

Troy bit his lip; so many things came to his dirty little

mind at that sentence. He decided to just flash his smile
and get out of the truck, before he


stepped in it.

“Come on.”

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The store was pretty big and they wandered off in

different directions to get their supplies. Sawyer grabbed
the wood cart and went to acquire the necessary posts
required to complete the deck. God, he loved the smell of
fresh cut wood. He smelled Nick before he saw him.

Nick.” He turned and laughed out loud at the sight of

Nick in overalls, red bandana over his head.

What are you doing here?” Nick crossed his arms,

looking Sawyer over.

Getting the materials to finish building my deck. You

look like Raggedy Andy.” Sawyer pulled the red bandana
off Nick’s head, still laughing.

Smartass. Do you need any help?” Nick grabbed at

him, wrapping his arm around Sawyer’s neck, tickling his
ribs with his free hand.

Troy came around the corner and saw a guy with his

arm around Sawyer. Immediately his anger rose. He took
deep, slow breaths and counted to ten, trying to control
himself. He had no claim to Sawyer; in fact this guy could

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be his boyfriend for all he knew. His competition was pretty
hot, to tell the truth. Not as hot as he himself, but then again
who was? Troy snickered and made his way over, keeping
his voice light and friendly. “Hey, I found the stringers, joists
and bearers. Who’s this?”

Sawyer looked up and grinned mischievously, anger

was rolling off Troy in huge waves. The worst part, was that
Nick felt it too. Sawyer broke free and put the parts in the
cart. “This is Nick, we work together.”

Nick put his hand out and smiled. Troy shook his

hand and Nick applied pressure, feeling Troy give back just
as much if not more. The anger flowed even stronger from
Troy and the pressure on his hand increased. “Nick

Troy Bishop.” Fucker was trying to make a point.

Troy was good at making points too.

Sawyer was looking from Troy to Nick; their hands

were still clasped as each of them increased their
pressure. He pulled on Troy’s shirt, breaking his contact
with Nick and ushered him towards the cashiers. “Come
on, Troy.”

Yeah.” Troy felt the animosity towards Nick getting a

good grip on him. God, he’d never felt so jealous in his
entire life and he wasn’t even


Sawyer in that way. “Nice

meeting you.” Nick followed them to the front of the store as

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Troy kept him in his peripheral vision. Jesus, the guy was
like that rash on your ass that no cream could get rid of.

So Sawyer, you free this weekend?” Nick loved this;

he was making it his mission to piss Troy off.

Um, I’ll give you a call, okay? I’m going to be pretty

busy with the deck.” Sawyer was almost sweating. The
anger from Troy was rising and the air was being sucked
out of the store.

You have my number.” Nick winked and made his

way back down the aisle whistling.


Troy had been quiet for a good fifteen minutes while

they rang up their purchase and made their way out to the
truck. He lowered the tailgate and started loading the wood
in. As he threw the next log in, it smacked the bed hard, a
loud crack reverberating through the parking lot. The anger
finally exploded and Troy whipped around, getting in
Sawyer’s space. “Is he your boyfriend?” Troy searched
Sawyer’s eyes. Jesus, they were so damn beautiful he
couldn’t look away.

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Sawyer felt his skin heat as he fought for control.

Everything about his mate turned him on. His height, the
way his hair shone in the sun, his beautiful eyes. He felt his
mouth go dry and fought for something to say. Troy was still
searching his eyes, waiting for an answer. Sawyer decided
to tell the truth. “No.”

God help me, I’m sorry.” Troy grabbed Sawyer and

hauled him into a crushing kiss. He wrapped his arms
around him, pulling him flush with his body and slipped his
tongue into Sawyer’s warm mouth. Sawyer responded by
wrapping his arms around Troy’s neck as Troy’s hand slid
up the back of Sawyer’s shirt feeling his warm soft skin.
Their tongues met and tangled. Sawyer moaned into Troy’s
mouth. “Oh fuck, that’s sexy.” Troy moaned against
Sawyer’s lips.

Oh God…” Sawyer’s mouth and tongue invaded

Troy’s with purpose. Everything around him faded as
Sawyer gave into Troy’s sensual taste. He forgot they were
in a parking lot as Troy moved them to the driver’s side
door, pushing Sawyer against it and running his hands up
his chest. He felt his cock filling and his eyes shifting. He
pushed Troy off of him and moved away from the truck.
“Wait.” Sawyer bent over, putting his hands on his knees
and tried to regulate his breathing.

Troy snapped out of his lust haze and looked at

Sawyer bent over. Oh fuck, what had he done? What the
hell was wrong with him that he couldn’t control himself

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around Sawyer? Every time he got near him he wanted
him, wanted to make love to him, own him. He was batting
a thousand at this point. “God, I’m sorry.” Troy fixed his
raging hard on. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

Sawyer felt his teeth receding and his eyes were

recognizing color again. He took a deep breath and looked
at Troy. “I wanted it.” Sawyer almost smiled when Troy’s
mouth dropped open in surprise. “I just, I need to tell you
some stuff.”

Troy hesitantly made his way closer and took

Sawyer’s hand; he caressed his cheek, looking into those
beautiful green pools. He’d never felt for anyone what he felt
for Sawyer and he’d just met him. “Okay.”

Sawyer looked around and saw the parking lot was

still pretty busy. He was surprised things had gotten as far
as they had. Not that they’d been close to being naked, but
Sawyer was ready to touch Troy in ways that were not
acceptable in public. “Not here, let’s go back to my house.”



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The ride back was silent. Troy watched Sawyer as

he looked out the window and clasped his hands together
in what could only be interpreted as nervousness. What
was wrong with him? Every part of him wanted Sawyer; like
naked and now. The feel of Sawyer’s skin, hands and lips
on his own lingered teasingly. He could still taste him and
he wanted more. They pulled into the reservation and Troy
was hoping to avoid everyone, just so he could hear what
Sawyer had to say. That, of course, didn’t happen.

Oh great.” Sawyer sighed. Xander and Grayson

were sitting on his porch, smiling like assholes. Sawyer
hopped out of the truck and waited for Troy to open the
tailgate. “What are you two doing here?”

Xander watched Troy begin unloading the wood out

of the back. “Oh, we’re here to help, big bro.” Xander

Fine, I’m going to go talk to Dad real quick. Make

sure you actually work, please.” Sawyer gave his brothers
the evil eye and made sure they knew why.

Troy looked at the two brothers just standing there,

staring at him. He picked up a bag and threw it at Xander.
“Come on, we have work to do.”

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Sawyer still hadn’t returned by the end of the first half

hour of work. Troy hoped it wasn’t because of his grope in
the parking lot, although Sawyer

h a d

been receptive…

again. He’d had his fair share of dates over the years, but
none of them had ever affected him the way Sawyer did.
Just the feel of his skin was tantalizing. Troy reminded
himself that he was working on a deck and if he didn’t pay
attention, it would be leaning off to the right. With the holes
previously dug, the boys held the posts while Troy poured
the concrete to stabilize them. They put the level down and
checked to make sure it was even on both sides. They
hadn’t spoken much except for asking for things here and
there, and Troy hoped he wasn’t going to have to discuss

So, you like my brother.”


Troy sighed and looked at the brother that

opened his mouth. Grayson. “Yes, I do.” What the hell,
maybe he could get some info from them.

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Troy’s head turned in time to see Sawyer coming

back around the house with what looked like a puppy
attached to his pant leg. The little guy was growling and
yanking his head from side to side. Troy stifled a laugh.

Sawyer was swatting the pup with his construction

plans smack on the ass.

“Will you cut it out!”

The other two brothers made their way over and

Xander extracted the puppy from Sawyer’s leg.

No cookies for you, if you don’t stop.” Xander

waggled his finger at the pup, and got a snap of teeth on
the end of it. “Hey now, ya little butthead.”

Troy looked at the pup and noticed it was black with

green eyes as well. It seemed to love the brothers, licking
them and nipping at them playfully. “Another Little Shit?”

The littlest of the shits.” Sawyer rolled his eyes. “Go

feed him before I drop kick him off the side of the hill.”

Wyatt’s head snapped up and he looked at his

brother, giving him a low growl. Grayson cracked up and
took Wyatt from his brother. He put him over his shoulder
and swatted his butt. “We’ll see you at dinner, or are you
eating in?” Grayson gave Sawyer a wicked smile.

Probably pizza tonight.” Sawyer looked at Troy.

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“Does that sound good?”

They deliver out here?” Troy glanced at Sawyer,

wanting to throw him down and-

ugh, stop it


They do when Sawyer calls.” Grayson smiled and

waved at his brother with a gleam in his eye. “Night boys,
have fun.”

Troy looked at Sawyer and saw a slight smile

curving his lips. He wanted to kiss him already. The sun
was going down and they spent the rest of the daylight
hours putting the frame of the deck together, and then
cleaning up the days mess. Troy was so tired he could
barely stand as they went into the house. Sawyer gave him
a cold beer and they both sat on the couch with their feet up
on the ottoman.

I can’t move.” Troy sighed and turned his head with

great effort. “In my job, I sometimes sit for weeks watching
and waiting. I forgot how much fun building something was. I
miss working with my hands.” Oh shit, he’d just said that out
loud. What if Sawyer asked what he did?

So you’re an assassin like Sam.” Sawyer laughed

at the look of shock on Troy’s face. “I know all about it and
I’m not judging.” Sawyer grabbed the phone and hit the
speed dial for pizza. “What do you want on it?”

Troy tried to find his voice. He couldn’t believe

Sawyer knew what he did for a living and was so calm

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about it. Most people ran screaming, thinking they were on
his hit list somehow. “I usually get mushrooms and sausage
with olives.” Troy realized Sawyer was looking at him with
his mouth dropped open. “What? You don’t like

Same as always, Barb.” Sawyer hung up looking at

Troy. Okay, so they liked the same pizza toppings. No big
deal. “Who’s your favorite stooge?”

Moe, duh.”

Sawyer shifted on the couch to face Troy. “Favorite

movie of all time.”


Sawyer laughed and smacked Troy on his thigh.

“Seriously.” So far he liked the same Stooge too.

I have to pick just one?” Troy smiled as Sawyer

nodded, waiting. “Fine, The Terminator.”

Sawyer smiled and put another line on his mental

chalk board. “Coke or Pepsi?”

Coke,” Troy made a face. “Pepsi’s too sweet.”

I know, huh!” Sawyer laughed and sipped his beer.

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“What do you want to know about me?”

Troy moved closer on the couch, just so he could

touch Sawyer in some small way. He took his hand and
turned it over, running his fingertip over the lines in
Sawyer’s palm. Sawyer had soft hands for someone who
worked in construction, not one scar, and soft as silk. “What
did you want to tell me?”

That I want you .That you’re mine for life and I hope

you want me for life too.

“I haven’t really been with anyone.”

Sawyer looked at Troy’s face, confusion in his eyes.
Sawyer felt his cheeks heating and he closed his eyes.
“You were my first kiss.”

It took Troy a few seconds to process those words.

One, because Sawyer had kissed him and his cock had
gotten hard from that alone and two, Sawyer was in his
twenties. How could he have never kissed anyone? As
beautiful as the man was, Troy couldn’t believe he’d no
experience. Sawyer could kiss. Holy shit he could kiss!
He’d left Troy a babbling idiot when he was done. “I am at a
complete loss for words.”

I know it sounds stupid. I’m in my twenties, but I

never really had the guts to kiss anyone. I was too shy to let
anyone kiss me and then I was saving myself. God, I know I
sound like an idiot but—”

Troy couldn’t stop himself yet again. He pulled

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Sawyer to him by the nape of his neck, but this time he
kissed him softly, barely brushing his lips across Sawyer’s.
His fingers ran into Sawyer’s hair and pulled him in closer.
Troy didn’t open his mouth; he just kissed Sawyer softly,
feeling the soft lips under his respond. He pulled away
slowly and searched Sawyer’s face. “I’m sorry I was so
rough before, I can’t seem to control myself with you.”

Sawyer sat for two seconds, eyes still closed. His

lips were tingling, spreading warmth through his body, all
the way down into his toes. He licked his lips, tasting Troy.
Sawyer opened his eyes to see Troy looking at him with a
worried look in his eyes. Sawyer leaned in and cupped
Troy’s face. He ran his tongue across the seam of Troy’s
lips, begging for entrance. Troy’s lips parted and Sawyer
slipped in, the taste of beer meeting his tongue, mixing with
the delicious flavor that was all Troy.

Sawyer had no idea what he was doing, but the next

minute Troy’s shirt was gone and he was licking Troy’s
neck and running his hands over his strong chest. Sawyer
moaned and licked sensually up the pulsing vein in Troy’s
neck, nibbling seductively along the side as his hands ran
down to the waistband of Troy’s pants. Sawyer pulled away
and looked down at Troy’s lap. He was extremely excited.
Sawyer realized he’d have the man naked in a moment,
and not even know where to start. He had zero experience

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and Troy probably had a lot. He backed away a little and
felt his cheeks heating. “God, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t know
what to


with you if I got you naked.”

Maybe not, but


would know.” Troy smiled as

Sawyer blushed even more. He maneuvered Sawyer’s face
around and looked at him. God he looked so young, and
knowing he was virgin made Troy realize he was going to
have to tread very carefully. “Look, let’s just take this slow,
okay? We don’t have to rush into anything. I’ll let you set the

Really? I mean, you’d be willing to do that?” Sawyer

couldn’t believe his ears. Troy was willing to be with him, to
wait for him. It made sense though. Troy was his mate; it
was as simple as that. Troy would be everything he’d ever
wanted, and so far he was. Sawyer realized Troy was still
shirtless. What better time to admire his tattoos?

Of course I would.” Troy palmed Sawyer’s face,

loving the feel of soft skin on his rough hand. He almost felt
as if he shouldn’t touch such perfection. Sawyer was
special, Sawyer was his. At lease he hoped he was.
Sawyer was running his fingertip over Troy’s wolf tattoo.
“You like it?”

It’s beautiful.” Sawyer swore it was his face in wolf

form he was looking at. “Where did you get it?”

I was in Thailand at the time, and I kept having these

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dreams. You know, the kind when you’re running and you
still don’t get anywhere?” Sawyer smiled and nodded,
taking his hand. “So, this time I’m running and I realize I’m
not alone. There’s a black wolf running next to me, one with
green eyes. I kind of freaked out when I saw Little Shit for
the first time; I swear it’s the same wolf. Anyway, I went to
the tattoo place with the drawing I had made and there ya
go. Wolf tattoo. Gives me peace I guess, like he’s always
with me.”

He is now.” Sawyer looked over the rest of Troy’s

strong defined chest. His fingertips passed over scars, one
on Troy’s right shoulder the other down lower on his ribs.
“Are these…oh God, you were shot?” Sawyer looked up.

And stabbed.” Troy turned sideways to reveal the

stab wound to his lower back. “When I was in the Army in
Afghanistan, me and the rest of the team got ambushed.”
Troy turned back to face Sawyer. “It was a long time ago.”

It could happen again though, couldn’t it? In the job

you do now?” Sawyer looked at Troy’s body. Most of his
upper back was covered by an eagle with its wings, well…
spread eagle, so to say.

Troy nodded. “Yes, it could. I could be spotted.” Troy

looked at the worried expression on Sawyer’s face. He
rested his palms against both sides of Sawyer’s jaw. “I’m

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good at my job, Sawyer.”

I...I ...” Sawyer licked his lips as Troy pulled him in,

their lips only a breath apart.

Ding, ding.

Shit,” Sawyer whispered. “Pizza.” They were still

staring at each other when the doorbell chimed again,
breaking them out of their thoughts.

I’ll get it.” Troy stood up and fixed his jeans. His

cock was rock hard and straining to get out. He opened the
door to see a petite blonde staring at him, eyes like
saucers. She was maybe five foot six to his six foot four;
Troy handed her the money for their pizza. “Thanks.” Troy
noticed she wasn’t moving and her mouth was hanging
open. “You okay?

Sawyer chuckled and made his way over to the

door. Barb the pizza delivery girl, was still mesmerized by
Troy and he swore she had drool sliding out of the corner of
her mouth.

Oh my God.” Barb said.

Barb, I’m getting a complex. I thought you wanted

me and only me.” Sawyer leaned against Troy.

Can I have both?” Barb smiled slyly, eyeing Sawyer

like dessert.

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Give me the pizza, you slut.” Sawyer laughed and

grabbed the boxes from her. “Make sure you stop in and
say hi to Nadine.”

Yep. Bye boys, have fun.” Barb winked and waved

at Sawyer on her way back to her car.

They ate both pies in record time. Troy kept stealing

Sawyer’s mushrooms, citing he kept getting more. When
they were finished, the dishes were put in the dishwasher
and Troy looked around the comfortable house. Two
bedrooms and one bath in the back with a spacious living
room and kitchen off to the side, it was cute. It was getting a
little cold though, and Troy looked at the fireplace. He could
make a fire and then they could cuddle, if Sawyer wanted
him to stay.

So, um…” Troy fidgeted.

Did you want to stay over for the night? That way

you could get up with me early and start work?” He had his
back to Troy, thank God. If Troy could have seen his face,
he might have laughed. Sawyer knew he was blushing
again. He felt arms coming around him and Troy’s fingers
linked together, holding him tight. Troy’s strong chest was
against his back and Sawyer’s cock stood up and took
notice. Dammit, he couldn’t stop getting hard around the

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man. Troy bent down and kissed the side of Sawyer’s neck
softly, his breath fanning Sawyer’s ear, sending a wave of
Goosebumps down his arms. Sawyer’s nose twitched and
the smell of precome invaded his senses, Troy was very

I would love to stay and have a sleepover. Do I have

to wear footie jammies? Where are the rest of the logs for
the fireplace?” Troy pushed up against Sawyer’s ass,
laughing and rubbing his cock against it. He kissed his
neck softly and ran his nose up alongside, breathing
Sawyer in. God he smelled good. A soap smell mixed in
with something very Sawyer, earth-like and musky.

Sawyer tried to laugh, but was too turned on.

Shaking his no, he said, “They are…outside I think.” Good
God, Sawyer couldn’t concentrate. He knew what he
wanted to say, but the words were eluding him. His hands
slid down Troy’s thighs and he squeezed them, feeling
muscles responding to his touch. Troy pushed into him
more and Sawyer’s cock was so hard he wanted to
unbutton his pants just to let the damn thing breathe. Troy
was leaving a trail of seduction across his neck and
Sawyer turned his face up to meet Troy’s lips.

Troy’s fingers played at his jaw line as he pulled

Sawyer’s lips up to his own. There was a soft moan and
Troy felt his dick getting harder. He turned Sawyer around
and took his mouth fully, while yanking him in closer. His
fingers pulled at the hem of Sawyer’s shirt and he tugged it

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up and over his head, barely breaking the kiss.

Troy’s hands investigated Sawyer’s skin. It was so

soft. He’d never felt skin so soft. He ran his hands up
Sawyer’s back and to the nape of his neck, deepening the
kiss. Sawyer was giving himself over to him and Troy took
the lead, kissing him the way he should of the first time;
slow and sensual. Sawyer was hanging onto him now as
Troy hoisted him up by his ass and took him over to the
couch; Sawyer wrapped his legs around him in a damn vice
grip. His hand slid up Sawyer’s thigh, leaving a trail of heat
behind it as he made his way up. He gripped Sawyer’s ass
in one hand and pulled him in, rubbing their hard pricks
together through their jeans. He’d never hated denim so
much. “God, I love kissing you.” Troy moaned into Sawyer’s

Mmm… me too.” Sawyer groaned. His body was

one mess of emotions and his lupine side was trying to
emerge. It was becoming a constant battle within him to
suppress it. Sawyer wanted to touch Troy, wanted Troy to
touch him. His lupine side wanted to fuck the shit out of
Troy. Sawyer broke from the kiss, breathing hard and
keeping his eyes squeezed shut. “I…I have to stop.”

Troy looked at Sawyer. Both of them were shirtless

and Troy was on his way to having Sawyer naked on the
living room floor. Not the way a guy should lose his virginity.
Troy was going to make sure Sawyer’s first time was the
one he deserved. Not some quick fuck on a floor or couch.

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Sawyer deserved better and Troy could wait, even if it did
give him blue balls. He backed away and ran a hand
through his hair. “I think we should get some sleep. Is it
alright if I take a shower?”

If I can watch.

Sawyer shook his head and smiled.

“Yeah, the towels are in the hall closet. If you need anything
else, just holler.” Sawyer stood up and put his shirt back on.
“Good night, Troy.” Sawyer cleared the room fast and made
it to his room, shutting the door. He let out a loud sigh and
let his eyes change and his canines drop. It was actually
painful to hold back, and his cock was still rock hard. He
was going to have to jack off and relieve the pressure. The
water came on for the shower and Sawyer closed his eyes,
envisioning Troy naked, Troy’s hands flowing over his
washboard abs.

His hand began stroking his cock slowly, as his

mind floated into the shower with Troy. His hands sliding up
Troy’s strong defined chest and tweaking hard nipples,
licking them and nibbling, all while his hand stroked Troy’s
hardened cock. Their lips would meet and tongues would
play as Troy’s own hand wrapped around Sawyer’s aching
prick, relieving him of the stress of the day. Warm water
cascading over them as their breaths became more
ragged, more urgent. Their hips bucking, each of them
stroking the other with long hard pulls and creating more
sweet friction at the head, and then the explosion would
come. Sawyer’s head hit the door and his balls emptied

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into his hand. He stood there breathing hard and then the
smell of semen hit his nose. It wasn’t his.


Troy let out a soft moan as his orgasm ebbed from

him; he slumped against the shower wall and closed his
eyes. Not having Sawyer was going to drive him to drink,
he better just buy a whole bottle of rum and get it over with.
He’d deal with AA later. He squeezed the excess water
from his hair and toweled off, making his way to the mirror.
Steam floated around him as he cleaned off the mirror,
looking at his reflection. Warm hazel eyes looked back and
Troy smiled, thinking of Sawyer. He looked down at his
cock and frowned. “Well, you better get used to my hand for
a while, bud.”

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~Chapter Six~

Sawyer woke up with one hell of a boner, a dry

mouth, and sticky for some reason. He pulled his boxers
back to see that he’d come in his sleep.


He crawled

out of bed and looked both ways out his bedroom door. No
Troy. Creeping down the hall to the bathroom, he stopped
and peeked inside the guest room. Troy was naked. Well
sort of, the sheet rested right at his lower back, and one tan
ass cheek hung out. Well half a cheek, but it was enough for
his dick to get hard again, making Sawyer increasingly
uncomfortable and in need of a release. Again. He hadn’t
had a wet dream since he was fourteen. Yet one night in the
house with Troy next door, had him coming in his boxers.

Sawyer closed the door and made his way into the

bathroom, clicking the door shut softly. He turned the
shower on and thought about Troy jacking off in it last night.
He could still smell him in here now. His eyes shifted as he
got in the shower, the hot water steamed the walls and the
scent of semen rushed up to meet him. Sawyer groaned
and gripped his hard leaking prick, stroking hard and fast. It
didn’t take much; the smell of Troy had him coming in
seconds. Sawyer rested his head on the wall and closed
his eyes. How was he going to be in the same space as
Troy and not shift? He heard a soft knocking and his head
snapped up. “Yeah?”

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Hey, are you almost done in there? I could piss

outside, but it’s still a little cold out there.”

Yeah, hang on, I’m coming.” Sawyer rolled his eyes.

Really? Not, I’ll be right out?

He dried off quickly and put

his clean underwear and jeans on, opening the door. Troy
stood in black briefs and that was all.

Oh, God help me.

Hey, I made coffee, I hope that’s ok.” Troy looked

Sawyer over and felt himself licking his lips. Small beads of
water flowed down his chest across his nipples, running
south and disappearing into his jeans. “So yeah, I figured
we could work half the day then go play pool?”

Sounds good, are you hungry? I can make us

something to eat.” Sawyer watched as Troy went into the
bathroom; Troy turned in the doorway and smiled.

Come here.” Troy leaned over and kissed him

softly, tasting a hint of toothpaste on his lips. “Morning,

Uh huh,” Sawyer looked into very lustful eyes and

shook his head, clearing his vision. “So um, you go ahead
and do what you do, and I’ll make breakfast.” Sawyer
almost ran to the kitchen. Jesus, the things he wanted to try
with Troy, on Troy. Sawyer let out a giggle and started
pulling things out for breakfast. Eggs, bacon and sausage
were in the pan cooking and Sawyer popped bread into the
toaster. He could hear Troy in the bathroom and he tilted

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toaster. He could hear Troy in the bathroom and he tilted
his head trying to hear what he was saying. Werewolves
had excellent hearing and Sawyer could make out Troy
talking to himself. Or maybe he was talking to his dick,
because he kept saying. “Behave.” Sawyer giggled again
and flipped the eggs. Troy came out a few minutes later
dressed in jeans with a crisp clean white t-shirt on. Sawyer
almost dropped the eggs on the floor. Every muscle on that
perfect body was outlined through the fabric.

You okay?” Troy took the spatula from Sawyer and

put it back over the frying pan. “I like my eggs dirt free. Not
that your floor is dirty.” Troy could have slapped himself,
why was he always saying something stupid? “I’m sure you
clean all the time.”

Troy.” Sawyer smiled, taking his hand and pulling

him closer.

Yes.” Troy couldn’t stop looking at Sawyer’s lips.

His bottom lip was perfect for nibbling on, nice and plump.
He just wanted to lick them and then suck on them and
maybe do some other stuff.

Oh lord, stop it.

I don’t know which one of us is more nervous.”

Sawyer’s hand played with the hem of Troy’s shirt, and he
pulled it up just high enough to see the soft patch of hair
below his naval. His finger’s played in the hair and he ran
his fingers across the waistband of the jeans. “God, you are
so beautiful Troy.” Sawyer looked up to see Troy’s eyes
closed. He ran his hand under the shirt and made his way

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up to his heart, feeling the strong muscle under his hand.

Troy opened his eyes to see Sawyer staring at his

hand under the shirt. “You make my heart pound.” Troy
pulled Sawyer’s face up with his fingertips. “You are
beautiful.” Troy watched Sawyer’s tongue come out to
moisten his lips and he lost it, leaning down to take
possession of his mouth. He kept the kiss soft and waited
for Sawyer to take the lead. And take the lead he did. Troy
was up against the counter as Sawyer literally climbed up
him, using his tongue to thrust, diving in and moaning into
his mouth. Troy’s hands went instinctively to Sawyer’s ass,
gripping it. Things were getting out of hand fast and Troy
smelled something burning. He broke from the kiss,
breathing hard. “Wait.”

Sawyer pulled away, looking at the smoke in the

kitchen. “Crap, the sausages.” Sawyer climbed down Troy
and pulled the pan off the stove, fanning the air with his
hand. “Shoot, can you open the window, please?”

Yeah, I need air.” Troy made it to the window on

wobbly legs and opened it. He smelled clean ocean air and
closed his eyes, letting his senses take it in. His dick was
so hard it was cutting a hole in his thigh.

Could you die

from blue balls?

Sawyer tried to stay in the kitchen. Even through the

smoke and smell of burnt food, he could smell his mates
arousal. He grabbed his construction plans and made his

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way over to Troy, pulling him by his belt loop. “Come on, we
can eat at Nadine’s.”


John watched his son over the top of his morning

newspaper; Sawyer and Troy were sneaking glances at
each other every chance they got. It had been a week since
Troy had arrived on the reservation and he’d never seen his
son so happy. Sawyer had finally found his mate. Troy
Bishop was a good man. He had respect for the elders and
didn’t bullshit; he was straight forward. What you saw was
what you got. John just hoped Troy would understand when
he saw what Sawyer was. The way Troy was looking at his
son, he was already well on his way to being in love. John
had to smile. Troy was still working on the deck with Xander
and Grayson while Sawyer was at work. It was sweet that
he was trying to finish something for Sawyer. “So you two
are working more on the deck today?”

Yep, got the posts up and most of the deck put

together; it maybe another day or so before we finish.”
Sawyer shoveled hash browns into his mouth smiling. “Troy
did a lot of work yesterday with Grayson and Xander.”

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Don’t talk with your mouth full, honey.” Nadine

smacked Sawyer upside the head. She eyed Troy as he
looked at Sawyer with a look of lust. “Troy?”

Yes Ma’am’.” Troy turned his attentions to Nadine

and smiled. She always looked at him the same way, like
he was five all over again and needed a hug.

I hope you boys aren’t working too hard, maybe you

should go out on the town?” Nadine smiled when Sawyer

Sawyer and I were talking about playing a game of

pool tonight.” Troy wiped his mouth and downed his coffee.
“We need to get to work though if we’re going to have fun
time.” Troy stood and kissed Nadine’s cheek. “Thanks for
breakfast, Ma.”

You are always welcome here; you know I’m

cooking twenty four hours a day.” Nadine smiled as Sawyer
kissed his cheek and left with Troy. John was suspiciously
quiet behind his paper and Nadine pulled it down. “What
are you up to?”

John stood up and fixed his belt. “I’m off to patrol, tell

Joe I said to meet me on the north shore, please.”

Nadine sat back with her coffee and smiled to

herself as Wyatt ran through the doggie door with Rocky.
Wyatt slid to a stop and padded over to the table, sitting on
his haunches and looking at Nadine. “I’m not feeding you

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until you shift.”


Sawyer’s muscles ached all over, everything hurt.

They had constructed a pulley to get the finished deck up
and settled over the frame. It was twenty feet from the deck
to the ground below and Troy was on the roof of the house.
They covered everything in plastic for the day and Troy
came down the side of the house. Sawyer was putting all
the equipment away as he felt Troy’s arms come around his
waist. He pushed his ass into Troy’s cock and smiled at the
sharp intake of breath.

We’ll never get cleaned up if you keep teasing me.”

Troy ran his tongue down Sawyer’s sweaty neck, flicking
the rapid pulse. Salt and the unique taste of Sawyer hit his
taste buds, making him groan.

Well, let’s go shower.” Sawyer laughed as Troy

pulled him back into his cock.

We could shower together, conserve water and

electricity.” His hands slid up Sawyer’s sweaty chest and he
ran his fingers over his sensitive nipples.

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Sawyer rest his head on Troy’s shoulder, loving the

feel of the man’s hands on him. He didn’t know if he could
behave in the shower. God knows his teeth might pop out. “I
don’t know, Troy.”

Troy smiled and kissed Sawyer’s shoulder. “I was

kidding; I’ll let you go first.” Troy pulled Sawyer by his back
pocket towards the house.


They arrived at the Beaver Bar by seven and Troy

looked around the joint. Biker bar for sure. Guys dressed in
leather jackets stood around swigging beer and smoking.
Sawyer went to the nearest table and put his money on the
side, securing the table when the guys were done. They sat
at the bar and Troy ordered a beer. Sawyer got carder and
handed the guy his ID. Troy stifled a laugh and Sawyer
gave him the evil eye. Two beers later, their pool table
became available and Troy headed to the bathroom while
Sawyer went to rack the balls. The cue ball smacked the
side and Sawyer looked up to see two guys smiling at him.

This is our table, Cochise.” One of the men said.

Sawyer rolled his eyes. “Really? That’s the best you

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can come up with?” Sawyer went and grabbed a pool stick
and made his way back over, pulling the money out of the
side. “Money’s here, my table.” Sawyer leaned over to grab
the cue ball and one of them grabbed his wrist, gripping it
hard enough to hurt.

I said.” The man leaned in close. “It’s our table.”

The next thing Sawyer knew, the guy was face down

on the table, hand behind his back, wrist bent at an
awkward angle. Troy was leaned over him.

Touch him again and I’ll break every damn bone in

your hand and make my way up.” Troy caught the other guy
coming closer and smiled. “I’ll take you out with my other
hand so fast you’ll wonder what happened, asshole.” Troy
eased up on dick head number one. “Now, I’m going to let
you go and you will leave with your buddy.” Troy looked
Sawyer over. “Are you okay?”

Yes, I’m fine.” Sawyer said.

Sawyer watched the two men leaving, glancing back

to make sure Troy wasn’t following them out. Sawyer sat on
the stool looking at Troy; he hadn’t even broken a sweat.
Damn, that was sexy as all hell. Troy took Sawyer’s wrist
and looked it over carefully. The look in his eyes was
concerned, but there was a hint of something else too. Troy

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looked scared.

What is it?” Sawyer pulled Troy’s face up, he could

see fear in them. “I’m okay, really I am.” Sawyer was pulled
into Troy’s arms. He wrapped his arms around him; it hit
him then, what Troy was afraid of. He’d lost both parents in
a random act of violence. “Hey, nothing’s going to happen
to me, okay? I’m actually a lot tougher than I look.”

I’ve got

huge fucking fangs and I could have taken them both out.

Sawyer almost giggled at the thought, but he held Troy and
fought the urge. “Let’s play pool, okay?”

The more games they played, the more Sawyer beat

Troy. It wasn’t that Troy couldn’t play; he just didn’t play as
well. Sawyer couldn’t help but smile as he sank shot after
shot, leaving Troy to stand around and twiddle his thumbs.
Okay, so he hadn’t been completely honest about his pool
playing abilities. Sawyer smiled as he called the left hand
corner pocket and sunk in the eight ball.

You hustled me.” Troy crossed his arms, looking at

Sawyer with a scowl.

No, hustling means I lose a few games then beat

you, I just beat you. That would simply make me a liar.”
Sawyer laughed and took a swig of his beer. The scent of
another werewolf invaded his senses and Sawyer scanned
the bar. He could swear it was Nick’s scent, but Nick was
nowhere to be found.

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Hey, are you alright?” Troy looked around the bar to

see what Sawyer was looking for. “What is it?”

Sawyer shook his head clear, attempting to smile.

“It’s nothing, we should get going though. We have another
long day of work ahead of us.” Sawyer paid the tab and
they made their way out to the parking lot. Nick’s scent was
stronger out here and Sawyer followed it to where it was the
strongest, mainly Troy’s truck. “Oh no.” Someone had
keyed Troy’s truck, from the front end to the tailgate.

What the fuck?” Troy leaned over, looking at the trail

of missing paint down the side of his truck. His brand new
truck. “Son of a bitch. I bet it was those guys I fucked with.”
Troy ran a hand through his hair; thank God he’d
remembered to get full coverage on the truck.

Maybe.” Sawyer smelled the air. More than one

person had been out this way, besides Nick. In fact, he was
picking up quite a few. Sawyer hoped Nick wasn’t behind
this; it wasn’t like Nick to act like that. “Let’s just go, okay?”

By the time they got back to the reservation, it was

almost midnight. Troy hadn’t said a word in the truck the
whole way back and Sawyer was starting to worry if Troy
was angry with him. They pulled up in front of Sawyer’s
house and Sawyer took Troy’s hand. “I’m sorry about your
truck, Troy.”

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Hey it’s okay, that’s what full coverage is for.

Besides, it’s just a truck. Material things are easy to
replace, people are not.” Troy looked at Sawyer’s face and
saw the sadness there; he smiled and pinched his cheek.
“Go on, I’ll see you in the morning.”

You’re not coming in?”

I didn’t know if you wanted me to stay again, I wasn’t

going to presume…”

Sawyer smiled and took Troy’s hand. “I want you to


Sawyer said his goodnights and went to his own

room. Sleeping right next door to Troy, had Sawyer wanting
to go in there and touch him, run his hands over that soft
flesh and lick it. Sawyer rolled over and closed his eyes.
God, it was going to be a long night.


Sawyer was awakened at two in the morning by

what sounded like anguished cries coming from Troy’s
room; he padded down the hallway softly and cracked the

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door. Troy was on the bed, rolling from side to side. It was
obvious he was having a nightmare, so Sawyer sat on the
edge of the bed, touching his shoulder softly. Sawyer was
almost knocked off the bed as Troy grabbed him around
the neck with one hand. Sawyer tried to speak, but only
managed to let out a squeak. “Troy.”

Troy’s eyes widened as he saw his own hand

around Sawyer’s neck; he released him and took Sawyer’s
face in his hands. “Oh God, are you alright? Did I hurt you?”

Sawyer rubbed his neck. “I’m okay, stop looking like

that Troy, I heard you in here and I wanted to check if you
were okay. Were you having a nightmare?”

Troy lay back on the bed and nodded. “Same one I

always have. I’m running down the aisle in the convenience
store to warn my Mom, but I’m not moving. It’s like I’m
running in place. Then the gunman comes in and I watch it
happen over and over again. The gunman kills my Mom
and then my Dad runs in to stop it and he gets killed.”

God, I’m so sorry Troy.” Sawyer wrapped his arms

around Troy and tried his best to comfort him. Sawyer’s
own mother had died during childbirth. He’d never even
gotten to say goodbye. Sawyer could feel Troy’s heart beat
racing against his chest and he pulled away, looking into
Troy’s eyes. There was need there and Sawyer pressed his
lips to Troy’s softly.

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Sawyer...” Troy licked Sawyer’s bottom lip.

His arms wrapped around Sawyer and he kissed

back. He let Sawyer set the pace, and when Sawyer’s
tongue begged for entrance, Troy let him in. The minty taste
of toothpaste flowed between both of them as the kiss
became more passionate. Troy took full advantage of
Sawyer’s soft moan and pressed his tongue inside, licking
thoroughly and tasting every corner of Sawyer’s mouth.
Sawyer’s hand was running down Troy’s chest and Troy
grabbed it before it came to a stop at the waistband of his
briefs. Troy’s eyes met with Sawyer’s and Troy could see
the lust there, Sawyer wanted to touch him.

Troy let Sawyer’s hand go and it slipped inside his

briefs, gripping him and stroking slowly. A soft groan
escaped Troy as Sawyer’s hand slid up and down the
length of him, squeezing at the crown. He bucked his hips
into Sawyer’s hand. Troy’s stomach twisted in knots as all
the raw nerves in his body sent waves of pleasure through
him. He blindly searched for Sawyer’s prick and found
Sawyer’s hand already there, relieving his own needs.

Troy moved Sawyer’s hand out of the way and

gripped him hard, stroking roughly up the base and
reaching the sensitive head. Troy ran his calloused thumb
over the leaking tip of Sawyer’s dick and smeared the

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precum around, using it as a lubricant. Sawyer’s mouth was
half open over his and Troy felt Sawyer’s body tense, his
hips bucked and Sawyer let out a loud moan into his mouth.
Hot spunk hit Troy’s stomach in never ending spurts.

Oh God.” Sawyer’s hips were still bucking as his

balls emptied onto Troy. “Oh God, I’m sorry.” Sawyer
closed his eyes; he’d come in less than a minute. He’d
never felt anything like it. The minute Troy’s hand had
touched his cock, warmth spread through Sawyer’s body,
radiating out his fingers. It took almost more control than he
possessed to repress his lupine side. Sawyer realized his
hand was still pumping Troy’s cock. “Tell me what to do.”
Sawyer whispered softly.

Just keep doing what you’re doing.” Troy’s hips

bucked into Sawyer’s hand, it wasn’t going to take long, just
a few more pulls and then… “Oh shit…shit, shit, shit!” Troy’s
dick hardened and his balls drew up tight, spurting all over
Sawyer’s hand.

They lay there, both covered in spunk, breathing

hard. Troy grabbed the t-shirt off the floor and cleaned
Sawyer up, then himself. Troy hadn’t been with anyone in
months and still he hadn’t ever cum that fast, not ever.
Somewhere inside him, he had the urge to mark Sawyer as
his; to come on his face and make sure it was known that
he was his and only his. Sawyer’s face could be seen in the
shadows, his eyes were closed. Troy kissed Sawyer’s lips
and bit the bottom one, sucking on it. There was a soft sigh

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and then Sawyer’s eyes opened.

Sorry, I can’t believe I came that fast.” Sawyer

wrapped his arms around Troy, feeling warm skin against
his own. It was comfortable, this was his mate.

Troy licked the seam of Sawyer’s lips and pulled him

in closer. “You weren’t the only one. I don’t think I’ve ever
come that fast. It’s you Sawyer, you do this to me. There’s
something about you that draws me in, makes me want
you, makes me want to take you and own you. God, I sound

No you don’t.” Sawyer sat up on his elbow. “I feel

the same way Troy; I want you all the time. I can’t get
enough.” God, Sawyer wanted to tell him the truth, they
were mates that he himself was a werewolf and they were
meant to be. “I want you to be mine.”

Troy’s mind was going a mile a minute; the only

thought at that second was to taste Sawyer. Troy pulled
Sawyer underneath him. He planted his hands on either
side of Sawyer’s face in the mattress and spread Sawyer’s
legs out sliding between them. “Close your eyes.” Troy
waited until Sawyer did what he was told, then his tongue
began its slow investigation of the man beneath him.
Between his mouth and his hands, Troy started to cover
Sawyer’s body inch by delicious inch.

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Oh shit...Troy. God, that feels so good.” Sawyer’s

head thrashed from side to side as Troy’s tongue slid
around his erect nipples, nibbling on them before sucking
them in, then continuing down his muscled torso lapping at
Sawyer’s belly button. Sawyer’s cock was rock hard, and
then it was engulfed by the warm heat of Troy’s mouth. “Oh
Fuck!” Sawyer’s canines exploded and claws stretched
from his fingers. His hips bucked, sending his cock straight
into Troy’s throat. His cock exploded in Troy’s mouth,
sending wave after wave of hot semen flowing down his

Troy swallowed and sat up on his knees, looking at

Sawyer in the afterglow of sex and that’s when he noticed
the long teeth under his lips and the claws protruding where
fingers should have been. Troy moved so fast he almost fell
off the bed. He pointed at Sawyer, mouth wide open.
“What…what the hell?”

Sawyer realized his canines were peeking out; he

lifted his hand and turned it around in the light of the moon
shimmering through the half drawn shades. “Oh shit.”
Sawyer sat up and Troy backed up, almost flying into the
wall. “I can explain!”

Troy’s eyes were wide. “What…what are you?”

Oh God…” Sawyer got up and grabbed his

underwear, Troy looked like a deer caught in headlights

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and Sawyer was the fucking car. “I…I’m sorry,” Sawyer
whispered. “I’m so sorry.” Sawyer fled the room and went
out the front door, shifting as fast he could, running into the

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~~Chapter Seven~~

Sam was forced awake by pounding at the door; he

looked at the clock and sighed. Who the fuck was pounding
on his door at five thirty? “Someone had better be fucking
dead or wounded.” Sam tried not to wake Dakota up as he
got to the front door. The pounding continued and Sam
opened the door with a curse on his lips. Troy stood there,
face white. “Oh my God! What’s wrong?” Sam yanked him

Troy’s hands were still shaking; he had no idea what

the hell was wrong or what he had just seen. He could have
sworn Sawyer had fangs and claws. “Sawyer…he, he…”

He what Goddammit! What is it Troy? You’re

scaring me!” Sam spun Troy around and looked in his
eyes; fear was permeating from Troy in huge rolling waves.
“What’s wrong with Sawyer? Is he ok?”

He had fangs.” Sawyer looked at his best friend and

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hoped he’d believe him. “His hands had claws. I swear
Sam, I’m not making this shit up.”

Sam relaxed his grip on Troy’s arm and sighed.

“Jesus, you scared the shit out of me.” Sam turned and
went into the kitchen and started making coffee, it was
going to be a long morning. “Where exactly were you when
Sawyer sprouted fangs and claws? Would you have been
in bed?”

Troy’s mouth hung open. He’d just told Sam what

he’d seen and he wanted to know if they were fucking?
“What difference does that make? Did you not hear a word
I just said? Sawyer had





If you were in bed,” Sam waved his hand in the air,

dismissing Troy’s last statement. “It would make sense;
your pheromone levels increased, sending Sawyer into mid

Troy walked to where Sam was at the counter and

whipped Sam around to face him. “I’m sorry, maybe you
didn’t understand what I said—”

Sawyer is a werewolf, Troy. So am I, and so are half

the people on the reservation.” Sam said it calmly and
waited. One way or another everything was coming out right
now. Sam smiled as Dakota made his way to the kitchen,
rubbing sleep from his eyes. “Good morning, baby.”

Dakota stopped and looked from Sam to Troy. Fear

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and unease slipped from Troy’s body and Dakota raised
an eyebrow at Sam. “Sawyer lost it?”

Sam nodded and poured the still running coffee from

the coffee maker into a cup. “Well not completely, just fangs
and claws.”

Troy’s mouth hung open as he looked from Sam to

Dakota, talking about what he’d just told them like it was
something that happened every damn day. “I’m sorry if I
sound a little freaked out.” Troy tried to keep his temper.
“You’re sitting here telling me that not only are you a
werewolf, Sam, but half the people on the reservation are
too? Is Dakota a werewolf?” Troy had to laugh despite
himself. “Werewolves are not real, my friend.”

Sam nodded to Dakota and then looked back at

Troy. “I’m sorry it had to be this way.”

Troy turned around to see Dakota’s body

shimmering, muscles rippled and within seconds a black
wolf with grey eyes was staring at him. Troy vaguely heard
himself scream and then everything went black.


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Sawyer ran. He didn’t really care where, just went as

fast as his four legs would take him. God, he’d been so
stupid! What had he been thinking? He knew he couldn’t
control his lupine side in Troy’s presence, yet he let him
suck his cock. It was over now. Troy had seen him for what
he truly was and the look on his face… Oh God, Troy had
been scared to death. Had Sawyer really thought it would
have turned out any better? Oh hey, by the way, Troy, I’m a
werewolf. Great, just great. He’d made a mess of things
and now Troy was scared to death of him. Sawyer’s mate
had just slipped through his fingertips. Sawyer heard the
howls of his brothers and kept going. Word would have
spread by now and Sawyer’s father would be out looking
for him too. Sawyer ran along the beach, letting the spray
hit his face, the ice cold water slapping him back to reality.

This was what he was, a werewolf. It hadn’t been by

choice, it was genetics, plain and simple. Now the one
thing he’d always wanted was within reach and Sawyer had
lost it. Sawyer skidded to a stop and smelled the air, he
picked up one scent he knew and one he didn’t. Nick had
been here, no more than an hour ago. Sawyer followed
Nick’s scent down the beach, where it hooked up with the
one Sawyer didn’t know. Both scents led up the beach and
through the forest and stopped at the road. Both of them
had gotten into a car. What the hell was Nick doing out
here? Sawyer’s head turned at the scents of his brothers

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and his father’s as well.

Sawyer’s father nuzzled his face as Sawyer whined.

His brother’s circled him, with little Wyatt nipping at his tail.
Sawyer could feel the pressure of all four of them trying to
talk at once in his head, and he sat down. Sawyer pushed
the lines of communication open to his Father only, at first.
John Quinton’s voice came through loud and clear.

We heard what happened son; it will be alright, you

must have faith.”

Sawyer cocked his head to the side

. “You didn’t see

his face Dad, he was terrified.”

Xander’s voice pushed through the private

conversation and Sawyer nipped at his brother’s hind


Xander circled his brother carefully

. “He will

come around Sawyer. Troy is your mate, he’ll feel the

Sawyer looked at his Father

. “Nick’s been out here,

along with another scent I can’t place. We had a run in with
Nick at the lumber store and he was a bit forward. Now I
smell another scent I can’t place. It’s human and I’ve
smelled it before at the bar. Something’s up Dad.”

John smelled the air; he did smell Nick and another

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human scent.

“One problem at a time, son. Let’s get back

so you can fix this issue with Troy.”

John flipped his tail in

Sawyer’s face and then nipped his ear.

“Come on, it will

work out, I promise.”

Sawyer watched his family take off towards the

reservation, little Wyatt way ahead. God knows he wanted
to see Troy again to try to explain, but the thought of
rejection had him sitting on the forest floor like an idiot.
Sawyer heard his father’s loud howl and sighed. He was
going to have to deal with this sooner or later. Sawyer
hoped that Troy wouldn’t leave before he could plead his
case, because he was falling in love, fast.


Troy was running through the forest, a black wolf was

running with him. Emerald greens eyes were looking right
through Troy and into his soul. He heard voices. Someone
was talking in a low voice. He tried to bring himself back
into consciousness and realized it was Sam and Dakota
talking. The vision of the black wolf came back to Troy’s
mind and then it hit him. Sawyer was the black wolf. He sat
straight up on the couch.

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Sawyer is Little Shit!”

Sam squatted in front of his friend and smiled.

“Welcome back to the land of the living. Yes, Sawyer is
Little Shit. Dakota and I are werewolves as are John,

I get it.” Troy sat up and waved his hand in the air.

“They are all werewolves.” Troy looked at Sam closely. “You
weren’t always one though.”

Dakota stepped forward. “No, he wasn’t. There was

a huge fight and Sam was mortally wounded, I had no
choice. I didn’t want this for him.” Dakota shook his head

But babe,” Sam smiled grabbing his fiancé in his

arms. “It’s so fucking


.” Sam turned and let his gaze

settle on Troy. “You are Sawyer’s mate.”

It took a fraction of a second before Troy fully

processed those words. Then, every National Geographic
special on wolves flashed before his eyes. Wolves mated
for life, Sawyer was Troy’s mate. Troy looked at Dakota
and Sam holding hands. “You’re Dakota’s mate.”

Yes, I am.” Sam took Troy’s hand, trying not to freak

him out. “You are Sawyer’s, is it sinking in?”

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Troy stood up and hung onto the couch. Whoops, a

little too soon to be standing up. His legs were still wobbly
and his heart was beating erratically. Troy hung on and
waited for the feeling to pass; he looked at his friend and
smiled. “I don’t care what Sawyer is, he’s mine. From the
moment I set eyes on Sawyer, I felt it. We have a
connection so strong that I dreamt of Sawyer before we
ever even met. Shit, his face is tattooed on my chest.” Troy
opened his shirt to reveal the black wolf with green eyes on
his right pectoral muscle. “Sawyer’s mine. Now, if you’ll
excuse me.” Troy walked to the door and turned around,
looking at Sam and Dakota. “You should have told me.”

I just did.” Sam smiled and watched his friend walk

out the door.


Troy looked everywhere for Sawyer. He checked

Sawyer’s house again and then his own, there was no sign
of him anywhere. God, he’d been an idiot. He’d made
Sawyer feel like shit. The look in Sawyer’s eyes when Troy
had seen him, Sawyer had been hurt to his core. Why
shouldn’t he? Troy had pretty much looked at Sawyer like

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he was defective; God knows Sawyer was anything but. He
was sweet and caring and Troy was falling for him. Five
black wolves came running out of the forest and all stopped
in their tracks, looking at Troy. Four of them nuzzled one of
them, and then took off towards the Quinton house.

Troy stood watching the one black wolf left. They

were maybe a hundred feet or so from one another, but
Troy knew those eyes anywhere. The wolf turned, headed
after the other four and Troy opened his mouth, he would
not lose Sawyer.

Sawyer.” Troy watched as Sawyer stopped and

stood still. “I’m so sorry that I freaked out, Sawyer.” Troy
made his way closer carefully; he didn’t want Sawyer to run
before he got the chance to explain. “I don’t care that you’re
a werewolf, I’ve seen how you are as a person and that’s all
that matters. Please forgive me for the way I behaved,
Sawyer. I want to be with you.” Troy was within five feet
before Sawyer turned all the way around and fully looked at

God, you are so beautiful, in either form.” Troy

whispered getting down on his knees to be level with
Sawyer. “Please tell me I didn’t screw this up.” Troy waited,
eyes closed, and felt Sawyer’s cold nose on his cheek.
Troy opened his eyes and saw Sawyer’s green ones

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looking back at him. Sawyer licked Troy’s face and almost
crawled in his lap. He felt Sawyer’s soft fur in his hands and
hugged him hard. “Let’s go back to your house and talk.


Troy sat on the couch and waited for Sawyer to

come back out. He hadn’t said a word on the walk back to
Sawyer’s house, on the off chance he’d fuck something up
and say something stupid. Troy felt sweat on his brow and
wiped it off with the sleeve of his shirt. It was strange to find
out something you thought was just a myth, really existed.
Sawyer came out in jeans and a black t-shirt and sat at the
other end of the couch.

You don’t have to sit so far away Sawyer; I’m not

scared you’re going to bite me.” Troy reached for Sawyer’s
hand. “I know you’d never hurt me.”

Sawyer tried to smile; he wanted to believe Troy

was ok with everything

, needed

to believe that. They were

mates, they belonged together and Sawyer wanted to feel it
as well as know it. “I should have said something.”

Like what? Hey Troy, by the way you know Little

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Shit? Yeah, that’s me.” Troy chuckled and pulled Sawyer
onto his lap, his fingertips traced Sawyer’s jaw line then his
soft lips. “You are mine Sawyer Quinton.” Troy pulled
Sawyer down to his lips and kissed him. Deep long strokes
of his tongue inside Sawyer’s warm, moist mouth had Troy
hardening, and he pulled Sawyer down on top of him. “I
want you to make love to me, Sawyer.”

Sawyer’s eyes widened. “But…I haven’t….you know


I do know.” Troy stood up, taking Sawyer into his

arms. They made their way into Sawyer’s room and Troy
set Sawyer on the bed. He took Sawyer’s shirt off and then
his own. “Do you want me?”

Yes.” Sawyer nodded.

Sawyer looked at the man in front of him and felt his

heart pounding. He did want to touch Troy and make love to
him, he just didn’t know how. Sawyer crawled to the end of
the bed and ran his hands up Troy’s strong thighs. His
fingertips played with the button on Troy’s jeans and
popped it out of the material. The zipper came down with
little effort and Sawyer peeled back the denim to see Troy’s
black briefs tented. Sawyer licked his lips in appreciation
and leaned in to nibble on Troy’s cock through the cotton
material. Heat radiated from Troy’s cock and Sawyer
buried his nose within the crease of Troy’s groin, inhaling
deep. His senses went into overdrive and Sawyer pulled

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the briefs down, letting Troy’s cock out. A drop of precum
glistened on Troy’s toned abdominal muscles, along with a
bubble on the tip of his cock. Sawyer wanted that taste in
his mouth, on his tongue.

He’d never given anyone head before. Hell, no one

had ever sucked his cock, until Troy. Sawyer took a look at
the beautiful prick in his hand, tanned like the rest of Troy.
The perfect mushroom cap sat waiting to be sucked and
Sawyer obliged it. His tongue took a tentative swipe at the
head, licking the precum from the soft tip. Sawyer felt Troy’s
hands tangle in his hair. Another soft gasp came from
above him as Sawyer ran his tongue around the tip of
Troy’s cock, tongue sliding through the warm slit, inviting
more precum to the surface. It didn’t take too many noises
from Troy to get Sawyer amped up, his cock was already
rock hard and he fisted it while licking Troy’s cock. Oh
yeah, baby. He was a multi-tasking fool. Who would have
known? Sawyer kept licking Troy’s cock in long slow
strokes. Once he’d gotten the hang of that, his mouth
latched onto Troy and sucked hard.

Oh fuck, oh God, Sawyer…” Troy’s hips bucked and

he fought for control as Sawyer sucked the head of his
aching prick. He looked down to see Sawyer’s cheeks
hollowed as he sucked more of Troy in, taking him in
deeper, all while sucking harder. “Sawyer…oh shit, I’m
going to cum…”

Sawyer held on and sucked Troy in as far as he

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could, almost gagging on his length. His jaw was sore, but
he kept his rhythm, bobbing up and down, hanging onto
Troy’s ass as an anchor, pulling his cock in further. Sawyer
felt Troy’s cock expand in his mouth and then a warm salty
mixture coated his tongue and throat. Sawyer moaned and
swallowed. Troy’s taste enveloped his mouth, rushing over
his taste buds. God, he loved the taste of Troy. Sawyer kept
sucking until Troy was semi hard in his mouth and then
pulled away slowly, looking up into Troy’s eyes. Troy’s half
lidded expression had Sawyer wanting to make love to him.

Sawyer removed Troy’s jeans and briefs the rest of

the way and sat him on the bed to remove his shoes and
socks. While Troy lay on his back, Sawyer removed the rest
of his own clothing, watching Troy’s cock hardening again.
Sawyer stood naked, looking at Troy on the bed. He
actually felt his mouth filling with saliva. The smell of arousal
filled the room and Sawyer’s eyes went monochrome as he
looked at Troy naked on the bed. “Oh God, you are so
beautiful, Troy.”

So are you.” Troy looked over Sawyer’s naked

form. “Do you have lube?”

I have Vaseline.” Sawyer smiled.

That works.” Troy nodded. He waited for Sawyer to

come back from the bathroom. Sawyer came back with the
container and Troy looked over his body again. “Come
here.” Troy put his hand out and Sawyer took it, crawling

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between Troy’s legs. He spread them out, allowing Sawyer
to drop between them. Their eyes locked on each other as
Troy grabbed the container of Vaseline and spread it over
Sawyer’s first three fingers. “Put one in first, okay?”

Okay,” Sawyer nodded.

Sawyer took his index finger, running it down the

crease of Troy’s ass. He ran it up and down until he found
Troy’s quivering hole. Sawyer pushed in slowly, breaching
the ring of muscles in Troy’s sphincter. Sawyer felt the
muscles spasm and tighten around his finger as he
continued to push upward. “Is this okay?”

Yes.” Troy breathed.

Troy bit his bottom lip. Fuck, but it’d been a long

time. His ass was already on fire. Troy coaxed another one
of Sawyer’s fingers inside and gasped at the pain in his
chute as Sawyer began to twist and scissor them inside.
“Add another one.” Troy felt his stomach knotting up as
Sawyer pushed in up to the knuckle. Small tremors ran
through Troy’s body as Sawyer bent to kiss him, keeping
his fingers deep inside Troy.

Fuck…” Sawyer dove inside Troy’s mouth, taking it

as he pushed his fingers up and in as far as they could go.
Troy moaned loud in his mouth and Sawyer removed his
fingers slowly, feeling them leave the warmth of Troy’s ass.
Troy whimpered and Sawyer shoved them back in. He

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hadn’t meant to be rough, but his lupine side was emerging
now and God help him, he wanted Troy. Just the



Troy’s ass wrapped around his fingers, the warmth spread
from his fingertips and directly to his cock. Sawyer wanted
Troy, now. He grabbed the Vaseline and spread a
generous amount on his cock, making sure to drop extra on
Troy’s ass and massage Troy’s already lubed and aching
hole. He positioned himself and rubbed the head of his
prick up and down Troy’s crease. He could feel Troy’s legs
quivering. Sawyer ran his hand in smooth circles around his
thigh, trying to relax him.

Are you sure?” Sawyer rubbed the head of his cock

over Troy’s puckered hole, waiting for the signal from his
mate. God, he didn’t know if he could hold out, his prick
jumped in his hand with anticipation. He was about to make
love for the first time with his mate. The one he’d waited for,
the one he’d craved for twenty four years, and now that time
was here. Sawyer’s hand shook at the thought of not being
able to please Troy. What if he sucked?

I am, don’t worry. I’ll help. Just do what comes

naturally, okay?” Troy spread his legs out and hooked his
arms under his thighs, rearing up and presenting himself.
The pure look of admiration on Sawyer’s face was
beautiful. Troy pulled him down and took his lips in a feather
soft kiss. He manipulated Sawyer’s lower body closer to his
own and grabbed Sawyer’s thighs, pulling him in. “It’s okay,
just go slow and a little at a time.”

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Alright.” Sawyer did just that. It took every bit of

strength he possessed, but Sawyer pushed in little by little,
feeling Troy’s tunnel relax a little more around the invasion.
Sawyer’s arms shook as he got half way in and his eyes
shifted, his teeth elongated and he tried to pull out. He felt
Troy’s hands on his arms and he opened his eyes to see
Troy looking at him.

What’s wrong?” Troy slid his hand up and down

Sawyer’s arm, trying to relax him. White fangs protruded
from under Sawyer’s top lip and Troy smiled, pulling it up
and taking a good look at them. Sawyer’s eyes glowed in
the dark, reflecting a green glassy beacon and Troy smiled,
pulling Sawyer back down to his lips. “Don’t hide from me,
baby. I want to see all of it.” Troy kissed Sawyer’s lips,
running his tongue over the smooth canines that peeked out
beneath. “Come on, keep going.” Troy pushed his hips up,
taking more of Sawyer’s cock in.

Sawyer tried to back away. His claws tore through

his fingers as he slid further into Troy’s warmth. His sac
heavy with need, Sawyer pushed in the rest of the way and
cried out. “I can’t hold it.” Sawyer squeezed his eyes shut. “I
don’t want to come yet.” Sawyer felt pressure at the top of
his aching sac and then the need to come lessened. He
looked down to see Troy’s fingers wrapped around the top

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of his ball sac. “What…what did you do?”

Troy smiled and winked. “I’m your human testicle

cuff. I’m keeping you from coming, well at least for a few
seconds.” Troy pushed his hips up and felt Sawyer’s prick
slide in further, filling him up. “Okay. I’m going to let go.
When I do, I want you to do what feels good.”

Sawyer almost laughed out loud. “Everything feels

good.” Sawyer moved his hips in a circular motion, feeling
all the ridges in Troy’s warm, tight ass. Seconds seem to
pass as Sawyer slid in and out of Troy’s warm chute over
and over again. Sawyer’s need to come became almost
painful. As his spine snapped, a white hot pain shot through
his prick, his balls exploded and Sawyer saw stars as he
emptied his balls into Troy. Sawyer’s hip’s bucked and
jerked as he came and came and came. He felt his teeth
itching and the need to bite Troy came over Sawyer, hitting
him like a hammer. Sawyer wanted to mark him and make
him his. He collapsed on Troy, keeping his head off to the
side. Sawyer panted, trying to regain his breath. “God, I’m

A chuckle escaped Troy’s lips. “For what? That was

nothing to be sorry for.” Troy ran his hand over the soft skin
of Sawyer’s back. He almost expected to find fur, but it was

Sawyer kept his lips and teeth away from Troy’s

neck as he spoke. “You didn’t get relief. I can still feel how

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hard you are on my stomach.” Sawyer eased back on his
hands and brought his chest flush with Troy’s thighs. “I can
take care of it.” Sawyer ran his tongue through Troy’s
precome moistened slit, making sure their eyes were
locked as he did it.

Troy’s hips jerked as Sawyer ran his tongue up the

length of Troy’s hard prick then trailed a path back down,
swiping at his balls with a quick flick of his tongue. “Oh
God, you’re getting good at that.” Troy’s mouth hung open
as Sawyer licked him again and again from shaft to tip,
then engulfed his entire prick down to his pubes. “Oh fuck!”
Troy’s sensitive cock met with the back of Sawyer’s throat
and his engorged balls let loose. “Oh shit, Sawyer!”

Hot semen rushed down Sawyer’s throat once

again. Sawyer licked and sucked and kept on sucking
every last drop from Troy until Troy was semi hard in his
mouth and Sawyer had sucked every ounce of pleasure
from him. Sawyer sat back and rested on his shins,
watching Troy’s face in the dark. The man was beautiful.
“Feel better?” Sawyer smiled, leaning over to kiss Troy’s

I can’t move.” Troy moaned and sighed as Sawyer

licked and kissed his way back up to his face. He looked
into Sawyer’s green eyes and felt his heart beat faster.

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Sawyer was his. “I think I may pass out now.”

Sawyer nestled into Troy’s side and kissed his neck.

He felt Troy pulling him in even closer and he closed his
eyes, breathing in the scent of his mate. Sawyer could still
taste Troy in his mouth and his dick started rising again. He
didn’t think he’d ever be able to get enough of Troy. Tonight
had been the best night of his life. He’d lost his virginity to
his mate just like he had always planned. “Troy?”

Mm hmm?”

You think maybe next time you could make love to

me? I mean you know, if you wanted to, not that you
wouldn’t. I just—”

Troy cupped Sawyer’s face with his hands and dove

into Sawyer’s open mouth. Their tongues met, a soft moan
emitted from Sawyer’s mouth. Troy pulled away from the
kiss with great effort. God, he loved Sawyer’s lips. “Yes, I
would love to make love to you. Now go to bed.” Troy
slapped Sawyer’s ass playfully.

Oooh, I like spankings.” Sawyer giggled.

Troy chuckled. Sawyer was downright adorable in

playful mode. He wrapped Sawyer up tight in his arms and
placed a kiss on his forehead. “Good night.” Troy heard a
soft sigh and Sawyer mumbled in the crook of his neck.
Troy closed his eyes and thought about what he’d seen
today. Sure he’d freaked out, but part of him had already

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known. Hadn’t he? Somewhere deep inside, he’d known
Sawyer was the wolf in his dreams and on his chest.
Somehow he’d known the minute he looked into Sawyer’s
eyes. His mind just fought it. This time, when sleep came,
Troy’s dreams were good ones.

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~~Chapter Eight~~

Troy woke up before Sawyer. The peaceful look on

Sawyer’s face told Troy so much. Now that the truth was
out, Sawyer was exhausted. It must have been pure hell for
Sawyer to control his wolf side around him. Hell, Troy was
having a hard time controlling himself around Sawyer. Troy
kissed Sawyer’s shoulder softly and slipped out of bed
quietly. He didn’t know how quiet he needed to be. How
well did wolves hear? Troy shook his head and went into
the kitchen to find coffee. He couldn’t function without it. He
opened the kitchen curtains to see a soft blanket of snow
on the ground. Again, what was with the snow in April? As
soon as the coffee was done, Troy found a cup in the
cabinet, along with some sugar.

He opened the pantry and found all sorts of coffee

creamers. Troy smiled. Oh yeah, Sawyer was his mate

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alright. Troy went about making breakfast. He made
biscuits from scratch, using what he found in Sawyer’s
pantry and put them in the oven to cook. Sausage and
bacon sat on low on the burner as Troy whipped up eggs
and hash browns. Once everything was done, the food went
into the oven to stay warm and Troy put his shoes on and
headed to the front porch. He sat on the glider bench and
looked at the view. Miles of forest surrounded them, leaving
a thick covering of pine needles and cones in its wake.
Troy was blowing the hot coffee when he heard a twig
cracking off to his right. He turned his head and saw a large
black wolf with brown eyes. Sam.

Well good morning, asshole.” Troy smiled, sipping

his coffee. Sam’s head cocked to one side and Troy had to
laugh. “Oh, you understood that, huh?” Troy watched as
Sam approached slowly, looking from side to side. “What
is it boy? Did Timmy fall down the well?” Troy almost
pissed himself. He swore Sam raised an eyebrow at him.
Sam sat down in front of Troy and sniffed at the coffee in
his cup. “Would you like some of this?” Troy waved the
steaming cup under Sam’s nose and watched as Sam’s
eyes followed it back and forth. Troy chuckled when Sam
got a bit frustrated with his game. Troy stood up and
opened the door to the house. “Go to the back room, I have
some jeans that should fit. Don’t wake up Sawyer.”

Troy sat back down and sipped his coffee. His eyes

locked on a set of footprints in the snow and he got up,

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setting his coffee down. The footsteps led around the side
of the house and stopped in front of a window, the guest
room window. The hair on Troy’s neck stood straight up
and he looked to see where the footsteps went from there.
He followed them around to the back of the house where
they stopped by the deck. Sam’s voice interrupted his
thoughts and almost scared him to death.

What is it?” Sam looked around.

Troy looked at the ground. The footsteps were

slightly covered with snow which meant the person had
been out while it had still been snowing. “Someone was

Sam sniffed the air and went around to the other

side of the deck. Paw prints could be seen in the snow, but
no foot prints. “I’ve got paw prints over here, but no sign of
anything else.” Sam bent down and inhaled deep. “The
scent’s not familiar.” Sam saw Dakota in wolf form making
his way down to them and smiled. Dakota sniffed the air
and tilted his head. Sam smiled at his mate’s confused
look. “I know, I don’t recognize it either, babe.”

Huh?” Troy turned and put his hand to his chest.

“Jesus! Could you give a guy some warning maybe,
Dakota?” Troy could have sworn he heard Dakota chuckle
and he pulled his tail, hearing a small yelp. “Serves you
right.” Troy checked the deck, looking at every bolt closely.
What if someone was out to hurt Sawyer? Troy looked at a

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few of the nuts and bolts, making sure each one was still
tight and found three that weren’t. They had been yesterday,
Troy had done those himself. Now Troy was in a panic,
someone was trying to hurt either him or Sawyer. “These
are loose, Sam. They weren’t before.”

Sam looked at Dakota. “Go get John, tell him we

need the fingerprint kit.” Sam turned, looking back at Troy.
“We’ll test all of them. Maybe we can get a partial off one.”

Troy looked at the footprints. “Maybe we can get

some plaster out here? Does John have any?” Troy looked
around. The feeling that came over him was not a good
one. Someone had been watching them.

Sam put his hands on Troy’s shoulders and smiled.

“John will bring the whole kit, relax. In the meantime, I think
you and I have some work to do.”

Sam and Troy cased the entire area, following the

footsteps down into the forest area. When they couldn’t see
them anymore, they sent Grayson and Xander in to “smell”
for them. The footsteps went out to the highway and
stopped. John took moldings of the footprints at the house
and the tire tracks at the highway.

Sam looked down the deserted highway and then

back at Troy. “We will figure this out.”

We better, because if anyone tries to hurt Sawyer.”

Troy looked at John, Grayson and Xander. “I will kill them.”

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Sawyer woke up and rolled over, finding a cold spot

where it should have been warm. He was pretty damn sure
a sexy man should have been there naked, too. He rolled
over and looked at the time. It was nine in the morning.
Sawyer sat up and stretched his arms out, looking around
the room. Troy’s pants were gone, but his bag was still
there. Sawyer felt his shoulders relaxing, Troy hadn’t left. He
could hear voices out by the side of the house and threw his
sweats on, deciding to investigate. His Father was outside
with his brothers, talking to not only Troy, but Sam and
Dakota too.

Okay. Did I miss a meeting this morning?” Sawyer

took the steps down the front porch and his nose picked up
the scent of Nick. Sawyer’s head snapped up and he
looked at the men around him. “Nick was here, and that
other scent is here too.”

Troy looked at Sawyer and made his way over to

him, taking his hand. “What do you mean Nick was here?
What other scent do you smell?”

I smelled Nick before, at the bar and then again

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here.” Sawyer followed the paw prints. “He went to the
beach. We can’t track him in the water.”

Sam looked at Troy and raised an eyebrow. “Did the

bar have cameras?”

Yeah, I saw some in the parking lot.” Troy smiled at

Sam. “You thinking what I’m thinking? Wait, Shit. I was
supposed to go into Tacoma and take the truck in.”

Xander jumped into the conversation. “I can take it in

and Gray can follow me in his truck. Problem solved.”

Troy narrowed his eyes at Xander. “Do not fuck with

my Truck Xander. I mean it.”

Xander put his hands up in his defense. “Why would

I do that?”

Because you will, it’s in your blood.” Troy looked at

the deck, then at Sawyer. “Well, we have some work to do.”


As soon as John dusted for prints, the group went to

work on the deck. Troy was on the roof with Sam, getting
the pulley ready to lift the floor portion of the deck onto the

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stilts. Sawyer double checked everything before the deck
was lowered and then he and Dakota fastened the top
portion on. Fasteners were checked and rechecked and
Troy and Sam stood on the deck, doing another once over
before allowing anyone to step foot on it. By the time they’d
finished looking the deck over from top to bottom, it was
four in the afternoon. Troy looked out at the view of the
ocean and put his arm around Sawyer, kissing his

God, I missed it here.” Troy watched the waves

rolling in on the beach. He couldn’t imagine being anywhere
else now. He had a family.

Sam clapped Troy on the back. “We should get

showered and changed. We have a bar to visit tonight.”

After everyone had left, Sawyer climbed into the

shower and let the hot water hit his sore body. The thought
that someone was watching them made his skin crawl. It
couldn’t be Nick. Could it? Sawyer didn’t see Nick as the
stalker type, but jealousy could make a person do almost
anything. Sawyer closed his eyes as the water warmed his
skin and eased pain from muscles. He felt hands sliding up
his shoulders and leaned back into Troy. “Well, hello there.”

Troy massaged Sawyer’s ass, spreading the

cheeks apart and running his finger up and down the

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crease. “I love your butt.” Troy squeezed the soft flesh,
working his fingers into Sawyer’s firm globes and kissed
Sawyer’s shoulder, running his tongue across his back.
Troy’s cock was already standing straight up, trying to get a
good look around and Troy knew they would be fucking in
the shower if he didn’t put a stop to this soon.

His brain forgot to talk to his hands, because the

next moment, he was fisting Sawyer’s cock and his tongue
was invading Sawyer’s ass. Troy had one hand pulling
Sawyer’s ass cheek aside so he could lap at his crease,
and the other hand was pumping in time to his tongue.
Sawyer’s soft moans and heavy breathing reverberated in
the small bathroom as Troy licked his way down to
Sawyer’s tiny hole.

Sawyer’s hips bucked and he held onto the wall as

Troy’s tongue swiped his asshole. Sawyer spread his legs
out as Troy shoved his face in Sawyer’s ass, licking and
diving into the warmth, all while pumping his cock. “Oh
God…” Sawyer breathed.

Come on baby.” Troy knew Sawyer was close. His

ass clenched around Troy’s tongue and his cock hardened
even further. Troy shoved his thumb inside Sawyer, along
with his tongue and that was it. Sawyer let loose with a loud
howl and jets of hot semen spurt all over the bathroom wall
and Troy’s hand. Troy kept stroking Sawyer’s cock until his
hips stopped bucking, then made his way around to look
into Sawyer’s flushed face. He pulled his face up gently and

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looked into Sawyer’s eyes. “Are you ok?”

Oh my God…” Sawyer’s legs shook and goose

bumps popped up on his arms. “I’ve never had that done
before. I mean, I’ve read about it and stuff, but I didn’t think
it would feel that good.” Sawyer blushed crimson. “It was

Troy took Sawyer in his arms and held him. He was

falling for this man, head over heels, as the saying goes. He
would have fallen for him even if they weren’t mates. “God,
you are so good for my ego.” Troy kissed Sawyer lips and
ran his tongue around the top one. “Do you want to taste?”

Sawyer licked his lips. He was curious. Rim jobs

were supposedly taboo, but hell, that had been fantastic.
Sawyer’s tongue came out to meet Troy’s and they rubbed
against each other. Sawyer tasted himself. It wasn’t that
bad at all. Sawyer had completely forgotten about
everything else as Troy’s tongue investigated his mouth. He
hung onto Troy’s neck, twining his legs around Troy’s hips.
“We should go to the bedroom.” Sawyer moaned against
Troy’s lips.

Okay.” Troy grabbed a towel and stepped out, with

Sawyer still attached him. “But we are not having sex.”

Sawyer pouted. “Party pooper.”

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The Beaver Bar was packed and Troy and Sam

went to find the owner, while Sawyer and Dakota waited for
a pool table. Sawyer looked around to see if the same guys
from the last time were around, but he didn’t see them.
Dakota went to secure them a table and Sawyer’s eyes
scanned the room. He didn’t smell Nick or the other scent
from before. The fact that someone had been around the
house spying, had made Sawyer very uncomfortable. He
didn’t have any enemies that he knew of, and he didn’t think
Nick was the kind of guy to go as far as sabotaging a deck.
Not when Nick knew Sawyer’s brothers could be out there
at any time. Sawyer saw Dakota waving him over and
smiled, walking over to the empty pool table.

Dakota got a cue stick, twirling it in his fingers. “So, I

hear you play pool, and well.”

Sawyer laughed and grabbed his own cue stick,

watching as Dakota racked the billiard balls. “Why yes I do,
do I have competition?”

Well, seeing how I played a lot to make money.”

Dakota arched a brow. “Maybe.”

Ah, a fellow hustler.” Sawyer chuckled and leaned

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over the table to break. “Let’s see what happens.” Sawyer
took the first shot, breaking the balls and sending them to
different pockets on the table. “Stripes I believe.” Sawyer
smiled and made his way around the table for his next shot.
“Can I ask you something, Dakota?”

Dakota took a swig of his beer and nodded. “Sure.”

Sawyer concentrated on his next shot and sunk the

ball in. “Did you know right away that Sam was your mate? I
mean, did you feel something when he touched you?”

Dakota smiled and watched Sam talking to the bar

owner with Troy. “I felt something when he looked at me. It
was like he was meant for me.” Dakota sighed, thinking
about Sam’s hands on his body, touching him, kissing him.
Dakota shook his head clear and laughed. “Even now, I get
all worked up just thinking about him. God, he was so calm
when he saw me shift. There was no screaming or running,
just Sam staring at me with his mouth hanging open. From
then on, I knew we’d be okay. Sam is special.”

Sawyer nodded, sneaking peeks at Troy. “The

minute I smelled Troy, I just knew. My body went all wonky. I
know that sounds weird,” Sawyer saw Dakota smile and
nod. “Or not. But damn, I’ve never been so happy that I
saved myself for my mate.” Sawyer blushed and let his
gaze drop. “He was so patient with me, and then my eyes
and teeth changed and he…” Sawyer felt his cock twitch
and tried to ignore the feeling in his belly. Warmth flooded

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his body and crept into his cheeks. “He was just so



Sawyer whispered and leaned closer to Dakota. “He licked
my fangs. I mean, how hot is that?”

Damn.” Dakota looked at Troy standing with his

mate. “That


sexy.” Dakota laughed and watched, as

Sawyer missed his shot. “Ah, so now I know how to mess
with your head.”

Sawyer cursed under his breath, his whole body was

a mess of emotions as Troy leaned over the bar, showing
off his gorgeous tight ass. “God, he’s so



Well, let’s hope they’re making some headway on

who might’ve keyed Troy’s truck.” Dakota met Sam’s eyes
and that brief gaze told Dakota everything he needed to
know. At least about what Sam was thinking at that
moment, that is.


Troy was listening to Dan the bartender go on and

on about how the people that came to his bar were
regulars, and how he’d never had problems with any of
them before. Troy shook his head and tried to keep his
anger in check. “Look dude, I’m not saying it was one of

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your patrons, alright? Now, can we please take a look at
the surveillance footage from two nights ago?”

Dan grumbled a bit, but in the end allowed Sam and

Troy to look at the tape. They sat in the back office and
rewound the tape to two nights before. Troy forward to the
time they’d pulled up and hit ‘Play’. Both of them waited and
not long after Troy and Sawyer had exited the car and gone
outside, a hooded man came into view. Troy hit ‘pause’
and he and Sam tried to make the picture bigger.

Do you have a zoom function on this?” Troy looked

at Dan. “Or is this the best we get?” Troy rolled his eyes as
Dan shrugged his shoulders. “Great, so this is what we
get.” Troy looked closer. “Maybe five foot eleven? Not too
muscular and his feet are small.” Troy narrowed his eyes at
the screen. “White guy. Damn, I wish we could see this
guy’s face.”

There he goes, keying the truck. Damn, he doesn’t

look up once, like he knows the cameras are there.” Sam
watched as the guy keyed the truck in one long movement,
then looked around before moving off-camera. “Shit, that’s
it?” Sam stood up and made Dan sit down. “Does this guy
look at all familiar?”

Dan sighed and rewound the tape, watching again.

“I’m sorry, I don’t recognize him.”

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Like you’d tell us if you did.” Troy folded his arms

across his chest, looking at Dan. “I didn’t come in here that
night to cause problems, but your guys fucked with my
boyfriend.” Troy leaned over into Dan’s face. “I don’t take
kindly to people fucking with my man.”

I’m not a homophobe, dude. Okay?” Dan stood up,

backing against the wall. “I got nothing against you or your
friends and if I happen to see this guy again, I’ll call you,

Sam looked at Dan and almost chuckled. The guy

was scared shitless. “Look, whoever this guy is, he didn’t
stop at keying Troy’s truck. He managed to make his way
out to the reservation and fuck with my friend’s deck. A
deck that, at one point, will have kids on it. So, you can see
where we would be a little alarmed and wanting to know
who this guy is.”

Dan nodded and looked at the two giant men in his

office. “I got it, and I will call if I see this guy at all.”

Thanks, I appreciate it.” Troy put his hand out and

Dan nervously shook it. “Now, we’ll let you get back to work
and we’ll get back to our men.”


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The rest of the night was spent with Sam and Troy

losing game after game of pool. Of course they’d bet
sexual favors. Sawyer figured out quite quickly, along with
Dakota, that their men (even if they did play well) would
have lost on purpose. Troy was a little drunk by the time
they were finished and Sawyer had to laugh at him
wobbling around, once they got home. More than once,
Troy walked into a wall and Sawyer took his arm, leading
him down the hallway to the bedroom. Once there, he took
Troy’s shoes and socks off. He worked his belt, pulling it
off, and then started on his jeans. Troy was giggling the
whole time and Sawyer couldn’t help but smile at the
gorgeous man spread out like a buffet on his bed.


Sawyer giggled and took Troy’s shirt by the hem,

pulling it up. It got stuck on Troy’s top teeth on its way over
his head and Troy almost fell off the bed laughing. “Troy,
stop moving,” Sawyer laughed and untangled the shirt from
Troy’s teeth, pulling it the rest of the way off. Troy’s face
was absolute perfection and Sawyer ran his fingertips over
the soft skin of Troy’s jaw line. “You are the most gorgeous
man I’ve ever seen, Troy.”

Troy stopped laughing and looked into Sawyer’s

beautiful eyes. “I want to see your teeth.” Troy leaned in and

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ran his tongue across the seam of Sawyer’s lips, sliding
into the warmth. His hands grabbed at Sawyer’s hips,
pulling him closer. “I want you to lose control.” Troy pulled at
Sawyer’s jeans, sliding his hand down the back of them
and played at the cleft of his ass. His finger slid lower and
he found Sawyer’s puckered hole. “I want to lick it again,
taste you.” Troy slid the tip of his finger in and out of
Sawyer’s bud, feeling it quiver under his touch. “You want
me to, don’t you? Want me to eat your ass again? Say it
Sawyer, tell me you want to feel my tongue in your ass.”

I want to feel all of you.” Sawyer let out a strangled

groan as Troy’s tongue dove in deep licking his mouth in
deep long strokes. It was absolute heaven, Troy’s finger
was in his ass and Sawyer wanted to feel him inside. He
felt Troy’s hand at the waistband of his jeans and Sawyer
helped him get them off. He sat naked on Troy’s lap, legs
wrapped around his lover’s waist, hands tunneling through
Troy’s hair. Their mouths half open licking at each other,
sucking each other’s tongues and Sawyer’s aching prick
begged to be touched. His ass begged for fulfillment,
although, God knows he’d never had anything up there save
for the tip of his index finger. He was pretty sure Troy’s cock
was a lot bigger than that. “Make love to me Troy.”

Troy stopped and looked into Sawyer’s eyes. So

much was there to read. Sawyer’s lust and want was
evident, but there was also a hint of fear. Troy wasn’t
exactly sober and he wanted to be clear headed when he

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finally made love to Sawyer. “I will, but not tonight.” Troy
moved Sawyer onto his hands and knees and sat behind
him. He spread Sawyer’s ass cheeks apart and watched
Sawyer’s asshole wink at him. “I want to hear you.” Troy
leaned in and took one long lick from Sawyer’s balls up.

Ohhh Fuck! Jesus, you’re going to have a two

hundred pound wolf in your lap.” Sawyer hissed through his
teeth as Troy licked his hole, tickling around the sides.
Troy’s tongue was a nonstop whirlwind of pleasure. It was
everywhere. Little bites around sensitive skin, tongue
spearing in and out. Thumbs propped Sawyer’s ass open
and God help him, Sawyer wanted to scream and rub his
cock on the blanket to get some kind of friction on his now
red and angry prick.

Fuck yeah, I want to hear you, babe. Come on and

growl for me.” Troy stuck his thumb in Sawyer’s ass and
pushed past the ring of muscles, feeling his thumb
swallowed up by Sawyer’s sphincter. “Fuck, so tight babe.
You’re so fucking tight.” Pressing Sawyer open, Troy
speared his tongue inside again and flicked it. Sawyer’s
ass jumped and Troy did it again.

Troy.” Sawyer could feel his dick weeping with

precum as Troy continued to flick his ass, then dive in. “Oh
God.” Sawyer closed his eyes and felt a finger sliding in,

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his ass clenching around the intrusion. “Oh, oh,” Sawyer
backed up and felt the finger slide in, tickling his spine.

How’s that, baby?” Troy slicked another finger wet

in his mouth and pushed it in alongside the first one.
Sawyer’s chute swallowed it up and Troy felt his cock
leaking drops of pre- ejaculate on the bed. “God babe, so
hot and tight.” Troy reached around Sawyer’s body and
fisted his cock as his fingers continued their dive into
Sawyer’s ass. “Tell me how it feels.”

Ungh.” Sawyer wanted to cry. Troy was finally

pumping his cock in nice slow drags, rough fingers sliding
around the sensitive rim, making Sawyer’s body shiver. He
moved with Troy’s fingers, backing his ass up and sending
them further up his tunnel. He’d never had something so far
up his ass and his cock was screaming to cum. “Troy, I
can’t hold it.” Troy’s hand twisted at the crown of his cock
and Sawyer’s dick jerked in Troy’s hand. Sawyer’s throat
constricted and a loud growl resonated through the room.

Oh fuck, that’s hot.” Troy kept his fingers inside

Sawyer’s hot, moist chute and crawled under him, taking
Sawyer’s leaking, turgid prick into his mouth. Keeping his
two fingers safely snug in Sawyer’s ass, Troy grabbed
Sawyer’s enlarged sac and squeezed the top, while he
sucked Sawyer’s cock down his throat in one fluid
movement. Troy heard the loud moan above him from
Sawyer and sucked harder, his tongue playing along the
root of Sawyer’s prick, sliding up while he suctioned

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Sawyer to the back of his throat over and over again.

Oh God, oh god, oh god!” Sawyer’s eyes went

monochrome and his fangs exploded through his gums. His
body jerked as his balls emptied hot, hard and fast into
Troy’s waiting mouth. Sawyer held onto the head board as
his body kept coming, he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to.
Jets of spunk hit Troy’s mouth, forehead and hair as
Sawyer kept coming. Sweat poured from every part of
Sawyer’s body as his body jerked, the whole time Troy’s
fingers were lodged in his ass, teasing him. “Troy. Oh God,

Troy licked the still engorged head of Sawyer’s prick

and removed his fingers slowly. Sawyer collapsed on top of
him and Troy pulled himself up, while pushing Sawyer
down. Troy looked at Sawyer’s face and moved the stray,
sweat soaked hair from his forehead, placing soft kisses
on his eyes. “You look beautiful in the afterglow.” Troy saw
the small smile that played at Sawyer’s lips. “Next time, I will
make love to you, Sawyer.”

Promise?” Sawyer closed his eyes and listened to

Troy’s heartbeat. Everything was magnified. His sense of
smell, sight, and hearing and more importantly, the feel of
Troy’s warm skin on his own. It was like being wrapped up
in a warm blanket or sitting in a warm bath. Being with Troy
was just plain comforting.

Oh yeah,” Troy pulled Sawyer closer and ran his

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hands down his perfect skin. “I promise.” It didn’t take long
before Troy heard Sawyer’s even breathing, signaling he’d
fallen asleep. Troy ran his hands through Sawyer’s velvety
hair and kissed his lips softly. Everything about Sawyer was
tantalizing and exquisite. It was hard to believe he was a
werewolf at times. He had long, beautiful delicate fingers,
which Troy could envision penciling the plans for the deck.
He had a face that could only be described as striking, with
a thin nose, strong square jaw and high cheek bones. But
the eyes, the eyes had captured Troy from the first moment
he’d seen them. Sawyer mumbled in his sleep and Troy
pulled him in closer, feeling the heat radiate through his
body. “I’m falling for you.” He whispered.

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~~Chapter Nine~~

Soft knocking had Sawyer blinking his eyes awake.

He was plastered to Troy and they were both covered in
sweat. Sawyer got up and grabbed a pair of sweat pants
off the chair in the corner of the room, trying to put them on
as he went to answer the door. The soft, but insistent
knocking continued and Sawyer finally reached the door
and flung it open. His father stood on the front porch,
holding his hat in his hand.

Dad?” Sawyer moved aside and let his Father in

the house. He went to the kitchen and started making
coffee. “What brings you here Dad? Is everything alright?”

John sighed and sat down on the table, twirling his

hat in his hand. “No, it’s not son.” John twisted in the chair
and tried to keep the worry from his face. “Troy’s parents’
house was broken into last night. They broke all the
windows and wrote graffiti all over the walls. They also
slashed his bed with a knife, along with most of his

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Sawyer stood looking at his father, with his jaw

hanging open. Why would someone do that to Troy? “Do
you have any leads? Did they leave fingerprints?” Sawyer
sat down at the kitchen table and looked at his Father.
“You’re worried.”

John looked at his son. “Of course I am, this was a

direct attack on Troy and you are with him all the time. What
if something happens to you, Sawyer? I can’t lose another
person in my life, not after your Mom…” John looked away
and took a deep breath. “I know you can take care of
yourself, so don’t jump down my throat.”

Sawyer took his Dad’s hand in his own and smiled.

This was the man that had refused to give up, even after he
was left to raise four boys. He had a deep respect for his
father. The man never gave up on anything. “I won’t, I know
you love me, Dad. Tell me what you do know.”

So far, not much.” John shook his head and put his

hat down on the table. “The fingerprints we pulled from the
deck weren’t in the system. I’d imagine that guy is the same
one that went after the house. I’ve got guys out there picking
through everything though, and I’ll find something, I assure
you of that. This guy’s not going to get away with what he
did to the Bishop house.”

What happened to my house?” Troy looked from

Sawyer to John.

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Sawyer turned around to see Troy standing in the


. Shit.

“Oh God, I’m sorry.” Sawyer went to Troy and

hugged him. “I should have woken you up right away.”
Sawyer sat Troy down at the table with his Father, while he
went to get coffee cups and sugar for them.

Troy looked at John and saw the worry on his face.

“What happened at my house, John?” Troy sat back and
listened as Sawyer’s father told him what had happened at
his parents’ house. Troy felt the bile rising in his throat and
felt his chest constricting. “Who would do such a thing? I
mean, I can’t think of anyone that hates me that much.”

John took Troy’s hand and tried his best to smile.

When something that vicious is done, it’s personal. “Look, I
talked to Sam already this morning and he said he would
get a hold of some guy named Pruitt?”

Troy nodded and looked over at Sawyer, who’d just

brought them their coffee. He took Sawyer’s hand and
kissed the palm. “Pruitt’s my boss over at Homeland
Security. I’m sure that right now, he’s going through every
job I ever did.” Troy rubbed his face and looked at Sawyer.
“I shouldn’t be here, this could get even worse.”

Sawyer shook his head. “Oh hell no, you are not

leaving me, and I won’t let you face this alone. You are my
mate, Troy and it’s about time you figure out what that

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means. We are in this together.”

John smiled at his son. The love he had for Troy was

written all over his face. “I called in reinforcements. They
should be here sometime today.” John sipped his coffee
and licked his lips appreciatively. “Damn, you make good
coffee kid.”

Thanks.” Sawyer smiled at his Dad. “So, I take it the

Northern pack is coming down, when you say
reinforcements. Won’t Nadine be pleased?” Sawyer let out
a small chuckle.

Yes, she will.” John smiled broadly.” You know how

she loves to cook. In the meantime, we’re going to wait for
the boys to finish combing the house and then we can start
cleaning it up. It’s going to need primer for the walls and
new windows. Oh, and before I forget, when I got a hold of
the Northern, I asked them about Nick. They haven’t seen
Nick since yesterday. I don’t know what that means, but I
didn’t smell him in Troy’s house. I did, however, smell him
around it.”

Sawyer sat back and looked from Troy to his Dad.

“Well, what does that mean, around it, but not in it? He
would have had to be inside to put graffiti on the walls.”
Sawyer’s brow crinkled. “Maybe he has someone helping
him, because he knows we can smell him.”

It’s a possibility, but the way his Alpha acted, he

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didn’t think Nick had it in him to do that. He just isn’t the
vengeful kind. Besides, why would Nick have it in for Troy?”
John rubbed his palms over his face. “Unless there’s
something I don’t know.”

Troy cleared his throat. “I think he’s got a thing for

Sawyer. When we were at the lumber store, he took great
care in making sure he let me know he could overpower
me. I didn’t know he was a werewolf at the time, but it
makes sense now.”

Great.” John stood up and picked his hat up. “I’m

going to call the Northern pack again, tell them what you
told me.” John looked at his son and Troy. “For now, I want
you guys on the reservation, is that clear?”

Yeah Dad, it is.” Sawyer hugged his Father and

walked him to the door. He looked over his shoulder at
Troy, then back at his Dad. “I think we’re going to find the
boys and maybe play a game of football or something. Just
to keep Troy’s mind off the house for a bit. Okay?”

Yep, I’ll see you around after I’m done.”

Sawyer watched his Dad leave in the Reservation

police jeep and turned to look at Troy. “Put some jeans and
a sweater on, we have some asses to kick.”

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The football teams consisted of Troy and Sawyer

along with Xander and Grayson. Two against two, made
the game fairly quick. Sawyer backed up and threw a
perfect spiral to Troy who caught it. Troy hit the ground and
his breath left him in one big whoosh with Xander on top of
him, but by God, he still had the ball in his hands. Xander
fought for it and they ended up rolling around in the dirt and
snow mixture. Troy, who had the upper hand, straddled
Xander, pinning his hands.

They both heard the shouts and whoops of laughter

coming from the rest of the guys. Troy pulled Xander up and
put him in a friendly strangle hold, while tickling his ribs.
Troy heard the sound of a truck approaching and he and
Xander turned to see a Chevy Dually pulling up. Three men
jumped out and Troy pushed Xander behind him.

Can I help you?” Troy narrowed his eyes.

It’s okay, Troy.” Sawyer smiled, looking at the men.

“It’s the guys from the Northern pack. Damn, that was
quick.” Sawyer chuckled. “Troy, meet Kellan Brady, Scott
Delange and Jude Brooks,”

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Troy put his hand out to each of them. “Nice to meet


How you been, Sawyer?” Kellan pulled him into a

hug. “I know Nick isn’t doing this shit, he wouldn’t.”

It’s got to be some other asshole.” Jude said.

Scott looked at Troy. “So, this guy’s your mate?”

Yeah.” Sawyer took Troy’s hand. “He is.”

Ah, he’ll do.” Scott laughed.


The bonfire was lit and the flames licked at the

sides. The men all sat around telling stories. Troy listened
in fascination. This was another world he was becoming
privy to and he wanted to know everything there was to
know about werewolves. Sam and Dakota sat next to him
and Troy looked at Sam with a smile.

So you didn’t freak at all, huh?” Troy lightly punched


Nope, not really. By the time Dakota shifted, I

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already had strong feelings for ‘Darren’ and couldn’t see
my life without Dakota in it. Somehow he’d made me feel
again and I wasn’t going to lose that.”

So, Josh and Mark know.” Troy looked at Sawyer.

“Eventually, Mateo and Riley will have to know as well.”

Could you imagine Riley’s reaction?” Sam

snickered. “He’ll probably be so cool about it. More so than
Mateo will.”

I don’t know about that. Riley’s changed Mateo in so

many ways. He always had a sense of humor, but Riley
opened him up.” Troy grabbed Sawyer and pulled him into
his lap.

So, you trust these guys with the secret?” Scott

arched a brow.

Troy looked at Scott. “We trust them with our lives.”

I’ve seen pictures.” Grayson grinned. “I want to meet

Mateo and Riley.”

You will.” Sam mussed Grayson’s hair. “You’ll be

graduating soon, any thoughts of where you want to go?”

Oh yeah!” Xander looked at the group. “Dakota got

us an internship at some architectural company in

Oh did he, now?” Sawyer raised a brow.

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Oh did he, now?” Sawyer raised a brow.

Yes, I did.” Dakota looked at Sawyer. “I think there

might be some people they need to meet.” Dakota
narrowed his eyes.

Oh.” Sawyer nodded. “Oh! Yes, I see what you

mean. A test of sorts?”

Yep.” Dakota smiled. He was pretty damn sure

Jagger and Taylor were Grayson and Xander’s mates. He
just didn’t know which went with which.

Anyone hear from Preston?” Sam looked at the


He’s staying away for Wyatt’s sake.” Dakota

sighed. “The guy is six years older. He calls once a month
to check on Wyatt.”

Jesus.” Kellan sighed. “I just want to find my damn

mate before I die.”

No shit.” Jude sat back, throwing a stick in the bon


Well, it’s getting late.” Sawyer shrugged. Troy’s

hard on was rubbing on his ass and Sawyer decided it was
time to go in. Sawyer smacked Troy’s hand away from his
dick. “So anyway, I should get my man into bed since his
hands won’t stop roaming.”

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Troy raised a brow. “Who, me?”

Yes, you.” Sawyer smacked Troy’s hand away

again. “Night guys.”

Troy stood up and tried to fix his rising hard on

without being noticed.

Yep.” Grayson stood with Xander and stretched.

“Night guys, see you in the morning.”

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~~Chapter Ten~~

The minute Sawyer shut the door to his house, Troy

was on him. His pants flew off and sailed over the couch.
Sawyer was swept up and over Troy’s shoulder as they
made their way into the bedroom. Sawyer was thrown on
the bed and bounced as Troy stood at the end removing his
clothing with careful, and slow, precision. Sawyer’s skin
sizzled as Troy’s hand crept up his inner thigh. Warm lips
covered his and then Troy was on top of him, feasting on
his lips, sucking, biting and plunging inside, tasting every
inch and savoring it.

Sawyer’s legs shook as Troy’s expert hands spread

his legs out. A pillow was placed under his hips and then
Troy was stroking his cock. Strong calloused hands rubbed
him just the right way, as Troy’s erection nudged at his back
passage. The kiss was so intoxicating; Sawyer hadn’t even
realized Troy was half way inside him, until the slow burn
spread at a rapid rate up his tunnel. A quick intake of

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breath and Troy’s mouth was at his ear, whispering words
Sawyer’s brain couldn’t process. The pleasure rolled over
him as Troy’s body started moving in a slow rhythm, his
legs twined around Troy’s waist. He heard his own whimper
as Troy’s mouth descended further into his own.

Sawyer tunneled his fingers into Troy’s thick hair,

pulling him down further, sucking his tongue in as the kiss
grew more and more passionate and the thrusts became
faster and deeper. Their bodies moved in tandem and
Sawyer gripped tighter, fighting his lupine side. Making
love to his mate was everything he’d thought it would be.
Troy moved away from his mouth and started a line of soft,
wet kisses along his shoulder and collar bone. Sawyer
moaned and bucked his hips and Troy slid in, filling him to
the hilt. Sawyer opened his eyes to see Troy looking down
at him, the love in his eyes there, for Sawyer to see.

Troy?” Sawyer whispered.

Let go, be who you are.” Troy caressed Sawyer’s

face and drew back.

A loud hoarse groan left his lips, as Troy slid back in

and Sawyer’s lupine side was set free. He writhed on the
bed fingers digging into the mattress, as Troy kept up a
slow deep stroke. Sawyer became aware of wetness on
his face and realized he was crying. Troy’s lips kissed his
cheeks and licked the salty wetness from his face and soft
kisses were placed on his eyes, as Troy made love to him.

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Sawyer’s canines elongated as Troy’s hand kept a slow
tight drag on his dick, the pressure mounted in his balls and
Sawyer’s eyes flew open. His hips bucked and a loud cry of
ecstasy exploded from his chest, as his dick spurt, shooting
arcs of cum over Troy’s chest and hand. Seconds passed
as Troy slammed into him once, then twice and a warm
sensation filled his chute in waves.


Troy’s orgasm hit. The amount of release shocked

him, as his hips bucked into Sawyer, emptying load after
load inside the man he was in love with. He knew that now,
he was in love with Sawyer. He’d felt it with every breath,
every soft caress, every smooth and slow kiss. He’d never
want anyone else but Sawyer Quinton. Is this what being in
love felt like? Falling and not caring until your soul was
bare, and one person filled you? God knows he’d never
opened his heart to anyone before, he never could. Troy
laid his head on Sawyer’s shoulder, trying to regulate his
pounding heart. His arms wrapped around Sawyer in a
protective grip. He’d die for this man. Kill for this man. His
dick still encased in Sawyer’s warm tight ass, he never
wanted to leave it. His finger’s swept up and down
Sawyer’s soft skin, goose bumps popping up behind them

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and Troy placed a soft kiss along Sawyer’s rapid pulse.

Are you okay?” He whispered.

Sawyer nuzzled Troy’s neck. “Yes, I’m so glad I

waited for you. That was incredible.”

Troy raised his head to look at Sawyer’s face. He

smiled and kissed his lips softly. “I’m glad my first time
making love was with you, Sawyer.”

You mean you never? I mean…you’re not…”

No, I’m not a virgin, but I’ve never made love to

anyone, Sawyer.” Troy twirled Sawyer’s soft hair between
his fingers. “Sex is just sex when you don’t care either way
for someone. When you give yourself completely, that’s
making love.” Troy smiled at Sawyer’s reddening face. “I
wanted to tell you…”

A loud noise had them both sitting up in the bed.

Troy put a finger over his lips and motioned for Sawyer to
stay in bed. He grabbed his jeans and boots and pulled his
Desert Eagle out of the nightstand. Troy crept down the
hallway and to the front window. A shadow ran across the
front of the house and Troy opened the door and stood on
the front porch, gun aimed at the intruder.

Stop! I’ll fire!” Troy shouted.

A gunshot rang out and hit the gutter right above

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Troy’s head. Sawyer sprung out of the house in wolf form
and Troy missed grabbing his tail.

Sawyer, no!” Troy ran after Sawyer and lost sight of

him in the woods. Another shot rang out and Troy heard a
howl of pain. “Sawyer!” Troy ran, he didn’t care if he was in
the shooters sights or not. He had to find Sawyer. “Sawyer,
where are you!”

Wolves ran by him in a line and Troy tried to keep

up. Four of them took off to the left and three more ran
straight ahead. Troy followed the three. He heard what
sounded like whining and ran into a clearing. The three
wolves were prancing around Sawyer, who was on the
ground, nursing a gunshot wound.

Sawyer!” Troy ran to him and knelt in front of him.

“Oh God, no, please...” Troy leaned over Sawyer and
wrapped his arms around him. The tears flowed and Troy
didn’t care. He couldn’t lose Sawyer, not ever. “Baby,
please…” Troy sobbed. Howling came from the far left and
Troy tried to look through the trees. He stood up on shaky
legs. “I’ll kill you! Do you hear me?”

The three wolves that surrounded Sawyer shifted

and Troy looked at John, Dakota and Grayson. They each
bent down to helped Sawyer. Sawyer shifted back to his
human form and Troy leaned over, running a hand over
Sawyer’s blood soaked skin. Moon light shown through the
trees and Troy looked at the bullet hole in Sawyer’s chest. It

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started to pulse, and then the bullet popped out. The wound

Troy ran his hand over the skin. “What the…?”

Perks,” Sawyer coughed and looked up at Troy. “Of

being me.”

Troy grabbed Sawyer and held him tight. Sawyer’s

arms came around him and Troy pulled him closer, sitting
him in his lap. “I thought…oh Jesus. Sawyer, I can’t lose

Josh watched as the rest of the wolves trotted back

over to them. Xander shifted and looked at Sawyer.

You okay, bro? We chased the guy, but he had a

head start.” Xander knelt down and put his hand on
Sawyer’s shoulder. “You crazy little shit.”

John looked at the sky. “We’d better take a look

around. See if anything was messed with. Troy, get Sawyer
back to the house, we’ll take over for tonight. Kellan and
Jude will pull guard duty. Xander grab the bullet carefully. I’ll
run ballistics on it.” John looked at the group of men. “Try
and get some sleep.”

Troy picked Sawyer up and carried him back to the

house. Once inside, he checked all the doors and windows,
and took Sawyer into the bathroom, starting the shower.
Troy undressed and got in with Sawyer, soaping him up

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and washing the blood from his hair and body. The
adrenaline was slowly flowing out of him and Troy felt sick.
He leaned against Sawyer and took a deep breath.

Don’t ever leave me.” He whispered.

Sawyer wrapped his arms around Troy and pulled

his face up. “Never.”

They kissed under the spray of hot water, both not

wanting the kiss to stop. Hands caressed soft skin and soft
moans and whimpers filled the small bathroom. The water
running cold, Troy turned it off and enveloped Sawyer in a
large towel and carried him to the bed. They lie side by
side, just looking at each other, fingers trailing jaws, chins,

Sawyer?” Troy watched as Sawyer’s eyes fluttered.


I love you.”

I love you, too.”

Sleep finally came, and Troy welcomed it.

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Sunshine filled the room and Troy’s eyes opened to

see Sawyer nestled into him. His arms tightened around
him and he kissed Sawyer’s forehead. A soft sigh escaped
Sawyer’s lips and Troy slanted his mouth over Sawyer’s.
Their lips parted and tongues met, Troy’s tongue sinking
into Sawyer’s delicious mouth. They broke from the kiss
and Troy smoothed Sawyer’s hair back. His eyes looked
over the smooth tan chest, remembering that there’d been
a bullet there last night. He kissed Sawyer’s soft skin and
ran his nose around the erect nipple.

Good morning.” Troy sighed, lips brushing Sawyer’s


Mm…” Sawyer’s back arched as Troy’s hand slid to

his waist.

Troy looked into Sawyer’s peaceful face. “Can you

guys be killed?”

Sawyer opened his eyes. “Yes, but it’s extremely

difficult.” Sawyer tilted his head. “It’s also a secret, passed
only through the pack.”

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I don’t want to know anyway.” Troy shook his head.

“You stay here; I’m going to make some phone calls and
breakfast.” Troy kissed Sawyer’s nose. He rose from bed
and grabbed his sweat pants, eyeing the gorgeous naked
man in the bed at the same time. Making his way into the
kitchen, Troy started the coffee and pulled out food for
breakfast. He took his cell phone out and stepped outside
on the front porch, dialing James.

The phone picked up on the second ring. “Pruitt.”

James, its Troy.”

What’s up, you sound funny.”

Sawyer and I were shot at last night. I need to know

if you’ve come up with anything.”

Jesus!” James shouted into the phone. “Why didn’t

you call sooner, I could have had—”

James,” Troy sighed. “It was late last night. Look,

please tell me you’ve found something.”

Not yet, none of your targets have family that misses

them. Intel isn’t finding shit.”

Put Ripley on it.” Troy ran a hand through his unruly


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Keegan? Why?” James sat back and looked at the

time. Agent Keegan Ripley would be in by now.

Because that man is a fucking genius, that’s why,”

Troy looked out over the reservation. “He knows his shit.”

Okay, do you need anything in the mean time?”

Yeah, the name of the person doing this, so I can

put them six feet under.” Troy looked back at the house,
wondering if Sawyer had stayed in bed, or was coming out
to investigate.

I’ll get on it Troy, stay alert.” James hung up the

phone and stood up, fixing his tie. He exited his office and
took the elevator up one floor. Walking down the hall, he ran
into the agents just coming in for the day. Keegan Ripley
was always early. His job as surveillance had him up at all
hours of the night, with his partner Devin Lyons. James
knocked on Ripley’s door and heard ‘come in’.

James entered the office and Keegan looked up,


Hey, James.”

Keegan’s smile was infectious, the black hair and

green-grey eyes mesmerizing. “Good morning. I just got a
call from Troy, seems someone was shooting at him and
his boyfriend last night.”

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Keegan frowned. “Any leads?”

That’s why I’m here, Troy asked for you.”

Yeah?” Keegan blushed.

Yes.” James smiled. “So, what can you do that we


You got a pen and a pad of paper?” Keegan

winked and picked up his phone, dialing a few numbers.
“This is Agent Ripley. Send some men to Troy Bishop’s
building in New York. Talk to all the neighbors and have the
manager send me any camera footage from the building
and all of the surrounding buildings. Get me the names of
all the buildings occupants, as well as their job
descriptions. Then get me the flight manifest’s leaving
LaGuardia and JFK for Seattle and cross reference those
names to the names from the buildings. Call me if anything
flags.” Keegan hung up and looked at James. “I’ll get on
Sawyer’s information myself and see if anything stands

Thanks Keegan.” James smiled.

This is why I get paid the big bucks.” Keegan


Yeah, I heard they want to transfer you and Lyons to

D.C. for a few weeks.” James sat on the edge of the desk.

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Yes, but don’t worry, I’ll always keep in touch.”

Keegan smiled wickedly.

Why, Keegan Ripley!’ James laughed. “Are you

flirting with me?”

Oh calm down, I know your heart belongs to a

certain high up official.” Keegan smiled slyly.

James blushed and stood up. “So, if you hear


Call you right away.” Keegan smiled and stood up,

extending his hand. “Don’t be a stranger.”

Nope, you either Rip.”

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~~Chapter Eleven~~

Troy sat on the back deck, overlooking the ocean as

the sun set. John and his boys along with Sam, Dakota,
Kellan, Scott and Jude were doing a perimeter check.
Since the shooting two nights ago, Troy was worried sick
about something happening to Sawyer. He wouldn’t survive
it if something happened to him; he’d lost so much in his life
already. The job that he did, would probably seem ironic to
most people, he took lives. Troy chose to look at it in a
much different way. The men he killed were killer’s
themselves, or as Troy called them, dream destroyers.

When he was security for the children rescued from

pedophiles or porn rings, it made his heart heavy to think
that they would never be the same. Of all the awful things
he’d witnessed in his job, the worst was witnessing the
children in the aftermath. Troy heard a soft huff and turned

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to see Wyatt wagging his tail at him. He smiled and picked
the pup up, cradling him in his arms.

You are going to look just like your brother’s, you

know that?” Troy kissed Wyatt’s head between his ears.
Wyatt rested his head on Troy’s bicep and panted.

The back door opened and Sawyer came out on the

deck, setting a cold beer down on the table for Troy.

I see the ankle biter found you.” Sawyer chuckled at

his little brother’s growl of protest.

It never ceases to amaze me that this little guy is a

human being.” Troy picked Wyatt up and looked in his
eyes. He got a lick across his face and smiled, holding
Wyatt over his shoulder. “He’s like a baby.” Troy snickered.

Sawyer smiled as his baby brother growled playfully

over Troy’s shoulder. “I’d like kids someday, but I know
they’ll be werewolves. I don’t know if that’s fair to them, to
be saddled with it.”

Are you upset with it? Besides the fact that I kind of

freaked out, are you okay being a werewolf?” Troy took
Sawyer’s hand.

Well now that I’ve found my mate, things are

definitely looking up for me.” Sawyer smiled and leaned
over, kissing Troy’s lips. “I’ve always been proud of it
before, it’s who I am.”

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Well then, our child will be happy with it too.” Troy

waited for the information to sink in and laughed when
Wyatt leaned back, looking into his eyes. “Oh, the baby
brother caught that, huh?”

You…you want kids? With me?” Sawyer swore he

was hearing things.

I want to make sure you’re okay with my job,

Sawyer. I’m gone a lot and sometimes it’s for weeks at a
time. I want you to know what you’re getting into, but yes.”
Troy caressed Sawyer’s cheek. “I want kids with you. I want
it all.”

All?” Sawyer’s mouth dropped open. “All as in…?”

Marriage, Sawyer.” Troy leaned in closer, looking

into Sawyer’s eyes. “I want to marry you and have kids.”

Wyatt went crazy, wiggling in his arms and Troy put

him down on the deck. Wyatt shifted back to human and
looked at Troy.

You wanna have babies with Sawyer?” Wyatt tilted

his head.

Yes, I want to have babies with Sawyer.” Troy

smiled and pulled Sawyer into his lap.

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They both heard the sound of a car and Sawyer

looked at Troy.

Are we expecting company?” Sawyer stood up.

Troy swatted Wyatt’s naked butt and took him into

the house, depositing him on their bed. “Shift or find some
clothes, little man.” Troy mussed his hair.

Troy opened the front door and saw a Land Rover

pulling into the spot beside his truck and Troy smiled when
Mateo and Josh jumped out.

Well, holy shit!” Troy smiled and opened his arms.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?”

Josh tackled Troy, putting him in a head lock and

giving him a noogie. “What? Didn’t Keegan call you? We’re
here to back you up, my friend.”

Must have slipped his mind.” Troy rolled his eyes.

Mateo put his arms out. “Where’s my love?”

Troy smiled and pretended to take his dick out.

“Right here, baby.”

Shit, mines bigger.” Mateo laughed out loud and

grabbed Troy. “It’s good to see you.”

Where are Riley and Mark?” Troy looked back at

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the Land Rover.

Motel in Forks. Josh and I wanted them out of

danger. We didn’t want them to tag along, but you know
Riley.” Mateo sighed.

Troy realized Sawyer was still in the front doorway

and he smiled, putting his hand out to him. “Come here,
babe.” Troy took Sawyer’s hand in his and put an arm
around his mate’s waist. “Guys, this is my boyfriend
Sawyer. Sawyer, this is Mateo Esposito and Josh

It’s nice to meet you.” Sawyer shook both their

hands. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

It’s all lies.” Josh smiled. “Unless he talks about how

sexy and cool we are. Then it’s all true.”

Well,” Mateo crossed his arms. “It seems we’re all

gay. I didn’t see that one coming.”

Speaking of not seeing things coming.” Troy saw

Sam making his way over to them with Dakota. They were
both in wolf form. “We kind of have to show you something,

Oh, I can’t wait.” Josh snickered.

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Mateo arched a brow. “That’s never a good thing

when you do that, Josh.”

Just… um,” Troy looked around. “Come on in.” Troy

gestured to Sawyer’s house.

Once Mateo was seated, Troy handed him a beer,

then let Sam and Dakota in. Sawyer went to fetch a robe for
Sam when he completed the change. Troy watched
Mateo’s face as the two wolves sat down in front of the
coffee table and waited. Mateo sipped his beer and looked
at the wolves.

Okay, why are there wolves in the house?” Mateo

looked at the larger black one with brown eyes.

That’s Sam.” Josh sat back and crossed his arms.

Mateo looked over at Josh. “Explain.”

Sawyer came back out with the robe and handed it

to Troy. His eyes darted around the room nervously. “Are
you sure?”

Troy nodded and looked down at Sam. “Do your


Mateo watched as the black wolf with brown eyes

started to shake, seconds later Sam stood and Troy
handed him a robe to cover up. Mateo’s mouth hung open.
He blinked, licked his lips, then blinked again. “That,”

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Mateo smiled. “is so fucking cool. Riley is going to shit his

Josh threw his hands up in the air. “Why am I not


Troy smiled. “I knew you’d be cool about it.”

Mateo stood up and looked at Sam. “There’s a


And I’m going to tell it to you. Let’s just wait for my

fiancé to shift as well, shall we?” Sam motioned to Dakota
still in wolf form on the floor.

Mateo looked at the black wolf with grey eyes. “No


No shit.” Sam laughed.


The whole group went to Nadine and Joe’s for

dinner and Sam filled Mateo in on the story of Dakota and
himself. The conversation was loud and the beer flowed, as
all the men compared stories. Nadine was happy to have
so many people to cook for, and Joe and John were happy

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to have back up like Mateo and Josh. Instead of sitting
outside by the bonfire, they took seats around the living
room and talked about the threat that still existed. Mateo
and Josh were introduced to Scott, Kellan and Jude and
the three of them got along right away. Wyatt ran through
the living room and sat at Mateo’s feet, wagging his tail.

And who’s this?” Mateo patted the wolf’s head.

That is my little brother.” Sawyer chuckled. “Wyatt,

that’s Mateo. Do you think you could maybe shift and say

John grabbed his youngest child by the tail,

dragging him over and picking him up.

You should be in bed anyway.” John hugged his son


So, you are all werewolves.” Mateo looked at

Sawyer and his brothers.

Yes, born into it.” Sawyer smiled. “I have to say,

Troy wasn’t as calm as you were.”

Oh, is that right?” Mateo grinned.

Okay, that is so not fair!” Troy crossed his arms.

Troy’s cell phone rang, interrupting his argument and he

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flipped his phone open. “Bishop.”

Troy, thank God.” Keegan exhaled loudly. “It’s

Officer Rick Henley, Troy. The bullet that John Quinton
recovered and sent to us matched his service revolver. We
also have him on the flight to Seattle the day after you left.”

The house shook as an explosion went off. The

whole room stood up and Troy looked at all of them as he
spoke into the phone. “Thanks Keegan, he’s here.” Troy
hung up and looked at Mateo and Josh. “It’s my ex-
boyfriend and he’s a cop.”

Mateo grabbed Josh by the shirt. “We need our

guns, now.”

Everybody spread out by twos!” John yelled.

Nadine, in the basement with Wyatt, right now.” Joe

looked at his wife. “Do not come out until I come for you.”

Call it in, Joe.” John raced out the front door after

his sons.

Troy ran out the back door of Nadine and Joes. One

look across the reservation and he knew his parents’ house
was where the explosion had come from. The house was a
big ball of flames. “Son of a bitch!” Troy ran as the wolves
spread out, searching for the intruder.

Troy!” Sawyer shouted. “Wait! Don’t go after him

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without protection!” Sawyer saw his brother’s running to
catch up with Troy.

The fire was raging out of control. Troy’s parents’

house was going down in flames, literally. The thick black
smoke filled the night air, making it almost impossible to
breathe. Sawyer ran towards Troy’s parents’ house. He
stopped mid-run and smelled the air. Over the smell of
smoke, he smelled Nick and the other scent. Sawyer
followed Nick’s scent and saw what looked like a body on
the side of his house. He ran and knelt beside Nick, his
pulse was still strong.

Nick!” Sawyer picked him up in his arms.

Nick opened his eyes and looked at Sawyer’s soot

covered face. “He’s here, I tried to warn you. He hit me over
the head…”

Where is he, Nick?” Sawyer picked Nick up and sat

him on the front steps of his house.

I don’t know. I’ve been following him around, seeing

what he’s been up to. He caught me following him.” Nick
wiped his face. “He’s here and he said something about
Troy. That he was going to show him pain.”

Sawyer’s eyes went wide. “Where did you see him

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last, Nick?”

By the bonfire. Give me a second and I’ll shift, we

can find him together.”

Sawyer didn’t hear anything else, but Troy and pain.

He shifted and took off running.

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~~Chapter Twelve~~

Troy slid down the embankment behind his parent’s

house and ran smack into Rick; the look on Rick’s face was
pure rage. His eyes were wild and his hand shook, gripping
the gun. “Why? Why did you do this, Rick?” Troy shouted.

Why?” Rick laughed. “I begged for a second

chance! I loved you, and then I find you here, fucking some

You loved me?” Troy fought back a laugh. “You

cheated on me, that’s not love Rick. This is obsession, you
need help. You burned down my house!”

You won’t need it anymore.” Rick sneered.

You never loved me.” Troy looked at Rick. It was

sad, he’d never known love before Sawyer and now he
knew how powerful it was. “You don’t cheat on someone
you love, Rick.”

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I’m done, finished.” Rick laughed. “They suspended

me, pending a psych evaluation. Can you believe that shit?
My career is over. I’ve got nothing left.” Rick raised the gun.

Is this really going to make you feel better?” Troy’s

eyes searched behind Rick for the reinforcements. He
cursed himself mentally; he’d run without his gun.

Oh yeah.” Rick smiled demonically.


The smoke was still billowing out of Troy’s parent’s

house and the flames were licking up at the sky. Sawyer’s
nose caught the scent of the man he’d smelled before and
he took off after it. Sawyer ran through the forest, following
the scent. It got stronger and then shifted back towards the
houses. Sawyer’s mind wouldn’t stop racing, Troy was in
danger. His mate was in a danger and he had to find him.
He let out a loud howl, warning his family and kept his nose
to the ground, running as fast as his legs would carry him.
Ahead, he could see Troy; his hands were up in the air and
a man stood with a gun on him. Sawyer dug his heels in
and ran; he let out a loud growl and flew into Troy’s arms,
his body covering his mates’.

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A loud gunshot went off and to Sawyer’s horror, Troy

turned them around, catching the bullet that Sawyer should
have taken. His body screamed as Troy went down, taking
Sawyer’s wolf form with him. Sawyer moved from
underneath Troy and bared his teeth at the man still holding
the gun. Another shot went off and Sawyer closed his eyes,
waiting for the pain. It never came. The man fell forward on
the ground and Sawyer saw Mateo with his gun, Josh stood
next to him. John ran out of the forest with his own gun in his
hand and saw Troy on the ground, bleeding.

Help Troy, Sawyer!” John kicked the man’s gun

away and ran to Troy. “Oh God, he’s bleeding badly.”

Mateo and Josh ran over to where Troy was on the

ground. Mateo knelt next to his friend and took his hand.

Oh hell no, Bishop,” Mateo shook his head. “It’s not

your time.”

Troy coughed and sputtered. The pain in his back

spread throughout his body, his fingers went numb as well
as his toes. Troy tried to smile as Sawyer’s nose nuzzled
his face. He rubbed Sawyer’s muzzle and smiled. “I love
you. You know that, right? I want you to change me, Sawyer.
You know you have to now, it’s alright.” Troy gripped
Sawyer’s fur at the nape of his neck.

Sawyer whined and licked Troy’s face, his jaw

clamped on Troy’s neck and he closed his eyes, biting

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clamped on Troy’s neck and he closed his eyes, biting

John saw Dakota and Sam running towards them

and he waved them over.

He’s going to need all of you! Hurry up!” John stood

back and watched as Dakota, Sam and Sawyer bit all of
Troy’s major arteries. Sawyer shifted back to his human
form after he’d bitten every vein he could think of. He
leaned over Troy and cupped his face.

Please, come on baby,


!” Sawyer looked

into Troy’s eyes.

Sawyer…” Troy croaked. “What’s happening?”

White hot pain shot down his arms and into his legs and his
body went up in flames. He was sweating profusely.

Sam shifted and stood back, shaking his head. “It’s


The violent jerking of Troy’s body had Sawyer crying

on his knees next to him. Skin rippled and muscles
stretched. Sweat soaked every part of Troy’s body as the
change took place slowly. Bones cracked and Troy’s roar
of pain echoed through the forest.

God, I’m so sorry.” Sawyer whispered as Troy’s

body shook and jerked.

Oh fuckfuckfuck!” Troy shouted. His hand bent at the

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wrist and Troy got on his hands and knees. His back
arched at an impossible angle and his legs bent upwards.
Troy let out a howl of pain, his arms bending in half and
claws extending from his fingers. His jaw jutted out and his
nose lengthened.

Sawyer backed away and held his hand over his

mouth, the loud cries of pain breaking his heart. “Oh God,
what did we do?” Sawyer felt a hand in his and Dakota held
him tight.

Troy twisted and writhed on the ground. His spine

snapped and he lurched forward into the snow. He lay there
panting and realized his eyesight was in black and white.
He could see everything, like a light was on in the forest.
Sounds surrounded him and he heard Sawyer’s soft
sobbing. He whined and felt a warm hand sliding through
his fur.

Fur? Oh God, I’m a wolf.

Yes you are, baby.” Sawyer leaned down in front of

him and ran his hand over Troy’s muzzle, pulling his face up
to his own. “You are beautiful, Troy.”

Troy tried to stand uneasily on four legs. A soft

sound of laughter met his ears and he looked for the
source. Sam was chuckling.

Not funny, dick head.


was surprised when Sam looked right at him.

Hey, I had to endure the same shit, Troy. Suck it up.”

Sam crossed his arms. “I can hear everything you’re

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thinking too. Just remember that you asked for this.”

Mateo and Josh stood smiling, as their friend tried

to stand up on his new legs.

That is just so weird.” Josh tilted his head, watching


The red and blue lights of the local town’s police lit

up the reservation and fire trucks pulled around the front of
Troy’s house. Firemen were running back and forth,
shouting orders. John looked at the assembled men and
then at Troy.

Get him back to the house. I’ll deal with the police.”

John bent down and smiled at Troy. “Welcome to the pack.”

Sawyer, Sam, Dakota, Josh and Mateo took the

long way around the forest. They ran into Nick and grabbed
him, sneaking back into Sawyer’s house with Troy. Sam put
Troy back down on the floor and stood over him.

We will leave you guys in peace.” Sam hugged

Sawyer. “You did the right thing.” Sam motioned to Mateo,
Nick and Josh. “Come on, you guys can stay at our place.

Sawyer sat with Troy and watched the other four

leave, shutting the door softly behind them. Troy was still in
wolf form and breathing heavily from his change. Sawyer
ran a hand through the soft fur at the nape of Troy’s neck.

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You are beautiful, babe. Why the hell did you do

that? You knew I could take a bullet and survive.” Sawyer
sighed. Troy’s wolf form shuddered under his hand and
Sawyer looked at his eyes. “Uh oh, I heard about this.
You’re going to go all domineering alpha male on me.
Um… can you get up? We need to go to the bedroom.”
Sawyer stood up and walked backwards toward the
bedroom, waggling his dick. “Come on…”

Sawyer continued to walk backwards while watching

Troy. He finally got up off the floor and followed Sawyer to
the bedroom. Sawyer lay down on the bed and grabbed the
petroleum jelly; he generously covered his crease as well
as taking two fingers and pushing them inside himself. He
noticed Troy seemed to be having trouble shifting back into
his human form and did his best to encourage him. The
naughty way.

Oh yeah, baby.” Sawyer moaned and let his head

fall back on the pillow as he pushed two digits up his chute.
“Feels so good.” Sawyer heard the low growl from Troy and
continued to finger his own ass, making seductive noises.
“Come and get me Troy, I’m ready for you baby.” Sawyer
smiled as the bed dipped with the weight of Sawyer’s wolf
form. “Um, no. We make love with you as a human, now
shift.” There was a low whine and Sawyer sat up, still
fingering his ass. “You want me, don’t you?” Sawyer smiled

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as drool pooled out of the corner of Troy’s mouth. “Yeah you
do, come on Troy. Make love to me, please.”







concentrated on Sawyer’s dick and felt his muscles spasm.
His bones shifted, causing him to whine, and he lay on his
side on the bed as the change took place. Bones cracked
and readjusted themselves and Troy closed his eyes as his
body returned to human. In a flash, he flipped Sawyer over
on his hands and knees and penetrated him almost
viciously. His balls filled at an alarming rate and he
pounded into Sawyer with piston- fast thrusts. “God, I’m
sorry.” Troy panted. “I can’t stop, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

Troy heard the loud grunts from Sawyer and he

couldn’t stop. He had no control over what his body was
doing and he had an innate need to mark Sawyer as his
own. He gripped Sawyer’s hips with a vice like hold and
slammed into him over and over again, until his teeth
elongated and his spine snapped almost in half. He fell
forward, sunk his teeth into Sawyer’s shoulder and came.
His hips bucked and jerked as his release flowed into
Sawyer’s hot tunnel, the smell of semen invaded his senses
and he realized Sawyer had come on the sheets below.
Troy withdrew his canines from Sawyer’s shoulder and
kissed the area softly. “Oh God, I’m so sorry if I hurt you.”
Troy whispered, kissing and licking Sawyer’s shoulder,
neck and back.

I knew it was coming.” Sawyer’s arms gave out and

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he fell onto his stomach, pulling Troy down with him. Troy
was still buried snuggly in his ass. “Dakota told me that
right after Sam changed, he took him right there outside, on
the ground.”

Must be a wolf thing.” Troy peppered Sawyer’s

back with kisses; he nuzzled his neck and eased out of
Sawyer’s body slowly. He lay on his back and inhaled the
new fragrance coming from Sawyer. “Oh God, you smell so
good.” Troy groaned, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his
hands. A slow heat was travelling through Troy’s veins and
his heart rate sped up. “What…”

It’s okay Troy, just breathe. We are connected now.”

Sawyer propped himself up on his elbows and looked over
at Troy. “I’m so sorry, I understand how Dakota feels now. I
feel like a selfish bastard.” Sawyer covered his face.

Don’t do that.” Troy rolled over on his side and

pushed Sawyer on his back, crawling between his legs. He
took Sawyer’s face in his hands and looked in his eyes. “I
wanted this; even though I knew you’d survive if you were
shot, it didn’t make a difference when it came down to it.
My mind was screaming at me to protect you, I would do it

Sawyer threaded his fingers in Troy’s hair and pulled

him down to his lips. “I know it’s selfish, but I’m so glad
you’re here with me now.” He murmured against Troy’s lips.

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Oh, you’re stuck with me, Sawyer Quinton.” Troy

licked a path across Sawyer’s lips. “For life.”


Morning brought a new array of sights, sounds and

smells to Troy’s senses. First, he realized he was alone in
bed. The heat from Sawyer’s body was absent, leaving him
with a sense of longing. Second, the smell of food invaded
his nostrils, traveling to his stomach, which made a loud
noise in response. And thirdly, the sound of Sawyer
humming, traveled across the house and into Troy’s now
super sensitive ear canal and journeyed straight to his
cock. Troy moaned and grabbed a pillow, covering his

I can hear you, Troy!” Sawyer shouted from the


I bet.” Troy muffled into the pillow.

I heard that too.” Sawyer giggled from the kitchen.

Troy smiled and chunked the pillow off, throwing his

legs over the side of the bed. He leisurely rose and walked
into the kitchen, naked as the day he was born. Leaning

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against the wall, he watched Sawyer’s butt as he cooked
them breakfast. Even shrouded by boxer briefs, Sawyer’s
ass was a thing of beauty. Troy wanted to bite it, lick it, and
devour it. Sawyer turned to look at him just then and Troy’s
cheeks tinged pink.

What?” Troy fidgeted.

You want to devour my ass?” Sawyer chuckled,

putting the spatula down. “Well my, my, Mr. Bishop, such
nasty thoughts.”

Troy sighed and smiled childlike. “I forgot you can

hear my thoughts.”

Well thank God the rest of the pack turned theirs off,

or you’d be hearing Xander and Grayson thinking about sex
all night.” Sawyer smiled and crooked his finger at the
stunningly naked man leaning against his kitchen wall.
“Come here.”

Troy moved with the precision of a big cat eyeing its

prey. Within seconds, Sawyer was on all fours, spread
across the dining room table grasping at the pine edge as
his mate attacked his hole with zeal. The pressure of
fingers was replaced by the warmth and softness of a
tongue gliding in and out, licking in a circle at the nerve
endings, causing Sawyer to writhe on the table. His claws
extended and pushed into the soft pine wood as Troy’s
tongue was replaced with his rigid penis. The pressure on

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his hips increased as Troy thrust in, grunting in pleasure.

Sawyer reared back and wrapped his bicep around

the back of his mate’s neck, moving into Troy’s body,
enticing deeper, harder thrust’s from his lover. Their lips
met in a sloppy, feverish kiss as the table moved back and
forth. Sawyer spread his legs out wider, trying to invite his
mate in more. A spark of pleasure hit behind his eyes and
Sawyer cried out, his fingers gripping Troy’s neck as his
orgasm ripped through his body, sending arcs of ejaculate
all over the dining room table. A burst of heat enveloped
Sawyer’s chute as Troy came with a loud roar. Sawyer fell
forward onto the table and panted as his orgasm flowed
from him. There was a soft whine and Sawyer looked to the
side, seeing Troy in wolf form, head lowered.

Aw babe, did you get too excited again?” Sawyer

smiled as Troy tilted his head. “It will happen now and then.
You’ll get overly excited and shift.” Sawyer pushed himself
off the table and grabbed a pair of sweat pants nearby.
Sawyer heard the approaching footsteps in the dirt outside.
“I believe we have company.”

The knocking at the door followed seconds later and

Sawyer opened the door to see Sam, Dakota, Josh and
Mateo with two other men.

Well, I see someone was busy this morning.” Sam

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chuckled softly at Troy in wolf form. “Did we interrupt?”

No,” Sawyer opened the door further. “Just finishing


Well, I’d like you to meet Mark Montgomery and

Riley Esposito.” Sam waved to the two men on the porch.
“May we come in?”

Sure.” Sawyer put his hand out. “It’s good to meet

you both.”

Riley smiled and walked into the house.

Comfortable was the first word that came to mind. “You
have a lovely home. I heard you and Troy are an item now, I
looked forward to seeing him.”

Oh, he’s right there babe.” Mateo pointed to the


Ha, ha, very funny.” Riley rolled his eyes.

Mark crouched down and looked at the wolf on the

floor. “Oh God, it is you.” Mark smiled and ran his hand over
Troy’s muzzle. “Look at you, all wolfie.” Mark giggled.

Riley furrowed his brows. “Huh?”

I believe Riley needs to be shown, Troy.” Sam

raised an eyebrow.

Sawyer sighed. “Come on guys, he’s not used to

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shifting yet. You should know the pain he’s endured, Sam.”
Sawyer stood in the middle of the living room and removed
his sweat pants. “I’ll do it.”

Shit, someone give me a dollar.” Josh snickered.

“The strip shows starting.”

Mark smacked his husband in the arm. “Stop it.”

Okay, not that I’m opposed to nudity…” Riley shifted

his gaze away from the naked man in the living room.

You have to watch, Riley.” Mateo stood behind his

husband and wrapped his arms around him.

Riley tried to smile at Sawyer’s face and keep his

eyes off the rest of the man. Sawyer’s muscles began to
ripple and Riley’s mouth dropped open as a large black
wolf with green eyes stood where Sawyer had been. “You…
He’s…fuck.” Riley whispered.

Mateo leaned in his husband’s ear. “Okay, take a

deep breath. Sawyer is a werewolf, as are Sam, Dakota,
Troy and quite a few others on the reservation.” Mateo
waited for Riley to speak.

He…” Riley pointed at Sawyer and then the other

wolf. “That’s Troy?”

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Yes, that’s Troy, you’re friend.” Mateo smiled as

Troy padded his way over to them and sat at Riley’s feet.

Riley crouched down to be at eye level and

inspected the wolf in front of him. The hazel eyes looked at
him with sadness. “Oh Troy,” Riley whimpered and hugged
the wolf to his chest. “It’s okay; I don’t think anything bad I
promise. Just a little freaked out.”

Why don’t we get them some clothes?” Dakota

headed to Sawyer’s room. “We can hang out and talk about

Sawyer followed Dakota with Troy trotting behind

him. Once inside the room, Dakota crouched down to
Troy’s level and looked in his eyes. “It does get better; the
pain will lessen over time and for some odd reason, being
sexually excited lessens it even more. So on that note, I’ll
leave you two.” Dakota winked and left the room, shutting
the door behind him softly.

Sawyer sat on the edge of the bed watching Troy on

the floor; he grabbed his cock through the sweats and
gripped it, making quiet moaning sounds. “Oh baby, fuck
yeah.” Sawyer rolled his head back. “Oh suck it…oh God
yes…” Sawyer had seconds before Troy’s human form
jumped on him, pushing him back onto the bed. “Well hello,
sexy.” Sawyer smiled broadly.

Jesus, you are unbelievably sexy, Sawyer.” Troy

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growled, licking Sawyer’s bottom lip.

Was that less painful?” Sawyer ran his fingers

through Troy’s hair, loving the texture of it passing through
his fingertips.

It was actually.” Troy ground his hips into Sawyers.

“You should play with yourself all the time.”

Sawyer chuckled. “Okay, but right now we have

guests, so behave.”

Troy pouted. “But later…?”

Oh yeah, my turn sweetie.” Sawyer flipped Troy on

his back and attacked his lips. “So good, I love your lips.”
Sawyer bit Troy’s bottom lip and sucked it in.

God, I love it when you’re forceful.” Troy breathed

between kisses.

Later babe.” Sawyer removed himself painfully from

Troy’s warm body. He knew if they didn’t get up right then,
they’d be making love for hours. They could do that later.

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~~Chapter Thirteen~~

Riley seemed to be okay with the whole werewolf

thing, which for some reason did not surprise Troy at all.
The man was married to an assassin and happy. Stranger
things in life happened. Troy looked around the room at his
closest friends and knew that life, no matter how you looked
at it, was an endless circle of changes. He knew what he
wanted in life and it was sitting in his lap, Sawyer Quinton.
Soon to be Sawyer Bishop, if Troy had any say. The
afternoon and most of the night was spent with the guys,
rehashing old missions for their men, who seemed to want
more each time a story finished. This was his family. The
only ones left to find out the truth were James and Derek,
and that would have to wait. Troy was brought out of his
thoughts by Josh’s voice.

So, when are you going to join the ranks of the

married men, Troy?” Josh hugged Mark close to him.

Troy smiled. “I always thought Sam and I would be

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Troy smiled. “I always thought Sam and I would be

married before you two assholes. I guess now we have to
catch up.”

Riley nestled into Mateo and kissed his husbands

cheek. “Can you guys get married in Alaska? I still haven’t
been there.”
“The real wedding in Vancouver first, then Alaska.” Sam
looked at Dakota. “If that’s okay?”

It’s more than okay.” Dakota caressed Sam’s face.

“I can’t wait.”

You’ll love marriage.” Mark laughed. “I get Josh to

do so much shit.”

Not funny, Mark.” Josh smacked his husband’s ass.

Mateo looked at his friends. “Always together.”

Never apart.” Troy winked.


By midnight, Troy was in bed waiting for Sawyer to

come out of the bathroom. His life had changed
dramatically, and now there was no going back. He had a
family again; Joe, Nadine, John and the rest of the

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family again; Joe, Nadine, John and the rest of the
Quinton’s, plus his brother’s –in –arms. Life couldn’t get
much better than this. Sawyer stepped into the bedroom
naked and Troy immediately thought differently. Life


get better, Sawyer was breathtaking.

Jesus.” Troy whispered. His penis jumped on his

abdomen, anticipating Sawyer’s actions. His canines
elongated as Sawyer’s peeked out from under his own lips.
The smell of arousal was strong and Troy’s mouth actually
salivated, looking at Sawyer’s naked form.

Roll over.” Sawyer growled.

Troy did as he was told and cried out when

Sawyer’s tongue touched the rim of his anus. Hands
kneaded his hips as Sawyer pulled him back and forth on
his tongue, fucking his ass in the most tantalizing way. His
dick leaked precome as Sawyer’s tongue slid in and out,
nipping at the sensitive nerve endings and flicking his
tongue in short circles. Troy fisted his cock as the licking
was replaced by the blunt tip of Sawyer’s rock hard dick.
The mushroom cap breached his tight tunnel and Troy
hissed at the heat searing his walls.

Sawyer pulled almost all the way out and then Troy

heard the cap of the lube opening. Cold fluid ran down his
crease, the heat searing him once more. Troy held the
comforter as Sawyer speared into his ass, driving into him

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comforter as Sawyer speared into his ass, driving into him
like a jack hammer. The pressure built so fast in his balls,
that his orgasm caught him by surprise. His dick spurt onto
the comforter below in quick, scorching bursts. Seconds
later, Sawyer’s grip on his hips increased and a loud howl
echoed through the bedroom. Sawyer slumped on top of
his back and Troy fell onto the bed. Troy smiled as
Sawyer’s tongue licked the sweat from his back and neck.

Wow.” Troy closed his eyes and Sawyer’s dick

pulsed in his passage.

I love you, Troy Bishop.” Sawyer bit Troy’s earlobe


Troy rolled them onto their sides and caressed

Sawyer’s cheek. “I love you, too, Sawyer Quinton.”

Bishop.” Sawyer smiled.


Sawyer woke to sunlight filtering across his eyes.

Troy was back in wolf form and Sawyer sighed. He’d been
told how much it hurt by Dakota and Sam. When he’d first
changed, he’d been young and didn’t remember any of it.
Sawyer slipped out of bed and went to the kitchen. He

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grabbed a cup of coffee and some shoes and went to sit
outside by the bonfire. The air was still slightly smoky, but
on its way to clearing out. Sawyer took one of the stumps
and sat down, looking at Troy’s house. Well, what was left
of it, anyways. They would rebuild it if Troy wanted. If not,
Sawyer was perfectly happy living in his house. He smiled
as Riley came out running a hand through his hair. He
noticed Sawyer sitting on the stumps and made his way
over. Riley Esposito could only be described as adorable,
as far as Sawyer was concerned. You just wanted to hug

Good morning.” Riley sat down across form

Sawyer. “How’s Troy?”

Still a wolf.” Sawyer chuckled. “I don’t know how it

feels for him and I’m trying to be patient.” Sawyer sighed.

Well, he’ll get into his groove.” Riley smiled. Two

more men exited Sam’s house and Riley tilted his head.
“Must be your brothers?”

Oh yeah. Morning Xander, Grayson.”

Sup bro.” Xander sat down on a stump. “And you

are?” Xander looked over the man sitting with his brother.

Riley Esposito.” Riley put his hand out. “Mateo’s

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Oh! You’re that CEO guy, huh?” Grayson smiled,

shaking his hand.

I am, the one and only.” Riley looked over the two

boys. “Aren’t you two fantastic? I hope Mateo and I have
kids as beautiful as you two.”

Hey!” Sawyer laughed.

You too, Sawyer, that’s a given.” Riley winked.

That is so cool. You like, own this huge corporation,

huh?” Grayson stared at Riley Esposito in fascination.

I do. Maybe sometime you and your brothers can

spend the summer at my house in Arizona?”

Really?” Xander’s eyes went wide.

Wyatt came out of the house and ran circles around

the stumps until he smelled someone that wasn’t familiar.
He smelled the man and sat at his feet. Tail wagging.

Awww…” Riley picked up the smaller wolf. “Who’s

this guy?”

Our little brother Wyatt.” Sawyer smiled. “He loves

to be in wolf form for some reason.”

I bet you are just beautiful.” Riley nuzzled the smaller

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wolf’s face.

Sawyer heard the unmistakable whine of Troy at

their front door. He rolled his eyes and sighed. “I’ll be back
in a bit. Come by later with Mark, Riley. We need to get to
know each other better.”

Will do, Sawyer.” Riley smiled broadly.

Sawyer walked back to his own house and opened

the door quickly, locking the door. Looking down at Troy still
in wolf form, Sawyer blew out an exasperated breath. He
walked to the kitchen and turned to see Troy following him.

Okay, that’s it. I love you, but this is ridiculous! I want

to be able to make love to you Troy. And if you think that
was a decent marriage proposal, it wasn’t. I want a real one
and I want you to at least try to be in human form!”

Sawyer knew he was pushing Troy, but he didn’t

have a choice. The longer he waited to make the changes,
the more they would hurt. He was going to have to hit it out
of the ball park. Sawyer strolled to the kitchen and looked
through the pantry. He grabbed the coffee container and put
it on the counter next to the sink. Next, he picked up the full
carafe and looked at his mate. He held the full coffee pot
over the sink.

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I will pour it all out and lock you in this house so you

can’t go anywhere else to get coffee. Then I will grab this
whole container of coffee and put it down the garbage
disposal.” Sawyer tipped the coffee pot more. “What’s it
going to be, Troy?” Sawyer tipped the coffee pot over the
sink more, and a single drop splashed into the metal basin
below. Within seconds, Troy was standing on two legs.

Don’t!” Troy put his hand out.

Sawyer smiled and put the coffee pot down. He put

his arms out for a hug. “Come here, baby.”

Troy walked to Sawyer and grabbed him tight. “I love

you; please say you’ll marry me.”

Sawyer smiled in the crook of Troy’s neck. “I

wouldn’t say anything but yes.”

Good, now give me some damn coffee.” Troy


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Mateo, Josh, Sam and Troy sat on the bench across

from the Dumbo ride. Riley, wearing a beanie hat with a
spinner, rainbow colors blazing in the sun, was screaming
like a little boy. Mateo chuckled; even Wyatt was looking at
Riley like he was crazy.

Sam tilted his head, eyeing the elephants going

around and around. “How fast is that ride going?”

Josh sat back, crossing his legs at the ankles. “A

mile an hour? Maybe?”

Mateo smacked Josh’s arm. “Leave my husband

alone, he’s having fun.”

Yes, Josh.” Troy arched a brow. “Who was it that

said Disneyland?”

Not fair! Sam made the comment, ‘So the bad guy

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is dead, what do you guys wanna do now?’ It’s



say Disneyland.” Josh laughed.

I could hear Mark screaming on Space Mountain.”

Mateo narrowed his eyes at Josh.

I heard


screaming on Space Mountain.” Sam

bent over, laughing.

Mateo huffed. “I do not scream.”

Riley was getting off the Dumbo ride with Wyatt.

Mateo smiled at his husband, he was wobbling more than
the rest of the passengers who disembarked.

Have fun, babe?”

Riley collapsed onto Mateo’s lap. “That ride is

actually pretty fun.” Riley mussed Wyatt’s hair. “Where to

Gadget Coaster!” Wyatt giggled, pulling on Riley’s

hand. “I want Uncle Troy to come too!”

I’m on it, little man.” Troy stood and stretched his

back out. His eyes caught Sawyer coming his way with
Xander and Grayson. Sawyer had cut his hair for work, but
he still looked breathtaking.

Oh God, shut up, Troy.” Sam rolled his eyes.

I didn’t think that!” Troy furrowed his brows. “Did I?”

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You’ve really got to control your inner perv.” Sam

stood up, looking around for Dakota. “Where is



With Nadine, getting food.” Josh braced himself for

his husband’s full frontal attack. Mark was running at him,
wearing Mickey Mouse ears. “You look so cute!” Josh
caught Mark in an embrace and held him.

Sam looked at his brothers and stifled a laugh. “No

one would ever believe we are assassins if they could see
us right now.”

You’re a what?”

Sam turned to see his mother looking at him, jaw

dropped, food ready to spill. “Oh shit.” Sam whispered.

Nadine handed the food to Dakota. “Watch your

language!” Nadine stood in front of her son and looked up,
way up. “Why didn’t you tell us you were still killing people?”

Riley giggled and everyone looked at him. He

shrugged his shoulders. “I’m just glad I rented the park for
the day. Could you imagine the looks you all would be
getting right now?”

Riley!” Grayson ran into Riley, almost knocking him

over. “Ya gotta come with me and Xander!”

Riley crouched down in front of Wyatt and took his

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hands. “Is it alright if I go with your brothers? I’ll come back
and we can go on whatever ride you want.”

Wyatt giggled, and flung his arms around Riley. “I

love you!

You are so much fun


Riley squeezed Wyatt close. “I love you too, little

dude! I’ll be back, okay?”

K! Uncle Troy is taking me on Gadget!”

I sure am.” Troy picked Wyatt up, and slung him

onto his hip. The kid wasn’t small anymore, he was going
on nine soon. Troy took Nadine’s hand. “He was going to
tell you, but you shouldn’t be surprised. This job is a lot
different than what we did for the military, Ma.”

I know my son’s no murderer.” Nadine sighed. “It

just would have been nice to have known. I still love you,

Well, that’s a relief.” Sam wiped his brow comically

with the back of his arm and grabbed his mom, laying a
kiss on her cheek. Nadine smacked him on his shoulder
playfully, pretending to be mad. She couldn’t help herself;
she kissed him back and laughed. Sam watched Dakota
with Grayson and Xander; he was going to be an excellent
father. They had already talked about kids and were
starting to look for surrogates. Sam’s eyes caught Troy
smiling, with Wyatt on his hip. “You look good with a kid,

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Nadine tapped her foot, eyeing all the men. “Yes,

you all look good with kids. When are you going to start
having some? I have been knitting outfits since Sam
brought Dakota home. I’ll have a whole wardrobe for all
your kids by the time you actually get around to having

Don’t worry, Nay.” Mateo took Nadine by the

shoulders. “Riley wants twins.”

Twins!” Nadine giggled. “Oh, I hope one is a girl!

Then I can make her pretty outfits and take her shopping

Yeah, calm down, Mom.” Sam chuckled. “I don’t

think any of us are comfortable having a girl.”

Nadine scowled. “Oh, get over it! I’m having a

granddaughter! Think about it, you can scare the hell out of
their dates.”

Josh raised a brow, looking at Mateo, Sam and

Troy. “Oh, I’m


that idea.”

Troy chuckled and hugged Wyatt. “I can see it now,

we will all have girls.”

Mateo gasped, looking horrified. “Who will I take to

the range?”

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Nadine smacked Mateo upside the head. “Stop

being sexist, it’s twenty twelve; wake up from the dark
ages! Some women shoot better than men!”

Mateo rubbed the back of his head. “Ow.”

Hahaha! Fuck yeah, another one got smacked

upside the head! You’re branching out, Ma, thanks!”
Sawyer high fived Sam.

Watch your mouth, Sawyer Quinton! Don’t make me

wash it out with soap in front of your mate.” Nadine

Welcome to my world.” Sam laughed, hugging his


As the day wore on, Troy wondered where the kids

got all their energy. If he thought sitting up in the mountains
watching a target was tiring, Disneyland was



He swore they rode every ride there was, ate at every damn
restaurant and caught every show. Riley spent most of the
day with Wyatt, Grayson and Xander. The three of them had
formed a tight bond from the get-go. Troy sat with Sawyer
on a lounge chair around the rooftop pool of the Paradise
Pier Hotel. The sun was setting, casting an orange hue over
the park and surrounding area. Almost the whole group was
in the pool, but he couldn’t have mustered up the energy to
get in if he wanted to. Troy felt Sawyer’s hand in his and
sighed in content.

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Are you okay?” Sawyer ran his fingers through

Troy’s short, black hair. Troy had cut it again for his next
mission, which, unfortunately, was a babysitting gig. Well,
unfortunate for Troy, Sawyer was ecstatic his man would be
out of harm’s way. Troy was getting the hang of shifting, it
was becoming much easier now.

Just tired.” Troy yawned, stretching his legs out. “My

wolf side wants to run.”

Mine too.” Sawyer chuckled, nestling into Troy’s

side. “Are you sure you’re okay with everything? With what I
did to you?”

Troy took Sawyer’s face in his hands. “I can’t see my

life without you in it. You didn’t do anything wrong, babe.
Don’t ever feel bad about this, it’s so fucking cool!”

Sawyer crawled into Troy’s lap, and straddled him.

“So, kids?”

Troy laughed, picking Sawyer up in his arms. “We’re

outta here guys!”

Riley laughed, watching Troy carrying Sawyer

towards the room. “It doesn’t work that way!”

I’m going to keep trying nonetheless!”


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Sawyer stared at the ceiling in a daze. Now that he’d

had sex with his mate, he wanted it all the time. He couldn’t
get enough of Troy’s skin, his smell…his taste.

Oh. My. God.” Troy tried to move his legs, nothing

was happening. “You fucked me numb.”

Cool.” Sawyer chuckled softly.

You are so sexy.” Troy growled, biting Sawyer’s ear


Keep that up, and I’ll fuck you until you can’t walk or


Hot damn!”

~~The End~~

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Sneak peek at “Best Laid Plans”

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~~ Chapter One ~~

Grayson Quinton….”

Grayson walked to the stage and received his

diploma among shouts and cheers from the crowded
football stadium. He turned to face where he knew his
family was sitting, and waved the diploma. After sitting in
the hot Washington sun for another half an hour listening to
speeches, they were finally allowed to throw their caps in
the air. Grayson stayed where he was and waited for his
family to join him. He was patted on the back by his friends,
and hugged by a few girls. He finally saw his older brother
Sawyer weaving through the crowd of excited graduates,
along with his fiancé, Troy.

Hey, little brother!” Sawyer scooped up Grayson

and hugged him. “Congrat’s on graduating!”

Thanks.” Grayson smiled at the rest of the family as

they walked over. His brother Xander had a wicked look on

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his face. “Oh no, what the hell, Xander?” Grayson chuckled.

What?” Xander looked around and leaned into his

brother’s ear. “I just touched that guy’s ass.” Xander pointed
to a blonde haired kid.

Jesus, horny much?” Grayson rolled his eyes.

Hey! Neither one of us is getting any action, what

with being mateless and all.” Xander mussed his brother’s

Grayson smiled as his father. Wyatt, Nadine and

Joe waded through the crowd with Sam and Dakota. Sam
hugged Grayson and kissed his forehead.

So? Are you ready for Anchorage and your new

internship?” Sam asked.

Heck yeah.” Grayson laughed as his father arched a

brow. “What? You always say I cuss too much.”

John grabbed his son and held him close. “I’m so

proud of you. You know that, don’t you? I couldn’t have
asked for better sons.”

Thanks Dad.” Grayson closed his eyes. His father

had been there for every moment in his sons’ lives. Taking
time off work to attend parent teacher conferences,
graduations and even teaching them to drive. “I love you.”

I’m going to miss you so much.” John sighed, pulling

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I’m going to miss you so much.” John sighed, pulling

away. He palmed his son’s face. “Where did the time go?”

I’m still small, Daddy.” Wyatt looked up at his father.

John picked up his son. “Yes, you are. You’re so

grown up too.”

So? Who’s up for dinner?” Dakota rubbed his

hands together. “We have to get some good food before
we send Xander and Grayson off to Anchorage.”

Who will I cook for?” Nadine sighed. “All you boys

are leaving.”

That’s not true, Nadine.” Troy smiled, hugging her.

“You have me and Sam to feed. Plus Mateo and Riley are
coming for a visit with Josh and Mark soon. Then we have
the weddings in August up in Vancouver.”

I can’t wait!” Nadine giggled. “My four boys getting

married.” Nadine smiled at Sam, Dakota, Sawyer and Troy.

I wanna get married.” Wyatt pouted. “Where is my


John looked at Dakota and shook his head. “Wyatt,

we’ve told you—”

I know I have one!” Wyatt growled.

Okay, okay.” Dakota rubbed Wyatt’s back. “Come

here, little man.” Dakota took Wyatt from John and held him

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tight. “Calm down, we’ll go get some ice cream.”

Sam took Dakota’s hand and they all made their

way to the parking lot. The group headed out to
Fisherman’s Joint for lobster and crab. Once seated
around the large round table, the group discussed the
weddings and the boys’ new internship at Drake and Drake
Architectural. John told his boys he’d gotten them a secure
apartment in the heart of downtown Anchorage.

Taylor and Jagger’s office isn’t too far away and

they look forward to working with you two.” John winked at
his sons. They’d all inherited the drawing gene from their
mother, as well as her emerald eyes. “The house will seem
so empty.” John sighed.

Is that a hint that Troy and I need to get busy faster,

Dad?” Sawyer arched a brow.

I’m not going to hint.” Nadine looked at the men at

the table. “I’m


you to hurry up. We need some babies

around here.” Nadine winked at Wyatt. “The little one’s
getting too big.”

Thank you, Nay!” Wyatt giggled.

Well, it’s true.” Nadine kissed Wyatt’s cheek. “You

won’t even watch Sponge Bob with me anymore.”

Sam looked at his mother and shook his head.

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What happened to ‘Cartoons are full of violence’?

Huh, Mom?” Sam narrowed his eyes.

That’s the Looney Tunes cartoons. They are

constantly flying over cliffs and becoming pancakes on the
ground.” Nadine sighed.

It’s funny.” Wyatt laughed.

Dakota waved at the waiter and smiled at the table

dominated by the men he called his family.

We’ll have the bucket of crab legs.” Dakota handed

the waiter the menu. “And keep them coming.” Dakota
turned his attentions to Xander and Grayson. He had a
sneaky suspicion that they were Taylor and Jagger’s
mates. The morning meeting of the packs a year ago had
convinced him that Jagger was either Grayson or Xander’s
mate. He was leaning towards Xander in Jagger’s case.
When Carson had slapped Jagger, Xander had reacted in
anger. And although Taylor hadn’t been present that
morning, Grayson had reacted as well. “So, you guys are
leaving on the first flight out.”

Xander nodded, looking at Grayson.

Yes, we want to get a feel for Anchorage.” Xander

sipped his soda.

I’m just going to take a sleeping pill.” Grayson


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Oh, that’s right.” Dakota smiled. “I forgot you hate


No, flying is fine. It’s the crashing part I’m not a fan

of.” Grayson drawled.

Xander took his brother’s hand. “It’s going to be

fine.” Xander turned his attentions back to Dakota. “So
you’ll vouch for these guys? I mean, the last time I saw that
Jagger guy, he was with his dad.”

Dakota nodded. “Trust me, Jagger want’s nothing to

do with his father. Neither does Taylor. You guys have to
remember, Jagger saved Sawyer’s ass during the fight.”

Sawyer nodded, looking at his brothers.

He’s right. Jagger and his brother Taylor fought their

own father that night. Besides Xander, didn’t you say
Jagger was hot?” Sawyer smiled as his brother’s face went

Love how you can’t remember anything else, but

that you


remember.” Xander rolled his eyes.

Well, I sent them some of your drawings and they

couldn’t wait to take you guys under their wing. They just
used some of my plans for a guy. I can’t remember his
name, but he’s opening a hotel in Egypt and wanted
something different. I think we gave him that.” Sawyer

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John took his son’s hands in his own.

I’m very proud of both of you. I’m blessed with four

sons.” John took his hands away and wiped his eyes.

Aw dad, don’t cry.” Grayson hugged his father.

“We’ll call you every day, I promise.”

Just be happy.” John smiled.


Grayson sat on the bench across form the

Anchorage Fire Department with his bagel and coffee.
They’d been in Anchorage a few days now, just getting a
feel for the town. It was warm out and the sky was rich, clear
blue. Xander was seated next to him and they were
watching the firemen clean the big red truck. Water
splashed all over the large burly men and soap bubbles
coated their naked chests.

Jesus, I’m fucking drooling.” Grayson wiped his

mouth with his sleeve.

Look at the way that dark-haired guy moves.”

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Xander’s mouth dropped. “Look at

that ass


Grayson giggled. “I love this; it’s like a free show.”

They had already settled into their new apartment, and
Riley had made sure it was furnished before they even
stepped foot in it. Riley Flynn-Esposito was one of the
kindest billionaires Grayson had the pleasure of knowing.
Riley was married to Mateo Esposito; they’d met when
Mateo and Josh Montgomery came down to give Troy
back-up when Troy’s crazy stalker ex-boyfriend had almost
ended his life. Sawyer, Dakota and Sam were forced into
changing Troy into a werewolf to save his life. Riley had
taken it quite well when he’d found out they were all

So tomorrow’s the big day.” Xander sighed, taking

a bite of his bagel. “We start our new job at Drake and

I know. I’m kinda nervous, you know? I mean,

Sawyer and Dakota vouched for us and we can’t screw this
up.” Grayson watched as one of the firemen flipped his wet
hair back, sending water cascading on another man behind
him. A wrestling match ensued, and Grayson pinched his
hardening cock. “My God, I need to have sex before I

Xander chuckled. “I’m starting to wonder if maybe

we made the wrong choice staying pure for our mates.
What if we don’t find them until we’re fifty? Or worse, eighty,

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and our dicks don’t work anymore?”

That’s what Viagra is for.” Grayson giggled.

Okay, so with our body chemistry, you’d be willing to

take a blue pill to keep it up? God forbid it affects us
differently and we end up with a raging hard on for four
years instead of four hours.”

Grayson furrowed his brows. “God, that would suck.”

No shit.” Xander laughed.

The bells went off across the street and men were

scrambling into their turnouts. The truck was rolling out of
the parking lot minutes after the alarm sounded. Grayson
and Xander waved at the firemen as they drove past and
smiled when they honked the loud horn at them.

I love this place.” Grayson sighed.

Hey, we better get back. Big day tomorrow and I

want to make sure my suit is pressed.” Xander stood up
and threw his coffee cup into the trashcan next to the bench.

Yep, tomorrow is a big day. We start work and

hopefully a new chapter in our lives.” Grayson shielded his
eyes from the sun with his hand.

Hopefully.” Xander winked.

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~~Chapter Two~~

Grayson looked up at the tall impressive building

and whistled. “Hot damn, Xander.”

No shit,” Xander’s eyes travelled the length of

Drake and Drake Architectural. “So, what do you make of
all this?”

I don’t know, but I’m going in.” Grayson waggled his


The lobby was wall to wall marble with very

expensive looking art on the walls. Grayson arched a brow
at his brother as they approached the sign-in desk.
Grayson looked at the nameplate. “Hello, Miss Watt’s, I’m
Grayson Quinton and this is my brother Xander. We have
an appointment with Jagger Drake?”

Yes, you can call me Bianca.” She smiled. “Top

floor, last door on the right,”

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Thank you,” Xander smiled and dragged his brother

towards the elevator. “Jesus, stop flirting Gray.”

Flirting?” Grayson scowled. “I’m gay, numb nuts.”

You were smiling.” Xander pushed the button on the

elevator. Seconds passed and it opened. Xander stepped
in and punched the top floor. “You never smile, and you
showed teeth.”

That’s you, ass wipe.” Grayson adjusted his tie and

ran his fingers through his hair. “Ugh, I hate my hair short.”

Xander looked at his own reflection in the metal

doors of the elevator. Short black hair and green eyes
reflected back. A grey suit tailored to fit, hugged his hips
and shoulders perfectly. “I know, but look at us man, we
look fucking



Grayson snorted.” Did you expect anything else?”

Grayson turned to look at his ass in his tight black slacks.

Xander cracked up. The bell dinged, signaling they

had arrived at their floor, and the doors opened. Xander
stepped out and gripped the wall immediately. “Oh

Grayson looked at his brother, and inhaled the air in

the hallway. “Holy shit…”

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Jagger sat back, legs spread, cock out. His

girlfriend, Vanessa, was giving him a lunchtime blow job
and he was trying desperately to get hard. He’d been gay
since he could remember, but years of abuse from his
father had kept him in the closet, even after the man was
kicked out of their lives. He closed his eyes and dipped his
head back, trying to think of something to make himself
hard. Thinking back to the day they had arrived at the
Queets reservation, he pulled the vision of one of the
Queets pack members. Black hair and amazing green
eyes, a body worth falling to his knees for, entered his
mind. Jagger finally felt a twinge in his cock.

Vanessa moaned as his member grew hard in her

mouth and sucked the rim of his cock harder. Jagger
buried his fingers in her hair and imagined kissing the guy
from that day. His dad, Carson Drake, wanted Dakota in
the folds of the Denali pack and he and his brother Taylor
figured out why. Dakota Cadotte was one hell of a powerful
wolf. More powerful than any they’d ever encountered, and
Wayne the park ranger, turned out to be the alpha instead
of their father. That day, a year ago, was the day that

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Jagger had caught a scent that had stayed with him. So
much so, that he’d gone against his father at the meeting,
to protect a smaller wolf. In the process, he came face to
face with two dark-haired, green eyed werewolves.

The bitch of it was, Jagger had no clue which one of

them was putting out the scent. He’d hoped it was the taller
one, but he’d never gotten a chance to delve into the matter
more. Work got in the way. That, and being the pack’s beta.
Jagger had taken over the beta duties at the request of
Wayne after his father, Carson, had been kicked out of the
pack. But the day he’d seen that man from the Queets
pack, he’d thought of nothing else since. Vanessa’s fingers
dipped to his perineum and Jagger imagined kissing the
guy from the Queets pack. He gripped Vanessa’s hair

Stop it, Jag. You’re choking me.” Vanessa whined.

Sorry.” Jagger mumbled. He closed his eyes again

and thought of that beautiful face that tan skin…that
amazing body…


Xander was barely making it down the hall and the

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further he got, the stronger the scent became. Grayson was
having the same problem. As they got to the end of the hall,
the door to the office was cracked and Xander knocked
once, before stepping in with Grayson right at his side.
Xander stopped and his mouth dropped open. Right there
at the desk, was the man from the morning meeting of the
packs a year ago.

Holy shit!” Xander shouted.

Jesus Christ!” Grayson dropped his briefcase.

Fuck!” Jagger was so shocked he tried to get up

with Vanessa still attached to his crotch, and ended up
falling over in the chair. He hit the floor with a loud crack
and scrambled to zip up his slacks, pushing Vanessa off of
him. He stood up, hanging onto the desk to steady himself.
He looked up into the eyes of the very man he’d just
fantasized about. “Oh God…”

Did we come at a bad time?” Xander asked

sarcastically. “Pun intended.”

Vanessa wiped her mouth and looked at the two

men at the door. “Don’t you knock?”

Xander rapped his knuckles on the door loudly.

“Better?” Xander narrowed his eyes at the man behind the
desk. “Jagger Drake?”

Yes…” Jagger felt two inches tall. By the attitude

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and aroma permeating from the man, he was looking at his

Well, we’ll just give you a few minutes to collect

yourselves.” Xander shot Jagger a look of unadulterated
anger and slammed the door, leaving him and Grayson in
the hallway.

Dude,” Grayson exhaled finally. “That was your


Ya don’t say?” Xander leaned against the wall and

sighed. “Great.”

Mine is that way.” Grayson pointed across the hall.

Shit.” Xander looked at Grayson. “Our mates are


Grayson looked at the door across the hall. “Taylor

Drake, yep. Are you okay?”

I’m so pissed, I could scratch her eyes out.” Xander

closed his eyes and balled his fists.

What do you want to do? We can leave.” Grayson

hugged his brother.

You’d do that?” Xander looked at his brother. “But

this is such a great opportunity, Gray.”

Not if it hurts you, it’s not.” Grayson shook his head.

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“Just say the word.”

Let’s see what blow-job man has to say.” Xander


Best Laid Plans”

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